The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 25, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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l'lllLADKl.rillA, MONDAY, JULY 2j, ISM.
Scmo Additional Details of the
Investment of Atlaut a, and
ol Mcpherson's Death.
Kasiivii i.i., Tmn., July '.' I. Notlilm: has
been re'elvcd here onutair, it. try nf the. re torled
f nputlon !( ' Ail. mm. .! it -ln-i hom ti'ne
ffiil Mrniun may havo pi-ec llirnKh U VV1.-I1-inpti
n ; but none liuve h cn re-'civi'd hero freu
Alum a, nnd llio report is con-i lore I .inn
It i lint to lie supposed Hi it Mici m ill would
occupy Atlant il without inf"rmin:,' t lie War Hi
partrocnt and 111'' public. II" his niiin' uil.'.l
strict .llcnce for tho p:v-t i Ii r-e days, mi l it is m
I'nTt d that an engagement has been -'ointj on for
a day or two past. Tli' ro ure si-v. i il fn-ts
Mn ngthcnirig this cxnlanation, of which his
silence ut to Interesting a moment in tlio cm
paign is coimiuVri d the stronijcst.
A dctputch linn been received here, da'od yes
terday, ihe 2Hd, stating that M -I'll rs.m
had been killed on the '2Jd. No el.'ia'iori is
given ; but the presence of the enemy and the ta t
if an e nr-npemont going on tire Indicated. Gene
ral Mol'lii rson's body will anivc here to-ni irrow
or next day.
Another fact strengthening the supposition of
battle is that, instead of Si nding troops to llieh
niond or Kirhy Smith, llood bus bud reinforce
ments from Charleston and elsewhere.
Johnston was relit vtd because he opposed risk
int a general etmigoinent, w hile hi-, sutiordiuutc-i
were iu favor of it, ar.inl.ii'ly 11 loiland Nit:wart.
It l represented liiat much foclinijexwied ni.Mlu-t
Johnston for refusing bait e, and he was relieved
to make room tor a tie,htin.r man. o:d and
(Stewart have been promoted on the strength of
their lighting nnllticj, and will have M sustain
tbeir chaiaeiers, ccn at the cosi of defeat.
A general engnitrtncnt in all that Sherman
asks, and what be has I wen seeking for two
months, antl during tlio whdo time of Johnston's
retreat to Ailntita. Thero is a strong belief that
the liebcla cannot get invar from Atlanta, and 1
have gn at hopes that Sherruan will get Hood's
army in the city and capture it. Von m:iv have
luter and superior information from Washington
but the aliove nre the opinions prevailing strong
cut here.
We have details here to the 21st, giving an nc.
count of the battle on the 2mh, and the insult
by the principal ) arr ol Hood's army on Hooker,
Induced, It is supposed, by Hood forcing tlie right
back, so that oiireour-c coiita ne interrupted
The n ptil-o of the ltcbols will a bloody ouo. At
this t'me the lutt was at D.'catnr.
On the 21 st, McVherson. on the centre, moved
forward end established a line cast mid south of
Atlanta, und w ithin two tildes and u half of the
town. Wait's Corps formed the ex reino left, and
restid srinth-of the city, his left llatiK being
within two miles of the .Yiucnn Railroad. Logan
was across the Deenttir K dlroad, on the cen're
of the line. The other corps extended north in
the following order: Jndi,v, Sohotiehl. I'ahs r.
Howard, and Hooker. On the r ght, and resting
on tne uniiitiitiooctioe river.
The enemv's lino accommodated itself to ours
extending: from the river, parallel and covering
the roads to Atlanta, aiound the city, and in
front of Hluir and l.o;;iin. Our cavalry were in
Hue, foclng east, along the Decatur, Cross Keys,
and Irf'banen rond.pi otectltig our line of supplies
oy ltostwen. .v. 1 . lieraM.
A Btll .n Wnlnrsilny-Tti HclieN f iu-
liletly RotnlNnl.
From ihe Xatliiille l')tionJnlif'J'i.
A despatch from General Sherman, received in
. this city yesterday, announces that a catvuinnry
battle occurred day before yosterday, ne.r i)
caior, which resulted in an important vb-tory to
our arms. We have us yet uo partieultus, save
uie result.
The General says: "The enemy attacked
Gtneral Thomas tioreely, and were hiiodsomely
n pulsed and roughly Handled. farther do
tails may be expected so n.
1 he two armies are now on level ground, atid
the pghttti'' is more near y cotial than hereto
fore. We have no doubt but that the U'jbel
army will speedily be overwhelmed.
I nter from AIIuhIh i Desprmte Ilnttlo
ll In In AIK'iit to Criivb till l.i'li
fiencrnl MelMierxou lit I led I'lm KobplN
licntn Ilnck Into tliclr rnrlilii-ntlonM
lutllculiouH of tbelr Abnutloulnic At-
Washisoios, July 24, 11 P. M The Govern
ment has received despatches from General Shor
man. announcing that on Kruliv tlio Relets.
Under Gtneral Hood, massed a heuy foz
against his lift w ing, oonu"!:i of Mcl'acntou's
riaud division, imposed of Logan's and Ulair's
Corpv, and made a desperate at.ack, gaining; a
trmporory advantage. 1 ho enemy, after terrific
Cabling, In which a number of charges were
Wade on Hum sides, were repulsed with much
iiurjgmor ana ariven into tnctr lorutlciiuons.
Mu ior-Gemral Hci'herson. during the battle,
became scparnted from ML stutf. and was killed
by sharpshooters firing from an amhuscddo. The
lost ol General uel'herson is deeply deplored by
the Government, and will till the hearts pf all
loyalists wun suuness and gloom.
After General MiTlierson's death, General
.LOgun assumed command ol las grind division
A later despatch states that our forces had
obtained possession of tba elevated ground on
the northeast of the town, and that siege guns
naa ucen mounted wntcn command the nlai-e
also tbat the Rebels wire burning their stores
preparatory to a retrograde movement. Kverv
fiotly feels confident that At auta by this time has
laiun into our litmus.
F.rllenlai. of the .Movement of the Annv
Her t roaains ihn f hatiabooelile Ucrupa
tie. of Arlanta MoBiemerr Al.., Uccu.
pi. a bt f.eurml Itonsacan.
t raeiHKATi, July 4.-1lio eomwipan1nt of the
cattiti. ni.arr nate ol Aiiuuta, Itieorgia) July Zi
pove lull ai.u uipn-y iiit'i-euiifr ueums ot tno uiovo
iiicids oi HiHiK' aiuir siooo eruwiug th. I uato-
unociiie Kiver.
Ou liiememihg of the 18th the wholo line advance
Mcl'hkRHoa lakint posdiou ou tlio oxireiue lelt
fCHbriLD the leit centre. Howard itiu coutm
HookilK the rirlit eeutre, aud J'almui the oxtreiue
Ou th. moi-nlD? ot tba 19: h nur advuneA reochn.1
lsrh Ire. I r k.a slr.uru ninuiue toar mtias north
oi AlisLts, aud slier C4ii.kiderat-le skirunslduf tlio
euen.y was H.Joit 'id. suit nuitious ol Howard
( urrs crossed, our lett In the meantime swiuiriiiv
aiound lo tl.e Allania and August i Itai road, near
Llevatur, and ii-arnig up severul nuleg oi liie truck.
I in the evening of the ll'iu and tlie iuoiuiiu ol tho
SOtli tlowARO. liooa kk and I'tt uiu erouud with
th. ba. such ol the. r coips, inrniing in lino of battle
aiong uie uonn nana ol Hie ereeit. A H r 11 tlio
m inis o:aUe a d sierate and sudden awau II on How.
akd in area! force. 'J tie Attack soon extended to
HooXkB'a ( nrpa, the liebels adraneinf Hi roe bnoi
fit ip. jk ponion oi oar line nrst wuvereii b.'lore Hid
leintl. onset, but were quickly radied aud aloud
I HOB this I'Oltlnn Of Our 'Ann was mnajd Avr hall
the entire lict ol artur, bulk partia. flihtini;, lurtho
Itlat t.tre 111 th.' cailipuitfli, In III. open Held. Iteluro
laik Hi. Itel ida weie eutiru.y deieated, hotriiu' lulled
iu nreua iinr lines Ul aiiv liullil, and retired IU dl.-on
der, lesviiig nmnt ol their dead und two bundled
nouiiiieu on tne item. Uur loxs ii I reach two
Fund men, pi lneii ullv Iniin IiookksM t orp. 1 liu
ueuei ions in siiieii huh woiiniied uu, iutHiug e.
eetite six tliuli-und. including lUruu briuudier jseuo'
Ou the cvtn nic lett the nnenitloiK ennull
Mieersstu , McI'iii.hson driiimr the em inv s',i
uii es Hi aiu's I Hv i-i.iii aitraiieed a mile and a ball
jkiuiii ot uie AiiKiisia Koaii.
(ii the liioiniiiu' ol the 211 the eiieuiv were driven
won nun n 1U .S, lo uie winks lluinedtalely umiiii
.naiiiu, uiiuiiu iie.u iiiev null w llllilriaw U enltrrl
Itiini Hookku'h und I'Ai.MhH'u iroiit, and at 2 I". .M
ol .hat duv liollliillsol onrnniiv eiitei'iMl llu.i.ii'.
"lln'corri ihiimIi nl ailii-tliut we in iy have tililiug
Hir we mil iossesi.lou oi me eitv, nut tno camp ibzu
is Considered sid.stuiillullv clOhi d.
A report, believed lo be reliable, aniiiitineiK the
tietiiimiiou oi jiuniomeiy, Alabama, bv lieueiul
I lie IktiMeci inl baa Hie lollowiug official Mort ol
the iouea ill HooKl.n'a I'orps iu Ihe bulllo of ) Wiuia us' Liivi-iini, oar 1 i;kahau's
WahuiV, Xi t Nawjo.v'h, lui lotai, l,:j.
Anions H' killed ai i'oloiiei Iouikv llne-hundieib
anddiftvirst Aew lorkj l.iiHiti'iiHiit-Ciil.iiiel Jt..
Iiai.i., Hueninilri.d.alid-tiirtV'lniitli New trk t
Adjutant Jiam liki", llui-hun Ired-und-toilv-thii'd
Aw )uik. tVoiiuded severe v. lieueral Ijiiksham,
cun uiui dnif 4h ikiiii Major aIai.owin, onudiiiu-tinxLaiid-llliudli
New Vuik t,."iitiiiuiit-( olouel
ili-lM. rr, tliit-buiulreik-uiildortv-tliiil Kew York.
'i iw Journal aiiiuiitnct I he ocouiiiiimu ol Atl-iutu
by our luries on K'iday. i n. I!ebl loss, in killed,
wouiuUul and ndsjug w ill reucli six tliousuud, in
fiuiljngAine thousand killed, l'urt oi nr annv' have
enleiiu AHsuta. V uuiy lave more 4hting lor
Ibetiitl ) uciou ol Hie city, but the tampalgu is
Virtually tui'ed.
J'UUUo lias been produced wit remarkable
ncce8 at Her Majesty's Theatre, LonJon, with
Tltieos as "Leonora," and Bottitii, Junt'.; G.w
f i.r, aud Motley iu the other nrt.
Irylna; to RlneliaOo ll In live. Rlvrr-
Arm.v t tisiisi'a.
The same i f Iho Kebels. nliive 1 the other day,
n firii g him n nnr sunlioais from Ntrawb r y
I' iiiti-.iin i tic Jiimrs iivit, has been bio ked.
An ex rail ii ion went to the place, where the
IlePela hud their guns no ted, and occupied the
ptenil'is. The innvetn tit was gallantly p r-
rtt cd by the lltn 'i one iwiiucnt, tin ter
itnt. nntit rolom 1 Hid, mid a Kcbe lie'itennnt
end tin private were hrnunht In prl-onern. (bir
n en liad ii utt. r ineir u'ui way, ana csi ajx-.i a
r g e ca-i ally.
The rule ot GcncraK Mirtindule.ini Terry
'.Itei tivelv over tiie l'h and l"th t'or;is
irief. )av before veb nlay they w.'re P-mpo-
rai ily pirn i d in cummiind; to-day 1 send word
tl at they have been sniicr-edi d. General I'., t).
Dm, rutted Mate Volunteer, i assigned to
lie iN'h Corps, nnd Mai r tP netal II. II. lbr:n y.
United States Voliinte. r-, bi tlio 10th.
Ili ii. ral MurtitidaV foes b"ttie this evenin-- oil
siek b axe, bavin.' suth red en atly from tlio hard
ship and i .p:,ie of the camp ugn.
1'OllTII COM 1 M f i HTOIlI.
Etc.,, Iltr., lllc, Illr.,, Klo.
.. Me ;.... it A.'y,.i.; .'l.
The war is not to end in a thunder-clap. There
ill be no Ynrktown and no New Orleans, but a
gradual drizzling itnd dy ng out of the ennte-t.
Snch, nt ca-t, are tlio piesent indications. Our
inur ed lull gi in ral may elcetriiy tho country
by nil avail tut and a telling victory before Atlanta,
or he hiav repel un ntuick in force, on the part
ot Sheiman, and follow up the success.
1 In t onlctterates In front ol I eterslmrg may de-
liviror reeeiic agi i ei.ii engagement, and inebher
event they can hardly of success. All those
ate possibilities, but the hi-tory of the camp ilgti
up to this time docs not justify the expectation
of a decisive victory either in Gcorgiaor Virginia.
It is cry certain that neither Grant nor Snor
man can afford tinlawdli'imich longer. Summer
days are long, but only one month and a few
ilu s f summer rnniiin, while the fatal idea of
November arc hurrying lust. Lincoln titii-t h ive
Imttlis, nay, be must have vic'oiies within ninety
days, or b.s dmun is nalod The fortitieatioiis at
reursbtirg and Atlunt.i are very ixiwerfnl, and
eveiy day makes them mote so ; yet they must be
earned, und that speedily, at whatover sacrlltce
of lite, to secure the lull election.
There w III be a lihaidy und desperate battle,
more devpetato and bloody, we doubt not, tlmi
any which huvo oivitrrcd. Of that we mar be
veiy sure, for there Is no escape from it. Tue
Munich of Abolitionism deinandH fresh heca
tombs of victims, and (rum that demand there is
no. n pi cnl.
Sin', n derisive victory for cither party Is hardly
possible. How, when the war bus degenerated
into u ipust on of mud and mortars ? The com
batants approach within arm's length, and the
first object of euch is not to attack but to play the
putt of tho dirt d iui er, an 1 envelop themselves
in impenetrable walls of mud as speedily us pos
sible. Days ure thus wa-b'd,nnd then ensues an
tiFsutilt on one el 'e or the other, with the inevit
able repu'se of the party assaulting.
The deflated army returns to its Intrench
mints and throws tip mote dirt, front, Hank and
renr, while the rrpeduntK sit quietly behind their
iritrenrbmcnts, throw up more dirt and wait for
another as-uult. A conjoint catalepsy of longer
or shorter continuance follows, enlivened by
occasional galvanic spa-ins of shelling and sharp
shooting, when all ot a sudden the one party or
the oilier (Yankees generally bull in Virginia Gc rein) side steps to the left or right, u tlio
case may be ; the o In r purty pursues or fulls
I ark, and tho ilirt-ilutibcr gimo is renewed iu
unotiii r po-itioti.
What n strange spectacle this to tho military
lilies in Lnrope! In lntll Hjcre were lield eu
; 'HKtuieiits ; In IStil there is nothing but sio-,fo
nfer rirge. What hopeia there of a tlgnal vic
tory to either side ? f'nn Giant hone w repjat
Vim, or fshernian Sar.ipoa ? We think not.
L'ncersnch circumstances we do not pereeivo
how the war Is to terminate exec"' by e tardy
and gradually tlimiiiis-j mil.) le. Hut the
advaiitngcs ar? ahoothcr on the side of tbo I'on
f: iirary. '1 hey can aiford to wait patiently, tb'Hr
adversaries cannot. No rapidly appro idling
I'residential election nrges the former on to des
perate and repeated buttles; no impending finan
cial cra-h disturbs tin irequunimity. Wiih steady
and unqnaling front they await tho foe.
We take It for granted that ded-don of chirnc
ter is not wanting in the new couimaiiider in
Georgia, and, if that be so, we sco no re won why
Hank movements at Atlai ta may not be brought
to grid as easily and certainly as at Petersburg,
liut we warn the sanguine reader against lilgti
wrought anticipations. Sherman hat prepared
behind him, base after b se, strongly tbrtliied.
Defeat is not annihilation In h i case any tuoro
ban in that ot Hanks, if, indeed, so mii. h, for he
is a man of infinitely more a'd Itv, and bus with
him tome nf the best minds In tho Yankee scr
ibe. The repulse of .Sherman nt Atlanta will be
followed by a succession of sieg. i at the foriiiied
points In bis rear.
What Grant will do, or what will be doni) with
bini, is a matter of conjecture. He is so com
pletcly Incarcerated in redonb's, rod ins, tra
verses, and the like, we very much doubt whe
ther he could extricate himself If left entirely un
molested. W.e think it not unlikely that ho,
lifter one or two more fights, impcrccp'iiily
"drrrn" away like a dilapidated barrel of his
favoiite Munotigabela. He is nnder tbo necessity
of hntting bis bruins entirely out, aud wn trust he
will be permitted to do so. Tho war may then
linger, spinner, Hare, and finally tiie out at its
leisure. What mailer, so we w in our indepen
dence, we surely shall ?
