The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 11, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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E TM 3-1
" 1 I."'-' ,
m-m in in m
pjticis ,tvd xms.'z::;::,rt; ;
Five Vessels Burned by
Ilcr on Friday Lost.
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Destruction of Northern
Central Railroad.
). 2500 Rebel Cavalry Ea Route
A s for Gunpowder Bridge on
Philadelphia, Wilmington
and Baltimore Railroad.
yfa have received rel'able information th it on
-y Bunday morning a It -bcl force of cavalry nuin-
fering a'lout 20JO struck the N irtlicrti Cetural
Hi Iroad at Cockeysvilie.
They at once cut the wires, tore up the track,
and barned the brt Igo at that point. A dt n'ti
jneut (tarted north'lii AhlHid, a i l tore u;
boot one mile of triuk, and bur icl auotber
The main b idy started toHiirls the S'i'ic
kanna or Quniw lor lirldc.), wlii'n scv.irul hmi
ired tit la morning nooeUtil on Uu:!r w.irk of
"jtruction northward un the NurtUcra Cunh-al
, j4lroad, burning biidv and out lug wire', but
,.jfot halting long cuxugb tu 'iuni n r.illo. At
' Boon the operator at Park a &t ttia r prte l
tb un i'u hinu, mi. I at dihib cvncn itcd. Tue
)t- t i. thut (lie have t'ntne wiiliin (ifuuu mile
of lii novcr Junction with their l.strii' tive work
kof I ildge-humln0'.
. The main body coming north cut tho tclnriipli
".rci, abont ten o'clock A. M , of the People's
"Independent Line, which run on the tura-
4;-"ke road oorlh of the r dlroad i but thev luvo
't (truck the railroad ei, and Mr. Fel: in will
& '-t out traius at regular I na:.
J A report from IViltlmon! ny that tho HtieU
J are musning their forces uciti Hockvil'e, ut ap ilut
friuidiatunt from Dltiuiom and Washington,
aid that they are beitiij re.nforeed from th'3
routV kldu of the rotom.ic. The later part la
; loniewhat .IdiiMful.
Oruerul Hnnter has been heard from ollieUlly
In ' U bel r ur, within tweuiy-tour hours.
jThcio are other chunring poli.ts, hut we refialn
'Oiu glvli g them publicity.
(I'relnl to I'lie t'vrnlnir rlirrli.
WiimsoTON, July 11, A. M Suml'iv attr.
ronn the excitement in Wilmington way iatcuiu.
The )ie. pie turned out en hianse; behi were rung;
flags run out; and by night oer six buu lrad
ni' ii had iallen in behind Hie drum and lite.
f Al ewcuftlo tbo pioplu were aroutcd by
telui ruph, and in an hour sixty men wore eu
f Tolleo, and six hundred dollars tinted.
litte I'dawiiro is lu moiioti, Hiidapprecla'ea
the iiupi tiding danger.
Etc., lite, j:to., jo to., lto.
HiiiniHiirHO, July 11, ll-.W A. M. The rhila
dc'phla, W.linintt in, and BaltimnM Uailroad sti:l
remained intiict thin mor'iing.
A teh gram fiom Olcuroi k, on the Northern
Central Railroad, this tii'rning, Mates that A body
of Ilebcl mounted inluutry und cavalry, between
1200 and 1600 etro: g, are destroyl'ig the railroad
fifteen miles tcuih of that jiluec, and inarching
north nard.
The Rebel appear to have retired altogether
from Western Maryland, mid aie coucontratiai?
their forces tow:.r.:s the imrthca-t' rn part of (hat
Fai.timohe, July 11. Tho Rebel oivalry
hurucil Govern' r llrailioril'i reildeuce this morn
ing. It is only four iiiiIch on . on ( buries street
road. A Hiuud of t n UchcU did it.
Thry enmc to the re nU-n. e, and ordurod out the
Cioveri'Oi's family, pciniit;ng tiicin to take only
ii 1 r valuables, and th n lii el Uie reiacuee.
'i'hfl furoiiuru wan all tie troy.. 1.
1m- (iuvcinor was In Hie city, and was not
caj lured.
VI v'eliN.'k M.- II. n: t!o iros conuCiUIng
r'uiladc Iphi t nd lialMmo-.! failed, being cut by
ite Ueli'l guerlll i.-.
Tue break in the ich ii Rih line is imdrfltood
robe at Mugnolia, sevenueu ml e t)ii sale oi'
Ital imorc, and nineteen miles trom I la vie do
(Irucc. Ii in alyo rep'n te I tlmt a passcut'er ir.nn
bat been uiptured ut Magbo in.
