mYiLy fcVfcNitVO f ELKGHApn. FiflTjADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, JULY 23, 1304. 4 " HATT RllAY, JOI.Y V, i n. H. Tbirc's a cjp In tlv cl )Ht, owl, un. rM. ami li'u", Of ry sli;lit ,t'm It m"iY . ,0 " " l?nt n cr'iwn, jrwrl-stn 1 1"1( I oh Id D't iiuy it t-day, Vith io Mu r f honor, ' " 1'ntTO "Co. K." Tbs brnJ th.rt tt (Ii.iIt.-wJ Nitdshltrrioni.r. Dfd lurocs niitko ''? 80, lide cbpk-t of 11. nor, Of laurel mid ''ri 8em rap of ' soWli.-r, , Marked "Co. K." Brlcht rjtn We; 1 okO'l calmly Its .Imit rn n.'Bth, O'. r the work of the reaper, Or'm 11 i'tomm-, lVstti ! Lrt tbc musts-r-roll, meagre. So mournfully any, How torrm.t in dauger Wiiil "Co. K!" Whoae foomu-ps un'iroVon Came op 10 the town, b re tuui part and tutlon 1iok. 0 line atniiiKly down. ? Vibo, r'o ri(? un bro.iehea, Ntlll kept on their way, Till pom. ilownward pointed, Faced ' Co. h )' Like mineral awful, Stood cannon a oof, Till signal wwi (tiri-n, To strike off proof Of the toul of the aolJicr, To rend op to Him, Vnj God that be- know? it, jbouKU bloouy aod dun.) Who f.ltcrod, or "hi.Ted ? Who stitnim-d l ittlo-strUe ? Whole tiro win one nam ? "Whote battle line broke? Go, ask it of History, Years from to-day, And tne roc rd linil tell yon, Hot "Co. K." Though njy darling If iloepinx To-oujr with too dead, And dalle, ami clover . , . Dim m over bead, I sml'e through my tear As I lay 11 away, ' The battle-worn rap, LeilereJ "Co. K." AMUSEMENTS. Gkaxd Rfxht.mno As we annonncud yes - terday, tbe ftraud summer reopening of drover's . Kcw Cbeiiuat Street Theatre will t.iko place on Monduy evening, on which occasion there will bo ; produced, for tbe first time In tbU city for nix ' 7ar, tbe furnons old dramatic pageant of Alul ' din; or, the Wonderful .amp. This drama has ween tbreo months in preparation, and is pro ' aenied at a coKtof J0300. For years past, it bas been a general tlion' favorite, on account of the diaplay si.-enes ; and cm tbe occasion of ltd brat exhibition at (Irtw er'K, the gorgeous papountry of the Imperial Coa.tsnd the apornnturatofrocu will rezail t the memory of old tjicmre Arocrit tbe meiiiorjes ' of tbe fumoiis'Ar&Lilun .ib's'ntcrtalumeDts." la seeoer; mecbiinfval elfecU. proponico, aad ujierl) coTinme, wo are wi:ifl(k'd tbut Grorcr's Aladdin wiil tiewraway the palm from all similar exhibition ever flven in the cliles of tbo old ' world, and that it is destined to have a run of many weeks before our citizens tire of its representation. Miss J'.fllt) Oermon will tnit'iia (be chamcur of "Alud.lin," Miss Lizzie l'rico tbatol "i'nncess CuUrulbudoun," whilo to other favorite acton nod actresses will bo cntruitod those characters whose proper rendition con tribu'es so much to the success of this great spectaeolar drama. On Monday evening next, tbervlore, Aladdin will be produced, and we ad tIm our readers to present themselves en mtura o that occasion. ?iii LITER rruE. frtm Ike Ruuni Table. Tbe writings of the In sane possess a peculiar ' Interest aside from the Idea, that " Grant wits to taiulncM nearly are nUloa," an Idea upon tbc correctuuss of which philosn- hers are divided. A French phybiuian, K. lorran, has recently gone so tar as to advance tbe novel theory that the pre-eminenco of the in tellectual faculties hus for its organic condition a peeial state of dbeoso of tbo nervous centres." It may bv permitted here to observe, however, that def pite tbe nearne-s of tbe alliance of great; wits io u.adness, it may bo quite posxiblo that Renins and insanity are as unlike as black and wbiie. Laughter and tears are nearly allied, but yet are tbe y not opposite ? Almost Invariably, tbe greatest Biactersol puibos are equally masters of wit and burnor, as In Dickens, Hood, and others. This article uims merely to pronunt to tbe tender Heveiul speciuieus of tbu writings of dlll'erent lunatics not lunatics in a sort of llyitra tive sense, but lunatics who, at the time they wrote, were ni.der treatment in lnsuue boHpitalH. There was n time when it was doemed neces sary, in order to rendtr eirccMve the system of trtatmen' in asylums for the inuune. to prose riiio the nse 01 tbe pen by patients altogether. This fallacy bas few supporters in our day. The ti eminent of mental disease hus greatly improved since tbe time when Christopher Smart scratched bis lengthy poem of " i)ai.l," with a door key, oti tbe panel of his cell. Now, the lunatic who la possessed of the earurthn icribfndi in provided, rjnucr prop.r icgulutlons, with fa ilUics for aerll.biing. I'cns and ink are no longer dcuiuid tlie liolKida of ii rationality. Tbe mad comic muse -a"s so mu?h a stringer tn lauious Jleolam, that when one of tbo inmates "'en "lioat.0 of honor" produced the f thai t e)rcs? hex sentiinents on following rbyme v. . i. as a tbe n jeet of polygamy, . ) bau . innrvcl Jiin inairy Murr, anJ Murj al"nJ. Hut U J .lin mrt moie iit blo.s a-ia U serHtli.! TIs Bolonur a match, hut a bunUI- ..r nnt !:i." I A grey-balred bacbelor, Vho bis Wai.-ea t:;4 ! balls of the New Yolk Stutc Lunatic Aslnmfir ?iars with "a bee in bis bonnet," got orl the f d owlug ibjme: ir I've no wire to cheer nic. no durllntr to art, Ive no bshlep to cr , and 11.1 vlsen inlrol; If my Hi'.-iiand sun kitis ttrc nut slrei.a r, anuV.k lllo thrlr ownvr. ictp h worse I'.ir ths wear, I'm as In e as tbe hlrdt lo wirk or to 11 t van reada lo.tid nnok. anil so drlva mru tsiiotdd nii.e l. ae hi Itiii. reus ou eti.-ek, brow, and shin, I've not a clou eoiuci iicu, und lulltllnc itMn. ' ' The same "crazy -bend," in a poem on to'i '.cco cbewing, thus 1 lustr.dvs tho rejoi :ins "in ide" oftbe man who iuit the ue of ilic weed: he to nesfe' t a t leyr ni up t i ihe brain : "We aiu not to be n rot iwrii an. I tornn'.i v I :t--nl!l.' Xi d tliobiain sfc:it tin- in.-.sauc -ilruu'lii .acs t .dieho.irt: tlcat irocly iiiid tully w've c-.t u new start ' ' 'Tbe lollowing fragment," ibe writer says, "was giouud out of u iinehlue," "for an e i rte de.ciiption of whieu, s.e the sjiiri-ualists." Tbe su'.jici is "Km-bantcd I. aad," a doaitiu which lunatics are coiiiiuorily supposed cjui.n i-tsu-ly to occupy : "The- u Ken.le s iinmer bru.' Ilien fr iu in., oiiino r.i a u.-on. And a.tis I'm bi .lit vu e. 'I lie it. !... i .i v 'i 1h jt.- ini.l i.j ) un 1, And ull itioe ro. :ss aou vm ,.lii tii.e loitii a solicit, a 'Uini. 5 nd I ok Lo. Is bourn inn niivi r Hell (..'""ij'.y tu the ttaiuH 1 A ihey uitrrlly dslice mid sing. ( V'AliA imri' ttuttfVjalll d'ju tl UH J-v' tlie fvlt.) 1 bote suiilll eyea Avo (tits) on a rio That oue false step mny bring. (Aii-aOw Ufi thcti- ot tu4.) Miu tt.e dsnce and din Him ilseevr wltblli. The cuviTt! ulroa suiotheri'd groans, Tlii'ti Itiey ilntiit III ll.o noi. inn liaunt in Hie mini tttiit tft hu Itiitet. 'I Ut llell, ,i. - 'J lie Sd.or llell. Mill lllikliriK low tu a. Jn It e well oeiow -..... Is heard ms Oliver Hell." -t'. This is quite as well coiistrtietcd verse as t'it jivii umiiy a "poet" who cluims to be sane, and 'Shtjum newapupers harbor und abet, while in tbe "( of sroteiiquo liiucy it is somewhat itnpres--,ise. Va have a better built verse below, a .a Iragincnt of a ptcui ou "lbii Drooping Wil low a" ; - - );?,,,'!1''optarasy.'anire reach to tli sl y, nuiio I taoMi not ili oak Willi ie ulow can no." I . .. Brnt sort are tbe productions of jollier lititic,Kre,-ha,red.t-dl, coarse or jibyeique, whoae wrHiDr,iM frolicsome us the . sruikayors of a kitten tu VUr.uU of her caudal . mjipindage. 1 or e xauiiile . v Ifholliat seattkeUil of a rat M j . . -" lie exln ii. e of rait ai.uiinl.erci nu. i, ,," ,. :.. -not i.iitb it a ut. tut. id hp I o,,in aVar,.r,'",'1 ,y; rallins", two Slalrsl, aud usiu liu u,e ,11" , Ii an I U i nilisl n.a ..isa lo vru.. In lore w lot. u.iiJ1! atlv now liilsM-lnii 1'Uiloi an lnliir('ktMii cstiKi'd by amkti)u -H boAioi'k bill up.ulila lowu'a-eiid uiis'rsol.auiu ovtr a lia.bvd II i''rt. a. asi.liid villi luiliMile-kardlim biuiot', .nd rcn.'h uiaktrcl lakculioul tbu bayuiKB alaokwf liw IcufiiuVlld. "Stow aiilcu, Inkstand. KM..atttfll Ink.adlen itil teoth Yrtek, a.Uu soJt sjiuio pop soo, aifieu .fU'.odsia koobb 'wllliioil wlcs. tt.u (.i.l'f ivi' 'u'iii.tir; at r ih ill, ii idi-ur, rtihtt u i ti'-rtl tri'tu t f.iu-oiij. Kill. inny rula,u 9roticil mft'ithirt Lutitt trttt tjtntitt has tUV QrvnUihtn flt:il9. A(J J:l.l J ,M'i IvlSUVyli." 1 Not ti lnive the frantic reader piulin? ovc Ms Krrllh, l ii'Tii'l., I.ulti. O.-riiim, a id or dict'iitiiitics to trait-'B-n the atvivn ("Mini." t trme, we ainwh the wrlto.t'n own explm- MAu means ri'iM" In one Inninwo .. M. ethcri r'" caiiin tr.s ,,p ft-ln w eaiA awow H an i.i'it.r, lr ni I" h.'sp. us itw e4i n , Hi. finil fl.'i aw illnr I to il ll e; it ,s ,m , water ( , v. lil. h In. wl Icei. or ' Ml thm .unf a . I, rti.chim. i! from li'S i Peek . !,ni I. fiiil l.a...i-.n I'r.rt.' i.i.fii'i tt- .'(.i' stilt b rm.ii l.t Hi h.m.':- Tl TiVIiWi t..K'n ill A lrt . fvi,.' . y M, pr, i, n- t'aiiMi M-r-a. ' .1 . an.i'K wi h'Hit e A nml iT 'ir n. i'ii. Hi' f ' ' !K' Mi i'a"'" i'i'"i ' a lni, ti... "r l.'iu r ilfr y ii-j :.-t, frev-h it I, rl. x f r, B". hmt She i eft nl 01 a n- ,. , i MiMr-'i. tmt. n li'erutqro her IN e ilRv.-tioii of IJitidc d ievi.NiBriiiti . Siir ..'Slftl n V jIiiIhc on 1iK ill. ine, tlinl o-i.M ex liH'iieo 1 1 ns n i.nlky IS. ot ever.l hnn l'e I -pe, ter hi 'h th.- w.. exirenn'ly i'iX'otn to lino a pThilKlier. Khe'liu prep ire I an 'hi'iorate new . x eon lor lliolleul students, o( v. hu h wo rei'iit n fli (ilo yperimen : ''Tlir nirMTitliw .f tlie wur.l lliillr i fn l. 'tln -T l 'tt'l OT I'Viil U .('.'ki'li ut III i'ii? ipi m F-i;il.e i -i ril : ilirm.'ni m" Mt'fcuisi.l iii.'iil .r un 1 Ii'- ii t. in.' m t Oi.' r.. 'it 'At'. TH s H'n In. ti thii st scl turm. I'm1 ruOl. .u, th ml nne tl.. stl.'.k io it. ' A Inller upeelnien of l er "tyle" ami its result we give belnw, ni l! with It i.iiieliide. It is un ixtrni'l fii iu cirtmn Scili'uial Htudies and rlu' l ua'l D" nl'n r the nnmt er of ' l!arn. ' No'es," coneirn-rg whl.-h Hie Krcy-hiilrcd ui-iid..n ho-ds as hi nrstly high an opinion . is the learned llr. Ilarnrs lniflit bltnself bold concerning bis own vaiualdc work : la tt. el sptnr. Inft vrr. ts not'r ms.l.- f a rhlr r Ul.i .si. whli h nnrii tlm ro'hn ..I Mrs. llemns t.Mriti-, isl.i p tli. I aili r.uin.ft ill.. uuiit-t.4 11 .1Tid tfiiiisinctj a curl vi' im ii;iui,h, . Ii i-:i aitur lt.i tbhiiH hi. ti. lio ri.- ' inu Krv... lli. rsaiMtrirtl uniiii lli'ie In lli. si'h'Mii Iiuiisa, h nil nt lt.t t .rh o it uown in Un his hire as t.i thu ep.'si-ti. "1 Ii luting i-liool t. n. b'-r sur.ivpd, ?.iI ik oaly li yesr s ie.1. Inn at tinirs s' .w. il HirTm o1 pnr' l..niii.. u.fnl iver alUT. Ami tin? ruiiin Umsu'O Ii Is on ill" rlhti iii suit i. ml f. lm. e. w iiii tlm nfis wl.nj.iw i.rt lUht. il o.i Itii" roftln i'i up his' rr-ll)o wl 'ar-to 'o n I I in I'.'l.v II. h lii(f '' a. I .ii.lus liriuia ly it d -wti, IO tltl RM". I SUIIl. h Sill l-l til- lolll'IV ''!. M. HI Mil. III llll IrK In. s. m 'illr wriiiiu' hi m.itl.i r .r vtrs.llsilY n,rs tin- , kirf bl It al wlilcli Is Ituly re. p. el il:e 11 'A I' sillily iltpH Its fnir l-af In ths si-b., lr ximritftiDy dnsiK n'i r in., nr. ..ti, mlvnt vvux s. ' Muny a rhymster who el.iims to have Leeii "nursed bv the Mu-cs," hut who may he sild tn he nimew trat given 1 1 "mewling mid pti'-J-itr in v:- . ... .. .1 .i.. i . ... ..i .. . i ... til lilli.r niuis. ftl'Uul. Illiuilb I'KJK aiwueil nil the t llrrwirg stanuis. which bas, too, a t mi lling sigiiiticiiiice, as coming from one whom niadneus box made its own : "Mmlhis.l hsve dons mybi'ttf Ism v.i siy l.'l me rent ; Aft.T strlv'inK Ion toa'n l.ltile I'mmI but mlckle iain Attr n riving kn.K in Kitm, lLaiH. d, y mi tn so nay iv rsin I., t ms rrii ; but lay ms U.w Wtits in, wsystdn roes blow ( W item His llur did. n't ifniw ; V 1 e tin b'e-iios.ed piiplars nod; V. s the uld worln Ood ; Whne tlis widdpil iln-er unirs; Star the r.v'le.'s rusliy apilnits." J KHT H. frvn Itif London Attivnirum, L'ntler the relgu of tbc futberof the mad Mace donian, u club via- cstulilinlied in the temple of Hercules, at Athene, whoso mi'in'tni were all wits and jokers. They met lor the express pur ot net only rayiiig good things, but of en tering a I they said in a hook. Tho process was one much mote likely to promote dullness tlinii jocularity ; neveithcloss, a good vi'I'ime eame, of it one to highly pr.y.ed that Kins 1'hllip himself gave a sum equivu'ent to two hundred po:iuds sterling only to be w'rniiited to it. This colli ct ion was tbc father of tho vast liiinlly of jcM-l.ooks, Hlid the seed wbonce sprang die ?i odly crop of lending or circulating libraries, rorji'tlio number of nicmla'rs who couttihu'ed to it, it was culled tbe Ho: k of the Sixty, and the jokes it contained liecnnie at last, by constant Iteration, so used, alniNud, and worn to rags, that tl.c ttlllng rI one of them wns met by a eoudein mitorr fry from the boarers. "An Old Sixty!" just us in these times we make particular objec tion to an "old Joe !" Vc may vciy wi ll Imagine that many of those Old Sixties have realiy been converted into Old Joes. Lven the fashion introduced some years since of writirg comic histories of serious sub jects 1 only the reintroduction of an old idea. Mamaf tbe Alexnndiian was too inventor of this lint in literature. IIU "Comic Natural History" conta:ns Inquiries into such itwt:ers as "Why tbe swans never get drunk with drinking;" or "Whttbir li e tun, when be sets in the sea, does not set ell swimming ;" mid the like. Thrre are some wftiy stories of so thoroughly robl-CbrHian a elm meter that inquiry about tl.em would seem to le t-nrtcrrluous. liut they nrc only old heathens in orthodox attire. We all know tbctule of the one-eyed simpk'ton dis puting with tbe metapbysiebiu. by signs, us nei ther utidei'st.H d the language oi the other. Tho si ge, at the close of tbe controversy, was do lighicd with the aculencss of bis opponent. "I held up cne linger," said he, "to assert that there wat-OLO tied: whereupon he held up two, mi pljing th t there weic Sou and i'.itlicr; und v.tnn l raised ibrce, to pjmlMili.o :he Trn.ty, be uoubicd up bis hum! to show that tho Hir e Wire but as one." The one-eyed simpleton hud nn -th. r vcr-iou of the discussion. "That rudo lelluvr," he sal I, "put np ote titif;er, as mucking my single eye; but I tit up u couple ol lingers lo snw th tt my one ii! us gi.od us his two ; whereat In) extend.' t three hn;:irs, mcauii g tbut therh were but tliren ejes between us; aud thai made me ilod'ilo my list ut liiin, as u watuiug that I would kll.rk liilil I'ns'ii l. t bla rudeness ." Most ni nlern write h d;itc this stury from Rabelni.s, where there is one v. ry neat ly resembling It ; some few derive it fn in the ucioinplished jurist, Ai cursing; wnilo Foica nlus, a learned writer ou law, assercs that the Ftnry is true, but of nn ago long uutcrlor to tLe Christiun ern. Aeeurdmg to ibis writer, ami to make bis very long story hbort, tbe Romans, wishing to m ike. spin tot un unibussudor from firceen, who came on a question touching tbe Ijiws of tlie Tivelve 1 ables, si nt an envoy to i.iseuss the mat er with h in, who.' e plain in-tiiu tioiis were that bo n as lo be silent, anil :ir(jue only by sh-ns. The Greek, then l. re, took our friend f ir a I'y ha goican, and be raised a linger, as much ns in say. Here is only ono principle of nnturo in the universe. 1 he lioinan, taking this fir a nimncc, held out two lingers and a thumb, in tending to hike thi Or. ek by the nose; but tlw Inner tu ped back admiringly, mid exclaimed, "He shotvs me the 1'ytluigurean Trias, ths triple Ood in cni'j" und therewith the Oreeit eteti.k-.l the list of his linn j. denoting that the Trius w n j tlie !'l'tt.'!'.'er ol (ill things. The other, takiug the ' -".ion us all"" '' Ui.i buayule ' -' iiin us a tl" '' ' "'' liirf Uvll'.ilo I liw ,hJ twmtcd tbe eoinlng ol the (jreek. "P.-r- I ieet: rrnd the unit) iisudur from Athens, "it U true: tbe divine mpportcr of nil things is in Liu. sell ail n."n:litv I'' N::v,. it F'T -Htultu be lielit, tl. in viis the o i. in ol tbe well known litinu story, to whi'.'b a t'tiristlnn coloring hi lueueivcn. We aic not, bowevir, to eon lu.le tbut win re jesting iuri.lcnts resemble e icq olliu' they ure 11c csariiy one ami the saine,tlio earlier date Ming the origin. We do not stippu-e that 'I hi o.loto Il iok, when lie perpi tnited his famous "Hi mers streil llo ix," l y which be gd hiiuon d : 01' un-ii-pjciing people ii 10 that sir. el ut one moment, hud ever heard of C'ephisiiiioms, and jet this ve y early clus-dcal gi'iiti'Tnusi "did" the Hi rncrs B'reet hoa long belore Tin 1 dorc, by hiring hundreds of d iy lal.iiii rs, and yivii g tlieiii I. D .' vim in -iicti a mrniA unit tha. it bee:: me alt gebr blockeil up. to ihe tnat ileli.'ht ot Ccpuiaodorti', who I. i ked on from a b ding-pl mv. Ii ve cxuiiiiiio the 'j..'gr.phy and i lnonolo'y if li is II kptiiples if jokes 1 1 - ii r 1 pic in i u di-.l lli bi ri I i.P, we -hull lii j th t they i cl ui nait'ier tn lrih-iid lor to an Irvh era. For eviuip'o, Ihe IHiid I r i-li ii' ail v. Iiu (Hut- led that ho would never tin into the water till ho had le.irti'.d to su mi ; or he v. bo, licln; limbic, t tet a icply fioiii H s .1 k mnr, vs i-liu.l Inui-clf to In: si It ami ffii-el'ss, that lie liiieht riurii tha incivility ; or lo who vtii-hfd to lencli his hoist! to live) tu nothing, and woudi ral ut the beast dvi g just us the experiment was on tho point ot sucectdfn; these, the lri-Lm.iu who cai rit d about a brh I; as a sanipln of tlie house no b..dtosi; i.nd tlmt other, who stood with Ins eyes closed In-lore a gluss, in older tbut he might no bow be looktd when he was asleep; or who bonyht n crow , to find out if it would live, as it was said to do, a couple of hundred years; it who, in a shipwreck, seeing every 011.' lay bold of some object v. hereby to be saved, Icok bold, tin' bis part, of the author. All these, and very many iit .ro of the like titui'ity m u time-hoiiorid jokes, nearly two thousand four hundred years old. That time, at least, has cUU'Hd sincu thev wero given to the world 111 li e "As'ciu" of llierocles, with bis retioivtied cicliolu-tikos for the hero of every one of tlium. Muny, too, of tbe jests iu the volume before us are to be Inuud iii the collection of ibe l'littonia nliili soplit r u ho tnii;ht nt Alexandria nomly In u iiimd.-ed ) ears IrCloio the Christ! in cm. That Unlocks derived 1 lit m from the ivist wc do not di ubt, but it is vuin to inquire whence came su a a 1111111 as he who said to a friend : "I heir 1 you wire diadl" and when the friend denied the truth of tbe report, replied : ".Sure, ho who told 1. e was lucre worthy of belief than you am!" The story is Irish, (iicck, Hindoo, Chinese; but lis are la not lo be 0. termined Wulpolc's jest-book has not been published, nor Is it lil.eiy to DC. e nine seen 11 ia ma:.u script ; and tbc only fault thai we find with it is that tbe s otiea will not bear publication. Tin y aie murvellous. however, ns social illustrations ot the tin es. What jokes could be written and punu. ind WuliKjIe bus Inserted in 11 is n-'ters nut i,f which alone a capit il jest-book might bo ctimiillvil. Ulim Wuli.nli. did Indiscriminately. cibera aits at least juatilicd iu doing witu diacru- V'T'1.'5''"!1 TheCholrt-l Ann-dotes ami Navlnsa J..afH,a aud ara.g. py Miua Uuiuu. M ivmillJa t. o. lion. How inn h aliluM we have lot of Illus trative insti. r II' (j im: of th ise w lni beirdnld X l i f Ji-tfT !i'1iMl.on s justs had not alsn takrn tl.itfj down ! l'nini an i iir-witne-s such a rliTonirli" (,) jf'ts would have been of great value. (Some rokes have lin'eed been vouched for an ruining Ironi great ladies' boudoirs which were never uttiied Ihero. I.mlv M sry Wortley Mon tsfue, fa-ixample, Is leeordcd as having been tbe oiMiw.l indiv dual who promlly exe'slinid to a ftii ml who bad alluded to the dirtiness .if In r hale s. "Ah ! you - Vint I e my fee, '" f n: joke, m. h n- H Is, is oldi'i th n the Crusades. Oors tiding our repu atiou as ngrivi poo i'e, wlri' b i a-ali-nnl as enns,:ei lag tlie I Yencti a! to onj to I e a polite p.o. le,ournM'i',,r jeit-bn-i-is is the H ost eiiinnli te, ! h ips, of all n itl id". I ri-ru tho ohonii'n:!! p. imil .lo.vii to ibis nrce n ll'.m id wrltim.:, we Innenevir been want ng in Tii ii t lif ill snwsau ' merry ni-tnnces. Vr. L'iiihii bas Isri ii d i y tlie sii era'iun Inn e of bis mau l hil ; his iliilli tilty has Itc n, not in c il lecling. I lit in ntlr' ttntf. "Joe .Miller's Jets'' sr.! now tlin only memo rial of a mini whom posterity a er nits fur nunc, than his .lesirt. Hut s ii is wnh all other sl-ni-ler "i lleciions, Kcote's Inrludrd After the death of Spilirr, the (iri-liiiil Mat o' the Mint, An j :s's, t o wi re giv p t the nun ie. Q .In as -ely in h aciave, wl'. n tluln's Jei" sbonn In everv shi p Ii dow. They ate mere f ibrfcat ons t hosa to linln esp. culls. They who know ibe hri'lisiit wit of ij-rn will not' believe that there fell .ueh brut ility iP'tn bis lips as the In ik. ot his ulligi d jets o-sign to him, and the pub licum. not which bns uiflictid tbu utinos pus lihle wrong on Uuin's Joyous, vigorous, upright, and I obest charncti r. it makes him lonk I ke one of thoc 111 minded "inkers of jokes" wt'O used to g-ither ruiin I Fiederlek the On at, and of wh nn he ns'd to -nv flat "tlirv nun il, one i nd nil, lather be the fi.theis of In inn niatu llniu linsilnrs in Jo-us t hrltt !" l.leh ocn-urc did nut cmue with very gts.d sraco trom a king wIikhq t.iiigue often wnyced to very unclmn pur(Hise, and wli lubi hrd nt old (icniril y.iciin n as In m:ut ni to lake siiersmei.t t n o si Friday I Mr. Irfinon, in uialmg with all these wits, snlve. to del'i'. the niilurc of that in whieJi they dealt; but. of course, bas to atmndnn the attempt as an acliieve mei t thai is rot to lie, succc.. sf'il.y ac.? iiiipl.e'i"d. As he icmarks, hr might as well attempt othrflinj liautv. Next iH-sr to a detuiition. 1 . S mtli, lnnifclf a wit of the first wnter ( hough th s vi lunie scurci ly renders bim full justice in that ri spect), states an and ineoatroverti ble fact when be a-scrs that wherever there Is a stock of wit, the wittiest saying will yet tie fonnd. in grist meusure, to ho the 1-sui s o" cban 0. No donht ol it ; jour Iruo ail dtns not inkc his itn proinpiiis an hour Ik lore he will want the in. The spurn from the bruin is Hushed across ttic. tongue to the tars of the be.ieis a'mon involuntarily. One would like to know whether a sudden im pulse induced Sou ill to preach to tbe nicctin it tailors fn m the text "A reinuuiit shall he saved '." A paper in Massachusetts says that Joseph '. Coll. urn, color-bearer of the lOih Mnssachu lelts Iiigiment, v. bo came homo recently, has 1 een almost an idiot for about six weeks, havin ; lost ct tircly the power of speech from a wound. On Ihe 12th of Mny last a shell burst over bis bead, a piece of which si rink bis cap, but in Dieted no apparent Injiny upon tho head. Kvcr slnve that day be has not spoken a word. There is a wild stare at. out bis eves, but he clings to the colois with the utmost tenacity. He belongs In Williamsburg, end lias a wife and two chi-dren. Of all the Ingenious weys of rai l ig money for the Sanitary (,'onim ssion thatdvvi-ed by the people of tlie town of t'utawl-sa, l'ennsylvanla, is probably tbe oddest. Tbc mule citizens agreed to decide by vote who was the prettiest girl in town, and it was declared In favor of Miss ll ittio 8. Itelfsfiydi r, by a majority of two hundred and cigbiy votes. V.acb vote was accompanied by 'ho mm of twenty-live cent-, und the proceeds were given to be Sanitary Fair as tbo contribution of the favorite beauty. What makes tbe matter more inten sting is tbc tin t that Miss Keifsnyder is rnrsing wounded soldiers in the Army of the Ton nine. J. u. v o m -r ii. AWNING MAKElt, . 413 IN. TIIIUD Stroot, pro, ABOVE WILLOW. EBTA13L,ISUEI 1844. wfiNia, " " WAGON C0VR.K8, TLA08, fAHS, TKNTS, FAHlT VEH AND tH8 rOB Wl HTKIWbV All kinds of work done promptly, and attended to par aoaally.bjf JOSKPH H. FOoTKM, Mo. 4411 K. TUIHD TUaT, ASova vvuiow. arW-3m p K S I D ENTIAL OAMPAIQS. FLAOH) BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES. VM. 1. HCURIIirjH, No. 49 8. THIRD STREET, Abovo Obesnut. rhlUdelpbia. VANlKACri IlKK 0' FLAOS, I3ANNF.IIS, TUANSI'AIU'.NCI 4f , AND LANTERNS. Political Campainn I'lubt tuted out with La&tenia. Bviiiea, Ibuiners, and FUmt at rcaioLabK rate. )k) Jm pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY K V A N HI ?fc 11 AHWALiU MlLil'AIlY KIJUNISH VCHS, No. 418 ABOH HTRKKT. PUIM!)KI.PIIIA. uajinara, Betrtnviitai aad )oinany Flagi. owords Aaues, Baita, Peasants. Kiiameu. nait, Cans. Oaatoeat. ILvereacka.OamuKlu. field Oia-sea. nours, anda-ery- tiling pertiusiuat to onrapleto oUH of Army aod Say j Ofllcera. 1 A liberal dlaconnt aliowisi to t'i. uadt. i g WEIGHT ds GirrLL No. 110 TvLukot Strict HFTVVKl.K 1U02,T AM HKCOMi 8rttfaT(. t. HKIt-HT. V- Sli'l'-1 Ll. D It U 0 0 1 8 T l. V tl Y S I C 1 A N S, AND O KN F.KATj H 'ft ) It K K i'.K IT.HH, Cad Oiu.uImui tj-mibiiriiiiiiuin arnliu'd-muieniCo'Trip rtod ml l'omrhtlc Diune 1'oi.ulur t'n'fuii M tDi'ii, .'Aliitu, Coai Oil, window I'rcBcttpt -m Vi&l, ut iu low placet wt genuine flnt-cUi kcoiU can bu tviJl. KINt KSHENTIAL (JiL8 For Confectioner, In fti.l taritty. aud of tht beat aaHty. CociiiDctU, lieiitral lndlfto, MatUtcr, 1'ot Ath, CutLar, ttoda A-Q, AlLm.Oll of V.i rlol, AnimtLo, Copiwirttfi.Kxtract of IxKooa, t:., KOU IVi;It8, uc, tLlwya vu butd, ftt lowutt net cab prtcea. ITliK FOIt FA WILY t8K. Ground c&jrtai7 for our nUit. ud to which we Invite Iho aU(ntKii of tltOtv tn want of reliable arU.'lea. AtM, JM'JUO, UTAHCIl, MUSTAJIU, de, of extrm Orders by bihII, or clly pott, will bct wltn prompt at ioniiou.or apteial quulatlous will be furulohud when re oueU4. WKTGHT A ISrDTAT.r., Who(o4'e Jrug Wunisjus, Ho. HU MAUKKf Hir.HJt, atwvts i runt. II w rr o i iii h t it u y KO A-CEES, LAT3, MICE, Ited. Iuicat Antes, tVo &o., BURT'S VHRM1N EXTTEMINATOH. l'l ! IKKAUdlll K! IT 11 1M ALLIHLtl la put up In Larue Itoxes for '2! t'enla. - fa all ready lor use, aiitu.ot 1'iislrc wlih oilier artle.lee. Isvea nut hpull or (let liryaud Worlliioa by K-voplng, Use aome UuiaT I'n paraiions. VPItHIIN AHH FXTllAyaaSMTlit FONIIOF it. BATH ikU MIl'K His: OUT OK TUKIIt UOLK8. Is Nol llaiifcuroua to lrbe. ftlve, HatlsliM'tlon 10 all who use M. Hold by all lifut4ita aud hoalera tbrout,hout tha I'nlleJ HUlea. CaeTtoif. fie ,ure and abS tor Part's Kxtarmlnatar, la lurce boseH, wlib tl.e nsl label, aud faaintsl by the. 1'ionrHt- sor, r. liuii.jr. 1 ase no on er l'eis t. Ho S! H. XM II Ntreat. above Watrint. Haniilseli r, No. l.s) Jt 1-jSL Htriel. above Walnut, imivreeii 1 sum auucaaivuui, ruuuoci.aia, ra. pi; HtHsJia TIUJSRKR. BRACKS, Ao.. 'wi.ri'l- .11i-Hl T C. M. VK.K.OI.I'H.vjor. of T TH sUisJ rn HtrHtk. m.S-' i.i-tii.-n fnr until. ''-liti'nl it? ftitsv IWKJ-KTH Htri, Orwt riKrbiWw Rao. The mii-t comrtinto n1 vt-ftexl ttvk o lnirfj, HH'ft, UiiHiHfi, KiMltc Btotvllitirf , Myrl.ifffi, ATiu-im for SvryrytHi) RtVitn. &i U?n Mm rnu.Ai)! puuokons' I,SIAiM', IWHtm TT,, No M North M I II H'.rfit. t"Vff Mrkt. Hnnttirf ritlimiiri'Tird h 11 " KVKUF,rr rrftmltira Pttit ,ij, .t n"! .y , r- . ir Tf""--. ir-rl-if i. -t 0 tl-lti. J il.M" ,1 i.j 111. n.f). KV1.BF.TT. myi'i ly II A N D. r II K A R I I I' 1 C 1 A II. A. 'HI. OKA, tuv slot tfi.l Ma.niln.'tHrer "f O s A H T 1 S I I' I A I, A K , and sdnp'sd st tils .rrm-fiy.NKi m. up niFi rvrTRn nr.tTpa. frit. f..r Soiiiii.ri, lias p.-rnianrnMy l.s-at'.l his ottirsand FBrtorvat. Ko "U H. V 1 It I Ii blr.-flt, h d'sirs botow Sn-'ian. 1'lill.i'la. 't'l-Hm KbAKTlO HT1TC11 H 1. V INO MACIIINEH, THE IIK.S.T 12 I'BK. BITS Nn. 7tW) ( IIIWUT Rtrevn. w AaMII) TO KKLL OU KXCIIANOE, Kllin fn Sennit' Mfirhmi', 1 hp 1 irnvi r iV B tker Miwinir Mvliino, lim-sttc't . An1 nil th. uin Stiwinn MiM'liiiMta. Ail funiinhiMi tioin thisir prtnc ia n . a.hi. ft'l V 'mi f -Hitl-lfiiitl Mi4'ttik9t for flal Mi I'kJftit at U u-.'W olM. ti -t l.t A VKNM t Fs!'I.KNFR. ,o n. t'.hn ru strt, fO"r t u yTtf wtiu Mi.jji't Co.) I.41Pt tuifit tr fcrtto. J-J I Jifl UHTJIV'H COT'lAOK OIU1ANS, Rnt obit rSKXt'KI.I.V.n Nil Pwr.l)DAM.F.D in pnntl 01 loin snil I'l wot. il.'.li-p.-d ..iprela ly or ' tiun lns air Ni' but iiqihI le Is- .,iiHlly wt II adnptsid lo the farlor and lir.wlDn kooui. or laJe ouly by K. M nnrrR. No IH N. AKVKM'll street. Mfi, a eonipteio sssortitfent of tba t'erfcot W'o.l.xr cor.tianlly on iiuml. mvlli Jul Q W. 8IM0N3 b BROTQEH. A.VNOM HTKP.KT BALL, t. MANI KAI'TUKRHH Of JKWELKY, FTNl-l HWOIiDH aim IJai-tf MIUTAKT OOODS VJ BVKBT VAHISTT. III 1 1 H Wll.'LK It A. It It S A I B BHD HRTAIL M It H CLOCK I'iSTAIlUSHMKNT, 6. K. coiner BJXOND anil CIlaeNL'T R treats, I'bllaiVa. A..I-S. t Ilia Tk4 TATtST liCAI,IZINi) TUIIUY-DAY CLOCKS, A vent deairab.e ankle lor Ctuuchcs, Uutois, Banks, Couiiilnit-liousK, I'Hitors. ,ve. Also, MANI IM TI UI It OK FINK HOt.O FI'.WS. I XUI KH IIEI'AIKKI) AMI W AHKA N I fcl. j4.1'J-ly i:l ek Trlinininitii of evory ileserlption. rM. A GRAY. N. E. CORNER OF SIXTH TV and MINOIt Hlnoti., buys Diaxuouus, Wiucboa, GoM, Silver, aud Lnnn Tlrkcis. 1110SS. in r.,KT OF AIONAY, All business caafldentlal. myl8-9ia VEEN OF UE.M'TV. WHITE VIRGIN if And lea In ihe tuont purlect pretiatalloii of tie Blie, for hi uill.lylnn whllenilis. and prHSsrvlliK tl:o t-ompU'sion. H l. 01 nl.i pure wslto wax, It. extraordiiiHry o,oulili'H lor prean .lull tlie skin, tnskl.- tt sof., iimoih, lidr, und tiunsinneiit. Ii rurea cha?pod bunils or ir. r.'in.iv.'N plmpli s, . e. Prl"e ih and .'SI et-nis. Jtuiiufaeiiirid onlv tiv llt'NT A VM , I'l'rriim.'rs, No. si H. L10UT1I St., 2 d lorsatmve rtiuniiu', and Ijia-lm No. litl 8. HKVKS'lll Htr.wt. PEEK'S OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL. V., 1'u'lu.ielpoin. Juty A. Isl. In aerordance with a rrsolDtion by tl e Cnluinon Ci ncll ol ilic I ity 1 1 I'l.l udi'lptita. on 1 bnraday, tho oVU) day cf June, ism, 'the unli"eil lull, enlltlvii "AN OHI'INANl E 10 At'THOHIF. AN Alll.llloNAL I.OAV TO MPF.T TUB KM'kSSI'.s IM'IBKNT TO Till: DEt'l.SlJlt OF TIIK CU V. A K 1 1 Hill OI11KK I'l.'lll'O it8,'' Is liertby published tor public inlbrmutlna. WII.F. SMALL, Clerk of Coiumun CoauclL N OltTiTsJAK'Tn TO ArTflOMIK AM AI11)IT10ST, LOAH TO IF.K1 TUB KXfStVNES INCnill'.NT TO TITB tiKIKSHK Or lllli CUV, AN'U FOU OltlKIt l'UH- lx rn-.B. He.iu.n 1 The Relict anil Common Councils of the City of I titlbdelplua do ordain, 1 hut tlie Mayor Is hereby au ttior.K.'d 10 borrow a. uo less thuu par, oil Ihe orudlt of Ibv 1'orp.iralioD. sucti sit :isoi money as muy be required b the 1 Inusiirer, fiom lluie 'o lima to orovnle for the ism -l.'B 1.1 oliioti.. ra irotn the city ot .hllaillph 0 lo the set vk-e rl It e t'mtd Htstei. anl tor tin. .I. le.ias of the cliy, mil exc.s .ti nar 111 the whole tlie sum of flvo hundred tlioii.iiiiid d. l urs, fnr will :h hitere t not to ese-ed the rate or six pei eeul. per Hiniiim shall he puid hull' yearly, on It, 1' t.rM duiA of January aud July, at uie oillcofnf tbe City Tretisiiror.' Th. piinclnal of the sail loan shi'l be psvable and nid st tl i' espira l.n ol'tl.lnv years Crura the 01 1 1 aatn., an. 1 1 01 I olore v Uhout ine cooaent ot holdurs tliere.H', and ctr'Uieeti s Hum 1 ir. in the naual form ol such lortitleatea ol Clt Umii a. ..ball be Is. lied in ' ueb uaiouai as the lenders nla n iiiiire, bin not tor an frsetu 1 al pti. t of tils, or If le. mieil. it. aiie iiu a ol n.o tuindri'd or ono thousand itotmrs. mid 11 shu I be esprcssod in said certificate that tit said I. an ihe.etn uieniio ed aud tlio inuruat Uiareof mr I'ujut.le fn o Iroiu ulltusea. s.- 1 1111 -i. any louDShRll bo wade bv virtue tier.-. I llore aliall be, bi toroa of tills ordinance, annu ally npiiroprla'ed out of th income of tliecorp ira-e nsiu-os. attit I' ' tn tfe sum rutd by taxut ou. a.Hii.a sillllei 'Ut to pay ihe. Intercut on suid rerddcatea; and the Inrtluir sura ut three-tenths of oh.. it centum nn tho pa- value of sn'-b oer'liuaieH. so lesa.'d, shall Ho aporoprlar.'d nuarterly out ul lie !.ime and taxis loaeiniiuK fund, wnleh and. and Us arcuinuliitiolia. ate bt-reby cspeclsdy plaiLiadlOr tbe redemption and puymini nt uid ceruilcates. HF.8i)Lt:rioii AI'1110KII'li T11E Cl.Kl.K TO PUBLISH THE 0O tlSAV K. Resolved, That the C or or Common Council be aathor fred to pi blli-b 111 ivt lully newnpaners tu this cl.y, dally for leer wetki,,th ordiiunoe presenicd 10 ''oinmon (Viun fii. at a siuteo lu'.-eiini; UiureiMf. beld on the liUili day of Jiid... ISM. rnt'ikd A" Ord n.inre to iitb..rte an Additional lisn to meet the eiiieiiBcs uield.'Ui to tlie dttenco ut tue e'lty, and jr olbei piirjioae-." and die said Clerk, at the stated meeting of C.iunclle alter tbo explr.ill. n ol fonr weeKa from tho flret d.iy ul ssid publication, anall preMiut to tide Council ose of each .eld newtpapars for eory dav la which tbe eauia ahall have been insde. lyU-4w f iLEItR'B 01FICE, COMMON COUXCrL, J PHii.Aitrt.iMtiA, July 6, VM. In aiv'tirdatii- wl h a rotolu'ton rtdypicrt dv in Oouiiiiori Con mil of th. Oitvof Pnraletpi.ta.nnThiiraduy,thoj(iLtl duy of June. lbM, ilii- '-nnrxtsl till . eniltlM 'AN tUtltlN AN K 10 AV'MIUhl.K A LOAN FOR .SCflOOL PlR I'ONUd " ithf-t piiijhfed fr public iuforaiatton. M. K. fiM TaT, Clerk of Cvinuioo OouocAl. AN OKIslNANTP! TO 'TI1KI.K A LOAN i tj R H f II O O , P L II P O S K . tltii i n 'j UIM V0111111011 Council of the Ci I'h. I. ...lVt..'. 'A'., n'.-.Vnin Ti . tl, N t,. r is. aiiahv aatliorizi-'. to borrow at not 1 ad ttian nar n th r:lt or the cor.nrai Ion. the auin s.i ti.iih..ii l 'iirsa in nmvidii lur tlie nT' i'll n, CXH n mm. aim .-1111. 1 it 1. 'in of huHdlnKi for acnool purpose lo ill. 1 rtt tiinhd Iti ti I. to' Peinia' tvanlrt. n-r IimH tu'e re.i.11,1 inevi'iii tht mttj ot ii nrvcuiuin iiurunuum. tliaU lv I'oid h'llt Ti'.irly en the rirt duve of January att.ii .iilIv.ui iiut nt-' itf iiit L'lt Iri-aHuror. 'I I;- ptim ip'si ui the loan gntu oe payuote and paid t t ikiiiu Inn -t tii riv f 010 ibo (1.1 v nt ihe Dtiii. and not bf nr - without the c ntoiit ol fie hnldera th.r. ,1 . hi t! fin c r'liK-Mton Utirc'or, iu tie nsipj lurm of Hm- c-i utu uf n '' I' t Loan. aUntt IrO in u:i jn;.iiifits an t(i- k:n 0'pt "may re.iit. but 'or any frac 1 1.. 1.1. 1 i nn ..1 ..i..- Intiiclu'd dn larN. or. If rt' itilicd, 11 an otiiii. ot is iMunlrnl or one thmiand do.)ar; audit .11 ,1. '. , . 1 .i Mniii eer'hlcaii ttiit thi taid loan ti en tin 1 i'.i ti. ami Oio iQ'unat thOieol, are pjvable I'll l'l" I. dt' t io- H.-.ii- n 1 1 ii- ixiOhim i( said lean -shall he appropriated, ! iIiihi: u .ti" if nthiiiid f.r UiJ purp.Bi-'H aud lu umii nt.i :y ni towit: it'inl t nti- snv ri rchool piimM' ns nine nun Jrd and 1 tin' 1 v -u.tir tin t'n .'i il iiv'M huii'lri-tl li.uUrH, at fotiowe r rNi e . i 1. ity iti .11 a d dolurfi ; Hfi 1 SctMluii. 'iilrty tivo in -m and d-trUr.; 1 liinl Sv t (in, thiriy iiioti-ana iiuiiura ; K' U-th Si :titin, thtrtv ilvo iliouin1 du.lart, j I ti b Si c.tiui.f xiv ihouftid dollurt; Hlxih M.ctlnn.thlrtv tli'iuNai'il d'llur; r eveiito n-itlon, ll'ty-tlne" thmiand d-illais; I.i.hth Sfciii.n lili-tlKlu tii' M.n I doUara: Nunli Set in it, fortv iliou-aud dulla.r ; T nih ftt'i-tioii. iwmtv five tliouMtu.t d .Harts ' Ku!iuh Heciiou. liiirtj -clht ttu atuiid llvo Uiindted dollam: Twelfth Betil'in. thirty fmir ttinuaanii Anliavi; T iiiriei'tith Meet ion, tlnrtv-i'l.'lit tliuiif.and ..illari ; mnti'Mth Miction- uu tlumand dtului-j t III tllllk MCtloll, tWLMlt) tl VI- tlli'U-.Mld d illrtrg J hivti t Kri-'h 11, n truly tli-iuaiirt dull;irM : hevetitiM-iitli HtAiiiot. Ii.ri v-itve thmaund du!ara( fcihiiH-nth Pit-turn, lluriy-flve Hum-saii'l d-lUii i!H'lct-iHli SiCii'ti, twenty tliuuanil d -llarai Twentieth Km 'li'ii. fcrniy live thourmml iioUare; 1 w u.rlr.1 Modioli. tWt lit V ttl' iH IH llll Oi'lUftt 1 Wi tny-M'i:tnid hci tion, i li vtui ihotiMiiia dt'lluMi . Twi'uiv tlit rd Krcilwn. I'jii.ti-fii tti'.iia.iud dollu'e; Twern'i -(.-mill Hot-tkm. iMy-inlit tiiuu-iiinl d -Han; 1 wmty-iiitli HvuMloii, twenty tlirou thtiiisiind dtillami Twenu -hlxth Huiiin. tv.aho thtiie)tind Uitlmrn. ltfin 2 To rt iaburat- the ( u Trenanry, lor aiiproprla tluua alri-aily manu, clmrn'aMo to Una loan, lorLy-nint tlH-nrui..l nine t.uud'.'d and viKht dollure Iti m u. For (Muitirttencu, Mitecn thui.aiianve htuidrc4 ami umiiy tvo duihira. bivth.n ji. Wliii!er any loan alia'! le tnaje tyirtJie Ih m nt ttuip vhull he. hy torce t thU ordinaiicii. aunuiiiiy apinoprlatid out of tholiiome of tlie i mporat -taicsi, I mhii ihe noiu ruMd hy luxation, a nutn hiillW tful lo pay Hie tnti rtrt ou iaid et rtith ut : and tl;0 lurtln r sum of tliretMi't'ib ot 01 '? P?t wntiiiu on the p,tr vatiti ot uoh tuitituuii'i. kliull hi appr piiuttd quart.! wul uf aaid IlitMu and taxii. to a aliiUmf tnnd, wlilrh fund and IU ai cuiuulatii'i'b an- lu ri hy pH lahy pl' dt! .1 for Uw itdeiup tioa and auiiut ot &aid crurti:atia(. ltr.son:Tl05f TO PI'BI.ImH A LOAM BILL roK ri Kt nooi.8. Tie.olved That Uie Cmk be ailhori, .! t puSHeh In two dully newspaper of thla city dully, tor lour wei La, U uraiiiim o pn miilid loCouiUiuu CouuoU ou 'Ihmaday, Juno Hi, ibta, eniltled - "AN ORDINANCE TO Al'T110RIE A I.oaN FOR SCHOOL rVR PoHli' And (lie the a ate.l meetlne; of Oounclla, after lb expiration of lour ak fiuta the first dayot said i nt.i'. mion ha)l prenent lu thla Council one of each of aid i.etaper lot ttr da iu WsUlvb the "hal L-s bvvbiuMia ti i t AVIV YOt'H CXrIIl-2ttII2M AND GET YOTJB COAL AT COST. HUB Kl s'Ft7llaL I'LaJI OF ')IBAM?'1M0 COlb To sl-jut half Ida aiar'aat r.-i:,ofrf-s by Die EROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL COMPANY, No. K'; K. THIRD FTI1I KT. ui-eMf-itlr nr.res'r t i Its (nil, sps-edy and tf'ifr. ph ant oti.aii.ui.osin. Tlio ar.'i works ot 'oei-ftny. near r,roenR-:liuvl-lll-ru:ilr, iro SS;UIT Oovl 'l.l'.ri'.Il, and s'lll supply all 'IIAHr'.ll'il.Iil. lis from '). -liber ss.t, liti tbe b st kllit of 1UAL AT ntB CKIliK l?Hf, via : Two Ileiivy Tons on Each Shire Every Y:tr for Tweuty-five Yeiirs. Tie pri'-e of each ai.aie In tho a' srtes Is Sli-M, f-a) able t.alf on vun.rrlull m and half on Auuuat .'d a.itt, land In tli .. net two ar les It will be ll.'i aod t.S). The MAI'S S'.r fKlt:B of a l.eaty Ujo rrH) lb, ) of dal is row flj.'i Tbe I'MYIK rosr rKIi;K 9t tka ,ame a: pre-ent rat.s iJn'y) Is : 'ur mlinne, prepatlnK, reyally, and f'neral eMll. a f i i. Transportation over briivck r.ilhoad Qi Trsti.poriatlon over main railroad to I'biliv- (elulila ,'. '.ii Tran-torunoa rr. iu .ley. it to yird 10 ard esrien- 26 C'artina troHi aid 10 utiarehnlder'e Iss.ise.. M Totai tost of tross ton delivered at lee bouse In I'hllade.uuJa -.vj Dlfrir-nee bs.wcen market price and .-oat it'a. t'.'TO Tbio tnak.-a a saving on 10 lone fi-r eutisharoof 111 in. should th market prVe te hiaher, Ihe svinT'.ll l e still trea'er. aoi shoukl tbe market price bo loiver, th'-a tbe asst prlre will he proportionately kserer. nut una la not all. Tne Company tavta very laivo crti, aud INKsliAl H riltl.K COAL, HK11S, K1VE Milts) IN IKNin li, ss Hi mine muen mire coal man Is aniiuatiy re'iutre.l for the fltookbolders. All the surplus coal lll be (old at ths rullns niarke't rates, aud ALL TUE riioriTr) lll be dlilnbute.l every six tnout'is as CASH IllviDr.Mis.siie.i.s u.o Sh.iriliolUiri from wh cblt la conndi'iitly vvpecii-J tbey is til realise arery year from 40 to 60 p.r ee.,1. on tr.-'ir iitve.imerus, after the Cat year, tn adidtl-in 10 ihu raviiii:a n their o.ial. Hie Compsti) Hiaieas K.X0LI.H1VE MINIVil AMD TlMBr.H Kl.ill 18 for a querier of a century a.', ye.u-s) in one of Uia tieat and rlcbeat oaal tracts lu Scnuyl.iill ceiinty, eotn.iisina the ManiBiota Vein, tbo Kla:k Uoatb, Prnurnse, La let, and rther Veins. The coal of ti e Mam moth Vein Is Yt Into Asb; lb u ot the other Veins nrJy W bite Ash. aitly Ited Ash. UIUi-OTOKH. W 1 1 .1.1 A M SCIi MtKLE, rYuldent. leillUlir P. KI.M1, iir.vity sciiint 1 k. AI.I KItT II JS.RHKS. VU.L.1AM UlltD. Hi-vet J-y, For further InfonnaiMi, and fir shares ,'at fU'.Vi, pay able ball on aiicschbUiK and ha f on August 1, Di'vtl' ajiply ut'bo ornoE, so 121 s. third street, OJTHIiKTHE 171aHU HANK. For TtKADISU a.n vklnlty, the Hon, J-VflEPlI fl. HOYK.R, or of KcadhiM, has aoa-pieJ the AkT'i-'j of Ui Cfjniiiftiij, a fur having araonatlr vUIUmI and emm Inrd thu mlii' t at.d atiairt. of the Vompatiy. The clttens cf Kra.lmg and viouilty wlli apol (or information aud harcf. at ti e M WOit'S OrrH.kC.At Itendmu. 