! 1- ?! l! 2 Grating Sclcjtapli OFFICE No. 103 8. THIRD STREET. tiY Two Om f Copt, or T ai.vs Cr.r Tp.ii WV to um Carrier, and u.alied to Siin.crfbnr MtwHw(Mf uPaDMiiu hi Avnvmi Om. Iuu Tv MuirriM, tnrArlaftl tu Adtenoe fur the penod A4imU inli birtft at U oiimI rem. A liberal ItfMwpuMi bmI tor AateiMoa m.oruonm ' fe nrlW f n t, tel. on of ..-onTtttn. C"inmn:itrtir,.,i. wltftn er 1 ta-emlod for latrii n tuit be a-ilh tn I ert by ieeame and nAde n. lb writer it't m.-e4rll) tor ff.iMoati, hM ea a ?mrHlt 'or Ida good i.utli. VVo MiMM uadtttUAe to retorn rs,egie iQuvuiinic.'illoui. i . - T Al,rtliri. Owtnirro Bi rol Inorea.a In the f'lmilatlon ,.f Thk 1Cvw., TctxiMAfU. oomn-ILitia n to , - rerfj boor, w m'tn-Vf reiiet that rtvi r'l-f l imit m T nunlM i o'.n in lo oo.oca. It p ..lljln, aTuro mil Muwm wwwwiw uvi eaiuon.. 1 TnrR?nAY, jtjxy 21, iu. JllrW WR THROW OI KSELVIH 4WtT v Wlicn we know that the nun. boHtln with ttldsummer intensity on foal (ruttcr and pile foUrajf offal, produce noxious vapor ucea with the eeods of disease and doili; when the lorron of tho pe-aUonce-sum-wr, Which twept over aNtcr cltl.vi like a greit shadow, are not yot eutlrely forgotten, and Ue angulwli and lamentation have nut qulttoil noarti and homes made dewlate ; when the Fab-mount reservoirs are overflowing and the orp'y of water is amply adequsto to all our Wants, and we suffer the scavengers to lie Idle, and gate fr m day to day on Hlthy streets and smell nolaome odors, and wlfi Wicked weaknees trust to Trovldonce to carry ua saiily through the summer wa throw ourselves away. When we know that the aoNtlral benrn? drive dogs to madne.w; it hen we heir of five Uulo children being bitten by one raid brutA, and of men shooting recklen canines In the streets; when we se every day lying outstretched In the blazing siianhlue, v.tgi lood curs with Inflamed eyed and tongues, . and meet them prowling about with heads trailing the hot earth; when, In opite of all laws and dog-citchors, we come across one mauled dog in ten we throw ourselves ' away, When we debar ourselves from com . forts and gratifications for a whole year, and hoard our surplus funds stingily, tint we msy rut off with the crowd to summer haunts of 1 folly and dissipation ; when we try steadfastly 1 to show people at watnrlug places that we , are Just exactly as good as they are, and by - issuing our ora-tra in grutr tones of dictation, and keeping stiff tipper Hps and spending 1 money without economic Scruples, imagine ' we are raising a genera impression that we are perse n of great consequence we throw nreeJyejrrsy. WbKuwe distress ourselves to kuow whether ''Spirits do really turn tables or comtnunlente Willi mortals, aDd become perplexed about every Insane Ism or ology which Is spawned by ignorance and assumption; when wa dovote our funds and prayers and our mis sionaries to heathen lands, while, in the shadow of our homes and noble temples of learning and art and trade, thre is mental and physical degradation and darkness de manding the first and most earnest care of .philanthropy we throw ourselves away. When youth spends his school and college day In trying how not to learn his lessons, In shii king his duties, and neglecting a due culti vation of his montal powers ; when ha con ceives it to be very smart to drink liquor, although It chokes and distresses him ; and to smoke cigars, although the fumes mike him allow and uncomfortably sick ; and ti play cards, and to swear a great deal, and braj, and to say Impudent things to winer heads whose gray hairs he should respect; when ha devotes several hours a day to inducing pre mature beard on the lace, while unseasonable exhaustion overcomes his frame when tin young man does this, he throws himself away. A young woman throws herself away when she "finishes," at the juvenlls age of eighteen, , With a knowledge of enough French to undur stend Frenchy remarks which silly coxcombs - make In that privileged language, uad enough Italian to be able to follow an opera and to ; sing aria full of prolonged and trying trills ) nnd cadences; when she Imagines that coquet- turn airs and arts will win true hearts, or con . Unue to churm alter freshness and vivacity hive deserted her; when she strives to be a ; mere walking munnikln of mantnn-makers.und boHsts that she never touches a needle or trends dough. We thro ouri;Ies unity when ve act uj on tl;e belief (list o are placed upon the ehrlh with no higher aims than money n.iik!np, and allow our hearts to crow weedy y.Ub. woilcllinem; when we trample down nnd si ile the generous aud loftj Impulses of our nr. lures, aud are contented to be gossips, and ..ii'iien r( iuiu iohuicm ; wnen we accept un- hi!(atingly the opinions of others, ami lire too cowardly to express our own; when we g-ow unmindiui of the blessings nnd iovs of liie, aud become sullen gniuihl-Ts nnd hypr- c! ondimi; when we dUtrui-t our fellotv-croa-Xvi, and jiut them all down as knaves and ti.utors; lu flue, whenever we. forget w hat e aie,vhy we are, and wuilhcr w ine ijoiiig, W Inetntiuently tlirovv our-les away. JttltK tl.l.Hlf. Nthiii(r if n.oiP I'utile rtiun mi nlteinjil to a stiguia i the itojilieHtloii of an epitli,:!. r; -t lKks down with imperturbable, Hpliinx lii.e tJMioUncnce., upon the eilorU of ueh D 'ice. NcLiene ittuie nmst biiie tlm te it of ti-.llli.il.il-', l;Ol tlt.lt Of HpfCitlllh applb'U- b i. 1 In se 11 til.UK, whit ti slioulii lie mi oil- t u, tuivij frequently recurred ti uj wli-u ri exittnp upon the ittu miit of dMo.vnli.-ts to Sl : icotle as l.'stlii uU nil whie virus are C ornliit. to the L,tiiiigeni y of meusnres fur U snpi ri -'cc oi'Mie b'et.elliou. Kttdkalism Is laudable. " The Radical of the woild, however erring at times, have at least been seekers alter truth, while Conservatives have rested sutistled that it was already found. , Conservatism is an element which keeps the , balance in human affairs, but it must ever enact the secondury part, and hold the second ' ilace of merit in the world's administration. Call progress by what name you will, the ' atrlpllng, when full-grown, becomes the giant ' Radical. In his lusty strength he will some- tlmos topple down what he should have spared; but ha Is human, and la leading- : strings to Divinity. . The world reverences Its Radicals, even when it laments that they have erred. Con sider for a moment but one, even one whoso ' ' misguided energies have caused the nation so great disaster Stoxkw aix Jackson. Who can but admire the man, so firm, yet so artray, ... virtuous, yet so lost. But If Providence tee lit at times to permit great souls to perpe trate peat wrongs, the world's steady progress .shpwa that Radicalism Is chiefly on the sitla of right. Judical ism may err as do all things tuuuua, but 1U effort are directed towards mod. la vsln aro 1U votaries wuutea wuu a fiasie Jrj wbi;U thev should ylory, Tle world has need of Radicals. Better even to isll eometlmcs from excess of teal, than to have fltlth tlytt the past contains the all-possllilo, the future nothing. Conservatism is not a creed fcr Chrlstlnns. "106 W6r!fi tnnds io wards sotnetlilng far beyond Its present vision. The path Is beset with obstacles ; good and evil struggle fr.r mastery, but progress Is still perceptible,. Let us not be misunderstood. Far be It from ns to praise unreservedly the messur.is of nil extremists. Nor do we Imply that in the vital questions of the day we approve all ultra measures. We accord to Radlenl Isui priority over Conservatism; for good In tention, even when the motive of mlsdlrectp l action, takes precedence of no Intention at all. Thejisfe milieu, the happy mean, Is never exaitly the middle. Absolute Conservatism is retrogression, for nothing stands s III morally. Whatever Is beyond Conservatism is terinxd by It Radicalism. Vet each corrects the In jurious tendency of the other. Roth are con sequently elements of Progress. In the excess of either lies divstruetlon to tho In terests of mankind. Yet surely Radicalism maj claim precedence as tho motive power for good hi human affairs. HIE NT Kill RV AU Kllir. Ktll.KOl. It was, lonir ago, the remark of an eminent financier and lar-slglited political economist, that a railway which would connect the tide waters of the ocean at Philadelphia with those of the lakes at Krie, would do more than any other one thing to develop the material wealth and build up and establish the cmn'uerclal prosperity of this State. In puru.mce of that sagacious opinion, our people Invested millions of dollars In accomplishing the work which the late Mr. Nicholas Rikdi.k sug gested. It Is but a few das sgo that the last foot of rail required to finish the enterpri-o w is laid on the Sunbury and F.rle Railroad, aud the Idea that was coucelved and expros.w i many years ago, by a citizen who was then con sidered to be, In that particular matter, a visionary enthusiast, stands before us to-diy consummate in its realisation. The whole history of the protect, froti Its Inception to Its completion, is a signal illustration of the popular Incredulity with which grand views of public Improvement are usually received in the beginning, and the possibility of their ultimate executiou by means of Individual energy, and persevcrauce, and corporate enterprise and munificence. No railway ever projected in this country, or perhaps in any other, expe rienced such vicissitudes of fortune and vexa tious delays In Its progress to completion, as the Sunbury and Krie Road. SI ace i( wss first thought of, many other works of the kind, some of which are of qual geographical extent, have been proposed and put In operation, and It was at one time seriously doubted whi'thur the great route which now unites this city with Lake Erie would be finished by our people, and controlled entirely In their interest The directorship of the enterprise was repeatedly changed; various expedients, plans, and aids were eullsted In les behalf from time to tlma; successive disappointments and reverses oc curred In the process of pushing It forward, step by step and mile by mile, to consumma tion; and the public faith in the feasibility of the whole scheme was, st several periods, almost worn out. But at last, State pride and State Interest, assisted by Judicious legislation, the co-operation of tho Pennsylvania Central Railroad Company, and tho mastarly ad-niulstratlvj ability, business tact, and Indomitable perti nacity of the present President of the Sunbary and Erie Ru lroad, triumphed over all obsta cles and difficulties, and crowned with full success a conception which even antedated the Initiation of those magnificent highways which have long connected the city of New York with the Northern lakes and their fertile shores, and poured Into her lap the wealth that fcas mainly contributed to bur metropoli tan greatness. It is superfluous, at this late day, to point out the commercial Importance of the Sun bury and Erie Railroad. That subject has been elaborately discussed for years pas', and Is now thoroughly understood. But Itls uot to lute to express congratulations on tho fluil anl full achievement o" one of the grandest Idjas of Internal Improvement ever conceived by human sngif'ty, and to award tliejmt rajedof praise to the resolute, laborions, far-seeing, anl public-spirited gentlemeu to whose wisdom and efforts Pennsylvania owes a work which Is of incalculable value to her prcseut and future prosperity. While so many excellent citizens divide among themselves tho merit of having aided In the enterprise, it certainly will uot detract from their deserts to say that Presi dent MoiiKin.An enjoys the proud distinction of having taken bold of the enterprise w!i:m it was in an apparently desperate condition, and carried it, through times of unpredicated adversity and gloom, to a successn.il is.tua. Let Mm be forever honored uccordbigly. CITY 1NTLLLJ.QKNCK. A III FOIl 1 1. HS' N t t;M Jlt. V c otist rvt a c.itl (or a Convention of imi illtiri-, to lie lirlil !n fhioigo during the present uiniiitr. Wuat the- ohji rt ol the Contention is, or what tulijcctb wil! he brouUt U'f.Ti it, tvr do l of. know, but ccrtthi it is thut ttitrc are inmijr evils ( jtittinR in te profession whiih loudly rill for rel'nrmntinn. Anil, tirst i f :iil, m.ioc lt(;i-kti.m it nc mm y that will tt nd to tltirtU the sot-iui aud in iral ttniij ..-it ol tin bi "LiafchtH i t till- q nil," i e thev li.cn! tuito;H, u thev arc i.tl'.ul in n ine eiiii-s of tie. North nnii W'H, In coiitrulis inctiop to the ordinary r.-tortir, or rerrtrr tin ti Ives, f.nici.uti::, ,'ti the prod .inn of (in: no ien liar st.itnlleg, tavc ticcn cnucrincil nti i lie nil. ill not Mtili, t-t Is c, to unserve the nu t .Moulin muili icn thi -ir hoMiiish t.y iudit iitintN who. ii, roi.it of tilto ::t:on, to siy r.o hini; ol itiuir o-i h-ti in the sec In! wo Irl. sre en irelv ua 1,11. (1 lor ihceal .!ng they seih to aiti pt us a niliim ul 1 ivilil.ooU. Vl-u,.U. of u uuer yearn, fn-sh from tin Ir Alma Maltr; nun wuosc soei il habits uelic them tor ti e p t-uulary risks iuciilcnt to active business life, unci aw ij'eil oliticiaas, who-u oplniuns ria be bought S'id sold like goods at the au -.tioa niBrt, arc all to be fouud among the rep ir oi iat profession us now coustitutud. With thutn a low oyrti-rs ai d a filuss or two of home alcoho lc si ' in u In n t is itiiMicii-iit Inducement for an exl'etuicd I'tiiM iml pull in the coluins of the nuwtpuper to nbii-h ihey nmy tie attacho.l ; a twenty-live cei t excursion up or down the river or over a milium), Is followed by a still notirc commendu tory of i kin or that particular line of travel ; withe on tile great parade day, when the great tittle man who acts ua marshal upon tho occa sion, who rides a great white horse, and who is decorated, like a fatted calf, with tht gorgeous insignia of hi oftlce, 11 snubs' you. When applying tor some information ueces. kory to a correct description of the scene, these sxine truckling knaves tell In print of the "cour teous" marshal, &c-, and then go on to say how, through bis untiring exertions, tho occasion was a decided success, when in fart the fellow's cross and irritable nature was the sole cause why inis n:itaKemei)t and confusion characterized the entire display. These are the meu who reduce the profession to mere picayune standard, and who cat I obloquy and disgrace upon the pro feuiou uf reporter. it is but natural that men who cease ti onter iia any respect fur themselves should forfeit Uia good opinion of others. When reporters forcet how powerful In accomplishing the inldliliettuf Lunutn results is the weapon they Uiiy wield in their profession, then they but rsiider lo the paiuua and vauiiies of men, and lu course of Hue become as degraded as the effrlWf b sevk V9 oltvttU) (v false noto llgyM10 TELEGRArn. rnn.ADKLrniA, riety. The profession of a reporter hs a mimry as well at a social value, and why their raHlt Is generally tt" m to profit side to them as l-n to the puiihshors of nntrer, (s liercuse, by th' ir iiwu scu it, rentier 'bro.srlves fVnp t- ;', ptJt, . M w.ft W their enipioyrf s, t ni y appear a vi-rv -ss m uter for Kporier to tit down and x-rlbin's eff a immcraiih, hut tlii to be rrdluMy c a ed re0ires er of pittent la'xir Slid close niMrv ance. It i tlie result of irim wirk slons, md as brain rsnnnt be p'ireline( hut .it a verf dsir pi Ice, mi the pro -diet of them should not Iw d;. posed of lie chcup'y. The pill lie -tinult bn tanaht to rnnfrt tho repit rs for inc. pre, If noihing rise i- Kilu'd tortticm. I mij a short nine pinre. when I'resl ilcnl I.iNi i n rtin.il' his visit to the On at CVmr.ll f'liir. fnu.c of tlie n cttilers of the ( ii iimltiee m -ti i. hi to cast ilirrps'l ntsin the nress rcpr nn. tutivrs hy I'lOK-ilIng litem 'vto a 'ittle TMitu, tin-.) to n sit tfm srnv il ol t'"i, (I s li nl-'i, (1 iftie t The renor'i rs, n eb rriee to e pls ed twin, sn CTtinl ton'ltiK with other far l. ss Piuiortsn' of the invited pur-ts, ho ha I sin coil t:i kcis nf sii nls ion furnl-hei' thi in, rt'tieeil to ! tn oed like i n -I'e, i.urt tnklti? the chance, n hulnrss b4. r ji-rt-ers and sll other person hp1 ') a at, pDsnre I tht pirvrs In a tvwlr web th'1 o her. Ami yet w)tn, sorpe rcn dsv afterwnr,wl rtiti r cir. tilatid that the rx,f of the K ilr b lildine vrn shout to ,-cne in," ami win n tUc sr.'le s were obi ff d to lie strenifthi ned over.nl 'ht, thne sa-ns i tit emcri berartit' very vmmtinn I't th-'r rn in ni r. s the Implored the reporter to B've tns lie to the mm r I Therrporurs hivn It In th 'Ir power to rt tm the iibu"S of which w spenk ;' si d If the ct'iivcnlf'iii should lie held, we trust thst tTiBuris tslciiMii-d to elevate ths professioi to Its tine dignity nmy be udop-ed and vig'ru,ly e ifoii cd. KxTKNsive ( t Nri voration in Mavavink l'Ai'i.k Mil ls lri uo mi The oxten We piper mills at Munayut.k, ocenpird by Miriln Nixon td owied by the Nixon ftniily, were entirely dc-troyed by f'ue lait tiiirht. The mills wero very cxleDslvp, being si uated at the extreme upp-r end of the town, and extending between the Schuylkill river and the cunal. Thefl c orlc't'Stcd In the fonnh s'ory of the main mill, which wnt now occupied by K ng A llrothir, woolen yarn spinners. Their list is estimated at JI.ik0, which Is rirtlally covcrvd by InsurRneo. Thev ha I on hand a heavy sto 'k and two sets cf woolt-n msi h ncrv, sll of wa ch were destroyed. The th-rd story was oc 'U.ih'd by Jrtinet llillln, also a woih n' ysrn spinner, v.lio istiumtis his loss at abo.it the sa'iic. The tirl acd im c 'Od s-ories of tlie s oik b iil 1 inc were usco by Mr. Nixon tor thi nieiMriU'O 1 ot pulp i t all kind for (he sup.ilvof th;s(rav and ruff mills. The whole strncure was a ire Monc iicihilnK atiout 12" by f0 feet. .V I the valuable m "Cbim ry was drtruy.d. 1'ai kof the us n building k is a one-sl -" J structure contniuii g one of ron lin'rr's prestcs. Co the north side w.is a titnthir blinding on' lin ing a Y ondlnier prcs, nd roo u lor another ui be placed '.hire in a sh.'rt lime The- were all di strovi d. Itctwten the main bull li .gand the lower pap.r ! mi.! wss a la pv a rin tnre tilled with tuhi and I vats, boiler aud machinery used for miking j ftraw Into pn'p. which was also de-imyed. H teen tbe canal and nun building was t large ! yard, fotincrly nsid ns a p irk, up n w'lich w , . c.'nstructed a Hone structure with tin roof, for the purpose of st irln ba'es of straw. A' tic tn e of tbe lire the plnve wasnh.ut half full. The stock estimated at t?l j ('(H), all of which was destroyed, only the walla of the building rt m.'iinlDr. On the tipper end of the lot was 1 laro stone dwelling, occupied bv John .tuni", the insnaj'f of the mills, and Theo. Nixon. The luruitu'e wn" much dHDiaBt"! from h i tv removal, ult ioa;'h 00 damage mis done by tno fUme. By tlm tiD.tcd etlorts ot the tircmnn a much gn a'tr des'ruct'on t'f prop-rty was (ti-ev-nt.-d. There are no st-amcrt in Manayunk, andthne fn.m nher dtstrii-ts weie siiinmuncU by tlie Cuiof Kngin.er. Tbe roi f of the midge rmssinc the cvia', about a square from the m il", was dam iged. Tbe stable of J hn Thorn is. two -a iares east of tbe mills, tock (ire, ut the tiaiucs wereevtm- ciiistitd who a t'lllinir los. The lower mill was saved. It s'snls aH tlntty feet from the steam mill, and is a t o a bslf-suvy stone buibdng. Adjacent to ihis was Preston Wbi't kir's mill-, wuich would ! h ve hero desiro ed Ii d the lower radl ca iifu. Tbe tirenu n worked no'dy, aud thus prevtuicd the it sines from spreading. 1 lie caute of the con II it-ration is not known. I The mills were not in epilation last nunt in 1 cone iuence of the w tter m toe canal be n v ry 1 low. About no hundred hinds were, thru 'u out of employ meat The flnuo were n-t sun ducd unti baif pitsl'2 o'clock this inornliu. lh. daily Lfiprr derived its supply of p,jr fro. 11 ibe-c works. " Mr. Nixon's less is eiiuiated at Jilil.O 10, u-ioa which there m an insuran :e uf ru,IMJ ill tire a soon as it broke out sptea I to thuo'her mills with the gieutest rap'dl'y. There wore b it ..ne or two small ecftines in tlie t iw n, su l tho e, i.ltho'.ith brought into iininc iia'c scrvic :, eU'ectod 1 1 ttle ajisinsi the (siwer ot tlie II lines. ! It is i-uiprinn: that in an cx ensive min'ifa": luiing d-.strtct dki' M nay uuk, where s 1 111 i iy piijier, wo i, n,and cotton nulls arc locate ',gre cer p iciiution to puard n'iiiist lircs has nut Ik n taken. Tbe distric: iu.edu at least one or two sti am ecgines. Tin- flumes of the bnrn'n? mills lit up the hiri nn ercunu (he country, and occa-ioned c nisid'! rubie rxcltenirnt. The sparks mi l burning -in. dim wire carried by the wind thro n;h toe air, end proi ertj tunares olf was wieh jc'-, ir.lU M. Ail the inlmliliiuts ot tho town were 011 t ie alert s inc to tbi stifety of their Homes. William Adams, Con -table of the Twentv-ir t Wari.,was badly burned while as-lsting at tho lite. Tne C(.ai Rfoimfnt. Tli's regiment, re cruited for the one bundled days' bervijc, is IlKid, nnd Is now under ninrclilntr orders. Toe regiment Is under the command o' Colonel l h b t , an nble utd experit need olllccr, au I tlniie who wero so lucky as t en oil themselves In thit command will ne well cared for. Tit a Iu.uT The cl'.izcn of th Tenth Waul v ill hold h mutir.g ut Itroad mid Race nai ts on rrldny night, to bi lect deleitatcs 1 1 ti e CouLty Cniivctniiin to tv bent 011 Vond y test 10 devise rrn.rs to moid the draft, add fun ish the uuola of the city by volunteers. Wi. u.iir, n v i-ab the ir.rg st s'o k and boot B'torin.mt of Cli-thiig in ru.U.lel,.hia, to n prisii.g all nefiiable btyln of goo In, tfO'O tui'dtitiii price to tu crime. Ilvcry one can be atciiiumii li ti d at oo.:t IV ur stock, wmt- ever oi but c ( r piopm-tinn-, in 1? ir'tn cs e pi U in nil re peels to work 111.1 o men iro, at ,nc- leuf jiiutf. 1'or thiol' 1. hi pr.de,-, hc ua.'t sl-o h complete a lonimt t of pu-ec goods, wn cli will In n aoe 1 to nua.ure i . a iyi j ir,nssv'd by none. l.t nxi:ti K, Co. Tow lot Uai t , No ftla tnrkct street.. ff t rr llt C'A M t'HKI 1. -NA VI, ,R. Jul. IM11, i.v ituv 1!. Hum iJI.mK.-K w. C-AMVtiKl.lU AitH V K. A V tui 01 i-r.-ujiuMijut. wim. AV4 Vj s.- Julj 'iOtii, liter I'r.Kt-r'nv CIiih.-, which w twins vth ( t;nimn r'iit.udlln, KbvAiii ALij'I4, 11 wl 2,'t yrnrn. I ht rt-litivc- unit -T'ciift" or tli.- Inmllr v r?-t verUu 1 hml.il d HtttMi'l lib. tu ifrnl fn.m tlh rrt maoi' 01 ti pun-Ilia No. llii Ktkt. stud t,U t.lJ'ddV m..riil n,ut h '( i A-'t. liu ihjhii ut tl F .)' (; iu t r. I.ACt N - t Jtovbom-iKh on Tj Ja, tl. I Mh (ti't. fl A ltd Alt f Tl A, wliit.w oi ,1m htttvu, ui J i-.di-st uj.u U r ft th? Into ( I Mih luci.u.f T-.& (uut ral .trvlrosi y,tU i )i d at Ht. Tl.o ahr' l n .rcli lt.U rurti,oi. Mi.Uy tlif 'iJ iihIhii , ;t I i 'M k-a. 1ih rri.. ni ut lirit . irch t.ru l td co-n ir .t Huh iind Airh nif'et at 4 oYlo k wii r th r I ittv riMl friend! 01 tho turnip mrv rtjVruun. intitttj to Mivi lilt IIIUtTHl. tnljl . -tn TTiffduy tiu-rdn,'. the I nh inht., t'n.oi tn ,'JiUh ri-C Ii L.iti.j; run f). t,r Uy u rari.a tr im l it IViipj h am UttiUuad, Jt HI N HUD ,V , icd i , yc4r tuid 11 dii. 'hir rilattw. and frtcndri ofth tutn'.j n roif!tfiifiy lr:td tj unci tl tie Lim-rnl, Irout Itta I. tip ru iitit-iir, 'llitriv-iirst ftiid Httrl itrufisi, M iitu t, Wt-nt I' i'l.td l phi.at'lj cine k tu nitii riw (Krtdav) uuriiniif. lo p n vtrd t, V ijiuim-kui, ltl.,f.;r imu mt itt. ilY.-On the mh Inittuit, ilAIKJARKT, wife of Iiol'iT tuv. 1h( n lutiviw and trlcudM of tlu lumllv an rt'-MmrtfuHy Invltttl tu mitiirt tln iniiirttt, irmt tmr hUitiMnr rt-nl-tl. nrc So. 'i.au rprui e ntrt;ut, on H.tturUtty moiniiiii ut S o'clot k. IIAHl.tflT.-On the iHth, Kit ASK 1H!KK0U0HS, on ol John and KUnbitth Uavlett, auod fl monllH, TIiomc who die Id iuiaiiey auiwur fur no nlua, JAtOa.-On he 17th Imtant, ELLA LAVINIA duUKhtft oi Jerome tt, and Auiia Jacurm, fted 1 year ami ft UluDltll. KKl.l.Y. On Thurndny mondn, 2lt iust., JENSIi K KLL , Id tht H-.tli va of ln mtt. lii r aiiTtm and frUndi ui d itute of the family are re spt.tHtit inmd to u ad ilu fiinurl. on M'tnd-y m iru (na, -Jbiti iDrtttut. ai U n cUmk. from Ui Uim tvtuU tu n, llaverord tOMnahlp, wlrhout rurtltur nuke, Cirrit-s Mill leuve H;mn liurtlafida ortlou, Jso. W tf. Tlurttfttiiia ttrvttt.atSo'uuvst A. Jkl. KIMBKH. (In 'he )t It ln at riavninnt. llil.ut, TUOMAH KIMUKK, In the 70 liyv.tr . Alt. ' Ihu rt; atlvtj and in. nd of itw fiuuiiy r reipec fully luvU-d lo at it-nd th tuucral, from ld laie r3.lditca Iq, lhu t nr. bo. ii ) Arrb treat, on Heveutn-d muruiti, the I.US Im'., at lu o OucAt ttUout furthur wtice. NHOKMAKKR.- On ttw JOth lnt, 1'RAMCld 81I0E UAKtk. in II 10th yw ol bla ,, 11 U rtiale iriar.d and tlioae oi UiofuimlTar respectfully Invited to attend the luutral, uoin t rai.tuoe ol hit aoo, -NO ll8N '1 Wflitletb ireut, on Prldty , ihe iid Uiit., al 3 o'clock If. M. without ItrUtai Imitation. rfL FOE LIYERVOOL, SAT UUU At, ZMkWaklAufu.t fa, lnH. 'li.e itr uuli .hip YAlSC'uU YEI, Captain J. D. Carlisle, will saJI at abota. For irvltfbt oi ahaKe apidr lo 'iUOMAi hK'HARO.SOH CO., JvKt-U o.lti VYA-Hl tfCl. JPl. VAIillA TUN, soorsxjt om to wi n. CAStrb, MAHONItJ IIAL,L, No, 719 0HEE5TJT fltreeU W I W I C XV H II A 1) H tt, OUKTAINH, aro MOffOtTTO NKTTIcfCW. BUSINESS ITEMS Fin IB at nan Vimmr-- MLlrtK4. IVI1 A tll IIAkltA, Arn am Tkwth, lift rtK-M"rA ImporU'l ni of Havana ('iuah, Jl Ii I A. T T I I l ! T AT Koinnnt v. CHILLED IRON SAFE SKHIOUSI.Y ATTAOKKl). THE rUFlLS OF DAVID EVANS, OF THE HKM Or li V A N H A W A T M XV, ALRF.ADY AT WORK. HIS SCIENCE FRAOTIOALLY TE3TED, Tie ErtRult a Complete aud ToUl Failur?, Hvh MUROI A1I3 I1AM.Y VOOUJI. DA71D EVaS fray, tt Is a Tory hlQipto matter to drill a hule Uirotih l to 2 iochn thoroughly chliu-d Irtn; pick up the com til nation of tlie lck, aud open Mllk'e hate; and to Illustrate bit nyu-m. ha foun J, a ecu dtniailjr, a etnlchfl1ed lmiiitc ate; prorunsl a rry peiteot drllirnir appaiatae, with dr.lu Uie met a pp ror.nl, and. I am tod, irive dally public le8uti- lu the rt ot drul trm ; aJt, tl at he eunoetd, ty a very heavy pnntfiu-e, Had tl-t ute ot ttirw or .our Url to gr n I a UA thro ixk t'H et nJ -UiitleO Mie .o irom Uurty to nlxty mlnuUe, and to hio .t-l.k Uiat any ot Lhiit i tiafn eau tu UrUknl the heme way It would ioem that some of his mire advanced ttudt'itt huvlriK louod a mo-t faVfirailo opportunity to taut tal new plilr.oph, have already uwa the m resitary Biept U priaouraiiy and pru'oHilnnal.y epurimont upua this now aitd woodi-rful nclmce; I say woniort'ul, hecui,lt' u"te6'iUJ, H wan to iPf n at ouee the tu t.nport.uu s re. nut vaultA ol the oo auy to the h iiul burKi r pr.d (oa 1 l.c leouit ofthfiie Dnor-Qioitti will lM-uh'-a by tnv ful itiw ins Man me- tj, uhu d appear In lUd ' lri;.-ri," Ju y 11, 6 io0.lMr chj pat I. n.i.ik ft Ci Jllkh Iff ns S,rKA Hi'i.o nt'T ITs.-trc-( k - -n l A i ii mi i ai K-miii mi. .-- Tn vnt pni ulnipina h ii t i nd In! oi.e . 1.: i.-.i r. h No. i it .in ,-ta putciiiiM-d .i M C. hamkii, A-fwni, In 'hi ct. o 8' 1 t-H liiontli" atme. 1 hn hittti WHe .fit in (tu' .htc , m Ik-mUt b.ruei, aooe Uro.td.ou Stiuruay ut t-iaj .u, all rtitit. Ou Hi 'tdav, M twelve I. M the policeman trttd the ftntdiM.i ot i't oth.-c, and t'ttunu it uiii-H-a d. Uie-ati-iting heoitinvliu o iiid tiie U iriart r-d! Ue.-n in wr at tin rat,itu UiuKii with tu.ir apur-ituo. llHrowia a u- rtiht' tu..d I., in-th or In ir ni Ne sae tu. t ie t-Ui I't'tt i-l tu. tirin, aid uui orii n W f .rtt ji tmrk ior it ii paititi a to crt-Htfa irt-iiro a id evci; tiunt; done iu pa it iij U tiik thi urJhiu pi- (Vict. t- h"k' Y a t'uiJtiu drll cd, or round. H')'ut hull nn Itlti. tntu tin- oH)i, ow-r tie den iu tho ni.t-.m r pn i cy ik't-triLed in kii'id oe Hia,iP huvu i.h intnt, uii u woo tl meiu ihU was n Irtma they r uid , a- ic ir u tn tine i arut'T. Svki the louk c'ttio uui ih r-i.biiiy tin j. but tt.utd not b' dilti'.t in. ISvxt the U.c i-xnojg ve uu.kt ti on.a'd the n h t I tu b vvt tho -o-uti y triid aui hiy couiu u t ho ar.en In. A niftier vai ttHMl.aid that tiMU n et.ei t. A pry whi plucn-d honud tin- iHfof-iniM-i. io pry o(l .hi- d mr, I tu Ut nut uc. -- d; Uf id utijt HlJ tteef ei) tTiirioiilfl. tliO h-rliira uvl .(Q f ta to u.t eoiitlu-o i iritvo ud uu It any wai p -ne-iinic the mi e, itnd 1 it lu uttv-vr wdtiiU'li ; ti i hivirtK if ttit oih.iithni in hi' Itm1, ui i littvhiK ill pii ittv of ti ne to tk 'I lie ttj p(!r"t''i m w.t-ild 1 1!H ! iiul train that to humi.ru wrv ut work uu iti .?avuittuy iii,Ik, moat uf Sutii a , a d 8iit.ua v -v( uli g Tinm. N iticsal Manx, i htlath 1, It a..u'y '4, isit I do he h.j it ulij ij.ai thi- r.au-u.i iii in it e iTr ' i.t ihtil iih 1 ,. hi . li -eittt to l ii.if "a fhtv mi il e v uri , hiln-le pim 1: UL CvL-j an, ih a C"ir t n i true tt ittc liclil. DA k ill it. I'AL iTciidiMiL The f'tliow nh pr.lpia ae paruculurly no he able lu the al"ve utttit nit'itu : iih. i i.t-r at hnuth oi ilmf or tlm oporrlon. Nt-ct iiti 'i i f ti d thai the fpt 'nr.i h-ii o uu ar I, and d.l bt-iait-i; ukii nva lutir m nolo nppiiiuua, having a n.t.t i 1 i-,t-r nijit. to -.( k, il rtt. J (.v i'ti ri tut ye, id nAy lit i th in-ut ap t p-f.i nit dti r dii'l.i ..ui tn.. r u.j tut h t- e aiouu i ii f t ii cti r to t ui.i. a i, chilled ir u 1 o titi. 1 1 o tart tJi-t thi a i in t .wa d- (io r tilt In. ui (nth ur inn i-isil'v-f., ft.' l.un tii i Ul liMftt ihf .id i ft vm KTN.tl a y iu iittr riiui i hui-uoj lou'aj-e wh en the .pfid .r- iiitnt a o ti nd i'ii.T cut tu i ii r ilif v ud lai t-1 aiifl ll t' if, lflv ,J lonil d III tllf Kl't I: MTIH1'-Ilt. w.i ch t.i- in p.aci.t a u n "ii t.ii tf the It i inir .Ur p till- Mini hi- i ar.i!i i , ut J . hi Kvan m a e tc u the art ui or. anr v n) cl dh d 'Mi t -P t , i c i n in a. Hf.llt J Uat ii.iIm iti.H' hio iik the ll,ii v. with an atim ui v it rei .fully uro.-d aud e.ju p te i Hi tue Ii: at H pin 1(1 uea.niih, Ih-: ht'e, nlun hailhu, :iU- ai ii.a.itl aK.i.o. ma mtr huh j-u,i lUht, oih-te t to eni.'1't io t'i u i tu iu t I't i . c f i in llui lli-lil. utidt Hueo.it eiH(i v t.c h .tii raifj a c it, nae oiui uiH hulim 1 o.y .1 the t iitt r ni.It.i e. H ii(ihi'.( ltuxl rui ut ienei'. All who n d a ex 1 luiM'-ut l'n u fa -e v-ili do woil, v take a no t of the bot- lan -. A WOltlr TO THK HU itfiLH I w h to tuukii aii'W niK'.-.- it.in, to K'ikm n of the pi'-h n, mio iii-ri cpt-i iuUj tu iIhihii Iimvium auy tauh in lUn iU hv..u- phi-4.at.phy. Aitir ii-workeic ynu inu"t bni re Ihitt nut and A ha t U t t-it i-J . i i k fci .( r tno tt-nl. chhtfd irt'ii.ua .u t ue feu ncMniu I) on ii d n ui o u, prttint at nr ihv otirl tr, at d liu ici i o. i ho it H ti-.i muht t .n tl.id mk tnii lion out tf'uujLi (h-ii I tic tfi here tir dui;t 1 rh". v i. ut,. e.j ih t tt i on ni (h r i. i.iy i niiel. a i hi i si it.t Ji ii i .(ji-. i 1 1 - t" tM' it r n urkorM't I'huj.h'i I h a ' o iii.c ul L I t jn t di Iiv.n .1 it. in- it kn m tl t- N.itl.rit I iw-' i i4't . pr v.t. tn nMiiit Id f , tktxl nuy nuriiUr ot Hu rt nu-i't he attd. .'nn ,Hn h: unhurt d tltti i iJ h Hrtt aic ui:il oi i!i , r t .tl II UK I U.M IIK J : n ruiii.'t- suu-t it i..a h i -'-fic-ic fun a i e inij to h.l.l l I,', i m. I m x it h.-i..tl (hi. t'l' . K Uvuhh '.it-unlit. fi:iii dr ran drl" anvrf I :b V r e-, it n u-t Ih iur.i i. with tiiuo ur 1 .t a.u ai.cr Jl. imMiiM int;-' r. to . I M'tnti.ti t w ke Mi a Miiniti.t. IU-nutiH cu are o) entUK Kvaub 4t A'an ni rtnet- i-iJvtund bu oHi-n. t.hu it u ; ucuhao o u aitiatitiin aitt ntitui in an-'tlixt t1 ut-tl.iti ; utid n tur ae he fan aid to dim-ttHilt LiI1i'n Ha o ou fnr. hin lire'tm it prmolt d for ll he can ctiovlBrn anvbudy thut J iihek bait- ji. i,ot hun.'tnr -pnstif, hu um. induce me part In a i hm lime a a tire proof. ,-A word to thew Uo is ufh.lt-i.t.' N-w tihirt.n -worherh yuuwust fn'ly und. rtaod the dir. n-ti-ni i tx iwr. i. p, n, a i -j i riC;i-M of i-uiflej ir .u, t.u i-hi'h t ' liifh of hhufi ir n, ai d a thuuxb thu prl:e inhhi he (fioHtfi in cr.e of iici'h in thu iuiidt, the In deuMii rlwk.iiiid the pruhhh fmlurf ni'K''t imro fiati CoMiitt-itmioHi e. It Ik a c-uiu ou und tru hfi nviii)(, t i it a "nuniile NUpfMid.- Ih lienor than aio v 4inlhiu ;" a bui .iI but mrt- prize in xa iu.ie.ii hutiur thio a vry slots' and uu main out, iiioiiuti larwur. A woid to lmvid tvauM.of the firm of Kvaut & Wat ami : ThuatKive ttht having been inado evidently by your mont tnhitihd htmleiiti, under tho uidhi irtforahh cir t'iimatune.t'n fi r tlu m. aud inadu proit-8ionally , and au thort-u.l.ly, and tt.e rnnult no. ua U'aiory, timr wt dee -u Uu l l (u lie euUtcleut tor tlie prvhaiu; tharefore wdl Ui.t trouide jou to iet iu Hafo on Monday, tin- iHtn t-mt , an prv ..iul auiH'Uitot-d; but mo toon a anv ac t of youra or n y of ).-ur mitreprt; utailun-j may Miera to reijui e u, wi fchall expect ou to ba ready to make a furUnj-1 ;t, t''at httli thn burir'Hf and the peop'e may know that Ld He n Chilhsd Inm HatV 1 thunugnly drill-proof, and there lore burtjlax-ppjof. T.RWIA If I.T.IK 4 HOV. Al.C. HVH.r.K, ALfiit, 1 HouiU Heveuth troeU fttck A Co.' Planoct. IT tCU A CO. 1 MAI05 riAios. BAKLnrs urrfi CABINET TBCR CO. ! OHO AM. ri4N9, J E. (VH;i4. fHvnth Ml Cfetruut (ml4 I. Thursday, jpxt 21, iwi. framita, t'llv, 4 holrrit, Nomiufr 4'fm fjiunt, l.ontcrT, nd .1 AIT-cllor.. f f tlw llnwU tin ri r- r-on.pt j tiid Srm.y tr D. r. Javss's '. tnl,.l!t-t -..l.fn IU'hb pbnnt IMIiP aalr, II I. rr1Mr li-hrn f' rt.ililnn, nd I svli, mAlnUlf.U K. ipuiftrlly ft r i vr, ihlr y ,.i.r., In trorrii'-.-rft rot.lMriitlv ri--om-n . nil it n H-ULd u-d llti hold Kt-nml v. rroi-nn-t nty ut ... Jlictnnu lm-.l. . ti. WhlliMn A Uu.." --ir-, N... d -.i-i oi.u Oofifw-lli-.n., A.uiid k (;hno4i. Cri.rla. ('r.-.ais l.a M.Hlt lri. Rq'H.iirly lti.ll. IU.i.h1 Jn.diio Al'b!n.i. Ac. Ac. Nn. sic i :iietuj irw.t. Iinn t'o-ulh. MILITARY NOTICES. i Ol KICK CITlZhNS' VOI.I'N TKKK SI M- ft ni T n-AlvnilK. No, li WAbtr HinKt, M J-t 7 I w.l. m OflUlHl irttll'M'II'-, flli-ler dvif'-rf .ftily I'., rtav-r !" t, o i t" tin' nrt'.i.t M "tr-lni f ki aut r.o r Vw-t' a n ( jr., r ptli.f fo' a d"lln- linn i v-t,rB. h.it o.oy f'n tNe I 1 1 ti ' o ti mn ill ik im ftM'ifct't'itf nut to x-'i'tl tl rre 1 t iM ha'i y at Tarhtni'e it't dill ;l.tl 4mi-it'.. oN I r-ff'Ti p i ed, turn I onimiUee vuu no I n pd.nno . hnii fie rii p tch l lie Crtnjnihtee en on'j unarra.e tumSU mc. er Hili fu ti n xi'nip't-'it as tin- lr.,oi f-i."al ar.' ttnlli . i y ttl plvf . nod Die rUD'urt pn len t 10 ira-iriMiet td -It In -til. i f;tH ftinit-hed t-liHii nut he liable to military Hfviri furHr-t nrH. All t.l.g. rtUr-. l-i. nn fwvt Hnthtl wti tlio f-ondl-h,. . it w i3.-)M-i t. tie Wtir lopaMiii ut, are Invito! to bd Iti ('raw thf Ir s ti-r p i n- , I'ANU L Si KiNMFTZ, Chairman. J ti. ltOHi';ii i i;n, 1 rcavircr. J I 'J,HK H AUK, JiiiPl rftuM" sti.,. '"1 .V CI KVRNT H PKNltOS, jH"l(h LI1V MUUMY COMMISSION, No. i7 I'kt'NR Htrt'ttt.- "Huh-fJi.u't. "T'"i tlltv liin of iho hundred and rlflt d ll tvlU l.i paid III (ft h re emniiid riilrem of rhiladHphla, In advunoa ot fe tlra'i.oot in thri-e yt-an" riiitiMi'.ot tud Uahlo to iralt. and proper credit la t,veu u.ton the quota .! tlielr diolrh to. If rhlreni not enroll 4 pot Ir nirt,t'it8. Uio antistltti l ttaenif-d im a volume it. and ou a proier wvl leuee ol hit b. hm rrt Ollt-d n entitled to lh tmui.ty. I ht optuKlutilt) K thu ati rrt-1 for c from tn nld Ih" rt one, liile lit'urtnn toMttona ftr theiueivi n, ami a- 'ftU if i' e i Ity tn !! I nuulA. ty.'i I HKAHUUARTKKS ritOVOST MAUSUAJ fk rirat Imuict,ra. '1 Pim. ni tryiA, .'nno 28. 1PH. The natr.f nt peinopn rniov!n t or imu.-tii IH trtrt wiu lie aihletl tt or ?-tr.oKf n from the ilitj of mrnl nient. (opoe oT lh It tr ntc open tor puN.o lnp ;oitiri, ami civil MiMfem ai d all oituunt are mvl ed to apiH-nr ard t-oiii n. trnt. to the tuN nd stve nnch iitli ...itilon an tnjr aid In th c nvrtion ai.J rv i-l n tru-rtnti. Auy peiun ei n-lh d no.v fliiKor tM:f te thtt Btard andrUim to 1 ave bin name rrh kni o.T tint ,hu (f he ein ernrw rtvnnly tr-ar he tu not properly enr'41Mi, on ac:ouu itf A inn'j, .'oi.rt-iciire. 0cr-a$tt lr.mn4tU i'ttftKal in -nf iuv. A routlAQcwlU. Uio forcffwlnj inr.'-efoniilitarneitlr ftolkt'cd WM. K. U-'.tlMAXf. f ' Ca-.tw' -.(t r-ivf.ri tr4tat. SWAMKU If UK I UK UaUM; WXAllMI Muriut i vrmncd and encittirff lift by nta an4 .anili, ttir e humlreo able-lodlkd ow n. to p rflmu the dt.tit of a aoldler at otir Navy Vaii, tad aUtrd toitt o -ttatei tttdpn i-tvaron flreign etatiKUi. lit n-r eouipeu-athin than tlio nnay. A eh I p -of-nor 1 a i nru'tiiiaoin hunio Th Murine C0't i the beat mo'tined Corpo In the atrrr, friin Mooer lu abua daorc. tii. r.(cAL nonrrncR paw to recruito. Vnr mJ- ether 'oinrmnron PDl dully at (lie RotTulthui Krnutodi, No. illl S. KKO.nT Sret, boloa-8prut,bft-in d thehouri of nine au4 three o'cl ock. JAMKfl I.KWTfl, Captain and kwtuittiu (hii.-., ho.U 8. FttoaiT (itroet. I I KAL KSTATE. K K A fTv. STAT K. Il h.i, r.iTTR. kbai r.r"K. KF.AL imvfH. Uh AI. .H',AT3. .li-iUiO WOMTTI rO HU.to -.,il,'- At .Kill lt S I.K. -,om too woK' ii rim SA..I-:, NKW Ml TM1. CA lAt.Oi.CK .n.fvT Ot,T. h. W Mix TlLV l!. i XHlt'" JIW o ' r m;w An intiii v f: TdL0tii: k ,niii hi t! tOH .RTr!Tul 1) wTtlHl l lOV. v r t.i.Arcitt rs o -i enmnov. F- k .K.vn;iru!:H dmiuihi'ti-.n NF Pi f.Js 'U HA IlKALKHlATi; OFF ft., K IM.CM CL1 It HKL H'l ATK OH II'F, INK 1 M H IT , 'J'h A I.K M r.Ht .t. I iz .in ,!', N. IM N M.XTM TltKF.r. o. 1.4 N.HIX1H HTJIKi:r. o. K4 N'. SIX 1 11 hi KCF.T. f FOR MLR-WIVST POSITIVKT.Y BE lu- k f t hcli re the puMlr. tliat I hnvo Vm Od w.;.-ih 01' It-al l- itHtt o m I. nnd nlvvnvi Joo lveMlnn of wUmU min(ti ie pnHs.es tih.n run h hud 1 he or b ct fl'-t t:Iaa nifidloHtal Ktute Oillce In ihlt city tii to h. found by ltd In on l.IjjkOK C MIcLKt. I'ruvtkftl nal Lit tle Aui n. and MroVer. No Ul N. Htr Hirv f FOR S ATK NO IDEA CAN hV, fn-rued nf th erires of perna wlm havtt nurch.tid p i p r y -f ni" l C"1 rui lai' nifintii y edl Ion : f -i u'n fl. tui t' a both h 'tt'ia at wd; ai Bi-jh-rt ki .v Ware loenhtit l inn 1I1T purprsen atitHered. K-rrj n Tsnu ' tit purcl a-mif htioHid, h ail tueuus p- t my r.xeiur Cut, oue, juki out, for grata a on distribution i-K'JIti.KC. MII4.KU. 1 rnctlral lleii K-iHte wnt otid iti-t.n.-r, 10. N MX 1 U MtrocU VOIt SALE THE GREATEST PRO. Jti' t'ac Ion of tie ftKC, tut p rth't intt nh d in C e pur n am: t.ni null- of Pt-al Ktia'e. U tny Cataloyuo, junt out, f'-r fcrr.talu-ut dlaiiibnttou. -Kontc c. Mii.i.r.K, Keal K-tato Aven ami lir.-K r( Na. 14 N.HIXra fi.rcot. FO!t SAI.E.-liAUOArNS. HVRGVINM, iii? Itarea iih. No ik aili-n lu iMcnd Khr tl t 01 ur i.i. b ut tu 1 1 ri'p. rv ut the nnht pntes. M tLat m not-t-car? l o i,i-t m Kc M r C-ta our . hint o u, eceedinir t d a "a tn purriia-. rt anv lut -. a -v.r li m-u 'r t fitHk.ioeit pnhliHt ed by parti, having uo practical Unowlitl, 0 01 ual Cbtato mittier. tiK'UMir. C. Mlt i.rff, l ra.-tlcul PeaJ Krlate Operator (f r he lar t wry yoa'h), Vn I VI U LlV-t-.i -. . ' fr rORSM.K .IUNUKEIJS OP KLRfjANT Jul'. Uuikiln:. Lms. nil over -.h. ill. i,f i'i l'S(t...i,-ii pi.r . h iilmui l-itl .l.ni hhuuld ge. n. Di.;iiUil -t ii'inic junt ""I- MILM.K Sn.lM K. H I II iiicot. fQ F'Mt SAM' THOUSANDS OI' IMI,. Hi vmh en 8lt- y toi Ii lor ut micil n. (' .fl f t -u-l.'ti .juiii o"i. Ml I.I.Kit. No. tr.t K. Hivru .i.r.ot. f FOR SAL R. AT ALL TIM ICS, 103 Ili liuill iufcnn h ul. of wh!i--i lmi. ilia-p i.i.H.i,l,tii i.ii'Ik I.aiI; no m- Hon .l.i.u.d f.iti u. i:al. i.n mo :lrl.f n.c wi-h t iurciius KiUie, oilii-r ur .u- .t.'nibiil iM:uu..uicy. riKilKOE ft. Mtl.f.K.lt. I'McUeiil Itrsl K. hi.. A j-m ai..l Ur-.k. r, liJ.'t K. HIM'ilSiraot. frf KU BALK -NEAT DWf.I.LINa, NO. JLji N. i-KVKN .fl Sir .1. Pri... 0 . .-r i xi lent li-v.-ulini.. s,,. 1,7 V. K,,u 111 flrct'l. U.t -.-I' I..1 '. Ii -lrt. ., 11 i.H.m.. rrlm S70IIO. luuiUHlmi,, uo. tr t. r nl IniiIi. I., k lr iii .n 'y 'J-ino i.th. rs, all lo U- I -uud In my nvw niciitl' cittii (..uu. iu-.! out. (IKOIIUK C. Mil. I. Sit, M. I'.t N. r.riil di'wt. f I OIt SALK, WITH IMMKMATIi ru. Nt-i.1 un.-lliiiK. No. IMII MuiiiiI Vornoa .tri-il, T.v,lvo IM-I.I.. I.OI Ift I.J HV I.-.-I. I'M. v. I'rilOU. i.m t-iN-ni Owl imu. Mo. l(;n;t a u l.i :l- .tio.it. l.oi;,iur filiit.t T.-41. r,..n.. I'ur,l, 0. blii.uiiid ne .ny tuiiiiili--Hunt I iil'n:.Ko IfilO 8um-iiw-i .iiloi. L.jI its h 111 Ie4.i unoii t,i vtiu; trc. t. iru. li,n. "! f urnory Dwelll'ii', o 17:18 llcu ntnwl Et Cfr'.'i in r.i-1-i,r)c.it....Hl. I. .1 ! hj !tni ici't. I'ru-o i'Oii. l-'.v,. ot tlir Kn-slCHl .nc.lrtt-ei, ol tit-- Hi-e c i.i.ii..iiir of 1. Hie low lol:l l r llM.-ltiLir. on llnisd sue l ultjv.) .1.1 . rv-li. KM t. on room. L-.tn "il anvl if.) f.;ol Irnni una Sioieei aeon in nairoot. MM, I, Kit, Xo. 1M N. 81X111 Mi,iH,t. i;o7-rt's "nkw "citrisstr STUKlir I TIll.AHtr. UltANO IMV-KSINU. MIlKHnl KM.NI II' ?.',. VI: -t (It ,., ti. l . r. i., , n,j.,t,.phi of Ino irmntf ro ll f.1, lie -.n chi. hi. ih. inr .ir una, AI.Alll.IN, nil Till. IMl.NHK.ItH'L I.AVff. I, tuna, ..ur ij.re.; luoniii.' active iirop4r4iijo, Ida ) It U rSI KIM Kl't NTI-.l) M MIMUCIS.NK. Koi.l. to ultli ,i:iii ,.-tnl ii;oi..ti II, Mllllll, llklll . , 8u; .it t'j-ton.es i.ud Prr.f.orl e,, Wuuiior.iil Trt.iHto-t'mlloiis, l.r.in'l U iroSt e. Aa. ltoi-or,l h.atK lo, m'.e three dy. In iuI.miko. J O W M" I 1j W T HOY EO ACHES, EATS, MICE. lied li ugM, Ants, fco., Sen., t'HB BUBT'S VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. IT IH Hit AI. I. 111. XI IT IH INI. VLl.lllI.K'. 1 oJt up In l.arito lloxo. for T Onu. . In !! ron.ly for u.o, ut. nut imxiog v. tin oilier article, llooi uut hpuil or Hot lirvaiid t'orltil.n.H by KuuoIjik, Like HuiiM- (itlier I'rop.truliou. VUltMIV AUK KXTHAVAOANTI.Y JOSn OI IT. KATS AMU ilK K. HIK Ol T Or 'IUK1H I1ULIM1. In Not Ilani.ei.rti. to L'au. flfve. Nati.tactioii lo all wlio u.e tt. Bold by U Druiigi.t. ati.l I ili, Uuonstiout Um fulled Htalea. . CAtiTum.Be .ure and ak for Riirt'a RtennJruUr, la largu boxen, who the rtd lauol, aud tlgned by Uie l'ruprla tor. K hint. Jr. Takeiiootlir. Hepot, Mo li H. TKN'I H Mtreet. ahore Walnut. Manufactory, Ho. G Jl VfcNAL Sufet, above Wttluirt, beiweon Teutli udKluvuUi, f uiladdtAj, Ta. JO PECEFriON. NO INFKRIOR COAL X purcba.ed to ofter below the con I prkj of a eapertef Article. KAMI tL W.lir.MH. BllOAII lr.t,abor Hare. ea.l ilde. aeOa the uenuloe KAGIJI VKI.N, boat mmd purrat ouoed. k-mt Aud BWre U,1A Large Kit, AM per ton. Canaunwr. iheeld make U.alr purokue Ai oBoe. pr. rlou. to AjielUwr Advauce. Wli-aea jj.ilrS UKL1UHTFUL KXCL'USlONi OUtHA KITES ICUUTLXILL. Th llteamtoel GKKKRAL nKKKR, Oaptal UA. Ki t. kavo. faamvint every bvur roi MolieyiaiiiluiKiiu. l.urrl uui, iieimvut V'vilotf, U-t lM u4 Vu.a- Aitkvtt. ATI t A.'TTft ' 11 ' A ,J r A v' tha . t .0tu jvyv f,9ij''f '"i 8r ai "MAM1ATTAN," C APT A IN K A. UYT1IK11, Of-hoTur Vart.lnf.,1, lu ,, . IMF. Ma l nlo. a 'II 11 Sr. . ' hor af . an 'lll,lllp i ,,.i. ! i ai Alny o..-ry Alonl. t el l.h f-1 f" oslil ool't,! it.i i. and r turn, ne. I'are , '; i, t Ml.ln.ii l AH .n,-,.: r -tn I "ic .o-r r iiinr t . (; io -.art. .or.- i o. i.u., ; ii.in'-n'ni w oi ln..dv iii-t I rol iv : iv.-.. rami. ,. .n.,. ri lawo hiro Inriinl a. oio. il. l..-rvaii Ti.o: fain..'., ii-. .-v.... rni.i.- nl l.,w r,it .r.-iiiin rto. i-.To iiii.- . u co -k, ni .1 in a t . a ... muai lu. J.J'-'r JfiT'-t! A. iri:W AIiT. Ati-nt. CJLV"ji OIIANT) EX OURS ION : a i i : m a THK STAI'Nfllt UIC4 M M ( fl I ( II It RTEMER MANHATTAN, CAI1AIN 1.. A. KYIIilili, Eaviiif' l. n KHii-vinl liy tL GuvpinniiTit, WTI L MAMS A GRAND EXCURSION TO ( A PI! MAY, On Euturday Moruirg, ivt 9 o'olork A. M. flotonilnir. will loaw I'irCi.iHi, nn MONDA V Mornlns, at ".. .'ri.. I.. 1 arc lor t, o lU.-i.t'ilon Hurt, farr'aoc lilie txtrA. .IOHL.ni A. HTKWAIIT, j j-: v no utji TO WILKESBARRE, VIA HOETH PEliTfSYLVANIA EAILKOAD. TIMK AMI M.NTANf'K 8AVKUI DV 7 A. M. f.AIRKSS TRAIN, I ROM 1 If K NEtf IlKJOT , Ttllhtl NTI'.I. tT, AIIOVK TIUltr!.0, ARRIVtSifi :.N H'll.KKHrt.titKK 1'Vt t. M. Kl-rt DltNtNCt, Inve mLKI'SHAKlit; at I P. M., B.Akln olo.. con rtko at netH'fl iui w.ili No.tli Ponn.-yi.anla r.suro.-a triiln, aad Airtve tn Itulat,luiiU mi tt2o 1'. M. 1 ' A li ': !rt 1 !J r. BAooAfit: cui.oHr.n Tiiuoffia. iu iat A (i E N T. 1 O I'OAL Oil. COMPANIKN. AN KXTRA 1 edition vf ( "IIK.N S COllNTi.MI Ht'l SK C'UAKT for W14, I am..-(i t.r b.- it.i- inn to. rovim-.i to date And lo contain nil Ihc dl.vl. Oil. rout'.VMlKi. 1 neoft'ceit, -f .i.-.-i m t'o'.ipam, e are reipoeifully ro-OiH-.teo lo wi.d n list ol tliHcor. and UlMctor-. irt tlieit re t tivo r.ml.ar,j,.n limni-d uu-ly to llio iiniUT.-.ign.sl T if t nart w.U 1 imi .1 ou '.ill A-itftit nott, and cootalo all Cx rj-.,aiioi.. .n ll e . it) . 1'rlc.if: per ropy. I'.. I'OIIK.N. Publisher, J.- ' 5o. Us 8. THI III. Htrocl, I'hlla. 20 cms i-oo dey tor Auausn I'ITOHEK'8, J23 !.. SOn Clir.SNUT Streou AUCTION SAULb, It A A Alt. NINni AM) HANSOM t' nn.iiniuj iii.hiiiiik UI 4.1, At )0 o'clucTc, ccijiitriMi'K udoiiC - a v:m:. FmM rt, sprfrtlons at .... AJ o, tf w ami H - roml lifinn CAKKlAt.K, Jali.tlT WAOONS, wi h wlilrli i t piii.' a ill is n iii'iKc, AU'.s n'cbi.Otl . ut.it. Uariii.i)ii,SadJ)C4.nrlJ, WblfW, Cum r i? Si pt fiieme?it or aenonntof weatltcr. brtlor' IIiirG-, . i .. i.i' Wctlui !ilay. C'air iijstei aitti llrnt k at iri t.up. ALKIIhl) M 1EHK VKS, Jil It Auc(.jntr. hakims c. m c k i ; v, av c no k k r, j N'i.jMAliKt.1 aiieet. Ikhwcu Thint and l aunh. A7 0CK OJ- TIN WAKK. TINMK.N'fl TOOI.8, A5C1 Cii. 1 'rid.iy lm.rniiiir. At 'OoMrrk.a kio I: of Mntisem i i.'ii Tin Ware, Tools, WiolitM p, Ao,, t-i u K r- in i.ultilii biiHiiK'nrj. eco ih. ivouv. " i iuir.i'. and hoxs comui. (n Suti. limy Mornmp,, AI lOoMfK'k, at Va -kvy h Auction room, will bp Mid in ntb toiiiit ti.r. Ixfj i r- ;tt)mit'0Ati RC'inti. cu.nina Uiff !ory iliMi tomh, India l.'ulnwr. and lltiru lUnun iut, find 1 will, ullttit y iiimiaufi.t ly lionU vtntec, Alo, 6 thutu iUi 1 i ll Hutu. ' uction liuriiea , SALE OK OONUEMNEi? Wai. Dkparthkwt. Cavalky HUllLAtr. 0 . '.( Oiiii.i- ii AKff.i'.iiAoin: WA.-'HiM.riiN . C . Jul' 4. MA Will be iAld ht I vl i. a .riifui, u tlo uIkUovi bidder, ftl the t-Wfii and ja.u -.t itrt.ni ti t-.-i.tw : -J.t lUNi I'a . rm i;n V. hily 14,1 ri, I'tAMMI. Pu. J -1 VV.Julv'il. IHU. I.AMjHiirin;. . TliriiSiAY..(utyiH. Ih31. AI IOiN A. I,, 'r !lt .(! aV, Anoint 4. 18-H. W U T IAMi'OI1 . l lU IJ-DAY. Auru .t U.1M4. TWO Ut Ni'ia:L' utwj CAV.YU.Y IIOKi;.i attach lllHO. Hi' o n-v Ii ,rr I'ccn eondP:umd as unflt for th cavulr aeivit cf U- riu: . K ii road aaa ui : j .ip.ttes u.qv food bargain! txuj bs uad 1I(iT aold tlnf. Tviiuir Li., If- ( i. to SiatciCuiriTf'. J OIKS A. KK1N, Lteuiji:.t r-c'jk-n?! tu.d i;Uaf i.arU'ruiaK.ir J9 Kn Cavalry UuruaMa WANTS. W'ANTKl). I t UN I T V ll K (WA1.N t'T t p-t irt dj ' , a r:iriy naiimlntf hnteHokLtdii. I'or anithbri akitiK tt ii.-.'Ufiu'diva lim liH.'P.O. It yANTKU I l.M.niIATJl vt Threo tr Four Carpenters, At No. 'AliTi;il Htreot. IlioS. M. l'l.OWMAN. K A H t 1 KU V A X T K D . I" Ol..HIKilVA-.ll H,ri AfKli'V, A .Mtvr.' O.ror. V iiirH.N. ( C.Jull I'l. IhHr' i: ll'S t l:h ! l r. M I ICi.S, ;.g with alt. ft. o lift, and lUemaiiic ( rnp"(ffit to perform thdntv, ,(j tin" u"l f, wiii' o ,t ra'.K'B tr Wanti d. at ona . t-tu h a,'ii( r oi u aia ninli t nnn. To iiirh who arc pi cruoiitti uav, and hu-tdI i ruiUgcs lucii:dlny buat nudical auei dim- win n A p y to ''(it'i l. A-oorneru. TV CHAN. II TOMKtNS. A. O. ., 13. '.N 1 K h.:tH'Hlaml l. Hatclh, tVali- 1 II. RlM'KKll. Ilrlad!tjr-0-Lt;;ai andCHlu tiiftrtoru.t.Mor, JjlMM ItLACKSMl'iilS AND WUKKLWUIGHTS X WulHCd. C'HIKI QrAHTliltMAHTI K Oi ru'i, W AMtllN'Ti ! PH'ttl. Wahimi, rus, It. C . Jul v 4, 1&V4. Wanr1 at onco. to worn lu wo4vn.nH"it llojiatr Hhupa, ()n'-tjrmuiioi lit i:i'tn oui. lt-pn it" Wusliiiuton, ong lluudiud ( Hi") K"''" UI.At k.s.MI'1 Ud and Ouc iiuudr& tltMl) W.d V.'1I1..I.WI(I(.U'1,H. '1 ho i.ht ler i.iooih will he Nuty iKdlars ($t;o), with ou (I) railuii ur dtiv, and c.uiiitaJ privlltno mIioii tlrk. Auply toOaptahii IIAUI.KH II. I'OMl'KIS. A . Q. t'tritt d HiMe Arui , coruir Twauty-nouuDd aud U ntxecta, fc 1 1.n. RL't'KER, Biigadior-OcBeral and fltjf tjunrtcnuatior, FOR SALE AND TO LET. n TO RENT. N AN 1 1KOMK STOltK, WITH t ..late kIa. wtiidotte.aad aveHlua'. 'o, '11 It. Kt.t:. VTviTM Btteol Jj-lf S. FOR SAIK OR F.XCH ANGE. i IPlrt'Clni iiertUAtituwa KeHiitonoe, Hliade. rTuit. Boar Hlatlou, Ao.i one er live A-irc. AltAA-hd. Aj Ure.. b.V.ti Lcdif r Olhco. JyJ-ai CrOK 8ALK. .W 000 WORTH IN GOOD Houaee.lArins And .mall, en term, toeutt parrliAearfl, eu bar Willi er evKliout laajiilrane, Air ea.l. aa4 tfao4 trade. Ino.ilre.rf, from )0 u li o 0I0..A, A. M. THOU. M. I'LoWMAN Uu. M . rOUK'IU Street O COUNTRY SEAT FOR 8AIB. A pleadal eennAry Me.ldenee, with Aft luodera -X csveitlencoe Attd two Ae re of groand, bail A utile "om Kei.ueu llMUare, And adA.Mi ekaaat nvtoiloA mi Taj lor. It evulbe aold at p-a eaeiaee by ereJJiva. Kallroad And k i.f rAt-h wlthla llHaeii aloirtee' ride. Ale o C H.rAlMr.il. e W D. WAWeUi -- Wet Ckf.lr,l.1gc,AOV B'r.l'.' flNANClAl. I CPIHUAIi IN O T I . JU to rna uoi.ii:im or Tug Email 7-SO U. S. Treasiary Notes. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, ot um i.i'kovjna.1 ihh or A IN I IOO'k, CAN NOW UK CONVKHTKO IH BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1881, Or Mir. fSAMS It. NOMl.NATIoJI. I or UiKuia'lon, nprl (U the ofliceof JAY COOKE & 00., IrHro) MANKKKH, IV o. lit M, '11 Hit 1 Mtroet J J 13 XV M M V It A 11 M, BAKIEES AND EXCHAKOE BROKEBS, Ho. Ot 8. TlltltD ATK1XT. I'R&r.rAii iv SrECIF,, BANK NOTF.S, AND OOVRttr' MKNT BbCUKlTlES. Hteeka nonut ADd Hold on ConuuJ.ko. Ooltee .etu proeapiij OiAdo. aKi-af gTOCKH AND r- UCU 111 TlUrS KOWOUT AND HOLD ON OOMMIHHION, DE HAVra & BROTHER, ho. 'iO 8. TlflltD BTKBMV. gMITH A. II A. IN ilOLril. No. 10 S. THIRD STREET, IlANKKItH AND JJHOKKKH. Hecte,Kbxt.CiuartennAfUre' Voucher, uai ChkA,AQa All Uorernrocnl Heoarltlrt Boniit And Sol4 (nhU QOI. 1. OOL, 1. li O JL, L, MI.VKK AND DANK NOTKS WANTKI). DE HAVEN k BROTHER, JatMr No. HO 8. THIRD ITBtSX. JnUDK. HTBUII Ac C O.. Xo. 80 S. TniRD STREET, AtTT AUD 8RLL OLD, 8H.VEB, A'D OOVEHHMENT 8KC'tlBIT(B. STOCKS itouatrr and 6oij ok commission, inuu c L A 11 K H O N Ot CO.. HANK BUS, No. 121 8. THIRD STKKhT. I-niLADKM'lltA. flo enimoiit MocoriUe. of all I.uo Purrha-d and for Bale, block, Iisuda, and Uold HoukUi and Sold oa Ooo kU.niOB. INTEKrST AMOVED ON bl'.l'OSlTS. Ollei-tlona Promptljr Made. (ri tr JE'W IXATV. NEW XAA.iV. U. 8. 10-40'". JAV C'OOICT'3 Ar CO.. Oi l I:R I OC 8AI.E Tin; NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, KFAIilNQ I'lVR I'KK CI'.NT. tSIEKKST I CI COIB, reaonoot.lt an) time Ail..- Tl.If 1HLS, at Uu p rum of the (lorerntbeut, aud paal.-le fl'lll V VCAitM After date. BOTH (WrOS AVD CiXIHTHKRIl ttOM) are l.Huei' tortbu loan, of i-Aine (1(-dooii.ihi1oq on tne 8 Wa. Tht mte. tut o.i f.Vl'i and flntil pa'Vle rrlv;ou Al olher AononiltiAlion.. half yvi rly. Ttio to-to bonde mr dsiea MarcA t. ImH. Tlo lialf-joarly ia'croat raiting do Boputrter l.l And M.robl.tof caoli vcart unttl let Hee totrlMi, the accix.4 intcuat from l.i of Harcu i ieiuiro4 to bo pi.M bj ..orciiaiora in rout or in lauai. otv&uaovt AddttiK ntty per cent, for premium, until InriUer no tire. Al.LOIllfc.1: (.OV1.KM1PMT 8K' 'UUI nil.1 llorjIjIJT AMI) hOi.ll. JAY COOKE 4 00., nji'ii'-u No. tu a. iHiui, Titiii;r. i: v xj nt;i NATIONAL BANK, rfo. MAHKKT HT11UHT, f OI NIiS Of rrtHA!IL!.!tr.) Capital $125,000. la be luerfas..d to 4000,000. rORB. BKSIiY U. H0AhI8. of Morrla, Talker Co., Paeoai lion Work., t'ifti, ana raahLor.te. CUA.UUW 8. tL(8E, ol Clone Ne.iiit. BiUlaora, N. Ko. XII hv-ed atrvet JAMES M. rBF.STON, Manuraotunr ot Woolen Oooda, ManAjruiiA. I. A. WATKES, of J. A. watcra Co., WnoleaAl Onvort, No. 1 JJ Market aueet. 8. B. COUaOUN, Keal KalAte, No. tu-i N. ItUrteoatk lrot- WU. P. CLYDE, AacBt fnllAd'A Aad Sew York Expreaa 8. II Co., No. 14 8. Delaware Ae. GK011GE W. DilX, ManulAoturer of Carpotlugt, No. US N. Third .ircec J. W. eOVPEH, WholeaaK Boot. Anil Stiooi, No. tk)9 MArkM afreet. I. Z. VI, Importer ef Wine., BranHe., Ac, K SO And W 8. DelAWAre Anton. Thla Beak bATla keen doty Authorised to oonuaeao bualnea nnder the National Cnrrancy Act, la now pre pared to reeeire Cij-OHllU, BAke CoUaUona, and tiAas ActAOenwAl I1ANKINO ULSI.NtBS. . DUcoout daa oa TUtaxlAT aa FUXOAT ot aack J. Z. DEHAVEN. F.idn. K. R. HALT-. Oalt,. y.n O...A. June 8. lad. leW-lai -irll.IJkOE OREEN SEMINARY. MILL V tare Hoar. log tk-bool lin. fteuteuker 1. Tana) very AM.it rate TtiorouAl. eourae III MalUviAiiaa, La a a.u.woa, Ituallah htudk- Ac. rnplla baa uouoitt. of Aoa.e. lraolK-al lek.om rn HttrvevtDa an Civil L'-.j, .ur. lu. Boyaof ailace laA.a. Addrea U-t Caiak,ie, I L C LOTH 8 OF EVtRY VABIETV. UADufAQurv4 "d for .ale br Uttwttn, FIaVTU. co, !! -JlJC.atrvtH,i-tuiA4.