TUB DAILY EYKNltT t ? - lfKH, PRICE TWO CElr. rtiUia. , THIRD EDITION, FROM GEN. GRANT'S ARMY. HIGHLY IMPORTANT $THE ARMY MOVING. THE DETAILS SUPFHESSED iUtt THE PHESENT. Sparlnl to Th irvrnltiu- Trtogratpti. Wahiiinuton, July 28. By tlic arrival of Oio mall boat thin morning from City Point we have Intelligence of great liiteront from Ocncriil Grant's army. To speak of the movements In detail would be highly Improper, and the Government only permit this announcement to I published at Uie present time. FROM NORThIrn" VIRGINIA, IISTKHICHTIINCi NEWS. GEN. KELLY AT MARTINSBURG. NO HEAVY FICHTIIMC. BEBELS HAVE NOT RECROSSED INTO MARYLAND. Washington, July 2K. The latent authentic Intelligence U that General Kelley now occupies Martinsbnrg ; that there ban been no heavy tight tug within the past three or four days ; and that there Is no information that the Rebels have recrossed Into Maryland. i ne tirpiibucan, in an extra, says : "A despatch from General Hunter, to the Gov jrnment, reecivi d this morning, says: 1 "There baa been considerable skirmishing acrofs the fivir with the enemy, the 1 titer occu- ' vi iriF Vallinc Water, nn th V i.ntni. .ilii , .1 our forces occupying Willinmsport, m the Marv land tide, and the contest being for tho river ford between the two places. "Vp 10 this morning there Is no evidence that General Early has been reinforced." The affair at Winchester, In which Colonel If nlligan was wounded, was nothiug more than a skirmish. General Crook was forced to fall back from V nchester by finding his l.ttlc command Hanked pon the right and left. LATEST FROM BALTIMORE ALL QUIET AT FREDERICK AND HARPER'S FERRY, Baltimore, July 28. A despatch to the American from Frederick, this morning, says all whs quiet there. I The news from the front looks favorable. Wc still hold Harper's Ferry, and it is not even menaced. Adams Express Company received an order this morning from their agent there to forward goods as usual. We have a report this morning, but it is be lieved to be sensational, of some uneasiness on the line of the Northern Central road, and tha. apprehensions of a raid were being entcrtnlned. Alan, that orders were jMtied to re-nove all the rolling stock. IE0M BALTIMORE TO-DAY. The Rebel llitlil flews) from Urant. Itpeeial Detpatch to the Evening Trl'jraph, Baltimore, July 28. There is but little addi tional news here to-day from points on the Upper Potomac and Western Maryland. No Rebels have yet crossed Into Maryland. We hold Harper's Ferry, and the Kebels hold Mur tijfcburg and arc elsewhere along the railroad. Some suppose they number from forty to fifty thousand. The general Impression Is, that they Intend Invading Pennsylvania. There has been no fight ing since Sunday. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad runs to Sandy Hook, and the telegraph works to that point. Important rumors here from General Urant. lie is going Into the Kebels. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS, Special Despatches to Evening Telegraph. WiiuisoTOK, July 28. Front the I'pper rotomnr. Late advices from the Upiwr Potomac state tha no new movements of the enemy have been developed to-day. Colorado Jewel I'm Letter. It is announced to-day ollicluliy that the Presi dent has never received nor read any of Colorado J.wctt's letters. rmmrnrrmrnl at I.nlayrtte College. Easton, July 28. The "exercises" of the com mencement week at I-al'ayette College closed yes terday. There were fifteen speeches from the graduating class and two from the masters. The valedictorian was W. P. Montcllns, of Penn sylvania. The degree of Doctor of Divinity was inferred upon llev. G. W. Janvier, of New Jer sey, and Iter. F. T. Brown, District of C ilumbia. The Alumni had a final meeting in the after noon. The trustees have established a new Professor ship of Mines and Metallurgy. I rani 4 ttlilornla. Kan Francisco, Jnly 2.5. Tho Mexican notm- lation in tue southern counties of this State- are ibeniunlug to take sides, for and against M ixl niiliian. A majority of them support J uarez, and express regrets that the United State! did not extend its protection over the KepuUio of Mexico. Charles L. Weller. ex-Postmaster of San Fran cisco, has been arrested and imprisoned at Fort ,.,iiire ni a iuovuuk 01 a ioppeiucau ciuu. ' w . i a .11 11 ' "... ... . .Hi"1 -eiiiT is uuaumau ui uie xieiuocraue otute v;en- 78 M Conimittee. ' The steamer Motet Taylor has arrived. Produce is coming in more liberally. Twe b T. ucm tru is unable, nuiwi 10 aoiuug ai a uc f cJinc of 3 cents per lb. Crushed Bugar 12al5c. Hie steamer John 1.. Stepliem sailed for Man xanilla to-luy with mining machinery and stores valued at 150,000. oru inr ucemru t at Tale College. New Haven. July 28. The Commencement exercises at Yale College are now in progress, liou. Elias W. Leavenworth, of Syracuse, pre- smeu at ilia Aiuiuni meeuug. Hon. Samuel li. Kuggleo, of the class of 1811, then delivered the semi-uenujuniai address beiore the Alumni of the College. The Atlantic Cable. St. John's, N. F., July 28. Tha steaianr ilar paretta Stneiuon letl here this morning for Trinity bay, with Cyrus Vf. Field, to select a place far landing the Atlantic cable. - Arrival t the "City of Waahlagton." Nsw York, July 2H. The steamship City of Wathington arrived this morning. Her advices tare been anticipated. l ire at Hoatoau Boston, Jul v 2a1. A stable In Merrlmac street was burned this morning. JblevvnUvrsesperbhcd in the ttaotvi. ,fi.l sad political fi'niiiR, cuunnoii, i jvcry in weak ; gravitation. There ars tins' districts, In the hmith, imt rot one or tnete m f tintil ctn-ed to do 10. , No South Carolina (-... f"'jt ton Unlwdlinn raw i anv time ex- peeled the cordial co-opc a ' ... r.( Western IriMn'a I ' ' on . f hat Tennpsnen - '.the II. in. Miitcoe 'ii'hmond, so long It. H. On-ntt, wrib ago as IS it, to on , H-.J Cinpira'nrs, ;. , "li.ves in Western f " r the State could , ( , ith the N'ulliiiers d the . THE Nth ion. ""li the contra'7 T? T I""1 funion Mlii'-'l.- GEN. HUNTER -it I GENEEAL CROOK IN COMMAND. CENERAL CR ANT'S VIEWS. DETAILS OF TIIE LATE BATTLE LATEST FROM MARTINSBURQ. Ktr.. i:tc, JUc, l.le., i:to. KHiT (JRNFHAL ORAVr SAVS. Washiniiton, July 27. General Grant tn-dar, In n ply to a telegram addressed to him b llin President a in whet hi rnny considerable "Hiilv of Heliel treops liad left hw front to reinforce the t. ices nndir Karly and llrerklnriilgc, replied that the Ketiel nrmy at Petersburg was as strong as ever, and that be did not believe that any con Mdrrahlt Ion e bad tieen sent inio the valley. No nes ha bet n rceeived here to-night from tho upper Potomac. Tho fords of Hie fitiinehanna nr to be fortilled. Kngincerswcre sent to linrns burg to-day for that purpose. (IKKKRAl lirNTRH St'l'KKStllKll Ilf QEVK.RAL (HOOK. Wasiiinotov, Jnlv 27. The following order has just been issued by the War Department : Was Dm- vhth. kt, .ImIv 2i'.. llnrnl Clnlpr.. No. Hit. I. ItrevM Msi'ir-i IrntrsJ (Iwtrk'fl I'ro-ik i. ,Uv SLU'tie.) hv the I'rw Met t tn lh r .ni'uanil in th. I lpHrtrn.-nt of Wi si viritmi, with il.e rn ami i jt..( Brevet 11 1 ur- liMiPISl. II. Ily dlrrrttoa of th rrr.lent. Ilirrcl Mrtior-Oennral Wllilituill rnu.ry U s.l'lu'il u Um.v sccortlin to his Srrvet as Mu.r lienersl. General Gtant is el earl n 2 out his camp hos pitals, and sending his sick and wounded to Washington. Several hundred arrived here to-day, among them a number of ottlccrs. Hr.l'ORTS AT WAMIINOTON. Wamiiniiton, July 27. It is reported that General Hunter's request to be relieved of his rniuniund has been acceded to, and that General Crook, who had just tieen appointed brevot Major General, suceccds him. Ibe llibel raid uiwnrs to have dwindled Into a comparatively small atlnir. It is understood that the Government is in receipt of information that Hill's Rebel Corps, which was reported to have reinforced Kany, is still at Petersburg, and that the column which has been 0erating in the valley is only a portion of that which partici- fian a in the late invasion. There is a general i cling here that the utl'.iir is about over, and that when tho forces which are rti muff to the sceno of action shall arrive the Kebels will lie gone. It is certain that they have nntrm-sed the P'tomac, and it Is believed that the ovacuation of Martina burg as unnecessary. There is a general sentiment here that prepara tli ds should be made which will tor the future prevent theso di(raceful stampedes, and that an adeqna'e force should lie placed in the valley, and Mich other dispositions made for defense, as will render unnecessary these oft-recurring dis play ot ability and celerity in tho evacuation of Impoitant po-ts and the saving of (iovermm-nt pioperty which has rharaeteried thus far our tccupation of that important line. Xenapnper Accountn. RKIIFI.8 BKINFORCED, AND AGAIN ADVANCTNO. M AKTi.vsnrno, July 2u At length the spell of sili nee and inactivity was broken. Rumors cir eulutid that the ltcbcls bad been reinforced. Tho inlormation came through scouts, refugees, and deserters. At first the strength was statatd as being " a great many," then a division, and finally a corps. In connection with these reports came others, stating that a readvanco was in tended, and that Longstrect would command the whole Rebel column of the Slieuaudoah. At no time was there a disregard manifested on the part of our command as to these reports, and in fact it was but a short time before they were partially confirmed by tho readvanco of Karly'a forces upon our own, and from behind tlit. ir intrenched position at Winchester. OKNFKAL CROOK TAKES COMMAND. In the interim, while lire 'kinridgo was re maining tolerably quiot at Winchester, Averill was reinforced by cavalry under command of Brigadier-General Dullle, and Infantry under (ieneral Crook (now brevet major-general', the latter ollker assuming tho direction of the cpe: "J lions of tho w hole command. IU' ut SKIHMIHH1NO ON RATIRDAV. ol On Saturdar, the 2-1.1, the Rebels manifestem dccideilly 'infrienlly" or iuiinisitive spirit, ro. aovancing noon our lines, apparently tor tha purpose of seeing where we we. e and what we were doing. We returned the enemy's advances by a few vidlcys.and subsequently by regnlar skir mish. Nothing daunted Willi such a reception, the perscveiing Rebel continued to "press his suit," eventually compelling us to seek another bivou acking ground. On Saturday, in consequence of the manner (by force of superior numbers) in which the Kebels threatened an attack, oar cuvalry fell hack upon the main army and pre pared for action. SINDAT'a OPERATIONS COMMENCEMENT OF TUB MArTLE. In the early part of Sunday morning tho hitherto stillness of the day was broken by sounds attendant on the rapid discharge of small arms. This, of course, announced to us that the Rebels were again advancing ; and accordingly a very few minutes sutllced to get the whole com mand In condition to repel an attack. The first demonstration of tiie Rebels was closely followed up by their causing a sharp con flict between our own and tho lteliel cavalry. Soon utter this the Rebels uncovered their infan try, and brought it up in lino of battle for a general engagement. We also formed in line of battle. The movement at this time were being eon ducted ut a point situated about two miles from bunker Hill, towards Winchester. TUB HAT ILK. The battlo which was fought at this place lasted all day ; that is, the engagement which was here commenced was continued until dark, the enemy in the ineauiime having by force of numbers driven oiii men to within six miles of Martinsburg. Soon alter the opeuingof tho engagement, as it promised to lie a serious one, tho commanding general made every possible preparation to make a stund and light it out on ihe soot. But this was MXin found to bo impracticable, because no sooner bad we formed our lines than iho enemy's supe riority in numbers gave him the very easy ad vuutuge of outflanking us. As we from time to time changed front (the tiring both wi h musketry and cannon being at the same time continued with all our etl'oc tive force), the enemy moved up. Every possible resistance to each new and luriher advance was present, d. Tlnf Rebels ftaight with great obsti nacy, and so did wc. They made dash after dash witli their cavalry to turn our Hank; but did not succeed. Some of the charges which they made were promptly rendered abortive. Hut in one grand charge wtiicu they executed, and in which it was estimated that from twenty to twenty-live thousand troops participated, we lost beat ily iu prisinera. Resides these, we lost eitiier four pieces or a whole butterv of artillery. This charge decided the work of the day. Our commanders saw they could d nothing against the overwhelming odds ugaiust them, and re solved to fall back slowly. In the cluu'ge referred to, it is true that our lines were for a few minutes broken, during which time the Rebels took the uri-ouers aud artillery; but the t'uiou forces rallied again, aud Avcrill'a cavalry covered their unwilling retire ment. The day's operations closed with each party In line of battle ; the Rebels advauciug with buld front and our men falling back iu good and per fect order. CROOK AND AVKR1LL. During the whole engagement Generals Crook and Averill exerted themselves to the utmost to secure success; but, unfortunately, the numbers of the enemy were against tlirm. GENERAL DOVl'IE. Brhrndier-Qcnoral Dullle Is reported to have been killed or wounded while at the head of his brigade urging tho men not to give way, but to do their duty like true soldiers. OOLONKL MULLIGAN, ETC. Colonel Malligan I seriously wonnded, and a prisoner in the bauds of the enemy. Just before Colonel Mulligan was wounded a color sergeant was killed, and he, accompanied by his brothor- lu-i.w, iJicoicuni nngent, immediately rode forward to proenre the colors. The Lieutenant dismounted to pick np the colors, and, while in this position, was mortally woanded. Colonel Mulligan was Bounded about the same tine, and, aa is reported, seriously iu two places.. Ol'B WOUNDED. A portion of our wounded fell Into the enemy's kands, Hfid la ttio confusion which now eiti it of common intorsstt of ( yi& U IV NO It W rAind thf monv, If dMtred, aW wtu rati la aii;rMrct. ' ITNE i-un iv CTT I.K"" -VWIS II rilllsAPKLPIIIA, THURSDAY, JULY 28, IStJI. Stsds Of Kr-,' tio.or WUlurwsiMe to get any deflnit inform 'tinn re (tig tin ir fate. That per.nm of our wrm led werean etowak have li-en njul slid are r f put to llm-erstown. There is at tin iim I I. m l.pnu railroad train of wounded umbt rind. ..;Siimii I ni-e:cATToNs m.ihr rmtmvfi. On i li1" M"'! '"r nio-r'iig th Ueb-ls 011 tlfttcd ll'ieTr lv,':f V".'' "luenrewj had a . ""'""i"- Ibe en. or a I. tanced siowiy. Our men "t the hue, I ud Ml I .I t : H ' "ivo falling back preserve! the I" st of oi-. n tronrade movement w Out not .jm way netore tnc ndvani'tng lis?, but ciiiripoot blm to win the ground by lighting lor It. H-istuiv. born was tin. resistance oilered that the enc nv was ronq elled to use his artillery even up to the time of entering the town, whicli is sbont "now" noot the time of clo-lng this despatch. 1 he last lines f. rmed for the dei' nse of M ir tinsbnrg (ami yst not o inoch tb defense of Martln-buri; as to gain lime to get off our rail road ami other tnvn-) ere stretched from ttis Faulkrer residence (the late home of ex-M nis tcr 1 atilkner, ti"w uanipied by Mrs. I'.iacr .ss the Winchester turnpike, to another road hcvnud it. Our lines were but a few yards di-tant l'ro,n the Rebel ones, lloth panics laced ras b oilier in tine sty l. The'ltebels opened w ith their artillery. We replied ; and as ihey nsrd small-nrms, s j we re lumed like for like. In this last endeavor wo gained tun, and in trii'b it wss the savlni; of us. I!y its aid the railroad and wagon trains were i; i t out of the way, the wouuied despavhe 1 In safety, and stoics and other I'nitcd Sttes pro perty saved. Last nit'ht there was a genuine excitement in tow n. All li'ght citi.ens kept leavinc, genera ly going towards Pcnnsv lvania. Huirgics, wagons, and b. rses, loaded with men, wo nen, and chil dren, leit town, rather with more histe than grace. During the sumo time tho railro idc m pany ge t oil its property, as also did the quar terniasti rs and comiiiisi.uics id' the 1'nited St iles Government. t'LOHINd acKNE. The ReKds havo reached the outskirts of tho town ; a uiilroad train loaded with passengers has just left ; citizens are skedaddling oil steeds of an antliiuo and angular olimacter, and otherwise looking; there is a constant pop ! pop! of small arms, and tho tlLsclinr.'es of cannon ami burstiDg of shells. The last of our wagon train is moving otr in good order; men and women, citlr.cns of the town, are rushing into their houses or are ground upon stoops to witness ibeontgoincof une partv and the iueotulng of atii ther, notwithstanding the dangers around them ; the stores are closed and the town looks dingy, overturned boxes in tho streets aud arti cles of some value laying hero and there Indicate a hasty parting trom their keepers or owners; our lines are slowly moving back towards the Willimiisport pike; infantry ia marching in column out of town ; Adams Kxpress Company's Agent und the telegraph operator are retreating in good order the latter on horseback, with his magnet under his arm, and the former on the car, after saving Iho company's property, and the accumulated greenbacks in Ins pocket, and tho grey backs almost at his heels; the I'nion cavalry (our advance, if wo were going tho other way ) Is in sight ; the Rebels are in town ; no more from Martinsburg, and the correspondent, following the example of the army, also retires in good order and excellent spirits, without tho loss of nny important item tit for publication. -V. 1. licillHl. FOURTH EDITION. AliMY OF POTOMAC. HIGHLY IMPORTANT. REBEL ATTEMPT TO FLANK GRANT. HEAVY FIGHTING IN FRONT Washington, July 28. The mail steamer John llrookx arrived here this morning from City Tolnt, which place ulie left yestorday morning at 10 o'clock. At that hour all was quiet In front of Petersburg, but on Tuesday afternoon the I1-- iti.i,, , niovcioeui which, uiiiiougn 'J liK AI.HA.y,, indlcateil th:it they were iuM.rv.sri.,-io flank Butler on tho rlirht, or wVa' endeavoring to gain Ilarrl.son'a Land ing, for the purpose of getting in his rear. The Star learns that the proper disposition of troops was immediately made to check them and to find out their Intentions. Artillery firing commenced at Point of Rocks early on Tuesday evening, and continued ull night. Our lufiuitry butteries and gunboats were said to be engaged, but most of the firing was doubtlesa done by the gunboats, which were shelling the banks of the river. Fighting was also going on near LSerniuda Hundred, and it was reported that the Rebels were posted three miles from that place. Parties who were at General Butler's head quarters on Tuesday night state that the roll of musketry and artillery was Incessant, Yesterday morning, when the Drooka left City Point, firing was still going on, but seemed to have slackened. Karly yesterday morning General Grant was engaged In making a proper disposition of his troops to foil any Rebul movement. The twicers of the roots state that tho firing heard on Tuesday night was more heavy and Incessant than any they havo heard during Grunt's campaign. LATEST M.iBlK INTELLIGENCE. CI EARED TUIR MOB HI HO. Utrque Ad f 'Miter, ltnnAv, p inland, ('Attain. Urn; mi Air Atic (itr.), Mcknou, Halifax, E. A. Soudor t Co, lUig I.)1. ltinr, Know Hon, liton, ItUkl.tun, Graff A Co, Bclir Nellie Potter. Shrppord, ltontun, Cantnor, 8tlck,iu-jr fc WiiuiMi'n. hr L ii.i'-n, Kfrr., Itnatoii, K. A. Houder A Co. hchr Mnrim Ko, lit ItoutfO . TwIU Co. toclirC. It. l.oiiert, itujfh-j, 'wbururtt L. Audtnrlt J A Co B.-iir Vttcor, MHKlnnl, Upaiilort, Wurkman A i"o. hchr AccLa, liH.i?Ky, WaLiiigtiru,e. i. JunIun. AKKIVKDTHIt) MOHNIMO. Shti (iD.ilfii l.i-'lu (lir . Heuiie t, 42 Uai from i.lv.r pool, will. iiidMi to Pnttr Wnijlit A Honn. bttiUj Vicltirla (l.r ), Clu.tiau, U days from Port au Prince, with tfiTe, logwood, Ac. 10 1 uu'iin Vation A Bmn. Lrtt bam u fcUien AuHULa.Cuiittii tlia 3tirlut iu tail )u a tt w dt lor Kt. Murkn and New V rk; brig HuaviT, Hf nrrcn, lor New York, and otJicre an otur; brl t'srrhcvt r Alice, from arrt ad HUi, aoad r oiatued tiu- ai.arkiltik'. lint; JohnCltryntaf, IlarneH, lOdayntroia Satfiia, with tui:iiraDd oioiMafcua lo John Mason v Co. HrlK Natiieuui.', iaH. 4 daa from Iteaururt, X. C, In baJlHt to 1). H. Mtt't.oB A. Co. liriK AiueiU-HB CbU n, Smith, IN days from New Or lean!. In LaUHt 1). . Htetfua A Co. 8citrJ.H. HiM.htoQ, J.i.plncoit, duvi from Baaufjrt, N C , Id balla-t to K. A, KouOtfr &, Co. tckr H. A. llftiiuiaond, Faino, tt duv from Bofltoa, with Ice t raplHln. Bcbr IilliatuKli, Bartlett.fi dan ftoin Citj Polot.ln bat latt u uitNln. HclirCaniiel1t Hon le, J dajri from Portrtu MourtM, ia balluHt to Twha A Co. Hciir ArUier H Himatoa, C'iiurii, S dayi fron Hew York, With mdse to TwelU fe Co. chrioor(fe A. Iearae, llehse. 