THE DAtLT KVKNINO TKLEGRArn. rnUiADELrnU, TCESDAT. JtJl,12,J.8i51. TUESDAY ., TCLY 13, ISM. WT IWORD NOXO. TiiJ In. d oat, ttiroagh the long eempilgi I nt'ch In mv plseti in tins ranks 1 And whether It sliine or whether It rain ilv frnoil tworil clieorly cl tnksi It rial ks a'tit r;ngn la lo illr 7 Like Uie ring ot an armed beo'i . And Ihle 1 the sou which ! "7 It tintrs with its lij'S of steel 1 0b. frl. n.l from whom hundred tlmrs, Of tnT"l r.oo.n.rnf' 'bat dim Are Vol. rtrxrt wit" e.dinS the mCc, ; . f,,ini with your ule. diu lHru Art yuo f:iini n ..... iiui fir Ho .u ki ik' ha '' o" "It-1" smiles. Aod the sound ot the onion livuius ? sjM your bcart gruwn weak tin-e the ratliunt h.-or Vfbtu yim leaped with a single boaml ftnm yimr dreamy ea-e to tho sovereign pnwer Ol a livinn soul w ll crowned ? ScboUi t the a'ocs of taenl!.- Are bet er than anv wine ; And tbe bluody sweat of cans like this Is an agony divine. Tudor the wail of MiC shuddering world, Aniuunlng for Its dead sons; Over tne ml 1 -wing thniidi is har'ed From the throns 01" wrathful runt; sVt've too roar of the vlunfint line lb' rockt with t'nu fur tif lieil, Jlnns the ahuolute voice : -'O iUtih of mine, lie patient, for all is well I' " Titos slofrs my word to my soul ; and I, Albeit lite way ia Ion, And b ack cloud ttui-kea athward the 8X7, 81. 1 ko my p.nt utromt; tor wbviutr I live or wht'thr I din, On tne red ground Klia-lly and (lurk, Beyond ilie run.age I soull d-.s-.ry GoJ shining nuiii the dark. COKNELIU3 O'DOWD. niti npisin.v or me axd iHisei Cornelius OTowd if bccomtnir a feature of JBltttfooJ, whure ho hai appealed rrgul.trly f ir tome months back. In tho May number there la Kmc genial gossip, from which we tike a few jtuacta at random. AN IAI8U Jl'tlOE. "We had a very witty judue Inlrclm l, whi wat nt very scrupulous aliutit giving hard knock to bis hroihrrn on tne bcucU, aud w!iu, in duiivuring Judgment tn a Cause, tuund that he was to g oo the easting vote ltween bis two colleazuea, who were diametrically opposed to each otber, aud wLo had taken (Treat pains to lay don tne nuou fur their severnl opinions at eonlderaitle length. '"It dow comes to my turn," s.iid b, to uei)re my view of this came, and lbrtu.iawly 1 can afford t bv brief. I (tree with my brotorr B. rum the irresistible fine f the admirable rgiuucnt of my brother M." A BTOHT OF OAinLDI. That, to effect bis purpose, he would lay hm'ls cjn wbat he needed, not recklcasl or ind.rf j reatly, but thoughtfully aud doalitluM iere fully, we all know. 1 can temeinoer an insun -e e-f ihia kind, related to me hy a It'iti-u narnl ctflrer, who tilru'elf was nn actir in the c.;no. "It was if La. Plata." said my informant, '-vlii-n Oariha'dl was at wr wi:h Bonv th it the friKste 1 ri tnmaiidcd was on that statinn, as wdl as a amaU gnu brie of the .Sardinian navy, whose captain never berarsed his men by exercises of gvanery, uTi tndee, whose shli w ast free fmsn any "beat to quarters," or any sn ldeu mun Buona 10 prepare for boarders, a though she bad kera a Uoatmg chapel. "Oanuaidi came along-lde me one dy to aay that he l ad karr.ed the Sardinian had several (anaof powder on board, with an ample supply f (rare, shell, and canister, not to speak of twenre hundred stand of ad titrable arms. 'I mi them ml; saltl he: 'mr oeoi le are tiudtlnjr with staves and knives, and we are totally on' of ammunition. I want them, and ne won l let me have tbem.' 'He could scarcely do ,' "'a . "swelnff that Ibejr bekittg to bin Uovernmtmt, aud are not in hl kai,ds to bestow.' M 'For that teaton I snnst go and take them,' aid Garibaldi. 'I mean to board him this very siskt, aud you'll see If we do not replenish our mader-riasks.' in that case,' said I, 'I shall have to firo on Ton. U wiir be piracy ; nothing else.' " 'You'll not do so i" ;.id be. mnilinif. - MTee, I promse you that twill. We are at j ace aud on good terms wLh S irJIn a, and I am.ot behave ether thau ai a friend to her sulps- wt-war." t An . If yon see the thin in tnai Uffht,' and gxd kamoredly quilted the subject, aud loon after took bis kvc. A BirLOMATIST'S H0TI0K OP DIPLOMACY -1 say, O'Dowd," cried ho, after pause of" ome time In our conversation, "uaa 11 never truck von that tonne tall pole and wire are den. lined to be the end of lio'.b vonr trade and miuo ? ai d thht witl In ayeryfew years neither of oar reapations will have a representative left i Tike aay word for It," said he, ui jrc so emuly, "in less tlian ten yean from the prusent dtite a pennr-a- linrr will be as r-re as a 1 oat norse, ana a pot absy not more a curiosi y than a minwicr plcul vjotrntiarT." Can't yon see that when a man buys a canister Oi preparta beertea, lie never aas any out to scar on the boiling wa'er lie hrews bis br ith tor himself? This is what people do with tiie telegrams. They don't want you or me to lii iib ibe kettle; besides all lt.i-are not alike Kue men may like bis iKimiiariiinnutol Un.irk i ton weaker; another lulKht prefer his Tolish in .Sfcacre more highly floored. Tnis is purely a benoual m.ittcr. How can you suit tne rapri cions liMniis of the miiliou, aad of tne nd'liou for tbat' the wort of it the miiiioa tuat d'in't want you ? V bat a practical rebuke, besides, to prosy ullirs nnd the who'e lon.iuJ ;d rae, Be suurp, snort tup 01 tne wicra.i 1 tOXCBHMNO BOMB V. lllbT FLATBtlg. I cannot belk ve a grea: pul.lie man to have till ed a full dveloiUieiit of bis power li ne h s not b en a hiot-p1 iver ; uud as to a le .der or to House, it is an absolute hecomity. T ike a it'aooe for a moment a', what goes nn 11 Puluiuout l i tliis i.-wbin rge, tnd murk the eone (aeuues. In ut nn ordinary pittthg 'r tn.; uojso, and ace bow ilamaiiiiitf to bis parry that uuhaiiiiy snail is. who wid ufk a iiucsiioii to da.- wiib'h ti-iH tiny week would 00 1111 .n.wra 1I0 Wu" is tha. Lli "1 la. ii.i; bis card out of tunc?" that other v. ho rinea t- ku.jv If somut iiug lis txui the un ucky ' aniumbiiig" bu.iiJ the key note to bl-t party's polities wnkli he bat thus di clod. A lat In this but " showing LU bind ?" Heir that iirei.ry ''uiidir t. who Ism unwitln(ly con tradicted hat his cbt'f li eS just aser ol 'irumoii g, a itaere, ins iw,' ucr's irl k." Or that ktill.iuo'e tautl wmleli. wuo, ri uir a1 wiong moineiit, bus taken "t'ie lead out of tile hand" thai could liava w in the gajie. I OiMiy stfk, woul i liine 00 one even ouu .if u-no sol suis commuted in nn ate wli n wln-t 1 u'.ii Tt d aiid nit n wi ie bromine up lu thu kHOWle t d i.r-ct ex ot ti.e odd tri k ? 1 uk' Cvour. Not one of his ii o-tr v h 'M hm ret-o oeu n: fiasst .n for wh.-t and y t h ! wa u lir-r .te luyir: t. vcn'tirou, perh ipn 1 1.1 iamiu 1 ii' sp i-uuiu wnu no.Mt nana! l;uru all ihf litiKf of th l'ari. t; )iijr.-. s In .l)rd rveiy uigbt at ihi Jcku.v Clu i, ,.ui wo 1 weiy lurilj ouid say above iivou y iluun mi Ti.e Ute IVLnie Metternlc!i pl.iyed w.j'l, bat no' l.nliuiniiy. Itwa pail, n . ou bi k game, and 1 evi r fully icvi-l'ped li i ihu ia t e r 1 was fiajid. lie er. w eei y, too, and very ae Uiiii. could fit uut moie 1I1.111 iwelvoor t'ourieen ruiitx-n; uulik 1 atit-v tano, who ultviiva a.-xc from taM.-. a"ter perbu'S twelve boiirs' p'ar fretK. aiid brighter il...u n beu liui-il.u. L id Jh lU.Ui i e plnvrd wel, lint Imd nio.ort 1 s of di 1- faclt'ii wb n lo- B'iltcn-,1 the fniiicr nuereiu of J)oli:ii to ib e-lcr - with 111 coiubina loan. Coitielius maintains tbut civilians play bet'or than uiiliiuiy men; that UIp'oiuitits are the best players; lawyers follow, but are apt to p ay showily; pbjeicl'roi, no sav., are timid, reiri ttouips as joMciful s.lmuiMais, only t i bu ud mhiUuivd In drop d jes, and play on mrd a'"cer cord. rgai4lug eueb trick us a pi'ie .t di'i'isa 1 ot, havmg no cunuecsi'in wita ibau:li-ra. liln art lu wuiat hcr ceo'oy wo in the tana ol tin nn-tucorgat; u.ouku Ulta uJ lucre a bl.iiup poios a g.o. uauu ; ai:urg gr9 vort0 ,ilaa , ,j. dicrs. lucy bava but iu .-..i-i, u play out all the best uiiu fj., t hL.y can, and th. n apprul to tUtlrpartr n woro mytJ Uietasih.-y hare "an inhu.uaa vfJr.n mo 1, whii h I lave do doubt has cot mtn. . . ' itxUs." ' , Ou the wbol", Fien'-'imr-o are bfter pla.rt tha wearr. 1 b-ir git.ue a eai y lirti.-1, ai.t all their ititiuia ions (otrrVt) mo'e .mi'.l-i I'd more retincd. Ths up ror wt;l. lu l.olrid h pluvrd a Krea. u4l at 11m ia a .'r 1 Ir.tL. li, ton', tlcu . Ii tin .