THE T I EYTEOTN TED' PHILADELPHIA, Kit IDA Y, .lULY 15, ISiJi. rmH?TT .TO TITO A "A A 'A VI TT : IY M . ! . re ' - s 1 , xt-ft i -l - L- i i THIRD EDITION -NEWS OF Till: DAY. I TIIE I.ECKNT IIAID. ! Interesting Review of Its In- ception and Character. FROM VICKSBURG. g dedication of "Grant" Moauraont. 1 LATER FROM REBELDDn. Fourth of July in tho Uniou Camps. iiiy'n I, osxul, I'hinnrlulanl ev Conmicrrlul f?ri. TEOU BALTIMORE TO-DAY. MftUil tO'ire'e-A re Tue Breiano 7WiV-tsrA. IIaltimohk, July li. All Is iiiiol here to-day. No armed It b ls aro heard of In Hie !sete The .-.,- .. c, I... I :. I. . . r... . i a j, '.. i-joiciii in iiwt. u.iimii-ukca uim un nit letevui- Til nU Cllir.e.'llS. JUUHIliess IS UUIT ClCIHg licuvciy resumed. Refugees aro gulag lnuao. Tho accounts received from nil parts of Western Maryland male Hie Rebels made a complete sweep of hordes, entile, and stuns of ovrry kind. The whole couutry is ravaged, utid the p"ople arc unable to secure tin ir crops. Our authori ties continue making arrests of many prominent Secessionists. All the railroad companies ar 2 7lgi.rou-ly engaged in repairing damages, ani 1 ttgulur travel will soon le resumed In every xV.srtc.tion. EEVIEW OF THE REBEL RAID. Washington, July 13. The siege of Wmli ltig on. not nude as l"titf in eiiiratnui as tho s'c'u . Of Iroy, and hardiy as glorious as DeiTy or Sara gassa, has been at leng a raised, and there it n iw a restoration of cuiiimuuicuiioii with you of thn outside world, whose fears and anxlu.ics regard itig the fule of tli capital we huvo b -en ahiu M imagine. 'Ill iM morning it wai found that the enemy had withdrawn from In front ol'tned' f uses of Washington, and though they istili how pickets ut lliadcnshorg and on the r i road, tl re is guiiil reason to believe thai lha main force is marching towttrds (he Potomac to m ike good ibeir retreat with ad th loot that a wee it of uninivnuptcd plunder lias afforded tiicm. II. It is too early yet for us to make up our minds whether we on, tit to laugh over the lieuoueuicut of an ariiiir more farcical tnan tragical, or whether we should feel a devout tlnmkluluc-s for a great deliveruiice. There is enuugh that is droll to justify the former, wire it not checked by the rellcctiou of how much there is mortifyiug and humiliating in the circumstances f this Uehel ruio. A great nrmy is planted la-fore the linos of Petersburg, where the vi'al interests of i he war centre; hut l tic Rebels, by a inovoiiien'. of Iiliteh less boldness, are ahiu for a time to iran-der ttio seat of war to Ihe north of the Potomac, aro per mitted to roam through ami ravage a loyal S ale, and are able finally to throw the capital of the nation into a siege, aud inspire others tli initio lalnt-heartcd with leant and forebodings for its nifty. Now that tt Is over, one can speak with more freedom than was ercwhile allowable, and hence it is not improper to confess that Washington bits, for two or throe days pas:, liceu more really ''Inves'tU" than Ku hiuoud ever has been, it is true Ihe l'uiouiao river, a great natural line of ron, on, has been open to Ui; but our d rcct ui-d cut'omary coiumuuicatio is witu mo 1 orth end West have htca and now remain i vered j i nil this not mciely by the dam igedune by tho n ountcd ruiocrs, but by the fact mat the emmy )naieu iniiiseit on our cuniinniuciii ms which, 1 ncl.tve, is moio than ( (Jraut bas Jt dotie v. ith respect of the cummuiiicmuiis ot ti -i inoi.d. Nevir yc, in all their Invasion", hare the Kciicls uttiiiiU'd anything sotiolil ; and although there can I e no douot that Washington h is oc ifore brrn in far more real dangerof capture than (at any time dining mis lau altatr, yet Dover lie fore have the Kebels been able to make the capi tal seem to be in so much (lunger; uud for the first time tiny have won the tcUit, whatever this may be worth, of an actual investment of the de fises of Washington. Cueap glory, but they will, o doubt, make the tnu-t of it. Thiee ouiionunitiis the ii.ubi.lH have hadofcan- tufmK Wssinngton; the lirst was immediately aficr Buil Kan, the second was alter the defeat oi Tope, and the third is the present occasion, lint ihe latter they I .at before even they retched the frout of Wahiiij ton. II 1 1 tnev concentrated antt u an. hid directiy on Wa-hiu'gtoii, without v. a ting li.r plunder, there is no telling what mi(tht Lave been ihu result of a vigorous b'ow; bin when thryaiuved it was to i late. W'mli iufitou was aale, not mil) in its circle of foititica tions, but in the veteran dtfcndeis who stood IhIi.liI tliciu. III. Uuf this, and all other question' arising ou of the laid, Cepend for the r deteiui'iiation on tho ane cupual point us to the design uf tho Hub, U in the ni" vi niei't iiun Marvlan 1. And trii a.iin ro- ln liseil to a siugai; : 11 nj tne in un u a strict.) military aim, or w is it innl.-r-tadei1 lor the i nrp'ise of plunder, together with sucb In. idi ntal Uiil'tury idvautages ns might tiu jtaincd? Altbuiigh I'rum pre cut up .eaiaiices, time is oi j Utile ui id Jicate t:iut li.u It :. o i tciiaiiietl Ihu former ili:sigu, and ulin stcery thiiig to iLiWcite tint lliJy :m t-d their .uii'im in to the littti r, yet Chern was u.iich, even us life as yestciouy, to lead to tiie c u.ciu-ion ma' they were uiining at nothing -hmt ( a .tcr uf Hio w r to il c -oil ot tin: loy d Sti'v, 't.iJ t.,n eap tuieo' tirapttal. The force i:i Ma. I md .v t j cstin i.led even l y ii.ihier), at iio'.lmu than ihltty llioiis.tiiil la n. tale it . ms erte I (hut iiU'it' er cntuiiiu, c in-itnii? of ih:wi I-uf liOii'tieiYs C rp, was o.i i s wiu Jr :t (i ir lioi.bvil.e. Tl i'" View ol t':e in Iter . t ikeu by the a-li r ;-.t hi h-.ic ot M i ,,iv, when that I cr nindc ihe f l-r-vln.; ci irttio:! . li '"I tie It. Oil Mill) n' h S I.V. I IHlVtl-ll ll S I!,,' Vd'l.'V, V IS. lul . II. c. I v.l i -C C .is .ill , I'ii.tiT i- ,'icrnn J Ol r uj.t itei" r.H ,'u!' ii i !''. icni '' ' .i.i. T.ii. n,T4ii nr..ii- lUll.'i'e hri'lB":! ticl. -.l.-ti. li:-. I Vtt Is... I UNI SI l'U.HI. ,;tc o.i I li-- i-t . . s! 'i n I :i I .-ia' li, mi I I'h jj irj.y-i.' une . I' W i-', ;i .Il ! J Ik 11' t,.r-es .ii u i II imvl-Iii, li III it U'Ulv HII h llll llll.l III II,.- . a ii oilier '. I i.s c-. m u e y-i, )!, una rciiiiliii: iri'tu I I- Inn jiiil In M.stinl.iti. The tl k rv of a ii.luniii uf lie icl rclnfor c mi ills imiviiiir up fioiu (inr Ion, v, lie. seem d, nionoer, to ae pdre the weight of fact hy the (siin.ony of a Uniuii scout, wlio yesterday s irred 10 Secretary ISianlon that bo hud tne. previous night slept In lam, -street's cunp, and 'tA that bis torces were eucaiiipcd near j Jinciion. Now if these estimates could be taken as ro ll blc, tLey would seem to in lleato, on the part j of Lee, ihe mo-t terious tlcsiirns. It w is roc'i- , Joiied ill, it tune were already in M.uyl.i'i.l i n: eeiim and ot llrecMni liltio (two di isi'uns), tii V wh'lrot 1'weil's old coni", iiinler cotn-n i'id of (iein ml Ittily, while ut two br.gad s of Jlill's corps neio umlerstnod lo have been wiih diHn Horn Grunt's I'rmt more lhan a fortnigut , la tote. Tla se, wi'h the f upcraddilion of'sti eel's r"iuinaud, would toiisiitute a force niu !i ton foinniliihle fur a mere raiding parfv, while it would be lair 10 infer that the detachment of so la' ce a portion ol l.ce s nrmy troin In front of ih held the ia worst ImnosililA t i iim'ii i-iip nmiiu imiurnnT n piii po-o on ruCjiiart J ot the llebel General of giving up IVtursbitrs, i I .and even KichmoiiiL I 1 am one of those who have alwava 1, opinion that w hen the wort came to tl 1 with Let. when lie should feel it t , I inueU loigi r to hold on to Uichiuond hu would l P'ey "be lust n niiiiiiius; eaid attempt to ex change the Kebel canital for the capital of the . I r -ted Mates. And tin nigh il has generally been tcd thata movement on Washington y the fi I els, with the liniou army observing th"in so i cl ely as it now does, would' bo nothing short of t luaoliess, and must result in their utter deslruc I I tion; jet ihe meee-s that has attended thcprcseiit r Invatllag co itmn, the tecrecv with which the inoveinei.t wus conducted, un.'t their nearness to ' clutching even the biKbcst prl.e iiselt, suggest t ti e .lruilenco of uiodilylng sinnewhiit the cer i k talu y or the tli, turn Iliat the Itebels never could 14 , Jui'Ve ou V'ushiiijjtou w iib Uio I'uiou uruiy wutcii 1 illg ttitiu. :'"; . IV. Hat the movements uf tt.e re'iels and tho natiirrof their uK'iatioti are s ; 'inn the pie- 11 1 1 1 it n Hat any sin h stiiliitlous i.roim t tire 1 thriii in tl eprisiut invasion. And nrsi uf all, tin re is no cviilinie vil:teier th it thU fine rescin d B'TtlortT the fin t"'th attri'mted to It ly the nlhighi.d aunts uf usrror-s-.rickcn fogniies, who have been the authors ol" most of tho tiling numbers that have boen uien out. It lia, in fai-t, liccn one of tic gr 'Blest iiiifu Hi' es arili.g out uf lie I111 II euney uf tie (ii ner lis wh up to tie tunc the itci'tisiirriveii t'eioie Washing mi, weie rt with the dirhsof 1 he king thir ad vance, thai ae have had no estimate even iih trux mutely Triable of the enemy's stung li. 5ivl, who In id ibe clour of the valh v thruuirh w Inch the Krl.els, as on the occasion of hoth their prrrions invnlivn", enti reil the dominion of tho lovnl Mates, h d his trisips so Inultilv dip -ed thut l e was nut 1 Ten asare uf rhe appnia hof the rtifniv, Htiil he was m vet a't rwards wil ing iu pi t m iir cni'iirh to thetii to h am iheir nuiii Imis. ( Wallace, ho met the en'inv lu the el iel eng igi merit they have delivered on tho soil of Maryland, put them at twenty thousand nn n ; tin this again. Is simp c conjecture, it is true that ihe report', of the Ke'iel prisoners them selves have all assigned a i.-reit figure, in the culnn n of invasion, ptittinir if invarl inly at forty Ihoni" nd at least, ami canning reinforcements as coming. lint tl.eie Is the very best reason ti believo Hist thr.e fellows lie e ther wittingly or unwit 1 i.g:v euhi r l'icati-e the) are told to do so, ur ' bee.. line they know no better. One of thes 'St.Ve n.ents, I cunle-s, fur .1 ne nut tit tfiiggerrd me. A lttbtl liiuteiiiiiit, iiiurta ly wounded, milled, in his tail tness, for some wati r or brandy. Smnc of the latter was given bint, and lie then, with gtent solemnity, anil c in tclons of his moribund state. ave'Ted that the t'onfi derate fur. c whn h ha I fought Wal lace ut Monoeaey ntiniliered twenty thousatid men tl at this was but one h ill' their f iree, the irinuiii ng ha f having diverged on an ther roi l, ami thai an aditional column of forty thousand iiinler General l.ce was on its wae up to jain tho lorce thi n in Man land. Whether or not ho Islieveil what he said I know not: If bo wis ctiiliy of perjury In bis dying hour, bis Soul has alriady answered for it. Another Ibci winch militates ntriin-t tho hv potl esis that tho Kcbeis ainn d ill the capture of Washingion, Is the exiraorilinary drgreu to wbii b their forces have b'-eil scattered. A force ili-trihut:ng Itscll from 11 irp r'o I'erry to Illa ilciisbiiig and lialtlmore, mav lm well calciilu'ed fur raking inlo I s drag-net 11 I the spoils of tho country, and for indicting the nio-t extensive pnssililr damage ; but for elfeeiivo military blows concentration is, uf couise, absolutely essential. It docs not appear that tho Kebels were ever really concentrated, iilthonitti it is not improva ble that they bad the m .Jor sinlon of their foreo massed ut Monocaey, and pe haps, also, they had a guod pnrtol it beb ro Waalilmtton. In the latter rase we are again co nlncied to the helief that their force was Inconsiderab'e. Tney yesterday made a respectable show iu front of Fort Stevens ane Fort Lincoln; but eer'iil'ily nothing more ihan 11 moderately heavy skirmish line -no lino of bntilc, no such mas-csof men as were conjured, up by lively imaginations at tho front, out of 'lo'timnsol dust." 1 should think that twelve or liltc 11 ihon'iind mu-t have included the whole Ki ltl force in M in land. Fil ally, in evidence thut tho enemy was not prepared for any serious attack 011 Washington, the weightiest circumstance of all Is that lliey made none whatever. The numerous little spina of light they have shown have been of the m ist feeble kind only the rencounter of lost evening rehehlni; the proportion of a respectable picket fight. Without doubt they would nave been will ing, lunl lin y f iitnl the opportunity had tiny found Washington defenselss to have entered, sackrd.and burned it. and their cxped.tion in this direction, was pro aatdv a reconnaissance to see what the rban es were.. They did not find them promising, and after this 'hey appear to have confined their 1 florts to keeping our large force couped up In Washington, while the rest of the band devoted thctn-clvcs 10 an extended system f pillage. They funnd they could do this, and throw our overwhelming ntitn' rrs Into a defen sive attitude, and this was 110 doubt glory enough! V. What the IUbels actually accomplished may lis summed op as follows : 1. They established, for a time, a base of sup plies for Lee's army in Maryland. There can b no doubt that they have been only too success ful In the capture of stores, cattle, horses, which they have nude. In this part of their programme they have probably been ai success ful as they could have hoped. If one coulj look down the highways of S'irgiiila, he would soe tiling adnwn ihem long turns filled with the ijo.'ki ojnma of this raiding campaign in Mary land. i. Hy cutting the rallroa 1 communications Iruding Into Itnltlmore and Washington, aid draw ing their forces up iinpudcrnly oefora the tleltnses of tbo city, they won the prestigo of having lor the tiiau being thrown the capital of the nation into a species ut'-ni'e. Thefattof the real hoiluM ncss of this tri'iui,,h wiU not prevent its being taken abroad for a very significant do nionetrulion of our weakness. 3. liy tho fact of the iavasi in thiy will proba bly guln, furthermore, the credit of having shown H at a bile wo aro besieging the llclicl capital we ar e unable to protect our own noil. This also is, of course, nothing mure than specious, but it will be accepted as Gospel by our cuuiuics ut home and aoroad. 4. They have produced a great scare through out ull the country covered by their operations, and far beyond. 