The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 11, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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Gvtwmq Mtum
rite Tw Omm Tm Crr, f Twai-ri Cam f"
Vh, -Mrafcto Carrlar, aaa BaltM la Sabaarlbaca
MarikaOHf aitn Dautaa na Aswoai Ova Doiita
oa Tn Moana, to-nrlaM-f la Utukm tor Ui aarlaa
AnrUaaMBte tow-Had at a ainal rataa. A Hlxral
tn-aaamunt aiad fee axtan44 luarUoaa.
T CrrMMHl4aM.
Ha atna caa aa of Imrsai rommaalMfM-ta,
beu-tr to Itna'- lar aiartl--a amlw anil"-"' . ' '
hr t. i-iaaia M aadraM- of lh writ, r mil ""SIL'J,
BvMwioa. feal a. a -raaraatoa fhrhta a-noil Ik''"- '"
iax asaartaka lo ratarn rajaotaa ivxanuaMat'ou
T. AAvrllHr.
to to in t an
art or,w T!'iillF if:-1 '
vflrtiamntN mar
pan i bio, to ax
i aa luaarttoa -all mow u"'
MONDAT, JT7LT 11. lWl.
Tbt mystery of th Rebel mnvpiTient up
th Shonandonh Valley Into Murylitn J In Cist
being resolved. What wemed the othr day
to be only a party of maraudf-r, icourlng the
Country within our Hnon for forngo, hao ulnt-e
AMumed the hiipc of a much more formidable
cd serious enterprise. It certainly Is to ho
Very deeply regretted that the designs of Lkk
In this Instance were not foreseen sufficiently
to admit of a more complete state of prepara
tion to meet and oppose thuin. Between extra
Yagant fears on the one hand, and a still more
foolish disposition to underrate a real danger
on the other, we hare lost a good dual of pre
cious time In idly speculating about the char
actor, the purpose, and the maguituda of the
emergency, when we should have bnen busily
making haste to anticipate and confront It.
But It Is possible that the Intention and
tactics of a shrewd and active enemy, fruitful
In expedients, and driven to in -rcdibla or l.n
probable undertakings by the Tory despera
tion of his fortunes, cannot always he compre
hended, except as they progress towards
development. Nor Is It wise to wato.lo valuly
lamenting our failure to provide fully agatirt
an exigency bafore it arrives, tue f-.w and
briof moments that should be promptly and
energetically employed In getting ready to
grapple with It when it has actually come,
We are beginning to see pretty clearly
A strong Rebel force has crowed to this side of
the Fotoraac, north of Baltimore an I Well
ington ; and that, instead of only secklag to ob
tain supplies for a iamishing army, Lee ! en
gaged In aa ofllmslve movement against the
National Capital, with a force suited lu lIzo,
Composition, and appointment, to the i-npirt-
ance and peril of the expedition, and probably
led and directed by himself in person. II this
be not so, it will at least do us no harm. likSiiid
end, to act upon the hypothosJm' slncj ths
migor with which we movtfi re-ilft It is iiki'ly
to be proportioned, cfour Idea of tiie immi-
nuasravi majornTfuJa nf the u-inL'er u i J
be met.
For this reason we do not foci inclined to
affect contempt of an Invasion wliith mar ;)?)
sibly prove to be an exceedingly icrlo-is in ti
ter, demanding a swit concentiaLi.iu to
oppose it of all the military rcsour:"s o." w!iiri
we now can possibly avail our-iolvt.-. It will
be a sad disappointment, ro doubt, it' tli.) ne
cessity of the occasion shall require th-j witii
drawal of Gbant's army from Peturslmrg to
the defense of Washington. But even
measure should be bone ' i'.U cousI-Joi-ute
patience by our people, In vl ;vr of the impera
tive nature of the emer je.'t'-.- w'jVh may, per
haps, render It Indisp 'n-u'il-j. It is Mr I to
realize that Lee has been tx ilo to tu'i sti'l
denly from tho defense of Richmond to ra
offensive movement upon WaahiuiiOii. Bat
If events convince us of the tact, it lj ou;' d ity
to change our own plans and operaVi'is accoi J
lngly, and not stand la dumb or "irirjiia
amazement at the audacity ot tue Kcbel I n 1
It is rumored that a certain po-iljn of
GiiAST's force has already been JeUc!itd,
and is now In a position to intercept the
Rebel advance either on Baltimore or Wash
ington. With the reinforcements It will re
ceive fiom the North, It may be ablo to iMeat
and drive back the Invadcn, za MAIjl: drove
Uiem, a year ago, from Geltyn'ours. In that
case Grant mny sull prosecute his campaign
on his present "line," und hiuhtn jnd f ill in
consequence of the very effort of . to save
it by trying to produco a diverxlo;-. uf 3r.:Nr
from that point.
There Is the strangest want o' honesty
among the mass of reputedly bona: t m. n. W,
axe often forced to doubt whether there i.
euch a thing as an entirely and genuinely
honest mn, or any just sense in the world of
what honesty really Is. We venture to
affirm that hardly a day passes In which some-
body does not meet with nn instance of bad
la th and double dealing where ho would
have looked implicitly for the strklcbl
and most Inflexible integrity.
These expei iences are uot only surprising
bnt patnliil. They shake our triKt in all man
kind, and lead us In the end to conduct o u
bvbliiers, and even our social lulereour-ie with
each other, on the pil.n ijilo that uo one is
true, but all are knaves. It is nnu.iii'; lo ob
serve what very Lietin and petty frauds the
bent mee, according to this world's cstim ite of
tletn, w!ll N- guilty of habitually and without
tl e MiiLt-st apparent conselou nerts tli it tliey
a o (loii ;.iii thing di. hononible. Their in ril
n r,;s fc tit.'. or veo iiuo':!i,''.i;e:ie 1
u;ly J ei Vel t.:d. It wcjI.I .iw it
O. I.. MUl.d t-lamlaid tti',":. ,.i
I rai tice, departed from r.; " i l l ill
Verr-idly, that the worM ..15. ri v .
proft'M-u g oi.e ooilu ol et.icj, .v.'.i'j
a- other.
'It V.!
Id:'. I
b-M, li
'n ! 1 1
'.1 t it ,
. vj.k;
Muny of uj Lave very
of duly, v'Ul. h we violate coutiuaaliy viiiiout
any compunctious visitings of conscience,
though wo think very ill of others who are
guilty of conduct which, lu ourselves, dosnot
at all seem unbecoming. The reason of this
Is that we try our neighbors by a theoretical
morality which is very severe and exalted,
and about which we discourse at all times
with the eloquence and complaceney of a
"Joseph 6ufce,,, and detenuino the recti
tude of our own lives by a test which is accom
modated to the demands or exigencies of our
Tices and passions.
Wa m with a case recently, In which
certain persons who would avoid a race
course wltliuoly horror, committed, delibe
rately, an act of ftttQ( .WUch a i,!;)g j,ra.
tentlous and puriUoti, but more truly
honest, mun declared to tu would have ex
pelled Uiem instantly from n, Vej c,ub To .!
m piaua, via monre.errea 10 tubw.-rwj their
names and pledged their word to AexBre3g
contract which tliey afterwards persUunUy
refused U fulfil, on grounds entirely foreign
to the conditions and obligations of their en
gagement. This was a gross and direct fraud In point
ot Diorals ; but it was even more than that in
decree and character of turpitude, In so far
as it put at risk the mony of a nuTilxr of .
eo-aubscrlbers who honorably rodoemed their I
word, and also Imperilled tho fortunes or an '
enuprhio involving thousands of dollars. 1
We mention this case, not liecause it Is singu
lar or In any wise remarkable, but merely to
say that the Individuals who were guilty of
so plain a Mt of practical falsehood ami swind
ling hold their heads very loft ily In our busi
ness community and our social circles; and
would denounce it as an Infamous crluin if a
poor devil should forge their names to any
paper, though they daily tnko that liberty
with their own names, quito as decidedly and
effectually, according to any sound Lioral
law, and In the siht of (rod.
It Is melancholy to behold, among the most
regulable pcrMn, person" who stand iu exem
plars of virtue nnd honor among us, and who
influence our social and business life, acts of
dbhonesty and equivocation that would dis
grace a common rascal, and send him to the
penitentiary. But euch things are almost too
familiar to excite remark, while so.iety Itself
Is so demoralized that It opens lis arms and
Its doors to tho canting nal)bs, whoso riches
have been the wages of sin, and whose religion
or whose morality Is all summed tip In a code
of selflshnt'HS and cupidity thnt would shame
the dc 11.
Military Hooks. Messrs. T. II. Peterson ami
liruthi rs buvc just pulili-lied new editions ol tlieir
lulur liOiiks treating upon tho manual sad drill
of Infantry, cavalry, artfliery, Ac, as used in tho
niiliinry service of the I'ni ed States. They give
valuable Information to the volunteer, andsliould
command a ready sale at thU tlitiB.
Tint I'lrttrnirnt-Ths Jltlllriry Move
ment on Kmrl llillro:ll Iroslritjccl
anil Uirentened, Ar.
tibial C01 rctjxtnilrnra 0 The Lrrntn' Trlt jrnph.
Daltimokr, July 10, (i V. X.
This has been, perhaps, the moit exciting t. y
evtr known in the history of It iltimoro. It ""
pH.ssed even tlio memorable llllh of April, lnr,l.
All tho bulls of the city rung an alarm at six
o'clock in the morning. This was agreed up ai
late 'act night, in order to arouse tho citleni to
a tcnio of danger. Very few knew of such a
course having been decided upon, and tliey
awakened in terrible oonstcrnation, snppodn
the Rebels were actually upon n. Then) was,
however, intense excitement during t'ac first part
of the night.
Tbe lnleienco was that all citizens wero to bo
prcbsed into the service. One scecsti l ijy voivt'lj
rlir would give her husband a close of ne'deiae
and make him sick rattier than lie should tiu'lit
against the 8on:b. Sympitliizors with lie ICmtviI
lion, though tliey tecincd to lie In ixii npiiits,
looked ri ally more trihien iA Thau Unionists.
They piclerri d moviiCiirtr funds to a distance.
I niunt say, hnvKer, tlii clement of our popula
tion hj;iiveil reniarkalily well. They monly
riiitd witi fa their houses. The t'uloii uosis
Wre soon seen moving to uuu iro.
Large companies ot tun union i.cas'iu wero
quickly nudi r arms, inarching to hiii h jioiuts as
the y wire ordeied. Tho l.'ity Ouanls like-ie
1 in 111 d out, and 111.111V piivato Union ass'jeiati jus,
old lueiiiaiid young, to the nuiiiliei', iro')a')i, 01
eight or ti n thou and. I never saw mun mora
diternnned and enthusiastic. Tiny went fori It
to 'lo or die, and air. still under anus.
It was hourly supposed the insurgeu's would
lie uimn u. Hun-.or was thous mil toic-itcd und
wi'd. The fai t of General Wallace's detent, and
of bis bating been driven back, badly bandied,
i-nd in full ret eat to lia timore, was known pre
viously. Nothing else than that the enciuv was
on his heels was anticipated. Ilcuce, in oar un
prepared condition, the great alarm.
uovcrnmcni onm is in ttic uustotn itouse, iiie
Post Olllee. and in the various Huarlerm istcr,
Ooiinnlssary, and other departments, ware busy
packing up papers nnd valuables for renuval.
dirts, drays, wagons, vc wero running 111 an
dircctionsj loaded with boxes nnU g iod. Ves
sels were in the harbor receiving their precious
esrgoes; many are Mia ttiero iiad si, roaif to
sail in case ot emergent y. 1 lie military ueau-
qti. rttrs presented a s. oue ot grsit activity.
