Owning Etlcgrapli IAfT,T ATTEKNOOH HKWaFAPU. CITICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. tVIrt Two Cbhti Pta Com, of Twain Cair?s Pa Waaw, swyaNe to the Carrier, aid mailed Siibiorlbers at aT Mi OR? MHixDou.au Pub Aumiat On Iot.i.a roa Two Moirim, InvarlaMy la adnos for tut rn4 ArrUafU Insert'! at tht Bnl rales. A unerat tXTSltl 'JWt madt fbr ftlUrfflfKl faoi.rtloaa. Tt CrtrvtvatM.tsrfr-aita. Wo eHee m be taken nf Anonr""" 5 """"'"lioria. kalifr II lalaml-l Ibr la.ertl S'ltn'n I fail tr 'lie aeme anil cd.lra . nl if wrteer-o nece.s.rll) tor iwlwtwilion, kut taraiiie r nt ""d talih. Ve tVaaot Htaai to reiure ny Communiot.aa. Ta Attvertlavrtt. twlat t rHe treat Ineraaw In the Herniation of Tnr .((Mi Tm arH, eoninlilntna to no I re it an arte hoar, we a-eenl.'y rcoiie.t that adver't.eineole mar harf.mt a. ai III n'tk t, If possible, v am ure Ui m M hiMrUna in ail of our fHitone THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1804. tlKKKHAI. HEM.F.Y N4.FK. . Tlra ninny friends of OenerM Kki.lkt In Mils city will be glad to learn that tlio report that General Kp.m.ey wm klllrd In a recent ogftftftnent nenr Martlnsburg, sent ov.t Ums Independent line to an evenlojconti'mpa tfcrr, 1b entirely wl.hout foundation. , The following despatch was received In this City this morning from Mr. J. D. Foho, West ern gent of the Baltimore and Ohio Rall jroad: "Whlik, Va., July 27 To Colonol J. O. Kellov, l'liiladelphia: Genenl Kellcy It at rumbrrland and well. I received a despatch from btm to-day. - (Signed) J. B. Fobd." Gsnoral Kellit It one of the ablest and fcravent officer In the military service of the Government, and Is one of the large bod: .. Clear-boaded and Indomitable men wt" educated In the practical school n i .i. business, and who bare devoter ' a ' tV)lr counjry since the bre-, i - ,. ' . Rebellion. SMHFIART ;.. Al'HEAI.. The New Vo ' on-;i ii vf Commerce, trblle acki'rti'm ; vii.it the late appeal ol the 8ef ret-, .f Hi o Tri kv"uy to the people to Cio otiJ ai 1 tutt,ribe to the new lo;in la vy !win.Ku4 rvii-i adroit In one reappct, yet kh'u(- tlt.il ! nc lorce of the paper Is weakened Jy llitwt pa is of It which are addressed to the ptttT ioL.iin. of the commimlty. Our contempo rary tays, subntentially, that when men are ,ed to lend their money, tbey want to know the character of tba security they are to have tor the loan, ani for the payment of the In terest until the, day 'of redemption ; and that sentimental r.onDlderatlons of any kind have Tery little, M any, Influence In determining the question whether they will make the proponed investment or not . There is, do doubt, much good cense In the theory of the Journal of Commerce, and gtrally speaking, It may be. accepted as axiomatic. We all know how the getting or piling up of money bardenoth the heart; how the luBt of great riches and the ambition of that sort of aggrandizement render human nature callous to almost all of the natural sympathies and affections. We know, more Over, that the greed for gold grows with what it (Veda on, like jealousy ; and that In propor tion as we add to otlr stores we become leas and les generous, less and lew willing to put them at risk, or to part with them for any pur pose, or from any motives but those of simple cupidity. But while all this Is true in the main, the rule is not without exception. Love of coun try Is a powerful feeling whenever It is spe cially and strongly excited, and may be very properly appealed to under circumstances II I tod to call It Into extraordinary exercise. Powerful as it is, however, at times, It tn.iy not be potential enough by itself to Induce a miser to entrust his Government with his money. Secretary Fkshk.nden has evidently been well aware of this tact, aud he has asked nobody to lend the National Treasury a single dollar from a pure sense of patriotic duty. But, while Justly giving the people credit tor a reasonable measure of regard for their country and Its Governmant, he has eniorcel and fortified bis appeal to that sentiment by arguments and facts which should mtko It Successful. lie has shown that patriotism in this Instance is entirely concurrent with the interest of every Individual citizen, and that the duty of every man of property to aid the Government ai this crisis by lending It a por tion of bis means. Is made almost imperutiva by the consideration that if the Uoverumunt Is not sustained snd preserved, there can be no certain security tor wealth of any kind, whether private or corporate. Thus patriot ism and selfish prudence are show n to be co operative In persuading or constraining every Citizen who has any property to be saved, to luvest a part ot it In supporting the Govern ment in its present extremity. But Air. Fkbsendkx has gone still further. He has added to the motives of patriotism aud intereet that seme of security, as regard! tU3 ultimate payment of his loan which every " Shylock" requites as the indiapcnsuble coa d.tlon of parting with any portion of hU boardings, lie bus expressed his own per sonal confidence in the perfect ability of thu iation to redeem at maturity eve: y dollar ol di'bt it contracts for the pro.-veutlou of tit r war; aud as Mr. Feske.vkk.v Is universally kuowu to be a fetate.-rnau of r.tre intelligence and virtue, Ms word alone ou'ht to bo t.t!;cii h equivalent to a buud tor tho solvotiey ol 'the federal Treasury, and tlia fluid Il'iui l.Uion of every iei.t ot the na'.lonal Cliligft'.ioi.n, both principal iiml interest. I' ut l)i v.ord is corroborated by f. wl, which !( cites a fully warrrtiitin the entire an.l f; rofnllli he repooes in the solidity of the tiutloual credit. Aud lu this passage of hU , j-eol he comes squarely up to tluit practical SLd matter-of-fact requisition of the hwd, ex acting, and unsentimental man of business, who demands bis acceptable collateral for every dollar that he loans. The following ex tract from bis appeal bears us out in our statement, and to It we invite especial atten tion. Mr. Fkrskniiim says : " I am happy to suy that dally results are proving the Internal Kuvetiuo Act to exceed " In eSl-iercy the moat sanguine expectation", of " its authors. For the mouth of June, lKtil, It " yielded about tour and a half mil I loan of dol " lara, while the correHponUIng month of this " year returned about tit teen millioua under the wine law. Under tbe new taw, wbicb went into ' oir..iKjnou the first day of the present moatb, tna Tnuouiy frequently receiver one million In - a day. As time aud experience enable tits ofli r employed in collrctiuK the revenue to enforce tbe ktrcngtn of in provisions of the new law, I " trust that a Bill ion per day will be found tbe rule, and not tbe exception. Still, much ' space U undoubtedly left for improvement in tbe law snd iu it administration. Al a greater amount of necetary iuiurmatioo is acquired, ii,e proper sources of revenue, and tba in out rj'ecUve morie of obtaining, it, are tMt devel- oried in the execution of the exiatinn laws; and f I l ave caused nieaaures to be lDiiiiuea wbich ti'l it is believed, enable Congre su to Un prove and rnlnrge the aystetu as, when take ia pro" . .venu. froIU tualoma and al.Kfor thV iB-Utn-i credit. 6nl, on such a ' l.aais ror u ,rte-Ai,ud vlgorout restraint V. '.'l' .'."AiVncv. cJa a re,..?d, be found for Tins r-xerrtaed wbf a lh Government il fumlthed " with meant to provide for Its nerrttttlft. Hot " without ihe aid of a patriotic pcopla, the army " of the flnvcrnmpnt la puwetleH for this or any " other drelrahle end." AKtHTOi RATK1 I r 4 II t r H. Although the North professes to be essen Hally democratic, there Is nothing which has so rourh contributed to aid the ivcbelllon as aristocratic feelln?. The opinions of thou sands of proplo have been swayed by the notion, that In taking part with the South they were proving their refinement, rutting far out of view the question of right and wrong, they have thus lent whatever weight they possesi-ed to the side of Injustice. The Southerner's easy exNtenre gave him amplo leisure to cultivate certain pleasing amenities of life. These, although possossed by ninny of his fellow-countrymen of the North, were, In their rae, merged In tho bustle of an active civilization. The Northern gentleman's posit ion did not elicit the roman tic Interest which attached to tho Isolated and arrogant grandee the lord of thousand of acres and slaves. Hence a feeling pervaded even the North, that the real and only typtw of refinement to be found In our country were tho Southern gentleman and lady. Singular as It may appear, the Idea of re finement connected with tho position of slave bolder was so prevalent, that Immeillatoi; upon the breaking out of the Itebel!' n.pcup,, who had never held a slave, a.iu wm. ir r,' expected to hold one. w i la ,ir. i tion to the Govori mtiu. . . f f j themselves U ' ." cb . t".l the arlstoe- i " J i "-..ssourl this sts .. .f 1 i r rprcnt. TjiG Ger- f ti , isre opposed tqulavery, it. .. iritb their ohscutef' origin by ! it i, .'.jch, who called. -tWm "the low j ") .. ' tn Maryland the dame slate of feel j f'i,:kists; and any on who knows people id ojumore can testily mat many live there whose Bole reason for adherence to tho South ern side Is because they are Imbued with tho Idea that It is the side of education and refine ment,, os opposed to the mob. If this abmrd feeVing did not encroach beyond the border, we would have no reason to deplore it; but it pervades the North, and even the ranks of the really vulgar. Knowing, as we do, what we have already acknowledged, that Southern Immunity from labor has enabled a limited class to acquire a polish denied to most persons en gaged In tbe active pursuits of life, we can understand how the privileged class In the South might, In the course of time, come to tho point of folly which It attained by commencing the Kcbcllloo. We can under stand how the people of the border States might have become Imbued with feolings In unison with aristocratic pretension. We can go even a step farther, and understand how a very small number of people in the Noith might be so infatuated as to Imagine them selves called upon to sympathize with the South. But what we cannot realize is, that men whoso past was successful through democracy, and whose future for themselves and for their children Is bound up In its suc cess, should sympathize with a rebellion which aristocratic feeling has engendered, and which, if successful, will prove fatal to the spread of that liberty which every eidightcncd well wisher of mankind hopes that this continent will one day witness. Yet there are in the North aye I In this city men whose fathers were artisans, tradesmen, tinkers, and wUat not, who prate of aristocracy, and who iungine that they are aristocratic because they sympa thize with a class of men In the South who would not take them by the hand for the reason that tbey have no pcdlgroo bsyond honest workmen whose names they disgrace. Observing this, may not a man for an Instant question whether democratic feeling really exists in the mosses, and even for an instint doubt It? Yet, looking more closely, and ac knowledging tho general loyalty of our peoplo, can we not more satisfactorily account for the absence of democratic feeling In these pre tenders, by recollecting that a certain degree of elevation must bo requisite to mike a mm a true democrat; and that the mm who cm strive to prove his aristocracy by oblivious ness of bumble parentage, and by clinging to the skirts of meu who despite him, canuot be possessed of the noble qualities which adorn the republican. the ixin;i't:Mi:.T tklki.kapii. We feel that we owe a duty to the public in exposing the miserable, If not criminal inismm agement of this concern. We have tho bast reason to know that there Is no respect for the snnctlty or secresy of despatches sent over this line, and that tho grossest careless ness prevails with regard to the delivery of Its messages. We do not complain of Its d tlly use for the transmission of secession falsehoods, (like that of the evacuation of Ilarper's Ferry, In yes terday's Bulletin,) calculated to rejoice the hearts of Itebel sympathizers throughout tho North to advance tho price of gold by depreciating Government cunency and bonds, and to give valuable Information to the enemy, despite the patriotic appeal aud entreaty of the military authorities; und, what is worst of ail, to retard eulistin -nts, and Stir up an unjuxt and undeserved hatred of thu Government In the breasts of unthink ing mid lukcwuim citizens. The Independent Telegraph may have pri vate grievances, but it has no right to wreak its vengeance upon the nation aud th.i "came of the natiou.'' The Government iu a trying ciisis ma; have Injured Its business byahmty fiction ; hut it b:!i no right, In Its mad spile, to endeavor to bieak down the Government. The public, however, who daily are il)lii?.'d to wittit f s the course ol the Independent Tclu gnij.h, can theiiibclves apply the remedy. But lor us, whose privute and special despatches, containing Important information favorable to the Government aud calculated to interfere with speculators in gold and provisions, and ob tained withgreatUbor and expense there Is no other remedy than to make a public statement of the fact that our despatches over this line only reach us after they have been furnished to other newspapers, In violation of good faith and the laws of the Commonwealth. Tbe Bwltaterlnna Cv. We bsive alrewdy publititu d tbe uewi of the dU covei y m (Switzerland of ft roniurkublu care which. lrt Hiibcd to be freh iourre of wonder lo toii k tbat wondtrlnl land. The L')inlon Athe mum bfti UiU furtberlufonautiouou the matter : "We hrar from Ilernt thu pstrty of tnclrc vmtlmiB on tn Ktu oUub uiiUert.icli ft ciuiur tuaiiotfjo tt Ui Dstwly uiMjT6itl 'Onj(t di t- wtii,' tX'atrHt, Miturfctt aim! VuJlirt. jurDliivd witti km pa ft a with putrului, tb farty ftdvsUtietJ fthuut on thoiwi,a Umt furibnt tlian uy rlbilori of the cern bftJ dmt ttttlmrlo, kveoii InK alwityt la th dtretl from nurlh tu noutii. Tho grvttu, ft fr ftt ihfiy xplnrjd, wt iully to fir, broad, Zid mfulftr. Tti pfty found noKuiuf Atnordl nttry, .e-pl om kn ot woimI , htMt rutieii od ftrU huihi 19 euiitftri. tmuk tkh lhy lofcf Uiat ithr turn ii olio muil ftv ft Heiiiitr Mi itt un. ortthM twtMi viaM by fta in Krmr eu1rt.. Ai lot, aoUtiuir I fvr tui ftiuuipt cf me v.n k.inf bma iu4 In ti.ii mttury lb UtiW cxpedltioN would b4v pncedrj i Mko t4 tvn WA ftUnd. AiW ftur hoar - lwt.iUOtttH 3d Msisnt. Jl tthed lhi tli ora i ctttft ot ila loiil du Midi. Ho davr utm in tWK.idU.w.itwfctMMi; lor tbuiiMta fti u time lit-lump tsirmtri , g0ui, ttiy tooa rvtwr4 UivlS UiUl.ftQd Cutinu4 v bin clwuly.rt daily evening TOKORArH riiiiiAp THE It KIWI j RAID. LATEST FROM BALTIMORE. WILD RUMORS AFLOAT. IIARTFR'S FERRY SOT EYJCUATED. TIIE REBEL BEPOBTS BENT NORTn UNTKUE. Kte., fic, to.. Kte., i:ic, r.u r.ic A fientlernan who arrived tn this city this monilnj, from Hnlllmo-fi, furnishes ni with tho following Information : With regard to tbe cotnmsnd of our forces, parties who profess to be reliably informed !e clare that (tenernl Ilun'er, and not f!M) nv. Wright, is in chief command. Mhcn our Informant left Kit' BO'i 'borlj'--. was calm and quiet, but tl tc w a j;o'Ki" 0, anxiety to Icani tba i . "! : ': ,ii,t,ri:.. t,nJ iw-ucd impeistW' wj r prin nut to pub lish BTliiin L'':tr f vig.inl o the In v&slon, n- tho mn'.eni'v.ui im"' Hobel or 1'cdornl tl oii - - ' I " i .;, at i lie ai.t.tvo for this restriction wm a o ' ir. but whether the object sought to be by it will be secured, is questionable. utneaWoce of all authentic information, the wiUlent possible stories were bolng clrcalated, and the mere fact of suppressing Intelligence seemed to be best calculated to Increase appre hension and promote a panic. The effect of this uncertain state of aff ilrs, and ignorance ns to the realities of the situittion, which our Informant regarded as by no meant serious or rl tic il, was ibat nervous people were beginning to imagine all sorts of direful ponlhill. tli s; and it was currently reported Ihit various bank otliccrs, and oiber pub ic functionaries were making arrangements for an expeditious romoral of valuable, sbould it tie found tliat tbeen Miiy wen' making an effort to advance towards lial tluiore. Our informant was however decidedly of the opinion that Ii ilti'norc was not even men iced, but that if tile enemy advanced at nil across the l'oioniac, it would be towards Pennsylvania, and belore tbey can do tills t:ny must tl.'tit and defeat our tureen now threatening their right fUnk. CITY IM'ELLIGENCE. Tun Euaft Convfntio.(. This Convention hold another meeting last evening, at the Su preme Court Hooms. The President, Mr. Stoln mctz, occupied the Chair. Mr. Philip Iiutts was chosen as an additional Secretary in connection with Mr. John K. Valentine. Delegates were re ceived from the Se'vcnieeuib and Twenty-necoud Wardt. and a lull attendance ru indexed tho growing ioterest that is bee iiuiug prevalent In tbe spirit of the call of ihe nieet ng. A report was roooivod Irora the committee ap I'o.ntisf to nscc'tain the quota ol thocity. iherj port lrcm ihe i-imt liiatnet la ai to. Iowa : There l enrolled In I Mo District HOI) Ihera Is reiiilreil Irum ttie liMrlrl i,.MI 'llieri la an exeeas In tlm Iiiatricl o Alt l.eavlna thr lilatrl. t tu lunili.li '1.0 H til thin uuiiibe tnuru I. eiirolletl naollowr IVrtnl. J-Snrolltil, HeqMrrd. Heooml IJJS ml 'Itilrii 11 J 4iM Kourtl -1Kb n Kllth it A Mill 174 -IU VA vintli I(1 JI lnuui t excriws aa liilluwi. HicniKi aid II I lecv.iip- It tn iiiralih til. 'I bird VVVr i -11, leal w It t furnish IIS. V. ur h V ar.l Wl liMVlna It lo l.ir Mill 101. Huh Warn IUS. leivm it I" I iniKli Hi rlixth Ward in', Icmvmu II to llirnlali 1st. Klrvenlh Ward a. leav i It to lurnish .111. IhaKlteenth Ward recoil :4I roiimrui; 93 oco; KM to turulsh. '1 venly-ai'eond Ward, 814 f xcrai. 7wrnlv-th!rd Ward. 4IW rmjuireil; lSdexcaaa; stabo liinilNhed. Twenty-fifth Ward, dflcleniv ol 20 on old dafL The report alvea Hunks cuuut anexco.4 ol fijil, makhift Wt In Uia r'llih l.lilrlcl. lho luport waa uceupted and the (,'ominillPD omi- tiniiod. Hio roport of tho Committee to whom thn indention ot agcida to recruit in rovoluxl eotions was oiorrod, repoited that tho ilounty It luU Coinioittej bad M-feeleU tho to lowing .rGnilcmo inrauaii work: Hi bkht .1. CauHoN, Jr., Nouthrait Viritiuiu. Kkt'DKM loui.tNsoN, South Curolina unit Florida. Ines. II. likniiLAU, Northeast Vir inbi. Wai. A. DinnvN, ueor.xia and Alubama. Aiioptod. It was slated that an order would b" HsiiihI Iro'n tho tuvernor in a lew duva t:iut would allow the niiittciir.g iu ct ainglo co'nipauies. tsueh a po icy will encouriiito cnhsiiiieiita, and bo .avjiahle to mi uieiiiiite ciiiioontiutiou into ru Miuoais. Mr. II. ('. 1 ka inlvoealed that i ffortt b mainly l Cirocled to rectiivo ono year'a mill, lie ald w e i.ihi , p.nco little reliuiice ontuo revolted neot.on I fur ihah men. There liiibt ho moil prouurod iroin sn.di j district, but they wou d not bu aiailuldc boluio too 61 h ol cploniticr. Ir. SAUMiKim oiTi red a resolution calling on tho I War Jo,urimiit loao inoilily the iirosntit m inner I ot iccoiviiig reoruita that m n ean tie ma.tered in by J fiquuils of live, or even ainglr. lu a bnef staiem nit, ! the I roieasor explained wli v ho inttdo anch a inol ion. tin bad Been companies rejected at ennillin rnt h'i tiona becauso a man or two was waiitlag ot tha full coin) lenient, lie moved tho appointment of a com mittee ot threo to proceed to Washington, unit lay the subject boiore tfio authorities. Tina was agreed to, and Llr. Saumikks, II. C LkA and t'.. beaHcau Mii.luu so appointed. Air. Thomas K. 1 i.iiik uio.ed to uiodilV tin resn- i lution ptiasetl last tltiudav, to "tv? twenty dot ur to the iiiiiii 1 r ii 'ing a recruit, lie moved to um ud it so as to pay &r t the r-'.iritit b uiipit. Sir. Lka biigested th it tin homily lo rediic.-il, but atill Jiuid to the pcr.-on brlnlnir tiio rceriul. Tbe ineu who luiuisli recruits teest he ulimnuted to hul.t up reeru ts v. luiee will b 1'iru nhu.1. J i.o whole Mil.jccf was p'jdin,icd. T'ho I'oiivcu tinnweic oepaiieti in coas detiiig iii'..tt.TM ot minor lucid ini orltmce until u I te hun . U.Sh IIl'NUllHI llAYs'Ml.N KXKMI'T FllUU TI1K Dhai t. It is stated upon good uidh jti y that an order will tic isiiied setting forth th it the o ie hundred ilnys' men, who wi;l be in the, femes at the tniic ol the di'Hil, will be exempt. Soi.mku ltoiini l. lb s 11101111111', nu iadi vidiml giving the niinie uf Joint Cmd.r in was arriiiyiied before A'dirmm Cloud upon the cl icgc oi' having robbed n soldier of i,7d und a gold watch, lie wu- held to iiuni. Wk iia r iiy i Ait ttii' 1 ir;f!t ftock and be-: AMrinn.t of Clcuhii.c la rhii..J''lplin, crn piihinf; nil dthinil'le i)Wn of good-, fr-trn nii'ilium price to Mipcrfinv- Kcyouo cm bo flci'iimtoly fitted ut onec from our fficK, wlut i tr bi bis hii: or ir t v io ib, in jjiirunvits e.ial in nil I't'sjM.-cifc t't Witt U m n!o u uwr iuri', a omrh tovtr pliers, YuX tlne who prolcr, we have A ko b cuinpUf' ti-fc'rttiti rif ot pioft ioU, wtnt'h Will tit IlliUlf Up tO lui'ttaurt1 in U tVb.' "11 pHL-d tiy !iiDtf. IIknni ir A Co., T i ic 71 v 1 1., No fits M.irkia trcct. 4rriHt II.MtTnANFr-IltllWl. ri t'lp 2'Hli of July. lSlt. (it N( 1 riii-wicix, N. J., In- tin' lit . Or. I'-vrv, Us-v. t lli.KI 1011 J II A K lit NXi. to Ml-s ANMK ilK!t(l, tin u lit mi (tn- k ;!ir i;iln c.trK.vnui i. IIOWK KMcl'l'lt- -vt i'.ic :'. -t o( July, hv thu lt.v. ) r KHliU'i:. Mr. it.(Mh.K Y. II ) ,VK V . " t. Ih I.ly.li; Ki"'l:l'i;it. um tiai'ktitur oi" hdvaru ik.ar;i.r, 1.7t;., ol fliif titv. Ki Altl, T JA.vr.i On tlio V?th Hsu.l.y fio l m A lixuiiilM- ll.-nry JLatvo i I nilmMiiliU JAMiJd.ilt 1.1.1 (t J.i iiitMdii l -iwii'-lii i, lur-. t i u mi, t't , t i It. VI III b A i JAMKV of It.'.illa, i'u. WU KINS tN-CA VtiMH.lt. -On the 2iCi lu t.t hy Itev. , IM nm lU'iii, ht tin l inuiv Ai. i:. i lr.r. li ';ir-(..tint- l'l II U W. WU.lilNSliN to CAVii-S-la.U, ftU ut l hiiftaelpUio. MM. TiKNNKTT.-On the Tlth lint, LYDIA AN5f BEH K i. I t , in the Wtta year ol lir . Ibe retftUvuit mid inenJyi tti fkmlly iiro Intitod to ftttt nd tin tumtrftl, Iimio tlio rold.'fu-n (if lirr oii-lu Ittw , lilliini H. llflviTHiu. N. K. curuT ('ott't and ht. .Idhn tnetit. on Monduy morning, ftt ltt u'cltuic, witUuut further notice. Tu proceed to Lurvl 11114. I.t AM V. on the lith luituut, ftt Cbfttttiaoutv Tonn , Mi ulPimnt U1LLIAM II. LLAJat i , of Mut-tufUlli I". H. Iidftutry, HM'd id yt'ftnt. MII.NK. 4n WednoRdftr morafnir, July tllh, lrtll UAlliA H., wife of 11 AN Lis MitNL. ItuCKAKKLLAK. -n Turndfty uvcniu;Mho'2fIth lint., ANNU O , ouly dftug titer of Mary M. and tUe uie A. J. JtorkftiHlMr. 'lho irteiitU of the fftiiUlv ftre hivited to ftttonJ the I uiu-ml, Ithout furttier iiotlc1. mini tier late runlileiic, ho. I' 49 Wftlliice utrurt, on Maturdar fttturuoon, ftt 4 oVIock, tu p rott ed to Laurel Hill Cemetery, HI I PLUv-On Tuondfty, 3iitn lnt, Malor A OIL. RlTl'Lr K, Heventy-eecutid Keniuiunl runnyWutiifi Volnnteer. ftod W veftiv, ot dle.. reMiiltlnx ftoiu Voutitl lenelveU at the neuuud buttle of KrederltLiburtf. The relutivei ftod frlenda of tie iftinllv nd fU. J ot n'i I-oJk", No. 11&, A. Y. M., the I'hUfttlelphU Hose L'ou- r.av, the Aitlllery Portia of tne Wa-ihliirtoo (Iroya. ami he meuibernof the Hrventr-eecond Ufulmeiitriow In tlio city, ere rettiieUuily Invited to attend hie funeral, iroin hia late rtwlilenue. No. 1W S. Twelith at rent, ou Friday ftiternoon, at 4 o'clock, without further notice, THOMPSON. On the i1fh lnaUnt, 8AUUKL II., younyeat on ol laaeo Thompaon. Hut rein Uvea and male trtcn-la n1 mmlMjra of forv eordlft Lodge. No- 47, A. Y. M , and Kiuelalor Murkx IxMUe, No. ftre respectfully InviUnl to tteoi hie tunerftl. lrtm hlute reaidv-nw, No, III farrUli atroet, ou fWturdftr- MUi ltit,at I o'clock. WOOlH'Of K.-On the Mh hut., MTCY, daughter of Thnmai anl Mary Ann Woodcock, ftned o tuoitihi. The relative and trlundt ol the fnt jily are n-ouauttuilf Invited to attend llih lutivral. troin the niaM.-ure ut' hr pftreuia. MIIUt a tree l, UvriiMutowu, ou Huuday aJWr Docu at t o'clock. WHUKKLL.-On WMnwuUT, July 7th, ftt th r-dt-nce or Hrnnuel K. Kiftur. Montgomery county, J'JUH K, VVOlthifUA. in the It to yer of hia g. FUSINESS ITEMS. CHILLED IRON SAFE THOROUGHLY DRILL-PROOF, Throughly Burglv-Froof, THORIUQIILY riEE-PROOr. nil-: i. art r.iHTios or I) A. V I I EVANH' EOOEBAOZS NAILED TOTnEOOUiiTT HfiaA tl. -lnHiiiij,y Ti)M,Ht.H r.riti iiMt., Itvicvrot. T,. ''f ;. , leTt Kftna.of the flrtn of Kvftna fti."-." uji , tn ' aiy uiy rhallenke, aa piiMlnfied in the i rt . u e ti tiut," Why due he continue to blow hii ti,.,mt .1 in fhli way? Himply ocean nf he known the Corn Kx'liai'K l'"' not (urn l uli f l'00 worth nf Hafua ftt thdr evpivtc ffr any auth oh'!, t hfM'jidf mUrd ap tn tin-DiNttcr in any way ; thfroinre he ran blow with Impu nity, lie hu evidently h arried the ieuon that dlMjruten la ihchrtterpartof vn lor, and that it la water to iUhl he hind Iitf attworkk than In the open (If Id i thirctorc will n H i1elati( tiotti iita chHllenirt iliat is. will not mWe It prac tic'. Hi imsi aya Lithe atknowh dgea a'i hit Hatm are n. t hun lar prmif, , I.i I lie art nu vlecri Imply (hia and no mn-e, that a Hfe muni tf tatrly drill prnoi lo o- b rKi.ir-pruot, an.l h vUim i iiirtt In I liilitMi Iron rHAi nr unufuit an I -acrallv, ihotougi ly anu tatil, UrKl-i r nt, and theitltfe curcar-pro- ( . at ili mimi" tune Ullit admllH tnat Ii in p.Ml'Jt a id i vi n i-nibah.e 'hat iKvamoualiy there may be a miTrniitilo Hair ni o Oio oojfliiv eiitlh J a It oiuiit Ut h. l(h tig!i Mi est ( car lh ut to nave them ai uniturin poMlole. The wrtu r h il -n.v he lm hi -en teitlni; iiH' ol Mllte'i 8ft every tnoinin, atxl a he h anierecdnd In drill ing a hole throuult It He doea not any trial he line an up pHt'atNk ot tip lr the nccHHlon. and '.nnol prti '.iciti (tr buiffiir 10 i airy wuli h'm; ilmt i.e un a mq eurtiMua preuler &r. ; but not wltiiHtumll'iK all tni it i evi.le it ihe haie It not ftM liaiU ai UNUa't "f hv wo ) I not atie-eor) aa he doe. lie u xt anatTlit hi- hni Urll t-tl UiU hecttn drill any of I.liii1 a. Ihih men- tlou aiul n it pr.tof, and he will navn the opponiinlty lior'fttTr to test hia tfntHkiUi(iHriiUriAcliiiled inn W the anthuttion ut ihe politic. 1 tit wn.ir next liitrudim-fe ft hill of eale of one of IJIIU a Haifa tn Weer A ."irai k if, and ptoccfda ( eh w iuw he um-em d In dui'liiK them to mi an vitiriii;;e tnr (me ol hvmta A VS a i'in a Me hh h I'm tililm-jit ' I rib m. ' (' AlHrch a, iNll, tell Into their hainU (ilmt tn, that he, i av d tvaim put It Into tl uir limiua, wUU n iiiittluc'l rt'iaci- nit tit ti.e tui rtiiiK (f the ftmrt HutiAe In Nnvadu oiinty, 1mm a. Me )' rsftyt hy tldi arcuiint the 'oiri lloae witi burned tn th M mil utei. ine'Jn r it . Ilo.oon m aficin hi . anf all tbe coin tuts o one of I.ihl s rue mil Hur-lar-l roof Htlt H.iiiiitl Unit thif utrt.ftnelit liulutCd .Vie an. Veaer Ncrankle to make their t x hano. The itllownii certlhciitfi will ahow how rotnpletely M-Mira WtnttrA rt,.runkle wero duped; and .iltiiniwii I iav io Katn hHk in am l'ie irrtutett eitor'n to dupe nttitrst, bf.ih lu tho city ai d country, by Keureily rtrcuUt n thin mtjie laUe ata'tiiicnt, to my knowletiee tula It the only liitli e nt aurrena, over wtleh II would aeoin he In liow dihpi sed to exult, even at tlie expense of thu party tliiu duped. 'Ihe ahove atatement was made by one Itnm, waa nli-oliiM Iv tnlKe. nid l-'t it pnil h- a ! maker lu I'hU arfu to oMniii It, ulid I liuve no doiiht liavld K.vans knew ii whfii (e rlrriiinU'd tint paper, at cou titer cei tol-cait-a wen1 pnhliitietl In the Chit uo (I'ttiern ahtMit the -n tit time; tientilca. It la hi Iihi! to cireiil'ite and pnhiiali aui h etjit n.eiitH Htiei ttey are ptitiU I km ivn to be lale. I now ojlt-r ilie MHtenn ittv ot the ,ltidxof Ne ad county, antt another proimnei t umiioi hmacity. tomio Hi- wnle tavih in I hia rnai', and hate other crMiniwa ot tie oaiuu criMi nt'ieroii hmid Nm aha, b s H, fehr 'iiry 20, lN.t.-I h'-n by eertlfy thtt Hie ante iiat-il iy 1 . J. Jtm,ii! Tie iMtrer, wli'L'li wm iu (lie Court lh ueo n tin1 til. ht ol ''ei einher H, lh ii, wht u hiiiU 'tiiiri lloiiae Kit htiriiuil. wnnhy me pun-ti.tsnl in XuV'iii her, Itv'i, lu 1 jva 'li . o ti e tViril .atu .'ntiip.ny. irnii ttielr tiKiii.at a cn.-l ol $io oeliM rtit Hit n , atnl wuti mhlililai turod h attnl Ntrlrtt Hut. Coliip-tUV in l.d.Hut v,n- ft kitiAil hft'c, iibniil nv ami ft halt teet hlli nl t wu tet t vtidt. atin) Htootl ttie th e an Hell a utty tittle uf Ht Me W tuid be expc.ed uiiut-r ti e c'M'uuitJ.mv ; it Oiiit.,rta vi I'll' know., ti i r M i re itl.:lit. and Mtkl tate 'ah In i ho noitth-i-at cottier uf fttu! t'oiirt iotihii,a.id the wind blowii-K r-ir.'iiy iVom ihe iionhH t-4i , making It th.i ii ittent place In ihe t-mti b'iiM;n T'hj eale letl ir tin the .-et.'Uni MT v.uinl lt in nm Ii a manner ai to have me lire iijiernc Miul'lar io a ion at e. Hnl i me wdt in the ihe itiitl rul'i-, Ir.-ui fix o t'loi k in the evening ill nine in ln-h next mnrn ii.fi When opein il. we h uiwi pini ttf uiv ut -uey wou-uwi at cariud, btiWlif bulk ot it wt h-pnle E.C. tV ASH, CounlyJudii-. Iowa City, r'ehnmry '21. A- I.. Whine, K i., Afent lor Lilli-a tviic, i;hl ao: 1 lu r wht. m ml you muiu wttodwura liorn the ttit f M- Ko-t, tvturli iu a clmilaroi Hen in dt ti. la atitted t hu ' iiurnt 1 1 a ite oi a pirli' t fiiMictiwl." The wiMtijworiv t tat lit vet iu tntt caie t p rfei t, i-Mfut charred a htite, ioi u fttst ttidnii liny do'ih'ic-a aei liri to It t-y ii-ttiii iho ur iu -v:i-ii opetiei), d ftllowlf, it to h.irn at' er tukltur o-it the c tu tt nt.. '1 here ia no di-ubt hvt K prper iuoineut h id been UM-tl In ui'CiiltiK tht onio, It ci'Uld h im hui h new door, iml with ry little expenao he IU lor uao aijuln.aiid ev ry tllli'ii In it pn arv( U pcrtert. Air l.oa waa lu urutoru.hnt did not Ut Muidelf oe hiiiWll at the t!nii' he k ,v' il. A Co. the le!tr. The oih-rvd htm $'fai iir the old sale lie t.nt( thiithehtd euhtot uiu tune itioiih-iml d.-J.-itB wttti hun. Tie a:ifo s as lift MiP ol l.luii'a.hut i tiual' i1 e I Wond Juft.' Cu IHdl tnakt.'. JUf rob e, triihv, K. r. HKVMOUH. Now vh.:t are tt.e fafth In t'lln cai-r.? Simp!) that the &&ic w aa tn t LIMie t. bt t made in J'l i the U oria Siiie (Vh pui . when th yufed rlic brick f.r thiliiK, ami m: lu-id' a'i i.J I f hi w m, ike Sitie.. nod ilft-iU uf iti eont uia hetiik iniined tu anile, they v ere inoa:ly pr-urvci, and w nh pn per i-aio tho whoio in 'wht liuve Oren, and rim --ift'e aa Ii the I eat 1'. huur iiiht ud of ;) minute. Tho la ttn.s in a i Kooi dm k nai.cd to the c u.ittr, 'it nit until t iiM'f bprHijhlf u tie mi. ft thornin'hl dcpeil, and - ery likeiy clheib; aod thals I lie wavtltat IVt id hv-i Incm tfi vcrt ti prove.) Liilile'N M ile not tlre-prooi ; ft-id ior him to t.ny tl,e are not t!ii;;l.r-pioI U mtk th.tu t'ollv, until le canst) inMiuct urn aoro uttviifrt p-ifi $ thtt Uiey iiu.3 am re. d iietK r tuan tncy aid in m eir atie nn in t.ns W( s I'hiledetpi.ta Trtiit rlin-l f'rt'iv I rather iMpi-et hia pr MIH.U nay be rc'iuifcd to iHfiiru their uccetr--n'nj tvef ii.i. I oein lhf4k8unda ldspahh" of the 'Jlth July,theTIif 'm niv liima. rnl'iKrr.v it ui-itiii ilifu ny i rty f.ie aue liuU Kvans I would merely bay tnt the Srte wu in itl er a Uitnk H.ife nt r .;llntj; that I huvn a li tter vol iintiiil'v writ if ti to me h the tJuMlder, euenitfu.7 copy uf the ! tier to hvaen A WAtei. aavlm that tr.ey to ik the ih epj to put)ilti h pun ot it. iu ordi rl' de'-vit j the pu'dlc. T hit cijiy run he seen At my at pot I wooid any H'su. thai tin 'Tloia uii : Itank hao jhat erde.ed ft v t .Ntitioi.-il Jlaiik Silt, L Ilea t'ulled Iron. Uv 'I lua m ettsi no curumeiit. Another Kojrhiick lit. led tu the 1 COillitlT. I hi e, til n. In the name p tper, a mtiu;le't oxtrai t from Ti'f IAi.mm: 1 'hi i i.uai'ii ut April 111, if) lit I .lied, l.iai 1 II e tiiH.v ol ff,.mlet a ,atn Ihli iHtuccI w UK "ilmlel" leit oiti. lu m iorner iiiifuer to thuL aft'clo. 1 in- nilouud tl nt hi i.t'lereui VtftjhOI opuintiK tie i lii'in.n o lie ti t-.re tit'M'riht it wcie ol cuiuuioii (iri'tiT'.'iice H'id w-II kmmn. it ltd wen- mi tt'iitcd ii'id hid hei n pnn-iu ly tptiiili l uil to ti e rhl, ii'l wiil::li ihe s nter to-.utti tt v a " Vwiik-ut to ii uc out to meet his ' it 'e in hf t (isj- ip. i . M. FAlthit. .i ut, N.i.-l H. KVl'.ATll Hireet. i N R. 1 have .itut mtrtvei tn ee:iu-:e I r l.uuc'a Cti-lli (i liua t Urn' l'.viins A uti ill it(t fr.nu ihe ltank ot North ru i ihi'tu and f.nr ltr:e Kvuna v m-r- n n hule In. in iitaiit. Imlav A Hlckiii-J, lta;ik n; ltlorlr Whif h I thA I M h H Vert low p fj Idititit Mil ilifiu i'i. -I'rotit, at. I ui if. t dt( ive tie- pu.cli 4,r. On ted v.i : tl-fin .'lOf'in I'ro i. aa I in'c'it .::end ti.ivid 1 .in ni.il I hiiouln in- t.t cer ami d vv'.vv t;e purchiawr. I onhl MtV, !ilin( lli.K I li;O t oil he ixl, and tm ' (KiiUinLf In b li len to nti'lvr et 1 , hi A Wil'vfi mMd wlAcd Kin h , iii exehiiui'i'd t'ir l.tll-eV, wiii. h will ue odem' at heiow uutl tu ( liCiS, bc.idei a liuv;t: imiuL-r ol other mnki ra'. . 1 would Mule fuitherthiitthfieSnf a were iol oNfhatufed 1 l r I.lllt'a Mil., on (.cou'ti ot itcrci t-.u-uiaia iU-iy J re Lire.? minf the taunre. ot Kvana A A ttj.-ii j S.ih-. or f t' i i. hut iiiip y fiitiu this '-i-:! tlt.it li t u v'H. r .i t uinre ntlrtei re ;f niie-iind-oi.e-tNilt" 'o twn inrhee th'-'kof. clii;id iron. ih-n ime-M-.te. nth lo one twelt h nt un hm-!i thi k t i-I.e. t In. ii ua a prk'tn-'if ti ai ;in:-t et.ir tire .ir II f l.i.rtltr. M. C. tSAHl.Kit ;iii .oi. 4-r4 ij .J l;l:irk 'I vns. A fiotth liiiporiatlon, liy the pa kni orpoun J. Juit rvveh tut ty IiAvih A' Ut. ia:.;, A i -h and Tenth street a. I- 4. M'tiHiiinn V i , Mfm:farltiiCi i t Nu una l.')n l'-ti C 'l'ti'd'o'ia, imoud Tat-'e.. tlytolKte Cantim la, Cn ains. Lu Mod Ut 1 ar i, t MjiU-iti-li lliivuri d. llO li.tfd .UliUitll AltiOtnh, fit- , A.T No. ilo t.'j.i -.lint atrv t, Ii'Iim' I "our b . Rlv I- A' t v. RUCK, k vo:i CABINKT OUOAKS. BTECK A CO.'B PIAK08. j. k. nom.il. fiavautti and C'tie.uui atroata. INVALIDS AMD CONVALESCENTS. JNVALII'8 ANU I'OXVAI.BlCF.SrS. Juvallila and Convali-.Ofuta, IBTalldl and CunvakauinU, FF.MAU: TN IIKMOATK 1IKALTH, Fl'JIAU'.S IN llKLK'ATK IIKAI.TH, KKMALKS IN IlKUCA'l'K IIKALlll, WlU Und our Will Aud our Will Hod our taiiJu.aia Vflnea, Callfiimla Wmaa, California Wtuoa, California Wlnaa, CaUfAirela Wtkea, California Wlaaa, ptcrUarly vaniatla lu all caaea of laaa-uorand grsatproo- tratkia of auima-U. Ai.lt Aa Aak Auk Ak 'Ak lira. Murtellaad. Aik Aak Aak Aak Aak Aak Aak Aak Auk Uoboard, Jaflkaoa, (of Uit PennajlTKla I'oiviiraHj), llarlng, Sereva, Orovaa, IlartaborM Schuula, WlUmma, HarUa, Maidhard, Vlliion, llndal, Vlnal, Poo.ly, Noble, Knorr, MajlauS, Turner, and other leadlnt pkyalclana, what they think of th. Beadi inal vlnoaaof Oallloiula Wional Thaae (entleaaea pre frlbe our brand,, and aaaura ut of tlie Bmeflu palMutt Tocutve from their oae I CALIFORNIA WTXB AOBSCT, iyM-lm Vo. ii rttTH ttnei, auovt ObetnuC ' l'ii;. V AP OS A bA-tMK f ftt gAY?- JULY 27 18 .INO R M r O II I V II. Vo t S. SKM.NIH Rtrwrt rKS, MATIKEflHF,, . .'IIot, anrt rtn1t. it.lrtl, nol.Hri.UH. AST! PILLOWS, I AND IKIIN tlt'.liHTKAIS, HI KINO IIKIll ANI1 COTH. erl rimOTa'Int atianded lo with aare 'IS m;v Street CSK. KSTA 10. W A I It A T ,lllarli d Cancel I. yCCMso TO W. HL CABRTX. u, tt MARONIO IUM, j Fo. 719 cmSSUT v l rv x o w , 5 - a. rj e. , ' "" CIIKTAINH, A-O M08QUT0 NK1TINQ3. AMUSEMENTS. VrALNUT 8THKKT THKATUK. V hAtlll! AT IHlMlf. 1 br far-faBii-d HANKIiRK AMI TKOt'PK Will open te iitwr 'nmitlr on MOMiAl KVKNIMI. Ju'r?'.. And roi.tlnuo uvtry aviumft drir.f tlie waK.tntrn duiiiia tra I1KST MINSTKKt. fXRI"S In tlio Unltcl Hlittav. B Mil" ol the liar. liua uien daily lor aala of TtrttaU. JvTT-tt" ( i KOVHt S NKW ClIl'.SNUT bllKI VJI TllKATUK. IIHANI BK'lt'P'MNO. WKIiSKM.AV K KNIMI. Jl'l V J7. first time In ai yar in rin:nft'lphla uf Uif trand r, Diantlc, musical, t i t acinar .Tr una, AI.AI.IUN, Hit Till: WOMiK.fftri. I.W1". PrrfctntPil, atler tliraf nioiithit' ac-tl.t preparation, In a n Ir il rNPIIKi:KIKNTl:r M VIlMl'lCltNCK. licplet Willi Maa'i'll'-enl ttrnii-ry, lli-autlliil llali.-i M, Siipoib Co.tiiinei and Propcrllas, Wondi'rliil 'I raiumrtliutliML, (Jiuii'1 M irniii-a. &e. ItcsiTvisI Rpala for iHle throi dayi In lulratKH. DKLIGUTKL'L EXCLKSfONS on ii'a KIVKIt BtMl II Tt KILL, fie meami r IIKMKUAI. IIHOKKII, now runiilni from t'aliineiir.t iu tlie I alls of feciiUN iklU, will leavo Fairmouiit ap IoIIowk, vl.: At 7 20 A.M. , AHOnf. M. H iii i ;!! Tn-ifl " j 4-in "' li lll P. M. 0U " Fare from Falrmnuiil tn Fall, of Sclmylkl'l. l-'i rentu; C.liiti.Ma Itrld'O, Itclmonl, and l.nurrl Hill, lOctMi'n. J-'."-.t p.FTr A M l'X( "UKSION TO CArE nW--fc- - Miiy. 'Iho htmiM h and rmniidedie mi tin i AUMi.iTIAN. Catitiitn K. A. Hthtr, w ill make nt. mud fr .enrslon tu i'upe .Mriv.on S T('lil V V, JnlT Id. leav h'K Art-n all eel H hart ut ! n'rlnrk ; reinrnlnj, will lenve ape Mn on Mot.cIii.v. nt .j n clock. I'ttru fur the Ket(Vtf.n, three dollnrs. (,h"rlA.e hire extra. jSl :n .Ii W. k. truvv sh r. A"ont . TilK MAI tii'll AM) COMMODIOUS STKAMF-tt MAIN 11 A'i TAN," C A r T A I N E. A. It Y T il K R, Of the (.'apt- May Line, ta now miking har regular trip tft CAIVMAY Ic.ivIi-k AKt .It Htrt Wharf. oery Ttieadny, 1huradAy,and Hnturday ut nine o'clock; r"iuriiiru will lenve Cape Miiy every Mon.lnv. Wcdneaday, ami i' rhl ay tit ha:t-put eight o'Licck, tf)ti( liiii: at IS'uw (.'astln ')ing and returning. 1- are '; carriage hire liicluded. I'hililren l.aif price; curri-igo hhe 'iichided. 8 rvanta fr.'-O; carriafte tiire extra. Fr-li-lit t lrw rute-i. No fn :ht received fiftor H o'clock, ar.1 li ail ciset uiust bo pteitd. jx'.'l-tf JOSKI'H A. RTKWART, Ai;ent. CtJlMMlClt liXOUHHlOrVH, lttOD tOEl) KATIES, v to Tim tinrAT Coal, IroD, and L'lmlier Eegiona Ol' PENNSYLVANIA. TICKETS GOOD TOR TEN DAYS. Civ inj;' amplo time to visit endt point of Interoat on the rouio. ..sr. The Catawissa Railroad,si.aaCnKerTrain, ,, , , . . ' alwve I'homp- lluvtitft perfected amin'omenta with Ooii.Jl,vttlj ni will Untie h I l.HloN TICKLTS irum I'hlUdt.l.u.ift , ' the loili'Wlm lout; riil'.arlc?pri!it and Hea 3inc Railroad To UeadlajT. Sthuyl h til fluvrii, Ahhinnd, Maaanoy l-ity. and Tamaitift. Cnta winta Italln ad lu Butumlt, McAuley Mminta'a, CaLv wir.fa.laipert.DHnvlllc, Mlton aud WlilUmaport Lohlxh and Wrthaaoy, and lleaver Meadovr HaUroada To lllaok t'rcolt and Aiuucli Ciitink. Lehigh Valley Baiiraadr-To AUentown.and Iti thlehum, and the North TenuiylvunlA KhIIk a.l to rhlHideliihla. J or variety And in-uudeur of acenery, thia route preenh , pe ullar liicuceiuei ta to tourtata. 1 hone w1ah.li.fr to do ko, niav ti'verae the route by nhUln luK llck ts to at art over ti.e North t'enuj-yh aula lUUroa4. F A li K, tBlo. I ukt'tfeCAii bo ohtiilned ftt the Depota of the PhllfUel phtK and licaOli Ituliroad, and Murth runnaylvfti:la Itafl road (.'otui'MUH-a, uhd of IV. VATV 1IOIIX. TICKUT Alltsr, M. W. CO UN Kit SIXTH AMD ( HEdtfUT 8TS. I I altia aturt frem fhltadelphla aud Keftdinu mit atB'U A. M. and S-.'lu 1. M., and Inun lSorth ltimlvanl road Dtpotftt 7 .. M and 8 l',audMf IVM. lyrt-Ktut t.t T li V JIOUT Ji to whkesbke, KORTa FENiiSIIVANIA KAILEOAJ). TIME AM) DISTANCE SAVKB1 EV 7 A. M. FAPUL8S TRAIN, fllOM THE NEV 1)1.1 OT, TlllKD M'KEET, AHOVP. TIlOMftOK, AIlltlVlNH IX WH.KI'.SIIAIiBF. 2'M P. M. KKTURNINa, I.i. ur WII i;!"ii.Ai:E at 1 P.M., ranking clone two r.riioi.iii In in .'lii-iii tvltli Ni.itli Pinniivania Kxpreat Iruln, IU..1 aiTivl In I'lil niltlphl. at If. M. ! a K y i. UACOAQE CUKCKLD TUltOUIiH. jjiis-m A (1 E N T. VILLAGE GltF.EN SEMINARY. MILL V tary lloartfliiu Hrhool Ileulii. Hi'pu-iober 1. iVrnie vry lumti rale Tiiorouuh oour.u In MattiHiuutic, Lan BiiaiiL'i, iiKllah HtlnlUiii. Ac. Piiill. have bciitMlu of a tioaii. Irmrtii Hl IVKNiin, In fturveyliixand I'lvll ttiiKluoer. lllK. lloya of all a,ua taki'n. Adilrea. fur CiitaloKiia, Jtr,v, il, nr,.i ci Dllio J))6-lin VIIUku tireau, liuluwaru Co., Pa. riNE T 1MB EH AND FLOORING I Hoard.. let iiu k. North rarullua Yi lkiw Pine Timber and U)tiiOO f-tl Yellow Pinn Klooillix rW.arila, to arrive per achoouer Cliara," from Hcauiort, X. v.. for alr by , K. A. Hur'liP.U A fO.. )c'C-6t LUCK HlrMt U'hurC OKf, BOXES D. STATE DETERSIVE SOAP. tJU Itid hoxt a R ayiilouo Hiate Deteralru Houp. h'Jft boxe. Orlalna: IlotKr.lve, boaoa Hliouann'a OUie. 'ii hoxea I.lnrn SoaD. l'io boaoa Aiaencun Caitlak, 40 boxa rvnuh CitMtlle. AM or any pari of wulch I will aell under rnrrpnt ratea , J. PlIWr'.K. )yja-12t Mo. If. 8. WATKK Street. ATIRF.N OF BEAUTY 'itIIITB VIROIN Wai of Antlllea le the twin pern preparation of lie ate, ror b.aulirylnt. wblleiua.-. aua pruevrvuiif me CoBtvlxton. it W made from pure Vf blie Wax, heuee he tMraordlnary qoaUihia for praearr'aa the akin, maliou It aofl, auMKilb, flilr, and IraDapareuL H ourt.8 chanpod hand, or Upa, reiuovoa uluiplfce, o. Prtoa 'It and to cuait. Haaola.lnr.d only br UCM r CO., I'.rruawm, o.U B. liruUTII rit,. I dooraaiiove i hemut, and . JU-ltt HvflM S. BtVtTU Stnoh RAILROAD LINES. ltj(;t ARKANOI MENTR OF IO! I lofM. tiw iiiiik II.FD. It) i. 1 b. f'annl.n ana Amhnj and Phiuarlr.hla anil TrHiit..n BiillrnAil V' Ripanie. Lin., from rhllarielvlila to ew York aud W ay I'larra t'UM WAI.HCT RTHKET WIIARr, Will Irave an follow., vl. : FARE, At A M.. v,a raindrii nndAmboy, C. and A. Ai'- rcmmrilallon f J J', Ai H A. M , Tia Camd.n and J.ray City, Mornlnif K'l't"" ' n Al k., Vlacamit. n and J" : At VI l . vta CHiLtl' n and .'110 In. r anon At 1 P. M. la vr: PAKTP.Kra aii i'"'m'.'.'"' T,IK NKW ncf-'ita it i. iii' AtiP J i I ,I.ri li Ui hAM.lM r) t ii'm. I M l R N'lVF.L ii .. ar .. I .I CPI PPtCfl B'J : 2-- tt .?t BUI.EB! NEW STYLE 3 1 1 HUSTIC Il:AMES! RUSTIC FRAMES' C. - mt I PUTS TO II 3 01) .All PITOHKK'H, J-ili.t Un. HO O'lyNI'T iiru tAmi'l'AHV 1'AIIttlt BTfEEOECaPIO AND CARD PICTURES nr n ii a IMr klllli OP FAIlt llllll.JINll. PITC51 n ; s, J JK-thlft W. RflH CIIKSNUT Street. flNIST COLLECTION IN THE WORLD! CAItli, MPHinM, AND tMPP.RIAI. M loToaitAriiM. IVIO (,'ClltN to 1 (. .a?l 1'iTOHKK'S, Jy'.Hll lJt No. MOM CIIK-iNUT Btrt. ItIIOTI XiUAI'H AMIUM8, fiO t nts t sall'IMt. I'lTfMIKR'S, jy-taslt No- CHPSHOT Slrwt. Al A'.IMIHUI IIAIIIT.R ! CEMl'S. m to " 21 " "!!!i;'.-.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.i-i 1 1 en r it a No. HUH l'llr:hMI r Mrerl. I.I hi. IK !HH V iiiM'IUS i A I . I AIIY H 1 1111 . I'tll.kwii N NATIONAL LOAN AT Interest 7 3-10 in Lawful Money. COll't NS A TT AC I II'jI , ANU INTEREST ''AYALLE EAfJUSIX MONTHS. Tlif prtnrlpr.i u payable in litt tui mcnoy, tl Hie tivA of tliroo j cars. Cr, the holder lit tlio rlj;i:t to demand ut that time TLe 5-20 Eomla at Par Instead of the Cash. Tttta rrtvlIfhT valiinhlr aa ths Ilond ftre our uiot-t pn.ular I.vun, aud are bow sllli'g ut elht prt rent, premium. Hot)citptlcn-' rt'Cwt in tht tmial manner, and the appeal and prpixmli. of tlio Secretary of tlio Troasur, toft tht r vttu unr Circulftra, and alt octiarj lnfirma lofiowlll be furMi-licd on application at ourofTloe, JAY COOKE & CO., jynv-Wt No. 114 H. T11IK11 Htr.M.t. J) E O T U S A L S FOR LOAN. Till Asintv l.Kl'AlttMRNT, July 25, 1H6I. 'o:. I. hrre'iy eiveu that bubbcrlptlons will be received 1'jr.iO Trrnattri.- of the United States, Uit several Analat ; rturort, und de.ltnated be poslteries, and by the p.'lt11 Bank dcnlirnated and quallfiod aa r.epotittnrit- and FtiiAnclltl Ai.t nil, for Tieatiiiry Note, payable three tore from Almost tr, mr,4, bearing Interest at the rate tf ai veil and three-tenths ptr cent, per annum, with semi annual coupnnB nttached, payable In lawful money. Tliiatinotca vlil be convcttlble, at the option of the lioldcr, Kt mntur::, into alx per cent, gold bearing bomla, redeemable att'.r live and payable twenty years from AUKUBltJ, lBi.J. Tbe.c notes v .il be iiam-d in tlio denoinmatloni of llfly, one hum rt'd, five liundrod, one thou, and, and five thou, sand doll., 't, and will be uieurd tn blank, or payable to order, as may ti- ilrc-ctcd by tlie aiib.crltiers. All stthnrrlptl"n i tnnvt be for fifty dollars, or tome mul tiple of fifty dol. rs. Duplicate cc: Hit.Ips will boiM-ted for alldcponitt. Tlie party dcpohltln. iniii.t endone upn the original certificate ti.e denominat!. .u (if noto. riHtiirt d, and wbetlier tliey aro to be isbued in t nnW or l arnble lo order. Wbea so en dorsed, tl must he loll Willi tlit otltror recelvliiK tlie de posit, to be forv :.rUi-d to this Department The noleswll liatrunauil.trdto Hit owner,, freeof trans- piitatlon char' ,nbtiHn alter tlie receipt of the otia-laul reitlfltateinf il li s lhe csn be prepared. ItiUitst will I alluwcd to Auiru,tl& on all depv.lUmade prior to that da't. und will be pal 1 by the Iii-partmeut upon receipt of the o, i inal ccrilllcatra. An the notea Oruw tnttrcbt from Atucu&t 15, pi.rnons niak Ing deposits suliM iiixnt to tint date mutt pay the Interest termed from di..e of note to date of d.-po.lt- Fartlos depo,.:li'i;tweat'llve thousned dollars and up ward, for Uie notes at any out time will be slowed a rommlskkiffi of one-quiirt.rof one pircent,,wlilch will le peld by this dv Httinrnt upoo thu rectlptof a bid for the tinounl.ctrtimo lo ty tlie ofllcer wi'h whom the deposit w us made. Ha omluct'ohs for c.minlsions tuust be made fttmi.the d. posltr. Officers twtiv'ii d p4its will set that tho proper en dorsements sre it ..de npon the oriinvl cerilActvtes. Allofflcors autlioried tt receive deposits are remiested to nlve to tppllcauts all di-sixed Information, and ailbrd facility for making sub-erlptlons. Y. P. FKB.SKKDEN. Secretary of the Treasury. Subscriptions will be recclenl br the I'ltlST NATIONAL BANK Of 1'IULADELPIIIA. KKt'ONI) NATIONAL 1IANK OK PHILAIIELPIIIA. TII1KI) NATIONAL HANK. OK 1'IIILADA. y7-lf ri'llE SUBSCIIIBV.US IIAVK ASSOCIATED J tlioni.elT.s together uuder tht drra of B.ll.rOM, VYKE.MAN CO., and will cuiulnu. tho Car Hulldlruj Biialnes. In all lis branches, at the old establl.liiisaoA, CoIilW. TWatTI-fLBlSI tad HAMILTON Dlreeta. ' JOi.Kl'11 H. HOI.TON, OK I III IK It. IltsUsAtAI, (yl-lm O W. CU1LDH. 1) A T IV I O T I C MEDALS. PATRIOTIC UKDAI.S. Ad aooeptabla otlerlng to tvory 1'aUlol The only torrect aud aultiorui-d v MKOAXiJOll UKKKESSliS tit PKWIDBNT IJNOOI.at. OfcMtKAL OrtOllllB WARHTNOTOX. UBLTKNANT-tlKNKRAL OKANT, OKNKRAL I.KOKcK H. MutT,HLI AW, ttannfaeturtd la Hterhuii eiUrer aud Copper and Wlutt Metal. Maniple sent by ball fret of charite on rocetpt uf sUcentt. Axsule wantud. K. HPKNUt.K, Itox MW1 PhtladelpbU I'oal Oillre. Vanuiketarad at So. Cv3 AltCU Strott. )y-lia OUN OH 1, CABPBNTBH ANB rTn,T)HR, Mo. 'ilj l.olKIU RTBK1VV. A tamt foret of kiuldlnt ueUiaalct of all atwaytiaaaud, p.wiui '(ON SALES. RAf; iuCTION ROOMS, No. V 1HK I.IiVaT iiVINtlS, NI MTII'KIRAPIH t l'l S' 'wmr m Prl.l ai- Menu ff . ff.rinl.(f Irttnar 11 h'Hirapha. r iitV n n r - W MKK UKV TOklRI. A "rnlia'-Hti ami Nh dtft em. Iafx Mermrj HtftrtM HtTe,iflL!il . AITUON t A L K OF CUDBM.NBI? U.aftt, tx WK Df rt-WFITT, taAi.r lraaT, W 4 fUlUTN. U. i . etylr 4 r14a wu re Prtifl odd ir aiiC'ion. io v.m autuen ;mjr tttf t anil p i A a nutPft! t tl- I l.r l n li in. . III! II' "M SUIT i.i-wh. I V 11.1 I MM tiKT. fa , 1 IU h-HAT, Allrui. H , ' III aNl'i;.! (Ji'O CAVAI.I.. H(r.ltM ftt Kf A. t 1btt ff-. ea tare hwn cond,nin' ft unlit fft'j fnva.ry a"r-f- e of th irm;. F"r r.- sv. ar.J Uroi putpoaea many $A targaJnj of bat1 llnr a aoiu tiirtv'f Tjiru-a aar . tn Unlt-4 Bttfif'un,r"T. J Wl f A. FKIrt, T 1. fjf iltttiint.f' nlnr.al T 1. 1 At l , t. i,f-1 it UIJT J- IVt Cavairf HurftftO. 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. A MPKMNflOKTHK filOCXIl LIV -TI" in. of 1HK l.YiiOtMH A V l W I t,K K ll V ft M HAH ltd a I AMi HKII. I IK O'iMPA -iY," f.r a-i t of Oriel's and llriiom. tt ti bt mi Nn IM F'M It 1 1- ittv", on v t.i'SKin Y , t f inn, (( Aiiua . al two a v rk I . M t UriHA It i os, . ft tu , July '', lMrl, j i -JHihatu'H rVPtr-ttry. tn to voi.rNTi;Kus.-.5-'5t hountt. TtTK COMMIT IKK, N'. 4.- WALN1 I MKF.ir, Jvlf 2ii. !". AH fon prnpoxlnB tn voliin'onr, wlitl( r Ht t lrntt cr exi-irpt, can i-n l-t lup virntti KiMttlta. . t 'ft a-f entitird to th tiovprn -uMit H.itmt j- or IlKHa) f IIDM'KKH l 'I LAKS fnt ii.rcr. ynr' ml Mir,-ii. a d. In ftocltion. tlda t't'DimU're wi I av ti iln t rrruiTtil M tl . Ir c.tticc the Ctt H u ty of two Ht'h'McKu AMI KI1TV i l l.U.S a dOSf. HI M'R1 ! 0.,K frij tiHir pnn. ipui-. i hiy wil thu receive, In all. ru.X IIU)t- pprliAMi tlr f T l k , 1 )ii pa mi tiln ct ttie riimmitti e are made Ir Meu, on tbe iny f niu-t( r. and. a U ohirrl i tr nld In raltt( fnopft ttd fhtttR the u n ota of the rltv Uinrc la no rha ue orca tn1i'fin or bntki-rayf . yipiv at th"ortUe iff tb C'ommtO-.Vtweiii 1ft v fcj. and J. V M, J. O. l.tMl'Mti VKTKN, )y-JfV it Iraaanrer. 3T- ItKVKKSKNTATIVK HKCRUITH. bZl ottii fi i It'm-na' Voluiitrcr rMttitute t'oumuttmi INtV 4'.'5HLNI'I MlM-a',,Viiljr dcti'lfinpa net UiOIp tc draft, ami l-dlei wl.o desire t put Into a-ric HcprpePiiiAtive Krciura. are Intoi ue-ift tnat llila omnlfte wl I rndi-uv.ir to prm uie theta, im r-rvlpt ofoK MirvltKf lMi,L.1r4. whi.-N U pid the leiruU tn adtltlon t ihe ttly aud ttovtriuiuiii DM tlei. Ai-the War I(-paitTunt t'fta dacldi-d t pay ! aurh r cruir 'cr tlif e ) i-ara tl o Viutrd i-ti a tiotint? nf thrt nntidnd He Inri-, tlii-i ti. up rvu: ivr tn all bl liHl)KHa AND MM1 LAKS. Th' until-.tic cf Ixith acirs wtll tliua be ennhtod. at ft moilrrati' ejtpmillturv, to havt? ilirnifct'lvi i rpprc-entod la tie nrinli'H ct thr I'n on. aud t ftld tde tMiverDnieiu ift Uia inot Mltrli-i.t n. ah iter f . O. RDHKXJARTKN.Tranft fsr. rpr- OFI'ICK OK THK CITY BO U NTT Fund ( rtn.iuUston. No. 412 PKtfNK Mtropf rnder tl rail fur T-exipa nf July IS. w-4, the OlTT iH N'l Y hi I be pad aa follow : 'lo Itcrrutta dalr mai lt red Into iln -en n-e ol the I'mti d Htaiea ftd crtxllted am the nuota l theCttyrtt I'luladPlulila : t 'lo kfrri.it in uhi cirri for On Yi-ar One Hundred Titlara, To l(ti n.lta muatert'd tor Two Yeara, Two UundrnJ I1. lAlh. ' Tn kt nulls muttered for Three Yeara. Two Jltndred ftni l-iliv llollMr.. l'ri j.pr c rilttraiejt or credit to the city muat be fll4 la , a-lvncci- with tl e I oinitiMiaarH ttt. hTptoi'-e. a I'tJnt IphI- piardiK Mutiiltuce In aervlre will be pa 14 la the mine. n aimT. It- oid'T ot tlie Cotirnla.oifc. j.M.t HolihKl l. MOOKB, Jr., derrftitwr (frT TO THK VHYSICIANS OK PIIH.A .Mpnirt 4 .rut If men uf ihs r a ulrjr : Having cob fiti it( tt ar ii pin rut u (lit- rirt Hud et .L one ev-r broasiht ticote il'i' oiftUt dl proit'Ktitmi thai may be imed wlm per iect tiAiety us h thi r( etititui i.i m In the tttmimeut mf In-ati ef., j ti ftt luti am1-, and in at- aifeeiHina of the air patMii.i'h; Hod hs It le welt known to you and tn puoitft 1 1 i.i t I have icr )cin had tl: lrtet.t .rac lie f ftny nir-. K'iDnttit I niKd.tHteit in il.e inatm jnt 1 1 the naift-Ol-f. and. cf ne(iitjiitlv, I have had HtMiiu'Aiit opunrtunitteaj ct lestiiut the etlu ot ray atiftUN, I, ti eiefore, fur tl akeot ill iio-riH of tin dn-iil -c.i-nC", Invite ou to mf othce. to n aae r personal eft niiiHtlort of It wonder ul piopi r i ard mlHptlbiilTv to tht cure ot thoe diaoaiO ao4 lurtherumc ol 'medlcui it enre. A. VON iMOSCHZISKrn. M. I . I lonhst and Aur'at, j?f tf Ko. 101 WAi-NUf Muet. rjJT" OFFICE CITIF.NS' VOLUNTKUTt BT'lthTlTUTK COMVIITTKE, No St W ALU DT Hteet.July I.. 1m4 Tula Ooiniirtux- baa UK HOYl ta Uo. 4W WALNUT Htrri't, up-aiftla. whe-e It will receir ftppllen'loiu. tnuii cliUua demiiiua to aeeure Kubtiutaj or ripreMMitatlvoa. A pa j meat of Iti'ttt betnde ai the tlmeol npplicaUon.Hiid a pttwiroi atl'imeyto tftvea tor ihe cm Houuty. Suiiatitutea furnlaitd lu the order Of DpMVAt.PU. Veteiaua and allena deitrln to enliat ftt aritil'iitM will appiv to tne Comuiliue, who v 111 hftre theiuy inuatere4 lino n r ico, when thy c.tn aelcct tln-ir own rexiin-nta, lteu e ihe ttountv puiu by ihe Government, tny re e ve from the t'ommliiue -l NtiNIXte ANMTiKrT iH.J.LAUMt Cftnh, nndavnf niUHtvr.wi bout 'hjbtfMom for cuiuiikkh or biokertiKe. iso charge u'mtffTuidU made. Veteran are especially i rcially nsntnd fa the a ir nioatCStftmiit ue ua o i lu a &TTo-f fMi lANIKL MBINM-ITZ, sntnd fa the aerrlee, nnd tnup re-ei'UM on tne i i OtfUdiiJoua. Oitiw ujura troin liANl Chali J I LAHK HARK. ,lOIIN THOMrnoy. CLKMKHr It. I'PtSltOHK, J. tl. ltOMKNtiAltibN. Ireaaamr. JMo ?w Uh.NKY 0. Lb.A.rifretftry. Kir- DKAKNESS AND BtlNDNRSS. J. r? Inaaca. M !.. Poteornt the K-ie anal fcae, trett ftU dlheaaek apprtaiuln! tt me ab)Tj-nani'"d tunntlMira miia) the uimoai nu(xtita. Tuntiaaoniala from (he ra t rehaiii otircen in tne city andcoonir cm. be iwn ftt hia O'ttoe, Ko.lill IMftl K 8neut. Arutlciftl hye insnrunt without pat, lio eharnes made tor examination Otflce bora from ft H UA.M.iJ It.Il'.M No. A1 IMNR treat! -e7-ft MILITARY NOTICES, 8 WANTED FOR THE UNITED 6TATBS Marine Corpa (a varied and exeuli a Ui by aeft ftnal landi, U'ree hundrwj able lo.;ied men. to pertutrm thft dut ea of a aoldler ftt our Navy ta-d, ad ftboftral UolU-o Htfttni utdpa-ot-nar oo forvttjn atfttlona. better comptUbAUon thfta e army. A ebia-of-wftr ft A coratortabift bom Ihe- Wwine C'orne la th bat egutp(H?d C'orpJ In th eurvtoo. I'rU oluuey U ftbun dtuice, THfc I.Of.AL HOUNTtEB PAU TO BECKU1TH. For all (ther information apoly dally at tha Kiruitlna Rendezvoaa . ISO. U 8. fr'HOnT H'raei, below bpruo. m twet D iti houxe of nine aud three o'cli'ti. J AMI'S I.EWTH, Cftptfttn ftr.d Kecnilt'ni.' Orucer, DTtV-tJ kj.iUfl. rtiOHT Htrwak , pURLOUGHS FUELOUQHEL Oh :tn an J soldiers vtaltlcg tht clly it furlough,, attdiaf H W OlIDH. tMoiiita MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ' IHI IKVtTBU TO Tilt: EXTKti.IVB HAMUPACTOlUKa KiTABUoUMBIiT or OEOIIMK W. MIMON841IHO, SANS0M STRKET HALL, 8ANSOU Street, abort Sink. PRESENTAtToN SWORDg Blade to ordtr at tt.e sborteat aotlee, wbloh for nt antes an4 nitK-Biiicenee challeunt eompetittoo, ao other beuae In tba eoentre coniblalnii tie M AMI'r'tTI!ttlSa atVELSS Willi TUK PRACT.nAI. SWOUPJ MS.KFB. Ia4 MONEY, TO ANY AMOnffT, fVdA loaned u I'Uuionda, M'atcut-s, inwtkry, f At Mi, CI. llilim. Ar ,nt ViV J JGM"4 C0 ' OII ERTAHLlMllht. LOAN OfPTClE, i.rnur TU'Kli ami (i thkliL 8trt.is, Itrlow IjOintmrd. V. tt. DLAMOtiTB.W l i'.l Ki, .1 1. WELIIT, OUM9, AO, I'OII N41.I AT KI MAUKAIlLV LOW P1UCFS frt-t X'O DKCFTTION. NO INFERIOR C0AI, A . parcl baoo to olt.-r telow the oobt prlo of a superior a'tlele. MWI 1.1 Ilr'ts, lllii'AM tr. el.alove Kane. , earn side, sous the eeuiilne KAlll.K VK.IN. beat a net I puroil uilueil. EKaud Stove sizes, Sill Lartft tl ut. Sit) per ton. fon.omrr thould maVt thtlr purchases at onre, prt vlous to auuUirr adeance. Ultlta OLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WATER J IlKATINU AI'I'AHATUS. t or Warmlnfi and Ventilating Pubilo Buildings and rrV vatt Kesldeucaa. p Mannfaetored by tbe l TJMOri S'lalAM AND WATKR HRATISO COMPAJTi AI bUl, .I.L I I'll) 1 JAMKSP. WOOD, No. 41 H rOUKTII Htreot. k BhiO-im B. Ii. VKLTWKI.L. Huoerintendeni. Q( W. BIM0H8 ft B ROTHES, BAN BOM BTIIEKT BA1X, PHILADKLFIlLi. MANCrACTUBEHB Of JEWELKY, FINE SWORDS ah )-tf Bti 1,1 tak I uuvira ia e. r & i twbi.. r ' JAMKM II A. Jl is 33 li WHOUBALt AMD BJtlAU. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, B.B. corner BECOJiB and CUIMUI Strettt, rtdlad's. aoaiioi oa tb rtTKBT KQUALlilUfJ TUlatTV-DAY CLOCKS, A verr desirable article far Churches, Uotalt, tBanka, CT'1."AN "A' tTi'i kS OP Tim OOLD PKR8. i LtK K HBl'AIKU ANU WAUKAti Iti). JaU-ly clock Trliuuliits or every deaonptioo. WM. A. GRAY. N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH and kilNOU Huroets, buys iilauuiudt, Watohtt, UwaJ. SUvtr.aud Loan Tleketa. WAWT JJ0SEY, CALX AH business ooaxldtnUal. tayU-Sa) 1