The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 13, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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rillLADKLPIHA, WIvDNKS DA Y, 7 U I V 13. rSG 1.
Rebels Massing Their Forces
Near Washington.
pprrlnl Tits Fy ntutr tl.irrsi"ri.
Bai.timohr, July 13 Every! tin isqulothere
tli l muni" if Tb r sra no b(k" of arm d
Rtta any a he's in Itdilmore "r C trr ill conn
I'M Thet nr.- all gone tow irds Washington In
j ii tin it in mi auny.
Fr- fli rick Cny I- ug ilu oocnplt'd by 'hi '"alon
r m f , Kf ir psying a tri nity of two hunlrcd
tli.u-i.titl o. Hat- mil bmg tii ih'J uf na.irlr
(.i) Mi'K. The Ren. I I x.'oi went fro u thorc
! wan's W alona-iou
V irn n rumus Washington ant in dec i
l.tit n lu ll' in-tiey, hut nothing Mti which cto
r. i. K.IHH' nph'iug tt rcpor e ', tli nigh tins cliv
Ik r nii' nil p ne ilv sate a id a up y sup illed
wlrr. tr.n j'it. The ru unrs clreu atitig hero of
Rebel-, op in lua Ab' nidi in ami virions foriifl
ra'inns i-p'Uno W shlng on are uti'ruo.
Ti e railing mil it' tu B ill nor.; militia at 5
o'cutk tils hfrrn-sui cai-es great excitement
among St 1 1 h-Iiii l-ts, who will hu obliged to tur.i
col. Home f tliriu very bpiery swear ven, liut whi n o.ouginto the point they cease
ttti-ii ciova'tic cations.
Htavt ca n. d .ding wan heard yesterday after
Bi ii In the ticluiiy uf ti n.
Hi. Stsle CiiO'titu'kMial Convention lot"'
Alleluia j rni-idiiy I i Baltimore. All tin
Pint-, airlines w re cent uff. Aunap-ilitin-w.
to lioutly i xi tiiiff bii afaek from 'he lt-'u-l
Ui) cHIi 1)4 I- ft bat oil i, and the O 'Vcrntneu'
t..iia wt'f nut i fl 10 nior ncuf" lo-alitirs.
If Pl.ilali pl.lims or anv other portion of the
wl oh-Nonh "th-b in so d trnipH here, let them
do It Ii rtxDnr. Ai di.g no' ia king ,mcl prim
laing I the word. Ti u meetings hundreds o
Bulit awi y co u Do g.-od Now or never!
l.el-a.t KiiMioro Hltiiiit tne Nllnxtlon
lrHit.r ..-irHl l'3 trr hiI l!ep.rl
lri . M)' r.il4liii.
Bai tihiimr, July 13, 12 nMin. Notbliif! b n
t i n rt i i Iv, d tmni i lilogion lnce the arrival
ol ll.niiry Haiti jetr.iy. Yim tnaynafely ri
) a I thra cxciti. k reootti s tcnuiloual.
oi t o out at. d r-r roomm.
Tbi ri'OrM)f ihe rupmre of Annan illg June
lion are pronounced at hvadipiirt' m a.i uu-
fom did.
I lata Jom Men Oncral E. B. Tyler, whlc
. tct lik ih qiiiMInn im tii hli cepe.
I have Ju-t n clvvd a rrpori, b lleved to hr
ivi Ii lnui.i ril, that G. Fcaukiin roanawi tu
o.iVelii. evap frmu Ida cup on ou Miu liv
liilil t, ami that they peht nn.iriy all yeHterJ.iy
Id miMlnii for lnm wrbmi. iiiuhii.
ILr Rel tin In fonr hundred and twenty o
ihi tr wounded In Frederck City, in our hoipiuii-
to Tttf Ktrntnic Tlro:rnitt.
Haltimohk, JiiIt 13, Noon. lnformvion re-
ri'! id UiIk uioriniK, placeii Ocneral CaiiK at
AVi-.tnilio-'er, Mnryl,.ud, moviug SoutS, and
Avrr il atFr di rick.
A tiphi oti urr. d on the railrotd yesterday. Wf-'n lntir. lo wbl -h lha IUbls wore
driv. g uff wi h Hum Iom.
A cil-lnii b moved lYmn the Rel iv Ilnuso to
Aura o Is Jniirllon, for the rolef of Vahlii on,
A uii-n- Barr who got thr uifli from Wabing.
, ton Ian I'litnt, ii our t'oop-, wl h the veteran,
tir-ni New Oilcan, rn bo d iho city. Hntlnokii
ll e Ei h. I- will n- attempt to take I', hut baviint
dM'n jel 'he ral'mad w II eiiteavor to retreat
inh hv wn of Edarda' Ferry.
We are looking lor Oeuerul Couch and bit
In up.
Baitimorb, July 13 Tbe American hn a
1 a litin ciinuadii tn.g the capture of Annapnlia,
HiO Mill If oui giioli t and troop tb re can
l bold the plae. The exclt men here iucreanea
hourly, lmnirux tbro-iga continue aith'i hetd-
jnar i ri-nf (iei.eralu Wal e mqiI Ord. There in
a irun p o dtteroilu tion to make Sit-e liooi im
to. the mark, or tnke ihe c iose,'ieu es. Our
ri y i A led with re'iiKi'e from a I p untu of the
cniaa. Bu loe n ii nearl lu peoded. Al
u rm t,f ting.' ern and emplcljuj pcrHons are
lning i rrexUil.
. ITakhiriii 9 July 13. Oovernor Caniu, a
, C B'pmiird hy the At urnev O neral of the 814 fl,
1, It itn-nniri ! g (, r riiilaili'lpiila nn a upecial
liaiti. The ot.jt ct ol thin viait i to co if. r with
G' 1 1 lllln O tu b anil C ilalad r, f rthe p irp He
of ncriu'lug ibn fa i itici lor orgauiclng and
1 riritiptiip f rw-rd 'lie troops now being luualureii
In a Phihiaelpliia.
Id kiifaer to.ini nqul-y ad 're-fed hy Governor
Cur In to Provost Mitmhal Fry, on the suijer.t
Tt rutting in rcbrlliou Sutvv, the foilolg ha
., Jiift men n eeived :
O dnn in eHrrv out the law lo relation to re.
nu ii' g Ii. Hi be noun S aten aiv n ov In in
ml wi.l be lif, UgUt to coniplttloii a. ooil a
FnkTlitH M 11M, lit, July 1 1. No iutelligonee
liaii liien r Ci ivi d Irmn tbe Meet of gunin) .n ill
It It r.n iiia Id feirch of ihe prate that d--urond
Hie liaiqui- Gtem.Uud uud oili.r vcavl
" In th vie nlty.
Genual 811, lih Hrrlved to-dny from City P0I11
011 hli. uy o New Yo k.
Piid in H .inpon Hospital. Juiv 9, Dt-ii.d
!i-0 oui, Vnh IVnnryl aula. John K. Nuhoi
lj h I'eniiM Iva la, who received eijht Imlle'
vonnd on the 18 b o- J me, in from or Poicr
bur, died to-div in II unpnu U iiitil.
The in an tug Juy left Clierryatoue yustord i
ici n, for ibn. plu-e, and l a d it yet been heard
from. It i lie iuveu that aue baa been c.ptjicl
or iuiik.
A rrlvBl f (JFHrrul Nmttli at Wew Yoru
Nkw York, July 13.-The h-ain trunnp ir'
John Rui ba uriivrd from FonreHi M.nrie
Fhe ha on board General "flaldy" bmlih and hi
tart'. Ihe trn-port Atlantic I'roiu ll.iuiuton
lloadu, wi b 70 tk and wounded ujon, ha, aU
an Ivi din re.
Hli.lilnj nf Kxllrti Kl Hep .t.
P1.ovjl1p.NCE, R I. July 13. Thodepit of the
Ucrlolk Cctinty lUllroid, at Waterford J mc
lioi. of tbe 1'rovldeiice au,l Worueater 11 iiro
wm I 0'i.ed rarly lliln rooming, with axoir
nd much freight, including $0,009 worth of
wool. . .
, Mnrliel"ty leleicrMpli.
Naw Yohk, July 13. Flour hu declined Virt
je cin.i ol IIM bl i. a lll (.,: C 41) l,,r a,(i
BU V- II 11,1 li,n and III V.n.t'' f r H Miihern W.i.,
1n-l llil 4( DtN ; ,,.. UO.Iu.-O'tft'lt I 0 O d'lll wlin n
' . Il.rt,eiivy. I'k t-eV) nn tlne,t.i1 H-nli :
I H'&n. Laid dull al Wbljj,4l O lllt. dull M
1 T tai-TH.
8t.i k are hatter. Chieigo and R rk Mand
llli',: I nn.brrlnid piefd. .'O; IHn lm (Vinral, I'll:
flu I, an g utl, a. n ; ; K,. ,ir , ,ir,,. , JL r,,,.
'';,: veiand nd I nii.;iine ve.rOa 1 .li-tn...
IMi lim.uiv aevrn-thirik., t-i Hiwui, rod. IujU;
A,upwlilMi,lUI.Villiltar4dg.llM ,i Uuld ,110.
S tirmibb on Seventh Street Rovi.
Dcspcrato Ro3istanco of
Our Troops.
The President and Sacretary
Stanton on the Grouiid
Cheering the Troops.
Ktc.i :to., j-:t
i:5., lit o.
Wln irfl.'Aifion r"Ar,.ne of yfitenliv M i"Wii,
iritiiiK T' niiutU ton je.nie.d y M crttio
he tru h of the villous rumo'i r.--p,..-in thj
l etM I am anee, we f.mnd ttiat o ir eav dry , iireli-r
i mn mil o' Mnji.r Fr. hve lie. n Hiuotiornty
i nirmitig iheir uii.e, rc'iea i:ig only when
I t l-ed i y nupeiior uuino-r-.
8u i v jfU'iiionii thev ton bi from 3 o'"I.Tok
0 9 I. M . and wue uriven hack h,it hva m Im
Y. perdty, at the Mine of our vi-it, the R iHil.i
en kept at bay two or three uiilos jut of Tuu
o. Ilv nn.
At Tinnallytown, ai mlht he expect- cl, tlvre
wa ht.ii- ex. in im nt, ind every now in I then a
ouimcd hOlniei vu bruunbt i i. hcvural, ivli.ui i
in tiie we ere nn.iD e to learn, wer and to ntv.
x tn eeeiy Injiiied Ihe day prcvl iu, aud :ft
it Ruck die.
At the hoti-l at l ciinallytown we found t!io
oil. wing woiimleil, vir.. : 0 i.t il'i F. M. I'lum,
('i.mpHiiy K 2o New Yoik Cav dry ; Lieiren nt
II. I,. F"X,2-d N!w York Cavu rv ;" la- ,n II inci,
lib l w Ymk ruvalr ; Juhu ii.tvtndii, Co n
p..t.y E.fih New York Cavalry ; li'i'iti U
-en, CiHipaiy M, tub Miclilg Ctvalry;
Kr dem k b. Kohiiiaon, CoinpHiiy C, it C n
u cii. u Caval' j ; I'et. r Ueirv, V unpanv M, 1st
Ci.iii eclii ut Civulrj ; and Juhu Vaudv-ver, 5t
New Yiti. Ci.viry.
The laij e 1 1 n of dn-t arising Iwvon i the
HelH'l fkirno-h line gavr rrong evidemi: uf the
iiinv. nn tu of eon di rahle ImhIIi not' R 11 troopi.
1 lie Kel el f K lrn.l-li. ru had a It ittery of 3-in. h
tie. A -tied from oue ol'ibem mru. k tbe bouse
f Mr. Biich, out horn two a id a guar er inilea
ii the tuitn.ikf, Mtting it on the. Hi' eon, i b iy
ol' i.tx nt twelve yiara, e-cated trom ll hy Jum-
g nimn lua taibrr'a horae and ri ilnu ucmhi tie)
ii lu, Ihe mad being hlocka icd ny the tire of lie
b- U. The force in our front w e-tliuated at
everitl thnunann.
The rreireni, Bcci'mpanlnd hy the Secretary
I War, t nitinrageil our troop by their prcaem,
it d en. ..oiilv rh. erod.
Fi" in Tem ai y own we proceeded to Fort Ste-
ei tmnierl Fi rt Maai.tcbtmet'e, 01, the Sevenlb
net ro..d, hIhuii live miles frmu t'.e citv.nni on
the way ihm d large hoolea of troop moving to
meet the invmiera, who m dnt diied a strong iikir-nni-li
1 tie In our untm Oiaie front.
Aiaiut two i, 'cluck there wa -orne very severe
Kirnofh ro, the Re'iel almru houierH, uudcr
vo'irot the h uw in the vi.mi.iv, having ad
v i ced 10 w bin tlr.rty or forty rod's of tbe I'jrt.
I hi '.nil R. yiui nt New York Caviirv, im
itauiled i y Majui McPhe'ton, gallaudy i.lvan o 1
ae aktimi h r, i i-mount. d, mid di'ove tlui n
1 1 o in the boio, wbleb were then c-jminltt m1 to
ti e tii o en, a- they ohaiructcd tli; range of (be
gob ot'ibe li rt.
Ann-1. g the botiAr rlee'roved were Men".
Itit'l.aid Duti.' W m He I'd, J II M Cne-ney,
Mr. en.i em ker and the hou-e iMtcu io I by iho
tan. I y nt the latd William M. M rri on. We a no
ea i. that n r otbei have been ouroed by the
npH,sli g es.
Ciher r. pmeiiui arrived, and, hv severe kir
n.hl mg.rur men during ih af ernoon foii!.'d
i be Relet line h ck al.ut i.aP a mile. A nma
lier wen wounded, hui we, on Id ic.trn ih,' name
nlvi.f Oe rgu K'ei iu, O.irnpny F. 2th N..w
York CiVal y. end O.derly rterga nt U.:ury Nee
lua, Con.pany E,25tb New YoraCiv rv. Otha,-
weie i a nl to I e upon the Held, nut could no: no
lin oihi nlf In i-oin-equ. n- of .hn clone, prox
m ill of ibe R liei oil op-lio iter-, Oar nol
ner utemed perlenh curjn.l, m. if iheir ability
le-i-t any a tack that the U.bcls lukHht dare to
An eve-wltncM, who watched the nUir.nlMh
im utioui In from of Fort Stevens lorn rly
Mb-mii hu e i-, i nt nn t'ie Sevenlb -treet rouf,
tor Kce'nl bonra veatcrdav ufeiniMio, tuml bua
na the lullowu.g facia: A nuiu'aii of Ii.iu-ch in
ihe vi it iiy ni me f rt wer.i l u - itii in order to
pn vent ibeir ' ring nacd a Re Ik I d.-fen-ea. 1'bu
huu-e i far hy be lort waH d- ,roy ?d. but our ,u
lormant en-iome.l b iuaeli m a i), d, from wild
to had a clear vitw nf wba' wa- goiug on. O ir
akim i-hera were ibron oot from the tort, and
pianu.tlry eniiiielliil iht en my ti tali tuck.
I het akiriiii-b due wan very be ivy, and k p a j
a tniak lire, eapcclally fr ni the unl.rgrovili
in th right of the road b yoi d t'ie toilna e and
tin htuae near hy, wulcb wa fa. rly a Wo w in
Two of our men were lirntitrht In dead, and
m veial wounded, and our ti. e evide ii'y told
ev rely on tin in, aa he aw iiii'u a iiuvier of
ihi m crop. Che a r wa- tilled wnti ih con'itrio n
pi. I ping of )!Uii, aud halls wnistel In lucon-
vi nu 1 1 pruxiiniiy. Large b ut e uf Rene a e;e in tlier ad In the v'ci.ii y o' K. P. lli.iir'a
kateaay, ah lit two inlie (1,-t in, and 1 1 1 e . were
viileai!) in force, though he eon d dlacover uo
l'l ll.rl.
Thi re wa one ah trpuluMiier whri wai li the
advance oi our kirml-h a rttt ned by ttie
teuc -co'Dt r and thu slight rim of gr uu I, who
wa particularly . ctlve aud di s i tfecllve e !.:u
lion : be b longed to the di-'i i' t. run unr itt'or.
mam oitl not 'earn hi- n one. Our nu n li-ol ty I
g i a coolt e a ana ni tnifi.ced ilu utm H coud Toward ix o'clock the vd. ram from the
"Fl; liiing tith" began 1 1 deploy a akirmiaiinra,
ai.d will i' e Re els rotnuie.n nd filling ha-k ;
ami I no c he le t. wil. h a no loug aft-r. they
nun men driven noin nn ir po 'I .u, ann t ir.'e.t
hin k a mile and a ha t from t'ie f i t la the
i 'C ti Hy of Silver Spiiug, the res deuce of Mr.
Uluir. The Rehi 1. coii'tl no' inau l iheir d.isli
n g, ci'Titiiiii.'US lire. Tiny knew ihmn of oil,
ai.d they wave wav as ibev h.ivc often dieie h
lore. A lew ahi ll were niaeliHr. d at Imerv tls
Hum Mevt n ami thu ailjniuiub' tarts, hut tUcy
A Vlall lu tliet Front Willila Two Hiiii.
(Irt-ti ! Illlv VarilaiiMlm Rebel Muea
li trlfi I liera- ami tlitck.
At ahout 8 o'clock lat uiuht the nreeut
wilier set out from vv.istilng'on proper, wiih ,i
Cfmpagntm ou tttytuie, for the purpose of sueiug
anu n pnrii' g ah that was lo he a en uud heard
a lea tnlKKiiui bev. ntii street, wh- re thii liithi.
ing In met n nurh rees and fie Ruh la wasii i ter
iiajil to he in provreas. Thu niiuosnhere n' t i .t
tune bud gro ii cool and liaiuiv, all -r (ne heat
hiiU i.unii n ot the wmilii thecitvthi
umal, and hy no inenna rincrea-e I, ring of
loieur anil promcn .di rs wis vojoyiug l .e f
wini an ua act uHii'incti air. uny.
Fi r tin- lir-t two nr three miles of the route the
i iiu pnera whub continual y pis-ed us were
n ori ui'ge-tlve of picinca and o her parties of
pieaatire. n an oi excuralons tnaiie tor the pur-
poe of gi a llying a it rriii. and Important enrl
oti). Appioauiiing the tir.t toll-gate, however.
uiai ei a mum a u ore involved and ajta'ed
aplK'iosnre. M Ml were present there win, ha I
Ii, in diiien In from their homes, ami who hail
hli all the.r valuahlu h. biud. Along the fenees
naiiteii carnili a arte Muck, ami in trout of til.
Iiium hnuaihod gronps wra prepailng ado
ui si ic huriicaue, packiug uu luruilure aud load
ing inuaki u.
Al ng the load wauon after w.oron arlih
ft rnituie i.nd all hoiiwhold uu-uaiN, hetiu to
1IH..I-, i. uii i,"h iH-ninu, or accomta uat
ii g Ihemn lve as Iwat they cm amongst t'ie
I ggge. b llilrea, from tune to time, 'lash and
g'ow along ibe roadai iea, and heids tilled w in
latreair-wagons sugvest lha deadlr purpose m
rtnifctitn w-h which the are there. From
time to time tbe dual blowi In tnia clouds, aud
ftrr a w trie. I.u i g n issed iini Is nf soM ers
and anv i.-nnher of aoin.iry ho semen, t hi am' lironght io hy a ieiitiuel, h ile Ii es
that hy no tiitiii ti ol me.uis can ou h - a loc I
1 1 tifeiit i prtH't'O.I lurthcr, tio y , w.ii you
Having reniainrd In thl nrediejim-nt for hlf
hn lour, yi it are permitted to pr h-cc I upon
j i er rrmiio, inn no- wi'uon nrst rein rkuu r'le
t.nn tar nf hurni'ia hi'iise. around. 1'r.e station
t. wind, ti r m I tmei is lod.ed Is Po.' T vero. I
Hnt's pl..ce had heeu Ininieri, and, like hiii;.. i
noio re-, nu r i in nina are burning in Its vu-,n-Hy.
I'll K tt B'f t.o-te.l ono uiile ii'ni a iU.rt,T
aloail. Th. -ba tr g ng u la-wet ii .gii and
mi c! trmv liioriiing, and being t o.tinued
onr I'ickt ta had i rough time In loj. in in. A'
nu priH-nd, Inah iicruinulailoiH of raviry
lu a. t ti r rt.ail. And yet tuc sr. n" i ao pe to fir
Uv kirn, miri arrene wirhitl, Ih .t iti aiiuosr i,n
leif-lhle to cmnprrhen l it a oue of coutl urm.
lion and hlood.
1 It niia.ii ;ght jn' a silverVv fl.rka the lenfv
turni ot ihe ejcen fortat, the su'tuii r air just a.
n I, nut. i o gl; limduhitis its voi. u as tho.igii ihe
tiro i (i tie a. ol p' a , and the pist on- !
iiliMnnl led ilelirhr. The sentry passed, the
mia nlit rosd lii ioint s every in m.-nt more am
niHtetl. iiodies of citalry and li taniry are
m, Mn," nlot g it, lights Hhiuc iu tn-d ui.-c,
ni d H' la-t it i not only the ft,ia you see, hut
the w 1 1 i 1 g of the tin I yoo hear, mnl y n are
t.hl, with ti c Retails only two liuii'lred and fii'tv
"Mr in adtanee, tb it ymi cumii.t proceed fur
ibi r. ami tt nt yen are vert I -ruinate if you g t
ha. k without a hu li t throuirri y.ui.
All t.-ia Inn p lung in the dreamy haze of
tn( on ighi, ft i- n inn tee ot sheer iiii.i. wt-i- ility
for the pia titnl reader to real that thu audi-
dona lo wis weir laai mgnt in c'oe pr.,xiintlv
to loin, ami th n hy nn hour' rule he might b ar
their l.ulh ta whl tlmg atvmt his ears. Those ot
onr mm who have It en wounded have (teen
Miidiy rami ft. r. Indeed. the las m ui lo whoiu
we rp ke nfar a tieainlii rairy of Union soldi, rs
bad juat ki-lcii mid roa-ted a chicken or two with
widen lo tempt the palate of uio woun led
hn tbrfn.
To-Cnv will evoke lOinetblDg new In thi phase
ofir r llehelhon. tint, whatever the future may
(leti lop, no pieuh r a n ngih and val tr will tie
evinced i bun are waiting lor their opporiuuity
frcm the Waihl-gton filar o Manila v rning.
Aaaltliel tu I
Major General Q. A. Gil m.ire, who is now in
Wast iiiptori, has been ns-igoeu to tbe cotumantl
of tb jinr ion of ilp- 10th Army Corps now here.
The PrtlVMt lu ne Field.
The Prealitcnt nwle to t'-e front In the direction
of Teriiiilljumn ar a' O'it 9 A. t. u.dnv, accom
paiiled lit Aanstniit Adjutant-Ueneral liar no
and a iimunted escort. YestvMay be paid a (IniU
lar viait id ohai rtn Ion and Inspection, lilt pro
it nee among our gallant tr-aips wi I douhtless do
much t animate and encourage ibeui in the d la
charge ot th. ir dutte.
Thf lroiMl Tim foi n Fight.
II tbe Rt bel fores now in thi vicinity design Wnahii.gton, e ahull doubtless hear
the thniidi r ot tiui.sahoul ibreeo'ci.sMt to-tnorrow
nooning ; thi hour oi the twctity-lour always ae
TC tn at tl la ara-on of the year for an attempt
up- n loitllicalioii hy sudden sa-tult, or to get in
la-twi en 'ori't ci. lions t.y audtlon'y overpowering
the dvt'tbdue of works conuecting forlincatiou.
Froi. I't'ls-rlttirc.
We Irarn from Grant army that the nanal
aiti It rv lirn g ta going on, w ith now ud tbeu a
th- I iliiown in the cay. tShenuao is on (be war
path liglllll.
TlHtllniorr, 1 llinlitglon nntl Plillailvil.
hin ItHllroMtl lujnrstl Fivss Bridges)
Itealroyed t Tritln of Ian raptured
lite stjnjru (tutrnl Kallwa Null tu
I'oHaHai.iu r Ihe Karinj Various relit.
Crapti I luea u Tltd luplare r Br KW
eirrdJenend 17. II. T Irr iaJuri;.e
ml lirsl iu (..uinixl uf i:igtith
Army iik tuirrview tieturt n H.tyur
bniutiti atil lieaerai Ifinl, stki., Ar.
i' (.ni the tlaltintore ttun of yUnJay.
Yeat rdi y . ilie exciu nit i.t aitencilnff the luva-(1-
n of tl e flu e I y -be Retails still continued,
owing t" the cloae pioxid i v nt a force of Rebel
cUMihj on -be we-tero, north western, aud ea tern
tosda luriiii g ou' of tbe city.
Ihe ir.v ill. g fun e on Charlo ftrcet aveiinf,
tl c Viu: rot (I, etc.. raid lo be onilrr the r- m
uaiid ol Uany Gi'more, moved round bv the
Unr ig rnn ci U'Se to tin- lialtiuiore, I'l. l niel
ph a, itiiii M Hii.iceion Ka I dm I, ami r i k b t
nr d at taii ua po.nts l-etaeeti 11 and 1.' oV -i.-k.
Tiny tie iron n the long tiri.'ge over t' e Gun
oeOi r, the biide out Mcii.tiier ru , the Mud
rri. k I lid. e. the B ..h river at n the Hack river
hiidfPa. lietnave ihry did the track along
the loud could i o b as. e- aim U.
Out ol tl.i ln.e-iips r nt men ef the A wiri au
TtUf'ii i h Coii psr.y, wh.i was ou the Iral i c p
tniid iv tin RrieU , ii tin- lit 'imiire, Wilmi g
ti ti, end I'lii'adelphia ttailr ad esteiday, all-r
1. 1 it g cui tin .1 iiiaile go tl h scacspc, add air ved
lure ali.nt nlic o'l'ocl- list nlht. Hesi.tes
thai the H la t DiiiiHU'ied trom itTO to 1MX)
(aid-his tliniihlio Ik- t.' oh It'll a ligure), nod
thin Ihty liiiriT" be In nige ov. r ibe Guiiiaiw ler,
am! ( TMrot ea the tra n, i-xi fpt t uecarand an
t i.eine. 1 hi e Hit y u-. d t. go to the ll ish liter
In dgt , wlnt ii ll et have .-ince de-troyed. They
u'cii ti nt Hey aeie goii g lo II tvre-rte Or ice,
and wot. Id tl. suov all the nail trom that pout
to Steniliit'a run. They hr. 0 on thu train, Imt
t.n i ne w is alios n Pi h-- liijuicd. The pa-s n
geis fir left on the peninsula tctweeu tbe Oun
jaiwi'i r and H c liuali r vers.
Me haimdliom the ral rmd l u'liorfrles last
I Ir In the htrge host a' II v e- ie G a e has
lai u ai euied by Untij; moved down the
r a river.
'I he turimia lelegri'ph lines ('iciiigthref or four
d ft' rent uiu e) iilm g ihe H irf -r I .md die Pnil.i
i'i Ii Inn turn p ke roads, arid the I'liil itlel ih a
llB'liriHil, were nil t!e iron-il yes'eid .y mor dug.
'Ihe liifct lii e tb r whs cut wis the one on 'he
l'l'ii Ii'h l .ho d. This was cut at Mil
o'ch rk A. M., aime w hi. Ii tl t e there has laiuu
t o i on uiui.icatiun wiib Philadelphia or Nuw
Tl e F.ilcsicn t smer for Philadelphia carried
tbi inn i I tts eiilH' fVtlllllir.
Ci Iiw n, l're-ii. nt of the Western M try
h no Itiii toi d, r u iveil a deapateh ftmn ouo of
ilie i n i-lot ei of the road, at 7 o'clock ye-itcr lav
vi i ii g, who Iniil just arrived at tne KeUv
Hi ti'e.Kf Veil n, Ilea fioiu this ci'y, on ih.i Noi tb
on Ctitinil Haiirond, eating thai tlie W stum
Mai th rd Rullioad bad out lie, n injure I, a id
tl st train, could ia run ou ibe road with sai'itr.
( apisin liwiu wi 1 stnd a pas-euger tram to
V' it n I rmgt al the u-uul hour this morn ng.
Tic nu. ven ems of l'uilurul troops in md
atoui d this i I't yen tdui anil last uii."it Hre at
j rt ai nt v. I l.held In ni pulilli-atlou. The vtua
lion ot the Imrr caeca. hreastwo-ki, Ke., it would
not he proper now to state; audi It oi sat th it
l-itih the inililnry end civil i.u hori ics have
i.ikt ii ham all tne time, and htat night there
was nodeiigrr api icbcndnl from any attack of
therifiiiy. Telegrspli and railroad 'coiiiniuiii
iKiiiiwas iiilnci beiwu-n this city ai.d Wab
li g on. i
It wi thought last n:ght that the Rhcla win
had o cran-d on ibe Uaitiinore, Phll.idelpbi t, and
W iluoiigu ii Railro d. inid the Niinuern Central
liiiiln sti, Ac, wo re reining fiom a'l that aecio i
I the rt iiinry and huau tili.g to rt joiu their mjia
bot'y at Fiet'irl. k. ...
1 aat idghi wi 'eiirned from the mMUary eutho.
-Hits that ibe rejatrt of thececapenf Ilngiidi.-r.
Gt nr .al F. b. It ier, iml bla sale a'nval at Kill.
.'Mi's Mills, wi. unfounded. It i te.ired that io
ihe fl. In cf Smnpiav Ust he was riih r klilo 1
or v. en nil d ceitaitily cunnred. The laat heard
nf I Im he was at the K'oi.e llri lge, over the
Mom rury, on ihe Il.tlllinore pike; be b id orders
to bold Ibe bridge at all naxaxds, and 11' too Lard
pre s .tl, to re'iie, and each man of his force to
ha k t lit lor h lliaelf.
Tie Ken I cavnlrv chii'g 'd the hrldtte sim-a
wh ch t n.e nulling ha laen hear I i f (,.,., t
1 1 It r o- lo- stuff iilM 'crs wi o were tn n m,
viz ('apia n t ra' k J. 11 Wehli. A. G ; C-t ,.
tail. I'r itl. 3 i P. M II , and M-uten in' G ,l s i .
run: h, Aril- g A. I). ( C :p in W. II. W,.r .,
o' o l.etal 1 v h r's .tall' w.ali.juret s ve.e'v hy
ti- hose In I ing on him on Knt.v nUnt list,
ai.d la Itij' una le e tide uh a Igued hy t,e ie
lai V alinre am. General Tyler lo the ii'in n u l
ot a 2l-aiuiut Imwiuer. lu thu .aitle ol 8 .lu tt iv.
He wt.iktil Una gun tiiiooguout the lig'i', nn I
whin ihe out. r wa. g ven lo la I lit k ti n r I
T ! r cii't eii d Cup a n Wit-gel lo bring .11' tun
flu. ii d ih allot ul the ato cs b tire. 11 It I
-o, Htnl I y ,l rt ing i !. or, I. r- of Gcneril I'.l.r
tta- in.t w th h tu ai the l ine of hi - cap u e.
Gcierul Rieketts. h his tort-, li.ia ftllen
hack lo 'Dis city, tiiim Eilicoli'a Mills, accord
It 8 o ortU rs.
Mutor-Gci f ral Ord iirnved In this city l ist
evening from iVashitigt m ami, ity nnl-T of i.h'!
1'ieaii.ei t, aaaiiue d C'lituiand of he Mm r nv
(; rps, reiievn g M .j tr lienl-ril WSd ico t'nnii
lhat ton'tnrn'l. I he ati.ll olllcei rnm.iiu, for the
pron t, uni bant ed.
Mi jorCh mini wni'cd uimn M ti ir General
(m luat evening, an I. pi r-u.i ut to the res tl i.
lion luoaed hyilm Ct y Cnoocii, ma l know i
tie ol i.e cny ant nrl les. A' a I te
bonr luat ctinlrg Ge, cal Grd in'or iii d us tha
lua reply to M tor ChiiDiuan was to the fill i v.
it g effect : He did not approve of thai at jra
lii g c oai d, or the mi- u-ioii id nnslne.s, he
i la not il Ink su. h a cour-e n cn-s irv, and
w im lit not l-atie an t nnlei- to tli it c!l -i-t.
Id irgnrrt to the enrol Img of he ciuens he, ha I
no olyei (ton. and it the Mayor ihou;h it
i it nt he uiU'ht proceed wi h the enroiiii'Mit, ,i,i 1
II ut any time ibt in was a tiect'nsi'y t tali no ei
iboo ei loliii', he (G.-neril O ti) would im I uo in
theni ; hut ina, iu bts Ooiiii n, hn lid not u nt
atiy su. h ro irse ne -e a-ary, a. a -11111 icol tiuitl'Hir
ol ibe citiei.a had alieaily voluui.;eri;d for thj
pieatht. He ('H-ncrul urd) did n ,t ibitik t id
I'lty Ii, any Imminent f'angur.
Laat night a npiad of Urn volunteer eHi -o a il
diira c. pill red iwo of ihe men who helacnu
pattied the Rei-ei cayaliy In the nld am m l tne
cut. Ihe ceitu o was m.toe ahiut scvont.te.i
ni lt s frt in ihis citv, on the Harford road. The
r ioi er ca'e ibeir Hemes as Baldwin in I G tr
sm b. They were liruiiht lothis cny and g feu in
charge of Co on. I P. ihci iirldge, wno hta oini
III end ol the volutltetT citi. li -cou's ; hu ha ided
tlieiu over to Colonel Wo 1'ey, who ordered ihnin
to he iuipri oned to await trial.
l.a-t i Igt.t William Gtimore (nice of Mij ir
Hairy Gilnure), and G. B. II ilTtnaa, were ar.
le. teil i Utn av.i'lng to pa-s our pickets Into
Ilaltituore county. They were hm-iglii to this
nu t and imprisoned. The bouse of Mr. Gilinoro,
t oiner ut P.nkaiid Ftaoklln sir. ets, w.
lusi bight hy oruer of Colonel Wool ley. an I
seven hundred rounds of ha 1 cartridge aud live
muskits were t ken.