Colouels l.awren 'O, W'ooov, Crane, M ij r 3iu-
ney, and others ot General all ace s stall, In ais
absence were transacting the business, t'ucy
had coiiru rs running to und tro tu ail dicrioa.
it was a scene ol intense excitement, t crsoas
in the eiiy wero preiriug for an exigency.
The bunks, banking houses, ami ulliur institu
tions were aeilvely engaged loakiug out for t!i;ir
books, papers, funds, and other valuables, uu t
of whi. h have' been boxed up, anH tlioe .T.-t r-
inoveil In readiness tor transit, lewas so'ni a
cert.iiucd that Genera! WaltU'-e had fallen oicl;,
after ii'tich hard figliting against superior num
bers, to l-.llicoti e Mi Is, and still making his way
toviurds Iliiltimoie, win ru Idiusflf and nust of
bis nriived this evening. The Giicial
Is no at iho Katon ll'iuse, tnucti fatigu-id b it
unhurt. General Tyler ib u pnsouur, aui -liny
01I1 rs.
Some of the wounded ofneers and mon arrived
in tho city to-day, but 1 have not learned tiieir
it Is now believed tho mn'n colunm of tho
Rebel army, alter lollowing Wallace, di,'"."f'1
nnd went i.Hnids tile AnuapoiU J.ia i 0'
l.nurel, four miles lu'vuiid, with u ic ' ot"
1I1 uaiiistr.itiiig upon Washington. V .1 ry
paity uppi imd on the North ru Centra. It i a ly
to U.'.y and cut the traek ai Co 'keysruV .r.Mii mi', and nt T.-xis, some miles tin s da,
eleven mil' s from II dtiinom. Tlu v also burnt
some valuable be d 'es an ir s l lieve t, d: J
great damage. This t nie 'or !, it is believed,
was nuikiPL' Its wav to r 1 j I ladebmia, W.l
ndnion, Hnd H illiuiore It 11 ro. I, and pr.rtivdr
iilitn I iniipowder and ha1'' . : r bridges, whi h,
11 tl.e.v have not done, they may a tempt io-ui,'ht,
a1- viell as to cut the telegraph Wires, unJ do o. her
d. mae.
Ihiarof scouting piries of in etuted R. bels
Uitijl in various pans of iintlmo.e eoiutv, near
liaiiiuiore. Aiso, in (' nroll and lloa ir l c cin
t is. 'iiiey oecupii d Wis minster last niifht, and
to itay are pltnidTlng eoas-derably. l.ikewiie,
New Windsor. TJ lit n Ttr'ilge, and o!soivli"re in
ti nt rep:on, dumn-liig mat' rially the We-tern
Maiviiitid Itnllroiiil, uioiij'h nil the rolling st ick,
Us., is sale in llalrimore.
1 iir orlh ru Cenmil t'onip inv s.ut nn't of
its 1 a im. engines, .ve. , ties s do of wn-re I tie track
is i -ii, towiiiils I'hd.i'li lil ia. The II iltbuor '. and
I duo I as hl.i he sini nil s Mild ot in s ii'a'u
tars and ma.-l iiicry. The d uieige 11 this road
biio'T. e buri. I .Vr. is ruiin.u.
'I le.ns.-o.ds of : lirehicil r figeoi came b.t)
1! a. ....ore I10111 dilc.ivtit parts ot tile e niatrv in
vsiioas l.inhs of vehi. !. s. Very in lay of our
ciii; 11 thi.-i wl.o c .ill. I n..i'.ic etcu-es .till ce
pn'.iH, mo f!) Sccesh w ,:, to the i-o lati'V.
1 iie It h g a 1 ': A i.c- an n-.t working to l-'r d Tick ;
1 ri'.'ieiv r. tl. 1.1 UriMinnj i r, t) V Hi; or
.i. ii-W"v I'..-i-i b i-bur itit Mitj'n.
j ! n . i'i'i. . j - -or aj 1 writ-s In- r n-
S I'l Jl
I . Mi t 1
. t
'ii, t II
ifi-t 'n .0 itrt nof ' s or our
i..t .;! 'ni ti Wit-liitmt'm bfliu
.. r e ;'.. 'i l .kta'M' firipji-d
l( n . t.j .11 h ivo K'OA'n itjipiv-
)' 'c it hti . tt k ii"ij!:t u'i'itcir,
' r ti l-i !' t" at i"I (tl UTihi TltO IN) o-
l.i I i r. i'l
II-. -J! '1 -v
t. 111 . I iii
, 'ml It U. - of d i'l't. Wo
is tM t ntii'tljcr i.i-ht ot'diiK ftyun l vijil.irirc )
tit. AW uro on the klort, 11 id the tr.tlrur-t, If
tljrv J . lii't'uij.t to loiho into till tin to, will ho
vl- n'y n-t't. Si'h'l on y.ur 1 '! in from tii3
onh (ii.i kly, witlmut Uciuy, aui help us. oil
your vVfii hope of sulVty.
Prrptrutnf Ion lu Hie Fretlilont.
Th1 Pohrod people of IbfUlinor, desirous of
tostif ing their uppreciation nf the ilmunguished
MTvicfH of 'reitlent Lincoln in the rAu-t- of
human freedom, ate about to proMit him with a
to.y ot the Holy iii'tte, whleh a nniftterpiece of
1 rt ait'' tiiste. It is the imperial ((uartouf tlio Aun'
ilcui Ibble Soi iety. bound in purple velvet, with
Le:ivy yoltl mouutlni;r( appropriately ensTaved,and
etiel(itd in a walnut ciko lined wiih white ilk.
The total cost of this elegant Rit't U '.HOfi. The
inhej-iptlon upon tho preKeiituiluu plate is as fol
Juwi To
Pltltsll.lNr UK HIK rsil'I'.H STVTF.-,
' 'I it ?i ntil vf V mi-trial 'rt'etm.
TllK 1.I1TAI. Ool.OltKIt l'KUlT.F OF B f.TI U illR ,
, M a T"kt'H of Jiffwct und dmtitu'lt,
lUlthnuru, July 4, I4.
t m '
-4The best vinegar udeU ia France is made from
grup'j-viat Btalkri. . .
One of the toselfl recently cantured and
decoyed by tho piraW Morula was the brig ll'tV
C. Clark. Thin renHel waJ fi'om M tehiat,
and was bound to Mutnnzas, with a carjfo on
Hpamidi account. A letter from her captain,
dat)d Beimuda, June 19, h title a that bis vessel
eaptured June 17, when ia latitude 30 and
iui)ttu(lo 64 delete. Ihe privateer took out
htrjifcutu-iii iiutrunientx, her JiKi't iailx, t eiUer
pn.vliiouM they wanted, and the a nut
lireiotf. The crew were allowed but Ut'Uicn
mmute 10 pack up tieir ciothed.
it i-o iLLi':(a'riMATi'i
Impartant Insirnelloaa from f'enernl
The fullowliiR Instructions from Genoril S'nr
man to General Hurhridgs iultl iently explain
thini'C'ves, and lll be read wlt'i interest :
llHItl AN II, IN TU V I'l Kl.ll, NkiII K I.N KSA W I0:X-
1 mn, Ga., June li, 1 si 1 . i ha r.ilotiii; n
piitilisheii to the peop.e of Ti-nnes.oc ati 1 Goorg'fl,
I'v 1 g witliln 1 li limits of ine Department of Hie
t'utni etlaiid, f .r the r information, ns epresimg
the sent.nienis of the Depart inent CjjlMiu 1 ler.
'i'l e sinus instructions aie hcrch) given to I'ot
Hi d Dis. h t C'oininnnders, nnd the sa i.e pnil-tie-
imposed upon all ninrderiTS, lotibers, I ,c mi
Iihi le. Mini r.ud'TS, tin ir a ilers an 1 tt' i t.ori;
and any person, up m wi ll foiinded nci usitio i
of Imvlmt violated his outh of nllcgiau e to the
I'nlled Suites, will bo brought to trial before a
Militaiy Commission asatia tor.
II i.aiiiii ami a :;s Mn. itahv Division or ihr
MlsslNNIITI, IN TMM Kiel. II, Hid Sil AN TT, G I.,
Jut c21, lxiil G'Mieral It irbriuge, (; 1111 in mil. ng
Distill t of Kentucky. : l ue reeeut
THid of Morr.iii, and the eoneun ciit acts of men
silling tin lust Ivis Confcuciate l'artiains or
t.nei i las, call for determined aeti n on y sir pa' t.
I'.vrn on the Souihcra ".simte Right. " ih o.y,
Keiitu. ky lias not seceded. Iler pi op e by their
vote and their uc ions have adhered to their ado
g'Hiice to the Naiioual Gi'vertlinen". and the .Sou' h
would coerce 1 er out of war I'ni. in and into
theirs by the 'cry dogma of "coercion" up in
which 'is linn h s'ress was laid at tin) outlet of
the war, Had which carried into ruheliinu tho
people of the Middle or Uordcr si ivo States.
IS11I, potties aide, tho-e acts of tha so-called
partisan or guerillas are nothing but suniilo
niuidcr, 1 "rs stealing, arson, ami oile r well
defined CiIiiijs which do not sound as well under
tin ir true r ie, us more ngrciuOIe oues of war
like mc- t
I.'xw, iHdoio starting on this campaign I fire-
saw, as vou renu mber, that thin verv case would
arise, and I asked Governor ilramletto to a' on e '
organize, in each eotintv, a sunll trustworthy j
liHiid, liudcr tha Shcrilf, and at one d.idi arr Mt ;
every man in tho community who wai danger- 1
ous to it ; and also every lellow huugiug a mat
the town, villages, and cross-roads, who ual no
honest culling, the material out of which gueril- 1
Ins ais iii.uln up; but t lis sweeping exhibition uf ;
power doubtltts sceiui I to tha G jvern ir rattier
T he tact is, in our ronntry pwmmnl lilwrtg has .
la-en so well secured that nililin tuf.'lij is lost '
s.i;hti'l lu our laws and lu-titiuions ; and the but '
Is", we are thrown hick ono hundred years in
civilization, laws, and everything else, and will '
go right straight to anarchy and the devil, if
somebody tton't arrest our downward progress. I
We, the mi it iry.must do it, and we have right ,
nnd law on our sale. All G irernuicn s and c nn- I
mutinies have a right to guard agaiust real and :
even Mippon.d da gcr. Tho whole p-oplo of .
Kentucky mu-t not he kept in n S'u'c ot sin- .
pen e and real danger 1-st 11 lew innocent men
should lie wrong u ly licensed. ;
1st. You may order all your post and district :
commanders that guoi illas are n it soldiers, but
wild blasts, unl nown to iho usiges of war.
lo be recognized as soldiers, they mu-t no
cnlis-rd, enrolled, oill.ered, uiilforine.l, armed,
and equipped ny a recognized belligerent l'uw. r,
and must, if ill tail, tl l.oin a main arm v, ho of
sulllt ient strength, wit h written ordoi s from soma
army i-oiiuuaiid r, 10 do same miliiary thing. Gf
coine we liuve recognized iho Co il'e lera u ).)v
criinn nt an a bclligeier.t l'ower, but deny their
right to our lands, territories, rivers, c hsU, and
luui nullity admitting tho right to reo.i and
uovc to some o her count ey, wliero Itws and
customs are inoro in accordauee wi b their owu
ideus and prejudices.
Jd. 'the civil power being Insulli ion' to pro
tect lite and property re n-ffsMtatu rri to prevent
anarchy, "wid-a nature anliois." tho mi itary
steps in, nnd is rightful,, and law
ful, t'nder this law every!) dv can he ma Into
"stay at home and mind bis and her own ba-i- 1
ness, nnd It they won l 00 thit, can be s-jntaw.ty
where Ihcv inniiot kc-p their liune-t neiglihois in
fear of danger, r ibb-ry nnd Insult.
Jld. Your military commanders, Provost Mir
shals, and other agents, may arrest all 111 lies and
females who have encouraged or b.iruorcii guoi al
ias and robbers, and you may cause th an to he
collected in Louisville ; und when yoi have
enough stiy three or four hundred I wi 1 c 1U-.0
them to be sent down tho Mississippi, through,
their guurilla cuuntlof, and by a sailing ship s.'tid
them to a hind where they in ay take their negroes
and malic a colony, with laws and u future of
their own. If they wont live In p -aco in sieh a
garden as Kentucky, way wo will send the n 'o
an other, if not a be'tcr, land; nnd surely this
would be n kindness to them and a God's bless
ing to Keiitncky. . .
I wi.-h you to bo careful lint, 110 pT-ionalHies
are n.ixcd up In this, nor does a full and g-ue-mus
"love of country," "bi ihe .Sju:h," of their
Sbite or country, form a cause of banislia,eQ ,
lull 111111 iit',iii!u pjiiiii ..iii.ii n i.i 11 'v uu t'l.- 1
fled, und ihat makes war the ietcxt of 111 ardor, I
arson, thclt in all its grates, perjury, and all tha ;
crii. s of human nature.
M. on pret'en-nce. was, and is, that tho elvil I
auih'oi.nus of Keiiiucky would and c an I d 1 tais ,
in ihat State: tmt it they will not, or cum t, tli. u
we must, In, it must be do 10. l'luri m lit lu '
nn "end lo strife," and the boa-jsr, iudastri ius 1
people of Kentucky, and tiie whole world, will
bo beiictbt-d nnd rejoiced a; the couu'.usiou, h jw- !
ever bit te l at. I
1 use no eoiicealmcn; In siying that I do nit j
ohj'-r, to men or wouiaa having what thayc ill '
' t'uthern feeling," if e 'mined to love ot co in'ry,
nnd of pence, honor, -nd security and even a li tie :
tninily pride ; but In coin.-, "ennuis w li 11 1
enlarged to mean )ove of murder, of war, dn-o-lalion,
lauiiue, aad uil the horrid ut eiid.iuts of
anarol.v. i
I am, with rcsieet, your f iend,
(Signed) W. T. SiiRitM.vs, ,M 1.1 ir-Oenaral.
Jly ciiinmuinl of M ijor-Goutral ih liuts.
(Sigied) Wm 1). Wuii-i-i.c, Ciii.-f of StiTI
Mn.ior (kneral L. II R 11 .shi:c, Cumra nid ng
Dislr c of the Tennessee.
(Ot!!ci 1!) W. Mc.MiutiAiii., M ij. nnd Adjt.
Si ati! 01 - Till HMi'Mi :n:u To DAY. Sit A. M,
77 . Noon, IH. One I'. M., Ml. Wind V. liy !. '
SlIllCKINO C'lll l.l.TV 10 a lI iasT.. Tliis iiidiii
h'K, nt 1111 imly hour, n man iiiihh J J.ilm M I -lii
iiiiy, ami u it-muli-, nlm were ili'iving t'lni ni ly
tlii(ni(;li lliu mi-it-is nf the hi: ui 1 1 tin' mil Ward,
worn urresii-.l in one ol' tliu ii Ik-i-iv of tli it ilis.
trie!. I In- ii'iiu us l..i-.ii tiie piwc aui n il la
n must i in-i main i r, utul ti was r hi :Ii y n .
ilia- I' died in nli i.n :rn ini iiiti-s ni' -r' 'i i-i
t::l;i 1. t'i tint st.ilile. M illlii'mir v.n c -i' . '.
liy A'tlernidii S'io. m i'.' r :u lU't'.nill m s U - ... 1
Cur a i ii r Inn- bi-.ini g.
I. ii-ti.M' TiiU uioriiin I'r m'i (.'ully is
riniiiiiii;L-il liy AI. ei uiiiii v' kii ; r i ap.s-ot' the
l.n s-iiy of sunn, jii iiom li'imi a In. in iuXi-A
Ji i-i y.
Tim nirn wit;' al-ui rn'sti- l ,t n li itel 1.1' vnth
iii.u Mmk''t ivu -is, upon Misjiii-hni of li,-i.i''iv.
Tlii-y ini'i' f run )i . 1 1 1 mi-e, md ivtri' -if . :ti"l ta
li-'iiii: the d.n'i uf riiiiins ni: iij-ii'd t"' o li'-r
In .in i! i s, 'i'iii-y w ere comiuitted hy A'dn n i
Tal li' I.
f'l.iiHnii (' ii a mn'.. .Miclim-l U'Sbay, nisi liii(
nt (irovu mid Ui u-y mr cts, l'.f Waul, w
cliiirrd lieforo AloVrimm rnui!i; yust-rday
villi nlti'nip'c l hi son. It ai-cnin Hint tlio uerusc 1
wi nt to Ilis home ou iSaturil i) pilit wliihi in a
stiito of Intoxie iti in, R" I h- ..-- lio itiuir hU wife
mot kliiiliii lill! tr
(lollies l.y thio ii "
lit was cuiiiiii ii1' 1
lire to the lied
.ni lighted matches.
. ii -a
Conok.u . I' '
' i V.i i ons. A younsman
: v 1 1 tuix-st d ut Ninth uud
i .: -a; i.iht , uj.on the thargo
! ilcailly weapons. Ho had
.euvily loaded revolver, with
d to shoot tho ollli-i-r. 11c w.ia
Aldorinau l'.it hcl.
nnrmd V
of CO' , I
in I i.
wl J I
In i -
ii j
- -V; I I-
l' i ". ICoi aveh. A C' invention of Delo
i in ! e various Fito Compaiilen will bo
lull --I
inuitu "or
lay iliii, to make arrange-
7'd Keimen' Vr
ZiMiavet .it4
Burvice Lu i p --;,:i
Jlj-F.TINO l" 15.' r
reaili-ra' attuutlui. ti.
.. tJ in.- iie, tL.d. e i i I
Il ' li tri iif
W cil ,-nr
ill i ri
tiie Line OttU-eii of i '. l 5 y
nine ucsen-es, io ne ntia Uu. .:i--ni.i ui,)
ll'Jiird of Trade Mulldlng, byot.l.f of Captain
BteoUeO T. Koudur.
TiiAXsiEit o Sick and Wiidkd. Thil
morning 115 tick and wounded Conneeticut sol
dor were truinferred from tlio h.niiltul-s ia lulu
(lepartiiient to tho rilate from whu li tliuy en
listed. IIohhb DnowNtn. Tuli morning, about half
past four o'clock, a bors and wagon belonging
to Mr. Frederick Hess w.n backed overhoard at
Cireau street tibarf. The animal was drowned.
The city was wild with excitement this morn
ing. I'ropls seemed to have at last fully real ned
the dBt.per that 111 re -tciied, and every one worko'i
with a will towards securing tho enlistment of
turn nnd sending them forward t l those points
where tbi Ir terviecs are most needed. The only
ililllciilty In the way seems to be a nilsund Ts'aud
li.g amiitig 1 lie lo. al militia in reg ni to the mut
ter of the mi-,, i and the resttl; whi tli it te:rul ing
(Inrltig ISuti nlsy and yc-tor lay as not as
lis could be man-id.
1 lib nioinin'r, however, it took quite a stmt, and of 1111 n wiih Ihe drum ami life niU'lit h tve
)-i en sc. n psni llng thritighlhn streets, sailing
the friends of the Union to rtn. The War De-
rai:na ut bus ordered General Couch
to muster j
In by eon pi. nlis, with I he ex (ire J umlorstun liag
thnt tbe 'Mm of tbe one hundred da) s' men Is to j
1c rtcl.oned from the. ri gmient il muster. Troops j
uu-tben t. .re being acreptid by companies, and
tire orpninui mio rcguuenis ns soon as tney
11 ort at iaai'qtiuiti rs.
i In re is r.o ib.ui'. lio ever, that those regl
im n ihat aie lull will he a. copied is regimenis,
v 11111 thangclti the nflici rs eomoi Hiding.
1 1. is li on, ng the Committee on J), fen e an 1
l'n ttcilon of Ci j Councils wee in ses-loii at
1 1 e ccii'! e looms. Fifth and Chi - nut sin e s,
'li e were 'n consintit roinii.iiin. ,,no;i with his
Until r the Mayor, anil Major lliiairel Cidwala
o r. (a mniniiiiirig this Dt'iurtmen.
'I be Ci uiniiitee wcte ingaed m rec bing nnd
lu sung n pi its from I lie- vanoiit otli ers fonnin;
compai it ,s nnd ii'iili'icnis, und p-nortiug tno
n-su t by li leg'ttph to Goverr.or Cuitm. iiie
C' li niliuo cxprissed su I facncti with ihe st no
ot nitidis) nnd now that the slrd of the people
is fully aroused, tin v are cnntiilci.t that tho lull
quota, at. d more, assj nied to l'luia l 'l
jilna will be loith. oin ng at ore .
Tbe r. Rimet'ts of Colonel Tho-nas, Colonel
Nichols, mid Colonel tsiinul have beea arc -o c I
' aa regiments, and are being rapldlv tilled. Cal.)
1 nel i himins exiactt 10 march to day, while b 11.I1
C0I0111 Is Nichols und .Small iie ing rabidly,
uud may follow in a tew hours. U 0.10I Mm ill
I is wotking with gnat energy, Hint will undouht
nlly lead thu huest regiment that wol le.ive the
I city.
I Several bnlteries and companies li ive atreidy
; lclt, hi i othcis preparations to depa t
this iilturtioon. A guard of 111 rlne have bei ti
sei t from the Navy Yard to guiud .1 eer; nn part
' of tne rai'n ad, and a heavy bait r will soon
' follow. The gunboat lnJiar has also sailed
' from Ihe Navy Yard for p.irts unknown,
1 All :hc convalescent co d. era In the hoipitals
I wi I be sent for-.vaid as s .on 11s posl-ue, an 1
judgip); fiom ihe response to the Govern t's
1 piochimatinti, Philadelphia will Lo .1 to ihe
1 task imputed upon her; and should the it-Dels
he ro fool-haniy as to pu.-b on, they will meet
i wi.h a ceni'.n and mo-t is repulse,
j Tbe people 111c rro-in.: m tho li.tht direction,
and aie di tirnniicd that ihe sou nf i'enn-ylvani 1
si nil not be polluted wi'h tha pie-eir e ot iinuc 1
I triiiiois. Troops will be passing through I t a
, short time friun neighboring Minos, an I soon an
1 nriey Ciiul to tiny divisoti under iho cm
of Grui.t will be in iho held and iiuxionsfor bat
! tie.
I In (ierinantown, Mamtyiiiik, rrinkl'o.d, and
I tiie Tweniy-luuitli War t, thu greatdt eut'ui-siii-m
prevails, und this moruin,'; tne pe ;le w ro
pioving tin Ir pan iotisiu by enrolling tli. ir n 1 nes
' and makinit ba-ty prepanr.ioi s 10 lea 0. i wo
j flip ct'iiipainc are now ready tolc.ivo Man.iyutik,
! while th. o-hoi t ro'iiihs n one I uro not I'ehm.l
j intlicwoik. Tho n spon-e to the call is g -ne-'
ml, mid 1 o ic.'tiou will allow itself to be oiu'.iouo
. by 1 In others.
I The excitement a'auit ono o'clock Ibis aft-r-noon
was most iHiuful. Tha reported can uro
of the train from Washing'. n for Miguolia
gnat uu.vicy among those wuo tin I
i boitid. As we go to press Iro -ps are
hourly o, vhile others arc leaving by
bHi'sdsnnd con. . aires. Our ci iens should nt
0111 e enroll thtnoeives in some military org 111
iatioii, in tho event that tiieir services may bo
Ci mpnry E, of the liluc Hesnrves have volun
teered for ono hundred days, and are re Tuning
rapidly at their armory, No. oil.) Chesuut stree'.
This is a line companv and is now nearly full,
theio heirgroom only for u few more men.
Ki;w IlAii.itOAii. The I'l'tiiisylvunia llailr md
contciiiplatis the consiriiciori of a railroitl down
tin- A 'lt'siieiiy liver, from lirwin, on the Phila
delphia and Frie Itniliovl, to l-'ranklin. tho
couiiiy si of Venango e -uoty. This road will
be Bl unt lifty miles in length, iin.i will plic.i
lit iHibiphia In direct comniun'c it'oti with tie
oil legion. The new road will reduce thJ dis-
I tance to the l'hiiiidclphia market to about four
hu0iiu.d mih.
To ins Sr. nt Aiuimri. Tim Ranitiry Fair
SiIvor Y;io iJ-iimteJ lo K. O. J.nnus. Pieii-Jcnt
of ihu Corn Excliartro. is to hi pri'rion nil ly that
penfU-iiiAii to Mr. Juhu lrit?hr. (he notli'iidvo
")V ot i lie. cuuaO of the L ntou 111 lliti iiiiti-U
Vihir or a Yacht Cia h. Tito Hurlem iuv
Modil Yucht Club, of Nuvv Y rk. are oxpiicto.i to
nrrivc in tbU oi(y t'l-tlay. While hero thoy will
be tho KiH'dts of tli? I'liilitii'jlithia j aciitumn.
Mi:iiiN(i oi- Coi noils. A 8iOL-iul im:etini?of
Cuiirt' ils will bo hohl this nftcrnoon at t.Vuo
I-ocal lUii;viTiKH. The frigito XahtumMy
vill 1 e nmly for lauiirliing In August. This
vo? I if iu ii:iit'd to operate .iviiwt pilvittoM.
Sl. U o.'iO ft. t Ior.K, "1000 toii burthen, ami b u
I con HTonprhi nt I in a maum r tli it iuuros tfivat
liMsinbiT lo oi'linnry sliui unit sli- h . . . . iai r;'in
Sull. Ui I (iMSH, Ulllti'll Mllti-s Volllllt.;i-rs, 'l is!
! i n u siRM-d lo Ite -li iit of ihe ll.i l liinii-ni
Cj i ut ml ll -siit;il, rt-tt Ac-iiu; A-i'.int Sar-
(iion (in rjtt 11. .Mi rl. ill, l A loiiud
l-i' nn li::s I t-vii cciiiluii tt-1 In diiswoi- iiie t'liiliKi
ui mliiijng j hoardir at (lie ('oniiiii-ii. .! ilj.ul of
a iKiel c: liuoli c-i'tiiliiiiig si-cly d ilhu s.
IIvJ,IN(l !iiN-M 1111 i! On M .ii.l iv. Illi -.1 .lnh . )i
V... w. 'iiivnii..iii. Mr k- iik.nk 'I n:;l:s :r.iNio
JUbk a: n Jam. JUI LI. It UI l l.,li :u.n l.n. cuy.
IIVIMilKlH - At I lull,. . In, IVinii'.hii.'li, J,i:m -.s,
In Ii v. n. T. ' n:, ,... .Mr. l.i;"l;uj. IV. IX.1I' .'list
.M.llS I' hot' I'li'M ii- ii'iiu.
l14 J.
Si III I , -il !' 'Mi; 'is II". It .!, W .
i . i-.i '.I. iv ' I , a- s ii . .i". i.'i'.i i .' 11 ll.l.l i ll L. ' 'l i.l; i , ui
li-ltd ol' l!iu Ciiully. iiU.i II r il
., .Il.ll !.'. ill' i. r. r. UI .II ' IO: Tl
( I l;l:Y-- n U u -i
h i i-.ft. 1 1 im."i,,k in
lll'IISf . I l llll-ll 111' C"
I'. n..i:i'.luifai I. V.
Tl a ri-.':i' i ni l! t'
l ii., : u . i. v. . m
i il 1. 1 Sl "I'll'l 'li
j. i'l I I O i'l i -,
al IJ a ! 'C
i ral tt'iiiillt.a liliilm-u li.l
I i-l i i-i I. f it T m!iu Ui-rn'iu,
u i.ti.n. ii to S iinh l.uitri 1111.
A V HKOll 'l!l(- I!) UK llf
tUit HIAIiillli.lV ASI) IlVMKN I'liliV, ,ltv ,i. V Oiu
511 NATIl'K IlAl.KAM ivl I b Inuiul a noi'l.iin, .life, ami
jitf u.jil icmi'ily. The most vlolcm at. mis of tlu-m.
comi'liilnta. no mutter ffm wlmt cause they orUi
nair, bj i:, in.! no bal eiroct
il'iiiic irunl in uao.
T'Hl ASIATIC t'IloLEi:A, ClIAMTil, Ac -i
Cii.Mi . aiivk 11u a.i. 11' ailiuiiiitu-.-u 1 10 1
vl 1 aii'ird Immc-illatc relief, Uu i.-.- i-l- '. nn .
fri''iu,uily vra-llcati'd lu in a I . . a
Clidtia Itorlut, Hour Hi-n . s .1 'll 'I ! ".--livii
ure bpeeUily cur'i bi l u.nsfc i ,'Att'4;'ii. It
takfiswoj -alltorer i- In lilm -, .iiuvi Uie ito
'. 4 I ' In v ul .-i- l, Al a finally
""i': o i i .1. t ii so prevalent among
l.-nli.. i j -titl1 mii ilic su.aiaer inontln, Hli ape
au i to t'ti t .j prom)it In In opernllvn, ptr
in '. j . ,ai.i .Aiiiy ailmlolateri'il.
rrei'in-l only at 212 Cm sNl'l llroa'.
E. a. Whllmian afe '.,
Maaufaoluren af Hew and Dolloloai Oonfeotioni, Almond
1'ute, (.'aoaulata, Caramell, Craami Mode da
Farlataxniilaiiuly flavnri-d.
Boaaled Juidan AliwMida. e., 40.
Ho. We ULeiuut iinwl, ImIow FourQu
Hallee. Trewnary Irrartraait, Jnly 9,
la.-Tl' tollca M prni H tor Ixaa istxl ttik f
;, 1 t, .r thirty thraa mlliiomirf Jolla- (B.oao.oasi,
blii tac snxaial of asanrptca i --r nlr tke aoUoa
(Istis) Uic lin (dlh) nf horrhr wlth.lrswa. aa
all pr.,r"'i n-e.ivwl at this Iifi-nrtrawit win b liiMna-el-ftj
n-tiiinra to thn n(Tin-r. Willi itif piopsr ordat tiff
tiMcli tin. two par cut. arpo-H will ' rafaaits.
Oso. IIaiuiiN.rai,
SeeTf tsrv ot Hit- TriMunr? J f.ion.
Cliolee M JAveriiineul
Java l'oKt.B,
lliisl Kit
Iso HKT Noiisivo,
lliui A BieniHt-s, and rHSrat.
Iron Hal.-. It-i It bfr th Thlla-
DsijiMa I'l'MIe, Dial I. ilia 's o-rslle1 llnniUr Praol SAflsa,
mstin'netincd In Tn-7. J Turk, can la ofpai-a
will. out nol0 by urlllli 4 i-ri sm;ij h as Jut ovsr ISA
rsntrs ot tlif l'-ok i-a id nnln a small wlrs. Ai;
rrf Ms 8-1' n ran, 1.7 tti f iHtti.-it, be r.psnsd la on
nliitna nOi-T ilia In le tiaa lasn dilll-d. Ha'd bole ttn l
drlliril 111 frnin neaoer. hi.1'. or l o boiira' I Una. Tliuro Is
1.0 Siiieor M. niahf-lnu o June I, Ism, whloh cannot !
drilled nnd upei.wl In Uil. laaniisr.
I'Sftlt'k tl.tre.ted arr rclorred li, k.y Chklln: to Llllif ,
and i.thcr fite a ralalive to his Huna, piiollal ad la Hit
" K'Tth Atnnrieitn," Junu 2t, 1.-S.I, anj ''SumlA 1)U
paMi,",liinnl, ISM.
Noiwltl.i ao.lini; the po-hlv aniarnnepi vlvca brMr.
Mi le m Ihe (Milillc that lue M.tli-a 1110 di hi .rKr, euraona
de.lrlia, 10 hi- cenv'.,. k , i- Hid) to tall al M
Wfi'.-.n'i, Sali'i'Hliil 'KM Hto-i-. N.i. II a. ranrth slrsot,
whi i' thn ni'tradofi m ' s i'l'iilnn ss 111 lis rtnnoia
llislr pn-hTce f-vrry ni' at Id 11'cli.cli, until His jjuo
lir nn- anti- fi d that 1 is .-Sat'-a 111Q tio d.UaJ and optit-d's sti noisi'. F.v isa,
Oftla I Inn of Kvunt Wsii'-n
3i V A N H As , V A rJ HO IN H
TllerIri.tn1), Still Pro-rssin
7".. On CVtr.'nji r
Ayr v ii-ty to
I'l'tvtot'.i H" 1 , I f-lill niw t ;ct tim
I r:-h-i' nnii1t limit.- .1. r if.t 1 oi'ii 11 th
iirlic.- I. i.v. ni " t' tl'tut Ij'liiti tlf Woil'l. Ami
lnt ' li v 1m1- nl V. an
tl- tlih-f. - .Iieii linnl pu-)h'l. 1 t'n- t'twt tu c y ' tftp
tflif m Id tli- 11 a. 1 t:u (rib r-f . ic. Ami
v. rut., ft I. a -1" J In" n', thu iir t to try itntn,
mi 1) in 'ii!m i at' i-i! h nicni'-r.
'Hit ilr-l 1 r.-ti-lni nt Kt.nt 10 llii rtl I li tha writM'i
V 1 V nn-''-! reu 'imi..lisi.
He i.isiiiu - to t)M riit'A'l'lflita m -rr'v. nil la .stand
i.-itist tl' wo,!(, nrth-- i'rviiiel mth ,', (,. y. Vnii
j oint (litivtiw ie-n rfjH l id ly Sir .r. ir to son)
iy-N i-v.T ly niniM t.u'tiir llint It Is ' s iMvr
thm I. II e A 8- n mi' i.tin-h lh" '.ircK, jm r or iln ! y
a. Ml Mn ..I i.y N ilf Miiun .a 'tl-i-r In lu (fiiiU'il .S'AU-h,
ha iht-j nsi . (i iiiiirh in -'to uiiiii rtdl tU.x.i any tl.e
I r (InrT 1.1 ( tltN Hlith'.
'i't v n " point 10 In- t'otliril In l)p wri'.o r rn1! otl hln
I h 't. t),ll!u ti'U Mils to Td;til il VNtlHt't in mi FiU. t m .'
'J' 1 1 i..i... 1 i i-l' Airil 111. IW'I, wlm h kIiowm t thm of tin
rent wr.yu tt'tt rntiimnii t m'i- iu fi n-iu l No if tho
1 (Mil if w 'I rr.or to tho hi lice In Ti K.' l;;.i iiit v ft
ol tl.r- h will ilv.l ft sli"if Mtfil )Ar(h'ir.iriv thut
ttmsi' wuj, h wiif in cotani'iu iK-i'iirii'HiU, mi.t thnt thy
vim' Iv i nwn to liiTLirtf ; mil I iii'w 1 Sir tii tit w v
p-'M t'-ti 1 ml uch- tt I hi- tllin will ! llovv.l Id lui,I ir,
in'U t -'tii 1 r--v i its-tv ill-1 fili'-i to i'.w 'iiM.
liui It r t -! to Hii.t iiit wi Its v, -c ti nit thrift
ta t In t l: r- ihi-ri. lie ml'-p M tl e p Iim-j .tf th i!.r ;l '7
ol lia, i. ht P hi ni Ik; w illU-li, C - H l! o'uii It hi- i.'" - 'iry t
l4iVA :nt "Hill'li'l. ' J N"pt'l :V ,t. ri'.i'i.rtf (li i.i':rt (?
rut nit, "ibJ ii i- i'v 'ih ni ilin ti l:f I.itor ii H-' lto t'i
tut" ii : ne. I '', liowtjv ip , i"li c hl-ii tins c . i-o ttt"ji,
ll.fti i" iwitnf ,'inl nu t!. tt- 111 1.. hi) s)i .All In
t t-.y wji v Uy Hid tinr !h!f', lu- - iu : t:'i I'UM I sua-i'Sv
I ih t ot t'i'li f hi- r n hnJ it i utkI r In rlt c m ' ry t imt
Voitid it P tl;d.ik tllin ftl' till I'K ftt r ; foi evf.y pio-l'-tl'iutl
litir'lar knotH tlint it line it nt.t ii h t into a
hhi'c 'tw-tr in; It all i in hi ; itml nn, m tiio wt'i' ruti
I. inn tin l-tiil;ir how tu ilrjli cIiPIimi Wuii, whii ii J vert
liiii' h ilmiln . ttCi u) ii;on is yn v
Thf pest Uolhl V hicl; I I'ot.t'i' t iho Vnrr u.T:vfi otfiin
fin l l tl.t wr li-r, win ih"r it it no' e ih.- to ih lll ni sni ill
mio ilimnyh l.illii-'i In lint Iron i.oor thmi tnuitly ho ci
llniMiK'h Hi (uitiniM-n hei'i Iron I sir!
'I hr ri aiii r 1)1 nk nnv tllflnti-n nU J !n- wo-Vt
fitri h r hi can not rtiili 'V(ii twi-iity -tiia'l t'oi it.-onli
riK'-tifxtci'i'lli t4 one-i'iiitit 'in:t' nvoi oti mui'lic ilir l"Hii
tt it rill Mid li'ilt I in on.' li oiio-niiil-n li4il 'o I w.i iiit.itb no JM
rli II i'i iron, anil Id lilni un-sw ir t),e i(ii-'M'ii n.
'J j.e n .t Hint wlncli tnu writer ulltr,i1.'5 m tl:? cmiii' of
tlifl lotltruvfi hy l
'lt.t MJIu-'b aiffiit, aniotiR other, circ' At t'io f'm
nohc'ii Uu i- ou Air W. it. Hlu ot, lunkor,
Alltoil i on ttio Tri'AHiirm of ih ( 'U -nicr
l;niir ail. iiytnu to tin Intirr l i- i nulil op-uk fn'o lN iitiik
itnfl hiii.litr ji'ix t sad- tu nvt mi it no ; n...l " t ho two f r
in.'l , tittl In- ri.Mld toir lucHi, maw ', b Lv.iUi A
Vir-"ii, In live iMgiutifi.
Now. I i-nt ii,t- m.Io n- il'Iiv Asnnt of Ihlt city
fcr I.lllli' h j.iiikI I iM'-nuniit t'n ahyvc Ma t'iiituit
uhxilM-' fnlo i Hr ;n ft niio'lm fn mi "", us fnmiirt
mull' i lif I live hid Ktv e.uivwsAilnn ith either nf die
twol htwit par rni on th HOl'j -t vt' aio itt all,
III tl I llbVtj ji- V4T Ul-ol'! HHy bit Ij ltltC!ll'.' ilH. Ai
me fllN-Rt-.l, 'o the tnmior or n-y otner p r-oii
Hut ) ihe itnr reoponftlhti-iy a to mm ihai lt pttJiHittftt
In Thi 'I Kfi.i.i; iii of 'April lo. M'.4. i w.ik -i ciiu i ox
ii'lm.l in io fiiii:rd i in uhtr ut uiytuv.t, it rt'iytliiu,
m tin- i rt it'll' lis tali en fr mi th'ti.) ;iti'l I A;n pre v.p,. to t!M r no'.'tion tttff iniulu la the h'v.infit -iloH uf
mn (iliiilir'ti it iH-t-ioii.
'I till" lii.v' I revH'Wt-il loP proitilll III poiut 111 'his ii '11
eir.tii'H tiii-Htitcr'b ronoim for tin uui .ipona .lo t'iu-h.
lipoti I t lit- '. i,i ire loii'.'il to !i' lii'-re prne o. !ni w-th
out Ilto il'Kl.ii"sl ritiiilnTtoti. The rt iil mime will ho t.ituul
in a ftK.rt 1--V i' ui thn s.i io Itln'ory in -ii-l.i.Mtiut. t in
n irtt t wi'll iit.itor.lootl, i hut thOHiiti-r ii is re-ili '. it a for
tolif tu thr U vr y.'urfc ty imiklnn Si'eiot Ihe ilylnt'tit
Hut" rliil. Willi tt e ehi'iipest loi-k anil In everv wuy uot io
In ti c i lien) ient tnnnncr. untl tilled innti ly with n;tl t-my
( Witts nofliiiM), io utvu ilient the a)n.'riMiu'o of
YM-ilit in id sol.ini v, hi tl ilAt lio Imi ttoM tli. hp .jioi at
very l.ij h prS e - , iuh n, un rximv mt jironr.
It in ii fur l also wi'il iindiT'looil, ii it wiihln 1 lielant th-i A
vn I. lliti'K i'bW Iron nk'- lum t'l'eti hirv-'i'ly Inii-'iluoed
tn Ih'ti rlt v him Stalo Ir 'in tim si:u)l.- f.tct lint 'n'elli.-eut
n.ilihiiw pt f-ji'i'i d A "ini'i- tli it ht'l one an t a h:i'"' totwo
li i hen iiili -kties of fco'itl ir'ii. hein; it1 ho i'r1il-no.f, wi'h
a ' hinvUr pro, f lorn, to h hj!- thm hud onu tl .-tt-eriti'
o omi'-'v eli'; of ill) lio'ti thi' !,lli"-l Ci d'.i! 't-tn-n,
iih il.eche.ii.ot common leek.uiol not tmriar j-r ut
toll I'.-sp' i iul! uhcu the fui luui C is I'uly utiuiil the :il9
i i,rJ' J'1' h't, r- , (rt . , , , m ..-,
0t ly li,jir ti:r hf own ;i It;, 'i ll liy :i ilc- iupt 1 1 u r,
eli' LU ii'i ll.. !!. 1im!o t il? Hi: U't u ly
auiMiurtps :!iut 1,1 i'l h Kilo Is iit'nr "! n r -nr lir-p-i-i't.
m d t mi.lihhi'ii an array of InIso s;;t;i-m- ma, iirt
IU''!,b)imI In nti.. r mi; a iu:ii'i''n, hl-!i he 1 11 v ul Um
(Due Ir d Ui.i-ll t'UNlli ly (UiiVf i to bi I'liiH't. Ai' i.nil. hu
mi cpi'ili 1' t ih. in u li'iiv- w tin hd uiie'tl I. Hi; S.1'1 a
hv tini!:;r talst; r(iri--iiif 'iiloTia, to PM'lta'ufu a
I ill '' hiiiit tor T'.vhi a A Vlltoh a, hy mvi-. t t .a 11
fi Hah Im Hki-d ni-nr fcjiim lor, in e u l.:no'i- loi i.llil" ,
l.i li ri.Mi mill i-iii. i' ali-iii; i ( lnt of .Iniutirv lat,
I mn ti 'tl ' lnt si'ini ii.ut'ii u- pt ilni? in Ho :it-'Wiii to
Irlirt- 1 v s,iV- In i Tt'l V "ay : Dint Uv alfvlniv. tlnn hf
i 11 t'ti ii liidi Mii 'ill. h iMlmvliii; Ui-f-ov-ii-il tin' it inM
imt ti e ii-1 'inrtlii'H'-) A- " iht l.ot-k, lift ' t:l Irnoil
It a vh ;in ii 1 1 in.'iMiiuiii iifoii K wins Wa Mn h Ali-In't l-i-ul
Im k. Imi in t'litt '.i" 11 t i:i'i-titcd It wa 110 ij ; and
Int-'l.' . I" il n-ie"l 1! e liO'-K li hiio tt t hat tin on-i'iitiition
01 Ihr Lot K 1 nil hf pi-k,-n Hp lioiil Ihe oiilnldu IT H hoh-C'ltl
h'- not tiiP'HMh llu-iiur l i lliy ll-tu ,il ire, a ir m .-. r -n
tli'(!ii' v . vh Uli Iuib in"1!' ftiMv iiimvort'il. S'imt, why ro
b'Tt ini'i 1til niiiii 01,11 iiili- iiiiutitinf Wuy 11 it i' na
( fit i Iv arid "noariiy and Imivm cvana A Wai'i.i h fi it'n
tl i,iiiiipiil m ijiiit-'n. aiil have iln ia t'air.y t"tl l,
lull' ai. to 1: '-ii lire hi. 'I ilo l IrirLlar t rjf ii'ia';i a- !io
I a- c 1 10 1 li'ilh iuel to U. niii-n Tho rtasnii U'.n.
lie v. rif.r hnxivM that it will hot do to iia'-el-tt!
to l-Jith di nn in h of hii'-i-i In-u
u't k t I1; in 2 t.,t-!i ihni-.iii si 1 1 h.inl cl.iil' -l iron, lo
f : .1 1 it: r 'in-' vr l:.c lu0I ir, and athai' whu'a tue
um ut.'
M. SADl.l.ll, A o it,
No.-.M Htintli sKVCSi'll
I'. S.-The pul llr ti-nt ul Mit a t' e i"t il ti
t'- ii.i- '.il t k I . iif.;.vuid.ttii i.i1hoii il f - a ".v'-"' or
1 hf li ll' lf ill ihe St.niiuu 'irfuf'-hlyf l . ' ' i y
rt ill he uiixwi-r o lu my o-xt.
M i-k A I'o.'d lMauui.-
bll.C'lw at CO. A
hi-!'.. I.
fni 1 r
Oi:il.l NM
s i r.' k 4 o-.i s
1 riAsiiisj.
I V 0 )111. Il,
r rli ..u CUusnut itroo'.s.
iRC'l-ll's i'l
K-iMt:r STRK12T THE A.
" 'il
Mi .1 ..nil. 4, 1KI'4.
I ' I-. .li I AN I' MOTII'K.
: il.t- ,,it-it ai'Oi-lncle of
1 1
"-a '"i.i
1 .IE WONIH.l:KrT, I.MP.
I im. i.
' . ? i 1 1 ir mailo, villi iiorpasliali Uie
o -. ' ircui-, aa umny imiKrlaiit I'lmiii?.-! In thn ma
. : i i m t.,i' ht4u ae t-i uu inaili'l C'liiiiiuciiily llin.a
u r . pi-rl"i'iimiii e nnlll thu rent Mi e."rt.'le is lirn
n i. uhlrh I. eiH-elid tu.mpa. any pruviuiiH iriilil':
i li A tin- kind eii-r n luiij.aid 111 AiU'ilU-u. lmrllij.' Ilio
ii. ie L 'J Leatre will lie tlmruui. lily iuuvaled. jy i
J I.IIjaV, July It, 1m4. lifkeia, $l'.'iOj tail he jirouiri'd
at Auhuifad A K ain, 7Ji ChHAiint ktret-t ; at thu Uouaia of
tt-i-Asoi-liitioii. lHitf und I'd! rlo-Miut t'rt t't.and at ihe
hart on tiie umrnlio. of ike eicurii..ii. ,at boal It-avt-n
liiDsvi't whttil at Oo 'cluck A. M.,prucUidy, jyui
The Bt.ftD.'oflt GKNFHAr. HOHKKIt, Captain MAK
K I.K, Uavi n Fairrutiuut uvry hour loi B.iiuylJull H Ivhu,
I.aunl aUUl, iiuiiuout Cottage. Um iaU and WUia
bickou. Jyl-t
J own Hteain Iloilor read thii nuth-a.
A the roll I-tiw Water Jmtoior never fnH to gtv ttom
Ana-half to two hours' warning, at d-n-d, thit U
watur la ctttttng hw In ti t bullar. and tit' dancer It ap
broauhinir. The lubtruiLvnt ic-v no caxa.aud l war
ruOM'dlu every limtauca.
Alio, Huam and Watr Oanoa, with Scotch flail
iuWa, at-if-c'-aiiiiiK uatiKf-i-oukB, Ar.
Bond lor cIixuIat oomalniiK phUdtdihli la-tare ani
ClriuUra. ALUVtiTtW H. BTn.KS,
Jytt-lm Q. 'H diArti eKraH.
w X u .v v ia pi.
B09j.niH. to t u. ajlf.Rru
Ko. 713 OnHSUT Strwt.
WIBIMI V si II A II 11 a,-,
CJI ' ll'I'A I N'.J.
rJ Altl-Sl!
i.i.i.f woi;tii s mv.wk okii.l.
11. 8. I.IOnT IM AM Ill IH.II.I,.
U. S. (iOVl;l;N a T INCANlllV
VoLI.NTKtll ri Tt XI Hour..
1 1IP. BtI Mkit i yU;4 K.
ami nin.i;
AV lave a' 1 I Urn hIidi Mll.lTAI.T TA' TlOs
Ailillt'a II) nrit. ... I'l
JNo. :( III I JMiN' U V Hlreet,
A H I' 1 :
l.enily Tr.
-.0 1
nli ;.
A U (i U X X ! ! !
. : 'jo r-nt--!
i'lTdl! K It's,
HH'i (IW..-.SUT
ADii;b' j t.Avr.u KiitiM; oi.ovr.s. at
Hil M N S lliMcr S "rf,
Klwil'l H Ktri-ct, nlitiv t Mu.kpJ.
a, . l V
( lh , Ul I'
1 1. Ill
Hl'M.S'f n---!-v it'.ri.
HnfB' i.uiuii 01 l.t -1-'i ri'.irt it
IIOKM ANN H Hosiery 4t.rc.
N . 1 N Kh in ( il iir'U, is .M U'm t.
.(ti" Linen II Ait I; i-'.
1.0! MASS'S Hoii rv S.ore,
ft V. l-.hiil ru ktreu, atwvu.M t-Ut.' Mncii itu-i , at
H'lKM WS S H fitnrv St.. P.
Nr.. n N . r.H.II ill M lj .ve :..irh.-L
T.ntVf'S, iind ?-'j.j-" J.l.1.0 I'lni-ful H'te, open wrkcil
a. id umiii. nt
Nn ! S. I. Kill i II h roet.ab .vcMuket.
Ut rluo tiAU.i tcfttstoi I nitiiiti. nt
H'U'VIAN.y H H nly H
No. 0 N. Kl ill i ll n rn l,ali. .c A r .ot.
Mrtino Chu' H.xIU l.-r liHktiif . al
IIOI-M VNN S h u-r- .4 i, ,
. i' v i.l illl ll -MrtLT,;, kv i4i K.-,.a
Iftlno (.11117 ViHik lor ,Mii'-ri.
MtliMU lillllVA I'lKttK'.i Mt l" lit
H'lKM ANN 8 Ho Iff ,c,
No. : X. Luui 1 II Siii't'i, aliu.o triv . t.
.MVrino lltiu il.i-U I' r V..u:h,
Ai-iluu iiau.t Iiins, . for
t HiH'M N.N H II in.- y h-orr,
:.'. !l S. I I. "Til 5i!iiut.illM.,ciUiv..t.
(l:ii'7.t Verin'., tti. m-i.-.s.
fi:u z ViT'iui -"Mi I", dull vim-va. fir uMit.
Iiaiip Morn . i. His, uveb. lur is. ;-t-(ai
P Siflrfno ' Hi;'rr., fui n il P
f . r-n. luii .'ikluuiiH'-t-rn. nil si.i'.
lor salt' at Irl'.i N s H-!rv : ir.,
Nn !N KlO'lill rttieei, nli..? c Mat-.ct.
Q.-nln' Silk y- ' .it ! Ir.4. -.
I.MlitV hilk . ' .
H'ima rv fii'1 ( In cvt 1 y iirlt ty, for la'lion', Kati",
Ml 4 tliliilltll't) nr. If
1. WM. ijiiKf ISN'S Hit.1 rv Hturf,
H ;.! N. l.l'ilir.I sttt'tt. n'ioc Ma-iot.
IjiiurosA.s mii moktah siikll,
n;tt:,i p Oi 1 it a. Wak Diii-vitTMKST.
W a-iiim. m, July l"; I.
Ht'altd Ptopo ill will la rrciivo.t ui tliN uil.-o Till
ilONHAY, tin . .1 t.i t I 'AiiMiit, iNil, for H INt'tl M-U-Ult
Will . I, I., I 'it Cf'Hv v -i il ill tin.- lullowillkf 'in i.U t ei,
ni th initir- iifctut tl Art-ri'iiiH. :
Al Wilttiit'.W, iw-lril. MHsarlilHO'lt,ril.OO.
At Wu'i'ivli-I' 'K-m;iI. NtMv or''., lO.lMfl.
AtNcworl Aiiw.iQt, iovi-inor.4 i.ilai.d, NiivVak,
2i.i in.
At'J'.eiij ,u -i-ii.ii, 1 iiih-Hiru. 111,11 v.
At WuHhiTiu'l
Kv- i! ill. M t . .'tM..
I'hf if fir t"
Ins, i ti d ai i .
.M.tiii iil: Hit- In
11 liOi 1 "lUhiU V
UinviiiiKi ci
in too i rtt.
ii i' I ! v in nli- ot thf liind ui'-'.ll, i- (J
it rxiM .ni n in ihe or.l:ii''"
..lii Mi' ii'j-li o: ti t- iiMM to bo il .t it's-; th to
-. ,u..r,- It i h.
. he t.u i.t any f tho I'niti-d Siiit-" (
- ;iri '' he H'sn cii-d ''t tue foundrv wlivr.
i it-i.'t i; I'lt Ain- nils I'ri'i'nf c'la-jo
. Ol hit '.Ml ! '-4-
n I.- i1, i- iiit-- ;i! which thfy will ilo-
1 1 '- l' lit ; I - lit II f-pf Jfl 'll 'itt'C Wl.l I'J-
i i i '" f.-.inii' ut" the t.uui"er lie may
iuin'. (
, .t - i . lcii'i- Ihi- Ar'-i irtl or Ar-':il-
t ni' tu ut-'i i-r. tlint tl.f niou'ier ol mm- I
i i ni ti ii-c ,tt I'la -f, il fr moiv
iv; idci'i-l from ia"'l' oMkt I'mh ;
, , ; i tj'i.. :";.' i'! i ui k , w l'o aro
i i,r iiiu i- ni.ihk- ol' eM-.mii a too
r; "Id -h ln; n V nira -t 'ill 'f nhtdl o'.h 'r
n 'li'-un 1 -up ty. tio'v will he rcjoctcd,
i 1 1 '.ill- f I 1 II'. Hull OKI.
I i In' nl u.H"t lit thi lll'OU'-llBtil"-!
- .V ii d (La o ui ou ihia fur ni -,v.II u i Ua
i.V l!MK3
r.ot, . iiil a n ti
lor trail', oriaM.
Itiiidt is vtil
11 r.
radtiii-H lo nt '
We' th' fi'iu.u
l.t 1 1 io tltdivf r
llhldi m vol'
V Ijero t'-ry ir :
1'Ttl i-f Ih-y in. .
tl nil oni'.
S hi la wIV
rtvirar louiult s
to lluti l-ei'iutt i
1'0 otrd lor.
Hii.-iilt: em "
tli a ih.'te rftis
ai'd ihe i-oiitrii i of LI
Aim iui'h. l'n
Cl llhltlci l'd.
Ylichld'r w ''
with a Htiiuan
'tl cams li t a hi:' .
ivmiait lor t'
1.: a sum t'ua.
tl o a to le tr
avo Mist niiiil
i-ii o r 1. 1 i tiie
b iwctn tin o'
hi dti'.t.-l ih.- p. .
I i rt")wi'i-i
f t . 1 ef
C"' n i. o . -I i
1 - . . K
1. I I I '
, . i , . . . r
,'i.v I t., Miiiij. iuylii-, t r.i;ioiir! iri
d : v v r !.ii.."l"ic i"'i ii. ih .1
. 'ji t-'l h- li at ot.i-t! rxiii uli iliO
, . il. i ,i id nd Midl.-I -ut -iiir.
.i;. u mt id tiw t ou r;', l'j di iv;r
l.i i r - l v .v i li h.v t- .':i- f 'in
i . s i- In -a iid hi Ictr lio ilj ia I ID
:, i',ii ' ioi.iVj o d tin' d' I' n.-i-
ii:il . il d I :H-I thu Unt l'nUtjl i u.O
. , ,.i in. wiii. at 'luii h.' a.v.iid.-d.
i .e im a ittr 'ii i t I'l'n'iiwn'if
- 1 n i. ik ti iho ii.-; U.aUKt
I ' i Pi-tii.-t Airor-t-T.
i i! i" i r tinto iiii ot tio- P 'H-r.ii
i It I -th :'t hlf tl '.ll'.l- I'll', M
i: v., i iiM.. r or hi l-U'.a njoti nii
a ' ci ;r..t
um ' K i: ' AltANIKK.
I. t. ,1. it ! liU ,t , ill i'
,. . -il - 1 : re iv ioiullv '
i t d nt f, and kii iritn
. .i fiiui't'il, Hi..
lito Uif v- iiuut-: ft r Hif pi'-. ,
hi a smu e in il to f
iritl-h tl i- art If u ni m- ' ' i
t !ii-. ,lli t MM iilt-i't. i'.i.- ! I'1
.a of
i-i i ai I w 'h
I'j.l !0: 1-t'OlI'k
.11 ai onct- vx
ui d miriM-lf nt h
tl t c ntract, to
nit 1 1 the ti-riu.i
id y
i S. I
iinctM which t' i
1 hi w us in uit-: aod In ciw
a a
nhuh tall io enli mio a conn a. i a inuri'i-a d, wi' inia' itn-
mio a t
ti-e io make t.oo'i tt.t- il! ' r -pre intwen Up; nil" r -1 the
g,iij and i hi n-'vt Inwrtt rc-poimiMa hidde.or Hit
too aou to whom IU" cintt;i t hni.v hp a ar I.
i liivcu ui-dt'r our Iiandnand ueiili
W tlncifi ; iUig dll u(- w;-.
T thla ptmrnnti a miut bo appccdi-d tht o'tldal certifl-
t' H ahoVP lIKIUl lltS'l. ... . a
Ka h (mny ob'iilnlnn a rontra't will ha oidhmd to
ci ur Into hutia. with aypiovcd kurt-Ut-a, for lia faithful
YlkVth'e award tlnir made, atiria-sHtul blddori will lo
ni'luh d and fui nini.t d w :th f i u of cntraft and lioiid.
Tl e l'fiariMH ht rTveii tli rla-ht to re ai.i any or ill
bl.:n it On-infd ii.matii.iai-iory ii any n.-finiiu.
i rniioriai- w,H Lu ad'Ira-M-d to "Brij:i,lfr-(linPTaJ
Cft rut Ih itano.i y,l'hlft of Urdiiaiu-e. Wi.i.irikti.n, H. i'.,"
and w ill U- i-liuoiud "i'r.ii'osiiU f-.r 'Uii.-di Mortar Mp 11."
Jvll -mwll t I.rlaad;cr-Ccui.rai.i:iilufoi OMumca,
ni.l.cil CuitiiK to li'l,
CAPK MAY. l-'L'R-Aildri-ai
M., Tnlourmili
tl -V.,iiil cniintrv Jtesfilenca.
lib all modern .X
c nvei'luii"! and Iwfo acrtaol iiruuna, dan a nine iroiu
Kel.littl hiiliari-, and ailK.lniliR i-U-K"l mnn.lnn ol llayant
laikir It wllllia auld ul triat laumlna liy oredllura.
kailroad anrt I' ii ultlilii llft-mi lulnuir,' rlile. Aiil
to l' II rillSTtll, or W. II. WaOl.KM.. K. , Waal
L'liailar,I-a.,or JACOU HUBV, llaoiulloii. Pauna. Jaa
lk Hmiaa, lart-e anil lorma lo lull imrvhun, Hh or wiinoul incutuWanra, iur iu aud good
tiade. I ii. in Ira .1 lr. m ill la I'Jui'lijol.i. H.
1UOB. M. I'LHWalAK o. )1 g. OUUTU Sljoat.
liiauutatliuid and fur .Hit- by
Jrl-lm 1HICK bucvl, I'liUad.
V .i aN I
ji ATtt.r.fs r. va"ki:y,
MAIlKl'.l ffan-nl. brinfiw I '
a'l F.arlh.
I ii-'o .s ami nfss.
" Tn" l no i: .r .',
, a i. il I i- W ,i'h,
i ii lit m"I f n , 1 iulf .
1 In I Itiil
II in
li I,-
II. i
c.iM'i' v" i mom t A';-niixr, !..,
I.I ASSWM1R. 11.
I n i rt.i r,nr.'lt.n,
Al ;o s'r o. . n hnvfi-. ''nioi'.ni up -n lo'., .nifa'il
r -. il a. ri i i-mi'i ri-'ull r i''"
sll ! I'l'I N I' KSWIV I J I lli
A is,
-I i
A till I
..i-l. I I
in I iiiH
i IHVSKY "I ' a.nj'l i
Sail I
v (Tion
M ".a-n .p I'lftT ' "l"''Mim-,
ft A-.ii-.'f"K, r. O., J'ttf 7 lw'
1 1n ini I .il t'u: v n-'i .n. 'li - 'ji ;'" . I f . ni
rt .M , tit f I--. n'i. nt . o-ir-.ri-1- (. nfl.w wn.h-
ti.V' . , ! . : , I .hiM. rii I"- n el A M ,
I ) nf i nr. r i tai kv nn-.K.
T .( fi..r-M r ut a crp. ill uni'-tl 4 nnlli f't lh
". I. I- Ml 11. V
l-' r n nii Atii 'nimlat I'lirp'tsr-n, tnftiif 4 ! 1iirit4ln
h ' l.nti
M'.r.. fc,.1,t ir r,
" fMh, lii I ' nitM 'ut rur frcv.
i Mr, n rit in,
tyt ' - u himi
1. A
M ,S T r. It N
1 Hi 1.1 OW A ill IIKVl
WANT J'l 1) .
ntKr.' Or kick,
-.tti'.'i r.v 11 .(-(if,
W i -111 .' ft i-.. Juty .
. 'I MliriK II " N IH-T-I I K 1 MS THlH,
i;r: Willi Ittliil' llllf, HIlJ ill iliMlHg
Wjiriti'.l, ni tiiM
MOll I "H ft'l f Mr C
H HI "'f t f!i -".
1 tt .l'll w'-.o ih
r ir TiH-ntr, li
tut 1 nf lo t f r -I lh duty,
1 l.n y iNI -. vt h e r a - i'i
t'., nurt hi 1.. 1 f
flvl.cKi'.. lilClliJIh,
Pl 1 . illPt- W:.' i -1'
y to ' n 1 ; 1 I l .-. II TOiK N A. - M..0 .
A . lOrner 1 I Wi I "N i . S if. t W A--H-
IU;Tfi. II. t'.
1 IT TIW KP.'t.
l'.rli 1 ',ift Gt'iiTii iin'l CM-1 1,'nn' ti n itir,
jjM lit Iti-p.-io. ,hin;t'a.
"J it o r O ft A L s ,
l l.tJ.'3AI A 1 "U IHMK TAl.l.ow. lion- H )HNS,
(lll'l lv4. milVS. ASM Tl'N'i' I'.
ilt't-li.k l l-nr I "nW.M -.' T "T H-H-lfTIII-'B, (
U n-.tiin t'n Ii. ( . 'i'l' . t'-l. (
!( and Piri.fili. ix nn- tniiftl nn:il the
iir ni Jr y. al 1 k A M . I'.i.- HI I , l',iiv, tlooit,
ll-rri, Ml in ii'i'l Tfueufi ot 1 ( rvrn nt-nt
1 1"l( lnULI.Irt't. A ill! in ttif ancn iit 1'lUlU of tht III 1 r rt
ft', nn.hla, ) 1 t'.n l i.'.li ut uofn, f.tuil llis C m-Ujf-
.';.! cm til ti t' rtiht ti'1
1 li n ii if- t Uu cnWrtirtt Iir tli cut 1 i-t r nil
i'ni!" culiuiiil if nriniih 1 luC u IJ. u thi- ml'I'a 'B
i'lu- ' 'ii tun i i 1 1 1 1 ' is ki nn y im 1 c-lj-'tm'eJ li tti uflk-iT in
tlll'TJ,! .
Tin him l"-r of Caiiic t'i"il m-'ii'lilv vnr fr 'in I"iK t
O", iir't n n 1 "W '- il t (I at ( 'lin'ii ti Id. 1. 1 .tP-lmr , i im
v t'i 1. - a', i'ni' v .1 1 in 1 t'M . ii till a if "mil I. ( nt Mth -r
iIih 1 111 1 in- ttr tl I t 'I t- ir- ; iltii-d iiiuifn -.vhtir thoaa
art m H'h m l h ri'(iilrfil tu 1 f c -Iir t il.
'j I.,- mnii a 'nr .i!' I t- i;ail lr nil tin- IHit- , Ti"flr,
i ob , 1 mi n, 1 lux tin. Mn in, a tl 'I tn-j n'n comtiu f.ura
r. 11 11. I nvi'imi inl l.e I (' '111'- H OUtri-ri'il, imiI'-nh l run
bi ut. Kit- KMtiM 11 t"i'l- tu iii'-nr 'o tlii fin HUtfnco I e
i.ii.iit Inn a 1 lint' vr lion, iii.lrittc, Hint CAiewai
1, .!''". li. oU'Jlil- :lli1 t "111.
IV-1 in) i!t ,i in 10 lutrwl cvt ry tr-n duyt In tlu rntucot
ihi hiflu wtl: stnfa t? itni'MHit p r atiint tl f-r ti artl
r'o' r l' n-! ami '' n'-o u -niuM l t fili-.wuig
I.U '!m; tt c . 1 rt-lie. ite, !:.. l'n of vri i;ii;.r ilitfrr, and
0 ili im i'l L.i.!itd- Hi. ua Uums c:-n fn- "t"i:i i.f1 im aijh-
LIit'l. t J tl.t.' lllli.O' -l- l.-'C.
j t . (,r th sti-t"' tf --. c-iUptv ,.f - - -t
o:', .ir m ni, I'rtr ail Hi!, la lou. Jloi.f. Hirnn,
1 i" 1 -, s , S'm , :iti. Tt.i kmk uf all lio-cniincnt Itt'Oi
V..V..V ! 1 d-rl;lfi t.f Mi'iMil Inilt-oi il,e tri.-t f
I 'll 1 11 l-.M, - iImIIhih .Mil c li" 't!'0 o mt tu t1
In v.,iiN Hi' 1 fl 'tire), suM rt ' all tliv t'HiOit 011 uf thfi
uu- . iM iitt nt In rev all ii' jib' it il.
Cl'AH S!F.!'.
:!h m.ltT'-l--r.iil, : O.di r.f uf . fn tti roirity
ui .iind 'itiii.- 01 , li r. hv jr.inily ii'ul sov. -rally
( ivciiK.r. v. i h i,.e l iilii-J MK s. am' KiMrnuiii', In cnhH
tlx- itiri'M-li : 01'-- - ilmii I f 11 1 i-i'l i tt , tl. nt liw will,
.. li 1 In i . aitir tlti t c 1(1' HKT ol' nain il'i hUn a
t 11 -t 'ni 1. i- jii.iiii 1 :hh1 1 in1 i nh',n nf hip fain-1,
. f : 1 1 a 1 m w.i tii'riiini' li.s mirt. o 1 Immt, in h unit
ol ' ' : .. tj Dii'i ...i.l .fn. ai'S. for 'lii- pi nisi timih:T d! I1I1 ruil-
it r". 11 . ii v w!ih tin ii-rnic i f hi- ro;i aul
ti'iu in M'c 'i.ti ii'l i ii'I 1. ill 'o .'iiit-r Iii'h a I' ll-
ir. i l vniii.r iIh ii'iiu l tlio uihi ilicmt iu .Ih-hI JiiIv H,
l4'.'. w. f.ii,irni.t i' lu U1U..0 ii"" I t'1'-' tti if"i pact) liiiWA'n
1U ' h i -it. 1 Uy u J i-i 1 t 1' r I'M' rn o-a1 anil
ri-1 tYf -t iii-i iimI-1 ! ni itl luil-lcr, 01 I lie pet a m to
H ut Uu- v:'litl U"t 1 11 .11 ;iill it
i Mais ; S Uiv-n mull r our Inni. a-i-l oaa,
j ihb tty of . 1
'I1, r tMi'i.ti iltv 01' tin 1 Hiir u t"P must Iw? sh wa hy
1f . Itl !('ii t rtl 11 t'n't i Shi.;: itntrirt Att"-tn
c! t t i ,s .1 ', .hi. 1 1 Lu tc.ii u'.e uju.'t In lite
I 'I :i i 'M.i .
I Ufn-ft' 'tt ih't -v'(tr"-ce cntlrclr n'itl,a'"t'ry
t ' ill- hI-ai ii-tn.i ii tti. nun (-ru ure u M m.a Hinlicii-nt
;is t.;rt us tur U'-i!!1: Ita aiuoi'iit lor wuK-ii tin y yior ta
L . t.-inli; . .
'I - wl.i' h ciirh inrat tor must mak anil ;ipj.?nd tha
fu'l.'W iok
' OMM.
"S ai" if riui'y of - -, lip'ori1 rtir.
n In mid lor the mmtvand t ite aiurontldi
jutivo uiily ji(ipmt)ii , one of ills hmr'iea 011 the
Kitm ant--i- ot - , aIio, hi inn: iluiy worn. dipoNca i-i m lu- In woi Hi, iivt-r und iit. all Jimi di-nta
r.iii1 !u.''i i.i'H, :t' sniu 01 lltirtv ilollu s.
Nn'ii'Sl!:liL'a u;,:iUrrd utilt';. maK"ut in r nfiTmlly
v t: e - D-i t"iio, Hro me mr ini-iiiiliil Ity the fur
iiu,!f :. it-; kt'IIk i"', a"M :t rtl l.t vi'.
i u iiili.! foriv aril Willi tliu r p o L nn oa'h
t ii'i. ; I.M.I-. mi v.'.-. on-nnv hp 011 ule w in tin- 0 nrer
10 ii iil 11; iii Hi'- inO", A" J ii'i l ro .'O'liN ti'ii i (.nu
ll' 'i , i. ih 1 1h- i"P I'li u 11 ''inlri-i'n'-itt , ah wi-'t In f.i l as
lit .4.1111 u t I f'-iikidi-n-il ii ie rii d n 11 prjpcit! rnhln
I ! ;;i .! 'it,. Ot tli lldVi'ltlM'Iilinf,
II' tim t-r iviit ho lu d p tiitit.ih'.e tnrt'iolll in,
'I...I -v )'.. 1 , I'oriin. liuLk, Ac, i'K- w ik iilttr .ha
';l.. - f t! t-'iitri i t.
, . . :. 11 11-1 hi- vrTscitt .i1fl riprn'rnf t).e Mdf W
r i'',l 1 c.r i.ititi h. -ii-il nil lii'S mui if .-tut rteil
i'r-i m1 lii 1 u i .. 1'ir I'l'iis, 'laiViA-, tloo'f, Jlonis,
(.; .if h Ac. " aoU hi. 'UttUiUsi 1 t.H'l.- K1 "
iv ll-ii;l-l I.lriltcimnt C.1I01..I and 0. rt.
S'WT Dt I- .l!TMi"fT, 9
hi lii. U t.K SlKAM Km.IM.I hlMi.-litly I'l, 1W.I. (
ft. Ui. il r'nuiomil- lo tun im niati-ihiia lor tlio Savy for
ti e j (;.' I M' i r i loH'i.;,' .1 um- J v.' 1 he n-.-evt-u at me
n 'u nui'f .Mfui Liihinct'iiim, until looc'oiik of,,
tavi.i an-i -,1 i.i'.vt, ni wiiicti Line me juui i0' vrdl ho
iun. ii. i ia . d.
1 1 ;i.-h..- ii. II--1 b-1 nd.'i se i "Prop t-u'h ?r M-iti-uaia
Ihi t i-, ti a. tluv 1 1 a.v o-' :hiiniU'h-d .run niter
hi. -ii.t Kf. "i ti' i and dlicvtid U thu .:hitd ul tue tluraa i .
o' Mi ai.i t ivhi"- r n.
'I h i- alt i:oh ui d i. Ilrh 1 1 tohn.rtid !tl thef la-fci-Jt liamitl
fl. i a. ii1 ul,. tl, m il'cd Ir ttu- .r n ed r;it title , tuiy of
t i. :.-ti Will I-; fui id h'Mi lo ?. um ju. Cc-Uti' in ..iti v, mi u,i-;-l
.a li-n io ilu fi.iuni md int. of thf ' '!! v - Hid-, or
to .... li it t V'-f ul '.fine -i it ' t and I,n(- .luU the .irJ)
i-i ii i in .it'fii ii ihu i.ur. .10.
'Dim .ii-i'Mi mm ciaua th
ii nl. ih I., i ii h. i: ii i .i ti ill In
Hi-i,.aiJ.. ivini;ti In hl.ii. The t'oiiima
. 1.1 in. Al.tlil'll W 111 lit l 'tl tl .11
viVM-.-i! In.. r u .1 3a lU, ha'.e tt c vy
!ll i T:eof ,
t J aro
um ia.y
-lit-- ia id
it" .m a
t-i .!u . I), i . ..i .1- lo i m. i.n ill .I. j.i.y, i. ' i in i r
iv .d. i' ' iw i i-.ur d .v 1 I h d. sirlN lu iiial c iiii.K'H'ioii
lor in. y '.I ilu- i'l" i". nf i!o-o arl-. Ml otii-r thuikOi
hi ll. I- " ll' Ml' H H-"tl- Will hi' lti.11 lO mlirii J of A IU. -li-CH
V llli'.l iitu tUIf.
U. i-i ii.u- hi ui'M'ti l-'r thi v Ih df of the ti t.M at any
y:tl I U.'Mi f( i oi lit prilitfd t-C-a 'I'l'.fH, -t tu mr.i-t CiU
loi mi. t i : v. ;th .r il.i will 11 "l Of c-i s'dfn d.
I i ii i .i: M c m -ii to tiif r.U'f.iii. t'i il a To uiiiMiid tot of
atn ; i.itl, ' t. i'i. Nj- y Hi . tin1 form "I O. ul jjiu-
iai.i-1-. iiini i -t ti t iituin-.tiy i!iiuiui.i'..ta rt tyv ting lia
in c Mil , v hi 1 1 ' ro i In '.
'1 1 v. ...i-r.-f t - id o.- avAauh l to tht- It t Idddi-r who
l,i t". p. "I t uMiii'.ti a, .I, iv .I'.ii'i'd oy 'h laa of Kali
A' - in Idt' . l.n- Nnvv I) j.n.-' mh'iiI .- l vl '.fc' ilu' ll0lil to
n ). . t hf i i. I h:il, Ii 1 1 i lu.-d t'"i'hi aiit.
1 i i-, o t i - V- ii' i ' iii iiiih' t if cm ii i- i oi.iihMtlim U
$1 . en, ;ii.. I i' i v t . i. nn lit' dciii.ili'l -it ! lu.n tli..t da.t,.
.Sei. ii'-.' it' tl t- Hid n'l. ui.'i v, i I ! ri' iiured to -iii ilha
i ..i.'iii. t d ;h I '(", oi hhiiiiU Ct rM: d lo hv a l i lu- 1
h.ii-t ( L'f -it .'ir.u. l'i. I u s-..i l'i6-r-ci Aihin-ev,
i ni.itii.v, ". ' i v A t - aii'.in Mi.d hfcurdy, iwiniiy
u r ' i" i. in il t wiiii' id i 1,01.1 Hu-m i m. iii t .u o ii
tiniii h i. ' . ;i-1 - 'i .1 li.vetr.enc n'il-itd; uud u-hiy
1 1 ' t Mm 1 i t .i h ' il'. ii';'WV .1 I'.i tr i i- 't' y im' r.'iii
iu. n t: ti, n r i Iii j ji.-' ii i ii d-. will in- d liy ihv ia r
UK' ' l - -it (-. I -ii'i - -i i v , in I m dn of ivil.ll ai-B at
II I- t i- ii i 1 ih- hi. i-r. .im ir , w illi :il h il d i .ilur Hit
w .it ;ii .,: tor ti t . im.- ... I- b ic h-' ii i aM-d hy ti u Si-,-ro-
lai) il h. I rt ;'. nrv.
i i v ii on in ,iir tin' i luisL n- iuircd ;t tin- rt'OiM'ttve
Kil l KH v,
il i H ii, s
1 Ji : h ;
:r-i:i , So 'i, li.jil.-r
"I i , I ill il
N-i I', liillnw lisi
.i'.i..Tj W ill ; hi
i i' li ('l.i. .vi-;
.. i.-. In 'a and
" ' .. n ;i m le.ia I
V'. -l.i ,rv;
vi o, ... ; h.
. 1
i ! i ' l.!.l' i'.- ;, H.l'H,
'is s Kii I, I' .- ll"U .lll'l livi'l.; Nu ', Au il'.ill ; 'i ,'l.
Ii il. r liil.i -' : i I. v'Jlii ps. 1,:ii'4, i-iilil'ii' Iiuut, Xc No.'.,
s r-i-i in nil i No li, l'ii'i"'..l i ' I ii im li'i'in'iiliiu-; Nn ., lard ml :
jS.i s, nn tsil'i' i 11 ; No lnlL'w 4lnl vj ii ; Sin In, i-u .liirfr.-i'
a.or.i; No II, i ii-'iii'-. rs ln". : N'i 12, rmilin'i-r uinim-li-.Tit.-;
Nu ll', .nrin ituii'i'.; li.. II, wnnilit In.ii jhiiiis,
nil is, A-u; So l i, lulies i Ni I'i, ultui ; N i7, ir-.n n-iil.T
I oil-, i, ii' s, .V : Nu is, i-opiii.'! ; Is'" In, Ilu, zinc, .tec ; No M,
i lilli- Itiul : o 'ii ,7-liU' Uiilnl ; No2i, Colorrd "iints, ilryura.
At . N" z 1. Mulum.-i ? ; No '.'.. lik Worv ami ali otiitik. und
' b us ; No ?t, wi.ue I'liu-; No 'il, lieuiji anl cull in wuckiug.
I Ai-; o is, cufc-'iicirs' .tores. Ac.
j llKIM.iKI.rV, N. Y.
I'ln.a Sol, liolli-r Iron; N. J, iiisj lr..n : Xn 3 b.iiW f.-ll.
I ; o 4, Kino lim it i. if. i dlil er li'is... ,ve ; No 4, sjierm nil ;
.No i, In mviI nil, 'ii. I I'l, lii... a'l- h"l, Ar ; No 7,liinl i l' ; Hi
I H, luui luii um or inv ti' 111'' oil ; Niiii.tu.liiw and -.imii; oio 10,,
i uiiiii. it' .'uie. i 'J 11, 1'MU'ii'-i-ia' t.i.'U; No 1.', eiiiit
niira Inatriiniiiits ; J."o 1.1, iii-aui iitiuiii-.: No 11, wrought
I ir,,.i ii'i ni. iiiiie-. I l i No .'. li'l.i'M No l.;,m.'Hl-, No 17,
ilou null., bol s. n il.. Ai-; No in, col'Pur; No III, tin. in.-,
.'lu.l.A-i:; - -Jll.niuic li'iul: No ii, .uu I'Ulnl; N-i '.',
olori d pal'its, ,li-r.:a.Ar, ho '.'I, aialloiii'ry; Mn i-l, tiro
aiiid; Noii, li'iii-ry und u-li li'imk and but; No i'H,
wlil-i- I'lne: N'.' wnintit aniK-ll -iryi No 'il, ma-In-tail
v, title tnillej-1 No JM, lauterna ; No oil, IIkiiiiiiivii.f j
No :il .'ilnil-eoi.s, piii. iji. , Ai-; Ko a, aour Hour, erne lidos,
Ai-; No ill i, iiuf-niid aiililili No iH, tolloii and liemp
paKkiUKI, 0 i No o, m. lni'er alon-i.
Clam No 1, boiler Iron, Ac i No .1, boiler filling; Nn 4,
Hutu inir-kltii. , rublicl' Iiom, Ac; No 5, ipi.rin oil; NnU, llu
uiil oil and turiienlli. ; No 7, lurdolli Jill, tallow, amil',
Ai' ; o i'l. i-nnlnt'i ra' alori'l No 11, engtneei I' tool. ; No
ii. iiinliiii'ia' initruu.enti; No 11, wrouaht In-n pipa,
jlvea. A.-i Vo l.-i, tubeli No lii, at.. 1 ; No l'-.,'r''!' aV''
bolls, au.l mita; No l.e..j.i-ri N IH, I 'n, o ; "'"'"
I. ,i- Nd JI. jlnc uu lut. n'oW.c iIoiiiI lialula ami dryeraj
.,.--l .1 illn,rvi Nn 4. lira WOOii 1
No IH, Holloa aui
belliy Wkllig, AC i ..o Vi, enjlliiera' at ore, UC.
,,,, i.oiior boa. Acl No 2. P'l iron NoS.linlVr
l-laai NoI.tiolli-r iioa,i.i ,WM fc K .
fUlii.K.Ac: No 4, nm l J dfur.,llllt.i No 7, lard oil
V J . ', ii ,i Vailow and aoui'i No in, ennmeara'
N8.l.iuib.ri N-i,,;r".7wT.i tin li. .nulnoom lo.tiu. No M. ' P"t"M
No 14. wrnuRiit Iron uipe.
r"i.:.. Kol '"aa
Nolo, ateui; No 17, Iron 1111.
i i.V .oi. .' Ai-1 N" I, eopi-eri No til, Uu, lead, and iini i
wi,na lead; No Jl, Im fainli N.i IJ, co.orea
luti.'.drvera.Ai ; Bo ti. .imlonorv ; No'H, lire wjo.1
No sl. oolloa aud lnmi fackiuu, Ac i iio to, eiiiu..i--atom.
nil tt