ft?? DTE H n i J.LO PRICE TWO CENTS. riULAIF..P!IIA, FRIDAY, JULY 9.0 1S(1. I'KICE TWO CENTS; IL 7 sl llio at .li, u- i. urns on," it.1 tat v up I iv the, tr- Pfld ; rai,; vsi a ilea J r. ; l on1, ' V ' Ham : HIV ivvsu itlol' 8 10,: y i .say 140, ! of. .4K, .MtV . ita, P. Ml Jill L'l, 1 111, ' 1 w t I ' V THIRD EDITION, FROM GEH. SHERMAN'S ARM .HIGHLY IMPORTANT 5 ( RtPORTED EVOATION OF ATLANTA. 41 i Town Said to be Occupied , by General Sherman. " 'f Niw Yon, Ju'y 22. An apparently well-an fkmllcuUd rumor I current, tha' Allan a is t eveseatrd bv the Re' el vnstcrila v. anil Is now ercopird by the forces under M ijor-OencrAi Bkersnan. An official verliVntkm of tins ramor Is ta lueatarlly expected. LATEST OFFICIAL NEWS. REBEL ATTACKS REPULSED ATLANTA CLOSELY INVESTED. Wm lal to The limine Tlnrrvh. Washiwotow, July 22 The President hat ad vices from General Sberuian, that Johnston ca u at of hU fortifications ycrterday and attacked klm, bat was repulsed, and Sherman's lln woro advanced, lie is now closely Inverting Atlanta. FROM GEN. SHERMAN'S ARMY .TEST OFFICIAL NEWS. ATLANTA CUT OFF FKOM THt bAoTi DIX'ATUH OCCUI'IKI). DESTRUCTION OF THE RAIL ROAD TO RICHMOND. Out Guns Open on the City and Its Army of Defense. , WAtniNOTON, July 22. Official Information from General Sherman represents that every thing It going on In manner highly satisfactory. .All the day before yesterday our army was engaged with Che enemy the enemy being driven steadily on Into their intrcnchnients. Tho city It In plain view of our troops, and our shells can reach It. f Five miles of the railroad between .AtlanU and Decatur baa been destroyed, rendering the road useless to the Rebels. The Satwnal Republican bat furnished the following, In advance of Its pnbliiiition : "Ofllcial advices from General Sherman, re ceived tbit morning, cover the operations dowa to last night. Tbe work of Inventing the city is foht going on. "Thrre wat dome hard righting yesterday, fe inlllrg in the repulse of the enemy In hit eirori, to dislodge our troopt. Central Faltnor ad vanced his line to a more advantageous position. Onr loot during the day was small. "General Sherman holds the railroad leading from Atlanta to Richmond, to that Jobnstjn cannot escape by that route to reinforce Lee, " "Hit only means of leuving Atlan is by two road leading South to Macon, and toutliweit to Wett Point an4 Mobile. "If Jobntton etcapet with bis army by eiih.T of tbite latt-naucd route, he will be obliged to move quickly. ' "It U coutldored a well settled propositi m in nillitary circlet, that tbe Retx I ean better atrrd to lo o Atlanta than Johtition'M army, if it in not true that Lougtrett it alnudy In comiaiwl fit." TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. BlHHlal KoHpnti btfi to Ktciiltu; Trlttsmpli. WvtHl.tHTOM, July 22. Ilonanl, llif forger; f Effort are being made to rclcite ami give Howard, the forger, a trial. ano l tlir I'trnf Mtniut.. Ko r?emnpd hut been made for tbe. didiverv of Pinimea, but the tiiuation of thlnca is tucli tha. he will jirotialdy he drlivcred np. If not a du niinid will be made. "I t- inltlif lfbt. The public dt'it of the Unite I Htu-nt, on fie l(hb InHtunt, was one M'Mon fev-n hun Ire I an I ninety-f ix mllli.m, two hundred .m l thre thou eand, aixty-ix d., l.im and nlnctv-funr cents, againtt one bi lion, titvcn li lt) Ir.'d nn I ninrtv juillion, ibirtj - li re tlion-atnl live hundred an I mty-nliie lioiUra and tbiny-four rents on fe 12ih lntart, N lng i u Incivi-'of o .e mi li m, kixty-iiine thotia .nd -even limnlrcd and uinety teven Uil iir- and lt cent-. Alt ttlll. tl'tlll H(SI'HI'V Wt4tllt4lt. Annrlerbaa be n i Mil. d to day M the V',. Olllce, bj S. cri tary S uutun, folil Idlng all pir lona imploc(l in the tewr.il Hurt a is irom om nmnlca'ii g nry iiifnriiut iou wiiatcver rp.-ctin the hiifciuchNol the Ilepar'ineiit to any p rs m i, ,A on duty In om i,f tlm oiliei-s, with jut tb written or terbul author. ty of the S, cro'ary. As r li.- War Odlee hu never been a very frui'l'ul xourc.i' of Inlormation, there are probably few whowi re toureea iu that direeiion will be greatly curtailed by tui oider. M tuluiilper t'ouuNl(,rit. The rin.or of the resignailon of Secretary St.ni ti n hiiH )rought down upon the Presidunt innu merulilc letters of Miration and rocomuien laiion as to the propir ptraon to till the duties of tnC War (Jtllce. Thi e C4ine from all aorta of pera us, from Goveruora of Siaica downwards, and nomi nate every coneiivuble candidate, f.iiii,u and obtcure. Mr. Lincoln would probably be moro Indebted to theae volunteer counselors if the re ported reiircmcut of Mr. Stantou did not happ n to be ntwa to him. A I'rtH-iuim ItnMnl. The notorious Cl-.trence lUndolpli Vounge, who gained to uuonvia'du a reputation at paymaster or purser of the Confederate war ateumor Ala bama, bat been benrd from. Afux deser ing a wife and family In Georgia previous to bit career t a pirate, he has furthor Immortalized hlinmlf by leaving a tecoud wife in Kngiand, to whom b wh married, and la now on bit way out to tliu Northern States. Inatruetloim front tlm Treanurx Itepurl uirut. Official instiuctlons, iu accordance with pro vUiont of tbe reecnt law regulating trade in iu turtectionary State, whhh have beeu in course vt preparation since the adjournment of Con great, will be issued from the Trconury 1). part went in a few day. PEACE NEGOTIATIONS. Tlir (orrrrondrnr on lit fcuhfw -Tw or Mr. tSrrlvy and the Rattnl I nilaxni l- Tho Prkllnt"i Wtt "r Whom II nay nrrn ' - rmnHilMWI Irrrrlrn lo th- ( nnllrntlon of Aojr I'roiKidltlouK IIIkIi llnlK'OH t tho fcrlf'tViiimlti.tvct ' 'ounul''to' Tlt0 NrrHl Ion trlm utr. Hi ifAio. July 21. The f 'J. c-.'T- "--An -. tit nee iXflidnt it-elf : lit. KANIIHIIS to MR. . ill ! iCiiiy ) l'rti. aa.l t. anl I. n '.l d. ('LIITN llilt'at-. N I M -IB 4 I-'.ltt, ( lltl'til ft, July 12. l.stit. IV'i.r Sir I a:n nuthorl. M to hj tht lloii. I'li tnent '' Cluy, of Al iiu i, l"iolt -or JaiiHI 1'. Iloh oinb.', of Virgin! i, an I Georae N. faulei, of l)is,", are r-ady and will, li g to c.o nt oiu c to vhi'iKi m, ttnu r: npie c anil uihiia bird prMivtioa bcinjr g v,.'n, e their by !l e I'rcMil. ni nr S ei. urj ot M.u. 1 t iu r-i r mihtion In lude the three hi::!?m aivj orv: other. Very repeetlul v, Gi...i.c X. Savoi.ii. To Hon. Ilora -e Orecley. nil. 0U n l i to I in: ( tut m -tosi;rw. i'j.) NlAO vka Fali , N. V , Jll y i;, l".t. tlenn n. I am Informed that you arj duly en dlti d from Kii bmond at tho beaurt of piopo sitlont looking to the rnU'i',lhnii.t o;' p'a.n, tin l you decile to vi-it Wa-ln uum in tile fuHll incut ol jour i im-l iu, and that yon forth r il. tire tliat Mr. tieorge N. Sandi rs sb ill a.-coin-pnry ynu. It 'my information be. thus far mi i i tint nt. I v corn et, I .mi author, r.i liy tb.' I'ro-i-ilent of the I'nlted Stales to teud'ir you his sifo ."oniluct on the journey pni,' . , il, ..n 1 to ae. company ou at the earlie t time lliai will ro sgrMiible to you. ! I hate the honor to he, piitVmv 1 Yours, 1 1, lit .i i' it it't::Hv. To Metfr". t'li'ini'Kt ('. C!iy, Jiejh 1 qhiii,S'"i, J.'tniet 1'. Holemnbe, ClifJoo House, (J. W. liKri.v or Mi-.- hs. i i. a v noi.. oKite. CiinoN lloiMii, Nmuahv I ins, Juiv 1K, 1H04.--Slr; Ve h ive tie' honor 1 1 acanolodK'c your favor of tbe .'7tli instant, which would havu been ai.Rwried on yest, rday, tiir '.In- i' sen e oi Mr. Ciiiy. The sab' cond.iet of the I'n tl lent of tho l ulled Statea has I, .en tendered as, wo regret to state, under sonic mis ipon-hcns' in of facia. V e have not la-en ?credi.ed t him from Kirhmond as tho !) nrers ot' pr ipo ; tio.is limiting to the ettablisbment of p. .ie-!. v,- aro, how ever, in the conti dentin! enipl. emenr of onr Government, and mo cnlT - ly ' tamidar with itt wishit and opiniont on tint tnbiect; and we feel Mithuriretl t-i dt'i'ht-c tha1, if tiut nrum stnnees lis"!i)M'l in this enrro 'p mdonco w.-re coinniunicnted to Hi, bmuiiil, ! would be at once it i vi -tied with the authority to wIik'Ii your leitir njem; or other g'n!ien,en'ci.itlied with full poweit would be immi'iliately feui to Washington with a view of hii"tenin a 'tm-mnina'ion so much to he desired, and term waling at the earliott pos-1-Me moment tlieealuuiitie.s of itio ;mf, Wo run;s)rt fnlly ask.tbroub vour Iniervo itio.i.a suit) conduct to Wa-hltiBton, ond thence, by 'inv route which may tic designntnl, through y-itir line- to Kich ruond. We would l.o giads.',:,! if Mr. Geor;;e Sunders w;it emhr.ieed in th s ptlvilcgj. Permit us, In conclusion, to nrkno-.vV.lgo c ur ohlig-i-tlona to you for the Interest you have lumiitesuid in i he furtherance of our wishes, and to express the hope that iu any event you v, ill aiToni us the opportunity of tendering the t in peraou before you leave the Fullt. We remain, v.-ry rnnnM'tfully. Ac, ('. U.Ci.At, Jr., .'. 1 . 11olu)uiii:. P. S. It It rrojverto st it: mat Mr. Thompson it not bcre, and bus not been "laying with ut smeo onr sojourn In Cnnaila. MB. ORKHLKV TO CLAY A n HOT COMPK. iNTKKMATIONAt. IIoTl l,. SlOS.RA, N. V., Tilly 18, 1SC4. Gentlemen: Ihav.itlni honor to ac knowledge tlie reeeiiit of vouiB of this date by tbe hand of Mr. W. C. ".'cwett. Tho Mate, of lactp therein presented beimr malerlaliy dilferent from that which was unde-r-dood w exist bv tho Pretidi nt when he intrust, d me. w th t.ie" title conduct reqo rcd, It seems tomeoneveryaccjiint advisnble lb at I should communicate with, him by i-elegiaph and solicit fienh instructions, wbieU I thidl at once proceed to do. I boK) to be able to tra,, --nit the res, ill this afternoon, and, at all even's 1 sh.ill do so at the earliest moment. Yours trulv, (Signed) lloiu-'g Gum.i tv. To Messrt. Clement C. C'.-v tin d Jaiiiej i'. Hul comb, Clifton Ilon-e, 0. v.". TlJHIH Al KX iv i.kiio vi;vt. Clifton Horse, Nuoaki I'u.i.m, July Im, 1C4. To Hon. II. Gre- l, y. Niagara Palis, . Y. Jlr: 'We have the ho i irt i aelinowlu l::e the receipt of your not j of ti:ii date, by tho bands ot Colonel J-wett, and will await the farther an swer wbi' h you propose to icnd to ns. We are, very r-.tiajefully, ic., (Signed) C. t . Ci vy. Ja., JaHI . P Hul.COItllK. Kktnt Mum mi. oiie.HLBY. Intt.hnattomal. HoTl.l, Si ,OAH Fallh, Nkw Yoiik, July 111, isi'l. (jeii'luiueti : At a late hour htat evening (loo late for comuiuuiea tion with yon,) I receiV'd a despatch iuiormiug nie that lurtht-r iiialriieii m, le.'l NVaHii.uglon last evening, which must re.i I) n. -, il there be no iu temiption, at noon t i-mor ur should you de cide to await their nn-ival, 1 feel coulidont that they will enable me to .11. .-. .n- dunuiu ly your note of yedcrd. y uioinin.:. It-, retting a delay which I urn ture you will : aul as unaviilduble ou my purl, I e in m, yours truly, li o: M'B (iltHtil.MV. To Hon. Messr-. C (; f'l.ij , dr.. and J. P. li l combe, C'lliton lioii-i, .Si.,g 't.i, i'. v'. lit Al'l. .So II t.,-1 -d VT. Clifton JI.m -ik, Ni,iih:., I'ii.is. Jaly lit, I8ti4. Sir: C . on -I J.-x.tt ..as .'mat hi tried ut your note of this da. -, in w. -h you tta'.e tha' tunner iiitiriictioht Iroiu v .lnnton will rcieU you by noon to-morrow, if I rjre oo no interrup tion. One. or 'si ly ri:!i. n.' .- may be ouligctl t leave the palls : -mil . b i .-lul retui ii lu time to receive th' con.inii'.i.-,:...- tj hyoui ronii.su to-uiorrovi. W i- ri n am f o'v vo-irti , (Signed) J -. r. iio:,(;,,rtni:, i IV, Jn. To Iln. Hora'i (, -,. , ,., ,.t tho Interna tional 11 1. 1. rut i nii ' ' i ., ii rios. Kxf.ci Tim; M ins r. . n :o ros, July IS. To whom il i,ia, I. a. ny propoHition it hich embraces -N r - .. -n 1,1' peaee, tlio in t grity of th who l -in. , a ; i uban Inntnout of slavery, and h . I -v and with an uuth-irit) that eu i eo; r ti '..lies noiv at war .-gaiiwt it-e I'm" il t . . o ) re eived and i-nnsitliT d by Hi' h . irnmeut of the I'uitid Stall -, .ie i - ! .y lii.eral terms, ou subatniiii.d u I i . : ! point,-,, and the laai'f r or be..r r ti. i i. .ve tai'e conduct I oth uay s. (Signed) ., -M I.iseoLN. ll'OM MAJoll HIV ! . -.OU UOL'.OMII. Mil j I' May tt.i t ". - tv Ai'ilrn wbe'be" l'lo essin lloleoni1', in ! I; - r'.'in-'U a"s-,el insl A'ilh him, ill sire lo sen i ' i." ingtoa by M tj.ir llav any nit" K In n-h-i ,j io the comai'in i t. Hon Uiliviud to oi. ii t. !v iiiy; and, in case, when he may iu bo favored wiiii -uch llicssuges. , ' THE IU:iI.Y. Intkunahonal lloiiii., Wed. i' sdoy. Mr. liolcouibe presents his compliments ti .Ma jor Hay, and greatly regie t if bK reinru to Wash union has been delayed liy unt e'roeita ionofnu answer to the coirnvi !' a' e- :.vl.i- li Mr. Holeoii'be reeeivisJ from hi 'i on i' rliy to be del vercdto ilns Pic-ident of nie I n . 1 Mulct. Thai coinmunii at ion was a-v oif I h t'n n .spoiist! to u letter of .Messrs. t'lay ' im-l i! coinhe io Hon. 11. GtiH lny.aud loil.nl eculie nan an uiow r has la i n tiiiusiuitli-d. Ci.iri .N llocaii, Niugau I'.iiis, ihur.diy, Ju.yai. MB, JI.WKTT MAKF. t A Now. Coiyol original letter held by me to d illver to Hon. Horace Greeley, und which iltipliuiK- 1 now luinish the At-soeialed Prcas. ML'i.ed, Wm. Cvuni.u. JL'Ai:ir. FINAL IIESI-ON-K FltOM CLAY ANO llol I OMIiE. . NiAO.tiiA Palls, Clifton Hoi si:. J i ly L'l. To Hon. Horace Greeley: sir: Tho paper handed to Mr, Holconibe on y.-sterd..y, in your piem-nce, by Major Hay, A. A. (J., as an an-iwer to the application in our note of tlie l:a iusl., is couelnd in the following terms : "i.xi:univB Mansion, Wamuvoiov, 1. C, July 18, lh;4. To whom it may ounecru : Any pri Kliion which einbracs a the re -titration of pea, the iutc-nrity of the whole t niou, und tho abitudoiinieiit of niavcry, and wlueli comes bv und w ith an authority that can coulrol Mie arniii now at war against the Cuitcd Mates, will be received and considered by Uio Kaci utivo (iuvurn nutitcf -the t'ulied Staiea, and will bo met by liberal tcim, on other substantial and collatflial iioiuts, und the bearer or bearer thereof thai! Lave tale conduct both wavs. "A MIA HAH JUJCOI.M." The aprlicttlon to which we red r m ell. t d hy j our imerothii I'ih in-ta it, In wtih-.h y u Intoi in Mr. Jaob Tnumpton and otirsnlret ib t i. iv Wfrc tuthirt d hy tho President of the Uoit'd Matet to tender as hit ta'o eonlu't ou tbe hypolbesit llmt wa wre " d .ly ac-rfdiled fr m Iticbmond as beiro-s if priFof,i"n looking to the osiib'lstimont of p'Y," nnd I i Ired a viait to Waslil w tcn In the fulfiim'nl of this misf.on. This assTtinn, to winch we ihen a', nj tilii i'o ctit re. ci d-ton. was a.s rp''d hy us ,ts tlif ei idenre f an tun xee ted, h it mil' g" itlf i I g Chang" :n the ii"li- y of tlm 1' tsuien', a c tange which we ii I autioried to bipeuiu' t teinuiulc in the eoM'-'ii-lon ot iw e inn ua ly ,'nn, bnnirahle and a I van' ig i ius 1 1 th N irth nt J to t'ie "t.xitri. en icintr no eo iditlon 'iut 'h it wc -buiiiJ tif "July avrrjt.fd from UfVaio'id ns bean rs of p o,io.iont lo king to I bent itill-h-mrni nt peace" I hut proff ring a l isis f-i- mu fert nre as eonip'f hentivi ts wo c ahl d-'-slr- it ' tti;J t us tbat me l'i'esld"nt opwi a il "r whirb h...! piev ou-ly tw-cn cl'i.cd aga(-t tlm ( utift derate Stall s for a full interchatit,'.) of ami aetts, fne de(Uion of cotuil'-iiug opinion", in d on'ianimett d t tl r t s to r-iinov.; all .-m-s-s of C"Ltroery by Ito-riil neg it a'ion". W e, i t dee l, cju d not claim tlio t encir. of a safe i-o.i-dd-t which has be n extended t uslaae':-i-t ii ti r we bad no right to assume, and ha 1 iut r eip-ctrd o po-tett ; but thfl uniform dec or iti ais of our I vcuiivR and t ongress, -i I their ihric. r. rented, and as oiten repuisc I, ifienips to ojs'ti nccotiiitaoT'B. furnish a sutli ient pledgvi t i astire us that this conciliatory manifes'a'i n oi the part of the rn-.sidn'.t o 'the rni'ed Males woultl he met by them lu at.'inirofe ;uil mag nni iti'ity. We had, tlieri-forc, no besiia'ion in de, larit K that If this t orr.'spunden- e was wn ninnicatcd to t' e Presliletr of the c mfc let no Suites, ho would promptly oni'irais the op..ir tui by nrrirnted lor seek 'nit a pea eful solufon of tint unhappy strife. We feel contidimt (hit you must share our nrofotind re;;re' iha.t the spirit which dictated the ftr.-tl step t ovards p bad not continued to animate the counsels of your President. Hid the represent a Ives of the two Governments met to consider tlns.pies tion, tho most momeuunis ever su'muttod to b u man sta csinnnship, in a temper of bvomlng moderation and e iuiiy, to lowed a-s iheir deli rations would have bt en by tb-' pr ivem and benediction of every p it riot and 'hrtstian on tho habitable glo''c, who is tli' re o bold as to pro nounce that the frightuil waste of in iivtdual baiiint" and pub j.- pro-perity which is dally sinldoniiu: the uuiversul heart, iniiit not b-ive, teen tcnnlnnted ; or If the desolaiioii and raintge ol war mtiat still be en lured througli weary years of blood and sull'erinir, that then) might uot at least have Veil lntu,.-,( in'oits eon duel tonictbing more ot the tplritwh'ehioftoits:ind partially tedcenis its hostilities, iii-iea lof the safe conduct which wo sola ate I, and which yonr first letter gave ns every reason to suppose wou'd be ovti iide l fur the pai isiso of iiiitmt ing a ma.o iutlon iu which 'nei her Government would compromise, in tii'lut er Us dign ty, a dOctimtnt has been pre--nfed wiii.'.h pr vokct as much indicnatiou as .surprise. It heart no Ic.i'oie of rcsemblmii c to that which was originally otlered, and Is unlike any paper which ever In lore emauat, d from the "constitutional I'.xeeuilw of a ftou people. A 1 1,-osaed "to whom It may concern," it pro.'ludot uego.iatlon, and pre i rd-t's lti aihance tiio '.orm an I condi tions ol" peace. It refiirns to the original policy of "Mo bar iainiug, no negotiali ms, no truces with llete's, "xeei't to bury their dead, until every man shall have laid clown hi. anus, submitted to the Government, und sued for mercy. " What may be the explnnuiioiiot this Midden and entire change in tbe i iewsofthe President, and this rude withdrawal of a courteous overture for negotia ticn nt the moment it was likely to he a -cepted, of this emphatic roeall of words ot pcaao just utter d, and fresh blasts of war to the Inttor end, we leave for the speculation of those who have the niesns or Inclination to penetrate tho mysturiei of his Cabinet, or fathom tho ca price of his imperial will. It it enough for in to say that wc have no use whatever for the paper which has Ik en placed In our hands. Wu could ni t transmit it to the President of the Confede rate Statea without olfering him an indignity, tiitnouoring ourselves, aim incurring tue welt merited scorn of our countrvmen. Whilst an urdem desiro for iacc pervades tho people of tho Confederate S atos, we rejoice to believe that thero aro few, if any, among them, who would purchase It at the expeuso of liberty, honor, and aelf iespcct. If it cuit be securud only by their submission to terms of cou meat, the gent ration It yet unborn which will witness its r stt in ion. II theio be iinv mi'iiary autocrat lu the North w ho is entitled lo proffer the. conditions oi this manitesto, there is none iu the South au thoui d to cut' rmin them. Th so w ho ron'iol onr armlet are tho tervantt ol the people, not tbolr uiaaters ; and they have iiu more ineiiuauou inuu buoy nave rigui to sun vert the so l.il institute -in of the sovereign States to overthrow their cttublisbed t onstttutions, ami tc 1 ait' r awav their priceless heritaire of self- govt rniiioiit. Ibis correspondence will not. howevi r, we trutt, prove wholly barren of good result. It there Is any citir.cn of the Confederate States who has clung to a bopo that iwa'C was possible with this Administration of the Federal Govern ment, It will strip from his eyos tho last tilin of such n delusion. Or, If there be any whine hearts have grown faint under tho suffering and ngony of this bloody struggle, it will inspire ilieni with fresh energy to endure and brave whatever nuiy yet be requisite to preserve to themselves and their children ul that gives dignity and vitlno to life, or hope and Consolation to death. And if tuero benny pa' riots or Chiistiai t iu yonr laud who shrink ap palled ftom the Illimitable virtue of private miiery ami pnMicca amity whith itn:tches before them, we proy that In their bosom a resolution may be quickened to recall tbe abused authority and vin dicate the outiilged eivl i.ailon of their country. For tho solicitude you have manifested to inau gurate a movement which contemplates results the most noblo and humane, wo return our sin cere th aid f, and aro.mo.slropoctfuliy und truly, vour obedient servants, . CO. Cl AT, Jit.. J.IMFS P. liol.V'MUF.. THWHs TO foI'.Xl.I.L twit IT. fill ION Hot.t , NlAt.MtA 1'AI.Lt, Jul V 2d, IStil. Colonel . ('. Jewett, Cataract Hou-c, Is'iagaia l ulls : Sir : Wc are in receipt of your polo adtnonislilii; us of tho ilaparune of lion. Horace Greeley from the i a Is ; that he regrets Hie md termination of the in tuiory stops taken for peace, in consequence oi tbe change, made by the Picsldent to convey commissioners to Washington for negotiations iineoudiiioiially ; and that Mr. G rue. Icy will be plca-cd to receive any a swer wo may h ive to luaku through ) ou. We avail ourselves of tins oiler to inclo-i-a letter to Mr. Grei ley, which you will oblito us hy dedver.ng. We cannot take have of )Viu without expreln our th inks fur your coiiiti-sy and kind unlets us the ititermed ary through ulioiu our corietpouo"nco wiili Mr. Gniliyh.rs fa-en eouducteii, and as-'irn;; you that we are, very rcspc -ti'ully, your obediutit tuvauis, c. ( . i I iv, In , J vui.. P. H a - iMi.c. 1UE I'lCDT ATSNICgL-Rb OA P. Snkskii'h V'ciuiT Vi:., July 20. 'I ho l'oivr utibr Major (iei.eia! W rutin h. vopuroied l-lnrly in il Ilrt thitiFiute fr. tn S asfjin aon to thes p ' ., niuiiiiiies ikiimishiin! weh the r rear - u u-J. l.h li proved to haw l,ci n kept tn city four II uirs il. the rrur of tho Main bo ly for perjoscs of ob terMiliun, it Invariably lied w'c n id' Wh'-n near Pii ri ills villi-, -ijiiih iioie.s sou 'li of Snicker's G ip, Puli'i 's (. avalry, 01 tienera! Crook's cnimu ui'l, CMne upon their trains, and ruptured ek'lity-two ci thiii Wiigotif, with but s.ight loss. Up al tlto month of the Gup Le hud a more serious time, nr. I lo-t ii low im n. f rook tin ti brought up his em airy, and, piis-im; through the ( lap, reached tl e b rr, whi' h was won,:! protect. 'd, to that he 'tin Id U"t cioss The nest il..y (.eiiij-,.1 Wiii'iit came njvwith i' me ol his troops, and mxiii delta iuinc-d to at t'M.t a t ro-.-in:.' Mini deutly at It at to develop tlnir siren 'Hi, Ho did so, nil under cover of uniikry Hie crossed over sevciaj re .'inn nts, which tiiaiititiiied their ground manfully lor Kane time; but, just as icinlorveuicnts were al out to join thi m, tlft y caiuo ba k, the riht of tho line bun,:' in some eoiilusiou. it ia now near night, nud il renewal iif tho ntti nipt could not be made until mo. nine;, t.e lural NS' right then begun to intiuo uvru, to dividi bis cm my a lune und bis utienti m, whim ha could easily huve deatroyisl liim. Instead of aue ciding in this, he found that Party had rocoivod ut ws from l.ce which, togother with tho chnucea ofbiiugthra-hed l y Wright, nuido him pack up and leave iiidoiildc-qtiiekin the direction oi'Mrit biiif;. Gen. nil Wright co'sed Iho river, und Tiroiii'ded a lew miles towards Winchester, but If inning tiolliing lo change his ntlnd as to the iliioetion tho enemy had taken, ho counter man lied lis forces, n obcdiBuec to orders. Among the ca-iiiilties on tho ISth, at Island foul, waro Culoiiol Wiislihurno, lltiiU Ohio, wi undid ; Colonel Frost, 11th Virginia, wouuued In the bowels, and l.it utvnant-Coloncl Murray, filb New York heavy artillery, sorving as infantry, missing, und known to be severely wounded. Tho whole lost was three hundred men. iho enemy's lo.-s was live hundred, by their own StUU'Ull'UtS. STcene of the Flank Mov.mcnt by which Atlanta Hns Been Successfully Out Off From Augusta and Richmond. AM EE 10 AN AFTAIEB IN EUROm. Icclln iifrfio llebil nii'P in HiiKlainl4 o II i, pea ol' Krrtikiillltui- .'i'(f July 6J CorrttniU nreif Unntpm- GuarJinn. A friend, who it In confidential eruYlal commu nication with both lidos tn tbe American civil war, tpcakt of the dltlleulties of the, South as far greater than are allowed to appear on tbcsnrfai-e. In his opinion, notwithstanding all the gallantry of Confederate roslstani.o, the Federal Govern ment, so long us it can command a general like Grunt to curry out tho policy of "man for Dian," and has ut itt buck the us yet unexhausted recroting fields of Ireland and Germany, to say nothing of a practically unlimited command of greenbacks, ships, stores, wmi munitions of war, must pro gress towards a conquest, which cuu only bo rc tanlcd by all that Confederate determination and skill can accomplish. I mention tbit, ns It Is the opinion of one who enjoys, I belief e, almost un equalled opportunities of coming to a sonndenn clusion, ami wrote tymputhies are in mtvny respects with the South, all tbe moro at he con siders that slavery tho real '.". itacle lo KuglNh good wishes for the Confederacy it pr u-tii a y a an end, whatever may be tho issue of the pre sent conflict. Tlm Krnrtnrge err Hover. AMl.HKAN ILlililS I.tKF.I.Y TO COMIX r IN 1 11 P. 1.NU1.ISH CHANNF.L. i', D". I.'e Du'h'n Friumart'l SuufnaltJuly$. The American war steamer h'imrnroe arrived In 1 lover routlt ut six o'clock on Weiluosday evining. It had been suited In tome of the French papeYs that a successor to the Al iktn',1 would probably be In waiting oil Cherbonrg wht n the Federal vossel left that port, and that another naval engagement might take p, ace, in vFhhb the South would huve an opportunity of retrieving its lute defeat. No uew AkUiamn, how ever, seouiB to have yet appeared ; but It isasti rted thai a steamer, the Mao, which left Bordeaux on the 2nd of June, is to take the place of tho notorious privateer. The Opinion Satlonalc assort! that tho Jnlln here refemd to will soon reappear, fully armed and manued, and with tbe Confederate ling fly ing. Captain Scmmea, It is said, is too ill to take command of her. This duty will consequently di Volvo upon the First I.icutt nant of tho late Ahiliama, whoso appointment is expected to ar rive about the middle of the present month. If Ihe tiatenientt of tho French papers are to be relied on, there will soon be no lack in tho Chan nel of war vc6solt belonging to the opposing Towers. According to those statements, the Vlorida Is alnatly there; the JVrfrfu, as wo have seen, Is being got ready, and "the Snath it probably pre paring a display of fresh forces;" while, on the oilier hand, we learn that the Federal steamer , Hitata left Antwerp on the 2d l:ituut, to cruise in tho Channel, and that a now Federal steamer, the AiMcilohimi, built upon the same model , the htnrauryr, and armed w ith heavy t'utis, la ex in eti d. The Paris J ' thinks that a far more "dra matic CDitineinci.t IliU'i that iu which the 4.'.i tuma perished" nuy uivurdsiRijr be looked for lit UulliMllllt date. Mil Vd )klilniiilnu of ii n I'iisiIIkIi !. hy ! I i-ili'r.ilN. 1'. ni tin' .lt.''- OtU lt', Ji ll 7. Mr. Anthony McCartan, of No. 61 llond street, lu tliis town, 1 011-plains thut a son of his, who in March went to Niv York, has b' CO kidnapped l y ti e Feihri.ls i.nthr lii' iiinstiiuces whi-h ie tint nt picsitt clearly explained. The following teligniliis, however", passed veslenlay between Mr. AieCurtaii and Pail Uus-ell r I I.OM ANTHONY Ml AltlAN, Ml. .'o I'ON II s l llil 1.1 , i i ri. cool , 'io I' a in lti ssi'i. I.. I I'MeJOll n'V M, J lllll Jll 1'. TOet. lis. Ill ! Ilfl K'Vt'i'.ll Ian .'. .' i. l' 'a. U-r ii r. in- w ita r-liisir, Kati. U' .-'l, mill I l,oV t 11 1 li.U il llif .eiei II. 11.1'W F.AJ1I 111 sl 10 AN1IIO.NV l.'l Al'-riN, NO bit 1,11' STIlFl t, l.IM.Ill "Ol.. I'.-I.l 'IT l'l I 1 - I" , ,t ill v i!,ls.4.- II' jri.ll will C1"I l,w ns fell :,iul ,, l.uleil ni aii-iii nl 'li Bonbllill-, lovi-ll.lir illi 4 h-pi i-lli d : eel I . -I- M'C 111 llv Hk'i Ol nlir 1"U. l.tlnl I-V01IS i-l i.llhe lii'-liin ltd liy Ka"irit,ivs n Ml) In tin wlial lit, I iu'" rlv i-nn in oli'lu i.ls r- l. -isu utiui aerv k". Wt brlleve Mr. M'Curtan has procet led to l.oi.d' n to confer w iih the aatboriliet. IB CM BiLTmOZF. TO-DAY. 'iiialiiml oiiilMiitiuunl 'ot eulloo I viiylmily to 'lake ike Oitlli I'-im-4-l'l li.insl.ilis. A e. Sfftial lhnalch t ThcKtcninn fefvrar. Pai.timoiii:, July 22. The Maryland Constl tiit'oiial Convention yesu rday pa-,sed a resolution rc ,uis:iii9 that nil adnlis within the Stale be ro i;uhcd to toko the oath of allegiance, jiud recom n end that Hebel sympatliizcrs in our State lie Kquiied to pay nil duuiages incurred by the r cent invasion. The lute peace proposition 6on-sition causes Fomet.ok here, but nothing serious will result from it. It tmi'lls too much of Copporheadisiu and partisan trickery. The Washington i'hroni cU gives no in.poinincc to the movement. Vuioh.sts hero want nothing but an uucoiidi tlonii! suldugatiou of ull liuiUirs and enemies of Ilie G'ovcniii.ent. Fiivoiable reports come In of further Union sin cCftes tieiu- Winchester and that region. Mr. Iuke Tutuam, of Warsaw, Wyoming county, who is seventy-four years of ugc, hood i no and a half acres of corn. in twelve hours on friday hist, and did the work well. SIIERMAiYS FLANKING MOVEMENT. v. K'Whx m . .. .,- - - - - - - - - - I,, , , . , , , , . , , NEW8 FROM THE SOUTH. Mrlpt Dlaclpllnti Auiontr the RrbelH Tlielr DlHrcblnar Ordi-ra During tbe Ijito Ralit. Tbe following manuscript general ordort issued hy the Rebel General Ransom to tbe officers and soldiers of his command, when they commenced their recent great raid into Maryland, bare been captured or picked up by some of tbe Union troops ; Gl.NEltAL OnilKltt, No. 1 UaADstUARTHn, Cavalky Division, Vallfy Dibtkict, June 28, i 18ti4. The toliowing directions for the march of this command will berourter be strictly ob served : lit tore the march begins on each moruln,'. th I roln of each company witl lie called afier m iaat- ing, auu uie aojuiam 01 coca regiment wm aee.i a list of the names of all deserters. Ileforo ol-u.ounting at camp In tb') evening th rolls will agaiu lie called, and the brig-id ; coin niamlers will report to those beadtpiart.is t ie number of men absent at ea 'h roll call. The hahliui I orderoif march will be In column ol "fours," but &X narrow roads by "twos." i'h'i distance la twei n the head of one brigade and th nor of another will he two hundred yar I-. When artillery and ambulances a '.company tho btlgutles, those assigned to each brigade will fol low immediately iu the tear of their brigades. Iiurlug the march the brigades in rear will regu late their movements by those in front. Regular halts will he made during the march, ai.d uciilierotliccranorm.cn will leavo tbe column, except at tin h halls, oolcss by the written ens sent of the brigade command' r, and such permis sion will uot bv granted unless for iuiporutat reasons. lli igadc, regimental, and company command ers will pt" frequently from front to rear of their lesncdvo commands 10 see tbat tho column is at all times weil c'os.d up. Brigades will alien, ale lu the march daily. A rearguard will bo phc id tiehind each brigade, and no person, exfi 't ttufl officers or couriers, will be permitted to lull behind such guard. All the wagons of this division will march to gcthir, under directiou of the dlviaioa quarter master. '1 ho quartermasters of the command will con stantly arccinpiiuy their respective trilni. Oua mini, ili-miiunted when practicable, will go witb ciii li w a c,i 11 to assist the driver. Ho will remain with the wa.'.ou. No other parties will he per mitted with the train, except when .1 guard sU ill be iicee-sury. The qu iriirmostcrs wid be boll ie-piiiisil le "that nooihurs accoiiipaiif the w.igoud. No other wngous or conveyances man those al low etl fn in uimy headquarters will bo allowed. Upon n aching camp, officers and men must r in. on In tbilr cumps, and commanders will e-iHblisli i roper catiip guards. 1 mi, . cilinl. ly upon fixing the beadqiiarlers of the I tigadc, the comiuandcrs wdl report their li eallty to division In a Iquanvrt. '1 be utmost ordi r and poifect qule1 will hj j'i'i si rvetl upon iho march au I in camp. I'no siiiy piiietiec of w hoojui.g and hallooing is st ri Hy n i biiitli n. lb "(ruction of the fences and crops of the f,ii im rs is strictly prohibited, und sin ii ouir wos w III be p ut . r ir-in the pay of the olil vrs of the ci ii in ni, tl in aiest w litre such deprodatijtis 11, Hy be ei.luini ted, l.uate-i c.-ie luii-t be taken of a nmuni'ao i. Ni t a i aitridge mu-lbo mid u'lnocos-unly. Au in, pint , nt campaign is c inniienccd, and npjii its nsiilts itipiud 11,010 tbau wocanestnn ite. Ihe Mujor-Gi mini eouimaiiding asks and oi pints fiviii evciy limn of h s I'oiniiiaii I a heir y ui 'I irbt i-i I ii I ci inpli net" with ord ;rs, assmi ig a 1 tVu liny slnill iii'piinil il. jo, iho f ill fruits of v halt vi r tin n h.lKiia all I pr v t'.ioua iu iv oht. n i, liv con, li. it iil of Major-Gener.il ItiNsoit. AS'ui'i r K. Martin, As isiant Adjubtnt-Ouuer il. Prig.-Gt n. Ned Mi Ciiusln.d, eotn'dg brigade. N. 1 i luif-b, Assi-tiint Adjutant lieueral. t.l.M.llAl. OI.HF.l4S, no. 2. Hi Aim AinniH Cavai hy Divihion, Juno 28, jsi 1 TI,C tollowing act of Congress, a.iprnvoJ June I, lst,4. is published for the iuforiuatiou of this idiniiisnd : 'il.e (oiifertss of tlm Confederate States o Aiinrii a do 1 nt.et that the commanding genera 1 1 1 liv nni y lu the field shall have the power t , id i i the dismounting of any non-coiuunssioiied nllhiror 1 tlieirs, sohlier or soldiers In thecav a ly unite of his Ci iniiuiud, and to placo hun or. 1J11 in 111 li e iiifniifry, who shall misbehave befor the im 11, v, or shad" lie guilty of wasting, spolia ii g,or apptoprmtii g to his use any private pro liny or oi'ii g any violence 10 any citUeu. Sec. 2. 1 hat the" horsi:s la lougmg to persons S i (o-iio iiiittd, and which they mav huve in the m itf, uii.y be taken for the use of the army, mill the appraised value thereof shall be paid t ti e ow ner. Ibis will lie ni'd at least three times at U19 head i f tat k company In the command. Py eomniinid of Major-Geuerul Uansom. Welter K. Martin, A. A. G. N. Fltzhugli, A. A. G. Till! KF.tl'I.T. fVi-wi Hit IU hni'mJ P.ruminer. It leust not be forgotten that in all the ac counts ol the procti dings near S'asbington, there Is noihlug from t ur side. We have not botrd the whole story, perhups. We do not even know wbitbei the "invasion" Is yet done, although the New Yoik pupers so represent it. Most of what they do report appears to have the mirk of tinlh, tnd It must bo confessed that our "in vasion," just at this moment, looks like one of the most paltry affairs ot the war. Washington wus uot taken. Baltimore was not tskeu. 1 he Ynuket'ixed population of Martins bmg has embraced thoir townsman, Hunter, gain. Not a bridge of the road between Wash ington and Baltimern was bu.uod. The road Itsi-b was unbroken. What bat been done then? What has yet been obt lined by tnese opportuni ties l.ynchbnrg and Washington the lino of which Providence has not vouchsafed since tbe first yeur of the war? One house has been burned ; two thousand head of cattle brought off; Major-General Tyler und Major-General Frank lin were taken prisoneia, and both permitcd to escape. Mitjor-Ocncral Breckinridge hat Improved tho Strcosion 10 display his tine leellngs at Blair's old onse. These are nearly all tho resn.ts to lie gathered from such accounts at wo bopo, and pruv, and trutt, that the story still is left half told." The fade of tbe great chance of l-vnch-burg was bad enough, but it would be indeed haid if this invasion of a country emptied of treopt should accomplish only the burning of a bouse to cool tbe embers of John L"tc'ior's dwelling. UCt-'TKNAMT-OENHRAL 8. D. LRU. Tbe Marlon (Mist ) Clarion gives a brief mili tary biography of tbis oificer, recently aiipointed Lieutenant General. He Is a native of South Caiobna and a grudtiate of West Polht, where be was honored with diploma In 1854. II w it a cluaen a'e of Generals J. K. B. Stuart, J. II. Vllll pigi'O, W. D. Pender, and Iloraoa Randall. Alter leaving West Point, he eutered the regu lar service at Second Lleuteut of the Artillery, and wat subsequently promo' cd to First Lkviten slit of the I't Regiment of Regulars. Hliortly after his native State left tbe old Union, Ganer il lice re-itnied bis position in the service of the United Suites, and repaired to South Carolln, where he entered the army of that Stale as Cap tain, early In March, 18til. Ho served witb Beauregard In the taking of Fort Sumter, and after the strife was fully in augurated and a hostile army on the soil of tbe Old Dominion, be repaired to Virginia with a hstti ry of light artillery, and there, witb iho legion ol Hansom, figured conspicuously an 1 honorably in many of the sanguinary engagements. He was soon promoted to tho rank of Major, next Lieut. Colouel and tbea Colonel. Ho commanded a battery on the Potomac for some time; was in the battle of Seven Pines and the seven dues' light around Richmond ; was next aitpruud to 'duty as Colonel of ihe 4th Virginia Cavalry, and subti queutly to a Datrcro of artillery, that gained distinction in the tecoud battle of Man is. tut nud at Sharp-burg. When a commander was needed for the defenses of Vicksb.irg in the f ill of lbfi2, President Davis tent him to defend tha stronghold of Mississippi, having conferred upon the rank of Brigadier-General, He commanded at tbe battle of Chickasaw Bayou, above Vieksburg, where. In DoC'-iuber, 18(32, he whipped Sherman ami Morgan Siu th, who brought a largo force against his heroic little band. A' the buttle of Baker's Creek be commanded a brigade of Georgians, and during the siege ot Vieksburg held that portion of Su ven-on's line so furiously assaulted ou t'ie 1 Ut Ii and 22d of May. Arrival ol n Nteinn.-r. Nkw Yokk, July 22. The ateauier Atlanta, from Havre on the 7th Instant, bus arrived. fsin passed an American niau-of-wur eniliug off the 1.1 res. Arrlvill !' 14 KeainK'ut- Nkw Yohk, July 22. Tbe 17th M issaehusotts Ktgiiuciit airivi'd this morning from Newborn. Market l,y leleariiili. Nkw Yokk, July 22. Flour quiet; tiles of 1 1. k., enro ls a a .'"KVI so fir s sun m iinl .' fir t 'lei , an, I SI'.' Ifi'1,1.1 -'a IO' Kiiiheril. iViihu: ami I : ir i 4ie n, in will, mi infit i.'l sale.. l,ea au,: F -r . II a at !' t.iite I1,, l.urd lu.ul ' al ia-4i:i ! Wn'sky ilea l.' 41 il'4 it,t.l ,','.. St-K-kt dull. Chlfigoantl R,i"k Island, Ids; liniiel. rinrul, l.'t: i 'itiiiiifrl.ti'l prlt'irsil, siS; II la ,i, l t'al tiHiitls. 1. 7; tlietiuiiii M ,mli ii. ; Se.v i-ir-i tenlriil. ill'.; ViehifMii rt.iiitlm'ii miaranlt'Cil, Wslf; li, i.ii, ii. in.", : lluil-uu Illver, i i.V; t' '" 1" . i ca- ii - luna Klitl Tul'd", 1-S'O, ; lino V, I'l-nifte lie., "s; Fivtvl ivoiiiisfl, Ouiqiona, Int.1 ; Cujpon a, li.".; Kk'i.-It-rt-tl, ie-l. CITY INTELLIGENCE. SlATB OP TllEtlMOMKTBB To DAY.--Six A. M, 02. Noon, 72. Wind.NNW. ' Commknchmknt. On tho occasion of the twinty-seveiith annual couimcncemeiit of the Franklin Marshall College, to be celebrated ut Lancaster next Wednesday, the address before the Alumni will lie delivered by Hon. John Cessna, ot Bedtord, Pa. The Pennsylvania Rail road bus aumori7.cu tno racuuy oi iu iuucgu w itsuoree return tickets lo visitors attending tliu Commencement, provided they have paid local luie over their road to Lancaster. Attention, Twf.ntikth Rixumcnt, P. V. Cami' CAiiwALADKa, July 'il, 18 H. All mou iibscut on furloughs will report thouiselvei in cump to-morrow roornlnsj ut 8 o'clock, as the ri giment hat received marching orders, aul will bie..k camp at B-3U o'elocJt. A street parade will be made over tho follow ing route; Dow n Ridge avenue to Nineteenth street, down Nineteenth to Green, down Green to Broad, dovn Broud to SprliiK Garden, down Spring Utn en to Twelfth, down Twelfth to Chenmt, down Cltoa nut to tho Custom House, where tho regimen' will lie reviewed by the Bounty r una CommU- bil"y order of Wili.um B. Tuom ai, Colonel Coininainliug. J. B. RoNirv, Fir at LiciiWnaut aud Adjjtiul. II1GIIIA .IMPORTANT TELEGRAPHIC COM MUNICATION WITH ; ATLANTA. r Or) it r OF tmk AttociATco Taaae, New Yomtj July S2. The Wettcrn Union' Teiegntpa Csim janysro In communication with Atlanta, Ot. to-day, messages from that pi ice of this data l aving been traniiuittcd over their wires. .. , No olllc!a! announcement of the capture or oc cupation of Atlanta has been received at this o.'B r op to this honr 4 O'clock. i I ' LATER FROM GEN. SHERMAN. CONFIRMATION OF, THE GOOD NEWS. DESEETEES COWiM IN EAPIDLY GUERSLU OPERATIONS IJV 1RISSQU.U sFssrvsAVVfVVvayiSjVSAVMSWwi, 'I t i. V J SUUSSES GAINED VI SOUTHWE Lormvil LF., Jnty 22. The Naabvlile (won 06 ycsterdiiy says tbat on Monday morning Decatur,! Gtorgis, was occupied hy our forces, thus tutting) of! all Rebel communication with Sjoyb Caro-; linn, by wuy of Maron. , , , ( t Deserlirs and stragglers have been comluc;. It, to our lines in great numbers since wo crossed the Chattahoochee. They represent tbat al hip '. i f saving Atlanta has disappeared. 1 MORE NF.WH FROfJ ftllEKMAX. fSiri Inl lo 1 Ii llveuing- Telparr ph. ' - Wasbihoton, July 2l.' Cherman has torn up some five miles-of tbe railroad between Atlanta and Docatnr, and on ; one portion of bis lines hold a position oar- looking Atlanta, and from which it can be skeiled t ifnetessary. ' I There wat considcrablu fighting going on on. Wedneedny ns well at yesterday, resulting ad-! vnntageously. Everything is progressing mrnS ' favorable to ut, according to all reports from thu quarter. Tfe tterday General Palmer aalvanMi 5 bis line to a more advantageous position. : ' s- Our loss during tho day wat small. According 1 to report the Rebels have been industriously for. tilying Atlanta, first, by an extensive line of ride-. pits nine miles in length, covering an interior Hue of fortifications protected by abattls, and. in. tcrlaced with an inner series of rifle-pita. . - - j Ihe position of the city it, bowever, not favor. ab ,e for defense, and it is evident tbat Ihe Rebels' d not count upon being able to hold it long hy the alii of Its defensive works. " j nit: a 1 Itlll.A WAR iv missisyjbi. ' Sr. Josi rn't, July 21. The guerillas turned' buck from Livingston last night, and occupied 1 Caldwell county. After being joined by another ( hand from the West, the combined brae, nam- : luring tome live hundred men, marched on Plattsburg, in Clinton county, where the sur- rcutlcr of tho garrison, consisting of two eom--, panics of militia, was demanded in the n-l-OO of the Confederate States army. " .... Captain Turner, commanding the post, xifuiel tn surrender, aud told his med to escipo. A light ensued, In w hich Turner was killed. Mist of his1 ' men who escaped havo arrived here. General Fisk's appeal is being promptly re- 1 tponded to, and tho men are .being sent Inta th j ' field at once. One thousand men, under Goner! ' Ben. Loau, will soon be here from Andrew county. F1JOJL WAililiJi TON. tiptnal ij dlcA to the Eeenlug Teltijraph. Kill for Klonr. WAeuiNOToH-, July 22. YestorUy as li o'clock M., bids were oponed by CajKala C. Greene, C. S. V. for furnishing the Suutisuirisj DejiartmeDt with flour. All the bids reneiai were for No. 2 flour, and the num'i jr of b ir.-d.s accepted was 2i5,OoO. The following ii a li.( of the bids and bidders: A. Rots, Ray & Brother, O.orgotiwn, 2ij barrels ut $ 1 3-2.5 per barrel. Accepted. George W. Meart, 1500 barrels at $13 4S p r barrel; 100O barrels at tjfllt iU; 100-J birre at 91368; 1500 barrels, n:copted, at $i3 48. Thos. II. Donohue, 2000 barrels at 11 41 far barrel; ll.'id barrels at Sll-l'i; 9s) barrels at 13 05; 1287 bunels at i-fl-HO; 2J tjArrois ai 132.). The two last bids were accepted. John A. Green, looO barrels a: $1171; bunclsut fcl.'l 8'; llkX) barrels at -f.i.S'i, in .1 l arn Is at $1:1 87, und I'KD barrtrls at $ .3 .. Ki'lxii-li'il llallln til l-'ciiui-rf. No coii li rin at ion of the reporte .i light ,L L ' s bmg bus been received. If 11 ilg'i. hi! ti . u place yesterday t I,eeburg, wbleli is lu t!r-i : p.trtnuntof Washington, it w in tl il iubtlt known ut Geiiernl Auger s le AvI ;u .rtrs bs - 1 time, but iio iiitoninitiou of the ft' b .s r, there. NhviiI t'siiilnr.-H, ' The Navy Depurtiucnt has received la... lion of the capture, off M isq iit Iai.t, o 1 Sloop Sarah Mary, of Nassau, S. P., ou tHo 1 , ., of the 26th of June. SI10 h.il.tcir,'0 of n.uj bales of cotton. Tho sloop has since sunk, beiisg unseaworthy. Her cargo was saved. Also the captare, by the United States stoam-jr I.udutia, of tho sloop Jo;i, of Nassau, while at lemptirgtorun out of Sapelo, on tho lilth IntU Her turgo consisted of seventeen bales of cotton aud time boxes o. tobacco. ra - - I'lro nt ItoKlon. BnsioN, Jul 22.-A flre this morning, at the comer ot Cau-eay und Morrimau streets, de stroyed Kc anting i Co.'s planing and saw mill, the l-'iiiou S aich Faetuiy, and three or four dwellings. The lost is uot known. Quotations nf ii"ld at th Phlltdeluhl Oold Exohaaf So. 4 . Tlmd tlrwit, aaoood itory : ! A.M. -i-"1. 1-' M ,..S i U A. 41 to.-; ir.M Market wuak. . s);i r2,f ATTF.NTION, FIFTEENTH WARD! VXf A I'ublic Matin, a ul Iho C'iiUcns of tba Want will Ii Mil at lilt Ke.huul 11., use. I IIA ll.S auil TWICM'IF. 1 U Sine.s.ou tSA'l'l KtY lll.iilKU, IU Kid Ins lain at s n rlm k, lo appoint lielevtli-s in 111 C'tiiiniy Convanllssa iu avi.id ihe Inait. li.v'J-Jii W.M.UAN.N, Cl-airuiun oi prevteut uauilua to uvvlu iha iirart. HU Inl llraw inne t Uie Kbelby CoUt ltlyot ksVUlUti-J. ,,. 44114. s Ci.itS4--sJalV . ' f, 37, 70, 2, 47, II, 73, 2i , W.-uV Jl. '2, 31. L .')4, in, 2, lid, 71, 31, -b, li. 22, .1, 24, oi. Ctrculai.ttbaJurvta'as, t - ' Ovl.aW. . ' i '