The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 18, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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TnE DAILY evemng
Into a ware, of the whitewashc'., hall",
W hero, the 'I"1'1 d!"' Uy', . it.
TVomdcu )T iinvonotn, .,HI, ami "'';
FomtVn.lyV lhvtlint; born- one .lav
iWhody i Darlle io young; H
Wearing yt ! i" P" "v.v;: " .
Seen to Ve hll ty Hi- ' !'- '' ,'.v, ' .,0
f a.terl ami (lamp RUr1' "f "h " ill" of delicate mou'.l
r Knel,o7lvV Purlin? is iylni now.
Bnrk from t'iJ Lean-lull t,U.e.vcln.,l l.r;.jr
lirn-b nil the wamletinit wave (if gold,
fro". Imniln m liirt lio-om now,
fcouiebod) ' ll uling is still und cold.
Et Mm once fur sotnelKidy's ralie,
' Murmur a prnver H'.l't Htid liw;
Or"" bright curl from its fair mates take,
They were soinclimly's pride, yon know;
potnetiody'i linnd hath rwte.l there,
Waa it a mother'., aoft and while ?
And have the 11" of ta, , . ,
JJocn bui'tized In the waves of liyht ?
God known bent ! he lia somebody's love ;
Somebody 'a henrt enshrined lutn there;
Pome bod v 'a wafted hi" name above
Niirht and morn on the wlnr of pravcr.
Bomi Imdy wept when he man bed away,
I noklns an handsome, brave, and grand ;
Somebody's Ills" on bin forehead lay,
Bomcbody clung to bla parting baud.
Bomebody'a wailing and wnteldn for him
Yearning to hold blm agnln 10 their heart j
And there be Ilea with bin blue even dim,
And the (imlling child-like lipa apart.
Tenderly bury the fair young dead,
Pauidiig to drop on his grave a tear ;
Carve on the wooden slab at his bend,
"SouieboUj's slumbers here.
amrrlmn nd Knroiiran l eiun-torlm.
. ... v..Hm.mi1 (ttmrterlv RerieiT.
Mnchmlfiht he said of our own cemctcrM,
. i.i..ts ...... ..n.lntilvf.illv vi-rv licaiitifu :
evcrai ui w.m" -""----,
hut it i' not onr habit to state fiicti to our readers
with which they are mppou'd to be familiar
r. isiii,.,. it tiuTHl'nrn. to remark. Ill
rencral terms, that tho principal cemeteries ot
. ... ii...,..i..i.i.. Halilm;,..., ami lliidtun
Hew i orK, rniinuciiiiiiu, o.., .. ,
.... I -i.i., ,i.i. Iia heat In Kn rone.
Tfcone of Kuroiiean cities aro, Indeed, adorned
.. . a nf iii.nlniiirn and arehitoc-
ttirc; in this respect ours aie vastly interior to
any ol tnc larger r,iuu nu
.,,.. un. i tuutn il nii lived inurranir-
IDO KIUUUIUUP ioibuii'i 1
Ing them, and tho aHectionnte and reverent at-
teation paiu iruni uum -j -
' to the tomb! of their friends, they are worthy of
- . : .1,1. ,hnL. nf PnriH Rlld V Iftnnii.
.K- .i. ,.r.m,.,t llnl nnr eeiTieterll'S aro
Jl IB WUIUI ui uiiii'.n
modelled, not on thoe of Kngland, but those of
the Continent; what Is, iiorhaps, more remark
able still, wo have taken the C uholic cemeteries
as our niOUCIsmucu murv man mu iroieinmi;
altootigh nowhere else arc two styles more cloieiy
blended. England bus adhered to the old Puri
tanical style longer than any other nation. Hue
bas also adhered longer to tho lutramural custom.
Even (at tho present day thrce-lotirlhs of the
mare-yards are situated within tho precincts or
her cities and towns often in tho most populous
This is to bo attributed, however, more to tho
Dreiudices of tho masses than to any carelessness
ui reenrd to the public health on the part of tho
ruling classes. It is alleged that the clergy aro
also to blame ; if they have bad any hand in re
taining the graveyards in tho hearts of the lurge
cities they are much nioro to blame than tho
common people, because they understand beitcr
than the latter what tho effects of intramural in
terments are on the health of those living near
the giavcyards. As to tho reason assigned for
them adhering lo the old system, we are nnwill
inif to believe that there is any foundation for it.
W allado to the charge that they are influenced
by the important perquisites which they derive
from the city graveyards.
That tho ministers of tho most wealthy chnrch
establishments in Christendom should deliber
ately encourage what they know to bo peruie.tous
to health, merely that they may bo anlo to make
auOlllOns WJ BUiUtiuo m.uT .....r.-,
would argue a s tato of dopruvity which we should
. r ...tM,r ri, ..t.,, I,.,, ant re.iltieml to.
We prefer, therefore, to bedeve thut the masses
bare had such sleudcr advantages for obtaining
wnoiesonie insirueu' u ui mj - .
Tantaces than any other people in f.urope except
the KUffianB, auu one ur iu umv. ............
that ihcy have been unwilling to abandon tho
old superstition of thinking that in order to be
ear hcavou their remains at least must be near
the ennrcn. , ,
luiawnn mu in.ui wi "v . . .
Will's time ; they had also tho notion that griet
for the detd, if any should be evinced at all,
tbonld assume a certain definite iorm, aud that
..... tl.tu way a. irrii'ViiuH Hill.
fcnvinuig umrruiB - .
lue most eniineiii. uivu;n .we. ... ..........
ways to Daiiinu vueso uiiuuuu, u. ...uv.. .
Uie work is yet undone alter the lapse ot t-vo
centuries. Jeremy Taylor has both superstitions
in his mind, and is anxious to remove them as
oon as possible, when he makes use ot tho lol
lowlng pertinent and fon-ible remarks . "Soh'iun
aud appointed mournings are good expressions
Ot our dearness to the departed soul, and of
bit worth, and of our value of him ; and it
bath its praise lu nuturc and in manners, and in
public customs; although the praise of it U not
In the gospel, that is, it hath no direct and neces
iary u-es in religion, tor if tho dead did
die in the Lord, then there is joy to him; and it
is au ill expulsion of our utrectiou and our
charity to weep nncomfoitubly at a change that
bath c irritd our friend to a state of high telieiiy .
Something i to be givcu to custom, something
... .......... I r.t t.iviiiri.t.1 mill tr, the
SO lame, lo littiuie, iiw - -----
onor of the deceased friend ; for tha'. man U
trjltemt'd miserable tor whom uo friend or reU-
. . i . ... ....... a u..l.imn HI rti. Sll 1' I V
it piety ; beyond it the ostentation and bragng
of grief, or a degu to serve worse ends. 1 du-
.1. i... mm .l,L .L ull, tun I Am nat llesiroilS tl
lmve a dry tunerul. Homo llowirs spnukl':d
m nnlil be well and comely ; and a soft rh .wer, to
.i i'. : .i . i i i.r in ir nii'iiinru ill A
turn iuum! inn 1 1 n in w o'i i ii.m mj ---
fnir rtrhtatsul, that 1 niuy not go onto! my doors
. .. ... .. VI... unti'il. l.t'lm 111'. "
aM Hiy M rvHIIvs till I 3 mi. ... ... ... Taylor, I ke m .ny otlier enii.'litened
hi uilim the friends of the deceased
to consult their own tastes or Ma
or less I'X'enr, and tlifl rin itniis thou jht him a
bopilcs hii.uev aoourdti.gijr. The closing re-
.. ... a i.L... iiiim iron will no tit -
Iliui n ww i' ' ' I -
better uiiderstooil il it is reme . iln ied the
1 uritui.s iiyaniei! the use of tl at a
as u renewal ol'ihe 1'agau Siicruiee to llio mii ies.
especiuiiv ii uiiy sin- i'i"' v..--p.
. , ..'i. itn mii.r ltnMer hits iniinirablv
.!.... .illi ti. .!.., in in his 1 1 lldi lir.lh : All. I
HUI IMU llnnv pii.j ----- ,
C'rublH' has done similar serm e to the cause ot
rtdigixn and ii.ornli:y in showing, wimo ui
the In . iio. in- the I'uri'.ims wM i.i'pos. d to u I
CXterin.l HrlliS HI IllWMHi IU, HI um ....lis. , ..
few years they ran itilo the other cxirume, :in.l
tin. uV hi no one on tue riabt roal l Heaven,
whose itmuins wire nut acconiiatiiel to tit
grave by a cerium .mount ot i- iO.e garments mid
othtr fxuiiml Uii'iK of pious i.riei, u i.oiiou
which is by iio luiaua uir-iiciy exploded .it the
pie-a lit diii.
'the toe. that piMjii, ciiioiiiais, u'jd bl-h jis,
bad at ilii:eieiit twus ptvhiOitvd liilr.rir.unl
I 1 lial, noiil.l base t'( :i unite euilir em by ii-;d,
in tin- iipiinoii ol the uuihoi- cf li'idibi'ii'. to i:i
duee the 1'uii atis to pribisl in n, mi l tlie Mm
charge is iniuie by l'uso 1 ii'Miu-t tnu II uiii-non.
Via uie iuloi n.ed that as boon as Hie l uier
learned that I'm j V bad issued a bull n.jiiust
uecdlesB or ev.i c.-sive etptnies at funerals, an 1
uguiust thu interment of the wealthy, or privi
leged, more than the imo.-, lu churchc, that they
weie tuiideiily seined niui the Idea llio more thu uioic hoiLi.iss, as well us the
more honor. They bnj-ted that the I'ope
could menu noiluiig t'Jod by pruvciitiuj burial
in churches, und only permitiimt ihu erect iou
Of liiaible ceuotaphs, and even those, o iiy on
ouiidilious, thiit uudir r;o H'-eteuee t'muld they
coi.tuiu tho reiuaius of tho- e iu whose honor they
were ire. ted. hat is vnoa:' is ulivays m ire
l.i i.' I,, i... i.,i:i.,t, .1 r I. ii ii what is rn-'h:. even hr
those who iitigbt to know hotter; such proved to
ue me ease in inu iiisiaucc. u n
bsguu to ask iueh other why jt was not iiutL- r for
tlam alo lo be buind in the ciiitfvli, or, tl 1' a t,
as near it as pisll,ie. hurely, s.ud they, if it is
(Ii o I for the l!u;rui.ui)ts to bo buried in I lit ir he
ri tical clinches, it munut M olLerMi. e than good
lor us to be bin ied in ehuixUcs that w y iruly eJU
ncri.ted. It was to (hei k the reuewfd tendency to inl.ra
jmu al buiiul, tliiM caui. I, that Si.Uen CUtti;.'
de Li iikum do Uridine, Archbhlio-j orjuuloii-i'),
issutd his pa.toral letter, in which he" rtviewuii
thii ttcn other ot Jaiaucva, issued iu rraii.a:oiia
r. uj J 'lii t,, aguu.t iu riiural buvial,
'J'he Atehblsln p undersiood ium in i aion Ue ttj
ihau to adopt u' y eoinpulcjiy iaiigu.n.0 in m
ileiie. to a .'; lie l-relened to apji-ai t tl
-ou moil semo KUU Uuderktuud'Ui? ol ail eU.-c.
- It miiiiu.atio;! around cliuicuas," h.ud he, "i. lo
bv i'ui:oi.ra.'d, c in it be tvpecied tk:w toe cr:.
iienewill l e he lthy ) .'I'piieotJ an I,
ili.-iini ti fln d ..r l'i )', are lo be buiiul u it hi a,
ii iittll lU'igc of this piety, or who pi'uaui: lo
j:i(ucj liitii tioiijuony ; if the junlit vl tvuud 'r
or bene'' .j,,, j, tit,e, what rate shall IW tlio
"'il the rl 'ht l heredl'avy,miit not tlnm nmlti
r thn evil to excels and will not our churches
f ' 1 i .1 !... n.l,,.., ) If iltutliii' tnilH
lie crowueu ij..ii . uiiM.KM.v -
,if isnk arc to exist after Heath, cn vanity know
nny limitation ot judgment r If tbcfa distl iction'
are to be procured for money, will n it vanity
lavish rii he to procure them ) And wouUl it bo
proin r for the ( bun h to pro-dilute vva tli as mi
lii n. r only ilue to snen as nave in en n ii
liered v Hliv hv the gi h e of (in I II I'i'i'!
thus hdiluccii un.iiiswcri-.ble anruni -tils atain-t
tbe pernicious cirtotn, the Arelibl-lup pro
Ci'lds: ....
