The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 26, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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TVF.NDAT, JULY 26, 1064.
Ih Ap-
pointmput of If 004l
m rv few Instance In whloh thy rrw tlcnt
lu (xerciMd t)io puwor of na tne
known notorions Incomptcn.y of ,!'"' removal by him, l)""'" K '"I" w
.tirfy tery one that nthittf b'it the Miort urgent
Hole, Density hH. cunp-HeJ hli.t to re-lttjvo
wrontnil Johnston of bl nniman.l. 1 be l. w
ms of rtmorsl., eonl.loro.l in coiinty tion with
is, goccen of our tnn, showi .that tlie I'ro-i-dent
i food jii-lfTOof mililriiy merit ami nl.i
liir m.ike ft"' arpointmcnts, anti hm aeUlom
rtas'on to n pent his Iceliun.
We t'live that where ho lias atcu Mluly on
lb dk'tat of lil own judgment lie linn mmio nu
ul-titJit-s ; hut inur-b. Ui'lcrcnce 1, due to the opiu
Itiuti and wi-hos of lur,'e botlios oftlio people, not
kfcaure they are the beet .judiic ol militury
worth and ifnt'leriry, but boran-c it is. sometime,
letter to do wrong, mid atioty the people, tli.m
to do rifjlit and Uioblige them. Tlio rresiilttit
hit! bad ntnplo opportunity to tost the mllttury
north of John-ton ; limits who condemn tlio iu--noval
have had rompnTiitivcly none; and no
aatier what had been their oioituniiies, they
know noihlnp aboat military all.urn or the iuili
catiotii of military men.
"W a all voud lor the President aa our ruler be
we thought him beat titled to command,
lad we to obey. We who selected him to drive
tlM ear of State aliould not now perplex and em
barrass him by tci.iiitc bold of the renin our
aelvts. Nothing I more dnngerom tli.m (or a
iMrfons, seaty rider to nel.c hold of the reins
when the horse threatens to klek or run oir.
UepubH'n Government Is a mons'rous and
aVbsurd failure If the tropic have no faitu In the
mea they select for oilice,anl rind it necessary to
dictate to and rule thuir rulers. All the attempts
to dictate measures and make apoiutmeiiis
(or tho rretident proceed from an ignorant,
reckless, and toirupt spirit ol dcimtKogiieiim.
In the beginning ot the war it was exhibited
in a ncrfert tornado of anger with tho President
bcuee be preforrcd milking appointments of
Wen as Winers who nail military Knowledge ami
nalihcaUjns, rather llian of Uiose who knew
aothing about miliMry flairs and who were too
old io leant anytliinc about tbera for the favor
ites witb the ignorant demagogue, who abused
West I'oint and the I'reeidvut, were stump ora
tors over fifty. Time has since amply proved
that West lotntcrs men who have learned the
science of war at school, and its practice in
camp are best titled to command largo armies,
Old stneip or.itors may stumble into victories
bat they will generally tail ; and It is almost feii
ocshta to place them in command when their
failure may do serious harm.
The people have seen enough of Johnston's
retreats to satisfy them that, if let alone by the
Oonnsrnment, he had no idea of making a suud
this side the Unit of Mexico. If he could not
kohl the strong position of KenesXsW Mountain,
tr.ach less would he have held the weak one
tsrrot Atlanta. Tbo people do not generally
now tout mi the while Johnston has been
retreating hemre Sherman, be has had nn unny
ppioaobiug nearer in numbers to that of hi-) ad
versary Umn Leo ever nan when ne nas won nis
Brent victories. Indeed, at Pultun, and ever
Bine be lett there, his army has been large
cnoDgh to justify and render it his duty to deliver
The IfTiiV; makes new instie. Tbe ground of
r us complaint is not the removal ot JoniHion,
bet the preference wmea. It tupmaes, wus given
to Hood over Hardee. J)oes tbo It huj know
whether Iliinlee would have aeeeptcd the ap
pointment? In fact, Hardee had been tendered
-And refuted the command ot. the Army of the
' Tennente.
Ee this as it may, the President, after anxious
MBtultation with the best military authorities,
concluded to appoint Hood. No man in the Con
federacy was so much interested in retaining
Johnston in command, if bo were likely to win a
victory, as the i'renideut. No man had so goad
an opportnnity to form a correct opinion of his
mrriis. He came, tinder these circumstances, to
the deliberate conclusion that Johnston was unlit
to command, and removed him. If there be any
error in the case,:t is that the removal was not
made long ago. Lincoln delights in taking oil'
beads as much as tho King of Dahomey or the
Xmperor of liayti. President Davis has a nice
sense of honor, sets a high value on renutution,
and removes none but the notoriously incompe
tent. It is because he is so reluctant to remove olli
cers that ho is so cautions end fasiidions in
stlec'.irg aud appointing tbeui. We believe the
appointment of General liojd a good one, not
nmy fron what we know of bis pa t history, bat
because be has been selected by the l'reiJeut,
who seems to be an admirable jude of the relu
Yvs merits of men, and tinds no oe anon to repent
to-day for the appointments mudeye-tciduy.
A Letter from F-Jernor Lefaher, or
Frvm ttt RUhtunti W'ttij.Jui! l.
We print below a document destined to be
come historical. The calm, dinpussiona'c, and
truthful recitals i: gives of one of the most wan
ton and tartaric aets of the war needs no com
ment to awaken the indignation ot every manly
Iwsom. Onr soldiirs in Maryland, who are rc
liorud to have laid in ashes the resiien 'e of the
Yankee 'lovemor of that S;ate,by way of rctalia-
' tion. bave given practical exiireiion to the teol
in g of our people, and anticipated tho judgment
of mankind and the verdict of history. It is due
to Governor Letcher to say tua: this letter was
written with no view to publication, anil In re
uponse to a private communication addressed him
by tne Mayor ot tins city.
Lsxihoros Va.. July -V Fhi'llnr thitt Yankee
Would lake tho town nn Sultirday t llth), I leu. Ilolafl neur
mUliUs"!. Friday r.iK'it, and went to IhK Isl.tiut, ia lied
lirl. whure 1 re'lcum! till Wrtlneilay iiiiirnl iu I'-illowha:
nlKC.heiirlnK t-1- Aielalit imil, I riHurn. U. 1 bd
r Kulv lieard tht inv hoii lia'l p -ti Uurre-'d. wliu
All iih ciint;Dt. Tnv t'ireits luAdft l.y ttte Yankees airainat
bm lur Ilia itai: two years, satnned tut? t.'iut Hie wu.ild
' Hefltrey my tio'is' wnen they cam.- :o I.exin'Ttun: lut
always anr svd tlxy w.uld allow t'te inriiHuro and my
family el-'tMilff to tr removed, lu bus, liowover, 1 was
Wiientbe Vanie took possession of the town. Dr.
Paloo, Medical li icct.T ol liunter'a artnv. and who htlla
iroia Marion eotint. , V h(-iin.t, w.'nt to my lemon, told tnv
wire he was nr. ell, atil saol he mnit l.ave a ru im lu tne
aouftt. took the room, sniiped jind ltre.ikla.led, and
wtit.n brvaKtast wm neariy uver, remarked, in a m. tuner
halt jocioar. bait eonii-t. to Lizlo, iliat it was t'.o last
meal -lt w iu'd lake hi ine ho-i.e. si.ortlv utier he h it
wlltioul taki ileet.t any ji the iautlly,nurwa hi agn.ii
HtD oy any oi niein.
The threats ma b roMier on ka or. lay evenles in
davd niv wife to leae t le house soul ) i t. irne 1. and !ie
xeeKtedhr team In tin hearing ol lr ratuo ami i' 111
tain T iwai, o. Ne.v York, raiaain Towns v.ry ir incily
aa)l tiiat I, o mi,' a private tllleu, and tie Ifiuso iijim
private property, hurnhih' It wodld he a-i ineciia lie
raw. kO'l uroli.feil at ones to 40 to Hooter i head inaners
aiU leriain U, went, and was diree.eil liy Hunter to
ufo Biy wl e 1 In. t the li-nine wo.ilJ no: he iliiinrhed
The scouel sl.owsiliat the sohi oto. rt ot this asnruice
vails ouivtljr jp(iriieiikionv, anil tnm urcvent any
Uil"K rroni Dein reuioveo.
Aluut I. a. 1 'M H o . io. k . M (Sutur.Uv) t'uiit.l
Berry 111C his ro ot K"ftrU ro,t, Up,uni tee orti r e.i.h
for my w he. Kee esnie to tl e il..r. when lien s Inl irine
. her that :ie was ord red 0 lliui'er t the tlie houi. Hti
. replied t.iat tnere in nut h k .rue 100.1 ike, and atked t:T tl
mtilfr. He said It w at a vertia: order. 1lie .M 01 aM to him
. an It not tl d'lai ed unt 1 I .an ee tie lerul linohr'
""t he :rder le peretii.fory," lie rephta, ' anil you M.ive llv
"-tBlmilek tole.iveil'e loiiMe " She theni.ked leave ti. re
,.uove b s luutoer , Mter . tivr oofl.and her 1 hildien'
rtoihiutf. v.ln h uks ini.i'enily ret.meil.
luimediutely thereafter, ' iimphene wuv ponreri n the
, parior twor m.d jvn't"il w ith a mat h. Ill Hie me iiitime
" daufh.'er had :ih rt d up 1111 aro-fii 1 of elotinnK. an
ras eoum on; when he Jiiftml -o her, ran forwa'
'Ttl U.e . lot (una 111 lo-r aiun. Ho then pn:red rann l."i.
Inttie Kalilr a.,H, hnre lit e.rawers. a.ld lentt. d It.e elotii
H-afc.nKoit my eloMiin. wh-eh ne van! he Intended
uke hrtn.
f .ery liooie ,mi try tot w.m hnrnei! .are a' gra-n
aver m It hon.e. Not a piinii le 01, meat. ..r at
. Ullnx edlhle was h'lt, all having heetl euliied on
. Aiy in. 11 her, now 111 her seventy pit-btli on the
lot ovninllo my ow 11, liavlnu with her one of her i,'ri:iO
ckllh'ti Hud ervMlit. Alter my proii rv liad he.-n :h ...
the live.'s nr.' J her aialik-. lot ate,l about lorn I. et (V nn Mto
li-uie, w ith no olher itw ihau to hum her out also. 1
liome , tn, nt lw i.-e, a:ii would have oen eoiikuiued h it
I tic .iiitlriTtk eltort-of roiitain lo.vnk, who made Ins
Oven enx:-y water and extk'kUli.h the Maine. The captain
tber's Unnlly.
vrimvea oe a ue.iiiticau uiwardu my own ana 11
(Jenerajs Averlll. Cr.Kik.Htilllvan and Dultle iloii.ainced
the whole proetedlni:! ou ouu-iu.". In violation of ail
the orniclai, of civilized warlure. and stated that Hunter
aiunc reiH.u-oiie tor iiice alroeltle. I am truly
.......... aun.i j.r.n ui.ii.
j. Jost'jihM.:.o,, , ItlvLmiilkC, V'tt.
Deittti off aplHtit Julia Hitrbel.
tfrem the PciuJiburv A'aTi, Jo.. tij.
. We deenir regret to anuaunca that rantuln
J'un Mitchei, of tbe artillerv, so nobly idetitilied
'wit j tbo defeuuo of Morris Island, aud latelv of
t'l Sumter, wus killed on Tusisday last on the
parasol of 1'ort iiututer. Captain Mitchol was a
young officer ot grcut gallantrj-, and had won
most aionorable aLsiinctjou- not on'v bv the ev.
klhtliutl of tha hb-lu st oriler of etis:i-aie. but hIkj,
"Xy thoee attainments which win the confidence of
,-wie soiuisza as of huiiut.crkir oflic-er.
Ibis u U secona truant aon r. Milcliel
liivs lost ia this war. We deeply simputllle
Tilth the frrlu..uut ..,.. '.. .
v" ia incir fua uireavu
MMV tHlhlnic FarnUhM b III.
Tho foilowinc jcqninitiou w&i br t. 6
Kclit! Onial J oh a McCauliiud, op tUiciii
sent o( liuyvcttown, tvad the &imn furuniejH
find ri'eivd fu MiirtMittry by lUctAiiiur '
HkAIK(VAHT"4VAi BY fcllAUB, Uii'kKHtuWIf, U4
ttly , 4.njril Diltjr, .No. . 1. lu ml.ui
nl' liisirui ti -iirt oi Lu-uUi).U;flntTl r.rty ivv
A'ef :,0i"U IjrYtillty tiuliirf 11 t'lHik' Upuil the
tuAistifuntfj of fti ciy', Dim it i' tir ti ot tj r" l"Mirt tv ttUJWvd
ifK IU (Jftyiu. ill a( IU IMU1D 111 ( lliCeti Hlrttsjn fiiifisj
I If- It-f w tn1 wu)i,itL i .''. (turn
ner handlse nose In llf tntse Ihr) fttitrns er wier
chant. VI.. Ust otlBol clntlie. l.fcOS hkl, I ,.Vlft pikira 'f
,hoes or hoolt. l.-'od ihirto. Vssi riraxrre, and.WiOII
air o.ks. Four li"tir are l,wed fr Iheir r- lie -lion.
The Mavnraud council .ire held repoiiiifie tor Ueei.
eiiilon oi'thts order, and la case of non-eotuphaiKe. the
aiual aenaily wlljbe enforced npon the rlt.
llrht. Hen. t:. t. JL
The fown of Itaeerotown navlnff nanplleit with Hie
fereveilig reoulpltlon hy paving 111 ensh twenlv thou-hnd
dollars lif SI), and havinit also il e Me. 111.:
artl' les therein mentioned to the utml if their ah-hts,
I tinr. I.y verlify tu the f.iek. and ulaea the lown und r the
protection ot the ('oiifi (iTiite loreek, releaMius the r!tljen
and tl.eir pioperty fiom lutthl eonttihiillon'i, and agref
ing to stl Id hot It troin tnnher re tnirenooit.
0(111 H M.1 'At SUM). Hi iimdier-ltciH iSlC. N. K.
font Sh.ies
F.tntk '.SKI 11 11-4. twl
Iimwers l.m Kliirts 'i.'h
lloe 7.'4 l o .e l.u.i.l l;;70yr iH
LlvOtS 410 floll.lOK 7ilp'.e--- ,i-i,'.l
J. ('. AN lossi.N,yuarl.ruler.
IT trli first I nilermtnect.
To :: k'htof 01 ri ii'iiV-
I'i thibiii ko, July 10. The e-Iit"rs of tho
rtiebmond and IVursbtirg j.apirs h ive Iwen
making tun ol the declaration of the Northern
press that Urant would soon staiilo tho country
with "another brilliant plot." lo you supioso
that Otrtnt hits kept lil'ty thousand men In turn,
plete lilh ness for six weeks, or fancy that his
whole lime has been occupied in Inttifyinif him
self find organizing ranis r If ni. yon will find
yourselves vastly ni.r-takcn, and that within a
very lew thiys.
In what manner I came into possession of the
facts I sin nlKint lo narrate, is not material. Suf
fice it to say, they are fin ts, as lime w ill prove,
l'erlmps a tew hours may bring tho dPMdful
rcali.ation, I tremble to think of it.
Know, then, our loved eocka le. city will soon
be, if it is not at this very moment, thoroughly
undermined, (irant, fur t'rom being content to
bow up the "Itelicl fortifications," has deter
mined to destroy the entire city, as by a tremen
dous blast from the Infernal regions, in n singlo
instant every budding on the principal h'reets of
Petersburg will be lilted on high uud icattcred to
the four winds of bcim n.
You may liitigli at this, but It is m. My in
formant has tutu a diagram of the mines, wiiicii,
when completed, will extend tho length of llol
lirfjbrook, Dunk, Sycamore, and Old streets, and
retlinps as far as the old lair grounds, on the
south of tho city. "This Im incredible, ami i'n
P' ssiblc on the face of it," yon will iiy. Very
well j yon arc welcome to your opinion. Hut
you will lie good enough to tell mo what feat
ever attempted with the pick and sp.-ulo tho
Yankees have failed to execute; and will you
explain to me the meaning of Grant's long in
action '
"Why do I not make mv statement to fienornl
Lee, or print It in tho kxprm!" yon will na
turally inquire. I answer frankly, beoauso (!eiie
ral l ee would relmtl me (at least I think so), and
iiCiui"C the .iiru refuses positively to admit
roc to its columns. Many ot your readers will
fancy that I bave been dreaming; but I can
assure llicui that I am in my waking senses,
never more so in my life, and sincerely desirous,
by this timely warning, of nvorting one of the
rnost awful catastrophes that ever befall an
alllicted people. You can publish this or n it,
jiift as yon choose Kcspeeti'ully,
Cn.. I. Biiowni:.
The Srr.ciAL Incomk Tax. Some intsappre
hension seems to exist in rogard to the purport
and provisions of the special Income tax passed
during the last eossion of Congrcxs for the year
184.3. The first law passed for that year levied
a ttx of three rcr cent, on nil incomes over V(0
and under 10,000, nnd five per cent, for all over
that amount. This tax has In many Instances
been paid. Wbero the Income was derived from
interests nnd dividends on loans, stock, &c., the
amount was collected by tho incorporated com
panies issuing them, who deducted the tax for
the (iovcrnment from tbo Intciests and dividends
due. Where tho income was derived from tho
protits of business, wages, salaries, routs, etc.,
the individual owner paid it directly to the col
lector. I he special Income tax. law requires live
per cent, to be added to the three per cent, already
paid, nnd to tho wholo income, excepting
tlio tsuuu allowance, rent aciuaiiy nam, mate
and municipal tuxes also allowed to bo
deducted. As the incorporated companies
cannot now deduct the additional tax from inte
rest and dividends already paid to their owners.
each individual is required to add the nun unit
thus due to Government to his income return, so
that it shall embrace all his income, w hetner de
rivable from stocks, loans, rents, profits of busi
ness, wages, salary, or from any source whatever.
1 he meaning ot tne law is that bo snail pay tor
lHt'i.'! at tho rate of H per cent, on all income over
$000. An individual who had a clear income of
1000, of which .100 was derived from prnr 'rty
in incorporated companies, paid to tho collector
the amount due on .700 only, which was 21,
tbe other VO being paid by the companies. Now
be will have to make out bis return lor yiiKkt, the
additional tux on which will lie vi, making vsil
In all, as the law requires, or in other words, our
taxes have been increased nearly threefold, with
a very bright pronpect abend of having a still fur
ther increase.
Tit i: 1) u. i; rl ' Kt.i'.fi A i i s. .n-t evening a meet
ing of dclegutcs from tho different wards of tho
ity, appointed for the purpose of devising menus
to avoid tbe draft by volunteering, was hold in
the Supreme Court llooiu. Mr. K. Harper .IcflVies
submitted a resolution providing til,' appoint
ment t a committee ot live from each Congres
sional district lo devise means and submit upUu
for recruiting in the seceded Muuis. ibe resolu
tion was adopted, and tho following committee
appointed :
t irst District Win. T). Jdooro, lir. .1. Heritage, J. W.
Hi. k,.l. I.e. llure. t arle Heritage.
Net ond IMKiriet lianiui U..innicu,'. It. !'ctirOio,K. M.
llatinrs. JameH Trliuhle.tJsleli JoIiiiboii.
'Ihttd lntriet-I'l-arlit .M. Wanner, John Fry, 1". T.
Wallon. John lludd. Uenry lluiilet.
f ourth District W. 11. Miturli e, U. V. I..)ut. rh.l. l, Jol.n
M. l(ce , tieoriiu A. hliiilh. lluurv C.I.ea.
Filth Dhlri. I .1. II. Ali'llridH, W. II. llimier. K. 1
Wntilit. J. I . Vanklrk, Wl hdia 11. Ith.iwn.
On motion the commitleo was instructed to
consult witb the Citiens' Volunteer lijunty
Couimitlee in rciereuce to tbe appo iituiuut of tho
recruiting agents.
A resolution was also adopted, leeoinmendin:
the committees of tbe several wards to have a
thorough canvass made to ascertain the residence
and term ot service o: ail who bavo entered the
naval or marine service, and recommending the
otlering of a premium of Ki'J.) to any person who
shall procure a recruit or a suu.stuutu who shall
be treditetl to the city.
The meeting then adjourned until next Wed
nesday evening.
TuxDuaitin Caviik. TheiUotaof I'am.len
under the late cull of the President, is divided
among the three Wards ns follows: North
Ward, HO; Middle Ward, 1.12; and South Ward,
11(1. The amhoiities and enrolled eiti.etis are
making strenuous exertions to avoid a draft, City
Councils oth ring bounties ot one, two, ami three
hundred Hollars lor volunteers lor one, tno, and
thiee vears. Last Thursday, a meeting oieiiroded
men was held upon the subject, when it was re
solvi d to solicit Mibseriptions from the citiens
to he added 10 the amount auwiopiiated by t 'ouu
cils and Ibe Hoard of Freeholders. About wl'io I
weie thus rai-ed, and the work is still luvor.i'ily
progres-ii g. An address by Ihe enr.illed men has
lain issued, one of the clauses of vihich read, as
lollows :
Atd .lell ol ns hi lire enroll, it lie uii.ltarv Jnti tin liir.
theriieaise and a; ree. that III eit-e u di alr; he nnd" ti
till il.e iiiiota .a II e . n ol i duiili Irtoe. oi ld f.-o
tmu.ilo.ii, II. en, II to y ol ns mi eiuo; ed ho ilra vn an I
a ce'U d. nil o ii, hoi iimiltd will increawe our ici-. rij-
ootii priiioriion.iiiy, lor ine. -i ie oi ir.i -urinA' MLimti-
lot. . if in i't s-urv . i.a the .ei iiiin o .Iran n iiu.l a'' '.i.i...d
and will VM su. li inerea-e i.i M.iid Jtn-n lortim -nd IJ.i.,
w II lull leu dli fc aller .in li drall he lu.ole ; u ov eie I, liid.
nn one shun n reili.ln it to lu.iKe nu. h no r ae ot b Ui. I
lieu aranter than his nriinnal suhheiiiiliou.
A second meeting ol the Uuaril ol I rcehohte'.'
will be held on I htirsday.
AsoiiihK Cm vriiiii lit. A new counterfeit
purpor'iug to lie a ten dollar issue of tho West
Windlield Hank, Ho. kins county, New York, ha
becn put in circulation in this city within a few
days pat, and from the comprint that have
reached our cars we fancy that it has "took
amazingly. 1 be retail druggist of the city
Mem tw have been singled out as fit
iiili.iects for the knavish practices of these
"ehovers;" and in lour or five intauces the nur
cluoe of a bottle of patent uiedii in- has caused
eight or hlno Uollurs of greenbacks to exchange
hai ds for tbe worthless money described.
The vignette of the note is a wtcuiushin ut sea
On the right bund of the noto, in the low er earner,
is the rehresentation of a bhteksinith staudini; at
bis anvil, whilu on the 0imisiio side a sailor leans
on the eupstuu ot a vessel. The seal ot the State
and the die ol a figure 10 occupy the left and
right baud tipiier corners. The imixT has but it
laint eliade of yellow, uud the signatures of the
note, together with its general appearance, is
well calculated to deceive even the brokers tin
Third street. Our citizens tdiould keep a strict
)ooJ out for this counterfeit, and the first person
detected in otleiing oue should lie Immediately
Wr: iiA. nv ar the largest atok and best
an'oitmcut of Clothing in I'hiladclpliia, com
prieing all desirable styles of goods, from
mediuiu prioe to superfine Every one can be
accurately silted jit once from our stock, what
ever be bun sue sr proportions, in garou ut equul
in all respect to work made to measure, at mm h
utcr priirt. jr'nT those who prefer, we have
atso a complete assortment of piece goods, which
w.u ex miuie up to measure in a style surpasssa
Txwsti mil, No. iiH Jlurket strtxt.
Tke, sword came dotn to the red-brown field,
"Where tlie plough to the lurro'v heaved and
keeled I
And It looked so protid In Its jingling gear,
Kays tho tilongh to tho sword "What brings
you here i"
"long yr ars ago, ere I was born,
They doubled my grandsire up one morn,
To fonts a share for vou, and now
They want him back," said the sword to the
Tho rrd-brown field glowed a deeper red,
As the gleam of war o'er t lie Innc-po sped;
The sabres flushed, tlie rannon roared,
And eide by fide fought the plough nn I the vor.l.
yVoo. Hit l.'inilK limU.ltli .Y,:tt.
Tho career of Nathan, alter tlie b.ttilc of
Waterloo, continued lo be eminently prosperous,
lie made money even In speculations that t"rnc l
out bad, such as the Knglish loan of twelve mil
lions, for which ho became responsible in 1HI0,
and which fell fo a di'coiin', bnt not befuro
Nathun had relieved himself of all lia
bility. Hut Ms grentc-t successes wero in
fortin loans, which ho was the first to make
popular In Kngland by introducing the pay
ment of dividends, which formerly took placo
abroad, iu the London market, and fixing the
rate In the sterling money, bating from ah nit
tho ytar IHin, the transactions of von
Kothsclilld were Fprcud over the cntlro globe.
He negotiuted loans w ith the Car of all the Kus
sius, us well us with Ihe South Ameil an K. pub
lics ; nhil made bargains at the simo time with
the l'opc of Jlome nnd the Turkish Sultan. No
thing seemed lis) gigantic for his gra-p; nothing
too minute lor his notice. Hut while investing
tho ptolils of a bargain of ten millions, nnd pur
chasing nn estate of Ill"i,0ii0 with the
premium of a single foreign Joau, he
at the tame tlmo calculated to a penny
the wages on vl ich a clcik was ublc to live at
Cumbeiwell, say clcik with a wife and seven
children, nnd meat once a week. It was charac
teristic of Natlinn that ho never paid his em
ployees a farthing nioro than was necessary for
thtlr bore subsistence; or ut least not a farthing
more than they could compel him to pay. This
meanness towards those who assisted him in
building up the edifice of his enormous fortune,
is a reproach to the character of the great finan
cier, Irom which even his warmest adulators
have not been able to free him.
Notwithstanding his avarice in ordinary life,
Naihnn llothsehild was fond of showing his
wealth in luxurious entertainments and Btimp
tuotis banquets, to which be invited tho aristoc
racy of rank and birth, though not that of
tah nt. l'cers and princes of tho blood sat at
his table; bishops nnd archbishops bowed be
fore bhn; and thrn-c who preached loudest
against Mammon wero foremost in worshipping
tho mccessftil representative of the golden
guinea. At his grand entertainment, Nathan,
who was really a very uneducated man, ami
scarcely able to write, covered bis ignorance
by nn ufl'ceted bnisiui i ie of speech and manner
which, though it imposed on some, made him
extrtnicly ludicrous in tho eyes of others. Thus
be wits a com hint mark of the satirists of tho
duy. His huge una slovenly appearance; the
loin gii g attitude ho a-sunicd when leaning
against his pillar at the itoval Kxchangc; his
ruggt tl speech, with strongly marked Jewish
accent nnd idiom, made caricature easy, and
gave him up nu helpless victim to his enemies.
Of these ho'bad many some of them created,
no doubt, by envy but also n largo number of
others whom be had ruined, or who fnneicd
themselves ruined by him. l'ew weeks passed
In the latter part of his career without his ro
ctiving threatening letters, informing him
that unless be should deposit a certain sum of
money at u givcu place be would be shot, or
loisoned, or. more liberally, blown up in his
imifo in l'iccndilly. Thcso threats somotimos
took fttirh nn effect upon Nathun llothsehild us
to h.iunt him like a nightmare. One duy,
two tall, mustachioed men it must be re
membered that this was the anti-moustache
period wero shown into bis private parlor at
the St. Switliin's I.unc counting-house. Na
tl an bowed; the vi-itors bowed. Nathun
arose, and his bearded visitors moved unclose
to him, their hands fumbling about in the
pockets of their great coals. Nathan saw it at
a glance, the mustaenioeu leuows nan eoineto
shoot him, their bandB searching for deadly
weapons in their pockets. Quick as lightning,
Nathun took u;i tho hra'S-bonnd ledger and
hurled it at tho bcui's of the strangers, at tlie
same time s miniii g "Murder!" in a paroxysm
of flight. The screams brought nil the clerks
nnd porters of tho houso into the sanctum of
tho millionaire. Kxplunalions took place,
when it was found that the two moiistachetl in
dividuals wero rich bankers from abroad, who,
with a litt'c nervous anxiety in tho presence
of the fit far of the Stock Exchange, had tum
bled in their pockets for letters ol introduc
tion and other iicecury credentials. "You must
be a happy man, Mr. llothsehild," said once a
gentleman silting at ?.aiuun s iianuucnng lame,
nnd glancing round at the superb appointments
of Ihe mansion ol his hot. "Happy ! me happy 1"
wus the reply. "What ! happy, when just as you
are going to dine vou have a letter placed in your
hands, snying: 'If you do not send mo i.'sHl,
I will blow your bruins out?' Happy! me
liaipy"' Instead of with his wil'o, Naib. in fre
quently slept with a pair oi loaueu pistois oy ms
side, l'oor Nathan.
In tho year IMl, Nathun llothsehild did a
stroke of business which, while it brought him
and hjs bouse immense prolits, also heaped upon
them not a lilt lo obloquy, freely expressed in
many I'.ntflUh and foreign newspapers. It is well
known that tho supply of mercury is exceedingly
limited, being, iu fact, almost entirely drawn
from two mines, those of Almnden, in Spain, and
of Idria, near Adelsi crit, iu Iilyria. The mines
ot Alniuden, which weie known to the Greeks
seven hundred years before Christ, and which fur
nished tTon.COO annually to Home during tlie
Iniptriul era, fell somewhat into neglect on
ueeoiint of the Napoleonic wurs, at the commence
ment of ihe present century, so tha: tho Span
ish (lovetnment derived less prolit from them
tlinn Ibinicrlv. 1'ndcr these circumstances,
when Ibu niinislcrs of his Catholic Majesty
were h..r.l up for funds, in 141, they enter
tained the application of Nathan to furnish
them with a loan, on condition of the Aluiadcn
mines being made over to hitu tor a number of
years as security. The bargain was struck,
and tho house ol llothsehild entered in posses
son of the mines, commencing the business
by immediately doubling the pi h e of Aluiadeu
mercury. Tho commercial world, much aston
ished at this step, addressed Itself to ldi ia; and
then it wus discovered thut the mines of Idria
hid passed, likew ise, ery quietly lino the hands
of Nathiiu llothsehild, who had settled of course,
the prii e of the mt rcin y on the same si'.e as that
of Almaden. Hy this little transaction, tbe house
ol Kollischihl obtained a complete monop.ily ill
tbe sale of nieriury, and Nathan was able to
settle the price of tho niti. le, indispensable for
many purposes, ut his counting-house, without
fear ol competition.
This clever ntioke of business us proft'uMe as
it was clever had one notnb'o couse.iuotiJO for
the nick and sutleiii g id all nations. Mercurial
prcpitrati' lis, laigeiy employed in medicine, arc
no innie inauiilaeiurt d from the pure metal us
oliiniiud fiom the mines, but from the refuse of
other articles containing quicksilver, such as the
loil of o.d minors an 1 looking-glasses, li would
be iuten kting, if tlie et.. titties were given, to cal
culate how many pounds sterling ihe houso of
llothsehild made v the little mercury husluess,
uud how many pi ous died in consequence ol
bad men urial medicines.
1 ho guiding principle In all tlio affairs of the
home of llothsehild was the ro-partnership of Its
in mlurs, enjoined on his death-bed by -Meyer
Ansvlm, the founder o' the bouse. To strciiglhcu
this bond of I'nion, Nullum conceived tho idea of
establishing hlood-nllinmes between the various
members of his family, not only in his ow n, but
in Miecet tling generations. Accordingly, in the
year 1Mb', he summoned a family congress to
i'riinkfoit-on-the-Maine, to deliberate ou this itn
pottiiut addition lo the laws of the house, and to
ti ke measures for tho development of the pluu.
The coniirt ss was to be inaugurated by the mar
lingo of two first cousins of the family, namely,
the eldest son of Nathan Willi the eldest tluiighter
of hie brother diaries. Nathan urrived at 1 rank
fort in best health nud spirits, exceedingly joyful
thut this r'l'cat plan, which placed the bouse of
lUithsi hild ou the same basis us the leigulnij
fumiiies of I.nrope, was so near its execution.
The marriage ot Lionel do Hothscbild with his
cousin Char lotto b ok place with due pompon
tho l ith of Jiiuc, lh'lG, at the Krankfort Syna
gogue, within a stone's throw of the dark old
dwelling In the Jew lane, the early residence of
Meter Ansclui, uud still inhabited by his aged
wile. On the very same day Nathan lull ill, uud
be being nigh sixty years of age, it was suggested
that his physician, Mr. Travels, should lucent
for ut once from London. Hut of this he would
not hear, riiysie iuiis, he said, Were very expeu
sire luxuries bio expensive for a man jsissess.
ifig a bare three or four millions. A cheap medi
cal adviser wus called in accordingly, under
whose bunds Nathan prow rapidly wor e. Mr.
1 ravers at last was summoned in by the family ;
but he came too lute.
On the iitli of July Nathan grew delirious,
talking Incoherently of pounds, florins, and
thalers ; and ou the ihtli, he was a coriwe. Larly
on the nioruirg of the 2'Jth an amateur sports
pian, looking out lor birds in the neigbborlnod,
of Hr'gbtnn, shot a p'gfon, which, when pirtted
tip,' proved to be ose of the wril known carrier
pigioi.s of the hon-e nf Kothsrhl'd. It had, tiow
ecr, no littrr concerning loam and the state of
the money market nnder its wings, but only a
small bit of paper with the Inscription, "II f it
morl.'"lo Is dead. Who tbe ho w as there could
be ro doubt. Tbnt dny there was a complete
panic at the Stock Kxehange, and a great fall in
Ibe funds.
The remains of Nathan IlotbscbiM were
brought fo this country, and ho was buried with olnp at the .lcv.-u Lnd Cemetery, oa thd
Mb 1 1 Aiiuust. l'libllc curiosity, after the funeral
was nvt r, was very in'ene mi the subject as to
what timonnt of property Nathan Hothshi'd had
lett behind him. While sotno stated It at three,
others innde It six milli in", and some fn'iled it
ten. The will, which was soon nf'.er p-ibM-hed,
b ft Ibis curiosity iingrntiilod, for It furnished no
account whatever of the amount of Nathan s
ptopi rty, i or of tho securities in which it wa in-ve-fed.
In lh' will, the executors, e insisting ol'
the four brolhersnf thoilceca-ed, Mrs. It Hhsehild
Inn f olien ). one ol his sous, his son-ln l tw, and
llottj.m'in Cohcn,his bro her-ln-law, are stri' tly
prolul iti d from pry iiigtbtor.ri!itcr''crlngwMiany
t li it g in their mil -ial capo 'ity, lieyond the line of
their prescribed duiies ns administrators. Hut
tlie slab nu lit of a cipur'ncrshlii tet veen the dc
eindiints of Meyer Anselui is distinctly made in
the will. Nnthan, after declaring tlmt he has an
interest in all the hmc conducted by his brothers
tin Ihe cniitinetit, orders that his four s jiih shall
carry t n Ibe joint business as ben totorc, in cin.
junction with their nuclei. To his three daiigh ers, lelt tlOti.ik 0 each; hut under the strM
condition that they idionld marry with the con
sent ol their molhor and brothers. In the con
trary rase, lliry wir.: lo receive nothing. The
sume highly disciplined generositv distinguishes
tho T muiiiitig part of the w ill. To public chari
ties, f crvnnts, or dependents not a penny was left
by the o.wicr of millions.
rut: wir: or hiKKiiu,
In extreme old ago Mrs. Uarrlck maintaiiifi l
In r interest in the actors of tho day ami the af
fairs of tho theatre; nnd to the last, it was said,
took ptide in her ihapely ankle and gio l looks,
she was fund of speaking In high terms. f King
(ie rgo the Fourth, who, when I'liuco of Wales,
had visited her at her vil'a at Hampton, lu (Hir
ing after her health, and expressing interest in
her welfare. This had given her heartfelt plea
sure; 'ami I am not n little proud," she would
add, "of the privilege of being allowed to drive
through Mt. James' l'ark."
At Hampton, too, alio had received Queen
Charlotte. No notice hud been given of the
royal approach, anil Mrs. Oarrick had been "dis
covered," to use a term of the theatre, In tbo a t
of peeling onions. The Queen, however, seemed
pleaded nt the. siuht of th's homely occupation,
nnd would by no means permit tho good lady to
stir from it. Indeed, the story goes ou to tell
that the Queen commanded another knife to be
brouijit, observing that she should herself like
to peel nn onion with Mrs. Oarrick ; and accord
ingly, the wife of Iho sovereign and the
widow of tho player snt for some time in the
most agreeable and friendly manner peeling
onions together.
It was said that the Drury committee,
when anxious about the success of a new actor,
would inilHoeMrB.feirilck to attend in her private
box, and then prompt her lo say on tho conclu
sion of the pcrformnnco that she had been re
minded of her departed David, if thoy
succeeded iu this respect, of course the
valued dictum went the rounds of tho papers
Immediately, and the drbutnutr was Inndej to
the skies. Iu tho case of Kcan, however,
there in littlo doubt that tho good Indv had
bi en really reminded of her luto husband, for
iu the styles of the two actors a considerable re
semblance exi-ted. In Kcau's acting, accord
ingly, Mrs. derrick nuinifo ted great interest. He
was always a favorite with Hie widow of his great
prt deecssnr, and she loudly praised his cfl irts ;
l.ot Indiscriminately, however, tor when Kean,
on Ihe occasion of his benelit in 181 1, undertook
the part of "Abel Drugger," which fiarrick bad
made to famous, he received the iollowiug brief
note :
"Dear fllr, you cannot ilsy'Ab:l brai-Kcr.'
"Yours, aw., f-.i ilsttsieK.''
To which the actor replied as laconically ;
"Dear madam. I know It.
"Yocre, EliML'Mi Kl
Mrs. Oarrick was a frequent visitor at Koan's
bouse in Charges street, and one morning, the
story goes, fhe found tho tragedian in a state
oi great perturbation. Ho received his guest
rather abruptly, and withdrew. Mrs. Oarrick
turned to Mrs. Kcan, Inquiring flic reason of
this strange behavior. " on, jim. ivoan ex
claimed, " you niin-tn't mind him ; be bus been
reading a violent uttuek upon his "Othello" in
one of tbo papers, which has terribly annoyed
blm." "lint why should he mind what the
papers fay i" a-ked Mrs. G.u rick ; "he is above
them, and can afford tobeabuscd." Mrs. Kean :
"Yes, but ho says Iho aitielo Is so well written,
if it wasn't for that be wouldn't care about the
abuse." Mrs. Garriek: "Myden, he should do
as David did, and then he would bo spared all
this annoyance" Mrs. Kean (with great inte
rest), "What's that r" Mrs. Oarrick : "Write the
article himself; David always did 'O." David
was an adroit tactician, hut the times hud
changed since he held shares in the iV'ife .1.7
itrtisrr and reviewed himself; besides, tho jour
nals had incrcuscd tenfold.
Mils. OAlitill K'S OltltllN AND TIIK KIM 's TSTK.
Hut it is timo to refer t Oarrick's privjfo life.
which in this car h id undergone one of its most
important changed. Ho was, in fact, married lu
Jfulvtoa .Muti'iie lo om, a young u.inscuse ol
great beauty and accomplishments as well as of
siainiess reputation, jus oiogrnpuers nave uoi
(probably because Mrs. Garriek wus ulivo ut tho
time of their writing), given any details
with respect to this lady; but in one of
the pamphlets published about the time
ol Coirrick s death, aud bearing dato 17i0,
tin i o is a romantic story, which appenrs never
to have been contradicted, to tbe effect tbnt
several years before, Lord llurlington, when ut
i rice, had lot-meet a couueetion w ith an luili iu
woman by whom he hud a child; and that
mother and daughter disappeared alter a short
lime. Notwithstanding nil researches and in
quiries, Lord llurlington was never able to dis
cover tho whereabouts of either, until by
a mere uucldent lie nnppenea to see -Mdllo
Violctti ou the stage, llecognisiug bcr br
her extraordinary likeness to his lost mistress,
he invited her to his house, and ou inquir
ing into tbe matter found his surmise correct,
'lu atone ns fur as possible for his long
though perfectly unintentional neglect, he
retained her in bis family as a companion for
lardy llurlington, lo horn he confided tho story
cf fair parentage and by whom she was
treated with th? greatest kindness nud a (lec
tion. In this position she remained for two or
three years, not again appearing on the stage,
but occupying herself with the completion of
Iter t uucuuuu two iito tic-qiimiviuu oi uuou'n'trv On her marriage Lady
llurlington presented her witb a splendid casket
of jewels, which contained, besides, tlie
. sum of ten tlmus. .nil pounds lu notes. Tbe
I marriage, iu spite of thn disparity of religious
perMia.-ions Mrs. Garriek being u Komiii
i Catholic proved in every respect a hapiyone;
; pei leet compatibility of temper and a strong uf-
Icotii ti on both soles prevented any painful
heart-burning thut might have arisen from their
want ot :diihlieii. It was a matter of remark
that during Ihe whole of liarrick's life ho was on
i no oceasle n separated from her foT tweuty four
hours ut a tiinc. In tbe the. ore mutters con
linued to go on w I'll fair success. G truck was
' never unwilling to assist young authors,
many of whoso works he bro'ii'hl oat; bis
behavior in this matter contra-ting advau
tcpeously with lb. it of Colley I ibher, who was
notoriously liruta' lu his manner. On the oc-
ension of Fenton (that Fen'on who assiste I
1'ojein bis translation of Homer) offering his
I tragedy of Miniuntu; he Is said to have re
turned it witb the advice to its author to "apple
I himself to some ucful tiado, for It was ceriaiu
he uud tbe mute, would never agree." Ho is
nlso uld to have expressed his plex-ure In re
: turning the works of young author, calling it
i with grim humor, the "choking of siuging
I birds." To such charges us these, Garriek
never laid himself open ; an author who was
I always sure of u sulliciently courteous rocep
; lion, and knew thut if his work was injected,
it would lie lor no other reason than its real
unsuitublciiess for Ibe stage. Consequent upon
Ibis mode of treatment, Garriek produced a
vast number of pluys, nearly all of which have
now, Irom tho change of public taste uud the
production of better models, passed into tho
limbo of nnrecognut'd genlu. Who in tin sa
dnjsl.iiuws lucre than the humes if, indeed,
ihe names even still suriivi. of VUime, The
(hjjiua of (-'una. The hail of .S.e.i-, VrcMi't,
l.titta, or Miifluj'lia They mo gone to their
own plate; mid the purer taste ol lahr days is
ecniiely likely to revive these stilted and arti
lieuilwoiks. Public taste was Indued lit a low
tl b in dnys. Ileuilers of the four
(it wiis hardly need to be told that the king
(Gieifge II) "hated boetiy and balnters," or
Unit the lushloinilile world followed their Sove
riij.ii's hud. That amiable niouurch wont to
hfp over tho hi. est pocfry in the language;
nnd thought the prince ol the painters of his
tlay well lewaidcd with a guinea, given with
the same grace that he would bave exhibited lu
bestowing a bono upon a hungry and impatient
dog. Of a like quality was his taste iu theatri
cal mutters. Murphy mentions that be in
sisted on the revival of ce rtain scenes in Otwuy'i
I fi.i'ee I'ltterrrd, which hud been omitted for
muny years on accouut of their gross indecency,
lie was induced ou one occasion, however, to
command a performance of HUlunii III. though
it was impossible I or those about blin to convince
him that the actor of that part could lie au honest
niun. Tlio actors were terrified to observe that
their efforts prodneed not the smallest nppta
anceof intere In tbe face of their sovereign,
who. indeed, appeared to do.e thmngh the
f rente r part of the time. At the conclusion ot
the play Mr. Fitrberbert. who had been in at
tendance, went to the grien room, and was as
sailed byOariick immediately on his entranre
with eager nuestions as to what tho
king bed thought of " Iliehard." "I ran
sny nothing on that head," replied Fitzher
berf ; "but when an actor told Iti 'har J, ' I he
Mayor of London reines to greet you,' the King
roused himself; and when I'aswell entered hul
Itunitg lb.' nit, and win n tlie Kin exelansd,
'1 tike of Otaton, I like I lint Lord Mayor; and
hen the sei tic was over he snid again, 'Duke of
(Jraften, tbnt is pood, Lord Mayor ' " "Well,
but the Mirlike bustle, the drums and trumpets,
nnd fbe slum's of s ildlers must have arou-ed a
great inllilnrv jreniu-f" "I kno'v n ithing about
Hint," replied Sir. l'I'li' rb it ; "hut wh'u lii h
ertl .v..s in Hosworth field calling for his hnre,
bis Mnjo-ty sal 1, 'Duke of Grafton, v ill ti. it Lord
Mas or not ome ai'.iin f "
lliscrlp) loim on Roeka,
On looking over the nrgttmenti to "h-.w thtt
Natriiganett liny was ever visited by the North
men, and that the Inscription on the Dnthton
Hock was insde hy them, it seems stMngo that
I'niibh antiquarian ignore the fact that similar
in-crlntions sre to lie found on rocks bv the sides
of s ienins in Ihe Interior, a thousand miles from . C
Dlghh n, w here) no nne iir sunies ihe Northmen I J
ever sttaved. At Kelly's Island, Lake Krlc, Is a
mi'gncsian limestone ns-k, covered with rude
figures of horses, dogs, nnd birds. To a su;ier
ticial observer it bears a general resemblance to
thie at Diph'on, 'I iverton, uiij rortsinouih. in
N.iriiipanseit Day. The rxk at Kelly's Island 1
1. ise i ever seen described. It is at tlio edge of
the luke, neai ly horizontal, nnd when t ie w.iter
is at a low stige. Is wholly uncovered, anlaet.'.
sible with scar -ely wetting one's feet.
