The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 16, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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Y A 11 A AW n i n AA
Defeat of the Rebels in
Eailroad to the Interior Repaired.
. Vickkih no, July 12. Our forces niTrl fr m
lilac river in the murnfiif of the Ha. In com
mand of (iencral IVans. General Sloetitii j lined
the expedition at Champion Hills, tlio wa.tlo
lorce numbering Ion tlmn .TWO mm.
The enemy were not oneoiintcrcd in anv r-m
tltlerable Cone un'il tin- .1th, when they wore
found rdroni'ly posted n tlic cut lunik of n
er.ek, three mil s this hi Jo nl' Jinkson, un I
narking a force und.r (Vlonel Conin, Uth
iuii.oi, compelling mem to n'un ion tar position.
Our forces occupied J.tckson that li'gbt. Tho
f-llowirg dny, an our (ro.ips wore leaving tti
(nwn, a ritlr.rn climbed to the top of the Stttti
House, nml signal ilio Ki ln I cuvn'rv, with h
were drawn up In line of Initio north of ihu (own.
The riiirin taken down urn! shot imme
The enemy advanced in strong f ree, but thev
Were driven back. Next morning our rcirtrtinnl
were apsin assaulted near Clinton, but the KeMs
tore ayani repulsed, having (he ground strewn
with their dead and wounded. Our total lo-s
win less thin 100 killed and .10 wounded.
AVe raptiii-etl 3d or to primmer, Imt no eotton
was ttrougiit in.
The rail i ond from Jackson to ksburtf i
being rapidly repaired, mid communie ition will
aoon i.c iind Willi tlic interior of the State.
j' Generals Wright and Ord Tursuing.
Nprll to Till Kveiil.iic T'ltrrnnli.
Washington, July Hi. Ileyond the steady
advance of nnr columns In the ilireetlon of Kl-
wards' Ferry, Fume thiity miles from Washing,
ton, nt which point the ltehels crossed into Vir
ginia, nothing is to ho o! nerved worth recording.
Through the country between that point and
thicity,at the present time, everything Ik unist.
On the Ilnckvillo road, no recently the scene of
svtive operations, nothing Ii to he observed, ex
cept the occasional pnssagc of a wngon, and here
and there a strangling soldier.
Wo have the country still picketed about three
Wiles beyond Tonallytown During the fighting
through tho streets of Rorkville, on Wednesday
last, the citirenj took refuge for safety In the
eellnin of their houses. The town was unin
jured, with the exception that a few houses were
struck by bullets.
General Ord was at Tenallytown yesterday
afternoon, and funeral Wright was said to be at
PooIrSTllle. During the fight at Rockvill we
lost two killed and thirty wonnded. No doubt
seems to exist thut the Rebels passed through
Aldle, and have effected their escape through
Asltky's Gap.
The last of the Rebels crossed the river abont
daylight yesterday morning, consisting of a rear
guard of fifteen hundred cavalry. Their rear had
had a smart f kirnilsh with our advance. Before
ten o'clock yesterday morning we occupied Kd
wards' Ferry in considerable force, and troops
pouring in that direction. Tho latest from
the front indicates that tho invaders have suc
ceeded in gaining tho mountain pusses.
f Fouthkm Hokhoc, July 11. Tho following
s information leads to the belief thut tho pirate
2 Florida has been encountered by some ono of
our gunboats sent in pursuit :
The steamer t'nitrd Stntet, from Boston, ro
ports, July 13, 4 1. M., the light-ship on New
Hoiith Shoal, bearing nortbwost from me, dis
tant thirty miles; heard heavy tiring north-northwest
; hi aid twenty guns. l!y the sound we
judged tkc f ring to lie twenty-uino miles west
from the light ship.
July lOih, 115 1'. M., was spoken by the United
States steamer Tictmdernta, and reported the
above to her. She steered in the of the
Bring, lattitude .1!) degrees 2 minutes, longitude
43 degrees 22 minutes.
There Is no news from City roint.
1 rom mw ohi.i-.asn. i(i.snrito,
A Kit M KM I'll IN.
I'aitio, July 15. Tho steamer ifnienta, from
Kew Orleans on the 10th, Vickslmrg on tho 12ih
and Memphis on tho Uth of July, arrived thi
She made the trip from New Orleans to Mem
phis In two dttjs and seventeen hours. Quito a
number of din hurled soldiers came up on her.
The steamer Kreninn Mar left New Orleans for
New Y. rk on the Hlli wilh the mails, 11:4 bides
ot rntion, und $1 1." OOii in specie.
1 he i'ivaiiutu; hieh hus tx-en auspended for
hue lime, iiun resiimen piihiiiaiion. Its pnu
lislieis aiineuncc their intention of supporting the
Omen nient ot the l ui id states, and ol'te;idilv
jsf.voi sting all measures lor the re establishment
tf Its autlioiity in nil p.nts of the country.
me t.ottou .Mniket is n-in !y at a suud-still,
otithK:anding the lilternl re. i ipts. Ordin irv,
1H); good otdin irv, jK)l. 'I In re li s inie ili
quiry lor Sut'.ir and Molusse-, but lit'le is oll r
ing, and Hint at verv Ihl'Ii nrires. Wnivni i.t-,..
duee is (inn anil steady. ! lour. StJ for aimeriine.
ml SU( 11 25 (or choice brands.
lr.g.idier-C;eneial K. A. l'avne has been as
signed lo the eomiiiMi. I iif this district, and Lis
hcdiiirters will proirably be at 1'aJucih.
Aojiiiaut titueial 1 homas is here.
. slilim'iit of ;(. l.
J. Ni;w Vohe, July 1.!. Tho sieanier fih of
Baltimore to. k out .SJ".d,(ioO, and tho steauier
Snr luiX' jo7o(l ia specie.
Xew Yoin, July Id. Report Buys live
jwisoiicis escaped from Fort 1. it.ivct'te on 'l liur.s.
day night by shooting tho guard. Nine uihora
Who attempted to leave were recaptured.
, Art-Knl of lh Slennier "H ion int."
Nkw Yoiik, July lii. The steamer,
rum Havana, has arrived below, aui is in
lealli ul hu Oliirer.
foinwrs Momiof, July 1",. Lieutenant
onel Chamlers, of tlie'2:id Ma,achiiseu-
lied here to-Uuy lrom wounds.
MitrltftM ttv fVIPB-rfttiti.
buvr ukk, July 1 Cotton uniet; sales of
hairs tl l-v 1 -in. H,,ur a.linn.-j' 7,e ,".l : Hli'i...
1 lo; ll :.., .l-.i; rto'illii-ia, in .V.,i i I 4 1.
k m i mi bdi Sliced l(t,ila o,,rn .uut. Il.'el dull. I',ns
I lu.efilmiU ililVMnilU Slfl; new iin., JMs.fc ,s l.aij
IV'"'. ',' "l lS"'dlk. Wlu.kv dull ul Sl ii. i.i.:,l, 'd.
i ' ;7 b'1", H"ai, U.vss bUu. U Heat, Si,"l I'orn
t , I 7,'.n
I S:iH ks dull mid lieuvy. Chici,
t ( -tud. J'f"., ; Oiiuiherlanil j. ,':,ar-.l. 7) ;
' I... i . Wan, n 1'eiaii.l li, n, ,. l i. , m,iii;i
(y l.,rk ( eiilral, .i."j; ,.:,a,1:j. i
icago and Rock
. lil li'Ms 1 mitral,
man ft.'Utt.sni, i ; llotr. 1.14 , I line'. 1 ', IIIut,
l lfv flainl ami 1 uli'J,.,
' I r. aaurj T -..'s. lol : '..UI...I.S, ls-1. In
rTiani"i. ies.!sJ, isi, out Vcar t eniAiatu. vt ,.
I I hi
'(b ai'i
f v TV 's",0'' ,' Juiy 1J Tboie is no grain in the
' . ',.;i V",' beav, ; li.,.,, ,,., ,,.,,,.
As j ect of the Town, and Character
of the Teoplo,
Mttn:li, fin., Jii'y I. (i. te rals Slierma i
and Thomas ente ed M'.ri- tta aSi ut II o'clo. k n
Mi ndny moriiitig, .In y :t, wiMi t ie loth irp-..
(o t eiiil .li'hn A. l.o: in. li. ncra1 S'.erui in an 1
stall mile tiie Kein saw Hons-' liir teinpor ire
ti-.".hiiaiiits. As tin ie .is n . I u llord to fur-
r.ish the imiil-, the place, tl uh otli ris,-
iinip'e and imiting, di.l not loin' enj iy the lemor
ot tl eir roiupnny. T he -oiiihI id i aiinou at the
flout mioii bi'i Kiit.ed them forward.
(ifin nil '1 lion as pit, l td bis t iiier'i.v les, for a
nli lit. rear the piuic-ly le-idcine of Mr. A V.
I'.n. lull . near the south end ot the town, ! it oa
tl is lie rt.i- f ng in nsiimeil (lie o-ureh m pur-int
f the K'Ih I in my, v. here the I'liioii artillery
toward the liver n. re pc r('nni,.ng the double
on v i f a I 'oiittli of Ju y saint iad liui ryin ' no
the li-lel
Mi I hi r re.'s C rp had m-hc I forw ird on the n n mad, S h held ad vine agon the Hull's
Mill and Manella r ad. and oe.-u .viivr fie iine
along NlekHiack crck. I'a hum's and Login's
Cori-s p,.sseil throuuli Muriel a Mi is inorn ng n ;th
fu II I mills id ay iiiL.-1 he nationn a i s, and the u'hn i-oii-
old ling waving on its t i.-t.n m'n av. It was
a spectacle long to be reineiniiei e,, 1 o loitu
the inilltiny came the corps supply trains and
n gimi ntiil teams, hieh continued passing till
!i'f in the af rrnoou.
Thtie Is niui h more tl be 'a d of this pi ice
tlmn Vihnt as roiitained in my lettertif v. ster
oy. It must have cost the cii.. n niany a pang
to ti ur thrin-clves away lrom the grateful slia lo
and ipiiet enmloit ot the luxurious homes of Mu
riel's, t" wamhr in tho salu.ns ,u' s ai'licin
Oriirgitt at the pn -rni hot mid dus'y sea-on.
l'rnluilily not moro than twenty houses are oc
cupied, and tl en only by superannuated men,
invalids, or women. The town is a perfect
grrt'oof shade. The best . stales are owned hv
I'd. Dcnmia l, John 11 (i uvr, 11. .1. II isk,
fiir.eiul A. J. Ilansell, Dr. Mcv nrd, Atcliiuild
Hi w. II, V. ta r's, W in. lioot, )ix I'leteher,
the Ri v. John Hunt, Colonel 1 vid OaMds, nc
of the oldist citizens; Judge (io .rge 1). l(i-e,
11. ( Cole, in, d a lew others, who aro tha in
llui ntial men, the people o( " proi., rtv and -I Hid
ing" of the town. William T. SVinn is the
Mayor, a Southern Rights Deinocra-. l'hc pap
u ntion, by the iciisus of Is in, was about three
thousand, not eght thous mil, as some one ab
surdly reported to me. The '(' d!eg..'" is culled
the (ieornitt Mi iiai v Inst.tiite. and was nresidcl
over b ( icia ral Cap. r-, a son ot the old Methodist
liisiiop I apers, of houtli ( aro in i.
There were lo sind' tits or cadets at the first
'CI III ot IS,1 4 1 her were nil remove, I to M
Ii dgeviile about the time the I'nion urmv dr ,ve
J din -ion 1 1 1 mi Ki sai n. Mioiy of ihe "ci.lets"
panted for distinction on the lie I of glorv, but
their papas and teachers would n t eonse it. The
eo lege I libeling has been used as a temporary
hospital for iicur'y two months, and hsiks s lv.
The ritin ns have been gra liia Iv getting away
with their i Ifects ever since the Ii i"it e of Mission
Ridge, but the exodus grew into it stauipedo afier
nc-aiB. inev moveu io sou'tiwesc lieorgin,
Alabama, and sumo to Florida. Soma of the
latter wrote lia. k that thev had run i i?lit into Hi
Yai.kres "uway down in Florid i," and wished
they had staid at home. iltc. believed they
would follow them to the worla's eeml.
the place was settled in IN !.-,'), when tho
contitry aliout hero was first laid out. and een'ral
lots liistiihiited by lottery. There were, dining
good times, sixteen stores, two druggists, eight
uroeenes, uirce u aeis, lour etiiircties, vis. :
Methodist, lSap'l-t, and Knlseon it
three female and one male scho il, lesiilos sin ill
scn. ois tor young cutldrcn, all well patronised.
The Court House, a substantial brick structure,
washiiiltiii 1K,'i4-5, the lower part being ui"d
for olliees, and the nppci for a court and jury
rooms. I he "Kcnesnw Lodge," with the simrlo
eye, siarcs at you from ttio broad sido of the
large brick building Irontitig on the square.
There were also an Odd F. Hows' L idge, a I'ein-
in ranee hoc e y, and other benevolent voluntarv
asso intioiis. Tho shire papula ion of Cobb
countv was about an average of the adjoining
coun'io- in Northern Georgia. There is a small,
sipnire park in the ccntro of the town, and the
coiporution limits are thrce-ijuaricra of a mllo In
a ri'dins from (his centre. Tne business stores
and rome of the better dwellings aro of brick,
and altogether there is un air of thrift ah. nit the
p ace which recalls the memory uf a ouco hap
pier and better dny for the town.
in leaving, the (tenets litem Pv swent tho nlaen
clean of every article of value or utility which
ct nid possibly he of use to tho Incoming army.
Thev ti re up about a mllo and a half of tho rail
road between Rig Shanty and Marietta, and ctr
ritd off all the ftogs from the switches, to delay
our advance and embarrass our movements. It
is (lie nrst instance in wlncn they have done this
in falling back, and shows some unusual neeos-
siiy for the net. They had a largo bakery, where
they could convert thirty-odd barrels of (lour
Into bread daily. They removed all the iron
work, and took down one of the ovens to get it
Two days will suffice to restore the whole to
running ord.r. They even curried otT all tn.i
coal, tools, and bellows from tho bl icksmitb's
shops, expecting thereby to Cause us great Incon
venience; but Uaurt. rnia-ler Lvon, of tho 2.b
Corps, brought w ith him every article required
tor lumishiiigu (irs -c ass ela dishuiont, even to
the three pairs of bellows, uml, in less than an
hour after entering tho town, no sharp riug of
the blacksmith's hammer upon the anvils no i
In d the surrounding country that the Institution
was in full blast. He ent. red the idaee nml our
the blacksmiths, sud.llurM, and w ae'ini shoos in
operation in less than three hours from the time
the Relsris evacuated.
The nmse of tho hammers and the siht of
smoke emerging from the chimiievs attracted an
old colored iiian.whoe.imet the door to see what
was np. lie probably thought the ghosts of the d -imi
ted Rebels were rim.' n' a miulem around the
deserted premises. Int was his surprise 'o
find a set ol slraoue workmen hard at work, and
as much at Inline as if they h id "served their
true" In tho place. His eve. stuck nut with
as.ouMim.'iit. Ho said he' ha I "worke I two
years in dat shop, und he never seed tings lavin'
up so .trniirht ami nice a ore." H.j had beet
ua d two dollars a tvl for lilting horse-shoes
about lificeii miiiuies' work and he wanted to
hire out.
n.oitioi'N M si ntnn mi; ritosr.
Mirrman torons I lip Cliul lul.o.K-Uee Can-
lure .its IsrtP i.r I'rla.iiioi'a
i ..loiiel stliermitii h I'rlso.icr.
The work gois bravely on. I'uoin ial ad
vices have n ached this rliy th a' t large prop ir
tion of Mi. rinan's forces have suecssi'iilly
cms i d the Cha'lahooeliec. and ,hat at least i'i
ihnu'iind of llnnUe's C'oips ii ive been gohlded
liio iicai i-laiiser. in lee.i, rillllfr sets ttl"
cures at not less than live tho isand ; hut as we
lioercleal In sensations we thcin at two
Johi.s'on Is s-ill "drawinir" S'lerman. He will
soon have him at Atlanta. Johnston is good on
haw :" but. judging from the h.K.ks at tho 1'.
M. Ocncrid'fc olllee, he is losing a great in my
It is with sincere regret that wo learn that
'oloiiel Frank Shcrmau, C'hiel of General How
ard's Mall, is a piixmer. Colonel Sherinin is
lrom Chicago, and is us well und favorably
wn ns any man in tho Northwest. 'unlit-
tioota imzellt't Vith.
Wn nit ii to (io. Though the weather Is moro
tempi rate to-day than it has been at any time
uining tho past week, the exeunt from Hie city
will no doubt be very great. SucU extraordinary
inducements ure olfeied by the several railioad's
plying to the sea side n sorts, that our citizens can-
not renn( 1 lie temptation ev.rv Saturday oner
noon of leaving town und spending the Sabbath
within hearing of tho oceuu's roar, if not in
p'entaut dalliance with its wave..
The ( ouiden and At'antic It iilroal ilesimti-li
four trains duily to (hat favorite bathing resort,
Atlantic City, and on Sunday morning it train
leaves at 7 ,ii) A. M., giving excursionists an op
portunity of taking a "dip," und returning at 5
o clock in the afternoon. The express train,
which leaves this ul.crnoon at 'J o'clock, makes
(he tup in two hours, and other ucc nuuioda
tions areullurdod at 415 and 5 , to r. M.
'ihe West Jersey Railroad for Cape May dike
passengers from Walnut street wharf, this after
noon, ul hall-past four o'clock. JX.iual induce
ments are also oiiered by this road to pas, (he
Saiibalh at the ( 'apes.
lii sides these, tho North Pennsylvania, the
Reading, (1,0 West Chester, and (he (ierinantowii
railroads convey purlin with great celerity to the
ditleuni country resorts eeatleied along the liues
of these roads. II. e advertisements of all thee,
ci iiiputnes will he found in tho proper columns,
and to them wo invito tho ulttuliuu of our
m: is ri;sus:i i;v Tin: i.r.isn.s.
I c, I'u-., l ie.. He, I i , in,'.
s'iln( lit 1 I.r I i nli.ic 1 elii; raoli.
Wasiiim; my, .In y I!.
Wc lout n that the Rebels In leaving this vicin
ity, s. nt most id their throueli Rockville
en 1 iiisday, mid in foil,, wing they gobbled up
any aiti, !cs that had es. aped then when coining
tliiiiugh that place on Sunday. The scviral
sb. ns of tl e place wete completely gutted. ..
I Igl.l nl KocU III. I i.. tor.' of . u rnl
Cur uivalry came upon th. It rear on Wednes
day morning, mid a bri-k skirniisli eu-ued, I ist
iig bur hours, in which each side charged
tl r. ugh Ihe town and a imiiilier were kilied
und wounded. During die inoining Itradlcy
.lohii-uti's horse was shot in the leg and l.uned,
and he was captured by our men, who, however,
did not lecognie turn, although they knew linn
to be an Ihccr; he w as I emg sent to our rear in
charge of two men, wh n the Rebels made a
dispel ate charge and rescued him. The Rebels,
to evade immediate in" oit nt the river lords,
blocked up the road with hru-h, logs, and
bioken wnuous.
fob In Ketrs'iil to 4or(.iii4vlll..
A lon e of Rebel raiders, nuiuiiering between
n.'O and ,"ii0 strong, pas-ed through Little Wash
ington, Spcrryvllle, and Creighorsvillc ui Thurs
Uay night, on their way towards Madison Court
House and Cnrdon.-ville. Tin y had l.?l horses
with tin m and 25 prisoners, w ho wero mounted
upon the captured horses, which were led by the
The Rebels pnssed Cieichcrsvillo about eight
o'clock, and half an hour aftcwards a small force
of Union cftvaliy from the West, who crossed the
Shenandoah above Conrad's store, made their
appearance at the same place, and proceeded
alter the Rebels. The latter gave out that they
weic making their way to Gordonsville.
.Military tmnu.'.
General McCook, General l'avne, und General
Potibliday huvo been lelievcd from duty in this
llepaitnicnt M.Cook reports to the Adjutant.
General for instructions, and Generals Double-
day and l'avne will resume their positions on
gmcral court-murtinl. Gcnerol Ilarudeu has
hi en ord'ied to resume the commaud of his
division gariLsoning tho defenses of Washington
north of the l'utumac.
Anoll.or Kt-port.
Information direct from Loudon Valloy states
that the Rebels aro moving towards Gord nis
ville. 'I hey secnud to la; marching rapidly. Our
forces took Bradley Johnson prisoner neurKd
wares' Ferry, but he was subsequently rescued
by a bold dash of his own cavalry.
All viils quiet in the Army ofiho Potomac yes
Utday moniiiig. l'urtics from near Manassas
say the Rebels uro not repairing that road as re
ported. They seemed to bo in a hurry, having
received information that Sheridan was between
them and Richmond with a largo cavalry force,
smashing things generally.
lillielialor MiUnl.
This Rebel gaug was doubtless purt of the
Kebcl force lately operating In Maryland. It is
rumored in Alexandria that one of the notorious
Kitmhelocs, who was in command of the Rebels
who attacked our Homo Guards ut Aecotitik day
before yesterday, was killed after rctm .tin . ...
Sprlnglicld station, where a skirmish ensued,
ourcawmy come up with them. Seven
Rebel prisoners, nicked un bv the nurM.lera
of the invaders, were brought lu last night.
I'roiu t in I'olul.
The mull steamer Juhn llrooii arrived hern
this morning at six o'clock, from City Point,
which place she left yesterday morning ut ten
o'clock. She brings no news, but reports con
siderable uneasiness manifested by tho boatmen
on James river, occasioned nf
several of our gunboats, and tho tiring upon
several steamboats by the RVbels from iieU
pieces on the bank of the river.
I li Innnssus Itoml.
We loam from parties fruin near Manassas that
Ihe Kibe's ure not using that road, as was ro
noKed : on the contrary, duo lnuuirv shows thut
they have removed .uchirouas they could gather
up, and transported ilturthcr south. No it to
rq air n ads leading from Richtiioti.l is of more
immuliatc imioitaucc to them.
All Communications, Except by
Arms, Refused.
Ni.w Yoiik. July li!. Tho steamer Ifjumj
tilings Mexican tews of June Uhh, via Havana.
Maximilian had invited President Juarez aril
other liheial.ehiefs to come to the city of Mexico,
and consult together on a plan for re toriug peace
and the establishment of his empire, at the same
time guaranteeing their full protcc: Ion and safety
It is suld they ull refused to hold ronimunic
lion, except by uims, with tho agent of Napoleon
.Maximilian bus taken up his residence ut Cku
pultepcc, live miles from (he city of Mexic .
No Minister hus yet been appointed to tho
Vuitid States.
The reported adhesion of Crugt to tho new
empire Is not generally believed.
The Iti'bvl Itiil.l into Mulue.
St. John's N. B., July Hi. The report of a
ruid on the fiontier of Maine, from New Bruns
wick, is looked l.puu hero as entirely uufuuudeJ.
Miss Olynipia Brown, an eloquent speaker,
has been instulled us pastor of tho I'nlversalist
Chinch lu Weymouth, Massachusetts.
(ieorge Haskln, a discharged veteran, was
killed on Wednesday, the dth instant, ut Valatio,
New York, by a young woman named Laviula
Leach, lie was playing cards with a corporal,
and the lock u pistol and shot him through the
heud. The Ciremr's juiy found a verdict of
"uccidiidiil killing through inexcusable carelessness."
Bpt't Inl Drspatclica to KTcnlng Telegraph,
Wamiisiijtom, July Id.
NvmpnlMrem Stm( I p
Srvc-nl pr.nein. ill 1,'eb. 1 sympa liicrs residing
nt r.iii.lensi H rg and in its vh im y, were arrested
y.steid. y and sent to the Old Capitol by the
military nuihotities, f,,r fraternizing with and
giving infot mate.n to the Rebel invaders.
4 or 4'r at Hall Inn. re.
Genital Lew. Wallace has been relieved fro n
his i m. maud at Haltiuiore. (iencral Tyler will
tnke ins place.
4 lll.rr AMIllerv It.'IcnHP.
l.iiii'eiiuni-t'oh.nel ,1, A. Huskins, ai,l.,.dc
eatup to (iencral Augur, his b, en appoint d
(hef of Artillery of the Department of Wa ll
ir g on.
'Mnr Assistant lilpprlor-4iriiprnl.
I Ii nteiiant-Colonel II. II. Wells, 'Ji'th Michigan
V- I n nt. crs, Is iiiinoiiiiced a- A.-ting As-i-tant In
p. ct.. r (uncial of tho Depaituient of Wash
ington. Thr- I'lrnlp " I liirlil.i.-'
Mi. io ves c!s are lo lie despatched in pursuit of
th. ...,.., and -he will probably be ovcih in'. 1
s. un win ic oil the Ninth Atlantic coast.
I bo Hi llii iiini r nf ihr (
It i-bi ei in ng more and more npptrent th it
the Lel.l Cone whl. h lately Invade. I the in
lio'tnl capital did not number over t wsuty-iiy
thousand m. n. This is considered by those who
lire not desirous of bolstering the military repu
tation of eiriain lo alities (o hu a very lae.s'i'
Tlic ii.'i,'..,-, n.-.nil' (his morning is out with
another leader upon this subject. It lc tines its
pie it ion as follow s .
' We are not of those who believe that this ei-y
w. s ever in anv pi r.l liom ihe iiiag' of the
lor e that necnlly invalid M.nylanl. Tut
b.iee is now known to have been e iiitcnipt -
bly unall, and, nit, r making d illo.v- lor lamest iguo'iuico, nothing Im
the insincerity and in.src titi's-.ntatioii wiii..i,
may ml to bolster up otlieial ,n, visibly
sinking under the load ot an int.dcr.ible hiimil a
(ion. will longer undertake to slinil i'e any a i
prel.ensioiis of these grounds; but we do behevo
that tl.e c ty nniy have been in danger from
ihe heedlessness of the military a liinnistra
tion before tin- approach of the enemy, ami
(rem its shitle-sness after tint approach,
when, iind.r the pressure of a sudden
emergency, it lost as it did all pnvnee of min i,
and all Hi. icnev of conduct. L is quit.. iio.i-
..un in.- n w iiuiinre i men who m Id Wash
ii gum under siege f r two days, on Monday and
'I u.silay last, could, if (hey hinl suill. ien'ly pre
sumed n the reigning want of vigil inee" hce,
have quietly ridden into the, city under cover of
the da'kne-s of nieht. Is lore nuv alurin had
been nosed, seized the President and hisOabiuot
and blown up the Capl'ol, destioved tbe public
bui'dings, nml retired as mysteriously and as
in, harmed us they came."
The Mlllllit Nnslsnsl Onl.
Tho militia of this city, who started out to
occupy the intreuehmenis on the line of the Po
tomae defenses, have returned home and been
mustered out of service, they having ha I the
pleasure of seeing about one day's service.
I'Hiirlly or Ihr Itebol t'orro.
The tntelliyenrer of this morning says th it the
number of Rebels who occupied the railroad
bclween this city und lialtimorc did not exceed
six hundred ii.rn.
mow F.tHistr.ssi titr:.
FotiTiinss Moniiok, July 1 (. K. P. Squires,
private of the 2d Massachusetts Artillery, was
skot dead in the Norfolk City Jail by one of tho
guard, for a violation of orders.
Two steamers arrived last week from New
York, mid (wo fioin IlaUimoro, laden with vege
tables for the nrmy of tho Potomac.
Tho steaiiur;ifer Jl'uni'j Is also employed
by Government in collecting produce from va
rious parts of Kastern Virginia for tho same
The steamer I'mlrd Slalrt was fired upon last
night from a Rebel battery, opiodlio Wind Mi I
Point, on (ho James River, and three shots took
(fleet. No one win injured.
Colonel Charles Diamond, of tho 1st United
States Volunteers, w ith two squadrons of tho 20iU
New York Cavalry, left Portsmouth last Satur
day and returned last evening, having succeeded,
after repeated skirmishes, in driving ull the
guerillas, Rebel cavalry, raiders, antl pickets Nansemond county across tho Dlackwatcr
river. We lost one man, who was wounded after
being captured. Not being utile 1 1 arrest tho
murderer, the Colonel burned all the buildings
in the neighborhood where the murder was com
The American Flag Torn Down, and
Stars and Bars Hoisted.
lllltl K t on VA S I EN OF I'AW-PAW
LfAVKNwoHTii, JulvH. Inf. irnia' ion reiche-l
G. nerai Curtis early this morning, th it a force
of bu-hvt hackers, numbering some 5 Id, entered
Piutte Citv yestirday ami took p is-es.ion of tho
town. Little or no opposition was manifested.
A I onion of tluee companies of Pa-v-l'.iw in lit a
joined them. All are und. i commaud of Th un
Aibr the town was taken, tho anieric in H,i j
whs torn down, and tho stars and liars ra sed iu
kiiud. Wo could not learn that anybody had
In 1 1. killed, or tb. t any stores h id been ro i'ied.
Tie I'nion men were driven out, and many of
tin in uro in thi- city. Whore is the eoiiini iiider
ot that disniet? Weston is being threateuu I ;
(iencral Curtis sent out this morning a suilieieul
loice to prutvet it.
Complete Success of tlie Movement.
Knoxvillk, Tenn., July 8. Colonel G. W.
K irk letui tied to this )d ieo last night, from ilio
most brilliant raid of this section. L it oil the
Uth June with one bundled and thirty men.
Their tirst work was at lioswell, where tliey kill d
('upturn 1 . 11. Oshorn.thc most n itoiioiisguerida
in Fast Tennessee, and thirteen men. From this
point thev marched one hundred and liity miles
through lonely mountain paths, when they ar
rivid ut Camp Vance, North Cnolina, lie ir
Moreautonu. lieio thne hundred and twenty
mo North Ci.ioliua troops sin icimeied, hut
Major Finn, their commander, escaped.
Govi rnor au eaiid llrigadiei -(ieueral fi iiTiird
had hit only the day previous. '1 lie properly
ih sin y. d here was ; Kiigiuc and train, two thou
and bushels coin, thus hundred bales cotton,
two (housniid pair Lngllsh made shoes, large lot
bacon. At McFarhmd station, on ihe Saulbtiry
and Railroad, they destroyed station
and bridge, and captured twcniy-li.e null. From
lure they itliiin. d, skirmishing iih bushwhack
ers nil tiie way, hut only losing one man in the
whole (rip. Tiny dispersed various hands of
militia ou the round, and captuied much stock.
1 hey unived with one hundred and lifiy pris
oners (seven otlicets), sixty negroes, and seveuly.
hid horses, being compelled (o pernio many pris
ouei s, w ho could not he brought through. Tho
in groi s all enlisted, on their arrival hero, in the
1st I nitid States artillery. The Colonel had
twiuiy-tive North Carolina Indians, formerly in
tho Rebel service, whs make excellent soldiers
lor the I nioii. The Colonel and his brother,
l.ieulel unl W. II. Kuk, were both wounded
slightly. They are heroes who deserve the name.
L'iioiinull Courier,
i. !. t 'v ..rV n't t
s lit 1 1 r1 y . 1 w r. u (
i r IM' 'T-.iti. Thr
tl In u l
""! u 'i
'"!( It'-'!'
i.t f rt
tl tl"
! trip. li" iU
il i'i'ti.t firm, flu-
it I I ! I II
- j t un wn
:. it -A w in it ';
It uTi.'idi, lif 1
t ,i ti. 'I l;p I- r.i
i I i
V r k t" T tie vimf ei v I
W ;l (In nvtyi rtl nii.-n
an! in tV,i M.t- t.'tf i i.
! w.i miiinj, ri iil. ( iiji'iiii
Hri'itt thf t't'-'il t ' i:i'( itnni f off
u 1 ii
.r,i! i
t Im
s.r -iri-t . w t in ir- l tlo.'i h a - ( Ii.t ti no ifi'tirf, nn.l
h id t ti til h t lit- I' tilt il h-r "tut ii ; io ,( tint !it?
.i ii mil i-ctv cd. li c I'lith n tin1 ho the i'i,,ri.ft nvA
iiii.1i r It tit m il ( ) Kitnllli f:i.-, which hJ k-pt 'Urn
ittitil wiihiiiinttf -iii.rtfr ul' a mil.'ot ihu .' tnr s'rfi,
vttii n! v uhnit nt. il tie Ifv il r.i:. f -aj': a n ' irnhArti s
rt - f'i imi Hint tin Tctnrfl in-iijr he m cniti. ( i,tr ; In ln'.l,
I.r on I lie 1 oint "I rrtuslilUK th U9111I u.-t . ,il civ tlltn-,
lii-11 1 1' tit, cm 1 ul 1 tr true 11 at nrv.
N l tf'i - t:i 11 tlic I' n ix II tn I v nf hi cr ii-o'. mir -
ni, t,. -
iti...' ht ' .11,(1 111 iKf , 11
Vl.l.l.ta (ll-.ll.O-f.l ll
int. n: t. 11 , it- r v
it i V" in. tu rutlv
I) n tintm-i' rr I -h
1- u-.m (it 1 ii. li
;c.u vsm-.,.!,..! in
v II til
r ij 'ftiH 1
t.-l the
Ull I Ilk,' 'h 111 111 Ibl s ( MV' v
hi 1
sl 1 d lit.' l.i-.-nr'.'r lt. h- it II. 11 it iii.,
pr-'tn iiii.r t" lii 111 - c'l it tut h t iit c n Hint
mi ilut imr hit I11K ilium to ci'Ti-n f
. II 1 III I ll T
r i- i,i 11 it . tun
I -inif tin- 11 1 1 .-r. ii.'i,
I III .t w it.-'
Ih-k. r i.-'i'iin i .1 n nt) Ditrii iiiAttcn
!' ii-'! rii !: .-t: 1 1 ui.l .l ily I" .1--Ir.iv ui- 'n.
I I.r tu'-led 10 l"-tHi tin inniciii;, r " nin' ,t licit
fciv'il M'l hut ,1 mKs. Ill Mil-hlke, lull ithcii y, u K II nv itli
tt.i fin t-nit iit-v the p'h'tilt.'ii i.t llifta CHMM'il M'icrtlii'
lh. M tin iHiuitt, imi t nil ht-IHT Jiiilf, I u ii.14iciiit t -1
i 'li -1-Inl ot () 1 tit till y I'crviiis ; I iMiinnt -ta'i- the tsVt
ii;iiih.r. 'Hrvwrri ml liMiiU'i..H.i .i..cmh kh. . irtn-t .
ti... I it in n.i i,t i 11 ,.khi (ir HiMiKinti:i 1, hu t.iii
ci'i ( a N uw ink rtviitiftit ; l,li (iniiiuii w. it tium, ul' tin'
l-.i-aslmtirn, ft 11 it-muv r ihe ht-.: ,rftluailiis; i'.,ihh m W.nt
l" 1 11 1 , I AcUr 1; M;tst-r t .ihi.-. 1. 1 Mi ,nr, t 'pivi 1 10
In t iiitliiinl l"ii tit t i.f vi'-M.-l (iroMiu' tt p I r h t ' ( t'n two tlrit
li ftit. tn, (il i'IlutT ri'tttcj to tin- -t.i.i' riiMiii. kiul if .a .v,.,l
Nil ct ith M i b til tin 11 tnif potitloii, by uhbiiiiuIiid: tin- drfn
nl fii, ii?.
I tic 11 ittlf their nvprariinro hi th' npinol, whon tiint
tiiui.i il hfii-tf thf pit. tie -miiunul. r. 1 hcv ri'snrt il to IIir
Mihlt rliii f. Ill nr. If t hi 0 Crtpo the irf ftiH " fm whl,!) (ii,.v
hid t-wi ) ii d-iiii t-iiiiii' . tt a-hi w ititiit inr titeni if nl
lliril i ttic r illso.iw r Hi. ir t ru c,t. ti-r, Ji.iKt u th. tr
i.strMi ami iii-Ht'i'"Uiiiiif ut. tt iii-n Hp,.. Iiik' hchirf .M ir hint III M p. -t-riil. II tin- lui, pn.;ili'ri, infft
itti.'r (is'iTir I.t .iti.-,i, d frr.ii v nrfi .tj, t lli' litU'itij U ,1 itft fj'tinli ungiit hhtvc pi'uvi'ii il Hi'ilv
-1 una. luiiir.tiy t. -up. . ;u i.-u,, Un-lr olo w.i de
tiiiimt il. I lit- pttr.iU' rfuti ihun :
. tn un- aim m th" I'lntcl Hlttfii of Atin'riei, U
tit-n by paioh il iii-ii h worJ oi, not to n.-rve
H.mni't il-f C -iiM'iii nirc Htit4,or tin oiffOii or o:liur
11 1 cut until tlulj t'Xfiititui d
"'. M MiKli.AI Lr MOItKH.
"( 'oiiima tiding ('o;irt;i.'ijtf HU'ium-r t'iot .-i.
".Inly Id, 4 '
A Mm II. r parole wn ulna pm to I of tt.hhi, a mih(iiii
tl 11 ol "imv mi ' arui tiv iu m-iiir.
Itifit- w sto no oihf 1 choic hrthfiu. Mii.l th-rci'iui'il,
Olf. V WotliJ. til All plO1 ft ll I A f)4M hfi 11 Inn If (I Uphill t!lf
.S. Utl fill fl ()(, III. II plrt.'fll ' l.lhlo ,' tlllTO to p.-iitn ot
Ufptlftt. I hf I'lfrtti-h Wfjif tn tin' hfit poitpnh'f humor,
hioI convi iitd t( - j riih tlif pri-oii'Tn, f-p.Tmllv with
the tl n t oir-i i t w 1,0 ln. I do itlii riLt'lvo tint ,,io grm ainl
t .t u 1 it ' l If 1 1 hp ptritti-n) pokf 111 th 191 1lUp.11 ,1-iiik
t nu-s-'f St intiii a, niui 4'iitniti-fit limi tin n t.t) : tlHu.hlig
t it v litit iih 111 hull if, uf win. h tin- ttft-f ay rl. -o.
'I'l.ft i t.itn itlim-d In.-was Mippln it w HU c u tint f irdo
fi'ltnc , hut this I d-.iiht. un lu- would 1 nr-lly he h . font 11 1
iiifutui (Vrtiilniy vt itti tin or vh-ven 'tormUltihio uhh
hf wniil4 proyt n 1 tNth utc T mtd tiinke a Htroiu r.i
kiktaiifi. Hf did not rip pear fie If n-t ;oii. urntKl as to h'
ftMii'tv , aud 1 ili.nht not he in inr out of harm wuv, not
wnhUftiiilliiif ln rilNirtf.t cnptitif. All ihe inititi'iir.-rii,
IiicIikIium iti" puroh d oihc ri, utniu In pral-o of thf k-irh-tntuily
fomliit'i oi tin' piratti oiliccrh. I nJ mbt-diy M ir
n" ia luanv krJi ulnve .Stuunes la point of rcipfci
Ltiitr. lit- a lowed the pnnniKcr to rrtuln all Hid p-operty In
tht tr poftirioii, watt Ii.'h, money, trunk, Ac, etc , M ir
litsonli u ''Rionia! the VRnt'l and caro. It w an auiiiHltn;
to ittiliee thn fviilrnt dclluht with which ho vlimed hit
pnf, an Ik- pi d up and down her ritva. It wan uih tn.
tfio l"ii l havi' burned her. hut I nlnmhl not tto mirpriel
at any iuonitit to 01 tho phatj t:-trtc Miufk.
II m nave l.ti iitf nant oloiifl II IiIn photoKrupli,
w itli tl.e remiet timt u mlklit hf IiiiihIc J t A i ttiiutrnted
la.r for pubiit Htioii, a he wai HrM of Hit' nrar crow
piutif. Who will txi the hK'ky po-iosor of hN "phiz"!
am rtt.aMe to ute; bat th Meniei-ntit-iol..iioI miht
tfrilt.f M infitili g liandfioiiie fMui I111, Tiie
ph toLraph, rtlthoiiKtt retotfiu.ahlf, ln.uot by any iiifatis a
liattt'ili ( pic tine.
) he pit 11. e i apirtln told hit captive) to tnke mirh article
an trier I. ml a timl lee1 of. Out Inahwonia'i, la tru
" I .ill it- fiylf," s HVHilntKlierxeirortlie order, itnd httt
fo.vafdtfii iii-ritfll 01' ijinlo a wardrolM'. when Morn In
formed M'ruhehad h"r nhitrtj. Her pre ft r'tn ho- iuhI 10
lit In tl e htdduiK litif.a xivupal ixattrf ttMjt cotiitiitnf 1
a part of her im dkiomh. li wun Iht iut 'iitioti 1 1 pay her
I'HNvrt'.'n, stm In ta t ht) Oxprunaftl much Uinappt'Olilttioil
wl en ord r d to ilel,
1 tifffirrtid to nit in luti that the plraton and the pnrehjj
orit't.ri stH(JloiJsil a v.. Mtd touching upon war innrs
while conver-i' 11. 'I It inilre cmw ..f thf ft tnr .so'irt
ixnriifd tn a r-chi-oiMT raptuifd that morning; hut hrmu-ltt
be k hr h 1 rluhtiul ow uvr, tho latter .ucvivtutj 7 k tu
oiu for lu hfrvkf.
Firm the Iltchmond WMtttJuty H.
We congratulate tbo community upon tho fact
that there in now a pnipect of tho city hcing ro
iv4 oi'itu Buperaiiuiilance of old women. The
military uiirliotitiot have tiorcrtnined t ?ive
portHtonll tJie oltl women who may wish to go
to Yankee laud. Joy go with them.
Owiriff to the detrtietion of the different lines
of railway leailing to the city, tho regular tmpnly
of meal tor the ptair hus failed. It it propo-ied to
relieve the prefteut netesHiiieKof tbe poor by tut
leriptiouB of money.
From th IUchmviut Whij July 8,
The new six percent, honda can now bfl pur
chuntd at prlv.ito Bile frm Lancaster it Co.,
ami other Government depOMLonca, tu 12 5.
CiiptaiD Davhl F. Hoy. an old and wc!l-knoYn tl lVt THhurfC. commit'ed Httieide on the
ninrniiig of the 7th oi July liy shootiti hiin-ivtf
tlTntigti the head. He wan deranged.
Ft imi thf ftifftmrmtt Kxantintr Ju 'y t.
Ycfterdiiy about one hundred of tho Yankee
d "eiters. Le!d ut ihe Castle, were tra mferred to
the laihhy, and tlii-lr tu. changed f om do
mw rsto tlmt of pn-oiii tm of war. I'. U at last
(he (lehln rjite convietitin f tlio C uilcderate
(Joveininent that deRt rieri can never become of
tiny ti rviee to un, t ithcr in tho army or tlie w.irk
Bhiii, and that it is li un to K' t man for man Oy
uu ex hange of those under the cartel.
The Paine paper nays, new pot ito-n were ot
fYml in Mimll iU nti ien in the m irk -t-f on yen
tt'Mlav , and weie marked four uui tivcdolara
per tpiait.
til ih i vi:n. t.tAfiuow am
i a i t: i n;, ,vn.
4'olonel linrk II. tir'n Winiiill thvi
4iiirlllaN lif'liil'l.
M'e lenrn (Voin a prominent citizen of the in
tt tint ot t tie Sta e n nuiiiht r ol'uatrai;es and
U'luliiiU r y a t hi iweeu r lieaiH and lu-h-v.hiH
t r liave o.rurred reeetilly tu Howard and
adjoining countii s, in wh:eh, ati usual, innocent
at i pi ai i aiiie citieiio have compoted a tn.ij ni y
ot tl eulh ti'is.
"i he chief of these diturhaiu cB to ik place on
Saturday la-t. on the road hetween l-'avette and
(ila.-Miw. ( link H. (in en, former ed tor of the
(riucow Tim X, :uid at pr.'-ent oiouel of the
-toiti JUiiiieiif I, mode 1 Milnii, w.ti returning
houie With live or -ix other persoiiti, who h id at
tend), d a pui do meeting nt l ayette, f jr the pur-po-e
of illcciii u county ornniatiou under
(eiarai IttiMeians late Order No. 107.
At a turn in the road they suddenly found
tin mselvr? in an timhu-ea !e tf IsiiMhwliackur,
who made ihem piihoiier, and t nk tuetn out in
the uoodh, and Iii Ciiu a consultation aa to what
fdiould he done wnh the cuptives. 4 wa at la-t
(hcidid to leleast- all hut Colonel (ireeil, and he
w as I. eld Mihjc t to a further paricv.
Meaiititne, JlriL'adiei-Oeneiai 1 ihI;, who
tilso nt'en.led the l aetio meetiti, emne alontf
in company with W. LeAis, Sr., and
c.Moritd y Cajiiain diace's company of tiie Uih
M. .w. M. A w. in in residing in tho vicinity
eo pi id (iciitral 1 it-k and to d hi that a guerilla.!,
hahil wii.i v, a l.iyum him mt tar ah aj.
Capium (iiioe pu-hed on with lne men, s;ir
ptihid und ilanked ihe oullawK, and iMe thetn t
heiiy vtdiey or two, which soon put them to
liiht. Seeiulof t lie fiuw wire wounded, and
atiH'i f Dm in a mere hcv, w ho wa-i mortally shot
with a Minie hall liiiuuh the aiHlomeu.
Dur nK the pro-jiv..-. of the liht, u iterilhi,
who had heen i osted as a iu ira over Cjlouel
(ireen, corn hided to despatch his prisoner. 11 j
pulled trlj-'r-'er three lime.-, with the mu.lo uf bin
i-hot-gun almost touching the lutter't. Iirru-I. 1 Ue
captt tx jl.-ded, however, each time without
Milium oil the ihaigo in tho harreltj.-and tho
wunhid.e aHsashiu then had rrerurse lt a pistol.
iih this he idiot (.'olottcl fiiven tinouU the
arm, und tired two or three lime moro. hut the
Micceoits --hots fortuiia'ely mished their aim.
'1 he wouuded uinii "ot oil in the hrush, and there
remuimd nuiil the ?ttnllu wi ro put to llitflit
hy the purstiing toice under Captum Oiace.
Silver titoikB in the AVushoc rcgiou la Cali
fornia have tumbled suddenly.
The city of Hartford baa a population of
45,000, according to the new ceasui.
Our Forces Ordered to
Cross the Potomac.
Railway Comnninication with
Washington and Phila
delphia Complete.
Sperlnl to I'lif ewillnir l, July IB, 2 oVloi k, 1'. M.-lp
to (lie ir sen! tiinu I it tit inulileii to forw.inl tlic
following nut the only news of i'onV'iicoei! iin lo
I lu- 1 resi ill :
I p lo iIiitc oVIock j esirnliiy uficinoon, noio
of our furirs liml crosscj (lie. P.itoinn e, but it is
understood time a simill furee lia.l boon orileroj
A lU'licl spy wis hung -clprl;iy afternoon nt
Puolthvillc. His niiiiie Kaiill'maiiii W iltu
iiu jer, fornu'ily of ttio 87ih Now York. Ho do
crte.l, nml wus rai(ureil on tho 3.1 of July, near
lVhTHliurt;. Tbo huntfin.; took p'uec in (ho
iniiiii un els of (bo (own, ami was widened by
tbo Hd Duision of Ilio (itli Curiis. Ho w,is a
jounn nnin ami moi bis fmo wlrlioiit llineliin;;.
Tbe liolicl (runsiiortiiilon (ruins wero nittling
tlirounb (bo (toets of rooli'-vi!io on M indiy
night nml Tin s.lny mornini; in ono un'irokon
stienm. Kviry rtoro In Pooloxvilli', Ruekvillo,
und Dninesvillo were robbed by the Rib Is, but
ns a (,'inorul tiling (heir behavior to tbo i lti.ens
was Courteous ua.l respceiful.
Our loiocs bold KdwurdH' Kerry. Tbe entire
lltbcl fonc is now in Loudon Valloy.
An ollieinl report to the l'ost Oilloc DepirU
incut shows H ut tho mail-, for twenty-eight, dif
ferent ritiis, were burned by the Rebels ut Gun
Trains lift Washington this morning direct
for I'bilnili Ijilii.i.
"'i-fti ( rili It.'li.'la lii Vli-Kliiln,.
Vahiiinoton, July 1G. Additional alurin was
occasioned on the Virginia side of the l'Dtonvio
ycstirday by repoKs that the Rebels are running
tne railroad up to Munassiis. The truth of the
repoit Is not established, but many persons ob
servant ol military ntl'.iirs think it not Iniprolia-
oie timt the design of tho Rebels is tn hold the
Gaps, and keep open the coiiiinunlcati.ins be-
twien OordonsTillc and elm valley.
ii.i.i Mifiw tuon i',nn,
liAHMMU HO, July lfi. Tho UilBouItv In re
gnrd to ihe mustering of (ho militia responding
to tne can for one hundred days' scrv lea still
continues to exist here.
It has already created much hoiirtburiiinj and
disappointment nmong the hardy yeomanry whs
are uocking to tbe defense of our border.
That the whole matter may be fully under
stood, it is ouly necessary to state tho order of
the War Department, viz :
"No fractions of companies can. bo mustered
iiuo mo service.
This order is rigidly adhered to by the com
manding ollleir at this post, the result of which
is tb at there ure more thiiu 2000 troops hero, in
compai ies from of 25 to 75. If these men wore
mustered In they would bo consolidated Into
companies-, after allowing their olllcers time lo
recruit them to the maximum strength; but
under Hit present condition of the order Uoted,
their service is lost to the Government, aud they
ate fat becoming demorallied.
This stntemeut is due to Governor Curtin, as
many of the. volunteers and their friends imigino
(bat he is responsible for tbe present state of af
fairs. The contrary is tbe case, as be has ex
hausted every appeal and all tbe resources at bis
command to secure tho mustering of the troops
now hero with a view to the encouragement of
Ihe volunteering of a still larger number.
Thf luvn.loll of Mnltll.
Huston, July 1(3. The reports of the iuviion
of Maine from New firunswick a.ipear lo have
little Inundation lu fact.
A raiianl Itlxprovcd.
Uistow, July 16. Reports wore current this
moiiiing that the steamer Sew Knlmul, from
Hoi ton, for Nt. J oli us, N. 11., had beeu captured
by ihe Rebels.
The steamer arrived at St. John's this munilng,
perfectly safe.
Dr C.J. Hitter, a German surgeon who served
at tbe battles of Jena aud K 1 .u, died at his resi
dent c mar Cincinnati, Ohio, last week, at tiie ago
of sett uty-nine years.
SlA TB 01' TllKnililMKTKU To DAT. Six A.
in. Noon, NO. One I'. M., W. Wind, Km.
Nr.w Sn.AMsiiie "Kmilv B. Soiihik" In
hi'M'Tii'N Yi.sri.iiiiAY AirtUNonN. A s.lcet
party of Indies and geiitloinen, aocomp inled by
the reporter ol the public press of 1'uil.i lellna,
ptoceedeil ut five o'clock yesterd ty a tot uo n to
inspect (he iiiugiii'icetit new sLcatn propeller
l'.mihj H. Smitlrr. She is to run bet veeti Njw
Yolk and New Orlean-, an 1 Is tbe sister ship of
(be .'iifriV SjHiik, built and owned by Hie s.iuie
partiis, Mis-is. Kilinuml A. Sou ler fV Co., of
Ibis city. Alter viewing the vcs-el in ull's
tlie c'i inp.iny weie rigulcd Willi a sp en lnl
enlliit.on. Tlie cloth removed, uu I tlic
i j 1 1 u ii y , ri.-ing, dia ik the he.ilili and gnoi
fin in. o of Cipt.iin Wiiichcstir, c titi.n in i, r
ol (he visscl. The atiawo.e.l in a no it
speech, in hi h be s :i.l be hoed ( lu i uw .y
li. m tbe I Unit!" if ho met Inr on the high sen;
and if sho pressed linn, he would ll-'bt and go
d.iwn iib liis vessel; but not until he hid sunk
Ins Mini's. Ho hoped that the A.'miy (. S m,l.-r
wouid prove a credit to the tl ig, ilio city, (hu
company , and her niimi'suUe. Ho pnposcd tno
"In ait Ii of the gentlemen of lli.i public pro-s, '
which toast vi as I'.tspt.uiled to by Mr. I'll mm- .VI.
Coleman, ol tlie l.ed'tcr ; Mr. Caspar M. Sunder,
of the ltuili-tin : ami Mr. 1.. W. Wa l l, of the
Kvi.MMi 'J'laroKAi'u. The toast "io tho prs.
prietnr' was situkcn lo by M r. Stephen i. Souder,
ami Ihe "tolntceo trade" by Mr iinciiiier. Mr. J.
Gallagher, Jr., pn po-ed t ie health of Mrs.
l.mily II. ( r, utter v. I o n Ilio ship w is
in, in. J , winch was duly h'jimrcil, when the
company dismissed with three eh. crs fur tbe eap
tii n, ihu s'eumer. and the company who owned
and built her. The i'.m Jii li. SumL-r is au honor
to tbe shipbuilders of I'liiliiilelphiit, an I is one of
tlie iliiunihest ami best tilted vessels ull out. We
Inive already published a detailed description of
tbe vessel, while she was in progress ol Cou
stun tn. n.
The Klystonk IUttlhy. This warning at
nine o'clock rrof.ssor K. D. Saunders, hyiuvi
tulion, addressed tho volunteers of Ilio Keystone
liattery, Captain Hasting". Ho uuuoiinced tl at
bis fust signature, as Chairman of the Commis
sion for paying tbo (iitv dollars bounty, was for
a warrant to pay their company. He eonipli, believing that,, us
the Romans were not largo men, Julius Ciesar's
'I tilth Legion was not composed of nobler fonns
He Lad long known Ciptaiu Hastings, an I di 1
not behove thut, to Miy tno le u.t, there could be
found Mining all our volunteers a more eoiuploie,
patiiotie, aud cilleieiit or-' iniiution than thai ol
Ibe Keystone Hatieiy. His spieeU-wus received
with tho most enthusiastic cheeruig.
Oi r Militia. A bill was passed at talast
spsion of the Legislature to orgvniie tbe milftut
of tho Rbi(e. Whether this organisation It noir
in progress is more (ban we can U ll, not having
Irarnrd anyihlng In regard to it. Thebartavia
ltie, however, that nothing has been done, la
lh fa. t iilst tbe militia had not beea orders
to bold u,eif in rj.gj.ues, f0r duty in tho tmer
f fr cy.
This qnaker and Hutch fubh In the hoaestr
i.r our i iuniHspre,,,!, imwi largo an extent;
among the Ks,pl, of ,h, wh
slmiild nige n, the Oovenwr and hiscxecitlv.
clhee s the Imn.ediute and ..treia ,K-if,.r,Dnc
of nil work pertaimn to the safety of our peoplo,
property and b rrltory. ' r'j"
In Aut'iistsil extra seaslon of the lila nM
w ill be belil, W,e the bill, 1, h X
Male lo rompensa's those who sntfen-d from tha '
raid la-t summer, will lie passed, doubling oar
."siate doht and increasing oor Uxei. Now wa
have aiio'hrr opportunity t i piny out tho sum"
ping. nnimr, and all l-eeau-eihe Suns h ,t- '
too slow In organizing hcrmilitiafortbeihorjonti
und ell', ctuul protection of the property ( her
" I.aiior, Incomp, Axn Rfvbfb." Th mi
rfiiiieryot this committee Is still at work; not
withstanding (he l'uir has been closed for moro
than a fortnight, they still continne to 1 In the r v
leiptof Hinds. This week they have rcoeireeUivr
(en llioiis ird dollars. Their returns, as por ao
knowleilgment In another column, imlim't hoir
well ibey have managed matt. rs. With Mr.
iind Mrs. K. W. Hutter as Cliairmea, and Mr.
C'liigbnrn as Treasurer, tho success and' Ipa'ed la
(heir ellons huvo bien mors than 100,
(H m tor one cinmitieo to turn in. is dseng th'
" handsome," but when this amount is iiuUri,
wilh over .I0,IKK) in addition, too mnob credit
cannot be given to tboe who hv their IniU fa i
gable cxeitions secured it. While thiiir ma
chinery" Is in ini'h successful operation, we trait
tl.cywill keep it in motion nntil their r.!celit
...ertfc iriw. all cvun "qiiarr.T oi a miiUOQ, Of
rme-fnurth the net re-ults of the Kuir.
Ot R Domsstio Markets. This mora ug our
domestic markets were well stocked with every,
thing that Is in season. In prices there is no grc
ehango to quote. Meats of all kinds remain
about the samo, with the execption of veal, which
has advanced. Tho diffcient variolic f fruit,
stich as peaches, pears, apples, Ac., have lowered
In price considerably. The stock now on baud
is mm b superior to that of last week. Peaehea
per half peck sold at from 50 to 60 cents; peirs,
40 to 50 ccn(s. Hutter was bringing from 66 to
CO cents; Corn per doien 25 ceuts: tomatoes.
fl rr hair peck. '
Heavy Kohukht A man, named William
Keaioa, was arrested by Olllcer Roberta yester
day upon (he charge of stealing 9 ISO in money
anil a lot of silver coin. It ia alleged that tha
accused was at a picnic, where he became ac
quainted with a young lady, who, during th
course ol tbe conversation, mentioned tbe fact of
her father having this money in his house. Th
V 's'cd accompanied tbe girl home, aud while)
111.., managed to slip upstairs, break open tha
desk, and secure the treasure. He was to have
hud a hearing this morning before Aldermin
Deitler; but the case was postponed until MoiJaiJ
day next.
Uaported by Clark -en A Co., Broken, Ro. Ut 8. Tumi Bt,
SnOakDnd B. B.b'il.sit li'l ah Kia4lnc MV
i'J ' 5fUV 3H0.h Mellhenn,.... 4V
J""'h ) HIS h di. it'J
lee ab do UUI II.', s i UM an Exoalakir OU.. l sj
?lleO (T. s. s-an. 104 I .rT., I
"o It'.'f! Ii an oil
s.rsi reun. fta In.
lltKI lln....l'.lllt..l. 1
MOOCH) Sa.nt'W lri
anaai oo n',-
U4I dn IISS",
ti lla.nbil7U....llU
t'-iaai '.HilnliVal,.lJ
t.'KSl North fafia I IX
10 al. Maiiul A Miszh at
MUlaraJ ewi.... s
S O ah Mo Jllnbwk.... 4 V
llOih S h. N Df... trie 112
S ih .'.mi till.,., 7,
VI ah r.irrl.'. R. Si
Ml ah RadlDR B. B. atf
Oah N fa. K. H.. l
V ah MlnaliUI SV
Wall kaee a Vln.. IS
IT. B. I.rm-H. Stnek
rnmmlaalftn Rmkw, Ho. f Par-
uliar IJuUdlnsa, Walnut atreat, below Third.
Htported by C'larkson tt Co., Bmk.ra, No. Ul . Third m.
. .in. .. nunc na. isn. , un on. .... Illil b'a
Rn k Island liallmad bid
lO'iullnir llaL'r.ia.1 e.'.-V bid
llllin.u Central Railroad led
lialona Railroad bid
K.w York (nlrai Railroad 131V hid
Kna Railroad 1UU b,
Ilarlmn Railroad hid
;'"' tld
l ulled MMIva S-ifOa Vlt'i bid
''"' HMsaily.
! V alos
S)$i lais
l'i si tale.
Ml), aalaa
11J aajaa
llui lain,
.. a.le
10.1 'f
Jat Cooks a Co. quote (lanraniat SocBrlUe., eta,, la
Ml to-day, ai followa .
V. S. Sa. 1KS( laS?"
U.S. 7 3-10 Natm .."."litis
CarilSrans. .J Indi litrSnraa.Mrw
OttarterBiaalar'. Vraelwrs So
is 1V
- Rons. ...IdaV
IV-4fCMP.nBoBdaroadvkirdaUT.rTt.iJuM t Int.,-
SIT.. '
Quotations of (fallal ut. rhilad.lahta Ooid Rxekaoga
H. ti t. Third etrut, awssad atory : '
'.A-el S4 I Ull 334
U M I 1P.M A
At ark irl Huclualiug.
Sati rpat, July 18. The violent flnctu .t'oaa
in Sterlins Exchann., sa wall tha larfdoa deoIlM la
Cold. iiav. bad a tandoney lo sudervalu. fooda or tt
rlen rlptli aa. Thcr. lavsrylltu. Ckverai'l liere, and it
la worth $Wa,! S0 SI lbs. lu Timothy liter, haa tea
ame little Improvement, sad prlcca litre adranced ; Ha)
save told si tt 60. Flsxaaed, on arrival, la tak.a at t3'75.
Tliore la vry little dulnj la Flour, and priaoa keva .1.
clii.ed Mm. V burn i, o llh no aliipiiinK demand. The trada wlihln the ratine of from toS -a tor aunornnec
t i W ll fur extra; IIO'na,n (or low grade aail rwdea
lrruill; .ad ll ei4,ia tor fancy lola.aa la ouallt,
j:,re M.,ur aud Corn Meal are .utlrely nominal.
The inark.'t for Vs heat haa (.L-eu devuid of vitality. au4
rrle a Ita e deelined K(i'Al ceuta bu.hel. PeJinaj-K.uut
let! ia worth tl-ib(Ttt y bushel, ud at till ntftir. JOixJ
ushe.a err taken ; white ia worth ai 66, with na
aal.t. 1 lie no. If 's of B. b.v. teeu trlniua. ami it mar
be iuet d at tt ti 170. Oata are not ao acilvai a sale osT
yel t.w lo the exi.,11 . f about Ml bualiela waa .fractal at
$1 "a, but ...m. laiia rs rentieto puroka .. at Utl ttsura.
In Barley or Malt.ui. aalea have uuuie uudatr our ao'l.-ea
Vi'liUky l,aa d.-clla.'d; we auote at tl'70.
rmr n I'a'lihiidtr, Ji.i.inaoii, do.. J K. Ituluy A 'n
UriK funo J'Kito, Mtitaii. ki.'kntc J., ilmruvt itrouiLf..
ii i IK slum J'li he, Cuiita mt inu.tlttal, full Byetlu, t X.
h mini .v o
Sciir J. Wulituuim. Wlnnmro, IWmi on, 8iuuk-kuu 4
I r J H. APvn Cnf, Ito-teiii, Ciln.
ht-ki K. aui, l ow ii, Ho-t'Mi, La. aVnti(-4.riil at t'.
V. I . Supiil ,,!. uu Mm i lio-en. l.U ut. Wt Mtt sl '
11 tii V tf 1 tumteiiuiav, I mm ev.,Jitin nver, rlajni.
mm t hat icfttoi. httr. I Ihii-mIky tit 1 f. M ,tiU iil 4ic
1.1.0 'jtf-ini'ri i ii i, luciii-'iiaa.' K-t.l (iriNnttik, to Vai.y
S am. 1 U-l ViliHrf l.Ki "I im'',tj, fi taa4
i.air.jut utaviit, Im-i.c it-r Hvu vr(, M C, m tow f M Mitv-
tUa. Altltf.l M.
lt.iiiio Aassjeil (Uf.) Wurntmt A dayn fritin N
Otk, III lailNr: ! If'. A. liiU" 11.
linuJ Momiii, VVtiJt.ti m m H oa on, In lal. .i t.)
Lm bum i tn 0ioiii a-tiii t (.U'var.
nttl: r i. ti iiiiaiimtu, ni.i.iiita.,uiii tiutai viriUJU, UK
b. m Jl iv. . i itfui''i. r.uuirott a3i irtn roruei
MoiifM', iu 1)1hi t cttixatn.
k tir . auirti uvriiiwanu. uoua. irum nusiuu. ia Dal-
I" I'H.V A iiUiUI. U.
it ru ii, iit iroiu ai. uvurfu, mu., in otuittai ,
M III l(. illli iullla J" " Ul" SSftlVM, us uaisMt IV U.
Ait'lt iirt-id A t o.
(Hrlii at. la)li. I ui'BJpBwu, iruta new i wi ft, win it
UMaiiUilii. , llt.m
rfi t 1 1 ti li'i nu on, o uiji iiviu ngnuuijpfit) nituaiwasj
to iicor, h. htiicot.
ft hi J. It. Aiiiu, ( uiu.iniyi iroa Anuiuus.tit, iu uai
last ti cai'iuin. a ,
Kl,rMiH;. Karr, Myt 4 d, tiiu Miurblehwud, In
bllirt-l tn rail' ili .
st i r M'tut a Nickt-1, Small, 6 days from U on ton, la
baiia-t lufitaiuiii
i r l. aJ.N, tit(.u,4 dayi fiom New lUvetikla
Lajiafet lomriain.
huMncr W . L'. ru-rpoiit, lree, 21 Uuri from Novf
uikt stall W. at. Baird &. Cu.
C'rrij'Oiitftn,t of thf Wiiiitejihitt Exchange,
L.K-t. In l., Jiily H, P. M. Th t.illowiiif veaaoli arc
ai il'C ltiaaktaior. h, t.r J W. H i.t, umjiu rhiituittiii,
foi H'tfiiota ; .'. A KniW. dt.,fnr Myinic ; Klwmni D min,
tJ.) , li.r Fn.viOniit ; Mtry NuvveU , do., lor .'ulmol Hx
rutta. l-rt. h, do . f'.l i biiili 'iiim n ; (.turvta, d.t ur iki
last. Me ; A. 8teti.u,cu., 1 jr Wi'lm.! ; K.ipiAla H'llano
Sitm. a-twr, I., rttnrtt'iaiir. Abboit Uwrenci1. aiiiiuui
(lu., nr Hoi. Hi a ; U, W:V. wilh Wi-itl, itr Hw Y.tKt mud
k'atxuy Kcutint-', Willi luiuir. W nwl M. JC I'.waT.
t'UI, Ac., AaU ,UAiUI(U,
J. aBMifinan on m mi tiitluu.rv t tribal. A Unir 4,
il. L'J'U.M.HAl'U oH-Kl-.. li
MIl-IhI llramuKlff f-lanlby 4lliK
CO, 4. IS, 4J, -a, 7, -i 7. 4$t 51, 3i( 47.'
fio, :i.
;(i, liii, Ut, li, iU, 01, ,J, J,
CUtultu tui yj durtiw
t. Himtmum
CtfTUtKkam, sN