1 he Ainirictu Tt legrupb Company sncceetod
at a lab- hi.t.r lest uUht in ru-csuniihing one of
the r lines beta-ten Ibis city and P..tltl Iphta
va the ll of. rrJ ro d unite. By this met s the
GtoiriiintDt was in comiiiuiii.-a .on itli tbe
anihoiitiea ol IVnnay ivanla mid New York.
Motrin nt of Rebel it il,ira-isin lira
.itiMiwilrr tlrlilari vi4ilil m.i.
mats-l ')) A View ul i tin tl tit m .... v
Keiifl ttaii u iiiHstintawn lbs VVua
lua llH 1. 'ui
Fion the ftaHmort Aimrittn oj 'tatt treninrf.
We have uiaae a vi-n this niorui..g to the vit
pests ol tbe ill), and titid ihul tne niat b is o -i u
onr i f gem r I quiet, and that, s 'ar as could ne
aaeer uintd, tbeie bua laeo no li bel cavalry iu
the vkiuitt ol tbe. iiy during the past nl rnt.
A giBtleiiuin who pa-a d through T iwson
town ti is morning, having c una d two fr nn
Khrew-I n.y In a carriage, a dis ancj of f.ny
D.i e oui ilie York ro.ul, reports all qu n, an I no
i-uimy to la) sien. t wo Ketel av
a wtrvvi sietduy st-eu at New Mtrk t. in
lia i Uiole C I.UI), who wcie ug then Inc lils
and showing no laliiaco ut 'llspiaiiin.i. I u y
were matie mueb ol bt (be R- IkI citizen tntt
Piniiayltau a Copperheid'. On tbe hilai.eof
tb, r ad 0od be neither aaw nor beard of toy
Hi he: toice, except lhat auiue loO had psas d
ibicugh TuwaoDtowo la-t night. Thu r .id r
w ho bi d 1 ei n acnt-ere I through thu eou ny on
Sunday night and vt att-r.ia. uioruing. sa d (hat
t eir niiaai n would he over ai mnluigut last
ll git, alien they w real to he 1) tea ,t ue ad
quurtcra, ou the (andcis uf Ca roll county.
llillMilelililM Knilru til I tin turn to the
l.iiupowiirr Itrldgf taKOIujc of Pa.
aMgr-ris. ti e.
With ret ard to ibe Gunpowder B i Igo, we
I' am tbai U was damage I lu s .mo ex nt o i h t
M .uiiiili aide i f In ri.rr. hut c Ulttdeuct) is felt
thai the damage will be retired In two or three
Tne an-'roaches to the hrldga l log prietd
by the g niooit, they incd intrnia-d run It
on the bridge, nut I' cooid m -vin woen ao ut
twetity f, e- i'ioiii ihe ah ire. Tu- linn - fr 'n tne
c rs soui exieuded t the string pie of tU-i
hritlge. and ihe locomotive tin I v toppled iv.c
iu o the river. The briilce Is d . mage. I oul, a m it
twn-tlilrda Of the way la'tweeu the snore and the
dr w, Ii lie- n exiiiig'iiheil ti ter me l(. s
l it. A ci ti-iri.t llon irain ha left Pni adn p na
thi' li. )' mi g. eon Uiu worn or hits ,lo i tt
itia a re.niy coii liii-nct d. We have iti- loll iwliK
Oiu.ih d Hit'eincut ot the whole air tir from on
1 1 il.e pa-enger :
It tinina mu whs received to day ibat the Rtl-h
river I ih ge i d ti c Philule pbia Rtilroad, w is
not I U' A hy tbe R, he a, nur we e tnc m i il.
1 he pi ity, ii it, het hi hi top one hundred md
titty mei', uud-r Giln o'f, re, lied Magu da Sta
tion I. In Ul I iiiA I 'C "CK '11 Molnl.iy lllol, and
nihil unnl ike wh insil aud p.-aeugnr trs n
tu tu Ihi- cm r a b d time. As .o n. at the
tr in was ati.p, id io let out me ptss egn s,
Ibui men jutii eil urn the luggage,, and were
nu n alter i.l'owen hy the icai of tha prtv,
h aned by Gilnmre. 8 mm of the liitna as well
nit turof the mule pa 'Seitgera m-u on rhoir
einy I nd grtet.d them with eu oui 'iiriiirf te
niarks, uiiil hti'ths of wine were hroug il out to
en'i rutin lln tii.
Tl e e pi r ens ret elvcd kind treatment from
I Ibe Kcltcls liut those ol the pa-iuuguis who did
Mti pnriiclpiite in audi c -iinuct wer.- roooe i or
their money and valuable. Having gone
through this'ir.iin, 'ho ralJei' waited lor ihu ,i.
pri.ut b oi i ho exi r sa tr dn, wnt.-U t ft I' e lua
strt ft (lepol nt 9 40, tlie pas engers of whlnn er
IiiiiiiO in s similar utunm-r to those on 'hu ll at
m ill I lie la ie tr.iin wa- thru loo lira and
piO elled oi to ibe iiruljn over the On ni iwdor
rlvtr, a poitiou of wbx-U wis destroyed ny the
The flrat or 8 -10 o'clock 'ram was siihsequeu ly
set ou lire and tle-troyeil. tne g log laliiu ( their
(Ippai-inte '(.on ufit r. A fe vof the ptsse tg-r,
fi nuiuti ly fi r the nitrite-, had pa -a I 4 p rtioa
ot tl., ir 11,01,1 v io-itie of their boo', ml wee
ennhlerl ihetrhy to procure vehteies In win b
tl en aelvea and their feni tie emu anion- were
roiivijeii to Hstre de-Gia . Th.-olh-r pa-rn-gera
i re compelled to w alk to the same n'a e,
whet re they look tbe cute and pas-ed on 'n Plnla
del lua As previously st itc.l, M ij. r-lj ncral
Franl lin wa- captured on oue of 'lies tr.ilos.
Mr. 11. my Null, an emplovee of ibe C ttiuiiuy
at Ibe l'leaittent street ilepot, who ha I gone u,i
on a li aanrr trip, raine Ity way of the Joopt
rtu d lo tlos ritt, teaching here at a late hour of
Momlsy night.' Tbe iia-oiuti'lve of ih-i fir t train
wis ml Injured. Tbe engineer al-o returned
lo-day. "
1 ravel lu pfcllastelathla)
We lrarn ih .t the Philadelphia Kal'roid Com
panv have cb .itcn d thr) -leaniar (leoryimt, in
conjuni'tit n with Colnual M trkUml, agent of ihi
Port office I)t puriiiieui aid she will l-tivo for
l't rrt wills, on In r nri trip, with pasaen ter d
nwlla, at 3 o'c'ntk this afernoon. Krtoets w ll
I e maoe lo hat wo boats per day, to coatmeacB
ruuuiug 10 uioirow.
f FnnEmo:
Futile EiTorts of tli3
Rcbc's to C ipturo
Fort St3vca,3.
Bm.timoiib. July 13, 3 30 P. M On-.: ofQ.i r
tnitii s'ci M Igs' h ..its hs J 1st iinved r un
Wa-tii.j-toti, wtait'h plu.'e alio ft -.irly tin
nimn ng. She repo.ia all going ou w-tll.
Ye-ienlay was ril er a giiHiuiv d iv, that la,
there aa much apprehension .au ug t le p ipio.
Tlnie bail lain ieav tigh ing 011 me -ieve n i
Hint nail, tl 10 em 1111 striving tocipturu Fort
Kit vt n ; lui' wo 'till hold it.
This minnlng ct u'Meuct) was restored, a id 'l
n iiaidt red the el y peri'uc It- aat'e. Tue do ti In
all H e d. pinirn nts ere nn.lcr arms.
I h.ivi J.iat ret' ivt-i ih.i f it ,iwi ig dep cch :
A.SNAi oLla, July 13 No a gns ot IU.-eu, iny
at pteae nt. Al. well.
special to Hi l.'venlna; Teleurrrtpti.
Hai tihohb, Jult 13, 3 P. M I hove j.nt re
tin ned 1 rom the he ol ;ti imra of Genera's Orl
and Wallace, and find tb it tb y posses groat
coufiilt nee w'th reg od to the al'u tti .n.
1 he 1 xi I'em. nt here eontiiiuos to Increase In
Inn nsity, chiei'y arising frmu the ciHIn.? o it. of
t e militia Ibis afern.ain Thu Secisn are en
di uvotlng to ske nd-tle in a'l direclon", hut as
tiiycam ot Irate the city whh ut a p is, they ,ini
rrsorntig to all kinds of mara-uvics to run t'ie
bloc one.
Annapolis 1 (aid tn it strongly fortified, and
It is it he I f ved 'hut Ihe Rebel- can take It. We
have Bond rosd conimunlcAti n ei wi b W.tsh
n Ion. Weati rn M uylaod Railroad i ondls
Inr td. Tne Central Railroad con
tl. ne- Intcrinpted.
Mliap-'ltalon of In It .lllinors.
Baltimohb, July 13 3-40 P. M. All the en
rollo'i cu 7.ens aie ordered tn re ort for mlilt-iry
duty at their ret-prctive Wards this afternoon at
five o'clock. Ail bualmsi is su,MSndod.
At Diirlen, Conne. ticu-, a pttrintic gentle
man ce lir.tled the Fourt-i bv go-log live a res of
butldliw lot d, and a rton iilou of S'iOIO for the
purpose of provld ng a Homu fur wounded and
dlt-able I atliliers l longing to th' Sta'e. The
Hi me a duly Inangura ed, and it Is priiMM4
to mlsc $100,000 (or l a perm meut emlo vinent,
It baa been resided to bo'd the chauipl in
college uiccs on the 29th instant nn I.ske Qiiiu
litiara twd. Haiv tril Col leg -will -end three or
four b .tic, and Yale will send ae-rral. The oars
men are ttuiuli g cevrrely. Some of the Harrar J
crew'Xaci 10 visit Worcester as s-uin aa he
xaiuitiallc.n are over, to practise on tbe pond
ui til tbe r Ct .
Ti e newapaper pnhlishers of Mlchlgm met
t !) tiott lasi week, and organized a State Press
Assoc ation. men in New Bedford are giving
their attention to uianuiajturiu,;. Saveral large
factories are building
thr I apiiirr f I tin .ilnll Nuismar "Elwo
Irlr K.Hili' siiHinii-ul ul' AnluaT its
11 r l.lblia, l'.4 N.,mIiu anu Par.tletl rna
A 1 liioliit u. (.fine lrl vaiatr- I'lio M ty tl
II. el .et.l lu ilranit.
Ai th g Masri r W. P. G-h'is, TJ tliej S'ates Niy,
repti le., huiulf to Atlmir I Pa il Hnj, at tne
B i.oklyn Navt Yarn, je-u-iday afternoon, hav
il g lnu ci ptund on h.uir.J of the slea.uir
I Millie ffiaik uu Sin 1 -y In . Hv tli" It dim pri
vuii er VltnifUt, and patoietl hyCtpta ii M irru,
Ae-li g Hi-li 1 (if. It a a- re'uruiug to mi vasaol,
Ibe ','iio ti. in tne Gu t, n .viog is e 1 N "'i 011 a
liavi-oi a'M Dte. lie aays th t be wts tretd
v I'h n,a k 0 kitidie-s wide nu h ard of ha
F inula evi rvilong la-lug done 10 maae bis I ay
totii'oil- hie and egir-ealile.
lie 11 ace act rai te. t imiuirtanl statement la
n Ii rv- cr to ihe ves-e . lu tun tir- pi t--e ahs
c ni- ihe lolliwiiig armaui nf: Four rl I I
tivit -fgi t . ouuile a H-iUcu in iituaisiile 10 fi
I e uiai ni at, one hundred iiidtwuilv pouti I -r
title In pivot, and tour an ah ri es in n.o.nlode
lilarn. lu.idtii ion to ti Is niuiid ibl.t n.i terf
kite baa o-1 gnu 1.01 iiioiuit d, lying ou cie -1 tr
I ca d aice ol tl.e enuii e naitu ha en. Mr G 'lis
c 11 "I 1 ot 1 s en. in its ca.iine, s it wai cove.ud
vii . a 1 op u li 11.
Hi- h a cr. w of nhoot ttv.t hundred men, -viin
Im kert unit una uu i-e plitied and vjorr s ,t itn
giziii tor I-e ppe mice of ilie shiuainl ure.w,
at da hi tin t liaii In en ve y mat lor tue pat
ti w nat s. Hi r ch e.f 1 ngiiiuer is eon l-ieil to tii
ri'i.m op a-c. nut of iijnri rceived hy fi lin
n-iu u h ti-hw y, iitnl she ta -liort of us- -n-it
1 ttg;i ei rs ; ao ii-iich so lit I w ul l ne d fli tin
to inn ll e li tetor Spm It, hut he in y ru 1 t-i u
vi tc a over to B 1 iiiiina r Na-mi 1. uu I le iv b s
pnte 1 uiau e, a hlle be ao- in wi b be I'uirtiii
ul '' piitciirt-a some ci.giin-cra for her.
The V. 1 vim- Sxirlc a e .ins. ill her present trim,
hut -t t t 11 kDota, a iiich ia owing to her li ing iy
tin In ml. No th lint ui Mori is will use her as a
n 1 di r. nt Uaat tin 11 her co .1 om- h u.dred slid
tttftit) ions ulves oui.or be mav atujiiipt to
ltn, her Into Wi umig' u wi'li In r cargo.
lie loilowing is aiOi of iheptro.e f Actinit
Maaier GibOa :
W.l.iaa. I' (01 lis Arl'ng Matter In tits fav uf tha
lb. ins Slate, ni An-eri. a. it ttaialty ia n 1 upon '111
tvoi- 1,1 1 i r 1 nt u t r-M a ali.-i laul'ii'ifs-iarsiu atsiw.,
u. do tiuirl uiiurtiuiti uiliuar dn yiuitildtl .t 'snsui.
(;. Jk tHaistiAil..!' M 1 (Itls.
(oiintiai.dini Couittl. rtua rt ais su-a uur ft'-i-.a.
?-! 1". I IH , ,
ll s o he rt gre'ted tha' the Ftnrida suc e -ded
in caitiiiiiiifc ihe in til hag-on botrd tue HU trie
Swi, aa cli ar the oill ia-Uu-p ,t-h hag. We
l i u 11 hute thought that a ma 1 ot'comtn iu sense
wi u d have km wn ei'oi.gtt 10 sink bt- iu ol Otgs.
1-1 ci-iull) the Goveriitm nt de-p tidies Nov tne
-uiinu criu nse them lor berown purposes, t
well sa Ui aetid lit 111 m hy ibe regular Aiud 1
n lei 11 all iiie ol sleumera wulcb run to Wil
ti'i ftnti, N. C.
Quite u rum her of vessels are In pursuit of the
l it ridVi. Tbote rupurlra thus far are Ilia
Affinl Aa, of Glint W rri from.
T isudemst S P :U d
- Ilat. su II ' ll-iai 1. .
lottt. la u - llaai-.n, , l Rot-la
If MK.-. .0 liauau, id Itaals
tl, 411, t ' llaiti,..a li is la.
hie (shin) a IIs'udi.,11 K-tals.
I.l tl.e ,. Cnils ll-,.hi.
Thf Awtnty, nine guue (not ihe .U aici'i, a
Ha iti )cat, rda), ia picpsriiig, and may put-lhlv
ret aav toni-bt from the Kro.kya Navy
Yartt. Ut ihi- lime, no dnub', .'he t'lmnntieut,
eleven guns, Qyakr ( .V,f!ven guns.and other
Iniac aieam, rs mi tbe Wiluiiuioa hiiarkade, have
bub 1I1 sp 11 hid in pursuit ol the piiva'eer.
1 he linited Sia es steamer Virratri m. whi -b
arrived hi 011 Monuiiy from the Gull, b ta
let coed a heavy armament and a lud crew, and
auilid trsieriiat evening in pursultof the f'uimli.
t i u n ander Craven 1 in Command. .Va I -"'
An Army of Vcteran.3 D
l'cnding Washiiigton.
Faniculnrh of the Escape of Qaacrals
Tjkr and Frauklin.
inc., lie.. Etc.. F.le Fir., Kits., Ki.
We liavo convcrsorl with a guntlum m w'ao
kit Washington on Monday at noon,
i-anie down tho Potomac upon a ntoamboat
It 111 lit d w ith won titled llu luijr.oi
uh lliut In Rolnj dowu the river they m it an
liniiH use tort of transports going up toward
Wusliingtou. II estlin ited tin num ir ou
Icuid ut ti) wards of twenty thousand, and all
1 rciizcd and hardy yett-ran. Thty m ut h ivo
begun arriving at Washlugton abjut throe
o'licrk 011 Monday aflcrnoou.
They were lull of eiitliuslaim ani exa'io
rnnce of Bp'rite. Our Informant aszcrtnlucd
that a large portion of the arm uU wjro troops
fiom Ntw Orleans, whilo otlteri were (Voaa
ai.ollier Department which It uiljjht be Iji
prudcut to mention.
Ihe greatest conflilonce and Ifcellng of se
curity ex.rihs. among the Government offlilala
In Washington. It la believed tun the o, 'ra
tions about takliirr i lm e will Inflict the d.i.itJi
blow U)OU the Rebellion.
Tl' F Iktilrl oruKVIIKUi iniNKUl
Baltimuiik, July 13 The American tele
graph Imt- is working to Aiinapulla.
Tie lollovvlng are the particulars of the re
ported es(as- of M tjor-Gcnerai Franklin from
the h nnit i nuder Harry G I in ire, though wa
hiivc not yci a-ccrtaiued tbe whereabout of this
ia am t Ulcer.
Il.iriy Gl more, with a pirty of cavalry, num.
1 erii g aioiut . lie hundr-d nn I fifty, and having
with tbcui Major-General Franklin and three
1 fllceis ol his Stalf a prisoners, euctmped ut a
lute hour on Monday ui4.1l Oa U iver's farm,
iH-twet n Huiinaliown and ttetsterstown. Goiie
ral Ftankliu was in tne cu-uily of Cip'Ala
Nli lioluk Owen, i.f Baltimore county, from w 10m
he auiceedi d In making his eactpu at an euri
Lour en Tuesdat morning
The fotce ot Glniiore remained all Tuesdiytn
tbt 111 Ighl 01 hood, acouribg Ibe liusbea aad woo Is,
and aearcbing a 1 ihe bouse a id bans, In tue
hope id eo g anie lu recapture him. This trai
Ibe ihnen tui the made 10 tbe peoplo iu t'10
v cii It ; ai.d tbe seuich wa continued nn tl Bve
o't liakon Tut aduy eveuug, when they left on
ilnlr way to the vicinity of vVashington, crossing
the Bull more and Ohio R.dlruad ueac Eluiira
di.rmg la-t night.
Nuibiiig Is )ct known in thi city a to the
wL(Ti atciut of General Franklin ; but b -p; are
euterinli.fd tbat be h i really escape I. Sucn at
Ica-t I ihe iuipreiaion of muao living ia the
vti Inliy.
I'uilog tbrlr iay In the vicluity of Randul
town, they rubbed everybody ludiscritniiiaiy,
in. 1 only of boisc aud Cttae, but of watchet,
n oLiy, and clothing.
61 viral Rcla-I sy nipalblzen pleaded for ex
emption, lint ll was ail of no ava.l. All were J tii atattiit ami uit.lver. Thev Mian !
bad aim Iheiu ti.roe otUoailof General Frank
liu't Siatf. The e ihey took aw.ty with tncia,
tLiy bol hating been atdv to escaiae.
Bai.iimohk, Julvl3 The scene at military
bt at quarters iu ibis city ibis morning, oa tne
arrivnl of Brlg.iiliei-Oentrai E. B. Tyler, who
ct n muiiO tl e 1-t B.igadeut tne9tn Army Cirp-t,
ain. who wa ri (oritd to have been either k l ed
or raptuied 11 Ihe ac iou at M uiocacy Jaa nlin
on Maiun.ey ni , was gra liyiug in me cx renu,
ami ihe rejoicing a' bis turtuu.ite esc ipe from the
lit Iw waa hear 1 felt.
Aciou.psuyirtg the Gcneril were CtptainF.
J.T). Wibt mid Llemciiaiit G ild-b irouh, uf
b 81. If. limb of wuoiu were witu the General
tome Il.e bat I'd Ihe facts comic ,-te.l with bi
escape sie iih.tibtiliy us follow :
Gu Saturday, stu-r onr troops bad retired from
the Moiiocacy Bridge, Geuoral I'yler aud hi
8'ull a si ud on the hill ua the east side of
the bini(.e. but not ilie.e loug ttef.ire they
dtsrovi rtd tbutuaelvcs 10 ho aurrouuded by tin)
Tbe Gi noral aud his party succeeded In in ik
ing tin Ir tacaieon the nor b side, c ttsoly p ir
med liy Ihe euemy, who lircd upo 1 tnuiu rop at
niiy, ki Img one of the O n ri orderlies, a
Gei man, wi.o-e na ne we co ild 11 n a-C Tt. tin;
To this f.tct the Gcuor il a'tnlm .es Ih csetpe,
as whm the sohiierie.ll fr nn uissal lleia thu
ri ad ibn pursuers st iiped to see wno It was,
uud in I qtllieil General was not of the
pnfj, tc.
Dining this titnr tho Geuertl rea died a clump
ot wo d, mid the three otli -,er leoreie I t'jem
selviu. trom their pursue'.
A ucg'O who was emleuv trlng to make hi j
rscupe trom ih' Ro'ail lines oisoorarel thntu.und 1 d oul the way to the house of a well-known
ai u patriotic ci'U- u . f Frederick cuU'ily, u tse
land y wire unreiiili'ing iu their aitonii iu 'o 'he
lufilnvi. conct aMng tb in nuul Tnas-Uy, when
tl.ey took their dt-p .rture for Frederick, wulcu
thi-y readied early in toa morning. ,
The apt e ,rauce wf Gent-nU Trior in the at-uois
of Frederick creaied the greatest surprise. Too
U hela bnd Ima-ied lhat at h id) ecu Villci ny
tin m, an I I. waa hel.nveil to boa la- uuilUbe
(,j si clurci taw tt'a Oeneral himself. "'
Tb. Ge11tr.1l left Frelirl k ye.terd tjr, at wn h
time our lorec had bells undisputed, pii-atasst in
aince Butidity. Hs cama down the .Frederick
toed as far a Camusvirb', and from thentti the
Ueliiy Uou.-fl, wiit re the b'rteri of Tyr'
Biigado are UUsU)d, a id wltere be ayjivatlilh-l'
onitratultiobf of tils in uy '"V-.-., . ' I
On lha road, they we.e iuf r-OoJh it, a Tory
atrong lor. of BI-7 Jo--'
maud had cri..d he road enroll H wr,
pn.oerdiug north. ( 1 ,,. .,- .1, I o.'"' ;
- General Tjlrrfw 1", hihest terras ?;
tb. btavfry aud endurance of odr ax "ii. ( i t i .,
b 1 e st Monocaey, oue geuer V o1t;er w 1 Idled,
und several Held aud hue olftc-ra. T i pauish
uieul the enemy received was very severe.
In the hotplutl ut Frederick over five h-indrad
of the fielxl wounded are nutr ander lbs cats of
our rnrge n- nd cltltni of Frc.1r-H"li anl'owr
iiige r a'e tha every man who w ot eapib' of
brl g r-ro'-y. d without aertott Injury WaseaiTle4
I'ff lit ambulaucra and wagotu, l it; tU iseudoa.
or ng to Iwle tbr:r lo-.
Bt they retired f oni Ibe rity th y bnraed
down all the Ooveri.mcnt buildings, exoept hos
plUla 1 be lot tn at the b itlle of Mono or are as foU
iVtw. :-Pnv,tt k,k(- .., r-f on tbe fi Id,
121 ; nounded a. tf y,k,,a w , y,p-t, 1, ug,,
iriaom-is, 4(m; 1011,711,
ltibtl I a-kllled, SW-.woniirled And In bos-l-lial-
at Frederick, now n 0ar p. es,lou, 433t
loliii, 731. . , '
The Rebels luffi-ied bad'y hiofflrs-ri killed aad
-lrrlHl lu Thi- Fvrnlnig felogr-th.
Haltimoiib July I3. 10 o'clock A. M. J for
wardtou ihe lo lowing Impor ant lafornta'Jon
In puritdut air ty W. P. U, Eq., Stip-rtnl
ti ni er.t of the Baltimore and Ohio U .l utad.wlih
wlrm I l avt Jnst had su in ervlew. 8 ime time
t nring Inst niaht, or curly this m -ralruT, a body
id Ri l e,, numbering from .yjori 0 4010, mads
their ai peuianoe at BelCovMe, Iwuly tnU.'a tbbj
side ,,r north of W.ihingtoa, dad pnictiadad at
1 nci to dc-iroy the railroad Hack and svei-yvulaf
elsr wlibin their reach.
The same, or a port on of the same force ad
vanci d to Lowell, and it ia helleved have entirely
riesttcttd tbe line railroad bridge thai crosses B
an. Ml stream at that point.
Tbr tnnre tia k between the IVeUy Home and
Wukhitigton la uuilouhu-diy dtmigedriy ths
Kebft'. li was intended to send a tr da front,
bete by the Relay Ilonse this morning, bat tits
Btwkul tbe depredation of the ite iels vfloctaally
i r.venieo it.
Alu.tber Rebel forrss nrrtceiwlpil tan tha m.A
toward Annapolis, destroying ecerytbing. Pratt
street, irom tne IDllao. Ipblu to the Wash ing ion
di pet, a difctaucc of over one inlk, is Mocked apt
with licomoiive Itelo giog tn the Ballimtr
Kullruuil. j hete la ao urcat excitement yislola
in thestrtet of Bahlun re at tbe pre.-eat mj
n.' 11. Tbe ritixens a.e qnlu ly itrramg.
Ai rang- merits buv,. hren made for the defaane
of AoDupulis, and guuhoats are statloa d In the
Pen iu, which cau sweep the land approajbes.
The (teatiualion of ibe Reot-I eayjlry ' faroe that
ciosatd ibe railroad at Belisv:le, la theref we not
known. 1 hey may havo swept to the sooih side
of WtutMt g oi.,or probably they are going to
fulfil ibe predictions of some of our Re-bet tytn
paihiierr, and keep on to Point Iiookoat to re
Ituse the twenty thousand prltuoers eonrlned
there. Tbe distsme from Bcl.svllle 10 Point
Lookout ut HO miles
Baltimohb, July 13, 2 P. M. Vh -rs a-re a this it ornli g of auy foree,-..
lalge or small, being within twenty mils of the) "
city . Tlie last of Uilmore's raiders croswd tho
Bnltlmoreand Ohio R tilroad betond Blystdila,
on thi ir wuy toward the malu Rebel oaly la the
vicinity of Washington, at a late hoar last night.
Ibtiearesnpioacdto be t.ll a few squ.dsof
cattle stealers iu tome portions of the e aoniry,
t ut ell are making their way toward! Mjnt
gtuitiy county. .
. It was reported this morning and geoeralty
cnciitd, thai the Ro'tel cavalry rree wokh
cio-aed tbe Washington railroad 3 eau-May at
Belikville bad reached Annapolis, and tbat that
ancient city was actual. y la Rebel posaeasloa.
This report spread all over the city sod was
strt Pfetlf nrd hy tbe fact that a gino-tat wa tent
for during tlie ulgbt, but at eleven this laorulug
we leaiued at Ihe telegraph office, that oil was
qnitt at Anuapuli , and that S-) Ut a knawa
n.ue was no Rebel force coming In that direo
tion. . ,
Inta Itt'MORs Tub Sdubrndbb or Wasb
wokiw, Etc. The exi'ltement ia the elty this
mornitig was in tents. Iu cotiKtqadtMM of tha
l.uak In tbe telegraph wires betwtMn Baitliuore
and Waahmgun, the city is alive with the wild
est rumoia, some of go so tar as to aa-ert
tbr luriendri ot Wasotngton, and ihe ca Xura of
our 1 ntlir army at Unit point.
W 11 Ii ite I- xeeptmii of ihe news wbiefa wa poh . .
11a h uuori onr telfgrap'ilc bead, no luU'lllg uos
hu. het ti re eivca iu cny ut-oay umiq to-ir
of tbe snl'j cu alluded 10 above. While the -telegraph
wire are In good w.-rklng
order lietwteu Ihis city and Baltimore, 1
)it btyond 1 bat point all communi laiioa
la cm ou, and hence our readers ma a -tpt all
su uea 01 the capture of thi-and the o:hw poiut
aa iule canards uf the hour, emulated with ibe
vii wnl reu bt otng tbe bauds of our eiiioty,
M..tcii.iO' ol inaipe lo the points three ened
iiava la eu gon g on ad day, aud toe mllittry au
thorities in ihi-1 1 y aie.iil.g miy realiog to the
Ot wuiida Una have leen musla upon as.
Htporusl Clarluoa at Brutart. -iu. LU S. Tlurd At.
HUKi kit BOtKoa
lUCtll Rcadbts M..t ml, Vi -a Sefc I. a.... M
uisb 4 dot,
liaitat'alatvlttaal... St
lo tb . do sk ass,
lie sk du...isVAint tat,
!K.h a.,...bO. m -vs
Iiit.n s- tnuir.",
lit iS O'l H-y
out. ao .......aat
ho a an at
tut an Pan iti OU.... ft
'a or.,..,... tsi
riusT HOtftn.
tl-JIce 0. a.-jij.. net , tu tli K.n'a- nit .
, () d l"ii,
isO di Ii''l;
l:i an nn
t'itdt a ....C'-M Hal
-ta I'll is. tt.v lonlfi
7.0 d usX
IMS d In.',
t'.IHIl Nur h Ct Ct IM
Itr in lr lu 011 4
I'D. tk, vi I
k fonna It B.tal .'tltf
tb 4,1 Mai
I ah do....,.,... to
tu -li ain.) , in .... at
Hllskl'.it . l
J i-O lt rue. St Knsk.. M
. do ... 77... mis;
Hit spnat. Chi.. II
list sk Sr. a H.... iS
UlO -a Haad K B.a tii If.
B at. I. rain, -tines ('.uiirolaatna Hr.tar, Wa. r Far
uiiar Wsioal st-Mi. ouy r.j-a. . ,
Ouutailtin ol (Juki at Iks raiitdtlvkla uVaS B-uataas
Ho. il H. 1 turd ttrwK. ttaiond tttry i
sja m nm uM. ..;;...
11 Ak ny If. a). ....., tl
AlAlltil Wesk.
..i 1 1 r 1
FMIIAil.,a.l(r I ti , II K HBlfQT.
Wm KiaitAY, ' July 13. Th RV1 raid hi
Vstj Ist'd. Slid inalrrhrtatenlrstif WaaMastoa, hat aS)
the eilci-t ol alaiuai touol tutus tidn. autliiaaa o-trli-oa.
Oi Vaettliruii Hark diss la but Uitta Mr.-, tad Bu. 1
entt a asdt I 0 itia.
lu rr,v.t.i. tkri It vsry H'llt draruj. '" ' .
Uiias-ilsa, awn 10 ih Sink, a- htaotlrS,
Ihtr Btat tultislne rriune.i in ,our;st sf Mot
kbit .sua fuu.i jr al .l-vis). W fl bit, ta wttleawar
(. bbU ('it- Mills to Uts ilov.i nrast.t at tk. ktuar
Si arc. To i. mailers aad bts art tale uujst IVobi
$a ilfeS-7lul atikurtkss. aa ta Ul'-M fr Sxiuf iwsads.
i.Uiina duin ut .uliar hji r..r, Coia Musi.
Tlnre ia leu a .null atnfk ut win alia tat attriat, aal
It It ht-id with ruuel. nruineM.' Wk S. trttna fraMjV.
vtitla and Vt'tvtwa iwo) solji t Sa aW . Waius
ratigt-sniiu.'.ii M) ,,v astsB
iro-II si tl' 6 Tliert)laa,sjdili't"'i''ran,,a'
ere. itaU.ofi(Mii - SuWaW -,,,
dts. sr. deauiral a-, tra-jiwa JTse-,t 1000
ku.t.caua.sis, oauars In sood pistil sa'as
'olJt.eitu.h. ll.tnr-ad 1'aun.ylva. It tt.Id, I'Jt.,
t Ri h i airia-'"! " ' ' ' ' ' '
liM'. iksl
lit w b Id l' g .er. f -.
ri.EABK.Il tllH MOK-!sria,"IJ
tehrtda U Bnaave,! alsLiuUiav asakaa, iMarnrttll, Taa
llll-l, lj. IkU, .11 ...
'U.-i.r Jeti e. it.iHfc S ttsstUaisiais.liaftiUAOK
s.i . a,lt A leu. I.i .ft H"t",u - as iuia wysa.
A. arm Oi atrey, MtiHi 1. 1 mvitioik, - ao. 1 i
u !'.. - ii '.(.)'lXrVVr, WlslKM
li 'Barn OSfiaiAttvSi eat. i.Msx''- 9 rat-sSat j b li.-l le M r . ' '"11 " '
f H.T,. aai.aiu tataiiaiiaii i.A.t.wttara.1 tl saaKaa Waa.
Uvui .'. 4-a-. ilji JoHil.J.j ai
"'ItlriMl Iru.itfru'a,-,MV T-ulla-ra
.-rasvuw, atw,.J.4i; -tdtJ ,)
H V, !7, 7ti, 13. T - ' M m M
' oni I t - J"1 l "
f9 12, M. 1.(1. 38, 11.71. 10,, 16. li.SV
tlroul MUI t., kUaatttY m .
txitiitswa, tyB.