1 should except from this Wushirgtou city, wuh h bus throughout maintained a ceitain dignified composure; but from Ma'liiis'.iirg, llagerstowii, and Harper's Ferry 10 Baltimore, and even north of that, they havd spread terror wher ever they or the report ut tii-iin has gone. In llHltimorc, e-p.ciahy, :li : exuibitioiis h ive been pi'iful. There is no c. i.lunfo that that city has ever been line itcn d by a aything more than a cavahy party, ami a sma I o ;o at th it. Aud yet this sipindol men has bj -ii uble to ct)p up a force strong enough to tin. w up the Rebels, or ten times their 11111111, r, im.iy mi l hints, while they have device 1 itu riisi It. t to burning house iu the suburbs, nn 1 h-ve c . 1 - i itnred ,i4rUe of our men within the I. mil of ihe city iiselt. d. 'I hey have Imn . s ' 1 lievo their 'lues In fruut of Petersburg tor 1 i,.'i,.f jionoj Bt icist, iiuin the piessuie ol a o k i v nutuber of Urau.'s oi my. 6. They liave gbt" a tin ieal demiturration of one of the i-un iimr dtng'trs of putting our annyoutof the posi ni i . over Wa.hingtou, Ins It is h. i,.i jVni'si Hi.) tuiuely, th tt tho ei eniy cau. by a ve-v n n : to vards the capi lul, throw ihe v. hi !. 1 crc n alirm resooci ii g lis safety. I iiin.1,1 ti "10 is state of fa 'ts, foi It muuees 11 pres-n-o !. it becomes Uiill citlt tor a;. !1n.i ciiih" to ". 1' :-t md. 1. The movements of tin U e's from M moeai-y, wlreic lb, y 11 rc l. sr. S v, ( , n a appear t i have been dct i'c l by a iv u In r con-i I11.1 Idas Iihii thosu alreiuiv en inn r red. Ooneuil Wal lace diil right m making a li, i.t at M nine icy j for it is ll. c pniiii ot iitvei.i;. icv ol tne roads leading i.Otll tO I'.'.lil iluolll ,;U 1 1.1 H.l hn.gvoii. II id ho 'Lin able to hn'.l ' i'tt and repnlsti tin llcl'ils, i hey revcr c ai d i: i- e gotten any furtiior, till iiiii.! sou,:'it t -A'.i their wa a-tiuss die rctoiiKic. Hut "he'll '- fi'iini the inul 'ipnita ipuin'.r.y, or the tin t'l :. n ' , ; 1 ity of bis tro.ips, or fur oihtr i ::.srs, lie t i.-, unfortunately, uot iin'e lo do so. The division of the 1th Corps which had arrived to Ins a d, and Inch held the left of the rainoa 1, tutight with tneir usual style j bat Tyler's troops (mo-tlyono hundred days' men), 011 the right, could not bo held, and broke In disorder. Tins opened the road to tho enemy. The lleliels, on 1 Ids, seem to have moved with mast of their force oinctly towards Wusliiugtuu, uvoidiug i! ilti ihin c ultogetlier. 'l liey inarched bv the straight rou' fi) Widi i: :'tiun, nainclittho (j'C'iretuA'n p he, h 1 1 .11 r ii 111 Mouucacy .lull tiuii, ihriitich li ickvill: to W - ii n.'ton. On .a'.uid iy ni:,rht iheir advaii'0 leiuhvu iiockville, fourteen tni;ei I'ratu this point. Hero they bivouacked. On M in 1 iv nn ining, a cavalry force under Colonel i. vv -1 1 , was thitv,ii out to feel the enemy, and skinui-h-Ing toduwed near 'j'ennnllytuwti, bcyo 1 t which, however, they were hcld'at bay, "ibis point forms the left of uur Hue. During tho forenoon, huo clouds (,f dust. rising beyond the Kebel sklnui-h line, gtive evi dence ol the movement of uoinddi rablo bodicj of liel el iroops. In coulinniiti ui of v. .is o in di-eovered that the enemy, diver ;ing Itoni Iiock ville, were moving round toward our right. 1 11 fact, at this point of tbo line, In front of Fort Hevens, formerly Fort Massachusetts, a con sidcrnb'e lorco of Itcbcl cavalry showed them selves Monday morning. The point at which thev appeared wus In the rtelgrborhood of Kilver Hprings, old Francis I'. II uu's residence, jut over the District Hue, In Montgomery county, on the (seventh street road, md just beyond tbo lines of our fortl ica'lons. Here skirmishing was kept up during the morn ing, and at about two o'clock in the altnrnooii, it became, somewhat severe, the Kebel sharp shooters, under cover of the luniscs in tho vicinity, having advanced to within twenty or thirty lods of the f irt. Iu the coune of thu aftcrnuoa tue Kebel in. flint"- begun nnlvinx In fn nt of Frt Stevens, w 1 ere tbey snun slioui d a strong kV e. In con si i.b niruf this nmineuvro on fh' part of tho em n y, the 'lib Corps, wbMi h ni Just arrived an 1 bad been ile-tii cil to take position on 'he left 01 01 r line, were transferred to Fun Stevens, it bud been expected, Irom tho men' in move ments if Ihe eiieiny at this point on Mo i Ijv eviait g, that nn a-sau't would lw a Uviip ed curly tie lol'owing mo'-iilng, hut nothing but skirmishing has o cnirvd. In laci it win a ready too l ite for the He'veN to attempt ai ythit ir. In addition to the tw divt s Otis 1 f the Cub Corps, tho 1'ith Corps, hi h had Is en ordered up from New Orlcnn, and had on pnituneiy arrived in the Janus river, was di verted fiuin I s intended point, was shipped wl li mit tr ih-ler directly to Washington, whue it was put under the elHcirnt control of General (iilinnrc. A bet tins no ui 1 sound nerves hid the slitlitcst npi'iehcnsii'n tor the suietv of the Capital. Dunne yes'irlay notliing oecurrrit except skita i'liicg, w hi h, tow ird six in the af cnioon, bfcBine ipiue s, vere. H'dwell's Hnguleot I'm Uil Iiivi-ion, nth Corps, nn 1 a portion of Whea toti's Rfgade. engaged the enemy aad drove hitu I"! upa ard 1 f a mile, wlih a loss to us of - nearly ;ti 0 men. 'Hie eni my's loss must hnvo been full 11 great, as he left eleven otllcers and ninety 11 en, too severely wounded to lake away, at the res ih t i', p, uiair, sr. 'I his little nllair was sutllcient to briST the Ki beis to a ilcterinitiation. 1 ins was tu rctr? it. ll wn expected that they would il l so during 1 11, e night, and the recrniiois-aneoaf this mominc thoaed that they had withdrawn. Il is expects! il at they will cross at f-Mward's Ferry, though there me tbo-r who runceivr that the Kehs's m iy tsks advantage ,,f the ir interior line lo deal e bl'.w at Hunter by the way. IHE VIOESEUKG MONUMENT. Anniversary or I lie siiirroniler of tho City lleillrHllon or Ihe IJranl SlnnflulriK 1 lie "l oiirlli" Iu YlrkfthnrK. Ac. Fl-m thr Vftitburj ilirmlU.Julnt. The historic importnm o of tho Fourth of July to the city ol Vn kstimg, sui gcsts that the day should have Is en eeleiirmeii 111 grand old stvle, but w e are sorry to suv that there were no general ariatigi 1111 nis made for the celebration uf thn nr.-t aiiiiivi mnry of the surrender of the city ami the rij lity-eiKhtb of tho independence oi" the United Mutes. This was a subject of nimo.t universal regret on the pari of ninny 01 our citieiis, wlm si 1 nied to have anticipated a grand pala lny. Why there were no prep irationa f r agt urriil celebration we arc not able to stite. Fairly 't the turn ring tlio ei'y exhibited somo signs uf putiiutic ilemon-tratlolis. Ihe. streets were crowded with persons anxiously inquiring the prugrunimo ol the day. The greater nmnber of busmiss bouses ill the city displayed the Stars and Stripes. The day began vcry"plcasantlyj there was no dust to add to the discouililurc of travelers, 11 fine shower of ruin having fallen one day pre vious. Ihecoutinst between this day and its anniversary is ipiito noticeable. Tho wbho Hag then lluati d over I lie city, and a victorious army niurclud thrmili Its streets after besieging it lor forty-seven days. Well do we" remember the grateful relief felt by b- siger and besieged noon th" capitulation of the city. What a grand s ght it was 10 the Ciiion soldier to fee the white Hag Homing in tho brecie along with the S'ars and Striics, and when that noble ensign of American liberty was seen waving from die ilomo of the Omit House, the fiiiaii soldirr, so deep were his emotions, could do or s iy but little cbe 'tlian to paint to "that dear old flag" and exclaim, "long may It wave." Feeling the necessity of rome kind of a demon stration iu relievo the tedium of the day, an im promptu celebration was gotten np by Lieutenant F.. S. Johnston, l'ost Unar.ermustcr, wha turned out the lull lorce jf bis department for.rhe occa sion. There were six twelve-niule.tcarus lu the prorcfuon, headed by e brass band. The procession proceeded to the headquarters of M iijor-General Mtsu nowhere it was halted' and speeches made. Captain J. W. Davis, Com missary of tSubsimeure, was introduced and made a very aiproprhite and patriotic speech of an hour's length, dining which the Captain was fre quent ly cheered. We regret that we are not able to give a synopsis of bia speech. It will be re no aibtred that the Captain is a War Democrat of the I'gun and McCleruand school, and ia wholly nevoted to the cau-e of bis country. 1'iivate Oregg, of the l'.Mth llcgiment Illinois Infantry, was next introduced, and speke for ninrly an hour In regular old-tashioiied Fourth of July stylo, drawing forth rcpeitcd cheering. Major Itart cs, I'ntted Statos Army, was loudly called for, and resismded in a short and telling piHicch, utter which it was announced that tho Grunt l'enibcrion monument would lie erectal ut t luc e o'clock iu the afternoon, under the dt rcction of Major McKee, Provost Marshal. The ass mtilnge then disiersed. Own g to the ill health of Major McKco, the erection of the monument was given by him in charge to Major llarnes aud Captain Anderson, United Maus Army, w ho proceeded to the site, and loiind that every preparation bad boeu made fur the ceremony by Mr. F.dward Miner, f ire man, in the employ of Captain William Kinkier, Assistant Quartermaster, and to whom belongs the credit of having originated the scheme under tho direction of the Cuptain. Unite a large assemblugo having collected, the monument was placed in position at half-post lour o'clock, under the direction of Major llurncs and Captain Anderson, assisted hy several other persons, among whom ihe editorial "e" was to be found. Tbo aflair passed olf spier. didly, aud every one engaged felt as though be had per formed only what duty required, witiioat display or cercuioi.y. Tl e iiiouument is of white marble, surroundtd by an iron lence, tbe whole presenting a ncuc but rather imposing appearance. T here is a square base, upon winch S'ands the mam ah ift of a'nut eight feet in 1. ngtb, whi"h is surmounted by the ornamental ball. The full height of this monu ment is about twelve feet. Upon the western face is the inscription SITK OF IKTIttlVIEW between Major GiKcn .i. 1. S. (littKT, U. S. A., and I.ltl TtKAKT-OKKrilAL J. K. FtuusttToa, July 3, IH03. ISiEEISTIlvO IEOM JAPAN. 20 1 11 of 12 Monih, jArAKttKi: itYkho. My Dear fir: I have the repect to write n few lines to you by the caro of my yorn g icholur, who Is very good yonng hicn, and hoping lo be very good friend to you as I had, w ho shail give you this lo ter in a person. There are three young Interpreter in ibis nn busy who have In irned F.ugl.sti in my room, i bur l aun s are Yntio, Ma uda, Sekcii. lldpe yon also he friend with those men. 1 have long been intended to write you for the answer tin. I you sent to me by the care of To.v pend llunis.a American tuini-icr to Japaa. li j I its you know thut Japan ure not so free to send a letter to Foreign CVuatry. It was tborsfore not Iny pui'posr to have so postponed. 1 have nor forgot that 1 have had delighted Willi you in 1 niied Sn.tes, and al o I have re miiiibir ull n y good liieud and many things thi.t I h.ivc set 11. I very sorry have hi art that you have very bad trouble at home, lint hoping tho Government will 101 n put Kebels down. We have also a little trouble tit honi". 1 sup pose you have ulremly heart it thut. Somo bid prince lited Bt defenceless American iner ba it ship nnd many other foreign ships, Hut was glad Hint your men-of-war, Wiuuiiug, boat this priuco pretty hardly mid sunk two or three ships. Japan uiii now going on very badly, but will fooii I e settled. I have lately entered into tlio Mlimiry Si l;oo. 1 have now therefore send by my fiiend with the Catltiopiio to gel Military book for the K iv criimriii's Ac'idimy. I request that you will Lelp them to get books if they inquired to you. I em expecting to had a good opportunity to tee in tlu so days ufter vour pittoeaiid ours. 1 wish to have your likene-s very much, you w ill tend 111c one. And also copy of my hea l description (I forget the inline) that I have taken by your recommendation ut New York, and 1 hnvo lelt or lost in America. l'lcn-c this pour toes give to your children with my kind coinplinu ms. Here is in this sin ill bux w lint wo eallci wilier ilower thtso you shall get glass of water and put this little piece in tho w ater, and then that said little stud will suddenly swell or i-pi end aud shows you what it is. I f-hould like to send many letters to my friends, but 1 have forgot their directions, thoro lore I ilo not write, l'lcasc tell iny kiml regards to nil friend who Inquire after ine. I shall now close my note tor 1 buve nothing remember to tell you. 1 am remain your Uospet tiully, Tatmsn Onooiuo. To William W. Lcland, F.sq. 1'. S. Fleuso tell your lady that I remember I have rode on carnage with her. tome lad) s or guntli nun h ivo sent me lettors after 1 buve return home by ihe care of custom bouse that I have beait. Hut they did not do liver me tin refute I cannot answer. You will be kind enough to tell to (hose gentlctucus or ladles by the newspaper. EXTRA! FIFTH EDITION! FltOM Till' FRONT. STEAMER FROM CITY TOINT, REBELS ABOUT TO ATTACK OUR FORCES. REBEL DESERTERS COMINO INTO OUR LINES. tVpcrlal to The l:rnlDK Trlritruirti. vVAsniNdTON, July 1ft The mall R'caiier Kryinrt arrive. 1 here this morning from City Foitit. She brought up the army mail and a number of men belonging to the l.Vilh Ohio one hundred days men, who are sick with fever. There were some indications Hint the II 'bo's a- nieditnling an attack upon General Grant, an I they appe ar to bo eiiutioHsly feeling our liues. Coii-idernlilc skirmishing has taken place within the past few days at different points along the lines. The Itebels seem to Imiginc; that Gem nil Grant has been so much weakened by sending troops to the relief of Washington, that they can risk an attack. Our army Is much in hopes that the Kebels will como ont to mako nn aituck under that Impression. The Kebels have taken advantago of the with drawal of fume of our gunboats from tbo James river, and yes'crday uiorHlug they BroJ upon the thinners (lenr,je II Vents and I'nitrtl Statu, from a Held battery near Wilcox's Landing. 1 he 1 1 Venn bad a portion of her stern knocked ofT, nnd three shots p issed through the Cai.wi Mutet, not indicting muc h damage. As the A'ej'porr came down the James river, she saw a large body of Rebel cavalry on the bunks, a short distauco below Wilcox's Landing. Tho Ktyimrt put on all steam, and passed them with a full headway, but the ltxbcis mado no demonstration ugainst the bout. Nothing bos ns yet boon heard from General Sheridan, w ho has 011 another raid wbh a large force of cavalry. Uc will doubtless b heard from favorably within a day or two. Kebel deserters continue to come within our lines in considerable numbers. Tbe he 1 port brought up twenty-ouc. EUROPEAN NEWS. STEAMSHIP "CAIEDOMV AI ( ArE RACE. UNITED STATES STEAMER "NIAGARA" AT CHERBOURG. Et-., Elr.i Etc., Etc., Kle., (., rsT. John's, N. F., July l;i.The steamer Cale donia, from Glasgow ou the 6th instant, passed Cape Hacu at 6 o'clock this morning, bound for New York. Her news is tlirco days later;' bnt Is unim portant. The Kmpcror and Empress of F'ranee were to leave Fontaineblcnu on the 7'n, respectively for Vichy and St. Cloud. Humors were afloat that the Confederate steamer Flmida was waiting outside of Cher bourg for the Krunaryc. The United States steamer Siajora was or dered from Antwerp to Cherbourg. The Germans uro eroctiug ballorics opposite the Island of Funen. The Swedish squadron is ordered to sea. The steamer Olympus had arrived out, and the Canadian mail stemier from Quebec arrived ut Novilic, beluw Londonderry, ou the tb. FIBR AT NT, LOlIft. Nix SteainlMinla llnrued Imhh H'100,0IO. Bt. Loiib, July 15. Tho steamboats Heirom, Cantjow, .Vunsiitir, Chrrokw, SoriUemrr, ami IC, F. Lht were burned at tho levee early this ruorn isg. The loss wiil probably reach half a million dollars. DKinr.DATio.N or the Florida." New Yoiik, July 15. Tho schooner Ueorgn l.atimer, captured and burned on tho 18th of May, by the Florida, was from Baltimore for Pcrnnmbiico, with a heavy cargo. The captain, nitito, second mate, and cook, were pnt aboard Ihe .VoruVueiini, Juno 5,lu lat. 22, N., long. 42. The remainder of the crew of the schooner were shipped on the Florida. IXTSACTS FROM REBEL PAPERS. I.nlCNt from l'rts'rwItMrsr Sihrtioi Ins; and Nln-lllnir Mnlioue'a Capluina, Ae. From tht Hichrwmd A'af ulrer, July 9. Yesterday was tbe quietest day Petersburg has enjoyed during the siege. I'.irties wuo lelt at haif-pusl lour o'clock state that few if any shells weie thrown into tlio city during tbe day. They beard of l oi, e. The only lauuouadlng of any imporiaiue occurred Irom itveral of our batte ries, which operated at periods of the day upon the liues uf the enemy. The Kx)irea$ ol yesterday (July 8) contains the foliowing: It is literally true that there Is nothing stirring along the lines of the two armies iu front of l'e U r.-burif except dust, whicli in clouds and vol umes tills the roadtidos and evcy conce ivable p'aee trodden I y mau ur b"ast. This, added to Ihe sweltering bent, makes il iinvthiug hat com fortable eulicl lor pedestrians or equestrian to go to tilts front. BKAUFSIIOOTINa AKll git EM INQ. Tut this is not all that is un tonifortahlo about a walk to ihe liout. On hoiuo pans of Ino 11 acs the shuipshooicis on both sides hnvo an uy practice of .-h'Siting at cwrytkd ig tuey see, and then Bruin tho she. Is those awful miu.'is are ever aud auou hurli.ig through iuj uir to tin) tt rrnr of all non-ccuiibiituiits, Bad to Ike oc.-a-notnl uiiiio)ii. e ol tbe siMggiiug suMicrs. I'HISONkliS A Nil Til UK HTollIl..' Ycstcrdny several prisoners were bro njlit In, among tla 111 11 lieutenant of cavalry, "jut uii tno way liotti Cork." llu represent the c.valry una of the Yankee service as being in utiytlnug but the best plight. In other words, ho says it W "utcd up, und v. Ill nol now number oue-loiirth ot what it did w hen tho eumpaigii comineucdd. Their operations oil tho north side of the. Ja nes, and ou ihe south side of tlio Appomattox river., w ill iuy on the shell', and teudcr thorn ue li ss for wee ks lo como. 1 he other prisoners say that Tarnard is slill In our trout. MAIIONK'iJ CAl'TlIlliS. The battlo (lags recently captured by General Mttiione, ten iu nuniiair, were yesterday sum to the Via Ollleo in itichmoud. by tho hy, this division of Anderson's, coiuinundod hy .M itnmo, lias captured tiuoo tho c.iinpaiga bwan tiiii ty six hundred prisoners, litte.eii colors, eleven pieces of 111-tlllery, and nearly three thousand stand of small anus, besides putting out of tho way immense numbers of filthy, lousy, greasy Yankees. ursFiirLKS trom ouant's aumv. Frun a gcntlottiun who arrived In this city yetterd..y liom Ivor, we learn thai the country thcie and from thence to Sutlolk is lined with 'stragglers and desi rtcrB from Grant's army. Ilo rcpiesciita tho nuniliers to be extrouiuly largo, and ihe men are exerting every etlorl tooscqio unest. The country around l'etersnurg does nut suit them. Tho weather is too hot for coinfuit, good v. uter too source, uud Coufederatii buliuis too ui.erilng. ) Tbo liinltid crops In that section liavo boeu eoinpieiciy destroyed by the eueuiy's foraging panics, and bui liule is left the remaining m habitants to subsist upon.' - If Grant's Army remains on the south sido much longer the coun ties open to his troops will be desolated and ruined. FOURTH EBITIIM LATEST FROM WASHINGTON. RETREAT OF TIIE RE3EL3. PURSUIT DY OUR TROOPS. rOECE I.VTKN TI0S OP KCBSLS. iioav tiii:' i:vii:i. WHO IS TO I3LAT.IE? M1SIII(.T0X MARKETS TO-DAT, Special to TIi Eirnlnir Ti'lrarnph. WAauiMiroN, July 15 I'tie cneniy have sue- ccedrd In cflcctleg a sale retreat across the l'oto iiinc, vthic h thrv began hist Tuesday afiet 11 kju. Our furc rs followed them 011 Wednesday, but the 1 urmit has as yet accomplished nettling beyond the pu king up of uruggleis. Kockv lllc was the Kebel banc of opciiilious, und its poses-i m se cured their safe retreat. On Wednesday noon the Itebi Is pa-Si d through Koekville. When they were leaving tho town on their re turn to F.dwards' Ferry, they were harassed con siderably by Colonel Lovell, of ihe 2d Massachu setts Cavalry. Hi force, numbering about V) dismounted cnvnlry, driving them until their rear guaid was reinforced, when he was obliged to fall back, before doing so, however, ho had quite a sprightly engagement with them, during which lie had seven wounded aud 0110 killed. I he Kebels lost several killed j a colonel, be lieved to be mortally wounded, who was sup. posed to be somewhere In the vicinity of Rottk ville; two wounded w hom they could not carry away, and a largo numlcr or others, wounded, w hom they took with thcin in the carrliges nnd wagons they hud stolen. The rette at was simultaneous throughout their whole line, or nearly so, a small portion passing down the Hivcr road, and the remainder of tbeir force concentrating from various directions, and passing through Kockvtllo, rn route for Edwards' Fury, whue 11 most iheir entire force crossed. Tiny commented retreatiug on Tuesday, and their front lino passed Ksickvike and other adjacent roads upon a line with that place at twelve o'clock ou Tuesday night, and was continually falling back until twelve o'clock on Wednesday, when the rear of their miln bixly bad gone. They retained their pickets at Koek ville and ut the cross-roads, and on river roads, as well as upon tho road leading towards Frede rick, nutil between live end six o'clock ou Wed nesday evening. Almost their entire force Is be lieved to huvo crossed tho river on Wednesday nlftht. The foe consisted simply of stragglers, a con siderable number of whom were captured by our dismounted cavalry und the advance of uue of our corps. Last evening, our advance commander bad bia headquarters at 1'oolesvillo, about thirty miles from Washington, and tlirco miles from the l'otuniac. It is much 10 be regretted that we did not know as much about Kebel movcmoiits Tues day,!'. M., as we did Wednesday afternoon. Had such been the case, our men might have gone out from the formications, made tbe reoonuois sance, and on Tuesday evemng made a guuoral forward movement, and caught tue enemy in all the details of a retreat, but fortune smiled upon tbe foe, and while we waited fur Ihe assault upon the fortifications of Washington, our shrewd and wily enemy was making good his escape under the very nose of our army. Ho has gone, earn itig with him all his stock and plunder. Tho North bus been a third time disgraced with invasion. If tbo enemy should a fourth time appear in our liorder, will wo have one good militia regiment to oppose them i tJuerllliui ou me Jnnita Klvrr. On Wcduesday afternoon, at 5 o'clock, while one of our propellers was going up the Jatuos river, the Kebuls fired upon her from Wilcox's Landing. Two solid shots struck the vessel just above the wuter Hue, but failed to Inflict uny material damage. A gunboat immediately moved up and shelled the Kebels, aud theu landed a force, which pursued tho enemy quite) a distunco. cl'rmtklnira of the Wlaeaereo. There aro hundreds of people here who are trying to ptovc thut the Kebel force lately in Mary land numbered seventy or eighty thousand men. We wish, for the honor uf tbo nation, it hud been co, ns we should not now bo su during from tbo di.-grace of our capital having been In vested by twenty thousand men. Somebody was to blame first, for tbe advance of the cneniy into Maryland, and again for allow ing a greatly Inferior force to threaten toe very gates of the capital. Who was the man ? There is 110 leather medul largo enough with which to rewuid him for bis military ub.lity. AuotUt'r Ari'ciasl. It siems to be generally conceded that yester day most ail of tho Rebel forces cr isscd at Mulch's ut.d LMnarcIs' Fords Into Virginia, Our fences eccuplcd 1'o.ilesvillo last ' uLjht. Tuo fViiw.ic'B this publishes taiuo semi oflleial facts going to show that the late invad ing force reached marly 40,000, and that it was fully planned to ni.e the Capital. Oli ecis fioui the f.out say, Fuily's aud 11 reck intidjjc't Divl Ions were all Wednesday forenoon I asiiip from the north of Washington to R j k ville. Tbe Wa hu:j;teiii markets this tuoruiiig were nearly dctiutto of provisions, owiuj tj llic devastation of ihe country northward. 'I lie MillllH ul IHs.lrlc'1 ul olniBlii. Hy direction ol tho I'rcsldcut, the order calling for the services of the militia, and volunteers of the Disti ll t of Columbia has been rescinded, a id they ure accordingly inu-tered out. ' UKSillU I OII-.Hl lit IllCOgrO. The I'le'sali-nt has recognized II. Clauss;nl ns us Consul of I'riis.-ia ut Chicago, and Giovanni I.nizo Avctiunl as Vice Consul of Italy in New York. A Ite-hcl Rialeiiient. The titional JuUlUiencir understands that a Major (or Cuptain) Spencer, of the insurgent I .ire is recently demonstrating iigdnst Washing ton, 1 11 brae d the opportunity before they des c. mped ol addressing to ono of our citiz'ius, wiiej is a rcluihe of Spcuecr, a letter, in which he states that ihe Con federates crossed tho l'owtuec with tjOiiO uicii for the purpose of obtalulng horses, rattle, aud other supplies, and having accomplished their purpose, they were 011 tlio innrch buck lo Virginia. Only 11 uniiil puitiou of theso forces appeared In fiout of Washington, while their comiadcs wero collecting tbo booty for transportation aerott tho l'otuiuac. Tlie lluliliuore Mtllllit. fivrrUil I'twch to tilt i wnlni? Tct'iraph. Daliimoiii!, July 15. Tho Baltimore militia continue enrolling, and tho authorities aro deter mined to tnnko them como up, regardless of poli tics. No doubt General Wallace will lay contri butions on tho Secession sympathisers to pay for llrudfurd's house, and other Kebel damages. Slenuirr NpoUrn, St. Johns, N. B., July 15. Tho Burnn'a, from New York, for Southampton, was boarded oil Cupo Race, at 4 o'clock ou Thursday morning. PR0BAB1E OAPrURE OF ATLANTA. Iti h l Hope hiiiI Fe lrs. Wasiiinoion, July 15. The A't in' (n.) Apiunl ol the 4 1 li of July has J 1st barn received here. It airy: "A more p obab'c solu'lon of 0"n"ril Sher man's 1 oil y is that he will make a detonr so no. ward from Marlprta, with of dos-lng the river and r, ae lnrg the rui hctwoen this and West l'oint, and such movement on his par; would, lie sup; use s, compel General J ilinst ia to move to the I f , uud tli ti 9 liavo Atlanta un covered. If such be really the design uf the wily Yankee cnnitneiiili r. we have an abiding fiitn tint ho will be fc'inl in In? pis 1 poc, nnd I iron it tit to grl'f in Bctvni.c. of its u.a'ouipli.sbmciit. Wo are Dot w pin u t the hope, iiion ov er, tint r Inlore -rri nrf w ill eel ce me 10 the aid uf our a inv m sulle errt sin ngtb to rnab.e It to drive buck theinvadois of our soil. "The trsns-M-'ssl'-lppI nrmy !s r.ow lying 14 la with Do cm my to a tnov it, ami there I no rra-i n wh) It might hot bo trinserrel to tin. sale of tue river, wh 10 its services are so 111 u h Lee 1 1 d "Whir the runny are concentrating all I'iot roree s. i bi ho V s us to do tl 0 -a nice iluiig, ot 1 tr ie se there is 1,0 a'ternal've left but to cumin 10 10 nn render to tuo doinination of tho invader. ' Tin: uoiMicn i thi: Tiuiir at HOMKKV, Ftiti'iiiicK Cnv, July H, via fiettyi'iurg, July l i. Tbo wonnded liavo been broug it from Monocaey lo this p'uee, and nro now in the Govt rnmcnt Hospital, Tho exa t number of them Is not yet asccrtalnea", but they will proba bly reach eight hundred in nil, the m.ijority of whom are Rebel wounded. The delegates of the Christian C immisslon aro herewith hospital stores, clothing, uourishineut, and stimulants, a I of which aro much needed hy the wounded. Mr. Gideon Hunt, a Union du re n of this place, has furnished tlio Commit s on's deb pates with accommodations for them selvcl'Bud their stores. At Gettysburg tbo delegates were furnished with transportation to this city by K. U. Mi Cieury, I-isq., of that placo. They also re ceived cci sidcriible accessions to their stores. The railroad between Gettysburg und this place Is not )et in running order. Frederick City was well drained by the Reluls, und many ol its clil.ens dastardly robbed, even after the raiders had received iheir levy of two hundred thousand dollars. A number of Averlli's Cavalry wero In she city lust niht, and ure hero yet. Cnnlfngr-lloii at, Jf. V. Nnw You a, July 1 o'clock, I'. M. A large fire I- lacing In F1111111111 street, Uiooklyn. 11).,' Iiinibcr ynid, and rhe distillery ou tho opposite side i f ti e sucet is burning. A nuiiiber of heavy e.xpio-lons have ocrrT'1 1. lie hns-iiin frigate, and other vess Is near here have been lowed away safely. SKCOND PKSrATCH. Two f. M. The fire in Hrooklyn .s not Rnsa' lumber y mil and tho distillery, but the n'" stores in Fin man street, hotween Rtato end Jorulcinon streets. Ono vessel is burning. TMIHII Ilt'HATCH. NfwYokk, July 15, 2 31) P M WnodruiTA Jackson's Mores, in Fuiman street, Brooklyn, coutuiLirg nitralc of Sinla, saltpetre, sonar, hid ., Ac, cumin tiro at noon, and are still burning. The Russian frige e w is towe l out of d inger by tour tugs, without damage. Tbe 'rfgf e",n ir -nd IU tin' aud a bar pie are destroy od. Throe terri ble explosions occurred. ( Few I. INTr.l.MMP.NCR. CoctiT of Qcaktf.k Skssioss Judge Allison In th'S Conr', in which, during the past week, Utile or nothing has bceu done, indictments agsliitt parties charged with selling liquor with out lie rute were ibis morning taken up. Tnre are between two aad three hundre d bills pending against offenders of tnia class, and before the loon is doi.e with them, they will be of the opinion Hint both time and money would have be en saved by a compliance with the require ments uf tbe law. The following panics were tried and convicted : tSaonuel Laugtiiugton, No. 211 Dean s'rcit tsold porrer and 11 lo. llecxeiHed himself by say ing thut bis wile sold it against his orders. Owen Reynolds, tavern S. W. corner of Currant alio and l.oens' street. Tnedef ndtnt prod iced a license date d Juno 4th, but tue C'ouit dod doil 1 hut the lawroqnircs that thn license ah ill be laken out during the month of March. John htubi-r, No. 1303 Gcrnianiown road: He sold Inger beer, und offered as an excuse for having un license, that he bad only bcou there se ven weeks. Thon as Hamilton, Fourth above Shlppeo. Tie produced a license dated June 15, but this, under ilie ruling of ihe Court, did not avail. Patric k Moore, Fourth and Sbippen. H9 pro duced In ruse dated June 16th, but was likewiso convicted. Charles Shorts, No. 4 11 S. Eleventh street. He bad 110 license, and was of course ro ivh'ted. Neal O'Douuel, No. 14 Cadowbill street. No license, and wsa convicted. John Miskell, Front street. Ilo produced lictme dated June tith, but that did him no good, and be was couvlc cd. Charles Dunlup, Twenty-second and Cherry strecs. He was retailing liqu ir under a whole sale llci nse. This is a clear violation of law, and he was convicted. Jacob Mioiln, No. 1(119 N. Fourth street, also wus retailing under wbuiesale license, and was ronviced. Richard Murphy, No. 20!) Rice street. Ho firociU' cd a license dated June 14, and, be ug too a'e, was couvlcteid. The cases were still being rapidly disposed of wheu our ieiioit clos d. CITY liNTILLlOKlNUE. Statu ofTiiermomhtkb To dat. Six A. M, 60. Noon, SO. One 1 M., 81. Wind, East. The Union Aiitim.kuv. Tho Phil idelpMa Vnion Artillery was aceep cd by the A iju'anl Cenrral, July 11, ai a Ilatlery Company. On the lilih tin y offered 'JXS men under Major Fut wnter, a regular oillccr, but neither city or State r nld furnish emu, lie tits. One hundred aud bit) -one- i f 1 be number then volunteered 10 ga with their own bowl i re out tie so n i tieinj re- I nmd, they were ii.'nn di-app iu cd. Thursday, lph, inoix"b urs' time, an icfinlry coaipniy of iil b )-t'vo un n wus recrunetl, iis,io to I, and II uMcrcd n, uud will go as a coiupiny of tho .Sal 101 ul fiuin d. A Ci i.itMiiD KitbiMi sr. We call special ut tciitinn to tbo chiiins of the 3 1 C il ltegliueur, w hich bas so r.ipi lly orgiuied that but U i lni ie compuuirs nrc needcel to complete the regl meut. Wc have peri.otial kiiuwledgo of several of the otl'cers connected vvlth the organization, as slso of the cliarncti r of the men that have thus lar been culi-te ei, uud are contidcut that iu every lespeet It will prove as lino a regiment us ever left this ci y. Itiiiueiluito application should bo niiiiie to Colonel Juhii U. Hislett, No. 2U-51 Wal nut street. Facts. Tho business advlco of our eminent townsman, JolniGiigg, Esq. !f you have uny tliing to sell, do not fail to acquaint tha public with a knowledge of tlie fact is one of the reasons why wo make reference in this spocUl manuer to tho Gre at Central Clothing House of Wniminiurher A llrown, S. K. corner of Plx'h anil Market streets. Wtiihi day ufer day those gentlemen have not failed to announce in our udvc rti-lng columns un account of all the vari 'd articles of wearing apparel displayed at their famous establishment, "Oik Hall," yet, at the s.iine time, for tho benefit of those who boast thut (hey do not re ad newspaper advertisoiuouts, tin y avail themselve s of a volume, that, iu those days of cracked skulls anil bloody noses, people cannot reluseto read, if they would be po-tod upon the stirring events of our local a well a. national history. Notices of which (lie above Is a type are, In newspaper parlance, called "pull's." This fact i. fully admitted by Messrs. W. v 11. As the merits of a cigar run only be tested bv the puitlug pro cess, so the cheapness, durability, aud excalleuce of tLelr goods csn only bo subsuuiiatcJ by di ree ling tho attention of customers to their estno ut, which, olCO entered, the most satistac torv sales to pure baser, as well as seller, aro sine to succ red. Tho sales at this h.aiso for the past years have been of the mast extensive clura.'ter, and tho descrirtion of ihe goods disposed ot have delighted all their patrous. Strangers visiiiag tlie city will bud that the most advautagoous bargains are to be made at Ibis CA'lc'jrateiUesublishiueat. What Nr.iT ? By the applicatlo ef a rsesf prr psrntlon, called the ''Email de Paris," lasrlj introduc ed to the ladles of this city, it is said that ihe most rrpngnant features can be trans. formed into the most beautiful. This lei prove-' inent on nature is the invention of the Trench : Chi tribe, Jares, end the result is attained washing the faoe with peculiar kind cnamil Ibis i newi-yle of ariiecial fare end one likely to hrooroe popular among ladire ' of arntaln a aed old bachelors. If the in- ! ventorof tbe-KinsU do Paris" oonbi only die- , cover sc mnhli g now wheh wou d bleach blackf nc rl ehsra, ter, his Invention would be per- " fee t. taut next ? r To tub Travrlimo Toauo. Io conse qnrnce of the burning of the steamboat John I'otter, at Tier No. 1, North River, fw day finer, pBssengrr lines from New Ywk to Phils- t dephialiy Camden and AmMT Hitlrtwil will undl liirther notlcr, leave the ptr foe of linden' son street, at 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. dally, ftuaetavf -' exirptid. 'i FINANCE AND COMMERCE. , PIHIJlIIKU'HIA STfK'K BXCIIAKOB Sktr.H.mLl It Kxrt.4 bj Clarkaon A Co., ilmlm, Mr 131 8. There Kt, BF.ropp. eoARoe. - SCO ib R. ti R.H mun IS ti lit ah Bwllnf I. R. t1 yob cvy HOit en ssv liflsri d Si la SeSKk d.... bie t, 1 SiS.h an S",v,i Jnri es. si Ii" b un S;ii Xlih So bt r.I vi.k d bsAinre. l, lnhPhil. strts ... as luusa Sa .101.7 1 iWibMutBesiutlH X FIRST nOARII. STiro C. B. , Ht....c Ina' tva Wav nf,... SB "' clo I'JIVt. s sh Morris I'm SIX tr 01 e tr, a. t-Jcn 1 tmi .h sn.n. c.n.i... 14 teio Be iihv Hi ih riiii K B.... 7ii 3n an US',1 an .a a.i 711 1 SSei el n.i Ion .1, f,.rth r,..m j :ser. A nisei Il'ii, ina.n Italaw. tf....Ul fl tllisii'liy S. rss in.s in 110, w '.'n.ii K le.ntc Ksn..HS I li tri Phil BrtfctSM illt Uti.t liln H-!m..l,o aVi full do tu 1 Us in ei,i i ri-sk s nn K.als .ti nV ISxli Useviolll..., J I leai.a do.... ssv? 1 mi.s I'hii . Oil C'rk. 1 lev ib do... bSJrlest asw lifl.ri M. -KtiCrkt 4V1 UJ S7 n. a.'n. Brnrk (,niml..sra Rfekr, sTe. t Far .iiw Buiieiiuii., w .i.ui irp, miiow 1 .jra I'llll'FSl OK STOe'RH 1)1 HEW TORC.' 3 I Kcpnrl.d liv at Co., Bmt.ra, Nn. Ill a. TseM at. ., , . Ftra Call. Mfn4 Hull. fnlisrt ai.irit.lii.lntorT.....ltu kid HV Kink l.l.ticl Ktlni4 kid Jure, .alcvi llrselliiie Kst remit exsvf kid " tiV .sis. Illuieie l'rnir.1 ItmneMl , .. , k d , lVeW Mla (1. 11-11A Il.llrei.el hid 61 ..l New Yeirk (Vuirai Ualtreiul 1M bid . I eSH .aim trie h.llua kil tu.i Iiarlein llsllrosd uro kid SOD lied r.'J bki ... ,.iw I mli d sum 6 20s ll kid ln'l' l.rkf acini r- Blea4. Jer a Co. qaut. ilTniBeat BmbtHIm, to boob to-day, bs r.U.w.: tuytnf. Billing, V. n. , lSKI le ,ot Mil 10 N.itm 114 ' KM ('rilSralM ul Inelrlitednus, M w SIX 1,'iiArrsriiiastrr's VoB' lisrs 'VI SI o.a.i sen w t-nriouii. 10a sf . lex, IS-IOCoutxii Flonil. rradr Ibr Urn u Jium tl lncl.- slve. ' 'l VuoUtlofi. of riold Bt Ik rBlladalvala Oald Bxahaate -N. S4 Tlitrd .traat, aaMBd rtary: ?X a is '.-ir tit ?4a ' 11 a it i.Hl ir.jkt Md r at at 1. 1 weak. The Second National Bank of Frankfort! n Issued tho follewing clrcelar tsaeosD ITokai. IIavk or PiiiL.brn.rHiA In ae-a. eeirc.Bi'R wlib s a provlslims af tlia N. thereat CurraueeF An. and Ike At.alall4a of 1I1I. llena. It lias life a lei mere...' ti, sat Ital .vmiR ot en. Haas. 10 1 wo Hiemir.u ana rip y 1'i.aui.aiiil uoiiara I 'i mau). bubpcrllieleiis fur tr.a tnMifi. I- ara.a ef e-Al al will lie pa.vat'l on ar la-fnfatha nr.r day of Hieettamssir next, and win b rec-'vesd in ibr uiauuar r,rovida4 lor lauie l.y-iaw. al lha henk, a. fallow. i-eelliiB 13 "WlioneFTsr ao lacrraas ef .rork .half aa drtitnlnrd npfn. In accord inea wlin rhe pravlale-e. f tha Ark as it A ..oc .nan or thu Back. I. tktji baikadnir 01 tho Jioa'd 10 Dotifr .11 ilia atackb ird-rs of ts s-iuid, ard to cause a subscription in k .seaiied par aoeS ino oaae orraieitnL In tha lucneaaa of ra.lla1. each .locklealdr skail bavrrhe af. ukarrlMaa Bar acioh asajaisK asf sliarr. ut lha new ..oc-k ae ke aij be anullcMl lo aacrtle fur, amonltrs labia ei'arlsf stock la lha Baak. If aor aroe-l.hocsr akanld fa I tei.ukaclewe ane lha ainannt nf ataoat to vib-rh he may ba andtlo.i, lha Hoard of Olraa.ara na.f eelenulna hat dlapoalclon shall ba made of Iba arivUeye of niiti.erliiliitf 'ar the unsubscribed stoek." stilia.ruilcns raoalvtd oy av.ll. tiy ardaref the woar4 ' arblicwicra. William U.kaAwa.Oaalihjr. Tub Vamcb Stbwaht Oil Coupakt The Vanoe Su wart Rock Oil Comissny is one of the best located on the Allegheny river, lying In vba lDimcilinin vie inl y of ibe famous 11 ,vr tarrn, the wells niu n which have been yielnlir? uninter rupted ' for about four years. . The foduermeota tu iiivistmcni on ilie A legbeny in prefei-enco to 01' Creek urr nunienius and wrigbtv. It is true larger In medlute return may be lookeal forupoa the cree k, hut the wells there do n it hear that cha nieier tor a ruianence and ateody product that t h wells ou tbo river. It Is tbe true policy to pnre huso largo tract ef land as she 8 e wart C'oinprnv have done, and thus insure 1 In ir wells ug On t the encroachments of neigh boring lessees, thereby making them permanent! yield. rniLAisci.riMA trade bepobt. ' FmiiAY, July 15. There ia not so mock ae llvlt) In Trail, circle, la iay.awlaf to Ike daella. In ibe rate 01 en.ld tud t areliro Cichanse. In Provisions there I. but little doing, and Bxxt deeerlo tloDt remain wlebout any eliansa la prtaee. In Flour the .ale. for .hipmut amoantad la aalv a Ikw hundred .nr. (Roil y at 111 Still I 76. Bales lay the trade-1. rue rrciui $900 uplofU'SO for suparflna and f.ncy. Thais Is nothing dolnf la either By. Fksar ar Corn Meal. For W heat tliere Is a lea. aetlva deaianl, and yasaor-. day'. Aie-urea cannot be oialnUkied t IffVIOUO be. fair an4 prlnie ise) at llvaiioil M V ba . but at ta cloee tha tonaer rate a a. all that oootd be BBfi.tainee. Bra Is eearee anal Penni. comatand. (I 7(K1'75. Cera la la go4 requeat, and tiem buabcl. ) allow add al (1-70, pari an .at aud pert In .tore. Oais are hold af ?Vu7c. a aat ei Bear Barley, ibu Arat ortha seaMiu, bas beaBpat la aaarket, aad U le ll.lll ! tl S. W'til.k)' I. unsettled , sale, af IM klilv I'ennavlvaata aaet Weateruat (I'TsullW. nnrkrle by Trlearnpta. Nnw Yoiik, July 11 Cntt-m q diet at Jl CI , I leair ueiaivt;..! .ni Ois-iiuvd -'si-,'ie.ll (11; H, c, .'.! 'I ,,1 ; lihl.i, i(n.lti ISI;, tit) I'll) I. Wheat n'liiilnally a.i.l.ic. to.v.T. Ca dall aii-l daceaet IS'.'io. 1 .a . of i;,UB Laahe'la al tl SO B-ef Bui and nuleli'Mllv It sit. I'erk aeailine-d t-S4 : Ka . ato.u t C ed 87. Wlcaky dnll.t SI-70 Mereii'is Hour, Iti.alU tibia.) Wlia.i, 70W kuilielsi Can. 1 Baa Slocks Irregular. ChlMgo and It ie Is aac), IB-, ; Ceioikerlrnd tnvl d, e.a ; I.I rims IVnlralS :r p. 1 'Ht Mlckisar- B-.ull a n, ls-jl ; Nov lurk I'a.elrsl, es;S; acn.J In., i-ljti': Unit. OB hlTor. Ii7; I ann.u ej iniu.eiy, dil.; M I' 1111 S'a li. ; r'i. ill1.; I'lilcMif., und c) luK-y, 1 .11 , Mlrhlgn I anna , i-fat rjiavaland anel i'ieicirir t'l7;kl rill.-M-ig itn l f'-rl )v a'lie, ll.i: '.hlea.-e .'i-l M rlhive.i e'n, .M : s.irwirii Ha ar".-!, HVt erne v.r Orl i.tiei, se. iC' eaal.i lsl. 10,' 5 e'ive-Vv.eultes, lei,,. Rai.timouk, July li. Grain and Flotir d ill .r,u eis'iii.iiiu. hi-ky tie.h'c.rd ad a ea.uJ a;, t. .a. I'ruvniaaa iuy .lull. f.olel. Nkw Yoiik, July 15 fiold at:f tout 1 -ll! is now and lalliug. lati:st Miui.Mj ' 8c' r Id. K. ) 1 1'vaer, ier, riri bcniiii, it. I. it ' - a- etlii. ' Scl r llt-ii'v. li. hli ii, Piovteti'uca, tl he I rl'Ai'l -wulla Itcian, do. el Se1 r It. W. iiiian, laiOlaiu Kortrea. Manr-e, Tyle-i t C Se , I,. If. I oit.l t. San.iktlia, ssitoill, J 11. S-CMJetr A vei. He lir He-une, Crnwuli, anaiou. e ainaln. bel.r 1'. 'i'. lii'irlii.vr, lllackiu.u, Uoa.ou, KobI.,CatdrvU A Co. . d Hehr hejiurtcr, Gtlkcy, Boston, Blal lstou, GraalT A Co. , ARItlYKI) Tllia M'lllVIN'). Ttrlg A. C. C'.litll, Watoii, YJ day. ireitn Trinidad da Ceibrt, llh aliMicr lu B. W. Welsh. Kris K lea a (llr ) Hears. Ill c.e a from Trellldsd cte Cubs, ae liti a-oi.akca co r. ftlorrla Wain -fcCo. '1 Pug luieiKShcj Hiuueh-ra, H Anj . fruru Ifataasas, la .. l.a lst In i urn. M.l.lit I' In :it (iciiriie liiualiieia, Thornleri, R days ffoni I'ortraas . Alnliioe, In hsiUsi U K. A Hnenler A Ho. Nel.r a. A, cinitln. Fa. tor. li eiayft r"ia c""lf nfU'Wie. wffa iu nrtH.A W. Welsh, ad In. I , lat.X-I'MM. ''" ,'4, siiike- brs nit. lull, Ireio Llvsiriiesil. s.H . I it at sea mora.. M. Iiriic-.lbeuori, auu)auoui Willi a.a to v 1 lliimtn t a-n. . Side l-iiiic lileli.l'ieuvell, I dayafreoi lllonoeatcr, Hill., . Wltli leioae lor. inula., k ., A , . , riUir I.. II. Harikit, SIbijiUms, from bai last to csKtHln. . ., . cl r A Uloia, Ucshior, n'on IHver, lu baUait ; '"Vai'jamei Heiiar, lue, days from Uuaton, with ' m l.e- ! 'I well a C " fci lu I. A. M. . n.kar.O day. fraus Ballon, la b.ellut . to H i nil l-seill nieiver. man j. b. Austin. Davis, k days from Boston, la ball aat 'Vela u.vf. Kri-hs, Curtlale, from nauiptnn Boadl, le ' t a laal to 1 luauaa Weti.ter. s-chrT. P M.i;. dev. lieerhomosh, 1 day from Caiadea, tie-i.. wrh sralu to J.uira llarr.ti. Hclir isii iiroi he-is, Weal, i 4a fraiu Indiao river, w ilk , coru lo Jam., llarrall. , . Y BKI.OlvV ' ' '' (" ' Twa lli'tit tiarqust, .uyiio.acl croui Now York, aud Uirae j hermaiiliroiliee brisa ," SVftlclol lri.ra lMe of tlie SUaIU.r 4JstlJ; Lettarj of Koaiu 'Sy. ., , . , etLAs.SM-Jirlf M. . ' ' 4"! (A 14 5"i. rl, tiy. 3 v, ll), I '. 29, 2,, 75. 43, f,., 1...,.. att-JBir It. !kv : I 9 35,31,6H,4- 71,a,tli J'M' 4,21. Clrcalar. sl adOrumfc fc ,1KB oo., Covialu, K. if