TIIR DAILY TCYTi:?NQ TELKGIUPTT PITTLATKT,PTTTA. WEDNESDAY. JTTLY 13, 1864. V WEPxr.BnAY. raw is, urn. SPIRIT OF THE NEW YORK PRESS. Leading EdltorlnU from the New Tork Fn)pn This Morning. litftrwnic i.ihso.n". frm iSe Tribun. Jut balf century fttf, hostile ll 'et appeared in Cbcsnp.lJJar, and Inmioct on the l'lUitxent rotiplc of brli.vli, which ma.lo a Tinron push on thp Feilfial mvtropills. Thtf wor confront) d at BlmJonshurR by a hastily coilectcj Vtikra force, mtilu'y i-ornposoil of Mryla.i mill, la, wliivh ruplit to h.ire MTesrtd their pro. ftM, but fervid tr her to aocclerntc lu The Urltlch .:V;1Iy rbavd the ihiUlvred reinilm into Washington, which they sjn left Iwliinil la wild, mad nice for life. Tho Il.-t.liih pomutd mo further, hot, burning the public edidco, and torts, with tho ettntili.-hnietit of the Uorern-tnt-nt prii.wrf, rttu.nuil to tO'-lr h!iis ai h'.ir iHd f a. tluy raine. Tlioy next nudo an at- - Uitipt ou Ilaliimore, hut wero repulse) and tlmlr coniuianiirr il.iln. I hey then tok thcins-ilroi oil, nun tiiBde no funUor ecriom ttoaiurtstr.iti.nl lb thHt (pjnrti r. We hnd then htm more than two years nt wr.r, with ihirkend fortunes, hut, on tho rl.olc, with ii.onli rent buimhss. Wo bad com rnctriU lr i.tiii,.u'e uttirlv uupreparrd, and UDilcr iixlHU r. tit mi'.iiary l' H.lrrs. Tbe ( v cri n.. hi, It waa f.uii ra lv felt, bui not erincod thridtU vior and cmrffV iu the pnwctr.i in of the sirupine. Tuo pu'iuc expei ktuun bad n t U'tn tultiikd by In ppwi". Tin- iplo h id, in largo intaMire, buuuine dislKmrU'iu'd svicl ii'crt. A powtrlul and active p.trty cUui rcd loudly lor pence pence on any fcniH. A mpa ra'luo ol o r' i i) d.Kulltcted Mutes fr.na tho Union Wan loucily ilemauiled. Tue country sie'nd i.n tbe htiiik of liMnlutlon or ruin., Iw rrcilit v. at a low chh, and iui cirroiu-y ' mptdly ilire datitig. OoverniuRnt ohlii'iiiurn, dniwiu tivolve jjr cent. Inlircit, were ild ut a b avy ditcount, Uionph p ltd lor in ih I rf.:i,it. d p iper of iii-o:. ftit batik. On every mdo, d.scoutent, duo m , ragement, and apathy Wi re niAiiu'cstud, and the liunl cutadropne M'u.insl iminiiKMit. Hie raid on 'Vu.-mlugUM clmnvd nil this at if by magic. The O, position icrta-ln:y dc tvanciu the Inrompc'eury, liuhecility, an I lm otcDce ot the AJtnuiiMr.timo, i ununn lm lly for pence, and the Kopio did not rep)iii. They may have bum d or pined tholr ruljM, but they rai led lor the rulvjtion of their O iv ernninit. Forthwith unwanted trl.impu leiin to Khl their Iihuikth. A foruiid ihlu ltnuii expedition, ui.dir Mir Ueorjw l'rovot, Wis tirrenud at rintu-hurx, the eo 0ieraiin llevt riostri'jfd, and the luud force hurlud ickiut Canailu tleleaicd ami shitttuied. UIot sl'ror blow, well aituid, went home to tho Tiuin ot tho ei'emy, until at New Orleans, a tew mint'iii aftcrwardn, tho contest wan cloed by a tea. fill and rangiituary hri isb defu.it, and piMco onca more gliiiidenvd our exuitiK cjimtryinen. And sothli g had o tnueh c in:ri iu'e.1 to rovive our Batiundl spirit, and thus lnnuro tho-e Kre.tt mt' ceivo, an th'it very Mid on Va Iii:iioii Jica whs fondly expect d to ba.tou and iv.nlinii our national over.urow. For yii.ra we Duvo been hoping tha tho R.'bels Wonlila-ail Wavhlngton Cuv. Their Secretary of Wur threatc ncd in capture duve iy at'.er the reduction ot Fort Muntcr. They iiiiglit edly jiavu t ken It the d iy ufter thwr l:iHnl tri'iiii,)U at Bull Hun. They outfit to bave aaiul'ud it directly after their victory over l' i,je on nearly the laino ground. At Ian three veurn iifur they rboiild have doau it tbov havo in lo tb dr r.i-h on the Federal cjplral. Wo rejoio at thUj f.ir, wliaieifcr the imiuunln'o re.-ult, we are aui'dihat the oltimaie cirnse'.iieiiceH cannot fail to conduce to a conclusive nutionul triumph. THK RKItr.l, INV.iKilOW AS AFFKITIXU TIIK Mli.1 TARY tI TU.iriON. from (At Timet. What li the real military Importance of this IUbil movement Nrth f Does it ui.ito- 1 ' rially change tbe udlitary tl'.uatlon, wnlcU was previ'insly regard, d to be very fwor.thle? These qncationi are Important; fur the Cop perhead are doing tlio.r bent to ru ike the iu vaelon a tncane of disheartouluj; a id divin ing tlie people UU tho war. They altys ' use every nnploaant turn of ad drs to iu ik it Appear that the Hehehion cannut bo overemae. omt of them, in view of tbe Intortscs of their pur y, avoid making this urgumont in set Uribs, but they, nue the Icsit, tnlio g-nd c ire to (bpe thur l.iugu ix' 1 1 produeu Uiu iuipra-ii m. Thtre are ru.ny 1'iin.t hearted, yet we;i-mja lin n n, who have uo hroa icr f.ii:U in 'he (i :al l.tuo than whnt piwm eveuti oupilv. 1'ne opp ineii s ot ibe Ooveriimeut him eve' V oppuriuuU t play up. ii the leaia of theMc p iipie, in one way or unoibcr, and t' cu with couaido.uli.e ell'ect, as the Imlio.-Uix (how-. Thin hcbil uibvvnictit was not expected, an l no p.rii ul: r preparation was in ulo to aar I , iiguumt ic It i repie? ii.td to tie ail the mora nntoitun.ite on t:.at acco.m;. li U.'.t it is u strong inilicatmn thnt there is no s- rious dangur ' In it. LhuieiiHut-Oca-r .1 Gra it. I'ru.ii tho co.u Bieni einent of Lis pretieiit ctiupalgn, h is naJ 'ho cmiio ctiiisal of all the nnvio.iul torcds. 11 s niilirury judgment, all admit, is cx.-elhnt. It is fair to preaume that, at tor cro.sl.i, tho James he would not bavo lett tbe Upper Poto mac comparatively awdnfcnlel, if unytuinr urit us y as to be upprel.emled by amoveiueut of the enemy rcrunn it, Tbe route nur.h-vr.t I'.o.n tbe rnem p 'kltiua was uotoiioui enough, tor tin buve trivcr.ed it again and a,' iiu. fheir ahiii'y to put troops on that rou e wis piuin enough. Ocu ral Ciiant'a ouiiss o.i t !. no the n a e by fortilii anou ami heavy detiichm.-u'S wcu d bavu bteu iho inont enormous o; uiilttiiy bluinicis, could theeueiiiy gain nuy d cit ve .ul vantHiie by it. I might Uo satelv assumed that lie to incapable ot liny mi b Dluiidur. ... This aniecedeiit presumpii -it Is every way i boine out by thu rouli thus far rvaliz-nl. T ie KcUIk who huvucioMied th: l'lXoina 'h ivu gained no military anvaut.ig". They have ni)'. even ven Btnrid to iissil an) important military p lint. V TI Am hey nave nudtn pre (y mucnat ruuilmu tnr uu arviand, pluiKle.to a tew noues, I iru up a lew rmh, buriud a lunlgc or two, and st rre I up a ' gi ou dial ol bai'iuie-b duit. I'm J have made one ill liitlc light, hut hi.vo ii .tiling ti sho.rf.irll. Tbe ten ouys during which i hey hive beea tperanng bnve itita thcu u.Hliiu J ot uny meu lioi'iibU m ile. We my nothing of tti Ir picking u, Mtjor Otuerai Frank lii. If tbet htve acco upl shed no uior , wheu e h .d li.it a mere Inn Hill of troops to iutert'ire win t lie in, 1 in ly well lie be lievid tht tin y can do tin hing in tbe days to C inc. TriHipi- Mternus, as well as lunl'i.t ' ate now i ourlnff in up'n them from till ('i ir'c r. They niuM ooii retreat or ) hcmuip I i.i. Uvea now it is very doulnful wneiher tli 'v e.iu re turn to their lines m V -rgtnia wiihnut great lottCH. Ihj h of lncn ur.d inai iinl. It i-, indued, yj t blc ibitt i!m luuy Ik' c p'.urcd en mikv. 1 Le pintiutr they will carry with them, if they return without uu lurther harm, must no very limited, for ihrv have m irnp rt ition trdns of P.uy accuuiit. In tvery p liiu ol' tue ll-.b' l uovilnei I, whii b llie Copperlie uih h tve treated its it it W'"re a Uis-UnuH turn to the S'l timer's can.prif.il, now uppe rs toh tit! no in i en il bear il g whatever upon ihe inilitiry ituaiiou. Tint sl'n ition, it should he kept lu uilinl. Is fnll ot prnuil e. All rensomihl s inipes aiu f t tx'ing I'Oii iuniiia'Kl. Mi rin n h.i o -ere nie all tbe iTcnit ndons oh tie'e- th t lny iu his pa h to AilnutH, nncl In now vinuitby tno in ister of that key to ihe whole Nuiiiliwost. Orant has eil'-cted aK dement in the rear of Hichuion I, wuicU su'i ctaulially gives him the command ot couvimuic tlocb that are HidiK'nFa to tuo Ri bul capital, and Irom which It is imi,-i'olo for Lee to dis place h ui. Uemril O ant.wnose ludispos iiou to boast is as wli nn'eratood as bis a bility tu pei fin m, docs i-tj't hentaui in declare n n a'iso utd conUdi nee that, with bis present fjoth ild, be cu oin el the HhaiiUunUKiit ol lticanijinl at no dis 4ant day. Even do'ing the veiy littestment of V'kkshurg be wae never U'tururtd in bis own mind ol the ultiu. ate result, than he no v is of tue eariy fi ll of the llebel cajibal. What his particular mode of opt ration is going to be, b.w much he tiuMs to bard ligh'iug, and how maelt to the tilict of bis still, st rn gr pe, we do u-A priftus to know, nor I It oeces.irt to kuow, in order to parkipate In hi conCJen e. The general ad vantages of bis pohltlou are apparent to every body. Tbe character ot hi army insures that he bas the means, bi own character inrure that he bas it e sldlity, to turn ihoae advanutge to the best account. The peopte, iberefore, even with out a knowledge of his particular pljns, can justly auttciia;e with coundence what he regard a a ctriamiy. Let no tree man heed tbe outcries of tlieCopper- leads concerning the terilh e asiiects of tht "in Taiion." Tbry are merely Ht lo frighten cbddrea. Thbre Lo tvre to learn tbe real progress and prospect cf tbe war shmild look only to the ope ration agalnit Hkhmoid and Atlanta. Tuesa y alone wlUlell the story. MU l4iura Gooduow, recently the loprAno if the Uclrersalist Church in Springfield, Mats., La been engaged at a aalury of jOO a year at king's Chapel, llostvU. GEMERaL RICKETT3 EtTQAQEMEuTT. Tliwll"",,rt,,",''ri Wallaoe, ItAt-TinoBa, ta'v'l-. July U. When General Wallace fell lck fr,n i redcrick to this -l ie of Monocary bridge, on te nigbtof the 8th of July, be dispowd bia little forc in line of bait e, th railway bridge tieing hi Centre, C en lenln's t'sva'ry occupying the ext'eme J. ft over tow.irds I r bar a, and the 11th M try lan. I, one handrrd data iron, the ixtieme r glit on the Baltimore tun pike. The Attnrk npnn 4rnernl Rlrkettsj. Towards titHin on tho 10 h the Hebels, w:th almut an eiiunl furco of infantry, came down 1mm the dliection of Frederick, and anaekc t t.ur fiont and loir centres, held by General H ck t ils' veterans. I'n vmiis to this Colonel Olen tlenln h.id tfcspa'rhid M,nr Waito with three companies of tho Mh lllmoi C'atalry down to ihe eM line right to barn some bridges and remrn With nnuilier conipmy alri'atlv there. Helore ri'ai h ug bis tlo't nation, however, tue Mi.jor received n im sjaire from the Co ouel, nd vising him to remrn at once if possible, as a force ot the enemy bad already st ir cd in his rear. The Muj -r sent one company to j.dn the first one, i.nil returned by a encuitntis route I the li (t with the other two. This lefi two eon pan tea of cavahy ou our right and their own left. This was the c. minion of ail.nrs when the enemy limile ihe uttiick. Onr men awaited the charge until their opponen's were very near them, when ibey opened upon them a most deadly volley and elitt kf d their proyrcsa. Kieketts' men then l on.tiiemcd a therge, w ith a splendid prospect of gobbling the whole putty, hut ksd not pro eci di d l..r In lore two other columns, twice tlm i nnibt r i.l the lirst, came ont of tho woods, with the evident iiit nt'oii of pluyim? the same g me tiu them. Of course they were oh iged to resmns the r original position, which they did In gn.nl order, and held it quite ons.lna ely for see, r.l hours, althoUKh greatly outnum'iered. Wueo they linullv fed hack at night iiwhs without con tusion or d'si rdi r. All honor o ibis devoted little division, only a portion of which ws engsged. Veteran cavalry men who witnessed the wh le arrion from an e'evuud pi siiion on the lelt declare that thoy never saw a better conuisted light, nor one in which more ciol, dellant, and persistent Coursye wus exhibited. Tlin t'aaonltlea. I send you the nainos of a few of tho ofil -sr. who are rep' rted as among the killed, wounded, ami missing Captiuii A. K. King, Assistant Adjutant-Oeno-ral, Kieketts' Divi.-lun, wounded mortally in the slue. Captain JConiird, Asls'nnt Adjtit int-fKm T:il to Jer-ey brigade, wounded in tho bead with shell. Cap'aln I.amus, wounded in t!i arm. Cupiain U. .1. U.ikes, nounaed in tho head. Cnptaiu 1. K. ilnrunAiu, of Uun.rai Kieketts' stHll', wounded. I aptiuns 1'itine andChntu'icr'aln,wnunded,a-il Capuin llook'.r and UusneimasUirs I'owuil and KingKton, kiiled, ol thu 1' bin rew York. Lit'iitenaiit-C douel llii.l, llth New Jersey, wounded. Co ouel F.mersou and I.Ieutenant-Colonel Fay, 1,11st New York, wounded. Lit ntenant-Colonel Mabel, S7th l'enusylvauia, missing. Adjutant Murtin, 87th Tciunylvauia, mortally wounded. I.h uienrin's Sranrler, Ua.tik, and Poltcrlch, 87b rcnnsylvantii, killed. Captain 51crs aud Lieutenant W. F, B tker, 87th l'ennsyivania, missing. A limit! Hn l'tures1. The Rtb Ulintds captured a battle Hair of the 17th Virginia Cavulry, and Colonel Clondonio to-day r. resented it to General Wallace. SPECIAL NOTICES, IPT ATLANTIC (UTY KXCUUION TO morrow. I mi bout Ifuven mti a. M- Thoie who run mo i tu llr()tlrtn-, nl-n:h nm. Cunu g, thlt Knintr, at Horkfk, lor purtlrnlnr-t. Ct.r Ivtivn ilKUA.li and 1.1 hi K m 6 b'cloc-K. In behalf of the Commute ll A. MANSMlt, Hmivtiiry. rT OFFICE OP THK OIRARD CDI. lev ravnk. r R-tll Company, c.rntT .of COLl MiUs and llil l.K Avunu.-.-. l'hn.AltKI .PHIA, JUIT 11. I8rti. ThrJ'ordof I:rtor of "ln (.Lrwra r.tss.i fi r HrtiiMH 'onipuy" lia e ttiii tty U0'rv-4 J tliviuv.id vt t'lSB lKLIAK jHr il-Hri) on ch linr) oil lie rnp'tl loch ni thin CuaijiMry, ittyallj on 'ha l.stb Inm. to t b-cktoltlcii ur ttwlr 1ku rvpreen:Uc, cluttr ol (til U (ft. IU Trmngfct Books will b closcj itll the Utli In.t wii. . itniitir, jy1,t.wfm4t rf OFFICE OF THK MAYOR OF THE Ctyof lhiiitdi'iphm. Julr II, !H.t.-A rtonpa'ctt h taut t uning itdtirmm-u , the Mayor t tit1 rt.M'rucrr ut War In itie tb.liinK tornn)': "Wltl'you anihorla cil rnni to uiint lor lh Ibjiut-mat dtou of IU tiruote aut M Mi)i-nin, to rt tiiAiii In ' rv'ce otilv dnrlnir uc:i c ner pei.cy .' Jt U to lit vou that oiiJj ihu can prompt and tai ga aid bu aBiicd." To mcii hn.ulry iha Mayor racelvod at onon a response, an tnl im. "iu aitiwrr to your trVgram of last ntit, tba Prldnt dtnet nio to lav that tue 4ovrnatit w:li irm ma tort), on oi any oatnotlc c tavu f'-r unci term a ttiy niav be (ith c1 to oili-r, but cannot un 1rtVc too.ya I'.o tlirtn. Tliat uiunt lu Uui. bytlto lK:al a i:ti itltlan whi. tli tfovtmuii'iit i II' render an m tiun in lis pwtr f.r nniilr.K, iu.j,l. .n;, and tranftp.Uig tharn to sucn EtiOtib as U.ty tau bt uoiul. "EDWIN M. STAVTOV, "cr?iarj of War." In ao nrauce with tho ptirj ort of Ihe (r oIdk, I do ben hy lliviu- tiltd unri ihe rillars ol fhliadalpnl f trUl With tu (iikiu . inp.tOHH ot luinutn tocu, U yro-etd ;iti Ki on u isilb! (o tin- a d ai d defonite oi our noUrtKiltiff clile , audio 'hi oi.d vwry UthitT wlU he ult-fti iiv ilio mu ic pi: a tliorttit-h um- appl'catl. u to ihoJi (VitntuUtee ou kvicUhe, uow riJlUiiif at Vtiv ut and Kth tri . ALLNIKU HKKY, Alay.TOi'PuiUdclitiila, rS OFFICE OF TUE MAYOR OF THE Cl.y of rtilladClDlila, Ju T 11, WX, 1 h1 0"iumlttee va Til v t'ounol s on Iefenn and Pro tfctlnn flli be In priuaiif at nttl ii at the t ouiinIttte Kiniu.Grier of KIKlH and C'llKSMIJT S'foett, whero II w li he tn Inimtdldtu roni!nunleUn with the Mavr and with the (Ivii-ial Coiutmnulng, ana will be able to luinlfli Itifcrmaikon. All oittrnrii rvuruUlna undrrthe calls of tho Oivernor l;l ,lfahu tt ri:rt at tmh Commit! e Ifo-xo without (Jfltiy. It U urju-nrlv te i; add toat tlty will Qjfuy wtiU tuts dCklre ol Uit- uiuuaipAl nuiu' ridm. AI.KX VSUKK HRVKV. Jyll tf Mayor of Pr.-laltlihla. rrrf OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA ai d (ru s r errr VawiiKr lia l ay nnpuiy, N. V.curht-rTnKMV-TlUltI and Stii; 1 11 Hlreoii. ttllMt-I.I1IIA, .Inly ti, lrt A. The Hoard of Dirivtors have tbU dat dorlarod a tllvl -dend oi (OK IKXsl.AU AMU 1 i Y t UN t er a'iart on tlif tnl aid iliariN oi thin ('ompany. clear of Lhm, tta.. vlt m. and i-f ei tuo lHUi Inst., uulU which Uuio the M k;in nl lie Ch'fl'tl. SiocOn'l'1!-! h'd.ilos the old rertlUcatcs, will oblige hy havii v ibt- unr fnv rt-t prior to ti.e irtth lait., Is siiiabis tl: '1 reaaurrr lo oredtt Utciu with ttie-r aha re of the dlvl d.JHl. J AH. Mc AlIKN, .Ir , jb y II 13 1 lb Hyortaix rj CITIZENS' VOLUNTEER 8UH3TI- This i-flic u iui flic tCH iit at So. 4 1 -J rnUSK Street. (fT:c- holm frNl ItSTITIVrt;S from lo it J. and 4 to 8, t.r 'l I II NH, t,mn I'jl . i. o aipiti'at;na can 1 isco vil without (tivmcitt. KM i Let ivk ii hi si tHa ttra u lo the ordvrof J.U. keQ.i'turt, liti.kLsicr. jyil-if rT- OFFICE CITIZENS' VOU'STEEll 81 ItMlTl ri: CoMMITII-KsH. E. corutr WAL H1T m d (Ji'l tl Simile, Julvi. J4. '1 l.t; t'tilj.t. im' Veluisibi'T Sulutitu' Coramlttce piopoirs t ' OHvl-t in vulniii iios-i'.N h uHitnjf clil m Ui itr.K-ii Inn ei. i. ti'M;,n m.u la ilituthiK t pavtuent ol Oouitih-t.in tuo 1 lli-tt liu inai.l t x luii'l!' d el tuit w!io df!ra to fini'h fiiSnHtutf In at' tn t ol tl.f tlirtll u ill my th mm of tin.r hiiii-lr.-d i)sri U. th- IiVii-utr, 1.(1. K ifji.tr-an. K ., U.K. t-i t r Si a) nni Aa tint Ntrvt ts, rt-ioivinu his autnow uit i.i ittti It.r niut-v will im: ri-tirtuil It a cp lif'.ca'o (i uxfiu j l.u ir not p's-ci-r d.ana :tii u t loui a in iwr ol it it ti y, duly aiMiuK'd,it f .'kei ti e l nnry t-t tic lit u til ol il.i M.Otttiti.1 . '1 ht na'Jtt if aiMUcat.'i v tl r (t s' ruil in ttm 'idarof thetr H'phc.vi.n. and t cit nc tiff -i p vtnuj. il ii will is procuisd mid ftnUiiit'-l lit li at oider. AMitHi ihn (rtltti.io U olst4irt"d, thn pin l ipsii m HI h. Lt;rlfd through tho 1..1 0,iiw ill it 'r in isl i rdi liwrv t-n r-'tirn Um riotuu-r rooiot, en II c did. ut thu C"ninitit vt Hi csa. T o i 't.,tn.tih'f hi "ih.'i il a-ur iin ttut ihfo-rttl. j"o wluli li mil pr euro will ewiui tuo piinc-paU fur t-io It u nini. 1 1 t oi. inif 4- will ii'-o t'tiUior I M'-cure reprf-int ailvt tiftilfs i.ir riui' not enroled, on payta-ut il let li ID MM(i;il mill Alts liAStKL TKISMETSS, Plulrniim, j i. i i. 1;k H Auifi, .ion v nitiMi'so j, CLKMI Sr li. PfcVHOhK, J. ti. KiMKKOAUrs, Treasnror. J)7-0t lltMti 4J. LkA.Hieretary. rSr TKLKOKAPH N OT IC E. IUI; hKrnn NATIONAL BANK. Oi- I'll i L AI'KM'ttIA, AT t'KNKl Rl, T -u'd elve nulJce that, lutiuit etieetud an arrantfemsnt vlih tbe JNDr.l'KSTiF.ST TKLKORAPR 1.1 VK, A felt trtspii i-ti ti lt tiow ofeu ai th? tiaitft. tur i'iu accm-ni'-tteiu i, ut the putlle, coituee'.lng t rankiurd nltU all tele kruphic po m Var, WKhT. FORTH. A.VD HOL'TII. I hilada pt.la tre-tawt a tut at id rocajved at a rto so low Uat iu a valuing iltue and money wtll ttiui tolourapUlnj heapr U.aB any oflisr meiUod i-f ile-paieh. WILLIAM U. HIlAiVV, D7-tl Cfc.hwr. OFFICKR. No. -11 Cticsnnt street, i o. ft S. Third street, S(w Wai' nt aueet. AlfrchauH' Kxe'iuntre, Lvrvhaiu' Hotel. I Beouna National H&nk. OFFICE OF TUB FRANKFORD r? and Houthwu-k rhdadephia City Tassen-er K-i-ti'td Cauipau. Hl-KKS Htiaoi, bJjw rurtii. tiUadat fhla. Jiuy A, 14 The Hoard ot lilreciurs bav ttil oar ioclarvd a dlviilnt v Three per oeat uioa the Caidtal lmk of ihe'rmpsny,ou(f the earning- of the oaat six liiuiiths, payable 'o tfce sttM-khoMera or their kfal repre svatatlvr. eiatar of all taxes, oa and afer the llth laat, lhaTraualer fioua will be t-loaed until Itta Intl. Jyl-tU LILkHM H. AbBui r Mftai7 t52if- THE INTEREST ON TUE BONDS sVx' of tlie Wyoming Vaky Canal ''oniymy, due Jul Ifl. rC4.wUll)epaida;lUu lUua of Norla Auiartie. Jyll 8f tZT 1BAFNE8S AND BLINDNESS. J. laeaee. M Pafeseurot the Kje and ICar. treat al dtMaaosapperUlalnt; ut tttw akTe-nauie4 iiiMnbers wlia te uiuioat ueeia. l cattmoiis tntn the must reliable ourews n tee olt j and omiutty eau be aoea at 111 onto. all FINKBtntL AnlduUI K.y ln-rud without paia. loehaifr tUMla lor examination. Otnce hour from a ta UA M.filv7t.M. aiUmalluiM. JeMfca HRAP DRY OOODfl. CARs 1-1 ' V Cuiii, aa tine, and wn.-ioah-t. 'tLT, . K. af IIAMStti VMS. V. H. nrweaw ftl.rVP.MTH and M Ht K f 9 WHl open, thlt me rife, f-nn ae I fa, n m'n far. aii wool, at ti. tl V. f 1 17 l 4V, 1 tT, 91 i, ItI fto4 . inrra-n cinru. wool fuuaff. Hemp (:rpia, Ago. HavCarveia.MTo. knuy anHtaJri arBe'i.Tto ta 1 SA. or Oil riih "!. o r.i i Borders w(. 4 .w Ma fi-ivitoM. h lift and hmI Check Ma una, r and 0 o. BuCai'dilreon 9'iai a-.r. !iiup uh t,ii.- Aft T4imr,a. Mttinni in Rrra: vrleT front V to Vi rP'i Wide ("b,MiPa and IT-Mr afi'StUiS, hie to 11:17, aNaYrlt Wl" nialitt, 7T. TaMf Miicn-.$m$t 7. Nark ina.Al t t.ftooni. tm-r:, tatoyiiretita Toe erm ers. ti o tTn. A pacap, all colors. :1 C87c. ; niack. Srl VTooJ Telafnes. Wio M ct. HiitnrutT H'wU,,T0n fr. M t rueU. S-'e t ii ; I ann. 4y. ; 0-n Hp'ol Tot'on. 14 rr-ntSi Pit't It. a l,cne : I'hu.fw- i II . d imt K pi, 3 . t t l.'dlr I d let t C- U n htrHn0,ii (,. Y ho'aase and HfhU tom, N K. Corner fcl.RVKNTl and KAItKKT Htrte.. yj-t II UN NO U I H KIM- Wa rr fnn.1 raone. If drain 1, for erery lot of lilrte wbJcb fall In any reapori. FINK fiHIRTH, CUT LKNOTHW1MK or HV1.S. lis la of Nxw Ytvtk Mills Mn-lin, and ver flns Muen Doeoms. Only ft OJ. WUHsraivltie Mills Muslin, and fine Linen F Sfnn, On!y f;,l. OFNTI.EMEVS FURNI8HINO 0001)3. HMITI I sSr JACOI-S, at yt -fins Ko. 1440 CIIKSNUT Street SOUK UtlCSNt'T nTltl.KT. The attention of LA11C4 TTSTT!?TO THF, mi . or Uioe eboat 1.S.AV IN', it r.ir - Waw Ing iMacs.'' ot tnH'tu:r ! rcip-eMulif tnvt rd ti the etniiv- tM-k r wilt I R (MiH auliaMe tor iTVIMlR VKMt,iur WniU UOOliMI. MVKMNts wKAPtKltH, Ac An rxtenntTe assortment Is onrrd tn Lana and Wtrael fc.Uutt md'I InifrtLiK. Veils, hBokHrrhieiM. Coltfirn, Uv-s,and lard tit abd fancy Flatd. drip-d, Mid Mriiri'd ':! .-.. s A r r- IC'KH MIMUl HKLUeY T1U.1K Fl:KMfT kl . II, VAU K H Printed Lmen tramhrlc Prwri. MU plcoce 1'uirvd, Tucted, anjitrfl M is UiiS. xz m. ni;ih)Li-:h, l!OQ HXP NKIKTS. t. )Q UvO sWanufiu-tory, No. AH' 'II trwt, UvO Above Hi'h street, I'ltlUdeipola Wholesale and RetaiL Th mott eomplot aniuitinnt of Ladles. Misses', aoJ Childreit' ILop nVtirs In In my, In nverv rrspivt ftrh fiaia, which fi'f itle flnih,auiail'tty, and choapnuks, hav no eqtial In tin' marfciH- hklrta made Uiordjr. altered, and refatrai. JM-T T. IIOI'KlNa. "rAlSCXi HTJbSWAllT HOOK OIL COSL1 AN V. Inoorporated Juue 29, 10G4, Capital, 8:100,000. 60fiO HILAR Efl S A RF1ARE -PAR. Utthrrrlptloa It each ah are lo oilsinal suhsrHKers flr lSO,t'o nhities paablr$l oah dwu upmi sub.crlhiaf .and two utfcr InvtatiueLts of 41 each, pa aMo an the iota Jul and -ttlh Antut, 1o4, reap ciiy. TEN THOUSAND SHAKES Been ed for Beuctlt of the Co tup an. The land pnrchad hy the Vance Stewart Rock Oil Con pen) rnntaliis one huncrid aud tii:r;y ooe aeiva, in tae sviy core of me oil retitcu, ont thoutaad th eo han dled a ad ten feet on ih Al'tcbtat river, in C a-Hirry i.w nlnp, eitetidii'i; a enimidei (bi aia'anr i p u hoii s dea ( ihe low e Two Alile Kan. comin'ini y t it V lti:rn Iti n. a couple if ntitua be'tiw raoklln. n Yn..o aotiiity.renntylvat l. Tte allsvaheuy Kttr Iturl ory yieldmu ati ahuiidani and permanent haveit f an hc4 feM quauty of (ill, the uurm-ru weili iMrdt!iinu I's banks prodnc ni itl wtb tran still greaur reulantj thaa to wrnls a ten a Olt Crue. It i huliuved K.e flow of Oil heiow themroairh of krik lln.on II ie Allegheny river, will prubrtuy uovur feotne exhausied, bocfiussi ihe atra Ulo-it oo, ov uoa.uo sl at-up-tkiu ot nek dlpi le a southwentwadlr direction ; o niio ijuntl tlielseds ft oil woul . bo narr the surfae t in upl er end, y of ! I'reek, ad eiii nt.i.l i nv.'drp to lie buied de p-.r in propurt.un lo'er d n the river wnnrv, howevtr, there wtld njia. lly Im th moMf puiainiit. ami a much grator tuuilyand mipennctimooiit oodor ah e ot OU. It i certain the seoruuf wel s oi tbe river. In the trumet'la-e vicinity ofiotn land, have e n tinned tr -d cli k dun a th paat thr or lour yenrs an uuwat er n and stenuy dtl kid .-f ml Av at teattha umpwlu d -.rannitrata th fast that the 1, wtr Two atie Kuj and i! Creek me oo tham dlauitrkalty itruioht tu o, and im; dtitant on n rv ItMiiusON ,f tht uirnricai ttin-a tf ut so i the raje ol h.l s from ra h other aLo it tli't mlit a.itrt In pie -clel Uif5uie diectl"ii. It wtiuUI. 'ttnvfuie "t !. trnnrdiuaiy.lt by Ix-rtiiK eiia on th rra I a KnVlent depth ol pit hap eltrht hand red and flfty tu, tint the ikntany s wi)m may ' n 1-al hose of OH lic in t Lj lx uppllet. of huiidnos ut bwrruit oi oil dllv. ani ctoiitou" ron.e weu d thu b Ui f irtnnto toult to tl e aharfchoirri of ihu eonipniir Oa thia particular tiact of Und ther has how 14 oi 1 ate nr twenty nar. a eil aw enmnii'i a f4r p i too of (mi, althuuKU ila ueptn ot bore t cunsnte.eti uuu li ti'tr i lent n liiku a lame Mow : I- ill per oenr f tia Oil at thi wtll a umutb at reserved as a ry ! to 1 1 forurr owrti of Ihe land, and wiU at unco inuru In t ie beneut i f Ihe Company. 'I hero a a 1hi two other Wr(n buroafw nundred leot deep e ith, but noiyttiirjid,ut ut dicailnjiafl i-rntonhow of Oil; aot.rrelauy v.n ve'ieral y be sciMipeo exit of thm. and io doubt scmuim to eiititn.it lhy w I I b in provo iittftJy tarn iL-atliii wrlla li.n born.1 a reaaouable dopth. Another well la half doiJ. aud proniiat-h a anttMUeturv ''U1 han i pk-a of oil ensured frora there wells ran he iesa at th nil ceuf the Cunipany, Ko, 'iU WAI.NIH' nttvet Tli lee l Ittta va.ustbi uii iaid,ooui;irUihi( onu hun dred aad thli ty -ore aciea, lueiudlos iiiu royal' of aft? r coin, of otl h r the leae-i w li, H'w tuiHpmj. a-td il nt.re rUtnt of tte three well partially drv.Uu'd. la puit-bs: rn lv the Loviiaii) dt ml from in ownr. lor the numeral- price ot 91 37 ,tV-, with a urir-t Mill la due order, a on iiv liouk. c ; alat patches ot timor. Iheraieof itork wdl p4 can tor me land In fit'l. aM leave ti e sitm of fciJ.-t.'O cah wniklna; i.iltl on hacd, with wahh to compu te the th ee od weil4, uA alio tj hoie two Mw weha, wlih fit ieatu numis it., to be in rnnninv onler within a fow inoiith ; arratie tneiitk wH be made to hci oiulIUU th.e otijevts w-.hout dlay Ho ubk4ilpliins Wi.l bo aio-pi.'l tur tos Utui f.lt fchcrei. 1 lie van! fottunea reared hv Roek OH ComoanieH tab- llbd I t'te ai d elttfw lit re ar m-torl' 1 ne il :ritu is wi in lis Intone) , and r) dernnnd o-u-UMt tncre.tintf. Its pih e lk w w $tj! per bairel at Lho wall a luoutb, oxom i.lte 1 1 ih t auk. La'e wei s will doiihtlent he niniek it tt denth of WO ft et, so n u reitli ih nurd .-nd-tt-n it"vk W'jtoj hav (k-4-Ii biret t.eiati'f re to th iVpth enlt of bont x)n-'i In tlitf vicinity It s pnpoed to bore twenty wUs wo tht property duriiia the piem vt-er Tin re is roiii for ne tiKt.iiren m e)l. A pd'te' Hint ch.tr of ait lucuu lranc In conudt lit ' jr as'ir d to tut tviupany. LUli of fciilifti iptkjii art uow open ubt I tlit A t.'iOO aharea are rvbn r f-d, fay able ! pr shire, t t'i "ird'T of Atder u ajiJAVLH M('AlfEA',lheTr.vtirer of UieOouipany. Ko. 4( tiWAl.M'TStiiHt,orhlo. V::, WALNUT B treat, rr at the oiltce of the Company. M. 'Jii WALKUT Stret. The pulUc arc 'jilttd lo call fr a prnpeettn. JyVtf t;x plosion sLkt7 k v i: u v m"vnvuo Anlicmrt a Low ale' ltte-ior t L r f U to gtv froos ens hull to two hours ubminc( m . i -iinwi, tad tna w.der j,tt itis' ti w In me tenl'-, act! that iUii "i-r 1 ap pn Me.htittf. Tti tiittr.-iiti.t s-titi nt -'a o aud ta war ni'ietUti r li maiieu AUo. btt itui and naiar ati,es, v, un tKotca glass tu '-. U o i ti" 'nR a go e -eiu, v Hi nd let euuuiar omidii.i i: eiiu.a-ip! -a ie inra an ennih.r. AUm " IT " - H T rl.K 4. --iq Nm, "4 V ' TH street. VO Dl CKiMION.-.NO IM'fcUlOU COAL .Tirrl;H- ' to i. ti r ft- l'-w tht to! , ri o! au rior aitK le. SiA'I'l-L w . Iil'.ss. i;rn.Wi mi. h. abova Hae. t-ai-t ttitlo il- him, ip l.AA L h-tt and pnreit mined, rand Btntt alii.Vll; Luia Nul.Slj j ar ton. tVrwuuier- st onid o nke thoir iiufLl;a:o at rnee, pr vlu U lun thir adt am e. Mt-.iia 1 A T It I 0 TTc"'M U' D"A L S . X fAlltU'lil! Ml'DAI.x. n scci'pi.ble tin.rtiK in svur fatilvC Hi. oulr coJlts! anil siiMiurisl MKUALUUM L1K.K.VKMSKS or pittB'TrvT i ixroi.M. ULNKItAt (IKOKllE WASfltNdTOtf, Lia.LTKNAIs T-IIKNKUAl. HUsIT. Or.NKHAL (IhOn'.K It. Mis'LHU Al, ISiriifsrtnrad lit Si.iUng hiivrr and t-'opi .r aa-l Willi, kittal. bsu.y. set ly mail fraaol cbart;p or rvraipi uf 2cii.ts. As.uis wAi.iea. r.. : , H.. i J 1W 'M'1.-Il.i.la f ...i Ohi o. HaimrSclurfd st o. cus AUCII Hin.. jj-s-lm J O II N O 11 U M X. CABrEKTEB AWt IttrTLnKR, . N". Hll LuiMtli RTKKKT. A l.rv fcrr. of buOl!ig machsuioa of All brchas ,lwasoo baud. apfl wiiuiiis VKW COMPANIES rOBMIliQ CAN" EB X . sutcilkd wits CaJtHilC ATKS Of BTOO. IEAid t K BOOK A, felvH.it LkOOERJI. on ki ks, NOTr.a. dbaptsi. Aad sswr Trlf of A count UouAs aud Staiiouara, ot msaoaaliis Iwau, at WILLIAM tiANSH, BUUoaat. Fxtataf , and Blank Book Maouraotuis-r, Bo. u a. roll UTH simt, apMss r tiUHtalptiia. GOLD'S IMPROVED STEAM AND WAT&&. IlKATINlt AffAHAlUtt. l o, Wsmlad ail VsaiUatus Vuu tc Biil.illas (Ad tit H..tit.nrM. U anafsernrsd bj th. ViOH IllKAM ANO WATrB BRATWO COMrATT QK 1'UlLAiiJU.I'iliA. Jam kh? p. wood, Ko. 41 M tvtm TH HUMt. tiaW-tsi B. M. FEtT WKiX. uiilauaOik OOFINO, KOOflNO-OIO) TIN, ZIXO, X lruj Coppar Bot'iS mailapoiiMUjrtlstii.At l) o,u.s nuu. wol. APfiyai fcAl'lOlUt. Boorrvo OOHPASrr, bT-ee . uii.tutaiU4UMC rj1 II M W It IT K H OUH 10. IMtlW OS MASHACnOSKTTS AVRNTJB, Bf Iwnl Um Ocaaa sod Railroad, at ATL.ANTIO CITY, IS i?0f rmtPAvr" T0 BrvE TMITOBB. Km.. V?JJ?: JliE.7I?,"i' r lor tlo m uM hsustu ui 9U rrtM hi. yalinfi. ad .a. S h -rn at itip p.-Ma yn-swiw atv Krv' vlTt- ATLANTIC CI T 5T. JOHN BMIOK. TROrKIKTOR. Tlits ftiYiwIt boii. whloh Is nsoit doiijrhtrnMy sltnatrtT, rKsr the heauh. t s been newly rirred, repainted. mw4 tt'ntuMv rencrted. and It now open for ti e ree .ptln or kiixstfl. oiTrrinti the comfort of a aoa, combined with al1 tl.a iLknriis of th season. 7 rtim mod et ate. jyg (ta ( X)Nrilti:Srt H ALL, ATL.VaVTlO CiT Y- I won d reapei tmtty Hi orm my friends and th pt'h' c, tl at 1 .iave aaani takfn tionRra s IUU. th s betn; iirftMid e.r on r,ae .' eery preparation 'nr th C"ii Ins. iciteir, tr Ik. UB he on en a'riieti, rtiitnoM, new ttitt,hn e it.r ri'iiiiinifs wtiti siiriiK led, e , o . and wt.'a e mo t tia e -onr hununtti ku ti o wifj rind no b Mei pi-e then ( oursi Ha l. it I the na ent toihs or nn ! any of the la-ae h' im-a of AtlanMc t'H , Oeinic iut one hunnreo ya-i s tr. m tbe bteei.tnue pretim int tta4f anoantaie n te pnh o. iht canno o an beittr bu hlf.n f an at Atlantic hi tuntmr. I e jani Par that a rt rh a rf.t d a w bark ai aon h a ben wert a ay Mil hih ti ee of Ut wioior. form njf ttseai th ht n Mib m ur on tt s AtUnilf .-tKari. 'I t ere ) an in iknt Ituntl or Mn c em-atced. A'tnrhed i a ipUlidld HtUlard Kaiu leli-U . W. Uf TYLC. JNLliT 11 OUH J 2 , ATLANTIC CITY, VT.W JKB"KV. OKO, 1. I-i:iViH Proprtctor. (Long and fsTorshtT known as proprle of OTdTlTK lA. H' 111 mid CHKMNL'T Htreets. Partlt'S areoiniiuHtaii d with Itoata, Klihlnf Lino. An , , ( am run to Uie lKUi eer twwntf minute. )e-tf UNITRD STATUS HOTEL. ATLANTIC CITY. tiV.W JKKSRY. TM relrtr a e Ho eMa ittn open t r the recent hn of Air-t". nd un idr the fapervtitn of 'ol nte4 Jaus rV. I'owi r. w Ph Mr t dward Hartwa'i ao As:iti'i iTB' tlenl and l ertetd persona Nave twit empl vyM fr etteh t parttmnt, antlt;fliv ue-itn w U Iw ma't to coi dm 'tie aaiut' to tl e en-ire a -UNctlon o the p .biw AfttrJuy I. tnnr trainAtl haeVlie Hrei Kerry, daiy : the r ntt I.ti.e thriuirti In two iioara, wU.out top yiua at Uie vay -rathoi. a paatoi -act 4nrlll be run f rum the lintel to Uie tn let ctitv tw my niiiioiti. HsBt-ler'- hand, nn.ier th direction of Mr. Bimonnass ler. hs been ct'i;i.nd tt-rthf senMtn Furtoiis wlsiiitijt to engage rtHini" wttladdnt llKOU N A Wt'l-.Li'l'RR, t'roprietors, Atlantic City. N-w Jerner . If TV Th Rand Par which latt year formed o.ipontta t hor ha entltely dlapoeaml, leaving the b aeh on ol th best and nafeat on the coat. JeUA Im i;XCHANOK HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. J a Ihe rultBerlber. prat ml for pt favora. tender U auk to M pttrors and the ptib Ij I r the Menentui eus t m k-tvtn hiiu. and bvfi )av to sav tht he lu now npea. for he at iiwn. and ready t4t receive b-tardt ri, pennnant and trarient.on the tnoa niolera lerma. Thenar will alaahe anplit-d with the cftot er Inea, 11U", and eiKH's. ai d tiprtnr out ale. The table will b set with the bet-l the umrkt-i atlotdi. Hihiif tires snd 'at'kl always on hard (tai-iw TtHun on the premloei All tli ooiatorts of a hosu aan elwav he fbmd at lh laehHUxe. Ut.OiHiR HAVKAV, V tf Proprietor. (J O L- U M 11 I A nOUHEi ATLANTIC CITY, KKW JKB8P.T. 6ITUATB ON KFNTITKY AVKNUB, OI-POKITP. TI1C HUltr HOUMB. BDVVAKD DOYLK, IJroiHetotf. Terns to suit the times. Je9-tf ri HK AMI AMftltA, ATLANTIC CITY.N.J., J now oin tor vi-ttorp. The roms and table ar urf-ori 'xted b any on the Inland Tt-mi m Mtrie. jcv-lai lUBOHg A VOL' Mi, Fnnirlttorf. A-BAT1U N O 8K A-BATHINO. NATIONAL HALT., CM'l iM VSW.i AIK MAT,! J. Children tinder V rr( aaiind rvaiits half yrtaa, 8Lpi nor acs-oininoUA'Jt n and ninpl n-om HI TWO III N1UM i EKSONB. Jui4.im AAlioN UAJtKtTKOS. lnoriutor. 0 No. &31 OIIEBNUT STREET, rillLAL-BLrillt. TliU Hon". Is kept on tba Fnniptnn riant ths Rivsins sri coiivriiirnt mnl HI v.uulMia. tli. KuaUuraut ollvr. atl luxnrle, otth. s.itscn. J:-im Ju. STKITACUEK, IToprletnr. LEBDY'S HOTEL, B0VTI1WXHT COBNKIt Of Pi I IN Til ana 8ANHOM Mtrootsj, OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL Ths retort of Gentlemen of Iteuned Tsila, who spprs ciata a Par. B...ra. lotfj-lra fl'IlK SUI1SCKIHEHS HAVE AS80CIATBU I l.tnirclsf. Snartlirr unilLr Ih. Drin ot Hfi.ioM, l''KKMA.N a I II., aim will vut Imla tna Car Knilitinn lli:,li..s in alt ti. br.ncnas. at tlin olit s.iaSiUiiuionl, toiuur lWhj.il nusc su.i IHMH.ros snou. j.i.,k" ii uni.rus, (.Ki.lKIK It III KKMASI, Jyl-lm U W. CI1ILD-4. T. J. M o (J D I ti A pr, Iaaaorrar and Vh, la Dcslar la 1'ANOY OOOUS, NOTIONS, Aa. nUFWOBES. FLAG8, &o, Mntohv unit MlucKlntr, m DTBAWUtKkY 8TUKKT. (Ftrtt stmt abor. Haeoud. briwrar VarkM and Cb.inut) m1lS-IS f UlUAHKLI'ltlA. II ENUY A- I 1' I. K. QAUOEE AN D COOPER, Vio. aOIJ H. WATHIl Htrnot, Btlow Wal'iut street, raiLAl'KLtMIIA. Inltfltfon Itramly sn'j wine funks, snd all kinds of Work mail, or OKI and Now attuir slwajs on hauj if nail, to order. CO.L rAI KtD IK UOUSllKViiH FOIt SHIPPISll. All kiikls of Trimmtns p'ln-'iimllv -ittfiJeil to Jt-toa T M I O II TK l WIN II H, UKANUIl-K. K'l;. Ths subicrlher Infomn the jiilil'r tliat to U dipuslag f m hi. lar.a auJ oil .i-i.-'iwl tiK:a ut OLD BRAI3V, OIN, POUT WI.N'fi, BUKHRT AND MADKlllA WINKS, Atwholeaalelir c.au T aa'i' t""' th l'l l""kon haoit. l'u'Cii.h... wi.i.iiik a auialiur arllil. Ivl pnvalo um woblil do ws.l to oail al HI'NHY UUDDVS Whuls.ale Wluo sad Lliiuor ittore, Va. Ui K. HbOONU Blfiwl. balow Ktoa, JyS-lra miladslphiA. )1.A.K BOOKS AND STATION Ett. I IIANKH, bANUKKS, al BKCU A N r, MANUfAO- It I t.liS, mll.ltUAJ C'-iJI.'A'slEsJ, u.. Will fled it t" H'elr lu:a tu ordar truia th. Oliaaiilfnad. ULAiiK U'x Ks, PaPKB. AND ItTATIOMERT, AH kir.ils fi.r Dustnma, Trot" s.loual, atuPrt.ata lu. ITor ..i. - cd,r... prtc. UT Btstloutr, Prliitor, and Blank book st.r.nic.urar, ou. U 8. ri'l'K 1 II straot. ....y Phlliulalatila XMtl'liTH, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS AND I tVliulow Sriaites from Naw YJrl Auctl o aalaa, (.llfhliv wat.) alasnlllcsnt llruaxU, h "!'. l to, 1 .17'.. !".'0 and l i'n loilutiua llru.auls. (iiAlnLtd.) J. wide. 70. hfia.id icnui6 4, 0 4 aud II t al p.upor-lln.ii-i.i lien lniirial Cr,eta tlStlo SI par yardi Ir.iir.ln. Hon 6o i-sji.U w al'IKHi Venoilao. au. and I.tnip, from S7ts t" W cants par yurdl Ma'tl wi, tha lariirii a.snriairiitTr offered Id PliUadnliAia. trow '17 lu76rana aiU at ll.a k Vers Aucll .u K a. Da p t. (I. rinnli Hieihlow's.) No. Hi 8. HKCONU blr,l, fiiat di or atior Walnut, vppoaiM Cora Buiuaun jy7-Um CiOllBTY'S TEA WAREHOUbK. EaTA J MlaUad lu IMA. laiportar and liaalar as t iu laaa, Wluas, tuad Unurs, Obotc Ustus risars, Otom A HiakwU's rtckkss and 8as KtifU.b And Bcotoa AM aud Porur. . , Ca4 MaaU, rralta. Boa, it. ., Mom. with yr. $ Htret. 196 lr joshua tt. oouarr. DDINO BMPOEIUM, Ho B.RBVKNfU tlraac XtATTMERHAlit, atA'l'IKBSSBS, Hair fain. Karalslor, And Hnk. AAVATUKat Ithlis, HOLM rtKal. ABt) MI.LOW8, WvHl AM1 IKON' BEliMTKAtid, HPKINU baJM AhO COTB. K.BBvatrtMandr.osrainira...n'lad I wita ar At ik'syatva. iw.HB. sItVBAlM f-itt FINANCIAL. Tin IIOjLXX3tB or tub Email 7-30 U. S, Treasury Notoa. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, or tna df. nomination) or HO'H A.INI lOO'H, CAN NCSrW PS CONVERTED IN EOJfDS OF TEE LOIN OF 1831, Or Trt SAME IEMINATII. For lofjTms lion, B(ift) At fi. fMlif JAY COOKE & CO., irr ii 1UNKK11H, No. !H H. TIITUI Ht reset. QOL1), o r. 1, O 1 I, MLVER AND BANK NOTES WANTKL). DE EATEN 6c BEOTHEB, Ja7 If Ko. Bll 8. THIRD BTB? BT. Q I T Y HIXBN, 1'llKK 1'HOM TAXATION, i'Olt RAI.K IN SUMS TO 8UIT PURCUASERS. JyMH DRKXEL ft OO. 12 W XI H Sfc It A. II AI. BAMEKS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, No. 09 B. TUIUD STBEKT. MAI.ISI is 8PKCIB, BANK NOTES, AND GOVERN MENT Bf.CVRlTIKS. fltocks noiu,kt and Bold on Oonmlsalon. Collections roBptly mad. ap.lO-U' gTOClXM AND PKOUIU TllieS Kouoirr AND SOLD ON C O M M X H H I O N. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, IM-tf Ko. HO B. TUIUD STHEKT. gailTII Ac IIANDOLPII, No. 16 8. THIRD STREET, UANKEKS AND11ROKEH8. gpoct., Blocks, Qnsrtarntantec Vonohan and Cheeks, and 11 Omnul tsacnrttles Boufht and Sold, mhlj Jlt3IIC HTKE11 A CO., BANKKRS, No. SO 8. THIRD STREET, .HT AMD SRU, GOLD, BILTEB, AMD OOVKUSMKMT SECUUITIES STOCKS BOtTODT AND BOLD ON (KMMI8"I'). (nihil JIiW LOAN. IS IOW IjOA-If. U. S. 10-40's. JA V COOK13 Ac CO.. orrut ros bale tub NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, HE A KINO IIVE TICK CENT. IXTKKEST Ilff OOIIf, irtiM-nvt)l au tima after TKJC VKtVUH, al Ih '. ur of Uf Uoranmieut, an4 Mabl rOKTY VAU fir data, B01II COd'OK AVD RKtnSTEKEO BONDS ftra lanuMl lortliu Loan, of di-nurn'Matlon atiw6-80't. Tli inttreat ou $'-)' and ffl payable yearly, oo al oll)cr t-Dom Itiatlon a, balf yoarl. Tha 10-10 bonds ar d. led Marchl. IHt'4. Tha hail"- yr-vly In tar .1 ftlung dua Hi pirn lai lit aad March Ivl of aach year i uiuli Ul Heo ttDibsBr. the accmfHl interval trmu Ut of March ta 'a inlred to br pld by parohftMra tn com or In lbac oormchct, ft.Ullns nay r" nt. ftr premfuoi. uniU Mnhar notloo. Al.L'illlKU UOVKaS'AlEMT jlOUftlTIlU UOUGUT khU M1.1. JAY COOKE k CO., uhsrt tr No. in raiiiu htkect. Q L A li K H O N A C O. , UANKKUS, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET, floarcmvnt Koi.rltiti ot ail Imiuea Purchfted and for Hal. 8tocU, Bond, and Oold lluOtjhi and Hold ua Coot niiabioa. IMKREHT ALLOWED OS DEPOSITS OollecUoiu rromjKly Ma4. tf gKVKNTH NATIONAL BANE, No. aiU MAHK1.T HTIIKUT, (COBNKB OF STBAWBtliKT.) Capital $125,000. To le Increased to $500,000. II RECTORS. K1EKBY O. MOB U 18. of MurrU, Tukar A Co., Paaoal lion Worha. I'iftb ana Taakarata. CIlAliLES 8. CLOSE, of Close fc Navblt. BuUdara, Ho, N. Ui Head atrwot IAU1S U. FREftTON, Uaouiaeturar of Woolen Good. ftJantv Ubk. .1. A. WATERS, of J. A. avatan A Co., Wholaaala (i-cara. Ho. li Mark it rot. I. B. COUOULIN, Krai Kttat. Ho. toy X TtUrtoautb truaC WV. P. CLYDE ( Agent PnUad'a aad Few Tork Ripraat S B. Co.. No. U 8. Dalawara Ava. 0E0B0E W. niLL, Manufactunt ofGiuaUiisia, No, US V. Third atrrat. J. W. 80UDEB, Wtvotoaaio 8ouU Ml Show, Mo. 109 Maxaa traas, tl. Z. DBBATEV, Impottar af Wlnaa, Brontttaa, Aa., Hot. SOaAdMS Dtlavan iroaaa. TbU Basvk karraf haa 8aly anthoflsd lo oomaaenoa ka-hMM sooar lha Natkvnai Cnrranoy Aot.U now ro parW raoarra DKPOH1T8, naka CoUao'iana, and trAoa aaStaOattaraJ BAKE1NO Bl'SIsNESS. DlaooottC Oayi oa TUr.oDAT u4 FRIDAY of Mok J. Z. DFIIAVEN, IWdant, Fa. H. HALT. OiMiHien PROPOSALS. pR01X)8AX8 FOR STB AM FIRE F.N0INK3. spwiirci Omci, au.wj -a. . Wlimwtast. D. C. luty J. MH. flnlatla ' ia. t 4 o olock P. M.t la tJlll),LmStr nm Enr n. of p- mti. r j;,!r.?.r:,?aip ' u parta,m.lth All tha ip ,0 ba .ho,,, 4 Si . inch.., ,X, JT V. -lit, U i t. nnsl iwc. () .Iru mm rr m a V 1. J?n JI JZZZ Kli'R fw m 17A to i 0 itHrt jih v Mh (aiiOt-rs at d ) 1 rU raispr.iTtsdcji.tttrttfts.il wi-m mj ara I U i i,,t t ( ft' aJI thf n ( at? nttirtJi. Tm ntfi'M tt'-n rivainitad ntm lnuitnr, ami or. ndTiTI rwthart or patd fir uo'li tly hv wou4uky uiaA (Cam iN . rr. i Thr bidder ltl br roqnlra 10 arompany Mt pmaA). tlon lth a marantt-a aiirttMl b tw. iui,Bthi that, tu Iui 'id it tuifvt' d, ua wtll at oDnaeaavaa ttirvi.iKiw-. B.iv PBiinv, wiiq roa ail mimln iiro ttr, a Him aoual tn the araonnt of tha ma.r -I lM rr lh riM-l po.oKl l fn-ttt- rrat y witn iia tmt M h ip tnui'mrm; mnn in cl tna xaid DMtnr tft t) f In rnirr I to (he contract, th. to raaatfool tlia d tTrrauca laiftrii Ut offfi of aald btti.li and tha nt roiHnp hkJrtrr, or tlta praoa to whinn tha unmet iaa bo a WBinit-d. 1 It tfAnonitb'litr of th fnarantnrt nt ha hwn hy trto ir&'ij i rrtirlrt'a ot tb t.'Mrk of the nraraat LHatttvt 1 otiri, i-r or tv t i.itwi ntatcn iM-tnrt aiu yt Iln-i4 It. a .. 11 ... 11 al i. BI.. sim,.Hua) r . ... .A K'.mh) y tha c ntriM;(or an 4 b rta uf h ffiirntira( whI 1 rMjnirr! r 'ra .uccunirui btldiTor butt thrO DttKBt. (iM O (UTAH NTKB. Wa, tna iiiulrraHatil, ril ina of .. In tlta rmt. t) 1 1 . au-J Htate ol , hfby Mntlf mnn tcir-h rnnnini w mi Tito I BJira Hlatao. O id fiiarantti in rpf the fnr.'ir'iing itid ut tsMt. th .c h ot I av wilt at nrttjo a&octna tht cont'ti' 1 icr ihe rnttn?. wrri t.o t Mod uftutcm ai, in in eiitml to tlie ama ! Iw vntrait. in iiirnhk ih rrVJ-i in-to'1 in r-nftTmhy witn lha lornti of thta ailvrrtlftrti',i(a 1 Jul 1. IrHil. under which tn bid wu ifdr, and. -n r t-f tha Id UmI Ut tu enter lno trm t a-arn'coaid. we cnrirnaffa u mKa i ttid the dirr nstwirn the ofir of th- kbH und tha nt kwt rPi or e'h't btddet. or tha itou lo .. a um Cviiti a 1 nia be idn i.i'cn noirr onr tianoa and ta!at f Bill - d . lj cf - . Lii , feaT.i -tail 1 10 ir tma'-anir- tnnu do aimndaJ tha omclal oartiQ. Th'' 1 n irf 0 n re to h delivered ut im nUn nt mbbm. flc hi. 1 tts n 'he awoni tv-inr m ule ihe np ftil M i,w will ia hid 1 1 el and Inia.Btied with torm of rottti t aid a ad. 1 he iM'ptrttnt'iPt reiirvei tno rifM to r"ja-i any tr all l'i'a. It no 1 m mut undnfao '. It po-Hl will t A'irrt'Hiel ''WrtfdleT-ftnera, fe r.e l, Kunar. Chief 01 i nlnanea. Wnriin(ilpa, i, 4 ' and will ba amlurkad rropt&.i ft-r Htoaua fire i.rflrit " OKO. D. RSMSAT, y (biwf? lirlcadtar-fionart.cri,if of Or-nan.'-a. 1)HOPOrJALS FUtt MfMlTAR 8IIFLL. Okphanlk 0r a. Wu DKPAHrtKHT. Wo-siH XtJro. July H, lii.lt. Nea'ed r-nrsoaJ will ha rrorli-ol at thM itft-o on'fl Sltt.M'A V, rUf Ut dav i f Aiu-tMt. r t4l!H M Ul- 'iAk Hhl.l.l..to be ..eiitervd tn tha AOiowini (tutuitiliaa. At th untlr raen-t ArstennU. rt.. : At Vrt-rrt W.i Aroennl, Minarhltestt. KCOft. At M aunh 1 Arsenitl, New 1 or a, lO.iNtn, At New Vork Artauai, tMTernora laad, ).. At Alkt heny Arxual, Pltlahnrr. 1,009. At WahiiiKtiii Arft'tial, l.C..iVH). Thoae pnik-ttiloB) ar to 1 0 made of tha Mind of metal, And Intp otd ai ar ll.a rulwa ta d dn trv tho (Jrlntnro Mrtiiual; ihe lanitiie etmiifili olthn Iron to ba not k'e Uian 11 Oth) p-iutulp per 4itare loch Hmwliipia ch ba aavn ai any Of tho United States A r art uie. Tre p-o roil Ire ara to ba Inspected at tha H-uniry whra en t.sinil an to Iredell yert-d at Uie ArtcnAle freu or ilia-Ka fir traniriii lor or httudl'iis. Hlodors will eUlo tha rata at which they will ria ls, r KaMnrra to mha deltvarlm at a iporiflod tla will inb the cotitrm t'T t a totfeituro of Uia itumar Ua may fell tn del tnr at th it ttroe ItiddifH will mit expl'cUly tha Arwnal or 4rae.nals whaea t ey prttM) to dxitvur, un t the iiumU'r of pra jecil e Ui.y AiioHj) to deiiiar ut each place, If frr tura thnn one. No hi le will be conlderpJ frorn pAetlea o!her than rau'Ar lounnVr rr p-ophetori of tvnrhR, who aro k'towa t.i thie 1epa.tmuui lo ba capable of eiecaUug tha work p opo'ed ftir. Nh. old an party obtaining a centra t oTer nheH o hr I in th cast in h'nuwn foundry, they will bo rt-vejiod. and l a ronrat:t rendered null mitt void. f orm of hll ran ba ohmlntxl at tha ftitov namM ArMiiH'it. irrpoRAla not made out ou Una fonu will uot ba ociuiderod. , 0?TARATER 1 TJ eMdtUr wfll he re.iiln'tl to aci.mpnyhli proposition with a K'.anue iign-d hf two rcpouelhla pvrBunt. that. Incaltii bid tn occupied, he w 11 ai at.ri itaa uia tottiriM't for the aue, with pood and aumlent wire tie, th a mm eiial lo t:ie a mom it of toe rm'rct, doiver thru ikla pr'o3d. In ootitormltv wl h tt.atnroi at tlili AdveitUimcut: anu In roa he aid blade r hmild fail lo enter it t the rout net, rbeyioamko 40 mI tho diife-Mooa b iwotA ihe oiTer ol aaid tiUld'ratiJ tha nxt raponib.e bit. do'. or t tte p-r-mto whum riier.mtract mvbeavrdM '1 hfi npoti:lhiiltv of tna pita a-itnr tu.i.t be ehntro hy tlie otttrii.1 ctTiifk-ata of thaCifru of lb- noarast Diilrict C ti. or of the l i.liad Mtatek Dhtrlrt tfor-iy. Hondk In a Mini ajuaJ to tha amu mt of tha on'r.te'. aUiiid 0) t'.e fonirac r A'td t ith of hu ir-iarar tore, will ha n-nlrHl of tha uocaful b'dJer or biddoia upon eiga ti'g ll.a coi.trart. KdRM OF OTRANTEB. Wo tha nnderdiined, reeidenta of , In tha oott'y of ' .ami Hta'aof . hfreny folntlr and !fr.illy cove naot with tr.e I nlt'd S'atfn, and iruirAiitea. In uato tho fo'eiromtr bid of - ba A 'oeptd, tnt ha -r tu' Will at mre cihtiUm th om'rac( Ctr to) 1 ane, wuh ro id at d ouillclant hiirvitea, in a inm tn tna an nnt of tl a c nttact. tn f-irnh it the iftlvKHi innae-lli conf irmly with The t rinB of thle adrertiiemant. d t-ad J uV H, It ,(t linear whlcti t-e Idd wamntl: amt tu cwt.e tna d ' hal. till lo enter Into a con ran a- A'ontna d, wo k..a -nn-t(e to nialia vood the dhfvr nca uatwoen the o Tar of tho aald and he next kwi ra p oii-a bidder, or tho poraon to whom thu oontra t may be iwr a I. wit..... t "Ivtu underunr hi.iii And aealt " "tieaa 1 J Ctky . fHKal.! ft. J To thU ptiaMnl4a mnt bo append d tlia otttuul cortlll cai Abovi) nieml nl. J-rith puny obuinlnir A contract wR ha oMRod to ant r Into biinda, wiUi approved auraUes, for ha Nlthful ii'.'iion. lip, n the award being made, narreiftil blde-i will ba n'tll d Hiid fnrr ti'ifd w tth ( ui ot couiritvt mid bond. Tl.a Iicpar ui-nl r aerve the rluht to re act an or alt bku II di etui t tinftntlofariory on any ai'i ount lTopoHoix wilt lo ad 'M-d Ut 'Brirv1lar-ileneTa Cseotvc I). ItHiiiti y. Chief of (Jointure, Wwiinirton, l. i Aiidw ili b ciidotbitl'TropoiilJ for H-'nch Mitrr hU.' JKOlidK l. K A VIKAY, J)ll-mwfl(t Hrliadler-Uenrni.tmiefof Orhirtiieo. jrirbTcTs alb. PliOOJAI-S VORIllHEX.TALlsOvV.HOnrg, UOltN.S. f Hl'ChH, MH1NH, AMI T.Stl!K'J. OKVIUK ilKI'OT CiMMI5rtAKT lir Ml'BSlM rf It, ( Wafti. n-.toD. I. C , Julr H, l-it. ( Kc'd PropotiaU. tn ttuitu tt ara Invltvd until tint lUt (3j ot st'iiy.at 11 o'clock A M.,fof Ul l- a, l aiiow. Itnora, ll it e, Ciiiicl e, Mhlnt.aiid Tonirua 01 A.l tlnvoruuient ('aula nlmuttt'ied within the auotent Itraiti of the lharict 01 Co uojbla, tor li.rwr ro tnUin or bore, f 5iu Uia ctn aunan entoi the cvntiact 1 l.r above or iei to be. roller 'ted by tha entraotor and renio aJ una th varioua tditoe at whUh the ni'hare lied at iucii tituat An loajr bo ca lnatai by tha idllmr la ctiHriir. Tim ttiintler uf Caltle na-d mutiUilr varvfnm l'ttXlto SU,aiid ure now kll.ed atCha n H'liUa, tlla-bort, Coa-va'- O'-nt amp. Wa-hliut 'ti. and Alex indna. b:il othir p'are iu (Kit-ur within the proilt.od iltaiia wUofi thua ariu lea will be reiiilrott to be c-dloited. t hv roiitia ior )ml! be llahle tur all the Hide-, Ta'tow, lit olf. llorpfe.Chuclm. Mitiua, A -d Toukiuia uoniliu f"ua all the t.ovrri.ti et.t He-1 C"ttl patiphM rti, unloi. It rn be matie natitm brrlv to appear 10 tha 8ubit'ncJ ! pari in Lt hat ai dtii! eneilion, ul:lirt'uca. aud oara waa A) tote 10 uOialn paid X t'c'wn, I'a: mem will l ra iuirad every tun dayt lu Govern raeAt fin dn. lb, blda will atata tha amount p r anlmil f r tSe artl elae r-fim-sl to, and oa a. t o ntiittal hy tuo fUiwiu fonraiitee. rtri'flcate. iih!ul of rath tiUrirtiite', and th of a Hfiam-e. ll'ttui 10 run can ou obtaUitMl on Appb catun tu tiiv unuafBikiint;. t l'KtilMtSAl.4. I. , of tho B:at of - - - '. ountvof , fir, per lead, ffer all IJlde, Ta'losv, H'.if. H n, Cht aae. Ah't-B. !tttd lor(ite. uf all (tovernnumt itif Canl k i d within the amianl lintti t.t tho in-tn rtt,. Cu tmhia, doIiHi-a and c ne (tha aovarint to ba In word- ami tl tun . xu'ijeot to ail thu RwiiJit uni of lb Advtrtieiuicut bufewuh apaodtid. OVAHANTKK. We, Ihe undemtimed, roiub uip of , In tha county oi -,111m nut o' . herohy Jointly and -loveraliy covenant with Ihe I'noed 81 it', a, aud tfii,triiiiL' In e :te II h rt io Iiii. h (I I- ahal be accented, v t lie w ll, w it' in bva Ua atter th- .c -ep'nuee of Maid hid. ei.;n a rout-a t tor the nmiDi l and itut .Hi: ecuielt ol Ihe nauie, ni il At utj u.b tHHoine h hnri 1 ond, lu h a'ini ol Hiun Uiot urtnn doi'ara or 'he p riormtuea ot ht oon tiaot iu tfi. fortuity wuu the lenu t t hi pro.iodal, and ut in ran the cam ! tan ut enter 11110 a o,-- trccl itnder ihe term, of Ihe adv nliteme-t' da'ed duly H, Mi4 we itiariulte tn biaWy.Hti tlo ili'To.ouoe n-'wujn i a ff. r ninsli by naid lu t a h rtroi w uro k al A'd the 1 ai hwii n oi-onvihla ( rin il hlddm,o: the pcriju to w b m the .jid rAct iua iw auui u. V iiKotttt : S tlvo umh r ur lixiidsi a'd acata, r thu day ol , M- NrtAt f Tlie rmporiih lltv of the UHriittor mnt be ahwnby tt e oHH ImI t i rt 11. aia of a .., rt -" or I r.i'xi Matt Jiid't. 1 ho laiMtlt a'a tuufst b in tho U lti.ll'K ! IU I Imiii null t that from cvldi-npM iitir1v;itl-tabrr t aui' tl v aiMia-n'siiied iru iran ore are itomt auu mtil'-tent ! i uel (o lor OuuLlu lit auiuuul Iui WlncU t.iejr tutor to b atitiii y. T6 which oacu gtianrtor mut inaka and appaudiha follow Iuk OATH. 'Htateof county uf - -- , be'ora raa. a In and fui the cotii.t aii l Ktito tttraald1 pcaoiiutiy Hppear-vd - , ona ul r.ia anretlaa ui tna f.umanu of who. betiiit dulv w.,n, a posiita at 0 any tliat ba u iotti ,o,r ana ao-iva ail jual uouia auu Iimm.1 tie, ihe mm oi thirty ihoantml d'Uara, "Hbtoi ritmi a-ii iworu beiure nia. ibia - - day of No hVa will b eoni'dnredunlfa inAleout In cnnf-irinlly with tl a oo fuim. r d ate ix.ooii.uiiil by tba ibn joinj uf-H,iia. trtitiOMie, a 'd a.iidv::B. All bldaere uiMt Hirid with ttte-r u o-ioal an oAh of alien! 'pea. un-aea tnta may ba on tile wtin the oil tar w bo kball o ao ihe bd, ud n provoal not futl miu- riijliitf w.ih the tor .uf r4u..uineu', at wall In fa. i a u loi-m. wlb be tn.iilHrfdof .e.tarddaj a proptiaal wiikia the meant us ot thU advef (inrnieut . 9 he oo f actor ill ba had ajt'Ouiiuibla for tho Ul 'aa. T.i.hw, lltM.fp, Horua. Lhucka, Ac, ona w:ok after 'he aikionn td Ihe wniiauL ldioi ruuot be nr. wot at tha opanlrn of tho Mda to ranpot d to their paiuea, and all li' must ba uud sraod lrppi.U for puretmeinp; IllUea, 'laPotv, liootk, Uorua, Chucaa, Ao." and be (Urauod U tlta unittrnii d O BKI.Ta, )y 11-mwfM UeAlonant-C-jkKKd oitdO. 8. n K N 11 V H I M O XV H. UNITED 6TATE3 NATIONAL VAQ0I AUD ooAon worn Oflo, No. Bl MARKET 8t, And ractory, omr sf BKCOSD AND CI MJ1ILAD BTBEKTS, raiLxusu-HiA. 'wilfl V'VS'r? Pf. WBT-BLBARIlOWa. AUCTION SALrs. UCTION Hosm. Was Bsrasavtrvwr. Oatalkt Uvaajsr. Of r " nw Omap svr.araaw.rirac .Uj . 4aiiilKir. tl. V , Jalt 4. ISO. wih a aa4 as a,rVi anatian, m tli kialMas MdOassSl . t ram anrl ,hm mnmiHtows. mam ssoss,ssi . LF HAM S, l a .Till H'l.AT. 4lr 14 1SA4 hKAniti. rs , Tin hn,r. iuiy jt iaTT TWO JJlMhtJj (jooj lAVALKT 1I0MBLH alasB Ihraa Roraaa bar n tMidmuw a ajtli tisi rav.lr. .aivfc.oHh. ,mr. - w r ns kali' "mi "a i1,sas aAny rood karf alsA maj M llatsusi aolj atr.tr l Tmu Caa, la Vnlt4 StatMOvranrY. .. . . . A. BKrw, , . Uwrtitiaot-Colon.l an Cl.Uf 'j...n.tmar Jj sot tlavalry bvraasu AUCTION SALE OF C0NDE3tMB AnUuals. Wa Rsrirrsssr Cstamt ttrmailT, ilinya ur CKlar Urarrr.aiiasTaa, trill h. mu . AWisimw, tK C, iulf I l"s. Tt FhliAV i " rnrvr aartmii, i.s ma hlViaat bl.ll . i ion l r?J"Jl! !"R4,M l"ro' i"io. bw srsah- T i A Ml-a" 'J 10 0 11 ! Ins1 ea aK .'iVKt nM .. ft ( lloraf. at-trt .tptt.. Tttms cash, la I'nltM BtatM .art,,,.. LlM-C.Inrt,Ca1J . aairjr HujaA. PROPOSALS. Olt D M A N C Jj O F F I 0 n"" Wa IPaTAattrtwr, W ARillM-ATOst, July si lU MOMA). July.AiK for !.M.M..e of mfaVvv Acroutretuauta. ialibe M, to ba delivered rh the fbliutriAW (iiHtititp at ihe a mtr rramed traenaft, via . """ ft h New Vor Arena4,(Mvamir'i relaadt yl rrank'r AraanAA, Brl Ja.b.rJ. rJoav vi).ua au at tha AUngtany ArtenAl, ritubnrt. Panaw aylvar-la " Vt'.tMUarta At theSt. Iili Araanal. afliir1. " l..4 i-aui at tha w'Atertown Araenai, MAiaoriwMtta 1 hee A coutreBnen'a are t4t ba rati' a In atrlct oonierafv Mr whh i.a rwie patiarn aata, tuba anan at tha Areaaa. alu vc nannd. witli tho follotv'nn eit'eptlona, la:-rtij .A' Ritfrr fr, win ut, b it ivo inohei wide, ani no ib joiiar (alt puia will be tumlared; ihe Imlae (Jap of the aao truKf-noi Anoeap-pouen are to ba let olf, ad tba exa are t . he fowpi uti tha outer Hapi tlte letrt . ft wtth e rwirrter are to be 't im ad uon u ara'trtd w-hojt, theia.a) aire areee yle ae au the nltte wntal It reo aoet ; the ear-tiit'K-'-' I to be aawed with oh (ii) and the nap-none wlfn tn flu) aiitvbaa to the lncn. eeptrte r(d w.:l bo received fcr tha iianuf.ut jre of t'iee Aooont-ojaianta atf turt oat trathmr. of imr(i miniim . . Kfti,h."-k. The belle Are o be ( urMjuad u.tir. ' Ppntplee of tbeea coontrooi,.ntp rtn 1st aaea Ai tb al-nve n'tne" amacaie on ar aoout toe SWh luitant. It iiotNdlisiim'tivPonrvt'wd'af th'a toarfmnt ff to bae the pTlv of lnp"Jtlu lha work dona HnHea " ' ' " u7 "m, in i i auiiina or itt proirreee. atid eofMi'le'ly tv unit ipa me itoa oef ra outline; Tfeew are to he enbtea to luppaet'on at tha arsenal where d' Itvend.hefisre belns; revived ftr the Otvammeot. H are to b.- acre pred or oalJ for OAoept luok oa ore ft lurovaeV uion hipihn. le.lvrriri mnat ba made ta lot t,f not laaa than bb twemh (1 IVth) per weak of ka whue number eon-trat-ted ht. TiinratdlJvar7lokoBiAdAOBi Ike tath dear of AuKuet, iHttt. rami re t wmp. dem ortea At a aneolflad t4nea win mhiBsa tho contr?tor to a torfolture of Uia ouiuoof too may tail ea dt hvwi avttiat tinie. ITia Aftnnin'RientN muet bo boxed In tha niimI faant.ee b xee to bo oharf d aA ouat, to bo deiariBviaed by Up) lit ee lor. ItHk'ere Will at ate exolkHly tha Anawal or AreeAakl where thev Dmooee .o deliver, and the noimkar ai they pronoaa to deliver ei each piece, If far snore tkael ore. No btda win ba aonalderarl rmra narae iUiat ftkata. - - tar oiauiiiaotnrera.aiid ancb a are attown to tbtf LeprVi uietu tob fully oompeMmt to execute la thalr own eheoa tho wort profoaasJ f r. HhooM any party obtalnfaac a anas tract offer Aeiwa'rmnonu oilier tnae thnee aula ta ate) own bhopt.Jbey wlb be re.ectid,aud Haaauaot renAere4 null an i olri. T'io name aitl place of ua nm'V'ture each party ohtalnrn a o-jntraot maat oe anajk.rad oa aaaa) part ot aaca ae vf Ao'Lir-memo. jtfAei2it;n. 1 Th bidder wi'lt-areaui ed to aoccomnanv hla eeMnaf. tlnn witn a iiarat.te. aimd hy two rupouiltle pereoesA thnt Itt raae hie bid in accepted he wh. at oooe aiioute tm c 'iitrncf tor the mi wPh (rood a. id jfrl -i mt aeourltio In tho aura ruueJ o 'he amoemi mi tna nuntr&ot. i.invaa Uia an'rta M'tiooard In eo'iiorinttv wita ihM turmi mt tela adeitl)-mnt, and m eaa tlta aald bidder ahouid fall to enter into rna coniraai may to max, a god tha mtTarenaa t ii w ie. the oner of .ald bidder and the uKt re9pojle. ' ' r or ene yeraon to WOOOA UIA OontTACb mJ The ieeoBirb-Hty of the frnarantora tar at be aVwaty thtf trUlA' crttihiateof tbaCierk of the nnari DlaArwit Coort.oi of the Halted jiatei lUtrct Attorney. ' Hohdp In a turn e-jnal to th4 amiunt of tha onntrart, Ipnedhy tbeoontractor andootti of hie guarantor, wdt be reiiulrail of tha auouaaaAil bidder or bidder uaa elxar lnu tha coutiact. mRV or OHABAifTEfe. We, tha nndera gnad, raaidaota of . im flaa) ernntyof , and atttaof . heroyt )otmiya.d aeverUy,.ivenAnt with Ua Uatvad Suuaa and fnar an leo In caoa tna f riroin btd of .. hearrerte4ltthathaortl)ey wJH At onr a execute the ooow traot for the earn, with good end auffloienl aaraUe. la aoui -juai t th amount of tha eoniraot. to funush tha artlc.V pn-ri'ad In conformity to th term of the adver tl'riuem oa ad July 4, tHt. and.r which ika bi wit mate ; and. In o.io t ha paid ehafl rail to enter jae a ctHitraot aa a'ortaald, we iruarantee a-i meko etd Uta difference between tno cttT ot t( a aalJ - and tha next loweat re f pot Me trdder.or tha peraoatn whoa tea) contract ibay ba awarded. J til van under onr handj and aoaas 0uo- uuyof i, And-. Wtaoat:- To thia oar ante most be tppanded tha ofletat oeriiaV cate aoove traittionml. tarn ewrty irbrmnniv a eontract will be okltvod ap enter Into boud. wltit approved euretiei. for lu Outafat OAect'tlon. U on iba award bolnff made. loeopafAil bldiWa wfl bo BotiOed aud rurtMiUad with futau of ouauaot aa4 boiul. 1 l e Department reaerreetha rlth to raiao. any or a! h'da. li iki deemed aAtl'ctory,eud espeeiaMy toie mada by partlaa who have tailed t-j mke tima delivoriet a uter evtotip courfieta wlttiout furnlatiioe aaUAfaotiry rattaoud tor arch detlnqneiicy. npaaia wtll bo addraeped to Brttrailier-OenaraJ tleorve I. Kaprui-y, ('mt of Ordnanoe WahfniTton. ik '.. aad audoread lropoaJa fur ififaatry Acoautra mt nta. ' OWO. D. KrlSfSiT, Jyk-wwf.Tt Brtg.-Oen . Oh)ot of Ordnataoa, A 8 S I 8 T A .N T QUAKTEHMSTEH Oeutrai a Uttlca. Pmi.AOHLpm. Julv tt. lfeM. Reated Propoerx'a will be rece-ved at thia offlw aetlt t O'CHc on t kiia. .uia loin or jui-, umh, for u uiaie aaiivrr oi oi.e buudtcd rauilna. to re made tn tho beat ma of lo outH-e oottou or linen duak. alia SO by 90, aiiojeot ta ut" (tiiun. li tea to be atated for each kind aooarAtalv. both an wri iLg and flturra, and to Include paakaooa aud do 11 very. ram.lta to be fnnilahed by b ddera, Uia Been her bid fir. at:d tba ahortoat Ula roquired for oellveco af 'atf. Tle aWl'ty of tha bidder to flU tha eontraot maet m KuaiaiiisMd by two reaponplhle pe'aoua, whose UtuAtureo n tiki beai.tended to tha gUArautea, aad aaid aj n irantea tea mpany Wie bid. lha riulit la n-errvwd to reject all bide deemed tea high, and no bid lioa a defaalUna; oonuaoior will ba) melted. For nirther mfrrmatlon. blddara will ean at IhaOrlrM. No. HM rKAHi aurwet. where f trnu fur urockoaala waa be larnlalHRl. lly order of f 'olonal f ir.OKOn II. t'KOMMA, Aaaletaut tUArtaiuiaatar-Oeiieral. U 8. A. utOKUK it. OHMK, Jyl!f-t Caotaln and A. Q. bt. OFFICE AUMY CLOTHING AND K'lutrajtn. rnu.Aiyti mtia. Jury 7, lfioa. Healed rropoaata win be noeted ot thia office uatll ltoclo k M.ou MONUAY.Uie lhth tn.t.. ar euusl! thf 8 hit) 111 ill Aroenal with tha Ibbowinn arUclea: Wioien lrty Uiair.etp, a-m itandinl, to wetfh tva puotla and measure 7 feet bye taec luobee (wtih tka) ,iitr i . . li. isiHcft. itictiea i"U. in I'm otiutref . W'M-lrn Hiui hiiiL-a. aaado with fi.hloaeO toe., wltboat le.ima, Army drd, tu welfi three pojndi par doaoa. a rui v tund:ird tnta pie or eah of ilia ate ari iea i tn bo fOoii hi th a oilice, iy whb-h dellverie mint itrtHIp r. worm itl hlere niitht atte in their proposal the prtoa i win I: aiuit be s It'eu In writing aa well at la flruroji)t the i;uiutit . and ftte of ttefirery. r At a tuo muat ne mieiameca oy two reepoiNiuie per oi,t Iiomj fix eat urea inut I a appended t tla pTuaiaa tie, at d m I. ati i.ie tducer or ttuara tor are m.t KB wn at tlil nlTt-e to Ire rtHponaihlo men, thev mil at be o-r titled to tfeiiitf puch by ajiue public functionary of th I lilted Htatta. 1hIb from daraiiimtt contraolore. And tlioae thudo not fit ry crthylp trifi t(t- ryutre;nis of thia advenUetaaoA, tn nor rt ron'tifrn. flunk forma for proprw,ala aan ba bad upon application at tl lh oJi'- e and h kit uiutl bo eudrd wlik ibe naiaa ui tho ai tide bid for. . . . n. i,'itMa.?i, ft-H Awhfatant Qt?artennatar OenotaJ, U A. A. C.H'ICK DEl'OT CUMMISSAUY OK 8UB- hJri livNCli. WAfotisr.TON, u , juiy 7. wa, FPlOIHiHALH rtK H.Ol'tt. Healrd rnpOF.ala uni luviteo nutll the ltn ti.itant, AtHt o'clttck M.(li.r urtiiBliiuK to olios. euuu Depwoant wit 1 wi 1 ttotibanu (..iM) titArieitt ul r Hmr. 1 ha pn.rtMA m vlh ' a lo- what U kniwn at th'a pipot aa Nop. l.Kand l,Aod hidt will ba emartalBed fur aay o jau- tuy lo.f than the whole. i.id, uu.i be iu duplicate, and lor each trade on laparabe ahreu id' paper. 1 ht- diii nrv or tna none o oommenre wumn nve oaT flonj the opealntc of triehula, and In uch quantitiee. daiir, ua the tlovermnuut mev direci t detlverod al Aa Ooveraa tuvnt Ward ouBe ti t.eori-atown, at tba waarvaa ar rati rt.ed Oeftot Ir. w aphiittou. V C. Toe drlnervof ad ! lour awarded tob oomVta4 wlUiJam twenty uaoni th ounLui. of .he bid. .i'a; uni wli be nits do in oerliticaiee olSdndbtodxiaaa or hii h other luinia aa tuo UovvrBiuaui WAj UAi-e for J Vuituiiuu The omuoJ tlovonimeritlnartectloa wiU be made foat be-h-i a H i Hour ik r t oived, aud none wa1 be auoepied wluab U rot tir th hrtmiid. . An oath uf aUmUneo mnat accoaapany tha btd or aaca binder, who hi a n-4 ilieoaih un uie In tht ooe, an biu will be ei.tertained frttn parttaawho he preBh-ttAV falitd to otanplv witb their blda. or froea buitterp oa pre pe.ni to rekpout?. ... A. t)oxemuienireena-therlht ta releot ay b! for anw cauae. bide lo l-e addiwaed to the im.K-rt a- vi .,H,. .udur-.U. "ggSS O.B.T. 1 R EirS B E F " AND V B O B T AB LB t ... umAO oB FAOVlSAUNS ANU CLOTHiW. alM PronoaaJa. Krae4 ' PrepoaoU tin ttt.h Ha( ,.j rtrtlTsTlil Misruo ai till. Unrssaa nnul !,kWJl lx " Of ''J' " ' ! suuly i,T, 1 iu uHiiitU ut raah llt mi louuta) oa.d ot aiI !Ai, at Ui. VlitUUtniima ituttlon. aa raguavat. IS, ll.s-JMiid Va.tab'i uiua' ltuf sismI iiualiir. and A ts 11m- aiaiart allotcta, iit aach arUuta atuai a offaraal a lha l otinB Tba Barf to aa la aqnai proaoru ifii.aa. hind gaartara. Hoi-fl, tn auprstv.. aacuntr, n il sa naulrMl U oiia-haLt lha aailniar. a aLioaal aT lias t. Duact, o tDtr fiMaL In aduiueu wiu m tild froxr. Ilia anK unt of aa.-h aaraaanl to a ma-la, a et'Hatar.l arurt . Ail lb dua aasf xaiajio. oi Ihacaarrao ! tivlll.u ua asWMUM, ba tl aaiauI At ta fiaur oua. ,lfcyuiirsast b cimoSBl4 tT wittlao ur tT lam bruna o oia rapoi.!bla t-ra. linos iiui'o ' Jrs,wiai ,ia4 .iuis- i ut sum:--'. iolurnlabll.arlolanpo'il. Bo priTp.i wui M unnaioMsal. uiiwas acoomnanUal J ,u.h ru.uw. a. l br u'.Is'hmi oiriosno. i thai tt MdaVrVaiular dw til tka arUi.t WW. 'It. UrHI "U ''