THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JTJLY 18, 1881. A I'AtLT AFTERNOON NEWsPAPER. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. frrlcft Two PiTt r CorT, or Twn.n CrT r Tftan,p.ybl.tih. Carri.r.ftml mailed to Subacrihara at of the City at 8iDoi.lam r Antra l I' " Two HolH, Invariably In ftdviraee for the perh-d rdered. Adverll.ctnrnt. Inaerted at tho aaiial ralea. A liberal ftrraiuvcmenl load, foe eaUnded inertioua. T Ct.rwapwi"'"'"- Vo nolle run be taken r .(nmrmon" inimimlnlm liMcw I. laiemlc.l r,.r ierll .n mt b. anthm l l'lil ty .he nun. .nil ad.lie.. ol Ihe wrltcr-nol nece..arll, lor ah4l-aton. but aneraiiKH. 'or hi, md lulu,. Vie undertake to return rejected I oiumuiitvaixia,. T Advertinrt. f tnc to the fee. Increa.a In the Circulation of Tn vmhm. 1 a 'iKi"H.,-l;lnic n, lo p.. to pie". At an wrlT honr, wv a'Rrnt'T rount thai advertleini-nti, may Im handed m . aoon .. 10 t'cl...ll, tl pi4tiH', to l Ui. Vui au liierli,.M In all of our edition MONDAY, JXH.Y IS, I.V.I. THE WHEAT fOJiFLMT. VTitliln the next flro days we expect to cWonldo ome of the inost Important event of the war; Important because of their Taut influence over the rrault of the great current Conflict. Wo need not inform our reader Uit General Grant has been employing the past month moot advantageously. lie has performed wondrwiis works In that period, twd solved lome problems In the practice of warfare which will frfve blm an exalted nlcho In the temple of fame. It Is a source of grati fication (but half felt as yet) to the American people, to know that the recent Invasion of Maryland by the Rebels has not disturbed hi Operations on the south bank of the James rWer. ' Unobserved by all but the enemy, he Ina been constantly progressing in a plan Which, In its consummation, will give us that .Victory which we all so heartily desire and expect. . r are those among our military critics who can see nothing In General Grant's Derations to give us any hope of substantial success. Indeed, a morning contemporary, whose Muteness and tanta for topography spreads out a column on the " situation" each day, would have us believe that Obant's entire army of over two hundred thousand men Is before Petersburg to no purpose, and without any adequate end In view that It owes Its transportation there to the imbe cility of an administration which can do noth ing right because it is not " Democratic. That standard military maxim, "lose no Opportunity to hold or destroy your enemy's communications with his bases of supply," General Grant has adopted and faithfully ibltowod. Yet the advice of "Jomiul" cannot vail here, because Gbant has taken It, and, we malntulru-itnproved upon it. ror such an Jsolaj6ou'as ho has effected between his enemy " and his points of supply has never been known before In the history of war. The enemy, . struggling under the inconveniences of the situation, has been forced to gather together small force and Invade the State of Mary land, partly as a diversion, but mainly to obtain a little food and some buncombe" for the encouragement of his ople and soldiers. So weak Is this enemy in reality (although his Copperhead friends are continuolly calling him all-powerful), that he Is forced to re.nain reliccnt while he Is " being throttled by a foe whoso force and Capacity he certainly has reason to respect. Not a respectable sortie is made by the Rebels to relieve their army or raise the siege of their ' cities. If, unnaturally and salamander-like, the Rebels expect to remain forever secure in their present position, they will perform a feat which will be not only novel, but astounding to those who have made the art of war their study. They cannot hope to wear out General Grant's army, for it will always be large, fresh, and well fed. Its morale Is good, although this fact, after its varied experience, may astonish the world. We know that Gene ral Lkk la sorely pressed ; he has tried many plans for military success, some have carried and some have miscarried. lie Is now left Without an expedient. His brilliancy Is ' waning. lie must either come out and fight to destruction, or remain In his works and en deavor to keep at bay a tremendous army (" freemen, under a most energetic, persevering, and hitherto successful leader, I This experiment Is about to be tried. Ia a fuw hours a series of movements iu assault and by flank will be commenced and perse vered In to the end. These iu their develop ment will show the wisdom and genins of the general who hus determined to execute them. We, who know something of them, believe they will give us victory, but we only believe 80 because they have been adopted In accord' anee with the very best scientific teachings, and because common sense (which has all to do with war) shorts the'm to be rational, proper, and correct. MEXM'A All" HUM. 'J he conquest of Mexico is not what Xa n i kon would call tin fall wcompll. That country, at this moment, presents thu curious ftpectacle ol a nation whose territories have been taken possession of, and over whom po litical rule has been assumed by a foreign archduke, while the Invaders have not yet overcome, either by force or conciliation, the people the) propose to dominate and govern. The French forces have met with certain BU-. cesses in tin ir engagements with te Mexican., nnd a particular faction of the native population, with whom reliio.i i ZDo potential than any political or purely patriotic rou.-ilderatlons, iuve jo'uej the Fieacli, and co-opiTuted with tliein lu the In. filiation of M aximilian as tlic li-njieror ol .Mexico. Rut lu spite of these facts, and the recent occupation by the A'islriau Duke of his u"w Empire, Mexico is not yet con quered, and unless wo very much miscalculate the possibilities of tho future, there may be some serious doubt whether It will be by the present conspirators against its liberty and Independence. It Is no easy matter to destroy a nation against its consent. A people, however few In numbers and feeble in resources, but who ar proud of their national Integrity ami . heroic enough to defend it, are often ah la to resist successfully the most formidable effort to subjugate tuein, and this Is particularly true where, as In the case we are discussing the Power atUmutlug the work of subjuga tion acts from a base of operations as distant as an opposite continent, and m(ut draw all or the bunt part of Its supplies of troops, army munitions, ana tne nice, rrom to rctnote point. This Is the eonditlon In which Maxi- Aiii.IAH flud himself now. He has entered Mexico on the heels of the French army, and pretends to assume the Government of the country at the Invitation and by the authority of the people. The pretension Is so totally ' -without foundation iu truth, that it is posl ' tit ely farcical and is laughed at by the Msxl ns themselves, who really see through the jiiinsy Qauil with which It U designed to rbent and wheedle a simple populailon out of their freedom and country. Maximilian, since his Inauguration, has 1 been very Industriously employed In efforts to J render the people submissive, to his usurpation, ' and his principal act-on In this direction has, consisted In seeking conferences with the lending public men In Mexico, and sooperating on their cupidity and amhitiuu as to seduco them from their allegiance to their country, and fidcUly to their own honor, anil convert them Into his subservient partlzans. lie re cently Invited General Jcakkz, President of the Mexican Republic, nnd now commanding the patriotic army, to meet him with a view to compose satisfactorily to both the pending political dilTt ixMec. Hut a letter from Jcahkz, In reply to that request, Is not only highly creditable to lis author, both on account ol its dignified tone and decided sentiment, but it settles very conclusively the fact, that a wer ful Mexican party, led by Jvakkz, Intend to resist, to the bitter end, the establishment of Maximii.ian'h usurped rule. Jl'Altr.. tells him, substantially, that he Is but a titled robber; that his pretence of coining to Mexico to assumo imperial control of it at the request of the Mexican pcoplo is a lidiculous falsehood; that as Maximilian Is only the agent or puppet of I.ihih 'api i.r.oN,who Is notoriously corrupt, unscrupu lous, and dishonest, any promises or engage ments ho can or may ma'ic to tho Mexican people cannot safely be trusted ; that his dis pensation oi places of honor and emolument might, nud no doubt would, induce a number ef high and Influential men to desert and be tray their country, but tho liberal portion of tho people never could or would bo over come; and filially, ho declined the proposed in terview for the reason that ho was then too busily engaged, as President of the Mexican Confederation, and commander-in-chief of its armies, In defending tho national Indepen dence and Integrity of Mexico, to consult with the audacious adventurer who had dared to invade its soil under cover of a foreign army, and with the design of destroying tho sove reignty of tho Mexlcau people. This spirit promises much trouble to the Franco-Austrian cabal in Mexico, and Maximilian may pre pare himself for a long "spell" of rough weather. TIIK l M.H KtSJSMt I.Kll ' THIIIK. A few weeks ago we made repeated mention of the Diet that the State liquor law was ex tensively violated in this city and county. We believed then that the evasion of the act was attributable to the neglect of the offlccrs who were charged with tho duty of seeing tho law enforced, and we, therefore, called on the Constables of the various Wards to require every person retailing liquor to show his license, aud In all cases where It wai not produced, to arrest the parties and have them subjected to the p- ins and penalties denounced by the law against thoso selling intoxicating drink without a license. We must confess that when we first under took to effect this much-needed reform, tho prospect was thut no other local newspaper weuld aid In tho work, aud that our solitary, though earnest, effort would prove liielfoctinl. But we have thus far ot least been agreeably disappointed in the fears we eutertainod of a lire to accomplish some correction of a gross abuse, and we must hero and now duly make acknowledgment of tho newly-awakened til and activity of tho Ward Constables in the discharge of their duty in suppressing tho un licensed liquor trade, and also tho cordial spirit with which the grand Inquest for tho county and the judges of the Quarter Sessi jus co-operated in tho good cause, and, together Vilth District Attorney Mann, efficiently conded the vigilant action of tho consta bulary. Tho Grand Jury recently found true bills gainst upwards of three hundred liquor dealers, who were charged with prosecuting Ihelr business without a license. On Friday a number of the accused parties wore tried iu the criminal court, and all, but one were convicted and promptly sentenced to line and Imprisonment. A number of the alleged offenders pleaded guilty, preferring, by that course, to throw themselves on the mercy ol tho court, rather than make a des- jerat- defense against overwhelming proof of guilt, uud in thoso cases the Bench marked the fiiiiikncks oi the culprits by extending to them a considerate clemency. In some in blni.ccs the defendants made no claim of hav ing ever procured a license, while others wero srrjing on their business under liconsos w Mi blind expired and not been punctually renewed. These two special classes of cases t.l:(.w, most signally and conclusively, that the (li.-j ositlon to elude the requirements of the statute is very common, and that it never could have been Indulged to any considerablo extent if the otlicials, whoso busiuuss It is to e the law strictly executed, had faithfully exeicised their authority in the premisiM. The action already taken, however, aud to width wo refer with sincere gratification, Is u beginning in the right direction, and encou rages !li' hope that it will lead to even more inq ottunt results of the same character here after, it w ill net do, of course, to become content with any partial rectification of a gmve civil uud social evil, when it Is clearly j rat tic able to clear It out completely, root itiid biani h. IS' or intiHt tin. officers who have it i i iitly done so wi ll iu this matter of thu uidiceiist d liquor trallle expect to lull the vigili.iice of the community to sleep, sluvily Itct.tise tl'iy have lately discovered a few liiu.ititd violators of the I.iquor law, and lit.uht (lit in to justice. The work should lot le suspended until it is finished up llicroiigh y, nnd not au offender is left to bj i xi ost d and ptofeenfed. And here we deem j t(q it to express our cordial commenda tion ol a Miggcstion made last week by Jude Al l i; on. in calling attention to thu fact that the act of Assembly requires the Iiccns to be displayed in a conspicuous place or niunner lu the bar-room of I lie autuer, tue Judge very w isely and opportunely remarked, that this was the only guide a consUble could have, and that if every tavern-keeper did not so exhibit his license ho must not complain If he is Indicted for selling without a license. Joint Mock Comimnlett In tmclaiid. The London Time publiobei a list of 171 new joint fclork coii'lanica organized xa Kngland iiurmg the htm nun oi iuc prewnt yar, it:jiio KUiiiH total rapimlof UU,a2o.AtMJ. A iuro pioporiion of them lnvuea bur.t. riiuioiis iu uie tirht iiihtuiiee, fur only half their noiuinal capi tal. Allowing for thin cireuiusUiucetiiud also for the great mmiter thut have tailed to Aataliliwh theihelea, ur have ob Lai tied only partial ftUbbcrlptiouB, Uie atvtual rnuouut of harug taken would not repreueut more thau .0 000,000. Of the total, 116,000,0(10 of piopoecd capital, about 63 per cent, wat for tuijka aud tiuituce companies, 14 per cent, for the converBion or various muutiirmi eaoiiau menu already iu existence into join'-Hiock awso clatious, Vi per cent, for steam audotherahipping fntarprut'a, o per cent, for immraw coiup'ia'e-, A per cut, lur railways, 5 per cent, for eatato inveatineuU, and about 1 or 2 ier cent, for hotels. Lt year, ullhougb the total capital pmpofc'd fur corupaiiies seemed enormous, It did not amount lo more Hmu ioO,0o0,X0, while the pTCKiemi of cotK'octtuQ this year bus been at thu ate of 2,000,000 for U twdre Ui?uths. OUB BALTIMORE LETTER. ST1I1X1M1 C0N1 HAS r A Mill NT OF HAMAOR Bf Tit K HK.IIKL INVASION ItKI COKKS IIK Tt ENINO IIOW rAHMFHS Sl'l'r't-'KPn OKNKRAL OK" I.IKVUI AND HONS TO JOIN IIKNBIlAt ORANT t.FMHAt. WAI.I.ACR C'ONTINI H IN I'D W M A N 1 llKkR AS lifPOPB HAII.HDAO AVKAMIS MOBK SlllUT SCllVKIl.l.ANI'h O.N 1 it AI TO MS THU t NIIlN I.V.AOCK.H, KTC. fiprtiat Vvrrfpinlrnr of Ti Hr'Hin1? TttTrnph. IlAI.HMMHH, July 17. The contrast between this day and last Sun day, rrpiirding tl. e state of allsirt in and around our city, Is peculiarly striking. Then wo were nil tiurtir sn extraordinary pressure of excitement. Then hole city was In coiiiumtioii. Alarm b -lis wi re rmRliif!; cltl.ens wi re marching to and fro, rushing to nrins; nfliight' tl women (and some men) n'tirtclj' kuow where to go. or what to do. Humor was thousand-toiis'iii'd. Wc had it that tlic lti Im I liu"ts would t upon us in a few hours. Hairy Gilmorc was t!io watch-cry among Seces sion M. Tliey loolctl secretly delighted and conscious of Fpccdy deliverance from what they termed Yankee Ihral loin. Each tr.iilorous countenance stciiitd to fay : "Wait awhilo nnd we will assert our riflUs." There was untold juliilanry in tlitilr hearts, but fear for the time holng had its wise restraint. Wo wt-ro really in a somewhat pro ciirlnus condition. Tho Insure ns wore only a few miles off. Thcv had cut telegraph wires and destroyed railway communication. It looked bleak and dark, hut all is now over, aud to-day we breathe freely. The liorRC-stealers, marau ders, uud Heiicl thieves have gone hack again uud left us. Now II Is quiet ns u summers morning not even tlie sliKlitest idea of tear disturb, lor the time being, any one. How loiiKwewill he por niitied to eniov this nutctiido and freedom from npircliension 1 cannot say. U may be a briefer jwrioil ttian wo either hope lor or expect. All indications arc that wo need not be. surprised at another m ire formidable raid or invasion, should wo rt.lap-o, as is likely to be the, case, into inex cusable BiipiuenosH, such at eclipsed us prior to the recent scare. It is to be ronrottcd Governor Bradford coun termanded his militia order. It wits just begin liiug to work weil, and to demonstrate, there was a power able to command and enforce o'jediencc, but unfortunately wo arc relapsing agaiu into criminal cHreU-s-neHs. l ioiu tho best estimates now at hand It is be lieved the cniiro ions liy plunder, tleitruction of property, Ac, cnnscqiicni upon tho recent, It 1 1 e 1 raid, will not full sln-rt of live millions of dollars, probably mciro. Not less than five thousand l.orscs were stolen, besides thousands of c ittle, hogs, sheep, he, The lesson Is a seven! and a costly one. Tno farmers suffer iinuiuasuraoly. Many of them hnvc lost their enare crops; others wcro prevented harre-iting theirs iu due tcjsotit aud theic ore now hundreds wliocin do nothing mwurds securing their grain for want of horses to usul it In, or tnravi u out. moi oi tuo refueces who escaped hither tor safety have re turned home. (Uicis lire couiiiiK back to re plenish their depleted stores. General Ord bos been relieved from liij ten.;i rary command oi the military of till. Department, T ... i-.. ... I ti -..I ir fcf ......... aim ptocs to-iiny vt join wciitjiiii uuiu,. t.n.ttvi.i resolve buck ami! n iusl ns they were under Gene ral Wallace, prior to tho temporary change. It is fnir lo sav ii neral WalU- e ilid well under the circumstances, and by linbting so tenaciously at the Mouoctty badly piim-hi tl and delayed tho enemy Iroui litt icktng, as ho iutcud jtl, Washing ton ai d ilaltimore in their weakness. Daring that tluy's tiebt, fortun duly twenty thousand veteran tro' ps arrived to the defense of Wash ington, not onlv reiiaering sate, out repciiiuii the iuvadirs. t'oioncl Wooly, our l'rovost Mar shal, worked like a Tiojan, sind performed admi rable fervico. 8a, indent, did Colonel b-twrence, Major Uinuey, Colonel t'r.ine, M ijor Este, and tho entire stsff. Their days aud nights wero sleeple.-s mid nui-t fatiguimr. I leuin lliat repairs are rapidly progressing on the Northern Central, and Ilaltimore and Ohio Railroads. The tortner wld be ready to run through iignin on Tuesday or Wednesday, tho luttir In eight or len days. The trains now run regularly to Philadelphia and Wa-hitiglon. Ile strictians of the pass syst"iu have boon taken off nt ither men nor nurses tuo subject to impress ment. All goes on bravely and well. It is the detenu inn' ion ot the au'horitios hero to deal more rigidly than cvor with socessioni.ts nnd cncinlis 01 Hie Government. They are to hi taught that toleration will no longkr bo ncr milted to treason mid traitors in any lorm. Per sons who applaud lliiry Gilmoro or any other lcci cl bandit will be dealt with as giving aid and commit lo the ltebcllion. Such characters are burg picked up bonny. They must show their hiiiids so as lo mark them for future exigencies. Gur Union Leagues and I niou cUi.ins turned ont nobly in defense of their el'y and country durft g tho recent invasion. Some of tluvn aro ttill under arms. Tho Germans especially cx hil.itcd an unmistakable patriotism. We have very lit lo teal news to-d ly, but it is iiiite warm. There are hopes of hearing gojd accounts flout Sheridan and Hunter. IMPORTAHT DOCUMENTS. The H H'I Ki'fatlon of i-oltlntf into The letters Buhjuined were w rition by a Hubel oOictr, uii rx-WtiAhiiiioniau, well Ktuwn in tliut city, while tiie Ue)el urmy of invaiun wu infp.titof the cliy. It' any evulnce is wimtia tliut it wan lullv the intention of itic Kubeln ti make tin tttu mt to talie Wiitt)ltig(unf and t int tin y wtio ut one lime coiiiuluut of amce-s in tliut atuinpt, Mil U evideuro i tupj)li J in ttiio letu-rri. 'lie writ, r i-i a young man ef due pro ni:c, who, iniltii liy bad eonnHels, lift with oilu r Wti.-htituniati j to j iu lli ; ti Mit r)iH L'mi at Km luit'Pi'tl, and he returned to strike a Imn.l v.i the i-Uy of hi hirth. IU aiiiji ai:i us ( tt. , 'iUi iJava, nr. Slt.VKU Ni in .h, tt ui ii.Ik troiii Wtthulnifu n, July I J My Uitr hiu Mother :- It rem hif (tat ncio 1 am wUliln hikIu of in I oiiiu unit tuttii''i k'et thuru. 1 can li trdly reit.e llmt 1 uui here , It rtt-nih iiku it (-Iincuiit i.n-jttu to hn In kiicJi a l uiilliHr hi. n i- 1 i-n.iinlr t Muc'ed to t.ivt liet'ii in i ti- hint: ion I nt, ttui r ite iierrei d o'hcrwlnc. anil f r trtir Hi tu 1 w Hi n m t thee I will write, 1 a in tvell -h.ivu Lot het'ii hmt, anO have tieeu tithutiH alinuit e ei y djy. I My tiomhiiH heeti uluit lieu) iilidi r lue, !ut I )me Oot lll i ii I JtlCtn i. I hoik'pi Iioh oti all lo- k. 1 W"til1 kIvp wor ili to ee , yen ail u (.a ti, mitt I ku i nil n'i w un u f.;-o me, bai I j Mipi'oxt.' ne vvill l.ute to wait it I a kiu-1 l'r ) id'-net K" Jtiius inn 'i ay i r. i nv ii ui' ii ii i j t' "in', w . , iiu ii , , ii u Hot (.t t tin re it v. id he li s-ire dlsiu-p ililnie tl li me ; hut, howewr.ft'- ti j,"""! s t'di r. I wli litivc w trust in llifl bi ixiiiiyol our i 1'iMTiil it i ulor ot i.'tif liny. We hit vo In cu Miirinir h'lifi Jhmc all Hie iiiornhut. hut u t imutaI en 1,'ftt nteM i it" t.tki ii piiiee; mIu ii it tl ten euiue o:l 1 will tlltt hur.i to conn houe. All the W hoH me we 1. Tell licit lu ami tie gUlo to vi i He to tnv vhcoeer im v ctiti. t.fetl e t-iiihiM-d to liiiu liiiy'y. I.oo to nil Affec- th.l.iltelv, WAV 1HJKW, C.tpuiin i 'ompaiiy K, 'iM Itelaien 'hkiiii;i t'a ilrv, liijtutl-.'U'f N. V. Niiiiiiii lirikitde. Ml V IK Hl'll'.ISo, "KAttlul.l tAlK..lnly 1', H.I.-.Mf Ui m U .11 - I emeeud tihiMi fcet-n . (1 lui-l hll-l, hui, Hi toll i . we H we tli'i ilnCil to illbiippotnt 'it III. l or loiif 1 In-1 i th.iiil ii- t micee.'it i i hi euiiy tun, 1 t ill write. We ciiitKid Iheri'ei no n" .1 vie . an. uud . e, e r-'tii ved Uy tut- j i" pi" in tliii re liuti oi h e sutiti tutu h 1'i'iKr than l u tn ipiiu d, tu, l I ii --ii' ton I i ttd ;t nio-t ;.l .lioiu liioit. Y oil t iiihi hi ii Hi r h 1 w inhl ioe lo e ?oti, anil date a ti nl v iid nht mU 1 oil prav th u t imy niet-i mwhi. J l.o Ijit-o tiiv liii ki ; In-i ll IiwIj.Iiik ni'nost ever.v il l" Ui.w i' r - vi n oi ht .Mi. . !i l li.iu m ver icfi!i ci a MTiii li, ,M l .!- t shut It inj nieler ni'- ni ;i:e n, i:Jm Pmr.t li-iin'Te .m J i.ivs Gutter t-ktit'r. I It.ite I ti niuMei r'H tiow a I'D" it .1 -rd ; on n. lotK, 1 i,im in.iv hut 1 ruin r l'1' d " olll t'tr, i. ill NiW Ami kut iit (.'"iiiimm colli i !J wire ( h ir'in a un j J he i oit,iin . itnd in out i, men w.ei wit.' -i lo,- Omy the real are l the h i itio.c tU.iu ant in t et t n Imttl t w- 'till Jed. k r.ter, it nr.' ttilM in red. Hv tiK-tuhiT mo ' IUIm, I.Mti .t- hi t to Kiilet an U i "'in lur- i'o. hi J un"-, mi') .!. h-re, anil nil a k to Im rcmiu. CI urh . lour'fr t)eTi.e . ir wife, I till til -im s,v iu it.c ti'lk at houie tint I itm .ill rik'iit, ana le-pa ti a' in u eal fjel Itri4ine vtdl a He ud me. I ul.crty touaa lut ! ti .u aud n'l. i t alln:tiinal'ly. tour friend . WAT ll;i:W.t'plttlnCo. F, V ) He.'l'.tent a. . avulry, Imhyiea e liade. V. II (J. Al..l. fTHrrlHl. W-C.KE -!tOi .1- Itfl Oil the hut , tiv Rr. K ithcr ( f.iu oi.oi si 'I her.a ctnfdi, Mr. JAM I.S J. ilti.fcitt to l.l.l.r.N K. KuWi.KUS, il ol til. HKliVKIi II A I M ..-.-in the I tih inst , ul the rcaidcTiec ot i l,i !p::i1i iiin iv t,, 1. v I he JUr. A. t nihir, .Mr. Ol.l Vr.lC H I U to Mif l.Ul la li. 1IAINKS,aUuI this cliy. u vmd. H ioKI K NO.- On the 0th of Jiine, lit Nailivltle, Ttnn thf Kov. Win, Itrueo. ii li , J b'. M'UKKS, K.Mi., ot thih tdy, tu, only duufetiier of Dr. Kint of Mw otatity. IImI. KYltF. On the Uih lnt., Mr. yitANKt.lS KTBE, ayed 67 t earn. II U ret it Ivoh and frlendi sre reipoctftilty Invited ta at tend Itm nine r it I, from his late mvhleiiee, Hu'lunund ktreut, ahuvf haiejver. KliMi entii Ward, on Tuenday atteruooii, at i o t'ltn k. 'lo proceed lo Laurel Hill Cemetery. lU'l'FK.l.t). On Krldav evening. lnt., CUAULB9 lil'l'h 1,1 l, in thu 7nih yea. ol hi hk"1. 1 ht ina e iiifiidn of the faiu'ly sre runpertfully rciueHtcd tn Hlleuil tlit funeral, from hl late reniilciue, No l'J' f ll bert tn Xueidny mernliig at o' flock, without fur ther notice, III (illKH.-On the Kth Init, f'ATHAUIVR ZANE, jounce.! oaithur ol Owen and the late Cathailue Uuguea, aed Vh ear. J he re'aiivea and frh mtt of the family art reipec'fiillr Invited to aitend the tuneral, from the retldeuc of hor hrohr-iii-law, idr. Jmuet lliown, Fierce ktroet, eaut of Faitink road, below Twelfth, on Wednesday in irniini a( is o'cloi k. Hervneatthe Chureh uf the AnnunciaUon. Jntbiuieiit at Hi. Mury Ctmwivry. KIN Kli AMKU. On thn iNtli lnU. JAF,3 D It I NIC HAM KH, lu the 1'JJ yrar of lit ae, 'I he reU'lvei aud friend, and alto the Harmony f.odjre, Vo. Ifi. 1. O. ol O. al-o the I'emovwra'l'-d Iiene4lal Al uiH'laUoii, are rv(.aetruUy UitUiJ lo attuutl hia fuacral, from Ida late rldeuoe, Mo. i H. JT jut a itroet, uo Wvdneedfty aftt-iituou at S,O CvCk. Tu proceed tu Odd ret lows" t'Moaiery. I. 14. W A L It A. V Id M, autveflstn to w. a. oarktu MAtHONIO IIAI.I,, Bo. 719 OlIESNTJT Street. W I N I O W HII ADliH, OUKTAINH, M'Vbi'IT' NhHIN'JS. BUSINESS ITEMS. ItHKplierrr ftlnwhi rHArklin WIMJ( A Mom lH,t IO"i IfTtlhK, TMT IT, f.r ht'e Uf A Hi 'II ANDTKNIH AfKHFIfl, A Jt O Xu 1 A. T T i; M I 'X' it it it i: it v. CHILLED IRON SAFE fc-KltlOl SI.Y A'l TACMvKD. THE PUPILS OF DAVID EVANS, or TIIK kiiim or K VANS A YV A 'V M O IV, AI.r.MADY AT WORK. HIS SCIENCE PRACTICALLY TESTED. The Result a Complete and Total Failure. Hir. llURlll.All.i ll.llll.V KO01 Kl. 1)AVII KVANS nay, It la a Tiry itlmple matter to drill a hole through IS to 2 inches thoroughly cblllod irr nj pick up the combination of the lock, aud open Milk "a Bale; and to lllimtrato his yulem, hna found, acul dcnlally, a semi-chilled Unpertect atifot pro-tired a very perfect drilling' appanttui, with dilllii the most approved, at I, I am told, given dally public Iohnouh tn the art ol drill -ttW ; nltto. that lie nrcced, liy a very heavy prcsaure, aud the nt.c ol three or tour drtlii, to r nd a hole through thin semi thliled mfe In irom thirty to f.lxty mlnulei, and ays to IiIh ptiplli that any o( I.dlie a Hafei can bo drilled the hHtnc wny. It would seem that Home of his more Advanced ittidenla lmvlntr found a most I'uvoraMe opportunity to test this new phllonophy, have already taken the tieceasary steps to praetlcahy and ptc'eh imlly eip rhnent upon this new ttud wonderful science; I suy wonderful, hecatme.lf tnicccMviul, it wub to open at om-e the ui t i.nporUut salei and van iti. of the couuhy to the whoH hurular profesI'm. '1 lie result ol thi se ei.orinienli will I e shown by the fol lowing itatcraetitH, which appear In Iho rreus," Jul Ht al no other city piiporn. 1,1 tin's emit iti I Hon Sn A Hn.i hit Ilnsirr (K ni. Am Mil a i KmiiiMiv. 1 no "West 1'nlUdelphla hittli KH l-uii't has tie ol I, ii. i. n. No. '2 ItitiW haiei, piii .hand .f M. i', Sam ui, Aont, In this cilv, so ne ( ijitrit en month nlnee. The mite w left In tho oilce, on t .Mitrkct Mi eel, nouve ivronu, on njiuruay niiciuoiii, an 1 rhl. On Kunditv, nt twelve P.M., the puliceman tried tho I fiont d"oi id ttte otil -e, and round It unlin ked. Da ft- It Ilk -nil K IUB IHIH V II V IUIMIU IIIV II K-HI HUM UT' Ilk T7l K at Hit- cttie, liiii hud Ut'i v uli tiieii apitr.itiiY. There wtn u ineitiM' nuide iiilhethor in irut of the utie for the i.ui poit ot the drill, ai d u Minverot nd f irtlier hark tor im aitttitit,a to create a nreMure aud cvvr turn done n pnift.tiy t" tnke !he fitlllihii t":.;rct. . 1 A hWv w a found drilled or ground, about half an Ineh Into the door, over the leek. In tho manner o publ civ I (li-Miihtil in htiudry neivkpaper advert. hi uiiuUj, nud it would hit'tu this r a ui Ur u they c iild no, at the iron hcinie larder. Next the lock centre whs th'riijtiiily ; tro d, hut eould lint be dllM'ti ill. Next the latc:i-klmb ' weremken oil, ami the knnh-n i ndifn wore tlmrouin y truii, un I they could not he Ui "uu in. A nede wti tried, ui.d that hud no ctlei-t. A pry was placed he Quid tl.t iioor-)uiike to pry oil the door. '1 iih dli not sueeeed : Mid uttei ail theke exprriuieiiin, the hurtylnr?i t-vl len ly cit" o (he com lulon ilu-vciud imt In tiny way p. no trute ttie caie. and hit in despair tolumnnly; n-a hiviHi hi en mtnihfd in the ltaat, imu having "Hit plenty ot time to woik. The iiprenritnet wtmld t leu'lv indu atii tne hinlrs wero ut work during (Saturday iiirshi, iuot of Min.iHj , ard Huuday evmiu tf 1 uiiin NArn a i. Hank, I'hiKd. li h a. duly 14, Hit. I d.j lie eti ti-riil Uiat the itat ineiit in it i 'Fre-s" ot the I tth li n 1 . . tn id. i nee to I II lit- h ate at iLe Vcl I'hiludeliddA Trust CVu.i anv, Is a corn t t Mid true Mutement. DAVI1- It. I'Al I., 1'rei.ldent. The following points are parUcularly uoiiceahle in the above htaltnicnt.i : y irst. 'I heitn at Icnuth of i'tutf oi the opt ration, heeomi. 'I i u itict that (he opeiaiorn leit to'uuiunly, aud di l.beiaielv lakii'K ttieir vi tude appraiu, having a miK ii 1 i iei tiuu to wirk. 'Iti rd. 'I he tart teat they evidently Ita1 the moat aji pmvid r tli illn u, or ihev e iuui iiwt Ua.o yround ol.e l. ail inch u to tound, d, ClillU d ir u. I n. r ih. 1 1 h tm-t tht as ii)i',v y 4 well in t .wft-dt the w r fijtit Iron b'lt a wtm-li urt- tin chiller, th. iron hi t miu' en hard the.v ennid tml t-ven urind any further. iiltn '1 J hull di'ti com ii:,e tt Im n the tipei a'ora in tni-ft-htid .0 tr sill otrti-r cxpe nut n t s aat-r the had htnt-.l imH ht en eon. pit -i-tl louUd in the irreat cxpermt' iit . wnu-U vim. ifi iiraeiitailt di nioiitiate to thu tt h-dn hutvlur ptn IfMtion the tettHii ot Imt hi Kvana' new b n'ln'o n ihu m l ol tinning io!id t'lulh d lion 1 'a l.i 3 li.eln s llin k. Hixtipy. 'hat not w ithitttuauii,' tho ll-iit wat with un ai in v of i teratia, lolly armed and e. mi. pi e I wltti tne lutht uf p.ovt-il t ciij on, tin hate, hliiKiu li.iude.l. tiu aneiand nloiie, in a tttlr nttilid-uii tkht, U' lealrd t .e ei.i in . to ci-d hull to letlie fiom tin- Held, and ea ne out oiiiieior w ith scarcely a fc4i , ave oni din a II tmliet liu.e ii the outi r Mii'nt e. S.'imith lor David F.viin atleuee. All who need a MUi'li Uncial I'liHil Sa'fttlll U" well, to lake a no e ul tl e flrute fact. A W"IM lit I UK. !U!K.l.K I w nh to iiiukn a tt'w aimvetion to K-"ih'imu of the pii'ii - a ti. aim more ei-pr.i ia.l.v to timM lut in any laitli in Ik. tni .t,in' pM'ono n . A m ii-w.rl.ein ton mui he aw me th t one uud a t.a'l to tti. li.fl s 1 1 ii'l.'tiett ti.oti u,h! cl.iikd iri. it, cauo l be mi. ce sin 1 di l i -i ui ui'.t wn. 1'ia'iMiit lor, ui.d It ii' mm i oniv ho.x ol m.l c. must tie in Itnd iu tta.' P on ii.'i' (1'M-oiii.Jiiv . b i" t '11m- lett here .iir.ilm-i 1 hh' Wi. ci iK iit-i . uiy It at t'ie iron is ilinr.M.K'ilv ehiiled. A ti -t nM inu'li I". 'iu-1 1 it e tic-t tr--ii worker), ot I', l 1 I ;a It one ot 1-ilU at t, ni: dt liv- rt .1 to thi h .t tie Nortlitrn l.lOertien, p.ifv tit hitint ttduK. and not nuiijl'tr ol I'U.tT infill he added. Vnu irtn.t he red tilia h4ieti Hi e di di IT. t , itl.h ilin mil tin am mtfiie Miiei' It mat le uri le that a bt C may Ue t,t ml ni'i o d i it -hoi. Id i.e. At. ti l ul hvaiV t nier.t, O at he enn drill any ot I.tdit a Ka'C-.. :t D Ut l- 1ak n w ill. pouie ur-l i. ol allow ance, lie ! a ita!e nmker, nnd i tno rentt'd to mike tti a : Mtiuim nt. Ite iiudft you are o eniitk' Kvanf& Wait u s t";iie f , and no ollt-n, that ll is tc;j di'siraD c to aitrat t oni nttt ntimi tn another 1 1 -cciion ; and so fur as he t an (jet yi ur aul to discredit Lillu s Hu e so far, his t linoest ia nrouiott d tor tl hu can cotivlnea anv body ih at ; 1 i. he r Snie u Lot hiirulnr proof, hu iua induce ttie narty ' to ia-e hi huiv a a uiu proof, a woru to incnibe ii uttith iit. N, w a- iron work th you must fu'ly tinders tann the dif : ft ii iii e hi iwi'i ti hem lai'lrrf i to V iuvlifH of i titled ir .n, am! I li.ili t 'n im h ol sin.-ei ir n, and although the pri.e i:u, hi l e yromer in ee of iiici tui iu ilio tin iner, the In-eieM-ii rink, nnd the urobabie luilui c, uhkIiI iuoth thun Ci'imteibtiUlK e. ll In a t -uittou and irnMilul itavlnK, I i ll a "nimttlu hixpfiice n Letter tnaii a slow bllhiu' ;" a small hut Mire ,rle way t,c iiiiieh butter than a very slow aad uncri lam out, though larger. A word to 1'aUd Kvaim.of the Arm of Evaua A Wat ' ion IheaiKiTe test having been made evidently by your Burnt awaited Mioiei.t-, mi'lor the most luvorablu ctr- 1 ciitustancek or tlo m, and made prolelonally, and to thoromthlv, and tde re mi It so saiUtautory, that we deem this text ijuiie wutth-ient for the prehuiu; thereforn wdl ii. -t trouble you tu ton the Hufe on Monday, the Isth lnt., as pre. toiifl) ami unecd; but so sown as any net of yours ot any of your mmrt presentations may seem to iiciui'o It, te ttliall uxpeet you to bo ready to make a further tent, Dial loth tho burglar and il.u people may know that I. d' lie s C'hilltd Irou Hale is thoroughly drill pruol, and tliere- r,,rM K.irlar. i.r.rfil. r l.KWIR t-UXIK A SON, M.C. 8AIU.KK, AkuhI, Jl bomb Seventh suueU fttrrk A r.'il Mno. BTECK A CO.'B HIIOI 41 HAMLIN'S firrtl CABINET riAioa. BTEC'K A CO. 1 OatOAUB riAHSS. I. K. OOl'l.ll, .vfttttb ftot Cbeaitul itn.1.1. K. a, W1tana C Mniifi-tnrni Hum nd lliol"OI CVmfri-tlonl, Alm-ynJ PMte, C'kiMMtat. CrmU, Crowns l. Mode i Prli,qitlltfr flirori-d. Bnaitsd Jordan Alroondj. Ac, A. Mo. Ills CliMnut strK-t. bolow Fourth. MILITARY NOTICES. i THIRD GOAL EEOIMEST. Tit MK1NT RAF IDLY ril UNQ UP. ONI r tW) MORP: COVPANIt.s C kN UK Afi EPfH'. TIIK Itl'.dlMIlNT WIl.I, fir. THKK RF.AilT T TAKIJ THU l'"II-:i1. ImmeJiate Application Should be Made. ,l I. IIK( ll'Ht'NO HI'HMSK.H rAtll. .JOHN K. lIAHb K T T, COLOM'I, COMMANDING. IIKAIt'MlTl'.UH, N o. a0 i WALNUT S T It K H T. OKF1CK CITY JMHTNTY COMMISSION, No. 41 TkliNR Street.-"Suhtlttttra. The Citv llt-tinty of tnt Jiniidrt J and fitly dllant will he paid In win its uniollrd rltfnis of I'lillndr-lnhla, la advane ot tin ilrait,uit In thri a yvnn' nultnlltiiief iml lUdle to Oratt, and (iropur ciedll la given iiiton the iioU ul their lllrittHtN. If ittlf prut not an rolled nut tn niltitiitrH, the Bii'mtttute In trftaroed ns a volunteiT.and on a pmir eviietu-e ot lit belfiK credit d li entitled U the bounty. 'I he iportunliy li thun ailnrdd for ct(7cna to aid tha ce imp, while pienirlnK evmpilona lr tUi'iiiolvin, mid ai-tlsting Ui? liy to till t a quota. y' a UK.' KU..1 IIKATMJUAUTKKS ntOVO.ST MARSHAL, lUtLrirl, l'a. I'HII.AOr i.rui A, .Mine n, i-ni. nainen of nrtonii renmvinif t or frt'in thit iii- trlel will le aU.lesI to or tnekn ff orn th Hits of fnml mit. I'opita of ihr Ittn are open tor ptiohc lii"potlon, and rlv'l ntlirmi and all cttl . are inl od to aiier ard point out eini In ilio Utn and ftlve mira Infiinntiiun ai ma aid In tho correction nnd nvl-4n tnoreoi Any rt ron ennilh-d nia a jrcar tit-fore tli Hoard andcUnn ft have bis tiaui alriekeii otT the llt If he can mow U fro'itrily ttiat he la not properly enrolled, on aceooni of A nnne Mttn-t ei'lwct Oitr-uye I'trimttu Ht i'hyiiail A .inpllance with tho furcfrotnft anwovtlonala earnestly aoliHKd. WM. K. LKIIMAH, y w-tt Captain and l'r iruit Marahal. WANTED FOR TIIK UNITED 8T A MarltM t'wpa (a varied and exeUlng lift by t i land), three hundred aide hodted men, to pTf ia dotiea of a aoiulor at our Navy a-d, nd WANTED FOR TIIK UNITED 8TATB nea auo rform tt nd utoai d i . tiit.-fi HtmtMft Atiiitn-of-war on forelan nations luiMTcnmpc(ailn thun Uie army. A hlp-of-war U romtortatiie ln.nie. The Mmlne t'ori.i ta the beat equipped Corps tn the aorvlco. Pne Money ta abiu "llE I.Of'AI. POTT NT I K8 FAII) TO HRf'ItUIT. t or ail other luformation apply dallr at the K.- rultliit Rendoivooii, Nt. SUH. KKON1 H'n et, bkw Bpruoe, be twewn Uie bunr of tuna and three o'clock. JAMKH T.F.WIS, CapUin and K-vnUtinjOitirer, BiyJ-tf Ntt.utlH. rtiONT (Street. W ltt V rV 11 TO WILBESBAERE, VIA KOETH PENNSYLVANIA EAILEOAD. TIME AND PISTANCK SAVKB! BY T A. SI. EXI-RKSB TltAlM, KftOM THU XKW Uf.rOT, lUIBD hTlCKET, AllOVK TIDMPsOSf, AltRlVIN'l 'N WII.KKSI1ARKK J-W P. M. RKTURNING, Le WM.KKHHAUKU at 1 P.M., m.Ung riofceon utcllon t HdhldK in with Murth Pran.ylr.nlt K.iirci ti miu, nl arriTC la I'lUlmilrijiW, .1 S'W f . M. I" auk f!i r. BA-.OAOL CliKCKtD THKOl'I.U. CXA.ItIt, A ( K N T. ii Q. W. SIMC98 & B K0T a lift, 8ANSOM BTKF.r.T BALL, PUILVDlU'UIA. MAMDrAClUKKUH Of JEWILKV, FINE 8WOUDH AH J-tf M1UTAKT qOOTlg I3T r.TTRT VARIKTT. AtiTil It A. It li It H WlloLKUl.l U HCTAII. CLOCK KBTAHI.I8HMKNT, B E. oo:ii 8KCON1) and CIIKSNUT Bireatj, l-bllada, AI.VMIT ink TbJ l-AIKNl rAiVAIJlNO TIIIKIY-HAV CUCKB, A very dciirabi. article for Cburcbe,, Hotel., Banks, CouiitlnK-l'i'iiii', railoi.. Ac. Al., IIAM I AITI IIKK OF FINK ll'll.ll PKMS. ( l.u. KH IlKI'AlllKH AMI WAUKAM I Kl. JalU-l y l l. 1 ilinminm ol en ry deaurum.. W'.mT AURA'.'ii. K. CUIiMitt OF SIXTH , and MI Mil: Hiiwii., buy, luauiuuua, Watche,. Ould, nllver. aud Ticket.. THOSE IN WANT Ol' M0NKT, (AIL AU bu.ili'M ooiitlilentlal. mylS-8a ij pi r o "ii I h it 1 1 1 We refnad tho money, If dctlrwl, for avei lol of Shlru wlucb .all lu an? rcptot. KINK BlIlltTH. 001 Ll.MiTIIWlsK (l MUSI. IK. Made of N.w York Mill, Mualln, mid Terr On. Linen (lull M '. I'-iml urlce WII. WUJiHiua.llUs Mill. Mmlin.anJ fin. I.lncn UiMomi, Olll tl-no. I'.nul prl, e (3-.1U. Gl'.NlI.I.MDN'S I V UN IS 11 IN Q GOODS. HM1TII a. .IACOIW, n.yini. No. 14-40 CIIKSNUT btnt. Iht att.'ntlm if I.AIHK VISITING TIIE Tl oi lhi..ealMint I kAVlNU ll fur - Wftier Inu I'lacc,,'- or "the ( outttry," I. repellllHy Invl ,.l to Ih. rvten.lve .tivk of Wilim I. l nh.S MiliaM, lor M'MUKU WRAK, for W1UTK MOIHLS, JlWUMMii VYUAfl-KUl, Ac. An exlen-lve a.aortraent la offered In Laca and Worked EuVlima and lu.erlliiio, l.iia, IlanilkorchlelH. Collar., Hlnevea.aud IDplaiu and laut-v I'lal.l, Nvlpcd, and KlKtiro.l vVnlto II. ,..,!. AT l-IIICKH ill III IIK l.u W TlltlU J-hKhHNT kKTaII. VAI.I'K. Inn Printed Linen l'auilrio lresae,. ltxl ulocct 1'ulled, iuikud, auddtrlJ Mm llua. 10. M. Nl'.KULlW. l5l4 iniKMliUT BTKKFT. COO HOOF SK1KTS. ;aQ UZO Manftfaetorj.K.. Altl'II Street, UO Abor. Hlilh atraet, t-uitad.lpblft. Wboleeale and K.lalU The wttt eomplat. a.aortaicot of Ladle., Mla,oa', and Children'. Hoop bkirta Hi the oily, 1ft every rfc.peot Dm elaaa, which for alyl., fluith, dorftblllty, and cUwpueal, bave no fciuat in Die uiarkel. tklnt mad. to aider,, and repaired. B4-lr WM.1. HOl'KISi. IS TKW STYLE 11EI) ENVKLOl'ES AT M AUR P.M. Jew Ktvle Note Patier. colored on Fourth Vane. Mow Hi) le Nule Paper, colored .11 rourlli !'&. ew Htyle Note Paper, colored on f otirlb Page, kiid,e.ipea with Paper Uilualeb, had P.DVOIopet with Paper lo niatoh. Ked F.uvetopea with Paper tu mal"h. tied Knvetopea with Paper to euateb. Manufactured and har tale at Manufactured and for tale al UauulavlurftJ and for aal. at MAfiKK'M, .! CHKHNI'T Rtreat, MillKP.'M, Wo.aiS CHKiNl'T Bir)i, MAIIKSM, -No. lit CHK4MHT blr.l. (Air mad l lountry Storekeeper, will find U.o Uret ! tortiuuit ol Paper tud .url.iitt In lb. cajt jrlO-tt V..I14 JUKiUT HirMt. 1864 orncuL idihon, 18H4 THU UV.W STAJI V I) (IT I KS D 1Y ACT OK HiNMiKss, Juno :t). HH, ONLY OIFICIAL EDITION ISSUED. rrm.TfiPf i ion i hk ('owknikn ; op A'l to""tf's Krj "-rr, M-T' hnnti. 1nr-f, Tkt rs, I, a . rn. i oiivc 1111 or, m. l XUv I'util r c--ii-rU v. 7Jii r.liJ in n in h Inri.rr tin I fuil-r Unn tt.c one I tuiMl TIip i'Vf la itf tlt!f of a n1 4 AUI. r"'iv.- nltii fur rpfi finer, in ourj ur., oilUc, or i)iiti'l;ik' riotue . nl klinwi t A pi liifi fJiC union fit of Hlinp I itf to ht J-I on wry Cli'k, I'riift, V r 'fit uto of Prill., ( ertifirulf ,f In o.!t. I'r'.U t ol Nntr, If ill, Ac , l.fVC: . of Atlml!iltitN'n, Foil' y of, rn b itt-t-r ill, rABKTlfkri( lVfxerol Attorney, IWU of KirhBiw ' In Ibix) anil F-t'l.n , I'IiuIiih ( r.!, ( -riV.t ft n i Ht". k, I'oi-dfc I.rnsr, V rlt , Bill "f Lru'lru:, ('ornfimte ot luunfwr, Conlmctn, It 111 of H. Ortlfli M Art rmont, Chnrirr rorty. l.ntry oMlt tdH, .Mr'iHf ir I'rr rial Itoivf, K r Ipf ('-thcr limn ( luini-r I'urty,) Citnv vhik onf hrrtl nr (irant, Mft'tlTot tor t nrj or t ictiram-o. Vr,ritnry M II rlnf,C"inr'lrt, Mati-lir, rhofi-uTapha, MraninTi' H tun s. Wftrehou-o Iti'iolpt, WriKira' Itcturni, Ac. Ac, ulth the rrovilonn of ilio Act, Pfimlttf, anil Kut itiuiin. It will tave a wnKi f tn utile to eveiy lur keeper and bit sinner nmn to lmve a cpy for reftrenrr nt thfif Itc. It In entirely iliilt'ient tiomtlieolil fita-sp h aiei, and tli a cat (1 If c i) rlxtitnl and i ti e only coritn t aJ Ed it lull pub ihhrJ in ttir cuntry to mioi the wn.iti o( the community. 1'rH-o 15 ( cnlN Copy, fl'OO d.'ien i H a hundred; H7S for a.'iO coph t, or 7V cents each ; It.r copies, or f" ( ntiea. h ; I'iOfor l(K)Ucoplrii,oreeentaeaeh. Nett cash with order. C on- Mimori to pay trajihportalion. ( ollnitort and CouunlSNlonrrs of Itcrrnttc Taxes, Aterrv Keeper, HtaMonern, Variety htires, H okflhrs, News Aleuts arid tJanvaern, nhuuld order a xupj'y a. nee. ni they will fin ft hem to nee. t with a raj id aaie, at everybody will want and n ud r ave a eopy ot it. 1'ubllvhed and fr aal at It "tall or Whclesaie, by T, B. PETEBSOH & BROTHERS, No. TO CIIKSNUT STIU'.KT, riMLAhKl.rillA TA. TwlHmall mderii for any o,uan'lty at ail tntiit c me rtdn sst d, and 1'iey will tet eie In mediate nttenti-in. C'cpiea bnt ptr mall, iree :if .'tajfi, on receipt of tlte retail prices. CaIlva.erft and l'udlrn vt noted everywhere to ( dj,-a'-''' ia 1U ale fend for circular, cotitalnlni; lnstrut-tl'nti. It "rvT U nAU.Y KAUK. TIIOSK CKRSONS t, of t il r.pi-r will iut'1- li.lnn (IniiltrHic niimi r . ITPIII ll,lir hv M"illllJ tln in la llie olllr,', i.. l.'i l.KOIti.K Yf. CIIILIlS. .ml l.yi rill. bM'T Mrci l. jylnlt' 15 CTEI-LAD'i'd FlilEND for AUGUSf! f i r C) JI K H1 M. Ni. NO CIIK.nMIT 81rrt. JIS 11 N IKlTUNli IIOCHU AT1.AN T I C CI 1 Y. JOHN HMICK. PBOIMHETOH. Tliin f.rorit. twiue. whicli Ii mailt di'liKhtrully litua'ed, np.r the bcaoh. hut h.rn newly rrpaporeil, rep. Intnl. and tlioroilfhlr i, nj I, now opon fur th rrcpti of gitctita, ofTerliis tin- romluru of ft liotne, comblni'il wltb un the luxuiic. i,f tbo bi'.hon, Term, tuodernt.. Jy8-lnl lOMlUKSa I1A1.I., ATLANTIC CITY. 1 wou'd riapei-tiliily Imorn. my friends and Hi. public, that 1 nave agalu taken CoiiKre.. Hall, thia being tht third year, anil l.ave mail, every procuration lor th. dm Inir Beaaon, the lion.e ho.nL' .niarweil, reuiodellcd, new fitrtiltiiie. thu clinmlieri, all), iprlnir iedx, .lo,Ao .and Kill ..cninjndale lour hundred uncHta. You will ind no tM-ttur place thun (ViiMrena Hall. It U Hi. nna-ext loth, ocean ol any ol the lare h(iii.i.a of Atlantic I'll- , nuiuc but one liiiiuiied yaul-ihc bi-aen, thu, preh.ntniK n, elf an ai.vnm.1 o -( . -:., 'Ihuie can'iol in- an belter batlilnr u an at Atliimlc tnia iairjier. I he naml liar that hiiih a ureht d abat k last ,..j.on ha, an been ,we4 awayhylh. hit I. ti'le, of lam winter, lormuui IUU1 Uie b(tit hHlkii.iii aur on ti e Atlantic Hea-buard. '1'heie 1, an ext'.llent lliind ol' Mune onKai;eiL A itached la ft feiilenuld JilllLard koow. Jel:Hf U. W. 1I1SK1.K. TMjBT IIOUHK, ATLANTIC CITY. st.vr ji.RSKir. Oi:). I. (HjKNN, Iroirlotr. (LonK fted favnrah!'' known a, proprietor of OYHTEB KAY, hl l li uud ( IIKSNl 1 Htrvetn.) Parllei aveomniuilaied wltb lioat,, Pmhlnn l.lnea,Ao , Ae. Ota runlo UK I. ..use eiarjr twitily uiiuuua. jy'i :1 IT K IT K 1' HATES ll O T Ii L , , ATI. ANTIC CITY, NKH .H.CSKY. ThU cClCbiaie.l llo'eila now open for i he reeeoil.inof KUet., .'id lb "( ' l"v .u" r, i!mu .ti iidi ..iuvi ii. Viiver,. vilib .Mr .-''Ivrard llattweila. rrarliea! und t xpl'iu-l.. U peni'0. n.vw iicuh taipueu fi r each (lep.nnii nt, and e .'' V eAeill'.n w 11 1.-ina. e lo Coliullcl Hi. .an..' i"li e enure ... :! w. r.....,. Aflir .liny I, hair Irani-will leave Vino H'reit rerry, dally; Iho Ka.t Line lliroua-li In twoboura, without alup bini: at the e-ay i-U'li'ii,. A paam-iiKn i;.r will b. run from the Hulel to (he Inlet CTi'l'V twentv lintitiilil. Haa.ler (i.e'l. illllier ti e nire.-ii.'u wi air. b.ww ..... l.-r, Ii.k been 01:1 m lur the aea-on rer.nia wuihf'. 'v ciia-ue r.i.ntn will artdn-a. llUdWX A tVuKLI'i'KK. IT'iprietoia, AH.ll.lleClljr, NewJerwr. fr B. The Rrti,.i f ar which lat yrar l,,rmed o,iim..lte (h fhore hat. eiili..-lv dirapi.eari'd, leaving the b 'ach one ol the beat and l on tin ca.t. je-lut i;XCHAN(JV IlOTl l., AlLANTIfT CIl'Y. 1j H e niiliacriht-i. initunl (or pit favors, tenJun ttisnkn to Me ttt i i nml I he pnbila fir thr kjihtous oji tom Ktvi ii linn, sN b' leave to sav thut he is now open cor die BftiHoii, Mill n .iily Ui n-flve bonrdvrs, in'rininent and irai'.k-m. uf. t! v inoa' unltTa e t-riu. The bar will Hlwuyh be Mitiilo ii unli the rh:i.ft vumi. Ihiuors, and cikhik, nr d sniti'iM'r oil alu. The ttibtvs wiil b sut witb tin bi-ft tho inuriK t ntltx .U. t isiilnw lines and a"k1e a'wayj on Imt.a. Htanle ro-iin on (be m i-aimo All the comfor.t l a homo can always h foun-1 at the Eiclmtirfu. UHHUm.K UAYIHY. jt-V ti I'roprlotor. c O Xj X' M HI A IIOUH E, ATLANTIC CITY, Jir W JMtMKT, BlTl'ATE UN KIN'IUCKY AVKNUK, Ol'P'IMTI. TIIK MI RI Hi-'UHE. IlTJWAUU UOYLK, l'roprlotor. Twrai to lull ll.e timet. I' flTlK ALII AM Bit A. ATI. A N'l 1(1 CITY, N. 3., 1 it now oi en li r vivti ire Tiie ri'imt and laulo ar. uniiirpti-at d b a-iv on ilo1 I. land 'I . nu. m ,iier,te. leSb-lui liUllimy A Vt'U.l., tort. gEA-BAI U IN Ci ti L A - B AT 11 1 N NA TIONAL BAT L, j CAP isi.AM', fAPh MAV.S J. Children unoer 1.' .- a..alni servant, ball pike. flupelior n' ..Ml i. ..a't. lli- and ,iop'..- r.-oin t OR '1 W IIIMHII- 11 l-fc.RlNI. )e'.'4-im AAIK'.N tiAKKMaoN. In.prk'.ir. rllIVJ3ArW llOUHK, No. &31 CIIKSNUT STltlCKT, 1IIIL.AI.KI.II11 A. Thla llon. la k-pl on the Knropeaa Plant Ihe Koivra and well veulllaled. Th. Kcalauianl o.lcr. .inuxtiricao. .he ..eao BTKPP AI-HKK, Proprietor. LEBDYS HOTEL, B0UTirw8T consult or NINTH BANWOM HtrootU OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL. Th retort of Gentlemen of KtAuod. TasU.who ppr elate Pmr BoT.rat. leM-lo "7i TO BH1P CAP1AINS AND OWNF.R8. 522. The iid.lued bavlna laaae4 tbe KMdlHH 1uN (SUUK.W Iii):K, bt lo luftirm U. frlamla and lilt aauooa of Ui. laoet that te It pmtiad wlw tocrwaiMl raclUUe, lo .cmiuiotx. Iboae bavlny v.aaula Is be r. or repalia. and twlim ft praeUcal thlp-carpaour aad oaulWM-, will five penoaftl atuulloa to all ,M,irfiNlrftltl '"ctiS.lJ.T aUu. 8blp Crant ft. MatbiuitU havrua T.,Ml, lo rapalr, ar. lollciud to .ad, llavlu tbe uwt ror tb .alv "VT.l4rf.4M" MM M..adic Couila. JOoD." or iiopw t Uoo of Taaaela' koMouia, fc. tat tlly, I ""Pfwd w luru.ll lb. uu a favotftb. ten,,.. f( n ailMITT, fXulitutoa Menaw INKk, U-K elawftrt ut. Ut 1.41U.I u4. AUCTION SALES. it M,KH C. MAChKY, AUCTIONK ill, ..S.M hRKr SlrMI. Imlnn Th M tad l.MS. I AJl'lK PAf K OK WITtTK (IMA Wf IT AVf COMM)V lARIHr.N AKK. OI.AHSW AbK. A'J. 00 111 ulay Mnrn nH, At I1 r-'rWfc, In ttjrt suinnt , t n miu co m try Itt tn.l I rne. r KI'IT I'll r-'.HKhVIN'I ,MKl lrvo'a jiatent 1 ruit I'mnrmu Jin,tia t ami hall til Inn. A V CIION S A I. K OI' CON DKMNH0 HorsM. Win DrrArTMwwT, v 41 ht Urn. ,tf, Ofrifr ir Cmii r arii- . ,mrr. Wa.:ii!,.H', 11 f ..Inly 4. If4. Wn, b. Haiti .( (iiiMIc Jt'K""!", " Ui. Iilin'.l lnlH.r,.l till1 t'lpr. .nil plii' i .'t' 'u-l'i. : I I Ii M. l a TIM ll-" I" . Inlv ll,ll. I.I- A HIM.. ' , I III li'lH V. .1 i U '.'I. I'li. II Mil-Ill nil. r,i ,Tlif'l!"lAY..Ii.l, 1 A I 'I O' i l'n .1 III KilH V, Aiiii-I I. I.! V II I i MMI I 1 1.1 . , Mil 11 "li V. ,i ii. I IV H A 'I WO 111 Mihl H ili.i) I AV AI.Kl llOllihi lllld plA'.. TIkk. rinr.m l.n ron.h mnod , nnfil fnr lh Cftvuli y ,i.rv. . ..f tl.p uiiiit. Knr mm. n.l urm .iii.i.r, tumnf g" l brsln. Ii. il ll'irf , utiA l,i;ly. T. inii-Uiw, In I'l-ll. J Rt.'f .I'nrr.-n.'T. J v . X. KKIV, l.t'-ulflimit-Colonrl uid ( turf '.i.inrt.rin.trf ." t'H, lium.m. i (1 ION Atiinals. S A t V, OK CONDKMNKD- lit ro. .n I'liri r ; ntn w t.rv 'ah ii;ti,1. l'.t July 7 lft Vi'l Uf 'l ! at Pnbh - aue'lon, i t li- nn' i In d r TnlA. , Jnty I '. I at (tie-h ro' l. (Kit, Waia- lllslot , I ' , l.i'rfinni K I" ' ' A. -VI , 1 WO III M'lll I' CAV l tTV M'lltKt. Thf ie h -r -en taw tn eui d Uimd as until for taa rat nil t ri e o' .1 f am . I-or r- tut and fmui.ttft pnrf--c. many f m'I Imriid4n may he hatl lliir-.c mdd slntlT. TeniiRtaan, lu l:n -cd States enrreofv. J MKH A. KKI!t, 1 le-itenant-CVdont'l and Chief trt.-nr.- tar yll 7t t'wvalry lja. WANTS. rArv-n:i i mi i:ii atki.y, Three or Four Carpenters, At rvo. a:i-j cAit'i'iJU Ktroct. j,ia m 1'iiim. m. plowman. "1'ANT1.1I-1N UKI.KitOUS KAM-IJ.Y, tf allDMr. lur llirr cl.l'ilnn uir... ', rmc iif fliiln 4 tn ! ri'iiof, tuitiiia.t. Aunrti., .tittup ur.iiir o"li i'. jyit -ll ti'iini., 'I a 'I O I'lIOTOlilt t I'll Kits. V A N T K D , A I rrt ri e iip,Mlor on rirr,.tvT I'lut.-s, "o. II N.ll inlll Kirfi-l. 1 ' F. N (i t N K K iL'-l W'AMTKI), AN Apply l Nu IKCIIKHN1 'V 1A M S T K It S it 12 It A N T ED . C'lin r lvniirni:M,TKH's Omni,. W.,.IIIM.TIN lf.lHT, IV.siitM.iiiv, l C...hil In4. ' Wanted, at onr. 'IHUKK ll"SI'UKI T.lMSTHUS, ca.'li rapali o in drUl iit with alnulfi llui. and ojAnaiiinc BIX lllltl). tl'AIII,. 'lo micli who BW comprt'lll 10 pfrfonn Ih. duly . B " ..v . .ritionth win hn tl. IrtT ilnl ai. wli Ii noirationrjr liav. null tio.pinil .rjvll. lti'9i lllcltltlltlK' Hi. bv,; UIC' MJ alun itiftri. win n .le Apn v lo .ti 111". II TOMPKINS. A. Q.M.,0. S. A . tinier of TVVKN I V -Mil'UNl' and l. Iir, et. Wasli llik'loti, l. I.'. li. If. HITI-KKIt, llrli;ajicr fli-nt-ral and.'hli-l iJnariiTiualor, Jrll lHt llcpottH .,hi:itloa. 1 ll.ACKSMlIUS AND WIlKl'-LWilKiUTS it Viinitd. ('HIKI- I.MlAllTHltMM.TI'll'll OlTIHW. IV III MM.l.l "Rl'lir, Wawiisoth., Ii.U .Jnl 4, IwM. Wanted nt orcp. lo work in .iovo-unn'iit tCi-pnlr Hr.opl, (.nia-'.Tinn.UM'i. i pa ttielir. hi'i-tH of Wubtpnatoti, On. IHindu-.l IH" ) KM lll.M KSMII1H and Oni'llundrad (Itml io. ll Wllf.hl.W Kill" I S. 'I h. p p.i mopMi will ha sixty Hollar, (ftnt), wlili on (1 4 ruilt.ii lu r 'litv, H"l i n. pi '.ii i pri . Ii 'i o wli-'n slra. Appl, oCapliilli I II 4IH.K1 li. ToMI'KIA. A IJ. T ml ul Mnii-i, A i my, comer THtmUr-ttceiind and li alCDOia, Wa,Mnfl.ii 11 (!. n. r. ih'Okrii, llrlcadicr-drneriil and i'hlof in.irU'rma.iiM, jr4-18t lii-pai-lmrut ol Washington. FOR SALE AND TO LET. rn FOK SAT.F.. HJWn.OOO WOKTIl IN OOOT) 1A llounea. larie annate .11, ,. leroia tnanlt purohara. eii'erwllhor wuhoni IneiiinhrMiii-u. for cu.b and kou4 trade. Inquire .f, from 10 1 2 o clock. A. M. TJIOM. H. 1'I.tMWMAM ho. -m; If. nH'XITIIStroet. COHNTIlY hKAT FOR 8AI.K. A 9 atil.'i.did country IteMiilimce. n-ltli all rui'-terii ,1. vtiiiviieeti anil twoaeie.ot Krounn,rair aniiietroni Ken null Nnuire. and adlniiia man. Ion oi llayard 'laxUir. II wiil be a.'ld at i.reni .aeriDee hy 'efdilor.. hailri ad and t' tcniiph v,nhiii lllKeti mlniiiea' ri.l. Attifly t. IMI, or V ll. WAHIIK.I.I,. fc-i , Went U.i.lDi , l'a., or JaCXiI. 11 L KY , Hiu,urioii, 1'i.uua. JaA . 11 O W 'V i HTHOY MICE, E0fCHES, BATS, llecl llnu. AiiIh, .V., .Vo.. l HU BUST'S V1.KMIH EXTERMISATOB. IT IS INKAU.IItt EI IT IS IMMLl.lhl.EI Ik put m in Law Itoxc- nl V. C ti. s all ri'3'H U t ii-p, wtthmit mit' k wltti mh'T artie'et. Itois not MM..I1 or tlrt I Tv mid Wonfi oit by Ktoflnfc l.lVf s'-tMt t)itier l'r tT'urri'iofis. VMtMlN AUi; KXTHAVA1AMI.V i O.S l 01 IT. LAle AU IWH'K Ml', Oi l t? illbllt UOLKS. ih Sot Piti'L-oioiis to I'-e. fltr-'H Saiisi'tn-ii.'- .6 n'l Vii" ni? It. SoIiU j sll Lrur Ki.-t ami Dnilira Uiroui;ltou. th Un1t4 rtiA'cs. Oahthin. itf ninsfltitl n-k tor Hurt's Kitermlnatur, i Urt!'.- boxes, with ttie i J lain i. una nitCuva b Urn I'ruprisj lor, T. Unit Jt. 'I ni-1 to ot tT Jitl.ol.No I' rt. 1 K I 11 HtrfrPt. WAlnitt. llnnof.i-t rv, hi. .M VKNAl, Mitlet, nlov Wn'tiut, bei vivi, lentU aad i:ievmn, fdaudclpttia. l'a. mH tiivrs im II JC IN It V Ml M iV M, liNITFD STATES NATIONAL WAGON AND UOAOH W0RXS, mm Otlloe, No. Ni:VV MAKKET Htreiet, And I'ai li.ry, cornel of uicosn ami ti:Mnr.i(LANU iTnv.Rrs, I' All and everv kln.l ol ' W.HKS, ('AMM. HHATil. wnrKI.HAIJKOWR, ' and IIAIIIKU Wllhl.Lrt, a.lap'dl to Arun . Uuad, BUllW, ol, luirpoi-e. AH ik ivarraouid ive-llt lrri. i.r.iuipUT to 1 ) A T K I O T I C M IS II A 1, S. j l'A i it ii 1 n; ivi r itat.. An aeci'pial'le uiiarinK to av.ry I'atilol. llie onlv cmii i i un. I aiiiliurii'd MKHALI IDN I.IKKNKW.KH ov 1-iU HinrvT'iii.n. Ol'M.IIM. illl.iliilB IVASIilMlT'lS, Lll'.l I IN A V 1-1 If .N I 11 A I, I IK AS r, (IKSKIIAI. vii'.OH..fc, II. .M. i.'I.KI.I AUT, i y.iiiUrlurert In Kie i nn Miv.r and Copper i.tiJ Wl.lio Hietal. eali'p'e e't h lliull iVee of charge on r,H'eipl ul j .'.celita. Ai-elil. wal.ll I'-, "I.N 'J -' It, J lwi ' iii,i,ii...iiiia i o.i ,rittr Mnufuclur,d at No Wli AHOl Bit.-i. ;v.' Ina XATirKT.S. MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS ANI V Wii.tM.w HiNi.h'., It. un Sew Y .rlt Auetl u aalea, (.i,.', nn.l-.ll irlllli'i'lit Urn,..-!.. wile. $1 tf . tl tl'-X' au.l 111 7 I liililnti ili Urn... -l-i. (painted,) 4 '-. w -it,., 7'i. M a.i.i Ml e uf. : . 4, l' 4 it nl li I at pu!r tl..i..H .,rii-.-a; lm . ur.fl- l II H. l fa j lnir...n. Imui. 1.0 eei.t, l el'l?-,; V.'in-ia'i, 'inland lii-inp, nolo :li-' 1'. ii'iit (er viir.l; la 11 KHt .'iu ler...l a,...rlu.. ..I . ver him im mumi. ipmu. iro u n t., ... , t-iiti, a 3 ui.l it Hit Ne.v lira'UHae, Him p.... tl. rn.iil, Mi.11.1 .-.. No. Hi S HKfOSI, tftroet, . llrl .1. r euove, oppoalu- Lorn hacluin;j. l 1IN OI' til', A I 1 Y. W 11 1 1 ri VIll'ilN, Wax of An I le. I, Ih" iii.i-I 0-11,-t prrp.tall"ll OI u coU'l'U i..n. II I. Olnle lr.ui. ,in tVi.lle al, hence IH I euiK.riu.arv ipia lllui. lor pre.e-, hit II. e aKIn, ..i.ihl' K lt ,.., aii.olh,, i.nJ 4. ll cure, chajp- d ' I Uliiln or hi'. ri liMiVi ptuipl.-ti. c. Prl.- -i'-i and 'rfleeult. Jluiiulai n r. d onlv hv lie N I' l! , Perlumcra, , No ,1 H. LH . U I II Ml,, 2 d..i,ralive t oeuut, ar I jjlli-lm o.lU ft. BhVL.NllI bUeoL HE fit DSCIUIIKUS HAVE ASSOCIATKO,, tliiniielve. tnkt-ther under tbe llim of HiiLloA. lilht.MAS 4 III., and will con lime .he t ar Itmi.lni )lui,li,e Ill all ll, branch,-., al- the old .alah:l.iuueut,. .oracr, ltX-tXt S t (lfc nil, K It, I, Jvl-lra O. W. C11II.OI4. ' VO DKCEl'TION. NO 1NFEU10R COAU IN n.,.hM.i..i in oner below tit. co,t liriv. of aauuert ftrllcie. SA.Ml'PL VT. 1IK.NH, llltOAll street, above llaeaj ca.t aid, aeua ine tivtiuiii. r.,,.E. vr.u,. w pure.t uiloed. tit and Blov. Ua,lli Lar. Aut,w par ton. . Kk.A. t adihi. dm. t'roi.niner. .nt'MH. ,uvu , 7 ,-1 , Tlouawaaiotliel'ft.ivaiicfc tal- MU.ll r l.-IiriA, -lTiiTAfiK CItKEN 8I5MINAUY. tary lloardlnR Hcho. Hwlm Beoteaiber r c rery moderate I'horou.l. outir.. xn . 5STKa U Z ,1u"Hurvein aid Civil K, nT HoV. ofalla.e. lajcn. Ad.Sr... for Cal.loKuo, , Ink. ltoj t uf all a,.-, laacn jylb-lui llBV. J. HKarti piitru. CTUR0K3 1-K.OST, No. 9 MEC KiAN IO f oi..-. Nrw.rK. N. J..wn flr.t-cla.a Anor.l in a l,S.CeJN.W to a.11 their Patout ..uveinofc rddfe a. aiivTwiU iwo a-d thro, tent, luf Aa.uu uleau lUftr day. Jt&.Vlhitu lot lXEUailTfUl. EXCt'ttSUXNS OK Tllft I SITES ICHCIIKUI. ( Tbt BteamMal OP.NP.RAL 0ajUln MAS- KIK Ivave. riruouut ev.ry Bour ft.1 taorel 1UU, tlei4U4.l CoUlHIt, UiH lH tuA 1 t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers