Tim DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TOILADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1864. A DACT AITMIXOOH HEWS f ATM. CfTlCE No. 108 S. THIRD street. prfcx Two fasTt Pes Oorr, or Twaim Ckts Psb WsaaaaTaMetothe Carrt.r,and mailed to Subscribers at of tin War at Six IKu.aiu Pm AKNt'iti Oaa IK.i" tm Two Mourn, Invariably la advance for th period aatdaraa AArattlMSMBto tnaerted at th sinal rates. A Ubarai sYaafwueat bu4o (tor nterffled insertions. T Co rr"iMl . nolle, ran be taken of Anonymm.. ,:;;''',?.,'7;i ".av.r to lnt.n.led (hr l",B.,n.!,u !A bT the aame and uMw nfthe wrtc;r"i ' wl gaMkftot IKWUll M return rww1 LXH.muiug... twiu tA tt srest fnereae In the. Circulation of Tu vail Tsi ar. compelling na to no to pre.. At an iw,r r ' riuel that advertisement, may Khlredrn as soon 10 Okir., tl pollU-, to secure j!TlhUartn to II of our oduinns. WEDNESDAY, JULY 27, 1U. I TIIE HEW NATIONAL LOIN. Mr. Fkbbendkn having fulled to como to MtWactory terms with the New York bank, baa appealed to the people to lend him the two hundred millions of money which he tells them are needed to meet the necrvmiticn of the Treaanrj. Ills predecessor, Mr. Chask, was eminently successful In like Invocations, and It is not surprising that the same' mode of sustaining the national credit should bo ad hered U in default of one that b better, or equally aa good. I The Secretary of the Treasury evidently entertains a rery confident faith In the d'mpo iltlon, aa well aa the ability, of the people to loan the whole amount required; and the rea sons on which he bases that trust are cer tainly aound and cogent enough to Justify all his expectations of carrying through to a fttroreble issue the first financial measuro of Ida administration of the department of which lie has assumed the control. Be starts out with the proposition that the people have abundant ability to supply all the money that Is necessary to answer the present demand. In that presumption he certainly Is fully warranted. No man can for a moment doubt that there Is available wealth enough In the hands of a comparatively small portion Of the business community In the North to furnish the Federal exchequer with tan times the sum that Mr. Fksrendkn now calls for, This then being established, our Minister of Tlnance goes a step further, and contends that the best, because the most secure and adran tageous, Investment that Individuals and cor porations can make of their spare money Is that which he proposes. And on this head he argues, with great force and good sense, that If the Government Is preserved In the end, Its Securities will be certainly redeemed to the Uttermost farthing; and that If it Is not main tained against the efforts of the Rebels to de stroy it, then no securities or Investments of any kind, whether public or private, will be worth anything. Hence the Inference Is fairly drawn, that the people should cheerfully lend the Government all the funds that they can Invest at lutereot, for the sake of securing not Only what they loun, but what they reserve. In giving expression to this obviously sound principle of policy as regards the disposition of private means with a view to both safety And profit, Mr. Fkssendkn pays: " This is not the time for any lover of his cotin " try to lnqnlre as to the state of the money inur " kit, or ak whether he can so invent his surp'us M capital as to yield him a larger return. No " Tuiurn and no profit can be desirable, if ful ' lowed by national dissolution or national di.i " grace. Present prolit thus acquired is but the " precursor of future and speedy destruction. "No investment can be so surely profitable as M that which tends to insure the national exist " cure. I am encouraged in tho belief that by the recent legislation of Congress our finances " may soon be placed upon a sounder ami more " stable looting. The present deranged condition " of the currency is imputable, in a Krea: degree, to " disturbances arMog from tho withdrawal of necessary checks often inevitable in time of war, when the expenditure must largely exceed " any poi-sible supply of coin. The opportunities " thus presented to acquire sudden wealth iiuve " led to vicious speculation, a consequent increawj " of prices, and violent Uuctuations." The reader will doubtless observe that In the above passage the Secretary of the Trea sury more than Intimates a hope that our currency may be restored within n reasonable period to a specie basis, as well as his purpose to exert all his powers and lufluence, as the financial minister of the nation, to bring about that most desirable event at thu earliest pos sible moment. Bat he can do nothing In his high and Im portant office either to supply the fiscal wants of the Government In this momentous crisis OfT Its fortunes, or to Improve the financial Condition of the country, unless the people respond with due alacrity and liberality to the appeal ho has made to their patriotism as Well as their Interest. The loun Is popularized by reducing the minimum of subscription to It to fifty dollars ; and as It 1b put , by that pro Vision, In the power of almost every loyal citizen to contribute towards the support of the Government in Its present fearful neces sity, all should rush forward to Its relief. NORTH F.RX All TO TIIE It F. IIK I. S. Most unfortunate lor the North has proved . the deep knowledge of human nature pos sesiM-d by the Southern leaders. Amply Is It displayed In the fulfilment of the prophecies which, In the form of threats, preceded the Rebellion. Without this knowledge the Southern leaders would not have dared to commence the strife. Well did these men know that they could array on their side two potent feelings which actuate mankind pride of race and of caste. We know that in intelligence and lufluence the Southern whites' scarcely rank above the slave population. So low are they, that even the slave looks down upon men arrogating to themselves Immeawurablo superiority from the mere fact of color, and be has recorded his contempt in the expression, " white troslt." Slavery has not entailed more degradation upon the blacks than upon the mass of wanes for with the former, their condition la com pulsory, whilst with the latter, their benighted State la a willing bondage to wnicu tne wnow moral nature of the man assents. We, who knew Well the mass of Southern whites to be a population which served the purpose of a vast system of overseershtp who knew that a lew petty-lords, possessed of great manors and numerous slaves, controlled, as with a sceptre tha untutored masses, -we, who knew this, had still to Warn what the Southern leaden bav Wgut s (jiat men may bug the chains Which fetter their better natures, and fight that their JaUtm uy still imprison them In outermost darknesa. But the Southern leaders knew It well. I hey prophesied It. They threat ened US. with It, and they have proved It. They knew that they were enlisting against us both pride of race and pride of casta. The Southern white slavs flghu to tha death rather than that his social mUUut to the Mack slavs shall U changed. What has ha Of land, or wealth, or station