The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 20, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 3, Image 3

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rating Stlcgtapli
bpisit or tee hew toek fress.
LcadlnR Ktlitorinl from the New lork
Fapm This Morning.
Kit .
IOW A Trfttri,.,
It li well known to those wlio hitvn f!loicl
lie course of the (linciiHlnn. in the Knithsh Tr
linmcnt concerning the viol.itlone of l'.ritisti nru
trallty that tho Attorni-jM.rneritl, afti-r being
Iriven to Hilmit tbe ri'iiiissni..i of the Oovern
tncut in the matter of the Mil,amn and other
nKl"-Kft)il ph-aton, fill back upon Aim.-riian
"ants as a justification of Knglih unfrlend
n to tli is country.
Th argument passed for a good one with those
-bo were ignorant of the cases cited by the
Attorney-General, nnd who supposed thut be
ionld not venture to nil.-repre'cnt the force and
etrert of judicial decisions and opinions. It was
ri served for an American lawyer to expose the
fallacies of tbe English. Mr. George Hemic, o
Ileum, tin collected a summitry of the ease
'leailng on the point, under the title "Precedent
of Aim r can Neutrality," and with alundtn
Uariiinir ami a professional arutrnc-n that Sir
lU'iimlell I'ulmer ill ndmiru while be winces
in tier It, has Illustrated and rc-cataolmhed the
true American doctrine.
The vesfdl in .pirati'in was tho Grnrqia, which
Win butlt at Dumbarton on the Clyde, went to
ma, wiih a Liverpool crew shipped nominally Co.
tfhiinghac, received her armament oil' the coast of
ranee, and tithed on her piratical eruino while
""r'-teied at Liverpool as the property of a Liver
pool merchant, and so Continuing for nearly thrco
i months, during which she was bus ning American
V "iV,r,""-e'nently tbe vessel returned to Lier
m ailing under the comuiiHsiou of the It -bel
fnnment, and Mr. Baring put the question In
.ament w hether It consisted with the Minis
try's fiews of neutrality to permit her to enter
and remain In a Ilritish port.
Tbe Aitorney General replied in substance that
"icr commission from a Power which England
bad retogntzed as belligerent, estopped an in
nuiiy Into tbe circumstances of hor outfit, and
tbi t the United Ntatcs "never adopted the prac
JVce of inquiring Into the previous history of
t.n"c fhip- of war which labored under tho'sua
tl ion or allegation of having hcen fitted out in
'heir ports in violation of their neutrality." And
the ci'cd the cases of the Santiima Trinidad and
the Comiim, quoting therefrom a dictum of Mr.
Justice-Story, and tiiimmarl.lng tbe two in the
t Jtemcnt that "the Sanliin'ma Trinidad ami the
Jt V'" W8re D0"' twlvad ''ito the ports of tbe
TiAited States, held not to be amcnaiile tocoarls
, of law, and never ordered by the Government to
leave any port."
Hut there happens to be complete documentary
history of the career of these vessels, and the
facta are so unlike the Attorney-Oeneral's state
ment that the charitable will presume he wat
only ignorant of what he undertook to aver.
A despatch from Mr. Pickering, American Sec-
. retary of State, to Mr. l'itukncy, American
Minister to the French Republic, dtted January
16, 1797, recites that Hie t'oimii, under the name
t of .'mi Jvmeaur, was illegally fitted out In l'nila
i delphia, escaped from that port, and evaded an
attempt to atop her by 'the militia of Delaware,
under orders from Washington.
Tl e agent, however, by whom alio had been
fitted out, was tried for the offence, convicted,
and ten'enccd to tine and imprisonment. Nor did
the efforts of the Government cease with the es-
v cape of the vessel. A circular was issued by the
Secretary of War to the Governors of toe mari
time States, setting forth tbat the Ctwriiu or
, Lei Jumeatu had gone to sea, and might lie ex
pected to return to some American port to com
plete her equipment, and directing her seizure,
and tbe arrest ot the captain, oltlccrs, and men.
But warned of this circular, the Cawiua went
to a French pott In St. Domingo, was sold to the
French Government, put in commission, ami
then returned to rhiUdclphln with all the au
thority of a regular ahip-of-war of the French
Government. Still she was not deemed exempt
from hostile proceedings. Suits were bogun
against the vessel, the captain arrested, the suits
tried in the Federal Courts, sustained by the
Kxectttive authority, and "a final condemnation
of forfeiture in a 'qui tarn' suit was pronounced,
and (we have no doubt) enforced undur national
' auspices "
The French Minister complained bitterly of
these proceedings, and tbe American Gorern
ment was deemed to have gone to the verge even
of war with Frauce, in order to enforce its neu
Utility, and protect British commerce from
French ptiviitecrs fitted out in American p'irts.
If England had acted in such a spirit, with any
thing like the same good faith, and without any
risk to herself, as in the case of the Alabama and
rortjia 'be might have done, is it possible to
conceive that either of those vessels would have
1 een permitted to leave a British port, or to re
tnrn to one i
The only possible quest ion In the Caxsim case
is whether tho forfeiture was actually enforced
nor can there lie a reasonable doubt ou that poin
in view of the concurring testimony of thrco
Judges of the Supreme Court, one of whom was
Chief Justici Marsbad. Hut on that, and on the
merits of th whole matter, Mr. Bciuis thus I'orcl-
1 lily sums up:
"If, perchance, any doubt tiaitfrs over tho final rtitult of
Hie tuft tor forfeiture, all e have to say Is that we S'lill
be ounteiit to hiiru the Itrhl.h netlwn act towards the
Veoiyui, anil all that tribe, In the spirit of the C'e.miK
precedent- IrQvtny out the ovritui-t. Wheu the llriU.h
lloee nuieitt nave eent an armetl force .0 iiruvcot the
escape of anuther tirorita an hoimi a itiey are luiunnid
ot tutu an e.xidlltuiibeinir taedl'eted in ihelr ports ; when
tfcejr have Imhcieit. coiirletetl, anil cuMaiihu her builders
ami eQuiui-r., ia rase h wu e.catit'tl ; when they have
ent orders to all the ports of the Hmt.h Kmiilre
to setae her, ill cane the mtkfi her appeftrunee
- asalu bvfor u"ing into a Conltderate port to pro
cure a Irit'.tiinate transfer and a national coauiis.
I alont vlun, alter having fortihed hereli with
a (lo calk-dj iiatiomil cli irerter, and havfiiK ai;all emit
. wltoln Brlllth jlu Isilicllon. they shall have upheld and
juslilleil civil and penel priK-etdiass aiMluit hi-r at the rNK
ot a war with at powerful a oatlon as franco, and whicl
l . nun, uiiituKa'auini no mv l'i
t when, and Is abandoned lu Uintut by her ocllicreiit
eiiuli'pcis lor oui'.we shsh ouli'ss ourselvei ssusiled
with ItrUhh adintnlNtrMthin of Ihlcrimtlonul law, lnlll
ttifn. we hh.lll hope never to hear line prii'cili'iit of t:ie
f C'ai4.cdaa or:h aiun Iroui the tile s, mi arrow fro ia
Uie ijlilver of an enemy.''
Concerning the Santisiima Trinidad c tse wo
have only spa" to say that Mr. lk'inU' exposi
tion of it is equully satisfactory with that of the
'oim, and equally fatal to the claim of the
English Attornej -tJenerai, whether in respect of
fumiliuri y with the learning of his profession nr
justice to the country which he assails. Tno
pamphlet before us contains the results of f ir
wider itstcuii li than we aie able to indicate in
this article, nnd we commend it as a wh ile to
the. study of sir Houndneil Palmer, or of the
next English lawyer who ntietnpts to build a
defense of English injustice on American proce-
dents which do not txist.
V iiit.ti r a iit:i'isivi: soi.i rio..
Froav Via Time.
The ;ro;rcfs of the war has va-tly sliuplilied
. its orj' V'U. Instcail of being waged in detail
, tf a mull n:de of points along b irder lines and
i coast Unci , with iutci vale of hundreds, auj even
1 'thousands of miles, it now is inudu tobcaruliuost
I exclusively upon two positious Kichiuond and
Atlanta the one recognized to be the key lo the
V northeastern, the other to the southwestern por
I tion of tbe "Confederacy."
flf tlie.-e places are cupiund and the armies
which defend tiicm arc compelled tn surrender,
t an end at once is made ot the Kelailliou, for the
Keliels have no other forces numerous enough to
, make any stuud, and no remaining able-bodied
v population from which to raise such forces. If
a the places are captured and tho Kuhol armies
escape, these armies, in order to save their coin
" mutiications, will be compelled to fall back into
the southeastern portion of tho "Confederacy,"
embracing North Carolina, South Carolina, and
1 perhaps tbe eastern third of Georgia.
Cooped up into this narrow compass, they will
I -he beleagurod on all sides by the natioual armies.
Whin it ouco comes to that, there can be but
one reeu It, and that not long delayed. Tbe
' Rebel armies may fortify themselves ever so Im-
urcgnably, they may keep" tbe national armies at
Lay ever so completely, they .will yet ttud it im
possible to supply themselves from the arable
'ground within that limited region, with their
necessary subsistence. There are no two States
east of the Mississippi Florida excepted, yet
almost an unbroken wilderness whose cultivated
oil bear so small a proportion to the area of the
.State as North Carolina and South Carolina.
There are no two States, with that exception,
so extensively covered by pine barrens and
swamps. It (p not a natural possibility for them
to furnish, in addition to their own home necessi
ties, a quarter of the subsistence that would be
required by the two great Jlebel armies, if once
forced back into their limits. Even were not a
gun tired on our side in assault, the question of
the surrender of Lee and Johnston would be
simply a question of mouths. Tbe war will be
virtually settled from the day the national armies
cloaa in apon them, on or near the line of the
iSavaiinuh liver on tbe one side, and on the line
sirevcning west from the Albemarle Sound on the
Xkt rftll drUiTi work, Uwn( U tilt cptari&i
of Richmond and Atlanta. The accomplishment
of this, in rat h case, is attended wun peculiar
difficulties, and also peculiar facilities. In the
case of Richmond there is an embarrassing ne
cessity of operating as to give the Kebel com
mander no opportunity to detach a sufficient
force to obtain possession of Baltimore and
Washington. But on the other hand is the ad
vantage of a direct water communication to the
bas. f impressive operations.
it is not pos-ible for the ItclaMs fo Interfere In
any (feme with the regular supplies of (fcneral
I. runt s nrniy. Again, an advanced position south
ol l'picrshnrg has tilreidy been seenred, from
which the Hehcls have no power to dial idga us
a position whh li will alike serve Goner il Grant
cither as a mini ti'npinn for a combination of
actic aggressiie movement in full force, or a a
secure sorkt t for the cavalry arm in npratiHg
auaitist the two railroads upon which slone Ice a
inniy lias now to depend lor the conveyance of
lis stipplies. '
In the case of Atlanta, our army has the pecu
liar disadvantage of b. itig obliged to protrct its
ownevtended line of mpp'les a line of not less
thun one hundred and twenty miles to t'ha't i
nooca, its secondary base, nnd runiiiuit thro igh a
ci untrv of thick forests, and of iniiu.nerablc de
tilos, wbiih give great facilities for secret an I
sudden attack. Hut, on the other hand, General
Sherman, after weeks of splendid strategy and
lighting, bns succeeded In bringing Ins ui uiv in
posiiion close upon Atlanta, and the conforma
tion of the gTonnd in its vicinity is such as lo ad
mit of no effective fortifying. If General Sher
man ran keep his line of" supply clear, he will, to
all appearance, soon be able either to take Atlanta
by direct assault, or to turn it, as he bns so many
other stronger positions, and compel its evacua
tion. If this bo a correct t lew of the present mili
tary situation, it is evident that to guarantee
success, more men are needed In both of our
armies. Gi nrral Grant needs them to prevent a
n petition of such Kebel movements into Mary
land as thnt which has just occurred, which
might hnvo wrought, though it did not, pro
digious barm. General Sherman needs them to
protect his line of communications, the interrup
tion of which for any continued period would
oblige him lo retreat, and might even pioJtico
the neslriictlon of his army. It Is not necessary
that veteran troops should bo used to any great
extent for either of these pnrKses.
Properly officered, and with proper protective
works at the right positions, the greater part of
the force necessary to hold' the valley of the
Shenandoah in Northern Virginia and tho lino of
the railroad in Northern Georgia, might as well
consist of short-term recruits. Were tboy suift
ciently numerous, no such thorough discipline
would be necessary for their defensivo work, as
is requisite when one of the grand armies Is
pitted in the broad tield against the other.
As a fixed military policy, short ttrms of ser
vice are cot advantageous, but perhaps in tho
management of this war, thus far, a mistake has
been committed in confining enlistments too
much to the long jieriod of three years. The
great difficulty of obtaining recruits in sitlllcicnt
numbers bits come from this cau-tt. Tens of
thousands, we lielicve, in fact, hundreds f thou
sands, would promptly cnotiuh have volunteered
for six months, or even nine or twelvemonths,
who felt it too great n sacrilice to leave their
business nnd their families for three yours.
Had they been called upon for the short period,
thoy would have relieved tho veterans ot a vast
deal of work and care, exterior to the main cam
paign lines, and have greatly promoted concen
tration. As a reserve, too, they could have done
effective fighting. There is good reason lo believe
that Gettysburg, the most momontons battle that
has yet been fought, might have been lost to us had
it not bcu for tbe nuiniKjrs of nine months men
who were among the combatants ; and the West
ern hundred days' men now in General Sher
man's advance, have been warmly complimented
by the old general officers for the vigir and etll
cicticy of their assaults.
Under the tcrriblo baptism of fire and blood,
the American, however inexporienccd, quickly
becomes a good soldier. Three years enlistments
ought to be kept up with an activity sufficient to
make good to the veteran regiments the heavy
losses w Inch they have sustained since the present
campaign opened, and to (ill the places ot those
whose terms are expiring. Beyond that, we be
liee that all effort should he confined to the
raising of men for more limited periods.
Probably it is not too much to say taat it
would be easior to procure four or Ave' men for
twelve months service than one for three years
service. Inasmuch as one of the former is about
as good ns the latter for guard duty and many
other sorts of service, secondary and yet nono
tho less necessary, the enlisting for short terms,
to meet the new call, will servo every practical
purpose of tho Government, and at the same
time enable every State, we trust, to make up its
quota by volunteering, instead of tho compulsory
Call stance at ths Agency,
and secure t.tubstltute that will esaipt von from service
during the time ol his enlistment, vU.:Tnreo years.
1'he draf t w ill certainly take place on
K'TK VJ EK 5, 1461.
Io not fall to call at once.
J Al-itt B. II. JOHKPH CO.
RtrnclPil ah npitruiuh filiu first mid mil., out hnni-tht
iit-'ote th? nR'Oiciti iimicfioti) Unit amy ih iimmi wiu r-It-ct
vatl-tv Ah a thi'ri t'liiti'uJ kwui In li. lie.ttniHiit m
iiati.t'SM,-l).mat lUM-dH, mul It mi trrectioiis ( the uir
piihfcULtd : utjvl hk II U u ti ll known tit you uiid tor Itutihi:
that 1 lis vii hir yv irh had the Itrifent nrat iitM( any H ir
fi.u In the I'nitfil Mate m the trvttin-iit ui ti muta
U (!. slid. I'ttfiDi'iiiiHiiti'. I tm c hntl stiiillniit oitiKirtiiiiUlci
ol tiNiiiii; the frttit ftrj uf my aMitraiii, I, tficratitre, fur tti
mi It ft tt tb ))ioxreH of m ilitiii fcoiic, tnvltf vou to iuv
f.fln e. to insk a p'Tonal t-Katuiii ition t( Ita womlif til
pioi'tTilf ami n(ltllilitf to i tie curr oi'tlioHr (Hkesiea and
luiii-truiKi; oi metiit .it m ieu .
t A. VON .MOStHZIKeH. Nf. I .
Oeulut umt AuriMf,
JMf So. !-' WAfsSl'T Htwl.
tion to A viiiil tin InvJt.
At a m etiiiK of tliu lt'.ttt from ttit' Wrd liontity
r inn! t i.miiiiiifi'i. luld JnU '. h'-t. tim f'-H irtiiu rt-
lnt mm, (n m t:oa of Micritl Juhti ri.oiui.idii, were
sittii d :
l.titii(K Thul Ihf Wards b n-ii(tid to reorunlo
tm ti.e luirpoiic of .iH oiiiuuiitis ,tiiii ih'MI.
U'h b e-l, I hat .ird l.i rt' i'i(t tn sit-t t (hr.-e
!)4'li'l.titi to h K'-it'-l 'oiniiiti n. vv'iuxi' iinty it :-h;l
b v -upai Inti tl H i w't ITU) iutiT'iM ot i he Winn,
IO li'lltHilt II Lit V ill Ihl'U llrtl-M, Hlltl to a lt ttU-ll
UieaMtn a tm In ihvir J,,i!tfmint s li ill in- bi'it mlitfti'it in
fill .he iu ta l tl rli) imJt i uuy futuri r.ill uf th
ltMolttil,TInt ttii' t'tlliTs tif :hia tmu'tlnu he tv iii' iteil
(if-fiits cill lor mii'li i-uttvi'it'l n tm ij-Mliitfly n thn
ihuli' ui Liu- call lor iyvn ty ihv i're il- nt ui' ihr I'n.'eil
i rinf-riili v It li tin tiii'.ve rv olutltttis, th iltnliv; tte
Ih.t mav l-e ui tMMiitttl Iv I'm Waid arc re iu-Hi iI I
ii.mI on Mi'M. . KVKNIM. i t-vi, .Ink-. iu lii:rU t
1 tilht ItucUl Au. in o i l k.
I Ml- I, Srr.lNMKI .,ProaMi nr.
JOHN K. VM.KN IINK.Hi rr.-i iry. J -Jtt- If
rpj 7l0CAMl paid rusi'HsnTCTKs,
PMNi ll ALS S('l'iVMKI.
At No 4' I.iluiAHV Mif'i n!i,.,t;li fct. Jyiu ;t
HI Ithim I K Ci'MMI I I P K. So l-.'i Vl,M.l
Hiifft. Jnlv !' . K 4 'I oaito tie- litis UK W iVi'.O to
No. Mi WAlN I i Srrn'l,Mi-i:.ii-, In it Hi rn-iv
t(i lli-ii' ! it tiolli Cl'i f 1 firutln to HCfliri' .Slllii'lill-il
or r-irrM-i!Ut A mmint o' Jf-'itu In mttk1 at
tl'f tiD.eoi ,iiilii Hii'in itm) s iom r ol ill miy to is n i
for tin ruv ho iiuy, HuImIUiir-i lunillu'd In lUu Older
oi Hiiiillciit rtii.
(tt-iuiiH and liv 'Iriiitf to vut At viltlriittf
will aptv to tin- Cummin t c, who w ill have thorn muni-Mad
Into a rvice. w lu n tliivv run .eiif t tin ir own ri kim-Htu
Itm-liJei th tiountv pilu ly H if (iovrrnmt'iit. tiny will
re- ve (nun tl.t- i'uuiiiiitu Sl HtM'HK ) A SO Ml- I V
1M i I.AItH lr Csah. on ilur of muster, vii-hout diiluctson
tor euiuuilaaioh or biu karate. Ho clturiju of suy suid ia
ett rnna are eapfclally wanted In the aervlea, and can
tlitih ro-enlUt on the inotst adviitu6niia uondltlona.
OtMce hour I rum 10 A. M. to St 1. M., anil from t to 6
7. I. I.Alt K 1IAKC,
J. o. k'jSKMi K( tS, TrtMiurer.
y16-gw . IIKNKY C. LKA, Hfjrlarj
I'aeiisfT Hallway Company, coruar .of
voLi'AtuiA ana it.iUK. Aveuuen.
Piiii.AiiMi.PHiA. July 11, Irtril.
Thr Hoard ot IXractsra of ! h I ilrard ('ollf us l'4Nsn
nr Hallway I ouiDSuy" bsvs thta day deolar4 a divldantl
of ONK lM)LI.AK p-r a ha re o ach haroI th capital
aloes of thta C'UipBT. iuyali on in lith liut. to the
atocaholdais or thir lagai rpraaniUva, claar of all
Tn Transfer Booki will ba eloid iUl the IBth Imt
WM. A. bUoilT,
pHiLAbKi.iau Jury II. WW-
The Roar d of IHrectore have this day Ueolarfd a Jivl
di n4 oi una Mrcfnt on thef apital HukiH, payable fre uf
Hiaia las on and sfttir tha Vnih liialsnt.
The1rauarrlt.k wiu cWse Hie 20th luats, it 3 P
If., and open ou thittUi.
Jyl9 6t 1. 1. IKstlTTH. Secretary.
aV- Trvnloo Kallroad Company.
The Board of Dlf trtora have thla day daclsrad a aemU
annual Ulfidcnd of K1VB PHK C'fcX V. clasr of llUxe,
from the pronta of the Company, payable to the (funk
fei tiers r their U-ual n-prcaautailvea. oa aud mtUtr Ute
Slat laataut. The Xrauiiet liwk IU ba i-i.ajl autu He
Slat Inatsiit. A. U. XiioMttON,
TIIIH 11 12 C I M E IS X
to takij rvitiz t"Ii:LI.
Immediate Application Should bo Made.
J O XI N H. II A S li K T T,
No. U'i pltl'NK fltn-'t. --"HuhMliiitfe. " Th- (,'ltv
Itotinty nf two Imiulrfd sml flflv di'nri will bo iitd In
ce whro i-nntiii d cltlri'ua of rhilath iuiiht. In at mioe
of the limit, put In trire rrara' Hulwiitutoa not IjaMo to
draft, sml propor credit la glvai upon thj quota of their
If clilf iinB not (Mirnlted mil In iihitltiitPN. tho tnhitltulf
la rfgunird an a volunteer, and on a proper evidence ui hi
bt ttift cr-itlid eiitKU d to tl tHmnty.
1 In opportunity hi thua efTordrd lor citlatii lo ntd th
canta, wdila piornrtDK eTvinptloiia fur lhciualvi'!i, aud
sabuiltui we any to uu na quota. j j
met iiatxut. I s.
Putt Tiri.riitA, .tune M, 1U.
-m The nama of peraona rnumviD to or from thla IHa
trict wih be adaliKl t or atneken from the llals of enrol-
tnt-nt. t'opii-i of the lUti uru open tor piinho In Mutton,
and civil orh-n and all rttlrens are Inrhod to appear ard
point out erroia In the Hat and rIvp anrh tnrmatlon na
may aid In the annvciion nnd rwM.n thcieuf. Any
lron rnrolliMl niav ai-isr hnftire ih Hoard and rlmm
to have hfa name atrl h.'n off the hut if hp can enow aatta
faetorily that he la ivst prnp-erly enrolled, on aconnt of
.tknti'f. Aon-rtBJiJtfMtfa, u&eratft J'trnantnt J'hyncat
jyuwri irv.
A compliance with the foregoing antfpiMflrmiln-'ftrncitly
oliHtixl. WM. K. LKHMAN,
X'-At-tf Ciptaln and I'rjToni MarahaJ.
Marine Corps (n varied and exrtflntc luw by -a and
fI land), thne hundred sble-hodh-d tno n, to perform the
Ik duties of a soldier at our Nnvr t tipd, aud aboaid
UnJK-d Htstea ahljta-of-war oa forvlun sfatl-mu.
Bettor coiiipeiiMiitlon than Uie army. A ttilp of-war If
a roinfurtRhle home. The Marino Corps Is the boat
!ioippd Corps la the lurvlce. Prlie Mousy la ebua-an-e.
for ail other Intormution atmlr dallr at the Hf-wHlns1
fUpdcrv.iSv No. 3111 I KONT Mirot, hrlow flnruoe, b-
twei'U Ui hoori of ulne and throe oYlnrtt.
Captain and Ki-cruitinti mrnr,
BT.Vtf No., ill H. rituMT Htreai.
Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notos.
For Information, applj at Uie oillce of
JAT 000SE & 00.,
No. 111, H. 'FIIIltI Htroot.
J J 13 W E H A 11 A. II M,
No. 5' 8. TlllltU B l UKKT.
Blucki Bourhbt and ttold oa CuruaiLiloa. Coltactlons
pruuiptU tuale. au.K)-t
' So W 8 TlllltO 8TI1EKT.
gltll'l'H t 11 A N ISO II.
riK'l'l,Stocal,(juarlrtllaHlr'r., Voiirh.n and Checks, sn
all uovammrnt hfouiltii-a ttjajtQt aud Sold. mhlS
g 11 V 11 NT II
Capital $125,000,
To be Inereasttd to 5500,000.
IirXRT 0. MOB It 18. of Morris, Taiksr Co., PaacaJ
Iron Works, Klflu and Taikar Hi.
tHAULta 8. CLOSE, of Cloa at Kaablt. BuUders, Mo.
ho. 3tll Bead stteu.
JAUB3 M. PRESTON, ManuMturw o WookB Goods,
J. A. WATEE8, ot J A. Waters Co., Wbolaaals
Grocers, Wo. va Markot .Int,
. B. CODOBLIH, Baal Katsta, Ko. Mri U. TulruwuUl
WIf. F. CLYDE, Agent rbUtl't aid Itw Turk Eiars
B. B. Co., H: It 8. Delaware Are.
OKOBUE W. DUX, HasuikclurarorCarueUruiS, Hn.lM
V. Third street.
J.W. frOVbEBi Wholesale BouU sal shoes, Bo. 608
Market street.
f. 2. 1'EHJtVfJI, Importer ef Wtnei, Bmadlas, ., Hot.
M sad 31 8. Pelcware Avenue.
This Bank bsvtiif been dalr atnhorlsed to ooroatfaoe
ksalseas nnder the Mationsl Csmnoy Act, la now pre.
pared W reoetre BEPOHIT8, snake Oolleetlons, and trtus
ettOenersl BAJifcUNU BU8IME8S.
ptaeonnt ps on TDK8DAY FBIDAT of each
J. Z. DKIIAVHN, iroaldsu.
K. Ft- HALL Oankler.
rnuvsruu. Jut M.ilMi. hOt-la
To alwiit l.alf tti maik, ir c, ff. rrd t. tb
No. 121 S. Tllllin fiTKRET,
la ii(-confii!iy pr..(rTCn'n? f (i It, fil', wd,endtiinmj.h
nnt roitsnmtuntlon.
liKnat woiV f t rompunv, nrrtrTrfmf'nt.liiiTTt
kMlromity.nrr. NKAltl.T CdMI'I.KTKII, and will suppt
nil 81IA1II.IKI1.IFH flr-.m Oi t,,r nam, with Iho bout
kmJ. is" I OA I. AT I UK I'KIMK COST, vis. :
Two Heavy Tons on Each Share Every Year !
for Twenty-five Years. j
Th friffof tnrt a.rmrf In tt prei-nt sorl'S Is
r'jnril half ,n anl.rt.ptlcn ami half n An nll .Nt ni-t,
(and in Ihr n'M two larli t It will be Hi un l I
llio MARIKT I'KH'K of aluarry ton f.'W !!.)
! C'.I I. now.. $12-1
Tho ritl.ME COM' l'ltlt Eol Ik. saruo at present
riti.s (Jsiyi i.
For mlntna, prrparint;, royalt.r, apd
irH,ni' ,j .-,
Trsntporiatlaa ov r hian. 1, n,lr,.e!
Trnnpoitatlmoor main rallmaa ti I lilln-
dilplila 31,1
Ttanstortation iroin depot t,- yar,l M
i ant cxpon.-r. ,
t'nrUni! frcm yar,t lo Mhnri liolJ,.r's Inti.i'.. :t)
Total oust ol kro ion l,llvnrl at the koine
lu t'hUndcii'liln f w
DltTtmncc boivfan matki t prl, e ant i'r.1 prlro, $ .7i)
Thla makf. a aavinj on two tons Ar earh .hare of
HIiouIlI Hie market price l.o Mulier, tlio navlnnwilllin
atlll rvatrr, ami boukl the nmrkct prli-e ic lower, tin n
tlif c-nt prl, e will be prrtporilimaii'ly lowor.
lint ttiii Is nnt all. Tho ('nmpan. bavlnir vrry larvs
nrk, ond INK.tltfXt STIIII K CAt. BhDS. KIVB
SHI EH l 1.EM1TH, will mlnpmncli nrnro coat fian Is
annually required fur the Stockholder!. All Iho t irliii
c.ial will be .old at the .-uHiik mark, t rate., and ALL Tim
ritoriTS "IU bo dlilribuled oiery us months as CASH
DlVIDr.NliR.amoiiK Uie, l.hHrifrom which II Is
citnrnl'-ntty expected they will rvalue every year f-om to
to tin percent. in their tnvotmenm, after the Hrst year, In
Mltlon to tho savings on their coal.
The Company l:('I.t'SITC MIN'ISil AND
TIMllKIt lllUMTr) for s ,iiiiri,T of a century (" ye.irs)
In one of the hot and rlelm.t coal traois In tschnyltlll
rt nnty, compiiHlng the Maamotn Vein, the Iilack Heath,
rrlmrogc, I'anH. and other Veins. The coal of tho Mum
moth Vein Is V hltc Ah i that ul the other Veins partly
White A.h.paitl lied Aah.
WIITJAM 8(:liMi:i.K,tresldent.
mHII'ltT P. K1MI,
rr ftirllier Int'orniailon, and f,r liiirei (at l'.'-f pay.
nh!e half on snl .eritdpif and blf ou Ah,'hst 7, noKt)
uyply iiltho
OlTOSnKTHi: lllltAltl) HANK.
Vor rtF.ADIMl and vicinity, the Hon. JOHKI'lt S.
11() l.ll, SI ior uf Keadlnu, has acci pled the Ancnoy of
the Company, alter haliu; paihonally vl.lted and exam
ined the mines and affair' of the Company. The tltlens
of lteadlDK and vklnlly- will apply (or Inforuaatlon aud
Shares at the MAYOR'S OFr ICE.nt RoidlnK.
The co.t prlre of a (mss ton of Coat at Heading, de
livered at the hotree of a .hareholder, Is at present rates
uot over ft'.V), while the market price amounts to ruurs
thau double, that sum.
J 1 4; lit TBK.VSfUKK.
Incorporated June 29, 18G4,
Capital, t A O . ) i ().
00, 00 blIAKL8.. A 8HAKE 1'AR.
Bubrcrlptloa ft oti-h slmr to orVlnal tubcrltri fir
f0,CHnt hLares pajablt 1 ch down npn s,ubscril)iUjT,nii
two other Inttalment ot 11 ech, ulilc ou Uie XUJul
an J iwtli Anjfutlh(v4, rotjM cihHj,
Ke terved far li m (It of the Cottipuny,
Tho land purchnfiM by ttie Vance Stewart Rook Oil
r -m, nil j ciitina un liuririd hni thiny otir ai rtd. lu
(ite vt rv ore of itn oil n-Klnii, inm tht'iiiaiij tliri-t' hun
dred and ten leet oa Oi Alo Kht ny rh t r, in ('rani)t'rry
ti nohip, t atfiuliiiK a 1nhMdi-ri.tjl airttaix-tj up n Uoik
Ultlf-b r the Lu er To MM Kun(ctiuiitily culled Vu
llurin Kuu, a couple ol mil-1 liviir Kruiklin, in Vn;ini
r-Miniy. fenntvlvitnisi. 1 r.u Allftliny Kiver Tirrhorv U
yil.litiy an abiiniUnt and pcriuaiieni tmrvpit f an cl
lent tjualiiv o( oil, the uunu riui wcllt ixtrtlwrlnLilts liiiku
rtrndiiciua Oil th t.Twn ati U Ajruuh r rKului.ty Uiao tu
ynv aionu Oil Creofc.
It l hehpvrd thei Mow of Oil In-low tlifboronirh of Crunk
lin.ou tli Allegheny river, will jn(tt)tl.v never btM-mua
i i.haiiHted. hcruuiw til Mtrmiiicat uii, or vtileaitlo (iMnip
tifsitof ruck dl(sj in a soiiihttftjtwanlljt direction; o hiu
iit!i)tly tint beda of Oih wnnl t he nearer the unitre t tha
n1r ttd, Buy ol' OU Creek, and well would require to l
boied det ter in ropirtiou I tm-rdown tl.u rlvor, w here,
however, t litre woiikl iiert'Kiotrily lu (he Ukoat permanent,
and a much Kn atw tiupplv ttud Miperiiii inubuiit bud y or
blrfe of il. It l cTtmn thu' tiereioi welii on the river.
In the lUitnedlaie vU lnlty ot thU land, have cmtinutid pro
UmcIum dnriHiu thu put thu v ur tuur uari au uuwaveriug
aud itend) daily ) leid nt otl
A 4iinn( e nt the niMpwili d-nion-nnite the fuel that the
Lower Two Mtle Kun uud Oil t re f. ar on thvaamti
dlauiHrlt aily birttlicht Ui.e, nnd nly dUtaut, on ft coh
iiuhH'ion or ffo1 tti, rt'ifttl ft ute. itrte letwien the rintfu
bf hilln, inim ea h other a out thu a tuiie u;irt In pru-ri-elt
the mine direuitoti. It vuulil, tiuTunne. not he ex by borinn weiln ou this trait a -mitt hmt
depih ol ptrhApa elht haiittird and lit ty leer, tliut the
Conii ai.y'i wrllx may t u hal iiiu.e o4 Oil I'rwlt in
their Hipplte of hundreds of bum lit of oil d uly, uud
tkUMiiooa protHlou d Ihtu he tliv lortin.iite, rtjauit to
Use iitwrelit'ldara Of (bit ootii.mtiv.
Oo thia pariRiilar tract oi Uud tire h.ia hen h't oa
leaw; for twinry years, a well nx- vimmwi a flr portion
Of vood Oil, HitlioiiKh Ita depth ol brrf In eotiithleied unite
lnsuttielei.t to .iiitr h a)-. d.w: t ut ptr cunt, uf th
OU at thit m id a mouth wi.-. n-erv.d ni a royalty to fio
forimr cwrer of th land, mii. I will at out' inure to thu
benefit of the rotnpnny, 'Ih.-rttre h1-u two utiter w-11a
bt.ied a few ttundred leol de"fe n h,hnt iiot yot tnhtd,tMt iu
dk atini; a tlrnt-rate show ot oil ; a it irrt-iait iy an i.-euer.tliy
tie Hcoopd out of them, nnd ut . u'it n i"i,st ebt tli-tt
they wld both prore highly ictn me-HtliiK wll when hon-d
a rraMoiiuble depth. Ano'iVr Hell in half buia.t, bind
prtmilitet HAtUtaetory yield
Humplca of oil prK Uied Iikiii these wrtls cnu he ioen at
the nm.oof tha Compiinv, No. AI-SK r street
1'hatee of thla valuable ml html, comprint. ir m hun
dred and thirty -one acreis. 'helinlrux Ute'y ot rtftf
! r cent, of oil l r Iho U-ast 1 w. li, n-r ff ,',,, mid the
entire rhvht f the tbre eeiln partially ilevolop' d, It
pimlia'ed hy tho (.'ouipauy ll-t 1 1 Irntu the owner, tor ihe
UoiVrate prke ol $lH7,f-sii, wiihu (liit Mill in Uno order,
a atitik house, Ac. ; al patfJi ot titnher.
Ihe oate ot a took pav t4h for tue Innd in full, nnd
leave the sum of $1M- r'i-h wtirkln c.ipital on linn d.
with in hit h to compkte th thiva oUl wt li, mid aln tu
born two itew well, whh h mentn en-iii1-,, Ac,
to l Id rnnnlntf oriler will in a few month; urrau-'u-menu
ill bo ninda to aceniiillih th'e ohjf t wuiioiit
dt ltty. No aubscilpUuiia wul ha aictpt.d tor h aa Lhaa
Uit aharea.
'1 he t fortunea reaped hy Ro-k on Companlna e tah
11 shed here anil elaewhere are ic-iorloja 1 ne t Ul irttde la
ei in ita luflmcy , and the dcru.itid e ittAitt! incr'nstn.
is prlt e In now pw barrel ut the wall a mouth. texc-lu
Mve ol the t ank.
Larc welia will doubt leas hi utrink at the ihpth (iffl.V)
feet, ao aa tu remh Uie (bud . iitlet ne Kot k Wrtl- have
betn bored heretofore to ttie dt pth oul of uhout 'Mil' ni t
In Uda viomity. It la propom d tu bore twenty welia on
thin pn pern durlns thu present ar. 'I 'u re la rKiin tor
una htiudted weha. A perfi ci title, rhur of all haaia
bruacea 1 coulidLUtl aaaured to the Company,
11 -it s of ittltacriptloB are now open until the .W.AOO ahares
are Bubacrlld, payable $1 per ihnre, to the order of Alder
man JAMKS M CAHEN", the TrvAsurur of the Company.
Jto. iW WALNUT Btrett, or at No. 125 WALNUT Street,
or at the office of th Company, Nu. WALXL'T
Street. .
The public are Invited to call for a prtvipectui. Jy'Mf
OfalAlcg, GlOftUldWnf oa OlaM, Kajfoinliiiiii, fapc
TajaaaklB,. aaU ttf
D1IUHD As S0UDEB 4 00.,
aat aiaaLD uhtty,
raiHta t. aouuaa.
J V Cana Builder, kaa ramored h aaoo rarorsta)
lo. 1ft Muawbarry alrt-at to No. CAJtriH Hvrtvt, ad
)ulnlnf the old Poat Ortlea Baiidini- HeTUii fjjiraa4
iMiiaTta tor carrytuf a lit bush-Ma axtauatf ! ft
W IwKft 1 auafa KptalU; rvaae, ra
n, tiardiana of the V-or lor tho eiptnteaof the jfar
H.riionl. r"'8' ni1(9mfii'mC.iin'Hif the f)ttf
nf l i.ilfidf'rh'l ." ordmn, Ts-tt (ha itjm ,f ninnireit
thnn-tHiid 'fn rgnn,';t and r)ttrtiir d Unrn ha and tfw
an.e la her h Mro).rvd to the fk;ird of (hiard an of
il't 1'i-tif , tl. 1 r a) pdi i to t' j'r'h'WiiT hrtua of an tTdt
nuiiT eiiu'Vt-ii Ati m Jfiihnre t m.ikn fm ai'propriatk-.i
to ihr (infii ih.'.fia t( the FiH-r nr thf ei'ini
tfie ;r H'.t,'' an rovrd Jan iary 4, A. l. l.jt, ai f l
Tt ff-ni ?, In unit , w tn-, wMl , ami ,hi icr, thrxf l.un
dn.1 ft !! ttollMT f.
'If I fii t r tniirkfilnit h-r h a;dtal, nitr-es' tW four
h'ti(!rf t)ti tlch.'iia.
I - lit in I-., w on p rcll tMrjenlif to iMiiidieu'i
A liioi, Iti-jt i i 1 i!"llrtr
1101 H. tJKNKR Vr,I.Y.
To Itur. ;i, c.'iiuh, Nili't. jartt. nif, corn, homfnT,
batle; , n.tlt, ftntl pepper, two lMoii-llil ( J'''"") fo!laf-i
I " In in '2 pi-iaioi'M, Im'M'-i, mid other e-;eiaitt', eight
liiind'od (H"i d'il'iiff. i
To Mem va, rntckei p. Iiopa, malt, vltietrar, and ph Kiel,
thn e hntidtitl (Xiivit dollnr.
J o lieu, 'i, , dry k'tmd. th e thmiaand dMlnri.
T" I't-m '.'h, )oita, ahoes, liHta, nnd caps, ene lUounnd
$lauj doliar.i.
'lo item Hi, fit tt, U tlioiism d Hvo hum'rfl ff ;.')
lo lttm:!, tmii;itre and etrnw , Ovo hundred t,.'",'i
To Hftn a;ni'l of ah' ward' clerk, b 'l--e acn t
Mri'pf kit, liuttron and ateward i -li tk, tour hiitulird
T- Item -is. ItimiM-r, tttnen htiiitr.d and litly '.V
d. lr,. - - 4
l"lifiii '"l, pitri-hnaM of Iron Or niak'na Irou oi uauitd
fi P inndied J-'-o ' UollHri.
To Ittm lu, fttraw ami tttn for hrtm atid r,i,
titd t purcna.-e tf muk, our tnouiaud $Vitv) dol
Tol'tmTfi, atatiorer, pr:ntinj, and atlrcrtMnrf, throe
l.iiutirci: if -t')t:.:ii.r.
And tl.e wariHiit-i fthntl be tlrfiwti by the f.unr
d aiin nf tbe 1-or, iu coiil -iutlty iih eiituiK ordi-
M IWIO ft. IIAltl'Klt,
PitaMei.t of Cutuutuu L'ouiiU.
eV.ur 'mm SiPWAitr,
.ks-itaat t. Icrk uf C itntunn rounrll.
trwltb-nt tf .s'lf"t t'otiuHl.
A proved thin eltfM'TTith day ni' JuW, Anno ionunf
en- tbou.anJ elijitt hundred and alxty-iour (A. if.
ALKXANhKR np.snr,
It Mtuorol rhiladotphlA.
4 N O l V I N A N CK
J AuihoriiuK thf cftuittru tion of a Sewer In Ilrown
htiiut.ln tin- J I ft ef n tli Wnrd.
tier tm, A in-tsjority jftho property owners up in tho
llneot It row ti str-t, be:w i n Kido avenue and i-Wen-t
cntli stre t, h e. a due ted U the A"( of Anembly,
iipp.oved April , Ii-t, ma lr apou'eat kin hr the o msti nc -th'ii
of a St-wer til n atd hrovn trvv, whicti applioa
tlou ban Ne-u appro h! ty the Hoard ot -ttirveyora ;
And n'rt-a. Owtug to the enhttnocd prce of m.itrltli
and labor, the co-t tH-r ilm-ar toot wilt ard tha au-uut
Dilpiilitu-tt h law wapauule b) the aid property ovuura;
tliririore, : , .
M- tion 1. The tMeet and t'oaimn Ominrtl-t of iiV city
ot I'hdadt iphU do ordain, 1 hat the Dvuimento! lliii-
aa he and I ben hy authot l.fd to etutittrnci a 8twrr,
Minn inM'le tliaiueter of ihr f'et, whh the noeesaary
lulet,iur the proper miriat'e drainage, on the line of
lirown Btrttt, :.m Kide uvrnue to .Seeuteeutu nl'wet,
In a nlanee with a plan and n pec ideation to be prepared
by tha 1 parlraeM Ot nnrev.
"htetiou 2. The t'aief t'ominixatoner of Ht!rhwHyi ahall
ad rtlfe. aetxtpliuir to Inw, announcing that pro pun ;i I a
w Hi ba recelreil br tlx eonutr letloti ot nald owor, and
lu ahall alb t the work to the lowut bidder, ami U ah at!
be a condition of mien oontraet ht the ontrm tor anall
at tept ttie auini aHaeaaed upon and chanted to the pro
p'Ttiea l ititf ou thw line of ttald awtir, a author. led by
the Art of Aaaemhly approved April n, h;, and In
ner aivl form pnnldrtl uy HtctiotiM II and 4 ol Ordinance
e ulltlud"Aa Ordlnimw to provide for the construction of
branch cuUeitt or drulna, approved November U,
The excess of tho cont f tnitl newer oter and ntrore the
amount Hfihefied npod Ihe property froutliiti thereon shall
be paid trom Item 'li (lor cuitatrtictlou of br inch ctilvert-i)
ot tiie Ordinance to malie an appropriation to thu Oe
partmeut of llikihwni, tor the Intil, nnd tha cojt
ot tho luleta and uvhh li", arutll bo p iid fron thu
Ittm for that pnri dealnaled lu the aforesaid
1'n bU nt ol CVuiuiuu (Council.
Abhaiiam SrrwAitr,
A-a! aJ imt Clerk of Common Council.
Pre-iid'-fit of Select CounclL
Approved tli!t elthteiith day of .luly. Anno loinmt
one thoutaud cigiit hundred and aixty-lour (A. 1.
It Mayor of l'lilladvlphla.
To Atithorllnc the eonatructlon of alSewor In Twrlft'i
tret t, Tw untiwh Ward. -ml QM tM
Whereas, a maiontv of the prop-rty owner. on iho liuo
of Iwelttti ptrect, between O Irani avtuuo and tjxford
alrert, have tlhtl tnclr peilt on in the lparttmnt of Mur
vr s, ui direettd by the Art ol AsKembly approved April H,
IMU. tor tbe construction ot a Hewer ou the lite of Twelfth
aireet, n aiornnid ; whlrh application ha been approved
l7 the lioartl nf 8ur eyore, and at a meeting hold duly 1,
lNrl. they authorl.rd tin coiiotriuMlon of a Sewer, in ac
eortluih e w itli the provltlona of tho ordinance approved
No ember 11, lSiM, entitled "An OnHnanee to provide for
the Construction of Jlraneh Culver tit or JraHf; And
w herenH, Oh luif to the enhanced price of materiali aud
labor, the cot per linear fot will ox cued the amount ati (di
lated by law aa payable by the aald propecty uwurn;
tlierefoie, aO 4
fee tion 1. The Select and (mmon Cotinrlli of the CM
of L'hUadelpbht do ttrdain, That the lteparriuentor lllgh
wat te Hitd it luTehy autnorled to ooiiHtruct a nowcr on
the lino ot Twe lib, tttred, from tilr-rd avenucto OKfnrd
atreet, from the north curb lino of Oirard avenue to the
Thoinpaon street sewe r to he two font n Inches In diauie
ter, from Thutnpaon trH)t newer toJederi n atreet tmee
IV rt in aiatueter. and trom Jtrrt'rMli street fo Oxford atrttet
J two h ct st Inehes in diame'er. with the BiceHary lule a
lor tne (iroper sun ace arainaL-e, in aecoiaiiieo witi a pun
end npci irh't-tb.n to be prepan-d tv thu Department of
HniTeys W?rH'r, .aiaiRhia
Ho tli .il 2. The Oil let Cou.uiinil.ifr uf Itlhwavs a hall
advert ipe, nt eordinir Inlaw, itunotiticliiKthat propon tin will
ho received for ihe con" trnetloii of italil Newur, and ho
ball alot the wc rk to the lowetit rudder; and It n ha II be a
cotidnlon ul cad eontrart that the coutrnrtor ahall aM;ept
the Htiini HRtDfd upon ami chnrKetl to ttei properue.4
li ini; on the line of ald Sewer, as auihorlrd hy the a t
of Aa'.cmhly, approved April rt, 1hi4, and In manner
and ptiu pnttidnl by aertioiit -I and 4 of nrdinauee enti
1 U it "An Ordinance to provide i'ir tho C -ibitructbut ot
HraiKh Cuhtria or hraius," ajjroveti iSoveiahur 11,
'1 he eco-a of tho t ost of ft 11 Ntjwer orer knd alore tho
amontit asered u.n the property tmntinif thoreoii shall
be pitid from Mem '.H (torCointi iictionoi Hram h Cri've-ii .)
td the ordinance to make an approprlatl tu ta the Depart
ment nf ithj-hwav lor tlu ear Ihui : Provided, Thnt the
mild rxreHtt almll uot ecetd the ttuiu of thirl v-thrM hun
dred dollar. ( t-iiOr ; and the ooat of the In Jot and mantiolea
hali be iaid trom the Item (or that puipufu UoaiKuated In
aatne ordinance of npproirMitl 'a.
1'reaideut ol-tJ jinmuu Council.
AnitAHM RiFWAitr,
Aniiaut Clerk oi Common Council.
Prrttidcntot Neioct Council,
Approved th' ehhreei'tli dt, ot July, Auuo )o
iiiiut miu thutiMiud rutht huutlred and alxty-luur (A. 1.
It Mayor of rhUadelidiia.
A N t) K IU N A N V K
.Makinu mii Approi ruilon to a porilouof the Coin-"
ptitil?fe roinpr 1-ID14 'he r ire Ifepai Illieiit.
hettl.-nl. Tie th ( t n I Cuih hqu C.nucili. of t lie City ,
of Philadelphia do ord.tln, Thstt from the iioproprit
tlon inuile to ttit- Klre Depmtmt ut f r the yetr it. mere
At. all be up) roj rtated 'roiu lieiu .", to the followiQjf coui
patjie, lo w it :
1 o tin Columbia, Krlen1hlp, Independence, Itehanoe,
hptluK tiard n and We tern (-.iK'tue Compaulea, earh the
aunt i" loin I Q;nl i d dolitru.
I-n u lieinii. To the M tnavunk KuKfne Company the 1
aiini ol l-'iir hundred H; lni it.
1 n in ltej,i 7. To the Hook and I.aJdt r C un-
pan , li e Mini i f thrt e hui:il.el (. (Mi) d
1 it iu lt in K- T" the Amet u-a, I 'Silken t, K. u. i ioml 1 1
t id, lliiinanr. Lit aveite. .Marl ui, Nelniie, N'ii';ara,l'enn
h l Hiiht, 1'erscv ei itiire. I'ln ui, Htiiv-'old, tloliert d rru '
htl,ulkll. .South IVnn. Htrluir i.aitl'n, I'tvlor, Tlvod,
, 1 inlidi I'liited tHte-t Warren, aud W.tahiiixton Hose
l iiip3 nit rt I'Ut II M' Ull.i in li li nini'iirii i ? i ii tj'ma m,
A ml to M e illia'n t'eiiu H'e Comp nr, for el-v -u
tnomliM n r. I e a- a hone lonipany, previous to pnaur
hiu d hteniii r ire i.n-ti.e. the ttuiu of three hnii'lreil and
a-xly-aix dot aia and f-MV aeien rents ( :tl.i,t;7 ) .
I roiu 10. I the r r mHiii. of rauktbrd, n'aaliln- ,
Inti.ol I rimM'-id, ( oliuiihl t, ot CeriiAntowu, lrauiin,
ot t itTiuautoa n, Washliujioii, of fifrnitinP'wn. tiiNitl la
tent, oi ttovh ioti h, l.ii.eity. ol II 'luieijrc, Miiut A:ry ;
ami ( nloit oi ja.-iin: fuo, ecli tho mmi of t w.t hundred
ana tlitv ii0it, irt : lro ub-d, That the apprnpnaihm
to tlif t Ot Itls m htm ba wit'ihe.d until axicn tune
aa tl.ei i an pi peine a competent apimiatun tor Uieeiiiu
jnulm.enl of tlren.
f ioin Htm It Tt) the Oenmntown and Cnioti Hoe
Cftt.i, aud the Kvi'Mur, Mait'U4, and ICftii Hook
ai.d Liiihur Com uaniet, e tch tin num ol two hundred uud
tv eutv the f2i:i i In ...
from Hem 1.!. T. the Ootin-a KiiKlne Company, tha
bum ul one hnr.dred (mh tb llti.
I'roiti lino ft. 'Jo the KHt,'-.B-iii. K'l-'liie Company the
aittuut one hu d.d ai d dny ( -'0t aoii.i'n
IromiL'ia It To toe W ft?a'lun KiKlue Coiupitiy
the Mi in ol n t my-me t'oilaia.
Hi ei ion ?. Waii Jutii I r am i aoproi.rit-t'.on ahall be
UriMii b. the ( hief Kn.;:tict r of the k no teparttnt:iit. in
ri iK'Hintty tt e iiHtitt tu tliliauc en, tor aui h propjrtiu of
the uuiii i.e. e"Vj apj ropi I ned at tit y are rekpciivai.v bu-
"Md!"' AT.KV-.VHKR .1. IMItKK,
1're.ndeut ot Common Conned.
AiuiahvM Sir.WART,
A.tistiuit Clerk or Common Council.
Treaident of Seh-ot Council.
Approved thli eUhteeuih day of July, Anno Douiinl
oho tiioueaud tdjihl hundred and al.ty-lour (A. J.
It Muor oi i'idiadeiphia.
To authurle the aniinuieut of a tlround Kent.
Wee I but 1. The Heleel and Cotnnvui Couuciti of the
City of I'hlhideiraia do ordain. That tho Coiundnalotier
of City Property la hereby authorUed to aell at puhlie aale,
at ii 't lesa thun par, all that c.trtalu reaerved annual
ittoiind rent uf two hundred and thirty -i dwllara and
twenty ihe centa, atdua out of all that certain lot or
pltee ot icmund, aituaie ou the north sldo of leomhard
ftrevt at the fjiitanfu of tony three feet westward irora
the weit aide of I k In ware Hith atreet, coutalninrf lu
trout or breadth on tha a aid Ltmhid atrvt forty-aeveti
feet and thiae inchea, and extending In leniith or depth
northward at that width aixtj-flve teat; belna the aame
prtmiaea whn h the Controllers of Public HeltooU, tr deed
dated April 18, 1m -3, and recorded In lhed Hook T. UM No.
loj, and pare I'fJ, at al., gt anted and conveyed unto
fctiward MeOurlt, his heirs and aalKiia, reservlnx there
out the atoreaid aumial rround rent; and the Mayor
la hereby authorized, au behalf of Uie City of Phiadel
phla, to exec ute the ro-iulrod conveyauca to tha pur
mt reaklout ol Coniuauu Council.
Atiaat- n f
A a tu it au BrawATtr,
AaalatanlCkirk ofOommon Connclt.
President of H elect Coancll.
Approve! thit eighteenth day of July. Anno louilul
ne thoaiaud eight hucdrod and alxly-fouj (A. l,
H Atajor of Phtladelphta.
Mo. JU lAHHit BTTtr-FT.
A larva force of fciildlof uaotisajiaU Of all brauohet
Alwa;i oa feaadt 4-matim
- . i is i -i
AN OnniNANCE'.n.,!!!".",,, 'eif. of the Hlf h ClM-, I.
Knives, and ' I,-.. I tv, via,,
1,. M T,t wwre ;ence .if the
.l. k i " 1": " s srl.-e
u - .. i"?.i7!? . T "' n" "''""" mr.r..-rf I . in.
lu , Iha- ln l.UT, Offlrer,
of tf e I J1. r ,i r.n. rt, and ,,!') dollar, a ..,r anit
tlalll eeJ.rrnr lirChlef ClT l It,. M.rV.aa I h.
'"inwn l.eiv'rrd (lli d,tiar.. and iha ,,r h ,"",,,,
t' lo rl r I1a)ur 1w.,,. nundri'd (liil dollar, a re.r
M lr,r, a.e 10 date tt,m the Irsi daf f Jaeuarr
IS1-.. "
Mrrtlon t. Thai Ifir- sum of three Ihcee.nrl three tHfidre)
;,':.. il,,l!ar. I,e and th. .am. I. h'TSI'T .nnpr,atrd to
laret the JaIl'e ol saiail'. hfrol pro He-I fnr.
At.y M't H .1. H MtPKR,
1'ie.l'tt at of CnHBin Council.
A!t-.t -
.,:HAH Wti nr.
Aisi'tnut t lerk (f Common fArinHt.
.1 wr. I.YKO,
rre.lrlentof Helrs'f t'onnelf
Aj,,rM M IM. r'-iMi enth day erf .lu'y, Anm l).ralnl
ore t!.-7u.!,d eii t hiiiiilrt'd and sixty-tour (A. I.
AI.FTAVtim ttttntT,
It Ma.tnr vt I'hllaJMprila.
4 KM 8rPPMK8.
Wiitt tir Aki (t htuiK'. Aixn Kqvi
Ho. Uri HmAV ai, Ht w York,
July IH, IN .
".-led Proa, uti III he rf-eircd at thi h pot ua'11
Twcivr n i .i' a M . on TkJY) the ?Mth tnaant. f'f
lamtfhiiix. b rotitraft, at the I of Artiy Cl'4tiinf
ain K'ii.ipat in Cils fit
HianK. tf.
htm lrnwera,
lanel liraweri.
Ilo-pilai l entK and KU-i,
I'.-pi'-'l lent rijjp,
fh!rrr IVma.Ho. Puck,
.Manilla rnper, i-ii,
5au pies ot whK h an be neen at thla fr.'.
Il:ih(. r wil, Miit'uut with their r..'otJ Mm pies of the
.!l(hN whh h they pr-spote to deM.e'.orof the m-i ermh
l whlrh the nrtlelri are to he made. In tbe r aie of
latuici Urawers and Tents al lanitl one yaidot the ma
terial hIhhii-1 Ite fiiibuiltted.
Ttuldera w ill state trip tpantlt' they with to furnUh, the
t'oitps,( time In w hich thev cu make tl 'liberies, and how
toon the) i an eoiupiete ihe dalitser oi all th-y bid for.
All hidi mn-t be arc -mpanted b? a prosper miaran'ee,
hlnetl h two i ttponslble parlies, stttlnu forth that if a met I- aw aid- d to the pariynamel thcnMn, he win
at iM-ee evecti the lame, aud glTO bvudi lor Ita faithful
T'kj I nl'ed Slaieri ratervei the rlffht to reject any part
or tho whole of Uio bids a may he dtemeJ tor the interot
0 the -trrvira.
fKi'tpoaii ahould ha endorsed "Proponftla Tt furnlahlng"
(hum insert the article bid tor) and addreut to
Uout. uant-'-olonol Ji H. VI N TOW,
jyy ft lep-y ijr.Mf.tleii, r. a. A-
O K V N A N C K O F If I O K i
War Itatme,t,
Wavhinutov, duty 4, iMfti.
Wenletl rroisflA-iti w tlt he rarely ed .t ttua omct uaiU
IttONliAY . July iA. at 4 P. M., for 100,000 itsta M Infan'ry
Aceoubrsmrnts, caiibia i, to M delivered In tha folio wulo;
tuaiitltien at the uodernained Araenala, Tia.
:t'.i m seta at the New Yor. Araenai.tlovernor'l Tslantl.
.D.ixeu at Ue KrauVftird Anaual. UrldasaviVi l anu
) Ivanls.
A'.'On outi at the Allegheny Araenal, Pltuburg, Pena
ijlvnnta .
Vo.iHDaeta at the Rt. Tnta AraenaT. tfUaonrl.
lo.fsfM mah at the VV'atertown Arsenal, Masaarfroaette
Tbetc Aicoutrrnients are to be m4la In atrlct conform
ity with the nctf pattern nete, to be seen at the Araenala
above train d. with the followtns; exreptionn, Tla: The
iAiui'itr It will be but two Inchne wide, nnd no honidar
l elt plattj ,vlH oe turnlaed; Uie InMde tlap of tha car
trtdKe 1m i and eap-poueh are to be left off. tne oara
are to he new n on the outer flap : the letters U. 8., with a
border. are to lie tnm -ed upon tt a eartndk'e-bon, the aame
aie and atyle aa on Uie plat w h ton It reptanuei the car-tndste-lHia
U to be newed with nine ('J) and the cap-pouch
with ten (10) a niches to the Inch. Heparate bhts wdl ba
received for thu manufacture of then a AiH-amenta of
pit r ont I father, of mtrcf tnnna-je oak and all
htmlock. The belts are to be ( urained leathers
Ham plea of Accoutrements can be seen at tb
htjve ntmeri araenala on or aoout the 'JOth Instant.
It la to 1h dhtinetly undemtMd that this Department la
to have the privilege of lm peeling tha work done under
any contract It may award. In a'l atarHa of Ita prorresa,
and esutH-lally to examine the stock bet ira eutilnir. They
are to he suhfen, to tnapet'tton at the anenal where de
literfd. before heliitc rtxeirett mr the (Vorurnmeut. Xone
are to be accepted or paid for accept such as are approved
upon luspeth'U .
Uetteitea must be made In lota of not 1a tha one
twelfth (I -12th) per week of ihe whoio nu ruber con
trat ted for. The first delivery to be made on the IJth day
Oi Amxiist, 1H.VI.
Failure to make deliveries at a peclfled Ume wiM ab)aat
tha contractor to a forfeiture ot tha uuiubar Ua tuar fail to
deliver at that time.
Tho Aerouu-ement must be boied in tha naual manner t
tbe to b cUaig 4 at ooat, to ba determined by the
Hidden win at ate exollcHIa- the Arienal or Anenala
where they propose to deliver, and the number of aeta
they propoae to deliver at each piaca, if tor mora Uiaa
oi e.
No blda will he oonildered from partial other than rora
lar nianiifaciurera, nnd such aa are known to thla Depart
ment to be hilly competent to exeeuta ta Uielr own abope
the work proposed tor. Should any party obtaining a coa
tract ofler Aeeurremente oUier Uiaa thoso made In hie
own Rhoj.s, tbey wllJ be rejected, and the extract rendered
null anf void. Tha name and plaoe of-manufacture of
earh party fdiialntng a ooniraot mast, M taaapad oa each
part ol each aei of Accoutrements.
til RSTKK.
The bidder will be retired to accoomaany Till nropoal
tion with a guarantee, aisned by two reapjoiinlhle peraona,
that In cane hin bid ia acropted he will at out e exueutn tlia
cotitrnct for the same, with good and ui15cboit aecurlilea.
In the hum uual ta the amount of the contract, to deliver
the article proMaed lu conformity with the terms of thia
advert ititmont ; and In cne the said bidder should fall to
enter Into the contract they to make KOd the dlirerenoe
between the offer of said bidder and-Uie next reapoualbie
bidder or the person to whotu Ut cou tract may ba
aw anted.
1 he renponnlbMity of the m tar an tort must ba ihowmhy
theottlclalcertitleateof the Clerk of the nearest District
Court, or of the Cnited Siatei DUtrtct Attorney.
Iluiids In a sum tnjuaJ to the amount of Uie contract,
sinned by the oonlrurtor and both uf his vnaranttira, will
le re'iulratl of the succeMjiul bidder or bidders upon sign
litK Uie contract.
We, the nndcrtiirned, n-sidattts nf , In the
County of - and Htaieof .hereby,
Jointly atid aeverally, covenant with the Cnited Atatse,
and Kuaranfte lu cane the lorcuohig bid of . -bv
aceeoted. that he or they will at onre exerote Uie con
tract (or the satne, with ifood and uitleioiu ituretien, In a
sum eitiaJ lo Uie amount of the contract, to furnish the
art i !e propoved In conformity to tne terms of Uie adv ar
il t em en t datetl July 4, lHo4, ondwr which the bla was
matte ; aiul, lu ease the said - -- shall fall to enter Into
a oontrnct as aforesaid, we iHiferuntee to make tfood tha
dlfloieucu between the offer of the aald and tha
in at low eat responslhle hiddur.or tliu person to whom tha
couu ai t may ba awanled.
J til von ttittW our hands ami aeaU
Uiis day ol , la-.
"- r.!:
To this guarantee must be appended the oillolal oertltl
cate aimve neittloiietl.
Karh party ohtiurtlnK a contract wlH he obliged t
enter Into bond, with approved sureties, fbr Its failluful
Cpon (lie award beltm made. ancoensfiil bbMers wlH
he no titled aud furuUhod with foruu ul contraot and
Tin Department reserve the rtfTht to reieot an y or aB
blda, il not deemed SHtli'actory, aud enpHoiaily those mail
bv parties who have tailed to make tune delfverle-t under
previous ronlraete without luriiieh.iif aUsftctory reaaout
lor such delliiinene-r,
!n p sais will te ad Ire-wed to ' Brhrsdler-OenersJ
Oetftite D. Itamtay, Chief of Ordnance. Washlnifton, D.
C." uud endorsed l'rupo-ais for U fan try Aucoutre
Uienta." CEO. D. RAMHAT,
Jy mwf-7t PrUj.-t .on. . 'hiaf tit Ordnance.
piTb rusALs.
OtrKk lifci or CtiMviiaiKT or ai ini rK?ta,
Wih;ntuu. D. C . July rt, Istit. i
St aied Propos.nU, in iuif ''Uf, are tuvlied uuttl the Slat
daj ol el uiy, at 11 o'eWtek A M .for III b s, Tallow, tlooni,
llorrn, Cnucks, Hlifns, and Toutruea ol ad llovernnient
Cattle ulnimfitert tl within the ancient limits of the District
of t toutubia, tor ttiree iiionihs or uero, fiiuu Uie cout
sueiireihent ol the eontrart
The a bm e ani les to ho collet-ted by the contrftettir and
reino ed trout tho various idae ' a, wtib h the cattle are
Vibed at such limes a uiuy be de-slguatei by the oiUeor In
The number of CaKle used monthly vurv 1"00 to
mill are now killed at ( 'haln It'hUe, tilrnbori, t.'on
saiereeui Cnuip, Wu-huit-toti. and Alexdiitlria. hut othor
plat en nitty in cur within Hie prescribed limits whurs these
u rt it lee vtllt be re'iutretl to do ctllecteil.
'1 be eoiiiiarior ahull be Ushle (or all tho Hides, Tallow,
Ilrui'f, lloriis, t liiu ks. siihiH, a tt TonK'iet rotnim fnun
all the t.overiiiiient Iteel t'tttile siautciitered, nnl' sut H t an
be inuile satistat torih to ajipraT lo the Nutitlkteuce e
paiimeM hat a l due ecrtioo, illitrfeiieu, and ctremas
inatle to out am said aitiele.
Vni ineut will be required every ten days In Oovurninent
fin u.
'1 he bids will state tbe nmouut pur auiinil for the artl
ties rt tut re. I to, and be aero u;mine.l hy f.r fdiovuuf
uaraiilee. eertllieale, Mllldavit ol each itiiee. and
oath of alb'Kiauvo. Hhtnk Joriiik.can bu obu.ued ou appU
i at ion tu liie unuerhlnrd
I, .of the Htate ol -, count v of - ,
O'Wr, ptr I tad, tor all llidet. Tallow. Hoofs, Horn.
( heck. Hhmtt. 'ind Tongues of uil tit ornmetit Href
Caiiie ki-b d m it bin tho am lent limit ol ihe District uf
oit uihia, dolhira and cents (the u mount to he
in word and tlttureal, sui-jeer to all Uie condition of the
edirtiii uieut herewith appended.
We, the underslifned, letideutk) of , In tha county
of --, uud stale o'' , hereby jointly aud severally
covenant with the Cnited ftial' s, aud ijii.triiuioe, lu case
Ihe fori goiiiK hid of - shall bo acreted. that he will,
wit'-tn five days after the c t piam e of said bid, sin a
eontrart tor the prmuut and luUhlul execution of t ne same,
nd tl at we w ill heroine bis surety on a bond, Iu the auiu
ot H it van Uiousand dollars, tor the port'ormauee of his con
tract In conformity with the term off hit proposal, nnd
that In cam the said 1 - shall tail to enter Into a con
tract under the terms of the advertisement dated July H,
lHt.-l, w u guarantee to make good the difference between
the offer made by nuid - In the lorektolug proposal and
tiit- next lowest rcMpotiRlble formul bidder, or the porsou la
wiioin tke contract may be awaukd.
Wltuess i S Given under our hands and seals,
this day of , 1-.
The responslbtlltv of the tmaranlom must he shown by
the ofltt ial certlllcate of a fitW sVMrra IHHru t AUornf
or f 'ntud Sttut JuU'je. The eeruflcaia must ba iu th
following form :
1 hereby certify that from evidence entirely satisfactory
to me the above-named tiuarnntora are xood and suMle.innt
as sureties for double the amount tor Which they otter to
be security.
To which each guarantor mast make and append tha
follow uim
State of , county of , before me,
. a Id aud lor Uie county hud Htate aforesaid,
personally appear4 - , one of his sureties on the
feuaranteeof , who, being duly sworn, depos
aud sava that he Is worth, over and above all Just dwa
and liahilitkes, the sum of thirty thousand dollars.
"Bubscnbed aud sworn belort US, UUs '"- day Of
No bid will be aonsiderefllnnleu made oat in eonforndty
with tli above form, and are accompanied by the Iws
lolnu guarantee., vwtiftcaU, and aindavlta.
All bidders muat hirward with their PP0"1 n
of allegtance, uuUss one may be on file with tne etnear
w ho shall oittUio blda, and no prop-wala not fully coin-
..k'.i.a. ... .as rMotitraoiaiiis. as well In fact aa
lu lor. wiU be ouiwdtkretlttr rarfardedas a proposal wislua
a, I.... . si. I. Wtlirlll.
The coiiuactorwili ite beid accountabU for the Hit) aa,
Tailow, Hoofs, llorus. Chucks, c, one wm afler the
.....Ht hat ureaant at the onenlnr of tha ttlda io
respond to their names, and all bids must be tandisraed
'iTopo.aJs fbr ptun basing 1 1 hies. Tallow, Hoeta, Uarus,
ChUCSUl sjVej. sistws erw imtwt w sataMBaa4jBaM4.
J. kfll.fa.
tUnhMt-CotoiMs ttstd ti.
pitorosALs Fon mortar shsli,.
- uastiASos Wrn i, ,. PsraarrKiirr,
. WHigTo,lr S, 1!'.
'"d rrrsls he rvcirM at this nflloe mn9
TAR it'L2Sii7.i '1 U" e.uauuwee.
. k. named Arsenals, .It.
X ..iri 1 Araenal. Ma..a. l,ustt., ttflfj.
- it New T0Ti-.nJ- oroor s i.l4. KewTertt.
ln.p.rr.J ar,fr the nii.e la- h r'l"an ; Ihe renalla s-renth ef lrun tla
14 l.Ov,gne p.r aliare Inch. .. . .
Iira-iairt een be nrea al tvof v" Unite fllateej .
Th. pin'wri'., are tn hr tnirpeetefT sf ffiS ODfIr erhare)
ri, a,i ar. t k. d.'ll"er ai the ArsrasJs tut w euaur
iorrrwi,,niloeor liaB,llln. ,
H r 0m ""u ,t u,e rM ' hMt U"
railnres lo J-llrerlr. at enwlr4 Umesrlll snk.
r?.'.1 ''''"""'t a (ortolture of the uumierhs osar
fall lr, dlw.r at ii.i Hm.
Iiis.i.r. -iu .ute .,,iritir ttte Araenaf nr Areenaat
where the. prop,., w U,e nimter of aro
fi. i -.?" '"'lKto "! at aseh plae, at fbr oiur
than odi,
No bi la will he Ofmalttered fr-m artles rther tkata
reu ar fHun.l-H-s or p ops-teters of wort,, who ar known
p'n'rdmJ ' "awblaof eaUnf the wor
HhMild am party Atitatnl" tvmtra ahelt' Mhosp
than thke at la hlsowu foundry. ihy wiit k rir9atA.
and Ihae-.ntran rendered n ill and void. "wt
Kono of bid ran be obnintd at ti e eher nawt
AratMtaU, roposals not shatatout on Uils fnnwiU oet ne
The bidder win he reinired u c-vmpany VToeMhttta
with a iruarantee aianed ty two reponsible yrm. Ma
In raise bis bid is aeoeptet, he w it at onev exeoase Uiaj
t-ouiract tor tbe same, with srootr and suftl dent santtea,
tn a sum equal m trie amount of the cowrn t So dedver
tbea'th le propoaed. In conforniltr with the serins of this
adAertatt mrnt; and In rate he sat-f bidder aheald favff to
eniar itt the rmitrart, they romaa arrnwl the rttiTnresMto
b twsMtts ihe etier of said mdeVr and Uie next ispensibi
bh'der.or the perion to whom theeonat'art tny hawarde-t.
The ret-ponMhillty of the fna'autor mad iMttvnwi hy
th- offlelal cet tiflrate of the Oierk of the naaraat tftsttia
C'.'Utf. or of Ue I tilted Ntats Jilstrtet Attnrwey.
Itonds In a sum suaJ to the ainoont of the ornerarf.
fsrnt d hy the rontrae.or and both of hla irnarantors, will
ba roiulrotl of Uie succenslul bidder or utddera upon si(i
iiir the contract.
roRM or ntTAKANTr.K.
We Uie ond"fitMt. d, residents of --, In tha tpniiw
of. , and HUtaof -. lvrehy Jointly and sere rally
covenant w ith tt.e United Biatea, and guarantae. In oae
the torefmlnir bid of- be accepted, ihet be or Uie
will at once execute the oon tract for the same, with oo4
and suitl dent sureilea, In a sunn sxtual to the amount ee
Ihe Contract, to f urn I "h the articles proponed tn oomformltp
with the terms of this advertisement, dated July H, li4
tinder which the bid was made; and In oae the nsud - -shall
tall to enter Into a contract as atoreaaf t we f nenm
tee lo make it-ood the dltVrence between the offer of Ue .
said - and Ihe next lowest re-ponslhle bidder, or th
peraon to whom the contract may be a war ed.
Witness t
r ttiveu unneronr" nq aesusj
j wm i oay of . lfa
TetMi fniaranteamuattM hnoanded th oidcial cerUd-
catss above mcnil'-ned.
Kach party obtaining; a contract will he ohtlred tt
enter Into bonds, with approved sureUee, for Itl AUihful
Vas n the award heltT made, sne-teaafal hlddert will be)
notified and furnished w tih forms of eoniraet and bond.
The Imparl me nt reserves the rUrht to reect auy ac aA
bids it deemed unsatisfactory on any account.
lnloBaia wUi be addressed to " Biadler-Oenaral
Ceonre 1. jtamsey.chtef ot Ordnance, We hintton, 1. t'
and will be endorsed froposals flr fl-lnch Mortar Shell,
jyl 1 mwflOt BrUradler-Uenerai. Chief of Oisuaotk
piiprOSALS t'Olt STKAM F1KK aN01N3
OanVAitrtt Omrtt,
War DarAKTMBirr,
WastnicaTAN. I. C, July 2. 1HA4.
Ren led Proposal will be received at this offloa antat
MON 1 AY , the iUi day of July, lttM, at 4 o'clock M.t ts
Klx (M ttecond or third eJ ai i Steam Tire Knrlnee,ofperw
feet suction pewer. complete In all pans, with all the
modern improvements combined, to be, drawn by haa4
power, the weight not to aitceed 4."0 pounds when readp
for service. The diameter uf Use reclprt-catliNf steam throe
punip to be about -4H Inches, capable of forulua one (l
stream of watr from a IS' inch noazle averatjinf frose feV
to '.' fet, anil two (f ) streims from a inch noaaie arer
itina froin 176 to AO feet These enalnes are to be supplies)
with tenders and hose carts of approved conn true tion, wit
all tbe necessary Httln-rs. Tbey are to he suhlect to a rU4
Inspection by a t 'niied Htates Inspector, and are not So ttt
reeeivetl or paid for until they have been Uiorotifhl trtfd
with a fnU head ef steam under his direeUoa.
The bidder will be retuirod to accompany hit propeaW
tion with a guarantee signed hy two retonslha perseaa,
thnt, ta case his hid is accepted, be will at onceexecatat
the contract for the same, with good and siifflclent sure
ties, tn a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to de
liver Uie article proposed In oouhrsntty wltfi Ute terms os?
this advertisement; and la ease Uie said bidder eaoald fail
to enter ! to the contract, they to make good Uie difference)
between the offer of said bidder and the neat responsinsts
bidder, or Uie person to whom tha contract aa fee)
The renponstTilllty of the guarantors mast be shown b-p
the official nertlflcete of the Clerk of the nearest DlsUtoA
Court, or of the I lulled States I l strict Attorney..
Itonds in n sum iual re the amount of uie eoatrandg
sljtncd hy the contractor and both of his guarantors, wfil
he required of the successful bidder or bidders upon sign
IM Uie oontrnct.
roitM or or ARANTKB.
We, tna nnderslKised, residents of in ths
county of , and State of , hereby jointly
and severally covenant with the United (Hates, aA
guarantee in case the foregoing bid ef i be
accepted, that he or they wiU at once execate Ute)
eontrart for Uie same, with nood and sufficient si ret lee, ta
a sum equal to the amount of the contract, to tarnish the)
articles proposed In conformity with Uie terms of UdS)
advertisement, dated July 8, lHh4. under which the hid was
made; and, In cane the said shall fall to enter lnta
a contract aa aforesaid, we guarantee to make good the)
dttrer nee between the offer of the aald ' and the)
next lowest rvapotatbie bidder, or the person to whom the)
outitract may bu awarded.
; on under our hands and seedeV
M'ltness : this day of , iitc .
To this guarantee must be appended the official cents
cafe above mentioned.
These f nwinea are to he delivered at tha ntaee of maaav
fact u re. Cpta the award buur made thesuceessful Udder
will be notitled, and furnished with forms uf con ti act aaxf
Nad. The Department reserves the right to reject an or
all hide. If not c eemed satisfactory
rrjpetais wiu ne aoaroasea o "iingaaier-iiwerasi
Oerre D. It am ay, Chief of Ordnance, W as hi nit too, U
C-," and will be endorsed Proposals for Steam rlrn
Iy8 fmw t25 Itrlgadler-flenerat, Chief ul Oranaace.
tO Aruiy, No. ItO SOUTH Street,
A I. riMOHK, Did., stUIT 11, llOf..
Sealed Pronnsalt. in duolirate wiU be received at th'sl
cmceuntuletM., on MONDAY, Amrust I, I, for fur
niahlng tbe United States Subblsteno leparuneat
TLB en the hoof, delivered at the SUte Cattle Scales, ad
Baltlmote, Md., Iti lots of ( ItMiO) one thousand each evorp
(It) ten days : to be we Ik had within oneandabalfdaysatVar
arrival, at the expense of Uie contractor, Thev fflust
average alwut lgta thirteen hundred pounds frose)
welKht ; ail tailing short of (I'lOO) oue thousand piunds)
ryrt ss wetuht, Ituils, States. Oxen, Cows, Hellers, aud
Hornless Cattle w tli be rejected.
A deduction of ten (to) pounds will be made from the) .
weikh.1 of each Htetr accepted nnder this contract, pro- '
Titled Uie animal does not stand In Uie pens two and ene
hall iiours beore being weighed, or la not weighed hosnsr
dlately after removal trom the cam.
Ills nk forms tor propoaals can be had ett anpUoaw
tion at Uiis office, either lu person, bp nail, or teie-
Utmph m
tuc itovernment win ciaira me nunt or wetsminif anp
rne amixal separate. If Its appearance In lie ales lees
webht than the minmam nembmed above i the e
peuae ol wtlghiug will be paid by Uie party erring In juda
Kach bid. to secure consideration, mvl coat am th
written tiuarnntee ol two resuotisibia pcraoiu. as fol
low.. :
We , of tbe County of , State of , do heretvp
guarantee that Is (or arc) aide to fulfil a contract Is.
aret roaiH e uu tne terniN oi ins (.or inairj proptisiuon,
and should his (or their) nroooiiti n be accented, he (or
tbey) will ai once enter luto a contract m accirdance)
tiierewiih, auu we are preparea tu ueo-me nu aecunt ea
gh lnt: vood atid siiihiient bonds for it fulfilment.
The rnnpoiiMihlHty ot the gnirantors must he ehoww hp
the olllrlal centth ateof the Clerk of Uie nearest JH.trlet
Cout,orof the I nltud States DisUict Attoruey, to ee ea
C.Ot-cd elth the hid.
ltiddt r must be preaent to resnona to tretr mns, anal
Rrepered to give bonds aud aigu the oou tract bet ore leav
v tleotllee.
The lloveipment reserves lo Itself the right to reject aap
or ail bids eonldt-red unreaoiiahlo.
runuents to be made a:ier each de'lvery in stien ninagt
a mav be on band; If nunaou hand, tu be uiadeae aoost
as receive 1.
1'ioporrtlf. must be endor-ed rtiiftnrity fK'nus alh
Ptilt Ml- Kr CArTIti.' and a ldrened to Captalu-I. if
(.ll.MAS. C. H , llu t more. Marv ann "
It a md la in me name i ra nnn, ineir eamee m'.q neir
Mat oihce address tit us t appaar, or the will uot ba cou
ld 11 a.
Ktu h neraon or eve-v member of a Ann o teMar a ro- uiu I aueoiitpany II wlih an oath of allegiance to the)
lliuied htate UuiiTituieut, if he haa not already hied utis)
al inn
AH tnti not rnnivtuitnj tfru tlu with the term e Mm a)e
fff fiKcrnrr'1 srt it rejvrteJ.
el. IX. .111.1 ( ,
jK-lit Captain and 0. S U S. A.
An aeeeptat'te ottering u evury Patriot. -The
only coireet and euthoned
IIKNKKAL lil.Ulii.K I). Mii'l.KLT.Alf.
Itfaniifartiired In Mterllns Silver and Copiier and WUUe)
Hiatal, haiutiie seni ur ruau ireegi cnarKe on reoeiiev
Ho cents. Aseuts wauled. K. ttt'KHUKIt, j. r riiiaiipipuia l ues umre.
llannfactunid st No. oo AUCU Bireet.
Mr. , 8. BEV KNTH Htreet.
ritalr, rlm, Kirrlttor, anl flask.
M IUA1 11 r.K lir.ln. ur'i. i r.i.3, riioAi.s,
SI'ltlMU IlKlltt AND COTS.
N.B. Tteoelrlns and reacatin, attended ta vrltn
ant despawk. to.!!. sivs.vru sum.
buaheit la ItiWO, importer an1 tMater ta
s lu lua, wtaea, ud Liquors,
Ctoolce Uarana Cluara,
OroM At Hlaelrwetl's PlcUes an4 liases
CngU.h sbi Seotck Aie and fortar,
Cam.e4 Meats, Fruits, Boaa, Aek
Xarjr at esse, sot at with care.
At Jfu.Ur) "KCOXD fttraet.
IsMly iiAUUA U. oouaf r.
j. Tt hr-HS, UAIl kOAJJ COklPANiKH, Ao.,
Will lot It te tltetr loiereat te order trust lite aatdereafasaV
'rms,i)fT,.TrUf, .
All klsVIs tat Bnalneas, iweeeleaal, a frtsasa ae.
1 or sais at al. t wf TJAV m
a.-.,. printer. SlU Blank Book MnanttiHr,
ruHKiaar, rni a . you u i H sum
Jjjln i.,et4ACAIie,rlta4.
1' 1
It 1 1