THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH . PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1801. Owning clcrjtaph a dailt rrBB(fooi Hs-sr-Ars. OFFICE No. 108 sTthIRD STREET. Tik Twn CmKTi Pa Oorr, ar Twmi Canr P IT asm, payable as the Carrier, eed marled Mk" MtdMnifMiiiiixiuiH ru aiikviii o i" Twa Hnimu, iaraiiably adranoe for P"" Ad.ertlssea.ars bieerted at the uel rate. A liberal Brrarayataaat made Air tatafftle lasertssae. T fiorrw.iMMai'""- Wnraittee can bs las en of Anaayessoe 0"-mmlf tln. haereer la Isilaniled aw laerrt meet at anus. I sred by thr a.m. ana addie.. of (da wrlter-nol araws. irit) ir Mkllretssn. kal s. a aaarante. rhl avt fa'.h. Wa eaaaot aaderuke la reiora reoied Couuaunxxuioaa. T .tvesrtlBerie. trwtasr re Vf ereer hi tha rircnlstlan of Tua tiia Tei.eArii,omsel.lna na to aa to prase at aa arty booo-. amently isv,uet that adeer lonrnli nit be beaded as soon aa IV nelnca, II postlb a, to seeare theea aa kuanaoa la all of oor adaioat frtday. rvvr 2o. m. THIS NATIONAL III NIM ATlOt. It was with unafftcted surprise that W3 lately saw some loyal paper reprint, wlt'i approbation, the article entitled "Th? Na tional Humiliation," which appeared In tlia Intelligencer. That the article w is able w i do not deny ; that it contained much truth w ) do not tor a moment dispute; but that truti so urgttd was beneficial to the country, or tha. It publication was not Instigated by nor.) than unalloyed patriotism, we may be per mitted to doubt. We cannot comprehend how an article, which was received with applaun by disloyalists, could contain much tim pa triotism could praise. All the assertions con tained in It were not facts. That which stated the (hire of the enemy In front of Washington not to have exceeded flvo hundred roan, we all know to be glaringly incorrect; yet thld statement served as part of the basis for aa attack upon tbo military administration, and, a fitr as we know, has never been witb Jrawa by the Intelligencer, or contradicted by thj rest of the press. The leading article in tho New York IIcra.ll of yesterday followed the exirn.a set by tij InteUiyencvr; but so fur from mikin? only one gross misstatement, the whole article Is a tissue of assertions, some of which, if tacts, could not have been kmwa to bo fast). Speaking of Eablt, the Tie raid says: " He bad with bim Riiodeh' Divisi nnf K well's " Corps rotlie auii oilier uuniil r.ole i us t' tha same corps, nmkiiiR aoom ten thou and " vrteran lofanirv of I.kk'ho U unnr. Ilobu " alao the who e ol tne force that hail neon In ho " Valler under Bubckinhiiiok, anil all or ictrly " all of I tie caritiry ih it couhl he imiauind i.i iliu " Kebel Hrioy of Northern Vlriir. II com niand numbered fioiu iwcut to twu y-ilrc " thoosand men." We ourselves bcllevo that to have bon just the force which Baiily commanded ; bjt la any one al)le to speak with this rem tr'i tblo cir cumstantiality t But this Is no;bi.ij. Tau Utrald goes on to say : J Wa litnaton w s aid hy the nrrival of a " body of veterun .hat me Oovcrurami bid di " reMn to ex-et t," It alludes to the 10th Corps. Tlie Gjvjrn ment was In telegraphic coin nunication with General Grant for days afur tbe raid was known to be formidable mroinjatof tlu enemy, and a portion of the 0th Cjrpj wa sent to Washington. BjsIJjj, thd Givern ment had every reasoa to ejcje;l tbj U.Ii Corps, the time of Its sailing from NjiV Orleans being known. Again, there B3tmt no reason to doubt that tho 10th Corps arriva J at Fortress Monroe before the eae:n7 hal made great progress, and, that instead ol Join ing General Gbaht, It wont to Wushlntoa. This change In its destination was equivaljnt to General Grant's sendlug troops; for If tna 10th Corps had Joined him, bo coal. I hvo dii peneed with them or with othar troops la th.jir place. The nrad asserts that " F.aklt was so laden with plunder tout be "was easily overtaken. Uu the 18in (nt int, M therefore, Ouueiai Wuiumt, wim two dmm in of the niatininceiit 6 h Corp ud ptrt.t' Oju " eral Ilt ATBH's form', w in more o' G mural " UuKTBa's fuioe ivmuig np, waa J'acs to I'aco " with the whole boilv uutJer Kaklt." 8o far as we are iniormed, the main body of Our forces and that of the enemy never c in- fronted each other and whon General Weight relinquished the pursuit, It was b um the enemy seemed to hi in to dj beoal reach. That he erred in recalling hU troops, subsequent event have proved; we aro not discussing that question, but tha one cou talned in the Herald' assertion that (Jjajral fTniairr bad an opportunity to deliver battle and neglected to profit by 1L The Utrald says : "No amtiiKeuieau lor defence that derive their original iui(.uire from iiie w r iri.nen " ran puatiliiV bo of aey value wdaerer. I'D " War Department eon hi out :gauiio a au :cj.. fal picaio i r choJer arty The Government orga liu J tolarably su j cexsful picnic and eliowijr pait'us at Na.v Orleans,Viclubut'g, Cliaiuuaoj i, Atiatil i, ta ' Wilderness, and else where. The Herald concludes its load.-r by sja that the "black republican" press, al.nlltlu at last the incompetency of tha tVar D;.)W matnt. Is in favor of colling lor Gjatrt McCusllas. In proof of this it q.i itji iri the New York Etenlng Pod and tlu Xj Tork Commercial AduerlUer. We d uit a ail purpose entering upon the subject of Gji ral' mci iu, but wa quote a fe lines trom the article cited, to show th it w the Herald intends pcoolu to luler IV3:a t u Is not in the least Implied by the articL-s t'l.-in K'lves : The New York Eoenlnj Poit obi ?rvm: " U'bleihe l 'il inxueii am a r " '.he hehi, 1 uiiithi ' we I lor th j U iveni.ii m " to Dcinirmie m run. m 'ni til hi lutp ir onr rlit eno, who ti el a-ire Iwcaikk t (avmii gei.e'l is unempluyi'il. L t it orUr "OeiHral MvVLdi.l.M iuiu wtive wrvnie; an ' cad Uuti tiii-t' a ie i n ot h pe 't Ml.ich liaa r uu hi li- nuliliry emu i t.bili ui fell, w him li.lo il.e d I I. (I :i .a .it' M been ai-er td tb t he ruulil raise liu no iiiri " a buaorei) thounauii nu n : hut if tin -tin " iba loot of the MbrimiKloan vullev with b it h i the Dunilier he unht connlliiit ' very in I h I " toe proM r noil s-ee iy vouciaaica ol iuj ca n " palga in v irgioia. ' The Commercial Advertiser, alludinj to the same subject, says : ' It is claimed by the democratic press of this M couBiry that ssxliitilng MijClklln ao active " command In Virginia is equivalent to calllaf " oulODe hundred tbouhand uienj thatanv nu ji " ber of the veterans tit' the Army of the Fotoin 10 M will once more enli-t if their favorite Ojueral " will lead them, aud that we certainly can c iunt M upon a larre Immediate aeeesotna t the ranK , "of the army in c ae McClsllam has an lude. . " bendent euiuuuaud. " Wa hava alas regarded as an lnfitm ion - h ",ucl,!ni' of the sohliers of tne Army of . tna foiomac fur MuClkllam. but we ueverihe 1 u l'nut tenure the fact tnat auca an atucti ' m "V""1! nd may still to aome ext. ne ' a. toil. '. If there i any prob. " - i hundred ih-.u. .nd of t!".2."'" v' 'lpl"d ranks of tbs army, it la Iba autna dutr of tba Ad. . - minuttration to appoint bt ' ' ,M The gist of both articles is, ut tnougi, the writers have not much eoaarVne la . General McClelxax, yet, If bis appolMoM prove instrnmentaj In drawing men to the sua dard of the Union, and bis appointment be for , the good of the country, all personal feelings abouid be subordinated to the common weal. There Is notional humiliation In nxal-aJcalnia iiti(jofhicn results la uuwiemjy pak,laalia- 1pm tnlllury opAratlotM, or in grlpTous dcfbat; but H hu jet to be substantiated that tbcsi", or any one of them, befell the Uovprnmpnt at Waahlnfrton. Conducting gigantic operations Again!, the two great of the Uv bullion, a comparatively InilgtilJcMt fore took the opportunity to maVe an Inrnlon, In which their heel bore a much more conspleu- ous port than their arms. Dlund-ri tlierj have undoubtedly been the greatest that of lacking Information about the co:nmncpm-'nt of the enemy's march dawn the Mian in J Jill valley; but so long as the Government pre mrvea Its presont attitude Wore and Atlanta, the charge of national humilia tion l preposterous. There Is, however, national humiliation In the Ihct that journals profiling to be loyal, yet, with Ill-concealed spine n an i with pod tJve mls-Htatements, seek to cant rldiculo upon the Government, and give aid and co nf rl to the enemy under plea of administering lc isant of holesome truth to the Nation. There is a homely adage which suits them wo'J : " It is an 111 bird that fouls its own nest." i.niRovixi THKNi iKvi r. or witt. It Is a very common thing to abusj ths Governments of the civilized world for miking improvements in the art of war. Rut it should lie remembered Hint In proportion as the m vn of carrying on war arc rendered m ireelTl ;lent, or more destructive, If you please, wars nrj sooner brought to an end nud peace ro-estab-llshed. If a certain amount of life and pro perty has got to bo expended In a military j Htrlle, it Is certainly better to hiive tlio s.vrl flces made In one year of conflict than in thrive, or Ave, or ten ycais. Because, while the loss to bo Incurred In either case Is the j name, the sooner tho nation or nationi wbicb suffer It can resume peaceful pursuits, and ! heein tn rettiiir thn rli-Ht.riifti vi iiT.wt4 nl' th.- ! struggle, the better. In this view ot the subject, nil the leading Powers of Christendom will oa to this civil war of ours an incnlcultblo obliga tion for Important progress In the scien:a of warfare, both on land and sea. Never beloro in tiro world's history have such armies as wj have brought Into tho field been known, or such battles been fought. On both sid.-s our military movements have been directs! witb remarkable skill, whilo unstinted wealth and exhaustless mechanical talent have bean lib erally employed In Inventing new and Im proving old methods of defensive and olfondvt) operations. Tho European Governments, especially Fiance and Kngliind, have been watebln j oar contest with keen optics ever since it bji.i, with a view to adopt into their own naval aaj military service such improvemculs in fire arms, Bur vt'hsels and their amu'UNit, e.ij -nceiiug, cavalry and Infantry tactics, an 1 all other matters pertaining to bellloroat re sources and policy. A correspondent, writing irom Paris, saja : " During the tiitht between tho Kennirre and Al'Oamu the I'.mjcrur ruceif.ct Ustte!ieS t'vtrv litleeii uniiuies, at tue 1'ala u( r'ju tttn to euu, ol me prKrs ol the lin , , it bud Oct n urraii(d oelorcbuiid. 1 1 1 )1 j s y ever tince hua ttiea the k-enci-t la'ercai in t very'biug relatn g to the vie o.iuui .n,, anl eieriuil in her ariultr, of wme i oe tits u.aUe a th. rmili exiiiuui.i ion. It 11 neiier illy tad tn 1 1 ed that mis lijilit diii'ins(j.ites tnat t n sitilieryul the K:e .eU .md ntvies la oelevuvi', II no. allugMilicr jnuius, .uU ill it a tclal r voution must lie the rosul . l ie lure rilled gnus tnua be repmeed vlth tn in ner htniMiih-hore )iuii,unil the lljlidnit at cie quaritra iua:niuiued. '1 he excitement on tae tuij.cilu ii tvul quartern is intense, aiii the oveka ot ihe fMviainuiUo ittnl Kiwiarj- a e crowdeu wi li utinyuuU uuval ulll.'era whenever they aie iu port." Ihva France and tha rost of Eiropa aro gaining the benefits of our costly experi.n3.itj aiid experience ; und tlioy show tholr wisij u n turning to immediate accauat all tJit vulurble knowledge with wiiicit tJJ ctj.i:j und practical scicutillc discoveries of tbs war huvo furnished them. It Is not to be wondered ot, however, if wo uve made come blunders, and wo fear It m Ht Lo lOulesKed that our ligiitrdraug'at m jaitjrj uve dUtnppolnted the great expectatbai li rmtd of them. The eminent shlp-bailiar, Donai.o McKay, says that thoy miy bj so altered as to render them available for toiu-t and harbor derense, and the Navy D I nrtment has ordered the work to ba doaa. The suine high authority in naval arcaitjetara has rucommundud the construction jf a njn- ber of sea-going wootlen ships, bi'av'Iy Iroa- clutl, and of hih speed, araiod with i.'oai twenty-four to thirty-six guns. We leel quite satisfied that this class of militaiy vessels Is the one that will bs found Uiost elTectivo In all kinds of service, eit'jjr i b the coast, in ba. bors, or out upon thj t cean; and that the greut Naval Poweri will make them henceforth constitute the chief part of their yet to be constructed war m triue. We are thut the French Admiralty luvj already ordered the building of lw sto n ceivetles on the model oi the Kearaanje, i gland will uo doubt follow suit. Oar Government alao will, probably, rea:h t'.u itiinluslon that woodun lron-jlad atevnarj, i of high epeed and few but powerful g in, ar3 ii.ei. at the most useful and economl.'al wr Murk Smlih, Lewis linker, and Chade Wal bbh a, nud multiply them accordingly in oar fot, Jr , bavo aumucuced a drainatij se.noa ut J Quetice. navy. iii iohh i i it ii ttiirr. It is ot obvious importance that our c'.nrily Uiould be comineiisurale with tlio oc.ul 'i for it. 1 1 Is equally Important that It ahoulJ ba jubtly nud pulely bestowed. The whole co n- ! ini.'i.lty, fioni which the means of relief ari ; il.i'1,'..rl mii.t l.n nnvlitiid thnt tin nl w,.4 :rt '-I. , ' - ,. , ., , ' i , i toiious ca o of distress siia 1 be overliVi'l or n in and lor; while it cannot feel lets uali ciloiis that what it has coatribate 1 for t'H silt viution of a dcserviii"; class of unfortu mili'x shall not be nilssjieiit Iu fosterlii; Iu lo lence, pauperism, and crime. How, p s il'jly , tan we be assured' of a wl3 and wa bo a action In this matUr, unless tliera bj sai eflectual system for the purpose contrived aud put in practice? There certainly should be a conservative economy employed In the eleemosynary efforts and donations of the public, if it U exorcised in any department of Its affairs. What we give ought not to Injure u ; and yet there Is, beyond all question, serious amount of niU- chlof inflicted upon society by unregulated and uudlscrlmlnutlng charity. Every ran of sense must perceive that a score of Institu tions for mluistering to tbe necessities of a vast and scattered population of paupers cannot, while each Is entirely independent of the rest and at liberty to select it own mode and fluid of operations, act with any desirable harmony and advantage. Tbey must mani festly accomplish much leas than their Joint funds, If dispensed In accordance with a well arranged plan of distribution, might achieve. There should be no street begging In Phila delphia. Tbe people pay enough la taxes and voluntary contributions tor the support ecu poor to te released from that nuisance. Anathy would be released from It were tha car ft tba really destitute committed to aa orjauUatlrm of almoner so constituted and goveruad that avary cIUmq could iW ared that th tnnntllcant In the highway did not merit his pity and nivid his asilttance. Ci-asliift to obtain almi craved In the eomm jd walk of the city the profolonl, ambulatory bopgar would eventually disappear, and the community would then be rid of on offrnaiva annoyance. A to the detail of a plan for srtemitlzln3 our beneTolent protlsloni for the poor, we do not pretend now to epeak ; but will the ld be carried out In any Hpe.cinc ana siu.n.iiory manner? Will our several astoclatlons cnn Into the measure, and agree to do so cordially and freely ; or will a selfish reluctance to can promise to any extent their Individuality pre vent them from favoring such an enU-rprise? If, in short, there should be persons so ostenta tiously humane, who conceive thit tli"lr reputations de,iend so entirely on bnlonln? to certain charitable missions or org in! itiont that they cannot afford to give upany portion of their personal consplciiousness InorJertoeDVet a grcnt public good, will tbey b- pernlttei t frustrate the scheme ? Let us hope not. Facts j have demonstrated that our present moia of dealing with the thousands of poor people who need our aid and supervision is radically Imperfect, and that we must Improve It for the sulio ol those wo would benefit, as well as for the Interests of the community. Besides ths motives of economy and prudnnco which should induce us to take such action, thero Is another reason which should have a decisive weight In determining our course. Could evory citizen who can ulford to be stow something nnnu.illy towards the relief of tlie tluntitulo classes be mvdo to feel assured that whatever ho might give would be rightly applied, thou sands who now devote littlo or nothing to such n object would contribute cheerfully to tlio full extent of their ability; and banco twi valuable results would be secured. The! lor charitable uses would bo lar;;.ly a ii mented, and tlio benevolent sjmpilliics of the many would be exercised und cultivated. L.1 us trust, therefoie, that so:iie bucU rel'or.n will be speedily effected ; that nil who have h 'ro tofore taken an nctivo part In the ministration to the out-door poor of the city will earnestly uuito in the project; un 1 that hrtncif.irth oar charity may bo equiilly liberal and salutary. OUa BALTIMORE LETTER. fipecial Cof.JiHt-Uif of The Eirmng Ttlfjrnvh. IIai.timouh, July 2.1. Tho provincial town of U.lnmore wss ugilc throao hitd ti;Hterlc. a lny or two aldcf.iijra reoort to UipollM.t that liny Hi .ua d H4:l(eJi bail Mtiut eatiin.d Mat; land, a ri hi 'H.l'jI il Bi irnnnu g, nn I wvre a.;9'.it tt make a raid ui"n our tiu i-t ll.tle clti, waic.'i, after tho rfcuiu "llur ylnff anj fro And ca-H rlat'r:n, ovur fho tjn hodou," had tub.ideJ Into thai in of in -.llta'lra calm whloh aiwa ucceili t'i hie. a id li'irrie i aruitttlait of a lalll tar) fevor. On tiia ev,.'-io-l-rtMii mheri'd ncuu.luu viafn lta timuia Htnad ,lk aa o.,ki in Ilia gnai Haliura, cul oil from rallroud ami ;i li.xraihtc cuuinviim-aUon wuh llorao tlienlry and the wur d Ht larwe. It wit, .urarlilttu tn (.ee uta tpai pltn and vimwhon tlie city did Out. alde.of oourae, of the K.-IM up, whue ntmc la leaioii, there wa a auniral rei.ixumn of the uotnmQd exira.ei d lo llr a it'e in bl.-1 iiei, 'Lnr down the axi. It.n hy 'he aonde; i.t- e In 1 ro . i li . f.i Iiiik pi turf.:. Thf uiuaii.wa d .oil tli'i on e.-u. ie t r Uftlida liku uu were line mw" amontt lit lead the lo a' f iruuTa. wnili., on the oilier hand, cantK and eoaln wt-o limit a lle fr iliu hpide and llitt lov ax-ao.mitl tue ford ic4'ioii. and car.hivora uu toe ouibiru ui ihe cli. Ma or l.eii iai Wallace ti inaHltiff v!itoriU4 prepira'loa tn in. e. tin em ray, in cm-, f.unnitit.ntid liv the a iijjo.e of Uo; iin- .oum rm d ill-1 a it.C'n.ite u , ii lieai ini the lion In in. den Wt l.a i' no., (it ca i ii niiau4 of iie'eii-a til 1 oi.eii-t. wi. lun would iimke a ha. term? tlian ill i it ion chii aie auHl al lis mU iikn up ItiK-clllcsoil. iu a ann uiei hdll-elm m. Kill, uariuwur .n. to , A l , ar.iind a. they would he h a b .ny nl mern Unl hi patriots, .noli a. llMlilninre lit.lllo!lekeIl, thoiili miiiKled lili it. Iti'lien, are nni the luo.t w vitina ieturua tlit a uity uaii pro.eiil to mi aiiVMtii ini; ui a n.. Keii ii. li e ia-i rnid tniny of the duit-CAiored mhenni ot Jel.. 1avi. enterid uoi c( Jia tUo etpei'tmt the c4iiU',ue c ul wlilcn wa. ttiat the I.i iet.iUuan a Coloi.t-1 woolly', nllua wne cian ned wit i .lt lmi- ti ot.. H..nt. h.v, i..v Ui-tfrt invil B-Wi- a'liy i CciiihiI-muii o'Hiveii-il iii ii h c.trby '-pmini iir.Hr N.i. 1 '4. o) Ma ii. -tieoer l Wail.ce, ol wric.i c'i onn llnri.-e 1 Alallotl. O. i. II. ,1 I'rpiideui, and M I or b.te. A. L. C, Jnorn .uvoe. u. '1 he linn au.l jiidiel..ti, c innm winch tne CiloiimI nnd Jndf Ailvm'Aie aie ij.kni in tue dlio. ihni of ca.i'. b'tmlit hi-lur t lliu niu iiis.ioli. or tri n, a ul Hie eiit-r.y tll.pliiiiHl In the tv .rk i. dom,i inivh to myiil.e ItHlnun re ami MaryUt.d iieiier4lly. Wu hear no more C'4iieini-u. in. or .ttiiilt.u. l.mitiiae aaiu.t ourannie. ur out pi hi ufh"ln'.. li.tnouiii lel'Ul.lunlm md traltoroa nympa hy, hoir crt .no -ii i d iini'ii eive oone ua ni lur: i ir tutu the 7tn,t.m ifiim', iilU are l.n-u Ilia uji n.try inauner euoti-d ml or uiilnl il iltiWIi all Hent. I..e " Irbliitulli'd .UIU. n il inoiin-ir he.;, lunin." ci,i.o,i.i.hiiu I), th h r km; i 11... 11 .... I,...... I. I. Ill .1 .,.,,..d. I, J.I (r...... , for a luau alu-oa lealh Dccniii.. whil he atte u,i'.. to ,p Itr,li tie at uiniil. it lookoiioiijtti. .la.nei It .:lue .1. nud w.H. it iiiuel. A- M.. ot mr uity a.e tin. ii. ileal p onnoiapliiC r I'ortera to the t lonimi!.. on, and hive n am., rinr-, .no fo e.iua in their iiole..loa. 1'hu H.iini.oru .iud oino Kucr a.l ht- lu'en wain tentpi riir it luieirup ed Im le o wo kn w -n all It. aco s. louifd eneiliy. i he Iti-be . touiel iu W.llia n I' isniiih, I- i he able l. d iu -.1 M&i'inipa.he l rmir .a I man In the llnitil 'ta ei and a intmcuve euery a id talent a oli I. it o e thuii a mutch tor tlieoi. A uttracie of tn nd .ml emm aloue .uutu- enul to whil ihi rallro id htl done under Uie eueeivialm ol Ita Ma.ieroi' Craii.pjr- tailoll. Wo ate In enxloue wa t nf to km.w what the Reholt In temi i.o nn ,tl tie ir in w ral l. ad in the ine tntimu we are Ike. p In. our liowtler dr . dtorKilt ha.lietnod red to t.ntiiM.wili r Itndae, winr,. he Im. made the auii'e.t pro vLioB aa l,M a runher di'predalhiiia In t iai quarter. It. I't iiH.i v i Mr. John Gilbert ia speudiug bis summer vuca- tion at Weds lleach. Dan. Setchell is rusticating at Wa'crward, M:., with his Irieud Arteittus vVard. Lllza Logan (now Mrs. Oenre Wood) has takiu a perumui ut rusidcoee iu Now Yurie ciiy. J O. flanley will be the siae muna;cr of Ihe Win er Uaideu, New York, next Aiteiims Win t enlerl dus the Idea uf establish ing a penuaiieut enleitaimueut iu Nc.t York. Kdw:n Adonis urch.i.