i THK PAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, JULY 11. 1804. 2 rcning Sclqjraphl A AH.T iTTHlOOI KK war ATE. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. rrta Tw mm m Oort. of Twir.fl Caare raa tHI, aaraMa M iM Carrier. Mi mallael ta anhanilhere Met ttMOttT at u Doixam raa AaaOBll 0a l"-" 1 Vos Twa Moerma, tavarlaMj IB UnM Ibr IM pert" i'tlWIiaMW kNtM M IM Ml reeae. m1 I nnfiwul antli rr iiiml t Ir J Te) twrw anneal aa ' " w. oim MwidMort r"" 2r2!"; ; h.tr ta iter,Va U",""''M 1 fobiMi ,. bat eeraataa rie "' Wecan . iMiMajtoMignun raj" OommunleliMM. T jaelawttewirej. ' ftwlrf nX faM aaeraaea fee III Olrrolectna dfTiri kvBH,K4 rsLMiRAPH, anmprlitnt ue lo aa u itnb at ao aarhr Mer. enraelii reiiei thai WurtlMinnnt niar : fc kaH4 a u " elnca, K poeeltie, io eecare iaeaa aa aaeertloa 1 all ef our edluoue. THURSDAY, JITLT 14. 1804. TIIK WAn NBWH. A we predicted, tbe Rebel, la small force, i land. Tbe Infantry column, which moved up from Frcdorlck to Washington, has roiTo.sjd - the Totomae river, and is now en route to join Lxb at KIchmond with Its spoils and lll-got- . ten gain of ail kinds. This raid bos been the beat olannod and executed of nny the Betels hare ever devised yet, and It h.n , failed at all points. ' The damage dono to our various rallroa Ji - Is very slight, and that done to tlio cltizuus . was In many Instances deserved. It I true Tre hare been Insulted In our capital, but the ' Hotels had to beat a ratbsr hasty rotroat Without gaining any rcmarkablo advantage. , Tboyaro gone, and may they ba purvaol 'with that vigor which was brought forward among the people for defenso. If an army be , sent after thein under a good general, they will be destroyed,, and Quant will be assisted, j- If they are left to go free, they will turn an 1 come up the Valley again, or go luto Ken- tucky and make a raid, Tlicy should be followed, and should not be f allowed to join cither Li e at Kk'lr.nond, or ' MonaAN In tho Valley of Virginia. As for '. Major IIaiihy GiLMOKE. we hopo that If he Is ever taken he may be handed over to - General Sherman, who Is tho only man who knows how to deal with Rebels. '. From General GnAfrr's Array we havo the good news that all Is progressing favorably. Th Wpliion Railroad, lunt repaired by the t . . . . . . ,. ti'iwiM- haa unn airiim instroveti uv our . troops. Reports from General Siibuman nro most cheering. lie has probably taken Atalanta, and destroyed Jounston's Rebel army. Ills ' campaign has been everywhere brilliant and ' AaccessfuL General Fobtkb has been worrying tho Bebels about Charleston considerably ol late. He has gained small successes on John's and - James' Inlands recently with very small losHes. There is a report on the street that tho pirate Florida has been captured, but we can not trace It to any respectuble source. THE "OTlll lt HEX." Woman, If we regard her In a chlvalrlc spirit, Is the crowulug beauty of our life, tier ' gentle influence, graceful accomplishments, and singular capability of diffusing happiness, - help us amazingly over the rugged road we ' are all traveling. So, if we are gentlemen, ; we give up our seau In tbe railway car, or the pew to ber, with earnest pleasure. We knock down her Insulter. We puff our oOenslve cigar-smoke In a contrary direction, unices she positively s-sseits that she delights In tbe aroma of the solacing weed. - We devote all our muscular energies and our enperlor knowledge of men and things to bcr delectation, glad enough to receive In exchange her Biuile and gratitude. This Is as ' it should be. No matter how vehomontly certain viragos contend that they are qu'te capable of taking care of themselves, without ' uy dependence on tbe male species, they cannot bluster all true men out of tho old , faith in woman's weakness. We have an Idea 1 that If Flobuklk Kiqutinoalb should - appear in one of those agitated assemblies of lulamed lemales who are determined to believe that they are wofully wronged, tho trowaered and oratorical feminine would bo afraid ol ber and shrink from her presence. If you are a man with a true hoart, you have often helped to celebrate 'Dear Woman." You have such respect for her tliaU vou wUh to see her so much better than 1 your peer telf that you can worship her, " You wsnt ber to be good and useful, and ' ' very naturally ; for you know that you will - be made a better and a worthier man by her bright example. If a pure and sincere '-' woman cannot fllure a man Into tho right way, divines and moralizing philosophers Bnay try in vain. But we are afraid that the i young women of our great cities are not so loehble as earnest men would with to see tlicm. . We will not take that Intensely utilitarian view of the sex which condemns them as ut- Uily wortlilits, because they cannot bako bit ad or bioil a steak. This Is the over bt arlng insolence of the "lord of creation," axd not tbe feeling of the true knight, who U always willing to work bard enougU to ex '. eropt bis Uidr from course labor. But, then, rr.uht not our fair friends themselves admit that they are hardly fitted for useful lives? Are they not drummiug too much on the piano, and dancing too many cotillions and waltzes, and spending too much time with tncdixlet) taid milliners? Is there not plausll ility In the supposition that they read too tnauy lackadaisical ro mance, and pay too much attention to tliolr ' complexions, ami too little 'to their Intellects 1 Coquetry U very charming just now, while their luces are unfiirrowed and their muvc- menta tephyr-llke. The delicious music dis coursed ftom pianos, or gushing from their , rosy Euoutlia, will do very well this year, and . next, Abd next. They nuiy fl0,,t through the waits tbls summer and xt winter, and not . tire themselves nor the lookwrt-on tbr several succeesive seosous. But what, after awhile, when they begin t ' encounter some of the roughness ol life'i j,wr. ' ney ; when Uielr little'flfures grow portly lvaa thapelets ; when thefr fingers refuae to glida over the keys with their old sprlghllinuM, and dancing becomes laborious and pahifulf Ttliea the brief day ol careless pleasure ha , lied, will they have anything to lull back uoon ( tr-lc- will uaXo life not t burdwa t Do our young ladies know Oiat there actually exl.it quite a community of young men afraid to get married t They are panting for matri mony. They know It will be the very thing for them. But they get only moderate salaries, and wsnt good plain girl, who will be sulll clenlly attractive to keep them away from the club. And they can't And them. They dare not risk a proposal to tho young women they meet at the parties, adorned with finery they could not pay lor, should they devoUj their revenue for one whole year to that ex clusive purpose. Their case Is a dad ouo. We should like to see en Improvement In the young Indies. If only for the sake of thesn unpleasantly-situated young gentlemen. Shall we ever meet a Floiikmcic Nioiitinoai.k at the opera, or be Introduced to her at a seleet party ? CITY INTELLIGENCE. CENTRAL II I Oil SCHOOL. TEE BI-I-AKNUAL COMMENCEMENT. I.IS-iT OV (1HADUATIX ., T.ir., Ktc, Klc.1 i:tr Kle., r.tc. TMa irornlng at 10 o'cln-k, the semi-annual cnninirni-iinrniof the Hoys' t'emr.il High School, fi2d term, took pliire at tho Academy of Munic. As tibial 0ii n nil mch ocxasiona, a largu andirncv, ptlnrlpully composed of ldlf, was in atnucJnnce. The graduate, ra mbtri of tho Fiirtll'y, Hoard of School 'Joirtrollert, Ci'V (Joun cils, and Invited guests oeeiipled seau upon the platform. The Uermsnla Or-hestra In ftt tcndui.ee, and enlivened thu proceedings by souio choii e felec Hons. After prner, liy the Rev. Raniir C. Eddy, tho following exeicisvs look place: IiilroOucturjr A10roi Ittn.au.lu U. lta'nci. Ei(i. Hcronil Honor, Kronch Hnln h oty t:iiarU'R K. Kroch. Ml H' Tlilnl Honor, It itorli ai Ai t. ...I.owin '.Vain Sin th. l.'lia ln K. Mills. I.oiv'a Aha'tt'l. .Ituliiti M. T. ni'TiJ. Jaiuc.1 A. Co tnor. J. Ma. in C "Id. rK't!cat Addroaa ralrtotum l'.rKt) at.d Arm-iit-an Mi . Ml. H nir,o:rc. lietiiitllvnn Form of Q c t.. Honorary Adilreni. IO:I' . The fpinliiTS ncqnlt cd tupinselves with honr, ai.u tl e cffotja wrro "p to tl.e usual mirk. Tie i-icoi.U lioin r rnnch Silntntory, y Ctnrlc- I-'. Kroi li, was exi llcnt, and e aim d c niilraiile m tntitn n a coiiDt of tietn r I i n and B;i ik. n D the p'rnicli Iniiinigi'. JiiOk' uh fro n ttic hpeakft's ilelivory be it im thnililn i id Frcneh m holar. Tho I ntroiluctorv li H.-n I. II. II rnc, Kn. "us a well d luercd'd" it w-'i y wiiiu-a. I lie 8uk r- wrre nil n itived with ont'iimi tl applHusc, i inl many ol them were preaented wiih imrdsnme IkiU'iii l. '1 he fol owihk disiincllons and awardn of merit wire con tirred . M.lSTr.K Of AHTrt. I.Ht of li" ai'm't t' tti" O.'ioff of M:nfrof Arta, t't-inw tlttdi ai-.ol O.orimr lara oarif,oi ni limn five m ara" ,initloir. ThooiaK li.l'nnla'i n, I ran M. Coaa, Wilit.im P. f il'tl. TlioniKaV lion, Wllllxni A ,l..hn, I 'a .l.-l S. Lmti, ili'aui llarrKon l.aniTl. w iii-un a hhi hiii.whwiiuj. lartln, IrnrUa V Mr Manui. !i"K W Mindil. Itil-a-. W Mu-ehv. Miy'r ullerker. J-Ooi t'yiM'al, Cliarin. D. at ruian. l.iililid't Vountf. William 1 Hiiuon I'uloJ, 17, BACIIKLOK OK AKT8. Llfto' thoi ailnilt'ed to lha lionrpaof KaohHorof Arta, tiavtiiK ronii'l- t-(t ilia Knur a r' Coiru, wttn lua.r raiik ami Ibeir Grailuatlnif Avi'ia.ra. No. 1. Maton Child (Irailiintlng frag. OTW: 1 ''ia. F Kroili. :!;. ' alia' K , (; 4. Livl V.iln Hull h. MIBi 8. I larlea K M ll Wl:l; . Iloiny C ar llr wn, K" 7. al ar Nortli.M.'O: H I,nra Aslim ut. H7 o W. Hen 8 lta. Hf lis: In hlS mil) hith- I'.iwn KMlBf7ii:ll Wni.'.r,arrl..HH7ii ll. ,U. I. C iio ir, tc -i.8: l:t. Harv K lllni'i.iuan afiis, I I II T It 1 1-r, Hf7f.; Ifi. Jo i pi II. ro'iliiion sl in: l't. W. K flarnwal'. 7'lil' l7.Wlion II. 1 b ri. 7K IH; IH I) ,id tloaib, Jr , 7B IH; 1. Wm K. llontioy, 75 bit. Total, I'.l. PAItTIAL L'ilof thoBfl wolviiKf certl'lcati'a of havlog completod l'ar lal l onraca. wnh tln lr Avarugna. Turn's a.Mia.- David Hun t, avf 'a;r H H. Tno Vi aua -.l"..ih t horn, !n s : 'lin "'.OaTin, DOS; William K. Oi.tliftnio-. Ml; Kre.latlck l. I.aimniilirtiu. (vl U. 1 on 0Mimu,B-'7 iMainual B. Ilnlloi k, s.i.il; ivu. Ili.ni Aini.tronit.tn 'i: AHmti II. MrKinlJv.HI-l! Il'"a I. Soli-ra.Kl-K: Al)tirvE. Irln. HI- t Kranlt lVill..irr, 7.'.-7 : 1 l.onia J fi vor. 7ffn l limn II. I.yla. 71 ; luhn . Hlltntr. 74-0: Kobrrt M. liarvin, 7:1 6 ; llmi j . llwn, l.!H;J.l.n 11. K.iann.til'ii llaury K. Vaudr.ft. t . Total l.'irtlttcaH'a. 111. Llatofttioaa wliotiave tna hiKbrs Grade Ava-aiiea of thn wno'a nuiuoar oi uhium. I. Thomaa W. An".. Hlr. C "W-T 9 H 11 A iM-.l . ..! ll J 'HI tlil 1 'in-n m a in r 7 tn ti l "HI H-t 0 '17 9 'l7o.l sl'l ii-4 , ur-i ri;l , 7-0 , '17 0 :S 9 , "iri-tl ti t 'i :; i. c K Mioamakir.... 'A J. Maaop Oolld 4 H K JUiraua II , A F. A V II I) I 11 , A A 1) r H .... II . II .... K , II It K . V.. .. E .... A t'liaa. r. Kroc.... ,lli. .K Mora ihy.. Iifld T. H'awa-t.... brni- H logman, . rha.im a llurrla, . aO ao A 1 alor W Scott 8tloa... 19. Vi aliai K Kn... K. A r 4mnkton V m. 11. Ilaid'i v. V'bt H raraiion. Hum. h. Mima, i. U 1 " a'laii.Jr., It I. wit, in, .ir.. dm C Ilo, por.. .Iid.n H. Piinii;"'.. i. Ilatr H. Iliit'tar, W. John w. Willie .. d ( a vin r. tuuip.. 'l J. .t-pii 1 hoi to. .. Aii'tin K litn.. y w-ltor onn .... 27 Ja-. C. I'aiicoatl.. 1 ok In w a'll Mllllll, A II II A A i , (I II A A F m. tr.d'flci' A Hix, Arthur w Itl'iima, II t'liarlea K. Mllla. r.. Bari v t:laj llrown, 'I hiodor, I ho llolu, . . .tal H ...'"la ...1W-I ...'i I ..."10 ...HO 4. .la. "I- M. tor II. r . Ilnrtu)an, :Ht. K. M. 'lowiueod, .lau.fa A. I ' ntior. U ui A. linlibam. IHSHNdilHIlKI). Hat of tboie Dl.tlnunlti eit. tliey h iving attaluol Term At' rai a lor en'-lnrwup over o Wvl'lon A.-J Ma-Mi I hl'd, Term tveraite. SH-; Ohaa. 1 Kroir.Uh i j Vi . Hcoi Rtlti .,ti7 a: V am r K Keit.tii'di tan'ea A. Com er, tr -o; Itali'h Ml b urne l owitcn l.ticl); harle. K Ml If, '6 V; Harry I lay itrotto, ou; It una in .I'aritik W0 lt.vii.ion ll -ltoh.it II Kcruufcon. !!): Nalliiin A. 1 ay- tor. IN U; Itlihunl.on I.. 'i lln. Jr.. !i iioii c- i l.oinaa it . Aitrv, e;-: tt imam 11. uru- I li ini li It neniainin r. iioutinnn, i'i,; i.ni"- n. llnrlla Krteal tarrlliMtou. l'7 4 ; John 11. rllaul- fe-.1'"'" . . ill.lon F. tvl eater r.. a-rpare. !-;; t-ao-in ' -amp. AS. Jn:a II Coiuiian..lr.,!iS'. u Ot.N II trrla, 'J'. ; low K K.heod tto'i A''Ury r, irwill, IM I ; tl'OTi ll ouiiu:ey, V : tltrid W.ll. llerkle",ai.lolill tv. .tilllrn,n. 1 ivl-li n John h AI l :-nny,: B l ; jtiim ... luwarn, Iti l-; l.eniM'd f. II' 9 ier. f.'i .'. Mi 1. 1. n i,.-I nylon t rem n rtlioeniaker. vox; m io i. aiiii'ii.ti.-i Idvl.li o U -Herman u. Jiituo, mj; narry s. nop. P'l- "".''. It till .iln.HKUi'1" ' BlKllirOHlOlM. I.laiof Itioie I'aclnn-d Merit i ou, tl it havltu- a'.' n tl '1 e; in A teilo B I ir eciiti arnoip. ot t -teen t nm ..... Illvii-.t a tt ailef N-.jtll, rtrui atar.oce, V'l t; Leivla all! en.i'li. I'.l a. Iet.lt A.liutal. 'ili; tvn.on 11. t In r . ' ; llenrt T. Hu Ier. "o t linney H. Ilt'i.-lua m. I h a .JiitepN li. llooin.on. mn; uu r. 11101.011,10 i, llllfin K te.t:e. .S7 A: David Iteiiilt.v. .Ir , 1) int.in ll Htnry r. liori-l'iiann. W!l; Hrandon L. keia.M ti; -.'BH el U ru.'ei'. Id-.,; Ilurrv iMnratl llr. ti ll ad. if' : .!" n tlil-c ai I' per, !ai a; nd.-er I'.rti t, a - ; r. llMirotl t ll.lolj.Ki 4 ; It- lljenl'll 11. I.iine. a- , ; iT'i 11a II H'uula a t lonl. A.ll ir.."k d. Hob rt In or. rati; J i'i,r'clt H. u..."tn !i;j.i,n.t ai 11.nr. .1-1 ; ll'ii eilW. I n tin a; 7; Kruiik lUuicll, si 7 ; John Hue- low Itul.t . K.' . Inl.ii.i.'t' - rl irtwetl S'err.tl 1 4 ; OIIvtO. IIH.'et.'i:! 1: ft 1 i ai tl al wioau, rV I ; John A. eca Ian, t 0 .1; u . Whlie. null; wtninni it ln l.r sen: H uh n. I .lo iinl. 1, ,, . H . 4 . rietl.t'ck W. latlor.au 1) V it Id Uui. I, U; J teihl' llltt h. a.-. 4. lliviinn n lonon.l Louuli In, trJ-4 : ll..1-! IVi 11 mi, 9-l ; Ir. rtt rlca II Well c, HI 4; Ml "Uu 11. Ncco, sri 7 ; .toeepli K Hi.b'ii.'A'i; SineeiO I'.-a'". Jr. H,'4; Alet- 1 ani't-j M Tt.a bate, e :i 1 aner-oa l'.i:.o'l. &7 1 1 C!a tl ut . 1'um-L bo H; .latnea I Murray , ml "I lit' pit li t J'oopli I hoipt.. .14 J Wi! i4iii .1. a tieiincr, til l; har.es II I .i.rach, ' 11: II- race J H'.be.B. HI 1; Fici eilck I' Lunkenhti'" lV I : Juiuo. Henry lorr.'ila; V. eiit r II. Il.iys'il'ti; wtlnaui (.'. tt litem, ni a; Wllnnfn 11 lyie.!'l'4; Halunal 1.. ll.rrar, tn-2; I' arit. e, loini, o ; ramilil I . II; El II Ttey, HI!). Kd .' W. I O'alu al.-liW Henry I la) aiulth 'I0; .lol.ll A. limner, a-i.; lloniaa.l. I'rvor, t4 S : WlUiaia E-'it li k, 81 1 i BamvaiK Huili ck. M I : A Wilson K' tt-irt, H7'l ; Wurtli- li'rion II. Ihomaf. Wi ll; ( harl a 1'. layl' i eiinc, ta.e: 'iai. Vtoudbiiry, buj; .xtl fiwl. Aildla U. Id tkmii F. Aliel F Trice. HIPl i Vlllliiia A. Iliiihim, If ni I'ei ry li. Lontaker. 81 4 : (,'t.a lea Park' r, ai ti i l.i.r.e M Oritlian, 87li H.dwatd l.'hanlnl. Hr4; kit-inniH. Illkhee SoOi AJ'eti II Mu.tln. Nl H ; Wlliltua Mu tin W. 4;H FmmI' nuk Koihennci.Kil 1 ; Inidor Iaivui, t. Joht i;. rnrker.H U; Julia H McKlnnif.aaO. HP It n ) fud rick A it ex. Pi 'I ; .la'oea (V Pancoaal, M" liar ea F. ( olaliaii, V li i Jacob Meier, W1Ji; Allreii V. Ke IW; tira B. Hartlc't. vl i Char let 4. Johoea, pt 'S: Mlroon liaiiiltii'f-r. mil; J.mea (J llarrlton. H-Jtl; f'ha le, 1. barrott.rt ''I ; lieor.'c K. Ualbulucr,da"l i tleoro'0 Vt'. lliinl,W7 lii Ovaf'on t'arr a. 0. liliblon H. Ailtiur V llliaint, Ml; Theodore fanneM, '1: I fcjrloa II Invimera. Wlfi Jainat W. White. lels IrliafZ xleeter, Jr , tai-Oi A aan.le' f ail B ml; Win. II Kotera, Keli John -VI. Sham. Ma li WliinmK E -Btefn, -a ; rnk Mn-h'tr, na-l: Anuelo T. Kraed-r, hh-1- Vil'llaBi Kent, e6 a; KlwoodU n'eavar.W I ; Cliaa. K. rt'liii, WOi J"bu W. Trllar, at; AJ0u.lu. C. June. Kl tt. Total JdarltorP as, IIS. The exenlBM eonelatleil by tl. delivery of ihr vaUdii tory adUie'i 'V VV. Scott Ktil- a. i'tio uiijrci waa w.ll hamlleu ty tne aoeaker. anu lit paniua wonla 10 the atn Jcnu nod profcasor i re imparted with tbat 'eeliug anil font) which one only caa fret when U''B iieiaaiit nil ifoua Bud aaeociiti aa bound tne pupil soil profca aoia, wire Umt to be aswreU ortuti fur ever. At t'HKATrHAi, Fathko. Yrsterday aftcr rofin a man nam. d 1. Mchlen wi held In 9'" ball on the clmrRO of Inutally whlpplnit lili little step-son, a boy nbont twele j eara of aw. The defendant rc-lde on Mellvnine street, ner Sixth, and frro,nt nt eotnplalnts have heen made hy the nelphlxirs Ixeau-e of the f nnonil barali trea'ment of the little tel'ow hy his fa'her. Tho boy's ba-k as senrted In a nninb' r of places from wounds Inllicii d ly Mi'hten. On the nrcilon ret'errnd to, tbs Iml, who works In MorrK Ttsr ft Murri-' fomidrv, ruin- h ttne trnn h s lati ir and ti ok off bis working shirt to pat on a cle in one. In doitift ao lie dropped the caat-oir irarmntit n i the I Hr, whereupon ttie amii-f-ither siid hi should noi thinw bis i lothc nhoiit that w ty. Tne bov made a remark, wtierenp in lie w,n wDipped Hi out unmiri'liny on f.c Imre hac'4. Local I1iikvitik. All the public schoila of thla (lintrtct were lo-ed yesterday, tntern-ting txerelvra weie had at some of them. .. .By her will MatRatct lleckman l.Mtm ton leuca'.h'i all In r property, teal and persnn il, frtho porp ias of ciiui iitlnx young men lor the (1 'l inlnlsiry, and lor lidlnn the (1 iSnel to tho heathen Oi ore f rooks, twenty-three yoars of airo, foil throiiKh a briilge on tho Norristown r.illroAd yca tcnlay, while atteinitltiK to get non the ctrs, and was fcrlnualy Injured about tho he id and bark. .. .Hereafter ad vci-cla from K -v Wmt will ro Into qiianntine '. tho Lan:tt; the yel ow fevor pteva ling tit lh it plti'.'o. . . . , bov, miined J.imes 1). U.iln-, aucd nil yeir, wu run i vii hy an oitinitni" In Sluih stre-t ln'lo Ci'he , rii e, I at rvcntuir, hiiI Inatantiy kl'lo'l . . M lior i (inier I Couch's h' iiliii irters h ia h i ,t tern io Mttly locinen at No. Walnut atreo Th ! brewers of this cpy have riied pr co of ilmtiRlit nlc to ll a t rot, nn l t on t ' in r u'e to $10. Ate uxed io command from $'.diol per bnircl. i I A Nr.w I'hintinii rite.KS. Tlio followlnir U i from the lant lusue of the American Brink Xota Hi 'ortrr . P, H"i ' M A I . H'nea o ir Inn lno. Ill'- ii.a ovlln'l'r pr i ' til w Iiail orit a I Mt t.a lti to uv Mem K 11 v X Jo.. I ol New Vora. hai b on r'va,l n.ol lot ii, and oi-ii.es -n . e- Itl.ui ol tli A'Acit-tttt h fit .V.r ll i r Ii4s b''6.1 rioi d tlioroot V n 7 I i lie tor oe.Mlt.n ofoiir w i-k r.iiroTi o, .iti r on our part, in .r i'r 'o biiotilr oia dafn'tmi. wo li iv,i a ,n aild.-d loour ostaiHlntiiLOiit Pti.-ri'liiK l -cliloe. : ll tor, ,V liy wt.ic'i thn wi.nre wirk.i. '0.11 ou.'ioo, .irons-w ir, aixl 01 olina iro I'll O'Tfirinoit n itio a fin ro.ou ii'oi -r uui' luiiiH dia o miporvhion. u l with a ra,l li:y mi ipiir jii:!i-aol-li any i-o-i-iiiiiortiry. Ko'lowii.K the ilrsi-.'ia.a Hunk X it f.lta of Kn V irk Cll Wt.ill .1 l J r 1 .'l MOVl.l,Wf l'Op,lIfC ivl h tin lllli'ntoM .ho W,. . I , ilitl ll Ol I'll' IflMOl in (.lit- I'tt Ht'oy'r dor pitr' a HI oinoot tor tliat ll I ttir on'y itnnk Nuto ItoporOr Isioied wieil.v ill I'a Uiloli.liia, uml Dio i It one I , tto It I onto Tl.n Ami-runn la 4 -tr Krvntrr will tio tior.-a r It am d on iho l-t s h, l.'iio. .n i v'l of a 11 moiuti H.-iiii-liionttiiv or inont lv- ,u li nlo.a cm i rti:oi,a uio wuokly C'l'ion hy pii.Mu. toe iiitie'vm'o ot ra'on. AlHrrlwl. KINSl.V Itll F.V.-.I ii a I'., lull, at No lim iani-or B-rtf. K. n.li.uion, h ,In i 1 1. v ll n, V li l.. M". Itiltl'lir KIN.IbV and M.. M A It I it V llll.KV. b uu ol ti in i ty. MANSS(-S VATCIIKtt n t' o Vitli In .1. by .!.t-w nooi VVMto I. MANKIND, ol "ol lm:a. la M b. :Ati HN.r''lll.lt,ol -a ciu. Now Jois.'j. aiE ISIInN-iit'llVKl' 1 I' -Do ll 1 I'll of .t'lil 1411. hyti. lt.v f. A foi.. i.v. M .HIAnI I I. Mi;tt..HJ.' to Mis. tl l.l'.N II. Hi HK ll ' , uu ol Hoi ii:y. .p.i. (tHait.-On ttia llth intt.. nllor a hi1: and eitofnl II iioh-. I f 1 1 ; - f "'I' i . aon of Sjntue. J aod fl. K, 'l.irb.'r, in tho :.d oir of hla mf. 'I ho rfOi'tioi, fcio irionda of th f im'Iv lira InvPo. to at toi ,1 toe fi'ii-nit. wltlii .it t irih r n in-o, tnon N-i 1 S. r nir e.rdon Htioot. "tl I r d:iv oi .iii'ii, tiiu I oh i.i.it-, nt U uVlo. a Io i pico.d io l.tiin-i ill I mil lKV - Killed, InlT 'I, In Oie rill - pita ti 'f iro I' teri l.nr.. Va.,,lAMK 11 li) li-Y.of t io M m-vlt n Anitliry, aon ut Jiunot aid Miry An. I lioidoy, a.;od 1:' youra. ll.ii. V OnTuioiday mnml'lK. lath tint , AI.KXSI)EU E. HllllN. 11 ro atlvoa and frl-'ri a of the fimllr are ratpai: fully I'o'ted to a'toi d til. I. norat, tiom tin? re-ldonr ol hia ratr er, John Horn, No. 14 a. liniad aire a, au 1'riday, lita inal.. at 1Hu'c1-h:i, A. M. Ml lilt Y On lliomnrTit. Rof the 1'h lnt .at one Tclock, MAHV VAiltl.i, el it ol the ld M I'liaal Morry. 'J ho n I- i.da oi ile .aiu y aia l'-vttod o diu-ii dt'ie r,ina ral. without further n-.tlca, irniu Ina imnioiire. Mn :t.".