I UosruN, July 11. The steamer liuse S'aiulish,
' on let.triiiiig from h r trip to ilinghain List night,
vuo taken ofesnn of by the Government and
was loaded with aintuumtiou, uu 1 liiinu ilia.ely
kt' iiincd for tho I'liioinuc. The stui ner Ituiii,i
wns iilso by the Oovortunent la-t nlglit,
van loaded with ummuuiiion, und left early this
n.i riiln.
olun torrluir In IHaitsnrliiiNeli.
Boston, Juiy 11. The luto c ill fir live thou Mdhiiaebufett" volunteers U beiui; rc-p mde 1
to with Hlaciiiy. TU. uid tith, the pioneer regl
no ut of the war, Isexpictnl to he ready for nun
tiriug in on Wcdue.iUy. U. her regiments will
fliLiillly lollow.
Wovrinrnta of Npnirt.
1'An ruhu I'oikt, L. C. July 11. Tho ruru
t iuh pui-sed here this morning bound for Quebec.
Her news Is anticipated.
JXkw York, July 11. The City of . im-rick
bus arrived. Her newt is anticipated.
A liiirnlnir Vil finou. 1
PkTrM. Miss. .July 11. The se'io mer Cilrna
repO'U tiiii'nnthe 8d lnstaut oil' iienuuda she
mw a lull ringed br g ou lire.
Arrltal of llio Kleaiuer ,' lri:w.lnn."
Nw Yoiik, July 11. The steamer Circaui-m,
from a ciukc, arrived h re to-day, lirlnguiK pa
stnguri und dcspntchct f; 'in the Hull' S inadroa.
DetnlU of the AfTnlr Dnprsl Flsjk
liilf .Same f the ( unslilrt, 4i.
MoitHuvia Etation, Baltimore and One
Ra l oad, Saturday, July u, a P. M. Our
foiees evacuated Frederick last night abont mid-
n'ghl, f.ilirg Daek. to Moutmicy jiinciiun. ine
Kelieif, wto were behind Kittoctun MouniulnyHs
tcrduy, entered the town in force aleiut sunrise
this morning without opposition, and gradually
pressed our piikets back to the Monocary, where
our main force was posted to meet them.
A line of our skirmishers stationed betwoenthn
Freiltrick it Hi Iroad and the river, composed of
the UOih Ohio Kegiment, first opened on the ad
vancing enemy, but were soon driven a ross the
r.ver at the Georgetown pike bridge, when our
gnns, on the hills this aide of the river, com
mi ncid throwing shells.
The enemy toon had abont double their num
ber of gnns in position at various poinU on the
other tide of the river, and commenced to use
Ibem pretty elllcieutly. Our forces were dis
posed in a si: glo line of buttle along on this tide
of the river.
(ieneral Lew Wullare was in chief command in
prrciiu. Alter the artillery tiring bad some whit
given thi pe to the action, and resulted in press
Ir g our line back a little, the enemy gradually
diamed iu three distinct lima of battle, a'so
tl rowing out a line on each Hank, easily fording
the river at all p diits.
The most desperate fighting took place on the
pres-li.g in of our left. It was iu an open Meld,
and at e me points almost a hand-to-hand en
coun'cr. Shells nnd bullet- bowled and
in wild and terrible contusion, and ths utiuoit
courage wat displaced on botb sides.
t ep by step, and thinner and thinner
nur hero, s, opposed by at least three to one,
tell back, disrating every Inch of ground,
m.d have finally drought np at this place (Mon
rovia Ktniioii), where they are tKi a forming
with reinforcements that have arrived during tbe
Our deail and some of onr badly wonnded have
fulli n Into the hands of the enemy. ApM;nded is
a a mpleie list of the wounded who have lieen
gotten and tent to tbe rear. The Men Is of
ihc-e wit find them at tbe I'uttcrton I'urk Ii h
piinl, lliltimore, under the care of the etll lent
and obliciiig ruigeou In charge.
1 here seems tu have been a particular fatality
among otllcer-, tonic of the reg menu having I ist
Lean) all of their ticld and line oltieers. 1 hear
of the following disunities: lieuer.d Tler, cai
tured, f.'i lonel Kewar I (sen of the Secretary ), !lih
N. V . Heavy Aillllen .woundeil , l.leu'.C .1. Hall,
HihNew Jcr-y,wonndeU ami o iptuied ; Onpiain
Hooker, lis. th Ni w York, killed ; Ciptjiin Itoiiin
K'n. HMIih Kew York, killed j ; ipnifu l'aine,
wouiidid and a pi issuer; Cautain Div,
wouni'i d and a prisoner; I upialti Ihjiiurds, lltli
New Jersey, n-.iii.ii il und a prisoner; l.leu e
tiant Ouks, of Colonel Trunk's staff, w mniled
and a prisoner; l'nvatc llarker, 31 Maine,
The cvaeuntion of Frederick seem to have
hern by an order from Washington yesterday tor
conil luailon purposes.