4 day from Jami river. In ballast to aptkln. Hear H. Wi aon, rtnnoitfidayi from Port Uejal, In bsUttst t Workman A co. H'hr Nmi. fultz, 15daifroin New Orieani, ia ball a 4 to li. 8. Hteuoii A Co. ftrhr K l J if Pottr Hhepherd, Bdiiyn fromlloitoa, la bal lait to 'aitoer, Htlcanry A We llntfon. hchr J. i. Cake, lndicott, daa from Horfotk, In Wat lant to raptam. Hchr U. J. Worthlntrtcn, Wtrthingtea, 4 day from Fort. re Monro, la bulla Ht t captain. Hchr viraiBia 1obi1Uiod. Murtnt, 1 day from Draw avfldrc. Itel.. wltii eru to .tajnea Harratt. Kchr Mantua, Minsun, I day from r lederica, Dol., wiUi grain U .lantea Barratt, a. hr Krufmak, Tniaiaa, t days from Indian liver. ie-t wuu tfraiu to tiaaifi u, itewiey A C. PARSENOEK9 ARKIVKB rmm Tort au Prime aer Harqne Victoria Mri. Urower, Mr. P. W. Krewe, Mr, John llrvwer, audit) coiorea ifinera. . IMPORTATIONS, JteparM.far The livening Telegraph. Iokt au Pnttira B.raae VlcUrrla. Chrlrtfaa UM ODfl lk lovkwooa '?t tM. 6 bDU o(1vs U Ubls toa.y 1 cri Iklh. ThM W.lUon 4 Sobs. Haoi a la liii.hPfc Kris Joha Chrratal. flamea IAS anas it, tci u lbu aviiawa av Udi u.r JuUa Sun An EnslUb soldier has but four cents a dav . . i.. r ' JI JJQ EXTRA! FIFfOplTloii (iliKATCONSl'll AC' no l?HTS , L. VallandiglVy-' " Supreme Cottni in dcrof thcOjtlci PHILADELPHIA .AV'YER IMPLICATE. McClellan Minute :U n ol New York a Tart of iv. I?anl. Pi. I.oi tH, July '-'N Tlie v wrr pibllshes a lontr aeconnt of the eonspii y "n fie rei"lon of a Northwestern Confvder , f ferri .i to a few days since. The organization fi..u in this conspiracy Is known an the "Order of American Knights," and their object is to embarrass the Government In tho conduct of the war, and to overthrow the Ooveniment, if necessary for the supremacy of tho order. lis professions and purposes are different in difftreut States. It proclaims a war policy in New York, Penney Ivani.t, New Jersey, and other Eastern States, while In tho West it Is for peace. The order is of Southern origin, lieiiin erected on the ruins of tho Knights of the Golden Circle. Of the Southern orgatd.iition, General Hterlim; rrlce is Supreme Commander. C. I.. Vallardig ham, while in Illclimond, w is mado Rtipremo t'ommunder of the Northern section of the order" A complracy was entered into between him and tho Kebel authorities, to divide the K;W from tbo Went, and to Kivc aid to the Southern He hellion. Vullnudibam's time in f'niiiida, it Is said, was principally spent in furthering this scheme. He had a conference with some of the leading spirits iu the North t-oon after his arrival in Canada, and arranged for tho establishment of an order throughout the loyul States. The names of all who visited him at the Clifton Homo are known to the Government. Among them the names of Win. 11. Heed, of Philadelphia, Pendleton Tugh, ofiOhlo, Keyblien, of St. Louis; Sterry aud Mer rick, of Chicago, arc published. The rcrults of this conference are also known to the Government. About the 1st of January Vallandigham issued an address to the members of the Golden Circle In the loyal States, in which he called upon them to renew their vows, and said the time was fust approaching which would test their sincerity ; that tho prosecution of the war is in violation of the ri;;btsof tho States, and President Lincoln is an usurper. A meeting of tho grand commanders of the different States was held at New York on the 22d of February, for the purpose of organizing an outbreak on the 10th of March the day fixed tor the draft; but no dcllnito plan was resolved upon. The namei of these cfc splrators are also known. The same commanders :d a general consultation with the supremo cornnuu der at Windsor, Canada, early in April. Amongst those in attendance wore McM.istor, of Now York j Charles L. Hunt, St. Lonis; and Lafayette Devlin, Indiana. The programme adopted at tbcBe meeting was that Vallandig ham should represent his district, of Ohio, in the Democratic National Convention, and there pro clulm the doctrine of the order, viz : Pronounce the existing Administration of the Government power usurped, which tho people had a right to expel by force if necessary ; in fact, to inaugu rate a rebellion in the North, and In which ho was to lie supported by the Order. Each Grand Commander was to have an armed bodyguard at the Convention for the defense of Vnllundig ham. This it was thought would precipitate the people of the free States into armed conllict, and would be tho signal for the memliers of tho order to unite against the lawful authorities, kill or capture tho civil and military authorities, sei.e the arsenuls, arms, public property of all kinds, and proclaim tho Government overthrown. There is the most convincing evidence of the truthfulness of this statement. The reason of tho sndden return of Vallandigham to Ohio was the fear of being defeated as a delegate to Chicago, and it was only by his presence that his election was secured. The numerical strength of this order is said to be considerably over half a million ; one hundred and fifty thousand of tho whole are organized in New York, and are culled MeCIellan Minute Men, numbering over two hundred thousand. The Grand Commander of Missouri is Charles L. Hunt, a nephew of James II. Lucas, and for many years the Tlclginn Consul, and the Deputy Grand Commander, Charles E. Dunn, a city olll ccrof St. Louis. A long list of the mimes of the members of tho order in the different States, together with full information concerning the whole scheme, are In the bands of the authorities at Washington, and will probably be given to the public in a short time. FROM GEN. CROCK'S ARM,. II I (JULY IMPORTANT PARTICULARS OF REBEL ADVANCE. PEELING AT HAGERST0WN. LATER FROM PETERSBURG REBELS TRY TO FLANK BUTLER. FIGHTING YESTERDAY. Special t The Ermine 1lrll. Washinoton, July 28. The Star says a gen tleman from Mill Gap, Berkley county, Virginia, arrived In this city this morning, and gives some nteretting particulars of the recent Rebel demon stration towards Martinsburg and the Potomac. He says that after the first ficht near Win chester last week, although the Kebeis wero de feated, they were not so badly usel up but that they were able to collect a considerable force. It appears that Ihey concentrated at Buck creek village, Frederick county, and advanced thence on Sunday morning early through Mill Gap, and halted at Bunker Hill, whence Wreck, inridge took a force and moved in the direction of Darkesville, and General Early, who appeared to have command of the whole force, moved on the pike towards Martinsburg. Their diverging at Unaker Hill indicated movement upon Uttrpei'i Ferry, m it was neces. II I I A I 1 AAU. LA ary lo tms through Dirkrsi!lo to reach that point. There is no doubt of Early ho'ng In com mand, as he und lln'ct Intidir together with their sfciflV, stopped at Vr. Hell's house a-. Mill lap. Mr. Ilf 11 says that the Ueb Is had with tlicin about 'J00 nr pr ies, us near as be could judge, who were mounted, and aimed with sibres and pistols. Among thee negroes he re.xig nl.ed a number who bad been sla.es la the neighborhood of Mill Gap, and who appeared to be pointing out tho way to the Rebel General', ml Indicating the best roads to be laki n. I'lilon reinforcement, ate arnvingutt ie proper pi', -e", and are Ileitis- assigned to aval able poi i . .- Vonld the Kebels attempt to cross the ... '1! meet with a resistance e ial lo 1 r.i is a regnlar c imtnunicj Ion .: " .1 l'"derick, a id thecars t , .. . i i'a,;.' r . Cturnbers'inrg. 'tatiI.ifer.Uii.il, i Htoi !.. p rs h vc .', ibev vavo re- tl I 'killlll I'Llu'li i f i . it O ' : so.vn business is ... . ' ' " but few goods e.is.e.- ceived no stock no ''" Wo have direct luformn M.irvlaud. Vp to seven o'clo. e'C ... v J j ing the Confederates bad made i ... i , ' 'J cross the river, although their pick . the Virginia (bore, and occasionally fire "' :t the river at our troops. There is no doubt but that Colonel Mulligan died from the effects of wounds received on San day. General Averill received a slight wound In tho forehead at the same time, but not snthVleut to prevent him from discharging his duties. Tbe mail steamer John UrooUt has arrived from City Point, which place she left yesterday morning at ten o'clock. At that hour all was Unlet in frontofPi'torsburg;on Tuesday afternoon a movement of tho Rebel was discovered, which although not fully developed, Indicated that they were attempting to dank Ilutlcr on the right, or were endeavoring to gain Harrison's Landing, for the purpose of getting In his rear. Tbo proper disposition of troops was imme diately made to check the in and Und out thoir Intentions. Artillery firing commenced at the Point of Roeks early on the evening of Tuesday, which continued all night. Our infantry batte ries and gunboats were said to be engaged, but most of the llrlng was doubtless dono by tho gunboats, whieh were shelling the banks of the river. Fighting was also going on near Bermuda Hundred, and it was reported that tho Kebels were pouted three miles from that place. Yesterday morning, when the llrtxikt came down the river, tho firing seemed to have slack ened. Karly yesterday morning General Grant was engaged in making proper disjiosltions of bis troops to foil any Rebel movements. Reports bronght to City Poiut from Richmond by re fugees and deserters aro to the effect that all the troops that can bo spared from tho de fenses of that city have been sent up the valley, and it Is believed that the forces operating in that vicinity will number fifty thousand men of all arms. Such refugees, however, aro not in a posi tion to have any positive means of knowledge of tlie Rebel movements, and tlielr statements aie not by any means authoritative. tJeueml Avrrlll I'ulnjnrrsl. A dci patch from an officer on the Staff of General Averill, dated at Harper's Kerry, has just been received In this city, which suites posi tively that our brilliant aud brave cavalry leader In Northern Virginia is uninjured in any way. LATE FROM THE SOUTH. ADVICES FROM LEE AXD J0llST0J. BEPORTED REBEL SUCCESSES. THE BATTLE AT ATLANTA. K?tort?l I'nfoo Itepnlwo Iffenw j Nklr nitllitK I lie lfctr'mu.itrUoii from l'Hla Trftt ref k-Ucuvral Nlut Mortally Wound!. Atlanta, July 20. Tha enemy made itron dfinoiiititttloi a s lairniav and Dili umrnlr ff on urricia near Ist-ratur. (h ih'IuI Hood attchtd tlielr right at lour oYlork tin, afternoon, ou I'aao'i Tr crek. neir the Ch:ittH.iunch-i. In a fvw mtnutt. the em-'my wive driven Inio their worki. The colors ol the .fcfil Jiw Jumuy and about Ihrwi hundred prisoner wtT captured irotu lltitaiT s Cun. Our long wu not heavy, mostly l.hily vsoundtd. luUa il(?r-(rfiieral htrvmu, of South iJaroltnit, wan wcumltd, it ia reared morially Ma)ir frusum, tur mf rly ot t seiivral JohaRtnn's suifl, waa killed. There waa soma sklr iniililujf o our Nght, whim the n ui) aitat ked our lhUfnct,uit utt Aitor btm ruuUpd, our vavulry . vrCvt Oeiit rnl n ai'lrt drove tat-ia wl h re nt at t-d iH arsi'N towanls Detyitur VvattTilav nveulnjr, IfrMtnlds' ( Arkaaino) Iirlicacj, which cruitt.e.1 'each T e cr k, dmvc iho eti-niy htuk, tikitin two ntnudn of eolora and mir huudied and tldny prisoners. Oar iruups are In flue spirits to-nikht. from the Richmond Setttinrt, July W. AnotTicial di-ipatt'h rt oelved yektcrdA.v at tha War De portment, ironi Allunta,dtld tflf 'Ji'th luntMnt, ntyn : "At three o r! to-d)iy a portion of Hurtlt'e'n and Micwiirt a ('uips tlrve tho enemy Into his rruutorks. On our e trctiie rlv.'lii ihei-nauiy attm ked W hmlvr's cavalry with la fantry.and khk hnnitonit' y repulie(l." 1 be prt-fs dfspatt h. In another foiumn, the enemy mi tie struuit dem Obirutlons on our riKfct, near D''(ur. lacatur Is un tin1 line ol the titnirKta BitUioad, due won' of and in miles from AtiauU, e(Kty-tw. mites from Mil ituli eville, und on' humin d untl nivty-Ave from AUiimu. AIiIiiiukIi no irt'iit rttl fiisienit-nt han y t taken plat-f, the hi'Hvy Nklnni-htiiK Is but the ud.ent ol a groat battle beiem luany das paN. . Rrporld Nnrcetts Ilcfore AlInntA. from the Htchmvnd OitpaU h, July 2il. P. The ntwN from (ieortrla is still eti'-otiraslntr. We learn that a d'-Hpaieb was r'Cived at the War ifiartiu''ut v--teidny , aiiii"un('JiiK thai (ieneral ('ieburne attacked the t'l.finy n TburiMyat wliat point is not uud), aud d ovc lum ba k w ith hev,v lout. Th4'iimpnicH l 1-eeN Army. From ihe Uuhmon't St uHn!, July it. 'I hccauipuiKii of bef's arni In Its conduct and retul so far. touch reriniths t e litinuiii Ituhai rain0iKuwf Na(M Icon, in winch, by the rapidity or tin luoveiumitH, tils attuH K '"i "" dasbt'iK rourueof his tr Hpn, he overc-ttiDe three armies, euch an larce or larger tbau his own. In ilie mi nher of lro'p eng id, and la the area ol ountry p'Tviult tl. as well a in tie tin in tier killed, wounded, and mitNiiij.', the cmup tl. n of l,ee, ad tin mlietra and sold era umh r him, already greu(Jjr exceeds II at ot Nupolt un. W Inrlutle in onreitlmtt" of the a(-tilevemsn(i of Lea's army the b4itie about and aevond l.ytiehburs, the In a sioo of nriaivlsnd and Phiiis h aina, the net-nt hittie near hnlt ker tiap, tli raids oi Kir rut im and Kauti, as well a ihe iiimii il 'ily e tuite 'ieiiti uclnnlntf at the V i!dei ih.- And onlnu d, nut eud-d, at tet rhur. We telit v that oi.r imi'-uiv, In kilUd. wounded, and mlMiitL. b? dtpertiou.bj iiaturil deuths.aad by trie pirai u'H o tin; htuis oi ser it-e oi lt. Uirte y ars votur tiw, IiMn lost lully on' huinlr6 ittmiai d uen we ud m re thatianfth of that miuiber. Tf.e I of the KelWa!u v wn tar exceeded two thousand pur dav ; and If Or nut aud liun'er are n'lulned In t iimuid.wlll prootibly con Untie to excfed that drill) nuruhtr lor Sumo time to corui '1 he kill ui Htrntt ule tno onM-ms of .t-e fntin the Kaiildan to t'eiemhurK would hae dour creillt tt Wfllliik'toii, while 'arl s ndtlt.n aiearanee at Lvnehhurtf. hs dr.it.it and tumult of HuntsT, hut rbpld mnreh up the vallev, his da(i. li. k Invasion of Maryland and Ft-nnayl vanla. ht- siuceiis ful return to Vlratnia. hl second mcetlmt with Hunter, and bit vht-.ry ovr him; in celerity and seeresy of inuvaiuent. In daHhlnti cnuraice and In suceeBkiiil achievement, remind unvithe most briliiaut teats uf Htonuwall Jatknon aud Ndloie.n. AllefftMl piure of Prlitouer U Cannon. From the Richmond Sentinel, July 'J. A n port received here yesterday, via fltaunton, says a Ponlederate waon train was captured by the enemy a da or two slnc, but all except oue er two w aous were suhm tiutntlv ttxapturtsil. In Die battle at Hnicker'a ftrry.1t ia rearrted we cap tured elKht huudred prlaoueri aud four pieces ot cannon, fj Jobnnton, t orrent, m H, 1. from the Richmond Sentinel, July ti. The friends of Johnston complain that Forrestl and Lee have not been sent to cut Miennwi s lines of oomaiuiiica tlou ; to do for J oh tut ton what he had ample force to do lor hlmnell, and to tke eaie of and save hii arr..j . WUoeler a In rue and splendid cavalry forte would lo-,v i; v- hit ve cut thoe lines uf cotuinuniaition )ia4 It j c n ' iered to do so. ItutOeneral Johnston Is one oft). . w taiwlie men, whoe comprehensive lntelleoi t ivtiu ij int fort night utes all the dangers, all the . 1 lat. ie. all Uie dlttlrultba ahead, and whewiu a,ettix r.id so loof as thore Is a Muyle obstaole In h. ft., , n . . n. Vn chance of fuilure. His wisdom and ureai 'tcotxaii ...a-m. as a aeltnttflc soldier paralyzes lilsaAtlcs Ms u ir standing still, wan loiucd arins.ai aunn, iiej Vh -ksburg, or retreating, as from Mauasa , u.Uwa, and lulion. lie will never risk a battle until every possible vlsnua evicts on lit lde; every posvtbte disiwi autuite t,.-tf stdt of the eneiuy. Huch over-wie. apprehensive ivi -ne safe in public life, for, wholly wan tin. oon,de m thvnuelves, they M'UU ra win the conltdence of othet . la pihale life Uey hie more common; aud We nee we tlno nold.darutsT. enterpriainR men, of mean capacity and L learniiitc, much oilanr succeed w baaiuesa than Uie net tullve, thv leaned, aud the wUe. In fact, however. Lee and rorresthave all the while been tlLtlng John too battles, and saving his army trom ennlbilaiiou. )ltit lor Uielr splendid auhicvements in de festiua aud drl Ins back, wltb tt rnble kaa, the Lttrge r tniorcements on their war to (oln Hherman, he (Johnston) Would have long since bad south of his eupplKlcut otf, and beia ev vvhenusU e tupsiior omulms. GENERAL 8nEKMAN'8 AU1AT. jrKr.K4Is KOI MHRAIN R41D. Kauhviiik, Tcnn., July 27. Grnnr ilou- hu hit rcturtird from bin Rrrnt ru) niiit the rtictny'a rotnuiunirHtlona, wh( h xriliUoTi ( n ral Sherman, m hia tiiUt ial tlreuhir to the nrmy, rails mo of the mo-t HiifT--liil nf thn war. Ctiptnfii WHManiK, A".tftnt Afijutfitr-(J-rfrttl, luroiobo tbo folluwing mmiunry uf eit-iiU duriuK the raid TUB PTART AT COOAW. flrrfrnl lionf-itan left Hoc itur, A'a., ontti 10th of litis inomb, and with tvo th- u-Ktid aovrn hnn dr d liif tl nmvi d ut the Coo-uw rivt-r on iho 1,'lth. lit re bp c.i turt'd A lVrr - ki.u and crontod over part ol bin fMinnmnd, which hnd jii"t etfrrtad a ItHlpment whrn it wan fttuw kml bv a tore of live thou nand UrU Is ol tnr (iih and I'lh Alarum ("aviihy( utiilcr (icimt.i1 (.'luntoH. An ena'Q nifTtt rnMitrt and rned fur a'lotit tire liiun, when the Hth InHLma ravulry, undor M tjor (imliain, hnviiiK also croa-ed tho river, Httaj ked thim in the icur and completely ruatod ibviu. TlIK RRHFl, rOKNl.S. Captnin AWrrroinhic, Canton' ehicf of staff, and Captain MvMjre, of the lU hel army, woe kil'cd, and Lieuicnant-Colonci Lory and M jor McrVfMer, of tho 6ih Al.tbiuna, with twenty nvauf, wero captured. AT TA1.LADBOA AND TTLOCOt'OA. ' mikv ;.f seren hundred cunsrriptn w ta Tul lad. and the men dispersed, . y "na; ruptured. Two large ro . o:. fc ru Rebel aupplipt and a largo "T witu Ir oott were i works do- ui'i . were The stroked. THRU - - r (ie or ral Hoiir-s.k r- , . . ' at Monc'a Kerry, wiit :.t. " eiinny, with whom lit, 1 11 ( npiaiu Urown and tattings- '-' ' 'u. otluers priaoncrfl. DIB HAILflOVD BTHl'CK. The mil road wuu first struck at I.ofu... on the l"Hi infant, where the d.-struetioQ ot ' link bean. The raiU were considerably torn up went of i.oA'hipokf, at Uhewha aiaiion. Hare i lie Henri under Clanton were again eucoja tercd, with fifteen hundred men, and a fight of two bourn duration enttued. Tnc Rebels were totally routed, leaving fnm- killed aud wounded on tbo field. Colonel Morrison's iih Indiana Cavnlty, with their tSpcneer rides, did admirable Beivice. mathag MOVINO EAHT A TRAIN CArTlHRD. Tbenrethe command moved ea-stwurdly, de stroying all the eulvertH and bridges to Opedka, and literally removing the rai w ty at the station. A truin si ut out by the Rebels to reconnoitre waa raptured. Two hundred pounds of buoou, five thousand pounds of tobacco, a large tpU'itay of whu-ky, seven hundred sacks of H ur, aud four hundred and titty bales of cotton, were burned. The command then left for Nf trlctta, having skirmished with the Rebel cavalry througu tho entire route, ARRIVAL AT MA MUTT A. General Kounean reached Marietta safely, bringing In with blm five hundred horses and mu lee, which have been tunied over to quartermaster's department. the HU.l.INOB OF TUB CITIZENS ALOMO TICK HOl'TB. Among the citizens encountered along the route there appears to tve a great deal of opposition to Jefi. UavK and all appeared to be (turprnted at the kind trt atnit nt extended towards them by the Yank oh. Not a private bouse waa uutered, neither did any marauding or pillaging take place during the expedition. Sew York Herald, Colorku Confruencb. This morning, the Delaware Conference of ministers of color, con noted wkh the Methodist Episcopal Cliarcu, met In the John Wesley Methodist Episcopal Church, fihlppen street, below Eighth. Rct. Bishop Jitncs pretided. Under an act of the late General Con firrnce held In this city, the Bishops of the Mctbodixt Episcopal Church have authority to organize colored preachers into Annuiil Confer ences, having the same privileges and powers of oilier Annual Conferences, except they shall have no representation in the Ucnerul Confetvnc, shall not participate in the proceeds of tho Hook Con cern, and shall not vttte upon any constitutional question touching changes in the discipline. This is the tirat Cotift ranee tiiiu ia held under the new law, and we doubt not its sessions will be of interest to the friends of progress in the colored race. JjBl'ABTI RE OF THE NATIONAL OlJARU RkOI- mk nt. This morning tho 5th V nlou League, National Guiird Kegimeut, left their camp at Camp Cadwulailerand murched into the city, previous to taking thclrdruirtiira. They marched to the Union league Hon e, in Chesuui struct, where the regiment was halted and drawn np in line. Here .peccheN were mude by Colonel Nctf and others, after which the regiment took its ilrparture. In consequence of the warm weather the regiment did not make a street parade as was expected. IIiohwat RomiBuv. A man named Alton, of New Jersey, was knocked down and robbed on Tuesday night, on the turnpike, below liar rowgutc, Twenty-fifth Ward. lie was walking itiletly along, when two men sneaked behind him. felled him to the ground, and while one held him, the other rifled his pockets of 130. James Mcnaniln and James Hollingsworth were urn sted on the charge of committing the act, and were held to answer by Alderman Holmes. Endanokhino the Lives ofCittzknb. Jas. McClotkcy and five workmen were taken Into custody yesterday for blasting rock at Thirty first and Hamilton streets. They were also cut ting the street below the grade, for the purpose VI securing the stone. The lives of citizens were endangered by bla--ting in ibe neighborhood, and ulthough warned to cease operations, paid no aitinilon until arrested. They were held to an swer by Alderman Miller. Bale op Bonus and Real Estate. Jumes A. Freeman made the following sales yesterday ; Vive coupon bonds, $0OO each, of the Fuirmount l'K-eiii;er Railroad Company, 35 per cent. ground-rent belonging to the city of 236 2.5 sold nt I ar, und a house on Moyamcnsiug avenue, No. !Mi, sold for 'I1(X). Several properties an nounced to be sold were withdrawu. This is tlie last ol' Mr. Freeman's real estate sulef at the Ex chunge until September. Di:i.iiiiitfi l F.xcvksions on tub Schuyl kill. The steamer Urneral Hooker leaves Fair nictrnt for the Fulls of Schuylkill every hour aud twenty minutes, starting on the first trip at seven o'clock and twenty minutes in the morning. Those w ho wih to have a cool and refresuiug trip should not tail lo take a ride on the Utnvral Hooker. "7iiii.ADKi.piii. tra.dk Beror." Tiiihkiiay, July 28. Holders of Hark ure Ann In their vl. ; So 1, Oucreltnui, li wurth f ton. The market Is n'most Imru of C'lovsrMed.anil ttiu ad vascv recorded a lew ditys rko Is well maiutatiicd. (Tue sate, eitecied yent'Tilsy were t f 14 V it! lls , sad not at $11), as ei roueoimly reported.) In Tlumlur w. lioax of n. Sales ; we iUole at A. flaxseed Is worth 9r7A y but b. lbs frovliioD Market is rather quiet, and Uie tales iTected were .fan uDimportaat character. Tlie Flour Market U rather unlet. The demand for ex port Is of a limited character, aud the aalaa snorted have been comparatively small, say from of7C00 bbli. axtra family at $101(112? obi, and orue fancy brands at Uie same figures. Tbo tale. to tlie trade come wltbln Uie range of from t'.ou '2i for uperflne ; $S ,'fui 70 for extra. ; and $10 tali for eatrafamllr and fancy kits. Corn Meal is quiet. The demaodfor Wheat has lailea off, and reretpta con tinue to arrive .lowly. The .ale. oomprue lisxi bu.h. fslr ulill r.ciuvlvaiiia rl at tl lt : auoo do. new do. at ft !vA y mi, aud i.'s0 bu.h. clioice lielaware do. at $i i,4'J6.'. White I. taaeo at from $'i-70 to $V7S y bu.h. Kiel, rather inlet. A .mall sale of new hu ettccted at $!7b. The inoulry for Coin ba. aomewhal .ut-ldi-d, aud It Is worth $l'7.v14 bu.h., w ith .ale. of 21ls bush, at Uio.o Mmirea. Oal. have dtsillned. We quie at SUttiflui., wtih no demand. In ltrle Malt no sales have been leportod. W i;ik Is dull. Wo notice .mall .ales of i'euubjivaaia sadOhlobbU.al$l-nU. Markfta by Telegraph. New York, July 28. Flour it 2nfa30c. lewer, sad the market Is o.U; sales of K00O barrels at SIKi.lo IMor autci $IOi.vl2 tor Ohio, and SlO-j .o-.ia .'iO for Houlhera. Wheat Is qJc. kiwer. wiUj uiitinportant .-Miles, t'orn declined liqc.; eaK'S of 21,000 bu.hel. at $1 MiCDl frO. Reel U dull. Po'lt heavy, at $40. L.rd de clined He; sales at lw.20io. Whl.ky dull at 7uc. New Yobk, July 28. Chicago and Rock (lend, 11SS.I Cumbertand preferred, ttl ; llllaoU Oeatral, Vs..: Miobhran Southern. 71i'i New rork tou-al, 1 l ..Jkg, l-ol lli.a.oa River, 1.111 Caatoa (Jo., fc1.; V-U . ll?S; t'l.velund tUuclnitatl.fOl Oeveland and 'do. I4il t'hleajto andCjumcy, ll Wlchujali I eotr.l. I S. m -..mi a. . Mttsbum. ll; ;ro;e Hauw a un, ,eo '-..i.l.or. aud K.rt Wavne. 11.11. : Lb'ca aaa J.rto... .a H i Year 'meate. Mt TrMaury 7 I ll. i i. ' r..Ua.. (Mlii.. "'.! Kesl.ler ., .j I'swit. I !, ; l.lefed do,lu.V4; Us d. JS. a i. -. I loai I. al. Oaeaal. Of I1U.UM attu. 1'. a'dat . - '.' '... Hti.ni k 'u y Flour Brm and scarce. Wa. u i...p " -' bushel, nnw whit, at $2 7$ fc,2Ki. k i . J '.aai at u'lU'U lb. Vorn nxia wans, l l . ik j dall au4 uoounaUy $l-7. PRICE TWO CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMERCE." Oi rirm or Ths r.vr.wrin Tsi.i"iturtt, Thur.iiM't W. ( The Money Market l easier and capital mora plenty to-day on call at 6 per cent, par annam ; tt pmjer li sHIInjf at 701 percent, per an num. The plan of Mr. Fossrndea If gPBeralTJr endorsed by lliepnblle, and baa glrea a better ftellnglo the market. TUera la a llrmer feeling in the Stock mirket Ibis mornltig.and priceiare better. Oovprnraenl sei nrltls romlnne In demsd, and prloa har spaln adano d, with lame sales of S-20, at 109, 7-30s at 100, snd.fisof 18H1 at 10fi(.i)10r,l. Rail road shares are also firmer, with sales of Poon yhsnla lUllr..ad at73Ki'73$i lUadlng, HjCi 6Sj, which Is an advance; ruiladelphla and Erie, Xlit Little Schuylkill, V; and CaUwiasa Pra. firred at 'V.. New City Ss are idling at 100 J. In Iiaiik shares there if Tory little dotag, and prices i t nominal. . Tbeie is less activity In C wl and Oil stocks, and the sales are In a small way naly. Gold opened this morning at t, declined and sold at 218 at 11 o'clock, and 29 at 12. Thera la n ori dfilr ar Id the way of met. ' rmi.AriEi.rHi a stock cxciUNOBRAUM.iTrLr n Ksporua tj tlarkMia Co., nntm, Ma. m S. TkM Bt, BErORC BOAKiB. $wnu. ". S-. ins II li h Ktwlinii K. R.. S7 H h a tv.aint ss ixirh o Hl lf' B i f.n H lu0.li 4o....K)wn ( 400 ik BeartlaxR..... RV lisj.h v.,.. town OS liOah do e as l it lisi.a d....sriwn a .h ReystaseaaiM. 2kf liso.tt UnloarM..... 1 FIRKT BOARD. l.1tT.R.$-tna...a..lrs( i l ak MeOllnMsk, Sf na lis - - . var C.rtid... S .. Kl cup. I( H ... rew le.:).. 1 . '. ', 1 a-..l(i " .. .....I0!I, . V.nl..v.... ..Mk j-.'