1 he cot im -e of a rtoi ton of Coal at Ke link, de- Mvenid at ihf Iiouia ut a ti,.rebnlder, le at prfsent raUn notovir fi'iv), while tlie market prlc aiuountt to luuro than double tliat sum. IIKNUY HOHMKIaK, TRi:HiTiti:B. HTiiWAllT ori c: 31 PAN V. KOCK Incorporated June 29, 1864. OupUal, 9300(00 O. 60,(00 PHARUH i A HHARIS fAR. Hulircriptlon 9.1 rarh h-tiare to crtxinal auhnorUsera for 60,0)0 ntiaree paj ahl $1 eaah down upon ubeicrlhlu,and two otiu'r Indttiiniijiita ol (1 each, pauhhj va thciiOtii Joty auu ifoth Aiiguat, ly-l, rcapccttvuly. TUN THOUSAND -SHAKES KeervcJ for Deaf (It of the Oompiny. The land GiirchAned hv the Vance fltwnrt Rk on foijip.ui) uj'uiia tiu hunt, r i d und Uurty -onu m:rmt m tins very mm oi tho oil rtlon, cv Utti-and ilin'tumi- uiu ami ion i i u uit Aii-vnt n nvcr, in Oanlrtirry township, i xti'tidiiiK a i oiinidtnUJe iatau e up u hoii atdea oi tbu Low i Two Mile Run, counnnl cuilod Vu Huron Run. i -iite of tAUi-i holow Krnultlin, n VoitHiio county , p. uniylt ui la. Tlo rllfhtmy Uivur Territory la JrieldniK abundant and poruiuuni narvoat of in cut out iuaihy ot oil, the iiuniurotia wella bordvrliiK i bauka protiuc nx oil with tud tull groaur ruKUlanty fliau Uie wi'lla u ti. it Oil Crui'tu It Is hfliev.d ti. rti.wol Oil bolow thoborourh of frank lin, on tha AlH'tflniiiy rher, will probably ne-vcr hncuine exhuiiHted. heiauau the ktra liU'uttou, or volcanic dmrup turn uf rock llpa la a riouihwrutwuriliy Uiri-cuon; o mo iju titi tlij tmdk of Oil woulu be nuan r the aurrai-e at the uppvr nd. nty of OU CToeh. and well would ruipdro to h boii'd di mr in pr-iportiuu luwrdovn U.e rlvur. wtiure, howfvi r, tbut! would ui'ftsuriij io tbe most iMtruuint'iit, and a much greater supply and (Uip:rinouiutxm ood y or tlt e till It h crt-jin thai e' inn-ii" ivi-bg ih" rn i, In iho lintni'dia e vu lnlty of this land, hu e iu)iitid pr.i dicli'it duni-u tlio punt tlm t or lour yvars an uunavorjng aud eitudy d:il yluid ol oil. A v-aiice at tNe map ill drttnonatrate the fact tt at the letwur lo illic Rua aud Oil t 'ro-k ire ou ihe oaioo dlauii-trh ally hiruilit and ni illntant. on a rci- tiuuatioi ut iirf vii n'h'al mt n tja betwuea tin1 ruano of hil. a . fr.'Uii ( h otlu-r about tlin o niliui apart In p u cleh ibe c ami! d riu ti'm. It would, ihorutbio n t bcev tiaordliiaiy, it by boim wt-lla on tiila inivt a aii-tlci-jnt dt pibiii pitliiipk 'lilit huudrPd and tiny fM-r, tlutt the Coinany'i wvllx uiuy huiti lvul iho,o of Oil Cnk in th Ir Mipplt-n f liuiifir.iH of b.irii ot oil dully, a-n eiMucioufi ptuiiti wimid th'ia bj ti e fortnuato rt'uli to Ue itmrtliultitris ot thii oi'udhiiv. Ou ilna pirrii uhir tr u l of l in l there haa tii l"t i lcime furtutnty yi-aro, a well n; ouf-imj t'ir ti irii a Ci v"d (til, j't.i-imil iti d pth ol br h t''iisd(srcd ;niL lniiit.cleNt to in ..ii e a larKi flow: i'h't pr cut, of tho OU at Huh w .s i.iiiuih u r''rv'd na u realiy t t m forniiixoui oi of th) land, anil w ill at on-.-o fnuro to tho bfiit-ittuf thk? I'otiit any. 'I hre arc ulto two oth-ir w -h bsireo n fw ti.indr- nr. t drp'1 h,hu nut yd tubed ,but fn-dK-a iiiiju tl i-r:it' 4io of Oil; a thirr-'Iaday can .''ir.dly be 'H.pi! out ril thvui, an 1 no dutitot i-'Oim ti o!t ttmt they whl h .th i.;wt' lutrlly tuui jtit-utl: wclli wlicn b ir d a rraHoniibii; ipil. au7hr well ta U.Uf boitl, uud prmiilai'h a huliffa' t.iry u-Jd Slllu'tB Of 'ill IT-VI'I'lJ rin i MiiU rim hf tivtn at Uifl OlKvsrf (V1 OVmpany, N.i.-.Mvl WALNi'l HtMot Tlio 1 ot ' ills vaiiiithiu o,l him), co.nprUInji oim hrn drtd und tMitv -oi.e a'Ui". I'iciudli.a I'm iMulty oi' ili'iy p'r Cent, of nil.tur tin h ( J w U, n--r f'hiinn-t, and t'.e tntiio riv-tit oi ti.u thn o pirtlalty dovtil"N-i, It pur- hs'ii U 'hi' t'.-Tiiji i'i i'.i-' i t irom ti..j ovvm r, lur i-io InoUtTitti; pltC ' ill jsn7,iVr", w. I; I, a 'Irtit Mill lU illll. -Mtt iT, ft aioiK Inula,.', ' o : ii I '.f pal 'hti ul 'luii-i;:'. 'Ikhiilt uMi.i-n wulviv ra,u lor t. : Und In full n. Ifi&w Hi! Hiitu of aiX.l.sil i-.ish working ..i-nttl .I'litd, wubHhiih iu i-iiTiii'Mt iho Ui'i- o d w:liii. and alio to boro tu m-w wliH, -nuju. eiMino, .Vu., to be In rnnniiii or r wtihtn 't f-'w i.i-nl.: :irran -Dielita Ml In; iii.d t ;i : .miiilla th- ko tfijis.-fa v! di lny. N- wi.i i c mus-'ptfJ ir W.4t i(in pit) ehar i. 'I he at iVrttini rt-n, ed lv Rv k Oil 0 .mn,iti'f,, -t b- lisht-d ti'if i" .1 flsi-w i i. ari n iio.'i us iim nil iri!" la 'i lu Iti ml. ,i v, un,i iiit tlfiuni'l uisT iutlv tnt'rt'.ivri,'. ta pi!- 1- now fL2 '-r harri.1 ut Itie well munih, tvelu ahe of th- ask. Lari;i-wi w ill doilhtlpsr, l. utr.'rK rtt tho J. pth . if VI fcut, a to rii b tht tiutd Kndtonrs itork 'U Im-.o bevn bor 1 tiuiuU'i-Ti' tu V.-i th ptii only a'Kiut Mk)i',uit In ili'a viPiiury It is prnpuiij ti Imru tu nt ' wo I it on thin pr.'pi'ti itnTitiK th1 iHVh' tit 'iir. 'J u'ro 1m room ttr one tiuiutifil wi'lN, A pi-rtcfii ti' l' ch-.w of all lncnui bruncwti Iti couildt-utly aaburcd lo tho Couipuuiy. XI "Is of Mili-icrii'tion arc now open until the 50.U00 bhorea are Mibscrlbtd, payable $1 per shore, to the order of Alder man JA.MKS M CAHSliheTn?ar.urcr of the Compaay, Ko. 430 WALNUT Btrett, or at Ko. 15 WALNUT Sueet, or at Uie ufllco of Uie Coinpauy, Nw. 'Hi WALNUT fitrwd. The public arc luvitcd to call for a in-opcctu. JyU J)A.I1VTIINCJII rAlNTINQll Ho. 47 S. THHID STREET, bOVX CUE.SNUT, rhUrdalpui. FAIIY A BUOTIIEn, I10UHE, BIOS, AND OSNAMKNTAL PAINTKIVJ. GratnuiB, Glazing, GUdinc oa Olaas, E aUuoilixing, Pape Tamlahlug.Aa. aal tf JJDMUUD A. BOUDES fc 00., COMMISSION MKHCIIANTB, AND 6HIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTIU4KT NV1IAUI.'. rUlLAJitXPUIA. iDHritn a. sornwa, BHrUII.AI.D GUTTY in'ai-ULU T. autuia. M-tf "")KM0VAIj. TH0MA8 M. TLOW'MAN, Ji Oarpenler and Ilolldtir, haa renewed hla shnp irura J.O. 'Ji Hlraw berry strat-l l.i Ku.Vfl CAM I Ell Mlr.l, a4 tiiliit'iL' Uia olil r-nst Otlloe HulkHntf. Hsvlnir tuoraaai fai-liiuea for carrylrifi on tl.e tiiinliieia ftxttualvvlyi a hiio, tvirairuaiiabueiiauvuaa, ,jm DTI. W. Tl. MF.H WTlf A ro. s COIA'MN fV)K THE CMKHOKFK MKIH' jni;s, COMPOCJirjBD FROM HOorflAJlKfl, ANl KBAVL-. thn (treat IndUll pmreilrt, iir-a all dicaR of Die MM MM MM V nil:arv orimn, siirh a In- MM M MM M e. itli.iji.N of ihe I'rlna. In- Mt MM MH ftan.m.N.n of th Hln(Mfr, MM MM MM VM ItifUmtnatlnnnf tl iKllietii, MM MM M M M 4 imj1n ttsf Hirvl.tor. B'rir- MM MVIMM MM turn, t.raal, twt. (ion r- MM MMMM MM rva itsi 1 rwr;fl'lv VM JIMMM M ,f ct -u,n"Mf'.! In tto-" 4 W M "MVIM J- r At1.11- fnr Hhi'M In -Mil VaMMM jJJ f. mat") h"?e l the ma It"i1 In M hi rrtiieniraf d f rnn. tho d ! only lKmi ir on mi.vit U .-HVX)ll'il tiii-4?' lluru pr tlv. It ! 4inf"tV' ATi 4 ilfrntive In ttt a tt .i j iul yvt Hml rl-olnK ih llm I, nrvMinsf It 10 l'l ill. H tt. oiiMjiil ,i ty anil vt: tt ih r"-r-Trvinir fioin 'Im eHMintnui rmnirfl 'ttis) " mitu wiuofi Vavo Lidu.ed dlataM. I'll IT t (Vi tX-C v 111 Cf ( 4 I I I J CstJi-'O TlnN I. lni. nUd a i'i a1' r ai-t ii.t t.. tt' K.t h l-.K U.MKHV, iiB'1 -I.. ni til tn' U III (ttllllr mi with KI.Ll.t.bKt.i, 1 1: 1-: r.txr. KKI.K IK K y f'r.FP.r.F.KF. I fhm tn di. ine In ailrat nf .ur"ir'i'i ri, lW hi, t' tmr All'iittfir A Ui'tM. It- e"?.Mii at? hi-alliiE. Oitiiif. and OomitJs-i nt ; rcmoMttjr, all ad titr ti. a'. i-tu rils , ami rain . Nwtrait of itn tnirmntf t anil lnmt nni nduralt in j ti at It Yrtf'n-'d wtfh ! iTftrly all Ue oueap ua-a jrijMUona. flv th nn of the ('If ;ltO R rM IttMl KY and Cll'--KOKI-.K ISJKCnuN -tt two niedii itifui ul th aui'i tuna nil lniropur ehanren ,iro r"Mo., aud iho weakeiiotl ifg m- a n io"l lly r.roiI u full Uur na l aucin. h. For f op parMcnhtM trwt nnr ampipeta ft un uny dr nj t.e lu i tie v mnt r , t rpe na. and we will Mitlf-e.- to anf a-ldri'ua fu'J trcutus. Frtl fft Ml Mil iiii inr mi mi lllltTHTIMTIIimi iiHimuiiiiiniif Hli llll imi iiii DM Mil IIU Ull rrlf.'.CIIKROKK.I'H! MP )tV, tl per tHJiii. or tnrto bottl lor $6 Prlf-. f'llKNiKKF IV .TKt ion. pr I vtle, or three boitl- a ftr t-" irnt hy expre-a ti any ad- drcrU" en re Ipt of rlr'. ohl b aUdruat,ta(atvtry hre. Pltni-ni.T 1MI1HHHU)J)' M Oil jto nn 10) I'D 1M Till Il 1H !) l) lnrrnPFriij 1UHHHHH)1 nii:R'KRK MRF:i An urtallliif l ure for 4pnr vnn,i rruea. fHtrnliml W ntc ne.stt NiKtumul U.-nlMloni. and all i)Ii uuii cuuc hy helt-p )IMitluii ; hiu Ii a, la of MiJtfiorv. tntvor;,j , tud- Pains In iho lUck, IH n nvnn t Vlduu, I'rumuture OM Atie WrM NVre inf. lictiltv of Hruaitiin, ."reinti UnKi WaVe fulno", KnintMina on the Pace Pale i.'O'.in'a nanco, fnsauity, tNtHump thn. and all thu direful com ale lata cauii-d by d -Darting F,Klf 1 t.KVA'K. .t-.EKl.l 1:1 tv KB PR Kt.KKK :k kk f.kkkp.i:kK!-:Ps M.PKKKJ.hi larom ue paui oi uaiuro. ThW nwdlclne U a rrmpie Tccnhlo exiruct, tiiid one on whii-h al can it hum h- ii used In our prac tice for nviny yenra. ami with thou urn a trcn'fd. It hi not fai.od In a ktiiirli) Imiance. Its ciirutivo powers have been auflii lrit to ean vic tory ovur the niotit a tub born can1. To tho who have trifled with their . onstilut,. n. un til tht-y think llietiixetvi t lVonilU ? rcaoh of tiiedirnl aid, we woti d aay. IK HPAIR NtH tlio CHI. Hi KKK I KE Hhl reniore you to health and vKr. nud atti-r U.uack doctors )iavi fa.led. T'iT full nar.tculara, get a Tirrular tro-u any jiriuf Ktora in the eounrry. rr wite the Pro.nieiora, whe will mat) I'ren, to any ono do IruiK the auni', a lull lre tlne In paruohlol form. PriC'H, 'i per bottle, or thrue t-ott es fr $.', and for ward e by Kxi'rn.,s (o uU parta of the world. Sold by atl repertab.e dftwifliii every when. KltRRRtFltlt KRURKRRHR HUH RRR It li K RltK IlKK KHIl RHItRKRRR R RIOt II Kit RKR IC Kit PUR RKR KlUt RRlt IR. WRH.1ITR RKJI'VKNAllNG KM MR I FSSENCK liP LIFR! Pnparcd tiom Pure Vee- tahiw tract i, eontuhdiiR Bothnia- InturHias to tha Hi oat Uellriite. Ihe RejuvtiiiatlnK EHirr ut the mau It of modern 1Ih. roverlea In the tahle ainKdom; belnK an entirely ut w and abMra-l method uf wure, Irrespective of all Uto old and worn -out eyeteoia. fxxfy? fJ CO CO ro CO CO f'C Ci (VCOC Thli irtedtcine hoi necn teaied by the moat e nlnvnt medical iuod of ihe duy,aud by tliem pronouneed to Ikj one of the irroaie, t inedkal dliiCsovoriva ot' lite aue. One bottle will oureenral XH-biUty. A few bottles cure Jlys-tcrU-a In ft-malt a. One bottle eurei Palp! la lien oi the tl.urt. A lew do4e restore) the on'uim of Kemratiou. t'rotu one to tlnee bxttlea restore the tuanhnes und full vtKr of youLH. I'll OOOO OOOOOt) ooo oo ooo OOO otto ooo ooo ooo 0M tKM OOO Oi0 OOO HM IHOOtHJ oooo A fw dose restore tba Bp pi tile. Three bottles en re the Wo rat ro?in of luipot4'iioy. A lew doMia ture the low ptrlid. Oik bottle rfitorei mental power. A few doica brliiK the roo to the ch-k Tliits medH Ine reatnrea to tt a n ly v U or aid rohu a I health lh poor, dcbllltnted, worn-down, and decpitirlntf duvoieeol at naual picMurav Ull Tha lift t les i. enervated youth, tho over-tanked man of bualnMf, tne vlotnii f Ikorvons d'pre3ioii, iho In dividual "ufcrmj.' Iro'n vi iir ral debility, or irotn weah Dttbe ol a .lii hi orLdn, will all riud iinmedtaio and pt r b in uen t n-hef by tho una of Uiis ijixlr or fimeni;e of Lire. Prioe, (A3 par bottle, or thrtu botPea f - r .', and tor-ward-'d by expremi, on r eeipt uf luouvy, to au ad dretj. H'id by aliaruAitievci7 whi re. KK RK KK RK KK Kk. KK KK Kk KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK rili.PiiKKP. ni.l MIOAK OOATKI FKiiAi k hmiula ion, ill- AITH rpP.P.V Kit. CP.RTA1N AM) SAKR Iot tho IU'iuomU of Ob sttui:tlon. an I ihe ln ur atue of Ri'Kul.irlty iu tte IN-L'iirriDt'i) wt Uie MM.fhlj lvruHt. 1 hey etire or o'r late ihoe num. ruiin rtt-i."in aprinu fn tn lrr -RuMriiy, by r uiotuiy the iin , t:arij R-sJ. NXM 1VV S N NS V S S K NS N Ji NN K N K N X NN K N N N V S K N N !M S N V Nfil Thev cure Huppfe"."!, I".x o-'h'o, and I'aanf'ul .Mou ajim.ltlOll. 1 hey cure tirocn HKkm-ii (CII- roai). Thev rum Nerynus ami Npinil Arti't-tiuu-t, piiini iu tl o O ii K mid luwuf pirtioi the l-O'lv, llt in si I't'l oe oh tihi'lit eeitioii, I'iil.u ta'toii of tho Mi-urf, i,o v nuti of Hi'WIts, II.s t:ria, Kit K II t 'a Uo, 0:,l.ti'H-, At'.. Ac. 1:. a wo:tt, by iv- UMn ills tin1 I'fi'Ktlliil'iTy, Tl.i'T t..-uun o Hit! c inse tiud wiiii i all i'ie e not that Fpiiuj Toii it. M;kii.kki: k I.I.MaKJ 1 1 -1 - r IK I p K' I I P. I I hl'.K II. l.K ill 11 I. fix l". mlll.t l'l' linVI' ' l:tt I.- i. Mrs' te, Hi i main lifnlili g tieli I. I liuii to "i-r i i..t it i t lull . t..'. .-..'i- .1 -l- 11 i.iM.i:i'i:t: t Ki.l.KKU.r K 1 r. 1 1: KI.I'.KR I I I : .ri 1.1, i:k KtnJ.Fl I K.' 1J i.i.LLiii'; t'lili- tln'.r t';i..'..-ii In ma" ti . uliKliti tn --t. i a-.-ii. mi wi jK ne.e, v liti ti, wh.-ll .r.. -rly ..... il, 1'11'V IK'l L'l- 1 rt l Itl i'i. 'I !i y nn.; i.e ..ti- y -i'-.lsi ut.y e:-e, at ii'rv je . r 1 . . I . i.( 1. it nt ttiNti mi: I'lllST 'I IlKKf, Mil's I III", tluilnir wlii.h tlie uiitiuiinK nature of tiu'ir a.-tiun w.iutj ,nluilitl 1'11LU-.M lirva liaui J. All letters seeklnit Irf.r tnatlou or advli-o will ba piiiiiipily,l'nii-:.aud d.airiit-lj- iiiism-ri-d. 1 nil .lirectioru accoaiargr ea. li box. I'rii-o el per hijx, or six boMm fur . Hunt by mail, free of pu.N S',, on rei el4't ol price. tjukl tif all n.i'ccubla llru.-iaia. KiEFr.rr.rFF. i.s.i.ixi'.i-ia.B l.i. IK H'l'.ER i-:Ki.t; IK 11'. IKKirrKKIT, Tbe C1IKROKKE 1IK.III ClM'H nreol.l I.J K drll'ifcl.ts lu tin- civi lized world. Home unprin cipled dOftl'TH, liowev. r,lry ivoitiili'.a coiup'.tinue lu placo of tlicao Uiuaa wliicli llioy can it.'t at a ch.'iip price. ard nmkeuioie liioui'l by selllua tliun tliey i-,ui iu the I lll.KoKI.K 111.1111 INKS. Aa yuu value jour kiulih ae, Hie health of vi.ur oiiej.rtnx do be rleis-lved bv sueU unprln- RSSI4 HSM.S.lS.S 5S.- Brl rln-l tii BS 8S li-lH SR bS.S bS HIS HS fiSA BSSS'SH.', ripied dn.nnHa. Ak lor Ihe I'IIKIiuKKIC MKIil t'lMl'.H, and luke no oilier. 11 Ihe DruanieU will uot kny them lor you, aand I. na, and we will aeiid Ilium to you by Lspie.a. l'urtieMiil-lie-.-liiKiis should Halo Hie it.iasu and s)rn.4i,ins, and full purl Ii ulan. iu rcsard to their can's. We treat ail diaeaae. vt a clironic nature tu male or lemnle. l.tiut-a isr u.-ulli'ineu cau adtlreea us In onnrl denr. , and we will lu all caa. a frankly and ireely answer llieir littt'is, aua iilve our u.lvsce as rounrd-i e;u h cae. I'etH-iiL liviiis at a diatanc. need nol hi-.ltat.e becaitso of iheir Inability te visit ns. We liav.t tualvd oio. .fully i-atlenlh In ail bullion, ol Ihe clvilled ulobo. l'ulli-Dts aildich.lna ua will plcaso irrite Post Office, Ci'tiiiy, SHain, anl nam, of wrlur, plain, aad Uuilo. tiolUKi' siamp tor We send Ui any aildrt-ss eur no-page paiuphlot fraa Addroaa all U tlel-, and unit ru to iiK, W. It. Ml-'.lttt'lS f'O., X. UlltUtY TKVonK. Arrts for renii.ylvanla, UYC1T CO-i " ' ""rtl s-a II A M. is IV , nrJ llHANIlll'H ...... at I'i I I . J The I'lfr-rrnM. .PBbnr,k h, l,- rf, " " a w.-ii salaninl stock at T lll.jl DIAKD" r,l W,IT WIVP. ruktiht I AM) MAOKUIA WINKS, . r4aP prVo Ter an 'fmthn nM tlivUrf n hat. PMrrn" "tn"i- a Kupertur arti le fur private uaa wop i th) wed -i t.til At HMNKY UU)t)?S ! i-I -caio Wine ar d Ll uir More, Vi. IC N. Mf-ieOND Htr.'e'.lKuw Rioe, . ,; 'n PhM'd-ip'itt. J j 1: IN U V A I ! I at 1-2, GAUGER AND COOPER, INo. Ml- H. U ATIill Htroot, It 1 w Weiutit utre !f, v mil AM. I. PIMA. )miutl'i Mtri-iily and Wine Ca-tk. and afl hlnda f f.M mad- ul Old aid ewlHtun a)w,iy on hajwj off tnit1 10 erdi-r. com, patki i is rio'i!!.: wti pon finpni. J Ail Minn) ' innim. ntri -tua'.iv aitnunert to. lyl-ioj) l.CliKT 1.SF.A?E. SKcmcr PISKaSKS! PAM UiM t s .:it , 1 MARI ' A i S Ol I' I I Till Wii-T Ct HTMN Kl.Mt.l't LiKK C-tl-n, les. a j ut' cif f r ,' .MUilflii; . t.l.KT'.T. S I RICTCRP-fl, An Ciuiirtin- 1,. Mli.iTeit. 111 rjiln ii. nn Mt rcnry. Oni ten pills to b'- tMh"ii to u . c a ''ii'i'. (1: in 111 mo t ' bur ihy-,aiul rM'ont rai 'tw-ntv four hoip-fi. ' I'ri bv ktrii'l.i i;u f tliel ru! rut it l ii..' v una. oui' oi t i , muai eminent On li re iirul 1 nr'THHi- ti e re-i-nt unv. Ml I -iriiifRK, Ml TliOi ttl f, rit I'lllSi'.K wii,tkt. 1 ef l ti- an vWio huv ile-ii.nri I ol ueiun-' vr.-d. or w'io h.iv. bun iriu Hi. It.; 1, a u Cop in a, or Mi-rcur,at oiu i: iri 11.0 MMAi:n an h oirr. f. nt hr nmll In a plain ' it c o 1 1 ni tuitH 1 ,. V ma to. .l. W.OOOI RIOOli!! lit, OOO!!! lUK)l'.llt fi'JM'l I U, I'l.CKft'. .mliM, 8PtT, TI.TTKIC. V1 111 I TS OK V i. l.iih CI. hll. ASKH, Ac. HAM iKII AN'H IdiOT AM III It II .IC! E la oMiui d 1 1 e Mii.l ic us i po-M ' cure. Ppnri.i - It I Nil. KM. IHP, HKS. tha A A MA. Pn AiNH MHi'l AM lll'lf II .11 ICP, la the mnt potent, j n tun , ' u mi rtimi P'niri'j i'it prfirriiM'o ; II r'a'lies ' and em.l citt"n i vi rv pa th lu of 'ho '.-ncri'iil noiaon no that lh run' la tlionuuli ard iern)4l)i-nt. I . o then of tiua uritjii k leuud.s aid h t i-ah-d. und no not transmit i to (.tn posterity tnni nr wnien jou nuiy repent in after yitiis. 7'0 NOT TiKftPAIRt Althni'vh yon niu tie p'o o'-ti. j mcitrnMe,thc 9 IM K IM1ANM R'-ol nnd ill KM .ICR'KS will ri'iuove eory vi'stin- ol impiirlrloft fn n the fiytelll. a a weli ae all the iiho tut-ei- ot i;rcurr. VF.MAI.1R! FEMALES! In wan HtTet ona with Thhh n-nnh ru it 1 em alee n-it'i'i. tl..' a or ANO ML II it .TUtCKS m it baopliy adapn-d, tn I (-mlid lrto. In ltH-or'i.aH, in b-ftrinc down I lu ot the Wouib, lu,'Oilii,.iod I Tall cumphUma Im 'i.-etu to tti .t-x. Htnl liv f aiirt cH Prh-e ttl a tvitl- nr It hfililAa w eV SAM AR1 1 . N rt WAHII le. In ran n of R phi if, owed In oonuijc lon with the Root ai.d ht rh Juieei. h ull iiirer'l na. Prim 'ofeiui. The etHi i of ti e c rrmvilmn In a-ltte a-anowh!di;ml bT itii( inns and patuntt. Thev ore used In the United! Mta (a llovlal, rettoiiotf health to niatiy ot our (ATuve aoidiei a. . k roin th- lial'lniore "Stin ;' what tiik m'ltor.otf rat oit tub HAMAI'ITAN' H UKMP.OIKH: "Pomt Hi-ir.M.. Knar MHintr,, I Maltlinoie. Std , I ot. 'Jit. iSiit. f "I t aatlfm tmn in h at nir itiat I huve neeil 7'hf tfumrtt ittitt ,Vm.iji' for V tior-ai Dinewie in Its mint tiifttiinir fi.rmi ; hot I have u-i-d them wlih jiidsr a,ui, liM;riii n, oud properly, and have found them repMl ti my aiiluntiiua i rn-.ijpt 1 v and cilecttialiy. Kti- w rit t eir ioi,; oitlon. I huve the full" coithtrnce it their vtttv'i- . uud a f r aa toy une of thctn eatends, I thtm aironKly. AM RP.n C. ROWERS, 'Aal!'int-Rnrt;i-on Ni-w York Vola. Let It le nrt1er.tcod ilint ttieo ri,niedhi are at nieoni uirmlrd. end mil pofetll ely i ure tho diaeanoa fur wldcb tlii-y ate olicie! KtMby fl. C. ri'HM, No. ?. . Kit ill 1 11 Street. l)lMOl X CO , Jy.MutbsJm No. llo KaCE ritreotU RAILROAD LINES. 1S()-1. OAMDKN AM) ATLAN- IOIN TIC KMLK1AI). lOU'l. MT'MS,l-;it AltMIK.Mr,lST. TiiRni.'mi in two norm:!! Tour irala'y tn Atlantic Oltr. On ai d after MOMiaV, July 4. UaiinkavaVluaittae Ker -s as li.llow. : ilsll.I'itii A. al. Preterit, aitli iiassoner car nttarhe.l.S-16 A. Af. Iuxprer.a tlhroUKli In 9 -lours) 'i i O I. M. 16 H. M ..Ulictliil. Acouiin xlatl ;fi. f. Jll l. M. IIU'I 1ISINII l.KAVSH ATLANTIC, Acrnnironcain n ( AUaotlcj ' A. al. Kvriri'sa 7 is. A. M. KreUtht.ll-.'eri A. M. llall.lO I'.M. Jm.ctlt a AecuDtiaollatlon. 6-V2 A. M. I are io Ailanta, I''isi. Hound '1'np Tl.'kats (roes! oaily fur thr Uh' anil train on whico tli.y are Issued) fel'UO. KX1KA HAIIII.INKllil.l) TUAINS, Leave ine sti.-el il.'lii A ftl . ai.a l isi I' M, Li'Ave lladdonfli Id l'l-'-1'. M. and tl 4 I. At. ON nUMlVYS. Mail train thr Atlantic leaeea Vina street " SO A.M. let-aip. Atlantie.'-tb I. SI. j.ini-ir JOllS O. BKVAMT, Airsnr. TIs; bar which tnada iu.t year lias entirely dtiap pean-d. leading tli. teeaiuioii. ol the laoat eVllgatlal oD tl.e i-oost. , VllTIl' l'l'NNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 1 li-r HKTilUIIK't, riiir..KrlilVX. Bsl'oy, MAI l II tllll NK. HA.l.tluN, U II.KKSll.lUmi, aud Yt llXIAMnroitT. Ml AIMKK AltHANDKMKNT. ,. llll, HON Al, 1'KIINS. ( n anil aff r t.OMiAY , June l i. Im.I. l'asaen,er Tralna will Uave tl.e i-w lii-it,l lliili Hireer, aisiv. ti-.o-ido-miii ttit-.-l, j'lnlad. .plnu, ilul-y (.Smidaya exeoiitailji as -lollowa : 7 A U. (Kxpr.'sM) for rictlt.ctietii. Alteotowo. M.iu-b ( I in k, Wl k. el urie. Willlaii)si n. tl l.'i A y . ( i i'iiriiii.tiatii.i ) i.-r li-.ylest'iwn. Hi-ll- A. l (A. u iiii.ila'littt i for Kurt IVashlngiou. I 1-. t Art-op niotlnlii.t.) lor llol lesloivii tl'l.'i P. ,M. (Ki''i eh) t. r llotlileln-iii, lOa.toiit Ac. I'I'. F. 41. (Mil, I) lor llnli'toii. fi-1.'. P. M . ( Accouiaiud.itloii ) lor llctiilubein, Allcntmsa, aim siaurli i tiiiiiK i ti 1'. I' M. t AiuorrmotlHtli.n) for , I 11 1. M-1-' ei-onntioilatioiil for For' lVaalnni;ton. ThalN Mill I'll I l.MH.I.I'lll V. l eave tle'lili hem ill ti Ml A. M . It .l A M , .ind 0" F. Me l,lc,t. wii atlilOA 41 , J 40 1'. M.,uud 7 1'. al. ,' Mt il A. M . 1 urt tt a-dnusloli at 11 i". A. M. and '2 F. M. on MI NDAVM. I'hiili!.'lil in tor Bi tl.l-l..u. at A. M. J'hllad. ipliid lor iHivi.-ei. wn at 'A I' St. I:..) I. .ton n lor I'lil'.il. l,.li a 7 'JO A M. Ilellil. hem lor l lll am l.lna ut 4 P. M I llillnian's ILi'iri.M' I xi.rt-s. will ca.l lor and deliver ni ttie d.'iiot. Ord. re uiay Ihi lell at No. IU ti. 1'UilU) Hnei t. Jil'l KI.I.IS f).AH:, Aienl. t 11I1iTaT)1Ti,I'I1IA AND TRKNl'ON AND l.'..ll)t1i AM, A.MI'OY HULIlOAHlJUAl'AsllliS. .Nn I U K Iiii ui d aft. r MONDAY Jai.uary I, Im.l. His Trulna for i'w York. ltuiliiK Kt-Bsi wti n lit-ii',1, riillade-pnla. al It' I'i A M (NUIili.and : ;l e 51 , and the trains leaving: .Ni w York a" 1 A M. nnd 7 iO f. M , -vlll hmeal er be run i-st-'iiii-y f r ie t'uliid ttat-a Mulla aut Nn York in d ttaliirii'i.n l'a.!?srraf and will uot ial.o In Dor let out ul l ,at l.-nier. Let"', n sale cities. 1 lit. to A. M- iiad I'i Miunk'hi Lire. 1 no Now York to iiii- 11 ul. A al and i I. at. Line, iro-n Vi a -i lotion to Ntiv Y. i k. will cuniii.ue as at present, and . en n i i a-sn'i ri to atul ihe Ii termediate siatlons and I "... It i . ... i . -. ,-l..i u'o'i.ii'a No York. AltUAMiKMIM's lik'l .. KfcN PUll.AllKI.PHI A AND M.I.' YtlliK. !-ai.. Fiiituite p.-ia, fioui Ke isirift'.n Tienot, at U'l'iA.M , I or, and t.-l-'il'. ai.,stiU IV 'si midnwot, and l-oiu M ulliiit Htiri-l YVl.Mr liia Itatudonl.alu andtfA. !., 13 M., 4 aid til' M.. to' Ni-vr lork. And l.-nvi-s New Ynik, fium lo..t oi' Courtlanilt strMt. al 7 . M . In A M . )'.' M . I tn.1 ll P. M , unil at 1.' mid i.iiili', mill Irom lisitol lli.ri lii slnsjl at tl A. M.. nniia . ii.' W 3a. A. . i A .licit. JK-I-If . . -A"""''.. SHIPPING. P SI'KAM WKKKI.Y TO 1JVKR- .i..l 101. li.ii--' nl tiieeiii' wn, l.'ork Harlsir. - i i.i i..-i. kn.iii n ei'i. r oi tl.e i.ii.T.-e,i, e i.ira, aid I'hih'.l. Ipt U Sn.ui.i.ip lompniy are in-ended lo il l li-lli -I. e I'l l I Or (lAI.I IMIHtK. nalnritay.Jmie Id. Kl N s nu.ilv,,l.i i '.' I l:l INI'.I lid Mi-uiih..' ..lufy . . e.i,i--e' dn- Sii-.aday, al nioll, I'.o.a Tier Vo. 4.Ko,,..l.l,.r. ,.v(Kl1.1.A!tsA,.1,. l'a.abi.-li. !., d. ol ll"' I1'" -.i.'i'i In I'liricucy ; j ,, . , s v -M SI. crate WO -lrtl;i l-l I...' ll.'tl Ul e1.'.'iaiC tt lel.ll.l... Hie 1 mil ,.!' II I" Paris. .. K. ' H li.rui:.' lo I'.iris -kl fa) l-n'.i iilili. li. Hum'"!!!.'"' t..' Me.riit.'t i ll iiM'iuv.. 37HO -y.K i i re .il-1' J") .in', it l- t l,i. re. ilrcnou Hot- len;tiiu, Allm. A-.- .l.t .-.inallvl. w lilies. Knis-s fr "I I iv rpn I . r 1,'m :- I Int Ca'illl. 'fi4 t'.ft rtt-''.. Hit"ri.i' Irm.i l.iM-riX'Ol ui-d lJue..iisfowii,$'i. 1 luxe who v. .f I., miid for tl.eir liicmls can buy tl.kul, I. ere at ihese ran a 1 or luitu. r iuioimiitlon apply nt the Company s onlcet. ,li)JN U. HALL, Aiient, Ko. Ill WAI.M. I airoet, I'luUdeiplila. fffl HUSTON AND l'HILADKI.PUIA, Q IkljZ Rt. am'.l I Line, eiillttiK Iroui each port ou lil'AYei. trom ll'.tn liarf uboie I'lNK eilreer, I'lula dtlpha. iii.d Lona Whstf. Ilo.lon. Irom flr.t wbaii I'INh 8tll'.i ll r..ll'.ldi.Juiy I-', ls.,1. H o sieinw-lnpsJAMIsl, Mntlhevi, will sail Irom Phlla ... i. .i.i. i..e SHiri-av..lutv In. a 111 o cI'Mjk A .' M.i su.l the at. ain.iiip Milt H AN. Itiilior, from lljslou lor l'liilaUelpl iii. i n ean e dny.iit 1 !' M. Tl i e mil and ul"lanlial t iimalillis form a reitulac line, ha'llna Horn tarn l'H pitiiollmlly cn Saturday.. Ih-liutl.i i- cll.cli'd ul one hall tin preuiluui ehaie'ed oil S,ik- vt elcle. H'. Ii lit. taken at fair ra-es. 8i"ipers urn ii-,i,.-iiil to .end Slip R"oi-l.ts and UUlt LSlllllll W ill- Hi' ir K.M.lle. ri.r 1-le ybl or l'sai-ago inu. -ns one .biwiuuh..,.. apcly lo , . lil'.ltl 1, I..T'I. . ve., K,..;,.l s. lll'.I.WVAIlB Avenue. jui-u e(- l'OK'fJHMA IA I'A.'.Ail JJ! Hie lIcKullt new staiuuahip CKIt.- ,il.ii 1.1 I 11. w.l! 1. ave . ON Wl II.NKSHAT. JUiy II, i ..-'"r.., l owlatrucol,e tulou.U Iroitt PtiftatTelphla lo- , , H lllILL, Apply to Anetit, o. ill WALNUT huect. Jylli lm K)li NKW VOHK. IIKSPATCU r -A.'. . iW . ....-..ea l.lliee. ne tinea are lenvln M.,lioUl lUUdplee lallk Ml t I'i II I'll'l-fc l I aMi l s ... . 'rl.? n'JhTt' w'h'ch l taken on aceouitnodatln 1 or lull ti'. , . u i.Aiiii, i i:o.. No. ui a. tetli.s, apply I" IU 1 AW ALE Avenue. - tiht. V0B LIVI KI'OOI., SATURDAY, ftX'i V aIcoUV KB, Captain J. 1. CarU lie. vlll all as auive. o,fte.,iae.p.-i;i-;f,IIAKnso?I h m f ,,4i. f litt.M WALNLI BUislU