-l. hix h airtot.on H.itnrduy lunrnhiH at Hoi'lock. Norvlce in Ht. Mary'a Cliuict'. loiurujotit at St. .Mictm-j'a. Ml til On the l.tti tn-t , At A UT 1 1 A M U 'H. lU'ieht -r ot t ,tirK- w a d Kninor tu io. ai.e 1 1 mou.liB aid a d i. I In- te a Iven and ri' n't.H ,1 ttio 'ami v are roi,Kl Miuiir lnvlt.d 'o noond tho f inoral, t'rnin itio roddmico of nor pareii a. H K. c Tnei of Koiiitii und lli korsou atroeta, oa Kridat aPorooiin at A o'clock. I'l.B 'HKII - O i the ldth inat , V VI,F.n?E rilE4Sll, ol'Otiwr tier RiielnKiaiiBnon, a.eil til vcara. Ilia frl'lidaaid 'hi o of I e lainilv rro 'e-peclftilly In vited to alp Bl Ilia f"lier 0. from hia la'S roslite'ion. Nt. ii. M'ooi d aoent. on 4nndiy ultoriiuuu, tliu liih iiut,, ab 1 o'eliK-k, witti'iut tuMhcr nonce. BIT MK KM.-.!"ly li. !. Mra. CAItOl.tVE HIT P MKVeit wlloot C'titir a. Ulittno or and dttiuliior ot John ait i:4il.iriiir i ips In too artih y- ar. The iaiiiivon a' d fiieida of ilia fatn'lyare retpnetfittly InvlttU to auenu tho inoerl, from tn-r lute roBidonce, llm lonwin d Bweet. hotieii ftcvontio'iilh and fcl kii eooih B'ti-tH. Ku eial o 'tike p-ace on K -iilty aliern on ac 4 o'clock without luitiicl uoiice. Tj proceed to UIcuit.khI Cemetery. 1 1I.I.KY. fin tl e lath Inat., Mre. KI.IZ tllKTII C. TIL LKY. in the ttitli year ol tior ami. In r ir end and r. laoon. aia reapectnilly Invited to at tend tl e tuiit-ra'. frn.u he a-m-lii la'a roa'it'.'.ice, K N. V til-cad, bti iirH t'lfro avenue, t'anleni N.J.iOaifri day Bllel noon. Uie ISth iO-l . ut .1 o Clock. o WN YOUH C.OL.I-.I-IIIIISH GET YOUE COAL AT COST. TH18 EITICCTUAL PLAN OK CIIKAI'ENIKU COAL To about liulf the market price, olTered by tho BROAD MOUNTAIN MAM MOTE VII5 COAL COMPANY, No. 121 S. THIIID STRKKT, In jiurcnt fully pmgregBing to 1U lull. peody,nJ Criuinph- Hltt l-OllkllDiIUUtiun. Tt. hsvai works of ih Com puny, near Trcmoiit, Scbujrl klllnunty.are KAKLT CoMI'IaErKO, and will lupply all hUAlfKllOI.l'MiH tvotn Octtiher t-exi, wl h tho bent kii i ot oal at the afKi-Mb coar, vli : Two Heavy Tona on Each Share Every Year for Twenty-five Years. The price of earti bhure In tlie p titvnt icrlm In $i 'tO, puablf Imlf un null crlptlon anU l.alf on Auiust 21 no.t, (i d in flu n. xt two sorka it will be anil i.V). the 11 Alia KT MtH'lC of a heavy ton ( 2'2W lbs ) otUoHltti now U 2$ Xhu I hl.MK CUsT FlUt'K ol the iuidv at proHunt ruUi. (Ju y) U: For Dili iuk pn-pming royalty, itnd 'tiral tiptiuri $1 1 ransporUlion ovor brin-ih rillioaJ OA TritiiHiKiiiatiou over tuaiu railn aM to 1'hiU- 0 Ipbia 3 10 T.uiiM'orutiob troD. depot to y n J 10 Vurd txpen.e C'atUuK Irou yail to ti irtiilil ji 'a lioimu.. lutai i out ol t-rof. tun di l.vti vd at me hjitie In I'ttllitilcibiila DliUrt-nc- bftwen lumkt-t pr'r aud cost prl;r. i.'M Tina make, a .atititf uu tiro tuna lur otcUaharoof 1!1U. M.oulil tho market prica ba hl'irr, tho aat'inyarillla atill yrta1 fr. ar.d ahciilcl lha uiarkct prico Im lowjr, tUcu tl.e e'l.t price tvlil tic prop-iriiona'cly Untir. Hut thiB ia U"t ail. Tne t'fbi;'any tatiDi,' very larxe Koikt, aud I.SK.tll AL'sri '.J.t; C'MI. Ur.lM, Kl I K Bllli IN I.EMi i li. ttlll uiilii-uucti lu.ire cujl tlan 1. aiiui'aliy riuircil lor tha ttiucali .ide.-a. All tlia ajrtii t. cal vili t Bold ut tli. rutin mark. I rate, ami .tut. 1111: fluir'lla will ba distributed atory aix motitiia tu CAtlt liVilI.M8,auuiig tlie tttiarcliolil, f ; t'roiu ttlichlt 1. rcUedciitly rjt-ctcd tticy taill rcalui .vit yur Itou 10 to tA per cent, ua tl.clr luvc.iutcnl-i, nfiur tliw llibt year, la adumcn io ilia tutina on ilieir c ji. Il.u Company poai-cao. tXi.l.USlVK MINIMI AMD TIMUr.K Kltill la for 'iiiar.er of a ccutaiy (.' yu.ua) til ,n of tba tiftt una rlchi-.l c 'al Ira', ta in S'jtiuyUlll c uni) , couie-tl.ir.ii the l.imuioca Vein, tim Iil4. k Ucihi frituroaa, ijai.idJ, and omar Vein.. Tliuooulol t'10 tla.a moth Vi.tu u tt hite Anb ; taat of tha utiier Wuib partly tvbite Aah.paitly lied A.U. llltl'JTtKS. WII.llAM 8('liMi;i.K, Fieildaat. kOHKKT I'. KINO. liP.NUr nCUMiKl K. ALhKliT 11 JAKDtN. Wil.MAM Ftiltl), H.'craury, Tot farller inrormatlon, and for iharci (at $U -M, pay oble ball ou aubacribUig and liali uu August V, aval) app j at tba OniOE, SO 121 S. THIRD STREET, OlTODIIKTIltC OIUAKDDA.SK. For RFADIMI and vlclnliy, tha Hon. JiBP.r.'I 8. HOVCU, Major of headlug, baa acocptad tha Suc u j of tii ronipajj) , aficr baviuif peraoiuall vtaited ajtl exaat lucd tba ailnae and BtTa.ra uf tne Company 'l ha cttieaa ol kteadiDg and vicinity will apply tor la'orailia aa4 hareaat lie MalOa'H orcit e.at avaulliiB-. 1 ha coat price of a gru.a lou of ftial at HNling, da lirered at tba bona? of a Bnarvholdar, la at pruaout ralaa DotoTerlt'tat, while tbe market price aioouati to ta ire tbaa cauble tha Bum. 1I1CNUV JylHOt HCIIMCKLK, I. li. T A It A M W , WCMKnt TO W. EL CARRTL, MARONIU HAUL., No. 719 OEESKUT BtreeU WINDOW HII AllUtf, CUHTAINH, MOSQUITO NUTTINGS. BUSINESS ITEMS. rrenrli ninrhliiaj In anialt fancy barrala. For aale by lavM A IHoiiAnoa, Am it anil Tasru Stn'ol. L 1 li M 12 CHILLED IRON SAFE, vs. DAVID EWVINW, or TUB FIKM Of KVANH "V A. T M O N t-t SHEET IRON SAFE. The "lYrepressille Conflict" Still Piogressing To thf rfi.rtu 0 Pfittnrhfptii . Atii-i idly n pn-io.i ii t.re. I ha! mw rfrw fie j H tm ii.liiu iiid mii r mi ,i iiMit-r at v itti ui m the urtKMt iitftucil t il-iii-Ittiu. Atiiiirtt tiiu WoiUI." und HIM" l'U id Kvhiib r ll i tiiit-f. v i.t-ii tirinl n-hff!. in l he flrnt t rry ,'p f'H. .' KO lh L 1.4- nil ho Ills nthji'-ii, t' a titn;t, n-nl inn i"il' a- rum ins tn'iul tinr. ilio ttrtt to cry ni'i, ar d io t'l.tlin ilir p .p c 'Viniuiiliv. lie fir-1 mo Im tit im nt ia Uui article Is lha wrlttT'i virv mum h prt'Hiiai u lh- hrmi i t1 m hi I'hi'a I" Ipit'a in-Tr't. a id o HtAnd f)k,n! fl tie HO'ld ttnlif- WvtfWiiHy itiir.", I'l.ii point ilittv'tiw btja-n rfiiiil 'ti hy ('-.nrH. I, i u- ,t nni) 1 t-H-t .t-r I'.v fltiipiy k.iiik Miai It i .v t ) a t w tint I. II e Si n h' ii. 'i 1 h th- mi pa r ! t' th'n rt y anil St in r ai.y f if .Maun n'l'iivr In hv I'nnr I fi an iiit.) iim' -iiii'i M oi'oi uititMiai than any Mliir Uie pr. il- i t ot tiitn Hmtc T c n- xt p' lot io taf i otf rd ti th wrltfr'n ra'l on hia l b H-1t thia Ir i tul I" rc.nl a xhut tr tii Til. K M'l ThlHiKAIH I'f .pn Mi IH., wiihh IthOW-, h ni itf !M till r-nt n a t cuimt-n -nfr in ocrii-d .No If th rad r will r w to H nrtk.p in fur. K - kni so Ti-.i i'i.ii r-.i ot th 1AM, )t w til n id It ih rn Ma it utril -iimnv that tl'PM' h) wi-re ut riinmi'ifi occin r'i n ml ri ait iht-y werf kt i'wn to hurt.)ai h ; to d I now ih ill '"- w. poll t'il out wen t fit' tlnv -Biwn tn burvUrn, and lift! t ii tv I imly iit.li-ht"! to (hv world. Itt.t ll bvu o anil the r t r'n a hv lo iimvb nut th"no fa In i i tfiapoe. II ml p a the P'tuclp e tli it I o p; y oi Itimtit nuiat no wi It tt n, tiiOi.u it bi i.n-ry t Iviiva ,tii "hainlrt " l'-prat? tn4- tf jniro d' .H-rt. nunti. und li in evident t hw tiiieTi tutor no' Ukc to fniiiO rtione Iran, tmwive', offer him fiwoiiini d n. that iioiwlihKi.hn't ii if th4 dl piitoi. ho hi uh wn In p y wnv to nitl tht ihiitT. to lift- m 'i wnh hut 1 1 Ntt3c'aa. 1 do t ot hf-llt't hr mn hnd n i'UikI r in t ine oi 'ry thut mmiij e-rn tliana lilio f r u I hit Mtor n; fit eTy (tro lOfhlonnl tmrtiliir kn'f that II' Iia chd K''t a h Into a MhIi o k liu l-i all riitlit ; und hiiIcbi tin w-l or cun 1 rn the linrjiliir how in drill tdild lion, which I vary much doubt , ,ih tMMMiirit'"ii In k'ont). Thf tie.vt point It vU I not'Ct In the vivy hdivp n,amtlnn run b- ti e ht i. whether it in not fl -uio io drill nan m ill mitt through Kil'tt-'it t hi. It'll Iron loor than tweuty ho.os tlitouKit ih' oouini"n 'html Iron D r reader will ak y illnlntrrpatrd Iron wnrkT win 'h r Ut ran notoril rven t w ntv nma l roia thru iuh rntt-alxitTi th to oue-iovht Inu n'n't't Iron mti ;heitHlr t'lti-i to nrlll one bnii throu jh one-and-a hait 'o itro ln:uon aolM chil d Iron and let huu antwr tha inioaM n. Tr.a w xt potai whirb the writer allutfua aa thecfttiioof Ulf LOIlfot Vtt'J Is Thfet LIIIf'n HKiiit. a morn othera, cl'M at the Con. oih Htii i) Hank, on Mr VV. a. HIu.imt, bmkar, A'li lown. Htid n tht1 'Irra-uroi- of thn vi't-at VU 't. r liaiir ad. hvfnt,TO the latter I mold hnoik tn'o hia o ink and burglar proof aate In rtv nntiiro, ; ami to tlm two ir icr.tiat tif coutd p't'k U.elr loch a, made by Bvana A l a M'tj.ln tlva minute .Noh I ui i hi o ivtnonf-IM arnt of tht cltf (or 1 illlo a isaff.and I pronounce (ha above atatamenta holute-v lale an mr It a(ip lta to in ao'f, aa I a n t an air thiit I hav hnd any coiivnrviiifoti with ffl-hr of the twoi alter part m on lha aoh;at of aarra at all, and 1 have never muda any au'h atatemuota. ai ar alli fjed, o the fnrnmr o" a y otitar p non Hut I akr 'heftt l rw-ponslhil t? a" ti al that ia p'lhlnhed In ' fiK Tki i-okai'H ot Ap'il Hi. lHtU.iw iictt c-in hn rx atrhifd In mv pruned rlrctilar at tnylirp t. at anytlma, a the artlctt wMh takpi fr im that.) mid I am urorrM to flUKtetin iiaery noa'tluti thc-ra uiada lo the aadafa-.-tloa of an iiititenfti d tHraon. ihua ht.ve 1 rrvivwrd the promlnrnt pnlnta In 'h(a arti cle, a on tho wntar'a rraitona flr hia unrfaaona-la afark npop 1 1 It en Ka e -ire found to he mi re. unto au. rni w th out the al ffhieat founoatluii. 't he rciil rauae wfli be lound In a thort rev enf the S tie ntatorr In h UdWnhia. It ) a fact well ttrderatood. that the writer h-ta rali' d a l".r tune In thi Inn few yenr 'y in it Wok rtatet of the llh-fat material, wtih tl e chmjwi'.t km'h. and In every way tfot up In tie ihvtiix-at nmot'er. and filled mnlt ly with nd niny (whkh cm i a nothlnK), o nv them the appoarafi-e of weltiht and rolldily. ai d N at uehaaaoia taiae natea at vtry hiffh prN , ninfc'iiK an eftiiavrixint protlt. tt ia a 'ai't aiao well under tiMMl,ihi within h?laat 'tf-c yoitr L II e a I htl ed Iron Ha'tj haa oven larireiy Inir 'd-i'-ed In th a rltv ard Mnte tr in the aliiild" fCt hai 'ntelllKU'lt men time ptn-rn d a ante thtt hnd one und a b lf to two li chea llih ktiesaof ao Id Iron, beiiiu drl'l- pro il. wuh a tho 0'ifh baridar pni t lock . lo a aat'4 that had one iK t?nth to oiie-twfifih of an Itn-h thhtkneMi ol attest Iron, wtUi Ihecheaneatcomm.tn bek.and not burxlar-pr t f at all- etp- tally when the fonuui Coat oiil alout thu rauie iirirt a Uiu latter. How douctl.e writer atiempl to rm. dv thla difflcuU?? 1 ot by unprovlnv hia own nafi- but hy an at'rtipt to d i creolt I II i'a How doei redo ldr liu lirt pubin-ly arnoui te that Ule a Site la neither itro n r urd.ir pioiY, at d rfrpubUfhoa an array of lalae atuem n a, tlrt cuhiiahid h oilier a!e m.ira. which he kite r at the. t nie ) id Iwen pahlh-ly inve to be t'ulae. He mid, he ui vet ded to du a h.m wlmhud one of l.lli e' H iroa hv fimlliir lultto reureenl.. lona, t- etehanate Mile' Hafe for Kai Vntnon . by K'Vhiv fiem a HHtf lio H'rdncHr -00 for. in rxoiiosH lor itmi which coa' $l7.ri; a no altire about the lit of' -Inniirt'-v l-it, uni told lie haa hjn nt tnuoh o hia iltne in the at: emut to a lx '1i-tirt ti t Sni IniTiTT Hriti bv ni. 'wiMif . then by UTttiiilntc hoieia thrmih UOiavInu dta-overed tha' ll hd rot tl e u- im Iiaroiteatl ak'oiiio i.ora., no n-M vt itnuti tt una ue IntiliiLftiiieiil iltvOll Kvnnn A Wtt 'in a A It) h mm ral Lo. k, hut at that wua not p euted It wn no ro ; and biH'iv. to d arte It 1 1 l-otk h ahoM a thai the coo hlnitti-m oi tb'e Lock enn he picked up from the nutaide It' a hol-'enn be vol thn UKh the d tor Id tho rlifWt place, a won te -fat dlGofl'v. whluh haa iMien fullv answered Now, wh re oriftaH thia ennieniptihie meanneaaf Wnj not cone out f.lrly and aquan ly and htivo -vaiia A Vaao-t"a Stt'o fiitjceu nicntJi'hie oi l.llliea.ana nivt mrra ttr.j ii-inu oth aa U- tt elr lire an i th"l b irwlar nrooi ipiaiLli a. ai In l a-iWn . hatlinvud to do o(l n . Tha ruajoti ! oiam 1 1 wntr knowa ilmt It will not do to p'aoe l-H to 1-191 h ni nii in. b tlilcknat or h'icol iron ak'tio'.t tl( to 'J Inch tni:knra of bard chilled m. to iai d elitrlli'u or Uie burglar, and '"ihaia whit'a the luaiter." M. P. fl r.,KR, A-rent, Ka.91 KnHth KKVKSl'll M.-wt P. R. TYie nil hlti teat of Safea that wm ex -et-t -d to enniK otT lant w cek la tmavoiiU'iiy fintioneil r a week or to 'Ikw article In the a.tmUiy Dityairhot thm :)J o Juy UI W au.aarwi in ni) neat. ki.C. 8.. AfB UU HtrrU v o. titca A 10. 8 I'Ihbi.m UAIOS A HAMLIN 8 .miti- Hrrii CAHINKT BTrX K A CO.'H 0UUAM8. PI Nt)9. J. E. Illllll.il. Ilevautb aud Cbeanui aueota. B t, Whllnlrtu A .'., kauufai'tuiara tl' Vew and lirlicloue Coufactloua, Altaoud iaaU)i Uboaoiate. Caraowla, Craanta Ia A'.'.dede PaJ-ta, AkiiulBltul. tlaror. it. floa.u-d Jo'daa A'aouocia. Ao.. Ae. Mo. lili I'be.nut atmct. balow Kourta. A Mf.lUCA.N DAN K NO I E BErOUTKU FOIl ,1(1 i.v is. X'JlV HIT. Il eONXY Phlianaliih'a ltci..r:er trablli.1" 4 U l Khl.V, M-.Ml- MONTU1.V, A M) M'iMTULlf. ILe uniy in ' cu'itaiul i;ll)UTtKN CiriKH' OI'OTaTIONS. The onlv tli'i conta'Bl'is n o full I'.l ol A I ION At, II iKKt. Twenty acTcn hew CuunLail.il., Block Table ataika", ic Bl hSl'KIPTlUN I'F H ANNi;M: Vr EKIV-Tl r. ! Iiullar.. Katl IVi UN "1 HI V Tan Dullura. alON I lll.t tmc Durar OUita .o. 10b o- 1U1I.D 8T".t , Tliim mar. jt 8 K. t OIIKN, rubi'.hcr. T II 1-3 IN JtJ W TAX JIII. JU IiEVENUE STAMP LAW. corua or Tax Kew Tax Bill and Revenue Stamp Law, i Ft aale Wbolcaele aad B.lall. al ll Principal liot fur ti.e Bala vt lutrrnal atarauue ajtauipi, Ho. m CUB8XUT 8lr.at,an4 Kn, Vfl Kirm 8lrcil. hllt JyTSJt Fun AUiiJ- r 1 1 1 OKtV CKNTdl OMIT t-BSTSl PITOliEH'l. lo. lira) Otl4MUf avat. L IliM 37, BOMBASTIC PUFF THE LVEN1KQ TELEGRAFU Of the llth Inatant, BKLATIVK TO TUP. a ttk Mi'T m i) ia n r. i'. hy ONE OF m3 SATES, liAHT HUND4Y MOltNINU, Ht it'a ttut Hie nnn-larc d t not drill a a d m "ro llian ha I an Inch lli.ouKh.Hhsi .at. mint he Ka.au to l lai.caa the Urns a a did dull a nolo inrea-nttart" of ,n Im I, dicp. h h wii. half aay .hrontfli ttie door. Thera . eo rVxiht. Imd tticy not been di. urtie.i, tiioy wotill have dillhd li all tho way tlirju.n tlio diir.and Itien rolitie 1 the hate. AIhotii;ti I.lllio ftate. (lint l.'io fu thor yon fiot Into the Pale the hari'T the Iron, t will nnderuko to drill Hie lialntire thioiifh, and II I don t aucc.-ed In one ha'f hour'. Illllo, I will tortcit one twtl'l.od lolirn ; or 1 will ilrttl m inani hoU h at alii aieiBi'vhi.n in from one l:alf to two honrn' line in iinv p'irt ot lha' Site, or any oilior Sato ha haa In lire In P. ill itclulua. II I'd oi't ucci o.l 1 wIM'tMi one tiiilidiad dollars. T tucrnided eden'v In drl'llnfj t In o holes hi lM 8ai Ht our it -ic Ih iwfin m ti i t en "!i w th olio drill, Widen h riHily lo drill thin! more, DAYI I i: AM. 'I UK VMiKKSIOM'.D. ItKKtVKK-J OK fill-: I'l't . I 1't.ili.llcll'Tiia. In ' "n'u iuctica n 1'ie c "lit 'l il VlilC Hirf r'ccM," m.t''. I., p. lull .i . Illcl .V.c, 'iil " l III i ri , m. il i . .' t Im f I, l't I" It"' Il ium dctil' ll .ll l it a i i" .tt i' i.t.coi", an i p, i. .(i i,i i-vt; i-: 'iiii-; Mill K-i I'K 'HHit l'l;'IKI( Atlll AI.K I" ftie tlw- lii. inlc., I" i lit o cin i ". anil .l.t" ii'ia Hale I N I I II I A' K i" -r barrel !l:Alflir 1 HI. Tin. ii'tiaiTcl til I I. IN'! A K.-r liirtcl Hul II.lM) loiilr.lt. hi hair.l .III lit . II II I . I'l in ,. it) l) lit i tcllu'ly, Wll MAM (IAI I., .-Kt . C l.l IN t O. I itr in III K I.AI Kit. ! r I I H .V ..KM , AMU i I T A c-n., I'll 1 1 .1 1 U'l'kK-l. t II Kl S II V tVM tllT, I II II tt tli , W . II rtMiTil . I II. I llli, el W. till VV. yl.l-.lv . Ai. It I cl.r.lt, Mrrt vtli.ICa, riiiiBililiiliia. July 11. 1V.I. MILITARY NOTICES. 5 Patriotic Citizsns of PhiladelpLh. THE MERCHANTS' REGIMENT 8 VOW CALLINtl FOlt ItlCOllIJXXH FOlt IMMEHIATK SEE VICE IN THE HELD. Tbf Oftlcria are all Men of Kiporicnce, and have prove J Hi tlx CooajjeoD fttie Klcld of Uaitlv, come r o it w a i : uf EVEET MOMENT IS PEEOIOUSI!! The Enemy Threatens our Capital, AND WF..NI nKAVLC, TATUIOTIC ME5C, AKB tNt EUKt AT ONCKIII COMK, 7IIKKKK0HK, KI.OM VOim WOUKfVHOl BI raoM vocu htokksi Aud prove to theae Tmltora that ttioy ahall nut lu sec rata our Hud wl.h iDifriiiiiily, The (tuerKMicr ta pre. aim, and the march V the front of a frw triv, dwoted patrlta,to co opera o with tho tat luiu A i my of tne Poiouinc, will pulanouil forever to tLe Lupta of the Bel hui dt'a. Votu foiwatd, tlitn and obey the pntaaliiRci1! of your ct tmti y. and tuktalb the pride und glory of our good old CtDituoiiMeulib. HEADQIJAKTKKS. . OIIICMiNUT Htiect, City Bounty Fifty Dollars, Ttic Military Coma It ee MKl'.r DAILY, and thn Mor el an la tt t hl'aUulfhla are fcantdHy ao Uftud to unite wiia iht-m for the puipoae of aeutilu tltta i.elinc-nt to ine Hold at i nee. MONEY IS KKKDKO at once, and the Moreha&tt of riiliMtU-lprva atf tri enil rt-fpivateJ tu aenu their coutrt butloua to lha uuOeia ued without dt-lay. alAMr.8 H MAKTtS, Trnaaurar. Of Cam it A iJurtlu Mo Maraet alrttet, JOUM WOOHU,K. Of J. Woodaiae & Co., No lu7 K. front atreut, 11I0MS A. IIOVD. Of Itoyd ft Hiroud, No. yj M. fuu. a atroet, ii. p. ftMira. Of H. r. A W. IV riuntli. So. .Mfit hucaimt -U? t JyU ;;t nAhrt ui ik.t;, A Ii 31 O It V O O M P A N Y D, OKAY ItKHintVKS, Mtmhori of tho Company who pn.t clut d lu tho ntKViOt'A CAMl AlUaSH OK Tlii; UEOIMENT, and who dealru to Htrva ft r ONK HI'MKCt) IY4, firs particulaily r ,uatiU to mt t At tho A.-mory T1JIH 1JVEMNO, aa I'rompt lecruiuUK depenila lir.-atly npiia Ihalr action. It WM W KcT , Ci.,tiii. s riiTT ec ll Alia Bouirrr. lOO DAYS' S IJ It V I C I'l. I fOMI'ANV. OHEY XlKHlilItVISr-J. Yiiunf ni.tt wi.lilrw to ia thin favorite CVtnpany arttl fie li. Kiwi. opd ai the AH HOllY, If ElOHTfiENTil AND CUESNUT 8TKEETS I'll "I J I UWIOW jL.KVOUI'3, NATIONAL &UAU0 EEOIMENT, COLONEL II ARM ANUS NKKF. t EATiQUAnTH.H, HACK HTItHKT, IIF.UIVV HIXT1I. 1 to. Regiment in acocptod FOIl ONE IIUNUnEU DATfV SERVICE. liOUNTY ll Ihocfilcari. of (lilt It (tlmcnl I arriii-ori s art-i. e In It." field, ai ri cl'ticnt anlutttiR In any nf the ComBnicB can tin n l'li lh" ranalnty ia" halni c intl'Otcnt anJ can". rl need nit. cvtf t" ci"i nianii it'm. l.trvaiy ill' a lock a' tia ilanvar that threati'lll, t-a Inipi.ria' cr of li- inp ai Hon, and tha ncattltynf r.in- fctc r i.or arml' a lot a alutt ihni'.an l Je'i fini'ioto aniitl j at one-, and atil in cru.iiitm lha Uoticl:oa. Itetnvnilxr tl.at our AATlD.NAL ( AI 1TAI. H AH AIM TilltK VTKNB'M Jj do hositJit", but Cdino fit onricl NOW IS Tl IN CKIHIS ! Tone rvry tonn that nn : end fntnre irercratl na wlil bli a joii tor the Mippoit )" iriv a tula hop tfMnt porlol ol tin; war and tr our e uniry ht fv Jvii- it Lm A1TIJ')1!ITY HAS fli:KSt IlKCUIVKl) a uixii3ii;rs rr MKN OF COLOR 15AIV, M1N UK lOI.dlt. AT OSI'K I'tllt TDV't f'Dt'.NTltV I Ann fur t' c ilclon ia of your ho'nntt l-irtil yi riC'lt ct for tt n cmcracricy. A Rlisam onaht to ba r- .an) wi hln TVt lY3. Cliott r and lleluw .rocoun tli'A tt .11 m ml il.ne Icmi'.inic. Hue, and M jiltyouicry alii ilo a., well. Vi lint i l I'hllauili'tila do? COLON l'.L TACiiAIlT, I.ale Colotial l-.b licit mcnl PninayWtnla Itewaraca, wilt c ninianil. and Hie lifl'.cim will be tlia gradual", of lha military lloara at "a.h'ni'tin. CI1Y liOI'NTY OK (W) 1 I ITT DOII.Ali.l will be paid ra' tnan. fOMB, THKif, TO itKADQUAKTKltS, No. 1210 CHESNUT STUKI'.T, AK1 KMl'll.I. YOUIt N AMF.8. Jyll,1t il VK'1 ram in VI t UM MI VKTFRANS TO TUT. FRONT! iMMllil K, No 4k I til NK. Huee'. J ily U. IHit. Vff.an. v im. tcrcna ni w v c' iiavi- 4'Xii.rft .'--n uw r.( hum lO'li rtnH m'tal ailvint'tg '1111 not dUt-m-, mill hll- a(Kt'iiv tlieir i-o'infy t tu r'a evi ,om an ph' (Tovloloti i- f ih'r fiimilla ihirlnt; thftr ahaettop. Ii arpl dip f- thi ('(nniui'tfe iv wiltbe p it mto the afrlr aa nubatltutua, aLd will rot elve on lliu uay uf m.ia- hix iirMiM;n ani Kit-TV ioi.lkh CASH, 11 a(niitii ti trtf rMHiiny oncren ny me i..ivernnp(H. Vett'raiia.the AniBHy i(Hk ao uu 10 upnom iter 118 ainM M till l(t .mi vu ll' tf if H blltt tl Ai'ply ul Uie ou.co ui tnu tumuui aw irom iw a. n. w a ' 1ANIF1, RTK'NMKT7.. Chalrroan. J. (t. im-h'N'i.AUt KN, Treaaurur. J. I i latK HAltK, lnHN llnMrSON. t'l KMKNT H rKSUO.SR, :!.' flt ! KMO C. 1.KA. KKNNSVl.VANlA HESKItVlaS-SKCONO , l'pK nioin -Ciin-alo ItMfttJtr It.Hvlir-I, of the old . Jh Htftirvett. al.er Hi yiar-t atrvtco, prp-ea to hH Kl IT A coMt. NY tc lninel.aM and active ! f .vlte Ufa I laurtcn are t N 4ju 1.111 tKi 1 rKt. and in l uui of in tp m-lfiie M.411. liie i j Mn tl lMilU('phl4 ' iou'.I MirtturHifH thu pfitrictle I ncvt nn-nt. lu-n-e o ih" nn'ii in hia can uui iiie acvaniUK oiex' eni-ncad 011 o.'ia. jyl-l-it KFrRt lTS WANTED FOR THE CITY of 11 ni'lcn. Niw,lcia"y. 1 ibi'n iim' Ai'plv attliertiy t'lcrk'i Olllce, to. 41 ttliKMAL Siroet. jyll-iK' TO '"prilSTITUTES 8!50 nOONTV. Oina CIH.f' V11L. HI a-TITUTK till. M IT rac, No 4i'J I'KI.'NK ttre-t, Ju 1 . lait. a tills tnmti.lttcc ia nnw prfparail to rocalve Volun tcraHlinare n l liaae to military dutv. it wilt tava tne na luuilcri tl in a. ubtitu en, anil w III pay ttie'U on the Bau.c 1mV liic ai.in nl aix bundled anil U.'Xy ili.l aia lu caatt. wiiliui't ilec'ct.' n lor coruiiiia.ion "r bruRPraK-'. In 11,1, llilnn ti-tun. miti.liltiiu. arc eutltiu 10 raen'y. Ave liullara'Uii ciniiunl liuuuty, anu one injiilli. aj Talict .av. .... tfir ii.rtl.or Pii'tlcu'Brii, app'y nt ma uince ui tna tuia- muti-a, tiutet In . al., ai.il 'J I'. M. liai i' IHtrtrtiic' t'liiiiiuaii. I .lohn riiomp.or( .11 Kii.tckaricn, in aa r, ui. iai pi i reuroae. J.I. Cart liar. , I Hciir., C. Ua. jJ'J;' .OFFICE CITY IIOUNTY COMMISSIOV, MKttt Th CMy hfK 41V MU 'NK 8ini'. "S.tbaMlotti."- lt un- ut two liUiMictl and i1n dllaawill he paid lu ta o wh re enMt tl tUtii oi i hiiaa. lunia,, iq auv ane ol Le driiit.i'ii thnv yratra' auti.Litu ea ii"t Uahl to drHlt, aiio prop vretitt i ivn upon uie qooia m inwir dl-tiu Ik. If Hilrena not tHirollrd Dot in a'mamut a. xue auo.mu'e ibyamed nh oUtixvvr.ui'd on a nioytr evlionce ot tna bi-ni. cnditrd ir t ml im in ih 'miinty. I 111' opporilllll It Mlll titiruftl or c v niu mu 'i-af. vt. Ii ilo on ftiTliiK vxtfiUMtione for tnuiuaolvoa, and aalttli'W ti.e clt to liil 1 a quota. Jyd "llKABQf AUTERS PROVOST MARSHAL, riial Dutilii. I n. Tmilaoi iryiA, JuiH) 28, Thn nampa f niraona ruio uu I i or froru tnie Hia- trlot will aoct.tl to r atncknn fiom the llta ol tnrol ment. ojih i "t 'h 11 ta are oKn :or iHiMx lnpcun, anu tivll onlt'iT- niu all ciuxvna m m i ni iu ai,u.tr i:u I'omt cut rro't te hf liat atnd ft" ant:h Wilormatlon aa oiny aid In tin o m-i-in'ii and r vi I it tnttrnot Ativ im raon ei rout n nut) u 'tn:' im-i-iio i'iti "'"in'm to hae bla i.an ' auf ku o41 thu itat if lii'.-an ii'ow a-Uit-f ayorily tnai he la imt prout-riy nr llatl.on am ount of pt.af'tiiif. A otiiiiLllauct iih thy foroliu autfceftloiialaprirnobUy jtvH-tr captain unu rrivtai jiatraiiau WANlFiJ FOR TIIK UMTK1) 8T A.1 Kb Iwanuf -4w, t t ant-d ai d eacitluK lift by aea aud land , Uiri M.nJreu atle-THMlivJ tut-u, to (H d iriiiwe diatita of a n'ldHT at 'Ur uvy Va d, tad tihovd I'ntitro Htattta al 'p- d-war on fiftun atailona. Hfltttr WiIlllKU.'W'.OD IDalll ItlB aiUIJ. A nil-Jl-au laj a f oin'orit" loo l lie liaiine i.-o'pa ia uie !mppa curpi in tne w-vuo. rn m- Tna. Mn ai. rurMia-t arii i tr. -nu i . (or al ihvr li ' 'im.iilii a(oi dally at lha U.-rridtmt KfBdVivfina, No 'A h. KHOf-T t rtet. belo lauruue, bo twawu the boora ui .Hue .utd Lhne o rl .ck. J AMr.H ItS In, Captain aiid Kcoi umtu eilu1! puELOUons-ru PLOUGH 8. Offlcart aud aoldifn vlai'ing iba ctton furlough, noodiag H W O It DW, A OTUBK MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, AUK IKVITiO T Till KXTHSilVM NANXfrAcruuuso Kfji vBUtJimitn oa 0'I30HC3i:V,MlMCNWAIIU(). PAMSOM BTRKKT HALL, BAN 4 Oat Htruet, Abort Sixth. pkeskntatTon swords Made o onltr at the aborteat ut.tlca. which tor nehneaa and niaKUlncoi.ee liiiallenue oouipcULltm. no oUir houae in tht cnumry rombiulun the M ANl'KACTCUlNti JBKLBB Wrtil TUE t'KArT'AJb HWOUU MAKER. ' M Oil cloths ov evkry variety, luanmaUtued ui:4 ffr aah bv Ji8 Ini K 6trei, I'uliad, U TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. JjjJl J t) nnoaraM'ivd bavma leaad tue KKNHIXO Tuti HCKKW lit.cK, Imkm to Inioru hi fr.aiKla and the pairdie ol ibe innik Hi at he la piprd Ui Inertia it4 (at t'ilW Ui actnuiaHi' ttioae having veteia to be rtld or ret' ta. ia beliifi pratucai ahip carp outer avnd ctik.rr will nivt- peraouaJ atuiuilou l all vtNi.aiatnwW4 io 1 1 fot rcpain. Cm r Avnu. MMp Carpenter ajad Uaobinattt havaitv v ala io rt-pOr, ae aoi;catd UcnLL . bM.i ih ai c) for tha ntleof Wattrtedta rm Wtia.uctVii,, f.B,'orCo( prPiautt tot it Pr"'t tu ti of vt.i4 1 bottt.m. far thla otiy, 1 prepares m furniati Uteaaiuewa larofabta trn;. uurT. KnanKt" HoaVw 1,f ukll-tt talawtf iMuut. Lttfvl SeetU WANTS. ' A N 1 1. I) , AN K N (I 1 N li K It 1 Apilj a ,i .1Wt'll.irr -rel Jeliif ry if A M S T 1'. fl s" W A N T K D. ("Hicr t.iT.iKiRKMtareu'a Orrfs, ffl.llltr.iot iNiflT. lV.l'l'M.ll. ll l,.liv '. IT4. Wealed, at once. TlmRV. H"MIIKIi TK iM4l'.ll, eai li laialieot drhl .K weti alnla line, and m inaMtnc Bit mi. 'i am.. Top'.tliwio) are eompil'n to aei-for-n lh"dity. the l-at rn ,.i,oi win i,o fliir y il"l ai. i h o e rann'i iter da'i mihI ho.pi hi urtvl oiia, IncmdlnK Hie boa medical aliei d moo ii lo ti tie Aiptlo t'l.itil'. -l . II TOMfK'NI A. Q.M..IT. a A o- 'nei oi rW.N I V .HK'.'iNI anu li Hireeta, Wath IliKU'li. 1. ('. 11 II. nircR-Ka. , ltrli.'aJIr-0'ncral and Chiei in.i i-nuatier, jylt-pt 1 n,p m o. wadiiuvtoa. fJl.ACKSMI'niS AND WUKKLWIUUUTS J) Waned. t'HIKP f'tAItTPnM.HTKR'a Orc, VAa l.xoTOe. 1 'Kt'tiT VatHiruN, l. ! . .lit if 4, IH4. Waned nt opw. n wra tn lnre-nine it ttepnir Hhoet Oia eriiintei 1 n en . ltep.it of rt'Hh n.-um, Une Ilip'O'i n f it- h q,i 'K M 1 1 IH and Ouo Hundred (itttl tOt it WHKr.i.W (;., M, i h paj p.-r notrth h ill i itoiUra (i50. I h one fn.ti ( Hia-. rtiy, corner 1 weoty-aeooad nd U ir'Ha, I Tft ahlm.'ion, l 0.. It i DtaiHer t.oneral antl thi' (;a ir ermaa er, Jjl Ht liepartioeni of rt' a n ". FOR SALE AND TO LET. FO Ilea- FOR FAlaK. .?'0,00) WORTU IS OOOT) iiii an1 am It. in ttrma to aolt uunti a .inra. 11 d K .d- ..p Kill. i.nl Im lirn'lfa Ilea. r,a( rn eWlll tiatd''. In'J' ir n. rim IO 1 1 .1 rloel . a . llUm. M l',1AN No ft1 f . KttttliTIl MML 4 tt.lMKV .si'.Al Kill SAI.c, A t-'ra. .nli iitid coiitiut ItM"!-" ce. l t a l ji - i rn A. Ti-t-ccc ecu in. ii c in kriiiiiiti. an a n.i a n m Kai.t-i-ti rt'iiiura, ami adw linnif clranl ina- ni-.n of H.rard Tatloi. It Willi '1 at arcat -a mo- Ijy e 't' '". fa, li ad aim t Ml r ji.h I it, iti tilt - Pll ' 'nntiV r'ro. Andy to I II I AIM r II. nr W tt. k 'IIIF.I.I. F,1, II. '-ei! Pa., or .l.i ft m lll'Kt , lla-i o'lu- . Il.ra Woat 4 nm:ai, i:xrcnsif)N ok tiik YiMrvn j Vi C'lirtllin A.-ixliltn to AlotN.IO oi rr, Fl lh Y .i"'t I... I '-! fid,'' '-. c.n tic (ir loir -.1 at A-lini..! . Kva. 711 ''lia.iint .trc . nt Hia t i.in"f I' A-.O'-'B' O" I iHar-llnll t:ni' mil r f . a "1 al lait t. Iii o i ni- niTi.lii "f t Mi-mil la'ttioat cava VU a attn I wharf at ci.a-a A l prwaS.-lr. lyl'i r . 7, lIM.llill 1 f U U 1'. .vU u 1V.5 t'y .1 RIVKIt SO II V X 1. K 1 LI,. The Ktarnli-Bt (llVK.Ral. IIOUKKH, fanta'ii MktU Kl.l .lciiv i. 'l lil'-iil.t men tio.ir I -r .a. Icl.t ik'n II l jut., !,.ni i lllli. l)cni. on t tutnuo. tho raha ami tV.a hkl. i'. ivl -t VO ll Ihl'l KiN.-NO INKKItlOrt COAf, i a u -1 r. t,. o it.. i , i, w th" ii t a in '..-nor ari'cli- to f 1:1. tt , IiKS.n, HKIM li sir. ct. tli-'i-a Ittc-, p.n rn. i-i :l it m i "Ire f.At.1 P. l:IN. hM an piinn unncl. Y.9i. ami Htovc .lzc.$ll: l.ar Nut.i:.! pa lot'. rrp-Mnor' at."' in n-"l Itifir piirch.'..nB at one, pce vlnu. to aiH-tt" r ailv.iiica il4-;lia r'VAl.II)t AN!) OS V Al.KSUI'.N i'S, IN I yaijt.. at.d O-int let miia. 11. I 'll -Is aii'l 1 'iivu'cmn ii'a, ,1 1 ti I 'ttV U'v.: nt . luvall'l f a. ok;. y FunaiP-tn tl uf fINlti. terimi hiul o (vnhti, 1 fiujt v tti I" '. o ll-'aita. Wilj Uiiiloui tv 'nin. Cit if.irnia vV(a, U il1-". ( nl.loima W'ln---', r.'.tf. u..'. I torn) Wite . 'a ,i..rn' W'O- it, jrr ui : ! v.ii' j 'P in a.l nA of lutt uir aaJ urii proa- tfaiku jt'ipiiftft Ask A k Atk A A At. A-k Ah. A-k. At a at A-M A-I A-K A-k ic.' lTn. iK t'l U.n -I, ' bhr 1. S.ti.i"l .Itw kon, (o U.p l'fii uv. it 1 i tnlv(!rlif ) Hh(iU. iuir,.i. iir-Mi, llnnttU'rae f ct.ibo le, V 1 ma, lUrtiey, Na'iln.trd, WhMn, 'in. -a., nnl. K.a,uy, K n 11 r, land, and O'her lenlnt- 0 y 1 tuna. hni the t' Ink of the tnetTi r i,k tr n-.' f I'uln rial- Wl.ie.l TI'ati nt'ii loiurii tm acrttw wiir nifriMln. wnrt naviui us of the uvneflu oaUantj rtctlve liMUi Uiuir unc! I'AMKffRSlA WISH AOK.VT, jt'JI-lm No. 41 H. Kit 1 ll atft. almve t-'hieaut. LERK'b OFFICE. COMMON COUNCIL 1'n laiolli'H. Jul -V I, fn an o-daoc with n n ao'iiflnh a tup e l lvtt t) ni nn ( oi ik ll "i i l-i- Ity . t I I I iid iphiii, on nirsday, the JOin. dav t i Juih , ImJI. ti e uiui' xrii if 11, r milled A Olti'lNAX-'K IO Al TI'Ol lY. AN AlH.lil tNM. LOW TO VF.FT Till-: KMlM.s 1CHKNT TO IIIK '-aj-'KSSK (iK TIH'.C.'IV. AN ' HMlil 11 hit IMIttl'O Ki4." Is lu r by Liihilbl:t-d ir public Infurmiitlo'i. wm. r,sai., CK'ik Oi'C'diinioii UoiilU. AH OhTTnAH K TO At T"01tlK AN AhD'TIOVAT, LOAX TO fci V.hl TIIK KXI'KsHKH INIDKT Ti) THE JKI ENhJ Or I UK CITY, ANU KaU O.llBU PUK 1't hKrt Heoin n 1 The Hltct and CoTomon C'mnrMarf thtlty of Ihil.dHpliia do urdam, 'I h it ihc Mayor la hery an thor Et-d io lx rtow it i.o ikh t liit ii par, mi f or.nili of tht mi p i am n. audi u ti' mo iuv ai may te ie pun d b tl e ( tr 'l r amrt-r, f-ira Urn ihne to tir.ivtdu ftr tl.e li.ni id hi uuie ra from the cl y w I'tnl idn pa a lu tne ae-vli- r 1 1' a Uidl-d lit-t'a anlt'rt ied l a i i ii rliy, tud i'.ci'4tlh-ir in lhf wlitde tlie a-un of tl e hundred liiiii-BHi d tl t ni. fnr hi tli liitt-rp t not xi pit Lao ra ol aj p6' com . i cr Atinutn ahall lie ortld h-ilt' yenn n tlir i tn dah of January and July, at tne oiltoo ol tne - Ity Trv4Miier . 1 1n- j iIikImiI ui tif aa'd loan ahi'l ho piyah'e andptld at tl e i-xp.ru Ion of thtri y ai in m the d tie of I te aatn and i ot I ait re Itlmut 'hi ct acot "1 holilem tritraoi. ad c rMiic.t tht-n-f r, in tlif unoitl lorm id uo i aari dcat- of Cit litiai a. ahali be in n d oeli khohi. aa tto lendera iua i 'iiiin-, ho ind !r an Ir tt ti' i al pa t of . or If in. utrid. In am uu a of tl.e hntidfd i-i me tno taand tlol lira, and It una I he etirf"Mt m al 1 certiflff'ii ihaA tie und I-uh the In mci no ed and Uw lutortisl trvaf at'' i'l ft hi f e fnuii all tuxa. H-1 oi 'i HiiiiiiTr a oi w a ahall a mad i rtna lWtt f tli-re liai b, b h roj if tla or li ia-ioo. aanu aliv aproprla't o niit d th Income of the cor -ra ao . and I ni if t mi in aia d by (xt oti. a u n auitV't nt to pay fhf tnti rtif on tnid re 'ltli Mtea miiJ the rnrtnr aiim oi iliie -tt nilta of "tie ,r tN-tituia on iht ia- vain of each oer Iniau-a, Mr laufd, h4li im) u rwp-la'i-d '.uarvJoiy tul oi It v income and tax-a to a ainkuiu fund, vnl-'h und, and ita accuiiMihitlono. are btoir eapel ly pludated for the redemption and paynn oi of aid owrtUIca aa. im:S'm.i;tio AVllIOUIZiyo TIIK CI.KhK TO PUBUHH TUB Oft tl N A N K. ld'solvod, That the Cter or C mimon Council be anthor Ut io pi.hiUh in atlly n-oaitri. tn ttna el'v, dally fur ft"tr et ka. tl ordiiuitaawprta- Udto omro n (Jo'in rtt, at k Htat( mwiInK thereof, teld on the cay of Juiie. tM-t. ni itlud 'Ao Ord'ii.uie 'n Atitrorim on Aild'imil tin to nt(ot th expt-oai r. imldtnt to Hit de enc ot toe City, and M othrr pur ova," And the aafd Vrt at tha a'a'Ad meeting of Comu'i'i afior the upliainn ol (oar wieka tTooi tha Hrt day ' s,d ptd.l ton. aall preaon to thia Con nc 1 o of earl; .ald nrwapanera for avarr In athlch tl'e aume ai nil have htyin iu de fytf CH.EUKli OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL, J PlilLAOtl.l'HIaV, Ju-y A, IHtii. In accord iinre with a reotu ion utiMp't'd o uid Ltuuiun . roi.iit llof tht Cltvof I'liPu-'elptila on Thuraduy, UieJ-Jtai day of June. lHt 4, 'the tnnc.-d fl . einliJfd "AN nttniNAN- K TO AtlllOhl.K A I.aN l-'OK SCHOOL rUR- I tier h puhliahi'd f r pub.io infoi mt'-nii M. F.MV,L. Clerk of Common (jonutjia AN OKIM ANOK TO A- TH'tlh A f(OAN KUH Kt iHMM. I li It I O M E S, Hfi-tli'ii 1. i ht and t'finmou Cou nulla ut the Ctty Of riihaoh hia do tiiduln Tl at tli - Maui ii i:i) anihorlxed to borrow at not Iran titan -ar on ih cifcit ot 'he corpora Ion. the mtia ol or.e iniJI on d l!airt to pt'.ivid lor Uie eriwtl nt. extit noo. a;d ttiioi 't t mi ol titnluuiK lor aunool ptirtwtt la ih tirt ht i. oi l in ti ii i tf '-nna IvtinU, for wh.cn Into r'l.ti"t to exu td ihttat of tia p r wemuta por imum, flail lx i'd haiii-' irly on tht rtr t dav of Jauuaiy aim Juiy. tit the oftir of the Ctt Treianrer 1 i.t piiiKipui oi ih-t.J i.aii an-li fie pyAhie and paid at t"t pvi-iiailon t. th rif . aa f iui me d o f iha aaiut;. hi.-J i"i to'iTi' Mtttiointhit c m-'f it ol tt holJora thrri id ; ai.d (. et-riihctti tit- rfor. in it a iii1 torn, of the: cfitnh tiTi-a t t lv L'aii, mtii tx UwhI in y h timomdc. ii a V f KU ' may re inhe bu: nut or any tro lltMiul (-.in of titit; huti'Jf.'d do Iar, or, if iv ulitl, IB an oiim oi live lu'udit 1 or otiu th-iua'nt dodtira; and t dhttl. hu t-.tfre-tii in iu c"r;itlfn't' ht tht- atd loan tli'en uo i ilonrd. aud tie lurist Uieitoi', a' e payable fitt tiou. ail tHxoa, Hi i n i. i hf 4iiOnni of aa d ''n ahall le appropriated, rtiauPuad. and prtl.iitd fi-r thu purpoioa and lu BU In it il to li' 0 HtWll. ll ui I . To th M-vi-rai irlnnt hCfW'aii nli.e huadred and t)iii i -itiur tttuupHt l live liuii'O i l d ul n , a fol.oiva : r rut Hte in. ti ttv ifton- :t d doll ra; Hfi i n i H. t-tioi.. ihirly-l.Vrf in n and dollar; 'I hirit Ntct )i, thirty itou and doilrtr. ; t - u- th n i t mii, tturtT-tive il.nn -iid do.lara; ri'th Mt i'tioti, i ihoiisantl dollar ; HimOj t ai.on. ihir'i i (tiOHsa il d dlitra ; ee ih ''t ittn'.nny-ih thour-and dollars; l-jhtli rteoiii'ii iir ) -t It-hi tiioiiiind dollar a : ihiIi Ht( ii a, loity it,,, isd'.d doliitr- ; Ttinh hri ti n. 'art ni flvt- thmiinnd a Ham: 1- i hili btM'iou, tl.tnyut.ht tuounand tlva huntrvl Uoiiai ; '1 weiith He tl'.n.fluitv-f.iiir tbotipaud d4Mri: '1 lur i. tli Kt t t.'-n, iiiim-fl.ht tlioiitiiuti tletHur ; l0Ult'ftilh MrctOll till V lliolatld ddiUlwt HIM- i.ih ht c;i..ii. iwiM( - nv iiiuioa o d daia; Mvti th n rt It ri,li uy ii,iui''a!id dollMra : ki ki.nlai i tli hn.lini. t,.r, - it I'l" t Jl.H alialifl ill I aiH t KilHtit mli ft-i iion, tldriy-Uvo fi.oUiant d-iUtai ilif,etinh Nta) lun.iM'tntj t'loiiaaiid d-llar; 1 wt-t.tirtii t-:iin. aeetn,v nve ihoimmd uoilaii; Tfi.'y-Prai heftloii. iwi ny lhonainl doilara; 1 wciii itt rttud f.'llOll, fli-ytn ilionaan I d ni-ra; '1 wen y third rf mut. fiju tien tdoua tud d-lln-a ; Tcnt-(i'unli f-crtiou. itiy-i ijiht tnouaod d')arit 1 umy ntih Hui:in n, twuty Hin t- thouund d-Jtla.a; Twennlxth .4r. ii"U. twa've thouaund doilara. Item To ri-itLtmret' the t:n Treaaurjf, lor appropn'X tioiia ttinady inaiii-, tiiartt-abte to thla loan, lony-nlne) th urbuii nine hu-id ed and mht d .llaia li. ui a Kor C4.nU' a"i uta. niu t u uiouatuio hp aiot mnety-tno dfinrt. ...,,. Mt iUoii H. Whenever any loan ahall be made by vlrlne Ii) vol. tht-reahfll he, by (or oe wt thla tirdiiMnti. aunoniiy apf'oprlai.lom ol thMlu iii of Uie tv.rporiitj t ie. t;. lha oi one ,er c mun. on the par vau.o or .ucta , teiiinralr. ahall ui appr-'Prtr LViS' 5fi Saf -2 Uoo and iayui of -aid cruntm. REOLlTTlON" TO prill.lH A l.oAH BILL you run Lie 8liiuol. vaaxalved Tl at iim O.ei be atUiortaed to pirhllhtn IdVilv nepaiera of thla city o-Hy, for fonrwaka, 1 t" iirdliiax P d to ColuUMtt CoutWil on IhlUaduy, t 10 ACHlORlZlt A 10N Klltt 8CB00L, rUK- And liieaak) Clark, at il.a a aiwl mnctlag of TiiiicDb, after Ui t-atiiiatiua ol luiir vbB. frvui tiie r.i.et daroi aaiil riuhllcailon. - hall rta.aut lo tl.l. Connor oae of each uf ' Baid new.repara tit every da lustily B ttia lama anal liata Imcu luaiM. IjK-tw 4 a i a Jt S