Itlrbmvnd finle t Vpernlnt Ions About Ibe
from Ihl Hiihmond Wklg,July 51.
The day promises to be of tnoro tbnn ordinary
deftness. It will belie the spirit of the time one
i niincnt'y seu-ntlonal and excitable The city
is dull, the hi avens are (frill, all things Seoul to
pnrmke of tbo same listless character.
We hove locked for some excitement, some rare
hit of news, w inch would serve to disturb tbo
equableness of the hour; but nur anticipations
set m doomed to d sapKiintment. May we not
read in the calm und lull w hich pervade the signs
of a forthcoming sior.D, which will bo all tho
more feailnl Iroin U present supremo quietude ?
Nothing so pre-agis the storm as the calm, we
are accustomed to say. There are periods in ihe
politic .1 as will as the physical world when a
reai tlon takes place when, "at'tor long and unin
terrupted spi lis of quiet, the meat dreadful cou
ulsinns occur.
Will Bitch be the result of the protracted still
ness which has settled over the armies on tho
banks of tlio Appomattox, the Chattahoochee,
and the l'otoinuc. Kvcn now, in the hushed In
tervals of battle, we linten with bated breath for
the shock of arms, which, whilst it will bring to
many a hearth its fruughutge of woe and mourn
ing, will wreathe new chaplets of glory fur our
devoted and iccrless veterans.
Madame Harriers-Wippern a hideous name
for a prima donna Is attracting much attention
at hir Majesty's Theatre, Loudon. Her "Alice,"
In Mcyeiliecr's linbert, was a great success.
JoaisfZIlTvioUiiist, has written to tho
other-great violiuist, Ernst, on the occasion of
playing one of the hitter's new compositions, as
follows :
"I cortainlv had hoped, from the account my
brother bus from time to time given me of you,
thut.ou tbo occasion of our meeting a?aiu, this
spring, 1 should have once more enjoyed the
plcastiio of hearing the magnificent tones of your
hjIiii. 1'rovideuce decrees otherwise. I am not
destined, dear master, to hear you, and thus to
me, thanks to your confidence, is entrusted the
noble of making the musical world of London
acquainted with your newest creation. I need
scarcely suy with what deep love I shall devote
IliVM'lf to tbo service of viiurniu-w. Cininiaml
me us you will, and let me soon know on what
uity your conceit is to take place. I am exceed
ingly anxious to tee your etude; though I am
rcully alruid of your fiugerlug (In allusion, we
presume, to the uncommon vraap of 11 err Krust's
lett Lund), but whatever comes from your pen I
v ijl at all events practise, even though I may not
ttpdted In itoiDf It ,1 it nice, . Your truly devoted
friend, Joshm JdAtaiu."
r;irn(io ruin vv.
One Thousand Rebels
Buried by our Troops.
I2to., JHo., 12(0., Kto , i;to.
Waniiinuti'N, July The A'..'i .4,7. tn h.n
issued an extra with the following inform itiou
from General Sherman's Army :
Despatches to the Government represent that a
great battle was fought In Atlanta on l-'ri I iy, ro
sulting in hoirible slaughter, aud a complete
rcpnlso of the enemy at every point.
The enemy, holding tho largest part of the city,
assaulted our works on Friday with great fur,
evidently expecting to drive our forces out of
the city.
The loth Corps, commanded by Frank lUiir
seemed to be the special object of tUc ll;bel'i
as the enemy massed iwaimt it an overwhelm
ing force.
The "l'lth" received tho sh ick, and
held in own until General Dodge, with tho ld:h
Corps came up, when the Helivls w rc hurled
back with great slaughter.
General Lognn, at the head of the 17:h Corps
went Into battle with the rallying cry of "llo
nicmbcr Mcl'herson." Tiiif5 corps, as well as
Ulair's l.'ith Corps, both constituting the army
under Major Jlem nil M. Tlicrson, fuught dop.'
rutely, the news of their brave commander's
death having been communicated to thein jut
before going into battle.
..General MtTlicrs'iu win shot while recon
noitring. He htiviug become separated from his
stall' for a moment, a Itebcl slurpshooter shot
niiu irom an uinnusu.
The tenible strnglo onded by repulsing tlio
enemy ut every point on tho line. It was ar
ranged that on Raturday tho dead of both
armies should be burled, and the wonmle 1 re
moved uudcr a d ig of trace. Tho Cuion troop
buried one thousand Koliels, left on the Hold
within our lines ; be-ides, tho RoV'Is barie I many
of tbeir own dead near their own works.
Vpon this basis it is estimated that the Hob.:!
killed and wounded on Friday, will exceed tiOOO;
the average of killed and wounded in battle being
nliout seven wounded to one killed. Our loss will
reach nbont 2"00 in killed and wounded tho lotb
Corps suffering severely, for the reason namtd
alHivc, tbat the enemy massed against it. I: was
this act of the enemy, in part, that cost him sn h
a heavy loss.
While the work of burying the dead and re
moving bis wounded was going on on Suturd iy
Mioi man's heavy artillery was playing upon tho
city. At the saino time largo tires were observed
In different parts of Atlanta, supposed to be the
destruction of supply depots and sach other pro
perty as they could not convey away, und did
not wish to have fall into our bunds.
This was considered evidence of an Intention
by the enemy to evacuate the place.
Several Rebel generals are reported killed but
thicr names are not given.
The Pence Negotiation: nr. tJreeley ami
Mr. Jew el t 4 MInhIiik Letter.
The following letter was not Included in the
recently published peace correspondence:
'IntI'.rsationai. Hotix, Niaoara Fai.lh,
Widmsday, July 2d, 1S3. In leaving the Falls
I lei I bound to state tbat I have bad no Inter
course with the Confederate gentlemen at the
Ciitti n House bnt such us I was tally atithoH.ed
to hold by tbo l'rc-ident of tho United States,
at d that I hnvo donv nothing in the promises but
in fulfilment of bis Injunctions. The notes,
therefore, whickv you huvo Interchanged between
tboso gentlemen ana myself eun la no case sub
ject you to the Imputation of un inthoriod deal
ing with public enemies.
"To W. C. Jf.WI.TT, Esq."
Uarrlllaa on ihe 4 iiinlrrlnl Slfsinsr
"St. I.iiIn' 4 itllrea suil liuruvd l ull
The Cumberland river is becoming vsry low,
and owing to the shallow w iter n ivigation is
ijtiile diltlculf, und not uuiuixed with danger.
1 he banks swarm with guerilla bands, and the
piesent stage of water greatly favors their opera
tions. They nre enabled to ford the stream ut
many points, tho Louisville Journal s lys, and in
the rbullow bet's of water eun even ride out into
tbe river, and surround aud bourd the unarmed
tmn ports.
Captain Iline, of Kentucky guerilla f ime, has
bc n commission! d us a Co onel.und he has Peon
actively engaged in recruiting a regiment ou the
southein border ot the Cutnliorland. He has no
HlHiut two hundred men, superbly mounted aud
tolerably well armed. At two o'clock op Monday
lie appeared on tbo banks of the liver with his
eomuuind, ut .Sudor's Rest, a way landing bct-vcoii
Clarksvillu and Fort Donelson, cigbteon miles
fn iii Ibe former place.
The St. .out's, Captain Ricbey, was passing
down the rivirut tbe time. In ut empting to
pars the landing, a rapid lire was concentrated
i n Iu r by the guerillas, and she win forcer to
halt and surrender, nines ordered her lo bo
biongbt ashore, and, aft. r plundering her cabin,
let the bout on tire. Tbe steimcr was aider
Government charter, end wus coining out of the
river light. No stores were captured. The only
loss was the destruction of the boat. Tho boat
burned rapidly, and the Humes could bo seen for
several miles. The.llVirirt and Areola, owned
by Mierlcy, Woolfolk lv Co., were on tlio river
und iu sight of the burning boat.
Tho Mercury lauded not far from the sceuo of
disaster, and took onboard tho crew of the St.
l out. Mrungw to suy, she was not molested.
The Arrvlu was coming up the river, loaded with
Government freight, and lowing a liargo laden
with eollee. Her olliccrs liecame much excited,
and cubing tbe barge loose, allowed it to llout
with tbe current. Tbo Areola succeeded iu
getting her bend turned down stream, and
pressing on all steam, arrived safely at Fort
The Mrreury arrived at the Fort a short time
after the Areola. The barge of coffee, at last
accounts, bud not been picked op. If it should
fall Into Rebel bands it w ill prove a vl liable cap
ture indeed. Not e of tho crew of the St. I.ouit
were wounded by the guerilla tire. The St. I.owt
whs valued ut tfn.OOO and was insured for
10,000. New Albany (hid.) l.etlyer, Md.
rot tcokfm i.nt. lly a special notice in another
column It will be seen the Ant poifurmaao of AlaJJin.
at (irovtc New Ckusout Hutul Theatre, ha keen post
poned until Wvduoidsy night, la cmueqneaoe of soaio
luilMirUnt alteration, to be made In the stage nisehinery,
hollilng butailielre to prduee tlila .pectaeufar drama
1ns nt)leol' uni-iampled splvndor would tiave lnductHl ihe
drlny. JUacrd attsia aaed puruliaatd wiU be yoed
oaiji used.
Rossini's (HelJo has been revived In IOndon,
with Taiuberlik 4VS the " Moor," and L Ornaas
" Ivdiuiona,"
shk n noniu.D cirkd for.
First Line of the Eucmy's
Fortilicalions Held
by our Troops.
tipri-lnl to Tho Fvenlna Trlea-ranh.
Wasiiinoion, July 'JA. Latest inUliigetlie
reciivcd here since the battlo before Atlanta, ou
Friday, stales that thete whs not much fighting
en Saturday, the dead and wounded be ng pro
perly rtred for.
All tbat is'.y known concerning the
oei npation of Atlanta is that we hold the lirst
line of tbe enemy's fortiticntions.
The President's Secretary Re
turns from Niagara.
A Prisoner Escapes from Richmond.
Special to Tlio r.vfnlnic Tries; raph.
Wahhinoton, July i5. Yesterd.iy Ihe hospital
steumer f 'oiimc. tu ut ran aground on the Kettle
bottom shoals, on the I'otomac river, whilst on
her any from City Point to thii city with sick
and wounded. The tug Seth Low was despatched
to the assistance of the Conneetieut this morning,
and in ease the Low fails to haul heron", steamers
will be sent down to removo the sick and wounded.
The new revciiuo cnttor S' eard, built at Phila
delphia, has arrived here. She is a tine, fdst side
winder, and on her trip round gave good satis
faction. Mr. Nicolay, tbe President's Private Secretary,
returned to this city yestorday from Niagun
An escaped prisoner from Llbby prison came
into our lines in tho Valley last week, and
reports that he left Lieutenant Frank Foot, of
the 121st New York, In the prison. Lieutenant
Foot wus reported as killed in the ba'tle of tbe
Wilderness, but it now turns out that he was
wounded and captured, having lost a leg.
Fathi:r Toint, L. C, July M. The steamer
Belgian, Irom Liverpool on the l t h Instant, and
Lotidondi rry on the 15th, passj J (his place ut
D'sui for Quebec. 1
Tbe lliimn arrived at Southampton on the
I. 'ith. Dano-Gennan affairs remain unchanged.
The repotted engng-menl lietween the AVnr
xiietand Florida otT Jersey Deeds continuation
It is false as regards tbe Heritarije, which vesse
is cruising otr Dover; but It may' have been the
gui.bout nerHtc;iro,.which has left Cherbourg.
The ship Clementine, from New York, for
Bristol, has hei n abandoned at sea.
Sales of Cotton at Liverpool for the week
II, 1 000 bales. Including 3(1,000 to speculators and
'24,(100 to expoitcrs. Prices have advuueed f 1.
to id. per lb. Middling Orleans is quoted a
3 1 A U . llreadsttills ia:ct and steady. Provisions
tit in and advancing.
London, July li. Consols cljsed at 90j(!.'K)5
for money.
Tbe bullion In the Hank of Kngl.ind has de
cnased i'.'jO.OOO.
Arrltnlofa Nunbont.
Ros ton, July 'A!. The Cnited States
Cotiiieetietit has arrived at this port.
Accident nt Newport.
Pko iuknce. R. I.. July U. Four parsons
were drowt ed ut Newport yesterday afternoon by
the upsetting of a boat.
Hot'clnl l)i'sia(i lien to Kcnlii!i Tpli'Knipli.
Waciohoton, July 20.
Nothing additional conli.niliig the ocupaiiou
of Atlanta Is at hand.
Knln nt Washington.
Copious rains have fallen here for ten hours,
t.vnrrnl MnrlimlMle.
General Martindulo has arrived here from Ucr
nittda Hundred on sick leave.
Miijot-Generul Ord assnmcs conitnund of tlie
18th Corps during General Murtindalo's ab-ence.
Tht. Seveu.'l lilrty tMn.
Troposals for tbo now Hovcn-tbirty Ljuq wil
be issued to-morrow. f
1 he whole amouut autborlzod by C mrsss,
vi.-., four hundred millions, will probib'y be
called for.
Heitthter of I lie Treasury.
Thtre uro alicady over a doiou applicants lor
the iositlon of Register of the Treasury, which
will not bo vacant until the first, of August next,
when Mr. Chittenden's resignation tikos clfc:t.
Among the most prominent c maidutes for the
position Is the Hou.Mr.Woodhri'lge of Venn mt.
I.hiiiI ttlllce.
Tbe General I-and Ulllce is sending out i's an
nual instructions to the Murveyors-Generl of
laud in Htutes and Territories, which are to
goM'tu the public surveys under the reeont ap
propriations i f Congress. The Instructions for
severul of the districts havo already been des
patched. Hospital Ntewnrilx.
Wau Pei'aktment, A iut'TA NT-General's
Orni K, Wasiiinoion, July 111, lMdl. Cirealar
No. on. '1 he lollowiug clus'-ilication of Hospital
Stewards is announced for tbe information and of all concerned:
The first class will consist of those appointed
n the Rcjuilur Army by the Socrotary of War,
and those of the uon commissioned stall of regu
lar battalions aud volunteer l egituents.
The second class will consist of tho-c selected
by surgeons of hosjiitals, aud detailed 1' the
written order of the commanding oillcur at a post
(or with bodies of troops) of mure than four com
panies. . The third class will consist of those selected by
surgtons, und detailed by the w ritten order of tbo
commanding otlicer ut a post (or with bodies of
troops) of lour or less number of companies,
liy order of tbe Secretary ol War.
K. 1). Tow NsKNfi, A. A. General.
National Hank.
The following National Hanks have been
established since the lJiu Instant :
City Nutlniuil Itnnk nt neiliin ItapliU, lnwa si u.ino
llUNurlilll Nbtional llaiittol llaveilnll, Muss nn.liJO
ht-iitid Nutlonal Hank ol Ilea Muiiiei. Iowa .-u.mAi
t hai let Oukhtttlonal llauk, tlarUoril, Couu &iAi,(SA)
Orllef ra i nablercMl.
Lieutenant George W. Moore, and 2d Lieutenant
McManus, of the 118th Pennsylvania (Corn Ex
change) Regimout, have been caehiered, and are
now In this city.
Colonel James Gwynn has been absent for
some lime past, and the regiment has but very
few offlceri let
Ftath of Tnr.KiioiiaTB To titf. Six A. M,
6oJ. Noon, 72. 1 P. M., 70. Wind, S. 8. W.
Tim II. I'outrhs' Convf.ktion. Wo are
pleased to announce that a majority of tbo
gentlemen attached to the public preis of Phlla
de phla have determined to hold a meeting for
Ihe purpose of forming an asoctution devoted to
tbe best In erests of the profession, and for the
purpose i f elevating its fnilojvers to an cx iIUmI
stnndirg In sneiity. The meting w ill Ik? hdd on
Widlie'diiy ii fieri uon, at hilfpust tliren o'cloek,
in tlie Assembly lliiildtng, corner of Ten h ami
Cln'Mttit streets, lleii.les ed'ecting aa admiritile
rrganlriitfon, it is understood that delcif ites wl'l
be chosen to represent the body In tho Report ts'
Relorm Convention, to be held in the cite nf
Chicago early In August. All tier-o i connected
with the press in a litciurv cii)ai itv nro Invited to
be pie-i nt und take part in the pr hci dings.
Mom: FiiiKs. This morning, between nine
aud ten o'clock, a lii o occurred at fie li sik-'iin I
iig establishment of Wdli.iin G. Perry, at th-'
southwest corui r of I'o-inh and I! ice streets.
The flames originated in the third story, nnd
were extinguished w it li tit great lo-s. An alarm
was given and a largo number of companies
were on tlie ground ; and bat tor the Interior
cin e i f Chief Kng neer l. lo and tin- police, tlio
whole place w uld have been ttooled.
Abi ut eleven o'clock last nignt the. tlireo-story
briek stable ot John A. l'.vana, itui nlford rcc,
Islow Shlipen, was de-troyed, together with
eight horses. A nannVr of carria ,Ms in tlie est b-In-hmrnt
at the time were saved.
'1 be flames coinniunlc ited to tilt ci'dnet s on",
hoti-e ol" Mr. Lew.s Fayette and Mr. Kollock,
tiudcitHkers. The structure was n Urge one
story frame, mi l was formerly used as an ice.
bouse. The stock, consisting of a numb -r of
reudy-made collins, wui havsiI, but the building
wus icdiiced tonshes.
Another stable, owned by Mr. V.. C. Knight, a
frame, one story high, was des royo.l. The horses
und carriages were saved.
The hnu-o of Mr. Fruit ThcN h id the rxif
burned away and the furoltiir- dinneil by
wilier. A two-story fianio Imllding of Mr. Wui.
Reynolds w.;s ulss) destroyed.
A row of bti. ks on Shipp n "(root were Injured
in the reur. The whole lo-s will roic'i jsjjo or
fcipw Fl i c i toi. There arc three sep.ira'o
umendments to the Ntato Constitti'lnn to tie vote I
nim ut the special election to be held ou Tuesday
wi ek The fu si re'ates to allowing sold ors the right
of Hi.fliagc ti esameas if they wero presontat iheir
homes, and the second an'l third amendments
bnve reb n nco to an abuse of power by th ' Lcgis
let ure. The amendments rend as follows :
Herfien 4. Whenever any of Ihe vn-i'.t .T'.ie. nfthW
t'oiiimetiwi nidi sliall b... In nv u.-ln.d militurv nervl.-e,
unit, r a risan-ltleii i ntnttie TresUlrnt f ttiu I'niieit states,
or to Ike authority e i,n ( ninuiou-veajtli, siii-fi vlis-tirs
iiuiye.orei e ihi r-stit oi setl.tiue fn All eioaimi by die
eti iiiir, inter Midi ieK.iiliitinus as ard,nr shall ucpre-serltn-ii
by law,. -i- fully ai 11 theyneio present at tlielr
u.oal ila a ef elect on.
feilloi.H. No lil 1 nliitll lie passed riy tlie I.eniKlatnre,
rontiilnlnv mnrs ihi.n nee snli e i, n-nfrii sttnll be eleai ly
enprinsfd l,v Uie tine, except a 'iiropnatlen bids.
fleetien!! .Ni. bill llAlt be pawned Itv die L'lsliilitre
liraiiUiic any p iwns. or nrivili ,es, in anr case wtitre tbe
eintprlt) i.i ,t.iiii ki rb powers, or prlvilp.en hj
iintv herralier be,v4 nl'irrcd tipen the courts of title Coal
uviiwealtli Tiik Nv.w Ciir.sNi T Stiiikt Dmnon. The
contract for tho erection of this bridge
awarded just four years ago, at tbe sum of
S'2RO,42.1, under the stipulation that It was to be
ready for tho Iron work In one year from tho
date of the contract. Tho work was delayed and
a further allowance of fc'i'i.Odd was made tho
contructoiH on account of the rise of price in
luminals and hilar. Four years ba.o now
e lapsed, and the structure is not yet ready for tho
iron work, tilucc the contract was made iron
bus advanced over tidy per cent., nnd as the
contra, tor has been delayed bv another pirty, he
too in a v dt mm d a further advance in tbo price
nt w hich he contracted to do bis part of the job.
It is lair to pre u mo then that it will lie at least
two years before wo will have a bridgo over the
bcliajlkill atChcsnut street wharf.
('uaiiiTun tj tub DiiAir. During tbepist
week the following named persons presented ac
ceptable representative recruits :
Twellth Ward. alevan.ler H. I.i-tf nvirtb, Wllli a A.
Kltilt-y.(lron.'o K Zeivlc, John W. Wiae.ileorit K. vl s
ti. I ranks, W Jnhn ( aa.-r,! i.o e li Utterly, llrhliu. Ilniry H. M telo It, .loliti II. M dtva a.
'I hlrlet ntll Waul. -I.ela lls. lail. it. Kit In S Wil ls,
I" re.l. rlek L chrandt, fiavld H. i:aas, l:uo. I.. I(e-e,
llenne K. I lianttMtrs, Kredrriek A. KtMiis, .lam's .M.
Vl'httby .lo-eeh lltinek, J.'lnl I "r tin, aatnes It. hit. In. Iks,
Conttic f. ( Kill itr, lleorKO V. Turilur, .latin V. Kackur
st. nur
Nlvieenlh Ward. .I.'lul H. fiouiem, Ch.irit'a LaU.Hmni'd
F. Biiilin.
l-evi'iin entli Ward. tsniio II. Iilptrleh, IJiif" nil t.nkteis.
Kiihlt'iib Wiiol rbiolei. II I amp, iV.lnuiu M. (Jama,
8utiiiiel l t'eitr'ney, I'eler K. istifeti.
Mnele. lidt Ward. Itn hard Lamts-rt.
liOI'NTY-Jl'UI'KH Nlt'KLV CAffllir. This
morning an individual presented himself at
substitute brokers' otlli, in Seventh str. et belo v
Chesnut, and offered his services as a "sub." The
broker questioned him for a few moments, and
suddenly recollected that be had only a few days
previous seen the same man sworn into the army
as a substitute for another person. Doing satis
fied tbat be was n boiitity-jumpor, the broker
quietly lett his otlb e, and secured the services of
a police olllivr, wbo arrested tho scoundrel und
look him to the Provost Marshal's otllco,
s, i-icrv it wiib ivurneu mil no u ill qui only
.1 .l.u l.n H .. 1. 1 M I I.... I...
juuijnu hid uituuij, net lb ,1 v-tiit: i, tttiii tin i
previous y dcscrted'hiH regiment, which is now
in front ot reb r-burg. It all substitute brokers
would act iu this way, and cause tho arrest of
every deserter anil fouti'y-jamper who ero-ses
their path, a more worthy class w mid bo obtained
by thuso whoure doniri'US of being represented
in the urmy.
Tim Recknt Cahi: ok Siiootiso. Dr. Alfred
W. Green, Kurgcon in charge of the b irracks at
Fifth and Iluttonwood streets, had a hearing on
Saturday beforo Alderman Hoi' lor up in the
charge of accidentally shooting a little boy named
Michael A. Gayer, us stitcd in Tub Ti leoihi h.
It will be remembered tbat the s irgeon was in
pursuit of a deserter, and tiring at him, the nail
missed its mu k, struck a wall, rebounded,
aud look ellect in the hack of the chi d. Tho
deserter bail not turned the corner when tho
Honor died, ns w as a'leged. Tho child, it is
thought, will recover. Tne dc-erier w.i a n i
toiious in nnty junis r.iind is s dd to b tvoroh io I
tbe Pi uus lviinin Reseivos of litr e th nisutid
i oilers. It is a great pity that the bill missed its
inteniltd uiuik.
A Siiahi' Tnti:i' This morning, s man namod
James Dillion was hi fore Alderman Clouds up in
the charge of larceny. He was ariosted in C ir
roll strict, Ninctcen'li Ward. He picked the
pocket of a man who was lying asleep. A p ilio
imtn saw ti i i ii commit tho act and gave ch iso.
The thief ran several squares, and seeing no
(banco lor e-cape took refuge in a yard, and
htloic he could be secured threw the pj.:kut-b sik
down a co-spool, lie hoped thus ti sue hiin
k If b) d' stroying all eviii. n'e of his guilt; but
the Aldi rinun d d not view it in tins light, und
enni milted blm to pri-on to await trial.
The Pi.av or Hash Hall. This week Is w lie
celebiatrd by teviral gland base ball matches
between tbe clubs of this and other cities. The
Retolittes of lirooklyn will pluy tho Athletics on
Thursday ufiiruoon ut 3 o'clock; tho Camden
Club on Friday at 0 A. M. ; the Keystoaos same
day at 3 P. M, and tho Olympics ut 3 P. M., on
f-'tnurdav. On the Kill of August tho Atlantic
Club wiil visit our city, and play the Athletics,
Rcystonts, Camden Club, Olympics, and .Mor
ca nt Iks. I '.ntertainincn's will be given ou each
of the occasions to the visiting clubs.
A Steam Fihe for Manayinx.
Since the destructive lire at Nixon's paper mill In
Munayunk, steps have been taken towards se
curing a stenm fire engine for Unit district. Mana
yui k decs not contain a single steamer, and tho
locution of one will no doubt bo made by Coun
cils as soon as tho citizens desire, beveral thou
sand dollars have already been subscrilied.
Heavy Loss. At tho fire at Simons' factory
on Friday evening, thero was consumod 2.000,0011
feet of seasoned timber, 100,000 feet of white pine
100,000 white o ik spokes, 50,000 hickory spokes.
3000 pairs of liubi, o00 sets of wagon wheels for
ordinary purposes, 200 sets of Government wagon
heels, and a large number of ambulances iu
course of construction. A numlier of caissons
and traveling forges were ready for delivery at
tbe time ol ibe lire
Five. The building known as Floura Hall,
situated at Front and Moore streets, was con
siderably damaged by fire yesterday afternoon.
The building was occupied as a lager beer saloon
by Mr. Wolf, by O. W. Llppy as a stable, and by
tevcial families. Three frame buildings in the
reur weie also slightly damaged.
Death in a Station House. This morning a
man named William Proctor was found dead in
one of the cells at the Fifth Ward k:t'v n Home.
The PitArr. The qnota of Pennsylvania
nnder the rail of the President tot five hundred
thonsai d additional men Is sixty one thousand
seven hundred men. At this rav, soma 12.310
men are to be supplied by the city of Philadel
phia. There is an official credit, however, of
some four tbonfand men, thus reducing our
quota to a few hundred over eight thousand. As
Is well knowu, however, there la some d spate In
relhllontoan additional surplus to the city by
reason oft a ties who have entored the naval or
vhe. and I. r whom it Is alleged we hive no' yet
rer.-ived credit. We h ive no doubt but Hi it
w hen th;s mut'er Is thoroughly nv s ig i ', lb"
denim d upon us will not ex ced seven thou-and
icrsnne, rcnniiii g an overago of ab-jut three
bundled men :'roin each Ward.
1 he aeenis ftom Phi adelphia for rccrniting for
tl e 'cmthI districts of Pennsylvania, In tba re
voted Mates, bad not, at lust account, bten up
pointed. U is to be united that tlio matter may
Mceivc speedy atuniion a the hands f the
pto cr authorities, o that this city may tie ab o
to get into ibe lield In time to recruit her quota.
The cfi ids, when iip(olnted, rec ive no iniruc
ti. in In rt g rd to their dutic, except su. b usaro
en.l r act d in the geni r il order ot Govern irCtirtui
sn.l the dlii a tii us ol Colonel (Ju iy, nlrcidy pub
ll-l ed. lint It Is understood tk'it ihey, being .ip.
pointed bv lecoinineu'bition of the clti. 'ns of the
ddleicnt couiith s, will act in perfect honor to
wauls their n spec: io di-tricts, sweuring men in
ft r their districs alone, and -howing no partl iliiy
to minor districts, hy this arrangement tlio
wboe number recrui'cl for a cmnty wlli be
cqiiliubly divided among the siib dis.ricts in their
i n illts.
In regaid to tbe one hundred d ivs militia, the
Provo.-t Marrh il Gi n' tal b is dc id ' 1 tba' tliey
urc not i xcmpt from the draft un it r the recent
call of tbe Piesldent, but in case of being drafted
lin y will bo credited lor auy service previously
A word or two In reference to the provisions of
the new act of Congress as regards the bounty to
volunteers and su'isiitutos, it will be well for our
citi'ens to bear in mind.
The city pays the boun'y of $2V) to all who
enter the service, whether us volunteers or sub
stitutes, as each uinn counti to our credit; but
the Government boiintr is paid only u volun
teers, and not to substitutes. As the niauor now
stands, the volunteer for one year receives 10:1
fioin tbo city und 100 from the Government; if
for two vcaiH. lie reci ivcs fr-.'oo from the city and
c:!00 ftom the Government; if for throe years, ho
rcciVi s yano from the Government and JtiKI from
tho eitv. The Government only pays one-third
of the bounty at the time of enlistment, while the
city pays tLe wnolc amount. The substitute
receives the city bounty and whatever sum hi
principal pays for his services. Represent dive
recruits are placed iiHn the same footing as sub
stitutes. 1 bis evening, at eight o'clock, a meeting of tbe
(Vegatcs appointed by the ditlerent Wards of the
city, to devise measures to encourage cniist
tiii nts, w ill be held at the District Court Room
No. 2. Wo trust that the attendance will bo
large, nnd that the object in view may be suc accomplished.
It is a n.lsfakc to euppo-o that tbe draft t ikes
in xr-ons eighteen years of age. Thu law reads
that "All able-bodied persons between twenty
and forty-five years of age, not exempt by ser
vice already r. ndcred, or othor causes enume
rated, ate liub.e to draft."
Tin: Comvo Dhatt. We call attention to the
advertisement of S. 11. Josephs & Co.'s Substi
tute Olllcc, No. 428 Walnut street. Persons liable
to the draft, which will most ccrtaluly take place
September S, had better secure their substitutes
at once ; and all of our patriotic citizens not liable
to lie dialled cannot exercise tbeir patrio:lstn in
a more substantial form than by sending one or
moro into the lield to sustain their lu.vs and
Wi: have ht fak the largest stock and best
assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, com
prising all dcsirablo styles of goods, from
medium price to suporlinc. Every one can be
accurately fitted at once from our stock, what
ever he his si.e or proportions, In garments equal
in all respects to work made to measure, at mucA
lower price. For those who profer, we havo
also a complete assortment of piece goods, which
will be made up to measure in a style surpassod
by none. Dennett & Co.
Towr.K II all, No. 618 Matket street.
Monday, July 2.5. The wet and unpleasant
state of the weather to-dny has in. rcaxed the dul
ness of tbo markets generally, and trade bus been
of a very limited chnrueter.
Quercitron Hark is scarce, and first No. 1 is
wanted at SsoO h'lon.
We bear of no operations of any magnitude in
Clover, Timothy, and Flaxseed remain as last
For l'lour, the demand for export was trilling,
nnd but about 1010 barrels were taken at $10-74
C" 11 for good Pennsylvania and Westorn extra
family. Tho ri tailors and bakers buy only to
supply lin mediate warns at $f(d)'.)-o0 for super
fine, .rO-7.iC",l0"-'' f"r extra, 10S0(;i;ll-25 for
extra fitml'y, and $A'.W(ri 11 for funcy brands.
In Ryo Fiour and Com Meal there U nothing
There is but little Wheat here; the demand,
however, is unimportant ; iu the absence of sales
we quote red nominal at $2 Mpc2 60, aud whlto
at &i o0( 2-70. Rye la scarce and firm at $1-80
(Vil-fll. In Corn thero Is but little doing the
sulrs reaching only about 1200 bush, yellow
at $1-7.1, and w hite ut 1 !' Oats are dull, with
stnull sales of Pennsylvania at 000. 2400 hu b.
Hurley Mult were sold at $1. ISorlcy is iuac ive.
Tbo Whisky Market is im-ntt'cd, and prl is
arc lower; sales of refilled and'Kaatoa ut l-7S
(ft 1 80.
riiii.Aii:i.riii ca m i.r. niKHiir.
.It i.v 2'l The rcceip s of Reef Cattle at the
Avenuo Drove Yard aro moderate this week,
reaching about seventeen hundred head. There
is a steady demand at prices rang'ng from 13 ;o
lie. for common, l.K"'liic. for lair to good, and
extia at from lCA:-il7c. (' Hi., as to quality.
At the closo the market w:n ra her dull, and
small subs of common Cattle were made at rather
lower prices than the above.
Cows. About 12) h -ad arrived and sold this
wi tk nt the Ay. ntio Prove) Yard. There U a fair
demand, with sales of Spring rs at fjiidfijlil, an t
Cows and Calves a, from f ,0 up tj jf '.5 per li.-ad,
as to ,ualitv.
Sheep The receipts at Phillips' Avenue Prove
Yard ure largo Ibis we-k, reaching alsmt sikl
I end ; Ihe den and is good and prices ure firm.
C inmon hcep an" sclliuff at from i .o., and
g (1 to exna at from 7(7ic. 4p lb. gro-s.
Hogs. 'llio Mrrivals and sales ut thu Union
and Avenuo Drove Yaids are light this week,
only reaching almut 1300 head. Tbe market in
const queues is very firm and prices have ad
vanced, with tales nt from U Bp ta $1(1 the 100
lbs. net, as to quality.
Ste-an-Up Clli.lim.'laliwt, Mow Orleans via Waaklnftea,
tli.l.iip. hi. II a Co.
HI it harsnak. 'Bntt Liverpool Cope Bros,
liannc Anna dir.), AiiUwmhi, bwde Jauelro.JobaMaton
llnii le'ra.Mnyo. New York. J IS llazl.y A Co.
linn C. . Miller brew er, llsnil'leu, do.
ling Mary C. Mariner, Mariner, lortrtsi Monroe, I). 8.
hll'lson A Co. , .. . o . . ,,
llrlk hn I' i Ho. Caflero, Liverpool. K. A. Bonier Co.
K'l.r A mi rlctia, Atlanta. Oaidenaa Juha Mason A 00.
St i.r F. L. l ac. Sirelman, lluis', Ii. Ilarrelt.
Sear'. Hull, lusianale Uaven, W.U JoliUi.
BnniiiS Salon J. Harvey, fader, II dnrn tVom Turk's
Itlind. "US sail to W illiam Cinnnilnn ASoo.
llrlK lanule. Ianit, S ibo lloul ewbur7port, In ballut
to Curtis A Knliriit.
Iirw AlbrrU, Ihiw, IS days from Key West, in ballast Iu
K.A. Homier A Co
KelirS. Hawyor.Oamase, 81 days from alataaaorai, in
tilllaal tecaplnia. .... . .
8ehr C 11 Hatters, Lanitley, S days from Kewbiu-yeurt,
In to 1. btuHoa A l!o.
Nckr Ella, tiarston, 4 days irom KockvUle, with lo ta
T w el II SCO.
Heir AU'iil'tr, Watts. 10 (lira tVom Win terpen, Hi'.,
nhn .per. lot-:. A.isouiifi ; ice.
t,i kr Villaue Rem, Carlla, S days from Newliuryporl,
wtdi uidm lo capiaia.
hthr Alice H, CSaie.Jtlays from Fortrwl Moaroi.ln
ballaal to captain.
The bamae Tiotof Br.), from luaeinoi brla Idhm. o
Loiauie, (rum lla.aua, and a Unlit banius at Laaueiio.
Reported for Tht Jtrentty relurajA.
Teas', lei akd per Hal que Aaroa J. H rvey-70(W Sat
alt 31 ''! arrow rout Wm cuuiin'Btt A bju.
riiTTjtDF.rrinA rrocK rxchawoc salrsi. mr
Beported y (larkana A Co., B rollers. Hat Ul 8. ThtrS) 8t(
Br.roitB iiOARna
too ti Plot more oil.. 7 I likllsM H
riHtT firiAHn. '
tymtj. a. 4-90s
sn m a. ,
5HJH rto
,...10l II" H BM. B.TI..SI I WISJ
II eh rrA WM rl , it
.VHIeh Ills Mouiiiaia.. "e
II sn eu sa. M .. .. 2
JO h WorrtUtB B. lit
inn ih Caiaw. ot
.-.! A., . ion
S'i no I' (V,: rAp.lnlS
S' Venr r.,p (s....llst
-!( fjilt.n,, p. sj
B.v'C A A Bi...Jd. :i li
lev sB Ansa ..qui ii
TO -h Klml'S K H....IOI-I
100 to McOUnUxA
i-w.ii, a. K..e ut.H
11. a. l.rn. Buy. c,.,!,,! Broker, STo. 1 ttf HiiiltliiiKS, Walaat (. oeiow rnird.
Reported by ClBrkiOB Uo., Broker. Na. 181 8. Third .
lr. Cilt, aeeotui On't.
fnttf d atato lie. tsst . Int off imsj btt"
loisi eisa
litis eaieei
mst anie
1W .ale
At'S) aaleel
l.'s tales
irrlsj eaiea
l aaleal
.. asieai
, lot xlee
Rmk I. land Hallroad...
In uilUin Ital
1 1 Ids'. fVinral Railroad.. ..
I.alena llallrnnd ,,,,
Sen ) -tV C.'nlral kallroad..
l.rle llslltoed
I ti led Hialee t 20i
MarVrt ,
... tH bid
...lS Wit
...l's Bit
...IU bid
...VI bid
,...1 kid
... Hieaiy.
QnntaUoni of Hold at Hi Philadelpfela 0ol4 IUktujS)
Ko. :H 8. Tlilrd ttreet, eeoend story :
I'.SA.M V4 1M :.T
li a. si a-v ip. at
SlBllKlt strolif.
Ja C-nxt A Co. quote Government BeonrlUce, Aw., tkf
noon to-day, as followa :
TT. . s. l-l
i a. 7 I In Notes
Certifies! ee "f liitlet.l. dnesa, NfW. ,
Oaixru-rniaster's Vourliers
(I .i.i
I. -w Honda ,.
.... HlW
.... M
... Jr.
Mordat, July In
Gold opened this morning at i'A. There was)
very little doing, but prices steadily advanced.
There was very little animation In the Stock
Murket to-day ; the transactions are limited, ami
the market dull bnt steady. Reading Rallroasl
U rather better, and sold at loVj Oatawlswa pre
ferred Is al'O rather better, with sales at jVsjj
Schuylkill Navigation sold at 25, and Norrlstrrwai
ltallroad at 65.
Thete is very little doing in City Bank or Fasv
sengcr Hail road stocks. Tbe latter exmtlaow
dull, and prices arc nominal. Wo quoto :
Aid. Ariel.
Second and Third..... 7
Chesnnt and Walnut 80 t w
Anh street 23 21
Kace and Vine...... 20
(ireen and (dates , M
Itidge avenne HI
Looiburd and South 2fkJ 21
The Money Market continues rather etsfcr,
and loans on call, to good parties eonld be bad at
6tJ'ccnt. per annnm. The deinaod Is mostly
speculative. lenders look carerully to securities
and decline all notos for money unless It is within
easy reach.
Tbe United States bonds are in better dem uvd,
nnd prices are rather better, j 20's sold at l(Vti
10-1 J. ai d 'mall lots of S.50 and 10X1 bonds a 10.5.
Producing Oil ttix-ks are In better demand, ami
prices have advanced from $1-50 to fJ.
The following are the receipts of FkraratHt
Giam at this nort to day
Ih ur, 1731) bids.; Wheat, 8600 bush.: Co n,
2000 bush. ; Oats, 2300 bush.
The following nre the receipts of Coal Oil at
this port to-day :
Crude, 310 bbls; icfined.tHO bills. i
Hnrkeita bjr Teletarraipta.' . .
Kt.w Yovk, July 2.1. Flour bus advanced 10c.
RslrsoirJ'UObbla. at tlO-KsedO-'iO for Hlalei Sin-t'.nl
fi r Olno; ll.'4.V10-IO-.iO Sir Wealetn; SIseseJUN) i
Roiilheni, and Sn wna for Cansila. Wheat a Wa to-sil lidj
f with unlmporuuit sale, ektra Is oulet. Beee'dnli.
bucks uull. Cnicaito and dock. Islmd,
11?; CtinitM rlsnd l'ref, rred, ftl; lllinoje Centrat,
l.rl'i; llllttole Central Band-. 1 IS I New York Csinral,
I a-ii kllehlsan 80. tlieru, S.ltt't Uea.llnti, l:,; lluiloei
litter. IVHi Brie, biiii: One Year OurUUoetes, 9)1
Hve-TwoitijC.niptin, ln;,s Coupon M, Us) 1 UuM, JHHt '
and since the Board hah),. '
sV-'S' tldtd WardofthoClty 01 l-lillaaolphla:
At a meellim ol Uii-e.iiEelui ot Ujo I wvaljr-ltiwd We,r4,
le.dat W KK.HI o INs 1 11 1 TK. 1 taaa'ord. on
evuens.Ju ySS.iKM, Hie Ktllnwte preamble sad rex
lull' ns weie iiliuuiniousl.t B'b.p ud. 10 wl( :
Hhreis. Itv I'to Uinallon of tne President of the)
t'niu.l B ates, dated July If. M, a cad le mid: lor
tahi.IKO volt nteet-a tor the military acrelet of ttM V 'Itedl
Htattie, 10 be faruUhed by v.uun'ery eBlteleaeat wltlasi
liny duts Tnin ibe eatu iferoof, othvraise badran.tei
be l.aa l tbo i xiarutlon of that time for any por l .nor
gin.ta widen mat lie iintitleu by volunteers oa tne otti day
oi HiBteii b. r next; ui.d
Wi ci em. I i.e eitieiis of the Twenty -tbld Ward of Mv
f ttv 01 I'liilnilelpliia tsaitfr eeslroua n aidina, phitnoOnir,
si d rut lauins ike cnlienuent ol tduueuere, Bod ttvvrvbj
st i.ttl b di-Mtt : and
witettBs, li le Itieumbent upon feryvoeel ertlen rat
Kivo 're y of his . nd momm iu the 01 tide
on ect. tv k-li may tie beat secured tnrotisa lue Biiereutm
ot an eil.cteiit ortnt lyailon. maile lor tne purpose, and
tspaltieol eaiivaaains tbe enilrv ward Ins aioel taort. -ga
and con plctc nianiter. 10 olaain uad collecl the aubaerlp
ta n ol every 1 er-on In It that ran be tndaoed oaiiiitrl-.
Inile;and 10 provide tor lite proper empttymentof tba
lunoa o roller!, d trt proriirtns fecntlu 10 he oredued ta
Uie qiii.ta 01 tttla ward : aad 10 further previde lof aetlna:
euii..iitll w lUitlte other wards In inea-uroa that may b
found best b.ibi ted to ltd ihe ttiota o' tbe city. 1'hortirora
Id aolvi tl, Tlnit bq ussoeiiilton be ItereDy tWmsd by tbe
oltl.eiisot tlie Twenly-tnlrd Ward, In Ward meeting-aa-seitibiei),
to lie known as tbe Klllistutont Aae tet tuoii 01 Ihe
'I wnt -iblid Ward ol the ( It) nf piuiadtlplda. Iltootoct
of w hich -bad be 10 aid, ptoniote, antl eaouuraxB tlieen-It-tliient
of men into tbe miicary servioeof too United)
Htnii s 111 .ler the nsuilngcaii.if the I'reaitiern 1 widnh Ae
s.euniea tball sidtt-il and collect siiti.eipti..aa In m riey
fr. in tlie people of tbe Ward, wlilcb money aball lie up
ilb(l byilie AssocibiIou to itte pr-uraooa of recini'a uk
sneb ntanner na tlie Association nlmll ueeta expedient.
Kcolteri. 1 list the ttuliitluieul Asai.cladou all. lie ndet
of a I're.lilteil. Ylec-t'res'dtbt. hvten Brv, and Tree, tmr,
wlio shall bo Ibe Kieeutive Cotulnitus, tlioroof, itnd Hire
elttelia Irom eneb protaitel nr divtaton of tl.e wardi 'he
A'totimtop ao e iuio.ed etiaU niato I a own rus a of
older 1 pinilnt its ewti time and ptace for niueliiii; al'ttr tha
ftr-t niiitiltl', which .bad tie held In title Uall oa Tne lar
eveltlhs nexl.Jh'tb In!.. Ht s o'elocs j ei.cli nieuilHI' NlllU
te eu'llted to 11 vote 011 all ouest'on. t and die ohiiu ejra
IT soul at any regular un eUus of Ibe taso -m'ttiil ana I tat
(li lain d a tinoritiii : tbo I r.eti1elit or Vlee-1'rts.l.Uitil ine)
tl e Ktere vry.thall sijin all ardors to be dra n 00 loo 1'
a'trtr: 11 members n-.tio eauli piecl u'tiBll ro isllia ea
Colka I on Cou.n itle toiukesiibteri.tloiikBl.d
111 tl erns 11 p.e.- net : an 1 'o ai 1 tl.e 11 in.thL-dtt-itiiJA
01 tbia'Mtsiiii'ss.shallii)tsilnlcitir.-ns, notm retttB' t t.evB
It. iinbilier 11 sitlunrwi-lan Ihe prerin t. and sliaa rep to
Ihe secrelitr.t, t. naw solallaiirbct.ll(Mtorsa.ia.s4ti. d;
III. d ll.O MJ eoileoll d b. (lie Coliee.t,u (J-HB til S
fh dl b- pind over In the Treasurer ul 1 -ast ortce In "very
week, or oiiencr if tl a AseoclaikMi nba-.ld e det.r eaio.
lit snlvt d, I'ltMt lite meiiils r ol tlie Ktii.atiuout A.s: s.-la
lion I e ai jioitited tiy lids nnedos, so far ua ma.t n - tm
lueiteli k w lit tlie ollleers : rrovniett, Tliat any on,'', or rtiiiBtiiit'k uiiaiipointed al llierlose ol tble t to.,
)ne, (.ranv e ho nmy Itereallenteelliieor liete(.l In lo ve,
sba 1 Ik- ap iilnli'd It; tlie Association.
IU'.i.Ii et, lliul tins meoili.R cbiH e froin ll.c .'oitnt
A-m t ta'li r. Hi ett llebsa'ea to letr. seiil tbo Wtrd mA
Ibe Ami e at on in Ibe (.encal Con-Bti-iou to moai In the
ill 011 loieiuv etetiinii itet, ?tlt in.!., or tuti ettter,
w lai-e do. v it shell tie to superl tit n.t the v-ner! 11,. e u.ta
01 tbe l aids to e oiaotu nintv In tl.eir Betsm, and te
at oi'l sui-b na-asiiri's as III lb. ir itii'ieuiHt't atttl Im. h'H
attni'iecl to ml o.e tiuotu ol o'tr nly umtor ihe cm.) .4 th
1 r 'ill. lit : and ... far tin It aliall deem , spoil. :!. .Ua
iili-liuvl.l A-setl iron sliatl aeteivn omtly vi-Mi t.f e t.or
tin il. 111 ad ineiihiiie. si itd-e'id bv tbo 'ail 11-narl
Con entltin orauy odor body which inay tj
Itn lite -utile pill pose,
He.olvetl. 'I list al die close of the lab -ra of the t:-i!'t-nit
lit Assia-la. Intl. Il aimli publish It. e rusnlt of Un. uuej
ill efelepblet o In, lobe t l.-lributt d lo .be C.l'oelit.i; ..rn
init'is-s lo tbe sub. enberK, u f. I, lial ot WIH..M a wll be)
k,l lor tl. s p risise. Bad tlx- r luaues rtlnrii ,1 1 the)
Hieteiaiy wl b die aininiol of Ibe.r subscript! 11a ui .ue)
llllie tli Mle C.ill'Cle.l.
In s., vtd, 'lb-l Ha Seeremrv lie and la hereby uie o ot
It. htivt- em- lliolt-aiio topi, a of rfalalions, w lu 1 ttB)
usnies ( I ir m. letters 01 tbe As-et-larti,,, prime! l'i,r t he
Use of Uie CI eellllv I (III Ui.tlt t' 1 BlkO, IO p.'.rt't.r ' .1 tl -'S
til.serltlii li b- oka for fm ii Couittll'.ee. to be lures-'." I SA
tlie no t' lie Aa.ncialiBn on Tui-eilav event-iv i.e-.
lit e e itli tbt f..r.'K"liti reeo uttotia, t'e -is,,
let, luetic Uie fiitliiw-iitt BLiloiiilliieuta:
WII.I.IAM I1AIKI). I'rnslileut
BKSlAItu, Vlue-I'reildent.
Mil. son WKI.SH,8ecrelary.
HKN.IAMIN imwi.A.Mi, jK., Treaaarer.
Fir-t l'reclnrt-IJamuol C. t) UlitU, Ueorge I. Hod, Max
wed Itow land,
heivnd Precinct Qeorgt IllaVe.Chkrtea Oroen, Howarw
1 bird Prcciact Watkon Oexuly, filial Tomllaoa, Thomas
Jan es,
rourtlt Precinct Emannal I'eUrs, Amos B. Blue, Robert
E. WlteJlt.
ftr b l'reelni.'t-k(iorgt F. Boris, Edward Borle, Jusopb,
Wun Proclnct-Jamca B. Honan, Oavsr C. Fktltipi,
Bntii'B K.Htijdtr. e .
Moeaatli I'ris'iuet William W. Axe, Joeeph T. Yaaklrk,
Vt il ium II llhaMii. .. , ,
Kl. h ik IToclut.t- William Taylor, Henry Oaralde, WllUant
r.almi?p'tsKlnct-BettJamla Shallcross.ncnry VT. Dltmaa,
""'"Ii.T 'to County efcnventlon-Joseph x. Vaaklrk,
Hubert K Wrlldil. Wllilam II. Bliewn. .
The Assisdallou la hereby notlflt-d to meet
at WltiiiHTS jNiiilttlii ou Tuesday Kveniiu: aext.
A PBfoltiilon "ii also adoptrd to h.dd a Btiblie tneellnC
ofVt-e W'aid al (Hit) KKLLO8' UALL, r'rankfotd, oai
WKIiNKsiliAV K tNIHI neit.tilh Inatajit, Bt m o'olovka
fur tbe unipose Bt encouriutns enlistment.
Hit IIAKI) UaUisBU, Cbaurauiv, 1
Wiuua II. KnAWN.aecreury.
frunklurd.July If a, tsiA. H
--' puny. The Annual Aleulins w:U bo held oa
Tueidat ht tulns.JUtb Uulaut, ut Bte o'clock at No. I da
Bl'kiMIJt Slnet. J. A. KlUlifATHK K,
iyr-1 als-c-retarr.
Ottielnl nrawtiaa tlie ah el by SJskU'BgeB,
CO, 21, 2, 30, 76, llti, 17, 23, 4j, fi7, 42, 4.S, 0n jt
Bktka (Jlass Stl July -Ati.isee.
4fl, M, 21, 7H, 7, 64, 17, 62, oi, 2, l53, 71.
OirtUU) seat by BdUrteaiiuj
a. aV maose 4) Ot., -uoTULMtoa.