WFi-NKSDAY, J'l.Y 20, lf6l. A eOTsJU OFPROVt RBt. Am" ruih ahcut th jorv.n." In tm icnt art, ti-Hrlltlon .'. When knnwlcrire was nt'i' h atlnffil When few ronl.l Uimili nl fewer prei, And bjoM wiiro ri. yel print.'.l , ., Wnni wic men r i. m;lii, y pruilenc" t.iiiglit, They pithily c.x pirn nVtl ; Anil pmvprtw tow, fio.n if to a,jc, In tTfrr ni"tli l)"iiuJ'J. O nfr on tho urn or ynrfl, Who wit.loiii thus iirtni'titeJ, Anil loft "i ''y l-ris For Lunula usu Invented.. Two of l'. "(' O'irly said, J) very I'l t.ffrpe, sir; A lierirnr riiiios nt rich men's gules A inar'a i'bim tn 8. p, nir. Tpi train e flier urn, though. ruNier r.irc, Where men nre not go intuitu ; Two lawyers know thu c' to blow, Jatt like a pair of bellow.. O blcsBingn, &c. IMrrl. of a feather flock toibor, Like fain wiib like would iUc'1, sir; Yet tliim-n nolike the funry mriku, Atiri answer pretty well, air. "Vcu know Jack ? lie eati no fat ; Hit wile can tut n li .in, Kir; is 'iwlxi the two, witii miiaU u lo, They lick i lie pUtttr clum, ir. O blesainys, tier. The man who would Chnryhriiii shun Must uinko a tautiout movement, Or rite he'll Into S. ylla run VV'hich would bo n Improvement. The ficta that left the fiying-paa, On feeling the fire, air, Took II . tie hy their citanpe of plan, When menndermff In the lire, sir. A nian of nous from a glad, house Will not be throwing Monet, air ; A moontain may brinir fortri a niouo, With many throes und groatm, sir. A friend in need's a tYiend indeed. And priitd aa m h should be, sir: Bnt rammer friends, when iiminer enjs, Are i IT and o'er the sea, fir, O ble8ing Ac. fkinr prepes, we cry, ofthlnffs too high, Which ive onr prido relief, nil ; lieiweeu two siools the boni s of funis Are apt to cotuc to grief, sir. Truth, some toll. tUI, lies in n well, Though why I nu'er could seo, sir; Bat some opine 'tis found in wine, Which better pleases me, sir. O bicsnngs, v. Tonr toll and pain will .all ho vain, To try to milk the bull, i.r; If forth you jog to shear the hog. You'll get more, cry than wool, sir. 'Twould task your hund t saw the situs', v'i vimTv m luiu him s ware, tort You cannot strip a Highland hip Of what it does not wear, sir, 0 blessings, vo. GUERILLA ATTACK ON A PAYMASTER. Ceolncmi of n I.lentnnn t lie Kill one Cuerillann.l Wound Another TbelSitfe and floury Ntsvrrt. From the XantrtlU Union, July 13. Day before yesterday, M.ijor Hulc, who is aytng the troops stationed between hero aud iurtieetboro, whs attacked by a gang of half a dozen guerilla, and mado a narrow escape from ' capture. He had been to Livergne, and tuiid ttae troops there, and was on his way to Sioekade Mo. 2, six miles Iroru this city, in an ambu lance, aeconipauied by a Lieutenant, whose name we were unable to learn, and two or three men. before arriving at the stckade, he sent the tnen forwaid to reconnoitre, feeling that such a precaution was necessary. Suddenly some half dozen guerillas made a dasb ou his ambulance, when he seized the safe key, and took out ull the large bills, and fled with them to the bushes. Tbd lieutenant took a henry ntlc wi h him, and tied alto. The horse." attached to the ambu lance immediately took fright, and had gone but few yards when the safe fell outon tbe ground, when the marauders dismounted, one of them exclaiming : "Here Is what we are after!" ,. They ut ence threw down their guns, and wuro -About helping themselves to thu money when the Lieutenant, who, with the Paymaster, wi ecreted In some bushes near by, fired, and wounded one of the men. A comrade immedi ately went to his assBistuuce, when a second hui brought him to the ground a corpse. The others then lied, without securing uny Unity. The horses attached to the ambulanco woro oon alter caught, and the safe brought to this city, without loss. The same band stole several horses in the Tlcmity, and captured a planter, named Ander son, who livoB near I-avcryne, tooK his watch, Boncy, horse, and clothing, giving him in retitru for tbe latter an old, dilapidated suit worn by one of the men, and then releused him. They were, however, soon afterwards so nearly over taken, that tney were compelled to abaudou their fU len horses. In the dead guerilla Major Halo recognized a Bias who was at Laverne in the morning, trying to get a pass to Nashville as a foyul citizeiu The Approach to Atlanta.. TILE ESIIEL 1)K1 K.NHfcO IN OKORU14. The defenses erected by Johnston's army in , Ceorgia, rendered useless by the Incessant Hunk movements of Sherman's forces, are described by orresppndeuts as exceedingly formidable. A 'Jethr lilthe Cincinnati Cum menial, dated Jly 8, sajs: "As we approach A tl uita they steadily grow upon us line after line iJ uncovered by our for ward match, each m ire elaborate aaj irresistible inesiHible by all nave iierinWs army than the last. ImajjUe all the country between the Allaiouna mountains uud the Chattahoochee river ploughed into huge riuges, on an average nee in eve.y live niiita continuous cn'js builtof rails and pules, or oitei'.cr of huge logs, twelve miles long tiilta wall tnrt wreucned out from tbe clertned loo's ..( a 'jeor.jia lurost four tent kiCh lid fix feet wide, running through the thickest wood and cbired li' lda alike, id ,vays two, olttii' r thie, r.nd ' uietimes even live lines deep, anU ail iinilied p. rie-ily uni iol fehed, the trenches cut sipiure and true and the parupets sliuped as it witii the Kpure and plninmei and you havo a faint eon'-epiion of the mazes oi iCelel fortiliratioiis tlirouQ viii.:u this army has toiiu'. ana lliukt'd its wiy thus far into the Coub Jera.:y. My tent stands to night w ithin five jar's of tiiu liui! wr nkle f tanh erected by ueeperate Kebels iiiniic.ii.nely alter their ut'itudoiiini nt ol hcutatv' the s'i ond from tne riv ei iil'I in- coui ug lo it I r i l.' lor liours bbtrtt'eu their lirs- i.i.Jf faicond uiuin lines, running along on top ol a rnle jus: ..ver ait.i'.nsi that on wlo' li wi re our oimi, an J uulv it si-enn d more the work of 1'ituiis .ni'enul gods t'mu of any ineie men. "The peiv.iding terror nbh whieh our artillery lias in spued the Kebl ima.n.iiioti v- il iiiusiiaivd by the nuiiierono pus .In,' jnst imiih' the brensiw.nUs, uml r..le 1 oi-:f m h I an.l earth to ehed ihe lierje iron i lia wh e'i poiiie I Upon luctn liotn win n they slet and .rhen they waked. The neglected eomrtclds ve;u plo'ighed by our shells us lin y hai n.i: Oee:i pb.ig i- d I ir wr eks, uml I have " -i), at k i t in j;iu i .ise, an uk tree hileeii iuehes in diamet-r an 1 pii e ounil, biokcii oii twe ity teet fro.u the g o i'i I and lie ti'p lying on the ground, from the etlVt u o! a single shell lour inches in d'aineter p i., in1; through it. Who Nfiuil d spute the diacreiiou of burrowing in the ground when such i:iissil"s am Hying carelessly ubont? "Vou should hear the syinnathizing retnarks made by -our bov us they "puss Uicsd works, which they got by a 'dank,' ni'Uoiit any loss, m coinmlsi ration of the MohuiiiiV who woi ke 1 so bard to miiko thi ui, and never ha i the opportu nity to lire a musket-shot from behind them. Ii is one of the bumorsome phases of this grim business of makiug war; und Ihe substiuiti il elici ts of marching the men by sin U works, Which were won by strategy and common sense instead of hard fighting, go far to cheer the npinu of those who are jadod from thu vuj campaign." ltoMAouM for Jteiiiyr I'ttiutpnlile. Why Is Kngland so pcaeeable ? "I''or several reasons, naji the New York l'uat; "but epe- y .'. S1"8' tUil1 by ber conduct in thu matter of the Alabama and other liritish pirate ships she lias made of Germany, u 1,1.1, ,.,.rl..,iv ion, a ormiuauiK uavui polvl.r. i ur Knglishmen uow, what is not conc-taled l.v tli (ieroninu that the moment higlai,.l declares war tigaiunt them, the oce in will i-ifin , lw;lrm wit(l Aus. triau aud Prussian iirlvatecrs and innn-of-war titled out in American and other ucutrul pons' which will sweep the merchant marine u J-'uirl land fioni tbe seas. There is no doin,t that this will bo done; It is known that German merchants and capitalists have their money prepared tt ui h an event ; and tbe innmcnt Jinglaud dare help the lljnes wah anythiug more powerful nr rtieeiive thau empty words, these (iei mans will at once ava.l themselves of thu r'i!e iu.ide by A' DjinuO, au4 Iter wuimttt-" THE DAJTCSg BIGSRAAD. Oprntitf of th,m rnnm How Rlwlinp Nosnid lAoks-Tbs Knynl Npwh. Tte opening of tbe eesslon of the I),tnlh Klgv rand or rariiamont Is depcrlld as follows tiy the Vopennaxon correspondent of the London Tin,,,. Lisbop Mom-ad, it should be remembered, Is the jTlnie Mluictor of Denmark, and his mime, as wen as mc jvmg s, is appended to the last roval JpcCCIl tA im.r.. ir,-, .. ... ine nan 01 the i;i,;sriiai Is nf the bark of the mint ami clumsy Hot or pahnc ol Cnnst mulling r iui ri siui'iire w tneti lias lately been found to iixng too loosely, like sti lll-iptln, about Danish royalty, and 1ms almost entirely in en given up lor Hie ti e ol the tiin. oi!l rs a ,d me eeieniaiioii 01 great State co.i iennivs. Tut ball itse r ts a new. nhnn room . of tun let'iiin sie ; it ha- six hii ','c windows on one side, look- '"sv n iiiuriw iue si ret t, 11 mi a iiiauk wmi on ine op oslfc sule. It is a nnj.-t entirely iles'iiulc of nrn iment i ne no no ers sn rouini six lon' t.iiii s, 1 1 . ri-i- on Oietl nine, a gaivwuy, t ie or sK fret 111 Width. P'iralllig the 1 1 iil "t i on ti.e leti. At one end the throne is ereetnl, ami on either side of it arc the minint-nal benches j on the opposite siile is a space with seats tor the p'ltihr at lar 'e, rising row elter row, iiiupliltlientre-wi-e. 'Ilelnnd these is t tie ladies' callury ; and in front of the latter, Immediately above, the throne the diplomatic tribunes. The priss si In a conve nient gallery along the blank wall above men tioned, facing the windows, and so situated us to nae tne tir-i riin, c ol "r, nig and hciring any thing thsttai os tihiro in tin .-s..inblv. I he ball was vrry m arly empty when I en tered il at half-past eleven, but prerti'ly some two or three hundred well-dn-ssed i i 1 'tis iiroppcu in, mill the Irce bencbi s were tilled, no less than the ladii's' gullei v. In the diplomatic gallery I only saw the members of Her llritiinnic Majesty's legation and a li-cueli sei r. tary or at tache. At twelve o'clock nil the members w. re in their plaies. and punciit illy on the stroke of thi hour the ministers stood up, ranged in one line, . em, ii lov uiroiiu. Four of them wore militarv ninf.irinu ,i thefo were probably niembera of the royal bouse. noiu. ill hip miilUlc was llishop iMonrad, in the black gown of a Lutheran divine, with tho starched circular while frill round his neck, above which rose tho still, modern shii t-eollar. ti... ..i i. ..i.i . i i . ... .i .. : v n.u liici n .Ml cillM-r SWC. DISIlOp .llOIiriUl is a 111 mi of a bland, dignified countenance, ris markabtr, in erite of his somewhat lour iinun sliotter by an ini li or tv.-o than that of any of Him ..illAiif.ii... I.v 1.. .1.1. J ... .v..,... d ir. u i. iiiiii. The face is broad, square, and massive; the expression sednte nnd collected. 'I horciueocrn siotiul sly twitches about the mouth, however, suggestive of hueut Intelligence ami humor, and giving the impression, as it wi re, of an Inward counti nance somewhat at v.irianioi witn tho ex terior mask. There aro, one might sav, two fares in one lace. On a close Inspection you see tho shrewd statesman peeping out of the well-assumed bhindness uml composure of the con-nm-mata churchman. His voice Iscaimand mellow and well modulated; the delivery slow, delibe rate, und self-posnossed ; the tone is that of well, weighed episcopal homily ; there Is nothing of tho nviv. v. viiij'uiftoiD in mc eiuiiip-prcacticr. TIIU KOYAL MKSHAOt:, "Ocntli men : Tho, threatening situation of the country, and tbe extraordinary expenses caused by the war, with those its continuation will fur.lier involve, havo necessitated the early cui vocation rf the Kigsruad, to obtain Its approba tion of tho measures already taken by my Gov eminent, uud its assent to tho steps by which the requisite means may be procured. "It is not we who'have commenced Hie war. I feel conscious of having doue everything Unit lay in my power to avoid It. We havo beon at tacked by u stronger enemy, upon tho pretext that w e have not fulfilled the stipulations of u'2. Iletore the outbreak of hostilities the enemy relu.-ed to enter a Conlorenco with the other dlg niturlcn of the London Truatv, to ncgothi'o u peaceful arrangement of the matters in dispute. After taking possession of the larger portion of the I'eninsuln, he appeared at the Conference, but then declared himself no longor bound by the agreements of IH.'d and 18"2. "In my short reign I havo already mule the bitter experience how lightly plain right weighs nt tbe present timo in tho political balance of Europe, and how a king und his faithful people may be lctt alone to loco aa overwhelm ingly superior enemy. When, therefore, Eng luud, supported by nil the neutral powers repre sented at tbe London Conference, proposed that we should give up all tho territory belonging to the Danish monarchy southward of the Schlci and the Uanncworke, we resolved to bear this painful saciilico. "The German powers havo not accepted tho sacrifice. Wo can give up nothing more. I have, therefore, declined the summons to do so, lirmly convinced that my negative is tho negative of the Danish people. May God turn the hearts of those who hold tho fate of Kiropo In tnclr hunds! May lie at least Increase lite svmpa by in a eel tain quarter to em-rnoUe ussistun -c !" This message was listened to in profound silence, and created to nil appearand) but lit lo t motion. When the IiUhnp had dono he looked round upon tho assembled representatives of tbe nntlon, und his bow was taken as a hint to a de moiisinition of loyalty on their part. The mem bers broke out into live or six successive cheers, uttered in perfect lime, and w ith tbe giiutesi pre cision. Tho sound was hearty iin.l vigorous. The multitude In tho galleries coii'iiiued respect fully silent anil unmoved. The ministers im me diately alterwards bowed nnd withdrew, und the Assembly proceeded to the choice of a president. The famous Lambirtl Church in Minister, from the tower of which tire suspeuded throe iron baskets In which Jolinnu von I.evlen, K nipper dulling, and Krechtwig wi re carried about tho country before their execution, has got shaky, and will be restored shortly. Thu whole front of the church will be rebuilt and redecorated at the same time. J XJ N It V A. ! 1 I.. 11, GAUGEK AND COOPER, No. 205 H. WATKH Mlisjut, IKluW Wrtlimt btrret, I'llII.AIil.l.l IIIA. lmit.itkn f'.rsiMty suit Wine, nnil all kinds of Work insile el Oltt mid New iStuif slins on tiaml or made to uruVr. COAL l'A( Ktl) IX lIO'isllK IS roll SIIIIM'IVH. All Linus nf Trimming imataitiv attetiilel tu. Jyl lia k II. DIXON, Se.'JiM I- I'l I II Kliret, A iifcAi.i i: in ka:s' i ami nui.tin; ).hi8, I1 !llli.i:i,l.AS) ANIl CAUASOl.S, Ksns, llsuil llli'.,..., 'r.iK Ii Jtwctry, .rit'ior tl.Mi.lfl, WvrkHnsis, Itssd. tc, &a. tiivis'.ta J .1. M O VI I i A. Is'. la jiniicr tint w'm U-.ute In FANCY )OlM!-s, N( )'l IONS, A n. ni;LV,r0KS, FLAGi'., &a, Sijfs Ik-s und Ulas-UInu, No. -4 MltAWIll l.-KY Sllthf t, ' r .rt st i . el dU..v .'..i.iid.b, iw,;ii; shuhel und caeanut) inj::'m nilLAl'KLl'ill A. i i it rr i win j: w, i:t;.NNi)ii:s, i;kj. Tr.r "ile-tli r iMt'emi. tl.c riiil.llo tt nl 1ft t- (V-.i.B!r.e o' I . lnr.,i uml n ,1 , ise e.i -l . I, 01 CI.D LSIANDV, GIN, l'li I1 WINK, bllKllUT AND MADI'.IRA WINKS, At ulieleaale irlfss. Tlie -ft ll-c frem tlio ulit tork .HI Imtlil. I'l.ll'ltuSelb WI-lilliK i blll-IMH.I- Itlllllu Li' l.riM.lU llaf vouiU llu well lu call at liKXUV Iil ltDY'S Wt..Ihiil Wine niiJ I.liijri Htur.i, Nu. H - N. Si:i;uNI Htr er, l,clt,v li tco, J v-1 in jp in, i vif. ( I4 , VKW COMPANIES F0KMIN(i CANEb b'JOCK IXHrKTtH, i'.UKi K.S, NO rrH, OR AFTft, And very vailty of Accouut Uuok una nUtiotiy, o& WILLIAM MASK'S, BtaUonor, Printer, and It'tuk. M(..k Mnnr,i.-(iir..r( Jtu.ijt.. focm it hircut, PW-Sia rnllMdaieiUa. 1 EXPLOSIONS. LKT KVLIlY MAN WHO J OwitK a hiuu'ti H .U-T ruiiil Hi lo it. t ! e. Aft crtfrt it a v W'Mtur litln utr ncvi-r f.ilU to jrtvr ftom on 1 1 nil lo two lioura' wniiuinr, an il. iri'i., tUtl lii "hut ibw in inn uuot-f , sti.d Unit tiriiiut't- la ai- futitit'lilitit. JHm InhUtiuit'iit ici rained ui r liiujH . Aiu, tlKd! una Water tin uiLvei. with S.oL:h uImmm (llitl , ril Ut HII i l)f gtti ,f lUlkfi, iVC Hi iid lor citLUiiu cuuiuiiMi Pinlndi-li'ht fttir itud Oinu.iir. AUI Mi S h. HAITI. I A, jjb-lui So. M U. MI.V'l U 8ireut. rAKI'KTS, MA1XINOS, OIL CLOTHS AND J Y, n i dow iShii'lt Ji, from tw y.rk AiK-tim iu-, (BlKtillv wt.) AlitiiMlheuiit Itmtht'H, j' wldr, $lit, f I 'IV1 o mid !;-); JtriiitMtU. f tftiuud,) ,'i wiiiu, .0, W aud U foitti t & t l ami 12 4 at (irupor tlt'TiH!f i-ff. fn ; Inip'-rUI Cirt(ii CM7 to 176 ptir .tn!; t f m r u I n , tiom ' tviit li '" inimti, ti, und iiiji, lioiu HV-i to 7.5 -'ii.ii pt-r vrl; Mamim k, tft JrK.-nt anortnient evtr orltrrcd in Phiiadi-iiihi, fioio -l " TA (-fnin a jura, nt the SfW An- ti. SaU-h l't, H-Tuitrly Hre-t U.w a,) So. Hi H. Ki " h 1 tiu Uyt, MMlMgL1 'ktiftiiiT ft.htit!l by . s KKiIA n of I W Kl.r II nnd R l K -irtf. I .ii' I t''t'i. nt for Hiif. rttoiiliiotcd t lri-lt. THKJMII Mlrft, firm do-r ImIuw Ko. Th Mmt ranoili Ami VBrtsul alrf-b ma hiir1. ronlRtltK In mrt. ol 1 ni-, Hnrmori'Ti, Hlu.uldr lHitc, HiIir. ti-Ut.-i. KiflKK' Htot-klnifl, Hvrlniri, rM for Vitftfrt ftrk V'nn.AtC i'ti k,ii Vyf I'HII.ADr.l. V,'it r' HAMHuK IN -' ' M i nt Hlr.t, :lpitia stuukons' HHTiriTr, No. 14 Worth Urfc-t . Kuctiirt f moimiit rurrd UvU. C r M Irfiifihim lHltit tirnr?irtttti 1'rffntnnt Trti-. Hiu'ri"r K,liiir B'-tt. l-jin Sinrl ho.-. Nu,torlorfi, S n.uMor hrh:i-, Hil-eil- I Ur Mtrriiflt d r.v Mrp. .!. y RKIT. mv.". iy Til E A 11 T I K I FkL iAX I). 1 ii a. tin ir., iBvrntor viol Mn'i'it i- imi'r -l (lie A It I I t I ' I A I, A K M, Ainrovf"l and adoptrd v v 1 II H 81 li(.KON.t;i.SKHAL Ol I Ml; UMTF.D fif ATCt, pfminif ntlf !,( .-itcu hl M' Fiiforv nt So M1J M"i it i ii rtttc;, six ihmr rx-iow Mitnuc, r hi bid ft. jo w ;im KLAHTIO HTITC'II H K W I N M A O 1 1 N I'i H, THE ltf.NT IN It H K. a No. 7110 (UIKHNUT Htrmt. "'ANTII) TO SMI, OH HXCHANOK, I r-m'iir nrwniir ii'tiiip, 1 hr 1 1 rover A bukw ftcwinR Ma hlno, 1 hit Ho w r il.i And fttl Uis rln--ipM flowing MiM-hmoa. All Airtttihed from thur prlnrlpftl offlrpv aiho. ail kimlii td Wv. oiid Hund Muchiuci, for Hale und jaufaiietl si til new ohm V t l.KAVI NR A FACr.KSKR, No. Ui ti. F.H1IITH Nirvrt, vr ten ysarB wati KIiicit t'o.) I.adlri (a or tit to oporate. jtl I ,iia frlfl COTTAdK OIUJANS, Wot At) fT TTVF.XCF.M FT but IT NFOIT T.f m In mnritm ft lotlPHIld I'oWdr. il"s(kni1 rstieclHllv fnr ( hnrh. aurl Hrbooli, Lint muml to he f(imllr ti adfiptnd to Uia 1'arlor iiuAviawJUtf ixui. g or baiu viiij by Ko. IS SKVKNTII Htreot. Atn, a cflinlrr airortiueiit ol Uj I'orttjct M.briMifi coairantty on if and. nul-jm Q W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BANBOM BTKKKT HAt.L, I'HIL ADl.l.l lIU, MANCFACTUHKRH OF JKWKLKY. FINK HWOKDH D jtf tflMTAHT OOODH IJI F.VFtBT VAKtRTT. J A SI 1Z H HAH II li It M WlloLt'HAtK A Mil WVTAII. CLOCK hHTAIUJSUMKNT, 8. E. corner gKCONU and CHjCHNCT Hir.-eti, 1'hliad'a. A'lt NCT FOR TUJ t'ATKNT F.rALlZlNO TI11KI V-IAY CUKJKS, A vrrv dilrable nrtlole f ir Churchei. 1 lutein. ntika. Coiintinti'-!ttiia, purli.r-t. Av. Alio, IANI F.( Ti liKlt Or FINK Pr WS, (LIH'KH I F:i'Alli:i) AM) wakkamkd. Jalg-Jy t'Uick TrtnmitiiKB of vry dt'itrrtptmn. W M. A. GHAY.N.K.COKNKB OF SIXTH and MI NO It HlrotPts. biiva DlamoiulB. Wuirin i iM Silver, and l.nn TuAfii. (1LX. AH boslaeas coaddentlaJ. uyl"-tni u;i;kn of bkai :ty. wihtk viroin tl Wu of Anti'lfH It tin- iii'iht DfTfi-i t nnniu-Hil4.ii nf tie 9y, lor licaiititvfiii;, whitciiinj:, uii prfHvrvnik,' t': rt.iin ii-xion. It . n ull1 from nirn Wliite VVhx, linn-' iti f!Mtaoriliiir.v iiuiiii lor im-ut, vln the bktn, makmi; it iofi, iiuoili, Inlr, and triiiiHiiitent. It i iin'H chaiipi'd liantU or lips, rcinuvrs jilmplt h, v;, irto '.'!"( and Ml t-riitu. Maniilfl' ttirrd oiilv tv HI NT V '0 , 1'erhiiutTfi, No. 41 M. KIOUTI1 St., ? d or aov.- ( 'h.'-ii.n, and JiK.-lui No. l: 8. HKVKNTU Mtvet. flLEKK'S OFl'ICE, COMMON COUNCIL V riiilatlidphln. Jnly -'. Ivil. In accordance llli a revolution adopted by trie C'oinrunn Cot' in II of the City of l'lilladolphlit.on I huroday, tho -OJlh day of Jmie.lHtM, the anu-rd lill, iMitltlcd "AN OKI H N A Nt IE TO ATTIIOHIZK AN Al)f 1 1 h N, K I.ON TO MKKT TIJK KXI'kNNKS l.M'lltKNT TO TUK 1EI KN8U of tii; ri v. a No fok oiiiKit rria-osiifi," III ln-icby I'tiblislitd tur public in format ion. YVtl.t'.SMAUi, Clerk ol i'umiui'U Council. AN OKhTvANrE TO ArTHOKiK AN AhUM IONAL" LOAN TO MKKT THK KXI'KNSKH INtMOKNT TO THE ll rK.ShE Or T1IK CITY, ANO FOU OfJlElt l'UH rt.SKM. Hectliml. The Solcci and Oninmnn Ootnu:lln of ttio City Of rhiladt'lplna do ordam, I hut the Mnyor In htimbv au-thfirliw-d to borrow a, nei ! than par, n thu crutlt of tb corporation, uticli mtm of inoouy m limy bo ruinrt d by tho t'ty Taaim-r, from tiuiu to t lino to provhh fur the famiilfS ol volnnte rn from the etty of I'hllaflptiift In the rvjt- cl the I iiit- tl 8tni-. and tor the il-'tHimn of tlie t lty, iiSa.cetilinK in tho whole the mm of five liindied thoiiniiiiii d.liiirn, tor wlu.'h iuift'i'tt not ro exed thu into ot rtx per cent, per nnuiim f .'mil bo paid half ytmriv, on the ilrM dttjo of Jummrr und July at Ute oillco of the (Ity Tretisuier. The jiilntlpiil of tho raid lotui whiH ho pnyahlr and paid at the explriiiloii of thirl v yeura I com the date of t ie hiiuo. nnd rot heiore w It hunt tfit- eoimt'iit of holderi thereof, uud ct-r'lheiitt-t) thoref ir. in the iihiiu) form ol mich ca-i t.ileautit oj City Loans, hall lie issued In r nth utoount an the lendora uiay n-miire, bm nt lor an frm-tir ial part of $Iik. or If le-iulrt'd, In nmonnm ol ilo hiindred or one thou-and oVillarn, and tt nhn 1 bo expreroed In aiil certitkiuei that tie said louii iheiein iim-uiih d aud the iiiUrum thoroul ate pn&hlt: fre Iroin dli luxe. Hoctiou'2. VV'heiuTer any iom hall ho rorl by vlrtua heieut. thero uliftll Im, b to re 4 of thh ordmu'ieo, annu ally nppropriaird out ut th" turome, ol" theeorp mi .eoit.i'ni, and f'om the wum rulo d ly tatut on, a i h snillfl -nt to pay the hiterertt on Hiiid cerilfh iitew ; mid thu further wum ol three-tenth of oii per centum on tint pur value of such ceriikatfM, mo inMUcl, shall lo anorp-iiticd tpiarioily out of ti e income andtaxtH to a Inklnir fund, wnl' h juiul, and Ith acvututiltitiona, are herenv enpe'lilty pUdud for the r ademption and puyiumt of tuid crtthcatej. TtKflOLI 'THIS AI THOKIINO THE CI.KKK TO ITItLTSH THE 0U !1AN K. dohcJ, That the f 'lor of (luiiiiiinn Com null be author Izc d to ptibHrdi in iw iiMily newntanri-in this city, dally fi-r liiur HBfkn, tin ordmunct (irt-rir-ntcd lo ' ointiK-ii Cuun ejl, al d slate , tut -eliin,' tlie.ieol, LeM oil the Will (lay of June,. km, e ntnlcd "An Ord'nance to Aut .orixo an Addi.lonil i.nin m meet thb exieni. Incident to l!i dcii'iKC ui the f ity, and lor Vtii'i puri'osv." And the mild Clerk, at the sta'ed nn-etln of C'otiiit lh alter the uilrml n ol to if week irum the tir mi d.iy of pul'bcaiion, shall prcju t tlih Council or.e of acl. raid ntvrspapura lux avary day lu Uiu uiiie miall have bi n id ida. tyll 4w iKRK'a ufhce coniTmon council", VV Phm aih i i'iiia, .Inly 6, lhi-4. In a',ortl.iiae with n ronolu'ion adoptt-d nv tno t oiuoion Coont il of the City of Fhiiuilt'lpjiia, on 1 i.urday, the j 'Ui day of Juno, 1H'.4, thejnucvd hih. eniiii ti "AN OHpNAN E 10 AUTHOHI.E A LOAN HU SCHOOL I'l lt- ItrSliS." la herrby pul:mhd lur pi. bin: Infoi m iion. v M. F. M LL, C'erk ol ummun ' AS OKIHNAM.'K TO A '.'Til nt IZK A I.OVN loit school rritrosKS. fc t!on 1. el.-.-i mid Cum 4 U Councils ol tSo Clly Ol I hil'ioeij'liia (in out. .in That ih- Aln.v rlx ieicii authorized to burrow at not lefts ilian 1'itr on the ere It ot the cn piir.i l.u. the miu ot oue million d .ilurs to !! nr erci ii n, vV n fion, aiMl ' Im Ut'.iii id lunnlm-.i tur m-fioid pnposM- I ti tin r iri-t rcl.t.ol Ditrit'i oi i'lnim Kutiln, l.truhuh inte-r-'t. r t I'M- ui the i a' oi d p-r oiiiuiii Hr in mm, shall he iui-1 lotii i url.v on I lit- (ii t vs ut j.uiiiM.y ai'd Jiiiv.nt fi e ui' i' of U'V ;. ,ty Tiea'nuer. The prlm-ipiil oi the i 'hi lotui t,tli oc p.i :ihi and puid I t ,i expil.i'iori ii till.. '''(' .i loin Ul! d.l'e t ihi nmiie. Kial ii- t bet t will, hi' th' e -ti-ent oft-" h"l Urn llifii f ; and tl i c i !lm mu s tfe P'Ntr, jn ! e nti il lor-u of tl,e ceilth. il'ic ot t'-O inii-i. Mnl. in- is-,-e.i im su l mnuij an rhe i-r.:e. r mav re i'i: c hut n it r unvliic l'.i al f ari (1 nut1 In' ml, i u il '!.." . '-r , ii ; i- in v.i . in kii O'lio- oi llc 'I tr tin- th'll-.iiul .iI;iii-, .nul t ell. l. he .f. ,m l n m il ee.l : i I- .iO ;,.lt ill." sftitl Ihe ili no-! (.find, .Hid lit ill T the. -of, ft,-t: payau'o IM tn. I., ul! t.i( s. Seel ioi ' 'i he an'Olint of s:iid luaii -hull l e . ir,i .'in .1 ( dlniil'itcd, nnd n j'-"rii'iii 1 l r t'i'' I'Uipi.ei hi iiltii.ii ntM ii- loijn" town: U' in I. To ili M.- lal sell.. . -.eel1- n- nine i i n he I ,:-M tjiiin -lour Ihnit-Heit lh"t hnii'hvl d -ll ir-, hh t t u : I- irt -Si ' uni. thou- a. d il-iil H s ; hei tin 1 Si i tn n. I lnrly '-five Mi -li ami do ; 'I I ii tl ft ,ni, l '.irly iho.i-:i'.d ; I im th tii i tun. thirty -11 e itinif. unl do !ars ; I Ht h Hi ciion, r-'Xiv ilioii-ainl .rs : hivu'i .. ( i mu , tun t v tln'ii-iiMl d tlhiri ; e eiith Sect tun, tuty-tlitee tliou unA di-llm ; ri lilh Keeih.n. till -eiht t.iuii-aint dolluia . , N in ih t-c. ri. ii, forlv thoiiiund doihn t. ; Ti nih heet it ui. i went v live thou.-iiiitl d"llar ; I'.ievenih Bcetlon, ihiri-cij,'ht ihoiiMtiid ihe Iniudied ddliam : '1 v eiilh Heetloii, thirty -fuiir thoiiKaud d"U irs: 'I iiine-ntli Sertiuii. iiiMt.-i.'!it tiiuii-inni .iisliarj; K.-uiti entii Si-eli.iH. tiliy tlniainl dolhir- ; Y lilt ent h M-cii.'ii, i-!iiy tn i !nu-.iud d 'lUrs; hixU-ehth Seetlt.Il, tw t l thi.U-.iUnl ttulhiTa : He . entei nth St- tmli, t"l I v -ll e tlioihoiliil if 'I am ; Ki lit iit h Keei ion, tinny in e i h. mi -a u.l d -ihtia ; Sim let in h St fit in. t we' it v ihoiiMind d 'Ihirn ; Twi'iniLlh heci inn, aiint IW u Ihuu-itinl dolla 'S ; '1 Heuiy-nrnl hi-i-inm. tM )it thHi4uud d!lut ; 1 wetity-h i oiul fvction, eli Vi n llnniMind dolliirH ; '1 wemV-thiid Section, fouitee n th.dia md dulhu : 'I weiity-liturth Sei lion. h ly-eiht lliuu-uinl it tll.iri; 'J (viutv-lillh heiiiun, twciiLy-thi. e iiis;unl d ilUto; Tw ttil -! Im h Set turn. tuhi- thour.iud dolhirs. Item -'. '1 'j iL-iu.burse tl e Cliv TieiiMiry, iur upproiirla-ti-na alreUiU nm.lf, i hu i-si aide to thu iuJii, luiiwuino U."(j-nn,i umio huud'fd aud f i w M I dolitilX Item tt. 1 or ci.ntlrKUUiiis, illiueii thousand the hundred ami nihriy-t.o ihihurs hci Ujli i. lieneer UiV loan ihall he made by vit'tno li t-it i.l. tin te titiil he. h. loree wl this oidttiuiice, iniHii.illy uipioirlatiAl out ut the Income of the vol nirnt.' cotaleH, Ooin Uiu huui iuihed Uy taxation, a miiu HUlh' ient to (my the Interest i. n K.iid eei tin. ut. is ; nnd the turilier mna uf tlji i e tenth ol one iei cent uiu on t he p ir value of roieh ceitlt'c.ilen Muill be tlp!ri'prhited i)ii(ir.ily uilt id sjild liiLtiiiif and lMen, to a aIuKmiu hind, hu h futnl and H to ciioni aii -o" .tie hi i h apt . i.thy pld6i a foi ti.e fi;4cmi tiuu and puj uicul of s ld ceitjai au-a. kpTttiom TO M 'ti i.-iii A i.oAtf mr.L J oil 11 lil.lC h( llooI.H. nolveil. That the Ch ik be aithon.ed to imhlfftti In two dally new npapurn of tlnu city , hr luiir Heei..i, tin ordimince pie,stmie.U to Cuiuiuuu Council oil Thuiadu, Juny 10, IdoJ, ttnLllle.l - "AN OltOlNANf'R TO Al'JJiOUU.E A MiAN Foil b JIOOL ri'R-pOhK.- At.d the in Id Clerk, at the nut. d meeting of Ciiinclln, after the e&piiaUon of luur wi fmuj lha Aral djjrof mud joit'li. anon, ihail present l- thin ( mined one if each of id nut, i ir iv( tJVvr day tu wkwU Ui luum shal h.a v hwu JmuuVi D 'J-iW WEDNESDAY. JULY 20, 1861. I) n. W. Tt. MFHWTT? A ro.'S COLUMN rIH Til K CIIKItOKr.R HKIMllhaS. CtlMI-ol-NHIO KKOM (HU I.BilKfl, AND LEAVES. rilKROKRP, RRMHir ' Ihl srml InillAn lHurrlli., rum all ill.i. of il, MV MV( Vf MM lirtimrv nr an, mii h ss In- VS m sf vu u ij f-oiiiiiirii, r in I nne. in- M M ,S vr n finiiiiilli.n rf ll. lllmlitfr. MM ! t W4 liilliimii.sll.infif ll ftKiili.iys, MM MM MM hi. .lie In tin. lll.i.l lor. Hirl.-- MM , t M M t'iri.. llrsl, lil.fl. .MM MMM rlii. nn Is ft.,.ftliiMv ri MM MMMM I. ii. i-i I. .1 in Hi. i i.. . ..I m vinivi r A I l.ii - i.r Hl.l'ftn lii HIM MMMM I'ntiil...) wiiin. nil tt.e nlil n nn .iu n ni.ilUinis Isvo M M MM MM M I l VI MM MM MM l ull ll. It I K' P"' '' In a U.'h.y fv.ntfnfrnti 4 f- m. ff- d.-i onlv ln-tntf irm mio tn two tl .I'tUH-MlllllN tilH ft ll'lll pi! I iIhi . It i -Hnr--rt.- and U Tiitlv In 'tn ' tin ; ii'i v. i mi rl'an tiiif ih1 M'lO l,'cit'Miii(( It to ft'iw in all ol II- nrlLT'Dil punty ami vi((or; tiitm n--mnvinu from t lie n hI'-io fill Lfmii .n i!nni n vth-xli iiavo idtKCd "lis tse. cri i o i ( s i i i i ' i: if U cr t ct fo . tvt: f T! K It O K F, F. IN.1F-. 1 HN I tlMl( d at an nlly it a-Niat'Mit t tin- Ml.l:i K I I II Mr ! . and -Imiild I f nfH tn riimiiii'" 'mi M h 1LI ii, tilt lot; In ail raf ut t i ii"i rti"-h , itiovt, r 'iir.r A M'i. h tir Wdl'f it aiffrta arr iHitltn;, ft-tolliintf, hixI ilssninlri'iit ; rrinOviiiK nil aid ) at, ( iii.nli p, nnd pani Inid nd i tli tummi ami aliiiust ii in ndurnh p pit In flat lf puprrlttirid Willi tM-nrly at! U, cheap (jiimk Jl.j'tlK'flf. Ki.l.hKKr.Li; rr fh:r r I-, kb IF. KK I I I 1 I! f 'F.r!' !U 1' f ne nf ;c (, ' po ll KK KtMl I'V and Cliv,. nn koki.k iviKcrniN" th Mil two mt-ilh'iiton at thu !.ftrn.) HH time all Improper dm- H II chiiK" arc r wnnetl. and the III! mi n lillllllHHIIHHH TIHIUMI1MIIUIII 1111 lltl IIII HI! 111! 111! liU lltl WenkftM'd otg in" a'e xneed )vr.iote ui full vlKran.1 traiiK'h. Kcr toll part Inilnrn (rt onr pftinphiem frun any druir fih -re in tt rouutrv . r w rite in mid will miilfifi to ftjij Aiidieife a fuii UuUmi, rrtrr,ri?FROKFriHVR. JY. iwr bottle, (r thr ImiiiIch for Vrl.P. fMLKOKKK IV Jh'A p..r IhuiIc, or three nottkn for $.r M1UJIHJI)1 IM IK) no on or M) in M HO Mi h.l 1- hit Mi Prut t-.rvn t ny tirchf on rp''lit of ric.. by all di iijsi(ivtii every Miens. nnniiiriHiM M)l'llll0 CHKIIOKKR CCUK! An iiiilallniKcure for Hpr tnatorrtic.i. Wi-nk-liehn, Nwiurnul t uilmooitt, nnd a'l iilm-nni'H nu ( -1 l.v S'-lt pollution; rih'b nn l.oi-i of Memory, I InlVf i:tl Lio tude. Cain's In the hark, I U ti nHri of Vidin, I'rematuro OH Aire W. a Serve, if tlonltv of Hroathlutr. TromU UnK, WakefuinetLKrnptionii on the Kaee fate Cotm'a nancn, Insanity, Conump- tion. and ail the direful t plaints caufo-d Ur dupartiiig F.FI rri FFFK KJ.I.EKI.KI.KK rr. KK KI FKK F KF.KK I. r. r.v. KKFKF.FIF.F Fi KKJKI.Li.KKfc muui vuv pnui ui uaiuru. Thl rnp(tlcln In a tdmnlo vetainhlu xiruut. and una on which A'l (.nil It hud htn uni'd tn our tinoN th h many .er. and with tlujiiniiiics treated, It not tailed In a iIucm liPtianrv. 1 1 H ClimtlVl' Df.WtTN lnii.H hit im nu iur IIII mi Ml IIII III! nn im been ftniiirli-tit to train vic tory ovur Uiem.iBt itubboru To tliosn wlw have trifled w ith thi ir oo-litiuh n. un til they think thaniselvii beoinl U; reach ol medic id mil, we would Buy. hK SrAlIt NO I 1 tie (IIKHil. KKK C( HU Mill renmiH you to health and viuor, nud alter all quack doctor havo failed. For full particular, get a flreulur from uny Hrn? HPre In tho eotmtry, or wrltn tho I'roprlo orh, who will mall free, to any one le BlrhiK (he mime, a lull tro tliie In pamphlet form. 1'rwM, per bottle, or three hott'on n.r r, and for warded hy Kxtn-tisa to all part ol the world. Hold hy all rnt poe tablo druKgiati overy whera. It It ItltPTtKltK :nici;iiicl;i:u lvKH KKK hiiK hint it lot unit KIMtltltltHHIt him hint ItNK ICKIC lii;it j(i:it Jtuu KltlC IHt. WHIOIIT'S ItJ-JCVKN ATI NO Ki.lMUl oil, KHKKNCK OK LIKP ! Prepared ttom 1'nre Vee tiihle KMincifi, eoiitalnhitr not hi nt,- Ininrh-ui to tho most del lento. . The Ki hi veimltnff Elixir In the result of modem di roverle in tlie -etnhle kiiiednin; heln an entirely iit,w and ahhtraet metf od of curl, Irrespective, of all tho old and woru-out ayitems. COCCO rcccrco C(J CC CO IV c; CO co cc ro cc eccfvoo exoco Thli meilirln hat haen t Hted by tlm moit eminent medical un-n of the day, and by them pronounced to lw one of Uie create it medical dlNuverie of trio aire. Oue bottle will euro (ioueral Iebiliiy. A few hot Meg cure llyi terlci In A iniUt t. One Iwvttio eurei Palplta Uoa of the Heart. A few donee restore llio orfun of I'eneraf Jon, From mm to three bottles restore tho nmnlUiea and lull viftorof youtU. nooo ootjooo OOM (MIO ooo ooo ooo ooo Oi iO ooO iidO OIM ('(Ml ot o ooo coo oooooo oooo A fi w dosed re -tore (lia appetite. Tliiee tfottlen i tire the Worm f ue ot lm)oleiify. A h w ilosea cine Uiu low sj iri'.t d. One bottle restore tne uml pow er. A h w do-cB hrlni; the Mio lo Ihe ehek. Thii incdieino rehtoro to inn nly vior nnd rutin nt health the p'MT, dehllittited, Worn-doHii, linl depiiirmg devotte of be initial pleaoura. IIII mi HU im mi IIII 111! IIII Iff Jlil nu The Ihtlffl. enervated youth, the over -tasked man of hiiHiuett, the victim f Dor vou h di-preanion, the m KK KK dividual nidertntr I mm K'"he- KK KK rai debility, or from weak- KK KK dohi ot u dhikle orKan.will KK KK bU find limnedlaie and per- KK KIL inauent rt lief by the ana of l K KK thin latUr or Kubenco of k K K K Life. kK KK I'rioe, f? per bottle, or KK KK Unix- IxdtleM for $ , and fr- KK KK warded by express, on re- kh. KK e4ipt of luouey, to any ad- drea . h.ed by all drurfmti every- wuiro, CUKllOKlC ril.LSI hi O A K IA I KI FKM.iLK liK(.i'LATOlt, NNK II K A 1. 1 H Yt K.sJ-.HVKIt. h N f KHTAIN Al HAKK NN S For the Keinoal of ob- iN K ttn.cti' ns, nnd ihe Inur- . N J amo of Keeiilarliv ui the KM 1: --iiiti iicu oi the Monthly iN l'er.oo. N They cure or ohvlute tlioie M mnin ruiiri diteiiM- that hit print from Iriegumrity, liy n nioioa thu inc.iiihimy it- NV NN NN NM NN i NN N NN m it. They euro Suppremied, Kxee.irtlve, and 1'auitul Muu Htniution. They cure Urcen ijlcknem (ChkiroDJ. They euro Nervous and Rpuial Ath-etiom, ji.unt kii thu buck aud liwer piriinf tbe body, Ueav iu'ni , ' i-ine Oil slight exertion. I'lnl tallnu of the Heart, Low IMd it' Hpnlt.H, i 1 v S 1 : -t. Hick llcii'lai'he, (liddiuehs, Ac, Ac. in a woid. by re moving the IrreKuhn itv, they rtmnnetho CiiiNU and witii itaUfie oitccti Uiut npiu.e' from it. V.V.I KI KKI KB i i i i i i.i.i 1. 1; Ki-. Li-. I- '. KKK KI KI K KK IK Li i:iki': kk i.i.i i;i ki i i.i; mp-'hcJ "f I t.l-.' .1! .IC M'W . t'ulllltlll ( - lo iinjr nevrr deli- I! h. i'llf to U it i-ak-i-r-.peily : 1 IO do. Hi leilat i period, ''1 TUB MOS I U.S. u In 1 1 1 it I el. r.KKKKKKKr.K Ll.l. KK KK, K KKKK KKKfcl Lti K K 1 l.i'FKKK B LKLKKKI.Kl.ti int. Mi; lie 'I. h, v.! l -.d il 'I h s lii. .ui i.-.', ihtl a' .1 1 Ol i; i' 'i mrr.i 1 ll.'N it iit'i-H'iiur l-.itiiie ul It eo a mi, w llid no. ul. i'.KSKM prtg uain y. T 1EF.FI r.KFF M- IX1.KI.K1X J.K I B 1 KLF.F! I- T.LKK IE 1 V I lKFFFFI'F.R t Li-LI. 1-1 1 1 1. All h ltern seetvbifr lrr.r Dnition or tidvuu will he priiinpil ,in-i ly.-tnd ihe ret't- Jy IlIMWelfd. I iili dlreuuoiis uecompauy Caeh hu.. I'rli e If I per bov, or blx Luxe.- htr f '.. Sent hy, fine of pot a;, on ret tjipt oi price. hi .id hjr aU re.n.-i.'UMe lrui-ia The Cm.ltoKFF MKOF- Cf M H urr, olil b ail ei.i-r-l-rihli tt OrilU'ets III the ei 1- 11 ed world. Home unpnn clpled doaiern, Imwovi r, try t bell woitMchH Comi'-'iiliilH In place of iht-iti Hi bo Which they cn Kt at a heup pili u. And unike more loom by fHilnif thu n tin y i ii ii im tho 1IF.KOKIK JH IHI'INKH. An you aluo mir tuallh-ae, the health lit your oil pi in;-' ,lu n"' ''Q deceived bv htiell linprill- Sf;-irt RShSSS.- hSS h-1 hi hsi Ksr opled dnK'h. Afk tor the CHKKOKKK MK1H CIM.K, end luku nooJhui . li the iriu-iifc will i"'t hny thom for yon, end to nn, and v e will tmut theui to you by Fapreie. Fariin-mMre- U.(-' Ub t.iiiild dinio ine iii iru aun iu'iii i, muu iuii purth nlirK m remind b their taM-it. We ..i .1 fO.r. nut nre In nile or fetnnle. u vat ull uii-.oo j adlee or ncntlo n can aihlieM. ud In perfet-t eoufl demc, and we will inallcaeci. frankly ami treely ainHuf ll.t ii let i eif, and r-ive our lolvjee a-, nyurda t.icli ra 1'aticiitk living at a distance need not henjuic bi-euw ot tlmr iiialooty to im. We have treated fcucceusfmly pulleiilb In nil poilloiut 01 theclvlli.ed -flobe, rmwnis uiWreMniiitf will ph-aee wide Poet Ofllee, Couniv, Htntu, ant name ol wiliur, plaint aud juci ii,iM;tv' Htjunp lor We eeiid u any addn n eur 32-pue pttiiipliiut free. AUdXt:e til tvt'hue mid iti.lein to XK. W. K. MMiWIS A CO., u.tlUliLlifY ST It F FT, Kl.W vfnic. Awnteforlvnii-ylveiiui.DYOlT C0.,N. a. iiorUl T)FVN FTKAM FNOINR AND TlOn.FTl J Worae hV. A Y I K k LKVT, l'ratla nr4 ThwU-al Fnrho?ri, M'hmlii. Itll'r'rnakrt, Hlaeimtfh and Foundem, Kavtn for mny Tar h--n In mrrmafirt nrT Uon, and been eirlnitTely ntft4 In hiilldin anl repair tn aiarfne and Klvr Kne'Tre. htirh atuklow prm,f rna. rtt.ders, Waw-r TanlA. rinpellere, Ae. Ae., rpnrxty OiTir ttlr itrvlre to tne public an being fully pr-p,ird to rontract for Frilnen uf l tita. Marine, Klver. and flt. tlnar ; b vine nu nf pattern tf different als' , ere r.r pared to exerote ordrn with quick despatch. Fvry d. '-rtptlofi nf piit(frTi.niAkitttf made at the nhnnit nifio. Ii(tfi and low t.rpsmrf Ftue.T'ibnlar.enit CTin1f r Hollrra. ol the renn Ivanla ei.ercoal iron. Forum, of all lre and linrtu; Iron end bm ( emlnir of all ilrrip liioi ; lfi.ll (oriiln. Hrrew cotnnit, and all oiber work too ni t ied ith th ahnvc i.Nnlnrin, Hrawinvn nd npieinintlonn fnr aM work dona At tldt lt. lament free of rhari'. and work uiiarant ed. lb tiii rlhem hsve au-pie w'ift'i .iH h ro-m f"f re re'' of bot. here th v rmi lie In prr rt safety, and are pt.h'rd t h l,em, bietlta, UIIh. A., Am fur ra.sli, b avy and dfcht !btj. JOHN t LK V. i' 'f f FA CM anl 1'AI.MMt trerte. 2RIDE8BURO MACHINE WORKS, offioi':, IVo. tJ?5 IV. FltONT H-ritiiirr, rniLADFi.nif i. V.'. are i : . j.arrd lo I'll ordtT. lo n;- sf' nt ( r our v, ll- WACIIIM'.llT Fdn (OTTOK AKI) WOOLF.H MIl.f.R. Inrhiiliriit reront liuprnv.rncntii la C.nfinif, Spinning, Bli'l W(.ivll( Wi' .nvlie tti. stti'ntlon of ms&ufecturcri to our ext. tli . wni h,. KIMf AliFliKD JKNKH A HON. OLD'S IMPUOVVD STF AM AND WATER- III ATINll AI'I'AH VI I'M. I T WamiltiK and v.nillnitnK I'uluk llullillnir, am! Trf. KcliU-iK.,. hy II... I'MUM KfEAM AVI) WTIR IIFATIVO (OMTANT 01' l llll.AliKI.I'HI S J.VMC1 P. WOOD, Ko. tl H lOIHt ril Hlrent. aihSO-rm 1. M. rKl.TWKLX.fcuK'nnu.u.lint & WEIGHT & EIDPALL No. 119 Ivtarlrnt Ktrrct I.ETWF.tH FKO.NT AND fiLCCMf) STRKF.TS. c. w. mmiT. r. ii. .ini'Ai.L. DIIUGGI8T S, I'll Y 8 I C I A JJ S, AND fiKSK.RAL S IORKKIXI RRB, C'sn Uml at nitr i.'Htahlt,hiiieiitariill ... aort mentor fmporVd ami lrniri Tiipiilar l'lint Mfillclni'n, I'alnta, '! Oil, Window (ilasa. rroacrli tloD Vial., Ac, al as lo prR-ei aa genuine Drat-cUa. Rooila ran be sou. I'INE KMUKNTIAL ll.8 ForConfeetlonera.ln full varietj, and of the best n,tiallt?. Cochineal, llt'iitral Imluto, Madder, l'ot Ash, f.'ufliear, Booa Asb, Alum, OII of VI rlol, Anuntto,(,oppraa,F.xtraet nf l etwooil, Jtc., roil DVEKH- use, always on hand, at kiwcst liet ca.h prices. I'l llli sril'ES FOR FAMILY VSR, flronnd exprcsaly for our shIci, and to which r Invite the attention of those In want of rcllahle artlrlea. Alo, IXHUO, STMiVll, MUSTARD, ir., of trtro Quality, Orders by mall, or city post, win meet wltn prompt at. tenllon, or special quotations will bo fUrulsutd when re quested. WRIGHT HrDDALT,, Wholenale f)ruj( Warehouse, jall-ly Ko. 119 M AItKET Street, above Front. ANY AMOUNT, loim-d n ion lilamonds, C C laie, ClutliiTiir. c ,nt J JOCK'S A O.' Watch'-s, Jewelry, ' 0L1 KMT.MII.IM1F.I) I.OAV OFFU'F., Omer tuikii and HAHKILL Streets, helnw liniharil, K. II. MAMONim.WA l'CllKH,.li;WF.I.Kt, tr.t'N8, AO., l ull SAt.K A i Hf.MARKAIII.Y LOW I'ltll ES. Ijll-lm RAILROAD LINES. i CAMDKN ANU ATLA.N- lo(; lOU'l. TIO KAll.ltOAIl. lOVj l. SI'MMKK AltKA NiF.M TNT. TIIHOI'dH IN TWO IIOI'HSjI!! Four trains dully to Alluiitlr t'tty. On and alter MONDAY, July f, trains leave vlnestreet Fi rry a follows : Mall, 7-,'in A. M. Freight, with paasencer car at'aehcd, fl'l.i A. M. ..spi-r (lliroiJKli ln'2 hours) ' I'O P. M. Atlantic Ai-eiiiiiniiHlatlnn.s' 15 V. M Junction A'-rnriiiii ulalinn, ft 'MI I'.M. KKTI HNINll LEVI'S ATLANTIC, Aceoniiu.Hlaiton Atlantic; 6'M A. M. :xprs, 7 IM A. M. Fnldht.ll'.'OA.M. Mall, 4'SK V. M. .liiiictlf.B Ari-nniniodatlon. A. M, Fare tuAllHirlr, IJ'IHI. Hound Trip Tltkets ftroodonly for the day Hml train on which thev are IsHiii-d) l-i-K). KM HA HAIil(Sh'lti.l TKAiSH, Tnveine mini H-li A. M. and 1 oof. M. Leave liaddoufli Id l'4'i I'. M. and i lo F. M. ON (sl'M)AVS, Mali train for Atlantic leaves Vine street 1 30 A. M. Li aves Atlantic 4 4ft 1'. M. J.i If JOUN (1. HI1VANT, Ak'filt. Tliehar which was made last vear ha. etitiretv ilNap vw'urtd, leaving Uie beach one of Uie must dt'littiiul on tiiu COUSL l7TrrTfflT71 NORTH I'KNNSVI.VANIA CTf W-'"l51n A II. Kill l for I1BTU1.KIIKM, lio l.lMnM.N, F.AHTO.N, MaI I il t'llUNK, U-W.LM.-lOK, WlLKIllAl!Kt WIl.LIAMHCOItl'. 81' M M I R 4 KK A N IK M K N t. Aiill.i IDNAL TKAINS. On and after MONDAY. June III, 1W4, reufnsrr Tralne will h-ave th' iii-w liepft, 'I 111 lii Klri-et, ahuvii Thump, son .trvet, rhiladelpliia, daily (ttuuduA. encuptedj, as ioili'w s : 7 A. M. (F.xpreas) fur Ilethlehem, jUlentown, Mauch CtiiHik. Wllkcslinrre, Willlaiuspnrt. M'I'i A. Al. I Ai-ciiniinodutioii) tor liovleatown. lO'l.'i A M (Acci'iiiinodatliin) tor Fort Washington. II I'. M (Ai'i'onitiiuoaliou) lor Iloli-i,town. n-4.' F. M (Kspress) lor Mcltih hem, Kastou, Ac. 4'io 1'. M. ( Mull) for liorle.lnun 0 1 1'. M. ( Ai-ciiuiuioaatlon) for Hethh-hem, Allentown, mrd Mauch Cliutik. f Ul. M.(A nimodatlon) for l.ansdale. li i'. M. (AccoliimiKla'i.iH) hr I ort Wafhilltun. illAlNH Milt l'llll..HKI.Iill A 1 eave Mi tliU'l.i'iu alK'.ill A M.,b in A. M.,and8 1)7 I'. M . liuili stiiwn atiistl A.M.,u40 f. .M.,and i f. M. I.aiiMiale at li A. M. liftl Washington at ll 95 A. M. aiul2 1. M. ON HLNIA S. Philadelphia fur Kclhlehi ni at u . M. I'hilailel.hia tor linvli'slnvvn at ;i I'. U. DOjUmovin tor Philadelphia Al 11 A. M. lli'lLieh, to for riillail. lphla at 4 V. M. lillllliau s li.lKW.iKe will call for anil di liver list lii L't' at thu dctot. Orders may he lelt at No 11J 8. TlllllI) Street. jeW LI I.IM CI.ARK, ARcnt. TTTCefHP I'HILAUKLl'HIA AND ewWSsJaf1"'-' TI1KNION AM CAS1UKX ANO Xi.U04 It.CiLKoAK COM I'A S.TKS. Ni.TH E. On and after MONIiAY, January 4. 1WI, th.' Tratna fir )iew ork. 1' aviiiM Ki'iivlririnn lit ' ol, 1'hnadelphis, ai 'I'l'i A M. I tsiilil ami '.'Mo I. M., .itid t he train, leav 1 1. Now YorK si ft A. M anil 7 ;m I. M .will iiereaimr lie mil tn-chislvi-'y tor ihe Ui. lied s Mulls and New York a id W a.liini-lon rn.i-in-'-rs. ami wld nut take in iur let out am pa- -eut-'i is bi'twti':i .aid i-llles. The In A. Al. and I'J Miilninlit Lines I'n.m Mow York to lVasliinirli'li. nod tlir it s A. '1 . and 1' M. Lines I'lulil W as' iiiwloii lo h ew mu, will ciuiiiiiiii' as ai pi soul, i.i,. cat p.-.l'i.i'l- to and f(' nn the In'i i ineilia'-O dlaiiolis and llaltiiiii r' . U'iiiiillnion, a .d N-v Y.itk. AUKAM.VKN'I'H I'l TW KI'.N rilll.AI'Kl.rill AVll VKW v Ol.-K Line, li avi liiii li lpiua, r.oiu Kii.ln.'tin Detmt, at 11 1'. M. 1 l a-.1 l.'l..l' SI anC K" Al .mil d '!'. A.d f li. In Wall. lit MM'- I l.oi I ' via i 'a ad' n), ato and s A U M . I.iimI i. I', si , ir N"v V rk. And li nM' Vi-w .irk , lioiu I'., .t of i 'ntirt'andt strei'i. at 7 A . M ., in A . '!. . 1 vl . , I uml i; I". U., ami IJ l.llitnl.'it, nn. I tii'iu hi "l iiri'.arc av .u ei .il ii A. 'I. and J i'. .w. itt.'i-U t M A. I. A I .il I K, A' lit. fiK s'l'i'AM WK1KLY TO l.l V K H- m,Z-i hit t; .tt tjin if-n i 'rK llirlnir. Tiit ml. t. it.' n i -i i I' tin- Liv.i ,..i.i, Nt-w irn.aml J'hihiil. ljiliiu ,SitMtiihii) L iin(..uiy hil. J to bail ut ftillnWK - 11 N A, -t.lUMhiv. July 'Id. h!IM I " .inr.i.iv. .1 ulv :uih. ' I I V OF W AM'.ilM. iHN. '.uuir hiv, A '.;1-. And r !! tinu' JuUii Jiii , at ii on, i- m i'.er No. t4 Nurtb 1'iv.r. K vvv. nr r.vs t;K r.ivtih:t mi ; id, ur ti i nul' ,i V-ii ,h t'.iirt i.r UrM t'n "in tV-..M.K) .Si-ttrir f.iiM t til ( f.bui lo l.uiidtill h i mi I.uiid.iii ... .ii iHl Y ir-sl t iil'ili ti l'ai Ih ... !.- O Hliw raKn tn 1'uri.; 4iV( Mihi ( aib. ii tc lluiubniy ill'-Ot) Stl tTHKt' to llitlllhlirt,' .. JlV'tlO ruh-ieiiLfri iiu alnii forwarded to Ua vre,lliuLucii, Kottur dilni, Aiuvw-i'i, Ai, HI 'iiuiM lovv ralt'l. 1 hich Iruui Llv iTH'.. nr i.'iucniitjwii : KlrHt fubln, $7."i, ifli-'i. Htt i-r.tLif ijMm l.ivcrnl atxl Qu-i'iisiown, J '!. '1 ih.M.- who wi-di to tml for Utuir lilundv cau buy Uuia-u h it a( im t ruu'tt. or iwibcr Init'ruiatldii npph ;it (Tie romii inv's nftl.'e. John o. halk", AL ns o.lll WALN L T htrL.-t.i'UiU.Uli.hia. .i4. BOSTON AM) riULADKLPIIIA. 3 lii -!-.- uni -H hip Lin', inllinir frnm each prt nn h . I i 1. 1' A i H, trout llrt Whait ab.ivo I'lNK HlrutJt, I'liilad lilna, und 1-oiiK Wlmri, linHbui. 1 r-.iu tiibtt wUuri iibi'.t.' 1'IM-; Htrt-ct. on Hmurilav,.liily Kt, ln 'l In- Mt-uiiirdup N'niiMAN, Hakur. will oall iVom PbMa dt'li'lna itii Itohttm, on Haturthiy. July tl i, ul ht n'tlick A. Si ; Htitl tin' hlsTitnubip KAON, Mattbev,, liulu Uu-ti-i t' r l'liilndt lpliitt. nn ulllu day. itt 4 f . M . I ht's ikk and Riibidantial ivitantupi form a regular 11 n-, tallii.L: rmui tttt h port piiiu'tuitll.v mi Hutnrdaya. 1 until ui.n a ilct Ud al una-ball Uiv irwiiumu cliajKJ oo HUll Vl'CHI let. k rt uhu takt u at fair ra(n. Miiluri nre remit-Mcd to etid Blip Itccilptl and BLUi Lailniri lib their MiMidn. l-t.r ii'ii'itUt or l'lufcutie bavlntt flno aroom mod nt loan) appivlu HI.SUV WISKOIt.V'O, jai-U' Ko.H.i-i a. HKl.AWAKK Avvitn. f$i FOR CAItiroKMA VIA PANAMA wi ' ' n trV tuuillbiu iiOL- I LA Ll J K, Kill ii M.' ON W LDNLSDAV, July V7. at noon. Iow6stt i ati'H yf ptt(,a-o UiroUtrjU froiu 1'hilaikdphia to Hitu k raiicinto. Api-b lo W. A. I1AMIIX., Jvlli Im No. 217 WALNUT Mlruat. - s y0l N KW VOKIv. DKSPATCII . L-ffc.., l.7n and ewiitHdia Linen, via iitlawura and L..i linn t nii.,1. '1 b nuttMierii ot tlu-na linM rd biavioii dmi v mi U udk M. aud it o'ciock i'. Al., Uoui tblrd plot a'j-'Ve Wulnut fciitet. tor htiiit, v hit-It will be taken en avommodatlnf trtiit. ipiy to WILL1.UI M. iiXJii) ACV., lii XlUWALl. Aveuutf. RAfLROAD LINES. r . a. !rw"T,"!r-i run. IWAll 4M BAI'T,",'hB BAUe- OnAWOT! f)F HOfTHH. 0 and afler mMUV. June f), 1IM, Paa.eniri'r trains leave I'lilladelpliH fir Maitirow in tr .prei.., Moadajseaeesitedl.l MA. M., XV m , I ni .rid to-:.. '. m. sije.ur at si. 11 1.', A. M., -to, i-en, 4 W.C-61I and UK WdniinjMon at (rw (Mond.j. .sealed), t n, 1111 A. II . ri.'J,m, 4 Hi,(! Csi and I t-f-j f. M. Xew tie st Si A V. n ) 4'H'. vf. Itnrrrstyi A. M and 4 F. m. Mllli.rd at aiift A.M. ftsllsti'iryat H'twv A. M. i mainh tun rmT.AtiKi vni. ro":1;.''.'' " A-M - """- WH. ntiRt, n at I 4fl -4;. j A. ., 34. 1, 1 4.V 4 0 4 'a3 I :k and -ki I M H-i:-Nir7 at 1 " r M. Md'or-i ft ;t : r. f l'i'-r at f .' A M , an i 4 IS P M. F' i ft-tlo At m A. M. ami W. P. M. i hterai; .'. 40 A. M ,1 WMW. 4 40, -Af, 8 14, -4n P.M. Lpiiv r.nMlwor fi-T aaHbnr) and Int-rreAdlista ttatlnnj at M -Jt't. V. Inv. itHllli ioro f ir I ivr and !titT.nd:ato Utk-.n at I lb 1'. M. TRAINS FOR FTTlMOHH. I.ttart fhin-r ut l 4n A. M .. :i and 11 o. 1'. V. Lrave WlimiaMioH at 5 ao, t 10 A. M , A dt and 2140 r. M. F'rMiM Trafna. with Vhwt r ar attah?xl, will mn an Inilfiw- : lav H Hdiinytun for rrrTTille f.nd IntrrraftdlatepUcci at 7 V. t M. HI MAYM: -Onb- at 4.'V A. M.. 1fJK P. M., It'itn l'hila dtlphla n Hillltnor-. Kr.nn rhliitdklphia to Wilmington at 4 30 A. M.. 1030 and II " r. M Krom Wi'mlntrt-n to Philnd. iphta nt 1 X.M.andT T P Jrt Only al iO 'it H. M.I -om f'-n-f irw to Fbtin.b irlna. )a4 H. F. KLNNLY.Mup',riJit'0rtnU rviiir -n a u k a n i ; k m v. n i s i fTf''K NLA' YORK LIN I'.M. I .il) ft I lit ( 11 indrn und -rdmv and IMitlaili lib-a and Trinf-n Kdtlt ad ('..mpHnifB Lmvi frotni'luilijlpbiato Nw York and Wn Pa-c. HIUM W ALNI-T STH11KT W II AUK. Will l art! an ioii a i -- FATtR. At ' A.M., vi f 'Aiud 11 and Amhor, ani A. Ac- comLitidatt'in '. j-jfi At 8 A.M. .via Camd-n and Jt.-f City, Morning At A. Bl.,via Caiti-b-n and J r-ey Citv, id t'lans Tit k-t At 1'2 M , via Camden and Amhor, C and A. Aio-ai- ni' datlon 2"2S At Jp M ,vla rauitli 11 and Ambm , a. id A . K- rr"" '. 2i.r At 1 1. M., via ( amd n and Amboy, A(T"mm'lailon (h n-U-nt and 1'inoo'? yi-ri 1-76 At 'i I. M-, v la ("aiiidi'i an t Amb"V, A-"nniinnduU jo (Fitlbt and ra-sencr), lt ( las TI knt 2(1 ( ilr.-. (1 At 7'i I. M., via f'amdin and Anfn- A'T'nniH'ida- t'on (Fn-vbt nnd fa-HnfiiKur )t 1-t t'lini ticket 2 il IM la- do I -tl K-ir Mmifli Ch iiik, Aibnib-wn, H-:hMrn. I'.Wvl.lf ra. YAtUm. LfinitH-rivilIf, Klcmim.',on. nt Hm At V. M. For Ht'iiniitoo, Laiiiiertvllle, and Jnti-ruiedoiia ita- tlonsA P. Al. f or Mount Holly, Kvariivlllo, and I'cmrM C A. M , 2 and . I. M. for fPtbnldat 0 A.M. and S P. M. For Palmyra, l;i'rton, lit-i im o, llrvt-rly. It nrllniton , FN'icnrt', Hurdfi tnv-'i, Ai-, at ii . M-, 12 M.,l. :t-..0. ft and ii I. M. lh -V JKU'id ' p. f . bn-M run diroei thnmu:, to Tn-nton. For Palmyra. Itlvcrton, D.-Ianco, llevr!y anj Iturllnt ton at 7 P. M Hii-nmlttiat Tranton, ffr Ilrist-d, tltirl'ntft ti, ItnTcrly, TnrrTmlab' uml Tm"ii , t 'i- :u) V '.d 2 it IV M. LINKM lk')M KLN.SlNOrojf iiLPQT Wlllbavrim loll, .v.i,: At 4 A .V., (nii.h')via K.-n-liuton nnd NcwYark, WiK-hlnton and New York A; ail JK 25 At 1116 A. Al., via Kt'iitiiiKton and Jt-tavv City Kx Vr ". 300 At 4 .top. Al. Tla Kemhifcton and Jiii- y CPy Kx-prr-H 300 At U-4A P. M. la Krnihnti n nd Jersey City, Wnsiiitiufc.n and N-w tora Lxpii 3'00 HuiMiay limn n-uve at 4 A. M. ami ti A P. M Fi r ai r iitp, Btnnid-b:irr. Hrraninn, kVJikoHtaiTe, f'nlrnfp,i;rfnt hnirt, 1ain li Cbunk. All-nt..wu, nibla- benj. Jti'hriilrr', Famm, L'imtM;rivi(lc( Fb-nitn-'iou. at 7'L' A. M. This line funn in -Miri tbe train leuvnui ;rini f..r Mimeli t.lmnk at ;t-.W P. M. For FU miinfii.11, Lainbt-rtvlik'. and Inttrniedl.ttc nta- tlin,nt P. M. For Urintt'l. Trenton, Av., at 716 and 1115 A.M., and 5 P. M. For lbdrnt ibiir(r,Ta nny,W!silnnni(iit;, nrtd---'borii,.and Krankairil, at A. M., b 4.r and 3 P. At. Ttw lJ A. M. Linf nnii tn HrfKiol. For Nw Yortt, and Way Line-t leaving KenKimrton Iifptd, tak the carton filtlt Btrr.-t. absivo VVnlnut. naif an Imiir bcl'uro di-parturp. 1 ho Cur run into tho lK-it, and rn arrival ol onch Train, run frm the hrpot. Fifty fionnda nt bnat'iira only Hllti.v'd eath pftisrntrer. PaHM-nL't rs aro prohlbiti-d frotn uknv .inytbiiiB ah b.-iir-iinitf. but ib'lr wAarlnr anparcl. A11 banunwe nver fli'ty poind to bfl paij h.r extra. TI10 Cmniutny limit tb:r rffvMniMbiilty i.-r bnirae w Ono H'dlur nr pixjnd.aiid will not be liubii; fur any atnutint btiyodd lw, oxttspi by sp rial C'liirm-r. (.ristjiim' liiuuniff Ext-rrsn will call fnr and dodvpr hoj- rice at tl.t) iHwia. ortb ri to be It P at Nn. a Walnut "-t. WM. il. iiAl,MEU, Aeuu Jime -0. lwil. LLNtH lltOM KEW YOHK FOR PUILAI)EljPIfIA WILL LKAVK From fo"t nfCnurtlund s'apot at VIM. onrt 4 P. M., via City and Camden: at 7 and 1(1 4. M.,(i 1 M., and I fNlfilil) via Jcrat y ity and Keii-liipbii. Frnin ftKit of 1'nri'l.ty struct, at ti A. M. and 2 P. M., via AndKy and Caindn. From I'bT No. 1, North III ver, at 13 M.,4 and P.M. U rtlubt and 1'asiKnneru) via Auibny aud Caiuden. rrr-fwr fukigiitlT nkskor new IrTriT York and all the eta'h.ns ou theCamdtu and Aaubuy nnd coniipcttnr Kailroidt lNCKKAKD DKHPATCII. ThrCaiuden and Ambnv Kailrmd and Transportation Coiiijifli yV rlbt Linen f New Ymk will leave Walnut Btrtct wharf, on and aft r January tt, dally ifSundayi x ccpti'd), at 4 o'clock P. M . hf turning, tho u!kvo Liuea will leave Ner York tu 1 ami 4 P. AL Frt'iWu inn et be delivered before 3,S P. M. to be for warded tbe nine day. Freight for '1 rtnbn. F'rlnroton, KhiRiton, Mew flnim wkk, and all point on the Camduu and Amdoy Itnliroad ; also 011 ti.e Hi h Mere, lie awaie. and Kli'iiifiiL'tiin. the New Jt-rm y.tbe Fn v) eld and Jan e-burK, and th llu-'tiiipton aim ainuni 1 '(O'cbick I and HI mint ll'dly ha Irnodn, rt'i-eivflii and forwarded up to iz'-tocmca 1 . 31. timau p celvid up to i o'clock P. M. hmail package. b-r Alunt tiolly re- The ltidvldcre DelHware Rnllrnad eann ctn at. t'htlllni- bTirn Willi lha Lt luh Valley KnUmnd. The Nt-w Jersey Kul rtiatl coiiuectti at Lliznlth with tbe Ntw .frtjy Ccntial Ifailinad. and ut Newark wltb tho MorrU and tMX flail mid. A slip memorandum, iporlfylnf ti marks and nnm bera, h'ppfr and coiibbnuri,iiut In er' lnsi;inc oe t with cadi bud of ifo'da, or uo rvc ld will tie nlven. lin r aMil fttclllrea lmvltig been mado ii-r t'.e traiiip-ir tatlou of L1VK HTO' K. drovera are luviied to try tiiii route. When ab-ck la fnrnfsbed In nanrttL a of TWO CAIt LOADS or more. It will bo delivered ut tnu lVi t ul Fortieth street, near tbe l)"itve Y;ird, or at Pb-r No. 1, Ivirtri Itlver, as the thippcrt nrmv tbiitnato at Ihe time nf tha ablptucnt WaLTF.K FltRKMAN, Kretubt Airen. Nn.'attJS Iiflriwun'aveutii1, Puiladeip ila. l.LO. It. ItUMOM), Ir-kbt AKfut. jav'i-tf PitT 5u. I.Nurth Itiver, New Vurk. KKAUINO K AILUOAD. VFe liJtfTA I" I Ull NK LINK FPOM PIIU.ADLI.I HI A i Till-, IVTKHIOR OF J'KNNM I.V AM V, Till: .Mil' YLKI LL. HliB yi KHANS' A, CLMltKKl.ANI). AND WYOM'.Nt VALLLY8, .M -Soft I H, KOHTHWLST, AND Tll'li CANADA. PASSKMiKH TIf ISS leave ihe Coir.r-!' lb-put. ai TIIIHTKF.NTH and CM.I.nwiCLL Mructa, PbilaUlpM.., ut tbe lulJowiua hour ; mo!:nimi mail. At 8'1'j A. M., f.r Iffudii.', i.cb.non, EoTirata, Lltla, Ctilumbia, 11 it 1 1 ihlturu, Futt.-Wlb,J Plneiovo, Tama!ia, huiibur-., Wilb uup' ri. Kiinli.i, I;nfbster, Niuu.ira Fa Is, Hutfalo. AllcntoM 11. U b.. "slmrrc, PU'ston, Ytirk'ailie, Cl Hiubei .biirc, litthc-s'o..ii,A'e. Tbe tr.iin cmiiii' i .11 . i. '.i'ISli with Et Pennsylva riu l:..lii.iHil l -i' hi- r.r ili-i,fv n ,vc, tin- U.iMdin and ( 'fiiiiii' 'a H.iin w l rip:. 1 a'i, .id, nnd Culnmbui, and wiib tbe Ls bum n V'ib v 1. - jp r. r,.e.. ; at POlt t CLl Mn. wtih t'aiaM-H.i ; niicuii tiaius lor WIH..-, b irre, W 1 1 Iur hp-rt, l.-i k Ma. .11, L.iu .a, ut IfAKitlH- ItriHi v. lib ,'N.t1--rn ! t-::t al.' ' tVlliih. rlund Valley," "St bt.x X .11 ii:d "n',iu'lu unit" tl.una fr North, nn b rlaiid, Wibiuuii".rt .Y11I-. .t li iiiiii"- -I i'rr, Plnerove, the. AM ITiNtiOS K.v'.'JlrXS Icavia pull..-!, lj.i,iii ;,t :,l r. M. n.r ItcAdlHK, Potts vil.e, 1 n,--;, I' mi n-siuli y , 1 ninji tin,, .it HaTi. bn pwIKi I t nn-l t n u Cc.iir-l It illr-'tid trainn fr Pitt h burc.v tr;'.irn Ci -iii 1) .uiu ,m trains I-r ury. Viiihiit; I., K'lnlri, i:,H'l ;il P .( t 'ili't n'i'-'-i 'ri,nia f..r A!iion. WiP'aiu-.p'irt, LI Hjira, liiu ul -. v i: I . A HI M 1 ( 1 ' ll H 11 A ITO V. Li .i Ii uuii t' ; t t, 4 a, M , ntKpi'iinr ut M way ata-c-nr. . ui 1 ii r: I.,.-,. i,. .n .it i ...i Si.;''..n . ii'.ri'. r!,,i. n.iiH.titaul'.M.i arrives In P ..ihr.L at k i-1'. .m. i 1 huih i.-r Pi 1 i.i.i li Y.a: ' in o IT-irri-bnii.' at A M.. ami Piit'h.n:--.a u A M., .i.-intiij, i-i p:di nhlifh.u in 1 1 . id Alt' "ii. 'intiai'.h Mi. i' 1 1 11 1 1 b':i at I I". l . , I'otts vllb : 'J :'.' P L, 4riiln; hi Phibid-lnhla ai 7 P M. Mu:'.!' ti.miM, viih h j .1 e':i.'.r car ,i'l-hr,, leave 1" iliaii I)! n .it 1 r. iur ii'iil n ami all ; i jvi i.v, i, m .it i . in j:, .ui-; i iik'. tvn at 12-1'. M . ''l I''1! H't' J.'f .i.iti a!' .1 ..iih, 1, in.' nil .yc ir.'ibu im: ( . uii'ia-,i cc pti d. Mn cu ir.u-. li-ave Jtl ivl V. M.t and Pu:U-d- Ul il l' M. t Hi VALI I Y P Vl.HOUi. P if feniH"--lor iMiMii:uMi-11 and intt-i udi-itc poitiii Ltl.etl h I,', A S. 4iid V" 1 P. M. tr.i'iih f-ou I'm. td-lpbli, raiiiiiiit, ii'.ui Low iii'iaMo., n :.t n tu a. il., a. id lJ'lj i-"ini. M.'Y Yollli LUtIH FOir PlTTSIt(.li ANO fllK wi:r. T.cnvc? V-irk al P. M ., pasin )(. ad nif at 1? m'd :iUtt,uii.l i "trie 'tun 11' liu'ili.tuu wtih l''jiih).v.uii lt.iliii .til F ' UHins fi.r lit -.11 rw. lit tun in.- Kxiiniri- Un'.n U uvea il. ilshurg 011 arrival . tbe l'ciiiir-hiiiirt l:prena l'ii(I iirtf ut 6 Ai A. M., pu.lfii,' be-ai'i ui h A. M.. an.l at riving at Nuw..rlt at 1M- P. .M. bici-idni; ar aieuiiipany Uicio trtm JcrM-y i'Uy and I'lttsburi:. wuhutit uhano. MM! tmliih for Hew Vurk leave li-irn&burK nt ti A. M. anJJ P. M. Mull truiua br Han in burg leuvoiiew Vork; at U A. M and 1.' M. ill l. KILL VALI FY RAILltOAD. Traliiii Icumj Pottsvlllo at ; 10 A. M. an.LiMo P. If., re tliiKinK lniiii Tiihcur . a ai H 10 A . M. and 4 P. M. Hi IH VI. KILL AM HI'Ni.H LII SKA It ll.H0M. 'I uiiiiH it uvc Auburn at ii -ib A. M. fur l'iuu :rive an.l lliiriisbuii;, ami nt 1 W and 7 lo P. M. fr Pmcurove oiih : ict.. 11 (r.-iii lIunLbuti.' ut 1 i'i P. M., and 1 1 am PlneiJMOe at b 10 A. al., and 4 mi l .j P. AI. 1 1 Through flrat-elasi tlvkeia and e-ii!t-rnnt tfcVets to all the principal point in the Norm and Vel and Can.ulHH. The iiilluwinu tichetH aiei.biitiiinble only al t he oillcn of H. ltllAlU'tKH, Tniib-iiir. No. .f.7 H. FOl'lt I'll Street, Pbliad 'ipbiii, ur oi U. A. MCULLS, t.eucrui buermuu Uciit. 1 vadium COMMl'TA TION TTCKF.TH, At per cent. ducouQi, betweiu any poiut desire J, fur faniiUca and ILiiiiH. Mil EAiii: TICKF.TS flotid ftirttOOO iiiIIch, uciMticii all piuta, at flC-35 each, for lumliiu aud ilrnm. e.KASOV TK'KKTS, For three, six , nine, or twelva niuiitlu, fur Luldcra only, to all iiolnu, ul reduced nte. CLKlttiYMKH Hchldlnu nn the line of tho rua l will be ftiniLhed with Vnidh, tnlUliiifc' ilieiukLhea audwivca to UtAula ul liuli fare. r.xcrnmoN tickktu Friftii Vbllad'-lptni in priiii lpiti Hinti.'iii, Kod fbr Satur day. huidu , and Moiulriv, at redm c I fme, to b b;id only at H e lickvltjUiuo.atTUlUJ LL lii aud CALLOWllliX lrtw.U. VltKKlIIT. floods of all denerlpiloija forwarded to aU the ahova po'ntH, from Hie 4'i.nipaiiy now licUbl depol, LUuAi) and Willow fiTKLL I H. 1 lii:w:nr TRAINS Leave Philadelphia duily at 0 A. M ., I P. M.. flnd fl P. M., I.r Ite.tdinii, i.el.anuu, Uurnburg, PotuvUJo.PwtU11'1 aud puiuu beyond. MAILS , ... -Tlnu at lb Phlladcli.hla PuuOdliie for nil places n tti r-d and it bran. b.a at U A M U(1 M WW" BUiivUM vulj ki i io P. RAILROAD LINES. vknnsyi.vama" r." "Vr-l f'K.M 11.1, 11 m. ,. lril Jill. Mill H)I III K. I K i K hii. utr Bill TE THr. wr.HT, . and h m' i ii kst. Fqiil.Dif.nts anrl larlllii. inr Iff aafi;, aie.'r1v, and enns frinahl. lrnn.iiMallini ..i isariiKCr., unsuriiaascd by au ruii. In iIh1 eonfitrv. Tialns liax. Hu- l)i .t at F.LKVKSTH nnd If RKfTT rsrr. ft..u. .Mail 1 ritin al fa t Ll,,.. 1 limnsli I spro. al '. I'lirk... I.imk I 1 mn, N. 1 , Mr I'll Ml' K I ruin, No. i. at ......... . I'an l.lmri; Ai i-iiri,iinnlal,ili at I an. h c r 'i r.iin ai .. 7".' A. M. ..II !. A. M. ..M SOP. M. ..11.1m A. f. .. 1 1 if. r. m. .. f'l'l'. M. 4 no r. M. 1 a. 11 si initmiMMHilnii (If iv s Wen flilla ). at .1 mi r. M. I nr. m Ii 'a..rn,.r. h. ti.e f ast 1ne ra.-h AHnrsa.' n.r ""1 . h"'" i'l f"H". I ox. i in -it ii- . vitii'i I ill m f,,r .n t.l hi at tin. I...i'iiii lloii'i.. anil in tin , irt.ln mav t.iK' itli,.r in" I''his "T l'.;, Kxir..a .,ch of ' i i, 'i n a. c ,,., , ,, .,, a' I'm. , u j f.,r all,.. .A d.i.l u. i . ti, , ,).,,, ;, ,,,, inn. and Tj linn,:'!. ' hi .i . i i . . ih, 1 1, mm I, i.siti -Trnlu runs ilallvi all th. other lis 1." iln Iv. im- .s, nit,ii s r"ll I'll I HI, IUII '1 IHK Wf'SP, I f Vnll I ism, t ,ist i.inr.. nn,l I lir,,iii'!i Kxprfas eotl I"" ' ''"'"' n't' Aim ilir,,Mii i,a.i.ii nil ill, ek;,,K ruifla I I it, Niiri'i 'Oil,. I.,l,..,.l tn .i.o M. .i. "'I ,l an, I .ll..,,rl !,, , aim ,s.,nt!i and oiitlni..t to .,'!'.'!,' , ""''",l'"' ''V r,. Irnl. II, r, n. ii ink,-', to a.T.l '"' '""." I'"l. -.'l'.'i.l... m.lliiii. t. I. .'i.n .'.i.'Vr; ' '"". Wh. -Iltli. H.l. iLV-ZiV.-., r:Jr;;- ri a t'i N."'XSA l"(AN'!I It MLItfUll, v t ie Thrni b ruprif a. icuvinir at b n ., rnwb I at liifiimviltc infcree.llT, n)l, t trn n un thia Mad b 1'. a-r-vdl". Iriilhinii . A,- i.lifNVl'l Hi J AM (lilSSON HltAVril nn.OAi Mi I l.roi.h I- n--, l r.Mn. ic.ivn.r m hl.l'i P. M , ,, li at rii.i.,,11 l li.'J. A If .....a- - ... " - -- " t . -i ., - un n ir-sjin nn m? r . ,r I '.(n'-i'iiTir. A train alto Ichvoh (-reason fur KteaabHti l m P. y ' Ml iiii 1 1 1 ' a i shi im iiKAvrn ROAn. fi r y in i ,,,11, hi ; i K "H.. ii nd 1 in -iri at 1 in- Or. m , r.,M" .1 .it A'tir n- w,ili Ira. ilk f-tr lluliidaa- I I. nr. at 7 .." I. M. and n A.M. Itt NK AM' ILK Mil U Ll PltAVt'Tl TtAII.HOAl 1 'I I i- Tbrtm-h K,'if. TniMi. b-avmif nt lo Kt P. M. mn- i ne. tn ul T i r.T n nh a tiam lor s !:id--e uml Pnliltpi- boi.and bv li i'il I'.H.Ie ii!lci liailroud for Port Mutilda . ; Al lit-tbii' Lr. nnd 1 W-it. f.n i j.' Ill M IMilMiN AM HliO I TOP It WUtOAD. , 1 In '1 lir..iij, h L n l, li-n Itil- at Id .i 1'. M.. n. T nc'a at Hf.iiti clon wnh a train rr Jli well and lilood j Hon in Mi A.M. X'itlHLKN t'EN'TIML ASM PIMLrEI.PUI K ASD KI.IK PAlLI.OAUrt F'.r nnbt-rv. Wir-i-m-pori, H-vn. Klmlra.lti- j ehe-trr. PaMulo, ami'a:a Ft;'!!, pastonicri taInr the Mall l.a.n at 7 2--A-M , nnd t' TiirnUfh prtH at lo.ii. P.M., tfitily "scent Huntbiyn, r dtri-crly thrmnih, wlia- nt t lianc of cart between 1'iulaih-lph.a and Wm ' bani"i"rt, I ur YOHK, II ANOVKR. and tT.TTVHMI'RO, tbetralni '( lea I iik :it h A.M. and y.Ut p M ., rtmcct at Oolumbia ' wilb trairn nn Hi. So-tlifrn r.inir( i f Ml.KItl AMi VAI.LFY ItMI.KtlAIL , The Vaill ruin at 7 A.M.. ami Tbr..:i-.h F.-cpreaa aA , It o p. m. , c-'tn at Hairiibiiru with trins for Oariisie, 1 (.'l.unib. r-lnitr;. uri'l lla.'''M'iv. n. A. Ni-.-IU Ut, ltp.V'TI rMir.TtnAn. Ibetnlr leinlnw at 7 - A M ami 'i'.io P. a' I ' it nin-jtow n with tmin on this road to Xa too ami Mil lntcrmcfliiiie tntl' nt. fur fnrtli.'i liit-iiiniitloii nnnlv at I'ip I''nr "l" f . r. turllir ol hl.KVI'.N I'll uml M VUKfcl' SHe-l .1 A M K . 'I IU 1 1 K V . Tlckot Aiwnu I'fiM.MI T. THIN TICKKTS, F"r I. 3. fl. ft, or 1.' s, iy l-.w rsts, for thi ac- 1 c, in. in itiiitii.ii o! ,,'ia,,nii out uf located ull j ornnai ,hc lino of .!.' rosil. I I.III'O.H Tft-KI'.TS, For "'. trlp hotw,.i-n any two point., at .ihit two 'ent. f-ortjilie. 'I ii,..c tt, knU arc IntPiiiti'ii lor thonso ol'fatnU j les triii elltik' ln'iiin nilv, .iinl uru of r.,at advantao lo tsTs.iiis liiaktiiK orra'ioonl trips. M III nil, II.1KKI M, F.irono or thri'.: months for tho use .f scholars attending adn ol in IhciiUr. ' WliSTKBM FM10I1ATION. An KniliTnit Ari.Mtrtniitlntliin train Irases Vo. llrl ' I. tS t daily (.tnoiliiys ( raplpil), t 4 o'clorli P. M., I t'tierilik- a t-iiluilrliihle mule of truvil to famillea going iVi..t, at om -half tlie n.ual rale of 'nre. Particular . attrotlon I. pind to hnKna.-p, for wiilrh ch vks are Rivi-n, tf n.l ha; miir t.,na,irdi ii hy the same tram witb passeuver., tor lull iiiforuiatlnn. atiply to lUANl.lS fl'NK, Emigrant Airent. i Nn, 117 DOOri altreet. -., MASK'S n(!OA(IF. EXPKKHH. Anagen.ot' this ri'lliiblfl K.xprpss Comoany will pas. thrniiKh i-u. li truln heiore ri'aclilt.K tho dpot, and Uike up cli. cda anil ilt-lii or hauKiiiti' tt.any part ot'tlioclty. Hn. tcn-e wIM bct'Hlloil tor iroii,illy wiipn onlnrs are ipft at th i'as.i iik.r 1.,-pi.t. KleT. nth and Mark. strrpts. Tho tra- M viiiig iiublic are a.urp.l 'A"' it , rnttrelu rttpomible. I'HLIiillfS. T.y flits route fn-l!ita otalltk-nnltifloo. can he forwarrl.d , to and fioi.i nny v.uits i,n Hit mllroada ol'Ohlo, KentHPky. Indiana, Illinois, -iVli.rou.iti. Iowa or Mlsnoiu-, t,y railroad I (lirioi. or lo liny pi.lnton the navigal le waters of the W'mI. it 't, aiii.'t tmin l'ltlsliiirn . Tho rat'1 ot tn l,iht to ami from anv point In tlie tiy tlip priiniiylviiiiia t'putrnl Railroad aio at all llmea a. j liivnralilc a. are phuri:i'd ly other Kailroad Companies. Morrln.iita und ahl),K'rs plitraHtlni the tPaniortatlou of their fr, liiht to this Company cuu rely with i onrMeooe oa I ll .iei oy iransil. For freitlit conlrnrta of .flipping dlroctlons, apply to of uni'ieni, in, lorn,, oi i no , niiipnn v : S. It. K1MIM u.N,,lr., ol I'bikiileliilila 1). A STKWaI:!', ntt.burg. . t.aiiK . i ... s nicnijio. LKKiJIl A Cl. , Mo. 1 Ator lliniie, or No. 1 8. William treet. Vw V..rk. 1 l.KKt 11 ft ...No. 77 Wnalilnirinn .Ireot, Tloston. . WILLIAM IlKOWS No. Nil NorMl .Uuet, HalUmon, I Aent Norliiern Central Itallway. ii. n. norsTOsr, j Ocneral Frelaht Aavnt, ri.ila.l.'lnhla. LEWIS L. llorpT, ' General Tlrket Af. ni. Phil nl.inhla. ENIM-II LEWIS, - 1 Central guperli,lcndnu Altoona.Pa. CTTre-T'-rn P H 1 1. A D K L P H I A, QKR- ' iUiLHOAO. ' I TIM 11 TABLK. On and after JlONIiAY, May ). IHCf.nntll further noffo 1 FOR (ir.llMAfST.lWV. .1 I.eav. Phllnd.Iphla , 7, is, It, 1, 11, U A. M. I.IhSA'1 I 8.4,A,r,,,7,N,l.,10,ll.ll.t Leave tierluantown ii, 7, Jl K,4'H0 H.10,11,U A..M..' l.L'.:i,4,fV,6, 0,K,,7,8.!, 10. II. and li P. .M. TIip t. '.tl down, and the :i'.' and i trains up, do notstos. on the (teru.anti.ivn itraiii-l, CHKHMlT HILL RAILROAD. , l eave PlilUdellilu, li, ti, 10, U A. M. : i, a ', iV, 7,,an4 11 P. M. I.eavefTip.nnt Hill. 7 in, .,940, 11-40 A. M. : 1'40,S40, , 6'4l),tl' Ml.K'SO, and lli'-IO P. M. 1 FCIt CO.SrilK.IKH.-KKN AND NORUIHTOWV. l eave lilludelnlila (i, b'ii, ll'Ui A . M llj., a, iX, b!i, S." ll-'H lid It). P. Jl . Leave Ni.rrlhtowil,U,T,7 W,9 aud 11 A.M., C.'i ulldl'l'. y. Tin- M, tmin tip will stop at Wlssalilckon,Mana7unk( a, id Cotibliolioeken o.,ly. f ull MANAYrNK. Leave PMIailelphln. ti, b-;ift. 1 lt A. AI., IX, 8, sVf. W4i fi, h l'6 ami 11'., 1'. V. I eave Jlnuiijunk, ti.'., 7K, 8 2), S,','. 1VI A. M.,J,6,T, Bud ii. 1. Al. 11. K. RaTIf. Oi noral fliiportiifrtidenl. , uiyll Depot, MVl'll and OUKEN Slreot., ' rm avkst jr-usF.-s hailroad wla""'r5f.lK.s. t,nimi noiiluAlONDAVJuai I FOR CAPF, MAY. f At S nil.l in A. M.and ut '30 P.M. . I For RaKm and ltriih.i t .t :l A. M. .m I I P. It. Jl For .l.orn, at ll, ll, a. id in A. M., and 4 and . 30 P. '. For Wiiodliury, tilouoesier, Ac. at li aud 9 A. M., U Ai., , j and 4 aud 6 1'. Al. I I li'll'RNINO THAINU LK.ANT, I dine May ai and ll lo A. M .auil i lu P. M. 1 Miilvil e al7 So A. M..nnd 1 'V.' and t'H P. Al. i hal.'tn al ii A M. and l' . P M. 1 llriiiypton al 'K, A.M.. I'lm P M. Clim-lH.r,, al T'Kl .iti A. At , 2'OT.S'flO and I'M P. II. W .....ll., rj at 7,7'iUaiidu 64 A. af.,aiid I ln,i ii,4 ueaod e la p.m. T1IF. WF.ST JFRSF.Y I XI IIKSS fXilfPANT, 0ti,-, Hi, r, WAI.M 1 HI reel, III call tor and dellve. ItnyLfliip, and atti-l d to aM the li-tial branches or txpr buelnphs, f.oiy .Srrii7f.i taM-u l,y li A, Al. lines onl and lie Kent to the ntliiio th. evenleff urevioti I'eriKhiiblt' arih li'S t,y tills line must tie sent berbre 6 A.M. A speelnl ineasei'er aeeoin,ia- tps eaeh tram, iiylll J. A.N Hl.N.Hr.LAKK.HuiKrmunideut. irx.VSzr,ZT WI-'ST fllKSTKH ANI) PK fejffartd.-'..:" LAI'KLI'illa. RAILROAD, VI Alr.lHA. nt'.ttVll A It ,1 4 Slll'S II" VJT. inan1 .iter 1- U1IUY, April l.ln:4,llio 1'raius will !f 'V .a tl.lliT. a ; 'j I Phllr.iWIpli'a. from Ihe li pot. corner of THIRTY -f J riUMl' and VARKCr IStieels, b A. Al., ll'to A. At, 'W i 1'. M.,4' -'in P. L. ii 4.' P. M. 1 I'ln'iiili l l in cltanuPd fri,!n FlilllTUBVTH n i MM.KI.l hU'M,, tu I lilil I i I IliM' end MAUH.t- TJ Hire, la. I I a.e Weil t hem r, Horn the iKpot, on Enst MARKK' a Nii.el.liVIA.M A .M..UA M .'2 P. M.,4 4o p. St. 1 '. lip i-uia ' tlie Ve-t i'li l.i l.oplila 1' ici.eii.r Kullwaj J i ot- jinny t ma ki-i str.ij vmii eouvey l usiu-iircr. so an. Uolu IlK I'l.llftileipi.itt li.',,l. n til N'HAYS. Teaie Phlhiiti li'litn al h : n A. M. n'nl f 'So P.M. 1 e . est t ' Her ill M f. . :,l and I Ut 1 .M . TriillM. leas. in. I'lillaiiel hi., at ft A l. and 4 1 P. M hl,,l e. l'l,. .f,r lit 7'S-i A.l.,n..l 4'4, I. .;.,romei wtih truins on the l'liilui:e'!ih..i ami PiUlliiiore (-eulTi It.itll.'.!,. li.'. i't .unl Im.' in: ,1: He iiit. . ul tl r.t.MII .'. UOI. ' .en. r.U .Sup, . Lilendent. 7 rm n r I n i . i i: L r 1 1 1 A W'"fr,')' AMi Lull: ltAlt l.(Al I j.ii i li ci tint .t n .-I I't ti j II l.n.-b.'i nle : tr.ix cuts iln: N"i iIktm .tfjil . i .tin i o Mm- i nv Lib' tin l.nkw Kii din il e I KNNSVfsVWI A It.WLKOA Li tMP AN i i r tli. f: .ui-pi-A'! id beintf raniu t.i eiM a! tin'. u-.bin. I 4-i. - If f ii It th huw in ii- v inr l'.int ii. ) an;! 1- rei..'h' hiisli.eiHs fVo1 H.' rt !-bm l: :u I i.-i' i !nm ( ! 5 iitib'-j, m int I .n.i..rn !' Him. .mil in tn : b ihuM lu Ln- ,H wi :),ou tbo W.-mV s li 1- 1 I Of I --KTl It Tl.Al Vt Mali 1 ru n lii i n tll'H-s '1'iUMl it : I AT I'lfll ADt-.l I'ltlA. , htu A. l r;;o P. S i ar run i 'ii i; th 1 1 n .( r in wtiyt on tht tr.iiht b ( v' n P.iilitd' li-i.tii uua Lo.k Uiivuu.and Lxetwut ILilhiiu.rt' and I x V ll.m n. ; l k-iifit su eniiiL' t n e nn tbe Fsnresi Train both waf ln inioriiMtiinii r "iM'ciln Tn si. iiii-r bnsni.un, ni' I Hit- S . K. t'ui t't-r ut K'Bvcnth und Mai Koi utree t. And ti'i 1 rif .In buhlin-tH. m the t 'dihhiiVi Auent : m . It. Kiii),'ttuii, Jr.,c-rnyi .StxucutuaudMai'a,ctLit)(ti Plilhiib-li-hitt. J. W. In-snold-, File J. Al. in ill, Ayiiiit, i . N. C. R ., Paltlra re.' 11. 11. IUHlSrO. Cuicral FiclgM A ifi.t, riitiadcJi) . 1 T.WIS L H'H'P r1. iK-ral Tk-kf-t A t-' nt , l'bllitdeiiv.ta dO-sLPil l POI IS, General V unauur, V IllUuinport. ja4tf -i'iisT?' n ' i?' IMIII.ADKr.PHIA AN I ll..oi:h t'KSTKAi. t' Ri 'AD.Ul'F.N I ii (IM OI:l M'ltllMt AlfltANDKML! t m and alter C lull AY, April l,loi4. the irauia will lui a. i,i:i .ti- : I.KAVF. KA8TWAHD. I l.FAVE SA'ESTWABD.I H ATI" INS. A. W, 1. 1 rhllu.l.diihla... Nnd 4 We.t Cheater. 7'A 4 W.C.Juucllun. 9 "8 i Coneord I. '-'1 fiiailn... A. 11. I'.M. ! Oxford li' SJ -A' ' s eat t.rov.... ..,'67 ' ;;'-' Av.iii.lale 7 I"' 411 , Kt-iiiiell. 7'.S) 417 Cnaild s Ford.. 7' If 4 11 Coneord 8 iili 6'ht) W.C. Juntlioll 8'lii ft l-'i .'l.liH.I,.,U,iM R'L'tl Clis.lil's rord.. It'll It'1 I Avolelalu lo-il J . '. We.l liroTe....lll '-1S' ' n o est Cot aler . .li'iHl .ill ".nf"... ,' "'.: Pasbenaer 1). pot In Phlladelplna ha been olianaed tr FfatiH . alii and Warkot atieel.,!.' I'lllKTY-FiilbT a Jl.sliKI l Hire i". I'liiladvliiliia. Alark.ul Vlr I'a.M.naur liioivi a Cara coiiv jv 1 aaMmuers to and fir 11 . iHBlUlt i'..i,i is to throuirh srithont ohan. of oars. ia..i IIKMIY MliUU.Hup.rlnlendep rrTmmf'. KAI.K.M UAILKOAI) Cf fciSS W'iM'' PANY.-Kiiiinlniilm.ol' l'rajiis ui. oi ina I lllliAY. Jiiiiuary 1, Iii4 : liulu Wamut 8lreet VYhaif at ll A. M. 8 anil 4 P freiM',t W II. lurnlna. leae ha eiu al I A. M., t( A1.,1'1UP.M. )'(.kabl da tlv eaeh way, Aip'n. MllRHlN MILLS, Aa-nt, Second Covered Pier aouve WALSli T b'rit. IS. Iitl. AW ARB Av, una. Jal-t ) YAH llt.Nbf Li-ALU. Buiisrliii.uu.U