I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGR APH. PIItL ADHLPIII A, I WKDNESI) AY, i JULY 20 1864; Going tlcppli A IAILT irrXRNOOK KEW8PAPE. , OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. We Two Bum Tn OoT, or Terrt.Ta Ce-a-ro Pt ' m, payable to the Carrier, and is a I led lo n,,bserlberi ' M nTllw Cn; M Hit Douiu TU AWT St ; OtR I.LI.At Him Two Mourn, In variably la advenoe for the period Adrot owenta biearerd el the nana) rats, A liberal hirst ft seent mode fcr biH insertions. , i ' To CorroaiMMifleMfo. Tto aMk-e run be taken of Anonywioos CotnmnntratlnrS. Itlutsvnr Is mtenrted for tiMTU m mint be authen-l -tied tiy the name aad ihlifR of the writer not noi.aArlt tor OuhlN-atior,. bet as aaerantea tor hla -n.d lai'li. He r oannot audertako to return rejected Corumtinwatloui. To Adrtlwr. , ftwtn to the treat Increase In the Circulation of Tun iMhiKo Tat hohai-h, compelling us to ko to pres. at on early hoar, we ura-ently rrtuent that ndvcrtliomr-ttta m be hemletl In on " 10 n clin k, II pujlblc, to secure , taem on Insertion In all of our editions. WEDNESDAY, JULY 20, 186-i. AMERICA! MILITARY AKD 9TAVAE, AMTLl'M. We have the profuumleet ropcct for the toldlert And sailors who have been physically Wounded and disabled while diifen.ltnn the v Interests and honor of the nation. Their p ' trio m la attested by deed, which always (peak loader than professions ; and with less to gain, and more to sacrifice, than a minority of their fellow -citizens who take no part In the peril of a war for the national welfare, they seldom look for any other reward than the approval of their own consciences and the grateful regard of their countrymen. Until this unhappy civil conflict, the United States had bnt few Invalided soldiers and sailors to take care of, and hence a small nuval and military asylum here and there has sufficed to make entirely comfortable all tbo brave and Worthy valetudinarians whose honorable scars or broken constitutions were won In heroic encounters with the enemies of " the Stan and Stripes," either on the land or the ocean. But the Southern Rebellion has necessarily wrought marvellous change In our army and navy. It has vastly Increased both in men and material of all kinds, and the saddest result of the unnatural strife consists in the fearral numbers of crippled patriots who have been added to our military and naval pension roll within the last three years and a half. These now helpless and most deserving per sons must be promptly and adequately pro Tided for by the nation, and there Is, we ven ture to assert, not a single truly loyal and sympathetic bosom in all this land that will not cordially respond to any proposition for affording them a prompt, generous, and per manent relief during the remnant of their days. Small and temporary local hospitals, such as we now have, will not answer the emer gency. They are well eneugh in their way and have been of incalculable benefit to the lick and mutilated heroes who are carried to them for medical treatment directly from the battle-fields. But what the future will de mand when the war Is over Is not hospitals, but homes for the decayed soldiers and sailors of the country. That requisition will be most satisfactorily met by one grand national asylum, ample and commodious enough to lodge all the totally disabled oldlers and sailors of the army and navy of the United States, and with grounds of such extent as will allow the Inmates freedom enough for exercise out of doors, and even supply the establishment with farm produce enough to satisfy all its own wants. Other nations have long since created such sanctuaries for the brave men who have grown ' old or become invalided In their military ser vice. But none, not excepting either France or England, have yet erected any such institu tions as our present and prospective necessi ties win call for. We are glad to see, therefore, that a memo rial Is now in circulation fcr signature, which petitions Congress for an appropriation to found and support a "National Home," of the kind we have described, and we subjoin it here In order that our readers may be aware of what la proposed to be done, and be put In the way of giving the sanction of their names, at least, to so meritorious and benevo lent an enterprise. The memorial reads as follows : " To the Ijfenat and lloust of Hepresentatires in " ConaruM attembM : " The undersigned citUeimof the United States rt-spei-tt tally represent tbut tlio inturttsu of the country, in their judgement, require the pashitge of bill appropriating money for tUo founding and support of a National Home for Totally ' lHtabttd .Widen and Satlort of the Army and Navy of tbe United States. " Yonr memorialists, therefore, respectfully " ai-k Congress to make a suitable appropriation, M or to take men other action in reference to the tul'ject as the Heprcaeniutives of tbe people and " ib States shall dotni proper to promote an ' object of each vast national importance, and so " uieKnaiit with tbe intere-ts of thoua.tnd of ' ciiiMsns of the Union who have given nil their Ijcft energies to their country, and wbo have " hcen rendered lielpluxs by such Uevotea scr vice." Before Cougress next meets, the people everywhere should sln this appeal, and we have no doubt that the national legislature will cheerfully and lihorally respond to it. Ic Is said that an aroplo site for the projected asylum, with some buildings, has already been secured on the left bauk of the Hudson, a few Diiles from New York. Clitiuea are a remnrlublo feature of society. lan Is a social being, but ho hits a propensity fi.rtUtiucUig his direct social influence within a limited circle, or of operating through those w ho compose such a circle, uon tho mass ol the community. The collection of Individuals be. gathers around him is conventionally de signated a "clique." We all understand what Is couveyed by this term. We have felt and Complained of the dominance of this kiud of tyranny, not only In politics, but iu fashion ih journalism, and even in tbo home asdocliv tiuiis, which the inexperienced mlud might suppose to be free from any invidious distiuc tions. There is, therefore, no necessity for a definition, and we shs.ll proceed at once to peak our mind in regard to what we consider nuisance, that ought to be abolished, not by legislative enactment, but by the sensiblo flat of society. First, let us consider the political clique Under this bead we may include that wheel within a wheel, a caucus within a caucus. John Smith Is a professional politician, fie Is a nan who Is said to carry a certain Ward in his pocket," and to control its decisions as Lf be wens Its king. How Is this astound- ' log condition of things brought about t It is not possible that tbe men of wealth and po sition la that Ward are dispose,) to acknow ledge the dictation of Mr. John Bmiih, or a , half-dosen of tbe members of that ubiquitous family. Clique explains It all. John Is an active politician, and has gathered around him a number of subordinates In the same ' business, wbo act as bis instruments, and mul tiply their vote among their neighbors, and thus override all tbe bonest calculations of the really responsible men of tbe Ward. A large clique, based upon tbe same pria- clplea, controls the municipal flections throughout the city, and a still more ex tended circle manages to take from the con trol of the masses all nominations for State or Federal offices, nd to dictate to them how to east that vote which they consider the dearest prlvllego of freemen. This Is humiliating to think of, but must be admitted to be perfectly a matter of fact. Our political affairs am governed by cliques. Then, in the world of fashion, who Is it that Imposes upon the great mass of society the absurdities we witness on the promenade? Do our beaux and belles consider what is con venient, comfortaMo, tasteful, or beautiful t Not at all; they content themselves with tho quehtlon, What Is fashionable? And who wields the sceptre In tho matter of maimers and garments t A clique, undoubtedly ; per haps composed of ladles and gontlemen of taste and Ingenuity, but lust as likely to com prise those who are utterly devoid of those qualities. Those who duslte to be a fa mo'f do not stop to inquire as to the origin of the style, but follow the example set with as close mimicry as the Chinese tailor when he finished the coat with a patch. Tlicro is no dispute, we believe, In reference to the entire domination of cliques In the regulation of what we wear. As to journalism, it is difficult for us to speak upon a subject of so much delicacy, and in which we have no especial interest. But we do not hesitate to say that, in many In stances, we have seen the influence of tho clique in the regulation of leading newspapers reaching a degree of subserviency which ren ders sheets, otherwise respectable, only worthy of contempt. Not only havo combinations of men governed the course of individual papers, and, to suit their private ends, guided them in the worst possible channels, but the force exerted upon several journals at a time for the same purpose Is often so conspicuous, that there Is no other conclusion than thecommou senso one, that the clique has been at work. But upon this portion of the subject we will not extend our remarks. In our ordinary social circles we m?et cllqttes at every turn. There Is the "Tickle me and I'll tickle you," In the clubs of promi nent men, which has begun to be appreciated generally, and excites uhusual comment. The toadyism of certain circles has been mani fested In ho many Instances that the commu nity who read the reports paraded la .he journals of the day, have at last awakened to the consideration of the means by which they were brought before the public. Now, a publisher wins distinction in his peculiar sphere, and he muxt be feasted. Accordingly there Is a gathering of his peculiar friends, and they play the toady, In the fond expecta tion that the time may come when they too may eijoy the same ovation. I Then a man who has some prominence as a politician, needs the bolstering of a clique, and bis social connections are invoked to bring him into a lofty position before his fellow-men. Ferhaps the chosen one Is distin guished In the walks of science. The clique takes him and crowns hi brows with Immor tal wreaths. Ferchance he Is a man of weal th ; and, oh, what a degree of sycophancy will be lavished upon him by a clique who have great hopes of profiting by such company I But this will do for an evil which all feel, and have long ago admitted. SCBHCRIPTION PBICE OF NEWrll'APF.IW. All the Western journals have raised the price of thtair papers In consequence of the unpre cedented rise in the cost of material and labor. The Pittsburg papers have declared jointly that hereafter the morning and even ing papers will be served to subscribers for 25 cents per week instead of 12 cents, as here tofore charged. CITY LNTELLIOENCE, Tax om Tonacco Imi-ohtant Dkcihions. The Commissioner of Internal Revenue his decided that tobacco manufactured prior to July , lotvt, and In tbe possession of tbe manulac- turer or his ageut, is liable to tho rates of duty imposed by the act of June 30, and tho payment to the collector of a different rate ol duty in an ticipation or an lie-reused tax, and before any tax legally accraod, does not cancel the liability of the manufacturer to be assessed on his sales when they are made, and according to the rates prescrilicd by the new act. Tobacco delivered under contracts mado prior to July 1st, 1Kb I. if liable to be ttxed according to the rates established by tbe new art. Hut the uinuulaeturcr is ullosrrd to add to the prlco of his goods so mucn as win oe equivalent to tbo duty Hibiequcnily imposed. Another impoitant question has also been de cided, and that is, whether tobacco shipped to a commission houe during the mouths of April anu May, the tax huviug been then paid, is sun jeet to any further tax, such tobacco remaining unsold on the urstoi July. The old law (Section ) provided that-unon certain artieles therein ctiuinera ed, among which tobacco was inciuueu, cerium uuties should be levied, collected, and paid, w hen produced and Fold, manufactured or inside and sold.orreui ived for coiistMiiotion or for delivery to others than agents of tne manufacturer or producer. Up n the happening of either one or the other of the-e contingencies, the tobacco beeotnes liable to U ; if neiiber of tliein happened, then no tux had be come due, and no ktteinpt ut payment wo ili nviul the party, or release him from any future liability, it the tux on this tohncco hud not under the riivii-lni.s of ihe luw become due and paya ble before the first of July. A party could not, by advancing a stun of money equal' to the then rete of tax, exempt sueb tobacco from the iu--t eased rate of tax provided by the law of June 30, lMi4. If, therefore, the commission house to who:n this tolmeco was sent were tbo ageuts of tbo party, the liability of the tobacco to duty had nut kecr"ueu,.atid no Lux was due at the tune of such hiiiment and there coedd be no legal payment of the tax. I' pen this question of agency the usual course of oeaiiii auupieu nv iuu p-u tie?, wouni nave a stiuttg beaiii g. If the party hud bel'ora this shipped bis tobacco to this br.uso, an. I bad at the tiiiieol mi h Hhipments returned such tobtco und paid the duty upon it, such com so would be snt ng evidence that he ilul uot consider or ti e it Midi commission house as his ugctits, for, if they were o, he was not liable to pay any tax until II, e lulia CO whs soiu. Un the contrary, if the party had shipped his tobacco lo ihem, returning for duty only such as was sold by them, as ft was from time to time sold, paying the tax ou such part alone, tho con clusion would be almost irresistible that he con sidered tliem, and they were actually, his ugents. if they were not his agents, then the tax hud legally accrued by the removal to their custody, and was properly paid ou such removal, aud there li no further liability under the new law. 'Ihe ne" law renders tobacco liable to tax whoa old, consumed, or removed for consumption or sale, or removed from the place of manufacture, unless removed under bond, as provided iu Sec tion M of the Act of June aO, lsOl, under the in structions in the circular of July 6. (.Special No. 1.) As there is no allowance provided hy law simi lar to the allowance for leakage in the case of spirits, tbe .party removing tobacco under bond must account lor the amount stated in his bond. fjuowtNO thi Fkt. The ladles' have lately adopted mods of ga'hvrlng their garmcuts tn festoons by an elastic cord, which relieves them of not only dragging their skirts over the dirty pavements, but introduces to mankind ouo of tbe most attractive fashions extant. The American ladies have tho handsomest feet of any ladies in the world, and having deprived us of the sight of them through an absurd fashion at least five yews, we naturafty welcome tbe return with joy. we therefore declare iu favor of festoons instead of brails. ' HxiTtna to Avoid tub DnArr. A county convtBtion to avoid the draft, will be held hy delegates from IU different wards, on Monday evening next, iu room No. 'i of tho district Court. lis Cam fob Mom Mr. The nuott of onr c'lt, anltr the tew call of tho Pre Idrnt for fiOO.000 volunteers, vlll be about 12,5 4 mfin. Titers Is now credited to tho city on this call abcot K0 men, which leaves a deficiency of of 7'sjO to lie rained hy the ith of September next ; and In rase of failure to furnish .ibeso, the drsft w III proceed. It behoovus the citleim of 1'iiils de'phla, therefore, to timke every elfcrr and fur nln their ipi' t hjr volunteers. The ncv enrol ment Mil, ui dor which the present rl Is nude, repeals the comminution clnuse entirely, sntl re tores all drafted persom I ere.tfter to orvc or furnish subxtltufcs. It empowers the I'ml'lrnl st sny tone to c ill for men to -erve for oil", two, or thieo jenr-,atid iilloivs fifty itsrn' lime for cl'ktrlcts to fill their ipiotss with' volunteers. At Ihe cipiratlon of th fifty u its, deilc encu s wdl 1 flilcil t'T dr ift, In the iihum! manner. The draft will he made fur one hundred p T cent, in udditlon to the requlr. t number. The Oovoitiors cl any States in iy send re erui'iu agents into any of the sccedod 8t ue, exoent Ar kui kbs, lxniMnnn, and Tennessee, to outtin vi luutrers, who shall he crcdi'ed to the Stales tl'iit riiU-l tbt m. This is Intended to liR'iton tho burden of tho loyal .State", by nllowing them to put in negro volunteers. Men enlisting for one year will receive from Ihe Government a hotimr of one hundred dollars ; for two years, two hun dred dollars; for threo years, three hundred dol lars, ptalln In instalments, one-third at the time of rnliKtitjfj, onc-tMrd at the explr.ition of one half the term of service, and the rem ilml'ir at the time of discharfte. The lawhich allows thote viliii arc conwicutiously opKsed to bearing arms themselves, hut have no te'iuplej avalnst seeing others fight, to escape military service by the payment uf commutation, is uQchstigetl. Otic si etlon of the new enrolment act removes ' a dilllftilty in the way of securing the services of the belter class of volunteers as substitutes. The practice has been to ahiitn a substitute to some regiment, without allowing him a choice. This is i a matter of intllllerence to the mere bounty- tiiinner, but vett rsns like to choose the orgtuiza- lion in which tbav are to serve, and their wMios on this point are repeetcd by the new act. Tno clFcct of tills provision lias been th.it many of tho recently discharged veteruns havo re-enlisted, and after they once fully nudersluud the ma'ter, no doubt many more will fo'low their example, and thus lighten tl e quota of tho city. Fbmaib Canmdatk ton Military IIonorh. A recruit wbo gave the name ol Charles Smith, of Woonsocket, aged eighteen years, was en listed by a Massachusetts captain a few days siuce. Tbo candidate for military honors ap peared very shy, and while signing the roll was very narrowly inspected by tbo captain, who dis covered a woman in boy's clothes, and after the rectuit pasfcd into tho r otn to lind a bunk, he followed and informed her that he had pene trated her dt-guise, and that she was a worn in. fdie confessed at once, and gavo tho following reasons for her conduct: Her homo is in 1'nila delpbia, where she has been well brought up by r.liglous parents. She professes to have a lover In the army who is stationed at Washington, and as tier communication with him had been pre vented by her mother, she resolved to go to him. She read in the papers that Massachusetts men were to be stationed at tbe f truncations in Wash ington, and procuring a suit of boy's clothing, she st art i d at once for that State. She arrived there, and after looking about awhile, sho en listed, tmd thought for sure her trout) cs were ended. She was ctred for over night, and after being furiilohod wih apparel suitable for her sex, left for her home. She Is a very modest, bashful pen-on, anil could hardly fall of detec tion, even with a much more perfect disguinc thnn she bad assumed. She professed herself fully cured of her folly, and thoroughly decided not to attempt to go a soldiering again. Shu arrived in this city last night, much to the jay of her distressed patents. Loss v: in Glskrm.s Gkahy and Hookkii's Conrs. The following is a list of the recent casualties sustained by the Pennsylvania and New Jersey White Star Division, in the engage ments In tho vicinity of Marietta and Chatta hodthee river. Many of these named are 1'hlla- delphians. 28TI1 1VNN.SYT.VAN1A, Wounilid. J Klinefelter, li Kdnui Kite. I .tohti l-'rench, C William Weiss. K Uis,re lleHH, I 14.IM pkNNnvl.VANIA Killed. ChaiOraet.il WTotinded. I.lent tleni F Parks, O John M iill.tl John C Hindu, II Jn eph Tvaou, D J I.iwtl. O (lit J llaultuon, K J T lievL.li J II Kalkelil, B IC V Wheeii-r, 1) t 'urp O W Vanuelda, (1 A Kolron, I 7JU I'f.NSHYLVAMA. Wounded. Jntnes Pi-ek, It John lletali-r. I' t'lMticiB Can, h I lUrilfNKHVI.VA!frA. I Wounilod. ,Iohn MHitven, K Kre.li rli k fritz, E Wui William . K lUTH PKSS.VI.VANIA. I Killed. Peter Stat font. J Wounded. Srft (lonnre O'kdmU, K orp Waller A hurt, A Win Do.ntiu.'. It i MtB.lng. Bine, B I Itlli ?IKW .IKttiET. ! Wotialud. Chat Ryemon, I iHul.Ian Keuworiliv, D t'lm Stantley, It A Htanaway, It IC Devlae, 1 IMI. HAl.TkltV, r:. P. V. i John (lulne, wounded I till IHIIIN MTA , K. An.'t I'rovoHt M.ir.litl T.t i Muiut. J Oliver, i.nh I'a. Yol..woiiudeil. Tiir "Nf.siiamosy." The new steam frigate JVVsAnmony, building at our Navy Y'urd, and which is intended to operate against privateers, is rapidly approttching completion, and will bo ready for launching in August, The frame of the frigate has been strengthened in n way that ensures great resistance to ordinary sized shot and shell, and as ber boilers will he entirely below the water line, there is no fear of their being tou.-hed by nuv shot that may penetrate her hull. Tbe Sethnmony will be nble to curry ue lariro nrt armament ew unv'vnsiill A'loat. ahn being about threo hundred and fifty feet long, I and four thousand tons burthen. A large force is now engaged upon the frigate, and the Govern- nn... AAuimj !... ... hu .,,.lul.l u u.w.n .. IIIOII, UD'-IIVI IIV. IV. WMtflU Wl. (ID . I . I . I. r, 1 - slble. bbotild she not bo delayed by her nut chiutry, she may lie got ready for sea by the cur y part of the fall. Several vessels of the same class are being constructed at other ports. Local Bhkvitibs. Among those who have presented a leprcsen'Jttive substitute within a day or two is the Hon. William Mill ward, U. S. Marshal for this district... .Workmen are en gngod in rcpairiug the south side of Market street llri-lge. The floor is being strengthened by widening the footway on tbut side.... Captain George 1). Stroud's company of one hundred days' cavalry left this city' lust evening for 11,-irisburg. They numbered 101 men.... John Lung, who recently cjunnllted sui cide while Inb iritig under it temporary de rangement of the mind, wa-i formerly a private of the ltCd Keglmcnt Pennsylvania Volunteer. He leaves a family, residing .it Lia,'ird a id C'ir. pcTibT streets. ...The new stand-pipe of the Kensington Water Works will be one linn I red and leny fuel high, and five foet in diameter. The t-uctlun ni iin will be three-hundred and (if y livc feet in length... .A hid named Moore w is drowned at a brick yard at Nineteenth mid i-'ei'eral streets jrsicrday afternoon.... Lut .vetting, Austin Hyde, aged seven years, liviug itt No. u. "l'rankford road, below liichuiuiid street, was ditmued iu the Delaware, at Maiden street wharf .... The remnant of tht ,'t.l Vermont Regiment, number ing teventy men, passed through this city yej er day on its way home, to be iiius'crc 1 out nf the suvice. . . .The bridge over the (iunno vder river, ou the 1'lillailelphiu and lliltitiiore R lilro-td, bas been repaired, and trains commenced to run reuulriilv yestir.luy lohn HoBdy.tha foreman of the Round Hou-e a- West I'biladi 1 dii i,on 'he line of tho I'etinsyivinia Ruilroid, bud one ol h s legs horribly mangled n Mondiy afternoon by ccdcHvorlng lo get on oue of the trains while passi ig that point. Wi: havs nv fab the largest stock and best assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, com prising nil desirable 6tyle of goods, from medium price to supertinc. Kvery one can be accurately fitted at once from our stock, what ever be his sle or proportions, in garments equal in all respects to work made to measure, at mm It Inner privet. For those who prefer, we have nlso a complete assortment of piece goods, which will he niude up to measure in a stylo surpassed hy none. IIknneit & Co. t Tow eh Hall, No. 618 Market street. HariieMi. KNKillT ('Illl.n. On the lath Inst , by the Itev.(leori? Leeds, tl li., HAH I I.KY K Nil HIT lo M AUIA.N.NE, daugh ter ol Uiehard 8. t'tiild, Kai. Mo cards. NIIIIITI.INtlKII (T1KIHTY. May ?7th, 1SKI, by the lti v. Mr. Hume. .Mr JOHN A. Nil 111 TlaNGKU to Miss MAllV CIIU1STY, both of Philadelphia. SI'K'Elt-MOri'H On tlie Hth mat., by the Itev. Thin 8.all, rKANM.IS A. bl'ICEU lo Wis, MAIUU.kA. Mol l S, all ol Ualtimore. Dteel. BAMllER At Woo.lherry, Md., on the 11th of July, CAKltlK, infant daughter of Mary and Th-imae llaiiiher, aged 4 otoliths and das. Pl.EAHANTH Stiddenlr, on tli morning of the Isth Inst .Mr. KaNIKI. PLEASANTS. Ills male relatives and fneods are respectfully invited to attend his faneral. from bis late residence, No fl u! Walnut street, on TLuieday aexl, at I o'clock. Uallunore papere pUiaee ropy.j llADLtY. On the mom in a of the lHtb Inst. .after a pala lul illuess. Kl.LA ('. It Alil.tV. aed J years. Hhe sleeps, sweetly steeps, In ttie anus jt her Maker. The relatives and friends ol the family are respeotnilly Invlted to attend her luaeral, from ber motluir's residence, Dreer street. abo Amber, on Thursday afternoon at s o'uioi-k, without further uotlve. To proceed to M inuutuut Cemetery. . BrAtlKKKR. !n Itsltimors, nn the morning of the 17th Inst., W M.I.IK A1.HKKT, Hon of lleonie W and Henrletla C. ataurier. Jr.. aged 1 years, i uoutus, and 7 days, i THOMAS On the lath of June, near Hetiiel, Camden eoaely, N.J .Mm IIAHKIET C. daughter of tlaanall sad tat late Hamata I hwuas, la Ui lit fear of her age. I. XO. WALItATUIf, sum baaov to w. n. caxrtx. MASONIO IIAIL, Ho. 719 OEESHUT Street. WINDOW M1IA1) J3 H, CUHTAIN8, asw MOUUUTO NHHIN03. BUSINESS ITEMS. (J rem aurl HI nek Tm. Atreili Importation, Br lht parkas or ponn1. Just reoMvss bf luvts A Itn itAitnf, Arch sod Tenth ttrrvu. A It O li 1 ATT1! M ! 'V It OIJHI'211 Y. I.II.I.IIl'H CHILLED IRON SAFE SKUIOUSI.Y ATTACKKD. THE PUI'ILS OF DAVID EVANS, Or THE FIRM OF E V A N H A W A. T M O Xi, ALREADY AT WORK. HIS SCIENCE PRACTICALLY TESTED. Tbe Result a Complete and Total Failure. TUB lU'ROI.AKS BADLY KOOI.EI. DAVID EVANS says. It la very simple matter to drill a hole throuuh to 1 Inches thoroughly ohlllod Iren; pick up the combination of the lock, and open Lllhe'a Sale; and to llluitrate hla ayetem, haa found, acci dentally, a aeml-chllled Itnparfeet safe procured a very perloct drtltbie; apparntue, with drills the niont approved, and, I am told, gives dally public lessons In the art of drul- hiK ; also, that he succeeds, by a very heavy pressure, and the use of three or four drills, to grind a hole through this seuit-chtlled sHfe In from thirty to sixty minutes, and says to hla pupils that any of LUlle Hafos cau be drilled the same w ay. It would aoem that some of his more advanoed students having found a most favorahle opportunity to test this new philosophy, have already taken Uie necessary steps to practically and professionally uipeiimunt upon Uili new and wonderful aclence ; I say wonderful, because, If successlal, It was to open at once the most Important safes end vaults of the country tn the whole burglar proteaslen. The result of these experiments will tie shown hy the fo. lowing statements, which appear In the "Press," July 11, also oilier city papers. Lii.i.it.'s Chili. ku luos Hint A B'i.n act INscc. eK-s,i l ATll-Ml-T At UnHiikKT. Tlie "West Philmlolplila Havti-Ks Fund" has one of Lilmk'i No. 2 luuk Hates, ptiichnst'd ol M. C. Haiii.ku, Asent, In this city, none eigtili en nioiitlis since. The sate was left In the office, ou Market street, above Broad, on Htlurday afiernou, all rn-ht. On Hiindav, at twelve P. M., the policeman tried the fiont duor of the ottle. aud found it unlocked. Un it itwmli g theolttce he lontid the burslars had been at work at the sate, liut and Itlt Willi tneir apparatus, mere was a uiorttse made la the titer In frjui of the sale tor the support ut the drill, and a ouiuiierol holes furl tier bark tor mi appsi Htna lo create a pressure, and every thing done ap oatentlv to make tbe drilling putlect. A hole hii found aril led. or ground, about half an Inch Into the door, over the lock, tu the mminer so puohcly described In sundry ueerspapcr advertisumeuta, ami It would seem this was as far as ihey c mid go, as the iron became harder. Next the lock centre wus thorotgtily tried, but eould not be driven In. Xet the latclt-kuohs wartuken oit.anil the mob-spladis were thuroagii'y I u...l ll.uu , 1,1 ..... I.u .ir,,u I it A l.,.l..., .1... tried, and Ihey could lint he driven 111. A aleditu was tried, and that hud no effect. A pry wus placed behind the iliHir-hlnses to pry olf the door. 1 his dt'i not sueiiunil i and uliei all lliesu experiments, the burglars evl.leu-ly r caote to the conclusion ihuy cou'd not In sny wiy jn-nu-i trine tin-sale, and bit 111 despitir volllHlarlly ; liol hdvieg i been itinlurheil In un- least, iiml liavinu suit pientv or time to work. T he appeeranees iionld cleitilv Indleate that the burglars v.ere at work during Saturday ulht, luoxt ot , buuila, aliadlinuarevujlllig Tniiin Natiiisal Hank, I'hilailelphia, July 14, 1431 I do hei ehl certlt that the stateun bl 111 the "Press" ol the I tils ll St., Ill rifi feuce lo I lllle's sale ut the West I'hlladeiphU irukiuou-iaiiy.ts a correct anj true stnteuieiii. j DA V ID It. I'Al' I., I'reildent. 1 The following points are parUeularly noUceable la the aliove stauuients : i ! hst. The great length of time of tbe operation ! Hecunil. 'I he fact that Ihe ooui auirs leu o ilutarllr, and dihbeialelv takil-g away their Whole appslalUs, having a linien 1 -liger tiiue to work, t Tlnril. The tact tt.al they evidently had the most an proved fitclltues lor di illil g. or Ihev cutiid Hot havo ground one I, all nu n rlo amino, nam. cuiueu irou. t hoiirth, 'I l.o tact that as ibey g t well In ton a'd ttic wr. nuht Inn. bars whh-h are the chillers, tin Iron bei-biu- so loud ihey -onld iml even grind any further. I'illh 'Ihe bull ilug couraLO a Inch the oiieruiirs muni ' fi-r.fi d -0 try all nlhcrexpe iiiienls alter tht-y hail taueil and been ciinpleeil I'otikd In tin- greut cNiiriuii-nt. which was to piueiii-allv ileuuiiistiiile to ttie wn-ile nur-lar i fe.sluii Ihe li nsll il ly ol liasid Evans' Ilea s -.eni-e ill the ait ot iliunui: soilil chilli d mill 1 1 t 3 Inches Iho k. hlxllnv. hut notuahslanuaig the llut was with auaini of vi terana, tnll.v armed and eiu peel with tho most in proven weaiolls, me ntie, tiniKie-nivii.ii-ii, uu- aiiett.and ululie. in a lair slniiil-uo llulit. ih-leated t1 enemy lo ceii I. un to I et li e f, out ' the tlelil, und eu.ue out cmeii eior v ith si-aicely a scr, save one siuull bullet hole ll- the enter Mirtsl e. Hu Inui-b lor liavld Evans' science. All who need ktilcilv llmitiitr I'risit Baiewlll do well, to take a no. u ot the above facts. A Wiillll HI TIIK llt'tllil.Ul I wish to lliukll slew sugei.11011. lo gulitlflll'll of Itie iirnli ran. n. sou more especially to iho having any 1 skill, in liuwd Evutis niieosn .nv An iri.u-workers ynu must be aware tlMt one and a ha't lo two India ll, It knuts. tiem unU chilled Iron, cann it oe su.-oeshtu.ly tltlil.il III anv W11, prai-lli'iU tor Ihe nurnl ir. and that yonroiily ho ot suv-i e.s must lie In llul-iu tlie liou not tlioriilithiy ihMled. Ihu te.t here liitriilac fehuwb ci-iiciii.-.l el that t'ie iron is ilmr.iugiiiy ciiule.l. A It SI ail II.Hite b 11U1- cl ihe Oi-sl Toll Aorkel s ol I 'li 1 1 .ilel- 1 hiu 1 n inn- of l.illle a N.1I1 s. ,u-t deliven-il to the It tnk ! the Nni-theru l.lot--rllto, pr-es til 1 salni ll'tiis' 1 aad uny - iiiiintier of others nilht be ailiieil. You may he a-,-.iiri-d that Lill e s hin-i are liailnliv drill-i-ro'l . itch mll inn tug tin- mercantile nult-s II ina.i be pomntle thai a a e uiiy o lolitid nnl so haul as It i-hi-iild lie. as 10 ll. vitl Evans staliiinent, that he can drill any Lllbe's Mate., it iiiu-t lie taken w ith suine gr.lu. of a.lo4r anee. He is a Hale mak.-r, an-l ! Intere.ii d tomvkellis siauuieiit. lit-itnds ynu are 01 eulntt Kv aus A Wa-s in a Sale so easily, and so olten.thitt tl is very tleslrab e to attract your attt utlon In another ot'ecilou; and so lar as he can KOI year uiu 10 uiscreuit 4.11111- s eia-e so ntr, 111s Interest la nnimoted. lor It he cull convince anvhody Ihut I illie s Hate la not lairghir-proof, hu limy laduce the party to iue Ins Hale as a are proof. "A word to the w ise Is anttli-l.'iit -1 Now ui, Iron-workers you must Silly understand the dif ference between peni timing ili to 2 inches of chilled Iron, and l-ltilh t-i S Inch of sheet lr n, and although the prle mmht he greater In case of success in the former, tbe In creased risk, and the probable failnre. might more than CoiihtcfbnUilcc. It Is a Commou and truthful saying, that a "niinhla Hlxnenoe Is better than a slow atilllllnf :' a sin til but ure prize may lie much better Ibaa a very slow aud nni priai . thoiiDh lark-er. A word to liutld Kvans.of the firm of Evans A Wat- ai,n The aliove test having been made evidently hy your most advanced student-., undur Ihe most luvorable cir cumstances them, and made prolesslotially, aud so thorouwbly, and the renult so aelleleclory, that we deem tins test nolle surilclent for the present! therefore wdl not trouble you 10 lest the Hale on Monday, Uie 1Mb lust 11, t.rvl...l announced : but so soon as aav act of yoin or aev of your misrepresentations may seem to requite It, we sliall expect you to be ready to tasks further lust, that both the burglar and the people may know that 1. Il lie s ChillMl Iron Hale is thoroughly drlll-prool, ana mere tereburgl- proot. LEWIS I..IXIE A BOK, 11. HAUI.KK. Ae.01.. (Stuck C.'S PltkeWMK STkX'K A CO. alllOll EAMLIM'S urrA riAso. CABINET TE I CO.'t OKOAJIS nines. j. K. rwtii.u. oToatb aad CkeetHtt sUests. K. 8. WhMwaaa To tttMflMtnren) ew an. IMMlnai OnfVtln, AlmoM Put, Ckonlai. Csrstsoli, CrMmi Mods 4 Tarto. tiH!telf SsvomL BoMtMl JorAM Alssoadi. Sc., Ae. Mo. U Chiaul Hint, Wlow rmrtlb KOVKR'S NEW CIIKSNCT STREET l Tilt ATI! K. liBANIl RROPKMNO. MONHaI KM MINU. .ll l.V I'trst tlmrtntlx prn in rtillit'lr1hlft of Oil' (rrsnd r nisnttc. mu. let, ui' :tnrmf ilr.ms, AI.AIHUM, Kit TDK MINHKKKtrf, LAMP. Trf-Mitcd, alter tliros inontiit' netlv prnp.mtlon, In a st I of t'NI'rtrrKliKNTKII MAOMFICCNCE. Itaplpte v Itti M.intli-iiiii 8i'iht, Itrantltiit lisii'n', 0iipe!ti 1 o-t nine. And rroport'si, Wondi-ttul 1 rtnst'-riliiition., (trnnil M irrh , Ae. Itescri fd Si stp for m)t ttirrr itv In silv.in r CARTEL'S QEEAT PIOTUEE Of TDK NEW YORK CENTRAL TARK. Tlilit niacnlflpcnt wr.rli nf irl, now rapidly approsftiluit ri.tntilrtlon, It one of tlti lsrwrst ami ni"it elib rnt' evar nndi'iisken In thl. ronntty. tielnjr about Kour anil a IiaJI bf thrrf and a lia'f fisqt .qitar. and embracing a full and conH'Irte view of the ;n ut On ttal Park in aU Ui beaut and Rranil'-tir. BiibsrrtptSina flr a lUiillPil niinibrr of tlie art! t'a o .f aiiM'tn will be received here, whi-n the ilittos y- ill be taken 10 Vurope, where M. sue. TKI'BSKIt A ( 0.,t'aternmti r Itow, I.omli.n, and ALKKItT I.. IIKIUII.il, ItllfllUlifUi-u. l arli, are aire ad rerelvlnir BnOacrtptloriK fur the name. The work can he had by aahscrltion only. flP-e SI per iv. -a aide on di Uvcry, Subscription Booms of the Company, No. 720 BROADWAY, NKW YflltK. The fd'oviliK! flrniti will recelie mbscrlptloiu : Al'l I.KTi.N CO , llrotdwari WA1.KKK, WISK CO., Iloau.ni H. R. OltltUlS a CO., Chli-airo; Millllir., WII.STAI'K at BAI.Drt TN. ( lil.-innatl; rilll.ll HOLOMUMS, WaaltlllKtons ( AIXI.M'KK A CO., I'lilladelphlai Or, at the publlnhtTa, BITWfcI,I. 1UKHIS A CO., Jy.Tl wmlm Mo. 710 ItltOAIlWAY, New York. 'I'O COAL OIL COM PAN I KS. AN KXTRA 1 e.llt .Ulli.ti of ftillKN S rtil'NTINli-HOI SK CIIAIIT for IKiil, Hi a.krd tor by the pnrete, revt...il to date and to rontnln ail Ihi t llAI. Oil. ( OMI'AMhl. T lieothrer. ot (J.ial Oil 'ompatilra are respectfully rc- iin-iiteil to ai-tid hit of OltlrrH mill lirei'li-r of their re- npi ettve r.itiipanlf-H inimt-'IIHtelv to the uiiili rniffoi-ii. 'j ne CliHlt will be l-i-u don .rith AiiK'lf't next, ntid col'ialo alt corporation)! in the city . 1'rlce p-r ropy. n. r.. i ' in r.., I loiii.ii' r, jy.Xl-M No. lliH H. Till KI Hircet, I'lula. 20 CENTS !-G ODE Y FOR AUGUST I . PITOHKH'8, Ho. 80S CIIK8MT 8troet. JyJ0-.1t J- IS W HOUTK TO WILKESBARKE, VIA K0RTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TIME AND DISTANCK SAVKW! BT 7 A. M. KX I'RKHS THAI V, FROM TIIK NEW I)EPOT,TIIIBU HTKEaVr, ABOVE THOMPrtOH, ARKIVINU IS WII.KKSIIARRE 2- P. M. RETURNIMO, Leave WILKKHIIAKKE at 1 P.M., making close con nection at Ilethlehera with North Pennsylvania Express train, and arm e In Phlhidelphla at S20 P. M. BAOGAOE CHECKED THROUtlH. CL.A.1WC. AOENT. JylfS-Ht IN THE MATTKR OF THE ASSIGNED Tho Auditor aMtolnti-4 by the Court of Common PI! for thCitv nJ County of titU(lP!phi to itinulre and tl rt whirr all th dibti ana imitimien 01 tiiuwai i i fc'I CIlKK. and CALVIN W. llfcN N tT T. Ulf en I ntt, trts.iiiiK uml r the linn of KI.KU'liKE 4 HKSNKi r, (wlitibv (lewl (laud April 10. 1K40. reenrdt d Id I , it M,k 1. H No H. paevi.ri a-(,tkn.auto WANIKLC.W'IIAItrOV ail ti eir ant Hie. joint anu everui, in trust mr lncir cr.m- torn ). an well an all the niparat di-uta uf nalil TlliMS KLKTCliP.R. whli li nert a claim up m the tittf anlKntd hjn- rtt cUut tnim aton-iaid, an wall at under a pruvloui riif, dattd (icobrr I, !. nxueuted bv -aid THOMAS Kl K.'l'CllKH to aald uANlr'.L C- Wll Alt WM. liava hvtn lull paid and d..k'httrKd, with I view to the aald Court ordtTiiiK And direi'ilUK the xatd hrkIiiu, DNIB, C. uii i iil'tiK y ..... bu.ifi TllfkU lU VI f Tl '11 L" If all the anRltrned ei4ta reuialnliiir tn hla han 1 ir poH. r-iuh. and all outmaudlhir lntHrfit in tha iKine, will a tfnd tu tlio dutiVHor nis aiivHilntniunt, oti AlONDAV, A'ii;int . lH-r4, fit ll o -iM)k a h., at his mmic, . 7i n i,ur Htn-i't.ln therlty of Phlirtdclpldn, whercot all parllen lutf rt'twl ar hen by ootitled. JI.'UI tL&l IU1, INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS, IN JL vallaa and Conviiloanti, liivaHtlfs and omva'cHOonta. luvallda and ConvaU'stcruta. KaiHcUllj Pcrnalt" In iell ai Health, ramali-klD lidlcate Healtli, luoiaiea In lft-licaia llt-alth. WlU Und our California Wltit-a, Cnllfttrnla Wlnei, tahtfirnia Win,, ( aliiornla Wint-a, California Wlnca. Chiniia WtiMa, nrnliHrs valuai.lelu alloaiPiof laiiyuorand yrtrUproa- iratx-u oi airn;.n. AK ASK AUK A IK A.ME Afk Asa A.k Ahk Aak A-k AsK Afk Aok lira, McClfllnnd, Obbaid, Samiel Jack on, (otli(? IVniiMjivtrila 1'nlviT.tty , Ilerlntx, tU'rrim, (irov, HartiihoriM H'himila, Wlllitimi, JUrfloy, NenllMr WlUoa, '1 iwal, Vtnal, I'uD'lujr, Knoir. Klayiaiid, nd other leadlntr pnyciclfnis, w luti they think of the medl- inai U ue or (;aui'-rui wine i ini nuriut'a pr icnl our brHiidu. uud MBiiire u ut the butuUU paUeuta ructiht-irurn Uiulr Ubut Jtil Ira No. 4k 8. HI HI trtfkt, above Uheauut II 1. N It Y H 1 M O N 8, UNITED fsTATKS NATIONAL WAGON AND 00A0H WORKS, Ortlo, No. 51 NLW MAHKKT Hirwt, And F-.ctory, corner of 8F( OKI A1U 1 1 MBKKL4NU 8TRKET8, rittl.AUKH'HlA. All and rrcry kmii nf WAiiiiNS. 4 AUTH. MKAVH. WHF.r.l.R A BUO VT-I. and IIWHh-H H UKKLS, adafitMl to AruiT . ltoad, Hutler, nr P'aitiAib'D purinir)a All work v. arrantvd. Kav'Ordt th irstnpuv attr4Ktai to. H-ir JJ TO SUir CAr rAUVa AND UW.NKUo, .fcitfe, 1 he uiiueflKin'd tuavmg latd tbe KKfc-lNftV i M ii t- nr.n cwi n, unsi w uin'iiu 11 iii anu mm tmrni of the Ihck thut be ii oriPdriMi with inrrvuot lailllUtJt h aucotuuiiM'otv uot' havlutf vaaaala to rUd nr r'imirid, and buluit a prmUcal ahlp-rrpvntr and caulkwr, will tiivfporwmal atu-ntluuto aUvnanelsiuatrmitted i him rtsr rjilm. Cttjtiaiiii or Atytioti, ooip i arpenitjn aaa axaonuuau havUiK vtakMla to nHalr, aru aobcltad tocail. llavta Hit txoucy for the HuWof " Watturetedti' Patent Miitailk: miiMltta.''urt'oLier Paint, for tha prasarrar thmof VMielt' Uottoiiui, for thia eltj, I un pntuared to furuiau liie aauke ou ravwrauie utrrni. jim. II. II A MM l 1 1 , kwnatiiHtfon Screw Dock, ktill-tf Pel aw are auue, above Liurel tttreei, HUE RrBSCRIBKRS HAVE ASSOCIATED X thfrnaelvea inflftliar uuder tha tirra of BOLTON. liYKEMAN A CO.. and will om-nue the Car l.ml..n liuiitiitta In all It branciiei, at tne oia eitahuituuaiiu , CornWi IWUTI l luos aai irniii'iun nirwuia. 'ni n a. 'iivr cifetouat: k. iUkjtMM, Jyl-lm O. W. CU1LDH, XTO DKCEPTION. NO INFERIOR COAL pnrckased to otsr below tiie eeat Jirlce tA 0 soeerts eat lir 41) Atl artlrle. BAkll EL W. IIKHS, BstUAD Htraet.abuee Uaro. Met aid, seas tbe seimla KAUl.tl aad purest misted. Xss ana Skive sUas, St. bar ton. I I se ilut, 10 l.ousintn i.u.ib mmmm Him y uiv Tloas to aaetbao adeatica. at OKoo.pr. tait-a AflLLAGK OUKEN 8KM1NARY. MILl larr Hoard tin Hcbtail IImIus Hest. HoarOitiK Sebiail Ilsvlns Hept..aebt 1. Terras Tery moilrrale Thorough eourse la Matkefnatics, Lan- itatra, iib"m i houie. ?rat;llcal lessons la Honr. rupus tare nenwnss wt eylnKaudC-ieu Itlroas for Gatali inxandilrll Knataoer- Ins. BoTi ol all aaet taken. Ail its ror tjataioan.. .U' UVL' i. iUCMttV BAlirOK. kir . DEUQIITFTJL EXCUHSI0N8 a THS KITIB iCUOTtKILt. Tks S lean So at OENKKkL BnOKKK. Oaptala MAS- I. at, leaet-a falraaoaM over; hoar ror Suhalkill UelabU, Laurel UUI, llelwvut ColUde, laiu aud Wlsaa- Moa. AUCl'a'ONJSALES. iJKMAItKKT Street, k"""" 1 " m '" WARrTrl k.'EN 8 T,X,,-H' A5ir TOtK rr TI.H M At FIIPI f'.H, Oil ruler mortilng, . t tan rlook.a ato-k of ll. ,. , -. ..iniS Ware, To S. M t binne, Ac, of a person ntiltltng buslnt-.s. k UCTION SALE OK OONDEkINED V Uore. Wa DrraTMirrT, Cvi.aT Hi; W, Orrrrr o Cmih ti'A rtrhma 'ikr. WAMtiiN'.Toif, I. r , .Inly I. !H6i. WfMbeaaklat publlo auction, ui Ut tirtit bijdsu.al the timi and pla-" I naminl bolw : l-.F.tlArH'r., I I . TIM lirni 1 , IIiy li,lW, KKAhlNO. Pa i kMiAY..Iolv IMlfhJSItt Hi, r . THI ItMI'AY. J'l'y W. Ii. A I .TOON A Pa. I HI'IC1A , Auvimt 4. 1H VIL1.1AMHI1 III, Pa, TIM K"1.V. Atuii-t 11, WA TWO Ml Nlil.Uf CAVALUV Il01t.-I.H at eacH place. 'Ihe nrfti hv( hn conV'rnn'd unlit for tha cavalry tvryh eot ih arm-' r r road aud It. rtn t:.rpca many K'haI bArgntin maj be kad llorttvi enld ulncly. Tvrma AJaah, l-i Und- d RtatnCiirrcnry. ,IA M KS A. F.RI, Uruten'iiit-Colonrl and t hlf .Miaru mitwr Jj! IVH Cavalry Uu-vaO. WANTS. rAIS 1 .! I MSIIJDIATIHiV, Three or Four Carpenters, At ISo. ii ti C'AllTIIll Mtroet. jjl.K .'.t THOH. M. I'IiOWMAII. 'I'O l'UOTOdKAPHI'.Ii.S. WASTK D , A J first raio t'ti.-iator on lern-tvpe litts.a' N'o.tlS N.U'.lllll rltrnt. iy- M Vi fANTKD, AN E NOIN K F. U Apply at M.-w LHKMNi r stroll. vi2 tr T ! A M S T E U S WANTED. CltlU Ot'AKlMHMMlTI'tl'"! OPIirB, W.i)IISf.1ilN IKI'OT, Wahhismus, I C..,l.ilv . 1-wlC Wnhtftl.nt rtire, TMHRK HHNIHiKK TKAMSTBllH. eu:li capHb'e of illng with tiUKlo tine, and muimKlng aU nitilff- ts fttim. To Htieh who nrr comptont te porf'rm the duty, the ptiy fier month will ha thirty ditl.ai, with one ratutu per day, Hnd hotpl'nl privib'KOft, Including tho boat iodioal attftioinnrt' wh li airk. Arplvto Cnpttn CflAf.l! TOMPKISH. A. Q. M., U. R. A..oorneroi t fcM TV .SKI 'oil Hand U.llr rn, VVa.li lutfton, 1. C. T. H RTTCKKtt, Hrladler-Ocnral andChlf uartrrmaitr, jyll-lHt I'ptoi Hatuiat-a. r1 )LA('KSM1TIIH AND WllLl-XWKIOH TS Wanted. 1. IllV.r i!'A!lTkllM.TMR UPKIOa. Wahiii.-ioiiim nsrul. WAiliM.tov, H P ..lulv 4, l4. Wanted at once, to work Itt Government llepalr Hhoria, Qnartei nin-lr-r'. In-p;rth ent. In-pi t of IVni-tiinift'in, tine lltimlreil (loo) l' twl III. At KSMI I MS and Oni HuuUred (iOn) uO"i W III l.l.M llll.H l.S. Ike paj per notiih all! Iw Hit? Hollars f-TO), a I'll one (1) ration nor dnv, noil ho.pltal uiilloeet when alnk. Ppl toOapti.hi ( II VKl.K.S ll. TCIMPKHS, A. ij. M., Ilnlti tl States Army, corner Twenty-second and G atrneU. Washington, Ii ('. ii.ii. ritckkh. TtrUfailk-r (li-nt-fal and Ohlef tjuarterinas-er, Jyt-lHt I'l-parliiieiil ol Washlngbm. FOR SALE AND TO LET. CFOR SALE. 0,000 WORTH IN GOOD llmiaea, larvd and anisiU, wti ternu to stilt purvbaaera. ttiier with or wlthnnt Incumbrance, fur cah and good irare. Iniiudre of, fYi-m 10 I U o'okk, A M. IHOft. M. PLOWMAN Xo. 9t7 . rOUItniSUiM- O COUNTRY SEAT FOR SALE. A Blandid coantrr HastdenM. with all modern co-venlaucae and two acres of around, balf a mils irom Kannvti ftQuart', and adrtnamr ehtaant maailon of liayard laylor. ft will oe atio at um-ai attorincu by crounura. liailroad and to 'Hjiraph within flHsien tnlnutta' ride. ApWj to C.H. I'AlMKli, or W n. WAOIRL1 q . Woat ( lieetar,PaMor JACOU HUF.Y, Uamoitoa, Peiaia, )a4 F Li A U U! 13 U N TI N O KLAOS, Or BUI'EBIOS QUALtTT, BILK KLAOS, - Or 8LTEK10R QUALITT. M U B L I N FLA (I B, Or SlM'KKtOB QUALITY. Btufrti, Zlalllardsi, l'ulleye, ao. Wholesale and Retail, ot W. B. HORSTMANH & SONS, Bsrlt-tf nrtll aad OHKKBr Street. J XI FOHTB lit XVo. r.: LV. TIIIIVD Stroots ABOY- WILLOW EBTAIiLIHIIKU 1844. AWMKGS, WAGON COVKItSi FLA US, TtKTS, FAKCT VRKANDAHS POK WISDOWli. AH krnda of Wkrk done promJUy, and attended to per- ona-y.by No. 41 J K. TlliltU STKEBT, Abov Willow ap29 So PEE8I3 ENTIAL CAMPAIGN, I, A (J H , BAHNEEj and transparencies. VM,.F. HtUIII2IIlL.I3, No. W S. TIIIKD STREET, Aboeo (Jhesnat, rblladetnkla. MANUKACIUKE OF FLAGS, B.NM-RS, TRANSPARENCIB3, AND LANTERNS. Political Catr. -sikn Claba fttted out with Lanterns, BadHM, Banner . and Flak',, at reasonable rates. Jeb-liai TH! ARMY AND N A VI. K V AN A II AHHAtjL,, MILITAllY I- UltNISIWlta, No. 4 in AKC1I STRKKT, I'lltLADEU'lltA. Bansori, Be uo;al and Company riant, H words, Sasaee, Belt,, ft, anu, K.paalo'a, 'lata, caps, uantaena, Rarortaclu, Cap. j Kl:t. field U'KSet, Spars, and every thing pertaimina t.. tbe co3ipieto oatilt of Armr and 1107 Oatcera. A llboral dltcoi at abowl to the trade. myl-Klia pUBL0t)UH8-FU PLOUGH 8. Ofucort and loldn-re eisl'lng the cltyea furloui,hs,noe.'l' I fca W It I M e ANP tllllKB MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, are iNvirau tA tii axi'.s.nvi MANCrACTlHfl'-iO E8TABI.I8UME1TT or CSEOllOU V. HIMONS sfe 1111 0. 8ANS0M 8TKEKT HALL, BAN.SOH Street, ahoeo SUta. .PRESENTATION SWORDS Made So order at the shortest aoUoe, whloh An- riehneai and id atrnl licence challenge competition, no otner neute ta ma oojintry oemblnllif tho MANUKA! 'TUKINU JKWE WITU TUB 1-HACTICAI. swum aiaana. IM II O "W TO 1)E H THOY B0A.0HES, EATS, MIQE, lie Antes, vsi BUBT'8 VT-MI- E11IAT0. IT 18 lUrAU-lBLXI IT IS IKFALLIBfcJtl Is put tp tn Large Boies for 86 Cents. It all ready Iter use, ith,, el luSiuii with other artlelea. Ws not Spoil or Gel lire and VVorUik-sa by Keeptaf. UX so his Oilier ITepafalloat. YVHMIN AK aXTHAVAOANTLr rUNO Or IT. KATS AMD Mll'K HIE OUT Or TUWK HOLES. Is Not lieneerous te Use. fllees Sallslactlon lo all who ate It. . old by all bruit-leu and Heeler, throat-bout Ut Vnssed Statee. A raeTnia.-Be sure and ask for Barf, Erteneioe. Vsrsr botes, with the red label, aad signed by Me rrvprt tov, . Bart, Jr. Take un otlior. w-ii Impol.Ko 1 S. 1 ES I It Htroi. ae Watoot. Man ufacwry, o. L jijvsSAI "fast sse between Teal aad Eleven, rute-slf Ho, , kvl aiws )BAI. FSTAIR. r.RAT, THTATH rtfAi. r.ST.ATR. IIKLSIA1K. ItLAI. ' MATK. llS'AL tSTkTS .-,,t,nio wriKTii loa s i it. t.liSi.un "tint 11 H H I ai. r. no wok . ll rim s. v.. VKS' MONTHI CA I AU1I K .11 ST 0"T, M. Vii" 1 1 I T ' M At inn I' m-j., i , M.W JIOMM.V CATai.Odl'F .ttlir m;T. I (HI I R V I IIITilt 1 1 I KMII 1 i. it lilt at t I rut s i"i i it i ui not. -1 ' it m a i f i fin s hi -i riiint 1 1 .- . vr t- r i 1 1 ii ni m, i r tk m i M ri.t't triiR itt it. i iaTi. wi n e, M. . I.u s I 1 1 1, A I.I. 1 1 I..! 1 1 f ' m I .i I., So. n hi I II -1 If i.i r n. I. i X. -I v t II fTi:i.i r. o. ).'.! . s.. I II .i I Bl I T G, I OH f'l-I MINI I'll! I I V I l. IK ,., I r,.-, tleplit-l'i. Hist ll-ii- .. I." i HI 04 s ...... .. .. '..I' i .irti, ,'-i I ...;,nij. i. t. i a tin. nlleleno.sessl.il.' rir he bail The . er ' -t Sr -t il n Ih.l.le I ral Let n:'-" ''':'',' ' ml ii i on r.n'tiir r M" I 1. rraoltcai Heal ('' Vj".ViV.V "2."'. . r-t N, SIXTH mre'. H'U i it f"v eil oft) 8AI.K NO IiI;A (i 11 K s i i'i. ol pi r.. " vim I.AM- -uri tut-i-d t'.. nt-litu li.olitl.lv t ..I I'HI. firtelanli- .,i.p. r j . tn i . eaiii t if th I' ll, i uli to I 'in- ili.-T liiirlM,-,... tl.. ut t iirt'l s t ne .hnni-i. t-e a aer. d. I'.tfrr peri.-iay ..-oltlee f ntlllout.i !USt out, 'or t'TStU "-i' ill leu. il Ion HP.'lltliK O. MII.I.RIl. friiltl Oj Real Ks'ate Aeent and lrt..r, M0.1MM. ,t.. I H streets J'OU S Ml-.. Til K OrtKATI-'.ST I'RD.- lon i 1 tlie are, o p rth-s nn re.ii d in V e pur ai. ai.il . -li ol lti si K.taif, Is in. IJi-'ai' ttiii-, l-lst on'. fur krHiultoti-- dutilbiition. nrO't te- M M VR, Heal ti'late Ajtn' anil llrok., No. V M. NIK TH Jttrct I C'H 8A1.K.-HAKOAIN-I II A K i.KI.i i. man. Ko tasl.-n to a-lri;d Hliir," i or mnr tfi-l i r, li. lit- hi II. e rw' t pin i s. Al' u.ai is ni---- i I - t n tst in l-e 1-lrr t'tunaiii'. ttisl o i rf-p-tine .1 a ta e top '(' r am 1 1-1:- tin of atver is mt-nU etaioane-, l Isheit h pi tie- heiliiu no erai-tl-: I It I ft e Itoe ot tt at es'ate matti .I.'ilttfn. i , ,711 i,rn, rrattrnl Knal Estate Operator r r M r Ut t .-n-y -., a FOR SAI-K I11M)1II-.I)S l)- IM.I-.ttA PI I I '! llnilcHni I. nis. all ovi-r iin- of Pri'.ail -i-lils I'fl- about tiiit.trn stimini tu. m in iuni i- in. Mll.l B. No. I.M S. Sl 1 11 trit fx J'Olt. KAI.K THOUSANDS Of IJOI,. Ui lore' n-oi'li of Keal Ustate . .tl--tit al lowor nrli-oa then voti enn uossllilv ui-t It tor al anctli li. rll t r ntta- lomie, lnt out. "' . No. l.'.t J. Hixrn ninel. 8 A I, F. .AT A 1.1. TIMKS. 109 Jtiii I'WI lltnt.'i s tin haul, ofwhti-h Immi-illate poi.es. Ion run In- hal; no person s!.tnMil f.ill to can on me nrst.lt l.h to iiin'; ase Keai r..inte. cm. or iot in- veifuient or tK-inpant-y. ..,,. 1 ,1.' Mti tr. i;. ni I i.i.r.i., rictlcnl Ileal r.i aio Aunt ami llioki-r, No. 1-1 N. HI.VTU Htieot. a. FOR SAI.K SEAT DWELLINO, St. Itii N. eBM.NIII Hiri et. Prli cSTf. 0 er t tcili lit liwi lllliiK, No. 4'i7 N. I ouith t'reet. rt 2o b.v t t'-t-t ih t p. 11 rooms, rnce s.ouo. jmmtoiate pr- hcsior ol both. Ii, suti h iHai'jiOhf i.thers, nil lo I'O found In no new fin.ri11.lv catnlontie. .ni.t out. (lEOItfiK f. VIl.l.Krt, No. L't N. HIrH Street. ATI.ANT IC O I T V. JOHN SMIOK, PBOPRIETOR. This raeorlte house, which 1, most delightfully eltoated. m ar the beauh. haa b. in newly repapered, repainted, sod tliorotishly reeeiierated, and Is now open for th - reeeptfoa of L'tit''s, otn rlns the comf ,rt of S bono, combined with, all the liixuiic, of the season. Terms moderate. trS-loi 10NGKKSS HAUt. ATLANTIC CITY. I wou'd rftspjcinilly ltiiurm my fiionda and tbo public, Uiat lhavaKHlu taKeii ConRiehi Halt,thlf beta the third year, and have made eTry preparation for tte cm 1 1 iu aeaann, tbe tu use btvns enlarged, remodelled, naw ftnnltuie. the chamber witfj fpring hetl. o ,o , aad will oemiiitKlai lour hnu-lred gm-ate. Ton will tlnd do better placu than 7?srM Uatl. it U the naoteat to tho ocVan i any ol tlie lara feokf of Atlantic Ctty, helnx bnt one htindrod yard: tr4- he bt".l,thu preitenttns ttaalT an acvai4iat.e .o sr.s . tVo Thate cannot be auv btir bathing than ot Atlantic tfct tbQaer. The aand bar that eati audi a trcnt dvawnock 'am i . on hai all bean awopc, away b the high thlee of laat winter, fomung itaoU tbo btot bMh'DK iun on the AtUntlc tea-board. There In an ecUtit lintl of Muilo eugaged Attnrhed li o aplendld Btltlatd Kooa. jcU-U Q. W. HIKKUL TNLKT 1 1 O U H 1 ATLANTIC CITY, GKO. I. OIENTX, Proprietor. (lion rd fOrorahlv known aa ftronrtator of OYBTftB JlAT, SIX I'll und CllKSNin' StreeU.) Parttfi acrommo4lat with Hoau, F!hlnx I.lrea,Ac.,Kit Cora run to the bouee ery twont) nun -tea. je9-tf II NITED 8TATK8 HOTEL. ATLANTIC Oil V. NKW JKHSKV. Thli celebrated Hotel in now ooen for tbe roention of l'Ufftt, aod id ui'dtr Uie npt-rviiou of Colonel Jautea W. rowtri.lth Mr. Kdward llaitwaltan AaiUtant. Practical and erleAced pvmon have hmn employed forc-rich dc'i.rtrtinem, andtbry exertion will be inado to C.duct the am to the entire oatufactlon 01 tha pihllr. Afu-r Juo li f'ur train will hare Vine Beot Ferrf. dally; the fast Line through Jn two hour, without atop t nc at tlie ay Mado,?,, A paBst tiK-r car wUl be run from the Hotel to the Inlet ert'ry twenty mlitufui. llnnhlt-r ftaml, under the direct im of Mr. Simoa ILae Ir hiu hei-n fiiMnKcci lor the lennni dVLTboos wlilnnii to eng ine riKiiiM will addntif ilUOWS: A WUKLl'fKR, rrtivnetort, Atlantic City, Nuw Jersey . V B.The Bund Bar which Inst ymr formed oo.ntlfcO theftlkore hah entirely dl-aitenrvd, loavlng the bvach oao ol the beat and fcititut on the uiiat. Je-lm IX CHANGE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. J The nhsifrib3i-, Rratt-tul for tait favors, tender thank to hl.i patroni and the pubila for the Keneroui cua toni Klvtn hiu i, and begi leave to aay thut he la uow open (or tho at (Hn, and ready to rocelve txiaidert, permanent and transient, on the moat mm t orate terms- The bar will always be HiiilVd with the ,nolct?t wtnci, Uuora, and cmui and supeilor old alu. The tabiea will bo tot wlUt the bi'tt the mttrket atfotiH, .mIiImk Itoof and tat-kle a!way ou hand. Hiaidf tu 'ii on ti e pren,. All the couiKtIi ot n home can alwara he fhtind at tho EsWmiu. OUs-ll.VVl.Alf , jet u rrouilotor. nouaii CITY, ATLANTIC niivr JLIUF.T. SITUATE OS Kl.NTUCKY AVENUE. Ol'POHlTK TIIR HUKr" 110USK. HVVAH1 Df)YljE, l'roprietos. Tones to suit the times. Je!-tf T UK AI.KAMHRA, ATLANTIC C1TV, S. I, is rim open lor vitllors Tlie ro.ius and tablo aro an--iiri'is.',i-d hj any on itn- Islnnu I .Tins m-'Oerate. t:to-lui iiuuuco ii iuu.iu, i ropnetora. j c K a-i- at h i n g s k a-u atuino. kationai7hait., Cal'E lsl.A.Mi, CAJ'K MAY, K. . C'htMreti untii-r IV v,.nr. t'ate nail mrvnuts halt ortoa. 8uM-rloi ai-i ominooaM'.n'. and niiiili- room hK '1 11'" 111 Sl'ltl- It 1'KIM'INS. le'.'l-'.'ra AAltUN UAltSKl'sON. ITofrleba-. QUI.KANH IIUK, No. r;n chksnut htkk.et. l im.AI KLl-lII K. Ths Houxt' Is tt.pt on tne r'ttrooem Plln ; the Kootue tie coiivi'nli'iit .nil e-tll ieutilatiu. 'I ue Utstaiirant oitexa all liivnilt-s ol the neason. ,-i J, J(. M Kl'lVU lll.n, riui rletor. la U N NO It 1 H IUI1- W refn-.id the inooey, If tti-sln-d, for ovary lot 01 Sblrto) eihkb la 11 lu any rocpeot. t'lNK fcUalUTS. I'll' LKSOTHWISK OT MUrH.IM. Made of Kvw Vera Mills Muslin, and very flee tinea Bosoms. Only ll J. Ueuul prtte jO'OO. WUllamavllle Mills Muslin, and fine Linen Boeoias, Only t-r0. t'siial prlue S3-50. GENTLEMEN'S rUHNISIIINa GOODS. HJIIT1I A JACOIW, myS-Sis Ko. 1418 CIIKHNCT Strool. lJ'4i eiHMUT STKEBT. The attention of LADIES VISITING THE CITY, or those aboat I.KAVlNll It for" War er Iuk I'lacea,' or "the Country," ta reapcurtjiy linlied to the e.veualee stonk. of Will 18 t.Uiilia anltakla for fUMMEH WEIH.tkir WHITE UUlilt'.S, MUBN1MO WEArfBVKS, Aa axtonslre assortment lo oftVred hIo and Wia'ked Edvinas and Insertions, Voiu, llantlkereblefs, Collars, Sieeees.aud Inplaia and ntnt-y Vlald. Sa-lped.and FlKUreJ Jjr ft to OiM.ds AT FHICaS MUCH OEtOeY TU 1-KKeKNT KK C AIL VALVE. )i frlaled Linen UamOrW 1 M loo uieoea J-ailed, luohed, aud awtped Mat. ttno. J3. M Pe-KIUJS. cuEsacT (mttET. Tnr HOOP RK1KTS, A"9Q !) Man nfactetT.Ko. S AKCH Street, Ui u ' Aboio Ulxlh street, lhdask. W kaleoato aad Retail. Tho moat oompUtte aaaortoMint of Ladlea.Mlss', aad Chlidioa's Hoop Sklru la tbe eity, la every respect nret class, nhleb tut tjte, ameh, daro'jiuty, oadeheeBaeeo, bs.e no exiiol in Uie market. hkliismad, tow4r, iattl, sid repaired. . M l VI at T-0rKU