I V THE DAILY EVENING TETiKG U APII. TOIDELrniA, MOND AY, JULY 11, 1804. Gvratug MONDAY, ICLt 11, fit BI.OfcNOMI.NW TIHK. The -Holeta, In tramPiM of jrarp'e, Ttlnoaa swrel on tha lttysom ot Sprim, , Tha lhrieshra, op blub on the larcticii, Of sun.tucr. of summer-time li" The primroses Unlit tb gretn shadows Of 6r woods, odorous, dim i Aid dsrn in the dnrkest of divert The nthUngM shantcih b.s hymn. T bill In.k i bo. I k rfij Vhrtl Bunbciims gland And Ur in iva p"tf. f I.IK pains for Ihe pl"M of The tt.rr,hes iff -Mnirln In ehrnt. The blackbird out" hls'lc". .hem nil; Tip inert-oa H lu bu cjirots The pn "K1" B"J la U Tie en nitre Is spurt np in the. beeches, The bees on the fnrre-lil'iaaom lei--, 1 be lurk 0T the grin n corn and clover, Tb rubs and the closc-huddli-d ilwp, r."ars, soars, and In ecstaey Minelng, Henri upward his prayer unto Heaven; lie's ibe iirie-,t cf (lie blue niuer rutiiuu, IS or rciU ha a day in tbe mm. Tit a time full of hope and of promise, Thin jotiih of the liloasotulns; year, All l plraanrc on earth and In ether, Nt. clixtttino- ril'toruiw or fear. Thiwe l lovo iloetnfr lond frotn the hnn. -lies, Yes, lore In each blade ot the learl.y, Th,t ateoJa tii ilia lierhl eve-rv hour. Alt Ihe Year liouni. VANCIJ HIM- AoCli OI I- OMl'AN T". I Iuiorportc3 June 29, 10C4. rapltnl, (IIKIO.OOO. a,aoo itr ti a enAxa-rAi. .ukrorlpllea ei each share to rltrl inbanrthan fcr I" Bed .hares pae able tl reh Bpnn sub.silb.as.ane) tws olbri Instaiaients f II rh, latekle su lb lk Jaly aaa Mik August, laM, raspeejilTeiy. TtN IHHl'SANU SHAHfS brtervta for Israelii of llir Company. J N H U It U Y O U II IjIFH IK TOUlt OWN nOMX COMrAXY, TT AMi:itICAI, OF l'lIltADEM'niA, 8. E. Corner of Fourth awl Wavinut Strata. ln'Stars Id thl I Snjany kaee the aJ.H WMl rea rantee el CAPITAL ATIM' al raid " f C1"!, whi.-h, U irailirr Willi t'Afll 4H':r, new an m l, am.un la uvt-a B HO ,(. PROPOSALS. CAEEEE OF A SHAM MABQOTS, A romanee of awlndlma h Jut bei n triel lielore the 1'arin Court of Correctional V.iliie; tha nri.oncr who bad evlilentlr Tend "Oil i Spaniard, Knichla J Kihite y Oan-la, oallin? bineif Moraliii d'Ottero. In ipiio ot bin iminw Doii" Euvebio is bnt tb'! awm of h bricklsyer, in I'.stramadura. lie came to Paris to lauke hi fortune, and as will be seen from the so'iael, on tbe point of nmrrvinK the danuhter of a wrallbv Hebrew mercbMiit In this cut. when, in the ireiv nick, of time, his fraud whs discovered, He sliRhUd on the J6(h of Krbruarjr Jan, at one f the botcls in the Hue VWienno, much fie qtientf d by Spaniards. He looked ecry Incb a gentleman, an l ais plaed, wuh stndied ncttllnenc ., a pookcubiok, the cotiti nts of which 1. Hiked vciy like hank otr. Therefore tbe h tel-kceper treated him with all tbe respect due to a nmn whjse purse aecmed so well Ulied, who called liims If a mar qnis, and looked not unlike one. 11c even biuk o mocb interest in bis lodger as to tecomm nl Urn, as he seemed to have a good deal of money about him, to lodge it tit a banker's. "Don" astbio y Blbute y Garcia replied that he bad only about 20,l)OUf. in bis pocket-book, and that be wou d soon require it, as he came to VuU to get mcrrifd, Ac. He hired a brougham by the month, spared no expense, and thongh lie ucvar paid bis hotel hill, so conducted bimel( as to iusp're the candid landlord with unlimited trust In himself; so that when he came home one line afternoon, looking pale and haggard, stating that he had lost his f ockeibook, and must write to Sp itu tor money, be landlord supplied blm with cisli, and even treated him to the Italian Opera la order to raise his spirits, lie contrived to make the a iiuaiut ance of a yonng Frenchman who had travelled in fSpain, and Inspired blm also with a belief In his Chateaux en fctpagne, aud lagr.ttiated hiinsulf wjrUlnin to such a di'Kree as toolitiiiuau intro luction to Mr. Levy Mayer, hit undo. Mr. Mayer had a daughter, and Kuscblo hay ing ascertained that she. would come In for a bandtome "dot," began to pay his addresses to lier. The young lady was much taken with her admirer, and her niuuimn rejoiced at the pros pect ofmanylug her daughter to a m iriuis.was perfectly fascinuted. The father thought it ery that a Spnnibh gra hi e should take to wife a tw. e, aud told him s, but Kuscbio Jo wish ha..- rent. He was a man of the wts at no loss for a. ... . and was wholly world.be said; hud seen -'n m gave devoid 01 nrcjuoice. m. mTi larS rurfm'a lit U. Va.' wart I I ( niii n cniaim hum nil nil Ihiny ' "' ! 1111 101 ul lh "II Kti'li. am- Ui.Hi.ati.l llrratinn l,,.l M.il.n rrt on Hit Al kH.a. rn.r.la : ani.irrr l,.Kl,.l, ffl.Jil. a .on.i.l.i.br uif.anrr ' H. i .f .!) Low. r To M.la llun . on,.n f ! V n u d. . ,.f n,n. !,.. t riiiklin. Vnainei C..UI.I , lMit ai IP. if'' " i, an abiiK.laiil S"nl V'rniiin m l ais'.l of an rt fvnl .loamy al ''II. tl' uuiik-mi". w1i t.ortl.-fl'ii 111 ban ,r.,lii. at I'H lhu uu .n.Kltr ttulai ily lliau kha w na ."'( Oil , w 11 I. . mud li. h.. of O.I l"li' ll.fboronfh ofrran tin. on l.a Alln h"v rlar w.il ur.ilI.IT n"r b-.m xl.i.ile.i.br..m-Hit mra'liiral uh.it . anlr anu Ik,iio( t". W li In iK.i.lli.lwr.lu '(llrmioii; t -u... l.lll tl !..! i t ml wi.ul.l lx urararu.r orl. l lha Il.lr Vi..!. 01 III lfk .1 rlw w'liM Ti-..ilr K-M bu.nl d.. frt in r. ."ll a l..r.l..n tl.a nr, wlwr, howrxr llnro oul.l 1 .liybaiiie - I armau. nl, ar.i uiiich at.aitr up l nn h,h.tiii.:ii.iiW.ui bcrfvnr l ! ol I'll II l en -11. llin. '"r.-. ( wnlii on lhr nvrr. In th mni.dia I.il'y " Kit- '""'I C 'linnno l . li. it r .li.r a, U.r pf ihr, - ur lour :ar an unwavtung mii.1 tat..) di.i' ) 1. iu . f oil. A l ai 1 i al 11 c iimiiihiii d in'rlo tha tn"t that v r l.... r 1 Mux llun and on n d in'lrl. ail urd vln Lne, aii.t uii; .ll.ta.it, c n a to 1 i..n'iai "ff'-f ''' .'''""' " '' l.'win tin1 rin'e uf k l a. rr'in . oin.r al 0 .1 Una nlif ainrt innia- rl-rt- !. lame d ir. II It w.i l '. ! ... l"ia. not In- . traoi.ltiiai),ll hi l-.tnin 'l ("i Hi." Ira. t a uihVinH d"iiliM .Mli. tkil.l l.nn.trl.1 a' d lllljr li"l. ll. at tin' l.nniai'j w-.l Biay " 'l-l "' ' ' lllr 'i'i''l. of buiiilr. n . f l..irr. Is ol oil ilallr. ann S'loin oix inoiiia Mould Ui li" tli" tjruiiiau. romil to tl.a sl,r.li..l.ir nl tin. c-...i.nv. On .Inn Sur'lnilar In.cl .1 land ttierai hm Ml h'l for lrn' i ar-. a wrll a- ir pimi..t a flr p .rt.'.n Ol k .1 1 "I, a II .H.tli ll ill'l.th ul b..rt.n 11'H"I'I"'H II. ills lnai.fl elf nl to Inaii'SS lar.- (I.iw: tilt- -r will, of ilia on at U na wall iiiouili r-ar. d aa r.naiiyi.1 .a torn., rowt r of llio lan.l, and HI at unca Inno. to t"i Mn.-nt. 1 Hi' om.'anv. 'i liar., ara nbio two uilmr wi s h,ir.l bulidrtd la -I deoj.r irh.ont iii T 'l lin6a,oiii m ditaunn a Hi l -rut.' l.i "HI : '."rrola i iv r an rtwul-y Iw . oi e.i out ul tl.aai. ami nodninil j aim to axlt that th will l."l'i l.'"i' lit.i lam. ib atlns Wi lli whan IxHod a r. aaiiiablr rt. i tl.. An -ib r well la ball buiaJ, and K.inMn oil rr. ti.n.1 from t'n-- wrm fan ho aeon at tha olH.cof tl t'on.innv. N i. JU W AI.Nf r Utrirot 1 1 t.-.. At ti ii. a.ii..l,a oil lai d. conn. rlnltiK "itn h.in- drad aad lbl.tj -t.ua arrt a, liiolp.lios 'liu ruyfy ofrlflT m il ti r tl.a It-na. w.l . not' fvoii'.t... aii.t ma in.. a rltlit of lie thru; wails partially Iy.i.h,km1, H pi..iiu ill by Ilia romuaii) dl-a. tlro.n I'U' ow nar. lor llt mo .." prlCf ol l7"", III. a 'IH-I Mill In Oti uriler, a t k l,oua. c . aiif pii;tit ot tiiiioai. n i.. ...i. ..t ...... h w.n i...v a.,.a for the land In full, and Irave il.e siidi i f III WI can woiklnv cnpltal on hand, wnli wl.lik to cumuli la Hi" ll"a out wojia. and alo to but. i two now weln, wlih lit tneaiii auiiinea, air1 .. l.a la riiiiotnir ouler within a fuw moll : arrainie nianti, ill bo niada in acioninlnli lliane oii ei-u wlihont drlay H-nubuwrii.tloiiB will bo iuCM'U'1 fur leu Uiao l'V!. tl'.t' a.rtnn.a rf ai ttd liv Itn. k fill t'ompanlos a-tib Uthttl l.t-.e ai.Uola. win r am noturuoa. 1 aa t ill I rule la ol In I'.i Infliuf v. nn.l ihe.l.'mnn.l oobHlantly Invroa.init. In prira u ii.n li pur Lurr' l at the wail's mouih.uxc.u- .1... ..rih.i a.li Larui w ola will doiil.tle be airni k al He d.pth of (HO f. at, in na t" rea' h ihoUinil s.inil.ton II... k Wall" have haoti bort.t liaiatoli ro to tin. tl.'I'lh oulv ol uboat ftnu feat it. tl.t. i latmiv. It nroookad lo b..re twenly wallf oil thin i nitm ilurlim tha m. i.iii oar. Tiara la nmui a.r una hundred walla. A partial title, clear of all Ul.um l.raacat, Ik cviilidtiitly ae-i.it d to Hie Loiupan. tuts of eutincripilon aro mow open unt l the Sd)n eharae are aubn r.td, paj able 91 pr ehare, to the ordr of Alder aianJAMKS M. l'AMK.N,lhaTraurr of the Company, Xo. M WALUtT Btreot, or at No. 12ft WALNUT Stroet, or at the onics of the Company, No. SI3 WALNUT fltrret. The puWlc are Intlied to call ftir a prospectne. lyW wi'Ote INCOMJi roil TIIK VI'.AK Ut'.3 OVIj; lOIUOO, . KWr. M IIIKI. TUP. f.AK At"t -JI-IIKO TOt VKM HH '1 , . ivrVIl'LM) MAI.E A'Mt AU.V, thu ablins ft lo- sard to pa) prTnlnms. Thf last HIVIt.t.M) ro an Mutual r. llcias la force Iicuibtr3l,lil'i, wu 1 II'TY l'HU CKNT." (if the anvnnitof rRCMTt'MS rt.olvid during t ie year- lie TRUBTKK8 are well In.iwn at nn la onr uirlat, ntltllns It to mora coni-ldarauou lliau uiujt.wnJiion.ana- . ri rtikle In 4. mam cltl a. Alriardar Whllhlio, J F.il, ai Thnnipu n, ft.'Utkt' ru,aiit. lion Jinn f.'llo. k, A It. kit .' Kouaiu, T. H Mini la. PaoiUsl W oik, WnrlS'n .1. Hnw.ird, aiiiut-l r U" lino, Joint Aiktnas, ('.aril' V lloinltt. llun. lo.ap'i Au.ki.n, tkaac Uar.Utnu-kt. AI.I'.X. WIlILl.IiI.V, I'KliHlill.ST. SAMUEL WOUK, vifK-ritEsinrMT. JOHN S. "WILSON, pain mwslio BKCltKTABY AND TltKASURKU. Y 1 It U INHUKANO IJ .- THE KOME 1NSUEANCE COMPANY OF nilLADFLPHU, Vn. jr.tl ri. rut' Kill HTUr.V.T. CASH CAPITAL $100,000. ThU r.tmi.nny la prcpnrtHl ta lnnra airiOniit lo-a or Oaniaa by r 1 111: on iMinninf a. annor i.tu..,c..v . ji LUUl a-li Unto, a..d on M U 'II Mt. si norallr. lllUKCrilRS. Tiiomaa hmitHtr. .la. .irn.ili inn as. Jamra l'.rowr, Ctiee. A. Ini , W m. Ii I., wis, Cliaa F. Norton, Win. N. hae.l.ae, John Li. Tlor, Tim HA Nsii.ra.K, Paonury. llonry M. nlUouib, l.airuial Ctitnu, Clins. t. huva.d, J, lllllh..rii J. .noa, .lolin w.ioil.lilo. JAVKH HIIOWN, PrtKi.lont, 'HAH. A. ULV, Vlce-1'rai.i.Kmt. Jell I'll llH ClinrCnt, UUI. ai lUO mini "' I Madrid for information rejecting M. le Miur iuta 1 J.A,tk.A , . t Meanwhile, the wedding trouuetu jas prepared nd marked with the OVero arms. M. le Mani'iia snadebimeelf agreeable to the ladles, aud pur "hated for bis nee. jewelry to the amount of 1 out H00, and handed over in payment a bill accepted by a Varis bouse for double the amount, -si. r.ant hia rnln. Tho Jewe'er caller' ho the faiuer-in-law, and acquainted a with the f.ict that the acceptors of thj bill hud fulled soveral tnontbt agbV b'.most simultaneously a reply was received from Madrid, statins that the Marquis d'Ottero was unknown In the Spanish peerage. Tbe marriage was already lined when matters thus came to a climax. At first Eurebio stoutly mulntiiinea bis mar quuate, butat length he gave in. He told Mr. Mayer ho was not a ro;rqui j he had only 75,0(H)f. in Ibe world; be bad swallowed a large (lore ot opium; ana c-auru n iu leave his ' little ali" to Mad'lle Mayer, whom be jmuft now give up. As tbe sceno wns going on it appeat that Mad'lle Mayer, and her mtinma mad their bpptarance, and Mr. Mayer deposed oa oath that a "painful scene" ensued, in which l e (tbe papa) got very much the worat of it. However, his suspicions had hecn aro ised, and were not to be allayed. Further iuq-ines were made, and tbe uu-uot of tbe matter was the ap pearance of M. le Marquis iu the dock ol the Correctional Court. Tbe taking opium, it need bsrdlv be said, proved a sham, like all the rust. All' these tunou. facts were Bworn t- by the .,.i k.onor and the tather-in-law. M. le Mar- 2 nts was obliged to coufca to the truth of tbe epoaiiions Buiiimarl.ed a'.ovo. M. le I'rooureiir In.cerlal msde vto ent speech, ia which his bold uroke lor a wife wits srlgmitU -d very un fceilnfily, aud without any of the sense of huniiir cvineed by both the 1'rei.idciit and the young i.rt.. nnnat nnil the court st'nu-ni e.l Kuscliiu y ltitista y Ouxciu to 30tl0f. flue and ttve years im piisonmen'. Had he delayed his production of bia sbi m bill of exchange, and had Mr. Mayer ot received bis rep'y from Mudrid until a le )avs later, it is hinlily prolai'ile tuat M. le Mar quis ana bis young and we-.l'by wi e would have become ornament' w i-ariaum eM. ioi.. Tititm is SiNOAi-uKE. Ciptain Nelson, of th.- iUUraa I JcMUiLCj . iuUUlcU uy it.o uncca- 1 n a.i'ouut auu. arinit in the new.oap-rs ol' the ratltnl draHuiliuu id buiu ui lieina m Sium- .oro octaaioticd by tiK.TS, has wnttto ti the Cottruiiit'tit to aui-eot that uu iilttupt might he n am- tt miim.li the hruiea by uieans of .try.'Q- ine. He mentii uk a cne lu wht' h ho -uc coded in rcatri.yina a tlicr, together w. h a L-re ;t mioy vultures, jackals," dogs, &:, t.y pu tin,' rrj li l ine on tbe carcass ol a hullal i, wliuh ilio tiger I m.i kill. J i.d ol. IV uartlv coii-utnc I, and io w hit k l,e ittuiui d to coinpf 'iu lm incai. l'hu wu tl.Oi I ncnii.uiclidi d hy f iiiuiu Nc'sun ia ahout hcii.ir tried here by the cjui- bsiomr of u .lice, aud we bipc it wd be found sjoceslul, alibnugh there aru i obhta on the piiut. ii r. p. u el . t'.'.u.iis h.ivc linn nis.le in Kitigtiui r . hut witho.it i . y g I t. nil. B.il's huve been ticJ tin iu th.' J'l.ul'i'i nl. cis tc or.ed to l.y t tern, ih ue. ks haviug iieen uiettonalt sbavd mnl iti'ihud w.tti siryi h- Bii.e u.eui s In in, tak.Ti to prevent tnc.r li jkiuif ifl the nit ti. CVeb ie ulati hni'ii 'etlii'm I in tbe jungle wl'b tlnir teeks prup ired la me sau.e n. ai. tier, hut none ol the exi.' rune its nil.' etn t-d, al.boug.i lioiu the marks ot tiger-.' loet all round li e hint in n-veral in-t tin es, it was a, jatei.t list tl eir tn.tice had hecu attnete-l to it. In ot e or .o ca.it s lr ciininw h ul a.) oc n i l. crn i n tbe rimi a of nuiso is killvd liy tigca. bui ihe t lira did not ataiu u.a li Lit in ; iii.lee I, we ai a-aured it hai l.en , en r.lly nh-crvcl in tii eaporc, that liters do noi return to e t noiiics, w bother of nun or b.asu, wbi h tht-v hive only l.uilly ccrauintd. Smytipuru I'tee Vejut, April 7 llTPoi HONhiUA. The Memorial de In Loire relnhB ihe tol ow ing : "1 wo or three d ivs a.'O a. r, n,t ctablv urctd umu of ulioiil lif.y cill.J u awtll-kuown nitii.cn! man at Sr. Ktiemic, aud mi. I, I Mil a liuil.lt by trade, nn.l iu in iking ii, toi.tracls am wilneliiuis ohlied to Irmk i.il.irt.n Inelv. l'liioing niiBcli lately iudia- B aeti in n.i scout nee ol those excesses, I w is dvned to im lv lo Mr. X , of dux. who t.Mtl 1 w.. ...i.i u,.i.ri.t t.t a..viiei,'ii elll acv iu such cae, followed the recoiuiiiuiidati'in and lea k Is e r. ine.ly, which ciu-ised or a white puwder duue up ill hum I pu.'kuls; hut jui tend ol Inlr g euttj 1 lind 1 am poison. d. aid 1 haawi bien vo'.d thi uiortnng tha' the reu.etiy Is arstuic .y,., ,r.' continued the La- rpiaker, with mU vii,.ct .t UU (, ,.niie I, aud i luadv tfvaJay 1'baivs ba,i utp vlol. Ut at ta.kT While i.pakiiig.-bi cvnr,ieniIce chaugetl, bis breathing became hoavy, and Uit,1A 1K iiuu. It l ai k iu a choir ho caclauutal, -Lam ir ihm t.) bave snothir I am dying 'nipt dalpt' xtte dt.ctor went towards hint and f.iuud fiavha w,. d ad. 1 he body convey, d to the H a. Hit u, where a post ..( exaiuin itiott prov,i tl ai the man dietl from Mainly is of tue corl w.uacit. brought on by violent enioti in P'o- ilu.-cd In a diae iacu liu it'lnation. No trace of poiaun ex sied. The white pviwd. r was an iiyzed, stud tuft d out to be, not araenic, b it m upiy ujjaroi milk, a CoiupiuU ly haiiiilcasaiihsuuca.'' It Is asi-rrtcd la the London Army an I Vm y Ca.ttit 'hat the sa In g vca-.e s iu the lirlt.hu navy wi 1 never he sent to a. a agiin, there iicini; wn hut ilrt.l nd Ki;t steamers io cjiuiiiisaion, suaxued by 1 j.OOJ OH.U. JlCl'IXJNll 1IOUHK, ATLANTIC CITY. JOHN BMIUK, rjtOl'HII'.TOK. Thla favorite liot.se, winch le timet d.-lln'ii fully eltualcd, aaar tlie beach, baa tisan n. wly rrpaprrnd, repainted, and thorouibly ruKoaeratetl, and la now open for ti e rcc- ptlou of rut in, eierlns tl e comforts of a liouie, coaibiuwl with all the luiurio of Die geaauu. Terms niotlcrato, J8 lta bVUMh'l l'.M'K orriCR, VNITIiD ETATM rail. . 0 BOU1 Htraat. Bi.n..pa.lld.,Jaa.s(M. aaaiad Frowaaata. a d.a.'w.tu, will be ro'l.vd al this etTi.a U.IS VI Hf.l.kHHIlaT, Jaly IS, IBM. r tnr- aMMai ue Utu.atl Btaate iiiine ixparuoaos "riiTu TTioriiAxn o) mt or int'ot'- H r. aa lha boot, il. ilverad at 11. Hltt Calue a)oeiet. at Btl hnoia, SIS., la h.l. of ..)oii lliouaand .a. It ...rj III ) ikntlajl ,u.baweihad wltblnooa and a bait nay a ant a"'a', at tlie tt. hi. f ihe oonira.-ior. II.... m-nt a.aikie Im,ii' iiS-U) thirl, an I oi.nr.-d pounili gro.i wa M it'l lalt'os nart m (lii)oua u- uiand p.ua.'.l fr.a. w ft.t. fall. Mae. i.-a, tvwe, Haifa , a, aol I. ; nit I i. II wnl l.a i oj, ei d. A Sa.iurnoo of taa 1 10) pounde win 1 mada rrom ue w-ik'ol aa. h tr arra.. d uiil. riblaaoat.iu -.piM-Ti,.t.i ti e amir a. tiaal aol iianri in ill pant, two ar.l one- fa-r i oeri laf.ra n ir' ed. .r is aot waighad linuie f.lstt ly a'lar r. i. ovki ironi II are... lilt uu fount tor ea'S"1"' e'ln ha.l on aert. a itn a- Uu ui'i., .t.ar m por.un.er b na.i.or nie ''i'i a ! arnn . tl" " III tl.ilm tha rlut.t i f wak-hlnc any raa aninal aa nraie, U lis acpanranre lnll. ,1.. !. w.lilit II 'in 'ha in t. t.'Bin nam i.. nod ah'jva; tl, rt I., ma ol t.al k.'.K wul ke paal by II t r 'r "a in Ji'ls 'l'n. I. t-l.i, " at- iire ri r.larfitlm. n-nit rin.a'ii a ar.iian 4:iiariu 'e ol two rearonible ptransia, a tni b ! Vta .of lliaCou.itTof , Sta'a of . do t naiitklea ti nt i-lor Arc) sola to To i til n f.tt..i'M In ... j. at Hi tl . ta-iii .r l li.r ih ir) pr'n. -Ili.-.i. ..a .1. , la I . ..r that. 1 I.,'..l...kiUoli lw- il.-i ... a. I l..-f.f th. yl will al una t tilt r Into a tontra'i .n a ti,. ,v lit.. ....I w a nrr rrr-t-aid to ht.- m.' hut i.lnv vo. .1 a. .1 ti m. urn u. i..i i t .v i...m Tl.a re IM-Iifl-I lv of the susraotnia mutt l.a 'Biatl hi tl C t al ct- .tlV f Il.e It r ..I III- to a'-II In trl. I (ou t.orof tit I I Ilea Staiee Oitll.cl AU. ru. . l" ue au- C o-1 tl III. tl r id. I'.totlt r-i mutt no nratai.l rn ro.i.iu .u ..a'- ...,-,.,. pitipart d lo ,'iri b'.ims and litl the counai i br,.ro la.iv ll k II a t'IP. fl lh. tio. uini.il ra.mat to Ittoirt'io rlfhl to rei t any or an b,c. t ni si. i .'.I ui,r. ...onn'oa. - tut i la .o h. inula a lor ca. h ilo'lverj In tio h futulsi at i- a I t uu hand; 11 none on halid. to he inudy at t i-.ll "V'po-l-'rmitt l.a and'.rta.l d'In.-tly PR')l,ni M.S t'l'll I.I f. I l l I T l.r'.,' an-l 11 Idross.-.t to "Captain J. II. fill ! AV I'a t mora. Maryland " Ii a t.iil Ik In lha iiinoe t f a tirin. tuair nsinas aa.l tli.tlf p. at t ii1. t a-Mr. --. n.i.ei . pi a.w, or il'.-y w.u not l e on- t.i.1. r. .1. t.-.. 1, . .... ,n ..r rv. v uiauilHT o' a firm oSt r. A pro- k) n u.t iu.'ri r-i' n 1 " '""" ' . "v l.il. .1 H al. tA'Veluuieut, It tic baa uut alroaay Ult.l una "it!' fto'l'ri'.f rr. if..V.M l ittly ulfh th1 Urmi otAll ail """"'" ""' j.n.on.MAv, j,ki.it rapintn iintl k' . U S. A. KM Y Cl.UiillNU AN D J'.UUIIUK . ,, r ..... run a nn in i a .1 inT Hmlrrt f'rf'T-nHil-l w n ' ivet t t''t- t-nlll T KhI'A V , tl 1 Mh iiiwiiim.ni 12 a rUu-K M.,f-r tuipiy tt.K thf Hit--' Hta'n, :-live riile at ti i.u Ik ill Aiie li a 1 the t"ii will.' H'tich-i. li lirtini HiiRrr!. smi, Army "'iiiiUril. luat h I'uiii lUicki' N, Aruij H tn lard. 'nr- Wi(.!1. ti )lni ti-tnui 1-tmtin'.l. In ,lio woM ily fl, w ij.t nip o-. or Im nr. to 5t rt-4 iliti(iur litoaot.1. ur BdiK 4 , Arinv Mftm'iiMl. .... j ,, Ar-nv MHlnl'ti.l iiiu.i!"! of M-h of 1'if hovo arti r't". tan Ir.' i-n i Uu. tuilic, W vsltU h ti- ii-uiitsi utiiit thirt y coiifi tr-i. HnitJpt-w immt n'ato In thrlr ropnrt, thf pt c, whtel r-it-Ji ! dn In vuvi-r, a.- welt an In itxn'H. " (iii&iiti'v trd Mint' of ilcitv.'iy. i- mli lnl tuuK' In- K"rainrcl by two r'8ionilM prr fcnnit, sAtiosu fs'ktnfttiiri'' ni'int v miTt1.'' to Km- y'i..r.in and wi.cn' Uu Kid i r wm) ..u.u'itorn .i- iKtivirnvn at till-1 (Ti e lo h ri'M"nln! ni.-ii, Hy inunt h -iirUMl to ii k hriiiK bui li, by omc pulibc fuuctloiurj uf the U lilted liui frmn drfaullliiH con'ractort, and thn that do not fully f.m; ht u iti tht. ikjuii ernentf of tiiii advor intnitjal, w in ii'H in- t?'HiiiiJ ii '. . Itiank forma 'or iroioala can mAn atmllr;aln at Mn oilit. and .'it.- must bj mlj aid viiu U. itutua of the arnele or aril.l. . bid mr. R H CII,J)IMA jjC .1t A.Q.M.Oeul U. S. Army. No. 110 Mark fit Ptreot tvTwr, fkOKT Ami ticf.ni' mr.iTi. C. W. WBIMUT. "'M'kll.. I It V001ST s7ir Yf ICIANS, ASP m viHAT, RriRrR.rrr.s, ( an W.'. alour atiahltaliniant a fall a ira-lmantn' Imp . m l and l'om..ik-rn.irt. I' aiular Pali al Mt.liele. t, I'ahiii, f'oa. Oil, Wadnw t.la.t fraiitf ipuoa Vialt, Ar.. al at low r.rK' l aa vaBBina artt-alatt sei tit ran oa toll. FINK K-iKKNT: M. K.I.H Forni.rf'atlonart.lo flill tamely ami af tfe t'l.,nttl t. Cot htn -al, Itariral Ind'so, V adder, l ot th, Co toar. o.ia Atr., Ali.ai,il'of VI .-Id, ane.atto.'VpBaret.r.iirecl of I.ovnra.d, roi'. nvt'He' a, al ay on '.a-d, al k.'.et'.i n. i oakli I'titta rt ttr. unt il roc rAt't'.T i r. tlroind an t.re -t.y for our taltt. and to whiaji w tn ltaiie attention ol t' oia In went ..!' ra ltola art."lt. Altr. i.DI(t; BTAKCH, ill XTAM; l.'M.i aitany. Or.:-r t r mall, or airy P"t hi eit wlir. prompt .,, trnluiu, 'if ip-e-i noiai.oni v. Ill be i'ur iltfi! t.liaa ro- qmtnd. v,viOHT ft MDIMLIt, Vi'hoW-a t liruc w ar. In ue, lall-ly Ko. Ill' MAHKKI' Stroal, aai.e front. I RAILROAD LINES. ISO 1. n rHNNtTI.V A NI A .- I'ltrwn. Rtii.Kiian. iif i.alsT oorm.K tttAia mnikr soi'Tt ro int. tr. iaiiiwr.sr. ani ts it'Tii ir. StiniaaaaBli tad htrillt.a. ror taa aara, tpavdr. aaa o, al f r'.l.ia tran.poriAtloa of pattanare, unturaaieed jy any rat.tt in tha aoimt.y to -it l.t.rtl.a In pot at IMVtK m a ad MAlKF.f ati'-e t. a' f.'ll'.wa; Ik 1 ' am at 7 A. VI t ft I a.- a II III H 1 1 ro'., s r. prat, at Ir.'a. r. it rt-ka ti. I ram, h'. 1. at Ilirti k l-aii-a.l - . 1 rain. No. S ai 1 tr r. X It n- ..l. ir, A-'tona. iJ tl . -b at 11' It I .an- at tr 1 tenia 4 r- P M t'a.'li A'-omtn .tat Ion Ha.n at Watt h.la I. at S a) p. a 'I ft r- Ul Ii I'A'-aii.-ar. h. Ih tttt I In. feaah Alloona l.a l"l, I or. ali. r. w. I he I n" 1 aatt' s ..iu .10.I10 ... r... It. until ai lha I... on llo.i-a. aid in tl't mar-b.. tntt Itla "Ithar ih.. rtiilac.i.lna or na 'i nn- I. '. aa.:n of win, I. li ska, a.a.tf-l I'll.''"! art l-aa. A OtV-hl l.-w I. inns aflnd'd.l a tua line and Iu in- i.fiai t.l t.-i t.ai". . , I h- 1 i ron, ti I'tor .t Trjio r itit U y. al " Iran , tit l. , - ko. at h.-n.a a ii ii t riu ii. i a nt i i nr. n p sr. I I a Vi,i l r iio, t nti l.n.a. and Tl-.r. nih r-f-.trron ra-l .11 fill 'li l- n ll hpa'S'i lrai" an ill dn tun-' "...I' lioniifa point, Nor h o .if l al't W'tt n II." Ml t ....,...1 M rt H..,t .i.l K .nil, at..) to'. ' " 1 si I'l r.A:ir.0AO lines. ratlrvl. t ir !.'. '1 -i t i. .-t. r.iol, (' 1 itn). .. It. I " ii Ik ill? . i Ktro, jrrt al ' ilW viu.i, al 11 1 12 H V 11 Y rt a anas ITTnT1 ill LdJf aV.O.. tSLCl., v: A1 ("ILEKK'B OFFICE, COMMON COUNCIL, J PlllLADF.I.I'UIA,Jllly6,lHII4. In accordance with a resolution a.i iptad o nm t oiunion Council or tin- City of !'iilia.lelplila, on Thursday, th 30th. day of June, ltM.tha nninfd oil . antltjed "AN OnUISAN.'K TO ACTIIORIZK A 1.0A N toll 8CH00I. Pl:U- J'OSttn.'i . . .. . . , Is hsrehy pntillihed for uiformabin. . Clerk of Cooiuion Council. an oiti 11 Mi;;,";,, TO At.TliRIZB A I.OAW . TOB SCKtioL PI) ItPlHeS. Rar.tlon 1 . Tha rsleci and Cvmiuou Cuunclla of the City of Philadelphia d urdalii That the Jlavorla neratiy 4lhorlad to borrow at not 1... man t.ar on the t-rtitllt of the oorptirA'liin, the emu ol one unllion inliara U pmvldo tor the eructl in, exteu , on. anil it iupletltin of binldlns. for eclitail pnrpoe In the tirtlKckool Ul.triciut Ptnimlvmila, fnrwlik h Inte-ra-t, n..t to lc nl the is'a nl d pareentuni per annum, kkall be paid Uall-yiiarly, on lh first daye ol Jauuwry auu Ju v.al tho odlco of tha City Treasurer. Die prlu. ipal ot tlie ...id loan .lull ie payable an! paid al t ie expiration of tli'rtr years I'oui tbe da o uf mo anie, and ti.il he op. wlihont tin' on.ent ol t in luil.li-i s thart nl : and the O' rtla.-ste. th. ralor, 111 tho unal lornl .if Ihe ocrtltl. hi. a of City Loan, S'lull l lasuod In au-li antoiiiilk ae the lon.lera luay re ,ul.e. but uol lot any rrac- .i ...at o' .,o.. Iiiio.lreil il illnrt. ttr. If reniitred. ia aiiounit offlve huiulred nr nna tli.ii-.afl dollars; audit hall bo expret.otl III asm car incu.'-'. utv ...- .-. U.oifln nn i lltuieil, andUic lU.ureat uioreui, aie payao. fie from all taxes. .... , . Heatlon -i. The ainoiuil nfs i'.l loanshnJI he appr.iprlala.1 dlairllmed. and iipporlloinid for the purpua and in nnini.iita at in )o s lowlt: It'Ui J. To tha ne .-ral t.-lir ,,t tern' n moo iimu...b.i thlny toor thotitRiid live hundred d dlara, as ftil.ows: r .rat seenon. n.tiv tn.ui-a. u uonai. , 8tcon,l Ht'cUun, thirty live lliou and dmlars; 1 l lnl Kiel t il, thirty ihouaand d . liars ; KoUitll Bet'tton, llilrty-live iiiiiuitn.i uu.iara, Tim Ht ailtui, sixty tliotitan.ld'ill.irt-, Hlxlh Meetion, Ibirtv ihuiihaiul dnllara; fevantll Median, nty-lina.' tiiousaaii iio.iara, hUl.lh Korilon llf.y-ilshl thuiisand dollara: llllli Haetli n. I.llty mtuitaiiu u'.ua.. . n k Km th.i.ik.nil dollart 1 t.itvauih Bactlou, lhirty-l,ni inuu.ano n tONOHl.SS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. Kt 1 would rctpe..liiilly Inform my Moods and lha siibHe.tliat I have attain taken Compote llall.th . tieltut lha third yaar, and bate ina.la eveiy preparation lor Ui im inu son son, the house betns anlarni'd.romiMtelled.naw far llitio. tlio chamlairs with spring t.odt, Aa.,A:o.and will avooniojudnte lour Ituudretl irue'th- Vou will llud no kauar place than C'oiiyrssa Hall. It Is the uea ett loth oaan ot any of tlie lariie bouses of Atlantic City, bcitnt but one huiulred yams fr-.m the beacn.tlius preaentiiur RaaXr an aoviuitakO lo tlio publio. Thnie catlimt hi-an bettor bathing tliao at Ailanilc tins summer. Ttia gaud bar that wa. aui-h a .rout d awbaek latt a aion hat nil bm-ti iw.itt I ki.a -f--- luetf the 5r.I'l.alhfn" sVr'on Atltviltlc tea-hnard. There Is nn eaeaueiii tti....i - A.l.rlitd is a splendid BUIIard twss-fl w lU!,KLB. Ji:i-tr TNLET IIOUHK, ATLANTIC CITVj KKW JRRrfKV. Oi;f. 1. CiJ-.liJJNr", l'l'opricror. f Lowe and favnrnhlv kaown s prnprlatir of OYHTBR HAV, B1XT11 nnd CHKSNUT Htrocts.) Partite araomniodaii-d wllh lloaie, fuhlnit l.lnis,c can 1UU to tlio house ovr twenty luu.uus. Ad, jcU-U -I r N 1 T V. 1) ri T A T K S II U 1 - I J ATLANTIC CITV.NKW JKItSKy. L. This celeb, ainl llo'clis now open tor llio rncrpnonoi cm alt, end laui.ut r uio suptirvitu n ... . .. - l'owers. wllh .ur K.hvaid llaitwelluH Assistant . Praellaal and expaiiraeei. pert. v - for each deparlliif nt. and every exertion will be iiia'io 10 eordiicl the uiue to the t u Ira ta-itliiu-it.n ol the p )"'' Alter Jil.y 1, lour trutrn. win ii't.tira c.,.. .. . dallvt the f an Line I hrouali In two hours. Without slp- ."'. "l ' 'Z. f,..m th. Hotel to the Inlet t SMSTANT (iUAllTLRMAS'lEK - CENLl. Jl r..;. Ctlue. pAy,,,,,,T.yfl,lH.I4. ftonled Proosnlt will ha rei flvi.t al tin. otltia until 11 O'clock M..011 TtlKMIi V tl.a JJin ol July, I.H..4, f..f IM tl. Iixerv al III. I l.l'e.l Sta-.at Hlor.-nouo, tlA.NOVl.it BlltKF.T WIIAItl.' of the lo 1 iwltuf I I M HKK : , It feet 01 ullin nuuiils, llicliet, plamd on Olio f Ye. ii,ft)0 leetof Cellini! Boardi.J,' Im-liea. pinned on ono aloe H,tK fact of J'nnti Hoards, 1 Inch, planed on ono 11 All of the nhnvc rlet.-llhrd to he ao..d mi rrhnntanla T.um ilt r, suliiect lo the hmpeellou of an inspector appoint, d on tl.O bait of tl'.e I lot eri.lnel.t. An nl I he ! uuihcr lo be delivered withlu llftccn days "VTc annny' hie 'ilrMoi t" 1,1 .ha con.,.-, thoti'd It be aw si ded to him. mast I.B (rus'auteed bv two raspoii.ll.U pa tons, whose slitiiaiurtB are to be afl'euuea to Uie guar- "l he' rltht Is rakervetl to ra.ael all l ids ecinad t af high, and no hid from a dcfaultini! contractor wul bo aTtft'e"! Veil a llhl.lers will si ite price, both In wrlllun ana Dsures. tho illuBllty ol eich Hu.i I. d f .1, and l r lurther lutoiuialion .t U.. 1 I'l.l til I, . it 11 Stt. A,.t. w ra i ai tr.eoin' a ...... yv ... ...... v v- - Ily driler ot finV'.hi 1 Ocoroc H. ('rosman, Assistant (li,art,..ma.t.r.0...e,.,l C. B. A. t.R01M,R 0K1(E jjf.2t Captain nnd A. Lj. t. FICE ARMY CLOT HI NO AND luipaac IIII.AlII.I.I'lllA. IUl I, .t Realcd Proposals will lie received at tnls nOV'6 until 11 o.-io-k Al.oa AtosiiAV .j- iitti. iu,t., fr supplying U" ':,'..,lklli arsenal wllh tho IJbow n s ar 'e. -Woolen tirov lllaiikolt, army, aland ir.l, bi welith flvn pounds and meatnre 7 feet h ' " ieller. 11 K. Ill lilaek,4 Inches ..nit. In C.0 ce . . rvntoi-m. Ill Ider. niu-t sislo ill their p-ipo. alt He ptlcu (Willi ll mnsl be H.en III wriii iB an ira a. the CO. i.i ill and thin' ;' J. i't'-'i '. f at h hid must bo Kuaianinotl by two ri;P-ololo por Boi.a, whoMlK.iatiires must I o auieti l'il t" I'm lao. and when tue nldcer or (liara tort are nut know.i at Ihlh ollU-e to be re.pni.Bli.la lu. ii. Ilu-j mutt bo t'crna-.l In "tlicliig mtli hysiliiu publio functloiinryol tu Lulled H,flul"'lronidefaultln.cniilrnlors. and thoan th it lU not fti h, tow hi i""i Hi-- niuiremeit"af tins ajverti-euioiit, " pVni'k'it.r'ri'il''.r pnenitala can he hud upon a.pllr itlmi al thls'ellne an.l l.ius mutt be enuorhtd wltli inu na.uu t.ttl.t- si tide h.d lor. T. rt 1 rtTTTtft T A Tcs IklaiyUI.O, UAlu, Jts-tl JCiikm, Anls, tun BURT'S VERMIN EXTERMINATOR. IT IS llsKATXIiaE! IT m inkm.ij'ur: ! pnl in l.urK Mox- f" fnn. 1 all r--.id f-r ii , vMih'int mlxkir wlfh .tth-T artiHo, Ioji itot poil or itft iTTaml w.irLhW'-ii hf K'inriK, lA'Ke iim-oilier rrriBraMor;i. TfftV'H A It K KMHa VAUAaN U.t OP IT. L'ATB AjMv) AIM K MK (X T or THKIU lluLKM. Ih Not tt IlltiSt mi to I'll' Che SnLi)'(. ilim lo all ur. If. f old ty all limpg.w'.a and Iil(-ra Uintifchuut U Vnltafd Srnic. Vavtuik.-V mjre bti d a-k for FHirt FMnnlM.t.r, 'n Ian.' tfiufK. ? r.rt lii-'. .tud (viifd by Uij 1'roi.ne- tor, F. Hurt.. It. Tjuenoot'ar .f...t, I' H T r.M'iM'pl. atvove Walnnt. Wanuf.' t rt. No 1 vn .1 1 VI NAL strtft. alto. Wilnut, t)t iA.'rn 'I hi tli anil Ibli-vaott), rUiiadvliiliia, I' a mi 3 iiiw n.iDi Ijl'NN P'IKAM 1-NU1NK AND TiOlI.KR j sft , rh1 KKAHl- A l-K V. I'rartU'nl niHl I nt or urni Y m lr ri. XlH'-lniiiMi, lioll.-r tiif hni, lUu km:Un a-.d tniin.i?rt . httvnu lor in in.v yvur L.-s-nln nn i !Briilotcri. Ilon, nih' iM-t'n -M-iiiiVtl t't-Kuffd In tmHiImtf an-1 ri'.tk In v Mttiltir ami Klvr-r li--., 'iti and low prfi-nure. I ron Boiki'. WatiT 'lankM, 1'ioialor-. Ac. Ar., nM:i nfnilv ollT ili- ir wi:rl7f. lo thr pi.Hl c an t'rifg fuhv pr.-p ind in fomr:ic I'-r Km tow of tvt MariM-, Kivr, a id K'v lloniiij : liiivh t t' t- of tili-ri) ol uliten-n ar-; fro- iiriM: lo i-xn-i"' in dt ri it h i(ini lt d,-niitrh. Kvcry d1- ' riptmii of mitorf.-uitiH n-.i'l') t tho Khorur n .no. Il'kh uti'llnn ir(-.iir Ht.i'.Ttilinlir.andCvlliii'er liollr-i, ol tin hunt I'l iinavlvmi n chaiv-oiil Iron, FortliiK. f all il.r tii.d kilnlr.; Iron find hrn-th I nai.nu" of all .Icicrlp Uoow ; UoM ttifntiiR, Mi rvw vutili:K, and allottiur work "on on letl v it h li v nlnsvi l-P In-'in, Jtrawn k ono t-i'i-'HIi mi'MiS ff.r all work flon at tliU (tub .(.l.iiitMit fYH' ol f I, irK"'. 'Hid orfc ifiiarMit"'d. Th- (ti'i'wf r'lit-ri liav,' aniplr wnrf ni.-k ni.m r.r r nitlrof I mil, wnvrf lln vru Ur In pTV:t a!)ty, nd r prnvMi'd l.h fUar. Movku, lill, le, Ac., for raiUi Ltavy and lit'UL AvlAUla. t'ltr 1.1', iiadi-lpliia and VM1- ja2 If JAr.M C. KKAVIK. JOHN IsKVV, liKACII and I'AI.MKK HtnM'tn. gRIDESBURO MACHINE WORKf!, OFFIO K, po. J5 iv. niNT HTiti;irr, Ve are prepared u l.Uordnra u any xt?nt for our woll kuown WACIIINKKY KOR COTTON AKD WOOLEN MILLS, hirtrdinft all rceni lmprovmentH In CardltiK, spirmlni:. and Wrnvlii(f W?niii.'ib att.'iulon ot ma'.m'actureri to ourexiaa ''TalT tl"1' ALFUKD JKNK3 ft HON. FIAILROAD LINES. 05i 1SG1. lluBsit r't i ainl. tiniior thedlrertlou of Mr. Sltnon flass- 1, r has heen . in im. d lor me seuton. Vetton. WI.1..1.S -;.'5J I'lKL-i-KIt, rroprletors, Adaitlr City, New J.-r.oy 11. The Rand liar whl. h la.t year lormau oup thathore hatenliiely dl-apl.sareu ot the bee' and twesi on nm i-onsi.. 1. H.CltflSMAV. Assistant Quart' -ruias'er ileu.-tal.U H. A. C'AMIiEN AM) AT LAN- Ol TIC ItAILHOAl). lOU'la rvUKU AIIKANHEMK.NT. TIIIIOI fill IN TWO HOl'HS!!! Four trill. .a duly t.i Atlantic CUT. On ami uilar MUNUAV, July 4, trams leave Vine street Ferry a foHiiwti ; man, 7 ,iu a m. w.to i'i v t'reliiht. with passenirer car atlncnail.n lo A. M, F.x press (ihronsll In 'I hours! I" 3a Allan. le accouini.itlati'in, S'lft P. M Junslloo Araoinin nlail n, f. Illl P. M. HKTt'HNlNtl l.K.AVfH ATLANTIC, jlcenmniorailnn ( Atlantic; Ml A. ti. F.xpieHB, "!' A M. Kriltht. 1 1 '.'.DA. M, Mall.l'-lri V kl. Juiieti1 n iirroninv da'ton. I .r- A. st. Kara iii Allan le, I "on. Iiound'l'nii Tlckeia tiK,rtenIy for the day aim iraln on whU'ii tliev am laauenj i w. ........ ..... .. . l' i.. 1 1. i ,. tun ,'U r..llt ltllin.."iv.N ............ Leave Vlt.f sti.-.t It-Id A M. aid 1 on I' M. laiivs lla.Monll. Id IMM' M. tnit itil' M. (IN KCMICV1. Mall t aVi for Allat.tla leaset Vlue street . !W A. M. Leiiva. Atlantic 4 l'.M;inH( pu YANT, A,ran,. !..... i...- i.t.i. mt.la last vaar bat eutlrolv ill, ap peared. Iea Ins llio beach wis ol Uio most ueiinmiui uu tliec.iast. r-rrpnp-"'m noutii Pennsylvania ki tW-"- K A I I. ft 1 A I r or HBr ILKIIKM, A . T .r' .- . -i ..... ,t-i I'll ('Ill's,!.- 1IA.I.K- I It 1 1 I.I' M I 't it L- n i ' ' in , ' s - All p le't at. rs.'t.ia l.y I n . li il, lla.if.i-... In, . a I . 'I h'. I '.in. I 1... . t let Irns.l. I e point.. Bed I'-i e al a. t. d t l.r oa-i. I M il I N A HI.-S.N II II VII 'I'M It. T r Tli-Mlkh KM '.'!. .I'll. 'I It it In- SI T. M , a...i--1 . a. pi.. i.e. ill.. iin.T't. ion with a train on this r.a.l f.r I' a r-v.l'e. In.lltns. af .... r.l-r NM'-! h'l Mi t hi ""ON IHUV'll 'Mill"!!'. lie 1 1 r..,., h t c" i ram. I svm a" I" .i i'. St . ..i nrt. at Cn-kiou. at lo t'. A M . "I'll a lll'n nn to.- r . I f,,r I l.. o..t.'i,k'. A li Rln al.t. leaves I ria.i B l"f KlteiltbiLS " " ' nni liiia mi lt.: miancii ioad. Tl a 1i Tram ai 7 V. A M . ..oil I I. r o.vi. p. prists at In- u I . M .. ai.tiot-et ai Al'.e.i.a w nn tra nt t r lloilidaya-t'.ir'- a- ' I. I'. M '.d ii A. M. H I,.. M. AM' I I K'lHH.H lillANfll It A 1 1. fill s Ii. 1 1..' Ttiroiitli t.- i'ii t- Ttaio. n loin ai I" I'. II. i ne. I - at I rotie w Ith a It am tor v. Ar It'd.-e no. I Pol l.l'a huv.a.id l.y llnl.l r.a. l.' ,.i.a. ta,,r..ad f .r Poll Bluulda. Al -lo. r anil He I foota. iii M i mil 'in ami Pmi tn top ntii.iinsn. Ida I'l.ioi h I-ti ri .s 1 r.ini, I. tvine at 1-' o f. t con Bt It al 11 until p.lt.D Willi all-, n f ! II ,iw"il and IlluitlJ MihVlir KN "l F.ST1HI, 4 Vli Plllf.s IlKI.PIII V AND Kl IK KAll.lKH.iH For Binihurv, Wlli'.ui-pon, l.'. s listen, ajlnlra. Ito rl.a lar. Initial .and Nhiiarn t all" fit- na.-a. ta.inirtlie Hail -Ita-n at 7 J.'. A. U . an.l t " i nr. u. n t.ti li.-.'in P.M.. ilii'lv t-sr.'it fl,,,,,)!,,.. y d wlihont ah.iri(e ot ear. b.1we"ii Pe ' V'.r' V.'i.K II Ivr.VKK ard cr.TTVttCR. thotralns laaii.ty nt a A M ii ii a ? ill I' M, rr n- t at O.il.itni.la - ..i. . .i. .... tin, tin'them t in' r:tl ll'tllro.i.l. II Ml Kill AM" IIHIV ItSII IIHAO. Th-Vail lra n at 1tA M, an.l Thr.uirh R,prett im lo- 01' M.,cor.nait at llarrl hum with tr.lus lor Carlisle, I'l.ainl'i rsl u r nt"! Hsu. r.'on n. WAVsi, K.i HltSN "II HAM.H'IMh TK lrnli'. leavliu at 7 '.'fi A M and P. M ,,amet a. In hi. in. tow ii wlin tra-n on Uila ruinl to W.iju.-tbiirs r. ii-l al' It.t.'rni. dmie .Intl' lis. Pol lil.tliei llir". lO'ilioo apply at run I .-. n.r. r-i... -, E. ...mart..' fcl.KVP.M ll and M MIK El' Htreata. JtMKSI tl" I.F.s.. Tit le'. AK'-nt. CUM Ml T A1IUS TlCKKTS, For I, rt. !. fl. i It ro .unlit, at ary I w rttet. d.r the nc r. linn ilntlon ol pa. ..nt I v n out of U wn, or V.. at- d on or near u.elllle ol to. road ttlllpliS TICKF.Irt, F.r '. trip' hat ween av two point-., n'ah-nl two cants f.er llil't". 'I he.,-tl' Beti. are In'ttl'l.d 'or then I fttoil ift tra. elinv I're.iiientiv.nud nre of Kavat a.lvaiilao to iiersoiis Dia.hiK oi '-a.o,i,.l til... 1 srilillll. Tll.lsF.TH, For one or three tnotnha tor the ure..f tehol irs altcn.Ung " ,U,,"e"vfkTKRS FMIOFtATIOV. An F.ml. rant A. c iT'iii..d .li..n train I'-avsw Nn VlT Hook tlreet dally (Suiiilriyt axcaptetll, tit 4 oal.iaa 1 . M , oilennu a eoin ..rta'.la oa ..le of travel in 'am. Hot -tinsj .t, at cm-half the iitual ram of fare. I'arlieiilar ntt nttou li pa-l to l.itu see. tor w'lrh ai,..t a a iciv-n, and -.ajcniioi. iwnnle , l.y the lame tralnwlin paasiimora, t .r lull liilorinail. il aiipiyu. JttlA.Ni IM Fl'NK, F.tnlicrant 4v. nl. Nn. I.t" IliMtK lsire.it. utwv-'U u AClil Al KM'ltKHH. All r,ant o'f tins r.-lhihle F. sprees Comiany will pate throuwlt aa. h Ir .1'' la'tor. teaelnos tint dati.it. and take up eh. cka ami deli, or hn' ave I" any part ot Ihe elty. Ilan K.i.e will haaal ed lor prompt It when orders arc led at the Pas-fiiM r liepot. f level, th ai d Market streets. I lie tra veiiliK publle are asanrtd """ ' l" . 'itn i y cnjwruidc!. Htr,lllhl-1. Ily this route frelwhis ot atl date. Iptloiaean tat forwar.la.1 to and Iron; any e nits "i On- r tllroa.lt of Uhlo,K.i!itil.'ky, I. .11 nn. Illinois. WU.efti.ln. Iowa oa Mistottrl, hv rallr.ad ilrecl.nr to any polnloniiie navlal 1c waters of the t est, by Mettiuert- from Pltttl.urif . The n t'" ot ir.lvh' b. ..ml 'rom an v point In tho west by the Pennsylvania Central Riilroad. -c at all limes s favorahle at are charted hy other Itallroad Companies. Merchalttt end ahtf.l era eiilrnntinir the transnoriaiiuil of Iheir ftaliht to this Company can rely w ith lOnOilence oo Its tp.-a.ly tratnlt. fin fteiult eoiiiracta or t'llpptnir direction', apply to or Aili'iahit Ihe At-ellls of the Conipatiy H ll. KIMiHTnN.Jr .'.f I'lnlftdelphia. p A KTKWolt'! , i-ittsnurif. CT.AliK A C0..1 hlcaan. .-, I.'.l'.i'H .t . No 1 Attor House, or So. is. it imam street. N w York. . I FK' 11 f I'll . No. 77 Wiishlnn'nn Blranr, linston. WILLIAM P.IIUWN, No mi North sircut, Ualtlmoro, Atent Northern Central Hallway f- ryrc-.a--s i'i, .t.ADKl 1MITA WIL. .''VSif'i .sIM.lU., Aim HALTIMUHS tAka kvUAUI. , cfmpiip or iii'i Ka. On and .t.ar hi NIHT. .tun- l.lsat, rstsenk-.r trains laj.c P, ilsdelpi-in Ut Its Una ra at 4 so t B v p e.s, M..rdaB a.ioeated), a-ef a. M., IJ a . Iff .in I li.-.l. P. M. t Patter at s ll-li. A. M., 1-3P, t so, 4 an.e-no and n-taj Vt .itolncton at 4 11 tVo-..lys eT.-ap'ad), Si, 11 kl A.M. i i. II V', 4 :m.ci it. in- it. nnd It-"' P. , w cattle at k-iia a. M an.i4-'P. w. I' ."tu 1 M aim 4 J' V. M . B'lif Tti at s ic . l d.lnil.arj a. "-.'. A.M. I utAtNa r"t pnii.Arip.i.pntA. I iave Pne im ro ' H 4... m A. M ., tKanrassl, 1 11 I f-.r. . u to a p. m. I WIO". ilk k. n at I t-,r,-4.'.. 9 A. M., ).' Jl. 1, 1 4U, 4 (W, IS) I T .1' an. I :n P. H.n.i-irr a' 1 m P. M . S) i v .,-.ts p. M. Ii..". nt a .:.' H , a- I 4 IS. P. M ti.w a.l'a .it .... M. at-. I n-s-s P. M. i l.a.t.st al? C..-J lu A.M., 1 l..'ll, 4 10, f (14, ! P.M. l.a it a lit'itmore n.t ,l.hurr an1 Intei-me-fa'.. sUUoai at i" P. v. I anve l-.sltiieort. for t.otar and lntar.na.l'ahs B'a'.l'sws si I lol .M. TltAINs k,.H HS.LTIMOPK. T M. a f'h'l a iiv'1.1 . .mil ll'i.. '. V. I, ae lie. i. -i'.i at ;,.i, in A. at., a-ao and 11 4 M. Ira"'' t Trt'i a wtt pssi-antar Car attached, wni nra H?1. latva t' ilr,.IP(rtnri f r rarry-vllle and miartnellaieplactaj N,Ni.Ai:-Orii.v at AM, 1H-90P. M., frnm Pbna. 'p- m Pipia.leip'.'a to Wili'iln,'oi at l A. M..H1M a4 "'rom H'nlf.-t -n to rhlls I'lpMa fit 1 4 . W. tad 7-S TV 'Jan ai io ; . 1'. M . . om I'.t'inn -n in pmi.'-ioina.. j it. F. hKNM-.Y.MnittriOtaaklenV rZ..r . .." v.n Nr:i-.Mr.NTs lit L-tj -c.i- ui.- , .i YiijiK l.IVF.l. I i,. t .ten ai.'l . '. " an t i on n Kail il inn,. , l..i tt n.inl'I.ia.lelphiaUi.New Hoik and way l( W,J SI.T sn,,',:, wiflltr. Tt Hi I'i v in to'd. -. vt':- , vt. At u A. M., via Jitutl'-ti atid Aroho.-, C. and A. Ae- r. ion- J ill'- .- ;: '' At 8 A..t. , v.a I .no, I li and JeiB.-j n . Muriiiiis Al i-' A . M . v a Csn h n and J. r eyCitv.'Jd" i lass 1 . trt Atl" M .' at'aiiiiteii an-l Atnhov, ti. and A. Aecoin- At 1 I- M . via Cam, I' ll a il An l' .v.l.' and A. E- S0 J-B 1 :r IIS 'imrbodatlon 1 73 1 aO At I I' M ., via I aiit-len and AmU.v, A"-' C'i,.,,l.t ,n,l I'i. .h..f i'i1. i At- I' BL, tie f'niiiileii an-t Aiuh "V, Ae o-r.modaUon C Freik-lil and I'assenverl, Ul t last I l. aet aa ..,fc, n,, Al 7", P. M., flat aiudaii and Antta.y Aecu'-ao-la-t mi tFreiiht nod Pas. enter), I.I I lain Ticket TP 2(1 t ( Oil. t T r,.r alniieh l iinnk, Allantown, Ila.il..hin. Ilalvldora, Fa'tnii. l.tnil-arlvnle. Flt.oniik-.on, A-'., at 8 -.ll P. M tor 1 It iiiuik.t"D, Lauiberu die, and iuiorulvd.aus Bta- i'oi' Moul t Holly. Kvansvlllc. snd Pembert.m.at l A.af-t J ami !' ! for I rat In Wat li A. M. and 2 P. M . Foi Palo. via, lineri.in, lielr-e ., Ilnrly. nnrtlnrton, Flo-nte. floida. tt.xn. A.-.a'IS. M , U M.,1, ft and', P M. Ihe H'ISi.iiiI 5 I'. AI. un. s run dlraol tlirough '"po" pnl'i'i'iyra. Ulverinn, Dciamo, in varly and nurluif- ' St'n,'r,hoi Treot m, or Brl.tol, Ili.rUnsnn, Paverly, Tor. itdala anil 'I at . n . ji !l lo A M ao.l T Kl l M. LINK" I-HUM kKNSINUIOH HEPOT Will llavt as f. lionet At 4 4, M , (idihi)vla Kaii.lnmon and NowTark, Watl.lliclon ami New Vo.k .wail W 18 At li'ilA.M., via Kcnsliisbin and Jersey uuy - At 4 ;lii'i'.'M. via 'KeuahiKt U and Jersey tTiy Ex press I"." At lilt 1'. M. via Kenslitpba and Jersey City, W .shii,L'i,,ii nut; New lork F.xpieBS Hiitolai lines .eave in 4 A. M ami n i P. . V . r tA iiter tin., "tron. t-hiirn. Saraoton, wirks'harre, Slouiro-'.tlrtat ht nil, Mniirh chunk, Alh-ntown. Bt llila li'tr. Pelv.tl. re, Kafloii, l.aintivrtv ille. Fleininictoo, Ac, at 71 i A M This III." eoti'ier's wlin the train leaving f.'u t. - l. I'hmk .t :l..'m P At. for Fl.U'iovtoti, Lnmbcrtvllle, and Intermediate sta- '"r lb Mill, I 'euiou, Ac. at 71 and 1116 A. at , and 5 P M l or llolmeBhiirs.Taeuny.Wltslnnmhiir. Ttrtdasbnra.sncl Fr.n kl'ird, at n A. HI., .', 6 40 and 8 1. At. Tho uA.it. Line riilis to llrlatol. ITT For Sew York, and Way Linen leaving- Kenslnsr'on liepot, tak. the carton I'jtth atret t. almve Walnut, half an hour liemro iltparturo. The Cars ran Into the lH-pot, nn.l en arrival of ein-.h 'Iraln. run from the liepot. Filiv poimosot baiKm-e only a lowed each paason-ror., rats'-iivrs aru prohlmtetl from taktuit anydilng as bag-, tnila hut tlulr wearing appatal. All hatutAtre over tlliy ....,.,..i. to ha n.in lt,r extra. The CotnDanv llmli their re.pi.lislh'llty ".r hauiiace to tine Hollar per pound, and will n"t h linhle lor any amount beyoi.d liou, except by Sp't-IAl C.'littaet, aa l. h lirannitt k naiceuKe r.Apresn r- io mn - - -.ue at the 1Ioib. Orders to be left at No 8 Walnut 804) 8 00 8-00 HKl'OT Kl.STl.Nt K. i-fi-h:i coMMissAity or muu , Jidy 7, 18'M. WAytllsOTOV, P. C nf.l..U.IU k-llll k'i.llltlt. Ba.lad Priasosals art .uv'lled uu SI Uio llth li.tlant.ntlU s'el. el. St., for ..iriilsh.im thsituha.B-unce Uopar.uKnt wuu 'lwoHiolisai.d(.SS4i)ltiinelol flmr. I he i r..i.als IU ' e fiir what In known at Ih's f -pot aB luavlim the b"ich one Vo.. 1, ! and .Land bids will tie euiarunneu io. " J si-"..- jtrJ-t lui 1 wellth ha'-tlon, wliiriy-tour uionpanu u,.,... . 1 III! S.-1'tli tfelltlli, Ulirt.l.el,III lll.'lisau.i iianara, F'.Ultteoth rlt-t-tloll bltv lli'.llaan.l d.tllaitt Ulieenili section, tweot -tlv.i ilioii.alid d JUrBi Slxteetilll tt etlt li.twtniy lliou-and dollars : hevruieeutti Mttellnu, toriy-ilve ihunaaiHl .Ld arai E tl, teem l feci int., llilrly-tlvt; ihoiisand d-llais ; Jtitielei nih s,c ion, twenty thousanti dollars'. 'I w. i.neih Men doii. sai amy- ne inouktiid ooilars; Tweiey-Ornl Heetl tw ll'V tlli.lMJII'l do'.Urti; 1 we'ily-necolid M-eiion, il van thootan l tloll.rs ; Iwcn y third siren..... I in leeu tn.iiiaan.l dolla'B -. 1 went.--north turn, klsiy-elglit tiniusaiid dollars; 1 ntnly-tnlh seell-n, iwetily tlnee llioiisuud d-lla.s; a -t. .i. i...n ii, t.iM. thoiit.md dollart. I Sin 2 'Id tela imraa loo Cuv Trt-aaiiry, lor appropria tions n'rt aoy ina-e, ct.al.t able to tine lt.au, loriy -moo item a. I or coiiUrir .!. let. iineeii iiioutaiiuutu ttu... .o ss.itely .in d. Inr- . , ti-ilon a. Whatever any loan shall he made hy virtue It. lent Unit .l.i.ll be. by naea ol tint oi.li. mil'"', anii'ian y anii.uiirlaleil out ul tnell if ol ttia cm p. mil etia.ot, i In Inn it "i on -a .1 c t tin. an : ami me tuti.itt ...a. tl.iae lei lb. ol one per ce in an Ibe ti ir value nt tuc.i ten ire..' en shall he u.,.r.pilaled tpia-leily out ol said It..-ma a dlaten loa t.osl.M luod, .vnii.ii inn i a. ' -it .crtlioiilailoos aii-lo-raliv ii.-eniii) nieci.e.iuck.ivii:.i'-oip liol. and paybienl ol aald veil lilt jlen. lit ... t.l I IttN TO PCtll.l.iH t I..I4H llll.I. lull I'l nl. II' St II. H il.st. D. 01....I Thai inu t'.et . h-i a illui' l.ed to pa'.linh In .,.,1, i. .,.. oern ,f till, c.lv .I..1IV. for lourweteke tlie nr'linnB.'e ptt-s. uttd lot .luum-n uoiincu uu iiiaitiuiy, June lu, irs.l. tu. I i. 'i in ll llltllllK A IISN r ll si. u tot, i i tv- rosr Im.IiI. ttl.l l':erk. nl 'In. a ul' 'I n 111 '.ri' iHIiellt. ansa .m ml i n ol I. nil- v a. s s i -"n oa oia ..,, ha. S lift t b.i'de. jy-' tw I.'XCHANOK 1IOTKL, i 1l,e ntibnt Tiber, erutellil ATLANTIC CITY. nni for oast favors, lenders thanks lo hi' patrons and the pub le l .r the neiioi-out eus tt in alvc ii him, an.l boa. leave t. sav tu ,l he is now open for H i- st n..n. and ready l.i re. eivo n'muun, i" . " and transient, on the nios nioilerae teriua. Theliarwill alaayt he siippliad with the t-liole.t wines. lliU..r, and cisa.t. in d -lipeiK.rold ale. Tho table will tat s Willi tl.t- bett the marhrl ail. ."Is. y t.t.tiii.- lines ami taekia aiwoy. on uti u. Plaole mom on ihe iirt'lultos All Hit-comi-Jita ola horns cu always he found at tus F.I' ll.ihge. UfcUIU'lC HATIIAT, hii tf c nd 4 1 t ILII Ol () It II M III A 1IOUS lit A'd'I.ANTIO CITY, HKW JF.K8KT. FITUATK ON KKNTLCKY AVENUE, OI TOf ITE THU PI'P.P IIOCHE. 1HWAHD DOYlJi. Proprietor. Ti rmi to suit Die Unit?'. JeO-lf ri UK AI HAMr.il A, ATI.A-V 1 It" t i ii,n.. I It in. w ot en lor vi'linrB Tue ria.inn and labia ara Uli.utl I lij any on Ho- l-lnd ")""' Jlat.-iu." AW ... -n, c s.. -s., . . EA-UATlllNO-SHA-llAIlllNG. taivtiiK Al. nAt.t.. CAPK lal AMI. I At K MAY', K 1. Child, en nuclei !- v. nr. i t at e and -a. t aula ball ?r.0O. Hul al.i.l act.ic.liitalw!- I" "d ami I- r' Oin felt 1 Y 1 1 III Nl'ltlll I F.UMiMl lJ4 -:io AAKUS llAHUI-llsDN. Proprlotor. 'l-.ti;.t na't .t r lour, r) C. lilifcliNt.CajtaUl and C.8. V. VKKSU llliliF ii. n. lirirsrov, tUneral Frelvht Ag. ut, Phlladeinhla, LBWIS L. Iliii pi', (lencrul Ticket Acatit. Phil idelnhin. ENOCH LP.WIM. Citnaral Riipcrlntcmlent, Alloona, I'a. s 111 a .' If llv I I j tor 1 1 i ll-KK-S (H'l-H'K. COMMON COUNl'U.. -i.-,a". il" a. Jin. ,., t -i .. ul, a la.o'llt'i.i. a 1 UlC 1 hv U f t.' UICII dot n-t Hi .1 I'l 1 .id. ip-i i. on i iior.-Uy i the .iu.h .lulit. l-nlS, li e i ni'Msi 'oil. eii ltlt.l as, cn: I I A , to . i "I lid il p A - A in I "S, M, in V t , , , sir. 1. 1 1 . . . . . ... -ui., i.ta.'i-vMic I.t-. s. I I is .' is tttii.rs. t -' uf HIK I Y. Nn I Ul 'I I 'HKK IB 11 I'D sfcej." ll keril.) (Lb.lslnd l..r pub... Iiiluilioillituy HV4If t .h-rk t.l I .iiumtiu (Joalic-u. A V fip.l.INANt'K a-t, A i -rut mi . k. .M Al.ln I illNAL L'lAV Tfl VI.H TIIK KXI S -.ts IN 'lUKSf T'l TIIK i.l..BK Or lilt CITY, AMI fvllt UlTIEit I'l It- ha. ii, . i'l The helert anil Common t.'nll'iells c f tll Cil of I Inl.ilflpl.ia do orilain, 'I hat Uie Mayor In liorel.v au ..ori.d I., la now a' 1.0 !. Iliail par, .11 I 1 1 credit ol it,, eorii rain n. soch tu tit 01 nt a. nuiy bo ie-itiic.d bi lie Ily 'ir-atorer, f.olu mil. 'oiluia to ..r-.vtd. tl.a lain nea 1 I 10 unit.- is in. i, me cc m Pnlltdi. pU Ilia u. vice el l. e I lilt' d slate t an I lor t 10 il le ik- . . I-, eliy. 1101 ocet. In g ill the whole Uie sum o I tl-o hundred th.a t .mil ,11 utk. li.r hi I re ' no' !.. 1 so ed tile r.fe 1 I six li.'i eetn . 1 or annum ntiall tic paid half yo.ict , "11 the 1 mi tlak 01 January aud July, al nil o.lioo of toe I )' 1 rax.uier. . . , , . The 1 iltu leal of tha iil loan th i'l ha p lyati'a and p nd at 11 e t-vp ra I n of lliir.y years in m tha dale nl t n- na 11 '. .1,. 1 ..ll ao.ta a ula ut iheooi aeiil . holder, the, em , md Ci rihei'li . llitcet r. Ill tlie llcil.ll I'irill ol so-'. w . .' ti" ..1 Cn. I.o. i.t. thall l.e Issued I , h a'nouU' as le Biav r'utiiri'.bii' ii"l lor any fctele 1 al pact ol 11 uired. In .no 1111 ol Il.e liua-lti-n "I "no '..."..1. del era. and It ttia 1 be enure-. ed ill -ai . eer' lieu .: t at US tald ! an Ihaielu meiilio ed and Shu Inleresl lucre at aid i,ai aide trie IP. ui all taxes. ... o. too WheoeV-r anj to n smll oaad" bv vlrtua heceoi there stia l b, b, lrci d' i ns or I. .a 1. 0, anim al il api.ropna.ed "lit of lbalneonie.il' tl.ee .ra u a a a, a t t sua I" bb 11 e .nut raised byiaxatou. a ua surh.l n to pay Ihe lultsreal I'U .aid cat'ld' ala.i and ll.a furllir nuto 111 Ihree t.-lill.k nl ..tie per cent i:u 011 11- in .-vt .a a ... ., eer ituaita. n.ii.mie.1, tnall Ina .m iop la'jd ua".a ly ell 01 tie indole amtia-.n tossinsioa uud. '11 11 .1 and lit 01 .luminal". nr. a.t. now." f..-..- w tns lodeuipuou and uayioeoi "1 aid c jiuilr si. UF.Sdl.l T'UII AtmomriWH TIIK CI.KItlt Ti' PCP.UKH TCSOK Itaso'vuLTlial lbs C Sr- ' a. uui ictu 10 ii.tnni, , ,,,,1'y v,. QUI IS. ,3"AlS llOUHMi 1. :.Ltl t'HKHNUr fe.l l. PIIILII'ltLMIU. r.i.T, lint lit. ii-e in k'P' on tie l-iiii'paiin I'ian : t'e K ant arecnuvt Ill .11.1 ell len.llalea. Clio r. -nutu. i.. .'.. all luMt'l' ul the scB-'-n. ,,,. , P. ,, )U-lm J""- wi r.i r 1 .'.'- "" j lues n.'u.t Inn in duplicate, and for each gf ado on aeparato ,Vhed.-i!e'rr;.r the Finn- to commence within rive diva ' floii, ,lieo..nln...c,l t..e-.l.l..aii.l hl nueh in iaiitlll..t daily, . ...I,.. in,v..r,.i,.iil mat diaect : delivered at 'he liover.l- o,..oi u-srtioi.ni- in Ci'orgetnwn, at the wharves or rail ' riad depot In VS athlm-'ttin. PC. ! The dt liven 01 all l iom awarded tobe completed within tw viiK dtntfom ihe opening 01 ineoiut. .., l avimni wl l he nn d" in ee.rnheates of InJetto.hlBsa I or surli other tuiiil. as Uio Ucvurnuicui. may have for dls- I ".. "'"." c , ,...atln w 1! be made lual be- foieiln l loiir ikr.eelved.aild nolle wiUboaccopled wh.cn An. inb of a'h-. I'.i'i' e rr.nst at-com .any the hid of eaeb wit ...... h... 'I.nnth on ne 111 Una ume.., Bll.l 11 b tl wtjti.-eiiie.-:ii"'-'l fiom pa-tloe who have orovlous'y failed 10 comply with llielr biaa.or irolu uiuiier. uuc rr ";.!'. rn n't ;es. rve. tho rt.hl 10 reject any h'.J I for a-y ciinse. Ilid u.baadtltokacd uitliiMin.ler.sud,at J4U.XW (! klia.'t.tudvr.itJ."Piii;w-a'l"r r lour. ot AND VKOK TAULLS. Saw PiteAHineat, 11. ... ., ,.a I'rhvi. niaa AKlt i: tiliii-t. Ja r 1, Halt. d Pcoposaln endorsed i-Proposnlt for cra.,11 ll ief 0101 l ee. tat-1 k, V..I- oeieeeiveu tl ma ii'--t - ocitciPM 011 l. ."i'b oa 01 July lnsl.fr Ihe aunply 01 I.t I b 1 '1, 111. .Is 01 1 ret. He. fund lui'ajO p-n .ds 01 I r. si. 1- .- a'.l a, al Ihe 1'hHadelpnia Slatlon. as rci nre l In- i. 1 1 and Vceiiih en milt' nan! good tpial'lv. an t llio li.B Ua-ui.ik-t ali i lie. a lleuc i aillcle II1.1B1 a itterad lo. u in. 10.. nd I tit. ueef to he in ciii.l pro,, irn uis. loeaiu loin I .it-.aiicia. Hood, wl'.'i nnproved nenirpy, w lib renun.-d in ana hall tha es l.oa-. l aiii-.iiit nl loa ten not. li. -I iw-t-l. oereelt. Ill 1,.1.1'tl.ll IH 00 wllh l l- t 011 Pie am unt 01' n-ieti iiuyin. nt 1.1 na ma.la, as col'lce...' n-. nrl y fir 'i.e due p f .nuail.-a 01 too eniltricl, wh ham , n 11., .Kif'.unt. Ij.' pato until it is fjt,-enb- ''"f 'v. i'i".'''-, r it 1 st I .. w .m-a .l. J hv a wr t'-u ir..n t , I 1,1 d r,viti,K n oie re-pooslhlo por. .11., mat too !..'.' ... . ,-t ai 1. . r tin i.-oid no accept d.tii r on wo nin uv'i .ui,.,"oi' ..... 1, -ur mil the ar I. let prooo'a.l. 1 it usid'-red unlets ne ..iiipm'-.J hy .. .-.l bv n I'lMoCturv tv it Il.e tout III! ', ii.-aiei In the aitivlo pro,,okad, a.:', has I., lal'. )) '' t-ta't a..kl u.11 Wl.-ltAI.KF. Uil.L' AMSI'tlllt all .vtair.n. nui.vi" ... ....... . AUDI I liyNAl. TKAINI4. Onandafei MtiNPAt'. June III. Isn-I, PaBnver Tealos whi leave the n. w l.cpc t, I II llin itireet, above Choinp Bon slrect, rliliiidclplUn, daily (buuuysJ eaccpted), as foUows . 1 Fxpress) for lleihiehcm, Allcntown, M.iucti Cl nnil. tt nkesbarro. Wllllaniapan. il-l.'i A al. I Aeeoiuniod.'t o. ) 11. r Iloylf fltown Itl llVA M ( Accu nitiiodailon) 'or Foit ivashlngton. n P. M ( ACeoniliioiiol on! for I lo) lent-'Wtl. 8'4f' P. M I F.xp'enaj lor hetnleliaiu, Easton, Ae. 4-lf. P M.tMuil) rorllnvlettown S li P HI (Atci.ninitiuailou) f..r Btihlchein, A'.leiu. wn, st d Maoer Cl ut.k s lop. l (Aeeoi. modallon) for 1 an. dale. 11 I'. 11. t'Aeet nimoda Ion) loi I'oit Wanhlnsttill. 1 K AlhM HK Pllll.Alii:i.PlllA I eave fit thle I em at S-im A !..- A. M.,11 id 07 P. I , I'ov It Slew ! at 6 SU A. M., a 44 P. Al , and 1 P. M. l.aindalealliA M. , Fori W aahingloli at ll ll A. M. and 2 T. M. ON S I ' N 1 1 A S, rhiladelphla for rt. lh'eli.iii at A. M. Phietilelph'a ft.r llovle.towii at :l P. M. I -oy le.. own l-.r I'liilaueliiiiia al 7 '20 A. M. Iittbia'tui t-r PlillaC lpliln at 4 u. M 11......... k-.s ,1-eta will call f C and d. Ileal tsima al Ihe dc'iatt. Urdors may be left at Ho. 113 8. lllliDblrtst. ,., , , . . . KLI.la CLAKK.AgenL PlIlLADKLIMIIA AND A1SU AAllllil ItA.J.KOAli CO-MPAMI-.4 a. , kitlvrv i'i .l......av 4 llall. th'. Trains for Nt -w York. leatJeg Kenshgnin liei ot, Phnaueliihla, at JU A At I N lUl'l ' . Bt'U V I Jl.it.in nit oa".""'. a ---- ... l .. . . f .n.t7:aiP u . ailll liertiallt'r ba aiii.lv., v loc ihe Ui 1 ed H1..I. . k.alla and Seat Turk a-td u .. ... ti.t. I us.e e.-rk. ami wl I uol take ill UjI let '.111 Th. I' A. M. and l'2 Mid . till Lines .Ul New York to . . ....1 .1... 1 1 :. 1 .1 .. . ii,il S P M. Lines fi u - .w v.k wi 1 aomliiiie an al nr. su it in.) a. n 1 1 10 ami fr in lha Intfrin. dia'a aianoii' at d 11 iliuiio-. , t ashing'ta-i. a d New V01B AltltAVt.LMrSIS BI'.TWfcKS I'lllLALtl'.LPII.V AM) kKW I llltK lint-sleeve PbilsVlphia, f tun Kenaingnm H'l".!, 3 11 Iu A. '.. S' n a ii -i . P it aim I2-j0 iu.d 1 a-, a--fr..n Wahiisire 1 h.1.1 ( via 1 a.ud'ii), all. and t A M ... .. . 1: t XI t..r W-w Y rk A nil It nil- New Yor. , fr-aa Mot of ( 'oUitl.indt ttcea'. al 1 A. HI.. II A..M . I-' H..4 and t. M., and 12 tulilnlwi.l, ami lu lu tool ol llaiclv no" at li A. and 1 1 . s. f ', nriaiUCl-An P II I LABEL PIU A, OKR- Jt9iS MANTOWN. AND JiOllHLirOWM UMi " TIMK TABLE On and sfter MuMiAl . May Hi. IHi,l, until further aotlca lent tlKI.MANTuWN. Leave Philadelphia -, 7. ft, (I. Ill, 1 1, 12 A. M.i 1,1,310, 3J..4,f.,liS,.6.7.H.,l(l.ll.rJP.St Leave lleriliauiown li, 7, 7 Wi s.silfl 9.10,11,12 A.M., l.'2,, St. 4.',, . h, . ti.'a, 7, H.ll. In. li. and 12 P. M. lie H !tu down, and the :i' aud S14 trains up, do not stop cn the tleruiauiow n HrHtieh CIIK.SMIT HILL IIAM.ROAP. J eave Pblladelpiiut, C, 8, 111, 12 A. at.; 2, 8A, ,6V, 7,,aud 11aveChe.n-tItm.7Tn,R,9'4n, 11 40 A.M.; 140.3'tO. 8'40, 6 4U.S-40, and IIP to P. M. . "I-c.. : c .siwlliillill'lili-nl AND SIORHIHTOWN. Leave Philadelphia ll, 8 J-f., ll'Wt A. M !,., la. 6-'ll, i'save Nor'ltt..wn'.6V,T,7'60, and 11 A.M.; IX, I1, ,and!)P.M. ., .,,.,.,. The a.', train uu win slop ai n ittwuvtvu, w.....i anc Cobslu.liockBii only. -,v-tr run n, ..:. 1 1 ii i. . , Iave I'lillndclphla. ll, b J6, ll'ub A. M., IX, 3. IX. Wt. 'Valve i!',J.,a- uilk.a. Vi, 8 . S.X. Wi A. M.,3.5,7. BndtlJ, I'. U. cnTiI n....il einvtrintsndtnt. n,j31 ' pencil, JsIrtTU and CllKEN Streets, r. rmM 1 Y 11 fciifc!.1! TI'.NiUN AND UV1UH lino cl rt . . bin r li s. Nn .r. a I ' h - 1 . I tlil.lt I. t eB 111" Il.e..-1 I-- LEDDY'S HOTEL, 1, LACK ill Ills', or i.' I, 'at i.ll". n" '11 thin env. laity atotn Uittetllig Ll.aivjt. iClt; UU IPO CMC ti , .y v: CtH.tU f..s bo. 1 a..k.,trr ordiiiapvit pnwomsd lc cl, al a tita. - u.M.tii... ti ....,t i iu: no I Jiltia. 1' A . tirdn .u a .,, an At' I' ltmil I.sa In m Hit ex lu iiae. 1111 lileii, ta Uta de.euco 01 I 1-I It v , and w. alhti pur.o.et " Aid ll.o said Clerk, at t'.a s-a'.-d m a:lng ol C.illiei't nl'er ' lie .'Milr..i n 01 fo.ty w-.eKt ty,., ttu tlrti day "f Skid p-ii.i ea- ... . .,1, j,rot. n, to Cl. Louneil otta of 't.'li sulci 11 spt.esrB lul SVS.T day iU WUiUi Umi BaauB ai.aii havabevauiA le. yj say HOCTinVKST COBNElt OP 1NIIVT1I unU AlNlStI Htreoti, OnOSITE OOSTINENTAL The renort of tlentleman of Kefned Tome, who aonra clanaaPa.aKevaj.av. wJU-lta T lAHLOU'H X I'II4L.O IflaTJK VlTiH AND UE1XW1U0U-1S '' 1 itJES- UrAVTEtlMAHTKR S OPt-niB, V. ,s ,l.(,.it -.1.1 . YVAHIIlb'.lt'S. II.C .July I. I'- .work In titiverniiit-it Itopatr stlionB. l't. ,. 1 to ..nl. Ileoot nl" ,V.mh n:t. II, I'll" ill 1 ,01 III. At KKMl 1 11 s and One Hundred U will r.l.VM..",'iil" . ..,.,,. pel U.OIHII will oa .-1 'v i."u.n. -... -- Oil I.T OIIV. If" 1 Ol'l-a' 1".'." -;."' " -' -' 'Ota, lain 1. 1 ' A t l-l -S II I li l 1 MS.-,, A I. .. "..y -' ryer T weulj -.vcoud auj it fctrools, l'"i. P C. ,.,.., T-, i. .,,'i. r. r:. ti'-riu nnn l ie. ..-u -ni". jj4-li peieirluit 1" 01 W FintiO .t t'l ., .t ii. .' le I'liod l.e 1 T b. pay I' ra At.. Iiuu Vt Ash Sllllt.ll. V 1 lie: ION SALL OF L'u.NDf ' . 11 laV . M A. UA t. Alt-Ill. Ag. nt. SHIrPINQ. sf!! at teat JuneiO, 1W4. LINKS HtOM Wld. 11. OATalEK. Agent. FIIILAPELrHLA rrxW'i'llTl WP.ST Ji'.Uli. jiAii.ivufvu S&toirzf ' UK F.s. t om uie ncusilONPAVrluiis 0,lb.al,m.Ul W Al.-- " a ''""'" At and lo A. kl. and at 1W P. X. For Rah-m and llildget alii A. M. and 4 P. at. Far 1 Ham Iwro, at :.!, and In A. kl . and 4 snd rSO ' . SB. For tt a ilhiirv, l.loutes ar,c, al Saudi) A M., 12 M,, and 4 and P.M. .., 111-. Il'nrsi.ttt 1 n 1 1. ' 1, r. nc C1.paM.1y a Cantl 11 l- A. M.,an.l.Y in P M. M, iv II a a 7 4ii A. M .tnd I'A- and 6 60 P. M. eattmatiiA M and rlo P M j'.nme on at sib A.M. I 'alt P M. . tll.anl.cri. at ' III and IC 6 A Al . i i!3. 3'(sp and .T P. at. W a.0l.1r at 7,7 40 and 8 64 A. M.,alid'J 60,J-2, 5 06 and 8 12 P.M. TUP. WEST JF.KHF.Y VXl'hl'.SS COMPANY, Ofhc. No 6 tt AI.NI I UlreeL "III eall lor and deliver nas-.Bue, and slleld t a l the a iisi b'a.1.11 -a .xoresa k,..-i. ..... Ilmvu AC'll. 'at tas.'n '.. t o. ti. ....... and n.ust bo at nl to the "ineo tl s e . iuog prevto. e. I ei1sh.b e ar I' l' . bv "ds line matt '"! sen'. iiel .mJ A.M. A succiui inc.nei 11" ae ainii. il e itli tram. my31 J. VAN HltM S sCL 1 Ell Superintendent. KF.W YOPK FOIl Wilt. I.F.AVF. trom Hint ofCourtland a'reet at i--"' r"" Jerne. Clly anil I amilen : at 1 aim to t. a.,o t . . l'J IN'.hll via Jersey I Ity and Kensington. . From loot of hnr.-liiy street, at b A. M. and 1 r. M..V1A Amlniy anc caumen. ..... a a t i From I'ler No. I, North River, at 1? M.,4 and 8 P.M. (Freight and fanscngersj via Ainooy m s... fX:ir''Ei0UTLTN"EF"TOtt NEW fittxi. York and all tlie sta'loua on the Camden and Aiuboi and connecting Itailroadn ' lNCHKaxKU PEMPATCH. The Camden and Ambnv Kaiir.sd and TraneporUtKMi Conipat 'a Freight Lines fo- New Yo k will leave Waiuut sir-si wharf, nn and alter Januery 8, dally (Sundays ex cepted), al 4 c-'e!. ek P.M. hiiuriiiiig, ihe above Lines will leave New York at I "Frel'lit 'tnimt be deliverod before 8X P. M. to bs lar war.leti the salne day. Freight for I ranton. Princeton, Khtitsion. TlewBrtins wlek. and all polata on the Camden and Amlwy Kaltroadt alto on 11 e lltlvlsaiw, lie awa.a, "d riemlnirtc.n. IU" New lera v.llic Inui old and ,1a. e b irg, and the llurlliiKlon auu Jliotil.t lloily Ka Iroa.ls. received and forwarded up 10 U.'.o'clock P.M. email packages for Mount Uolly rv Celv t ll Hp IO '2 O Clock P. M t.iiuM The llelvldere pc'aware Kalad connaets st Pniutps- . hurt' wuh tho Lehigh Valley Kailr..nd. Tue Kew Jersay Hid r. ail connects at KltiaL.tli wllh the New Jaraey I 01. uol Itallioad, and at Newark with tha Morris and Ktnex Hallio'd. - A aim memorandum, spcclftlbg the marks and unro be, s. th pt.ert and Mm-lms-et, mutt m every InaUhoe a sent wllh each W ed ot goods, or nn receipt will bo (Ivan. liic-rea-e d taclill e. in.vii.a- oeeu niauw tor ...a ...... 1."- tatlon ol UVK S IOCK diovors are inviiasl to uyuus tt hen stock Is fliml-hed In snaniltleB of TWO CAR LOA 1 18 or more, It will be elallveied at the toot of Fortieth 'i reel, near l' a P-ovo Yards, or at pier No. 1, NorUt K'ver a. the eh'ppett mav de-lsnale al the time of uvea Bhipment. w MfElt .' ' : -'"' til-O. B. HAYM'iNI), s'rttghi Agent, ja'-tf 1'ier Ko. 1 , North River, Maw York. V i:ST('HKSTK,a AND P1U LAllnXI'llla. KA ILK JAP, V'A uwi . v r. PUT CP Af WIL T li li H i I-J if a DllUO HTOF.K, ISO. aJJLI Nt H12CONI Httcot, PUILAOEU'UIA, WfU color mors water than four times the same rtuaith) 0 o:diuajT lucii-o Tt new Label does aot require a (lamp. It is Warranted to Give BatiHfactioR. It Is retailed at Uie taioc prita aa the Imluttioas and li ft rlor Articles, ls.il. .4. -1 11. 1-14 W -1. V Ca . vl 1U in:nc.At-, Oi -11 k ! Cnii t .vat' '! a WABiiis.'i.is, Ii. C .July 4. Iitt.l. WU-he sold al pnbl'c a..e ioi., 10 tho hlgdc.l bniOf,al tl ' 1 uo t and plac.t oatii. 11 l-i..w : 111 AS. N.la.H.l kUl . July ;14.ln4. I . t lit Ml I'a .1 111 I'.i ' -....' I,. . . .1..I nil la .1 H I If HI 1 A Y ..Ill's a 1 uu a. ca.. ! ii' h-'jiV,-' 'Vt ' " ' ' A -'"V .. .'. V .. . .'. . .,-vlwv run. IS attach . WO HLPlt'l' l-COJ vc 1 '''Til.se ltor-ca have teu ooi.d.umed at snrit lor the '.ri'L: iivrvH, -arsai... , b. had Llculeual t-Cololiel Sbd tbiet 'liua. ''"'"' . TTTssTTlP CAI TAI.NS AND OWNEHS. She ntmerHKlied laving leas, d lie ' --si put K. Iteii. ti 111H11111 ni. IS ittimyu'i." -T avlilk' vesnt .u aw is"-." anu l)'t '-nt I sf' I 1 . fa la't tih ul thr I"1- ' ai b fa t lUff to kciSs li.titc ju la iyVI Jl'.ls.ls "Mi . Mnvci.tnittl tu in-r. id i" t iti f.ir r L' If ri(l lul or -Ar-'' STK A M W J : K t.Y Tt t 11 V 1 . K thtd, nm n "i. e't iw ntf.wn fork Hirr-.r - l .li b. a.l.B.1... r. f.r 111. I.illTUiH.l.Nl'W uf Ik , illld l'i:lui.' iilii 'iiiu.ui-lny '.i..i.ua i.U -d dlo tail ti iVi'v ''K Li'MH,N'. atnidrtv. Jn y ''-h, I'l v ' K r.Ala'r.Mi.KK. halurda), June W.il. Y. NA. hatiuUti . Jniy ;';t.l ji.i,.i, -in lit DiiiH huturdaj.at wo, trom ritr No. 1-1 bortl.i...er. KATFft C PAHSAHP. Pavsl.lalnfiold.orli.eciulva'aotlBCuironcy: ir-l fill in SieJ Mi.-er.tge S -ibl ; Firm tib.n IO London Kit t'l Sleeiune lo Loudon ... Jl ttl 1 tr.l I ro n to Pari. ... v 0 Hleera.e t Pant 4-isi Fit si l 'nb i. to Ham' urg tajSSi hn eiage lo lla iuuirg .. 7 ull I a- aiiierkaiealsi.loraar.'eit lo Havre. Ureiucu. Uutlar daiii. Aiiiei..c.,ae.iiall loarraies. I an s Irolu l.lvtri.'t.l or tjueelisbiwu : -first Cabin. S76. - Sil.'i ait' ereiie hwun l.nerp'ail and tliieeiisluwu, U. 1 in n-wl o wish in tend for then frtenoa can buytic.au fieio at ih.-.e rate-. l or Itutht r lli..ril!Bllon app.y at i -.a .....to-.., . I'lilN il. Iil.li, eu , Ko 111 WALNUT Klrcot. Philadelphia, III- .r-n is-; t. narfrfrs. IiOSTON AND PHILAUKLPHIA Aali St. aln-Hl.lp Line, Bailing IMia e.ieh lain on It 1.1. iai, tioul Ilini tvnaii aoove t . .. p! Ii.ia l I la, ui tl Ian g wliarl, With n. t roui Ural wuail al ..it II MMiett on aurda.i,luly I'i .la 'lha sn-aui-l in SAAON. Maitl.ews, will sail from Phi Im t pb ii h.l Uo-b.li. on haf.r.lay July I" " l..ck A II ! ui n il.e sieniostu. NultMAN, liaker.fTom lloiloii f.r I'Miadeli liia on tauie day. at 4 P. M . tte.eii. a nnd totisiaiiuai t'eamsh pt form a regular line, kat'll il fr- lu eaeb p rl puue'tualiy on Halu du a. Ilim liil tea elleeled al on. hall Ihv piemluui cLargSd OD gall V an. els. F" n htk lake n al fair ra'es . Nlni'l'irt are letiu.ttad to Bend Blip ItccelptB and Bills LaJing will. lha. run dn. for tieie'btor Passage (having fine aeaommo.lailotis) apmy wc jas-ti BT- -aW KKlllA. h,,,(N,i AKrtNOi.tf.s-r On and viar ' lilli AY. Ai.nl 1. let-l.iho Traius willlaave ci'vsr'biM'lelpe'a. frm the p- p it, corner o' rillRTY- FUlST and AltliF.T St i eat 4, S A. M. , UOj A. M. 2 JO l'l'h l.Vl'i.hia,li'iiV't chained from FI15I1TP.KN PU and H.sl.hl.l Sitcts, to llllitl'Y-l IltST and MYIlh.1 r "'le'a'e Went he.ttr.fl mi Ihe Prpit, on Eft MABKF.r tli'eel, l i" A . M ,"-4e A M..HA M .1 I'.M .1 14 I' M. "Iioi-A kci' Ihe Went Philadelphia I'asnainfor Kal'way Coii ,..u (Mark.-! ttr.'l) w convey sa..o.rB to aud In in t 0 I l.illidCpl.la I'anol UN NUNPAYS I .l I'liPa I. Iphla al a I " A.M. .n.17 jl P. M. l.ei.vt w ml !. ei 'i M.ao.1 1 1 gil' M. Iii...n eating Ptoai'el Ilia at A M.andSuU . at. aid tt.sl Cl.es". r in VS.'' A. M. and 4 1.1' M . a tl. .' t wih trulns in tie PhiUi e ohia aud llahlinore Central llailroi.l iol ox'." I '.ml im ni di ne . doit ,! tf lH.SLY IVOOIl. Oen. ral S,ierinlen.ent. '-Z' l'lIII.ADF.l.l'lIIA .T-a'- ANll KHIK. It A 1 1 I 1 1 t, I I r ' irav-rsBn iln "N trlh.-rti anil Norlhwa-l I ct unlit .11. "' " uu i l" " ' "" 1 ' V r r,T; I, l.nbe.-l.lo ..'Il.e th PK. NSY I.V A N I V ItAll.lt'lAO I'UAII'ANY. H'tl ilo.lt r then au-plces la ItUlu; ispilljl 1 opei til ihieui-h o I t. elilhe l'1'i-..l . . 1 I. n vv Ii. me or Pat-e.i croud Irelghl hlltlneas (Tosn I II ru.hll g IO I f p Mom I 16 111 I. - I. "ll llio I an" rn InVI- . too and lit u. .l.vilieid io trie lid m let J, on Uie We.um lilvltioli. . ! tik.1- -.r l'AaVs..l 1UAIKS AT full AI1SI 1"II4 ! Mail I ran leat r. " '"' J pi. .1 a i. leaxs " lJ " ' M' l a, hr.. rh ami. ni fii'Mit h..ih wa.s ijs thate ril'. helw.et. Plnlad. Ihl and lalkUavu,auablwoeu lli.fit. ore and leak ilavaii. Y .ga. i l eon g Ca a he Express Traill both wavs. Foi ililiouiail 111- pt-llliig 1'A'B. .ter blls.lien., apg y At Ihe ft r.coiliei t,i E Bit! liiid .ll.ikeiatr.'eB And lor lit-lgh' l.onn4 a ol Ihe I oiin.aii.v'B Anen'a:- r, ll Ki"gsoii,Jr.,Oori.er Sialeen.k aud Market .uoets, l'llladelploa J. vt . bee noMk. FMe j. m. pnu, Ag..... n. n. c. -.";si,l,mTr,i tieneral Pielgh- A. t, Phila.le phia. LKWlH L llul'l'f. Ctneral Ticket e, nt, Pliliadelnbla. ItlsKI'll l Pin I'M, tieneral Manage , VVIIHaiutport. HEADING RAILROAD. V:ltnAT TPITNK LIVE FltOM PIIILAPB.LI'IIIA TO THE INTKUIOB Of lENMSi I.VAMA, THE .SCIIL'Yl KILL. 8Ust OIEIIANNA. Cl MllKltl.SNI), ANU WYOMIM) VALLEY 8, ANll NOKTH, KOUTUWhMT, AND TUB CAHADAS. PASSENOEK TKAINH T.eaTe the Conpai.t a lit pot, at TIllRTEENTn snfl t'ALI.utt HILL ttlicets, Philadelphia, at tu following MOUSING MAP- At H'lS A. M., for Iteaillng. 1 ebaiion, lohraU, J.ltts, Coli iohia. Iliurishurg, Putt-villa, Ptaacrove, Tauia na, Mitilu r , vt'illisin.pi rl. E lnlra, Itin-lie.ler, Ntagva Fa la, Bill ul i' A'l'-i.lneen. Wilke.harro, Pltt.tou, YorktCarLlBaB, Ll Bll-la-ithlitg, hseers'own, Ac. Ihe train t oiiiitct. at hKAI INll with East Pann.ytva nta Itallioad I ailin ior Aileu'oesll Ac. the Heading and Cuan.ba Hali'oa forF.ph.a.s ..ilia, and Columbia, sad vcohliii Lthanoi. Valley train for llarn. burg. ate ; at POUT t Ll N ION tlibl aibvelnsa Kailr..a.l uains for Wil.eshtrte, tt ll. snsp .'t. I.."k Haeen, K in ra. e.; at 1UKKI8- 1U 1,1. villi "Nntini Central." ' Cuin'atrland Valley," at d 'Sel ' . :i IM ai d tsti.iiie)ianlia" traiua Pr Norliiuro b.rlal:'!. V, llllauini, tt Ytirk.fhnmla.r.h'.rg. Plnegrove, As. ArTKIt.MOS EM'llE.-sS leaves Philat.li.lila it rjfl . M.'or Maiding, PMU vil e, I Ineirove, ai-r'tburg, sc.. cnneeling at Ua-rta bu g who I t mi- v Iv ii a Cenlial It.diroan train, for Pitts burg . r-eumcT. Ci iilt l allwau trains f..a ntnn .arv. bi.l thnn hulsiid, toll. I, At-.lilid at Pirl llllitoo wllh ( n i,.-. a lu. il oud train, far Mlltnu. WU laiuuiort, JC1 enra, llul. al. ,e-c. HEAPINI) ACCOMMODATIOK. I eaecs B. a.ili git ei isi A, Al . Mopping at all way station- amviiii It I Id. atl, i. hia ai 0 m. A. M. I.eiiiri. n, leave s Phil dt ipi ia at .'.'oO P. M I ar-'ves In It. . ,1 in. a: me- P M 'i i e ii.. I. r PI tlatle Iphla leave Harrlthurg si - A. ti . and Pot-teitl. i.t!'.' A SI., iitiiehig In I'lill.d iplaa-t I bU I'.M At .ro.nu trah n have ll.i'rl-burg at 2 P. T.. PuUS yiliriitvi P M.. arriving in 1'nl.i'lell.liia a' T P. M. k'aiie' I'alti. wul. a pa.iei.uer car attauried, leava Pliil.ltil.'a ul I 1' M., l..r I.e.. I m and all a atntlons; h ate- Ite.dliv at f, no 11. and llowiitngtowu at U'SU P. at . I' - P 'i a.ie li'hia alio u.l tin sun o-it. All the abov, ta In rill, el all . SUoda'S f SCaptad. iiu. ae tr ma I. aeo t'otlsvidc at t'jel A. M.. anal PbilaV d. ti l. a al.l I " P SI I HtS'lElt VALI FY IIAII.KOAD. Pnt.epge's if.r liow'iu t.'iw ii and I tei mediate rjotats take Ihe tl Ui M. no I '.-.l P. M. lla.nsr.om runa'l 'leSIa, at in a. u., ami li lf Jal tf tlKMtV H INHUIl AUO , Jib. ou2 H. HKLAH Alia. Avcaua. emp I Bt lienleTB and I. the lornsruiBKHs havr associated i v....... !'.. I tl .in.else. It... the. under Ih. i rm of i'"1. ! ' ' Ihe iu" ' ' lh. L be. MAN a to., aim will con .uu- n. '' liuildms M. lalli. t ou., oi-a . c, ol e i.e. , uieparsd U a,"" ;!,! I""'!' .1 th'-.old .na.,l,,ui..l, I I'l I. ol to... h.'-'' V"' ' cc.ner.lWtMl-fliiist 'y,,-'-,'; ,'yl-Lit' t.F'.Ul'K it Li atdAN, 0. W. CMLLAIB). aiUl-tf un ia. ,, ..,,....- jtiit .si ii. it a' .... ., kti.linit ri s. i.e ll-a-V, Tjelaware SAtbus. above L.uicl suvct. - -ja J?OK NEW YOKK. DESPATCH " ' and bwillnure l.lnoa, via Peiawara aud i .... ai. e anal 'Jlit-al.aBit.rsof lliess Una. are leaving dalle al 12. c it 1 I i,.l -i o i l a k P. H., Irasa tl'hd ur an. ve 'V s'pit i.iet.. vr net nt. wnnh will ha takan on acoouiioodaiin t.ru.. ai plv to WiJ I.I AM M UAlklll .UU, JkiA. 444 at. PKI.A V .tl.r. At, tiua. K1 HMUVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, Ca-). cote, aud H-nder, has removan ins snop iroio .i .I....I...,,. .t.a. I iii Nn. TA'l I An I Kit Street, ad lou'li.v ll.a old l-t.nl tilbue Hulldlng. Having incaatced t;.. I".a for larreti g on Ihe Ini.li.e.t BXtaiunvviy, be hope' to iccelvs a alaie of puuue paUouags. uvT PHILADELPHIA AND BMIIM.Its I'tS'llvL K All- art. TU t IV Ft lit It si Pit INI I a HK 4 N OF M r. NT. il alter UilliAY,AprUl.ui"l,Uie uaius wul leave K, Al ken. ak follow t :-- LKAVE EASTWARP. arArinaa. am. l a. flxforil ' 0 8 26 esi llrov....li '7 .i-.'.'2 Avou.lala 1 4 01 He ti 7 JO 117 Chadd t Fold.. 7'4'J 4 41 ( i neord ""I ' W. C JunrtloU 816 B'l-1 I'lniatle-phla... i'.22 8 '2tt Weal Clienlel . . - mv LKAVE WE8TWAH0. B I A T 1 1 1 H a A.M. P.M. Philadelphia... His) 4.10 W. st C -salar.. 7' 6 4 15 W C Jiinell .n. 8 isi 6 41 Coii ord 8 23 Jfl Chadd s ford.. 8 41 11 kennatt In 4 6 17 Avi.n.lale I'l -'I 'at West llrovo....lll 7 IrJ tixf, rd lic.'sl f ad Pa.tk-eger liepot In Phlltdalphia bat been clian.-d ft.no F'gtilitnih and Maiket streets, to I HtUTV -F Kar and M vllkKT Htre. lt, West Phlladth'hia. Markol 9traet patneiisai KailwayCars convey Patkeugers to aud tretal tha leMit Patwaugars go througr without change of ears. jn, Ilk. N H V W liQil. anpariBtanrVsnt. flP-a' HALEM KAlLTtOAl) COnT ti'J p'twPi1 PANl.-ltuiiningiliusof T rains, oooi Un l t in 'H PAY January I. iKtit a4P M tti-m ntliui rtireti wuau ai a " . " - - .... li Aia'-I 12 M. It' liimutg. leave Ka ein al 4 A. at.B oa a. IU P.M. 'rlabl dalle encb wav, App y u M' IB ION BULLS. ;tl'Ot. Becoad Covered P. Jat-tf J. VAJI EBNabafcll.u4aluludSut. i, n lining li'"iu lieiwiiiotnau hZw Y)ltK r.XIHESS FOI! UTTHIlLTtO ASD TUB IV KS I Leaves New T.nk al 7 P. M , pa- slug Itaad'ng at 12 mld nh tt. and i-on:.e -tni.' at llarrlsttuig wl.b Pauusylvaaia Kai'p.ad r Xlirets lia'lls lor I'ltlfi'.i. rg. Bei'iu Is. kf Kapiets train It aves llai-rlnburg on arrival of tht Pebi.kvlvan.a Kxpre.s fiom Pi't-hurg l HI A. M , ba.-llig l anding at H 4'i A. M.. and arriving at New York at l'4-'i P. M. bleeping Cars a.-eotni.auy these trams Uiroogh. between Jersey tt" vend I'lt.sliuru.withoolshaoge. Mail trams tor Jsew York teava llcrriat'ors at s A. s- suel'2 P M Slall trains lor llarrisourg hsis ante nirs at b A. M an.l 12 at. 81 'IICY I KILL VALI.F.Y RAILROAD. Trains leave Potts. I le ai 7 16 A. M. and d an P. M., re turning liom 'l u.cnii.ia ai b In A. M. at. I 4 iii P. w. Ht'lll YLKII.I. AND HUHtH'ElltNUA It SILIt'l ID. 'I ratlin eave Auburn at 8 41 A M for Pinsgmva and llarrnliurg, and al I vn and 7 in P. M for P ugr.i'-a onlt : reim ing hrom llaul.i.rg at Mm P. M., aud iraia I'liisavovsats 16 A. M ,aod 4 and 6 P.M. llt'KEia. Through first clans tic. ett and emigrant tickets to all the prii.eipal polnl. n he Norlli snd VVanl and Caua-laa. T he Ifiliowinu tlt-l eta atei litainabte unly at lha othca of P BIIAPFolIP, Irea.irer Nil 2-7 S. F.IIUIU K reel, l'hiladel(iila. or of ll. A Is K OLL 4, tieneral BJgsi li.wvu-de.,l,lt.ad.,.g:-MMi.TA.no!( At 26 per cent discount, ketweeu any points desired, net faiuniv. anel uru.s. Mil EACH TICKET". .... C.ood for'JPOO miles, oeiwtwn all pnlute, at 4S sacli, lor lauiUie. and llrin.. HEASelN TICKETS!, For three, a'x , nine, or lael.e uiouths, for holders only, to all uUns, ut rcdueed r.iet. Cl BltOVMEv Bc-.ldlngoa tha Una of Uie road will be furnished i with ciird..olililllu. Ibaue.eJvoa aud wives to lleAeu at haj KXCCRHIOW TICKET B-eom Phlladelpbia lo print ipal aiaUoua, good for Ba'ur. A,., huncai . an.l Monday . al red iced fa:e, o be bad nlv it I eca.t on.ee. at 1 U I P I " I N I U aud C ALLO vy IIILL Bu,el'- 1 IIF.lt III 4. Oocdi of all di'irrtvikj'ha lor warded to all tha auuv tMt iit-, from "If ( ' u,ui't ntw livigU dvot HUUjIO iuid Will, w HTltl KTH KKKH.HT TKAIV8 Leave rkll-dflphia da 1 a' b A. M , 1 P. M., and P. t. sj, ,r itcstdliikt, l.ssi.atiuli, iikjr?-:.s'urtf, i nisi vuie. run uuvaji., mid iHiluia iH-yond A h CW'Mi at th riiiladti'i'til- 1 on oti.ua lir all r road ai'd iu bro.4cn m 6 .1. M., uud ivt ihufli) aiauoui uiiljr at 4 U t, A.