- e ere dispn-cd, dearly b -lo.i-.l iiretmen, io
show nd po, ino.cra:ion 1-. this M s, uy
reformation ; thoiuli churu'-d to in-s-rh t in tin-dl-i
liarce ofo-ir )a-t"iiil duties, we are allowed
a .lis, renonary power, and can consult your
baliiis, voiir opinions, and even your pn-.i-idices,
mid all 'that my concliaio our lub rests with
the alorv ol i but woe. In us, il, blind, d by
weiikmss, wn loc sij-lit of the espenmi. e of
vat "cs, and miller thliu's s ill to con innc that
have till now nerved, and can i.nly serve, to p :r-
' "I'n'thi's cent try inlrmiitirnl buri'l has but few
ndvocaies-a fact we need only allude to as at
fording :m additional proof of the go id common
m-iifc of our people. The large majority lire In
favor Ol miry IllK l nen neiiu, i " -v.-y
tntitilto n con-idciable di-tanee Irom it. lu
llisonues, iiiicvn, ii .....-n -- - -
extreme; (Ireetiv.ood Cemetery is Miner lar
fioiu New York to suit tho poorer classes in .,.
citi.ei.s; vet there are others, at least one or two,
that are still more Inconvenient, nearly, II not
an ile, twice as nir. .
i i.i M.i. deli ct In American cemeteries is an
air of gavt-iy which, were it not tor the to:n'is
i .... l.l 1... ...ii..ti i,i.,rn uii.r.
ami mw-iiiaiic Knives, v.....i .. .... . - . ....
.i...... .!....... r..,i,.iij inr the living, than
eesuve oi picn.-uiv-isi ',."" V , ,i ,
of Hie last resting places ol the dead. J here is
mi lack ol ims in our (travel mo-, mil. m.., ...
-i.i. .i... ri.a.i (ine-i,iiii-ih us manv
sen" in in in" ii - , , ; .,
as there are. if well selected, would be vastly
n,oie slimline, it is inn iiiiiiii,!,, -
ti nt a cemetery should be. like a garden. I o tho
dead it is all the same what kiinl or trees xrow
over their graves, their only use cousins in their
moial ell. ( t on the living. 'I hen the quositiini is,
ought this elteet to be solemn, or othir wi-e r l ar
be it Hum lis to maintain that we should be taught
to rcfdird death with Horror, since n i as ii..,.n,.i
. ... .i:.. 1... K,,rn lint, tlicre Hhouhl be
lor us in uio on i.v ..... ... ......
Kimethlng In the aliode. of the dead calculate 1 to
awakeu solemn thoughts in the living, to remind
them Unit their time Is approaching.
. . . ... ... .... ..I c....,l,l liiii.n an nir
J n sliort, tile eiiurcn-v iiivi nuuniii i
of ilifolutlon rather than of luxuriant and vigor
ous giowth, vegetable growth only thongh it lie.
Two or three suitable trees, therefore, would be
better than fifty. These lew might be yews, or
cypribsi s, or cedars, or a mixtnro of the three
KlllltS. J lie Vine UllU Hie US line: miKim i-- -
with good effect, but sparingly, lor they are appro
pnatc, il not fiu rcd, types. Any of those which
wc huve liienlioncd Is much more suitable than
either the weeping-willow or the ivy; both of
which are pagan types of such a character as
would be n adily rejecu d by every Christian.
Hut mote bad ta-te is shown in the planting of
flowers in giaveyurds than by any other means,
with the sole exception of those silly epitaphs,
which read as if their design were to excite ridi
cule und contempt. Tho levver llownis we plant
ovtr our friends' graves the better, if we do not
wish to teem as if we triumphed lu their death.
There is, indeed, no impropriety in planting tho
rose of Sharon, or tie w ild vine of America ii,.. i.r.ivi. nl' those ilearnst. to us. Xo Im
proper Ideals associated with l itiier of these: on
J. 1 .. ... .t. ui,..n .,(' wlwil. in at.
once pure uiid hopeful; hut when many other
kinds are added indiscriminately, as is too open
.i.- i, ...-.irii.iiiti Ir KiirnrcHtivn of no'limg
else but thoughtlessness and bad tasto.
As for burning the ucau, it nas lew uutowj
at the present day in any part of Christendom,
for tho Urongcst arguments in its favor have
been net aside by the general adoption of intra-
. -.1 ii- ii..,rn nn olrnemitlt-n tint
Hill nil UUUUI. uic mviv ii" '""""-
either to catiiblli hurinl-grounUs in thu licurts
of cur populous cUiofS or have recourse to hwxxv-
as nt.t to injurious (o tho public health an tlio
fonnvr. Were we to exclude reliyiouH consia-
crationH ultogetbvr, lucre wouiu sun remain me
dead, fince It is a violent means oi hasitmlntf
that disboiuunn wuhu ih im- iimyui wuin. u.
nature. Wbcn seieuco Is to be benefited by
.. ,1... f.nntlmi tF ii (iirnui. thnn
IflO JIUIIIL'UIHIU iiuHm,iiuii ,
generally Ppcaking. there should ho no objec
tion tO II J Hilt WIH U UIU I1MV1U ivi ut-nnv.m.. .m
Bimi lv to ffiinrd agaliiKt the disagrceablcncss or
llOn, HIV llUCflll'll livnv,(i - ! -
tl.a .I.K-I1U "if VOfFlttlLlI It milftflr.
which, according to the most eminent physician
fill U CtlCmibin, IB lliucii iiivjic imiirtwiiun v .....-.a
.i ,r. r animal tiinttnr In Kliort. wfl e till IIO t
Favo ourselves i'rom decay ; it is the law of our
nature. ana wc nave .uniMui! uy n wnj, wivihm,
it a i'..i.iLllMo .iu ti iii.n riliirif mfluna
to diBtrov what een in its innnimate state-a
i' i. ..... .nn,.inu Lau drill uiimiki tiimr In It
lOTilf H l lie III 111 lit- r-tna
!...! .. i,r.lirrniirnr P It lit if. WHU IK it Oil T
iiiUT n-uiimiB uui im i- "
intention to tbe merits ot any particular
burial custom. All we ineant was to give tlio
remit rs a glume at the iiinertmi iuvuch oi mwr
. . i .i... ni.nii.taim int ouromntiiltft rtlR.C
. v -. .i . ,.!.... .,d mm urn iiiitlitiw. Who
Dseu i'v motj ttiiuik-ui. iii .tv- -. . .in roii ii t tmwi iiUt. ench o'licr
HIV uii'iiv' , -
in ti ir ithm louit al cbar.icteri-ties. We have
intr hting,binee,let mimkimi say what they will
a .t .1- .i:..... ..ii.... it a unliiLft li llltllH
vi men uim" vis 1 1 1 , ii. -..j. . - -
are u'tuvether .ndiU'crcnt. ITan) thing e in t aeh
. . v. I. . . i,li ..In .i.i- v.ltill V if IB 1 1 in
IIH III HC IlllHiri. k.l Itai'tH" -
..... I. .tt of u-ltnt limn in tliiu lil'i' tt HliTrt tl
C mrinj'iimuii ui " ....... ...
m. I .....- u.l U,.ar,.l('...ihiiillv .luarli
come iu puuijci t inw i' hv .j
r,a ,.11 lo nwtrtnl i-if f )li 1'1'iMlf iMt (UllUtlllTOr
111 ll'K.n Hit in i.i. in r
.v .t... i..'.i jti tl.n tuiiiiitlptir ill -noiii tint.
IU lilt: Ivivl VI I
,, and rowJ''l (jni:!r "id ei'.nin'-n.
Uientakc and imike luill- tn root a; 'iii a. an
nw.e.und in. I tlx Hi In tlio Hare of Hie ,ne,
Iti l, I nil by ile f ; tl.en make a Collin or paste ol
the liniic of II" nv" presume ttic wlio lo mens
cotnliim d), "place liim tliondn and liakehiin,
Mid when all is li.ik. d, Like yolks ol c.'K. beat
them up well In a vessel, put thereto suis ir and
K,i, powder" (Miiery. Hour), "and
ri:roi,,wlii. li ".nr over it and then servo up.
Wliat would notiino line .l . .-.oyer i"
for siudi n ill h! TI.HI. lit. u .le.onnd tcre
would lmve lie. II upon Ho' eiili'iars .:irtl,e lit
of tlie c'tiln! 1 i t we live io a truly di e; ui iMtu
i; IS II Y A. X" 1 Ju XI,
ro. aorj H. WATKH Htrcct.
Iltlew W.ilniit .trdt,
lii.ltntien "' Wlno rVs,f.n.l nil lilndu f
W -V in n ile i.r (JM suit Sen I'tiin ..'ways on liaii.l or
inftili to orili-r.
11 l'.-.ll Cflll'l'IMll
I fi.l. I A' Kl.l IN UM'ilH. I"i
I ol ln. '.Mii 'l ii' -omllr t!"u.1od I". Ijl lia
'I tut truly K.,.. v let is v. ton noon
tl ev s'ininl.itc their noi'elio s u u a -'
Iroi mi. I we Hatter eiirelvei tli t even o ir an-ec-torof
tl.e foiii treiitli c niiiry would not lmve
tiiimd up ui n diil.-li et iliiinci a'
( Iltilwliero -1 1 1 1 e the, n.-li
lliivored o. mi,ivnii and tlie deli, ate "D.irv
iiiiv " w ill. ! l.oxi s ol dlvei-K colors, eotitiilii'lii?
nliii'oii.l ereiini and "if dc, f.f lieee and c.'f. s :"
ii...,. .1 1 1 lie uie wc to be denied "1 otne-
UOITV i" ,, , M ,f
1 et us t.y tlie wav, ini;;iiic "romcdorry, It
tliero is no iiviiiK' cook w Iio is el. ver enoiiili to
mill e it. "lake beef mid cut it small, all raw,
and ru-t it In a nun'lur imd pound it, but not too
Hiiull; lake million and pound it therewith;
when It is ground take tlie wnlte ol an ve.'
so ns it be. not too Mill'. I lirow into the beef
"round i.ei.rir.old rul.iins and some eiirruiil ;
C... .... . '..n i,t eleiin water, and make pel-
leis (hiillM "of the beef, and when tlio water
anil the pellels am well boiled, placo the
whole aside nd let it cool; then put it
(we presume tho pellets, or bulls, or, as
wc Mi(iu:d tirm tin in), "on a spit" (or skewer),
"ami miit I'. biiini' il with yolks of eirns, and
then erve up." This is "romcdorry;" once
con'ii'crc.l a great tlclicuev, tliotifdi doubt
wliether it ever held the pliiec iu tho estimation
ot (.'ai-ttoiiomiMS wnii n mo mniui ......... ws--,
a viann tnai must en in iy nn.. ..v.. .-,
tlie upper ten tliousand, who dined with the Koo
ol Uahy. or wi re invin d to join tlie nipper p ir
tics ol n.a.h ap l'rinec Hal. The oiietiint' of tins
recipe runs us follows :
"lake, pailiiiinis i"' '""K lll,('ts 'cutlets)
"of pork, nil law, lninec them well snmll, and
limy iheiu In a mortar, and when tlioy be well
biaved, put Ihet. to a ood plenty of powder and
yolks of cf!s; und afiei wuid.s make thereol a
Ftullinir, each piece I citiK of the form and si.o of
au onion ; then boll Hu m In Kooil beef or pork
broth; thin let them nail; then put thuui on a
hail iplt, and plnee them before the tiro to
rou-t; ntlerwards make jtooil butter of Hour and
eggs, one batter white und the other yellow, add
ing thereto a pood plenty ofsumir; then take a
leather on a stick, and take some of tho batter
and paint it on the apples (i. c, the balls of stull-
. .... .i n i... ...l.lio in.. I llm ntlioe ve nvv
lllt), BO 111 11 1 Ull. oi' iii.v . f , ,
well colored. It would require a cousideritlilo
amount of imagination for any one to try and
realize tlie merits of suck a preparation as tlie
above, unless he was determined to test It practi
cally. TIiokc who take un interest in the silh
jeet' would do well to adopt the latter course.
ir...n ..!... .11.1, no ..nip mil. ill' n vnul niAKM. all
inwuLii. i wi-uw .....j j
remiirUnhle for their iiiitlnlncss and tlicir coinlii-
nations, no WO Jiropose io give me iwmi in mn
paper. The first rcfern to the mode of making
swans edible, birds which, ns gastronomic favor-
I... - ..f 1 .. .Mr. Mr, MM . 1 .1 11 11 lllVI! 11 lllllKslell I'kli tW
HCB 111 l-yi'lll " ' v -
on our attention, though without the nidol ucou-
siimmate chef tic cuisine it is uup ismoio w vim
celve nnylhiiig more hard or tasteless ; while the
second is an cxliact from the "J.ibcr Curie
m ii .. ..n..l.irv Lii.L- Iii vi-rsn. in una lu
U'jlioi ion, Ii; .. " , .
the fourteenth century, to bo loundin the Sloano
M.S. IicvtriinR, men, io mu ni '
which is entitled, "Chauilcru for Swauues, we
have this singular composition :
"Take the liver and all the nffal (perhaps this
uieatiB the giblets), clean it und boil it, and when
i. i i. -:....i ..t ii in. null llm liiine.s nut. eluull
11 IB mi:vu iuivv 11 -.i. i.u ..... , ---
and dress the liver and ull Uie entrails and chop
the best; then tuko bread steeped in broth, ami
strain It with the blood and broth through a
strainer; then put It in a poi and let it boil, and
iidd thereto wine and a Utile vinegar and ground
pepper, elovet, and Kiiiftor, and serve it un.
