TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 1G, 1801. taring tlcppli OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. FrM Tiro Oaarri Twm J.rr, 't Twulti Oarra r Was. MTM to be Carrier, .ad Mailed t licrlbere Ml of th. City m Su Z"LLiBa pea Anmpm ; One BiJ.aa oa Two Marat, kiTarUMT la adTane. fur U ') AanrMiaMuuei hearted at th. nstiat nl- A lilxml karaagaaeant khh fcr aitendea laMrtioaa. T CrwMilai" e atrn nakfiitMiif Aewex-na roiamnlellnn. ieter k mimfr.l Mr ImriM "' aiiii.Bliia,ie b mi M ait.awo w ake ni-i rwraieaariie fur ytXMalioa. kul a aneranire fhrbie imed faith. M eean- Jta to ret era rajee.e .vun.. To Aerlaiere. wti,.; to IM traM r.TaA". la tha nmnl.Mm of Tim eteaifia.eTei.Kifcarii.eomrtivlliria na to ro to i-rt-aa at en e1v .ear, w. eorenela retini'M that .ilvfrtLetneula mav Ba haarted to tn aa Ira o U.:, u DuaUkia, to tec lira taeaa aa laeertloa Mi an of our etlliiune. SATmPAT, JTTI.T 10, l.V.t. EMtal.ANn AND TIIK DlNO-tlEHn 1 WAR. If our people evrr leltnnynpprelionioii tti'it England would openly and directly Interfere In aid of the South In Km rebellion against our national Government, they may now well dis Tnlsi any itich fi'ars from their minds. The action of the rSrit'inh mlnlftry in reft:rence to Denmark, proves moat conclusively that they are afraid to go to war for any cnuso, even the honor of the Kingdom, and that no considera tion of duty merely la strong enough to prevail against that paclllc policy to which the Rriti-di public and the British politicians are now quite ununlmounly and determinedly devoted. We learn by tho last nows from Europe, not only that Lord Palmerstox, and Karl IIcssku. mean, Yery decidedly, to leave the Danes to their fate to fight out their quarrel with the Germans without England's assistance) but that the opposition in Parliament, led by Debut and Disbakli, have concurred In the resolution. This is certainly most discreditable to our English cousins, and we feci Inclined to blush for so evident a decay of that bold and valor ocs spirit which anciently distinguished them. If ever one nation was bound to help another In a difficulty, England is solemnly engaged to aid Denmark at this time. This must be the verdict of the civilized world, and no spe cial pleading will enable the British Govern ment to get away from It. Even the Germans now taunt Englishmen traveling in their coun try with the cowardly course which their statesmen have pursued towards the Danes, 'while those Into whose teeth such stiuglcj charges are cast, can neither deny nor resent them. A Mr. IlEitiiEjir, one of Victhhia.'8 subjects, and who has Just published a biok of recent travels on the continent, gives tho fol lowing u the substance of conversations he u&d-faeld with various German friends of his during his journey. It will serve to show the contempt with which the German mlud re gards the treacherous and pusillanimous part which Great Britain has played In the Dano- Gennan controversy. Mr. IIkrheht thus reports what was said to him by Germans in Germany : " Yon Id England have taken up a neighbor's " qi.arrcl yuu have taken tha cards out of his " bau.d. and played Ilium for linn you have played tin m (or him in micu a way as to Klve " ail that his antagonist nuked you have niatlo " him separately and severally concede every " point demanded nowhere and at no moment " has lie rvlused to lollow the cour-e on which " you have iimisied, or turned aside from the aaerifin!! which vou havr dietatL'd : nor has he " taken bis cards back into his own hands until " the last moment, whi n you yourselves have " thrown them up, and have left him alone and " friendless to play the reuiuaut of this uiis :ra ile " name out lor himself. Is not this literally what you have done i I do not wa 'it to ju lK " your conduct by what men think of it in Don 41 mark 1 am willing thai it should stand on its " trial in any court or country which you choose " to name in Europe: hut if. at Vienna, at ller- " lin, at Paris, at Turin, or anywhere el-e out of " England you choose, you hull out one opinion, " und that of such a sort as would, could you " hear it, disturb even yonr seii-c-tcetu. HiUi Is a just statement of the case, and In view of It, we may well inquire why tho British Government, and the British people of all political parties, have behaved In a manner go faithless to Denmark and so dishonorable to themselves. The reason is quite obvious. England has, by her dishonest course towards this country, ricldy earned the ill-will of our people, and she Is afraid that the time may ejeedily come when we will properly reseut the aid that she has really, though covertly, given to the Southern Kebels in their elTbrts to destroy the unity of this nation. "Conscience," says "Hamlet," "doth make cr wards of us all," and England is at this moment a tttriklng illus tration of the truth of tho roiiiark. Her ministry ure coiuscious of the ample provoca ting they have given us to seize the first pl.iut.lble occahion to punUh tlioir criminal complicity with the Iiebellion, and It is that aei.se of puilt and dread of retaliation which makes them afraid to put themselves or their country in any bituatlon that uii'xht expose thi m to be attacked from this quarter or at all crippled in their power to resist that aet.au.lt if made. Moreover, ' Joint Bull" ha.i been taught to fear us more than ever by the marvellous display of military strength which this civil war has given us the opportunity to make, and he Is disposed to exerci.se a very wise caution in Ueepiii( hluuelf pre pared to meet a conflict with the United States whenever it niayoccii;-. Eug glund is especially vulnerable on the ocean. Her commerce is the chief source of her Wealth and greatness, and she is therefore most concerned to preserve it against any serious molestation. Our navj, within the lot three years, has grown from the feeble ness of a peace establishment to a magnitude and power that is well lilted to inspire with a Wholesome fear that empire which has always boasted that she is " Mistress ol the Sd.t-t." J'or thetie, and other like reasons, the states men who rule the councils of Grout lit! lain are fast loiug their belligerent propensities, and becoming more circumspect in those mutters which promise to complicate them In the political dilfereuces which bring the States of the Continent into collision. And thus It is that tho United States are exerting a decided Inllucnce in European politics, by restraining the action of the principal powers In that hemisphere. Our traditional policy has heretofore been averse to entangling alllvnces with foreign nations, and to any lnterveatlon in the dis putes which concern them. But recent evenU have greatly modified our relations in this respect, as well as our powt ud interests, and it W not improbable that henceforth this Government will be specially regarded as a chief element In the controversies hereafter to arise between the Governments of Europe, and that we shall, eventually, become a con trolling weight in tiat calu which is kuown And denominated on the other sitlu of the water as "the balance ol power." This opluion U fully warranted by the following words of Lord Kusmici., In a speech of his recently de livered in tha House of Commons on the Ger man question, lie said: " There are other part of the world In which " onr lntrrt war Ih' a dimply InroWod, nnd " in whit h wo mnr hare. Mime iUt t.r otlmr, " In maintain the Imnnr and Intprosta nf this " ctmnlTT. Thr civil war now miring In Amiv " rn , entlirK how It may, wliotlit r liv the r. ' ml'iiahnifnt of an indt p. n.lfltit ntniblic in the " Si'uih, or wbr'hrr It mil, mo t niivxpf'tml'y " aa it won'il tie tomp, I rnntiM, by rra-urliifrthe I n tm, still the Initril N-atr. of Ainerira, or tho Northern State, t.r whHtpvpr Hut iiiiit ho " called, will then lie In a totally dilf rent pnni- mm itiiiiwi wnitn iiier were In a rcw veiin " B(J. A sreat a'iny will'thi n I itmlntiilncil r "the Vnltcd Stitia. A fnrmifiiMo imt will " it I ho he kept up. Our rcluti.m with tint " l'nwir lire liithlt nt any moment ti intpriiip " ii"ii. I h pc mill triint that our friendly n-lu-" tiona mny Ihi miiinta ; still tli"-"- lilmnllv " reln ions must he eonaidered nnd kept in view " h w. II a our Inter, nt in the maintenance of " the lmlai.ee i f power in Knrope." 1 Y II 1.1W. The maintenance of the supremacy of the law should be niiulo a matter of pride by American citizens. They have proclaimed the doctrine that man Is capable of self-government, nnd have Incorporated the principle In their institutions. '1 hey applaud the orators w ho repeat tho assertions of this glorious faith on the recurrence of the Fourth of July. But (lie event.s that occur almost weekly, In various parts of the Union, furnish n sail commentary, calculated to diminish the force of our ex ample und our lnllueuce on the rest of man kind. It Is admitted that crimes of the darkest dye arc fearfully on tho Increase, and it must be acknowledged that the lenient treatment of the worst offenders, nnd the facilities allowed thim to escnpe "unwhipped of Justice," have operated to this alarming end. We know tint it is naturnl for nn outraged community to leel indignant, when, either for luck of legal evidence, or from the tricks of lawyers, a criminal, of whore guilt there is almost a moral certainty, is permitted to go forth among his fellow-men, perhaps to repeat his deeds f wrong. Shameful, Indited, Is it, that so many Instances of this legalized sheltering of the bold und bad have occurcd to disgrace tho records of our courts. From the exclusion of Important evidence by tho judges themselves, to tho eloquent pleading of the "moral insanity" dodge by the gentlemen of the green hag, there has too often seemed a conspiracy to defeat the ends of justice, or, at least, a luke warmncHH in regard to tho proper adminis tration of the laws designed for the punish ment of the enemies of society. These things are diflicult to be bnrue with patience; yet it Is easy to a .tow that for the ultimate good of the community, for the sake of our own per eonid safety, and for the vindication of the rightfulness of our political system, these grievances must be tolerated. No one, whatever his faith may ba in vigi lance committees, can deny that a mob acts from the hot impulse of the moment. Tho persons who compose the violent crowd are generally the worst class ol the community, who seize every occasion, no matter how trifling, to rilse an excitement and disturb their fellow-citizens. Can wo suppose that such a rabble Is better able to silt evidence, and determine a question of guilt, than men of Intellect, learu'ng, and integrity, such as are tho majority of the judges upon tin; bench In this country ? Have they not repeatedly com mitted outrages upon Innocent persons, who were merely suffering under a suspicion of having perpetrated a deed in violation of the criminal laws? Have not thulr proceedings always run to an extreme, inflicting punish ment entirely beyond tho deserts of tho al leged offender? Tho fact that a violent crew of ruffians undertuke to decide a question of inno cence or guilt under this "Lynch law," is fatal to the personal security of every citi zen, if such outlaw proceedings are tolerated Even the most profound jurists are frequently puzzled by circumstantial evidence, and they often conclude that a defendant is criminal when subsequent events demonstrate beyend all doubt that the supposed guilty person wa 'more sinned against than sinning." Tho best of us are liable to such prosecutions, and what assurances have we that, in stead f having a fair trial, we shall not bo torn from the Court by a mob and put to death without even time for prayer? Is it not clear that if we at once admit that "Lynch law" m ly bo justillublu in any case, that there Is an opening made for violence which will place us all at the mercy ol a rutUan rabble? True trcedom consists in knowing that no member of society " can be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due procem of law," and the worst fees of civil liberty are those who delight in mobs, when the decision of a Court does not accord with their notions of right. They destroy that feeling of security which is a risult of the supremacy of tho constituted ant li.i iticH, and without which freedom is worthless. It Is therefore for the general ami ultimate good of the community, to submit to what appears to be an act of injustice on tlu I art of the administrators of the law in u par ticular case, rather than eountenanco a resort to mob violence. But, beside our duty to ourselves, we must not forget the mission of tiiis liejiublic. In the Old World it is the constant plea for d.'S-pote-hi, that men are not lit for self-government, and that there can be no security for Fociety, unless the strong hand of an iron au tocrat is holding the reins of power. The advocates of oppression point exultingly to (lie violent outbreaks of the people, when a moderate degree of liberty was permit ted, to support their asseverations. Shall wv, who ' claim to embody the great principle to which ' these devotees of tyranny are opposed, furnish tin in with new arguments to sustain a sinking i cause? We trust not, lor the sake of civil I libeity throughout the world. Let "Jud.ti j l.jinli" recuive no quarter Iroin the press or , ii.tell'gi r.t American throughout tho Union. C'Ai.iFoitNiA Ktkamkks. Wo ar pleased t,o auiiounce that Mr. W. A. IlAMti.r. lias been appointed ayent iu thU city for Mr O. liol;Kiir' Hue of steamers from New lorkto Sun Francisco. F'roiu our knowletlge of Mr. IIajih l'b long experience la the Hhlppin busint BS, we can freely eay that a bettor ap pointment could not haTe been made. Our leaders will Cud the Company' advertisement in another column. A paper In Western New York aTcra that a nian nau.cd Johnson, of Gcnuva, Ontario county, was killed in a Masonic Lodge recently under thu lollowiDg strange circumstances : lie was re ceiving iuitl.tiion into the mysteries of l'roe Matonry, a part of the ceremony being to cause the candidate, blludfoldcd, to fall unexpectedly a thort distance upon a piece of canvas. He is li d to the edge of a platform and told to sit down, when the canTas receives him. Mr. Johnson was at thu stage of the Initiatory ceremonies, and in tailing hii neck was broken, causing almost la staut death. Kubbins, the Adams' Express robber, ha juBt liii-n released from the Connecticut State l iieon, m aeirdanae with resolution pawed by the ti intra I Assembly. He was sentenced for Ota years, and has strved about three and a half years. COT INTELLIGENCE. Arrival or Psvni,kiis CArrenRD ox ths. IIm.ttmori ItAii.no i. Tho majority of the passi nirera who were on til c train captured by the Kebels at fiimpotuli r briilgn, have arrived at their homes In this city The state that as a peni rul thim.' they were treated kindly by the ritiileis tlie ordi rs being to ii'spect private pro perly, althoiiirh In some Ins'Hncrs the paiM n gers wire robbed of everything. fleneral Franklin, they s iy, look his capture wi h a noiieh ilanco which was admc-nhle. Mt T the trains were c i tur. d, Captain Cropper, of Hie A i my of the Potomac host it il boat lt"iiwoi, v.ln was on tho way to Ins homo at lluvr" de tinue, took command of the paaseuiriT. A sin ill P anicr culled the Jttnttitn, w a i big in the (iim powiler river. Captain 'nipper, altera longiiui", Mucccilcd in persuading the Captain of the Juitmla to btiii his lioal to the suore ami take the passetiv'ers on noard. '1 lie railroa I men And mam of i In- pa-eenccri labored with a will, an I by ilnvliht the next moi riinin;; hail tran-orted the ladies and liaeira.'e to lite river, n distance of over a mile. They were put on the Jitniitn and r.irri. d around by way ol ttie Ciiesapoike to llai re de-(iiace. '1 In p.i-sengers are lavish of prai" to f'.iptain Crupi a, and the noble men who aisitcd him. A mo tig tho. a most deserving of prai-e wore: '1 hninaa Sin ets, Fsq., agent ol the Kxprc-s Com pany : Captain l'hlliip-, minfi r of the Jumnln; Vi . lin m J. It, rriin.', commander of a d -t icliiueul of marines on liosnl the Jiimntit. Ciptain Uuli Sn rlintr, of the ih Helaw.irc Infantry; .1. K. Field, baggage-master II iltimore lUilrond ; Itoh eit Todd, an employee of tho railroad, and 1 jhn I) ( atr, olio i f the (iunpowder bridgu-teadors. Tbcrc were some new-paper corresieuulents on the train, tint wo are smryt i s iy th it somo f them, unlike the cr.ift generally, tlinuirht too unit h of their own prei iiiusi-clves to do anything to help the ladies and children. BiiAir in nn: TiviNiv in rii Ward. An other draft will take place ill the Twonty-lil'tli Vard, and will come off lit l'raiikfnrd on Tues day i.CNt. The quota of tho Ward Is still d" fn n nt by thirty lin n. Sixty mimes will be draw n from the wheel according to tho require ments of the law. VfMt zzi.ku CA.MSitN. During the week end ing to-day one hundred and fifteen unmii..lod canines wore captured, and all disposed of except two or three, which were redeemed. l.ocAi. Brkviiiks. During the past week Sfi,:ifili tons of coal were transported on the Phila delphia nnd Heading Kailroad, and 3:i'J,-W:i tons by the Schuylkill Navigation Company .... Henry Jl. l.ukens, H years of age, fell from a tree yester day and broke his arm. ...The rails of tho Union railway have bt en laid from Front and Federal htn ets down to Wharton, anil up Wharton to - x ill street.. ...Mary .McClcliau, ago I '. years, tell from a second"Mory window yesterday in Fawn street above Oxford. . . . lO.oil barreli of flour and meal were inspected l ist week.. .. Tho sum ol S'i ibUO was paid out for bounties by thu C.ly TictS'irei e teid iy....Thcinonitor Trunrit, which left the "Navy Yard on Monday, Inn re turned... .The drivers on the Second and Third Streets Passenger Railway Company hare had their wages raised to jf per day. A New Sono op Solomon, JirMou. Jl..! . T.tv nnr triftt Ihlr.stfth 1 lrri( tl-o h r ri a thw liitrli, W!im I 't n il, ilkf ohl IJht : fiui, 1 ht lit tilling (iolti Jl'r I You've heard Iiuvt Ancient M'r 1 lJ litatke ihf rt.ck. to Itow ; Hut l e'ind (torn the lit. tit t w-mi1," Cun ttruw oU AiPHimil At A mnre thmi th'i.frleiul lVUed, ( nn, t.y a Mltwle wink, Makt n puip wiht or U' i it or Iiuvt, At or mi dni drink ; 1 tirn e old Solonim. I l et Aiicloni M (! -i," ' And Msk your fi It-nils to Petted '1 o taoh a (florirtUH 0. W. coiner I call, and Hanaoui strcuU- Not to Admikk. Uy tub Hard of Towkk tULI.. " N"t to arimltv !" an .mclont Mape Ma'e thin hts tniiciflu ol aiumu, And tlionklit hlinifli hi'liiud lil ue li hu at aiiKlilHhoed Ma'Uiiu-uon. IIh tlviinoii it worilo ot a chtld. or of a imipU-'on, to bu hy nn) i-arttilv Hlht Ih tilled Into astonished vest icy, lint had liia lot rhantf d in onr time, 1 think lie iruriviy con id luv ecu Home inotli'rn NpectHcU-H fiiltltmc. And kept hii unuthf lie mien. If LeonTitWKK Hai.i, had KA.041, Thm ho iiiajt-Ntiraily dtN na, Ilr would undiMiitteiily huve pra sed Mo line a loilltiinK'a Kfaca and eie. Or. even If hi htotc pride He l tetl tti in impiKNiive xht, lie uiUHt. on viewitufthe intif, Ha 0((l'n wft to hm dfliilit, To look nil Mil h i HKk'tity il well niutlc Cintimi in ordr place J, Aduott d lo t-aclt ioeoielAB, Joovorv ae und ovfy tail. W vi liftTe fiy far the laeHt ami ht assortment of (Mnihiii in I'l iUdfliili a, to which Uretlitily tuldittoint arc Ulide, ku'l'ln' it lull und lr"h ut all umm-s, Towkh IIaix, Ho. MB Mttrkct Htro-'t, ItKNNKrr lt Co. Faihmoi;nt Vahk is now the resort of thou siwkI.i of our t iticna uaity. There is corttinly no more lii'iiutiful or delightful place in the vicinity of riiiludclphia. The walkn and drivos aro in admiratilo condition, and the grotMils ure bright in verdure. Lu-t Sunday at le.ift tweuty-iive tbotiMind persons enjoyed the iftnU air and mTi.ery, und ti-ii.iy , bhotild the weather bu pro pitiottN. a htlll greater uuinher will doubt'eml VrtuU their way thither. Speukinff of the Park reminds us ol the exoelh utly eondtteU'd Rult Uote, on Landing avenue, above ('oes street, wbirh is a iMoppii.K-pUfe that dtervoH thu re niilnbranee ot our render. Tho routiM are ele gant and "jhm ioiih. and are handsomely dec irit 'd with vinos and llowors of rare duseripdous. The retrcshlnents, ereauii, and heverA are of thj nnest enter, nnd inu proprietor, .nr. v. i)acht is a uiot courteous one. ltlrrll. HANfl t'OTT.-tin the h Innt . b che Iter W. H. Hull. .Ml. K. K 1: A Nt. UMli. I'lUMilXA H. iSCOiT, All ui I'liilndtli tila. S'lot h.M N-i;iSll.V On Wednesday evt-nlnic, the 1'Hh li.t., at tt:o r.iileiito of the hntlt-, hy Ih-' It -v. Ir. Crtsl'f. aHhlblcd hy tti" Itt-v. tt.k. t 41 - on, I'll It LKH S Kin KMH.S to CAUItiK, daughter -t the late hx; KM., t . lfleil. ATKINSON. On Wedni.-r.duv in-irtilni:, the Mth itint. .1 A M K U'., extent hoii ot J uph L. and Emily Atkinntu in the JhiIi o itri-l )ilf ;K' 1 in r' at L-h iti.d in n i ol the fimlly are reipot-'fiilly lin lit (1 to atl' i d Die lutit ra', trmu the ronHMico nf )u par-ntH. Nn. ,-v:ii H- Hreond i-t-eft, on Sunday alleraoou, tin- I .iti Intl., at . o'clock .with nit lurtiicr no.ii e. YA ItK. On the l'.th hut.. Mi. FltANUMX K i HKt at d HI-lel tifveh and ftlendi are nKi'tftitly Invited to At teno hi.-, tuoeritl, limn hm lat- re-t,ifH(f , Kn hin nul Htreet, aliovi- Hamper. Ktul.iernti. Wirtl, 01 T'i.dav atifiii'ioii, at i.' ii t'icwk. 'I o pruft-eil t" Laurel II ill t'-Mtu'icry . (.1 ft K'NKI'.-On Hie Itih iiidf., MM M V Lili. intaiit iltni't tt r i t hre-i' ilik ami I'.niuii I. iju'.t'kuilit, iikcc I imotiiiH. uncial Min-h.' at 4 oi .ekgr. M. lit I'r KI.O - On I'rMtiv e.etni'g. I.'.th in-t . , CiiAKLK" T IK' I t KI.O. In the 7mIi ear (.1 Ins Uttv. 'I hf in A. e It ietnlh ot 111- f-ilil'l Are rO'P -et In Itv rennesied toAtteml tite f no r.tl. In in ho Ian r Ht.iem', N.i it.'. Kit- b-rt sir -t, t n 'I in .1.4v nirnli $ at iM'iock, itli ml lur I tliel nutlet-. ,f I I,r.Vl8 Cm the 1 If tt ito-t . nt the r'U n e of her ko i I In law, mirnncl W Tm!iM to I, M it II, w idnvr ot thu ti u 1 J th Lew u. Hi the ".'Hi eur ot 1 ut nue. 1- nneritl w nl no f hi r ih tui' t-iuu H-mr. t'i anfl 1 (irein titt.'t . Li) S.C'i.iiiim in jrituitf, tKii inni, a' J v dork. 'I u proi cii 10 l n.r Ji.ll t I -l-.E tV.t - On 'hi I'Jih uiht , V LI".V I IN K I'liK iti lit, ol t in ,t ciltr K n-iHKieuhi.i-1., .etl t.l . i n. HI li n niih in il in. will In- iNinr . re r,..f) eti 'Hi in vin d ti :.tt no ht-1" hot. 1. t'r.im it'. r.-si i.'m i'. n,. ;.J7 . ro'i ui.U xtii-ct u -in i,d tv tiiternooii, lot ltli mil., u. 1 u Uock, w iihoiit 1 art ''it linLii e. Ol 'KICl'. OK TIIK I'll 1 1. lllil.l'll I A atiilllntva terry l'n-M'ni."'T lt;i I w av i mu .uy. ! J. W.cotui-r Trt l.MI rilllili aid K'l I II Hiri-nta. rilll.Al.r:! CHI V. .l.ll '., 11 ... ! Ttii-lloaril uf li.riM t.ira luivi- 1I1U iluv- .l."'l.i.i'tl 4 .livl- I 1I11.U ui ll.NK. I. t)l. I All ANIi 11 I V i KNt'-t .or bliarc, "ll tl.f lul. aiil .l.aii'a 111 (hi 1'i.liit.aiiy. li-;ir i.f i.ixik, .4 Ml.lt. 1.11 mill af.er t:io IStli lual., uulli whicli tl..io lliu L.k. ill lv cl... il. mi....i.:. r. b J.iIiil- tl'f 1. lit ciTtiHi atca, villi i.w;a l.y l.Hviri; iln- aauif fMiiMTn .1 .ri'.r m tin Ntii 1U1I., t" i.i.il.le lin-'l li-u.l.ri T 10 Credit lln iu w llli tlu'ir atinn- ut tin' ilivl d.nil. JA8. McFAIiDKN. Jr.. I jjHD 11 111 Hi is- Biicrviary, FOR CAl.U'imSIA VI.VVANAMA Id'Hroad 'l ie viejnt lo w ktii.nat.hii lioL- 4.1 I K. "Til leae ON WKONKHIMT, .liliv V7. At tm.n l,o went rat va of i.aisayu through tioUl I'liiladclj'hia to Ban Kriaiifiii o. Apply tu W. A. IIAMILL, A-'iit, JtI' In No. 217 WALNl'T rttroat. t'Jl.LAOK fiUKEN S K M IN AKV. MILI- 1 tarv linarOloK Ktli.Ktl- Uailu SeplfRioer 1. lernn very moderate TnomiiKLi euu'e tn Al uttivni'tticH, l.an yiiea, feiiKilth hiudu-B, !-. Fnl) huv benefttiol a hotxe. Frac tion) leumMi In Hur line and t't il ICiiRloeer luw. ltoi of ail ttfctn taken. Addrai- for Cnulowue, jylG liu HKV. J. tIKNUi WAUluN. 0l ,1'KKN OK BKAl'TV. Will fK VIHOIM VV111 of AnU'leilt tho im tot pert, t preparation of tt ta it-e. lor btauniy in. wlutenm. and irjer mw tha couiile&i(n. It l Euidv from pura White Wax, henco It cxiraorUniar tonalities lor prtnarvlini the Hkin, uiuWuik It rfi, inooth. ttilr, an'l trtiiNpartfiit. It eutei cha,inod hand or li. remove LiutnH, tc. Pi lua M and K) ciUi. Kunufaeturvd only by Jil'S V it VO , I'ortumom, No. il H. 1UUTJI Hi., 2 d ru I'mye t 'he-im', and jy M-liu No. Ill II HKVKNIU Mry OST. CKUTIFICATK NO. 11, I)iKI Jutv l'. ona share of tha Capital Ht.k of Uta Htxouu and Thud Httattu l'aner Han way Co upany, ta tht) fiuie ut M U Hal ay. A a appllr tion hai oatoi mado t lh ( oinpaoy f'r a new (Vrtlflraia, the ttiidar wiM pit as return the tatan lo tli o'tlct or the ('.mi iny. n to jW tttliX KOUX. 1. TAtLOU. I. lOa A I j i . A V IJ Pf , RvcNTaA'tm to w. n. carhtc MAHONIU HAI.Is,. No. 719 OnLSNUT Street, "XV I IV J O W HIIA1) TZ H, CUHTAINH, BUSINESS ITEMS. FlilP tiiAll(j 1impiritPi. Mt'Mtrt. Iuvih ,v Rummn, Aroli K'il TniUi Have Jnit roc lv.-,i f ruli Inijvr1.llm or f 'l.ar!. llflrtfi 'V. iil--r li.H.i-l-fk, Mu.lani ( 11.-'i'to, lirtM'ii rt' Al. Al i mm .V C., T'tui lir, An1 oUi-T d'timrlnr hrnnU of ('ti.tnianuit. E. U. Whl.timn A o Wftnuractiirpi f Nuw and Ih-llciom fVinfrrtlfmn. Almond l'attc, t horo'.alA, rarwucU, rrcura J l.a Mod rarli, axtliilt(-1y I1arrrl. B aiiesJ Joirian Almonds. 4tc , 4o. u. Hit (.'bemiut itr t, below FourUu 11 O I,i I t -jt TZ M l T AT Jl It IS TZ It V. CHILLED IRON SAFE LKItlOl'SIiY ATTA(JKD. TIIE PUPPETS OP DAVID EVANS, OF TUB FIRM OF K V A N H A W ATHO IS, ALKKADY AT WORK. BIS SCIENCE PEAOTICALLY TESTED. The Breault a Complete and Total Failure. THR miKOLAHS HABLT KOOl.KH. AT1D EVANS nays. It Is il verj nlmple matter to Jnll a hole lhriiuh I li to -J ln--hea thoroughly etjitlud lnin; pick up the combination of the lock, nnd opn I.lMio'a bale; and to illustrate It Is ynteai, hat louiid, a ci iiBtally, a neail-cliMlad linperl'pct mite; procured a vory perlect drlUfnu apjiarntm. with drills the moxt apprured, and, I am told, give dally ptihllc letoii la tha art of driil Iuk; also, that he aurctmda, hy a rery heavy irotiure, aad the up of three or lour dillla, to gr n i a h jIo through thl sfiul chilled halo in Horn thirty to sixty nihiul.-i, nn I nayi to hlspuplli that any of Lillle t baft 8 can be drilled the titiine way. It w nld iwrn that some of his nnre advansud atnileati having found a most furoratde opportunity to tet thl new pMloMophy, have alroady taken the necosury atp to praciicaliy and pro'o.Hnlr.nally eipvrhnnt up in thla new and wondarfnl stlanco ; I aaj wundnruil, becattt,lf Hurcehilul, it was to open at once the mmt Important uafei and raulu of the country U the wlmli hur'hir proienttlau. The rcult of tlu .e experimuntu will he ahawn by the fol lowing stati mtiuts, which appear in thu "i'reis," July II, olfio oilur city papara. 1.1 1.1 l R' ft ClIll.l.HI' IllOr 8AFK AB'Mli Ht'T Tt4irr. nni, A r i mm i' r at ItomtKHr.-Toe "Went rhl.itl'ptiia HavirgH nnd ' haw one ) Iji i,i ik .t Na. '1 It.tnk .Har'-i, pniriiutied ot M. hAiu.hn, Atint, in this city, ho ne vig Uu en iMontliK tint e. 'I ho hhiu wa Ml In the ntnt i, on taiket kijoei, aoove luond.on haiurday anornon, all ngrii. On 8it.daT, at twelve P, M., the pillecman tried the fiulit d-.or of the otH ;e, and l.oiod it Uiiltkd. to e- ntnimi'if (he oillcft he fo'ind tne Uarlaia Hint liurii at w.irk at the site, liiu h id lll with tJoir apurttln.i. '1 here vrv i morn madu mthi'tltor in itjih f aio mr Him upp'iit of the drill, and a niiin'tTot hole f irllier haek lor : an appaiaina lo create a prenurt a id uvoi udt.g tiuiio p 1 pu't nti I" nif.se tin tirlllm: pe. lout. ! A hoi. h a- fount! drilled, or ground, ah mt half tin Inch Into the Oi-tT. oer tl.o loeh. in Ihe liutoiier puttl cly ile-crlhi'd in Mtndrv neHparor adveiiia iuonin, u-i-l it WoUid m em ihU was Hit tar a thuy c -iiid H" 'he ir-rt I l-eenti.e I artier. Next tho look centift ih tro ifjhly trirtl, bin ouid not be dil n in. Next the la'tM-kiioiia v e ixki-ii ott.and Ol ie knoh-b imlii'M wen th'iroiwii y trifd, and 'hey could n l he On ven In. A !e J;,'.- wai trit'd.ai.d tlmt hud no elH-'t. A pi w . k pl.iff-d Ooti mil th iliHir hltuo'c to pry oil the door. I'hi did not mnv- i-d : und ufloi aJl theat a,'ciiiutjiii. the iiurlart eri uiu-iy oatn to the eoio lu-io'1 the c-u d iml In tiny p -nu- irate tin' na e. ami Lit in den.tair .oluMtanl. ; hut h ihhit i Leeo oihtnthi-il in ihe liast moi havliiK nuii plutv of tiuu 1 to wni k I he appt i riwHi wimld h I indicate umt me hi riiUm fiH nt work diinui; falurday ni;.tn , mit of Suii'( , mid tifida t-vejili-K Tiiii:t Ntrms ii Mask, I'hlUd -l Ira. .July 14, la il. I do he. i-OA cilit i (.at the atati n.rfit III tr.i I'ri 'a ' it the It lb I. '.. in n ! leucc to 1 tl 1 if m KHte at th i'ct I'luladeiphLk 'J rust C'oiupany, in u coire t nn I truo HtNtement. 1AVII IL 1'Al 1,, ITeiltlent. The follow; UK points are particularly Hoik-caulo lit tlm Lure s'attiuf nth : Mrst. 'Mie great lenu'.h of time of Ihe npera'lnn. Hfeoiiit ! i.e Met that the ope'tt'orn letl to uuturdv, iltitl diiiDerately taVma awa thvir whole apl'trutua, huviuj a nun B I iiuvr time to wm k. i Iitu. 1 ho ia t mat they tv ldtiiiLly ha I tho most ap proved i at Uu ef. for ill i Uu it. or the mihi nwt Imvo ground one Unit inch li t4 sound, dai d, oloilotl iron. roi.rih. Ihe tact that ai ihey ifot wH in to war the wri.int Iron l)rs vsliuli ar thw t-hii'ern, the Iron tn t uil' so luiid th' ' ouid in.t vieli Knud any KirttoT. Fillit Ihe hull etjiiiake nlnLii the opera oij iimni' funod to tr all oimT expo u.ii-tiU a it r tiny had lai.ed aiid I'L'vn 4 ompli i ih f mli d in tie hih.u pei iin-nt , w i t h Mas lo practu U th un-litinte to tlm li h hutvlnr pn- tf-Aoii ihe li ubli li.lv it Havld L.VitiiH tn-vt t e .ica jt tho art ol UrioitiL: Mnd eh died iron I I 2 i; ehin ihe. k. h.All 'y tint leitu ill H'tii'ln.; tt.t ll-;ilt wi wtk nn a' -ot'oI t-r t; . lull; truo d and iu p;iu i n itu eta in'.cl HI provid .faOli'( thv M ile. lnnli.- Il ltl lf.1, nil- a; d'.aiid a otie, in a i.or niiui'i up iLlit, ! rratod t . t'liilnj hi ft U i !lli to lelli" f otn tin' Tti'lil, ami i .1 lie out eon.ti ei or h it'i .tuelv im'ii, fic out; n'null imlnu Iioie ll 1 1 a oiiti r kiiii. t e. ri.iiiiohlor )tid Lvni s fc'lenee. A'l who n -ed a atr It H Itiirciar I'root fa w will do wtil, to take u no c ol the fcOotf iaet. , A Wi'lMi T 'I NK lU'Kt.LMt I w hh to ii.ukn auw uk. -m.u Vt tjiithun-n f (he ptoii -ii. ii, miu uit re wi-pe. laiiy tu l.oo na .on any a tti in lii.iu (-..ins' poCosophy. i A - ir. ii VMirKem v. u ion it he n uie Unit one and a lilt t.. two in 1 1 s ii it iMK'i, tiii.it uul.v t l.iUrd iron, 4 a ui' 'i i MH'i.t shiudj dii.U il In any vny piucm al lr ihu ournl .r, und that onr onlv ho ot MiL-. t'in iiniht hi in iiudniw tho lion not'tnorou;hi ihil.ed. 'i hu tet liure inirotlnte 1 hhowh e, iii-ni.-itj; that V'V lr-n is thuroniiiilv i lu..e I, 4 tt ht iio-t initdf h. niif til ii-; in hi Inn l,rki)ri' ot n.iiudel- litu li oi.t- ot Ldl.f 'h tut a, jti-I th'livfi.-d to lint 11 tnK of tiit- NortUrn LitMril'!, pr i'b the ha me tuiuu . and any iioini-er ol otln rtt udhl he ud lud. Von in-i he amurt d j ttnit 1. 1 1 1 1 o m Kaies arc umially diill-prof, ulih iuh rtm oig I tin uiereantili fulfil It may tie poomuiu that a tSaie uia be , fonnu not bi i hard ait il -h"ii)i he. Am to M-iu Kvaiit.' Ntatf infill, that he can drill any ot I.iilif's Sa ei, it ntuit he taken with some r4tiiu ot ailow- i ante. He I. a ni uiakir, and I- inh rfid nkmli kiutinitnt. He nnds you an opeiiius Kvana U Watani a title o t-anllv, and ho ott n, Ihut it very Hesirabiu lo ! attract voui ntttation In another iM'iiciloii ; ami a. tar aa he can vvt yt ur aid U dincrrdit Liili' Ka'e so far, hiit Inivicvi ia promoti d. hr il he can convinca anvhody Ihat J i 1 e hiite i not huinJ.tr proof, ho uiai Jttdjce ihe part to 'a e his Haie aa a Ui proof. "A word to the ttise la aulttrli nt. ' , , v JI, K.w aninm -worker joii ninat fu'ly understand thedif feren. e h. iwei n pi nt U It k i.S o J liiciics ol chillet iron, an'l l lti'li to ' tiieh ot sheet ir n. and although ihe prie DiiNht he uruatfr In cae of eucvtua m tha lormer, the in cieaned mk.aiid lha prokMhle fanura, inKht more than Counteihalant e. It la r..uiu.on and uuthtoi uyln, t iat a "uliuhle sixpence Is teller tnan a slow shilliiii ;" a small but fure prtf may b ninoh Letter than a very alow aud uiu eriamone, tiiouvh torn or. A word to laUd htaus.of the firm of Kvana A Wat ton : Thealxire test having hci-n made evidently hy your tttoht ad.auced stiident1! undBf the tu'ott mvorahle cir rutusUnifs for th-in, and made ptoto ssionally, and so thoroughly, and (lie result ao sailaiaetory, tnat we deem this i.t ipiite anincieut for the pr. -ant; therefore wdl itut Uouhle ou to lent (tie haie on Monday, the lutii lost , as previously annouitced : hut eoaoouas anvactof youra or anv of yoor niitii epruaeoiaihais may te-m to rrUie it, we -shall exMct you to he ready to luake ft furtuur test, tiiai toih the hutalar and the pf.p e may know Hut L l llu s Chilled Iron ale is Ih orouidy drill prof, and tttere lurebat-proM. ,..,., SOH. M. C. HA 1)1. I K. Avnt, il HullUl Suvol 111 aliveU Lia s:. BOMBASTIC PUFF TU EVENING TELEGHAPH Of the nth liMtant, HKLATIIH TO iriFl A TTM Ml'TKI) nOJUiKKV ONE OF HIS SAFES, Btntrti that the Tiura-Ura d:J not drill a a de mire than hall an Inch thron. h, which atatcruint he kn wb ta ka (ale, as the burf !ara did drill a hole thfe a,uirtemof aa lin h df ep. which wa half way throiiik tho door. There lf n rtrmht, hnd thi y not her-a disturbed, they wenld have drill re1 It all the way Uiru ;U .tho d r, and then rjhtot the ftsfr. Althmich I.HIfe itate that the fa ther yoa g-M Into the Safe the hardiT the Iron.whUh In niituT of 1.1m faNo htalcmeniH, I will undertake to drill the h -dance thnnivth, and If 1 don t aueceed In one half hour's time, 1 will forleit one hundred dollars ; or I will drill a. many hoiei a will hrtl Ufy him In from one half to two h mrs time in any put ot (ha'. Safe, or any other Hale he linn In uc In FhUatMphiA. If I don't sneered 1 wilt forfeit titit? bun dled dollars. I Miifeedcd je-derday in dridniK tdree holes in the Ba'e at our titrc In tw-iity nnu itea arli with one drill, widcii In read to drill three more. DAVID i:VA-TVM. f U HI A NfiiMonnltto ItrnifMty. VOU IARKIUKA AN U DVHKNTfclHY, Jaymk'4 Oah mikatitk It ai.a am wl l bo found a certain, ttafe and prcuipt remedy. The most violent attack of theae complalnta.ne matter from what mine thoy orUl ttatr,arottiroiMy Kitbdiied hy It, and n t ba lelfecta sptlntf from lt uae. Tun AB1ATIO ClIOLEltA, C'KAMl'S, A'. Iaykk'j Cakminativu ItALMAU, If a lniliiMervd promptly, will a fiord Imiuoillato relief, the dlncaie being thus frequently eradicated in Its earliest staea. Chdira Aforbut, Hvur Stomach, at, A all Bfrt A(fi' t it ni are ispcedlly cured hy Int. Jayk h Omiminativk. It takea away all aoreucsfi of the abdomen, hoolhet the ato inach, and robtorta Ita naturai actigii. Aa a family remedy for the dUeatiua Kt uera ly ho prevalent am nr chtldren and adulttt dtirliiK the autniner months. It In itie clally roi'cmmendi'U, being prompt lu Ita operation, per fectly safe, and easily admlnlitend. Frcparcd only at Me. 'aflat CurNUT ateeet. Ktork Co. I'lrtno.- HTLCK A CO. B MASON A nAMMNft riAtfOS. CABIN KT BTrtfH A CO.'ft J. E. (irMTi.ia, Borenth aud L'heauut atroeta. TO WILKESBAERE, VIA. HORTH PENNSYLVANIA EAILROAD. TIM K AND DISTANCli S.VVKW! BY T A. M. HXI'KKMri TltMN, KltOM TIIK NKW M.l-OT, T1I1KI) STUKCT, A110VK THOUr.SON. AUKIVINI1 IN WILKH.HllAKKt i ll r. M. UKTUKNINfl, I.fa.e WII.KKHItAltKK at I P. M., nukm; rlr. en ni'tlouat Hi'tliit'lti'in with North letiiiHylvauU KnjirOHi Iruin, anil arrive in l'lil:ali-liilii at H'i M. AUK ft l -r. BAl.llAOK flll.CKl.lJ TllKOl'lill. KI.L.1M t'IA.ltlt, A tl K -N T. G. W. 81M0II8 & BHQTSE&, HA N HO 54 HTl-.KKl HAI.I.. I'l 1 11, A L) IXJ'H I A, MASUKAlTUKKKS Or KINK MWOltUH aii tjk4.tr a 11 iTABfjo)pj iKvr.RrrARii'.TT. JA M Jl M II A 11 II J: H'H VtHOLKKALI Atlll 1IKTA1L CLOCK KHTAIil.lSIIMKNT, B. E. corner BKt UNU ana CliKSNl'T Sircati, I'liUad a. Al'.KNi't ri'R TU. 1'ATkST EtJl'Al.l.lNG TI11BI Y-ilAV CLOCKS, A Tory dt'airabie article fur Churiiliba. liuttU, Hatika, CvuntlDK-tn.iiiM'i t'atli.ra, .Ice. Alao, HAM KAI TI lil.lt Ol" VINE IIOl. n PKN8. I Lot K M KEHAlltKIl ANU WAIlKANIfcU. jal3-ly Clock 'I rUiiniiiina of t.v Ui-aiTlpnoa VM. A GRAY, N. E. COKKKU OV SIXTH T I aiiilHINOU Hlrreta, bujra DlaluoilOi, Wauriat, Uuld, bllvar, auU Loan Tirkeia. THOSE IH WANT OF MONEY, CALL. AU brnttnaa eoaflilautlal. mylB-9m T II E V'NDEKSIGNKI), 11KEWKHS OF TIIK C'ltv i'i I'tulailf Iptna. In iinse.iii'iica ir tli. c lltiiiuuil uilram Inil I rici a ul uiall. ai.a., lal. ir, lui-l. Ac, ami ll.e in cri'a.lHl axieliai'k llli liln( lo inn Inaillliactllrl' and .lalivurr Of Malt l.i'itiora, are r.niiH.lluil to AbVANi K 'I'HE I'KHEM OK I IIHIl I'd II IK ll AND ALK to tlic lollow Ina rutva, tn tfo lino elt.'ct on and urlur luia tlat. : IiRA I till 1' Ai r pi-rbarrni til 01) liKAI liirr I'OltlKlt. parlmiral II l I OT 11. 1 Nil A I E, per barrel ll) no UulTLINt. I'OUTKH, per barrel 10 Ov lleapeclfuiljr, WILLIAM OAl'L, ABBOTT A CO., MANMK, Cul. LINK CO. I'tlll.li' tli:i'Kt, HKIihllll K LAI EH, 4'IIKIitTtAai BUIIMIOT, I.KI.I.M A . H A 1 . I il lit M Alt A CO , IliNAIV. HM Kl.EK, Vi. ll. HMITII A l.'O , JAM KH MOJIIK, UEOKOK W. 11UVY. I'hludelplaa, July 14. WA. 1 14-31 15 CTSi-LADI'fl rEIEND for AUGUST! 1'ITOHEU'B. iJlZ-U Ho. HOs OUEtlNl'T Slreat. L1 113 113 NORTH NINTH STREET, AtlOVK Alll'll. MUSLINS! MUSLINS! I MUSLINS! ! I Wa art tfll f. Il p'T-". miiiliiii al ! than Mri'in iivu ror' t,o it 'I-a ll 1 Miilnw, .l, h, !,', -v., '.fi). and -i re ir. Utih.cnrh'-d VmVii.i, It, V vi, M, and f.ifMH. r Ine ',tia ity m , Ju. otict, an 1 N ifiia -ok M i--;l: a, for Ltd I'liii'ia' 1 I' d ' i. IU f it ai tj ii . v owl I lat.H'-N, V If' th in 'li- Ah-nl price. Anjil. atoM' fo"t I lmii:i'i. Il at y Li it Mi d ' r'-y 1 liird 1'Unnela. H 4 Mu.,ti '( Hnr .NrttJnir. ft I (Vdntfi 1 T arltttniirt, fr rovrnnir. Il avj ltutla ( 'laxh, w an aim d all l.mii, H aid J c i tt. Linen Table l oUn and Napkin. IL. I ry rod .l"fr., al ! tiian I'ni-orti r' pd'-e. I .ad ten- ILaap ir-i, !H., , f I 2.i,l-J',$l VI, and 1171. Al iioi" lie- p si nt1. ail pricoi. Latlloa' anil il - ot I.inn ( amhrt IMVft. LhOI'-h' Vf ooh n I'-roHKiaht t'apia, l'!i). PRICE & WOOD, TSo. Il l IS. lNirS'lUI Hrl aumvk au:. It. A Iare lot of Fancy Honi. pima-'e, Fxtr.it, t'ol.-nie, and ltanddlne, 1 1 air Urttiho, Nail Itruh, and Tith ItriiKhe. It ClNKlN(i HV TIIK l'IKATK "AKAIlAM A." - A i.ew IMtrl-.t v O.inir .S..111.. writtftt byH.Sf. fTI'il,, E(H) , the v iCMiilid lritnoit:tt und botlrf W rlt r. I itiu the d" in and da' k enrfer ot ti,e t e' 1 I'hmr. loit'ie to steer And pii'toi' r 'iir "hi in I n itir Niid near, 'I I c terrib e'aMahiii o." Mho na Linli h ' nei'trul dnhnnv Hull," Who thn uu nt d ;illsCf e;ir-t to poll, l'.w mm lll 'f tUiilt in Iitwf-r Wn. ; '11. u C'llor tilled Ion pm K ih toll Hoi when INI" llli'ii 'hoi fi! its fare, trj Mr. hull fort ii t-n.wji. 1 hu hair," Ai.d I'll tl e .U , t" hi, dt-ak'iace. Unit tiif Lehci., "Aluliainai !' Choilu.--l mi "eh and ni m lipMi tl v hf, II ir IMn le Hum 'oi i!n il itliy. Ju t .miu ( ouidn't Hhiil up i U eve, Y t.r he mink your "jMnh.ima . Hhe rovcil thf Ocan fl rre nd tree, And chnii'fd hf iU in evcr aea, I'ju.n on? on -iirirn d ! Ipn t" pr"y, 1 hot talliinl "Alahamal" Onr rnitirrs t- nht her round and roiinl, LHhr doiV' d them like n d'iMaid hound, I'ntli litir iinii.i- was uutte n-nowjit-tt. Aawit li eiof never lo hf found, lint the h'dil "herttari" tot in her w.tka And kept her lim-i. w ithut ml hike. Tih lo "i ht rt ftirtf" prt,''ti!ed like a ana'ie hh tiiiind Uie "AUbiiiual" Chorus 1 oh and plunder nlfht and day t-t tittln or hum then sknlk away, itot you've a "m-kuiiiiiK" ?et lo pa My valiant ' Alnhnnia t" Fiinn il rntt!n Semun-H wh In e pIlKht, lie found ifo'it wm nochaiiff lor Hi; lit, ho he mn-t emu r yh !d or nuht. With hii terrible 'AJaoamal" 8o he plpi d op his phatle rrow tu r n un iiinl K 1 1 !: i i h li . t it c and tme, Ha a lie, ' e 11 put th' ' KaraLtV throiitfli,' Atitl Mink her with all r runtP to view. Itut W In slow, iiim'.tii lor win-ninr faat, Hixoi naded i tir H ar onto tlie mant, Vhrle ht Tn.e erew hIo utrd. like a hlait, Jeath ortheMAlaiiainel' t.oru-'. 1 ad nwtiv, fire away hot and ahell, Ui.it" the tutir hrae 'nra to t-lt, Ntrtt d hy and let her rip. pill luell, J 'tail), or the "Aluhama 1" Now larh. iird and atartumrd even rouMdn, With ur 'J'h and I1" pound" We ahont thf Fre .eh who lined the ground T- v liter tiie "AiaUflina !" We HtrncV In r 'ncntli the wufer-Hne, And thrnnuh her hull Iat In the hrlne, Till thrt-tiKh Ihe miioke we naw a ivn That we hd crippled nor in tho imlue. A h"Ul r oti'oietl irom rur crew, A roek upon our mnoke -ftiirk tlew. Ami In hm nn k-ii-h' dle-div- Cried, huw ar you, 'Alabama. " horUH. Load away, Are away shot and ahoU. An ther hrtmdf hie nifltle her ,lctve," Hhf r-toou - - -nji- lo r wrect to r.are. Vheu down f.-tta U.t-. me ware, '1 ) i r it opA.ftaabiDh.'' We low i tt 1 ii uiMiihUvf e crew, Anl coiilo hum' imMn il the capialti to, Hut her t nde r "liet-r hound'" hove la Tlew And tole our pridoncrH not nf w. Hut there h u reekonlnv et to e me, We'll mnke ttii-M' f iii.a'hlern hum, (Ivfltlieto who' I'addy e the tlrtiia, A- we did the''Aluiiauia." Cho. Here' ni- ry to enr Navy true, 'lo V tnsli nnd hr.ive l'h ruton too, Aud three eht-ern Tur tho" K eai sartc" crew That Mink the "A Uhatim 1" JuBtriiMNhe.'.at M AdF.F.'H, No HIACIIBSNUT Htreet. Ctpyri.'liT st cured. I'm-e flr. pr-r 1 l'rce hy theho, j. I'i ice, hy (he dodi, a. cent. 1'iico, retail, 5 centa ea'h . It V Ii W STY I ,K liKI) KN VliLOI'KS AT i MAUKKS New styli No TAper. colnred on Fourth I'atto, New Hivie N'-tf I'-iper, ci-h-red n Ftmnu 1,n;e. -w Silc Niff Taper, colored on Fonrih Fa;je. Led Lm el' pes I'll I'uper lo match. l.ed 1 ne ojm'B wliii Tj.erto m.ttch. )-il t-.i vo opei wi'h I'apcrt'i m-it h. K il nvi li-p i whh l'a.x r tn ni:tlt!ti. B miit-ctuied and for l ilt at t- -iiMi.u tiircd and ( r ri'ilo nt I ..uuUriu'e 1 and lor iih- ut VAUF.e h No ;(L. ciii ssi T stre.t, Mai.F.F.'h N-t :tn. CIIKSSI'T trt I. MAtiKf'8 No. HU CIIKSMir Ureal. C'ltv and rmn, r y tirek-epe tt itml Ihe iarHet a MriLUt.iJt ol l'ai r in hi t;nvei jpes in the c ty ot M V.KK'S, j)10-'.t No.:ili,t'HKN(l r Street. K u ru IN 11 I M IC I I I We ri'fond th.- mi .i.t, If doalrtl, fjr oecrjr lot ot Hhtta TlilchlaUlnan;. r.-piM't. I INK, HHIItTH, CVT i.wMvrtiwrisis o musi.in. Mad. or Nt'w rk Mill. Mnnlln, and vurr fine Linen Bosonia. Only 1 1 IX. Uiial prlc H-l)l). Wtllianiavllli Milla Mualln.aiiil flna Linen Itoaoma, Only l-."ill. ( l ..ti it 1 1 l. a WWII. CENTLKMKN'S V V It N IM li I N Q GOODS. HMITII .V: .IAOOIH, Diy8-6n. No. l'iill CIIKHNIi r Htreat, I'llKjiM't Nl'KKKT. The atti t'in.ai i Inn llai:va lllvl I.I W. ii of I. l1 Kit VtMITINII TIIK aim. ul La. A 11 Nil li for " iValur . "tiif t'.nin'ri,' la r'MDe.'irul.y f rxti'liatv,. tn. or VI HI I B l.llllliH i-.l.ii- Mr fl'MMIH WKVH.Ii.r WIIITK t-iH'l l.-l. .M'-IIMNO WltAffKHS, Ac. An rTtei:ii-i- asrtnltllt la olT r.'.l In Liue anil Wi.ik'.i fciluiinia nn.l ln.rii.iK. Vail.,, llaQ.llt.r.:! I'.'ll', ',i-.' . h. nil innlilll ana lai.cv I l-.nl. mrilx-.l, and l-ninre l tVi.ite IliH.na A l i' ICKS Ml i ll tn: t.l iW I'lU.IM l-KKKKM' Kl -li. VAI.I Iiai I'UDb i.itien I'aL'ilin.- iii.m-1, luu i.cc. I iiik.J. I u avJ. an.i Alrlpul Una. Uua. j:. m. is j :i iiim-h lie I t'llKHMI'T a'l'KKt'.T. U28 MH IV SKIRTS. liHnuranMiit. AD. i,JH Altt II Htreet, AIMJVU PI I II "lO'Ol, I'ltiladeipiila Whole ale aud Kolail. The most eiupiete a&kortiu at of Ladlva, MUaea, and ChiMtcn'a Hoop hkirta lu thu n. lu wr rtopcot rir-i-t'leia, which for atv le, llTimh, uuraoitity, and chiapuuaa. Law no t?,iiiil in thf tuai kvt, hk in a made U oidar, aJared, and repaired. 1., VM.T. lltll'KINft. II EJS H V H 1 M O N H,' UNITED STATES NATIONAL WAGOH AND OOAOH W0RK3, trlo, No. 621 NtW MAKKET filreet, AnJ Kactory, corner of BKCOMD AND C'L'MlltKLASiD BTBKK.T8, riiit.abKLi-eiia. Att and every Mtnl of WAlUlNK, t'AltTH, PltATR, WHKKI.B.MlllOWH, and HMHF.lt WIIKKI.H, aiiaeiiO to Aruiv.Hiiaa, autier, or l'lantatha purpaa. AU worn warrant fordt-ra proioptiy attended to. 1.4-tr l's! A T H I O T I C ME I'ATItlUTIC MKfiALH. A An aweptatile UlUirinM tu .vurj ralrlot, Tae caiy curn.rt ami ami.in.i'd AlKlAi.UOM Llh.KNK8.UI3 1-RKBIDKNT l.INfOI.H, oteiiAi. t.roin'.B wahiiinhton, UKl "rKSANT-UKSKKAL (IBaHT. t. K taf at A 1. ltr.UakfK . Mih l.RIX AN, Manufai'liired In Hterlli.j hiliui ana Cipiar aud '"' Helal. hamiile aent by mall lru ui ebarii. 01. iwjut lit Vltwiti. Aa-enll wauled. K. ' ' '.,,' ll ia W fhlladeluhta "el Ottlr. Manufacturwl at Hi u AJaCU IT-" a g g a g a UK A I II V, A la H T A T .T ': V, H T A T K $5,000,000 WORTH. $5,000,000 WORTH. Keep it Before tbe Pooplo, That I have ,frt) worth of Iteil Kitate rontlrrtlf on rand, end ahont .'Oi.PHi north nt the old (( d price. Ne person nhouhl fall to full i-n mo If tnrjr wlih ta pnr rham pn-pcrtv, eltr.or for tnvestment or oeetipanry. Uea huii'ired ti wi Uu u alwava on it and, o which immetUate poh.i tslon run he hud. New m iinhlv rnta' ne nut In a few dava, Ton't pur i hav-unt u ) ou ace in e otlurwle uu may ie(fr6 It GEORGE 0. MILLER, I'm. I r li lal K.lali- 0 or.ili.r (r.r Hie laal Jnyearal, I N... l.M N. MXT11 HTKKKT. I t) HI- N I" UK FOR S.VI.K. FIUST- 'laaa liivrllii't N.i 4i N. Ulih ir..t. Klltreal l.iil.'l.i- in.i...-i it.-. -ii. iiii.i in ti'i't ,, raar: a .. frn. I .Ll. y.ir.1 t.n lnitt.inwo il hlr.tft. Ki'lit t7iai piar au innn. I'm f 1 1". IIKOIttlw i;. vil.t.P.H. N.i 1-1 N. M Tli .Itreat. aK, 1-1)1!, .sAl.K, Willi IM M KDIATK t-il-.tit rt. e.ia, .n, il.-.ilil liwili.n--, N ii 1..7 N. r.mrti I'll rui'lin. Lot yn I Tfitt drej. Priea I, l.i. It IL r. Ml 1. 1, Ml. No. I I n. MIX I it s.rt.et. .tun. hit. .la 4), rli-r Gno I, AMOK i; n it.,. . 1 lUSl'CI.ASS DWKI.I.INn, ulret-t. r- o ) r ".t -rv Ipoit. and thret. hUiiiiiiB. I t it r,r 1 11 'twf l.KUId.K MII.LKK, N I tl N. HIX I 11 .Hir.et. r it.tiiitie lt. . I nr.- !. it. fi lOlt SA 1.1 MAONiriCKN r DWKLI fMa'dit and ILw. ll'R, t ol 'troai imiih ol Hiown. t.l. Ilf Lot VP I,V 1 .At. 1 I It f . I ..- Cor hate U i ..ml liw'el HiK. rt uhle of SP'KtHh a'rcot, ro.rth ot Lirn-t ; twelve r.ui. Lot H hy 7J. Trice, 1 1 1 linno ' i.ib pot - ii hor inh , with no mi'. 11 a: p ) oiScsiton, fifty houi' T.vvrj ) roi oikIiI to ill to h f, v it) i imim-dlatft pohaeflnn. fpleml'd lwe Ilntf, antii hide ot MoouL rMti a.re.t. oit oi' MKhteenth. Lot ;i hv mi (' ft rn.-e. f nt I or a, e levant lelliH'. o MIWalliee trot ; It nK.m. 1,4 'y hy M fcf. Pile-, i minudiaie poa- (.c bir . I- or auto. nat Mwellmjc. Fraiirl street, west of Rldt,' a i'ii i e, i-i.ti'ff uf lleirv. I"r!ee. Fomulf.two sphndid I w i-Kiiicn, north atreof Mmini Tt iiitin Nticet, went of Nineteenth. Lot ft) b lot (net. J-riee. For aaJe, neat liw.;,llni;, Chtauut street, east of fli. tt iith. j r h e, Jll. -uo. (IKoitdKC. MILI.F.R, Iteal K-tate A; - nt .mil Hn.knr, ti No IM N.HIXTU Htreet. l'Olt SAI.K MM.DNDI) DOUrU.K j Mai.Hinii on Went (Lfhlllit utriet. LoM0 by 1H fe1. 1 1 (f if P'.HI r or H4ie. Urnt eiaaa !are brown t"te front riwidllna;, on Wf I.ovrii 8 inarv. L t Ti hv 14 - 'e-t. Price L a, F. r ha r.-pUndidly l ul t f "t a r hro ru t,- front Iiweiiu iy.on Vim-,fa-.t o- Kluhtef nth "itr'-tt I'rirn n ooO. For Sulf - Leiio llu1 His -rla ) ir or n-arble Hoot Iwel hiit, on Vine, wt-at of Soventoenth htreet. Frtoa SfUhfr 0 a or Hale.- Vniinlllernt 'mir ntiry marb e front Dwailln, on We.t Chtnul at eel. Lid i'i by L'rO feet Vtlc 9- 1" "u For Hnle IVrfret Sarrlflfps Two reat four-story ! IJit (ft, Hro nd -ir"'! nh v,i fTeraon. htKhtocn rnwiiii. I.ot t ei fioni h 7"Ii ct tlcop to a lTtet. iTu-e liWeod earh. HeiUe hundroda of othcra, information of which mat he han at the Mire. For Sulf ,- MrtKiiitirent liuir-siory brown atone front Imellln. , on Wi si Hpruei' Hire- t. Kir eell r mm a. Lot 'it by feetdi'e.itoaain et. I'r! ! mm i.F. ntaK v. Mrrr.r.R, No L4 .N. MTI1 Itre. yol SAI.K.-KIHaST-CLASS FAHM.fJJ lliii'-f e-trf onHr.arj ImportnnrH, sixi y a- rea. onlyl'tjJ miieh fu tn the city, on Penn-ylvunla t'enlral Halrovii: ntKfd ircent I.) pror ineiita, Ac 'I he whole propt-rly matt 10- e ii tv he ippt(H;lati d. 1 Tic S.t,'fK. Una three aplea dtd hUlloliiK Htf. Ml l.f.lt No. l.M N SIXTH Street, FOR SAIiK PARTU S ANTICIPATING iJtpurchHsirit Leal Kaiate ehonld l"ae no time In detna; m. na it U lin rcHNiiu' In prh-e everv day A word to tha wipe ia auihflf nL ( all for cutiiloffiie. containing t'.oij,loa) worth id real t HUte. i.KUKUK MlLIibK. l ine Ileal Ileal K suite -iirent and Broker, Ni:'4 NJ W.VTli Htrot f VOW SAhY,. CiRKAT RAHOAIN AND EJX Immediate poieiHHion, elvntit largr liweiifnK, N. iienUaie airfet. Fonrteen larife roonu. Lit tJt hy lu let t deep. IMue $''t;tiu. Mil, I. Kit, f FOR SAI.K I OW, OR KXriIANGE g jl Neat Country Heat, wiih itojd iin,rnv m-'iil. 18 at ii a oi f 1 rtiitaiit I at 0. lur and a half mile?, from Market alrtot hrldk'e.on llavfif .rd a'reet, tn tho rveuty-fourta. Ward. J'abM-iigtr Kaitro.oi wit dn 4 tafle. M1LLFR, No l.M N.m.vm rttreot. faj FOR SALK KEF.P IT I1F.FORK THE hJ. people that I have alwa 100 Dwelling on hand, of wliii h imm'ditf p M-'fclon ran he had $ ,at),hiO worth of It ai F.Mate iu mv ",ataloirue. Fvery hu-lomi transat tioii carried throiuh upon tlte obkt-ranie ot tl a n tin teal h iieiy nnd lutrurry. DKOKtlK C MIIJ.KH. I'raeUcal Heal Htute Auent and Itroker, Wo IM N. HiX I'M .street. CFT THIS OI'T FOI FI'Ti RK HKFKI;E( P.. WANTb. Y A N T V, 1) , AN F, N OI N IS H It TT Apply at No aWOHMNHT S-roet jvli tf 14 A M S T K K S WANTKU. CuiKf ttiAurHi:M.aTK -i Orvic.n, W..HiiiNiiri'r( Ikit, Whuim:tim. ll (I.. July 11. WenL'd.at onee. TIlltBK IP'NIHtKII TKi MW MUfl. each i Apwhie nf drhlutf wait ulnlu line, aud managing aiv mole t am. Tohuchwho tiro competent to perform the doty, the pav fiN-month vriu he thirty dd ai-, with one ratn per (lav , timi lionphal privlifi:ea, luuiudniff ihe beat lutsiioeJ atte ut nit-f wtuii uie. Afpv to l'ai tain t'f 9. H TOMPKINS. A. Q M., tf . H. A. onmerol IWLN 1 V KKtMN l and i.H r ut W a-4i-lhfjton, r, C. 1. II. lUTrKF.R, lirladler-Oenoral andf'hlel tuai termator, Jr 1 1- 1st liepotoi H'ahiiu(i. I iLACKSaMU'US AND W UliKLWRKiliTS J V tinted. f.'iin.v 'M'AHTKHMA.iTKr'a Oypies, WaaniMi ina ihi'it. Wa.hiiim ton, . v. ..lul 4. imi. rVantiHt at once, to work lu (iorommmit Kopatr Sliooa. (.tiarifrinatiier'a Iepa'toint, htH'ttr of WaHamrion. tna I Ihindrtd (I"") tf od HI A KSMI I US and tue Hundrwd (tu) i.o-tl Y ll r.Kt.wt.fiiH I . 'I bt py per mopiti will he lstv lol1ar (tm, wi tn (1 . ration m-r tin v. aod in pi 'hi icolii'.-e wInu 1oIl. Applv i Capiehi CM lti.r.- If MlMi'KIHH, . (. M. L'mici! Stnti-N Army, earner 1 wenly-heuond and tt W'Wta, Yt abhtnKton, l C. Ii. U. KrOKf.lt, iltlKadler-Ocnoml and I'lihif titirrirmi-r, il t-lst leparitiHnt of VTaatunueoB. FOR SALE AND TO LET. aft FOR 8AFK. $.(i,0()0 WORTH IN OO0T l-A H en l r i Iloiiheit, lai've and am ill, on terma to unit puruhtaor or a, OOd eittflrwiiiii.tr uniio'ii iiuuioiHuni-t!, rr c.im aiid u trade. In)iitre uf, tn in M w li o - iia, . S(, TllO.M. ri.-'ifAN ho. VU7 P. FOUimifltiwat. rf COVNTRV SKAT F(It SAl,F. A lJk atiHiidd country Ititoleiice. uh ail iii'Jrn Coiii-ii'f ficiit. ami lvo non-U of Mrouuu. half a mile fr.'na Keiioeu hiiarf, ad ho n iiiuiiff l Uvnot mantn oi'ittyard "lalor. It wol ftp a..d m tnat aantm' hy ovdttnra. ) aiiioml and t it-ratdi v. (rt. in tlii n nutuMt-a' role. Anv to H II I'AIMTH. or W l, W.')M,, K.tq , W4at f heater. l'a.,or JAl'DU 11L FV, llanowum, IVnna. j, 11 C 'V J 'r 11 V EOriCHES, EATS, MICE, ltotl 1 tli wii. Aula,, An., As,, vat! BDET'S VEEMT2J HXTEEMINATOB. IT IS IN KAl.Llltl.K: U IS INFLLlHI.Kt la pot up m LiirK! Koi' tor '.'' ( eni. Sr. all ready 'Vr um', without (oil'(i wtin other art idea. Jn-a d-d N'otl or lift I r. and i.rtuts4 hy KLS-pkitU Like poioe tiiitrir I'iep4riiimia. VMEMIN A It K Y X TltaVtH AM I LV loNII OK IT. KA1S aN ii MH'F I UK Oil OF I UKIK IIOLP.9. Ik Not flu nt,i-iua to t'- i iwt Sdilni'lioo to id wh i uae It. Hold b) all Iirtiuiatti and leuhr throughout the Uult4 Stau-t, 'ai thin. Ho aura and nik tor Hnn'a F.xtemunatrr, Iat lor, e loei, wldi the red lahft.aud nuod by Doe I'mpnw to.i, F. 1'. tut. Jr. 'I ttr e no ut1 ar Itepot, No 18' S. I KM'U Street, above Walnut, X ati u K i it r No. 1 4 Jl VKNAL Httvet. aOovt Wajiiui,, trot wt en Tenth and Klevanth, I'hiUdelpbia, Fa, myii-uiwa.'in ZaIL to shif caftains and ownrrs. i - T ' luidfrslpned having leaatd Hie KLNallNtl rlkN SCKKW IHM'K, be if U Inform his fnenda and th patt-'iia ol thf Povk Uat he ia pruparwil wita inoreaa4 fai litllua n tieconuniYaie tuoe imvliitf vaoaum to he rAjnji or re pa red, and being a p run Pal ahip -carpenter and caulker, will give perauual atieitliuii to ail vuvlaeniruudj tu him Lit repair. Cup alna or Aifeuti, Ship t'arpeniera and Maohluiata ha-vuig Tenkfla lo tepir, are lolieilad to oall. llaln ihr aiiom jar the alu of v utteratadta' PatooA Mt lailir ( impo-it n," oi t'tpvr I' ilnt, lor the preaefvav tl n of veae la Uitioma, for t.na cay. 1 am prepared a far uuh Ue lanii on favorable if run. JOHN H. HAM MJTT, Kenatngton So rev? ltick, iBhU-tl helaware aAemie atwive L turf l Nirii. TO DECKFTION. NO INFERIOR COAL purehaHfd to oiler below the coat price of a aaiMarioe artkle. S-A.ltl. VI. HKWal, lll'.IIAll .SU. ut.alnMn.Kaee, . ..i aide, aella Uie tiei.mne f All K VrllN, cant and purrat uilned. KuaU Btuv. aUea.Hl; lrf. I"l. per Ion. t'Aiiaumera alionld mala Itialr aurckueaat eaoe, pr- Tkua tu aaothur alliance laH-iiia fl'lIE SUUSCXIBEK3 11AVK ASSOCIATED 1 thiniaelye. .ti-tlier auder tto llrin .1 BOI.rilW, liKris i tl. aui) ! enn.Viiua Uie tlar llull.llnf Ituaineaa Tin all fie ur.ruJ-.. a Ihe nkt aiai.n.luiuiiu,. llu. iiiaa in ail a , aAM,Kxls a,rBcU, Curuur, IWliJill-'l"1" ,,r,l l u BOl.TOtf, tiKllltl.K H lliaKMAJI, )jl-lm O W. C'lllLUtt. r,frk DELIGHTFUL EXCUKSlvNS 0 THl B1TKB SCHUYLKILL, Th. Sleamlioat OKNF.KAL IIOliKKi'., Captain MAS. Kl.K, linvaa FtUiiaouui every liuur fur 8 .liui Iklllil.-lKliU, I.aurt-1 1UU, UeUuvuV Cutuae, Ui., aU awl Wlaaa. aiuaua. l-t(
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers