The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 29, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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liKRMi-iiA IICMniK.n, July 27, via Fort
res Monroe, July in. An Important movo
ment li In progrofi (Voin this point; a il this
mornirff, whilst our troop wro cro-isiu t!u
James river to the north side on two pontoon
bridges, Iiebol force-rvi me down and attacked
onr men on the bunk bvfnn1 havinjj had timo
to organize. A spirited ong.-igPtuiMit took
place, and the enemy were driven lurk to
their Intrenclimentx.
V Our troops still arriving, organized and at
llrlictl the IUhel workn, carrying thorn, and
capturing four gnus marked, " Captured from
the Yankees at Drury's Blull." We also cap
tured many prisoners. 1 lie enemy wcro
finally driven from their position Into the
leuiCs far beyond, where tkirnihdiing was
going on when our informant left.
The gunboat.' were on hand and rendered
valuable assistance hi coverlnt; the landing of
I our troops. '
Tbe guns captured are no doubt the sumo
that were captured from Helper's lUttcry by
thcHebels on the 10th cil'May. These guns
are now at City I'oint.
tipefiul to 1 he F.veulna Tel. uru.h.
Wasiiiniiton, July 'i'J. Advices from the
einiy state that D u tier s forces Iiave secured a
cry important Mraiegic po-itlon above Ilerrntiila
Hnmlred, after a brick little, figlit. It gives ns
the command of a good bast; of supplies, and 1 but
ten nii'es from llichmond. Thcie Is nothing later
from the Upper I'otomac.
Four Guns and Five Hun
dred Prisoners Taken.
)Mlnl to The) Evening- Telxmpli.
Washington, July 2!). The steamer Dictator,
with army mails from City Point, has arrived.
Bhe brings news of au engagement at Mulvoru
Hill between our forces and four brigades of
t-bel troops ou Tuesday. A body of our troops,
supported by Bherldiin'i Cavalry, moved to
the Toint of Kocks, and crossed to the
Berth side of James river ; but whether our troops
met with any opposition here was not known at
City Point, and the heavy cannonadlm; beard
from the direction of the I'oint of Kcks nuy
hove been for the purpose of covering our move
ments. After crossing tbe river, our furw started
in the direction of Malvern Hill, and on Wed
nesday, when about throe miles from that place,
they encountered four brigades of Rebel.
A sharp tight Is reported to have tukeu place,
which resulted in onr capmring four cannon and
between four and fire hundred prisoner. Of the
subsequent movements ot our forces nothing was
known at City Point, but when the M'tf.itoreainc
down the river some cannonading was beard in
tbe direction of Malvern Hill.
Tiff re 1b no truth In the, reported naval en
gagement on the Jamos river beiwoen our gun
boats und the Reliel nuns, resulting in the loss
of a gunboat. The report doubtless originated
fr om tbe heavy firing at the Point of Kocks.
axothkb. despatch.
Special ( Tbe Evvnlnic 1l-crnnb.
Washington, July 2!). Details from the
amy show that on Tuesday the enemy came
down from Malvern Hill, on the C;i-t b ink of
tbe James river, for the purpose of destroying
oar supplies, their force consisting of one
Barlow's Division of Hancock'! Corps crossed
on pontoons, a' tacked and drove the enemy baek
two miles, to the line of earthworks whieb they
bad erected.
Tbe fight was spirited, and tbe enemy lost
heavily. We recaptured four Parrott guns that
had been taken from our forces in a previous
Sight near Fort Darling.
Kkw Youk, July 2". Tbe steamer Costa .Va
bas arrived from Aspinwallwith dates to tbe 17th
Instant, and V.!80,0K) in specie.
Tbe Panama advices are to the 17th.
Several small revolutions are reported in dm
' tral America, but they were generally promptly
There is nothing important from Peru? It Is
stated that one of the vessels which furnithi d
provisions to the Spanish fleet, off the Cuineha
Islunds, was Chilean. The Chilean Congress
declines to interfere iu tlie I'eruvl in-Hp.mii 1
The Bteamer f.'oM. City arrived at Panama ou
the 17th, from fan Francisco.
The cotton cultivation is geueral throughout
Central America.
Ex. Lous, July 2S. The e-nw.ii of this e n-
piracy made by tbe Democrat is simply a synop
sis of the testimony taken during several months
past by J. P. Sanderson, of Philadelphia, I'ro
""vost Marsbal-Geueral of this Departmeut,
Speriitl Despatch to Evening Telt;rupb.
Washinoton, July 20.
A Consul Kcg;uUl.
The President has recognized Francis A. Hotr
nian as Consul for the Kingdom of Hanover, at
Chicago, Illinois.
Kabvla on the Poloraar.
Passengers from Frederick bring intelligence
this morning that the Rebels have cutirely dis
appeared from the Potomac river.
F.dmnnd Tcxier recently warned tho French,
, in an article in tho tHeclt, that they have now
formidable rivals across tbe Chanuel in ait
Kdinond About, In his late work on "Pro
gress," divides tbe French elements of character
into these two the cburch-narduu element and
sm the cat element. The former is tbe work of tbe
J cburcb and the priests, the latter (s fond of plea.
2 ture, war, aud glory, opposes tho Government
a and bates the priest.
l"iri!TII I'll DJ'TrAtLS.
Washinotuv, July IV. A leter from the
Army of the Potomac, dale 1 July 2H, govs th:
arrival of some troops in the v i inlty of li-r- Hundred a day or two ni?i Htir.n ted iho
attention of the enemy, and caused litem to be-
in vo an advance ou Klehmon 1, by way of Mal
vern II ill, was imeiided.
A force consisting of K-r.h.iW's Division, Of
Lorgstreet's Corps, and Wil-o's Division, of
Hill's Coq.e, w is inihi('(lli:ely w 'indrawn from
the vli iniiy of IVterstxirg, mid sent !on to
check the movement. To coimi -r.ict this move
ment on tl'C part of the enemy, the I i Corps
wits rlitiiclicd ami sent across i lie James r'tvrj
snd at fix o'clock yesterday, tie advance
met the Kelii'l skirmishers In ai open field op
posite James' Neck, their battery being In posi
tion on the cVc of the woods ici the furthers; h'
of the field. A lon line of klrtni-hers was then
thrOHn out at once, wh j so on iliove the lle'iels
to their lirea-twor, wlicie Ihey wore kept lio'ly
encaged while a brigaded of the l'irst Division
moved around on their fl auk, chargim; and
driving them from their guns into the w w is,
car tin ing fifty or sixty prisoner ', four guns, and
a .inutility of small ars.
The enemy fell back on the r n ioi'oree-ncDts,
wl.o occupied strong works, Imili there twoye.trs
, and our troops followed,! .liiio; a po-itio,i in
their front and on their lUulr, and before this
reaches you the entire party in y lie captured or
The guns captured were four twenty-pounder
Parrotts, marked May lsol, n ar llichmond.
and were the same which h ul ocen rajitured
from the ISth Corps, at Drury's itutf, hist M ly.
Our loss was only about balf a d.j.'Cti wounded,
General Ciiaul rode to the front In tho after
noon, in company with fivnrral a in oca, ana
viewed tlie position the enemy bad uken. lie
fCcuied well plta-ed with the morning's opera
General Foster's command h d ipiitc a lively
time with the enemy yesteru ty at this place, but
Ms foi-ce being weak he fell buck some half a
mile to a stronger position, wh eh he held until
the arrival of the 2d Corps. He lost 40 or 50 men,
wounded, during tho day.
An attack was expected in W.irren's front yes
terday, but it was not mad l. Picket and artil
lery tiring Is indulged In to the usual extent, and
was sharper in front of the lsth Corps yesterday
than formerly.
K TiiR-cri from iuirlitv null I'rlnco It'll-
1IHIII t l.llltf 3I-.
A large number of cili.ens l. oiu F.iirf ax and
1'iiuce William countiju, b .ve into Alex
andria during the past few days, representing
tbut great distress prevails in portions of the two
counties, on account of the scarcity of food.
Communication has for some time, been inter
dicted as a mili'ary necessity between those
counties aud Alexandria, und the prevailing
scarcity bas resulted, as the citizens are depen
dent upon this market for their supplies. We
trust that tbey will be enabled to obtain the
proper immediate relief.
It Is ascertained from the citir.eni of Frinoo
William county, that the gueiillas have not in
fested that region of tho conmry fjr two or three
weeks to any very great oxte.iC.
