The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 26, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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    A If
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inec aFT
' 1 : 1
Ifidlng KdltorlalH from the Kew Turk
Papm This Morning.
&m Ins Time.
l'or lliirc months, ltus a week, a column, rival.
ng In strrngtli the great Army of tlic rotomar,
as been forcing In war towards tbo city of At-
nta, In (leorRlu, its pmgrcaa bin disputed at
erf step by tlic seend f,T"at aruiy of the Con-
cracy. V hut i the object lioo tHMac.sjon
istifira srirli an cxpenililiirn of both oflVnsive
a dtlcni-lve ton:o, lien ei'lier mitnimnist needs
hrry nun and every gun It run iiiuhit, in front
t the t'onfclrr.ite ('annul ? In 'ho. firnt nlnre. it
ft Atlanta Hull n niixlern, well-built city, now
1 protichitiR its twenty-first year, but still sooner
rearli In freedom birthdiiv. Laid out in a cir-
far form, with n raillus of nliout a mile, it con.
ini within It Uronly intrenehed circumference
o lunt tue. wnr ha brought an accretion ot a to its mmilirrs,) a population of about
eniy luoutnnu snma.
Fiora Pa protected situation, deep In tlio Inte
' r ol the Conleileracy, ft wi ehoien at the out
t aa a Brent military depot of supplies and of
annul of wnr. and, (tirtlierniore, nt a crcat
nilitary (ik-bon. In till rcpect it has no
nunl In the zone of the Confederacy. It
the Richmond of the West. Here are arsenals,
ioundrlc k, furnace., rolling mills, machine shops,
noraiorica, ana lactones, winen nave ncen
icily mpplyinif the Confederacy Willi munitions
f war lor the p ist three years. Hen the finest
d largest rolling mill in the South has been
mine out Iron rail? for romls, ami nrmor-
ilating lor iron.clads, tlio latter in great aliin-
Here are fnrtorles for shot and shell, for pis
Is, powder, cartridge, and percussion cups, for
.n-enrriagns, for small anus, for equipment.
asons and harnesses, ihoes and clothing, and
r many other purposes useful to the Hubol coiu-
l Kissariat. iiorc also, aro rnuroau repair-suops
9, tDeaicniniiio yuiuo to tue enemy. At least two
' I lougana pcopio Keep mis vuiuaiito muccinery in
Vcralion. We, with onr surplus Springti'e'.tls
I Aid Lowells, do not appreciate how illy the enemy
V rem epare his single city. As a depot of supplies,
..' )lso, as well as a manufactory, Atlanta has
ia)'ed an important part. Hut doubtless most
.if .Its stores and Its completed goods have
1 f wady been prudentially removed.
.1 Next, Atlanta is one of the chief railroad
v (Ventres in the Confederacy. Northerly runs
' Sie Western and Atlantic road to Chattanooga.
""4outhwtterly, the Atl.inta, West Point, and
. Voutgomcry road, connecting the former point
7ilh the capital of Alabama, thence with Mobile
' ' yon the South, and with the whole Mississippi
g K" alley on the West. Southeasterly runs trie ini-
lortunt roacl to Macon, and thence to Savannah.
l.astcrly, the re id to Augusta, and again to Sa-
Inn nu h and to Charleston. To these wo shall
l . Vescnily refer.
, T llesidea these advantages, there Is a tiipographl
' Jal one of great importance. The chief military
,r olnt in all the mountain region of this vicinity is
it Tbattanooga. That we must continue to hold in
v force at all hazards. Its clil f value, however, is
li Ita defensive relation to East Tennessee, bo
i, f ante from that point a column can easily throw
n Itself on the communications of any hostile force
J '. hich has passed through the mountain gaps to
7- jVvage tho interior of the State. Accordingly, it
jfifche key of all that lies behind ita back -, or,
'c Jitlier, It is the gate which clo-ses np nil that
V 1 Region from assault. Hut for penotrating Central
.' .Icorgia, Atlanta is the true stariing-point.
' Atlanta is as essentially the door of Georgia as
Chattanooga of Tennessee. Till it is seir.rd, only
y avalrv can be used by us further south, and
rfucir ruias muse oe uurrieu, leuiponirv, uiicu iu-
(eueettve, ami always na.ariiou. even a mova
ble infanlrv column, like that famous one of
.Sherman which traversed Mississippi from Vieks
burg to Meridian, at the opening of this year,
would be marched in this quarter with great peril,
us the armv in Atlanta could harass its rear,
I' MN'ow, betwixt these two main points extend the
"vileghauies, ridging the whole faco of tho coun
try into a mountainous formation. Lookout
"Mountain, Mission Ridge, Taylor's Hidgo, John's
jMountain, Dug-Down Mountain, and other
.' raraliel ranges, break np the region lying between
le TeuccBsco and the Chattahoochee,
't Bob.nitas our base remains at Chattanooga,
P the encmv can always force us, in a southward
! Inarch, to expend a campaign of several months
!iin pressing him to Atlanta. Wo should hare to
I nu-bt nun at long ouus in sucucyncs as uutzaru
'! Uoost, or turn him, as Sherman does, by Hank
ing marches of one hundred and lifty or two
I hundred miles. But ouco carried, Atlanta is the
new advanced position, and that labor is done
once for all. To the southwest the country is
Still broken with the Alleghany chain, and due
foutb ot Atlanta is the tornudaoic ridge 01 riue
eJniiiitiiiii. tint, in the main, the region on the
4 south and southeast is less rucscd than that
7 1 which Sherman's legions have already sur-
, DiouLieu, anu is icss ueiensiuiu.
From Atlanta brunch out, like tue sucks ot a
fan, important offensive lines in several southerly
A directions. First, lying not fur from a common
' rLpnrallcl of latitude, arc the four Important points
V'fSclnia, Monts'ouicry, Opelika, and Columbus.
wOf these, Selma was onco considered as very
ry. idesiruble ; but its importance has doubtless been
'A Vverrated. but Montgomery, the former capital
.tof the Confederacy, is a point to be carried, and
"ft probably to be held. 0elika is of considerable
jf value, both on account of ita proximity to Atlanta,
and because of thu juncture at that point of tw o
7.1 railroads.
? ? .J Tl. ..nliiwi i.r rVnnltli-a rlll ul.aistllt V KAVAr
allroad commuuii'iitlon between the eastern uud
estern zones ot tho Confederacy. Indeed, it is
reliable that Rousseau has already cut the track
, this Montgomery rniinaid. nut who Aiiauia
srs, tbo work could be made linal instead of
mpoiary. easily, on 11.0 e.tai ana souiueasi am
t'luis. Milledcevillo. Macon, and Auitusta. tlio
wo latter important as railroad junctions, as all
re in other respects.
)w, the retention of Atlanta by the enemy
rtvscts tneae uiuerent poiuis in uis rear. 11s
nation absolutely uncovers somo or them.
fSiood retreats towards Augusta, as he proba-
T will, the first scries of four points is open to
t'us without a struggle. If ho retreats to theuorth-
imii which is n most iiniiossin n. ne uncovers a i
the others, which are still more important. It
must be remembered that these rolling and fer
tile valletsou which Sherman Is entering have
I been of great scrvh e to the Confederacy for sup
nlloH il' to, t and tViniL'c. onlv surnasseil. indeed.
Ly Texas, Tennessee, and West Virginia. It
mus aiso oe noted mat suennan, in laaing At
lanta, plants himself directly across the road of
comuiunicaiion bi t wee u the Seaboard and the
Volley State.
Expeditionary forces, sent out by thatGeueral,
who has shown himself the most consummate
master of movable column, will sever the trans-
1 I mission of supplies by railroad, and cut oil inano
il factories at oilier polnla, as he has already dune
2 I at Home and at Rossweil, and is about to do at
o Atlanta. At Hossweli, the largest cotton and
woolen factory in thu State has lallcn into our
lands. At Columbus, Macon, and Augusta are
arsenals uud ordnance lactones, for caunon,rillcs
so f and pistols. At Augusta aic the immense powder
! J mills on which tb& Southern Confederacy almost
Hr I solely depends. Tho vital resources of tho Con
J fedeiacy are all threatened by the capture of
Atlanta, and their !' II would almost destroy it.
' ".n the words of the Jew :
f "Vim lake my lire,
I . Wbaou do tatr tho nie tus whereby I live."
j M Now, perhaps, wc may better see why the
rfu- sWHioooy ueius ot jicsuea, iveuesaw, aua Atiauta
( -ITuviiliMn IViiiirlil. U'hin (Iia oncmv unhiM i.luitlv
: n i j .. j
al (ouble his Hues on the shore of the Annomuttox.
i, e auto must not lorgot in our valuation ot tue
iiipaimi, that un army has been kept employed.
liich is lurire enouuh, used defunsively, to trou-
1 1 tile us In Virginia, but yet not large enough, unfor-
I tuuately for the enemy's schemes, to hold off tho
Y grasp of Shermau on Atlanta.
i ii ... ...
. i. A t Ai soon as the Government of Denmark ro-
I,- Lrxlvcd Uie otllclul iiitorinatlun tliat neither the
glisu Mlnbtry nor even tue tones would ren
ii itr Jer
der them any aid in their war against the Gor-
man rowers, viej pervoiveu uiaj nocessitj oi
direct negotiations wltn tbeir opponents,
nut an and to a war which could not
terminate in their fav ir. The yonugest
. . I. .. I.' i .. T) Inhn nf fini.ii rrr
A A opening
at.'tJ in urder to
Y Ti", therefore immediately sent to l'russia, to
I. "l 'am... 1H (k. L'ln. .n.l kid liriioa Kflitlyfp Ilia.
at.'j nark. Wi learn from Berlin that the Prince has
r "1 parsed through that city incoijmto, and at onco
t'T r.nRirfd to Crlaloul. wtiHPSl tliA Killff and ills
I'rlme Minister are still staying.
This II r lit step towards the conclusion of peace
was soon followed by a second one. The Minis
try, at the bead of which was iii.bop Monrad
and which represented the uncoaiprouiiaing war
party, was dUmuaed and a new one was formed
under the presidency of Count Mollke, who Is
repotted to oe a strong peace man, and one of the
leaders or me u itra reaciionist party, ii may oe
well to remark here, tliat in Denmark proper and
in the Dnchies a large aud powerful portion of
the aristocracy hare tm'u all the time opposed to
tbo war.
In DrnmarV proper, which has had for many
j rars a very democratic eonstitntlo, the aristo
cracy, chagilnrd at the loss of their privileges
and influence, hate regarded the estrangement
which has taken place between tho Danish and
German nationalities as being to large ntent
tine to the rule of the Democratic party, and
they are, in general, less oppocd than the mass
of the pooji I o to the German influenco. In the
Drjchicsof 8ch lee wig and llolstein some of the
ri hest land-owners were, for the same reason,
prratly opposed to the agitation of the nationality
question, and therefore in favor of preserving the
relation of tlietwo Dm hies with Denmark proper.
In the Duchies, the Danish party arc at pre
sent entirely powerless. Whal the) may attempt
aud tie able' to accomplish for Denmark will be.
(time apparent within the course of a few weeks
or months. As yet we have, as tn the Intentions
of the Danish King and tbo new Cabinet, nothing
but tho vaguest und most incredible rumors.
One account says that the Government will make
a last attempt to preserve the ititecrity of tho
Danish dominions, by olleritig to enter the
(rrninn Cntitedtratioii with the whole of Den
mark proper.
The idea is not altogether novet ; one of the
strongest w ar pupers of Copenhagen, the i'Wit
dft, minested some time ago, that if the If real
IVwcrs of K.urope set aside the Treaty ol London
of 1M.'2, the claim of Christian IX. to the throno of
Denniurk proper also ceased, and the Danish peo
ple would be at liberty to decldo whother they
preferred republic, or to be annexed to Sweden
and Norway, or to join tho Gi rman Confedera
tion. It is possible that Austria and l'rtissi.i
might lie favorably disposed towards the plan,
believing that it might defeat tho nationality
movement, aud the cllorts for uniting all the
German Hates Into one German rmpire.
I'or the German people, the transfer of the
Danish tloet to the German Confederation would
Ih3 a strong temptation ; hut a very largo portion
of the' party, we believe, would alto
gether refuse to listen to it, considering the
reception of a foreign national element as a
great drawback to the development of the tier
man nationality and the catabii-hmcnt of a Ger
man empire. K.hgland, France, and Russia would
be equally opposed to such a scheme, and would
undoubtedly unite to prevent it. From present
appearances, this plan of a reception of all Don
mark into the German Confederation stands but
little chance of being adopted, though, should
another effort bo made to secure from the Ger
man Powers a recognition of the union of the two
diirbies with Denmark proper, this proposition
would receive more favor than any other.
Another report ia that the King of Denmark
will endeavor to induce Prussia to annex llol
stein, I.nuenhurg, and South Srhlcswlg as far as
the Schlel (the frontier line oil'erod by the Danes
at the recent 1 ,011 don Conference), and to consent
to the incorporation of the rest ot nchlcswig with
Denmark. Although llerr von liiimark has re
cently won the reputation of being one of the
shrewdest as well as most unscrupulous of Kuro
pean statesmen, it may well be doubted whether
lie will be daring enough to outrngo the public
opinion of all Kurope by such a course.
But while the character of tho peace proposi
tions made by Denmark still remains a secret,
we arc again assured that peace will undoubtedly
tie soon concluded. Kngland atlll continues her
e tftirts to come to an understanding with France.
The last document from tho latter power is not
so absolutely pacltic as those which preceded it,
for it very distinctly hints at complications that
may arise out of tho Danish question ; at tho same
time, however, it continues to profess the deepest
interest in the solution of that question, in con
formity with the principle of the sovereignty of
every nationality.
f3?r- TO VOM NTKKRS. $..- HOl'NTY.
TL'TF. OOMMlTTr'.K, 'u. I.".' WALMT HI ItKKl, July
?.. ISIrt.
All i orons proposlns to votunieer, wlietliw liable to
!r;tlt or exeaipt, can fiillit hi lli"pres'nuti-t! Kivrnlls.
Ttev aie rutttlril to the (Itvt'rniii-iit Houaty of UlCKK
HUMiKKH DOI.LAUS tor tliroa years' eullstmi'ui, and,
In aoilition, this ('..nuiilttee will pay to tlnai ri'cruitnl ul
tlu tr otllce tlio City llnunly 01' TWO 111. Ntlltl'.l ASH
t u n 1. 111. i.Ai(s). and vxr. uen uumi imm, 1. 10 inm
their prllu'lpalx. 1 tiey wilt thus rucelvo, In all, Ml Itl'N
iiiikii ami urn mil. i. aiih.
The pn mcnts orihcroinmittis) are made In cash, on tlio
day i f iiiustiT, and. as Its turct Is in niu tn rnUititf troops
ml flUiiin tlir utiota ol inc illy, uiero is no rua-iaiiorroui
mission nr tirolo'tnue.
Al ply in the ofllce ul" the t'nmmlttei',notwetl 10 4. M.
and a. t'. Jl. J. u. iiushKUAiiTKA,
iv?ii-4t Treasurer.
Otlire ritii'iis' VotmiloiT Siihstilule ComiiiitU'O,
No. 1W VVAl.M' T Klriet..lalv ft. 1HII4.
Ih'nth'nien not Halite toilrstt, anil Udles v ho denlre to
nut lulu M-rvico Iteprohcntaluo Keriults, are Intormeit
Unit this Conunlitre will rmli'avor to procure theui, on
riytilil ofONt III NllltKll 111 U.LMIH, lilrli In paid to
the leuuit lu addlliun to the city aud Hoi trumiul uouu
As Itip War MctiArlment has decided to nav to Such re
cruits for thn-e years tlio L'nltr-d Hlau-s hounty of llin
hunilndiloilurs, lliev lima rceclteia all HIX. Ill:MRKl
The putilolie of both sexes will thus be enabled, at a
moderate e&pi-mlltiirr, to have themselves represeutod In
the armies ot the Union, and to aid the l eminent in the
most i llicleut manner,
jyjil-tt J. O. IIOHKNQAK1T.S, Trael fa.
zona ol theTwentv-thlril am siui neneiuaua
Vn'lnn,' Hull. Krankford. oil WE1IN KSI I A Y KVKNIN1I.
.lul77.Ht A o't-lo. l.,to encourago E'lli.tnint. Hoporu
from Hie Kullnttiirut Aasoclalioa anil t'oiinty Cnnventton
luuv he expeclta. KIC'll Altl OARaKU,
William 11. Kuans,
Secretary. JyOT-'.f
Cull at once at the Agency,
Slid necure a Subslltnte that will eaempl you from service
nrlns the time orhiBonU.lincut, viz,: Three year).
The ill alt 111 vei taluly take piaue on
Io not fall to call at once.
jyXl-M 8. II. JOSKPII f'O.
tSr- Ol'FIC'K OF
w Fund Conimta.if
Ion. No. tVl PIII'S'K Klreet.
nder the call lor Tioopaol July la. ImA, the CUT
HOI MY lll he laid.,ai follows: To Uc rulli. duly miii-ti-n-a
Into the pervice of the I nitcd 8late, anil crulllel on
the uuota of the lily of I'liiladi'luhla :
'lo lti-croila mualercd (or One Year. One Hundred Dollar,,
To Krcriilta uiualereil lor Two 1 eari, Two tluudrvd liol
lara. To lt iiutl mustered fur Three Years, Two Hundred and
1-il'ly liolhir.s,
rroperciTililealea of credit lo the city tnut he tiled In
auMtticf with ite ( oiiimlaloiteri ms hi'retoiore.
1'rliiclpuli. plaelus hiib.Utiito. lu service will be paid In
the .aino n. aimer.
Hv older uf the ComnilsHion.
jy.'.'iii IliiUKI!!' M. MOdKK, Jr., Seeieiaiy,
rsj- oifiCK ov tub rnn.i)EF.riu,
wX WlliiiniirKtn einl HnltlmtHe Kilrod (omintny.
J'hUtdibia, .Inly 'JO, 14. Ttt t&U of ireinhi on all
kit 1 of nit rchistHlUo ti tnjtirt'd ovt r the tuem llru,und
lief 1 fliiwiire li tilroiid, viih lo comtttciimiH, will lc Ad-teu4t-d
tweni (V") t I'ciitnm on ran por txihtiilicd
tariil. tcitriiu'det) f of JitttuitrA lHand Ajutl 1, lwi.
'1 tn :tdt ait to take t-Net t Monday,. I uh -'.
1J. tV . kKSSEUV,
tiiuhi.i a k. mr,
Mna'cr ot Tr tuiMrtJllor.. jl-0t
luliia '-uUwen'f the i a idiy : lla- iiiK con
al rue 1 1 d an iiiiaraiiu (ihc Url and only one tvtr lrtuiflit
Iw-'oie tl.- iniHiicitl tiniliHHioin tl-at uia bt' used w Itn ptr
Ami kaiit as a tli'Taj'ruilciil avt-i In the tieattiiutit 01
Ut-aJiif en,! lirt'ttt in .-, and in ail ail'Ciion. id the air
initau k ; and ai It 1m well knuwn to you and trie public
Hi it 1 or wir had the lament urai-ikeoi tny Hur.
pin In the I uitt-d ( In the ireittuifiit gl thee ninla
tilt , aiid.r(iii tutiitlv, I liave ht ahnndant oportiniln.
4 1 tt ituiK the eilK'kV-- of m am-arama, I, ihereiore, fr th
atit ih prourek of m dl uWi'iem., invit jiu to my itiakf a pcnuinal t-xa ml nation of ita worn! t-r nil
iiroii rtk tt and adaptlhilltr to ihc tun- tl thoe dJeai' uid
liuiheram t. ol niedn al n iene.
Oouhkt and Aurlit,
J';0-tf Ko. 1W7 WALAI T
bfreet.July 16, Thu tmmitlee la litlm l-;i to
No. mWAL.M T Htreet,up-talr, whre it will mtfve
applu-atk'nk trum ottUna duilruua to n.-ure Huhatlutek
or rtpiwitfallve!. A payiueut ol' eO u be made at
the uueot appUvatiou,und a powt-r oi attorney to be tfivwu
lor the City Motility. tiuUututua runuhed iu ia or dor
of appHcation.
VtU-raiu and allena d'flrfntt to eulUt at fibniltutaa
will applv to the Couiailtue, who will Lave them mtikUred
Into .moti, whn Uit'yiaii aelwt t)itir own rwlmMist.
liftk'ea the kxiunty paid by the liovrrnment, thry will
rw.fvafroiii the ouuiiitt.W! MS. WI1 VUliEU ANimi-T
lxtlTAKH Id i'ftkh, ondayol unikter. withont dwductioa
Uit cofjuiuiaaioit ur bioaerage. Mo Uiarfet) oi any kind w
tuadf. ,
Vettvana am eipaH'lalt-y want l in the aei vice, and catt
thtit re-iMillat on the moat advanuyeou ooudilkm.
Ottice hwitia irois 10 A. M. u J 1'- M.
J. I. t'l.AHK IIAkB.
4. H. RiHKNOAKTIN, Treavare.
yM-tbf HUN Br C. LMA.Hrotary.
Annusd Wettini will be held on
Tutsdav KveninM,Ah instant, at live o'clock, at No. 1 J J
BIMMKK rtet. J, A. KIMkl'ATKK K ,
JyHA-Jt Hecretairy.
RTffTrALtf rilfppLIKD,
At Ne. MO Uriel AAV tu4 above aV worth rt. fyV
M rresseaerof Us fys mnA Km. treait
al dlseajBst wiiajiM s tM ahov-naj)k4 suuklers wis
lle mw.usH tutrwt. TsMUiikvmisvU from LUe looat renabi
la ihaaltr aodooeuu. 6U be Ma as kla UtUoe.
Su. ail ridiuM. ArtMKsas ' ra Insert! wllbiul pain,
al. eliisBi Ble fuc esaiulnarloBw Oftto awiars ttoia S IS
UA M.tlvl f.ti. ke.SU TUU l-a
mm i iiKTt Ai rtAjt ciirartiKa coal
To a! half th market pries, oftered by tki
No. 121 S. THIRD STRI'.F.T,
s imriynsfully prrsrrM.lnn to lu fan, apeesiand ttliimi h
anr rontamroation.
Thsj-reat wurVs f4 the Company, nfarTreraont.arlinyt
klllrMinty.ara NEAHI.t, and ll supply
all m.l;yilot.ry.ll mm Ortitxs- nett, wiih llio beat
klr.ds of IOAL AT T1LK I'RlMb COST, lU.s-
Two Heavj Tons on Each Share Es-erj Year
for Twenty-five Year
The price ot each Fhare In ths present aertea u 13-'t),
payable half on auhserlptlon and half on Ausost?d next.
(and In the nett two terlei It will be t.. and $ Si).
f MAKRCT 1'HICS of a heavy ten ( tM U.i.)
of Coal la iaw
The rill Sin COST l'Klt'E of tho tame at prent
rates (Jui?l la
For mining, preparing, royalty, and frenral
eapenaee ,
Transportation over braoeh railroad
Trar.sportalU'B over main railroad to Ililta-
Trsnaiorutloa Irom depot to yard
Tatdexpen ica
Carting from yard to Shareholder's bouse..
Total eowt of sroea toa delivered at the houie
In rhUadelpola
Diaerence betweow market price and cost prteo,
This makei a saving on two tons for each a hare of
8ould ths market price bo higher, the iavlu( will he
still KTcatcr, and should the market price he lower, tie n
the soat pries will be proportionate! lower.
But this la not all. The (impany hating very large
works, and INV.XIIAUlsTHII.K C0AI. BtaS), FIV'B
MILS IX I.EN11T1I, wilt mine much more coal than Is
annualr reiutred for the Stockholders. All the surplus
eoal will be sold at the ruling market ratea, and ALL Tilt:
FltOr ITiS will be distributed every tlx montlu as CASH
IIVID'.NDr), among the Bhareholders i from which It Is
caafldputly sapeeted tbey will raallie every year from 40
to 60 ptr cent, on their Investments, after Uis nrst year, la
addition to tho tavln;-e-on their ooal.
Tho Company noeeeeiea KXCl.l 8IVE MiyiXO AMD
TlWBKlt hlUHTS for a quarter of a century (ii years)
In one of the best and richest ooal traots la Schuylkill
county, comprising thftMnmmoth Vein, the Illaek Heath,
Primrose, Daniel, and other Veins. The coal of the Mam
moth Volu Is Whlto Aab i that ol the other Veins partly
While Asli, iitly Red Ash.
Wlt.UAM BcnMiKLK.FresMent.
WIILl.V-M I OltD, Uecretury,
For further InformaMon, and for sh-ires (at tll-CO, pay
able half on subeertbing and half on August 2, nwxtj
apply at the
orroanETiin oirako hank.
lor KUAIHNU nnd vicinity, tho Hon. JOBSril H.
110YKH, ftlnyor ot Koadlng, htu cccpttl tho Ainf y of
tho Company, after lmvlng personally vlslloU al oium
Inod the mlnva and affum of the Company. Tbo citizens
ofltcndiDg and vlctulty will apply for iufonuatUun aud
haros at the MAYOR'S OFFICE, at Reading.
1 he coot price of a proia toa of Coal nt Kraittntf, de
livered at the hotiae of a shHrvholdor, la at prcieat ratea
not ver M'OO. while the market price amounte to niyre
tluui deubte tliat sum.
Incorporated June 29, 1864.
Capital, 300,00.
fltibrcrlptloii 91 rach Bhare to original autacrlher tot
tOSX0 fharea. paj able 91 canh down uihd tit: ri bin?, and
two other InaUUncnu of 91 each, payable on tlie HitUJuly
and '.tttU Aigutjt, IvA, respecUvvl,
Ke;ervtd for Deneflt of the Cvtnpuny.
The land purchased by the Vance Stewart Hock Oil
C ouipanj H'litaJna one ImnCrtd and thirty-one acres. In
the ver core ot the oil nylon, one thou hand thrte hun
dred and urn tt'i on Uie Alh uht-nj rlvrr. In tTanlrcrry
towuahip, 4-xtendlnK ft contttdtiablo olntance up n both
Idea ot the Lowit To Mile Itun. coraimmly caUed Van
Iluren Kun, a couple ot mlius blow Kranklln, In Vcnawro
comity, 1'funaylvaislft. The Allolitny Kiver Territory Ii
yielding an ahnndant and perumm nt harvevt of an excel
lent ) untiiy ot (U, the nuuierona wells borderiiiftlts banka
productni Oil with even still greater regularity than the
weils along Oil Creek.
It In briiijvrd the tlow of Oil below the boron ul. ofFrank
lln.on tlie Allewheny river, will prubahly m-vcr becuiae
ehauted, because Uie atratlllcation, or viOcanlo disrup
tion of rock dtps In ft southwuatwardly direction; oonse
qucntly the bttds ot Oil would be neamr the snrtare at the
upper od, say of OU Creek, and wella would retpiiro to le
buitl dw per in pn-portiou lonordovn the river, where,
however, there would nrrensarlly be the luoet jeermaneiit,
and ft much K'ftr r up ply and kiipt'iinctuubeiit body or
ski ' (d I'U- It 1 crt am that seorvno. wells on the rhor,
In the InimtHllHte vk-iulty ot tlih land, have continued ru
dtichiK duriKir the pant Uirt-e or tour years au uunavenug
and steady dally ield ot oil.
A iy i a meat the map 111 demonstrate the tact that the
T.ower Iwn Allle Kuo and Oil 4'rcek are on thuaame
diametrically straight line, and t nly dhtant, on a con
rretnion vt the iisntirl name ffurye between the rant;e
of hill, from eat h other alout thr re niilen apart In pre-L-i-rlv
the t-HUie dirirtloil. It would, therefuie. not be cv-
trm rdlnary, If bj horiiis wells on this tract ftsudklent
di pih of perhaps (Ivhi hundred and nity feet, that the
Coni "' wtjiU may so. u jlval those of OU t'reek In
Iht lr kupplh's of hundrtdk of bam u oi oil dally, and
enormous profits would thus be the lurtnuate result to
tl.c fchuiuholticrs ol thii cniuitunr.
u this partli-iilar tract ol land there has been lot on
lear.e lor twenty vear , a well pitiniun-i a fair pr1."n
ol" jiood oil, although Its depth ot bore ) rousidered quite
liifiittu lent to Insure a largu How : 1'illr per rem. of the
Oil at this well tt mouth Wris reerv d ai a royalty to t ie
former owner of the land, and will at once Inuru to the
ten lit of the Company. There are also two other wt lla
bred a few hundn-d leet dr'i e o h, but mt yet tubed, but m
diemiiiK a tlrM-rnte khow oi Oil ; a barn 1 a ly rau ocvernlly
be fceHp (l out ot theui, and uo doubt Sfems to evht tlmt
thev 111 bth provi- highly r muut'-atiiiK ells when bor-d
a reatxjiiablv depth. Another well is uall' bored, aud
proiulsek a ABtlktat lory yield
bsDipltsofOU pr.H tireu irom theie wdls ran be seen at
the oiheeot the Company, No. 'Jiil WALNI- 1 Strwt.
The fee of tldk valuable oil laud, ottiuprlHliiK one hun
dred and thirty -one acre, including l he royalty ol 'lifts
percent, of oil tor the leaded will, n.' ntripmtt, and lit
entire rli;M of the three wells partially devolrNHl, Is
put liaM-U hy ilie Compan ill'-en-t Iroia the owner, fur the
numerate price ot 91. ; .'-m, with a (irM MtU In flue order,
ii sniiK houe, Ac. ; albc paicLeM ot Liuiler.
The kale ol ttock ill pa.v caith lor tue land In fnll, and
leai the sum of fllf.l 'O t'Hbh working r.tpltal ou hand,
Willi whhb to comuhtc tin three oM welin. aud also W
boiu two rrw well, wuh lit ktcm en:uios, fco.,
to le In ronntnif order within a few tuonihs; ttrrure
liient w III be tnnde to areouidtsb thee obj ts without
delay. No kubkviiptiuiie wnl be a-upted tor kaa than
tlti khares.
'J he vat foituneji reaped hv Kock Oil Companies estab
lished hcie anu elni wht iu are notorioux. 1 tie Oil trade la
i t lu Iti imam-) . and the th maud cuitantJy Inert atinK
ts prh e u now $lj pur barrel at Uie well s iuoulU,)Xclu-
ivi- ot the i auk.
I.are wel a will donbttrHH be sinick at the d. nth offt.'0
feet, ati as to reae. the third hrindstone ltoek. W ellihave
bt en bor-d herei fore lo the depth only of about iMiftt
In this vicinity It Is pmooked lo rie twenty wells on
this prpett durli'g the preteut ear. Ihere la rooin lor
one bundled welU. A peritct llile.eleur of all incaiu-
braaces Is coundeullj asbiiied to the Company,
IJkts of itihiorlplion tre now open until the 50,000 iharea
are subscribed, payable 91 per share, to the order of Alder
man JAMKS M -CABKX, the Treasurer of Uia Company,
No. iOd WALKUT Streot, or at No. Vii WAINL'T Street,
or at the odlce of the Company, No. 213 WALNUT
The public are Invited to cell for a prospectus. Jy Vtf
Oralnlnf, Olaslaf , OUoltafoa UUss, KalsoBUBtar, Paper
amiable. Ae. avMtf
Ettwrnai a, aorntfit
a a m w alo o.rry.
I V Cnienier sad Bulldae, bate reowseed his abup ftvea
5u. M atnswtMirrv airei to K.i. Kaa ulal KM SimL ad
lubilulUi. Old foal OUl.a bulUlnau tlavuu U.veaia
IWiiiUae aw carrlus oa uM busiiMas Mieaetrw, 'aeaf-S
t reveirs a attars ei amuaasawar. ,M
ARTt KlrTFrT Ol fffr,
VAIIIrllilt.N.Jtll Iri.tHHt.
K-.tlrl rrrrf-UwtH berecwv.dat tint OiCf nnillj
o'cit i r, 1 ' , M , 1 1 tl.c 4td tln ul Aiiirtmi net f-r fiirtilnliinn
rHtiirmt t( f l rtHttl ftnltn Wnrinf, at Vtr lollowirjj
tti"t .i, nidi! tlit-.'ilt iHcrn.bor, W4, lz
I ich I,.. it, New Y c rfc -
I'l Omit IpMA, t'enua h nnlli.
V h'1 ; ui n, iMvtrlrt t-I CoeiiQit'la.
t ch rsMon to cofi',t pf (i tt fi'iirtl of a trTti(1 of
fort, or karon.iT oris ami t tHirih pomitii ti inl' or in It
(if rt ; e tjM iffn OHM t! hrmtl or tii-nr, or t " p.-ncpa
ol t.crd lrr ho, ortpe and fftirth p-iind- cf rrn m and
t tlir raip to t re t,un rt d rn(i'im,of "clhlit nn.-r(tl hnnti j
t r, IP U ilit rif -I, t fi H-vir(li of rr;i'r. tn Urn thi rf,
tl-e i rr w t k , one -litidrtd and fty otmrr r.f dtiKtri'
find potAtof-, erul til l- ttiin lii (1 outvh vt mi td t 'cciit
M ; M ti (h nm'M'I tuUt ;or, In Ifr n , tv,t'rrof, on Hnt hnlf
pi-tii'iU o( ttn; ftttrrn uvt i niiKitr; fxtir ijuartn if
int thr : one ponnri of np rm nnill"', or one and a fourth
HmuU of niJitn iij'Cho ( Ki-iJtTH ; r one and a IikH pound?
i i tnlU w, four poni'd- ft nnp, nnd two tuart, nf Mt .
1 hi t fit fori to drllvt rctl upon the ordiT of tlie Com
ma mi h i. (in. rr rt a L Mutlvti ; tl:e irrih biff, tit hrr tn
hulk r n tlie nnlr rta'ii'ti, of ot d iullty, wi'li nn riuil
pnI ortit.r tin- v-tv a d hlil rtt'f, iit'kf, aod fcul
vt tallow rvcliirotl : lie p(,f k. No. 1 prime iiicm ptrk (
trie friir, f xtrH fiip4irnPM 'Iip rs-.t'e-, i;(pcd iim; ttie itik'ar.
jri-oi) .Si vr irlj unr, or itf (qii'vn Vnt , nnd tl f,nans, iue
t Ar rm rtlr. Hp, hMlt. i tt , to '-C of n-vd qunlity.
All nut. t .1 1 in V.M ion.
AM tt'U iumM l.f rtomprn1fd ly the foUowtnn guar
ai.ioc roi:M or Ot AUWTKK.
Tie !n.!rri w d. ,of -.tnthr Htnto of , and
Of . In tl Hfptr i.f , licrrtv mmrnnt flint ill
r."i thn forccolrifr Ind of f.r ration, an Hbie tie
smW il, he itcrt'pU',1, hr or lliev til, Itliin ttn da a aftr
It v riwlpt of roiittncl al ffl ( nrtniiMitisMMite
te dtiitrnrt tr ti t minr, w ith fiU'id and atitticlrnt Hn nrl-
fe ; and In ca the aid al nil full to hiCt Into
cr ntrf.f aa, wc gnnranteo ! make Roed tti" nll-f-rnre
Mmi u If r ..tie tl tli- fcad and that
Mch muy l'f at.cfpud.
Wl'nr : A Tt, fttitrantor.
K 1', C It, tiuaritutnr.
1 lurrhv rrrtli that tlic aM"e natied are
know n to nie as m-n of piopci t , aud a'jlc to tnuke yood
tt'flr ptiaraRK-e.
To bo slfni d h Hie Vnltcd Stat- a Ilatrlct JndKe, L'nltod
Watf- I'l-lrlrt tfornrv, or Colu-Hor.
n pnptfHl win bn cotisldcrfd uuleaa accoinpnnted hjr
the alo e maratitiT.
Npwapnprt antliorlird to pnMNh the bIkivi will nil
thr pnper rontaliiitiK the flrM Insertion lo Uili oftlco ftr cx
amlriJttion. Fn poKia to bo rt'doMod ,rroiw"l fof Batlom for
and aJlrls.l to the nndiTsiKiM'd.
W. B. Bt-AK",
Jrlf-ttitlii-t " Mar nnd gnartormuster.
U M If SIM' l'UKS.
t)mrr ov Akhv Oi.otmh'. Avn Kwt'U'A.i.ii,
ho. Ur: liaAiWAV, X York,
Jn'y Iftfll.
WvVd rrrvooaals will hf retired at (hit Ippot unUt
Twialvt o'rkva TltKIAV, tho ith Inaiant.for
I tmitliliu . lr rontra't , at tlio uf .Vruiy Ci"tlitug
ul,v In lliia city :
Knit lrHT,
lancl I'rawera.
Hospital Trnta and Kll S,
Ifnpitti) Tent Flirt.
Nhi lirr Tonta.H oz. Inick.
Mniiiiia I'tiiMT, ;iiU,
suntpU-a ul wMrh can bo aeon at thla od1r.
MltMorn wilt auumtl with tlu lr! aamplea of tin
arilrU a vhkh thov prnposo to dt-lUcr, or o Hie uiaterlala
of wlticlt the ariVloa are to he made. In the rait of
1 lannl Drttwora und Tonu at leant uuu yaid ot tuu ma
tonal shoiill he submitted.
Iluldora will mio the tpiantlty they wlah to furnlh. the
slior'.eM (line In w hu h thoy can nrnke dallverloa, and how
scon they uan complete the dellvoiy ol all llwy bid for.
All bid nt be arc impHnloil by a propor (("runted,
aUtnrdbytwo rc -pon-dido partis, arttlnt; forth tliat If a
oomraoi i.t wardd to the party iiamd ihvroln(he will
at unco oxccu'.c the aaui1. aud tiive bonda fof Its UlthJol
The I nited Wtatoa reservee tho rifllit ta n-ct any pnrt
or tl o whole of the bids as may be dcvmed lor the Interest
of the aiTvice.
PreoMia nhoul.1 h endoriet!"I'ropoaaTa for fumlahlng"
(hort liiieit the art:' )' bitl for) and adtreird to
Utulcuaut-'-oloml It. II. VINTON1,
jy20 C lcp y yr. Nr. ieii., (J. U. A.
UN NO H I H Kllt-
We refund the money, If dcslnxl, for every lot of Bhlrts
which fall In any ruapett.
of New York M Ilia Muslin, aad very tins Linen
Bocoius. Only f 1-J3. lnuiJ price StVUO.
WUIIaruavllle Mills Muslin, ami Ons Linen Bosoms,
Only t l'30. I'ainil rke ID-30.
ml-ft No. 1'J IO CHK.8NCT Street,
The aUfntlon of LAMKH VTfllTlNfl THE
TIT V . or those atxnit I.KAVINO It ftr " Water
ltiK I'lnceM,'1 or "tho Country, Is renpenfnlly
lnl-ed to the evt- nnivc fitock of Willi K
i(HlH sullHhlo tor HIM WE AK , for
An extensive aunrtment Is offtr?d In Tare
ami Worked Kdumtts and Insertlngs, Veils,
llanukeii hiets. Collars, hloeves.and In plain
and laut v ruid, Hiriped.and l'U(iire.l Wiilto
(l.dn At ri'K'KK SUM M HKLOW THU A
hJ I'rtntc-d Linen Caiuhiic Drears.
luO pieces l ulled, 1 ULkud, and Btrtped Mtis
lini. 1044 CIIKHNUT BTKF.KT.
IIZO MaaurcH,l-.ho. UM A Kill Street,
AlJUte piia Wfm.
I'ti.liideli liis.
Wholeaale nn1 notaU.
The snort completo ebsortmi-nt of Ladlea, Mteaee', and
ClilUlieu'a lliop tairts In the cjr, In eery ronpect rlrst
cla.s. tililrh n-r siile.Ilnisli.auiaUUi)-, aiid chuspauas,
have no e.iial In tlie market.
Hklne Buide to older, altered, and repaired.
fe4-ly WM.T. UOPKIN8.
Tbla fuvorlte home, erlilch Is moat diUhllully situated,
ncsr the beach, has been newly reppered, repainted, and
thorousUljr roiteneritli4, and la now open for the reception
of fiieeta, orTcrina the ccnKbrls of a home, combined with
all Uie luxnrli'S of the season.
Terms moderate. JyB-1 m
1 would resiH-i'lliilljr Inlnnn nr rrlnuds and the
public, thut I huve ai-'itlii tswei ('oiinittss Hail, tins belntf
the llilrii yt-ar, and have inatle every iirepamtloii for the
romliiK seatOll,tlie houao lieiiifi enUrtii'd, remotli'lli'd. new
riiniltiire, the chMUiliera with pring buds, Ac, Ac, ana
Will ucciuuiiimlitie luiir Imnilrett yneMtn. Vou will tlnd no
bitlir place than Conlfrtn. II. ill. Il U I'"' newt to the
iM-euu of any ut'the Imne ftouni-M at Atlantic (Mly.bltiu but
olie hiimlrcd yurtls from the Ueach, Ihti. presenting luelf
un a.hauiuae to the piihi'o. There ctinnot be any belter
balhliig tl so at Allunllc llili auuiuicr. I'besiin.l nur that
was Hiich a Kiet ilrawhack lit.'t M asoli has ah been avvcul
ihs hv the hltfli tr'ea of last winter, tornunff luell the
beht bathing surf on the Atlantic sea boaid.
'J here 1 an excellent haml .4 MiioU eu'auTd.
Alia, lied Is sapli u.lld lllltiaid U'WUl.
e)M-U 11. W. IIINKI.K.
GliO. I. GLanriV, I'roprlotor.
(Lorui aed rsTorahlT known as proprietor of OYBTCB
HAY, Hivm und flli-.HMJT bireets.)
Fartles sccommo'ated with Hosts, rishlnx Lines, As., ate.
Cars run to tlie house every twenty minutes. Jos -it
J j The aubfertber, Brniefbl for past favors, teuders
thanks lo his psiroiis and Uie public tor the ireiiemas ous
loni Klvtn him, ami bem le. to suv that lie Is now open
for the sennon, and ready to reeilve boardin, poriuanent
and transient, on the most mo.tera e terms. The bar will
always be MippUed with the rn.ilc t wlm l. Uipiors, and
clears, ai;d superior old ale. The tables will be set with
the b t the market airordn.
t'lshloK Hues sinl lark la always on hand.
Htahle room on the premises.
All Uie oomiorte ol a bom, ean alwavs I roond at ths
Eichantf. OhUltc.E IMYliAi ,
je Xx froprtetor.
orroHiTt: the burp hocsc
EDWARD DOYLE, Proprieto.
Tenns to suK the times. i8-tt
UATIONAt, nAr.t,
Children under U ears of axe and servants ban prtsa,
Huperlor accommodations and ample room
)eSt.J AA1ION UAHBE1BON. froprletor.
8. w. eoitNi-n or
Tlds Bess, to tevi oa ths Cnropeaa Plaat ths Romas
are ooueuliil and weU veutllated. 'lot IWeiaiuaAt uUors
f( A N C E v r
Ws.winToif. I. Jutr I. I4.
freilrd rrpMftl will he nveiied at this Oi'e until
tlKONKHOA. Aiiausl H, at 4 o'clock, r.M., fvr
tuiniKliinit Uie fi lVwinB ordnance :
r-0 10 -inef, Steve nrortiiTa.
.'0 H- Inch slee moflnr.
W ft - If rh sir.; how itrors.
V Corrrrn mortars, bronze.
Th.'t mortars and Nttrer ai t" be made tn cmi.t
nit sMi dia'r.Bs ar,d kpeelth a'tons to N-turnlthed T
the Onlanrr lpMineit. and aje to be sntmtHtt"! lo tht
ii -ii m( irrnU'i t ai d r- li t U-ft n- tem received by
lo ntit Httttt a. iht taspetttou .U be md at the
((ni dr wrere rait.
I deliv eries mini be at ti e tV-llowtrfT rate, vi
Not N'-i t;n ti o mt-rtMT.t or ho-it( -s or or before tl a
IWili tlay if epietnier, 1 and at therareof nt
tlmn four tnoTtamiT low It or per vt r-k threlcr until
the eotire imnivr contn-cled r is delivered.
I nilnre loiiiitke iifiiw rii s Ht a specito d tinis nlMsuh
lect the contnirtrir to a orfeiiure of the rtuht to delhei the
Muier It ma fnll to kU er at ihitl time.
ftci-arnte pn rokfc miit tie m:iifi foreaoh anirlr.
No bids win be reorhrd rmm . rih s oilier Hum f.tind
r or pr. prieior-t il mert-s.wh'i arekuu t-.! Ie
psrimet I to f-e rtpa' le of evectitln;, Ti their o n foundries
t;e noik pnptiM d tor.
Ti e nit e ni'.rtHt antl hov Itews iwe h le cast hollow,
rtftl lO'iis.i horn it.r l't-rior.
i t it of b d can be ol.titlned nt tlo oflire or at an v
of the lollowi'iK Af-eiaK. r :- Mlf ln ny, r inkf' rd,
itv oik. watert'Bu. aioiit, w ri-i injftoo.or nt.
l. lis.
iToposais not niiide oitt n tivs r-mu w:u nt becon-
T'ie Milder will he reiuired to aot-ompany proposition
Willi a Mi.-iraiMei 1 slrned k tv.o repnil lo pi'rvnn.tliit
fa caw- his bid li aoi eptcd, he wi I itt onrreeeuie ine mn-
trai-t for the same, v Ith s"tlleWiit Mitetles, In a
sum e-iual tn the muonrit of ifie e-Mitrai't, to deliver t he
arMol. pnptrd In coiiiormtty with tlie term) of thN nl
TertioetiK nt ; and In rase the ta d should tall to
fnt r Into the rotitrael, they to muse fcood the dliTerence
between the Her ot said 1-nMt r nnd the net re-ponMhle
onMt r. r the person to whom the contract may be
aw ttrdiHl.
I le te' ioTislbUi( of the Bunrantors nmt ht sh vn
hv ti e official cerilticnte o the rlerk of tht' ueircst
lUhirlrt on 11, or i l th( I nltad Htute-. hlitrii t Atinvy.
lutndn In a sum e-iiml to the amount of the eO'itr't,
alfcped by the eotitriirtor and both ot htv unrantrs, will
be rciniintd of the succ mai til bidder or hldde is tipoti -tinn
ing uie emitraci.
We, the niiderMrued, re.ldrut ttt .In the county
of , and M:,te ut henhy, oint iy .mil wi sialli ,
V4 tisnt with the I ntitd StHtri, ami Kimrnuit e. lu ete
thr foreKOlPK bid of " be at-ceptid.that he or they w ill
at once execute the contrst t lot the sum, wttti good anrl
i nth-1 nt securities, In a sum eninl to the amount ot the
contract to turniidi thr aiticle propsed In ronlrmity to
tht terin of the adertteioeut, datctl July II, IHif.u ider
which the Irid was luade; and In rate the natd kloill
tail to enter Into a couiruet as rtiorcld, we guarantee to
tnake ;ood tho dltteretue teiween the offer of the suid
nnt the next lowest rpmlh1e biddtT, ir the per
son to whom the rotdraet may bt awarded.
iicn tinder our h.iudt and seals this Jay of
1m; . 1
Witness: teil,)
To thu Kiiarnntee mukt he appended the official ucrtirl
cate ateoie mt utiore.t
I'pon the award hetnn made suoeessftil blddora wilt
ti? n titled, aud furnished with forms uf conlruct and
The Peartment reftenrs the rijjlit to relecl any or all
bid if deemed nnsatlktartory en im rooinit
Fioprwnln will he nihln vsed to "HUU1AOIKK-OPVK-KAI.
(iKOltOK l. hASA. ?Chlet oiordunnee, Waalt
Inuton, V. C." aud vtill be endorM-d "lrpot.tils tor sieo
Mortars, Hlt:e Hum lUers, or L'ocliorn Mottars," as Hit
caae may be.
hlft-tutnstd nrk' ral.Chlet ol Ordnama.
lO nijr. Ho. lit) hOLTU Street,
lUi .riMoKK.Ml.vJulr H.l'MI.
Realfd Prtr-ali, in dnylfatft will be received at tldl
eft re until U M., oo Mt)SIAY, Aiwunt 1, 1hS4, fr fur
nMiing the t'ulted HUtea 8utlsieno Department
rove Tiioi'R.wn (u-oo) iirad or nr.v.r oat-
Tl.R on the boor, dt llvered at the Htat4 Cattle Aoalei, at
liMlrimortt, Md., lu lot of one thousand each every
(If) ten dajn ; to be wolfhed wtthlnone and a oalt days at let
erilval, at tho expi-use of the contractor. They must
averawe atwut (IHno) tlilrtoen hun.tred pounds frofl
weiwhi; all lalllnv short ol (l"tt) one thouitantl pjtiuds
uroae w ei Ktit, nulls, Htaui, uxeu, cows, iteirers, aua
llornlwxM Cattle tll be rejiett d.
A di-duetlonof ti'it (b) s-nind. wUl he matte from the
w nik-tatot each Nteer an-spud tinder this coutnu't. pro
vided tho itnluial does not si and In Uie pen two an., one
liHlt Itonrn iH'tore tliR wetghed, tsot wt'Uhed luiine
tJlHielv after removal irosn tlit-carn,
lilnuk fornit lor proposals ean be had on applica
tion at this offltc, either In iktsou, bj nuulor telo
braph. The (Jovernment will clstm the r!hl of wc4hlnft n
one aula nl separate, II Its atpeiirnce lndk-atrs lsa
weight 11. un the nuiitmatn inentioned above; (tin et
lenae ol wellung will be paid by the part urrlug In judg
ment. l-:ach bid, to aeenre consideration, must contain A
written kuuraiitee ol two rcKiiiblo persons, as t'ol
We , of the County of , State of , do hereby
guarantee that Is (or are) aMo to taliU a contract la
iv r.iHii. e with the terms ot his (or their) proposition,
and hhonldhls (or their) proposition le accepted, he (or
they) will at once enter into a contract in aceordanosj
therewith, and we arc prepared to become his aecurltlea,
0llis b-ood and Mithclcnt bontlsfor Itn fulttlmeut.
Thereponslh(ittv of the guarantors must be hiwn by
the nllh lal cerlllh litiMif thct'lerkof the nearest UUtilot
Court, or of thf I nltcdHtaiea lilslrlct Attorney, to be en
Cioed with Uie hid.
Iiiddt rs must be present tn respond te their bids, and
Ereparcd to kIvc bonds ajid sign thu contract belort leav
titleotilee. The ttoveminent reservaa to Itself the rltfht to reject any
or all bids conhU red uunusonatle.
rauienUto be made atler each delivery In such fiindj
a may be on twud ; If none ou hand, to be made as soon
at rvcetved.
iToivondsmust he endorsed distinctly "PUOPOSALfl
TOU bl.Lt' CA ITI.K,' and atldre-scd Ut "CaptaiuJ. U.
OILMAN, C. H.t ha t more. Marj land.'
Ilabld Islritheiiameorafirni.lhelr name and their
( nthce Address Dituit appear, or they will not be toil
ahhred. Lut h person or every mrmher of a Una oTrnaft pro-
rvhit inuit aocoinpAny It with an oath of allegiance to lha
'tnted Htates tio eminent, li he has not already tiled on
at thlkollleo. , , , ,.
AH butt not romtfying rfrktly Vtttl the term QJ Ihti
tciitscmcnt uill 6t njixted
J 18 lJt Captain and (J. H., U. rt. A.
Wamiunmon, July Li, lftit.
fKALF.I ri!OP0i4I.B will be received at ihlsofilee
until L1NI1A. August 4 T. M ..for l-'-pouudsr
Pio eet es, to le delivered as follows, vl:
( m lV-i oiimh r Solid Shot,
W " 1 1? pounder Shell, and
4,Hrii li'-eoumer Spherical Case,
at each of the follow in: Araeiiala:
Watenllot Arseual, West Troy,.N. .
W atertown Arsenal, MaachuseUa, and
Allege eo Arsenal, Mitt-burg, Ta.
Vt (ti lV-pourdtr Holld hhot,
Wnui VI pounder Shell, and
1 pouiiCer Hphertt alCaae,
at the St Louis Arsi'ital. Mo.
These nroirrtfle are to be made of the kind of metal.
And Inspected alter the rules hud, do n In thu Ordmtnce
Aiauttai, uie tei ane sirenKin oi me iron to ira nui um iuau
Ik.lritfi Mm ti.-r uoiiHrr Inch.
lruwhiKS can be icea flt any of the United States
The projectiles are to he Inspected at the foundry where)
cs-t.uml are to bo dellered at the Arsioiale free of charg
ti.r trnniatii.rtNtlriii or hm ill nil.
. ... .... ... kl.U si.... will tl I
Failures to make deliveries at a i-pecltird lime will aubjaet
Ihe cok tractor to a toileliuie ol iLv uuiuoer lie muj ia iu
deliver at that time. , ,
Phldeih will slate fxpMriUy the arrnal or arsenals
whsra. ihs.v rmiMiaia to deliver, and the number of proleo
tiles they prtiirost lodaliiT at cauh place, II lor more thau
oi e.
Mr. i-.uu win ne roni i i-ri' i irom nanws umrniii n
larfMitiflersor proprietors of works, who are known to
thisl'cpartmntlobecaiuhleof executing the work pro
poxed tr. , ,.
UI.....IH ussi-lv a enntmrt oft r sheM other
Ihbii ihoaf cast lu h !a own toundr , lluy will be rejected.
and the a n tract nnriertd null Hiid vt-m.
fomm ot hid can be obtained at the aboia namd
"'VIv'ohiI not mat f out on thit on citt not be 'on
$iitrirt, (U ARANTLK.
The bidder will be reuiied to acivtnpany his proposi
tion with a (iUttran'te. kiKnetl bv two responsible persons,
that, iu cte Mk bid be accepted, he will at once exwnte)
the contract for the i.anto. iih good and suthclenl sui-e-ties,
hi h sum tqual to the amount of the contract, to de
liver the ankles proposed m coiitonnlly with the terms of
thu aU t rtlM n(t ia : and In caa the haul bidder should tall
to enter Into the contract, the to mike (rood the dltlereneej
tx tween the otter of said hinder aud the ueat responsible
btdtier, or the perstn to whom the com red may bo
awarded. , , ,
De npon!l'Mlty of the minrunti.w must be shown
ti the ottlcial certiilciue of tho Clerk of tl-e nearest !ie
tilel Coi rt.or ol tho t nlied Stttles Mktrlct Attrney.
Ilrmlk In the mm e(tial to Ihe amount of tt e e .ntrv-t,
aUriett hv the contructor and both hl tiuamntora, ill bo
required ol tht aucceasfnl biddti or bidders uik'U slfnlng
,.,e cnttaot. rnvti of OI.AKAKTKE.
We,tlieiinJiri.liimU,ri".ii'iiiis ut .In the r.iuntr
of, .and htntt- ul . luriliy Wlitly anil m erallr crjve-
iiam will, tlic fulled Htates. anil eiiaru e.m ce the
fi r knln liiil ul Ih' an-. U il, that he or thei will at
ome eii iile Ihe ronlra' t lr the same, Willi bhikI ami
aullicirnt Mirellis. In a stun eiiual In the summit ul the
c.nlrHt. in InriiMi the aillili- iiruimioit In CDiinirniity
v lih the liimnil this iiilverlieuii'iit. ilnteil ,liil l.i. lw.
Mi ller whli h the Mil DJ'ile: and in esse the salil
shull fall tt, enter In., a cniitritrt as ali.ri-ssid, we uiierunti
to make iiimd the dull rente hem en the oner of the said
anil the next lowest r .niinille hlihlir, or the per-
on to whom the contrai l mav lie awanleil.
illeen under our bunds and seals
Wltt.e.s: jtUl, d)ol--,li .
To this Kiiarnntee must be appended the oftlclal eortlfi
cnto hIhivo mentioned. . . .
Kaoh party obialniu a oontraet will be ohliired to enter
Into bonds, with approved surotlos, fur the liillMul oxecu
tnn ol ihe same. ,
Upon the award belnf matle, aueeesenil bhldera will
be n.itined and turuished with forme of coilract and
The department reservea the rlthl to reject any or all
the bids, if deemed unsatisfactory on any account.
Proposal will be addressed ',u 'briKudier ooneral
(ii orKo I. Ramsv,Chiei of Onlnance, WaUntun. l.
C hi id wlUbe vudoiscd PrjposaU nr li-pomider Pro
Ucilles." ;KOlK14 I. KAMA),
jyltr t u tlu tA3 HrlfcV General, Chief of 0rduanu
Wax of Antl'lea la the most pertei-t preparaikm of
tl u sue, lor beautifying, whllcnlntf. and preserving the
complexion. It Is made from pure White Wax, hen It.
xtraonllnary qiialtiles lor preserving the akin, making It
aoft, tuiiiolli, loir, and tranapnrent. It cures cliappeil
hands or lips, removes ylmple.c. Prlne 21 and M ceuls.
alanufai-turtd onrv bv lll'NT at X) , Perliiraers, . lilUUTH St., I doore a've heanut, ana
iyle-lm No.LiJ . btVKNTH trU
JJ lMlboxea Keystone State Detersive Hvap.
boxes OrlKiual IX'tersivu,
MX) hoxee Hitnpnun's OUva.
97. roxe. Linen Hoap.
tit. boxea American ('astlla.
40 boxes e rvnch Castile.
All or any part of which 1 wlU sen under rurrent rates .
r J FlIWKIt,
J ytM-l'it Ko. W 8. W ATKat Htreel .
fVt leaned upon tXanionds, Watebvs, Jewelry,
afS STifUlCkillilnK, 4:.,.t
OmMcTlllltl' and DAnKllXaluaoU,
helow Imbard.
ruH aaxa at
txtuasMtLi low rwca tru-isa
plmfusAb') VOU TlMllKlt AM) MATH-
jl nats mr fie nejTj.
ni maAi' w aeonaraut.iios anu Hvr
W-alM rtWMaJs to fflrnlh Timber auri m.'..i'.
the War, tor the fiscal earendinir Jtne :ut, Inh.', , wilt hw
fr.vfii nt tlie Mnrean ot Construction and KxpUr nntd
Irt o'rh-ca of the Ut day of AIUJI nt nKt, at wbiri time
the o ten lit will as rommeneed.
Pff-ixesals mint be ni r.d, lr'pAats far Tlmh-r sad
Matrrtsit for the Jm y," that the y mar be dlMlnv H.4
fiom otinT b vines letters, ai d J rented to the chief u
tl Ititreatt oi t'ontrm tion and Hkpsir.
The niattrtals and article embraced In the rlai
nitmcdl ant partlci'larlv described In the prfntfd e'hMifbw,
atij ot whh h will be titn lhd to sticti as iielre to nttsr,
n aprN ati" t tti (Soinmaiidaiits of the respective
rani or to tr lSa y A went nearest tdntvtfv and Uiise of
pil tl e sr1s ipfHn apphestron to t'ie ttureati.
I Ms OMfir.n Into clehsen beins; f-T the convenience of
de.Vms in each, such clsiet only will h ftimhed as are
tl!v rv'.uireH for bids. T he Commandant and navy
Ak-nt rr each station will, tn addi-hm to the schedule of
riase il their own j atdf , I ave a copy oi the schedules of
the ot: er t ards nr examination vnh , fioiu n hleh rusy be
iimI 4 whether It will he de-lrxhle to uinke application fnr
au ol lh rlns m those vanls. AH O'hsr tldnvs belns;
rsiital. preferonte Klrau to articles nt America
i!ers iiaiot be made lr the wttale) of the etaes at
any anl, upon om of tlie pniiie.l ncheduir, or In
an ct' coiuoiuut thetewlih, or tbey will up: bd con
sidered. I pon applh atlon to the Htireau. to ihe etmrnsndant f
ant y a id, or to any navy aii nt, the form ot otcr, ot "r
aotee, an V other ne e-ary ishrtuali'-n,ieipeetinx the pni
p ml., v. Ill hefuniKhed.
'i he tvitiirHi t will he awardi d to the lowest hVdJer who
Blve proMr unaranti-es, a- tim rd hy the law ot August
lo, e havy ht partinent rrw ins; the rlirht to reject
U-e lowest Md.oranv which my heneoined eorhltant.
'1 h.cttiilr;ets will hear date tlie lay thoj iiOtitlrstloH
Is ktveu, and itclU erle. can b detnftiuled rVmn that d.ite.
Mnreiles In the lull huvhiM will be required to L-n the
C"inrt t, alii their rt sjH.iik'tMdtv certitlosl to by i United
Ma. a ItlMMct Judge, IiiIUhI HUtea lHtnct Attorney, Col
let tor, or Sat Arml. A adiUth.nnl seouiit , tweui pr
cetiium wili be w ithlii Id from the ahioiiiii of the tiili until
the rntraiMs shall have sr-n cnnipletad, an I eighty per
c ottim ol fiich biil,afpioed n trlplii ate hy ihee.omaianil
anisoi the diMeti'tit nrds, will hcpaid rythf Nav Avents
a the points nt de'Uery, It. hinds m certltlcntes, al the op
lion ot ihe ttoeruuiut. wllhln ten ditvn at'tor the wsir.iut
fr the snmu shall havt tnten passed h UieHocrutary ol U.e
i lie toiiowlnc ate the claci required jA ths respective
nsvi ards :
Cass No 1, White Oak !." ; No 'J, Wlilte Osk Keel and
keelson Here-; o ; white (at rurved I hnber and
Knees ; No 4, White Oak Think ; Not!, ellow I'cir- Lovs;
No 7. Yellow phir Itcnms: No etlw 1'lne Mi and
.MparTlmlHr; 11. While I'me l'lank and Hoard; No
1.', white I'ine nnd white Oak lt" k. I'laoK ; No I t, Ash
.o:s and riank; N- U. Ah Oara; Ko I Ilicsnrr Hatat
Noll, Cedar Hoards; No IH, leocust; No H', White Oak
Htavessnd Heatliuir; No lllsck Npruoe; No Mg
nomvltM't Nn'aV. Iron, iMiind, flat, and square ( No kfl,
Hteel; No ?7,lron Hpikns: No irt, Iron Nails, wrotulst and
cut; No M, l es.l; No 31, Tin a-id 7,mc ; No .ti, Hardware
No at, Tools for Stores ; No ;w,. White Laad; No :i7, .luo
raJntnf No-H,t;otrM 1'alnts, drert No it., TtirpmiUne,
aimsh; Noo, LiitsiM-d ttl; No 41, (Msn ; Noll, hih
OU ; Nu i.'',TaUow.Hop : No 47, Hhip Chandlery.
Class Not, White tak Uwts; No . Wldte Oak Kl
Pieces; Noil, V hlteOak Curved Timber; No 4, White Oak
Plunk ; Noft, Yellow Ttne I oKs; No 10, While Tine Mast
and Hpar Tiniher: Noll, White Tine Lok, Tlauk, and
lloanlk ; No l-1. While Tine Itiiek and Htae Tlank ; No U,
Ash Lorand Tlank ; No 14, Ashoan: No 16, 1. lark Wal
nut and Cherry; No Ik, L.kmisi ; No T, White Oak Htavea
and llualliitf; No '(), Hlaok Hprure ; 9J, LlKnumvlta ,
JSo ..', Iron; No'i, Hteel; N!, Iron (lalkes; No'W, Iron
Nulls, wrought, and cut ( No :m, Lead ; NiM , Zinc, Tin, and
Holder; IS'o.U, llaidw.ire; No ;H, tools for H lores, Ac; No
'M, w hite Lead; No;tT. .uie Pitluts; Nuiki, Coloretl Taints;
Hu ;r!,Tuncntluo ami arnlsh; Mo lu, lihuedOil; Nj
41, i.Ih.; No n, Whah'Otl; No 4A, Tallow, Hoap, and
Sweet Oil; Ko 4J, bhip Chandlei y.
(1aa No 1, White Oak ls; No ?, White Oak Ke!
Pletos; No li, White Oak Caned Tlmbn No 4, While
Oak Tlauk; No ft, Yellow Tine Logs; No 7, Yellow Tine
Hearns; No.H. Yellow Tine Mast and Hi-ar Tlmher; Not,
White Oak Hoards and Tlnuk; No 11. White Tine Timber
ami I. ok: No It, Ash Plank; NoU.Asli Osrs; Nu l.
lltckor) ItarnlKiid Hand Nplkes; Nolo, Black Wahiut and
Cherr : No )7,Cedar; No 1H, Loeukt: No l, White Oak
Ntaves and Heading; No'i, Hint k Hpruce; No'iJ, Msto.i,'
anyt No iCi, l.ignumvltre ; Nn J', Iron, round, flat, and
mj il ure; flu 'i., i ro n, iron ; ro a7,irtiu naiis,
wiottchl.cut: No -n. Lead; No .11, .Inc. Tin : No
war; So:i4. ToolaiorHMrf M; No W, White Lead ; No .17,
no Ttilnt ; No :w, Colored Taint, Dryers; No a-, Var
nUli: No4o, Unseed Oil; No II, tllass; N 4 !, Itrtuhest
No 44, Msu un ; No . l aiiow; ho , niiip cuanuiery.
Class No U WNlte Oak IeOs; No 2. White Oak Keel
riecett; No :i. White Oak Curved Timber; No 4, White Oak
Tlank; No in, mute i'ine Masi and tpar Tiiuoer; Noli,
Whito Tine Tlauk and 11- ards; No li. White Tine Ick
riank Mid htaf runt. ; no m, A-tii i.oits ana riim; am
14, Ash Oars; No Id, lilac k Walnut, Cherry, Mahogany;
No H, C press and Cedar; No IK, locust Treettstls ; No jo,
lilackHpiueo; No'iK, l.lKiiuntvltie ; No'i,', Iron, round, flat,
si"ire; No ", Hteel; No Vti ,lrou Spikes; No'alK.lron Nails,
w ron Kb t. iut; No ;n. Lead : No 'tl, Zinc, Tin. and Solder;
Now. Hardware; No .(, Tools i-.r (stores; No ,W, Whltej
Lead; No JT.Zitic Taints; No iiii, Culorml Paints, Hrvers,
Ac; No 3:, Vuinlsh ; No U Linseed oil; No 11, (.Inns ; No
41, rUh OH; No 40, Tallow, Heap, Sweet Oil; No
47, Ship Chamllory; j 4H, Oakum; No M, ImM
Class Von. White Oak Knee T luces ; No 11, Wlilte Tine
Plank and HoartU; No 13, Ash Tlank; No 14, Ah Oars;
Nn lti. It luck Walnut, Cherrv, and Mshojranv ; Jfo 17,
Ctpnao; No -O, hpmre Pine Hparf-; No 'Jl, Tttplar; No a A,
Iron, round, Hat, aud Mniare; No 't;, Steel; No 27, 8p kes,
NoVH.NuiU; No;), Lead; No ill, Zinc. Tin, ami Nobler;
Noltl, Hiirdwitre; No ;H, Tools for Stores; No Whlto
Lead; No 37, Zinc Taint; No ;W, Co'ore.1 Paints; NolW,
Turpentine aud VaiuMit No4, LlnseetlOil; No ll,tlhtss;
No 4b, Tallow, Hoap, Ac; No 47, Shin Chandlery; No4H,
Oukutii: Ni4M.Tank Iron; No W, IukoI Copper; No.Vi,
P.des; No M. Hellowa. iyft Ult
Yaliy Tilmmlna.
Okpnanc . OmrK, War Hkpautm vt,
Wamuinuton, July 14. 18''.C
NKALKD PltOPOHALM will be received at this oitlce
iiulti SA'l UJIIAV, Auiftist lHhl, at 4o clmk, T. M., for
the 'elhei jit the lollowliw points of the iiiulerm"uUouiHl
uMuntiilei of uiaileablc-iroii tiiuuniiiKs for cavalry ciulp
iuentH :
At the New York Agency, Now York,,(AtO sets.
At the I run k lord Arsenal, ln.tsio sets.
At the A.letuny Arsenal, '.'0 Otsj sets.
At the St. l.ouis Arsenal, 1",(m el
Kadi let is to consist of the number of each kind of
bucrsle, situate, miff. Iwli, stud, and lop now prescribed,
except thut two ol the rtiik'S in each set are to lie made
ot the lit w pattern, with stop, according to the model to
he seen at the aboe areiiMlv. The casiins are to be
matleof thebest quulttv ol malleable Iron, the tongues of
tl.c buckles ol the best stock wire. Tue dimension of
the cleaned t sstinus and the finish, and dimensions of the
buckle tittiKurs and rollers must conform strictly to the
standard ruiujcs, which will be applied be lore Jepaunlnx.
Alter bcli it thorough I clennett and Ireed from all sprues
aud Irrtiiularitiiu, Hit' aw to be japimiiad In the best
Ilie Hoods are to be put up In papers, In the usual man
ner, und packed, tw o hundred complete sets In a hot of a
iuani v. and marked m nay bt- prescribed by the Inspcvt
Inu oinci-r.
The work Is to he subject to Inspection at the mann
factory in all etnyes of Its pre ures, and no Roodk aro
to te received or pAld for which hae uot passed iivpec-
Iiellieties are to be made as follows:
Hidden will etnle Uie weekly rate at which they caa
T.kldis will state the arsenal or arsenals where they
prt jKitt fo deliver, ami the number of sets they propose to
deliver at each place, If tor more than one. allures to
make del!eries at a specified time will subject the con
tractor to a lortelturc. of the number he iua fall to deliver
1 (hut time.
No bids w 1)1 bt received from parties other than regular
manufacturers ol the aitleles proposod for, and who are
known to this department to bt capable ol execution lu
tl.eir own shops the work proposed lor.
l'oiots vt bidk can be obtained at the above named
i'ri'f.i.fah not midV out on thi$oim tntt ne be t
n tri edt
1heb'ilderwillbert(uired to aeeompanr his proposU
lion wlib a K"arnniec, simu d l two rckpouslhle persons,
that iu case his bid he accepted, he will at once execute
the contract for the unit, with wood und suitieleut sure
tit kin ii stiin eiual to the auiotiot tf the contruct, to do
IImt proposnl In contornilly with ihe terms
ol thii hCveitl-cineiii; and in ces the said bldiler should
fail to i nter lutfi the ct ntract. tooy lo make good the dii
b rtcce between the oilr of kitld bhhler and the next
rt spcnsihle bith'er.or tl.e peisuii to whom the oouUact
mm he aw arded.
The ie-ponslhl1Hv of the guarantors must be shown
bv ti e Mtlcivl ierUtlcate uf the Clork of the near
est MMrtU Coutt, aud ttie I nltett Mtules butrlct At
t'rnev. lioiuls tn thesum f't'ial to the amount of the routrart,
signed h the coi.ti a tor ami thith 4f hi Kuarart r, will
Im- teo,mied of uie successlul bidder or bidder, upon itfn
Uik the ionirat'1.
We, the under sii, ned, reiiih nts in , In the
count) of , und Hluto ol , hereby uud severally row ,..nt ith tha L nit id (State, and
tijinintie.ln case theforentniK -he ac
cept) o , that he oi they w III Ht nine execute the coutract
fr tl.c sHine. w l'h ismI and nimch nt sureties In a sum
etiunl to the t mount of tfo- contra t. to fnmih the articles
prop'-eil in rcntorm.t with Uie terms of thin advertise-nn-iit,
dated .inli 14, l'l, under which the Md wu nud;
and In cit-ie it eKkltl tl a'l full to enter Int.. a
contruct as uh-remhl. we jiimrantt lo maki tood the dll-
fert m e between the oiler of the suid tim the
t et lower.! isponMble n dder, or the person to whom the
i-.i.truct may be aw anled.
t;ien under our hand and seals
W Urn is; rthia day id ,
To this guiiranl'H. mn.t be aiit-nd.d thu omcia! eertil
este ubm i' ii.i iilioin il.
l:rh ran nhlaliilng a e mnai-t will t ohllsed In enter
lull' bi nds with appro, ed aurrtirs tm tl.u laithlul exeou
tlf u ol Un- same.
I pi.n tie award heleg made, blildi-ra will
be nntiuid, aud iiimisliod w.ih toiuia ol coulrai-t aud
The Hepartnient reservea tlie rlnht to rejeet any
nr all the bids 11 deemed nusau.iactory on any
"'fropwals will be adrtros.ed to "Brlirailler-Oeneral
(Iciirtf 11. Kiimsiiy.t'liM ol ordnance. Wuiliingiou, II.
t'.." and will bo endorsed "Prupo.uU lor MaU.abie IroU
Cavalry Trlmmlws. ' OK0H0I! . ravAV,
jl!)-tiithsali20 .Clilef ol Onlnance.
-nuorosALs ioii building floatisq
Bckkau ur Yaitua ash ioi k.,
July 1. 144.
S...MII aAl. Vr,noaala. andoraed "ProDnaaie for
llullillng Floailng lry Docks," accompanied hy plaua and
apei llli aUona iu full detail, will be received at tlila urns.,
tinill li o cioca ai ., on uie --m w '
the Constriictlnn of a Floating l)rr Duek for uae at or near
tho Navy ard, New York, and an (or us. at Uie Navy
Yard.rhll.iuelphlai laid docks to be of fuU and sutBcleut
capacity aud power to receive, raiae,and auatain In saicty
S vessel of at least 2: IWt III Icailth, 4o foet tireudth, aud
l,i real draft, of .is) tons displacement.
Itldilcrs will task, thuir aiKCIllcaiions full and cUar,
desrnbli.l the kinds and uiialitle. of mawriaU proposed
to he ; they may bid for ana or both docks, aad In
their otters, which must be separate, they wlU slate Iha
price for ehkli they will build Uae doea. and th Uwa at
which they WlU ens.v. to ha. Il reaily for u.
AU patenia or patented article., if "S'Yi. .hi
the einstrucllon ot thess docks, are lo '1,'fifift
pcopoeals. "
T.BA1 ?KIN r'ANf. 1 AStl TlOILET OOO09,
Fans, tuaa nre.. Ustuar Oooda,
tVaue. N.wark, N.J., want nrat-cla.a aVfenla la all
iartsof the Unlli-d ltte to ssll Ihour fateut IKiveiwoe.
Ajojms a. above, with two aud lure saist stawps, Sut
irculAnd terwa.
AU4.clMWai. Ht-UtsUUa
N'T XfvrvitTwv, I
BtuAC or pQrtfiiFirT Aar nsortoiTTm.V
sfnly IA, lfe4. V "
flea fed Proposals t furnish malrlal ltr the Nary, faf
the ear erdtnf .tofh iine, will be receded at tts
Hurvau of e-'iolpment and KecruttJnjr. nnttl the Clfk dar
ot Aunust neat, at 10 o'clock, A.M., when toe bids wilt be
(ned with! reward te any accWKotai deteatioa et
thi'Is or oil er eaie.
1 rw materia Js and arfJcf e emhraeed ra the nlsissi snm4
ar particttlarlr sVsrrlbel In the print schedules, sny ot"
wb'fh will he 'furnished to such as desire to Oder, or ap-
IitcMl,, to the comsnnndnnts of the rfptivf rwds. or
th rj ants nearest thereto, and Cwseof all the
ards tmn appik-atiwn to the Bureau. Tha division wit
classes bint u.t the cwnrenhTCe of dealers In eewfc. ewta
pferttoiiKMily m in firrnishcd at are actually paired t
bds. Ti e rommsndsrst and narv event of aoti elatlm
wtli, In artwtki to the seliedule of clnssee at thatr owe
7Hii,iiTRo.rpynr u,e schedules of the yards ir only, irom which it may be Judged wtietarlt
will be dekirab,etoa.ftkeappucatlonfor any o4 Uieclassesj
ot yards.
tiflers must be mad fov tht whole of the elasrat ar
yard upon ewe t f ti t- schmhiJea, nr In alrfctoosi
lormuy therewith, or Uiey will not tk-considered. In cons,
pntlng the elss-r, iht pne siatfd tn the cohtnn of prfo
will be the standard, and th sifsrezu f titeetaae wLUtssy
carrveft otit acooi'tii.ft te ti-e prkofn ktaied.
It is rejTii sud ol t Idilers to old nratarvs and tttbttltii.
t Ion of flames, aad to frcU.aU. amounu ate cviTvoUf
carried out.
The contracts win be a anted to ttia lowest banarfsl
tldrierwho tves proiter keirrHy fw Its fn)ftlnttsi, lbs
bureau reserves the elfiht to rcjeet all bids toi any class, if
deemed eortitant.
All arficlee mnt be of the very best ogsllty, te W A,
llered at the navy yards in Rood order, and In eutiabtn
vessels and packages. properly marked with the asnsa of
the contractor, a the cne may be, at the eipense and
risk oftheoontraetor, and ta ail respecta subject to J-e
lnpection, measurenient,cetint, waii,it, kc, of the yar4
w here received, and to the eat lis aaUslacUoa tf the oeat
tjiati tl ant thereof.
Itldilersare referred to Ihe eomtnndant of the respaw.
tle ards for samples, lusiru.Uons, or psrtkriAr ds
a ilptiooi ot the article; and all oiher thtnas bstrui eiual
preference will be given toartioUtsaC Aacrtcaa ataa-hi(-ture.
Kvirv offer, as required bp law or 10th Anrat,1fbl4t
must beaccomuanhMl by a written guaranty, the f jrm wf
which Is herein after given, and aio by a oertlorit
siumd by tho Collector of Internal Kevenne for I is is
tri t in which be rtMidestthat be has a license te deal iaj
thcnrtklos he proposos to-furnish; or by an affidaviw
su.nedhy huns-.i,aitd swoni tu before some mttraia
amnorlred to a lmlulter such uath, that be la a m s nutat
ion r ot, or reirular dealer in tue articles be alters ta
supply, and has a Ihaase aa audi maaafaoiurar se
d kler.
Those Only w hose offers may b 1 accepted will bs notified
nnd the contract will le hrw anted a aeon thereafter aa
riractli'Alde, which they will be reo,uind to exciite wlthist
un davs aOer ita rvoripl at the post otttca or nary axaaop
named bv ihem.
'I he contracts will haar date the dar tht noUftcatloa lg
given, and deliveries can he demanded.
rHtretlas In the md amount will be reanfratf to sure t ba
ron n act, and tlielr responsibility oerunsad o by a Cn'md
Hiates lHstsiot Judtts, I ntted Mta'es iMstiiot Attorney,
Cot lector, or Navy Agent. As addltiooskl aeotiHty, twenty
p r oe n turn will be withheld frwn Uie amount or the bitia
until Vla contract shall have bea aomaletd: aad etht
p'r centum ot each bill, approved In triplicate by the c un
niandauts of the respectl e vards, wtd Im paid hy the Nav?
Agent at the points ot delivery unlesa requested bytka
contractor to be paid at anotlisr Navy Attency with) a tern
da s after warrauU sball have been passed by ihe Hecrw
tafv of the Tieisuiy.
It Is stipulated in the contract that If default be madt bp
the parties ol the flritt part in dellvertusr all or any ef tba
articles mentioned in any olas bid tor in ttie eoatraot.or
the qualliv, at sm h lime and places as above provided
there, and lu that case the contractor and hit sureties wlH
forfeit and pay to the United HtaUa a snm of money not
exceeding tw ice the amount of suoh class, which may s
ioveied from time to time, according tn the act of
Congress, In that caae provided,, approved March 8,
li n.
No nidi for nore thn one yard mast be anrloeed tn may
en elope, and the same must be dlMinetly endorsed on tba
outside, 'M'roposals fitr Materials for the Nav r. for Vm
Naw Yard at (name tho yard)," and addressed 'To Uka
Cutcf ot the llureau of Ko,nlpment and Kecniitlng, Narf
leuartinci t, Washlrnton, U. .C "
fOltal OK OttUKB.
Which, from a Arm, muct be sitfned by all the mem here.
1 , of -- , In the Htate ol , hereby airree t
furnish and deliver In the respective Navy Yards a I tba
articles named In rhe classes hereto annexed, arrwesbly
to Ihe provisions ot the schedules thereior.and In con
formity with the advertise nitwst of the Iturvsiiof Biais
ment and Kimitlng. dated Jury 1h,1-;4 Should my rhr
be accented, 1 reiiuest to be addressed at and tba
contract sent to the Na y AetU at ,or to , loc
.iniiiiiiirM srnil rairtiicatca.
(9inatnro) A. B.
The schelule which the bidder Incloses matt be pas teal
to tlkts otter, und each of them signed hy him. Oppostia
ench article tn the schedule the pries mud he set, tba
amount be carried out, the aggregate footed ap for eaoa
clas, and the amouul likewise written in words. If tba
parties who bid do not reside near the place where the
Articles are to bo delivered, they must name In their oirnr
a person to w hom orders on them are to be delivered.
The undersigned, , of , In the State of
gnd , of i , in the Htate of . hereby guaran
tee that In case the tbrotroing bid of lor any of tba
clashes therein named be accented, be or ther will, wtthla
fen da a after the laoeipt of the oontraet at the post omoe
named, or navy agent designated, execute tlie contract
for the same with good aud sufficient sure t lei. and in caa
the said - shall fail to enter Into contract, as afore-'
said, we guarantee to make good the diilerenoe between
tlie oiler ul thu said and tliat which may ha ac
cepted. t ,t
(SlynatHies of guarantors,) C. T.
Js;. Ps
I hcretij certify that the abova named are known
tome as men ot property, and able to make food thc4c
(Signature,; O.IL -
lobe signed by the I'nited HU'.e. District Judge, United
Ptatea Dlntrtcl Attorney, Collector, or Navy Aitent.
The fi'll'-wing aro the classes required at the respecttrtj
Da v ards
No 1, F!as Cana and Twine; fcj. S, Bnerm OH; Ko.T,
CihiKik Utinslla: No. 10, Leatner; No II, Leather Hose,
Ko, lu, Lanterns; No. IS, Taliow ; No. 11, nuiloneryj
Ho. S3, Bantwaret No. M, Bliln C'hantllerjr j No. Vt. Irj
tioods; o. ill, fittwoodj Mo. Ill, Tar OU and Neatsloet
fllAltl.KRTOW.V. MAHSAriiraRTTR.
Ko. I, Klnx C anvas anil Twine; No. . Hierra OU ; N.
li. ..Lln. I'lr.all.i Sin M . HlnM, ' il. III. I .. hHI
li, l.eauier llu-c: No t. Ox Hides for Hope; No. 11,
Kliectlmn; No. IK, Soap and Talluw; No. HO, llrg.hes;
o. if.1, htutloneri l Mi. i, naroware; no. , onip
l.amr.irv ; No. Cojiinr Ire; No. J,, urr IMoa;
No. :'J. tlrewoodi Nu. M, niuus, isr. aua neaveioat
HltUUKlilN, St IUKK..
Nn. 1, Vlsx limn und Twine: No. .1, Iron Nails,
Pl.iac HlTtt..etc. ; No. -t.Tln. Zinc, etc. ; No. b. Sperm
I; No. ti. nli He riue, Aili, mack wainiir. eio.; No. I,
Ckll'B I lensllsl Nn 5, HUives aud booking Cabooseet
No. in. Leather', No. 11, leather Hose; No. U.LlKnutn.ttati
No. W, l anterns and l.atulis; AD, id, wiap ana lauow.
No. L0, ltnishea; No. ii, Hlatlunerjr; No. !M, Hardware!
No. 24, thlp Cliandlery : No. 'iu, Urjr Oood, ; No. IV, Klra
Tood;No.31. NeatuftotOU.
nill.AliKl.l'lllA. rEN-KBYLVAKIA.
Ko 1 I la. Canv aa and Twine i No. a. Sperm Oil ; Hi). T.
Cooking I tensile; No. 10, Leather; No. 11, Leatlier Iloae;
No. is, oonn aim innow ; n. t. ihj.ii... .-.v.
tloliery; N. SI, Hardware; No. 24, Ship Chandlery; Ne,
,7, Hry (hKnla ; o. , i Ire wood ; No. ill, Tar ou aaa
nstoou. wt(,IIty(1T0Nin.c.
No. l,ria,('aovas and Twine; No. 4, Tin and T.lne ; Haw
ft, HiermOII; No. 8, Stoves and Cook ln i no iv.
leather: No. 12. Llgniimvlli 1 no.j.i. i.anierns; a, u.
Hi ap and Tallow,, Hni.hes; No. 22, Hlatlonerr
No. 2.1, iiaraware ; no. z,,oiiium.u j , .m. .v,
Wire; No. 27, li tlooil.; Jlo.JI, tiailery iron;
Chain Iron; No. M, Walnut, ilabo,aujr, aad Ash ; No. M,
luvot Opper. J7.J-s.
Wamiikltok, D C.luh la,lit.
Pealed Pwpnsala will he received at thu oitlce until
o'cli ck on the lt day of Aiuust. 14, for the delivery as
Ihe New York Agency, No. 44 Worin street, ew tort
Thene Itlankda nnitheof pure wool, c ose woven, of
stout arns, to he of red, with a black border, three tx
Im he. wide, Irom the Sine, and tlie letter, 'f. H." lx (
Im lies hluh. hlark color. In the centre ol the blanket. Ther
are to be seventy live (7.'i) Inc. es long by sixty -se.eo
Iniln.w'ile.anilol the welfht ofli'W, lbs., srll IA Iba
on which a vatlation ofO Im;.'., or a-lli lb., will tx allowed.
1he ni ii st be single, and not In pairs, and be packed us
cast a ( t tit,e liunori u eacu.
1 he Itlanhets are to 1 Inspected at tl'e faetory whet
made, and none w ill be accepted or paid Sir sxiapt suoh aa
ate ntipiocd uiion Inspection
In-IMerleii must he made as follows : One-twentieth or
the amount cciilraclid lor on the :Ust ilsy ol August, sjv
onc ti iiih the ami unt ir week thorealter.
Failure to deliver al a spei ltled time will suntect tba
rontrarlnr to a luuilureof tli auniber ue may laU to da
IImt nt that time. ... . ,
No hid w 111 be e emlilered which does net eome rroaa
a nianutacturrr oi blankcii or regular dealer ia sunk
"'formi of bids can be obtained at tv abova name4
ai.erals. 'renews.', aet me e t fAis form wti nut
f,W.VerJ. r...AANTi:r..
ThehIdderwl!lbere.)ulrt-dto acmuany hia propot
th uwltlia Kuaanie'.si;Mied hv two rekK.ultte persons,
il at to ra-e his hid is acoeided, he wdl at ouee exet utsj
the tontraet h-r the same, w ith tte.d ami surtlcleni sure
lies, in a sum euiial iothe aiiumut ! the CfUtrs.'t. to de
liver the article iri'(oMd, lu e.tifinniiy with the terms taf
tin- adeiUrieiueiiti uud In ease the said bidder should,
lalltoenterlnioihecontrat t.iheyto jpskefiHjd the dif
fereiice heiwt en the Oder ol said huKiay and the nex.t ra
si oimil-ie hidd'T, or H e p-rf.a to Alurtu ue contract mar
he aw aidtd The ret.iv mlhuity ot the ttuaraii'ora roust b
show ii hy lite oilh ial eeriliiraie of the Clera of the neanC
lH-irict Court, or ol the I Ulted Htatea I'stnct Attorney.
ltotiils in the uinetiial to the amount of Uie conwaet.
S'fintVt the ron trae tor and both of his uuarantors, w iii
he rMuifvd of Ihe sucecssful bidder or btdders upon SiOr
tag ,hnutVoiiM ok 0,tARAvrrE
Ws,tbe undemlgned. resldeiits ot , In the conn!
ol , and Htate of , hereby Jointly and seve
rally covenant with the I'nited Htatea, and guarantee, ns
cae the loreeolng hhl ol be accepted, that ho or
tin y will at once execute the coutract for the same, wita
cond and .urnclcnl sureties, lu a sum equal to the amounA
ot the contract, to furnish the article, pcosoeed, ia coo
lormllv with Iho terois of thi. advertisement. daielJiiw
1.1, loot, under which the bid waa mad.; and la '" '!
.U shall tad toeutr Into a canlrsotas)
I,"e,.ld,w. ,u..ri... to make '-dJiLd'n'V;,'i1c: .
tween th. oricrot the aald- -T?Z2 the Son- :
:owel responsible bidder, or tlie penwai u. waoia tua oon-
,.c. ma, la awarded. a
Witness: J lLdaj of sis-, . . .
' SCAt )
To this guariiteemu.tbeappeale4 tr fftcUUiKtll,- ,
''ob'uhlm'g a oontraet wUl b-oblleed toanter
Into bono.. ia approved sureties, for tho faithful wmou-
'"ciion'lhe "."ard being Btaile, saeoeasj bidders wlB
be noil'ied, and furnished with forms of eouuwot an
'"rhe Deiiartm.n. reserves tha right to rjM au
or all iha bids, If dmuttd. aruatufacaory va au
"Feo'rJ'ia'a will ta addresMd to llrtiidie-.wral
George II. Itamaay,1 Chief of Ordnane..
C, ard will U andori'd 'ifopil Arulleia
Bbxakets." OKO n HAM(,av. .
iylMntts Hid Brl.-0ea.. ChW of Oidueiwo,
A.teri.n s Low I
i -Twee jt.ior aeiw Bills as
an.-b.lf to tw. -r,. 'Vud u.dcs,..., u a-