.n aiapie nn.,M l.'V $67 ah Penna R R ... ni M an Utile Hah. ..bo , u0.hOataw. of aW hl.ht'liilaKrl... Sis am ah Cherrr Hon.... fttf 40 ah Loularllle Hk..lM 17. hW Amrlcaa lua IH'-i 3S.kClinlras. M " NEW TORK. - No. lit B. Thtra K. t, 3-o CT. I' ' -1 IMV( laiai . ll talea Reported Ly . .' i Tnlt.d State. Sa , r. . r (H-. Kerk l.land Haiti. ' Keadlnp Rarnaid Illinois Central Hallroa.: .. (I.letia Railroad New Yark Central Railroad... Krla Railroad liudbon Hal broad (lod I i.lt.d Slates $-20. Market aid salea ,..".S ' ,..1. ' Mil ,..2S Hl ,..v i:v ... Firm. Qnotatleni of (lold at th. rhllad.lphia Ool v .V, Ko. MS. llrd.lreet, iondory: . , j H A.M 2.'. .MM II A.M 24S.si lr.M ...,' Matket weak. Jat Cnoaa a ro. quote fkiverameat SeenrttiM, ., ta noon to-day, as follows : Bvnj. geJHnm. V.n. S. 1HH1 1.SI 1(17 11. S). 7 S-lll Note wt HMVC Conlflcate. of lndelitcdness,Ncw........ 00 IM , Vu.ncraa.ter's Vouchers S2 a (lold Mi lap 6-20 Honda lug loo Dx IUvin at Bra. No. 90 8. Third strMt,uao as fol low. : t Bvvinf. HeUtna. Atnerlran Onkl .....ISO arena. 151 arem. I:lillld Htti-a liemand Nntea o .. do American Hlleer and 'a.... l'J do .. ,4o ' IHroe. aetl Half llinies..... I A do I V . Hpanl.hOn.ne-. 120 do .. ! ' in m Ivan'. Currency . die. 1-S die. New York Exchange 1-10 do Par. City Passenger Rsllroad shares are wilhont any) material change. Wo quote : , ,. , B14. Atkei. , Second and Third 7;a ' Ppruce and Fine 40 4i Chrsnut and Walnut 60 81 Arch street 24 - Race and Vine 20 ' trret n and Coales 38 38 ( Glrard College 32 , Tbo following are the RocelpU of Floar and Oraln at this port to-dar : Flour, 1S00 bbro.; Wheat, 9300 bnsh.t Corn, 2400 Dash.; Oat. 2mnhurb. The following are the Receipts of Coal Oil at this port to-day: Crude, 310 bbls.: Refuted. 1100 bids. The following aro the quotations of the princi pal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock, to-dav, reixirted bv Palmer K Huey, Brokers, No. it S.Thlid street r . ' BiiiAUetl Jiat.tarnt Folton Co.t xt( 0 In.acon ou ji. N.Y.AMd ival.. .. iilvu.. u ..1. ID ri.MM VII. ....... 21 inrcaoie (HI 1 6 'franklin Oil I Howe'. KdilyOT.. 10 Irrlnn Oil.. $ llreinMt.Cial.... i Cllrionrea' Tenn Ml) Ins . tiirard klliiliiit, 0 1 rope Kara Oil Ktca tin km 13 I'l lla. and 11 .Ion. .. Mand tn kf nine Manic." Minuif. .. A-ace Iroti 1 Oil C res a Mnplr klhad" Oil. .11 M.Clint ck Oil.... 6V r. P. troi, nmCo.. .. Perrv Ol' 4T Mlieral () 1 1 Ket.lnoe Oil Venanso OU 14"4 HuUer a.al 18 S iKeyatnn. XltM.... 2S 4 N ('artwndle .... 4 l'nka Patroleaia.. i x r:tna cm. .. $ Denamore .... ... 7( IA ilialell HU 7V ilcllhenny tii t n pfiiii.ievi nxj . 6 1 Noble Uelaawler. 1 J V2f KawlakM- 1 1 1-li 2S 1'bOaaoU Creek.. X 1 The eblpments of Fittstou coal by the Penn- sylvunla Coal Company for the week ending July. 23 were: for the mot. for tht at rue a. . TVma fUMI. By railroad... Ity canal . S.lwsM ,.2IU41M .23,110M(I IIHM-Ot VS.TilSf) ..$4,ii; ot ..104 JIM -00 Total Tn .am. oal.. IM'.I. Iiicr.a.a la lMol. The rulilic Debt of tba United State on Mon. day last, inclnding the unpaid requisitions on the Treosnrv, amounted in gross: i July IHlii 91,ft0,623,.5Gl July 19, 184 l,7!6,20VKi Increase of the week 99,324,1911 The Increase is mslnly In three years 8 4'ent. eonipcund Interest Treasury Notes, sahstituted for the ft 4J' cent. Treasury Notes withdrawn from circulation and cancelled in June. These sub-i stituiions now amount to 1, 420,000 iu com-, pound fi if cents, as against ;7,WO,000 of 6 tj' ' cenu withdrawn and cancelled. The re1 urns of the Bank of England for tha week ending July 13 compare with the ttato ment of the previous week as follows : ' ufyS. ..fil.4MS.lik .. I t 471 411 .. Il.l.-i.ii.-. ivl!.' 4 SICl'i U.M2 74 H..2.l. l.72, rubric ri.pnetra , (llhirdeo.lli Ouvernment tecarltka., Olht r .ecurltle. Koif. In c'r uia'ion..., ... V3.rnr7.4rt7 ... 2I..XI T7S ... LUHl.W fipccle and bu Hon., 1.1,701. UJ Bank op Franci. The changes in Ibe Bsnk of France returns are as follows, compared wl It -lust week : DUCRKASX. Cash In hand , Ailvai ce , tuuent account. INcaRASK PiP dUontintrd But yet due llank nolaa .. tH.'S ,. ?IJS . It..l. .. Ju.oo Trea.ury atcoaut. In reference to the foreign demand fir tha United States bonds, the London Time, Jury let, ayf : The advices from Frank fbrt mut'on that the ere. I rl-a In the eehulitca at New urk l.ad te..n met by a corrae ' IHiitolix tali Iu tin prices of federal atocKa, but at I' . ot- i iluctd iiiolHtloli. bu.crs eema fonvaril In such nunibero tlial aot only laKU sum. brousht I'rom New Turk, bat ; even vurloua I'trcel., .old oul by bankers tor :naU secit l.lor.. could .1111 oc dlapoat'd of at an adranee of Smir a. : cent, on New ) ork price.. As aoou as uiese eal-e we-o over.quolatlon. recovered between one and two par mii. ; "1 he eaemeaa of our public," It 1. observed, "to lovaat la Amera-au tuntts aft.-r so many di.appoialnienta, Ui warn- ' derlul. In plte of the bad poliUcal. and yet wore, flnaa- clal reports, .very reduction ia the uric, bring, now tar- ' chaser., niotly .mad capllall.it." MucU of th. .xi.tuic f dclusii n It altribuled to tile eDorta of tlie Herman damo ciallc uresa. Money remains plentiful at Fraukfart. Brokers will find the following of interest : TKKAsrttT Iikpaktmknt, Ofvick or XsTaakai. Rava. . kt'K, Wa.hikoton. Jul. 21. Uentlemeo I reply to yours of July II', that the brokert' tax of l-20ln of 1 peroantuak. ; ou tale, of it.ad, beltia payable la lesal earrency, la doe upon u baal. OX tonal currency, and la therefor, payees, upon th. amouat of paper for which the soid La disputed ' of, I. ... the tax It aeaceil upou tba nominal valu. of , (lot turnout note.. V.ry r.ieetfuUy, at A. ROf.r,nraj, The Bank of Mutual Redemptioa, In Bcsrton, ' is to become a national bank, under the name of ' the National Bank of Redemptioa. lta capital will be $M 1,700, with the privilege of lncreasiiur ' it to -2,000,000. This institution has accounts with one hundred aud thirty of the country banka in New Englaad, and about one-tenth of th ' number have organised under the Fational Car- ' reney act, wails nine others have decided to come ' under tha same law. The Springfield (Illinois) Journal says r ' The Hon. A. Blame, State Treasurer of t lllnola, returned! , totbl. city from M.w York, where be bat keen payiuf tn. ..nai-amuual internal oa Uia State debt. It t. auiieraood ' Uiat ha pjud out about four hundred tkouaaiid doltare. ot which bctwaoa uin.ty aud ou. houdred o.uuaiid u la . fold, paid oa atatlltis boods. There Is .illl la th. Tiaaaoty . old .nouth to nay tnc lntrret oa thaa. ouode lur January and July. Isoi.awl January, lata). Ofttetr.1 DrwtBB wf Use Mtelbv CaaUace Utkolkauu iMH . t30, 46, 13. 11, 21. 50, 7M1. I.W, 30, 27, - KXTaa aat a'7-July A IB64. . , , 70, 24, 75. 6t;, 4. 6 ), 21. 2, 3a, 30, kvj, 20, 54. f . Cticula Hut J taVlraatOif J. aV fntiioa. A Oa TT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers