The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 23, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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i niLAi j;LrinA,sA'ii;i:i)AV, july 23, ism.
prick two CExrs.
lse-til lo lli 1 ve-silng; Tclog-roph.
Wamiinoton, July 2.I. CIMens arriving this
mondne from Roekvllle and Muddy Branch
report 1 hut two or llirco huodied Rolwl cavu'ry,
supposed to ho Mosrby's gang, crossed the
Ftwomac Inst night Imo Maryland. C ilnuel
y Lowell, of the 2d Massachusetts Cavalry, sue-
.tcedrd In bating ttio Government supplies and a
' eotiMdcrablo qunntity nf flour removed, via tho
canal, to Georgetown. Tho people of Rockvl.lo
stein in a little panic over it.
Capture of 4 000 Prisoners
Kpwllil In The FveuliiaT Trlrarrwoti.
iY Wasiiinuton, July 2M. Official details of
i . ...
General Nbtrman s name ou Thursday blow
that It was a brilliant and doclilcd snot-ess.
...... i -t .1,. . 1 n.o.i nwtA A
f fortifications, leaving all his drad and wouuded
t'., in our hai.ds, while ocurly four thousand prison
ers were token. Our loss was but fifteen hundred.
Etc., ICto.. JOttt.. ISto., 12to.
From Searrnl Nhrnnan.
LoiiflviLLE. July 22. To-day's Nashville
Vmion states that a telegram from General Sher
man lays the enemy attacked General Thomas
on Wednesday, fiercely, and were hantbomcly
rtpul&ed and roughly bandied.
The Intoitidds tbat tho two armies are now
n level ground, aud the fighting is more nearly
rtmals Priaonrra from Georgia-
Another instalment of fifty Kebul women from
Georgia arrived here to-night. Three hundred
and fitly more are reported at Nashville, and
will be forwarded here on Tuesday next. They
are to be sent out of the limits of the Uultcd
He-bt-1 Detwrirr from Forrvat' C ommand.
Caiho, July 22. The Memphis Bulletin of the
20th has a statement made before the Provost
Marshal by Lieutenant Allen, a deserter from
Forrist's command, who took the oath of am
Btsty, and Immediately left for his home in Ken
tueky. lie reports that General S. D. Lee com
mands General Folk's old department, and thut
Richardson has been superseded by Nealy,
Richardson having been charged with making
two millions out of the conscription business,
Richardson escaped punishment, and is now liv
ing In Western Tennessee.
Allen col firm 8 the rcportod wounding of For
rest at Tupelo. The Rebels lot 1 5 H) in tho fight
at Guntown with sturgis, and Colonel Whilom
was umong the killed. Tbe most of tho loss is
attributed to tue aospeiuto fighting or our
negroes, nearly all their victims being shot
through the head and breast.
Major Bradford, captured at I'ort I'lllow, has
bten ordered lo 1 shot by I'orreat fur violating
bit parole.
, Allen knew nothing of tho Tresldcnt's amnesty
procluma ion, and says that the Rebel soldiers
re L;voratit of it.
Tbe Sou'huru people think that if Lee and
Johnston are beaten, the recension will speedily
terminate. They bve little ronddeuce in John
ton, an.l are heartily tired of the dreadful pros
sore tin y ate subjected to.
l oireei g. t auoo mon In Ins conscripting r xpe
llt ou into Kentucky.
Allen ays that ill the flbt with Stuiyls, May
1, at Bolivar, 5"0 meu could huve eitpturcd all or
tbe Kebel naius.
l'orni has been si v. ral times lu -tr l to say
tbat be did not want to tr.ko MempliH, us a Luxe
Heiion ot country was dependent upon it ur
iuj plies.
The Hcamir hunl.aia wu; unk to-dav on the
Grand "Imiii, between here and 1'adifah. La
Kptt liil l)NiU'lM'H to Kti'tilnt; Tcli'xriipli.
i Whuinoto(. July '.
Ilebel Itrdrrlvro Taking nut o.ttli l All.-.
j uurieeu iv'uei ueserters rrom a tioor.;ia It .'gi-
nicnt U-ok tlieo itu of allegiance this moroiug.
Nfrrftnry IVHarudru IJolnir lle.un.
Secretary l'eHHcnden will leave for his home,
in Maine, in a few days, to recruit his health and
uttend to his private affairs, which he Imi su'Kr-
diuated to his public duties cousc pient upon his
assuming his new position.
The Nw l.onn.
The Secretary will probably determine befora
be leaves for Maine to-day, what amount of loan
be will ask for, and whoilier be will negotiate
with the banks, appeal directly to the people, or
pursue an altogether drdi reiit course from cither.
A KU-hMiond Klclluu About tlen. Unul
The Klehmond papcre pen-ist in asserting that
oencral drunt is dead. They announce th.i fic
tion very sol rly, saying thut the flags of our
hipping liave leen at half-mast iu hi) honor,
end that our pickets confirm tho intelligence.
One of thorn assorts that tbe only con dition
the Confederacy can draw from his death Is the
fact that it will dishearten the Yankees, who
think bim a wonderful General. Auy way, it
don't believe he came to his death by a wound.
uch a butcher aa be is more likely, it thlnka,
to huve died of mauia-a -potu.
Toicr.o, July 23. A fire occurred at Defiuuco,
Ohio, last nigbr, destroying a flouring mill,
woolen fuctory, and iron foundry. The loss i
llmalca at from 75,000 to 100,000.
General Sherman Cuts the Coinrau-
ticaticn Eetween Atlanta tind
Montgomery, Alabama,, i:t, rtc, :., nr., Kt., r.ut.
I'rom Tlichni' nd popcrs of the. ISih anJ J'Hh
we otitnln tee following hit -resting in tor mo
tion ;
mow nRonoiA.
An. ant, Motulav, July is. Tho army and
public weie smprlsed this m-irnlni? iiy the nn-
rourctnicnt of the chance f cmnnntiidcrs
Omusl J hnMon being relieved, and (em-ritl
Hood reielvlng tbe command. Tho followlrur
is (. em ral Johnstons Inrene.l ail-lress to luu
in op-t :
r iaM'I'aiiti na army ot 1 1 nm-kmkh. July 17,
luiit. In obedience In ordi-ri il the War Hep iri-
nien', I mm over to iicneral It mi inn I
of the Am y snd 1) pnniucm of lVnnpie. I
esi)Ht have without expres--inii my aliuiration
of i In' high niilibiry iiiuli'ies it his ilispliycd so
coti'jii uously every ollicrlv virnie, endtir nieo
of toil. obediiTicc to orders, ami bnliinn' rotirturo.
The i ntmy novc but to be n-vereljr rrpul-ed and
pDiin-nea. iou, soiuirrs, nave never argue-i nut
f'om J sur coinage, ami never counted your fc irs.
No h.nger your lender, I will still watcd your
career, and Kill rejoice iu your victories. To one
hi d all I tier Mirnnc s oi my fiiendshi,, and
bid an nireetioliate farencll.
(Signed) J. K. JoevsrON, (!cT-ral.
Gdii ral Hood, on aosuming oommund, issued
the lolli wing address:
IIiahui a in ins Army oi Ti.vNLsiKr, July
IK, ISM Soldiers : In ob. diem c to orders from
he W;ir l)i imrtnient, I assume eoinmand of this
in y and department. I feel the weight of the
responsibility so suddenly and unex'ctedly
lcolveit u Don me by this no-ition, ana snail
bend all mv energies anil emiilov all mv skill
to mci t its requirements. I look with confidence
o your patnoirin to stand by me, and rely upon
your prowc.-s to wrtst your country Irom tho
uriii-p tit tlio Invader, piiIiiiiiil.' voursclves u tun
proud dtsiinct ion of licing called tho duliverers
ol an oppressed people.
