THE DAILY EVENTNO T ft I.FG1T AFTT.- FTTIL ADELriTI A, SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1 Rfi i. . . " Vr ! 3 ) ii 5 - i -, ,' i - ! 9 t m m w i i SATURDAY, JULY VI, mi. Tti Mule Mnlrl land ihl.irr BY JOHN 0. IXF i A Hong. I. Tl.fy My.littV mnirl, .,.1 .tl lw a she, V Imt'K tint Tint tWy any, little - lno. r ....i.i ii. i llrnivli. YonTo the ,,-.- ,, -, , v i -rtoi ' "'' " r -rft'e tlint lu jou ' n. T.h,,y iv, little uml t, qnoili lnwycr lli-own, rA tl.e'tii in ft mmi ii. all tlie t'ww. lll'idlilm.' IV BllC, AV Iiiii'h til it in nif ? "flnt tlicr nay, Mtili! nmul, qmitli lawyer Hrowii, You tuiglit ti Iw ilii'iil in a finer gnwii! hiivn hr, if they do What's that to you r in. TTiey sny, little maid, quoth lawyer l'rown, 3 hat Julia Hoile is 1111 a kr. ciuwti. HoiUlilio! n.iyi nho, W hut's that to me lint they sny. llttlo mniil, the lawyer aniil, That yun and Johnny are xniu. to ud ! hayn stie, it they tin, What's that to you Ttt Yonnir Artrfxi or. 1 lie NiiiKtuer Hliil III t niitriki't. Ponie time llrtre a bpituiifiil young pirl in itle lier 6mt iippearanec on the Ntae of one of tliu Tnlnor theatres iu I'm in. Her pr.ue Mi 1 lovi li nes! attrne'eil aiiiuinttion, whieii her ri-intr t iliut yrotnueil to aeeiire. Mioeoiu'lirled a l"nii etiir iH1' uientwnh the munatrer, Kivinft her servi' en lor very moderate remuneration, hut which mi 111 "ed for her wan tH and thosto of an invalid mother who was totally depending on her exertions). Accord ing to the' usual custom, a clause in the contract atiulated tluit a foi ieit should he paid in un. of it mm-lii filment hy elllier party. Theatrical managers neicrliiil to Insert this rtielc in the treaties ligneal with their actors; tid it often happens that a very mu ill salary is accompanied hy an immense forfeit. In thin ease It was fixed at ten thousand francs ISZ'MM) ; but the young actress attached no Importance to the mount, lining fully resolved tofullil her eiiuMgo menl, iuid ateailily Hpply to the cultivation 01 her power. Mho felt bow much depended on Iwr tuecesi, and on alio walked in the right tmtli, TtfiiBiuR to be turned from it hy the Ikmcring Tows and insidious liomigc which she duly received. But in our unceriain world, the irooii ad prudent may sometimes change their plain suddenly as the foolish and the fickle. One day the young actress entered the numi per's room, and announced to him that she wished to leave the theatre. "How !" cried he ; "you arc the last person from ffbom I should have expected such caprice ?" "Indeed, sir, it is not caprice." "It in, then, the oiler of another encasement ?" It la, sir, and one w hich I cannot refuse. It is from an excellent young man, who wishes to marry inc." "Here's a pretty busitiess a marriage in question !" "My happiness for life, sir, I feel is in question." "Thea don't hesitato an instant; marry at once." "lint the person who has proposed for nie would not wish his wife to continue on the stage." 'A fno prejudice, foraort.'i! M'hat is his situ ation Id life " "He is at present a merchant's clerk, hut he intends lu set up in business, and he will waul .jue to attend our shop." 'My dear girl, I shall want you, also, to study your part In a new afterpiece which I have just received." "Thin, sir, you refuse to net me free ?" "I must tlnuk about it. At all events you have it in your power to break the engagement by paying the forfeit." "Ten thousand francs I 'tis yery dear." "It win very dwir when you signed your name ; but now your services are worib more than that." "Alasf it will prevent onr marriage I" said the poor girl, in a voice choked witw tears, aud with a despairing heart she left the room. Two days afterwards the munagcr was seated Close to the grate in his apartment, trying with all bis skill to kindle a tire. All the theatrical attendants were engaged in rehearsal, so he was obliged to dispense w ith their assistance. The cashier entered with a visage woefully elongated. The affairs of the theatre were in a critical state; the receipts had diminished, und pay-day at the end of the month approached, with a menacing aspect. "Yes," said the manager, "our situation cer tainly is cniburrassing. And this plaguy tire that won't light." Astonished that he could be so Indifferent Under the circumstances, the cashier retired. As he was leaving the room, the young actress entered. "Ah I is it yon V said the manager. "Yon arc coming from rehearsal f" "N, sir; I have come to return the part you gave me to siuay. o it seems you think of quitting the stage :" I have brought you the forfeit." "The ten thousand francs 3" "Here they are." "And how have you procured this sum!" "My intended husband gave it nie." "Is be, then, so rich " "These ten thousand francs arc nearly all he pos sessed, ilut he said, 'What d'scs it signify ? we shall only have to defer setting up business; or perhaps I may succeed In borrowing the money .'" "Going in debt i That's a tine prospuct for young housekeepers ? 8o, the dowry you me in to bring your husband is want and ruin ; you take from him the hard-earned fruit ot his liidus'ry, and yon oblige him to renounce the prosa)ct of an honorable independence." "lray, sir pray don't speak so cruolly !" cobbed the young girl. ''Have you considered that such a unljn can not fail to be unhappy ? Listen to reason take back this money and roiurn it to him who g vt it you; and if you are absolutely resolved to leave the theatie, I'll show you a simple way of doing it that it won't cost you anything. Iako this paper, and have the kindness to put it iu the grate." Ko saying, be handed her a sheet of paper care fully folded, which she threw among the smoul dering sticks. The manager watched it as the 1 intfiild flame gradually cuned round it, and then shot up in a bright blate. "Do you know," said he, "what that paper was t It was your signed engagement! And low I have no louger any claim on your ser vices, and eon-e iienily can ncnanl no forfeit, tio, my poor girl, and employ your little capital well, and be happy." Deeply all'eeitd by this generous deed, the young a trcssexpressed hergratttude as fervently as her tears permuted. "Don't talk to me of gratitude," replied the Biouager; "we are only q nts. f -o, f ir tint lat hour 1 have beeu blow up in vain at th it iiki nate tire ; you the a your enjau -in :nt mt it, and directly it b azed up. luniks to in , yo i are fne; and thuuks to you, 1 am giving my hands a good wa'muig ' We subjoin a curious sp'cinien of verse, which is tioiti iugcnius ux I wify, an 1 adui ts of bmg read in twj wajs. To su t t ie ton: and Inclinations of the m n ricd, or those who pi o io e iuarri.igc, ne transcribe it as foiio; but t eo:i vey a directly opp .site sen iuicnt, for ti c lieu lit of the singiy blessed, it will hi ucec-ntry to u!. tertiat the l ri", read the tils! and third, the second and fourih : "That man mu t leu 1 a happy life M ho i.s aiivi ted I y a wife;' Who's freed fr iu innti nn mi d claiim Is sure to sillier lor Ins puns. "Adam could lind no solid pi acc 1 ill he beheld a woman's face ; Wliea J'.ve was given hint lor a mu'e Adam was iu u li.ippy tiaic. "In all the female race up;cur Truth, darling oi a heart sincere ; Hy pocrisy, deceit, anil, In Helium never d.d re-ide. "What tonpiic is able to unfold The wor'h iu woman ue hold : The failings that in woniaa dwell Are almost imperceptible. "Confusion take the men, I say, hu no regard to w mien piv. V ho mko the women their delight Keep alwny, iK4Buli tut.jr ,1,1." A Nr.w riuvATi;,.a.o tll0 2o(il u)t ihc McumerMo Ihtu-k arr,vtll ,t lVrmudii from London, bheisa new vwsel, aV.ui one thou sand tons register, bar.iue riired. Hrt chief en gineer hs declined going in her tu W,mi,,..ion und told our intorinaiit that she v.mtwi?, , ' a register, ontht, gnus, ami aunuuiiitiuu.3 (in account of In r great draught of w iter she cany no inward cargo, and she is dosiiutd toe the same trade as the J'luriJa. .V. 1', lU,a d. SiNOi'i Alt Cask. A ludy In this city has jut fcad cxti acted hum the end of her riht thuui'i the fragment of a ueidlc, which was aei nleni.illy broken "U in li( r hip alxmt twenty-eight years ago. Dr. W. II. i'a; e, the surgeon who pcribrined