THE DAILY EVENING TELEOltArfl. rmLADELTinA. MONDAY, JCLY 25, 1804. Gvcntng tM.cgrapli MONDAY, JTttY 11, ISM. IHrOEMATIOS RELATIINO TO THE comisq i'B&rr. OLTK1Trnl, f TUTtTVTl'S, AVT PrTI!l nr.. AltrsMieri st hvf hcn'tnfot-o (tivr n'rntiin r tbo duties ami Inci.lents aris-iim nntlrr Ibe mrollmt'iit lawn, wc are sxtititmishfil by fro srrwot mmmnniratiiinii nl Inqnirir-s Hint there are timity eitirena timtrr rcifise of mind niton & sulijirt who have not yt I""1 "nft't'ieTit uttrn on to the matter, ( trT,erly nniliTst.Mttl tliit which has been wid about We thertiiitB pivc Oie fellpwliijryiiop" of the torni'in-mouts of the. Urn etnbntcina- some thing hitherto toiif-hitl 'iirwrn. and other not yot noticed. .vine. The rxetmitiims of tin' orltrituil not. to fathers of motherless rhlMmi under twelve yenr f (lie, to some niomuera of liimilii-s In whl then are In service., to norm who arc the support faged and destitute parent, Bnj for other sunl- ferond. Tlie commutation clause, Ivy which a person who via drafted might Iss released nHn fiayment of three hundred dollars ia repealed, irith ft sinjr'e rxcrtttinn in the row of persons ousrientlonalr oummed to tsrarinir arms, who Way commute upon payment of three hundred dollars, or othcrwiBO 1 considered as "non-ooni' tsstants," and li' draftvd be held to service for kotpital duty, or In the can' of freedmen. lVr ona physically iucapiiMe of duty are exempt! pon surgical examination. Third. The division of citizens into two classes the second clam not belnjr liable to service nntil the first clasa wan exhausted, la abolished, and all UizCDS liable are curolled iu the fame class aud aony be held to similar service. ronrth. The aire of liability to the draft is lWtween twenty and forty-five yearn. Fifth. Volunteer! nmy. be received who arc be tween the aires of einhteen and forty-li ve years. Tontbi between sixteen And eighteen year may tHj received with the consent of their parenta or guardian. The enlistment of boys under sixteen years of ape ia military offense in the olBcerwho recruit them, who may bo punished therefor. Sixth. Volunteers, whether white or colored, receive the government bounty, according to the Hirst for which they airree to nerve. For one year, $100; for two years, $200; for three years, MO. These amount are paid in installments. To a one year's volunteer, when munturod In, toS'83; to a two year's recruit, $90-66; to a three year's recruit, 9100. Two other installments are to be paid to the volunteer or his representatives atarinfr the term of service. (Seventh. The monthly pay of a private, either volunteer, substitute or drafted man, ia six teen .dollars month. Non-comniissioned and eowmhssioncd oflieerti receive an increased pay betond the rate w hich were allowed before the last seseion of Congress. Eighth. Drafted men receive no bounties from the Federal Government, and we presume tht . mhey will not receive any from the town or county lk which they belong. - ' Jftnth. Substitutes for limited men, or for men liable to draft, furnished hi advance of tlie draft, twelve no bounties from the Government. In I'hiUdelpbia, if they no for three ycr, Uicy will Mceive two hundred and lifty dollnrx, and for a jket term in proportion. Tenth. Representative substitutes for persons not liable to draft are considered as volunteers, a mi receive ine ceaeroi ami municijiai Donmies, And whatever their principal agrees to pay them. ' Eleventh. Volunteers and representative substi tutes may be mustered hi for one, two, or throe Tears, as they may elect. Twelfth, (Substitutes for drafted men, or men liable to draft, may be accepted for one, two, or I- I . I three yearn, according to the time th." 'e pnnci pal would have to serve, or as - be may engun! them. Thirteenth. Representative substitutes for per sons not liable to droit, may be persons who are liable to draft. fourteenth. Substitute for persons liable to draft, furnished before drafting, must not them elves be liable. They may cither be aliens, vete rani, or sailors who have served two years and been honorably discharged, or the citizens of the States in rebellion, or slaves of Rebel owners. Fifteenth. The principal shall be exempt from ira.fl during the time that the said substitute is ot liable to draft, not exceeding the rime for Which the substitute shall be accepted. Sixteenth. The United Htates no longer pays premiums for the procuration of recruits. (seventeenth. Men furnished nnder the call of July 18, 1864, whether enlisted for one, two or three years, as well as all excess or deficiency of three years' men on callB heretofore made, will ouut as man for man. The equalization of the amount of military service rendered by the dif ferent States and parts of Suites will be effected hereafter. Eighteenth. A substitute for an enrolled man is credited, and, therefore, deducted from the quota f the locality be enlists hi. Nineteenth. An enrolled man furnishing an alien as a substitute is exempt for tlie time of ser vice of the substitute, unless the alien becomes a Citizen, or declares bis intention to lieeoine. so, hi which case the substitute is liable to draft, and his principal likewise. Twentieth. A man may enlist in the imny or navy for three years as a substitute. If in the navy, he must tie twenty-three years old. Tweuty-llrst. Recruiting agents: in Rebel Stiitos nusthavea letter of appointment from the Hutu; Executive. The particular field of a Suite In Which the agent is to operate, is to be speeliied in the letter of appointment. All recruiting agents will be subject to the rules and articles ofwur. It is anade the duty of the commanding olhVer of any department or district in which recruiting agento perate, and of commanding officers of rendez vous, to order liu k to his .Slate or arrest and hold fur trial, as he limy deem best, any recruiting gent who shall I'ommit fiHiids uu)ii ihe (iovern lent or recruits, or who shall violate the Instruc tions isnued to govern this recruitment, oi be guilty of any offense uulnst military law. So mail ball be recruited wiu is iilnwly ill the military rrvice as a soldier, teani .tcr, laborer, guide, (Ce., r who ili so employ J l.v the military authorities as to lie of importance to military uH'i-uiious. Kecrnits procuied under this privilege must be delivered hy the recruiting agents lit ouo of iho following named rendezvous, tisnu ly : C'.iinp Casey, Washington, I). (, for Norih'itst Vir ginia ; Camij near limrK Monroe for Southeast Virginia J (Jump N'cwix in, N.., tor Nonh t'aro bi.a ; t'unip Hilton lli-a.1, M. ('., for South t'-.iro-hna and Horida; t'luup Vi.Uliiov, Mins., for allsslssippi; and (amp Narheflle Tenu., for (korgia aud Alabama. Tweuty-oecond. If it is desiivd to put any of into service as substitutes before or after tlie dralt, ttiey.mnut be sent witliout expense to the Govern' me.nt by the recruiting agent to the district in Tsrlih b the principal is enrolled, and there bo mus tered in by the l'rovost Marshal, who will issue the proper substitution paiiers. It is made the duty of commanding officers to all'ord to recruit- iiig agents all such foi ilities as they can provide, Without detriment to the public service, aud to prevent recruiting by unauthorised parties. Twenty-third. The enlistment of hundred day men doe not operate to reduce the liability of the district from which be volunteers. Hut if any hundred day man is dratted his hundred days' ser vice eounls in reducing his term of service. i wcuty-Kmrth. Alllioiigu the volunteers are taken for ene, two or tlifeo years, the dratt is for ouo year. There is sufficient in tliese statements, we tliuik, io arouw ate atttnitum of every eitiseu to the ne cessity or doing all that he can to meet the emer- jreiicy which will come on u sth of (kiiteniber, fter that day all (iovermaeut bountit cease, and everyone who is drafUxl or lialu. to be drafted 'Will have to take rare of himself. The Collins Company, of Collinsvllle, Conn., , are ruunlug only about half of their works in con Mquence of low water. A ion of Ralph Waldo Einwrson has left the Junior Class at Harvard 10 join (it hundred dVy Mta bom otoi. BCIOTiriO ITEMS, Nkw roAM or vr,aM. A Loudon joornil slates that the k-x- ami boldei-t departure from rto ordinary form of tionitili since the crastmctlon of the (irtat l.astrtn is about to be attemtited by a wealthy American, v,ho has been for several years experi menting, wftli a new form of vccl, and who has w n, stored his rians of the simo. lie is to '"'gin the consuu tion of a lirL'o shin, nearly thifi; bvedii'd fe-1 In 'encth, ni oil Irs new sys tem lie of the. n:o-t striklm; rvuriri'i' of wl.'h is ihntir.r section of the sliip is a perfect cir 'e of points. i h: hull 's -ers to Dm- end". Tlie cni"lii"s for tbif steninshlp life to c illtoiif -ix liulelred tiore poci i thi'V ale to tie Con-crilele t witll elitid.'rs, av.l af ' ciiill desiuneil v. it ) n v i to tlio s ivii.g "fiirlii aid spa e. Sti'i'l enters iKVge'y int Wie ci npo'llloii, and they will bo suppl e I with .id the In est improvements in marine engines. No eK"iiM! is to 1m; sp ired to Insure Iho success ot this i.ove.l eriterpii-e ; and it is even h inotiMCel that s. st eond vessel, of imi-1 U-rahiv laut T powtr and dimensions, nill shortly he eoia liiemTd by the same parlies. mam i act' nr. ot- rirt. in rinse r.. T' Is stated that l'.n?Hh workmen have ex I mined Ihe speeiniriia of steel fil by tlii I'lO'i ss, mid they p; onoiinnc It opinl to Kiicli -li st'd. It has teen mmle in'o ctn-els, knives, griivers, slut other ctit'ini t'sli. Seviiral tons of sw"el huve Iwen iiinde by M. I-Vemy, troni pig iiou Vihieh he IiikI snppoM'd was totally im a abic of being employed in the niauiil.i :ture of stci I. STI KllINO HCIll.W 1'R'lPt t I. litis. A series of experiments Inis hitely been mide by Ihe l-.iigli h Admira ty Ui test a new st-rriag serew propeller. I'ho peeiillarity of this pro jm IIi r cou.-ibih of liuviui: n ring forming a uni versal ha I or socket jo lit, pi iivd within tin: nox ot the screw, winch Is thereby Conner cd with the nmin shutt. The entire weight ot the screw is borne by the shaft, and by means of the t ill or spindle of the screw projecting from the. box working in the rudder, whatever may be the li ovi n ent of the rudder, it conimniiicetes an eiial movement to the screw, w hich, therefore, becomes not only the propcHin;; but also the guiding power of the ship. The gain in speed, by employing this new de vice, hns been touud to lie twenty-live 1st cent., or equivalent to a mile uiid a hull pur hour. This snin is obtained hy avoiding the retarding cltcct nt the rudder, as it was found that to keep the vessel In hir course the helm never varied more than fiom three to live decrees. ty working tlio (crew astern, and putting the helm over turty di grees, the vefsel can lie turned in n bout n il f the time above stated, aud in a rudder of only one-third Its length, measuring from the screw It si If. 'Ihe screw an bo applied in tlio dead wood of the ship, and lifted as In the ordinary way, so that theve sel may he governed by cither the rudder or screw, or both. MMt rti trim or coi.oheii oi.ahh. Tlie distinguished French chemist, M. Clicv reul, who has devoted so much attention to tho subjiMit of color, has latelv published a memoir on painted windows, In which there aio many points which deserve the attention of artists and oilnrs who are interested in tho-furious phe nomena a tending the manufacture of colored glass lor ortianit utal mid other purposes. It is a familiar fa t, tluit old stuined glass windows have a much richer eileel than modern ones, and M. ( In vrcul, speaking fit' this supe riority, attributes It to wbal moderns regard us dclccis. In the tirst place, much ot the ancient glass is of unequal thickness, and so presents convex and concave parts which lormet the life' lit ditft-rciiijy and produce an agreeable efliict. In the next place, the old colored glass is not a colorless glass, to which has been nddul the particular cclorlug runtcriul, such as protoxide of cobalt, Ac.; old glass contains a good deal of oxide ot lion, which colors it green, and to this must be attributed the peculiar ellects of uutiiiuc glass, colored by cobalt anil mungunese. .M. Chtvicul rtpieurs to think that modern stained glass Ib too tinnsparcnt to produce fie best ellects. M. llegnault, another well-known chem ist, has recommended that all this kind of stained glass should he cast, to avoid the mo notonous client of paiii surfaces on the liihtj and also that foreign suiisunccs sli mid tic nixed with the glass, iu yjd'.r to dluiiui-h its transpoiency. OlOANTIC 1IAMM1I11. A steam baninitrof initixj:', C rIr.c orii j'r'Vlir Is I jniploj cd a the Gov. ni.mctii works, Woolwich, I jMJgidnu. liie iiammer-nar unil lace wcigu lour tons, and tho cy under In which this bur works, with its glands, nearly six tons. The cylinder is suppoited on two frames, eueh of nine tons, and each of the.-o again rests on a bed-pla'.e of tuo same weight. Through these bed-plates projects the anvil, which is a muss of wiought iron, fa, cd with steel, and imbedded in a block of ca-t-iron, weighing upwards of twenty-one t his. iu Hie Casting ot tins IiIock twenty-live tons ol metal were placed in the cupola furn ice of the woiks. In the space of live hour the met il w is thoroughly fused, ami in : ipiaru r of an hour it. was run into the mould with perfect succc-i-. The immense block thus i ruiod me is lies at tho lots e six lect seven inches, by nine fect t vo inches, anil is four ted ten mclu s 1 1 In L-lit. 1'lic, unvil is let In'o the toji, the b t-o re-tin ,' on two la) i rs of heavy logs a'niit fourteen foot square. tine ot ti e advantages ot this hammer consists in the placicg of the cylinder, which is so bolted between the support of the f.anies that, instead of forcing them asunder, it tends, by its pressure, to keep thetn more firmly in their places, in the management ot the hammer, also, great perfection bus been attained; it can be made to pound with prodigieus force a mass of glowing iron, or to cruek a nut in the gentlest manner. The hammer can likewise bo worked wi'h gnat diversity of power; the stroke can be given with forve exactly corresponding with the weight of the hammer, and this force can be diminirbid at pleasure, or increased by the ap plication of the steam above or below the pis'.oa. It can be made to descend like the he ivy sledge, or to deliver from two to three hundred strokes a mii.utc. BA1J.WAY BREAKS. It has been proposed to apply electro-magnet-, ism to the stoppuge of railway cars when iu mo-' th o. According to this Idea there should be an tltciro-magnet placed between the wheels on each side of every rail cur. Tho magnet would have a slight movement up and down between two eiooved blocks atlixed to the cur, or through a hollow ciliudt r, In ease a struight magnet be ustd. When out of action the two poles of the mngnet would be supported either by a buttVr spring or by a steelvurd weight, so that a dis turn e not exceeding un inch would exist between the poles of the magnet and the ir on nil. In 1 1 e lender of the engine should Ik) carried a vol taic battery, from one polo of which should proceed at series of connectuble chains. Unking lueh ehctro niagnet to iho r.exr, throughout the whole line, one end of the chain now made con in ucus being brought to the battery U be coo i.. tied with lie opposite pole whenever desired. Above the ba tery is to be placed an electric dial in d conutcting hand'e for the use of the driver, so as to enable htm at any moment to clone or I leak the circuit, or so gruduute it as to permit li in to govern the connection between any num ber of plates. Borne of the advantages claimed li r this plan ate, that the break would at all turns be at the command of the driver of the engine; its action would be instuutaueous, and he also cspab e of gradation in arresting tuu mo mentum i it would impede the motion of the car, in t by friction on the rail, but by adheslou with thn rail the arresting force would thus bo hi ought to bear on all points the car being for me under-current made essentially part and 1 urovl of the line. Itnklii mi lftitti-irli. Sir. Ruskiu, the ai t critic, In a letter to th" Imdon 7 W, thus bitterly di-courstj upon the course of the Knglish Government iu relation to the Dunith question; "The cession of Savoy was the peaceful present of a few crugs. goats, ami goatherds hy one king to another; it was also fair ti pay for "fair work, and, in the piofottmlest seuse, no business of ours. S hereupon Mr. Kinglake incwed like a moo i strtick int going to he made a mummy of for liubostis. Cut we saw the noble Circ issnn nation murdered, and never uttered a word for them. Wo saw the noble I'olish nation si nl to pine iu iee, and m vi r struck a blow for tbem. Now the na tion of our future (Juecn calls to us for help In its last sgony.und we round sentences and turn our backs. Sir, I hare no words for these things, be cause I have no hope. It is nut tucsc squeaking puppets who play before us whom we huve toac cuse : it isootby cuttingihe strings of them that we can redeem our dead lycrror. Wc Fnglish, as a cution, know not, and cure nut to know, a smitle broad or basic principle of human jusiu e. We have only our instiuetsto guide us. Wo will hit any body again who hits us. We will take cue of our owu tumilies and our own pockets ; and we arc ehunictcrized in our prc-ent phase of en- iigmcniiitm inuiniy uy rage in speculation, luvisti expenditure on suspicion ot panic, geuerosity whereon generosity is useless, anxiety for the souls of saviigcs, regurdlessuess of those of civi lized nations, enthusiasm for liberation of blacks. e.putby to t-nsluvemtnts of whites, proper horror jf regicide, polite respect fur populicidc, syinpa- tny lor muse wtioiu we can no longer serve, and reverence for the dead whom we huve ourgtlvcs delivered to death. The philologist will be luteresteil In the new word "populieide" which, odd as it sound, is I 'e.uite as correct a derivation a " regicide," or tho J toguate words ' ftntmide" Bd " parrJdde. ' Ot'U BALTIlfoBE LETT EE. f mi Vt;'r K T amino Trltjrtph. rUiriMiiKK, ,lo!y 'H, Ve bavo It rcnnrkably quiet h-re to-duy. Then arc. bet few rumors. Southern sympa thizers arc Txceeilinsly prudent. Tle y do not Indulge In Teports, or undertake to protnulg ito cxritirg ories, heretoiore. Since there is a stri ng ftrobabllity that tho dam iffes, de-tnictlon ol propt'ty, pltuiilei ing. ,te., e itnc-1 bv tie- ren-nl Id fret rn Id are llVeiy to he a-scsso I nio i le id ing w.'i i ssh mists, or .itUu'ori w ith the Rcb.'lllon, nfssinnlsts are grO'Mtig remark thly quiet, w'.il-t s nine are t:ik".ig pens to lnvv they -vni s Vcrc and lire uow in tnvor of the t'tiion. There Is, mi far a- I an ascertain, n fixed d ' et mil ntior. to ninlrc these syinp ttlii.ers ply the cost, that they may leelin,;ly reali.n how plea snnt It is t have hi:ch nntraieling visits troll their ft Minis. One thing is very certain, an 1 that is, liml all Wsrylund rs hcen true to their ling and country wn Would not h.tve Ih'Cii troubled with these thieving raids. It is the aid and e m tort vuichaf-d to such traitors by disloval'.sts tl at now ranse our peoplo to sutler so severely in the loss of cattle, horses, goods, K-., and In the vandalism otherwise perctr.ite I. Tlurc is a cood drill of t.iik about the probi I Hit y i t anotlier llels I im at no distant Hi). KhcIi a thing, I inn fnc lo sny, would not pi stly surpri-me. 1 he pi idirubdity of inv.i iting so clearly deinonstruti d betore th it its repttitii n nmy be nntieipntcd, unlti-s ellnctiuil n.eiins are taken to guard against future Invad in. It is Hue we lire now on the alert; but not so well pr j.tired ns prudence di iniiuds. An army of forty or lilty thoiisanil Rein Is could do immense h u iii weie it to ihiuic upon us, even In our existing cot diiiun. 1 l.t re are yet immense nniounts of stores In Miuylund, which .lell. IHvn' nutrauders w iuld gladly obtain ; mid in their destitute condition, ileipi't.itlt.ii, if nothing else, muy cause these trattotoiis minions to attempt another and still more h nniilahlc iiinion, lo ikln? i well to the tine horses, fat cattle, and abundant stores of I'l nnsv hnnlli, as of our little commonwealth. It is'tho duty, theicfote, of the people here and elsewhere lo be upon the alert and in readiness, nt an hour's notice, to meet such emergency. Kven riilladelphiii might be called upon to p iy tribute the next time, as some of our rural towns wne lorctd to do. la't me, therefore, say to your readers, by wuy of caution and serious w irniug, he on guard and in readiness at all hours, tor the enemy may come us a thief in (lie uiidit. It is gratifyhi to know Governor Dr.vlfnrd, and those cu ssjrrntlng with lilin, are bu-ily on guiid preptirlng to enroll and orgini.o the militia of Maryland. This will bring Rebel sympathizers and si ccsBlonists of every stamp to a full rciiliailon of their position, and of their tluty to the Government that protects them. The time is fust approaching w hen men will bo made to show their hands, and inquired either to do v-hat Iho law demands, or leave for some place mora congenial to their sentiments. We Is'giii to nt plainly that wo cannot all'ord to loiter enemies in our mid t. Our City Council was called in special session Jcsteiday afternoon by M iynr Chapman, til con sider ihe ptupiiety of supplying ways and mean to aid in the ci niiiig live hundred thousand dr ill, and to coitblo Maryland, like other States, to avail hirtell of certain facilities in procuring su stitnti s. All advices received hcic by p irties directfrom GcDcrul Gmnl's army are highly encouraging, and higct the hope tluit wo shall hoar cheering sci otii is from that quarter at no distant d.iy. Those best informed ill ndliUiry circles think Atlanta has fallen ; or, if not, must unquestiona bly be Sherman's in a very few days. The ciplo of Western Maryland are still uneasy in apprehension of another inv.isioti. Farmers, however, are busy securing the'r grain, and pit ai ing to send il inim diuicly to market. llluclier'n llss-llrurer. Old T'ield Marshal Illnchcr was pirticularly for.dt f tim e things u glass of wjue, a game at cards, arid a pipe of tobacco With the two lornn r tic was licqtieid'y obliged to disicnsc, but he loulil rot and would not do without the lif ter, r.or ct u Id he help Indulging in smoking, if It u etc ever mi Utile, Injure he undertook to do anything salons. A ft l'"n'? fit !'e spur of the ioniei t would satisfy him. but ti bo Wlilpnit tin m at all was ti mutter ol impossibility. For this purpose be bud appointed as his piivi bearer one of bis "boys" (as he used to call Iris hussars), n fellow coun'ry mnn from Rostock Chiistan llcmieniunn who htul charge of ti lurgc Ikix ol common long Dutch clay pipes, till lillid with lobneco, mid ready for use nt a mo ment's notice. This box eon-lttiited the prineip il item of the marshal's field c ptipugo. Ileutio n i nn vii b so devoted to his master nnd his charge that be would have killed on tbo spit any one ho attempted to pur oin a i'iH) fio u ti e Ihix, or bring the latter iu danger of breaking some of the precii us (to him mrrnd) ccinten s. On the ninrnn g of the memorable battle of Wnti i loo, llei ni'iniiiiu bad ,u-t handed his n lister n lihnd piie, when a ciinnon-ball strncd the tri nnd c o e by, sciittcring earth nnd gravel in nil directions, mid causing the white charger on which Itlucher wus nioiintt d to spring a-ide a iniinauvre which broke the pipe into a thousand pieces beloro tho owner had time even to lift it to his lips. "Just keep a lighted pipe lendy for me; I shall be back In a few moments, alter I have driven away the rascally FrrECh churls." With these wt.rds.'lilucher gave the command, "Forward, boys I" nnd oil' he gal loped With his cavalry. Instead, however, of a chase of a few minutes, it was a rapid march of nearly a whole summer day, as we ail know from history. After the battle was over, lilucher rode back with Wellington to the place where he tirst f ot a glimpse ot tue comotlng armies, ana near ng the spot where lilucher hud halted in the n orring, they si.w to their surprise a solitary man, his bead th d with a handkerchief, one arm in a sling, and calmly smoking a pipe I "Donner and blitz 1'Vrled Bhicher, "why, that Is my Hen nnnann. I low yon look, hoy ; what are you doing bercnlone ?" "Waiting for your speedy return," was tl 0 grumbling answer. "You have come at last! 1 have waited for yon here, pipe in mouth, for tbo whole long day. This is the lost nine in tl e box. The cursed Trench have shot awcy every pipe from my month, have ripped tho tlosh 1 1 cm my neiiu, ami snatiereii my arm witn ttieir deuced bullets. It is well tbere is an end to the buttle, or you would have been too late even for the last pipe." Saying which ho banded to Itlu cher the pipe, to enjoy the remaining fumes of the weed. Wellington, who hud listened atten tively to the conversation, here remarked to Blueher, "You have just admired the unflinching loyalty and bravery ot my Highlanders; what (hall I 'by to this true uu1 devoted soul " "But your Highlanders hud no pipes to regale them selves with." Bentky'a Afiacelimy. V'U1 THR RR1IE1S ARB CALLED "JOHNMBS.' In 1801 the Federal soldiers called the Rebels "6ccesh ;" in 1SC2. "Confeds ;" In 113. "Clrey backs," and in ISOl they call them "Johnnios." A correspondent gives us the following informa tion about tho origin of tho last-uuiuod toubritiu-t. The in me of Johnny originated In a quarrel be twei n a couple of pickets, which beg in by the Federal telling the Rtibel tbut they (the Rebels) deja nded on England to get out of this 8crao, which the Rebel denied eniphutically, saving they were able to scrape themselves out. Gne word brought on another, until the Federal said his opponent was no better than a Johnny Bull any how. The Rebel swore thut he would slnsit Yank If he called him a Johnny Bull again. The quarrel was stopped by another picket, and thev HM'U coo'cd down, but the Kcnei loqit inui.tei m r, ' I'd us soon bo called a uier us Johnny Hull." lli. tui 'J'lunxeiijjt. The Dust Ti'MH'gsee reiki fund ia Lo!tou anion ills ti 101, 027. A pnrty of clftht stmU'tits from Ilrown TJui vcrsity are uiuking a ricilcstriiu tour to I.nko Gcorftf. Tiny curry a tent and a ouc-homc loud of ril'ixsliineiits nnd ciuiiiiiutits. JJ 13 Nil Y A. 1 ! Xj 13, GAUGES AND C00PEE, No. y3 H. V'A.'X,J3Il Htroot. Btlow Walnut litreet, Plill.AlilLrillA. Inillstl.m Iirnn Jy and Wluc Cuk, asd all kinds of Work Diailu ol' Old and Mew BiutT always ou hand, ur mad to order. ' C'OAl. r.VCKF.D IN UOtkSIIKAJlS FOIl KIllrl'INd. All kladj of Trlnunlns piincituillr attead.d to. . Jyl-lm J M 1 O It T 13 1 UliANDIKS, WINKH, KTU. - The subicrlticr InforuiH the public that h is dhpoilo' of Sis large anil w elt aie'ei stock ot OI.I) EH ANDY, GIX, I'OKT WINE, SHtUIlT AND MADEIRA WINKS, At wholtaaic prieea. Th" are from tbv old tiek cm hand. I'uirl.aseta visluns a aupariur ankle fur nrhat. ua uM Ou it su ktull at 1IENUY 1ICDDT'8 WlKilesala Wine and Uiiwr Stor., St. IU Mi SU'VXl Btmt. below ttacs, );Ut fbiKofjlus, (TO thusskcV bracks. ... '.Mif'iilj itiist4 Yt n. 11. l 1 V.U1 H and khOH sirsM. I jsi-s" utrtnjoit P r RAins. wnnnit4l h lansss. 1WS.1.KTH HUt, r tonr Isstow EsM. TIM Bi"M iwnnlfU and nrisl stzsk na hsnrt enetttne. 1 rftrV"rf TrnsiM, SmTonwl. Shoulder Mrsces, hltt. bunlKN, Klsitl Hlockiims, Hyrsnssa. Arts t for Nissswy.Kwli Boom. o tela im wi-, I'll ll.A OKI. I'Hl 8VJROBONH' MViAliK HISTITCTr., Ho. 14 Unrth s"1-' KIX'ill Htr'U "Tve kUrkt. Rilfitart M'llesItT firm h H. f. r.VKHKlf S ITmlnm Plni lirii.Mtlrt pra.,i,r. Truss. Hmrl'iT F.tssuc Bsits. f.issi.f: Hutiiorlrt. BuoniOer Uriiocl. ftttsissa ,.r1. ii.. t r. e. 1 n Hi s ilnii, f,l l,y Mrs. B.C. EVt.Rr.TT. Myli l T'nii ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. (llt.HRA. Twntnr snil MsniifatsrrAf A li I I 1 I ( I A I. AUK, AptirvvrJ and aiW.pled ST .UK Ft KtlK"N-('.I..VKHAt. Ill' TMR I'MTF.D HIATUS, fiT SnlftllirS, Itiii p-r-i.TnsrulT liws'nl his lilliesana Fastnrv st Ro. 311 H. ti ifn I II Mrtct, six Ooun Imluw Kpruce, I'lillaOa. an-:iin . HbASTlO HT1TOH H i: U' I N il MAO II I N 13 a, THE BKST IX USB. ar3S No. '.10 CIIKHNUT Hirswt. U'ANlll) TO SU.L OR EXCU.VNGK, If Kiapnc H.nsci? Miulilns. i. e i irnv. r Si Hskcr hewiim V .irhtns, 1 !. su ,er on. Anil all t) itiii ipnl Bowlns Hlftchluos. All ,srnlsfi6d Ito III tl ir Inllle'l-al nlllees. a :..a. su k irnts hi t."iiml-Hand VaoMntf, for n ale and H I'al.eil at II. e new olln o si A VFN? FAI't.KVSm, So lii N. Kliiin il sarint, rovnr ten yuars wltb Slnsr a .) I.aCIss laiiatit to n;Hirato. nl4 -lia OOTTAOK 01WJAN8, Hal nnlv t'NKTI KM IT! hot rKIQUAl.t.r.D In aorttj of Tune un.l pnwer, (li'slneil siifrlallv lor rhurebi s ana Hi-ri.-ls. lea samil U In: Uiuullt ill adapbtsl u Ut ears and loading Kveoi. h of salo only by r.. m. nittrrH. Kn. IS N. flKVKUTII str. Also, a eomr'e ruiieiit Of Uio I'arl'cct M'-toilisiB Miiiitaiitly im imial. auilt-t)a Qt W. SIM0N8 h BE0THBE, PASHOM PTHKKT HAXL, PHILADlXIUt4. MAVUrATVHFJi8 Of JKWKLHY, FINK SWORDH MH.lTAfcT OOODS IS KVKBT VARIKTT. JA M 32 H II A 11 H K 11 ' H Vt II'iLKULI XV 11 IUTA.IL CT.OCK KHT A HL1 Si I MEN T, H E.cutikt HIX'OND and CMBoNCT Hirftla, I'tdltvl'tt. Aiili T rm TB PATI St EVAM.INO TII!UTT-DAY C1K7KR, A v"ry ilmirRbio artlrle fur Chmcbct, Hotelt, Banki, t'OUHt I1K-Il"ll', l'strltil'tt, Ac. AJu, M. NI' AI Tl IlKK OF FT NT! OOT,I PKWfl. H - H M l;KI'.M(li;i) AMI WAUHVNIKO. nVi-iy loth Trim minus ' every dfwcrtption, ll'M. A GRAY, N. R. CORNER OK SIXTH TV aix. MINOIC Htriiiti, btija Umiuoutl. WuJie, OoW, Silver, aud Uott Tirki ti. lJiO.SK JJ WAST OF MQSILY. 4 'ALL. QVV.KN OF UKATJTY. W1IITK VIROIN Wax uf Ami lcilH ih" mot pffle-'t prepntaiinii of tt o nyv, lor N-iuiiit luif. ivhJtfiilnn, and prt'HurvinK th compls'x.oj.. It !-tiiie irohi pure Wtilto Wax, Jhmico H rxlrucr'i.imry ci'ulll ih for ri'Wi vlnR itit) hin, niaklnK It Kift, aintiMh, lutr, nnd trirnMi:unt. It curii rhafml linn-Is or 'H, mnov'-M plnip'cs, c. Frioe '2t and uvula. M:iimfnc'tiird nnlv v HI'NT to CO , rrfutmT, So.n H. LloliTJI Hi., 2 d mrn I'nwc r'hPMiii. and jylti Im S. HkV ILSTH HtrwL UKIiK'S Oil ICR, COMMON COUNCIL V Phflatn-lphlii. JnW ft, 111. In arrordanrr wfi'i & reAiVufrim ailopttd hy tt c Cnruninn Ctu nt il i" itit-rlfyff i'liliiidripFila. on lhursdy, U) Wth tiny ol .1 une, Ih'A, ih annx,! dill, amitkU "AN OKltlNAVCK TO At T)U)tTK AN Alll 1 1-tNAL LOAN TO MKFT ThK KXI'KNHM ISCIHF.ST TO TUB lKKKN8U OF THF I'l l Y, FOR OTHER PL'ICFO iEii," If lnn,i . l uldtfihid ur iiuUic iiiiuraiatioa. W l. V. NMAtX. Ckvk of Cuuimou CvauclL AN OiITTnAWB TO AFTTlolllK A X A I-OH ION U. trOAV fc TO 1W1KT TUB KXJ-VAHBH INOIhF.NT Ti) THE DKl fcNhh Of ClIX, AND iOU O HI Lit I'UH- l'l hh M. Hfii-tiKiil TlirRtirctanrtCrnnmnn Councils cf tht City Of l' lihiu lu oriliitn. Iluttthu Muyur Is huruDy an thr to Ix-rruw tit noi Joab tttao par, ou heore11tof tiiomrps iaiisin, ancli mi until money m may be reuird l ihe i JrK'snr'r, frura time o ilm. to pruvidn lor ti e liiiu tiff ti voliiiiio in iron i the city nl HhlLisdipb a la tin fit'i m-- r l tt e I 'int- d fit .t't an 1 ft ine l fenso t the vlty, itsti i ci-din,' in tho whole tho mm of (he hand red tiioi aHt.ti d t nm; tr wld ih Inti-retuot to Uie rate of m i-r will . I (T n mill ui bh;l 19 paid tudl' veitrlv. An lU' i t"-1 hn of viaiiimiy aud July, at UicoiUio uftlic (1ty TfiiMiirT. The piii.i d ri' ot'O.c nald lonn nhi'l b payahW and paid ut it. i' M).i:rltii ol ihirtv jti Ircm the diito of t iu iair, itiul i ut fcf -B ill out iiti cH'fttmt ttf houlorA tJitre-rt, nad Ci nil. - llii-rt i ir. in thf tmual fonn of sitcti rertinoan! ui Cii I.(.;mih. Mlmh )rulKud In .itch u mount an tho lendort liiaj n 'iiiJrc, hni u t (r nny fruciirt al part ol 1'X, or 1 if iiirtU, In auM'tmit of live hundrod or one thoaNand (JoIihtn, and it Bha I be expn'nned In said cortHlcnio tl at tl a atd U an taeirln mcutioi ed aud the Intorcst thereof are pa ahle frt e from all tuxt-a. Station H. WhrticTpr any toun ihatl b made br virtu Jvreol ijnre ahail be, by tore of Mitu onltiuinco, atou ally appropriated out of tbc Incotnoof the corp wife e'sia'-ea, and from the torn raised by tax at oil, fiiu stiflh.l nt to pay tku Intercaton aald oeriliU titta j and tho further mini of rhrve-teutlia of one per ventuin on tho pd1' vaJue of nu.'ri oeriltuatcH, no lanocd, fchall ho apuraprlatd quarterly out of ti e Ineome andtaxea toaiinfc.tK fund, wtikh tund. and H accumulation!, are bcreuy e-4oruuy piedgoa lor tilt reOemptivn and paymtnt ot aid cerUilcaies. ItEROM'TfON AriUOBlZIlIO THE CI.F.KK TO rUDLIBH THE OR Di NAN K. Resolved, That the Car ui' Oonimon Council he anthor lsd to publish in iwt aally nw-ipaHjrn tn thi city, i aiy ftr four we lu, th ortliawnje prci. r ttd to''umnion Couu a Btateu meeiiag UivreuT, buld on tbo iMnl. duyo Jnue. lr-M. entitled "An Ordinance to Authorize an Addltkmil Totn to moot the eipuiiacs incldtiit u the deduce ol tue City, and lor Uiet puriioaca." And the aald Clerk, at the 'acd svetlng ot Conm-lla after the enpliailon ol fonr wMi troni the firm duy ol aaid puhheanon, ahali present to ll.l Council ore of each iatd newpanera for ejvery dT In alcb the i awe alvali have been made. lyli 4w iLKUK'8 OfFlCK. COMMON COUNCIL, j Piiil..tii.i.riiiA, July ft, tsi. In accordance with a resolunou uiUipifd tv inu uominun Council or His Cltv of FliHiutelplila. en Thursday, IIhi JOtk day ol J un., ltM, 'thtariii(".ed nil., entitled "AN imlUNANi B TO AIT1IOK1ZE A I'lAN lOlt SCHOOL s"U I'tHlUit." Ij Un lot puUlahd ftr punlm luformition. w Jtt F. H l TjIj, Cleik of Cvuunon Couuull. AN OUUNAVCE TO Al TIIUKI.B A I.OAS roil HC'llliOI. FltltrOWER. Rrettonl. The HehHi anil Ouiuuioa Cvutioilsol tin City 1 nulauf Iphia do ordain That the nete-iy sulhorlT.ed to borrow at not leti than par on' Hi. cre.ilt ol ll.e cirp.ira ion. iho suia ol uue mill. "li d.iilar u pnivide tor the orv.-Unn, ol. n- ,i .no ismitilrtiun of lulililinss hir scnrsil purio.s iu the first Hthixil District of I'mtisilvaiila, furwliloh liuo rtst,nut to oxc ed ihoio:. of lx p"r eentuui per lumum, shall be paid hall eirl, on the rtr-t days ol Juuiuuy and July. at Iho oKii'o of the Cltv Treasurer. Th. prinupoi of lhen.vl loan "Bill oe payable sad paid, at the ex.liaiioD of thrtT yrsrs from the d-i o uf the same, nnd mil before Tvitl.out the consent of tlio hohlera thereof; and theecrttnent'.i thi-reinr. tn tie usnal torui ot the cvrtitlciites of City Loan, shall he issned tn sueh aniouuls as the k'ndere m.iy roiiiiC. but not lor any lYae tlonal part of one hundred do'lurs, or, If re-tuned, la an oiiuis of tl. hiiudreil or one thuuuaud dollars; audit ahsh he extireaied lu safit ccr'incitlea thut the said loiin Ihtiieln uieptloned, aud tlie Interim thereof, are payable liff troni all taxes. , . Heeiii u . Theainonniofsaidlnanhall he appropriated, diitrllD ed. and iilr m d lor the purpjiea and lu imn I'M us foilo s lo wit : IWlu 1. To the sevvral fvhool sei !! as nine hiaidred and Ihirli -lour thutisand rtv- t.unilrril it.nhirs, aa foLoa; 1 .1,1 r,.'-.ii, fi rty ilMHi-m d dollars; Sei. n J Si eiioii. ifiriy live thiiu-anil dnrlara; I Si et nil, llnriy ilioli--aiiu ii-iuuii ; l i inth Hu tu n, tMrtT'tli-e tfutie-iiiil dullarst I- lull Section, sliy IlKHisaml dollars ; Him'i scciion.tuiitv iliiiusanil doll.irs; hexelith Meeliiiii, rtny-tliiee thnili-iind iletlars; l:i.lilh HceiHui. Ilfiy-tlsht tl sand dollars: Ninth Hot lion, forty thousand dollar ; T' mh Hccllnii. twciilv-tlvc thouHiind dollars ; K.liveuth Bectioii, thirti-ei;h thousuud Itis bunilted dollars; , , .. 'J'ueluh Secthm. thirty-four thousand dntlara: 'l l.ii-ieeiith Heel Ion. Uili ti-el.'ht thoii-utid ilellari ; l eiiitienth Seen. n. Illt ttmiiKanil dolluil - ilteenlh Ncclli'li, tveuly-liii HuniMiuit ifilliiri; hlxteeliln Mis-tloli, twrnly tlunisnnd dolhirs : fcl' enU'i nth Sis lion, tnrty-tlve tluilisuiid duUura; l.ishleenth Ceetiell, Hill 1 fH c thousanil d .Hull i Mm leetilh hiCilim, twenty tlinlisand dollnrai Twentieth Hccil'ii, sevviiiy live thoiisanil dollari; 'I tteiily-llrst His iion. l. iilytbuiuand dnllais; Tni uly-si coliu Si elioil, eh veil ihouatllt dollar! I 1 wt-niy Ihtrd Seel ton, fju teen tin m nil ml itollaia; I ei!tv-finirtti Ki illoii. ilvty-ilKlit tlniin-aiiil dollars; '1 m wit v-Mill Sei tinli. twenlv three thousand dnllaa; n I ,1. hii I Kin. I al e tliollHiiud dollari. - II.....-I' 1 ft rciiLhuiec ttm t:uv Treiisury, l..r aiiroirla th ns alri-adv mace, thai seaiile to Una loan, loriy-uas H.ous.iud auio Luuilud anil eiulil dnllure ttetu 8. l-or ooiiiirseuiHs, tlfieeu thousand utindrea ''birthji'wheneier any loan shall he made by virtu, heieol tin realiiill 1. hy mice at this ordinance, annually aninonilatisl mil ol the Incoine of Ihe lorpi ralu clalei, ... ... i... i.iil l.v tsvuilon. a sum sulheieut to nay Ihe Interest c said e. run. ales ; and the furthir auui of tl iee ti liths ol one l ei o ninin on tlie pur vaiun oi aueu n-ilittvntcs atiall a.irnprlnted qiiaileily out of said liiei nil and t.ixea. 10 a sliiaina lund,hlch rind uad lie ecenniulaU'niun iiiTHr upeenuj piin,csnnsiviii"r Hon and puyuicut of .-aid certllli atcs. ltlSiil.l'IIOs. TO mil lsll A I.UAW mix run i'i in. n isi.ii' Fe oWed. Tliat th. fink be aiilinrlied tn ptrhllsh In two dallv ne spapors n una cny . . Un- oniiiu.ce pn smi4 lo c'onuooa CouucU ou lhoiaUir, "AS OHI.ISANOB TO AlTJlOltUB A IDAS OU WHOOt PCK fosfc Ami Ihe said rierk, at the siali d meetlsg ofOoaiiclle, s(t.r . (.a tint dsvor sain lilt' IXpiraUVU Mi ' "i wimm ' 1 ' " ihli. ai ion. rhail pien nl to Udi Csiuncll one of or IIIU M-WSpaiaiB V4 HIIJ " " T I ... L..n t, wla. ill-lW & WEIGHT & SIDDALL No. 110 Mark-t. c-nrcot IiTTWTKS rHOI.T ASE BECtlXT) HTF.KT9. C. W. HBKIItf. . u- SIIHIA.1.L. DlltJOOlST (TTlI V S 1 C I A N 8, -n OKVKKAL BTORKHK.KrKRH, rem ndtonr 'lanilthmert afullfa-rtnrentof fmairtH atid lnmttlc Itnut. r-ipniar fattMit MMklnM, ralutu, Cval Oil, Window oinmi, PnncrtfUon Vial, AM al ae Ww prken a fcDiiine flrnt-ctaw prn ran Ihj triili. KINK IHKNTIAL HL4 For Confpctloncr. In full variity. and of the bct nnnllfy Cochineal, hM.j-al Indlpo, Mud. It, Tot Mi, Culta-ar, 8Kia A-ii, Alum.Otlof Vh rlol, Anua'Ui.CoierMB.Kiirioct of lHinoiMi, Ar., r OH I)Y ItHH oie, al- ays on hand, at few tint net eah pric. ri'KK H1MCKS TOR FAMILY CSK, fJ round e?trMa y for our ial, and to which wo invite the attention of tlfnc In want of rellariie irtklf. Alue, ImWIUO, ATAHVJi A6'. M RO, -c.t of exirm Crxlfsr by rnall, ot city prni . win aneetwitn prompt aa t ntlon.or p-'eial qnota'lons n ill be furniNhd when re qaeatrd. WHIGMT ft RTimAl-U Whoiftl IrUR Wnrfhfn, ell-ly Jtn. U9 MA UK FT Ptrwi, hovc Front. ii U" 1 I J H T 11 O V E0ACHIS, EAT8, MICE, llesl lltiifH, AntH, fco., &. VSK BURT'S VimMIN EXTERMINATOR. IT Ifl lKKAI.l.lllLBt IT IS IN F ALU II LB I ?t put up In l.arifp fto for 'nt. I all rvady f r iimo, wiUi'-ot nunirt with oihT ftrtlnl, Imm rot hxiil or a lry and WorthUna iy HtfcpliiR, Utvft Mtint Other I'r partroud. VliMIN A It I KXTUAYAOANTLT Pt-ND OF IT. RATS Ahli MICK MK OCT P THKIH UOLKfl. In Not Dantteroiia ti l' r.ivt MstUflfflCtlon to all wtm ntio H. PoW by All IrisitU ajid l'aUri UirouKhout Ui Crtud ltte. CArrM'W. P ii r and aih tor ftnrct Rvrmtndtar. In laryc iK'XsfM, wwh li e n-d InrN-l. and nlirncd by the Proprie tor V. Uurt.tlr. la- no otf-ar I'ilM.t,.o llin TENTH HtTort. arf.T Walnut. Wanoi-. u ry , No. l-iO .M M.KAL HiKh, ahovp WaJnut, iMXsAfrn Tnth and KlevaDth, riuladilphia Fav BO'll DlWHeim I li 1) 1) I Tu K M V O K 1 U M, 1 V 8. BE EN 1 II Hfrot. MATTKKHKM. MATTRJWHEB, of Hah. I'uhi V.veHkw, and tin. i&AlliKK ItKhM, HOLSTKHH. AWI) PILLOWS, WOOD AND IKON Itl'MH l KAIfH, NI'KINO ItKUH AN1I COTS. K. B. Ffpainnn nnd ranova'tna artiidtd to with nun and tpaih. No. tfH HKVKNTU HtweL l-'iia CH -STY'S TEA WaHKHO VH E. EST A bUiditrd in 1WO. Importer and ltalr in I ib Tt-Mtt, Wintja, and I.l'iuori, Choke Havana Otrarri, 'rov A li!fofcWf iri Plohres and Saoc EngUtth and fkotch AM and l'.irtT, Oiniiad Mcata, Frulu, Soup, ao Kavjr McBfcVR pat up with ere. At fn. llfl n. SF,fOV, flrrrt. a8H It JOSHUA U. JHIH TY AHl'KTS, MATTINHH, OILCUJTHS AND V.' H tudow Hhtt-iesi, from Nw ork AUi'U n tarc, irllfhllj Wl.)--M.itnlttrsr-lit ftrilltf.'lfi, wJs?. $1 'lu, 1 ll'.'.O and t V Imlt'ttKm lirnntifia,, ( palntrd.) S wmIu.;ii. tftand !N)iMntM;6 4. 'J I And li 4 at prwr tltiMti' prl'-i; ImptTlHl I rirrts $1 :(7 to $l'llt pT yard : TiiwrMln. iKtm 'Mi (nta ti fl'I.S; V n.'iian, and Ilfiup, from :rr,S t 7fi rmiti pi-r vurd; Vtiriiin, t'i leTKl antitirtiuftit r.T oHm-d In rhlUd-lphla, frHn M t 7o rtiir a uid nt iho Nrw Voi r A..'tl..r, Su on Io pot. ifi Tiui'ily Hl. thlow'i.) So. UI H HKiiM) fltr.t, llret dHr at hove Walnut, opposito Uorn U.LajiK J; 7 -Cm OX I. CLOTHS OK KVKKY VARIETY, manufactured nnd for sale hy llkKWMTKIt FI-WIM, , CO., .8 lm Jo Via IllX'K Street, i'htud. RAILROAD LINES. t'AMDKN AND ATIVN- 4 TI; RMLH0ll. lOO'i. rM mwr.n Altf A.Ni.MKrVT. TllKOl trli IN TWO HOl llfiM! Four trah, a dnliy ft Aflaiitk City. On aid nrtr MONlAV,July l.Uaiua le Vluealrtwt Tny foilou i : WhII, T'lU) A. M. Ktt-iKht, nh paantfrr car ;.tfahfd. fVl& A. M. l-.xprcM (through ' i honia) 'i 0 I'. M. AtlatiirC rofinimUtt'ii, 4 16 1'. M Jtint thf Aocmtu lail"n,.i-'l) 1. M. KKTI HMNO LKAVi:H ATLAXTIO, Acroninioation t,tJntk; tVtf A. X. Kpit-RRL7-ii8 A. M. rnliiiit.ll frO A.M. JlHl,4 tHl'. M. Jinn ill d Atfwiinniodation. 6 A. i. Kure to Allan i.., $'i u. K.-mid Trip Tl cla (Koodonly 1'or the day uiui truln on whh-.n th arc tmntu d) .J U0. 'l HA IIAI)IXNF1KLI TIlAlNrf, Iavv Vln HtMMit 10'la. A M. aid 1 ut) I' M. Ltavo IJisdtlontlt-W IH V. M. LO f. M. ON HUMAYH, Mn'l tiftln fi.r vii Vtn hirott -90 A. M. lt A(?h AtluiiUC 4 ifi V. M. h:j-if JOIIS O. BRYANT, Atwni. Ttrhnr whl'h wa ma fie Lnt yar rat entirulv dWap t urs d. h iivIjik Ihe P.aciiona ot Uio invat dtHbtiui on tiiv count. "VOItTH ri NNSYLVAMA RAILUOAO. 1 For Hl'TIII.KH K l, OOlf row N, K-iroVt MA( 4 II THI NK, H..I.KION, Wll.KCHIlAUHt;, and U U LlAMhl'OKT. Hl'MMRR ARM SOKMKNT. AiHnriONAL rntivrt. On And ulti r iomAV , .)i.n.- IHii-l. I'at-fionKfr TmIiid ill li av tin 1). pi, TlliHIi Kirt'ct, HiMtve lhou ton rtiett, 1 luUdt'.phla, duiiy (.Hundu4 cuptdj, as iolltwn 7 A V, (Epriiiif) for Hoihlehr m, Alloutown, MAuch ( I ni k, WilKi sI urrt-, WiIMiimsport. !) I' A M . i Af Con III ilalloi ) l'T 1 0 if A M. (Aro.ii nioihitltin) fur Krt WashlnKton. fl 1'. M (a' on nilaiioT') Tor lo It-town .'I.) 1. .M. (F-p tor Hi-ihlctuui, Kabtoii, &c. 4 I.' f. Al. (M.ul) tor lo !"( ''ll. t l-i P M. ( At-Toiiiiuodafton) lor Uethhh.'in, Alit ntown, uno llutt h t hunk til.' I' M. ( An-'oirmdatlon) for I,andtrP. 11 1. M i-i'onrtnHHtation) for For WHhiiKt)l. ThAlNH M)l( l'HU.IH:i,l'IU.V T.favr llei hi- hnn nt tt.'UI A M ,!iA 1 , nnd 07 P. M. lh.kht wn at ti Hi A. M., i 40 r. M.,nnd 7 1'. -VI. LaiiMtitlo nl ti A. M tort Wuihuifctonai 1 1 -2- A.M. and 2 1. V. ON hl-M AYrt. rM'nrMp! la for TUthleh.-m ut il A. M. I'liHud iphirt fur linyh'sf. vn al -1 IV M. Iiolitown l.r I'liiladi'lphia M' 7 M, IU i til. I.f in lor I'hi uJ-'ip'n.i .it I P. M Illliii.itu litti-cu,.' xpr-at nhl i-a I C'rainl . lUr but C;iLT iii ti. v depot. Ordrs may h; It-it at Su. U'Jrt. ItJlitli Hunt. j..:i 11.1.1- CLARK, A-nt. 1jI.IIAlK.rmA AND Tit KN TOM AND CAVIOLN AM) AMHOY It A I LKOAl) (. OU 1'A N Hid. JNti I M fa fin in d jflrr MONDAY.. iHi.iiirv 4. fh Tr.iltn 't-W Yorls, ItilMOK Ktnnt K" II lJ'iit, I'hllttdo pillO, lit 3 I'i A Al (N.t-hi l.uml l-i c M . mid 1ho irutni kat mu Niw l nrh at n A M. hiki - u M.t vni ni'iciu.or no run exrhisn.i y (. r tin l'iilil Maf -i Mi.tla tun! Sc York III H alillVMIl I ii siunyc in, miu ii uui i.tnu in umi hi Vlli at pilt K'llH Tit liHwt'fll h;ii.i iM'ii'H. I li HA, M . ii ua (- mui in i: in i.n w i "in Tt'w niri tn Wnslilnif rm. and 1 W A M aid i 1. . Linex iron W lni "Ion ii N'w i ik. will i iiitiiiiii" as hi pr.-ncut, iimi tny iii-'i'i rs to nmi iioui n r "n'.eiiiriui Biaiiont uni Ids II nt .in-. nM iition. Il' l N'-w York. AKi.AM.l- M K.N T.I I'.H WEKN I'Ul LaDKLIMII A ANl Um linn Philud. ptila, I'om K 'iirtt.n l.'jd, at ll'i:A.Hl , I ', Htid . !' 1'. IM-.u.mI W O, il Id itoio W.-hiiii Hiii Whan ivi t'mii'tciit. .a ti andA. ., li M.,4 Hr.ltil M.,iorN Yik. AjlU U'.lV -"Nt'w liim, I'O'ii io i til .o-ir-tjn I' "irr-i. St 7 A M.1"A M . 1 IS M . 4 :;tnl r- M , ut.l at Uli I- uikhi, mm iroin luut oi iur. i'y ht.-i:: :r. i . n . an i .m. 1. A. o. i. .ik it. J.w-tt A' SHIPPING. TKAM Wi;r.IU.Y TO I.IVER toi . Inn. .it ''i n-si mi. i tj. lt H I' I 1,1 H-.l I H'l'11 t" I'illll I B Ol lit! P.IMT.if'l, 1 Ms, and riiii. i'i ipl ut SiiM'ii'Mp otiip.ny niv :n .'i!t . J ill h 'oiiuwh : t'I'l Y or itAl.rniOI.I'.. Sa urJ -.." , .1 -1 1 1. KIN V HjfltidlV.Jt.iv V.I. Kl I.MH 1 i !v.miuI... .Inty -;0. A id virv -iic' wdh MjtiuU . n m. I via I'. t Nu. 44 North Ki i. It A 1 l'.1 "I I ? l IaaM'ln Oo'd, -n tt? mm .iVm In r-'ien-'j : Knsl t' i " l .s-o i-i i r Flint ahm to I n til 1' th ji t L v.ilo t.., .0 '-l Hrt t ill-n hi l;iiin... !' h i" r.i.n lo P ir.i 10 "0 Ftrhl Hhln lollaliihorf:"' i.l MMiuMi H-uii'm-((.. -;7 t"0 Prssi'iith art Ml-o im w.ii.i" ! i'in.n ir, in mcu ivot- tiTdnUl, Amvotii A' .at pquaiiv i. wruti'i. Fur1- in in l.ivt-rpo I or viu-fiminwii i iri smn, .., f t, (lit.', htfi-raist- trom Llverp-sol and yitPL'iwtowti. i . Thou who nl-h lo aetd lor thtir liitiida can buy lKk:e ten- at then rat a For imtla r luiviiuatton apply at the Company a ofneca. JOtlJ tl. HALi;, ARfnt, Xo, 111 WALNl T Htrei't, I'hihtditlphla. f- liOSTON AND rillLADKLVIHA JCJILiJE? miiui h Uiii', lallinir ir- m each port on hilt iil'AVK. in no first w hurt uhove FIN K tnH)f,l'hila diiph a. ind I.oiik Whaif. ItohUni. Fniu flrot wharf bbvu l'INK Hlioit.on Satutdav Juiy JW. The HiiiiiihlnpbAON, MiitUu'Wj,, will ami from rhlla drlphla fur Hniun-ay , Julv IP) . m loo cliM-k A . M ; and the fetrainfh'p NOKMAN. liukir, from liMtoulor 1 hilHiU lphin. on nine 4 IV U . 'Hunt ntw and hUhHtantlal form a regular line. hiitliiiK fi'" au-h port pnin-tuuliy cn Saturday.. I n mui mm tiHcut) ut one halt the prtiuiuui chutgfd ou i.ilr Msstln. Fnhhmtakfnutfulrraa. Hiiipprm aro n .'utMt d lo send Slip Borelti aud BLUt J.nillnn wlih IhWi coid. For 1 1 xiil or Phisukc (hang tln aorommniiition) upi.lyto 11F.NKY WJSMitR A CO., jut-ll Vo.'Mi H. DKI AWAllE, Aveuao. Mfa FOR CAUFORNIA VIA PANAMA ..1 U IS? HllrB.l -'t U asUianant QflV UaUliip UOL- l'Li is I I K, will Ii avfi a-.... u-l i . k: L-d rt 4 V ..!.. It- m t -A..n V n'.iiitimi ,ai T.mvtbt miei of pawny tLitruli from Philadelphia to Djnr ruiiLiatt. w. A, lj lo W. A. IIAMlI.t, )s if. In Wo. 217 WAl.Nl'TStrpot. . ,rr roii nkw yokk. pkspatcic ji.ia n'ii.r. l. and ttwiilniro Lima, via Unaware and i. ,..iii imaT. I hp sleiiuiur of tlu'so lluca aro Iravinx ilull.i ut I.'. i nek at., audooulccl 1'. M.,lrom tblrd ulor sliove Walnut itci't. lor full Id. vhUh will le taki-n on awommodiitins tvlll.S. I'll-lv lo 11 1L.L.1AU ja. iiaihu s w.isi.i.i I'l I.AWAIlK Avenue. tff, FOR I.lVERrOOL, BATUUDAY', if- i-'-s. auau.t IS. ISM. u i luiii.h ship VANOOUVKR, Captain J. D. Carlisle villi sail as above. ii or fru.ut vi p. ..ate. apply to '1 uyjaiJI IllcnAHDSOV at CO., kll lt 'u,M WAWtr uw(. RAiLROAD LINES. IKf?.' ARIIA NHKM KNTfl OF HJJ I hl"w ,(t i.ikh. ! Camdrn and Amhry and Philadelphia and Trt-nMu .atl.oadO nipantas' Unrft irom fhiladlpha to Now lord aad a I'la- tn KnOM WAl.UtT WUARF, wtiMcavt at fdtosi. viz r.-.n. At A a., y a ( imfti and 4mboy, C. and A. -rootm.'dAtron $i At N A. M , via Cat unit n and .IwrNW 4'tlw. Urirnlnu E pn nn At h a to ., v!a'amiUn and' jV 'yoVy UrjV'iua T .rt At 12 M , (. Cuixd- ii nnd Miit-oy'.'i;' VnV V.'ac' n- lii tulion At l F. M. ta Cnmn and Vnlt'ovVt.' aiVd A VV- yt-t Ai I I". l ..v.i rnmdrn and Amtmy. ArcouiU'laun tire Llit Jtnd i At i P. M ., la ( anift r aud AinNav. AMinrnly'iai, j! ( t in'it i-jd H-n.' r) I t i.msi I ifm-i . , , id I iii-i ! At'-, I' M., vlii I'lind- tl ti'M .mliy Ac "tninMul ti- n (Krt'vht 4UI l'.'sa'ii,-r), 1st t,htia Ti Krt.... JtlMilM '' n (1 in. t if i I1 r Munch hunk. At!' t"n. r. thl d rn, Hclvl.1 r. , F.nn fi. I aiuN-tvi U- I nun. ion, M- , i I. M. li r t k in hi v t ni, , J.aiutM-rivtllF, nnd iiittTiu diutt Hifit on-, tit ! V M, 1 or M.niti ll'.liv, r.vnnsvlll'saiid I'.'mh. rfon, at '1 A. M., 7 a nn ft r M 1 or 1- r vh"M nt t! A. M. and 'i V. M. fir 1 mIih) nt. IMv r'"ii. I nwt. It.v.rh, ltnrltiwtn, rt..ri . ls...1"iit jwn. nt H A. M. 11 M . I, I and h I'. M. 'I ho ;i Mi.a . I' M. Im-1 run uinn-i ihM.uti lo 1 rn mm. F'r 1 .uivra liivi-rion., Ir)inco. Ilt-v.-rly, and Hurling Is n at i t. M umnt'OHt Trfnt'in. ff Mrfn-ol, Hurl!' "ton, ''.''Vt-rly, Tiriftoi al.-, ai d I ait't. v ot ' Mi A M. and f 1'. M. LI M.N lltf-M KKNMAlilUN Uhl'O I Will ai .. Al 4 A M, inuliM 'a Kin-I'iptnn nnd N vv lorn,'t"ri"n and S'."sr jrk Mn. I ... - At 1 1 - A A. l.. via hiisir.s'i'in and .t. t" s Al I'. M., ila hi 'isiiisioii Anil .1. i-.M rit .s- t'livkx- s.y'l iy. I r. . i-.m At i.i.' I'. M , .la .Ii 11 a.liiiistwii jnil N w ork I.kiti's. ... Sui.,ls iii.i-s luivi al 4 A. M. aii'l s I. I' 01 M. Kit Hat-T tl.ui. Mir uil-li'i.s. Wl'ki'itm Mnniri p. lltrui ll-tiii, stant'l) I'luina, tili i'iiuii, ll.niili'- In nt. Il.-lv .in.'. Fn-ii ii, l.attl'i-ri il i. t Ituilti ai .at 7 In A M 1 1 is IIiip i . mi. .-t. ii 111. tti.' tialn Icil' Kastull I r Maui In lial .1 .In I' M. fi.i 1 1- nun it on, I-iiiu's-rli ilu unit Intrrnii-ilutp .tutl' n. ai .'i I' M. fur, Irriiinn. i-.. at ? l.iand lll A. M , amU P. M. K'i lli'tiii' iliiir;, Trt-'onv, Wt-.l .omliiK, Itrl.l. tmrir, and lankti nl al Ii A. .U , ti,s 4.1, and s I'. M. Tli.'SA M. I.iuv rt I'R u hrl.trl. I r 'i.r N' H J and W ay t.inr. kavlns' Ki'iisfns't'irl li i"'l. tiihi' llir crs iii I ifiti -'rti. l. atsnc M uluut. ti.m ail tiotir I'M.i' . tl-(i irtnr.r. I lis I' irs run In'o tin; 11 pit,.ind on hi rival ut .acti tr nn ru. frutu lh D.'is. fitly tiiiund. ol bisa. 'iniy .Hewed each Pa... n.'is an- pr.jl, ll,.i.-.i frulu tii.inu anyltmi..' as'H tun taeir weaili r api.liel. All tilccuwi' uvtjr fifty JM. Iln.1. lo l.' puiil tor .Tlra 1 lis l 'iiuii'Miiy n B't ilu-ir r'"i'iu.l bllln fur bai.ti.' t' n ll.dl.r rs-r poui.d, and w II nui . lliittie lur ao anvount beyuud f i"0. CAC'it oy apcuial cou tra.t lraSani'. nns'pai.'e ITspre.s wtll rail for and deliver tvic raie at if.-ll.'u.'s. Orders iu he leu at No :i WAI.St'I sf 'il. HAl.MS.It, Jin e SO lull. I1W.II VK1V YOltK Kllll l'IIII,lli:l,t'IIIA VMIX I.KAVf. Prom font of fourllaii tre.t atli.M.and 4 1". M .vlt .lor.ey I ll and I ani.l.nia 7 and IU.M.,1 l'..M,ai.l I 'J I si I. lit) via Jersiy City and Ken.liulnn Frrun f"utoi Hjrclav strset, at tl A.M. and '1 V.M ,v:. Aiiitio und l unvt. n Kmiii 1'ier No. 1 Sjrth River, at 12 M , 4 anil H P. M. I I r li.tit and Pa-seiat"rsl via Ainuoy mid Itauuli n. j;ill'.Il)HT LINKS FOR Nt-W YMIIK AND -1 nil ihe Atati-ii.s on Lha CatuduD and Amtaiy and cuu neitlns llailioails. is.ritKssi:n dkmpatcii Th 4'amdn and Amtsiy Itailruad und Trinsportatt in ( oniian s f'ri'islil Lilies !Mr New ura will ,eavo Aialnnt air.el Tiharf.-iii and alt.r January M, dally (ituiidiiy. ri r. I'teil), .it 4 ii '.'l.u'k I'. M. Itetnruii'S. tlie above Llu. t.111 leavtr New Yo k at I and 4 r. SI. Kreifht cinst b.i delivered before :ti p. x.tobo for T atned II e sunie dsy. t rr-ls tir tor 'Ireiii.ju, rrlncelon, Ktntrsfnn, N-'W Rrtms- ti-k , and all p .lilts ou tti't t am ten ait-t Aiutuiy h ailr iad ; fl I. o ua ilie ll.'ivlu.-re, heiaw.r.', ami FIcmiiiKt n. trie Nev ,1. rs.'i . tle Kr.-.hiild aid Jalliesl.tirp, aud .no Itur . 'Irftnu ni.d Mount Mully Ha Ir-i.tds. r"'elved I'lrw ird.-il up to IV i, ocl. . k I'. JU. Ninall ja:kiis'i!s .,r Mount llolly received l:p lo'Joi lntk V M. The ILivMler. D '-laiviie Itallroad c.itineria at Phillip. flirt whh lll'l I ' high uli.'v Itatiro.itl. 'the New Jersey 1'ialrnad eoniie.ita ft' K li.liu'th with tre New Jersey t euirul Itsilruail, and ut Newark with the Mo-ns and J'.s.ex Kiii'nud A silp m-luurnndtim, .peillylnir the marks and nutn tu rs. slil.pers arid cfitislne, s. uiiiM in every Iniliince li. s. til ft . neb load el Km ds, or no rfeeipt will tie itiveu. iDCte.-ised lai illtiea hn.mitlieen uiade fur ilm 'rauapor a tk'ti ut I.I v. i: Hi'iH K. Jmvi rs are laviied lo try 'hit route. 1 ben the stoek 1. furiilslied In nuanli ies ot T VflO.tlt I O.MiM or Dioie, It will be delivered at tlie I sitol I'.irll. IU street, neat tb. Dt.ive Yaid-.. or at Put No t onh liiver, a.'per. may uesii nato at the tunc of the kblpmint. W-MK I KKKf.M VN, Kreliht Ago it, Ko. H. Ilelawar avenue, I'hiHilelplll., ll;i. II KAY.MIlMl.f'relslit keil, .ia.'.-tf Pl-r No. I. North Kiver. New York. 111llI.AT)Fl.rilt, WILMINOrON, AND BAl.ll.MUl K HAII.RllAll. iiam.i; not ns. In ard alter rl- NUAY, .luut lLI,H;i, Pas.eiivertr.tins leave I'hilad. iplila for llaiiiniire ut 4 i lExpiesa. liluudayi 0-cepted,S'0'i A. M.,l? M..2W.fd I'i:i0l'. M. C titer at t,ll U A. At., I JO, 8 M, 4 30, ti 10 and ll-ts) P.M. Wilalnrtun at 4'f0 (M.ili.Uva exrepted), S'O-1, 11 ISA. M.I iio. ti'iHi, 4 iHl ti'iH . HI .10 ami II tg P M. New Castle iHH'l.'i A. M. ami 4 lln P. il. Piivtr at N ti,'. A H. aud 4'W P. M. Mi l. id ai IWi A.M h.lisluiy ui Kll. A. M. THAIVH 0lt PIllHOKt.l'IIIA. leave Ilallimore at '4 0 40 A.M., (Kxpriss), 110 S'",'. und III '.'! P. M. Wilmington nt I 4S, tl 4.r, 9 A. M ,12-24, 1, 1-4S, 4'00, 4'ltS, 7- Ui ai d II 10 P. M Mali. bury ut I On P M. al I'll.'. P M. Jiove' ai U : u A. M., ind CM P M. Bew t'asll. at .to A. M . and il'Vi P. M. fbealer at 7 46.S10A. At., I OU, 2 .19,4 40, .V0ti,S'l4,9'4O P.M. leave lliittiuiurc for Salisbury and intermediate stall jns, at to j.i p. M. Leave llaitiinore for Dover aud Intermediate statlout at 1-10 P At. TKAIM8 KOlt IIA1.TIMI1KK. l eave fbf sler at S-lU A. M , J and 11 !.' P. M. leave WiliuinKtvu at O'JO, U2o A M .. 3 lij and 11 10 P. M. t ri'lirht Trains, Tvltk Paaenger Car sttiched, will rua Ss ti Ituw s : Leave wtltuliigttin f.r Peiryvilleandlntermed.ateplaeei at 7-4.i P. M. h I NliAl t : On'y at 4 JO A. M . lO'.'HI P. M fruui Pblla de'ph'A to Itallltn ire. tiuiu PlilludelpliU to Wilmington at 4 M A. M., 10 30, Snn li-IKi I'. M. From Wild Ini'ton to Philadelphiu'at 1-4M A. M. ami 7 :K P M. (Jul) at lu-.'ti P. M , from lialttmore to I'hiis l.ilptiia. j.4 11 F. klNH.V, Miperlutendent. 1EADING RAILROAD, Jl IIIKAV Tltl'NK LINE KHOM Ptllt.ADi:!. Ill V IU TUB INTKItl'lIt OK FF.NNMi I.VAslA.'rilK si' llt'l LKli.l.. St S Ol'LilANNv.l'CMItKltl.A N , A.fU YVlOMIN.l V ll.LF.Y, A S II Nvlll'll, NUKIIIWr.sll . A NO Tilt: CAN All A8. PASSI-Sill'lt TUAIN4 Leave tie t i A 1. 1 1) Will I. bums : nil any s II. pit. at TI.IH I F.F.V : TH nnd . Mreela, Phiiade, at tin liiluifTuia' Ml'IIVINO M Ml.. It'ii'l ns'. Ii j ii .in, Knhmtn, I.ltlr., At 8 1". A.M.. t'-liinilila. Iiarrubuiir, I'oitsvt'le, Puieiirovii, laui'iiuu, Kl i.lmtj . t liliani'.pit, Km. ra. Idn-li.', t'-r, NHU''i'il S" it s, llulial.i. Alli.towi', VI i ke.h.irre, Pilt'.tou, York, t.4r.ltle, v. liiiu In r-bi.r., II j.;i rii'iu n. A e. 1 l.e f r in line. ,s at r.KAIuNiJ with E nt t 'lin.vlv.t nla ll.iilr"iiil train, .or A1 e,.ti,tii. Ac, the lltaiiui uu.1 i'i iiiilIii.1 Itiiilioa t lor l-iihrt a, Lit .. .ind tViliiiuMa aud with ibe I., l .ii.i.ii Vail, y Ira. ii fur liirr"b.i'k', e. ; at p.)if I'L' VI UN wl'li r.iiii',1 Is. a hillri'U.t tialn. t..r VVliLen s-e, illi iuiM'. il. I.u k llai. n. I'li.iiri., Ac, at II MtlUH III 1: c . v. tti Niirlforii Ci litr.-il." "I iiuiliorliiii'l Vallev,'' ai'.l "sen..! Ikili und sii..u-lia.,n-Irani, '..r N ol uuu b rlai,d,t illiuiu. t -i i Ye k.t fa-i b'T'l'urs', Pu -rovs.A.-. Al'iritM "N I M'PKSS) I om s I'l iliuh Ii.i.ii n li-: il I'. M. f ir It.adiiis'. P"IH-villi- I'll.'1, ru. e, tl.triisl'iirtr. Aw , -. 'lili.i'H"--,' ut Harris, bur.' w i I. I el. -i. Tli aii ,l tViltrai tlaill-. l"f Pi' I -InT. -., N'iril .'in I'- blr.u l.-u'U-i.i.l f r . t . i. i'.r iiiu:.ii' y, S-uitbimi I Im ru. Ai- . -II. d ut Poll f lint, n Mll'i ( Faiiiuud trains for Miho i, Aiiliii'iiijorl, Lliuirn, Ituil.ti... ir. KK Mil Ml AtNtlMMllllA I ION. Le.., H ...nil A all. i-u .M , .iiiip.n. ut .ill Hi ita- ti.i.s airnu in I I I .iii. l. l. i ut l -u i A. it ; It. -I in 'iili p I' i.-, J uiluu.-lj'ti a a lit I . .'I. ; arrives ri II. .ii iiv ot s ou p M. ' Ti.iui. fur r'ului-i l.l,'.i !. .-v.' llurri-bnrj at A. M. , nii.t i P. it; nil. mill. A. M .iiirivnu !' Plnlu.'l.b.a a' I si V. .M. Ai ill mh 'ii.ins l.aie ll.irm in-:.- i'l 2 !' M . P.nt vil:.' ut ." in I'. M , .ir'ivlm.. In l-l.l J'lil bin at 7 I'. M. M..rl.ii t a 1 1 1 -. uiii, u iu--.-i s-'i' i:tia l.e '. I -ai ' , l'l hi,'. ti.l ,i; I p. M . i ,.-iti'.i,liut au'i ml av .lailmi.; : b.,v. lu ut 1.', ii on, .mil U'li.t'iu t.iw.tal 12 ..U.'. ; M K,r 1 t'lfi'l' ll luu atil -i'l .. .l.v . t ill j HI lln' .II.OVi. tr ll' . r,ni 'la'l V, Siiud.lVS I'M 'It'll huniiai li.iii.s : i u iV Ilia .It V.alA M , aii.U'l.1'1- (l. li.lil.n.t.l l.'i P .M. .. ; nil si f it iI.i.l'.Y It til it'iAli l P,i -.'ii -sr. inr t .-uiii mivi' a-i-l i-.t'-in i- i t ' I'-' n's ! ml " ill" H I A M. .ill I 10 I'. M.n-.iins tro .1 i'sna l 'lii'ii i, ' i.u iiriui s luiiii liuwn;. t'l.nui at t; I'l A uno i- n Nl.iv YOI Iv lAtltl.vS I 'lit I'll iS'tlllt AND nn: V I -. 1 1'. l.i av. s New Yuik at 7 P. M.,p,i-slnK lie i.l''is'al 12 m il- . nivbi. ano i-oiiiiu. tins . lla.ris urs with I', an i I. an. It. . Cloail Fsp es. tra. ns fur I'llt. burs'. I v. ...... ir.,. lea,. Itarrisbunron arrivsl ol t Ibe Fenn.ylialiia F.vpies. lung Pmsliuts at ti .si A. M., aasslair Keailtnit al 8 4i A. At , aud arriving at New York at 1-44 P M. Hl.epng t'a'i aiiouiiiiuv thes. traius threuib, benveen Jir.y llty and Pituburs, wtiiwut Ctlllll sit. Mall trains for New York leave llarrl.Mirii st 8 A.M, audi P.M. Mail trains lor llarrlsburu leave ew York at A.M.W..IP2 M. ( ( vA)J Ey 1A R0A Trains leave Pottsville. at 7 I.'. A. M. and J'-l P. M., tin in i. K from Tuseamra at 8 III A. M. and 4 :si P. M. BCIIIY I.K 11.1. AMI ttfSlil -EIIANSA UAII.ROUI. 1 ruin, leave Auburn at II 4 ' A.M fur Plousrntro und llnrri.tiurn, and ut I-J0 and 7 111 P. M lor Plni-srov. on.y i reiiirnlim fiotu llurrisburii ol l';i P.M., aud iruui P.ti. arutsal b lu A.M., and 4 und 'i P. M. TH KKTS) Throutti flnl rla.s tickets und emlirrant tickets to all the pill clpal points Itl Ibe North and VVsit and I'lumlii. 'I liu follow lna tli-kets are obtains!, le onlv at the eltlee of H iiitAHl'iillD.Trea. liter. No i'.'; h. FOI HTII 8ire. I, l l.l la. or of ti. A. Nll OIXS, Otucral Bapinntcn- " """""" Ml M FT ATION TICKETS, A '.' percent, di. count, butweeu any points desired, for latuillea aud n ui.. , MIl.BAr.K Ttr KETS, ' Hi od for .ouo mile., between all poiuti, at Ilii Hi each, for lau.Hi.. aud urui". hKA,0N th-kETH, For three, six, nine. or tw. Ite tuoutlil, for holders only, to all pilnl", at reduced rule.. Cl.l-ltUYMEN Holding nn tho line ol the road w ill be furnished w Ith mid., entitling ll.iu selves and wives to ticket, ut halt tare. EXCLUSION TICKETS F rem Phlladelpl ia to prluilpul stations, good fur Satur day Hiimtiiy. ami Moiidiiv, at redtii'' d tare, to hp hud only ril,,,lHketOllkc,atllliltilSKMllandi.'ALI.OVMlll.(. KtreetS. FREItlHT. (loods of all deterlptlou. lorwsrded to an the at,nv. points, ttoni the Couipauy's uew freight depot, HKOAl and IMI.I.liV. bus. i. FIIKIfiHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dully al ti A. M., 1 P. M .and V ; M . I.r Keadlng, Mbanuii, llarrlshurg, 1'ottitill., Port tuu ton, and isduts bcoiid. tn At I H rioi.atlbePhlladelpliiaPo.tOttte. fur .11 P"'. road and its bran he. at .A.M., and lux M PI'" pal lakivii. villi si 1 III J', X. RAILROAD LINCS. K,;l FINNS Yl. VA M I v.; A If ll'l. trvilA! It M It Y:i l'M till:'rT III, Fill. r. Tit l K KllOttr Itllt'TR i'l H1F VI KST, NiH I II Wr s T, AMI .Mil l llRr. F'til nteii'. and la. II lies tor the ss e .p'.edy, and ty furl"'', tisfift-'i'ta Ion ol paflseiiver. niiiirpiissert of . ri nt.' In ire i-niiulrv. Ir.iil l. av Ihe at r.l.t; K.i I II nnd MAHKJ fillet t. lis fellows fall I rsin at I if Lin. al I I ?".'i h f.s pre., at l ark. sb re l taui. N.i l.nt l-ai Ss-bury - ruin. No. '-' at Ilntrl.tuiv t. ... n ni' d-i'! n at 1. .! aster 1 ram t. . . . .... 7-A. s ....It ' A. , ....I'i- ui P. ' ....IJ'" . ' I .... 1-'P 1 J : P. V .... 4iP 1 .ol, Ai . i Uiii utiii..,fi I i fA'i S' rhlli.lel- tlua) at.... (VS P A Thi-i ili I'a.siuisi. b II e. I n 1 I ; ,f iim-li Atsinat 1 sni p-. . w I,, re M il he nn I, I . e "rn ai-. "in in I'lit'luss s j II . fblit ,tt Ihe l,.i an lloue, snd in tue in'-rule n: 1 1,1'' .n', r ,' e I'ltiiii 1. l, o Ititlltn ri' I" ;irn.. ee;, I wliU'h miki" e"t,ii.'e'.is Ht I'i t-tuns l"r nil s'nt. I il-.; I''ii ii 'v is dins ai:. rib d ol ltte inlne line aud' Diil .iil.', l .i enerv i I l.e l uoukh I an'.'.. It .iln run. daily: alltl,.ot W Ira ii. v . v. J.l -'II .1 ,v 1 loll Piriaitl nil AMITItf. tYKST. The ir ritu e.. n .1 it I'm l,u K y. Illi ti r. list, l run n nl 'llv.'ri In,- roal 1 t'Oln that point. S.n II, In li e I nki . . Wu-t to the vi.4 sll pi ami .vn.-oiirl III,, r.. nn I t 1 f, 1 uihsi-e to 4 !' Ms r.'e.i.l,. ,v ratir. i'l. 'llr"lu;li I l,-V"l. to del I.H 't, I'el, .,1: Iii..,.,, ,-t lai.l. t . I mil US . I ll'1iaiiils Ml I. HI-. I .e.iT. i.ivn'ih. K ii . ,s. l.i i -iMi nation. en ii ill. l...u..i ill.'.t .1,ir,M, ,.r prlneipni p,,n" and t-.issnse el,' . k. .. r.,,,1, J - INI'IANA lta,i MM It . It HO M . Ii 1 1," 1 nr. ii, 1 1, h i,,r.. h a ,nt al In. i P.M.. eoiineN at li'.ili 1 1 lie ii i. r.e. i ion v. ii t, a train on ll'. road J. It lain V Ills. tnjisi n. A r. ' V l.iu.vsht ,, ,mi ( nmsi ii tiAttiiotS 1 tie 1 hriuh K press 1 imi leu. at id un p. M .e ll nn. t. iiii'ii ail ;(i.t M . i I, . mm on II, e f Ij tor I b.'t 'I 'iib A train a .,. It a, . s t're-un i ,r Ft,em' It at s ,1, P. M. I imi. I .nv snit icii it:: A s n ttnui ' 1 I f Mail Train al I I nr tig i 1 In .In P. M , C'.nn.l at il 1'iiri! 'ii 7 e M. ai it a n n tru.Us ir II .l..da.C' su oTi .il M. I 1 liUNI. AMI I I.FAltl il l Ii lln Vi l HAII 1 . ii.' j 'r'.iiki r. x. ies. I rain. l i, vie ii ft in : i p. m c a . tli- l. si 1 vr. ne e.1'1 a Iraln to- (,. Ko .,, 'l,t,i,t lui'f. i iul by Hal. I F.'kle Yal'et iu.,lu.a,l lor I'ort Ha n I Mii.-.l'iiri.'. and lli lii'li.i.le. , lit N I IM.Iu.N A Mi llltllAll 'Ifl.' Ii .mi nOAD. 'Its I 1. 1 oi n'i F. ir."s -i ruin . I. . Ii,i; ai I" ., I , .VI ,'ro v in ,'l al I tn 1 1 in, il n w ith a trs.n i.-r II' i" ii .11 ami II fa . 1 Hut' ai f'-.-.i AM NOKl Iltli.N t KN1At, ANIi I till. KI.PIIH ANI KIUK UaII.II'I .h. For Hir I tiry, vlilism-p ii, i oik llu'cn, Km, is, lit etiesl.r. Hill sli. unit Ni .taut . .1- r . s. yr r. I..V -ny 7 uili riaiii at 7-v.. A. M.. ami ti,- T r.'i','b Kvnres. 10 .Hi p ,M ,, daily -ii.div. in due, tl, iun.ii. s I I,., t , l.anse ut cats b. tutiu I luiade pnia and VY llaiii.p.irt. For YollK. llANtiVF.K. and (If. IT VHP IIO. the tra' ' 1 lei.vlns' at S A.M. and 2 9.1 P l . emitted at Colum i w Ith tr.lris on lln. No.tliern f ' t.ti it Id. Iioiid. ' II .VIIIFHLaM) Y.M.i KI ItAILItOAIl. lie .Mail I ratu i.t 7 -.'.'' A. M . i. ml Hiro ,sh l.vpr.'s. ll -.-tup. M .eniiiirei at liar. istmrs wub train, lur tarll. t L bambir-bi iv, .nil Itai. r-tui. n. I WAYM HIU lui IUIA--CII K All.ltOAD. 'I be Irani. I. uf Ills' al i . A, M Hill I P.M., r'llini 1 ai liiiiiitn.T.n wnli trains un ibli load lo VYayueitiii aim I in ei in. illale sti. ti. i.s . I'm fuiiher .iiformatiuii ai pit a- the Pa-arnuer fSlaUu . i;. iuia.1 ol 1.1 tv l.M l .. il MAt,KKi nlieets. . I .MYim t tut li, N. Iliket Awent' f'OMMI TllluN fli'Kl.lsl. l' For I, .'I, li, 0, ' r 12 iiii.iillia, at very l.-w rates, for the a. eeniiuiidaiioii f ptr.t'iis ilv.iit. till i l low n, or lucaled '. j or l eur ll.e line ot the loud. 1 Oil PUN 1ICKI TS, ror-jR tilpi letw i auv two pom s. ui abont twoeen- per uilie. 'I lu .e lirkets ar" mi.ui!ed lor llio uie ol faiuil. travelias- tr.'iii inlv. and are utri-at ailfitntasu to perso: a.asitiit oceailonul irip". , Ht llnol. Tlt'KKTS, . . For one or II reo utonths, lor the usoitl schi'lsriattonJa .'li'i'il in the city. tAFSTMIN K.MIfillATION. f An Kmi.rart A'ir.iiiiiuoitai.ou ir:,tu I'uves No .-;7 Dsi- -Itei'l i an. i. i dni exeeptell a' 4 o e ock P. M.itTerlr' a . iiiiitnrtal.le n tor of tra. el to families K"lns wstk s ini -hilf lb.. uu. t rate uf fare ivrtieiilai uUutltiuO a d lo baaasse. fo. w Inc', cheek, are i . eu. and bagu. lor'sardeo hy the ..we tra n lib ji.isni'iiair. L ur mil ililurtuailoe, ippli to 1 UtAN is Fl NK, Kmlsrant Aiient, ' No 1 .7 li, if It ritreel M ANN'S RAi. A' , K f.ViUKH. An attent ol tins icli.ble lis te-s t ompaity will pat tht ii'ih ert. li train ben-re if eli li. the flepot, and take u ellfel . and il. liver bei;-;ise lo au.t pa I ot ihecitv. lla itiise fv ll be citil. il tor pri.ii' win n nrdrrs are left at ti, I'assi r.serll.'l ot.Kievell haml lartet kireets. The iravc j Ilia puhiif ate a.sutt d tlmt ' m i tittt clu rein,nittte ' HlF.HlllT.s. Ity this route frefihi. oi a. I iiesi riptions can be for wanted to ai d ir.iin any i i.niis .ui ihe ri.llrond. of Ohie Keutuel y, Indiana. Ililunls, VI Isionnln, Iowa. or Mis. our by railroad dnert,or to it- y iseii on the tiavig-ajle water ot the West, by stt auieri. I'roiil Pi t-bti-s 'I he riite. of freikibt tn ni.dtioui it:..-point In the Wei by the Pet nsyli ania t'entral Ital r it nr.. at ulliiines a lavotai 1-. a. lire ehari.ed by oilier ltai:rnad Cout;anve.; Mi'iehaiits aud en instills tnc truD.lHiriu'ioe their In Ivht lo this e-omjiuio can" lis speedy transit. For iietsht coniraets r stilppinn dlrectlona, apply to o Silere-S Ihe A. enls ol the t'niiinai v : - K. II. KIMisTiiN, Jr.. I 11. A s)l KlYAKf, Pi tsbur. I l.AI. K at I'll , I III. a, o i . I l.H. II A I O , No 1 Atlur House, i.r No. 1 S. Willuil' Atnet, New Y.-k. . 1 KF.i It A t n . No. 77 Wast lntnn street, tloston. 1 1MII IAM IIII01VN. Nn. 0 .vo.'ih sUSMt, It.llliaore. Aent Noituern Ceulral Ita.lway. , ii ii. itiii sroj, Oenerat Fieis'ii iiint Plillsilelphti l.f.wist L. UOL'P I , ' sunt, t'hiiad'lplila. KNOOil I.K VI 4. ' neral Snpsrinif iident. Altooua, Pa. 1 1llII.ADF . YlIA, OKRMANTOWM. AN' X JfOltltlSIOWN KAII.ItOAl.. TiMKTAHLE On sua aft.rMOMiAl, 4l IU, LS'.I, until (urtL) sollee. FOR liF.ltMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, ..sal In tl. 12 A.M.;J,2,314 J'.. 1,0, i, 8,11,111, 11, 12 I'.M leave uiant. w n, ti. ;, i li- . s, a 20, ll, 111, 11, 12 A. M.. l.i, a, 4 ti.61. 7, s. It, In. 11, uuil I.' I". M. 1 1 he H IDjuwii, and tlie li uliu train, up, do at"i ou the tiirniatib.wn Itiai i ii. I IIK-Nl T llll. I. lull IIOAO. I l.i sti- Philadiliiliia,!., S, 10, 12 a.m.; 2, -1 ',"' 'i, 7. ?, itl'l li P. M. l.i live ChrsMit Mill, 7'ln. 8, -4tl, ll'ffl A. M. ; 110, I k', b 40, ti-40, S 4u, an, I Ui tut-.M. , FOIt t OMSiIOIIiii KI N AND MiKRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia S.bilf, UtsiA. .M.i I ',, J, 4, i' A f n.r. ami II 'H P. M. 1 laie Norrntowu, .'.'.', 7, 7' aud 11 A. M.; 1H, 4.'. J tit. .,,,1 u i'. ai 'll.e r..S train an, will .op ut Wisaltli-Aiia, Miinaynak. m.d tin, thoi Ken jttly. 1 FOIt M NAY't'NK. Leave Philadelphia , ti, 8 J."', II is'. A M., I'i, .1, 4, iSi ti'j. s-lu and ll.Y. I'. -M. I.-ave M ina)iiiik,tiU,7i,8-;0, ti'jMI',; A.M., 2,, 7, audi;, P. M. 1 11. K . SM I HI, I l-nnral Ktiperlr trndunt uivlll liepot, N IN I'll a id t.Ul.KN s:rou. "TF'r CHKSTFR AND I'lliLADRI.PUi7 UAII.110AH. ViA MUiIA. H KINil AllllA siiKMF.ST. On and after t ItlliAY, Apul 1,1 ol, the I'rulna will lesTf as lollows : e Phllailelphia from the liepol, comer of THIRTY HKsl and V AltKS.T Htrce.a. 0 A. 11 , 11 oi A.M.,2 jd P. M., f JU P M..S 4 P. .. I liUmleli hia I epot ch in ad fiotn t.lilll rLl'N'Ttl and MAI.Kl.l Ml eel. to UillllY Ullol' and MUtKCr Mlei'is. I.tave W.'-t llii ster. from the lepot ou Enst M ARKET Hlr.ei,li-2U A. M., 7-4., A. M , II A .11 , -' P. .M .4 I . P. IS. 1 he :.ira ni the Vl-et I'l, i, inul lua I'li'ou'i.uer 'tallwa r't tupan i Market .tii".i)will convey I'u.aetiijer. W and lii'iu tlie l'i,iU,l. l,l, a liep"t. 0 SU NH.YS. Leave philadetplila al 8 M a. M. and :-: P. M. I .ate IV. it t h sti r al A Al. and I .m P. M. 1 i.iins leaving l'l.llaiie plua nt 8 A M. nnd 4-.KI P. M. in d West t'liester at i'4i A. Al. and 4 1'. P. M.,connec with ir.iini ou Ibe Plnlaiieipiiia and Hullliuuro Cuua for Ovi.ird aii'l liiii run tifutr pt lina jul tt UKMtY WO'ili.lie tr i siiperlntendeat. nT Ji'.RsKY RAU.IIOAI) LINES.-j" II " lulileli'lllt il MUNliAl, June 20, is il, frol M .limit Btri-i't IV ban FOH ftAPF. MAV I Atiini dluA M. nJ4::0l'. M. F.-r 8 il.m am' tin, i. iu. ii, ai ti a M null P.M. F ir fllaishi ro, ai il.ll. uii.l In A. vl , and I an ) t OP. M , I , r t ol'.uiy. LIojii-.i.. Al.. a I, andll A. M..12M. ai.d 4 all I S P 1 FEU IINlVtl TltAKS LF.AN'i: fat- May at aid ll 4 A. I., a ni .11 P. M. Al ins ill.' at 7'fu A M .ami 1-w ..nub .-J P. M. sjn-ni ut i A M.. ami I'!.' !' l llii'l.' t' llttii I A Al.. I :"P. M. .no ,tl 7 I'lanils-" M.,2 -..'.I II..I, und 7-iOP.M, t ,oi luir' ul T, 7 tu ami .s'.Vt A. jl., ai d ou, li ."J, e (k-, blid s lj P.M. TMF. Wl'SI .IHI8KY I VPl.-f.-S t'OM"V, uVVAINi I trti I, u il. null In- anldellter Hut u -it- , and an, ul to alt I he il -. u In i e '.es ,i r'.apre.. l.i.. it . -.n. , ' in 'r-h ji ti.k. n h ' M liiii-f o,ily, ant inn., t-i .fl,l 'o tin' iiltl,-i' 'lie e. - In;; j-ri vhui. I'orlsha be .Hi el. s hy Ibi-Ihe u tt M.(. un l.ili rn ..'i A. At. A s i. .'I ll leesfelisi'l- ai- 'li'li .llles iu-h ,laili. J vts I U' S -k: A' I:, supi'iln i'n.l.nt. ' 7T l'llll.AUKI.I UI V AND lOi'l M) I. 1:1.11: h . lid vi. Jo'i-4. I h a si' .11 1 it'' tlu. ei-.-s ll.e N 1 'li r.i and S ,r'htr,..l nt 11 s .1 p. -in -il. .ml 1 t-, if - eili of 1 m- on I. ike KrU li ka.i,, ,11 1 1 -'.I tn Hiu KN t I A si V It 1 1LHO u. I litll' ll, aid under Ihe 1 .i-.-;ili 1. u.-l ij rapldij op. liej h,.;.. h nil It ."itif. I.'liillll I. is 1,. w- in ui' lor I'.n-- 11 u'id riiUh' b'.iln.s froL Harr.-lii.i-; 10 I 111, -om, tin. i'.' 1 il -',"U l.e r.iU'rii Ulvl .'o . aid li.uii si etui 1 1 Frit to tut sv.un ti.. tVe.teri In. 1.1 t. 1I.IK HI t'V.ll.M.IB 'tlEAISlfAl lllll. VULI.:-:it4. Mall fruin leave. son A.V 1 xi'les. 1 run Itl-.l'l V. At Cats run Ibr iiish irili.rT rmsia: ttli w ays on the.' trains beiweta Pidlaib Iphiaaud Lock li.veu, aU'i but aw. Itu't uioie and l.ica llaf en. FMesiini 0 e.",.ing Cars on the Express Train both ways. For liiioruiatlon resper-nift Passeiiser business, apply a tl e H. ner ol FI.KVS.Nni nd MAIiKEf Streets. And lor Freight lill.llieas ol the I 'olupuuy's Agents : H. H. Klnssinii.Jr .corner bl.YTLLMll aud MAKH strei phtiailelphla. " .' . W. Reynold, Klls. J. M. Drill, As-eut, M. H. O. E.. ul!ln1,,"1-1'orJST01,. . , tii-uerol Freight vs'ent. rhilad. iptilil. I.E IS L. IIH'IPI', Oenerul Ticket Aeent, Phlladc pbls. JIII-Kllt 11 Puis. jn4-tf Oenerul Manager, Vf'llliatporl. 1 U1LA1)K1.1IIIA AND IIAI.TIMORK CKV J lltAI. ItAll.HOAl), OPEN 10 OXFOitll-Sl'llINi AlfRANiiEalF.vr. Im and uiXer 11 DAY', April 1,1SU, Ihe trains will luav l.foilows:- .... .,.... l.EAV li EAtSl Vf ARll. I ttilir.'. SfAlH.KS, STI..S 1. A.M. Ox lord Ye.l tlrove..., Avoudule Kenuetl Cbidd s Ford.. ..ti itil ,.l.-'i7 ..7 ou ..J '.'.) 9 .' Ijiliifs. ... 8 00 MJ We.i t n..ter... 7 4 ul VV.C.Juiic.ioc.. 0 08 4 i; Coliird '-' 4 41 Cha.ld .Fsrd,... 011 6m0 Ki'iimitl '"'", 6 If. Avouaeie Ill 21 6 2U West lirovo 10 .11 a in iivi..rd In si 4 : 4-1 i-i -A li I st ti 1 7 0 .7 42 Contsird 'g'lAI W c. Junetloa.. 8-I.'. Pblladelphia It 22 Ye.lCliesler. ...;i'J Tl Passeiiser llepo' In Philadelphia nu oeeii ;"; Vluhli enth and Market streets. 10 uii.ii'ii.a an M AhKET Mirrels, W..t Pblladelphia. Stre. Passenger Railway Car. couvey pa..engcra to and Irvi f aslene'er. e Ihrottsh without change of enrs l ab.Cll.c.. . iiS'S-OV Ullll.lh Sii.lnl HENRY YVOOO, buperiutendent. Ja4 OALEM HA1I.KOAD COMPANY. HUN O mug time 01 Trulua, coiumeiuiug 1 UlUAY, Janu n ''inltti-Walnut fitn.t Wharf at S A.M., Sand 4 P. M freishtli'M. Reiuniiiur. leave haleitt ut 4 A. M., 8 0J 1 M..11U1'. M. Frtlghlda'ly .a.-h way Appltlo I ' AlilltT'JN MILLS Agent, Seceuil f'oveetd Pier above vt'T Sm.t, H liF.t. AWAKE Avenue. )a4-U- J. VAN Jit.itfiii-Ai.11, beoertuleuAieut.