Jill (Swung Etflcgtapft fiATt'HDAY, JtTI.Y 10, 181. 1TIMT Or THE NEW YORK PRESS. 'Icasllng KdlUrlal rrom the ew Tork tzftn Till Morning. MY M lit VI. A It." JT'-9m the Trillin. Marvlnnil l pro' idily ..m minium uf ilullun poorer tlii.i duv d,r tin hue Ki-linl raid, m ist nf Wlilih slic wouid linn- HiivrI lijr b n-unally or gnnlzlnfi (mil ilrilllns In r rwiiitia. Mm cii'it t.i June hi'on nMe ti ,ut lifty th iiisunil miitm inlii tlio lie'd fur tin- did nc of her oivn ImiU tiR", cro., anil ( utile, within f,ir:y. tf!it I'""" $$er liriirintf tlmt nn neniy was on her li ,nlrr - TiTe thon-Hml militia rn.nlry. inimntrd, on their awn liorsc, armed aniy with revolver fur -ki fi nhtinif, mul mrl,lie for u-c when ,lii liiOunt.il, n.lht have .vi-,1 m Imn li'ilf tln-v bate lust, Mii-h cavalry eon hi not he e,e -l,- I ' to nn woids c Him t,ulv, nor yet to reai.t. artil- lery; tint hovering on the Hanks and front of t the cm my, ilrmn in or (ip:nrmj? the videites, ,' mktii(r U.ihlifd ar his wkihu, and pirkitig up lhl nr.ig-h in, it could do him groat Injury, with . little ,,sh or risk. " Now th.it the rn d is over, the .ro-ltehel nr Mna in the loyal Slates will i nde ivorto m i-iiiV its frultH to the t.I1M),t. Tim, The luily .ir Hj of the rnidi is on their n treat : ' Tliy nri .In-tin onnimh In ri-iM nnr asi.mlt th' utr h nia,!,-. T V ' ' t li n, it rtrj. f".,l.,.i I H. rllli a-, J u aav amount i.f Biii ftlis." .Muryland rive llrreklnri lue 42. (SJ votes In IS"", while llownril, the Deinoeratie 'Tea-e" OHinlnlatc for (invi riior, had hut v'i.osi; jn s- ; and the piirty 1ms dune no lietn r ever sin . owing to its heavy d-pii-llon to swell the ranks of the Krlii I uiniles. It "several thoiisan I" mor.! of tin m lmve just gone, their pro-peet for earrv in(? the State h.r l'residunt this fall must raii'o ' eoBfidtrahly 1 elow zero. THE AVM Al. M VltKKV TIIK IKMinKlt. Frvm tht Tmn. The l'i rnsylr inians and Marylandora have ntiw had their annual "mure" All the bell in the wo Stain have tieen duly rung; all the clti tens bare duly assembled in the markot ph.ivs, .Md duly TolunUered to lerve for iih many dya li the liel.ols miKht choose to Hay on Nor. hern , oU; the annual "war iruetlng" has been held In Indej crjiletuT S iuuro in lMiiliKkliihiii, and tlio male pieinbcrs of the audicnee have made their yearly oiler "to liy to arms;" the clergy hare, as W their annual custom It, duly "worked on the, for tifications under a broiling sun." X" Tho Oovernor has Issued his annual call to Arms, continuing his annual rcmiu.ler of tho ne ,' canity ul Urivitig "the insolent invader" from tho (Mtcred soil, and letting tho world seo wh it 2 ,(KH) niitiinclplined un.l enraged reiinsylvauians are eapable of achieving. The "reliable gentiem in-' and "well-known citiiens" hare come in from the front, as their wont is, and made us nil ac puainU'd with the doings of the Rebel cavalry , the cattle lifiing, horse Mealing, house burning, to which these gentlemen are in the habit of treating themselves every Hummer, during tho hot wcuther, in tho neighborhood ot Thila lelihia ud Baltimore. li short, the annual tribute from reunsylva Diu and Mary laud to the Kuliel conitnissirt.it hts ' bocn duly paid, and by this time Karly and Ins raiders ate across the l'otoninc with at least tho greater part of their booty. Of course the new 4 levies atu hard on their track, and are "surround ing," and "cutting them oft," and "getting in their rear," and slaughtering them, a their an nual custom is. It is well known tu it after each . Pennsylvania levy en masse, the butchery of tlio , Helicli. is frightful. If there lie any men in the world who are justly chargeable with nil their own misfortunes, who may be fairly said to cJe-crve the worst that can befall them, and for whom we h ive neither sym pathy nor pity, It is undoubtedly the Southern traitors, liut bad as they are, they are. still our . countrymen ; Uicy and we have common aucea- ' tors, a common lingo, common history, etc., etc., etc., so that it la impossible for as to witness thoir V exposure to the annual rising of the Pennsylva nia Milita without horror and compassion. True, they are invaders, but they are still men ; and wore rUiey the hordes of Tamerlane or Genghis Kh in, we could nut avoid a shuddor of pity on hearing that "the war meeting" had asse nbled in Inde pendence Square, and that "the clergy had volun teered to work on the fortili ations," and that the citizens were being mustered in by com panies." fortunately, the unhappy Rebels liy tbis time saw what was coining, ami when they re.id Governor Cuitin's proclamation, generally try to save themselves from the infuriated volun teers hi flying to the mountains. The fate of those that are not so prudent is, of course, a.vtul. What we want to seo now, is wh it will happen after the Kehels are fairly gone. Will these furious and remorseless levies, these men of lili od who have beeu digging Ui'.ches and throw ing up harrieudes round their houses, hang up the. r dripping swords and return to tho plough and the counter till this time next year, or will , they i-till Hand to their aruis, lire ithc out threat! niugs and slaughter against all who . menace their peace during the remainder of the f year This Is a question wo are all of us Interested in having answered, bo ause, in spiio of tlio , tublimiiy of the spectacle which the 1'ennsylv.i s Elans preg' nt when the enemy are fairly at their doors, there is something rather p linful in the 'State of unreadiness in which he invariably tin. Is fhi ra. Their w rath is fearful, once th y are fairly iousi d, 1 if it must be confes el th.it the ditlieiilty of rousing them is very great, nn 1 th i: agoi'O many ahn i, ca tie, ho's. and re-iim. :;s - dapprar while thy nru rubbing their eyes uud buckling Iht tr ioinor on. Soim boilv, it is evident, niusf sUv un.lei' anus ready to repel theso raids into Maryland and 1'ennM Iwniia. Theie is no means ot miking pohitively sure thu' they 'li ill never aain i teitr. Grant mav lie deb and Junus t.'a -ar and Nipi- f leon were both ill p uud on mom th m one oe. a jsion. All the men we cm poasihly ra se for tho . Jnited Stat' s ui my will be i nly io lew for t ie work of stibdiiihg tue U' hellion. Somebody must I in teet Northern homes fnitu boinu outr aged by lauds of uuiraiidcis, and this is csjiecialty and ; pcculinrly the iiu y oi the militia. If the iniliu innnot do th,s, it is good for notbli'g, ur.d ibe in iitu of eaehstite is un . doiilitcdly boui.d to pnmct is o.vn frontier, and ' hold the I'luuiy m elu eU until Its neiglili irs c m . oomu to iis uid. lint th'.s is a iliuy which tho . reiiiisvliaiiians .. em verv unwi lin .' to perform. Tfe ftr-t organize t bodies ot luilit a which sho v tlilllite via in lhat Mite, ilmuig the nutl l I scale, are gchfiu ly I rum New V.rk or New ,ler aey. We thou d ic 1 y liKe to know wh th t this is going to occur again, and whether, no.v that the danger is p ist for the present, (i.ivornor jf t'lirlin's twenty-live thousand men are going lo go homo i nietiy, rc.uni their iinist.ets 1 1 the !jir Mlials, mid ai: fir the a.- u il npjicur ill v of tie enemy bcfoie t.i .in,' arms again 1- Norn. Sci.nk a r Wumnii. -T'u I!o!'. m 1 (l-lngiard) o,i, , tells ihis.-t .ry : An umi- ml I cii cu in -tin ce o eniied at i: wed'l.u.; m M rid ,y ' la t ill the i s!i i hureli at 1-artisA irtli. Jo e,:i litnd'iy, a will .er ot n'xmi c g!:t ' loneli ness, lulling himself siy ye irs if age, ami . Judgvd b his "guod i. mined til -nils' tune a'init three-n'iire nud leu, was adied to II irnet Hon b, aged fifty-six. The i eu iu .n v hai nig In en -oui- fileltd at the nltur, by the Rev. W. II. Ilur s, ue brido and br.ih g.ootii accoini uuicd uita to the vestry to sign tin' register. That v riii -1-ion being secured, tlio bridegroom asKed per niion io .ling a verse of a hymn before, thoy Jeft thut sanctum for the wiles, and temptations, md troubles of the outer woi Id. It appeared to Whe reverend gentleman a strange rc piest, but ' un ils being urgently pressed he gave consent, ud the bridegroom toned forth in hearty if not melodious sty lo the following lines t " T'lgthfr 1st us owi-otlv live, 'letuilier h I us ti It-, Ana i-eli u iinrrv finwii reeeivc, , Anu reisii si-ovs the nky, ' And then with his bride took his departure lu a atate of beatitude. ' The Moisri iiE in the Am. One. of tho most Jctirious and interesting of tho recent discoveries if science is, that it is to the presence of a very .i-jall proportion of wa ery vapor in our atmos- 'f re less than one half of one per cent. that vniich of the beneficent effect of the beat it due. tl'he rays of heat sent forth from tho earth after - it baa been warmed by tho sun would soon be lost In apace but for the wonderful absorbent lifipeitlos of thefo molecules of aqueous rapor, Y Jcb act with many thousand times the power 1 the atoms of oxvgen ami nitrogen of which the i pis composed, iiy tbis means tint beat, instead v. A, oeing truiitmitted into inlluitudoas f ist as pro Muctd, stoppi d or dammed up and held back on its rapid course, to furnish the necessary con ditions of life and growth. Let this moisture be taken from the air but for a Bingle summer night, and the tun would rise next morning upon a s "world held fast in I he iron grip of frost." Hut the power of absorption bud of radiation in the uoJy always equal, to that at length it is poured forth into space ; else our atmosphere - would become a rat reservoir of Are, .and, all tv,aii We be burned nj. SPECIAL NOTICES. file-- TIIK FI.OK.M, AND HOItTIfM'l.ri'-w---1' rK'. iiiin.tl. ,.t th, ..r.-nt CiithI fmr, r-iin.1.1 llisiikiiill. s,kn.. n., lt.ere.oplw l a- rui..uw e..rorihet..i1B nt a .i.-ha'I. lis f'n-ti rw,i,ls ns letlim, : Kiiiim e, !, ot ..,i..,. tvk.--. st Ksir . .. )11;)3(rl tsl,i.i n..,r. fruit. v..t-,i.i..., taovv ariiel.-. A L St tlir r sir . "'' '"!' "liil'si-v Tnit ' j.'r Sir'.! x lu'r'. 'r It. ' "I ;t n "1 )T jVI N.'ii.r.Hv;.;iefil,, h-i ir.v-v i'f.VM'ViftVrii.'- ,4"' 'rv. I h . a p.-r Mr. ft1 I'. iiiitl. n. nn.! ,,11,,,. npil.iM wn - Mr- Mimm I w . i-n V.j . K' I ftl(tlftj Cll'Vl'W);' MtV-t',iim lllfct InW I.uii.l,, n .,k. ( g lf 2VT 0 Alr cimrlcs i,n-.,r k i). Mm muth Ml- l.Tiivnl A IV) iH) 3lj. I'n-Mi. j ; Mri. It inn Ar, IU ; Mr-, il. It. , I. - tn.M 1 m.'.l'no I'.t . U.!.trt klhliivi,.-!, 1 , . 4 1 Mi .-irk, fii-u; ,r. Tli-. umi .imv 4, , W Oi") Ml. Jo.,h M. I i.vpr'fk', I ; 1 ft J. HIi I'.nri- n :"0 jo,, lV) I ro ' filH ( rn'lif p.-r lr. i irt.'ll Mm .'. I. . .th Iw-t.'ii, ft,i.,Djnn il y .) Mr i . H. Vl Ink. W; Mm S . , "-' 1 , t tl An.t.uiH . .-He. t. .1 hv Vp .,iri n , Mr- .1. I. y. I ' t In 1 1, T-' ; Mr- .1. Vvni,',,;,",':,,", . -' ' ", .' j W I Tut ft ll .it tlx'-' P, .T Mi. , llf.rti.'l j ,l u"- ' Tk' I HfimtlaihT. Mr.. K. l'.r.i.t n, fc" V ftl Vift. I'ltm.v lit: Mi"' St fmt nvi -vmm) r. I t.,t (lorn Mm. .i. w. Vn i, vi ;, t -V '' ,i,iu'' Hiii-, in.'.. n'. p-) 11 1- Kale It. llvkii,4. ,; o. v. inri . nV V. J r. , ( T rl-'lllt,., r' MftrnuT, .'.'.'.'.'.' .Vicrt .1. t.. Mucin II, ii; s H I'ricf Ai-m 'ui. h ( .(.-, L.Hni s. wr.ifi,v,'fciV. .V, I .iwur.l Miiv, hi; l,v.iii- Uo..r-., -lu hi . rtf.ru . l ri r .'...i. ...'.. 1 m m Mm. l,il im u -,'rifr ji. jit I r. .'. l:inKit..l, ;.i.i.,u-un, l a..' V-.j l. Vt" , K 4.1 V) ( . f - tii.n (n a c untrv i r, ;,, fV a countrr I umvn, -lmui"kiu, I'a h ,,o lotnl cali rftrrlphi. . 9 H ."-4 iti ( ONTKIlVrms ny Klllll Nlt VIVIKT VHI.Ks. hr.inWui l.rit-hl. Ki.iiu- ttit i'ii!..l.-iiiii.i ; .1 .in tovwi, N . i. I'arr.. ('tin1.i:itii1. .n, N.,1 ; I r 1. o. J.r.i'vwi, Mi.unt llciiv. M. k. l,..nhrf, itrh.- ! 11 l l1'v, I Itnrtt.ii, M.. t 1-to -.mi, N. j.; a Mr.1,1-,1, ly.nl. ni..vn. N. .1 j Niit.u l,r-.N r imnuini n N..P, Wi-bUiiihk I'hll.i.i.-ipiiirti i. r 'Ur:n..,i s,. rmi.e i. . ! I Ii rtn. t.erinintwn ; ir Th-tinm, vv W llttPlBT1.1. I llrlir.V N . J oil ll-o , Ir'-rilllilltn U ; -tftn'l .i.frrck iMniiMiitnwn: .1. Vatiiffmii crrcK Ux!i-r- ui h. In i M, o K.mMt. .Maiuivunn, -rt. ; n -. vVafm, I nrt-y , l ; Mr, iiati- veil V.a t. )..awjn c.HMtv; A.M. .i. I, ii .Imiinon, O.Tmuiitowu Ia ; N. t. MiaMer, (.tii anrt.ii : Mxn. Wm. lUnii.r KliiK-4.ln,t. I'ft ; .14. '"tl ltr 1 liiiiaiiiltwiiu, N.J.j H:w..(( vi..n, V.ltm.r., Ii A. J. li.irrK.m r'nIN ol Hrlmvlk HI. la. ; W. C. llt.uston Mr.-. Lv.ln iio,.h, Aii-x cmniuliiK'. Wuli.ru t.ritf-n.c. I h. . ILi'ik r .t.MioiiiiT.. 1'ttNAllONrt iK I'LAMS IN !'OT. 1-rotn Mm. .h, LuM-nt. h. AUalvr. V W.llUm-i, T iiitli.l,!,..!!, J Muu t, JhiuvM Jtiti lllfl I llOH. 14 Ki frtnoTi, t,.M.ri.o Wtllli.iii4. I. un!- It.iiiinan. U. i.l II. A. llrcw, C. SUuiti. li. feutt, ilMttift liulU. I), It. Kim, un.l utht-m Amniii. ihe iHtiuy n1l.4rfliat.001n nrtlclr contrlbuUvl, tlic nli.itiiK in.Tit partu-n tir natlc : Iron-Hulk yH'vr un.l rmysi irom Woil P.-r-it. valued ai al.'H)- nix Iwe hivun, tr.nn John 1 iira.-r, l'l.ilaiel,!)la. wold Tor ; W ax t ritlt, from Mr4, John I I w.liti T.thi.'.l ni a iii,. hanlc.il 4hin, Irom Jo-ui M niwi M.-lti f..r a tu; a ...t 01 o. ov ilu k. (tun John V. lull vuhi?4 nt ktt; ilircc lartn Inmi N We v lin ti m A ( o., M lildl. ton 11, iM.iphln comity, '. ?.'i. f,Pr ttU; J. A. Wiiniui, Altoona, I'.i., lour cur lon.N of over tir. t iM; Mrn. r. I n-, Umt CIhhut, l a.. tu cur lo i.l rt'rhrp.ii; two .Mtin-iuehiiuna tuitl-a, Itoui l, C, AK-ruiumon; ttca. ni it nl.M;hir 14. Irorn l.onof WIMl't'Mi Ln.lMt.' AmI N,.(i.-ty; Mr. Vnlmer, Hoa.1tn l , ouo t'o7tn ( atuw ha t.ramlr. valtiMl At mil m 1 riiirf.,M i..w. tlM i urraiu wine, v.rth va-o ot wa Iruir , iro.u iiif.nvil m A I.l .s.Ki.ctv, Clu'-hT C 'uuty: on - Imrrol of plttiku, irom Aim. Wool. n. Arlantic 4 it, S'. J. ; i .lo.-ti rain MtuM", in tn Mim KiNh. r, tioriuantowu ; an Ka-i Jli-lla liumbuo chair irmn Mr. l.li;M-tK'.tl : a Uro col It Ctloi) Ol ortlfiliif lltal Ih.. unil Mtiitii.irv l.i.ifif.i i.v Mr S.A. HurriHon, W001I A I t-rot, J. L. Alitolioii K.4.1., Wm". MruihtTH, Krq., nn.t othrnt Alft.i. tor the lollowln .niiltlhufnnri Vur.nrv (.irW i iirK It. I Mcuu, buhiiiduii. J, lit nrc A. Iifi-i r IM W iiuiiHH a tUtktT rio ltniham lii-tW V- ilhmn linuht. Hi.4lnu uo . . I mi .in Md.liHti A Wn'uiell i.cnnuiit.ii..., i.cijii ltohiTi ntto i ai ( ht Ht. r, n Liikinn l it rce ('hi'iur county, 1'a rwi-tto Ianl.l Ktihlft, MnrivtU. 1'a ftl f, I Jnaul J. l.vmiri A Co. . Y.trk, l a lit-nry M. .tiwlo. Mitilcttn. a.-i Jowyb It. irv, Wi tt rh.-t. r Ta 411 All. 11 v . Cornuii. Wiilt(imrh, l'a 4.171 'luhiufl Martin Mt'trwrximr, 1'a .'14 ij Suinucl Mil;T. l.ciiauon, 1'a ., Jily 1,. t. HurrMou. ti.iliut vitlo ra iivjO j noiitUH r .litTKcrnti. . iiiawiNrta, 1'a J-ih) K.iwiu Allen Ntiw hruiLDtvick, N. J irti5 1 ti-iiitat Mal m .1,1 8. II. 1' untie, olutnlila, Pa. 1 uj John Hui.fr, Imncjvt.'r county, l' Ii i J. A. h-."on Atxiii. MtTccr ct.uuty, 1'a yw II. A. MihIi, il.tmt'urtt, 111.. t.ruiio vuicn. 11 Mi Liatit'tH, We.-1 I'liliatkMphiu, lu-i:t'rry phin'a. Aim, lor contnbutli.n ol huu men, cut llnwrri, hariif hiK bakcit, ac, iroui thu ioi1uItik Mm rre-tMuut i.tuct'111, yy asuiiiKltoi i. i; ; Mr4. U ll.i.U, lr.4. A. lrt xcl. Mrn. J. 1.. .Mtlt ln ll Mim M . ir.-K i f t. It. FW.it Wakcllcld; Muu H. It. Uuulip. Mr. runout,., -ir. 11. d. I.r, .ir4. L.0-1liiiU -fH. II. Morim I'm. Jutle Jon h, KcuduigT .Mr. Jtrolh(ail, iJclMwi.ro WattT (iaiij Mrg. .MuU;; Mm. P. Mi:ktn'iiu, iM. '1. SlatKt'lllf. Mlii!l A. (' lift I MIhm M.'hiiiuli Mlfit Kox. (Icnuaut i j Mm, Melius, Mm A. S. KooiTIm, M Ism IdckMon. L.Tiu tntowii ; Mrt. Wiitni'Muru, MIm K. ii. Kmlit-r Ueriiianiuwu: MHh J . K- Iliiui't4, Mm, K. Smltll. Mm. tchat(Vr. MM. Mivmi. M r.. . Alfain, Mm. W. M. iiaviri. Mm. Jon. S. l.overnu. Mm. V M. Italt'tr, Ifelawarc ('uuuty; Mi4 Nellie llazlrtt, Mm. A. It laker and Mint Mair smircM. Nnwinnn. Jim Couuty ; Mis-. V nhoair. Wlt.-ui-tMii 1 Mm. t'ro.L c mi urn 1 ii", t.ini;tii. 11 , 11 r. o . 11 r.o eint ni rn. John WiiLiu.r, Ucrtnftiiuiwn 1 Mm. Hurt. Mm. Mcllvuiu. K. lovl 1'ort l)cio-.lt; Mhi Hurn.ni, KeadiiiK; Mimm xl. Town-tend, Uennlivill'. N. J.; M 1.4.4 l.nrrvu. Mrt. I'ranie, .Mm. s, W'jthurlll. au 1 otlu-M, lifihU-liciii, la. j .dM. li. Mm. M irileu. .MU-t ,luti- ny Mlw vatou. Mi 4.4 Anuio Winter, M p4. vf. 'li'viicv t Mm. i.airi., .Mrn. W.Mninon Mm. M. Tho now. MJs k, K. K. Wttlit-nll, Ml-n t'ruiklian?, I'ott-itiMvn; M-4..l. V. Wnlkei, Mn. lioyd, Mm. II. Arnold llffi lliif ; M 1 4. J , Hunter, il.-ttituvilh;: Mr. 'h;iri' Kt'llv, K-.-llyvilloi iirH. John llolilou, Mrn. HuntinKdou, (ip 'iiiantown ; Mm. (.. W. Curpf titer, t.cnn intuwn ; t.to Mls-m M.-ndoMfiii, lllun Kiiuna Kviiu-t. iit'rmunt.wii ;M is V. JltiinoiH. .riitm, N. J.; Mm. A. Jtau. U. li. It. Taylor, Mm. W. Il;rin.ir, II m. t ImrlfD ll.mnar IC WaruiK- Tyrone. I'himi,, I Vftnia; Juiiis . llain, Loni;-a-coiuln, Now JeMu; Ain.M Kra.me. It. ihU'linn. 1'u.; Mn. H. (!, Ii,:mi. Iiach. Hcthhlu'iii, 1'a.; Mih h. A. Ituti ., tiiid l.uiiii'i.., .J.( Mm. h. ti. l'r.ce; Mrn. U eora i. I'vnsii ; Mr. S Hhnmon.-t; ti. L, Lonn?ttrft!u Mm. CimruM ;rntl Dclnwar.'t MIm 1 'i.nncliy, It.iUt.tru 1'a. t Mr. J. HimMt; Mm. lr. O. Wwtor, l.erttiuutuw j; MIsh Hi-il; Mr. Marv Kiun; Mn. T. A. Ne.li tU, tlerin int wu ; Mm. r. J. Wlitt-r. lit'rnmnl 'Wtij Mm. J. II. I. Ui'iu-r, Wil miutoii Iel ; the Ml4-e Z II. (icrin-intown r Ladien of l otlMAllle; ltulft. Kllvinulou; It. J. Iwil mi. (( Tin in to w n ; Mr. and Mm M.-Mrtchort ; Jaiii'D Puudii: Joshua I.on.4trceti Mr. Hohlusou; Saint Tu u.4 I Lurch, Whlteinar.ln A. Hryhurrf V Son; 1. M.;K.u Hhiih; ir. H n'lund; Ucorn.' It. Suittli; K lin 111 1 Sniiili; W. L. Nhaihr; Joiin (iiav; John Kuiiu.-dy, l ort Kenntdv, ; J. V. M-irr.ck. Ito.tti r 1 -h ; Mr. Trmi. John Nhorwood; hr. I. K. Louttr-fh; . K. Kciin. r; K. Kvaii4; A. L Jcuk4; .'a.a-'-t Uitjhin; (et rne It. Lari. iieiuwttre ctuutv ; rt Mmir A (,1., liiiniK -un; Ituhert M'ott ; lr. T.tl. ll.Mton, Nowionn, lu k- county ; Jacob Jouf, llrtd.lmnt.oi; ti.W. Kol"'- ; Mu.-tt r Ah.-l Mcllvuni. MkmLt W . W. Melntudi, cnrnil llit.li Sctit ul 01 I'niia lei 111 4' H-m ntu ; ll.i.n. r Itiiiue: (iitviwiicd t I'ii.ett'rv ; reu-r Un:f; J cu i rl; II. I'. M'K'-un titTiii-iiito w n ; MooiM's A ttrojicr W'-t htMu-r; -Mr Ihx; 1 hoioa ha.tdi, New Yor ; v tltuuu H.h4on: T s. inmiMiH vv'.-t Wniifl iu i, 1 ht -t. r i oiitity ; K. M id.il.M 11 ; . , vt'ctlwriil, Krankiortl ; lit o, w Suv.-m v iiinnwi'.i lei.; H. K-j. r; J.h i 1. Hmiih; I'.ivli N' i'ii; Huvid K.tk ison; l. tt. Kr.-it4, (ieruinniowu ; Ctiuili- CimiilvlL. i-'r.m N't-w Jn-4n 1( p.ti iiiu-nt. t'r.1111 --.tltm, N.J. A. U A I.. K. (,:.jx. Kimi- III it .-.ii.i , ( heiter cinuy 1'a ; Mr r. it. A. II i.it, 'llic t muu. 'fo would jk-o i mi r liit-ir xnii'i ii u' Vn-iv h li.t..i ot to I'r.d .lu.uc t". ito )tli, oi (he I nit. I tfti r . u 1 M.-. N .I, 111 HnutluMi d, 1 -r Hi -ir v.il i- ui 1.- an I i.i, hi v of i 4t- : Mrvi in th .i.t.iu ,t,u ,it rt.!' live-. . t ifi- ' i 1 I u'l.l i .rnd .uu ." i'h t-t !ii, "I Hi'-' I'tiaiiii lu. c. m. ,f. u 1 i:.v 11 vnr n. I'liJM :ii;iU I.H '! ' i'o.il ii'lt t... Il It IDM, i' kl S . i , Cuu-riiirtii ( i o'lein.iii'-. t'.m u!U.'.'. j-.-f Tin; tui 'at c IK-"- '1 1 , ..u.in.f "i, it ..1 ,1 l-lid In 11 . -h . 1 i.. I rh ,r ,11 In I.l. e. Jmc ' r .11 k..'.r', -in. ful '. 1 i I lf aii.i d.o i I l i J, tin . uud- U J.111.. . li. tl.irnn-r N I Mit'i'i 'f Tu- 1 l(" .1 u ir. . .. t .i u.t 1.. ,w fid 1 1) 1 'I' M ,. ( . llitnui-r 1 . ( ui 11. .111 .410I ol'tcr.4. I't ui'tv 1' ' Y . 1 :.c-m' an.' othe , 1 1 1 I ili, 1. 1 or in in yJ t t t..-. . I . hlvar.ia m l t 1:, il r, M. I-. t i.wtyi' . t-t 11 ii 1 y . I'a., Jih 1 1 in ill. i I'" . iioi, 1 1 01 l( v. ii. ... ttii-h-.t 1). ;tl. .1... W, .ir. I. .-i. k A lf..xhi A. .M t 1 n- t-r A. A. M'oin.i.v r. A;.n II I kcl uo. I ot!t-f- 1. ni (it o. I . 1 - t il in d t ii'i l'- ' I K ' Ii. toil. 'il,. ill- Mi.o t H- Ki.ott Mi. ilii It-.. ! t' r ti :.l 'Ml l. n a 1.. n. 'i'Hii-,h.i ... Nuk- r 11 I' 1 rl V.m.-U ... I . Til' li .V Mil. It" M...1 ?!. I.U' i ir , Nch'ivl II i V.. U . r .v 1 I.il. - A I I 1 I ill .. Ar. v A a 'I . t, . J 1. iiroM 11 J't 1 A I'ro Iht-I. r I oh ,v I' ,1, o Itv -..I. ainl utile- ( j ru I hilipl y . a H I l...r!r I. t r.o il ( I. iMUi . f oMti r H. W . J irim V. W. Aluore (con t- iiiU. r I n dt end A liro , K. S. I.eev. s . II. inyior Joe oil W . i-.mdt-r. J. Kiai.k KhlgUl Jol.ti l-fi-l.-r A K hv nrt Jucuh Kirn. clt, Yotk, I'a r. It. 1 urL k i.cUilch.-iii, 1'a,... Ji'imo i . V 1111.4 Itfliiuinili Mrutton A. S. liooiie, iuUklanViliu.:i'a... J). M. I.. ..II, ; laiihl ll-ru John It. neil ert r detune W.( roil, hliijipiiiiihurg, K. I'. Ituiktirt;. A. Vofha, T. lleiK Franz Hi Uler II. llcU.ui.httu V 111 K. t ftt ix V ni. J . Murphey Iaitc It. Keoucr Yo k I'a, C. l'euiert lli'thluhein, Kuttt'iie le llaveu Idwln A. lie Uaveu John Klllott I. li. ArnlK ?. b. havre Iboioaa J. O'Meal Cacb ........ liiH. CUIIIIIllllttri ...',', I intn A. 8, Keriur lira. A. M. lloidu M S. HaundT liu Lkbabviu Caady 1 ;j i- l ' .) 01 i:n.i , 1 J (HI Iiuw In-ill) Mini 1 in In K) liMNj 1 t H (it) 1 Ul) 7'M ftUI) ft'iM) SitU bm ft JU 6U. A (W 6'JO i'a 6' 8D0 801 I.hl 9 0(1 3-.M H-YI Vul 7(0 awi a-iio a id 1'iaj llK) 1 00 1 1NI HW 11! 100 10! 100 Total In add. Lion to the ahovc tha Coiumlttue with pleiuura, a knuHl die the receipt ot ttia bdlowuiv iWuatiuuj j Kroiu Leonard Iteukort. bootH uiU Uoa aHVOO Peter I onrad, bouut aud ihoet , ih uo ltojd, Corey A Co, ltuHlou.MMC. boot aud ho6 7'i iHI A. C, Mahew. Bout on, MaaM.. boot aua nhun., fto uO F. IBue A Co. . boniou, Maa. , boot aud iiot,, bl)N A. K. Ie Haven, boou and sboea , ti 00 Vf lUlaai U. O. MoirU, UwU au4 tkw i M TfTH DAITjY EVENING ItyLBI WW. PTTITi A DKT.VTTT A . .t A Itftaham. Iloton. Hn on, Maw , bort , ?t nt Mtn K H Alifofd, booU an l nhorn , & Ti I rn ii 1 1(, K vnii4, 1001.4 anil ilium , Jo o ( ,'iinnl Mum. h.ol. nnd nh-.pi ", fl V (in bfi haiti-r m-m t.iori: A. A W . lirnoin, lue and one (tound r-ike, ft.on Mm. H l' dull, ot ( hmtrr. falua $1 ) pr linndu Ko, t.o.. yulfclcj fill Total fuhncriptln nnd donntlo-14 ... j 'AMM It 1 1 A UM 1 It, I h.iVr'ntii . N. 1 N. IHIHIi Mre.t. fhliada. Vri J..!ii H. Staius i hatrn.an l.s.H"4' .-n-ntttea. Ml- "allle seutt MH.I.,inK l.'iMt. A t , Hhm.ht, .v. K r llnvi n, , ll'i. Y ,,r.t , I'ipi..t,.. Ue.tlvtd. rhlTa-MpMa, J-iU I'. H;. ,.f as.rp for- in it r f tw.. th.ni.in.l nine hundred and n it-tn.i dothir- and tl.lrtc 11 c nt. H'llN V. rr.IMUN'. Tr''f1lK (fl'ea Nn IH S MKVF.N TH Sirr.it PtnU-l A, . .r- l'MTMi MAH;scuiM-rr.V ( (M- I H Ai'KVitWI.l H'lMI-i ')K TH K IVl.l K l.NhlNU .11 r.V II. A rtny ( 'n.mMton V .Mo; v. 1 '-'m ,r. r . 11 i'. A ., Hmlnii, pcr.'i. A I rr-U . A 1 ... 1 ; H M:lrk.- ,V ('.,.' H'i 1 tii n tt t- nrp'oy ot IMf!--- .;, tinit r..- .t o -.1 ,.t .-( per 1 . h 1 XV i mhli.rn. i'r- "II 'IT -.lltl 'HfV n(r . . . . I til ,-tii n- in t mifU'.-t'i' it p.-r ii ii,uu' ii.tid. ir. iMircr 1 i.'ifiniK ni ;mri h I. r M ,1 K.'iu'. Tniw.ire Armv (. oui 1111 1 tee I n.v i.l, 11. e It I. : -1" rt I; - ., m. Kn-t.d. U. I v.i .ni J,ni i,H it t, -,t i.ii,i, u. 1 ."-Km en 110.1. n Ni, 1 cln'.lrt u f-m;, , .v iv 1-r t..r litiiiin.ii.l MrtiiutH. t.irm. r.ni-t-nTiv. u.r pur. riu;n 01 oui. n.4 ur i.iMt it M'r' A rn.v -ti ."rfl t'lll-iunol l'roll.tire H 1 v.j 11J rmiADn rui I.n.Vct l rltlnn C(.iu,til-fi.)!i -- I rf-thvt.TiAit li ir. ti, !. ' M M Hry t 1. veil, l",e.i. 1- -r . ,, I :i'!i-' I hriti.iti t oiiuu!.ln --e. olid l re-iv-tT iTl ( 1 lot-, t, I n.; .ix1 hfiithm t'iiitni-4iiin All --a nt' V. E t t'Uirh 1 1. it 1 iTi-tlan '.Miiiuia-4o.il first Ncw -I-rii- lW'Ml l.Ji oi 3i-d .vj- 'V tadif ' riirltUn roninil'oi'nn, KonriTi I'rei'iv'-t'-rinn t hor. h. t.er Mr Mttho;., i'-nn-ur-T. . l,nditH' 1 hrilir.n 1 ..uiiiitt.i. ti ( hut .f .0 f.nt- Mi- raiinf J. pel' iv. 4e.-re: irv. nti" r.l l.lh TV per l(." AM se . .Mr. Vt Nt. Andrew'! dilu.X. J.rtdi. ft' t hrintinn ( 'oininlti..n. SI. Mi'hnrg t MttiKi H. ai l.uth'i'in l uri h, ieruiti!i'.. u. p. r Mr- I,. V . s.-hft.-fl.-r , "V 1 un l.adli4 tY-M!, Clint i n-t ( tmrt-h (icr.iiantown. trein twn ." "M. A M.' ' I'ro. rr.U ..f yim'o of Picture .V.V.". I.aiiirn' hrhtlAn ('iitiiiin)..n, Flr.t l'rt"''.,te- rhm ( hurcli, NurthiTii l.ili.-r ( 4 . , , . Vln- jm A It.. I'rocee.N ol Ml... ra er ii, K.,V I'lnt Indi pfinifiit t hun h l.miiiV t 'lLrl'titui rninnii4l,.it, c.'iiira; l'r""tiy- t. rum t Inin h. Northern Lth-irtlc ... H t. stew nrt .aitditlMtirtl , "" . 1'r- c- ed4 ..f tiedie uf ati iT,diati tn.i lo 1, Mm" lohW llaxt-ltluo, tU iHJ pru.'lited to tei:.ji t . rai t. I. Il.d lo, k f.-.al Ji-mc J H'll.inn.s. ,. Will, urn P. uilth,Jr rio laineo II. I irre ..'. KhU-), 7011 J r al 'tin ;,,) Wm. XV. 1 ' Hi ij 1 1 r ,, id (V K. Ilai itn e ;y, Vra E. Mtki, Win. .). P hi. ni. r ,i W in llHcllli.e ft-im Mr Morrill -i Mr. KirtHkliq I'lilie t ) i Mrt. M. Slilnn 1 mi Ms 1 . r o l.t 1 I. u.iicii ai tli? Lade r Aid Know' lo.'O rmeri.1 .f a nunill Talr held br Anne K. v irt an un.l Katie Ii.-ver Fr... t ed4 ol a tiuall Kalr' held iy !mwI Kra'ik nrtiiuiii A.J. jt II. ii I rueeeiN ul a r'ulr licld hy Mtm utile giri4. ',cr i. S. urci I'KNN-tVl V N I nlo'i Mc-tliiif in Ur.-LtuMd Cl.urvo, r.atoiyer 7V) 11 i I (t! 2S A M 1 l 77 4 U ? i'0 0 UJ 130 M. 11 . IVCi 1'K " 1 r. ('. I n-.li. ... .'.'. ... -jtrHO ... loo.) W'Uiiam M.tiwt-d J.illU Mi-WHll J'rflll KityertiiHt) M rn. l.ujit rni'in I'r. li re- Mr hint. oi ction 21100 Kavtlt SMit.ath Schof 1, Wo-l OhinhT. p-t Iter. J .Difc 1 reem ti f iti) Fib-niiM til the ioldtrr!, Wmt (Mieiier, 1'a 'i)Q$ i.riii-a 1 hurch, Alkntown, nor lit. Syi- tnt-r tt olie. 'x)-f)0 ropf ction at Weit ('henter. pr Alite-i (.ul'eir. U W bailL4t Church, Went Vincent, Che4rur co. mt liev. J. L. I.andis M W Al.idv Kr'.end, Wimt t hotter, per VT. K. Bar ter, 'lreiiMirer 60t0 Chunh ot the Holy Trinity, West (.h ntr, jmt T. It. Ju ol4 70 50 Morarian t'Jmrih at Kiunu. Pa., p r Hut. U loi-ner 740 Achnowh dA .1 enew here In re!Mioii!i i:ip.M 4.... S V 4 Total f..r the wrek A. kliowlailg. d prei..tii!. Total U , I 41 KlK.Ail.l.'i rt7i.'n;(j lrvaV4urcr. The t'nltrtl State rhrl-tlan Con ndfO-bui leave t arktiow odie the receipt u tlio 1011'Jttiu a..Ottioual Uo pit. 11 Mortis up to Jnlv 14, IniI- PlfU, AIKLP11IA. 1 paekat-'e. North Itroad sirout Cnurcli. 1 packiiKO, Mm. Stoddurt. S paekaeii. Filth lln tint Churot). 'I packaui'it, MIh. Ja ttH.m. 1 imekbtfe, Mi4 K. Ilickey. a ducn bottle coloiiu.i, Mf4. Mtiitzm. 1 hox hl. ventti Itaot 4t ( hurcti. 1 1 Hckii.e, Found Pre-hvienaii t'h irch. laiiy j uiccU Phila.ielpli'a ' Ntmn." 1 Vti. .Mury Whitehead. 1 pin ktiKe, Mm. (r. t!urr.in. 1 lacliaMS Ke. T. S. DooitUle. 1 put ka 0 Mf4. lint. fc'ua (.him- 1 package, L.id'M AM UnrVtv. St 1 I TU l .A S I K UN P K N N S V 1. V A N I A. PennliijitoiiTille 1 1m. j, Moi-liem Al l Society. I mi uili tnH 11 '4 hone-. i.iii.L'. AtdMovetv. I.hih iiter I box ica i,' Putrlot l.uwiiiern. 1 a-iun 1 t-ox, 1 hiindio, lleioritied lutc U Cuurcb. M.L.VWAia.. Ntwark 1 box, Ladf t 1 hox clothlnn, Ac. 1 Liwx iru.l ATi.l provUluua, I box I'rlt-tl riink. 'lln ri nrp l.'i hOM i and p.ickae ackuowlo.lire.l, from tit loT putt i the cunri v. In llie reluioiM ptii'ii 'I he tab lor onion- mui vch'fUhle jn the Army of the I'otoiuar "-till coiiiiiHiyn ve-y urm'iit and proH iv. No IhhiK fuet lo thi nt.i,'.Iuf ii.oro Hithtlin touch ol' lio.na than ireh vcetHhiu-s d'lah am he el.l.i,n !u'eti with while niiirchiiiii thtui un cneniv' co m rv. We trust our irii ud thr-iiu'ioiii Ui. count y Ui-tu'ic' will po-ir Into ourhuuiiri thuiv 'tiMded up,ilic4. t Vuruuu, No II It '.SK. Strett It Phu.tdfJiitiU, Pa. r f- optn'k ciiiKNs' vt)u:xn-:KU rt HI IM I'll I'K COMMITI KK, So 1.'.! WALIUl' htrei t. fol t. lv 4. -- To ;k v ., into l-e.- ,t (KM lVr.1) t No. I'.'-' W Al.Sl T ft Tret, Up 11 ai-, .e e i will reeeiru tH'l-H. ill 1. i..n 1. i 1. . lis t'lMiiii,- .. f.-i ore MlbSIIilt or r . t-i t i.'alivi-H 1 :t int-nt ,' M o 1., ho m-tde nt tie tui r o: v, II. tilli.M i.l).: n p.... 3 'i ft 1 -i ue.v t. tu Kiv.n lor tin t ,tv Kootv Sni.tiiMi .-a !i iniiin I 111 tu) ordur ot rt-t llt nt.Oll. .. a'r;. i.u tl viiK il-.1 ' j '.. - ott n v!bi-iue w .l -t .! l 11 .' (.;.:,., i'( . ..... . 1 : In e 1 Item iniihlmed ioi.i n. r. n -1 ilt . 01 e 1 in. 1 iihit re.nn.-nin. l.t -l, ...- I.i Ui,:i put i t,, If..- '..-v. ro.o.'Ut, lliey Will rc e . rt. 1.. ti . i m. ,111.. , 111' Hi! it. 1 AN It UK TV 1" I I, M: I I u-h, li --I 111 isti r. 1 n.iul dodui t.n 1" ti inphi.-ii -r h ,.i rff.;u. '.i. . t,,ir ... of any kind 11 mm1. . . t. : ni.-. .I'll!1": l'v an d in t);.- ervlca, and can t ' - i . 1 l!-1 -ot 1 1 .1 , .ii t .urine i e. u. IP lout. p ii, .111 !i ,y .1. j ' u , a. id ir-uu i t4 P. M. lANtr:,. -.Tr; nm .j , fh.ilrtuHn. 1 l. . UK II U.r, "litN i li'.Ml'.O. , !... i--N 1 it ! f. .ii J. 1 . ko.KMi it - ( re.i-.ur(T. !'. 11 . ' it ' t . I.-. c ary. -Zf .i; i. a r ( 1 i: vi, r r:-iKPAUT- It:.-- ' q M .1 . 'I 1 11 1 1- t I ul -1 ..I rt' J L Oltufl ii . n . I '1 I . Il-' I I. tt' " ilt'i- d .1 . II te 'i e t I i - I '.; l-li ' i. I ,i Ii : il nf m i .1 ' it- I.. ,'. . I.i .. 1. 1., TrtiHinror 1I ot the lotloif- d I t v s I I tit' I'ltll .Al'WI l'iltA,.lLl!j Vi, .... lo,dt) 47 1! 1 'iiKI.L, i r-:u.iirer. jyll-.it rpf TIIK COMMISSION OF THE y Y ty loll.ir B'.ui.ly Knnd P.r ti e II ni ln-d luy Vo'urti't m, and Kxtra L.-nnly Jfun ( ' ' muuiusI .ii. 1 he UiuitTni.iit-.l have teen appoint. .! hv t ounriU its a tominnMi. in pu the l-.fy l oiiitt a li-iuntv lo . auli ttt tie one ItuoOrtd Diivh' Men of llietity. Tlieu iuwu aitist t,e aueiHicd to inm-Umt iy. It Ii a n titter ot d. . p re; ret to the OotnmUit m that there un.Mt I a delay until lurther mul -e, pro'iaklv nul l thu In oi AuK.iM.io p.iyuiif tl-e lUmiiieB oi' ra euliiud viteratiH who nd not receive Ward bounty. Ju,t torn a pofoi.ldu the payment of the ettra bouniv of 'lt-Dt-flw loi)ar will be Mumed, and notice iven. 'll'ik boiinij teiiik' a retri,f.iecilvB 'rt ( the titv, In mi ail oi the pn uii-nt of a debt, will be paid on tlitac lory evldei.ee, to lueiuaeri of tue fauiUJe, oiv, or to the veiaraim lu uron; but not v;t powers v Uutrmy to au"'- The Ctnm ilon will dilly receive av.pili-atlotii from ttie Oi o iiiiiMlri .1 Iay' Men In Ot .(.)M l li a ItCIl.li lMJ.UUKAHV Bueit, Id the re.ir of the I'm' Ort). e. :. ii. s M'NIi.H4,Cntiriuan. JUN A'lflAN HI I. LJt K. KDW1.N tiKKKMfi, I'ACI. J. KIKl.r. ijlt it l.liOlUiE W. 1- OFFICE OF THE FRANKFOKD and houthwark rhtladehdna City Paiietier Mtlt foi4 Oiapany. hfcltlirt Hueit, b dow Kounli. piuiadei p)ua,Juij 6, IMA Ihf Board ot lirtx:tjr havethu day dt-clanri a dlvidn-nt ( Thran yur ceat. upon tha Ctphal Mock ot llie tiotuinny, out of the eurulntfi of the pat hIx Mioiiittt., pjtvabl To tbiMitK-kholdera or tliulr lenal repre ciiiutlv e, clear of all laxne, ipo and after the lih lo4. The Trautar liook Will he "ctoied until Nth tut. Jy7-tl (JUAKl.ta Jt. AUUOIT aiaoretary. r5fe OFFICE OF SECOND AND THIItD fiireet Panhanwer hallvrav Company, yitA.NK. tOUD Jtoad, blow Luuih Aveuue. Piuj-u.Ki.rntA, July H. IWtl. The Board of Director havu tin day decUi od a Uivldend of k ite per cent. (.r the Uat nix uionttu, pnvaijie a utt ltr MOkiDAT.Uit loUt la.Unt, clear of 11 iana. Jti A, LaVLkX, Tr4Uff $tY, 00 Ul 74 Mo in) 7 . iU i j i 4 7- .V) IH :) ud .t I HI 4 Id IH) 111 I") ' 10 fi:i 'I ,Vi LA oat income, and revenue. WE GREAT 0LN1RAL FAIR. CFKICK i TIIK COMMIVTHIi )S I.AIiOU, 1NC0MI? AMI flKVrN'UK. No. 11m H. UFA 1 Mil HTKKKT, riur.?r . mi . Thf "iniler-kti", Tre-tr HM,rr aiXnowi.MV i!.e C6 .rd ::b'n tl'f hit' wefk : vik' iululrMioti, r - P r ( t fu!.'n H. i i i m , ri . , x 'i f fioiL e.:-j 'o-f o: fti i PMi.,d. I i St? Ti !, moit:.'' y.To'.n W. :.nn. i rn.:ir ; - Per Mra. I. U Korui e , ,.tV. 0 Air'l.ma" t -i.tii'iiiiu' "iiiini'. "f m. t c iiitrl'-ut -tv, will 1-Mt. ,i ..ri M .nday Pi nt . nk.,o..ef, in ti, e ;.- ; ir, ;jr,., W. "nn 13 -;i 1 rr J.i: e- P mm r, 0'-ni. v.. ti - -P:.'in i ei lii'ttre -n p.. ...i I t' ,).' M..-iorie'- tt.fr l nn I I'e.ih rt I.l r "i tui oi contiis.t..r-. s. - .i.il u.k-i-w tn vu in "hi'i'iifT'. t:,u t:; r-i- 1 tt 71--ti. ISWii! I -.iiipt.-n, . vrtuari : Kr 'in k oi mi t-eon l.-vnl Vr fnn, r tniti-r! I" r. M !. tru.tn, .., iie.Ni.-er, lAf.ir. I ' 11 " Jo S, p tprr al a ku led.-me it ill "Pn Per .). fin ,1 Hi.-, k. l'-n:iu-;rr -ri.in c.t.'i9 oi Prit.-I tuTo ".fi. 1M. K Min'y, rtm'ttcd t f J,. M. Wf'Srtoji. I'n-ft ,ure;- ; Per Kd.r! Mll.'er, CMIrinau Vri in en-pJov -j. oi t1 , P.i l.u.'-ii.-,, i.r iltulnvton, nd tlitli tii-Tc Kuli-ad. r i !;;(. . .y H. M. Pel- t' ti, f..( per i -e. .rue K Hen' tm , Kr, iu cmp of tl.o Phiia ie 'na and Hlti- nior. i put il Pali: ..id ,,,, ;i Per Mr H.n It innn'i, Pir!'e : - A 1 Vt mui Vr :P nt, S:!.u:m ! cmity Oi PI at ra. M. K . K how leg Per Jahn I. J nc, Chulrman r c.mmitt.n on ( urp.itteig Hnd llul.'deri, p r Wait'T Allien, Trra-urr Tr at. .lonen nad em-loy.'et M 2 I Krnmifr A Nan nnd em : -et 7 Kali an W. KMl uBt ev,I..y.'s ;y, H. K . Uepklua and emi l'cen 3fc m) BarKar, Wriirht A Co. men l.t 7J Prm "J. V.," Phil t Uia a-. Mri. "A. XI ," per Wat. L. iMin :h a.m. P.t.; -;j yi) Fri n ritU.mii af Uinaor l-antiiip, Lnerre C'.iuity, per II. B. Plumk 1 $ C'ollcrtlon at M E Churrb, Tun lahom', N. J .. .. W mi l'eTouly acknowledged hy tlio C-.mmiUf....-TJl'0 :3 B. F. , T. tat :j r Wo.r it htcrivtu-n t!.ankt .tpy ii-e4til and dul ai khww.r.'tf d. .inn w. CP MIlKMt V, Traamrer. nmee, Ila s.h: F. IT Htra.t, Pntla. rhairmrn f suh c. mnitt ..f t..ai u tif- on l.'i'.or. In. no t. and lief etuie, a. d rt..m. ha. In nihicr ptiung tu 1 1, ue. both In and out m' ioa n.are eurtit-tlv i i-.r J to pu-.Fi howaid H.p w..rk. a-, it It titK'iiv ioipirtttil t'nt th Uu-mfa olthetlreat t'eiitriil r ulr "hull De o uclu-ted atwne.nl day. Iliereaio ii.nio-r.jua 0..uiuuiut)a auh-li tare not e tep.rt. !. 1.. MUNTi;iMKKV UON'lt. Chairman. It K. iH I 1 KU,t liairman. MILITARY NOTICES. THUID COAL REGIMENT. T H X M liKliUIKNT l.s EAPIDLY I ILLINO DP. 0:i!.T TITO MdKF. CMPAMK1 CAN BK A0rRPTK.Il. TIIK, UI'.dl.Ml'.NT WII.I. 111. THI N UK.VDY TO TAItK TIIK F1I:LI1. LunieJiate Applicatiou Slionld be MaJe. AM. nEOiWiriNO t:PKN.-1K3 PAItt. JOHN It. IlASIiRTT, COiON KI. C M M AN'DING. HUALXr MITKKH, Ko. 51 WALNUT SI It K 2 T. TO 'I'll 10 Patriotic Citizen. of riiiliJolplik. T 11 K MEIlC.aNT,S, REGIMENT 8 BOW Al.l. Nd l"OIt i in CKUITH i on in .mi. in ire SERVICE IN THE) FIELD, Tha mocm an- all Man of 1 mot! -ik ft ami hare arored Iti tr C'vnraifewn t' e KlciJ of Ha tic. COMK 1- KVA1M, EVEEY MOMENT 13 PRECIOUS!!! Tlie Enemy TLreraons oar Capital, ASH MRSl JHUVK, l'litl,,Ti: IIP,, AUK M-KDlli ' 1 tN('t I!! C0MF, TIlBKKKOJtK, 'K0M 10UR won-: a m 8! FltoM Tti K .iiolt',- t yiOM iUlt UtTOItlKSt lad pr.jve to tliese TmlurK ii iV ; .-hull not Doaecj-ate nr Sod wIl'. i.i.pumi. The emergrncy U prcsini(, and the march !o tha (rant I' a t'tiw bravo, (levoti.'d patriot, t c operate with the taitant Army of the Potomac, wtlj put an tad furevor t thu bo pen ot llie heU'l hortlt 9. C'.'ti.e I'oi h md, Hun, and ohey the prcflulng rail of your ci tiiiirv, at.il humo Uifi H'idf uud alttry of our goud uld Ccuiiuonni-ulth, tlKADQUAKTKKH. No. CIIIISNUT Htrcot, City Bounty Fifty Dollars. Tlif Mlllnrj Cimnltl( MEET DAILY, Mid tttt Vcr-i-lianta of Hul,Ul,lil art rarntilljr ulK lletl lo unll, wiik Ih.iu for tlic purpo, of iudui tiili Keluicut to Ue fluid t CO. MONEY 18 HKKDi . onto, and th Merchant! of riilJaili Ijilila mo t-Arlu-.ll n-,iue.ld bt svud tlitlr ooutrl tulUilil lo lilt undurBitjued witnuut dtlay. JAMK8 8. M4UTIS, Treaiurar, Of Qarieit a ilarlla, Mo. frJO Market .Ueet, JOHN WO0B!I)E, Of J. WooJtld c Ce., No. 107 S. l'ront.troi-t, TU0UAS A. B0TD, 01 Dm da Str-ul.So.a; a. four.uu, II. P. SMITfl. Of H. P. W. t. Smllb, No. v.0 Cho.niK alraal, )H Si riNAHCat COliMITTIte. I KFX'ItUlTS WANTKD FOR TUK CITY of t atnduu, Sew Jerkuv. iiUbi'fcKAL timet. JU-oV SATURDAY, JULY 1G, 1801. OFFICE CITY H0CNT7 COMMISSION", Nn. 4lf I'K'' N R Utreet. rfiihrfrmra. Ti . City ltomiTy of two hamlrr4 and ..tla a wi ha pud Ih ra.ea fvk-e rolled . Mltnn i Phila-tphia, In ad " ot th .Iran, put In threa yt ara1 auhati;tva not lia ,!i tn tfran. and prpur credit la pifi tip.uj too juu of tliair diatilrU. If. hirrn not nt-elled nut In nhtlltmr., t! e nht!tut I Tfrfanied Mil volttnteer, nud on a proper evideuce of hit beh 'ir crediud la entfiifd t M e heuitty. 11, e i.pportnnliy It tlii atlordej f,.f e'C'm to aM the enae, while pcuriru' t tetmui.na lor tbeioaaiTua, and ar:ttht the rily to nil I a .'ii.ita. )jk l UF ADQrAUTLKS ITUJYOST M AKSUAU H First luatriet, Pa, Y Puit iiiru-iiu, .Tunc M, IV, 4. The namea f prsmi rfmoMirf i t orfr.imtMa IHi ttiei wttl tie added t or 4trtr ken fiom tin Hit af arn- ineut. ti-fihg ,r the litis nre open lor paMiu ituperri'tn. am) 1 1 11 t.iPrwrB rip , alt ri - v ii re hit I ad I Appear and p'.intont air-i In tin- i.l. in nufh fuformailoR a me aid In tk rrerii-a nud rnln th.rdt. Aay l'rai.B erroUd ina ani-fur i.W.ra ak. Ila. .1 and ,'Uim t l m a name an u ku eft ilm Im. if P gnow atia- I frrorliy i) at ht It n..t P"p.r y enr-dlfd, .mi h,Vi'iiH A-i. n.,.,t ,,,n f,iW"l,r. i'( , J-ft 'U-i VU ".Hl'tll A com pilau e will, 'lie for't,'"h(f aoini!,n it earntlT 'Mt-lted. n M. K. I Kh W s. f if CipU'n ,mj Trivo-t ra'.al. II WANT l-'T' FOR THU VNITKI) STATU LI Mina. I ..r.. n vn.-1 iiml rtritli, lil r .,. 'I II, r. e IiukIl-j .i,',. .h.ii a, . rfirn, l 'I"' 1 "l,li"r i ,-jr Nv Th-. .ud WANT IT VOIT THU VNITKI) STATH8 and ' ii. ip wr an tor. ia;u s;a'lii. f''-re '"us-itioB than Hie unuv. A dp nf-war Is a i.'Hii arintr h nfi T't Mnr'o W , tji k'tt e nvai ed i urpt in the srvW e. 1 rut iiiney at ahuu- dnc-. 1HK T Or Al. HOPNTIK PMH TO RrnClTt". i r aP. ..it er hir.i-ioiitu.n pply dMlc at t' a Itc rnPliia Head. -h. n.i ; . HJiiM1 .ti -i rt. Ih1w Spruee, o tae. u U.e uuara uf nine aud three nYi.rk. jMi;fl I VTvt.q. Captain in.! Iter rutin. 'Hcr, Na..;ll M. If Ki rN 1 rttreat. mft tf J lata Aairpdmi-nti t" the i'oaitl'Hlnn. Kr II rc. rd lS:r nut nud IU'i,. of ltopnwna-. Icn el tt,f ( ffin.'iia.tK i.r lnn ruanta In oi.rat Axoinf.k me 'iliat tTia- Mlnwriitr r-rtm-nt. r,.. a..ril in Mi- ( iit.toi..n'f tCunui t v.fitui.111 am ird-anrt- wna ti e prr -tc-ri i th taoth urtl - to th.-rr f I lone hu b t.n rUtlnnl irnwi to 1 io ihh . arnJa r tr e i MiaMtutk.i, to bo detiKuaivJ .a it- H fe .r, aa "rern 4. WvfT"T m of tl. rjon'iV .-Irrfcnr- Ii tataia.MiinfM th thtll te tn rut nei i, i ml it vt- ii.:ara re.4iiiij'rn rr.-n ih fi . . i le-nl f I'm Uniutf Ptn.oi hv Hi, an)..-liy .4 thla laiain.viir,nllli , aiieli e!a--iur raat aai'ttlBr Hie rlcit ..f n:trnfci iii an aiaonoaa v Mm iiiart-iui. iiiiilwr ui- h rrjrulatt n r art ,or iha'l kn a'oit-d I y law. ni rn:tt as u Uiy wore urownt at tatr JumaI alAcw o cit-.i " Svfih.n a. Tt r.- hha be taVhHm-J am-tl.tn ta tha evn a n ,. f tie I tv lu-rtnot, to bo d . (fitted aa mnii. s fif-t.t mod aioe. ai fa Haw .rtti-n n. N hill ),aU l- pft 1 ttiA legislature, "'nakiUir tare than ane unh.. -t, r-h h l Vh cie.rir ;it-H la ta. tltl, fvn .aa. ear a'.ltai h.lh " ".-im ii. N.. htl -tLall f.iy. a-v tha I.UUtor pranrAig any hwni, or pilttiPuvs. tr cat v- titir tit aoili.M .ly t- trmit, "titli ri-w i, ..r privlleitet, liar hn, r heri mfXvr be. coaftirrad i.fea the .uuru ua" il.ta t)ia uaeuwraiUt." UKNHT O JOHNSOW, HpenLer ef the .lne nf KprMniaUva. joy r. PKN SKT, HiM-Aker of the rttoiatt. F'FH.'K OK TUB SK RMTttY K 1 11 ri t'OMMO.S'- WKAl.l H. PK W0Y1.VANT A, ,t """'. I da hervt.y eertifjr that th fore,oin(r U a Ait I, J t.n. J tm ai-d ti..rrot cepy et tha ..rU'loal Jamt IUm-M- tinti of th. i.foeral AimbiIv. cntttk'd "A .luirit RA'.hitaa irta4altiv Frlatn AavMititaaat ta LI Conati ttntnn." at tho auatt tatunlna n a' ta Una . In loorai.n whoroof, I have nort'tmit Hft luvraaadand aan-ed th. -ai af ahn 8TttUry a oilice t tie aitlrvd, lin day and yvur aixr written. Ret-relarT ef tha C.iMraoiiwarth. Thr nhavn Ro.httlAii kaiiit be1 itfiiwn t h? amatarity f the fw aiiet m ot Hh llun, at two aiieAena(Va a.ootiooa I the Oaiiwal A oaill f .lie rwnwnwMiuhUi nra-l-acil aii)4.ri4nioa)ia wid ae Kehnittrd te Uie rf,l far Until' adiiirn ar rrrwrumi, n the umt I ndaf -( Ainrati, la W:a jiw of .ur I ard oof thHMaivd htmtrectj and tartr--, rn anoordar.-ti Hli th pravNIu ef fU taaih arula ai CT't t'opahtntiAn, and th net otaU d Arj Aot pranortfev. oif the liMf and aiaaot raf eiibBiKHiir l Uie pMople. far thrlr -vrt.al and rnMrtenten r rr tx tlon, the piakk.hwI aao mliatnta to tha Otuttitutlitn." nppravwtl taetwvuta" third day of April, one thousand el at humtrod aurl t- rM.I Ml.lbHWt. ai'77 f tAuI Btrrotarr of the Corauionwoaltlt. 'tIBUK'8 OFI U'K, COMMON COUNCITa. V' riiUa-1Wa'ila. J Qly , U4. In arennlanre wlifi n raNohitfaa adtet hr Iho Cmaiuaa ruii(-ii ni th4 ity . f l hiiadri.hla,t.n Mnirnday, tha .Mrtli Jar cl June, lMtti, the anio'xo.l lull, ntlLl?d "AP 0UH1SANK TO AI'THOIflK N AIHillliiN.il. I.O A M T( MHBT) TIIK KM'KNHKd INCIhr.NT 10 TUK lKtKNIilt OK TIIK riTV. ASH KR (UHKR 11 Itl'OHhal." Is hi-rehy publUtii-d Ar nUUc lnformuti.n. w m. r. s( at.l, Clet k of Common Co-iuctL AH OkhlNAKi'K TO AT'TnoitlK AN AUDITIOVAT. T,0X TO VRKT TIIK KM'KNHKfJ INOIUKMT Tt TVS rKn-:NK tv iuk citit, a.ni tou oniKn i-uk- HttMh.nl The Scliet and romtm CoiintMN of the Pity tf I'hilndeljihia tht or.Uin, 'I lutt Un Mayur la harefce an tJinrUrtt t twrruw nt net lea than par, on the oradtt f the turn wtiion. aticli himih til inonor aa may ho re itjrt4 the CTry Itvaaurt-r, from tlinn fti tlma. to prnvid for tha fnMiita oi voiuniwiN tram the city ef I'hlla.ilphiata the a a i Tire rt the I'nltftd rttaifn. and fr the dorr a ha of tJte cjiy.iiet esaAe.llng in the whole the aitm of fUe hait'lred Nkt.uaniiit d- liiira , for tilch lfit-nnt not to ei. thA rata oi m ir c Atit . tT annum uliall tie iid half Teariv, oa the rm t1a f Jmiunr flnd Jnij, at thu eiUce 'of the lily Trw'isutar . The prlnrlhAl ofthenald loan h til he pnvahla and natd at the exptra ltn of tlilrta- yearn ttoiu the ilntr of tlie naraA, anit nttt I,ri-a without iIoa cmisi'iit uf holder tn re..i, aad c rtliii utfb ihtTt i ir. In tin u-nul lonn ( mich i-ortillcatoa tn 'City Liatia. nkiall lel.inl In ueh amount an tin honliri fnav rtuiri', Inn imt lir any frarlitjial purl ol flutl.ttrif roMiirt-il, in aiiioiiiita uf ll.n huinlit'il r one UHiuand dollar, and It aha I be etpranaed in aatd ceriitU nioi that tl e aaid l.inn tht'tffn iiHuti.ad and Uoi iuu.rost thereof arc iti)lle fr.' trom all taxca. Mis tioa J. WheneTat any lonn h all ba made br virtue; bort-ui 1 1 ore thall be, h force of thin ar4iimin-e, annu ally apiiroiiriati'il ..ut ot ttu'1nr.iue of thucoro-iraitfoiuiea, and f'tini the mini raiavd hy taaion. a turn aiiiMi-int to ray lb InirrtMt in aaid t'rtiri ata; ami the further aum ol Om-e-tt-ntha of one p r ctatuiu on ttiA par value f aa. h cerntW ait'N, h ittkaoil, Nhali be appropilat.-d ijtiarterty out ol tha Inrome and taxta Ut a linking fund, wnl.-h iniij, and lu ai'i'iituulntlotiH, are biiahv etper-Ully a Indeed fur tho rodt-inpiiou und paytutni of na4 cerllilca ea, ItKHiH.I'TIox AtlHOKIZINii TUK CI KKK TO rfUMSH THR Olfi Hl.s.lia.,, Ftt-olved, That the f'tar ol 0.'umon Council he anthor-bt-d to pi.h)ih In iwr .laity nnwhpaix m la tlm city, daily er lour rka, th ordinance tuvaf'tfd to ' 'oinm" ('oun rtl, at a Mtatrti infM'tiut; tueruol. buld on the aom day uf Juna. Ih l, ennilcd "An Ord-tmiioe to iithi.rixa an Addition".! Lain tn mtvt thr fxpt-net a Ini-ldviit to I o ilt'U iK-e al tin; t'tly, and tr blhet piiriM.afa." And the ald Clerk, at the a'a't'd m-ietin af Ci.nnt'tl afU-r the exi'lrath ot four wcokn trtm tha Aral day of amd pulJicailon, ahall pr?mn to this Council one ot eath tiaid iitwpapstirs tor ovary diir lu which the aaiue ahall have btntn ruue. iw CM.KUK'H OFFICE, COMMON" CO!TXCILa J Htlll.AI.KI I HIA, Jlliy A, iHrtt, In afcnnlim e wlih n rt'a i u r i 1 1 ndi.pitj ov tno t.omiua Couih il of ih. C'tv tf 1'ht ;tU'lplila, on I hnraiUy, the Jt4 day ul Juno. ltv, , the -Mint m-d li , jnt if lt-J "AN iiltl'IN N- K TO Al'1 IIOlilK A l.OAN 1 OK SCHOOL I'D It I'tWUH " la brr by puhlnhvd lor public lnforuia'.ma. sur,t, C'erk uf l oiniiiou t'ounull. AS OIIKIVAM'K TO A ' 'I l..tl,r: a l.n.KS r O K .Htiitiui. 1' I li l'"t S r,M. 8etinnl. 1ti -oi.-.-i tool c.diini iu l ounrihot the City Of rinitoielphia ih i. id, ott lint ih.- .innrh f.fio' fcuihi'rltd to b.trrow at not ttno (.Hi i u lie nt-. it ot tl, fi.ri,ra ion, the muu il oi.n iiiohtHi t,.i.atri to .r.-Vidt' Tir :iiiM;ri'i tln. t'ntn Mtlli. a..' Ill ' I i 'I ol hioUtlllkt l-T HCIl.Hd piirpoiu-. is li.i h :i r-i h.H.i lo iiiiini ivimii Ivunt.t, tor i.i.-n loto-rt-t,t...t in w id iii'ia' ol u p r nntinu pin unniim, t-a.i I iitl hti! M-4r; on fh 1" t d'v 0( Jmaajy ant .'u v.ttl l l.t oiiu - of i oe Cit 'IVeAurer. 'I t- ( i in, iji-.i ii ih.-i .iti ii hii ho n ot-pivuwte and paid al i t i'Xn4.ion i.i ih itv yi-nit I im mo in if the Mine. HMt o-.' h.-"T" Iih oi' th. c -tiiuiit to t .n hiIJra tu-n i . i d tt, i ci-im'. -tii . iti- r-' r, in ,r e ' ('n! ti.rm of tin- f.-i'dl. xi.-a ..f fly l.i.iiit. i.;. t.1. he !si vd in aut niio ui. it. i.h the l.-n o - ini tv i'N.u hut tt.t r anv tri.r- IIoi.hI (-.in oi him- l.uiit.it il i).. l,ir-, or, IT re iil: ill , In an O'H.tr- ol Mt h' n.ln d ..r on.) th ti-aod il . U.a; tud it hull in- xi ri't-t-.i in v mi f)r'it.i ii' Hut tin' said loan tt t.i"i im-i ii-i.'. d. un.l t.t iii'iriMt thtTLot', ari p.iyaiile fii f finii, nil itxot St- t ti -ti v. 1 lo- lin.M'iin nt M.d lutf n nliaM he apirprlnitl, OiaiiH ii ci). nud :.j.m( tl-in d i',,r t'ut purpi-.ij and ui HU o.'i.U us fo:lt" I.i M t : il ui 1 . T' ih hi-v r.u -i ii d ti'fi:- nt nine hon l-,d und tlin i -h.ur tin. nun-. ot c in. i .Im iI d .ii in, as 1 it.-Ma rsf M.e.li-n luttv ih.Mi-i d doll ir.; hi t i n i Hi t Hi. ii, ilnriy f.f - th ii and d .ilm-s . 'I I, iid K ;l ..it, tli. iv''h'ii-and dnlnri ; l' in ti. rt i tn.ii. tliiri -live Minn uid do liirt ; r i'lli ition, a x y llinia i'l d -t ir, , Hi ui tn in . t Lir't t cho.i'ri d d iliitrt ; 'fM" it. bi'iiioi., tin v-llner r h tu -.avn.l d-llai ; l .iilli Sit 1 n hfi . -t ij.i.1 t niiiiiii.l d.nlAi a : Ninil Si-t ti, u, h'lty thu i" i"d d-.ll;,!- ; Tt-iiih Hn tti.h. w ii n vr tlx oi .-und it'll ti ; K iM-nili Ht'i.non, thlrty-rilil tluxmiLiHl live boudred th'tiam : 1 wi'litl.- Ke ti- n. thtrtv f..ur thotthaud dnll.iri: '! hit e i th Hi i. turn, thirtv-.'i.ht thu und dxtlarf; ft .ii 1 1 tn lb .si-i:i.,i mi tliuand dnllai x; I" ti n i ii t Ii m-i ti.in, two,i: -nvt iIi..m-hto1 d .Mara; M tt i'i,t!i si t'lii ii, l t-n'y th' tu iiitl d dl.irs : rM-M'iitr i tl. Ni' iii.li. tv -m e tti..iinnnd d-l art; Kn-hifi-nth ft'tMit.ti, thitiy-lkvu ihiu4tiid dll ui; iiH'lct-nl!i Ntxnoa, twenty th.xiNatnl d 'llarn; 'i wfi.iieth Hi'i:t.n, aevonty five thou.ind aallari; Twt-niy-Or.t Ni't-ilon, twi my thoiHand dodara '1 wt nt y-Ht'cnd MAtiioii, td.-vi'ii t h uand del lira ; 1 wen'V tl.lrd Krcili.n, fjinttf n thi.imahd d .llara; Tweeiv-h iirth fi-. i;m, alty-i-iKl.t tM.iiitid d dlari; 'J Mtnty-nnh hai Man, tnenly three thou.rtiid d iUa.Ki 'J wcuiy-hlith Serlion. t.e tlxuiaaad dollara. liem I. '1 e rcitauuriA the t'iu Trrniury, lor appniprla tkaa already ma.tr, oltar;Tahle te thia loan, !eriy-ama tiioiiaaud aiue huud'ed and amht dolian It ai a. or I'oiiiintreiKita, illtevn thaimand Ave hundred and tiimty-tun dolliir. Mt t-iieii . vr iicpo er any loan utiali bo mnd by virtua lieu el thtre it. all be, by ivrce ttiu oidinaiioi. annually ap prep rlaitMl out af the in-me of tha cnrprats eialat, f'om i be nam raixd hy taxation, a kuni nmrVtent to pay liie interna oa said ecriith att-i ; and th lurthr min af three tenthi of one per centum on the a-ir value at auca retiinrate ahall be appropriated fi'iai'i'ily out af Mild Inoi'ine and tartea, to a inkitiK fund, which fit ml and ita accumulation are hereby apcciaiiy pledged for Uc redemp tion and paymvui of taid certituatca. TO Priw.laH A l-oitf BILL (K tM HLIC NClhM.f.8. BeioWtd, Tliat tha Clerk ba aithoriAfd to pudUh In two daily newspapers of tbii city dally, fr futir wetika, the ordiimai-e pieht-ntid to Comwuu Council oil lburadaVi tluua Hi, iM.euililcil "AN OltlUVASCH TO AVTHORIB A IiAM Kott SCHOOL fUK And the laid Hark, at the s-aUwl rotating orunoili, aftaf the expiration of lour waki from tha lint day of eaid pubti atktm, itiall ti recent to thia Conned one of each of aaid newaaitera for atery day lu wkwa Ui imue anal bav been made, iyU-4w C OLD8 IMPItOVED STK AM AND WATa- VJ I1K.ATINO. AelMKATUrt. t ut A anulid aud Vwntiutla 1 1 Ale ilaildiufa And Pit vaia Kaaldiiiaaa, Wanutaeturert by tb V&lVti b'lhAM ASH WATEB RRATINQ COMPACT or fuuAaUJLi.iiij a. JAT1K F. WOOD, Wo. 41 ri fOKUTH Htraaa. ahtt B. U. raUaTWaUAL,uiWlaUeaaatai. FINANCIAL gl'KCIAL, NOTICE T9 TUB IIOLDKItH 0p TtfB Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notoa. SEVEN-THIBTY NOTES, Of TUK H-iNOMISAIIO.NS Or f' yvrsi too', CA." .NOW ru CON V L I'TKD IN BONDS OF THE LOAK OF 1381, i)F T AAVK iJHNOMINAT.vif, 1 w Woraiatlen, anily a( the oWtoeof JAY COOKE k 00;, Jr RANK K It n. No. li M. Ti tlltl) ni rret. QOi.J, Ci I I, oi, SILVIIt A.r BANE XOTES WANTliD. DE HAVEN h 1K0T3EE, )f -ir k. . thir iriiRsr. 1 T V HIXKH, I'-KKK I'lIOM TAXATION, FOR BM.B VX SVMS TO SUIT PUXCHASEUS. Jf-W DKKXEI, & CO. j I V 1Z W At K A. 11 M, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, So. 0-1 8. IH.'ItB STREET. MAI.r.I. IV f?2CIE, TANK NOTKS, AND GOVERN MENT SKC3KIT1KS. tock, Boatlit ana ld oa Commlailoa. CoIIivUodj Cwmptly iuMq, tTO-U gTOCKH A IX I CiaCUllIXlKIS BOUGHT y. SOLD O N COMMISSION, DE HAVEN & BROTHER, M l o. ." 8. TS1KD STBBIIT. gMITH a: ItA.NrOJL,III, No. 16 S. TUIUD STREET, 13ANKKKH AND IJHOKEKa. Bpncla.Stocki.QnartntB.aatrn' Vanchm nn4 Ckrcki.and all QTraneat 8cnrltlra Boajlit aad 8. (ahll II Z 1 It. HTKK1J c JO., iiANKi-;i;s, Ko. 36 8. 7BIRB STREET, Bvr AMB BLL OOLD, 81LVEU, AND G9VKHMMKNT SECUHITIEg. S T ) O K H B0anT AND SOLD OX COMMI8MIOX. (rahll Jy'KW LOA.IV. NEW IjOA.1V. U. S. 10-40,H. JAY COOK13 Jk CO., OfT Kit FOR SALE TIIK KEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, liEAItlMO HVK PER CKNT. IMTKHKST IH COIX, rf 4i-mnil,li- anj time alli-r Tt.N YKAIIH. at tli slea.ur af tha l.Toriimiiut, aod pojahU yolllT VEAKM a liar data. KllTU rODl'OH AND KKdISTP.KF.D llyDS ara la.ued tat thia Loan, of urn. d,-Do(altiatlin a, Uia &-'it)'a. Tha Intarest on I'O'. and l(. ia,aMa yrrly;tin al oilier ddooialnallon.. half yearly. Tha 1040 hondi ara j dud March 1, lwi. Tha half-yearly llitareat fsilliig dua ! Heptt-nalier IkI anil atarch Ixt of eaeh year; until l.t Hep- j t. i,har. tho ac-rned Intereat from l.t of 51arrh la re-tilr,.d I to be paid by purchaser! In eulN or In lr,ial clRBbcr, aihlitiM titXy per cent. f,ir premium, until further notice. Al.l.OTHKlt UOVKKNMKNT SBCIIKITIKS UOUUIIT JAY COOKE & CO., mh.'i tr N,. in s. THiim mtkkkt. ( J, A. 11 IC M () J,' A c o. JIANKI'.KS, No. 121 8. THIRD STRl'.KT, ruii.AiiKi.rniA. f)oerauient Hi-crltlei, of all Issue. Tili'liasM and for 8ala. KUicka, lloiidn. and Uold li,iulit and ts.ild na C ,Qi' ml, .Icq. INTtUl-ST .ll.I.OWK.I. OS IlKI'ilSITS. C'elle, tlou lnu,pily Mi.le. f,-i tf g 1Z V J-J NTH NATIONAL BANK, iso. am MAiturr htrki'.t, (coi:m:s o- btkawucury.) Capital $125,000. To lo Increased to $500,000. DIRECTORS. IlENUr a. MonillS, r Morria, Ta.kar To., Taacal Iron Worka, Kifih ana Taaker.t.. C'UAIiLES 8. CLOSE, of Cla-a t. Ma.llt, llulldert, Mo. Ko. 3111 Itecd .treat. JA1IES If. rREBTON, Manufacturer of Woolen Oooda, Maaajrunk. J. A. WATEB8, of J. A. Watera Co., Wholoi&l Urocera, Mo. m alarkot atraat, 8. B. COUOHI.IN, Heal E.iaia, Ma. IWI M. Tuirtaenta treet. WM. r. CLYDE, Agent rhUad'a and Hew Tork ExaraM 8. B. Co., Na. 14 S. Delaware Ava. GKOBCIK W. BILL, Manufacturer of Carpatiiuja, Mo.! M. Tklrd atnai. t, W. BOL'DEB, Wlnloaala Boou aa inoal, Mo. 809 Markal atnwC J, Z. DHRAVZa, Irapurur l Winai, Brandlaa. e., Koi. M and 31 8. llarara Ar.Rua. ThU Balk bavin baa daiy auiharhwd to.oontnienoa bu.lse.a nndar taa Matluaal carraacy Ait, U now pra parad to roc el a DK.I'OHliH, make Collection, and traaa aclaOaneral MAMKIMD BI'SlNKbS. Macoaut dy on TUt-oDA an4 HUD At ef eaok waaa. J. Z. CEIIAVEN tiileikU II. R. HALt, OaUlar, Ifaii.a mar-ma, J am aa, taij, aM-loi ANB) gl7 coal at cost. TUI4 EFFEC;tAj- TLU 0r CHEArEMmOl CO to aboiil luilf tha ua.'" ' Ir:c aeni tt EEOAD MOllNTAUT ' MAMMOTH VEIN COAL MPABT. No. 121 S. THIRD STREET, I. u--feafnVypmtr,1,!f toln fill, ."od, and trlampk. ant ri-fi.ntniiiatioii. Th.arrai ork, ,h, pmr,mr B,rTr.mnn, cknyl HHcon,y,.r, KKARi.t '.IrlrLKrKD, and will .opHT .11 8.IAKKHOI.DFK. fr.m , w, k lid.of I 0AL AT THE l'EIMK COST, Tut.. Two Hciry Tens n Eacb BW Eyery Tear for Twenty-five Ysart. The prire i' each ftaaia In tha preaent .arte, u ira pajaMi- lalf an .ul,., rlptlua and half aa Auaa.t M aastl (and la He nexttao on. it will bell:, an,! Ilia MAMA ill I-SICK af a heaey ton (THO It.) oi I '.ai in bdw tun The l-lll.MK COST ritli K oftae .mae at preaenp rate. (July) la: For n,itia, preparing-, loyalty, and eral er-u... jjjj Trannporialtna over bTrtnck rallr,d a( Ttanirtatli,n oyer main railraad ta Phila. . W Tiaa-p,,rutl,,a Irani Oepot to yard lo , aid epen,e. p Ca.tlni fraaa yard 10 Nhart-anldar'a houe.. M Total ooi or iron, ton drliTerad at Ike b. i.a Ui PhMadelpkla J-n- liTerence lietween market price and co.l price, '.Ta' Thia aiake, a .avn,, on tro lain for each ihara af 111-10. HlidUld tka Biarkeft nrlra h. hfK.. Ik. ...I. -1,1 .till greater, ar.d should the market nrl,-. lu. l.w.r Uie eaat prt, a will be proportionately lower. Hut thia la not all. Tha ,'ir.i,.n. k..,M. i. . worka, and lNKXHAl arilli.K OAt, BliLI.H, FirB- MiLr.n is, i r.M.iu, win ninemticb avra oaal thaa as aunuallT retiutrft'ft fr tlie l..kk,.i.in.. aii ,. i e--al will be aoldat the ruling market rat-., aaa ALL THeV , , n wm o avtrisuira avary alx Bientln aa CAa DIVHiKNDS.aaionj ll.a Shareholder. i from whlok It la cunnueutly expectid they wUI realize every year from to tin per eent. on their investment., after Uia Aral year, k addition to the aav Intra on their e.ial. Tha Company poaiea.oe KXCLL'SIVII MIHING AKI' TlMPKlt K1UHT8 fur a quarter of a century (1.1 yearak la ana of tka beat and licheat coal tract, la chuylajt C'untT, comprising the Mnmmeth Vein, the Ulaek Uealh, I'rlniro.e, Daniel, and other Velaa. The eoal ar the Maot ro, thVelul. White A.biUat ot tha oUier Velna parttp White A.li, partly Ked Aah. DIUKOTORH. WILLIAM 8CHM.KLK, Prealdeat. KOIIKKT r. KINII, MKNRT Hl'llMiKIJ'.. Al.llKKT II. JAKDKX, WILLIAM K(UtU,8certary, For farther Information, and for aharet (at II? M. pap. able half on auliacrlktui and half oa Auj,i,t 1, naatp ' -apply at the orncE, NO. 121 s. tuted steeet, OlTOdlTE T!IH OIKAKD IUNK. Vr ICKADINU and Tlclnity, Uie Horn. JOSEPH AT IlOVK.lt, Mor of heading, baa accepltd th Agcaof th Company, afler having ranoMlly vliliM, and u tned tka inlnii and atTairt af the Cwpmj. Tha oltiiama ofKdttn and vicinity will apply for InforxaaUoa ul . h&rei at th MAY UK'S OTFR K.at Reading. Tacoatpiic0of a gran toa of Caal at IU11n, 4a llrorad at tha houtaof a HhartbulOer, la at pretest rata MioTcrivw, wnii tue narket price tiuenati te I iDaa aeuaie mat in in. HKNltY )) I5t SCIIMCKLE, TREAflURKK. HTKWAliT OIL COMP JL Y- ROC It Incorporated June 29, 1864, Capital, KtM,0 . iO,f 8MARES 5 A ' MtiUrrrlptlen tl rach share te eriginal lubioHWre for ' ''O.M itaarea. paabli tl emit down upen ubcrlt.liigtan4 twe other ImtMiDiunu ml 1 each, payable oa the VUUi Jul and 3th Augiibt, U'4, ropetlvWy, TEN THOUSAND 8 HARKS Rodorved fur Benefit ef the Company. Iho land purchased hy the Vnnce Btewart Rok Ol . 4 einp.inj t .iiinnii mun hunrt d and thirty eae acres, la tkti VL-r.v ter ol tliu otl region, en thoutand thrim han dled ami ten tt-et en Uie Alfhir'ny rivtr, la (JraakMirnr ii.wtih., tiU'iHliTii: a i-t'iuidf ruble Gintaine up boia k don u ihr I twi r Two M 1 1 l;un, commr.uly e.med Ituutii Hi.n, aiouple u( nilita below Krnnkhn, ui Venamm ' couni , l'tiiuavl. ai.ie. Tr. AU.-nlK-iiy Kivcr Territory la .eUlitiK au abundant and peruiune.iL harveit ufaa excel -lent nuain.Y ol HU, thf nuincrou wells bordurlriKlts hanlva pn-rluc ate Oil with CTeu auU greater regularity Uia a Ui wrila aunift Oil Oreek. It U lM'!ifrd the How of tt) below theberouifh ef Prank -)in.iB tlie Alliktieiiv river, will pruiuihly nuver btveome; exIiMiinted, hciause lite BtraHitrution, er vulcanic drup tioiit.f tvk ei) In a aouthwestwariliy dlrwctien; iae einnlly tl.e lwd of . wutil.i he oiarrr the surfaoe at the ti..r end, aay of ou t?ref. and wells would roiulre t lm axled iIim ii-r In prcpnrtion lwir lorn tl.e river, where, however, there would iH-censarlly h the uuttt peruiaaont. and a much ftrcater nupply and siiiHrlii-unibeat bod r or !( i e ot oil it Is ctTtttin that at-ori'H of wt lu t the river. In the Inniirdta'e v( luliy ni thin land, have c-.uiinued pro encii'g diiriin the pair three er leur years an unwavering and airud da it? ii-id tl ell. A Hienie at the' limp will dfmonstrAte the fact that th I,oer 1 wo Mllu Kun mid Oil ( rvi-a aie oa the atne etietiM-trkally Htratsht him, and only distant, an a cos tiuvaiion f th ntfu'tcal mmg q-tnj htTtMcen the rannt or hilu. frnm eat h otiM-r aLeut thn e nlies apart ia pra rlsi lv the uine d r t limi. It would, thurnf.iro, n-t be ex trai rdinaty, It ly borinit wtile on this tra t asuinoitmi thpiliot iMihripn rlptlit hamtred and fifty leet, tliat th ( in aii l weili nmy mf ii rlal thos of OH Cr.ek feq tlii-lr up'lit of hui.driei of h..rri-tk of oil dally, n4 eiioiir.oiife (irotiis Aou!d tli'ifc be the furuui e rsoU M li e ulnirfhohirrt. ot this coiuusny. On line patrtK'iilur truut ot Und there has hna lrt est I' mm' loi iMi'ioy t ari. a well n-nr pumtnwt a flr portmsi al t.O"d Oil, iiitl.ouh Its. tlcpth or burets ciitltere.l ml Ir.Mti'ornt to lnHti e a lar)(' flow: r ttt per cunt, of the j (! at tl ir. wt il o tiiKUih wiim r. Nerv d aa a n ally to t ie fi-iiiM-rowi vr t the luiul, ai.d will at Inure to the h ih tituf the t oiui Mn. ihrri'aie iiIno two other wi-lla-iMiiftt a lew iiiin.if I'd ie-t dee o h.hut nut yel tuhad.btit lo ilu a it it u HtM rutt- Mio-Hii oil ; a burrfla Jay t-au uenerahjr f In ki'i'.ipt'i' out oi tliitin, mid no ihiuht H.-euiNtu evlil that lhe w I.l l tli pinvt lnt(tiy remuiiu'-atiiiH wfliwhen bored a ri'm-uiinble ihiih. Anihc-r wull la hatlf boied. and ri(i ! a Mtllftiatnorv vo id. Suiii.,i m uii ir, unii 1 1 "in tl r'fl wriu can be seen a the i.Il.ieof the. C'.in.(invt N.i. rt' LNt I Mtrwt Tt e trr oi thir.a u tMo otl land. comvrlviiijf one hits fin d und ti ll i -one acn-H, me tiding ihu r ivalry of tlrty i r oi'iu. oi oil ) r iht- ti a-od wi ll, nw -.;, and il.e "liliu ritlit ot the thn-e wc'N purtlaJiv iitVi..iMd. la I'Um tii'tu l- the t oropiiiit ili-rct trom Hie owner, for the ' tiioti. iitir .i k-e til al t;..vi with a unt Mill la Una order, a hi'ii. I. on sc. a o : mNc iiuie oi tniilHir. 'I he Mt i- t -.tiM k will i'd tli lor tin' land lu full, an4 lrit il i- kmiii i( ty A- rua.ii work Inn cn.Ht-tl on haiid, WMhwt.nh tt ri:,i , te tle tlrea o.l wil. and aluo lo bule I w it tie ivetiM, with a Meant en. inei, 4o to I't Id tiuinti.tr. ordor w:ihln a few uiouth; arratie int nia w 'Ii bt( mndo t tuviHtvlUn th-xe 'kojei'is wtiitout 0 in h" MibciJptioi. wl.l ha ae-ptvd fur less Mian IHI V aliBI'l ') 1. 1 va-i luitutd s r ai od by Hn k Otl Cotnttanu'e eb-11-1 ul ,t ,e ui 0 " w In re are notorious 'I am Ml irl Uv ei in lis ini.iiti'v, hiuI tl.o '.eiiutnil coii.tantly fiirrvMSiDK. Iik ri e i ii. w fij ,er bai re I ai the wvil t uiiuth, ojactu KiM'i'l ih- ( aik. l.arui w el s w 111 donhlleHi, be struck at the depth of t.1 f i i , s to ien. li uitt iliii d .S4iidine li... a Well have hi t ii hiTi d huittft- re to Uie de. Hi only of about fKJ foeA tu llil vicinity It U rt-pod t) lure titt-uiv wullioi ihu t'K eiM linrliitf the pteseai ear There larMtunje i ne lini'iiie.) w eht-. A ' t ruoi tli i. ch ar of ail luuuua i.ih1ii-j i coi.udent.y assured to the (.'otupauy. Ll.ttt of luhicrrptlon are now open until tke 50,000 slum are subnctlhed, payable l per share, to the order of Aldesv Disn JAMES MtCABHN.theTrtaiurer of the Coupaixy,, Ko. .Ob WAI.KWT flirect. or at No. 125 WALNUT Street or M Uie id.lce of tlie Company, No. 2li WALSVT ' Street. Tke public are lTlte4 to call for a prospectus. Jy5-tf pINrriWCJU 1'AINTINGI! Jo. 47 & TET&D 8TEEET. abv caxasuT, rhUa4elUkW FAIIY A liUOTIXKn. nOl'M, 0UIV, AKB OMAM.KNTAL FA1MTERO. araiarag, G Lazing, GUdlntf OK Olui, EomUUmi, FftMsT- Taiaiaaliig. A a. auift tf DMUHD A. S0UDER k 00, COMMISSION MEHOIIANTSJ AND BUIP AND STKAMDOAT AQENTa. DOCK BTREET WHARF, aovriio a. ioi-r-ia, aw, HiaALD oaTTl. lailiaH T. aiiLbaa, REMOVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAW, iarpuataur and Balldar, ka rvmurad hit ahp frr au. Hirawbarrr u..i lo N,i. 'in CAM r&K t.uue.( aa. Mitiilna Uia okl fual Vltlea ButiOUig. Havlua liiaraaa tai-iiiiMa hir carrrtni aa th. buaiaiaaa aataaal. It Uwaj lu iavtir a aaaia vtyuhlH avaaiuaaaa. M I; 'if a. A v 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers