THE DAILY EVENING TETTUPII.PITILADELPIIIA, MONDAY. .TTTTV 18, 1804. r MONSAT, JCI.Y IS, 3801. prarr or the new yoek pssss. tending F.flltorlnls from the 'cw York I'apTS This Morning. TIIK MAtllii rs A. 1MKURIIKM V, from tht Ttmtt. Tbc ociturciii oa of t lie putt few ilnys in iiii' produro ai.d nnniy in-n-Kitt-. jhoiv prvt'j' con chirivrily (oinpKti ly wc iniy rely, after a'!, On tlio opcrnti'iiiH of llic laws of tr.i'lc to pr.t.c! tbc public iipihmt tin. m.ic liiniVioFfl of the specu lators. Vor mmy wcc!, bm-k tiltniwt all tlio nccc( of lire havr l.ei'ti bonirlii tip in cnor mou(iii mtltl. saii'l "licM for a rise," by a num ber of lar?c opcitora. 'ri,o.H tliU ric accord ingly, and tlio co;i-iint. r, ami cspei -Lilly tlio poor, tvlio bnve to make tLcir purclm-v. from clay to ilav, S!il!'cri (l aivonl.n -ly. As ia usii il after a period ol yrt : .pciilutinn, there followed ivlint Is frn.r-tl a tlifhtnrim in the muki-t tint i, iliiliiMiltj in liouowiiic mou.-y ut all, or at any but hitch in'.'s of interest. The batiks foiin-l thetiielves obllpcil to eon- tract their loans, pnrtly as n mi asnrc of prudence, and partly of necessity. 'J he enormous ri.c in price of cotivsc called for a nicar-r itian ltvof currci'cy to ('o th-i work of exchange, and tlie ra.-hnoi.H of t!i -peetiiaton niturally Insnircd greater rnititin in ilealinc wiili tlicm. When the pt Ice of things doubles, It of course needs not double the quantity ol the clrculatiii"; medium for the qitnUI'y r.'ii'''''il .lip-tnls partly on the rapidity of circulation, or, in other words, the multiplicity of trannitions but a very much larger quantity than belore:, to enable people to cany on their biisitu ss. The Npcculators in this ea-e calculated on rmvinft this required addition supplied by tlio Treasury in the tihapn of a fresh i-suo of leit il tenders, lint this relief has not conic; in o:hor Words, the laws of trade have been left to tako their retirnc. They hoped tt) bo iitilo to borrow In order to enable them to coitiuue to hold, ami they relied on a fresh expansion of tho currency to carry the prices up to the point at which they desired to fell. Titoy hat boen disappointed in both runes, and have been left to Ket out of their Fcrapc precisely na they would liava hail to get out of it in the old days of specie payments. I.lke nil speculators, they havo saddled them selves with more poods than they arc able to pv for, ami finding it impossible to borrow money to meet their engagements, there Is nothing let'; but to fell out. Once thi- process l'ins, a panic - of course sets in, and prices fall with a daily ac celerating ratio. Wc havo accordingly had a fall of thirty per cent, in gold, ami from ten to twenty per cent, within the l-t three or four days in nearly every species of produce.. There Is nothlnc more natural th in that, under these circumstances, a larxo number of persons should nrtie Mr. Kcstcndcn to make a fresh issuo of legal tern ers in order "to ease tho money market." We sincerely hope ho may not issue (mother dollar In greenbacks ; lint if "ho docs do so, we trnst it wi'l be simply and solely beeouso the necessities of tho C- ivcmnicnt compel him. The "light money market," is the check provided by the laws of trade for the prevention ami pun ishment of ra-li and nnscrupulous speculation. It forces those who have been accumulating a larger stock than tliev can use ur pay for. to sell oil', and thus prices fail to their natural level tho level tixed by the real supply, and real demand, and real prospects of supply. In ordinary tunes, when the volume of the cir culating medium can neither be, incrca-cd or diminished by tho action of the (iovcrnment, these gentlemen submit to tbe consequences of their miscalcalations with the best grace they can. If the Government were now to commence the practice of helping them out of their ditll :ultics, It would commence a stupendous undertaking. A frc-h bated of greenbacks would, of course, rcbeve tho stringency in the money market ; but It would also give a l'ich impetus to icculation. When or.e bsiio has been made, every one is inclined to behove there will bo another and r -nother, and that after each tUeru will be a frcsU r ise in prices. So vvrytmdv buys and holds for " rl'c, until the r.i.irket nnm gees " tight," unci so on in on iiill.l'.o cries the issue required "to case tho market" becoming grea'er each time, owing to tho fteady diminution in tho value of tbe paper. It may, as wo have said, bo necessary for Mr. l'esscnden to make some addition still to tho volumo of the currency j hut If, alter this, lie can in any way remove alf hope that any further ad dition will ever be undo to it by tho Cioveriiuicut, thus forcing everybody to m ike his calculations solely upon the existing financial basis, and solely villi reference t . the ordinary chances of trade, bo will outer an Inestimable boon on tl.o luuss of the people. Till: SI1I ATI1H, Ve:. rit Ti il'vnr, "Whether any and what part of tho Rebel force . rc -treating from Maryland uro likely to bo over taken by our pursuing columns, and whether any of their plunder is likely to be recaptured, and, indeed, where they went with their droves of cattle and wuguns laden with corn, nre ques tions to which wo know of no answers except inferential ones. Washington telegrams have assured us that some they do not say what forces aro following it would, seem rather leisurely on tho Kolcd trail, and therefore in the diiection of either S nickel s or Asul 's (, or liolU . Ou such a retreat as the Kcbels are conducting they would naturally divide their columns, hind to distract pursuit and to olit tin lor themselves mote unob-ti ticti d roadway for tlieir crowded mid unwieldy trains. It has been state! accord ingly, but we thiak u little by help of guesses, that the licbel letreat is through these two gaps into the Shenandoah. Krom the a Ivancing front there is really no news that ecu be trusted, but wo incline to lall in with the theory that the s iter line for tho Kiln 1. Im the Valley, and not the A amnion road to U' jnlousviiL- for while pur suing the ton nor they hne tlieir expased lUuk stecdily protctiil by the mountains. Other eleiuciitci, however, enter into this ques tion. It was tn cil early last week tlut tiie a 1 vaiicc of Hunter's returning column, under Sul ' livan, was at Variiinlan g. and had t meu pri sj:i crs und Kcbi I stores. Whether this wai ihou true or not, Ijv thii ti-nc there i iea em to think tha' (ienerul llenter may have found his way to the Vullcy, and i-ii ciiug it from the wes', may plant biuiself i i the p:ith vvldcli the Rebels would choose to lol ow. In wined case it re mains to lie scl'lcd which ol the nvo eoluiuiis is tho stronger, ui.d us we know about what Hun ter's i.-, we kliull got nioic exact iiilorui i ion tli in we vet have concerning the b idy wlneti has ae-coinldi-hed rlio Man I 'tnl rai l. We lu ar also that Sheridan's Cavalry, reeross irg the JalniHund stlikill-; north, has under taken the tank of iiitetcei.liug the return of l urly's Ii ct, an I ugaiu that a force has Bone roui.d by ti'aLSliuits to the York liver, und is mi relcm tou arc's (ior.lou-vii:o with the same ii:leiit. It we sii.' Isjth re;i. its true, and known to the Uel ,ls, they nre beset on either Sine tiy the apple iciiMoa of all cueinv, nile pur-md by a thir l in tl.c r eir, and su Ii circnin stano s would neil.e eatnr ihe va! ey rouie or tbe V in retiti ii road aroii! cipt dlv uiide-iraOle. 'We iln not cute to pur-ue the s .ecaiati n as to tljC'r Inoveuo lit-. The raid lie. s bceu a success to some exicnt in theinatiel of plunder, but p tIm s rati! a' .e-s lliuii U ii'iiino lily stipp ed. 1 lie It'taels .v 're ten days in Maijlaiol, and in that p.ilid of time eieit or leu tle-usatid men can do it goad detl ol steulii g ; but it does not follow they can onrry away the products of a do01 couvties. Their wagon train was limited; wittie.-s their clcticlemy even in artillery and ammunition. Conceding and wo fully believe it that the niuin object 01 the expedition is plunder, wo still ran si e no iiKiius of carrying so much out of Muryland asi hould be lor eny length of tune an iiiiiortant contnbtition to I.t-c'a c imtnissariat. I'erhaps they got sub-i-tence for a we k a fort night at most lor the lUU.oo mouths which must daily be fed at Richmond. V e lock upon this und as nothing worse than an annoyance and 11 murtiticatiou. l'aius have been taken to ui ikti It upiM'nr as an evidence of I.ce's superabundant strength, that ho should be able to spare such a force from tho defense of Petersburg and Richmond. It is nothing of the kind, but is an evidence of his necessities iu two ways. When Hunter threatened Lynchburg, Le -was compelled to send a force to relieve it. Lynchburg wss, and ever has been, a more Im portant depot of supplies than Richmond itself; and straitened as the Rebel army near Petersburg then was, its commander hud no option but to take the immense risk of weakening hid main force, in ordor to retain the stores und communi cations at Lynchburg. When be Lad done that, and ho succeeded only Jn consequence of the delay in Hunter's advance be suddenly learned that tho Danville road lmd been cut, which was meant by General irant to have been a co-operutive and conclusive work in connection with Hunter's expedition. ptte of the hitter's failure, Lee may have fouud himself under a sudden stress for supplies, for "Wilson had been so thorough, that the Danville road was useless for at least a month, aud mean while Maryland offered the most convenient Held or foraging, and was Improved accordingly. lluf, howerer that way be, undoubtedly the hope that the sprnrnnce of a hostile forcf of un known strength might cl i vert a considerable por tion of (itunt's army from lVtorsluirg, was tho main purpose of tho Maryland raid. It is hardly to he supposed that an ntta' k on Washington was seriously contemplated by such a force as insolently appeared within reach of Its guns Lcc took the great risk which the far-rr",ng combinations ol his adversary imposed upou him, and if he escapes from his predicament without scri ms lo-s It will be bcctiiscthr pur p'nes o (ietici al (Jrunt found but n halting and timid siippott, and because his plans were im pcifirt'y excepted I .y those 011 whom the duty of obcylpg orders, or following out his purpo.-cs, 1'i-oj.crlv fell. It will be, in a word bce '"ctlio same military incapacity which once befoto i'..d u"ft, "P"" ,1,c Miinan.lorih. now faded to close a."" '""'hat door cither before or after the Meeds h.." ' ''.', n stolen. , collateral result of thee nianu''J b.undeis is that tho Rebels a.e to harvest tho abundant crops of the alley, which might have, and ought to nave, gone into loyal granaries. Meanwhile, it sectns to bp supposed that Gene ral (irani Is lying idle at Petersburg, t ither stripped of so many troops us to make oilensivc move ments iinprariii able, or occupied In the monoto nous operations uliich belong Ion siege. Not many days will 1 e ncedi d to develop this mistake. No day pus es thst Is not a dav of progress, none !ih h d'H S not bring the fa! I of Riehnn .nd nearer, und unless wo misinterpret the evidence which lies before u, even the unreasonable iuiienee ot the public for decided movements i likely Very soon to be appeased. Kpiiliiclij A Mmrp forrrsponilenro. The Frankfort (Kentucky) fnmm mirrallli pub lishes the following correspondence, which It st.itrs it bns taken tho liberty of doing without having first obtained Governor Bratiilettc'i per mission I.OI mvu.i r., June 2rt, ISf.l. Hon. T. K. llram Icitcc Dear Kir: Your old friend Wolford has been arrested, und Is to-dav in tho bands of traitors to our constitution. He is your bosota friend and political friend. You aro tho Gover nor of Kentucky, and ought to sec that no citizen is Imposed upon by any power nn earth. Tho community, knowing the Intimacy that exists between you and Colonel Wolford, aro looking to you anxiously, and every one says : "What will Governor Ibumlotto do ?" Ono man remarked to-day that you would submit like a w hipped dog, as you did on tho negro enlist ments. Another ono said it was your ox novy gored ; another said it was not your ox. Ho you sec the diversity of opinion. Some people think you had him arrested, and others, having moro charity for you, don't think so. liuyoncts elected you last summer, and bayo nets will now keep your mouth shut if you open it ; that is the universal sentiment. Your doc trine of pntiing down tho rebellion as being a universal cure for all diseases, is all bosh. How aro you going to put dow n the Abolition party if yon nre not allowed to speak ? You aro in tho vortex, and will be swallowed up. Y'ou will endorse tho Administration before twelve months; mark what I say. Dob llreckinridgo lias become a traitor to the C'on-tilu'.ioii of Ins fathers, und siuce he has usid you up, vou will full in also. Yours, " w. ,1. Dkmtlt. JlKI'LT. Commonwealth ok Kektitkt. I'vitttivh HKIWJtTMl'.NT, FtlAXKltllll), JllllO 'Jib W. J, Her.tly, Louisville: .Sir; Your insolent letter of yesterday (2sth) came to hand this morning. I itiuueu wuiai a ooy, at scuooi, to 'Let if'l dellf )i to Mr! apil title. FnMiOf lialti until? tlrui an;" and most cordiully do I extend to you the bfne lits of tho lesson; for whether don or i"ll'y tho instinct is the snino. Hut as you manifest decided tieasonable Huhir, Il your master (Jelf Davis) cvpects to grow you to a" full-sized dog, he should keep you muzled or In-doors during the approaching "dog days," lest the "dog kluyer' should pass your way on his "beat." T lio. K. 11i;ami.i;i IE. Cottox ix Kans vs. A fanner nt Rig Creek, Kansus, has ten acres ict out in cotton, which is doing well, nud proml-es a lino crop. Who Tti'.Qrmi: Si.kki- Most. Women re quire more sleep than men, and farmers loss thuti those engaged in any other occupation. Editors, reporters, pr'iters, und telegraph opera tors need not sleep at all. Lawyers cm sleop ua mnch as they choose and keep out of mischief. I.kvil's. A Nashville lcttor of the 7th says, that within tho lust two or three weeks General Ronsscim has levied and collected over $10,01)0 from Rebel citizens for the murder of four soldiers in his depnrtmeut ; ami he has announced that for every soldier murdered, tho Rebel citizens in tho vicinhy must hereuitor pay ovor '1U,0IM to the widow of the deceased. SPECIAL NOTICES, rj- o f r t v k i'iulaoku'iua. and Trentui) UuiJioad Company, pmi.AnVi.pntA, .Tulr 16, lAtif. TlieBcfttd ft IMri'vtr.rn hnv thtu iny dm Ure.l n rml timaial Ulviticml f HVl i kN T. rleiir of Ut", Irum iln- pruiits of ho i'ompn ny. paynhlf to tli Hio k h'thlrrn rllicir Jcfiil rcpn'rviitathr-, on ami Attr tli ?lst liiMmil. The Wniu bjnka wtll If t !-',! iiTiiiltliti 2it iu.Munt. A. 11. THOMSON, jl.s UyJi In'itiurcr. PPT" OFKK'K (MTI.KN.V VOM'Nn-lKU ftl' USTITI'TK V' M Mil' 1'V.K, No W.VI.NIir Strfct. Hly H'.Ni-Tin l oniiit'ttcK tuts i;KM"Vf,D to M. V AIM Y Mrcet, ui tHr, win-if it will r.-ccive ai'lilit atb iiw irom cltizt n dffin'un to t cure fut)ttiiuH or rt-itris'hnlive. A Jt munt o' t be iiid c.t tl.c time oi jipi-lii ttt'oti.uiiti a puwn o4'tttiiriit' to tw ifivt'o lir tho cttv liountjr. suttstuun- luniMu'a m tho ordor ut upiillfut on. ti4iMi Qi nlicns tintfrliitf to rtillst ns nnbstl'.itien iv pclv to Hie Coiniiilitt-v, v, Uv will l.kvo tht in inusU n-J into rvice, wln-n th v enn mIw t tin ir ami r iiiii-itt. Homo fa tho laniy pint bv tin Uovt-rDmi nt, tht-y will rBi'iMcliui'i t. v omiiiin- si llt"Mli: AN I I IK I V li"HAIo ir t fcrdt, oiiiUvol iiiiiistrr, m l Lout (if-luctku uT ctiiituiuiitioU or bittkwi je. u ilimxe vt any knul u mailt'. iigr:in are t h, oIhUv w ant il in thp rrrvfre. and ean tl iik r'-( iilist n Iln- iiukNt i(iAiititi; din chh! jilttn.,. Oihcf Uuiiit Iruut lu A. SI. to '4 V. M., uitJ ir on 1 to 2 . P. il. 1) N I V Ij HT K I H M KT , h a Utuait. J I I I.AKK IIAKK. JOHN I MoMl'Mi V, n.KM.'.s i' I.. I'Kni:osi:, J. M. KosKNd Ml 1 'lreiumr. jjtii .r llr..NKV I . U,A, Siriiar.v. r TUK COMMISSION OF '1 M K KiH Li)l..i Boiiiii.v r mill ..r tin- Muntlivtl V,lt' r. mul K tira lluiiniv fmni t unuiiual in. 1 lit uniicriiKin tl liivc t-e m uppfiitt'! bv i onc-lli a a t ttlniiinhitt i to -u tl.o r f i'oiUr Ktiiint v to Midi ot lie linn Itlihilltil Uh.vj, lt-n i, itir i-itv. Tli-mi it niiht lie aitcnili-tt to nam-tfitrly . (i It h n iittiT o lUt riri to the (VniifniAin thnl tl'tTM ini kt I h Mtv until litf ; ht'i imiii t, . r ' iim 1 tin- 1,-1 4.1' Auytift, ti ;i.uii' IliC Uinillf.H ol i cniiH'Oit vt'trriii.i. who i iU td tt-tiMvc Wrtttl bounty, .la-l Bin n u r m, hit' tlii pm iiK'ht of i In' c iii hoiintv of 'v i m v fl w 1 lo'lnr h wt'l In riMitntMl. nnt t.-flu n t:lvi-u. 'lliih bounty I oihi; n ' rtii sjiui to t itill tin' rllv, ttt M. ml ol (tifpH in i nt t-f a tb ot. will in- ii I on .itii-i't -lurv i-vlilt'i cf, to ipiitibcm ni the liiiiillh i ;i. cr l the Mdfiniih hi Kiiu; ttii not on j-ove, nj a!frri't io 'Mi" Ci'inm slnn will dtllv rort'h c nwlii Ml-tim (rou t)i( Ot o Hi.n.'rui ini)h' .Mr i lu t. l.l- I'll III I Lit ISO, I.IHItAlU Siictt, In t!i n ir t.i me I'ojiI Old, i. K. Ii. Ml MH U.U ot rinua .loN.MHAS hi I (,( K, I IiWIN tillMtl.r., l'A I- .1 1 M.l H. il"-4t t.l.oKt.K w. MM'i.VS. ZT" ' i-'n c rTTiF" t hkI'Ti i17T7k mm ! T in , i.r.vH Kr-rv I'.i-t-vnu"T K.t tw tiy t-'uiniutt , N. VT. (viwr Trt KN 1-1 lltlili tidl mm III Sirfc:. I'iiii U'i t . iu , ,iu!v h I. TU Hmrdof l:r. t..ri ! uvf tlni tlv dr -Lite 1 a ilivi iiti d oi n.Sh I-oi.l.Ait ANI IhlV I I.M- i-ir kliai.. -i: II. hil I'j'iu 1 mi b oi tlni Cotni'Mt , i bar i-l t.iti, M'ii,ii'iii und tr I'll) 1Mb iiM,, Hunt vtbn.i'. tl no ihe b Is 'A I l,f . . M-.l. S; c-.. b. r- h ! .kiu U.i- olj n ifi'ti'. a, wilt oMif br 1'H l k 1 1 diii f m-i It tt in-r to t UK i in l , t' "(t lic ti t 'I uMi i r. i to cr d:t ;t i m v ;ii. t1 t -r tu wr ( al : u. i.!. i A S Mil- hl'KN, Ir . 11 l.i !i, 1' 8-:i.-iii-y. ri'r 01 llf'K 01" T1,K ,;n.i(i CO!.- It : - I'u-m-i.. i r It .il dj t ornj' in", t dmr A t 1 1 MI-IA and biln;K Avt-i,n. 1'nil inn i in a , ,Tu!v II , ls". 1 1r lb. ird of i r dark cl i lm t ,iri .1 n. . e l4--s-if H- r i:-,siwa' r ii.i.juy Lor lbi ltt t) n d.vidM'. 1 1 i-.SK 11.)..iK i'tr hi. art- a fu?ti iloin oi I We (jpl(l Miitkif tin. ' t'ij, in? ..iyiilf o h ltti lice, to tie i. cUtoidci or tbvir K.ti r-piki'iiiiita, li ui ftd m Ihc Traukllr Bookl ltl Lfl cloytd Hit tha 1Mb ln-.t W.H. 14. UUijJlT, Jjlwfinlt rr-r- office or TIIK FHA.NKFOIID and StitJiark rddudeljibm City I'tioHcnt-r i:tl- ft4 Coiniiiiiiy. UKkkS tStrewt. Li'1-jw It uurib. I'nilmlol- will, J ul 6. Jrtt i be Hoard ot lliu--tura havo Un JaV (bt-ttttvi n tllvuviit ot 'J brtxi iMr I'oHt. uon tbe C iidtal Mcf I. of i In.' iVmpany, out of tbc earnluK ot tbc pau six Uiuiitbs, m able to lliti itot khuldtTtf r tlieir loital rei'to JiiHil i t-, cli-ar oi till taxes, on and uticr ti " I in(. i In Trttuilur Hookt will b cbntt-d until lHtti Init. hi -lib CHAUl.Kd It. AltUOl f Wroury. tnf- OFFICE OF SECOND AND TIIIKD rOKU lioud, btluw IaLiIi Avenue. rHit.AOh.i.i'iiu, July 13, lrUf. The Board of Dlrvbr hao (bli day de. l.uud a Doidund of Klvi-pt r cent, for the Ul U mnnilis, p.ivub!o ua aud alu-r -MiMAV,U.e lMh UuUnl, clrar of all m int. H 4l L. A. l-E.SLLV.Trt'iBjrer. t3SJ DEAFNESS AND ULINDNESS. J. Iaaatv, M 1)., I'rofmtorof the Kye and Kar, tn-ata all dltMira apprttuliiR to Um aaovt-naiimd luemhsjri wltJj tbe utmost km ieM. TtluuaUla trom Ut uoat rluil aourcen In timolty and country etui ba town at Ida oiUm, Ko. 611 FINN Htrut. ArtlnHal hyaa liiaarted without pain. No ehajBoit raado r axauimUon. onto qouts Irum l to 11 A. id., J h,7 T.M. iio.iUl'lJIltBtit, W-im C Jl. V H I Q II T S5 G O.. No. 142 S. TIIIKD STREET, OmiSlTB TUB KXCHASllB. Ctslwi In O.Tnnim.nt and BUM SscnrltlM, Quartw BtiUrs' Chek wi4 VoncUcn, aud C.rUflot e luJobl tdnM. OiJ.r. for tht purchus and lata ot Slocks and Loam roup ily axatcd. fai-wfot tf FINANCIAL. s 1 CIAL. N O T I C H to tin HOLDK1W or thsj Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notes. I SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, OK lilt Dr..N')MIS.l!'lM.YS OF 4 visd ioos, CA.N NOW r.K CO.SVKIiTr.I) IN BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1831, eP TUK SlME lKMOMINATlo. For Inftruia.i on. ipplf at tht otlcc JAY COOKE & CO., JrH"! 1 AN KK HS, No. lit H. TIIIIll) Mtroot. QOt.l. U O L, 1, UUL1, 8ILTEU AND D.VNK NOTES WANTKD. DE HAVEN & BEOTEES, JM-lT N. 'tit 8. TIIHtri 8THKRT. QITY HIXEH, 1KI0K 1'llOM TAXATION, ton HAI.C IN SIMS TO SUIT rURCHASEKS. M IOt DBEXKI. CO. JJKW13H Jto It A. 11 M. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Ho. 0t 8. TU1RD STItHEC DBAI.HKJ II Sl'KCIE, BANK NOTES, AND GOVEUN MENT SECURITIES. Htncka Bon!,t anj Suit oa CuiumJulon. Clectlont prompt! made. ap-10-U gTOCKB AND HUCUUITIUH BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, UK '. W 8. TUIliO STUISIIT. gMITH & II A. IV II O Li I" II, ?fo. W S. TIIIRU 0TIIEET, 1JANKKUS AND UltOKEUa, 8prrit,fCtocka,Qnartanaat(rn' VoiKhara and Chocks, and all Ooraramrnt SecurlUca Bovf bt ana Sold. mUU lllilIC. HTKU1I ac CO., DANKEKS, No. S S. THIRD STREET, Itjr AID tir.LL Ci -U), 8II.VK8, AD UOVtUNMENT SKCC'ItlTIE.'!. STOCKS BOUQHU AND SOLD ON COMMI8-H1IM. (nil-.U "VliW X-.AIV. NHW LOAN. U. S. HMD'". JAY COOIUJ fc CO., Orthlt FOB 8AI 3 TIIK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, UKAKINO HVE I'K.R C'K.NT. INTKItl.ST IK COIS. rclctniHl 1 anj lime after T r.H KA US, 11C the pleasure ot the tiuT.niniout, and payablt 1'nKTV VB lliS after date. ilOTU CO0fOX AND rjidlSIKKF.l) B0SD8 are i.BUud for ttiu Loan, of same uVnotuiimilun aa the &-3i's. The- Iritwwt on t'lO'a and aliMl i availn ytJulj;on al ottit-r e.-uoiaiiiattoiif, half yearly. Ilie 111-iCI bonds are dated March 1, 1 '-. Tha halt-.Tiarljr interest railing due h.'pleiDbor Ut aud Martb Jut or eaeti ycart until Ul Nop U luUrr, the ai'i-ruud liitowal rrum lut uf &Weh Is rc.itlrrd t tec pulil n- parrliasera In coin or In 1 lf:.b ct'naKNcr, hLiiJliiit tlt'iy iur cent. fr premium, until i.mhrr nollee. Al LO'lllt.i: OOVUiNMKNT titl lUlli'lKS IIOL'UHT AND bOl.l). JAY COOKE & CO., Bill.'!! tf 2Cn. lit H. TUIItl) HTUKHT. Li A It K H CI M ac CO., HANK KliS, No. V2I S. 1I1IUI) STlti'KT, 1'IllLAiiLI.I'IITA. C'toveniin. ut H,r.rltin 01' alt l'nu. Puicl.asii.t and Ar Hale. Stocks, llunJ., aul .r.ld ltoulit and H'.td on Cooi sai.ion IMIBM AI.le.lWKl 0 ll.lli.4T4. Coll;, tiou-t rmlnit!, Ma.te. f'Vtf g 1J V 11 Pi 'V 1 1 NATIONAL BANK, ISO. Viltt MAHKliT MTHljJI-JT, (C'Ol'.M' OF SlkA'AllLIKY.) Capital $125,000. To lo Increased to $500,000. DIUECTORa UEMRY Q. VOBIUS, or Morris, Tanker A Co., rascal Iron Works, Filth and Tasker sts. CUAULE8 B. CI.OBE, of Close A Nesblt. Uulldcre, No. Ko.&Jl Heed atrvet. JAMES M. I KESTON, htunufaoturor of Woolen Oouaa, Manayunk. I. A. WATERS, of J. A. Waters A Co., Wholesale Oroceri, No. Vti Market street. 8. B. COL'OULIN, Beat Estate, Ho. Uri X. TtUrteooUi treat. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent I'hllad a and ITew York Eipreat 8. B. Co., No. It 8. Delaware Ave. GEORGE W. mix, alanuraoturerofCaruatiims.Nu.lUI X. Third trees. J. W. BOUDEB, WMeeale BooU and Shoes, No. C09 Market street, 3. Z. I'EnAVZJT, Importer ef Wines, Brandies, Ae., Koa. DO and aa a. Uelaware Arcnua. This Bask haln been dalj auihorlaad to eommenoi business under the National Currency Act, la now pre pared to receive DKi'OBlTS, make CoUeotlona, and traua act a Oeneral BANKlhO BL81NEU8. Dtsootiut Oars on TVE8DAY uel F1UDAT of each J. Z. DKHAVEN, PrMldetit. K. H. IIALIj C-llor. tniltaucLl'iua, JtuM JU, UM. ksM-Iia QHN VO L' It C L.L.1131lIXi AMD CET TCUR COAL AT COST. THIS l.FfLClUAi. 1 1. AN Ob' CIIF-ArnMSM COAL To Viiut half th ai iiki t ir ce, ( ffe tot if tlia BROAD MOUNTAIN MAMMOTH VEIN COAL O0MTANY, No. l.'l S. TUIItl) .STREET, I. - .!. lir'4rM, nt ) it. (nV, " Hilt enn.n'nliellion. Thenrciit ork.nft.. 'nmpanv. nrar Trtmnnl -hiivt-M'leoiiiity, are NKAlll.T Co.M 1M.K I KI, and will .m.p. all stlAltr.llDI.Msti.s rr, Oe..r nf t, wlih tl10 best k tel.uf tt)AL AT lilt fKlJii; COSf, vli.. Two LTiavy Tons on Eaoli SUrc Every Tear for Twenty-Gve Years, The prlrpef t Rhair- In the present !"r!-M ts ! '-0, p.(il'e lulf cm tut.Krlptlen and hair on Auk-ut i l aot, 'and in tl f nt two sari's It will In !. ami Ti p MARRKT Mill f. Il.i.t t in '-.vln II.. l i.f C al I m.w ,y 'J The I'ltlMK C OS1 run r. c-rtks iui. : ure.ent rst.s iJuiyi t.r For nilB'nit. preparins, ro.valtr, a'nl :-m rA raM.nses a; .5 Trani.port.Ulnn oer hf.iueh railr. al J., Tranvpoitatlen icr main railrua te 1 l.ila- elelphla Tranblx.rtatn.n from i!.'p..l to ysrd tl) ard eieti.c , Cnrtliift from yard to Nliatclirilder's tieu.e.. T-.tal ro.t 01' wross inn d. livered at the hnnse 111 1'liUadclphla isr-t DllVtvnce lietwrcn market pilro an.l cm! prlca, This ttiak saving on t. ton i f 111 Irt Should thi marknt prli-e he hlsher, the kstIiiij will 1,9 I.UII mcatcr, an.! .Iinuld the mrkt prleo he lower, thfn ttie oot.t prho will bu piopuii!ouatcly ton or. Hut this Is not all. Tho r.,ssiany taWnr very larie work., and INEXltAI'ortllfK C'U.VL Bl'.ltS, 1'IVS WILES .C I ESdTIl, will ralnumuch 111.11c coal than Is annually required fur the tuctkcltlvra. All the surplus enal will be sold at the ruling market rates, and ALL TIIK HlOr'ITrt will be distributed every sin months as OISII DIVIDENDS, tmoii, the Shareholders t rroin which II Is conllilently etpci ted they will roall'e every year front 40 ti.t!" per cent, no their Investment!, niter tho llrst jeu.ln a'hlitlun lo ttte savings on tliclreal. Tho Company poscs.cs EXf'U SIVE MlVIS't; AND TniBKIt UK. Ills a 'iiiai ur u( a ieituiy(V yo.ira) In ono of the hot and richest coal tracts In Hchnylilll county, cnmprKInu tin) Mnmrnoth Vein, tho Hlack Heath, frlmrusc, Daniel, and ether Volns. 'flip evil of tin? Mam m,.theluls hit Anh; Uat ut the otMor Vcius oartly While JUu.patUy lird Ish. diukotoks. WIT LIAM SCIiM.I.I.K.rrcsi lJBt. ROM I HI 1'. k I Mi, II ENTtY SCIlMiKI.E. AI.IIEKT II. JAKDKif . WILLIAM El'ltK.Sceretiry, F .r lulormalliin, ..nd fur .ti.irei (at $11 M, pay ahlflialfon suhsertblriK and half on Aiiui,t a, loan apply at tho OrriCE, NO. 121 g. THIRD STREET, Ofl'OSITK TIIK. (IIRAltl) HANK. For r.P.AI.INil and vicinity, the II n. JDHKI'll S. HO Kit, Mayor of Keadlug, hat. accepted the Aitcncy of the Company, alter l aMiiK personally vli-tted and exam ined ihe mines and afta rt of the Company, The nttens of llcadlnt and vicinity will apply (or Information and Share at ItaM AYOK S Ol Ml E,al Readlnit. The cost price of a gross ton of Coal at lie linn, de livered at the house of a nWelioMcr, la at prejent ratea not over tl'M, while the market price amounts to mora than double that sain. IIKNUY SCIIiVKKI.K, yANCi; KXKWAltT " " KOCK on. c?ot i A NY Incorporated June 29, 10G4, Ca pi t a t, (M),4MXK G0,1 .SHAJtES fi X SHAUll-PAI,. BuNr-rlptlon $ cu b siare to ortnl iiibucrllren for W),0fi0 bistres irt ;tblc $1 cnh d"wn upon iultcritmff,tiiid Iho oti.t-r itiitaimotiti or fl null, iublo 9a the'.U. July ah 1 Vtth Aumt, roH'cilvW, TEN THOUSAND SHARES Th Ian ! purcti.-i'M hj the Van-'r Rtwrt KoHi Oil ( iniipftiiy roiiialm one Junto rt tj nail thiriy-vne nurca. in th rvty cote of it.o oil r- tfldi, oit- thotisnd th'rt tuni tlii'tl and un dt on U Alu iu ny n.-r. In rAUfrrv t'AVlt!-'., cXlrrxtii:; ft t tliMtls'ri.t: Uniftnt e ,p .) hiHtt ttkUn oi (In? Lower Two M linn, Cimiku.ihI j C4iti V tnrt;n Ki.ii, tt i-t'Uple n( milt s Im'ow t ranklin, tn VfiiunjM county. lViiiife I to All.yhrny Kivr Territory It, vlhlinv an Mhtimlanc and pernmnnt liarvrit of an ool lent )uainy of nil. tlit ntnnfroiih w. iln ltnlfrin.rlif banktj r.nxJuc tiK Oil with even mil frrvaur retfulnntj than tba v t lli itifiiK Oil ('rtt'h. H in LM'lieved (n? flow of OH fnw the boron eh nffrank liu.on tl AlJt'klicitf rinT. will robatny nrvr Ihh- nt fxlmutteil, liC'rii tlm triiiiilr iituo, ar To'tiiio Oram 1 1. tion til nck flli'i in ft notiitiwtniwarilly .tin-ciioii; nie -jutiitl) tl.c iK-d ol Oil j tn iifitn r tut uriat-e at tne uIer t iul, any of oil Cre?h, and wmiM renrtt f ) buitxl dfi imt in prootsrtiou Kim r tio vn tl nr, wliro, tiuwt-vtr. llit'te woulil net iMiai Hy lv I lie umit prrutancul. iiitamucti KT auT miiu'ly ami nii,-riiH-uintHiitt ittxly or pm i e m khi. ii ia C'Tieiiii Hi mi m trt ni v.'iin nn tht- river, lu the IrntiiftlU't- vit hilly i Uil- Un-I, havt c uimiiMtl iro diic -Ins iturn k Iho past thri a or tour vuin an unwavering and leuily dully ! Id of w. A K'fltico ut die iiir.iill dviinrstt.i(e the tart that the I.owir Iwu Mllu Kim and s t rni are on the dmutt trlt all btrHtiilit ltii, aid t my tUHiani. n a n ttuimfion oi the tit' iiiirnl tmtu i "r Im'Iwm'u (h rrinnrc of bills, irom run b otht r at ool, iimv full' apirt la pr cNrlv the aiiiu Umh iii-n. )t yvkhIiI, tlu-rrftue. n-l lui t tnwmltnary, If h lonni; uetli- mi iM trai t amHkirM dtpl hoi pijliiiim fikiht lia'itlr-'O attt hlty het, tluU lh t'iin any'B vf)Jri may Uut 'Ium of Oil cruti in tlulr fUijili.-r of huiidrit'- of l.dTr. u 4 . dully und emiimoii.i piwiiiii vmhi d lnu iw thf lufiuii.itu ruaiili 10 ti e ulitirt sVjtier of this cs-moiny. On tln y;irtfiihir tniL-i ii uu-l HnMt haa hew a tt o lrM? fi r twt'i.rv irur. ft H t'll ri"i tui.nt.ttiii a n.vitiiin of lcxkI o-i, aitlioiiwh Kb dt th i l t-i is mi-iile. e.J iintt I liisutlu iajt t liibine tt larK liw: l 111 per cent, ui the I Oil at tliu wt II tut'uth w.t r -t-t t d ta a r-n nlt i t ie frnii r owi i-r of ihv land 'tint at on e Iritirt to th Iicih I't nf the t'omimny. 'ri.t'n .11 c ;tlii. two olltr w-ln bon d a 5ew litindn d iwl tU-y 1' h.hitt imtyt't tubed, but in -dualnt; u flrhi-mtf showt)! oil : tmrrt I ft tt ftn ffnorahy hi' fnip'il out ot thffn, 1111 1 nis dniiM s. t'tiin to xl.-t that thoy will b' tli pn vt liitfhl) ruin -i.trntliij; Wflli wjiu but d a rraMuahli' dt't-ih. An 'h. r wi ll Is hull homd, ami lin'tiildt'M a hutUfat'torv yiM. niiiiii('H 01 011 i-pM-iiriMi i r hi I'll' run no seen fti tho ottlctjof the tympany, .Nn, Jl ( rt'.aM' t Strict The fen of tliU Vftiinihlc od hind, rmiiiirUiiiK one Inm dred and thirty -one acre-. fuciihii'iK tho r ealty ni fifty vit cent, of oil hit the Icax'd will, uoir fnm)u,-j, hkO the entiic of the tlirt-i wciN pArthil y de diMd, ti pun haMd hy tht l'nipaii. dl'et't Irom trie owner, ir the iMcdi-riitt- "-Vi- ot SI.WAjis viih it tin-.! Mill lu tine order, m inuji hoUf-e, 4 c ; alst jiati hi .1 of Minter. 1 lie sle ot slot K ill pa r lor Hi Und In full, and Iomvo thi' Kuni of $IH.4'iO r:o.ti woikinsf i.iHtl oil hand, wtthwhUh to t ointih U' tl,-' tl.n-u I wt lu, and alio to boro two new wells, with ihe -fii eiumet, to he In rniitiiiig otner wit to 4 h'tv month: ufrditso nu ns a til bo ituide to IU' 'iiui'lUh th-sp ton'n uitoiit dlav. lin mbaciiptlora wi.l he tueiipttd in Uan ihau !lff h.irft. 'I in- Mt-t liirtur-e naped y ;.tr Oil Coatpanlea e-th- '.l-h( d hi H' ninl i !ii m In rr at i' 1; 'li'l 'i' 1 I Ol 1 r ll oi In lu liif.iiit v, and ilie tn itiiitui r -iitlrtnlly ln'ru..iuf. Its prl c 1h m.w flj pur bunt ! nl the wull luuuth, tciu- lltu ot tin I'ftak. Larc hcI a vklll douhtleit'. he htrurk at the depth of fOO f'-'-t. no to rctich thu iliiri! iril t"itr C'M-k tV'ril- hae h-.'t'ii hord hiietoft re to t'n di fit. onU of about ftdd feet In thlk Iclnlty. It Is iniumtu t. lf lNein v wullt ou thfk proprrt v tlorlliK the pr -nit t nr. 'I lit re ia r'ii lor i ne hundied well.. A per? -vi tlt'i-, rW-ur d all ti.ouin braDt'jfi u confldvu.'j' ai!p J t'- a u roiupai.. Llntii of uhKTl('tloo are now open until the 50,000 starri are bubsenbe I, paynhle $1 per eharc, to the order of Alder Diati.TAMKiS M OAHEN', the Trwanurcr of the Company. No.4t;WAl-NLT8tret;t,oratNo. Hi WALN'L'T Htreet. ir at Ul of the Com puny, Kj. 21 J WALJit'T Street. The public aro DiYlted to call for a pro spec tin. Jy-J-tf So. 47 8. THIRD STREET, AUOVE CIIESNUT, riUladelpUa, FAIIY A llROTIIKR roi'sr, bk;, and ohnamkntal pain Trim. Orainlng, Olailntf, OUdi&f oa Uhui, Eatoooiliilrig, Fapf Tamiahtmi. e. ftiiU tf JJDMUND A. SOUDER k 00., COMMISSION MKUCIIANTa, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BTRKKT WHARF. ruiLAiiKLruiA. rftMPVD A. eotruiLa, AR UIUA1P tlklir, st a I'll k a t. eoci'aa. t---1 T"KMOVAL.-THOMAS M. l'LOWMAN, t tarjtit.r and Builder, haa rtaved his ihop from tin.?, Wirawbarr- mlri to So. m CAHTI-H HUwtH, ai Jnliilnv Uie old Host (JIM Itolldina IUvLiw tiicraaowai fkclUttea lor Mirjrtiia ou Uut buli ex.Uua.Uj;, boboe U rlva ikAn tu yuiw aUs M pUKLOUGHS-FUllLOUanB. Off) era and sol.lleia Tlsltln tluktn,on furlouht,neo.lli AKP OTIIRR MIMTAIlY KQUITMKNTS, Ana iNvirnn 10 Tun ihtkvi MAHriACTUHINfl KSTABI.ISIMlKJfT (JKOIIO I J W.HtHNs afc lino. SA'SOM STHKKT HALL, SANiOM Htrect, alivo Slitli. r n R ? V. N T A T fo N SWORDS Ma t" to order at the shorwst notice, which for rlchnim j tnaimlflcencp challeirffo competition, no ottior hu.o tn the I country rini.nln( the Ml Nf f l 'XI" III Ml .IK1VKI.KU Willi TIIK I'llAl Tll'Ar. HtVllKD let J Li A U Ml lniNTINd KLAOH, or hcikujoo (..fAiriT, H I I, K K Ii A C H, Of Hl'lTKlOR yitALITT M U H I. I N 1 Is A (J H, ok svri nion jialitt. t-itufiM, Ilnlltni'dn, I'ulloyss, Ac. WholctUe and Retail, at W. LT. EORSTMANN k EONS, "y-M TiITn and ciiRHKT tttreete. J XI. V O M T M 11, AWN1NO MAKK.K, Fro. 413 nr. rriuitu fctiroot. AltOVB WlLLOtr. KHTAULiailKD 1844. AlTNIN'Oi, " wauok vorv.nn, FLAH, SAir.i, PASCY VEKANDAI18 FOR WINDOWS. A3 I In is of work done promptly, and attende to aer aouaiij.hy JOSKl'H II. FOSTliR, "0. 41:1 N. TlllltU 8TRRRT, Aot WTuw. ftf?9'R09 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. TL AOH BANNERS AND TRANSPAREN0IE3. WMm 1. hcii 1 ;i 11112, lh. 49 S. THIRD STltEKT, A bore Cbotnut, ThlUdcIpUa MANUFAClUKlCtt Ot rhAG3r, tuaxspatikxcibr,, and lanterns. PoUtfrftl Oamftftlsrn CUhi fitted out with La;. to ma, Had net, 1'arnara, and r ia,', at reaaonable rate. Joh- Jul- fOB THE ASMI AUD HAVT. BVAN8 II AHH ALL, MliaTAllY KtlHNISIJKlia, No. 418 AKCH 8TI.EKT. PDlLADr.I.rUtA. Banners, Reirlmentai and Company Flairs, Bwordt, Baskes, Itelts, I'assanU, Kpaulets, Hats, Caps, Canteens, Ilaversai ks, Camii Kits, fluid (liaises, Spurs, and every, thing; pertaining to tne complete oatllt ot Arm and Navj Oaicora. A liberal dlaeount allowed to the trado. tnyl0-3nl FlIHTIO CttllTOHKS, aUTOrrKBI-TKMerrntdios have a Hum Tiieacnn.. tlie tm, uiHktnic a null avil elastic support Ui !),, ,rn, , ,1 enahlliiK the wcarorle v.alk wiih niuro oomlort than r l. dented trom any ..tlit-r t-rntcli. Ilie top. are aa maria tu be applied to any crutch, fateuled l)u. ir iNa, aplO-Sm Ho. 117 8. 8KCOV D Streeui'toi cke'sn'ot. TRUSSES, BRACKS. Ac. klifllllv SKl iiti-d l.vlt. II. SI.KDI.K.S ,w,r of TWI.Lr I H and UAt'K utreeu. Laui. s' liffartiutint lor fiaim. c.lilir.t,-d lit lallcs, TNKI.Krtl Hlret. Ilrnt d.,r'iv kAM. Iho tvtjt .n,l .rl..,l ..n par.d. con.lstlng, In part, of Thiukcs, Muup.,rti rs, Hliouldor llrscet, r.eps. Itanttaes. Kiaatio HUK.alns, Hvrlnu.s, Article, frr Nursery, Hick llooni. Ac. li-IOHm IMMI.ADI'I.rill. SUROKONS" ItMi.VIK IMsnniTK, No. 14 North M VI 11 Htro.M. !t..vti .Mm-kt.t. ltiinturt'S radically rurrd bv i. c KVI.Itl'.r r S rrvinliini Patent tlrn.limtliiir rro.nure 'fru... Suncrlor Ktast.c B-'lts, Fissile Niocktrirs. ttapporlars, Hhouldur Uratas, i,frit it. t'rincde.. Ac. I.ailli s stu-iiih il hy Mrs. 15. C. I'.Vf.Rr. I T. my'J.Vly T.1K AKTll'ICUL H A. N D. 1. II. A. (Hl.tlKA, 1' ''cntor and Maiiuf.u'turer of the A It 1 I I C I A L ARM, Aifroved und adopted iiy riia 5tntfiOD-.(..'.NERAI. OK TIIK; USITKD BTATK.v, f..r Saildlora, na. permitnu tty hati-il his inlii-c mid Tactnrv at S'o. 3U . KoLlc'l a l.uovt, s.a Uoor. uolow tfprucu, I'hllada. in i-llm f!I'.KATKST lMrROVEMKXT 'IAOS. T11U AtlK IX I 'mkyi KUR !MlmVKl OVKHSTRUNG 11 A MiS, Arknnwl1cft1 hy the lorvljiiir anhta and ln1orird hy the Mutual I'ui-iic to ti' tin illicit I'l iirtH in A uerira. '1 he attt in leu nt' Uir I'o -lit Is calk-U to ili r'rnt rtpui (iiii'rov.'iuciit tn thtt I'm no Ktria. Hy a nw mauii-tjof ttnmrmttlo(i, tti grcrtUMt 'mipllilt volume itt IfHie link tift'in biAliicil, wilfiiii.t it'iy 1C tit i,.vtMtiii'i aii'l i hriUmii.'y h r riM li lliesi1 Cluinturu an ivh Omit J bt lutf hHi. which, with tvn Implied Tuticli aitU AcUuu, 1 rtiitiir tht-ui ( niaailt-ii. 'I h e Ii ftruruMit ri'cchetl the IMtl.K MKIA1 at the Wt-rmii fair, leu.' iu Lin-l'ti, fti vt II an the HUhi-it: Aw rtftln ovi i aJ r.iini 'tU.-n, frui thuilikt t'air unu lit aiituit x hi thlj -vnmry. V artrjt.u,.So. 7 AHt'U tetreot, below I'lifhih, JeU-lia ihlldHjipiila. liHTIJVH OOTTAUK OIIOANH, Not only UXKXt 1U KO hut rNEQ(TATXP. In anriy of Ttmi' itittl Iitwtt, dt iiitnf d frtpfcm'lv ior hurrhi n,'ji fit hot but .I'Uiui lo hu i'MimHy w II aditLHod to the l'iurtr auu iifttfia' otiu. lor tali' only hy F. M. Br.rrf?, No 18 N. HBVK.1 tt Mrcbl. AlfA, eomiMote aieonuwrit of the I' erf cot M1ih1job couatanUi oa hand. au l!-ji FI.ASTIO KTlTCli SUW1NO M AO II I N IJ H, TUB Itl MT IN P No. 730 CUKHNUT Htrvtot. W'AKTKl) TO SI' I.I, OR 1'.CI1A.GI',, 1 f :ill-IC HWlllH -MH' llllll., 1 l.e t.rotvr A eicivlne MucUlno, IheMri-'tfr do, And alt tha ptin Iptil fVwln; Machli. a. All furnlslied fiom their priucpal uttlcas. Also, ail kinu. ot Hi'i oiiit-naad MuclilnM.lbr Bale and lltjtaired at the ut w ulll e t l.KAVKN KAI'I.KVKH, o li.i N. Kl'.ll ill tro.t, (Over luu years ttali bln.tir a re.) Ladles tanght to operato. Jtll Jul COi:STY'S Tl'A V AltEUOUSK. KSTA J bushed in lftOU. liupoiter unit llealor In k mo ieas, V W1, und L!iuors, Choice Havana Ctnars, Crura & llVicktvetl's licklet and Sauce! KnKllah and Bcotch Ale and l'm'ttir, Coned Meats, Frulis, Soup, Aa. 2lavy Messes put up wttk chre, Alilo. LIS . RK.COVH Street U281y JOSHUA U. CUUST'. 1) E D D I N Q KMPO R I U M, XJ Kn IB.i SEVLNTH .tlreet. MATTltr.SSKH. ALVl'lKESSEB. Of Hair. I'alip, K.x.elsiwr, and Tlnsk. itAHIKH llklis. lIliLS I LIlrl, AK PILLOWS, WOOU AK1 IKON ltf..l!tl'KAIH, SrillNti IlK.Urt AM) OOTg. Ttepajrlne and rcnovuMiiit attentled to with eart aud despatch. o. US. BtM-Slll hlre.u taJ 'iiB -r MONKY, TO ANV AMOUNT, f kwA loaned upon LLimomls, Vatche, jewelry, fVl tale, L'lotlilni.'. Ac ,nt lf J JONKH A (.'O.'B OLD KSTAIU.IKIIKI) LOAM OFFICE, Corner TUIItl) and r, anKH.I, Stre-u, llilnw Lomb.trd. " X. B. DIAMOND8.W ATCII EM, J t WBLKT , r, U S 8, Ao., S.1K HAI.h AT IllMAUKAllLK LOW PHK E8. Jtl'-li-, JOHN C11U1I J., CAHI'KKTCR A WD rllTTT.DPH, No. VI I LulluU RTHRKT. A lanre fore, ot kullUu( ukUuusic at all brainhesi edways wa kaad. a-vvlWaa PROPOSALS. O 11 V N A N C E O I' P I C K , War IiMrAnrsiaNT. . , , WniiioT.if, July4,ly,4. .r.w "'J rronosals mm h received at this Oi0e.i ynltl MONHAi, Jul., a.",, al i V. M , for lne.no0i.nls ol Infantry A. .'OiilreBient. M, to I,, delivered In IIM fblkiwmg HU.el lie. al the nieh rnaoied Arsenals via "".U "! .l,""l.N,T Y"!. Arse,,,,, , iT.n.'or Island. .0.S'..ta at tl.c t rauklurd Ar.eual, ltrldo.hur, l'.nn lytventv, ..vfv'n"'.'"" U" Mcfr A'nkM-ittslntr,, rcntt i' ,'oets at tlx St. t.ris Arsenal. M'.wirl i.';-'1"0 ' 'ateH..wn Ar.enai, ...arlmseits Itvwllh ihe h, oallern rt, t.i lie .n at the ate.te natoid. vrith iiie foiivt.ina: e-epiions, . rti. will I f k'll two Inr'e. vt ,l... , ,t,.wu'.., I r It plate V.HI he inrulsbed; the j tide ilp ,,i m o?-tri.iie-lN.a and eap fon h are lo he ten on", anl uie care Ar t,, he .ewn "II Ilie outer flap : f letters II. H., tt trti a herder. are lo tw'e.l iiun the irlr-'te-lK,, tfiesauie sue a"'! slyle a. on the put. tvlilrti it ., pis es ; the cr- iTio,-e-oo i. to ne .-en with en a (!i ti" ii. p,., Vl U1X tin, ailte.'ie. o the Ineli. Ml . .rfe hi. I W, Il lS r-elted frr ll'C inilllilfA' t'ire of tlie.e Ari -"tbaiueiu of t" I'u'Vf, irf muM tanniy oit 'i.ii, and alt rt. O'"( i. 1 i'e belt, lire to he ef .rill. led le.itlier. Hirples of thei.e Aeeoiitreineiit. ean t seevi at tha ahov. uenie,. ar.en.-i'i on or almtit the J nh in. mitt. It Is tn lie ril'tin 'tlr iinih r.t.MMl that Ihi. I. ,,i 1'iutnt I. to hi.te the privllewe ot In. peeling Hi. d.ii" meter any r..nlra t It n award. In al staip . of II. pr'.t-v.., anil ep.H lallv to examu.e t'ie stock ctitmi: . i hey nr. to he till, ivi to In.p.-r! or at the vrhern le. hven'il, liefore lntir receive,! r..r ttte t..erii.uent. are in be ae. -apt. a or p.nd lor cacept such a. are approved n "i. ln,H tl.n . Ile'h ere. mn. t Vn.'tlloHnf not less tha ono twsillh II liih) jiet week ol the wlmie iiui,i:.r eo i. Ino t,-.l for l lu tlisl delivery t" b.- male on u.c 1 llli day I silornto ro.ike d"'l .rh. nt s snaeloe.1 time writ nVet the ,.,,nti s.ior t. a torfeiturd ot tl.e number he may tail la deliver at ttiat time. The Aei oiiin-inent. must b ' hited tn the ii.iiaI minneT lh.' bee to he cli.irg d nt coil, to ho d' tcnulncd hy the In.fticti.r. Ill hleis win lat etvllellljr the il or Arsekalt vrl.ere thet -r..po,e to ilelhvr, and Ihe imn,,er ol ,ls they propo.c lo di'literal v.ti li j.laro, it p.r more tii.t oee. N. kids will ha eon.Mered from pn-thw other than rean Ur maiiutartiirers, no.l sin-h s are knjwn to sliSs l.eiart. mailt t. he lullv coiiipeleiii t. eteeute in their own elmpa Uie wort pr......i r..r. Klmuld any anrty obtaliVirtir a ccmi tlset oiler Aeeaulreiueiits other rTntn llio.e made In hte "how, thoy wU be reiected.aml she e intrnet rnndared null nni tol,l. Tl,. nein and pla.eof of es h party ohielnliu' a eontrurt mu,l bo suas'ied oil eaoal partol aacsotol Aeeoutrement.. Ill 1BI NTf'.H. TihlddewlU be re.iulred lo aeee.n-ny his prai-eisl-llin with ii', suined hy two reipoimlMe persnas, Uiat In case III. kill Is accepted he will at oneo execute the for the .sine, with ifood and su'f ehon neeiirllles In the nm miial I. ihe amount t Ihe contract, to driver the a-tlde preiwsed In conformity with the terms .f this ailteitlssiiicnt; nud In ca.e the said bidder should fall M enter lato the contract Ihev to make v. el Ihe dllT.rciiea between the otter of .aid bidder and tho licit responsible bidder ar the person to wletn Uie coiittan atay be awarded. The roonlb'llly ef Ihe (ritarantnrs must l-a Hlowa by the nm -la! certificate of ttieflerk of the neareat lll.lriijl onrt, or ef the Tinted .Stale. District Altarnev. Itonos In a sum ciial to the amount of Uie contract, siined hy Uie coiitrH -a.4-and both of his Muaram..f., will he re.uired of the successful bidder or bidders uaou sum Idk Uie ctiuliact. KOrtM rK GI'ARAXTP.K. We, the nndersiano I, reslilems of , in tbe county ef , ai.d l"tale of hereny, Jointly nod sev. rally, eovenant with Mia Untied .tlawe, miu Muarnnien in in. a ine r'ireuoiitr aid of I !i t ff(,iM, Mint h'.r(li T will m miioa eieMitp the co traoi hr Uie aata. with it-od aivl uirictenfiiirf tlt tn a tint eiial tn Nip nif innt of the cmiinv t, to ninnih the uith lt'ti pntRfd in rni ihrniiiy to toe lerma of tha atfvar Uauifnt Uatl .July.; iH', Halr whiofi thn tl wu inade; and, In onaoihe MAid Rhall lall Ui enur Inta a ooiitrnct afnrcir.U, we frtiarante to make thm diffurence ltwiMn thf r-r ef tha nanl and t lie n t lowrat rftnTlMtTtaddr,or ttie poraB to wiioin tbe contiact way he awartiui. S t (vc nntlcr onr hand inl aoali ( u.ia day of , 1m1 tl)nsa Te thin auari.iitemiist l e tt Uie omuhtl coiitrt rate atHe iieiiti"nf.i. Karh putty ottimlniT a tvwttrAct wiH he oh1lue1 te enmr into txnid, with a';Tu-d ureUai, for 1U taiUiful expooUein. t'pon tjie award hefna mado, ttvwMfuI hlddcra w!D f sa " aai 'i iraiiia( iiini,i, aUK't T' ! Ll IMIKIITI W1U and funilthod with tiruia o( contreet and Of BOIJfl4.Hl bold, 'i hr Department wscrvt ha rfiHit tt rUt mwr. n bhla. h nc tlpt'iiicd rvritiia (nrr, ami eitooiailjr thop mide Sv iiartlan who havt- taih tl id atnkt- (luie dfllvorlui aidor pcThui roiitrii'-ta wltl.etit iiirmshlni; taiiunct ny n .nune lor iti eh iiftunn'riicy . i n-iM artit ikiii iio ai ircitrti ti unrailfor-Oononu Wirae Ii. r,ntiy, :hut f itrdnnnfc. Wfthtnrfion l. C," and ciitiotatti " I'liiponaij tor lufautrr Aooutie-mt-nta." f.BO. I. RMY. Jjfl-rawf-7t Brl.-n.,4,li.tttof Orduancft. 1)uorosAi.s yon mohtar she ll. Okoma.ncm OlFi' a. War Dm'aiitm i.xr, . WA'miM.ruK,.Iul M, ist:i. Honlofl rrnpniftlrt will ho riTolel at thu ottlce until MoN hA V, tin 1st da of Antmut, lHt.4, for H INCH Molt 'J AR be tiullr- 4 In the follow ing quauUtiee, tht? niuler named Ano-nttl, vi. : At WtitiTtuwn Armnat, Masa hiifit'tts, ROiO. At WntcrvlHt Animal, New VorR . 10,(m. At New Voik Ariaual. (iuvunar 1 timid, New Tork, A5 Allr-ytiony, ntlah-irp. V,000. At W'afllilnk'foii Arnenal, I .XK"J. 'Jhone limit vtlhiN are tu le made of the kind nf mt-tiil, and huiiictcd atM-r the ruki laid 4wii In the Orduntue Mimiml; the tenntlo stn nuih el Uie lnu lo be ut lan limit If imi pounds t'tr aquan inch. Drawm,' tun hu huuii ut any of the Unite Btntci Art inula. Te pik'rpfilloa nm tnhe Inuppctrd at the foundry whore crtffc, uad an-1- u dt llvoreil at the A m sala lro ef chartie At ttiii)oruttlon ur luiPdlinnr. HiUdvra will atato tho rate at which they wilt de r. Rihiros to make dliYorlrn al a frrcHlcd Uroo rvlll ub Jc.r: ti,.-c.iiitiut t"r t ' a JuriVitiiio o tho iiumljer he may in. I to dolivt r ut (hut titu. lntlihiK ulll t-irtiu rxidirltly the Arm nai or Arnrnala v herfl tht-T jini!i.h' t di-HviT, nud tht' iiuiuImt til' nro JrctllBJ" thi-y ifroi'UBu to lii llvor ut eai-h place, it for iimre tliiin due. No hi U will ho coti'Mcrcd from part ha other than TPRii'M- lfundi or propri. ir of work, who are known to tl 1 1 &. ltpartit in to he ortimltleof oxocatlug thu wurk )-ottf cd fi.r. Hioiihinn party ohttilntntr a contra t offbr ahell otln f tlian thHfce tatt ia tn t wo lonntlry. thfr will bo rvjeutod, anil the :iiitrit:i nimh-rud full nnd void. F nn ot hhl ran hi' I'htanit'd ai tit nliovr naind ArsL'iiit's. i'rti'ulk not madu out ou tliU irm will not he cciislderfd. tiUAUAWTr.K. Tl ? hldtier will V reii'iiN-il to -.iicoirpanyhla nror.oiltlon With ti 'iHiantfi-palifiu-d iy two ri'poimll'le M r'ii4, In riipe hln hiil In atn ptcil, ho w it at onre ox tu ufriici tor tJ.e namt-, with pond and audlch nt !inicilea, tn a tnin ciiial lo tdv anumiit of the t-oM'raft, tti deliver ttio artirl pmpo-fd, In conformltr wtia Ui(tfri of' IhU aiivorttdi-iiH nt : anil In i-ae (ht aaid tnlut-r attouid fad to fiitfr mt tne runt-act, they o uiitke iokmI thu tlitVr'nt.o bitH thrt alter of aanl im4-1 and tha uaxt hh tli oiTton to wli'im tht rtmi rat't m ivhi- awarled. the ri"-ptu -ilnllir of thn irna'a-ittirn ruuit h almwii iiy thtvutlx lal rt rtiriiatr of thb Cirrk of trm neartiii lilbtrtct J iii I, ti ot tin- I i. Hail st nt X Diittrh t Atloruiy. Himd In u mum e,unl tit the amount of tlm contract, aikfin J h in? contracior anil l.ntli ot hit Riiarartora, will he n-iiilr4tt of llic MiHcofcaiul bhldi-r urlHiVlura uKn hiku )i ik ihaioLtrad. FORM OK orAIUNTKK. We the unth-n-uni d, rvitiJi nm -it , tn the county i f , ninl Stale ol . In-rehy iointlv anil Ir viTally coTiinant wiUi tin I nit d Hiatra, and Kuaranuo. lu cte tho torwiioluir bid of n accepted, thai he or they will at iMier oi'nit? tha c ntr-t ur tlm rimho, with ifood ard mi thri ut mm i If , in a turn eiunl to thf anvmnt f the r ptri:t. to finiih tho a; th h-t irinnmrtl in couiinrinliy villi thu ti mm of thU advertmenieiit datrd .lulv H, Irvit, lintir whli'h tl'P hhl wtk nindp ; and In Cn thf ta-d 1 ' aliali IWi I to i-iiirr into it rumrart an niorenald, wt- Ktiarnn- ttM to uiitke inftd tht tliUi-r 'nre hetwot-n the ort'er of the uid an.i the n'Nt liwou rvfutoalhle hidder, or the IMiiton to whom the contrnct mav ho wr e l. !.,..--. ' itlvtii limit riMir ImiiiIh and aeals Wltmaa . .J)U o H(. vi.-, ft - t-l To thli an. nine iniint bo appended the oDU ial i-urlifl- Odttit ahvvr un iill ntl. Karh puny otiialnintr a rontrat't will h otdlwed to lit t Into bolide., with approved nnrultvi, for ha hulhful t'AI t'lltlOll. Dpi. ii the award hchnr nm!e, (rnr !(if;il hlddom wtllhn noiol' d Hid I'lirhiilird ith fi nit of rlnn't mid hond. Ti e I'fpur'mrnl rracrvr.i tho rik'ht to re i'ct any or all bh'ii tl (Irrmt'il iiriMititlnftorv mi any neri.tiiit. I'roposaio wiH te aihlrtmiis'd to "Itriuitller-'lcnurAi Crork'' 1. itufimry . t 'hit-t ol Urtlntnci, Wttt'inu'ioii, I . aiid will bt? I'lidom-d "iroMiitiilii ft-r H-tnrti Muriar Sln-IL .Kkck II. RtfY. J.vll oiwilnt Itrhiadirr-Omraiat hli fof orduanoew I'on NTkrMnuis knoinks. OttTiNAKt k okpm a, Will IlKI'AHrjIKVT, W 4m hi.Tt is, 1 1. 1 ',. Inly J. IH-H .Hful. fJ rni ini will he rt . wid ut ihm oinco until UM.. ,U , i ..ih ua- ulJuly, lool.ui 4 oi :loi-k 1'. 11., lo Il Ii;ih hi 0) et'onll or third Hiram Kin Ilnirliipa, of p'- fnl tun t,.m pO'.Tvr. roii pit lt' In nil pa", llli all thf llli'tlrni miPI'ol ttlils III! i oiuhil.t'd. to hi' I.I...VM hv hilt I'l jii'Vii'f.ilie wt'.shi ii"t tti ert t .1 4 p'-ninl- wht-n rrt.l Jit hi i '(- Tin' iluiri irr ol u.o i.-i lpi .i. ailDR tittiiii ton-; pia.p to ho aho.ii -ii In.ho-, capuidf of lon tttif our ' 1 ) fciit xui cl ivu'tr in o a 1'a in l. n i.o .iv.-.nnu Ir m It. ''. Ii 1 1, itlitl l ' I I tti 0 till Hum a 4, Pit ! Il Alt' no'!' iK'ri: fnun I V-' to ! t' Irrt Tfia) t ii 1iij r- art lo tin nipphod t ith M iKtt rt aiitt t."K' rnr'a. o appro i d (.-"ii'ni' 'h-n, wi'H ail Iho in i -refill v (lull,. ') i.t-y mt I t br mi .trt to a rivld Jft k rilon hy u I Mtti Ktrvtrh hi,'-ct'i . ttmi art ui to ie rt i uiv tti oi pant l..r itiill. a j. I.n.o l itn i tlteti Yi itli u full head ol Btt .irn u i- r hl duccd .in. ti l. N I !;. Tin- hitldoi mill hi rt",u.i-tti l.t'puii hU m-opt.-ti( ll M Kit ik (f'Jii r SI k .it'll hv (Wo i r - pit!) m Mr p-'f-ohi . tin... in ia-t iii ili i a Cfpti tl, ho will at onru xe uie tin t'oi 1 1 a-'t ii t ll.r ;iino, w it'i -io4 it'll tanitriant itro tit s. in u sum u ,in.l to ti e amount of tin rorjira -t, to de llvt r thf itriu-lt- ptopood in cour-rmiiy witn t rmt of i)tn nc'vt r;t ni ; ttul tu cuir t:m tali hM.lur nhouM f til lo i nt r Ii to tin foiitno t, tl t-vto nmktjKl tho diitertinre hetwot n tho out ol mild hithlor antl ilm iu-t rtioniMe butdor, or ti.o fiuraon to stu ui cui tract may bu awnnlt t'. '1 he ro-poiflhllltv of (he fuir;i.lori n.nt Ito thown hy (Im . ttlrlKl ot-illlh niool the I Ut hot th iio.trt.ftt District I otiri, or ol in- 1 niud Stair- iMiti Ii t At'.oi uy. Itot.u. in a tmu r pial to tho aiooi'iil oi' t:ie cont-a t. li.i.i tli th r Hitrai lur tioi holli tr h i k ii untora , will ho riiilird I thuhidoreatful hPJtlrr iu buhlur UpoU siKU tl.c contract. FUltM Or t.rARANTKB. We, tne undrrih-ntd, roMidruit ul - . In the ctMii.ty ot , uiil Blrtto ol , hrn-hv loliilly and ftvoruilr covenant ith t Aa t alUd Hi4., aud giuuautfo lu. CMie the ton hid of - be ticri'iu-d, thitl ho or thoy wl at omu efx-utc ilm yaiiilr a-1 for tlio taine, with vO J and utti. kni miroiiei. lu a mm t,ua'tu the amount of tl contract, to furninli ihe arilrlra proposed in rtinft rnut wlih tlm tn oi' tint uuvrttieuifot.datvtl July .ltW. undor whh U Uiv hot mi uiido; and, m cio the tid - ah...! t:u u miter Into a c u-tr a.t a ttiocttaiJ. - Ktmruntre t iu.iae ipod tt t ditter. it J -tt'lnwii the oPVr n' the nmd and the i,rt loiteti rt hpoi.aihM hldwar, or the pufcoii to w Uuui the Contra aiuy bu awarth d. U.hrft uuilor or ha a3i and aela, WUuwki: J U.-t daj,ti-- ,lwi-. To this Riiarantne mutt be aprt)ta4 Ihe oftlciai ettviiO ejitn aboM' nit'i tioned. . l 'Vie -.hica urr U be dellroi1 nt the plaec of nianu Au ture. t pon the t,wa'dheinvuidivihauijrca.'itul hlidar I will be nolitttd, aui nirnlthvj m lUi luraiKof rMliaot and i hoad. 'I he lMpai4iiioiit rcoo Ut right tt.yoct auy ot all hlJa, ti nut i v laid iuititi'ry. , l-ropucaU will he atl.aMl t "Ua(adlir-.MuM-al n..r.' Ii. Raiav. t'hd-J o Onliiauce, ui.iiikvyw, I. ('..' and w-l Im uiiMtflaaU "I'fvfo tut ttteaiu Itlra W" OW Tt. UA.MHAY, lyt faiwl.'S yriadltf-ftfnTi,(,tiWif ol waututn. dU CLOTHS OF KVEUY TMUUTTT, w iauuiayM' t 'io ioriaiv oy liKWhlr K. rj-WlLL A CO., Ji -, "M IMK'U KVA. tkhl"-i. PROPOSALS. ImorosALy run matkkials koh tub Kejr. rnvFAT'or ftrRAM Kotnpkris.1, ,1ny 0, tmn, Sralctt frneorinlii to tiirnlfh maftsrlala for tifl Nai tle tucal year fndfnjr June im,,t will be rocelrMl at ft-Tf an nf Hionm Konlm-oiini, nntll lno clork of the ink iaf( Atiinut next, at Which time the onin wili b coin turtic si, '''y.i.ila mint be cndorned prop'al for MatertaU aSf the Hbm'i ' "Mt tumT D a"","l,,hf(i tr.kfn ott,r l-o'nf-i inttcrt.ftnd Jirrctrd to the t hiaf of the IV or a a of ?ttafnn,'-Ui" r.n. Tin iimtenAlb n,l ai tlclen embraced tn the daeee name1 ar. nartirui irly dt',l',i,'J ll' prtivvi arhedulon, any o whlt'lt will tie funiM.10 ch aa doalro tooffnr.on ap plicarm,, to !h roinn),:1nl tha reapcrO.-e yard., or toiheSavyAtft nt noa rat ;!,, and 7 upon h i In all on to iha turou- Tinu.Tlatun into cJa.ari bnt'nt iMtirefifte of d- a .-i in ra'h , uch rltiac" only will tw rnlibed aa ar actually required for ulna. The Commandant ami Jfavy yif-ni R)i eh atatloli will, In addition I" thf rliadote n( clao of iiiir own yarrii, bar a eipynf the ac'iotlutaa ot !,. oii(,.T v.nd, for fAmw.i(lon oniy. frfn whlth may I iu-Vi-d wlicti,r it will hp dt-tifaMo to mka anpilcathoa fir any '4 th ra'i of thone yardi. All othrr thtnf h-.i.a r. ,1,., pfr-n.aca. will beflea to artiulee of Ataerl ean manuiitattwa. oirri nuiiit iwma1 a,r the whole of thr rlal at anf yar l ite onersf th armit-d .chftlulm, r In atlet oa). lortoii.? thrru it t, or n,, wtn not b ttnshwd. I p- n tpplleaiio. tn the miif.u,to the t'oien-andant of an m: nrtoan.vBvy Aif-m.ti.t? form of ot'er, ff ra rantt e, aid olhrr taary lmorytoa rwPf ting thf prt posnl. will tf fHmhvi. 1 hr coiitr-t will lit a rdd t th loweet Mdifor wh gl. proper iweraiitotg i nHtrpd by tba law i 1-Hh Aiik'ii-l,hl;,m- Navy Diartnivt nm-ruiat the rUIit t rr.i. ct iho lowrtt hid, II dcoincl I hr i w ill brar riklr tin rt v th ni. i g'M?u, anldchv( ncs can be demanded rmm tw di Hun Ura in the amount bo riirtrd to alen ther CMnrruri. and their rptiiTiblliS eerlibd to by a Uitd Hitite limrlt Judve, tniUd StnUt IHn-flet AtWnei "Hector, or Savy , rt nt. An aiM'tional tevturlty, twenty prr rrii tu in will btiw'thheld frour the iimtit of trie Oils tiiittf fho contrnct aha hare bren jompleted: and tigteiy per cvatum of oa-n hill, .ppruved it triplicate hr Uifl cow inn tut llllll ot the re-.poc.Nr yaid, w'll tc paM ti'r the navy aKcni .it tli ti points of iMItitv, In finite or eorflfT'-atA, at the npiinrt of the Oo errment, wlthla ton day f m'ter th w nrrnt.T for the same sbaJ ae been pwftsod by Uie soere tary of tSe 1 roasury. 1 ho ft .Towina are the cHve rtvojlrei kt the rRecT Davy a.Uj. KITTKB'al MAINF. f'lass holier Iron, Ac ; Jto a. pi? Iron , Vo 1, baft fohiini -t No Kim parkin; lit ft, aporm utl ; NoH, 11 ttex oil, Ac; fit 7, laid (ill; So M, rnenille oil ; No , tallivf' a4 oap , o lo. cnwinra uton-s; Noll, onulneri 'loa, Nr 1'.', erKtntns Jntirniu;nts ; No .4. wrouunt mui ple, e&i Joli., tuttes No M, atoel; N'5 17. Iron nUs, huu atrt nntft; No Ih, enip4ri No l!,tlr, Ac; No 'in, whfte4eadl o 21, xluc pav.t, Notj. colored lamia ; Nofi emtioTiery No at, ttrvwooiT; NoM, colton w a -ne, packing, . .Ne &m eiiKimjere' atorin t'HARTU.STOWK, ttAM. Class No 1, hol'nr Irrnt aud hrrta ; No i, pU Ii n ; ife V boiler loitirfr; ho 1; atim packing, mbner hose, .St; Mo aperm oil; No fl, l!nt.ocd wl and turpentine; Ko T.Krd oii No h, nietallic oil; N-0,lilow and h aft; lo in, en Sneers' iorai;No 11, fn.oors' 1mIs; No IT. entrlneori rwtr Mieuta; N(l;l, s too ai pnrre ; Wo U, wrought iron plpea. Talwn. Ac : No talts: Jfl. ritual r No 17. nail. bHs. nuis, Ac; No IM.coppaT; 4V0 II, t'fi rlne, Aa: HnJ9 w hit U ml ; No 21 , tlnon tnr No W, edorad' paints, d-rera. Af, No1 itntlonery Ho hickory ami Mh plauk, anf ul; No'-M. white pine; No- W, hmup aLtTcottou pacUtia-.'-Ac ; So 5, ougi necrs' :.nn. Mc. JIIOOKIWYN, K.T. Clnsi Nol. boiler Iront No i, pi Iron ; rfl. boiler fe Inif o4,ttum parking, ruhhcrtioso. Ac: No iV, sperm oil; No 6, Hi e-d oil, turpeM. he, alcohol, Ac ; rfo T, lard oil; Ve t. lutn k au nn or mutaliic Ui ; NP,tailow an snapi No lt. mum neort'stntet; No lhenpineera' tools; No 1J, enirt nt r kiatrumenta; No i:, in ihv oumps ; He U, wrmuht Iron ph ea. Tithes, Ac; Nolft,tut-w; No IB sieel: No IT, iron inula, bolts, nut. Ac; Nb IH, eippor; No!, Mo, also, leatl.Ac; No . white 19TK No-ll, ilno (aim. Ha ri, roloml oalnt. diyera.Act N'-'i.'l, atationerv; Mo Ji.ttr wod; M-ilti, hhk r- nnd a-h plik and fcrfa; No ap whin pine; K i7, black wr.'nut a"4chrry; e W, oaa a'vany, white hollcy ; No 'ill, laaierne; Ne 0, i:aaumTttf N' a ill , driisltfoofia, pumps. An ; Ho W, sour fhmr, a rue ltUe, Ac; No 'Kl, pntnttd artii-lee; No .'id, cottou and beni iiackinst Ae Mo tti, enulneer atoreev rilll.AhKI.'fH A. 1 Olaas No l, boiler Iron, Ae; Ho a, bailor feltlcW vo i Hum pnctnctruller hose, Ac; fo 0, epenn oil ; ft, hn ai ed oil and lurpenttna ; No 7, lard olU V tf, lalltiw, soap Ac ; o lu, 1 aKiiit-cra' atoirt; Ko 11, englneeTt' tdt ; Ma l'i, en(rlnef' iiutrnmejita ; No "i, wrought lnn pipe. ' alvea, Ac ; Mo 16, tuhae : No lit, atHd ; o 17. tr.,a nalU,. butt a, hJ u:ita; Na iH.coppnr; No !, t', Ae ; NtV, wiute) kad; No '21, ainc paiut ; No Ti, colored- mints antl dryers : h'o3, sintlonvry 1 Ho '2, Are wooM No Mt ootlca u hcinp packliif, Ac; No :u, ciniincerN' stores. Ae. Washington. Deis Xo . fioltrr froa.Ae: Nri t. n'a wtm VnM.kM) nJiiiv. Act No 4. mum aaoklnir. rufcltr hose. Ao: Nell. spitrut otl ; N?ii. linseed oil and iurpUne; No 7, lard nil. NoM, luuibor; Jitt :i, i0ow aud snn; V 10, engineers stors; No 1! enirin, em' tools; No 1-,'mirlneers" Insirn uifnta; No lfl. atoant punipa; No 14, wront Iros pipe. ' " t aitwi ii , irtia utkiui. bolta nuta, Act NolH.aopper; No U., lead, anil sine ; No wblte trad; No ui, zinc patnt; Ho tt, ootoraA piilnti, dryers. Ar; No W. stationary , H 94, Are we4t No m, eoitoD a ad hiiup packliyi.A; Na 56. etiirtaera torei. Jyll-mU J R O P O S A L S riOPOSAra rORrHTF.M, TALT.ow.noorii, no nud. mt'Ck'i, H1IIN8, AND TONUtiKH. fiwiDiiwit C(iMtaaAur ur StfHrMsTawoa, Wailnavton. J. ;,, July H, 11 1, f Sealed rrepoaali, in ditjHcaiet are Invited until tlie SIM day ol July, at II odtk A. M., for lU.Ica, Tallow, lleofa, llorrs, Cnncks, Wilns, and Tonaues af ad fee v ram ant t'atila'oi witJWn the ancicut (itnlta of the District of Colombia, for Uiroe nioiiUis or more, ft em Ue oom Bienccnusniol the contract. The aaove M-ikies to bo collected hr the contractor an mnoed irom tho -far lot is plaais at which the eattle are k !iil at auoli ttinea ae may bo deilgnatod by the oUlocr la VII Ml lit'. Tiiemm.Bor ef Tattle ueJ monthly Taryfrnm l.0te 3rno, and arc now killed at t haln Ufhiafe, (iieKoro, Cea valeternK amp, WnahtiiKtofi, and Alndri. but vUer ptacea may occur within tho prtvturibcd Utnlla where Uia articieH will be reulred to le c-lloctt d. Thecoiitiai terhh-Ulhellahlefor alt the Hides, TaMow, Hoofi, llorrs,( hut ks, Hhitis, ai.d Teiufiies cemiiitf froaa all the (tevernment ltxTt'dtile alauRt'tared, unless tt caa be loatlo Mitisiut tt.rllv to appear to the 8uileno lie paritiicf.t that at) duo (ntertlen, dillgum-e, aud aaro waa made to obtain said aikictes. Prij miui will be i iiirod erery tea days In Governmet funds. Thelites will state the amnunt per animal for tha arM- tie:, rrterreil to, anil be Hcco upanleil hy tne follow Ihc pomantec, certificate, airldavitfe of each (tnarntee, a4 oatb of allefilaiice. Itlaak forma caa be obtained tnt applt ca in n to the uiiueraintwd. JHP8AI.g. I, . of the mate of - - - . coniltv of - otTtr, tr t rad, lor all Midrn, Tallow, l.ooJa, Horns. hi-cks, fihin. And TtuiKuoa of all (ovonuunat HeoT t'aiilc khh 1 m ith in the nut lent ttniltjt of Uie IHMrlctof' toiinila, - doll nre at.t conu (the amaonl to be In wordn and nuurt-a), nebkat to all Uio conditio a of ta udvirtmuient horortih a.pendtd. OVAHANTER. "" " the iinderaltrncd, raMdeuts of , la the eoantf Ot .und SiMits if . brrehy Jotntlr and severally coTcnant wiih tho Cuitrd Htatt a, and uuarantco, In case the iort K"'iiK hid of shall ho accepted, tdat he wiU, within IWc days after the ar t ptance of aaid bid, Ua a coiitmrt for the pron:rt and fail iiiuloiecut Ion of ttie se.ine aa-) tl at we will btcomo bta nurety e i a tmnd, in ihe aim ot illtcf n thotiBAnd tl oli are. for tho purfonnance of his con tract In conformity with the terms of Mi proposal. an4 that In case the ahl shall fall to enter Into a ooa trat: uudur lite teruiS'Of tlie advcrtlseuieni detod Julf A, lMri, wu fliiarautd e lo make gottS tho diuYrence between tle t ttor maoo bv said In the forrirotna propoal and thr i..m lowest refpon;tle f rmul bidder, ar Uie peiaMi b w in in tbe Offiitract may Ik awurd-d. it itea : i lilveu uudtronr hands and aeala, r this day of -, 1H-. f HBAL.1 Smai. J The responslhility of the tfiiarantors ran it he atiiwnhy. the oillctui coitilliatu of a Vn(i .st,tt ittrict At(o-.p or i ttiti.i MMtv Ju tyt. Ttie certlHcaie uutl be la Ut folli-wln? form I In p bj certlf' that from erldenee entirely aatliabry to mo the aloe-nauiMl .uurnamra are iood and suitlclant as suixt us for duubJa iiie amount tor wbich limy oifer u he sccuilt) . To which each guaraxtor must make aud appeudih follow luy. OATH. Statc of , con ut of i i - , before me, -- --- a In and to the county and HUte aforesaid, personnlly npprarod , one ol hie urvrie on the auiiri!itrr of , who, brliiir duly sw.rn. dpoea . ui d that he In worth, ovir and ahiivo alt tust duota ani haiiilitios, the sum ot titlrty thouniud dollar a, "Stib.jcnbnd and aworn bofore me, this day of No Lie will he coutidi-rtdunltsa made out in mmfnrnilty with tl e i-Duvu torin, and arc aix'ompanied by Uie tore Voinu kitatanKHj, curlitlcatt', and utluluvita. Ail tiUUcra must lorwuitl wiih ihoir pot)iah an oatb, of aitt'k.iin-. unUas out; may ho on (Up w:ili the ehcar w ho tihsll u en thr bid, and n iroiH.sahi not fallyooia pi lui: w .1 h tho foreuoiiiK rt'tiiiirtinieoit., aa wll In fact aa iu lorni. wlli be c.inihh uti oi leardidajtapropjftal wiUua ll o mt-:inliiM ut thut adrertlriciurut. Tl." to-tun ior ill in' if a iviuntJihie for the 111 ea, 1, llot.fh, Ihjrns, ( huckt, Ac, one week afiet ihe siimu of lin coniriMt. iiUhit m umti bv pnswt at Ihe oponlr.u of the blU t rtVH.i,U to ilioir uatuttt. am nil i-hS tuut tie ci-t irtetl 'pn pi.nylft for .u.tlini Itltles, 'iallo, Moots, ttorue, 1 htsLks, Ac. and bu Jitcctcu to Hit) unJutu fclcd. 1. RC.1.1 , Jyll uiwl.'-t L vututiuiil-CLilLtntl and O A. A' SSISTA ST Ul AKTl RMASTl.r. CKNK- . rim ai-ki o'u , ra . Jntv m. iwm. Pcalril Tn iioatf wltl ho nrelMd at tliU ollloe ftnU It . oc.otfc M.,11 Tt 1 miAY.the Hub ot .:ujy. 1-i.i, tor taa . tniot' thlhfiv iU 1lir l i ll.d ht.llt- Jtrrbou ll.c l.U rilM.Kl Vil.iUt, i llif foU,wiui . th m i i t 1 1 i,nni ifrn.sii'fr' .'on-s : rtn;i Jn llnriiits Leather, bctt 'UttUltO', tUukhtec l.iilf.. liiit .'f- piiioi.jiv'lai nou. U." Uuhcr rha us, oi Uuo t lia.u 1 in, oua uud, and 4 plum on tii...oiht-r. l."o .Mt i.llrtH a1ilic. It to 'Anil l.iuOira ( U' knots.) M J- Jt' ih r's Knivrs ( Wttooholm'tiV Allot iho alHe arilch a to he of the 11 tiuaUty, of thk fttxtiai iii.tJ. and a ith cct to luspecti ji. lii.hirrs will 'lato price, Ihi1i tn writlntr an flitarea. t)UiiMt!t cf each aitictt- hid for. ani Ihe ahortoufiiue re (jmrcd lor dWieiy; pjiueto incl 4 piuau and, da hvn v. 'J he sl'llitv of the MdtW to fill the eontrar-t must be iraa rartrt tl hv two repotisilde pt'rsona,wt)ita muewturos mua t.t: appt'intod tu tne uuaiaiiie, ac ai4 a'UaraifsUHf eccou - luiij thr hid. The rit-lit Ii rcaened to roi- all bids deemt'd too . Ii'eh. nud no bid from a dttatinjt ooutrwetor wul ka rvt hed. Vor further tnfnnuuuon blera will CiUattne OmDO No lKUM.lKAKi Stiect. iiv order oi iioioiui tie jago n. i;rooian. &aautau. UuarUrmu&ter-Ueueiat U, &. A. iiiu'r upr. Jlti-3t CapLkiu aud A. U-M. -IKESH BEEF AN)) VOKTlBLESw JJ Kxvi (ai'AV.aiajcT, jimiAc cm rBurutoa ajt i.i.tTitiMfl, JoirH.'vt. PtaleA Propoials, aborted aTw9opoaali fr k'rana lioof and Vttbiahua," will be rM:olvdt ,l thla liiireau mail I o clock 1'. M.. on Uitt.UUVtb dny U July lit-1.. fr il.u hiiiapJy ol H vvq ptninda A wmu ami feftf.uoo j UitoA of Kr su VoKOiahlosM the thtUadtlphia iuUou, aiMiditryl 'I he Kf aud Vcuitahtwa uiuu oouf slam! uuHlttva. tud th bvtU kite maikfi aJurda, ana eeh artiio muiVt w oifure4 ior mo pou4 liiuiUHii to Le m evi ppodoru nia,, lore and htiiti -uarlcra. Hond, with appro securttn will be rvi.ulraJ m oue-lWsilf tha eatUnutt d auaovut of 'ii4i coattart, attd twunty verc)&tl NdtiiiVvtU be wiU Wld tv oia Wl uinountof erh ivaTiuonl to be uuvla. M oo 11 at em) atcurUy (or the due peif iruiaAiv-aolnheeoutrmol, which will, oa no acavout, sw pi4 tuL- M ia tm eoam plUd w'-Jk. . , k. - , every oner muu ae aocoip"'eo V 7ti t Hit, ihl I'" toe, tiutbta oyouMor n ae iusm11" r" " b !(liKr or bidaer will tf id V'U - Inlnin fki. lis.. -IllOn five dJ'W' k' . votdjr u uad auilt tW-nt surotiea, to ftmi.b iho anwi aeof Mo proiio. ai wiii t-t 4 "-T,T- t-It rnt bidder is a rraular deair It. Urt a' Ilk. li.aali-it lahJlaliWd U iaW n ' 1