'I ht re are simi'ar sculptured roe as in tarionj
iiiact s in ilie wert, described by School 'riil't.
Squtrr, and others. They aioto be found almost
Invatiibly bv the banks of iho streams; there are on tbe banks of tho Ohio river ; one very
re markable, about four miles above Stetibenvtlle ;
some Lilf on Gnyatulottc river; alio near
the rontlneni of the llig Santiv and Ohio, near
rort'inotith ; and near Prairie du Cbien nnd
other place s on the I'pper Mississippi ; in fact,
they nro found scattered all over the west. There
Is no material diflctenro in character between
those on eastern nnd western streams the whoic
a mere species of picture-writing. Sob lolerai't
concludes, "i hey are all tbo work of tbe same
race : ihero Is a family likeness in their s'yle nud
workmanship and a coincidence in position that
seems conclusive on this point." IIulonal May-a-oie.
J J Jl NHY A. I X i, li,
No. aOB M. "WAsTliU (Street,
Ptlow Walr.ut stresl,
Pnil.AI'I.U I1IA.
Imltite.n and Wiua t.jssS,,ni Oi ll'id f
Wvrfe made at O.d aud New Plot! a.-ys on sand or
made to order.
COAL TAeTsr-D IN HOlillKAIi") FCR sntrilrIO.
All kinds of Trlrrjnlair i un:luallr al'.eDded tc. J; 1 lot
31 J
' 11 T M 1
The s.ii-Rrrtlx-r Infonr. ii.e pnl Hr t)i. ) . CK-ieosiTiji f
hit mrs uri'l wM teiecieu cistkoi
At 'A(.i''' irlre. Tiifi rc fr.intir ir. cV on hand.
rurt'lmi'-iti Mtslimt; a uientjT utiivle for private n
ivO'sikl Uc vfl to C;iU ut
1IKMCY Jit L'UY ?S Wiiu And iMnor 8i.rf
JJc. H: S. HvCX)ND h!it. twlc-v luce,
jTp-im rtiieaiit)tiia
rhlaiiiphl.i. Jn!.f i. iH.14.
In iiooortlaroe wl'.h a rosolntlnn adopt 1 by t, C'nn.iu. n
C.-i'ii- 11 ii thH('ityf riii.ud'lp'iift.on l iiiirsJay, llm J-Jth
Uity tt June, li4, thr ftniicctl hill, fii'-tud
Ji' Till' fl I Y. M H)R OMIKiC ri IU )-LH
U iierct--, iintJislivd for titibiiC Jrlonn iti-n.
CK-rk ci C'jjix'-u OvU-'-srU.
to ArTHoni.B an ijrnovA rox
iiKhKSrtB or tuk ci nr. ANU OU OfUKtt PlH-
KMiin1. Th Keot nn.H')nimon Cotin'Jc of tv.e "Ity
o. i'h ilatltlithia do orlitin. ft t t'i M.irr li iefhv n
tliot uc l to hurrnw tr. ne th in .ir, the cretin of
the corporation, sneh inn H m"iiv w umy be rei.ti.
I tie lity Ircasnrcr, i'mra tiru to time "j .irjvt.l;!
the tumiilfi ot volume.' r irom tne rjfy oi iU h
the anivif-c r the LnitrtJ Stat . and f ir the d-f-iisi oi the
i ll, n il cCi'fiinii In tlie wliole the sum of five hunilrtd tl lhtti ; for wlii.'h inttrept net to e':,eJ .'i rule
ot nix nr cent . nor annum k.hiii no T'lfd 'ii.if
tiiu ilrt dtjyu oi January and July, at the oillce of the lily
Tin? prlnripitl of the sail loivn sliIl ho rA'? uJ ratj
;i nit rAiirn'iuu 'ii mini uviii mo -t n: m'i. k
and not da'-ire Ithont tin cotinciiI u( h-il lem tnr ii. naJ
C'T'itl'iiU" thrrt r, in the ua'ial form nt stic oerfflvattji
ii i'y Loat s. shall hoissr, a ihuku simotin; n -n
mav rr.iiiiri'. hut not tor any fr t.nU't. ttl n.irt of fl'J,
ri'iiUirtd. In amoun's ot" live hundn;t or or.c tu-idiil
loHnrs. and It ilia I bo exprenfod In aid ertnl--ats that
tl e Kttld loan thriein ntftitHM d and inrtiut thereof
ar? i'r-3 aide lr e from ail taxs.
Hccuon'i. Wheni'Tt-r any lot.n shatl be made by Ir. ie
nt-reoi, iihto snail up, oy wrce oi nin orann j, annu
al I v ainronrlat'd ont ot thfi income of UietioroorHt.e oht.'.8.
and trunk th hum raid by taxat on. a vi a suttl '.i-j'tt to
lay thtWitUTCit on said cnnlib aioa; andttio f irtUur -nin
ol Utrt'e-tfiittiH nf one prr cintmn on the nar value if n -h
ceniikaifs, so lamod, shall be aiiorrtad uuarieMy oot
ot tlte income ani taxes tuna, wiji-r.iund
ai d (is accumulation,, are hprehy etperjiily liivded for
Uie tejcinpuon anu pauitni oi taiu crx:iiCAit)s.
ai iiiOiti,iu; Tiin i.r. hk io rcntiHU the oa-
TTesolved, That the f'ler-i of Wmiiiu n Council te antticr
lz(l to publifh in iwc duily new,iaiHrri In thii city, dally
lor lour wet ks, th ordlnanoe pn'iHniid to "-omrai'n tj...m
cll, at a itateo uie!iiiig thereof, tiuld mi tne JOii day of
tlnUtt, 1M1, VlllltK'U
"An Ordinance to AittHorlie an AJJHI -nti; Icn t rnret
the exitna's Inoidcnt to tne dift-iR'6 ui tac i ity, and tjf
other nun'tsea."
And tho aald Clerk, at the s'Vtd ro vng of
Count ill after liie rxniratitin ol fonr f.fki i"rom the
first day uf said pnhiication, shall presun: :o this
Council one of each ld nwspapors for every day tu
wbich tne same shall l.a a been uiada. :J t'-4w
In arcoritam e with a rrti,hirim adopi"d by t tie Oxmnoa
C'ounf il of ill City of PhUadHphia, on fjuriday, tne eVtt
nay ol June, iwit, tne )Mi'Xa mi-, ?ninit.a
TU AtTlioHlK A I.OAN 1"'H
Is herrby iiutltshed lor public Inform ton,
t'M. K. YALL.
Clerk oK oinmcn Couns iL
TO AlITllo.tlX A LOW
Hrrt'on 1. The heleet and Comin'jn Ooiimils yl tv.e C4:jf
at PldlfailHohia do -irdnln
Thut lb- Miivri lieiehy ant'iori.'.ed lo borrow at not
led than par on the ereoit or ti e e'iriri hm. i'ie niia
oi tine million d dtars 1 pro, Ido tor tlie rt - u -rt, e-4tt-n-toon,
and '"milction of ii'illdim-'i nr -n.fd p iri-oin q
the I iri-t Hchool liittrl i ol Pviiio-t IvsnU, lorHiii'.h Lite-r;-t
i"t to e-c id ilif re of ilt pr cmtoio jir tt .n'im,
hhall be paid halt m arly. on th" itr-r ..f .ua.y
and at l!to uc of the rity I re iirar.
The piirvtptii oi tlie.t(d loan sntii ,; pa vahle and paid
at Ihe exptiailon m thirty ycun fr. m ihe tla o the
same, ind not lior Ithouith-j inherit of IM hoUbrs
Ihercoi': and tli'ceitlm a't' tlitr'for, In te i-iul 'onn o
lha crriiii'i.tea of tity loan, ft ml. M !om in na
uinounu us ihe k-udeis may reipil.e. bar not lor any ir-.'-llow;tl
pnrt oi ou hu mired Uo'ltr. or, it re u."ed, la
ati'Otmih ot rtw liuiidre-1 or o i dod in ; aod tt
htti he eprisd In .hhI i rMM .!t i it the -.aid hpn
thei. 'n iiieiii,ii'ftl, and te iritiT'nr U:t .-eoi', an- pya-iU)
la c iiom all taxet..
S- Hon 'i. 1 1 e Hhittuni of r:id ban hal) bA ap' d,
diaiill u td. and tM'purth u d for iltu pnrpjts and In
U nuiii nt. it ttt-biM S. lo v U :
It ui I . To the sovt ral t ho,l ie.'tl ns n.i.e hiin.Iie l ar.d
tMri y-l'tiir thom .md live litnidn d il.'ilrtr--, as foitvw u
i"rst Mecilon. tuity I lo't tr :
K'oud Sect t'n, Unity iivo lhu and doDtm ;
Third Meet nn, thiriy ihoicathl .1 i liars :
Jr'ointh ti' . tii-n, thiriy-ilM thuus-n I d II .r ;
iiili Hcciiou, -My thousand d oltirt:
HlM'i Ht-i'tlon, ibiriy tlomat d t.) :
flvrnlh Hcciion, ilny-ihiee tUou-and d-llarc ;
Fichih Keci m ii lil'ty - IkIiI thoitind dotlart.
Niniii He. Hi. n, forty thoLismid dollar ;
Tenth He tloit. iwtntv live thou -.and dollars ;
F.lcvemii Bettion, thirty-eUbt thosikaiid (he bundiatl
'1 vehtb flection, thirty-four thousand dollars:
1 liineenth Ht ction, t L Irt -tlniit thoiiMunl d liars;
Founeenlh Hcctioii. blty tboiirand dollarni
I Hut. mh Met Ion, twenty-live thotibaitd dollars ;
hlxteeuth Hectli n, twenty thouitand dollnrs :
Hevt ulctiith H4n tiun, ti.riy-n' e tluiuaand dollars t
Kiliiet nib Pttdio-i, tldil) -Jl e lliou-snd dllaii ;
NiiH'teeidt. Kioliou,lwi:uty thousand dollars;
1 .wniletb Section, etiuty live ih..unsml uullara
Twi id y -Arid Het-iimi, Iwi nty thousand dollars ;
'I w-'j'ty si cotut hection, elt-ve,ii thoiikund dtdlars ;
'1 went third Hecilon, loir teen thousand dollars ;
'J wentjv (onrtb 8i it ion. sKtyei(jht thousand dollars t
1 twill.) tilth Hettion, tWttJdy-thrue thtusand dllaii(
Tv ( ni) tlxtb Set tlon, f waive thousand dollars.
Li.ii li To u-iiibuiar the 4'lt Treasury, lor appropria
te i.b ahiady made, charneahie lo in is Joan, luriy-niue
tlioi.tHt.fl tftli e Luudied and etitht dollars
lit rn a. 1 ir coiitipveiicn's, btteeu tUoUbandnveliundrel
ai'd uinrt -tV4 0 doilura.
htctn ii a, W lieneer any loan shall be made by virtue
!iu .f. t'.i re sbhll le. by loree ot thin ordtnaiic, annually
appropriated out of the ineonie of the corporate estates.
f'oin the sum raind by taxatlen, a sum hurtlclent to pay
tht Inlet i'ht on aaid ct riliUat s ; and the turther sum of
Ihree-U'iiths ol oue per centum on Iho par value of such
tettlncate shall ba appropriated quarterly out of nuld
lnty-toe and taxes, to a sinking fund, which fund and Ito
ac umulaiioiiKuic hereby pe. ially pltdtiedi'or tueredeuip
tlon and puUitut olOald certillcalipa.
to prni.isn A LOAW PM.L
lull PI HLIC .sell' nil. ri.
Fe'OJved. That th Clerk b a iti.orUcd to pnbliih In
two iinil newspaper-, of this cliy dtlly, P-r four weeks,
tlie ortUnant e ptenied toCOUiiaoa CouueU on 1 bars day,
June lb, lM,Lt-uimtd -
pdHKH;" And Ihe said Clerk, at the slated meeting of Councils, after
the expiration of ioure.k from the first day of said
puMkainn. -bail present to tl:ls Counell one of aacnof
said notti-ranera hit aTery tfay In ultita Ue Sui shaJ
La. s iH2U bade. iyV-4w
Tfn 8. "EVL-Nril t-r.
lfi kTTTlTr;a. k.Al"lll"'E(l,
f IItr. l ain . r.i'iK'er, - n'S.
JXAiitr.u m.iH, rtejLrvhH.Aiffrt rn.LOW.
N. W. HeftatriHf anArencrtatlns atlfcrwled as with tors
full deepatob. o.S. RhVBwTU Street. leil-la
J kl'shed Is 1M10. fB.rorUr am) rteah-r In
I ine Taa, Wlnee, t.einort,
Cncike Havana Clrare,
t'rri.aA niarltwcll't Pl ales and Santas
V.ivllth ard twelve, Ale and l orter,
ejenned .Meats, Trnlts, floitp, A.
Jt j Metio I'M r with
At o. US n. MF. OSI) -Ir-f.
leJ'lv JiismiA IJ. C'uI'Mfr.
' lAIiri'. r, MATTlNiiS
tlow Him les, from N
ililtfM'jr Of! :ent Hru..., wldo,
1 ( 1 --) an. I 1 ;i; lin.l.HH.n Pross-ls. .nu. d.)
wui,7o. so a .d si e'li-.. ; w I, 'J I oi.l -J l at ooi- r
tsinate pri es : Imeerul t'..riei II It to SI tit ."r u-i ;
liorslu. irom si eents l ll't; Veimai, tc tar. nud
llenin, from r'; l-i .-."its p-r yrn M.iol !, tne
lsr,.i; a's.irino it ev.-r ot;i n d in l'! .Ul h.l..ft. .17
to I.', rents 1 ard t His V ed Aileti - n Sa o, ,,.-
pot. ilono.rly itlifcw 1 h.i. Hi H HlimNIl sttr .et,
fir. t ,o,..r ats.-c isalnut, .. site corn hsern.- n.
J inaat. laetureS n.d r.r ssle ly
hhtwHrri'. 1 1, Ttx c:o ,
So eOlMI K Stre-et. l'htlad.
(.AM Mil f AN S nil l l AN S (.UT!
TnF. Most CnitAts etrMil'T 1CVI.K l.'-t ti,
Ves, a uri' f.r
tillMIKIIIKI A, i.ll.KT, rirRI',TI"IF.'l.
f'oiitain n" Mineml, no hiil.Kin, toi St. raory.
fnl ten pills to he tad en to etle -i s ore.
thiir. in from two to reitr di;ys,a-d ri-nt eaes in
"iwenty-foiir lieura.-' fneafid ly a irratluate of the
f'nlvrslty of I'e'ins;- ve-iia, one ot th looet eminent
Jloelf-ra and t.'lietnlsts of t..r ores, tit ih.y.
so sveo-i Hi. s iroi 111,, Ml iiiasi.k wit, rs I !.
1 rt IlKle who linv. iht Irr.f re' Befliu-enred. ir eliO
have e.-'-ii sorsetl r ith llalam CViisiva.or Mere-ury, st
tmt t"j Hie
fuvAiuiAV' 8 tiirr.
.silf l.v Wi.fl ll, h l.'llie enveniee
l'li. e, male park,., t'- f male. '.
m M.r,1 'H'li
, Ac, Ac.
U of1id t rut. lie at & ir . 1 1 r.ntf.
"VPHH.1N (K KNKIrL )1KHKH, 'lit? MA-
lil lAN H MM)T AM HI Kit .M ICK, th? mot t-notit.
cmrta Id . trd H na ri-liit:iJT . X ril':ri(M'a , it n'rtcrifs
sand i-rail falfok verv iirlul.1 tff Vt'tlCffrll noi") M0
tiiailh) "nr Is th .rftiiri anl prrn ani.t. Tak! tfi"n of
tint purfyii rnu1? antl h Hi-alril, ami do not trnnnnit
ii iur H'ieritjt in at. wi w-utu juu himhm,iuuw
turn. , .
AMio.iifTi vou liiv l' pr''H ut crt inc'irAMr.tiK1 AM A-
ft IT A K n Itui antl li Jl l K w il r.inove r.-ry
tilL'fl of iuiimriilfxs 'piii: ttif- vmii., a eJ aa au tiro
bad ftK'vt vl Mtrcnri.
In ucTij fT txTiri with lil it Biimlwr of tfinAlt
nMfT. tlm T AM) i! Mil .'in iuhi nvi n.v
ftilunti-il. in t N eratcrt I't'-rnn, ii l,U' nrrhn a, In b uriint
lrwn. Fal lnrofii. Womt , 1 t-i It ,atvl f.irall compLUiits
is'filfni to i mi "'. .
Bnt lv eptcia Trl' - k.VJi . r r bottltq for I'.
Ifi. hi as' of MjiitiHt, ufM In cnnij M-Ml with the Rot;.
unai ii. rh in Knit tirr tirn. I'ricp vn crni
rht m- a of Un v r-inih t anae iihiwumu'w ny
iintfianj and iaHcnt(. Th.v ar ii.fI in Hie riUtl
hMi ioefi)tal. thu rc:oiliig hfaitli to iuuiij ol ctir
ii a r rm; hiiih.konh of tiic
"PlifT !"MVAl.. Foitr MrsTlHM-L,
lUllinu l. II. 1 . Kcb. '20.
"l Itivt iToM ilsfiM tion In b at nir iliot I tmve uscil
n"i: tcrum , tbnt I have iiM.-d tnom with HHlp
aatTit, ill'THion ami iir.rrlr, aimI hav t'cinl thm
rrH,nd w hit ant;clM,li niii iTomptly and no.,!iialiy
ilnnwml Ihasf fstti I llill lOll . I tiH VB t lie f 1 1 1 W t C( ntl It'U '
lu ttiflr f ttivur, and a U t a my ust of Uiciu cu nds, I
rff iniin'Sil iiifrn ;rttij.
',r KiAi u.
"Anfi'Stfurt-htirKon ''ill N w ork Vul.'
1 t t l. inii)4 r-tood thut thet rMi.etlin aro ai rt -ra
Hii-iidiM., mil "; u.Uvtl urt tne diseases i"T win n
tt y urc oli4 rfd.
7HHU ty n. . i i "v m ,
Nl-. 2- S. I'.K.lll llfc mt.
i)K.MOl A C(l ,
hf- trthnrir. Vo.i'l.S RACi:fltr-ft.
T'lJ KAIt.itO VI).
TMVr-:H A It t A N itl M F.N T.
TllKOrJjl iN TWO HOl'Itl! I! trah. i.iilv tit Allanll CIIV.
Cn aotl fir Mo vDaT. July 4, Uauit kavt Vmt street
yrry as follows:
Man, l .u a. .
Vr-'i ht. with ptsertrr aT iffl "hi,f"16 A. M
,press i.ihrouKh in'i noun V (0 i. id.
A.lamio Act'orjiino.lation. iT M
Jem titin Acc mm niatit.Ji, 'cttt !. M.
lihli KsMNO LtlAViIb A'rLANrfC,
AeTjrtiiitKailon .A'iHiudc, I'H a., at.
Krress, 7-nH A.
aall,44HP. M.
Kare lo AHmi'it , 12 Wl. Kn-,ind Trip Tl. tets f twal enry
for uit da? md irain oi wn,ii tney arr ;nufn; sf w.
"KXTItA H illHNr'le:i;i TKA1 8,
lav Vine stit M'li A M. and 1 (a1 f. M.
Leave lladilontlt id m V. l. ..nt! li L f. .
ON t'MiWS,
Wit train fr Miiii.t'e leaves Vine treei ? HO A. M.
Leaves Atlanrlc 4 4C M.
,.:.n.t JCRS O. RHY ANT. Atf'-nt.
Tin rmr whl. li was !rittle latt iar ha' entirely di-tnp-
Ttiind,l-UMiit ine beaetioit of Uit n-uit Udlghthil on
Hf.TIII.KIICM. lV'Li:r'iWN, V. rtN
A IMH I'lOSAu lit A INS.
Of. and a-Vr MviNDAY, Jun l l, !Mi4. I'aePKer Trains
vll leave the w Urpot, I iiiKU htr-'ci, aiM.e i no. no
son it ree;, i'hiiaucij ua, i,.ny (luiiiiiys rT'wij
loll... :
7 AM. (Em'0 f' - W'titfiiein, Alien: own. Man-. h
rimrk, WilKes iarre, N lMlamtiiort.
!' A. 5 . (AfJocLiotla'lon) Air iv.yle"t.'.
IU A. M. (Aaoii'inoiiaiior.) for Kort Waslilnnt n.
Jl ..M. (A'ft u niodall ti) tor Ioh-it wu.
Ii ' V. M. tKupemi) for Hot hie -it in, I at ( ton, tc,
4 !' P. M. Mall) for D Met;wn.
& lit P. M. ( totnruod .tijr.) lur UtinkVin, Al en'.own.
and M.tii -h I In.nk
. i: i' M. A- :'jiomod4tion)forLt;nsdfte.
11 1 . M. Accotpnio'iaiion) for Fort 'Vashmnton.
ThAlIsH Hilt PhU.AOEt.l'HI .
I chtc llti'hkheia at ti W A. M , t JO A M , and 0 07 P. M.
I-bU wii att i'JA. M.,;l -tit?. M., aud 7 1 . M.
l.iiiiMi.ile at U A. M
1 trt WarhlumunP.t 11 A. M. and '2 V. M.
rtidadflpM.i for Htltileiifin at tt A. M.
l'iiilallt'liia for Imylttowr at ,i M.
ioj U itoM n iur r.iiailtpiia ai 7'W . M.
iu ihliVin for fhi adt Iphla at 4 P. M .
Ulitman s Ilf-Ka M"'S- will .a:l I .r t;id u'Uver l-ar-irni.''
ut tt;e dfpot. Ordrt niuy l-o Kit ai No. IU H. l HIKl)
l itis Cf ARK, Ajftit.
fUlll f,.
On aid after 1.IONPVY, January 4, lhdl.Cie Trains for
Vm- Yoik. leaving Kt-usii utoii Jteiio:. Plitlud;lpltia, ut
8T2 A. M (Mivhtj.and: t'l r. M.,and tho trams leavi m;
NfH Yori: a. ! A. M. and 7H0 P. M., ill h reat'.er tc ruti
ex.-lii'-ht 'y fi r tie I'niied sat-s Malls and Nev York
uud W ahu ium l'alell,er-. und w ill not take In nor let
OUI ani piifi IU Ts bet-ten ftHitl ctllea.
1 he i A. M. aMd I'.' M'On -.-bt 1 ii'et f ntn New York to
Wash.mion, and i- 11 h A M and ' P. at. Liue iro n
wa'iin;tMU to New YdK, will onliliu' al it -o ill, aud
rarry mfi'Vr t .md !rm liie -uler'iiediaie staituUM and
lt ui. ore. H wliin,'tO'i, .i' d N r Y.trk.
Lines it-a-.e Philaoe'ph a, fiom Kedtinjrlon Orpot, at
11 l.'iA.M . I Of, and l P.M., and r.,.Mi midnight, and
tromUiil'iui S'eei Wharf ivi Camden), at ti and HA.
M., 2 M..4 anloP M -iorN-w York.
Andl' iHf. New Yoih, iron. i"o..t of CourtUndf Ntrcf,
at; A.M. lo A M , 1. M ,4 a:ul ti P. .M , and f mi-!-niktif.
and irom littt e? )tsrl.i street a: tl A. M.-audi
.. , at. A. (-MV.Ml.K,
M'l toitflinis at VU'-en1.!! v ii, t:ork Harlt
- i in . .i krm'M. .ittiiii'-i's tl :m . eruoi. ms mu,
and I'hlliilel.itilu sSteiimtl ip 'Oinptny are intended to
a i a- tollow :
F.l iMil l;i. S.iti.rtlav, diity -iO.
4 1 f Y ..' W sili . 1 1 in. Saiorth.y , 4'j.iist fi.
(.11 Y il' Ma N' II I' H IF It. saturd.v. An,' 't 1 I tiv r Fii . :-t lli:). ;,!( -irdtv, at n -oil, l.oui Tier No.
44 North Klvi r.
i; 1 1 i:s oi pas m i:.
P.tjaM'.'in .olt, or t-ooi. alen in urremy :
I- it i i 'a mil fhivtm rtteeruK
i alon lo Lomtoii H.i DO HtefraKe to l.nidoi..,
First -t.ii. IwPjiU... H.'ti. h eerats'elo PariB......
Fir,! ' abln tollMi'hurr;isi,On SteiTak'n to llanihurf .,
rasn'mifr- ure al-o ibrvtarcpsi to Havre, Hremeu
f.,1 I ISI
, .UO-i
. 4' (M
! W
.ie- i.,.t a m u im . .it pi i oa II v lnW rales.
t- r..V i. l u. ro.! il i.r Ouet us'own :- I iMt C abln. 7."
t' !).'. Hi "erase :Vm l.t ri)al a-id tjuetHtst jwii, t.
'I U wliu vv l ts ti to mm ul iur their mend tan buy uvkrt
i tre at ihe rat s. n
1 or lujtbtr inioinmtlon apply al tlie Compan ortU-es.
.IO.IS il. It.VLK, Am ut,
Ko. Ill W'Al.M'T Street, Philadelphia.
Strauiiilil j Line, ,itiltnit Irnm vit"h lijrt on
.s i l L It; i A i iroui llrt wtiurt UMive l i r. istn-u., rima
Uiliili a. aid lxillii Y burf. fliihtun. -rniii Qrsl .vliaj-1'
ubiin- l'INK Htlei n Satnrdav. July l. Isi.l.
li e sUIIi..kI,Ii8AIN, MalUewe, will .all Irnm I'lilla
ili liitila tnr tt.istoii.oii Hatiiiray.Julv Uil . at In o vl..i-s. A .
M i i.uil tl.e ii.aiiiln' NeiltMAN, linker, iroiulli.ioniiif
rtiflaileli Inn. nn san.e day, at , I', of.
TIii-m new aud hUtisLautusl alt.uimli'tis form a reiiuUer
iij.e, sa'lilitr lioni eaeb iort iiDne-liiali.. r-B .Sattinla.v, .
InhniHiiee-i eite-e-ted al oue-liatl tlie preiulutu cliartfe-d UU
ale tuNsels.
Kn ii lit. laki-n it fair ru'ea. ,
HI Hi). ers are reiiuesied U lelld Blip BretlpU and Bill,
Litllnii will. Ihuli k'liod..
,'or I toiirlil uf Taenia", (tinvliig fine acrotaniooiiUuini)
ai,ivi0 lil-.MtV WINSillt t e.,
'Jti-U No. islll S). DK1.A W AliE Avenae.
ILIlmail 1 tie element lle-fr ttvainslnu UuL
v.. will leave
UM WKll.NWtllAY. July 27. at noon.
Lowest rales eif pacai- tUrouau
from riiuaUetihla to
Ban frane'laeu.
Aij1 U
W. A. H AM 1 1. 1.,
JJn.517 WA I KI T .Street.
ill . -is.'" .'..US.SS.S
rLsV-ol J. and HwutMiro l.lnre, via llelawar. and
J..11 i..ll e uuui. t lie sienwe-t. lit uiunv uue, ail' leuvuig
tlail, at -J v i look H.. and o o eleiea 1. M., iroui tnud pluf
alioxe Walnut ttrert.
lor Irel.til, whli-b will tie liken r.u aceoniinodatinii
triHI.aplilv M. 11.1.1 AM at. ts Al It L li CU, Nu. a.
IU I A". S UK. Avenue.
J L1-- "i " . ,,
in ; Iiniisli l,ip V ANCOUVEK, Cuploin J. li.Carllsia,
will sail aa abo. r.
fiTtrtlablor,ITtn rvs
Jvai-if .No.lUI WA1.SI.'I fcuuet
1 hf I ' rtifi n end Amtiri and rhttarlolrhla and Tff niV n
ailtnnd Or niminieV LlD s from rinladeipina to lodl j
axd l. ay J'k -1
ni'fii wai sl r smi.Er wiunr.
WPl Vsv nn follow . viz.. : FC I
At i A H .yi ( Mind' n and Arutroy. C. and A. Ao-
romui"dation Vi
At A. M , vm ( aintlirn and Jrrf Cil, Mornliitt
m 1
At HA. M,, iaCamdtn and Jc- t Uj , Clus
At li M , via Cini.dcii and Aiui'oy, C and A.Aocjm
fn raOon
At I r. M. Ma tamden and AmiM. c. and A. tn-
At 1 V. Ms, via r.iiuilfii and Am boy , Accommodation
( V rr iHi t nnd l'if- iiL?r)
At ti P. M ., t la t soi'lcn miii Atuhoy, Acrommo Ulioii
f I r- itifit and 4'a-s"ii?."-r) l-t ('his- I I' ket
2 ifi J
1 1 I..-- ilo
f 7 , V. M ., ia .uiifl' it nod iti .oy Al1. I'lioMtfU
II mi ( I rt'uhi and 1'annt ut-r), l-t Class JVkot.,.,
i i .i
2 2
I or Man-h i hunk, AH" lowii, Itpthb h' u, itjviitere
ic ii . I aiiilttriviil'. Ki rii'n tfoi, Xc , .r.Ki 1. M.
I' r r lfinnii.i.,ii, . Hinh ! iMiie, and ii.t-rui-diate
Mtion. at . V t
Kr Mou ii. li.. li s , :a.,s Liie.and in ml rtoti,at J A. M., j
aim .1 i . .m
I- or Ki.f-hoM at A. M. snl '2 V. M.
I'-r rslm i ii. liii 1 1. in. ii. i. ii iii'v. Ttni-inirrin.
rioienec. Ito.d- immn. A,-., nt i, A. M .. ! M . I . l :0, -.
nnd t. V. M. 1 .. .u ..mi V. M. linos rnu .tuacl thruUei
I r: iron.
I or l'aiiryra, hlrion, lflnpo, rr and lturllaf'
u n at 1 . M l
H' ntnfront lrntn, f-r H-i'id, llMt'l'iirfoii, TWr!y. I
Tnrrir.i,iilf. Al tl 1 .m vi nt I'M! A. M . mid i I I I'. M. 1
Win leavi asl.d.- .-
At t A. M , nikut) Ma ht-n-riKtoti and N?w Ynrlt,
W :it,ln.''..n nod 'W orv m:iii f TV
t n-if-i a. M.. ni KcMfHiiLtoi. aid .iotr.iv t.ttvi:-
t 4 to V. M., la K' ii-.tiiKiou and JcrM-y .u E- M
I re- J-OOl
At ti'i.'i r. M. la Kemliuton nn Jt r m-v lite, '
WaxhiiiMtnt and N w ork Kir-B- -i'gli
ruiiOH iiii' n n " hi .-i . titsu ' i . .
1'or Wat'T :hi. srr ."t di'in', Sraut m, Witkribarn',
Jtoiiir s.,., ;r. ui lii .id, M. inch honk, Ail'-ii'iiw n, Uflllilr-
rn H ivifh rc. ! nil- n. i.sniiif ri viiic, r if ujhot. J.i. rto ,ai
A. ,M Ihis line enm t- ith ihe train h-awig i;itoL 1
lorMatnhrt !i at I .ti V. .M. I
l or r n nimg on, l.uii'i m me, snu innniuMumir siauou" i
t A I' V 1
For Itrlstol, Trenton, Ac, nt 71' and 11 10 A. M., aid5 ,
Vof Hoimrbiirifl'iuwiiv, Wi--l :omlrf. Hiid shurK, and j
rmikt-rd al ! A. Al .o'l ', sua r-r. .n. iii ta ju. uiuv
,ina 'o llrl't'd. '
tf KorSi wVnjk and Way 1,1m s laMiit,' Komlnirf
I), pot. tiikf Hip cur ou I nth r-tre-t. alhne ainnt, aaii an
ho:ir ht-i'.ie .l"iarfiiio. Thf ar run liuoih 1. p-t, aud
nn ;irrlal ofOio h rm run from ti. in-pot.
Mllvpoiiiiiliol Impavo only aitoneu oa- n panrnKrT
I'MiisiiiL'rrt ri' nnilill.ih d froin IttklHk; imvlt'illii AH lift(,'
nl tL. ir carli if app.iHM, ah inuvanc mvv oitj i-m(m .
n mi id iur flviru 'I hn i ViTimaiv Mi'-lr r.'ipjni t
bllily tor biii'tviiir to One IMlar 'T pom.d, and will not bf J
liable lor any amount beyond mo, exevpt uy spiai wu
iiiittnm'r) nut'i-u '!' Knrris will call for nnd dllvr bna-
L-a'f at ti.e in-no's. Order-. !. h" l".t a. NoiWALNLi,
atM-et. W d. II. tlATMKH, Agent.
.Itini. ')0 lStH
U'lt I. l l' IV s: .
Krom foot of r.inrili.ud stnvt at '2 M. and 4 P. M.,vl.
.lerey tnv aiti Liimucu ; hi i anu io i .
Kroin tiMit ol Han lay Mrcut, at ti A..M. and 2 r,M.tW
lof I .11! in I MM ' v -. mm i' if si is, . m
From 1'ler Nn. 1 North Jtlvrr. at 11 M., 4 nnd fl r. M.
Aiiinoy ami iiniocn. . ..
(r r t anil rasenK' r via Ainooy anu uamucn.
i;kkioht links for nkw York and
J ii ;l t)i tmiiioi.s on the Camden and Amloy a-id con-'
net ting Kaluoatl.-.
IM-HKAfr-li 1 1 ii.
The Camden nnd Amboy Kaliroad and Traniportation
ri.tiiimi.t. krciuht ljm lof New irk W IfAVC Waliuo
atrtet wha.f.on and aitr J.muary S, dally (Suudays e.t
cet'ted), at 4 o'clock I. M.
JttMurnuiir, the anove lhisk win wave new n kiovii
4P.M. ...-..
Kn lklit must bo dclivertd betore -iy V. At. to WJ lor
warded (lie jaino day.
Freight tor In-ntoii, PrlncHnn, Klnmton, iSew Brnn
wl k, and all polutn on the C'niudini ami Amboy hail road
ul.nun ihe Hclvntcic. heiawarc, and Flcniliiit n, the Nen
,lfr-c . tf f J-n-t h'.l.i ami Jiun-nbur, ami ihe H.irnfftoo
and Mount Holly Ka;lroaU, re"elveii and forwarded up tc
Ul, u rU t k V. M. Hmall parkaeo lr Mount Holly received ,
up to2o clock P. M.
The lirlvld re Pi;Uftr-c lUllroad cnnfcleat Phillips
bnr with th'j l.thiKh alley Jrailroad. The New Jtrsi'j I
Itmlrnad connect, at Klliheth with the .Now Jersey
eutral Knilrouit, ed it t .Newark with Ihe Morris ana
1-mx Ittillroad
A Niip tin inorandum, -pccKyin the nmrks and num
bfrs. uhlpprs uud rotikni't , must In owry Ini'auce I
ent hh I'iM'h load of itood.rno rn oipt will h ulven.
lucreaMd taaittbs havin dem made for iho transporta
tion ot Ll V F. HI i M K. drovers nre to try 'his route.
k Is furnished luiiuaiiti' tos ot iwijutf
(iKO. H. KAtMOND.FrefL'ht Atcenf.
Pit r No. 1, North ltiver. New Vora
1)mi.ADKLrinA. m-ilmingion, ani
CH ANGE of noritn. "
On nrd after RMAY. Iuue 1,1!,
V a .f f.r trHliix Is'iivi' PhtlBildtttoa for
I lad i more al lu I ( Kxpn is. .Mondays excepted), 6'0i A
M .. li M.. '.Ml ht .1 Id iid I M.
Chester ill H'W,. Il Ki A. M., 1J0.2 ;M),4-:lO,t,-00 and U 00
Uilir lni:i'.n nt 4 TO (Mondays excepted), B'tt, 11 13 JL
Ms. 1 iit. a "in i, 4 W.ti-uu, lo jo and I lit) p. Al. I
New 'aMle at H i-r A. M. and 4 1 1'. Al.
V ver at H ('"( A. M. anil VH P. Al. ,v
When the hIo.j
I.OAltS or rrote. It will be d. hvered at the lot t of Fortt JJ. 0
.trw-t, ro ar the Dune Yard, or at l'ler No 1 INor, . UF
ltlvr, as tho sh-pptTH may dciisnare nt the time of Uii"i t
sl.lpu.nt. WALFKH FltKK.M AN, FnUht Agent. t V ' r
No. iI'im S. Delaware avenue, lhiltlelphia, . T r
MPfotd ui H :" A. M. f m,
balisbury ai K I ft A. M. f c
Lr-ave Tlaltiniorc ut HM.'j, ii lO A.Al., (Kxpress), 110
yy and Id IT, P.M. 1 I,
W iiiiinM'i nt 1 4H, f, -I.., 9 A. M sti '-'l, 1,1-46, 4'00,4SsIJk
7-o0ui d y 10 P. M. 4 J
Saii-lM.rv 1 li P M. I
f i .1 r.t 1. M
Mlllnrd at o:i.' 1. M.
loerat ! 0 A.M., nnd 4 .V, P. Al.
New 1'flHllc at H 10 A. 1. and tt'-V- P. M
Chester ut 7 4., U-40 A. 100, -2 -W,4 W, .V00.8-14, 0 4C
I'. M.
1 euve ll.iltlmme forSalUhnry and intt nnedlafo station,
at hi J.. P. M.
Leave liAltimore for Dover and intertuediuta sUtioui at
l luP Ji.
l snvff'Vf ter ni vm A. M . :i and ll-o' p. M.
l eave Wilmington at, v. A M.. and 11-43
1'. M.
Freight Trains, with pHB-ienKkr Car atticbed, will rua
a tillo f ;
Leave M)min((ton lor Peiryvltle and Intonnedlato placet
at 7'4'i P. M.
MNHAiS :- Only at i-'AiA, M., 10 M) P. Al., from Phila
delphia to Paltluiort.
From PMhid. lhlu to Wilmington at 4 tO A. M., 10 30,
and lrtHi p. M.
From Wila9ii)-.-ton to Philadelpbia'at 1-4M A. M. and 7'30
P M. Oulj ut lo I M , irom Kaitimore to i-niiuicipuia.
. It W L' L' K! V V ltfnArilklan.L.iiil'
E A 1) I N G
l'KNNNJ l. A MA, THK Kl'lll VI.KILf., H18
Leave the Cfiupanv s in-pot. al TIIIHTLP.N I'll aul
( ALLOWIIILI. Mreets, i'htladviphiu, at the loilyniuj
UllUVIVil i L TT.
At 8 Ll A. kl.. for lUudimc, I eosnon, F.ohraU, Ll.1'
(VluiiiMs. liarruliurit-, Ptdtsv.ile. Pimijriive, Taina'i0
Hnnhury. U'tlhanport, fctlnii.l, Koc.hcttor, Niagara Kal
Huitiilo. Allei.towr, Wl keHhurre, Pittofm, York, Corils
chunibt rbi.rrf, 1Im4 -rsiotvii, Ac ye.
I be trtin eonnects at hKAliM with Koat FaaniyK '
ina Hit 1 1 road trains lor Alientuwn, Ac. tho Heading en- A
t'i'lutiilliu liHllroaii lor Kphrata, Lit z, and Columbia. anV
with thf i.-haiion Yallt y tra-n tor IMnlrbuttr, Ac. ; tu PVC
4 l.iNTHN with t aluwiMia KsihoadtiuVna lor Wilkes arr
Williamr.pi ri. Fork llawn, F.lmira, Ac.; at ItAKUU
It) lu. with ' Nurlhem Central." '-C'umberUud Vall'tv, 1
and 'len i Ik 1 1 1 and Susmn-ha.ina" trains for N iitWir'' J
b. rland.W iliianupri ork.i'hao lierfhtir-, Pinetfrova.A'r'
j. eaves I'l-limit ndua at .i;;u r. At. for Keadlnn, Pidts
vllle. Pirej. io e, llmrlstoai. A , c nnn;lli'K at Harris-
bin is w Ph l eMi-y mifa ('entral train i lor Piitsburir. tc.
Norihein I ntiul Itailroud tram for hunhury, North um-'
neriai'ii, r.iuura. at., uiiu ar run i uni' u wiui i.aiawuha
IsUiUt ad tialiia for MUiou, N'illiatuitort, tlmura, lluilalo,
I.ejtTe. lteadit k at ( 0 A, ruiplti ttt all way t'
tli im. arn u u In i'liiludi-lohi i nt li'lrti A . t 1
Iteiuiiduv. h aw pbiiadelplua Osi-ou P. SI.; arrises1.
I I lull IIL Hi N- I I' M
I Trano. lor I'liilanili'hla leave MurrUburt; at ft A, M.,ur
Polls-ilh al !' !,' A. M . arrt imr In PhiUdulphi at 1 1
r. M. .M.triioon irainn itau llarriHui.rK at "A P. Al
i on' me hi i-, .ii ., nn i inn in rhriiuei-Mua at r. a i
Mnrlset tiHiliH. vllh a imsM iiri'r ear ntta. hl. lavM
FliilaiMpI i at I P. M , lor lteadiiiK and all v ay sta'bins
leav It tsdmii nt 1.'. ma ni. anil lhvM)inwiuwnit iJdtii.
M lor 1'hihtiU -.'i.liia and all way tathaot.
A ll (he af ove ir.iii s rou dally, Siniibiyi eeopted.
Mmdav train- leu e PoliHie at l'W A. M.,and Phila
delphMata l P M.
t'liFht Kit YALI.LY KAlLltOAD.
PaM iikr tor Lou uinis'litH u and mterme tiV psilnif
take the m .; A .M. ttii 1 to p. M. train-, troiu Pknud'h)iiia.
i roiuriiiiiK Horn Hownliifc-ttmu at tt 40 A. At., und ii la
ll, M, (I.
, vtthK KXI KKSS rOlt PlTTSUCli J ASl) 'iUU
i Leave- Nt w York at 7 P. M., nusuhii iteadlmf at 12 inld-
rUht. una tmineciiiiL' at ll.nrit urg with Peuotylvaaia
1 1-sli est leains iur rutHtiuiir.
Kriiiiiiii.u r.irv' triiin Hurrisbititron arrival or
uie l i iin i un a l.Mili-ss l.-olil I'lllstiurir ut ti .11) A. U..
na-slii llr...linn. ut h to A. M..and arrl.liii,' at New ork' i
nt l'4'i '. M. Mrejiii if t'a'a ai'e-oiiiiniiiy tUcsa traius 1
tiiriuib, Dciieii jtisty lliy and 1'tti.biua, wiUigut
Mi, II train, lor New York leave llarrishutv at 0 A. V i
anu ai. at. Aiiu irain. lor iiurnsunru leave nil
at I. A.M. ami 12 M.
st'iir.ia;iit ttAii.rtf) en.
1 refill leave I'ut'.i 111, at 7 l'i A. M. and 8- HI P. M .T'',
intit.ii- iroui -riiseurnru at a tu A. .M. utia von r. M. j
ri.tie ii.ill,l. tt r.tiie.isA n At i.tietAU. -
Tiaint k-a.e Ai.titirn at .1 I-. A.M. tor I'liieieiovu and
ItuirMiuri', aim at l".si aud 7 to V- M fur Piueuroe. only ;
rriuinli s- Itotulli.rhsburv at l-:ui p. at., uud trim l'taa '
liro. e ut h 1 , A. M., aud 4 and P. II.
-I It Kl'. I IS j I tltst-eluss li.-krls and eiuisrrulit ticket, to all .
tlie lirti imllits In tlie Nortll and West and t'anitda..
The follii inn Ih ketb are obtainable onlv ul llio oilice of
S JlltAliHiltli. Treasurer. No W7 H. Ull HTU, '
I I l:ni'i I l"r "I ' A. Ml lll.LS, Uiuurul SeierliHeii- ,
dent, Krudiuu: . y . 1
A '.'8 i.erre' t. di. count, Imweoti uy yulntt deitred, i 'J
for iiiiailic. tied him
iti eir.v Ttfl.-,"rst
tit mt ftr -.OKI mile., betMet-u all pomti, at Hi each. U
iur luuitiies anu urnis.
I or tlree,U, t.lne.or twelye luonlln, lor uoJdurl only,
to ull (ii iiils, at It-Uuetd rM,c"yjat.x
l-.-l.!;,.., tl... lln.MaSil.e'road w ill be fumlshel wliu
t uitl.,eiillllli.tben .l.r. " lvu' ,u lea.t ' uU
'""'' rXOtlKHION TICKKT8 1
Kn m I'lilladeliil ia to plui ifl aiatioua, nood r Ratar-.
Ilav Kiiniiu. .and atomluy. " reduced lore, to be had only
it tli" Tl. ktt Oltl. o,at TUlltTKKMH and UALLOVl UIlX
flta.ds of all ieserlp:l,.iia lorwarded to all the above)
tin' nt ft out the l'ouiiaio ' few IreUjlil depot. UlleJAU
and WlLl eiW hlreen.
Hit ItlHT THAIV8 !
Leuve Phlladflpblu dally at ti A. la., I P. M .and P. M.,
I r, L.tmuoti, llarilsburit, I'otuvllte, 1'ort t liu
Ion, and puiiils be.ond. WA,,H
tTn.a al tli. Pblladt lphla l'ost otric. for all pusosaontli
read and us bieiu l,e at b A- M., and lor tit. priticluo.
italiebt old) atVKil'.al.
i I
f I