i aatlM .aw TUB DAIIiY KVENiyq TMiTSanAPTT. rnn.ADrniA, MONDAY, JULY 25, 1BSI. MONDAY, JULY J-'., imt. 3PE.IT 0F THE NEW YORK PEES3. I.radlnc Kdltorlals from tho Sew Turk Tapm This Morning. in rr.to: .trr il villi. kt linn; 'cm th? TV".. M e do not ask whether peace Is ilrvulrabte. Xn juMIr Journal haa aiipt-nrtcil tbe war more atemj- ftisti) tlmn thli. Through all tha varying for tunc of the utriigu'c, it has ncvor for an Instant Lstcd one Jot of f.iitli or ili'tirmlnation. But thla liaa not been Iktuo wo bavo loved the war for ita own inke. None but a tli Til could do that. Thli tairltlc e of IiIoimI, of trctirc, Uils monthly maklBR of wlilowa and orphan hy the thousand, thla ttimlM f air-ea by the hnmlnxl thousand Into dowlatlnn, In dreadful work. V'e bare nphrld it only because it U a necenslty -because Itn only alternative In Homethlnir more drtadful Ji t. It lm br n because the war alone can fave the Republic, tho limt hope of popular government and human prtgrc, nnd bocaum if the Republic perialics it must be eurceeded by nn iiidtlluite number of military confederacies with dim-ordunt Inti-roma and in endlim conflict, that we bave ku-ihiih- I the wir and shall aua'ain it. Ve Miull atawi up to it uuHavt-rinKlr so lonir as there renaona are in force, l or all that, it la thing: to he doplnred. roace ia a consumma tion n.ot d. voutly to be wished. Can peace bu hud Wo believe it. In oar Judcnietit it in Mire to conie within twelve motitn, it tne Northern people aro true to their duly. How ia It to come? Br neg illa tion with the Confederate (government i No. . It in the iron ha-e e and iho moft pernicioui of all dclnilnns to Imagine that the Jeff. D.trla I crew will treat wiih our national authorities on lany basis that can end tbla war. What thcr bave di manned from the ben-innlng bni born to be "let alone." To let them alone is to make I them IndciHMidrnt. I'poii that Independence I tier have ataked everything they hura or expect Ion earth. 1 hey mean to fig't f r it. and ther will fla-hf fi.r It to the lant. They bave never yet Riven the . alichiei-t eiftn of a'latlnir their claim, and they I only utter the absolute truth when they nay they never win. mevery i-pirii oi toe arcn-iiei-i'l hinieclf poai anon them. Ihey have an untaraa I ble Inst of power, and would sooner reUta in hell than serve in beaven. An English correaiiondcnt In Richmond, a he reports, recently nked J elf. Pavta when tliia I war wonld c one ? Tutting bit band on his little ' aon'a bead, the Rebel replies .'Not till this boy become! an old man. Edmund Kirk", who went with (,'olmel Ja uea to Hichmond, na be writes to the Huston Trantcript. was told bv Jcti. Davta a week ago yesterday : 't his war mutt f go on till the hint of this generation falls in his ' tracks, and his chi'drcn seize tils musket and f ,ht our battle, miles you acknowledge our tfht to self Kovenonent. we are nut lighting for slavery. We are fiKtitlng for independence,, ami that or extermination we will have. It Is wtakoe-s to doubt that the Rebel rnler. in declaring these ihree tilings, spoke hia tlxcd pur pose. All or his past history shows him to tie a mull who mean what he says; and no KoUcI of uia mould ever to' K backward atcpa. Independence Ji ll'. Davin cannot have. Horo nd there is a rrcatuio in the North who wutild yield It, but the great body of tho Northern people are incapable of any such tre ichery to their father nnd to their children. With on'y that alternative before them, they will tight this war for yenrs, and, if need be, until the exter- llnation ol which tho Komi chict Uilks is made a dire rrnlity. At whatever coxt to this genera tion, this Hi public, which was made for centu ries nnd ngi s, shall bo saved. How then is peaco attainable ? In two ways. By feparute Slate action In the Month or by con quest. Tcuco is to be attained hy separate Sta'e action through tho power of tho people. We aro now having a practical illu-umtionof the process ia Kortb Carolina. A Governor ia t bo el 'i-ted in that Htato next month. Two candidates are before the people : Governor Vance, the present Incumbent, and SV. C. Holdeti. Tho former of these ia an adhorent of the ig-hiuond Govern ment, willing to stand by its fu. nes to the lst. The latter ia an enemy of that Government, and is pledged, it elected, to call a convention to sever all connection with it. The last acc-tunta nuike it seem very probable that he may bo elected. There are two tremendous motive ope rating to produce this result. First, the general falling condition of the "Confederacy, " which is becoming evident, in spite of all misrepresenta tions. Second, the fact, staring the pcoplo of North Carolina full in the face, that when l.ee is driven from Virginia he will fall back into their State, and if once allowed a foothold there, will muko it the same terrible ere no of desulatiou Virginia now Is. The only way to prevent this Is for a sovereign convention of the State to ox-eiuhle, to declare the Suite no longer u member of tho "Confede ral j," to call homo its loity or lifiy thoiiMind fcolJn rs to protect tho State, and to ask the Kedu ral Government to axsist in that work. This re quest would be met with a ready and a liberal fcpirit. Governor Ilolden If so elected, would bave bnt to nrcr the llr-t ayllahle of such u solicita tion to insure fiom the Northern people special aimy ot a honored thousand volunteers, it tneir were need, to defend the old North Ntme from "Conltderae invasion. Nurtnom mei would leap to her deliverance, as brother leaps to the rescue ot brother. Such action upon the part of North Carolina would tiring out a show of nut.oi ul gooii-wili tlml would make nn instant end ol every inisi oni ep'riu and ill feeling, and would put the Mute hack in o the Union with hardly an ell'oit. Every question of di-pu'e would mck to nothing, tvciy ditlicuity would vanit-li. V hat the people of Nor h Caiolina can now dt socnsilv, it they but will, the people ol unyotliur eoutlurii Stum can do. I hey simply have to quit the KuIm 1 1'ag, to be hailed as IV !low-t nuiuioi of the Ricbinoiid Qsurpa'lon, and to bo welcomed back as feilow-partnera in all our counties na tional blessings. l'eace, hi lr as there Is no an h voluntary action by lb Sou' litru people, is to be attained by rumim-st, in precisely the saino way thai it has been already sm nrl iu Tennei-re, in Louisiana, and in Arkanm-i. What haa bceu etlectcd In ti e at', ueiiMi strn'es w hut cm he ttlcited in the imiire. It in iy ro-t a great deal nioie of biood and of nii.ney a great cle il more of aciliice and ot miilvring in every loriu but the only possible end inust l un titt'-r perl. ss ns on ti e puit of the Soutiuin people to resist lorc-er. We pray to leiven that no such ixi.rtiuty sbatl c. nie; I'Ot It is as inevi utile as fm , it me Souihom pople i rsisi in ca-iiti tlie r lot with tlie diYia ration of J If. Iavi. If the oiitlii rii nroi le w II not uwc us re.ico us then' it ilow- ei iiiitiv men. we shill sccurj it as their o auerois. We trowthl- Is nut Eruclims la' :tia Hut it is naked fact, li il- srlvatiou v( tins JlCMiMic is to ' i" nd unii'i the ann InU'ion ita iiieiiiUa if thu word hich Ji.l. IUvis has siioKin is to Iw iluv aiven'ed di i n c i'l l'ie er.ti ernrHOiilc.tli. il tbewjr shall con e in thai, uu 1 the swmd h ill lliuscUave the a looi uiity ami m-a e. Our 'iii h Is that the Si u (! rn people 111 refnsc 'o dnlow Ji-rt. li .via much u r in In nuid caitvr. It tt(M-a '.ot em to n piissii 'e Hi they call keep :p li.rlr lie el p.ilt In ill I ' cf in b rainoaliiuasis that ol Sh I III all in III'.' IV of audi iiiiiiienta" re'iifjrcruieiita to our aroii aathe lust drait will stcur In the face of u an exiuesslon of nnv i!di0K neb riniu up u ol llio Northern people aa the re-vloc.wu of I'residcnt Lincoln will aftord. liutwe make no attempt at j r.hecy. They save amazed ns oiten ny tneir rouy n lime p.m nd they mav so amao na again, inu' niy wi will ass,rt : that Deaca not Ioik ben if tkia ti.iv ernment will huve. either through them or in inite of them; a peaci consistent with tu ir honor, their iust rinuis. their best Interols, or peace carrying to them huuiiliatioii and ruin; at all events a peace that shall re-establish tho nuilon, and make it forever one and indivisible. PKUB Et'FOBTW. Jrntn th Triuas. t Tho Evening Tost argues, with somewhat Usa than the eminent courtesy that usually distin guishes, that Journal, that all demonstration. looking to peace on the national side are foolisb and futile, because the Rebel peacemongen are insincere and tricky, and because Mr. Kdmuad Jtirke Gilmorc tcsUlies that ejrffsrion Dsvls naU to m last BuikUy (and. with til Bis nulls. 1 bt'iicv klui to be a man ol truth) : 'This war Bust so on ull iho Uul of Uila -neUon lulls In bis irvks, and his cbUOrcii but mussti sud n!il our batiio, unless you arkOiTwl1s our rlslit to sell sovemuwnt. WsaronutOiihiuisfoislavBry; v an ttstJiina fur luus psDilsnea, aud lbl, or titenolaslloB, v wlU hsv-n. Let ns, for the argument's sake, admit the Font' i premises, and from that platform consider the justice and force oi its conclusions : When Horace Walpole, ou bis return from Koine, was asked if he bad couverted the Tope, be candidly confessed that he had not; adding, by way of explanation, that he was unable to , oner that gentleman anything better than he already posccl. for jtJred ap.4 obvlom reason, JfAerson Dsvta is BC'nffcllr the Try last noin In the Confederacy to cvi."t to restora tion of the Cr.lon on whatover wm' For he ia now one of the postts;,M of the esrih, tuling with despotic away a cl.'' em pire and several millions of human beings! Pn l there Is no conceivable, at least no tolcrahle rt construction which would not seriously dimin ish bis power and consequence. Un. nn nies'ton- ably, is "tighting for independence." which, in nls innlvtiiiiai case. Includes everything cl since be h..a not a slave lett. If ever he consents to "reconstruction," it will tic because ho haa no alternative. Now, then, we will suppose that tlieexcbaugo of mite ai Ningiira had resu ted in the apiaranre at Whsbington oi lieiK'l Commissioners, Uon their assuiance that they had (or would promptly ob tain) lull powers to propo-e and ac -ept terms of j eoce. Of course, they would baveboco morally and evf ry way lamnd to iirntirr such bvrms our Oovi rnmer.t aimply standing still and requiring nint upon any poiut which those terms aid uot make clear. Snppose, then, Aiat, thns brought to book, Davis bad insuuc'id it em to sar, "We demsnd Independence, and will m ke no treaty th it docs Dot com ile ii j" wonld n t that deni ind. thns ut nil'taknl'ly authenticated, have bwn worth to onr Government a reinforcement of one hundred thousand men to its armies I Thomas JctTerson, more than sixty years ago, observed that time was one spot on this continent Niw Orleans, to wit whereof the forelgu pos sessor must Inevitably and eternally be tho emmyof the I mud Statcai that spot we llr-t obtained by fair purchase at a largo cost, and, baviag bad it wrested from ns by treason, wo bave tonght ourselves back luti possession of it at a stl I heavier cost of patriot otood, and have held it unrhalltnged for more than two years pat. If, now, Mr. JefT. Davis wonld otllcially Intorm ns that we can bave no peace witn him save on condition that we surrender Now Orleans, and submit to he excluded, save on snuVraice, from the lower Mississippi, whereon no flag now Hosts I ut by our permission, would not that ex action immensely aid na to raiao the men and money we now med We see not how this question Can bo consider ately answered in the negative, nor how any ono ran tail to tvcrreive that any possible proposal of peace from Hichmond mast be so shaped as to a ndure to the restoration of peace and tho Union. There may be a wisdom far beyond ours In the premises ; Ii so, It soars quite above tha popular apprehension. But, even though the results actually attained fall deplorably short of what might have been, we bold tbat a great step haa bceu gained towards peace by eliciting the rrctddcut'a manifesto. Let us reconsider it ; riKi i Tivr Mas!'), Washington, Jalv H, lost. To Wiiim it asl CnseiiRs. Auj pioposl Ion which erabraeet the rrstorsilon of l' see, the lutes' Ity iiT ihs whoial'iion, ana tl abamtnuiiHiil ol Hisvery.auil whlrh roia- s hy and with an S'lihority thai ran rnatri4 iho armies nosr at war Alrtt tha t ailed a'.a.ss, will tsn retired and coatidsrcsl bv ths txrriitlvs llvrniment of tl.a Tnlied Htates.and will b met ty Itbeia) terms un otser inhstantul and el Istrral points, and Din ticarur or bi'arsrs ir II shisll have sari -conduct to h w aj AHKMlAVi I.INeOLN. Here the l'nsiilent Insists upon but two car dinal points, intimating that on all others ho Is ready and willing to treat on "liberal terms." This overture of the President will, of course, be disseminated at the South, and will go far to dis abuse the Kelst-1 soldlors of tho delti-ion, which bus been sedulously Inculcated by their chills, that no terms cau be made with the Government that they bave no choice hut that between per sistent lighting and unconditional surrender. Not one-tenth of those soldiers has any interest In slavery, save to get rid of it; while tons of thousands of them rcgird the Rebellion as inex cusable, and know that its authors richly deserve banging. "But," they say, "we are standing between our homes and deva-tntion; between a ruthless, hostile soldiery and onr wives and chil dren ; and hero we must stand till we die." If the South really know the actual state of feeling at the North, the Rebellion would not stand another month. The 7anies in the loyal St tics who talk as though a broad empire could bo sub Jicted to military execution supply the vonom ous, dcFporato traitors in Dixie with tho very aJimcnt they need ; nnd we deeply regret that ono of the resolves of thu late Baitimoro Convention seems calculated to give them a lift. General Fremont did a wise, generous, manly net in stumping, instead of standing, on the wholesale coutlsca'ion plunk of tho Cleveland platform, thereby aiding to smooth the path to peace. Mr. Lincoln, in tho paper above given, has gone much further on tho sumo way, taking ftround radically dlllbrent from that of uncondi tional submission. His indispensable basts of peace are just right are those on which it be comes him to insist; though it does not follow that the Rebels should be precluded from pro posing any other, nor that ull negotiation should be barrud until they shall be prepared to concede, as a preliminary, all that la essentially in dispute. Wesley, reproved by one of his brethren for the light, lively character of some of the tunes to which he aat his hymns, wisely responded that bo disputed the right of the dovil to a mo nopoly of all the best music. We feel very much like this when we bear the most vociferous champions of the sneaking tin ft of Texas from Mexico, tho holder robbery of Now Mexico and California, tbe defendors of the Ostend Muni testo, and of every atrocious, bloody-minded sggresBlon which his disgraced our couutry's history, now groaning over the horrors of war and descanting on the Christian blessedness of peace I What tbey really seek is a rehabilitation of tho slave power : if this war were only making slaves instead of emancipating them or if it were add ing a new empire like Texas to tbe domain, of the slaveholders they would observo with complu cency ita prosecution throughout the next ten years. It is not war that they hate, but a