Tho Rebel guerilla Kincbcloe has received
orders from Richmond f move down with his
band Into tho county of Westmoreland and King
George, and operate against the scouting paraes
sent out from our river gunboats. Moseby is
still ou the Cppcr Potomac.
The Outlaw Curry Killed, and H13
Gang Disporsadi
Lorisvii.l.K, July 2S. Tho Nashville f-'nian
says tbut on Monday night Ca.cain b.c kru ir, of
Colonel Stokes' Tennessee Cavul y, at.acd
Ponus Curry's gang of gueiillas In Pa Kill
county, and routed tbem, killing Curry and five
of his eommund. Curry was a noted guerill t, and
Las bteu long a terror to the E ist Te.nneseeans.
Iud Run, a small vl'lage lu this county, was
entered this morning by a gan.' of guerilla., who
robbed the stores aud ransa- ked the Post OlsVe.
The Postmaster was told tbut Ids building would
te burned if he kept any more Oovcruuv.'Lt
property in it.
The statement telegraphed yesterday In rela
tion to the killing of Dr. (ii.jia was incorrect.
The nport nros.; from his h .ng had some d'lti-
cu'tywun a sot.ner, ana ws n agiiitled Into a
ul Uit n, h ch o il not occur.
Tiir. ;i ntn. i. an iv tts'.ot ki.
Kt. I.01 is, Jo'y 2s. Tin; " ' nW sp,-cial
de.'-putch from hi. Jo-cpli s (li it Co on. I
Catherwood, eotuni.iuding tic tilj Sutu Militia
and 1st lown Cavalry, h's luleraplied hes.J.
piarters, from Haincsvllh , CUy county, that ho
in making clean work of ;" ,: orill'ts lu that
region, lieal.od. ys that l.i lta'el 'i'horntoo,
and tart of his f,jicc, 1 russcl ,ne Misiuurl r.ver
ju-t als.'v I.") i'v 'on.
Iteciuiiinp ti.r iuu new r we:ve monrns regi-
menu I very 1 nU. I " ce I- n di'u aitty in
raising tie uinii vr lalo n i.r, mil many proiu.-
nent eiiizens uave eilnsiuu.
A I'hlliulrlphin llvrl.neiit In Haltlnorc
lulcreHtloa Iroiu unsl'a rui)
Special Hti'ieh to The Evening Tattqrah.
Baltimore, July 2!'. A large reglmcut of the
Pbiladeluhia National Guard arrived here to
day, and were enthusiastically welcomed,
The Norfolk boat brings some Interesting par
ticulars from Grunt. Today's Waahli.gton
CironicU has tbe following from its correspond
ent :
"Citv Point. Va.. July 27. All last niirht aud
this inuriiiiig (Wednesday) there bas been very
ueiiTnnnK on tlieotlier side or tuc Appomattox
"there i a rumor lu circulation here that one
or the llc)l rams had sunk one of our gnu
boats, ana it rams contemplate au excursion
to tins place. V they do. tbey will meet with a
warm reception. Two of our monitors have
gone up the liver, d if they meet the Rebel
rains then- will be a spirited contest.
"You will bear of sou important movement In
a short time : General is not idle.
"Since tho occupation f City Point by oar
luraa tuere nmm veva m unprovemeni in
almost everything connected wvu It. Tbe laud-
Ins; for supplies for tbe army extends nearly half
nine, anil is consiauuy crowueu mta stores and
forage. Trains run regularly from Hre to the
ine.ironi, ana army is well supplied Wth ereiT
thins; that could be desired."
T he lialtimora and Ohio Railroad trains ran
regularly to Sandy Hook and Frederick City.
Tnis Company has hoiiirht the citv's Interest in
the Northwestern Virginia Railroad for twolvq
Uiouianu uunurs.
Strons Kuards are now all alone the Phils
delphla Railroad, aud at Gunpowder anditush
rivet nriuge.
Our Forces in Pursuit South
of the Potomac.
pAi.T'.Mout'., July ?'. (i-neril W.i'Vi-'C hut !c.
formea the id tors uf tlds city that Information
rcetivc 1 h re lst n gn rvn J-m it unite e-sary to
continue the restriction tion the p'ill item of
military tic" s, ns hcreiofore or lered, xceot as to
the movements of troops tu this Department.
Wo have uj'hing later aut'ieiuie from the
Vppcr Potomac; lint one thing is certain, the
enemy bas not cro-M-d tho Potomac, but at the
lutc-t advices had disappeared from tbe Hue of
the river.
Our forces arc
t'ndcr:ood to t." pin'iiin; the
f ueiny vigorously .
mtli of the Potomac.
All Itnlet on IIia l'ier lot f
lnlrnllunn or (he ltlrl Tlielr onjerl
lo linrvrl Hi. rit ih In trt HIiiMiii'i
dnall all- I'rflhatls Mreil ;tll of tun
HHlOIng; Force Nklirnl Itelrcnt of
;-nrrnl Crook.
'HiF.nlcK, Md., Thiirday, Jnlv is. If a
ptrou'.' array of ti siiinony ni iv warrant a judg
ment lu rccaid to ilie In cut on of an enemy who
bus an annnt ln way ot laUii jim; ail pre lic.
lli-ns, 1 hazard the as-i'rtion that Hie roro'iiie h
not at present likelv to be .Tossed liy any f r
ndt'atde Imaolni! force. It is comln th it up to
ti e hour ol wr.tirg ( l hurs.l iy, , P. M.,) no hos
tile body has showi t'sclf at any point along
ihc banks nf the Potomac, and no dem nstr.i
tions have le rn made in any m ise looking to a
Inov. nieiit into Marvhind.
No, when the lack Is considered that the
Rebels touclit the hattle of H in -hc-ier laU
SaturOav, and on Momhty made their ape iruni-c
be;'oi3 Maitin-hiinr, thus' allowing an interval of
lour dcys m i a'S neu'i ied ; and when we couple
with tlos the fad that the cticnv ' doiihticss
awnre tti it the periisl lias been euin'oved by us
in a nay that must make every hour s delay
pi r lions to b.m, It seems fair to infer thai tins
hii c nse of action betokens on the oarc of the
Ren. Is Rtiother purpose thau that of a movement
into th( loyal Stat. s.
I haw stated in a former rtesna'ch that It the
eneii'V did not ow au Intention of crossing the
Potomac, it inicht lie com limed that his imroose
whs 'o barvest ihe crops of the Nlienundoih val
ley. Now, ilie m.iro this theory is considered tho
more folly it seetns to furnisii nn adcpiate m -tivn
lor the presence, otlierwi-o inexplicatile, of a
tte'acliuieiit ot i in- lieiicl nnnv large cuouki to
fcrionsly weal cu Lee's strength, and yet seem
ing'y not formidiihie enough to cileet auy eon-
mi' niMe mlhturv ohp et.
I have lately talked with mnnv oitlrers of tlun-
ter's ei'in.iiHiid, who have marched throef 'u the
lvho'e lenit'h of the Shenandoah valler, from its
dehr iu h to I.vnehtnirg, and their unanimous te
timnry l, that this ri"h pnxluetive region lulrly
proi rsnndir the fruitaic of u hurv 'St nnconi-
niotdy line Its exn'i Mnt sou. it is ca'cu
liitf l that there Is to-iluy In the hheniindiwh
valley hicndsiaiVs enough to feed the whole of
Lcc i army tor a twelvemonth.
1 n TV n.eniion, as a sineie item, mat me iieoet
roinnuoider bas just levied on tho farmers of
Ji llcrMin, l reoci ick, and Uerk.ey cou itieB ihe
tlnee counties nearest the Potomac, and bt.voe'i
tlu.t itnd the tslunand mh river for 2(Kt,0t.H)
bushels of wheat, to be promptly delivered,
Now If the jield of r reals Is anything like as
great ns is stuteil by well-informed persons, it Is
obvious that a force of from Pftecn to twenty
thousand men could not, from a Rebel point of
view, l.e more. uUvan'a,:eonsly employtd than in
durnerii ir the prec'ous stalf of lite, especially if
they are able to call away from the front of Pe
tersburg, and neutralize, a force of epial if not
grea'er stn ugih.
it is a luniciiinmo tncc Hint autumn ansr au
tumn the Rebels have beiiahletoeotne aud take
posf esslon of this granary. This spring the
work was allowed by us to g ) on umli-iurlied,
find now tho enemy conies to reap tho harvest
prepared for him.