(Msnrai J. i noon, uonerai.
TcVcraphic coiumiiniciitioii vtU Montgomery
was suspri.dcd bi't ni'ht near Notasu'g.i. The
inleirop'ion Is supiKud lo have been caused by
a poitiou ol that part nl the enemy who were
nioiteu to lie at laiuuirga n aturuuv. rso
rain has arrived to-day from West 1'olnt. The
main tones of the em-mv crossed the Chatta-
hi.oehec betweeu lsh tin's Ko J in J llosswcll.mul
ate slowly i-UrhitiK forward. ' 'a airy skirmish
ing took plae tills morning ill Duck Head, sl
miles In-ni this place.
From the M-lfnonU i:.ramiitfft J U
Itslinlay was a quiet dnv. Ihere was no
boi niit'g of cannon, no bcu-y masses of smoke
on the Southern b rlon, and no exciting rumors
Dora any quarter. I he met tue nags of the
lankee (-buming in Jun es itiver wer- at nall-
uiiist on Monday, caused many lo give credit to
the repoit of Grat.t's death, and this topic and
he nruovul ot Generul J. 1'.. Johnston from the
conimai d of tbe Army of Teiinessec, were tho
topics that chiefly o i niiied men minds. Though
no cue lielicvid Ins death would be of any great
nen lit inns, yet evirv one won i nave oeen gnul.
on general pnnc p'es, to have bceti assured of his
death. Tbe Yankees think too much of him, and
that is lulllcient to make usroj oicj over any mis-
lonuue mat migui dciuh mm.
We have nothing later from onr forces ope
rating in Maryland than tbe news published yos
t rday. Other officers aud men, wounded at
Monocacy, arrived yesterday; but they bring
nothing new, except thut tbey estimate the num-
iKTottorsrs ob ained and secured by us in the
r. to as n-ven instead ol uvo inous.oia.
ibe oi lvniws we have from Georgia Is con-
taint d in tbe press despatch, pa'dishedin another
column. Lrom that it will be seen thut ailairs at
AtUinta begin to wear a serious aspect. Sner.nun
ai d Ins whole aimv has cronsc I to the east b.tuk.
ol the Chaftachoochec river, a;i J his cavalry were
minn-lili e with Hood's, within six miles of
Atlanta. If Atlanta is to be dcieuiled, a bit'ln
n list be delivcicil within a ery liriet iienod. it
tbe enemy is allowed to Intrench, having the
luricrtirn.y he will immedi itely ontlluuk Gunc
i h I Hood or oblige him to full Hack.
lhe eyes of the country aio anxiously turned
to this quancr. Tho (lesputeh alludetl't says,
1 1 ne army ana me public were surprised by tue
anncUbceuK nt or the change ol couimauuors.
The army and ibe public iu Virginia h ivo seea
and experieneeil siicb straiiKe t'.ii'iKS in the l ist
three years, as to have lost the f iculty of being
surprised at anytnmg Uoue uy those in autuonty .
From the RichmwiJ t'Ammtnir.
The expedition has ulso shown
how easily such tuiugs are done against an enemy
ibut atenipts enuipiists beyond his stiongtb.
and strips bis own capital of defenders to swell
bis in mu s fCnt against distant cities. Our troops
are cuarmcu ou inn the lato cam-
laign. 1 hey cousioer that live or lix thousand
bor es, two or three thousand cuttle, ami eight
1'iiiitir.d prisoners, all brought lately across tbe
l'o omac ( Frankliu and Tyler), no
nan result oi a tew uayv o.isii into Maryland.
Ibiy won one small bid lo, and they lived
we I ; lhe fighting was good, ibt eating, and espe
cially me uimhiug, was "glomus and lu short,
Mi. l.inco n'a oilieiul organ ! .lures that "the
Ki bels are so llatU-red hocaii-o they have put
Washington and llaltiinnru in terror, that they
will i-ot hesitaie to repeat the c vperiiucnt." Vo
ibmk ilmt extremely likely.
I'os.-iMy, to o, our (iovernnit nt may at last
i. u I ot tins we ate not sanguin-; nod out that IU
omy lo its owu )sjople doe-, rc.lly require, It to
bint n lit le the enemies of t"-u peop'e, when it
mis i lie power. Ana it not, the. i rne tic uila tlietn-
selves will bejiln to conclude In it the worst enemy
iiny nave is me i igienir wiucu mcy estau-
iisuetj ior lueir protection.
now ro t-Horivr soi 101
I'iuhi tKt lii' tutmlt 1 ICiUtu a ,', Ji
1)1' melt rlo'ions rumors a
HA 1 in 3 11s.
those which per-
vadetl lhe town 00 yeai.-id.iy it is best 10 decline
diM'oiiirii till wekii'-w w lie In i tlcy are trnthsor II U'ioiis of h iie. Let n . -( tend to a 1101 her
i'a rt of a liltlo.-ent ehAi t-r that Gram's
.iwi'ry has n.01. d on a l'.- -h raid against tho
1 icon iiunroiiii.
One ol the marked poLiilnii 1 ics of tho people
i li whiiin we w.-r is, i,ey pub lsh their
military Inlentions 111 lie 1 cers belore cnta-
iiiciicli-g tl eir ext) iitioii. Die of the peeuliari
. lis ot I lie sin -in I -,i herd ot ,eill p ilili ians sot
-vrr us at Montgomery, i a t- solute dib :!ief iu
II iiiioruiaiion in.11 come to ibeiu through a
olaiii, ordinary pub I'-fli.iun '..
A It 1ioiii:1i thi re-ill- has a'nn Ired times proven
hut lhe plan mule iiunb tu tho Now Vol it
p iper was really the plan ot ii,c enemy's G -ncr d
11 (lovernment, tney cannot comprehend the
f.. ct lhe enemy does so give noiiej of their
iles-.siis. lie publication is to them a perfect
pn 01 itint tney are going 10 uo somctuing else
1 bey could not believe that tlie campaign iu
irgiuia was intended, chiclly b-ctmsu tho
-clume was univt rsully published, i'hey p iy as
litt! - ntteiitiou to the piau now aicribed to Gi ant
by thut siniic picss. That plan is simple to keep
s lurge army close to lVtersburg aud Lee, while
eavuliy raids cut the railroads leading mtj K.cli-
monu as last us we can menu tucui
This plan will be successfully executed if tho
Confederate authorities do not dcvlso a method
of defending the roads. It is useless to resist,
if the cavalry can ri le in about the time the work
is completed aud undo it 111 a ciiiinle of hours.
1 Lev must defend the roads. They ruu-t defund
ibe roads by other ineaus than the single met hod
hitherto utttiuptcd, because that method bus
proven utterly and iuvariuhly iudlVtual there
has not been a solitary exception in the course of
ue war.
The single method yet Imagined or tried is, to
Fend our Confederate cavalry in pursuit of tho
Yutiku) cavalry. Hut, as one body of horse will
go as fust as another, those who huve six hours
start ate not overtaken before the goal is reached.
Alter Uie distinction is uoue and thu laukec
laiders have to return, they are sometimes met
and rometimes not. When collision occurs, our
cavairy aomocimes beats them, as they did the
oiuci uny. nut uie raiiroau is oroneu, and tue
beating does not mend it.
The object being the salvation of the roads, it
is clear that another means should be employed
it would seem to au observer that of all kinds of
communication, a railroad shoul be the easiest to
pnseive ana ueieim. fsieam is stroiirer than
hoihi'-llehh ; lot oiuolivcs move ladlerthati cavalry ;
nuu uMtu . .lausjiuiL a large oody OI
m on to auy point on the liuo in I r.
Hut a large body of troops is uot ueccssary to
UOMtfCI fruvuatiev VI vO""J
A few I nndrcrt nl k"l and wel'-m nn'fd m-'n
ean oti-iinet ro ili i-nd bns'ith ck th.i stron.'e.t
raid ml ibe iusn bg cavulry overtakes an I le
stn lt. Only ihee few hundreil must brbn-
fore nd not I ehlnd li-and the milt-oad cn put
both tm m and their horses where ttie- will to
bet'ore it. If trey an I the ir.iin n r-mvey t icm
arc kept iu perfect reasliflt ss at a d- v.
the tmhtia have been n bcl on lor that w.rk. it
li not i nit lo uls. over that this expectation is a
ttui idity )
1 he ml 1 la is rrnm: osetl nij-'in-nmen oi.i men
nt d lit le bins, both eipial V till icnst itn-'d t
arms. Yet ihty arc exie:teil to iwrionn the
most dan rrois, as well as tho mo t.l ih.irloits.
K rvh'i that can be d m unit d of Hi ' li ird' st and
uo-t skillul -Idler. To bu-h vna- k l u inlll
larv tluty, re- u ring more coii'i-l'-nce In one's
weapon, greater strength of IkkIv, and a
cooler con rue than tiny othrr wimtetcr. lhe
n un who d.cs It, h, b to close .done t.:li the
nuiv,and If caiighi Is killed. r su- h a ser
vtci , ilioiouith so'dii rs are re-uiir. d, m l ih s or
M-tiie othrr plan must be resorted to, It we would
mc our reads.
TIM". m.v. i vxn IIAIU.
Fron tlr li n 'ii A'i iwrtr. 17 IS.
From three to five hundred prisoners hsve
pa-nd thtongli It kin :lnim trim M trvl and,
mpiutcd prim ipmiy dnritor mo : r-i 01 tue inn-
111 n by our lorees. 1 ney are pr o'ipany
Ohioians, and n arly all were 'one h ui lr: I days
i'as-ei cers from Staunton last nigW rep irt
fl a' the "Invaders "ol Maryland war- ssf.-ly sooth
ot the ro'umac, with a wnole c l-imrv t r fuuied
fud of nil 'oris of live and teg- table pl indcr.
Important Movements in Progress.
Nssiimiik, Tcnn., July 10. Tlio operations
of Gtm-ml Sherman's cavalry, during the ca-u-
paign still progressing in oor :iu, huve not tice-n
of a very txtcttslve .thai a-ver, owing to thi!
seen ity of forago in lhe muuntuinnus country lu
which it bus la en operating.
lletetott-ro Ps wperutions navo oecu coiiiiueri
to the protection of the M inks, tho an irding of
trains and patrolling of the railroad luc of eotn
miiineations. Hut light as this compulsory duty
bus been, lhe cavalry liiivo stilftired very badly,
ond many thousands of horses have die 1 of
(ll.M It.M. HOl'SHKAl-'g I'f.AN.
At lhe time Gem ral Sherman was making tils
famous r. ill in Mi.-sissippi. Major-Gcncral L. li.
lioussiau, comnnuiding the district of Nashvilie,
pioposed 10 (iencial On-nt a conceited iuom
m lit i'iuhi Decatur upon Selma, AI ibuina. Ho
had obtained a great deal of v-vluaM" lul'or.outio.i
icgitrding the louto and tho vulnerability of
Sclmn, and was anxious to make tlio movement.
Hut us the raid of Genera) Micrmun was iusti-
tuttd only lor the purpose of so thoron 'lily de
stroy irg ti e MistdsHippi railroads that no exten
sive Ion e of llebel iniantry couhl operate against
the points on tho Mississippi river, which u was
ir,t titled to weaken iu order to prosecute the
preterit campaign, and did not contemplate the
occupation of Selma, General llousscau's propj
sitit u was declined.
Ijitely, however, General Sherman, foe-xuning
desirous of the dt struct on of the railroad bo
tweeu Mt ntgoiiiery, Ala., and Columbus, Oa.,
ordciid General Rousseau, June ;i, to make
(reparations for a raid upon the road between
the points named ; and this raid, as ordered, is
the one upon which General Housscau departed
last evening. 1 he t ole purpose or the raid Is. as
bt foie staled, the destruction of the railroad.
1 his is to fie done so eilectually as to cut off
for the rest of the w ar the line bv which the Rebels
get their snppliosof beef, Ac. Orders were given
and preparations made for the destruction of the
rails I y twisting and burning them with the tics,
bnr)gs, water tanks, Ac; tho blowing up of
culverts, locomotives, machine and Oovorninont
shops, arsenals, fVc.
orders were ulso given for the destruction of
Opt-liku, the point at which the C lumbus road
diverges from the Atlanta, West 1'olnt, and Mont
gomiry road. Hy the complete destruction of
this point General Sherman hopes to cut off
Montgomery fiom comuiunlratiou by both routes
with the east.
General Uoussean boors to Irretrievably de
stroy Ibe railroads Irom Montgomery to Colum
bus and V est Tolnt, and if practicable, tho
gteatcr part of the Rvbel government property iti
.Montgomery, commons, luskegee, and tue
principal points along his route.
jtav ng completed uu nis preparations, nna
having on the 4th instant received the final orders
to moe, General Rousseau and stall left head
quartets In this city on ihcHtli.
The party left with tbe idea that they might
bind in a Southern prison, but congratulated
thmselves that Grant had cut otf tlio route to
Libby. With this view of a arisou lu their minds,
tbe party mude nil preparations for a Southern
residmcc, and quite an amusing scene was wit
nessed at headquurters in tbe closing and baluue
Ingot accounts, writing farewell letl.-rs and giv
ing directions for the disposition of private
iDe I'rovost Mtirsnai, sia.ior tugney, wun his
nsnal gt neroslty, gavo rach of tho o't'nrs a
couple of thous-itid doliurs in Itetiol money
not fat- timile, but the g-nnlno itriicle which Is
said to be nearly as vuluuble as the imitation,
though 1 ot equalling it inengravingand priutiug.
1MB roltl'K INDKtt 01;M:KAI. aOt'SSKAIt.
General Sherniun's order for tho ruld restricted
the force 10 about two thousand five hundred.
The men arc all veterans, recruits of the regi-
inots hav Ing been left Itehind. General Hons
erau and Colonel llsrrlson left very confident of
success. Hotb am fighting, energetic men. and
if sueee'i is possible they will accsmnlisli the
task laid out for them.
1 bo route to lie taken hy General Houssian is
one that bus never been followed bcretolore
during tbe war, though it is nearly Identical with
tho "truce pursued bv General .lacksou In Ibe
war against the Creek Indians. The first point
of any importance on the routo is Htonutsville,
the next Asiivllle. A few miles bjyoud Ashrllle
is the Coosa 1 iver.
General Sherman first directed Rousseau to
make the crossing at Ten Islands, but subse
quently this was changed so as to allow him to
cios at the nearest lord, lie Is thou to move
rapidly up the Talladega aud the nearest bralgo
or ford over the Tallupomu river. The route
betwt i n these two streams is to be very rapidly
pursued, and tbe bridges are to be completely
Tbe passage ( f tho Tallapoosa will, in all pro
bability, lie made nt I ehois-ke. and will brine
the force Into Datlcvilie. Mountain roads will
curry it to the r.iilrotd at couveniont p nuts,
when Ibe work ot destruction will fx: bettuii
Tin re are eight bridges on the railr.sid beteeu
Mont::ouierv ami Opeliku, llio most Important
I emg over Ouklitskce, i npiu, lliitebio, Caleebee,
and I fotki e re l.s.
li also cros-es ihtcc lirunclus of the latter
striiiu, ond, ns it follows lhe course of Soueha- en Is more than prol.aVe that
Diimhi rs of mliiiels and br'dges are to 00 found
In the vallty. Hetwecn Ooelil.-i mid West I'oint,
on tho Atlanta road, ure two bridges over the
Hilt llulluwot kee und Osonuppah creek. Near
( oliin. bus, on the other routo, are llnec bridges
over the ctuinpkii creek and onj over Mill
Tin: itErriiN koitk.
Returning aitcr the destruction of these rotids,
Koutoi au is to move up the west sideol the Chat
tahoochee, if the opportunity oilers, and join
General bhennun between Marietta and the Chat
tahoochee river. If this route is threatened by
tho enemy, Rousseau is to make straight for I'en
tacola, and take vessels to New Orleans and
thence to Nashville again.
In bis orders General Micimaii alludes to
Montgomery, Opeliku, ond Columbus, as being
the impoitunt points ; but I do not know that in
sti uctions were given him to attack cither Mont
gomery or Columbns.
Orders wi re issued for the destruction of
0K lika. Sclma is alluded to in the orders as a
point of secondary importance.
OIM'-IIAI. IlOl SSKAIl'H AH KI VA I. AT PKCATl It., July lit. Gcnoral Rousseau and
bis forces arrived at Decatur on Suturduy niglit,
July If, and were engaged all the morning on tho
luth preparing to depart. Tho pack mult s, which
were to carry tho ammunition, broke from their
corral on Saturday night, nnd about one hundred
wire lost in tho country around Decatur. Great
difficulty was encountered in collecting
irri: ktai:t from ni:cATcn.
At lust, about noon on the 10th,the head of tbe
column in. ved out of Decatur. General Rousseuu
and stuff left about 31'. M.,.l:id thus the great raid
begun. Tho column has probably elLcled the
crossing of the Coosa by this time.
General Sherman telegraphs that the Retail
works ut tlio Chuttuhoochce are the strongest he
bus ytt encounter! d, being finished iu the bigUcat
stylo of the art. A eu Ivrk UautJ.
Stp Inl to The I'.trnlna Telearnp.
We lc.nn to-dny that tho people of llirkvl io
and Mt ntcomery county generally are lu a p inlc
In iho belief that another Roitel raid is In p o
gu ss end that they are running their horsos,
stoi k. Ac., within the fortllicutiout of Washluj
tn and Georgetow n.
A genth nisn who left Hockvlllo this morning
says be mw lurge numbers of fanners with their
-ns k In the road, and they were hastening as
though the Rebels wi-ro right at their heels.
The rcs-rt in Montgomery county Is current
ih. t the Keluls are rros-ing an lmm use army at
Ldwsnls' Ferry and other fords of tho l'ot unac.
linked, rumor had it current tbat the force
was at kust 7o,''J or 80,0 0 strong, ond coin
n anded l y General laje in persttn. Wliethor
Hit re is my touiiilatlou for this r port or not,
we have as jet hud no moans of ascertaining;
but there is no doubt of the fact that the Mont
gt 1111 ry otu.ty farmer-, lire bully scared. We
umlersiui'.d thut ponions of tho t'ch and I'.i.h
Corps, who chased the Rebels into Virginia, are
returning fiom Snirkir's Gup, on their way to
this city ; und probably li U 'his returning force
wlili hi us thus disturbed the peace of mini of
lhe Maiyl.iud fanners, living on the line of tlio
OnTuc-day the farmers of Washington county,
Md., living along tbe river, got another scare,
und began to run tin tv stts k oil through li.tgers
town, caulng ronsiilcruble uneasiness um-nig the
merchants of that place. lU puris wore rife tint
lhe Rebels were crossing the tivor again n'.
Sbepherdstown, which proved to bo the case.
The Rebels alluded to, however, wore eighty-four
Rebel prisoners brought across the river under
guard from the vicinity of Snicker's O ip.
Something About Bragg, Johnston,
Hardee, and Hood.
tfieclnl to The Kvonlnar TplKrlh.
WisitiNOTON, July 23. The New York pOr
of ycsUrduy bad a report tbat Atlanta was la
oar pi-Mcation. Tbil, though premature yester
day, we have every reason to beliovo Is trne to
day. The illy was virtually In our hands yester
day, so completely was it under tbo guns of Sher
man from his positions gnlncd, aud wo are
satisfied that be now occupies it fully.
All the fighting with Johnston aud with his suc
cessor, Hood, having resulted disastrously to tho
t in my, She iiiian cnt the Rebel telegraphic com
mm.ioutions with Montgomery noar Notasulgi,
on the 17th, by a cavalry expedition, which w.u
at Talladega 011 Saturday, and which will
undoubtedly be hcatd from very soon as
having played the mischief generally with
Iho Rebel communications with Atlanta.
Tho Rebel General John 1). Hood, heretofore
only a division commander, took command of
tbe Rebel army in Gtorgia on the ISth. Ho
owed his appointment over Hardee and others
to tbe fact tbat be alone of Johnston's captains
bus been fiercely opposed to Johnston's retro
gisdo movement from Dubon. He was coiintotl
upon to lesist Sin mum's advance at every
hazard; but It sums be b is been uo moro suc
cessful than Johnston.
General Hiugg reached Atlanta on Ibe l.'Jtb.
Wahiiimiton, July 23. The It'juiWeun extra
says ;
T he Government is in receipt of a despatch to
day from the telegraph operator at Chattunojga,
via Louisville, in the follow ing words :
"Atlanta is not ours jet. Our forces find
strong opposition. It seems that we are in pos
s Kiin of a putt of the 1 ity, but the enemy holds
the rest."
The Itipub'iiaii extra ulso announces the fol
lowing oll.citil news of the battle before Atlanta
011 Wednesday last :
An olllclul iltsutcli from Genera! Khcrin.iu
slides that, nfier the battle of that day,
Howuid, commanding the 4th Corp', sent word
thut he butt bnriid two hundred dead Rebols in
froi.t of Lis lines, und u large number of wound; d
were lying on the field.
Ger.ciul Honker, commanding the 2 oih Corps,
in advancing his lines ou Wednesday, met tho
enemy In an open field, and a most depurate
battle, laMing several hours, was the result.
The enemy was thoroughly whipped, and
driven from the field. After the battle Generul
Hooker reported to Gmuiul Sherman as fol
lows :
"I have bulled four hundred dead Rebels, and
four thoubiiiid wounded ure lying on my front."
Miirkt-ta ly TelcjfTHph.
Ni.w Youk, July 2'!. l-'lour declined 10(s
IV. ; sales if II. In") burn-Is MK. tit '-iln-Lils lilil,
HKii-Il', ana huutlivra, li'ui:.t IS Wle .tt ilei-luu-a
p..-'!-.-, uii uiiiiiiiM-itttiil. Coin liim ; .ali-s m 01 1. ,r a it,
lusst iiuli-t. l'-rk )i-'or,sl S -9. i.u llrm nl in nine Jail al l'oK' 174. Iioi.1. -'.
Stoiks are li regular. Chicago and Rock Islund,
liyo ; Culiita-rl.iia ptelernsl, U , ; llntiuls IVatoil, 121 ;
Micl.uoiiitM.utht'iu, f-is, i Ni-w lurk I'emral, li;i. ; ki.
letf.l.ij'.i iinU.-Jii llior, ILT1;-,! .11l.ul l'o., i.!.; f.tli-,
lia'.; ll.-i.lslij anil T.iUJo, It; ; liuiil. 1 ; Oim ar
1 iiniilfute.. el-'. : 1 leHiuij 1 :l-ln., 11 . i li a l ouii.,
C'otuwl.a, J'M.'j Coeis,ii in, lot?
Fourth or July at Jeir. Uitvls' I'lunf itflon.
1 he ATcksburg Herald gives a full ond graphic
account of the celebration of the National Inde
pendence at the Jill'. Davis' plantation. The
peninsula upon which it is situated has become u
grand rendezvous for fneduien, organized under
missionaries for cultivating the soil. The grounds
aliout the Davis bouse were tastefully ornamented
with flags and other devices. The exercises wore
held lu a grove, und consisted of the usual staple
of tca-tg and speeches. A sumptuous dinner
was seived on tie verundah t tho buckol' tbe
The Ninth Corpo.
NiMH Armt Cokis, llRPoaR ri:rRnnco,
.. July 21, A. M. Y.steroay the Rebels
belli tl our lines quite vigorously fr-ttn their mor
tar butteries, and the pickets on b-ali sides kept
1 p nn minimally b-lk tiro. O or nrtillcrl-ts blew
up nnothir J(olel caisson.
thh wot Nimn.
Ornernl WlllctiX was wounded In the thigh
sllgldly on Tuesdtiv night l ids is tho second
tone since our advent before Petersburg that the
to 111 ral has bet n hit.
Yesterday, Lieutenant llean, of the 21st Ms,ss.
elitist lis. aiid Adjutant ho-iincy, of lhoo7ih M is.
no l ust tts, were wnnudod ; also, Sergeant Mc
Karliin, of the hitler regiment.
AimivM. or firsc.HAi. BAnn.nrT, tc.
Geni tal H.irllett nrr ved list night. Oencral lluru-ido, and is
silll on court nnirt'iil dtitv. Commands will be
assigned bo.b olllcers in the !ih Corps.
Th (Igtit.rnih orpsi,
1 ai T-v "Mini 1:1 1 11 en oi,Ni:u il m MiTtMiiir
lit" st CCKSS..K.
llttAPoi Ami us l-.iiun fi xrii Army Coi,
in i' hk 1 iki u, July 20. Tbe org niia'loii of
this corps bus nnln been General
Ha ily Smith, who returned from leave of absence
lust tiisht, has I ren relieved Irom com uau I 01
the coij s, anil oroctcd 10 reiH t for duly at Now
York, lii is will lie a sevtrc blow -o the troops of
this coinmaud, who a most adore inu Gencal ;
but ti c exicencit s of public service re pibe th-t
he fhi uld take a-other command, ffvn-ril
Smith leaves the 1Mb Corps af er 11 sh rt though
almost unpreei denicilly glorious caiiinantn.
General Smith Is succeeded in cunmaiid of the
rorps by General Mcrilriihilc, a vetenn soldier,
I si in;:n lr In tl ahke for his coolness atidvilm-.
The lulMiwmg orders eon a n the history of this
charge of commnnuing olllcers :
Srt.l lAI. OKOI'ltS no. fi'2.
Stvtis, Cmy I'oint, Va., July 11), 1MH. IV.
Siib.ii ct to the approval of tho I'rosl lout, M tj ir
UititralW. V, Smith Is hereby relieved from
the een ni.ird of tho 18 h Army Corps, and will
priH-ied to Now York city aud await further
Jlis iiersoui'l slnfT will accompany him.
Tbe corps st iff of the lHth Army Corps will
leport to Hrigailler-General J. 11. Minindile,
tenipotan'y coinnisnilinir, for duty. Hy com
ninnd of Lieutenant-General Gkant.
K.S. 1'AIIKr H, A. A. (i.
July Vil, lNtil. Totbe Oltlccrs and Soldiers of the
Kigbtienth Anuy Corps: 1 par', from yon, in
accordance with unlers from the Lieu on ur
Geni ral eomninnillng the iirinlns of tun United
States, with gn at regret, and my highest pride is
that you wi.l .hare my fiuliugs.
Since I have been your commander I have tried
to thiii? with you your dangers, and have re
joiced wi'hyouin your enllont deeds. Daring
tills time your record bus s en bright and unsul
lied. Whatever iu it has n been all tint you
roiil. I wish, I can assure you has been from no
limit or shortcoming of yours, au 1 1 trust you
will believe that I have been 110 more culpa lie
than yourselves.
May God bless and always crosvn your eff- rts
with victory. Wm. F. Smiih, M.ijur-General.
July 20, ) Hot. To the Olllcers ami Soldiers of
lhe lHib Anuy Corps; Sincerely regretting that
any circumstance or necessity should deprive us
of our lute commander und his able leadership,
hy virtue of special order No. til, pararruph
three, from headquarters armies of the I'nited
Suites, dated Julv IS, lsfil, 1 berc'iy assume tem
porary command of tbe lH.-h Army Corps.
1 have only to iisk that others and men will lie
mindful of the favoruhlo repntatlm which they
huve acquired by their past conduct, and inspired
with resolution to mainU n it in iho future.
J. 11. MAuriNnAi k,
A Vdtekan Has Rkti ukrii Sanporo, thh
tlio at original Attn Psisni-AL or Cork Oi-kba. We
see bj onr stlvf rtlsiaiiflnt that th Incomparable 8.8. 8.,
s ranilll.rjy esUnS, has lur.d the Walunt Hu-ct Thea-tn-
for a short season, anil will odsu on M at Uy eviiln
v tlh oue of the lai.t Kililop au troiiii-s exl int. Am-uu
die IchoIds eo neiil.iis Is H'ek I'at-K.r, i-ssttu-r wita
Aty.-rs nnd feast of slurs Hulileo to say, Ha-a aDpivsrs,
t il Ibe p.ouriitaiuu la Heb, rare, anil luluiitaile Mo
M.-ute your aestN tuf Monuay, anil glvn tbe
Ptat or Thrrmomhtre To pat. Six A. M,
024. Noon, 701. Wind, W. by N.
Di;rAiuTiu: or CoLonkl Thomas' Rkiiimi:nt.
At noon to-day the 20th Regiment IVnnsylva
nia Volunteers, Colonel Thomas, ma-ched from
their encampment at Camp Cdwala lcr to this
city by the following routo : Down Ridge ave
nue to Nineteenth stree', -down Nineteenth t
Green, down Green to II road, do n Ifroid to
Spring Garden, down Spring Garden to Twelfth,
dttwn Twclllh to Cbesnut, and down C lesnut to
Third. Here they were count, r man-lied . and
rangetl on lhe north side of ibe Custom House,
the left resting on Sixth street.
l'rofcssor K. 1). Saunders, Chairman of tho
Kxtia ltounty Fund Com 111 ttee, in the presence
of thu meml ers of that Cominitloe, together with
a lurito uiidii nco of sissi tutors, addre-se I the
reglinciit from the stops of the Custom llo isn.
The Commission, he said, wero delighted to
sec before them the largest regiment (the lutiimtod
Colonel baker s Laittorna 11 -gnnem oi'ino ex
cepted) that had left the city siuoe tho war com
menced. A regiment of fourteen companies a regiment
which, under tho lead of its energetic Colonel,
second, d bv I s other officers, was tb first organ
ized the first completed the first ready fir the
payment of the bounties the first to bestim
iiji ned away the fust to appear with kua Micks
the first about to stand a wall of s out hearts
ami strong arms between their fellow-citizens
and the most wicked and iiiiserupiilo is trtitors,
robbers, and murderers that ever threatened the
homes 1 fa peaceful, law-uiiiding people.
Iu conclusion the Professor complimented the
Colonel for bis owu personal exertion! lu thi
innitiT of raising the regiment, and concluded
Ins remarks amid applause. Three cheers were
then givm for the regiment, afier which C ilonol
Thomas, seated upon bis horse, and with un
covered head, mude a reply.
He said that he could not find words ude pu'e
to express his feelings upon that o-uis. ui, a id
therefore he would simply say ihv. for wa-tt
Ibcy (the reirimeui.) hail done, they deserved uu
limine wbMtevi-r. l'Uev h id simply oerfir uel
their duty ; ai d those who did less des rve 1 Uu)
condemnaiion 01 every Auier.cati eitiae-i. I Limi
1 din ring. I Tbey weio a'lout to leave, for tbe
battle held, pi rh -ps.
He had no word whatever 10 say In behalf of
liiinselt, but ho 1I1011R t ho could promisu tor
those brave men who had enllsied utidurbis c i:u
uiand, all that could be expeeied of brave, p n
1 tie Kildit IS. For liiinscll ht: shoul 1 eml iavor in
the future, as be I ad in the past, t perl' im hn
tluty to tho best of Ins a'lility, and that was all he
could promise.
Alter ", line times three" hail been given, too
Colonel aud the b use ui 11 of Ins c.i n u 1 id left
fi-r the Volnr t- cr Hef.eslinietit S ilo hi. I', is ex
pecti d that the regiment will t ike its depirturo
Mass M1.1 iinu or Tint Siin-wuioit is. List
evening the shipwrights of this port met ut the
Yigilunt Knglne bouse, pursnantt a lj mrnmont
to bear the report of a committee upon tlio sub
ject of an inert use of their w ages from tlirco dol
lars to three ami a half. The meeting was
culled to order by the l'rcideiit, J.imij M.
Moore. The Secretary, Mr. Henry Teosc, read
the former procci dings, when tho committees
from the various yards made their reports. Those
from Ibe Navy Yard rexrtcd that Comma lore
Strihling stated that he had no author Ity to in
crease tho wages, but ho would lay the matter
before the Secretary of tho Navy, w ho alone had
power to act in the case. From Simons' yard
the committee reported that tho increase was
granted. From John W. Lynn the report was
the same.
Nearly nil the other yards reported that although
it would lc di-iidvaiitHgcous to then; at pre .cut
to inerca-e the wages, yet If it was a general
thing tho demand would be acceded to. A reso
lution was then adopted that tbe shipwrights of
the port of riiHudclphiu would demand three
dollar and a half per day on und after Monday
next, nnd that they would refuse to work In the
same yard with iiny shipwright w hose compensa
tion for a day's work was less than that adopted
by the Ducting.
After several speeches mado by members, la
which it was announce d that their brother crafts
men received four dollars and a half a day in
New York, lhe meeting adjourned.
Darinu Roiiiii ky. A thiof entered an up
holstering establishment at Tenth and Arch
streets yesterday afternoon, during the tempo
rary absence of the proprietor, and abstracted
tMj iu greenbacks aud a cheek for over gl-'fi)
from the money drawer. The theft was a most
during one, as members of the family were sit
ting iu IU adjoiuiiig tvoiu fvt the tuiie.
Thk Dv.ATHi'CTioy or Simoms' Waoow Fac
tohy. llitween 1 lght and nine I'clock last even
ing, the e xtenslvo National Wagon Factory of
Mr. Hcnrv Blnions wae discove-cd to be on lire,
and in a few hour the en Ire estobllshm nt wis
destroyed, involving a ks of b-twe-n two hun
dred aiid fifty snd three hundred thousand dol
lars. Tbo property destroyed was contained
within an area of fonr acres, a id was bounded
respectively by Second street and Wathlaton
art one ai d Huntingdon and Cii-n'M'rl.ind str-e s.
Wis den tent s etit-lo-00 this lot. except a' t .e
we-t Ude, where a brick wall, twimty feet high,
extended along tbo front of the North I'-mnsvl-Vbiua
Railroad ou Washing on av.-mie. rinj
woiks dt strut rd embraced the wheelwroht shop,
blacksmith shops, saw-mill, machine shop, aui
rt'i'ine-ioom, lumber-yard, otti and stib'o
The most nnnoimnt strn tunt was the wi?on
facoiyor wheelwright shop, which stood n"ir
ibe coinrr ot Second and Huntingdon strooi-t.
This situi tore wus built of brick, five stories ill
If ght, IM feet lung, o-) feet wide, and B.) foot
high. It was iiM'd to tare the frame wura of the
wugnns, and to fit the different portion ogclher.
Iu one room alone wero stored te 1 tlions 01 1
pokes, w bile army wagons an 1 iiinbu! ill m by
hiiLiluds wete cot tallied ill o bcr portions of the
buildli g, iiwul lug traiiBor a'lon.
An ti closure of :I7H by 'J d foot was nsed as a
luuiber-yatd. In it was c -n allied large pilot or
oak, ash, aud hickory p auk, boards, a i l li u'i ',
prtiie, pine, jiliow aud white, tho very b -st In
the coiu.try, altovether am Minting to aliout t J
and a hull liillllou led. Ibis ma.cii.d h id been
11 1 cited from nil parts nf lhe c mulry by Mr.
Slnii.ns during the pa-t three years, and iwtng
sni li wtdl-sensom-d 111 iU rial, the 1 of It at this
nine Is gnats r iban it would 1 th-r l-e h ire t.:eu.
In lhe sum null nnd tbe machine savi and
rt glut . room tho loss bus also been v-jry nesvy.
1 heie the saws, circular, ki, rvc, were all d
Mrojnl.w til lo all 1 bc.eoinpocuU'd machinery of the
niut h'bo shop ulso fell a pr- y to the dovas' itiug
tlauios. In tt 0 stable there were some fourteen
horses when tho fire broke out, but fortunately
tin se wi re all rescued.
The factory of Mr Simons was surrounded on
the r-orih by the extensive works of Messrs. Wil
inn, Child A Co., which t'ortuuitcly, thr.ui th the
1 lb -its ot the ti emeu, were saved from destruj
tion. To the eusi, on Second street, wer-i a na 11
berof small tlnoe-story brick houses, but, with
one exception, these were also rescind. 11 it for
tue fact that the supply of water from the Ken
sington basin was vety deficient, preventing the
Mei-msTS from obtaining a suillcient supply to
quench the flumes, a great por.ion of the I ictory
ol Mr. Simons would no doubt have been pro
si rv. d.
Tlio ttrcanrs diric'ed on the flames were feeble,
and ibe wau r, what there was of It, tuick and
The entire works of Mr. Simons are destroyed.
Ills loss will amount to about $101,100, ou which
there Is an Insurance of only flO.iK) . The print,
ripal amount of this Insurance Is In thut'ol'od
F'ire Associa'ion a new company inorost beiug
divined among 0 s-ht or ten eo npanies.
There were al oat one bunded and scven'y
five (qserat ves employed lu the establishment
and the works wi re piudm ing one nunurju auu
fitly wagons arweek. Some of the stci'ii en
gines forced watc rthiougb two fhousatid to tlirc:
thousand feet of Hose. Al half-oast nine o'clock,
whm the fire was the most intense, general
iilnrm was sounded, and the tiro departtneat.
tun ed out rn witme.
Tbo die was tindoiihb dly tho work of som:
emissions of the HoIkI Government.
Fun's. While the fire was raging at Blraoits'
wagon manufactory, a fire broke out In a new
row of bouses, just being erected, on the south
side of Christian street, botween Eighteenth and
Nineteenth streets. Tbe ba h houses and roofs
of one or two were damaged. At the lime tbo
alurm was given, till the companies In the virio is
distiic a had beuu summoned bv general alarm to
the tire In the Nineteenth Ward. Tho po ice
fbcrefoio went to work, and by the time aateimer
arrivtd tho Panics were nearly stibliied. The
fir -plug which tbe policemen were using was
taken possession of by the steamer, anil dur ng
the time in which they wire engaged In attaching
hose, theft mcs broke out again, and consider
able damage was done.
About two o'clock this morning a fire broke
nut In the upper stories of tbo Paper and Rig
Warehouse of Alexander Priestly ft Co., No. 41
N. Fifth street. Tbe fifth story was all burned
oui and the rest of the establishment lloolod
with water. During the progress of the fire two
men wire arrested for larceny. One of thtsm,
mimed M. Fifir, was ciught currying away 11
clock, and another, named Henry A luw.iy, bad
a quantity of taipcr. Tbcr were committed to
answer by Alderman Welding.
Totter, of the Diocese ot Pennsylvania,! Issued
an address to tbe clergy and congregations under
bis charge, In relation tu the ob-orvauco of tbe
tth duy of August as a day of fasting und pr.-tyur,
iu obedience t.i the rccommeutlltiou of iho Pre
sident. Tbe Bishop, in his address, s tys :
our past, a. a nati.n, has Iseen marked by a--ta of
vs lm-t anu ripsc-ll) lawanls lint we, waicn must ni-4.1.
prui nkt- tl.eanh
nriitukt- tl.tnKtT irf lit1 ien. U u prutvai la vh najtirizui1
l-y a levity and
tl r-.lrn true
LiroMiiniPiii'mii ui -con la'Hicn; uy svaut
tl ruirn 1 rug in hu tnu llio ol our otme,
w llll 11 111 m:"--.lM 'l i ll V.....I..--II c..-ii'i..-iv iin;u,,.
iii with trm ennrmnu. sarrttlce. at Hie, anil virtue, and
iiri-ia-it.., thniiKh wliu-h we art cait.a 1 1 pn.i. Wen el to
be uxoii-d to more abstinence in pea.tirc and all
esa-iie,ana tonclr.iur pea-epmni 11I' Die sri-at eilj. of
Hie Wenitid'o ie.ici a priifnuniK-r seii.e ut' the in.uiTI-i-itnr
ol a-1 haaiaa wie loui and streiik'lh, wrteii furs. sea
oliiad. Werjis-st, bv larnesl riH-iiimiai. aad contlnue.1
pi.ji r, to ill. 1 r-i.eni-i and an, wlai ulnae cs 1 du
lls ir from .1 did in. privy i'..iMtarse.v, and roboo-i, or
ri-.'are ut tu that trnlid. aiit.,lni;, and rigiiiin. iwseo for
wli-i-n v e l-mic. ' Unit-., the Lord kottpttui cli , the w uicli
111 an waksili tiut la vain."
Sad Acciiient on thr Schi-yi.kii.i John
While, sged about It) years, and Clar CI irk,
about lhe same age, the former residing at Fifth
and Powell streets, lhe latter in Can oy street,
below Thirteenth, were drowned yestord iy in'he
Schuylkill. It seems that tne deceased, wun
another young lady, and three young moo, hired
a boat, und were rowing in the viciucy of Girard
Avenue Bridge. The Imi.s got to skylaraiog,
when tho boat was upset, and all wore precipi
tated into the water. A boat near by suceoede i
in rescuing two of lhe party, whuo two mire
swum to tbe shore. White and Miss Clark w-tut
tlown before assi-tuticc coal I arrive. Their bodies
wi re grappled lor, and recovered iu an hour or
iwo, and taken to the Ninth Dstri't Police
Station, where the Corom-r held au inquest.
A 11 11 op a )Ksi;uri;it from Moskiu's
Gi H1111.1.AH. One of the police olllcers of the
Twenty-fourth Ward arrested a Rood deserter
ycs'etdiiy afternoon, near the Gray's Kerry
Uritlge. He stated (hat bis 11,11110 was George
llune, and that he bod recently deserted from the
Rebel Morehy'sgiicrriluB, with whom uo n is Ouen
coiintc.icd over a ear. Ho leit ihein when near
Hushing on, an I tiavellod without Is-ing mo
lested or slopped, until his arrival in the Twenty
fourth Wuid. He was ciad tnkebtl u.iiiorai,
und admitted lb it It was n t his lutcntion 01 d j
sert, but having bei n lelt behind during a raid of
II portion ol Mo chy's men, eon In-led to push
Ninth. He was handed over to Cupta 11 l.t iu,
I'rovost Marshal 01 tin' Fourth District, and sunt
to Fori Delaware.
Hi'mmkr I'.xi't rsions to mi Ixrnntou or
I II r. IS 1 a 1 .. Wo. call atteatioa to the ad ot t;se
uii nt iu refi reuce to excursions riu the C ita vissi
Itailioud and its conno 1.1011s, to Schuvlkill
llavei-, Malmi'iy City, Ashland, Tama Us. Sum
mit, RuH-rt, Danville, Wiluamsp irt, Mia 'a
(hunk, Alb utowu, llctbleln-m, Ac. Iho minis
roiitu limy ho takon by starting no the North
Pennsylvania Railroad. A tour through th s
oortu 11 of Pennsylvania presouts at'.rictious
scarcely to be found iu any other portion of tue
United States, and the fare for the entire journey
Is but 10.
Actinq Poflu i'M ix,-An individual was ar
rested ut Sixth und Pine streets last night for
attempting to act llccman. Ho was flourish.
Ins an old star used by tho police years sineo,
und wus creating cou.iideiahlo of a furor. He
w as held to answer by Alderman Swift.
Goino Out or Town. U tus 11 aud or
1 i.w 1 It IJaM..
Front dust anil heat
i IU4-UJ1 tv best
William 1I1 1117. a el'td rutrnat,
'in sum. Hwi-i-l ai't-ae.
All c.Mil uu-! srei n,
Where uaiiire'. iliouanial beauties meet,
Awliiln 1 II Its
Floia nalluK I'rt'P,
Nor Ohv Uis'k. anil, uar li-dgors sec;
lint tt einli an
Tiitit can liapurt
I'resh joouuu. tu liberty.
My horse shall so,
My skill 10 sliow
In kui lim l'l'iicrs, lilitli or low
r 11. 1 1 - iiui's 1 11 int.,
. I. It'll lnini lhe lake.
Or stream, will draw forih scores I kaow.
And lt-st tbe heat
Mliould quite delist
These proml-ed ilev.ttre ofmr ircat,
Al I.WI.M 11 11-i.
1 mean 10 i ll, ...
For a mu w.nlne. oool ana seat.
Onr .lork of .!-aoiiabieOI-iihinn la aim ftdl an. I eom-
Pli le, iii.lwlilisUial'US lt. 1 sal. H . bi-liut raplenishud by
l.r e Call) ailniisni.- We are ai-hh s Buuiamr stuck al
oM uruti, iuuiU Mot ri UKHl coil ol .a'ue iiu-sts.
r Towns II n t.
So. JU Market bueot,
Uan Co.
10tO., I-Zta., IC;to., Et o.. T2tS.
St. Loi is, July 23. Much surprise was ex
cited a short time since by the arrest of several
very prominent Secessionist of this city, whose
ollenres were unknown. It has come to light,
however, that tbey weie connected with a con
spiracy extending throughout the entire Missis
sippi Valley, having for its object the erection of
a Nonhwesb rn Confederacy. ' ' '
Colonel Sanderson, Provost Marsbal-Geaefal
of this department, has been gathering erUeec
in the matter for several months, which is aof
In possession of the Washington authorities.
It Implicates many public men, and shows tbat
an oiganixation has been foimed which is very
dongcious. One of the unestod p irtles is said to
buve Ik en so badly frightened that he offered a
bond of 8 (00,000 for his rcleise. , , . '
It is believed the recent guerilla movement 1st
this Stale had some connection with this scheme,
particularly as Thornton, In a speech at Polka
City, a d ibe "Knights of the Golden Circle are)
organized and armed to rise throughout ih
Kne Sietes. Vallundignam Is with them. I ana
ValiuDtligham's man, and I have troops in every
county in this State, and men are coming to ma
from the South. I bve raised 1S00 nien la Illi
nois, and they will Join me, and will destroy IU
Hannibal and St. Joseph's Railroad on their
march." , . .
DuiiiigColoncl Sanderson's investigations IBM
this conspiracy be discovered lbs intended .re
newal of the bout burning on tbe Western ritsrs,
and was able In several Instance! to avert stripja
It is probable tbe whole matter will be ven
tilated In a few days. ' " u
The affair at Plattsburg, Clinton county," oa
Thursday, was not so bad as previously reported.
After Captain Tamer's death, Captain Po)
took command, and made such a detersllne4
show of resistance tbat the guerillas left In the)
direction of Hay nosville, and thence moved Jes
trrdsy into Pialte county. Their , reported
strength is 800. . ,
General Osterbaas arrived throe days ago from
Shi rman's army, and says that no part of John
ston's force has gone to Richmond, but one corps
baa been sent after General Smith In Mississippi.
Habhisiii ho, July 23. Governor Morton, of
Indiana, was in this city yesterday, and bad an
Interview with Governor Curtin, duriDg which
some conversation occurred In reference to the
eflorts to be made for robing recruits la rebel
lious States, to fill up the quotas of the draft
about to be made In tbo loyal 8tates.
Governor Morton is of tbe opinion tbat the
plan will succeed admirably, as is Governor Cur
tin also, both agreeing, however, tbat tbe suc
cessful wotk ng of tbe system will depend upon
the cure with which tfileient agents are selected
to conduct recruiting operations.
Governor Morton left Hirrisbnrg yesterday,
accompanied as far as Huntingdon by Governor
Curtin, who goes to Bedford for a few weeks to
recruit bis health. '
Coloutl Bnmford, Assistant Provost Marshal-
General of Pennsylvania, has been ordered to)
take charge of tbe post on Governor's Island,
Niw York, and Captain It. J. Dodge is detailed
to act as Assietauc Provost Marshal-General of
tbe State. ' ;
Mujor-General Couch commenced yesterday 10
break up bis boidquarters in this city, prepara
tory to a removal back to Chainbersburg.
We learn thai at least eighteen regiments of
the twenty-four tbouaani men called oat for one
hundred days are now rc idy for or jauir.atlon ia
different parts of the State. Two regiments wdl
be ready lo ! ae Camp Curtin on Taetd ty next.
General W. W. Irvln, Commissary Geuerll of
Pennsylvania, is now Acting Adjutant of the.
State. '
Bnfel.V ! Htentneir.
Di.i noi r, July 23. The steamer Wio,'i, w'ai :d
was reporti d losr, arrived here safe yesterlty.
Keponed ttj tlarksaa a Co., Bmaars. No. Ul 8. Third t,
in .h tl n T.ui... at'.' luu .b Kel.1. It etvn a:
I .11 ilo.
lCU sb Alcorn.
... J I M.k do ' i
S'ssl 0. H.5-le.
...IOs tOsll itbllllj N..
Sl.'ll d no
I OCity ti. Dew Iii -
S'ssi l I'l'v'i
j Sell. Sav. Us,.'., ins,.
f.Mtn ai sa
e.tou I'niiin i 'I. H 'i.'H
So a I-: lalre 7 IM i
S.ifr aiIpl-Ii i-o -'' sj i
S" M r ti-lairi! bt . c '-ti'i
j-jian I'l-ioi.:, ...o-Jkri lot i
l.'lh t'm lit K1....P1A 1
;i a. " i'i- 1 i -'K'.
it'll in Xfapte sb I'm
'ioililisasi. t'eiial... !-'
J.HS0 da Is ,
I'.i.h -lo b I a
I O.ll 1)4 ISV I-
f sn a i ou i.
ana sii Kurd l on..
an h Mw.einll
K.btd t Id.
I sh do
PS s i Mi l ie.xik..
,l sh l"l t I v
i sb V I'l. li It .
6 ill Patina a H-.
, .1
II. H. lofCH. S..r ('nmnisalna Broker, . 1 t r
o.uir Bulldin... Walnut .'r-l. hijow r .ird.
I'llll'KS OK 8TOt'K S IM NEW YORK, i
Reported br Clarkson Co., Brokers, No. Ul S. Third St.
rrr call, Heeom vau.
I'nttnl ataraRa.1sKI.tul off..
Hrs k Island liallruad
Ki'iiitlnir Itul m.d
Illiiifi. iVtitral Kallroad
!. .leiia Itallriuid
S.w vrk(Vuu-ai Uallrnad..,
I-Oto llailii'.d
Iiarleui lUIUvad
.KU.V bid
HIV aaiea
... t)(i', bid
.... .. bid
...1.11 bid
...t"lH hi !
lUU laiee
lv-i .alee
47.sJ ulee
Hi tales
17 sj aale
it'll aale
' lot .ales
1J7, bid
'i-'il bid
l"l '.bid
.... llria.
Cnllid KUI-. ft-atla. .,
guotaUoits ot Uold at ibe Philadelphia Uold uaan(e
Si'. M B. Third aireet, aeeoild atory :
SMA.M '-'''I MM. -'
11 AM M!, IV. M .oi
Jlaltet steady.
iAi Cooas & Co. rjuote Government Securities, c.,le
Boon to- day, ai follow. :
flu vlna. atlll'i.
T7. B. s. 1SS1 va lot
II. M. 7 8-10 Note list - KM
r.rilll. au-. t lildi-bti ilneta. New Ul'.' '
t.'usrltruiaatar'a VuUtUire 'ol VI
in .ai J-'-t r.M
ti-Dl Honda lesl1 kn,
in-: llAVKs itro. No. 'JO 8. 1'lurd .Ureet, quote ar (01 -
lows i
.-a j pro-ra.
ii r- D.
.. - do
.. , do
.. do
.. do
M d
ttnerlian Gold
Uiiltul rllnti-a lleninad N-ilna.
Ann-ruan till -i-r .'. and A. ...
Iiimi-s and Hall' liunea
ispaubh ijuartu a
IVni svlvainn Curri-niy ,
hew Vora Kvchauue
do .
s. 01..
IHirtHl ItrwwIiaatwwrthwMolbCiiaUeisrsl
tuorj ot aveniucky. ,
l i as. StH-Jol7 f, .. ,,
70, 50, 31, 10, 40, 0:', 70, H, vo. Mi , U.
Exrsa l tas S."-Jl k ,.
12, 77, ol, b7. '..'M, t-4, Hv). H li, I. i '81 S xU
Circular, aeatl h addnswus
V . liMMiona it ft..