Although (ieneral Wallace hat so far been
opposed by a stronger force than his own, there
Is no need of alarm at ltaliiiuore or U'a-hintou.
Let the authorities ut these places b'ing oat
the proper rouiiiinations of Nigel, Hunter, an I
Wallace, und other loose fighting lu.teriul, mi l
all will be well. The troops here are not whipped
vet, and with the reinforcements arriving can
keep buck the Rebels until amply sulllciciit ioree
is 1'iouht hire to set matters straight.
Aiifcnstu I'm. il, H I. N .1
Mi i 1 1 n II I'uKt'll, HII. N J
Vln il Vinsluw, Ul Mil
IfwU I' Hi nsn, 1 oh N J
Hiih.iH V k.U'h M i
Ji.lin II MnllliuKi. Mlh N i
J J AriilroijK, 1 llll fci J
Vim In.. I o ml M.l
Ji.lin lrtiu,Hii, Hit Mil
Kiia II. Illy, ill. Mil
Mi l oins w iIm n. 11-lS Ps
t jhih Is Vsienlli.e.slUl I'm
J it.. Her, .th I'm
Ja.'.'l. Kli' l.iSlh P
Ol.idisli ll.i .. I. Mlh N J
liuilm An liiT. lull N J
(le..l' iili.lrrli.ll S7lli l't
W T Kiml.uil. 1st MU
IV in II how e, SI Hi l-
Jli'iuisn llsruiur, .it' MJ
Ml. Il I II ui tun. Uu. J
( omii'II Ituivs, lie tld
II. I (v Vine, sin I
V.lfl.'ln. ix.lsll, Ist till
J.ui.s (iilslioru. 1st M.l
hiius Mfiusiisr, Iviil. t'a
v lb tuiuoi, ISr ts N J
J ami; ilhir,iati M.l
aik I'siii-isiai. ntli M.l
I'.iil M" l.silh S7ili I'll
W ru i naill'i.r'Jlh i s
v. I. ( (aaili'tsoi'sr J SihPt
J.rl.n V Ilunv. I.,..ili'
V.' NiiS.I,S.ll. 1'S
ii w -i i e;n p
llll I' HI eiletrr, Hlh V J
J.a.n Hll.srs, H.I. N .1
ttsjul Wt-ruirr, u.'iji Pa
Marl in Kliia. v.'ld MJ
J M l...v. 1.. oth M .l
Siaml M. Olaloy. ; h Fa
J II i (iiuuiaii, UU Mil
Win U M Mil
(Mih. uvuriiiuliHin. Slth N J
II. in V I. mt, lllti N .1
Jo. I..I.IM. 10h N J
Tlios ) Nokin, S7ih fa
lUlnr.t'i I'.auol, Mill N J
W M M, K.e HU M l
Wm l o r, .i l M.l
s'laiikili.l r--. 1.1 M.l
A T curl, Inn N .1
Jan Dnvi.'i.t, I lit V J
IHI lluti v, h7lh i'a
Nal.... W hit.i, loll N J
10 W mil, l.'isih I'a
lino i.litiiu, l.iili I'a
Wiu Kru,.l. l.lHili p
.Hul.niion It in-.tsl, M7 1 Ii fa
lAiirali.m Mu'k1. y, I.Mli t'a
lAsher A'iili'i u. Mill S .1
I Aimer etu It.riiboii, 14lll N J
: Aotlv Hart', l.r MJ
Al, x CutlitK' 1'Hlh Pa
'rinlli, I. oi.,. It, M l
,K lw Monachal,, a.'ih I'a
.loin T, ni.-a nd M l
lsat- Tietm .ilti M.1
CaitJ In, M K.'.-, MtthOhlo
Hltnoa AiKaiu.,., Instil I'a
t: W S'li ailng lllli N J
J. llH VkH, 1st Mil
Am.Ii. . ilarrlnn, Mlh N J
.lu'. n, sln '
'I Imtt Kie,a;r, ,11S 1'it
Utu i.ryaa, llili & J
The Flulil Krar Freilerlrk.
IlrAimi abtkks Gknkhal Wallace, Ktl.I
coii'a Mill, via Lalhuohb, Juiv 10. Awut
11 o'clock on Friday night our troopa e vac jut ed
Fri'denck City and retired to Monocacy, wtiere
Gem ml Wallace puialmscli in pinon to delend
the railroad hriilge. All was quiet during the
night, tbe enemy cautiously occupying the city
about daybreak.
At 8 o'clock on Saturday evening they moved
down the Frederick pike, und threw a heavy line
of skirmishers in a half circle towards Harper's
F rry pike.
Our pickets were toon driven in, and onr -kir-n.l-her-
fell Lack slowly. Our guns were or.ln ed
to open Hie, and we shell, d the enemy ; but their
guns nere vastly superior to ours, and replied
vigi rout y.
Tbe artillery fight wat kept np several hours,
the Id bel column advancing steadily uiuier cover
i f tl eir ( aiteries. We kept theen.-my at hav for
hours, ami would have held blui lu check bud
be not re eived reinforcements.
The fighting waa desperate on both tides. The
em mv bad four lines of haitle.
We held tbe railroad bridge until three o'clock,
when an order was given to retire, which we did
in good older. The toot bridge over tbe Mono
ca y was destroyed.
1 he enemy followed na cautiously, and threw
a few tin lls'at our rearguard.
General Tyler, commanding our right wing
ai d ucfi nrtlng the atone In idge, f'niigui tiravely.
ftixti of hit men fell at ane charge. General
1 ) li r It missing, and la bel eve d t be captured,
as he was sunonnded, and bU men cnt their way
Ft vi ral of onr officers were killed.
We did not lose a single gun nor a flog, and
bin few prisma rs.
Tbe R. Ih Is weie commanded by Early.
Colonel Kcvard is all right.
Generals Kelly and Sullivan, we '.earn, have
again got p.ssn tsion of Martiu-Ourg.
The R. Ix Is destroy, d two bridges on the North
ern Ccu'ral Ituilma.l last niitht.
(- 'vai i xi item, nt prevail b. re and at the sta
tioi h oil the road, on account of a repo'l that he
enemy ure marching on Daltlmore. .V. Y.Tri
liurolntr of KiraiiK r "John F. I''
The flrr IttikiruyMl l.Mt (Ji.U.OOO
1 tirre Ktrsmrrs Itrncued fro.ll tile
Ilamra li.v t rench MiallorN.
Kkw Yoiix, Jnly 11. About one o'clock tins
morning a lire wat discovered on bioid tho
ttean er Juhn '. l'ott'r, of tbe Camden and Am
I'Cy Railroad Company, l)ing at I'icr N ). 1
Ni rth liver. The steamer win soon wrapped in, aid the pier, covered with a abed, took
tiir, ai.d this, with ut contents and the ste.nnor,
was lo'ally destrojed. 'lee loss ii eaiiinaCid at
f'j'O.Wn, which is pari illy insured.
F.ngine No. IH and two hose carriages were on
the pier at the time II tisik tire, and were entirely Several firemen and policemen were
obliged to Jump into tbe river to t ivn tludr lives,
and were picked np by boa:s'crewj Irout a French
li an-of war.
Six boat loads of sailors, with their fEecrH, from,
the French vessi I, in Ibe face of the terrilio beat,
tucceedtd in saving three steamers at the next
I ler. These noble men were obliged to Jump
ovei board to save themselves from burning, while
others aoaked their shirts and cup tu tbe river
for tbe same purpo-e.
The Philadelphia Hotel was slightly damaged.
Moniiat, July 11 The excit ctnctit attendan
upon Un K.ImI raid aion our tier a borduri ha. can. id
H lull In rjU'llieas circle., hslglilf neil verr uiaterlalljr U
Uw ilueiiiaiiuii. In ipOd and lor. ma sacliuusn.
There I. no Q.isr. Itr.ui Hark here, anJ No. 1 Is In de
mand ai tfiO y tun. which la an advsnca oft 'r "in.
Ilia mark.u ivr 1'mvuiuiu, tiaval Bturss.and ulls are
vor Inai'tlvu.
Thorn Is r.iiisr more activity hi Uie riour Market, with
innrs tllsposlllon lo operata; 1100 barral. S'xal Waslera
ema I'.niliy .old i"i Halar.lay ai HI. and tn-dar Wo Una.
llroa.l Htteet txtra at HI j.II W. T.ia tra la Iiivo
only bought In a imall way t.i-any at a ran, or ( i Jo lor
surflne up to I3 tor lots. There hava Loan no
trad a.'lliit s In Kye 1 lour or Coiu
Iru! supply i Whaat la very UiallcJ, and prlaei are
higher by MHlfio. pur bu.btl, wlUi ia:a of aWut iu
baslteltof rid at ; a.w Wi at U.t latter "sura 'iimo
bushel. Kentucky led waraao'd. While II bald at $ J 03
if J 70. Hja li U niur.t al al-7Ucol-7ft. Tle-ra la but
llllle l '.to taia, and yellow is tlrin at l-7. but si bear of
no .ale.. Oan are In g-H6 tta'oaad al UU.i'ira. Il4r ay
anil Malt are not offered evra it al an advance I pria.
Tliara le mora Oram, as In Ilia If irket, and I S1
fg.llou Is aowdataaded for Pann.yivanla aoj oruo
VtMOni. A aale of feuiiiylvaula it r.porl.daltl SO.
Rally of Fennsy 1 vanian s to the Roscuo
Nrtl to The Evening- Toleicriniti.
Hahhishiku, July 11. The Rebels bavo
burned eighteen large bridges on the Northern
Cential Railway, and are still advancing, cutting
tbe telegraph and railroad.
They had reached Monkton at tbe latest
accounts. The destruction of property Is great.
Troops arc anivlng here rapidly. Reading und
Lancaster will turn out a strong force.
Men are responding all over Ibe fitatc.
1 here is no force at Frederick, but there (a a
heavy Rebel re-crve at Middletown, Md., hold
ing Ibe South Mountain gaps.
Ilinuluir of Train and Property at
We have reliable information that two passen
ger trains from Baltimore to l'bil.idclpbla this
morclug were destroyed by the Reliels at M ta
rn lln, seventeen miles from llaltlmore. T .c
ItitieU i,l.o burned all the property of the rail
read company in that vicinity.
Destruction on the Philadel
phia, Wilmington and
Baltimore Railroad.
Fot r T. M. Tbe only train that It la thought
ceuld buve bceu captured by Rehels is tho 0110
tbat left Il iltininre at 8 A. M. for I'bila lcl;ihiii.
The trains going south were detained at 1'orry
villc. This afternoon a considerable Union force,
infuntiy and artillery, crossed at Havre-do-Grace
and stinted in pursuit of tho Rebels.
fio lialna leave Ibe lialtiiuore Depot for ,vilnti
south of tbe Susuehanna; but to-tuarrow Mr.
Fcllnn will have completed arratig.micnts fur a
I oat line in connection with tho railroad to tbo
It Is not known that the Rebels have at yet
burned the trestle-work at Gunpowder or lludi
rivers, und il is known that gunboats aro there
to defend them.
The Coucwungo Bridgo, fifteen inlloi woit of
Oxford, is reported burned.
The Rebel cavalry lelt M ignolia thij mJiiiing
In a northeasterly direction.
Arrival of a Prime Meiimer.
Bobton, July 11. The British pria.: atoamor
Jluucn, Iroin IleriuiuU for Wilinlum in, arrive I
here lo-duy. tshe was captured on the I'd of by the Kryttom Slate.
A portion of her cargo Is still onboard; but
most wus throw u ovvrh eiril. Soe is uu iron si lo
wheel steuiuer of bW tons.
A flrr th "Florida."
1'oiiTLANU, July 11. The frigate TiiomUroytt
sulled to-d in pursuit of the Wontat.
I: .ri..rta by Trlrratha
Nk Yohk, July 11 Flour admin-ed 2v''ij
&nr ; sail . , f 17, n hnrrl. a' SI t 'kr.ul'i-1 for Hi tte, Sit
(uiill hr li'.l' aid ila ist.l.'o lor a,ai'hrn. Wh.ot u.t
VHiiiv.l ik'-A - , mi.i uol.tip i.tan Corn nnn; no .l'i.
l.rt. don fork nruii .ii a 'i 00 barrel, at IIS f s.iOII
. f. r ni,-...,a-'i'.j. Wbnay dull, at
I aj:oc.
A TInU to Crnrral Ornnt'a Army The
Llratennot-Oeaeriil Hopeful anil t'otiH-dent-The
(ilateof Feel Ins: In Wisatllnic-
I he Capital Perfectly Niifis Uenewl
A UK r lu t'oiiiiUHnii A l urce of Vnl"
rans nt Hand (Mlirlals and t'oavalcx-ra-nla
Ready to Nervo.
Wasuinotom, Kutiduy, July 10, Midnight.
Hon. John Covodo teturned yestordav from a
visiitoihe beailiuurtcrs of General Grant, wtiliUer
be went for tbe pmpoe of ohtuiulng the nodv of
his sou, Colonel Covode, who was ki.led during
Sheridan's late raid. He bad several interviews
with the Lieutcuant-General, and report! tin
(ieneral Grant was very hopeful, anil expressed
himself with the utmost confidence in regard to
uliin.ate success.
General Grunt did notpttach much importance
to the Rcliel raid in Maryland, as ha did n:
believe Lee would dare detach any couaiduiablo
force from In Iront of the Union hues before
Washington, which, amid all the exciting
rumors of the Rebel Invasion, has preset veil a
most dignified placidity, was this afternoon
thrown iuite orT lis balance by tbe telegrams l
the evening papers, foreshadowing u pivlia ilo
ailvatceoi tho Rebel force in this direction.
This was not decreased by tbe milit try move
ments which toon begun t.i develop IheuHcI ves,
and vt Inch seemed to uuthori.eihe uiterencc tlni
the aiithoritue ulso weie not without their appru
hi I su ns that the Rebels might attempt a dasn
on the loi g-covetcd prize of the national capital.
Tbe s reels presently liec me alive will) m ivlng
troi ps K i(.ons, uiiiiiulance-,, and as much of the
prioe, Ki,.f, ami circums'uiicu of war us Ameri
can moves, enerally ixhilnt.
Wi'bi.tit entering into ucinils which it would
Lc improper to u cntiou, sulllce It lo s.y that tbe
force within tho lino of intreiicbuients around
tins city is ample for its thorough protuoiton
agulnst any demonstration tbe enemy may iuaka
lu ibis direction; but lest they should a tempt it,
(ieneral Augur and his Kiatl bavo been busily
e. all day, making lull preparations to re-
ne Hum.
The Star of this evening states that Inl'ormi.
linn bus reached here Hint a lalislactory b"1y oj'
Tcieinns are already in a post, ion from wtucu
they can reaeb either Washington or Uit l nore
la fnn' the Rebels can appeal in force ill either
Uirei lion.
In uddition to this and the rcgu'nr girristm
ftnee, the se'rvices of other bodies of available
men tail be instantly called lor. Tim very larea
lirignde of men employed in the IJ laru r n istnr'a
Hi paiimcnt here and iu tile vicinity muered
this forenoon at their vui us tende.v ms, a id i ir
aJ i ill. They uie ready I' a iustuut service, if it be
necessary iu cull ibem out.
The hospitals baic been scrupulous'y exatnin"'l
for nil coi vuleseeiits capuhlo of tloiug dut. , and
noil as arc huvu been scut forward to Ibu de
fenses. To-morrow It la expert.' J that the militia of
Washington wall lie c tiled out, and the depart
ment clcikswilt be armed for service, it neces
sary. The President, to-dny, with a small cavalry
escort, vi-iud the fonitic tt'ons on the expo-ed
side of the city, and found evcrytiiiug iu satis
tuctoiy c million.
'1 lie iiiovemeiita of the Rene. a have not yet
developed themselves sullt. icmly to ol nit of
un thii g more than iir to peculuii.-n as to ilieir
pmposes. luriguM to thcn tbo mo.t cuiitra
di lory opui ons exi-s. t.'ci am it i-. Hi 11 u o.
eer the Rth, Is de ign tb.y thou, t execute
iiiickl), Iir the d u lutrniioii of Un on trmps
will veiy soon 1111l.11 it a question mi of their
sneers, iu ei. her purpose, but of ibeir possible
ere .pi- at all.
Up to 'he hour of writing, the Washiugtm aud
Baliiuiore Rah oad coiiiiiiui-a iinm erniiii. d.
The u-u 1 traiin have been run today, i'ueir
rate ol runuii g ha-, however, be-'ii slo-ver than
oidii.ny, and ibe advance lias Iseeu inaJi
cuutioutly. 'i be teicg'uphlc cable to Fortress M mroe u
rut asi nlglit b- a dragging an bur, jt.l no co n
niunieutiua bus been bad to-day wan G.ueral
G ant.
Msior-Grneral Qlllmore arrived hero to-nighi.
A. f. Time.
Major Samuel Wnlkvi.agaager iu the BuU) t
Cusloui lb use lor thirty f ur yeais, dsvd a. b
resiui Di lu Chelsea on Moifdat, tin agi of
ixt) -l. ur. He was appoiuted to . tU.-e oy 1'iesi
di bt Ja. kaoi', and u run. dere.l ou of t'o
u,it expericu 'ed ganger in Ibe oou iury, U '
jurtecied the piea nl sJ.Uui of gau ng
Tbe Syracuse Jtmnml aunouoeaa tli deutU
Of Daniel GoU, a distinguished laaryer. 1 i Irt. 1
he w..a elected lo (Joygioss; and m 1818 wis rn
elected, ileltatlug Cbnih a IJ timlgwiek ov a sm .11
majiinty. Ai the ensuing tenmu ot Couarosa ue
jit, red Ibe celebrated anti-slavery resolution
wl li b made his name famous over tbe U noil
After Ibe accession of Mr. Fillmore ti t'le P." -sal.
ncv, Mr. GoilopMMii d the lendl ig ' ronservn
live" un as urea of his, iucludiu'
all tae compromlao billf.
C'ai-k May, Ju'y 11. Since Friday .layit tba
pirate hktidti hut cnpturd.and burned five
vessels near this point. They are named
Ilnrqnc tlnlconda.
l!nr.,oe lUrry.
I !n r. , u 0 6rc(!iifiu.
Barque UrUnda. '' '
And atioiber vess-cl, name unknown. ' '
I be cten e of these ship, numbering aix'y -on i '
per n, have for I'lnladt Ipbia by rullro id a
twelve o'clirk, and will arrive about four o'clock .
i rrlal lo Thr l:riilner Telcg-raph.
II Anuinu no, July II, 3 P. M. Tne telegraph
is still wi rking to Parktnn Station on the North- '
em Ci ntr.'l lL.I'.road, and there are no Rebels :a '
the.r Iniii ediato front ..
Paikton Is iou h of TTanorcr Junction, about '
fllttcu miles, lu Mnrvland. ' '
Cutting of the Tolegraph Wires, and.
Capture of a Passenger Train. 1
This rnlng, at 10 o'clock, the wires of the
Americn Tcligrsph Compiny, between Havre-.
de-Grace and Washington, were cat, either by
Kcl.el sympathisers residing .ilong the line of
the road, or by some tro ipi deiaci'ied from the
Hetnl forces new invading Maryland and Pe'an-
ay lvaula.
Flt.ce writing tbe above, we learn that tfct
I reek net urrt d at Magi. o ia, seventeen miles t-ble
side of Baltimore. Up to the hour of writing,
nothing baa been beard from tbe eight o'clock
rntu whiih lelt Washington this morning, and 1
it ntt are entertained tnat It has been captured :
The neon nam left tbe deOt at Broad aur
Prime atreeta with instructions lo pro.eed care- '
lul j along the road. Bui lew passengers went
oul in it, ibe report of me cutting of tbe wire
end the rapture of ibe morning train being exten
sively cliculalid al the depot.
Al the depot this morning great ex :ltemeat
pievsilid, and a number of passengers turned
back thrt ugh fear that tbe lino of travel would
be lntirrnptcd. . , .
Telr(rnih !. In Pawns aaioa of Rebel
rapture of Ha-aaire Tnalna.
At half. pu-t nil e o'clock thia morning, a des
pn'ch was nceivi d b) Mayor Henry front Secre
tary Ktantt n, urging him to send linmeillately
to Baltimore all bodies of men now organising
In ibis city, without regard lo number ot claa
aficullon. It it reported tbat tbe Rebels have had possea
s on of tbe American wirea at Monrovia alnce 10
o'clock this morning, and that a number of mes
sages and despatches from tbla city bare been in
tercepted by them nt that point.
Some five trains have been captured between
Bush ilrer and Baltimore since nine o'clock this
kepurud bj ( larkuin a Co., bnikers. No. Ui e). Tbird HA.
5(0 i h Ti nil M n IIS,, i.l .a Kaad B. B .KM) H ,
lw.ll, Btgad.K.Jt..bl2 S7S'1 OOU sh AO a S7
fOOO.B. B Jn.nj tH l(.u Klmlra 7 110 ds coup. in4 Tu) .h ru toa csnii.... fl '
Inn 4 lis'. lOo.hi'Mi.ans.. axki low
SKsnl'i-ni.a ... loll Hy all Harris t at,... VI
S. in - en. s.v.S. S'J. Di Mai .h Kvadiua a .ei SI
IMl.r..k ilmH,.lKV I'O.S do a-' 7
$. ucuC. A o.a. ut (i
II M. l.saaH. rtiork Oimeale.iuo Hruker, Mo. f far
ifubar BMidll..a. Wajnut eint4. ttvUtw 1'au-d
ru Es or aTtxxe in new yohk.
R. purled by Cuurk.or ii Oo., Bnatore, No. 1JI ATtilra at.
f,iu Call, HteiinU U.ill.
t nlif.l Htatri r, IKNi.Int off 1UJ. bid IM'4 .a r.
Kick l.isi.d ka. rva4 am no .alee
Ixuilli s l:alro. i m.l, tad etVaawe
lliilaa. ei, rat ItaiUtad bd l'lij .a.aa
(isli-iiH IIHilroad aid Ail al
New vik Ceinral kallruad IS6 bid LUVnui
ror l,liio..d Ii.l'.bli lli.a'es
barleui , bid SaJ ..lo.
(lad Ai bll .. eelee
I nu.d Sun. oau. l.HHL.d luii.s.1..
ataiksi I'u-ctilMl. Uuavy.
Wui.tMiH.iis of nolo Ai the rhlledelpal CSald Kaanaas-s
tio. a4 H. 1 hUd ill eat, eerond etory i
IS M. awn li M H1
II A . a I t P at VJ
M M 1 :il CI A 1 111 :U I M EJiTT,
COLC'KEL A. LECHLF.R, Commanding.
IlTiiiiN V,'antil for Oompany I.
No. 17 H. KOUUTH H V.
Car'sla AI.KCHT UnilKyMI.
t list Leme mut KK tNK C. HKVSMV.
btcoud l..i.ouani cil.ikl.M Mr. kilnttli.
Cl y f fhilsds,,liia. .Ii.l II, & ia'ul
a 'as' ..sioi.f aair....ii b. ti.s M..a-1 , la. 8 vr-iary
, 1 l si hi il.r lo 1,'H ,i.s leriii. 'W til you auto.! oill
o. , i,,il it,.- ti-s ItiiiiM'd'n't. dtiaa.e af ttaitanoroandl
V a.i u. 1. ... to i'.a.u In t v ea mil. during .uo'i .ne.
, i o H if teiievsai ti.Ai oi. iy tliu. can uieai, stvlu.-ia
. U a. si i.'.i.
i o .nob ii,. uiry the Mayor racslvetl at aooa a raapouaav
Bl inl..,w.!-
in a isir o ;rnr le itrm of lael 'Kit. tha Praeident
uPieis n.H to ia 0. Hosirii-uaiii w b acoaui u,
M.-vaei oi si, v t.anntlc c lor luch tcru a i tii.y Ii- ' IP -" I" ollvr, bul cannot tin lrtake tourse !.
ilriu Tl a noi.i ht. dona by ll.a local aaih trine, w.lio
tl.. llmriuui M v 11' lander any aa aoui'-a la Ua pavrnr
l.r sruiii v. ei', auu uaiiaim uu f tbeu ( euia.
t.t .ai a. tt.ay cau be usaiui.
"a. eretas, mt afar.
In trirrraaie wlih lbs nrrort f il.e l,.r.oliis, I do
Ir !. luvnr ul 4 unjf 'he ii a or rhilsil.' CrUt-
n si (pr bees ui-aiHaa 1 laiauia aarii, lu yisjtia a ,
ei. s K ..ih I, lla au a, d del. "" oar itoili su
I a ai I ti. a. aid e.arvlat-iaiyMlU be by the
oi, k a. -n lata .. t.(i' aiS call li 'o man Onfa.ulUee
.11 11... M..W .nui.a-wl Viie.-ui iu r a,
-th airline
ALtXAMis.ll UKsHT, faUadcivuk,
rv r1118 IATB MKMEas of coc-
-x e.nv l'. (Oay HitM-rv.. will meet at the Arrn-iry,
K.. us hAI.KI-T i,mi I lllrt (Uui.aayt ak isu.ul, at
't a ct, 10 uikaaua ai' nip.iu n,r .rr ie-.
It Wol. W. A LUC a. lata Oaptaia.1 a.
- Ilia CoDtpaiiyl. wow Hear.. I. la at toa anassry.
i'l'OsTl Hirt-t I,1om ttaca, end anil tool ouo.
V, . laer msn.iier. ai d sssst mil 'an -aarslly are tardea
i aland at tht Aiuiory ami earotv ib o u.iue..
I.) ni ier, M.O. ttJLU(, Captain. '
a C. Ukiiu.u.ll. Jjli-as' ,
Ml-rlfl llraHlsfiuf lle wlielb (Hiliiift
lao'err vt heiiutrsy. i ; i
CtAa..'-Jiity. I-, , ,
4, 19. 40 M, (il 3 31, li. bd. hi. fl. 37, 72.
rnucu'i-Jt;ii"1i, . ,
fSl x, CJ, 71, t.0. l. 41, H. bo, 17, (0,61.
CUaalar. a.ol by addtawao mK. Co.,
tto.tnassa IS.
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