In a MS. book of ancient cookery, found in tho
library of the Hoyal Society, tho prose version
of the same recipe is given as follows :
"Take clean wheat and bray It well In a mor
tar, so that the husks go clean oil, then boil it in
cleun water until it break, then take it up and
lot it cool, and when thou will dress it, put it iu a
pot and add thereto good broth und cow milk or
milk ol almonds, and color it with suilron, and
take raw yolks of vr'p and beat them well up
and nut them in the pot, but let it not boil after
wards, then serve it up."
II. I) I X ' " ,
T. v 'I' 1 I I HI rlt Mrrel,
J PHI I I' IV I'A. 1 AMI Hlll.r.T illal'S,
I I. ..Hlll.l.l.AS) AMI rAllol.l,
Fs.n.l'eiul I" ,..,!
i r- M J- w )ry, I.' atnor (.f.n.l.
Work Hns,
Itcni, !.. lJ";"
i vll.l. m,dr..i.Milint.
1 1" .itl.ts Mii'l ' nni nn sr.-!"
I i.i HllUs stol oio na.ei ii'.fc,
1. 1. einlly
r-r.iflP.i i'iiliil. ttfulth,
1- uitl' s 111 I'. l.'iil.. Ili'ilie,
J eiiiioui In li.'luftie IUaIUi,
W ill llnuvur
Cnllf. ir.ln Wines. rllf..rnla W li.,
('Kiie rim Wiiii, I'lililorntu Win.-,
i nl (. riMii Wm.. l (el"'riu'i W'.i.' s,
j.f1' ' mi 1 V il ; nil Ill il Cft ' . ' .- i .1.1.
"l .".'""''"I'.l A-k A-k A-k
a ,k - i'i A"
A'li AH Ak Ask Ask M.Ckll.iul., .n 1 Jnckacn,
iui ii. I', i.nsj ii.uiii I nivi rsliy),
Horlne ll.T'lis, llr.'VH, llnrt.tinmo
p. .,,,., lp WiUii.iii", lliirtliy, I.e.. llmrJ,
Mi-on, limiiil, ins 1. i.iu l. y,
Kn .ir, M.ijlioiili
nit oilier 1,'n.tln. vhytU lsn,wie.t tli-vt'ilfk oMVi-no U-" vlr in . nl (.'mil. Mil. Willi" 1 T K. li'l' m. n 1T -
mTiI.e mil lirnndl. iin.l lisuril lia of Ilia UvlU'tlt. yalienls
rei . Ivuriiin ll.eir lisi' ! .-.
1 A l.ll I'. 1 11. ui -r. .i. i ,
le'Jl tin yo. 4JH. I'll I'll trni t, Hl.uvd (;li9nit.
,,M. 'Ml'a,i.l. noll.r .k..... lU.i.K.inllh. -ml
I , ii l. - limlnn u.r iiiHio K-rs '"" nl" "r '' r"
In. Murlm in! lll" Ki.K MKh .nl l-;W pr-s ''" n
Holler.. WWI 'lolol. Props'l.", Ai. .. ","',"lr' l J
' .1. r ll.Vlr -ervir, to ,l,e public a. Ij..( fU' f ti
Kiiitrsct .T Ki.uie. of sll Sib.1. "l
U.,..rV;hi..ll.i c t. rl.. ol k,lln.r,u .. ;; '-i.nri-11
to uteutf oiilsr. wllh iini il..piili''i. 'J
l. nptii.liof pnltrn.ii.nkillil ri..let Hie "" "I
Itil,, I aliillowi ri.-urp rhi..,Tiil.Mlm,niiit' iliii' "r 11". I" ,
ol ll,"h.t lriiinylvn. r.t,.,r.-..Hl imn, , ori ln.. of nil
I.- nii.i nn . ' ;: , '
tl,..,, , I', .11 ilirn'nu. s. , w .iitllni!, mill .iL.tlmr wnm i "II
I), li'il will. Ii.v ni"'v" "u-iii. -s,
Imhkiuvs .ml ..ill,. ,ill..,i t'.r S.l work (, r. M.U
rpt.-l llst.i.i.'iit frii: ol el.nif , Bil l "rk uimrniiW i-l
Tl-r m, have .mi.le Whll'l it' k nml ;
Mlr.f 1,.... "Ii""' ii" . .' 1 l'"'-s' """ ,'' ;
r,r,.vl.l.-.l !! .I. r., I,.. ks, full!.. A., '
Uvy.nattM...fl.t.. iMf.(ir. vM'IP,
j,...,f I f A II ftlul 1A1.MK.I4 K.r.Hs'2
lo .i.rloi nil Tl'hc.lrsslc Her la
DintrilK'S nrvrt lllncklnu,
(Flmt .trMl iiliui e Hecond, between Markot nd Ckoinat)
r.y'ia-Vm l'lllLAliELl'HIA.
I JVI J 11 1' i WIN J J H,
J51!ANDI1.S, 1VIC.
The siilim-rllier hilnrtil-i tins pa'. :le Hint Iio IsilNposlnR of
hi Inrse uml well loieil stnek ot
At wliolr.sle prices. Ilii- ht fr.mi the ..lit t,,i k,.ti bin.l.
l'uichxi'is wMiihk suporiur urili lo lur iirlvuto ui.q
w.uUlduw.iM.ea.UI jip-flY IIT'DDY'S
WlioldMiic W'lno unit I.Piuor SI..M,
Nil. H.'i N. BEOOS O mrect, lielow llnce,
jv lm Pllllsitelplila.
X . mipplli d w!ih
CUltlnreiKn (IP KTOrK,
Bluets liKlinPHH,
n . .. . . .. . Vrna'a limirrA
I.I1M i.,j, i... ...... ....... - -l
And i-vki v v.rlclT of Account book, will teUliouiiry, o
r,.M,iUiielin...,.t WII,,,UM VA,S (,,
Bftloaer. rnut.r, Blank m M;&,
pVi-Dm riulaulilila.
own. HUmm llnller rod this notli-n. . i-ow water ju t. cior imvcr f.n to frtvo from
one-liult to iwn liniirs' warnlns, a. ileslreil, tint It:.
,aUT m senior low in in un...... 1 --.
proscliliis. The liu.tnuii.iit icquu-e. no cue, aud Is r
ruuledln .vol, lnntanco.
Alio, an nm nd Water flnniics, w ith Scotch glut
tllliea. .ell cli-nnlllg KHi'se-cocks. AO.
Heiiil for circular cuniainlrd , dlilphl , an
iLEUirs orncK, common cocncii..-
1 . Plilludolplilii, July fi.
.. ...... ...Ii.... -l..n,.,.1 l.wtSi, I'liiiilnon
III .(.eorn.nci' wnii run..,.. .. ... ... j 7
O.iiiii. ll of llm I'lt.v of riilindrlpiiia, on 1 linriiday, tho JUUi
flav ui, i tine, isi.s, in i. .. -.y. :
"AN O tlllNAM I',
. .V. mil i luuu iflAM TO Ml-.l-T
TIIR 1 NMKS 1S1 IHK.NT 'I'll llll-; llEFKNSlt
OK TIIK 1'ITV. AND K"R I'll Llll PI Ill'U.sbB,''
In hereby publtalii d tor public Inlnriimilijny SMAI
Clerk ol Coiiiiuuu Council.
W" 'C pn nr. it 10 111' ordi rl ai nny f'.r our -II-k.iviNU
Inrtii.lirt' 'id refill liiiprii cilii llt. Ill Caidini,', S(,liiulr.,
ml v. . ..ilue
Wi oi.". It.c atti ntlotl of manufacturer, to ouretl..
"iTVfK"' AT.FI tKT .1 lN KJKON;.
7 01 D'SIMrilOVl'l) S IT.AM AND W AT lilt-
J lit TIND Al'IAIlAlt S.
I. r V.'nrnillK .ml Vi-aiiliiiuui I'm. I.: Itiilblliiin and I'm
mm i. jiu.
lll.inir,fOlT.-l1 t.V Itil- Iit
Of l'IJlL.Jli;l.l HIA.
.1 V.Mt.-i P. WdOIl,
Vo. 41 H HUH: I II 1iri'.t
BiliVH-l.m M. KKI.l Kiii.erlliten.lent
Uo. 113 T-tirlcot fMroot
C. n . W e.l.iiiT. r. H. BlI.l.Al.t.
I .n tail nl oui rstatill.limcnt arull iif.ortn.ento' f inpnrti'd
nd llomrsilc IiriilH, Popular Patent Wcllrliien, l'aliila,
Coal Oil, Window (iliii., Proscription Vial", Ac, at as low
prlcei rj geunlnc flrt-el. Koodp can no sun.
For Coll feel loncri,, In full variety, and of the host n,nll!y.
l oclilneal, llcnual liidiK'i, Madder, Pot A sll, Ou l'iai-,
Boda A'h, AliHu.Ollof VI rli.l, AnualUi.Cojipo'aii, Kxl.-act
or, Ac , foil 1JVEI18' use, alw.y. on hand, at
lowest net ca.h prices.
Oromidexi'renly for our salon, and tn whl-h we invito tha
.tlcntlon of ll,oe tn waul of rcllatile articles.
ii.. vii.o. HTAUCI1. JUL'NTARO, ifr., v e.ttra
Order, by mull, or city post, will meet wlln prompt at
tention, or jpi cl il limitations will be furnltln d when ro
qucntcd. WWOI), A,
Wholenale Uruf Wiirclmuse,
)ull-ly Kn.ll! MAIlKKT Street, .Iwvo front.
rT"ir:fi' I'lin.AHi.l.l'Ill w il
rWsmtrLlVie'ieM'f'.ruS ado HAH'IMOilE KAll
KOAil. oiiAKnR of norm.
On.ndallor HI NIIAV. .lunc K,W,
ramoJiT trains leave Phlladoiplila fur
lladlmore at i d" IK.Ti.n Mod).lceted),8 rfl A.
t., fl M-. ? 'Mi and Ileal! p. M. ..
Chester t8 06, 11 10 A. H ,1 ). S, 4 "0, n0 .ud H ot
W limlnittoB at 1 (Monday, exsep'e.ll.
A M l Ai 7' u,. 4 'Ui ii '" lli'-l" sno 1 1 imi l'. ,W.
J .n 1 . 1 s." s. M. ii, id I S.) I". it.
jinvi-rsis' i .1. II aniM JI P. V.
Mlllonl at ten. A M
Hailsl.ury.; ' A. M.
IHAt.sH ion ..n.AIIKI I'HIA.
I.iinv. nv-,,111 - --,t y.4,1 a. :i
. .11. il lii-i-i t . ii.
W iii.ilii.'li'ii ( 4-,f,-fi, A. M
i j an, 1.1 p tl
I H,ill.'..,iry , 1 ,.1 !, M. j
1 Vltnail a I'- M. .... !
', i..v.r l (' .. V, , I ' M 1
N.w (l,e .11 s:i A. ' '' '' ,M , . ... I
I (Inner. I?,,, tl'4.1 A.M. , I l.i.TI, '4fl, S 00, Sll, C4t) j
j K"i 11 ililworsf'-rBI-tinry and l-.innei!!.''U't.n j
i " iVnv'r nnllllii.ire tor Povor and liili.nnadl, HaOo'i. t
, l-iii p.m. TIIAISM ,,11 ha'.tim'ikf:. 1 i s in A. M.. :i 11 "', r. M. 1
I 1 WIIPl'.l'KloH l f..iu. Si. A M fd It'll! 1
1 r i. .. ., .in ,,,
1-reli.t'i iriiln.. wun rasciiKi-r i ui "...
Y-eiiv- A'llnilnirton for Perryvllla ud Intermediate piasi
rv V.M. .. , ,.ht
iiniy at . i , i" ' " 1
rjja i A ,
SOS, It'll
ir.xi'i-osa), I 10
, JV 81, I. l-W,4-tn, i'3'4
u b i : " v i s - - - . ...
llil l.M- V II IU . '.ruiVU i.'i.'mr ant TP. TO
rutii. In is oro.o.,n ! ps.i-imr.. mi.iwpa.Md uy an 7
R,1.'"".. le'..'.'.'i"c'V..,,l at r.I.KVP.NTH.nd MA BR ET
. ' e- as ,.li,.w s : a a
i I?.,;'
I I ait !...- ' J' !'
H Kx...... a ''';" ' -
r, v,..i. -i , ,, s.,. i. v I '
, lin'ii'ti r.' A-c-i'iiii ,1-1.. ii -it i-in il'
! I a., a. or I 1 an a .' J . I,' S'
l-.-ll Aiemil ll.e. (.! Inln ). at a .! I . M .
I lir- in !. ers h. (he f.i l.ii.c ms.-h .'.K ,.-na for
i , i ri i it i,eii. w i ii. f. n., era ,1 ic .-..iiinio.i ill us
, li. i,l.l,l ! in I.., il-.i.... iliui i ' i on iii.r ,liw mar
, Ink. r ih.. pi, l. i n, . "- il u..' I.,.r. lU of
1 r i u i. i, ,ike i i.-r. i,. fl PI UI...I-- 'or ait is.'nK. A
; d ..l. win il.-w- l. ih,,s a!l,,d il,il Oi" enllre lint .ul.1 lit
In i nn, i-i lit i i in-,-, .
I l Ii,- I liro'i. h 1,it-I'lu'ii run
, ii in . , , i - ...1., .
1 p.. ii i i i i -iinoi sii i nr. '.vrr.
Tlesi.,1: li.nn i... -...I 11 r..,,,-li r.tiirp.s oa-
eo 1 at I', li -1 ii i.' -i lili l,r. ., t', , a , . ,.,i ill ilii a n toad.
In. in iha 1,,'iiit, Nnr'h 'O I.-, in v t i tn Ih,- Missii
s.jilai.d slu-.i.i-i I. v is mil s.. til 'i and s'o,n , v .st to
all p'-lnls a, it-. hv railr, -i-t. I Iifuii.Ii Tli kea to
II e. i-lai d, l.i'Oiili.rlni'ii..., s. r.inl. ('..Snuh'is. Indian-
i . ii. enw..r a, Kiit-ns, Vi in-i'lien. oay
.oint. ii,,.. i us, ,, ,i,.,i a,l - Uii' pilnaipal
d illy; nil the othar
,'!on ;it 4-30 A. M..'0'.tO and
Will And I' to tl.olr inierel to order trom Uie underiirinK..
l,AK 'Jt4,N1)(,TAT,0NBKr,
All kind, for Bnslneaa, Pn.f nlolial, andVrlvm. u0.
For .ai. .1 mooorai. pnc. o, w(, , M
8t.Uo.ior, 1'r.i.ler,
u,nxm Piiiiaitaltihla.
4 Y.
.. - . !...... nl,,,,, u aiiun In
roinc yi lira 3,nv'-. wniii ..i".
.i .. m.m-m, il.u url- nf rlinoera. IL
11, U III. W Si jllll a nil m .... n ry i --
urm k us as a railu r singular eireuiustaueu tliat
nnne (It tlio (llpllllinis reeiiiuilieuueu n mii-ii'ii'i.
...... rMM.rM ui' eiiiihorv iliirmiF tlie luxurious
iliniiir-tiines of t.yK'.iie "1?''S, to Bti(ly them
wiln seine Dint wiin-n wouiu mum n ui-n: liiumj
urn uie pii inn . l" " n-..i'i
l anuints. Hl-'orv furtiilies us witli no end of
mutiuumrr: 'lln io has tieon a rniwtiiue or
irnli ttim, rrnmsminrr ot men iieeiure, mini
' r .l ..Curl In lai-ti iW'iU illftur
untie tn iii-ii,n,.. ... .- - ......
cl.t liriim In s ; why not, then, ,1 meiivnti' ill tlio
art dl cookii'K aim leenuitf i
I... I ... u nli.iniu il (f..pif tll
11 II l u.- II. t: tsiu u ti .iiti.iiiii. . i. .- "
m... .vim. ..r u,.nn, liinit tt-lileh li.ia nlrtvi'lv
lloi rislieil in n iti etion, wc mu-t (.-uanl nif.iiut
n.i-eotii e tion l.V liuulinn tl.e aiea 10 wiui'U iub
liu tut i It' iliner-out nun uie (ivsii-uii- fssuiiiiniiu-,
n.i.. lm.. .On.. -ti., ii ti. vuli. nt. sin It iili, iii iiitt eii-ii'se-
lii is ns the roust and liolled licit' awl mutton of
tin priKiit i iiy, shnulil h ive icenuraii lor relhT,
i .. i...,i. mi i.'i'ii nl' .i'iiiliiitp tin in i-ittier to the
....... ..It .if llm Hindi, rims i' lihtH III' till) Ilolll.ltl
1- it pire, w he e the toniiiies til' canary oirds and
ti e ri i s of laiiin ys l.i'tei e.l oil liuiii in Hesh
... mi.i.i. i j tn il.i. . rnviiii'n of ili-easi il uinietiies
Hv no melius! Wv won (I inv t'i iheiu to try
. .I.i....- I... ii. tiiiiii, lv. tn tl.e times in our own
ei HUI v w ,( u hi sl i'aliH w as iliieiised on the
I ii', s'" n ull-, iiiui v In u the art of the t ililu was
eiiitKat-il Iiimh n uslv, lint i (itulnit'inouslv.
If nn i.el ol I'l'ilian i n' weie to he ii-se.l now,
n stti: nil. a M : rn-h tmni l ivinir d inn rs whieli
v-irc loo In s ii lull-, we inlitlit folly as-suum
thiil a ii,, le tiuiiili.r ol' the dish. .a In
i,(.o,e nt, ui'h Imiioui-lH n list lie iiii.-ii'miKiiilv
(.(.ml ii, . nr. V t l'i tlie tliirt.v loii'tn veui'oi
11(T III i-ueli an act was .ictiiai'y iasseil
.. i'n-ie n.-iili. i; Is irue. hut ihe lii tistliR
ihiui and it i en,:!' ,in n' y to th,' e mlo'i y of
in,- sin , K (lint: six rc'itu, "e Ma K i riu.n
1. 1! his rovsl )ni-. net, John 11 the ilnys tli it
fi.'lownt nl"'!1 I'rcev, l'oi.-iieis. an I A-iiucmrt
I In i! ys (I l:lli:ci r, nod o! Ml .lollil l-'.liK'lll'-
i!:,.t ve i'l oi'i' W,:.' iliiier-oiif, en I our (te
H.oihI, i.i lvrK jiiic, tt I'y ti-r ftinsnlatioji.
iui tl.tii View tte eu,i tl lew iinwer-s innii mo
eool eiy pnulm of that veriod, (ireinisiuK Unit
tlioiifili' tliev mo lieee-'iiiily but a lew, they will
live an Ins (iht imo the sulijeet u. Intorc-tinii to
the an lin oli'ist as to him whoi.e pulate is luoro
m si lv iLt. r sled in so inoiin nlouf un inquiry.
Mist, licicisn liitnoiis old I'.iil.ali didi e iten
v illi fin at iiet.o (ItiriiiK the ri-lKiis of the theeo
I ilwanis Hint of tlie n ul Hiehard, Imth t-iic
.. ....I ... .- f,,r uhieli is li-llletllhere l o.i'v
t,y uiiti,, iiiiries. Il w?s called "Cokiwrys," and
li.e 1. Ih .wina Is the w iv lu lii.'li it was made :
"'I niveau nil cock :,nl pluck lion, and skin
t - li 1... il... I. iic ami (ill liim III)) iit'tlie Mllllt.
U'lii oil nut tn.. i. t ." . -- -
Hi ft.nii" lUiis v iel( r.s In onu );iveu in a
.. t , ...... liu,. t..lii,.i tv.. ti ll) it .i-rDu in a
u i ,i..- in -i i i . :
moiiif i t ): "also take a )ng iwul akin Hint truiii
tin iniililie iiowiiwaiil-'.ini I till hiiu all fil l of
the none stullii'ir, end sew Hu m t'.ist t tlieramt
ji,i) tl.t in" (.'. f.tlie co, k and I Iio nf ) ; "and
n 1:1 n liu)' shall liave l.iil d a fi mil w I lie iai.0
tin in up, ninl do ticni on u S,it ro i t tin in
s ell ; unit tike v:Us of t 't's', an t add thereto
p..i;kiii, und hi'Nt.' tliein v,iili therewi h; and
w 1,1 n tin's arc roasll, disk them nnil (rur-nia-i
llii in with ftil-J and siivcr foil." 'I he liuf
ln,X to he und for thii uotalil-i di II tonaistej of
lifi'n Lwr u ineid hii.ull, with ri'I1:1'1'. liowilo.ed
t'lost'ti, einiiiiiiKit), ami currant.-, which ininht he
used In it" llieii state, or inadrt into f sreeniet
balls Ibv the a,J of whit'., ol e':'.s) and tia-led.
Now, we ash, is no one l atiiotie io.i(?i tn es-ay
llm d,-l , if only to see how tho pi ami the cock
Uik whin at-i ved Ui together aeyoi'dm tii tho
tur, zo up uiit ctiolis ?
Anoilnr i.-.uioiisdii'ti of about tl.e same p.',
(i(i.illv Uim.i.1,11.1).', ili-seives men. ion. It is
i ,,0i.r..l;,i,i..l. mm . .....I iu tiiiiil.i llins: "Tiika
ewii.e'a Hi -h, hoi'i ii mid chop il sin ill, an 1 put
... .... I . ... . . ... .... . :. ... .1 i..... i ...i.
lu y.'iiia ill t'lias. HUH 111. s H wen h"m.i. .,
llio Clilldrftt f AnioKI, lhs Trnllor.
Mrs. Arnold, wife of TSencdict Arnold, uic.u in
Lontion in 1804, In her 7UU year. Of her chll-
iiten. Mr. Rahtne. in his new edition of'Tlm
American Loyalists," which will soon bo pub
lished, has collected the toiiowing account:
" Mrs. Arnold was the mother or lour sons ana
one dauphtcr, namely : Kdwin Shippon, who was
a tiiiutenani in iim ni'iism nnnnj,
paviiiaster of Matra, and who (lied in India in
IblS; Jnmcs ttoiieitson, oi wu.uu in:.seimy ,
Gcoige, who was a lleutenaut-eoloiicl In thu
in until i u un ) , nut " nf .i .. i
William Viteh, who, a magistrate in tho county
OI I1UCKS, I'.nKUlllu, iliui i'ti it v.ti.......
... .i. i.. .I......1.I..M ..( iin
llllll el a, Iliui : n, .-...j n" ---
JUtddacli, of tho lUiyal Navy, und who, tlio
inmiroi six ciiiioii u, Ttno nuns " ;
tsoiihiu Malilda, tho wile of Col. i'owall l'hips of
Ihe Kast India Oi inpany servieo, who was also
living eitnt years iik'i, unit mu tut-niv wi
- - I .On. i.lilnrj
Bllll Itlltl litt t. a.
A worn, in coni'iiisioii, oi un- uiust u ntm Hint
ed son: J ines Hobertson Arnold entered tlio
corps of Hoyal Enjtiniers in li'.in. lie serveu
twoyiars at lleruiuda, and from 181B to 18il
J . 1 .: . 1.. Unll. .....I
eoinmaiuieu tee engineers in nui ,i itu.t
v- li A l'i,,-. il... iiiiiiu.-ii-iu nf Wil-
n I W III 11 IIB Vt ,1 It. AIM.I tun ...
., it' t. ...... .. ilia Xlu'umtv'a ulitu
11.111 IV., llll WHO tllltl til t.'O ...nj.v ........
While in the provinces just named, he vliited his
nn in r s House 1 sn . vi., i-... u...i ..
lmve iiiien been told, "threw himself into a chair
aud wept like a child." lie expressed a wish to
t o his mother s tanniy in ino i nneu niueH, ma
milled. "I amuiosc 1 should be insulted onacoouut
of my fntliet,'' (vc. A Kontleinaii who was in
servieo w .th lino, and au intimats neiiuaiiiuiu.-e,
spinksof him iu icnis of hiu'i eomiu. ii la;iou j
ai d relates that he wes a small man, with eves
oi renian-iuoie sn:n iiims.s, u m" .i.u..b...
lo resciuhlo his father. His wife, was Virginia,
(laii(jhtor of Itartlett (ioodiick of tho Islo of
V i,t, in jail, no wua irniisieuim iium iuu
ciililmi rs, and appointed a Mn jor-deneral, and
a Knielitol the Hanoverian (luelpliic Order, llo
died in London, December, lS.'ii.
j "ami iut IheCvlK a litllfc luliieei lurd, aud grilled
.ftlil..t.. f ffisi Stlftti,.
We f ml this sialement in the London A'u-
l1,r) ..i l',e Itn :, ml CoMrtt, said to b ! the
oldest iron ship afloat, haa euieri d thu Biuiis-
W ICK lllVllli: COCK, Ull' IHU (lUljuist: wi t, it i..s .
bottum cleaned and painted. Mie is now twenty
jtars old, and lias made twenty Biucesstul voy
........ .. ii... i....t i,,iiii.:. iiotwithataudinir Bonis
roUfJIl US. (,'(', SHU lias nt-Tvi " ...
wntir, und I er plates lire arpuri nny ss mmnu n
ever. On one oci iislon she uhik au ennru eaiKu
of lion lioni London to the I -ast ; wnuo on uer
. i .....i n ...... ....I mi,m
luat vioai'O sue ran liroioiii itmi ii.iutui..i ...
botioin to the extent of over three inches on one
side i f tl.e keel. Mio commands llio highest
fieiirhts in lioinliny. and her o tiers are so saiih
f with her seaworiliiiiess that Ihcy do not elteet,
any IiiMiianec upon her. The ''"' "f her repairs
Inilnito has been in, rely lioiuinul. Messrs.
.. ,i . u .... ti.MM ..l.,..i....l .t.ii.n.w nl' tin fun .
Ii nit c. tu.t int.- (iiiinifi.., - -
bim kc ale Iron Winks, khvu tlm Older f ir her
le tlllcli... IV. elliy-'.ne yc.tia ii.". i" 1....T-. - ...
11. i... (Ui and Co., ol Liverpool, lor tlie purpose
ol le line Ihe capa'iilitieH ol iron as a shiHiui!,-
jnc in ti rial. The result is evident, im i wnuo
ll e .' r aid CMin is still as -crvicc.iblc. as .'ver,
there is now no less thin 7.'.:ti Ions ol iron
shipping in Liverpool alone.
Tlx- l il(iMioii lit t rlpolt.
Teh jiranis have reiicbeil Malta, from Tripoli,
niinoencititt the explosion there on tho Mith ot
Muv, nt ii-:S0 1'. M., of a Ooverutuetit powder, from the effects of whi.di .517 persons
lobt their lives, of which 11 timber .54111 were 0:to
liians. (so fevcrely did tho shock ull'cct t.iu
dwellings in the. town, that the inniates had in
great l iu t uliandoned them and sought safely on
hoard the ihii.s in port. The teli'Kraph station
nilleritl ilamaifc, "nd ceased working;, alieri'oiu
itiuiiicHtliiK tlie. inieliience to .Malta, until
such l n. ic us Ihe rubbish eon hi he removed from
Ml' the instruments. Of the I'.iiropeiins only
.. nu... I. l.i.i-iii.r Multesn 011,1 JeWrt word atllJll-T
the victims. Xo oilier panic ilars are as
. . , A ...1... I 1..... rim IV. nn lll.i.
i HIIOWU. n nuu.-,i.ein. i. in...... ............
(iovernor of Tiipoli -leports tha kiiliuij as n.,1
.fxiceilinnonc hiindre I and fifty, with tho de
btriiclion oi the Spaui-I. i"rt, tlio Oiistoni-hiuise,
mid adjacent Hons. '1 ho llritish (.'onsuhi'e hu
iilto nilleied, iwo lH-po;itul shor li iviui? fallen
(hioujli the i"iof. Had tlio accident haiKini:d
nnne few data before, wl n much moie powder
was in Ihe fort, the entiic, tvjwu would have been,
TloiiN not to ..v. l)iiovNi:ii, hi t Hanoi h. A
icfei-dioo to the S.i i v Kniiter will show that the
j. irate Sin-nies, in Iti Hi, 'had au equally narrow
enape from a wab it prave as win the case with
Ihe .Mulnma. Wo Oierc learn that ha diu
rnal did the l.ri(f .svi..ier, that weut down oif
Vera Cm., tnUi K itU her thirty-two out of tho
liflv men that eoui) oaed her crew, ieuiiues was
liii'kid up in tho last b'aid of exhausUoa by u
liout thut had f-'one hack the teeond time, against
the rdiioui-trtiiieea of others, who supposed that
all the possible survivors hud bsen taved.
!eiiiiiies was not born turned his death oq th
oauu. ile ii j'w.nvJ to danci; on uo:iilii.
A u r iii i iiv' a W (F.
TO At'TUdltlK AN A lilllih iVAI. LOAS
10 1MP.KT Till) KNPKNSKs) 1M.I1 si ... ii i
llp.KK.SSE UT Till. till, as i' t ' ...... .
Hri-iion'l. Tho Select nd Cotnm.m Coiui' ll. of the Oily
Of l'hilaiielihia do oriliUll , I luit the mayor Is lioreuy iu-
Uiurl.d lo Iwn low at noi ii'b. iiuiu ii,tiu n .t-.n. ... .ueli "ii "l money as may be rwiulrva
livlhi. ( Pv 'kr.sisiirer, from time to lima tn pruvlile fur
liie Inmillea of Tnliinlerr. tYoni lh elly orPhllttdi.lliIll lo
Die aeivu I Ihe 1 mien niaie.. ana
,-liy not oxreedliiir 111 the whole urn sum of Ave hundred
limn.ioiil d.diura ; f,.r whl-h I ' ,: "
(4 ai per cent, lu-r aiinum .liall lie paid lualr yearly, on
the hrl days of January and July, at ihe oillceuf ttic ty
Tr.T,i.' nf (he ".Id loan uliall be rnivalile and paid
at ll.v l-xnirailnu ..f ihlrty yeai a fruia the date of the aiuu.
and l et liefere tt 1 ul tile consent of Imhtor. Uierojif, aad
mat r. oiilri-.hul net for any frni'tllimt part of IOO,iirir
ri'inrid, In aiui.unli of live tiiintli'ed or one Uiousiiud
dollar., and li alia 1 he eMire..ed In .aid yertllleii tea tli.t
He said lean theieln nienti.iiio.l .nd Uio lnteruat tliereor
aie uiitahle fn e hoiii all tat.e..
Ko'c Cm i. VVhonevcr .,,y loan .hall. b. by vtrtii.
herein Ihero .hall he, to lorci of Has ordlnam o, anna
allv .liproiii'lated oiltol llit-lne.iine of the corp irate iisiaios.
.nil fr. m Ihe .mil rnlaed tiy l.x.t on. a .11 il .lift el.'iit to
fa" ihe lirtereal on .aid ee, llfle.tea ; and the further turn
hi iliriM.-tenihs of one per reutum on the oar vun of su. a
eerOh.-.u-a. u Issnen, snau au a iuit,n.t . . -:v -T
ol tie mooiiie anuiaie. ,.,..... """.".'". ;-
and its at-i uiiiulation., are lieiehy ospe 'lllly ltwtfl tW
Uie reikuiuiion ind poymoitof said cerUticaies.
Al'lllOllI.lKl! 'i'llB C'- 'UK TO PCnl.lSH THE OR
J)iNAS'K. llSlniuewsliy
I'll, ui a hiaii'd HiwTini ..viv. ----
:!An"ord'amneo''toa Authorl.e an Addldoaal Isan to moet
ll e,e,,..Tln. ldtiitlo tin del. uco ol the Lily, and tor
"la,:d""ih'o""'.id Clerk, .t the -tated m.jtlm, of
C.aiu il lifter the e.plrutlen ol four week, (lorn the
first inv of .nd n illeailnn, .h.U pre.ent to this
Couiiefl one o. tael.T.ald -.,p.pcr. for svery day in
wlili-h the aaiM.naUJebrt-aji!;
I , Pun am i eiiii, July 6, IKu4.
iii itb a rcsoliioon adopied uv me Coiuiiioa
i :, ,. , n ,,i he out of PhHa.1. ipl.l.i on Thursday, tl.e oia
day of.) une, 1HM. 'V.'Tmil N AV'K
TO AI 1 llt.HI.U A bllAN illl' SCHOOL VCR
lk hen ly for uubUo Uiforoialioa. RMAUi '
Clerk ol'C'ouiiuuu (Juuuvtl.
7( AUTIP'ttlZli A I.0N
I ii ii si- in. ii i. P r i: piimf .
Se.'iieii 1. i in- seh-i-i .iiilOuuuaon Council, of the c.iey
r;hV.::'7lw,,.ed to borrow at no.
,',,,,'i,d'. . no l.l..... of l.inldii.,:. for ;''"","li,,'i''!!,,Mii.U
II,.- l-,tn Si-lii..d intliielul Pi-i,i,silv:iiila. li.rwlaell lale
r..t ii..t to en.- il tl.eouc onlx per e. niiiui ).. r iiiinuiu,
shall I." l'.id l..i';'-v.-.irlv. on thu lint d.t.v. ot Junuaiy
and J..D "I On' ot'". e of me i;u Treasurer.
' ih. . in, , lil Ih" s. Ul ,lv.lll,ep;.Viihle pa'd
m ii. . ..i.i, ail, ,.l lii.ny Jin. s from 'he da-e .f ihe
tli ..oel n .l ttllhontth osei.t ol tne u.l.lerj
"..,,., I aid in. . .. .unnites tli-rcn lie usual lorn. if
..' ..tVlh,."'.-. ..I CIV Lean, ahull he l-.a-U'd Hi sllell
i..' ,iii, i" .ii On- l-i-lMia m.i re (iili-o. but not ..r aa lra-
,.;1, I I I llll I.Ml'lUU IC'l.tlH, .1 I'-l .'.-
-t,in el n.lreil nr one Il,u.-a,i, dollar. ; audit
, ... u u..l eeinileates 10 il toe id lean
, ,,','i,i,. .i, ui..: .t.e Uit-nof, a.u payutilo
loU'l, Til! IIAII.HOAI1.
mi aiMi.n Anit!t....i... .... ..
TllliOl (lit IS TWO lll)i!llS!l
On and "niter MONHAV, July , uanis Viueatroet
r i-rry Ht, I'.iiotvs :
Hull, 7-fK A.M. . , .,. .
Pn-iehl.wKh i..nifr ear attaetinl tl 10 A. l.
J'..ies. (Ihrouuh lll i hours) u0 P. M.
Atlantic Acr.iii.nioiliitl'in, ITfi P. M
.lull, lion Aee in alalM!, .', il P- M.
Aecnnimod.tloii ( AtlautleJ Ml A. M.
l-.xtires., 7'l..s A.M.
fr. is-ln.ll'.'.O A. M.
Mall, V4S P.M.
....... .... .l.l.h a... Is.1,,.,11 S.i I HI.
for tlie Otiy I o irnm on n.,,i -10
I ... li.i. mrnel lU'lfi A. M. Bed 1 11 P. M.
Leave lladdonn. Id i MlM..nd i A! P. M.
(11 train fir Atlai.lle leuvea Vino etroot 5 30 A.M.
L.aveAllai,tl0 4ll.P..M. , ....vatar. Aeen.
i'le' which was made lat year has entiielv dlinii
Ti. ared. It avlua Uie ln-eii one of Uio uio.l dtllalitfid ea
the coast.
laitl TOi.V.VkamT.iN, MAPI 'Il ('HII.NK, UA7.LE-
itiM a niiP., wii.uamkpokt.
Oil and.fter UDMiAY. June l:t. Ism, P.s.encer Tr.lua
will h ave the new liept t, TUIU1 street, ala.vo rh iiiiii-
B.-n street, riilladcll.liiil, oauy viooitj
07'a'.,!m". (F.iires) fi r Ilelhleheui, Allt-nlown, Alnucli
tTunk. WlHesuarre, WUIIamsporl.
!C1.'. A it. I Ai-eiiiiimndat on) lor Iiovlestnwn
lil-lf. M. (Aen.uiiuodatloil) lr Foil WashiliKlon.
aMfl P. M ( lor rethh-hem, Kaaton, Ac
4-1.'. P. M. (alail) for l.orle.l-iwn.
I. li P. ( (.A. e..uiini.uiul.iii) fur Itutlileliom, Allentovm,
nd Maui ti Chunk. .... , ,
C lap M.(Aiiorrmi.diitloii) for Lonsdale,
11 1'. AI.' em) tor Poll Washington.
l eave rtethlel,. ni a( h;in A M..k-ao A. M..ii'id6'7 P.M .
Ilntli .low ll aid 40 A. M., 3 45 P.M., and J P. M.
Lnii'dule at li A. M. i. u
Ion Waslnnnioii al il 1 A. K. .ami J I . M.
UN Sil'M'AiSI.
lnladelphla for lltihlehein ai li A. M.
l'hliadi-ll.hla for at .1 I . M.
Iiotlesiottn lor Phi:adi..hni ai 7'" A. M.
Hiiiuen io fer Phila.h lehla ut 4 P. M.
.V. :.c. 1:.,l.i.lo K.erea. will call f"r and d.llver
li.Kinain al tin, depot. Order, may lie lell at Hit lid B.
1 jelli Kbl-'H CI.ARK. A.nt.
ii-i .mts 1 II 1 1. A 11 V. L I'll T A AND
IkS2Blt-.s5 rin.-K'l(IS AND CAMIiKN AMI
Ailliol llAiLKllA ll COM PA M KH.
On and after K)SHA ..Unuury 4. ISM. th Train. jr
JtfW llltK. Il-Btli it.-ii- ''.',.,' ,--..". SJ.,W
a.m. (Mni.ii.aiiu i . """' ";,. .;, . ,,, I.,.
York ni h a. as mi" i ." " '-""V ""v Vi .7,l
.1... ii. i . .i unit... ti hi . nnil Newr Turk a-iil
euisiti-iy nn nit, wi . ... - - - - - . , , ,.
t'atl,ini-loli I'lisscsi-ia, .no . ' i not i.i-". ."
ant iiassenui r' ln-lw.-i-ii said i llh's.
'i-iV ni a . .1 . und l'2 !H iili, ii-III Lin.', f'ottl Kew . ork lo
W,iii.d Ihe ll-.V.A. 1 . and .'. P. M. I.iut-. Hum
Vaahintloii Kew Vo. I, , t ul e-a.i hum as .1 pr. .o..(. and
ear v .ssse,,,-, to s,f Ir .... ll.e inn.rm. d, He .Ulnil..
.iid S.-iv
.1. I..l,iu I. l:n,
l'p., I' la to W.lnitii
Prnrn W limM fri to Phliadeinni. at 1 4s A. M. and 7-AO
p v only al io P. M I'om H' -tm- "' Ph'.ia.l. -e'ea.
j,4 II. K. KUNNKV. Mn erlriwu.niit.
HsV-y'-hK 1.KW MMtlt I.IM.1. IIM.
I !'l .,. eli-Vi ii-.d , v i. nd I 'h a an-1 I r.-iil. .-.
Iliillriid ('..nil. mil' a Lu.i-a lumil lit a.lei.h,a te Num. l.jik
Mid 1 ay I u-.i Mt'T STlM.Kr W'llAitP.