- n.;vor i.ia eiuil of tlial accoiMiliKlu d harl, !, ( Miticr of ull aainih, wheJUa U SAlil ul tddiw s, tx ptr. leeticu. Thelrth have a f' brilliant playera-one of th m lon th. beorh; bat the ficrirh are he , LrVo'l B It sh whisks. Tue A nyj- rat s are raruiy nnn-mwi , ou umy - ombarofgood aoeond-clasS players. Keen wl'tt thein. however, whist la on tue decline 1 and eiKthre and pokrr, and a se ire m ire of otln-r stroil r alioiiiiiiaions, have usurped the place of tur klac of games. The late rabii rt of Ixrr! Derby ena'alnei o-ne good players. Two of ihe KeereUne-i of S ato were actually mo p avers, anu 11 "i ui. u .0 wh et to Bu.onipHidinii nl vvlil. h w -aid have Bisoc their pnwvi-Mir an aumiran c v-n o "u srenms b n rot e cu""' mm m rati gory tbnn f'r'ch'ons be 01 -god u. Uuch in g pi ) a v ell. an 1 iikok in a-inir, inn 1. wn. , i s are a I innin, a thoo.n.'h P' diiit. I 10- nn n.ii! r on incuunt ol Ins whl'l-iiie sum u.un'y i.miihiiig In is av, lliou.'li. In r.liino, tin tea r kxwis what to iovm If is rrrt duly U whine puiginey ot tr storv. 1 mean ihe chari'tvr ai.o na nre of the cr-.i,n who related ttio aneo to nie, and h Is a iut thu most pet fcrt spit linen it that w'l.p .im'l m which w ciil foo'nesi. the nge we live In rn h 1a.1t of. 1 own th. t. In a very varied in.t somewhat n ti tiMve ejafri. cce of men in ni my c 1 inlnn, I never met v.. til m vrlm so eoniol teyf nlilicl all li e rniiii-uesof temper, nw ihi.t, f ice, ' our.iir v, anil selfri lian e which mike of a human Wi nr, ihemoi ui'H''ali.ilih) aud iiucmoiioual crea w J tloit v-aiks the inrth. A STUKV or WHIST. I trf! tlie story as nearly as I c in as bo roltto l It to me: 'loud to pl.iv a gnu I dull with'Crg," ssid be, ".unl took pleasum ip wjr ryhig him, for be was a great pur.rt in his ;il iy, and a- outiaged wilb uuy tiling th it fi 1 d uoi liv suM-.ined hv au authority. In la , th.i uno si, liillnwed ' by a dieiilou of fn'l naif an hi ur, to Hie liiiense mortlli t'l'm 01 theoth r players, thoapb very am umiK tn ims and olfir mg m lar e opHitniiitv to IrnliiU; and pi tn-u the Austrian. "OtiC evening, afer a nuni'r of these 'li-"0 i sione, In wh.cli Kcchirir imd it;lavei an even nnununl and irritabi ity.'l found mvself opposed to him in a gim", thn tmcrest of which bud ar.ism around ua larpe assenrdr of sia) -tak-rs what the Frcni h ue-iRiiate a f 1 7-1erv. Towards the cowlu-lon of the one it w is my turn to lend, anil 1 playe l a enrd wli eb so as. ti uncled ihe Austrian mln'sw ilia! he l.ild down his tards upon the ublu and stared fixedly '"in all my experience of wh's',' snl.l he, de liberate lv, 'I never raw the e pial of that.' -i if what r a' ken 1. "Of the card you bive jut p'ayod," rjonefl he. 'It is not merely that such play vwlnvja rvi ry principle 01 the xame. Out 11 actually stuill f.cs all vour c.wn romoin t ons.' ' '1 tiiir.k dltUrcntly, Count,' said I. 'I main tain that U ftood play, aud 1 abide iv It.' 'l,ct us cecloe It by a wager,' said ho. 'In what way ?' "Thus: We fthall leave the qncstioa to . qaletu. You shall allege what you deem 10 be the reasons for your play, and they saall deciJcif tbey scrrpt them hs valid.' " 'I agree. What will you bet ?" "Men Napveons iwctitv, fifty, five hwedrod if you like !' cried he, warmly. "'1 snail say ten. You don't like losing, em J I don't want 10 pno sh jou too biavdy.' " 'TLcre is tuo J iry, st.' said he, h icghtlly, 'make your case.' " The wag. r is this,' said I, 'that, towiu.I shall sutisfy thee gin lemen tbat for the card 1 plavid I bud good and builicknt reason.' ""'Yes.' " 'My reason was tMn, then I leoked intoyeur Hand '. ' pocketed bis ten Napoleons, but thoy wr re the W-t I won of bnu. luueed, it (00k a monuh before he got over the shock." THOMAS noon. We len from a read ble article in the Lon don Qiarfrrly, on the life of Thomas Hoot, a lew extracib. Aticr an appreniioeMiip 111 : co 11 mercihl ollire, and a href resnieuce in I), Hood re'nrnid to l.ondc.n, and was engaged to asiikt the editor of the London Magianr, ,eav ng the n giavir's I nsmtss for tlia; pur;me. Uere was a legitiiiiate opening, and he 'cmpod at it, a la Ur maldl, toreuio.t, ana wns api-eany behind the scenes." 60 del Kilted war. be, that he wonld rtceive a revlte from tne foreman ot the ptintirs as a "pnad of bis regard, torg eve blin Ml l:is slip, anu realty mougitt msi priu era devils weie not so black as ibey are piloted. But, be tells ns, bis "t p-galLint glory" was in Our C'on'rlbutor"." How l e nsi d t lo-jk for ward to "Klia" and ba kw-rd fer llazlitt, and all round for t.dward Herbert ; and "cow 1 used to (qtik vp to Allan Cunningham, who was formed by Nature tall enough to "snatch grace beyond Ihe nach fcf Ait." Hood ha- given os a pleasant lifelike sketch of Charles Lamb, witb but Hue hi ad on a small pate body ; bra intellectual face full of wiry lines, and lurking quips aud cranks of physiognomy; brown bright -eyes, quick in tutniug aa those of bird looking idiarp enough 10 pick up pins ai.0 needles. 1 ne netnation la li's frscch contltiimlly relltvid by some happy torn of thought which seemed 10 have been th is natura ly waiied lor. buy wilb struogera, but lLMant y aiigtitwttii a welcome smite 01 womauiy swrriness b r hH ftiends. At Lamb's be met witb Coleridge, the "lull-lKHiicd poor, with bis wnv ng white' bair and bis beniiru face, run 1, ruddc. and un-iirrowed as a holy friar's. IIoj 1 l'Card the glorious lulker at times when hi ws in the ke.v which Urali called "C in nit," fir tMive the line of the lis encrs comprelieusioa. He mace marveous min.l,l never. heless, and Hea d felt hs rbcU(;b he weie curried "ap m!1 'g np to liiav.n by a wnlrlwlnd Interiwinted with snnlieams, si''dyand dazzled, and hid tben beea raiecd down acaln wiih a shower uf muudiine stock' aud i tones that lia tcred out of nm all recollection of what I hod beard and wh it 1 h id seen." Here, too, was poor Clurc, in his bright erasaolored coat and yellow waKunat, ' shining vi rd..ntly from out the grave-colored suits like a pattb 01 turnips am d ktubulo aud lailow. Lamb toim tunes banteriug hiui on certain ' ( l.ire-uOi-cuil ie- in hU verses, and anon ta k ing ko piave y. towaius tiinUiight, thui C are would try '-Dal !" (a cinilied d u)"il it isn't I ke a feed man prcscninir out 01 ti'S rouiai D: alro was one of the wrii.rd for the J.r.t.di.n, and Hood otten uw tho suia I, cilm philiworher "at Ionic, quite at home, in ihu mills' of n Uerman IK ean of liter iluie 111 11 storm Hooding a I the Do- r, t ljlc, ami chairs hill ws of b oks tossing, 'uni' lin-', suriii .g open. On surh 01 ca ions I have will ng:y listened by the l.our, wbiirt ti e, at mill ig with bis ens tixid on tie s de ot ibe room, B' cine.1 1 1 be ess tpeakinir than leading from a 'bandwritlug on he Wail !' 1 l.e L n Head of the Loudon A7 ii :; thu mm mask of i onius put on lir 11' od. It is nuuiiii pr .penalty b. e.iks on' in I. nn. on s Answers 10 C ur siMinden's. " inloiuied 1 bat bis 'Night' is ion lo ig; f 'rtne uioou rites twice in it. 1 he 'L.-say ou A.:ricul tinal Du-tre.-s' would ouiy iticrasu It. U. is Miicly buiouiiug. li. li.'s '8'inu' t to ibeRidng run is m wecied ol being wriuen lor a L.srk. W . s 'tuns ot benslniliiy h d better ! flroiim! 1 Ti e '1. bo' vti'l no' mimrr T, who satshis tab are cut of lus owu bead, 1- asked ii ne is a tkiiiou ? RI. H 'U'tn on tne Martyrs wuo were bun I In ibe rain of Qr.eou Miry, is oilgiual, lift mtu jut. li s en 111c Ion with thn iMntinix Tli 111 us H'iud many friends iu Hie spr 1. k 1 Die of lits li eruy c reer; oibers John Hum It in Hey null's, the brought plua.ot amongst lvl-var.l IUrtieit" of t e Mntia,nte. t' ll -riun itely this Iriei.i fliir 1'ld not end well. We onlv misutiou the u'' i' t. Imuii-e we think that most like y it ss in llooii Inst lb' uxli'-s, ami jo 11 ed wit 1 1111 re t.!(.'ii.t e nee his lati s. : " ttemein ier, 1 ail all! Ui.u t iu l.l the nreik-up ot H i- innuiacy is, th t a larae ntiiuii'Tof 11 aid a le leif are slnl locked up fiom Ihu pulli.e, all ainss I" tin 111 leiU'i'd. Coi.ifi I ) with lliytio'ds, U uid wro'e and inniri' l ht- "()'i'. uno A.UI if-cs 11 Oiai I'ioi le." Ti t! Look had a I rj salu. Culnrd-re, 10 v. In 111 a 1 oi y v-feni. a-crili. d It li Charles L.'ii b in a 1. ilri w .1, h pa.vs a ju-a t i iut iu in it d nc'ure of the buui r M wli) d.d rit" it. "My dear Chailes, it wis ivrt 1 lily wri u-.u by I ou. v on are lou..u tnem'-tunef. a. 1 tie law vers mv. Th puns sin u u.1 Ill ien ao.i.l j iu my ex 4.-1 111 til - 1 l.c yrH-ijni'try liii'is-'tniJcnt : aud then thi f.14 rufilum t'tte jt ol" a volume ol larr-ton a H i a ai d tint lupi r.. ei c. witn nit a aiugle In. e Iliar could o il 1 li e Hit!' in s ma' ut an uu 1'iesiHiiee mi rny man in bu cusei. I ne p in iw..ry IlllUdell to occurs IU tilS Audi O'S i .Vis. l iy. Hood fa s he Hki's hit, an I tliu ( skey, llh many of Hietr works an I wiys bii beiioiii' like her "New .a oiy 14 ' lii i " I' vine in 1 lie year lti-'u mat tins lir.t suies of "Whims n .d O ut ihs npji ar-d, lu t ,e j fo livinir 11 fcconil eijcs d-.' ll del to S Wu trt ticoti. Il.ith S'lu well ren. iv.-d by 111 1 In-. The "f ca of hu MUlsiiminur V liries nf i r .(Jin cil at ibla lime, iuu dd nut "'! Hi 011 rioii;l:t up tne rai umlcr of an eil 'luti fi' 111 tin pi.nil-b. r s llelos, 1 j sav." Hi -w ii a, us l.e sum, Iroui H e nutt.'r Mio.'j. In Ha iie le t L' lu kn 10 llv. in ihe c miry 'ir .1 W 1nc1.11.01e Hid, and next at hike U 1 j thi a ti r pine- U'llcea lc ls'i uuc h wro e " Cyluey tiiiii ibir-.', uid virii u lv g u tis t r ti c "Hi. HI. ml i-'oll-e IU'ln iu lui.lej lie iu y, lu HOI- i f p. d: hpluidor a d probui duso.a loti ; Us I irmreu pi ncli-, Irotn uiidcr wkicli tiie ra't vi ui; rx cp out uttwii.'M't; lis wucdv trildcro s of a lKii-jiu ocu, vtinie the ralijus wjuld eon e to alp "A va-y p'sca. st'd ha in rta t or M, I.1.1 m i.u il.lns a 1 I' ii"iv 1 its i-Uoe Is curtL' The (list n'.'tii'Nir of Mood's ' C ml c AunuU - rh il t j tor the C'liristmaot WW. On tlie lover ., uinnre of a tViy bi"Wlng btilmlss ti isa ut m au.iv i,cri.M4, d til 4.1cven, uuui'Kriug e.ui. 01 11,, uubii'H-l'iu. Hie ('i i of tin "(.'oiutc' palniibie njj jiicntlfu'KCuroi .Jtljj wiiter murh fr eu bblp 'rom childtrn of eve-y Be. Amongst tne Cher deliuhted .idtnln-ri camo his Oisce the In'e Iuke of Devon hiie, nb enrioas request that Hood would sopp y art of titles for the Inanmy Ibajks of a Library stilr-ca-e. Soiree of theae titles sre amusing; for In S'vrice :- "On Cuttinir On" Hil s with a fiiiillln. bv l'ailer lhaiimoal;" "On the AHlniiy of ihe Desth-Watrb and the fiheep- I n k ;" "Kulesf-.r l'lim teaiion," by a thornuh-bre I I'oln'er; ' I'i rry Vi re," In foity volumes; "Cursory llrf n aiks on Nwva l' p;" "Hair n on tho Co nui'iu W I ;" "HiiUKliiyiultuiul Kcinarks on Lo idoit l'rdi.1' Hv the year 1H4 Hood h id become nrctlv we'l Vtiiv.u. lliswmk was a undii.t. Ills licillb, too, luid b 'ni fiu d by country air and vll s tn 1iu t, B. x which' be tiad tne ime na! una feebii i. At this time a heavy in.i-l'iilune tell on hit- he linliiri ot a firm irivo v. . I bun In penuniaiy (Mil ru t rs. H is S' nte of lonor prevented bin p s ins' ihr ugh th'- Ilniiktiiptey Court, lie I T d. I ke K r Wnlier bout. Ui write out every Instindof livi; (T his debts wnl -w ishe I over.' "He I a 1 'a r rsaeaj," he sil.l, "loevpeet Unit, hv u doubled dl'iir. '-e, en naiiziu-, "U I fsci.pii g lifts law, tic would suen b; atilo to rill eve bis HllnlT-. ' w 1:1 these v rws, eivina t vei v shilling h. l ind his", der'vi d fm.n the s ill ot I l'- etlfets, I v v l iiiia.l v exp 'til I'e l tii nn'it',' and biiitc Irs "rniivi' land g'"l nUht." AI er si vi si ) 1 Mrs' n Milcnc at ( olil'iitr ar slid tl o ilea h of Th' Hook, in 1MI, Ho- ii was oil' red the eJimisiup "I ilin Mi.trh'u Ai"i.-ine, vvbi h he v enied at a f il.iry or son 1 er vrur. in. I. is udi nt'f of tho remorieia- tioi. b 1 his own snides. T'os clenn of sun- M'ine. with its promise ol sciileu pioiperuv. m i a rmll'IU (IIICI u r mo nine 011 'i"" Lea lib and -pints. II" removed t'1 it more plet- fB' t bouse 01 M. J. hn s W isiS, where bo had bu ri i' little pi.rlies of lit ra'y friends, so l w liter than he had he for tnauv yi urs. We n et hiui bi a uinner ;."vej to Mr. da kens, i:u Inttrr biuilng at the jirest ade.iiit .ge of truing u Aurr ca tor il.c picusuie of coming li n k .ma n. H's.-d v.116 1 cut ; he culd senrcclv c ill bim. ll uoi e dcal, nod he found Tom I andscer ' tw i soie 111 Mlii ." I' pn his own bca'tu isli? drunk, liuod expl mncd that a ci-rta 11 tremri mr ol l is hand mis not trom palsy or ami.', nut nn in. lit auon In h s bBnd to suakn leli syi h every enr nrisent. At ihs time he was w irking far Tile .' AH'Tiirl'y llieiinj - it " ss hiloihesiin shone; his lighlbeartednras an i iiiiprovcmenl r.f health In a socond yi. to bcoilcnd. The wiiur drscrns?s his last djys as finliws : The la-t Cliiblii H- he spent in tl-.n world was mr unliable to bis chlorvn ihntiy frun ibe Tact tl at, while the men)' eaon eanm round mnliii and happy hs n u it. the once sprlttbtl) soul has lardvniu ai Ibm ; Ibe brilliant wit eunld no' git up the a.i'U-lomt d liitie pyritecbincs of Ca'hlu north to illuminate tno family re.ioic i. ks. Ti e 1 heertul spirit that hud tatineupa.) j. mi and uruiKl' d so bravely w. j lieaueu and biokm uow. Tc.ra came into his ryea to sec t at be "searei ly u:t l. p'ed tu appear cbtvi fui." His wO'k was oone ; be ha I taken to his h 'd for the last lime. He a re-ixued aud serene, a old and loving tiicmts iia ucrcj round f ir a partit k pn'ShUre of the hand, and smib'd a th" n ai y trbutcs of sflc t!on weie sent 10 him by ftrapgrrs : ami ligt oiln r teti 'er tokens o! k 11 1 ness were some viuieis from ibe coon'iy, seut by a laiiv who bsd h-ard that he loved tlie peri'ume cf these little liowers. One night bis mind was wani'crir.g unch:.t, nnd In a voice InelT ibiy laibctic he repcatod some Haes of the Har n'is N liii's (not liuras', as tiie editors ot' the "Me inoiiais" stem to think). "Liud of the Leal," btglui loK "I'm wea in' awa'. Jean." But tcne ralli lie aus rem rsablv (aim, and on his lea- rnies lav n soli nm iTauty 01 repise. Spring rnme a iih her balm and be'anty.nn l ho li ricl for the soft, warm e r aud the piea-ant sunihiiic, tin um often and vagerly t jardstbe window. He said once. "It's a besnti'ul w jr d, and since I b.vela..n living here ! b.ive th mght ol It more ami more. It is not so nad, evi-n hu Biao sjH-ak'ng, us ieop!e waild m ike :t out. 1 have hud tome very hit py d ys while I lived in ii.Biidl couid have wished to 'Ur a liflc liaicrr. lint it is all fi the istst, and we shall u'.I miet in anntrcr w. rbi." As tne last hour came, fce b.ndly aod urni- r y b:esed his children, aa 1 clksplMt the band of his wire, eairl, "iteiae.uD. r, Jane, that I forgive ail ad, :.s I hop to is for given." They hiaid him whisper lam ly. "0 Lord ! say, Arise, take np tliy cross, ai-d follow me." His lust words were, "Driiig! oying'" as if glad to pane the rest that was Implied tn tLvru. On Saturd iy, at noon, M .y 3. 1S45, the head ache aud the I taruclie were over: ihe turobb uif biow was quiet fur ibe L og r st ur.d r he kkI of Kensall Green Ceineery. Tuouius H.tod, the man of mary suOerings a ul mt p iti'-nt spi-it, had passed on lib way tbrounh the vaUev of the oaik sLado-, lighted l y the sunshine of a heart at peace. His lid bful wile, wbo cinag to him iu me, was not louc uiviueu iiuin uiiu 111 uceeiu. j.i the lannuuue of an old poer, ibere were btit elpbueu months of wiKnne, aod the grave became their aecond marriage-bid : lirsU) coeiu ma seisr roaa ana wile, Becutfc. liny tS'tll UvcJ 'jut ni' lilt, rfnc ! t""0 rrsaiT, eo not setp ! 1'ese! ti e Invr. i'f a-lee.p. Ti e, s t'l'sjt spuilK, lol'leii I e In liw tall k 01 t'tal Love ojutd tie." A Nr.w CitAt'TfcH op "The Story op inn Gi nb." The Lorda of tne Admiralty are '.uruing li veutorr. Ihe Duke or imiTMit nan a am m n- nre lOO tx under named lilm an 1 Admiral Freuerlek h s Iuvent d auo her lUl-pound.-r. w th shunt till og and ab- ut i-iiub bore, wh eh will not hie tound shot, anil whlih weighs f4 tons. This gnn hns not turn tried, nut as it is Invented by one of "my ords, us cood qu i lues re taken on tiust. U" firy ol tin ui, cs'iue lyj) apiece. have been ordered, the Admira'ry sunplyiug t:e lalih.aud Wo"livieli the work'. This f'iitii Is uMc to irmove mountains. A the f.ri;n time thor j is at Woolwieh a pile of one hundred aud iil'-y Armstrong guns undergoing the op. rvtiou to which the Irishman's kn le w-is su'.jeced that of bavltig a n w libido and a flesh h iu'11'5. These guns aie bavins a'l their t iln s mken out, and are being convened I ruin nreicu .u o mail, e- loaeierr, in other words, Mr V . . 1 1 nn Armstrong bus ulmndoned the hre' eh-loniling cvsteui, aud is altering bis rilling. This will lm a ens ly j m, the i.u.ioii will never know how costly. 1'ho VI pohuders kre also tajing slmrteni d, aud thu 11U i.nuiineis are also havtuii solid orexU-uii'cis prepartd lor tbem iu pla e of the itu-iuu v -nt pine-. The guns thus "restored" will laiar the otUiiDal ilnte upon the trui.nio.i, and when they ci ine to he tiied will he credned wi h a.l the rounds which tbf y stood i tfore liicy had n uew Insl.'e aid a tr.sli outside. InelnrJaor toe Admiruny must know oetter than iho unln li ited tl.e value of these teilinoniali in ebarter. Yet, in siil'e of their beucr knoled-;e, in so to of a.l these roptated failures, ih. Ii fai'b, as we have said, la so great mat tuey nave ordered ntiy or AUuilral Krerieilek's guns lajfore they have tried one. MaiKltti'i'r a ourier. "Who Can Mimstku to a Mind Disfabkd ?" The following "ue-pera e ' ellusimi, says the Hut I. an Vlteirrr, was on-Red up 'n the neiKlioor- h. od of a vil.'ag in the llueliuo diatrict tnu ot'i. r day, and e are sure our renders will coinmiser s'e the v. ofnl cotnliiinu ol'.tbn nnliappv Hivln, wbo is in a quand.iry wne lior ne "wd gj mad," ui, or "ioive my pi"'- nun go tioui :" i' Aprue b iojs. "Ml Dei n s'e Ji ene. "I, ttk this cbano . I le in n nn 'hit I ht'd that u nr I' d 1 In fw it 1- not tru fur u no thut 1 lov u J mot teiiial and thnt if It is iru it will ma e mi i hurl lino a bunder .nd tlliey peeee I a .rdlio no v.t.iit I am d"Hi I thi. c thu'. the arth ia gotn nut am th lui f' t an I I iio n it no what to do out mi I 1 n r s e it I' I ti u I i blue I tv I g i in dor I toiiic 1 wi'l dl or 1 ihimi I ml Imv ti lu vc my plaj un l gu In iu, iiou v hen u iiel tills u ni'i-t ri' n o a Inline lov li-irie . ml ii I in- H' I' is tru hut d i not aja iluil it is uu and as tui at uit4 I wi.l com and Uiu.i u in) til ut tue term. '1 Rumen urj for ever and -vcr, 0 J " Tur St't i iTon avn Tim I'iti:mi:ii. vn-ing tie if sit of ) e'ltie.' wo. I,s were tin- ii oi Uo lute Li rd Idttin htid Lor.1 l'a incfiia. Thu li lUlel Is in the possess. ou of Lnly l.Ui", out the mtt r w 118 in ver loiiipie'ett. It wua kt sj Im (i in lii.nil, lli.-t Lord l'a meiMon declined iniitinii itig ihu Billing. Hus was .it tint time that the hctitiiuir was husnd witu hi.- two llave- h ck sn tiie-i the i ne lor Trafalgar Hu iru, ihu i oil er tin s-uiid. riiinit. 1 a ss on nm ..n ol prihaps the last sil in tbut 11. lines piiued tao n nvt isa inn viliu, jey itcws, my Lord, fr-' ii I'ruin e ? How (i.l we. .land w ill Louis N.l pillion?" Lord I'almers on raised his eve'iiows lor uu i. slant, he. kid sur,iri-cd, but q deny mi swenil, "ki-al.y, M". il -lmet, I d .u'l Ktuwil buve l.ol ften the newspapers." Cj;n.'oii Ifuyj ..iif. On. Painting ami F It a, ou Pwntinos on Walls The I'lojjheiy tbat tkn preeul du-laii'-ti would he the lust privileeil t j -nu ven tran s ol the (uico plcri- ti" ph ttire of "1'nel.i .t fu per," hy Lei diui'.o da Vni''l, is unf'-rttt'i'ttely I ori.e nut ly the state "I thui work. A moi-f eoui I'ti ie wrt .ik eiinnot well be eouu -ivart o en n ph te tl al it Is ii ". tlunft tmpct-il.ti' ti) di'Hi. f tvsh even the outloiH uf the prin '.ipul tliinre. 'i'bi. p'cture m-iv be ei'-d as one of ihe most le n uik.'blu in.iL.iie s of ihu ixiri-liuhja namrn of oil ioIois, liaa tiu'shcj aiioutild. l.ond IIom'ITsi it?. The lute Ir. Thynea, to well Lncwii t'4-bis lot a ot pood ciiiiiik, one elay paid a visit to tue rr.'j ntrui l.rd 11 . lie was shown 1 io the iiu.i'i;--iuom, wtiure be found h s 1 oid-l. p a one snil en,;ni.d ia cr.iUfi a i-'uon.t little 1 n.l ci . A'tii't iking for sum a u-ue, fii) Docor, who wis i ct'ii.g huagry at the s gUt, tiiid. "Mv Lord, I ibink It w 'Uld he a gratt s rttt-h i f lios. imliiv weru your LordaMu to say, I uoeior,pry aoaa i urn aoin;'. Well, ius- I V i," tuia Lt.r.l R , "piy do as I :n d'jitj J foliotue and tat your OBUuiuntr,' pDMUfcD A. EODDEB 4 00, COMMISSION MKHC1IANTH, AND 6niP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, JJOCK HT1UJKT WIIAUF. riULADELFUlA. issrsn a. soi-nsa, , asi HISAI.b ot 1 1 r, siaiiis.K t. s., iii.a, a-lf SDK. . JUCil,.)I0w"L S KI.ASTK o its I'lltTmirai-TssssOrntrbse has- l Oua T.ii. ..'ros. m- ' 11. ' t. -" -.. ih 4nn ,,, ttsnili't' .hs vtr 10 ali wnh os..r o)'iloel - ban raa be ilrnim I- ..r ii.y inlir crutch Ths t,. Ta, t9 aj to lr s;.; "a t" aeiy criiteh tslQted Oss-m,. 11 s RTU 4 V sfIO lu ft- II' R. "BiSIiSrrasl.riaio. tTkMVmt. Zi? V. AUI-; TNjI1LTF., Nt. U ffUi v K If y 11 HIT , n'mhj Mnrn. t Unn'iirri fmiM st :iy eurttl H fcv I. t-,r ru i rf-'ninni P m-ut Willi lirtl'tJ.H jTtif Tf.iH-3. ..t-T Kits) c n in. K.-sif t t,. v i. ar -ir.i. Hliott i.r Itriwct), 1 1 on t'sif). V..r , Ac mrJ-'i ly THUS ST. 8. ;tCRit. &o.. M'11 " ' H. -.VA,V. ,eT. !' i'iit-m ftT wmrt petHlnc"1 nr 'H'lii-, 1 V t I II hllvi'l, tt'-iT m-lMv HttOt. Tlie in -itl rniit.t"t Hill "uri'l ftsM fc nn tlV eon-l-lln:, Hi ,'. of t rv 'mvivinTit. i-nMpr It r- ', li"'i F MKri HtocllisKI, yS"tC for nr"r.wic. Ho-'n.. Ma. il-)ni ARTIFICIAL HAND. II. A. UlM-FA. l-jr-ntn fttiil M tiiiif.umrtr of th Jl 1 I H (,' I A li A. U M, AH'fivVril ttiul -iloplMl HT It"' KTRCij:OK-(:KNrAl, UK If NTTF.D 8TATKS, tur i"l4t'ri. Jf t "rii'tti.fni U iU'i iii- (ui iu r.tnl Fctr at So. h ft I )' t II nl-'t. tU tloor bf low brucv, MiiUdfc, ssVMsswtts2la.flakU' t7vaBywa.fc.w FI.AHTIO rsTlTOH S K W I N t MAO 11 I N K B, TnE HKS.T lit t E. spM No. CHKs-NirT Rtvawst. 'ANTl:l TO SKl.L OR EXCUANOE, tf flip le ' l'is via- liinc. 1 .... Unix r A noising Vs. bins, 1 !.e M'pr , An.1 all in. !'-" tsI KsV.rni XU'lunos. All furnlihed ft Ave. t orlnrl t t All k. also, sil ,i"i . 1 sneil Hand Machines, tor Bale sad li.iaiii'el at k . nrw ocise 'r L1AVKVH A FAftKSF.R, K ii n. Fl'iil ru str', (Orsr ten yrais viib bluire'r Cm.) Ladles taasM to ctraie. ' Jell iu , 1 M V RO V EMKNT IZJ.v u uf a.:b" 1 si in 1 .ilri mc 1M1'H(KD OVEKSTRUVG PI A Nt.H, Arknwvt-T.l hr trr kA iin anTt iM Incird ly th ) : b-1 rii't l ijn-t in a norl' 1 r.t? ir'i'V-n n fh M'i1r. t n -'c it fr J to the nnt rt loiponisTit Im Hit V na Kwit-i. hy n d ttstti ! N'H' .rwtisW. tri mrmfM po !')' TO.nrno of or bm lrm ( mh ri, wlihodt any of ib wtnt i ttml I rlilLa.Bc fa.r Lih J.rp IMi.'i .o nu hratsul W-liis liM. anl tsl -iii.wn). an Impn.vtd Toncu ani ActluO. rci or im rotj' i. 1 htf li toi.toi.U ifK.H?? ?YA7r. MFrL t th a ttr. ( C IB l,.nd n. ai w.-! th Hlffh-t A anla .r at cpUura, tivin tlt ttifti l-'aira ad lo imuiMln u.uc-nuT. WiraruuM, o. Tfi AUVU Stnx-t, blow r''h. jmtf.itu l'ftlaiipiil. COTTAGE OIIOANS. Of lm.1 n6 h", tlftsip-wd Tt1n y th'itrfcr and Hcbctl but to it i- .uaj wtil auivjaUxl lo U.'rls3ti ftiti Iiav tt. a amjOi. orkkjonlj by pRrrs JtA, ttrivlrt aaoruiiii of Ui I'arieet Mtip.ios Q. W. 81M0E8 ft BROTHEB. 8ATM1M CTKEET BALL, PKILAiELf H1A, KAStrrACTVAXBs or JLWKLKY, FINE BWORD9 A ()B4-tf ' tflllTARy OOODB IS EVEaT TAJtlHTT. T A JI M HAH HUB'S J WBOLBBALS ASK HUT A II, CLOCK KHTAnL.ISIIMK.NT, 6. K.oorner SbCOKD and tUaoSUT Smels, rtulad'a. aorscT pos tt 2 ramaT CQrALIlUNO TDlKfY-DAV CLOCKS, A verr desuait.. article fur Chinches. Hotels, Banks, CouriOlif-l'i'i'.. Pa- S'rs Ae'. A4..IANI tM Till I U OF FIKE r.'VIJ) Pl'VS. ILoiiH liEI-Altltll AMD AHANiJ). Jal-J-'y i.'k ck TiuiuaUms uT every dnwripcua. --v JOHN S. WILSON, IMPOHTKH AND frDetiwUi WATCatS, tiM JiWtLUlK.aud aiana tMtl 1 urtuitf of HII.VP.R WARB, o.n JtlSTU atrecl. al-veArta.ninadftplua. Ttie hut.' sst pi '! paid lor 'd Hltver. ni vTUtlt '.' aGKAy7n. B. CORNEROP 81XTR 1 1 and MIMik rimeis, buys liiamu ads, Wattfiee, tiula, Silver. and l ean 1 'etcts. HIO- IJi WANT Or MONKT, t-'AXA. All htulnras eaflienttai . Bvln-Bm pEE8IDEHTIAL 0A1IPAIQH. PLAOHt BANKERS ABD TliAUOPASEtTOlXS, -V.VSI. i". HciiEiiinia, No. 49 8. THIRD STREET, Aleve Utieinut, rhuaoelpBia. It ANUTAOTUKJta or FLAGS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. roUUcal Caa.ialsn Clans fliwd out with Lanterns. B-adats, Banners, and flairs at raaauBelue raws. JeAta fOR TEE ARMY AUD HAVT. K V A N H Jk HAHHALL, MILITARY FUKNlSHKItS, No. 41H ARCH HT11EKT, PmLAfiU.t'ilIA. Banaers, kUslmental Aaa Oompaay FUtgSt Swords. Bats., Iisits, Pasi-sata, Kpaiu'.. Hsu, Caps, Canteens. H."r.atit.Cia Kits. Pw'l ', Spurs, and every tM. t isirtaliuiia u -bs ecraplele os'At of Arssy sad Savy Oditrrs. A Ubaral discount sJloweo to the trade. mylOha T 11. I-' t H T B It, AWNINCJ MAKEll, INo. 4 13 iV. Tllllll Htreot, aXOVB WILLOW. t;sTA13L.ISHfca 1844. ISMNIII, wjOJt coy ER", rLAOR. BAILS, TEXTS, TANCT ViRAHDAHS FOU WTHDOWS. AH I'n-ls of wart done iir.uupllr, Bud .Raaued to pa soaany.bjl JOMKpH H fr'i IS l'KK, ho. 413 N. T1IIHI) Hfav.KT, arOO-Sai Anovs Wulov. ia A. J H I UUNTINO K It A O H, or snrtKum quality, RIL K K Ia A a B, OT 8UPKH103 QITAMTT. M U 8 Is I N K Ia A O 3, or bupwiob qvality. fctxifls. IIallltvrsls Iulloy, aSto. theleeala aud Vstall, st W. TL. H0I12TMAN.N tt B0K3, nrril and cnitsftT Hireeta. pjUlN'llNGI" PAHNTINOll Eo. 47 8. THIRD STREET, , - ABOVB ClLSSSl'T, ptuutderplua. KAUV t Jill()TIII:it. rorax. bki. a obsahksitaL paisteru AtratBiLs, laiiStf.OUdintOB OlaH, JUItcOAiauw. Pape. terauAUia.Att iff WElCnT&SIEDALL'U T No. IIO Mnrlct Rrppt B'TwrEW r RO-rr ajtd bcod stsirKTH. r. w. wi.n.nt. ' sinnsix DUUOOI8TS, PHYSICIANS, Al) riK.NEKAb fnonMirRpKRB, C r.4 at nns f : aui ! hmsmt a ru tl n iniri it a ttnp-irta sari laansMIe Dt'wa, Pf.ttular Psleal 14 .li:lites, Pains, Ci'S' nil, tui'liiw lils-s rrs-CTlpllna Vials, Ac, at as kw trams as seo'llns rtrtt-elsss rneirls ran as soil. risF. i'sukstiai, mi. rull ssrtity soil of Uie h"t qinlt-y. res' tnsal. Ilenrat Ind'tn, MsilOrr. Pot Ash, On iiwar, oaa m.. Alum. Oil "f VI sonsltn,,r5slract M I ouiski, e., roll lit KM' o-e, always on hauil. at kwtst nl cash tr'a. Pt ILB NI'ICEJ rOU fAMIt.T fBE, llmnnd eai-rp-siy rnreur sales, amt to wkloh we lovlle the sltsn'S'P rtf Pass In want of rsllsnlr'es. Alie, 1X0100, BTAHCU, MUHTA&D, aV., Srtra f vffA'v. Oriers by irsH-i-rcHy K.m vr.11 r wun prompi v ts.iitK;n,or spieisl quotailem wtil be furauinid wheo ra- Wlmleia e llrvt; Aareliousa, Urll-ly No. lln W .MtKEr aiove rmnt. fin CLOTHS Of EVERY VAKIKTY, V lnalinlartiin d and rr ssls Hv llaawnrs.K iumli. e"i j-s lm 1h IMM'a atreet, PllUsd. tTLCHLT "fc.KKASEs V SKCR ET "dISKASKS ! O hAMal.irtN S .ill . ! ISIllll A(H IHI TI Tes. Mot ('u t us I'.i.v.i.bii : an Vsi.n, r a e"slios i'its f nr (.UNOtiltllir. Kl.l.fT. RlHICTl.KF.I, c, I'nnialii n Mli"-rsl. e-o, ne Vlenury. n( . U11 t"Us in Ih- lakn n nrei a ' ". I e-vs t rr.ia !.' tn I' r i .y-,nd r''nt oa -es In "tvei.y-f"ir It.mss. ' Pr'-'.sr.d bv a srad'lH'e in l::S t' i.f I's.-ns.v vunla. cue uf His ia".l eunnuut 1 101 ' r. sri'l ''In uitsis .f 'i . resent il iy- so esi"!.i'Kii. mi ill"! 111s. so ilium. wilATKi'Kn. ) el ll' se so liav Uesnire-1 of vtllav' cured or who hsv-etieiu snrsd wltb UsUaul Oupaiva, or alereury,at uui eti) ll.c fiAMARITAN II Oirr. p. ni he insll la a p lain enve-i'. I in e.' 11 ale .niate. i. Kea.alc, t-l. Hl.OnHI III OOli 1 1 BLO'iU! nLIS'tUIIM srti'H'lA, niTH'. Nonm. fPoTS, TK.rri.rtn, (H I UN Kl'Il.M, 8i T1IIL1S OK VS-Mlur AL lllsKAREB, &C., Ao. HAM III' TA N hoot ami iii kit JincEt It rflt'id 'l-e l-uu'lv a. a -e furs. PVII1II.IM ill IMi'ttll, IlsK.MK.a the P.AMA IlllAN S Illl'l iCr, Is the tnesl imienl. rrruiin.a-d eilietlial r-iii"'y ever are:rilieo ; II resr'n's anil naiic.tis rierv tall I" ol'ls v.Tieeal KilS'ili o tnat th" enri- Is ihon.ii. .enusn-'it. i ake t en "I 11... .nrM I- : irni.dv a il li Leai'-d. end da ii"l lraiitnlt in j.iiir po.leiily that tur ablcli jou ma reueut in alter HO SIOT IIK8PAIIII A'thotiili von nn I p'onoi.te-i 1 incurahli'.the StMA HlTA.Ne lllOTand UKUII aL'll'KM Villi remove every v. .iii" ' tu.i'i.ii'iss ti'.iu u.e .y.leia. as weu as ad Uui bad i fed- ol t rcurjr. FKMALFRI FBM.M.KS! In Biany iillest'ors Willi wl..-h nnmliei-s i.l' Keinal''. tn; it, tlie l:i UT ANI ItKUil .ILU r.H m et lia.'inlv ail.i"d. In I reraled I n-rus. In linen tin a. In U-'irnut il.oen. 1 al lus nl il.c Womb, l.i bilil.'.snd 1 r all eonii'lidula Il i leenl In II ' t.-x. riant ti- e.snrtis TV-e tl a hottle. nr ti bottles for t.i. tAHA 111 I AN li I Is, In '-st nf aiteulK, used In emine'l n with tlie Itiiot ai.rt" f ull .'iren'l-jiis. I'rn-e n eon's. I lie etneaev ut tie e Is a.lkn a-' by r'itiili.ns anil lain-lils. 'Ihev nm u.i-d 111 the litiliiii! rits is lli.'ils.t. ilius retloiuig liraitll to many ol our trr.v.. tolilie' s. Ftuin t.' Ii'ildmora "Sun:" MIlAl- '1UE Ml lll.K'l.Va HAT OP THE BAMAl'ITANH KS.MBIllsai "fuss Hi-suai.. Knar MtasHAiL, ( Ksluoiaia. Md , KeV JO, l-S'l. ( "1 nave treat satisf.iion in s at ra .lint I liatetisrd Tht .sut.a-iua vLr...-Ji.ji- for V. nerval Illsoane lu I'S it oit ciitn B.a'.v ft'tbi. ; bsi 1 have used thera wlyi Jtidtt- Bent. al.rr' It'll, anu ro-periy, anu navo innnii incui ir.r.i.a In n r ai-iirm.' nroailillr Slid efleet'ially. K new Tp t; elf n'tuiil'li.a. 1 nave tlie fullest cjiiil leiu-o 11. t) sir ireae, ana as I r as lit) use Ol meiu aavenus, t rveinui.tnu u.iu n ,.,., -SI.I lir.ll J. Ilimr..', " Jtn New utW Vols." H he nadersteud that remedies am as ree'.m- mended. and will posiUvely curs th. diseases lor wliii.b i.v .ie t...eiea. riluby R. C. rPIIAH, Mo. ir, H. F.IHII 1 11 Street. IlKSMO-l) I'll , Jy'-tuthtlftn No. i'U KsCK Btrsck RAILROAD LINES. 1SG4. CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIO R1LH0AI. RrVMVH AllUANtlKMP.VT. TIII1UI '111 IN TWO IIOl'USMt Sn,.f lr.1; . rf.iTlv til AIIaiisjo I'ltV. On aed nfier jmoNIiaV, July 4, Uauis leave Viae street Ferry ai roiio. : t'.ll.'-.mA m. Freight, stlth iassenper ear attachrd.9 It A. M. Ks press fl.rooKli In liuuis) 'J (0 P. H. Aualrlc jtcc-'ii.iiciiat"'B, 4 ti P. M JulMU'ti Ai'cenmi tu.ll1 n, n-;io P. M. llKTeltMMI I KAi'KH ATLANTIC, Aeonnuii'. a mil Atlantic) o'lt A. M. 1- npie.k, 7-ns AM. , rrtltM. I l'-'U A At. ilAll,-6 1' M. .1.. m A. itntlon. SSl A. M. lure U-Ail.-n I. , ti ll Itouuil Trip TlekB's (snodoaly for Ibe dsj sua train on w-ien uiev .re b tat. K.X.'IIA It Alilitt.NHtlLII TilAlN'tJ, leave Vli e s'se.-t 11-15 A. M. and I is) f M. laave UuddoilU. Id I'l'. P l. sndt 46 P. At. ON sUVIllVS Mall t ain fnr Atlanti - leaves Vine street 30 A.M. l.esv ps AtlsnUO 4'4b P. M . JOHN O. BUY ANT. Apsnl Tiebar whlchvas made last year has emirelv dl.ap vand having ihe btae'ione ol sho most dvLfhUul oa the cfissl. msvij3! NORTH PENNSYLVANIA j . U r. . . . u . . 1 I. i. uur.,t irtiL' u YuVl 'iWW. EARTHS. Msll'U lillJ.SK. llAZLk. Jt. WU.KK"llAf.HI' Wli LIAVN'tlKl-. hi 11WUI AHUANHKMKNT. Allltl I'lllMAI. TKAl.t.S. Ob and aPer MONUAY June 18. Ism. Pssssnrer Tra'as wUisravethe new lieurt. llllllll Surue-U ataiv. inn. up s. n street, 1-kiUdclplaa, dally ibuadays exoepted), as follows : 7 A. SI. (Kspress) f. r Bethlehem, AHentown, Mauek ri.iinR. wiisetl.arre. w luiAiusiMtri. tf,A a M. , A. itm mod it o .) 'or lOTloston 10-16 A M t Aer .nunvdntloti' lor I'o't iV4sldruiton. S I'.Al. ( Ai-eou UHi'ial.ou) mr llnvlsstown a-IA p. At (Kspiess) ua- .'elniebem, KituiD, Ao. 4'I6 P. V. IM-.U) lot I",ilS.I..0 b I.'i P. M. (Aes. nimi'Oail'.u) .r Ilelhlrhein, Alleutown ai d Vaneh t nui.a 6-1' p. II. (Aec twdation) fr I antdale. 11 p. AI.t.serrmBi.'iIa l'"0 ti" r'oit W.-HlilnirUia. IkAISS tldt I'llll.Alitl.l'.ll A I ears B Mil" l.etn at ti- Ji A M .i viia. M.,a-"ltW P. At' tietti- at Mi A. M..S43 P.M., and 7 r. at l.aueilslp sttl A M. lort Wa.bil'Kloliat 11 ?9 A. ST. and P. If. ON UMia rbilaieliihla for P. tl ieh. tu at A. M. Pheafell'tna n.r tv h"-lnwii at U I'."r Ph.iaeii-H'l'.a ai 7 i A. M. tt. o..a. .tn ter l'l..U..i Isles ut 4 . M. Ilililiiali's ItairifHite Bill esll aid deliver bsttsns at tl.e ditt. Oruers lui.y be kit al No. lit H. Hli I D Birieb J.I8 riLLlS CI.AP.KaenL rr7nnj-,i. PHI LAD EL I'll I A AND MW Sir"',, Til'-NMM A Nil CAMIItM AND AillOl AlA.LHoAU C'liAtl'ANIl.H. Ne, 1 11 ML rnand anev MONHAI .J-mnary 4, lull, the Trains Rt evi lnrs. lease k hsii.i'-a'i'n im.-o'. rnicueni'ii, ai -i M. I tiKl.ti. aniw hi I". il., ana ine trains iuavuik i VnrL ' s A. V n.l 7 lliP. M . isill lii'teal'ier M emi c.t eluslvely lot the t). fid aoites ttstla and New York atd at'lilli'li'S I nut' '" si "u. i.w iu m"i -. "iHi am ta tei n rt It-Iween .a'U el'iss. Tl.e 1' A. al. Aiid iz vtiU.'.L'ul l.ui"S r."m srwnmio tl al It-tiK'ti, sno Hie Hi, A. ...ndP M. Lines tV'ta V it1 u.tloii ts ew York, v.' i.l Con'inut as al prise d. and car t p-it'-tn.'' Ts lo .nu rr-iii n.c iu 'na uia-a sutuous ai d llaliluinre, WaihlnijiO'i, a d New Yolk. AllHAMif.MK.ST8 BKTWKKN I'HILAritl'.I.PIII t ASU M-.w tenia lines leave ptillad'-lplus. torn Ketisincton Depot, at It 16 A. Al.. 4' ii a d (iM,-, p u so: li Al .nur 1 rri'in Wsh i.t S're I VI h.H i vl i I a-ndeul, all; S A VI VI Ut ,4 anil l i . st , mr Hew V IL. lie .fivi. srw rir... ir.-rti I .'t, .'i i oomsnai .tis--, 7 A. M.. I' A. M si ,4 'l.l ' l'. M., a "I li tnl.l.nB anrt r Eu lout t.1 uaru.S'. ltd" tlt.v " "". irs. J.',-tl V, il A. UAT.MI .1. AaeuL SHIPPING. ff M'F AM tZL-tfaJ.-A-V IKI, IHU Il.t i . s I'Tntiu n tf mt PTFAM WJ.KlvI.Y TO UVUL uk ill .'ue tut O'irfc II trl..r Thtiftt. L v-ri4iii,Nt)W lurH.anil 1'iu' 'it, i.i iie - (MY V HALT!Wli;r. J HturtUy, Jmitj 16th. I" 1 ?.A, . .I'liy i'Hd. I.l IN IU Mi. hH.uniitf . Julv 3fHts. Aiiiii-T' nuoct. tlit t buturiUi.w H'O'i, froiu Tier Hw. 44 IStillll BlTCf . HATKH OV ASS(iB. FthM m Csold, ur H- fin ! in i'unvnoy: Ih tr-t Ha lit Imim( Hu'fr-i 1- ii -t 4 fcbin tw Ia dnu K'. -tj )Ili't, to I otuV-n ... A Mi p ll-i rut,.j It. Parti ... U.V U Hiwitfi t i 1'iuj .! flui i'mb r U'llmutmrtt ' huerirr in Utt'ii'-urif .. 7X I'mtp'itcro NicaiKti tii'ts, Hrf1 to . l-s ri,,lirvuicii. iu'.ti- 0am. Ain f rp. Ac, a c utHy low ru't i. 1 u ci fr. u Mttrp ul tr Ou- eiiiJlMH ii : -Kir! 0-i(i. t': f A. HlftJirt IfMII I. IV 1 ll'Mf A id 't''.WH, -t. 'J In ri FO Hot 'U itcj to iMvj frlUtJ CA'I l'U. tckeu hen if .Ifff r'f Icrlunbwr Uilufii.ftUou i-pl i t"a Coirc-hny i oliltoi. Jotiai I'.vLi:. mi-. Jo IU WAI.SUi btrtit. ritiletiit.iuia- liOSTON AND nillsAPKLHHlA r Hi s. l whH f ttltit.M l:i;i' Kirtt t iti'i n :i-t m. ki d I. Whttrt, liirtt- ti Fnim lint vtiir ' 'ctil c'li t tt on n uriav. JiUj lti lvi Tl.. mii .win r In KUdN.M.t'tM'i. hfxl) from Ph: t t lui lit" t"n. to HH .TflHjr, Jcly lit, lu ic4 a M ; i U it ., r.aiAcr. from Ummmi f. r I'MMtit'tt bitt on t(U Ih, at 4 P. fti . 'II-mis ,t- nil kl ttNlt.ii4i I'tMtlDoh yt fjTtn 1 t-WtTlleVr lin, win- tt-ni fard p rt ii'-ntiu. il Kt'd Ii. i .i tt. iiticitd t ov bftU Uv j)tUil(iiu OUArtttKl on IIUI t"-t IH. ' l.tiu rk'u at ttir ni'rt. 1 hUj i'tr ir ie jut ttU u tnd lllp Beeelpti and BUIt Lf.ti-ii vit Hiftr t dj. 1 ni KilU tr I'Mtwi (harlni fltie 'fnmmiil4'1nni) pt-K to lifrMLV WISftiiK A:0, itt-i-U No. 8-- . DKJ.AU'AUi: Afiu. t FO It Mi W V O U ii. L RS PA i'( J fi liiiul .hi iti-uufri nf llu Uu r.' Iim.- di' m i.'i.ceM-k M andbv'iijck P.M., trow third putr a-M-v w in 11 '-. ir ft.UI't i' t li will b ta-n on aoeomni'xUtln firm r ' T t Wli I.I. Od M. UAiJU. iU- At. Uk JjLAVt AUK, AtvuiM. RAILROAD LINES. SIIVVBVl ViV . - . . fi CHIH.l. Kl .4t')Al. lv') I. 'liiK l.aSAl IKll lll.K IKAl j; Hli III T aiil'TR T1 TH FI W Rar. S"H 1 HWI.'.r A Si II H.ltr T II KST. Y.alpwais set etcllli" fr tke safe, stiilv. and w B r'nblu usntpnrlsllois, 01 ussteUHsr.,aaaurpAsM 17 .ay rvlite In IS.- .iint y. Lsms ! ,n Depot at ELEVENTH ant MAKKF.1 Blnssls . as, allows 1 Mail Vfs.a si 7-S A. 1 I .t Line a It Hi . M Ti lOi'lti Fst'iess a' I SI P. M. l'1it'. t.i rir-lr."ii. No. 1. at vionA. s s..'sibit ir I run. ho. t. a I ill .a l'mr"'".rii A'''"ii'iii.'la t"ii at I s l M l.sness sr 1 rain ai I li P. M i .... Aie'itpui's s. inn" mis 1. ni si"P. st 1 l.r lu li I'ar.rmers b' lbs r'.isi T.'na rrsfli sl'o,ai 'nf snpiwr. vtitre w.-l n- f"'lii'' ssctl'eTit nc.Ta.ini'l .! -t, '.r i' elth-r the l''l 'S'l'1 1'MS "r "-S II leirn s. sscn of II .. I.l. VI 'I Jl'iu '..n-'-. - ....r-.iw sil.ilcii"l s VTt. ..,i, "T .H a 4.vl .h. sh-w Is ii" s aroie.'.ii'f ti,. tnilra Ur.eana in ro,i,'nr;o;',,h KmV' " TrsU, n,n lUIIyi all the oU. "X,: KS THK WF.ST. TleVi.l Trala. .S' l.llie.ard Tl r..i.Kli f.x.rl'SS sen. PS. I si fill 1 1 It s all u In-"' all 11 airs nn ail do a fn ' '"el torn IS l.ln'.N.rli O.JI" !..'. -V "?o airland M' V "" " ' .""' ""4 -r, V... J! II r-t'ts .Trss l by railroail. I hr.i'Wl T'et" 10 tlelard, Iielrnll.: h ...i.-n.Ht. Paul. O I n.le,.. I H'. I "HI'. I.' 11 "'" 11. 1 an-o. " I " tni'.l'ineh Bs t. 1 o .nvine.i mm. si n a-l ptl.'"" poinis. ami l'Sef el " l-'1 r ni h. il lllrAM' !l llvtl.KOAtl. TtisThsenvti Ksfre-s. wBu. at I' l I . M , cn in"-t s' nur r. sm w'.ili a tra.o nn nils lur EiiMi!r,',,As"-?iir.. fKs:it RvtruiAi.. 1 in I hnm-h K v rvn irntn. Isn.ntf at u-i f. M . o n-pi.l- at Cr.-tiuii. arl" A. M..t h a ti iVn on mm r al ff.r I lt'piiu.g. A tnin a!o Irat'-t'n'ii.uO fx Ku-iitetia.g aIH4i.r. M. . fc ...a. ''J- I. Tr.r llfld Trlh rtl 7 2o A. M , and 1 linn u. I'.vprr-M in-. 0 V. M.,cv.n"K t Al o'iMwim tra n.f'r iioiwon, l . . . . . I, It U K II i 1 i ' . ..... B ft a;t on tn It HK AM' I.I.KM'rir.LM nnnt;ri nm 1 Im Tpr.nit.ti i ra.n. n'iin.' m rt hT '1 tf nc v-ttli a 'inifi f.T Sc-1. F iliHpt- t..rK.ptdl.) rul l r.R. i aH.-j liatir 4 r-rnn tiiiuuai. rtt tti- u ur ii i, .tl' U t"1 'is " I"" " lis NTIMIIK'N AND BHO D TOP KAILKOtfl. a i... TKn....i. i ..r.-.'. I r.. n. I. u. I'S at in . o . . st n m- ni Is s; Hi iillis'lt n with a nam f. r lloawed and llioesly ,XlHKh.N' I KKTIIIL AN PIULtUELPIIIA AND lii.ia a.oLinio' r.. flnnlii pr. Wil jim'IK-rt. I.wl llsvrn. KtmlfB. Ro- rliestsr llurs'i . NUtarn Foils, pi,.tai.."S ts-.'tirtne an lias at I 1 a. M , sue l.e 1111..11.. n.,,,... ' .Ill I-. !.. it'.llj eice-t a lavs. d'.e. dy t'"".''. lip. ul eluoi,e of ism between Pi.II trlilrhla and Vi U- V'nVyoiiK. HANOVKIt. and tlK.TTYSHI'KH, thetralel lavl"s at HA M.aU" 2 o. r M., enaneci .1 Uolumoia With tiains iD 0"- N '-tlu'-n i'ah rsl H,illr..,nt. t i iirrsiAin 1 o i.' 1 11 1 1 i.l.".. " Ttis Vall 'l is a at 7 ' ' A.M , and Thnuirh Rspress at In-lOIV et.,coi.r.''ei st lla ri.tiurh wl'h irellit tor arns.e. haliiUrsi'B'S at I'sinr-;'ow . .., tvif.i. . 1 v.. At 7 is A. l sna a-S'f M..eonrie.-t I Ih.r.nlin.loitii wlln tra tl ou lUlt road to Vt asui.aurK ml eli III MBit d ale '.Mil- 11'. KorllUtUO' InlinnnlllOl' apply BT fie i i.ittt.ft n.m-ivm. 8. E. eerrner oi kl.LV S-N 1 H snu , b V ' 2' . il.ltir.s 1 T.i, ..r... I'lam rOMMl TA I ll'N T-.C.'eKTM, Trrt 1 a a a. li m'.iiih. at vtTv I -W f-'tes. T'r the ac c mm-ns'len 01 ie-snn. I V ng rail ol town, or locaU'd on or Bear ti.euai- 01 o-e For W. trip- he"e n a. y tw i isiintt, at ab'Bt Iwo fei's m n.l r '1 1.... ti, b.-t. aie In'-.'t.'ied 'or tlie use "t is'iit- i es usvelina frenite.inv, nnil are i f arvat advaulaae to laircons O' eas'nnsl li-lns. M.-iiinii. TifirKr'i. For nns or tbroe months ftr Uie ut of schrdsrs aitenunt seh'Adlu thvcuT ..n.,,r An mltrsr.t Acor tnniud n .0.1 tr-in leaves Nn PI7 tu. t .in pi .l.ilv iKiitid.ti. strsDli dl. at 4 o elixia I . M ollerine a rria nrla.-n m ue trav.-i i" 'a.u.n.'. "."., al rne-hau nte usual ruio oi .t....,. alt 'iillol. It pud nttisgissa, mr w leli rbis-ks a-a alven, anil I S 'Ufll et"T'S'n"'' I nm .nine n.'u w i.u tor lull lurorniB'i- n a . nv"' , fUANl IS t I'SK, Kmltrint Nn. I 17 1 1-"OK B treat, uie-va n vim HIE KaI-kKSS. An.n.nii.i tin. rli.lile Kar. Ooiii 'sny will pass throned ea. h Ir I'. ie.. .:ii.s Uie deis.t, and lake up .I...., .T.TirfT.1 .r ha ,an.ti. tiTf ntrt or t ie 'Mir. ttsx- a 111 bei'sreil rn- prnniptty wnsu orusrs sre n-o i sue veitlig public aieassosi-d tfoit it tt entirely t tiitpanifltl. llv this route frrliilita o: a III, icilplbnsestibe forwenlad tA .TT.1 it..', ."v n .n:. on tlie r.ulrOAU. ot Orilo.Ksntul-S V, li utal"-. Wi-cliiin. Iowa o' Mlssnnel, nv rsllr..-a.l d-rcrt.or 'o anv -'Kil on the n iviKarie waters ot uta vr..' h. al... r. tra.m I'lll hl.liri. . Ih. r.t... ai trei. In f. ..adft-orn anv BOlBt in the West by Ihe I'ennavltai'laiVnt'al Hillm.d aie atailtl'B.'S as fsvi. rail's a. are chnrsid by other llsllruad,.A ilf s. Xerebat'ts snd sMiir-crs eritiTisiliut die Iranspnrt i.lon ot then frrhhi to ll. It llonipsnr can rely witn lonUUouce oa Its tpeetly uanall. t ot IreiRlu tvuitracis or S"ippinc airwuons, appiy to w addles, the Aiteit'sta tn. e mnp my : H It. LI MiTt. Jr.. ot r.niaaeiptua. 1). A MhWli T, Pittsburg. 'l tin I'1.imu.t. Lt,F.ijsi A CO ilso 1 Astnr Ueuse.or No. 1 8. William street. M w l. rB. i-i'i-ntr sn. 77 wssnmim.n sirs'", notion. ni i.i.ism tin'... ii -". "' .i. w v., . Ak-entK,ruiaruCtntraIi:auv.ay. General Krekht Aeent, rnliad-lnh s. LEWI1 L- H'll'tM', Oeneral Ticket Aape, phli -.deiohla. KNOtltl LE.VH4, General Huperllltcndeut, Altooua. Pa. PniLA DELPHI A, OER- IS MA.NTOWN, AUD HUlUUBrUvYN TIMP. TABLF.. On and after MONtiAY. May in. Isst.iinlU further Botlce S-tllt liFkMAKTllWN. Leave Phlladt leht. .7.8,a. 10, II, 1 A. M. l,t,t'10, BJt. 4. Ii, M,. . 7. a. II. 10, II, II P. T. ' ' . ...n u u ..A A 11 11 1.1 A U lyave vierniaaio'A o .. , i n,i v w. u, m m. . , .J. 3, 4,4,,A, ,l..S,7.8.u. 10. l..and li V. M. lie a -ti down, and the 3V and 5 V trains up, do not atop a th. Ueruiantoivn tirsiien l'll...l I llll.l. KA I.ROAII. Leave Philadelphia. 6. S. 10. li A. M.i 2, i,5V. 7,,ana Le'sve'nietBetHin.710,8,9-40, 1140 A.M. I 140,3-40, f'tu.e-4n,ti'to,and nrtOP. M. , Isve Phlladelplnad.ll AO, 1106 A. M I l.S.K, 5X, tK.Ht' nflllt h. it. . . . l.ave N. rrlaiowB,S,T,7-60, aud 11 A.M.) lX.tS, al.l anrlll P U. The r.,S train an win atop at wissanmaon.aiauayuaa. aau oonsuouucatn "niy. BiTtf irivsvnvir. Leave PliUadelrbla. t. b U6. ut A. at., ih, a, x. o.'i. an ail. ...i il l tl. Leave sianauajl, pi-Ai t -s't c.s. a. n.,e,u, i, and 1 . Ja. H. K. RsfiTif rieneral ftiioarlntflndsnt. mj31 lXs;,ul, MM 11 snd C. It HEN Atreela, U'KKT Jli-.RSEY KAILKOblD ---JV1.IKK--1. el.inni.neitiiiMOJiitAYJuus kv,ltfu4,Itiim WAlJil 1 sirort nnan. toil llAPB tIAY. Al t and lv A. M. s'el at 4 30 P. V. TTA. B.lrm .,..1 llriili.e!,.... mt 11 A. M. ai1 a P. V. S ..r lllAAatMitO. at 11. P. Mild IU A. ii.. Bud 4 and I 'M V U. For W is ut. in v,, c., at 6 sad 9 A. M., Li M., and 4 and Ir. M. lllIHKNINO TRAINS LF.AVB Cul.sMtiy a' anu 11-16 A. H.. and 6 lu P. M. MmvU e at 7 4U A. w.,i nil or.' and 160 if. At. t slim at ti A M and I 16 P M. I'rini.'cn .1 B li A. II.. I'ltl f U. iio...i.n..i : in ..ii, S B A II .2 n.S-iTOan-17'StP. M. u ,.,in,.iy at 7, 7-40 audH M A. M., and 60,3 Hi, 6 uiand sizr.ji. Tins. WPKT .1FRMKY HXI'HI'.SS COVPAVY. 0 m No 6 liAI.Ml Street. - Ill ean tor and deliver Bsiueiie, and allend to ail ttts a nai braneh-s or KeprO' S Bualtest. i-at'V t-ltr.e, in. en tit A. si. u.ei thui, ami .t l.e tent to the i,t!lce in. evene-a ii-avio..i l-erislmb'' anliles kv nils line mart tat sen bei'iietlt A.M. A ipieisi nieeti riiS. ae'tmns les .icn tram, nival J. VAN lui! IF.L..EH. k$. t1ti!iri LAhtLpi -rrrr VEST CHESTER AND PWI- 1IIA SI 1 L KO All, VIA AtklitA. HI'HIVII AIlltA KI1K.MKST. sin sad alter (Kl HAY, April l.l.sH. Uie Trains will leave as r. i...v. a : 1 -s I'liilailelnhla. from 'hell, Bit. eor'n-ror TIIIKTY- "liar .nil -A lii I.T iSiienls, B A. M.UU-'i A. M.,11 SO 1'. M.,4 Ml P. kl.. It 45 P M. I'li.ledi'lp.lila in p-, I clianeed IVom I I !ll I KES T 1 a id HiAl-kkT Bai).-l., u 1 V-t Hiui' and MAUKKT 8r-ts. Leave West Chester, tluin Ihe Iiepot, on Es.t .M IBKKT fitieel,t..b A. M ." 46 A JI..IIA M , t V. M..4 16 I'. M. 'Ibsea snr the Wast rillladelp .'a l'...-eil e-r lla 'way Couip.ny ' Market slrr-'t) will oonvey 1'aaa.Bt.ers to aad IT' UI Uni I Lllsilaiplila lienot. UN M NDAY4. 1 save Pl.l'Ail. It hla at ' Lf A M a"d1 30 P. St. Lenve l f.i II . t t r st s . M. and I Sip M. Iitl'.s n.Mi.f In 'a' l hla st aA . M . and 4 M P. M.. B"d Vit. I ri.e.'.r at 7-1'' A. M-and 4 liP M..e ui'--l ai'h trsil-s er. t'... PMIsce phia and ittl-unore Ceuir.l l.inlr'isu for (i.x'niil In, nn-ilisie n-ilrits lai if lil'.MtY Vt'iuti. t..'icr.l rt.iiiestittendcnt. PlULARKl.l'll! V AMI kr.lK HAil.l.DVl) ISol. l an 'i i n ll'alers.. .In- Si,r n.-i-li and Hontiwe.l c unties ! r n J- I..!. ie IH'VI'A'.Y. a. oai'eti ilnotiel. .. . h an.j l.i the e-lt ..t l.rle on" t.rte. - d '" I f I I'..' Nil A.'.IA It IAII ii iip'ler t'len a-i'Dls a la beluK rsni.Lly el I'- ell'L. i"".-li I' Itt r t-s. en ei s rrltilit bu.itiost n-. II. M-l o-i: 'o Li p. rlnm t 16 m li i. on Hit' lili't'ii lwvl. von n ml Ir 111 . llillle. id it ,0 at at.!, uu uie w .sunn l.ivlti'ti. this nv rAHSKMita tuaiss at riui.Aiiai.i-itiA llstl'lra nlrsie Snu A.M. t'ne..T.a n linns I'D ' w. I at. ivn 'lin. t h n I in -l T eua-r.1-b-ilh wa -s ns lltil triilet tieiwi en PI .tail. L bit .ud Look llAvaa,a'Ul b.iweeB' in nre and lAS U lUvi-n. K t;an' tl ten t- Cs-s en -he Kvpress Train both wsvs. Km iiiionoiiilnli ie peii'-k l'sS"ii.e. nui.tint., apl y At the h r.i"ii'S ' P. e'.n'ii anu ii.rket slr.-e a And mr lit ifiil l...cri! s ..I th" i '"in. aey-a At oil's : h . ii KLifs ou, Jr., ooru'S-riiAuienib and Urki .u-euts, ri.llsitcl.i a i. tt . fcrtnUila. P.'le J. Al.l'r.U, Afeut, N.N. C. B., Balitpi'ira. 11. 11. iint'srov. tleuerul Fiel,ll' Ai I, "h'l l ie . tila. LhVi4 L H.M'Pf. OcncialTleket si n , '.'n a. la' .hla. .lii-ISI Il It i'-." i .s, jn4-tf Oenpsiil Miinaii' , Ve'lUlamtport. I "l L"S" I'll I LA R'TAl' t l'S's 'ill OMI'tll --.I'll I'll I LA UK LP ill A AMD ft N Mil. It 111. R1NU alttlNilR'JKaT. un ai d a'ler 1 kll.V . ApiU 1,iis4. the ira-m wid loss. . lT'1 W 11 .' I.l-.AYK PAN1 AVABU. LbsVX tVHUI IVAUn NlATIlii. A.M. A. .ii a u ss. ,.a. osmre r.eiti V.eai l iiive....S''j7 Avniiilaif l-e-6 a rni'i tl , 7 '.V CI sdd t t'urd..7'.'J C p. . .ut hVO VV tl JunetluB S-16 I'll la.i. ilua...S ll We I t he.UTi.. Jt I' 11, --'fi s-i 4 il 4-'7 4 tl t 0 M5 Pl.-.ul -Ini'ia... 8 nti V. ! tl ilntl-l .. 7' t w t: .lunoii -a. 9 A I o0 oil V 3 Cl.tiltl t' ird,. Ii .1 1. IU 14 A'T.n ah- lu .'I tt'es' more. ...lo .n 4.S 4 ii 6 It t i 6 II H Ii tit i m tl'S ii- :o mi r l Ite'-t T-A rataerni-r lirpi'i :n ei.titii n.i. a !'i t. iti r.i s'n'i'd tro'c F's'te. mn anil tlsiket. .tni la, tn TIUhTY-P H-T and M -llhl r OtreeU, t'lilladt I. bia. Ms'Sfl Vlrr.l I's-te-nver HsilViayCars oouvey Past eniters ut and tr"iB tbelieiHjt. fassaiwfo lb rough v.lttioiitrhsa.eor esrs IM IIBMIY Wiaiu. aiipriataadeat C5rA SAl.LM RAILROAD COM hUliiTlUS llloA nl 'IVmIo. Ailia- V.i ie ns I It. li At- Jeiinaty I, lil i rrom VV. l.ut ftreet it baif all) A. M 1 snu 4 P. SC. freisM ly l. If Itirninp, ituvr Sa oui l 4 A. M.,d OJ 4" M.,llUP.kl. t'relj.h' dsn, r ,ch win, Apprui Wi'ltlni MII.T.H. la-enl. Bccoad Covered Pier .laiee VVAl M" Hitvet. IP. I AVtei av'iiii.. I. YaA BX'BStLAAUl. tueruiiawU.ut. RAILROAD LINES. E-rw f. 1'ltll.AllKLrilIA WIL ?u'il'"Noro ajid HALrmoBtl tvaik Alt. onAisnr, or nniM. bs iss ijim si nuay. Ju.e in.laat. Passpaasr tiaiiit Issvs rhUsds'i'Sis f-.r ' , bsitnanre At A sn (K.i ir si... laas.ssaetaa),tei aw II., I St., SMi and !":. K St. . . M Ohsir at t-l. II l A. M .. 1 W. . t atl.t-et sn4 H-t tuimtnttiai at So .Wmvlsys nWstl, Itt, U'U A at i-isi, 1 an, 4 an.anri irrsn nd II " P. M. l t SI H-iA A. M. .ad I .T'P. St. Iki.n r.s'JiA M tnl IX r. M. isuinro at nft A M Baiutiiirrsi s i A. si. .. IHSIfIB PllH PtrTT.A llET pn' A. Lass. Hie. limn at v, A. M.. (Bsoreas), I'M t'jf snu Hi J '. W. .... Wl'miuft 1. a' I 4s,8-i,t A. M., VUhl. l-4t.-t,t-t T 3 sn.l J ill P M .il'.hni s I Kl P. M. still, rd .t ll IA e. H I' .Tei .t s A SI , and A p. M s.l sstsiS. A. M.a.'da-Wl''. M. tnsitat at J t'.S U A.M., I OU. J . 4 lt, t OB, t-M, tt . l-s nsH'raors Ihr Xaltsliarr and lDtsitsd .- staUool at lii-vs P . M . Iasr tt.isim.'i-efbr Dover and Intermediate stttoat at I'll) P.M. TRAIWS POR P.V1.T1MOIIK. fisvs t'hsrt.r si A' 111 A IS. a .na ll'OSP.V. I, sve U ilmli-n. at t i. t A. M.. S-J.-, ant U 41 r- ... . - i runi, win raiKfnvnr ar sttao. vo. ww rmm a fr Vow . Hi ! 1 1 A "fill? w-'w a. w r. tw.. tT'm r -dll.ritft In Hwi'm-rei . Ff- m rhbwielpM t- IfllmiiiKtnn ai Wt A. M.. Ifr JO m4 P W Onli ai i0 i p. V na'T'Tirrtj in rniian"nva; li. K M KJU NKY. siirr'ntaMnai. . rc-n-ar-sn arranokmrnth IOi.T ' W telfai'V - 11'' sf V' s l.lf. I J'M. Hs 1l,t L.M'.rn S'-d Ainls't -and I-illso.l,.h.s and rrsntna . . . . I...... .. I'l.l .......l l.tii S.w fub " rail ail r. n pimies' Lit e ir. ai I'M jit la hi ftaw lura BudWsllSe. ..., . tlll'Jtl SU.1" t 11I.I.II ..llrt'.F. Will leave as loll... 1, S'.l ... VABa. At B A. !.. tie Caa.deu and Arab-iv.l c inn.' o I'len -.."::'" '" At H A.M.. via I'amd'B and .If set l in , . "rami to At x A. si ,via Ciu.'ltn and .It r.ey I; t , ta v. ss Tlekel At I? M . v'a rsniden anJ Ami io , i' and A. Ar. ta li,, it.' I'll Mt At If I' Al , via Cauiiien Bud Auilioj.ll anu a. i.a- Ai 1 I' M .vls t aniden and Auibot. Al-ConiuaslBllen ltrr'T.I.TlT- L'.rl 175 1 Kl is) At ii I'.H.tll Onidet. a "I Anih-v. AO O'.lr.nuaiinil (frfshi and 1 ataenteri, l.t lias, tiiset., OA . In.. Ai, . . At 7 I' Si .. t la I'S'lim II stnl AfD'VSro lli'.ona- t on (rrriLht snd Pat-anaer). I -I t la-s i issei., e.t t .... .1. I-AO F r Muni l rbnnk. A'letiU'wn, itetni. n'ni. n-iviui. F.n.ion. Laniii.rtvi,l.,KIi-ii'ttu nn, Ai-., at 3 -.0 l . M. For t nnl' ili a. Lstoherlvllle, and in erwaiai "- Uons,.'! ! at. . . I oi Mi tint Hniiv. Evansnne. snd t ta.i S Inn Ii I'. M or r rvM-held st a A. st . ami 3 r. si FntPaln vie, lllvsr.oit, llclsoei, Beverly, BurllnnVtii, luetic. flo'i.l"n. e ,.'. M., -M. I, a air til- M Thet JosbO 6 P. M. un-siun diraot throuAih to Trenton. I or l-SUlivr., lliverton, Itei.nco, IteTerty uu i.uiiu.e- tonatll'M . ... Mesn.lH.iii Trrnion, air nntni, iniri-ni-i"n. Tor' Ui sn.l 1 nr. n ,. li-lit a M a A i 11" 1". H. l.s.s rit'ivi"Av Wlllleiveas I'- H'ovs: - At 4 A SI . (ivvnuviA aensinsion anu nvw "si". V at' nnai a;;0 M w m a .a.u... s.. At 1 -iA A. SI., via ken 1'iston and Jeitc Lily Bx- PIS'SS At an P. M v.a Kenalnst, n and Jrr.orei y s.- ure-s- At liar p. t. via Keesinnt n and Jersey City, vv ..I'lnen n sue New or n-pnss ova (im dav lines esve at 4 A. M and S It P. M r..r w ..n.e li.o. ttrnu'l.titii-e. Spra :l"n. wrtifcesharro. llol.lro.t , nr. at tlenit, .Man. li tllutt k, Alleolown, Hetal. heir I rl i ere, K sal on, I.euilir-Kille, Fli'iii'nstou, As., at Y'lAA.M. This line rou'iens si n th. train laavlng fcasion l. r .Vaueb l liuak .1 n mi r. .w. Ker Fbultit'-n., and inienneaiaw aw tle.ns.stM-. M. t - r Hrlitol. ' renlnn. c. at I t" ana il ia A. at . ana a P.M. l or llolnieBhorl, Tnroev. Wlannonunn. rnao."vtra.anti Trm kltitd, el H A.M., 6, 646 and II 1' M. 1 bo U A. It. L:m- reiit te Prtsinl. tir"l '-rew York, and way lenTmg tvenanatoii livnot.t.k' the eart on Filth sli eel. above Wa.aul.haa7 an l-our tifi re i. partlire. 'I lie Cars rua Into th. llepot, and .-n snlsT ol esea lr-iin run In tit lliu it- itou F.ftt t'luiii iso lis tra., miljr a l iaed each paasen(er. Pss.eru .rs ate pn hlbited rrn.u ukma snyihlna as bat ysfa but thill svearn-s sppsrci an ..nL-ms ""r I'Oi nils lo be pale IW eslrs The Company Hum ui.ij re.ti.iiis'bnity tor bsioiaieto On IiTTlia. pe- pouDt.ana will '" ' b. liable lor any amount beyni d aion,.acep bf ,piai ai.tuiaer. ., .... ... . lirun.'lu uanape e.spre.a .uien.i .ui " '"''-' tail .. at the Oepvls. to be ten ai no a wainus SireM. WM. U llATZHHU. Asreat. Jel t'.e. lr-l. LIMB tltOM NEW Y0HK FOR PUILADkXniU Wit. I, I.S1AVK nail of Ooottlsr.d street at lSf. snd t P. H via Jeisai Lilly -.Bd t'aiiiuett: at I ana to -s ia ,a r. mMatiw Vt I N tlit 1 i jersey l. Its aea Kensliuitou. Frein loot of I'.arelay etie't, at tl A. At. aud 3 P. M., VIA AniU y tnil t amilen. rrnm lift No. I North Hive, at 1 W..4 aBdt (Frelsht and rassenaers) via Atnuoy ana uaiaoea. f-r-sssw FREIGHT LINES FOR BW (ftf rtVYors a'd all the iu Ions on th. Cam dsn sad Alula,-, end com.-retuir liailiosn. 1 -Veill. A ir.At I'Bir ! ie.ll. The Camden and An.bov kbi ir ad and Transnortallon raainAiis'. S'ruluhl Lines tt. New Yo k will leave Walnut air etwtarl.nn and atti r January H, daily (Sundays ea d'teu), at 4 i.V'iek P. tl lirtpnimt, tne aoov, lanea wm asn -saw swa a a an'i 4 P.M. Freisht tnnst Be delivered Detnr. s r. at. to bb ror- warot"! tt ssa'e day. Y tfliiht for 'I renton. Ilrti eMon. Klntstnn, New Brans-, wek. and all t'Olat.on the Oamilea and Aiulmy ltahn.a.l al.otai tie Hi Ivwere, Tta awa. e, a d r'letnlnatoB. tna New .lers-y. ll'el rei bib a-a ia e o ua, sun tne iin-n-itiiiB B"tl Mi'ltnl Htiily ka Irnails, ree-lved and forwarded up to l-IVfel cmcs l,A1. PUIS i pacsages tor awasi uuui . e- ! IV, 0 l-p IO i O cioea r. SI fc.. The Iteietilere lialAaate Katlriad ttmnee's at Phillip- bu'i-wub ilia lAh th talev 1'ne New Jeraay Hair Ml 0"Utt.cts at F.Uials Ill wPh ths New Jersey I enttsl Kailtoa.'. and at .Newark with th. Morris ant Eiaea Kaluo'd. A si p nifiii.irandam, speell) ITK ih. marks and num bers, ah nnera arf eon .k uses. uiUHl III every InaiuiHM jb sent Willi each k ad ol bikmIs, o. no --ecelpt will h. alvn. liu-ri-aied laetui s having Dean tnaue r-rut. (ran spot latlot. ofldVt HTf-CK doners sr. Uvlttsl la try 111 It '"vv'titn stock Is furnlahed In tnsnnties of TWO CAB I.OAHH or n.ore, 11 will be ile l-aeed at the fu it o( rortiel street, D'-sr f-e l-nve vatos, oi at ra-r i.'t. t. moria River, as lb. ikipi-eis nvav d.-ritnaie at th. Unas nf the aluiiiueBL W-.I.TKK KHf M A N, rralinl Asenv ISO. Aon r i ii.Teii aveiiup, r.ii.wiv-piu OLO. II. It AY II M, fr.lht tnt, Jfcl-tf Tier No. I, North Kivar. N.w York. READING RAILROAD. i,iibi tut .iv 1.1-c FBOM PHIt AM 1 I'll A Tel T.iR INTKRIOR Ot PK!1 S..S1 I.VANIA, THU a'"ll'VI.KILI,. U OlfcllAVNA, Ct'MUP.'ll.ANU, ANU WVOMlvtl ALLEIH, ANU NOETH, N0RTIIVVEH1', ANU TIIE CANADA. PAHaKMIKK TRAIWS the Con.pai.y a .epo', at THIKTP.BNTH ant CALI'W Ull.I. Hlieels, k'bllailelpDla, ai Jt fciUtwuat bouts : MOUNINfl MAIL. At S-16 A. V., lor Hosuiiik. I.emuion, Cnhrata, UUs, ColiinibiB. llatrlstii.iw, Pntl-ville. Plae.rova, Tama.jua, Pnnber.' , Willlalinp'.rt. K mlia. llnrlic.t.i-, Niaxara s'a la, liui'slo. ATle1-10v.11. Vtilit-.i.ini, PltisitNi, Yiiik,i.'antsi, C' ai. Iietthntfr, 4.i.erS'Oan, Ac. Tie tr. In c.'iilleotsal 1 sAi INII with East PeBo.yrrB Bla hn.lTisd L a bs tor Allen own Ac., U1.1 Heauina aat I'n uii'b's Hi'l'uia - I' r Pp .. a s. ..inz, Bad I'o'uBttna, and wi'l Ihr I,, bason Vsllevtr..n. t.rHdrstabira.Ae ; alPilKT ('LS1' . a-I'll ','B'uwlssa crams lor A'llke.'i irr YV ifsntP' .1, I.'-k llsieii. K m-r.. 4o.i al IIaMKIb ltt'lillelib S.rti.ern Cult. I " ' I'uut'ierland V.liev.i ar d "Sehni Itlll a-d Hn.itieli tins" trains for Nnrrhnm bellalid, Yt'lldslusp'Ttt,Vorli.'Uianitierib -ra, t'le.adntv AO. Ai I t Km OS fc. Ill-..i Iravrs Philatili.hia it 110 J. M. .r he..tlua. Pott, vire. I lin i n.sf, I ainabuee. at., c-nnei l.t- at He'rle bu ywliu I tun.i h .u a Ceiilrsl Msuroad trains II Pi le-l.-i-rs, Ac . ? i.ilrere tVnitl eilm.'t trains for anaiatrv. Siei'l'i-ii lieil tot, Ko-irt, .te.und at P"rl llltnt-a with Cu ts' is trains for Alulou. WU lata. port. AA. Biira, llui.alo. r. It K sill Nil A'HOMMODATION. Ii a-r a H.uTin a I st tat a.m. anipplna at all way at, tl' p ".atiiv ni In I 11 aililp' la at II 11 A Al Let ut t. e- leave. I'bU idelpliU ai 6KI P. H 1 arrive. 10 tt'sUtln B' ti It- P. M 'lis in lot Us in mu. nave HarnahiiT ai a A.M.. ant Pot as lite Hi f A 6'.. in. n lis l-i I'. i-il. h.l, a al 1 Mi P kl t' sb-ave 1U tl-bnr.' ai i . eotts-Vll'eatlll- I errliln. in P I'l.' aij P. H. IVIarte: liaiti.. wits a t.a.ener ea. a-iattiad, l.ave Pb il.i" 1 lea at I Y. Al., for B nl n. ail war tlvtion'l li aie I.p.tIiii.-ut I?, no p. snt It-iwrnnamwa at AtSUa.A at. f r l"-! aesl.i.'a ami all at s'ai o-.s. I A II IItp ale v.- fa p. nn it a: , Snerta. a esecnie4. ' Mia. at tr in- leai. ai A. J4.. aud PkQa dile i a at il I I .M I lil s-'K.l: VAl.l t Y l A'l R.IAI). ratsevpers tin liowui. w -.ivii aul t ie ibi-.1ls1. potata take tl.e h 16 M. sim .-iSI ! M. .fii'inf o-n I'ni.ul-I.ihla, retmnlna linm lin'sulOitoau al II 4u a. it., aud li-lt ; vsw YOKK EXHtK-iS Pull l'lTTSBUItll AND TUB ; e, ..H t L n New Yirh ai 7 P. M , ra-s.1m Itfitd nv at t ra'4 1 nlf;' I. ni ti u a'l'iur ni U r-i-MiK win Puiiu.1vbi Kri mi r, . tiH'n- 'or i'i tv. Iti- iir. li it -.Kpeii riHlit i' grf trri.MiCfi n rrral of tli l tiw .vaii m Kv'ir't4t 'rem I'i' tuiiurtf al -Hi A. II. t la- -It.fc 1 1 dn ii ai M V- . V ., aiiH trri-iarf at V'nk at 14'- P. M Hitfpt' (i r Hit nn-itiiv iheatj tr ua,NtWrrfII.J.''.t J ll-' Alii) -'It tHni,lttti'M cha-4(0. JVttH nhiRf tor KUrli ir.v t rian -r at A. 4. ant i P. M. Muii imi'ii lor harrltbur rtv Hmw York aiti A W it-il : K. Merrv ri i. hat. no.!). Trkia Hiic PftitfPI- ' 7 lb s. ii. i'ld I.k- P.M., r tu i iny t.oni 1 ntt-.T 'ia hi III 4 . Al. m ' 4 tl P. a Pt IH I.MI.LAMi HLKI'f.U N-SA K ll.,(.IAl. Iiti'i-- t -ar AulMirnm J4. A M ;'.ir Pi:,t.,MVv4 aiid I!rri l tr . mm nt vli mi l 7 t'1 P. M for P u-nni' oi l ; rfit-ii h g ftum Ua tin 'iiru at 1ai P. M , and frut rit.eiivc at b . A. U .wMi mu 4 P. Al. 'Mi 'lit i 4, Th'oiiih iltpt rfttoi Mr tt md emiciitiit tlchetf to all the pi i tl' mi p .iii'k n hi N'tri-i v-t ml t:tii ia. 1 ): fou w p nn fU e' lit'ilT'ttbttA n.'v it thn oiMp uf R Ult 1-Ki. lcn, I itM. .if N.i 7 ri. KKJKt ti root, I I. lui i-I m, or til o. A KIcuLL, 'ii-nc-ai tfuwrlijua 4t3iit. lit' : MiMMl'UTUH TICKETS, At 2r nc rit dl-tonni, liwru u iiouiti dalrtd, foC fwit il i tid uid MIIPAOK TICKETS Cotid trr''H) mlitu niiiuufiii uJ' p-imti, at $108S tacht fat lau-iilim Htl tir'i . HPt.N Tirk'FT. Ki r tttrt'x, mn-t. r tv a ui utlu.Ar holdirt only.V to all M.iiib, ul rtJucftt itm CI -S.tO MF"- K-fl.Hip n th llrifoi ll rt ad will baftirnUtied with, raid a. tnikl.i.rf ami vtva io Uclj at Ia! KXfniKMIOM TTCKKTS Kivni I liDadi-'ptn irunim i'mimui, (rood for Ra'ur d . Kun- a M'Hidtt.. at id"i t- i lute, o h.- n.ul tuity ot V'i IllK" kA.&iii tUjU CALLO.VU114, Hlltlt- FKPItlHT. llwtla of all di-scrip I. us r,.reartei1 tn all the snore bouta.rrotu 'le I'oUipMj.)'. Iiaw lieUibt depot, ltU.AAJ ajiU W ill.w HTIIKK 1 1" , H'Kiiurr tkainb Leave Phllsdi tphta da I- a' t A. M . 1 P. M., sat t P. tf 1 lor haetlnit-, l.ti.eniMi, Alamsiiurs, .'iHUvllla.liUOaaliiii. ai.d poluis iTeynud. MA! 1.8 C'los. rt ih. Phlladrtph'a I osi ome. fnr all p'aoee na th nii and a. biam kts tl I A At , ant lor Ui. kdiwlA tutuout uuit at 2 lit 1' . ai. ..V 1 1 s