The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 18, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Tlio Rebels Consider it iu "Im
minent Danger."
a: to.
.ati:st m.wm l'Kon -nir. wot hi.
TUi.timoiik, July IS 11-3.5 A- M. The fol
lowing despalrd tan been reee'ved from r'urt
Monroe, dated yesterday :
Among tlio pri'tint'is rc ently endured In front
of rctirshtirg, is .les-e Ne?ar, ncii'.ieiv ot' Hon.
Jo-rih Hnrar, ol this district.
Hy a ronlrnh.iml who lin .int osi-ais-d nn 1 ar
rivi (I within imr 1 1 tic h , wo havt'otiuiincii the daily
ltirhllliirttl Ihirnli h nf I'lC I .'tli Inst., which con
tains the following despatched
An. am, (in., July 1J. The enemy nr? In a
position on the l.ortb side of tlio rivi'r. There Is
some firing between tin- sh"rpshnnti?r, wiili oc
rasimiul artillery In nig ley tlic enemy, w ithout
ehini 'go.
A small Ton e I" re'iorhd on the snith si 1c or
the liver, eight miles ahor-tin bridge.
They kn'p close to the ford. The Governor nr
rivoil here hist evening, n:id Is urging lurtvaij
everything for the ilelcnsc ol Atlanta.
His proclamation, calling upm everyone be
twn the ages of siMo.ti and forty-lite tn re
port at Atlanta, rcteives the of nil
K laBSC.
st-:coxi til i'A rr ii.
Atlanta, July l.'l. Tin1 enemy me urn-sing
on our right, neur liouswcll. A portion of the
Yankee niiuy arc on tho south side of Iho Chut
tahoothie. tilii-mian's homliinniter aro mar Violin's
Station. Skirmishing ucro-s the river continues
, neur the bridge, l-'.vcr tli'iii! is nitiet below.
The Atlanta Cnxfi ilrrnnj litis tlio followm? :
'We shall not attempt to lull to a fancied
security our renders by the At
lanta is not in imminent danger and peri!. Its
. cairttrre, however, cannot be considcrci a fore-
gone conclusion.
"II General Johnston ennnot m ike n successful
battle, or hold tlio enemy in eh. -el. along the
Chattahoochee, no ennnot any where below it;
and the only temporary chirk would in thai
Brent be the catitmcof Atlanta, purposely thrown
at the feet of the rapacious invader, to stay his
appetite for conquest. We huvo no doubt the
Federal Government would be satisfied the
t apttire of Atlanta, and earrison and fortify it as
a fuse lor iiiturc operations.
Jlio liiatri says:
''Nothing occurred yesterday in front of Pet"r
bnrg but the usual shelling. This is Grant's
amusement, while waiting the result of events
In Maryland (of which the despatch gives tlio
Biost t xiigoruted accounts).
"Thirty-two Yunkoo prisoners, including one
Major, who were raptured at Heams' Station on
"Wednesday, wcr brought to this city yesterday
afternoon and committed to the Libby prison."
Vryr York, July 18. A private letter front
Morganida, Juno SUtb, states that Gen. Canby is
Tory actively engaged in perfecting the arrange'
mentafoi tbe military operations in tho vicinity
of Merganzia and tho Hed River.
General Ullman, with a largo portion of his
forces, had reached Morgaur.ia, where, he had
been placed in command of all the colored troop.
The fortifications ut Morgauzia aro most for
midable, and command a range of some .six miles
of the Mississippi river, which at this point makes
a bend fur some distance.
The position is deemed of the utmost import
aucr, being eqiii-distant from J'ort Hudson and
the ficd river, thus forming a btio considered by
all military men as the key to tho lied river
country. The Kebels have a largo force stationed
on the west bank of tho Atchatmaya, niuo miles
iu the rear of
The corps being organized near Jforpuuiii is
to be under the command of Mr.jor-Guueial
Kcynolds, and it is expected that the movement
for the Uinlodgiuetit of tho llehcl army on the
Ateliafaluva will oon commence.
General McNeill is at Fort Hudson, in com
mand of the garrison left by General I llma-i.
Tlio guerillas arc somewhat active between
Tort Hudson and Yicksburg, but not in such
force as ihcy were a month ago.
Our gunboats during the high water easily
prevent tho crosing of tlio Achataluya by the
Rebels; but during tho low stage of the river
those crossing will be prevented by the land
forces of General l lliuan encamped on the east
A largo Union force is being collected near
Moigaii.ia, amply sutlicient for ollensivo or de
fensive purposes. No oll'otisive movements h id
been made up to the :aHIi ulr. by tho Rebels, but
the activity infused into tho Department by
Major-Genera! (.'ttnby indicates active opvra'ious
not far distant.
0ei Mtloni In J tit ex It I vrr Capture of a
We publish from olllciul doeu menu the fol
lowing relating to recent operations in James
liver :
Jimv.m KiVKit, July II, IXiil. M.ijor-Ueni ral H.
i'. liutler, I'oiuiiiaiidiiig Dcparluient of Virginia,
and North Carolina.
Kir: I brrewiih inclose a very model report
ot l.ienli nnnt Chanibeis, of his op rati us in this
vi( inltv on the inornl'ig of the IJth In-tin1, with
a force a.ssigm d to the navy lor picket duty, und
fifty additional mcu detailed by your order to co
oiM'rate. It only remains for me tin;. oak of (lie i: t!!ait y
tli-pluved by l.ieutci.aut I'liiuubcrs and tho force
under hi' e -nimuiid, und the good jinlinei.t ex
ercised by Iu hi in the a etmph.'hiiieut of the
oVijeot desired.
The dispuition manifested by him to shoe
the credit of his achievement with the subordi
nates associated toith him, I also eonddcr very
1 send yon hert itii a sketch of tho capture i
torpedo. I nm, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant, M. Smith,
f'aptaln and S.-nior Utile, r iu James rivr.
Navai. 1'hkkt Mutiov, Tlllltll Pksssvi.
' "VANIA An ri, Tin.vr's ( r k, .Iami.i
ltivKH, July 12 Sir: In ma-ordanro aritli your
orders, 1 have the honor to n-port that I'pto
ccciltd hist eveidni', M t'-n o'clock, with leveirv
mi n of (,'oiupaiiy li. id IVnnsylvauu Aitdlury.
und lifiy men id the lU.h Conneciii ut vo'u it e.-ri
l. euientinls Lindsay and t-harp iu i-Uar.'O of
the hnter to a point on .l imes rivr, bolo
DutehOap. then'-e to I'ox's 1 urui, an I liiere des
troyed the signal station, together wiih two mills,
two barns, blacksmith shops, and a large lot of
agricultural implements contained In the out
buildings. A vory largo Hmouiit of hay and
(train, which was ubont being chipped to Hit h
ninud, was also destroyed.
i uttaekeil the eiiuny, whom I found strnnglv
posted, alsiut daylight; and ntier a sharp tiitnf,
lorced their intrenched posil:on,
when I charged and utterly routed thei.i, killing
and woiiiulim.' a luimbcr, und eapturiug one lieu
tenant, one tca .:cuut (ounded, uud twelve men,
with their arms and Ciiiipmetits.
I ulsu captured a torpedo, w tlh two hull lied
pounds of poivder iutjiuled fur it, with the time
tuii g apparatus, Kc, w liich had been landed hut
a lew hours previously, preparatory to being
plaiiud by tlic lio'icls.
The euiilKnit .sty...'w; &',,., Captain Cimp
bell, curried me to iho pointof landing, aud tU'-ro
awaited my return, prou-etiiur my rear. A. tin-;
.bi;'ii I. iwriine, I idled htmes 'Navy, acted us
gu ile and leudcnd valuable u-ti.-laiiee. 1 re
tunnd without the loss of a man.
1 have he houur to be, very respectfully, your
Obedient fervani, 1. W. Ciiamiii us,
l-'irsl Lieutenant ;U I'enua. Aitillcrv.
Captain Melaneihon Muith, Senior Oiliccr C'oiu-
iiiauding Juliu s River l icet.
Mtii-krtM ly Teletcrapli.
Nkw Yohk, July IS. Hour quiet ; sales of
1 !..'' hlli,. glum, tlU ;.' .ic7A: I don. I'li.'e I-.': Hniitlivrn
l(l-.M(.i I 1. U11e.1l tulvanriil .-.'.':. Kl tMlT.V."M-llill.
l:ieui.i, eiuii. fcl I' (' Mih ankle I 'ut', 1 ii ;;
ft 1! V Ill, - ! I" ... 1 Ui. I'eln .jiili t ; fc:l!.-t "I I' Oil-ll.
I'.Vi.' I .-.S. In.-i ltiUl. r..rk toady t Si. I.srtl
h-(ly HI P I ... , !' r W hlLv linn ul 1 li I'i.
Stoekn tin- ilttll. I 'liliMl'i. Hlul li i k I .Ull.l. In-i '. ', I 'lim
ri mud .n IVn i it.
; I.I.I...I- I ooal luili.atl. l.'l 4 ;
l: l ; 11 1( b';ill 8 i it'iurn. ,.'. : S.-.v
li. ittlnar. l.-l , : ll.ld.uli Uir, -7' ;
iiic un viaiiti u
1nk r.-iiimi. I
Cmiien l -iiiniiiii
t i :e II lln j Alti-iilsanCuutriti
"111. (III,
Vi-tr I'ki C'fiit, yi.'t ; it-iuCuiij'Ou., iur4';
(' !ia. l,rjJ
Baiimoue, Juiv IU. 1'loe.r inactive; Wheat
flrtu. li. autlivrn Wl.lti-i linn li ; Corn nun t Hl.iu i
H ititk) dull ; crunriti iiciiOj' j lilv tvilt-o in uo.
fourth" edition
A Call lor 500,000 Men.
VAiHN";rnv, July J?, l'OI.
the Vrniloil :
Vf rrrns, Py tlie act approved July 4, 1 J'J1.
entitled "An Act further to rctil.tto Rtnl pnv
viilo Pjr tlio enrolling ami culling out Hi!
national force-:, nml for oilier purposes," it it
provided that the" President of the United
states may, at his discretion, at any
time hereafter call for ony number
of men 01 voluiiteerH, for the respective
terms of one, two, or three years, for military
service, and ''that In case tho quota ol any
part thereof of any town, township, ward, or
city, precinct, or election district, or of a
county not so subdivided, shall not bo filled
wilhln the space of fifty days allersuch call,
the President shall immediately order ft tint 11
for one year to fill such quota, or ony part
tin reof which may be unlllled.
Ami trhcrrax, The new enrolment hereto
fore ordered is so fur completed as that, tlio
nforesnld act or Congress may now be pat
lu operiilion for recruiting and korpice; vt;
the strength of tho armies iu the field for gar
rison and Hiicli military operation as may bo
required, for the purpose of suppressing tho
Itebelllon and restoring the, authority of tho
United States GoToinwont in tho Insurgent
Now, therefore, I, AlJltVItAM Lixr.ot.s,
President of tho United States, da Issue this
my call for live hundred thousand volunteers
for tho military service: rroviled, ncrcr
UicIcks, that this cull shall be reduced by all
credits which may be established uuder sec
tion 8th of the aforesaid act, on account of
persons who have entered the naval acrvlei
during tho present Rebellion, and by credits
for men furnished to tho military service In
oxcess of calls heretofore made. Volunteers
will be accepted under this call for one, two,
or three years, as thoy may elect, and will bo
entitled to the bounty provided by the law,
for the period of service for which they
And I hereby proclaim, order, and direct
that Immediately after the 51 h day of Septem
ber, 104. being fifty days from the duto of
this call, a draft for troops to servo for one
year shiill bo had lu every town, township,
ward of a city, precinct, or election district,
or county not so subdivided, to fill the quota
which shall be. assigned to It uuder this tail,
or any part thereof which may be unfilled by
volunteering on the said fifth day of Septem
ber, 1801.
Iu testimony whereof I have, hereunto set
my baud, and caused tlio seal of tho Unik'd
States to be affixed.
Done at the City of Washington this eight
eenth day of July, In tho year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred mid slxty-fbnr, and of
the Independence of the Cnited States tho
sKAI.. Aukaham LINCOI..V.
Py the President,
Wii.i.iaw II. Si.n ARi),
Secretary of State.
I' lC M W AS! IIN(JTO. l-'i&t'"
Hit I'lmJ '-.-(I'A,
Wash isi. ion, July IU.
Stirrittmi'M Nt-u- It.tltl.
Thu cIukiu, U ul tlii morniti' unntmnccs that
(ieiieriil Sheridan is ui;aiu on a most important
expedition, li neither in' its numbers nor
Ittlill-UHll .(-itffllt.
1'oK i i asm. Me., July IS. The pas-cnger train
irom i'oitl.uid lot 'dontrea., ou Thursday ran otf
iLe iru.k, near Norihumb ilnnd. 'i he engine
went tiei un i Kibunkmeiir, ion! loo eHoiueer and
tiiemun wire badl ecu d- d.
The sei r I rcu-m of the r-- all of the Guards
from (.'aiuii! Is cud to hac l. -en th it tho timu
of thu gieutct p ul of tiiv men was about expir
inir, and it was Icai ed they iv m!d enlist iu Hid
L'nioa army.
Dr. Nott's lectures on llib'.ieal Temperanca
have been republished abroad bv TruHner t'o.
Mr. C 1'. Kii -kland s reply to Judge Curtis has
ul.-o attained a luieigil e-lebrii) .
What is known as Hippoeras. a beverage in
vei.teil by lliopocrates, re nsits of wine, cinna
mon, und homy, it is still diank ia uiany p.uti
ot ihu Con'. ii. cut.
Voting by ballot, adopted in Victoria, h is
ubiitea 'mj much none und boor" that its fi icudi
lu J jieland ate mure utixiuus than ever to iiiU'o
duce 11 at homo.
Onr-lii'lh of the national Income of Great
Ilritniu is derived imin tho tu.x un ardent sulrits.
The mortality iu London of lute h ii risen
ubovti the uveitis of the previous ten years.
'iho Hrlli'li troops stationed at Ileliil are a,
lacked with iueuudde sons, for wkien neither
the euu.-o is kuowu uur auy remedy Uiscoteied.
In tie Into Ashantc-o expelition, fifty per
eint. of the troops employed succumbed to tin)
climate without sinking a blow.
An Intermittent pulse, entirely unconnected
with any defective action of the' heart, may be
eitiiK'd by excursive smoking, aud is removed by
discontinuing the practice.
The assertion that tho spectrum analysis pre
sents uniform carbon lines is disproved by t!iu
lute experiments of Professor Ruscoe.
The Intelligence of the mnnugors of a I.ou
duu tire insurance company was recently shown
in the clue ol M. De la Rue, electrician, who, be
fore lie could perforin some experiments ut
idis's Rooms, London, with the ordinary gal
vumc apparatus, was compelled to uialiu insur
ance on thu building, aud tho danger was con
sidered so prcut by these suvuns, that a n -eiiiium
Ku exacted on one hunured thousaul dollars.
The dungcr Hum a gakuuic battery was jut
nothing at ulj.
i:te., lite.
from Nttrttiisliitra-.
f. ,'ii r'. .' ! .- ' f lrif .'..' 1-'.
A 1. lb r in the l liailotl. svdle r.i
Camp rear Martiiisburi', ' I li inst oil.
.to. i- .k.rt-iio.Mii- v, : I - .' ut flu
II ! ii i nl . v Hi. till. -. I
li . ' ' . i nl el II il'.l.l"" , i II I e
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-.1 fT
I'C' I ! f llC 1 HlhP.- ei.s. ii. is n'lr o S M.T"
n-r i'li.-. AM tin- ,,, :i' s t - v (..nil (.ni nt w.--e
t-ro-'Kii Ale! -.osn ''ism, T .e ".I' n' ! lit .- s. .' ll' t .1
i n lists r. ml (Vein W is. to .t--r lo .in,n-'.:ir. W i,.,, u a
....iitliirii on n ,t ere In itie i-n-'iii r, .ire ii. .hi. jfitn a a , mid
ii s. it.- ilir 1,1, ImMi i, ni.l,,ii' in.
Wi.ulitr tiarei una On- l.nls vi itu-tv. W-
l-'t my. a prnviMi'iiii let In, Hi inun An.t t a-t ut..U' the f ti
me rout. .
Itnnior Yrlrrln.v I veiilna.
The cliicring new s yesterday from Maryland
w as i nougb to produce rumors, and out of a mul
titude we ive i nly two of them. was
stilted that the New York ni'.of the. 11th had
been nreivid by a soldier connected w'th the
Army of Northern Virginia, which stated thai
timeiul larly (.iot I-we'll was advam ing In tan
coliiinns upon lialtimore, and was wiihai seven
tniles of the city.
The second was. that a letter had been received
from an etticcr of the invadlm? command, ad
dressed to a lady of this elf, which said that the
outer forlitiictions of liuUbiinrc were within
sight at the lime lie wrote the uiornimr of the
loth. Wo give the rumors for what they uro
woi tli.
I n iu Northern accounts, as given In another
column, there is nodoubtbtit that wecinn iw
take 1! iltimore, if wo think it advisable. 1 ho
only question is, ns to tho expediency. Of th.s
our ( ciiuuiiiuding G' neral, bo he Junes, Smith,
"or any uther man," w ill judge.
From MnllirMt.
We saw a gentleman yesterday mornlnir direct
from Mathews county, who states that there have
bei n r.o Yankee utitli rs in tliat reg.ou for somo
time, und Unit that the people are now enjoying
a temporary state ot t;uittudo. With the excep
tion of burnt mills, empty smoke-houses and
corn-cribs, pillaged barns, and hog-pens minuM
l)Oi)t, the face of the Country Is wearing its usual
appearance. He reports that for tiltecn days
past Yankee transports in great numbers and of
unusual size have been going up the Chesa
peake Hay.
He could not say whether they were loaded
with troops, but the presumption is very strong
that they were taking reinforcements to the
frightened Yankee army now defending Mary
lard and Pennsylvania. Along the road between
Mintews and this city, he describes the condition
of tilings in many places as perfectly lameutuble,
and thinks if a resident who had been absent for
a time wero blindfolded and taken home be
would not recognize it. This is especial ly tlio
ease in the counties of King und Uuceii uud
From llnrilr.
A subscriber sends us the fulluwlnt;, da'cd
July 0:
ricti.e tut for slti-niiithi? to iftro yon gn sernnnt. In my v sy, el an t neoiii.ler vtitli loine il.sly aiiSi-d in
l. nirv. un li s tt,t liiMmil, !..,! 7 o el,., k A. M.. I 'apt.
J. L. Ilaroi ii l reitl, i.eo Sn Auluinu, 'I ca. i, t.-.'iiinaii,l-Ipr
llio itt.ct ti.aril untler luiti.xt. n. lit-iirlnf
nl M.nif 1 mike-t In fri-nl, null- lerwitril to 'ee. 1 lisv,
I,. iiiK In aii.Iiii.ii, Set tin- Cai'taui (Itiirflelt) ttirniifli llio
la ml. AM) ii.- Imii liittamly. tiur rnt-n dues eemlii up,
nliTToui-.tli U tts ai,ki n, ll,e t'ulnt-l of n tiuai ' l.sej ) or
ilfrsd His i, pain-i h lu l,ti siinl , tttileh orilsrtt.ii linitts
illAiiilt t'tsriiii ii on a tttntliv mi ii ami non-t-oiii'iatitut,
Al r.ilisni KmiiiArt, who tt n. alea throuli Uiu heail ami
tlina ilittunlly.
W o liait Hint', In Bin-ri.iinilillir tticni, to Kill tint one Yan
kee fttitt aiioti'vr iiinrtAlly. Wo alsn hail nun
v. i.iiriii-it : ItiitliiK t-Liiiiilni-d bla wnuiitt, I tiiiiix it i nut
iimititi. W t at tieneral lull, ...ten will it., s llh llio w n trh,
l.-i ,, I hat s nut iiiiilt-rst'ttHl. 'I heir itiry pilot, Julia al ire -litwt,
wbo tins been si-tint.' hailly fur a lose' time. I am mirry
It, iay. in! aitav. liensial liiOHiarn ileslroyoil a fi'tv tielss
lit 1 tic lliiiliiiiurc and Ohio Kallroail, near ami al Krt-ueli's
tli'iut. flint lli MmttHl an irom tail uy liiirnliiK. hii h nittla
a Krrftt tli si ut noise as lilt, shells expli'ilt il whieh It (uii
tami J. Ha also a rutotl sevaru t-nnal Imt'i ami kuI iI'P
nmlt'N. 1 lits oot-iiirt'il un the 4th instant, itnd tln-ii ttarlt4
csm in Un- uiit-uitin of Uartiiisb jry.
I'rom 4'liarlrNton.
CiiaiiI.kston, July 12, via Petersburg, July 13.
To Genetul G. T. lleaurcgard : Tho enemy
attacked iiatteiy .Simpkins la-t night, und were
repulsed. We have driven them from John's
Island Their fleet dropped down last night
hi low Buttery Island. An the available force of
the (tieinv from Jacksonville has been operu'ing
agulnst tliis place since the '-M instant. Maj ir 1 o.-ter is eoniniaudiug in person.
ts. Junks, Major-Geueral.
A llnNli on Keftnm Hint Ion.
On Tuesday a small body of Yankee cavalry
made a dash upon Reams' station, and endeav
ored to surprise our troops stationed there. They
wcie handsomely repul-ed, however, n ith tho
loss of a number killed and wounded. The ropy
of the Wushing'on ('hromcle of the ldth, from
which wo publish extracts this morning, was
found ui'Uii the pursue of une of the prisoners
From IVIrrb(ir(f.
Pktehsiii an, July 13. A portion of VU Lee's
command engaged iu a skirmish a part of Gregg's
Cavalry Divi-nm, near i.eo s Mill, fourteen mil' s
suuthcast of Petersburg, ye-ier.hiy evening, tlnv
pgifiem back and capturing nluety-thrue prison
ers, including two commissioned otll-ers.
1 here wus considerable cannonading on our
right lust evening.
Grant is evidently sending more forces to
The i-nt at the War 111 iir(mciit lleittl
Ittitrterw. At vine o'clo -k last ni. lit tlic War Depart
ment and the various military hcudq.i ir.ers
located in tliis city were hiiIiuii' fin lor news
ttiim Ceorgiu, the Army of Noitlieru ir ini i,
.Mobile, or .M is.-i6-i'pi. We therefore take it for
granted that cvirytliing in ull the.-e qiurtLrs rc
inndis in eifn vnri.
Maryland mother of the Cairo's and the
Howard- is now the ubsuibin-' theatre of ia
teieH. May her sons prove as true now as they
did iu 'in.
I.nle front I'rlnee liniigr,
We conveistd with nil acquaintance yesteid iy
who lelt l'riuee George on Sund iy, but n-ache 1
I'lttr-biirg much sooner than ho expected, so
greatly the enemy's lines been contra ted.
lie informs us that Grunt's army is stretched
lioiu Ids lines itninediat' ly to the east of Peters
burg down tu City Point. The people, without
exception, have sudcred the loss of everything
that can contribute to the siipi.ort of life. Meat,
bieud, crops, cattle, and in several in-tauces oven
tin li.une, have been taken from them. Many
hiiluito wialtliy faiuilies of tiie county aro uow
diawlng rations of liurd tack and s ilt pork from
the Vankfe t uinmissury, and their nog, oe arc
et'gii;'i d iu euokimt and wu.-Iiitig for the invaders.
Our iiitorniuiit states that ho was told by the
Yunkees two weeks auo that t'uey occupied
IV terHbiii'i' ; but w hcti lie sought permission io
c, iiic to the city was informed tliat they did not
hold it exactly, tint they had initi,ers so ar
iiiiiofd that they could come, into it whenever
they pie ie ed. They also Informed him tli it they
bud possession of the We'don, SouthsiJc, and
Kit hindud Kailioads, aud had so destroted the
1 'Seville tliat the Rebels would never bo ublo to
ngitiu upttate it.
1 lie hrnrrlly of Witter.
Our inforniunt suites that but for the proximity
of the Janus and Appomattox rivers the enemy
would have been cunipvlle l to evacuate i'rinco
Gunge for lack of water. The ltluokwuter is en
tirely dry, and Iihb beeu for two weeks, and all
les.-er streuuis iu the county have been dry for a
much lunger ieriod.
Tho Yankies have a large hospital camp about
two miles li in City Point, between thu Appo
inufox and the City Point road. So great has
liceu the scarcity of water, that they have dug a
canal liiin ihu 'Appomattox to the camp. They
have also brought a steuui lire, engine limn Balti
more, with wtiich they pump water from the
ditch, anJ tlius sujiply tho gieut necessity. Here
tofore they have been couielled to bring1 the
water from the river in buckets aud barrels,
wukh was a wry tcdiuus as wcUae laborious job.
llrrnttli'l Iin til I. lit Sinlv-ronr It hi 1
nml 1 itltitt Ktililfrr 14 itti-tf tii' lltm
lrtl itml I'tvrnfv IVoitiHlt'tf.
Sadly i.inuliar as tl.c last thr:e jears b lve ren
tli ml the coin. 're and the put) c ith tiles of
t od, sei in s of s!uni.'ht'T, and the a.'ciiniul ite l
l.i ii r rs i f the battle-tie'd, we arc not, yet so ns. d
t tin in as to f. el unmoved when, on a smaller
scale, some ten fill r.-eiioa 1 eat istrohe brines
tin in to ns l.n e lo face aim I the iilcl of eit II life.
Cue of the-c ternb'e rivast: op!ics, the ino-t
tin dl. th .t lias happened in this country for
mine ye.ii s to k pla e on l'riday morning last,
wl.i uthc eiavc was a.:.'iu opened to re.-.iiea
hi'c.itoii.b f hum. m lite, oil, red at the shrine of
, ,'i-,al moil,, icneyainl siitnirdln.i'o rockl 'ss.
I' appi nrs that oh tho I tlh iii't int a Inti-h
1 li. b, 1 pr;-onc,s li ft Point Lookout iitid-T
1 1 t i t' l'.'o I nion soldiers. I'tiev sa'VIv
on ived at Ni ' York on the I Ith, and h ft Jersey j
( cy ut ', A. M, on He tin i nine of the luth.c '
'it K mint. New York, whi'her they had
liei ii nidi red to prtifi I tl.
All unit vifli,aud the eonvov reaelicd Port
,'iivi in ihe lies! 1. 1 spin's. At I'.nt .lervis the ,
don' It- tiuih of the 1- ric Railroad ends, and tor
lie ioi iniiuy-tonr or iwenty-nvo nines mo
road is I'l'f a single Hack to I. a'ckitw.lsen June
tin, viiih oe us, n if ul lengths of double track
vt lu re I be i a lire ol the road permits.
'I hri'ii.'liont the v hole of tliis distance, and fir
sr roe it-lit s un, the railroad runs up the
va I y i l the Hi lawitre. and is full of sharp curves
sr-d aw lv ai d tin us, aantg winch u is titieu iui
p. -siMe for f'e engine In i r to see nunc th in ti'oy
, I . i ,11 j 1 its iii i, i , i ill i . ii iiiiii.inii; ei-, iili '
of the mad, about two miles from snohola, act i
when tun, Mo.' a point of one of the ahutlln.T liills I
that tl.c train ol righto, n ctirgrant ears, with ps
fit -"lit of nine hundred and hfty cieht souls,
rut'iiii g at the ru'e of twenty. live miles an hour,
im t a nml tram of titty cars, ith ea -ti a load of
twelve tons, that came thundering down the In
cline from l.aekavvaten. When die trains came
in sight td each other they could not have been
no re th li olio hiiudnd y iriN apart, the drivers
rot having time even lo revcr-e their eneiues and
jump oil fit tore death was upon thorn, tho driver
ot the pfissciircr train, tanned Vv II iiiiu Inirrain,
Bi.d Ids titemati, l.aioed Tuttl", being t itti t ik ii
ill the engine ih ad, as was the lireuiau ot the
coal riir inc, iiiiined l'lrlo. !'rciiti-s.
'l i e shock was tn inctidous, and iN results
awful, tl.i iieh fortund' ly neither of the eng ncs
h It the line. Tl.c tender ol the p issenger engi .o
vt it- tnrnul up on end, flic wood for fuel being
thrown in front, and buryim: the driver and tir -timii
bc'orc tunned. The lir-tcar, of cour-o, was
utterly dc-iroyed, 1,1-ing jammed, n a Sjiectat ir
(Irs. i ibeil it to us. into a -pace, less than six feet,
w hile to complete its d, molitiou, the tender tliat
had I, ren tipped on end fell back on its roof. It
ei titiiitiid thirty-seven no u, some of whom were
on ti e pli'tform at the time of the collision, and
fri'in its wieelv thiitv -.-i w, re taken out dead,
o- ly one man escap.i.g wiih his life by fulling
between the platforms to the earth.
'lhn e of the cars in all were totally destroyed,
and seven or eight of llieui so much broken as to
In-1 ut in ly ii't-lcss, and il was in these ears that
the gtt alt st loss of lite occurred; for when the
collision took plnee two I'uiou soldiers were
plaei d as sentinels at each door on the platforms
of each uir, which were also occupied by somo of
ti e Rebels beguiling tho way by conversation
with the sentry . (1 the men tints standing all
were immediately kiilcd.savc ono or two.
As soon as possible the survivors set to work
under the guidance of the Captain in charge of
the body, to extricate the dying and wounded
from their fearful position, and, fu the mean
time, word was sent to Sholiolu, apprising tho
authorities th, re of the state of thlnim, who Im
mediately telegraphed for assistance to Port
Jrrvis, whence, in a short time, Hugh Rid lie,
Ksq., District Superintendent, arrived on (ho
scene of disaster in a relief train, with three sur
geons to attend to the Injured.
The scene i described by those who escaped
ns most appalling, tho road blocked up with
debris, cor piled upon cur in tho most induscriha
blc contusion, the bodies of those thrown from
thrm covering tlic road at every Btep, tho living
dust and blinding smoke from tho quenching
lues, the noise of I lie escaping steam, and, above
all, the ft nrttil groans and hcirl-rending cries of
tl e b jured and expiring will never be forgotten.
Some of tlic corpses were shockingly mutilated,
hciii'S completely ciushul, bodies transfixed,
iin aled on limbers or Iron roils, or smashed be
tweinthc colliding beams, while ono man was
ilisimcrcd dead, sitting on the top of the up
turned tender, in grotesque and ghastly mockery
of tl 0 set ne around him.
Wl en the cries of the last wounded had directed
th" sea chcrs to his place of imprisonment, and
the Inst corpse removed from its toiup irary
tomb, it wns found that (he victims numbered
sixteen I'nion men nml forty-four Robots, dead ;
while the wounded numbered one hundred and
twi niy.-omeotthcm wounded mortally indeed,
four has s.Dce died, nml a number of others can
not be expected to recover. J. T. Ridgway, I'.sq.,
Associate Judge of l'ike county, was soon on tlio
spot, uud, after a consultation witli Mr. Riddle
and the officer in commitud of the men, r jury
wus impnnncletl and nn inquest held ; alter which a
large trench was dug by tlic soldiers and thu
railway employees, 7ti feet long, h leet wide, and
6 feet deep, in whieli the bodies were at once in
terred In boxes, hastily constructed one being
allotcd to four Rebels und one to curb Union
soldier. The wounded were conveyed as soon
as possible to Shohola. where thoy met with
every attention and aid that surglcil skill could
suggest and the limited accommodation permit,
frt.iu Drs Appier, Hurdciihutg, Cooper, Deborn,
Lawrence, nnd Wa'sli, assisted bra number of
volunteers from the inhabitants of the neighbor
hood. The ladies of tho vicinity also wero unwearied
iu reiiueiing those kind inliees which womanly
ttudtrne-s uloiio knows how to besto, besides
fringing soups, jellies, and other delicacies so
gran f tt i to the pari bed and fevered pati -ut. The
names of tin so good Suinaritans, so far as we
could ascertain though il wo do Injustice by
omitting any tliat should bo mentioned we sin
cerely n en t it tire Me-ilames l.ofius, Deb irti,
II nl I int. KiImiII, John-on, Bross, llarwsxl, Gard
ner, mid Spiing, and Misses Skinner, llross, a ul
1 he line wns cleared on l'riday night, and on
Saluieiuv looming enily the 111 er lu e mini in I
pioixtdeJ with tl c r st of the mcu t ) Kliuirav,
takirg with him most of the wounded, Seven or
tight ol tin nt caK's requiring timpiitaii.-.n, win li
could no, be per lol H'i',1 nt Sliohol i, and the others
more i r less severely Injured, h aving only twoii y
two of the woiat eases at Shohola, of which, lis
bilote Man d. tour died on Saturday and went
buried with the rest in tho trench 'm tho wo id
between the road nnd the river. Owing to tliis
Ciicti instance wc have found it impos-IVe t ) g vo
mi 1st ol the eesiialti s ; tint of those left it
Mini oh' we have obtained (lie names of nil who
were slilllcii'iitly seli-ible to speak. T.'iey arc as
fid ow s :
( (MilMVY f SUM AM'st KII. I. Kli.
Vt illhitii liii-itmi, in.liie tlr:i r.
Ti;li:. nn in. in.
I'l.ilo I r i. i.s, i,,, in.. a.
Ina d-iii. Iiruk. -ii-aa.
IMuS sOI.IHIills ,ll Xlit.ll
Amu Wi re, I'un pain (', Itid I: ...-?., hi.l
l, lis, a . i,, l iemn a. no. I l'-.s lie 1 1 no il.
A on in VV , l l.i ie e n, ( .in, puny I-', Ilia V'i'U'raii tt.-.ervi4,
III,'- r-tl'tl wen, ,1 111 IK'tll ' '-t
W'lnaiu '1 in K i e, i'uiii'','.j O, lltll V. :it,iii ll.'e ru,
rh hl Ul'lti iiil.i.'iti't. il, lentil h I in Ii II l,il.
.li'lili llnath'U, l 'inli'.iuy (-', lllll V eletun Ueseri e, iu
jurril lilp.
Sin. i II 'I reus. Idit Otil, iir.l.p'-'ient 'llO'il.
Jusli. A. Tula ,e',ilii any t, Itlli Voltiall Ueserv", hull
lees ill, urttl,
Itfkvl Sulillert. oninli'il.
Mi, h i.'lJetiiiten.e-uii'iiany f, siii -Vorui i'rulina,i -i eru
Int. ri ,i nun, .es.
J. I;. Si , ..el. c-'.l Piittiillon Virnlnia Cavalry, tliU, hip,
anit liit-i. Iii.iii' il.
C O .. i'. in emit n, 47tli Vlrsinia, rlglit los hr.'sea,
.t.Oi'ltli'l' e, It. li.ll k ill'ineil. uisi ..i,hl'iirnMiia, rlu'l.t lev litukfii.
A.C Vtek,i'i,itii,i,,y A. '.'Hi. liin-rsia, liriiaarm aai.'ll-
tlitKt. M IOf st.ll, MulUlil.
VtiPeiin 13"Wtl. tl'is-llili llt Ullkuuivn), rlijlit lei; it'll
I'll! ;tl fit.
l .W. I'.dl , Ciiiiipany 11, tli Vlrsini,lu-ad brnl-.;l,
If. s 'lle'T'it ' it.
I; t M. llfvrtek, t'olniany 11, .id Vii'slull, Lvi
1.,,'lU I II.
The i iJiiduct ir of tho coal tiiiln, John Martin,
sti.lcs tbnt il started as usual du n tho depot on
tho Hiiwley branch, and that, coining on the
liuiin line at LackiiH axen, bo inquired, us re
quired by the reifuhitions of tho c iiupauy of the
te'egraph dpi rator, Dial Kent, if iho line (the
single track portion of it) was clear, and received
fur un answer that all trains then due hud passed,
the met being that the passenger Haiti of whieti
lie had iufoi (nation was late, and had not vet
On receiving tho intclllg- nee the conductor of
the coal nam naturally ordeied the driver to go
forwaid. uud the train proceeded at iis usu il
speed alone the single track until, when doubling
the point, Hie passenger (rain dashed into it.
Liuh train, lis it passes a station, is te'egrapiie.t
to ti e next, and thcttdcgiapli operator Is required
to keep, iu a book set upurl for thai purpose, uu
account of the times at which each Irani passes
his d pu(. 'Jhus he can at any moment, Im
ret, unci- to his book, asccitaiti h it trains are
due aud what have passed; but whether Kent
had dune so or not we cannot stale, One thiug
It certain, that he has itice absconded.
On visein? Mio , euo o t'lO ic nleTit. on S tnr-d-y
we rude down the. linn wi:li the toiirt- us
Si pi rln'rrnh nt, Mr. Riddle, on a b in.l-e ir, and
run d not tuit fed Hue sh-i'ip ful and cri tiin il is
wns the e.lri lessncss v 'd'h led M the. present
ri Ili-loti, it l no an, all tribute t i th tliat
tin y have hitherto kept so lice from acidctrB
on such a load. 1 he road, iu fu", s
on- ul the wor-t tint could bo u-ed, ft
snking lenity of the landscape, ail thu
mut'V windii'L of the atnii'ii whose rour-e I
follows, that so delight (he trave or. only ren
dci'tig IP cessiii v .itch twi-ting mil curvlti.'ot (he
1 1 ni . lion ilia oi " ion inns' He (In-terror ot a I
tlediiveis of ibe i o.npany. 'I no tli t tnrc trom
sboliohi to 1 H'kawaxen is about live ml'es, 'Hid
) 1 1 tin re ,-r, ct rutin ty not more than thr"o points
in t! nt distance fii ni which a em see
mote than a hundred yards of the hue a! once
iilii ut llltv yaidseaeh way.
Ai the spot on w hich the collision took place
the line makes a bend, like tho c iiivcx
i into if the let'or S, and it was at tho apex of
ties that the colllsslou took place. As we p issed
lib tig. some distance belore we arrived at tlu
si ot the fouls slrevving the line in all directions,
l ii'Ii' n touplitik's and t'ragnicnts give no-ice that
wo weto appioachii g tbo so tp' uf sotue disaster.
At bigdi two iiptuincd tenders, Willi suh s
1-a'tiritl and crumpled, the massive limliois of
tin , i Honrs -n qi t il ttcro-s like a w and, w hoi Is
nnd exits lu ken, a piston rod bout as thoueh it
foul la en a vt ire. angle Irons M isted oat of all
slnq e, in:,s-ive bars ei'inniiled like p:iper, wheols
lit.ti e the on. L, planus torn into shreds, timhcis
spl iitered like toiichwi od, car.i Hinasiied and
tivei tip tied, bore such vvitne-s to the feartiil na
ture of the shock, that one wondered how, when
sin h riejtl things as Iron and wood were as straw s
hi li re it, lb -h and hit od should ever survi.e.
Ard ns otic passes on a btilo further, and toulis
I'own sheer eighty feet of perpendicular rock to
the stream below, it is impossible to repress a
shudder at the thought of how aw ful would h.ivo
been the lo-s ul lite had the collision taken place
on any of those narrow rider, ah nit tiltreti foot
w ide, w hii b the road forms at these places.
It is ilitliciilt to lin k nil at those sh-vegv hills.
el d with primeval forest, or down on the sunny
stream Bparkliiig la luw, or across tho valley at
the waving harvest, ready for tho reaper, and
rtalie the fact tliat only two days ago that pie i
sant, peiiotful spot was to so niaiiyascoue.tif
untold horror nnd anguish, yielding its first tiar
i st to (lea'h, the reaper wle so sickle had at lust
sei uro, I the si oaf of human life tliat had so
oil. n evadi d nnd braved him on the Initio field.
Yet there were the remains strewing the ro id,
nml down ut Minimis were more ghastly wit
nesses still. The appearance of souis of tho
wounded men was fiightfui; the only object to
give it lelief being the pre-cnoc of tho minister
ing ante's w ho so tctiib rty tended each sutl'erer
I'nion and Rebel alike only requiring (hat aid
should I c needed to give il, and seeiug only a
fi ilow-rrentnre appealing, and not in vain, b
their sympathies.
Some little disapprobation was expressed at tho
hnsty huriul of tho men, and it has been obje -ted
that opportunities should have been oil. red for
their identification ; but to this it may be an
swer, d that the mutilation of iiiiiny of (ho corpses
lend, ltd this Impossible, and tho weather, on
sanitary grounds, rendered it indispensable thoy
should be removed, w hi o there is no doubt tho
Government huvo all the names of ti c misting
nun. and will give them such publicity as may
met t tlic eyes of their friends.
Il Is certainly, however, desirable that some
thing more than the sham inve-tig ition by tlio
jury, nnd which wo are informed terminated in a
verdict that all the company's servants wore free
from flume nnd the accident unavoidable, should
take p'ace. Tho telegraph onorutor is said to
liuve been in'oxiciitcd the night belore, but until
he can be met with, and the public will demand
of the State authorities to see that ho is, uud can
he confronted with the conductor of tho coal
train, it w ill not do to place too much reliance on
the statement of tho hitter.
It is the duty of each telegraph rlcrk to tele
graph to the clctk nt the next depot immediately
the train has passed his station, aud this book
teems to have been regularly kept, to fur as our
inspection went, ut Sholiolu. At Laekawaxen we
wete unable to see the book kept by the abscond
ing operator. Under any circumstances, if tho
statement about the character of tho telegraph
operator is true, it is most discreditable to the
company to have kept such u mun iu so critical a
situation, and they are by no means free from
complicity In tho murder which hus just been
cumulated. .Yew York Tribum.
UrbeN Itniinlnic I Itel r eiitpllta lo An.
Hitslii Twrnly 'I'lioimantl Mtlitin nt At
liinln l'rNrrt of n Greut llntlle.
from the A",iiArl7c Timtt,Jty II.
An oiliccr from tho front unforui us that tlio
Rebels ut the front have fallen back within I heir
outer lines uf fortilications around Atlanta. They
extend three miles beyond tho city, and hive
been made very strong of late.
There are twenty thousand militia within the
intieiichincnts, everybody able to bear uruis
having been pressed into service. Johnston will
probably give battle there. The Rebels aro
n.uviiig'ull their supplii-s from Atlanta to Au
gusta, showing thai they expect to retreat.
General Shci niiin cannonaded the Itcbols
hiuvily last Wednesday, fsd'oro crossing.
Wc are on the eve of liigbly important events.
Our Foreen h tilth of Hie Itlver They are
(strongly Inlreticlieil Kuuiorttl Cap
ut re of Many I'rlaoiierM lite Kneiuy
Ketlrril to Slwne Mountain Mieriiutu
lMiHl'tlliK lor Atlanta.
Ckattaiioociikk Rivnii, Oil., July 10. Last
right llurdrc's Corps, which wus the list portion
ot (lie Rebel army on this side of tho Chatta
hoochee, burned both tho railroad bridge and (lis
wagon mud bridge over the river, and retired to
tin O' her side. At the time I writo this, there
fore, flu re is no Rebel force on this sido of the
I hnttaliooi he, except guerillas and straggling
bodies of cavalry. Theil id nnd another Corps
ae across the river.
Tlic rest ol Iho nrmy ara rapidly following.
Shirinan crosses to-morrow, and there is int
much di tibt that he will push straight on to A -laiit.i.
Ti e Rebels are said to ha"j retired in tlio
dilu tion of Stone Mountain. I ho general im
pression seems lo lie (hat they will make no fur
lb, r stand for Atlanta.
The people of the latter city have earnestly
la sought John-Ion not to deliver battle anywhere
In (lie vicinity uf the place, and the papers uro
i n paring tl.c people tj submit to Yankee rule,
li n't consider it ee'ita n, h iwever, that (hero will
l.c no fun her lighting thi side of Atlanta. I'm)
amy is in hoe spirit-.
Vvo, ., .itlri!lt T'mri, July 1.1.
An oiliccr fioiu the front informs us that the
lb In is from the front h ive fallen back within
tln-ir outer line of fortilications around Atlanta.
Thcvxtcii(l ihree miles beyond tho ci y, nnd
li.ive cu made very strong of I do.
'1 litre are ai.uutl militia withiu the Ititreu.di
n em-, everybody utile to b ar anus h iving been
pris-ed into service. John-ton will probably
Live battle t' ere. The Rencis uro m iviug all
lie Ir supplies Irom At. aula to Augusta, sbo iing
that tiny espeei lo ic-nut. General Sherman
ciiiiiini.adcd the Rebels heavily la-t Wednesday
l i lurK crossing.
from lic I ,wi,."'jl.
l)i spatrlies reei ived in tliis city this morning
ni iinuiiic thai three ol our strongest corps uro
s-iilh ol the Chutiuliuuoheo, nnd are lir.uly in
trenched iu the abandoned Rebel works. Wo
havevity few panii ul.irs iu addiiiou to thoto
uin iidv ublished.
A rumor, apparently authentic, is current that
the Rebel Gi neral tit o. Manev, of this city, was
wounded in a skirmish while our troops wore
crossing the river.
Pi uu Inc .V,i..i i'.'s- Timet, Jul K
At tlic last accounts our forces were still
strongly und securely n.ticnehcd ut the Chatta
hoorlii e.
'i beie has been no pursuit of tho Rebels, and
no kdvai te from the banks of Ike Chattahoochee
towurd Atlanta.
Passengers on the evening train to d iy state
ti nt minors prevail nt Nusliville that General
Sherman bus captured six thousand prisoners,
bin the time and locali y uro not stated.
It Is ul-o n poib d that General Stiertninhas
or, lei til a correspondent of a New uk paper out
of his
BpiMTal Desputi'liot to Kveiiliis Telcsrupli.
WiSiiiNOTuw, July lj.
l'ractuiiiH lion for n Itrnft.
A proelanuitioii culling fur adruft is in course
i f prtparatiuu, and will prubably be promulgated
Freut Ii Kirniiiera.
Tho French steuiuer Amiliiun is lying ulT tho
Wu.-lili gton Navy Yard, and two more are below,
niott iiieulM of Mr. Feweutlvu.
Becretury of tho Troastuy l'essendcn, accompa
nied by Assistant Kecreiary l ield, returned to
Washington this morning from w York.
Mil fontrttltnu tn Illinois,
The "Gulden Circle" and other Secession or.
giinintiu'is have called a M i-s Convention lo
meet at l'coiia, Illinois, on the 3 1 of August
next. Among (he signers to the call are several
reeognied SoriS-ion Copperheads. Tho Chicnro
limtn, rank Copperhead, slices distinctly th t
this rail culminates from "a Sure so rot urgani
r.otiou, lint connected, ns sip-Ii, with the Dcino-erat-c
par'y, hit the tn'-iii'urn vf u hn-h ,i,-f intli .a
Ih imx ra i fuirt'."
The Chicago )', a War D 'Hinerat ps:r, ex.
puses the character of tbo organ!. I'ion and the.
proposed meeting us being simply rebellious.
We quote .
e rr'-re-!" a a rtt-In (lit-eututtn 'n fsvar if pete on
astti tais. I n.-rt Is it pflfiy in Hii- e.'iinlij ttnu tr.-mt
I'l'iiii'lmii ; illiLI-ii t . s.'H His tt ar a' II on it. lit .1 I to,
ami tt t.u w,l lit Hie I 111 .11 I o l.e al-nuhi-il llutv III Iho t .nil
ili' ii. Hull lu i ce L--ii'-r il w reek nl lioniit th it w cil't
lellntv. O 1', ' l'te tvuioS. n. nn o.r.lil fluur -' tl t , he
I. .1 in t, tl'i' 1. 1 1 unit ian ul .in,ioi-r I in "i. tt ill, ii I,, w e. "i
.ilno-n litiliuil us tnir ruiiiu, , Inil MilS Viefurpl'l.
I,, 1,.1'tiuia nil . hi ,l,,'..lle. l uei e Is ftllcti a p irly III
ila,....,inil'-;ii't ut A iiisI tn. v prno.-t, In litld ,i iii'.l,c
ine, t nitf I', I'e.'l II ill Ho Noil I', it neit' Hey iv ll; to t,l to,
tt Ir " it. o ,ii,' Aii l t:o ' eepre n ut t" tie ,r ,l.-er-liiluitoi'iit
f ir tl e lililire. W ith lv. e nin e, h au l Ireo iire-l
II '! tt null he putverle-. itni'in-.-nee Ii ! pi' !;
I niiin t pi uti - tu In I leuiHi nt. ami t-ae iheni Ives the
In II..H i-.ilu- pally. Itn .it. ate Int'r.-.iseil 111 loi n'.- rs I.. -i-.iii-e
1 1 " r .1. liit, Hun ten lie.ii n .-.-,( ..n.- wi Ii
l.'.-kt,! lIu lIB, ll a-se, Istt I l,,llli,l 11, ll to ,1'tie.O t' B
preen iliia.'-. 1 fief tine ni.l eil (' .'iiit' tt pt lino lurv.
nntl huve flriltt-,1 a( the cull' in. i"tl Hint (lis r si ,.f
in.niKiiiil tti r,- a- i.i .l .li a. es. H'Tln.' n i
, f, a,li,ut'lns no una till (tin lull lute,! ., tneir
it, l,l'i..(n,tis. liny lines li.ert-a: ml tli -U lilli.t.eis
Pi Hi'iii'ithil- vt ho ttui,l not itiiro l.i it, yar In pntiiui
la em. nee i"ii w tli sne'i an tirKiinl.iiHuii. Tlielr l,eliK
t'lll ,-lit' -I,!,' In Rll tlieir lilt. -Ilss.1. . ns, nn. t therti h-lns nn
.npesitli ll tiitlii-ir irolsr,lltiius, Hinv havtt e.iin-ltii -I Unit
t! ' t ri ir.-' at tl Iner.d avt Jnlili .il aioiit' o-nls ihu
wliule it.ul,. 1 hot at Pitt pr ,iott (o l"it,t a politic me a
llte, anil Hint Is p, lie h ' ,1 at IVur'n. 1 ht'i's Hiei inte-nt,
If p.''le. to m-snt the lieiii's'rntte parly latu Ihoir
lili-Asiiri s--(,i li.Otl I he tt're'lt ,11 iliteettini nterthi ll-Miu
i r.itie pari v w ol, n v.' w ,n e,NT,-itiff it tutu a n-'liis- il tl.--i-lnr,
nt litistllity In the pioft-iutluil nt tilt- lor any
SrATK Of TllKltMOMKTKR To 1AV. Six A. M,
OFJ. Noon, S'.'.i. Ouo V. M., Ni. Win, K. N. K.
Rf.ti un or a Piiit.M:i.riiiAN. On the six
T. M. train from Now Y'ork to this city yesterday
we had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Reorgo Alfred
Towii'etid, for a nuinbor of years an u7i of
the press of this city, and who has just returned
from an extended tour abroad.
Mr. Tovvnsend commenced tho life of a daily
journalist as a reporter on the morning fii.iirer
in IM'0. The next year ho becaiitio local and
drama'le editor of the Ves.t, acting nt tho same
time its the Philadelphia correspondent of the
New York World, and writing sketches for tho
Humlnt 'J'innii riiit. His war poems, of w hlch he
produ'ed n number, wero widely circulated and
preserved in Prank Moore's flrtvUion f.vno.
He llnully became tho llerald'i correipondent
with the Army of Virginia, witnessed tlio whole
Peninsular campaign, and, though being danger
ously III w ith tlic typhus fever before Richmond,
lived to tlcsrrilie the ix days' retreat, and repair
to the lield ariilu W'tli General l'ope.
At the battle of Cedar Mountain he lost two
horses, narrowly escaped Stuart's raiders
at Mniiassns, but curried tho story or tho battle
to the North, though so debilitated by sickness
und exposure as to be unable to follow thu men
Two years ago Mr. T. resolved to go to
F.nglund with his fresh experiences, and en
lighten John Hull. For awhile he made radi
cal pro-Northern lectures in Linc.ishire, but re
ceived more kicks than half pence fur his pains,
resorted fo Lmdon, und there tried the lit iga
r.incs. Here his success was moderate, and lor
nine months was a constant contributor to tho
Cornliitl Mmjaziiie nnd to f 7tiVr Jounml, etc.
corresponding all the whilo w iih America.
In June, IWti.t, Mr. Townsend went to tho con
tinent, visited Holland, Helgium, Germany,
Switzerland, and Italy, residing much of the time
in Fiance. He bud just returned when wo mot
him, nnd is now editing the Sunday Mercury,
New York city, and nt the sumo time preparing
a volume of tils literary experience, to bo c.illed
tlte "Skceluddler in Etiroiie."
On our trin to this rity last evening, Mr. Town
send recounted to us many reminiscences of
Thuckeray, Rossini, Georgo Sand, aud other fa
mous people whom he met abroad.
Patiuotic. Tbo following named gentlemen
have presented representative substitutes t par
ticipate in their stead during tho wan
Twelfth Ward. John L. Shoemaker, James T.
Klrlq ulrick, Franklin J., J. T. Audeu
rcid, Jonathan H. Seltzer, Kdward, M.
D., John R Llvezrv, Samuel Fox, Israel ft. II.
Tnrry, David W. "Dickson, Robert D. Work,
Willium K. Liltlotnn, Conruel S Groves.
Thirteenth Ward. Charles W. Larval!, George
II. Finniigiii, Samuel Dnteher, Alfred,
Samuel H. Guttley, Harding Williams, George
W. Grove, Charles i',. Armstrong, John N. Wil
kins, George Watson.
Sixteenth Ward. Nathan Hcrkcnstock, James
Wain llnig, M'm. I. Miller.
Eighteenth Ward. Peter O. rtainbo, Lewis
Audi nreid, of the Thirteenth Ward, who was not
liable to draft, put in two representatives.
Colored men are received as substitutes for
drafted or enrolled uiiiUinmcu.
F'ikp.s. Three fires occurred yesterday in
Frnnkford. Tbo first was tho destruction of n
barn and some sheds, the property of John
OTlrien, at Dell's corner, on the Iluslleton turn
pike. The flames arc supposed to have boon
caused by children.
Another tire occurred in the building used for
proving rille-b.irrcls, at II. II. Jenk'sarniory. Trie
building wns saved by meant of n force-pump in
the establishment, which drew sutlicient water
from the Delaware to extinguish the llamcs.
A Blight lire ulso occurred lu the cellar of John
llropby, Orthodox street, below Hedge.
Staiuipi). A man named John Crawford re
ceived a dangerous stub iu the abdomen, on
Saturday night, near Columbia and New Third
streets. Hugh Doran wus arrested Uoii the
charge of inflicting the wound. Crawford and
some friends were attacked by D "ran nnd others,
ami dining the fracas the former was stubbed.
Duran was heard to exclaim, w ith nn oath, that
he had cut nunc one, and was u cordiugly taken
into custody. He was eoiumltied for a further
hearing, by Alderman Clone;, to await the) result
of CitiwKuu's injuries, which may Jet prove
Wot NiiF.n Ol "ic'idis. The following wounded
ot'iecrs arrived in the steamer ,S'',ifc ' M om- on
Saturday. Tiny wins Bent to tho OlllcerV
llo pllul ;
I mi, i. W In. nn, Intitli N V I'hapl lin W Ntitrl Mil M I'S
1st I.t II" n-tiT. .flh I SH ' T :'.t l.i .1 ll I uiri.-r.:.-'-! Uu
Ca,t W K Muinit, PUMIi N V tl I.t st A .niiii's..i.'d Mo
rate . i; a .ilil, ii limit S V ( luaiii W I'jl'eu, .1,1 111
I 'not I. Sli'iims .'III S V I '-'li '.'it I.I II M IS, II, -'il Mleh S M
C'llit It N Hu-st-y, i-il st
Tbo liilli.vv nig licaibs oenii'red dti, Ing th? tl ip
lo Philadelphia :
fiavH.:'ii N M It T St Ansla.lO"li S V
V. A I'. llir.l.iii l a t 11 tenl.-'iil. Mlcti
Ol 1 II I. Ith UliA l I X IVll Plli-ONIMIS Ul -l l I 11.
A light occurred at Twenty-fourth aud Coates
streets yesterday afternoon, when olllecrs Spe;r
and Witlner Interfered, and took Into custody
two of the ollendci'fi. While conveying thnir
prisoners to thu lock-up the oilloer were beset by
a gang of rowdies, and badly hculun. Tho
prisoners were rescued, and ull tlio ritH'mtw es
caped. Oiliccr Specr was badly cut ubout tho
Siiouttno Ai p.un. Between twelve and ono
o'clock on Saturday ntght a riot between a num
ber uf rowdies occurred in front of the Conti
nent. 1 Hotel. During the excitement Harris
lietson was shot in tbo side, receiving a very
severe uud dangerous wound. He was tttkeuto
tho Hospital. Several of Iho rioters were ar
rested, one of whom had upon his poison a
heavily -loaded tevolvor.
City Moiitai.ity. During tho past week, 113
deaths w ere reported at tho olllco of tho l)o ml of
llculth, of whom two wero ngcdftuiu DJ to 101)
years. The lurgest number of deaths ( A) oe
curcd iu the Twenty-fourth Ward, und tho
smallest number (ti) in the l .ighth Ward. Of the
wh-le number, 57 were soldiers, ib7 males, lbl
PiiKsi-NiATioN. On Saturday evening tho
Ptize Fair Fire Coat won by the America Horo
Company, was presented to Chief Lyle of Iho Firo
lkpnrliiii nt. The presentation speech was mad
on beliulf of the Company, by Mr. J. Martien.
After Mr. Lyle had accepted iho gilt in a ueat
spiecb, the company assembled sat down to a
line eollaiioit.
Wn a UiiA'i inc. This morulng, John Kckert,
lesiding at Frnnkford Road and Gilurd Avenue,
wasanayed before Alderman Clouds Uion the
charge of driiukeiiness and cruelty to his wife.
It isallrgcei mat me accused lor months ba
hus btvu tu the habit ot maltreating his wife, and
last night beat her in a most shucking, manner,
lie wns commuted to prison,
Pen ini'. Tliis morning the Conner w
notified to hold an Inquest upon the body of
man rained Long, who committed, suicide by
tai-tng a i'o'O of strychnine at a Inline, Lingo;
and Curpcntt r streets, ITrst Ward.
CKAnriKii wttk Pie kino Pock ts. Ccnja-
mln Ibyan and Edward Coulson, were arrested
jestenlsy at Knglo A Wolfe's farm, npon ths
ehnrgs of picking poekefs. They woro tnkerr'
before Alderman Kani'dalo, and Coulson was
criinmittei for ninety days, aud Dyron was held ,
lor a further hearing.
Mii.itakv ArrxiKs. Colonel Thomas' regi
ment will not leave this city until Wednesday
morning. All the other regiments are fllllnff
rapidly, nnd before the rlose of the week we shall,
no doubt, witness the departure of some three or
four regiments.
CiiLiiM V to Amht.h. Mnlc bcintlng by th
diivcisof freight cars Is almost of dally occur
rence In Proad and Mnrket streets. On Saturday,
John Allen was arrested for this offence, nd
fined l y Alderman Junes.
None b. Tho steamship Emily li. Sowltr, of
Iv ing nt Cope's whaif, will be open for examina
tion until ( o'clock this afternoon.
Cot ttT or (Ji'AriTi-.n Sessions Judge Allison.
On (Saturday the June term for jury trial
closed with tlio sentences imposed upon iho
liquor dealers convicted on Friday. The pro.
feedings were not concluded In timo for our edi
tion of Saturday. Sulllee it to say that some
twenty of the sellers of liquor without licens
were on that day sentenced, according to tho
rlrciinistanrrs of curb ca-c, to pay tin" ranging
from t-'i to &7., and to undergo imprisonments
for periods ranging from forty-eight hours to l'uur
There still remain npon the table of the Dta.
tiict Attorney, a larve number of IndicrmonUl
ngainst'deliuquenrJIiquor sellers, width, of course,
that excellent ofllcer will call nn and proseenfe to)
conviction at an early day of the approaching
August term. . ,
The Court adjourned till next Saturday week.
Btnorlad by Clarknon k Co., Bmkari, No. Ul a. Tkmi St,
im al, I'nion I'rt oil.. 21. H a li RetHlruj R.... ,
In Si ,h ale'll Ul).... 6 lnoah 0, SitJ
iiissli d (I loo an no ativvn t;.",.'
lilliur.icai. lor till.. 1-,- luuaa do as) hli
t'.xmn r. f. (i, '8I....IKI i'ii'itr'ia.ii,w toPi
!'.'' 0 do H"t (jits) skh. Nar. 6a tel., kt
imi d. ls-'i t oihi ad r ii lion Coal, ... H'i
-."siO ,1 Iit't )ilsh MurrU ( nl.... Vl-i
ai'tti Alli-uh. Co .'.a..., HI', as ah Koaillng li. It. '6
V. M.A--JIH rSih do.... o SH
t; is',i an I"l', 2 otli tl',...bgAliit in
.! il ni..l "l I I.S'.h o A
.K." I'h l.A K.rleSa ...II I I Hi in Tanna K B.... 71
.lm C. A uit li 1IV' iUhatcJlllite.... 4.'
BiiixiNiv noAitn.
I 4-eVl ADes'ti so -I1, 10H) 1 a. It 2d mix. ...lit
ii'B, ii kar. S,H'J.. 'i.l U'liKhVal oa .IV. P.'l
sOiel Ot 'id. S.l', Slioilieud Mtla 4.1-'Stl. .IW
HivV.. 6-'flire8....iH i ssmllcl. Sun 7a..
'sl if" IIUV A'llh AlaplrMI 11,
finon f s k. si linV is h M.rrla Can.... itf
f.'asinrciinafi p lot 1 1H0 tl l.ltua Don 4'I1V
ion( A litis. 7.-,.. ..101 .HO an Koalln It. B.. '.
tiiUajeam.A A b....116Vi KM ah do...b.,.(irU ti '
II. a. I.Krcw, ntot k Commtaalon nnikar, Ho. T iav7
qnlaer llutldliiKR, Waiuut alrtiel, bttlow Tlurvl.
rillt'Eit OF ftTOCKB IN HEW YORK. -Itaportcd
by Clarkaon k Co., Brokara, No. Ul 8. Third Rt.
Pint Call. &tond Cult.
i niifit ernifasf.issi.tntoa.....ieuc bia
HM'.' iata
not-a iniaria itaiiroaa
lus'i talsa
SAIi tates
IX aales
b0'4 sains
lU.'a aalaa
.. sales
10IK aiM
Ri-Hilinir Itiillpiad...
.. CeVbld
... .. bid
..Ul bhl
..UllAt til I
.. .. bid
...vt bst
..KM li bid
.. Mttiady.
llllnoU Central Railroad
(ialflia Italiniad
sa York Onera Railroad..
Krle Railroad
Harlem Railroad
l ull, d Slalsi 6-20,
Vr. Havsm A Bro. Kt.30 8. Third strsat, qoeta as fel
lows :
fliiVin. AelltuQ.
American Gold 3M prem. ft-'si prsta.
L'nltid Htatta IVt nisntl' tto Do4 d
American Silvrr S' and a.. ..204 do ., do
Iilincs ami Half llimea 'IMI do ' .. do
Bpaiilth guarira fl& do
reiirsvltanlH Currriir X dla. )i dia.
)ie-w York Baelianso I ll) do par..
Jay Cookk at Co. quota Ooverumaat Becuiithts, ate to
noon to-day, si follows :
V.. , isai
V.H. 7 S hi N.itns ,
Coriittratisi ol liitli-titetlueiN, New. .
t,iuiirtt'ruiaatt-r'a Youelivrs........
o-20 Honda
10-40 e'oiqKin it, inda ready fur detirary to June 71 lucU
Qnoladnni t Goldjat th Philadelphia Gold" Eichws
& o. tft 8. Tuird atreot, aaoood story :
tl.S A. M .'.17 11 M A'i
11 A M -l'A , tf.M ,!'
Market Bu-ady.
Munhav, July 18. llroadstutTs move slowly at
the decline noted at the close of last week, but
supplies come forward slowly. Thera is very little
shipping demand for Flour, and the sales are in a
small way at $U(n930 for superfine, !yJ7S(aT)'2S
fur extra, $Hl'7"(all'oO for extra ianoy, fuel
fancy lots nt higher prices. Iu Rye Flour and
Corn Meal there Is nothing doing to fix quota,
tiens. The mnrket is nearly bare of both.
The demund for Wbeut is limited, at 8 itarday't
figarcs. Sales of 20,000 bush, red at 48(53c, fl
bush; in while nothing doing. The receipt of
Rye w ere trilling, aud it commands ($1-70. Corn
is dull, and bus declined 20x 3c. U' bush. Sale
of iiOOO bush, yellow at $l-ti7(" 1-08, and irrull
loll of white nt I-1 (')). Oats are dull at 9J("Jc.
In Piovisions nothing doing, und prices are
nominal. Tallow has declined; a sale of ci y
rendcred nt 17c. cash.
Whisky is unsettled, and nominally held at
SWOp-- l'7o, without finding buyers.
! r S.tfMli, ll itf' ti, N' IttiH'irrt, l:Uk ttH,irrrT Cr.
hrlnii cr ll ll, Si uf. Korire-m M-.r-, l-k-f t t'o.
I r IL lu.ivkn un. Cur tly, l.y t"ii, t 1ii.m. i !', 1 ui.uiMii, rruviilen- o, l apitm.
Id- CmuJitif llfluit a, t'ruiiM r, rrov.'leoe",:r.ntAjiv
Se,.r Wiliiiui WuiLm-u. UickuiAU, il. , Cuputm.
fti l r itraioiiii, I in Llirt-n, i l-n In-iu HcTly, "M.t-.,
hi lullMht lo citi-tmii. (u lli Mlh ipj Mu btM uu
. V K dikitiu! lullfs, i k'- tin Iii Tit-h lirif -.f
jnilii'iit Nttdiuu N F, tuit.t io Siiw (i'i.
ll' l h r Willi i,rwviM..i.- iiul tt' td 1 1 mi ic. K. K
it rot ,Ui 'iil.ii, n.Tiyt iiuot iuii-q, wnn mno
lu'hiil .H (u
St Iii Sei,.! I.t Ar.n, 8 lull)!, front I.nt.urvt lu L&lUkl lo
i lit U" t it i iv. .nihil . ifi'iu iiMM'ur , tu imnisi ti t iu-
ei,r lin ( -uiti'lun, hiuith, nrom rtui n ut lu ivc
ti Jif A. I'liA'D, I lii'ini''tl, from Ho tu, In baUt to
fit'lil' I iwuun Ilia liAiru, ii viii --u w ins, ui iAja.t .v
M-iir V. A.Sitiiiiel. ra, St-imcif, front Hjslmi, In Ul'mi to
f Aiiii.iii. . , .
H itr I'nioiliK II-liiiCii,t'ntmcr, from l-jiiu.iu t lo
ekviri..& li, Pm'th, Biulth, from Providence, In bullet
t ri't ii.
ti. 1 1 join Frtm'tm, Kelly, Any from Benton, with Ic
to cronr-ll dr lollmt.
I r Aim " lion, lUIcy, 6 (.Uyi from Iljitoa, la
feM.Jaat ti.C'ijl .lu.
rMtr t. iHik.TViite", 5 dny from Newburyjort, la
biiHKt tn (...-.i.- li. Krrio-'t-hiir
Htur, i lovvtll, (j Uytt from BostH, with nitlM to
CiOWfll c,,llH.
Ht lirStiruti Kl HhHh, KcH.fitluy tnw Bottoa, with
Jlttlsr to ( Tiiwcll M t'olliiii.
8Mr t- ritnk lleil-r. rowell, $ fruU Boston, wttU
let tot'r-'WuiU I'uliiiia.
H.-lir Um. Cniwi-il, 6 4ayi tVm Boston, vita Ice la
Crtmcil Xl.olllni. '
h. brM. A l(i h. lUrdlnff, ft dayi from Bfttton, Willi
nidx tei 'I weMi it ( o,
ti nr Kutit, 'i iiAul or, J7i from Bottoa.vlth mdi
tol rtiwt il Jt i n
8e l,i 'ha.' Mursf. itrftrlfunitft Jay from Boiton,lu btvl
Udt to K A. H'.tuii-r A C o.
Ne t r v. V ruilUi', Hiuith.BUayi from I-otton.tnbal-
I All tO f AptJiJn.
hcif Mrv tlizietbt C'rdory, 5 dayt from
bAlUtt to tapum.
hctir L. A M. iiccd, Utcd, 8 duyi from Boton. with lc
to i'A)traln.
Hcitr w tiltc Arunll, Adrimi, dyi from FarLUutd. In bnl-
lAlt l.i I 'rty Jt llll.lil-'ll.
h.i.r K. A. t:orni, Norton, ICdayifroAm Boston, wltU
nt'Ue to I'ftiwt-U k O'iUimi.
Hi iir Jo.m l, iiikKini,ft ay from Weimwt, witlj
mdk te ii, lutuuA.
JlfortcJ for The tcmn-j TcWjrafh.
Thiniwad K Ci HAHrlr VAu ttMiiin, lUrrimaa
hhH l'jt Kk4 fcU.'Af il-J,0UU liiiiMi' H Vi Y tUU,
Lvtlcry ot kcuimky. . .
I.t ah ItW -July V:, n.
77, CO, 50, 7t, li, .17, 4, , , M,