T He his nothing t,ut .nneriorltT la white blood aad position Wi relation to th negro. Lord of himself to bo Jgncrtat tad 1m to rvgrd ail BruioaU labor I M dofrjAdAtlon, bnean the negro wu forood to labor, and because be cannot comprehend that labor If noble, not because It Is digging, or ploughing, or weaving, but because It U Independence. But the knowledge of the Southern leaders did not end with comprehension of the South. They knew that even in the orth there e i Is ted amongst the lowor order of whites an tagonism to the negro. They knew that the leavings of labor were cast to him, and when bis wretched wages forced him to II vo lu squalid neighborhoods, they pointed with de rision at the freedom which bad not essentially bettered his condition. We afforded them a double argument. "See," said they, "how you " care lor the negro. See, too, how unfit the " negro is to take care of himself." The disloyal press in tho North has made full use of the prejtiillco which Is derived from pride of race and of caste; nor has It by any mentis yet relinquished the strong hold which it thus obtains over the passions of the mob. Copperheads still zealously doclure that this Is exclusively tho white man's war, and none but the white man should be allowed to fiht. The Inference to be drawn from tho assertion Is that a licbel Is too good to be shot by a negro soldier an opinion from which we beg leave to dissent. Copperheads tell us that tho negro Is cowardly In fact everything base, which ho has proved himself not to be. II is name Is daily used with scorn. Tet what Is the truth ? lie bos already lived slander down. This man, so misrepresented, so maligned, has, by the testimony of officers of the army, proved his heroism ou many a battle-field and In many a deadly breach, lie has bravely gone Into a conflict where certain death awaited his capture. Wo have not heard that he ever shrank from Incurring the double rink to whirl) be was subjected. Tet the Copperhead, while stay ing away from the battle-field, sneers at the man whose breast is one of the bulwarks of bis home. If some men could see fifty years Into the future, they would shrink from the record which tbey are now making for the shame of their descendants. They stir up tho bad pas sions of the multitude In favor of a wicked cause, and they opposo themselves to means of saving a country whose prosperity they will not scruple to enjoy. OlAt'KKRY. When we have occasion to record a fearful railroad accident, or the full of a building, by which some persons are killed, others fatally Injured, and others again seriously wounded and bruised, we assume that the catastrophe in this, as ill all like cases, could not have happened without gross carelessness. It Is hardly possible that a viaduct or othor struc ture on any railway route could give way with the pressure it was designed to bear, unless through lmpcrfectness of original con struction or a want of due vigilance In watch ing the gradual progress of decay by wer and tear. Both these causes, most probably, are chargeable with tho casualty, which affords only another of many Illustrations of tho sin gularly loose way In which we manage affairs Involving interests no less Important than lifo itself. We do things in such a hurry that It Is not at all surprising that our steamers blow up, our bouses tumble down, and our bridges go to pieces under the least extra strain. There is no thoroughness and finish in our fabrics, from a pin or button to the largest piece of masonry. We turn our hands with wonderful readiness to every kind of business. We have natural facility enough for every species of productive industry. ' There is nothing done anywhere that we do not attempt to do, and there is nothing made that we do not try to make. But there is a lack of artistic perfection, and solid, honest substantiality, In tho least and greatest crea tion of our spinners and weavers, our cobblers and cutlers, our carpenters aud builders. Our cloth has a surface-finish and shine It, but It won't wear. It rubs off amazingly quick. The colors are brilliant, but they will fade. Our knives won't cut, and the edge is always turning. Our buttons arc perpetually breaking up and breaking off. The bodies of our shoos are forever losing their soles. The chairs we Bit ou crack and cave-In under us. The spring-beds we sleep on are a vanity and a delusion. Tho carriages we ride In break down and pitch us out head long. Our dwellings crack, and shrink, and warp, and sometimes crumble up like card houses, and come down with a crash. In short, we do evory thing so fust that we do nothing well. If we run up a huge storehouse or hotel in a fort night, we regard It as a notable example of expedition, as If It were far more linportaut to accomplish a work quickly than to make it solid and lasting. We are more concerned to get through with a job, or a certain amount of labor, than careful about how we do it. Our manufactures are made to sell ; and In order to promote that grand aim, cheapness ati l outside glitter an; the conditions to b? com passed. Hence all our best pains are spent in giving a fabric a high polish, a flashy exte rior finish and fineness, while there Is nothing beneath but the coarsest, slovenliest batch work. This really disreputable rntnn.'r of working at all kinds of trades, aud th.' hubit of imposition it cultivates iu the me chanic, has bad the double, effect of retarding progress in constructive skill, nnd making in content with a very low degree of expertaess in any kind of handicraft. What a product lucks in rcul merit and solidity, we make up for In deceptive appearance ' uud so that people are taken iu by the fraud, we do not care for the consequences, either as respects their Interests or the credit of the trade. This demoralization lu our Industry has been going forward for years, and unless It le corrected, no protective turiffs will prevail against the superior integrity and thorough ness of foreign workmanship. The devil-may-care way in which we build and dig, and en gineer, and fabricate, Is telling against us ut home and abroad. That propensity to cheat which la exhibited In Yaukee clocks, wooden nutmegs, and all sorts of wretched giracrackery by which cunuing knave may turn a dishonest penny, has destroyed faith In the character of our artisans and their productions ; and even Ame ricans buy American fabrics with a feeling that the chances are ten to one that they will ba gammoned and humbugged out of their eyes. Quackery with us seems to be the order of the day, and It bas bad so marvellous suc cess that it la hourly creeping into all our pursuits and prtsVssloiu. W hove empirics at ths bar, lu the pulpit, among the doctors, in our colleges, our banks, tut counting-rooms, lactones, ana worasnops, and, Indeed, everywhere. Our drink and food ar drugged; pills, powders, decoctions, and very species of abominable nostrums are manufactured and sold by tons ; ws buy silk garment and find them more than half cot- w (yi.tr price (or belfru ranted to Innt a rpanonabla. time, and U dla solves Into glue the first rain. Charlatanism Is, in very truth, growing and