the cperatiim, regaidsthis us the most lingular ruse ulueh has tomtl withiu his kuowicdc. ' I I ! N H Y AI'l'liM, CAUOES AND COOPEH, No. atirj h. wathu Htrect, Bl.w WslBnt strsrt, ntlLAIir.l.rillt. Imlfftl" llrseclT und Wine CanKs.sal all kliiJi f Wak mscli- of Old i. S w HlnlT IT n ksJ nT itr to itiih r. i "M. t .M ki ; r; Mi'i';ni'.M' K"f. smri'isu. All 'if Tl'liioien.; i e-e i nihr all-nled t. jj 1 lot ltUCWN'S MM I.S IldARDINfi IIOrsK I 'I ! f ll'IMir .f" III M,1 IIMIII Iff III- l"l..Tl lO.e.f i-riiien l k'l'l h I I'.t , 11 fatiilh.m llmwnB Mn.s . o, 1 1 r h. ii.eip ,,t I', ,,,!ti.ii. r-Miim iM Ion IHitft.m. t.fl s--r ft ' tiw .1-!', mt. Sf-ril. mf uiri'"t ll.utllt mi nh r. b,'ie ct il.e-hinr f ah. u, , m ks..piu Ihi-nm.l hllH, ltl .IV flil, I., ( i t,m, I r litl lll W Ki u tiii I 'm vliliilu'tr i ii, v. I h li"n rr "in,ii sre pr'MjJ ah nit Hi in. : iif i-ii,r fr th "m'-irt :nS em, in. ni "t Tir.f- w i. timf r.t in-J ltivetry lll, blU'O 1 111 b l. th' r r-.i,r, itl"ii. s an't t tn'"i t. I Hull IS sa. A I 1 Mi llion. Proprlflw'-. fly Rims-r'ii".,Mli'stp Ijile Hi' St,mnSst f -l wf W 1 ntif "p n-,1 Wlmil. ill .' o rl" k I' M., for ( itnd-H. Sinn II. iiki lo rn,- lor liHt;i,il,n amiI M"ihi H)k, n I ci i It. rt' n. liro I l.f tl "l'i iu T n SI lit . -tuvuN ill ri li-In-Pi t , on p pup t i ii rs 8p mil,-, to Ilr-.'' ii Ml Si. .Ii 'IK IIHKNltMS, 1 IS stiilS-lM l'io,rltar ipf Smxnp. ki'TUm: hoi hi;, A T I. A N' 'I I : (' I I Y. JOHN SMICK, lltlThlLT.m. Till- fv'iit It-iit, hich t most fl' Hj.'hlf'illy iitiiaTrt, nrsr tlif Spsi h. hps I'i ii n i !y rfiLiiirrp-il, rsi-niiitrd, arid tlnr"iishl r"puiPiKti S. and Is ii". mvvii fur Hip rsc-iui -ti of ir'i us, t ff tIdp tlp riiiiirnns (f a l siae, roiatnie d witli all Die liixurl- a at Ike Mason. Term tum-rata. )H lm 7T().N(.l(i:S9 11AI.I,, All.ANTIi! t'l 1 Y. ' I "smilC rPPSP-tinlly In'oroi lay rro-riCa anil tra pi'bhs. tl at I bat p aysin tapa Cpimis,, s bptrut ti.p Milril par, ana la. niaca fst-iy prpiarnloii tor 'i tntr l,i r sfj.tP'.e, ii, h. H-a b-'sar apt it upa. raiiiaaalp.l , new ruriiltiop. Ilia cl.aaihpra wna aanni l.ap, At, Ac, Had villi rrcltiraMdafp 'pnr hiwiirPS ipstp. ) ou will rlnil ita fcpplpr I'lac Hots Viiktpsp Hatv. It l Uia iiparast lotha oi-pan "I ativ ut Ilia laiK ban, ' a i. Atlanua I Ilr. bPiov lnt nap buna,tf yaiap frwii iba b-A;n, tiup pri-saatlni. rtNlf an aiivantHta m th piptnla. 'I'Ua.a raaivit Iw aiw Ipsiior baiMnjc tbaa at Aliantlp nkia antiimrr. I lip saua iar tbal ap piu'h a ar'St Siantia' k Inst S'-asoa has ail bpti iwpiit awayliylba lib tlapa f lapl Sitrr. lormiag Itaalt tka bpat balk pup nn It a Atlnnllr n a-lHiarrt. 'I harp p an eatc, lh nl H iua ul Miinx pa'aKa4. Aita hail la a pvileadia BiUlurd jpl.l-tl O. W. niNKLS. JNliKT II U M 11 , ATLANTIC CITY, vr.w jku-iev. :. J. tilIiMlN, Proprietor. (Ixibf srrl favcrahlT knpan aa tiroprlptur of OYHTRB IIAV, NIMH und CIlhVN'I'T HtrePta.) farttpa af:i-omnmrlal'S with lloatp, I'uMnu l.lnca,., Aft. I ara run tu the tmusa csary twi-nty muiutaa. jr.'i-U N 1 T V, 1 STAT E S HOTKL, ATLANTIC CITV. NKVV JKItSKV. Thla relpbraiad tiotal la now oien fur ilia riraptloa of sui'sts, anil in iiiuhT tlio puiicrvlsiun of I'lilenal Jmnea VV. riivo'ia. wlih Ilr. l'.'lward llaitwellua Aaplstant. i'rartlciil and experlehcvil pnrsona have barn employed fiT eacli ili'l'artiiM'iit, anil . cry averlUn willbniuilo to ciinihn-t the pane lo die. nilrr. sailslaellon at tha Mhlle. .stti-r .Inly I. f"tir traltinll IiaaVhio SiJ'ovt terry. Sally; the l-'apt lain-throiisli ill tviubuura, wilbuut atop blas' at tlif ay slatfniia. A puasi'iiiinr cur 111 bu runf rem tiie Hutal toUialnlal ev rv twentv aiuiuli'i. liiipsli-r's Itaiul. uiifler tlie Slrer-tlon of Mr. Simon Ftaas rr. lias 1,,1-n i-tip'Mjci d I'T tli' aensnn. Tpraons wlalilus UieBS-i-'e timiiim will address HllOHJi it WoM.eiTR, I'r'i'rU-lora, Atlantic I'lty, Np.w di-.rai'V . B. The land Tlar which last year formed uppoalta ttieshoro hap enlliely dlapiieariid, laavlnu Ibv .'acti onft ol the beat and anfenl on Hit: coast. )eio-tm lXCUANCiK HOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. 1 J tlm iil'umhw-, irnit'Ail fr at Tmvorn, temlari ttiaaks to bits ptronK and the iuhilc for ttir ireueroaa cui-tf-Bi Rlvin hisi, ml hfita lv ty iry thl b In omw cipn tor the ii Hiiin, and reudy t receive toardori, nanuanetit and traiifient, on Uic moat tuoflerat tenua. The tir will alwnjn he aupalied nith the rtniict wini u. Uiaor, aa4 cigttrfi, and upenor old ale. Tii tablwa wlU b Mt with Uif bri-t the niarkat aflnrtli. i- lihlnir lilies ami tarkle ajwaja on hand. sHtar'le ritit on the premiaei. All the comforts of ft aoiuo can always b rSnn4 at Bxchnaffe. iiEOiUiK llAVl'AV. jeU U i'ropiietor. noLUJIIUA HOUHE, ATLANTIC CITY, HEW JKRHET. SITUATE ON KENTUCKY AVE NCR, PPORITE tUt BVHT IlOf 8K. KDWAKD DOYLE, XropHeto. Ttnnfl to inlt Ue times, )eO-tf 'I'HK ALIIAMRKA, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., 1 ia nr rt n for vtitnn. The rtni and taJle an miiriat.ii(d by muy on tv Inland Titiiik bb Hlerate. gKA-BATHIN O S K A U AT JI I N G. KATIONAl, HArr, CAVF, rLM, CAl-K MA V, K. J. Thndren undi-r IV tvirx oif aie and i-erviintR half mrtafl, Pup'Tior act (iinmiMi-.n ji and nuitl' n-oin KjK 1 WO HI MrKI- II I KKMoNH. )ei4-Vm AAKON UARHKISON. I'ropTlrUr. Qltl-ljVISH IIOUHL, No. &31 CHKKN UT BTIilOKT, rBtLADBLVIil K. Ti.ti Hnue la kp? on Ihe Knranean Plan ; Hie Rooms are convenient and well i.UUti-d. 1 he Uutauraut uiiara all luxuries ol the kaon. jjy-lna JOS. STF.PPAt lJKR, Pronjaetor. LEBDY'S HOTEL, ROl'TIIViKrIT CORNKR or NINTH nml MANHO.U Htrcetw, OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL The resort of Gentlemen of Rcflued Tt, who apprc elate a Pure HToraa:e. 10-1ib ' J. MoUUKJAlV. Isuaorter and Wboleaale Inarer lm FANCY (U)OUS, NOTIONS, Aa. riEEWOBKS, PLAGS, &o, nuli'lirpj and Klii"Klnir Ko. -4 HI KAWHKKKT t l KKCT, (rimt ureal abnv hecond, bi'twean Idaikat audCbaaaat) ?; im CMlLAl.KM'lllA. - . . . 1. j i i 11 'i' ii i wi n.- j: m, i;i:anuii:s, iykj. lha pnt.iirit'T li.t'oims tli-puliiir that ha pd posing of V'h lar,c ainl fil pi-leu eil ptoek ol 01.1) UltAXDY, ilN, I'OKT WINK, 611 KliliY AM) MAD Kill A WIXKS, A l lo'. sai'- j r.ces Tl t-e a-e r ri: tli- a'il stt rk nn haMit. l ilir.inri 'P PUfiMloV ItltK ii' lor JiroatP UpO woi'lii Uo vie. I lo tu.l ut UKNUY IlI'DUY'S Wliol'-pa.e W incaiiil l.l.uor Ml.iro, Ko. 11 . !. Mat ' ISO Hlri't-t. Maw Uicp, J . h lm I'h.l.idi l; !ua. pi.ANh BOOKS AM' 1 ATlONl'ltY. I HANhH. I.AMiKI.S, :i 'II'IMN IS, MAM-FaO- 'I I I Kits. UAll.i.nAU iilll'.t MI S. .v.:., WlU CttU It Im their inn. at u oidor houj Ule uililerphniad. IILAMt II " I.1-. PaIKic. ASH HfATKlVKKT, AM kinitP for I'u- n '-s, IT-.r. ssioual, ana Fin ala u.,. I or aula al uio.i '.u:r i:o:. a tiy Will I I M M AN9, Httttloner. rrluUT, an't Blank I j"K .l m I'p. lim r, h. U b. 1 II K I II Miil, af.'.' aa i-iaUiluaula. AKl'I'lS, MATITNiiS, ol I, CLOTHS A Nil ii .V, hh. i.l.s. 1 1 "t'l V'W nlls Ai"'t: II su.-s, ( - J I . I . I . upI. ,-- .i.i-liirl. out llnhvl., , vv , I.-. .l.',, Ifl "'"-" aim t-17'; In ii--i!p. 1 oa:u. -1.) ; ', v. . I-. ',' . v a 'i 'I ii . I, I . I 1.' I at t-.", n - Ii. lm i i i ; In.; n.! I '.. r,.. I - 1 .;7 l.p i '.. j"T y 1 1 .1 ; i.'vi'ani. Ii'in ..'till t" HI.",; lii'-iia'i.;, .iti it Jit-nil'. Iioni '-'i't t" i,i (iris .rr .i;ir'i; Ma: 1 1 I - 1 1. 0 ln.'.i'at nshoi'tuu nt I V, i o'Vr l in I i iu.i. h'lu.i. fi 'iu ' 'j t . i eiils u iinl. at t. e Ni-w I i'i k. An. tl ''I S.i s Uc- piit. 1 1. .mo ily m. ii,i.ip.) No. i; h si.rusii atnei, tii.'i 1' or ul.ov c U aliiut, o;'iipilu loin Kvt.!,a:i,c. ).;-" Ol J, CLdTI'f OK KVl'.KY VAIUlilY, Uiamllai ttii'i A a n't ic-r aalf liy iittlitt Mint 1't.Wlhl, A CM,, J.iS-lm , .So -'" J'Ul K ijlii'ol, I'lilia l. CtOl STV S 11A WAltK.nOCM;. J.STA- klhphod Jn J-f-i. -luil'orti-r ainl Ilea, rt III me ivaa, V iuup, nuu 1,1 jinn, Cholci- liai ana Clvar. Cro-i A' Hl.irp.wr.II i l'lcklea and Kaucaa El hUpIi aud Ktotli Alv. and I'orler. CuiinuJ .SUAta, Frulti, Snip, Ao. Kpvy ilcaaci uut up villi i"ru. ' Mil". II" H. HKf'OS'll (sfrct. laJ81r J0M1UA U. COUeilT. t n D i n d r. m l' o n i u m, X ., No H. SEi.MH Hliael. p.,i..,"!A1TI'k-"I.H. MAI Uit.SSMS, f LV,". '!'J ,"'" llnpk. HKim iiiils I i ns). Ann Pir.t.OVf-3, VMJOU Ahli 1KHN IlKI'M KAliS, V It n,..,.!H. . "I'lUNl llfcllS ASM COTS. Will UvajiaivU. lav. V . t uwti puELouons-ruLouons. Offi. ta-a and toljlrra violn Hip r'.tvoa mrU uiaa.aaodiif HWOIlllH, As d oiian MILITARY KQirirMKNTS, Aaa lavnan to tup. axTraairi WASt'KA( i IIMM1 KPTAfll.lAftMKRT ear i:oit( : i ; v. ft M ".'H .v. i 1 1 ;. SAN.iOM Mill. I'.T IIAI.I,, HAS-OM Stre-I, al ov S'lih. r lv i; .' i: N T A T I t) N S W O V. Its po onl' i ul ii..' I'loirlusi M"1l''i , M h (or r pli'M". ' ftnd mas Hint no , r I nili'i., r ro'tiietilloti, no oil ir housr in ll a eonairr roiiililmnn no MAM't A' I'I ItlNil JKWKI.KK IM III lll'l I IV Tu Al. l'.ltl mi;e.K. Ip4 P Ij A. J M I HUNTINd V I. A a H, OK HU'l'lllcKt (Jl AI.Il V, SI li K K 1,A(IS, cr Furr.ft iwH M II S I. I N V Ii A H, or hi tkhioii (ji'Ai.n r. HtuflH. JIalllnrilH, I'illcyw, -o. Wholepala Old Kelall, al W. H, EORSTMANN & B0N3, BrH Sf Finn aad CHtCllKT Ktraolf. J. II. H U" hi ll. AWN1NO MAKKil, lVo. 4.43 JS. TJIIUD Hlreot, ABOVR WILLOW. I-;TAHL,ISlIi;i5 1H-.4. AWViNoa,, WACOM COVKft.S, ri.AiiK. KAILS, TBrtTS, FAKCT VKUANDAIISi rOK WINIIOWS. All klrda of work done promptly, and attended to par ODallv,tor J08KPH II. FOSTKB, No. 443 N. T1III1I) STUEK.T, Above wino j-3m PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN, ly IiAOH, BANNEE3 AND TSANSPAEENOE3. WM. I". MOIIi:iIIal53, No. 49 S. THIRD STUKET, Atiove Ctieanut, Philadelphia. HAM KAtrt IlKR )' IXAOS, JpANNKUS, TKANSPATtENCI KS, ANI LANTERNS. Political CamnaJan Clubs Ailed out with Lantoma, P-ariitee, Batinera, and Kla-a. ai roammable rates, )c4 Sal pOE THE AEMY AND NAVY. EVANH afe II A H H A Ii L, MIHTAIIY k'lJllNISlHOIta, No. 418 ABOII HTRKET, PIIILADEI.I'UIA. Bannara, Keaimantai and Ootnaanv Vlaxa, Rworvla, Raphes, lleila, Passants, Cpaaleta, Hats, Caps, Caiitaena, Haveraarka, Camp Kits, ld tllaHsas, 8para. and ovarr thing pertaining to the eomplou oaiMt of Armj aad Nary Officers. A Hlwral pUaeount allowed to tlia trad. bt10-8oi WRIGHT & SIDDALL f No. 110 Market Street HKTWF.KN FRONT AND SKC0K1 BTRKETS. C. W. W KKiltT. r. Ha RIDDALL. DIlUGOISTsTT'lIYSICIANa, AVD f.ENF.KAL HTORKKKF.rrnfl, Can tn1 at onr ettabltsKnient afiiUasortmntor Importwl and Jkmentic DniKSi Popular Patent Medicines, I'alnts, Coal ON, Window tiliiss, I'rescrlpUon Vial, Ac,, at as low price as snoine Arst-cluss (iood can be noli. FINE KHSENTIAL II.H ForCcnft'ctlotierti.m full variety, auil of tbt txnt nullty. Cochineal, BeucaJ ludltro. Madder, Pot Anh, Calboar, ftoda Ahh, Alum, Oil of Vlirfol, Annntto.Ooppvras.Rxtraet of I'Mood, -tec., FOIC DVIlKS' bc, always on haoid, a4 lowtst oat cah prtcrs. PC UK HPU'ES FOR FAMILY t'RE, Ground tiprrissry for our sa)s, and to which we avit tiifl atisntkm of thon in want ol' reliable articles. Also, IhblUO, b TAHVUt MVHTARU 4e,t triYa quality. Orders by mull, or ctty post, will agent wlln prompt at tention, or special quoiatloni will hs furnlh(l wlieu ro quet kd. WK1QHT ft RIlrALU WlmlefsJr Drag Warttiouse, all-ly o. UU M UKfcT Htrvm, atvors Front. 1KVAUD8 ANT) CON VALK.SCENTS, IN X. Talitlk and Convnrf(Mtiiti, lim.HiU and ( VinvalfscnU, Invalids and 'oiiVptiVkeiuu, haiwciuUy K-i"iy Fnial in itiA( lloHlth, Mtiali'it tn I liCMtt llottitlt, tviuii.t'S in IHt.aie llt vitli. Wilt flnd our CaMfnrnia wines. t'allfonila Wines, C aiitiirma W men, CniiiorniA Winit, ( Miitiirina Wiin . ( 'anion. m WIixk. pv-ull:irl valtin' le la a l catrs of luuut.r and cvmI pros Uattstu i-l strffiif th Ak A-k ik ANk A-k Abk A -It A' It Auk Ask A-t. A-k Ak Ask SkX lr. Sti Ckll.iiKl, fit lihard, Knnmel Jackvon, (w Utf NnDltr.i'a Cnivrlty. liTtng. Hrrcim, iiniv', lliirtHhrtrne Kr-JtiiMi le, W tUiiiniH, Hurlley, Noiillinrd, VN liton, 'I mum, iiml, Kialt'y, hti'iT, llivlund, ajid utiitr l-adln- p 3 -tn-lum.. Hit- tl.lnk of lli? mcdl tu r ih'k ut Cam rum Wtnci ! Tli.-i' k'M l-(iu 11 pm txritx (ri.r ln-.d. uinl auauie u of tito b.iiclUe pikUonitf r iv? iroiu Ui-rr uk- t C.M.IFOKMA WINK A.iF.VCV, llll Kii. IS. I 11 1 ll StlUi't, tttmvt! I'liOHIiUt. FL ANT itf CKi Tfertfepft. HUM fiairilKw ' hro a linn, TuovsaToM tnciii, . ajitifciiit ' '"'i i ' 'i rmmc Niippori tn fcrm, at.J i itfi li..-re on.i iiiu-li I in lues drr ho mado as raU'lltm! Iliminlinr )H,B U be availed to au tntuh. v. II , k'l'M 4 V Ko. 117 H. KKIOSH HUfal.1,,,1.,.. aplf nm p ,K;Va I'llll.AUKI.I'HlA SUlUil-.u.W ll,!-i BIMl'if INS! 1 I I'T I'., So. ll N-iri MM II Kui! 'I. alicivn Mark.l. II iplui i.j ni.liriiK) run il l.i II. ' . KI I, III: I' l rrciiiiliim I'ni.nt l.uiiiiialiiis' I ri-'Mira Tru,s. hu,, t.lrtr.lic Bi'lla, Mtistic siui'l-liiiip. Kupuilia, tsliouldiir llracf a, Riupaii lurliip, ( 'i uiclj,--, At. aiyi i-ly tf3 'l n V s S ,: S- -HACKS. :f V A Jr' "kiiiolt. ad o-ifd kr II. M'.KDt.KH.cor. s M ol 'i N I.I.I -J'lland H t'L sirens. I.adi.;.' It. "J -pa'fcMi-ht l..r tii-iue. e .in hie'., d M la lira, 'IWrl.l 111 Mteit, ii t i-ast uor hH-"'i Hue. 'J h uiot conitii, i0 hik! vari.M m,. k o hrnid,!in,', in part, ul' i i in-Nt'i. SoupnrterH. Hnonldur I i nice , I'.-yl'u. It a rsdft-a , Ki4tii Wlo. k Ui, v tin ,-.aj, .rik ft i :rrvi ,Sirk K''..'.t. ,fcf. M 1' II E A K T I V I (' I A L HA N l7. II. A. till 1'l.A. Inventor and M;uiini i,vr '.f!!,e A Jt 1 I I I ( J A I, A JI M, Aj'li e.) itnJ aoopled im 'Mil. m i;(.ki -((i:Ni:i at. or -nn: umti:d rtati t.-r Soldier,, p'TTimtieiillr I'.rHle.l l.m n d KiirDrv at No. .T12 1 t H , ; I 1 1 Btieel, ti d .jfi bi'.OW itu. I'uliada. K I. N rr iM TAN 11F0UM INQ"CAN i 1 s'ipplk-d hh ( hKTli I' - . UK HTOt K, IpUA-N.sU It hOi.Krt, biucii li 1';ki;s, tJi.KCKN. NOT r.H, MIAKIA, A nd eve-y rarlety of AlcjuuI iiif jkn and btauouuiy, os ruoinai'le utiuj, at WIM.TArf MANN'S, MaioLcr, riluiir.and lihmk ho.. a ai anm itiur.r, w. U ti. HM hi 11 Ktxoot, AP--'-''D3 K'Xi'hOaMtiNf.. 1 EI' EVI.HY MAN WHO J j owiih a Hieii'a It "), r road thla u iii'-r. Ahi,i"it lw Vur lM-tMi-ior uovfcr fnlii tn jive from flit Lull to iwn hi'' , ' s til liilia, MS lltmr.'1, tust (ue M.iter tf f etnn' in t.1 t hoilvi, and llmt iUiirf-r u ap pi' tttl uv. 'i i.e iit ..N.'ii. jujubes ue caiotMitd U v r- ill etety It tttn, . Alto), hu .uo si,.l W h er Otun, with Scotch Klase tubi-;n, aell- cieanun k - k. A'1 h. i.d i t.'ji a.iti tvjitttinti t Pii.Jdelphia letters and tin Mini-, AUil hi .t. H A IT I.Kf4, PROPOSALS. AFS'I T QI A1. 1I.K.MAST1.K - (ii;N! nd s Jfl.(.. run AT'itr 1'iiiA, Ta , Jutr f, P'-nlid Pre l-'Sl" reived at thH aUtep unitl H 0 N cV M.. n TCI sjtAV t' o 1'Mh of .litlv, I I. f -r lio iMi'Mli" ' .! h ei hi ifl 1 If. il Hnt M;iii'iiiiii', 1! A V r It HIHM:l U M.Mtr , uf tU !!! -win, iU -1 ill. il tifi' ?tn .. m i- Hun ev l.itle-. h, hi . 1 m- (" "n . I'lfiin on the ('th r. rip H . ill, it, hrt Tinlilv, lm.vMT h-i:mI. i h.t ii 1 "b i n one and I .,11 I 1 ' ) I' llll 1 '. i i' st in riii . "f ti.'i- .. in.; r. ili 'i. I ... i, ii, r''i. ii'i'l ,;. I - i I .r. sii-i I : - ..- , .1 r ! Hi' H ia i- - i n I .le- '. Q!l ll f ' 'nlrrt' f must l.i ff'M 'I I nil. .M ' i , I I ,. I ' .1 1 H I i ' 1 1 ' - '. HiiO na il i ii i.ii, t, ' a. , mil f ' nil I'i.l. r'i r -,i il t' i ! 'nil I' iii' L.'iitrii' ii.r Hill ti 1 .1 1. r i' i' IU'lJ. . 1 I,, aliil'lt ' l' ral te- .1 l. 'k " io e il 1" i"""1 I" 1 '' p ii I il r i, i'i Is n i- II" I'lO ll 'll. t'1,1. I r null r li". i hr ll.l'' I. Ill ,UI lu r "i IV'iiirn nnn' Iit l.ri.r I i Mi i i ii 1 -it C.e o Ih i.imifi- H. ('ruifidii, Atint:iai A I.F 'lI'If. K lilt MK. " pi, i ii ii'iil A. v. M. A K 1 K It M A S T K It I' 4 SMVI AM ! 1 .fnral'H fit . S.Alnl fr.. : I'llll 1 , ., III I Ml r "l KO 11' t ' I' Mi I on M- t -:.n-, in-tiw!. I (.I'M l:.t. - ll'-l '1:0 J ' ail j s i . Oi I- t I Iim-'i r--t m u ft i 1 1 1 .1 i.oi I . I HFIr , .' ML I - - i'h in n i hj-.i' ii I I H ..Hi i.i-l. ll Mum . 1 1 CtlluMiiie. A y tli ll' tf ! a v l.i'. run p iiml t u i, ri' e 1. 4i Ii pf ' i"it(U miii Ipl1 Ml I' i I'i ll-s, IU I I'M V ill. Ii. il ;ile i.f-'l, rli " I ' 1.:.'.! ti , IV It . et f ll '1 l e I I'M. 1 Stt -if d' i lm 1 io Mi!1, n irin ! r-. 'I f e nnieriiU nt' 1 - ' (.Mve'litri. nl hiijir, li , ;.. IIUl i Tit 1. 1 t njit- I- f . mil. ' i 'I I '" t 1 nuil' ru afH r r. . lir. '.( Pun . 1 r r- il -Ti ' iit the ttri i t. tin .nA..!ii! 4, 1-4. I-'-. ll- l-r St. rit i't' t tn ii-'i ; ! 1 1 "' , ri''ti, 1. iii" n .1. . n s . N. .1., "i Hi io:i I" nml hOt'O'n, v- ''.tirn r in Uw ilic ilpo iri'i ' l) l' itn iH-i'' Hie h.i'Mo ri' i'lv i"r ii-e. anHi'llis i.riM'i iti..i p-.-ii'i - i' il tl,' tl d ii r will rll'i'T 111'" ITi'fii, ! l i'tl irt"iil (iiff'it, ll -i s il.P il. Ut I" r i . :ill 1. .n ll O ll"UI ll''! .!,tl:iaj 0 ill- i uia.i 'i;i tn Iff aili'.ici.irv f' fir ;1 iiinjiii' ! ui il v ri- ,nni (i ('. r Till- i. trj-'c n. Cruin.iti, Aifl-t.iiit Al.Hr.l! r H 4XH 1K, Mi. ai'lmii uti l A.','. M, AShl.sTAM ty Alt TKUMASTEIl-UKNIJ. ri b etuio. Tnrr oi't.i'iii , Jrtly 14, fifnfA rrftptr-iil-'. In-!' r . d " 'ri;iti At I'.r I'n' iil-ttiini: Luinirr to I'.r.'-i y lli.MiHiil." will i- nced ai tlie ar nl" 'K'i 1 1' .i .1 U ltl ."M i c -I. ti i lit IV n ( ;o k. lio.'ti. "ii M' 'Mi V l-ll- H ":;i-ii. Inr iinm'dt il" itelu. ry nt 'Li- 1 inu'ii fi'.iieH ll.Hntjl hi 1 trlv, V j., t.f tlie ) Ihw in. l.uinl r, ' ' : IppVUmi u- I I "ii.i.K'i: i 1 I'r Pine I im It Hi iiir I. . m le-1 1 -1 ii' 1 1 w 1 1 I i it.'' Vl': I.ii' It .trus. ?l feet '.1x4 Hem..,, f S. a ll ti ill!. I I feet I'-li ' li'.MKi lei t :,4 llfiul.i. i. r-i run Ii fnur . I'i le-i l-.ti. I ar ii i-i iii nil ( K"'rtitiU' d iv iiie nr morn re t.i(! flint iier-'Mi" Hi ri' Int I h I ml 'cr " 1 1 1 em er into inmietMa'f chllk'ni loll t.-r lite prompt fnllU'iieiit tiieri-of, It OUhl luii l,e ne . t' -i. 'I lir rntfi-fl ST. it i s i " 'TVi-i tlie r f - i n P J el n!i hi. I- , 1 lr'ini'd t'-o liitvli, tthiit- ih"i- irum demulutu- n- '1 lie liiinb-'r 1n tie i?ik( ' d nfler d'-livet y, and anii'to B' citnty ri'iidrcd fT IU h Irlmeul l Cm eontr.i. t. lis np'er uf 'nlmul U ) CnjhUiimn, Annteitaiit (jun'tur luuiitf r Urui rul. AI.MKItT H AMHMKAU, Jyl.'i-lit 'ai:.rr and Ahaintaht iiarieriiiaftor, OF V Tc K A R l yTl'O T II t N G AND K-inli-nK' Pnii aiiki i'iiiA..luly 7. If'a4. R"alfd Proposal!! h HI 'o r reived at tlitt niiu-n until lloelntk Hi. on M"Mv. tde stl tint , for "uplyiM tin fl -hiilKlll Arm nal it'i the lnlju.v lm,- nr f idea : Wm.n i.ri'y ICan-ei-. .intiic stitndird, t' wf'tfh f1o (.oijimIfi i nd mm anuri: tut bv 'i feel H hi'tn't (with the iC'tl'Ti C H in Idaek, 4 -ii ii l'-nif, in Cn iMitre). Wiaoipn Sf'iekiriiM. m.n'e wiili fashioned too, without Irani), uroiy "la-id-trd. t.t wekh three i"-indi per dozen. Armv htuiidaid h.nti, i ol eii- h ol tin) it'xife firil loB rnn bo ie'ii nt Mi h uiir e. t h Mi U .lellvi-rii' miit (ft- ily run'orm. HI ldc"- in' t ite in their pro.mnU Hie price ( whii ti ns in be i bi n hi rittni' as welt am lu figure,), UHhttt . HliO Wir.ij. iiH-d hy two revpm-l)le vr t I'B Hp ( it IHled t'l UiO iinifftn r jfimru tori an n it i-Bwii at m- li. the riitiit be r.-rtllU'd lo I- ft. h tM'l rntint ht : ftonti, v lioe t.'iiaMiri ire. und w I. en me liio this other to he r. Kpn )viH biich hy h Hue Hii)Uo fuui tionnry ot tiit L nliod htnim. Hid. Iron. dafniiMlp i rnctorti, nnd those lint do not retntnts of this advertinf uient, fit ly rtmt lj trtth (In- rtlt nt't tf i onwt- rvf Plunk forma tor T"i tMh olliti nnd l-ui'. s ran he had tirwiii aiiiillcatlfin al t b endured with ilio na-ue of the at Uelt hid for. l, H. CIlSMAV, J8 Ht Assi'ant (,'narterniatiier lieneral.U H. A. 1? H K S II B K h V AN I) V E Cm K TAI1 h E 8. A. SkVT I IRI'A ItTH K K r, IU Clif li f PKUVIhlHIti AN U I'i 'fTllINf, Jaty rt. 1 v,l. Ptalid Propceals. rtuV mrd ' Propofmls for fresh llewf and riyi'tdtiti s. ' lr i- reeelvrd at thli Hurftn'i limit S 0 rlork P. sl ., on tl.r n iia ol .luly linti., f t the siieply 01 lOO.OOfi poiilidn ol I n-h Href and 1 O.ikK) poiindH of Kn sh n cnM' , at ti e Chiladeiyhia Hmtton, as reimred '1 hi Hec f nnd Venetfil' c- uiiifit lie of iyood tiitt lit V, and the hi si the njarket hH.m dt. a d ejic'i article must be one red lor b the eunsl 'I he l.eef to he In e.jual (irooortlins, fot und hind murten. Iind, wl'h approved security, will br rrijinred in otif-hif the estima'i d amount of the r ntiaet, and iwtnt in r esnt. In mhiitton will be with tirld froir the am liiitiM raeh p.iyment to he made, as collateral siiii y In the due pe furmanre of the rout met. w huh win, on no acco .t.t b paid uiuil It la fully euia IUd with. i.very ot'er muMt tie ifri.mrA'ilf d hy a written ifiiarftri toe, ciisiud h one or r . e ni-oi)f tble person, (l at tha bidder or hid.:erH will ir t m or their bid be aeeeptrd, enter Into an obilLMiion wil ii tiTO dns, with K"d and suifl cl nt btiri'iien, mi 'art::! : r ar'loJeN proposed. No pp'roi nl li- bi T'Mdered, uniesN aeoairnpanled by Midi k' iinui ee. and I v "KtlMartory end nee that the hldcU-i Ik n ti niilar w-.i -i in the arlivle propound, and has tiio llceiihr rtMiuireo h 'y-. yi-'Jt AUC1 1 N SALES. A V C'llO N vLE OF CONDEMNED Wah Dkpsktmkbt. I (if ii y.A rr. Or i m k nr OiitKr (.MAiirKuu a si rn .HHIICtlTON. I. i ..Uii 4. 114. Will hr sold at ptibiVu -hum, to the bUrhet bidder, al thM'meH and plana, ni-in d below I.l HAM-N, l a Till i:IAY. July 14,1 4. KK'AMMf, Pa .Till 1. IAV,.TiiIv .'I. 1-vit. llAbiiiMii itt;, I t ;t 1(hiav, July . svi. AI.HK'N A. Pn., I Ml I; 1 1 A V, AuuUHt 4. IM V IM.lAMM'dl.T, !.. , 1 HI Usli.W. AujMi-l ll, TWO 1H'M1(I1 (Jim CAVALHV 110USKS at rttok jdnee. Thfue niriM kave P-eri eondemned ai until for the cavhiry temre i die a i .y. tor road aud iiinu p 1 1 ses mauy good barvaius may b4 had Horses sold Nlnly. Tonus Unth, lu L'n t c tattesCiuri nw. JAM A. KHIV, Lieutenant-) .i.unol aud Chivf uitritrinatr Jyf tot Oavalry llurnao. A V CTIO N Aniiuals. s LE OF CONDEMStl imaiT Cavai.ft llmcAn, r OF CtllKV IJI'ARrrHUANTRK, - IINl.TiiN, If. (.'., July 7. IM64. iii iion, to the liuhetit. hi.ld r, AO t tJteh iro Ib'.KU, WabU innil.Mk A. M ., l.AVAI.KV Hl)K-i:. n cocdimiiwd as ytult for the ' V- purposes, many god tmrualni W ill he mhi rtt IMtd Tl IhlMV, In y ii ItiKlOl), If V... bek.llli.1 i.' TWO III N i ll. Tht ne l on-ea Uic cuair ter ier i . or mint and hi'dim Biuv he Iiml ll r-i K m l.i Mrd 'larms ruHh, In ( i . l si states enrrenev. JAM IN A. F.KIN, ael and (Jtiiuf iiHrii nnffter f'avalrr Uuroaa. i. I EST IMl'llOV EMKN'T U.JC IN PIA.X'H. ( IMPHOVKU OVEItHTliCN! "I ANi'S, e lm nriints aud In lornd by the iiumI I'iaio Ml A tieri' i. .. -u a: t'u -'le is i ah d lo the nnent i' o l'iun litit . Ity a nif Uitj irri iiU'iit pimvlble voi'iinti nf ii'io . i any of the tqt eetii s and ' - li.tnos are o e.'l' tii at' d b'-lus ' liiiprovul Toil i li and Aeiiott, Ived the VH1.V. MKPAI. a tho , iidn.aa Hell h thQ Hit;! et . m.troiu the tn bt r alrs and Iu- " Altt II 8tr(ct, hel.-w F-hflnh, PiiiUii" Phta. KD but I'NEiJtTAfpT V.U In purity k'ii-d ep' -th. ior ( h ireheii and ,iui l w i ! Mdai.ed lo ii it- i'ai lor -r suie oiil b V M It'cr-'K, K i 1 N. fl"A'KN 1 It Ntieet. eertuMim ot' the Petlvut M'-'imIood m'iu ;iio Ijeuteitati't ' yll 7t frrffc Aeknow It ilj et bi i kl ltr.un! t'ui'he In l i 1 l-e rt'ii mion nt i gri'Ht lIDJil o rill' i t liiriiiil o oxisi ii. . ti...i La-- heen ib r . brlllu.arv h r w ti ii ' V hi , a'.f ht! h i rdr item In 'I hri-e ll ht i t lee. I . Worm p l-'nii . A tiPla (iviT it J i...' UIUle- In ti i - to .lll'I WIjl.a . N Jel7 Jui hoJ hii'v CM of iTin .nil 1 ' !(., - i. i' auil iHuvii' F ii' Al- o, a cmp ie Coiii'aniiy vu Uir d. KI..ASTIU bTlTCll H H V 1 N CI MACIIIN K B, THK liKHT I YAK. "i No. 730 CUKHM'T Htrnt. AVANTI'n TO H,iL 0it KXCUAN'JK. I 1 J''.i.p!lc S'iWMif Ma. i.Mie. 'l i e t.r.iv r A llukcr M-wiiif Ma hlne, 'I hu mi nvr do, And II ti e pmu ipiil Hewing .Maeh.m;. fur. licni ti eir priiica: cfiue. .aihu, all Knidb oi bi i ond-llitiid Machines, fjt Hileoad iiiViUifa at u.e lifw oili e t U.AVFNfl 1A1I K S I It , No I"-. N. KI1 .11 1 U Street, (Over irn yitrs itu Nlner A i'o ) I.sdl. s tansht to opeiai'. ji -ui MONEY, AN V AMOUNT, 6v-' ' 'oimiI ii on ll.rr-id-., WatL'.'h, il .'. ti:, ( ,' i.ite, Cl lh I't.1 , Ae . ,.l J .IHNI " at I .' 011 J-STAIU.1MII1I IAX OFI'I-F., t1 iiuur I illKif at.. I ' : Kli,l, Miu' t. li, low I "Hit 'tut. K.Il.-MAMOMJS.W Al IIK,.H.VVJ:i HVilM'NS,.'., laMAUKAIU.V UAV VIA E. jjll-lio e'Jl ICGKS .V 1 IK'NT, No. . M EIIANIC Hireet, Nuwark. N..J Tnt llrht-i Ji Aiutslii a'l rth oi u, (,'uiud M. iu to siii I nc ir Patent imwiioor. Aiid'fc a- aintve, ,.u. I'.vj .iJ lui-.'O uviit ir C'l ul and teru x. AviU wuw tU'ly-W lliV- JtJV-Uiatiillt W. IT. M Fit U'TN ft rO.'S COI.l'MN Hilt THB CIIMtOhtr. MKliIi'lES. C 11P0I hhi.U riKlM I'1IM,BAIII11,N"I) I.KAV,.1. rilKIIOKKP. IIKMP.DV, Ilia aient Imllnn liinreilc, tun. all ill. in. ia of ihe MM KM H iiiliiavv nrvaiip. sin h a. In ll M MM MM MM r.itilli eni'i at lli' I ripp, In- MM MM MM MM faiiiniplin of tha lllait.lir, MM MM MM MM Inllpii ii,allniii'ftloKiliii va, MM MM MM MM Sliine hi II." Ii'i'l ler, Hiri. MM MMMM si M I'.rr. (irnval. lil.ol. I.nni r MM HUM MH ili, a niul I. .ir lailv ri- MM M 1 M M MM Il l !.!' il Hi II" i.,h..t M v. M I 'I' r All ii- i r VN In MM HIIUII MM l null'" ) nln it all tUe o 1 ii'ui.i uun lm iili in a lia' e falii ii. II l prf n.ird In M 'ilv Oni tf in.1 ' tu ne ' t.. inHMjiulb ti.n i- Urn In It i- iM )'(. und .I'PTiitu (. il ; j-UI I VllltC HII'I i ill Ii' iO ' , 1 I I' Ul PI .ll, -f ll- ImI, ll tl id v.i'ir: V'i v It l II" p i r I ni v n n w uicti i. a indU' ed di H-e. r n r it o i; k f. injfv- 'M' 'S I- mtf .it d n- a 'i Jiiir Ot a f t n i.t t . tl,e I 'lll'lid Kit hi If ' . ah.'li.rl l I'M il in iiiiimiip' mi nh tllilt III (111 IRI 111 all fHifl of In l . irl'i i, I.Uef, K e,r All'i.n r V I'i r-, Itn eu'e- in ai In n htiry, f i' 1 ' li 1 1 1 n , ltd ninlrMi ; reiiiOMiiK a'l S n d ov Iit-s: , tiord' e. and aw ii iiiu'ea'l tf ihe bnrninit '.r1 ili. i- i di'in'. e f.ri a OmI I- Melo n. , d will-, iiariv all tie chtap (UaA ll.j' I IH'IIS. r.y rvv r.i. r. I I CI LKIJ.!. i i . Y K I I I V. I I I.K l r. y.r. KM.t k.i,l.Kli P the tkr-riP'HO- Rt.l. Ii K M t . I m IMS POKKK I N.I K'. I HtS -lie two wcilb ine tlio fri'iii tiuie all Inifir.iper di thari.'e are f. a id the Weakened f .n- M t (e' d- V le I'-ied u foil torau.1 strwnf 'h, i inii .NT'ieiihir! tjret oar pimph'rtH ft 'tn an- 4i "if t're In tt ctintr'. . or rKe lie. nnd we Will tu til f ee i any (nJdreuft a full treaii. MI llll lill 11!! II II llll llll Ml II IM 1 M 11 M Tl II 1 1 j I iniiuiiijiimmi M 'i mi mi iik mi iik nu ll 1 1 Prtre,('Hl HOK KF KI MR . f .' per bottle, or I'Oit l a lor t J'rl-e. ( HI in.KrF IV JK I uN, tj y. r ho Ue, or lb i t-e boul' ii f.-r f: Pent by express tfi any ad dre ol ret i-ipt of rite. Hold I') all ilniidiitwr w hi le. Mhrtinr iMhoiiMun D li Mi 1 m nn IM) im. Ml D, I'll Ml IMMI!i)M'llf DiihDIiliDI) rnr.noKFP; n nKt An ur-tsiiiiiKeiire tor Mpr matorrrmti. .Stutunl Wi nk nei, Nueturiml t, Hi d ad illneHaei enu--l hy HeM-pnlluilon; Nurh an I.OnS of Meiuorv, iriilv--! Ljihi-tudi-, I'nltu In the lt.irk, IHm nem .(' Vttltni, Pretnnttire Old U'f WciiH Serves IHf fleulti of Rreatliintr, I remb Itnir, (Vnti'iiile-H, i;ruitioni on the Fiieo Pale t oiin'e tianee, Ito-anitr, ( 'oriiuiiii II. -n and all tde direful t'.nii lliitiii enuHid ( depajUug rt m t;K,-.j'K 1 I hl -.I .KKI K y k V I KKK V FK1.K IK J : 1 KI rt ri'F.r R tf 1.1.1. 1.1.1. irooi tnv pniii ot iiaiure. Thli nip(,Mnr Ii a ilmpio Teif'al'le i iret. and ono Oit wli eh a I ean rel , ns it hss In en nnd Inonrprar to e for rimn )un, and v. I: h thoiiMini S ire.iU'd, It hni not fHiiid In u tlin-'le liMi'atuo. Its eurulive powtT.i hue been sulhi h ut to irnln vie tor.. vtt the nioBi atubhorn in those who havp trlthyl with ihtir (oitltoiP D. un lil they think ll.enti-el t $ beyond the r neb (.1 iiicdiral Hid, 0 H.illld 1,1V. IM. HPAIll Not ! the (.'UKItO KKK I KI'. wul remoro j on to health and vlt,or, and att'T all naek doctors have fa. lid. rm III! im mi III! llll mi llll Jill III! llll For ftiH ranleulan. ft Cireuinr from any lm fioie in the eouutty, or wtiii ihe I'rftprieiori, who will mad free, to any one de sirlnx the name, a full trea tise in pamphlet lorni. PrieeK, 12 per lottle, or three tmtt'es for $ and for wariled by Kx!"s to ail partn of the world. Hold by all N'prcUblj druggists everywhere. liKltURPUItH JClCkKKUUItU hkli KHIt libit Klilt HUli (KK It H KltltKKK U KKK hlilt KKK KKU KKK UI.U KKK i.UK TK. WftlliHTH JtfcJI VK.N AT tMO LUMItl FSRF.NCK OK MFF! Frepajed froiu Pure Vepe- tiib e tktraciti. voiitalttniir imihhiK In luri. as to the inoet defk ute. The K.juveuattiKf Kllilr Ih the result ot iiiodern dii coverieii In tin vetemMe kiiii'dirti ; tieint nn riilirelr iu w and abcirae.t auetriJ of nre. Irrespective et all the old and worn-out systetus. t'ti-Wi' t': cr. vr. 4 ! f TC I C I IJ cm rfvo Thla sardletne has been tented by tho moil emlarnt modleal men of tho day, and by thei proiiouiiiod to be ono uf the (f re at tut lasdJcal dlrienvenvs of tne auo. One bottle "UJcureCuneral Debihty. A fo'w bottles sure Ilys torka.lii remales. One bottle cures PaJftt UD of the Heart. A few eWes restore Uie organs of txeneratloin From one to three bottles restore the natiiiuess aud oooo O0MOO OOO ooo IKK) (KM) ooo ooo HiiO o o MHJ 4tHl OIM iilHI in o 00(M0( OOUO iqu visor ot youui. A IV w doftis restore the dppettte. Three txiltlei rnro Ihe rsl rate ol I uipntenry, A few itont;. turu Uio" low Spirit d. One bottle rvAtores inental pov er. A lew briny the rose to the check Tin lutdi Ine restores tn tit n n l v t j. or and r ohu t health tho poor, d. blliuted, worit-dowu, and doKpsiriiiK duvvieeof si-uaual pleasure. nn nn nn jiu tin IMI llll llll IUI im nil Tl llntloss, enervated ysMitti, the iTer-tasketl man cn business, the vlcilui f ervoua dforession , ike la dmuual u(lering trom tietie. ral eeliility, r from weik Deiis nt a aim le orin, will all find Itiinit-diain nnd per manent relief by tho use of Unit JiJixlr or 'Kutmce of Ufc. 1'rlie. 2 per b .ttle, or lluee boltlei f.ix $-'i, and for- d- d Hy expreHK, on r). e-p( of looiivy, tu any ad siren . H dd by all drulsts every KK KR Kit KK KK KK KK KK l.K KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK KK CUKKOKI.F, PI1 I.HI KI UAH tHIATI.O FKMA1.K lIKl.l I A IOK, llKAI.Ill Pe-Klt l it. 4 KKTAIN A.Si) SAKE For Die ileum al of ob strni'Ilt.n, and the limtir eme oi Iteiibtrlty m the KectirrBce ol tlifl Mouthly P'TIOOH. 'I hey Hire or ob late thoe litiint roitf. dteukei that print.- from Irrt-Kiniirlty, hy r mot Uig the iiit jutaruy ii- vir. KKK ffS S S MN S S K X S KH K N V KN S NS NN V NS SV N N tf S S h N S KN Si SS They cure Supprotjuert, bv-ehlve, nod 1'mJiiI ul Meu Stnttition I Lev rnre Or.WH Nkkuess (('hioroKih). They cure Nervous aud Spinal Arieetiou., p'tm in tit h.ii'k and lotver p. ins of tbe IhMiy, lleavia f-j. Ki iyue on ilii(ii exertion. I'ni n taLlju ( the lleait, l,.i. n -o ot Hj.t. Irk, lh stena, H.vk M.a'uelie, id.Ji.-s, Ac. --. In a word hy leo vi i h 1 teivul irltv,"ltn y re iii i e Nie ciw nnd Willi 1.I PFI r.KP.I- K i i i;i- i.i.i.i.i.i; Kfa l.K H I t- K HI. It r K IK KM I FF.KFF. .K1.I l.h 1.1.1,1-. K It all tUo uU'. tu that fcpnat' lr...u a. t'c inpoeed of .linple vee IliLle eMluct"., .- i'i IHAHl li.jilili g tl u ti rinu!. lu JfiV t-olntttt. lion, 1i"V."i ili h- Mle, tlieir ti.n. l.i i: I In.: to frehiliti.te -tl'.Mili P rwruk . ik-cs, v l.n P, v In u pn p. ily yc d, llie i, ever it 1 ,o ilo. 1he 1iin lie kale u-,ili.t ii hr f, Mai a1 -im pt r;ii.l. I x'rr.p! I i i;ii; I ILh r 'I li Ki-.K AiO 1' I,. h Ihe u i , I u i , , 1 limine of ll i - iH -iiMi w l.t.l jni.iii.i pui s i. : i pn.- nan y. fj'.ffi- r' Ki: i i:i.i.Ktu i.i.a. m: l.K KK KK K KI k.i-.Ka Ki. I.I fki y r.i- i Ki'K J.KKl'.t.Ki.Kl.lS All letters teeklnu luiittun or u i i e win ie .r..op' 1 .Ireeiy.uuil d.b. reet iv a'lntv. it d. I nil dirajtions accompany e"h iiu. I rn e 1 per box. or six b.'xer. im t;,. hent by iii.ul, f '('. nl poat-af-'i', on receipt ol price. tv-ld by all rviii.ccUMo .0. m-'iatts i:i KF.r I Kl KF ll. I i: ii i I i: i i i.i.i. KK I i : I F.Kl FKKI KR 1.1.1. r 1.1.1 Kl.i; The rilKltcKl-F. M KDT Cl S I S yrea o..l h tt!l enter I fo-li tl ilrir t'ftu III 4hf i ! world, hoitji) unprin-c-ipli d dfriii rs, hov.ev. r. tr l" M 11 V Olt! l COllipi liliOS In place ol lln j,e the,-(0 V. lic h they can et at I tiKiip piuu, g'wi iiiuke uioiL' iiioi.vv hy neMine tluin ili v can on ti e i lit'Al' 'KI K fi!l I'M ISIS. As vim. Millie your fceitilh - ae. the he;li. Ol ..i llt Oll-pilli,:- d.i lint bd (tertiMd b n.nli niiprlii i ipied dn .'' "t. Ak lor ps.s.vv-.-; Piss h tSJ the ClIKliOKIK MKIH ( I N V., si d lur-.c no oi I si . ll ti e 1'iu-i.Litit win not bur them for yrtii, den 1 1- ns, ami we w ;!l iet d l! mi in yon hy Kxpres Pai tj. adil--e--liK us hln.ind i tate th:- ii,.. n-e and - in,.( ni-,. mul tuit ..nh uiart. in reitfird to tl.trir ea-eu. We U. at nil disoasos oi a et ionic nal lire ui D.aio or temalf, Kudie or j-ii.tUuifii can iiMics,. in 1st poiect conil deiite, uimI yv will In all cases li mkly and itet-ty an.wcf tlii i h tteih, m.o pive our advct ttk retards each car-e. rttll-Iit.i Ihltijf at a dilUnce Ueed Hoi hemUie bui'Hilse o! 1) elr inal-iliiy to vMt nn. We liavc tiea'ed taccusfeiuily j-atlt nth in all portion) ol (herlvllted $U,,v. liiiiuiH aitdiesHiig in villi pieamj write Pout OWce, C-ia nt , btute anl name of witiwf, piaiu, and iucJae p.i'ije Btaii p ior reph . W i b' nd to any ai hirers er 3- pajjc pauiplkt fr, AddKss all h Iters uiul outers to U. W. It. AIKKWIN A CO.. liu.WUbUt.TV bTRKKT. ht.W vonic. m 1s iforPpninr.yiTaiil DVO'i1! A C0.(K. N -uU 11. DIXON, V ,1 u 1,1 111 I TI aTri-.,! X liF.AI.F'.K IV r AM . N h I ni I F.T '.'( .Tip, " I VIUti.l.l.AS AM PARV.HOLS, fans. Head !nit, Knun b Jewelry, Lf sther Ooi. Wyrk n-nM, Uradu, Ar., Ac. l :4m I) INN FTKAM KN'MNK AMI M'HI.KK Worku NKAI IK A IJ'.V . .md Th.ure-trai hi If-eerf. f1 m . If .ill. r n a kci , Hln kmi'thi. Aid ) ,.innterp, I H't lor in i'i! y i rtf- l-e li III ee ,-,il oiht. ti n n Mn i n i'liiiTf' r irii.'i-.) o t.iiiidot. an 1 n-i' it m ! hi t ( iiii i IM ei J- i y i 1 'vi .ie. I I. w lire- me . I n l. l r' . 1 "T lurk:. I' 'i-;e If - , .,. ri i 'rllil i v n. r t ' i ir u i s t.i ih p. m e a '.eir ij 'uiu y r ire'1 t ( i iiirm ti r tc tin "1 lf h, ta - hi. . Hu .-r. a i-l s.. tt.nM n : I 1. 1' W ' Ij '' P'f' r" i" -' ti' m rt - re r--n;m tni-iMii' ii i'irswii1. fii-k ri-p,i'rt, Ki.ti ! IU r 1.1 '.It '-t p'tM.-rr.tlH llll iioi'ie,..! tio- -I ..irt f - ir t ., . nrel ).,-' 'i t " T 'I- i 1 . ti n ! ' . ti ilf r li.-ii. . i.t tt, ht I i ' ll it 1 n a ri a ii I Tmo, lain to.;,, of ,(t and lit..'.: 1 1 or .d brs- '""' o.,-t-tiont : I; "ll- turn' uw. n cut h.a., atnl a: I other work eo.-i-ti. te.i 10 t" ai-v ' o-ii" Iniii.ii- aioi .-. lo. .it o.o. f-f 'l "flc door tills ev( ,b i.i i ' fr nt e, irn'-. and wo,-k .want lh, fiitiM-rtt- ln- i.iiiii" w H-.tK r.p..n f-r ro i n, r " t-i.,ii. i ' '-te t i v r if, he ii I'- ' R'o". , au-i ne Enevidt d ii : ' ' ' .t ' . h itiy and lliih t'U.'tl . hh. ivn, t.iU. Ae., Ac. I T rni;i,r J HI N C. I P. V , PI A' il a-:-i PA I. Ml- i T.ei gRIDESBURO MACHINE WORKS, OKKU'i;, iso. is. ritoM' Kntiiir, piin.Aiii i i'inA. Wr are t repsirrd to nil or.ieis to any e.h nt for our wMl kliOM n MACUINKItT IOR ( OTTOJI AKD WOOLKtf MtT.IS, Inel' iti nt ill trrent ttnprevementfi In Cardtnir, Nplnninir, atid t e vliii W e .n !tt Uio attt nihui of ninnn(ai'tnrri to onr extee. ,U'lT'irKt' AliFKKl) .IF'.NKS ,1 Sf )N. tlCliLl lUSIlAM SKCKKT l)ISKS!:s! t hA M Alii I N s 'HI I ! h M Mil 1 A N H '1! I I ! Tir. aloM Cihtain Kkiuih K' I " - S I . a ri-tiM' ure f r i ;i i m it it mi'.A , tii.K I T, KimrrrHK-, f'eiitaifi- ne .Mini rttl. lm lidl-arn, to. Iercur. On 1 1 ten p Hi in ht taken t ei c ' a uro. si ' 1 1 m in irem two to tour (hiy-.and n-et-nt la-a In 'twent hoiira." l'npard bv a urad-M'' ot t'm (nivri1v it l't,ti V.Hiia, one ol tho nn-M etitiiieiil ' (ora aud t'heriu)t ..t tl e iron nt dit: , Hi I nH UK, Ml 1 ll.,! Ill r , h'l i 1 1 A M II ATI. V . I t th' SS v ho ha vi- deipritn I ol net rim en red. or wh-i Mxeb'ti) KorKi d till KhIuim Copniva, or lltmiry, at Oln e try the SAMAR1 TAN H OlFT. St nt 1 nnil lv a plain nveioi a I live.' P. ale jneknn k, P' lusle, $ I. PI.0"fc! BLOOD 1! HL0.H:! HLft'to: : : iM K"l I I. A, VI K f:4. KOUP.H . r-PiT.S, TKTIKUS, SCI.1.S, MOIKH, 61M1ILIH Olt VKSKCKAl, DIskaHKH, Ac, An. HA M KIT A N H poor and it i itn .irn t. Ii oOn d tl e i ul. lie as it pot l.i . e cure. li I N I K K X L IHl:sKS, the SAMA- ltllANH IHMH AM) HKI.'ll .MM K. is 'lein.l nt, i 'Till 111 , ae ft' i ft lift I p im .ly l-vif pre-i rihe.l ; It re leiia and Mrtiieattr everv pa'ti e of the eiicrertl mii hi that the enre m thor.'ii. h and ( erinmi' iit. I n!n t'.en of this piirifyh p lernedv atnl he healed, ami dn not (ra'ittmt to m, in pur-teiily that ior u hich oii may iPpeni iq ai'ivr years. DO OT DI MPAUt! A tthouvh voii iiinv he pi otiio-iii -il irieicahle , the SAM K BlTA.S r IH'O'l and IIKI. it. I! D KS imII remove cv.-ry ti-hih- f f nn) iirttlea. fn-Hi the system, as will as ail tho bud e Iii ct" ol 1 icmy. H.MALIH! FKMAT.F.HJ In many niieet oris with whi-h nnmhera of Ketnales nutter, the Id nl AND MK1CH .IKU'KH m st ha.ipllv ailaptfd. In t'eeiHti d Itirue, In l.etirorrh'i a. in b-tritni doM ii, I- al Int of the Woluh. Kelnlit.i , nod lor all Complain; ilii hif lit I" ll'e r-i . Kent M expr-e ITiee 1 a bottle, or r, bottles fir I A M Altl I AN M WASH Its In rae of Hv pt i'i, nied In eoni en Ion w 1th the Hoot and lh rh ,1 tiicef." l oll iilreef pttre ','f '-etiis. I lie tlleaei of tre t ii inedn i ! a'ike --knowh-d ved hy IhMfimM and paneiti. Thev are tn-el in 'he U;il:el (kta'fs Ihe-pl mIh, thui! rrttoitng heutth to many ol our brnv hol'lie: k roin It '- Pal'lmore "Kun Yt HAT 'I IIK HmiOKOS 9T OF THE HAM AltlTAN'H li h M F DI KS "PuhT Hiim-'I i ai., Knur M HMIM.l.. ij Hsltlmoie, aid , K.d. W, I ""it. "I have treat f atlsfui tion tn a at hu ihut i huveuaed TiC ,samaittin itHieUu-x' for V nereftl IHieiiHft in Its n oit e ini.marv Conio ; ihnt I have u-i d them with hid BBent, dtMTitien, and properly, and have fniind tliem ret pond to my antie li.uiinna prompt I v and enoetnuliy. Kt wins' Oelr coinpvhiiiiiH, 1 have the ftilh-it contntenee in tlieir fflli tiey, mut an ti r aa my use of them extend, I rret BtuitLd theiit SLrnpLly. " ALKHFD C. IldWKItS, " AiBlHtsnt-SnrKeoti ,'itii New Vorh Vols.' Let It lie widen-tood that tliee reinedlfH are an return mended, and w ill positively cure the for whK'h tlo y ate otleied. fcvld by B. C. VPIIAM. Vo. 1'' M ill I II Htreet. hkmod ro , Jyr. luthfv-.lm So. 'MS RACK .-"tree. RAILROAD LINES. 1SG4. CAMDKN AM) ATLAN- lS(i-l. SridHKH AltliANIiKMRNT. TIlllOl OU TN TWO HUI KSI!! Four trains 4tlly In Allaiiti. .'lt. On and artcr MuSliaV, Julj 4, Uama Icst. Vlnealravt rry bh folsowa : Ulall, 7'HO A.M. I'r.-lnhl. i lh iiaasani'iT aar atlarhnl,!, Ifl A. ll, Kiprvsa (IhniiiKli In? tiourp) U liO P. al. Allantpc Arcnilmnliitinn, 4 16 I. M Jauvlloii Ai-rontin )ilatlin, Cim !'. M. KKl'l IIMWI l.l.AVI.H ATLANTIC, ArcnniiuiKlaiiiiii ( AllantlcJ A. U. F.xpippa, 7 l us A.M. I r.islit. 11MI A. II. Hall, 4-4M-. M. Juiu-tloa Arci'lnfil"(liitlon. I'T2 A. M. I ure In Allanilr, U uli. Kniiinl I rip Tli'lai" (xlouIy fur Uiu du; anJ Iruin nn w)l'-h thev arc Iphm il) $J V0. :. i iia haihixnuki.ii tkainm, I.avp VU,r atri it 1.1-16 A. II . and I l I'. M. Laara I'I I I" P. M. and J V P. It. liN MIM.AYS. Mall train for Atlantic Icnviia Vine alraat ; 80 A. M. J.ravp. AUauUe 4 4b 1'. 11. WXli-ir JOHN 41. BI1YANT, Akimii. Tl'. bar which vas made lapt yi'ar liaa riilirflr dl.ap lirnrid, Iravluu Ilia iM-acli una ol Uie moat delightful od tli. t uaat. rTTTimaiVi-my! KOItTII PHNSSYLVANI A WV rws' R a ii.roaiv- yr iiicriii.i'.iir.M, 1KAL1 Slips', KAHTOM, MaI'I'H i'IIUNK., UAiLK Tl, WILKEXIIAKKK, WII.LIAMHI'OHT. Ml M.MI It AKIUNllKMKST. Al'IH I UlNAl, TllAINH On anrl aflar Hon DAY, June 1:1, Ism, rasaenirer Trains will k'.va lhi ' . lleiirt, Tlllrlll pitn-et, alMiva Thoutp suii alrett, rh.Mdeli'Lla, dally itiuudajs aaceptea), a. follows 7 A. M. (I'aprepp) l..r Iltttfatahrm, AJUntuwu, Uaucl ITIitmli. Wllkrsbarre, VYtlllitnisport. Il'lii A. M. I Ari un.nuiiliitiuli ) fur I 'OTli'Bl.iwn n-,rA at ( Auri'Uiiiiuilalioti) Hir f ort lV'aauliu;la. II !'. It. ( ArniU'liiviluuiilil fur liiisli'stnwii. 3'4r. I. M Ki presa) fur lli'tnli hatu, Kaatou, Ae. 4-1.'. )". M.(MI1) fur lioplrsi.'wn A ll. r. M. (AL-'-'iiuiiiudalluj .ir Ucthli'haiu, Ail.utowa, aril Maurh rimnk. tl 1 r. U . ( Ai t int ini'ilatloii) fur I li 1'. M. (Arccinluiiila-l'ih) lur Kort IVastiingioa. 'IIIAINS Hill I'llll.AllKI.I'IIIA lea., rlrtlilrl.i ni atd'.Ki A. M.,k-: A. M., anil 07 P.M. Iii.palntli al 11 4li A. II., 4.1 I'. If., and 7 1'. M. l.ahiitHip at ii A. II. tvrt YYaslillip-Hin at ll IR A. M. and J P. M. UN SI'MiAl .s. 1-hiladrlphla lnr Iti iWpih iii ai li A M. l'lniailvlli'a lir I m li-.tow m;.l I. It. I . os !. :.. ii f..r Plillailflplnii 7 Al A. H. II. 11 L' nn It I'l ila.l. Ifl. in . I 4 P. M llilliuaii a llasvusi' Hmtpnh islll rail for ami di'llvar b,ii.iiaii al the depot. OrJcrp mii lie leu al N, lill8. Ill 1 1,1) ttiriel. ia KI.I.M CI.AtlK, Aent. rZTnp;3'TfS'" I'llll.AllKI.I'IIIA AMI ttVIMPkr,i,f Tin SKIS AMI l AMUtM AMI Aalllut UAil.ltnAll 1'nUI'AMI.S, Si. I I. B On and aflrr MIINHAN . .I.uiu.iry 4, Ihfil, Ihe Tramp fur Ni w ork . Iruvn ir K, iiMi,i,,ii l..i.,t, I'll i Ipl.ia, al :II2 A M , ( N in tit ', ami -.ln I'. M ., und Ihe Iniii.s le.ivniK S'niv ori, ai H A. It iiii'i 7 yi' P. M , will ln-ieiilii"' he run e. rlusi, y l,ir the Hi 1 , it Ktt.-B Mulls ,unl Si'p York and a Inns It'll l'ptn.i i. ami l'l inn tike lu nu: h't nut ain i.a.sviip' r. b i w.'-ii ai.liliir.. Tl ! In A. M. null IV M.ii. iKh' l.nifS f mil New York to M'n. Mi, '-ion. ami lh,- ll.'i.'.l' M.l.m.a frnu Ys iie iii ton lo tiv 1 I'll, h I i-i.iitii'iie as at pi. a cut and irt' i pHssi'i'i i i . lo piii) fr iii Ii.r Iiiii ; .ii- .11. . aialioiia and liullliiii'ii', Wash 'ily i on, a;d Ni Y oi Is. AlillAMll.MrN I'sl i l Kt.v rilll.AliKI.I'HI A AM) SKsv 1 1 111-.. Ml'esli ave I'l llad-Ij.i r om K- iip!iml"n lipit, at 11 I.', A II.. 4' li .1 .-.. I- M'i I.'-si I I.', aid fli'ln W illi i:t HIT,' i W 1 hi I ( vii I a i d' n I, all. iiii'i n A M., 1.' II.. 4 i ml ii I . M , 'oi Kr 1 li.. AluIliiiM Nip ViIi.,11.111 ti .1 f I'l.iirtliinrlt tr.'"l, at 7 A. M., 1" A. M ., I.' M.,4 ami 'I i SI , n .1 1.''li'V'.t, aint 'i.iiu loot in liariiai aii' ei m r a. m. hu I '.' r. M. IU.' -11 IV M A. liA i..'.li:il, A lit. SHIPPING. Ifff-ffi KTKAM M'KI'.KI.V Td 1.1VI I;. ma il ' '"" n ni.' nt (,'ui't tipt"s 11 r.-rk llsrlsir. In. mil 1, in 1 , 11 pit'ii mi ts 1 if itn1 L.I , rrpoiil, N i' tv l..r.,, ami plnliiilrll'lila Meitiiisliio (.'iiuii'iiuy are luunided to .alias fi.lluvs ITIV I iF I'.AI.TI Ifoltl. Satiirilav, Juno IU1I1. I I S A . allllrl.v. .luiy .'.'..I. I. i N III IU .. Sniurmii ..lulr ::i'lh. A ii ,1 rs sneiL-iiiiiiK .stttui.Uv, at n.)'i,froiu PierKo.44 hi.nh llivir. KATKS OF PASS . 1 i K Pnyiihle in t ;nf l. 111 lis l imit it"it 111 I ';u rt'licy I iihi fill. in fi'ipi Stier. 1, ii 1 1 1 no 1-11.1 t'ubiii 10 I.t.l.ili'U is. KI Mptuiii. h, I.OIiil"ll ... I Ir. 1 I 'nl'in l.i P .i 'v . . . !i 1 1 Slm 'a,', 1,1 I'i k 4'Visi l iisil ubii ti ii till -'U (ill : 1 1 ,-im'- t.. i:iii',urx .. :.. 1.1 liipseiitiT. it It ul 1 1 lire ariii',i 1.1 H .1 vie, Uittu,.,, ilttur dwin, Aiilecip, Ai ., ei;ttail luis riiU'.. 1 an p ir. in I In r, I tu i,' .it eusi'iv, n I'lrpt t',.l,li, ;r,, f s: . an.;,, sn ur.ut' irum I. 'v 11 i".i:l and iu." 1. h.ts i,, 'Iiii n lui' inl ior tl.air fiiviiup can luiv tick -i.t h. I.' ttl Ih.M- ru:i'.-. I uf further iuluruiatli'li aiiplv at the t'iii i'.ii v'p onu-ei, JDIIS 1.. Ii M.l. . A. e,l', So. Ill YVAI.M 1 htn.ft. Plnladelphla. fiff5?. BOSTON AM) I'llII.ADKI.l'llIA nl 't rr-i J' " " T l lui-. anilins' irtun e.icb p"rt mi t 1 l i.l-. s, lit. 111 nr. I Whttif al.uve I'ISl, sinvl I'hi'.uu .1 li:.i. ni'ii 1 iiik Whan, hiist, n. i ruin tlrat whaiT h' 'il! I'I M. Mri't't (ill s-aiurrtav, July IU, W,4. 'I In- pu-itiiut'ip fsAAON. .M'liilii-wp. will auil from Plil l'liliipluti lnr llost'in. nn SiiitiirJiiy. July in,.! 10 n cluck A. M ; aim ll.e slt-ntiiship NtiK.MAN, Paker.lioai ll.i.tou 1, r I'hllad. Iphia. en sum,, d.ty. at 4 P . M . 'I I'c.i nt mho si i,..,vr.tiai sttiiuish p., fn'iii a regular llll. . piillit'ii In ui en i' p T! lillliPll'iilly uh S,. I unlay p. luM.ii.i.rn .mi-it d ai on. hal- ihv bieiuli iu cuaiatd oa sailw-sstis. l ii hliis lakia at fair raira. Mi pi.. tp im. it'iu-teii to send Blip ncci lpu aud Mills Lu'Iiiis v. uh ihelr it...ds . 1 t.r l tii.Ur Paae (l avinc nne a. eoiiimndailojn) aiM.I. to HIMIY WISm.ii; a , i) ' ''-" "'' I'KI.A lVA 1; K a eau.. r .jfrZjs 1'oh ni:v voitK. iTkFatcii Jap1.a V'p.nai.p and rnviiuure l.m, s, via Itolawulvi and ii..i..ui, l ..ii.,i. I he sti-mui-ra nt tln se lln.a an' l.-eilntf dully. 1 1; 0 c uck 11. and 4 o t:Hk P. M., Uuia Ihu-d pier almve Walnut bln-.l. lot livml 1. whii-li lll M taken on aeoomani.latlnif I. imp. a,."v loM IIXIAM M. UALUUAtU., ksi. Ul . H-l-AWAllt AUUU a RAILROAD LINrS. sa.'.iii I'HII.AlM'.l.l IIIA. WIl. Vfcjr.!'':iS'll .H .TON Nl BAI.TIMOHC EAUp- kuAU. rnANor. or iioi rsi. On and after "I SHAY, .tear. lt.lHM, Pap.enarr tiain. leave 1'hllpili-ll't'la fr l.a tim;re at 4 a F prrp., M '.dars steet.d), 9-&I A. M.. IV vt , vso and I-. M. rip.ti r al hi. II li, A. M.,er, I If', 4 'DO. a-00 and II 00 V M. Is liiuii'trton at 4 X1 Mli.n'lsyp aiPi'edl, fl (at, A V . t .,4 : . i ' In- " p. "I II ip. P. M. -,.rt ' .. I',' .1 p-t'i ... prill''!' V T v. r hi s is. , . M .m l .4j y A. Hil' .nl i s nl. a M . HaM i:t:'s- p. s-i,.-, 4 . w ' IK4INM run l-illl.ADKI.PIII A. Ip I'-n,. .t ht-'.. H'l" A 4 . r,i'rss), l'lfj l", .'. ii'ii In-', l . l. ss in i ,. ti a' 1 4-,li t'..r A. M , l.' JI I, 1 A.4 01,4 31 7 'ii e '..I II' P M S ry .1 I. V. M . M I' ..! rl .i ;s'i I ' . M. I " "i al I, .p. A M , ami 4 w. P Ni s. I pst e ul M' A M. .i.ii' ii'.'' ' IV M ' I --i'r ii;i. j inl II 11" i ill. t M. 1 14. Hn P. as l.,..-. e lip'tiiH .rp for Palt.hwry and Interruedia-. statioaa ai I" p.m. Ia.iv. Hp, tlmnre fur Hover a-id tiiteriiiedlato atatloas al l ilt P.M. Thais Fmt nM,TiMiii:r. U-ai f Chest' r ai (. 4it A M , it mid ll ill. I'. M. ll IiiuIi.ii,h at d .ui, U A. M ., 3 and 1140 P li. Irels'il Trains, with Pappermrr Car alUehed, win nra .. ai Km . i Iar.. iimlnaina fur rerryrm. and Inwraiwllat. plaoa. al J-- P. M. . a i MiA Hr-Orls at 4-nn A. M.. 10 SO P. M .. trran Plllav- dl 'I hi: I" l'.altlan"re. Kti'in Phiiadaipiiia I. Wllaal'iirton at 4-JO A. M., I0 SO and , 11 I" I', m f rom Wilmlnitn to l'hlia.lelrhla at I i.M. andT W PM Olliy at ll '." I. M . r-.m lla I'more to Philadelphia.: II. r . rt isr. r. i . fTTry-trr- AKit.wciF.MKxrs Ifity tLw'm"'' ' HK NKVV Ul.k I,IN.S. 1 1,1 i tin.'' rn hi il Au'l.'.v nn i I't ii.fld-ldi a aid irentun ltdii - nd f'.iir in. ii i I, mi fi tn I'M.a.iiii.htft to Hew York ai i W ay P.aei I Ififti WH,M T XTI.I.KT W1IAKK. Win I. nvi. m- FA Rip At A. M.. Caicd. n and AiiIkh . C. and A. Ac- c ii. ii.- in- n Wi Ar h a. M , a ( an d n and .lia ( it) . Morning Km At H A. M., i CfltrdMi and Jt m y (,ity,'id Ua I irVo-t At 1? M , via ram. 'en and AinH"v, c v.4 A. Aecnn- ii" dii-if. n At'; l' IK, via (amdui au'l A ruln-y , . au4 A. K- 3 00 m 175 Ai t P K, Tla i ainil'-n and Aniti.jr, A,rnlW'Yatlrni (I- id, ;l an.) l'n r i Ai I' M , tn i hMMli-ii ainl A'nb Ar onmodation i Kreivf'' and Patenter), Ht ( im 'I it kt ?d l d Al 74 I'. !., via Camden ard Araimy Ae(i.niiiodA- t nn f Pre 14. I.t and ratnetiKM ). Dl 1 Inn l ickat '24 'a. iN 275 Vr Mho.'( ci.imk, AMtoicwn. luililehatn, iMvidere, Kfl-tnii. Khml.Pin i c, M ti.nnr '."'ii. & at ! . I M. lor K-Hiiiis'ton, Kainl.ertvllle, and lnterm4 .. it tl'TiN, .'. p. M. 1 MiMint M-dlT, Kvantvllle, and fl A. M.( 2 nml P. IK ,-ir I -reeln.ldatt: A. M. and 't P. M lm Kahuna, iriicrinn, Iiwihh-i, Hvrrly. Ilnrllntrton, . Floirnre, llorilt i d n. A' . at li A . M ., I'i M .,1, H- .Ht, ft anil. I' M . 1 t.e .V .V) iid P. M. hu n run direct tliroiufli ti' 1 iint'in. Fur Palmyra., Itlve rton, IJanco. Iteverly and Burling tn at 7 P M HieuTi.bnat Trenton, ftr Rriityl. PurPnttm. nTeily, TnneiiiiHli' hiid 'I ar. m , nt ;t-,ci a M. ami 'I ' I. M. LINKS Hid.M KKN.HIMiroN hKPOT n Will leim- an ..IInw At 4 A. Mi. (inhi)v(a KenOintnn and KcwYark, W ali ntt-n ami Nw Tmk Man St 36 At I A. H ., via li. iii-lJ.nti.nanU Jere City j&x- Vr aw At 4;n'i'. M. via KenthiKt'-n and Jcriey City Cx pre. 8 00 At 4: V. M. via Ki ntlntt. n and Jcmey City,'i"ti and New .orK Kj.h' si 300 Hutidav ItiRR leave at 4 A. M. and 6 40 P. W K'ir Water (ian, Htrondfthjirts;. Hi-ra-iion, Wllltosbarre, 11 nrtro-e, i in Ht It ml, Xam-li chunk, AUentnwn, HetliJa I-eui. K' iT di r-, h.uHinn, Knmhertvitle, Klciiiinitnu.Ae., mt 7 1,' A. W. Tliii line nitinr.'iit Ui train leavliig KaMim f--r Manrh CIiudI. at :vn P. M. I i-r Kh mti 1 1 n, Kaiiibertvnlw, and Interiaedlata ttft- tlf.n, nt ft r. M. I "i Mri-tvl. I renton, Ac, at 716 and 1115 A. If., and 6 P. 11. I or Ilohiicalitirtf, Tjcony, nmlnir, Prldenhurir.ttnd Jrnnk'iird. ai ! A.M., 6 4 and tt P. Jit. 1 liyA.4t. U Pi lol. jT"Kir Naw ork, and Wny I.tnas Ravine Kennlnatoit let, tal.e tbe cam on t itih nm-1 1. a ve Walmt.hatf an l.our tM-fore departnra. 'Ihe Car ran lnt th lputt and n an i al f h Triiin. run (rum ttiu leKit, Kilty ).mit.ui ut ' luitrvace 'iily aach paaenrr. Pabsenuf m are p'.'lill.iti d frooi takiin; aayihintt aabsB nitijii' but tlitlr wearing aiiarl. All ha'k'He ovr nay rinnndK to ho ptilit fur extra. Ihe Cnuipany Umlt tliir re.niiiiiikibiiity r Imifake tu One Dollar per (louiitf, aod Kill nut do liable (or any amount beyoi tl Wt exuttpt Uf rial coutract. t.raljnm Itit atie Fxprem will ea:i for and 4eilver biur gu 1 9 at tlie I'U'oiM. Onl (-re to he led at No. a Walnut 'tf.'t. W 11 U. UAT.MKK. Aneut.'iO, Infl4. LINKS KliOM KEW YOItK FOK PHILADELPHIA WILL LKAVK rrf in foot of CouriluLd n'r. i t at l JX.nd4 P. M., yI Jeret City nnd Carmttn : at 7 and lt A M .6 P. M., aud 2 ( Nielli ) via Ji-rsev t it and Keninttton. Frum loot of ParelH ireei, at 6 A. M. and 3 P. If., tI " AnitK.y and Camden. Fn.m I fer No. 1, Nnrih River, at V2 M.,4 and 8 P. It. (Kreltrht and PastenKri) via Amboy and Candcuu rZm FKKKIHT LINES FOR NEW VV 4V-York ai d all llie atailona on tlsCamdea as Aui1h aud cnniiecliiifi llailmadp. INCICKASKD lirKPATCtf. The Camden and Amboy kai 'r ad and Trananortall.K'p Irelht l.lnt'af'.i New Ymk will leave Walnul atr, el wharf, cn and afti-r Jatiaary 8, datlj (ttundays c. I'ted), at 4 n'eloek P. It. Hi turning, the aluiva LIup. will lsart Mew York at I ami 4 P. It. Krelnhi luusl be delivered before IX P. U. to k. ht wanUil the same dav. I r.lfclit for 1 rent. it. Prinr.tnn, Klnpsaton, Vew Brvna-wu-k, and all aetata on the Caaiilan and Amboy; also an tl t- llt-lvise, i.:awai., ard t it inlaitton, the N.r J rs. y. tlie I n el .Id and .laiee burif, aud tlia UarhuirUiQ anil Mi.lint Hulls Jtailruaila. rei-elved and forward.,! up t. IV.1:. ..'cluck P. II. Hiuail iiackauea lur Mount U0U7 ra t ivd up to '2 i.'i'lut'k P. M. The llelvldi re Jelanie Kallmad eonnrets at PnllUiM hiirk' KJi Ihe I.rhikli Vallev Kalln ad. The New Jersey bal r.'aiT ccnuiTla al KUr.Hbeth with th. Kaw Jeravy ( enual liailioad, and at Newark Willi lh. Morris aad Kpsex KailriHd. A alip iiiPinorandiim, specifying th. marks and nam bers, .hiitei'R and conilpnw.p,tnupt In av.rv tustane. o. sent with ea.h kad .f gooda, or no rauettit will .1. alven. Intriaied laciliies having bean aiarte fur tlie trftnaui.r taili.n aTUVE HIOt'K. drovaia at liivll4 to try thla W hen ati.ak la rornlah.d In a.Daatlflas of TWO CAR I..1AI19 or more. It .sill he delivered at ll.e fieit of lor Hat. pirt'.i, m sr tbe Yards, or at Pier Na. 1, Nortil K:ier. ap lb. iti'pi.etp niv deslarate nt lh. time of Ui. lti.lurnt. WAl.Tl.ll KHtS, Ki.i.nt A rent. yu.WS M In lawpre avenue, Plilladeiplila. (.r.ii. n. UAMI'iMi, rnlkht Agent, JaVlf l-ier No. I .north Hlver, New York. riTnit'r-Tr-n K K A 1) I N O RAILROAD. tiltEAT TRUNK LIVE FIIOM IIIII. AI'KI.IIIIA TO TUB ISTBUIOB OF PKNNH I.VAMA, TUP s.CIU YI.Kll,l.. MU8 VI KIlASNA, (M MIIK.I11.sSlI, AND H'YOMINU VALLBYti, a no XllfcTU, KOJiTIIYVKST, AND TUB CAWADAR. PASSK.N.IKH TKAIV Iue the l .u.pai.y a Hep..t, at THIKTKP.NTIJ aad ( 1 1.1 'Willi. L, Phliailclimia, al tha tollowio huuia : UdRNISO UAir,. At H IS A. M . fur ltrndiuir. lebannn, r.ohrala, Mils, Ct'luiiit.ia, lliiiril..iri, P.n.vllli., I'lucruve, laluaiiia. Hunl.iT.v, IviiiiainpiTt, Kiinim, Id-rhesier, Niuiiara r'a'la, llui al.., Allinliiv 11. Wllkesharre, Plttalon, Yurk,(.'arlleu (.Taii.lii'rahiits, liaKPllion ii, Ac. lie train cniKcis at r . A 1 1 1 Sti will Eat I'ean.vlva nla KallruPd Ier Allcntown Ac. the Hea.llng and ( i.iuinliia Kiiihoact li r Kpluaia. TMu, and I'oluruliia, auil w ill: the I.t I. an. -ii Valley train f-tr llurn.hurif. Ae. ; at POUT 4 1.1 NT. ..s svith t'aiuiiippa It.illma'l trains lor Wilkcphirr., W III uiiipniiit, l.i t k Haven. KHil'ia, Ac; at IIAItHIS lll'llii Willi '.S'.il.iiru t'enlral.' - t utnherlaiid Vallev," Nrliu.vlklll and Nai'iuelipiina" train, fur N'orlhaua. bcrlAlid, Y illlituisi..ri, oik fhuiiiUersh irit, rtueifrova, Aa. AlTHlNuON l:PKKMI I ( ar. s Phlladili.lna at .1 :K) P. M. ir Heading, Potta- vil e. 1 In.n.'vc, I'aitlpbiirK, Ar.. c rtmaat Ra-rlp. t.i' li ss lm I'eunv Is pii a (Vniral li:tllr... trains f..r Plu hiiiv. At-., Niiil'ieni t'enlral iatlr..atl tiailta t.,r Huniiiire. N1.1 Ihuu'lu-rl.iiiit, E'nilra, Ac. aad at purl I 'llut.ia wlill 111 uw I - s a llnilii.pd trains fur Milton. Wlllaiuaiiort.aJ ttirii, llui ali. ,tc. ItKAIHN.I Ai.'tl IM MOHATIl) M. I t asea Pfailli'K : t 1. ipi A M , pf...iin at all way at., tl. .an,, in, 11. I'lilipt'elp ia ai !i hi II I, . -11111.11, , . Ii.s... I'huitieij.i.i, . 1,'iti p.'ii.; arrives la rti eoilis al S 1 1 r M . ' 1 e. iip 1. 1 I'i ;!,!. u hlali are Harris!, nr. at 8 A. H and I'i. tip ill. ai;. 1 1. , .M., ,,111,1,1,, ,,1 .,i,,.i,,, Hl lw 1. II A 11. 1 I'm. 11 tiah.s Vave llnTi.l.iirK el u p. M., ptt.. vi. 1 11: J itn I' II, , iiiiiMin iu Pn! I ul. iil i. i 7 p. i Viimci tialtis. .i'Ii a ..i.e'(ir car uilaetipd, lea.. ', ili,,'. ii . ..1 I p. U., r,.r li. n.l. 11, a..d ail ., pinil.,,,,-, J.p,.' I.i.p.'.l.i-it 1'.'. mi n.anl li.iis n.n.iuwn at U'tltl P II . t r I - 1 'a ''dii.. a uiul aii w pi si pi .1 li lh. al.. v u.i np run dsn. , eu'i.lai s ecrpli'd Mm. as r.1.11. I, u. c Itit' a' i-Js A. U.. and PUila ui ii 1 la at i" I' .1 I III s. I r It VAl.l I V HAM ROAD. 1 u.-seiit'i'i-iui lit. wuii i n. 11 an 1 iiiit ruit'.iinle point. tuk( il ce 1;. A M. and i""" I', it. ir.,,.r .,oi I' hiui. rcininui ii.'iu j,nw uin.ti.ivn al t 41 A. SA, und W'l. Nt.IV VOltK l'IKI'-4S FOK I'lriMIILItll AND TUB l .uvrp Sew Y.,rk 111 7 P. M., passing Iti ad nn at Pi ntld "I.J. " : llariisimtK iiu I'.uua.K,,,, H'il'l l..s.r. ,P I.;, ii-lui'iirK. Iti'iiii - m, Fxtiii'ss 1 nil 11 li hm p IUi rmtuirg nn arrival 0 the Peni pylMtnin Isprrss float Pinplmrg al ti .10 A. It pp-Mli I .adui. at Hli A. SI., and arrmui) ai New York ht rl i P. M . Mi-phl-y t ara aic..niiiaiiv tli.ia. ir.ins l).r.,iii h.l i.en Jet.,, 1.1,, l'niiiri.-.wlih.ut ehanno. Mini Irijllip lnr New nrk iea a li .rri.biirtf at a A J. aml'J P. M. .Mail ir.iua t..r ilaniphura leas. Mew YorK 1I1I. M nrt iv U. l-t IU I I Ml 1. VAl.l. KY Hll.ltlA. Trniiip luiMi i.itPvi.iv .1 ; 1:, a. ji. and .i i.. P. M..r. till I'll Hum Tllse,:i"i. .1 s ill . M. an 14 il'i P. M HI III Y l.h 1 1.1. A S ll Hl'M,l'KH ' NA IHII.hOM). 'I'a.ns .use l.l.u 1 11 p. t il.ll A M. 1..I Piii.iji.ivo and llml.nri-, pm! t I J" iiml 7 I" P. M. f.r Pineitruvs (ul' : lei.ii inK rrmi, 1 lai rl .1.111; ai' P. M., andiron l iLOseoMi al a 1 i A. II., a' A 4 anil .'i P. 41. I il I.I I v 1 lnoii.h drat 1'ia-t IIcpcip and eiiiii'mnt tloVots to atl tin; priri ii'Ml iii.iiith in ili N.n-1 li ainl W..1 and Canada.. 'I 'if liil nw ii, l' lu i els pip, l,titii'ul,:,i uiiiy ui ii,,. wiii'e ttf R VHAliI i.Kli, Tiensnu-r. N.t. .J:7 .s. HH'lil'il Hireut, l'liild..'.l,!a. srol' ... A. Ml UU., l.tiural biu,.iiuuA denl, l.iadin. i t'OMMI' l A'l ION TWKKTU. At '..' pe' rei 1., belwiiu sin poiuts dialled, for laluilUp and liru.s -Mil FAIIK TU'KKTS f.n.iti for2iti niin .. oi -in .en uii points, at HU-M aacl, Ivl UUilliCP aud III Mi HliASilN TK KK'IS, P r three, gig, nine, er tvseh. iu..nltiP, fur holders only, to all points, ul rcdiii'i d rniep. t'l Klti i V il K V II. -I.lli ji n the llnee: u e ruad lll l.fnrtiM.ed wllh cardp, eiiiluiay iheuipfl.i'e audssivca lo Uuuta at hal KXCI'Itlll' Tlf'K KT8 F."m I'hilade hia u prui.-lpiil hiuii .qp, good far 8atur d v .snfiiav , an it Ituinliiv, at redn c,l tare, tu be hail ittuy at ll a lickel uillcs.atHllltl l.l.N I H ami CAI.l.ulVlUlX Sl,ec"' rHKI.'.IIT. Ooeds of all di aerlpitt up ti.rwar.1od to atl the abor. po litp. In-ai n e I iinpaiiy ". ticw liv;.Ll dtuol, liatuAJI aud W lllow HTItKI l I llUlt: IIT TWAINS l eave Ptilladi lplila duily ai II A. il , 1 P. M., and 6 P. ST., ..r Iti.uiliiiF, l-anaiiuu, ilurt'iaijiii.', i'utu,in,i'otl CUulolt! au. puinla heytiud. M41I.S1 I Chip, al the Philadelphia Popl i mice (or all places on that r.'.'i and lis Inain i,cp al a A. M., aud lor Uie utluuioal guailohgviuljraUUii'.li, . JI 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers