The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 12, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Enemy Ilavo Attack oil
tho Fortifications
Around tho City.
We have reliable Intelligence from W'asV
Irjjton that last night about fifteen to twoniy
tliouptitd Rctii'Is rnenmpoJ aro'.ml S'lvrr
Eirii)(i, nnd nt dfiyllsht advanced on Wash
ington 1 bkirniishitig comractu-cd before d ty
trcak t
The enemy advanced upon tho wjr'u out
"Fourteenth ond Seventeenth stroots, and at
11 o'clock were preparing In 1'uU w.vr to carry
the woifc by ansnult.
At 11-30 heary firing was heard In t!i: ci!y,
and tho Fupposltlon In that an asriailt had
tccn made.
Urgent appeals have boon sunt for r.isn
in companies or regiments.
, Our capital hi in Imminent peril.
Tho Old 175th Pennsylvania
in tho Field.
Rpoelnl fo Tho Evening-
Wkbt Chpistkk, July 12, A. M. Coloiol
Fiank Hoolon, seconded by the Vigilance Coon
liltee, Is endeavoring tu rally the old 17ot!i ( i
Bine monlha regiment).
Win singly, In squads, companies, or batta
lion, hould report promptly to Colonel Itooton,
at West Chester. There are men enough who
can aud should rally to fill op the regiment In
twer.f. -ronr hours. Tho credit of old West Chct
tcr Is at stake.
tVelnware) ( nnniy in Vtottoi.t .
Tbe following despatch bus just been receive
frr m the Hon. John M. liroora all, dated Media,
JuIy 12, 10 A.M.:
"The quota of Delaware county will bo filled
fiiom jiAirrMoui:.
Hporlnl to Tim Farnlni Tele;roh.
Baltimore, July 12. Our city is mill In a
ferment of excitement. All business Is suspendod,
except that connected with mlll'ary opor.itlims.
Tbe sirett cornet are crowded wllh anxious
Among the private residences visited by the
Reliels is the splendid mansion of (Jjerge 0.
' Vest ury, Esq., formerly of the Glrard House,
Fhiladcli hia.and Wlllard's, Washington. They
here helped themselves to whatever they took n
fancy to, and stole a fine bloodud horse from his
Commanieittlou Reopened with Bnltl.
, n.or.
ITAviiE-riE-GBACE, July 12. A construction
train left this morning to repair the railroad and
, telegraph lines of the American TelograpU Com
pany. .
Communication with Baltimore will probably
be fully re-established by evening.
The balance of (ho pascngor who were In the
trains captnied rd iy, consisting of ladies
and children, revived at Perry ville th's morutog
on a steamer, and havo left by a train fur Phila
delphia. EllEp. (AVAr.HV ItV.PORTEn AT
ntXAiR. in.
If AVRE-nv-GkAOii, Ju'y 12 11 A. M. rattle
from Bcluir, sixteen miles from this place, report
'a force of Rebel cavalry 1000 s rong at taut poiut.
Last evening a former, named Hall, shot a
Rebel in retaliation fur burning his house and
destroying other property.
There ! no doubt of the Immediate necessity
, V heavy reinforcement for Washington.
capri iti:i.
Febkyvillh, July 12. aaengers who came
Ibrnnh ia-t night Muie that the reported capture
of Major-Oenerul F.anklin wa incorrect.
Ti e uii-tuke of tbe resemblance of
one of ihe pavavngers to tbe General. This sta'o
mint is coiitirmed by Major William Iieon, of
' General Wallace's staff.
flpeelnl to The Event..- Televrmnh.
Wa&hivoton, July 11, P. M. The Star says
that tbe arrival of tbe mad boat from City Point
on Sui.dav n o ning htlngs n ) special news fr iu
jt netel Grunt's army, ex epting tho usual artil
lery mil g iu front of oar liu.s.
Betels Capture Parkville, Kansas.
Tbe follow lug telegraph wi'l expl iin i'solf :
' "Wvamiutth, Ju'y 7, 710 T. M. To ,Uri rt-dlcr-Oeii
tai liukc, K. 8 M. A mos-enger jast
airbed fm Farsvillo rrpurt-. it c ptutvet oy a
Uthis lore- of Lushwlmtken tnii attsiuo m at 6
I "iiBfl man of C"ti'Lny r, lfith KansitCjTi'ry,
we k'lli d. Number of en z u- killed and iiih.
in, amorg tbe number Colonel l'aiks. Tucy
Vckul ibe
"M. V. Laiiv. C'apt. Cj. A., K. S. M."
On the receipt thsioof, G.'n-ral Drake te-la-'
pinhe.l to (.'irnifll Ciinu to j;o to l'arkv l'e la
rer. Tills is the rll't wr. The gierillvi
mutt be u.ut ul ereiy puinr, aud met pro.up'ly.
('iture of Aluou C oiitiriued.
Krwl'ohK, Jiiiy 12. The sicaiajsj.lp Knlar,
vriih L,vrrpeol dates to ine 2:)'h all., bus arrived.
f Tte I'lutnuns Iikyc captured AImu Idnnd af'r
some Cgb irig- The Danes lost scruial guii, and
tmba ken in hato.
Ihe bulauee'of the news hssltuca anticipated
from Mihaonrl.
Br. I ons, Mo., Jo y VI The Street
Hotel,, formerly the Munioa Huuso, kept by
Dae ell & Johnson, wai ctarly dtsiroycj ly
fiie last iilebl. The luss bus ant bceu cer a'sed.
Until further orders, no steuiulioat wilt be
alloacd to asee-nd Itio MUsonrlrtvtr aliOTe J-r-S
fersou City, wittinut suHielei.t arrua and ainmu-
, . Bition, tu.:, ami a crew tonipetriit to defend her
eatnsttbo gueilllas now marauding theeoontlea
long that stream.
trnm th4 Rittimort Am-riranof tlwttf tvl-iitJulf.
Oi reify !s very (juiit tliis morniair, tijli
ti e vi..k of sin niiilh innu our Ueun s i
pmfirissing with etniAMeiuiile Mil. AH fear
.t the iienr ii r-ai b "f a lMiel snnv h m di
i p.nriil. tlioit-ti Hti ! ul Rell oair, Hru
prualliig around, and rommittiug diri'dx'tinn
witlilii il ree i t lour milt-, oi tiie eitv. We a ar
hi tliili i.pciu'ion at Ke t"r-on, T-s ml in,
Hi d b lar faitlwnnl us ihu liclair rod, wiieit
would Willi -tie Hi) lim i tu. n (.i mu'inpt tu- il -s
I in it. Ii oi nme of ilia l.;i Igws im fit- I'ml ide.
1'bia Iwilioau. A laru fur.e of car.urv m to
is ncn to i-c moving in in-t l.m yesterl ty.
Meltarn il is Hie ii.u ti'i. n ot tUu m iMiy
an lioiltiis lo levy i.n tbe Kenel initier y imI lers
T It. Iniiioie ctiuniy the lull am iuiit or da'.n iv
i.ouc to 11, e property ol h yul uiuti n trntt c 'unty.
.'K'tlinr llrH'llottl'k lloittte llumest.
Vv rigret to I, urn tint ibi-ltcbT cierlll.H,
nt.ilir ii.irty (lilinur, iiuiiieiiii( s-iru" ilu., n,
rj:f.uinieil tin- eotiniiy tn iimtiiii ot (i. ;
I! ', -to: il nn Charles Mrct-t avenue, a', il ivluiii
trin ni'in inj., i.tK.ut fuur miles t'rmi H a i l y. and
ok cied Mi. liiiioiurd ao-i ber family tu va. ite
lie pi. nn.-cs. Ttity allowed t em to remnc
s..ii.e few Household v.t,ua')les, and at 8 o'clock
tii nn iiiiiig t,it d tiie pn inisut.
I t ey bud previously arrestetl a'l t!io e'tir.nns
in tli m ini Isirlitxitl, Including Cap-aii
3. 1.fjfon sod J. hn ulnrae.KH.j ,no:n tlu-v kept
rn. er eustmfy Hutil i lie llanu-i were weil 'u.vier
ay. ( spiiim Ilryson, as s-mn as rel..-a:U, wut
to Kirk wiib o-bt r ei i.rns to save as m ic'i of
Hie tin ! itnre and etteci us couid tie secured
Niar v all t lie private pier and valim iien ol"
Iba Governor weie Uesioyed, lucludiag his
IH.m'y. s
IteyliKik ono horse out of Mr. Tre-bury's
s'alilcs, a' out Imir niil. j uit. oa the C!nr:ui
rtrectbvemiv, Bud arc ul-o nndi-rsoil t have
nor ea oil many valuaolu borses lioiu the neivb-
The residence of Ihe Governor was ono of tho
nmst etenio and elegant enUblleliuitiuiii in Hie
ih'lr'ty ot the city.
The Governor cumeto town on Sunday evening,
anil thtm suved hliuself fiiiin Iwlng carried ofTa-i
a prl-oiier, us well as bis rari-fige and two vslu
it'tt.e horses, lie Iras i-ent out ibis morultig to
bring Ins family to the city.
We leurn that tbey ticitcd the Governor's
family with gnat rofcr, and p cad tue usages
of war, and the destiu tion by U. nerai Htint.-r
of :be private rendence of the (ioveruor of Vu--ginla,
us the cause ot tho uet
NluiMiirnl or 'nlnin Itryxon.
C tain Hi ysou states that he was coming in
on tlx ( liar its suvet avenue this mo uin, at
i-ittht o'eluk, when he met a cavalry man, and
upink-cd him to be a I'nl jn scout. Ho baaisd
huii nnd aked him if the lie no Is were,
uuil be repaid, "Yus; you damned Yankees will
hiiil out 11 ut we arc pretty s ion." Tbe civulry
u.i n lel'ui-cil to allow biin to go iiaek or forwatd.
lie fat doan on the grass, nnd was then told tbat
tl;ey were aliont bm n:ng the. Governor's house.
liuroediati'ly at-er be heard the women and
chlluren screaming nt the boie, atid he bevKud
Ihe man to allow Mm to go up to assist
ance, llu a-acmed to thin, and proceeded
townrds tbe house, and was stopped by a Kebol
utUi'tr; but on explaining that be bad been
miowtd by the pickets on tbe road ta come to
tlielr QM-iMam e was allowed to pass on. lie wis
Joined by Major Lilly, Haioncl Liudstrc-t, Mr.
Fisbi-r, and Mr. Faiker from the cl y,aid thv
tueciedcd hi saving some fewar.iclcsol furuit ire.
Mrs. Ilratilord infornicd hioi thai tnuy bad set
fire to all tbe beds in the home and the llnrary
simultaneously ; nnd that, thongb sse np;e.iled
o tin in to allow ber to kave the Uovnruoi-'s pri
VHte pa(iers, they would not listen to her. They
ihnwid her a written order from Bradley T.
Jolimon to burn ibe house and all it contained.
In iitulution for the burning of the bouse of
Governor Letcher by the troops under General
The whole pnrty consisted of but a L'cutenant
and twtlve men. They had a'sii set lire to the
burn, but It was extUiguUbed before the flames
got ULder heauwiiy.
Vlail lo iNlunuel Day.
We leurn from a gentleman who nrrived this
niorniiig fiom liartlord county, that tbe Re'iels
luH ui).iit, two hunilred and forty strong, utopped
on the Hum of Joshua l'riuu In Long Green
Vuliey. Tbey were nnier tiie cummaudof Harry
Gilmor, and one of Mr. l'rico'a sons was one of
the ratty. At & o'clock this morning tbey crossed
t. e lleliiir road, thi tcen miles fiom the city, and
moved in the uiiectiou of the i'hiiadcliihia Kail
road. After they closed the road uhout ten more
ttnigkrn m rived and followed on after tbem.
A short illstaint) from tho turniiike is tao resi
cenee of tbe venerable 1-bmael Day, so well
known in the county for unswerving loyalty.
Over b:s gate be hud erected tbe Union ilnf,
which utnaeicd a pnrty of the raiders to his
bouse. Tl.ey ordered lilin to take down the flig,
and be replied : "Gentlemen, yon may tike my
hursts and iny cattlt , or burn my house to the
ground, but I wdl shoot any man tbat touches
tfaet Hag.".
Of. tins, one of tiie Uel eli npproached to take
down Ihe t'mit, wlon tho old man Aredatand
vt-oui.dcu him. What ensued is not known, far
ther than Ibut tl a bouse of Mr. Day was s -en
fiom a ilittauce in liames, und tne old tnaj couid
Lot tie found alter the Kebcls bad left.
F. 8. We learn that Mr. Duy made good hli
estate af cr hluai'ing the Hebel, bat his where
at oi ta it ot known. They In od throe shots at
liim,aid burned Ids barn.
Eurulusr of I'. H. Cuckrss'i IT .
We Itaik tbat a gentlauiuii who arrived about
sron, fiom tl.e vuiuity ot Lutberviily, coufiims
the ruu.or tht the dwelling of F. . Corkran,
Is. .vol AKint, was dtstroyed this tuonuug. It ii
8cp.iite), by tbe mine, jairty who burned the
(JeverntrV bouse. We hive no partltulars of
tl e tue, lutmr than the testimony of tbo.te who
ruw it Ini i ii ii. g ut a oistatie.-. Ii was aUo thought
11 at tl.e bt ue of some vith. r persons bol liuf
(.flu la: ; option, iu the neighborhood, would also
be destroyed.
itiitthir I he Tt leernpli.
The Ameiieun Telegriph Company, as well as
tbe lsiA'ptuilciit line en I the People's line, have
leh ytH .l.ic i es niuniiif na ihe llelair road aud
Hie l'hi.di l hia turnpike. All of these wires
w. ic eel at uu t aily l.oi.r ibis morning, but up to
12 o'eii ik llie w.ies on tl.e line of the railroad mil iu i pera ion, indicu'iug thai the raiders
hi.0 rot jit le.ieLed tl.u p iutof the traea for
wliiehtbe were moving, which would prob. bly
he hnu iiiir's Hun, white tbey may endeavor to
oi ttruy me bridge. They but e'ht miles
fiom ilie line ol the mail, 1 1 ihe number ot two
Lui.i'nd and lll'y, undo Harry Oilmor, at S
o'i leek tl is g.
1' At tpjaitiT pa.t twelve o'clock all the
wins un the railioad In e suudenly cea ed to
vjliti.te, upn a l te rf.ruj l c m'uunieaii.i:i hv
twteii liaiiimure aud l li.a eiphU was brought
to a uidtn slop. At thai hour the nitluri
nui kid tl'e tistek of the r d. and it Is fcired
tia y bi.vf to M's. n rf ,l,e Uun.siwd. r nrl igi.
We sitojaul Vain ta it ih guuboa s prcviouslv
t'a ti nil urrt ut llu-h river bad lieen Wltu
iuan, and ibsi ibe or ier tor tbeur return a a
io iMi'd uit i. this morning.
Ti e train nn the I hi mlctpliia roi l th it left at
I'oit itiismomiiig having eseeriained ibat a gtic
I iila fo-e whs on ihe road iu advance uf them,
it turned to the t ity.
r-Mlt ly ft Ueneral Tyler.
We aic pratibi-d to iea'U that General Tyler,
who was inppo-ed to buve fullvn into thd handi
ot li e (i.i-my at the Monitcauy ba't e, a-eetied
in eliid ng llie enemy, and arrived l ent evening at
Ellkoti'b Mills.
Asi lnntl Iron Worlia.
We are Informed that the report published In
the morning papers nt the Im-uinj of tiie Ash
anu lieu t.rKs, on tbe Norther a Cential UiU
way, is incorrect.
Murder nt Mldiileloivn.
Joshua Carrick, ll-q-i bo w -s munli r d a' his
risureii.e In Mum It town, on Wed'te-diiy la', hy
tl.e lUbels, for reftiaing lo deliver hi:, ho a. a into
tl e haiius or ibe Kelai rohiiers. was a ee-it.-m m
vtry nuicb rei'elt d and rsu-enicd by the c nu
n.ui.lly in lii'ee. lit srrvid a loulonoas Jus.
lie of tin i'taco, ind was repeatedly elected
Mayor ot the towu.
Krw Yt nK, July 122 A. M. rhonrltlsh sr!io"mr
anhs Just sn Ived here W'tb Ihe pissenjna of
the iten.n p I: tctrie Spark, tavuee on Si urria
lu-t for Kow Uilouu. which wtu captured uu tho 1 ) Ii
(Hut i uj 1, at 2 I', M., atuoi duty uulos snath of Capo I n, by the pirate fkr-,la.'
M the tine ot tbesaHrj(or th I nw, th malls
srrl rrc'rM oi the t tetrlo Sjnrb went bo'n trns
I tried to U F.ond-i, preiiaratory te barnlna hac
Tbs Cleik of tho Eltctrtc Sfnrt Is Mr. IwU BitiVerd,
,( ol AJuVrmaa Udihwd, oi I'kualsVUls J
ruoM baltimoim:.
MlJOR-(;KX.FHMvLI. a 'risom:s.
I5at.tivoi, Ju'y 1-'. Everything Is ipilct
around the city. Last nlglit a force of Re tml.i
ptisn d tlirimgli Towfontown, on tho way to join
t!ic miiln fotce. thiy had with tlu-in TM ijor
Geinral 1 rutilclin und Hair, captured on the
I'! hia r .tllnvnl on Mond 'T.
Only one brldg", that over the (!nnp wder, was
burnt il on ihe Philadelphia road.
Ilu ii.eis Is nt a stand still, tie irly alt t'ic out
lets from the city belnr closed.
itmim n vitr.rtr:-JH tt r-Tiir. nrnr.i.
roitcr jrrtR o:i iwi ittiinu:.
1Iavhk-i.e-Gr.u-1'., July 12 It is appreheded
thut a lilts I fureo is in the vlr nity of C in.--s
t n Hi br'il(e, te n miles norih of lliivri -ile-(lri.s,
en llie . r-tiKpirbaiina rlier. The bridgo will no
ih nbt be fired if the Rebels mule any demon
stration. t FOW HlR.-TE.URU K.
IIavph m: Ghack, July 12, 7 A. M. After
closing my despatches last night at Pirryviile, I
eroffed over to this side of the liver, nmliii!);
time wits a strong guard here, aud no Rebels
supposed to bo in the vicinity. Tbe river
bridge was saved by ihe of the
gtinlaait Fuchtia, Acting Master Street, who
reeclied a -o;nt i-omiiianding the bridgo a'lout
roon. The enemy sbo.tly aft-.'r appeared In
sii-'ht on the hills, hut retired oncoming in range.
General Frsnkdn was on the train In citizen's
dreM, lint was polnte-1 out to General GUnior by
a liulllmore Imly on the train, and ho was taken
p l-otiir.
The road is now reported entirely clear, and I
start for Baltimore Immediately.
in auai.v rr.n.
IIaviiK-dk-Ghacf, July 12, noon. Iu refer
ence lo tl e capture of General Kranklin. It is n w
asserted tbat the Kel cl General Gduinr rce ig
niiedhim.and politely roiursted him to leave
the car. Ho then placed the General in a btifgy
under guard. .
Arrival or Ihe "Ktm."
Nr.w York. July 12. The steamer I'.'rrnt h is
arrived, whh I.'verp'M-l dates of ibe 30th, which
have 1 e. n anticipated.
Itrltlali Itnlte ! New Kenlantl I.'te
rrom Aewpnleo.
San FliANCisro, July 9 Advices from New
Zealand to May 10 mention another repulse of
tie British in nn attack upon the natives. One
hundred Brithh wire killed and wonadrd, In
cluding several prominent oflloers. In another
engagement th natives were worsted.
. Saidwiih Island dates to Juno 13 state
that the election of delegates to a Constitutional
Crnventlin wss progressing. The Convention
will forbid the importation of coolies.
Advices fiom Acnpnlco Jnne 29, say tbat the
French garrison is on tba best terms with the
citizens In the vicinity, but all communication
with ihe Interior is cnt oh. Manzanllla remains
ti'ocknded to all but European vessels. A I-'runcb
frigate had left to take posacsslon of Gaiaia.
The Nevada Constitutional Convention has
adopted a section favorable to a National Cur
Special Despatches to Erenlnjc Telegraph.
WaaanfOTOir, July 12.
Th Itavenne law,
Tbe Commissioner of Internal Revenue has
promulgated the following, explanatory of the
new revenue law, which goes into effect on the
1st of August next:
Postage stamps cannot he n-ed In payment of
the duly chaigeablu on instrumeats.
It is tbe duty of Ibe maker of an Instrument ta
Bil.x aud cancel the stamp required tboiuon. If
be nee let-Hi to do so, the party for whose use it is
nude may stamp it before it is used; but in no
ra-e ran it be legally used without a s'amp; and
if ittiisd i.lier the 30th of June, lSt!4, aud u--ed
without a stump it cannot be afterwards ell' cm
ally staifpt d. Any failure iiwn ihn part of llie
muktrot an luttiument to appropriately stamp
It lenders him Hallo to a penalty of tao huu.lred
dollars. i
(Suits are comnie need in many States by other
process Ihnn wri', vi : snmmnn', warrant, puti
iii atioa, petition, &c, in width case-i these, us the
original pioee.-ses, Seveially reqntre stumps.
Writs of trim faciat arc fubjoct to stamp duty
ttf orlpinul prorcs.scs.
Ibe iuiat of an nttiduvit taken before a justice
of the peace, n'tary public, or other otlicerduly
sothorled to lane atnuaviis, li nuid to oa a cur l
ticnte. and suhi- ct lo a s'amu duiy of five co.its.
except when tuken in sui-s or leg il proue.-diug-.
Certincatcs of Man. In v. men mere snail auiu-ar
any written or priuted evideno- of an amount of
money to be paid on demand, or at a time d U
na'f d, nte subject to stump duty as 'Tromlssory
Tbo asidimmcnt of a mnrtsage is stitiie -t fo the
same ft-. nip dot) as that Imposed upon the origi
n -1 lubtiumciit ; that is to sav, for every s-na of
"00, or any Ii aeli' nl purtth reof of the anion
secured by the mortairi' at the lime, of its assign
meit. 'here niust Iu uHWed a stamp or stamps
drni.'-ng a duty of lenis.
len two or more p.r-onsjoin in tin execu
tion oi uu m-tniment, the stump towlih h the
nn till n cut is HnLle under the law miy be aill.-ced
ami eia-ee'e i l.y any one of ibe aui.a.
In eonvi vuiic s nt real esta-e, tne law urovi toj
that the m-niip atiNcd must anstver to llie rafas
of the estate ni Inie.'ejt convey .-d.
ISO etmnp Is r qnlrcu on any war-ant or alt r-
t.ey .-.i tciii nni lug a iiond nr not.', wh-n s -.j!i
nor.rl ir Mi-e bus Hnixcd iliefto tbe sfi-n.i or
tatnps dei.oftnir ll.o duty rc,u!red: an I w'r-n-
iverai y bondornoto is se. ured by inort.'ai; -,
lint one stun n unty is required on sji-u p.ip -rs;
mcb (iti iup du y licin; the hUhest raie r-quired
v u p iiistriiiueiita or etrner oi tnem. in su-iii
c. se, a note or memorandum of the, value or il.i
M uiinaxiou of the s'amp adixed s'iou-d bmule
on iheniaiain r In tho ackuowiedgjieut oi'lUe
lukiiument w hich is not stamped.
Nrd'cal All'nlra.
Medical dirce'ors of armies In tho fb:ld havo
been authorized by tho War Department io em
ploy as ortlng staff surgeons regimental stair
surgeons of two years' experience, who are espe
cially recommended by their Medical D rectors
at d v.!'0e teiin of service has expired. The rate
of K iurensiition will he the s une as ihe pay un4
emeluinenta ef ri ginn-uUl surgeons, with the use
nf one public horse and cqnipiuenw, and forage
for the same.
Kadonal Hka.
The following Nutii-nul Ranks have been es
tablished s'nee the 2d of July :
y.rrcl snlt 'llS'lt asl Rtnkut Hti.util Ma't.traplttl.l'iiyVnfl
'! Nitilnnnl rt.m or Wurca-ter, Muas., l,llal.. 4: ,il
1 Ull tilyoi al l.aiu ul 1'litaiau, a. ....... lj.0
Ibe total numbcrof National Dauks tbat have
teen fslat.lbh' d np fo July 0 la 17-t.
Tbe following Nati inal Bunks have been do
slgitted as d.posi'orhs of put. lie moneys:
1 ecoud of lU'.tiuiore, Md. ; First of Fraukliu,
Va., and Fa -i of Dorchester, Mm
- Beautiful 'singing If heard In Swedish
rl.uri fat a, for lb nation i very music al. The
pel vice is the ssma as in Denmark, a Lutheran
Mm of worship, and Ibe metrical psaiuui are
iuuJui to the Datdoh.
FGurifii ImfioM.
j:t'., mo., Kto., i:to,, i-:to.
wpeelnl let The Y'veiilnv Tole-rnh.
Hai.kisiii Kii, July 12 P. M. Our f vrcss
urdir Siel have ozctipled Fredorirk city this
luoiniiig. (ur forces at liaiper'a Ferry are In
r n.niunleatlon with General Sullivan at M ir
tinsluitg, and will act in conjunctlcti. Then Is
a rimior bete that a jmriion of the Rebels have
iicri'na d the Potomac below Harper's Ferry.
A gentleman from Frederirk City, now io
town, wl.o bus been In lo .rultuti in nt head
niiiirtiis, tiiys be eonnted the enemy as they
jnssed Hip ugli Fnder cksbtirg, and they uutn
luied thirty-eight thousand Infantry, with one
bundled and forty pieces of artillery.
A pi rlion of thia fores) was to hae met A. T.
Hi. I, at Leetnwn, with reinforcements. TaLs is
All quiet on the Northern Central Railroad.
Thire urc no Rebels ou the line, which is being
repaired as fst as possible. IJiltim-iro und
Washlt gton ure still threatened by a largj force.
At nt siA.Mc., July 12. The Orthodox Church
In this p'ace was struck by lightning last night
ard entirely destroyed. Tbo loj on th build
it g is nearly $22,000, and on tho organ, S i KM.
The departure of the noon train for Baltimore
to-dny was postponed until half past two o'clock
A largo nnmber of passengers wero congre
gated at the depot this morning, waiting transit
to Pull Inure mid Washington. The 24 o'clock
train will be run as fur as I'errvvllle, from which
point passengers will reach Baltimore by bout.
We have authority for staling that the utmost
quiet pierails in -ilmore, and the "fcere" of
the citizens of that place has boon ch Icily manu
factured at the Noitii.
Anioimthe pasengvrawho will leave for Wash.
Ing'on in the afternoon train is Mr. Leonard
Grover, proprietor of theatres in Washington
and this city, and Mr. Hess, his business agent.
I) Al.TiMoiiK, July 1111 P. M. Tho exoitanieut in
the eity has heon increased by tho Kobe! operations
around tho city tc-ilar.
The duel owrier bridve was dnstroved bp a horn
ing train which the Rebels ran upon It, Its approaches
beinir imardvd by a nn-ooat lyiu? In the river. Tho
trcin winch tbey used to accomplish their
they had previously captured, being the regular 0-liO
pa-sender train from llaltimore. The. paasons-ers
were mined out and robbed, and thoir truuks plun
derer!. Vi o lisvo acer.uiits of tbe stealing ofhunos and t!ie
plunder ot stores all through Baltimore ounty.
IfceTurnpiko bridgo over tbetiunpowdor baa also
teen aestroyod.
Tears are eutrr'atned that a number of the mills,
factories atd louuderivs around ths eity will be do-(Uoyedto-nijiht.
As far as ueertamed, the wbolo cavalry ioroe In
Boliimorv county winch lias done all thia mischief
does not exceed eight Hundred, under the eommand
of the noted Uakkt Gilhork.
The delenses of Ihe city are Ulns stronsHhenod
and manned by the e-.tlsens in larve nuinhora.
Tbe tanks aud insurance companlt have all do
positoil their valuuhivs ou board of a steamer eliar
teied lor the purpose, and readr to leave at a mo
ment's lotlce.
Ihe eity is tuil ot rumors to-nlfht of attacks on onr
rlrkcts urc unit tho city, and It Is reported that Kl I
cott's Soils are in tt.oir posseasiou, but we oaunot as
tsin the truth oi the report.
Iu tl.o a trek en the train at Magnolia tins morn
fnjr, Abrauam Ward, t!io nreuian, was ths only
peinon ki.led. Ihe itebels c.iptur -d some prisoners,
tut tl.e most of thorn oscapod to iialtimore. Ujth
or.Ltliielors iscanrd.
uly a jonlou of (.unpowder bridire was d
tlorcd, aecurdiuir to the la'ost accounts.
1 o I'nlied btutes trun-boaU are ia the Husque
bani.a, cpros to Havre de i,race.
tienernl Ord lo t'ominand at Dalllmore.
llALTiuoi.a, July 11 Evonim. Tio news from
tVcsl. Ei.ti n is alarmlnir. The Mar says: Tne skir
misning on tin Koekvil'e road bad c.ira.u.uio id at
an enrly hour this torenoou a id was ooaanasl by
Ihe of the fteheis to a p lu sluut four miloj
wist ol Tcualirlown. Hjro their pro .'ton oa tut
roed Htepned aud tboy dii-aupaard in some othor
diiecliou. Bubsetmeutiy wo bear of the a sklrims i
IcK. ftlout uoou. on and about tho tovonth airoat
lim p ke, near tho C aiett farm aud Uio re.udiUio
ol T. 1'. T.LAia, tq.
It i. reiorled to-day that the lb-bo's havo bu nod
tliertsalci ecot Mr. ltLAin. Thero wro oinht bun
dled only in tl.e mree that caused at Itook
vi: it- last i.ivl.t, tlioueb pan o-slitek.-u rolwot arriv
inr to-dny irom ttio violi.ily ot i-.ward's F -r.-y ro-
ti.rt thtm eiossina noitn al mat point, yimeiuav ana
tc-imy, in loi-.-e numbers, boujo sayi-iit bi,WJ sirouif,
and cO.tiOO.
Tl.u lii.MlinoE is believed to b? in connmna or
Ha ir ailvui ce Iu ibis direction, and iaiona .' co a
n tl.ils their eavalrr, now hau 'lug aro iuJ uur ioril
teallcns. All aus quio: iu front ol our picket linn,
cjunaLat is known r.s the liver load i taut is tho
oud timing the I l.csa, onko aud Oaio t'aual, aloio
Lp tu eu..u fo-Cay, tho Star sais, tho utunbr aul
1 mioses ul tl.e taiOel invadinir ior'O ai"J contua n,;iy
cui fl e-.iiit. Wo dim el-owhero tho op mou o.iteir.
tuluu bj many aruuud us, that tho itctCt toics is
tot i f Vtoisht sufl:c:eui to uudortak; a s irimn aUc'i
tq cn tl.e a rt fieatiuns oi Waabiugtou, and it is
not Iheir purpoao to do to. IV r coaira, w j hao
Just leceiveu the halloaing uoni a sourjj ol ,rjat iu
t .li-ie kLd reliallity, and ono that tu on w
I eaied liccas ous had luo eailiott aud moat acoarutj
Inltimulioa oi Uebrl niovom.'n's iu Vir uia:
ik .uiiutliou iccmved l.oio taj tjuailer is as
ll,c la bel army of Invasion maro"ie I dow.i tha tfi.tou slionir, ii.cludiu 80O) cavd.y, und -r
ccun- anil of A Jdoal Ua ilv and
lit atl er-(.. iierais 1! LraiNniooa, lU.vsoa, lu
iioins; a il l:cl A-3fi.Ai.
l.iMisTunr was ut ligrdouiivllle on SatirJay
lust with au.oi.oi.ul lore s. to Jotu U-Jhoi ur uf of
ii.vii-iLii aid llie purpnr.o ui' tint arinv wi au sl
t n pt at ti.e ep lire of H asulustou hi- a surprise.
C'oloreU for Oos llnnctn-d Itaya.
IlAhKtsi.Pko, July 12. Thfollolug firjular
was i- ncd from lieadquaitcrstlii morning;
; IlLADUIAnltaS Di.l'AhTWKXT OV Sllanjt-B-
SAN, H a Kuibiiviio, July 12. Colored irnp
will be at cciacd by companict uud- r the 1 1 e
citllsfif the Governor of Pi nn.y vania for nni
lmi.drd da. a men, and wld fw mviniied inn
riKiiiiiuiaahenatuffl-ltut nuinN-reau be got
torn tin r. "
hy Older of Major-Oeneral Coach.
Joum A. biHt Lit, A. A. O.
Hrpur npf ml UMttn ItnrntH.
A tiv i pn'i irn i 'liM wt rc hplu inal yritor y
fin ir1 rt. tun tu e )T ihM f u b r r unnniH i ih I t
liiM HN...8. ..(... h( iv I ly titc JH .11
f nl tr mm Mt. c'n i i Wn b ut n. T d f
fprt nt tit : f nt r of I'm TV; tin ti yt H nti I Vi
nn ni 't il him rt in p n niim- ; n I ih Im
pcita tm n'iroi in .1 n Vr tnrr p trniro n do
In pt-ti inri'i nf one or t vn nt v p iu r tu it rnn
nil'ttl nu n nouM rvM noiint lalu tbo St it .
.It (jniti' tltr ron- s,ry wirli lhfn, .HO'lr
ri ri vs, in nite-t will i j.ii"!. a ul itnx: n fn'i
(r o hilp r Mho Kt h I r id, wmc t.iwr p I
In 1 1 tt r r iiioveinrTitf T'n' or1 r I- r Ml.; r 1 -pHttnre
Bt lm.r1 on 8-itttr'l.,y, Mini ft i rt ii 1
1 hut the hli i' I't rpi'mn'ntM w.M h tu -lio fl -Nl
hrU w tin- ft of Tbtt wfiT. 'php r-' t- ifvivtj
will ff if 84llt. 1' wil! f.-nn Hiif on linn I .iv
at 4 P. M. to t'oy, nn I Hupmt. Nu.l sttimif, in th
f tt'elock tmln tor iliiltiiiitMc, :f ot) innu iiriitt 111
oii Itrtwrfn hi reun'l th' rity. Ino HcU nnd
H tl .t.i it -f rtijirnt nt ir".
fi.nI, ln d r 1 V . t'onVHiH-; ll-trtu m( rIon.i,
llfttiy . ti'tit rll, 1 M .m n lHr.-ltv ; Htir. ..-i.
J iiiin,ii Vet al; r'lip'n it ih- Hi'. ' . M i 1 ; A i it it,
I. .. i.i- piint r. K. Mil lit-lu .iairu'nitu. te l.i-ut-uttii
(iti.r r K. Ii nt.
1 bv Mh lit gimenf HTvotl i h cv.! t in M ry.
land, a c. r wi!o Isht nuM'di, tin ng 'Im R v
ruiil. Tt;u 4th Ui-gimtMif, Hht unit ( iy. H m iX ,,
n ( ii vk Thn will nn ot oo VV'e lnr l.iy a i-i
bf nu-fvKil Into tin- lis tohttl Hvrvi v, an I wil
ili'i nrt i h ov i (ri)J nu n and ft nu Hhd iiilrtmli i
t r 11 liaitny.Ht ltl A. M. un ,ho f 1K t i ir
(Tlii'rU ) Iron, ttic r irm -nr. c-truer t' WbiLt
autl Kim Miv tr., Tic and tid urc :
I'otfnttl. I'AD'fl W. rMt-r; lJttitrfHft-('oUinl. J ln
S .r!l; (iir.i'n. t'lirumn; Aiattsitl Sutk i. t-r
Hl.TPth: Ailitimnt, Lrltln1 ; , tr.H tt'f, K. lIUt.t iat,
btk!iii. liril - B'tkiiit t r, Iitin n
Thf fill I In U'b 11 vlmon!", Colonolg
MHn. nod Mfitdh 'tr will rirp irt on Frid iv. Thi
y IU ptnu nl. CoIoitI ('tiniiihrr. wdl rntrth nu
T bii.Ktlwy with mm lour hundred tn tlvo htin
(lrttl n.t ii. The LHJth. Colonel J din O'M'ihoner.
will Ictive on ThuitnUy or Fridny will tv hifi
tirtd iren. This rci?tinfint Ii:h 001101 a no r
urmory nt No, lot and Crndhy BtiTtjt. .'no
i'.Hh tmI .Hi h KckimitMi'ii will loai; ouSuni.
duy. Tho foilowintf is the rtgimomal urd-r vf
tl e it.jlh :
IIkmw ! AfTfFt ffnu Bkuimi-nt. V. O. V. Y ,Nt:.v
i vk, Jti y II. lt$, -j,m:ai tt t'ttis. N.i. ll'u.:tint
to Mmi on aiir airlAiiv inr, ihi lu-rflineni 1
l r ;ui .it ilit
..n timii' i,th ..( ('omvanW.1 wlH Imme iluu-ty ni ke tto
nttw'M,r. n'(trHTtnii to fin n.,'ir i' tip.iim lv v 'l in
tff i!lf , H ml rvo t We nnui I'M ft' : i Mt -tt1 iu trferi,
J, o, (V Imivl M li. 1'iNt'aiNt.V, (,'nuitii luluisf, 1
JtillH I I'iU'i.HI IS, tt)tltht.
Ity nti'e nicmherof ihoe nlmenin orlirt
oil will go with ibeir ve(H cive lo iiniuiidt tr
turnrh mbMitut' s. Thuno reuiiniitK nr-i tu
H tvt- ft r thirty dnyn. or probab y ioniji-r. Gtu
rai Dur)iM lint ..nn.'iud ihe 2Sth and .it ltl 1 lln.
mebU tor mi vice fur one hundred dnyt. An ei
traet fifiu Governor Seyuioitr'a proelttin itiojl
lor mil ii out trocp i feu' joined :
Il It my dn'y in rarry out th Uv of th r4m(M p-ovld-It
if 1 r It itrtMnrtft of thn lulliiift. lie tirtttiUftl dil ul
II. r .Miioin' i.uttnl, i.ntl fur tl.- inhilc th'iins
r"iiiti'Ot' of U'ff provlf J n- of huhI bl'I 1 4 , tht.r--frr
t.r. r tin 1 fl r-ft tl ramfM n :Atiti nf h r)m,t-tnrr
tliAirftl lilts if,.M, 4th, bth, til, 7 fi, mid M" lviiiii4
t . f 1 1 f uV.'v.U nt volmi.ts m, BhouiU tho a mio o :r
wltl-itMir tU, m mire tl eir Nf-vifii ttiTiij.inio 1 a id
iiian, thr mnif ni Hi- nmsminin nmufr nivi-Ic I oy
Ihw; m ltd h hi flit ! lit ttiill n t nf1i, hvt Hi 1-' nt
111 ftter ftiavl bu drawn fnno ( Kiotrve Mill
diHirtt-tii unrit-r iliti t'lirultnuit m nW yur. lute to iii l.iwj
ot tliift Hi;e ntid wh 1,1 mroluuiiit Cuiutauud iu. will
cuuiiHve wunotaurikv."
Mnr.y of tbe regtmcnm of tho 1st Division havo
r.ot btn ordered nway, !:ut still remaia in this
city, ibe fuilowmff anmofC the nmu'Ti: tlio 1st
and 3d Cavalry 14 rlmi nts.tbc 5f.h, 7th. 8tb, lJ:b,
22d, 37tb, and 71 t Infantry Ht gluients.
1 he irinyor fo Hoi-itaueral Nntl."nril
It will be seen from the loiljwlog that Miyor
Guniher appreb?ntlH tronblo iu the city should
our militia force be materially reduced.
AfAYtiR'n Ovru k. Yiikk. J uly tl, M, , H!or
Oi rrl itmrltH W. HmidiVml Mir. In t!itj tinsi of
ftcinai aud hral peril, uiitudiK-iH-d 'f-.iitt roRt ii n
hHtta:l.v ilit ytiomra nf tainit(m, Tim parttniuiit
dug )i ail thtiM in utlioiliy, hnthor t-tvil or tnitlfurt, In
tn carri'uliy (fiiril Hto llva atU enij'aftjf of tttr o-vu
ft llow-idtUeii.. M ra In New York, Ihu gH c ntrr of
coniuifrc at.d wvalrh, It la cniiKtdnrft Ion of t:i K'-a' Itn
IftiiMitci . not nlT to 01 rlvfei. out io Vtn irviitiral tttifnlc
ni'ul, Utat wn oud not, by anv (?'on nf oiir own, pltv:
llit-Mi ir at liiinU iu viiiar by wuhdrttwloy our la
kltin-n'C Miliiary prutm-tica.
lfe: 1 roiiH ilin, tit uas of riot or popular ontntunk, Is
tnH-itt'ly rvpoittd In our ortiunUvf oay isi'iain i. I rtaln fraa apprliiiftlnt I iat tltatr wlUidrawl fmin
lee tli ut a Miuo v bun th dopraiatsuti i uur cur
rency U tearing bavllf on tue tnai-i of our ppiili'lna
11.I1 lit timiii tbo IttlfkH t'cin
nfiii. of what winultt ftittin lo Uiama lavoia la 0 m rtu
ry Pf anton aid piimt ar. In muv.m an, wtikvi, lu
try tiflnniriit, I ngrvttnaay. may not ht court Id rd en
prtbahif.l tar our extlltt and powttrrul tiolt-i
mi Id prt'.e noquato to our protact oa la the
of tku milttBry.
I , II t n tM, molt citnttty pro'rat
rrrt net Km, at thi. nrilod, ol ottr orau id ad un I rined
nd itary fom, enratd.iJly wh-n aniiil! utip-tttsi of tron.M
tun be 'Mrnifht-d In nitsnt au t mertct-ury fto n pst-nn
w hwi no (iHniitr ran bi aiiure nidi-d of tba rharti:ttr
alH.a adiidt-d to. and to wbich tin City of Ner T irk li
Huliiiri axfufad
I bavt- Uia honor to bn very rMurtfollv, vour nrl.nt
aivanl. C. CODKltt-V 4JUNrab.lL
Governor St y rcoiir w isrxK ctvd Iii town late Itt
ni'ht, and has probably arriveij bef ro this. He
comrs In re to Ive his aid in forwarding the
militia to the field. .V. Y. Tribune to day.
Btatb or Tubbmouktbh To oat. Six A. M,
79. Noon, 91. One P. M., J2),. Wind, North.
Tim Rr.iiEtltAiuExciTKMKNTAnoir Town.
The excitement throughout the city was equally
as great, if nt more so, than during the K b;l
raid in l'enni-ylvunla about one year ago. Coco
nut street and third was thronged with people,
and large crowds, as usual, gathered around the
Bcwppuper ofllccs. Ueeruiiing to k a start, and
was vei j brisk, hundreds of u ones oeiug euro. led.
liunds of music, on foot and iu lara.ei oaoutiii-es,
paraded Ihe si reds, peilonuingsuui-sti ring airs.
The Committee on IVfunse and IV itection
wrre ucuiu In session this tnortilug, in (Select
Council Chamber. They agreed 10 furuUtl
In r es, at the expeioe o' the city, to Mr. O.av, uf
t'ouiiuoii Council, who bus oraut.e t a c onipanf
of lit) mouiiicd men, to gnwhurt rcr then4 Servians
inav he needed. Ihe ren ins from the virions
mii.tary oriiuniiations made to the Co.muitie.i
this nn ruing were mosteti.-our.i.;iu,snii snowed
tbat our cit lens were fully alive to tho em r-jet-iicv
of the ocension.
t;pto a lute hour last night the greatest excite
Uieui pievaia d at the U iltliuore depot. Cnear
alier el.t'er was given for the Union. O ie or two
li.olvidualsol'secs-rs on iiroelivi.les win) venturrd
to triitK'hviruUasieful -entiuients.were ru'her
roti)-lily dealt with. ')nu mm was koockjti
ill w n. and bud It nut lieen for the i it tri'eren.-i4
ol I.ieutei.aiit Fuller and a portion of his ruin
Iriui tie J-'irst l'olice Ins-rlct, he would ua
di i.l tedly l ave been hung to he n .-aret tree,
as a uanv went oil ill search of a r oe, and r-
mrr.eil jost as the mi-oraiile nl
bu n fptr.ted away. '1 his is n i tbnu f or the fev
tiauo.s n onr midst to mile wl h ttio feeiingi of
a psMotle people, it they do so the aiust rj ip
the col at queue s.