-ed the c itt tgi owi.ed by tne lu.e Wnluiu It. Linike at iht) Higu lauds. Kid Dtniu Ilyau closed an e'lgtem.-nt at l,.ll.(..l Ill.tU'O.. 1!M Uflll t,A M ...,l.l i ur r i . I, .1-.. a... . .., W. . Ulll Ig'lll I. U'lIU I. IIIID U11IMUA 11, v. , John. Lvnh and thd Tu-fn-1-of-l.mi'e have i bteo tlie liht attiac 1 'Us. John P.. Oweus will play an rn?it'ement at the liromlwoy The.itre (I v Wudock'tl, .New York, uurn g Ihe tall. i Ptiwurd Kddy ii to become Ci-mautgor with De liar of Hit tst. C liuilo 1 ho. are, aov Oiieaus, n x Mas o. Miss O lie L'igtn will return to the stiL-e 1 x eeueo.i, aad will uiayat.vcr.ll stir eagtu-;. U1, ,,. w. hcolUn ia fiKUfMl at tho Varirtiet The die, New i ilcili-, lur a pull .u .il ill i set-on. At the em .elusion id his t-iic,.iet.iiuiit hu dcuaus for M.-l-t'l.ui i e, ausIiu la. Adah I.uuii Menken, & ., i4 ., his iletTtcd bet liusi'snd (O phem C K rr) In Ca ifornia,au I tltpartid for Auaira.i wuu a gsy "Lotua'io of rruco. i Mutts Taylor has been appointed Asslsttnt ' . .r ..... lleaaunr at new xorK, to succeed ar. Utsoo, whoae coutluuwi lil-heltU compels hiiu to retire fiotn ottiec. n..nri M, Pher.e.r. waa hUier.t),A.I 7 ii i T -""'""' -r--""i, lady iu Uuluuiore, aud tUty were to have beou un ted in inurnuKo, wneu be received orders to t uter Uiou the present caiupaign. Colonel Daniel O. (ilnirhain, late of the 61th Itejiiuient Mew York Volunteers, died at th res.ataavaw of Mr. Ihwlug, in Leroy, N. oa Thursduy afieruooti, utter a loa li.uess, cun trucitd iu Ihe Service. We regret to leurn that Governor Bradford's son, ugid seventeen ycurs, was thrown from a buffiy in Haltltuore, on Thursday al'ieruoou nbout four o'ul'N'k, aud very seriously injured. He was insensible all night, and his condition tfrtlar morning was very critical. Dr. Aver, of Lowell, Mass., proprietor of tbe famous Ayet's Cherry I'ectoral, and other pro prietary medicines, buy ten thousand dolurs worth vf revenue statu pa per mouth, aud his business pa, a directly and mdirectly two hundred thousand d illar per annum to tbe Government, General 8 locum Is nioviinr, for the second time, from Vlcksborg into the heart oi hliaitissippi, to destroy r.llroade and keep the scattering Hooeu basy in that depaxttueut. General A. J.otuitb la euKanina tha auvntkin of Pormtt and other Kotol couiaiau.Jera ander Lieutenant-fitiusirai Lea, in IHiftbwest Miei-taeippi. Th fuller reports th it w gel of thai tVht with the HeheU nt Tupelo iho a; that iht y tfuuYred very heavily, aud th a Forr ist will scartyt ly 1st la a condition to interfere svliti Gt-reral cVheimau's com'uantcation. Forrest wad onttnaiuelisred and whiped every time that b cam ta evmsxl with our troop. NEWS JOTTIN08. A little dsaghter of Mr. Maxwell, of Cape Klizabrth, Ha., was guillotined on Sunday by a window falling on ber neck, aearly Kverlnf ber head from ber shoulder. Mb) Lucy A. Sinclair, of Strathara, Mass., died In Lowell on Tuesday of convulsions, caused by drinking too fnly of cold watar and bathing while in a state of perspiration. The autograph Albnm which was msde for the New Yoik Sanitary Fair by Miss North, of Strat ford, Conm client, was told for Ave hundred dol lars at thr St. Louis Fair. One of the Sandwich Islnnd judgi-a Is nnmod II ; bat, rays an exchange piper, "whether it is pronounced Blg-I-llitlc-I, Double I, Eye-Kyo, or My K)t, nobody knows." A man In folllnsvlile, Ct., who a few years ago wrote a very strong reprtilcnslre article on lol.acco-rllni, toDtlsmning it as an Immorality, baa now an a. re and a half of lohacro gnwlog ia a thrifty way that aticst careful and enlightened culture. The cnrrlngc ro:.d upMonnt V"Bhlnirton hat lieeu pot in empire repair. Tho Tip-Top and Kumnilt Homes are lull. The ample accommo dations for pacing the nixliton Mount Wa-hioir-ton Induce a large nutnlier of persons to remain one or more nlfbts on tbo summit. The quota of Hartford under the last ca'l Is eMinmtcd at 800, and there are already enlisted 1ST int n to ci unt upon It. Two pntrl.itlc exempts in tl at city propose to secure 1U0 of tha same i laH who will each a"Ti'f to furnish a represen tative rti ruit and thus help to tnnltc ap the defl cli nry. Dot tor Kleazer Porter, of Hadley, M iss., hits given jtiHOto Amherst College, tlio in crest of h chls to he devoted to a yearly p le I.i the niiithtniaiieal depHttmcnt of tho college. This is in ntlileioQ to a previous donation to the college of .l(KiO, (liven for the Porter six vents since. An Indian skeleton of Immcnso s'.iti was rc ttntly tlicvlrld three feet under 1,'rutind, near Fort Hivcr, in Uadlcy, Ma-Kichus tts. The bones were to far tlet om.ioaed that most of them criiinllcd upon exposure to the air. Some of the iloitoia ihn.k that the Inditn was tint l'.- tbitn ti ven feet high, und one hundred years old when beilied. Fire lilts been rnglni; In the woods on the eolith blilc of lleh, Maine, since Saturday, and has bi.n. tover huml'ids of acres. Tho city was snloubly thriHtened on Tuesday nnd WeJoes da.v, and tho fire depurtim nt was fr.iuuuly rnllid ou: ; und on Wednesday they worked Ilka Tiojans to prevent it general coiilUgra lon, the flic I uving worked its way up to tho very edge of the i ity. Dr. Kt bmid, tho busso, who Is galnin;; so much popularity in London, was horn In Aarau, Switzerland, in 1827. He h id a groat fancy for the study of Medicine, und spout some time I j tho bos) itiil.-i of Dres.lon. Wagner ud vised him to go on the stage lor bis deep ba-s voice had already been ofien heard iu amateur concern hut it was a long time before ho could inaks up Ms mind to leave his profession. Afar deciding to be o tingtr ho mado Im debut iu Dresden us "S. ruMio" in Zmibi rjiotc, aud sub-eipu n ly sang in .Munich, Hamburg, Siuitgard, Ileriiu, Vienn i, and l'rni;ue. Meycrlieer was among those who highly appreciated Dr. fit hmld's vocal ability. A. K. Jacobs, a ttlegruph operator, who has juet joined the force at iho telegraphic oluYeiu Sprlnglield, M.iss.. has had some stirring adven tures within a fow years. 1I bas sjient most of bis life In the South ; and after the torpedoes were placid in Charleston Harbor, ha was among ihe "elet tticiauk" assigned to the care of tliem. Hut from some circumstance ho was suspected of tuuditry, and ordered by the ofHecr in charge to be puinmnrl!y shot; hut Jacobs gained access to IJcatncgard and worked upon hisfevlius so that be countermanded the order. Afterwards Jacobs was Impressed into the telegraphic service of tlio Kebel army, but was degraded to tlio ranks, und then improved a coveted opportunity to desert, nud come within our lines. Aprlvute letter, written by Major J. A. M. McPhirsoa, glies iuiercstlng particulars of the diaib of Otucral James 8. W.tdswortb. The General received his wound ou a cro.ii road known as the "liruck road," near Annandale, Virginia. He was discovered by a Kubel c.ip'.aiu fioni Gcorgiu, who plaicd in his hand a paper giving his mime nnd rank. Ho was conveyed ulh.rv.ards to the "Ueseivo Hospital," a cluster of tttitb two uiilts up the Orange road 1 Here be was lecogtiaed by Patrick McCruckon, once a prisoner in the Old Capitol, whom be had befiicntled. McCraeken hasteued down about four miles und procured delicacies for him. All this tune General Wadsworih lay on a stretcher unconscious, holding tbo paper, and seemingly unt any whenever It was taken from him. He seemed to know tbo Importance of preserving it. This was Sunday. The next morning MuCrackeu fonnd him dead, aud procuring a colli n, buried bim. Doctor O'Donncll, Surgeon of the 2d Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, expressed the belief I that General Wadsworth might have been sived if he bad had proper medical treatment atouoe. The bullet struck the top of his skul , but pas-ed on, rruihing the skull down upon the brain. Marrll. CeNV-MOORK On the 4th of April. 