Will I. eve ns n. l .u v.. vtr.K.
At I. A . M .. 1 1 i Cnlieti n tin.! A uiliev. ('. and A. An-
c,,n,lii,,d:ii, i -'
Al " A.M., via l and Jen-y Tiy, Mmiiliig
At a A. M ., via Ce n and Ji i -cy cly.ld ai.
Al 1' M "v'i'a Caui.lfcii aiel Auili'i',-, ('. mil A. Aec-iu-
lii...!a'..ti '."'.'."
At J P. II ., la l ain, li.n ud A u.lii.y , C and A .
.ri-.S ' -
At I I'M-, via I aunl. n and Aniti-iy. Ai-.:.uiu.ivl.:i"ll
(I- ii-li tit an. I I'ti.ei vi't i
At i P. M,, via Cut,, ,, i, a. el .m',.,v, Ac i.iiitiioJ.itlmi
(tielehl and P..,scnn-i ), 1st ( la.. Ticket
M Cln-s a, ;
At7 P. M ., via Caiu'teii and Ail.,,.v .- '-
Ion (Fri-iuht and pits tender). It llass lit-ket
yd i la.s no
For M'l'i'h ( tiiiiis. A'lunlntvn, iii'i.ii,,.i,.-iii. ii-irm-nti,
F.a.lon. Lambert vllle, Henilniiii.n. e at a- Ml P. M .
tor l-lenilniitnii, L.iaihoilvllle. aud lliu' t-
l"or IMi.iiiil llnlly, P.vansvllle, and Pemherloa,.t C A. M.,
i and .' P. M.
tor I nd,,, Id ate, A. M. and ! P. M
Pel Palmvia. Illteriim. Hmn.-.i, lleteriy. tlurliii- on,
Flo, ci, ic. I'.orilii.tettn, A, ,iA. M., Pi M.. I, a- .
nliilli P M . The .l-ao mil ,i P. M. Illne run direct thruiiKh
For 'l-al'i'n.vra. Itlverlun, 1)1 :amo, IHvi rly and llarlhif-
ti.n ai 7 P. I . ..
.!., . ...In, nl Trenti.ii. l.r lini.'i. ituri'i,, en, i'.-t,,ij.
Toricdiile and 'I irnsi . . a' !e :m A I- and l'1'i P. M.
LINKS Mlii.1 nilltiia i'i.i'
Will h live as fell. .!
Al 4 A.M. (iiitlu ) via Keiislnttoil arid Xi,,
WiisliliiLtnn .ml New 1,1,1 Mail -1
At ll'lfiA..M.,vla Ki-litliKt.ili and Jersey city i-
nii'tii ......,...".....
At 4 an P. II. via Kenn'intell nd J.r.iyll.)
ores' v.
At ii P. At . via Ki'iishu-t.-n and jers. y 1 uy. und New tor. l.spie.a -
Runilat line, 'cave nl I A. M and (. 44 I . M
F..r Water Can. Ktnildl.iir. seranf ll, I'X. sb.irre.
llontroM-.drriit 11. nil, Miilnh Chunk, Allen'own, ll. iloe
litin, I'l-Iv-il. re, I- nsmn, leiiii'iiTtvuli'i I- le.-ninulou, .e-, al
7-1.. A II. This line iiinin-cs wltn Uie train leavui
Lsslnn I..r Mati'-h 1 InlllK 111 .e.t,, c. si.
or Flelntni-li n, l.aialierivinu, aim iiiitui,"
11. 1. , st h r. i. , , ,, ....
I 01 llrlst.ii. T teuton, AC .1 ' l" aim " u j. at., -
r.M. . . . .. .. ., ....
For I lolnu shliri. . I .tenny, ttissiie-iunin. iiiu' .7 '".s..-'".
Fraiiklord, ai h A.M., n, ! 46 and P M. Hie ja.ji.
Lt!v-l'i',r Nuw'v'.lis. and W-iy lines leatlnn KeB.lBtn
lit I ol. like the enrsnii Filih sto i l , ahuvn Wntniit, hail
an l.our iieinre ueiiiiruiii:. . , '"",.'" '
un. 1 . 11 arrival ol'.-neh Train, run imm the lleimt.
l-'iflv inn, lies nt ImCiiaie iil!,ys i,si-ii ei" '" ,,io.......
Passi'm . rs nic ir..l.ll..ttd from takma atiylhuiH a"f
KaiD! but lln-ir tinarlnu acmiiei. .t, m-skiih-. . ."i!s lo he ).:il" n.r l .ira. 11.11 t ......,...j ....... ......
reil.i'libaiii'i) 11, r . .iekni.e io .""- i"-i., c1 1 - -
will imi be liable lor any .mount beyoi d Uin.eacept by
"..c !T . Tr.rt. tt-m eatl for and deliver has-
cai'i ill "ho llipol.. Ot.lirs to be left at No 3 Walnat
ilrl.,,ti WM. II., vtsif-iit.
June 20. 1HI4. .
From foot of Cuurilai.d a'rtet at IJ M.and 4 ;;
Jeiset City and caiinlfii : ai 1 ami 1.1 . "..,., .
p.' (Nifhl) vw ItyaiidKen'
From foot of Parr ley street, at H A. M. and i V. M., vl
Auil i.y mil L'auiilen. -
Irnm I let No. I.N'nrth Illver. t 12 M.,4 and 8 l.M
(Freight iid l assi ners; via aiiiui., .uuv.u. ..
rrr FHKIG11T LINKS run Hisw
fcjr'Jf 4 Vork and all the sta lmu on tho Camden and
Aaiboy and conne,d,n n.dro.ils.
TheCamdea and Amlmv Jlni Ir .ad nd Tmnaportatlon
Conipaiiy'. Frelehl Line, fn- New Yo k will leave Walnut
Mr. ot wh.rf, on and uft.-r Janu.ry i, daily lun tay x
CtT'ted), at 4 o'clock P. M. ,.,. . ., ,
111 .turning, lie above l.iue.wlU leave HowOiK at 1
'"rrilihiniii.t be delivered before M P. M. to b. ft.
warded. tlie none day.
r relt'ht lor 1 reinon, 1 rinrvn.n, ........ ,:;.,.
wick, and all point, on the Camden aud '?,'nJ'n1!"'',r"'' '
'" I', e 111 mere, . .. - .-.-,. vlon
tl Clock 1. fll . ouin'l loi;aati i..i
eilvtllliploaocloi-lt P. M. Phiill,,.
The llelvlin-re noiawnie 11,11,1. ....... .... -. - ihe Leliiyh Valley It 1 In-ad. I 00 Mew Jersaj
t'llfl) lillliuni'A. auu
F.saex ll.llioild. . m.
A HHP llH IlUirailtiniii, r,i. . ,, ..... -
hr. .iiiimi-i-s ..nn ciiisb.n..oii. iiuiet In every In.lauco w
aent with e.eli load ol inoilH,or 110 reeelpt wll 1 n '--
lm'ri-aiio lacun es tis-.i-i; I.....I. ----- ,',,,-
latloi. 01 L1VK STOCK, drotera are U.vlled to try tin
root". . . ,., ,.. 11,.. .rn'inieiu
W hen ,tl ek IB Iiiriiisntjti in i.,,,,," '- . -- - ----
ITaIiS or .'ore, It v, l.l le- deUtei.-d al the font 01 Fortieth
Kl ' , uio ,h,Pi,e. muv ilsilenate at ihe lime of tl,.
.hipiucM. ,w m .'':.""''-. ifc
111 o. II. HAMOM, Freight Agent.
ja.r-tf Pier Ho. 1 , NorUi Illver, Kew York
l. s. . I
Inn, I Tin I
I. HI t V A III: A N' !l II Ml HO Vl.
TtrTVi'inli I'm rt-t- t-at'i.e at 1..V1 ('.(., c-nnea
.' H.ah.vil.c iiiti-r.e. 11111 with a Ir.vanti this riad for
P a r-vii'.-, t ti il 1 iti.i Ai
IP.I N-P.l till AM Oil "'"" HlttNtTI ttMI ROAf).
1 1, I t,rni;,!i l., re-s 1 r.iln, lent ,, . ullii mi'. M , m-xir.-i-
111 ( 1. M1.1t. ai I'el.'i A. t . - I h a I111I11 on tae r.iart
f,,r H ...I.I.I1-I;. A Irani also lean si res 1.. kir KhNlslnary
""'''''Hllll.lltCl-'lll l:0 IHUNiTI BUB.
The Mfid T r ,1,, at . '.' A a , .mil ll.t e eli I.Mria. .t
lie u I'. .M ,, ....iim.- 1 hl . a , i, . o a w 1 1 : 1 11 a ils f,,r llotliday.-
t,e, a '" ', I'. l ' 'I v o A. l.
1IMSF AM l i e ' I I " l.l' l-UANi'll RAILKOAR.
1 1 ,. t ! I'.t;-', s - Tra ... i.-st ,,, .- in in .m i'. M. e..n-
ll.els III Iti" IH' Vtlli, H f"l ....! I i ll . "d P 11 1 1 1,-
i,,,ri- nud l.t llald L.i l'- nl . '. ll... r -ad ( ,r I' .rt '
Sin. -I" -1 and P-'-'f. I n""
HI NTT Mil ION AH BPIIMI T'U- in 1 1 in -an . .
. i , i. ....... i . t .i 1 1 1 1 . a i 1 1 1 s 1 1 ' i . . e'ld-
n i, at 1 1 1 : ii 1 1 r.l, n will, a tia.n i i ll.'i.eweil and lllevtlj
nuv'i'ii'i-'kn' i LNTpti. avii Pi:ii.iir.i.Pii' AKD
I i ik i; tii.i.040'1
P,.r 'tint.i rv, Wi!, inn pert. k Haven, Kliulrt, Tto-el.e-l.
r llllllsi '. lllKl Si-ram .U. P's-elU'ers l.. IIIK Hi
Ii.,, I 1 1 a u io 7 ', A. M . and t e l.xpree. at
m.'si p.m.. .holt i'tri-iit u il'ii-etly t'a;..n.-ii,
stlOenl .liiise ni vers beiwea l' and u-
""'V'.'.r1 Y.VuK II IN.iTKtt. ai ilol'.TTVSI'.l'lttl.tlirtralin
leaelna n S A M ni..' : P M.. en.-r.-t at ColuuiMa
with linlns no the N" th." n Central IMIiread.
I I S'l-FM A'-O V.1 l.t V umi.i.oah.
The Mail Tta nal . . - A M . and I hr 'i.i r.spreM at
lc! p M..e..i iiee( al llm ri burn wi'h tr.llnl lor Carll.le,
(Tialiiher, l.ll'C and lUtrs on- ,,.,-,
Tletrah s lea, nn- il' 7 '.' A M s.l -.''.:i t. M., eonn.ot
iLttnlinlotin will, ti a n nil this mad to Vt aym.burg
ami nl. int. -rnu .Unit -t-'iti' ns. o,.,i
l-..r liiillie. uil...n.,ii'" I'l'l'l. al Die P-nenser Station,
8. i;. riirni r o: t l.l: F.N I II mid
,lMi i lOVI'lis. Ticket Agent.
I'lTMMI T A 1'H'N T ICK f.T.-t,
Fori a f, ) o' I-' ID' 'lull". at l". I -w rate., for the .0
ennnn daiin'n oi pe n I v mt o..l of t.,wn,or located on
... ... II... r...l
isr 111 ni tl.e inn- "1 ' ...
. . , ... .. . ui aiint (ten earn.
F or "Jii irtp. ocwi-eii in t , - I-. ... - --- -
.11 II. lie. T l.ete th HTs are lll'i ml. .1 'ns III' us. 1, ,,.--, ,.
lrMtelini; I teniii-nl . . atnl are el kctut buisui-sp.
F'.iroe.. or three monlii. for the ircnf si holnr. attondlnf
""''(""'""vCWuS FMKellA'noS.
An Kinhni.t Aec ii.n.ndsti,,,, ,r,.ln leave. No ITT
li,n l street .laily (Guilds,- es.-epi. .1 1, at 4 , lock M
i.tlerinir . ronporta'il.. tm -i.r ol Irate! to fannliea gnlnt'
v, M at rn.-b.'l the "sua: rate of fare, radicular
.lttl-1, toil Is pied lo bag. Bill'. Mr W' lell cheek. B'O given,
aoit'i.;l':tei'f. twardmib) O.c .ame trainwiin passenger.,
lor full inlermaii' 11 apl'il t" .,-,
IRANiTrt 1 UNK.F.mlgrant 4Kent,
S t, I 17 HOOK, street.
1I.-N W liAOOAliP. PAI'llKXa.
Anaeeiitoi DC. r li .h.e K. areas Coinsiiny will pas.
Ihr..uah each rr.l" helnre reaeiuna the u
thicks .ndiU-kterha Kan. I . ant, ot the ci y. Ha-
... will bee.l'ed i.i.iu.j.Hv w,..u nr.lei-. are left t Ihe
I' lleiioi, a. d Sla-k.-t .(recta. I bo tra
veling pnhilf are as.ured i i entirely reipottHble.
Hv (hie route fitLthtk of. Idese lell-inneanlie forw.rde
to and from ai t p- u: on liu r .u.-...e. nl hl..,Knlj.kjr,
11 .nana, 1 us. . tsi-ensin. I.. ..I .
diriet.orio any point on ilia nnviKaiTe tvaieraofllie ive.t,
ll.v slt'.uiirs innii 1 ni.'iiiin. i
T he mtes 01 in li til 1 ' i.ll.l irein anv point "1 "
hv .he Pi i.imltarna C.niial arc al .11 uine. a.
tavorable.s are t't.aru.rt by oo.'-r Kahro.d cmnpaniee. .
luerch.ut. .nil .lilpaeie emiiis inK .; ;'" "
their fi-bht to thUCouipa.y can rely with toufldenee on
lia speedy transit. , i
lol freight ooiuraeis nr B-.11111110; iii.iu.i-i, mmmmm-.j ..
addles, the Acrnls of I h ( Tiuipany :
n i. M i in ii ..-s, .. 1 . ". . .
11. A STI'.W'itKT. I'ltLsburg.
llfASI-Ko'TAjitcr "-...'.nr No.l. WllU.ra
trei l. N- vv Y.-rk. . , .,
I jt:i 11 co . no. o w a.nioj-ii.i i,,.. "" :
i .. i 1 1 a i,iiii a,.n. No an Nnrlli alreet, HiUUmor.,
Aimit Northern Cen'rallalliay. Hors rosi
(lencral Frel ju Agent, Philadelphia.
General T icket Anent. Phllidelnhfa.
. .11 , It tV 1 H
(iener! Bupennteiideot, Altoon. P
lines leave I'hllad. Iph'ia, fi.mi ltensii.-t..ii Oep-.t, at
11 i" A. tit., 4-11 ..! c... P M : l-.' iiii.ii.l and
fr,,,,, vt nh.iit aire t When ,vt Can.dcn). at., and A..,
in m 4 unit i. I'. M . for N'etv - 1 k.
A mil. 0.' N. Y..ra I' d of Cinirllaiidt - trem. nt
7 A. M.. I" A.M ..U M.,4 and a P. M., and ti .iild.i.g .1,
lata .001 o, UMcaty lAti AgVnt.
PI-.N Mil I A MA, 1 11 1. .s ." '-'s. ".'''" "
lease Ihe Con .pant a lapd, at TIllltTF.F.NTlI .nd
('ALLOW HILL Mict-H, ITilia'.i.-lphia, at tho follow lug
h"Ur,;- MilltKINOUAIt..
At h-l.'i A. 11.. fur Iteiilmt, l.eii.inon, F.ohialA. Lltlr,
Coliiiuhi., liiiiliil.iii,:, Petftilh-, I', I aaia iia, illiun.-pirl. K inlr.i. Kneheslef, N lagarn I a ,
Pui'nlo, A'li-iitni'it W ibeitl.arre, Plttiion, iork.l .rlls.e,
IT HinlK-ithiii.', l.'ai-iTM'ottu, .Ve.
T he tlrli. eo fut I, l.M. ISO Wllh Past Peilllsvlva.
nl. 'llailicd t-a.tis lr AHemawn Ac., the Heading and
Cceuinbiaha n'l I' r I p'ita'11, ...liu. and I "nd
w in. ilii 1 1 tun. i n V.i il. -v I, sit- fur 11 irriaburg.Ae.. : at Pilttr
CLINTON with ( aootis.a llniiroa -1 trams tor ut.lnx
si in ...ri I 1.1 k 11, iten. L-iii 111. Ac.; at llAliUIS- ,
HI nils, ill " ('....Hat" ' Cumin rliind Valh-v,'
. ,1, ... .1 1..... . ..1. ...ii,,-' iiiiins fur Norl ,uia-
licrlauil. W illiam! P',11, 011. '"! .rg. ITaiwrnve, A.
AITT.UX.ON l.l'l;l.s
leave Plillel.!).l:l.l it H C M. nr lieldlng Pntt.
villc, I'a.lshi'i-..', As., e-uiii. t.iu' al lla-r s.
I... . whl, -eiiii..lti. aC. i.ti,i. Itiihrnail tialnsf..! PI'ls
Icit Ac Ni.ili.. 1- ('. iniai -iilli-M.i tiaius l..r sun "iirv
N.,rihi,, V....II.., A. "i d i" .'ni . Pet ,n v.lh
Cat Pi" I t Irauiit i.r M.'-lmi. Inl lainslnTt. 1.1-
"""""'"''lPM'IM; AicoMsioiiAIIOS.
.e f" H. .lie,. I t if . M . il",.! " c al all way at
v.v1rA:.:',.!.V.::c,'.v,.'.t,i!;7y.. , amv.. .
U'i7Z" ri'':.;'.it',Vl.:a ni-rrlsbusg at a A M.. and
..... i-. a ,. 1. lew in ' i::i,. il lia at I At
P. 11 Ali.nes.l-. tun M. . e 1 1 . 1 : hit, ! . L. .tl-
-rTP-.n.---l rillhAUKbt'lllA, wr.iv
TIM I". TAIIlir.
On .nd .fter JIOVI A Y . M ay l'i . 1!4 . until mrther aetlea
Poll (;K KM A IToW N. ,.,.
L.Te rhllad.-.hU ,7.a,'.i.tu.ll.l'iA.Jf.t 1, 9, !,
'J a 4 4"i . 6. (1. re, . 1,0. IO- o. R,,u " . . -
A-!.. d..w?i- .nd the al.' .nd 5V ir.tnn up, do not Jtof
nUie(lern,.ntown llrvich ,,...
l lir.ssi. 1 nn. 1. lt.xn..."
1 eave PUIli.dli liia,(;,, lu, 12 A. M.i i, 4U,K. 7,,ana
11 P. M. . .... . .. , 1.1s t.u.
Leave Ctiesntl nni. ri.-, s, 1, ii, -' ' -
.4l.-4(S-4?.an.lli'4..P.M. . v
FOIt ( (I.NsiHlilliii ae.i it si.
I.eate Philadelphia (t, h-at., 11-u. A. M 44, at.
61,, H l.'A. nd I ' la P. M v , i, 1 tt, niu
leave,nJ,'.7,7'eO,l) aud 11 A.M.! 1X,4,,
6.Vj and!; f M. , wu. v. Man.TUttk.
Tli" s'i train op nm omc ..
na Con.hnbeckt n H A s A T I ) S K . Phllodclohia. 0, ii it, llv A. M., IX, 8, 4X, IX,
'-I'li: ari.VtV.rTlt.!. Vt. .'. ... MX A- M..U.S.7,
and :',l- P. kt. mll'l II. (leneral .nuerlnteiident. j
DiyCl ' Lpot,SINTTlood(AKrij8ITWH
gWtnWsr'irtl-LISl..a. c-.iB.niiCiuMONlAYelaa4 ll
5, lo.lfoui t
A16.rdl0A.kt..:idal4'HlP.iil. TJ
FnrStihim and!. A. U. un.14 r.U. j.
Fur Clasthoro, A, U, and lu A. kl . and 4 and ( . M. y
Far Woodbury, olouoolicr, at 6 Md ll A. M., U tt., j
d4 .u,.o . . ;i.KKI)i(j T1,x,vs ,,ft.
Cane Way .. and U 4.. A. U I . -nd VI.. P. M.
M:ivlK' i. 7 An .. M., and I! aud -6u I. J4.
Naleui at li A kl .ull l ie P M ai r. -a a. m.i ... p. u.
6 U 1 .
....... a. a, asrllUPia I'l-lUU k W
0 fl-e! . '. V. A l.M V It treel . uT Vu" for .uddellv
"Tm : and alter.l lo a'l lb.. . e. brnd...of Kaprea. j
bu.l,.-... ..V .4r..W te bt-i ,. A. . line;; 10- y.
VLltw,. a, ,icn. L'; "ui hoc ,ut be .en" beloreDX
II A.ptcOiM naree '.l"ii earn uaill.
''", v t it; et'va.ll.lltk Nu.wrillleildent.
myoi e. 1 n .. .
T...i,r; WKSTCllllSTP.a AND rmi
Flt-iti-s... a -nt isji. ...- . ,
Or u.dafler I'UlliAYiAi r.l l.lsai.ine 1 ram. win teat-.
"fc.'i,phn.,li4phia. fr..m the li, p jt efinr of TTIITr
FJ pbT ami M.vllltF.T aiieeln, s, A. , llTk A. M., J W
P. M . f , P. M
I I, 1 ,il. Inl
HAl.hkl aireels
i'lepn't ehaii'-.e,! r,.xn ri..HTKRN"PH .rid
T'eat;. Wcit Cheater, from ihe In-put, on F.n.t kf AHTt
,m",V,-oA.M ,. if. A ki..l) A M .P.M..44l;.l.f)
Tlina....! Die went ii,i,iiiii,a
con, psnn (aik, t 'ir.!) will c u. . y P.i..-nser to adl
"rl'' """Il'silllH. Ci
I c.te PI ni'il. Tf'lil. ai a .." A. M . and 'i IP. ti. I
Le.,t, ..ilT rMSA.l...d4:.'P M.
i.n 01
.... 1,
1 f,
..11 -J lie - 11 til mil
in t.. i'ts .'- led .
ll.n, I. To Ih- :
lent -I ''I ''"
I 1 SI .11' " 11 "
.Sc. i.n.t 'i . ill e
I I iui s'i ; ..:,. 1
I . u ll. is
,0111,1 nfsa' J hem shall ho .!,
.pp.111l.111. d lor the purpose, uud m
cnoV.Ti",.l tic. tlen-. nine linii'ltcd aud
,1 to ). 1. i.ilvi-il diilUrs, a. lollovt . :
n.i'i 1I1..11..11.1I dnii.o's;
1, ili.rit- i.velli ui uad dnllars ;
1, tl.h-lv ilniii-ili'd d ilhua :
,1. i;,ir' - live iin,us.iu,l di.ll.irs ;
., , , . 1 ..nnil , I. .'. I.irs I
Kl-l.'iSetli.n.lbiiit i..,c.a.i.liiil!.irs:
FfM lllil S-cll,il., tl .t-lliieetlniiMlll. .Mta-si till v lil hl thousand diill.ra:
Nliilli He. lieu, forty llin laud d ''"' 1 I .
T. llll. Keel IWtlll. live leu: ."'..I d ,,,.,,...
lJctcnih B1.CI1011, liial-cl.,i.l tiioiinand live hvu.d.ed
lleliars: . .. .. , ... , .... ,,.,
'1 uelllli Kecii..ii.ii.irvy -oui.t. - ,
I Mne.-nll. Hcetu.u, iidrt.t..'i.-1't ih.u i-i.u.l d-,1 ai. .
1 , ,11m cnlll Si i ll.. 11. lull . .n.'l d'-l.l ', iwenly liv. ll,,..l-:lii, d "irs ,
MMeel.lh Ntctltili, tv. ei.l.v t'e-n-Hld ....ll.irs
Sit elll eelith Se II,! ,11 , - tl ve t Inniie.nd . III a i
I'll h ecu ll Hi-i-tl"li. Un. iy-l. " He'll - lin' n U n i i
n . . .. .Villi K.cllou.lwenty Uii'ii-iiiel d .Ultra :
1 Vie' Vh;n!.::'.e.e,i,l,lie,l,..:,s.-,..l.loii
'j' Me, lieu. l, 11: th.,11 laud d ..da " .
1 we y-si . .....1 -s. .-..on. . I. 1 11 I a" '
weni v-tntid Sec. leu , inn ' '''''"'IV'I'', , ",'u,-,.
T wetu v-t. HIT ' S11. lion, sls'y-. '; l t tn.m ..on u . un.
" - llll' feeli ,, !,.,. V tli, ,11,..,, "in d.dlalM
I , , irt-slklb Sic. onu. I.'' t!i..u.iiid .1 nn
it , ,' To rciii.Lur.i- Ha- "v Tr-...irj. I,.r ...uroirl
tiia.V'a'rcdy I,',,,,..,, nm :' u.,le t(. . I
" 1,;.;;:' ?;:r
"t elienVVncveV any loan shall be made by viilue
hi 'i l ih 1 c shall he. hi l-rie ol li.l ..rdl.i.uc.. ami 1. !I.V
L Vili' oJntJ , ofm " i" ...m. "in lie par v,.l:.t .n. .mil
liidltillid piiykJOUt ol'aaldceltlUc.lea.
TO rrp.i.i.-.ii a .I.". itnx
.' ' .. ' ...r .., iiJd to l.u'Oitl.lei
""-"'""''""".Visnpi.iNAVcB ,i1fr ,.
TO Al'TlloniE A I OAS. FOIt (.CitOOL lLIt-
... f 1',i (.nun. II :. afl.r
And ll.e laid (Tcrg, 111 me "";" ' " ,, . , :;-d
the i-xpiialion o. S'-'.'r,'-,.'?.":
taid'm.eis'c-? r..vv au '.; iSr
Jiiot biell uil'.ae.
8TRAM Wl'KKLY '10 IIM'lt-
lMUa...,.l tm. hint- at oh itvn C..ekll-rl..r.-
7tTl,Ti...w 11 si.-aui.-i - 01 010 Lu 11 CNett "l " '""'
1' Utainibiii Coin it ti are inn laded to nail
''c'lT V (IP HAI.TTMOUI-'.. Siiiiuday. Jam' ldtb.
U SA, Sr 'at .inly '-' 'I
F.HIM.I Lo-.s:.ine,i..l itv in IP. . rv M.ct-f, ttiiii., at n-on, liol.l Pier No. 41
orib Liver. oPPASSACK
Payable In llnld,oi 11 s e.iiiM.le..l lu t'ui retiry :
Hi I Cabin nM St, ci.ite ......... ...
Fll.l I ak-.n lo Lund, 11 at. I" t-'ceriu n to l.l.t...U ..
J. i lt ! 1 n cut 10 runs... i- - . ........
. . . , .1 1 1 .... .1.,, . .. .m-illl S11 ci nee In llulilburg .. ..l)
I u"i.iciv me also I. .rvt ai ded to llavrt .llretm-n, llulier-
Antt. erp, AC, ul f'tiiuiit nut i,u.
t Il.i 10 '-'"
ti.iiin t l.
1'.. ll,.,'. ll I, -1
I, a. e penilii.
il. I. r l'i .'al
A II Ihe el ...
I- Al.
v, Ii:
I :
M.. I-T :
.1! A'.
-:,.tv.i al LPac. p.
TuOIIS ie'-ll's- 1 ll ' CO 11. s si '"''
, A) v.,i I he. i.r t 7'4f- . 4 ' H M.,eoun'A
..... i. ..1. ...i..l... u, .1 '. a. . In .ai. lliinlraIT
wi ll rn 1;. 1.11 li.c 1 1 1 "i .1 . . i-. "
l.-.i 'ri.ii.. r.r OS
ial 11 IH
. eP "I
, 4I1ISI
I 11 1 eb llulii Lit 1
.1 liu. oust., wn ; 1 Irsl ratlin. ,,
e.i. rtiecnt-e ,r-nn ,,,ii-,i" w,,,ii -.
it ho wi. li 10 send for their I'rleuda cu Luy licucti
1. ni ilice rales.
tut .IIHli.l hili'tU'.th.ll kPIlV rat ttte r-or1(-U!l- onieej,
So.lU WAL.M. T Sl'itel,Piii'u,l.-H-liia.
su. tea'
ill ll... l.l 11
.lH- li eh I.'.
It-lutuiliii li-
.; i I'
1 11 :
in d
1. nit-
in at f'.Al A al.. a-i
, Ptill.-
u tl.e I'tiiLi-ieT-his avd,ore uentraj '
(, iil tel. I it.te ne .l.i'e I 'ints J
Ht.NliV it'iioo. i.-oii, tal siaj,.r,tt,.,ndent. (
I t; .l.l 1 1 l.M,' ilnAI).
1, e.t-,,1' ; :. :: a..-' I t' n-.cdlale poini.
, i, I . 11. 11.111.1 f .'Ll I'hlt.t.l.'il'S.I
'..v. i,ll,el,.t. U 1(1' J. A., and lCl.i
1 dl: PITT-illl'IKl AND TIIK
r i'i.'ii,A')-'i.ri!!- -loit 1 1
. AND !. ilK IIAII.ItoVII l 5Vi tti
-rses lie ellh- re i.i'd Northwest
I I". .- it anil o 1 le '-H I l-.i't "a Lake r.riei I.r l'i 1. A N I I HAT I.KOAll
CoVP,s. and te . Ir srins i. being rapmiyi
ijci-ii. a i hU i' . I .n I It - i-ntk e '- ii h . is
1, 1. 1 ,.w .1, use in Pi. .:'. -a..d Fr -t I'! I U'lnnee front'
II r-1.1 nn in l i. n rlcn. ( it tMcs ..l. I'"' fatatwo l'"tt
1 .
a 1 P. M., pit'sine P'-ad ic-' al I- oud
;. nl il.iril-liiiin t.l'U peuiis.l-.aaia
1T1- lor Plii-ni.ig.
i.r.ili! inivi! Hi. risbnrg on arrival of
si.resi irom iT isiniig ai At .
r-pf liOSION A.M) rilll.ADKl.l'lll.V
P I-1Jwieam.yi.m Mile, .uilllii! Il-'lil each pnrl ..a
sdsA.sii " u,. I ,.l...... I'lNl-- .S.n-yt.
l'miBin'lphiti' "i d Lm"-: Whan, llwi I'rnai Ul'at what!
aim-, i IT Nli su eel on Saniriliit . .Inly Hi, I -nil.
The atcaii. slop Mill VIA N, llaker. will sail liom 1 1 na
il. I -I. a l.a l'-oit 0.1 Siiti.rduy. July a 1. al Id o it .ea
A.M I aim ll.e bti lllil-l.ip Is A o., Jlinil.. lltna n.-
lie I' r l'nilatli-lphia, on 11 ..n.
Th, M-llt-vi end snhslanlial niriu a ii.Hinm
line, M'dii ctl em eaeli . ri linnet inilly nn haturdat N.
hisMM't e. eiktii d at un.-liMi the preuiliiui vitained no
tail vest. Is.
-. i, ho. laken flt fair ra'e.,
St, ii mi-, en' renin sled to eeud Blip P.eeelpli and BUll
X.aiiiHK Mill Iheir k-. da.
1 er Ireiahtur i'aa.Utfe (havtntt line .eeoinmodailons)
,.,,, l III'MiV VVINSOll At I (I.,
,al If'. l.l.l.A'.VAIlL Aveuue.
2ULjJ Itailroad Taa alagaiit new .luiiiuship uol.-
lu.N liflK, villi Lave
ON WI UNKHIlAY, July no .n.
Lowest lu'es ol passage lhtoUali Uoui PliiUil.-lpllu to
Ban r 1 ui cisiti.
Apply 10
JtlO lm
Ko.217 WAl.NCT .lit eel.
...... t i iiivjine rti.'tiit.t'l'i'll
aTTjt, rviiv n r. v initiv. wi-.m nit.11
J.JfJtaCTjI and bwilt.iu-e Lines, via Imlaivaro .ml
n "la. 1 "baT 'i he .tcaaicr. ul these lluo. am leaving
llall.t ill IV e t'nCk M . uud tl 0'c'ock P. Al., I101U luUd plur Walnut .treat. ,
lor lid I t. whieli will ho tal.en on r.e.omraiidaltng
t. io.s, aiplv to W1LLIA-U M. 11AJMU ii CO., Jan. i
liiU.AUilit Aveuue.
M.V Yol.K I'M HI
I.eiifS Nett York
iill-lit. and cunt I
liji.lrnad l .tpi-i in '. 1
Iteiui'Titv l.vpies
tf,e I'linsyi. 1111:11 i-.tpr.-s. ,1..,., -'v..;-;
lltll 111. PetldlllC ai li A. -i... aim nn.....? - -
lit i.-i-r P. M. sl.-ipliig '.is aecninpaii.v Ibeau trim,
thr.iivli.b.-titri' 'si.vlTlv and Plii.buig. will.oul chuiliiO.
Mnil tl-.ilns ha- new ork leatu u-i 1 uun. . ... .
ud-: P.M. Ma" 'rain 'or llarriaburg leave Sutv York
'UA MMT'!l''ui'tll.l. VA1.I.I.V KAll.ltOAr).
Trail-, h '., P.,tt,' id. . 7 If. A. M...;dr . P. t.,rt
tin nil. v noi.i 1. nl .Kin A-- r- ; .
K. Hi VI. It. l.l. AM. Kl is.(l t.lHNNA llll.ltOAI.
Tiains :,ate Aubiiinav ii tfi A. it. tnr Plnsr,.ie aud
llirr. hurv mil at 1 "'.' I 7 1" P. M f..r Pimfniva
0'", i i."." i'n . l("n. Ilanlsbu.g at I -no P. M., .ndlieul
1-Il.utaat 6 In A.M., and 4 and a V. il.
Tlncmli fliH-ele-B llcrets ucd 'ewilgrnnt ticket, to .11
Ihe mil., it nl P'.lnls 111 ll.e N..11I1 and Wet aud Caiui.UJ.
Tie ti.".'tvii " tietels ic bliilliable only "t Ihe otbee ui
K l.l! I II I till I. 'IT 1 a.'" er N...'J '7 H. F..l'1'..Hl Mroet.
Philaii, ..-I. ui, oroi u.A.MC0Ll.!4,(.entai atiiiuiu.
""'"""""MIMMCTATIOfTiriKKTH. , ,
At ".'. per reel, dlstoiiiii, bclwceii any laiiuts desired, rot
fMimie. and ,.,.u,s.(( TSr v
n,..l r,,r..inn mil. s. nelHtirll all inauta, at fic-ao eain,
for uuiilie. and H TV ,
For three, lx, nine. 01 ItteU e uiuiilUs, for liold.-rs only,
to all puiiil.i ai it-auet-.i rauj...
Betiding on the line of ll.e mad will be furnisher! I with
eaVd.,euuTir..alliei..bavc. .udwlte. to Uiioll at ball
""u- r.xcrittiow tk kfts
m m rhll.deipliia I" principal sii,tl..n., good for Hainr.
d,,t- Minilat . and Mmnliw. at r. du. cT be had only
M . lwkrttVlv.atlillU1 I'll N 1 U .ad CAUAltt HUM
Blrt,il"- Flilil.lllT. , .
nd W illow BTLLKT-.(;iiTT1!A1
nd pouil. beyond. j s
Close at the Pldl.delpMa P.'.si oalce for nil P'e. on ti,.
t..a,l .".dlls bra , :.." at A. M-, aud lor Uie pihlUpa
aiaUt'lii null l a 1" i'- M.
, I.r
i n i: 1
re-1 1
in t
and in ta
Jilt Is'. 11
llMK I'V i'-SiK
kind i ra a leaves
1 xpiess TTatn l.-atc.
I ai . l in. i.rr tc '. 1 1 :i : I ci-a s
(r. in. h. ittti 11 rkiisdi'lciiit, ar.a L
liiiloiiane and l o, k Haven. . I
F eg.nt SI-1 i.ii'k' Caiscii lh F r pres. Train both way.
K01 inloriM.t.ii ir.pi fllni: l a b. me- ba. mess, apply at
the S B.cotc.ri.l a.mth nad Ala.Tel .Iree.i. ,
A.ta (or r reieiii inisiiicss. m n. - -
H. II. KintftU.11, Jr., euri.tiau..oii'b and Market .lroe)
IVaateiat V
... son A. M.
leu p. 11 f
t. th wa-a on th.i
. liaven,artd belw ewlt'
J, W . P
J. M.luiil, Aant
.1.4 tf
1 e S Wnii' mniss
General FliTtht A -ent, ITiiladelphie,
1.1 wis L lioopi', 1
n. iii-i'.iTifVet At-. ni, Phiuiiieiphia., ;
JO -LI'll l P.llT S, J
General Mnnaaor, iVIiliaiutpoi U
n 1' II .A U 1 1, 1' 11 1 A APili
,.f .'"''rX.? f'Al.i IM ih.1 cr'.s ritaL Itvllj
fllii .'nd alier FlllliAl , April 1, ibid, Uie Uiua wul Uif
ft s
1". Ul
4 41
6 04)
a .ii
a 10
. .r:o
..7 JO
1 ciur u-VBTlvlHti.
ii'ii-ma. a. a. p.
I'hilsd.liibl.... K '
I WotOesver.. 7'-5
Wp C. JlillCUyS. 9 US
1 C..lieiitd.....t.. ".'!
I Cl.ada'. Ford.. 11-41
I a mils 1 1 10 0.
j Avonilalu itt 'Jl
Uist l.mve IU .V
Oif. rJ !'''
t TV
ai a 1 inkd.
Y ial drove..
kin.-!! . ft',,rd
( 'niicord A no
W C Janrtlon S'l
Wet ( hesli r. .1' a lv "it" is I., 1 -
Pass - g. l.ep..i In PhUadelplna lia. b. en chan.ed fr
Fith inh and Markel ilmsU, to T HlhTY-FiKHT a..
MtkKIT striiili. "art Je l,.h.. Market t..
Piis.ei. r Lailw.J I'm i-oi.viy,;er, te and ll
U'l'aaei'ii'eii go throl'yh w ithmit el ane of ear. '
1.4 tl FN UY WHl'l, Heiierilimndentc
tn 1 11 IltlllMlAII (tf)M
-sMHr-,,--i.-ys". t.iti...... .... .-." --
..j-!. mm '.y piti Un nnlnet line of Traill.. CoJJ
tvi.. . J : . . . t
u,ci,e i.ft" I" Lll'Al . Jioiuary l, 1.S.-I.- I
From Wa.nut Hirei-l at II A. M., a win 4 P. sJ
freight l'J Al. It. turnaig, It-ate t-a'eiu .1 4 A. M.,b Wiil
Alt.l'lul'.M. i refill dJili 1 -ich ttiiv, App'ytu 1
1 MOHION kill. I.H, Agent,
Becond Covered l'iet al ove IV M.NCT Hliaet, 4
. liKLAvYAKIS Avenue. I
1.4-1 ft1. VAN HEliafcliLAEoV. Bruii.utlrw4.