KiHiikiord mid lirldesnnrg ar resmm tnir no
bly 10 tbe cad. Uy to-moirow Oo o tut II irt ia
il. Jmks will iiinuj a full rvaloe ntor io)J ui-m,
coini.oMdi'f ibe ol Hi) Ur.dtxhar
Ar-t'iial. They will ifl fully arm. -d iii le 'l pid,
aeil cai ty tuu-k. tt of lucir oar a ui ml loiare.
Coal Ex' hanoe ltaoiMExr. Oar loyal ail
patriotic tcllow-cltizoos of tbe cod ira.lj ara
agion l.ard aiwrrk, with Ibe same gcnf.rotity and
l iibiicu liitthiit has I h.u-actori.ed their exer
tions In everv cmetseiicy that we hive pi-s-d T' ey are r-.l-in? a ro.uiment, aud oifar-
ii.v a al tscml bounty or -i0, aud all re.ruiuog
expinses paid.
Hu e UKsr.iivinCoMrABV C By an advir
tiie meut in anoth -r column, It win na scoa lua
Con.p.-ny C, of the 11 ue Ki.erves, Is r.ipl ily fid
ley up. A meeting will lie held at the Ar o or,
ho. fii5 Chesnnt street, this evt-nlng. Voiiug
ini c iteriring to enlist cannot do nettcr then to
il'acli i lienor Ives to ibis oiaaniz ill n. Iu nil-
ins Hie l isve and r.xM-rbju.wil, and are il.or
i unhly i.uallned for iheir positioiu.. . ,
ltix'iii iTiso. Iaibt cvciiitig a largo wxllni
was held rt the Union League rooms, for the of fa i Hating rcctuiling for the .'.tl
I nn n la ni. ue It nnni-nl National Gdaris. 'i lia
menu g was splondid one.
Dill. Although our city waa ono field of
cxciieirent tl.ia morning, yet no disorder pr.
Md'cd. The pn'lco retuTis sh-ivcd that no trreti
for eirli iis offenses had been made. The raid
kbsoibs ibe mind of every one.
A huvai.. General Couch arrived al the Con
tin' ntal Hotel lftst eveuiug. During the erenili i
I a was in eoin-nlt'tion wi.U Geueral Cad.vala lor
In re-feience to tbe rani. .
Adhitional ArraoPHiATio. 4n ordiuinee
makirg an addlt onal appropriation of 9 1 .0,0)3
to provid efisr tiie emergnucy, was passed at a
sptcml meeung of Select Council.
Enthusiastic War
TllOI.'NAMW l'lirOXKN I1
Fpcc dies by Judge Kro.r, lion. Wia.
D. Kellcj, lion. Juries M. Scovi?,
Jut'gf) Sliiinnon, mA Oilers., t ;t . , j-:tv., kip
At noon to-day, Iu u'-edience to a c'l uovjn
In ft c morn'r-T pupcis for a'l'iwti V etiinrtn h;
held in liulept ndenee S inirt-, ihotn m Is 'locks. I
to the -r'ef'rd nnd all-in note 1 spit. A' t f.v
ii Uiules lielore 12 oMoek the Rmto Mone bi'll
wi.s rnnir, and the attendance was lir ;"ly in
i te-ined.
The mainavenne rnnntna fnin ChesiutttoW il.
tutst'ett whs III ed iie.iriv to the sett're, tn I.
rotwiihstunilii'gthe l'e .!t v o' the; sun,
Ihemnsswas not In the I sst d mln-s'if t. Tho,
ora'crt enti usiusni oievii'i"', an I rhcr a!"r
cheer rent the mr fi r the S'ts's an-t s ripes, t!u
t'nl- n.and cur avi- Mil liers Ie the 1el..
I he nieioing was organi.e.l bv calling to tho
clieir Jud-re Knox.
Jtn'ge Kntix.nnon belog ra'led to thi cba'e,
ruid In acivpteii the invitation M p.vwpla over
the nn en'ng, without notice. Wo -ire nss'tn ilcl
to Cev se ihe tsrst me.'1's of nmtectlna? onrsi-lvcs
In ihia toiolnm io v. NN'bllf O-ant la envatrel
lM-frre Ulehtnoufl, a bly of IIi-Im-Is hive rtcine
irr-ih-sartl and romnil'f d Tinmeroiis len-x bi
fiona. d tenieii Oeiierul Wa'lice, CH-iinrn. trains,
bu ned I'weliincs, and ar u w thputeion fr
e ties of fnl'lmoi-n and Washington. Wh Is
tl e size of i hia force is not known, hnr It is tt
duly of the people of Hie North to resist tbao
operation. ( tppl ini-0 )
Tl e irnin tit.Jcct nf th1" tnovr,Tinl on the nan
nf the lttbcls Is to caue J--neral Grant n d--ai-h
a lar);e force of his army fiom the sleg.- of Uh h
n ond. Tiny know tt-it rbatcliy must f
the ilesti nctlon of lav's nrmy and the d)-vnf ill
of the llt-l-ell'on are certain. ( Lot ns
then protect ' nrselves.
Yen are Bseinhcil here for that pnnwe. Wj
a'e hen- to -.hnwthst we a'o vet tru 'o t'm cause
of our country that we wl' re-i t this Uehellion.
Mv ittitv Is to open this met ng
The R- v. Dr. Dralneril wasealh il uo .n to opm
tbe no e inn with prayer. Ife nT-ircd no a fer
vent and Iniprrasive prayer for tbe pood of the
C tietry nnd the success of our brtivn trn )ii.
Hon.' WIl.Tim D. Kelley was then In'ro Itie.-ii.
He said it wsa Fomuthing tn a-s-m o'e here
wh iv the De-lar lion of toilependcnce was
I'red by onr fon-firhers. We Rie pormitMd fo
a M-iulile io-d.iv, lo p'cdire ourselves rhit the'r
worts i-IibI! h nnoit lined nn l perfoefetl over
in ip nr.wio innn. is anv man aTion- yon arraiil i
If he if. let him go to bis boms and hide himself
in Ms liet'elotliea.
The riailiest honr ip before the Hwn. and h
never fe't more confident of the crutiluir on of
the Jtetie IP n than he was tbi t d.v. He th-nght
toe riions or tne uehellion to-ilav was a dvlng
pnsp. (App'unse.) Ca'mly and eno'iv pI's'Uii
CTirtitlcnal Piirender 'niMt. loldlnT the key to
itcnniTO. no ai uneii to tne nruii ist opera
tions of Wllnon's rnH. nnd of the linigo In
fltrted, which cannot bo repaired for months.
What th. se men did, others can do.
Ar il it becomes us now to respond to thecal
of our country. Rhe will areepio'irH irlc-aliinneii
friends, and inyrasti who ha" a lnval hear. Sh
wil) b'ke you as Khe has already taken 4i,00i) of
the sons of Ghln for ono hundred davs. fitio
will a in nnd equip yon to-day transnort you.
1 he capital of your cor.ntT Is sld to bo in dun
ger. Will you go? (Cries nfTes ?)-
Yonr country calls you, and 'fyou emut go
for a lorper period, vour services will heaeurnd
for one bombed days. Tic had heard men 'a'k
ing nbt nt whose fault this is. li is very etsv to
eiltlcire. He supposed every m"n would malm a
liemr Oi reral than Grant only his country
don't know It.
All he had to sny was, no blame belonged tonny
Gerenil. They have done thnlr dutv bravely and
well. If you" want to know how w -II -is'i the
London Time, which, ntrer tbreo yi-ars of sonar
Ing, Is ar last ohlled to ennf.-a the corn. If
there is any blame to he attached, it is tt th
Amcrfenn Congress, which ha refused to give
tbem men.
I-'or ell this he blamed the Copperheads who
by thi Ir action In Couktcbs had prevent! the
commutation from being s'rl-k n out until the
last wee ft of he si-slon. Ho thought there was
no fear for Washington. What we f.iar Is, that
cur own honor mr-y h tirnibed in after days-,
when It was si.ld rnr Capital was in danger, and
onr Deoplc y-fuKed fi reppnu-1.
l'red. Fri.lev.Es'i , was next introduced. He
mace a stirring app. hI to tbe Isrgr ass-mblage to
emn'l their nsine-. He said I acre was no faar fir
the Kepnhllc. T!ie ennke tbemeparboa I snska
is glvng lis hist move. Lot us send up a mil
vcrsiil shunt that for onr country w. will pie Igo
evervtblng. as our fathers did In 1776 nnon this
spo'. (Clere.)
Hor. James Scnvel, of New Jcniey, took the
stand. He was no' here to tell them to go; he
was thtue to go with then. (Load cheers.) It
was nn time for speuklng. Tne most eloquent
si ei dies were being made by thorn in and about
Baltimore, contending will the Rebels. He would
now a-k I hem If they would go? Are yoa
willing to go ? (Cries of vcj ) Then co, and
rememtitr yonr wives and little ones. Iliinem
ber 'hat you h ive a nnn'ry to save, anil don't
give np Ihe tb.-ht until ibis is done. (A'ilaue.i
Colonel Montgomery, of Vicksburg, was cs.ll-d
for. He dliln't come to make a soceeh ; he et-no
to ko with n repiinoni h melf. We cune here to
nil go in a body and let our wives hold our ha'.
(Apidtusc.) If the Uels-is ean't capture Wash
lm"on, we can. (Laughs r.)
This thing of lining pliy-lcally dlsab'ed is all
norisrnse. Now, all we want ia fur south iy
Ilia' has good clothes to come np hen) aid take
the lead. He dld'nt know the wav, hat lie wss
w.lib g to follow any nia-i who old. ( Auplansi).
Jtt'ii:e fibai non waa the list p.H-iki", after
which ihe vaw aitenihlag retired. Daring fie
coii'lunan's? of ihe meeting several reorui Ina
parles. beinlcil with binds of musi -, in In their
appea-an o. Thia added to Hie enth'islai. of
the people, and many ut once enrolled their
"West Vbilnd Iphi Savings Fund" hs ono of
Lllllc's No. 2 Il-ink Safes, purchtted of M. C.
f uller, aseiit, in tills city, s uu;: eihtoeti months
since. The safe Wat left In tbo ofH e, M irket
street, above Ilroad, on Saturday uflcruooa all
On Sunday, at 12 P. M , tho policeman trld
the front d sir totliooftiee a'ld found It uuhx-k-.d.
On rxaui'n:u0 the ofH -o be found tha hnrl-rs
bad laeu st woik at the safe, but bid left witti
thtir i pparaltis. Tifiowm a uia lo to
ibe lima in in nt nf the sue, for 'lie support of
11 1- drill, and a number of holes funh-r back for
nn apparatus fo c a e a I'r.-ssnre, and every tUiup"
di iie uppui'i ntly to in ike the d'i'liug t'Cifo -t.
A hole w s "f'tiiiad ur lied, or tirouud, stvnt
lis.! -.Hi in b Pit i tbe door, over the lovi, ia Ilia
Diatimr mi ptitilicly oc ribed iu anndry nc s
piptr iirtvi rtl counts: and If wnnM soo:n tlis
was an fur as tbey could go, as the ir.iu i.-.a-ne
I. anil "-. Next tho I'K-k ceutro was tlnM'o.iiily
trie'', bin lould not be driven in. No-:t tie Utun nern t'.kcu nil', and the kuotH-pindles
nue thoroiigM .' tried, an i tU-'jr c-ouM no', lie
dr v n in. A sledge wa& tried, and ins.t hid no
t II. ct. A pry was placed uh ud tho d'vr.
hiigis to pry oil' llio ilir; itirs did
urn succeed, and fur ai" theru exptri-neiits
the biiritlars evidently came to tho conclusion
Uu y could not in auv way p-n. trate the sifo,
and Irfi in descale, voluntarily, uot h tvmg b -ou
d sturhed In 'he It-nit, ami hn-i'i'i s'il1 ul.tiity '
time The apno irai.ees would el.-artv
Inoietite U ai. ibo burglars were at work dui-iug
S.uuiOny u gbt, uio.t of tiuud.iy, and Suuday
(Veiling. '
Tun At.MSitorsE. Tho last cenius of, tho
Alinstou-e Is reported as follows :Wup
r mills r In ihe bouse, 2212; saiae liui. tsvst yeir,
iV'W; admitted within the last fwo wwelt J.fll ;
f illi p, 2; 1His, U; disi-bard."'';et"Mi'd.
Alfred tl. W. Cauiweil bs Us elected H mv
Anni' i f mo Al.i.i.uise. 1 - PMoni or
tor.kHrr.d Unas. Clerk have oeeneonoil
ilal.l, anu Mr. K H. OH" rJoae. to dia.:hrg-J
Va v m t.vT ov Ctrr Ilocsirv. Thlt mornipj,
sixteen rrc ults. enlisted for throe yearn, woftt
paid the city bounty of jf&Q each,
Pit L Vrrovn The Miyorha've od (h ardl
narne making an appro, r at Ion to the Ds'partiaeul
f City Tropefy, lnc!dng 9l(l,n09 for impfotrts
rien's tn raitnu nnt Tark. Th M iyt is of tha
"'p ibar iha prv-tne eondl to. of the c'tr
hlat.e.-p will nut w.irr.nt thes-' I in;! exp-nJi-ti
res fin oik not atsoln f needed. . .
Ona Hi'simtn Cirs' Cm 'Pun Rsotastr.
The" Siiprivl-jirr Commltto f ar ' recruiting
colored repimanii have raeelwd anthorky froni
General Cooch ,,1 p.glmfn, f 0na h'lB-
drr d deys n r r,-n,,JtH wivhlug fo rccrait mil
v U',o,n!r.'.ri"'r '1,cUatouceatlKJquarteni,
ISo. 1210 Chesnnt stra-t. .. . ,
Local Hki vnina.-Th monitor 7Wrv, ball
at f lies er, ha- arrived at U.a Navy Tard. Her
eliiif cfTlecr Is Lieutenant Coram ,,,)er Ooorga
rineoi Doling last wtek, 1424 bead of cauls,
0 bt.js, and 4'Mi sheep were di-posed of...
1 he cnuie aii.o-iiit pah Into tbe City Treaaary
t'nring last week was &J2,U..41....iiral
rcrk.-ip wero picked ves erdav in the t-Mwila
ali nt ihe newsp pta o'lle-s.... Coring last week;
1 putii-nt" acre sdu litest Into the virion ituo.
pi lit, and ,ln renr.,el 'o doty . The nn-nh
rtnitinng la 14,279 M itt'iew Ira-io h id rl 1st d cruhtd iu nisehmery vea'erd.y nt 4
Urt. ryln llut'onwiavd p-reet, biow Uroa.1. . , ,
The Mini ot f-Jl ,'3i 23 was expeuded Iw-t vaea:
tr thr r'lef of the fanilhs of volun'otrs A
I'trr nuiutH r of Gov.Tnmvnt la'KKvrs were sea
tovtrk jf tiriJav on the Hue of the Roading
A Joll Mine wn Ihe Jomfss River.
On the Jemes river, near City Po nt, therw
bred some years sgo a miserly oil lady, wrj j
soul pah, caught In ths river by her son, in tliej
Kl. Mho nd inarhet, nt very re-nnneraiiug jineos.
M e bi wn ed all her sains, and wln-n she died her
laiives, who exrted a wuuifa l, w re -urpr s;il
to find that she had very li-ile. Ton foot was
slrgtilnr, but still a tact. The boiiso, by tha
fortune of war, was homt, and Ihe strangj cir
ciininsiiee nf her poverty was nnrxplaine l natJI
rome ot onr .iil-t l.-(r.,n to dig around rhi two
o'd chio.iicy-.taeks, the sole remains of hor oonv
for'e1 le in: nlon.
Tba encle-wnrma ronnd about them w?r
f. niptli'uly sweet and lare for citftSh an I eel.
One duy, one of the wanior disciples of Inak
Walton strii.-k a vein nf gold and ailvr, which
wus couth ed Jo a common iron po', wuich.
t'oulaless, hud good rultmtr scrrloe In Its day.
Hire the old woman buried her treasure, whl-Jk
the soldiers dispo.-ed of so hurriedly that it M
I urdly probable that its preciae sum will aver bo
There were eagles, half eair'es, and qiarter
casles, btsiees pieces of larger value, and quaa
titl'sof silver coin. Somo say mat there waa
v2n,(sju, nnd otlars not more than 91000. At
any tate tl ere wus grest pcininbllog, .nd no at at dlvion, Ihe finder lieingpo ton
Isl'i d at his good luck thst tbe spoils were gono
before be ce.uld lecover bis se . H -r rela
tions. If they ever hear ofthia circurnstanoe, svHI
know now why the defunct old gran Jauie seemed
so poor.
Tbe humnn annl Is nothing bnt God's violin,
upon which lie plays tho most ex luleite tnnes. ,
The strongest man foels th Influence of
woman's pontle-t thoughts, as the migodcat oal
quivers in ine aoftesl breeae. .
"Why srn'l yoa with vour reglrrtnot?" 'Ob,
. in siea. i tb ui same- ning ine matter with my
liver." "Ah, yes; it's white!"
. A person passing throuah a village, and ob
servlcit npon a door, "Hasweil, Sargaon,
remaiked, "Th it gentleman's name woalJ be u4
well without the li." r i , ,
"Humble as I am," ssld a bullying AmcrL,
can Bf-outi r at a meeting, "I still remember tbat
I am a fraction of this tnagaiftosnt reoublio."'
"You ni ii deed," laid a by.-taoder, "ua yuU
gur one at that"
: .
Baported b l.lailuoo Oo., Hr.kan, Ka, Ul . Third Jt,
ICOah lead. V. 11 .c Ul
Hi anSMil At 91.IM
HOsk Oo ko'R
N'.p a i b v,
anois, o it mi
Is si ,h c
log ah an. hi nv
1) .0 . 4 MO V,i
:i.k a.,.,
loa.h sit?
InVsa Ou mv
Fills T HOARD.
CMW C.R. 0-Snares.... .114 Ft..
fli'Sl do W. MSI ,b ltea4. II. It
S.'s .da 'IU luo.k aa i
,04 t.
... II
... Tl !
,D 71
fl do Ham
;k Pmn a an'
S'Blflt'itj ils.nfw 10H.VI
$10111 MielltClll.Ou.O 117
rolHOIl Ai A met'.. ...Ill
ptsi stiwspi. Mh.
rash Pa R R.
u -H ' UM
lVi 4h Baa.ttaa A. ft., at '
' 0 no do.
!N10 sh a fcJO SlV
AJO ab L'alaw. ft..,, Uit
SK.O Itead.rui b.. 70..iimu
-St.l'il.4 ErMPa ...Hi
H. a. I.kik'h, Minrk (Vanaslssvaa llrokar, M. 1 rati
auluu FtuilJiPss. Waiaat s'rvet. btijim Taird. uc (laid at Ova muaaststUa Uol4 Exohaoa
Ks.Mll. Third strett, sscoad story i
Xa.m mi uh ......rt
u a -n iir.M vt
Up Havkm Aro. Ko.30 t. Thlrt strsat,qatU as fol
lows : -r
ARiarleaa Hold. ....774 prtiau
l.illtd Malta leiuil N iuwi...ti4 stl
Anrra-an Kllftr H'f imI l a... .- 4a :
Uluiio a-rt Hair b un, .....tA a .
arstni.h Quar.srs ys) do
I'mjii .Tlvai.l. airriut-y.... )f ats.
Kesv rura Sxciiaatre 1-10 da
til PMOa,
. tit aa ,
.. Ao '
: . 2
Ti'ksdat, July 12. Tbo near approach of the
Ftbsistoouruailoualeapltal. as well as tha arrival af
the pirate Florida ttfl- Can. May . have leaded to sanetue the
BierraaUJ. oomratiiilty. a atl kat liltl. haaloeaa I. affketadi
Taers ts very utll. Bark ber., ana Ha. I Is worth AMI
? an. J
1 bare I. very l'tt. CtortrsaMl hare, and II M k-H af
lift . TlomUiT is Ustklac pip: ea.ea kf taat kask.
at l -Jb f bush, risast ed u wurth M to. t
Tl .rit ur Markut Is era-, but tmra la Dot mash da-,
ina. . Tbe salaa eompriaa IdeOnbla. ranasyirania anal
Oi Ui nil a Isolde si $U HVwlJ f tibl., ao4 sa bois. aas
at tit tulli Ml The sale, to th. reuilsra ao4 kak-n ar
within tbv ratios tf rrnoi at. 76 ap Ui 9U-.V) fcr earataia9
rnp. rflna. and fsuej lota, as In quality. In Sy. v.aar aual
Cora Jiisslaa.alsi hare bass rapon.4 - i
in,:, ba. Lara but rtri UiU Wheat edarlne, pa4 lbs)
only sale ,' about 00ba.lHili In ka. al ( tijl 74 k
bushel r.a n d, and tot whim. Bra eora nsa it !.
t'em I. In (tod ro-.nest, ant) Jtath- yrliow .old at t"7o.
11 err l a eat.v teuiind tor Oa'j at sea. Harleaall
ktalt are uull. t
In Provisions, we hava no ehaae to rasnrd In prioes,
WliLky ia in ttml'.e.! reques', wt'b ,m. sa'es uf ra
p!raaui aud "bio uois. at t .'SO, box some hoitlara d.-e-tivd'
tilli.r Stares, . , j
Market by TalrmpSs. ' -
Km- Yon a, July It. Flour his declined 20;. j;
7'K Mil-, t.ih ku:t, KW-Kal' t Olm, lisi I'lH
a-a lit r . SI . l'.'i is is', r attat ..te ia i-iwr-T eat atl.'
b r I. 1-rn Una. tAOJnlenhcIs B .Id tl !-..'-, a
1 rn Una. tAOJnlenhcIs B .Id II IL-S.'-,.(I .
b a rnii. ft"k ht-avvt Mw. l a, lo SA. Lard da I at
aio,i,,. ik,e w i.s a ill a. 'a)M. r
ktK.iias I siur. In, 'si; barr... t ira, lu.rsi ho h-lt.
Ktiskt-dnl . Chl-avo and Roek I-land, I'll f
Can tienm a l-rt farit-'l. sot ll.iuals lleatra', ,
'iehi. i n sv. : Kw Vok.-ea'ral. I4v, P hai
I mil, H'.. Mead.n. . t.i-S, : Wis..Hir.i. in. '41 tSrie I''i
tttii i. :'7'.; o. Vi'1' trilfi-s e. ti.ll j Tr.ettr.t.. ln ,L
4 it's, eoupoas, iU'S. ; Coupoa as, IDA, ....
alirKlklr.8iiua .IJatwkU.klU islnn.DrserT O ' I
beta litiuioua., a.ekai:d.ia, 1. Webster, Jr. . j
ateamahlp tiuxttn. viat'hetv.. 4H h an IrumBosioa.wftp
Did ea"d pa-"'iscls u li. W-Pj ar. )
kei r H I.. Cuitlen. Uio.0'eit, 4 da frotn Fortre,
attmrt a. Ik bt.1 itkl lo i ati'alu.
erlo M. arh-l.t Van I'u.en, li.iri-Uon, S fruia Bat-
tcraa inloi. in baiUsi it. 1. a a'ou ess, f
ltrvcrtrdfor Tkr A twiiui TVMoranA. 1 e . ..-J J 1 1 . w
ll.Ttiv Mt'iiuslup Mai...., Wat Usiv-:IT tf? )
ai il .hut-. Mte,,,.r. Harris. ": w .i r' f;
Wr..t..Oh.oJ A M a.'.ie.ijsi'!;"','WOoi
lyii'inseiiitTi I inloi: ""'"ii,."-'
Sim.' to.itr ai .aVA 8otay Jl
tin r A J M Jm... : ... tl. .i"'i a -"!.
... .1.. I It tr -
t Co: ii do llrair ai' a'aasia.
it d- C at rsv: 16 A J
St. rl "t L' i Irsrk i ' !' ' "' slls.
Lliiv ri 'J'tloSlluiisa-'Uina" Unm k rHai 11 .K
IrninnVh n. si II do JAiars. Knu', s.nies. "Vj;'
ltiun k I wnsi Ankara esaos ;eHa tuasat K Mi
i 'o-m o".'e "'-S-I- ' ev li e:..; lo t-ln. .piTj, i n-rne .t
tieitetiaii isiMieejeauiiisi a Muvu., Ill nam yn J Tl
hiio.i'J A ; 5" b.ii. ala-'ives Jush -.'r-i'ip ii-.i :i bba,
r0 I'M bsu neb 1M ir Lbls oolM o satm ik Ke.tsear,
M'airs A I'wt Ml t oll, cordate OrJuawes l pate.n -iiti l ,
pfc.a f i.,.wreSiIai-y ik blimiTto ; 71 bitts Jetsr 'NisiVia
Liea',a-. :-, 44" 1 1 as usta 'isu, Ur K MarA e.iu,Hyr
.ebCls Masse), t t.l'll A I'm: III Ul . or ! I . .Ul k
Ii n -, Ul . .e tu kill, ilaiaa, (cbipru ar C . . n'l
WH) ili'l'o.oo il" ; bns W'U' ln. Il.i.l.i 4 "; I
-JS bt.i. 1 ci. j s Siu. a t'i .1 etas dujea J Koaiai'
lo bab-t U.a I bait i t..iji.o itaaiuu.
ort.elHt lrMWla.a t ttxo HeH Ctells.
stieryetllattwcsy. , , " -'. '
I LASS V -Julv 11 ISM, , ,
' 10 IS. IT, "!!, 74, 4 o, fid. tl, 5.' I
73, 4t, ill, tf, bl. 31. 4'.,id, lJ, 4-.i, lo, 2?. .
alsab)'siar.-safc g .
Oeviausa, A,