. i, . . i . . . i . a.. .1 : . . r ... .
A'lowuif; iumi luib is ma oojeet 01 prcjwiicv
of tlin Hebel force in tho Shenandoah valley, It
would be proper lor it to make just such move
ments as it bus lately made. Finding that Crook's
eommund was pressing nncomfortanly close, and
t d lowed to remain, wouiu noiu a va:uao;o truer
of productive territory, It was resolved to push it
across the Potomac.
With iliis view tho Rebel General In command,
I 0 ho Tairly, llreckitiridire. Hid, or whosoever,
turned upon Crook, aud ou tbe 2dd delivered bat
tle thrco or lour miles neyond W iuehester, aud
near the scene of Shield's encounter with Stone
wall Jackson. The nature of this contest is not
yet lolly known, but there is no reason to doubt
that the enemy was In very considerably sue
rlrr rorce. (jenenil t:rooK, 1 understand, reports
that the Rebel line overlapped his by balf a mile
ou either Hank.
His cavalry was In miserable condition, being
orlitinallv not of the best, and being further de-
ter.oraud by late exhausting raids. Tbe latter
lact should, in all fairness, be taken Into ac
count in mliigntion of tho severe judgment I hear
firononiiecdliy otnix-rs lo the elect that tt De
layed in the uiosi dl-gracel'ul style, etc. Certain
it Is that Ciook. a most able und eiKr.'.'tlc
soldier, could not hold it to Its work; that ir.
tiroke, imperiling nn right nanK; aim nis wuoie
force wai compelled to iuu tiaca in considerable
iliMTcr. His lOiS iu killed and wounded will,
it is believed, r-aeh Imjo, and I have to-day seen
.evernl hundied of the latter In the hospitals ut
Having rot our force on the rnn, tho Rebels
conthihtd their march up to Martinsbnrg; but
tin y do not npi"r to have jiushed their inenr-
ii, ns is -v-iin! tUi.( point, ll 1 not at an unnneiy,
howevir, that tbey muy send cava ry parties
at ro's tl,e river, it will be no'ley for the enomy
to Jistract attention troin his own agricultural
operations iu tlie valley by sullies across the bor
der, uud you may li-u tor a chronic a -a.e aimg
the lowi r cotiuta-s n' M in laud and Penusylva-
i iaas ii tig a- a Rebel horsetail is visible within
a miles.
Wi h rainrd to the strength of the Rebel
urmy oi eraiioc in tho valley, 1 am, like every
body el-e, uuuole to communicate au'ht renting
on a ruirr foundation than surmise. Ueueral
t'loo.i r niris ilie torec t'let engiged him at from
'.'i.tsitr. Vo.OOO strt-p. I stated a diy or two
ugotl si th-oid rnld'iig column of
Lin) l.nrlv ln"l been J.nnod by M org ill's cavalry,
und 'Ins Is still positively asserted by those who
thniihl Ki ow. i
(iinrrai (irunt denies that any divisions of
Hili's Corns h.ive left his frontal Pel. rsburg, and
I imiv suv iu ti.l ccnncrtinn, that 1 talked yes
t rdav vi'h two d- sei ter-i from Hill's command,
who hit l'e'ersburg just a week ago, und they
ni'irneii, wiiU tie utmost positnenesa, thut
neither IMI i erany part of his euros bad gone
at the' time.
It must he remembered that the force with
which the Keix ls la ely made their inv.i-.ion wis
a vcj ii'lfc- liaiieous one. it cout .l ied, ce we
kuow.two or three liriirad s from Hilis com-
u aud, ami tiiis fact might veiy well give rise to
tucl: ri oi is. on the hole, there is no reason
to com liirie that the old force has been very
niaunnnv incieasea.
ALU now there arises a nuestlon which hardly
Oeioii'-s mi inuca to tne aontain oi newsp aper uis-
'isMon as to the executive sphere or our mili
um- uti'l-crities. It Is, in a word, shall the enemy
be allowed to retain an undisputed possession of
the bbenundouli valley, and be allowed to carry
ou, undisturbed, their customary autumnal bar
vest work i If these crops, rendered bow, by the
severing of railway coiiimunicauou with the
grcut productive areas of the Southwest, of ten
times their old vulue, be of vitul importance to
the enemy, it Is of e'(ual importance that wo
should Drevent his obtaining the in.
lint to do this it is indispensable that the forces
ot the lia I dozen dillerent mil iary "onuiunc&i
of this region be united under tho command of
some one llmrouiiiy aoie ana emcicni military
bead. Till this is done, we can only expect such
halting, hiill-wuy measures, such high-flown
promise aud sneh pitiful performance, as we saw
durinir the laic iuvasion.
it is nut justice to say inat late movements oi
tbe military authoritica to chock a new invasion
of the loyal haales, should the Rebels adventure
thereon, have been marked by an unwonted vigor
and sagacity. Nevertheless, if the Rebels are
allowed to carry out their designs iu tlie bhenan
ooan viuiry, luey win pur us in me aispracciiii
position of having a large force, which should bo
elsewhere employed, neutralized, while tbey
accomplish eads of high military aud iucalcula.
ble material advantage.
W illiam bw itok, of the K. V. rimes-
frask Irlv Itobola from Martina.
bars; Moodaj-SI riKbltsss; MBre Mr.
4 blltrDdea BtseoT)rlar KeHbol firm
from Klcbmond to tl TaJley Their
Total 1 bora
HaavKa's Fkkrv, July 28. There bas been
no Egiiiuigia this department since Monaay
motmijg, when Oeutral CfovK dtgve tbe ilybtti
ndvsmcv h heavy los--, out of Martln-hnrr.
The Ile'iels have not as yet m ,dn any at'cmpe to
cri.sMhe Potomac, which Is well g'ltrded. Mea
sures rre In prog' n-s which wid soon develop
their strength and intentions.
The Hon. 1.. K. t.', Rcg's'.er of the
Trcmury, who for sertral days pii has been
ilai-e'r-Mily ill wi'h Inflammation of the bowels,
Is hi coin ng Con vale-cent.
w p its In ought to City Point from Richmond
by iciuicfsatid di si rter, a e totheelf -e- ibit
n l Ilie t oops Hint can be sjiare I from iheUelon-e
of Hie el y Ii.-tc been sent up the valley, and it
is in w Is I'cvtd Ilia' the fore- s operating In I hat
v .iuiiy w 111 nii iiber thirty limns ijd men of uli
a ms.
Air.ifr on Un- l'wr I'olomiM' tlpnritl
l.milist rei I A.Miiiiixnil tlin llel.rl
l ln ir I orre :t..ooit l olonel VIiiIIIk in'n
IIai.tiuohi July 2S. From one of fJencral
Cns k's null" oi'ieers, who has Just arrived
here from Harper's Ferry, i lenrn tho f-d-low
ing artietilsrs of the ptesent p -til m on the
l' per Potomac There has been no tiijhun ? to
day, nor do the Rebels show any deposition to
bi mg en a ronlllet.
1 h y seen at present to be falling hack, taking
with liiem the giam which they harvested. It is
believed that no Rebels are now nnrih of the
Halilmne and Ohio Ksllroad. Our forces were
tinder marching orders this afternoon, aud a for
ward movement was tteguti.
The only fear low is that the enemy will ngiin
pi t away before our forcos ant utile to Concentrate.
1 his ollicer confirms my previous de.p nch that
Iini-'Siii st is in conimanil, but he thinks there
are at most not over 3.i,ooo of ihe raiders. H i
says the crops in the Shenandoah valley never
were richer ttiau this i ear, ami, if saved by tho
Rebels, would tipport the w hole Contedeniey s.
half ear. To get this crop was bell ved t he
the tolc ol.jei i of the raid, and tt would w ill
repay them lor ail tin ir trouble.
He eonlirms my previous despatch concerning
ti e I attic of Winchester, and adds tine, our loss
w ill amount to fu ly 1000,
Colonel Mulligan tell while gillaii'lv leading
los ln-li bripaiie in a charge, lie wis suit
thii.ugli tlie thiti and the shoulder, and it w is
icpi rted l.c was also w-ouuded in the side. II s
iiu u i ii ked him np, and wen- currying lilm from
tin lirid, when the Rebels surrounded the whom
party. The Colonel t 'Id the Imys to leave bun
and tave the Hag, but bis la-t brave words were
in Miiu, lor the Hi hcls gobbled np the whole
blind, together wiih tlieir Ms;;.
His wile has arrived at Harper's I'errv, and to
day went out with a ring of truce to learn her
hubai'd's late. The result had not been heard
when the train for this city left.
Co'onel Mulligan wa oifered a brigadier-general's
coiiiinissiun in lKtil, but wou'd uot accept it
Ih imiipc he preferred to stay witn Ins old brigade.
Sonn tiling brbk may bo' expected to mornw,
if the Kebels do not fail back, us our force beg.n
to cross the river at the upper and lower for. Is.
Oi neml Wright's headquarters were at Mono
caey to-day.
(teDc-riil Hunter has Issued an order that all
Rebel eitlens in Frederick he sent across the
line; and It was being enforced to-day, to tho
iter honor of the Sccc-h.
Rumors were in circulation at Harper's Ferry
o-ilt y thnt Slieridiin was absent operating' on the
enemy h rear. N. 1 . irilmne.
A Movement to Cut the Only
Remaining Line of Re
treat for the Rebels.
Washijcotoh, July 2. The latest olflclal dee-
patches from Shsrmau's army state th it he was
steadily drawing his lines closer around Atlanta.
He bad as yet received no tilling of tho cavalry
force cent out to cut tbe Macon and Colutnbui
Railroad, which is the only means of escape left
to the Rebels from Atlanta.
i:WSl,A4M;1 AtTOl'MTM.
tape-litl lo The Kvpnlns; Tli-irrth.
AV'asiiinoton, July 29. The NCar says:
W'c bear that despatches received here np to 1 1
M. to-day state that Hood has made effort to
renew the asssii't upon MicruiHii's lines on four
occasions since tho battle of Friday last.
They were, however, feeble ell'orts, and were
easily and promptly repulsed, with an aggregate
lots to Hheninn of a hundred men. Sherman is
steadily closing in on the diomcd city. His
cavalry is also actively engaged in the meantime
In good work, and ran hardly fail of severing
the last remalniug line of Rebel communication
with Atlanta.
Itnllleor Rodney, MIsxtMNippl.
TheVicksbnrg Whia gives the following ac
count of the lute fight near Rodney :
On the morning or tlic-ttuoi July, iirigauier-
Geuernl A. W. Elicit, commanding Mississippi
Mariue Brigade, moved out with his commaud
from Rodney, Mississippi, comprising about
fourteen hur'd'ed men, consisting of the 1st
Mounted Infantry Regiment, und 1st battalion
Cavalry, Mississippi Marine llrigade, and tne 4Sth
und 62d Colored lnfuntry Regiments.
lie commented skinuisulng witn tue enemy.
nnder command of Colonel Wood, about one
mile from Rodney. The enemy was toreed to
retreat as the Federul command advanced, keep
ing up a continual skirmish until arriving at
Coleman's plantation, eleven miles from Rodney.
Hcie the enemy iniidu a stand and checked our
advance; hut soon the entiic command came np
to their support and a suurp ue;nt ensued, lasting
ul ut tight hours.
The rut my made several dcsjierate ch irges on.
our lines, but were us oils n repulsed witn severe
loss. Tlie ica Itegiment (eoioreuj oecamo con
futed In the first ebargo, but were soon rallied
end formed in line again by their ofllcers. 1 he
Gct eral in person rode along their line, amid
showers of lead from tbe enemy, telling them to
stand firm. The cuemy made three diiferent
charges, but were repulsed each time, and were
finally driven from the Held, leaving their dead
in our hands.
Their wounded were carried oil the field be I or o
t! ty ictieated. Our forces pushed them lice or
six miles, when, darkuess setting in, it was found
impossible to follow inem. ine iicneral then
num bed bis command towards the river. On the
wev buck he found a portion of thu enemy in the
rear, whom be succeeded in passing without any
loss, nue company ot our cavalry wus sent lo
the rear and succeeded iu ambushing the enemy
three times, killing and wounding a groat many,
alter which tiny did not folio our hues auy
The enemy lost about one houdred aud fifty
men, killeo. woiinoeii, aim prisoners, ineiuuing
one signal i ttlcer, with equipments. We lost otnj
man on! ot Company ll, cavalry, ucorye iiuo
1 art, and live wounded.
The colored troops sustained a much greater
loss ten to f'fleen killed and fliteen or twenty
wounded. Tbe colored Iroops fought like timers,
often clubbing the enemy down with the butts of
their muskets.
fSo cowardice was shown by any of the com-
stiaud, aud all acted with the most determined
bravery aud coolness. 1 be Ueueral then re
turned to the river and encamped at Rodney,
The commaud exhausted all the ammunition,
aud bad to send to Vlcksburg for a supply. As
soon as it arrives he will attack the enemy again,
fieneral Kllett will either drive Wood, with bis
Rebel command, out of that country, or lose
every man be bas.
IWr. Cornell Jewell.
As an irrespopslble person named Jewett, who
bus recently been acting as an seut aud mes
senger for the Rebel emissaries in Canuda, is
assiduously laboring, and apparently with some
success, to ciu to the impressioa that he acts by
virtue of a certain implied understanding or con
nection with the Fxecutive Maution, we deem it
not improper lo state that be hot never received
from the Fiesident the slightest recognition ; that
Major Hay, at Niagara, enprcisly declined to
nieet him, and that the only letter he bas ever
received from tbe Kxecntive Otkce, In answer to
bis voluminous comniuulcaiioui, is the follow
ing: Kmrvrivi ll.s-ios, Whhioio,JuIv W, 11.-felr:
la U.seiuMTlMOi B.J duties m hocrttsry la cluirss o-f
thf Prs.liU-nt's rrrvspuadrae,U is uwtj ft uis to
U.e ft ewlsiu dlsaetioii In lh cliolcs at ivttsr. ts Im inb
uilledlo Hit Mruatl liitcuaa 9l tike President, la
older to avwd s further ws.te ol time on )our yerl, 1 hsvs
to Intoria viu tied uur letlers lire never to tibinlitea.
11 v iiraeoedlus lalids uisttor Iuu Ux iiuullatiutlherriiel
acul. I tni.ilr, vtrytnil.yoaroboiueatMrvsnt,
JollS HAT.
Viuua Cowui. Jsnr,4t.,cc.
Gen. 0. 0. Howard to Command
Department of Tennessee.
Arretts and Imprisonments An Arri
val from Harper's Ferry No
Rebels on the Potomac Thoy
Number Forty Thousand
near Martinsburp:.
ftperliil lo The I'.veiiinir Ti loif rnpti.
Washinoton, July '2'.
Captain J. M. Vcnrson.of Ihe 4ih Ne Jersey
Reirlinrnt, and I.ieulennnt W. t). McCoy, of a
New York regiment, were arrested by the mili
tary atilhorl'ios, for attempting to leave tlie city
without iiuiho.ity. They were coramiucd to tho
Old Capitol.
Johnson S. l'almer, a cl:ienof London comity,
Virluiu, now iu the Old Capitol under sentence,
of court-martini lor violating tho laws und cus
toms of war, will bo sent to Albany penitentiary
to-moirow morning, to lie confined during thu
t xbtence of the Rebellion.
Charles Sanborn, 9 h New York j James Ward,
3d rennsylvanl.i; John Kclley, Sill Pennsyl
vania; Thoinns Council, M do.; and Samuel
Music, 14th U. S. Infantry, will be sent to Fort
Delaware this evening to serve their terms of
sentence hy court-martial.
A cavalryman arrived In towu tins morning
from the nelghliorhood of H.upor's Ferry, which
place be left yesterday afternoon. He eonlirms
the rc)xrt tbut tho Rebels have disappeared from
the banks of the I'ntoimtc, between tho
F'erry and Martinsbnrg, and says that cavalry
scouts who came In Just before he left report
that the Rebels are a short distance beyond Mar-
tinsburg, moving eastward, in strong force. They
are thought to number forty thousand, Including
a rcinforei ment of fifteen or twenty thousand
men received recently by Karly.
Amicable HrlKlionawltli t'o reign Powers
It is siild, to-day, in olllciul circles, that the
foreign despati bes from all (manors, received by
late arrivals, demonstrate that our relations with
all foreign powers are in a better state now
than at any prcvi .us period since tlie commence
ment of the Rebellion.
We get tbe following from the books at the
rbiluilelphia Exchange :
Ttii tteiim tint Kspuklir, st this port from New Ortcsn ,
vis Vml Hs, rt iott at S l I'. M . J.ill In.l.. U lni li-
Oe.'-S. loliKltlllle 71'M, ssw H tll.plelous lonktau leauler,
twii polntn iiiisrr tiu- Mtertmnril u era, mecrtni.' iioi-tliwsiil.
flie ws. bsniiie rieved, psillleil hlitrk, and liiirnl'iit .n
mti ; at 4 P. M , .aw the so-atner tieanlil itimrtly t'jr risT
We nt one' handed to Ills luiriliwiit, lirlimii-f I lie tie tinT
flineilv a-tern. a d tn s short lime tint -id we were I'-avlmt
lier tH-hlnd. At S I. M. tne st'sturr w. m.t in 4sat, and
fl'Oci nilna'i-s af.iT wuluat alipit of liur, and at oucu t-ejit
oft fur Cape lleulopea.
Cincinnati, July 29. Private advices from
General Sherman's headquarters announce the
assignment of OeneralO. O. Howard to the com
mand of tbe Army and Department of Tennessoo,
a position made vacant by the recent death of
Gcucrul Mel'herson.
(ici.etul Howard's chief of staff will be I.ieu-Unam-Colonel
Warner, formerly of the 70th
Ohio Volunteers.
St. Louts, July 29. General Rosecraus, by
suthoiity oi iho War Hep irtuieut, has cilled for
nine nglments of six and twelve mouths' volun
teers for the protection of the State sgiinst
guerillas or Invasion. In the sumo connection,
Governor Hall has i-sued a proclamation st ulng
tbe emergency to be great, aud urging tbe people
to fill these regiments at once.
El"., f'.fr.
Ktc., Ho.
The ilnrloui nowM fntn Northern fV v'Ki 1 u'-
orhd ilift f be ait'itrt'n 00 Natunlav ami ytiiin(ay ;
rln'clt wim lively with Joliyhliul xril-meiii ; ami avi"t
ihtrvrim u4H wl. flri to an aitul intrrmniah
war, mww titto.iafti with hep. 'J'h lai ot HfitMOin, au-l
1 a lK.-irliiK 11111 the n anlt ol' th Knaral caaip.ihin aat
th r, wart libitra'ly t1lrnittsil ; an'l tt wu4 Ki'ral ao
C4 ud tlmt. ahsttiiii ihectliM I of Hood lultlulorj uuj-mt-iita
be KUftutneil. and culminnt In a deuUive victory,
no far, not in Uouhti. need ha rnterialned aa to the
ri-fuli t the L-aiupai-m in Virtflnia Uraiit hulngexpruiUnl
the turce of ihui.Imth at bit ooiutuand iu vain, itratcicm
lon e may then be employed by htm to about thu tame pur-
Ki, '1 he foliowuig ia Ute oitlcial denLmtuU of Gvuerul
Atlanta, July 99, 10' P. M. Hon Bi'crtaryof War
The tritt sliiiii'il itts position trout in on l'ucti Tree rrcelc
laat oivht.aod btuwarfafti d ( h-atliara' turpi toruiud Una
Ot hattit an. olid the-city. Hardri- Curps) Hindi ft ullit
march, and attacked the iiit-mv i extreme ltl to-day at
on otlot'k, and drove bun from hi work, oapturinif
Kixteru ile of artUtety and live itandi ut eolir.
Uhcuthaiii ftttarked thu t iu'inyat tour 01; link p. M. witU
pitrtit-ii ol'hiK oomiuand, and drove the enniv,raiinrinki
nix finea of artillery. Uuiuig Uie eugaeniimt weoupturcd
Whvi-ier'a Cavfth v routtxl tl enemy lu the nefchhor
tiiKd of Derfttur, apttirmjr hU rama. Our lone l not
fully ancertaiui'd. Major (ienaral Walknr klllrdi Brfva
d r-tit'iiraft Hintth, (Ut, and Alerrer, wounded, fn
ot ers report Mil'tafrfcon killed. Our tn-ip. loaht witU
i6Mttllftntry. 9. H llO01, ticuerftl.
Tho Pr DrMfitrhf
Atlanta, July 22.-About'2 o'clock thin afleraooa
tbonemr ftttai ked our left, nndr (ieneral Siewft-t, wlib
Ttat i(fir. 1 bay were receird wiUl ft ualliiig lire from
botburtiUtry and IntKiitry, which cauaud tUou to taller,
wlifti th order w ai trivu to charge,
AmoitKtbe killed li Itoneral Mi Pheracn, who waft ahot
through the heart t ItrlKadittr tieneral till a A. Hrulth.ftiid
(the Yankee) iuvral Huod.xisaneral Urntl ain loat ft le(.
Our tic one left lhlr broaitworks and charged with
great riipidtty, drtii)i the euamy fmtu two llneaof lu
ruohiBoata, and liirtictin reat alauirhter,cptuniif ft
lent BumtHf of prtaoovra and leui Iw.u otce ol ar
tiUrrr. General Hard bftHnc pa Mad arwindthft enemya flank
la now In tialr rvar, do- tm grvftt e&ecuUoa. j
Ti.e tiyhUug atili contmut. ,
HceB(l Dpth
Atlanta, July 23. General Wheeler, Utft
vrnlngt attacked the earmy elttl.m the ai u hborhood of
lieciitur, and drove Uwm back, oaptuftug lue hundred
wai'otti wi n MippHea, tad ft Urge uuuiberof uritonvri
11 in till pumUna.
'J here wa very little ovhtinv fttter dark reaterda.
Two tbi;ukaiul priaunvrii, inuludiuu ae enty Avecouimln
itoned uffii rri, twenty five pluoea oi afUUw,aud
f l audi l cviwr Uftvt bu liQUj,m lit.
m r t In ofrti'4 r
i fin pur twt .)ntt ri"p t If morn In,:. Tb-Ti n fiw
litik wr nmlsiiipf n our
Kmrlirmrot In Itlrhtnond.
lit. ft '!.. 1 A'lstui , Wh't'l 11" tt'li-irr tfh
o. . hi o It hn -Mitl iw H-iliniMV. tl lul. " ! thv nt"
i. intii h Hin 'Mai hi- b' i n ri'fi n ! titi 'i u at
It raun 1 ft nuil o iho u ho it th city, ftni wnlci ry
iJ . miiP ! I uaMTB nf ih t'lMiinrv.
h ll"" lift' lK"" 1" ;" '?' iin,n vr in" rirn-
ti'ftini f 'h Amu l ( eiinfii'Of I'll iMitiistui u.rv.
i mill) il lis c,?c li'.i y iiii'Wi. t irn; lift i i'vi i.-ricn
p.O ll"lV. 1 h tl'l t. I'lMlK t, Ihft ftrniv Um U. aj, utr itt'ktv fj n-l ii irAcm ih' t.rfi-.ivr
anil ly our stni),n.u It) prfin. ftuu m i 4 t r.j
h- ni II. n m
l.i i f al HiwmI ta tun mnn thf nn.T,iut bwn
cfaniiji, li in inn'oaniit.f lo ;mry i ll a .-f h irnfi
ti i on hi h ll.r in w- t Una vit-turv an 1 Tit" i r.-
it. rutth Hg a! Mi t Jt. itit ri. H i iif'tcn IiaJ t' w'v iravB eiHMtl t? lint nftw fnm tail
iUji, ,.i lv t I 1ta- Hnfl t y milni' (H-Ml lnt-l-ittvi'cf.
ilia! mt-Ti li-twsM( tn iMlh've whitt tnar
ri'utt; lint Vr ifVoul 4irpiiiii nl' lniT4l
d'',i-l"l "'I In. fti'l i'Hnc flt th it t bi t.ti
I nd ti"t on'v iftitt .itTf in I'uimnfttirti' tint llitan'W
..irlirtii tf-n rU.c.sHMiliv ii' tnrtt nttyl-'jl
in r i'i rv ot nU thnt ba ' n 1-nt, n1 v niiii) irry
oi, r vd torloi n li.tiDfiw l i t" ti t. rtltnr oh n iha nrtiny.
ti i.m H (ill Hii km nil to b a mn vt-r ri- ol l-i 114 11 ,
mil run niMHiitni' iit r'rried practh- ll orjurj u
K.i ' IK l' l la. RW-Tll.
It ft H tl ai lit nilLhf hprttf.'-t-d;lint t wn t) ft'rrl
Uirt. b'tu 11 hot i Ii". I tl"t "ty ntt 1 In o lc U
t.i ii-. Ilf h uiiiiiU-! ih ronrt an-e 01 in ( Mfiit
lu- l a MmkM a I. 1 Hi- witMn tl' flrtt Wfk nt nU con
rt itil, aim won mm Imp nan victor . r th c 111 pi -I
i I t.f It Ik ;fUirV.Ht tli time of wrltl.nt, ttnlil I -u
ln wt. ; 1 nt Hi fin:iy i ti"W. im'wiiPi 4 ml n im oii.,
b.iii t. tt urcr thiin let ir 11 un!urel ntrvntli wiih
a ir-arv.
Hi- aitiukwaii mal. Hot rrtjivixl ; th fncmr wra
iitncti.i n ri 1 nihi'il 'I Ii ii- tiTin an new to Ihi u.Miiie 1
to tho l;illln "I th A rin of l'Oniii-sisj lliiTil II oil.
v iiilif.( In not itif uiai to r-t autl t i h uvn
ataM l UK ami Urii..t ihi- rmr. Hi- will t U ir a
hi A antir, ami now tint n hit hr k -ti np th
o'il in III 1 nl tlmt arm . ti will, to1 111 1 1 -1 iircs n i, ami
n not to ilrt i th umy ha a ftud rvt-n u illy out of
li M hreaki from the Only iark pilnt tn onr tin
lfi" H it's I 't lo l Hid litoiina ihmi Ii
'11 111 the fn. Ti ' enitnt f kit of Ih - C 'ii'f I.T-n ha
rt veii'il 1 n inl(j sind ilu'eute i Iho exultant 1
wriHTHtlwnw Ilrfr rwlMirK-,
A'i om the Kichmimn Jttyuirrr, Jutu Ut.
litiriinr tri1nv nothltiK ol lntirt triinplred In or
at.i.iit ih ktiiu City, inipo riant inuvcim-i.i o,iiirt
(Hi I 1 ur-.itu h If. il lii V Weil' p oniltlly tlii o ercd b
uraiii. nmliii'ir pimte it p were taken to mit el mte
1 1 I'm. I irunt lj nl. nt ly ah'n-t n rotnmeoep a n r tf c'
Toiley ; but 1 h ! about hi mn'ti wer'nali-licd by nu tiil.i
tit uf a r in hiii Ih nt In that p eu l-n r hue 01 mm eiti"it ,
lie 1 H' h-eii hilh rto Ut the m xleot antftult direct, we have
nn iiim'ehcii-lon-on tbat tvtint.
On KitniriiKy nk-hi our latterl a openel heivlly up'.n
th i t emv, and ti e tlr tn. nut kept uu vij. r i iiiv .r eoiii.
l ine 'I he enemy r!'Moi. ami ih no- rr-ud hy t'i d'iel
tit lontt taw exeltrd ih b tti f that a froral enxijemaiit
t:id i"iinm net d AH wm unlet oil '' tenhiv.
ihe 1V11. irof Jill) 'I I r:i : Itll the exemption of ft
rliirt tune In the iimrniMk' of ntenl' them were do
il eihi thiow 11 into IVtiT-b' rtr diirfnif tho diiv.
luitlntf ihe inuiitiiiK fhelliinr, wo regret tn aiy (hat t
mt e-ltnuil'l w riflemen, w hoi hoti wn et-ua. r
i cd hii Itimrv fin in ft iraHine" ol" iib)Iii, Vo siuirsdy
hope th" wmiM, w ill not p ove To he tiflrt" i.nlth i'!r!i whn
w e mni trom t iiu iho nrohe had not 1 nmd tho 're
Iiu lit . w Ihtl. lh"lit'h very Mn.H. may, 'inteM Ktriit-l,
1I0 numh'ef. Iho Villi keen are tlid to h.ive er'ctMl
a new und iiowo;.ul bu:lTy aomewbere near to Hivet
lit Orriiinllon of Ntrnilrnrv The Rh
vr HI im'liefcler ac.
From tht Riehtwmtt FraminerJuiyV,
W huv th bt 1 f rum tri from the va'hT, wh'rh plai
the nnnv ill 'out lu spoti at pr-min 'tit places No 1111 kr'
I urn . K ron f Itovil. and Win rentoii . A Lntlem:in who
ro.iehi d t hii ell v en HaIiihIm v nl jM horn K(llnhirw, twelve
It id h norill of New itihi kef , sUtei thill Wlltfll h ltl htrai
huru win. ti d Ii v our loreei.
It wan tihtit -hi ih- ywouli full niny hefritr
rriinr'iMi in vr ry neavv lore: mil w notfier in o-iu'ti nw
m.irkot r o(T lite ltnl. tow-.trda 'ftrrntoii r.mlil
not of eourie t innlerntot 1 Th rum"re alluded to mar
have orlt lu.ited lnu antlripatloii iuTJy.
I,It A N11111II Ktvrrwra
r!iieitT who lett Buumton on yeitefdi Inform 11
ttiai our forced w r. on Hittunlsty all1 ihe othr aide of
hevnirtrVt,aml thai there wiih ho probability of ih im
imdat '( iitiHfl .11 of Kiont Hovel by the enemv. We
laain fiom an oilK-r who nrrld on iat nvrmuu'i tra a
tt at on W vilueai ay last oenral Karaa u"n iHvtooa wai
unfortmiato enonuh to o atia kl near Wtncliettur, a ft
n rmidii when it win not well prepared to ineut a luddeo
attack fretn nuperlor frce.
The r fault , the lviion wri compelled to ret re it,
alter sitih rif g a loisi 01 in in ihr etotourhuudred ink I
wonndtd, aril ui'siierjf and three or four vnnt. Thii 1 tn
etiiilr to li li li iflint import iieee wh 1111 hv ramor a f i
dtiynftuo. Our aiuiyle still In tin condition aud at the
littht place.
Garrick's famoat villa at Humptoa has re
cently been pnrvhaacd hy a rich London tailor
for fltty.four tliousatid dollars.
Tbe Stuto of North Carolina owns salt works
of considerable, extent at Wilmington. Tht 7
wore erected at a cost of $100,000, and have boon
carrlt d on to au additional expense of 9(0,7B7'78.
Tbe receipts for the talu, and tho sums due in
May tot, amounted to $il,(W3-45. About two
hundred and seventy men are employed tnthn
manufacture, liy the report of D.C. Worth, salt
Cdniniisait nor, it appear that tho works produced
sixty-two thfjusond bushels ftr the year ending
April SO, 18G4, which bus hcensu.d at an average
of $7'75 per bushel, amounting to $ISO;tO. The
present market price of thin etaple Is $25 per
btihhel. Thn works were injured by an Incursion
of our troops, but have since been repaired.
Fhiijav, July 29. Quercitron Dark comes for
ward alowlr, snil No. 1 Is lift demand st S:.0Hoa. In
Tslincrs' Hsrk no cltunse.
1 hem Ii s modorslt lixiulry for Cotton. We quote Mid
dling at SlfUlu lti:i, snd sood Middling at l'l.
TIm rocsii'ta of CloveraM-d tiave besn ltsht, and tlis
stH-k isaliunatOKhautel. 11 Is tn dftuand st $l.. FUx
ne.Uills In amall way at KI-ai'jrgM; V biul.el. No
aalsa ofTliuotlu uave stnreiwrted.
In Uie Pruvlalon Market uo asloa of aa Impo riant chsrsc
tvr have besn rpori.-d. 1 he ato. k of all de&er.pttons ts
really reduced.
The Flour Urkt atlll conlloues inactlvs, and ths de
rusud haa aomew hut fallen off; the aalsa haw bean chiefly
routined to the. higher brunts, and we ootioe sslea of 70JU
tanels City 11 Ilia snd It 05 l.arrcla Ohio at the ctnao of our
laat report s a aa'e of .1"0 barrels low f rsdo wsa to day
rlTocled al aiuf barrel. Ihe rciullrrs and bakers pur
chase nlililn the rank'a of Mora t to sl'J lor stipernue aud'
tavicy brsnda. Ifye Klnnr and Corn Meal are itl-t.
Tl demand f.r Wheat haa fallen, and tba tt-mleney of
prices Is downward... No asles of red have been mwted.
We quoia old at SmiJiti, and ne.r at Ji (J0.
White rarsea rrom t.-d u TO. Wa quote new and old
llye at (r7tf4l'Sl without tales. There Is a llin'ted de
mand for Corn, and ealea of jell w hava been reported at
f l-7:i, snd about 1V0O t aal.ela while at l-ils. Date ars
dull. We quote at Mh. II cetita. Whlaky No dvinand.
I'eoiiael. unl- sfid Ohio barrel acll In a amall wayat I'M),
Mnrkrta by Telrifrwplk.
New Yokk, July 29. Flour llriiii 14,1'Kl hh's.
ao:o at ;ib atvin' of I'm'. ; SI't ts for aiate. and Sit WosW and $M. .'.(.i48 Ml lor ullieru Wheal auua I
lc : aalrq i f iio loiaiiela at lt'.Ni.l 41 for Cmc uo
bprhitf, IK'S".! 4.' if M.lwaule Club, und St -fvl 0 t r
llen. 4 oru lino : I!,ohi biiHliela aold al SI tOil"lil.
I'M'! dull. Pork lieavv, K d duelloed 6N! 'rotl ; ale of
. Imrrrla al J7i J." oO lor Uaaa. ljird hrui al i'J (Vile.
H hiaky Sim at H 11.
llAi.nwoiiK, July 29. Floor du'l. Sales of 501
b.l. Howard air. ot auiMirilnr at 1 1 .'.e.r 11 .w . Wheat
aelln'i i while, tl l'M; nd. Sl tiwi. so. corn
qolel SI tl 7'U.J l-l. Whisk j! dull, a-l aWuU.I4llV tl I4
1 .a.
Itili: S'rll'e Haunt!. Hand. I'ort K.iyul, l H. Httlaon .tU,
b. hi Htie.inil-t ati. .ken, AlexHtidria, Tyler 4 Co.
hrhr Cloll.lltla, Kloke., do. do.
K-lir rlb Pae.lle. WeOl., Kortreas kf nroe, do.
hehr Arllal, Maj ah, Itallimore. Capum.
Brig Ecllpae (llr.y, I'eteraon, lwdava from Trinidad da
Cui.a.MlM. mnlaaaea ai.deoc.ia to K. k W. Welti..
llns Wualuuutou ilir.)., Is days from
l ive ialenu, N. H.t with oarylea lo eai.laiu.
ltr.s J- V. hpenear, hiM-ueer, a days from Charleitoa
lUr. in Nallaat tu K. A. heulur oi Co.
Mhr eat V. md. lliii luua.i dsya fro i Forlraas Mon
roe . 1U bslluat to railHlll.
HrhrN.8 Itie, H nel.l, S daya from Ilaltersa Inlet, la
bsila.l lo ealila.n.
Sehr, Lewia, lodaya from Boatoa. with mdas
to 1 welia 4 Co.
Hrhr lUnha, Uailor, 10 days from Holloa, with Ice to
. I.r J. II. Cramer, Cramer, from Sallabury, In ballast to
keiu Artist, llarah, from llalumore, lu baliaal ts cip.
nchr Keadinir KM. ho. 47, Mtskerooa, trout rartraas
Mt'iiroe. In ballaat lo eaotaiu.
BH iir W. Denuiily, Hunter, from Derby, Conu , In bat
laat locaptalu.
lichr Alert, Vatea. from Boaton, tn ballaat to captain.
hchr ClolUJa, aiokes , irom W l.whujloa, DeL, lu ballaat
to rapiatn.
He i.i Hireamlot,e)iokea, from Wluulaftou, Uol., la bal
laat to raptaln.
bolir Auu Plckerell, Lodt'e, S days from Near York., ut
ballast to captaiu.
aahr Luey, Morrow, 1 day froaa Brondywlaa, Del , with
Corn meal to H. U. Iia.
Hrlir White Squall, y llli, t days from OhooUnk Blrer,
salili aUlu tuuher Lo New lard.
Hrhr Kttle llll, Fleoilns, 1 day from Prederloa, Del.,
Wtlh RTOio lo Jomee Hsnatt.
hchr Delaware, Conner, 1 day from Smyrna, Dal , with
grain to James UarraU.
hieamer KepuUlc. bturteront, from Hew Orteaas SOth
Inst., IB ballast to at. at i. M. rianasau.
Hteaur h. c. Walke r, Soars from hew York,
with Bidsa to W. M. Balrd 4 Do.
Ship Baraaak, owiaud.heuK lor UveriMMl, went to sea
yeat'-raay atteruoon,
ttepurtt&ftr r ealn Ttltgrapk,
TeiMsao va CraA Brlaj Krllpse, l'eteTaoarrlW bail
cocvavtl puaUivwM tarvlH.l i W Weleiu
Orrirs of Ths Fyrm-w Trr.sArii, J
r.Mar- Jult t
Tfc Monff sfnrkol fon Inoes er, sl long
on call irr plenty t 8 per oiit per sonasa. Clty
pstr is ling at from HQi'J per cent, per Siaiini.
s sts ph ss. d to notice tbst the nw lota wHl
pt 1 srt nt mice's, fiiihscrlptlons r vming hi
fricly from all qimncrs. Tbi banks and banking
Ir.ttltntlois of tho dnntry, as well as prtvata In-"1
diTldnsIs, have already subscrllxwt wry ksrga
sobis. A despatch from W-shlnirtoB states that
tbe Treasury Dcpartinrnt wore, dclighsed as well
as surprised on hrDR officially adrisrd that Iho
sublet Iptiotjt to tbe new loan the first dv, 10
N. w Irak, amounted to ta,&.J0,(X)0.
The foieign demand for GoTetDtnent Menrltie
still c i.tii ues, snd the morVot Is firm, with sale
tf .V2(1ai 10RJ(S 108J ; 7 30s at 0',, and Cl or
1X81 at 1071- Ruitrond shares are. dull but
sirady, and Ibe transactions are limited. ' Het4
Ir.? I- niisrttird, with soles at 6(o)Cf ; Tenoy Rallrosd sold at 73; Little Bobnylkil)
Knilrcad nl ; North Pennsylvania at 32 1 ; and
l'.ln.lra at 60. New City 6 are sclllnf at lOftJ.
In Bank shares there ia very liule doin,
bnt tba market is steady. .
I'rodui InR Oil stocks are In fur demand, with,
niiulcTiiic m lis to notice at former rate. . . .
CoM is more active this morning, and price
liTc slifiblly advanced, opening at 1)1 j ad
varcrd and sold at VA at 11 o'clock ; declined to
st 12 ; rn'lie.l and sold at 2'3 at bulf piet 12 .
Hsported by clsrtM.a h Co.. nmksra. Ha. Ul B. Thlrt M,
lfiriThirhVsi..c. Hf) I yum t'nlonrt...M tv
ll an H. H.. SxH IX) ah ..,.M t M lu)
I'O.h a. ll" ah rt Dli
Jil'ah da V M S rs'rll Oil..... t"f
yuan o... ,...7i . a wv an jsoviinuKK-, i;s
In an do..
riMNT l ARM.
Slew V . si.
.i :t '2 h Tenna B ..
U t. a
l..a'0 do
tt.H' I . ar . trtitl..
S'. i.Chy r.m. new....
IX f A It B,(..
tl-tS' lehuh Sa
I4S ah Hex !!....
a I (
.'na. van Of....a,a
w s I. It H.-II
. nil .Hi lno an N Pa. H. It. ... irj-a
..l"laj WahElmlraof M
..IS i M ah Minehlll n '
.111, tOOah Boadind K..kl'.rHH
.111 Ho ah no H
lie B M.pek oil..
3i llah do s6 (WI
(Al ah 1 . tiitht: K.. Ms '
i.u n a s-.w
He ported by Clarkaoa Co., Broken, Ra. Ul tt. Third St.
ttru Call, Aexoaa) Call,
t'nltrfl Btatea Sa, lSHt . Int off lot,', hid .. ta
Reek Island Kailn.ud bid IHX aelaa
K. n.ll..s lln.r.(l l.i , ,,
llllnoii Crin ml Hallroad bid lSS)i aaia
. ialeim l'alirrad bid b aaiea
New ik Central Hallroad l.ciyhtd aaiea
ftle hnllxoid I lv W.I DDiaalea
Inidson Ksllroad l;llbld aslea
Co 0 , Vlx4 bsl ., . aalea
t' SUM HOa lm bi .. aalaa
Market Firm. Firm.
Nkw Yoiik, July 2t Siocks are better. Chl-
caro a. t K.H'k Mend. IMS : C.inibelaod prafer'ed, ftl;
llloi Cntral, Mu-htsan "Ulharn, srt; do.,
Mlnrantieo, 1:17 New York Central, la3 ; Kedtnff, 1.1SH :
llu.'aon Klr.r. Kne, 112; C.oirM.nSa, ; f.-'J0
( 'ei'i'nna.liu; Heslateren, Ins ; One-year Cerullcaies, 96l ;
Jar Coosa 4 Co. quote Oorornment Securities, .., ia
Bisjn to-dav. aa IbUowa : .
U 8. 7 S- IU hotea KrJ
Cernnea.ea of ImleMedneaa, New 9t
IJunriermaater'a Vouchers 93
Hold JMil
t-'.K llonda lus
t -
Quotatlnna of Hold at the Philadelphia Gold Kxehaaaa
No. IH 8. Third street, second story :
PSA.M Ki MM .....IV
11 A.U -M 1P.M. tJIM,
klaikel wtak.
Tbe following are the qnotntlons of the prlaet.
pal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock
to-day, reported by Palmer & Uaey, Brokers,
No. (54 S.Thlrd street : ,
Fulton Coal SH
Titet kloiintaln Cool. 7J
V. Y etMld. Ceal..?
llrern Ml. Oral.... Mi
N Ca-hi ni ale .... 'i
NewtS-eek 1
Pa PetrolenmOo..
1 errr Oil SW
Heysione uu.,
fll.: Vctiuirn 1)11. .
am!! 1$ 5
slrB..n Peientenni,
reeier i am coal.
a iriaiiRim , .. j
3 ' Howes ttooywl.. X 1.1.
li Irein- Ol ........ I t
t .Pope Farm Oft..., ... - it
it Butler CVMl.n Hi
anierirnn no.-im.. 7-a
rrnn Mh Ins .'.
(tlrorrl Xluliui
Vina Mi. leu 13
1'htla. and H-lon. ..
Staiidan M.ninw...
Ma.qitieMtnln(. 1
t ol.i.f-riicot. ...... 5a
Ahare Iron 1
(III L'irrk 6
Mrp'e Hlisde Oil. .l?Stf
il.C IDO ek Oil.... 6',
.. IKeyetono ZUM.,
oai.n av
Xiao.... i
II TV t'l
s lOen.ioore.
ISsiMcIlhoney s j
l,, lirin.Ntewn 1 3
S HoOerta .. flaT
13 N..blelelamoierla IS
iXlExOelslor I JUst
Tlierc is very little doing in I'assonger Railroad
shares, and prices are nominal. Wo quote -
Second and Third
, 73
Pprnce and Pine
Chrsnnt and Walnut
Arch street
Race and Vine
Ridge avenue
The following are the ReoeioU of Tlnnr ant
drain at this port dnrlne; tbe pat week : Floor.
10,200 bids i, fio.400 bash.t Corm. 85.100
bush.; Outs, 17,200 hash. ,
Tbe following are tbe Receipts of Coal Oil
during the past week : Crmle, 18J0 bwls.t Re
fined, 4400 bbls. , . ; i
The condition of ths banks of the thresi princi
pal commercial cities of the Unlnn Is exhibited
in the following table, wbicb gives tbe agrtgitea
of their last weekly etatemeuta : , )H , , 1
Loam. Aptcifi, PirtuhUin. 0ar4aw
N. Y. July M..tlfM.HH. 7S1 Jl,etus)it ,,rwp, 47W1.Ttt
tMla..jDly t. ;.77,44S ,-. i..,iT as.iel Ku
iloaion.July yt, bu.Vtjn tfnzrr
Total S'S1.S.'IS 7.1S Sn.70S.4t7 l,..IW'l Ul on a IM
laat week.... S06IM,u SM'AI.US Mjuljim VIS SSS.WJ
Deeiesae In loans , tL6St4 eat
lieeieaat In HiMvole ,,Vi
Decrease In circulation.. ...... nrtjist
Dffereaae In depoalta SJMe.liH
The following are the euri'lngs of the Haiieua
and Cineinuatl Railjoad Company fur Ihe third
week In July :
. IrOWll-l?
. 1KS4.
to, hi r
a; j .t
r re Kola
Malta, cjtpreee, Olid teH'Siafiai.
Tola) month lo dale
Total from January 1 ttl;t.SH)Vd plft.?77 0I
The earn ujs of ibe D ibui'ie and fl'ou Dttr
Railroad C n pauy, for tlie third wtuk i Jnlv,
irtis w. re .
IS. t'l Itti ert I If. 3 1.TT UI at .' tSMt.l
A national hank is to be nrirmlred at Lirt'a
Tlock, Aiknnsas, with a ein'tal of tfi).00.
Thireaie alnariv reven national liatiks wl Li t
He V rritory nf he Motes ibat soeeikd one in
l-uisisnti, f ree In Tennessee, one in Vir,;iula,
and two In West Virginia.
l lie cteennitt k l ieaenrv notes are o noted ut
Montreal, Citnutla, at (Vi 'ai-i) and sil vir comn
te I at .'i.if j 3rj ier nut. ilWciiut.
1 he Honor, TVat-eirr of July -7 Syt :
Mot or is s-owhrn easier roin day to-dav, aodfliooe-
uiaa.1 lor bii-li eas a. ! -- ea la readme!.' f- IMas oaf Tea
hanks a e eit.ilPa olid dt-o. ui.fliik' n ura f.o) nwte
Uie pis, me 'th' in nave pii.t d aw . ks are a.
erv a, li.e.vnil ihe mitjkkl loeUK sjieenlritle an'oaa'soe
atr nt. hlil.oreh m. -t .' tho eooift divideisd oaylust
set urllt. s an bru-Llus lull prlc. s
Fituue ul mailers In Clndtnati are thas re
ferred to by tie (;a;ettr ot the - nb lust :
Wo have tu noltoe a contli ued 'atr cental. d for mono v.
Tho supply of eiirrei cy la oberal. loo meeipve are
otesdily increasicy, una uie maraot te wurkiste a ehado
easier. A.Kwltha.arduitf tula, however, tbe laa.ika i
reluctant about diaoouutliis -ly, -rif q-t laihr Siasna
ao Sar then- reeolor customers and depositors. To tbeui
lae ralea are S01..D per eent for nrsl-olasi aiitnattireo, a&d
12 per cent, for so. mercantile paper. Hpsa-ulAsora au4
Di.rehat.ta carryllicproduoel.avealm.Mst eesv.e4 saaklaaj
aoi.lleatlotia lur loans. The benke steadUv relooo lo ao
connodate tnfe clasa of cualomera, w ho are consequently
ouutieu to turn ine.r aiteuuoa tt. tne streot, sty
obtain ioana al s(J per caul, a tuomh. , . t '
Tbe ThonaassKilta Ulrthdlaj of s Taswa.
Mrs. M. C. Booth writes from Zurich, Seritier
land, to the Milwaukoe Life, this characterUitio
incident: "
"Yeaterdiiy, Juno M, tho sreatest eelelsraUoa over
known III Mwilrrruind luok piae at WuitecUiur.a Uinlii(
little clly about fliteen mites in m f.url. a. It was Hlven la
ccmniemoraiton ol the foun,laua ol tbe Iowa a thouaanel
years as, at whloa time the keya wore liven aa by Hu
d.4fh of llapaburu. who had until thea bela the towa. TUO)
clly was ctowued and garlanded in Iho most Uetoful man
ner, and the afreet procesaiou was far more uiaulnoeut
and varied lltau thai ol U.e usual oarulvol. AU Use out
weapons ware borrowed Sir the oocaeloa Irom tbo vartoue
muaeuma thrcHiluiul 8wltorlond, atot exact roureeeuxa
Uons were given of numerous historical aoenea heretolurw
eoovldeied quite too oouipUeeud aud dittlcult for earuivat
IvsMTeeaalatioau'1 ,
The Bianuacrlpt expense book of the Preten
der and bis iamily, during the years 17i-oJ.
was recently exhibited at a meeting of tbe Society
of Antiquaries. It contained many taMrasting
details, some curious words, and in oca badsjli
lng. UtHrtnl lrm wlnow 0r Use ateia ejsTW
ltury ut kvautucky.
Class tna-jnlyM, lass, ..,
3D, 47, 44, 74, 15, 2, W, SI, 7. 21, 46, 30. ,
ta run -Juy ,D.
69, 71, 20. 47, So, U. 0, d. io, J. 4, Al, ft
CUtkja40rMUrUirti,w44Vk; ,
1 , tirar.o.t,A4