The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 14, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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PHI LA I) K 1 ,1 11 1 A , T U1M)A JUL V M, 1SG4.
..nV !
lur, I
HO '
II. .
'( v
THIRD EDITI0N.m)M iaklkston.
jnto., i;io., jho.. ito., lit ci.
Hprlnl f a Ttin Fvnlrir IVIearrrariti.'
Hai timokf., July li. All dispute about th
Itfety nl (tcikthi 1 rank in Is now tclilnl. He
breiikta-tcd at r.urmim'r Hotel this morning, tind
is r.o thi re in good henl'b and ipirits, givng
i m lii g df tallx of hi capture and escape.
He was rairlcd to a place In Carroll county,
wheic the Kebclt under b.vouacked f ir
the night. Mont of their ofllcrs, and miuynf
tie nu n, wont to different farmhouse to grit
iiin.eiblng to eat. Tney left Franklin ualer
f uurrt m ar a buy stuck.
V ben 'he n'glit waned, Ibrsc guards went to
llop Fr.i.klin 1101 being sleepy, iys be took a
walk, atid the last lie know of tliu Iteliul gmrd it
vr I slcei Inp, while he found himself walking un-
nvhrlid and fp'i towards llallinore.
11c rays Gilinii'e turned lilrn well, nod that
tin H dels generally In Laved cleverly.
All la cumpsrativi ly quh t here txlay. No
III litis are kia-wn to lie near and wine expected
Tie militia inroliin lit goes oa spiritedly, and
tie authorities now are ileta rniinedtoearry .tout.
Mai.y Hfc- as oiiiMS bave skedaddled, hut thvy
will ho held iirciiiin utile on returning; others
freely report th"ino vcs.
The Philadelphia tUi'roml is being vigorously
repaired, and it il hoped that It will be in run-
ling order to-moi row. Itcpair gangs have gone
cm on tne Nortbtrn Ceutrul, und it will be
rurit ing In a day or two.
The Western Maryland Uoad ia running traina
rrgulurly the entile length. It huh not injured.
The B It more und Ohio Kaili-oad is undergoing
vigorous repnlrH. The road to Wusliiugtoti la
rnnli g truths, and a 1 the ro l ng (Unit is lining
repine d. Unlit Hill Mart twice a day fur Ferry
Til a.
It la now as-cei tn'n d that the Hebcla mlTcred
tirnbty t the Mnnocary battle. They left 400
dead on the (h Id. and over .riO Imdly wuuudod.
who arc now in our bunds; many of them old
. ceiB. Onr loss wus not taif their.
The latest news from Washington represents
11 siife, and Rebel, d. pared for Vlrgiin-t, but K
ia bopid tbut ronuy of them will be ciptured
An immt-me numlier of'eand h .rien w.rro
dil D awny I rum Weti-rn M.nj'laiid. and lar
qunDlllin of Mores. Fedcrul e uta Mill eon'iiiuo
at nil po-t around Haltliuore, and pickets are
potted. The puns system mill contlaues rigid,
Euslneks very quiet.
Bperlal tn The F.vmliiir Tr1cKrh.
DaLtimour, July U Ws have advices per-
frctly reliable from the front at Petersburg up t
Wednesday uioriilni;. Orant found tint the
KehelM had completed repairing the Rillroidt'i
We don, be accordingly seut out Gregg's Uav.ilry
to cut it g do.
Iheyniaiched to near Reams Station, whero
they totiLd a Rebel force, and drove them in
aon' dtuuif, wheu our forces were relufor.-ed
by ll.rlow'.-1) vi-inn, awl ti.e railroid w is held,
and the work of dcntrni-tion wus mill goiug ou
wbtn our luforuiant left.
Ornt looks up n the In'o K 'b.A movement
nifte raid, and Is not likely to loosen his hold
aponiboil'brl c pi'ttl. Matters never looked
betiei In fioiit ol rctcishnrg than they do now.
Trnvrl to tl'noliliiifian K"Niimeil.
Baltimoiib, July 14. The trains Hre running
to find fr ill Wahiit'on this uioniiiK a usual.
Ti e Washington papers of to-duy have boeu
itct I veil.
t'niicd Nlntr 'lirlllil oMiinlsslon
)MlicHt'fti Nnil SitmeN for tho tVuiitnte.
Ov.ttthiii'HO, Julv 14. Fifoen delegates froii
Fliliidelphia teacliedttil plitee J e er lay, uud
were reinforced hy several from hero. All led
for the lield alwiit noon. They took a lurg
au. Bt ty of -tores. The wounded will be t ikeu
to Fredeilek t'lly.
Vtxr Yoiik, inly II. The Hteniiiir i.-4cry.
fri in lluvana, wl h date to ibeOili ia-'ant, U i-
anivid. hhe brings V ra Cm, il i' til nm ll
In-tan', atid Cry of Mexl o to the 27 h nit.
The Stuiiil'iJ 'ays that (iem-ral Tr.igi, with
bis whole army, ha-i given in liit a lliuiion to lb
Kti poe. The liniuyttlc i;enn i'.
l)obludo is Mated to have disi niileil tbo re-
n KM-H of his rrirv ur P ,t. .-.i , and it on hH w iv
to ron fir wiia the Kiu.ior. Kl-ewhe e t t
stxlid ihn he la at Mj aui ua-. bound to 1 1-
Ctiui d SratcH.
1 1 e N j i.iiiir-ii tTniiRiii a' Onjaea li i ni"t in ir
d ri d, a if! lie uiur.ieiei' mihicii :ed tor cvicuti u
'lie A'nb..ii ud r h il bit' lu no t'y tlm C i
Topi mi laiiiro, oi Ilia -a:o urr oi .xi.ullu
ut M. xuo.
1 he iel;nris r i"ht r inrrcudii, t at Havana,
fining to tbu heat aqu rai:. .
Bt n.-)i' VwSiiiilrerM.
Tt' sio.v, July 14. To thuii-nri'l vo'unto. rs
went in o i.iUip y e - r.Pij , aii'l it is ln-lieved to .'
tbe iiiiniber will n a h tne iiious i 1 1 ibinui; in
jikh't i w. ek. A t II. ere I- im lurk of iiriiis, tin
liue will lie ready.
ti:i;ivti. ok ivtrz::s.
Nr.w Yomk, July 11 Th stennur I.ilt'e hln,
fill ( i.B' li Mi hi, was raptured on the ti h, by t le
t. nun i Ci iry.-!.ui i. t-b a an an iiuu plunder,
Ol I 'JO ion.-., win a,'cneru! eurg i.
liiiMuN, J p. It. Tliu Hi ti-h ir'i I'l'imi
'( ii, tiom lie iiinila, wliji h w is ca itiircd o i
the bib, oil, oy tho J'-ni J.i.-kvm,
liu uniM-ii. She i u Mile-whei-l kieainer of '
toim. ma! pmchahcii ut llulil'ix seveu Hi in hi
tigo f..r t'i ,u. I. SLe was c un b r urt
li in. will a laipo of 4 U si k of .alt, 21 barr-Jls
ol -pi i m, iu.,1 10') boxes ot soap. .
1 he ci turi d birunii r l.Kt'f AU his alio ai
fivcal.ire. She hails jroiu Suvunuab.
KurkrlM tiy llearHil.
Ntv. Youk, July 14. Cut.ion iiuict tit 1 b8
VIuui iiit-I'iiii v l won . I I .tKl lai n ; Miuii. $M 'Ji', 1" il.i ,
!. :l...y.. li ii a,ni,,rn, fi j .i,i-mi. Wn.4t
" i , tii. i iii. it' . I i tn 1. i ut, I a. O irn -i.iiil . ! it v., (.
l-.n i lii ai fl h.'.l lij. i.eol h .-v. I ark .id i ue v
I. I.MiaiiLtv 4 l.ltk V UUil HHU ll'.llllll il
he.i,- 1 !. ,r, l.c: bulrulal Wi.ial, js liuUli'
i i j bi.h
b.,1 ei-. are i utter. Chic j.o atid It a'k I-!un(l
l'''ii I I" Hi-mi ..ifd. i- : I I 0"l t'-iiirai, r-M
Iilnoik i.-, ri.1 U.iiui, 1 il'i:M-an H luiiii n, 1 1
I" i.i.n.e, ,; ,., i.rlimliil I . i ', ; Vi V
III' 11, .III I , ; tl.. I' up.,,, 1'ISI, If,
JinMnmui, 10., ouu ioi Cutiui-siM.lii'i i O-lJ.iti
Rebel Battery on Jamc3
Island Captured.
Unsuccessful Attempt to Cap
ture Fort Johnson.
Niw Yoiik, July 11. Hilton
ri p. rt a battery on James ln.aii.i, captu.i n iroiu
t e ltebels
Ji hns 1-laiid was succes-fiilly ocupicd tiy our
ti(iip, but nu uttenip' to t ke Fort J iiiiis in by a
iii)Jil aitaek was a :a lure and one bun Ired a id
nliy of our inert, lin hiding Colonel it yt, l,l.'it-
o-i nt.t-Co otiel Cunningham, aiii a number o
othir iidlcers were taken prisoners.
sat irlm.4 Tioiii the li'tnrf nirnt of Itii
rinilll Muti-liii-iilN Allium niir Wllillti
I 1 1. 1. 1 ilftilil Allnrk ml fori J4liitiit
Ilim lliinilrMl mill I'lfiy of our ,viii
Hiliiri4t r.iitfiiKi-iiirnt wlirt Kurt
l'i in iinl Ion r Jnhii' lit mul
I i illlion up Hie XotiA IMitls -I
v. eiitj -one Ni nroet llrowued.
Aeili liirHlliiiiiH,
Stono fliVKR, S. C, July 8. In mv lat
rtiiiei-i'Oiiib nee 1 ineiitiom d that an expedition
then on lout, tile OeiaPs in reaia to wa eti
wi re at ilia' tune eontratiiiiin. I presiiiu ' yo I
V have learnt d through lie. iel Houice tuit tIM
xpeiiitioii Nailed from Mil on Ilea 1 on Kr, il iv ol
hi wei K. hiiu iiuu it w,m on oiiiie au et'e i-ive
hi ale. by pinni-sion ot tieneril K utt-r 1 hi I tliu
privi'ege iof accompany mg him In hi tl lit w on ;r,
ti e Cosnf 'i'oiunn, Captain C itinoti, of wi ne-aiug
a I the import .lit oi eraiioiis, and of v.m! 1.14
everv -oin occupied by tbo troops compoiing ibe
e.j edition.
Our Furr.
The troops nienib!ed at Hilton Iluml from
f veial puinrn, and ma le quite a r.i -pie laid,- lorec.
It 1- not proper us ct tor me to give the dfltaili
in regaiu to us httciifttli, u'titougli It In -und tne
Id be were well tiitornied a'aiut it thro ign tptes
and oliM.tva'loiis irotn tlietr loo'io its. Uj i- ril
l-'o-ti r ru utiti-d the couiiiiaud of the wti ilu for -e,
untl llrieiiillir-tieneriil J. 1'. 11 itch, Brigilier.
Uil.eral Sehiniiiie tilin g, 11 I el er-feni r4' E
Sn.iton. Wuii.nn lli-ney, ail I
lYIoliel W. W. II. paei (.oiuuiaiiiliiii; u bri
gade) bud eoiriiiitiuiis tind.-i him. 01 tnu expeiiition was n nro-
loi.nd se. ret. and none of til.) iroo,i c i.ild git a
InetoP. I he very who wiiiki-d signinW itlv
and whispereo Suvunnali, mul l' ieo all o, B ill's
Hay, the ue rgia c ait, and h'ibivau s
were all continently guc.'si d; bat uouody hit on
be nnt sjKjt.
Arrival sit Snrth IMKto.
The fleet arrived off the liar ut the month of
the North F.ilUto river at about two o'clock
baiuid.iy m rnlug. The mght v n quite tlirk,
nd some ilillli upy was oeeaioneii iniiiiding thji
buoys. Captain lloutelle, of the coast survey
t-tininer 1 1111, who knows every mile of tuit
o a-t by thirty years' expi rieuce, lial g me in n
pilot a navai vessel, aim li iste wii nJt or s, lib
it ut linporiauee to warrant risk, so
he transports did not go in till tho high tide
alter daylight.
I.itndtiitf of rro;i.
On renctilng the anchorage insidf, a portion of
'he troops were ut once diivinb irked at S.-ahrook
It-laiid, ut a pier nul l wuun tne luniunie J u jneral
.Sievemon occupied the point over a ye ir ago.
The. remains ot his caul," wcrrt there, ami tliu
iroop who llrBt lauded on had shelters from
the fun c.insirurt. d, cotfee lires going.aud evory
thirg vcrv romiortan.e
Colonel w. w. li J )t-. is, as soon at it wis
pi ucl cable was sent f irward t oe upv a p nut
un John's I-dand, jut ov.r Haumver ore-k,
Kbfiwa as the Suar Mid. He mirelio l .:m
Siubrot k i si 1 ud, p.iBt the plaitation form-rly
owned by the younger Seabroik, fO"neny 011a
of the tiiiet-t In tliu country, witl lirgi an I
eligattt buihling", splendid grim ids, dowers in
proiu.-um, liobb' suade trees, rare slirulis, an I
hi. ad acres. The whole estate is now in
bd con. lit 011, the buildings I itcd
the fields LUtilled, tho gtrdeas growa
up with weeds, and only tho shit lo t-eet tial
nil e. Colonel Davis uneounturod noi l of ill
in-my on tleabriaik Island; but on arriving at a down brioge am si lliiiloier creek,
hading to 'he estate of tho elder 8e tbrook, on
,l"tin V IxlaiiiiJIie It. 01 cavalry p cke's were soea
riiis poitu was ocr upiud last winter bv a f or. e
utider Gentrd Iran, and iniiencninents w -m
ihr -vn up nlopg nie b inits of ',1m creek, u 1 the
lUiLSof the old Sea'. rook m insioo thn ks'iels
were gating their breakfast, and tli-ir uors-s
were rocketed in the shade of a Urge live oak.
un the approucu or our torees tne ttjo.iis
uiiiiinu d ana eli back ictnn a bent and me 1 In v
toilinwo-ids with great priti,iitaney. Uur ad
vance crossed tne bridge, when thn cnemv cuiie
hact; with their reserve; but fltnling our for-e
t hi large lor tin 111, alt- r exch in,'iiw a lew shots.
they again tiod. One Heuel horse was wonndu I,
but iln ru were no ttuer e. isnaiiios at this time 01
etlKTsnie. Culoiii l 1) vis rest-il here, t'iro.iug
out p ckeis some (H-laiit-e in Ins front. M ijor
nriiii, wi n a lew ol tun 411 w issicuu-etts
Cavulrv, went nut several titm two or tlirae
miles up the l-l -no, ilnving in largely -Si trior
iiBinrter- or Keb -I c tvalry, wti 1 set) n U dastrmi
nt drawing him Into a trap, and who 1'olljvoi
him hack each time when ha re'urned.
In the nil. rnoou (Juueral Hat 01, with bis stair,
vi-rteo Co out I ll.ivn- and ro Jo out to our picket
I B- S 111 llOtlt.
(in Si.xton went out
tiid 011 the bulowoig iiioi- iifig more troops r.rt
laitOed to John's, aeeoiu
pmitd hi Ui-neral H tit n, who assumed I u-ne
oiicte command of that p tr of he exp-t.litiou.
On Suiidav nfleruo 111 (ieuentl 11 it b move
a'suii tloru mil' s further u,i an 1 cncsuiiiotl ttierc
i-the night. On the niovuiug of Monday, tbo
lib, be im veil Htttdn to a itioti, at eit t ir from, wh te a bridge crossnd a
e.nek on his lelt. rue ino-iiiug wasitreas-ty
1 , with searci Iv a i-reatli of air In 111 it ion. To
tiircti was nloijg dust, roauswuh 110 b olo, Im
lioeti with husnea ingti eutjiwli to deprive 1 liu
noiii ers of the sbgl t "re. - Hi ,i did bltisr. 1 ' 1
vi raii troops (-11. Imc.1 the 111 ir-b well, but the
rwitit li, una eiiMouii .1 in me sul ry eltui its.
wei-o etimptttely exhioiste I. Il'ltitlreds f.
lowti, ovei powt red by tin. mui. Oneor tsto wore
tat. ill . siim-ti ui k, bin tne im,) irity were taken up
in 1, and rec- virvo.
.'u sctiueitlv Q 1,. ml 11 ,teh made tnoth-i
inuieh aerosi the si 01. 1 10 pl left, atid ho bis
-lin e u aile other inovem. nts, wnieU it is not
PM-orr lor me t 1 ib t'l ibe -s vec.
llurntg ibese o ' rail 11-, 1 v 1 of the 9 h tToited
Si iei-cronil luaipswen: Mlled n k'r ins lea
wiib the Rebel scouts 1111 1 pi.-kets, an I all h 1
several wiiuu-b d, 1' o! inline, ui.e or two of the 4ih
JiabMiebuctlii C iv.ili y.
IM.Kiltlt.ii fp tint iS'orth IMl!iit
t'u Pa u:dn ' ul'irroonii, Urb;.i.liei-G npr il II r.
ney.tti'b troops tin He intn-or's t',
.I.u'.n'iii.-. , u' d t'i-u'ii, tn ill up li.e Nor h I' llHto
in r. 'I i.e jiii.b ut - y'u c- and i'aii (.', ni. ail
ibe navy my it r.f'tit.'.M, vcre .en- tip b; tuti.-.ii
llrttl- ri n to e-Htst, aa ! Cie:ier.,l Ka -T -ils i v.:t,t
iip in the reveiji.o ennir h,(.'.i. lieu u'sl ii fuot
Mil. id lit W liitl! '. lint. Ulld e. irly 'i :lli to ir 1HM
i ui (i 11 to uniieii iri'atul. .V lev. mi e-. o i, he en
i . mi'evi d a bcld bat'ei y 01 lill.'d'es O'l tie
oppo-pe sitle ol' a creek.
lie ri puicd tsi ti tieral Foster, and was
"in eb d o l!uk the lia terv il po.
ln-'ir ul-o win' up the Imw i ere ':, in thn
ii-iei He cutter, aec.'iitpui.icd by tile t,'o-ii.o'oi
w till C.tpteiit lit.uie lo it pilot, to eD'h'-ivor ii
11 lit. the battery that si le. He filing, d e fir
t un' tune, sinl it the lieiieN n i;o id Mieliln,'.
I hev re', 1 ed vnh nub ii t urni'V, l"it dul no
-iii ill bl'tii'g eli her of our hunts, (inner 1 1
lliruej reporli d that it v as I'll pi it t e ibln i o take
i In- biitiery or laiuk i, oAiug 11 tne p. i iilmr
torm i iou of lite ground, an I it w.ig dual y
Ut enn il ex red it ut lo with liatv the force. Ibis
tltri'tnl, tho only c. -names being a lo -
itinihi eil. (Jeneral l o-ier n tiiriieo to ill' N'
l'.iiislo harbor, uud tube ineiitly went oi Stotto
tier rial Hirrey the next tiny rtj-emhaiked, and
uUo Went iu B ono.
I -sprtllllon 1st Jniiioa Ixlnud.
On .Saturday morning, the 'li, as a co op'rs.
the un Yemeni, Urgi nil N. Iiliniiiel iuunr, coio
manttii.g lb' di tin t of M rrK and Fol y l- lauos,
cit'SteJ ov. r to Juines I-iand fnmi Follv, wi"i a
I art ol h s knee, und druse in the 11 pel pleUe1-,
n'tir a siiirmwh. l liet.ocipa were men I traisd
n. to column. "I'd advanced to yard n tibl b it
'ei, Lot uniil leerntly rei upled. 'I he ti l l.ul'e l
S tiles i-ulof d iiil'aitlrv. iMid ibe Wed iNivy Vo.k,
" .ie placed iu the, advauce.
Map of tho theatre of the Rehcl Attack upon the Fortifications Of tho
National Capital.
,..rr j? v.,s- . " . i'- r -..r - i w ii- ,e' KiU'.'t-'a r-.n
Wltill i hey aruveu ve.y ueti i .a I ui i.i i
Rebels opctn d wi h tw orass tield-piecvs, wim
cnni-ier, creating oonsioeruhie b ivoc indeinsiiig
some conlusl n. Ibe 5oib Ms-aeti'.ise(ts hit
been formed Hi l-tie lor the piit oose ot clirgin
on Ibe fort, ami as simiii as the tire bad 'ajeil
diawn ihey advanced at double nn'ck. Th irs
was a di lie to duty to pi-rfo. in ; for they li id t
ebaree through reirmling while and bUek
troops, In tee face ot a murderous tire. It it
tin y in vt r tlinebrd. The Iteircl Urn was pii.e
high, uud nearly all who were wouudod wore h t
in i he head.
With a i-hout sod tbe intreoldity of veterans
Ibt y rushed over the parapet, driving the lin iel
toices In fore them Into the woo. is, ami c-ipturing
the two guns As tnis was ihu llrst lime ibis
ugiuielit was ever under a hot tire their eon Inel
us CHpeciullv pr iseworthy. Tin-y have tuny
snstameil the reputation won bj the M-s .ehmet'S
colon it tiooH, by the filth at Wagner and at
Gen. ral S. hiiiiin. llln ig held ibis position ab mt
a nay, uud ibeti tell back about a mile and A
I-b If, with bis two Csptured gun , ami inirenuiied.
Ti e rias .n ol tbe tailing back was that tint post,
lion was an incouvei.ieiit ore to hold, and was
i o more adi antag' on-that the one now oecu
piid. General HcbimmeiliiinU has since been
j ilued by General buuey und tin lor -e.
I'liHiirrrsariil Altnrk ou tort JoIiuhoii.
On Saturday night I he 127th Nov York,
Colin. el buto.y. and tho A.'d i'nunsylv mi i,
Colonel II. M. Hon ull uu.ier coiinuaud of
Con nel Oiiri ry w. re oniered to cross tho
watel fioiu Morns Ia and, and ende-tvor to sur-prn-e
Fori Joho-ou. 1'Ln.y wvui over In b wis,
out the tide w s not lavora in on arriving it tne
Ih'iu b, and a k liou ot the boats go' agroii id o i
a uniil I bar. Colonel II. .yt and I.ieiu.-Col nit I ghain, with u division of their roomie ',
ui:i uti, d in lauding, mul surprised ll ittery
hiini kilts, anoutwoikof Fort Joiiusoii ; but by
tl e aeeidi ut. not being supported, it was use. ess
10 alien pi Ftnt Johu-ou wl:lt is tarn. oil of
mviiuI I. unoreti men. Ti.e whoe pur.y a-h ir.
was laptureo. It liulll'x r, d one liuinhel and
thirty i vt n el.l'id men uud the l illon itig
011 eel s : Col. nil 11 M IliiVt. I.i. ll'eliilntC il iel in, I'apiu u I lea'. II. C nun. l' t-i Lie I
lei airs .leii.e- (i, S uvuts, .St las A. liauyau. and
1 hoiiiR- K Kvai.e.
At 'he tune ol the a'tn k none of the guns of
Fori Johnson aeie anind towartls tha tieaeh, nut
ihty huve sl Ce b eu tunveil so a. to point in t'i it
uuriltou. Til re is no douo the expedl ion
wi uid been romp tel sueec siul nu' for
tie in loi Innate ici ei.l at I ,nd t g C .lo el
lit yi an. I I.i. ut. Daui-Ci'li'D. I Ciiuuin.'lia n in
ph i dul i lb. er , ami their c ipiii " jn-t as tti -v
hud navel) ami tkliiu ly ccuuipl sm-d tneir
iti'po-t i ciy ne ru'il g. It is u e propar,
htnvi it r, to bliime any one un tl, a' lessi, tbero
i pu-i te t vlib in e ul Inise. ui, iu, t, Ttiu l iilure.
l up; o i , Miouni ue -ft uou ..s un or inn. y
u lrioriLi e ot uur.
NiV'KtM llro-viiMl.
On Sutiiidty, while t io navy tn" I -it was tow
im a pi tt ti" I t'ui b..eti h i ii nc-u'o -s. In st in i
iivei, it via run un'lei iii tiunb.g .mliteu'y inid
t euiy.t.iit ui.itiiiiisn.a. flic lid.ii ciineii' nil
v. i i Miuioi it ibe iiii.c, uii'l 'lin bialies wt.14 c .t
t rt 0 It w. s somt nuys it ?uro till ot thoiu lere
leeovei . d i iel Ilu u d 'the siht of ilio sw ilien
i t 1 1 sis I oaui.g ubtail , not very tigre-a ne to
'1 ;,fc wl o luuubi.ud utt U'atispo.ta unit g iuboats
i'ii t:.e river.
l.'iii;iiHi-&ii-ikt with Iteliel Itntterle!.
Cn John's l-lmiil. cm the h it li .uk of S o 11
rlvi r, ii iiiiipit ol it. id s i r so at,., v.) l.egire. ile,
on groui U 1 1 eiiji. ed by (lenerai Wt'if.Dt's torce
a! ilu lime ol (i,.neial Dcnbam' expeiiition, is
l-irt l'i ligle, a Heb l win k of eon-nlei so e
n it itgt Ii, ii i, li il.eybtve another battery ou ttitt
Juiim J-lai d fiili , whiltt fur her tin, ou J inn's
l tutl.lti I'linh. fori. On tint mo inn:; of tie
Ii it. h, when i u r giinbonts, ai a sigiml, ran uu
i.,i: hoi, day d.-i otaiious i t ignal rl igs
ui. ntii'g, Foi t IMi lo opened on inc. u very sp tv
lul. lliclirt shell exp'i.detl bitwten the Pnu-
slid the Mr In .., which were l ing vet e near
ugiibir. The latter ami a moriur s.'liuouer re
pl i U vigon ui ij , i.liehleg many h tils uti.i tho
lin toy's woil. s. The uioiii'ora lud .lm, ly iiig oppt site l'lb ge, no ir 'tie J on a
IsUt.d hort , alto engaged tin l it, un l 'h i lin ig
I-.- Ineii I ep i.p, with oe a-ioua iuteriuts.ioiis,
i vi r suite. Wi have fad nr eaoiaUius slui lug
all ti.i- fi-li'liiK-
G ncral Fot-tei is very actiy.', tolng fro u p Hit
to p. 11 I. aud glv ug ttaoeral dirneiions, ijav u
Ihethtails to hln n. nt-iais. Hi ui i ll a livtu
ti p 10 lliiion Head yesieniav, nut it'.uruad i.a
Ujtdlate 7 to the seu ut opeiatious.
Full Particulars of His Capture,
Treatment, ai.d Escape.
IZto., JUto.a JltO., UtO.i JUto.
1 UK I'Si AI-K K tiV.S. l'KtHMJf.
IIaltihohe, July 1 1. Maj ir-Qcneral Franklin
arrived safe in this city ub nit thiee o'clock this
Uiorn rtg, as was anticipate.! from the informa
tion reci iicd yestciduy, ami is now at B iruuui's
Hotel, te.ting Irom bis fa igue and exposure.
The following is a brief account of bis capture
and escape. Uu was seated Iu a car at the time
of bis capture, alona-ide of a wounued Lieute
nant O lout I, when a Kebil oiliciT euino in tne
car, ai.d hiuitell' to the wounded otH
iei, said :
"Are you Msjnr-Oeoeral Franklin ?"
lit, ii-piiru .but he was u -t, auj 6e them bit
I ami' .uu 1 ana.
G. i.nal risnklin wai in cit iens' dress, hot
ibe Hi Hi s a 00 put the. lo htm, and nu
liuuiJy abbwtied ihai sucu was uis name and
n.l k. 'ibeie was no do. oil lu m. luiutl, Iroiu
In- manner ot hi- iu.i rr.igator, hut ho had be. u
oi tut out by some ol the pa.-seiig. is.
ll.iil net saio, lieu, rui 1 am uappy 10 see
M u." IheO tul rep I d. " 1 e.iuuol -a.' that.
I am pit ssi 0 10 sec iou u inter the . i.e iiusl inees."
At t ut It'll IlilUU IS ullel warn (il.tuoio C ouj
hiio tl e 1 ai , alio alldll-lng hi.iiself to tieiiorai
1'iaiikl 11, sod, (ieiietal, you cjastdor
y. 11..1 11 in y piihom r."
Hi YW'Stiiu put in o a carriage, and, with other
prist litis, iiiivtu through Hie .ountiy, siop.-iug
awhile ut Towsvinowu, then going aero, 10
Ki olt 1 io li, is here hey .iri.ved a 1 u elo :a
uu 'iiiit-cav, uud laioiedu e y liivoa
iiektu bo ihe 1.1-.I11.
I Ii Cn 1.1 ral su put in ttie ens of C lo ain
Owens' ui 11 two gu,.rtls, wh eiv ehatgiO w.itj
Ink sale l-c. ping, i'.x u li g mm nf a. -1 -it au I
v.. 11,1c III. 110 llla.l'ly laid lliHU and fo.uod
b ' ep.
8 1 11 af er, the Captain and bis guards laid
ill. wn, a id be listi lied aiiMo i-ly l'or linlic itnius
ol -le-p . n llietr 'S t. Id-hid no. 10111 I ig
hi h re 1 e !.-rd In fiutr-l nea est 1 1 11,111 e nn
11. el .e 10 Im 1, wn:, mo u0"tiriiy unires -
II g iu vi lli i.e ai d pr iu diiy , until u b eaaio
inn ceijily 11 nd 10 w.iki any null .a.. sloepur.
The Captuiu und Ins o'h r guard h nl a ,. . in
the un ttt.tnutt commenced 10 u.tituc. tattler
I , UV l , li he l.eiiei ,U I'OnllilU'-l, nu h.-una
op'U. lo ii gn sup. He in. I ill lui. iv y t oi
ft 11 u lime, ui.ul ull three 6ne uuniiJlalta 110
I i; 11-- 01 t-liep.
Fear tig 111.0 ihey wo'e pbiy ni? "possum," ha
gi t u,i ituil wa ktd e ro es- y .nouuil.aiid m iveu
our 10 the bhc-, Mi l wuic'inig t ioiu. lie lUeu
e. linl ed itnioty, ami matte e .u-uler .bio 11 n-m,
Hind u g ihiil tnry wauteii uu exeux; to sb it at
inn., i ll ot thi 111 laying wuh fi ir r h. uauds
IH-.ili'- tllH U.U'.' S ol ill ur .i1
'l in ii.dieaiii.ns of prolounti -lo -p b In ! so u -.-11,11.1.
k. ub e 011 the pari of ull mice, if luo u, lie
I I ilu light lb .1 he mould le-l tne sm uti y of
Uu Ii slum l rs 111 jmnviijg the ten a.
This is dul. nun o 1 loo iing ha k ctnil l see 11 1
rs'incmi lit ol ihu tlu-k y tor us 01' It gn trds uu (
oil hesliotat ii sssi vi-rul Meld jump nglli-j feq -es,
in d i 1 e ing t-iraiglit a eao 111 liu di. ncriou ho
tliousbi would take Inn. losr iro- the .1 y.
He inn lor s'K.ui three, piarurs ol an b oir,
wl.i U I e enti lid a thick wood, Hid 10 un waaa y
sla'e, hung realty bioketi lowu hy fiiiguj, Uu
toiighl a pin of 1 oi.Cealmeui
li. ri uiutii'd coucua ed for the balance of the
night and nil 111. next day, lroUeu:ly s-eitig
from hit billing place I nu Utb.-I scouts s ureulj
for him, and seoiiiing the iiui.he.s nid ihur inls.
Finally, a out suusi 1, alm ut 1 i for a. -r
and loud, he thought he nuhl iu -lure out, b iv
leg 1. .11.0 to tho uouclu-ioa that f 1 nod un a i l
st.inutit n was neatly us bad as ociin; a prisout r.
He ini ket 10 tbu w jods. however, aa I ooa
sw 'wo uieii moving t.iwanis linn ca ryi.ig I irgo
, bunt' leu ot hay, ilu wak.d up 10 uiaiu all
t asked them what tbey wcie duiug wim bay ia
. i -'- r. I. I
ilu .uii.1. w e.. o..c wl I.. cm l.p.eU. ' 1V1
have hln our horses lu the woo Is lo k 'ep 'lictn
out of the hands of the d d Rebels, and we are
going 10 li ed tin 111."
1 h s lepiy w..s asnffleVn Ind ention of tbeir
fei iin ei.iH, and be immediaiclv made known to
them ibe eireumS' ant es of hn ptesioice In tin
woods, and who he was. Tbev greeted him
mot kit iby und coid ally, end droit id lli-r
bay and conducted him by a srciuded route to
tin ir farm-bouse, where be was tno-t kindly und
to-i lt.ibly reci iv. d by the lauulv.
Hemp in a iir-ighbni hiMd surrounded hy It -hisl
sympathisers, and some of tbe Rebel scouts s'tll
piowiing erouuil, appaieuty smU'Iiiii; lor bin,
his whtre-il outs was kept a prof 111 nil secret by
Ms loyal host, who, on Weduesil iy , s t about de
viling Ilu alis of get lug lulu lo the city.
11ns be ace- lupiislied, a ai at 1111 night last
nighi a earn ige went out lio n the city aud re
turned wuh the Uenrral, he b-ellug us he ex
i r.sstd I nnseo, mure free than he ever bad
Lebiri felt iu Ins tile.
'1 he nun, e ot the g dliint und patriotic Mirv
bDd fertii' r is at present ivl'hbc'd, for the r a-on
that he has cause to fear Re a-1 retribute. n
shot. hi any more of tie highwaymen of Oil
tnorc's bund be still iu the ueignooih jod.
A hiillr.iiti. lo Jsini'k Unritnn Itennelt-
IliHAiti, July 11. Tbu following rae-sigu
bus In cn sent to J. U. ik illicit, lC-q., eultor o. t lu
NewYoik Hi .'.
Cliitoih Il.ifsu, C. W., July II.
f I am here tor peace the oppo-ltu of anirchy,
ond lor a n sti r ition of all that Is valuable to
ciibir tcclitni. I wi-uld like 10 see you here.
Cniite oe, don't be all aid of y our own thunder.
(S'gnrd) Gi.oitos N. KahokHS.
A' a recent rnee ing of the llr.ti II K hno
logiciil Soeieiy ii is 1 here Were p acetl ''oasis
01 ihe ssiiil of un iiuliv.d.ia' at oilier, ut per o I
id i diil. lile o snow ihe ehiiiiges" pri.lue. d la
iinyiars. I' I- on lie same nn iple, wo su(i
o e. 'hat tin two -kul s 01 1) ni S vitt are pre
served iu ire au.i, one when ho was a bty,aud
the uibir wneu he was mm.
l'llll..V!t.i.i-ii 1 1 1 i ur; Ht.riiur,
Tin nsiiAv.July 1 1 Qiioreiiron Bark is scar eo,
bin 111 in, itltt r ml hir llrsl .s.i. 1.
Il.eic Is uiere ill itur.i li.r t ', I. uuil a . il.t ir 111)
bitsi el' wuh e. I ilg$ ...i.e.iu p A tm. la Fituut'.y aud
IJ.l stu 110 s.les have tiui ii ru iiili-U
I It, luqiiity irl 1 en li.. i.iv .vli 11 a lau-d, .n I ru.-Hlj 4
ti I In ur 'It tt lio.). 1 liu .s'S. ciairlfca hi 0
laor. I 1 ei t. s aina un 1 iiiini sxira laiolya' ltf'.,iipi
larb.ittl chufl v at ' lie )..'t.,r Ul i n; sit I s.iail 1 si ti 11.
it.iic-i'liiini tb l) -siil.s r'tJIlT.
htm I u.t is un. ,1,1 itni in C 1 n 1 .u .ji .. 1 1 .'. 1 iii,
iit,ii"nr 1 ui I. I.e.. :.n. n-1. .iii.iti y, N.. idlus i tl
H"urrt.' in M it :. e i.iai-'ii-.t.'r . ar a ut.'-,
-i 'i. le l v.ry lion o.ii-r.u--, utiit's .lumi'il 1.
i;. mi Willi lilt's el .M .'b I.i 'nl. p. im r,i l at .''. . pi i,,i :i.-i,
a-.u l. is. l-u.hi I. ila i.i.- -I Jo , ttv uut'tit. ., T7.'a c-a s.
s ,iiiu sultt wr :u r lu mi. :e art.s . l u.l ..l i nja
ii iiil' DH tl'..'1 I urn ei ti-it u.iU'1. in iin nl ,'. cr ; imm ,
lu luilit h y. !: ." n as it ti cinl .1 f 1 . i. Uns ai. .. ua
un Vi'U : V.oi, tin-It N l'eiiit- ivn-i a so d al li,) ;,.y.M.
Vi he ) la ni I nl" tl r. It-Mi. W h.ui' nl tail I .i'..h -.f
t'. ii aula dl.U t;,..u litili. at 91 so.
LATi:T ?ill'.lr. l.TJiLLI'Jl.CI!.
H' i.r Vary iV a ui i. . . iud, iiaui.M.i, H tr.l.'iun,'irtiT
f-i .I W uvp, Mr- r it, h il. it I. AUiIim r til it Cj.
K. h I- 'I. lit. t. !':. iim i - i-i in. i'ii
toiMr Aftlurm, i u, t'i rin -u.ii. ( up niii.
H Ui S' KI) (Mi.i VfiltMSi,
hri : Ui'n. rnJ Uiik, ut in ra IteAiirtu ' .
bssiltf' iu c,. .1
flil .fri . tft l-isl Nl-k.-iH 'U, 4 llaVk f OfO ViQ . Kit u
itt' Uniil o :rM li rt' Oitll un.
S.'! r Nmmij i' j .in.;, Wtliv, iruiii ' . Tiro Mum 410. lu b il-
lNi 1 CBl'Oilll.
hr liiuit;a. lluo eviulu, (rum Nut r It, lrt b'tlUst ti
ef .
NurM. Ilu hawiv, tU-hdway, J rbvi fiJii V.-
Yo' h In ti.ijiHist ii t si mui
Mjnr tHin.'.ta totto Siui h, 1 ol.t) Irom ,v 0tlo, U"L,
win. fci-lu lu Jauit t.UirtUt,
JstlM) u' kt)ilUt; .
'LASS ti-JUI 11 I Ifr.
4? 21, til, ai. 4I.4..H. s n, 27. 3, 73.
r.trA I'u is 4.1 1 -Jiiv 14. IH..
27. C4, 3s V4. :i, 7. '21, .17, 6bt Oti, i J, 78, ti3.
tLrvuitik nut by iVtiOri'siiijv
V. nJMM .HH ft tft.,
IKtRlCRN S CAVALRY AFTER THEM., I'.lr., lie., Ktc. I'.tc., Kir.
Nl w Yoiik, July 14. The Commernnl AJirr-
tinr i ays that a pn niincnt hanking-hunse In
Siill sie-t las received a cp tlch from the
ksliirgloii hiuiiih of the firm this morning,
KkiibMacs tl at General Grant's forces havo
i run lid FiU'istiing.
V e I ave im lvtd no confirmation of this news.
Thi Ci mmnnul also says a private despatch
ru in V ash ngti n to a Wall striet banker, aUtes
lat Miindi L's Cavalry force has been des
i sicl cd to intern 1 1 tl e Ucl.el raiders, and had
cat bill Hum. vi r Court Hume.
HOItnirilN Sir .uAJ.Mt-I.IKSI'.lt At,
Fi ii vn t., July 14. Mrjor General Frank
Innir vid Lite thi- alu moon, and leives for
1 hilm elpl U at a-10 Y. M.
Fistmastir-Oei eial Btulr, Senator Sntnn r,
AOin lal V'oitir, and ilie.r lamillcs are aisoon
be Main.
TtAi.TiMOBE, July II. The Washington Chro
nirie uh:-hm the following account of a visit to
the liitile-tltld near that city :
"I piocuded iiimbdl Fori Stevens on Seventh
litu lot d, ol i-b.ill U III, wheu I came to toe
nuts ol ihi late resid. nee of Mr Jay.ol ihe C.ty
I C lib c, Mi It wus ins r"vid day oebire ve
il lib y l y a sin II lioiii Fori Nieveus, to prevent
li e lit lei sl u p-lit o irs trmii i c.-up' lug it, A
n l i i in Ii ut iLe in Mi.aied ss t are the ruin- o
'he la e iisidinie of Mr. CarUry , which s.a also
iii-.'iiyeit lay out own rheds.
"Ni ur ihe i nnaiiet- is a new. made grave, where
mi the icnniins of a pa'r ot, who bid
diMihid liiiiiscll au army of heiiH.s and
uti t nun his life to preserve tree lustitutions.
Al out ctid i f bis grave . a small slab, ami from
hi itiK'ilpilon ilu reon I learned
unknown cavalryman.
1 prin rood Hill furthir north, and at tbu
d.'ssn.i of audio Irom Furl 8 evens came to a
Ici i e thiowu ..cross ihe road, and occupied as a
bin two rk by the Rebels the ibiy previons. Here
wn. n.Hiks nl l aid righting Union ami K-'hel
uitoKits, some broken, and others utiiujnrtid,
ii.l iiiss ihn wu aay by those who had ooce
rt-ni. ihiut, but who bad no further Use far
"'Ihiso ley pl'eil in heaps by the way, while
tits, cups h. virsacks, cap pouches, and thou
'aiidsol rHitridgis sndbulnM were scuttered
I ire i i.U tl tie on tw Ii sides of Reliel hreast
wi iks.niid i numg the rille-pits dug oy the Union
ildiets. in a lielu near In. Every rail in the
Ii in s and f ach tree o re.-eutly us. d as a shield,
both by Rebel aud Union soldiers, show well
hut has been tbu work of the last few days iu
tins vicindy.
Whie thus contemplating, a anuad of Union
cnvHirj parsed, ou the r way trom the fron', es
Ci r'ltig hlietn It. Ik I captives covered with dust,
iii.ii ap ati Dlly worn out with const mt traveling
am bi rd novice. I comiuued on tbe way, ni l
von, d I lie residence ol Dr. tl. Heath and Captain
A. J. Richardson, wbotoge bur occupied a bo i
on un riptit sice oi me roau, over a nine iroiu
Fcrt Btt vios,
hue a- a sorry picture. Hearlnu of the a,i
pit si hot Hi litis on Monday morning, they re
nt' vtd the ti m le members of the family to thn
fort, ii nd hi fine ihey cool I return the Rebels
lied ossess ou of tne premises. Everything
ahoat the pluce il scattered in great confusion,
i nd whut eh thing could be uiaue use of by too
Kel i Is, tiny exchanged ior tueir less attractive
Ihr liullrJIt g Use f showed with what a-curacy
our ait.ibryn in dire, ted their shot and shell
i guiiisl its mui a. Eight shot passed tnro igii it
In m one sine to ihe other, and tho disirs, win
iliws,uiid sideboards, are covered with bullet
nun ks.
Iu u led south of this house are the graves of
e i vt ii Pel els, ami lu a cornHeul on I ho opisjslu
not ol tier. -ad lltn en other Kobuls rest from
tin Ir ili-sirui live work.
In giove on the u her side of tho road from
Mr. liluir's le.-iiienee was found a book, thi
ilghtli volkine of H r ni's works, laeko 1 to a
nee, and winch I have brought wi'b me, an I
inn irnhsciibetl ihe following inscripliou, which
is writ leu on a Hy leaf :
"f i.H WAimsiiTON, July I A Now. tine's Abe, run
Im blli-l In: quiet 'bv lis. a eu ol your ait utni-lruti.i.i, as
v.itilt i-uiijs mar . lour li wo ilil. Until .tu.t lu ili.iw ymt vi n.u n itu,bM ii luu un uu in uur ni ut r trurr w.
w.ll eeiue snaiD,snd tlii't y.iu nua linsr , tauU fr ,m under.
Yuuia. iMuiMtutr-iilv,
Tua Wuu.-r lti.ui.1. Yin; Kv-rs slA,
Wll Vliblaia I lUuliyJ
From a citizen who n s des sixteen miles norib
riisl ol 'he city 1 Irarned that the Ite'iels riiat a st
i n i f ii near Co esul e a four o'e. ock on Monday
aiierniHiu, and it was uud rstood mat tn Ir
whole Inrec noithof the I'ouimac co islsted t.f
J- hiisun s, Furley'b, and A. I. Hoi's C
Villi ihey eiiiirid Maiyl.oul they were nearly
al on lot", bi t they have picked up tbu horses n
he ct ui t y throu. h wi.i.-h nay have oassatl, n I
ui wtin p.os id tht m sic iiniuntetl. J ibn-on ook
lieias io d fiolii Co'e-vile, aud moved loa di
Ihe r o'lu.d nl lb II v 1 1 In.
Il HU'eiirs, by the s'a'eiiieni of Mirshal Ilin
lnl. n , who yrsleid iv v, sited his planta ton near
il e'.i. 'h t bo h (ieiicrali HrecKinrulgii I tl
F ii y went ut ihe resilience of F. I', lllair, E il.,
wit lb Hub tbe Rebel In ampiancs.
'1 le Inel t ti ii t iwu (inn rals ut C Tps were with
t)ie Ri I el li ice shows Hint their numbers co il i
nit 1 1- less ii.hii ihi'ty or f ir'y tho i-uu 1 men.
It I- . Id Hiai liei, em I Un eklnii.lgu spoke of
Ihi Rebel n.i. Venn iii ii- one (! slotted io relieve
It-1 Mi, Inn a m .ii n hi s and ex,io
tic ii w uld I a.dlv reve.l strsn -ie ties gu-.
Ihe piissiv iiion of 'hi. in.u-ton of F. P.
Ill r is t o e to the Inn rf. reiicc of tleni r il llreek
i:,r:i',:i , wio mi- no tl "U 't inllueni: d by t nl
I mil. i ill tiniis I'm no i ly t-xis'iog beiivcea blin
si II u i ii U.t pit s n. oe. n.-r i I tuu pt 1 0.
.1K of TiithMouKi un lo-r.iT. Rix A. M,
71. i;ooh,e. i. One I', il., Rij. Wind, li.ut.
I'm ti'sios tu An aniiu Cirt. We trust our
reiuieip uil. In ai i.i iniud ibn Annual Encursioo
ol the Yoii'ij' Mi-ii'i Cnris'.'au Assoal I'.ija to -
liiiic Cu,i , wl ;ca oceiiis to-tnorrow. As is woll-
ki'.dH n, iIicm! i cur-i us are of tun must select
cl ais.iti r, mui ihu gi'Mltnicii who Biiporiutecd
tin 111 inc. .' ei ,i,.i in f. r Ibeir re-poet iblitiy
an ! wen tii. Ti c no it will h ave Viae sttcc
w lie. I at 6 i Vic k A. M., but we a I vise all to ne
nt the I'tl t r sale of tbe rivi-.r au hour provlojs to
th. t t me if the;' won d toeuro coin bil lable he us
in the c is.
Mi. V. li Simons, tbo Pntsidout of the Asso-
riHiion, liilnniis n th.t tickets siioubt bs ,eeiKit I
in sdv, nth, r et Ash.nead r Kvius, No
7-1 1. Li tuut str. c, or at tnu rooms of me .oc.e.y
I 'l,J si.d lull Cbus'iut street.
Cisti,. Tin p. lies returns this morn
II tvi to bai r. n of all items ol iutornst.
A in i; iniineilS. Pairu w ,s c.iiin.kte.l by Aid u
n a" Mil i ray up u the cbiii'gr of robbing a ii'ldic.
4 I T 10 ui.d tf' 111 W I'll.
Wi :i ui Wi. Iiuu-.. colored, wat i oiurnit .o j b
A'ce.:i.ati h'.v..i u -on hccliiijoo; twiull ttuU
I story wl h in i ut 'o nil.
Ai.aivAi.. I Uesliap-i.r-war H'ytunii.v arrived
lu tins ciiy lai eviitiug, alter aa absence of C.e
aa t.
Thi ENMarmiiiTa Cnv Raoiinwr lUrmiv
Fill iso Up. Notwl'bsiaedlng the cneerug
newt from Wasbintton this morniaa. the work of
in m ill g io our rltv mil goes bravelj oa. Ttv
National Onards Krglment, tbe Oray an J Bio
lUwrvrs j the Coal, Merchan t, and Commercial
Msg In.tms, art Uing rapid y rarrii wd, aad not
a shflis t me can elapse before Ihe regiments will
be anl to have the city foil thousand, If Dot
tnor itiong.
Colontl Thoira's regrmenf, wh eh hat th
Itan of othry organu ition at least torn four
teen days, tt of car being rapl 'ly rlile I, aod
will probablv namlwr mmt Blteen handrerl men
refine Marling for tht era of war. Colonol
Thomas, s It known, ht o'Mued leave of
lencr from hit dutiee it Collector, and during
that time a depnty will take, charge of the tin si
lo si.
II. ildra the rcgimentt mcniloned. Cornel
f-ii.Bit'i Rrgiu e i is In esaip ami Huatb.
i ok rtls and Colon. I Hernsn'- Regiiat
are u nong along ry ninety. Voong in. a at
wsiiiio lo join tbe Fir-t CI y Troop, wblca will
abo sgt'i. ti ke ti a tie d. Colonel J. Kglena
is also orgsnir-lng a regiment, to he filled witH
n on In in lorn rlvr to sixty years, to be culleil
II r Old Mi n's lie tnent.
This n. timing tbe ritv bonnty of 9MQ wit psjr
tn foriy ore mm who had enii d for thirst
jests. The'otal amount now pud bytaacttjy
an (inn's to $11(1,250.
Tl.r Conmilcer on Defense and PrHes-tlon U
still in session, ac'I.ely engard in vo lail tap-
lies It rcirUiiu orginltoo Bow la-iog raewd
hi ilo-ti rxpinieof the city. Tbe coiomitutw
was also rrci Ivlng thia morninir reports ut the
vat lout organizations now in progress of recruit
ing, at d gieat i-ao-f cion It expressi'd hvitat
the nisnuer In which our citlrons are replying to
tl r i all It.sde Un n th. m.
Tie Snbstituie Committee le tw readr to
offir ftAO to all prisons ready to Join lha armjr
for tie st ace of yens.
The I I ur Jackets are rapidly flocking to the
Union Itrfrrshmrnt Sa'oon, win re J.lou.enanC
rmuk llstr. a brave otfieer, who has teen active)
fsr.lce in (south Ame'ica, ia n crut'tng an i ide
aiidint naval battery to servo for the emer
gency. On nil ililct tbe sound of tbe drum and flfa
are I cord, and a great number of m 'n will no
rii-uhi be tubs ed during tbe neat twenty-fosur
b' urt.
Oirura Dbatbw. Thie morning Pt'rlck
Ee'lry wat before Alderman Fancoast, upon the
charge of coinmiitlng a vio ent assault aad batw
ury upon offleer Lugar, of tbe P .rk Police. It
turns tbut Kelley, wl h two othert, went Into
boiel srtr tbe Falrmouot Park, and there)
ahnsrd ite landlord and insulted kit dtntrater.
TLeiifilcrr wat called lo io rjeet the rulline.
when ibry tum d on him and beet hlmhtdy,
tcsrii g ibe clo' lies Irom b a iierson. K iby sn
sinned, und the other iwn male their i scipe.
For thl tenons offense, bre rharget 'sr-lngpre-hrrrd,
bull In ihe sum of only SISJU was nuned.
I'i ubonal. Tbackara 8. Tuit, af tint city,
Vn'lt d Ma'es Mail Agent, was In the Washington
train vapioied by the Rebels at Magnolia Stat on.
1 he train bad ttnpped for the purpose of dtll
vi ring Ihe mailt and baggage at that HiUotT
whit the capture took place. The rails were not
torn np, aa leemt to be the general imuvee .too.
The mail-and exorest tafa were destroyed, auA
Mr. Tul n rrowly neaped with his life. The
engine "Harry' CUy," itttached to the Tain, baa
a rivid at ihn city, and is now undergoing re
pairs. Her damage It not great. -
Ihquiiti Duriug tbe month of Jane Coro
ner Taylor held inqaes'i upon eighty-sever
I odies. Tbe feet charged fur h ddiog the la
i, nests amonnted to ffKU, of which lJ w is for
lncldetUU, 9192 for funeralt, and 130-60 for
the jury. Tbe appropriation mado to me Coro
ner b r 18A4, amounting to JS.5j.5 l, Is nearly ex
hausted, and will be entirely to at the end ot
rnnjiDtxruiA stock avxcuANor. rales, jitlv 14
K .ported by Oarksoa A C., Brat sr.. Ha Ut S. Thlnl at,
nn ,h RrattlBi B. R . . st
O.S ilu eM,
1(10 ah BsaA. . a. . .11 laye
asi....iaa-liil at
o. Stt I
do ssX'
a S'.t
du. anwnnil S'ltf
oo iAwh l'X
du c (t'.tj;
tn. til s st .1
du uioiuiltt
au ttrJ
an tlif
s siu
a ..
4....M tnl e-ibi
oo tt
Itsi ill
li" h
no m
st.i .n
I nil k
Im sh
llll sk
100 .
111 I
sue .h
j tum 1
inn .a
a bAAmi
i '.
tt bit UH1
WS) .Si plnama (Ml.,
lot in ktAjila dk
tirsio rj. a. ts.-st ian
lliO.tltkh HA
llU.h tn ,beASl(
S'.s 0 111 let I
l do Hd.lllS
Jisiis milts sm......
taign (J. H 6-si IONS
p.i in e in.'c
.! (In rr.. M
lis -kHn.t. l'uil.. in
jnihfiilutiOjil..,, S-
le.hPaK B 7J
' sh -to 711$
it aa Lima mat 44
SVOtrttTta. iiYr Tn.. IttlS'
t-s.ll.Cli7 a. H
t.t'O On libit'
K'tO to IIS.
17' 0 oo
I. a a 4v
o.k lama. H. a.haea.s.
I7li0acb.ssv la 83.. fa
t.l.d Sunn I'a Sa 104
Ituak to SAjj
II ak an SI
t.Mim AllinS. Co in ... sl)i
tl Oil U H 7 t-IUl, t .b..leo
lOO.b N Pa. K. K ... S1V
wi Hi ran. rps.bao i)J
90 Sh Ulnars.') N .. Hi
M ah lliiion Hank b st
M all (llr nsl Bsak... 47
Jilh Urna Uu.... ''
liu an..... in
Id sh i-h la IUnt....iaa
VO.n n. v. m IV
I'" .b HI Mountain.. 7X1
n.i in nil -rfk p,
lie st ecu. h Df...ii)u asst
t'fl V t.S-?Oa Ila
IA li WrntalQ. Cnl. 77
see do Iii4w
tub ".una K St.... 7'1
rwi sk N .rui Pa ...ti ilij
so an X iv.iu-l As
VOn ah N-TIH "a. ..bai stJtt
l.SO 0 C. At A aw ti.'Ai. t
tl'ti' I s It yd ui ka....lsn
$171 0 I ill a. new Half
Ml al. Ksaeln, R. R .
H (i ah d. ilil li.",
10" .b d . n tu,
1( ib d k'ia
j- u .ui-niiaar an..,
liO .h isnn siav m'., Mnrrl. on.,
IcUsk MoUUuiotk.
It .n l.snia'IK. A .si ., Sa
n 8. l.p.Ri-ii. slrni-k Comanlaalna Rrokar.
o. T far.
tnku Bulldinta, Walnut Ittw, bekiw fluid.
priori) or evorte ix vr.w tohk.
B.porttd by Ciarkaua A Co., Brokssi, N.. Bl a. Tblrd St.
?irut i. mlt. MoiA '.ili.
I Hiiro Blair, na. II.' .1111 on. .... llli Did
R. et Island llkt'isiad Old
hrndli t Hal mad I4S' but
Itii'i sk.aa.
10 'V i slaw
KVi ..ue
Ail. islaa
111 l ilsal
III 'aira '
1J0 asaw
lUIV ssla
rir a.
llhnui. rrntral likltrusd bd
(l.len. Matlnaid Md
hew 1 , nk Central Rallmad l.HiJ, bid
Kr'e Halltu.d US hi I
tiarleiit Kaliroad but
(in d JK7 lllil
lii'id Hut. A SOa imv bat
Alsrb ei Kl. .
Jai Cooke A Co. quota Guvumnsnt rtcuriUea, c. I
noun ui-day, ai feiliiw. s
Butn's4. S-b'aew
...nn "ui
...l t st
v. a ..
1' B 7 S-Kl
trie. iea . t lutli-'ili-ib ..a. New.
Ciiu.rii'iuiss-rr'a Vua lu-rs
S-i'li lliatila
.Mt tii
.Ilia's; .I'll
10 4d Coupon Bond, ready tbr il.llv.rv to Jtint 7 bv-lw-
,.ailon. nf y.ild al lh I'hilvlalehlk (ioid t.oi. isj
lCo. tA a. 'Milrd sueat, ..aiad aui7 :
I'S A M 'Tl 1 SI a J
ii a a. mi , ir s i n:
Mattel Wi ak.
Tui'iiuii.iy, July 11.
The Stock Mark-l has ceu full of tua wiliest
(xritement the lust ft w d-tyion Ao'otint of the wic
ree. the stringency of money, and tho genttral
uncertainly which hat clouded tlte flaancLl
horison. Heading lUUniad steadily decliaeit
Jrom70toC'J4 yesterday ; fnnrt ihe latter price,
tally ing to bG tins mi. rnlug, with latgo sales at
(4. The Uovcrniiivnt has, it a njj. tken poa-
sc si n of this road to bring down stub, coal aa
tiny D'.ay need ; but this oecusa ion, of ooarsn,
itu ouly be U-mpoiaiy, aud will be discontinued
ut soon at tl e ionucr employees are reconciled to
tbe Con pany, whose p dlcy hat uulfortni'.y tyccn
a gei tious one.
The depri8slpn of tbe last few days teems b
have bet n di-siptited lu ttock clrcli1!, and op-jrn-
tort were buoyant this morning ott tbo favmriblo
urtny newt, md tbe temporuiy eute la mry
yesterday. We think it possible, that we thull
have un upward Block Market for lha protect,
as It it rumored that Secretary FcJtsendeu. boa
kiiaiigid a temporary loan with tbe Baaiu, wli
Lave been favorably impressed wuh the do
uoenor and action of the new 8icrotry, t id ay
report gains credence tliut Mr. l'seu len hast
atneed to issue iilty mini ma more grcnb.wki
Th is lutter we doubt, however.
In the Uo.nd the market wat Itce ly, with at
betiei touc j Reading a'Kint 6,5.
Gold wut quoted at V!C6.
Tbe Noble arid iv.-lainater Oil GomiMny liswej
Iueci -ia a oiviavna tI twulve emit, list Uis)
luoui of Jane.