The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 21, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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(3rtninr telegraph
TnrnsiAV, jci.y 2i, mi.
trading Editorials Ironi the Jiew York
Pappr This Morning,
" MtK-OMMI .tltlHr.M ll.f i.
om Mr f.tM.i.
Tlio !l rl tin nil l.ramiwf of the Kiih imfant
It on Brtlclo upon t'w rx riorriinarj lu'i.i'.'i't of
butuli g. thf. ninni.1 n f Oi.vemritft. l.'.tr'ior,
the of Virul.ila, was liurnjil out of
bo iM mill Imnio hy tin1 Vni n tron,i. Wui.r.
upon ItrfKlfonl, Ui-Tirnor of Mryinn,, tv is
t(, botnrd out of I nu-e on I li iro hy tin, C info lo
V talc tioupx. Tlin -.'.rumour lii iinipM al y ilit
cu m . tin -in r ntl i'ruii ,nt r i in... In H3
i li'i'rr ! an m i of rult. mm rot.lmti .n ; tut It it
' 'till un.atiMi il. Anr Onvt-rnor', I auriiy astta,
ft, the only Milli icrs whii.c iii'lijti.iiics arc to bj
WIit -bon il n-t primt.' UhW, n-nusr- proacr'f
. J ban lTn iiMpoii il Ii l.i'iul kn.i v
. J In hut 'lie pio i tiy ol inv c Iov.iIiti hat b v i
I ' . pii.i 1 1 u iii , inn ; ni-a - wtv i.'i- ,u, ii v. on , u
uppmtu ib.u i in- Ku'x'i til torw o ih mo
tii .nviv wuiHtl live f.m il it iv oi' -ui n hir t lit
Tr miiu.ii- trinnli uu' n hue not f mi 1
OVftrscrnpiiluii-u a, or iHitiill ttis m t-'am snurtH
to hnvp b rn p f i I n of Hiii'-I mult.
un iiif o I it li D I, wlicneviT tlio niuifn rl li-rt
i O' Hit) ( i,i,'tiirn e triov lutve vcntun j up ti A
j vl li to tin- n Kiuuv of nvtiu i I n, far .'ruin nuf-
, farr, ft hciift'iv. a tiv n f .l-r, ilrlii' vy tn he .11 1-
, dlftl ou ol tbo sei'ls..f ilu-ir lali-matln r ,i u i
tlon.w,- li ivc iiiiito ii that itiiv tnvitriit'ilv K'i"i
' all bf prop-rt piHUiiUli't 'id tbut ua ever tlii'jr
' i canro c try i il, it Ih tlm.r co iHiint wont vo ilo-
li , Ironi to priviibactn. V rurtstinly
i tin ioi 'lin k tno Hi li I tleiiernlt dctrrro to be
1 I I Itrtuicd, or bti tin y roi lire anv inol ein -ut
tnatnof criii by noil outnio. BuhHers v. h l:i-
iahiy lntntlc th lr vli toHra n n tnnwru
, len Mli ly oe it'll to tbe inipul.-eN of Hnir active
tr city.
Hut tl e Examiner po" on to put a io!llo if
lr.Vi the Dinuibof private anil timniils l imI
(lio lb gupiiowtl tn Ira inu li li'j'ircd luhinmin l)
to I bin edict :' H'bofttt bi'iniy U u iuif.r tor
wl a my f.iii.ily Hits i.ulIVrcil i Or is it true, itt
, cor t m uiift y, lunt t ti ii Snut hum coi itryu
an art torraib'. voiuitry ? Wn it, tln n, mn I, ami
bat urn I tiuhtinn for f" 'Diin.'iTO'imueHioai."
V tfintlnni'H lln ' riunnr. n ttrl t t,iril.i.iii tin.
, telh rtiou ! ' 'e mmk i tool W ca i e isily
i , Imagine Mime limb pnva e of the C infuilemtu
. K-tiii ii,,vfr itHriu.H H til rrn Am! mh i h mi
po f vvtr iiwi lna our, wotiuUitl pi'rh ipi, an t
Tfiiitliiv tuitiL'n'. fiMif.MiirH. HtiJ ritififtil. tml In
Anntintnil ,,f h,u lifi, ,mi, lilv tr,t,inir
oir bi- oxevi tlii'ff y uup e is.tnt munition, au l
Bukli g hlnii.1 1 , wi'ii ravHKn sort of Hcif-cjn-tempt,
vtbut bo In HkIi inx for.
It hii never in en inn nwuct a'lsfxo'.lon to 11
own lil ck wiMi.n iin la b of tin utter if
BilHcrable life. .11-? bat never O'ljuyed tbo uovel
ckl ght of montiHiDx his own mhis, or of con
dociu g htiown iiaoKh'erM to tho u 'ti.iu-bl k
anil itit'vitiiiile prosiitiitnin. His mmi (inures
upon no b xi-a of tobcc , nor are bm inltl in to
ba cail npou imrKtinj bilea of t'titton Id it a
Wb.t-, but bu in a poor tvhttu Ho 14 mi-re tr i.tQ
In dpi e of Ins I'nlorlu-s tlif k. bis a ralx'bt noic,
nil bin HTttihliT b nr. Iin hat no mterett in
tbb war exot p ine xrutitii- tlon of a no est
panftion nliicb bin u,ifiiuift bavo dcxtroutlv in
ciliO. He 1- thi ir Mine for rti purpoed ol litfnt
hiB, jnrt as the m gio la tbeif slave for tbo pur
bosca of luld-ork.
Viciory will luiiig him nothing bat a little
, passing ( luouer, aim d. feai will luire him still
9r. bai gii.g loo-fly uiion the skint of an Intensely
.' artlnrla- Hochrj. rhuwnole mutter c in best tied
fy with aimp'c lo'ic, Thi- 1- a W'r waged for the
; '. auppoit of sltvi-ry. It is, ttn-r f irn. a w ir w-tuod
If for ihe bt-Di Ht 01 siaveooldi-rs. Mm bi ua
' U0lave b ve, tbeieforp, tbe nletsinco isciout
J nets Ilia ilii'y airje vnMl.i; their lues milsic-y-
rillcind tin Ir iKJron-i-omtort I' ir t 'in Mik ) of a
7 mere baiiiilul of aiistucruti, who think tint thiy
iuivi) ti.adc a wonileriiii cjucession wiK-n iivv
admit' that a po r white man is just a lit'lo
lumber In tli- t socie'y than a no.tro Well
rnny ibty nt-k wliat they are liuuui? for 1
rl limy the Hmmincr rxela m : "D iner jus
qnotioti a pi'riloiia line of re Jec'i-iu !"
"la it true, as our em iiiliis suv, th it thit S mth
erncnniitry lan ri to.'ra lc eountiy ?" a-k tin
the ltsuminer wl h hiu zhii? slinpMeHV, T'H!
alas! no hioa evir truer ii this w irld of
Di tied and odtlli'd anl oiVitnlzeil men Ucltios !
llric ou bavo a is:iet eons r.ict -d of suvt rui
niil'iuns- otVlaves, ntbi r niillmntof piorwlit's,
and a mere lu.nuTul, iimptriiiiveiy,ofsluvehold
er8, ho miiniikO p ilili.- m ttters, levy ttiot, (? 1
to wiir, mptt ss so'iUum, nil it their own 'ft
villi; uuii )v tno i-.xuni'ur wints to Km 11 tno
fuibun eouu ry is n arlstwT.itic rounirv f
Well, then, w.,,it aliould we call it f A tlemo-e-atic f Pray wbat ibeo is ilem icr le , ?
H mueh of it Inivo they In 8111th Cuoliui?
low Hill, b in Virjtuu-i ! In nmh drtiiovrany,
tb t a M iihioie m n un c -nsiJ rwitnnuta b irse
iauih nt fciicb Lakni und prepoiterous preten-
cni. (
We can fullv npree with the Kinmner In Itt
cnLc!usi"i'8, ami cm well en mgti un lurstand its
t'e r. We b ve awns s 1 1 thtt tnis w r
na'urullv re-nlved i'self Int 1 a rout tst betw-icn
the aiistiKT itle anil dent s'ratie element of
60 -lei j. Men are in. liberty to it lop', art it politi
cal Uiietr'iii'8 tney plei-e fr un the frl.Mil'S" a'n -lu
I inn to tue purest Deuiocrney ; but when ili-jjr
undeitiike to carry out an aristo initio O ivem
nient under the forms of a lt 11 1 :rii -y, tlni
grievous iiicoiniU)iiey will so mer O' I iter Ic 1
to 0 noifouie and b o. dy eiplosion. Tie popu
lar iliuoiies will It 1I10 Const itu'ion seeds to
r. dmeto a In m b tit ami couineut prtctie i,
are naturu ly hatt fui to the iniiii-ow a r. Cue
siicccs-ot tiiu U iiellion will be tbe'i of
an arinocrncy. Alur ibar tne Eraminrr in iy In)
lire tbut ei i'ort .nil nigrous will bcofoiuilt
a, tuuiit in iriul.i.
Al nitt.SH It V THK fOtiltKHHX l.
iiHi'iivi oox.
from trta Ttmej.
Fortj-tliree opposl ion meinl'frs of Cocgrosa
hnvc nniteii in im .. JJrfsa to the people, t.) sliow
tb.tUi use tlnlr owu words "there is good
ia oo for ci.iinir njr tlie Adiiiluls ratl m and
polij ot this Oi' ii ml Ciovi i nmcnt." Ilioy make.
tbe pros'uc-oii stietcli ilinuh mar ten newt
p:ipcr coliimtif 'bus a'unitig I 't- ix rctne ilitll
cult nl tl.c w-ak. We li ive rcnil It all! It is ft
dot'-ila Jot., that woulil lie tlie ikatli ot' nine
turn i ut t.f leu. I- is tor our pPysi. i m tn be t,l J
tiow we leet. Our readers will a.ii. nbai wd
- We wl'l tell tliem what wc founil tho'trU tlie
' uiost enr'ons pnrt, liv;lunf oilds, Is w bat we liiit
n t lino. - -
Fust, wn fottud tlie Ijrnail complaint iiat 'he
Ailiiilni-iiui on lm liuii tor three ycara ih pn
tlouiiimnee In every (lc-iirtinciit of tlie ( )V,rii
n.em, nun Mail mis en I civ is "a tapl al tnis
: chiel," tbe wh-i't inil.'ticy ol' un lieckeil p ier
be 1 1 ft towanl a use. Il.-reupmi it is reatonnd
! that thi "uiiei.n r lied iur d.nninali.iu" outtbt
',f to I tivci t-. ll.e I) iiio'Tnlic pr , v l.'isc ru il
inerittiMs t een mat .t a wav s ii'.iei ieu uteu
cliicrful'j, ti"riuitrily, und cnnitui ly, to an tlie
rules jti.l luiiit it.m.s i t tlx tun laiinint tl la v."
Now. cm 1.1 that tl,i. K luiluiu at
bu nceit tn ,1- r n liemocratic A liuiaiot'Etmn, uid
in. tj ii- . ,. in
, ; j ; tin t i r ai.M.ln rrn
' 1 , M.IIUIK I't-IIIUIIlllll
I 1 ttaU In Ulli-. t' I" " Ii
a I ' lr- ti-, that li iu v i
1 tlie ii unu-1 r . t uin
.".. Nt ai we lin'l a ..ti
tin t i n al.M.ln ni; j.e ity id tlm party l.avo pcr-
d -Lt'ino. Ins tn it wiiU ar us ia
luiin is -i iiiin-'cal'v o ti,i t-
ta tau.hod at tven wi'ti the
mil' ty.
nt , lenient tn-it the tniiln slr -mriu
of tlie ..rt ol ihe Aninini-trai.-iii lies in the
Ktuit-s which voted uk lust Mr. J -II -rsuii in 1
ard mvainst Mr. Mail on ia 1H12. Tills, if it
mean any limn, la an luvidiuut ref.-ronci' to New
England. Ilut the main Htrunittli of tlie p irty of
the Adniini.-tia inn ia not in New Kngland. .Yuf
OKt-qwHur ot Ihe popu ar v.ito or of ihe electoral
vote which put Abrabaiu Lincoln into the l'resi
d.utial chair came from New Kugluml ; nor a
quaiterot the anirregute popular uia, .rides fur
the Cn ton party in tlie last .suite elec inns.
Following this uiisrepreseiitutinn are up,'cl!ic
charges ugainat President Lincoln. Ileisaccusad
of lending soldiers borne to vote who did no
vote tint opposition tickets. dicrliuinatingaains
tbo regiments who would have voted Heir
ticket, when In fact there are no such regiments,
lie is accused t.f interfering with the elections in
the Border btates, whereby "thousands of quali
fied persons were prevented from voting ut these
elections." By protecting the polls troui violence,
Treeident Linc!n emphatically did coopcrato in
excluding buudreds in those Htatea, if not thou
sands, wl.o would not take the oath of ullegiunce,
and who were In notorious sympathy with the
Kebels. These p.oole had already sent their
representatives to lUehruond. ...
I'rekiileut Lincoln Is also condemned for bis
Amnesty l'roclainatlon, whereby one-tenth of
tha luval men of a Reiiel 8'aie may reconstruct
tbe Siate. Bat the address avoid saying whether
disloyal men should assist in rot oust ructiug the
State, or whethar tha bLato should remain under
military rule without reconstruction. The real
question Io these reclaimed Suites is between th
mie of a H bel majority, tbe rule of tbe loyal
li' -jorltv. or a nilltlarT rule without any popular
power whatever. It is a question which the ad
dress ooes not, aud dare not meet, except oy ou
j lection to tbe rule of amiaorlt. which, of oourae,
Is not desirable iu itself, but is bolter fur tuna
Tn iVnt Uneoln l nenf con1:nne.I tir raising
ftx p by ronnTlpiion. a rewtt witliout t ttn j!e
In tlve lit torv of the I ntoyl Mtates, and of ;lo"lit
Inl rontitutlonlity. To this It nee-l only be
unswind that compnltorr diaftinir wat roc ti
mentlfd bt rrestdent Madlmn in the last war
with Koalaml, and Tretiilmt Madisiin un
I'erMood the t'onni ntlon, Inimnnrh ns hewit
on pt Its clil' f frntnim. I'rosulent Lincoln it
next fi'Utid ftul ty of enipl.iyiii black sol lleH.
lii tiliis ii uiafed vcrv ctnitnrly, fir qmmm'n
of tl e crime 1 ting mai'c to conisr ru her in Hiv
ing those s liiic eqii',1 pay wuh fin wtilifl sol
ilK'ts. This ndjnstnient of the pn of bltck sol.
d els was min e 1 nt b rre-i oti' I.lnciln, 'a' by
Conitn s. If the bl irks liifht well, ihev o iiit to
Iki well MiUl, si d s jii.t peoplo will n t r iinp'al
nt I'. 1 bus Isr, tlio hlwrul pay whleU ha Vix-n
den rtniiii l uiion tor ttie-e lo diera bs been Jus
ti'i'd by thi ir tutbting.
I'm ( nt l.iuioin Is nox" cnilnmnoil fir esi i-Mi-lm-g
a p'-p r monev rjrteni. No att"in:it it
rt tide to i-lmw how ih s w.t- could bo an axeep
tioti 10 ull oihi-r it'eat w ir. In not rconino p ip"r
n oney With eharteieiistic reciril !. the 1111
t 01 nl error), the dixlarmon i- vouritevr. il Hint
this svnt' 111 will proiiirilj result in h cn-h, "tb J
rn:n of which rnnn t he or auti " Tno pr-i- coiiie- Itoiii the nmn Hinrtt thfit would
tlenj H.e war Iw lniii-en.vible mean of mamtv
Tie next chr(re limught RRilnst rred lent is, that hi- fon Ik'n diilomiiry h is b en
'fiebie, pn-t" n', and otfen- ve,' nnl hat
tbeietiy om neil ihe way to foreign iitcrv nitinu.
To this ab urd charre, It is eii mvh to sty, tint
in the Mrst stsp of the wnr the create'. 01 ail
tiai-feis was fmeign liilervention, and that this
tint aer has tim e gradually urrnn less until it
has now dlsapiHar d into. e. In r. In thit un le
muli e fm t I- toiniit s complete vinoic.ition of
l'ri-Miiitit l.mcolii'a fon irn policy
This pne ot the suhitx t extniinted, a pitnre Is
thi n pn sent' d ol "dangi rs tvevund the ,v ir," If
Ki'l ui'liom lulc is continued. These are ileol ired
to be t)ianuy over thu "sunjuatud" .'.uues e ir
ruption on mioiiiit of the vast increase- of civil
I'lllcir- n 1 en Souibi-rn revo.t and a loro gn war
uiitl the diyfiiorscy of the while rice tiy amil
ganint'on. The people will dial with these mat
ters when the proper t n.o i-oiues. At pre-ent
tl.tlt c. -lici t n is itb ti e wa-, and not with wan!
niHV lie imagined will folio il.
1 hep st ot this remarkable etl'nslnn Is made np
of an essay on what should he "the rriltry of tne
Oppo-t'lon." It I- held that thcro sh mld be no
recogDilli n of negio equality, no further de
I nsement of ihe t uiri ncv ; that the tro ps beriv
alter to be raised ahould be obtaioed through tho
asenry of ihe S at (ovemmeutt, aud iieolil.-eroil
by Stato auihoiity; that tlie Scate shall stand
after the war as they Hid Inforo It, "oxciyt as to w hu b iuy be agrctid upon between or
among tin in;" that It tnu ConstilU'l m Is
fcinenilrd, it must 1 so a-i fuither to I'mit Kcde
ral autborny , and to provide against toe nncon
ttol id doriiiiaiion of Rational pin lis, ami to
make the great body of public ollieers nppointa
ble for fixed terms, and not to be removed except
lor cause.
Pome of the-e proposition' are bold enough,
and show the tcndencicn of this spurou De 110
cracv in a striking way. But they are a I for io
to tbo n al vital question now before the peonle.
l's n tlie point wuuiLcr the war should or should
not lie prosecat'-d until the Ke'el:lon is stn-lucd
into a sulimisolon to tho Federal Coostitu'ioii,
the aiders do not dec! ire tbuiu-eivp. No: hut,'
tan IK) h und ou tr-o subject savo a few vaguo
ttrnisof no practical import.
Thi se men seem to have delnde l thoinS"lves
Into a belief that this question can bu dudgiil.
The notion Is absurd. This is Ihe very question
wh ch, above all others, the people will iusi t
upon Deciding in the rrCsi.lential eloction. If
every charge ugain.-t rresiJent Lincoln in their
a mress wi re true, instead of false, this ipies ion
would vtdl Ik 1I10 clnel public oncern. It is as
damaging not Pi meet it at all. as to meet it in a
spirit of concession to the Ke ie!s. The party
that does ei her canuo; prosper.
The Prize Rlu.
rot'Nua AWAUtntu him iiv thh railway
Zoit-on (July St t'oret't'om'-n-v 0 th: fielait .V,v
Heel an, the nngllNt, was one of tho person
jrijurtd 1 y tho U'e H,-ctdcnt on tho South we-tcrn
llailwav. near Ivgbam. Hi: has sustained pai tnil
pnralisi,. of tlie lower limbs, and some injury to
tho fplue, which, tor the present, prevent him
from moving a'siut. The medical m-:n who ex
amlned him do not, however, think that hit lr imo
is lermaiantly injured, but that with rost aud a
stm t a tintloii to olel ho may ultimately bo ro-
ton d 10 an enjoyable state of healtQ.
The examination ot ins ciik, nowover, reveais
tbe fact that the nmgmticcnt anatomical strti'tu'O
which occ siomd so much adimrittm In tho
fsnion ring nt rarnham has b ' tao prey or
disease, and that nil idea of the transatlantic
champion re-inning tbe calling of an a:U!ute Is
ou) ot t'ju qucxtlon.
Kigard being bad in tun circumtt ince, tne
Irienns of tho ex pngilit h ivo reeo.ninf njeal him
to "t ttlo" bis claim Pre mp-:nsutinii against the
nillwny ompany ; and, after a carvfal luvesti 1
tion of a I ilmtac'aol 'he c i-e,iho iwrnpauy li0
aoardid bini Heeutn, wti is ibaicribed as
a very siinpie-mmd-d, luollen-ive per ou, has
expressed liimBi-lf -ati-lied, an 1 when h.s hcuKb
is suilleieui y resto-ed be intouds to take a
"la neht" in the prin cipal tons of Kn'laal, and
tbeu proceed So Atnerici with tho procajds.
I.ltttT. A nie- llnK-f the c.uzcun ol" InuliMlU
Vv'ald will Is, he d ut ihe Hi. ui-.
N. r-.. r..ria.r uf 11 .0 . and ItA.K Kireets,
ON 1-Kill A l tlr.Mll KBIT, July a 'it,
ai s n 1 1. a,
P.a l'.n of
si:i bit i ti um.i itA '
11. TDK
To take oi. asurca to have
I'roisr rretll it lew. J tl.e ws:a
1'ur ihim.. who lis- e
Kiiili-teit In tlio Na-iU b.-vici-,
An 1 1 a.lopt aucli tuor mcturel
A ra .y b..
Tits. iJL'Or. OF 1HK WM!I,
L'nd.-r tbe ii.-.ait ..sli wl ii.o "r. t.ld.-i.l.
jjjl-it manv cirii:N.
li c of .ho K-.OCU, i . 'and C -llv inn' I'oiaiu ltoe- ol
tho VVt-diloni.iv K nd will ho h-ld a VI, ill-
ills 1,1,1 tl., M,n.i-i l If I 'AY t.V tt X,i..Hi y .'.',
Hi a o i-iot-i.. lo. 'LU J',1, is--.,- ... i- ,-k l r " "
lnll, .n, ll ordi r t, at Iho rlnent ol II . U ard iu.iv
aoi pl an. a vi ea.iiir.. . niiiv m.-,-ii,,i r.,., , ,,i
rt lot nice tn ih, liilcrjl for V ' C Team i ors ily ird.T of
l. t. (.Mill,, Ha. tlJVl --lj A. I A UfUKLL, ire. III.
AVliftatris' on Itaiu norn lfu.l:oi(l lumity,
di'iphiH. .lui yy W-ii -Tl" rai' r. i.i rrtiv:ht no ull int r Iimik'i c 't nnK)rtv.t nvor tlio loam rtn'.ii d
li i- J 1 lav arc I.miIu ml mi it ii conu til'-ila, will Ot. a l-
iii i tM en y (Ai 1 1 1 1 iiiuiii on rt . at p r ruMi.oa
tmifi. hi ui Hi). Hun ol .It.htiV . 1 it Hit V,ili 1, iH'l.
'1 U'b i.tlYiun o t IbJ v i.e. t .M'ini.y, .Uil . .'.).
11. I". KLN B!iV,
t'lf.Mtl.rS K . Il'l ,
,lui. -r ol Tritiibi-. iti:l Ji -'l i
-Till. tOMIM, llllU'l',
w r. )Mi; sov ox ns
si jis 1 1 cti:s.
t'nll Ul
u"d ,o 'iiro a SuMtiliiitf! 'h i Pifo'u;.! vo t-mr. u rica
uumIi tiio ttin' o Mn iiil'-tiifui, VU.; Tfirt-c ytr.
lilC lhattt Will ClTt iu 0 tlU( Oil
s b l' T t: M U t &, lHtl.
IK not fall to call at once.
Jj-ju-M 8. II. JOfltilMl A CO.
toy cam von a
x thi'
m to Avoid tho f riift
At a ni. vtniat ot thu it'-naim from the w arj Bounty
Funrnniuil'ioi a. hild Jul !', lH. tho fiilhmiiiit r-io-
luiionr. uo tuuiiou of Mhuiiit John Ttiouin.Hou, vvero
adopt. 4:
huwoivtr.i, I tlfit tun warn uo rH'iiriuti to reornuitsti
for tl.e pnrposo of ln'UlUll eiitU'imnin.
Kehil 1. Unit t-iwh wunl ho"l to ci l inn-o
Iu'li'tiatt-i toa g.'tit'inl t'oitoiithn, wioo dtiif It hid
h io HJpailnitul thfl k i oral lmernitts of rtio war.l-i,
io P'ttnota unity lu tholr ucthm, and to adipt aon
li.eht.nm ui in tlu-ir Jilw nt ah ill he bvut atUotod lo
niitiiH (iu.ta oi ine city uuuvr any luiuru can vi ui
K.ioleJ,Tiiai th omcern or true moiin rt'ijuei iu
laiskuva call lr inch ronvt-nium iniaM dlatuly on the
Istuluit ol thv call for uitn by the i'rcidJUiof tho l nliod
In cuf-'riailty with tho abavo rwolutlon". tho dah'trataq
th-tmiiv ht At ooltittil hv tha Wards art riu'aied to
inert ou MoN DAY KNKSISG uxt, Jul, 'Jo, lu Ulatrlot
towtMot-milo. a.atsoriora.
IiVNIKL ATKIVMKTit, Prosldont.
Vttyn.omce.souiltwvat ooruor of WA.I.NLT and
x isi i ii Buevu.
Putt iki rut a , July SO, ltl,
ftralsisl ProDo-tavU will ha nHWivud at thi OfMce UntU
a e 'lock P. M., Mondav, July , l, ft-r tno KotavlOK of
)i'kirvD ntn ei troni Initei;o (Utr t'huj-t h) ilreut to Ash
atraet. id tha Kirt Ward; ud raparlrur to b dn utao
noi R pr iat rara, ani iu acooraaiictt wuu spcuic'
iU dh to ha n ai thi orttce.
lla.'h prupoal will ba aoupanl4 by a ftAnd or oartlA
caie. that a bund bao bxu tthtd lu th Law Uup4rtmut,
aa (Urvcted by ordinanoo of May 36, All buld'-re nlll
tiMaaaitt ai ihe time and Dla:o of oontnaf aaidoroiMitiaU.
and tho kiWMt blddor will coma furwtrd w ithlo Uiroe day
Ihereaier. or coniar ma ui wmmrawi. fiV(jI By
TO THK rHYSldANH Olf niU,.
Un etrd sn jtrprmn ( .n itn nttd oivI en' r trou."t
ih m"1cJ onfi-cwn tl'nt tnm bo ii-M wtt pr
frrt stftj ri a thrri rinifHl iwm In th irn dimh nl
Urtin cm, 1 ti'W . n-l i iu a'ryii. m xi tr
p.i'&i ; bp-1 tt l wrll ktmwn to ymi Hiid tin pnoii.
U. I hni r jim h1 thr ifWkit .rftr.lioi uny ir
k ir In tho I'muiI Ht4t in iiif irnl n-'tti oi t;ipn mrii
iltf, uiitl, coniuoitti, I hivt bail tiutiiliiiit ni'tii Milu"!
it nciJinf t i-f!i ' y of my m'i'urii'iK, (, tl rtet"n, fur tf1
ant pi.f .he prturo'.. i trit1 c cim", inv ito yo-i to irv
ttif.lO ti hWV B vrf'tlftl t adllii.(jn nf Hit W.ifd f u
r U' nt tilptttii'itv to lie c tin of thou- i1trij ntvi
nnl tfrmirv Of IXKHJK'.tl ( tirr,
r , A. VVN MOMr.HKK, M.T. .
Uout'it Ami .ttr'it,
)y Kb. 1Q?7 w m.m r ftr t.
TTip nir-.iinp!wHI ri-.iU t..I. fl".r '!TVrVT
(IK IMOII IV A 1 M, r..i TI'fEMM . .'M -I ot ; n't. r ,
ri 'V I' t it i It M , t t a CAtt.t A l tt4r f r-trt y iirxt ,
i-iwfti tii.rijd avtttneand Joilfliioo tx-, 1 Aiittui
worW. Fi.ii ! - I nynrf!.. nt "t li":h nyt li is nt-J tUni
Un f t ri oh;rctir thcn-'n. t wit
KHK.Iflfi', IV. tivt lerhtu wr' iit( ;'-t t
'r In.!,. iwtMic J. A i l.!.t, !Hf.
I it A I
r.-.t ii. ii
' f.-. -T
t'lnlfl. tt-illj-
(t.o ru-i.i fie n
t.-l:lir, ll"KH
.'0 101.1.
r-r 'R'iv: i.'t hiam.
t -. .Ill I
!. r w i-in Mi-
J; ' It
' tl linllTl 1 K C'lMMi I 1 1 K,
. 1 M s. r
It I' 1.4 In i'mi ti,' list UK 1 IV. r.U U,
N( '.'.' W l.S l T rtlrn-l. --i si.tlf 1, ' li. f t w-ij n-- -,v
si'Plli h 1 ! nt tr-aii cl'll t CmiIiuu. ! uri- SuMi'iur-
ur r- fiiii'sto.-s A t-s.nint- il 'oiti. lis nitile at
11 iiu e "l si i.Ui stlon. ana a a r 01 ai- nc t" oe t.
for llii'l'-l botfly. Mut.tllltuss lurillsta-U In lUa oribr
i'i tuiai, .ir.oe.
V)ie,At,a sal slUnt ili'tlrlnff to snlut nt t-ibttl'utss
win mi yl- to ti r Co, Mill, ti p. who III h.o Ihoni inn-loird
Itnn si rtiri', whfti 111. inn -sa- t tln-ir nwn ri-tni"iils.
Mi-li en Ihs Imamv rla lij tli.' linvernm. nl. wll
rsri vi. rniin tl I 'unnnil-rs. SIX II It. Ml UK lAMUII'IV
! I I.AIts tr AhIi. .,n ilsv rf eitiiti-r, wl linut il-Iiulsai
l-a i-i iuLiUtloli it tiioknriio. tio ctiAr cl" any slna Is
Veirriint srr mpsrlsllr wsnli'il In tlio aervico, an.l I'an
tl re i rilmt . 'hi- nntt n-l si.t.i.-c a.t c-'inti lur-..
I'ttter nouii trotn 10 A. M. to '4 k M., a,ol it"m 4 '.0 &
r. a.
riANIK.r. RTPtMMF.T, r, ..imuil.
,1 I I'l.lIlK II KK,
.n HI N riliivtl'sos. N r 11. riiNttnsr,
J. il. Iti.sK.Nii urKN, Ton nrir.
llr-.NRV C I.KA. 8tr,arv.
th.. HOIll VI.KII.L ANO Oil. IKL.I.K.
I'tlll. islski t . .luty IS, lv'.t
Ti v Roar-lof I'lrei-t-is risv 'Int dty ileoiaot a il.vl-d-1
4 ol '.Iin r cot .ai ihr I'spittl Mi.i.-a. piyalil.i lr- of
h-khi i.t on iinj After tl-.s .siti Inbtmt.
'I he Tlant'ei ItuohH will clou oa ill" .S".h tl.St., At I V
Si., ."en on Ut'.Qi.
jjlifti" I. I. riKMKTn.rt -critry.
O F F I C K 1'IItI.AI-Kl.rUIA.
Tnntoii KatliDaJ f mmwiny,
I'M) I al'KI l'MI, .TMlV I'-, 11
The Rart1 of PI: rrT t hm thi dny d cUr.'M ti Jill
annua. I IvicU mi ,i MVK TRii CKN 1. cleur of UlTa.n,
from thv-nrtTU if 4ho ('orai'rinv, ?vat-i to tr. rti.n k
L'Htl't. or their li'nl r-rrn. iifiitiv-., "O ainl Ho- iho
.Mt tintant. Tli Triuu;'t.r Myok-i will I rl.,..- J timil tho
.Ut lf(int. A. U. TIKiMHON.
AtKo.400LIIU:llt him h.i F.iurth st. JjJO fit
a-2- Isaacs. M I,., Pntiiusnriit tbe t'.ys 'ia r:r. frusta
aN tllMit apptirtauiiiif to ttM. above-iiawmJ uiemhpr tvitb
ibf utmost Muix-fst. l t.i,tintulsJ Ij-aia tl. most rsli-ihla
ourRt-N in ins otiv an.) co-'ntiv osn ba i.-rn at Ills ii.Mcc,
K.i. 'ill PINK. ArtiH. IJ K.vsa In.ertwl mill an pain.
So Ciaiari, mail .ir flxniiii'istlnii ti'tli-s lioura Irom s to
U A.M.,7 Iti7 r. M. Ko.olt I'tBK Suiat. c-.lia
A T t A N T I iJ Ol I V,
TM fHroHts hAia, which la most d lUMfulIy altnatod,
near th tmach, tua bvca n wtj rt pMpcrwl, nftlDUxl, ku4
lhoronhij iftfeiierr4. nd It now open fr tlio rcoA'ptloa
of uuoHts, Orinn tho oomftirti of A homo, coiublai.4 with
all tha luxurirt of tba sotuvii.
Torma raodorRffl. J-lai
woonI niM tmllT (n orm niv mrndi mtmi ih
puh'ta?, ihtat I have MKMtn tk n I'muTto) llll,th i ttait
tilt Iblrtl u-tr. hoi oa mauo cvory preOrtrHttor. tor tha
col Iiik wihop, ta hi ute bntiiK enmruoii, raiatxh'ltod, n
rui-nliutfi. the chambera wiiii aprltiir hU, ivo.'to.and
win AioimtniKln'a wr huoclrttl nat-nia on wtu iin J no
Nittor plac Uihb "yT.raM ll.ui. U la tli nia-oKt totha
orn of any ot iha lfw, fetnr of Atlantic (U , h"inv hut
hundred yania r Uie t-i. ibua pror.eutm; itsntf
tn tcvuntuue n tzt ptiOe. 'lhiv cunnot Ik w. bailor
a hint V n at Atlantic tftu Hcur, Tha ofV"! ttu that
a ( a irriRt J. ftwtra am a - jtim hai uil ben itvrit
awayhyiha hlfb tl lea of I ami win tar. .oruim lUuli Ul
bvht huth'ni! aur rn tl.a AUaiiiIi1 ki-iwrnnl.
T t en la nn xlhMit Iin ntl oi Mim eaed.
A tfiohoi la r ipfciitUJ HiUUird Itoom.
jul-tf O V- HIM.TLB.
f IS' Li J3 T XI O U M 13 ,
CIILISIS, lroirlotor.
( a'd lamraMy Xhuwn aa pmprtet- r nf OYSVHS
mat , m i ti una i'iir.ns i; i o.r"T.j
Tarth-a as-ii.rrrii.uai.-it nun Itoatt, Fl.liinv I Inct.Ae .Aw,
t at riin to the niui ovaiy tw.iity uuuutes. Je;i-tf
I I ati t KTtr i-lr i . nkw .l.itsi;"
This r.di.0: a.isl IloteMa nue, open for 'ho nvootlonof
tio.'nti-, and , u (It tl-o snpurvinma nl l 'il.i,:el J ainaa w
I'nuir. M.fh flr I'll . id HaitMOII at AtRl.tunt
1'ra. ilral and txt-erUsood pi'r.,-r have hcon orunloyod.
f.-r eorh ,'cri,rtini nt. hihI rvurr atenluil v. ,11 Ik nmae to
(uin.tu.n rha ikn.i- .0 tl o enlre .a' ol tiin n bllc
AHir Ji.i I, l, ur trains lll l.-aveVI-iu HTs-.t t'orry,
daily i Ilia ruat I.le Ihrougb In two liours, without au.p
plint si tlia eay ttalliais.
lm,-,-t-, ri-r ..lil Im nui t r..a IU Il-.tiJ to tlio Inlet
cv.-ry lw 8ty
Il.msler't l, uiuier Ihe illreeilou of Sir. Simon llasa-li-r
l.u l'-on ,-la-saial l -r Hie seoton.
Pi'lson wlahlln, to eng ine nm. will adi'ri-at
illiliVY dl WuKl.l'ri-'.B,
Allftntlr City. N,ir .l.a-.ry.
N P.. Ti e an,t Far which last y. ar tin-med oian-lta
tl,. Kliore )-an enti.elv tl''a'i..ariHj, loavlni, lie' b'.tcli on
01 LU4 Mat and on the coa.t. J'i lul
I j li e :.iiii.,-rili
riht-r. Krnitiiiii tr at iKvora. tendare
thnnks to hi- ptro and th' riin u t the o-u ru coa-
iiu nlvt n hno. and ii'tf iee i aay iiat ne i now ooaa
kj ihv atau. Hiid rcitdv to n ivo ia. uonu-uiciit
and irai.hHfiit. un the inar motiont'e ti rtnn. I ho hay will
el h)i. in- boppiHd nh iho i li'ti-H"! u-t'ior. aua
ni o iipjriur Oiti air. mil uuk k m ai iW . wtt-u
tl.t hi't thfl mil ft U a'h i rt.
I thln Doom ai.ri 'ai'tla at ayt cn bai it.
Hlni'io rooty oit thti pn lajint'it
All ihncouiiotta ot a homo CiiH always hr at tlia
ja-ji (( rrt-vnctoi.
1 II l, U M 11 I A
til l V.
A 1. i I 1CJ
H.W .fl'.'tSCt .
Ort-OMITC I1!U Ht IU li'lfrin.
tDWAlin I f )Y 1,1'. J.'1-.rprintoaa
Tvrtna tc suit tin u.nct. Ij9-f
UK AI.II AM UK A , ATI. A N'l If- (I TV, S.J.,
v iv, r'i'Cti i-r vi-iiom 'tut r
un aiMK-d L anr tli the IMiiitd Ti l
iiid tado are
i,.' m nJnr.ii.
E A - li A T Jl I N O S 1 A h AT II I N O.
VA'lfftNAf IIAI r..
CAW 1M.A.M), t.'Al'I'. J.
f'l.I'.tlrf t. t;f.r!cr I" vn; i ! a.e unt'. -0-. anu. h llf pliit.
t'H.iTioi art oii:. .skI.--. n-. uni! ai"p' v om
1 tl lil li;l I. !'Klt-OSS.
rt'K-i'in aaii.'N OAHHf:rr('N. I'roprfotor.
Thin IIou la kept on th t"ui-o(-en llnn t the Uornna
urn oo.Avi.u nt and wed vomllAtt d. 'i Ue koitaafunt o;:.m
ail luxuian ol the aeason.
jyj-lm JO. STIirPACUtlH, Propriotor.
Worka. fcKAKlKA KICVY, Tractlcd :ind T.t .reU':4l
km li.tttm. fcJuciiiiiiatt. laolhr iimkura. I'Uikitmliha and
iT'ouiiiitirB, hvuit lur many oum ht.i-nliiaurcowitfultipora
Ua.n. and he fit e (iiai.'l v tHt'ttut'd In liulhluor ani ft'inUr,
Imr MurhiHaml HWm Knu nts, IiIkIi atid-luw urMirt.ln.u
rloiltri, Watt-r Tanka, riopaller, Ao. rtipootinily
nr.r Ihvlr anrlrt-H to the pubhc an luiiig nui pinp.irci ui
contract tor ILiitvlura ot til nUt'i. Marino, lllver, and Hta-
tli.nfirv : halns Mi-tta of altt-ma of dllturfcht Hi Iin. are oro-
pareit to fxeouto ordra witlujuiffc donntitch. Kvory do
a ription of puttaru-mahmtr; mtuto at tlni horu4 uotio.
High audlow ireiuro. fchij, Tubular, and Cylinder liolhira,
ot tha beat Panuailvania cnarooal Iron, Forwlug., of all
alzi and kludai iroa and hra CaatUtn of all dcictip-
bona ; HoU-turuluir, Hon w-ounuMf, aud alloUr work cn-
Ma-i-DMai llh Iii at JkiMtV haalhtaal.
Urawliiaa and aparliUaUona far all work don at thi
ntab.ihii.ent frt of elkarRtt, and work tmarautuod.
Tha ubst-ertbtj-a have ample whan dock for re
pair if boata, whwr thf yean lie in perfect Baityaud are
proTldud wkb ahoara, bkcaJk aaila, Ac., aW.. for xauUsf
LaaT and Um iUt.
J0I1S !. LIVlf,
JaJ-tf BEACH au4 PALM t li HtrevU.
Tlo, 5 N. FRONT HTKI313T,
W ar f rapsrat 10 Ml atOws la any sxfWat for oat wU-
liielaiUa all Ncal baprtvmnt la Cardlof, Bilaalaf
ana I.M.1H1.
Wa Invite itt atttaUw or auaataotarw to out cat
Iv tvxitka.
Tim rrrr.atiAt or viCWi'si covl
r. 121 s, rmnv 8rnnT,
Is so.-ri-sifi Py pnsrrn-'ns ' lu mi!, .!;, snJ f rtnn i ri
ant ronKsii-matkn.
Tha srrst workt of tha ronoan, nssTTnavten, chnvt
kiitcetintv, am NPMtl.t VDMI'LKrKll, and will anpply
all MI.MtKliol.I.rita rt,,m (vitar nrv, with ilia tisat
li.Jt of COAI, AT THE P8IJIK W8T, :
Two ITcbtj Tons on Eaoh Glare Every Year
for Twenty-five Years. .
Tse prire of rach Rhsia It the r.nasrt i-or'-'t !s t?-.ft,
pajshlf half on tuh.r rlpileo ana hair on AiK-u.t ?d nf tt,
(ai.d In It f n-tl (wo tarlr. It will ha f l an I t ....
H e W AI1K KT PRH't; nf a heavy ton ( .';ie II. )
efO-si necw Ilj-.'i
Tbe PlilMK nisi rnicr. urtaa it ok at pnuont
rai, . (Juiy 1 1.
K- r piTpsrln, royalt.v, and itenoti.
H-mit . s
Tranp-jr'htlon ovrr liar: h rilroJ ,
Tri 'tortatlon ov.-r Lialn rallrua.l to Phlla-
Tras.pnriatlon frnn Jt-p-a tn ytni
1 ard unpen., ,
I'limnp from . ant to Hlia.-'ioldnr-i t.otias..
T' tai est ot ,;ro9 ton d l.vt-re.f at tar bonae
ill HillaJellilila ' M
Din. r.T.c i lis iwten mark. I iriie an.l rott price. -ro
This n.AA,es A aaYiiig on to tons far oaoh aharo of
tl '10.
BhuaiU the martiPt price bo higher, the saving will bo
slitl (prater, and .tionld tho mariiat prico bo lower, th--n
Uia e .at prti !'.! sapropartlanat.ty lowor.
hut thia Is not All. Tho Company tailavt rsry lara-s
werVa, and INK All Al'HntM.K COAL BKI"t, PlVR
MIl.Ktt IN I .KM.Tll, will mmomiiob more ral than la
annua. iy reijiilrwd fur tha at-sholdsra. All tbe aurplua
eoal wiu bs aoid at ihs rating markot rate, and ALL Tin:
rMtot'lTN will b rtlstrtbutod every aU pionths at CAtll
DIVIlKM.M,aminx the Sharolmldrrt from wh.clilt la
coofnl.-ntly espectsd they will rsalia a.-i'iy jrrtr from to
to si rr rent, on their Invrtrarntt, after Ui ttrat ypAr,tn
a.l.iltl. n io die tsvlims on their eoal.
Hi Company poitwti.e F.Xt l.' atVK MININ'O AND
TIMBKK UltillTiJ f... a quarter of a century (-2.'. yisni)
In on., of Ui t'o.t and richest coat tracts la 8cnuyiK.ul
County, et.mpr1nlni; tbe Mauoaolh Vein, tlio lUaX Mvata,
rr'.mnise, Daniel, and otlier Veins . The coal of the Mam
n oih oln la n hito Asb i that ot tbe oU..-r Veins partly
Whllaltli, parti lied Ah.
wlt.UAM ttcnll:l.K,Pms..lst.
aoni'iiT r. kin. i,
Al.lll'.HT It. JAROKH,
WILLIAM F0t;l,8.s:rtr,
For furhsr Informailw, and for slisr. a (i l-."(0, pay
able half on fuliscrlhlnb' and fc.uf oa Ansaat 'J, aeati
ttpply ntrha
OrriOE, NO. 121 8. THIRD STREET,
For ItPAUINa wv! Ticlnltf, the ITon. JOPl-ll S.
HOVKK, Mttjur or has acorptad the Axe ar of
Uie (owaryaitfrhTing paroaJlr vdttM and r&um
IdM iho ruina aud ftfTiilr of tho ( ompun. Ti.o cltiana
of U Lading ajid vicinity a, plj for tuft-riaiUion aad
aiiaj-cs At tlicMAVOat'S OrKK Hot.iinn.
lhi cost prl. o of n ijroaa toa of CotU at KcAJltu.
Mvrrrfrit ih" lionte of a ah.irHioMc r, la at prt'int ratca
not OTor wtill tli oiArtct pric amounii to mora
Uian OOLbio that unru.
11 O CJ Jt
Incorporate June 29f 1864
Capital. W ;i u o , o o o.
Putrcrt)ttoa 91 fOflh ubara to orlKtnal flutctcribor ftr
fo'JM h Litre a pHjablnfl cn.h down op -n rtubrcrttjiiiK.and
tw o other Initairaonta ol il aucb, pa.fuMc oa the iuU Jul
ana SAth August, lH, rcpootlvo..
Th tan'! porchined hytl eVanra Stewart R.k Oil
Coi i.tii)- nittnuia ooo huncrrd itntl thiri oj arrtt. in
tk oiy toio oi Hie oil rctftoii, tiim thoiuaod thoehun
ditd and trn fem oa U A1.. Im di ii.or, in Ciatioerry
township, l atcndlnz a cotuldoiMbio nimaiu-a op o hoib
aiOt'a ol ihe l-owit Two liun, nmy oa Utl V u
Jit. ifii It on, nciiple ol nmoit buiuw r rmikhn, n Vonntiaro
rwonty, I VdohvI. m ia, 'l Lo AUcitht uy KivorlVrrl orv Im
y.aitlinu an ahundunt aiid prn:iant-i.i lia'von tf an eicel
leot iiuaihy ot oil, the uuiut roon wtit onrdrl iKKi banM
produc n ull. wall tvun aull groaur nuianty ihao kite
wt ,ie a.i'i'K OlU'raok.
Ii I, hi hcbd tho How of Oil below thr horonkh of Crank -lln.on
Ui AlloihciiT rher, will proh-hly mvor beooiue
rihrtiiKtiHt, hc.'rtii iho tvtni'lflrttl.on, or mh a no d.vrnp
taon ot rock dlpa lu a aouthtM-at wni.lly dlnciiou ; o oho
qut'iitlj tho bodM of Oil woulJ bu noan-r inc aurtaoo at the
upper ond, hmv ol OU Creek, and wciLt ni-uld ri' iotro to l
btiiuddotp r ui proportion lnwt rdovn iho rlvur. whnro,
hovtcvf r, tliri would in-t:ijt,, !iy he Ihu uo-t (toritmnt'iit,
ann a much grratur nuplv and unpi-riMoiiiuount nod v or
at' e it OH. It it crrum tliat Hi nvrioi' wi l; on the rioT,
In thn Inmii'dlau) vicinity t UiK tun 1, hive c iillnu9d ini
dt cii i? (loin ,i tho punt thn a or tour joart an unwaveraig
ami aieadi dl:v lrid ot oil
A fcuirce at ilio map w ill d vn-.trate tho tart (tiat tho
I. wi r Iwo Mllo Hutt and O'l t r k tr ou thu niuid
dutinrtrlrail htraiht Hi e, and otny i.iuaitl. on a coa
rtt. uattott ur the tdtin'rmi tains tj . 1 twtvn th" ranifo
of hilii. IVi m ea'-b other about thn o iuIuh apirt lu uiu
clrrl the same d rt'iion. It woui-'. 'i rrotine ut b .- by hnrtnK welln on tl in ira .t a nuilicn ni
di inii ol iHrnap fuit itnuuicu u-i imy io", inm mo
C'ocntany'a well umy Bix n la! 'at.irir of Od t rooli In
tlii-lT tUIif.itaj il lioiiartoi oi omii' ih oi uu uut aiiiii
eroiniouv proflta would thtia hr t e uiimiito ruult lo :
tl otdxir. iunii m oi iht" cuupiitif . 1
(mi (hla narticumr tract ot ir.rra nui nw in
tfavofort;tity Vfarn.a well f"-r, 'nf.a fur p.utioa
ol omlttil, ullhollll lia depth o lj.irit i niunlcird i,lltl
IfiMiiPcwm to liuue a Ian, Hmv: Im I" ct nl. uf thf
Oil at Uil wt.ll riiiuth vu re crvi d aa mvaliy to t to
loimcr ctwi ei of the land, ami v.ii nr oti'-e more io inn
h ii'-iit of the Compnnv. 'I horrun i'i odxr h. Hi
ba-rttoafbw inindndieut diMjpo H I ,h " u.-i .t d.hnt in
dHfi iitRail'M-rate show oi OU: no .m-ia.iay an t;tnwrnliy
bf hCtiiii-i'd out ot them, ttild It' ih '..'l Ht ntu iiil
they wl.I h. -tli provr hltfhiy rem itn 'hC'ik .v.-Mn when bond
a n afojinoif nepin. ooiu r wvn ii unu uutvu. uuu
l nun I ai' k a At!iiai-torr ) K'lJ
Kainf lea of oil pntturea fro::', tl e v i-H ran be leen at
the oditvof tne Compiiny, No. .'I:: tt.UNi' I nueot
The H'n Ot llilfi ra-U4ftlo ou iic. r.oin irr.ioK on rtna-
drrtl und thlrt -one arien, l. r'ui'liiK ih" loyalty oi ttftf
tiiTCom. ot oil for the lorw-a wi ll, rn.- .t, ami tlie
fiitivo ilpht of tlio thrv. w.Jh f aruuliy, U
pun ha-4-d hy tho Cowpary dl- ct from the i v- hit, for Ihe
woit rule liruc oi Mi .Mi", willu oiui .,ui iu uua oruur.
a at.tiK hoimc, c ; alsc patches ut i.iiaM.oi .
'ine tan im gUM.!: w.ii ptv rr in tor in iwt.u m mo. nou
Itavt the Bum of t.VQ caal: w. il.ln r c,titl on hand,
With V. bh h to couirdel the ttirrc on! t IK, und alto Ui
Lore (wo new welm, with hve i iraia eiiKioe. c,
to he lo runninjf onlor wtthln a li w; nrruiito
im nta ill be mud to arcoir. lih th ;c oi,it wiit iit
Of lav biibjcrltloua will U uieopud for ka than
llH Vait fi)rtunei reaped hy n-ck " H C"npanlra r.nNb
Hahl liete aim rJnowhure an- ti"tor! Tno oil tradu la
vt hi lu inf-tucv, and thfl tlem -n-' int;- InrrBtwintC.
In prhe ik now fU poc barrel wt l .e wall's month, eacm
miw ui th lank. , ,
latK-woi a h'i nt the d.pthof.0
ftet.aoaatoreat-h U.e third h:nth nri;. t l. W oli.- bavo
bi eu bonti Iterotor. ro to ll e di i ii; mil of ahcui 'JW fwt
In thin vicinity It is propoii U t-' h- r twcr.t w,-tia on
Dili properi diirlna the prewi' ;, -ar- I hro la nnni for
cm hundred well. A perfid t.'l.-i"ar ot ai! Incaia
branca la conadiutly a bund to the Co-jii.any.
Llta of iiiticr'ptlon are now open until Uie (SoKXt share a
aro aubucrlhed, pajabl $1 per ihare, to tlio order of Aider
DianJAMlS M CABKN, the Tfaiuror of tha Company,
Ko. 40C WALKUT fltrcot, or at No. Ii5 WALSL'T Street,
or at Uo ufllco of Uie C'ompnny, N. 213 WALSL'T
The Mib.!r arc (write d to caII for a proHpcctiw. Jy5-t
OralDiuf, Olaxicff, OUdJrgoa Glaai, KaJainliilna. Papal
TarakUstdni.. 1t
WTf . !',
.a, araaiB i-.ittk,
trarask 1. roiMa, "
CaiT.iit.-r and lltillder, baa rvtnnred ahop from
So 'J. Htraw berry atrefl to No. Vtt I'Aal BU HUoet, a
hasilnil Ilia ld I'oat Ortlu Bulldin. llaitiia lucrwan
laoiuuo, for earrjlnn oa taa butatma .WI'llj, bb.
JY to i a., api.-iairiatl .n to tlie flenartnient of
lilliviv,, n liia"i oarf, ana , i",nili ine ' ,.y. ia
lav a. iii-ieas-ii' iu the ia rvila of f,-r tha
y.a l-C.i
Hr.-u-.e t. The H'-lrot an-t l.nimon Coonolla of the City
of I'M a,l. 'il la do or.l-ii-,. Iii.t li.e .ties of nine ina
,nd iw . hti. aroil n,l tw-tl'y-nine d'-iltrs and iwrnty
e,M rents , la.;' '.SO Im- and i'ni aame It he el,v appr
pita e.l lo tin-I'.p rtm-nt ..f lli-.h -.. eic . la ..av -lat.
ci. i ce. in ihe pa. c-lia orHu..-rv,a-ra lor tlia yiir ls-J,
a. -', "I- s, -
Itemt. To II. Hoover, Sii.s. vlt-r of ISe Ftr.t Wi-.l.
ton handrmt tolty-.t.eil d- IIsrs asil lllly cent,
(Sr.: i".i
Iti in -.' 1 Jul a H' av, S.,p..r. lt-r of lb i rirttlVirl.
tli. e t uti-lrcd aa-t an ely .'Mliafs ani t , nlj - li c' , Liilt
Ifwo -.Tm
II. m a. ToTlotimfl R.nih, Sum-vl.r.r of the Hcoml
v"ar,l, lonr Imndrird anil iw.-nly-tl dans, i aul iv- only
Hi , e.n.s , H'.s.wM.
II, . a, 1. 'Io Jt a l, upe-v . of the F.rili anJ
(t)MI. t It. io. eat. .i-yi p it ll iil,'7l.
't,-m '. 1 o .',-hn lima, I. .) .. -lie. ,s,ir of the t'lflh tn I
ait.-!i Wu.'tlt, 1. e him-l.i'.l un I t-.-ty dflir, end tlur.v-
e 1 1 1 gi i. ''
Iihiii C roll. Mnll.'il Sner rvliior of Se. rolli .lid R 1 .- i h
Win,1!, ,1V, r l".'r 1 etui lorty t.aird.lia.s nn .1 tinny.
e ih' rente (Hit Js,
It la 7 In.!. t-s'r, .il-i Itoro'tSr. Vi .'. a-ld T- n.l
Uln-i ihrre linndr.s ami llillfiy- five doll. ir an 1 ,o..':'y.
ji. , .-i,. ,.. ' "
I'm, s. i o .lo.iai w o.i, Hpe-lrtrof the K..ev.-ntS aid
twill h Ward.., a 0 I,," tiw.-l l"" t.-ia.lri'ii mot iiloty-thr-.r
.l.-.tar-- a''d elrvtn c-n,t tl.'J -t III.
In in ' I" Amir,, v f V . :ia.'. -. s,.;o-v.v-r of tho
tli'Mirnlh aul F-'ur. -. '.ih V ,r,t, H :u l.u-.ln .1
ai-d lly et.v II delta's and amentr ,1.,-ee t-.Mla
I em' ill. To F. MeC,y Ssaaa-iv -o- .,( 'I.t fir
!" i.tb. IVar.l, l,,r. .. liuii-I.e I aa-l far'.v-.nj d -1 srl
I- II l.
Ilr.: II. To .,.; -t lu nn. S,T.''.lso "f i. a si. to. all
sp-l He.enut-nth ivr I-. ttireo .."luli.-al and tixty -iv
do;ltr (S'o.
II. nt H. To William Alitrlt.n, SiiiasiH-.r of tho
.tk)teenth Ward, one hn ir.-d sad lilneiy rwot dalira
a ,1 I vj iw.. ,11 rt Kit.
Item "I. T.- .lames t Ituit, ai.te-vhar ' "" N-a-teentli
We'll, twa liin,t-,. ani lit y t, nod .1 -1) ira aod
li.r: -ruin' l-viiI. .t- en.
lim ll. T ij.i'in 11 l.l-y, i i-rvltor of il,.-
W-m, tl--e,' h-imlie,l ami ll.r.-o datura tr. 1 I'.aa.y tri'ii
carat (t "si s, ..
linn 1.. to I harlrt Cannon, Stniervlnor "f ihe r v-u
til th IS ard, iwoiiuiiori'd au.l lorlj .ei;ilt ooliart ami o.-,y-t
U 1,1 oenli C.'ts 1,.
I.i ui II.. 1 J K. Mn tor. S ipn-vLor of ,hl Twenty llrtl
VV-ir,l, ot.hl lluiiarv.l and tl I a j ,1,-U.,rt and at isalj-ti'-lllt
1 '"in l T 'I o I -in M -Ki.-ir'n, Saiiervis rof 'Ik F n rj ii I -firs'
VVi.r l,tei, , Sin, ,1 hart.
1-Mn ' I,M c'-srl Ul.-'i er. ft";,--rvsoror Ck Tw-."iv
ft i at V ar,l. tiv liuodia t and .lititv nlno d.i.lai t a.ld loriy
ci Is i ,. a.).
Horn :. T" It. IWtrlim -,t,rvl,or .fihfl Tv .tv t', Ir I
IVinl lvo luu. in-1 anil tovo ity .1 illsr-and sov. nly-ll.e
c. n ( .'. o
lu-iu-si 1 o Fdwarit 9w i-io.Hiio-.rvitorof fin. Twome
thtid Ward, one t u ..tre.1 aa4 lAcnly-ata UolUr.t and
euhtv s, v..n O'.ntt ,lf,; s,'1.
liem ;i. 1'-. t rtav-ler. it p Tvh-.r of th . T v.n'y thlr.l
Wrd, ninel,-t, .luCara io-l tiay ee ita , 'i 's')
PetiiYi. 'to ita.n.'t .lone,, e,,.- ..i ne fwin'r-fo-i.ih
. ar I, ei-ity -clgai doll. r and a-'vonty-itt i-enis
UssT. l.
..,,r.'i To ,iohn I.. C.el,,, Knporviior ,.f the Tet.ntv
foarih Ward, vlKluy-niii aallart ulid nin.-ty -ninu cuntt
i f -mi :'.')
Item -M. To Mllea Purk , fnr hundrMl and alKteoa dol
lars ai d nf y-uur i-.-i is it t'- '.l
AaJ warroii't for the payment nf the tarn, thai he
draw n hv tho Chu-f CoaiiaiHsiuiitT ol iliah a aye n ac.-ord-ai.,-0
tilth ex'.tliiift oriUaaiio. s
Proalduuiol CV&1UI..U Coua II,
Aiii'.iiai Sri... tti,
Attiilam Clerk ol'Coniman Onin'?'l.
jAMK.a i.vvn,
rrc-Mont of H.:ec. Coiia.i I.
Approved llila elvl teenth day of .la.y, Ana.t Do
mini one loon. aud eitfht liundrvd and lUly-tuur (A.U.
It Mayor 01 Piolade.phia.
intil. tun rnitiiuif
ftcaltd IToiwiaJi 1H b rf.oi' Ml -it tiu ofHr tml
Uoriutk M.on il K-41'Alf. tn- J-th lnf ,f.-r aurijria4
tin 11 hi.lklH rMfiial tfu ill"vviti, airtlvl'. u :
n y ltiri.f.v,araii" tiiniiiiril. . or ti nldo, to b
m h do troin in.T'T vi fl. noil live ir'in tmi iy.
tin f laniifl a '
ltnvtTM c. it. ia r el.
li.anWftK, tul an. 7'd Itiiiu But b-tr or Ou'ta INuoha, for
lutaittt v.
I'Mttj )To ! -aod bf hand or olftldnpr, hu If liy
und ttmrlilnarj , 1 tut lluJiie-Kirdl without
U&t-uit n. S w'Ha.
iMiiin. ariil vt andOiU Ue.
(iMifrni llttKitl rl.i(4.
O nipaoy 'd'r Hm-aii
Ci tntai It?'wrip'lve H -:---It.-n
mental tt ntr,.l tJrdor II vlui.
KiHlmenUl Ofdt-r llottk",
ltri,atifl. lHvUlsitii.anii Hi irul'.Uriritf-r lti-As. vl:
ltr'xtKif Iiit'ia nvL-h.l.
Hnrl 1 --ft tr-
A 11 U fl a(w i' artlclef e h of army fUimard.
Llt.on l.inintis ; hamplvia tifjuir" 1.
Armv aumlrtrd nuriai hn i em h of th 4'hjvp Mlifiloa
can I o fitia itt ililn oilivf, to which OetKorion miut ttric(ly
lit dirhmurit Mtatcln !hdr oropnaula tba proo, (whl"h
rnnit 1 alvcn In wntlntr.aa wall as in Htirm,, and alto
tlio ii tn tit) and ti'ifitivrv.
Kath hid mimt Iw Kiuramwi ny two fppiti"lvl oor
aoim, whopo ilv,Kmri mut ba Appontlod t i tlie tian
tt-e. and crrtuiail io a boliw 'Nd und auillmnt wtintv
tor iht ittui.tiiit liirulvrd, by uuiv uolic luuLUouary oi Ut
UuiHd Hlatta.
IlititnmdefaiiHInfcnntrr,ctnra,aid th .o tlitd not
fu (y cn.,-ty urth thi rcjuira-Mnti of Ihu lUvortim'ment,
't ill not Ir ronnut rr-
HlrtiiA ririns ii iniMiaie, mtii adnir thi l rma of tha
jcuarnuu-t tenuirod (-n unrfi 1 1 1, can u lui on tivtioiUmn
ht till oltlr iiutl iiwiiun ho.h, hioh ! U'-l nilj a:e ihla
uiiHianlte. will bo c..umh roii ; nor will .ivpr-vo .v it
n iMcrrd which iih.. uut ktr.ctiy o niorui to thi ru ulro
OBi ma U T' Iii at
j;iuM moot Ih im-lors il iToi-i aHU for Army
the aitlcie bid for. . . citOSMA V,
jy:i U AhUtant tiartdrnut'.U'ri.eut'iaUL ti. A.
vlry Tiitutnuia
Ol:I!t.V( Jt Oi VI W.n 0KPKrWB1T.
HKAT.KH PKOPtlS M.H w.n b re tlvod al Uil- ollln
limn hat r it ii a v. Atiimi to. ii. t t o cn.t. r. f r
1 !l o c h cit at t '..I ii u : (.utMi. of thf uiHlrrui nion-.l
: nii'iiitith aul malleahie-tnm trimiulugs for i- nry r 'iuip
' nu-iiii : .. L , 4 '
At O e New Yorfc Aencr. NVw ri, - O.(0 ol.
I At H.e rankford Arttniml, Hi imo tfli.
At tho A'h-KM'ii ArnCiiHl, '.N) inltt in'tt.
At thi- hi. Arm o ul. I' .uoO ten
Fa h k-t Ih to it nttttt oi tin- nuiniertt o' aarh kind of
. . 'c, iiioar, r. ?n, ben, amd a'id in 1 1 n w .r-'i"l t d,
; i . that t a o thi l iiiik in iah v urd 1 1 l m.,.l
r- in w pattern. ndh t p no.' Tthn i tn tho m di t
, Ih ii"at the abo o. arren.lri. Tl.t- riUnt((i aru to no
' nipih rf the hi t io 'li v ol nm'loahlo Iron, tne t'tnxiu-s of
tin- buckle ol tin l.rntt hturt wire. Tie d. turn-hum of
the rlcamd i-iutim ai d hu ilnUh, and dt n'Uio is ol the
I Mn k e lot'ui.e mi.. itilli'TN iiiuat coutorii ttiuly'o tlio
I atiiM.htiH imiLi. wt.irh will be a D od i'rt tM'iniilnr
AtltT Irel ik tooroi.' nlv I'li-ani'.ii ao.i m-mi ikhh a t nui
tin uri'tiiiliiiitli-r'. iwy tin- to be juuaunoJ in die b.-nt
'1 at tfi-'da are to lo nut no In thf UHUiilm in
bit, ia tj-1 pn. lud, uv.i h niilreii c Km trte be in a h . oi a
iuh it v, ami luair ' Uu may bo pretribl by tU- liitpeft
lui. oti't'i r. t.
Tlie work U to U fciihuirt lo huprrtmn at the mauu
fnitorv hi ail Mm.' ol pri-t."!'". and no trot--i, un
to i e rt.-i ivt d or p.ud lor winch L.a.0 imi oai"0.l in-p ic-
Im -u' nef ur to ne miia. touo
e tm,. ,u.i ..... j
I I hi. re V.1H' Hi, ars, nal or a't. n.t'a w ..,'. Il.ef l
i,r..i c l i..')l ii au.t ilia ii,iint -i ol a -l ll t-r pr u tu I
di.liv,-.' al ink , I'lai- . it' l. r ui'-ri. on-", lai.uras to I
.....i.. .1. I vf, :.l t t,l-'.-ll.'rt inn-. nl till-i-ot inr i-im- ;
t.a t..r la a f. rli'll-ir.-"I Hi n nu'ii r ll. Qi-l l-i I it d. J.
at inut ti
No hi.'
-"ii i. a r,-r-l'cd Dirt'oto-t.-rihai r'tu'tr
i rt '-f il, urlt.-l.-i- ,f, )..,. I'd I ,'. aul .t-.ii arr
r-,1, lit-,,.irn.. i,l t, 1,1' 1 1 'rtb ol ivtf :uliii.' In
i.l. , .us 1'if, work ii,,ii,M-d lor.
I tij nil U cbiain.-U al Hir bo iiainai
IaIm-XII 1.
IhCil MAI!
I .-rr, t
3 IM-,! il" .
i.e. r.-J.
. nut rwUe out on At, form mil nil Lt
ui u;ii KK.
H o I. ,ti)i r . i:i l,c r. ,,.lr.-d In a, r-n-'.uv hit pr i-l-ll.-n
wuu i, vi uii.n'if l, i-i .1 by . t r.-, utli-li i-n. "it,
ti. 'It In in-.,d hi. a. .'f. will al l'-e l '"H
thi. ci.truci f.-r IU.-aii.ii.. witii i,,-tl ai ' m il, I. i.l tiir'
li. t ,n a uin i',,iiil I" t .c iimi.ii. .t i'i ll,l rontrar,, Hi dn. llicarl . in, ,ro -t. ,1 In .',,nloriiiiiy with hi. ternt
1,1 il,. auv.-rli',-ii,,-iii; and in i a-c l-,i- Mid t.lddsr -I,,-I
fa I in iver Into tl,,- o.n'ra 1. 1 rv tn mtk.. v- i.l tia .lit
f, rt. ca tnjiwwn H o i)1r .1 nilil l.l.l Irr an I I u- in'.t
ifhlH 'i-ililf l.i.ti'or, or t.'ic ,'iin lo nlioiu llm itLUa.-l
:na ' a. nrunt
'11 o ii-i,i,isll'illl" '-' tlio 'iii'a'il" to it
i.,-... .,,, ...i r-..itiil,-.ata ot llo Curl ,.f
1), . in-ar-
I, ., n. i t'oiirl. and the I nlU Blalc!' I At-
ll.iiuli 'n tl a H.m r-i-.a! tu IV amount of Uu- "ii:rart.
tlrord l,v tin' rt, .ir-lr a-ol b.tli of '."ira, t .r wilt
bt'tt'.tii.'fit of ih' .uccuslul tnddrr or bid ! I . iiu U
tui; Uio tuotra I
K..IIM Ol- (,t Wt.tWTt.'!.
Wt, 'W un.l'',-i;iiid. i-CMilinia in . In tli
rt.nn i i . ami '' of , - ''
yimtl. and a wi-liiIv' ll a t -Hud .tu'' 1
Kill... n K'. In ran tm H.r. io n b d .1 I no-
ci'i...-.!. iJ.ul U"r ui.'i a' m i ei.'.:l me ro ilr.ut
..... i-ii . .m.,1 and tn'llrien.'l.-t l,i a ai-n
ai.i i.,i in tin. 'man ot .1' I a flonra--l. i it-.irnl-n t'.a t.
I -l.'t
..... ,..A hi il,lit:ir!llllV Willi Ih 'frillt Ol
ad i rll.r
rio-iit.iuted.l'ili 14. 1" .!, un.l'f w nl I, ill''
Id a Ht m t Iv ;
ami tn rase ir.e ,aiu
.nail fn"! lu "1-,-r nil-, a
, .. .i.irr.aid. w auarsntra io make tml tli" dir.
trr.-n.i-bMW.'-ntli.,.,'r, roi Iwaaid a ,d Jim
i.exi tnvit.1 r .ii,,ie b dd. r, or ihe iwr.ou lu Ii jiu tb
rot. trait oiav be awarded.
t illven t
ttlven mid. r our Imrtdaand aoulfl
1 11,1a day ot
To thla guaranl.-e innat b app.-n Jed tho offl.iai oei ua
C",;,,mrtv'U"1nl,,,U.ntr.,.wlll)l olillaM to enter
tmobonna with aviu'uvixl aurulws lor tlio fultliiul ecu
ticn ot ll.e .nine. hM.l. r. .-Ill
I in ,n tl,,, awiun li.-ii'X , '- " :
bo notlllld, and lurnltlied Willi form ol
contract aud
""'tlie Keiiiirtraent retorvet the riht to rojei't
or all the blUt u ueeiueu .mBu...
frolwal. will bo addrtaad to "rtrVadlor (lancMl 1). Kiimauy.Clii.'l or Ordai.KO, W,ihini;lon. 1.
t'.' and will be ,-n-Ioraid "rropotaia lor Mulli-aMo trull
l avolry 'J
IWUt.-iien-,C1U;f ol Orduanc.
W" 1 nt n , h.ih- lam-d tha KKJlal.S(4-
64'KKW lMKibatjatotntTna hla friauUo and
. . i . , , i- i. hmiwJ with lacreataa
fatllltlea lo aiooinmoiale tnoae t.a Ing v.t.ela to ba rauMd
or repaired, and belus pra. Ural ahlp-carvantar and
eauiur.will iva paratial alieuuoa t aUvuaaelaaatra.l
Capiaina i Aint. tUitp ranxntar and MaoMoUt
l... In t)M,aaurtbaaleof WlleratdU' Patent t',n -'ari-iotMW k'tlnt. for Ui praaerva-
ti.11 of Taaatla Uitloiua, tbr ftna city, 1 aia yrt.pd M
-urutab it- aaota oa tatoraiile leniia. h xiVf MITT,
keiialimtst, 8-raf INa-fe,
aMl-W Txlawrtr luuut. aoa Ltoral ainaa.
h aireat. J(e ark, N. J.. Waal atat-claaa Axt.aU la al
I art. ol lli II iiliad Htataa lo a. Uieir fatoM liuvaimsjt.
Addiesaaa ab..a, with two a4 lti t"4 Sluuit lua
sltcular and tenaa. , .
Jleiai'r t- " !-
Wil , j,,. iu. I tU.
UMII HLnMlMY Amcuai.1.aT i V If fot
1'if- i it, ins u;iv rd a fttUowa, ?,
I HI i jouiMli r hntld Mit tf
ii loM!i( I Mir I , at II
l.'' I . -ii t'or Hphcrii al raja,
ftt t it It oi th" toJowitW Arnaa :
U tiTrv lift Art,, tut. , Wtt In.), K. T.
r ati tf wn rm-naK Miiii.,f.hiiiMul and
A'i tj n ftrrvuni, t f hiim, I k,
ii--iir fUrH -H I h -t,
"' li p-iinit r ."nail, and
"t-o 13 ,' or H rii nl (ant,
at ir ht I on- A mci . M.t
IIii'Mi Ti'iivtiii' a v lo tnm1(-of th Und fT nfal,
'tti in-i t )- aOt r ttir th m 1ni4, awn In tlio (Irrki tnor
Munur.i, tJ.c t' K Ir n rrnth (il Uie iron to bo not ln tliaa
It (nr. Ilia, , f IjlJ.HP lllfl.,
!! iifcj.i (ah Im to.fQ at KJif of tii V n I ted Mua
iwfiia .
lit- .'a'- r'l'oa arf to hv 'ns(-tr! at tho f)rjnilr rM're
f fttt, - mi art t il.,.r.'ti nt tli ,.r nam f eoof ciiart
lr'irianoit tr hanilM...
It tl atunl tinti' IN" rtti at 'hlrh ihiy w H dvMvrf
r" im-i f m to rn.tlto (iflivprTr. at a r (.itc1 0 iimr will mih r?. (i trur oi in a toifeltuie ol tle uuiuorr he tn. fall to
(Ii Ii v it at tnat t mi.
iiitr Milt aint ip'lrlu Inr arnf or arafnah
nh r a'.i ini r iv d hvei , 10 t tfic u iiii t '.f (m .'c.
1 1 1 s it") p'i'' to calivef nf chcIi ta ;t. n' tor uimi'thin
1 f
r liuls wnl lie co'lt1'T(i frni iiartra o'lir than rrfni
lur l timii f i-r 'ro):rn u tr- .'t vc w,. H"r kuiw 1 m
th.ti 1 f(u lul'Tsl tt ttf 1 arif uf f tf'tJ . I i(f 1 ho work pro
Hi t uid arv priv (Nft a ntr a rvn'r-i't ntfr ) t 1 othr
Il11.11 h"P nt.i hi Ii iw ti I unt:rv , Hit r U1 tv rt-j,
a ui 'lit-1 nun' t i ii' - r.i iiUil uid i i
lo ti - ui ''iii rvD tie uMnliit'1 at tlitt a'uvfl namrd
nr im ti
l7j i' ri-rr' rut CAj rrnt iri,7 nM ccn
l f d-lr wilt ht -a iifvd i h i miht hl povi
tli'ii vr hi. a sinnrHn'ri1, jikhg I ov i lotii tiih (aro.i4,
thai. In r,i-f 1 1 tud lr cp't'd h, wm at onvr cite ilo
ti ! comran for ii.i hit. i'h.i nri urM. a t; mire
ti. , in n $i. oi t tj tit I to t a u ir -if 1 1 roiur.,- , o t i
l'rr tiin artn'r. .r,"i rif tn c nc "mit .irn th" tr a a1
thm a-t Arum nuciit ; B'ld In r i" to un fiil-j,-r tti . Ut Mi
t tinBr imi i i .Hi,iv(, u u ni il- a in th - th r, it -i.r
Im w tfOJi iti. ollor O' fHltl h d lor i, tho u. r.m' hi lib
bdei'i, i-r Uie por.Lit tn whoa the conirai't m of
Hi- rpitP'lMt of thr rnarAntnri mtiM hn Pnw-n
It, it utllclal "oriilli dtp tf iha 'loikof tlio nc-troi.1 !!
ft: i t ri-r .or .jf ti.i I --I iJ -tatp iMa in Aironuw.
M"iid In tin' turn nnal to th am mnl of t arm'tuM,
liinn hv th.- rontiactnr attnl twin hl ar'inritntorR, will o
rif.itliiHj ot (hn oocfiiiil b.adar or tdu Itir. u,ju aMfalUty
pit- tt uuaot.
V. thf nndr(tnfd. ron rnta of , In thf fonntr
oi, i,hj Man' of , h-tvhy toiuUv unit wveral y c ivo
nan. wnii ihe L'ultc! Htiti, and ueriuie tn c.e Ui
! T' lrtiii't hh! of ! a- c-i tiil, tiut hp r thtnv will at
one i'M'tt tha cwitia. t for th with k and
auit i-l nt Mirrtii-a, in a tm n jtti lr taa aiu-uut -it the
coi.trm i. n iuni-Q tlia r-ttciri prolj..rJ iu conf ura.ty
li iht) f n.a i ttn i.l rt ifUo 1 1, dted .luij l.i. Lv4
m tl r mMi ti ii.e hid w a OV; and m vm tho 'd
hull fill tit fn;fi Intn rtvi(rtn't au atrrvittet1 , w fiira'r
to in tkf ki'Dd tha uttTvn i.t-o n a jit ft i ntfs r of tht ianl
auJ thu nl lovoatt r t, mxiti n b d.ler,or tho pf-
aon to Ah.'in uu coii'-'avt inav W I.
. t. it or i tind.r our raada and call
w .tnuas . i Uil( a oS . ,
To V t (rnaranto' tnuit bo appwdctl Uio HIV iai oertltj
tR'f h-tr mrntioiii.
fc.ri, pitrtj cb'.min. a (vnntraot will beehi'.vd to e t'er
Into loitOa. ill: Miiprov vU auititlt a, lor tho itUittlul ox u
tiotl Ot thJ "111 no.
1 imti tho Hward brlrff mail', atircQaftil btddora w 11
ho tmtlflt! and ! rniihvd with furua ot c uact and
Ihf naparttnent rKiwri tha rUht W rajrrt any or all
tho (.Kin, II di-AiufHi iiusaMifactotjr ou any atx'ount.
P'opor a will b add'V'-Hei o ' fan mlier Ooical
t;twtrtyu l hatny,C'nioi i f urdnance, Wa-ihiiKton. 1
('. Aid wlUbo cndoiavd I'ro&o-al for ll-pojnlur (fro
hvllff." .KRIC l. K MAV,
Jylr tuth tA.1 ItrlK.-tloueral. Chief of Onluanca.
WAiiftsnrnw. I. C . lulv 11. MA.
Henlod Prt poiala w ill he recolvcd at thla O;bo un H
V l'.lNKHl'A . AusTiHt 'A, Imi.I, at 4 o'tUtK-k. P.M., tor
firulhlDg tit" Nllo .nt onti.auoe :
Vi 10 Inn. ah'ue ti.orti.ii.
U) a inch akt mortrifrt.
N H Imoq foeKf howitzam.
N twhorn li tort art, hronxe.
71u're mortar and h.iwlirer. arm t ! made In rv.nfir.r
ni'tv Ith drawMm) ana pre idea Ion tn h 'urnlahJ hy
tin Ordi.aivcii mrttrt nt, aod aro t be unMtilttfsl to the
nuta n pc i ai d pro tHt trior b hur rare(rvl hy
trarnni d Htate. ln loNpoct'on will be mad at the
ftm dt w4 cast-
mitvrtft iuut.t be at lit f 'owtnn rae., vtr. s
Nf l-i,a ttao two mortara ( hnwtti-ia n or before the
IWhdaTtaf i pwnrmr, l1 . and at thrte"t tut V
than four rnortar r I owitrra per wMk thereat until
thrrntlronomherc.ntractod f r ia deherol.
a h rt-Ivuiaki-deiiverUa at a apoclflrd time will anb
rct the rtyntracior to a -ornMture o- iho rtjfht to deliver the
c: ml wr he may full to driver at hat time.
Hfparaie pn poAi mutt bi mtd frraih art trie
fto bnlf wtu be rtirdved fr.-in paiiloe o her thi i found
ers or pn prleiors of wnra.wh are kn un lot'il lie
paniuei t to lo-pahle of Kxeoutlng in tholr own fvuudrtea
llu work prt.pottt d tor.
i hetvirajf mor nr and howltxer are in be raat h dlow,
and io-fi1 from ihr ;n'tTl-r.
't t ii.h of ti d can ! obta-nod H thU offl.w or at any
of the followinif 4raoralti, vU : AlicheiiT, Kr mkf r..
Now York, WHUTtown, Wa erv.lei, rt a.tiliiKl 'O, o.- St.
l'iop ala not nmde out on tuli frm will not be oon-
ahloied .
Thobhidr will be required to a i -omoanvhla proposition
with a ptimrantie, nuinKi by two re-p inih pirami,thit
, if ram hie bid lit aci etfu, ne 1 1 a on oe -cui in o n-
, trait tor thr huoiA H.ihfyixd and mitt let .nt U'e lei. 'n a
1 noiji fiai to -he amn oi of ihr e n'rart. t diuer tt
i artirlr uroitOMcn In c nf rmliv with 'he torms of thin td
t),tiurnt : ami In ruso tho iovd b.d r a i ul I all to
in t i io tho contract, tlo-j to ma o Kuod tno itnTre't i
int ot n tr f . th r ol anal 1'iddvr and the net re nunbl
b iiVr, it the pei eon iu wbom the contract may b
i uas r iliil.
Tna ii'-p'-nflhllity of the (fuarantorti runt h ah .wn
I OV IIO KlllCiai millll HIT Ol lltr a-ir-rra i'i U" ii3isjar.
lAr.r rt oiin.or i f tho Cntied rtrntfr. l a rirt A'torot.
Iltoi da in t sum o mot ti iie tnunt of the o ttra -t,
tikti e.l Itv the roitirnnor und hotli ui ht itntra lo Mil
h iei!iir. d of ha auio aalul biu.lur or bldde a upon miku-
u.h ttn- l Oi.trut r
We, the unde'a'uiHd. rehlint of .In the ountv
..t . in u -tia v ci "' . Iie'ehv, loiut v nnd 'v -trait r.
(.tvi-ntnt wltti ti.e I. Mm d Hin tm, u ol un unait e. In c-ma
the fortgi lug blJ of beavrci DU d tnat ho r fii-y h ill
ai i nii e. u e 'hi' ooiitrio1 lor tie a:i'no, w-h nood a-id
aiitl'cifiii bernr'tif r, In mim einai to the am nnl ol tha
ronir, ct to iiTiii"!. iho art'. St propon d m rrnl -r nl y to
thfirnrof the ait i-rtlcrnunt. la'i d Jul v ll . IH 4.u tie'
whh h the tdd wa maiie: anil lo ri ih hild anil
f'l tofitttr mio a ennra.-t a er-rbhl. c Kiiarantou to
nitvke m(l Iho dtiltreiic- l- w on fe oilrr ot iho nahl
nrot tie i,es lowt --t ro-p"H,,'n b d tor. or the per
son lo whom thi n ntrne' may he awarded
t;vn under our bandt ana beaib day of .
IM . H in! 1
V 1 t esa 1 e U
1 .liiit KHHini e murt he apl,n,lc Wo? official oer.i.l-
rnie atHtve ipentlo .) 1 ......
lr'1" ti n uwa d e'nir mid joirrei'fu! blddi! whl
be i it ntd, and furulnhed whh forms of o n.lricl and
U a 1
t lrp rlnir nt reisi ni n the iltflit tn reject any or all
bh'H ifd-einrd unrHtlsiaftorv i n an' aro mot
Piopohali. will bo addrei-Ned to I" i AOI KK -flR VK
KAL l.l.Oltttn l. KVHA ".'!hlef iifnr.lnance, W i-'i-'PHton,!!
"."B'd whl bfeudirri ' Pn. mi it fo n
Atoriirt.,h irt lloltjiin, or Cochorn Mortars," aa ti
rasu tlinv be
Jyll tufh-itd Itr.adier(.rueial,Chiei ol Ordnanen.
Army, No. to HOI I II srrvat.
, cup.. untri I' im 311I.NUM, aIL'UHl 1, ITOt. lur
ni-hiufi U.c tnueu bUUa huolieuce li.pirtuioi
Wimi k TiioiHAvr fy-x: ricr or m;KrnT
That mi the l oot, delivered at tno MUti Cati lo 4o 'o, a.
H(tl Ililll'U. Mil.. Ill otnf tl " I'll" lOO'Ua l 1 fa. II UfM
t h ) irii dnn : U hi- uekhti wLhln olir and a Qilt h I'lo'
aeiai e ainnt (lam) tl Irteer rui ilri d poon-lt g -,-
wnyht; a I Hi'ilii alien ot tlii)ii otta tuout4.iil p.iudi
.r n Hf trhi, nulla, Uk. in, ( tni, IKifura, ani
tl,,rnli'f.u I a I I.t nfli he rtvi cu-d
A ii.-uur ion of h ii H' pouiHa will be mtd" fro-n tb
wrjkiot lul Kmr nr.'i-p d uu Ur iftig cuTai: . iro
.i ins Hiiiti al On a not t.ln'1'l In tl r in im I mii ,ti I o i
halt i gum !t-f- re htihu wi u I. oil. or ia n il ucaie-
i.l ii-i v at u r r.-'iiovivl ir.-m iiiact.i.
hlfiin ftirmh or im.p.inaii. clu he had on aptMca
tlon al thla olhrc. eiuicr lu po--iou, t y ui itUor tote-
'tlie Oiernmint will (.Mm the rluht nf wflut,n- an
me Biiiu al atair, It im aipar.ncf In Meu- h !.
weitht tl iin the mln inooi hiairin tied at.oe tno fci
p.'hatioi wtljLiu wul be i aid ly the parly arrius In) id
Inch hid. to awure rr n-l''erall.n, mint couta'n a
written guarantee ol two rtrjoui'blo piTaoiu, a fol-
u. if iLnf oiiniTof . t:e of '. dohfrobj
KuaraoUf Hint U o r art. ft'.li to tmrtl a c u t. art it
am p-i nee wi'l' tne tnrtu" of I.U (or lb r) i r j, ulilo n
and nhoi'td l.l (or tiii.H ) rro iwlti n lo a c ed ht (uf
ii . u will at unt-e enti-r into a c-Miiran to imi
th.n wuu, and are pmi an d io lo ruo uUn
nix luu HKtaJ n u iorticimt boii i- for u- fii'.ijinieui.
' h, r..t,. i.mii; iii i.MiifA autrai.t.ra muaC 'k .viwn b
II.,-oJu 'al t filil i hW of Ihe 1 U rk Ol thf in ftenit 0 tMO:
t on t.orof thi I'i lied die ea lMLrlcl Attorn, to ao en
ti iii, tl.a I.tal
i:udi r mini bf prraeiif to reitoi.d to t'etr M-ia, and
f.r( oa" d I'-give OOlaCa aiitt a.Kn lUO einiuuiaana'
iia .'lira
Thf tiov rnment rerffvaa to lur't" thr rhjht to n.ect anj
at . Ilj a ft 11-1 ll ,11 it lllir, . .IIIlB'.'a
I'av mc i t lo ne mtr a ier erru .ir ir ry tu . .....
i iiittv ! on 1( iiouo ou band, tu ba maaaa a.n.i
. . ..a ji.,i.,tiu fso - ii r a k t a
V ftiuit am Ultl SI irtl r'HinruBU uiiitiiii'i a
FOH nl t'AII l,K.' ani a.idranwm u lu.Haiu-j. u
ii nta. ii B Ka t mitral M ar lAllU ''
11 a hid la III tne uauie . I urm, nivir pnniuai w
at oihuo aiidraa luuat appear, or Uiuy will not be core-
a."... ii niennn ftr ivrv nioniiMT ti a nnu v i"" "
i . ... i,.A..ntiitiv ii iy n n uii oain oi ant'a aui w iiv
tjintrd male Oo6rnmcDt, If ho haa alrcud Hied one
at thu omte. . ; . . . m, ....
AH finis not romyifiiit urntfiy --j
teiltiement ttlll tie rrjtiC'J.
Captrtlu aud C. B.. U 8. A.
ARMY SUlTiiit".
J. Oltlin ' Aaar Cli.tiiino ami .grn-A..k
. ,ild Prnnnaala will b ra-i-lvail at fib, IMwl until
Twelve 0VI0. I1 M ,o0 TltUltSDAV. the vaia iuian, "r
fuinnhiliK bv contract, ai iu wiiui . v n
anrt Eqnipayc lu uu. .uy
Illaux, in.
Kail Ilrawera,
Ktannal lirawera.
llo.iiltal l .-nit ua r u. .,
lio.f.llnl I...U r in-i,
trlit-l'er Tonu,aol. Imck,
, liar.-
,a,ple. of wLcb..-.n be l ,h.
'" ."" ' ?"""'-"".. V i.JlTT-.; ii.! m ai.rlal.
aril, I,-. wnirnuir) ,ri. .
. . ...... .k ih. .-,i,.i... &m ia ba male. In in oaav at
laVinal Drawer, and T.nU al Kttat ou yard o. u -
tcnal boull be aubuilUed. . . ,,1,, tha
lliddcre wiU ataio tl.e. quanllty t"T " 'u " a
ttaie in whist Ihry can ! '.,r,"":J'!., "
scou lliw can .-nuui. lb '," " " 'r tuarta'.
Ailbiu. B.u.1 U. :" .V,r,, lurtn lhallf a
alitnftAby two lettioa.lble arlbsa. ;."n n. wi
... .orr. th rUitttto reieol y prt
'wb,!.!,,iir.h.'ld b. andor..d''rrov.a1. t.r ftirabiklnr'
"i.ri,.-i. bid fur , and ad.lrat.c I V.
i"" ij, u. vianirt,
jrVM bop J IK.Mt.ljtlt . U. V
Wa M,M-.. Ik r Jul!
fea'ed rrnraal lll b reeld a tnla ofm 9HM
o'rlora n the 1-t 4a if Anaua , irr the dMrf
York Ajrono, Wo. to rVortU eireet. Her "
C'7w.fTY THOrfiAVT) ARTTURT Bt,aNlfltT
1 htm H an eta mnut te of pnre w ', e am b. atf
to t erupt, to bi- nf red, wltiabar'k b idr, tnriw (
im be wide, tr -m the . and tne Ir.t ira "V. i " aia fe)
irW,pn h'ifh. b act rdor,lu ihu eeMtoi the blank. Tr
re o h. amenty Ave (7M Inr. e- '.n nt eiat'-saren tu
-hfw1e and of tl.e weh-ht o S 1 loi., e S H lba.
I hth a variation ol 0 l-7.'). r H lb., will h awaA.
on w, nt be nlote, aod not In pair, aud ba pa iked ia
tuerV e nuretid caeh
vvana f x 'eta ar- to be lnpeetM at he fVlAry wiae
1h M nui w,'i be arr p ed or paid tr except enoli M
n adr. and n. n inNmH-tmn
a if Mi.b,,tvN wfH e ma-ie mm follow :--One-tvenCtath of
l'l-hvi-f', a !. frr on the Hie day of Auuit, an
thr tsrrtAont c. nfre, t wvk the. ifirr.
t.ttf u nth thr am- . g aperttw'1 ")ert
rft'iiTri.)flif.,Ar a. - te number be DaA fall to de-
"t,w br ( t M regular dealer Is euc
a r. ai.ulactnn r ot humHex
B,f,,H- a. - -tii 1"T n"
..rina of bMa V , in thU lrn mi(
arpmit. o;oi not mat!
omnanT tilt pmtvwt-
u r wr fiii n r- innni 'o ax. .
lion aim a ana nice itvn 1 lv t v .11 ... fwrncnxm
.t in rae hi, h.d !,,- piM.he Vvt ,"nl
thrmnra.-t frheama. with a mfl . l27rt-
Mi) tie teria of
II rr 1 1 art- e i.r'-rHUM d, m eonformuy
l b fid.-r o.tti
tl 1- !.Uit-t rment : d "n ra- tr
km the tiif
tha nest r-oitra-H
'a.tneitai r tht rtntr a . hayto maVa
ipni ,. tttwi-rn IHr O Tt of t'd bidtte- ani
sim a.hir n cder. ir l e p.rroi t'" whom ihe
! awiitd 6 t he rrap nH'itlt of the iriM'-n!'
11 BD 'IM t
i.own bv the otto, al certirlt-aie -v t"e '.ra -f tk
iutt let rotiM. or if th I'oited ifa'ea tHi'rlcr 4
I'i r 'n 'he no e.ioal tn tlie a mo ml tf Me a.wd
ItfTir dh thfl traitor and both of hi v'tirarl-x air
l. r- qn-rtii f the a.iocvaatul blddnr or bidders Vfm
ii Ui c. nixa. t .
Wetteonder-.lirned n-nid. ti ol , In Oa " ,n
. f . m d Uatvif . herw-nrjotnily it ta
ait rovtrt-anf with thu United Htato. and irua 4w-'
.ate ihe turerivii Mil of O ar.'riM, fiat .
ih'ywill a onrr ertiM-tttr ihe ron'raft r the , i
ichki and ftittlcleni aorpttfa, In a aora ty-iial 4 he rv-auiaf
lie roni"art. to nirrilrri lr nrfirH prrriaafa. I'l-c-n-
mp.lit with the ti rmi of tiiia advortUf-ftrTreitt. new Tuir
, lrwi4, u ur which the bid waa mid and lit ro mm
H . ai a!) fal to enter Into-'e omitraat ae
a o-f', wo aiintartee t nako ko.h! -he Oile ia te
iwirn the iiVnt nr. tafd .ind V tt
itt rit fenrtnl bidder, or tile perton to w taora H oora
tiat't i i) be aaifl U
u'is. ) Wlvi under cmr hand VnI
j day T , lr.
To thla roarart must be aDtxrvlc4 the off clai oetJi-
cate aU'vr meolh-fted.
Farh rartt i bin mnr a rontrnrt will foDrew toi"ar
Into hunrf , wi-li approwl auretlea, for the latthfal eaeo
tlon o' C r nmo,
Liton Ihe award itaniM mate. aicrertr miwrra wt
be n titled, aid fwhisoed wlU) form of ooncract an
'Ihe Denartroent rbervea tha tlitM to ra)ea any
or all the bid. U doemed unaUsfat,tr7 oft ttaj
lTotna'e will ho ftiJdreed to fiHrail ee-O
Oorr-li Kamiay," rt hi ot Ordnanre. Wankj invtoiYT IX
('., and wtil ba ent.bfe--d "rrupo-ala lor Artillery
OF,0 P.HiT,
i i?-tuiha t aui BnK. if n , ctiiot or urea' a
QuARTBRMAaTKa'a 0Ttri.
I'.H.MaUM I'owrA.
Vi'llHINUTtiM,Jul lti,b4.
floated rrovnalawIll berecoiv.dat tula onro.i nit-it
o'c-oxn P. M if the 4th rlay of Aiiffiia nect for fiirntef
i ntl. 'iirt to Ui ( ohed Htatea Va.ino-,, at Uia-fwUag
atatlor-ii, until t! if ;tit iHxoo-ber.l, T(a;
Uio khn, New or-
I'htlad lphla. t'ennsylvanta.
W ufhn fcft n, Inaiiirtorijohitnhla.
Fach ration to cmaiet of three fonrthe of a pemnd e
rork o aeon. or one and a fotmh pouudi of fre n ur eatt
beet . e gloevo rui com oi broad or flour, or twrl-e outrt-
-i bant breao. o-one ami tnn'th pitund of com meal j artel
at thu raietor ne hiin.ird atlona.of eU.Utuartoi'ea
or. In th u tlo-rool, tn potinda of rl; or, 1 1 lle'i ir,rW'
i wl.o irrvak. one hodrM and flft? ounrea of deattra
t ated potatoo. and or e hundred ounrea ol uil tad veifpta
hl. a; en H.ijni1of .-oft;or, to llru. thereof. ona audi. laJf
t-ouhdii ot teat nfteen pounds of auiar; lourquwl of
vitif tr ; one po ind of ai erro ranle, or one and a k
roondt. of atttituai tfne candle ; or one and a hal(oan4f
ot talh w, fttur -pundi of foap.and two quart- of e.C.
1 he i at ton to i- oeltvered upon toe order of the Oak
ma i id It 'i OrHter ot eavrh tailna ; the frli eHtaar el
1 11 k r by the e ntrle ration, of rood quality, wuu an eioai
urvioiton of 11 'ore ai d btnd sn-.rter, nacka, and kid
tUow excluded t tlie pork. No. t prina meaa evrki
tha Hour. ra luperhiiei h cot an, good Kl; tke auaais
Btd New Orh ana, or Ita rquivaltnt ; and the heaaa, vUa-
iar. oa. die-. oap,a!i. etc , lobe of food quality.
jill an ft ftci do Inipoo'lon.
All btda mual be aoonipanled by tbe IbUowlof aajV
axtec ;
Tbe underl,n d ,of .In The Hint of , e4 .
i , m tho Mtee of , bcnnr naarantee that ua
raae the fornfc. In bd of for ration, aa abnve- 1a-
m rlht O.he arerpiarf, ho or they wlU. wtHiln ten uaya afer
the n't It.t oi the root tact at ttiepoatoffl oamel.exe3J
ine rontriirt tor tho a ante, with itd and nfliaient lecarft-
and In rae Uit aa-tl ihall fall to ontirlnM
oonttaof aa ahireriald. we iraaranroo to niahe the tK
tt rence hrtwtrn the oifor of the laid aod Uxtmt
wl tch may be arc op tod.
Kiiucu: A Tl.Ou irantoi.
y. r C l, Unarantur.
1 hinb) ct itnyihat tho above nauiotl - err
r ncv n to mr an wtu of pt-pcity, and ab e to tnaka tfrim)
thi Ir ini-uint e . .
1 o in ah-ned by the T'n tM Htati Olilrici Juiga, Unlia
btaiet. IntftriPt tioiney,or..ol-clor.
o i.n t o"al wilt ba conlatrd uultae acconipaniod by
tl F abo i'iiif
M wpapeM u horlTi-d to puhllh the ahore will aeaat
the t ai ei (.vutalnii'K the Urst luaeri.n to una ofHoe lor ex
an in tlon
I'roi'OMil ro be f nd -r'rd 'Tmpoiala tot Uail 0J ntf
1st.,," and addioaaed u the uuderaiaod.
jylr-tutha-6t Mijorand nartermaHo,
a 0
No. 119 Market Htre&t
o. a-. W BIGHT. i- IDaW.
Can and atom oatabilahruntIMIIa a.irtmantof Import ,
aad Drusa, Popular Patent MedJclne, plas
Coal Oil, window tila.a Preacnptioa Viala, 4s:., at M an
pnoea aa (aDalne flrat-elaaa noda caa be sold.
Par Ooofftttlonera, In full aarlety, aad of tta rmt 1B(7.
Cochineal, Ungual Induro, Aladuer, rot Aah, OaatM. .
aooa Asb, Atom, OU of VI rlol, 4nuato,3opraa,Katraat
A Loc-w.hkI. ttc, rou DYEU8' uae, al way, oa band, at .
love.t ne. oath pnoea.
Oroiiad eanrvaaiy for our eaJea, aud to watoa w b2TittJa
atlt-ntwn or thow la want of rellaoi. articles.
Al.o. ISMUO, UTaKCU, MVaTAMO, dV, tf ar .
Or.itaa by mail, or Mty oat. win steel wtta proton aa- .
teniiim, or epeelai quotuuoat vlll b raraltliod woa r-
WUote.a'e llrag sarohowa.
THo. W U UKK r Street, aim front.
U N IN O It I It III--
We rofand tbr money, If doalretl, for every lot of Skirt
which fall In any reatx-ot.
Had of Ntw Vera kttti Hualtn, and vrr aa Liana.
ttoaoma. Only t-. Itaanl irtct. t-tt'DO.
VUliamanll MUla Muatin, and On Llnoo Bowraa,
Oulj M'ttO. I'sual prlco IVill.
HJllTII afc JACOltrl,
ULTt-m VO- IsItJO CIltHNlT lr(.
lllsJ CUl-SflT W'BKl.T.
Thf attrntloo of LADtr.a vTirrtNa Tn
CM l or tlK.eaooat LaV,M. M for" ior.
u,,. I laoe..-' ot tnrt'oun'ry,' I. I.w.laly
uivl td lu n.e emeiilvH i.t,s of tt lit IB aoltaHa tor hi:llfcB VlKtK, for
nittiic uwiiits, AttfUNiaiii WkAJvaJta,
An eitetmrre aaaortnimit la offered tn Lao
and Woraed A.dJtli,a and lnaenliilf, ua,
lla. k"ti'bien. I'oliad'a. rlevta, ami tnplala
-. i..u.w 1-lMlil. airltMid. and r laurod wliMa
iM.,i, ar rhlt lti MUi'll BEiajW TlLUtat
IKi I'nafed Lineu rambrlc lrec.e.
1,0 pieties furled, Tucktd, audSlrlucd Una.
Mananicloty.Ko. & AKtY
. K tract. 628
Hirtth tret.
Wnoleaalaknd rW rulladalpUltV
fannart iviinnlt aatfftmuua ?4 .. ...
Ob,ii.n". HI.Btlrt. la. y "..-'j"'";
riaae. wliu for ). tau.' ...Vnu, '. T iiTi.r
have no fciual la mataaa, j , . w ,
r-tln. aud M oioer, atuaw
A, and repaired.
fat ly
,o. 891 NtW MARKET BtMa.
And ratrtory, eontar of
'akcosl and ct'MHiffu.tyD rrarETa,
Arif,,trr,! k.'!!lS,nBATS. wmiMJ.iiiow,
w Al TIMI.lta W11KI-.1J, ta Ariur, Ustaa,
aa- r i.ii parpo.a. an wia watiaattw.
atT-Ontea Kautrujr i
V ICVtitl t tiUI fyttUllttva4.
OW cr ol uia otafr itgtaaUviM,