The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 19, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Tin Tin
i to nrc y rrri -tv -
Y n "Tj
11 i i i i i i ,m
Til H WAIl NinVH.
Our atlvie-v. from (lie Army of the Fotomne
by mall are down to Sunday. A despatch ot
that date from lioailiinartrs says:
." Our Prion have been eontraeteil, the left h iv-
" Inc been fobieil up in sueh it manner as to inn
" terially strengthen the tmnt lino as it now K
"The left of the line extend') no further than
" tlie Jerusalem plank-mail. Nipht befuro Iat
"the 2d Corps was miiivhi'd out to the works
" thrown tip hy the. lith ( orps near the Woldon
" Kailruinl. A II, ink movement on the part of
S1 the enemy na aiiiieipaicd. Ihunn k lm j his
" corps fii masir n ar the William"' House. No
" fn my showed himself after we had avuit ;.l
" his coniiiiR a nlulit and day. The line wai
" then shortened without farther delay."
SheiuijanV Cavalry Corps has recently
teon thoroughly remounted and re-equipped,
an4 trtd a dny or two slnee on a trail of
the enemy In a direction where thin corps
will he likely to do most effective work In con
nection with General ( n a nt'h movement
r It In generally believed that ( SifKit-
j nan nas oceupleu Atlanta, ami Is now ilriv
1 ring the Rebel army of General Joiivhton
east with great losses to the latter. There in
pow but little hope for the Rebel that Gene
ral Kikdy Smith' army will cross the Mis
sissippi to reinforce Johnston.
The Rebel cavalry leader Fohrkmt has
attacked the Federal garrison at HuntaviUe,
Alubama, but has gained no advantage thus
, far, and it Is believed that our forces can hold
tlie post.
By a despatch from Lleuteuant General
(Stki'iien Decatur Lkb, commanding the
Rebel forces In Mississippi, we learn that
General A. J. Smith haa gained a superior
victory at Okalona. General Smith will
move directly to Mobile, assisted by other
columns sent forward by General Canhy.
General Ui.lmann, with a large force, has
moved to Morganzla, Louisiana, and will pro
ceed to operate against the Rebels posted In
the Atchatalaya region of that State.
General Steki.k Is moving against the
Rebels In southwestern Arkansas, and hopes
,.to clear the State In a short time, and help to
crut"h the forces of General Dick Tati.oh.1u
Western Louisiana.
fepwlul Despatches to Evening Telegraph.
VniKO ion, July II).
No Army '.
The boat this morning brings no news from
the army. The absence of rain was causing some
suflering among the soldiers.
Ha.telia Taking; the Onlh.
Abont twenty Itebels from Early's forces lurk
ing in the woods, came into our line", and this
morning took tho oath of allegiance.
TreaMiiry l'rtiMtM.
Secretary Fcsseiukn will soon issiio proposals
fur a more extensive loan than tifty millions. He
reports the confidence of bankers and financial
men in onr cause, whom he has met with in his
recent journey, as one of the most gratifying
features of his visit.
The Early Fall of Atlanta Exieetml.
It Is expected tn the highest military circles
here that Atlanta will he in our possession in the
course of a week. Even the Richmond papers
for once abandon all their brag, and speak des
pondingly of the Rebel aMIity to hold it.
lonllle DcntKii of JoluiHton.
In case Johnston sees himself compelled to
.give up Atlanta, there remains the possibility of
his throwing rapidly powerful reinforcements
into Virginia; strengthened hy which, Lee might
hpe to bid defiance to . ". of Grant's efforts, and
even perhaps venture to assume tiie offensive.
Tint this contingency is clearly foreseen and per
fectly provided for. The Itebels will not be al
lowed to" repeat their old game of concentration.
They will ere long lind themselves anticipated in
any such elcsigu.
Til I' Debt.
Accordinng to ottlciul statement for th week
ending, July 12, just published, the total public
debt on that day was Jfl,79,0.n,3tj9'3i against
$,1,7,J2,7,010 SI on the 5th instant. The out
standing amounts, with the interest due respec
tively thereon, are given below : Debt bearing
interest in coin, SbTA, 109,819 62 ; interest,
'5'2lU.'t,3n'fi7. Debt bearing interest in lawful
money, IOO,330,ulO-21 ; Interest, .!l,ii'!),192'81.
Debt ou which interest has ceased, ')70, 170-09.
Debt bearing no interest, $ j30.2.3,5t)9'.'i7. Total,
l,7'.',033, jt;9'4 ; Interest, 73,7."2,.5,3"JS.
Naval 4'itf lire.
The Navy I)cutntcnt has received informa
tion of the following captures :
On the Sth Inst, the United States steamer
fcrnonw, Commander Matthews, cap
tured a Binall side-wheel steamer, the Ida, which
left Sitpela, S. (.'., the night before, bound to
yiusau. She had tifty-four bales of upland cot
ton on board.
Also the capture of the Kebel schooner V
hontas by the United Suites steamer Acizabu a'ld
Stceetbrier, while attempting to pass out of
Cbatletun Harbor, bound to Nassiu. She
on board tii'ty-tlnee buli)- of cotton and two hun
dred and ninety-nine boxes of tobacco.
.A communication bus been received from Ad
miral Farragut, nninjiiiieinj the destruction of a
blockade runner, which was run on shore ou the
Bight of the l"t iust., by the I'niici sia'.cs
t learner tllaignur.
Tho tire oi' iiir ves-eis bavin'-' f.iiied to elcsr oy, l.ienteniint M''"on oil'-;ied to go in and
V et her on lire.
For thif purpose he was given three of the
Hartford-' and one of tiio llrookign'n boats, which
were towed into position by the Mctacomet and
Kennebec. The was boarded and set on
fire, and rendered utterly useless. The boats
then retreated to the cover of tho vessels, and
w e towed ofr to the fleet.
The whole affair was well managed and very
, creditable to Lieutenaut Watson and his assist
jj ants, Lieutenant Tyson; Ensigns Whiting, Gild
Mien, nnd Duna : Master's M ,t,. n r i r n...
Hartford, und Ensign Pendleton, of tho llrojk-
uvnoranie liuilal or llie Main.
At the suggestion of Colonel Wiscwell. the
.... ...
following order has also been issued :
W:i V O-AKTMKST, WaHHM.TON, IS 0-(.-yv,
Thai the Military (iuvi-rm r ul" 'alini8iii .vu Hie
I iil.m auliliri-t who n-n- kill d In ihr ivccm it. iuai' n
Waolilnntmi In bo l arnnily illaiiilirrej ua.l hu,,raWy
IiliniJ in the nutlunal eemi'liTira, with euro, unit
tka-luiM'auk to ,11-fM.rve their l.leiititv.
JSHWIN M. KT.iti RIti, Necrelary of War.
It is the intention of Colonel Wisewell to Inter
the remains in tho Military Ceinotery, and orect
over them a suituble monument, with the namos
tit all inscribed upon it.
r Market by Teleirraiih.
jNr.w Yokk, July 19. Flour has advanced 2 ic.