war win rein slavery is getting worsted. But the hatred tbey ntfsct, we feel; and we would have tbe people freshly assured that wc aro struggling lor national existence against the most wicked nnd wanton Relielllon that tho world ever saw- that, if we continue at wur, it is only because a months more of wholesale agnnlua and di vaatiitiona are the nerensary jirelude to a ctn tnrjr of true, la-noticnt pcue. It urn a to us that tho time, it it has not aln aily cumi'.mnat be near at hand, a lien in tho Hrth and the poihu win ne rniuy 10 exrnangu gbinr. a otherwise than over the crusts nf their rival Iniri'tichmenia aiontf the ni(.'htH of their re-ai'i-iva tnuakelK a node of rectr! not eoiului iae to n aliiy of temper, trra'i oiim), as of nianni r, or eiiiiu .ioi'sa of vimne. In that day, the Nruili will le nift'lo ti rtin pri h, nd th it iim -ortn rninirea the rxtimt'on of cU i-ry in no rnvious. inimli ul auTit requires it Ix-t a'ise ita continued exiMomv involve-the i licri-hli .ri'f inbred ihnuith moilirroil e.innsu, niil..niiiiMns, aiitipatliira IsrcHUse ii rdial f uiob. lastii'H ht, arv atta n able only tlironitti In lii' d iii'OU l i-tllutio;i, biiavdm lllicity for nil. And, il 'be aupci lieiiiny alHirlive Itott at .Nnmuni ahull bnve -ei-vid to h kti ii In bin 11 wi i k ti ls most iK i-iriil cni'im- niatinn, It w ill bjr nn ti.tnin buve bieit mailc in tain. 1 11 : lik t Mittii tM'. It was 1 1 ihapa I' 111 at aiti r I he ci' a 1 bi'tle ol Mn 'fas, i! u I vt-ued 'c ul the l.oamlii in ai ii.lo jitoii, fi r the uri'Oi-c of uMccrtaiuiug it' m v i t ihe ili aliU d of niv iim n coiiimar.d had I ei u l.omi ttii .e, am! if o, i.f l;nkill to llieiu akiii t, rliii'il'iil word, :iK.y so ituUi il to a wiinr1. d -odiiT. A-I ana iis.-ii K thr i .I'll tbo l.nu.inos "!.-, v. win' nith lei'linits of sym t bv ii . I I'll v '.In mii'.lialed, but ...t'.i itii' all I in . on. i '.on n milcn rs. two -tr.v t. r -n sister aid an .iinl of oneoi iln' yoiimt Iiomiiv ao-ci.t- .1 ..-. ui .1 :ol.ed if I would b - so kind : a to inn..' to th. t.'iii h of lb. ir ro at n' ard !! d 'y '.i 'l wlule the ui(teoii b i d . iin.nl i'e hi" limb, vvhieti tin v t ld n til In ili ami utatf.l a IV d .ya b. i' ro hit, in ' imt tb arleilei hivl.it iii.iiifrs l 1 1 ."! Mi'li Nvtav , tho plivsi. ma b -id .1. ei.'i I mm tbia in tl.e only hope of sivin tia lite. Ili l'oaid tin in to thu rou. b. Ihey w. re tv.lli r I of, bat the aouu.lea xilUKr, a. tl.ru h sLilirinii intena !. mot me with a smile and au luted ma. I a I down bv hla roue h, and tm.k Lis hand in mine. He told me that he was a i. ruejtit in the r itlb New York Durrea a ou v. .i H it ha waa waiimlrd In the lalo aetiun and kit upon tha held ; that ha remained where he le t Horn rviiurnay unm ma iuiiuwuih v rU. ee-.lav. "with no fiKKl a.ive a low hard era 'ker bit in uiy h.iveraa:a, and with no water ctecj.t ltatwlu.il liil Kave me tmtu heaven. In ruin ami ilrw. aud hu h I emi KM Iu niv LlinHoi. T!ie acigeanl eontinued lm a'ory altera mo nism a sus, osiaaioned by ln auileruit.', by tiifiu "You know, co om l. now til alwaya rrnicmlNua it wounded aoldirrt wuk rain alter the ImttH) la i.Ttr, and when our lip are parched ami our tonauea are burninn with fever. Un Uclneadav I waa found hy one of our atirirt'ona. h.i ,1 I bit wimn.l. and plive l me Willi other disabled aoldiern in an ambulance, t- be a. nt to Washington. 1 arnred there lata oo ThniM.i.v eveniiu. when ni( limb Wita ampu Uttd, aud 1" The Krevant apiUn pauaed In hva atorr, and 1 begged bim uot to aa on. I noticed that hi Toi.tJ be-anw weaker, and hi fa' mum pale and death-like, iail a mimiant aitenavirda I obaerred blood trick ling down upon the Hour from the rubber poncho on which the aeriwuil waa lyina. I at oihsj culled the auritiyon to but Dedaiue. lie exaunncu mo limb, and after vonaulting with other aurxcona in attendance, told ma tary tiau ueciueu mat ii waa iHiooaaibie to nave hla life : that the reiuupa- Utlon would be uxalwa ; tlml tha aoldier waa I aat ainainir from axhauation i and Lbat in all proba bility b would not survive tha hour: aud desired that 1 anotuu muav auuwu luour ucciaiou aua a prehensioua to the aunt aud aiater. With auch Jantcuage aa a aoldier miiiUt com njnnd, I lofvrm'vf tltyia the (trgwant moat soon rest. Tears rilled their e.es. and they subbed bitUrlyi but their grief was borne as Christian women alone can bear such S"rrow for they heard tbe voire of the Flder Brother speaking to tbem, as to Martha, "I am tho resur rection and the life; be that Ix-beveth In me, though he were dead, yet shall he llve.' gl be sl ier, v. iptni away her tears, and taking a small prsyor boon fr"rn "rr dress, asked me if I would tell her brother i0" "on he must die, nnd if I would rtadtoLlut "tbr prayer lor the dying " I went again to the concn, and stood beside the d Ing soldier. " Sergeant," I said, ' we sh ill h tit .(KMiwe are not going to march murh fur ther to-day." "Aro we going to halt colonel," si id the -ergeant, " so early in the day Are we going into bivouac bofoc lunlitJ" "Yes, ser geant," I rcdic J, " tho march is nearly over, tho bnglt -tail will k on sound the halt. The ser geant's mind wandered lor a moment, but my tears ititcti rciesl to him my word. 'Ah. colonel," he said," do ymi mean that I am aeon lo die ?" " Yes, sergi ant," I sai.l, " you are oo to die." " Wi II, colonel, 1 am glad I am going to die I want to rest the march has not hcen so It tig, bnt I am weary lam tircl I want 'o blt I waat to be with Christ I want to bo with my Saviour." I read to bim tho pr.iser for tim dying," most of which ho repealed ; and tho sbter snolt beside the couch of her riyliu brother, and otferod up to God a prayer fu.l of earnest ness, love, ami faith. Tbe life-blood of the dying soldier was trick ling down from the bedside, and crimsoning her dress, while she besought tho Father that tha roW-a of her dying brother might be "wa-hed and made white in the blood ot the L'dn'i." Tne prayer waa finished. The sergeant said "Amen." We Hiod again by his bedside. "Si-ter aunt do not grieve do not weep, for I am going to Christ; lam going to rest in hetven. Tell my mother, sister," and the soldier took frsm his linger a ring and kissed It "toll my mother, sister," said the sergeant, "that tills is for her, and tbat 1 remembered her and loved her, dying ;" and then be took anoibor ring from his hand, kissed it, and said, "Sister, give this to her to whom my bean is pledged, and tell her tell her to come to me in heaven." "And colonel," a tld the sergeant, turnlig to me and his faco brightened with the words "Tell my comrades of the aimy ihe brave Army of the I'otomac that I died bravely diod for the good old Hag." These were tbe last words of the dying soldier. His pulse now beat feebler and feebler, tho blood tiickltd faster down the bedside, tlio dew of death came and wont, and flickering for a mo ment over the pallid face, at length rested rested forever. Tho sergeant had baited; hla bivouac now is in boaven. 1 Sketch by the late Cienerai Jiicf. Tbe Bulfaio Commrrcial Adrrrtitrr lolli a story stsout ono of the Aldermen of that city, who was drafted, but w a averse to army service. It appears tbat the Common Council of Buffalo poaacasta tbe power to pardon convicts in the rtni'.entinry. Some time since a noted scoundrel waa sentenced to a term of imprisonment, and npon this Individual the "conscript father" fixed bis attention. He visited the prisoner, and fonnd bim ready to go into tho army aa a substitute. The next thing was to get the rogue pardoned ont. This was accomplished through tho favor of the Board, bnt when the culprit was released he utterly declined to enter the service, and is now ready to undertake any little job of mischief that may present itself. A remarkable tragedy occurred i.oir Nf auck port, Harrison county, Indiana, on Sunday week, A young woman named Miller went to church wearing a Rebel emblem, and this circumstance created a consiiK rable feeling among sonio of the Republican ladli s of the congregation. After tho services Mrs. Timbcrluko, niece of Colonel John Tinibcrhikc, volunteered to go and tako away the emblem. She, wont toward Miss M l'cr.and a general fight ensued among the women, when Colonel John Tlmberlake came into the crowd apparently greatly excited. A secessionist named Hinry Lobmire, who accompanied Miss Miller to tbe church, warned Timbcrluke not to interfere. Tlmberlake replied, "Yon aro nothing but a Rebel, anyhow," whereupon Lobmire drew a pis tol and shot twice, both shots taking t ll'ect. Tho first ball passed through Timlierluke's hand and into bis shoulder, tho second entered his aldo and passed through the heart, causing instant death. Lohmiro was arrested, and is in Jail at Corydon. SPECIAL NOTICES. TIII'S CXlIlNi Ill.Vl'""X TO ENROLLED CITIZENS, HAVE NOW ON UAND TWENTY ALIEN AND CONTRABAND SlUISTITUTKS. Call at once at tha Auenry, No. 4'l-i WAI.SCT 8TKKET, ard -ai'iirp Suliadtuta (hat wllleaempt yon from scrvlca dutinil lr. time 01 hn enlist inont, vna, : irueo Ji'iirs. Tlio Jrall wlU oaUlnl; taka ulaco an SKI'TKMHtR S, Po not fall to call at onre. j,;:i-jl . 8. II. JOSKI'II A CO. tar. DKl'AKTMKNT OF mil.IC HIOII- ayH,OilK-e.kOuthwtjt toruer of .V.VI.NC V nnd UTI1 .intlf). . nunrtr i.vhi , .taiy --u, 1101. NrtTK'K TO IHS 1KAI, f" IKS. KtaM l'riKiMiii will le rwfucd Ht tUi rtllce tin 1 11 kiTsou sin ci fiuia ' '- (lnl 'iiuu li ) itrt't-t to AK reet, in Hit i imt H ard; witU reiiavlim ti bit douo at 10 mm h p-r ti'tuirt' vHr.l.um1 in uccurUnyc ? '.flUt (jciic- U'tlsl tO I0 MTfl AI tMH OlIICC. I.acli prt-iH.Hkil will be ace n mnua ny a pon-i orcirun- CMie, Iiinl it ixmu mi1 wvil lin t, in tun i.iw iriuiiiiui'iit. (lln-u. .1 t.v ontinance ! Maty -'. iwio. am ui wr win ,f i.ra vml nt tha- tiliU UUtl Itllice ol" ((OttiUll'. "'lil nrti'lU. il tne low c-l oiiuitT win ruiuu mrwnni i.uiii iim w unja triarict.ur coi Kiel li uil wliu luiMn. W. N. h.HM,KV. jj'A'-t.tim ! ('..Iff CoiuniUlvnf or llivhwttyi, OKFK'K Or' T1IH CI i'Y HOL'NIY .1 I iunn.lasli.il. S.i II-' Pllt'M Slri'i t n.Vr II i all lur ' ul Jtlr Is. I- I, ihe CITY BUI N I Y wi 1 bu aid., as fcllo- : 'Vo It- .'i'ill il lly inua- rril ll. to Un' -erv u-e ol M I n it a stilt.'s una cnlllu ou ,e .inula. I ll.ettiyi.i HiiiaiKluhia : o Hi . iu. is iiiUBivmi lor tlnv Vi lli.e Ili.n.t.id miliar., i. l;i. ri In iniu'ernl . r I . a..r-, i u ii n.drisi I- Imt. Tu III nulls must. nd iur Thliat Vuars, Tivu II II. sired and I ill V 1 1. iLlta. I'r. ..-r r. ruili at.'s il rr.-.M! lo the i-llv- m i.t tsa tiled la :.,ir. with it C I OiniiliSstOl.l is :i" 11: T- I.. Ill' f. fiii.ili :us .id,iiin s.uiiu:att.s tu sfi.i. e win an paid ia ll.c k;ii..i- n a; ni r. 1' i. ul, i il li t- l'..aim'r n. .VjJ il l:iill.l.r M. MOiKI,.lr.,Si'Ci'0iarya IS l- OH ICli 01' TICK rilir.ADST.PUIA, W ilir-.ni ." Ud H.J ajf.a.. .'no -v. i.-t -'-i n't fa- Ji jndi- i. rn-;- i Utw .tv l.iWOrtd. wnii .lIill'TJ IVHIt. l I'l aiiIMtj V'-' mil ot iret,-htoa all i ti v m it iuam lino, aid k,r d 1 It .Hill allots, Hid I axl- Mil n rtii a r ,'Ub04Uoc riu. br.ii ii, vJ;'. 'j l j- ii ;.' : A .1 ui v ll ii -v In , i b 1, I i 4. I Mot ,.1ll!i I'll. KLi K. M i Vd.'M ui TriiiMj rt' !"'. TO Tin. I'UV-Ii IVN'H- PHIT.A- h.-.'A 4,t mi u.-iVi.t ih-. I- H- w ll.,v)nxcn- sin rti .1 Hit pudtt'itu1 t in' -'r-i di.ti on 1 1 i t urun-ini r ir in tiiLsti inoit -it 'hid nut uu ih utfi nn pur- 1. 1 1 sau Jli'Mll . n u i!.t iani-iiiH::I ii in the tteiiiae Pin at In- ' av-. and bi i tl an-ct ons of the air m il mi ii U vvrll Lnriun Iu i .i'i l ton unblio it ..! I !. i-r inafH bad Hit !eruei tra. any Mur- b in ific l nHd rstativi in ire Lrr.uiui in mi meiu oimi- dlt , Alid.CoUt'Ut'bllr, I lUtif bad BliUIld nil itUoriiIiillli i u -iiiw ilia tirli a. v oi my ahparaiun. i, tx renro. tor me a.ava.i.1 t h itrawTa ai of nia dicui cien;i. Invito von to me i!t u-e. to irake a prvnl oxaoilnaium of Its wonddriul proin ! and atiapuiuiuy 10 in eiut vi unvut'i tuiu (Ul UflHtU H UMWH IU V nil' n. 1 A. iU-H auBi'ii'.i''ir.iti .i-i. Ocullsl and Aurlftt, Jy;Mf WAUil'T Struct. rTT OVUCK CITIZKNS' VOI.Lr. I r.r.ll ai nan ri i k I'l.vsiiTrKE.Na t.'J w.vi.Nl r HIiMl.Juls 1S.W4 Hiss l'..nuiiillii haa KKHONhll Ul Na IL1W.II.M r Hlni't. un-iiairs. w here u will is.. aMplVralasns lr.ui ctllti. di'slroils li a.Tiir.! 8uheUuls .r rprr.itatlvei, A avmaat ol' ejto ba madii at II l.uiaul tii.D. atlon.AlKi a sjwfr . iilt.iriir In tse mvin IV. r il..i-ii luiuuty. nuuaiiiucca nimuovu iu iuo wuu V.i.ran. aad allcna d'.lrlnf In anlist iv a.ibsiltitiaa IUailv to ibr Csimmlltri'.wt.u will tiav ttiein iiiusUvrod .i I... iK..v r.n salts'! thtiir nsn n.luitltR. ll.kia ta Isuanly paid by the tlevvnuiieiit, thuy will tr. r va rruiotaeOjnunitt.e'lIX III'MiKLII A N I) r 1 11 I 1miII.Ks) ID I ah, i n.layol niiislvr, nlihont dclurttun ir tvuio.lMiuii vr kiifcrak. .So charge ol any Uud ia Uiad. Vaiaraiva art aapfclally wanted In Hi itrvlf, ami ia ttm ririiliil un tha mssit a.rvaiiuiic..u onuiiiotis. Ortla kuvira law 1 A. M. to i '. M. UAnlKL HTKIVMKTZ.ttuirmaa. J. I. I'LAKK HAKB, JlllIN TIIUMl'HON eU.Uf.NT H. I'KSItOSH, 1. ii. HOHKNUAHrKM, Trrasarar, VsK Jss ilENUr c. LKA.8rlary. 1ST 700 CASH VAIl) 10 SUDST1TCTES, Pnix11'aljs .sni'PLIV.D. AtNvt.MO LIUHAHV hutwt above li'uunli at. JyjO-ut av-rn DMAKNK9S AND BUNDNK.S3. J. a -V J . u r. sa..uA ih.VM.uir. ..,ji a rllsaaiia art malii-n th ahov.iiauMM uicmtM.-ra wtta tk iMa.aat.uc.aaa. 'iMtiuwaaala fuuS the uiuH ralUM assinM la iha d'r and ouunlrr .u ba wo ai hla otllosv, a. .11 PI tli Urat. ArUAlaJ KytalnsaiMd wIUh.uI i.lu. Na luviask a.ad lur aaasliva.KB. uuKa aoura IN e w UA M-iJUyll. M. Si. Jii rii Ji- FINANCIAL. g 1 1 T I 11 A. IV t0 a.I H, No. 10 8. THIRD STREET, UANKKIIH AND 11UOKKUH. "fsl, Stocks, Qiurtraui'.isrs.' Vouobtrt and CVekj.ana' all OovaraaiMit BrcnrlilM Bought and ftui, fmhlt S1 II C I A Li NOTICE IIOLLI21tf- or mi Saill 7-30 U, S. Treasury Notes. SEVEN-THBTY NOTES, of inn tif.NOMisATtoNs) or OOV AJN1 IOO'm, CAN NSW BE CONVERTED IN BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1831, f THH 8.1KB rE2MI NATION. Fjt iDt niHJ(vo, afolf at Ita olflcs ot JAT COOKE & 00s, 17 la! HANKERS, Mo. Ill (-J. T11I1U Htroot. G O 1 If. J O Iu 1, O O t. O, SILVER AM) BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & B ROTHES, No. HO 8. TttlltD BTHKRT. N uw i.oA.rv. rvi:w loan. U. S. 10- HV JAV COOKU A CO., OFFER rOR SALE THR NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, PEAKiwa fivk rr.n cent, intkhkht is coim, redeemable anj time aner TKM VKAKH, at tha pleivaura or tha UeTerument. and payable t'OKTY 1 E Alt 4 artar date. BOTH COUrOM AND KEOIHTKHKD BONO) ara atned for Ihla Loan, of same denomination aa th 3-10 a. The Intartst on )' and tl00a pavabi yoarlyioa al other denominations, half yearly. Th 10-40 bonda ar dated March 1,1m. Tha half-yearly Internet falltia due fieptembar lit and March lit of each year i until lit Hep tcciber, the accrued Intereat from 1st of March la roqulrtst to be paid by parohaMra In coin or In lkiial acaaaHcr, addintt titty par cent, ftvr premium, until farther noUo. AI.LOTntK UOVUiMMKNT HliCUUI TINS BOUdllT AMU HOLD. JAY 000KE & 00., mhtt-tf Mo. lit 8. THIltD HTltKET. I IS. WHIG II T Jtc C O.. No. 112 9. iniltD STREET, OProaiTB Tnu kxoiiamih. I)f alera In Oroninuat and Stat urllKi, Quarter- naireiV C'tiKka and Voacliera, and C'erunontaa of lovtabt adueaa. Ordrra for tha atirrfiaae and aale of Blucka and fana promptly axeemed. rel-wfratf JJEWEH Ss II A II M. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 0i 8. TniltD STItEKT. Eiusai 1 SrKSlE, BANK NOTES, AND aOVEOK- MENT SECURITIES. Rtoaka Boncht and Bold oa Commliitoa. OoDetiou promptly mad. ap3B-tr gTOCKH AND Hi:CUlHTHiH B0USUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, PE HAVEN h BROTmiR, Ko. AO fl. THIRD 8TRKKT. fcS-tf III1UK. HTEKH A J O.i DANKUUH, No. 30 . THIRD STREET, rr axd aau. GOLD, glLTKB, AMD OOVEHNMENT BaVCtJBITIB). STOCKS BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMIH-HnS. Imhl4 c H K H O N e O O. UANKKH8, No. 121 8. THIRD STIIKET, FIIILAIjKU'HIA. Ooernmcnt Becnrttlei of all Imum ParchaAe4 ao4 foff Bale. BtocU, Bond, aud (iold Bought and 6M am Ooi- uUsloa. tST CHEAT ALLOWED ON DKP031TS CoUectlooi Promptly Ma!. fci-tf gEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, No. aio maiiki;t Hiniiur, ( COnS EI OF STBAWllEnST ) Capital $125,000. To be Increased to $500,000. DIRECTORS. J1KSHY 0. MOBItia, of Morrla, TaakM fa., Piucal Iroa Worka, Filth and Tatter st. CHAIILE.1 8. CLOSE, ol Clo. 4 Naablt, Builder, No. J.O. D-Jl H d atxeet. JAMES K. FBEaTON, Mnnufauturer ol Woolen Oooda, Manayunk. t. A. WATERS, of J. A. Watera CO., nnoiwii Crooera, No. V ataraei amec. B. B. COVOULIS, Kcal Ellal. o. M. IIHrt.aU atrflei. Wll. t. CLYDE i Asenl l-nnad'a and acw lora i.resa 8. B. Co., N. 1 9. Delawar Av, til.OnGE W. HILL, Vlauul'acturi-rolCarjseUin.'e.Ko.UsI N. Third trcrt. J. W. lOVDEH. Wholeial Boot anil 81k, So. U laarkel atrxi. J. Z. DEHAVEJI, Importer al Wluaa, BraaJI, Soa. 3d aad X! S. Dulavrara Aveau. Uila Baak fcavrlnf bees duly aothrlid to oiauaaenca builne. ander th National iMmncy Aot, la aovsj pr- pared to receive DKI'OHITH, make CoUtvitiuaa, aud traoa actaUeneral BAMtiNU BLIMINESA. Dlacoaut daya w TUtBUAY aud rm of eack woeiu J. Z. PK1IAVKN, Viaen. Y B- HALIi OumUUp. WW VOTJIl CXILLilimiEe GET YOUB 00AL AT COST. this rrimi'Ai ilajt of ciieafemsci coal To Nut half tha market arlce, olftrM b tha BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY, No. 121 3. THIRD STREET, U mi.-sj.ssf"!1r tirsrrMs'ng to It roll, pcs'ily, aii1titamiia ant rsvnsammnOon. Tlia arrat wurVa at tha rvap.vnv. narTramnl, ch1 kill rsriinlx, am NF.Mtt.f OOMl'l.KTM), and rtl ettivrjr all Ml AHMIiH HMt nssTi Oi toissr n', with ilia boat kllJa of fOAl, AT THE fR ME COT, via. I Two Heavy Tons on LWh Sliar Every Year for Twenty-fire Yean Tha prtraof each Ahare la the pnvant aorti't Is ai;-4, pvyaol tuUf oo anrcr1tlloo anil tiatr oa Aiutust if J ant, (and la tra nuxt two sartd It will b U anil $jg. T'ie MAItaKT riiICK ol aliaavy to tin.) of Oval la bow 1J 3 r.is rUIMK COiT PUll E ot the aae at prcont raws (V171 it : Formlmna, airparin, roraltj, and Knral Mvsmr 1 iJ Tranavorlatlon ornr bruocb railroad A Transportattoa overtuain rallnsaa to l'lill- aaipaia. Traaiportatioa (Vvim dry"! to ard art aipnja t'artlni frOB yard la Hharaaolder'a housa.. Total 00 it or ernaa ton dt-tivrrod at uio houaa In FhllKl.sipUla :l In 10 ii M a-.w Dlffi-rencv Vtwea market prlre and cost price, v79 Thla make, a aaving- ou twn totia fer eab ahare of UIO, HhouU tha market prloa be hinder, tha !ijwin!e Ull vreater, and ahonld the market prlre t los.e.-, thru aha eoet prka wih bo proporitonat'l- lower. hut tbla la not all. Th (Vmiiany tia la very larir Wurka, and INKAItAtHnill K COAL BKllI, KIVK SULKS IN 1.KMITI1, will mine muoh more coal than ia annually rmiulred for tha atocaholdnra. All tli anrplua coal wui be aold at tbe railna market rate,, and ALL TUB llttriT8 will be dietrlbated every an montlu aa C AMI DIVIDK.NDH, among Ui Sliareliolderi from which It la coafldently eipectisd tbey wlU rwlixaavory year from-40 to 6i per cant, on their Investments, aner tb Ural year, la addition to the aavtrura on their et. Th tWpany rsvaeeaaea KXt'LUHIVS Ml VI NO AUD T1MBKU KKIlt rtlfbr a quarter of a century ('i.'. yvsr-ej In one of lb tieat ana rlrbest oJ traCg a gcbuyUUI ocuntv , onmprtslna the Mnmnaoth Vein, Uio black Hothr rrtmros, Iianlel, and otker Veins. The ooal of the Mam molbVelnla While Abi that ui lb other Velua partly W lUta Aih, parti) 114 Ash. Dili KOTO ItH. WTI.IIAM 8CUMiU.K,rresldat. HllllKKT T. K1M, 1IKSKT (M'HMIKLK ALIIKItT n. JAKHKN, WILLIAM KOKl, Hesretiry, Fur further InlorDiall m. nnd for slmrca (at tl.' .VI. pay able half ou etibecrlblug and hall on Auniut 'J, avst) apply at tbe orncE, NO 121 S. THIRD street, OrrOSIlKTIIR lilltAKDIlANK. Far IIK.AIHM) and vicinity, tho linn. JONF.ril 8. HOVy.ll, Mawir ot llendlnif, lias accrpted tha Ajfcney Of Uie 1'onipany, altar linvinK pwssMially vlslled and exam.. tned ihe mine and affairs of the Company. Tit cltione ol Heading and vicinity WUI apply for Information aud afaarea at the M.WOK H OM-'U K.llt Iteailln;!. Tbe coat prk-e of a gmas ton of CJ at Kcadlnir, da Uvered at the boua of a sharelioliler, la at present ralea not over 4-s), while tho market price aiuouuu tumor thau double tliat sum. llKNltY HCHMdll.E, jyllf-t TRHASintKlt. "yANCJJ HTEWA11T HOCK OIL O MPAN V. Incorjiorated June 29, 18G4. Cltpltul, lSKMK,tt). 611,100 H1IAKKR : (AA BltAKE I'AR. flubrcrlptlon $1 rach tr.it re to oriinal siitwcilbern for Mj.OtfO baret naj ablr tl cash down upon ftuttocrib.na.niHi Iwootht-r Imtulmenti oi tl eitch, pay able o the tOth Jtilr I axd 2ft(h Augtint, lMr4, reipeotlvuljr. T K N THOUSAND SHAKES Uehcrved for Ilcneflt of the Cvmpatiy. The land pnrchuped hy the Vance Rtowart Rrk Oil (ouipan; roiitaltn one huncrwd and tlilrty-on aornn, iu tan Tatv tore ut Ibe oil rt'uiu, ono thouantl tttrue bun dled and iti fiPt oa the AH' i(hi D itmr, In t'raufwry ntthiu. citiMiiiiinr a conniavrauui alliance iid n imta id - tit ihe Low it Two Mile. Konemniiinly called Vaa uren Kun, a counte oi ouu-i ijow r rauaun, u unxo onnnty.pfiiniylvaina. Tfco AltaKhmy Itivnr Turrltory U yieitiiii au abundant aud (tjuiauut barvoit 4 an ekool. lent (jwailty of tjl), the naniMrwue welU bordering Ui banaa prodaciui Oil with eTea ull ureater fetfiUacit Uiaa Ue pne Biorif uu i aj . It li bflmvod in lio of OO below theboronl of r rank - Hn. in tha Allan lie nv river, will probably nvTer become oaled.boctiueo tbe fttrauncauoa, or voicauro unrup- IWj.. --I ncadl.'i In a eoutawttttwarUly dirocuon ; omie- ui i.ti tha tMvii or uu wouiu im nearr tne arraoe at was tipiajr nd, kiy of Oil Oreei.and wells would roi(ulra to be uttu QM per ID un) niuu mwwuuiq w.v nrwi "iwn, however, there would nceitartlj be the tuotit perm&fwnt, and a much greater up ply and lupcrlnoutnoeut body or k pe f ll. It ! ci ruin Ct tonrosof well tho river. In the Immediate vb tuhy oi UiU land, have .auuuad pro file diirikK me i mt mo or tour yean au unwaveruu nd aiaad dally yi d of 'Ml. A iiancv at tne nrip wm ariunoiiniM 101 iki mw ins nw.r Two Mile Uua aud Oil t'rta are on the same dUnirtrlcaily irntKt'l linn, and ouiy distant, on a con tinuation ut th f.icnuai land g ry$ tMtween the rantre of bills. iTi'in eah othi.r about tbr.e vtH apart in pre usi in f-MiuM dir(K-tiii. it would, therefore not oe ex traordinary. If by in Tina wells on this tract a iu (A cleat O-pin ol iMiliatps emnt eajiurwii svna iiryy iroi, mi um mrany wstis uisy iwu ni inois oi uu na in thlr applls of hundrfds f bunvls or ou daiiy, and enusnious profits would Uim be Ut Ibrtnnale rasult to U Abai-boiatrs oi utu ooruvanr. Ou this psrtrt-ular tract of land Ihera haa heei let oa lraiia for twenty ar. a well puminna a fattr portiosi ot titd Oil, aitbouMh Its depth ot bunt Is considered quit trisumcient to instue a larau now: rmv per vein, vi m Oil at this wU luoaih ai reenrt-4 aa a royalty to lio for hk r wr er of the land and will at once la urn to the lit t f the t ompnnT. inereare suo two otner wfue hureoaAtw hnndrjdut depth,but not vettabed.but In dtcanmsHisi ratajftiowoi Oil. a brrJaUy :an k.4jaxrUiy rooin-i eot oi ii em, aoa no doiioi sems vo exsw ia they will rn-tri prr high if reiniine'atliiif welts when ihttixM a rabonabie dVpth. Aau her wuil la aalT bored, and irr'nii a at)fa lorr hsmpit s of oil pnxured from the wHIs ran he seen at the otliceof tbe Coin puny, Nn. VIJ n'-VLNVT rtUe-H The ff Ol thu TaitlavDie Oil isno. ooiDiinains nun drvd and thirty -one acrei, Inoia Hub Uie royslty oi Any per eent. of oil rT ths leaied well, not pumymtf, and iba entire rtnl.l of tbe three Weill partially devoid. H ourcbarbd i? the tMtvpany mec itoqi uwnar, nr ui iuodtralu price ot l.tT.t.w, with a ..riuMO! lo Ana order. a smiK houke, o ; ale pauses ol ttaiber. I nd taiu ol BloCft Will pay Cin ior uaaj miikj um a -in. can -a Wave the sum of ll.VO cash worslnv capital on band. with whun to com iik-1 the three oid we:s. ana sua w bore two new wells, with five steam eibfiuae, o.. to be in ruunlnf otder within a few raonUv; Hrraaai aientswlllbe rnnde to acorupllfin inae ohUvts wlUiov dUy. jrosubeonptis.ua wbl ba acaepted luf Uiaa Urty shares. , Al, , K. I M Till .II UI a ITM'fS MS IV'V " I . v'".!..." . ' Uahr bare and alHsliirt are Dolia-li.aa Tb ml ira.le U vai la It. lnftincv. and the ileroaad cs.nauntlr IDereasiaa. Ita prtt a la now U per barrel al lb well a awutb, exoiu- .". i.f lis. r 1 Lara, wel a will douDliea. oa iiruea M we ap!n ni m kt uulu rea. k the third an.U..ne IK' a vs ells nav tsren bored her euf. I U Ike d. lm ualj ir aboat ts leot in this vtaimiv. it ia Druuoeeil lo bure .wiur weiie .sa tbla prt..erty dnrtug tbe pre. ml v.ar. Tbvr la risvia nvr one hundreJ wrlla. A perfrel title, elrar uf all lucuia- braava la ondallr aaaurea ve ti.a weuspany. LUta ofiubicrlptioa ar low op until Ike Vi.OCD iXarea are aub.cribtd, payable II per abare, to the order of .VWer luanJAilKS M. ('AHBS,theTtiirr of th Company, Vo. 4i WALNUT Bit. cl. or at N. Vii WALNUT Street, ot al tlsa vitlc of tie Company, K. .'U WALMtT Blreet. Tbe publU- are lu.Utd lo call O a pro-p-'lua. Jj Vtf T)AINTX1N4UU I'JavIN'riiNCill Ko. 47 S. THIED BTEHET, Ab4)VK fUX-SMUT, MUladelikU. FA11Y A lIHOTlIKlli nOVHK, eiOB, A0 CKNAUiIAL PAJSllltsV Orarntef, OlaaVaa, OlMinf OA Utaaa, Knayomlntag, Paaafl Vairssiealoi.tkM. aoMnl DMUHD A. SOUSEB A OO, COVIMIHSION MKllCHANTa, ANB EUir AM STIAMWUT AOLNTS, POCK BT11KKT VVIIAHP, tuioiiLJLrau. arw a. aoraaa. aaiaia.iu t..rv, l.hTkl . rial-Han I. Kruaa. laAal T)T.M0VAli. THOMAS M. TLOWMAK, JV Canveats ana IrolHls, Ha rsnse M aassa awl n.. i si... w, ,imm si. all 1. I tu HraaL. aeV. ). llilli the oU I'oet CAIft tlallliu. lla.llMf llsue twiaiie tor em In ea the keataea eauaaii ! ke sm 111 nsiit a dial ia(L.wul.lUiUsa, al o AUCTION SAltS. A u n i o BALK O'' O'O.'viKhil.Nl D HsnM. W DaeajmrraT, OArai.ar BoaaAff, Oryn-r cirCuihe si. s..i,i . , . . Wsii,s,.t..s. IV. f , Jul) 1. l-4. WirheaeMal pnhUr aiicimn. lo Iba bUllloal bidder, l the t'm.s and alsn a nsmi tl..w IJ 'HAM in. l a .TIM Rslur, jntr 1. 1W-4. Ai riNiNA.raTm mnw, Aumet i. tvtl I I VMHI'f'PT, I'a., 1 III RsiiAV. An.ii-t II, W. TWO UlMiKKIJ CVAl) CAtALKV HOIHI.i at ao ptH-e. t brse Hi-Tse. bave I en rondeuiaid aa unlit Hvr th cavalry isrvl. of live ann.v. I or reaO and tarui nrpoaai many good bargain amy b na.l HIST"' sold singly Teruu C'aal., In l'nlo,"ltleriirren.-y. .I.VMIJI A. r.Ktl, l.lcutcuant-Cotor.sd and Clilef vnanprmssinr fai Cavalry ltn-aa PROPOSALS. A n k r v r r i, I p. s . 2iV. liHllAlM Ala JfMMT 1 iiRK, .Ifl y I), IMU "lfd Ptvir-Mli w!U h tfyTr4 Rt IMi l iUutvt. Twpiu fi'rlf- k 4 , in TIK'VtlMV, th '.th tnttunt.for tarn hinjr t r ntrvM, ml lav I of Arru OM'uiif mjv Kii-tnvi. tu t-Mi Ot hnli lrnWfr, laWTM-l ItrftWfiTl. li 'tpttiti T 1 1 1 n1 Flirt, l't' llnl Trnl Fit", lhltr rehU.drr iMsck, ftlni ltW I'ftrxM , ,ta; tt,t jHit yi-n m h'rh cftn h v At tlt't rfT . ItiiliW wll, suiioui wild ih'-ir r (ofti. rvtmitl4 of III ni,-Ki i;trb tJit-v -atrx. Xr A' U. of o thmvr!Ul (f which thf witii if . ui 1. If ittf'4uf I- Iftnncl Ir n una rit m on M( 04 Ut ma terial nhaKiid t iuhml'taxl. Hidfl-TH wlU t ir ifie ii nntl' V.'.ry wlih to TUrtilaih, h ifiit)l tlma in hich U rin miK i1-llv',icai, ,! oow r o thjj cmn rpmpltM u m fWir of li Uif W1 f"f- U hiitn nm-vt ! rs-.rnfrnivl by m prir nuWHrnw, lViff1 hy tvo irivfn'1:.l wll-, tting l"fth tlinl if m ro-.int U uwnnltsd t tti I'urt 9 iiinir 1 ltirr !, hf. WUI ar orcf ire UiP ktiu-, ftod giv toutll tvT 111 I alt Ul Hi I lie CbmihI !4taffi ro4orri t!. iHiil.t li rri-( nr p.trt ftr 1 1 v holr tii OKU hi MAy he deuie4 tur itio inter eat ot tt uptvk e. I'rfKitiHit ulioiiif. I tntlTv,,rrrajN f'-r ftirniehlag" (bm usert th ftit 1 buirri avrvd i IrMif l t UfUUDkul' ohhiH l II VIST, jy?0 't I'T ) Mr. ei , f . . K f r i c E ARMY C LOT II I NO AND page. Pii" Mf rut.. JmIt Rfjc.1 frrtpMli w(! he rr?lva.d t Wi utt.i' tuitl) Ui S tiujlKtlt Arnt iml the Mltrin nrWlre, rl 8r.j fine Kritrv, rmw lmCrii, or ti-4 wide, (0 be) ttHrtf fiom mir wwl. mid free iruu abHM llut UnneH Hark ('net. Hi. tTftO.. lllirn. puMitfrl. It i Anil rt., vulrftiuii U Bi Ster nr O ttU rrolift, H r UlfttliUr. UllallU J, nn I T n Mwpd br hml mflhnen, bat T nf IDaV-hliitvy, o be OuUlMelta, wlUtOtH VfJtli. Irum, ftrtllltrr V end full si i iennrni H'HpUt t Uk. C mutny .rlr IWhiHb Ct witin"y IfiKTipite Hoki. Kt'iri mental 1 : ru) OrJcf Unoki. Hi KtmenUl Ortr ltotKn. Hrl.ftile. I'UUlon. Had H' r.d U;irt 3r Tokr : KrittAdc Ilit re rcceheU. UrUfuMf l.'tt,r. )tiia:(lt)rdr. AU Ue aboo trticloj U h of anaj ite.iriarJ. AI.KO, lilndnoy I.lalnin; nAmple riulrpd. Army Btitnilaid ftMiiiplei of each cf th a-v-wo artlele can l e if ft at Uilt oillct , to which detlvutiek luuat ttrirUy liltilormnntritate In their pronogRlt prlc. fwhlfh mu.ti be Klven In wTiilng. ai well a In tlsr, aud aleo ihe inantitv and (iwrj o' drhrrrv K.ttihMdmuHt Ni fruaraiiiefil by two roponHlMi PT nniiK, whoMt ttlutiatiirra niiiHt tn)pnn1i d t trie miaraii tee, and crtnlml tu as bolntt itkhI and utltcinnl aecuruy . n the riniuiint Invoivtd. by eoiue public luucUouary 9t IU I Tilted Hiatoe. BidBt n)ni defhultiancontrartnm, and thoee th .t do not f uily cotnytv trih ttit tvyutremtnt of thie advorllueut, uH not be c(nttttrtt Ifltiiik toriuti iir irpiHa)fi. emhrarlnff tha tcmit of tne g .nrnnu riqtilriHi rn otti h Md. onn bo had on iipM'of ai thtt ofllt-f. and nonn oihem, which d- not amhia: thU Ktuirantcaji. will be riniidt roil ; tinr will any n( txal bo conariftercd winch drB uot strictly coDioftu tu the rejuire-zn'-riift then In eta d. Hhi-. niiift ho endofifd l'rifnials f rAitny fluppilei," maitng Uio article bid lur. Jy0 Asslitant QuArtermAMUT lrivfil,U H. K. HOUHliSe. ATLANTIC O HIT Y. JOHN SMIOK, raonuETon. This favorite hmite, which li most dr1l,hlfully eltuated, n?ar tl: bench, hat been newly irpapvrcd, ropalated, awl tfiortmnhly rceneralod, and U now open (br the reeptlon of fiiH.t. ofTcrlns tlio com fori of a borne, combuiod with at) the lusurlPi of (ho aeasou. Tcrnia moderate. J)!! fONOKKSaS IIAIX, ATLANTIC CITY. V I would reipwttulljr Intorni my frlrndi and tU public, tiiat I have HKam take j OnukTONt llail, UUi betiitt tlio third yrar. Hint liav- nmdo 'vury prcpatratlvxi lor t lis iirn)turi.im i bamiw wlih tsp'-lnc boJn, .to., At-., and Will nccoiuinixlHie hutr luimirru gtunta. You win nnd no bfttir placL-tlian C'oiitfrttHi lliill. Ills tho nt-arott t tne (M cun oi aii v of the Ihtk' mUNiH at Atlantic t:ii v.b.'ln bat out) hi i nd red nrtl iVuui the bfrtcli, lliu produtlna It if If an ad vim tntt? to tho pubPc. 'Ihere ciiniit be any butter bati lnK than a' Atiiiiulc thl" eiiminor. ThtiNand oar that Han Midi h K'Ct t'titwbuck lattt Moaiinn ban al. btMsil nwopt ay by tbe nij-'ti tl ca of last winter, lnrniiiMj It fit tbe bf.it battling Miir T on the Atlmitit ntu bMrd. 'I hi re In an excel U lit Kai il ol Mimic oiiKUK'da AMnched a Mpk-ndid Kllliard Uuom. tel.t-U . W. IIINKI.I.. JNL.1l! T IIOUHU, A'll.Arvl lltj UU I, KKW JKBRSY. 00. T. Cil-OrsTIV, Iroprleto. (Lons and favorably known a proprietor of OTSTKB BAY, Hl.vril und CIIIUIHUT tfcraeta.) Partloa accommodated with Boata, Pleh'.oa: IJaua,Ao., Ao, Cara rua to tli aouae every twenty nuauua, ps-u I?XCnANOK HOTEL, ATLAUTI0 CITY. J Tb aubacrtber, araterul for past Ikrora, tender Uianka to hla patrona and the publlo tor the Kennrona eua tom KlT.n him, and bee-a leave to aay that he la now open ror the araaon, ana reeay to receive ooaraere, pennenoni anil transient, on the moat moitera'.e lerma. Tne liar will alwaya be supplied with the choicest wtnaa. ll'iuora, and clKkra, anu superior oiu aio. aue uvoieewu. v ae. wiw tbe best the market alforda. riahing unea and taenia aiwajr on naaoi. Htable room on Uie preml.oa. All ihe comfort ol a Imhu. can alwaya he found at th Kirhange. UkXIUUII U.VYUAY, jeH U ! rvprunur. c U L U H II I A II O U H 3. ATLANTIC CITY, SBW JBR8ET. SITUATB ON KENTUCKY AVEXUK, Ol'POHITE TUB SURF II0U8e. EDWARD DOYIiK. Prorri.ty. Tenna to anlt the tlma. )e-tf THE AIJIAMBRA, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., la now oiien for vl.ltora. Tb rirnmi and talilo ar unsnrpajacdli. any on ihe Island. Tornta m'siuraie. Jeuu-lai IlUUOHg A VOUNli, iYoprlelor. (JB A -BATHING 8BA.DATHI.no. RATIONAL HALL, CATO 1SLA.NU. CAI B MAT, B. 1. Chndren uudur VJ .ara of ail and rvanta aolf priae. Hti psrtor aorouimodatloa. and amplo rnom toil TVYO III 'NUHr.ll I'KKHONi. )eM-2a A A HON UAuBJ'riao.st. rToprtetir. fJONWAY'S 0Y8TEB BAY SALOON. , CORXEK OP SECOND AND CHESNUT STREET8, JjW lm rniLADELrau. nULKANH IIOUHU, No. 531 CHESNUT STRIiKT, rniLADCLruz.i. This Honsa la kfDton the Koropefui Plan; tha Rooi aracueiilut and w; ll veiUiltUfd. Ihe licslauraiit oiivre all n.Mjrksyi Lb euMOii. Ju. ftTEPPAt'UKB. Proprietor. II K Ml Y H I JI O N Hi VMTKD STATES NATIOXAI. WAGON AND OOAOH WOUSS, OiR. No. 521 NfcW MAIUCKT Btaava. Aad ractury, corari of tCOSD AND Cl atBMlLAMD MRTT, ' riULAJiUJlalA. Al aa rrery itaJ of a..i.s. suta. iihatp. wnriBi.BARHOwa), aa4 IIKI'IUI ritl.KLK, iUe4ia Aj nijr . lUiesa, ealler, . riaiKetev aurMe, Aua.aiaairamea, JaT" lnrs i. iaU aueevdeO to. a4-T TO SHIFCArTAlNS .VNDOWNKRS St TS.- uiiJ.rsiMil.sl !iavll leaae. lis KEN'MIN't- ...sjl-u. u i . ,.. h ...... hn .h.i.i, uij me (Minus ..(the lv..a.tl.l he 4 rr'svssl w.ia i" " """J f Uiura lo a,sr..anudat Uk.i h.i 1114 vasacla 1 ! ra1""" er isrva-nJ, n.l b.li a Usal atiie.jaiein ' au4 " ik.r, ,J b,..' ailetiilrfl U v.ala ea- ru.l..MM.ssnvs. , ua.hllst ks sl v ...e.i lo rep, .ivls- sl J .-veitentedtl' Patent IWui-A llauiM ""flui VMMITT, KruaMJiist'a Heme fcv-U tf tiVar t.imsaiia taunsj ftUlt. PnOPOSALSe ITsrr araHTWa-pft, rmmtnt Jelf W. ( nsfMialn few V HmrTr RaNkiMi Prnansis to inrMtsh iiernJ reer enoltur aluna M), it, wUi bt rwoe rnei at rMi Hurrail of Htpsoi fciiNtnTmxt until 10 nitwfc or W- IM ray of Arnnist next, at frMcn lima the Lolfia wiaT a commotio S. frnpneais wn st hr fnAorsad Prft'ea1e mf lwtrtal m$T the Jfy." tbat tb) may be Hint Ins iii-t)J fWim tties iHiftli.tMs Idtrre anU illnctel to Uie Ckiel of t&w Ban-mat 0 Ht- am nfrtnet-finff. 1 Ik- Datnals antl artlrtvsernhrBes)4ln thrlaSsimhaia4 ait ai Hfii'srly drc-.lH it tbe pr.wttt acbeeiiilnsp any eC hK h will le nirnlvhaal lo suoh as dnifras lo eff, as--ttaeatwn Ut lha commandant, of the rfrttvn ?, er (unite Nary AtTntiieMiwttlii-ieti.and Utose of all tbe artttf anon stllraUen to the Hurfaa. TMs ilivfeion Into oimnf hfinffor th ewnvawnor rl' aiers In ca h, orh riese amy will Fe Cnrnlif- as are actually rp.trel Air bids. Trie Coram an rtant aarf atf Asnt br auch staefon wilt n a'Mition to the aoi,eie er lUjmrs of tht-lrown yaiels, tmm m yvi tna eoitie o live othr yarr1i. tr tmamitMihrn otny, rrem waiolj mmf i a mtliwi whuar it iJ be dcrrM to aitke aajulositaai tor st y of the class of those vswrfs, All ocr thins; lmM svMiSai, prrfficanca will be ptrau la nniciee ef Anal can uisitofivcture. m-rs mirn tnaae w tint wtiela rw the clasr t aaf yar t Knoneot the artfttvl Mnaaule, 4it In atftet aosj. If.rml') therewith, or Uiey will not oi osWrMT-i aio4Wi8iion o the Hotmu, t U.e 'nsoaaatVe an yard.aftvasty Aant.Uio tht-m of etsr.sfpt. rantoe, 'l"'nnf UUormMion raepetiiif M prfo.-ila, will Ire nintaiy). r w TU onm raot will he ar u tha Vrrset aldiier fH afTpinrr rntA' a. as ruind hr the H ot Aiwuwt, lw, ttit Navy iaapanant tsairviac tM r4rhl ny-Pt Ibe kwent Irid, tf iaMitl et.ort(uiit. 1 Viwl-ifli will oner date the ijy, nnttwialhMI If jri in. emJ iluMivtriM rm he drratftAfjii rroea UiMtsUta. Hun i !ee In tbe full amount win ae tiiAiree. ta swa ttej fniiirrt. ant their raetafclbiUry irtifi t tya tnfc-! Hiarr -Jstr1rt Judt.e, lnnV4 Btta I4siiet aiswtiar C.fs7itr, oe Nav r Anf nt- As id l UnsJ setMirity, ea ef t fwt'iia wUt b Wltliheht truin lS atmnutu or tsw aula ' unill thaofintrwet shall have Men coraiUeCAaj; aal mkif ler cntim of each bill, aporoYtxl in triplicate hy the (nxrilHvni of the repsctive yardi, w I ho paid by in mmy rionta at tha points of delivery. In furels or cwtrvaejWs, a ii.r ottilon ot tha lo enim nt, wlthic ten dsys afW- warti.t tor the m thaU Hare bta ; 4sWMj by I hi) Uses I tarj of the 'I raary. 1 he follow i nt are tha daises requlrex' ftt th ntfwwm navy tarui KJTTK4V Hf AlHRe Class Vol. bailer Iron, Ao; Ha '2. tUg Itaii! Na l.bellaa? renins t No 4, ffitm psv-kfiix ; li, soerm wtf Ne, lMfi oil.aVc; No7,ardiU;NoH, metaUleoili NnV.ialtowaaA. oap ; Vt 1", envinesnrs sterns ; Nv It, en sFfere to-MS Oay 17. mninntrw Instrumente ; No 14. wrotig nt ir plje, Wai No l. tutei No v, ptfJ; No 17. tma nnllii.btt ts aaa IMHU. No tf, rvtfipor: No l. Un, wfliNi-Tl, while tees., toil. lnc ta'nt-. No n.ooWred I'Sxaut Ni tW.e atMiierr h a i , n rewotHi , Ho H, cotton waste, packlog Arv i hi . enKtiafwsis Biuri. t'lUFTJ-HTOWW, HAM. Class Vol, tvtlf-r iron aatl nvets; N.. , p'Trrot l VdL holUr ip it i n? ; No 4, ffum paainf, nihter hoe,i; tfea, iMtm oil ; No 4, !Ivtet'tl ml and tiirpetitine; l' 7,larelUA No a. iiittUic ull; Nol,tAlow and s-aw; "To lo, Meeawe sioree j Ho II. enrfneen' tenls: No It, enarlne-ve' Nistrv sentsi Nli, steam pnmpe; No II, wroutflit tree, pjwev valves, Ac ; No U. tubas ; o lit, toel ; No IT, iron ntils x.ltm, nuts. A-:, Nn H, oaiper: Vo 19, Un. sine, ftwjf IrefaV whiielrad ; No tfi ,slajcHlnt ; No W. oitUared paJ.a,dLr7ara A--; Nuti siMtioBayry ; tim , hkkory and ah punk. ani baits; Nn-M. white pine: Na Xi, bamp aed Owttoa falrafc -Ac i Vo Aa, eagUioers' stores. Ac ItKOOkLTir, rT. T. Class No 1,toMer Irou; NoJ.pin ironi Vo t. Vo(1-y ftkt in i No 4 Run. pack in i, ruW-er hosa. Ate ; No a, spersa nel No 6, Ui)MeNl oil, turntine, aironol, Ac; No 7, lard of ; We) 1 a.,iubiliuuir or nirtalllc oils; NeH.taikw and soapi ate lev eiiRim-er sia : No 41, eimnvera" totjis; Moll, aa.fi-nt-eis Instruments; No 13, Meaa pubiuk; Na 14, wrote a; . tn pit ee, vaie, Aot No Ift.tubast Nol6,siee4t Ho if lnn nails, tolls, nnt. Ac; NoiH, copper; No lW.eln.sfnCsw lea.l.Ac; No 'J. white lead; No ii.itno paint) N rfi, CMtforv-d paints, (libera. Ami No '3, stsUoneryi No H,trej WoikV; Noji, hwfciary ana ah plank and butst Hi 1s whl'epln: NY7.bia4jk'walnit4 andobfrryi NtjM.anaJ hosatiy. white hollev ; No , lanUirns; No 0,lUninirt' ho .il . ilj-tid.r-nH, pumps, Ar; NoSl.tour fliHicolba-e .. Ar; No Sal. patwittd artlvlce; Na 'M cotton nod noena asckluits, Ac . No 'nn'aer stora. , - rillAhlCLIiHA. Class No 1, holler Iron, Aw; Na , bwllet feMnf I Vo V , tram packing, rubber boss, Act Noft.spenn ull; No ft, ll-4t-d oil and tuip'-nUiie; Nu7.lardoi; M f , tallow, kon J Ar No l. engineeri store, No II, entrtneera' taott i NA ' li. enfrtneers' lin-trumeiMsi Na 14 wrouk'bt Iron plpa ' valves. Ar; No I.'., tubes; No IJ, ikI; No 17. Ir. natla ha Utu, and nuts; Na Iff, copper; No 11, t'n.Ao; No!, wtUtej lemA : No il, slue paint : No olee! tuilnu aal dryeret o3. itailoniry; Nn ?t, tire wood; No 34 OottOB AM ip paikULg, Ac; No JA. enifln?ers' elerot, A. W AfiWlnti TON. . . Clsio No 1. h..llaa ta..e A a. Mat nl lVla Wfa 1. fcaWtfW iVJtuiR.Ao; No 4. gum paeklnii. ruW-er hw, Ac; nii pernii oil ; No 6. lmsee.0 oil and turviiune; No 7, laM eH. NoN.hfinbeTi N"f, fallow an4 soapt N 10. aoftnaera sttaren; No II, eiieliHOr tmls : No r-f, enntneers laitra Dvsrnu; Noli siaNmpumitst No 1-1, wronnt Imo fifa vnlvea.Act Nol,tuies, No l, sttelj No 17. Iran nsila holtn nut,Ao: No I-.aonper; No l, tin, load, and sinoi No W, while lead; Nn -Jl, Finn paint; ao 7l, tMNorew tai,driT,At'; No 'lit, stationary na . nrw wwi U.oottr-n aad Lump uaofciua, Ac; No Jo, onxtneervv atares. jyu-mek 1)U01O8At8 FOR MORTAR 8HKLL. OKDMAHca Orrti-m, Wa DFPARTMaa-r, ' WA-innoToa, July H, lrti "ealed rrnposali wtll be reotheal at this office naat MiiMitV.lhutK day of Aninst, n4. ftw ft INOH Mn TAR nil Kl I, .to ba dallveeed In tha fcUowlfl; qiianttllaa. nt the tintter- naiutMl Arsennls, vis. : At Uatertown Arsenal. Masnai husotts, WOO. At W aiervb lt Aratuial, New nra, HKDOO. Ai New York Arsenal, Governor s. Ilnnl, NewTMtaW Al AllertMsw Amenal, rtttuhntw. VVfiW. At H awiiinarion Arsenal, l J..WJ, Thee nrotet-iues aie to I made of the kind of metal, an- kisiHi'ted afer the rales iad dawn In the (rdaaao alAimal; the tamlle sUenxth of the Iron to ba not seas Mum 14 wu pounds per S'luurr inch. Itrswuiai oau ba eeen al any of the Unite tate Arf anals. The pioleettles are to he InsptvUeA at tha frtioilrr wnafa) csit, mdiI are to he dt-It v tired at Uie aWKttaia free of ohnnas) for tianaiporiaiion or baatllliiR. HUtdura will state U rote at which they wtll Ae Mver. I allures to make didlvetii-s at a. sn-vittd tln3 wtll saW Jet the rontiaa tr to a lurtVit.u-e ut the number ha assay Iail to deliver at that time. lU.Klirt will slate rxpPrHlv the Arsenal or Ajwwaln vhepn thev prnKM- t deliver, and the number of pra h ctlles they propose to drUvarsA each place If lW luoro tloin one. Nn M Is will be fmnMered from partti otliar tt.aa raitiiar founiters or p'urittore ot works, who are known) to Uiis IiepaitntfUt to be casJile ef eAevatlug tho wurti u'tt0"ed tor. Hhoiildant party nMstnair a centre H offer shell oth tlian thttar cast in his own fh-.indry. they will ba rcjecte4 and tha contrari reudervd null and void. Konn of bid ran be ntHjuuwd at the above namel Arsiins. Proposals Dot saskie vut oa this tltrua will not be) ra.nalii.-nrd. UUAHAwTrB The bidder w ill be retiulred to areomnanThls prapoeftloei with a ituaraniee stgni A y two repoi)lo.e persons, naa In case bis bid is a e pten. hrwh at oofa aaersjaa ao ruairart ror tha same, with sexv, and sninrleat saretrea. In a sura eipial to tne amoAiut of tne roatract, to deliver Uie a 'tine proposeq, in roiimrutnv wnn ueorejia w utw adxeTtlstrmeut ; anu Ui carta ha said bidder should fail te enter into the rontrart, they lo make fo.d the dlfTerenee b-iwifniheoJtVrof ssud btls'iaiHl tha neat responsible) bidder. or the person to whom tbeeuutraA-t mvieawaraea. The reftpttiiMhiniy tir the suaianturs am oeauowaDv theoihrlnlrertlris-atenfUist'icrk of the nearest UutUlot Ct-uit.or of Uie I'ntied hurtce tMsuiot Attoraay. pond bi a sum aiual u the amount of the oontrant, tKiicd b the rontraoior and oih of his ffMarat.tore, will Iiensiutreiior tne succesaiiuotdtier or uiuueis upon am- ii'K the contract. We the anderluiH-i( nMidnnts if , to the eovnr of .and Hf if of . hereby totnU and aovaraay covenant with aa I nil m Hiatra, and suarsuwe. in ea- thu IoiwmoIhk bid of be avceM-ed, that be Uiar will at otic iv.ecut the ooniraot for the saute, wtta aooA and suillcient sureilea. In a sum etual to the amount of the contract, to fumiah the articlee iiroposvd In oooitornuts; with tbe tirms of this advertisemaut daied July (, 14, under v. hicb tha bid was snaale , and In oae the savd shall tall lo enter into econira t ai alarasaid, we iruaraav tee to wake KiMtd the dirtrrrnca oatweon the otfar of tha , -ld sua the next lutvesi repnslbla biilder.ot IAa person to whuut the atantract may l avar ad. Witness: u lm-t Imt Al. HkSL J To this cuarant. amu.it bo a.'neiijfj the omoial eartU- cates abovtt ineiitl ned. Karh rty obtain In a eotitra',t will be oi.Mred to iiur Into Ihuds. wiih approved sureties, for Ita tWtkful en'ciition. ltnt.li tbe award r-Hnrr marV. snc;anil bMdert wID e ntlrlf-il and AirnUhcd w Ith frms of coatratt and bond. The Imparl went rt-ere the rfuht to ro ect an of mM bids If ilvt-uitd uiuatUtartory on any acrounl. 1'nHH.t.iiN win be atitreMMi u "nrttS'iier-'i-faTensi fltNTtis l. ItamM-y.fMef oithdnar.ee, wu:iin.iia, l. and v. ill U) udored "Fnauosals f r t-'m U M-t tar NheU. ir,i'iiiir i. nupti, Jylt uwfi"t Rr1(sdlo-Utarai. i lii(i un:aaLKw JVlM8TI4t'K Or ILK, l.Mll'.U MAIM O Aruiy, Ivo.'.'uBOl.'lll Mrvel. .... .JA liALiieoiiK. aiti.,rfiiiT in.a" Praled Prnrvfuaje,. in if r.r.. , 'tf, WlU Uo received ai UUas, Otlkc uiit l I.' .4.. "ll MIINKW, Au.ust I, lol. I. fur- nLsMn the I'nlteil Btatca Bui.si.iouc iiuviui , llh nil II tiioi hvnd m 11CAH vr mi.r iw 1IJ5 uu Uu- !.!. Oi llvi'risl at the Mt ,ti-i'atile 9o ilea, at Btittlituiii', Md., In lots or llissi) unr niousaiva easa es t tj (It I un ua; to bf ei,l.ru vslii.liloue uuu a 0.411 ua . alter arrival, at the 4xire if llie isiiitrttrlor, Tlirs mult. erai-e alwut (taiv) ll.inern piinuri-ii pivunaa gr". wciutil; ail laiiliu aluirt i.l illl)u)oiie Hi. usan.l p Hind, itis av vtei .lii, Hull., Htas, o.cd, i'ura, llellara, aasl lt..nuv.s l ain will or n,ci.n. A il. iliirt inn .r It'll 1 lm piui ni, wm is mane ironi mm , woiihvi.f u.-ti Kiiir ars'.pi.a uiUi-r this iLomrvu. rrv- vlilisl U.e ttlilD al ilosss Qui slftllO in the pens Is, o anu t-De- IihIi lurs tieirrr b In vsoiiLhi'it. or ia aot wclunea iuiaar - illati'ly tiller ri iuiivAl mini the cars. lilullk tonus l.r pr. posaia can urn na.i vn stsu-w tlon nt thla orMie, eiUitr lu ixr.ou, ojr mansssr u4 ti"Pn- ' .v. ....... 1 110 ibnvernmem v. iu ri.ui we ,1.... , wc.i.r.B wv rrv isnuciil .K-jarate, If Ha appearance Indlaalca leea weiitlit ttan Uie uilniiiiam Dieinionca mwtvi sue pena l WLieuiii vviU be uaiU by U.e party err ml la ju4; aieut. Kas.h Mil, to aecure oonalderatlnn, ovaat eootalA a writ leu giuuunio ut' twu ruauauaOiM uerjwu, a iue- 10 V," , of t Cormty of , State of , do hereoy fnuranteetliat ia (r arc) ahle to fulttl a eootra..! a. asniriluiuc with the terms of hi. (or loelr) prtsutsutioa. and khiiuli hla (ur Uietr) propoalUun le asiceplrst, he (o they) V.U1 at oni'o i-nu-r Into a contract in accnisnnav tliiTivllli, anu we axe prat.arvu 10 iswu s. uu -4.I0A clo..'.! wHh Uie 1.10. . IllOsli ra must oe rteeen, to rosuons. pr.-i.ar.-d u. niv boad. aud iia tue uurt teturle.-- the iovernment reaerv. t Kaelf a right W lJot aajy or Ul bid. l unsUlir-'il iiar.saiiioi . fc Vaimenu to be aiade aller eas'A dfUvery In aoiA IUneV M aiavliontuslvdilf as.ua a tvaiid. lo b aiau a auoex. "."V.t.'m-Mt be enoVvrMd dUUnctly -PRDP08AWI POBKKKOrALK,' ud.iar-d Ul "Ceflau.,. U. Elli c. .. Baitmore. lUrylaiiil.' Ilaiial la a th nam of a arm, their MRva and thei- pnai uiKiie asloreaa nuat ajoai, or luey i, na m 1 tech pen on or every roemtvar of a rtrm IVVrla' a arsv uai biu.1 aocsju.pany la with an oalli of all- alauc U u iriiuil Usi.-s Uuisruueal, It he haa uot aJro.nl ttlediavwas alihla uric. , .... All Ji l eomphMi $lri.1ly UUA lAa lerau Au ast ral aflfficaM Kill tl svCCMlls H. otl.-iia.. and ti. U. d. A. hla-lat Captaia . V OH laT-4sala-aV-F f aua. Head I)r e. . .aira,a,ls. wa a la x, " PflllVliSW 1 - a ..... t 1 ' at' IHK 11's.il UDU stinicicl.l minus 11 lis lu-n.uiaiu. Tin' rcspuiislblllty ol' the riarantor niual be saf theolllilalcertliU'tttco Ihe t'lerk ol Un nceje.1 is Court, or of the I LlleJdlulu UuUict Attorua-t. to a 1 X