The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 27, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Bcbcl Account of the Battle at
Atlanta, and the Affair
at Snicker's Gap.
Etr., late, a;io., i;ic., mo.
"Wasiiinotosi, July 27 Information from
hcadn,uaitcrs of the Army of the Potomac to Juy
25, rays the shclllngand picket liritig between tho
JHh Corps and the enemy, yesterday, was inoro
lirlsk than usual, an. I was kept up all div.
Pnring tho afternoon a shell from one of our
puns struck one of tlio encmy'i cai'sons, which
exploded with a loud noiBc.
Very few civuulticn occur, considering the largo
Uantilies of powder spent by both parties.
No exchange of papers have licen mad.; be
tween the picket for ome days pint, the Kebel
commanders having strictly prohibited it.
A Kichinond paner of the 2'-'d claims a decided
Yietory at Atlanta, driving our forces back with
heavy Ion. It also Buys our forces wero de
feated at Hnicker's Gap by Early, where they
took a numlier of prisoners.
Deserter are not so numerous as they were a
week ago, the enemy seeming to keep a stricter
watch along the lines.
Rprofal to Th Kvpulnic Tlo(f rnpli.
QBaltimohk, July 27. Our morning papers
have very little news, and nothing dcllaltc from
points along the Upper Potomac. No additional
news has reached as this morning, except some
reports that the Rebels have evacuated Martins.
hurg, and that no turned Rebels have yet crossed
the Fotomac into Maryland. A largo force is
understood to be on the south side of tho Poto
mac, not far from Harper's Ferry.
Uencrat 'Wallace feels conlidcnt of success iu his
knnwlerica of Affairs, lint, forldil the riiilillcNtum
of exciting rumors, or even facts, that might give
the movements of troops. The Impression still
prevails that the Kebcls purpose invading the
Cumberland valley of Pennsylvania for plunder.
In the absence of published fresh rumors there
Is less excitement here. The Baltimore and Ohio
Raliroad runs to Harper's Ferry regularly, and
the telegraph also works. Although the aspect
Is less tlireatouing, it may be only the calm be
fore the storm.
YS . . T , rn n rs m. i ,
D&d ihukg, jiiiy u, if i . ju. i ncre is consid
erable excitement in the city to-night over the
news concerning the recent army operations in
the Shenandoah valley. The reports that huvo
tienn receiver! nrp verv liulnlinlto nti.l tint, titifr.t-
qnentiy contradictory in their details.
The withdrawal of the pursuing column, eoin-
posed of the fith and 19th Corps, which staited
from Washington, and which had fallen luck in
the direction of Uockvllle and l'oolcsvillo, seems
to have been premature, and to have alforded tho
enemy an opportunity to couecntrate their forces
against Hunter, who still continued the pursuit
down the valley. It is reported that in an en
gagement tho Rebels forced him back to Har
per's Ferry with considerable loss. Tho state
ment, however, that two regiments of cavalry
and two batteries of artillery were captured is
said to ne erroneous.
AND TKLllOHAl'll. ,
An otliccr direct from Harper's Ferry Informs
me that Martinstjurg was occupied by the enemy
' last night, and this morning the Kebcls again
were set to work destroying tho railroad. At tho
time of his departure the telegraph wires had
not yet been disturbed. It is supposed the Rebels
, nau a policy in allowing me wires to remain m-
, tact. lucre are facilities In the, possession ot tho
. enemy tor taking the mossages from tho wires,
. and it is supposed this is tho cause why the tele-
, graphic communication has been luft undisturbed.
mere are no trains runuing uence west ol I no
' III regard to the buttle said to have been fought
oulii ill w mciicarpr vn timrii rime tn.i Minimis
mailo a stand in an advantageous position, and
belrjg attai ked lust Katurduy and Sunday by our
troops, the lutkr were driven back. This Is sup-
posea to cave ocen in conseiuouce 01 tlio enemy
receiving timely reiuforecmcuts from tho army
f ; -iit.h Richmond.
Nothing was known ut the Ferrv of General
Averlli'e death ; but it was rumored there that
Colonel Mulligan, Colonel Kly.of tlielH h Con
necticut Volunteers, commanding brigades, una
Colonel Tboburu, of tho 1st Virginia lul'.iutry,
commanding a division, were killed.
At last accounts Genera! Crook had succeeded
'n driving the advance of the enemy, which was
pushing north, back to Bunker Kill, ten utiles ... II. ......
.SWIU Ul ..lit! .lUOTJIll g.
'. There are rations opinions regarding the
4j.luitliA BiiinA Inmn. vrl... Atiinr.wl l ..m lu . I
nnder Karly and Breckinridge, while otliers are
of the opinion that their numbers have been
largely augmented from Richmond. It is pro
bable that the Rebel raiders, not sutieliod with
their good fortune during the iirst invasion, have
been ordered by their commanders to return, as
ther wish to rcDeat their success. Thev will
meet a uiiierom reception this time, as every pre
caution is being made throughout the western
counties of Maryland to meet thorn.
ANOTHER 1T0I1T HErollTF.ll ltEKl'GEKg.
Humors are now current that another fight has
taken place In the vicinity of Harper's Ferrv:
but no clear or definite results aro givcu. It is
said that General Hunter's army has been badly
worsted ; but I expect that more reliable informa
tion on this subject wilt undoubtedly be received
here to-morrow. Large numbers ot citizens from
L tbe West are sacking refuge here. Everything
active, and we will be toiind better nrenurcd
This tune, it matters not what nuiiv be the force
of the enemy, we are ready to meet him. -Wic
Morn ttrraia.
BpeclHl Driutr!u'8 le Ki cuing Telegraph.
Wasuihqton, July 27.
General Ornut and Uenernl MrPherMon.
Intelligence of tho death of General Mcl'her-
ou was iciciapucu iu vicucrai uranton nanuay.
Tho war-worn hero, after finishing the reading
or the despatch, retired to ids tent weeping like a
, child, and with tears streaming down his bronzed
cheeks, declared that the country had lost its
ablest soldior and he his best friend.
Deimrtineut of the Pad lie.
Mujor-Gcnvral McDowell, having assumed
command of the Department of the Paoilic, has
designated Brigadler-Gcnemt Wright, of tho
Regular Army, commander of the District of
California, and Major Klrkham.iilso of the Regu
lar service, Chief Quartermaster of the Depart
ment, which now includes Arizona, Uregou, aud
the Territories of the Western Slope, brigadier
Gcneiul Alvord still remains temporarily lu com
mand of the District of Oregon aud Washington
Troops in Companies Accepted
IlABRiiirRO, July 57. Authority ha been
granted to the State authorities, by the Socr. tary
of War, to organiio new regiments of voluu
tccers for ono year under the last call for
five hundred thousand men.
The Governor will Issue his proclamation to
this effect as soon as orders and instructions are
received from Washington.
Fnll companies for this period will be nt or.i'C
rci tived.
Shelby Attacks a Union Post,
and Captures 120 Men.
CAino.July 2fi. A correspondent writing from
the mouth of the White Iliver, under d ite of tho
'2llth inst., says that on the l ull a detachment of
the 10th Illinois, &S0 strong, Intrenched near
Senrcy, Arkansas, were surrounded, and attacked
by Shelby's Rebel command, num!eriiig 1VH).
A portion of the Federals, alter a desperate light
succeeded In cutting their way out, but the re
mainder, about l'JO, wero cither killed, wounded,
or raptured. Shelby is thought to bo In the
vicinity of llrownsville. A large cavalry force
has been sent after him. Our scouts report that
he has seven pieces of artillery.
Thero Is much sickness in the army, and among
'be troops und refugees at Duvall's llluil' in con
sequence of the CNtreme warm weather, bad
water, and the absence of lee. Ten or twelve
deaths occur daily.
The Ouerllln Wr I'nlon Vlolorlei Its.
IMinwe to Ueucrnl Flwk 4'nll.
S r. Lons, July 2fi. The Hemneral't St. Joseph
special correspondent says that Charles Whitta
ker, Scrgcant-at-Arms of tho House of Represen
tatives, and editor of tho Savannah Plain h ai r,
has licen arrested by the military authorities and
placed uudcr bonds, and paroled to appear be
fore a military commission.
General Craig has assumed command, and is
said to have returned to Kansas.
The expeditlou which left here on Sunday has
returned, and reports killing ten guerillas.
Several expeditions are fitting out here ; one is
to leave to-night.
More than tiro thousand men have responded
to General Fisk's appeal the surplus are being
sent buck home.
A fire occurred hore last night, destroying pro
perty valued at 1.5,000.
Tho upper counties turned oat a very large
number of men nnder General Fisk's order, and
many of tho militia have already taken the field.
The expedition nnder Colonel Draper has re
turned here, after being iu the saddlo nearly two
weeks. They have, killed about one hundred
Platte county is Btill reported to be full of small
squads of guerillas.
Major Hugh Fullciton has ?cen nominate! for
Congress by the Unionists in the Ninth District
of Illinois.
Cairo, July 20. General Payne has pro
hibited all persons from occupying houses or
other buildings of wood as tenants, in the district
of Western Kentucky, and from paying therefor,
except to the landlords or owners of undcvlatlng
loyalty ; and after tho 1st of August, the rent for
occupying land or buildings of disloyalists must
be paid to the post quartermasters, and no pay
ment of reut to disloyal persons will be valid.
General Tayne has also restricted tho sale of
arms and ammunition to persons connected with
the army, and to such only, by permit from hit
The purchase of supplies can only bo cll'eetod
by permit from the Surveyor, and merchants can
only bring goods Into the district by conforming
to section 58 of the regulations of the Treasury
Department. Several stores have been closed and
lurgo numbers of disloyal of Paducah
have been ordered to leave the State imme
diately. The notorious guerilla, Kesterton, will be shot
at Paducah to-morrow.
General Tayne has already confiscated to tho
use of the Government fifteen stores of disloyal
parties at Paducuh.
(uerllliMi Kouted.
Ioi ih im.e, July 20. In an encounter be
tween Captain Duross, with thirty men of tho
12th Ohio Cavalry, and forty guerillas at Now
Hope, liift Saturday, the Rebels were routed, aud
Captain Alexander, their leader, killed.
Captain Iiukcr, of the 3Hh Kentucky, routed a
party of guerillas at Knob creek, Hallitt county,
on the morning of the t'IJ, capturing a number
of horses aud arms, with no loss on our side.
John Simpkins, recently of the firm of James
Low & Co., one of our most prominent mer
chants, committed suicide this n-orning. Ho had
been u well fur several days und much depressed.
From Xats-hea.
Cairo, July 20. General Drayman has arrived
at Natchez and assumed the command there,
relieving Colonel Farrar.
General Voting, Provost Marshal of tho Frooil
tnen'8 district of Nutche,, died recoutly at Vlda
lia. Louisiana.
The Shreveport papers roport that tho Rebel
soldiers have destroyed tho crops in the vicinity
of Natchez.
- The Remain of Ueneral HrPherMan.
Louisville, July 20. Tho remains of Major
General Mcl'hcrson arrived here early this
inorniug, and were laid In stale at the Gait House
until 1 o'clock, and were then conveyed to the
Cincinnati mall boat, under escort of an imposing
display of cavalry, artillery, and iutautry, ander
command of Colonel Jordan.
Keticl General IfoertI Reported Woitudetl.
LoriBviLi.K, July 26. Suuday's Chattanooga
Gaulle mentions a rumor that the Robcl General
Hood was wounded in the fight on Saturday
before Atlautu.
The ltrlntlnn ComuilMrioa la C'alilornln.
San Francisco, July 2i. The appeals of the
agents of the Christian Commission, Rov, Dr.
Puttcrson aud Rev. Georpe J. Mingius, havo
aroused a deep Interest throughout this State on
behalf of the soldiers, and are mooting with a
hearty response.
the Pacific Christian Commission acnt to-day
twenty-one thousand nine hundred and fifiy-one
dollars, their second remittance, to the United
States Christian Commission, Philadelphia.
Nearly ten thousand of this sum was part pro
ceeds of a festival held at Stockton, California.
The first delegate of the Christian Commission
from California, Mr. A. F. Lyle, left here for tho
Army of the rotomac a short time ago.
Klierlal to The V.venlna- Telegraph.
Wahhuoton, July 27. The ays ; Wo
if am from parties coming down by the train that
reached lSultimorc last evening, nt half past seven
o'clock, from Harper's Ferry, that our forces
held Martlnsburg jesterday morning. The report
that tie Hcbels had crossed tho river at Shep
pardstown Is untrue.
Communication between Frederick and Ha-gen-town
is still open, ard the sugj from the
latter place, with the mails, arrived at Frederick
yesterday at the usual hour. Trains are running
tcgul.irly between Baltimore and Harper's Ferry.
The down train from 11 irpcr's Ferry reached
lialtimoro jesterilay evening at half-past seven.
A report was brought here this morning by a
panicky horse contractor of heavy fighting yes
terday at Ficdcrick, resulting adversely to us.
The above facts show the falsity of this report.
It appears that the Itcbel authorities again
allow alims to pass through their iu7s)
as quite a large number of thco refugees have
reached this city, within the past few Jays. Yes
terday eighteen presented themselves at the Pro
vost Marshal's olllce and took the oath o( lidolitv
to the United Suites Government. Among this
number was a woman, a native of Cauadn who
walked all the way from Hichmond to this'cuv"
Luwng been provided with a pass by the ItcTTI
When she arrived at Colonel Irigrabam's
oillco she was completely worn out and
was snllering greatly w ith sore lee;. She was
sent to the home of friendless women, to be
cared for.
Count Gurowski r as arrested last night, and
taken to the station house, for drawing o pistol
upon tho hosemcn at a fire, to accelerate their
movements, which were too slow to salt him.
. O. P. Fulson, an additional Paymaster, has
been arrested in this city by order ot tho Secre
tary of W ar. He is said to be a defaulter to the
amount of 1 1,000.
second iiKneAn h '"rfJXv
Kprrliil lo Hie F.vrnlnir T-lecrlh.
Washington, July 27, 2-,'iO P. M. Advices
from tho Upper rotomac state that some of our
forces re-entered Muniusburg yesterday.
Cavalry skiunisbing had occurred at Wil
liamsport. It is untrue thr.t the Kebcls occupy either
Frederick or Hagerstown.
Gcmrul Sandford has returned to New York.
Solicitor M'hlting is preparing a new opinion on
the iiucstion of exempting militia from the draft,
which will include points heretofore established
aid well known.
rnlon Rnlilientlon Meetlnar.
St. Loi is, July 20. The Lincoln and Johnson
ratification meeting, hist night, was very largely
attended. Speeches were made by Jos. H. Kncck,
of Kansas, und several others. Strong antl
slavcry and patriotic resolutions were passed.
' l oss iiyFiiik. Without doubt a majority of
the disastrous fires which have occurred lu-this
and other cities of tho Union during the present
month have resulted from incendiarism. The
stunners burned at St. Louis wore destroyod by
ltebel cmissnrirs, whilo in the case of a largo
number of factories and warehouses burned, the
enemies of the Government have ulso hid a
hand. A few of tho fires, however, happened
fiom the drought, and others were tho result of
arclcsuess. Sooji f tho lurgcst tires since the
1st Instant are as follows
Jul 1 Lnuisvlllf, tiusi'ltal st.iras $1,000 'niO
1 rhlUil'itiiia,ittcmr mi.itot
t-Kew Vi r, nnlio luetory Mo.'lOO
4 Nurntoiiu, wutft cure uaubiiitunuut.... ul,om
ft DliiCHKi), rooJ6rttK
7 I hlcauo, Car noire 70 'SJI
8 -VotullMiru (Me.) Mill au.mjtl
H Halmt.u Kiilli (Vt).wuh :Ium,(
11 K-w York, uyini JoAu rttrr Idturno
l.l- Wawrloid (He ) li illr. i clcjioi TOimi
l. 8t. I.uui., stmiiirrH A'KI.'nmi
If M.Y., wr" !svi
17 Ioell, Ai.i, , tiomcries 1;vk)
isi rru iiiuloa(rt . slMrr hiiJ barn tto.'uaj
if-.' "I;icwm, .larili ruill Sil.tfm
t.' HiirlnitHciil, M sum- 1 no mi
V'.' I'lillaut'lli a, w.if.m luc'ory Stsp.Oin)
V? lltOioice, O.. wul-it fm'torv l(J0,0i
-;:-l.m ktirr, N Y.. maehina sho
VI-Jamaica, I.. I , ln, l
HI H.wacuii,liuni(T illeck fto,o'
Bunim- Ca'liailii. llirlbrouk, l.uwrcncu, Itontou, J. K1
HiIl- liiiOKtfiif. huuiiilcr, 'J'ampa luy, CurtlsA Knlulit.
ti-t - Maid ht-ruObk-.Ort-gury, N. l.,llauimilt, Y.utuusea
A Co.
H,,.,. c .If. CarMT. Treat,, J. K. Halef .t Co.
Hi In. A Ki'wanl-. Soim i, lloil .n.J II. t 1. S. K I Her.
Hvhr. Alttica. (iotlirtiy. 11- tn rai Inlet. 1. H. Nt-r. tu a C.
Nclir Al'a, Stacy, Si-w (Irlran., ti HU'tion ,t
r Ilniiteitzi.Kpilir, lit.wirli, tray A Hudillu.
M-) r. J. H Jxliie-oii. Hin Hi, Motion, do.
sd.r .1. .M. Hhi.Ibuu, Cain, llo.l.m, ( a-Oier, Htl lncy 4
Wfll n Iid
sielir. l.liUe Kock, llowcn, Ai'xuider Tyler & Co,
frijr f'lara v i.i tau ua t.u.ciu. m aw, 70 dajs frum
I'aliTnio. Hllli frui', Ac. to l.aa.- .leatm. A (.'.
linir Lorana, Uuirnny, 1'.' days t'rom Havana, wltU
ciuart to (i. V. PerriHilou A: Ilro.
Itrtj- (iiluior Mt-rciiuli, Hiiutv, 4duy from Korlolk. lu
bulla.! to k. A. S. ucltr A Co.
Riar iloruiuia, hiju,6 days from Ipiwlcli, In kalian
to Lav 4 HuililrJ.
Sci r Pn-l... liitzgn, 4 days from Fortress Monroe, lu
bailant toeata)U
HofrlMiai: K. Curver, Merrill ,7 days from I'urt Royal,
la ballast tocaptaln.
fcti.r Olivia uuMon, Poole, ft days from Naw York, la
bal.Hst to ('. A. Ilerlva(-)ir at Co
hilu- C. W. rxftT.ITicotlrom Provldance, In ballaitto
C. A. HeckK hiT A Co
filoanier Wrceacoa, Barret', from slew Orleans 17th
Init., la ballaat to 8 AJ. .M. Klanasan. I'.t tint, ou
Jut iter Ink-t, saaatd attam-liis' Aarnoi, hence fur fmua
cola, n ttb barane Volant In t.w ; -in lugt lat. HI, Ion. 77,
encouuuied a Ten' heavy gait from all points of tlie com
pass; o'l rowaer Whan paaaad tteamer lltnnuda (U.S.
UliMsMf i), eainlnir up.
Hit amir Columbia. Merahnu, from Maw Orloaas 17th
hi.t.. in ucllist iu H ft J. M. KUnairan.
Hi hr H. C Wuletta.C'orsou, from Maldcu,ln ballast to
r l.r Artie Garwood, Oojfrey, from Fortress Monroe, In
Laliaat tocap'ain.
HilirMury U. Itanki, Haley, from I'artress Monroe, la
ballail tucuptaln.
:-Itr Ackiam, Hooper, from Fall lllver, In ballaat to cap
tain. sitLr Reailesa, Vanzuut,frotn ballait to cad
taln. s.lir I. line ItncL, Bowen, from Brldtcton, N. J., la bal
last lo lyiet k Co.
srl.r Naiad ijuoen, Dunlela, fnaa l'rovldence, In ballaat
to caiaaiu.
Hchr H.w.nlMit.l utlilll, from Fortreia Monroe, In bal
last to captain.
Vbr Alcorn, Foster, lrom h'ew burv port, lu ballaat to
hchr Aluiiterej, Mi-Lane, from ballaat to cap
tain. Hi hr It. J. Merrer, aVimcrs, fiom Boaton, la ballaat to
8i hr lilncVliinl, Cobli, front 1 ortreea Monro, In hullaal
to i ai'iaoi
Hchr It. P. Klnr, Bruith, from Fortreta Moaroe.ln bal
laat to ciipialu.
Reported for 'Jhe Ut eHtnff 7ra;iA.
pit nunc IsriaClara Wlllielmlna, Westala Cut eantara
br uatone. 7to bwi-a i.ruac. lAt boaaa oransea, Hiot) boaaa
lauimalo laaac Janea a Co.
UvasA-hils Loraaa, llaaennj 14,000 clfars M F U
Bialih; leovBOloUaoaaaal Daiu.
lti nnll Hrlorei Atlnntit -Itorrl(loii
of the rih Onr-llilrtl of oar Army
R'pnlses nil of lh Kehrls nr tAn
19I:t llrlirl li nt lrt noon.
TflriJ'nr ir Coi-r'noii. ;re of riir-l'ineri Co r, n- r tnl.
nly il, lhrlt. Your correspondent " Montrwc"
has fund bed jou with full details of the move
ments of General Sherman's army up to the mo
ment yett rday afternoon when tho dahing new
lUbel commundir, fieneral Hood, mossed near y
the whole of his army against the right wini.-,
ccnipo ed of the 21th and 20th Torp-i, and New
ton's Division of the 4rh t'oip.
This portion of our army, les than one-thir l
of the whole, met the in ! reckless, maisivc, an I
headlong charge of the war, without yielding an
inch, ac a little on one of tho thinks of Ueary's
JihiMon. where a gap in tho line oe-iii-red, and
hfre tho rnriny presicd thr.mirli, but was
rpeerllly cheeked The att ick was mndn tiy
nrnrly the whole of the Rebel army, and ita com
plete repulse forms the mint glorious chapter in
Sherman's present campaign. The following
are the details o( the tight :
y nr readers aheadv know.onr whole winy
had rfl'ei kd the crohsimr of I'eaeh Tree ere k, a
mull hut diltliult stre.mi covciing Atl inta on
the north and partially on the east. Alter tho
crowing, which was avtnally completed by tho
morning ot tue '-'Otli, our left, under M -I'liersnn, n the Augu-t iKallMad, south of Decatur,
and aliout fivo miles from Atlanta. Tho lltli
Corps was on the extreme rieht, near the mou'li
of Teach Tree creek. On the left of tho lith
(or in was the 2itth forps. On tho left of the lit
ter Newton's Division of the 4th Corpi.
A gup then occurred In our Hues for three
miles, which was covered on the south hank of
the creek by a curtain of pickets from Newton's
Dlvisl, n. On the. loft of the gap was concen
trated the rest of our army, several divisions oil
ginally on the right having been moved th to
early on the morning ot the 2ilth, with a view to
irenginrning tunc wmr, Instead of witirh tho
mi my made numerous leints, as it' about to pr.
cipiiate his whole urinv nirainst it.
The enemy thus being, during the morning of
lucrum, iunsseii on our icir, oruers were issued
to New ton, Hooker, and Palmer, on the right, to
advance and close the gap of three miles, Nek
ton, on the left, was ordered to move first, pro-
ircoiiK uts icii riauH iiyinorrcrK. Micecssive v
II V..-' ..lll-l , . .
iuoi i s auu i aimer s corps were io close upon
Newton, and establish a new liuc as far as possi
ble in advanec of the trenches, which thoy had
constructed a half mile south of I'eurh Tree creek
iinineihatcly alter crossing. Accordingly, ah ut
1 1'. M., Newton deployed live regiments as skir
niirhirs, and pushed lorwatd handsomely, drty.
inauiimu9 ui inn etieiii.v 9 snarpsnooters U'jlore
tin ni, and scattering their skirmish reserves. By
3 I". M. he he had advanced three fourths of a
ndlc and carried a prominent ridgo iu his rront,
on which, after senuing fresh skirmish liues for
wnrc, he prtMCeded to establish bis division.
His troops nnslung knaps.u k, staeked arm,
and fell to erecting a rail barricade with a will.
Hooker now advain cd from ids trenches. Hut.
terlield's Division, now commanded by (
Ward, on the left, deary in centre, and General
Wiliums on the right. 1'iiimer prepared to close
up on Hooker, whenevor the latter should estab
lish his now line. The country over which this
advance was progressing is partly rolling and
open, Intersected with d ttieult creeks, and p ir
tially covered with dense undergrowth. In the
advance, pii-oners were captured nt dllferent
points along tho line, who unanimously stated
that no considerable body of their troops was
nearer than a mile and a half. They were, be
yond doubt, sent out to be captured for this pur
pose. Not less than three-four. hs of the entire,
Hebcl army were concealed within musket-shot
ot our skirmishers.
At the amc time, at 3-10 P. M., and with the
celirily of lightning, the Rebel host poured forth
from their concealment, massed In enormous
columns, against Newton, coining on with skir
mish rs, and with ye'ls whose volume exceeded
those of any battle-shout I ever heard. New
ton's Division had hut half completed their barri
cade, and they barely had time to fall into lino
and seize thtir guns b. fore the entire il-mc,
column, composed of Walker's and Dale's Divi
sions 01 Hardee's Corps, wore within range. The
pickets guarding the interval between the light
and left of our army bixciy escaped cipturo by
plunging into I'eaeh Tree creek anil swimming
a -ro:S. The enemy had struck us at tho vital
spot, just where a victory for him might bo de
cisive. Newton had more wound to guard than
he could cover hy even a single lino.
For the first tew minutes everything hung
trembling in the scale. Newton's loft Hank was
exposed, and just covered his bridges across
Peach Tree creek. Hud it given away, tho
bridges would have been lost, and our whole
rjght might huve hern rolled up and forced back
to the Chattahoochee river. The Rebel plan wan
todef-trovour forces on the right, utter which
their army would be strong enough to confront,
if rot defeat, the main body of our army on the
h it. Long lines of darkies, with paek-saddlos,
and other non-combatants, came pouring across
the bridges with sweat running oil' of them in
rivulets. Guards with fixed bayonets wero
phi. 'cd at tho bridges to collect whatever arm d
etragnlors might apiwar, but none camo. In
pile of the furious charge none of our troops
were stamjiedcd. The Rebel column poured
down on an open but rough scries of fields in
wards Newton's left, evidently aiming at his
At tho time the enemy first appeared we had
but two pieces of artillery In position, guarding
theAital poiut; but Captain Goodspeed, New
ton's chief of artillery, with splendid quicknoss,
brought np ten more guns, making in all twelve.
'Ihiy opened with canister, the gunuers working
wi h frantic energy. Four guns went into action
on Newton's right. Up lo the moment the guns
opi ne d, the Rebel columns bad swiftly advanced,
engnclng Newton's three reduced brigades at
tcirible odds. It was wonderful how fast the
enemy lost his grip when sixteen guns added
their blast to the storm of bullets from Newton's
infantry. Tbo dusky, grey columns slackened
their puce, and begau to w aver and lose, their
ran fill arrangement. In a few minutes they Iliad
ccrr.e to a stnnd-siill, iu partial confusion, and
lirirg heavily but wildly.
Color-bearer after color-liearer went down
Under the crash of our canister. Iu vain the
Hi Lei field olllcers rodo up and down tho lines
waving swords and exhorting the men not to
falter. In twenty minutes theassault h id totally
failed, and the enemy gave way, retiring in coa
lition to the woods from which they had
enierucd. For tho rest of tho afiernoou they
kept up a desultory fire, which was returned by
our artillery, but they did not venture to renew
the aitack. The Rebel General Stoveus, c itn
noinding a brigade in Walker's Division, was
killed. Ncnrly two hundred Hebcl dead ivuro
btiiied In Newton's front next morning. His
In i uilc did not yield an inch. General Ward's
Division, on Newton's right, was struck at tho
Juine moiui nt as New ion.
General Ward bad just baited his men a' the
fcotol a hill for a bricl rest, alter his skirmishers
had made way to the crest. Word eatno back to him
tlmt the cm my was charging over the open field
in his fi opt iu immense force. Without a til's
mt m's hesitation, Ward ordered his division to
nuet the enemy with a counter-charge; his men
moved up the hill in splendid order an 1 when
ihiy gained the crest they wero so close to tho
Ki I, els that several of tho hostilo regiments be
came intermingled. At such points the Rebels
seemed addled by Ward's bold ioui, and were
captured without difficulty. On other portions of
the line, lighting at close iuarters continued for
half an hour, but each successive line of Robcls
was pressed back by the indubitable valor of
Ward's men. At the end of that time tho Rebels
fell buck into a dense forest in their rear, com
pletely whipped to far as General Ward's Division
was concerned.
General Ward's trophies are seven Rebel battle-Hags
and three hundred prisoners, Including
many of the enemy's wounded left on the held.
Among bis prisoner are representatives of si x
teen regiments, and be no doubt fought don id
that number. Ward sent all of his availabl
aitillery to protect Newton's Hank, and his splen
did triumph was achieved with mu-kcts alone.
The charge swept along to the right, striking
(ieary's Division tbo next after Wood's. Goury
had advanced half a mile from tbo trenches he
occupied in the morning, and had just marched
bis troops to the top of a ridge, when the Helstd
columns were thrown on him with terrible vio
lence. The 33d New Jersey, which was thrown
out lo fortify a hill in advance of ths main line,
lost over half its numlier in ihe first few minutes
of the charge. The most of Geary's lines were
through a dense wood, and his right Hank was
exposed by an Interval of twoorlhrco hundred
j ards, which Williams' Division was endeavor
ing to close.
When the enemy came on, General lllnos
Brigade, onJGcary's right, was speedily enveloied
on ihe right and rear, aud tell back, after a stout
fight, to (he trenches it occupied in the morning,
where it was reformed. Portions of Colonel
Ireland's brigade In the centre were socnliladod
ard driveu back, by turning ono of his batte
ries fiom the front to the right, General Geary
succeeded in reforming bn shattered line, where
It stood, aud not another loot did it yield, rolling
buck charge after charge. From four o'clock till
lone alter dark, the Rebels endeavored to force
their way through the f ap they had oponed, hut
the pluck of onr lads triumphed. (Jeiry held
the hill at the end as at the beginning of the
a stult. That portion of his lino th it fell ba k
was re-formed, and ina'iontiin hour went back
Into action on (General Williams' right.
The tremendous It-i bcl ass inltspent Its fury on
Gineri.l U illiams' Divl'ion, next on Geary s
rip ht. This division hud advanced also about
half a mile when tho Itchels wcit np-m It. The
shock w. is met w ithout flinching. Tho division
rcli sfd to give an inch, and though the enemy
made three s vi rail charges on it lie fore nii'hlfail
it repulsed them all without wavering, though In
doing fo it sustained heavier ln-s than anv other
division on the right. The lighting on this part
of our line wns In dense woods.
The nltack grazed tl.o left of Palmer's Corps,
wl ich had not It ft its trenches, but was prepar
ing to do so Colonel Anson Modiok's lirigide
was part ally engaged, Isrhavini? nobly, nnd re
pulsing the enemy from beginning to the en I.
About '.) 1'. M the enemy abandoned the tight In
front of Ocnrviiiid Williams, c iirying oil many
of their dead and wounded, and falling back to
their heavy works about a mile distant, lu front
of Ward and New ton, h ? was compelled to leave
n I the dead and severely wounded.
Judging from ercat pis lirapcd np there, the
em my lost In killed and wounded nlotic over
live thousand. We captured iiIhui' one thousand
p isomrs. Hie loss in Hooker's Corps (oi'.ielni)
is as follows; Williams' Division. t'.'7 ; Gcii-v'h,
4'i7 ; Waid's. 627 ; total, liill. Newton's Divi
"ion (nttieialj, 102; ll:h t orps, 2 H). Total
Iom, M13.
The statement that our troops were hi fortifica
tions is untrue. Thcv were advancing to take, a
new position when attacked, and save w ith New
ton, who had some half-finished rail barricades,
the fight was an open one. Kven the aggressive
Hood is not fool enough to attack us In tren lies.
Prisoncis were captured trom every corps in the
Uebel army, all of whom said the programme was
to ilnve us into the Chattahoochee river, and that
neiiily their entire army was engaged.
Dining the progress of tho fight various corpi
on tho left advanced over a mile, Mcpherson lit
nightfall being w ithlii two and a half miles of
Atlanta, and no portion of our lines more than
four miles distant. I left the front July 21, nt 2
P. M. ; nt that time our right was established on
the baitle-licld about four miles from Atlanta;
the left was within long ranco shelling disnmce.
Tho enemy stuck closely to his heavy works
girdling the town, a mile or two outside the
ColW k t,rrli-.l.M Y l.l ot IVnti rlmrv, 14.1 N Y
Col ileo C.iIiIiiiiii. 1 1 1 li I. lent I' M Warr n, 1 II N Y
( olC II II. in. hll. Ull N Y Cant llenrvil W Hcv.lJl N V
I'apt Ilaviil J Lindsay, It!) Lieut. Well and tl ivls, l'i
N V la
'Pt Tho II lltllot, t.iary I tent lwle. 70 ln.1l.ina
Mall ( ant . I I" rleaman, J I Wis
Lieut J. sin Hiu-an Ml Ohio ( apt Holit Miller, M Wis
A. Ill Kail, lilt, UJ N I I, nl I'ullm.ill, In Miclilcau
Col Step Mrllroerlv.f.l Ohio ('apt Moore, lira
Miiii.r Under, lit SI ill Ail it Moore. Vl I'a
Capt M, it lo. k. 7 Ind l.t (M lloivutt.S'i Ohio
Cant curlla, Mil N Y ( . Colsroie. 'JJ linl
Cap! Mcliiinyor.'.'ii Wis .Major I. Ilulilarln, I s) N Y
Ciipl lackers, n.'judinn ('act l-aw-ver, '2 Mu-s
Ca.r Post, w I 'ontl Clip! K Istemr. H Pa
l,t--. I A I. Jo" lis. .it, lilt S Y -.hl t'ar-'e. I.'l V Y
( ret I'linn. It'J I'a 1 l-Ool JIvNilt.lll W Y
CaptS It Horeiall -M I'a Malorl l.lnnv. Ul t y
apt A Vrrkes. (llilo Aipt II . 1 1 1 N Y
Capt M T Wrutht.OTohlo Capt Hliilicntiaiiali, 4 1 I'a
Cupt In lanv, 141 N Y
A Ml ':, NTH.
Wat.nct Srni'.KT Tur.ATiu:. Sanfonl is hold
a bi a forth lo crowded house t very dIkM at the Walnut
Rlreet Theatre. Mr. Sanronl has ti-'eti absent from this
cltv for two years, an. I mov returns with tho luruest h"dv
of liiletited p. rf innera In the country. The 'eutis appear
In a new. rich, rare, and Inhiiiiatie pmpi-auimo every
nluM, and, as we have before said, hia cwrtions are re
warded by a larse attendance.
State or Tiif.hmomkteb To dat. Six A. M,
71. Noon, 86. 1 P. M., 87. Wind, W.
SnooriNo Aitair. This rooming Barney
McGunigan was before Aldorman Moore, upon
the charge of shooting a little girl named Ellen
Sbcnan intheanklo. It seems that McGunigan
and another man, named Thomas King, wero
Intoxicated, nnd met iu Bedford street, between
Sixth and Seventh. They got into a tight, nnd
both drew pistols and agreed to light a duel.
The ball from McGunig in's weapon took eifect
ns stated. He was arrested, while King ma le
his escape. The accused wns held in the sum of
&S00 bail to answer at Court.
Increase op Waheh. From tho following
notice promulgated by tho Commandant of tho
Navy Yard yesterday, it is presumed that tho
ship carpenters will resume work to-day:
Comuammnt's timer. UNiTrii 8rAri:s Saw Yd,
Ilil!.Alal.l'lilA, July Jii, M;t. Having received carildcatc
that three dollais and ttlly cents per day la ulven liv cer
tain alilp-bult.le.s iu Uie Immediate vlrtuity oi the yard, I
have determined to conform to this raro of pay f ir ship
wriahta, lrom the lat day of Annual n-xt. All other em
ployees will receive a proKnlonae increase, so far as It
can be done oonalstently with tho rate of wao irlveu h
outside establishments near the yard. Huhiecl to tlie ap
pioval nt the Kecretarv vi the Navy.
(mined) C. K. tl 11(1111. 1 NO, Commandant.
Local Bhiivitikh. Two men, named Patrick
Shcrnn ami Robert l'earou, huve been held in
$1000 bail by Alderman 1' Ui unswer the
charge of committing an assault and battery on
Mr. Henry Clark, a letter carrier.... A hoy,
named Thomas Ditran, aged twelve years, had
his arm broken yesterday by falling from the
roof of his father s dwelling, on South streot,
above Fifteenth.. ..A colored boy, named George
K. Russcl, was run over and killed on the N ir
ristown Railroad yesterdiy, abovo Ma.iavunk.
Tlie accident occurred while the deceased w is
jumpiug from ono car to the other, tho train
ucing in motion at me nine.
Government Mechanics Exempt from the
Duai r. A decision has just been made by the
Provost Marelial-Gencra', which roads that
"Skilled mechanics and operatives employed in
the iirmoiics, arsenals, nnd navy yards of the
United Suites, who shall be drafted, and on ex
amination held to service, will not be required to
report tor duty under sucu uratt so long as ttiey
remain iu tbeal'o:caid scrv're ; provided the o'
Imebaiite shall certify that their labor as mechanic
or operatives is necessary for the naval or mili
tary service.
Fi ot R A Nti Di'.atii. Flour In this city is only
thirteen dollars per barrel. We do not presume
this announcement to bo news 'o any house
keeper, but certainly tho length of their growls
may he shortened when they poruse tho follow
ing from the Richmond Kmnuner:
"Fur the tlrst lime in our varied axporli nee we lav oil
Tuesday a li.irrt-1 of flour hauled op (lovernor .tract una
hearse! 'Ilia public alarml. but the driver drjve on.
When we came to recollect Ihal flour was live and si
hundred dollars pi r barrel, anil that the ntriK','le for bread
was une ol life and death, vie belter appre. ia'e.l the c in
nectiuu between the lic.irse and the barrel of Hour."
Dcsphiiate C'iiarm.tiiu. John Cahill was
arrested in the Nineteenth M'ard, yesterday,
charged with assault and battery, with iu
tent to kill. 11" was taken before Alder
man Clouds, and during the progress oi tho
hearing became very vio'ent. He attempted lo
strike the officer who had him under arrest, and
when remonstrated with by tho Alderman, also
made au attempt to strike that, olticlal. Ho was
committed in default of .S'HXKi bail for trial.
Too Much Gas. The soda water machine of
Mr. F. Tourtelot, druggist, of Germautown, be
came unmanageable recently while the gas was
rapidly generating, aud a terrific explosion was
the rtsult, scattering ana uestroyiug utmost me
entire contents of the cellar where the explosion
took place. Mr. Tourtelot'i assistant, who was
vrescnt at too itiuo, narrowly cscapeu w uu uis
ife. The entire loss is about four hundred
AcciDFNT. This morning about 11 o'clock a
boy named William Henshaw, It years of ago,
was caught by a l.clt ot the machinery in the
woolen tactory of Mr. I'.vans, (Sixth struct, aliove
Columbia avenue. He sustained serious injuries
about the bead and body, and was taken to his
home, Master street, above uaneocu.
Mlktino op IU.i'outkks. This afternoon, nt
half-jiast three o'clock, a meeting of reporters
attached to the public press of this city will bo
held at the Assembly Buildings, corner of Tenth
and Cbesnut streets. A general attendance is
requested, as matters of viuil interest will be
brought before the meeting.
Rki.ioioi s. The Germantown Baptist Church
have called Iter. A. H. Long, of Canandaigun,
N. Y., to become their pastor, and ho will enter
on his duties in September.
Rev. Dr. iieutensteiu, pastor oi tne market
Snuare Church, of Gerniuntown. has been pre
sented with a purse of $254 by his congregation.
Biqamy. 'Joseph Fitzpatrick was before Alder
man F.nea yesterday, charged with bigamy. lie
is alleged to have three wives. The first wife ap
peared at the bearing. The defendant was hdd
In one thousand dollars bail to answer.
Expected Arrival. Mr. B. S.Brown, of the
Washington 6 tree t Refreshment 6aloon, li forms
ns that 931 troops left Mow York at quar tr .ust
nine o'clock this morning, and will lie euterioiucd
at the Saloon at Ave o'clock this afternoon.
The Almsiiovse Inqi "t The Coroner's in
quest on the accident at the Almshouse was
resumed yesterday afternoon, at the rooms of the
Guardians of the Poor, when tho following testi
mony was produced :
Mr. Danikl Pmith was the first wltneaa awnrn
Ho wns the steward nt tlio Almshouse in 1st l.
when altptattntia we-m mai. In lue cellar piei-a. Ho
rctoiinu d the man tier in w hich the piers ot the cellar
ard the ore winch causes! the accident worts con
stttic efl. 1 bee piers wi re tampered Willi
tltilil tlicv were cut 1lrouih to allow the lutroilue.
noli ol afesin pirn a; thin Has done in 1K4H. i ho con
tracts rs were IHuhkhfiin:- Maiitin ft Titon Kit.
At the tlui'i the witness ttnei 'lit too notch of tlin
stnuc work was cut away, hut ho d"cmcd that ho
had no r cht In tn'erlere. lieiorv llii. wink tlio
ht'ildinvs wero snlHlantlnl. 1 he workmen cut di
rect. y lrom the 1 eller, to permit the introduction of
l ot sir clmnit era, and to convoy hn'in: lulu's to
ot'ier paits ol tlio lauliling. The warm air chandlers
W . re ti n lect witle. ihe rtftit to direct Ihe coiilnic
tor lelonirod excliislvcli to the contractor who had
cl arneot ihn work In the insane department.
(.lollop: II. t i.oak, sworn In lVil I was em-
i Uivcit in the Mcdit ill Deinrtiuetit of tne. AltnshiMino
was eni.nged in ititroiiucuiir warm air Into the
ttiilefiig; I knew iiotliimr nhotirthefti :nir away of
Wulls; iu the Modioli lcpartni"ilt ih i o was const
llcruli c ll.lliciillv . and the or'.irinal (lesiiju had to ho
al sitilotu tl, as the construction nt the Ptiildinr
would not allow the carrvinir out oi tlio original
i.nis; I l ever tioliceif anvtlonir like too milch ol tho
owei pari l:eit:fr cut awar; I acted for sir. ItntKiCN
niM 1 was a Irieklnvcr; 1 waa not there in inl ; 1
saw laitlong ot the wmk ntitil a ytsir alter it had
In en completed; Mr. Itcititin.i. had rhargo oi the
wmk; I ttiiiik a innn hv tho name of was
the tincklnver iiniler Uiiiki NnitsK; there was more,
cut nwuv lu the .Medical Department than in the
heme; 1 have olten remaiked that linnn of the do
peitiiotiii arc tale where the arches support the ui
per alroctuie.
Mr. I'liiKPMttsiE vns then sworn f cannot re
call theeaact aniuunt of cutting; wheti wo conn
tnet.ced (iHMntious we found that a loriner attempt
had lieen iniide to heat ti.e dcpnrtiuetits hv tntnacea;
Inrt.ares had Ins n placed under Ihe stacks, and a
way hao been cut; this was before- wo commenced
operations; we oiicned this wav to allow room lor
our work ; we did not cut away as much as tho work
required, or as the Siinennlcnileut desired; so nitirli
Were we impressed with the Insecurity ol the build
inps that we relused to work until the ininatca wero
reinuveit; the work at the llontui waa wmitiria- in fn
btfinv; sntne parts w ore strong as a lortteas ; others
week and tot t onto' ; w herever wo cut down shaiiluc
we tnade it all iiirht ; the openluirs wo Innnd there
were utuier the chiinnov tinea, and wero uot made all
the way Ihroui'h; weopenctl a imssaire; the openimr
In the piers I think was uiado by ns; 1 cannot recol
lect the sire oi the hot air duct made in the pier.
At this point ot the examination a dntwimr of the
plan ol the building wua exhibited, and the Jury en
ter! d Into a general conversation in rolerenec to the
cor.dltlon ot the supports ot the upier fl airs. The
Iticstiiimng elicited ihe tacts that all along the ran m
ot I. uildinrs a succession of barrel at dies supported
stone stacks, on which the Joists of tile rloois rested.
I he ititiodnclion ol slisim pities Into the Insane De
partment was effected by cullinir tlmmuh the arch
on which the stacks rc-alcd, until tho bearings were
nlniost entirely removed. Hut seven inches ot a
broken arch on one side, and lour Inches uu the other,
Mipportrd tint s'ark ol masonry nn which rested tho
beams ol tho second and third floors. '1'ha iurv
qm si loned the witness iu r vard to the cutting away
of tho arch, hut Mr IIiukkniunk could not
recall the exact (ijnieii-iohs ot Ihe nHMilng made six
teen t'l arsi airo. He said ho proceeded verv carefully,
exnniining tho work morning and afternoon, suit,
itilly awnie ot the uuaale condition ol the btlililing,
ho attempted to iruard a'. const it. He said Hint hu
removed no inon o; tlienrchwav than was ne.-e.saarv
to admit the airchiuiihers, and not enouirli to endan
rer tho 1 uihling. lu rixteeu years many altcrutJuus
Ct uld he made.
M a ksiia i.l II kxszbv, the steward ot the home, was
sworn. He stated that the archwav under tlie In
sane Dtjinrtnieiit had not been changed since he had
fincica tne estariilsun.eut, six venrs previously. 1 ho
4iM iiiiig tuuud bv Mr. IIiukkniunk waa probably an
ash-liule cnl in tho breastwork ol ihe arch. Ail tho
lluisi in the house weie made thirteen inches iu di
ameter, large eiinuh to admit a swoop.
Aitjoiuueii to lliuistlny alleruoou, at tho t orouors
MiiETtNti or Coi.ohrii People. At a meeting
of colored people, held at Sunsom Street Hall
last evening, for the purpose of taking action
upon the fact of their being denied free access to
the Passenger Railway curs, the following pream
ble and resolutions were adopted :
Hi ivi. T hut we will employ all luat and lawful means
to agitate tie public uilnd that a righteous public sauU
luent may exist on suh eel.
fexorei;, That the Lcauue formed by Ihe colored peoplo
ol this city In hereby rocoimuf nded to ridae a distinct fund
to achate the aitl'iect by the press, ami all other means
conalalenl with llle dnty of ordwrly cttl.elia.
ftc.ond.T hat si do now and here In this meollnir aa
aembkd, appeal to christian Churchea of this clly, of
every denciiiliiatlon, lo exert their lullucnce tliat tills
wicked prescription nmy cease.
n'l.i'lin, T hat 111 tho slttht of our present national
atrui g'e nn inure shameful slunt eau he present d to an In
tellli:f ut. aetiilil A- mind, tban that of resjieciaii.e femitk-a
atiiritiug uron tiie platlorm of empty cars, with sons, hus
bamla.aiid hroihera hesldo them in culled Mtatca uullanu,
ready to dt lend the r.i his ami properly of those railway
rorimriirlotia which treat tlicm thua liidijtnaiiily and de
mand full tare.
7o-off.j, That we rerognlo Willi pleasure the consis
tency of the I'n.oll League of New Vol k iu u-liu Inlliieuce
and appointing counsel to defend the luval peop.e of color
lis. m just audi oulrases aa we contluually aalter hi tine
Hmlenl, That tho while citizens of Ibis country lira
at tills moment erruh'iicd at the liar of retributive iue
Uce tor thalr Inhiinianity to the ixoole of eo or, mid there
Is no k'.jical I ojm" in the uilttd of any saiin man thsn thla
trial will close until justice la done our outraged p toplu.
The following resolutions wove also adopted :
Jlrtohfil, That ills diflicult to understand how any
board ol directors of chy passenger cars, who are selected
to aecuni tho pei'uulaiy Interest of stockholders, can
arToril to make rules lo Ignore the presence of 6,0Ul in
bahllanta ul the city ihrnush which they pass.
AVet est, That we will hull with pleasure auvrulethat
peremptorily excludea from aeata in the cara all p-raona
on accuiuil of uncle aulllif as of persou or other repulaive
hubiia, without regard to cnmplcxiniial classUlcatlon. "
Speeihes in support of tho resolutions were
made by Revs. John C. Rowers and Jonathan
Gibbs, Mr. Albert Green, und othors.
A Rather F.xpknsive Kite Suveral little
boys were setting on tho sidewalk near tho Ger
niniitown depot a few days since, making a kite,
and as they were about shaping the paper for It,
a passer-by noticed among the covering Intended
for tbe sticks a five hundred dollar Unitod States
Five-twenty bond. Ho took tho bond and went
with the boys to their home, and there learned
that a woman belonging to the house had found
It in tho street. Who did not know its character,
and picked it up because Ihoio wero tirutty pic
tures upon it. Tho owner of the bono, living in
the neighborhood, had lost it from his pocket,
ami bad gone to the city after It. supposing it bad
been left somewhere thcie. lie recovered his
Wl n.vve n y far the largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, com
prising all desirable styles of goods, from
medium price to superfine. Every one can be
accurately fitted at once from our stock, what
ever be his size or proportions, in garments equal
in all respects to w ork made to measure, at iiuu n
toicer pruts. For those who prefer, we huvo
also a compu te assortment oi piece goous, woicu
will bo made up to measure iu a style surpassed
by none. Hess kit & Co.
tower iiai.t., .so. otft marxei sireei.
l-IIII.At.t:l.FillA TltillK BEfOKTi
WmiNi shay, July 27. Trade is dormant in
all drparimenis, the news from the army of Usneral
HI.ernian, as well aa the capture of Martliisburg by tha
ltchrla, sct-nilti' to ahaorb the attcuti u of the mercantile
The slock of Uurrcltron Bark la low, and It Is held
ttruily at 'u r ton for No. 1.
Cloverseed comas lorwurd slowly, and there la a loot
demand at an advanceof at, with aulea of lud buahela,
fr. m aesond hands at (14 f (A lbs. Tlmotliy Is arm at
."n nd Flaxaced at ( I 7a.
1 here has been some little Improvement In the Flour
llarivtt, and aalcs were fltectcd at yesterday's figures.
'the demnnd for shipment has been moderate, and Die
only trunaactlona reported are not) bhla. luw grade extra
fuiully at Hondo ';.-. V;. WO bbla. choice ditto, at
111 Hi 710 ni ls, llroad ttrect mllu, and 3oo0 bbla. fancy
Ohio, on private terma. The trade purchaas within the
raiotc of from $11 for superfine to $12 for faucy iota, aa In
iiiallly. Kjt Flour is ralher iutut. A laleol Brandy wine
aieal to the extent ot 1-flO bids, was reported on private
, TheMarsrt fur Wheat la devoid of activity, aud Inferior
lta ure not bald so flraily ; Utc sales comia-lae aoo bush,
n d st e'l .'sj y bush, for fair and old, and prime new at
f'j-i.U, and about 1.S4 bush. Inferior quality at t-t ; v.i
uuote w into ut from ti fifi to 9'2 7a Itye la scat eo and
llriii al fl'SO. Corn haa advanced, and 7cllow la worth
lrom $l'7i! lu rl'i'i.wlth sales of lu.lfsi buali. at lldiflsure.
No demand for Oala ; we qaoie, Ui thu abaeuce ol sales, at
liisky la In nt. sis rate reiiueat, and suiall aalea of shls.
are reported al at'soj.
Markrta bj Telegraph.
New Yohk, July 27. Flour is dull, with
aalea ol t'Otsj burrela at IH4li(.i.l0 fa) lor Htatu; t i0-'.'.ji.l;
lor Ohio, nnd l i su IH'.'O for Houtheru. Whoat and
Corn are tlull. and the saica have been uaimiHirtant. Reef
dull, l'otk heavy, at tti il.Vn lo-.Ml. Lard Urm al WaeMc.
W lnskv dull, (.old la quoted at
Baltimore, July 27-Flour firm, and supply
Hiitit . Wheat verr heavr. Haltw of isioo bushels new
Southern wbiti at 'I asailsK. Coin dull, and lnJo.ker.
llaionUrm. Whlaky unsettled. Ohio, l 174.
New Oui i ans, July 18. There was a fair In
quiry for (Mton I but the news received from Hew
i oi k caua. il an advance f 1 . '. " a checked opera
tions, aud all the aalea were oa prlvale terma. Is ugar,
vclloH clanilcd,i;',i.i M: prime ' '"'": ' ' .""'V'11
frrovlslona and Pro.luce were I" decided rcinest, but the
light .uiipllc. and luslior rataa reiirtchst oporaiioua. Th.
atikofH..ur la much reduced; low to good auperflna,
s7(n l(i Si choice, 1 4"! but lasher prices were aakwi
al the cjoac.
St. Lorn, July SC. Tobacco is slightly higher.
Cotton 1 wlthoat buyers al II 44 fur Mlddlluga. Uuup
active al IV IV. t leor la dull. Wheat has declined ac.
Cvri aud Van an aucuaasca. Bacon, viteaf slites,
Oirtna or Tits Kvt.sini Trt.riHAPB, I
Vrt.diieaday.Jiilt7. (
The Money Market Is easier and capital mora
plenty on call at six per cent, per annum. Ths
best paper Is selling at nine per ccat. per annum.
The Invitation of Secretary Fetwenden for sub-i
pcriptlotia to the new loan, and his address ra
sped leg the condition of the Treasury, haa had
food t met on the financial market. The enlarged
provision made by Congress for Internal rerenna
has also given more coBndence in all futurn
opt rations.
Government securities continue In good d
mand and prices havo again advanced. The
fon ign orders continue large. 5-20s ao'd at front
M7$(o 108 ; 7-30... 10.. ; and 6j of 1R81 at lOsJ
lniJ. Railroad fhnics are ready, bat there U
not much doing In the way of sales; UoawHng
sold at 67i("')71; Pennsylvania Railroad, 734 ,
Minchlll, 62. Schuylkill Navigation, eomavm,
sold at 28. New City Gs are selling at 10rt.
Producing Oil stocks are io demand, but prioei
arc less firm.
There is very little djing in Bank shares, and
prices are nominal.
Gold opened this morning at Z'6, sold down
to 2.I4 at 11 o'clock, nnd 2-M at 12 o'clock.
The tnurktt Is dull, and there is very little
doing in the way of sales.
The London Mechaniet' Magazine say that It
Is ihe intention of tho British Government to
recall tbe whole of tbe silver coins now circu
lating throughout the United Kingdom, and to
replace them by an entirely new coinage.
Reported by Clarkson A Co., Broken, No. 131 8. Third Sta
II K roil E DOARfMI.
IfOsh Iialrell till.,
7 ;.y sh jrcnfnto,.... if
VI 2 -e ah Ucliliennr.... '
r 11 ali t 11 ion Tel..
V JlLh o.. O I . Ifto ... . u .. - , .
.n 11 sh Ulneraore OH.. 7vl loosh do 67a
aiOsh do hA 7',,
- ... i'v in ar.n, is. h. .c 00 -
KlRslT ItOARn.
.....iti;. iiswoach.Nav. .(.. sax
1tl7'k llSI sh l.n U.n hi u
llimmiD. R.o-SOa.,
I mi di
Illcas) di a5..1H7iJ
UK) sh t'enn M'n...b) u'.
Itsnh Ilia Mountain.. IV
l(l an oil Creak... ba.J S
sh Rock Od 8K
lf abRawain(al.B.. Its.
Wish do 10 ST
400 sh do.....bttS7k.
i ah Mlnehlll If;
7 ah Hpruoe Pine. 4i
711 ah I'lul r.sdiacse a0
KOah Bch. Nav....Jd 38 '
o'u 110 inst
I'ksi do iivif!
Iiskj U. H. lie, 'SI llgijj,
l'.i.'Ji th lie.V
l. tsi rentia fta 101 I
I'.'iOf'ltv fia. over 70..IIH
tlit-OK inlra 7a ells1:
.'.Si I'l.ll Hon 7a... .Iln
'a 0 City loc'v!
I.ksjo do na;
Reported by Clarkson 4 Co., Brokers, No. 121 S. Third St.
Pint Call StmA fUU
1 inieu rnaic oa, iivii , on on. ... ,lJb Ola
Kock Island Railroad .. bid
Reiidlti(i ttal'rosd 87 V bid
Illinois reniral Railroad bid
(ialena Railroad bid
New York Central Itullmad IH' bid
Krle Railroad HIS bid
Hudson Railroad l'.sli, bid
Hold A -bid
I'nltid N tales o-20a 108 bid
alurket Firm.
By JiffoetiueJ i'rtut. i
New York, July 27. Stocks are better ; Cum
berland and Meek l-laiul, II?'. ; Cumberland preferred.
1.(1; Illinois Central. I'.'s.'. : VIchKan M.ailliarn. 7Ja ; k'eer
York! enlral.m ., : Itcadlnn, l;i, ; Hudaon RlTer.iiila;
file. Ill1, : Cleveland and Tohdo 1 X lold.V.'4;Ooe
Vear Cerllllcalca, 94.' ; t Ive-Tweuly Oouauna. 1(a): Cou
pon 8a, Ktti.
Quotations ot Gold at tha Philadelphia Gold Esahaaia
No. 94 a. Third street, second story i
n A.M. 11 M iu
U A. M, , 1 V, at Jlo4
J.vvCooKt Co. quoto Oovernment Bocnritles, ate., M
noon to-day, as follows:
TJ.B. s. lssTI .f.Yfti?'
V.H. 7 8-10 Notes i,rt
fertillcatea of Indehti dneas, New ai1
CJilarleniiaaUa-s Vonchora 91
"old 4
fr-iSj llunde 107
lis, ta
le; s,
n .
JO. IIavasj A 11 ro. No. 30 8. Third atrasst, quote aa ft!
Amerlrnn Ootd
L'nitid Htatea lM'inand Notea
American Hllver U'a and .la'a.,
ldmea and Half lniue. ....... lliiurles.
-Hisw7. .
it pre DA.
.. do
,M prum.
.. .. do
,.'.'.U t0
,.'is) on
..i-.'S da
.. die.
.. 1-10 do
'.- t -s - na ,. QO
mir.syivania currency die. U dia.
New Vura Kacluuigo 1-10 do par.
The following aro tho quotations of the princi
pal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock, re
ported by Palmer & lluey, Brokers, No 64 8.
Third street :
5iK Jrtuiif uln O'ul 71?
,... r,.i
New York aud Middle Co.
::::::: M
rrrtl Mono tin CunJ
('.Inlnn ',,,...,
I't-nn SI tnli g ,
Oimrd d.
Km a d
l hil'i unit l(tun Milling
Tatundiil) MiniiiB
Jifanttiutli' Mining
AUa (run (1,
Wiiplr Hliatl Oil
WiCliiHoch O 1
V DnnvlvuDla I'ctroleum CVmipany.
Vvrry on
Mtm-rul OU
Ki'yototH' Oil f,
Vt-utnijo Ott
Mfiirub OH
Be i ia Oil
r(.ftinj uil
liowt- Kdtly O 1
Irvliift O l
Po. tariu Oal
liutUT IVul
K evii tone ZJuc ,
.ttrtli t'i'bf.ii uk
t nlon Ft-ln-k'Uin
Daltil Oil
liennniore? ,
Noble (V IhflAlueier ,,
Ktra Oil
VI 'i
a '
' ii
riiilixJi liililu aiiit OU Cm!.
in City l'atsenger Railroad stocks there is very
little doing, and prices are nomiual. We quote:
But. MkuL
6rcond and Third
Spruce und Pine
Chesnut and Walnut
Arch street
Kace ard Vine
The following aro the Receipts of Floor aud
Oruin at this port to-day: Flour, 18,000 bhls. ;
Wheat, 1(1,100 busli.j Corn, 4700 bush.; Oats,
The following ore the Receipts of Coal Oil
to-duy : Ciude, 120 bbla.; Kenned, 670 bbla.
The following is an estimate of the damages
inflicted by tbe recent raid lu Maryland:
I'lnls.l. I aU, Wiluiluston, and Baltimore Rail
road I107IO0
Norilu ra Cenir I Railroad Kiosal
Hal luio'e and Ohio Railroad 4uo,isO
'I cle, I. ne 4va
Chesai eake and Ohio t anal I'SJ.O'S)
Hi.rS.idcownlv li.ooO
Ilaalinore count... 4'2V)
Carioll ouiioty , kvCO
1'reoerlck eouuiy 37i.(0
W ashmitlon taiiinlv K-'.ouo
Kslioiuti d alueof aucp ieaoonautu.'C and waewd IoOisk)
Food lor horses .-YifeaJ
Ilamare lo ft nces and farms (small).... , Jsi,uh1
I our thousand cattle al liki each 1'Ai taa
Kheap and hosa tWme
aliaccllulieoua plunder 9u),Ouu
ToUl JAKt,ooS
It is reported that an extensive establishment
is in ope ration in Chicago turning ont apurloae
greenback Treasury Notes in imitation of the
twtnty, lilty, anil one hundred dollars. They are
said to be almost as good al tbe genuine, aud are
sold at fifty per cent.
A number of new banking Institution! are in
coursejf formation in Kan Francisco, to be or
ganized under the general laws of California.
Tlie Bank of California, with a capital of 2,000,
(X.0, paid up in gold, is ulready in operation.
The following arc the earnings of the Chicago
and AJtou Railroad for the third week in July :
18f.4 $07,000 1863 $13,600 ',
Increase 14,000
turnings for the fix months ending
Juue30, lbUl ..(rwU'1-21
Same time in 1803 7iM,fU3 63
Increase 1D9,507'58
The following is a oomparatittro statement of
earnings of the Chicago and Northwestern Kail
way Company for the week ending July 21,
Pnscngcrl...fr27,73344 Express.... $1,313-67
Freight 87,i:i:i-ft5:
Mail 1,40536; Total 9117,236-03
fame period lust year $59,735-U
Increase 9fl. per cent.. '. .. .57,400-t
Earnings three weeks in July (in
crease 08 per cent.) ;33o,829T2
Earnings June t to July 31 (lucrease
& percent.) ... 891,133-40
dtmrlnl 1) ra is lai ttaaolby CUac)
Uuary ol keutuca y. ,
Class IM July MS. j
C, 48, 26, 11, 3j, slti. 4'J, 40, 7, 18, 21, 67.
'eitha Cue a-iuly -n. IM.
35, S, 46, 4, t8, oS, 20, 16, 18, 6t, j, Cl, 37, 71.
taenia seat b, auu.aiii
pt.v aaiea
ll'i aaiea
67 si aalea
I'iM'i aalea
lsi.14 aalea
l.UJ aawa
laf,V salea
.. aalea
108 aaaea