Atlu il K.kiii .WiU. m tl S(i 11 liirHtmet tlKu JI-' tor
liiin,.anil HU 1 na .1.1 "ill li fiuuthern. Wuuitt'ia i .i V , UBHir..u,. v.. .in iiiui, aiiii-a .a 'iuiHia
K.iuli. $11X1. i,'el llrui. Pe' k flriu t I1hi.',. LrU
mm ul l.'ai i,o. Wliiakv lira at l liwu;l-(i7, while holilur.
at'iujoia mi mlvaDue lu $1 Tn.
Ifwljiti vl t'niiir, V Whait, Imi.OOO : Corn. UOKkl.
Clo-li are helter. 4 lilcavu sad Uei:k Inland, 10.1; Cum
fcei lHikd l.reftrred, !? ; 111 I Cntiat Itallr.. il, 1 l ;
llllnula Cf iilial Iniiula. J.ti : Mlt'lCL-ah Hnultaini , S.' t N'ew
. wk Cei.ii.l. I41., ; UeudiiiK. .i', ; iiiidaun uiver, fll-. ;
lfi'.t (me.-l',iir I'l'iTirt.aiea s.i',; i-ji) c...i(llaja(
jW'i 'iCuupuai, ; iuld,vki;sinc the,i'.il.
liAiriMoitE, July 10. Flour iuet; Howard
ktnuit uiwritn fll 2 II lilt. Whfill lirini iifw learce
ind lu (liiuond; white, .lifliu; ll.n lii-d, 1 1 ie.
' o"urWl!, l.! Ji.'iou, llu.':. WMI) rft;ii H'U UC
I.ovinvili.i:, July IS. The Journal i advised
that early on Saturday morning a large Keli. l
for. f , snid to be under the eonniKind of Forrest,
captured the stockade at lloonslioro, on the Mem
phis and Charleston Railroad. It was garrisoned
by one hundred men, most of whom cscajicd.
The Itebels then mnn hed on lluntsvll'.', and
alter a shaip skirmish diovc In tho Federal
Onr troops number some fn c thousand, and are
strongly fortified. The Hcbel force is estimated
at from eight to ten thousand. Additional troops
uro leaving for tho succor of Hitntsville.
Aftiilr at ew OrleaiiH lovementi of
Ileliol Omcral Taylor Mnrketn, l'.(o.
Caiko, July 18. New Orleans dates of tho
U'th instant have been received. No mail steamer
would leave New Orleans for New York during
tho week following the l'Jth instant; but tho
mails for the North and East would bo forwarded
by each regular steamer.
The. True Iirlta claims to have positive infor
mation that the Kebel Pick Taj lor left Alexan
dria three weeks since for lUchinond, and that
the troops lately under him are commanded by
General Walker.
It is the belief nt Alexandria that Taylor, who
has lately been made Eicutcnant-Oeneral, hopes
to bo assigned to the command of the trans-Mississippi
Department, in plaee of Klrby Smith.
Taylor being a brother-in-law of Jelf. Davis, this
change is considered quite probable
There has been a moderate inquiry for cotton.
Tho supply is limited, having been only 100
bales ; low ordinary, fcl-O'l ; strict ordinary,! 25.
The receipts are 400 bales from Vieksburg. Sugar
and molasses are held very high, with no sales.
All the leading articles of Western produce and
provisions, and also India b.igiiiug and coffee,
continue in decided request, and advanced in
price. Flour is In active demand j sales of 3000
barrels at 9'7o(2l0 for super, and f'10'2o(! Q 51)
for extra.
4 ll Irs at Moi!lils I ho Weather, Ac.
Caiko, July 18. The Memphis papers of the
evening of tho liith contain no news.
ficneral 'Washburnc has issued an order ap
pointing Aldermen for the different Wards of tho
city, who are to receive the usual salary, and,
with the Mayor, to be known as the Provisional
Mayor and Council of Memphis.
lirigadicr-Gciicral Payne passed up to Puditcah
this afternoon.
The weather is very warm, and the river is fall
ing about six inches dally.
Tho steamer Crobain, from Memphis, passed
here for St. Louis, with 130 bales of cotton.
TIIE "NOItrill.K riiASKI
11 y a riKtri:.
Nkw Yokk, July 19. Tho steamer Xortherii
Light, arrived from Aapinwall, brings $ 50,000 in
She reports having bci-n chased by a schooner
rigged propeller, with tho English flag flying, on
the afternoon of the 17th, In Lit. 34, long. 74. The
chase was continued for an hour and a quarter,
accompanied by a schooner, which seemed to bo
following the movements of the supposed pirate.
Movement of I nllol NiiXcn Cluuboat
I r. ix li '. imlloii ol Acnpulco.
NewYouk, July 19. The steamer Xortiem
l.iyht, which left Asplmvall on the 10th, arrived
this morning.
The sloop-of-war Cyauc sailed from Paunnia
ou the 9th for Aeapulco. The U. S. steamer
Sapcnatc Is at Aeapulco.
Tno French occupy Adipul. o, but the Mexi
cans occupy the outskirts, preventing tho French
from obtaining supplies.
There Is no other new.
UFII.FX Kil l. t it, M A I.AKOi: VH.
111:11 woi mi:i.
Four I.r.AvrNwoHi 11, Inly 11, 8 P. M Our
forces combined under l.'ol on ;l Ford fell npou
the Hehels at l aui leu last night, when a short
light ensued, and die li-'n-l-; completely routed.
The pursuit from ibis tamed southward.
The enemy's loss is fifteen killed nnd a num
ber of pri-oners taken.
A largo number of muskets, shot guns, ac
coutrements, and twenty keg of powder fell Into
cur hands.
Our loss is one killed and one badly wounded.
S. H. Ci'Eiis,
Miij.-Gen. Coumiuuding Department of Kansas.
STI. tMbilll' "KDIMlllUi" IT SEW YORK.
Ni w Yohk, July li). Tho steamer Kdinburi
has arrived. Ikr advices have been generally
The Iuidon Ikiih Ti lcgraph has the following :
Coiekiia(ii:n, July li Couriers arc coming
and going here constantly. No ultaek, it is ex
pected, will be made until tho result of llie nego
tiations going on at Ucrlin is known.
Special Di tralch lo The Keening Mejraph.
Hai.timoiih, July I!l. Geuetal Wallace has
issued a circular advising the vigorous orgaul.a
tion of tho Maryland Millliu. All I nion citizens
ure determined to unite with him. Governor
liradtord will bo ur;,'ed to aid this movement.
The latest account from Grant are encouraging,
indicating a speedy rctumptiou of uctivo move
ments. Tho people of the Invaded counties, of Mary
land are now busy gathering thdr harvests, but
sufror from a want of horses and help.
iU . Peterson & lfros. have just published a new
olliclttl edition of "The Stamp Duties," adopted
by Congress June 30, and to be enforcod August
1, primed iu clear type, on fine white card
board, and so arranged as to be convenient lor
led reuce. It shows at once the kind of s'amu
you imistniMj forany artivle. Price 01,'ly JJ cen,c
Canvassers wanted.
4i t tuts ns Tin; .uniA,
(it MUM 11. S. Koalllt's II i: VOO' ATM I I.--,
Hi 11 I'.oi him, J.mi;s Hivvn, V., July 10, M d
nijiht. The usual and prolomted inon -.tony
lias I i bort'i well ti i'ti hccii tin' death of the
I uion fleet in the James river, in iis relation to
t ic pul. lie mind of the NorMi, was broken fy the
enemy at an e.trly lour this morning, and they
hove Vi 1 pt it l.roken throughout the whole day.
I lunc just arrived from the gnn'mi'ts at and
near 1 e. p .ott m, w ith the following news .
1.1.M.11 t, u. s. i o-tkh's 11 r Mi' t nt kr s 111:1 1.1:11
At 7 !o.'k this- niorninc, flie enemy in a!l
p o'.i l':i:ty infitmi'da- to the position iiva 1. iy
who deserted from one of the gunboats two
day s since opened a heavy tire on the head iuar
ters of (M tieralH. S. foster, eontinand'tig the
t'nlted states forces at Deep li. atom ; nnd for
upiin!s of ;ui hour the ranee was so aenra'c as
to compel the Initiates to change (heir base ev.
rl t tiles.
Several lar-:e fr.ipii. tits of she'l passed dh-eeMy
Into the tent of the General, while yet oilier shot
literally cut to pieces the trees .'n I the foli.e.-e
Inline. I at. !y surrounding the tent, i'urttiu it.'ly
there w as i o loss of liitman life .luring this sh u p
and, for a time, terrific homlmrdmcnt. of the spot.
'iliebore of I aptain P. . Davis, Assistant-Adjutant
General to General Foster, was shot dead
while -landing within a very lew yards of the
t'apiiiii.'s lent.
A ti A I K ON A O! MID V r.
The enemy having sati-tied thetnseives wah
General Poster and his stall, . it about eight o'clo k
in the morning turned their soli! and undivided
stunt on totlic cainhouts and the pontoon lui.lgc,
doubtless having in view the total destruction f
both. They ucconiplishi d neither olije t.
The firing was evidently directed in accordance
with the information imparted by the deserter
referred to above, and began to prow sharper and
sharper ns the day grew old. They opened mi
the Mniilolii, Commander E. T. Nichols, at head
nnil sti in. from a point on 'he left h ink of 1'oiir
Mile erei k the gallant Nichols lying with his
vessel at Deep llottom, two miles anil a half
nearly due west from Malvern Hills, and about
two units from tne nearest point of Turkey Bend.
kih.i t or om: SHOT.
The principal one of these mis. lies was a twen'v
pound rillc shot, which took full cltivt in tho bul
warks, just forward of number one gun, on either
side i t which were sl men and one ntllcer com
manding them lu the working of the piece. The
shot killed two men, wounding the other four
and the otllccr, thus di stroyiug the usefulness of
one half the working force of the gun.
The fir.-t shot from the enemy duly astonished
the oflleers and men of the Mnninla. She was
ing nt the time immediately below the pontoon
bridge. After the tir-t shot had been received,
and before she replied, the .ijVWooi steamed down
Ihe river a short distance, for the purpose of de
stioyir.g the enemy's range and securing a better
one lor the itnnsof the ship. The third and fourth
shots caused the Mrnrfotu to slip.
Tit e iiATir.iiv sti.t:Ncrn.
After again steaming down the river, she
opened on the enemy w ith splendid range, and
totally silenced their battery. The engagement
was both ii spirited and elegant one, and relief ts
indubitable credit upon ( 'ninmander Nichols and
the gallant officers and crows of the Mrmlutn.
At about ten o'clock l.ieutonaut-Oencral Grant,
with a portion of his stair, and accompanied bv
Major-General llutler, Colonel .1. VY. Sliailef,
Chief of staff, and Captain Clark, arrived at
General Foster's headquarters, for the purpose of
consulting with him in reference to the situation.
These distinguished soldiers were handsomely
and cordially received by Indiana's favorite son,
lifter which the Commanding Generals at once
proceided to accomplish the object of their visit,
which was done by looking over tho map in com
pany with General roster, and reviewing with
him the position of his front and his works. The
enemy all tho w hile were sltelliug in the direct
vicinage of the distinguished party.
Both General Grant and General Duller, as is
their custom, were cool and unimpassioned. The
former smoked his ciar and read Richmond
papers, while on the picket line and under lire,
wlih that stubborn and never-absent imperturb
ability for which he Is noted wherever ho is
General Butler was intent on seeing as much
of the Itebels as possible, while Colonol Shatter,
Chief of Staff, with his broad brimmed hat,
beaming face, and elongated body, looked upon
the entire thing as alike tolerably' commonplace,
und, owinir to the infirm condition of h i heulth,
pcisonally to hltn, borous boyond the ordinary
measure of boies.
Ily mine mistake, on leaving hcaditiarters
General Grant mounted a horse other than his
own, which fact after riding sonio distance was
discovered, and moreover that tho animal was
foundeied, and belonged to astaffollieer. When
about 10 leave General Foster's hoadipi irters,
General Grant nsked how far It was to City
Point. The answer was "About ten miles."
General Grant replied, "I think it must be much
further on this poor horse."
The military party separated from Gen. Foster
at half-past three P. M., and returning to Ber
muda Hundred and City Point us they came, in
tho tliigboat of General Graham.
There was a short but sharp engagement dur
ing the day lietween tho United States gunboats
I'cmmt and 'ommxtie Mnrrit nnd a Rebel land
battery, at or near Malvern Hill. The I'eguot
received four shots, nobody being injured, and
the ( omntatlore Mnrrit a solid shot which struck
her magazine, but fortunately did no damage.
roixT nr kochs.
Toim- or Rocks, July 17, 7 A. M. Major
Mulford, Assistant Agent for Exchange, has had
three several interviews with the Roliel Commis
sioner Ould, during tho week just closed the
last one occurringyesterdav ( Saturday I afternoon.
It is more than proba'ilu that the" cinharrass
men s that have beset this question for some time
past will be speedily removed, hv reason of the
accomplished tact of Major Miilfonl, who has
had unremitting charge of this Important business
since the establishment of the cartel.
It is nudei stood that common conclusions wero
yesterday airived at between the two agents,
though I know nothing of their Import, that will
likely lead to an iniine. liate rcsumpti m of ex
change. It only remains for our Government to
cndoise the action to attain the desirable end
that of relieving our prisoners in large numbers Ri bfl ivranny. It will be gratifying to the
people of the Norih to know that Major Mulford
brought down with him jester.lav iin immense
until from our pri-oneis, wbi h g ,c- N irth in
company wilh thi du.-putch.
1 OUT I' WlBUNs.
Tin grr. it Union defensive work, a' Curtis'
House, V irginia, has been named by General
Hull r "For. Paisuns," in tne lunf holy fomnie'no
ra ion of Lieutenant A. K. Paisoes, aid-dc-e imp
to Genera! Brooks, and who fell mort'tllv
wi .muled on Ihe 4'h of June at i ol I'.of,
while assisting in the great charge i f that memo
rable day.
Ftensic fires have raged in the woods a
few miles from Rome, New York, for a week or
two pust. Large tracts of woodland have been
burned over, and the standing timber is probably
destroyed. Tho rain, of Sunday night, it is
supposed, checked, and perhaps extinguished the
The Ari.onn Miner states that the plaee se
lected by Governor Goodwin for the capital of
Ail.ona, on Giauite Creek, Is to be called Pres
cott, In honor of the historian. Tho Governor
has appointed the 18th of July the day for hold
ing an election for a delegate to Congro-s, nnd
tor electing a member of the Legislative Assem
bly for that territory.
Jacob Miller, of Brunswick, Rensselaer
county, New York, was drowned on Wednesday
of last week, under peculiar circumstances.
While at a spring on his farm, in company with
un Idiot son, adjusting tho door covering it, he
fell forwurd into tho water, which wus about
three feet in depth. The idiot sprang forward and
closed the door down upou him, preventing him
from extricating himself.
The Boston Courier makes fun of a learned
disquisition in the Philadelphia Vj upon the
prenunciution of the name Kearsarge. The IVeu
expressed it phonetically lu three syllables;
A(ir-it)r-jv?(vitb a hard g.) Tho Courier says
"it is amusing to know, In the face of all this
erudition, that tho people w ho live around tho
mountain in question know it only as litar-aarc
prononnced Id wo syllables, the o soft. s it "is
Till: MAItYLAISl) it aid.
"Baltimore Occupied by Rebels, and
Washington Carried by Storm! "
i:te., i:to.. jvtc., i2to.a i:to.
We have received the Richmond li'A.. of the
loth, from which we iniiko tho following inter,
e-ting extracts :
At ten o'clock last night we ohtaiue 1 the fol
lowing despatch, which explains the condition of
atluirs in north Georgia
lit i lujr vi:r. tii Aumv oy T. svtrn v, .tnty 11, W.
A lett .it 1 nlvrul . ,t .ilrv iTemi-il (In riv,r null ,
eeite Nt'i,in, tint with ilrivvu I'Aet. tlf II i iie I ler
l.t iii Tn I Ai iin.!!' nt;. . II 'inn-t elurwlii'rc.
.tOSI I'll K. .lUIINSrON, lleni'ial.
We repeat the oft-told talo of all quiet around
Pete rlurn yesterday. From tho ., re
ceived by the train," wo learn that Wedncsd.iv
was ushered in with heavy artillery firing. On
the centre the enemy's big guns were opened wita
great rapidity, and our batteries replied promptly,
giving the enemy as good as he cnt. Tne picket
firing anil skirmishing were ahout the sitne as
usual, and, fiom all accounts, little or no harm
was done on cither side.
Hie impression still prevails that the enemv
Lvntemphitcs an early departure from Peters',
burg. Many thought yesterday that the artillery
duel, which was inaugurated by the Yankees,
was intended to cover a movement which it was
specially desirable should bo concealed. Tbi!
usual accompaniments of drum heating, horn
blowing, and other (,'hiiieic customs were also
extensively practised.
It is now positively known that thetlth Army
Coips (Wright's) loll for Washington Fral iy
night hist, and another (name unknown) took its
departure Sunday night. A large number of
transput ts were in the river nlclit before last,
apparently awaiting cargo, and these may ere
this have curried off another corps.
The enemy have manifested but little disposi
tion during the past two or fhreo days in ex
change papers, and the cau-0 Is quite obvious,
the tidings from Maryland beiii"; auvtlilng but
cheering lo them.
tiik rn.irr at nr ms.
Wo noticed iu ve-terday'6 iisue a light at
licanis' Station on TuiiB.lay, lietween ttie Yankee
cavalry and ours. We have since learned that
tho Yankees were commanded hv Oenerul Gregg,
nnd our eava'ry by (icneral Fitz ),eo. The eighty
three pn'som rs cuptnred by us rca bed Richmond
hist night by tho Petersburg train. Among them
were two officers, one a Major and a North Caro
lina deserter, who was identified In Petersburg.
He was separated from the others at our Provost
Matshal's otlicc, and consigned to appropriate
quarters. Ilis i aso will be duly attended to.
The force tinder Sheridan, consisting of two
brigades, whieli wo stated in Wednesdsy's Issue
was moving towards Plymouth, was at last ac
counts like the wandering Jow still a moving.
The titpresi says some think they nro getting
towards North Carolina, others that they are to
embark at Portsmouth for the seat of war iu
From ttir Kt'hmotut y.'O.-A, July 14.
Nothing oecurrod yesterday in front of Peters
burg. This is Grant's nmusement, while await
ing ihe result of events in Maryland.
A correspondent of the lMsmtch says:
' Thirty-two Yankee prisoner, including one
nnjor, wus captured on Wednesday ut (team's
Siulion. They were brought lo this city yester
day und committed to tho I.ibby prison.
IJn.v Old IiiyiiMoii IICM.rls."
From the, lltchm .ltd K.iwuiiier, July l(i.
Nothing wus talked of yesterday but tho inva
sion of Maryland, and by twu o'clock iu tho
evening reports were as abundant and sensa
tional as ever we have known them. This was
the sum and substance of the stories which were
eagerly circulated with countless variations.
Baltimore has been captured tiftcen thousand
of the natives, armed with brickbats and bovie
knives, having assisted our troops in the assault.
Washington, also, had been carried by storm,
and Lincoln und bis Cabinet taken prisoners.
This report wus asserted to have been eontirmud
by a New York HmiWof the l tth instant, which
u great many people were willing to swear, or bet
all they were worth, had been received and re id
at tho War Department. We will not assert that
there is no truth in the repe i t of the capture of
Wi'shingtou und llultimore.
Our armies in Mat y land are well calculated to
take both places, ami whip every Yankee north
of the Potomac; but we must contradict there
port about the IlrraM. No Northern papers of
the 14th hud been received In the city up to seven
o'clock last evening, and a gentleman who left
headquarters at Petersburg yesterday, informs
ns that no paper later than the (Jth had been
seen there.
The mo.-t Important thing that wo learned yes
terday, in relation to our aflkirs in Maryland,
and the circum-tancc that convinces us that the
woik of invasion goes bravely on, was that the
Yankee tro; ps near I'etc. Hiiurg positively refused
to exchange paners witu our troops, as they have
been of late in the haliit ul' doing. If our artuios
had met wilh any disaster, or even check, Hie
Yankees would have been but loo eager to furnish
us W illi their new spaper accounts of the eveut.
"what mi:an thosi: i m-.i iis ':"
The Yanki cs on a part of their line, at Iter
inuoii liundreil, maiie such a cheering and hur
rahing yesterday, that our pickets culled on' to
know what was the muter. They replied that
they bad just received intelligence that seven
thousand of our troops had been eipturud in
Maryland. Ibis may be legardel as a very
moderate lie, considering the source from whica
it emanated.
THE I A IT.hT 111 lieiu.l- 1.) no; is.
The latest uuiheutic iiitelliueuee we have- from
our troops in Maryland Is derived from a gentle
mun m ho at rived here last evening, direer. fnen
the Ituluy Jlou-e, ut which p lint ho lo.'. the in iin
body of onr forces last Monday evening. II s
ays tliut he did not know wh"fh.r we had taken
lialtiiiiore or not, but if we had no: it w is onlv
In caiue we did not to do it. This geu
tltniun brought a large quantity of calicos uu 1
other goods.
Another gentleman, a blockade runner, who
left Washington on Monday evening and arrived
hero yesterday, reports that during Monday
fourteen transports, loaded with Yankee troops,
arrived at Washington. The Washington Star
of the evening of ihe 12(h was received. A sum
mary ol its news will be found in another column.
A letter dated l.'ltli inst., received hero last
nieht from a trustworthy gentleman in M nylaud
ays :
Washington city Is invested from the Totom ic
to the eastern branch of Anacosta river. F.verv
lailioud north of iialtiinoio has been cut, and
the telegraph wires destroyed. To-day (tho 13th)
everything has been unusuallv quiet. Not a gun
has been licutd up to this tune twenty-five
minutes past six o'clock, A. M. It it Ae'eiW
tiny tire mytttiittiiuj for the surrcii'Irr of H'ush
ittuton, or tii ing tune for the rentutal af the women
unit thitrtn.
Two forts that defend Washington "Forts
Lincoln and Stevens," have been taken. Wallace,
who fought our forces at Monocacy J u notion, u
Hipposed to have hud fifteen thousand troops. A
large number of them were one hundred days
men, w bo.wben repulsed, threw down their guns
and scattered lo the winds. Kaut.'s cavalry, who
figured in the raid below Petersburg, weic with
Wallace. Our men have captured tho outer works
before Washington.
Twenty-six transports and steamers, loaded
w ith troops, supposed to be from Grant, passed
up ihe l'otomae yesterday. Martial luw has
been declaied, and no one is permitted to enter
ear leave tho city. . It is rumored here that New
Orleans has been captured by Dick Taylor and
Wee. I
The Report Not Credited at
Fortress Monroe.
I'ei.iKiss;, J'l'y IK. The X.irfolk
. etc Itroime "f this iimniing says, "We have in
formation from the front that a great fiat'le has
been fought in Georgia, resulting in the complete
overthrow of the ltebel force, the rapture of
Atlanta with lo.ooq ltebel pruo.if rs. Three
cheers for Sherman."
We have arrivals from City Point as late as
can have arrived at Norfolk, and the above re.
port is no doubt premature, but it is an event
that is looked for, and within a few days.
The remains of Colonel Chambers lean: this
evening for New York via lialtiiiiore.
Commodore H. N. Dure end Lieutenant 1'.. C.
Merrinuin arrived in the steamer Connecticut from
off Wilmington.
The blockade-runner steamer Ronton, cap'ured
by the t'nited States steamer fort J.icison on
the Sth, on the coast otr Wilmington, arrived to
day with twenty prisoners, nine of whom are
foreign subjects, and are held, this being their
second ofl'enee.
The Kichiuond I'luninr of July lij, 1811, con
tains the follow lig despatches.
I'rom Allnnln.
An anta, (ia., July I I. Two brig ides of
Yank.c cavalry crossed the ChaUuhoocheo at
Morris' bridge, nine miles from Nootian, last
night. They were met by Armstrong's brigade
of cavalry, and driven back, and the bridge
No change of the situation of the affairs in the
front. The enemy are til ing artillery occasion
ally ai ross the river.
second linsi'A un.
Atlanta, July lo. Governor llrown having
oNcial advices that persons within the military
age, having confederate details, to remain
at home in pursuit of their ordinary avoca
tions, who express the determination not
to obey the recent orJer to report at Atlanta for
the defense of their homes und tho Suite, has In
structed the proper officers to arrest all such
persons and send Iheni under guard to Atlanta.
That if force is used against the lawful authority
sufficient force will be sent to any point to over
come resistance.
He admonishes men tost have been detailed
by the Conreelcrncy for agricultural purposes,
that Iheir crops will not be endangered by their
absence for a short period.
from 4 linrleMtun.
Chaiim'.ston July 10. Tho enemy have en
tirely evacuated John's Island. Transports ure
noticed quite busy In changing the troaps chiefly
to Morris Island. The bombardment of Fort
Sumter is kept up by the enemy.
Ttie t'liflou I'rlrioiier.
We arc informed by Major Mulford, General
Flng-of-Truce Otlicer, that our prisoners, us fast
as captured, are removed to Georgia. Most of
the enrolled men to Andcrsonville, and the ofll
eers lo Macon. All letters to our prisoners require
the prepayment of ten cents, for Confederate
Niagara F ai ls, Saturday, July 10. The op
posite side of tho river is just now the scene of
active conferences between prominent Seces
sionists from Southern States und active sympa
thisers with secession in the North. Clement C.
Clay, of Alabama; Jacob Thompson, of Missis
sippi, formerly a membernf llueh man's Ca'iinut j
Ileverly Tucker, once United States Consul at
Liverpool; George N. Sandors, of Cosmopolitan
and miscellaneous notoriety, together wi'.h
sundry other geullemen of the same polpical
1'iiMtion, but less notoriety, are at the Clifton
louse, where they arc visited from time to time
by prominent Democrats and othersof socesssion
sentiments whose names I do not care just now
to give.
There can be very little doubt that the object
of this gathering is political and Indeed no
secret is made bv the parties concerned, in eon-
versing with persons lu whom they luvo eon
I tidence, of the particular purpose they have in
I view. They are endeavoring to devise a basis
I for the action of the Chi ugo Convention which
shall accomplish two objects at once, end the
J war and secure the triumph of tho Democratic
I parly. In other words, the Secessionists are
seeking to frame a platform for the Democratic
nartv in the eoniintr election.
1 have been told that Clay and Thompson do
net assume as yet to speak for the seceded States,
hut they hold out very strong hopes of getting
the a-si nt of those States to the propositions they
put forth, prurided the Democratic party will
jiledge itself iu advance to accept them as the
basis of its political aedon. What these proposi
tions are 1 ii nt not authored to say, but I be
lieve tliey eniliruev :
1. The return f the Seceded States 'o the
1. The assumption of the Cmfe lera'c deb's.
li. The recognition of the freedom of the slavcj
actually emancipated in the progress of the war,
und the ttntitt ijtio ante biitnm as to all others.
If the llciiioera'ic party of the Northern States
wdl Insert these planks in Its platform, these se
cession emissaries hold out hopes of being ablo
to secure so general an assent to thein in 'ho
South as to give the party great strength in the
lection by protiiisin,' the restoration of peace.
Whether they have any authority to in ike such
p'edges I do not know. I am inclined to think
that they have not, but their uiissim is
purely voluntary, and thaMts o'yect is to give
aid anil comfort P the Democratic p ir.'y iu flic
coming cuntest.
I in: n.oitt:i vim. i vi i:i:hs.
Previous mention has been made of thiuU '
rity di-pl ived by the color-vl men o ' lialtiiiiore.
on Mm Jay l ist, in rcspondinc to ttie suiu'iions
of Colonel S. M iin veil t. assist in the defense
of this eily ogui.'ist the Itebels. The fjree, uu'n
bering about live him bed men, were put i l
charge of I ons ii and 7, in the north ves'.arn si -riou
of the deieuscs. uuthr the cuiiiiitaa i of
Captains liatier and Ileal, of llu lini ed JSu'cs
colored (roups, with Colonel liownni'i as ohi f.
The men reiii iined at their posts until yesterdav,
and, at one o'eioei, iu Ihe afternoon, were assem
bled in front of liimev llarra ks, oat M id so i
avenue, wheu the lollowiug order was read to
tltt in :
III auwc u t res I'si rni H i ATt s e'ut. out: r, Tiioops, .Tu'y
1?. i .iniriil otiii r Nn. .,. 'I liu l!'ilmel Milliliter 4 'hoi,.
birlu-y ..nil hurla mitt, lli-tiaines ot Uiilliaatre, arc
he-Hlo nl.ei'i il liuln I'lirllmr duly.
'I litVtili'iH'M 'iiiiiiiiiiinllii. tiMuliTH his sincere tliiuk. to
tbo eeliiri'il men ul tlim ultv liir llie iruiiiH ittel imlile uiuu
in r In vvlncli tliey tesj) luiti-tl lu tus cdU ler llii-ir aerui i-s
in llie lule trying,' euierseiioy.
Ily ' ul fill. met H. M. IUUV II A N".
Hr.MO W. I-'iiwkk, Sei'orit J.ituUMniiit I'tiileU Knees
Culcl'i'il Itiltttitry, tend Admit; Ailjut tin.
After the reading of the order, which wai re
ceived wilh henrty elicrs, the men were addressed
by Captain liutler and Lieutenant Foster, who -o
patriotic remarks were enthusiastically applaudeil
all present uniting in singing, iu excellent
style, "The Colored Volunteer" and "Hilly
Around the Flag, Hoys." Three rousing cheer's
were giveu for Colonel liowmni, as tbo best
friend of colored men in Maryland, as also for
the L'uion, President Lincoln, and General Grant
tho cheers being followed by groans for Jell.
The occasion Is represented to h ive boon of the
liveliest and most pleasing character, the c jlored
men, who had in, what was considered to bo an
hour of peril, nolily stepped forward to pu tk i
pate with white citizens in defending this city
from the ravages of the Itebels, evincing their
willingness, if it was necessary, ag iin to co aio
forward and battle for the StarSpingled Uanner.
Out of the force thus relieved from service iiuito
a' number aro disposed to enter tho regular
colored regiments. Halt, American.
The recent insurrection In Algiers was
planned at Mecca, and Abd-el-Kadcr is snpnosud
to be at the bottom of it, as ho was consulted I y
all the native chiefs engaged in it during thu.r
recent visit to the JUoJy Ciiy,
Klrrlnl tn Tl i:venlnar Trl.'--nrli.
Wanhinc.tov, July 10, 2 :)0 P. M.
The Government has received a despatch
this afternoon Irom General Shcnnan, an
nouncing the successful crossing of the Chat
tahoochee river by his army, ami advance to
reach Tree rreek, Ave mile's towards Atlanta,
and within three or four miles of the city.
This, according to the Kebel papers, Ih
equal to the fall of that place, as the position
Is flanked.
l ire nl lliilliilo.
lit i i ei.o, July 10. A lire last night destroyed
the vinegar factory of A. W. Fox, whoso loss is
ahout Jo,iKHI; Kail ft llonnell's lamp factory,
and the store of C. II. Lynniii, were somewhat
Ilrnih Ufa Ktillwuy reillen.
Ni.w YoHk, July 1'.). .Nathaniel Marsh, Presi
ded of the F.rie ltailro ul Company, died this
morning at Staten Island.
Mr. Samuel H. Ruggles will deliver tho ad -dress
before tho Alumni of Yale College this
year, lio graduated at Yale In the class of 18,14.
A convention of the reporters of tho Westorn
press is to be held at the close of this month in
Chicago. It is proposed to organize a protective
socie ty fur the purpose of raising salaries.
State or Tiii.umomk.ter To ti vt. Six A. M,
70. Noon, 84. One P. M., fstl. Wind, S. W.
Kr.n iin 1NO. Captain Thomas J. Itorcr, Com
pany L, 72d Kegimont Pennsylvania Volunteers,
who was tevcrely wounded lu tho neck during
the light at tho 'Wilderness, under General ltin
cock, returns to the Army of the Pot nnae to
night. Captain liorcr h is siillleiently recovered
from his wounds to permit him to engage inaetlvo
duty again.
James llamlll, the champion oursinnu of tho
Vuited States, aud K. Ward, of New York, have
auotber trial of skill to-day on the Allegheny
river. These parties have excited considerable
interest among the lovers of aquatic sports. Two
year" ago they pulled two races on the Schuylkill
oi" two miles, and the other live in bjth of
whit llamlll beat ward. A year later, the par
lies ii. et again on the Hudson, near Pougukeepsie,
in a five-mile race, and this time Ward proved
the victor. llamlll, not satisfied with his defeat,
immediately challenged Ward to row over too
same course again.
The challenge was promptly accepted by Ward,
and two months after the race came off. and
ilamill reclaimed his lost laurels, and stands to
day the champion oarsman of America. Ward,
in turn, not being satisfied to resign the cham
pionship, challenged Hainll to a tit in trial. After
some little delay iu adjusting tho preliminaries,
the race was tlxrel for tho l!)th instant, and will
come off as stated. A large number of Philadel
phinns left yesterday to witness ihe affair.
Law oct in Stvte. The body of Mijor
James P. Jones, formerly of the 7th Maine Ilngi
raent, arrived in tills city last evening, and was
laid out in state this morning at Iudependeuoe
Hall. This gallant officer, it will bo remembered,
was killed diin'Dg tho attack on Fort Stevens List
week. Ho w as born in the town of China, Ma'no,
and entered the service at the commencement of
the war, in August, lBt'.l. He was wounded at
the battle of Antieiam, and subsequently during
the AVilderness tight.
Major Jones w! by profession a fiirmor. He
was a member of the Society of Friends, and
also a Knight Templar. His age is twenty-nine
years He leaves a wife and child in tho town of
Lis birth to mourn his loss. His body will bo
conveyed to New York this afternoon.
Thk Duai r in Fhaxkfohd. Those thirty
residents of Frank ford, whoso presence in the
army of the Potomac Undo Sam is so solicitous
about, were very agreeably surprised this morn
ing by the announcement of the Provost Marshal
that the draft ordered for to-day would be post-
f oned until Monday, the 2"ith iust. As wo have
icfore stated, this numb-rof men is needed to
fill tho last quota of tho Ward, and thj delay is
now made in consequence of some three of the
citizens having furnished substitutes. It is hoped
that the example thus set, may lie emulated by
oilier citizens of the Twenty-lifih Ward, and that
before next Monduy the number of men regis
tered may lie furnished, so that a draft may be
rendered unnecessary. The names of th" gentle
men who furnished substitutes yesterday, arc
Samuel A. McCaulley, Hon ipurte Shoe, and VVm.
S. Caruthers.
Local Bii:tiiks. Workmen are now en
gaged in repairing the south side of Market
Street lirMge, which is u-ed for ordinary
travel. ...The ship-eat penters have resolved to
demand iO per day after the 2').h Instant....
The work uf extending thj IvMisiugt in Wator
Works has eomi. enee I .... William Scullion,
sged tenty-seen, was killed hy being struck
with a fly-wheel, yesterday, ai Itobb'ns' Mill....
The dwelling of Mr. .. rus, Sixth mi l lie f
weetd streets, ,vas entered anil roohed of ah ut
Jf 1(1. ...1 he waler in the Sehtivlkill was so low
on Sunday, mo t of 'ho wheels at I ' xinin.ii nt
find to he snipped . . During the past we :k 71 i
patients eer,. udtniited Into the Army Hosnita's
of this Department ; J-'tO were returned to duty;
.V.I den'r'ed, and .'7 died. The numb sr remain
ing is ll,!),.:'.
St iimiii li s I lie ( itiens' Volunteer Substi
tute Comiuitiee, lo'ated at No. ill Wiiluut
street, h ive bad, s'nee their org miz itlon, S2H ap
pli alio'.is for substitutes. Of this nu tiber 1 1 of
the orders have been cancelled by the pr ictirltig
ot' the same.
Mi fsr. Jtiiucs Graham and Fisher Learning,
gentlemen who are not liable to the draft, on
in 'Cnunt of age, have procured respectable sub
stitutes at the Agency. Tho Committee are ac
cepting aliens, veterans, and colored men as sub
stitutes. The price fur a substitute is The
demand for them to-day, iu view of the draft just
commenced, is very large.
Payment of Uh'Ntws. This morning tho
Mayor issued warrants for the payment of the
city bounty of .')U to thirty-eight three years'
From the l.llli to tho 18th inst tut tho sum of
4 )J,o00 was disbursed lu payment of the Si1 1
bounty. This shows that one thousand aud fifty
men were actually mustered Into tho service.
Hundreds of others are delayed from receiving
their bounty, ou account of the muster-rolls not
being ready.
A Y'oi Tiuii. Oit'kndkii. A hid named Eu
gene Caslin, aged lfl yenrs, was arrested at Fair
mount Park yesterday afternoon, upon tho charge
of attempting to pickpockets. He was caught
with his hand In a gentleman's pocket, Ho had
ou his person when arrested about thirty dollars,
which it is supposed he took from some one else,
Aee'ording to bis own statement, he has been
living a fast life, pulling up ut a hotel and indulg
ing in many expensive luxuries for one of his
years. He was committed by Alderman Hutch
inson. Cm elty to Mi les. A niiilo driver name!
Nathan Ware was arrested at Broad and Market
street, yesterday, upon tho charge of cruelly
beating the animals placed in his charge. He
was held to nnbwcr by Alderman Jones.
Lamclnv. Patrick Flynn and Bryan Kelley
were arrcbtcd last night at Almond street wharf
ui-iintlie charge of stealing a batteaax. They
witvuiAuit:dbyA:dwmifi,Ct4'(;r -
Tiik Baltimore Kaitikoad Film Uni
Car RuNNixa Reoclarly. Tho TuilaelnM
phia, Wilmington, and Baltimore Rsilr. il (
been folly rejuiltcd, and the trsdns a e no rr.r
ning regularly to and from Baltimore.
Kbti'Hnimo Homb. The 13th Maseichnsttt,'
Colonel Ionard, left Washington at 7 80 P. M.,
yeiterday, on their way to tl iston. f jr th. nnr
isisf of beinsr mustered out of service, their
having expirod.
ArroiMTMBST. Siimnel W. K ty, of this ei'.y,
and formerly of the United States sloop-of-var
CoMtillntion, ha been appointed Acting Assist
ant -Fay master United States Navy.
Itoiinrii. This morning Charles Brown was
before Alderman Luti upon the chargo of
robbed a man of sj.jO and a gold ring. The 3t
was committed In a disorderly lager bcr saiooa
on F rout street above WtaarVm. The victim was
Rs!.cp ln thobar.r.Kiinwhcnho was relived oC
his valuables. Brown was committed to ail' ut.
i rm.Arr.i.PiifA stock exchah;b halks, jvlt u
Krporteil by CTsrksnn Co., Broker". Ko. Lit H. There St,
100 ih Hesillog Kallrosd , f, t;
tlonnflr. R. !t-S0 liH
.'so 101 V
fl.'flO do Inf.
sm rln Il'l'jj.
lean V. H. 6. H1....1UH
i.KHHTlr . over 70.. 104
S VS'Hi'Ii. Nr. 6l 'SJ.. M
H1 tin r.. tVi'l
.1,10 w.sf
list nil
HO th
SO h
do.. m
bo W
I'm .a
f llNsI Alli'R VS.! AI m bs.llO
ft l. Commercial Ilk IA
50 ah Which A Mech SH
ft n li llnzltton C'.sl . K'l
lllliN. i. M..DI0 Vie
llili do an
V'O.hPfiin illn 0
ltdiui imiii on.... I
inn nli r h it Oii e-tk. l
. om
ion ii iiiiKtiOiii v., sn
3.'. ih Psona RH.. 71V
a nil do rci
M)hf"hllAerl).... Iitf
3noh Sch. N. r..iiir, w i
1U0 lb UU1. ft...!) 41
H. H.,i. ntnrc fYnitilMlon Rmkor, Vo. I Fu
Qulur llullilliiiii, W lnul itnot, below I hird.
Iteported bjt Cfarkaon A Co., Brokers, Vo. 121 Tnird H.
firtt Call, tiesottd Cut.
t'nltrt) Ruuesfis.llHt. till off.. ...102 bid liS, ilel
KtM'k Islnnd lUilniMd.. bid iixtlf lefl
lo iiUlnii l:l'm.l stl, Ml
llhtiel. (iitrl hallrowl led
lleim Hallroad hid 01 Ml
New Vurk (Vnlral lUtlrud V! hid :V !
Y He Knilroad ns", ui 1 UJM inoa
Ilarleni Utillroatl I'.'lbid .. a.w
'M bid . .. xiM
I miid Huie a 2o im!,- td lor, ,im
Mwkot 8teily.
Jat Cooler ('o. nuie tVivemraent Bee-nritlos, Ac .is)
Boon to-day, as fblluwt :
. ..,, inn law. AaMinsC
c s. ii, iwn ii. tv
tt.8. 7 S ill N..t I(i4 lll
rartltlratea ef Iiiilehteilneaa, Kew S:i
e?nnrtruiaator's Voucbttrs l , . '
(ii.i.i :m
b-SIl Honda 1WI Hi ,l
10-40 ( vnpon Honda ready for dcllvtrj to June V) lixls
slve. Qnotatlona of fluid at Iba rhlla.lelt.liJa Oold KxdiauM
No. M 8. Third streot, aiud alnrj :
!A.M 270 12 M ...
11 A M ma',' I P.M D
Market Weak.
Ti bsrav, July 19..
The Stock Market haa been more feverish the)
last few days, caused as much from the stringency
In the Money Market as from the uncerta;nty
atlondlng tbo financial movements of Secretory
i'essenden. It appears now that the negotiation
with the New York Banks, which the Secretary .
of the Treasury was disposed to consummate, baj
fallen through, because he would not recognixft
the State banks aa public depositaries. The As
sociated banks are willing to loan 00,000,00(1
and receive in payment convertible Treasury
notea or Oold bonds. ,
Mr.Fcsendcn declined to allow the certified!
checks of Mr. Cisco to pass through the clearing
honse, because tbey would be recognized In plaot
of legal tenders, and the Secretary bas now de
termined, It is said, to pat a popular Loan before)
the people. Any party taking $26,000 ot Ih
Loan to be considered an agent, and to receive
ay one-fourth per cent, commission.' With out
light, we think this a most excellent plan, anil
prefer to have tho Government rely upon the)
confidence and patriotism of the people than to bfj
dictated to by arrogant Bank Association!. ,
Beading Railroad sold this morning at 07; and!
in the Board at 6GJ 2 per cent, decline. . Market
dull. Oold opened at 270, sold dowa to 200,
Trisi.Av, July 10. Trade still continues tn
niovo slowly in all departments. The new cell
for 600,000 more volunteers meets with general
approvul, and all are confident that the war will
be brought to a speedy close.
The Provision Market is quiet, and do sale
worthy of note have been reported.
There baa been some little improvement in
Flour, and prices are firmer. The demand foe
shipment has been light, and only 300 bbls. fancy
were taken at 12 fj-1 bbl. The home consumptive
demand is limited. Superfine is worth tflKifi 5
extras $fl 75(2 10-25, extra family $10-50i'll-23,
and fancy lots are held at higher figures. No
sales of ltye Flour or Cora Meal have been re
ported. There has been some improvement in Whe it,'
and prlees have again advanced 15c. ba. 1 he
sales comprise 2500 bushels prime Pennsylvania
reel, afloat, at $2-t5 ; 2000 do., do., on terms It pt
secret ; und 1500 do. common and good i;na!!y
at Hf2'55(a2'G0; no sales of white have been re
ported, ltye is in steady request at (1'70. Cora
is steady ; rales to the extent of 'iiXKJ bushels yel
low are making at $1'C8; one lot at I ii!(i. 1 70 ;
and some of an Inferior qnality at JJ1-65. There)
is a steady demand for Oats, and 1000 bush Is
Pcnnsylwinia were disposed of at 02c. Ttnrej
has been some impioveincnt in Barley Wait. ind
2H0O bushels wero taken at $2.
Whisky is Mlher quiet; holders are firu, la
their tiews, and demand W0(y l'7i, bat b'.wf
re I use to xvc this figure.
fatharin. Ktceiuiin, Muwlim.' (Styt.).W irkrn- .j
4iv h. it. C urium, Or. -iin, Itoituti, fc.. 4. Hi-'iU'.r ti
Kiiri-tink, P-)rt Uovni, J Y. ii,l-A u
ftij-l f. ItTf.V, Hlljnil.ir9,JIIIVU 1 A, Lvffe
T., hl-lt'y, f rovJdii''i. Nm it i t (two t '
L- A. Mu) . IWi.t-r, ittuui, ntuiiUtkVMi v i.ljvur
(!.; Kiltxini, NorwrtiuU, Slfiti. ii'.
K. Hi titre. Uii-tt -iy, Hoit-U. kUiuiu 't, V'i-i.
l. hlli U.
di-tm Itni iuik v, like, rrnvUii n W -tm
, i Co.
'IciiiH'UJM , Wtwuttr, l.irtln ;, li a. vnit.- X
Si 1.1-
1 . .
Si tir
Sitaiif-h p Norniun, lltivt r. h h ju.i ir -in ri't-iou v id
Ulum Mini ii.tbtlluifc lu li. VV.ll&wr Uif "5 Ju.llJ Hi.J
paM4l UiU'iue Mary lieutiej ftnd brig "11. Dt lie 1 buuixi
St hrT. Lake, Retlcy, ttom Boxbury.In buJlAst to Koble,
CulUflJ A l o.
hrlir J. Max Held, Mny, 7 dayi from Itoitnn, with lc to
Co U Si Ting atiJ t-Vml Co.
St lii H. M. hliaittiii k. Arnold, 5 dayt from Mulilletowo,
Coon.. " HI) u not( caittiin.
r i in Mnrlu I uhs, loi, C Oayi from BmUkI, with
tn 'I wflls ft, Co.
H hr buuwiUke, DUkunon, from Button, in ba'.Last W
hclirli. H. Leverioif, Coraon, from Port mouth, lou:-
IBmI tu flljiltllli.
ft l,r huuilamur, ParUng:, from ProYldence, in VJlit ut
Art.r, Rogers, from CIIf( M.(ln bUittoS,
A. boudcl Co. ' C
Correspondence of the I'hilade phi tff9 ' 'i
Lkwkn, lit'l., July 18, P. M.TUh sN fttai r 8hrm ,n, for
tthliitiKton, br'K, nd about forty ontwurd bmrid
iihufnilM are at tbtt break water rh mortuag: itilt
t1 4-t"l ll(ht chmmeri uow pr paring to hve i.-e
lhia'telpliia. Tbo I'. S- foaiiwr StiviiAntioatt, tn ir q
oi the i.lrate ru.rlda, woui to lea ytrsUrddy. Viudt4i
Villi a b-uv- tea.
Youth, i'-.i aauhM MiSfcUiiL
tt.e HClll VLK.ILL ANi OIL CHttii OU
11111 Mitt phi a, J.ity 18,11
The Jtoardrtf Directors bave I Ui w dtty dinrid a dvi-d-
i d i niif M-r t i nt ou tho 'nilil Hinck, li lyd'.'lt: iro u
8it tkx on and attwr Uie Htti iuntttuc
'1 lit- '1 rau,i!i- Hoikti will oa tln20ib iust., U 3 P
M., and cit-n on thv ibih.
,i li of L. 1. ltKMlTHtBeeretarv.
Louwy ol lv) - ,
t'TiandlA-JiiWl, IWC" " " '
7, 50, 3, 43, 21, H;u82f IS, 6a. ail, 71, 'Z'X 7o.
Kxtka i'i.Ati Hi. -July M, W4.
nt oi -j it ..! 'j. ii w tvf a A 7 1 1
J, .Jt, ., Il, .XI, '1- -W
Ckouiiii laul b A4tiru4kiiiy
t. at M -