1HC1. hr the Kev. 1. A. lernley, at tlie 1'ar.oiiaKu, No. lull N. Front meri t, sir. HAilLEL uua. to ail.i.mi.l m. jiuuki., boih oi llila city. ,ltitS-Wll.LIAMs!OH.-In Hidllmore, on tlie'2th inslnn., hy Il.e lliv Mr. Hi J e. i.Ll.l'.ni: A. .!.). KH lo Mli-e ANMK U., eldeat diuuhterol Captain Alexaadur , w i,,muni4n. ti. . a., uu ot unt city. JOII.SrTON- KKIXV. Oi tbe i"th In-lnut. In Ht. larv'e t'liun-h. burnnifton. M. J.. bv the itov. J Ilr;.. tilbw.n, A.M. the llor. I.I VI .ItillSSTON. of Norlhainpti.n, N. ., to .Mum U.I.A IIS I'.l r. KKOI.V. dntilnnr ol the bite John VV. Kelly, ul Iturliutfion, J. Ilhdls'lKK-ALLKN.-On the Will l.wt lilt, by tin Kcv. N. w. Tl omai, r KANa KKUInl'KK. Ksq., 01 Vis vtr, Del., to Mrs. ALAliX KM MA ALLKS, ol lull city. iocard. Iflll-flAPHAWAY. In Wasblnirtou, on Ihe 'Jli:h . le. ant hr tne lley. Joshua MotMl. lllilll.KV L lll'Til. ' I . H. M , to ANNA L., eldest dauuhier of the laUi Her, I 8. Una away. Nu curdi. S'tMl. BAItliW. In Waahlnmoh, on U'etlnesdsy, Julyiltll, Ol susiro tj ptiold lever. AHAllhiXV WA l.i'HN . who oi Kriincls C llarlow, couiiuauihiis i-'imt l'iv.slon hic.uid Com, Army ol the l'otoiuuc. I KNNK'l'l'.-On tlie '27 Ih InsL, LVUI.V ANN liKS NIT , in the Stub year ol her ae. 'Iho relative, aud lrlendsui the family are tnvltod lo attend the innernl, iroui tlio reslih niie ol her eon-la law, V 8. lielveesult , N. K. Corner t'oati'S and M. .lohn atnets. en ftiondey mornlnit, at Is o'clock, without lurtlier notii e. Tu pruceod lo Luui'el Mill. (.KI.SION. lln ihe eve ilna l the Uilh Instant, ot consumption, .1. s'K.VNK tihit.MilN. r'uiuTiil Iruui his la.e t siil, i,i e, No. 6i't WaHhlnton avenue, on .'-utiinluv. the Hum Instant, ul i o'clock, P. al., wl l.oui luriin ruotlun. ATlill L'.- on ihe .iiuriiluir of Oe tubinstsnt, W III im I ioili. M olt.e , niu nl alimld and fur.-h M.itliiea, iu the 1: lh i sr i f Jili aue. Inn roth t of he fn-er.-il w Ul be fftven. tloCKAI'K.LLAB On Tuesday evonlnn, lhe'J6tb Inst., ASNlKtl, ouly tlaiiiihter of Alary M . and the laie A.J. KiH-kalellsr. I Hie irti-iels or the family are Invited tn attend tha ' funeral, without further notice, irom ber late residence, Sn I'll VII..a ufrt.L,t nn KHirAv all . m n. in A ,.5KVi7l DroV.l w I Lauril lllii Camatory. THOMPON.-On the rib Uuuat, BAMDEL H.. I youngest son of Isaac Thompson. ' Us relatlvea. and mala frlenila and membera of ron- I eoruia ixsls. No. oj, a. . u , aud Kacelslor Mark jouko. .o. vie. arv respecuuuy rovitea to aiteuu nil I funeral, from his late re.ldence. No, 1119 I'arrlsU slTisst, oo Haturday. SOUt InsL, at t o'eloea.. WOODCOCK. On tba Mh Inst.. LITCV, daushtar ol Thomas and Mary Ann Woodcock, a tied months. 1 be relatives and Irlenua ot the family are respootiutly Invited to attend tbe funeral, from tba residence of ber parenis. Miller etrvel, Uunuauiewn, oo bundoy aflor- noon at o clock. WIHK.-On Wedneaitay, ntb Instant, ol tha ruber! lln-et iioapltwl. trom woumla raceivod In front ot Po tcrsburg, 11. PKANKtlN WINK, narttoant In Company C, P.ily-elKbLb Keslnieut Peuuayrfaul Voluutoare, lat the tb year of bis ewe. Ilia rrlativea and trlenda and those ol th tarn Uv. and the metubere of C'oauoany C Kilty etgbth lioaUBaut Psniisylvaiiia Volnnunra. and the membera of oilier comtaulea of tba reaunent now In tlie olty. an respect fully Invited to alleud but fuoara., from, the makleaca ot bis brother-in-law. Major C'harlea K. GraefT, coruer of tlreen lane and Vslga road. Hoi borough, on Haturday, Klh liututt. at I o'clock, P. M. Ta prooaaait to tb Javerlngtoa Ceavetary. WAINWBKIHT. IB wsahlnnton city, na the artef- ISoon ol the tflb lust., of diphtheria, JOANNA ACClt- k, .usssssucie aud tha lata CsspUla h I TZ, younsmt rnlld of Rally s". aud tha Uta CsspUla mi-hard Wainwrutbu (JuiUid at alee Havy, aaedl yuan and I month WOMKKU. Oa Wednaadav, July 17th, al tba real- deni-e of Samuel K. Ptsher, atoota-uraery ooaatv, JOUH H- WOHhl Li- la tbe etth yew of hie aite. Peueral rroiu bla late reeUenoe No. Mil Walnut street, M Saturday, MUi uiatant, al I e flock, fV MASONIC WOncr! WARntUOTOW I)T)OK Ma.M, A. Y. M. Tbe tuanibera of Waahiu1oa lla, Vo. 6, A. Y. M and Uie Ordf la aaaeret, aea reiuMU4 to meat la tha Masonla UaU, Cbissaul at roe t, on "s. turdav, the letb. Instant, at S oel'-ca, P.M.. to attend tlie funeral ol ear deceased broUier, rUANK A. aiOM. Irom tua lata leeldaoaa, Ma. tas WaaULwiioa Sveaoe. Hi trdarof lb Worshl.4ul Master. ' A. . MACl U-eiaON, lcrelary II. W L It A. V 1! N. IMIOtBseOt TO W. H, OMUVL, MANONIO IIAI.I, Ho, 719 CEES5TJT Street. WINDOW H It A D K Hi CIIHTAINH. 4S MOSQTirTO NBiTIlUDt. BUSINESS ITEMS. CHILLED IRON SAFE H13ADV rOK WA K. l.V.'l TIIT. KNUMYOOMM ON. To rtartn K.i an, o: the ilrm of E. vitn You pu- lio'y a. . I le a ale new.i aper arttnle thai yoa yilli drill tluooiih any l lillled Iro i Hale Llllle lian In ue In one-hall tn two hour 'lima, c., lucluJIiu t'ia litnk of S r hern i llserty H -t or toa will f rfe-t the eumolone hbnd ia d Url. NjwIIiI. I a y.'ty clmnp w y or pity Ins Unit. You i no ttior-Ii t el I ei a ha keeor huluen maniha woulthae an ixpen Ivo Par. operated upon vui, in, I'm en povri-r'nr 'wo '0uTft, t he tutitllatrd.dti Auureil. or In am way diaornllud, Tor the pahry uia ol enc bimdred doila a IIiUksu e Ii pla.ed' tit. Now If you have any eon tl tenoe In? our hl I' y i.i d 111 chled Iron or any confidence la Kvane dc Watenu'a hta: Ttant H i o a. rnmp.tnsl with IJllte's, to wltha. and ihe burglar, or a y oiilld.' In r.veni At Vt'u'son's Morcuntiii- fln'a ai c iniiiiirt-'l with I.ill'c'a, to etai.d lira, iou bve the o:.pirtintliy to tnaae It maiMftl'. Tou have Just ao.d to the Iteventb Natloaat Hunk, of IVilace plila.we se Informed, for $IK, a ll.tnk Hufe, ripie.fiit nit to tlu Itank that youi ,S,ife wa a inuetl belter proiectlon nvaln.t the bu-l-ir thai bllle'e, and el nri'hiu a much 1 laher price for It. You hare already niiido the chilli uue hi te.t the 8apci In the Cora Ki- etiame Hut k, and .t.ted your oe u terms. Wo new make U-e fo lowinn pr, ps.ition: Th.u yju .all mniUh the seven h Nat!.-ial nnk na e and we will fmul.h ore of the Rai.k of Northern Lllurtles' Httei for a tret, upon your own terms, tn ihe Corn I'.ai hange Itnnk. Knrh pany shall place In tl" ofrespon Ihle ptrtuil the sum ol lie 0 to S''i'C, as f irlelture, to he pnld over t tbo alnnli s party (aa you m elect). If you l.are uot the coniid mc) lo plaee Kvana x Wat- sen's Sale alor.titlde of l.ilhe e a a liuruLr-prool, and will not accept the ubovn proposition, wo anil slve you three Lours liistend of two I. ours (the time you askl to obtala ihe uioney In ono of the hafct ut the Hunk ot t'.e Northern Lils rilea. nhiiI money to lie fiiriil.hed ai nbove piopoied, and te he plsced In the Sale by the flashier of the Itank: tie Hefc to he operated upon precisely as prujioied la l.o iha lei.KO to Mils Corn Ki.ilisnKe Hank, and if the money Is not obtained In the three hm:, y u are to n.ste piod an ttaiuace dot e to the stale, anil tho a iney tobceurs. You s.ty you cai it HI lia holes w itil one drill thniuih l.llllc'a Hula. We wl'l al ow you two of iho bust atcel dillls you can procure to koi throuh rhe ab vj dare. asain-you say, V euvur a tffratik:e wflre injured u ehsi'he I. illle's I afe for one of Kvans dl Watson's on ac ernnt of Ul ttlperloriiy as a Klrc-proof. We now propose that you shall furnish Wearer A; Rl-ranlle'a siafe, and we will furnish either of two Safe of e mesUf and character ot Uia l.illle 8afooa reeutvedla cvcl-auM ltockltia U luother, Market atr-ot, be'ow e eom b, ae one, or 1. Hickman Co., corner of Third and Marlat streets, hits the other, ard pur cjiasi d ahoui the aame time aa that of Wesvor Ai Sprankle tl ee Safes shall be tested ae rire-prooi's in a suitable furnace. A Committee of d.s'.nterestedhusluess nun shall le appointed tn test thrm, especially upon the terras puo llc'y announced by you last winter, and wo to tluOu shall be put up asfbtfetture by each party, aa you may eleot. Neither party to have poisei,lon of tbe Rales tested utiUl allot ihs test. We await your aieeplance. I.KW1.1 I.IL'.IB HOST, II C. SAOI.t.U, Asent, No. II H.Sr.VKSTU Sireei, K. It. Should any or all f the shore propositions be ac cepted, and s!:culd we le successful in any or all, the net pro. ooimIs we niay derive trom tmr opponent, deducting actual esnsea of Uie tests, sliali ba presented to the Volume Htlreshment Heioon, ai tie money Ii nottheobj clot Uie tool, X.KWIM L1LLIK at S0(. M. C. hiUI.CX, Aj,eut. Fln II van A Clarnra Msssas, Davis ft Rich tans, A ROM ANUTattTH, baveyast raoelved a t ea-Importation of HavAsa Ciuaus, of Uie elokst brands. E. n. Whllman A , aaoufac'U'tra of New and U-llel-ui Confecrlotn, Ahaoad Taste, hecol te Ca amals, t reams l.a Mode de far s. a i qui ttely flavor d. Roaited Jordan Alatnnds, ,A;e. No. UlC l h snut street, below Fourth Rlavrk A '. Snnua. stix;k. a co. a i m a b o a PlAajrJ. A BAMLOTS gasWa-BS " CABfNET STFX'K 00. S OUUAJI8, . 9. tVOl'LD. Savtuu. an Cbeeaul ttraata. JHVALIDS AND C0HTALES0ENT3. lMVALII'H AND COM AI.llCEaW. ItiValli's and Ounra'rsocnts, lhya'iill aoU (.'onroleaceots, t lSbalall7 IKVALKS IN Ils-I.K ATR IfEALTBT. 1 JIA1KS HM.It'ATg HKALTIi, li.MAI.KS IN M LI'AI K IIKALTU, TtUlttutluur WUldmlaur Will fluil ur CaUlurala Wines, CallCcrnla M'tnaa, Calllunta Wines, CalifomU rVinsa, laUlurala Wlnof, CaUlurnla VYiiraa, aacollarly valuable la all cases of languor an great are. traltoa of lUaugtb. Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Aak Ask Ask Ask Aak Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Brs. klcClelUnd, Oebhard, Jaiksoa, (of Uie Fennirlvaaila t'nlrcrskT), Eerlnf, norms, tirorea, llartsbora Ssiimale, WlUlama, Hartley, Meldoard, WUsoa, Tludal, Vlaal, Faavley, Noble, Knurr, Maylaud, Turuer, and otaar leading pbyslelans, what tuaj think of tlia atedl ala.l Tlrtae. tt CalUorala Wines I These geutloauea pro. aarlka our frand., and aaaare u of tha aaaeSU patseau rooarra rrvta ibetr asei CAuroaNiA wrex aobnct, iJ-M-la No. H 8. lit TH street, aliove Clnenut IN TUB MATTER OF TIIK ASSIGN KU Estaiaot "IHOMaS FLETOHKK. Tha Auditor appolaie pjlht Ooart of Otssuaun flea or met 1131 aua vsiuiily ar niiUkkiliihia la moulis aied report whetner all tha debte and liahUltlea of 1110 4A4 FLKTI'IIKH aud CALVIN W. Bare, traaui ander Uss arm of KUm'HKat A HHNlilcrr, in"mj wu nfiiiiK win, mooroea m iffiea n li. . 11. pairs tut aessjmadantaliANIKLC.WHAKrOaJ all Uioll aslaie.jolul anu strraral. In irust for taetr eroOI. lat..aa aulas ail Use separate Uabte of aaM TlluKaa f L. rcllfJl. isliica a are a alalia apin lias asusta as.laootl lit tha desil of trust aforesaid, aa welt ae unaar a prevtoue una, dal.d Ociober I, eaeeuted by sa d TH(tUA4 'l Kit HKR la said llANlrX C. WltAKrOal, nave bea ruuy paia aua discbarfea, witb a esrw so iba aaiii Uourt om.ruia and dlreeun tbe aald aaslirnea, DA NIK L 0, in aokl Tllllktail VUT. HUSK all iba assltrnetl atate ramatalng la hi. ban la nr posses sion, and all outsiandlng ftitorest tn the same, will e'tsoil Is the dulleeof bis aimolntnont, oa aUINnAV, A'il,'ii.l 11 o clock A M.,al his (Mllca. ISu. HI VVtLMUT ..wheraor au partial (uia t'Lif l'ON, , rested are aeraby aoaav-tli M-WIatt 1. AMUSEMENTS. HO thllS NKW Clll'.ur 8TRKKI JI TtiraTVK. mt.oiuiiiri r.vp.Nivfi. Jtii.v rt. Ti-ttl flaae In a I : -.r. in PliiUd-lptca if Ihe granl ra a ajjtie. Din.lea . t ei ia mar itrnia, al.AlllllN.ini 1IIK IVilNOKHrt't I. A Mr. Prr-enlHl, atlei V-rei tn.Ub.' arie prup.u.ia, la a et- le of . rrvpun t nvtTr.n MtnMHCMrr BatilMe with Me, n n tnt Heire-), ileamlii. ii.tni, a-ip -th C'Llitml' enrt Prnti.rtlr Won.lerml I, l.mnil M irclii'a. AS Iteairve 1 Peats fot -sle th-ee dayt In advaiKa "ItrALNUT OTltV.KT TH W TRB. Y FiA.tKOIUI AT HOM k. Tji lmlA (iko At D TIlOuTK WI I .iixn tie slo.r Iiuisirs Oil Mf 'Ml t V KVr,slMV,luly, Al e-itlnui .eiy ..e in d rln lb- wit-k, olio duiuujti t M,!)MT,i (solll'S 1 1. Cnlls.1 aisles, ee bill- of '.r , ey. liosoi nda i en .ale I Tlc-ian. )t?7 I LlildfimFVL IsVCUllSIONS os Tua IIV1R -c fl li T I. k t I.L. Tlie .teaant I.W.I! L If I rtr.R. now rnnnint fl-wu PaitniCorIM le f .1 s i ivIiujKI, i.I have f sum out i as h'll V7. : - i AH Mr. M. h il TlO - In 1 0 I lo If to r. If. I lits) " rsiefitat Is rue. unt to Fills of ecliu;lkl I It e.-n'.; ( 1.11111. 1. In It I i,", lIHrni-n', and il Hi. I I lls"! s. i's j't Git AND KXCUIISION TO CAPK atsnami-:-- W .y - H. )j mtii'irli nil r.invn 'tin MNJt i I UN CrM'tMn K A. Ilv'h-r. wt I mHt (Jriii'd rn - mi to C i'f M ai , tm S T I J Kl , Ji't iri r-n )(r Arrif Mi ft-' wtiurf m ' n'rlnf k ; rftir ilm. w H Ii ti e niv Mi !) m.i.Ih,, , nl u uirnn. 1 4to lur UU' J rH'Mir, tljf " Ji.!lnrt. f etrrln u rurr rtiai. VOll OA.P13 M.VV. iJUi fi'UUti : II ANI COM VOMOI.8 AffcAjIr'K "MANHATTAN," G ATTAIN K. A. RY TICK It. Of ir e 't ftmy I, inn, U row nuktn h r f 'cu'tir trtin t CKVK MAY.lMv'Mj AKCtI S'rfft wf.iirf. ovcy rnpg ir. MmtaUiny, in-1 H.ini'df nt nine oenc.; roturnlnk! win It -ft vi ( Maj vn y MouiJftT vJmti)A fcti I -'ni1iv Al 1 l-I-rlV. tjNt IU.I"-k,t'lllt'l.l"1i (. .itl- li -It i,d iuTtintT. 1 (.' f-:.0; cn h'rn inr'url d. CI lilnn i f irrV- ctK' birr ncludo l. Htrvn H'-"; tir -flstf ctiii. hrrt.iit hi i w len.i f f ci,. In received r H o clork, a: J m a 1 i a. mint prei'ltl. A . hTLWART. A ,'rnt. p A 1K U 11 A. IV I IV (t Hi HKMOVA Ii. jami ?. ri luur.. fiAT r iiown;., a m:uTi;iM, .fn lEetihiveil from No. OU to No. fi28 C.M-NUC S'rivt, Ilnvlnc trn ai--tiid 'y H rt- i ami tl'i ptb lr a I I Tl s'o R rt JOItS hUKKK. Jr. w r h- wl off- rtl'i c Uk'.outfl. t an i i Vgvit aftio traei t of Dicoratioie ani Vall Papr a Generally. Vy Bfvtll. hll 1 ' "U IH1 Itlat tl tC'f, I 1" p t ' t i Joo t tti m ifing anil imav- 9 ul.141) In ri'trlirj th 1 lllmi. I,c oi iltr i . MJc. liiena a tl m t r aro rt t rlf j y li.vJt.'o t o& imlne T li Is- lii AV rX" AX. Ill I 1, PcttVa nf the - t fft-f I Oh'Ml.t i do rr p h-Di cri) ' dt.c ui t ca tnlt w "I ft x Itlll nnd Kivnn-iA Stam3 l.iw, i il ifMaili nut I. a inin f till Laim, i.t u.j Mi I.i ralito f P"-, tv-ft p. r cvit. dl-mutit. . M ( a. At it I'rli'cp 1 I " frr th Hi of In'e oul ltorrt't iim p-. No.. tl 1 I r Kis. tl r Hir.o , an.i N- 1 a Mr 1 II m i. J nil iu - ipihJii f tna Hluii taUv In p 111 1 ' u firm. yii- W It. A II. H 0 A 1) LIN H S 0 U I'll . Mill .lil'l I'lllA 1(1 IliltlO i.y M, 11. i.i H tin 1 1 mvb iioima. All. '.'. Y.v.r IIMum il'KI'.Ts l,il(lOi Klll Ml It KR lltfS. tin anil a'ler Mii.MlA t , u ,i a I, is.t, trni is wul l a.a f.ol .f VIsK si.,'i'i. I'lnltt'le'l'liia, eri.r ino'innif . IA. M . tbiridy. t m-i piee), II e is Ii.vtliet'aiudo i and A: 11 lie and aiar.i .iti und le;aira. u Hay Kdiirnatl t.i ",irt AI' nm-.tilb, aint i.t ih' Ci.m ini'li -n- a i a ne less, Q, v.. oi t f Aiittiir shes , urn iklyit; le urii'np, i"a-e Av I'll 1sj Mri'jl VI 1 :il'J tvorda.i (Sundays exueted). at II A III. jiate ers to t -e r!:r sr New are numsaio'to ai ll tor'" by Mils line, the i'a'e uf se.r Je i. lnii ,1 a trii" d n the ( sniLtm ai d Auili, tn eot ily the exi les) ve pi l II. ;- ! eair.. nilf pss- lin-rs ami f e a it no il e Citie oi riiiiaaetpuia a iu ,ies i o a. y ai-u U0r0SAL8 FOB LOAN. Tut AsfHr I:ii'AltTHrNT, July ilt, lliit. r-'ollee is ticreli) gvtu that subscription, willue retired by tte Treasurei of th.-United Htutes, the several Asslst- r lit Ilea. ureia, and deiljliated llecosltotles, an t br the National Hanks t,"sli a'.c and quslllled ai lien-l'.irl a and Financial Ai i ts, fbr T-easi.ry Notes paj aaia throe ytar. frora Ahuu' I l i. IKol, bearing luUreai at ther.teaf aevca ana ihree-lmliia per cent, per annum, wan a nai. annual coupon, sitnched. payable lnlawi .l miuey. Ttesennles wlil be c D.eilllil", at tlie option of tha bolder, et ms'arf'y, In'o six per vent i.old be ir nit bauds, rid tenable a 'ir five and p.yabe twent yean fraji ausu.'t IS, S 7 Tr,r uotes will tie iitind In the tleuotnluat'ons of fltly, oat tittii. r4, flvi bun 'red, na t'. usand. and five tbou- i nd dolls' s, at il will be Issue I n blank, or payak.a I order, aa may I e i Irscted tlie subscr bar.. All sub-erli Uei.i n.ukl be for flfiy dollar., or Mffli tnul- ' tipleofartv dvl n.-s ! I tipllcstr reef li.ries will be 'ssuod 'rr all le oslta. The pally dep.niliii niuKndi a .o the original cerJIcsie ; the decomltatl' n of nuti. ietu!r.d, an I whe h .-ih yare take iasu d In or parable o un.a . Wbenssen dnrwsd. II tnu.t he ief: with the fflc recel . Ing tlie de posit, to br f.nw. r 'isl lo this lMiiarttneut, I Thenoeswu bt .run.uil.'s i o ths of Irani- I po tal on ei k f . , ii so m after h. oeeipl oftbe engiasl tertifloa o.ofde; sit a try ci n be pra a ed. lutetec. wiJ bt all wed to AugU-t ta rnall Je?ll mJe prior lo Ih .t Us i' na iwil.lii pa dliy kelipoultneutuon recolpl ot th6 oil, nul cifllflsalii. Ai the Da ea druw In eristfr tu Aug .1 5, sr. nimik mg reposl a suhn ent te Ui it date urns', pay he Interest aceiutd from dale ot note to da a i f deposit. Faille, dep .1 Ing Iweuty-B 'e thonsard de'la-a aid op. wards for Ih'.e i,ale. at say o c t-ias will be a kiwL'd a commKsIrn of o:.c' 'iusrt"r ol one p r cent., whl a be j paid by this d. p .iuuiut upea the r. r. lpto, a blil for Ihe atnooiit.cettlbed toby tliaoflleer wl'k wkuni Ihe deposit waa made. No diriumloiu fur ooatuitssloa. osjst be mala from the depo. ta. Officers reeeivinx dupotira will aee that tl proper en dorsement, are made upon the origin tl certidcatea. AUoffleara authorized te ret else deposits are requeued to glre to appllaanta all desired lufbnaatlon, aa atford facility for making .ubecrlptlona. W. P. FKUSEStriEN', Secretary of Iiie 'Yreaaury. aub.crtptlan. wlil be rtcelrod br the UKMT NATIONAL HANK OK fUILADKPIUA. tlliCOND NATiOWAL HANK Or PlIUAllBLritlA: T1IIHB NATIONAL BANK. Of PHlLADA. JyTT-tf A EMY 8UPPLJB8. Orric or Aaatv cutrHiNO akp Vsihipaar, No tut Urosdway, Naw Yitaa, Juir tn, M4. Healed Pmposala wl ba racers ed at tniao'Hce until If o'eaok,Mon TiltKbliaY.taa Ink of aaaust oeit, f or the delivery , by luatraol, al tne iiepua of Araij Uulhliuj ano ttuli.aeli'Ne JorkCJ y: Arnij HLanS'ts,of domestte Bianufaetar. wool, g9, (Kh lettar.sJ. .ln blaes, 4 Inohee loan, U the ee.ur.), re be 7 reel aia, aud feel Inenaa wide, la weigh i paunil. escb. Inddi.-e will .lata leeiomber they wl-k to fural.h; bow many luey can delnser per week ; when they can sow ni. ..e, and l ihy can dm. a their tWirvariaa. yropoesle mast oe aoeonpansed by a proper gnarantae, .citing lorib that If the conuraot la awarded to the party named theivln. he will at once eseea a the contract, aa atea bonds lor I a faithful Beenraianee of th. sama Tha I ni'ad mate, reaarraa tna ngbt ta reseat all M deemed i b eetf-inable. pr..posaUi should b endorsed "Propoea'j for fttrolahla, Blaukeu,'' and ad'be.seo to WMW . U.UBaal-"oloBel ! ";JIrfoJ"'. i tf H Isep y'Oaa.,0..A, I AUCTION SALES. ISI ACKl'.VS AUCTION St A M K K I Kireet. KUOMH, No. J7 BOOFII, RNOBAVIVIIS. ANTl I tfUR un I tola Kn oll I Al S a e ort . VI. eel H H . I lorn lllrarlei. Asa, -tMiefni, aiut irccis il li-hi rsi-li-. .i JIKill UII. ai'lllllKS Also la lot, tn nit lo da ers. Iksi Mereiiry Slo-uss aird popular Novt le. A rcTiois bAti: Of coNDiiMNKt 1 Horses. a Ah Ui I'Ai.-IMnr., t ,i i,i l:t i '."i. Orrr-i 'o Con t V ' u ' "Trs 11 t. s Ii. t . .lu'v 1. 1 Will h. s-li' a. piihl'c ,i .e i. o. tn Un M.his' b itoei si. tlie I snd p.a. s nt.-'rt lemw :- I H'a; n i s Tin i: -i v. ii.iv tt.isei A I I II -N s I i.., I 111 II !, Auuiisl I. .H it. VI'IHM-H 1 1, l-s , I IM II I'll', In u I I1. I1 1 fl lit MUtKII ( '! I AV LK HOII.sKS aleaOt f et Tii.M lir-.p. rtr, tern conil"tnni as entit tor the siTSt, e ' . tl.i lirn-. I 1. ' .n i rt.. p rtosi s resn c ' re cli try a bar. IOT..S ."'r. si- My Turn's i . in Crolrd R'a-M I lire-rrj. .iil'ii ' . I Kt'l, l.n ntenart.i olom I and i s.ieri i,!-,.trroi ia et JV-'tt Cs It 'I l es SPttCIAl NOTlCFS PX'" VSI Cl-I'ICK, I'llM.ADKI.riMA. PA. 1 ' Jim t :9. H I. ft. 1 I , .Mui.-t a1. Mnia t I c ' nl 7 W V. M, A. K1, jj't it u.nn air. ivr to v()UM'i'Kii-p -i n;u.Nrr. i) t lCt- . ! Ih.NrV Of, 1 1 i I Kl-.H " '..Ul- 71 TK OVAin TIT, Mi WAi.srr .M'll Kr.jHi 'Ft H(. Alt i f rth )' i a-iiiiv I f,ti ' i1r, Vi lli r 'U'i t 1r,i(f hi i-k. upi, mil nl I hrp f'fimilvf Uf f T ' a nfii "l tn ih" (.O i 'ti i .t tti.Hi.vtit IIILM4 IIIMM HK I I, cs f -i ro l " hi n . d. It hi-Mt, ifil- iiithM i'p I IV Hi n- ft'.- ! m( il i ir il vt- tit ("ii H ii i) ni , i j n .ti.; i K.J IV p.1d'N HIM V l -oi,t. t if tlil i-fn l...i'. ' Nm 'I th re cm'. In all. .il II J -IH I HAMi I tK'IV t't'li Ml . 'I In i nu n', nl ll f ''tt. n'( mMtf Innsi'i, on th (!' f tiill-tr'', rti". I'-..Imm.' N tn rtltl l-M t.nntfi Mi.n t H il f I li t ti e 'iiiii-n ni tlio ( I y llirif la im C'i ne ftir tX V-in'n- fn i Ih-iiI -in. o M' tt " ntTttt' tf tl f nimf't- ,M1 " V. M. mill 2. V. M. J.I KOitiMiA'-TK, y.1t tt Treat-n-i-fa K F P K K S 1 N T A T I V K HKniMTITS. OiVr i it f. Ho- y tuitti-r tt'i'tiiu I'otutnl 1S. 1"? WaLMIi Stl ,.1'Hv 'I. lil - (.. n It-u - 'ft H iu- -li at I iltfi ffhn tlrn'ra Mil In " Mi-lf ;ni opat Utiiii are iitrue4 Hint tl'jo " on nil t e ' I tit m m turn it ric.i(.t ofo K. int I i:ri imii.i, m. ht'h i M il ' itcuil iij Hddl'luit iu tho i:iiv and Ouvtruiojiii u m- tira. A tho Wur ltiait ut nt i 'id-d to ra pay ti "tt; ' r tf-r j . 11 r- t"f U lid "I ii .ti ,t y f ,. liii 11 d tl" I .f il 1: us 1." i.- In uli MIX IIU.t'DHKJ A M r ih l IxH I.AIt-4. 1 1n- I'M 1 1 1' 'lie t Ii tii i'Xo wll thn I riifitili'd. at a inMi. inM- rx ndi'iiif, to hnvti thMii-etv. s i(i,rs.nlMi 1 tl - riKit' m il'i- tnt 01 . and tu aid tti- i.ovrniaeni ta tW tiifit 11 c;i'i 11. mn' r iiV-'li J. 0. IIOSHH IAU' KS, Trai.i f jr. r TO TIIK 1'HYSirlAN.S OF rilTI.A.- dill. ina i.i iiileujt'O'it .b Sar'il.v :-ilsvli4ii ena- elf etui an nl- '.rtlii" ( he irs' S'.d "lilt "n" er r bruo. .r lii'sne il.e auil!'l t.t. .11--. i.sii 1 'ha. uiav be used wlia nets f. in soli-t) - a leer I, emu ul a ees i 'lie tii-a nisei at llesli e-s, ihri at In-eaMi , nsid I" a. a Teoi .mis "f the air tis-su.te; i,itl as ii i. ivi.'l known lo yivi una tr.e p'loial 1 l'e ir te-rs nail the isruel ran loe if aar S'.r lt i.n in ih I i -I. il isBMt.u. hi Hie it stiu 'lit nl tioe aia a tie si il. ' n , I l-sve nitil sunn tsnt n,HKirt.inl'e c.i lesilri Ii i ll i ai .t il ray a p-ia ns, 1. 1 etei-ire. for l'-e sileit h. .ioj. ..j.' "I in n.e.'l 0 ne . n.vne you tn asp i ll i r. in i si i' a rs".nl e.a inn 'li. n of IIS wni.dv el I" oi i r ii in " nil ..siibi il i" lie oiire ol tieae tiistia'e. an further.!'' o ol nieiii' .il e em e. '. A. VON MJ.H'lllsKPR, M. I). tienli-l ami Aur et. iy:lt Ko. 10.7 WAi.lsUr fieaeU . rr- omen oitizrn voi.u.NfbKa iimiti i k outi vtri U.K. No i.v vi,!iur i el,.liil 1' K 4 I Is tie.' ha. KK -I Ifsll to n ..' ' Ai.Ml' Mtrnt,ii' s al-s, wlie ell wil ronrnre mi ;." i I. lis II "In l'I 1 IS i'i .iiiiii. In si-lure H..IISHIII a ei r I le. ii'siivi-n A i.)neut m' al Ills bo m ile at lk e ".ii e I ni i In ntioli uti'l a tH'Sr. r m ills nei to ss sir' In-'In ft- Ho my it'itisil'U e. Iiirmshe'l In tbe order nt si.f'M-et I'll. V,li"aii' .ni al-rns de..rln to anllst a. sibs'lntef en ei.l tn I'..-Cinih.rt' a. r. hn l'I hae ISem .a.i.le.e inos'r.iee v, n, u 'h. cm sritr' tin -t ri-uiw u s. I'.e a. Il.e Uiuulv pmu li Hi. ' lnvi-eniinin', t'-ey w Q i... i ve fioni ii ei'i.i..iiii in i v in; sun k. t nii Kirrr In I I. A 1:e is l ash, i.nilst i,' ho t .leilno '..a mi .. uittilrsioii nr b-nkeruire Su etiarje ,-f aav kind if ms'tf .'s n eesP'CtUr e ant'"l In the "errloe, and oat 1 1 tie re-1 nlist on ihe tuust il a -1 u,e 'tis e nidi lous. Oil is- d;iui. Irnni h t M. ' ' M H.s Nil'... sTK NM-.rz.lndinjaa. ,1 I LaKis II HK, JtniM ii'i ei'-n ', I'l.S SK.V e H I'KNIttlSR, J. il. HniK.Nii u rs.N, iressarer. JlCtr Hr.NKI C. I.HA. S.oreiary. DliAFMlSS ANO HLiN I) KSS. J. la.,,... ft . ania.a.r..u.(.i ,. Ktp 4. f.a. fl ah tlMaitt ai jruniiitif ti. ii ah tv"iiiiii a uimiajr 'U m ..ami aS a. ft Tftal I ilklkll t si lot Iri.ttll ill ! rtllt " Mttiiovts 'ti Hif:i ami en Difi citn at ht oao, No Ml liN Hiraft AxniioKi Ke tniPited witftmi uaa. No eliAtK mud- lor exam mtiitn (MTtctt fir trrmi ta 11 A... 7 P. H So. 611 I'.NK "trswo. el (VULIT AKV NUriCt. k V.'ANIED KOH THE OMIKO H f-ailiit t'lMf,. ta rar.rd aiel es .'fins life III lain! i. tuna buuuieo aoie ti'i'.leo men to ls (t'tiis o' s s'lHIier at nur Nsv Va d V.'ANIED FOR THE 0M1KO 8TATKS by sea and pi-riuios tte isr Va d ted 4b'.ara Umuu Mates si Ip..-..!. war on fo elan slailnn. Beitet e, U'l'su-aii'in ben the army, a sblp-of-wo . a uon.'orran a si ne the Meifue Oors ia the best eio'us.': f.rrp lo 'be t'eise Vonev ta anua Iai e.-. IBs Kst'aL notlsITll!l rll lO aBtlftUITn. I'o. al i-Uir in'o tnstliii' si'- It flatly at tho tMnrureni iteruVrv'Bs. No 111 H ikiisI K riu oeleiw Hpruo. ta tween tbe hears of nine and tbree oVI s-s . JsMKS ir.wm Capialr and Kiv-rnitiueiittissr nrft-rt No.xil f. riiOtfT itrsst. pO RLODGflB FURLOUGHS. OBl:rs arsl .oldicr. rtsltirg tha oityoa furloogh., neadia r-IWOlt t) H, aND onti-a MILITARY KQCIPMENT8, aaa INvrrsa to ths kxtkhhiv HASiUl A(Tl lUMJ RHfAHLIHHMXVT or cj;oij i: w. -i i .-! ii no. SANSOM 8TRK.F.T HALL, HASSOsi Hureot, asore Mixta. PRKSENTATTON riWOKDS Mads ta ordur ai tne snorievA aMtiea, woiok for rcnaoee an niaoitifloeni clia'leuxe onin,ietiti 'D, an other b in tn ta eounitr onmolaibf tne M mirtTliKlttl IBWSi wnu tiik i ai'T.rAi. wiinr Maaaa. 'aa 1ILI.AGK UttliEN SEMIN AllY. Mil. I- mry "'lain inu v "l lawji'ii- t"-' trvtm I -i" x Tt i". iiMKh ra' i noroi-K') O 'U -eiii Mat iuaic, l.i- fuHi'a. l'iliB "inaicj, Ae I'upi ' a imtiir rar irnl Imm.ii a Hunrtyt'. and tMv I K iainMr urn- it oallver tn atd fr Cv kh, RF.T, si. liHI. P.1 r 1 11 , J)6-lot Vlittxti ruetu l -Uwar Co., fa. t. m u n k i , iu i fJ aOai.rd u tu iMnmoMda, r f alp, ft Mil'ij, A .At ANY KM ) TT, Watcbet, Jvfttff fmar lUMiJ ai.J hahkil, Htrtuta, H -luw ItOmiMU-d. K.B. WAMONDH. . run sai.s at KKMABKAHLI M'W PKIOBS Irtl-ln) NO DKCxVITlON.-NO INFKRIOR. COaL parellaner to ollr IM.1..W the rust erlei' uf a su lariat ankle. MA vl'KL w. HS.KA, HHilAll Htris-i, aoara ItMia, eas side sells ihe tei-ul". l.A'll K VKIN. best n4 pun s aimed Csg and .i.e.. tilt Lara Mat. A14 I per tun. I liPKDini'r. BI..V wivii pui.,.iMi, at vol., p.o Vtl'HS tn anntl or aftrsuoe. tal4.r QTJl FN OF RKAUTV.-WI1HK VIlt lL' vt as.. anil les is ib. m.i.i p-riH.1 pees sti..a a tie sirs, for beaui t nit emt'ii si an. I pr.erV'n t'-o rowinesioa i li-msrte fr-as p-ire V ite .1 ax, nai.e as rxireornii sry ii'uilie. 'in p .se tins t1-, sln, laskl-ia I snf , slieoih, fslr, and tali.ia eil. I' eur. enajpA I ehfls nr lips. reliK-re. pimp1' s. ' n. Prfe 'i anil 4nne.a, It aaulacu rid oi Ir br nil V r A OH , l'errum..r., ho 41 s. KHiHTII ot,, i d uire a i ir. rse-mi'. and jl6-!m No. IU S. finVtsril har-av. Csi OLD'S IMPROVED 8TF.AM AND WAT iUU J UKA I INU AHHAKArl S. for rVanxung and Ventilating Puoila Buildlnga aa Prt vata ttealdelioee. Msnnfkernred by Uie UNION BlKAM AND WATKK HKAflNO COMPAATT Of fHlLaXILXI'HI V. JAMBS P. rTOOO. No 41 M KOUKTII Mireet. atMS-Snt . at. rr.l.TWKLX.. Nutmrinundaaa, Qa w. eiifONs h a uu tub &, BANHOM BTRKIBT BALL, PUILADKU BUA. , MANurACTUaiHU or JKWXXxtY. FINK HW.)IiIH AM (JaaVtf SULTTABT GOODS a ErtBT TAJUSfTT. JAM E H HA H II B H ' H waouaau an uraat Cnt,OCK EHTABLISHMENT, B. K aoruar SECOND aa CUaVSttDT Btroeta, rbJIU'a. aaaawt pub na rat air QCAUZ1ND TUiam-UAV OLOOU, A ear sirakia artlat Asy Cksuxhaa, Hotala, Baax. rMinCutt-llouse. Parlors. Aa. AJaoTatah l fAI'Tl'hf a or FIN OOU) PRBB. f'LOt'SS KBHAlKEil AND W AH HAM litis, JalS-ly Cloak Trtmaaaga of ererji eawanptsua. W M. A. ORAT. N. B. CORNER OF 8IXTB If aad allNOsl Mireeu, buys lAaoaoooa, VTatobaa, usss. Blirar, and lan Tlasats. luOna IN WANT Of MONKT, t- I la A haatariN aoaHaecrlai. aVtMs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers