FRIDAY, JCLT 15, 1SM. wcarr or the new york pbess. ledlnj Kdltorinh from the New ri)crs Tills Homing. Turk I'ltt.HIIIK.VriAI.. Prtm (As Trlhunn. We cannot a- yrt be In litcoil tn fmbark la tthemTit canvass f ir the rrcslilenoy In prospect, rw believe tint m!t, rs of graver and mora preasit-g nonirnt should now engine th stte tionor the Amer cAii people; but ttier rimy be exprrmeit on public credulity too monsirniis ,.ape rtbuke, even though, thojr relate to a topic to remote, u iho rn-iilrtiry. Tims, ilw Jtoind Tvhlt. In finartic'a on Iho auhj.-i-t, gins the following a the tirrmttl nf th- rirnl pnrtics mm to the probable rot next lWcmlior, viz. : A' tlr,,a.'aa f-ti ta ... ... ti.ui (I Cailinrnia J'11""' IB Delaware : ',w 8 Indium Min 7 k iitiirfc v Ww.;l,niMt' !2M.irjjnd Mll:I.IU:ll H )N w ILmpshirr Mi-sonii INrwYfia 3:i NcwJiTpy V' t" 21 New York Rhode Island 4 Oregon 'Veituuni.... lY-iiiisilrunia Total .12-5 Total. .1.1 . 11 . 8 . 8 . 3.1 nH if;t. OalTortiia In' Mltini miIh Oi. r l'-i nay nU... Wi cm In Total , lU"fl4l. .', Illinois 13 Mn'uiitaa 4 Vl.-coiisiu 2 H Total . ill Here the IJeptMirnm Hre represented M estl Biatli t that the icsali is douhtfu.1 in theilix States w sat down. Hvrry one of th im Slates waa car rlidbj us at its Uet election by msio-riiius as lullt.w Hep. r'r. '. '. g,m. Vit. MI7 tl 7H . clk.n in. i er, but A ol led Kep. tut. l. Mj l'J .li A 7..1 ri'iiwi la., I'ai-B f Mliitit-.O'. a C'rfinm t,li.ti i.m u.i.nih -overwr mm Ittp.m.l'. ' JiTmnim 4't( 4 I I l" H "'c-i 6.'., ail w.rii Nnw wi I liny one pretend, In full Tiew or tleatHire tiiure-, kit Me Krp'thumnf cnniidor U'e Tote f:ir I'r. fdet of tbeau Mates doulitfui f Hul i he ').K.Mii(.n. It in added, enal ler tho me i f tne ilt ven Srte tiandlug flrit in tho rght-land column certain thrir file, and tii"i-e ot the three helo tbein d .Q'i'.ful. Indeed ! Tdo e f niw Sta-i a ko, at ihc.r In-l eiccd n mpictitcly, ao aguruuate mnjoritv of mire tiun 1( 0 WH) ' r the AiHiiiiiimratiiitj, while but on ut them (New Jer-ei ) wax decidedly earrieil hy tbn Opij.)n. And yei eleven of them ru ac-coub- i re-am li.r the (p ilion ti ket and the otliet netiiiiiiitliil! Could any thiux be m ire preixv rn f MIiiq int we do not pre end to force tit with cootidenee th voto nf imy ot' ih, e nett Norem Ier. T ry mneb iniint di'penil upon cronm y.'t future. 3ut there are not kix Sutci in the Union Jhicu any ell-inionned pulitician to-day be lieTea more likely to voto am.l Mr. I.iuooin than for him. 1UR HARMONY F TUB ("VIO pauiy a iMtiMF. Nt:t:Nirr. ' Frm ifii Ttmrt. We gn-a ly regret to ace a dltpoltlon In soma quarters ot the Vulon party to keep up old hick eriDgs. Even were there any principle Involved In them, they would bo Inexcusable tine tho party, through it accredited representative, baa cttled all Its essential urinclplei at Bahimoro. But, ao far as we have been ohle to discover, there la not a pardclu ofuny principle- In dispute. The atrife is a 1 personal. Wo are ashamed to ay that it Bee urn to spring entirely from per sonal j alousiea and personal grudges. One set catches up with eagerness every occurrence that makes ngalust another set, which, in turn, loses no opportunity to recriminate. This thing has gone on until, latterly, portions of tha Uaion party are an much given up to scandalous wran gling as was aver in a Uiceit camp in the Trojan an ge. Hut this is something more than scandalous; it la ciituinai. ita whole teudency is to distract aud latai y weukin tho party, on whoso success aepends the tilva Ion ot tho' country. Harmony in leviing, iu purpose, umi in ell'ort, is fndlpen tnhle, tven lu ommury times, to any party wuich atcks to cairy a Presidential election. All ex perience proves ti nt it puny wtiich wa-tvs its energies in internal broils and plots, is a djomed purty. The fact that tho L'uio t party an a grander cao-e tum any other fiat evr existed in no way exempts it from this law of p irty lite. Thorough organization and a compete tsvrit du corps are as esseulial to the Union army as to the Hebcl nrmy; to the Umou party as iu i be Opposition party. Tho excellence of the cause, instead of dimin ishing tins necessity, only augments the guilt of those through whom it lailsof being met. Hrery nmn who earen for the auvinir of tim trm..n I. bound to subject every personal feeling to th it end. Allow that bn b is private griefs, which Lave justice on their side, tbey cutiuot justify his niasibg a brawl a iout them ut u crisis like this. In the Height of the aiorm, me true sailor, who is for saving the ship, does not quarrel with his d tiirad. a, whatever his provocation j ho works fnt blully on; forg. ts the otlVuse if ho cm, and. il not, ieae us suit euieat to some future d iy. 1 'ei baps we arouaked, what can bu expected of .the irew If the olUters ou tho iiarier-deck ,iUnrrel? We know it is said that ibe prime source of the di cord is in P.esident Liuo .lu's Cabinet. Were it ao, it would not he a wait tne less culpable, if thuie has Ik-cii or u-jw is a Culiiuit ollicer who is not above giving pi iy to rirsonal rtscntini n s and grudges, agai'ist either is omclal ussoii aes, or ugamst this or that mau in the party at laite, he is unlit for Im p aje. Patiioitsin that rises to no higher level than that, ia ofa l.aia'd qintiilv lh..t has no business with any otluial trust iu this oread time. We no not Ikj ieve that president Lincoln, with bis bigb-Miult'd singli'iicis of purpose, his aliso - luie freedom from i very persoual j alousy und ii see.iiiein, n. uiu lung ton ru e any sucu evil example in any of ttnve wliom he has placed at the hi ad of ibe (;re.t adiiiiniblr.itire dOjiartuii nti of tlrU tioveii.mcii:. It is not mo.aliy possioie that he cun continue his con'idence iu any in in who would gn.til'y Icseutiueut or irnlousy ut the expenae ul tne haiuiOTiy of the I uion 1'irtv, or i to the damsge ol the politic lineres in any f .rin. Il i ny aucti muliu iiilluence has grown iii iu the C b liel, we t.Oie It tor gran ed that Uu will uislodtie it. His ti lc!itf to thu cau-c, hii ohli patioiis to tho ginit loyal party wlucu has sttked Its all on (hut ndeii'y, tin per itively reij lire th it tlie sioi.e ai.solnto dt vu: lull to tho puiilic good, ich his own soul, should he sbaad oy ull 4. his Cahiuel, und that II sliouid as religiously i.V'ilale their c III i ll life as it d'les hi. o n. We tiun that as the Presidential cuna s nd- TaDces,tbe tiieut loyal liooy ot toe L'uiou party r will Miow that they .il tolerate none or these personal am n utii.ns thai they will put the b tu upon llieiii us In sine i. ml la ul o the I'uioneiu-e. 'lliepaity lannot mlonl to laip t:enl with iuo Lo think n oie ol tluir own rcsciitui.-iiis t laii of the li. H i. s s of ti e coiiuire. Tuc union:, i , who tiiiike li p 'he pur y Hie 'lieuweives con'r ll -d liv pul. lie isii, sidi iu ions oulv ; nud they have a litrlt to insist that this ahull bo the all runng apnitof the pany. If ihis eau be accuitd, tut) of the party is certain. Ihuie is tbtit lu the Ualiimore ticket and plat, foim which will surely overcome all oppo-liioii, unless It lie I ttayed by fulse friend. No ob aeivmg man doubts that the majority of the rvop e arc lor 'he pro-ecutlon ol the war until the Ubels are subdued into an unconditional s mi nus. on. Ihut deteruiiuatioti tinds its ' only I rlenr expomnl In the declared policy of ' the Union putty. The Opposition party ld, uud of nc6essiiy must, go before the s.opie clihcr wl U pence propositions out risbl. or with imli-aud-half, milk-itu l-water rtaolutions that will express ueitber principle Dor uipoie. In spue of all the venom Cibicb the Copiarhends will emit against 'resident Llnco n, and all their mlsrepreseu . utn us of thu cause to which be Is coinuiit tid, the gnat loml, treason-hating majority of the people will aland fast to tho real istuo, andsiva an overwhelming vote for the maiu- tensaco n tne war, u those who act in the name ot the L ull n pany'truly devote themselves to its ihmough oigamtaiion aud the couccotration of h$ psi nolle spirit. Let there be an end of every old rankling, every unpleasant memory; and let every niaa who caias for ibe deliverauce of aia country sjroia U terrible dangers, know no pur Puaa but tu do bts utmost towards le-elecling the 4 ' Hieut bo U pledged uurcKrvedly never to J id to the Hebelliun. I I mm i g-Tbe Poteh refiners furnl-h the English an dy wltb slxty-0v thousand tons or sugar. Gillvar hmm tAn rit.tjut l.i !(. -11 r:.l f Ue watar of the Dead 8ea, after evaporation. ' "'The bat bur of Sehaslopol la nearly cleared of iU)4 aiuia, thus dating Um Cruueaa war. 111.04 it Anr,-RrMiwu at i u . tti.r.,. to amis wiLmxarow. Rirmond CcrritpmiUrve Lrmrtnn inrt1, lit or vrasm.a misniwri tub tTt.miRADB at eAtll.STOrt ANII WTI.MtNOTOtf, PHOM JtlSO- AT 1, 1S63, to tub Mum,n or ai-hil, lSi'.t; Trlvt. T'-lft. Jf. I in Annie Chllilc , 2 1 Cap'ured 17 Desiroveil 1 DctroveJ 9 Destroyed 8 C ipiured 9 Cap'iircd 0 Captured 0 Cantured 1 Ciptured 3 Can urcd 4 Captii'cd 0 V. iptiircd 1 Captured .1 Capmf 1 3 C ip ured I Lost 0 C i;i'uro.l 0 C tntured II Capturm! 1 Cultured 0 Cspturvil 0 Captured 3 ( : turid 0 Captured 1 Lost 2 Lost 2 Lost 1 Lost 0 Capture I 0 I, Ht 4 Ciptnred 9 Cap'ure i 8 Now rnnirn? 8 Now ruuniug .1 Lost I 1 Lost 8 CADtured 3 Lost 9 Now running 1 Lost 3 Lost 0 Lost 0 Lo-t 9 In Kngland. 2. Il.rnld 3. I.ri'pnrd 4. lleaurcfnrd fi. MnrgRtet and Jessie . )lrlle( 7. ('(irmii'ia . Mrolall 9. Ar e 10. ralvpso 11. Kn'bT 12. Ihiiirn.... I t. firanitc ( it ...... I I. l-.ojjlf ; 15. l'Thinn (iirtiude 17. l'earl IM. Thift'e, Nn. 1 ID. Kntc, No. 1 20. Kate, No. 2 21. firorelannn 17 2 9 8 9 9 0 1 3 4 1 1 3 4 1 o 1 14 1 0 0 4 1 1 2 1 I I 0 4 9 8 8 3 '5 8 8 8 1 3 0 1 9 6 4 7 1 4 1 5 0 I 0 0 1 2 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 1 3 T 1 0 I 0 6 0 4 1 i 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 22. 2.1. 24 I'tlnecM Hi i v lit . . . . HrltHDTiiit NiiiKeinan.. ....... 2'i. l;arcin...... .... 2ii. I.lzle 27. 1. 2!t. ao. Charleston Hehe Mernmnc Huntress 11. Kllaand Annie.... .'12. Pet .1:). .It. ;t". in. .17. ;tn. Alice I-'atmle , l-.luheili Moultrie AraMan .. .. , Maio.heo 3!. VeniK 40. Adranrt 41. Jimo, No. 1 42. I'hanioni 1.1. (,'am-dir 44. Cron-tidt 4 "i. I ansa 4(1. Maty Anne 4 Cantured 4 Lo-t 4i.. Klorn 4S. Flora (acrcw) 4!. Juno, No, 2...... 60. Kngene 61. Oibraliar f2. Pon "3. Aocla .54. Scona . , a 65. Anglia .... 6i. Wave Wind 57. Memphis 5H. Nashville 6!. Kn.llv IK). Tubal Cain 61. Mitilio C2. I.adona 61. Columbia 64. rircavaiau 6(5. Petcrbofr 66. Siettln 67. Mermuda 68. Waihlta 6u. Sputikie 70. Diamond 71. fpalding 72. I .ii mar 73. Jupiter 74. Dolphin 76. Mail 7'i. Nina 77. Nt. John 78. Hero 70. Kiln 80 Ho tun 81. Dutiro, No 2 2. I. od 6 In Cape Fear river 0 I.ot 4 In Knglttnd 1 In England 6 Captured 0 Captured 1 C ipturoil 0 Cantured 0 Lost 0 Captured 1 Darned 0 Lost 0 Captured 3 Lot 0 Captured 1 Captured 0 C tptured 0 Cap-ured 0 Captured 0 Cnp-ured 0 Cap ured 3 Lo t 0 Captured 1 C iptured 0 Captured 0 Cultured 0 Captured 0 Ilurned 1 Lost 1 Captured 1 In Kngland 0 Captured 0 Lost 0 Burned 1 In l''.nUnd 0 Captured 1 In Kaglnnd 0 II 11 rued 2 Captured 1 Burned 3 Duruad 6 Now running 1 In Nassau 0 Captured 1 In Nassau 0 Captured fl In Nassau 0 Captured 4 In Itcrmuda 1 In Nassau .In Nassau 1 In N.issaa 3 Lost 2 Lost 1 Lost 0 Lost 0 Lost 0 Lo.t 0 Worn out 0 l ost 1 Not ranulng 0 Lost 1 Now running . Now ruuniug In Herns Ida 1 In Nassau . Not iu yot 0 Lost 0 Lost 3 Now running . In Charleston 0 Lost 83. 81. 8.5. 8(1. 87. 88. Hero, No. 3 (iladi.itor Kannie aad Jen... l.ittlo tScotia llendlgo Dee 89. Svren Wi. Oi m ill. M nna 02. Dispatch 93. Alliance b. 1-uiy 06. Ci rca 96. City of Petersburg. 07. Coquette... 08. Star 00. TtntliHBV Castle 1(10. 101. 102. 10.1. 104. 10,5. 106. 107. Ceeile W ild Dayrell Presto Vesta Nola liangcr Heroine Dare Will-o'-the-Wisp.. Iona li.8. 1(19. 110. Caledonia 111. Little Ada 112. Horie 113. 114. Annie David Modern (recce.... 11.5 11(1. J-:nnly, No. 2 117. Index US. Mars 110. N infield 120. Th.stlo, No. 2 121. Young Kepuhlic... 122. Oeneiul Whiting.. 123. Hopo 124. Julia 126. Oieyhouid 12. Minnie 127. North Heath 12H. llonlla 1211. Iona, No. 2 110. Ked Jacket 1.11. IdPh 1.12. Constance 133. Lady ol Lyons.... . Now running . Not in yet . N it lu yet Not in yot Not in yet Not lu yet 1 Now running Not In yet 0 Lost 0 Lost 0 L 1st . N w running . Not in et . Not In yet Rt'MMUtr. fiO vessels captured i 41 vessels lost nr burnt j I now running in Cape Fear; 6 returned to K ig lniid j 1 worn out ; .11 running or expected iu ; 3t cap! ui eel or lust beloie reaching L'oni'c leracy ; 12 ruptured or lust before unking one round trip; Hi enptmed or lo t before making sec md round trip ; 3 captured or lo-t liefore m king third round tup; lliaptured or lost liefore iiniKnm fourth round ttlp. Out nf 17 v. a els owned in wn ila or in part by (iovi nitnciil. 12 hnvu i.e. n ca.itun d or lust; 1 is worn out ; 1 gone to Kng and for repiirs; 3 sti I running. Out of liO private voxels, HI have been ci.ptined or lost ; ti arc out of this trade; 2d sti. I running. An Inrlitri.t of Urneral llmiler'a Hal. I. M.ijt.r Capeh.irt, 1st Regiment West Virgin1 Caviijry, who is now In Win e iinr, ra'at. s a i in cident in connection with the lute mi l of ti .na tal Hurler, which e never .en ia print. It ii pi .lis that in the lii'.ll li of Nov onm r last a JiroinlKiit ri Ien of tlreenliriar c.iiiniy, na ued Jiaiiu Cra, killed one ol tieccrl AVv ri I's soi 0 it I s, w ho belonged to a company on ph ket duty iiriir Crta's hotise. Crca brst shot me soldier with it revolver, unit th n siriuk him in the heal Willi an axr, earned the body lo a well ou ho tdiicc, and t n m ts t d II In, wl'h a view ol colic aling Lis crime. When the army pa-si d throngn lav ishing rect ntly, ou its way io Lyncuii'irs', a nerj Iniiu li f iiiuii some ol (leaeral Averili's odl -:ei s ot ti c lue s tnciiiio' ed uiiove. T l.e Oeneiul ut nine ordered the arr stoi'Crei, who was .laying ut his In. use aioutsu inlet fmiu L lii liliiir.', and be was liken uio ig mill thi lim y, tin the way to .S:aunion a eoiir. iu ir- it-1 was colli ii in the Cise. uu i Cica tl s.n be i broii"! t up I'.'r tita: iii uio a f ill c. uilcl n of tl e ii, up er. The s i iein-f of the cm t was Hi it In be I, u tig I y Hie r.cck iin'ii he was lieid ail alibis ci inhiisttl'le property Im destroyed. Tie senu i re whs approved by. (i -neril Co ik-, an 1 put into execution the day after the armf luft Miilihlull, at a little place culled llrnwu.tottu, in tbv picociice ol a latge uuinbcr of aoidiurs. rontrabauUa Dluaiered In. A large number of contrabands who followed General Hunter on bia return from his recent raid into Virginia, were mustered ii to the service of the bulled States as sol lb rs at Wheeling, on Monday. Tho Wheeling Intel, ligtttcer alluding to them, says : "1 buy are en tirely diilir rent from tho apecliuens of the race found in this country. Some of them are as black as the ruven, and their faces sh ue like a polished boot. They all have the same peculiar ?:nlt, and they talk and laugh unlike the darkies rum oilier States. Upon being stripped for meuical exaniina'loti, some of their backs were ft und to be terribly scarred with the lash from the neck to the waist. One of tbe contrabands had a foot 'on to him' like a dug-out. Tha Government don't own a shoe that will tit him, and it is said be will have to be tout to Philadol I hiu to be shod." Patici Henry sconted the idea of sectional distinctions or individual Interests. "AH Ame rica," aaid he, "ia thrown Into one mass. Whore ate yoor lundmurks, your boundaries of colonies I Tiny are all thrown down. The distinctions between Virginians, Pennaylvaniuus, New York ers, and New Knglauders are no wore. I am U0 Virginian, but an American." Thi Fkssch laox-CiADs. Orders bare been lent to Cherliourg to ch.iige the armament of tho imu-clads Matmtu, Hoiftrino, and Couronnt. They are henceforth to carry rilled tblrly-pouud-eis. hity-pounders, and tour ruled LLt-utCB howllseri. THIS DAILY KVKNIXO.TELEQRAPII.Prni,ADET,rmAt FIUDAY. JUT.Y lfi. 18M. SPECIAL NOTICES. tf- TH K COMMISSION OF TlIU ' Fnv tllsrs rtontitT und fur lh llundrail Intji' TA.nt ter.. snd K&tia Motility r-int '' n Ills Uli.'sr,liiiJ l,.v ba-n Pl,.,hilrd lit Cmindll m otniiOLlu lu rt Hi r.ft I'OiUtK lluuniv l -aou of tit, lu,. llDi.sonl llar'M-u ol ihtcllt. f ums immm ais.lM Oti.nml 1. .mm .(,!.,. ' It la n si ., 01 ils,.i nvtm to IS ruammloa that thftfl must l.- a l-liy unlil nif.lisr noil, t, lalilt nit 1 Uu. lit of Aua st.H. i,i,iM ita r...inr. of rs rnns-al "i'ii who kI not t.-.,,,. ,r,t .,uitr ., ao-n a e.... hit in- rsmi. t,, f r. h,,,,,,,, , 1a,, flv.i.. wins,, n.ams.i. ,., ..., ' Una hoiinlv I sink a 'tri.,iHcll m'l .f ,n,. cpr. la. lor t si I'lsi cs. i"' ." t, win ni nii Hi iiipiuS. ti of tl.s fninlili.. .,.,. , i ,h. vr-srstti In ierMin; mil not on p'llrert of :iornry tj Hie t on.m l..ti will dsiir rr-ir m..i,.tti,o from trs Ota liuii' triil I mva Mr-i lii 1 1' if lis i 1 f.) a urn 1, IM1, 1.II.HAKV Hiro.1, In 111" rsir of iss Cnv tl-!' s n. iii-VW IU C vrinia. JOVA1 HAN in I I. 1, s.. 1 IIW IN llltl H',.., I AI I. .1 MM II. V" 41 ('flll'.K W. MMONS flit K AT CKNTIIAL FA II! D1TAUT al of Maiuifartsrors ami Wool auj 1.0;. 011 o.ain.. r..".,.. mil ni.1,1,. ITCIViriT ir'.iviifn .in.i.11 'fr 1 m.- ri Inu rot ti en il" ia ib aij of sal a f up .pi . il Pis f.i, 1 in in sil 11. a. , liiotaii. N. .1. s o'en .hlrta and dranar.. vid.isS (.II. t a Hro , Mai'St..!, "" lio r ji Lu sea I rraiont as I II ". t So WiinXiii'-ltn Mill... W. Iiivins A Sun Do cmp ova. Kauimoec i s. lory. .j ! do tmn ,l. Mark llalrnennv, Mills. I.aura'li.m. I llloli cm v r 1 . 111 04 " IS) l?l 1 Sll 71 I si isa Mi tJ SO 49 3 Ml Ismsr liieiil ln'. bi.l.iti n.un and frlutntf, llartlry t"i.:i- ( sit., ix.,1 ,s Kio-.ii tv . t ui'.-rih ana run ioest lSi.r S.rail lUl 1 1 I l")f I'S Jsnii lltmsr K I, en. I F i.h. r. Ci-i tu inown'.'.'.l So'uni. ti tV 1. a, rrsnSlorS FistiiBBly rt-iiuilt'l 1 ( .n (:. am T lal. lo.-'t0 17 BIiWI"t Ml 1 1 II l.l h, Tr'aiorrr. ii ' ' it Tnii Aim run, July 11, 144. 3;r" FKICK. OF SECOND ANT) THIRD ''"" Hallway t ..tii.,ny, Hnxiv. MIKIi l;aJ, oelew o,Lh S"..iiii -, , I'tnunsl silli, Iti'T H. lS'lt 'It noar.l nt )lrs.iorm l.av,. imi. ,it .is. a i,.l a ti altsr Ml IN Oar, Uis su, III laul, rli ar of all tan-. "H" K A. I.BSI.KT. Irsaaarsr. OFFICE OF THE OIK.VUD COL- l4U I'AslltMitir U slla. 1' . t OLl MlllAaoUitlliUK Avenii,.,. """" m . run si'Ki run, .In'v II , last. TBS Hoard at Poecluri of " I l,s cllr.rll'oll.xa I' ! i!T ,'"",p" n a tin. .lay ilriVsrsd a d,vni.n,l ut i ink lliil.l .sK pi-r alia'ii ..a aaoB .hare ol trie rsiilisl Slota ut Hill C..lii,any payal'lt on ho Ism Inm. li tl a stishliuldsia or ini-lr Iruai rrpraasiuatlvct. clear of all ta The Tren.fsi rowkt will ha clojril tilt the lltli lust DlUlnill VTM. . bLlil.1T. 3rJ- OFFICK OF THE FRANKFOKD " Sulitho.rk Th larle'ehla City p..ntsr Hall rotaH rnciiivv KKKaS slirsot b ! , Koiirlh. . Lkia. July 8. IS-4 - ho Hoard ot lllra. ton thi. ,la, ssarf ,t , ,a,.t . rtir.- sr et upon the Canlial Uli.rk of Ihs (I. Mp-ny, out of llie tariih (. of the nail tlx aiotiths, lutiablo o Iks ttorkhi4ilors or llislr lokal reure s'stlv. ciaar of til iat....,n ar4 ths Win Intl. ThTraaislar Monk, w II he cl 'ti d until lull lnt Jy' tlS CHAKI.H . ABBOT r aretary. igw- OFFICK OF THK MAYOR OF TUP. ''I 7 of I'lillailelphis July , :i.-a a-.i..i, ., wai lait tvenioa ailSre.aeil mt the 1 1 th .iiyreiary ol Wsi In ihi. loloKinu term.: 'Will ' you anih irle sltl son. in mil, I ir tkt huiiieili.ta iltleme of lls.ti'iiore sa l Waili u. tun, to rviusiiila .irv ee oulv ihirlu. ... usury it . bellevou Dial only lliu. can pre u, it and lama aid be anuied." To such, in.iuiry the Mayor recalled al n urn a reaonnae. as rohuwa . "In ai iwer io y.iurie ouram of istt n'ii. the I're.Mont illrsct. inn to ta. that the i.osertira.ul will a. coot the sort he. of en fan. oil, r tli'na sues terra at thsy Bi I,. rtp"tai) t.iollsr.biiii aiiiiut un l'Ttsks 1 1 or-(o thsrn. Tlia: luum Im done by Hie an-a I auliorltlei wide llie tlovi rnuicnt li leuOur any a-, aiaa a lu Ila aimor h r nnnlim. aiiiodi ,wt, au iianma ting tlietu I iueu polBls aa u.ey can be uaeAil. "EDW1 N M. STANTOH, , . . eretas ofWar." In accordance wik tne aarrort of the foreioltio, I do hertby inthe snS iirer die el'lei t of I'mlaitsio ila forUi Wlth toorKaiileo'.uii.aniea ol ui'iiuie rasn. to proeesd aa a. on ai possible lu the a ! a d doieiue ot oar nei.ilii'.iitua eltja. and to ibis end every Iseliity wilt be Rlvsn by the Dim Irlaal astlnintlea. iiio' annbrail .n lo 1'jiinmm.a ou Del.uto, now sitting at eiiea .ut a i l i'Oi 'rs-i. ALL MO.K IIKNttr, May rarPliiU'laltilila, OFFI15 OF THK MAYO it OF TUB Ctiy of l-lilladela'ila. Ju y II. isjs. 1 a OoiniNlltee on llo Ciiunm aim lleren.e an1 P.. tectloD wih ha in srrnianeiu ir.ilm :u tne t oininlltne It otn oorrer of KlKl'il and UUKSIl'T Stxii, Hi'Ti lt.ll:lie In iuiaaeillaio cuuiiuinti-.o. n wis ii t--... and with the u. n lal Conatanalsf , and will be a'ble to fuinltli tnforwieilen. All enlrers rvernl'lnr anderths rails of Ihe Oweninr win plesae to rao-trr at .uek t.'o'ata fee Itoiai without delay. It It urg irly ia iiiesied thai 1 hay will 0 .m.ny with tbla de.lre at the Blaalciaal antti' rulea. , ,, , ALBXAsnea iirniit. jy''-tr Maroruf Pnlad.lulila. rST- CITIZENS' VOLUNTLF.R SUB3TI- 1111a i;i rami lee. Ttda olhce 1. tor me a'aaenl at , , , No. 41 ITifSH Street, riftlco tionn tor ft MSTITI'TES from lu 1 1 J, and 4 to . For CI I lKNS, I'ruin is t'l'J. Na tpiiheaium. can be n ee ved without payment. All fores, uiu.i 00 arawn 10 me order ot J. li liuteiua'tstt, .iyii-11 I)K A FN F.SS AND HLI.Nli.NES4. J Itsaes. M It.. P'u'etlof nt the t'v. .rot ....... alt tllio.aae.a.perulnini.' to tae ab ive.u.u,-duie'nbera witn .or ,r 100.1 .ue-erfa ii'-orneiiiaia trout tne uiott ralte'in sotiree. n thacltr and on-atri eon be ...en at hia iiiHm. fdl Hit Hlra,,. arunelal Ryes luanrted without naln. No el etui-s ansde tor eisiuoiaiuiit Ot1i:e boart front S la 11 A M., lujf. M ho. oil PINK sum. le;-.laa F li A l H! till NT I NO A OS, Of 9UPIKIOB QUAUTT, SILK I' la A O S, or hui'kiuox yuAt.iir. M II H I, I N K I.'A O B, lr MUPKUOU QDALIIT. Httttlls, I lallliirtlst, I'till.iyat, ito, Whcleiale and Kstail, at W. II. H0RSTMANN 4 80NS, JW-H rtrrH ana i HsJHar Streets. J. ii. v m -r iu u. A WNINO MA 14 Kit. Xlllltls Htroet, Ah.llVP WIl.KlW i-JH PA11L,IS11KI ls 44k. ISSIM'S, WA .ON COVt'ltH. ft Al.i Hil.S, TltnTe), fA.soi vt:aANtsia to winikjws. 0 ktndi ar work d .ne an. lauti, ami aiteade4 to ear Mill . ba JDM I'M It. I iSTHJEt, sr. ii:i s riiu.i) srar.RT. f la bova Wiuow. PRESIDENTIAL CrtalPAIQN. I . A J n , BANNERS AND T K A N jP A .1 ENOIES. vi. i r-ic ii i;i iti.r' No. 4W n. I HIivIi M ul' K r. Above I'eeai'Ut. rmlaaelpkia. MANUrAlirUUaU Oa IXAGo, BANNERS. THAN SPA UF.NCIKS, AND LAN t'F.RNS. Pollllral Caaipaisa Olabe Site onl with Lanlaras. Radsea, Baanare, aud riatis at reaioaaole rates, lag Isa FOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. I : V ANM cV II A H H A L U, Alll.ITAUY FUltNlSHUUS, No. 418 AKOII HTItKKT, rILAJ)aUJHll. Baaaara, kaartiaauUi and Oeiayany Flags, 8 words Stake., beiu, raaeasu. Epealete, Uata, Caps, Caouaas, Bavweta, Leap (lu, Meld uuuaaa, Sport, aad avary kt lBg yat-tajatuf U ta aosaoaets eatat of Amy aa Navy oieara. A Mbaral ateaoaat allowed as tha trade. sayl0-ta Q 1. W It I U II T tte O O.. No. US' S. TITIItD STREET, oppoain rax cxciuruk. Iaaiert In woverotoeeit aad Stabs leeeultlaa, Qaartar eaaatert' etiaeks aa4 Tauekan, aaad CarUlaataa ml lattaok adaeea. OiaWa tW ska peicaas aad sale af IUxkj and tswas fnafUf aaevaAai. IW-wfatf rlPsANWAL. gl'UUlALi O T 1 C H TO Tn iiojLii:ii.s 0v Tn Small 7-30 D. S. Troasury Notes. SEVEN-THIBTY NOTES, or ita pa nominations or CAN NOVT BE CONVKUTED IM BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1331, r the ".am hkomination. for InRifuisUoa, aeprj at His otliet JAY COOKE & CO., JyHeaJ Wo. MANKKIi S, 111 H. THIRD Htrect. (jOJUl. OojtaJ, U O L u, SILTBB AJCD BANK NOTES WANTED. DE El YEN & BROTHER, Mo. 90 S. TLUKD SlItRIT. (JITY HIXUH, l-UKE FKOM TAXATION, t'OIt RAt.H IX SUMS TO 6CIT rURCHASERS. W UKKXKIi t CO. JjUWJUJH .Nc It A II H, BANKERS AUD EXCHANGE BE0KEE3, o. 5 S. TniHO STRKHT. ASALSKS I SPECIE, BANK NOTFS, AND dOVHRX MENT SF.CciRITIKS. Hlneks Boogbt and geJ4 oa Contmls.loa aromnily aede. CoDaotloaa aneg-tf gTOCKH AN!) fcs jKCJUlHTIilsSJ BOUGHT AND 80LD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN 4 BEOTHEB, w" Wo. HO 8. TIIIUD STKKBT. gMITH at It A. IV 10 jLsI'II, Ko. 10 8. THIRD STREET, UANKKltS AND UltOKKUS. Bpatla.ta-ls,Qnarteniiaeters' Toaahars and ail Oevarataeot aVeesrtllet ttoai bt asd Sola, (mkl) Y It 11 UK.. HTKH1I He CO., BANKJ:iiS, K0. SO S TUIItD STREET, aur and sar.L OOLD, 1LVKB, JLSO OOVmi.NMBRT KCCBIT1E. STOCKS BOIOBT AND OI.II OH COMMISSION.. (mult JkJjKAV LOAN. NKW LOAN. U. S. 10-40's. JAY CWMfH Jte CO., OFF Kit FOB SAI.K THE NEW GOVEENMENT LOAN, BEAUINQ KIVB PE CKNT. IKTKHKeT IW COIM, redeeuiatile any Una after Tl.X YKAUa, at the p'eaaure af ike (ioTerument, and pj ohle rourr Yat.lU after data. UOTIl COOrOM XVU KKIHSIEltBI nOMDH are Isauaa for Una Loan, of aatne il. nomi'utlnn at tba o )'t. The Intereet oa loti'a aad tluus paiaMe yearly too al airier denoiaiuatloai, bait ye,, My. Tha 10 40 bondt art dated Mar ok 1, IH04. Tba half yearly Interest faUlug du Rrpu-scbar 1st ard March 1st of eeeh yeart aniU lai Map- tenbai. the awra4 lateratt rrotn 1st of Jdarcb is ta iulred to be paid by psrchasera la cunt or In i.snai. onaassur, addles fifty par coat, fur pi-emluia, UDtll further Dutlca, Ald-tll HKU GOVKK.tliKN T SKCUttlTIH IIUUIJIIT ANI bOl.U. JAY COOKE 4 CO., mliiJ tf ... lit i. THIKI) HTUKKT. c L A H K H O N cV CO., HANKKKH, No. 121 8. THIKI) STREET, rUILAJiKLl-HIA. Oovarnmeat Seaurlllssof all la. ue, Purrha.r-I and for Bala. Slacks, Bauds, aad (.old llos.ld and oold oa Cota BUasUva. 19TBBRST ALLOWKU ON ItKl'OSlTS. CoUacttoaa Promptly Mtda. fr If g 1-3 V 3 3 NTH NATIONAL BANK, No. aiU IAniC13T H'ritI'3I3T, (oobmei or siKAWHtitaif.) Capital $125,000. To le Increased to $500,000. jDIHKOTOUS. HENIsr O. MOBIIIH, ef Morris, Tssksr A Co., Pascal Iron Works, Plfth ana Talker its. CI1AKLB8 8. CLOSK, of Claaa A Ksiblt. Bulldsra, No. Na 331 Hoed slreel. JAMES M. 1'KKbTON, klauiilacturar af Woolea Goods, Ataaayunk. af. A. WATP.B8, of J. A. waters A Co., Whalasal Or-cen, Ho. IU Wartet straat. B. V. COl'UUl.lN, Ileal Eslsls. Ko. wi ST. Talnttenta street. Tt'M. r. CLYDE, Afc-snt Plillad a asd Hew Tark P-i press 8. B. Co., Na. 14 S. Delaware Ave. CEOltOE W. HIIX, ManufacturtirofCsrpaUagi, Ko.lM V. Tklrd stress, t, W. iOt DEB, Whuletals BodU aa Bboas, Ke. (0t Mark el atreet. I. Z. DinAVBJr, Importer ef Winas, Brand! sa, at., Ro. 0 aad Vi S. Delaware Avenue. This Bank having been duly anihorlsed to aomraenoa buslaesa under tha NaUooal Uanaocp Act, kt bow pre pared to reoelis DEPOSITS, maia OollacUons, aa trana- aaHaOaasral BANE1NO BU BIN ESS. Dleevaat days oa TUKSDAT aa4 7KIDAT of aaeai wau J. Z. DEIIAVEN. Prsssadaat. F. H. HALT. Catoliltar. i-aaasLraua, i aa to, loH. hN-lai AJfilNT KKROLUTION I'KOPOJING CKR t(n AmrBitmiit to th. t'oH.O'niiiMi. Itt It rroolved br tin M-nnifj ptod 1I,.m, nf 1le nf Hiu r tntnniiwv!tl. ot renn-jlrftnl in Lnanrnj Amhl Hl', 'I kl ! folfiwin m.'ivlrna.riu pm-f-- tn ih onaiH-HI .n.-f ( h i wurn-H, w,th. in ftoorxl- n-" wiih U of tlifl antli article ilirtf TaWe wh-tll n Alilitiunnl vcilonto ih th.nJ u-Hl V rtt umtJiutwn, tw t UBiMll m itcttuu fttr tu UrMlnWH : HTtifi i. WivwTrr unr of t) qnnMnM rUri nt tM rmiimuD tft t in m rul uildti'T r- UTiiiera riOiiHton fmui ih v rnstitwrt mt th mHm4 '"', r h h itilii.rlty rf Uiiaj 0mni-'n'ra4A. any) ir mat j4t ih rtrhi -f nuili n lu ail titniMi Ii ran mf i m , uitittT ourh rifnt'nl -rtt a ara, or tiial aa, pTciJ t.y w. ai ruiij at U Uit; war uit'isuil al laalr 8ual pistil of aVLisn " .(r--i't T' r.. a,jia i h tw a.i.iifmal -cM..iw ia th Wvvn h aitiifif the t fitKali u, lo b deiljttaiaU aa atef i. tu atftit aiM. a'lia ruio " . N lull -rail r pfti1 hT tha I1ifttT-a, fr-niHliilnit -n'r thfin vrta n rt. -a.-h t' uaaafij aiMtMMi ia Hf tiHt, vi't-vi iioiiir at ton li." "fsMwm! H Mi all h t- I t ifi Lcafiiiatura irrii't-iif any "- , -r p-l IWvi Jn nnv r. vhrf iha autii.ititj (. rr ant, iifl' pow.ri. or f nv4ij, haw ha, tr Mot hoft afttT l, cuaiSu raJ uyttii tan cuuiu rf Uu Coiav iMaitwi-aUJi." Ppaknr f (h Ilontf .it KKproiua a ivaa. .niiiN r pkji skt, ofKicy. or tb r 8rco.TAM,,'o;VH,K"',,ovr;::rT. WkSl.ltl, rr.vydTLvANi a, ... """'. A" A I so eT.JT eertlfT tbat tk- Sirawvln; It a nil. f l. t. tns, srd e-.n-e'-f er-r nt the oriian.l .lean rtei 'kf M,,u " Hie tieneral A M'nt.l ., entitles "A Jornt Kee'dulioa propositi oerlaln Arom lnieau lo tin C.iaaa tunon ' aa the aame remain, ati ta ki tint Is teeittnony whereof I have bet. nolo ..a ati-lwwid aa4 cau.ed iks aeal of ike ffetrrtsxy't oHiee to be aiOasd aWa Soy and ) ear aoove wrlatea. kij, Pei rolarvef Uie ' oiaio uiweairk. The al'OTS Resolution Sa.iat betaaeree. to lit a oa.iortfT at tl.t nemla:a nt .ass llotase, al two ane-etilie eeos Ol Ik. Ostioial A.MMIilynr ikla I'LHiaaMU.!,, ,w poal anaieatneoia wlk be eabwntted le It,,, people tor llielf PH. ,, r leywraou, ua ma aral I as.Aai of Ait.o.l, SB We loarotour lrd one ttvuaanS elsst liuadrsd ai.Suny. atiar.lai aeooedw ee wkh Ibe rro'lil 'it. ml Mie ssath erasia ot la tVw.intMton.ati4 Use act, onaltleal "ta Ael era.orrh Ike nam aid aaantierel lui oaitlla. a,, u, peoale. for ttn-ir sai'r.'ial and railtaauou or re,eeuoa, ike .Kn4 rVT""" '" '" atloa." aparo.M thetwealr tlilril gas ut AcrU, oue kkooaajid elaki km trod ..a.i.. km an mii ap7-f Hul ecretsrroftrvet'.iBinnwooras, etlk-a UUKATEsr IMPROVKMUNT jir2'Si'1')V TU A0 IS PIASO. MltMl Iwl'KOVBD OVBIiSTSl'NU P!Ai4. S' knowUS.-oS kr ts ksJJ aniati aa4 Inaarte4 hv tha feeieii Psss 10 b' ike Oaeal li.a a in A aerlea. Hie attowsia of Ske Maalsal ratsc la eal'edle tke reesot m-rl Ireeio.einetit la tbe.a r avi I11M rtv a a.w fceaaSod mt aoaatraollon, ise (reaaeat potathla vniama of Ions bat neeaeaveiaea. wltbeul any of Ihe eweotaeet aad LrtUuiacy tbr waa.k U.e-e rtuiesare to ooSetjraud a-leg asst. at"' Iwkiek, with aa lniureyesl Tauek and A.uou, ravdo tbeca l ae'iHalled. I Sate Irairatn.DU reetdred tke fsjy E MIIAL at aba World 1 itbr, her) la wen at Us awards eer au eoiupeUtora, rroua the fuel raire aad ta il ararooms, na. )e!7 ka , tl Alt! B ".treat, below Hhthtti, l'bjlaile sola. f nlOOTTAOE OHOANS. Hal oaly rwr.Xf'Ft.I.rn but irmmvtt.1 r.O In anrttv Of Toneund power, ileaiaaed eapedady sr I kureko. ens Hcaonlt. but roans to he Suualtv wall aaaiMad to in Pert... auUUiawuag Kuora. or aaieouly by R at ftuBTnar No. M K. rlltVKTII Mlreet. Alea, a aomplet atteilmi.ut of tha rerfbot MoVvlooa out Ian lly oa band. Brls-Sa KL.AHTIO 8T1TOH 8KVVINO M A O II I N K S, THK BEST 1ST USB. apM No. 7HO CIIKHNUT Htraait. rANTra TO SK1.L Oil KXCUANUlT, II r.llltule tewlni Marnine, The ilror.r A. Hater flawing MarkJna, Tha ah aer a,, And alt the nla dual aewlng Maohluet. AU riirnlthttrl rtaai their tniacliial oSflrae. Also, all kinds ot s.i-ond-H.nd Machines, for Sale aad Hapelrpd at ana new oinsa ef LKAVKMS A PAITI.IT.VKB, Na. inti N. KIUI1 ril street, .... , flyer teu years wlta Stngvr fa.) Ladles tatuM to 0erale. Jell Jul 0 V M- ILtST i m tJM. CTtUTCTIKH 1-Tke.e Orntohei hare a Oat. flii-ilL the lou. roakitii a enrt aail aiaatle aoroaa eaaldhwik. wearer lo walk with more oouKort "Zi Jii be dett.ed froui any other crutch. The top, aiaTa. iilti ta ba applied to any erutck. Pateraod al-s Uo. UT 8 ItaM ONU S traet be'lew cl. FHILADFI.CHIA SUIiOKONS' " H-?"1'!' WST1TUTE, No. 14 Horth ISINIU atreet. I'm.. M..ka. i. . radio. sy.nrsd by It. tl. EVKaiCrr a l-r.rwlum r-atsat tlrsnti.tnas l'r.rre Tmea. Heperlor B.rka. P.ia.tla aioeit,, Supponars, BkooitUr Btaeee, torlra, toactia.. As. myie-ly TRUS8KS, BRACB8, Ao., akhnilly ailjaated bye II. K HULKS, oor. afTWBI.rTH ami BACK. ttraata. Ladle," I llepa'tlliunt Sir aaaie. e..niliiu,nl hv l. li. TVfkl.PrU Street, first dour below Baoe. v A , " '"l eeiwiueie auu varied tUsvk oa risril. coaal.tlng la part, af Trneaat. Huonortrs, Shouldor . . . "ajidasss. Kia.uo Sloekhiga, nyrlnnoa. Article. LforNtirtry,rtlek Itoota. An. 'II E It T I F I C I A L HAND. II. A. UII.IIBA. Tavenler and ll."iih. i., A it t i r i t; i a i. a it m, Appravail and adapted. SIIIUIKON-C.RNKFAT. Or '"nR DNITP.D STATK9, for stiilaiert. Has permanently lucsles his Olllee snd Pactery at No. 311 J oliost, sU uoora kslow Spruce, PluUda. IIF'AP PRY GOODS, CARPETS, OIL C'loifca, Alaillag, and Window ShaJ.-a. .. V. K. Ail' IHatHM't.T, K. B.oomsr KI.F.VKKTII and tl iKsur at eels. Will open. Ihi, inoiuiim. from aa t Inra'a Csrii.its, al wool, at 1. tl-.. i .;,! .vi, si il jft,i-8; i aj.' Insra n darpvts, wooi oiling, 7oo. Ileuip Carpet., Sou. Ita l.'arpms, h:c. Knlry and stair I arpett, 76o to tl'50. P lour till Cndli , to tl. (.lit Itordored vvu dot .siiahe. tl snto 1. Vt h ile and to-d Clin k Mailing, otl aud 6 'o. hull inn! tin-on Sria.a nr. tdo. t'llKAP DliV t.llillis ANI T tlWkllNllt. Mtiahit. ill great variety from JS to .'si ounta; Wide Him. ens and I liluxr iluailus, i.Je. to tUJi Jtewtork Alllls Sllialllis, 7.'e. Table l.hit ns. tt to tl 79. Napkins, ill tot'Ociiiiu. t'tsdi, IH iii-Jtieeula. la-e t 'overs, $J to fl-MI. Aipaeae. all colors. i7 to s7o. i llhtck and Wool Delaines, Kuintiior nliawla. md-rai eji. Hanncl,. t to Si ; I.e.,,,. sue. : Ciati-Smv.l rotm. I ISr.nia: haht ltiaia.Si-i-iii. ' l-mi l. . ii...... ...a s'.... and lleota' O at n .Slo.-klili.a. H Mono ' holesaie mid Iteiall .suite, N. E. corner EI.KVKS TH and kJAHKl-.T Htreela. jyV tit 11 V TS TS It I H Kill s' refund the" money, If desired, for averj tot of Shirt which fall In any rt'speot. VI NK Mill UTS, CUT l.KNIJTH WISE OP MllSI.IJf. Hade of Mew T.-ik Mill. Muslin, and very flna Llnoa Bosoms. Oulyt l -T.l Usual price ttVOO. WUllsiuivUle Mills Miitlla. and Una l.lnrn Boioms, Only II-.10. Usual price OENTI.F.MK.N'S FURNISHINO U00D3. HMITII .JA.eHH. Biyt-Oa No. 1440 CHESNUT Streat. IJe44 tUKSNI'T BTUi.KT. The attention of LADIKS VHrTI Nfl T?ri! 'l 1 K .or tho-e about l.ttA ViNll It lur ' eYaief Inx j'lucf-. ' or "thB iVu:rv,' ! respeturnnr tan the ektetnivu tK-k of HH(ri ttiHHirt anlirtUle for HI'VfMf.K WRK rr WH1TK MoUlta, 51UKSINU WKAjff Klti. to. An exteniiTe aaiorttnent I otTvred hi Laoa and WtirKfd Kdviniia and linenli.K., V-ui, llsiarkerrhieni. Cytlara, ler B plata ba fancy 1'laiH, Mri-, and KiKura.l Wniie tit.o.ta at r me an much hkluw tumim lii riiaied tioen Cambric Dreinoa. I'fV pittoe l'uUed, 1 utaoJ, aud dulued Mua- Uli. 1-3. Ma ivx:i:ilii. iSI lTS-ii crrFrtjIiTT bteVrtT" 028 Hour SKIRTS. I'OO Msnufsstoiy, o. live Alien Street, UO auove Blum atreet, 1'bitadelptila. Wholesals and RataU. Themoit aomplete aasorttuial of l.adlss, Mlttes', snd t hlidieii'l Hoop Hklrts In Ihe ellv. la every reapeol flral- cisa,, which Air style, ntusti, ditrabjutr, and ouvaouess. have no aiiual in the market. hklna Buds 10 orar, alwad, and repaired. b4-lp WM.T. U0PKIS8. 11ATHI0TIC MEDALS. PAI ItlOTtt; IIPDAI.S. An aostptahls oiisrtng to averj Patriot. Tae only correct and aashoritisl JSLHAJJUUM LIKEKEHUUS or PltESiriPNT I INCOI W, UtiaJiltAL tiP.tllltlB WARIIINOTON, AdAM'TtNASr-OENtkAL OKaVt, .r , . .. tJK.NEKAL lifcoailE II. Iliit'llUiif, kWtnofacturad tn Bierhng tuivor and Copiasr aud White! ktetial. haiaple lent hy nutal free of charge on receipt of Jbceuts. Aeauts wanted. K. ai'tiklCKit, , , . .... "s,','WId.lpliUl,osiOini. Mapaaettirad at Ko. aa AJICU bireet. Jyl-lut II. DIXON. Ka. 91 S. EIliilTH Street, MAI.P.ttlS PAkiCI AVUTOI1.PTOOODB, I'kltlllL'fi Asl A fcj 1 1 Han... , n . a . n a tw. - taaVktW aft As AA 4,OUtaO. fnMtci. Jewalr. jUathar Ooode, m m m m. Wwtrtv Bozaa, TO PROPOSALS. ASSISTANT QUAnTKRMASTBK. J.V tlonwart OiWoa. a..,. "il i""' rm, .inly It, lies. r"uAr .,,oT',, ,"'1""" "l-ror .1. fi,r Ni-.ra ali . a iitl 1 'r,""''"": ' ln otllee of l nailer, en if f r . iso lAHl Ht,,. Mr,tu j, o c, no.,n, t nced Ht.'iV. i 1 !"'r? "'- 'niine-'llala deUio-y al tl.. Strete. ,,, L " '"evly. H. J.,,f tha (allowing ; ft i t s Ineh eaM Iron Plo. .'ssi feel J Ineb ra-l Iron 1'iue. 1 rrilar 1 auk, S lurhet snl-t and hotter.. w-it l.A.Aa srlihiron ce'.i,h, i.i.isoiaiiun" ,,:at- "'U honnd 1 Worth.natonMte.ui l ulus, No. a. 1 lirHlilslotie. AI,o. ihe Bseilary la .r to lay the plna. enu-t ,. ... Pmip and t.nk. ami eornet-t Ihe "a'tie .,l, h,r' fcseh l'oeai'nii-1 becoatatiteea tlv ,,n. lii'h' person., lu wrilina. that Ihe b d Irra w ,ntVr asMhiirUaeee'.i'i'J'1"' v'"UXi't "",I"'' Uiarwif' tf 'I IT I tilt ft Hratea Trsprvai llio ri.l.t in -11 i. If deemed too hih, aa also thoe from Usfsulilna aon lri lers. 1 1 e material, en. I itimlior to la aallti'ar.ory lo Iks Oit. ernment itiapoelor, and ample a.i uMiy re ,ulreJ for Cullll un lit ft ront'ai la, lly orilsr 1 ( oloiu l 1, corns H. Croamsn, Wuarteru.aster-ueneral. ALBKttT . ASMWP tn, ?! X ( aulalu and A.lJ. sr. ASSISTANT rsi s mace. QUARTKRW.VSTER-OBN8. . Pan lost rsta. Jely it. lass. aesled Pro,il., Indaraod " I'nuio,.!. for P irnlaiilne ..""t ( nairi T iinsi'i'ai sis oa naelved at the oatiaor ihe uml-rnensv No Itnti illlltltll stre"l, antll l'J o elO. k, lliKili, on M'l SH 1 V. I SIP I oil ant for l. . . deln -ry et he l init' I Sintet lloapital at llavarly, Ji. J., f c un f. a,t . "Mi.ion WMte "tne I tttoi rtoanll f list lei t I Inrh W lute fine floorl'!, B ar.l,, Je.iial ret .Itt lieml'.-k Hrt'l'llnit II loot lone I'l.inai feet -in ll-ml-. k ft. a. it. Inf. la; lent log. I a pn. tauil he s-iersiue'-d hy one or more re- i-.. -i.oi iotkoii, in wru'tiif, inai in. to-li er o-lll enter luro linnis'l'a-e iiliils-a-lon lor the pronint tiihlnnenl tharaaf. If asul hid le a-- n-to-l. 'the 1 need St.u-t rraervss (he riwhl to rejeet all h'ula, if ileemed too hhtb, at slai llioae froat duisiihiui emi tiaitora. Hit- I. neb r 1o he Insse -tM after d-hvery, and ample It euiily r. outieil f.-r the ii.lfilmeat oft is contract. lly or.ter oi l olonel tl. n. Ureieiaaa, uatner aaaeter ueartal. , ,r .. ALHP.RT I AmTMPAI). . Jyl'i t Captain and Amuiaiu tjaarieruiaetev. pnoros aiTs. PUOrOSAti rmtisnst, TAl,i,oT,ilon. HOB'. ("Ill'CkS. SHUSH. ANII TOMU1IB4. Omes Uaent ('""uia.ASt ue Si ,,, I w It. ' , luly s. sn. ( Sea'ad Prepoiall, im (u;di'al. are tnvlte.l Haul the tilt dav al II o cloek A M . far ItlJ-t, l al'nw. Ileofs, tt-'tee, I'nee.e. Skint, and rontues af aj tiai-eraitanl I le lie tlaiigniered wnhln Ihe ancient llmua of tae llittrlct ofl oesasie, s,r ilr a, ,U'1, or mere, f.eiu Ue oool Beueeinratnf the ouel-aet Tbe ak-irear lehsi tn tie cothvtetl hvtha oontraetar aaf rejuo. ad troot the various iileaia at Widen tke eatue are aktrire' '"ca timet at may be uaalgaaiaj by ma eitlcnr la Tiienutiiker ef rsttis used monthly vary frim I'Sntit .Ksal. ana are now klhed at l 'na n S Mel, Hie. Son, Oen vae'enit aiiip,Waeiou.t.n,aiid Aietsndrva. but ntker plate, m.v ouour witkot ihe ptes.irtlied Uuttlewkere tlteaa artlrlra wltl be required tn ne eoUe.-ted. 'I ke roniraeiar shall be llanle tor ad the H'rlea, Taltaw lloafs, lloroa.ttiiicka, -tstnt, a d Tenaaes eoeils, front all die lie. eminent lle.l INItle alaashlare.1, lliileai II raa ao made satlafai kurilr to appear to the Huktlttsnae ie panmei.t bat a I tise eiertieo, olllsence, and oars was uiade tn obtain aald ail-clot. i'ns meat wiU be re (aired every ten days ta tlnveraraeat fiinda. The hhla will ttata tbe amount psr animal for the artl ales reraired to. and be aeco icaiiie I by the following Ituarantre. rertlfleate. slTlilailia of eaeb iratrtntee, aad calk of alleaianca. lllsnk ftiriua cut ba oliu.uod oa apiill cauon to ilie unuavtbrned. PKOpngAI.S. I. .of the H'.ate of . eoantvof oimr, per tesd, for all Hides. Tallow, llooft, llornt, t'buekl. Shiat. and Totiguea of all IKivornnieal Hewf C stile kl I'd wpkin the aurlenl Itmlta or the Inatrtctaf I'on aihia, dollars and csnts (tha srawinttoba in word, and Hfiirr.), aslii-et tn all Iha cuudlliout of Ilia advsruteuient lien won aiipauded. nrAtt.rritR. " Wa, thennrleralenrd.raaldeataor , tn tha roantr of .and State of , li.ireliy Jointly and severally eoTenanl wllb Hie Culled Stal-s, aud auaraitieo, lu caaa the enrvgolnii h'd of . - ehall be aoeepted. trial he will, wliaia fle days after tbe o-i-p.aiii-e of aald bid. tUa a rontract lor Ihe pnnnut and falthluleteeuuun af Ihe tame, end ti't we will b..cotnc hia surely si a o-iti.!, ta 'he sunt i w i",vH a i.ana noi.ars. tor tne piirrnnnance of Ida ooli- Uacl In riiiif innlty with tha tertna i f hit pmp.iaal, and that In caaa ihe eald a hall fan tn enter Into a cos- Irsct nndur the tonus of the adrertlesnieni da'ed Jaly a, mt. we auareutee to make g hi 1 the .IIITerauca betweea theor r niaih-ky said lu ua t. reanlna pro total and tne neat lowest responsible formal bidder, ar the ours in to, ahlllB 11 Mnlr..l n.. h. . . .1 ' Wiluaas: t Ult ra audi-r oar hands an aaala, j this day of , 1st-. ina&L.J The reenontlhllltv of the misrsntors nntt ha shswa by tho tSTIrlal orrtinoato of a fnilatf .stolea Diilrirl Allomtm or t. unfit titHUt JudtfA. folhiwlnr form : 1 hereaj certt y that from evl.tenee entirely satlafaitnry .... ..... .n..D-.,-.,u,- auiirnai ota are s'sia ana tanielenl ss sureties for double tha amouxu lor woicti theoiler ta To whtcji aaeh gnsrsntor mast make and appaad Uia ... . OAT II. "Slate of . rounlr of . heflirn ma a In and tor tha rountv and Htte .rorn..ia sorianslly appeared , nna ot his sureties on tha gaiiraateeof- , who, kiting duly sworn, dsnoaes sua Says that he Is wnrth.oerr anS alo.v. .11 l... it h. and llsl'il Ilea, the slim ot tklrtv thouaand dollars. aubicrtbsd a d swornoetora uia, this day of No luce will he considered unless made out In eonfirmlly a ,u - aii'iuiipaiiiea oy taa rora golnir guarantee,, and am. Is. Ila. All buldera must forward with Uier p o totals an oath of ail.Kli.iinMiii vas one mav he on Ale wall the hver who shallot an the bids, and no preim.ala not rally ootn- " '" , loi-soius reil'tirenieiHB, as wsll III ra a In lorra. will he eonalilered ot iB-Mnli d as a prop )aal wok the meaning of this advertiaement. I he cm t.aeior will be be d accountable for the HI 'ee. luuow.iioois, Hums. Chucks, die., oue week after iha siguinu or the tsititraet. Mid.iei e ruuat be present at tha opening of thebtdata .--.-.ou ... "' iiaiu-a. ami uu Dice must be end tried "Prt puaeJi for purclissiiig IllJee. I allow, lloora. Horns. Sahur k .tn." niiil i. .1 n.....i i. .... ' ' ' - u.iv.uh "J .11 I". I'U . .. HKt.r,, jy ll-mwfSt Lieutenant -Colonel and O. 8. PROPOSALS FOR STHAM FIRE ENUINE3. OaiiNAkrs Orrrra, Was liseAHrsstee, Wleninwii 11 1. . Ii.i- lual Sealed Prnnoaals will he re. a vd at this oinoe uall WONliAr, the Jiih day of July, ism, at 4 o'clock I'.M.. io ntmlah ' Ma () aecoDd or third glass Htearo Plrs per. fart surtioD pewer. eompiete In au parts, with all taa modern luiDroieuitihte combined, lo ho drawn by has4 power, Uia weltli nut to eiooed 4 JO poutida when re to) lor arnlre. The diameter nf tbe melproeatlng ateam three puwp to ke alien! 4 Inckea, cspahle of lorolug ona 1 1 ) eircsm of wait-r ir. at a IS men nuszie svotskiuk fr na HO a.- .10 i.-. i. uiui iwo tat airaiiiia rroln a . Inco nossle aver. SKlinn-om l7-'i lit 'JiO feet Tin as enelnei are to be i mplied ...... ..-..u.-i . wi.u uoee mm ot atipnivial construction, wtia all ihe uoee.saiy lluln.a 1 ke are l i be au'iieet to a rlld Inapeetlon hy a I'nitso rttaips Insnector. A I lit at Pas riflt tn liak rn sHM) or ptl fir until tip tuvt iktjfn tdorouglil iri4 " - asvt -s aksjiaiu H"llfl Ultj Ull COU JU, lll'AUA M I KK Tilt bidder 111 br riNiiiirful 1st .'nmtt..ii lIat nma.L (kit wlih m (unritiMtf ih'.ii-d hy two ruoi. sible iMutoui, innhm rsavilll mu m Ct(lptc(( lie Will ftt 1-nCS 9Xfcat I nir u..M.rtjMTi nir inn Hma, witn iffwifl ant JPittltjWiH mtrw- 1 til', lU a dill till lit. I III tlifl Biiiiititil nf Hia nnntrn . la Am.- Iiv. r tiivv nriu lP piupou'd in cm -nnl v wlln tlie twnni of j ii m "vt riucnii ni ; anii m tne Km oi idcr n tiiM r til It- enter l to rbe romrnnt, ihv t makeiKK) ihe difTfiranc) i bvvAc,,i UifiorTri of ittlJ tiid (nr atid iti i.oit roi,i.Hiii(. oi(KT:rt r ui bvTtua ta whom tit oouirttvut mv ba awarded ... ...n. Mil".!, uiu.i u. lll'l.n lit the nrthlal i-ertltlci'e of theClerkof the nesrest Dt.Lsiot i'oiirt. or ol the TliIlM taif lilairlrt Attn. Itlinilk lit Utim sa.llial u I, a eaan, .ia..e ,.S e-. .a liiril by the c iitrtvjur an j b-itn of hi Kurrttit.ra, will ufi ri,iMr: i uie bUt:coatsrij bMUt-rur buj-lern uiioa dlau iwti Uie cuiitruct. Ki.KM Of fsUABANTKB. we, tne nnderaivnod, reiidt nt of , in th coui t ol , aud (State l , hreby intntly mi arvpraiti onvnnatii w un the 1 nitwi HtUe, a'td ftiaranti-e in cne the (urtinfi bid f . oa rtt'i-i'ti-it. (hat be or tie- wilt at unc eiecute the ami' a 1 mr iim aaute, tvin .a l and Mtnctun nuretiet. In a hum eiual to ih atn-u t r tlie mntritct, to lurntrsh tba ar'h'J. a proiiubed in uoiifnrmliy with the lertm of tlili aovi rtih,uinf,i!s t il ,ltih i, l;. nndr whlrb tne bit! waa lijNdu; Bint, in ctre the wtd ahull frill to enter tin a e-'i.Uatt a. atm.'.al J. wu n-urantie to in tke gixid the diif-r-1 e iMttwem the or!ir nf th tmitt -. mW the ui-Rt lowest rrai ot aihia bidtler. or tbe mtq to whom tae cmurart uiay bo aw anh d. w.iven un-Tr onr hanJa and aeali. r UlLB - - tlay of . 1st.. To U li nuaranlee mutt be a,ipndeJ the 1 Calf iitxive im i.tumed. ofnclal csrtlll- Tin t m Inc an- ti he delivered at the nlAoe nf m-tnu- fai-nire. t u n ih aware b in, m -td iiieanuroufnl M idar win is ni'iiTii'ti. auu turtiiMu-a with lonm or oniia t ami hoBit " h(' I)iikirtiiiMit rearTvcn the g glu to rujeui any or I'r PBln win he aihlre.l ti 'Hrlgfldlor (nrral r.e rt,r I-. Rnni-ay. Thlttt ol inlnanre, Wn-siiiiiKtiia. 1. i , and will n fcudurtej Tiopoia. fur Ht-utia Fur rntfiui. lyS frr'wt?,1! HHnBttlT ilMtcrn . ri 1. 1 o ntii-e. Ol FICE All MY CLOXHIISU AND uiane. rnii AnHi.FniA. ,ruly T, ltf4. 'alcd Pronoaala wtl he ra.v.ii at tinm iiMm Uoaiu k M.uo MUNDAT, the iKtli lntt.,f..r sipplyM.a U' I li-tlklil Araenal wllh Ibe folium liikt article : 4.1ii tsrtty It an anuy ilandard, to wetfh five L BntU and niaaiura J uvi brS f-t tt lit"hea (with Uia ttera I) A. In Mark, 4 int-V ItiQif, In tie i-eatre). WMiien etjit kliia. MJa wiUi Uahhtnra toet.wllhoat un. axuiy aia itflaru, to wiii tiirae pouuUt par uuiaa. Army Btandurd aaiauli 01 tmcb ti( the attMia anuiai ran h aaon at ih ntti . to wh. b lellreri muat (rt ftp rnorm J.l ltii-ra nniit attte lit thwlr pniHaia tne price (which mutt Ihi klvdii In wrKiriH a weU a lu fltfures), tin- tnejjii ny. atiiv r.T ui u4vvry . J1 ath hid uiual be tsiiaraiuefd by two roiponitlble per- anri, wrioiiu atgiiaiiirt inu.t naaupi-iiiii'd t the trutiaa He, ami when tut bidder or guar tor are nut known at tht oiltce to be r-ponal(le rut 11. thi r uiuat be eertitifd to an ho lug aueb by ajin puhUo functionary ai tue United nintwa. liidk frera defkiitUai; wntraotnr, and tlmae that do not fifiy comply u KA tut rtyutrtniiut of tUia adverliauiaantt ft not t conMti,ret. Jilanh forme for pmpoaal nan be had upon application at Dili (!Ktf and hid tuuat be euduraud vtilU tU wiie 01 tna aruti um tor. O, If.CROSMAN, Jj8-6t Ablilaut QuariermaHierOeuural.U 8.-C MONEY. TO ANY AMOUNT. loaned uon jjluiuoiid. WatcUue. tJawelry. kUte. CluthliiB. Ac ,ut JOHIKH sk CO.'H OLD KRTAHl.l.tllKl) I.OAW OrPIfB, (jornar XUIKU and lAnKlLLMtre4H, li low lombanl. H. D.-DL4.MOiSl8, W ATC1 1 ICrt, J fc WKLRT, OUNtl, a v'K MAI. It AT ItKUARKAHLY LOW Pit ICES. JyM-lnl a raa BITIB ICHrrtBItL. Tits SteaniKi.l OPKHSAI. HOOKKR, fjapUla MAS. LI E, ksaveB reuaoais eiery koar Sjc S-havlklll Hrtohls, lorel lliu, Aiolaiasil Couags tit fall aud Wlaaa- JJll-SS PROPOSALS. QRDNANCK O F V I O 1 Waa Ttsrsirrwaire, ' tr?"'.'?'" " 4U""J' Arssnal.Pltubnrg, tmKm. isi.ianaett at ths St. lyinls Arsenal. Iflaaoirrt. K. '' Wterto-n AreenMaeshaws,. These Aeooutremeniea-e to he mails la etrtst iT! Itywlth ibaso. p.,,. ,.te. IsN J,',1? nsnurl. with tha fiSlowlng -wiHks. VsTal ;A;.Me, tnii win i.a km two incus win. .n" BoVbMi3 silt pl.t. will be l.irrda.ed- u,, IralUe lap of Oi7a2l tridse horn and eap poach are to be left nir ad to a TeTIw ft. to he eewn ot, the outer lisp; tlie letter, tj V wits botd,, are io be item ed upon tl aetrlrte tKiiuTiaml ylaatonthepltiewiileh it re,i asa ,h, eas- Jf'bos . to he seweti at Itn nit a l) snd the cip fiourta wnb tan (in) eirtehes So tbe Inch aep.rate nidi "wd be eeelved for tho matitiraetura of these Aocoat-emsnla af V.'t . '"""sr. of eiir.a- MsaiM a S 10S, aaS a ahoi. V " Aceoiiiranionia can ba sees at Ik li t. "V "" lie h (n.tsnt. toli.v.herr.!lr1'',,'''r,,,'"vl,n" lnartmantta aniUJi f, ,? It iHV " '"'iweilat lbs work dans aa-lw .1.1. to oiske dellvetiea at a tpeetsad h. ?, r;T "iTb ,i ?:.'MU,m" The Ae.s,uieinenl. raust k hoi.d la tha nana! rattaes-a SiT "; " Mt'u detariaiaaa "Jmi lilditeia' will pate erstlaHly the Asaeaal or AriMuw whete they ir.rpoee to deliver, aud the liaiabar oftaZ he., propoea to oellrar al sack place, if i," motV t5 No HUls wlH ke nn.Menm rroas ptrtta, nsfier tkas reaw lar uianunaeitirer,. and eucb aa are to are to Hits Deoart. rr..iMteiSef,,ll, o.a aaM the mtwi (,. Saouad any parts oktalnliaa aioZ Start ofbar At'ooairsmant, oUier than thoee taoae iiki awn .hope, tkery wu ba relented . and aata'rau raoasTs null an I void. Tna aaS alaoaof aitaa-asaaree? eat h party olnalnln a eons-ant as I aa Bleaoed oa ----art ot aacb satof Aaroutreraenrt. .. OtABkHrtB. The bidder wti) he seiitl-ej to aeccorssany Ma aeaetal. tint, io, ajoarat lea, iliae ly two reapontime a.ra.aa. mat in . ... kia aid it ao -estea he wli at ones eiieote uia e- titraot lor Uie .aaaa. wlik ,ood and euro .,nt aacurliuaa. ki ihe .inn tonal ta tke atnoant of tke contract, to d-lirer the ertlele pre,ed In conformity wlih the tsrmt ei tale adteili.tment; and la caaa eke said Udder aboaid rati aa enier Into the contract Uiay to Slake goaal the dllTereanai tietw rau the orTer of said bidder and tha nest r.ap .aaiaas rded1''' """ 10 WMa tha aoutraot stay bs 1 be leaaonal Illy ef tba rrn area ton ranat ha ikowa kp the i.lhrta' e-rlill. aie of tkel'hirk ot tke nearnai uuariwt nun. t.r of the I tilled iiatae lilstrlot Alleruey. ltonili In a sum eoual i. tha .nouni nt , . . . - sh nsd by tha eontrsetor and both of bis guarantors wiB be nsiuiiad of ihe auoeeeaful bidder or bidders ttaan surw- iwi uia contract. . P0RM OP ODABAHTRB. ws, ma anaera iaed. retldaoit of . ht Ska ant) af . .tats of - aiantt i JoKiUy and seversllv, ireaseit wlik aha I in taie i,,e s -revel ns a 10 af be serened, ahet he or Ui.t win .. .. ... tract lor tke sante. wttk goon and aafflnlantsaretlaa.ks Z... - , i "t tn. eontraot,vi fnrnlak tha arttotes arf'tHiaed la oiailbrmll in lua i... -t .k - a Oaied July 4, IHS4. aud.r whiok tba bi waa made ; and. In iha said than lall to enter law. a .outran as aa,reeald. wa guarantee to aaaka g.nad tba aideranea beiweam the otter af tl a said Ang tha tarat to eet raauoralhla b dder.or ma n.r. a .k.. ... svuuaot may ba awarded. i t uvea aaaer oar hasdi and teaaa ( uiui uay ot , 1st Wltaeast , ...i Coaea.l ii'iii guaraniee moll OS ADDanilca tbe omalal r.ach parly ohtaaslng a oontraot wta ke okii. a etiler lato koud. wiuk appro red auretiaa. Air ate r.osr-1 axeoutkin. lipon Uaa award bsSng made, stmoettftil bhtders wtl In, aoiJJWa and farnlshe4 wlta aurms of asaetnaat 1 boril. The Deaanment reeerve. the rl-s uniu. . .a. bills. Il tun deemed aatlann-tnr. ....i ..nw.n. ik.... ...w ... who uain laiiea io mese u roe deiiverlea a tdost p r vloti, cotjlrsris wlthaut farulililng taliarect irv raaaaua lur sucb detlnqooncy . Prep eais win be addraserd ta " Brtttadler-Oansral Beore l. Hsmssv, Chief of Ordnsnos Waahlnjtan, IS. :. and auauraed " Proposals for Ixfaatry Aoooatra Daents. ...... OBO. D. RAMSAY, . , Tya-sswf-7t Brtg.ioo., Chial of Ordnaaoa. rH0r0SAL8 FOR MORTAR 8IIKLL. OiusKAttca Orrn a, Was Dspartmsst, o..i a w . .... WAsiusoroa.Julyg, l-aSS. kins. fv,,0fJ,U,, r,w1 -tills odlJa ne t ? . .JiU'i1".''! Auu'. lrr.l.lar II INCH mob jar KtiKl.L.I" he neUvere In tha foUowuu otiaautias. at tlie under named Arsensli, vis.: -a. Al tv.iertowo AraenaJ, MaaaaehulXta, ItCOO. At Waiervlelt Atsensl.New Tors, 10,000, Al New Turk inanti 1 1.... - !., w . f , on . 1.I.UU, XICW K0SW. At Allephenp Arsenal, Pltlihnnr, 10,(00. At Hashington Aranal, I). These nroU.-iiiA. ..a ... I . ... . . j -.... . ... ... . w . -.- tn wRiaa 01 aneian, nmm Inipwciea rer I , nilei ,a.d lrn in th Ordnu4k, Mnmiitl : the lnil. tttrtmirth ai ik,. is,, a .. 41... 14 000 pound. pr Vwur lu7 ' Tt pto'eptllri Ri-o to he lnipetM at tha foundry wharc (br trnjrortMon or tiaBdliiigT. Xxlr iMKVUeli th will it. l ailarlomiikedf MTrr1rifit m apacltBtl tlnta win a JtK ihr ronnat str to a lorfeiture of U uumor be na (all tn sis) i van r tat it at lima IlldtJira will atata extii'elllv tha A r agnail u&is. where ter umnoave tn dciivHr. tmri n.s nuik.e ... Kct,1,,B prvoe to dtUvr at acU pltvitj, if ft mar So hi la will ba coDihlored from pai-flra olher thaaj r((irrfouiHteTiorp i.prlomra ofwnrka.who are know to thi Ieia,tmeiit to M capable of am c a Una Uie truck p-opof-ed lor. HUi uM an nartT atitalnlnir a imntM rtmm mWn td an tht. rait la h .wa U-unary, they wUi ba rvJMMOa am! h untract reiidttred null and vota. Kf-TIll of liiil ran hm nhialiioJ . tt.m -v ji aAllMlm'a. lrUDOmlm Dot BUsIa iiutim thi. raa. .li ...ut aw. u iJBiUenMl. irjAJlAVTRB Tha bidder Will he rtnilll-!1 tn mmnm,-mlm .M...iiu. with a guarantee .lam-d y two r--fo,(.i())a per-..o, t ... v-nr.... ... jmu, liawtl at tM.Ce 9XHmt tfesj rou raetfor the aauie, with d and inillcUut aaretKM, , In a mm equal t ti,e amount or tu coa raci.tsi da ! 1 the a tide proponed. In couforraltr wlh ti-eturait tf thi ' advrt1a-nient;anuUicaie atd bidder -houtd fa I u -mar itv the mntrafi, they m aaaka .io -d Um duWr-aa. a- iwwa tUe ailcr of taid bliltf. and tbe oait raaponita ' ' s"-'iiiwwniim ineouDiraci a r 0 atardr4. Ihe reiMiulbilliv of the vs r t.i i. .1..... teollkial certif-rateof theCivrk of the nearaat liatclt ."u'i, 01 ui tno v inu niatea imiriei auomey. HoiiU. tn a aum a-iuaJ ta tha imniiBt of ( n,at.ipta lamd b the contraiiior arid Imth of hit iriararur, wi w it -iuutMi 01 uie auccaaanu aidaer or bidder upon aJbV- w rUKB or 1U AKANTER. We th ndrralarlU-d. raj,Bldnla nr . l If Iha aaaafa rf Htne of . hereby taintl- and eererJ.r cot tg 1 ant wlUi u e L nlu d B-atta. en1 ruaranua. la mtt the lortftuinif bid of ba aocept-d, tbat be . laer ai mice rxiw-ute Uia oiiiraat fur the eaiue, with km-4 and wOltlclaiil aun'tlea. In a lUlU BiBI In thaaamnal a tl e ci ntiaet. to furnlnb the anicrta p-npiaedle tia(jnni j villi the tinna of thi advertiaement datej Julf , l4tC IIIK er WhlCll the Mil watl mails - .! I ass. iha .mi a Z hal (all tn entfr into a oontract ai aior-sa'd, wa H'larai tee to mail a ifixtd the dHTrriica uiwqhu tne ofar of tit. eld and tlie next loweu ra-a.iaaihla bisigiakr a-r ua aeieon to whoin tn et-ntra t uiay be a war ad. W llneai t 1 iiirvn untieraur hand, and aesU M'ie cay oc . 1 rsssLi To thi pnarant-e muit be anDended tha rtiH-jal rrtifl. 1 can altove tueiiil nvd. If. ark party obtainlnir a oontraot' wltl be ohIWad to aim rltito booda. witn auonivod uTaia. t or lia ruhrBt exicution. H Lk, n the award oHnr made, rtMafti! bhfdera wltl Im a..ianfd and furiilahed with ft irrai of contract and bond. The liepar'ineni rervea the rlirhf (a rot any or hlda It dtMuiJ utiantlfariury on any account rni-naala wlh La aiMrtuMtd tu Hri. iilla' Oere Kemay. Chief of Ordn-noe, Wu'iin.lon, It. ajid will be eudoraed "jfrouoaale fr -at-h Moftar haal. , ttWItttlfc It. KAM4AV. jyll-mwfln Biic4iweori.t;tiiefjf OrJaaitotW "i;resh bkef and vegetablks. X NiVf l)RIAKTMBHrt iibuiAD or raoTibioaa aud i;iothiv, H IsMlt Healed Propoaal. oadorai'd Proooaala ftr trnuk KmI and Yettd!", ' will 1 mi ittsjerred at Uii bureau 11 11 til 1 0 clock V M .on tli gtnth (ia of July mt.- f r the i-rif 01 liai.0 poundtt of r to Hopf mil tuO uuO Hi'.d iaT r n an eve im- a, at the ftitiadeiphia station, a rwiairasft. '1 b lte.-f and Vetsciab a luiiar na nf aftxad ouaiu.. ... u, iWi tlie market atlonU, ad acu aniole uiuat be utfre4 ror t n 1 oiuju 1 he t.ei i to be in eUaU proporu nitx foieand hind (.aarieri. Moi.d, with approved toeurtiy, will ! ro,uitel in one-balf tha e lma'd amoant of tbaj e D'laci, ud twentv tr cent, lu aduitloo wl.l bawttb ht In nuu. 11. e aui-untof each uiymuiit bo e made, aa cHaieia aarnii y ftr the due pe f i inatu, nf ti.a roairaet wist, b in b uu auouuut. oa paid antU It la tai cwi plnd nlth. tvy t er d tiai be acovroanltd by a writ tea miraa- tes',l, id b ote or n 01 a rr.iortihla paraont, ir at VVntt hidir or hld-er will H tiia or t'n-lr 010 o ateptAd, eatw linuan ihd.iiiion wnhln tlv Ua, with t-d aud dl cl nl fiirvtit-a. o amiayh ihe ar icla prutned. fro I'P'po- al win it cnitJf ret! nniea ac tompniec iry rtit'h if an.n ke, and by aa'lnactnrv ai4uoe that th bidder la a lesular doaltT lu liie axUcla pnmovnX, an 'I haa Ue Uceuae ri4ulreO by law. AUCTION SALES. A UCTIOK SALK OF OONDRMMB0 t. Hssrsea. Was mrsir, Cavai.av tavaaair, Orrtca nr Onsr ut'aarMuMaai-Ba. WAaiiiaoTtiB. 1) 1' , Jniy 4, isal. WBJbe lead at pablte auataon, ta Uia highest bidder, a ths t-ntrs and plaees aaairS kelow LI hamiji. i'a . rut spai, luiy is.isss, lissniriu, ri., tui ssiiai .juiv si, iout. liAf-BINHl UU. Hs , THI ltSPar.. lull 'JK.ItsH. Al lOtif A. I'a., Tilt', A sr list 4. 14 V II I.IA JIHfi BT, l'a.,1 Ml slalUV. Ausaat It, 1H5. 'I W O ULMjaaU IM) CaWAldtl ltultoti at aaaa plsea. Ihtss Horiaa kave kaea asodaotael aa aafU tar tka cavalry ssrvlra ot the sraay. tot road aad strut ataay good kargaln BkU (4) bad liorseasai smgiy. lernia CmuU, ki UaHed StatssCnrrelr-y. lasts a. IIIW, Lacutanant -Colonel aad Ciiief Utianarnia.ii ) tOt Cavaarg ButoasL TJCTION SALE OF CONDEMNKO Was TJarti-TaaaTT. Cavalsv Bossao, tlrrwa oa uniar giiAsraasi.sTBa, Will he sold at PnMtn a ia..,l.. t.. ,1,. ki.i.-f k'l.i.' Tt KHDAY, July la, 1S84, at titaabora' Depot, aaar Waskj lugloti, 1) C.-btslnnltg at 10 o clock A. M , TWO IIUMIBHU CAVALUf ItoltSES. Thfe homos bava bona ova4iuuaal aa auai for IM cavalry aorvloa of ike araay. tor ro4 aa fuusistg parpoees, asaar goad baqnttasl Sftay ba kd. llorMaa Bold Btafle. lasua cask, la Unite Stales currency. jamas; A. terns. .. Uaataaaiat Oosoaal ao Csaet ooanertaa.ter TU-TI Cat aaif JUaasaaSk