THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 2G, 1801. Crying tlcppli A ttSLX ATOXKOO tr.WBTXTTM. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. rtiei Two irrf r OorT, or Twm.v Cirr Tr IFsnM. tMywlt tolne Canter, ao4 matted M ubsortber jU ! (My MRlsDouiaarita AMmH On DOI.I.AI Wtm Two Mdvth, Invariably la ilmm W pertoa AnrUMiwt tnserOa' el the " ntM, A Ubsyral marenrat ne fcc xtenaea' eaeertlens. T trrT-e"I'IJti. Ifo neflos eaa e Anonym-ma flommnnlrstlrtn. TAhatrvOT la taieadesl lorliMerU n must be authen l aied tr hf nam and adbe. f writer not ncos.aarll) tor ihj)k-auem. bet a. mierante. for till good faith. We anuot andetak u return rejected Communications. T AdrtlMri. Wtrwrt In rraal Increase tn the C'trcnlstlon of Tur BvRiriftA Tm.aonAi-H, oomvellln; us to an te pre At an early er, w. .'aently renne.l that advertisement, omv t lianim In a anon aa 10 o'.Virk, II polble, to secure Men an InacrUsa In all of oar edition. TCF.SDAY, JULY 20, 186-t. SIOW, IW MI I. IT ART OPKRATIOW. TO iw i'p rnoM nows.AXD Kiunr moH LEFT. Th lnte Account from the Shenandoah YA1I07 ft long time led on to bellere that tnfltaftdof An rmj of raiders marching on Washington, a column of our own troops .mint tmaling a diversion In favor of Grant. Wtwm we at last learned that there waa no longer any doubt that the enemy waa marching rapidly up the Shenandoah ralley, we made Tap our minds that a column of oar troops cer tainly Aimed At taking Richmond by a surprise Sank morement from the direction of Lynch burg. The great panic of farmers, who cam fcvrrywg northward, driving their stock, wa Inexplicable when we recollected that If the Column proved to be the enemy, he must be petting away as fast as possible. But soon the enemy did Appear; he eat, he burned, he pil fered, And tie pillaged, And, worst of all, we found out that he could arrive down the valley by marching up it. Moreover, after he had gorged himself with food, and his wagon with plunder, the newspapers made him fly down the valley, when we thought there was no more down to It. This la truly startling, when an enemy Is so Alert that he Arrives In front of the capital by biking the back track. What A dreadful Idea la suggested of his speed, supposing him to make a forced march In the real direction of Washington! This peculiarity of the Shenaudoah valley, or Of the Rebel marching, stUl continued to excite 4ur surprise, when the Army and Navy Jour Jal, speaking of what transpired after Hcn Ikb's retreat from Lynchburg, said: "At " once the enemy moved up the Shenandoah, "imd on Saturday, July 2, evidences of their " approach were numerous." This Is fuarful I Bet Is high military authority for saying that the enemy coald not avoid getting to Wash ington. They evidently tried to got away, but on July 2, there could be no doubt about their early arrival. The military must really order a reconnoissunce, and see why It Is that when the enemy goes up the valley, he per force comes down, and when he goes down lie comes up. : Not long ago we were reading a descrip tion of the fortifications above the mouth of Stono river, in South Carolina. According to It, Legareville had either been ferried Across the Stono, or ebe the river had lately changed its bae. Knowing thut the land was Anything but froe-soil In those regions, and Alighting on some other newspaper ac counts, which spoke of places in positions Where they could not have got without soma convulsion of nature, of which we had not beard, we were forced to conclude that the towns had moved. This was etipecially grati fying, as old acquaintance with South Caro lina had led ue to believe that nothing at all moved there. - For the sake of the much-alluded-to future historian, who Is likely to have a heavy enough job, without being perplexed In his attempts to follow the ups and downs and rights and lefts of some of the accounts of .tattles which have taken place, we purpose giving the rules by which perilous who write about military matters may avoid describing one wing of a., army engaged In a naval com bat In several fathoms ot water, or advancln backwards on the capital of the nation. Up a valley is In the direction from which Its streams flow. Down a valley is where Its (rutins discharge their waters. Shenandoah valley Is the valley of the Shenandoah river, Which flows into the Potomac ; consequently to go up the valley Is to go away from Wash ington. The recollection of tills description will prevent the enemy from making these extraordinary marches, and appearing JiiHt In the opposiU direction from the one In which he was expected. The right bank of a river and the left bank do not correspond with the rl'it and left hands of an observer supposed to be looking up Stream, but with the right and left baud of an observer supposed to be looking down Stream. Keeping tills In mind will much facilitate the movements of soldiers, who draw ouly five feet three Inches of water, and who, At present, are often made to appear to flglit while navigating streams of roiiHiderublu depth. TOI.IJt.AN4K OF DIVIDED POLITICAL OPINIO. There can be no doubt that one of the m-ist erlous difficulties wUh which the Adminis tration has had to contend in its effort to put down the Rebellion, Is the want of hearty unity among the people of the North. It in not our purpose Juwt now t account for this fact. We are satin fled, at all events, that theory of the matter which holds that every Citizen who does not blindly and absolutely approre of every measure of the Administra tion Is. therefore, in sympathy with treason, la entirely wrong. It is fkr more charitable as well as reisona hie to believe that comparatively few of the people In the non-seceded States have .any friendly regard for the deluded men who ure In arms against the national authorities, and Striving, with a vigor And persistence worthy of a better cause, to destroy the Union. It by no means follows that he who does not think a particular war policy right, is therefore inimi cal to the war lUclf. lt would be obviously absurd to conclude that a farmer In Ohio, or a shoemaker In Mas aachujwtta, Is dUposed to glve aid and com fort'' to th RubeUi, because he grumbles a Utile at the high t on grain or on leather It Is no less preposterous to assume that any Cltixen of Pennsylvania Is ntttrlly solicitous for the success of the Rebellion, bacause he tiouestly entertains and dares to exprma the opinion that certain acts of the National Exe cutive and Congress, designed to promote th triumph of our arms In the present contest, ax to have, In practical operation, a directly opposite effect. Such Uhberality In the construction of the notire of those of our neighbors who do not Jtogthx agree with as in judgment as to the war policy of the Administration, Is not ftl hfAtiwud, but it ll fitted to drive. Uto open opposition to the Administration hun dreds of thousands of truly loyal And patriotic citizens, who have too much of the genuine spirit of freemen to be bullied by unjust sus picions end coarse invective Into the support of measures which they conscientiously be lieve to be unsound in point of principle and prejudicial to the public welfare in their actual tendency. Allowance should be made alno for the gr dual but sure awakening of the great body of our people to a true knowledge of the real Issues Involved In the prwnt struggle, which at first dawned slowly upon the public, mind. It Is of course difficult for profoxsed politicians to comprehend tho Ignorance that prevailed with regard to the Increaolng eatiKos of strife which at Inst culminated in the atrocious overt act of the Rebels j but they must benr In mind that long years of peace and pros perity had lulled the nation Into a slumberous apathy of trading and manufacturing for gain, and plautlng and harvesting crops. Out of this stupor we were rudely aroused with the shock of war; and it is only since then that our people are studying and learn ing for themselves the long preparation and deep design of tho traitorous fiends at Richmond. Pay by dsy the men of the North know more of these, snd only sufficient time and fair argument Is needed to weld them Into perfect harmony, not only In support of the war, but the great and necessary refoims prowlng out of It. lie who does not, as a mere partisan, yield an Implicit and unqualified asent to all that Is done or advised by the Administration is not, therefore, hostile to the Government. On the contrary, he perhaps Is the truest and wisest patriot who cares more for his country than lor those who may be temporarily charged with the conduct of its a flairs. While statesmen are not Infallible, tho poople whom they rule by election should never concede to them that unquestioned sway which be longs only to the unerring government of God! Nor will the ministers of any nation, if duly conscious of their liability to mistakes of judgment In the execution of their great trust, and virtuously Incllued to discbarge it only for the good of their constituents, evor wish to free themselves so entirely from pub lic criticism as to make their own unre strained will and unaided Intelligence the solo dependence and gnarantee of national safety and happiness. In short, every citizen of a democratic Government like ours, who ventures to ex press his honest doubt of the expediency of any measure of the Administration, Is not therefore to be denounced as a traitor. His patriotism, if not his wisdom, may bo at the bottom of his dissent. And if those who claim to be the special friends of "the powers that be," would only fully recognize and act upon this reasonable view of the subject, the people of the North might be as nearly united as to all the essentia) conditions and aims of this war as are the people of the South. I'AII.KD. Among the wonders that figure in the Arabian tales, our juvenile credulity was par ticularly startled by the description of a tent which could be held lu the hollow of the hand, but had the capacity for covering a mighty host. We have often been reminded of that curiosity while dwelling upon the sig nificance of certain llttlo monosyllubles, which are easily pronounced with a single breath, but enclose a world of meaning. Smith failed yesterday. So the papers report, and many acquaintances of Smith discuss the event. As a failure Is not a novel occurrence, few persons pause to think over tho peculiar calamity that has befallen Smith. Yet the "dreadAil accidents" which gorge the gossips, and loom largely In the public prints, have frequently less of real tragedy, and always less food for thought, than such disasters as that which has overtaken this man. Smith may have labored through the best portion of a liletlme, wasted the vigor of youth, tahked his tuct, strained his ener gies, studied while others slept, to build up a great business and achieve wealth. lie may have thrown his whole soul Into his pursuit, aud shut himself from all unproduc tive pleasures. At length he has found himself at the head of a house, with hundreds of thousands In vested In the transactions of trade, a vast cir cle of credit, and wide Influence In the com munity. He has begun to turn his thoughts to the enjoyment of means so hurdly earned. He has established his family In a luxurious house. The gayetles of fushlon glitter urouud those who ure dear to him, and be lilmtell for sakes the counting-room to mingle among those light-hearted ones who joyously flit through life like butterflies umong the blooms. Suddenly a cloud darkens the skyth:it seemed so sunny. A storm crashes over the commercls! world, and sweeps away hundreds who but yesterday appeared to have built, like the wise man, upon a rock, but had really raised their structures of trade upon the shift ing sands. Smith has trusted some of these wrecked ones heavily, and when they fall the foundations of his house are shaken. lie feels his foothold giving way, but struggles m:in fully, even despera'ely, to maintain his credit, meet all his engagements, and ride out tho gale. Rut the hurricane drives with a fury, hundreds of thousands of dollars are swallowed up by the advancing tide of disaster, and on a certain day Smith finds himself unable to meet bis notes. Appeals to the money-lenders are of no avail tils circumstances have been opened to prying eyes, and his credit Is not worth a cent. He goes to his home a ruined man. His bet years have been spent la toll for nothing. He is a stroug-souled man if he does not yield to despuir. All his work Is to do over again if he would be a man of wealth ; but In view of what has happened, will he have the heart for a second strife? Following the breaking down of bis business comes that sore trial, the breaking np of a splendid home. Ills wife now thoroughly a woman of fashion and In love with luxury must give up the imposing palace, the carriage, the dazzling assemblies, and the gorgeous furniture, and preside over an humble household, where or dinary comforts are alouti to be expected. His daughters equally habituated to a brilliantly dissipated existence, and perhaps about to achieve a fine matrimonial exploit will fall out of sight of their silken adorers. Ills son, just graduating as a fast young man, and learned iu the art of doing nothing grace fully. Is to become the contempt of his com panions, with whom he will seek an intimacy, though without A cent in nia pocacw oucu changes are not alwaya borne without break- let hearts. If the strong wiu or onum naas the struggle almost too fierce ter mm, now can h look for firmness among the more trivial members of his family? These ere some of the incidents of A failure. In the descent from that palatial store In the great avenue of trade to the little shop In the by-street ; and from, that gorgeous man sion in the West F.nd to the two-etory brlch near the outskirts of the town, there must be as terrible torture of the heart as most per sons could bear and survive. Such men as Smith merit our deepest sympathy, and those, of bis kind are not few. Those who fall as the natural result of unfair dealing who have carried a haughly brow through pros perity, or who have lived extravagantly upon the means of others receive a deserved pun ishment, which, wo can only hope, may Im prove their ways, Rut those who, like Smith, havo earned their wealth, and who are ruined by tho faults of others, are worthy of every aid tlio generous may extend. UNITED STATES riNANOCS. A litnlar from Nftrrrfnrjr t'fsmeniton Apprnl to the lrle or th Connlrr 4 onvlnrlnic t'lnnnalnl Aran mrnl The (Jovrrnmpnt must bs Niilainrd We 4 no lo ho M Khont forerun Assistance linr Wsalanoaol I:cwt Onrltesonrroa Tlio!lnrfinenfa Which Insure Nav. tlonnl I'rrinnnrnre ore the Moat Pro fllMhlr. Vt'A"!iiNiTOW, July 2fl, li4. HccrMarr Frwvomr. nnrlnr atithrltr ot tlia lot 01 foorrnwa at ,111110 la-t, enuinworioa; lilin to laauo an mount not pxo(mh1tui( AU. 000,000 in Tran.tiry Boles. Me., ha tiwliy (tiren nolle tnat aubcrlpUonj will Ihi received by Hie TroaMirer of tho Vnitmt Ulalm, rh several Aaltant Trtmaurani and dnt(. nan (I ili'iioaitorica, anil b tho national banks tlajtr. iintwJ and qunlflled as riftMiRitorlea, and 8nancial "i iits, lor treasury notes, payable three years from AupuHt l.'lli, If-M, boiinr Intermit at tn rats ot oven and throe-tenths per ecnt. por annum, with aemJ-auntml coupons attached, payable In lawful money. These notes will be eonrortltilo, at tlio option ol th bolder, at maturity, Into six per cont. (-old-bearing bonds, redeemable alter Ave. and parable twenty, yirs from Ainrte-t IB, 1W17. Tho notai will be Issued in denomination ol hundred, fire hundred, one thousand and fire thousand dollar, and in blank or payab:e to order, as may be directed by the sub scribers. All aulMCriiiiloiis mut bo for filty dollars. Interest Ul be allotted to August 16th on all de posit made prior to that date, aud paid by the Do sirlment npon roceiptol th original certificate. As the notea draw Infamst Irora Auguxt 15th, per sona making deponiU ubaflquent to that date pay the intoreat accrued iroin the dale of the notea to the date ordepoait. I'aiilea depositing 2T,,000 and upwarda for theas notou at any one lime wilt be allowed a commission ot ono quarter ot one ier cent., which will bo paid by tho Treaaury Department upon tlio reeoipt ot a bill for the amount certified to ly the officer with Imm the doponit niado. No deduction for commiMionn mudt be made (ram the Uopmits. Accompanying this adrerllaement In circular form Is Hecretary Fiwrntn'i pieal to the people ofthe United IStatca, In which lio av; The oiraum lancoa under whilic thia loan I akod lor and our aid Invoked, thouyn dlfibrina; widely Irom th exist ing alate ol HlTiiJm tlimo year ago, are liinh ax afford equal encouragement and ancurity. Time, while proving that the ati-urirlo tor national unity waits exceed in tiurnlinn and aevority our worat anticipa tion ha tented tho national atrenglhand developed the national romurora to an extent alike nnoxpeoted and remaikable, exciting equal aaiomthment at home and abroad. Three yrarxol war have burdened you w ith debt which, but thrci- ycata aincn, would have aoomed be yond your ability to moot, yet the accumulated wealth and productive cuergici of the nation have proved to be ao vast that it nun l(oen borno with com parlttvo cane, and a i eureful liiluro would hardly (eel it weight. Aa a pr'ce puid lor national existence nnd the prcaervution ot iroe inntitutioiu, It duos nut dtnervc a momont's connidertition. Thus fur the nar liaa Ixrn ajpporled and earned oil, as it ouly could have been, by a people rcaolved, at whatever coat of blood and treasure, to transmit unimpaired to pos terity theorem ot free government bequeathed I o tht m by the great men who fiumcd It. 'till delllicnilo mid patriot ic remilvc has developed a power surprising even to themselves. It has aliown that in Ichh tlinti a orntury a uiitiou bus ar.arn tin surpuHxed in vicor, and exliaustltisa lu resource, nlili' to conduct through a soriin of yuar war on moat gignut e ncale, and finding itnelt, when near its vlove, almost unimpaired in all I ho material elements ol power. ll bus at the picxent moment groat nrmioa In tho field lacing au rurmv apparent!)- appioaching a peiiod ol utter exhaustion, hut alill struggling with a lorco tlio greater and more deierle, as it aeed, nnd beeauxe il sees the near approach ol a final and lulul consummation. hui ll, in inv deliberate Judgment, is the present condition ot too grout contest lor civil liberty in which you aro now engaged. Hp to the present moment yon have readily and cheerfully ntl'orded me menns neeensHiy to support your lioverumout in this prntmcted strugle. It Is your war; you proclaimed it, and you havo sii.-tulned it against tio tors everywhere with a patriotic devotion un surpassed in the world's history. Tho aocmities tillered aro aueh as should command your ready confidence. Much effort has been made to snake the public iiulli in our national credit, both at homo aud uhroud As yet we ha e asked no foreign aid. aim aud self-reliant our own moans have thus tur proved adequate to our wants. I'll 'y aro yet ample to meet those ol tho present and the future. It still remains lor a piitriotio peoplo to lurnish the needful supply. The bravo nieu who are fighting our battles bv land and sea mu-t be led and clothed; munitions ot wur of all kinds must be furnished, or the wur must end in deieat and disgrace. Thia is not the time for any lover of Ids country to Inquire as to the atate ol the money market, or to ask whether be can o convert his surplus oapbal so as to yu Id blm a larger return. No return and no prollt run be ucsirablu it lollowed by national dissolution or national disgrace, rresouf profit thus aoquireil is but the precursor ol liiiureauu speedy destruction. So investment can be so surely profitable at thit which tends to insure tho natioual oistence. Jam encouraged iu tho belief that by the reoent loffialutiou oi ( ongres our finances may soon bo placed upon a souuiler anil more stable looting. I he present deranged condition ot tho currently is Imputable lu a ureal degree to disiuihancoa arising Irom toe withdrawal of ni'cosamy checks otton in evitable in time ol war, wheu expeudituro must lureiy exceed any possible supply ol'coiu. ilie opportunities thus prewiiled toacquiro sudden w-ea Ih. nnvo led to tariotis speculations, a comv.' queut increase ol prices and violent fluctuations. I he remedy is to tie found only in controlling the necessity which bevels the evil. Hitherto we havo Jell the need of more extensive and vigorous Uxa t'ou. Cevero comment has be n mode upon what wemed to many an undue limiditv und tardiness ol action on the part oi t engross. In this regard, I deem It tint just to sav. Ilmi very moat misappre hension ho existed, and poriiap stili exists, upon this point. i"'is:utoi. like all others, have much to learn. In a new rondition ot atfuirs, an entirely new system won to be devised, and t jnt system must necessarily be the growth ol time and eXM-rieucc. It is not strouge thut the first etlorta should have proved iin jerlei l and ii adequa.o To lav heavy burt'eus on a gteut anil patiiotiu iieople in such a manner as to be equal, aud as to oocttsiou the ieusi amount ol sul teiiug or annoyance, require lime, and caution, unit rast labor; und with ail these, exporionoe is needful to tefct the value ol ttie system und correct its error. Mich haw lioou tlio work which 4'ougiess was called upon to ncr.orin, aud 1 am luippy to say that the duily iults are proving the internal lereuuc ant to exceed in etticieuoy t lie most sanguine expectation ol its authors. In the month ot June, 11.1. it yielded alMiut SM.AOO.fgi, wlnle the cornstponding mouth o. tin year re.mned about ir,,ii,n.j under lliu same aw. I nder the uew law, which went into operation au thebrst ot lhcpre. in month, the Treasury not linlH-qiicnllv receives one ii ilhon in a day. As liui" and e.iiM'rteuce tuuke the othcors employed in eo' looting the revenue enforce tho strinient provi sions ol Ihe new litw, I tru-i u million per day will be found the rule und not the exception. Mill much space is iindo ibledly leit tor iuipioveineul iu l.iu law and iu its udmiuMrutiou, tie a greater amount ot necessary int'orintitlou is acquired. 1 he proper source oi' revcuur, and the most el lecuve mooes oi obtaining it, are bust dcvoloiiod in the execution of tho existni laws. And I have caused meusurea lo be initialed which will, it is ne lieved, enable Congress ao to liupruve and eulurve the system, as, wheu tukeu in oouuootfou with the revenue troiu customs aud other source, to atl'ord an ample aud secure basis lor the Nutional credit. Ouly on such a basis, and in a steady aud vigorous restraint upon currency can a remedy he lound for existiug evils, bucii restraint can only be exercised when the tioveruincnt is lliruished with means to provide lor its ucocesitiea, but without the aid of a pstrlotio people any tioicrniuent is powerless iur this or auy oilier desiruble end. Ihe denominations of the notea prooed to be issued, ranging Iroto fiitv to lire thousand dollars, place these securities within Hi reach of all who am disposed to aid their country. For their redumption, the faith, and honor, and property or that eouutry are sojeiuuly pledged. A aucceMful Issue to this coutest, now believed to be near at hand, will largely enhance their value to the holder, and peso onco more restored, all burdens oan be lightly borne, lie who selfishly withholds hi aid in the hope oi turu lug his available meana to greater Immediate profit i si cculatjmr npon hi country's misiortunes, aud may Hud that what seems to be present gain leada ouly to tutor loo. I appeal, therefore, wilh oonfldeuoo to a loyal and patilotio people, aud invoke tho effort of all who love their country and deslr lor It a glorious future, to aid their Oovernmeut In sustaining It credit and placing that credit upon a stable louuday tion. W. J. KgtWKNDIlN, Hoc rotary ol th Treaaury. Fokkion Missions. The flnanclul state ofthe coontry and the high rate, of foreign exchange operate very injuriously upon the operations of the foreign missionary societies; aud the Ameri can Board fur Foreign Missions has been obliged to Issue a circular culling upon the cburclaus for additional subscriptions to the amount of 100,000. The financial year ends August 31, and the Board and its fYleuds feel great ankiety lest the year should close wllti a hesry debt npon It. EMCAVPR lr ATr.I.RMRAPII OrEB&TOB III) AIY-Tt RF-H, Ar. faerftfvHseVwrf pf rh Vnmiri Vfnaveivr, The letter copied below (rives a very p quaat account of the epturc and escape of a telegraph operator stationed at Union City, Tennessee, and Citpttircd with the notorlmm Colonel Hawkins a capture, by the w ay, which never would have occurred, hud either ofthe two proposition' pro posed by Colonel Lawrence, of the 31th Wcw Jersey, been acted on one to evacuate, the other to reinforce, that post. The below wat received by l.lmteti.'iTit-l 'oiont l T. C. Moore, row com manding tho .'llth hew Jersey KoKT TUKKN, I'lNMOIA, Kl., Jtin 10. 1W'4. My Deal Colore! Moore. You will, I doubt not, lie surpi t-cd to hear from me in this Place. 1 have Hiiccrcdcd in niakitift tny escape trotn tin- la bel prison in w hich I w.i confined along with two ollleeiti, one ot whom was cap tured at Union City at the same time ai myself. How fuiHtn ilc yon were to get out ol it the nlUt lieltirc ! 1 was very anxious uhont yon, lor tear d your la?inp ibUch on your way buck to Colum bus. My travel may interest you, and I wilt tii you abort skcti h of thrin. Alter lighting rt hours, und killing; several ltchcla, we w ere surrendered a prisoners of wvr, nnd iiiiirilicd twelve mile Unit day, Witu tho exception of what I hud on, I lost every tiling. We got to Trenton on friuturday, about noon, and remained till Monday morning. Krom lbnt place wa were marched through West Tt nnessee to AVe-t 1'olnt, Mississippi, on foot; here we were put on board cars, aud sent to Mobile. All this lime we were, marched hard, and had little or nothing to cat. Wo ar rived in Mobile, about the 20t U of April, in a tuning condition; the little given tin to out was rancid baron and corn meal. We were kept in Mi bile for live or six (lavs, when we wore sent to Amtricus, Georgia, via Montgomery, Alabama, and ColtinihitH, Georgia, anil from there to Macon, Grotgln, from which place I made ray escape We were near y htarved out. About the 10th of May last, we cut a hole in the fl or of our jail, nnd tunnelled out, timktsig our escape on the morning of ths 1 ttli of May, about two o'clock A. M. Tho Itch put bloodhound on ottr track, but so fooled them by rubbing onions on our boots and clothes, which killed the scent. After a great many hardship and much suffering, we succeeded in reaching this placo. after being thirty days on tho way, walking throe hundred and thirteen miles, mostly by night, going by river two hundred and fifty milos more, making aliotit Gve hundred and fifty mile through Georgia, Alabama, and Florida, to our lines, living on the Confederates. We p isavd as fur lotighcd men going home, and had forged papers, and by this means paused through the "enraged" militia of Southern Alabama, &c. We were nearly starved when we got here. I had only one pair ot pants, and they were worn out before and behind, and an old shirt and hat not much left of me but skin, bones, and lifo. I was dirty, lll'liy, and everything that was foul and loath some. When we got here we reported to. General Ashboth, wnotn 1 knew In Columlms; ho remembered me, and bus been very klntl to me; we aie staying with him now waiting for transportation to New Orleans or Now York. I will t-oon be In Columbus. Muce March '21 1 have walked something over six hundred miles, and Inen through the ('. S. of A., damn 'eni, most empliuticully I say damn 'em. If you see , sny to liltn Dr. Murray came with me and is well, und will noon bo ut Columbus; also, say all tho officers of the 7tli TerncsRcc were w ell w hen we left them at Macon, Georgia ; Cuptain llayei hud been sick, but was lienor. I will be in yonr town soon and will call and tee yon. Until then, my dear Colonel, I am yours, as ever. Kpoar 11. McNakim, Military Tclfrw' Oporator, U. IS. Army. He allude to Ca.... .uln, oi4rnrrul Rr.i)mirK stall, heinv Stint to t'nion City under ftiilitsry e.eort, for ItifortnatSili as to the prohaHe ileitis ol tils Kchcls. Colo n el M. B' CeliipHiiled t he exio-dition. Harried. AHAMfl MntlimtOYDK. On tho llth thn Kev. Kingston lloililnril. Mr. JA.MKS M. A11AMS to Miss MAICV Ml Ul.lTKDVDli. all ot this dir. AMK.s-HMALI.WOOI.-On the ?4th Ind . at Caimlen. IS'.. I., by Hev. (!. W. HeHhlcy, Mr. FIHKK AM KS.ol De laware, to Miss HKllM't'A A. 8. H.MAI. I. WU. II). of Camden, N. J. Delaware aud lialtimore papurs plea-e opy.J KOOT MK.t!i:K.-nn Tuesday evcnlnn.Juty 19fh, lsl, bv the Kev. It, J. I'attlson, .Mr. KDUIN I). IHI'IT lo Wins CAItKlK.h. MKlll K, both ol tlilsclty. Mew York ami Newark, N. J., papers pleaae copy. HOI HAl.l.-MATII.K. On the Itttli Inst., lo St. Hte- J hen's Chureli, 1'hllailelplila. tty tha ftev. ll. Washuurn, lector ol Trinity t.'liurcli, JAM r.H IH'.NiAN IKIIMIAI.L, 01 Montreal (,'. W unit Miss LAUHK I.M11.1K MATII.K. ol Waslilimton. D. c. Mc:l,AlN-KRAMH.-On the Uttl Inst., by Rs. ,t. nickerson. :r. A A HON W. MeCI.AlS to Miss AMtilK K. I HAMK, sllul West I'hflailelphht. UrMAIION-WILSON. -t)n the nth ult . In Phtlsilel phla, by the Iter. D. Washburn, ol Trinllv Charch. 1IIOMA.H .Mc.MAHDN and MAKIiAltKl Wil.SU', all ol this city, fro cards. DIM. IKlLTON. At Atchalala.xa llavou, Louisiana en 39th Mav. Istit, ot fever contracted in the annv, Onlcrly Ser geant JOSK.rtl ('. BOLTON . Co. K. KlKktc nhilh Indiana Voluuteers, In the 40th year of his age, formerly ot this city. goa JOHNSTON. -On WedncHlar mornlna, Sfth but., lu enmp. near Petersburg, Va.. ItollKKI' M. JOilNS I'ON , son of James K. Johnsluu, In the l,tU year of his age. jj l.ll'PKNttoTT. On Sunday, the 24th Inst, MAItY I.ll'l -KMtOTr, in tho 14tu ysar ol her ane, rollct vl tho late Davit Llnpoucott, ol' .uouut llully. lb r relatives and ,'rientls are respectfully Invltcil to attend her tununil, irom the rttshtence ol her sister, Mrs. Folwell, Mount Ilnlly, on WednosUay morning, at IS o'clock. Her Philadelphia friends will leave VYulaut strent whan at S o'clock A. M. Jf ji a 1 1 LA N P. On thr 23111 Inst,, Mrs. AIaui LAND, aiiisl 74 years. '1 he relatives and friends of the latniiy are Invited to at tend tier liinernl, Irom her lato residonce, No. oln l'uwoll street . above Fifth street, below Kpruoo street, on I hurs. day nionilng, at o oVIocs. nsrvico at Ht. Joseph's Churvli. luteriuent at Ht. Mary's, S. Fourth street. Mlloltl .-On the Mth instant, WILLIAM Jl III: MooitK, son of Irvln A. aud Mary Moure, iu th loth year ol Ills sue. The relative and friends of the family ara Invited to attend tils luueral, Iron) the residence ol his parents, lu I'pper Dsrhy Iom nslnp, on Fourth day (Wudneuy af tenioon, July Kith, at I o'clock. MeDOL'tiAI.. On Tuesday mortdnu4 July W, ANN' A M. IlltllOkS, lle ol Samuel A. McDuliual. The reliulves aud friends ot the family are respectfully bolted to attend the funeral, Ir.ou the residence ot her uiihbauu, en j iiiirsusy auerniMiii al 4 o'clock. IHF.KH On Hahhath afternoon, tho '44th Indant, MA HI A Bl KH, relict of l.eorge Hees, In tha TiA year ol her a-e. 1 he n.ale irleuils ot thetauilly are resiMS.'tiully Invited to attend the tuueral, on Wednesday afternoon, ut :l o'cluck, Irom the resiilenccoi her seii-in-law, Charles A. Heppllor, No. Itil lace street. Fuueral service at St. (John's I l.uthcrun church itaue atriMil, 1 WADI.F.IUII - At Detroit. .Mich., July tU, ALHHA WADi.Mtill, of tkuclly. I Due notice will tie riven of the luneral. OIUTl'ARY-t'OLUNKL COVODK. i Camp Fourth I'ennsylvanla Cavalry, Juh lsth, I8isl. -At a uieelinu ol the officers of the I'ourth Kegiiueut I'eiinsylvsiiia fJavalrv, on mutleii, Major W. M. ithldle was ru led to the Chair, and eurijeou J. M. Junkiu ap pointed iteesinler. i '1 he liicellnu heliia oruaul.ed, a ctuuinlttiw of Ave bolnr aiMiutt t, tlaptatns F. II. Parks. Jttseph Audrows, D. V. Isuillh. Lieutenaul James H. liraut ami Assistant Sur geon W. H. Price, the loilowliiK pn-amhle and resiilutlona were dralled and uiianlmously atloptod. H'Aer,iJS, In a cavalry eni;aseiueiit near M. Marv'a (Ttunh. V .on the .'tth dav t,l June last. Colnosl oKtl. 11. 1 OYODK. coiiiuiumhUL. Fourtli KeKi lent I'mnivlva ma t avalry, lell, niorlallv wounded, while sallsutlv h ading his rclment iu ocuou, aud has since docensed : and ll'Asisos, As brother ofllcors and tiersonal trlends ofthe late Colonel, wo Uwply anil aurmwtinly feel the great loss SS.ID coiuiuon w ith his family and nmueruus friends, are called upon to sustain t and I U'orro. We leol uiiKiutis tu pay to his memory a last tribute ol respect in gi Ina public expression lo our leel-iuu-, the retore, be It I htiotrrtt, 'I hat in the death ol Colonel Oeorae H. Co vode who nobly to ihe fauxo of human llttertv and justiee and truth, we recountae ihe huuu ol a Divtue I'riivhlenoe. who '-doeth all tliinas well," and to whose wld iu would huuibly submit lu this as In all ttihius el. H'lottril, Thut to us who were with eo n nisiids under lilin. Colonel Covode huil , as aa ofllcer, KBined the entire toSNCsion of our lumllilerice I while, as a man. ho had wen our whole huaits by his uinlurni kiiuluess and urhauttv ut toanner, we both loved and rcpfcied htm lor uU many virtues ol mind and lieorh A', seirsi, 'I lint the Iteioiiieut oln'e honored with his con maud, bus met wilh a loss it v hi lulu and ueoiily ItM'l. Itrnalrrd. 'I list to his family, unoli whom talis the heavi est blow oi anguish ami sulleriug, we would rcsjtc,:t!iiily bei- lo lender iur hesrtlelt sviuiulhv and d'e,i sorrow 1 al iheir irreparable Iom, beileviuu that ISod, who ever "leniM-reth the wind to th shorn lam ," will in Ituie heal the aeuleness of their grid. AVsitfe, t. 'i list hatiiiKonered no his Ihe as a sacrifice to uiuiiitam the unbroken tnteurlly of Ins country , his couutr.t owes bhn everything ol honor and platitude. To the nation, then, we bequeath bis memorr ami name, which should ever stand high upon the records ol her . filaeu heroes. I HttuUtii. That the proceeillnKs of this meetluK, with these resolutions, he published In the leading ucwspa'icr In Philiiuelphla, l'lttsliurg, llitrrlsbiirg and W tistnior.iUnd ' county, sod s copy ol thesamo be furwardod to the family ol the deceased. INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS. INVALIDS AND CON VALE 4CEHT3. Invalids aad Oonvolesecnt, invalid and Convahtsceuts, EapeeUlly FEMALKS IN DELICATE IIKALTII, FF.MALK8 IN DF.LK ATK IIKALTII, FKMA1.K8 IN DF.LIflATK HEALTH, Will Mud our WlUAadear Will find our OaHAirnla Win, California Wlaaa, CaUttmla Wmas, Calitornia Wluaa, Caluvmla Wuies, CalUonla Wloea, paeallarly valuabl In all CMet of lauguor and great araa tratkin of itrangU. Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ask Ak Ask Ask Ask Hi. MoCloUaud, UetMkard, JackMO, (of th rwuubraula University), 8ttfi4t, Henna, Orsvas, iUrtshoraa chmud, WIUUuus, Hartley, Kalduar, WlUt, Ttudai, Vlual, roayksy, Koble, Knorr, MaylaaS, Turnar, aa4 Utr lsaullii ahysilaas, what Uiey think of tka aad mal vanoosof CukimTua Wlaesl TIsm atlaMa pr erttH wir kransl, aad assur a o Km tsMsAU patants noatv tutu Hi! as I CAUTOBNIA WIN! AOENCr, lyM la y. U S. imu itreet, aoov Oaasawi, j iju. w a l it a m rr. WJOCM Dt TO W I. OAJtanv. MASONIC IIsL.C( No. 719 0TEC3NUT BtreeU WINDOW H II SV Is H, Ci;ilTA.INH. urn MOS-itlf) NRtTiIM. BUSINESS ITEMS. J I Ij 1 1 I 13 ' H CHILLED IRON SAFE THOROUGHLY DRIIPEOOF, Thoroughly Burglar-Proof, AND TH0K0UQHLT FIRE-PROOF. I'HK LAST EDITION or 1) AVI ! lil VAN H ROORBACKS NMUED TOTHEOOUNTER Jilt Art l4loliiHuiilny Dlspntoli ol UU liiHt.. lt lovvd lltflrnt : "I, Ild Kvinsnr thcHno ofKvatu WnteHjn, tltl ttund by ray rhnlltftntcn, puli1l.hifj In thn rrr' of the 1H liut." Why does he cuutiuue to blow bli Iriimpvt In tlili WHy 8lmpl. Ic'iiiih he kmm the Corn Kxchaoto Hunk nil! not liinil-h I VO worth of HftfAg at tliclr expetihc l)r any mich olijwt, or bectaoo mUod up In tlic mat lor In un wny; llierciorp ho run blow with Impu nity. He han evfdrntly loarmul tltc leMan tlmt dUrrulun Itihc better part of ViiMr, and that It U a(er tu (lht hc blDd brouttMorkt t.iau lu tho open ftcldi tlien-iWc wilt rwt defnt( from hl.i rluillenB tbftl Is, will not muke It prac Uca. Hp m xt hiij UlUe at knowlcdtfen hII hla hnfen arc mil hurt(lsr-pnKf, Ac. Ltllle actVniiwIedueealmply thia and no mon tUtU n flfo nuiftt Ih- i-tlrl drill prool to Ik b iiglitr pruui, and lu- claim tlmt hti ClillUd Iron Sitti-s Hit nnd wntTtilly, thumiircl ly und liitrly drill-t n ot, and thcieim buiular pnnt; ai the same tlinr l.lllir Admits tlmt If H poMi'ilu aud evt n prulmble that occaiitninliy may bit a mervutituu Mule not to tlnutni(;lilv otidh-d It cumin to lit, AUhuugh treat cure is um-l tn txa e them hi unllna an piHlute. TIk wrlur next fa he ha hrin tetlnu one ot Lilllt'a Hait i pwry nitniiiiitr, and nny m he has ntn: otdt-d In di lll Imi a hole tliroHL-h It He doen nt aay thut he han an ap pHratiiH ot up for the ooru-.ltm, aud one nut pru. ticnl ir a burglar to -urr vlilt him; tlmt he liltn an eooriuouH pnmMiirei' ic. ; but tnt witl.tiiiidlnK Jill lid It ltvidnt hi- bale Is not an lmnl a uhiimI, r he vum1 not aticcHd tu ht- doeM He nxt aairtk--aii he hits drli ed thU hccnn drill any (ifLillli1 h. Thin In men- ane. lion and n t prool aud It' will have tht opportunity livri-atler to u-nt hi rorf'iO'kkilimdrlliinKt'liitlad liou to tha antiiidctloa tit the ptib.ii'. The wrher next intrndurra a bill of sale of one of I.lllla'a Haieo to W'ener A Mprai te, and procriuU to Mi w how he hucrertH-d In iitipiiiK thetu lo niane nn oxi-liaue tor one ol Kvami A' Wanton a. I It- nh the t;liicitui t'nbime" il' March 0, )HU, tell Into Iheir I m ml ((tint is, that he, l av d Kvana put It Into their ImnaH), which txiutAiued an account .f the lotrnlUK rf thv t.'ottrt Httutte lu Novuda county, Ioa. He aliOhavn by ildi account the f'oini Houne burned In thirty ndnutea, tOHetlmr witn $lti,otti lu rtn''tl backn.and all the conu-utn oi one of Llliu-h f ire ait i Itur-K'ar-l'ruof bli'p,tnd Uiat lhlt atateuietit luduuod Me sr. Venver tt Npraiikle to make their cchaite. The following certttlratea wlU show how compla'ely VeMiri. Weaver A bprankle were duprd; and although. l'ald Evhiid ha made the Kreiieat norts to duH' othen, both In the city ai.d country, bv necrctij clrculatin thi i.uie laUe ataTttntent, to my knowledge thU l the only InitHiice of fctw tt'ta, over which It wou:d ttecm he la now diHHiaed to exult vvuu at the expense ol the party lima ddK.d. Ihe above atatemeut was made by one Hon, wan abMilutelv litlHe, and MU wan paid by a at-ninkcr in Chicago to obtain It, and I have no doubt Huvld fcvans knew It when hu circulated ihi paper, an counter eertitl eaten wort' puhllihed In the CiucaKo papers ahoutthe ft-nu time; beNldcH, It ia hi liahit to clr ultiic and piihllHh auch itatt nienta alter tl ey arc puhlich known to be faUu. I now otltr the tntcuo-uti ot tlie .ludk'f of Net ail t county, and another proiulueit man oi Iowa City, ton (tow whole IhcIk in thia can, und hate other certificate!) of tue aame character on hnnd. Nuai'A, Iowa, Kebruary 20, lKil. I hereby eertifv tint the hate tntid by T. J. Kos,aTreihtirer, which w ih in the Court Il(.ne i n the nhht ol Hetemler .11, hvit, when Maid Couit Ilonae wai burned, waHttj me purchitxed lu Alovctn ber, IrVsti, lu low a City, ofthe World n Safe (Nunpany, I'min tlinr fluent, at m cot ol $IH0 dellt ered theru, anil waa lunnulactured byaaid Wortd'a Hiti Company lu lH-t,aul w.s a amall nafu, iib-jut two and a hall leet hiKhandiwo ffit wlile, ami stood the tire aa well a any aaft- ot Iti le would bt- eupcetcd undt-r Ui cln uaistanco ; It oeiiii,aa eveiy out! knowit. a vt ry itevt re nU-'lit, aiid jiaid aate waa In the houth eat comer ot uid Court Home, and the wind hlowii'g ntron from tho northwest, making It the hottest place in the raid buUdinu. The aafe lull trim the recoi.d utory.Hiidlay lu mu-h a manner ai lo hate th tiro oerate similar to a furnace. Mai.i ai'e waa In the tire ami ruliu iroin nix o'cltK k in ihe evening (111 nine o'clock next m -ruing W hen oent1. we lound part of (tie mimcy borne what charted but the bulk of It watt legible. K.C, LV ANH.Cuuuti Jtidiu. low fin, Kebrtiary- VI. IfMil. A. T. Wlnnn, K. Afmttor Lllhea Hiilen, ( hft-a-o: I berowith bend vou aorne woodwork Irom the tat of Mr. K'mi, which in a circular ol Herrinif A i'o. ii atated to be ''burnt tj ahH or a p rteel charcoal. ' 1 he woodwork that U yet lu ttu aale la purltct, except charred a little, notw ItuttandiuK they douhilcHi set hre to It by let tin the air in whun opencd,nrd allowing it to burn after tukinif out the eon Utit. '1 hen ii no doubt but If proper luoVmeut had been UM-d In opening th &ate, ltc-uld hate hada new door, and with very little expense bo Ht for ue ayaln,.and every UU.H hut preu. rvttl peilt ct. Mr. lion wuti In y ur more, but did not lot himself be knuwii at tlf time he (( ivc 11. v Co, the letter. Ther ollered him for the old sale. He Matea tlmt he had iiht of hi nine thouintud dollar with hnu. Tne tale Htv not one ot J.llJic'i, but a omull sleot World's S.tie Co., Idol make. oura, rebpectiuli , K. 1. iSK.'MOUlt. Now what are tte fHCta iu thl ct't Hlmplv that the 8ai'c waa net Liliie'a, bi-tiuadeiu In d bv the World riate Cinn pan . when thyued Ure briclt f.r llilinu, and uut mttle aa l.i le now uiukeH haiet, and iutead of it (-.omenta beiriK Piirned to atthen they ere inoaily preaarved, aud with proper care ihe whole iuIkIH have Ik-jii, and the h'e whs n Ihe heat l.' hoiira luntcadot :t0 nnuutet. Taint m tlilK la.ot Kooitack nailed lo the counter, bat not until Weaver A HpranXie were moat thoroughly duped, and vary likely olhci a ; and thn Ii the wav tlmt lat id vau incou trovertihly pnrt ei Lillle'i tSato not ilrt -prool ; a id for hlni to na they art' Mtl huiular-pnioi l t me than folly, until he can ao instruct hi more atii-meM pufii1 tint they mav auccetd better than they did in their attempt on t.ia Went rtiilitftclphta TfUMt (-Hlni Hate. 1 rather sunpct t hi prokcnce ana be rcuirud lo iHiure their kwunout 1 keeln thflauBday Idpatrh" ofthe '.Nth July, tlicTI (ounty Hank rolil-ery la aimlti displayed by (ha aame la Id Ktau I would int-ruly hnj that the Kale wan neiil.cra Ititnk Hate nor l.ilia'-i; that I have a letter vo untarlly wrltnn to ni- b the faultier, enclosing a copy of tl.c It tier lo Y ana A U at -on, na iuk that txioy to ik the drert.t to piibljHh a part oi it, in orderlo deciute tbepulrllc. i hit copt citu be t-ei ii at my depot. I would nay alo, that the Tiia Cuinily Hank have liiHt ordered V() National ltaiiK Hito, LiHie'n Chilled lrou,pri-e lllWiO 'J hi tndn no comment. Another Itu rback uailad to tha counter, I nee, iil-tii, lu the tun.e p per, a mangled extract from Tny I a km m. Tt i M.iiAt ii ti" April Iti, republished, that ia the play oi' Ha win attain IntiiHitui-d with "Hamlet" bit out. In mi former anwtr to that article, I mciitloued thai the dtiierent wayx of opi-nliiK the ooiumon hate as there dencnUd weie ol eommou occurrence and well aiitiwn. aud wnre im Htatid and had been previously puhH-hed to tlm world, all whleh the writer lound It con v ,, blent to leave wit to mevt hi" In I its re i unite. U. C. HAM.ltlt, Auent, No. 21 8. HKYKMTII Htr. tit. I hare jnt received in exchmue tor Idllie's Chilled Iron two larue Kvana b Watiou'a Mafoa trotn tho liank of Northern LlbertleH, and one larue Kvaim fc Wat aon a Kale front Meara. Imlay k Hlckuell, Hank Not lCeiMiitt ra, which 1 ahad 'N m very low p-lce. 1 d u t all them tf'tre-Proof, at I nulnt deceive tlie purchaser. I do not cd II tbeu Imybrr-Vrott. aa I oahtrht oil end Uavid Kvau. and 1 luulJ certainly deceive the purchtter. I would eav.alao, that 1 have unhand, and no coining In, me 111 to twulve of Kvaim &, Watuo s middle-ul Baftts, )iiat eehanK d lor LUUc'k, wnich will be otierod at tielow auction pricef, be idea ft large uuiuber of other luaktra'. I would utate further tuattheicHafeawerc notexelianjret! lor Idllie's llaiet on account of eecrei clreuius irthwly rtreMniliik' the fatlurea of Kvana ft WaUou a Saiea, or otheis, but klinply from the fact that tho owners had mora oonndeuceln one-and-one-half to two inches titU-kuuts chilled Iron, than one-sUlauith to one twelfth 'tf an luch thk knea Mbtwi Uott as a protection against either flm or the borgiar. M. C., Jy Agent, Rauipberry C'Atsswbai Kprkl!oc WINK) A HOST DPLK'lOta DMNI, Tar it, for sa'a by Davis A HicHxami, Aa- M amp Tajmt ATuar.ra sUoat a Cm Pliuioau TKiCK A CO.t I UilOV ttAJIOfX CABIKaTT mac a oo . t t)tajfs. I Hams. t. E. norru, Srutk M CInmoI Hmt K. O. WkMsan CaVn maessrorsiarm s ttw an4 IMloa OorSw-Hnns, tlnia4 fa, CWsotu CarancU, Craaau l- nasi J Fart, ll,ttelr ttrorr. lauM JntSa Alouad. So., a. Xo. SIC ClMsnni trt. kalow ronrth. AUCTION SALES. M ACKKT'8 AUCTION MAkHKT street. noOM1?, No. 824 H .v. or wATtiiFH. jch i r.ftv. urT.v wt asj 1 l.M Wahli, AthNa ANi WOMKN H llMI. 1H, Ac. On WrdrHlav M irnfnK, At f rl eV, nt Mtv kfvs Au iin K-vm, c -inpri ,,,, M anil Sht. r W ntt h-. liol.l I l-iwer lt n--i,r, tr It-ni;, li-frttiii tni. Cbati.s. t tieM. IMeiHihut, Ac., Micer ti hi and Ki rk, nnd pUici d"., A ( I ut III Vi, IlKIH'IN'f. Ac, ftHV, lei,n,Ci mix. almtMi,, Cilico. an i other ni .,n ai-.f tin -t-en. a fii c a-s r in id of I. mil I nW CI i h ir t,( I iiilfcn'd rintl'ii, Mnnwi!!, Hn;ks, iM.sicr, Cloth, ashltni re, nod ot - e. I it tvoo, o t l.i hen hihI Cot ton H!ie-. Hrt an, t out t r anes, Ulnnkre, and other biir f.f hr(f I' s nsi ai ut l'a tihroi it's 'I he fmw wtil ci .mri.te at w r-r-ck (sbarr) with the VVfltrhf a ajid Jew idt -, . Ilv ttir r of I'KI.I. Si HWH, r..k.-n. AUCTION b A L E OF CONDKMNKl Horses. WAF. OrPAJI-r.rTT. t il (il lil'ui: Ml, Orrrrr orOnirt- it amti if-Ti k WAIItrO.TfN. I), c , Jut 4. Hrl. W!U be aaM at p ibHc a ir'ion, to the bsU-neiii bidder at th t'n-es and pUf es nuTt IvekV-w : 1. 1 HAM'S, !a .TIM Kl W. Inly 1, trV-l . AI'IOON A. I'a.,1 HCHSlMi , Auhiisi 4, lrt4. Will IAMN-fiKT, I 'a.. 1 1f I KI T, Atmuit II.IHH4. 1 WO Ul SlU U CAV ALKV IHJiil..- a I tact pl.hre. Thffr nrNiN tnvf been condemned as unfit lor the cat a:r7 aenKe r.f th nn. I or ajid (arm purposes uSsiiy k'ood ban alns mar bs had Itorrs soM smsly. Tvnus C wir , in UnlM fltatesrrrenf r. J Sfl.H A. F.K1N, Llcnteturt-Colon"! and Chief nartormMter Jf-l0t Cavaixy liureai. AMUSEMENTS. hV CilW.MIT fcTKKKT THKATHK. J.1 Iiiiporiant Ntue, A H-?iili R"hfral fn hainrday Kvsnlnir last dereloped tie rerfttMiy of important alterations In soma of tha d ahir.ery ofthe s'a.e. Ih rtrt ierlortnniice of "A!aMln" bas,tiierefiro, beon IMtijsotod tn U KfiWf AI-AV KVKNIVO, July 37, WhAn (be play w ill be In positive rratltncif. Henrt-ed i-erif alieidy purchaiel are g wd Until tided. WALNUT BTUKKT THEATRE. HOMK If AflAlM Thel'Mplo's avotlten, HVI OltJ) AM HI OI'KKA TltOfrpKt After an ainx-wc of two yearM. will appear for a short pea fton. prior to thctr return tohairluhirn for Uie i -tUend W inter, HANK nivf TROfTI'F. the 1ar.'eit bod- of taiemcd prftmrsrs lnthecuntfy consistlm: of A KX'lt 1 A Ol- t.KkA'f AI I : It 1 1 , each and enerv one a HBlLLlANT htak: ApjHernfi In a Prcrammo, ItK H.ltAHK, anJIMIMl- TAltLK. PAIlT I.--l I ilNAI. MU8ICAI, flKMfl. Otertoe Kchnefer and Hand P t ltu Cho-ni). Hanford's Troup Johnny O nu n ft) archil n Horn" K. Myers 1 am I onclv Mnce my Mother Ilel F. Hlamood l ow l ands H. A. HattOd kifit Me lpod KUmt I Wl'llams Ilnnah for Unca Ham Hkk larkr Ward ot Athtnr N (!rolnT VuickKtcp Hanronfti orchsstra I'A.rr II. HANKOHH'H CAUNIVAI.. Keystrerfin lotm,- Aiierh a 1 he y.xm i ti....Saitt rtl, W'ldiams, M vers, and lta n md Itnlljoholo (t-eu cted) licl. I'arker Hallad, hos Hhlp 8lli To nlt.hi" I. ('miner Song aud Hanf,-r allv Come I'p" K. IHamoud THK IHVAIs I.OVKKM. rnrVer, My era, M Turner, and Comp.iny. PrlMtie Itailad H.H.Hanford iMitil, ''The Larboard Watch" WUIlams and .Spicule Alter which, THK VILLAfiK HKLXH. t.f.M.C niok Parkor ItoHethe Village belle . Alyors To conchiil with A PLAN-AMOV JUIULF.K. Pr'ces of Admihni Orchefa Cliair-i. lit cent: Iirt-sit t'ircle, fsiicet In; Paniuet, .'ti cents: family Circle, 'i6 renis; AliilJiltll.'Bltw V'.fi.iiTa -i, tiKOVIirs NKW CHKSNLT 8TREKT I THtATltK. C.TtANH ltEOPKVINfJ. WKINrsMAY KVKrflMtl, ,ITT.V 27. Kind time In aix years in 1'hiltdi lpfiia of the Brand r inantlc, iiiuslcal. spcciacuixi 'Irama, AI.AIllH h'. (i: Till-; WtiK IIKHl'fTI. I.AM t Presented, after thi-eo mouths' active propjratlon, tn a Miyic ot UNntFCTI 'KNTI-.D M AflMUCENCK. Itepk-towith MuHiiidccnl ScoiKTy, Itcuutitul Iianccc, Superb Costumes nnd Properties, Wonderful TransiortiiHtlons, (iraud M-iTchea, Ac. Jteered 8cnti for sale three days In advance. MILITARY NOTICES. SIIEAPQUAKTKRS rilOVOST MARSHAL, First Msulct, l a. Pun aix tj iita, .Tune iftfil. The namea of porsona rcmot mir to or from tiu a tia. trict will te auiied to or stricken Irom the lUta of enrol ment. Copies of ilu ts art open tor public inspection. and civil officers and all cill.ciis are luvl ed to amnar and point out errors In the Iisth and Rive Mich Information as may aid In the cornet ion nnd reti'-t.n thereof. Any per on enrolled m'ty appear before the Hoard andclaiia to have bis itame stiit ken nfl the list If he can snow eaU frctorlJy that he Is not nneerlv enrolled, on account of Ai natrt Avn-rttHivice, Ow-aye, I'ennaient i'hyUa A compliiuicc with the forcirolne HUifireMlons Is eamestl Olklted. W.M. K. LKII MAN, y w-ir CtDtaln and Trot-md Marshal. It K A HI Nfl, Pa.. THHRHIi A V.July Ul, 181 1. llAKlHHm Hii. Pa ,THI ltMItAV..Iuly 1W, IHfii. J WANTED I'OR THE UNITKD STATK8 Marine Corps (a varied and exciting lite by aea and yi land), three hundred able-bodied men, to perforin tins VW duties of a soldier at our Navy Va-d, and aboard L'niu-d Htatea shipu-oi-war on foreign stations. ueuer compensation than tne army. A shlp-or-war la a comtortith'.e borne. The Marine Corps Is the best exintppcd Coiis In tha service. Prize Money In abun dance. 1 UK LOCAL BOUNTIES PAIO TO RKCRTJITfl. I or aU other tntormallon apply dallv at tha Recrultlnar Reudevons, No. i(ll K. ( HO NT Hreet, below 8pruoe, be tween the hours of nine and three o'clock. JAMl.B LKWT8, Captain and RternltlmrOmcer, mytr-tf ho.m . ritONT HUoet. pUSLOUQHS-rUBLOlTGHB. Ofllc.r, and soldiers vlaitlns tin citron furlomhj, needlaf fc-l W O It I) H, ami utiii:b MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, aar: iw itki to tiiu i:xtknsiv V ASCI ACT UlllNO ESTABMBUMEtrr or ohoiiot: w. himonh c imo. SASSOM STRKET HALL, HANSOM Street, almr Blaik. PRKSESTA tT O N SWORDS Made to order at tlio short t node, which fur nchns and magnificence ehallsnj, competition, no other house la th country emnblnlnii th MANUKACTl lll0 JKWELK8 with tui: I'KAt ncAi. xwoun makkb. ia AKl.LOW 1'1K TlMllKlS AM FI.OOUINO J lluaida. 1M sin t. Nnrtli an.llna Yellow I'lne Timber ana .vukw feet TsllOM Pine I'Iimmiiih IUard, lo arrlre er schooner caara, iruin iieauiort, a. i-r rtie or li. A. 8'1'II'K 1f., a ie'.'H-M IMK'k Mtreel Wharf. THK MJBHCKlliKU.S HAVK A8SOCIATKD X tliemsorrea toaether under the Arm of ttiM.rot!, I1YK1.MA.N a m.. uuawm con.imie tno car iiuiunnf ornvr. IWKJlTI-f IKS'i' anil HAMlLTO.t UtrenU. sl'iKi'11 ic in,lir.-(, OKOHI.K lMKKStA-H, tyl-lm O W. OUU.DH. CITY ORDINANCES. Ki; K O I, l' T I O N t'lianalnii Ih flare for lio'ding the Blcetlaaso to bixtli Iiiision ol tUo 1 enth Hani. Uaiert-a. The proprietor ol ttie li,rnaer place ot else. tlonSol Ihe U1M1, tllvi.l'.ll of tlio Tenth Wuril tti.s leHea nollce that he hen no lonui-r ai-coiumiHlulloiu tur eltction pmKjnes ut his hniif e; therelorii, lieolved. tty Ihe Heleet and (.'omiilim Counrll of the Cliy ol I hiiadolplilu. Tl.ut Ihe pl:t eof hoUlliitT tlio e'ec- tk-n. ot tt,e sold tn i.ion snail in future neat ih.iioiik. !' Adtim llus.Uiie, at lite iiurlliwesl euniar ol icae. aud tllxteeiiil. .itreel. .... AI.K.X AKIM.II J. ll.tltl-r,H, 1'ie.ldeut ot Couiulou O0U1101L Allet William V. Shai.i . C'lerR oi l otnmoll Counrll. JAM li!t l.l SD, Pri .iduntol liulerk CsMin.'ll. Aniirnved lliia twenty fifth, day ol July, Anno Isimhil one thousuud elht liuiiUrod and sliay-lour (A. 1. 4WH..S n... 1'.:. jt Muyor ( IMUktOslphia. A N O R D I N A M (J to J To make an Appropriation to tit Tpariiaut of IllKliwavs, iirlilve., nuwers. vo., ior r."ir iu auMi Isirsel suj 1-caro.e Kerry Itfldne. Keelion 1. Ths Select u.l iunav. Councils of tha City of ri'ila.telph'a a orduln. ItwU the sum of tllirly tllOUtOna aoimrs un nuo ,.iu. ia unruj appropriated to th. JJep.tninoia ol' libfhwuya, ttrid-es, Hwurs, Ac, uir llw loMowlu purpes, to lorrrpjlrs to Market Slrcst llri.Vge, the tnin of flfuen thousnns dollars. t or repairs iu I'enrese Fsrrji Brxtue, thJ sam of dfleen thou. and dollars. ... And erarrania hU be drawn accordance with existing oraiaancas. by Ihet'hlcf Coiumissiouer of lliithwus,upon eviluiates i'uruihttl hj thuCluef Kuiiicr anJUurveyur. ALEX AKDK1I J. HAHPElt, TriMldeut of Cvmuun CouueU. AttMl- WILLIAM ". 8UA1J., Clerk ol C'oumion Council. J AMI'S LYNB, Fresldent of Heleet Council. Approve this Iwenty-nftii day of July, Anno lioininl wi. thotwoud eifsl undre4 and Uty-lvar (A. 11. AlEXAWnER HBVRT, It Mayor of rhllmdelpliU. THE AI.HAMBRA, ATLANTIC CITY.N.J-, Is now open lor visitors. Th rooms and table ai nn.urpa.aod of any on th Island. Terms nvMlerai.. jtJU-Liu DUllossl sfe YOU NO. frupnetor- JOHN CHUM X CAEPENTEB A1TO BOTLDKB, K. iu LKLKiB BTBKET. A tare hfc of uU41a of " llMlltitNi waVJWal WANTS. Ii WAMTK.I) KOR THK, IMTKll HTATK.1 n Marine Corps (availed ant esriunf lire hy se. mm Ill'aiHl , ti re. Inn.lrrd abl.-kiled men.!. Kif.,,ai tha ikiti lie. of a nk.ier at N y a-d,Mid a'oard UnMed Mate, shi . of- v, sr on lereico"ns, ll tier roinK-n.ation than the atmv. A hl-of.WBsr Is a Conif' h'lne. Ihe Murine Corps I. th. beet es)!iipreICnni. In the service, rrie Mroiey In TIIK IIV'AI. HOI NIIKI TAIll Ml hKHIiUitft. For ah oiher Information aeplv rl.Uv at the keorttl f Itei.fleavmn, No. :il H. Htior M reel, below Spnir. Iiween the l,oiir of nine and tliree o e nrv .fAMrt i.r. t., C'si tahi .trot P. -ruiih. rti.-r, tnif -tf No !lll n. I HUNT Street. T K A M K 1 l; 11 S WANTED, f'H'Pf Ol ARl UrMA'-Tt- r'-l Ol 1 f'f . W'A..jir.i,its , nT, I'lN'.Ti.K, It C.JulV '. 1M Viinied.nt or.fv , Tlil'.KK ltrMl... 1 kaMSI KKH, eai'l. raru.l't (,i d. I .ln wit., mi.i;. line, .u-d mnai,iiM i mulr t nnm, 1 o unci, who nrt rc mi- h nl to per'..rrn tbedutv, t tn rmonth will be tl.iriy dd'ar, wlib of rait..n pr da,f(iHtb..ipirrii ,,L', In- ludltwc the beii ailloal attei.4 .firt v in r eb v Ai'H to Hirt ini I It f ll TOrit ivt. a n u n n. i.fn- ui limn 'st.f , -hi i ami UflrtM)i, 1 1111,1 VII, i. . . !'. It. nrrrm, Prta-lter-tl-n ra. audCl.i.-i imrtrTi(a.reir, ;;1Mn l'fi"iioi W a bi no,-.. ia FOR SALE AND TO LET. f TO I.l:T-TIIK WHOI.l'. On ANY I'OH JLii,llnol the ( 'ouimontAealtr; Ttiillitlng, Nns. fill andftu I l.f -tout Mrt't, TIKIS. It. I'ONNKI.l,, CciintiiiK IloD-e t't I rr. Ii. Jm ne A Hon, j:.". Ot So. m ClIKN-VCTnirrwCj (H.I) TOST OFl'ICK IIWII.DINd, DOCK ti Kres t, l.o 1 ulnl - To Let, the 1st, Mh,6lli i,4 7k siorle,, ell I er whb or v. It) out t sin -now rr. 1 HUH. II I OVf I.I., Coii.itlnl Home of Ii- li..lane A H ,n, ltf,t Nn. '.'I? I'MK.vM 1 ftree. 2 ELEVEN THEEE-STOBY Q EEICK DWELLINGS, Wi lli HACK III II.DINOS. GAS AND BATH. ,1. H. 1IIJA.M, No 110 .S. THIRD STREET, Or, No. IW 8. FOURTH STRKET. Appi) t J)W-I'Jt fa? TO KENT. HAMlNOMK STORK, WITH Hi) Hn'e kia-s vi mdowa, and dwtllln. Ho. 2"7 R. r.LrV- 1 TH Hli-vet, Ijtl-tt f; VOU 8AI.K.-K0.000 WORTH IN GOOD, laryeanil small, on terms to suit purchasers. eitltr with or wlihout liu iinii.ranre, for cab and .oo? trade. lniiireor, from If! to P o'clock A. M., TIIOS. M. 1 1.OVi MAN, No. r, 8. lOl'UTIi Street. f COUNTRY SEAT I'OR SALE. A &Jii'Pleiidlil Country Residence with all modern con- JLi vciiiciieis end two arresnf vronnd. ball a mile from Hea netl Huare, and ad'.oinlni tlie eh'KAiil mannlon of Bararel Tslor. ll will be nil at sreat aarrltlce by Creditor. Kallroad nnd teli:rrspri within fllleen minutes' ride. Aa plvto ll. II.PAIMTKtt or W. 11. W AlMlr.KI.I.. r s.,Weai C eater, l'a.. or JACVII lll'F.V .llsmorion. Peons. aA gUMJIEIl XCUKHIONH, AT ltl.l)i:OKD IIATI1S, TO THK fIRlMT Goal, Iron, and Lumber Eegionn OF PENNSYLVANIA. TICKETS GOOD FOE TEN DATS. tllvlng ample time to visit each point ef Interest on she route. The Catawissa Railroad Company Itavliift purfectcd arrangements with connecting road, will Issti KXCl H8I0N TICK Era from I'blladalphla over the followln roul : Philadelphia and Koadlnii Railroad To Reading. Schurl. kill Haven, Ashland, Malisnoy City, and Tamniaa. Cata wl.Hi.a ltallroad To 8uramlt, MoAulej Moantatn, Cain wlua, Rupert, I'lnvllle.alllton. and W'lillamsport Lealgk and Uahanoy, and Heaver Meadow Railroads To Block: Creek and Mauch Chunk. Lehigh Valley Kalioaa-T) Allentown, and Hethlehcui, and the North t'enn.ylroaaa Ralln ail to riilladelphla. For variety and grandeur of accnor.v, this rout present peeullar Incucements lo tourist. Those wishing to do so, may reverse the rout by obtain. Ing ticket to lrt o ir tie North reaasylvanta ILaUrood. F Altli, 10. Ticket can be obtained at the Depots of the PhlladsaV I'hlA and Reading Railroad, and North Pennsylvania BatV. road Companies, and of IN. VAN HOItlV, T1CKKT AOBtfT, N. W. CORNER 81 Til ANIl CHFMHl'T tTS. Trains sturt fy.m Philadelphia and Heading Depot atlt-U A. M. and 3 ) P. M and from North P.nruylvanla KaaV rood Depot at 7 A . M and I' K, and .' l&P.M. jyVJV stuta IN r.ITJS I'OH CA.1M MA.Y. mh 111 I'lma.!. TIUJ blAL'ii'CH AND COMMOtHOl'g 8TKAHF.B "MANHATTAN," CAPTAIN E. A. RYTHER, Of tho Cap May Line, I. now making her regular trips t CAI'K MAY, leaving AUCH Hlreet vrharf, every Tneda-, Thursday, and Haturday at nine o'clock ; retornlng wta) leuv e Cape Miey e ery Monday. Wednesday, and radar at baH-pa.t eight o'clock, touching at Mew Castle fous; and returning. Far t)J50s carrlm. hire Includes!. Children lJUf price; carriage hire Included. Servant. M M); carriage hire extra. Freight at low rates. Na freight received atlcr U o'clock, and In all case mutt tee prepaid. i ).'l-tf J0Hi:ril A. 8TKWART, Agent. DELiailTFUL EXCURSIONS i on Tita I KIVKR 8CUUTLKILL. The 8teaml,nat OKM RAL IIOOKKIC, Ooplala MAC- ' KI.K, Iciive. Faimiotint every hour for Svliuylklll Iteinta. . Laurel I1U1, Helmoia Collage, the loll aud Wis. If tckon. '"iL- FEW ltOUTK TO WLLKESBAEREt VIA KOBTH PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD TIME AND DISTANCE SAVER! BY T A. M. I'APRF.Bfl THAIS', I'ROM THH UW DKI'OT, TUlBb HlllKET, AHOVE THOMPHOU, ARKIVINU IN WII.KI'.SHARR 'W P. M. RKTURNINQ, Leav WILKKHHAKltB at 1 P.M., making cloeeev nectlonat ItetMehem with North Pennsylvania, hprsaa train, and aiTlve In I'lillaOtlphla at -K P. U. BAGOAOE (.IIKCKLD TIIKOlliH. EILIB CXA-IUt, lOEKT. Jyl5-12t VU.LAGE GStEEN SEMLARY. MJJJ T tury ltoardin:( 8choulIle.'tns Mepteaaher 1. 'liurma) Very moderate 'Itturoituli course In Mstliematlcs, l.aa guaires, KnKllsh Htudlns, Ac. Pupils have boiietlts of k home. Prutitieal ub.oiis in burveyliiK' and Civil ICngln.g lug. Hoy of ai. Je taken. AdilrM. for C.tlaloiriia, KI'.V, J. U44UVBY HAUTOli, JylO-lm Village Uru, lielavtare Co., Pa. f 1 PATRIOTIC MBDAJ.8. PATRIOTIC MEDALS, An aaeepiable linerlng to every PatrtA The only ewrruet and Buihori.!d attU.VU.ION L1KCNE88K8 ut rREBIDV.VT I.INCOI.w. UhiLKII. IIKORlIB WASHWOrON, UBUTKnant-i.j-:ni:iial oiaawt, OKN Kll.AX IIKOKUB H. MofXWJ.AW, KonuXocturtd tn WierUng itdver and Csspw and Wiiu) Meul. B.inple sent by IM.11 ft of cIwk. on rwlpt cmiU. Iusqu wanted. . orn.mvK.Ht cais. """ wft, phllA.lelphl. post omo. Id on nf act und at No. AKCU Buvst. ton-la XTO DECKPTTOlS.v-NO infkrior coal" XN .ueha.ed to olTw bekiw the cost price of a snperkar .MieivTHAHUfcX W. UK88, BUO.VD nue.t,abov. Haoov purest tnLwd. l and 8Uiv keM,U Large ut,i 'T'sjujuuer (ttrmkl mk their nurchaae at one, pre. viuu so anothor qjvanc.. Wlt-Joa OLD'S IMPROVED 8TH AM AND WATKft- UKATINO AfFAKATUK. rur Wanulng and VoiuUag PabU. Hiaidln( and Pli. vatva JaVettsiilekUjwea; Manntkotnred by th , EMUtt MTAVAaf AD WATP 1TKATTSO COafPAjrt Oi' psUiaaiia.1'111 A. JAM KB P. WOfJB. Kft.41 8 IOUHTU bwae. Bv at- rtU.1 W&LL, ttuiaVHHibiaj.