flourishing amongst ns In a remarkable de gree, and It may be worth our while to con sider whither It will lead ns ultimately. The greedy pursuit of wealth by the shortest cut Is converting us Into nation of cheats. Law making, and statesmanship, and even religion, have become mere trades with many, and when the lust of gold aud the tricks of the quack and the moun'eback arc being carrlod Into the forum, the cabinet, the legislative hall, and the Church, It Is high time to begin to look out for our projierty, our lives, and our souls. A WORD or ADTK'F- Now that tho new National Loan Is fairly licfore the public, we trust that Philadelphia will sustain her proud reputation for liberality and confidence towards the finances of tho Government. Kvcry dollar of spnro capital should be brought nut of Its hiding-place, and Invented at once In the new loan. Tho rate of Interest and strength of its security should make It a favorite with all classes of our people. It can be subscribed for In any amount, from fifty dollars to five thousand, at the office of Jay Cookk & Co., No. 114 S. Third Btreet! The Ktuittnry Commlwdon nnd Antl-Scor billies In the Army of the I'otom e. It In well known that on of tho greatest nooda of the Army of tho l'otoinac in Virginia a cintnnt Mi pro; proper voirotshle food. It is tmpoMlblo that the health of tho men can bo prumrrrd while they Milit only on (torornmnut "hardtack." The Hanitary Cotnmiiwinn, Irolln? tho vital lm;ortanci of supplies ot voirctnMos, principally onions, plcklos aud potatoos, to wnrd off any teudeney to scurry , baro mado such abundant provisions that vrjfptable tuou sufficient to supnly ono ration a day tor twenty days tor evory man lu fienoral Chant's armr bars tH-en lorwarilod and distributed sluco that army lias been beforo rotershtirir. How Ibis munificent donation has been rocolrod tho annexed nrdor and loiter will show : IlKAPHiOAnTHHK, bKOOM) AltMT CORPS, July 1, lHtrt. htiecial Oruers, No. 1 70. Kxtraot. TlioMiuU t rv ( oinuiiwioii )iavin turned uor tor the u.e of the tiuup. ol this Corp 1411 huxea toiiiHtooa (about tOOO lbs), It bono lemons, f bbis. tiicklod onions, 8V.0 tt chewiUR tohacoo. they will bo dl.-inbuhMl under tho direction of tho t:hiet CmnmiHuary ot tho Con s, only to the ncn of the divisions and artillery now occupying the line of works. lty order of Major-General Hamcock W. T. Wilsou, A. A. A. O. II RAn-QTTARTKltS KlOIITKENTH AnMT CnitPB, IN THU 1 1K1.1, KKAK l't.TKKHBCKO, Julyl, lHlil. To l'r. J. 11. liotxit.AS, AssociuU) Secnitarr Mauitary Conui.Liiin. Dear Sir: I'hu supplies kind y lor woKieit by vou hum tho Sanitary Commission haro t.-ocii tocem-d at those hend-quartcrs, and will at Oltre be dmtiitilited as requested. J'l.o Maior-tieiiernl commiiiiriliiK the Corps deilre me to express to you his appreciation ol this dona fion to bis command by the omimssion you repre. sent, and tn miy thut there pernaps has never been a time H hen they could bo ol greater M,Mrt 0I tiiut their want Iihji beeu moio tel. by the troops. lie also desires me to oxpri to you, a.id through you to the CoininiHsiiiu you rupmienr, his thanks lor tl.e interest they have ever shown lor the woltare and ttcll'hc'iiir ol the tro' m in tile lie.'d, uud his appre ciation ot the ttork in which Ihey are ougaeit aud the lal'Ois thev have uorlormeu 1 am, dear sir, youis very trulv, &c , Wm. Ucs 'f.i.i., .Tn.. Major and Asr 't Aili.'t-l.unoial. llHAn-gtTAnTvrs, Tinnn Division, Sixm A ('., June 26, ItsH. CU'irenn It. llAim, Hiimeiiu-in-Cliiet lhinl liiris.iin. tixtli Corps Mr : I lease present niv best llianl.s to Dr. Mtkini n, Cliiel InspMiior Moiitin v ( iimiiipsion, and .Mr. lil.A.m.i. aiteut lor the S xih Cori s, mr tlie very aooeptabie ami libaral iloiinlinii ol two wajiou loads of uim-sjorbiitios to this D.vHon; pud while I am itrnteiul on tliusci.ro of health, tie lien tcel tils tangibe prnol ut the bcnolitH ol the oinmision. Very nupcctfuily, .Iamks It. hiukxtts, bnadier-Ueneral. llKAIlKjUAIlTHlS NiMH AltMV CORPS, CAMP IliKoiiK 1 ntiisDiraii, Va., July 1, IK'.t. Sin K given me great plein-uro to acknowledge herewith the receipt ol an issuo oi regulable mr my command, coinj'ibiitHj bv Iho Sanitary Commisdon. Mv command is already indebted to ymi for seve ral issues ot vegctahlis and anti.scorbutioi, and 1 cm, not let tins opporiuni.y pn4 without expressing my ail. cere thanks and appreciation oi tho vamo of ti e services which yuur Commission has so gener ously reiuh n d. I am, sir, very respeotiully, A. E. r.tritMHiDit, Mujor-liencrnl, Field HoU'ital, Kivpu Army Coups, Nkab I'LTHtwiiuiici, Va.. Juiy a, WA. Or. J. II. iijuu lab, Associate Sis'returv L. K. Manitary Commission Mr: As Suigeous and ( hapiains of the Ninth Army Corps, ft gives us great pleasure to ac.uow leduo to vou and to the many fricmis of tho H imtiiry ( on miHiiuii our great li.debtediiess to t.Hs Com ni siou Uuiiug the pre-enl campaign for thesuipiy of nun.eious urticlis so essential to the comlort ol tho s.c and wounded, demonstrating tho exceeding value ot this chantv. li i limns us unqualllled pleasure to bear tottim nv to tl.e ei erv nnd iai hlulness ot your agent, Ur. S. C Stxvkns, iu ills, fusing thu Biorus committed ti Ids trust. Kai ecially do wo commend his judgnent In tho di tr.but.on ol largo quant.tiea of an (-scorbutics to tne men in the tr Helen, whore th t utility ol bjou rnaUrial is . b akllshed in the preroutluu oi aic'nosi ai.d tho ro. illation ot the system, r. ndtirin iheir recovery, wneu wouuded, mure probable and spetdy. We trust that tho Commission will continue ita work iu this turro.iou, so lavorauly begun, Most rospcctiully vouis, Horace I.udiiiguiu, Burgnon 100th Fa., In charge ot 1st It vi ioii, tub Army Cuips, Field Hospitals. Juliu W. .snow, Surgeo n Uolu aiaa J. O. Mullen, Surgej.i 14 b N. . Artillery. A. II. l.au-liu-ll. Chaplain 57th Mass. T. Fletcher Oakea, seraeaut Mil Mass., Assistant fturgoou llosp lal lt Division. 9 h Army corp.. W. V. Y bile, Mireou 6,lil Mass. K. Yt . A.oru.n:, Assistant surgeon, 6!th Mo. Horace It. I'uiant, Assit aut Surgeon 100th l'B. W m. A. Vi b-ter, Surgeon 9th V il. Tlieudote J. nrist, Murgeon 45tb l'a. J. D. MiUal. Surveun Hist Mv. Shermau Cou.er, .virgi-ou 6iU N. II lutbert T. l'aine, Jr.. burgeoulM N. V. M. K. II. l'ii ice. Assistant surgeon 17ili V t. Ii. M. (i. alii son, AKrtiii nut surgeon. K I,. Mcssonger, Assistiiut Surgeou l'a. Vols. Ch.ik C. ltuitoii. Surgeon Hid .Me. 11. 8. H. Smith, Assisiunt Surgeon Slid Me. J, Is. lowe, i hap mil ritli N . it., eturau. K Z. Dyloril, Chaplain llth .V it. 4orgo C. Gruccior, Chap aiu 31st Me. m. A. start, Chaplain 6Stn Jlus-i. Win. It L. Itiarkwiinil, Surs"siu 4tih l'a. J.. H. beck.oy, ( Lapiaui 4Mb l'a. 1,. W ltliss sulgeuu 61st N. . K. J. ho. me, Sur -eon 2d M.cli., Veteran. 8. 8 Fil l. cii, surgeou 2d lirigjdo. ad Division, 9th Army t otps. V lis h. Fox, (turgoou 1st ltrumle, 8d Division, 9th Anuy t or;s. il. K. Snii li, 8nneon L7th Mich. D. F. ltotu dy, Surveou U7lh Wis. W. K si.urlocfc, HuiffHin Cist i s. A. F. Whe,au, ,surg. ou 1st alieh. Sharp-shooters. Chanes F. Ame.', t-.urgeon thm iilno. I.uir sou 11. Fuweis, Ass.s.ant surgeou 27th Mich, H. L. Imtti'ri.cUl, reeun Bstli VYu. i,. F. Dool.ttle, Mir fn.i 24:h ft. V Cav. .ItHMijih Juntos. I haplatn tf'th Ml h. H. s. nuiKi!!", Chtipiitin 2n,i lieh. J D. Fvvil.e, Snr.ui.li li'tli MIc i. tihrrieil. HAZ.AHD ctAHK. On tbe 7lh of Mav, by tha Itev. J K. CHAMUhH, JlA.Altl to Mots r.MJlA CL-MlK, bolli Ot till-- City ANIiItF.WH. On tho 2(Jth litat., ANN' C. AN DUKW 3, In ilia 1,2(1 veiirol herauo. 1 he miaTlves titul irieiidtt of the lamity ae respectfully 1 Invitidto aitfiol hi r Juiieral, iron tim reiiaeucu of h.ir I Hon ni-lnw . lioorno It-'h Tin. neur fVliowibip, H. J., oj ! ft'iiih-duy ItMh intt . at I o'cloc I. M. 1 KVANS -On lhi-2tth Inst, HAMVKL EVANS. In the 64 ih vcar ot l.ia iije. Ills ireiidi ami tboe ot the nunily are rea tie ct fully In- viti d to atti ixl tbe iui erl Iioiu Inn late resitleuce. No. 11a N. lu.ll htreet, ou Kriditv next, ut b o'clock. A M. I Kuneral to proeeod to Wii Viuc.-nt, Ch.ttor coauty, i l'a. Funural aurvicca ou Thurmluy cvouiuit. at bis lata Kt-ldeU(.e. HAAltlV On th7thof June, at Coal Harbor, Ser KCitut W. 8. UAZ.AHl). of Co. It. Uux ter's KlxuZouavus, ut wounds ruculvtul lu the Intrtuichinuiit. KISH.M N.-tin the 26th lout, at Florvnce Helphts, N. J., II A H 1.1, y ounces! sou oi 11. d, aud Julia Klusiuiui, aK-d 3 rears. MAin.ANP.-On tboULb lnsi.f Mrs. MABY M AIT UM, aned ii veara. 1 .e reiutie. atid I ri viols of Ihe tauipy are InvItM to at-t-nd her turn ral. troin bcr lutw reHideuc, No. ftltf l'owU street- above i iilh street, beiow Hpruce streot, on f hum duv monitor, at h o'clu-k. Hervice at hi. Joseph Church, luunucut at hi, Mary's, S. Jr'ourth straou Woiil.'IH.-Oo tbe 24th Init, LVDIA B., oldest daunter ot Johu and .Vary Motto. Uneral from the residouctt of her parents. Second atreot above N orris, ou Tburadav aiteruom at I o'clock. M hOl'UAl,. Tn Ttieaduy nwrnlnu July X, ANNA M. ltkOOkrt, witoof HaiaiWl A. MuUoukaI. The relttlivoa aud fri ml of tlx rmlly ara reapectfutry lnUvd to ativutl tha fnural, from the n-auieuoe of hc huhband, on f ftursrtuy aiVrnuou al 4 o'vktuk. UMITH.-On Monday, July Utb, JOHN a HMITII, fir. In the lid year ol bis aue. Tue rvlakves and triwuua of tta ramily ara reaped fnlly invited ia attend tbe funeral. rvin his lata rvnk deaae, (ireen Lane and Main aueel. Mwioyuui, on Theraday.July lto,U.sL.al 'ciok 1. il., without further notice. W AfJKHB -m thaSAtta kul. C11A1LE3 LBO TTAQ VHU, in tbe Mtb yuar el bis ae. The relatives aud trruU ot Hi fbrsjly, Indepndnnt CauaeilNo. IU, I'. A. kl., and employtw of Uie Lulled HiaUs AraenaL ar lUMiseosCaUv lavttod to attend the m aerat, Irou? bis law rwaidsNaoH. No. UX-) rranuia atrwet. on Tkoxaday aileruooo, ai 'olock. fo proeawd So Ma banica Camatery, WOODCOCK. -On tbe Wib raai., LtTCT, daugtiter ol Thomas and Mar? Ann Woodcock, and aaouilM. The relatives and irieada at th faouiy ara rtapaotially Id riled to attend tha tuaeial, front tlte raaidBra of bar Ill ur Una, llamuuiL.vfe lia In.Jjj WL twi ! .. BUSINESS ITEMS, i r. r i u h CHILLED IRON SAFE THOKOUQEXY DRIIX-PROOF, Thoroughly Burglar-Froof, AND THOROUGHLT riRE-PROOF. THK LAST EDITION OF J A V I 1 U VAN H 9 EOORBAOKS NAILE D TO THE COUNTER llin A rt UlelnHunUy llsntvolA ol Htl lnwt., Ilcvlowcd He flrftt i "I, I-rtIiJ nn.nf th (Wm of Ft u A Wdtidn, ttii din ii'I by m r).nllani.f , r i'iiti)lhd In (ho rnnii' fifth lt itiit. Wdy li In- continue to Mow hli tnini!t in ihH w) 8impl Nraiino he kn'm the Orn (rhni.Ki Hank will not tunilth worth of HAfni at itieir xprti.e fr any uc h uhjr t, or bocotue mlsod ap in the mnttcr In any j Ihrrriorc lie can blow with Impu nltr. lie Iim ovitlputly h-arnod ttie lonioti that dlirretoo Is the bvtter pait of aUr and that it Ii naior to fUM l lund hn nstorka tl an In the oon field ; tht rel1re will not iUjat' fioin his (ltnllpiii that Is, will not make It prac Ural. Hr nKt aayi Ml lie acknowledge all hli Hafei are in t hurklar ir(Kf, Ac. 11 lie nt-V iKiwIrrni' Blmply ttiN and no nrrc, ttat a Bre Tiiititt Ik Inirh dilll pniol to In h iTtiiAT proof, an J h" claim l timt it riiflli'd lnn Mnli tt uf- uutulf an I if-B',rll , ilitiinuut ly mill IhiiK drill it i, and tliereforn nurttiHr 'ft I ; m the itn' ttmv 1,111)' admits tnnt It It ponl a i4 i v n prul-rtbiP that 'fcaiionHiiy tln ro tnai be a mercantile Hun not mi ll.otounhl CilH'-d aa II onRht to h. lthUKh Kin' care U u'i to nae thctn na Uniterm a po-tilole. 'I hi- wrtur next iava he haa lMfn letlnn onr of Lilllr'a Hat a over mninirm, and nays he h in auncm-ded In U . 11 Inu a hnli ilirmi'ih It H dea nut nny that he has an ap tiratiis not up tor (he occhhIoii. and one not practical I-r a bttrtcmr toiarry whh him: ih.it ho ti an anormnns proHsitrei' Ac ; hut nH withtimillitK all thti it Ii evidotit ihe bate It ii"t a hard as usuiil, -r he woiid not iiecH'd an he doe, lie nixt assert an ho Ims drll ed thi he ran drill any ot l.lllle s. 1 his 1 mare ane-tlon and n t prool, nd he will have the opportunity heroutler i t'"t his r"ri'rr'ri'rikaiinlrilUii;chUtl Iron to th aatltactioa ot the public. The wti.it next Introduces a hill of sale of one of l.llhe H.neft to aer nprai ki. and proceeds t bh-w hnw lie sntceet i d In duplnx them to njaHe an xrtmiiir ir nnc '( l. mix A iianit a. He bin the lid aico ' I rih itie" of March 0, iMil, tell iuto their hands (Hint it, tliit he. l-a d t van put It into their hanoi1, whirb coiiiainetl an account i f tl.e l.iiHUliK ef the t.'otirt lloune In Novudu ei.iinty, Ion a. He all" hik hy this a'-couiit tho t'nurt Houie was huiiH-d in tlrrty iiili.iitus, toi'''Jier wit i Hn.noo in i;reen ItacPK, and all tnccmtentn oi one of Mlile s Mre ami Hur utarrrofHiti'H,iind that Uhn Htatement Induted Ale am. eHver A Hprankle ( nuike thnr exchaiiKL'. The tfllowinK certitlcates will 1nw how eomplately Mtara Weavt-r 8,irank1e were duped; and tilthou.fl. lavtU r.vauslia mado the Hreaiest athirts to dupe nth?rs, both In the city ai il ciHiiitry, by lecn-tij i lrcuUtinn thU MiQiraUf aia-nient, to my knowietiire this is tne ouiy ; intnm e of autTen. over which It would aeem he Is imw iiifcpoNMitoexuit.t-venat tllC cl'Me J the putty thu j id; above atatement was made by one Itoss, as nhMdntelv lalho. and wai paid by a atfe-inaker lu t.'hicHotootHBln It, and I hnvo no doubt I'avM Ktan knew it when he rircuiaUd this pa per, ns counter certiu oites wore piihliaheil li. tne Chn uyo patiera about tho u'ue lime ; bcMlUcH, it la hi tin hit to cin ulute and publish ui.'h htiif int-ntH aitei they are pirhilclv know n ro be iaIhp. I now otter the ubileun nts oi the JmXwot Netatfi county, n ml another promlnoi t nmnot lowat.'ity. to show Ui-j whoit tHviit in tins canf, and haw other cTU lie ales of tne aatuo ch'ii'HCKTon httnd k aoa, Iowa, Kcbntary 2h. Ifrl. I lien liy certify tint the Mite natd by 1 . J. Husa.u Tre -.Mirer, which v s in tne i'ouit llcoe ou the nljn ot I'ecemher .11 , I Hit, when t-.nd t'lin l llouit) Kl hli rued. w:ifi U lite ptinhtiMSl In Moveiu l-er, in liw a 'lty, of tho Wurld'a hafe t 'ompdny, from thiir HKt'iil, at a co'nt ot $iKo deltveri-it thvrt. and ttim nmnuia. tured by en id Wtoiti'it Hutej tJompany in W.l, anl was a small hu'e, i.bout tw o and a halt leei hihantttwo ft it wole, J nil stood the the as well m any ! ol Ita kie Wi-uld be expected umb r the creuiiWitui es ; it tM'ltiti.ai vei y ono know a. a ry m-i re nlht, and mild t In thu south-ea t corner ol Kind Court House, and tin' wind blowing htroiiK from the northwest, maKititf II the hottent plHi n in ihe natd building- The safe K-il ir.itn the hocosm) Morv. andla iu Mich a mnnner its to hae the lire operato ! 111111 a r to a iurnace. Maiii u!'c was in the tire and ruini IfUi hix o'clo k in iliu evening il:l nine o clock next inorn liitf Win ii openl. vfv h iitnl pan of th money oiucwhai c-aned. but the bulk of it whs leirible. E.tJ. tVASH.rounty Judjie. Iowa Cm, Kehmary '21, lMj. A. I.. Win no, fci.. Afcoiit tor Lill oa H tn, hica su : I hon-wltt send you bomewoodwora from the uie of Mr Kim, which In a cin tilarol llerrintt A Co. la slated to be ''hutiit t ahes or a pt rlect chuicoul." The woodwork that Is yet In tne aic lb perfect, except charred a little, tmtwlthsuudiuh' they douhtlnnt aet flru to it by u-ttiim the air in wieu opened, n'd allowlnu It to burn af er tnkintf out the eon K ntf. There is no doubt but if proper lodgment had been Ubed In openitiK Hit sale, li could h ive had a new door, aud with very little expenne be Hi lor uau aualnnatid every thlnjf in it preaerveu perfect. Mr. hoas wa In y ur store, but did not let himself ha known at the tlmu he Kite H. A Co. the letter. Tlier oileritl him 1) tr the old (.ale. He btatea timt lis hid uihtof his nine thousand dolinra with hlin. Tie nU ytkh not one ol Mule's, but a small hleo World' Sale Ho., ll make. Yours, reepeclfuliv, K. r. rtKVMOUK. Now what are tbe facta In this raV Simplvthat the ijife m,t Li I he h, bit made in lrt il h the WorlQ a 5iiie Com-pti- . when th-yietl tire brick jr filling, aud uot ntddA an i.i I e mw umki'N hales, and iintad of iti contents I'UiiiK Minted to asheb, they w ere luonly preserved, and w uh proper run- the whole miht have heeo, and thu date whs n ihe I eut lo bourn ImtteHti of ;l tniutite. Thus la tills Iftht j;ooibm:k nulled to thu ouuter. but not until WcHver A Hiirniuie weie most thorouKhly dupeil, and very likely oiheis ; and ths Is tho wav that liavltl Kvani lucnn trovurt.hty ii roves Ldho's Hate not ilre-prooi ; a id for him to hay ho are not biwnlar-prof l worst than lolly, until I.e can so instruct bis aore wiriifeit jw'i Ui it they it.H buccmd (HMter than they did lu their iu tempi on t.ie Vt't 1'hiladelphlaTruxt Kuud Hate. I rather upect his jirt'HeMe nay be required to Insure their success nouj vtrrottt. I see in the ''Sunday I dtpatch" of the 8 1th July, the Tioga County Itunk robbery Is attain dop ayd oy ihe imu lJavld Evani I would men-ly say that the .iie wm noither a lim.it Safe nor Mlla-'s; tiiat I have a letter voi tiiitarlly wrliK-u lo me b. the Cahbhr, enchMloK a copy of the litter lo K aus A Wat'-on, saylnsr that tf.ey to.-k the llt'ori) to putdith a pan ol It, in order to deceive, tho public. ThU ropy can he sei-u at my depot. 1 would say also, thaUbe Tlota C unty Bank have just ordered a v0 i MMionul Hank Hale, Llne'a (,'hilled Iron, prlcrt Ho'-O I 1 his m-iids uo cjmmcnt. Another Hojrback nailed toUi counter. . , I Nee, al-o. In tho atre pjpor, a inan)(lel entract from Tiik , bitisii Tki.i-'.KAi-n ot April Hi, rputl, sited, tiiat is the piav of It iiuitt a,nm intrutiuceu witn -iiAmiet ieu (on. In in fortuer answer to that art'clu, I m ntloned tl at the dltlen in ways of opening t e oiiimon H Ala as there desciltHd wi-ie ol cjtiiaiou occuTente ai.d well known, and were mi tinttd aud had benn previou-Jy PphlKtied to tne world, :x il which Die writer found it con- kuletit to leave out to weet hit oae in bis roitsue. M C. HAHI.Kk, Lent, Mo.'il H.SKVLftTH Str.-et. N.B. 1 have lust rcelel In ecnue f.r Iduie'a Chilled Iron two larj.e Kvnns A Wutnou's ftalos from the Hatik of Noithini i.lheiti s, aod un larife Kvaus A Wat aen'a Hale tnuo Mea. Iuilay A Hli kneii. luuk ot Itipu't-rs whicli I ha l seh at very lo p Icvm I d j uot call them '.rr-l'rmd, as t ui. t deccl.e the purohifor. 1 do uot call thoui Aor Zur-rro f.astru K'tt oitenJ tl tvld Kvann. ai il I chouiu m at cer a!ii' dtctive the pun-hate. I wouhl skv, nbo( thut I have ou hind, and r.o cuiIok In s uie tan i twelve of K an A Wairoo's midd -alxed Sm'h. .t at fxrliniiut'd tor MUe'h. w nil h will Oe oil ere at tt'iow auctou iiiicj. bo Ides a larno uuuiovr ol other I would Htate fntiher that theseflaf-a wire not eitchanired lor l.lll.t- a fiue?, on account oi teem circulars laiseiy re irtancitiliiLf ihe laniiies oi r.vausA atttou a naiua, ttx t n. bin lino v fiom the fact that theo-viier ha I nmra c nfuiei ce in one and oiit -hull to two inches tht:ku-ss riiiioai iron ihnu ot.e sixteenth to one twcitiiiot an incn tblckm t.h hhct-t i.-ou as a protectlou against either hre or the bi.rylar. J D.wi.r.n, U 'iU A6ent, liolof Old .overiiiiieul, Java Cokkkb, HoANTHl KllK.aH IVKUIT M-'MNINO. 1AVU A BU'HAIMM, Alton aad Tu.vrii. V., i. Whltmnn A Co., Man ufa c u is of New and iMllcl ui Confectlom, Almond i'aite, bocol te f a amels, reams La Mode da l ar a, a qui ttely fl ivored. Uuustcd Jordau Almonds, Ac , Ac Jio.aiG th snu. street, below KourtU. BtWlt A rsj.i PlHUSSM.- BThCK. A CO.'B M A80 5 A BAM1JVS ff?r3 CABINET FlAJfM BTECK A CO. I OltOAIS. I riANOS, J, . OOirui, BstsuUi and Cuasuut ttroeM. INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. IHY ALU'S AND CONVALBtCliJIIi. Inyalids aud Convalesacnta, Invalids aud Convalescents, EapealaU FKUALJ-'.S IH DKLK'ATK IIKALTO, KM ALKS IN UKL1CATK 11KALTU, VtMALKS IN IlKUrtATK 1IKAI.TI1, WlUtlndour ( WlUtUtdour WiUaudour CallfcraM WlaM, . CMftirnla Wlnw, Callfeniai WIbos, CallToraia Wlaw., l-allturuta Vftoe OalMoraia VTIdm, pMsUarty valuasl. aa all MM of lamruw aad great proaw UatlwBorKnsmUt. X,k AhU Aak Ask Ask A,k Ask Aa Ask Ask A.k A Ask Ask Ask D.. MKMtMMl, Oebhard, Jaakson, (ofth. raamajlvaaita Vnlveitr), Dwlnav llneai, Ihvm, HartskorM Wtrnu., WIMnma, Bartakr, Mdhr, Wllsoa, Tlndat, Vteal, FoasWy, N.t,t, Kaurv, M.ytoa. Vu, aad eOv hdki abr.lM, vhl IUiU of Ut. mM. n,l vk-M. mt CrM Wiil Tea (uoaasa pn. erik Mr kraad and nil WM Mam paMaaM lorr Irou HmCt naol OAOTOaVNIA WISS AOeHOSf, hmaj W.UrttTOatrrt.atiMtwl 113. A. tl A. y H Wi STJOCKBom TO W. BL OAKBTt, MARONIO HAI.I.i No. 719 OEESNUT BtrwU WINDOW H It A. 1 10 H. OtIKTAINH, ajf itosaurro nkttin'M. AMUSEMENTS. A-I'.W CHKfiNTrT STItKRT THKATRK. i.1 llllorlatlt Nntlm. A H'-onlc Ri-hf ar.al on natnrday Kvsntnr last derpwsl ll .ri-i-niiKv nl lnip',rlAiit altorMllinj In aotiie of tit nn tilni-ry nl tin- ila.r. 1 In- flrt iiTlinii4tK-e of ''AlaiMln" liai.tM-rtfurc, liecu WlSlMtt to WKWFSIUV F.VKMNri. Jul) 17, Vt lien thi plu will li. in punitive ri-Ailins... hp.rrvcd .cut. aiici purvhaiM an- gtm until iis'-d. VrALNUT STKF.'KT TI1KA.TKE. II SAM-(lllll AT 1IU.MK. Ibc Tar-fsaifd SANKOItK AM) TROtlPK Will opon ths nlKi' Tin' litre On MONIIAV K.VI'.NIMl. Juty'J.'., Anl rnntlnne over .vcning dorln; the week, Intrn ducuiif U.. 1IKST MINSTRKI. fTOKI'S In tlio tulli-il ItUtt.s. rV. bill, nl tl.e il. Iw, npe n dally l-T aln of Tlrteti. )y27-t. i HOVKR'S NKW CHKSNUT 81RKKT J TlltATItK. ItRtMl HK'IPKMNO. WKIiKhliAV KVKJIINU. .IVt.Y 17. Viral time In six 3 inrHin 1'hilntli-lphla of tlie rftud r. niamlc, iniiHiortl, npf.-iai-tiiar r;iinii, AI.AIll'IN, (lit THK. WONliKKKlll, I.AVI'. rrreiiti-d, sflur three montlit' ucllv. prviurstluo, 111 a Ml 1- ol VNl'RCKIKNTKIl M AONUTOCNCK. Iteplots n Hli MnK'ntl'ent Hcencry, lliaiillfnl llancr., Biinorb t'oitiiniet urid Pmpcrfia,, Wiinderlul Trsnhfnrtliatli.tis, tlranil Mttrrhi-a. AO. Kchrrved Rratsfor ia1c throo days In aJvame. r CiVii j DHJ I ;e Miiunrii biiii iHfiuuiDuioiis ai ANll A 1 I AN. Cautoln K. A. Kyibor. will make I. rand r xcurhton to Cnoe Mav. on NTCItlA V. July 10. leavtiifr Arch street Wharf at i' o'cli ck ; retumiiiK, will five aim JMny nn jvi"iuiiy, at o ciora. rare lor tnu iirsmn, inn e ttuiarA. t:i.rriai.e niro cxirn. Jus. A. HTKvVAKI', Avonl . roil CA.lla MAV, HIK blAlNCH ASI COMMUIlIOUB STEAMKU MANHATTAN," CAPTAIN K. A. n Y T H K It, Of ihe- Capo Msy I.lno,li now iiisklnit li-r ri'fulsr trip, to A1K MAT, Irnt Inn A ICCtl Hlnet Wliarf. evrrj-Tnes.lay, hiri.ilny, and Haturdsy at ntno o'clock; rfiunilnit villi hyp Cupe Mny etery Monday. Wi'dnosday, and Friday at Im't-pftHt cltit o'clock, tnurhinff at lvr t:antle going and rttunilnit. Kara tJWi carrlsi;. hire tnclmtt'd. hlMrrn half price; rarrUitc hlro liicliidvd. Borvams H'SOi carriago hire entra. Fruliilit at low rattn. No freight received after tt o'clock, aad Li all caic, muBt be prepaid. jyti-u johi:ph a. ktkwart, Airont. DELIGHTFUL EXCUHsSIONS BivKit ecurjr I.KILL. The Hlenmboat OKNKkAL IIOOKKU, Captain MA.R LK. leiiveN Fairinount evarv hour for BfliLvlkillllfiu'lita. aunt Illli, Utiiuont Cotume, the iaii aud Wlasa- ckn tvi if N J U AV ItOUTU TO WILKESBARRE, HA NOETH PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD. TIME AND DISTANCE SAVES ! ItT T A. M. EVI'IIESS THAIS', KBOM TIIK NEW DI.POT, TH1BU OIRKET, ABOVE THOMPBOM, ARRIVINO IS WILKESHARBK 2' P. M. KKTUBNINO, Laave Wlt KPBKAUItE at 1 P.M., m king close eoo- Dectlon at Itcthlehem with North Peunylv.inU Lapreea train, aud arrive in l'hl'a Jelphla at I. Bf. V A It li 1 5i 5. 4 BAtKIAQE CUhCKtD THKOUUQ. XIL.XjIH OL.AX11X. AOENT. Jylf. lit JAETEL'S OEEAT PIOTUEE Ol' Till NEW YORK CINTRAL PARK. Thu niairo'flcen' v,ork of art, now rapidly approicMni' completion, ts one cf the lai-KOit and uist el.b.rale vvw undertaken In tlil country, belna about t our and a half by three and a half feet square. and cmUfedriit a lull aud cutniile't- vlesr of the (in at Cen tral Park In all I. a ceaut) a n urandeur. Bub.crt. tlnns lor a United nuuitii r of the arllifi proif sheets will be received here, when t le p'ate. will be takea to Kurnpe, where Me.trs. TKl DMJt C'K.,Patrnotter R iw, London, aud ALHKKT L. m.KOLU, Rue Kitlielleu, I'arlt, are alread)' reccl Inn subucrlptlon. fur the -ame. The work can be had by subciliion duly, l'llca IS pr cp. payuine on delivery. Bubscrii tion Eooins of tlie Company, No. 720 BROADWAY, NKW VOKK. The fullowluK I ruis will recelvr ubiicrijitlona Al'lT HO.S A CO , brosdwayi W iLKKR, Vt 1MK A CO., Hoiton; S. K. OltllKiH a CO., ( blraiio; MOORE, WILSTAt'K . Bsl.U A'IN, Cuiciunjtti ITIll.ip K0I.0MON8, WanhliiKton; CALLENHEK CO., 1'hila.lelplila ; Or, at Uie publibhers, BHWEIX, IIARIUS & CO., Jv20.wi.mlra No. 720 KROADWAV, New York. "11SS0LI'TI0N OF COrAItTXERSHIP. Jl 1 The coparmeriilitp harelnforo exUtlua balwuin Hi undenlfned, under Ihe drin of ). A Nil UK mc'0., Is this rtav dl..lved bv Tuolnul enll.enl. The hunlnenk iif the lace or ui will be lattletl ty OKOItOK K. H.tvitMA.iN, at ma oia piace ui buaiuaaii, no. itiH l llCHKli Btrt'.t. tirHTAVt'S ivnitK. t.tOKHK. K. fcAUhMANN. PblladelpaU, July M, 1HM. Ths under.lirn.d hav. tills day aina4 a aoitartnerihlD to traniM!t bullae., under tha uauia of li. ASUHK M CO., tlie prlvll.ipa of Uktuif tl a nam. bi'ln granted to ll. in writuig, by Ilia mviubara oi tnu urui this day trwi aurv.d. DKOllllK B SACRMANS. fRA NUIH A. NORTH. 1AJV1B IvUYlKK. riiUttderptito, Jury 3r), WA. jyM-wfm !H r'E BCBfiCRinKRS 1IATB ABSOOIATHD tlieusarrea tugtlMr aadnr Ik. Arm of HOiroM, LlYKKMAit Jl CO.. aad was caattaoa tka Car ItaUiUna HaetotiMi la all ! braaeaaa. as tbe old al il rl.kmaal, IKllil TWJMrTT-rLUtrT aad HA HILTON 8irU. H. IMH.TOM, ABXIHUK K. DlKavatAK, Jyl-lta tl. W. D411LJM. MO NUT. TO ANY AMOUNT, toatnd opca btamnude, Watoaa, Jewelry, vial., lKitbiaa, a. JONUS Ai IX5.'R OLD WtTAHUnllHD IADAIf OyiTfTi, lnMMT Till till aau tiAnatioawaeia. Below Loiiibaril. V. ,DLUt )M,W ATC'HHH, JteVBLBT, UN, tet; rua ul. aa ilooklaih.!- ium rucBor ntu I. WANTS. AKHU.ERY AND CAVALRY HORKKij wantnl. A.-slilTAKT Qt 'AaTtanssTra-O.aaiiki.'s Oi-.o r, I'hii.ai.i i.eniA. .luiy 91, lint lfor.ee ultsi-le for th? A rill err unit Cataln ervlr will be i 'irclmirf-d ly the l.'nler.ii;i i if, lii npf n m irk.-'. SI a U.r pili". I .el-anlmil t l-e .uh ei le,1 to the li.usl Oovern-DH-ril Iti! cetinn l.f fi-rr tM-ln ar-ep'ed ll'fM" to lie drllw.-it io lie t'tiit.-il Inspi-ffr, .1 lln VII, ,AM IKNN IIIITK1., MAItKf.r Mt-el, he tsnen I KhUi nml Nn ninna. Ily oi.ler m ( oIoih-I oei.rn II. (.rn.man, Aml.tin' (J larte matler-Ueneral V.H. A. ... OKOItftr, R OltlvtK. ))W-lfK Uit.ln and A , M. WAX'TI.'n li'llll 1 111! I'VIMMl L;T . TUf . .......... aw. ail,. iii,,,,, oiir. n Ma llli- I orp. (avnrii-d and Sveltltlg lire bv and lnl . Hire liun'lreil nMe. billed men. to ii l m His h ale. vtili of- vi nr on fnrrlwn a Ainu,., liel'sr c f.mpeni-iH"n Ihsn lb srmv. A s'lln ir wr f. a e.niMirliiMo lli.lie . i'lie Murine I !nrn. I. tb . I.e.t fiui' l-.Mll ni pi- In I ln .e-i e. 'r-i' Mmn-y In .Ii-miIiuu-c. T K LOCAI, HOI NIIKt I'Alll IO hKlXtlllH. Foralioilinrlnlnrntill.nl m.plv iln'iy nt thu Iterrtil Inn llrlid. ri.,,, Nn : il H. HtllN f H reel. Iiul-.w Hprnc, iHHvt-eim tlm hours of lime unci three n K ,1AM; I.K Caftain sail heoniiilini Oflir.r, No Sit . I HON I' urenl. m S tf A M S 1 K K 8 W.ANTKD, Cttifr QuAai KKMAsTm's Oixi'k, WA.-illl.'.'-'h lH f'T. WsiisT..l C.Jiily 1. 1. Var.fM.at m,ce, TIIKKK UCNIK1'.1 1KMirK, eaeli ratmlik'Of AiIvIhk with ainitle Hue, and lanniiig ai a rnoic K Ami. T mk t, who art1 romrtPtent tn porr-rrn thedntv, th pny irm r,th will hr thirty i1liai, with o(,f ration par tla . mii ln.Bpi-rtl pritiiYeq, ln;lndlng the bett niMicaJ at) ei lnrire lor elcV AiiatA CmUIh I I !. I TOVPKINH. A. O.M..IT. fl. A. .corner oi TWl.X t Hi.coHli and UMtreti, Waih li.ton, t. t . I. It. R 1 1 1 K r H , Itrlaja-ller-Ottneral andf'hW gnartermaitor, J 1 1-lt bpoioi Wa-liioKton. FOR SALE AND TO LET. f DKI.AWATIK l'KACH IAKM FOIl ibio ' (ii in in i itu- i ' bi n-B. un wri it'll 11 nnw ItT" wnx r.p rrof I'tm h-n, anions wbi h are tro (nU'fWloit arit't'i " I rll a Kariy Wetl," Karly affk," " Larue in I "(Mil Mix In." lo lawnr Whit," ' V'ird Lute. Ui j(h Cllriff," and f0nr vaMotiefl. all M which will rm n-tarty f(r he market In a few day-.. Tin fann Is near lb" nllreat- Miafhm. and rrarhei nre t.r r'Vl tl.e name d j ey er satlieie.l ti market. Willi richanir d for Cay I'rorvt . or nold on piisy term. a; jiiy to no i i . t. jvf -m afl TO I.KT TIIK WHOI.K OR ANY VOU l.enutfttnet. 1 HOS. II. CONNKLL, Counting IIonHO of lr. I. ,Uvn A Hon, J?" fit No.g4JCHK.HM T Htnot. A OM) TOST OPFICK UUiM)INO. DOf'K Bui fltrwH, lieVow lhinl - To Lei. the lnt.Atii.6ih ar.d 7 ill tstorift, eltU-r w1tb or without uteim-nowrr. i iivn. u i wb nrxi,, C'tHint'n Houie of lf. Ji,,lnWM(t H n, b' t Nn. CIIK.HSt t ?trc t. 0 ELEVEN THREE-STORY J BRICK DWELLINGS, WITH HAC K lllULDINOS, GAS AND 13ATII. Ajuiirta No 1U S. THIRD STKKKT, jii'-'-lL't Or, No. 20T 8. rOt'ltTH STI'.KBT. TO 11LNT. HANDSOMKNTOHi:, WITH f l'tnii- K'aJ"fi ni'iuifwiiBim unciiiiigi n u. ;'( r. . . a-. r, - 1.NT1I Htreet. jy'Jl-tf n for S Al l;. i..-,0.000 WORTH in good aJxII'MiHe., lari-'e am .mall, nn terms to milt purchs-seri., e,li:er witii or v 11. nut unirnnrance, lor cit.b and Knod trade. I iniiir- ol. from In to I'.' n e'oek A. M ., T1ION. M- I'l.OWMAN. No. IfU . FOt'KTIl Street. 1 (1ST. THIS MOKMNO, (.OINO UtOM I s r'ifiit ami Cltrit'iin to hend and Ho nth nircota. a tlrnit, iirawn tn Hit onier if vni. I'utltt, for a uital'V rt-WHril OftiJ ll l-ft af No.WiOtm,f;o mrt-ot, lu'ltivy liTt-tlmi. An iiii'mcnt linn ln-'.-n nioi-ocd. icrn'ius are iiiit'Hid not to j.urcliRM' .nid draft. It N NATIONAL LOAN ASF Interest 7 3-10 ia Lawful Money. COUI'ONH ATTAO1II0D, ano INTEREST VAYAHLK KACIl SIX. MONTHS. Tlit principal! payable In lawful muiuiy, at the end of ttiretycara. Or, tli hMor liai the rlyot to demand at tltat time The 5-20 Bonds at Par Instead of the Oaah. litis trhiK'KP ' vAluaMe.aii those Itonda are our mmi popular Loan, and are tow soiling at elht per cent, premium. 8ubtHTiptloni rco,ed In the usual mAnutr.tud tbe appeal and proiioaala of the Btcretaryof the Treasury, tofitlier with our Cl.cu!ars, and all noceisary luforma ion. will e furai-hed on application at our oltlce. JAY COOKE & CO., No 111 S. TIIIRI Btreot. 11 O V O S A L 8 FOR, LOAN.' Tukahlui iel'BIMK.vT, July , lt5l. j Notles Ik horeby aiveu that Hub.rriptlnba wltl be roceivsd . ty tlio Trensutcr oi'the Urltetl States the several A.klut- i antTrea.t.rors.ai.'l denii'i ated fieP'sltories, and by the National Bank d sli ulod and qu.ililk'd ai Depo.ttorles I and f inancial At eiiti. for Ti'ea.ur.i Notes payable three ! tars fiom Auku.i 1&, li'H, beaiiiiK intemst at the rate of him and three-ttnths per rent, par annum, with acruU I annual couitons attached, payable In luwfut miiney. Tl.de notes wti'. be couvcrtlhle, at tlie option of the . holder, ut nia'.urii.t , Into six per o ut. sold bearing bond., ' rtdumaUc atttr fle and payable twenty years from Auaiiit il; ltWT. I Tl cie Holes will he Uttued In the denomination of fifty, oni baiiCri-d.flve hundred, one t'ltuaand, anil flvelhou and dnlleis, and will be Issutil iu blank, or payable lo ir h r, as may lec lrected by the sub.crtbers. All eubfccrli Uous mut be tor fifty dollars, or aome mul tiple craity dillars. I upllcite rtrt flchle. will be Usued for all deposits. Tha -arls tli poililiig mu: end ir.e up ,n the original certiilcato the tJein m.nat on nf notes required, and whether tin y ara lobe Ueutd lu t lank or parable to older. When no eu drm d, It ntuit be left with the oftleer receiving tlie de no.it.tobe fuwiir 'id to this Department. Ihe notes will liHruiumltte 1 :o tlm wiier., ft. euflrau. po.tation cliargts, a soju after the receipt of the original certificate, t-f dene sit as they cm be prepared. lutorea'. 111 be allowed to Augu.t 1 on all dcp ultamade prior lo th jt date, anl will be paid by the Department upon ivct'H t of Ihe oiklnalccrilniatel. A the notes draw Interest from Augiut 15, peraoiu mak ing drposlis .ulintquent to that dats must pay tlie lutere.t accrued from date of note to iate of dupuklt. rartlcs depositing twenty-Hre thoastuid dollars and up wards for these Dotes at any one time wlU bo allowed a ci uiuilMkinof one-quarter of oue per cent., which will be paid by this department upon the receipt of a bill for tho amount, certified toby tin ortlcer with whom the deposit waa wade. No deduct tons lor ooasinisakins mart be made from the depoalts. Officers reaeiving deposits wtH see that the proiHti en dors'B.ent are made apua ths original esrtlflsataa. All ufheon auiborlMid to reaeree deposHa are requested to grra to apptteaata all dealred inrormatkia, aad afford facility ii nuklag Bobaerrptlons. W. r. rieiRNIBt, Secretary ef the Treasrury. 8uNlMlptrBe will ke reeslrud by ta HHT NATIONAL BAXK OV FIIILAfKUPlUA. frrK'ONB VATrONAL BANK 0 rillI.t-I"tL"a- wii jfAVK or rnitADA. AUCTION SALES. A V CI ION fcALK Ol CONDKMNRD tfAtl Dl'PAMTM-'frT, '. ai if r Hrm- rr, Orrv t. or Cuim yrarrHm-rn, WfMIT...Tt't. l,r , Jltl) 4, l-4. 7irriMw pbl'c a irrt, i., to tit hUheii tiddar.al tri t Tim and plra numwl Ui.w l.r It A h. l'a . TH t It l V, Inly 1 1, IS A I U N A. l a., 1 II I'M ih , Ah-mi-i t. H4. V li t IAVi-i)KT.Ia..1 IN K-IT. Viivnt 11, IW. 1 0 IH'NMtKl) (MO, CAV.M.Ul IIOKK-H si paa) plar. Thtf H ra favr- bffn eomlt niB'd aj onflt for tha ( avai- servl of th arm.-. I- or road an J tarn, pur pities mauy Rood bargains may b bad llnfsf (Ktltl SlP7ly Trnr i'aat. In Utiibd 8(AlMf urrfny. .fAMI.s A. KKIW, Tlf atcnrt-t'olonel anrt t.hlef WiurTmui'eT Jyi.fot C'atry l.u-fiasL specialnotices" t:Zf HKAT CKNTKAl. 1'AIH THK . l' im n-linl nn I.. h.u nl lie l'OM"IT ikk or Mlt H I lib AMI MaI.H ' K IIM I ike- pi .-.lie III I"'.' cliiel e h.v cim'r I'l' I n. I'.n wer.' AMoriation of Nutn of I'snnayWanla, h ewerv' truck llllnin Haul, AO ea.V ale" v'J .'lii. .'. .Mil-otlAf o., 'V, eH.-k. ale a lie .1, lieekii r, tn ra.kii ale value I', l.uek". 10 Ck.k. ale. value I'. Pelimlilt, I eaik. ale, value I. eeil. A lirity, 10 oa-Hk. ale, value .' I een. A tir. )-. eali Maeeev, t:olnn. A ?o.. 3A eaiki ale Iim.-er Colllim .V t'n.,t iih Waeey. Colllnn A t'n., eniDlojee, ea.n'.'.,', I reilr'i'k Ijtuer lli-a'tlnn, lo,tiVnlc II. It. Miililinliera. l(i'illnK, en.h , Ii. J. Vueimllni.', rotl-villo. n en.k. ale I Inier. A Vueni'llnu, I'ott.vllle, caeh V . I.'. Analer, eioih tolin l'nrier, en h Ailollili Htlki'l, eiish K. A W. . l'erot, e..h f'r.li Ci m ll.ltimier I iln'eil tirum tan. lu rmloll A t'Hotta ?u liarrelii Inner arkuoa- VVM sat J ji i-oa I MM 1 n Si'.M l liW'OI Siv'M a o iM Kl U si tit .W It tlt IiiO 0 I ICS) I i.l "00 jitt',4 10 0 ' ot A IS) i m m , m-jt mm Ml iv) fieos tHllH sua J Mivi) MJiS) V) St Ml iai Jint U It SO '.at i nt 20 O " I -01 mm lot 10 nt lilt lu a3 It) os IVM1 M iii,-n il i-OD 41 110 .1. A I' Italia .11 '!: 0 ili u ili lln.... lo.,.. Un.... do.... ilo.... to.... do.... do.... In.... do.... do.... In.... il ili do.... d...... do.... do.... d hliuel A t otro. ., nil--. Iirrftirb I'. Hi-lietmii .1 inner t.l.le A l o ri-liv.clUer A tlilm t i'imi r A Horn Jolin K lump r. llieL.. V. . Iiehnni lTvHHer A IlMTmun... I,. Itri-hni Y. hehwarta IhiIh 'I'aiinnn M. Kntlinnkor AI. Irth Ilnnter A Co .1. Hllniyer 1 .). Ortu 1 L. t rammer 1 M rn. Iiiik 1 M. I enoletl Kenilliiit.. 1 i . tsnTy, itemiinir I ny Net lirnceeibi at Uie 1'air I'anh aiil.M'r ptlonil hale ni v nii.u 4h cak ale mid porter tor uo.pltii! pur.iosi Total I'H't MAVJI KL III'STON. Cha.rinan, V&f TO V01.rNTEKRS.-$'!,'i) 110UNTY. -I'UltK I MI.KN8' VOI, I S I l;t:lt NllltSTl Tt'TK f OM.MIT'1'I.K, No. 4 WA L.N't" f uriiKKI', .ItUr 2:, t-Jr All for. on. prn4,ltiK to vo!nnti"e, w! cttir tUli's t ill nit or eenpt, t-iiti eulUt h ltepre.enti.tlvo Itoerull. 'I ifv ara enliileil to Ihe t.overn m ilt lliiunivnt I IIICKK IIUMilil.il IKH.LAKM Tn t.'irno ..earn' enli.lini-li , a d. In aitnlll.iti, ilils l ' iiiiiiluiH wi:l pay in lli-se reerin'ril at thilr Mtiee Uie C'llj llin-ly nt I () It i; In It Kit ASI I IU Y l OI.I.KM.a- ilUNK HI'.MiUt'.l) nOI.I.AKHrua II, i It prln, Ipal-. 'Itiey il Hun recelvo, lu all, nl.X Ill'M DIIKIi AMI I IKTV In il.l Alii. 'I In- pa im-iiii, of tlie Ciimniltti-a are matlft Inea.h, on tlia liny i f niu-liT, and. ait ll nliiect 1. In nil! In riU.linr IriMipa aril fliinii the uunta of the cliy, tliuro I. no ctia'Ke foroool lulMi'nn or tirnl.etne. Ailv Hi tlieoftlto of the Onmrnltte. between to 1. at. Hint I. V. M. J. li. liOSKNtlAKTHN, y2i It Trea.urer. fS?-- nKI'RKM'.NTATIVK RKCHUITS. S Ottn e I it 7rlih' V- llinle. r Slili-tlttlte 1'uuitnlites, No. t'.'H VkLN1 I Mine'.. I lily ii... I!! t.i n k'Uii- i Ti.-t lltble ti. ilnill, anil 1-dle. who do.lre ta put Itim hrli llepre enint've Keeriuie, are Inlnrned Hint ti l. I iininil'l-e wi I endenv.tr to pnn'iire ttieiu. on ri-ei-lpl nfUM-. Ill v I. lif t) 1MH.L Alts, wtn-h In pdld ta li e lecrtitt In adilllii u to tlie cll and tiov.rniaent ojaa lica. A. the War Iii-pnrtnienl tin. ileehleit tn paytn aueh ra cri;hh Inr llin e tear. tle United Mlileii hnnnlv of three li'inilrid Inr., tl-et tlitit rei elve 111 all Hl III Nl)tiKl AMI KIH V 1ml I.Alt. Ihe piiltliitlc if iHith si-XfM III thu. tic .nnhlerl. at a tnuilfiatt e,i nilillire, tn have tluMmclve. repre.euted la the arnile. nl the ('mon, anil to aid tlie liovernuient lo lha lnot ellicienl u, aimer li'.'ii-lt J. O. ItOHKNOARrKV, TreaB fir. rs" a mass Mi;i:TiNn ok tiik ciri- " 7eii. i f tl.e Tweelt tlilr.l tt'n-il w III he hetil a'Otlil Ke'lnviV Hull, Krtiikfurd.on WKHNKnilAY evKIMI, .lull '7. lit ti n rlm'k, tn iiit'"tiiam- li.tini'tit.. lti-irta trnm ihe Kr iltmt-nt A.siNiUtlnn and t'nunty ttnliventloa mi. J ue wieitii.-u, J.lt. ll.vitu u , r T,", Ohatruiaa. WlI.I.IAM 11. ltltAWN, Herretnrv. jyl-Jt rT5T- OFFICE OK THK CITY BOUNTT V3V l'lind Conmilniilnii, Nn. 4li PltltNK Street I ne'er li e rail Inr T onpant July IH. 1HH4, Hie OfTT It'll N'l Y will be paid,, a. Inlliiwn: 1 o Ueerult. tl lly unif-ti-red into the i-.rvieeof the liniti d Slates and crodliad an tlie quota nl thel'liyoi l'lulailelnlila : 1 it Keeraits mu.ternil lor tine Year. One Hundred rt.illara, Tn Jttcruita muat.n-d lor Two Yean, ran lluuilreil Uol laii. In Ittetnlta mtutered Tor 1'hr.s Year., Two Hundred and K l'ly linllurii. J'ri-per ce nidi-ate. nf ereillt to ths elt v mtiHt b fllei In MtU aiice with It e t mum!. 'loners un hirel'iimn. I'lliiclpal. pi.etun riuh.iiiuie. In .ervlce will be paid ia the mine manner. lit ntder ot the Cominl.lnn. jr-'.'l.t lllHIKItT M. MOOltK, Jr., Secretary, rrzrr offick of the piiii,aori.phia, wCr wllinini.rtoii aril Itnltlmnre Railroad Co-miany, I'l.llNdi'Jplua. .Iul 2tl, 1HI.I. The rales of ireljihl ou alt kind.ol inert hanill-e iranniiorteil nvnr the main line, al Uie I ehtware ltmlmad. Willi lln t-.iin -ctMiu., will he a.l vaneiii twenty fail t er ei-uium nn rate, a per pitlittuhed larllL.bearlnu'riaU'. nl Janu.rv Is aud April 1, Imit. Hue Hdtauiil to take elleet Mmiile;. , .1 ill v 'J'i II. V. KEN VBIIY, iuierliiteQiieaL OUAItLKS K. lUK. Muter of TrsnspoTtnll m. Jy.'l 6t fT- TO THE I'HYMICIANS OF rillLA di litiia t.enllemen ni ihe ) acuity : Having ooa. striicted an apt .rulun ( he nr.t and uiil) one evi-r brouiiht beme the meille.J iiitifeh.Hin) that may be iiietl wtin per-fi-ct aatet a. a the rapeiiiiuui a.eai In the tieaim.nl of le.ii.e... ihmat ln-.eane. ami m an atreeiKiu. of the aJr pa..ai.e.; and a. ll 1. well known to you and tne puolia thai I have Inr yeitrn had the laiue.1 niacltv n( any Hnr Kinn In the I'tiiletl Mtatuit tn the treatment ot the.e mala tile., ami, rt.meijoeiillv, 1 have bail abiuldatft oiiportuniile ei le.tim.' ihe eltuary of iny ai-paraiui, I. ti ereiore, for tna ..ke nt ih. pio'ieM. ut iiitdu-ai icn-i.c-, Invite you to my otflt-e. to n ake a pi rknnal exaiulmitlen of Its wonder ul piorertie. and adnptiluiltv tu the oure oi'thosc ui.eaM. aod furtlierauce 01 li.eillciil i-C'eiu-e. t A. VON M08CII.ISKKB, M. D . Oouli.t and Auriat, jyM-tf Ko. 10'fl WAIJ.UT Hlraet. fTTST- OFFICK CITIZKNS' VOLUNTKRR u k3 DrilMlTlITE COMWr.TKK, No 4 iVALMUT HrreH.Jul Jo. 14 Tuw Ot.oim't'ett lias KKHVsl la S No. 47 W AlsSt'T Htreot, uu s.al', wlia e It will rciv ai'iikiitl4Ur tioni cul.i nu dt-nitiun to siiuro Multsuuttc ur r oai-iitaiiviM. A iiament of Hon t be tutda at I the titueoi Hi'iiliation.aiiii a now r of att'riie to trirea a fir tin (M HOitntv. Subuiliiitei furul.thea lu tn onlctr f ot anplu-ation. VitcianM ami aliens dcstrlnti to enlist as sobsti'titats v, 111 Huplv to tin- Coioiulitt-o, m lio w ill have iht?.tn musteretl Into men, wlit-u tht-y cnti neiot t tht-ir own r'Himvnu. Itor-N'eii the liouotv paid by tin Iiovurnmont. tht-jrwitl rure ve tVom It.e rommitiee nl IH'NDIIK I AND KIKTT Itil.LAli le t'abh, on day of uiiikter, hi hout aoilucttt-Hi tor ct'UiUiJJt-iob. or brokeratfu. iso clmrKO of auy kuitl ta IliKllf. Vetrrans art espfClally wantiut In tha service, and ou tl u ro-i-iihkt on tht niont tolvai.t-iKO 'Utt oondhions. Oihc l ours troui lo a M. to 7 v M liANIKL iHTKl NM KTX, Chsiirinaila J 1 t I.AltK 11 Hlt, .KIIIN TUHMI'.MW, CLKMKN f H. rKNUOSK, l. ii. KDsKNd.VKi kn. Trottsurer. j JyK, ?w 1IKNEV C. l.t A. Httireiary. tfrpf- DEAFNESS ANO BLfND N ESS. J, J Isaacs. M D., Profesaorof the Kye unl fear, treat 4 afl dlsenstiai aopertAlnliiK to tlie ah jve-iiaint-d mMHbor wjisi tlit Uiiuost -u ot)hs. I Ofttimonials froia the moat reliatt Bsiiiroen in tnaolt.v apdfoMitr) can be kq at his Orttoa, ho. .'U riMk Hirobt. Artllletal Kyas InieiUwl without pais. lo chaitjptt tuaa for examination Otltce hours Irom 8 fta) U A. U..V Ivl P. M. ho. HI I'lNK Hiraai. I7n : 1 MILITARY NOTICES. 8 WANTED FOR TUB UNITED STATES Marine Corps (a varied ami eicitltiK ll by sua and land), thn-a hundrua ablo tMMllcd mon, to portorm th dutlos of a soldier at our Navy Yard, and aboard t nlt-d Stales IU)s-of-ar on forvLgn stations. bHtercouitvuiatloii than the army. A ship of-war l a coraiurtHble home. Ihe Marine Conn ts the beat ialpd Corps tn tha service. ITU Money la abuB- danct. 'iilB I.Ot'AL BOUNTIES PAID TO RECRUITS, Vor all other Intunnatiou apuly dally at Ilia KecniltliMrl BfndVxvoiM, No. 311H. KKOM" Hireoi, below Spruoe, bar. Iwoou the hours of nine aud three o'clock. -JAUKB LEWIS, Captain and HocniUtnn Otiicer, Bnjft-tf lio.aU 8. rRONT 8tri pUELOUQHS rUELOUQHB. Ofricari and soldiers visiting Uis citron furlongDj.neadlat H WOllllH, and oniaa MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ABB 1HVITBD Tl TUB BXTHKSIVI M AJIVlf At7ruiUJ(U laususaaaai or OEOUOBW. HIMONSAMIMI. BA.NS0M 61HEET HALL, BANKOat Btreat, abort Btxttk, piibsbhtatTon SWORDS ., ... - . iiu uirte.l aetiea, whleh for rtehoaaj aa4 .ian. ahailaaia oamaatHloa, aa ath honae la taa ZanWT eomblalnf tha atANlirACTUKlNO BWXUUI T,.,, TUB) rttAOf ICaX HVTOBD atAXHB. Ia4 T O J.I N OJIUM 1", CaBPEKTEB AND BTTTLPHtl, Mo. u i.iimiu imiKrrr. A tare. fore, tf BBlMlod bmUmwIoi of stl branehal always va karli aut-uniM t" 1