THE DAILY EVENING TEi,EGRAFlI. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, JULY 9, 1804. ) t it ' L BATVRDAT, JCLT , HW4. , OIUOINALi ZMJIiTI V. For Tht BfKf r''"ar ' ' ' ' rOHKMtlAltOWKO I. JOM Iff, A. !.. ! Ye natrons), murk that omn, and Isa wise, special ProvidenfC so wrought, rrwiMfiDg, Mio' nwlllinrlr y re tinght, How struggling JrYsailoi.ii lire, bow Slavery die ! While calmly Wlmlow from the Krarmrtt eyes TTwi glDttcd pirate swinging from his niour, jlie eonifW buret in flory circling tour. The buoyant sea salute propitious skies ! Tbe niTsiio seven our natal years of strife " Tl circuit marks to reconfirm onr lit'o. Then, lo! the avenging waves rejolclug swoop Tie Heidi's ark and sword U darkness drop! r- "Oh I eave," the sinking parricide outcries, And "friondly" Albion to his rescue tiles. ( .. W' J THIS; DltAMA. THEATRICAL, HKKF.r ITN r.lfONF.U. the compiler of an accurate tliontrical alumnae for this latitude and longitude would place oppo ite the first two weeks of June this phrnso: "Regular benefit are now in season ;" and oppo site the last two weeks tills phrase : "About this time look out for complimentary benefits." Then al the first of July, the legitimate managers close their theatres or sublet them to Itinerant "stars" lad other strolling players. There is a distinction. It will ho obsorvetl, be tween regular and complimentary benefits. Regu lar benefits are those agreed upon between a manager and his actors as part of the actors' alary, and are stipulated in the engagement, whether it be verbal or writttcn. Complimentary benefits are extra performances, with which man agers usually have nothing to do, given by actors to themselves or to each other. Benevolent lionc tu, the proceeds of which are devotod to charita ble societies, poor widows, and the like, form a sUstinrt class, are not strictly theatrical, and do ot, therefore, come within the province of this ssrtkle. A regular theatrical benefit U a mild sort of rwindle npon the public and upon the actors. The manager engages to pay the actor so many , dollars a week and a benefit. The benefit is do. rrlbed at "half clear," "one-third clear," "bnlf after expenses," and so on, as the case may bo, the words "half," "third," etc,, expressing what hare the actor is to receive. Stars only get "clear" benefits, and few of them get more than "one-third clear." The ordinary run of actors ' are content with half the receipt of the house after deducting all the expenses. It Is not unu sual for stars to announce their benefits when they do not receive a single cent more of the money taken in on that night than on any other night of their season. This brief explanation will enable the reader to understand the regular benetit swindle. Tlio public go to the theatre on the benetit night of Johi Jones, whom we will suppose to be a favor ite actor in a stock company. We will a mime that the night is clear and the house crowdod. The . receipts will then be about 9U00. Of this sum tbe ' " 'manager pockets 400 for expenses and $200 for , ' bis half of the profits. Then John Jones pockets . , the other 250 for bis benefit. We call this a ' , , mild swindle upon the public, because they inno ' cently suppose that Mr. Jones gets all the money, " and take some pains to be present on that ac- - count. Instead of this, Jones only gets a modi turn ot the receipts, and the manager, for whom ., . the deluded public care nothing, Is benefited to n eqnal amount. But here it will probably be remarked that, after all, Jones is not so very badly otr, since V250 is quitea nice little sum to receive for one night's work. Tbis is precisely the mistake ' which managers love to foster. Mr. Jones does . SKit receive $'260 for one night's work ; it Is part ' ef his pT for a whole season's work. Instead of ' "' giving him so many dollars a week more salary, - i the manager cuts down Jhe salary and gives him ' a benefit. Perhaps the benetit night is rainy, and - ' then Jones realizes nothing. Under ordinary ., , circumstances he realizes very little. Sometimes lie makes a great hit, but very seldom, lint by the terms of tbe contract the manager always has his expense paid first, and so be loses nothing. Indeed, be gains all the surplus salary which he would have been obliged to pay during the season had not the benetit been agreed upon. In general, the profits which managers ;make out of msuem nignu exoeeu ine average prouu oi tne other nights of the season. "What would be ssld if any other business were , to adopt this benefit idea ? Imagine one of the leading dailies announcing that "The proceeds cf tbe sales of this paper to-duy will be for the benetit or Mr. smith, night editor, imagineour merchants accepting the idea and advertising, - Great sales of dry goods this day only, for the benetit of Mr. Snooks, head clerk. ' This would be absurd, and people would laugh it do- ;. They would frown it down, in fact, if they un derstood that the papers or the m:onants bad reduced the salaries of their employees on the ground that these benefit sales would make up the deficiency. But tbis unbusinesslike custom would be no more absurd in a newspaper office than it is in Wallack's . Theatre. It really is only a time honori device to delude the public into paying an 'Oior the money which the manager ought to Tay ; and the sooner it is discontinued, with all - Its eleemosynary accompaniments, the sooner will theatrical management be regarded as a tegular, legitimate business, Instead of a mere peculation. Complimentary benefits are even still more absurd. They are usually arrungod between actors who have hosts of friends ; and yon will notice that the same actors may lie seen at almost all of them. It is the mutual admiration style f things : "You play for my benefit and I'll play for yours." To get up a complimentary benefit nothing Is required but plenty of impu dence -and some credit with the printers. The impudence is necessary to start the affair; Uie credit to secure the posters and advertisement. A few actors meet and arrange these pre liminaries. Then the advertisements appear and the tickets are printed. Every friend of tho-e concerned is, of course, found to lake tickets, the number being in proportion to to his intimacy. Every barroom frequented by actors becomes a ticket-ollico. Tbe critic are appealed to ami liberally treated, if accessible to that kind of influence. As critics always write kindly notices of benefits ami never go to criticise them, there is not much diffl jiilty upon that point. The night ut length arrives. Tbe plays hastily rehearsed are us nastily rattled oH. The beneficiary delivers a speech written for him by some friend. There are unlimited carousals behind the scenes, und the profits, if any, are divided among the originators of the scheme. Tbis general description will apply, with slight variaiious, to all benefit of tbis cia. The mu sicians of our theatres seldom volunteer lor any body or anything. An actor who has received more benefits than almost any tine els j in the profession, informs us that never have the musi cians honored him with a testimonial, except upon tine occasion, and then he bad practically doubled their yearly receipts. Sometimes gifts are pre tntrd to the beucliciury at these complitm'ut iry benefit. It may be accepted us a rule, with few exceptions, that these ptcneutations arc never gen uine. Either the beneficiary buys the gift liiiu eif, or it is loaned for the occasion. A gentle man of this city has a mnguiticeut gold wat, U, of extraordinary size, which has done duty at many a benefit. '-This watch," ho says, "has been prc- sent ed to nearly a numbed actors, and only one of them, a confounded Justinian, had the impu dence to attempt to keep it." A celebrated young American couple, as the show-bills say, used to exhibit a case full of silver, purchased by them selves and presented to them at their farewell benefit in every town they visited. Actresses do often receive bona file presents at their benclits; but a this is a very delicate branch or tne suii r. . , ject we will not venture to elucidate it. Of regular benefits it may be remarked that, if ' eucccstful, they ure like mercy, which "blesses bnu who give and him who takes;" butifua auearjisful they only damage bim who takes, while be wu givs has all his expenses paid. Compli mentary xrieiits,on the contrary, benefit nobody ; lor acton wb, depend uihmi such enterprises are - commonly W .nisis, and "gojd fellows" only in the worstsenwiUltterm Besides this, the per mance at euiunuau, tnli Bro invaria bly bad. Often the more pr m. tox . wed and ordinan y u,,y du , k tuejr liaru. T he reason of this u w th8 rcS)ecUlble swtursalll not coLsent to J tinmances, and the crilies, iu u",,,.. wltB established usage, stay away yM " vreseute and tueir sharpest pent 7 , t The ciltic defend tneuisolves by iiJ,'; that the actors play fur nothing) i,,,7 they forget that tbe audience always havciu The consequence is that the public arj enirapni bito eucouraitiuc disreputable actors in uiua cases out of Irn, and into wiiueasiug uu inferior ' jaci lotniunce in eluiost every coae. We are glad to notice that the coiiiplltncutuiy bcuntils hive l,c. n very xlinily attended this summer, and this knits us lo hone that the yt gu Mill noon fail 4'oiiiplett'r. Mill, theatrical reforms move " alowly, i,d thtatilca! evil huvj lis destine of preceomt to tastalu theui. We are certain, luw ver, that the alolition of all benefit would bit a yai UchUU V il jrulcBiy8--"2iya J,ulk. ' A Otntentoit Farmer. Onceapoa a time, Frederick. King of lYtvuia, snmsmcd "Old Krits," took a rule, snd espied an okf farmer ploughing hi acre by the wayside, cheerfully singing his melody. "You mmt be well off, old man," (aid the king. "Ioe this arre belong to yoa, on which you so Indiistriouslv lalair t" ' No, sir," repbed the farmer, who knew not that it was the king ; "I am not so rich as that; I plnnph for wages." "How much do you gd a day?" a?kcl the king "Vlght groschrn" fatxnit twcnIV ccnt-0. snid the fnnner. 'This Is not much," replied the king. "Can yon get alor.g with this " "(let along anil have something left." "How is that f" The farmer smiled and paid : "Well, if I mutt tell you two groschen arc for myself and wile; with two 1 pay my old debts i two I lend away, nnd two I give away for the laird's sake." 'This is a mystery which I cjinnot solve," said the king. "Then I will solve it for you." said the farmer. "I have two old parents at home, who kept mo when I was weak and needed help; and now, that lliey arc weak and need help, I keep them. This Is my debt towards which I pay two grosrnrn a uay. i no mini pairot groscticn which I lend away 1 spend funny children, that thry may receive a Christian Instruction. This will come liandv to me and my wife when we get old. With the lost two groschen I maintain two sifters, whom 1 would not be compelled to keep. This is what 1 give for the Lord's sake." The king, apparently well pleased with the answer, find : "llravely spoken, old man. Now I will ah t give jou something to guess. Have you ever seen me before ?" "Never," said the farmer. "In less than five minutes you shall sec me fifty times, and carry iu your pocket fifty of my like nesses." "This Is a riddle which I cannot unmvcl," said tbe farmer. "Then 1 will solve it for yon," said the kln2. Thrusting his hand into his pocket nnd counting him fitly bnin-new gold pieces into his Inuid, stamped with his royal likeness, ho said to the astonished farmer, who knew not what was coming : "The coin Is genuine, for It ulso comes from our Lord Ood, and I um his paymaster. Ibid you adieu." MinkNprnr Among; III Prophet. I'nnch tells of a man who went away in great dbgust after having seen Ilamltt ac'.ed for tbe first time, saying that it was nil made up of old quotations. Hut the old poet's plays are not worn threadliarc quite yet, and ho that walks quietly through life not "he that runs" mayf as he reads, discover new beauties, new excellen cies, and new passages to be quoted. Hichard IU seems just now most fruitful In the latter Tespcct, whilo the campaign in Vir ginia continues. Observe the clear prophecy the manifest blessing on General Grant con tained In "Go thou to Richmond, and snoi fortune snl!1 the -lixrhard Act 4, Scene I. Two nppropriatc quotation aro also furnished for the day after Grant takes the capital, nnd we trust loyal men niuy have occasion to use them ; "Dut tell me, where Is princely Itlchmon.l now?'' Act 4, stcene 5. "(Joed morrow, Jlii-limond I" Act S, Scene S. A line In act 5, scene 3, of the same play, may be applied to a Copperhead "Who prays continually for Richmond's good." Imagine one of our whisky-biblng generals of whom wo thank heaven there are but a few left iu the service now with a nose like llardolph's and a demijohn at bis saddle bow, reining up his steed on the top of a hill near the Rebel capital, and with a puzzled air hiccttping out : "I think Viiere be Chic sli Klchmonds In the field." Act 6, ticcne 4. Of how many a hero of these lust months could wo soy : "Ills horse Is tlatn snd sll on foot he fights. Becking for Hlclunoiu! In tbe throat of death." Atil 'j, Scene 4. And last comes tbe war cry : "God and St. George 1 Klcnmond snd victory." Act !, Hcene 4. The statne of Washington, recently captured by General Hunter at Lexington, Va., arrived on (Saturday evening at Wheeling, Va. It Is the first bronze stntuu ever cast of Washington. A bronic tablet accompanies the statue, on which is the following inscription : "The General As sembly of the Commonwealth of Virginia have caused this statue to be erected as a monument of affection and gratitude to George Washington, who, uniting to the endowment of the hero tho virtues of the patriot, and exerting both in estab lishing the IfherticH of his country, has endeared bis in. mo to his fellow-citirens, and given to the world an immortal example of true glory." "Done In the year of Christ, 17H8, and in the year of the Commonwealth tbo 12th." An old Indian who had witnessed the effect of whiskv for rnanv years, said a birrel labelled .iisfcy'' contained a thousand songs and fifty fights. yA-NCIJ HTEWAUT HOCK OI lj 4U M 1" A N Y. Incorporated June 29, 1864, Capital, 9:iOO,0(IO. 60,000 81IABEH :, A RtlAltE I'AJt, fliibrcrlpttoa tn each share to crigtnal iiibncrthera for 50,000 shares paj able 91 cash down upon suiHerltiUig.and two other Instalments of tl each, payable on Uie'ioth July and Mtli August, lftH, respectively. TEN THOUSAND SHARES Beserved for Benefit of the tympany. The land purchased by the Vance aiewert R"ck Oil Company contains one huncrt-d and thirty-one acres, in the very coie 01 lite oil region, oue thousand ttiree hun Uied and leu feet on the Alicuheay rivr, lo Crajiljerry township, ealelidlns a consldeiable oielanre lip in bous aides 01 the Lower Two Mile ltun,coluiuaily ca.lod Va lluren Hun. a couple of utiles be-low s rauklin. Mi Venango eouiily.l'eunsvlvaiaa. Tr.e All.-stieny Kiver Tuirllory is vieliliriK an abundant and permanent harvest of an excel lent ouulhy 01 oil, the numerous wells borderlui: its bauki producing till wall even stili greater regularity ihaa the v. elle aions Oil Creek. Jl Is believed u tlow of Oil below thebornUKh ofFrank Un.on the Allegheny river, will probsbly never become f sliausteu, because the stratification, or volcanic Abrup tion ol rock dips 111 a seillliweslwurdly direction ; e aise uiiently the beds ot oil woull b nearer the innace at ins upl-er end, shv oi' OU t.'reek. and wells would rtsiulre to lie boied deeper In proportion lower down the nver, where, ho-r. Iliere would nc-esaiUy bo the most permiineul, and a much grealer supply and superlilciiiuOeut tdy or sli i e ot till. It Is certain that scoronof webs 011 ihe nvor. In the immediate vicinity ul thl Und, have continued prn duclos iturisii the past ttiri-e or lour leurs an unwavering unil steady'y l Id el oil. A farce at the nnipwill demonstrate the fact that ttie l,awer Two line Hun and Oil ( ris k are ou the same diauiftiUaDv strsisht lli:e, aud etuy distant, on a tun- nunation i'f tftr iiifit'ii-ul mine titi'ifi between the ritniio of hil.s. tront eurh ottier at.oiit uin e miles ujiart 111 pre cbelv the 1 ame direitton. It would, ilierefote. not be es- truordlliary. It h Isirltin wells ou this tratt a sullleieut tlepiliot ptlliHps eiulit hundred and tllty leet, Unit Ihe t;on any a weds msy rnn 11 llval those of Oil Creek In their luppllcs of hinidmii of burri i. of oil lUlly. unit enoinions jwiiflts wou.d thus he the forttinutu restih to tl.e feliiireholtlers ot Ibis corupiiliv. On tins piirili uUr truct 01 Isnd liters has ttecn let on lease for tweniv years, a well nir vtimi'in'j a f ilr portion of kood till, iilthoii).u lis depth 01 bore Is untsiilered iuite llihlllllcienl lo lnsll'e u lars' How : Kilt' per ce-tl. of Ills Oil at this well s mouth ah reserved as a roeutiy to t ie former owl er of tlio laud, mid will at once Inure to tuo benefit .t the C'oltll'unv. 'I here are slso nvo oilier wells boreoafrw liuntlred le. l deep (Mch, but not yet tutted, but iu du a' Inn a lit si-rate show ol till : a imrrel a ouy ean .teiiornliy be hcuopii' out ol tl.t'iu. and no doubt stouts to exist itoit thev w III both prove highly teiniilie'alftis welts when bored a reasonable depih. Another well Is bulf buiud, and promises a sallsUclory ield Asiiiplei oi'utl procured fmm thofe wells can he teen at Uie office of the Company, -lo. JIH WAI.NI I' Street 'I he leo ot thU valuable oil tain), comprising ouo hun dred snd tl.hty -one acres, Including the royalty of fifty per cent. 04 oil lor the leasod weU, '"S ;ooii'Oi. and lite entire ritlit of the tltree wells partially devolupcd. is liuichased by Die Conipaiiy direct from the owner, lor the mom rale price ol l.rr ,40", with a UristMill In line order, a siiiii; Itoute, AC ; aisc paicnes ot loiittvi. 1 he sale ol stock will pav cash lor tne land In full, ami I..-1 1 1. .um ,,r if ut cash worktiu' ctntltal on haud, with whit h to coiiinh te the three oitl t'lls. and al-o til bore two new welis, with v sloain iimno. Ac, to lie Id ruiinms order within a few mrmilia; ttrranse iiicnla will be mudo to arcompllsb these objects without d. lay. Kit subscilptlons will be aiOopttd lor less than tun shares. , A , i he vast fortunes reaped by Kuck Oil Companies estab lished heie sou elsew here an- notorious. 'I lie nil iraile Is vol in Its Inftnicv. aud ihe deuiaml constantly luereu.intr. lis prl e Is now !.' per bairel at lite well a uioutU.esclu- "j.arse weiis'wjll itouhtless be struck at tho depth of HW eel, so as to reach Hie third Sandstone Hock Well- liuve been tsoreil heietoh re to lite rh'I'tli oulv of aboBt .Vsi luet III Oils vicinity. It is itropiised to born twe.ity wolts oo Ibis pro em ift'rlns the present year. There Is r sun lor one I dred wells. A peitecl title, clear ol all Incum brances, Is ooliudeutcy assured lo the Company. Lists of iibscriptloa are bow open until the 30,000 shares are subscribed, puvabl 1 per share, tj the order of AWer SuuiJAJsLS MoCAilU.V, Uie Treasurer of tlio Company, .4 WALHUTHtreet.orat No. Ut WALSCT Sfroet, t ttte oillce of the (;ompaor, Mo. l WAX. SI T Btrtet. Tl" I"1' ase luvited to sail tor prospectus. 4-tf lrM0VAL. THOMA9 M. PLOWMAiN, Jt Carpenter and Butui t A t .1,... i. Vi HlraKberi m.. loi,..,,, u.a out ome liU,;,,,1 li. Su. mi CASl I Elf Htreet. SI risr iricreasoa aviiiMra Mir carr uie on lite Itu.lMta. eiuuslvely. he hitcS v sweT Muu vi.y.ik.iHSUuuse, , a ATLANTIC fC I T Y. JOHN RinCK, rRoritiETOR. Tht fkvorlt htu, It mrM t,li)f-.tAj.1y ltntt1, thornufahly r!ttt:f it 4, anfl la nnw ojwn for the rf" ftton 4 lurniK, oftfTin the comfort of 4 hum, ( wltb Btl th l xii rift at lh fwaon. Trmi mmlfrate. ifl Ira I I 1 h ftiimcr 'fitr ii n1 of thf Itoardinff Il..n- (itlpfir aViir k' pt bT Irif hrf.wn tnrntlv, ht hrown i WMIb. In tlir Inwuaiiip rf rtiiisrirn. txiiiiitv of H rtrtlf irtf nt and himim of New J rwy, r hrti itifwiMwl ht thm uhn rtts-r. nrlii of thp nrnf1 furntly.lB ttfjitnir the nn ttou". aim) i now rfttiW l At-romtnrMlHUl All who will fnnr him with tir -tiiAfiy. 'I lie h"iif Ami trrnunilf arr prtvli!'r, wtlh ll tliliik nf-Mnnry rr lh rtimft'rl n.nt in .! tiM nt of vif!irn. who mny rt aiiir(l ihAt vr Altcmldii will bf pAiO to th' tr f'nv.iiii iK an! comfort. THOMAH Ki:ATiKK!.Olii. rr(prlflor. !Py fftac---rni'fM tnKe Hft-ainlanM ft- t of Wal nut utrffl Wfiaii, allfoflotli P.M., lor faniJnn, ffoni tficuro tty cur for Htu Mr ffff-n and MfiMit HnllT, Ui I'f th Im rttiii, lurf th- prtiru l"(.r will ha ntnav in rradi Dfii to coitvuy La Tiffin fire mll . I" Mrwn JOHN MOHNKNH, J5Hntiith-1m I'ropr. ur 4 HtAoi. iz Avii i ti; houh j:, um-atkh osi MASSArilUHKTTS AVKNCK, lltjtwcin U.' Oan and Kallra'l, at A T LAN T I O CI T Y, IH NOW I'KKrAKKI) TO UVA KIVK VISIT0K4. Th ProprVfttr, thankful fnr i"t IHrpral nipprt,jf'l(rf iStrriKf'tf to Narc no ellorti Lhut will coi Irilmio to tin- littp atiii-aa of pauon. ami levtire icr ttitu t)i cum.vrln uf ft h' tnr at flir nraxtdi' Fvr lufurniAtluu addrcim WM. WHITKKOITSK, JtW-awflw ATI.AHTIC CITY. lONORKSH If AM, ATLANTIC CITY. ) I wotild npfctDiilj ItWcirm my friend n and t-h pohllc, that 1 have uKam taki n Cunirrwa Hall, this In tnif th itilnl car, and haf nilj every prrpamikin for i)m mln(v ifAHon, th liiiime wnit rniaritfrt, reirvdnllrd, new furnltui?. ttis ftiuilri wiUi 'ilitiK l'd, tr. Ac.and will A) coronu'dal lotir hiiiidri'd KUi'Htn r 1 on will find no tftu-r iac tlmn CoiiKrant Hall. It Ik the natcnt totha orfin ot any "f the lard1 hnimi of Atlantic ity, hflnir but one hiinilrt d yaiii rri'm thn bt-arn, thnx pn-efntlnif ttntlf an anvrtntafiv to tlif public 1 hr fan not In-anr twttef bat hi or ttian At Ailanth- ihli nummcr. The nand tar that wat tilth a Krr-at d-awtA a lam n aonn haa all hf?n iwept awayhytht litarh tidoa of laat wtnicr, dnainn lUoli th fcpi hat hi nr nor on t) Atlantic eatxsAril. Thri- la nn xcl-tit hand ot Muo'i euKaod. Attnrhtd U a plfudid liUUard lUion. J-la tf O. W. IlfKKLB. JNLKT HOUHK, ATLANTIC CITY, M;w jkkhey. GIX). I. GU:NN, Proprietor. (Long and faTorahy known at proprietor of OYHTBS JlAY, HI A I'll und CMKMNUT tlireolH.) Partita a: com mod a tod wlrh Roat, Mihlnir Lines, Ac. , Ac, ( in run to Ui houic eirary twvnty minute. jtiU-tf UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, NBW .IKHSKY. Thla rrlttorai?d lloial la in w open tor tho nrepflon of fnt'i.tii,and i oi-dt-r the fupi'rvlnon of Colonel Jawct W. 'ov ern, with Mr. Kdward II Ait well an Affil-fant Israel leal and e ipciicncttl pe moiii have been employe! (ft euch department. And every exertiuu wtllheniade to Conduct the baud lo the entire ' Infartion of the public. Alter Juiy l, Tour trmn will itavvine Hveet terry, dally ; the Kant Un- throtiftti In tw o houri, without top ping at Uie way tatlo). A patiiK;r tar will be run frotu the Hotel to the InUt every twenty romutva. Hanrslcr' hand, utnler the dlrortlon of Mr. Simon IIais ler. ha heen enk'HRed tor the leanon ferbon wllao to enguue roomi will addrrii HKOWN WOKM'PKR, rrprleiori, Atlantic City, Now Jeraey. S B. The Band Tlar which latt year formed oppoMt tne ahore han entirely dU&pueareii, leaving the beach one ot the heat and salcit on the cMiAt. jeii-lm I EXCHANGE HOTKL, ATLANTIC CITY. J The aiihactiher, jrratefiil for pant 'ivora, tender tlianka to hi patron and the public for the etierooa oiia tcin tilvn hlin, and beta leave to ay that he la now open for the lea Mm, and ready to rerehre rxiarderi, pennanent and traniient.on the nioat moderate terma. The bar will alwaya 1 aupplled with the choicest winea, Ihtuora, and ciart,andauperforold ale. The table w 111 be set wita the bht tho market allorda, Klihttiif line and tack la always on hand. Ptaiile room on the premlea. All ihe comfort of a home can aIwati he fhnnd at Ejiciiantfe. U10OHUK UAY? a t , 4I tl n i'ruprletr. QOLUM1IIA Tl O XJ H 13, ATLANTIC CITY, ' HEW J Ml BET. SITUVi'E ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, OrrOfllTK THE flCKF HOCSK. EDWARD DOYLE, Propriotov. Terma to in it the Umei. )0-tf ri'HK AMIAMDRA, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., J Is nrw open for visitors. The rooms and talile art unsurpassed by any on ttie Island TiTtns ni'Xlerate. jeHU-hus VU HdHtj Si YOU Nil. IToprli-tor.. S E A -BAT II IN G-8E A -BATHING. VATIONiL nAI.I,. CAI'E IV1.AMI, ( Al t MAY, N. J. Ctitldren undtr Is wci of ar e and sarvtiuts uaif price. Bupi-rlor acrrimnMNkvlnfis and ample room OU TWO HI VIHtKII I'KK.SllNH. Je24-lfm AAltON UAKIlhl siO.N. V roprlelor. LEDDY'S HOTEL, BOCTItWeMT COBKEU OF PJIIVTH nnd MANHOM Htreota, OPPOSITE C0NTDIEIITAL. Th reaort of (ientlewnof KeCned Tiitf , who a -predate a Pure Bererase. leTO-lm J N 8 II E Y O U lilFB IN YOUU OWN HOME COMPANY, tub VIKIJICA.IV, OF PHILADELPHIA, B. E. Corner of Fourth and Walnut Streets. lusurera in tltis t'.mpany have tbe adrUilooal ana raiitee ol 8350,000 CAI'ITAL STOCK all paid up IH CAHH, srblrri, lo- setttrr wltb CAHII AHSKTS. note on bano, amount to ' UV1.B 0WOO,OO u. INCOME FOR THE YEAR 1803 OVER $200,01X1. LOHSF.S IXJltlM) THU VEAK A Mill' N I XU TO CVKB tlj,UOO. IHVIIiKNDH MAHK ANNI AIXY, thus avllnj the la su.'ed to pay preuiluiul. The last MVIIiKM) on all Mutual Policies in DiceiulierSl, 1803, was FI1-TY l'KU CKNT. Of the amount ot I'UKMIL'MS ret elvcd Jurlog tl.e rewr ite TltUBTKKH are well-known cltiatns In our midst, ntlllliiK U to more consideration lliau those whose aiaua sers rtslde bi alstaut cltlos. Alr-xaniler Wltlli.llii, I . Ktl. ar Thouipsou, (Ivory- Nu, eut, lit. It. .Iiiiiii s l'ulloi k, Allieit V. Jtittteris, f. H. tllnle. William J. Howard, Stattiuui T. B'ttllue, liiitil Alkiuan, ( liarli s K llesrlltt, Jlun. Jmetth Allison, Isaac llAAlhurst. fiaDinel Wurk, ALEX. WIIILLDIN, IKKSIUKSTT. SAMUEL WORK, VIIJE-l'ltEl)Kr. JOilN S. WILRON, r elll.mwslra SKCKtTABY AND TKEAgL'Ulilt. J I IV li INHUKANOIli- T1IE EOME INSUEANCE COMPANY OF rKJI.ADEI.rHIA, o. J3t n tdi'K'Ui hriih.r.T. CAMl CAI'ITAL $100,000. Thla ronirsne Is rlatna.'S by Kl ItK ihi Uall l t-U Uiue, a: Janiee Itrown, t rtas. A. liny. M ui. l is, C '.as. K. N .ilon, Vt in N. Sieedlrs Joliull. luylur, prr-parod to Insuro atralrutt lnss o bail. tin. st'titT iierinai.ent es loi i on r.K. 'It a MjIuJC saurallv. lllUKl runs. I Tliomas Khntter. Ja lli'i.ry M. ktrl ouib, I11UI'I t'ulltil, lltas p. Ilv.i-.l. , I I. IlKI' Junes, I J u W'.nliile. JAMI.I UKitlVN, Fit.. dint. I I1AH. A. ULi, Vice l-iesiileai. au:eiar. jjuU-lua Tiuwss Nslisos. DOC'FINO, ItOOKINO 01.11 TIN, Z!N(. J I Jrnlur l'n.per K .ol" made perl.ctly m Hi Dealt i.ervaxvut. :lMAlt Kaor.vrU'ONfPAVr, 7-0 ii ii. i VLliiU u(i PROPOSALS. OKHCK COMMISSARY OF 6UUSI3TKNCB. h.JH W ALXt'T Htn-et. FiHtnai rma, Jnrf 7, 1M4. te4 rTpoaalfl, In dnplkat. will b roirjd a4 iM oChre DfiUJ I orkxk M , on MONIAV, July II, IHi-t. ivr ant put iir for the nef U.e t'nlte Htalea Army, ihe lowii ; ruiiiktetKe Htira, aeLlrered In rnuadeftitiia. lv : 1,000 B arr el, fl rat a it alt ty MlTHfl dr PRIME I'oHK, (whi ti to be -tatedl, of lh. purk itf f3-4. In full riooiedi" harrli,wirhlron oia--U r (!' ; meat lo he free from mat or Mjiln, In eiht. and limp iiitfhiy nit -d, ami to htivo h-n rpa ked w.Lliln tl.litTdnya iJ delivery. Tv f readv for riulirery wiUmi tivcntdji frTn date oi awaid. 4,000 Kn-rel- I. VI HA HI'PKHPIKR or KXTR K y M I I.V H,( U 'whW h Ioi.omhUI,Ui hnvn hpti urtuind Witlnii thirty ri an t date of ad -Vfitleiui nt. iiitm the bel winter wlwut. In tll-ciMp-ieil .mil Im A'l-lint d barri'l. Nam-! ot traTid nnd pin- cut man if icttire to be atated In'he I.Ml. Iu Ise dcllvtrt d within I' (l daa. ."OU,0Mt 1 tntida first iKilitv I I I. of 1IUK AI, to Im b ide from l oml nimiikI " Katra Klmir,"' tlnrniiRlilv hfvkid, and irf :tly dm I iH torn litMiK p.u k?d. n u i' a- fcfd in buxt a nf w l etmin-d wo d, i a iu li a kind a, will nut Itn-pn-t ln4li' to tl i- I i r .ill , Imi i m to C'liiLtiu llttv pinrta net. To he dellvend wlihin twtnij di ntV-tM'O I'toinl- flr-t (ftiiillty kiln-drlod IH1 MKAL, in well ivxtpert'd, henl lined tuiT' In. To be dliv'nd wiidin ii n dava. .10,000 ImiihIn ni w WMM K MKAV. In well pimp. erd larf Ih, lull v Ik iid-lli.ed. To be Ue II -r'1 willsln ten iiaya. 50,000 I'uunilfl I KIMK KICK, in well corpored hirrela, tn iy Hi-ad-Unt il. 'lo be dllvi r d w ithin tun thy. .'10,000 lviimda ttrst-iiinillty lanr jrmined. kiln tlrfc'il IHi.MIW, in well r.N.perrd h..rrelt, tully riad lined. To he dvliwrml vlUiin twemy Ih h. 50,000 lounda TUIMK ItlO COFKEF., In well roop errd hnrridn. ltu;drra will Mato the jirlne per p.-nnd n-t for hit nihr Ihk tue wholt ur Any purl lull i f the iiLkvi' ijiianlltv, ron-itttl, yrntwit nnd parked In tipht, prtjrtr lined biirr ao I tu partiea ftirutxtiluK it will be re-imri'd ! piate on onth, that the (V.ire fun ished hv tist-m la if ihe ft a in iiulltv nn the laiuple -til -ru'itd,aiid It rini.iitiH no iilultora'ton, it aitmixtiire ol Hny tavixn mUstnn- e i.rei n tutlie BitiipliR ri'fjuirid. 'Iu be didivered within twenty duvn. .10,000 found luht v-.low ffiKFKF. Sl'f,, or r)i"le dry If AW HI'MAK. Itiinela to tie hi ln's-t in am fi r the purpose. To bo Ui-livcred within ti n dne. .1,000 i;aiu ni pure, WlllHKV, r roits VI s F. A It, In sircni., w. .1 pen tl bairei. to he d liven d within ten dtiya. 50,000 round-! Mod hard so A I. in pound bar, full wfithf , pm Ked in "Uty pound box. i o be tlrll ve red within ten JI.",tOO 1'iiiiiidK clean, line, r rv H.M.T, fn w II iwtpered burrelM. 'Jo l delivered wltlno ten ilia a. It hit I ere who are tin able tn deliver the More within tho lime mentioned willatiit-1 the time ieii'red tr delivery. Conira' tiTN are exi-n-ted to htdd tiielr K'-'tdt without ex-pen-e to the l iilted Hti,ti-, until reinired for shipment. hamplei of all artlt l-a except Turk mut ho d llvnred with thp propottaJ, and rufTitd to therein; hut the pro poai moat not be en cloud with tiie nmple. SAinph'a muat le In hoxej or bottien, and not in pupm parela, ea h hample niarkfd with hiddet h name. 'I he I'ork Hill b eaiumned ainl pitHBed uun by John tl. Tavlnr, In 'per tor, on th I'tirt of the I'mted state. K era rati propoaati, in duplicnte moat he made for each article enuruei Atea, and bid'tera may propose for the whole or any part of eac h. A printed copyut'thi advertisement mint he attached tn each bid, and the prooiata inut tie apeciflu In comply Intr with all It terroa. Each (iT.-poi.aJ muat have the written trnirurtee nf two reponiti!e perannn. f"r tho fuiniiiu-nl of the aKrct-metit, who will jilve bondit U retiiired. Itlank (otuii for pmpoi.)ri. containlnir the form of Hunrantee, iray be hail on application at thin ntllcn. I he aeiier'a name, phice of huninaaa. and d i'n of pur rhaae, name of eoriicntn. vum, tare, and net wekdita, muat be marked on every packHice, and all old mark uiuatb obllterait d. Ketiirna of 7'lrhta bv protean tonal public weifher to be jrltan wnm ver re(iiin-d. ho bid irtun naniei w ho have failed to fulfil a former PirpeT i nt will be coiK-iilt red. It ida will Include tou haic. and delivery at any point In tine rily, to he deaik'nated lv thiaothce; and any Inferior packMKen or toopera e will be considered auitKicnl cauaa ; tur rejetthm ol eontentt-. Fatnent wlil be made In Mih fund atnay be furnlsliod by the t'nited Statea for the purpose. Propoialii to he endorsed "lropoHA. for Kubilitence 8 tort-b," und directed to JHWC B. WHH1IV, j7-3t t'auuln andC. 8. Vol. SUHSISTEKCR OFFICR, UNITKD STATES Army, No. ltd HtlTH Mtnet, lu LriKiiHP. Mil., June 7S. 1-4. Realed Proposal, in dup!i-atr will he received Ht Oil otrice until IL'M.,on WKINKNIAY, July U, tM4,for fur nlahlng the Untied htitie Uubn)ituoe lpartruent with roi'R THOI'BA VI fenfrO) HRAD OF BERK CAT TLE on the hoof, delivered at tho State Catrb; Bcalei, at Bitlilmoie, Md. , In loti of ( Idnti) one thouuiid ach every (If) tan duya ; to be weighed within one und a halt davit after arrival, at the expense ef the con true tor. They mnt average about (1H00) thirteen hundred pound gre-i welKhl ; ail falling short ot (lori)one thousand p jutnl (rreai weight. Hulls, Htags, Oxen, Uowi, llaifers, and llornks Cattle wil be rejivied. A fldueH"TM ten (10) poiinda will lie ramie from tha weight of each Htetr aci'epud under ihia uontruut. pru Tided the aniuial doea not utand Iu the pena to uml one halt l-oura being welfihed, or Ii not welched luime dluiely atter removal trom the curs. Blank forma fur propoKala ran be had on applica tion ut tills oftlce, eitiier Ui peraon,r hjf muli.or lele kraph. The flovemment will ehilm the right of weighing any one animal separate, U ti appearance Indlcatea lea welht than tho inlnimnni meiriiumd above; tho ex pense ot weighing will be paid by the party erring In judg ment. Kach old, to secure ronidderatlon, niut contain ft written guurantee of two reapouaible puraoiia, a fol lows : We ,f the County of , Rtate of , do hereby (ruarantee liiat la (rr are) aide to fulfil a contract in aectroance with the '.erin oi his (or their) proHaitlon, and bliouldhla (or their) proportion be accepted, he (or thty) will at once "liter into a contract in accord. n therewith, and we ; e prepared to become bia aucurU'ea, KlOn giiod urd BUlticlciit boinU for tta fninimetit. 1 he responsibility of the pilar an tor must he hnwn by the fiiTlctui ceriihcuteof the t'lerk of the ut arest I'Utrkt ('out t, or of the I'r.ited UtuLe iatr.ct Attorney, to be en cioted w Ith the bid. Idddirt. muat be present to respond to their bid, and irepared U givt bonds aud ngn the contract before leay Lp il c "Hue. The tkivernment reserve to Itself the right to reject any or ail bids considered uurvHionable. l'iimeiita to be made alter euch delivery In m-h fund as may be on hand ; II none ou hand, to b made a loud us reeele t. riopAl ran at be endorsed dlatlmlly "PROPOSALU FOh liKKKt'ATTI.E," an J addreaned to "Captain J. II. (;i.IAN,C. 9., IU t more, .Marylann." Ii a bid Is In the flume f .i tlnn, their names and their Mat ofttce addrehB must appeart or Uiey Wall not be coa aiile red. Kach person or evey member of a firm ofTerlntt a pro pOfi iuiii accitmpany It w ith an oath of allegiance to tha V nited Slate Government, If he ha not already tiled od) at this oft lee. AU ttdt not eomptjintt strictly viOi the term of thu md xertiitnunt Kilt Oe rtjtcttd. j. n. OILMAV, H;0-llt Captain and O. H., U. 8. A. UMY CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE j. Oihce. ruti.AniLPUi. Jily S, lHrtt. flraled Propositi a wsV received at thla -ttlro until Tl LM'A V, the l.'ih .uiif . at 12 u "eloclt M.,f, r mipply Int the I 'tilted Statet, rahle at the tkhu Ik ill Arae aal.the follow nij; urtU lt-i-. v ix: Urum Snares, aets Army Standard. Itktk I'uiit Buckles, Army Stan lurd Fare Woollen, dark -bin friannel, Indijrrt wool-dyed, wiiLiuK or 1 u ort-4 width. tor Utoanca or Suck ('outs, Armv Manriurii. Hie Army Maudnni "moplca of eavh of the above artU eti-a can he aet-n at Una oillcc, to which dcilverlea uiuat itiiCUif conform. Bidders muat state In metr proposal! the price. whla muht he civen In trt iriu.f, as well aa la tig-urea, the o oat. My and nine ot 'delivery. t ach hid must tie Kiiarautetd hy two n sponsllile per sons, whose sl(natiirL' moat he appfudt-d to (he Kmritn tte. aud where the Itidd r and tiuuiaiiUira are not known at thi i tlU-e to be rtpoiioihle iikii, they must hu ceriltled 10 a tsvini; such, by soiu public functionary of thu United Huies Ii'llH frlni UeiBUIllIlK C('M rci(ir. ktriM i ut ! it mat uu nu fully ronij'ty irtth the 1 1 ,,irt-!;. ol this adver.iaeuuut. hi run oe foiiaiarroa. Hlank toruis or pruoot-hia can ba had npon apnlleatloa at Uu otlie, and hid muni be endoracd with Uie uaiaa vt the article lt irUt it h o iwr. ). II. ntOSM AW, tyti-Gt A.Q.M.Ueul U. ti. Army. OFFICE AHM ' CLOTHINO AND E-iUipiiKf. - rHii.At'KLi'iiiA. July 7, lf4. Scaled rnpoaaa will e received at ttiia otHce iinttl Dodo k M.ou .MUM, vY, the Inth Uit.,fr aupplyuik: Um B lii.y ikili lim csl Ihe luhowiiiK artkiea U.H liju tiruy lliaui:: unny stand ird, to weljrh five pound and im aure 7 u- t by ft tcui tt lm hea (wuhtho leittrs V H. In btai'k, I 'i-i"ies IoUk. in tne ceutrn). Woolen Ktick.ln.K ui with tahioa-d ioe, without seunis, unny hia id trd. i iflKh three po-md per dozmi. Armv Muinl iril miuu.I.-i of each of the ahovn unlcla C6ii he iot a kt Hi a of)', c l wlil-ii delivtru's mutt trictii ruttft.Mi 111 Uh rs nisi'-1 iiitH In ihfir iirouosalt- the price (wti'ili m iM ( nl-fii to writing as well aa Hi llgurea;, tlu'ijuanut. an" 'i'i o' (,! fee'. hii.h hid niiiht he ftiata.ueed by two responflhle per bot.h, wlio-e i..atnr. a o. ht bcaopeiMled to the Kuaruii uc, a. d wl en i. if ihi e .r frmra 'tor are not kn"wn at lhit oihto to be rpt ' muu, thev must be certitled to a- henijf sue. by. mi- tubiic fuu.'tluii.iry ol tha Lulled fti!u in.iii iU t'.i tn j -itractori, and thoip do not fx hj t o ihi'lu v tu tt l..irtnitnii of this advurtUvuient, v ill ii.-( tV t ot,!- r. ' I.h.nk uniiih i t pmjMiMilg ean be had upn gppllratlon at this otluv. and l'lu Uausl tv eujuroeu who inu uaiuu olUteartiaclndlor. . H. rituSMA V, j)8-8t Assistant Ouurti rniamrr t .101. ral, U. H. A l; HE Sll BEEF AN1 VKOKT.OiLRS. Xt tlKI-SMTHI.S r. 111 KSAC 1 I KttllHuSS S .O 1 1 tilitii, Ju.l S. lull. Rtnli d ITiiimsals. eud irsi - l-ri tls I .r sreli Heel ami fk-i-laltns." wlil liefisl si ti.ti li .rss.i mini 'i I !.. "ii Ihe I fa t. 01 .1,11. nn; . t r iltf .ui.uly "t lliO.IOI ItoiMiUs nl llt-er an 1 I. .' s tuna, n s. .1. v ...... . .1... mi tin- ft.t;a,li- blia ss rii.tiureil. 'Hit IHf and Veselalt'.s lliitsl he ol S" l uuasur. anil Ui htsitlteuisrs.i t allot tls, a . tl . ten ailiclf ittuai oe nil. red hir bv tlir I uuud. t he lit el tu be III ll iri,,i.irll ins. line and hind iiuarters. approsed set iirliy, mil he reiiuiietl in .ne-hall Hie e.,linu.ed aiimuul of ll.e c.n' .1 twenty i.rcei.t. in atj.iitloii wi.l be wlih hcltl IrniB tin' aiii. iiiil of est h nayist'iit tn I e made, as C'.lii'eia1 securl f .r the due oe f .ruisine nl Hie rum rat I, hi h will, on no acoouiil, bi paid until II is lulirciul- ''twry'ni'ermusrbe acfimtanltd by a wrlt:n narn- te. ikmd hvnneor n ore resit Ihle pormn. that the hdilt r olSbld. ers will If his or tltell Old be aci eptt tl, eH'or Imoail oltllt-ailnn Wlinin itys iii,t.,wit . .......ll. it u ar. 1.' nrttlMl tu.l. hi i rt'im' at will he 1 i.ii.iderud, unless ar,uipmld t7 u. l, i. .rsnee, and by aallsLtrmrr . iu that tl.e l.ldil-i Is a usu'ar driltTlii UiuaiUele jiroosed, an I has lae lleense rei.ulreu 0 saw. " TiI.ACKSMITIIS AM) VIIKlXWUIGIirS J Vtanteu. Cm lrtinrj(ii.Tiii' Oiilrl, Was iim,iiis lli.l tir. . 1..1.1 WSSIIIS'.l.J'.v.."'"' , - Wsnleil at orce in wnra la itnv.ruuit iiUii i.air sh.iits, ' h an ei 11 1 a f I or s jrepa' iiiirtii . 1 e,mi vt '..Tdie,i(lt ) s-Till ' fclsMllii SJ-1 Oiielluotetl 'Tils'p's. per monlh wlll't.e Hlity Hollars ('W). with SU oiC p-r .1..V. :.',?:fl", r:l'Xir.i- . i; w l lidV.welAniO , coi u.r 1 -,-it.s.ciind ami Utts.u, si,wi,u " II. II. BfL'UtB, Iirlaftdier Ci rniiil anl ( I1U.1 vu tr..-r,i,s.'r. il lt ImjiaiHssvui ol iuliJi:lvil ,R. W. K. MT.RWTW CO.'S COLUMN rOK TUX Clil.hOKFf. MKliIClNM. coMrrjuKiiju) ntoai RtxrT, b abus, and leavk. m citroiTn nitMiaiy, lie (rsat Irtitlsn KtnrerM, ores all dlseasss of Ote KM MM MM MM arlnsrv nrrarts. snrh aa lrw MM MM MM MM fnnlliiSrire of the Urtne, In- MM MM MM MM flammatltm of the lllartilrr, MM MM MM MX Inflsmmattonnf UieKldnsyi, MM MM MM MM Ktoue In Ihe lllsoMer, Hlrle- MM M HMK MM lure. Orsrel, Oket. (inner- MM MM MM MM rhoa. snrl Is srtrrlallv is- MM JHMMM MM ri.nimeiiilt it In tlio-s rsses r( MM V M M M MM rmnr (ur Whites In MM lIMs MM inah'S) whero sll lbs rttrl iiniifftus uiedli ini'S has fallr-J It Is rtesifarsrt In a hli-hlv rr't'lf ei.niiitrsti'U fotm, the V'-ti lift tit' only Ts-lns lr"m tins In Itvo ft" (.-- teti-THKinluls tlirfe times per ttj IC tlst. t r it is dturetle and aitsrnrlve II- In Its ai tl"n t tiiri vine ami Cr-" h ii!i"liiir ih" hl'Mt l, causing It to Mitts In all nl lis ortjtiuu pttntv anil visnr; tlms rt1 mnvinu Irnm the system ail .ernicii.ris usiisrs which have ndu' ed di.11 ase. IT ft! tt ceo C II K KORF, r, iv.ii.r TloN Is Inn nilrrt s. an ally or a-Bi.tHht tn the II I . Ill Hll; Ill.MKIIV, and shnnld l.s 11 st'St In eotijniieiinn with thst ntsiiieine In alleaiesnf tli.niirrhies, nleet, sitn.r A II. us or Whiles. Its eoeets are heallus, snritliliiv, and fletnitlteiit ; nil sealdinir heat, eln rih e, and pain. Instead nf the hurmnir anil annost tint iidnrait'e psin tlal Is estsrletiet d with nearly all il.s cheap (juai.a JliJICllt.llS. Ff.F.KKV.r.KK K kki;i.e,;i;i; 1 v. YV, r.K it. KI'.K.B m t'K yY.YTY.VT.VM. l.KKt.M.l.t.K pv the nseof the fllKlto. KI.i; lltMKI.V a'.d Cllt IMiKKK INJECT H IN 1 tl.e two metlleiites at the same lime all Improper dis charirss are remnved, an Ihe WeaKenetl nif ins are Hpeeil lly ret'.ied lo full vigor and traiiKth. Knr full par'leulsrs set nnr p.'intphlets trim any druir stnre In the tmutitrv, nr v. rite 11s. and we will 11111LI free to any address a full trealUA. 1111 nn 1111 1111 1111 im nil 1111 1 1 11 1 1 1 'T? 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 niiiiiiiiiiiiiiini 11 n 1111 1111 nil nit 1111 1111 bit Trier, rllKIIOKKKKI'.ME IlY. i per bottle, or three bottles lor S.V Prtre. CIII'.KOKP.K IV .ir.niilN.Sv per bottle, or three bottles for I'h ftsrtt by rx press tn any sd dren 1.11 reeslpt ol prlre. sit. Itl b alidiussistaevtry where. iimmtiniin IHllllllllllllIK nn nn nn nn mi nn Ml nn 111) Illl nn uu imoiiiiiiniiij UlllifJIIIlIIIJ CIlKltOKKF. ri'BKI An iinlalUns'cure fnr Mprr matcrrhea, Memlnal Weak nens, Notitnmal Ktnisslons, and all ulseases caused by Hell pollution; such as Loss of Memory, Universal Lissl tud", I'alns In the Hack, Dim Km.ri-.Kr.Kr.B KB KB KKRKK l.RChl) KB KK Y KKKKKI.r.f i: fcKKI.Kl.l.KKK ness of Vlslnii, I'remuture OUI Ase. Weak Nerves. Iilf tlcultv of HreathliiK. Tremb llnK, Wakeftttaeiis, S-iiptlnns nn the Kace rale t'ouii's nance. Insanity. Consump tion, and all the direful cinn elaints cause by deparuiilf irom tne pain 01 nature. This medicine Is a simple veeiattle extract, and one on winch a I can relv,as It has heen used In our itrno ticc ft' many years, and vilh thnusnnca treated, lt has not failed In a alnsle Instance, lis curative pnwejit have been suillcfenl to sain, vic tory over lite most stubhnrn case. TTir To those who nave trifled with their contltiitlnn. un til they think themselves tteyontl tho reach nl medical aid, we wnuitl any, 1K- Stl'AIH Mm the Clll lttl KKK t'l'HK will restore you to health and vlpnr, and after utl quack doctors have failed. For full particulars, pet a Circular Iroin auy Ijrug Biors In the country, nr write the rruprleliirs, who will mall free, tn any one de siring tlie salbe, a lull urea Use in pamohlet lorrn. Prices, Si tier bottst, HT three bottles for ft, aud for warded by Empress to all parts of the world. Hold by all respcctabla druggists everywhere. mtiiitnniittK KIIKUJIKKKK Hit It KHH llllll HUH RKU Kltll HltltltltHHKlt II II It It ItK ItkK HltU H ti R 11 Kit Jill II KHH lilt. wBltlllTS KWI'VKKATINU JLLIMUI KSHENCK OK LIFF! fCLHXXH' Prepared frnm Pure Vetre- ct: tanie Katracls, contalnltis noiiilnir liijiirloas to tlia tnost delicate. The Itejuvcnatlnit Kllsh nt the resit It of modem dis coveries Id ttle veiieuihlo klnsdom; being an entirely new and abstract inetfcod of cure. Irrespective of all the cC cc ix: t-t! ix; CO CO CITOCIXJ C-IX!(JIJ old and wornout systems. This medicine has been tested ay the mntt eminent medical men of the day, and by Uiecn pronounced to lie one of ilea greatest medical discoveries of the aue. Hie bottle will cure Uencral Uoblllty. A few bottles cure Hys-terh-a'lii females. One bottle cures Palpita tion of tite Mean. A few doses restore the ors-ans of veneration. f'rem one to three bottles restore the manliness and nooo 00001 to 000 000 000 000 000 000 (100 000 000 000 noo (mo 000 HK 000000 ouoo sua vigor 01 youus. A few doses restore tbo appetllo. Three bottles cure lbs worst rase of Impotency. A few doses cure Uie low spirited. tine bottle restores menial power. A few doses bring the rose to the cheek. This medicine, restores to manly vipor and robust fevallh tbe poor, debilitated, wom-down, and dspairsrt stevoiee of eeusiuu plcAJura. IIII Illl 1111 Illl Illl Illl Illl 111 J Illl Illl uu T) listless, enervated youth, tbe over-tasked man of business, the vkilia t ftensous depression, tbe m KIC KK drvulaal sullering Ironi gene- KK KK ral deltUity, or from weak- KK KIs. ness ol a single organ, will KK KK all find Immediate and per- KK IK aiauent relief by the ass of KK kK tills Ulxlr or Essence of KK KK Lin). KK KK Price, It par bottle, or K K KK tarcc bottles for '., aud for- KK KK warded by express, on re- 11 It KK of bioim, to ally ad- drss'. SHtld by all drogglelssverT- w CIIEItOKK.K I'M. I NI Hl'tlAK COATKll FEMALE ItKflt'l.ATOR, NX 111 A1T1I PKEM-:KVKIl. UN N (EilTAlM AMI bAlB NN X KN NN NN NN NN NN NN S NN K NN f nr the Heii.i.val of Ob. SN structions, and the Ittsur- NV ance of Kcnulorlly iu the KV Iteoiirrtace of Uie leoutnly SN r riods. N N Tliey enre or obviate those NN isumerous dlsvases that N trllig from irn gulsrliy, by remiAUif Ui iriegulsinljr iv- S They cure Ruppresser!, Bscssslv,uod raiiuul Meu struatkMi. '1 hey cere Oreen Sickness (Chlnrosls). They cure Nervoaa and Rpiual At1clinuH, pains lu Uie bark and Inwcr purls of tbe body, HeaviDt'ss, Kat igue ou slight exortinu. Pal 1 tatlon nf the llsurt, l,otv itcss of rlisrlls, llvsterla, Bick if. :a. 1st ho, Uldtllncss, Ac. Ac. lu a word, by rc movluglhe Irregularity, they remnetlie esuse and wllh It all tne Sllects tluu aprmg Iroin it. K E V El'.F.E KF K LKEfcUKKKK EE KE t.t'KKF KE 1 K KKKF.FEEI.r.K S.KlLl.Lkl.l.KK CnoiiMtaitd nf simple vege table cutsets, they contain uulltli'g oelcteriniiH 10 any eoiislitntlitii, hnwever tleli cale, tlteu-flinctimi being to sobsUiittc strcsmh forwoak ness, w hloli, when pmptrly Used, they never nil to dtt. '1 hey may be safe y used at any ain, slid at auv purlntt, K.t:i:i-T HI ItlMl THIS HUM' HIKKE MONTHS, during wliicli Ihe unliilling lialnie of tlM'ir artlnn wniild itilalllbly PitlALM' preg 11 amy. KIEEEKP.KFK Kt,l.tlXl.i.r-B Kh KK KKKEB KI.KtE KB IK I EFFPFE1 EF! LLI.KLKKEKE KKKREKKKKK KEKKEtKKEE KH i; KKKEB K.l.UEB KK KK EW'FKI'KEKE LKtKKKKKl.t; All letters seeking trfur mniiuu or attviee will b. answered. r uil direcuons acoompany each box. Price $1 per box, or six boxes hir fi. Heiit by mail, free of post al:, 011 receipt ol price. td If all rcapectuhlc xirugisuk The OIlKItOKKK MKM- CIS! 8 ure.old by allrnttr prlli g drllKglsls iu tin civi lized world. Hume uuprin- H.ttsl cii'led dc,tlers,li.iwevir, wy R.Srth.SS.S tn sell Vio tl.lesS eoniptmiiifel 8SS IS 111 place of tliesu tht.M rist HH wl ltll they can get at a b.Ssl sd chesp pilcu.nd uiake untie bS Uioi.cj by ssillin ti an tiny BUS can on U.e tUEliilKKK Ml IHI IM S. As you value Ml HH8 vntir beulih ae, the heaitli Mis KSii ot your oiltprlioi do not be bSflRMHii dcetiMd by sorb unprtn- AdbS cipled dn ggiata. Ak tor the (UK.IltiKtF. MKIH CINI'.H, and lake no other. If ihe Iirni-'sieis will not bay them tor ynv, send to ns( and we will SM'd Ihem to you by S.iress. Parties addres.- lug us si. mild stale Ihedistase aud syniitCiins, and full paiilculars lu repaid to Until cases. We Ueal all diseases 01 a ehmulc naterr lit mat. or tVutale. Ladles er gentlemen call address us la perfect confi dence, aud we will in all eases fiankly and freely answer tu"ir leiicis, an give our atlv4ce as regards each case. fallenlii living at a distance netd not betrat bocatlso of uVir liiahllny to visit us. c l.aee treaicd saocessfuiljr pallnnts 10 all ponlnns ot the civilised giolie. Pais nts eddrrsidiig ns wUl please writs Pear. Office, County, Htai. ana naius ot wrlier, plain, aa aulos pntsau laittp inr reply. W e eid to any address onr M-pags pamphlet frea. Address ail letters and nrders to a. a. W. at MKI.WIN t CO., Ji0.bSlJllJSIlTV 8THFKT, KV VOIIat. Agents for Penasjlvanls DVOTT A CO., No. id k .rto tUi .'.'iSi.l'laJsiltli'li.s,, lUii srTiy, Jj O TO 1)12 H TltO Y E0ACHT3, EATS, MICE, (31 ltusjrs. Antsi. Ao eo.e va BUET'S VERMIN EXTTRMrHATOE. it m inrAu nii i rr is inkali.iiilei Is put np m Mree rinses frtr V fen. Is all ready for use, wlth'.nt mltieg wlih other artlelos. not hpnll ar lel nrvand Wurthless by Keeping, l.lke some Other I'reparatletts. UKSIN AUK P.X rllSVAHSNTl.T FOVD OF tT. EAT8 AMU MH'K IHE tllT nr 1 1f Kill 1IOI.KS. Is Nnt Ilnnrernus tn r.e. fllves Hstlslnettnn in all whn use tt. Sold hy an llriici.sls and I'esler. Uirnunhuut the Vrrlted Htnlefl. rsl'TMiH. Tie snre Slid ak f'n rtnrt's Extemilnslar, In larse t.itsrs. with the rul lalml. aud Hsrned h tl.e lrn.rle lor, V.. Hurt. dr. 'rasen nt' er lier-.t. No lKi K. 1 KN I'll Mlreet. ahnvc Walttnf. Maunfertory, no .11 VKNAL sir .t. .'i.' Walnut, between Tenth and KleveuUi, l'lttUililphia, l'a pi) U niws.''m CKCliKT DISEASES! SECIIBI' DISEASES! O HAMAHITVN M 1. II V! HAMAItl 1 A N H till" I' I Tns M.. ST ft I'.rtiN Ki MKl'Y E. nil t'r It. Yes. a ve.HHc cure f .r llliNUHI!!(K, lll.F.KT. fllHIf'TI'lttX, A. , f'nnlalll" nn Mlnernl. l.o Ititl-nni. mi .Metctiry. fnl ten pills In he taSen In 1 11. rt s ' lire. I'tires lu from tvtn to fnur ilcy.arid r"-enf rae in "Iwenlv h.lir l.nnrs." rretmrnl bv a aradilrtle nf tl.e t nlvirsity nf I'ennsv'vsnui, nne of Ihe mnst entlueiit lJoi lnrs and Chemists nrtl e itreN. nt tiny. SO lAI'tisl'KK. Nil THiil-SI C, Nil rtlAUF. WHArf.VKIl. 1 ft these who have de-paired nf sellliik' e.ired, nr who have been inrstdwltll lliilsain Onpalva. or Mercury, at once try the SAMARITAN'S lliri". St nt by mall In a plain enve'.tie I'tlt c, utale piinltai,!"', ti. Ki lnale, $.1. I'.I.OOH! Itl.OOIlll ItlAlflll! It 1.1 ii id: I! 8(ltitKlTA, rUT-IfH, SOHKN, SPOTS, TKTTKUS. NC 41 KS, MOII.H, flYrillMfl OU VKNKUKAr. IHKaBKN, Ac, Ac. HA MAUI IAN H ItciOT AMI II I- HU .IIHCK In nflrrrrt II f puhlli! m it imi-)iUi ruro. SYI'IIII.IS It KNI liKAI. IInKSKS. the S.M Rl'l AH H hOOT A N l Jl KK Ii .HICK, U tho m.n put out, ci rtain ,t d 1 t t-tiiHl rrint -i'y rv r jirt'-'i rit ' O ; It r-1' fi'' unit .mil cutis vtv In oftlif v-thti'hI jmum -.o thai the 011m U thorinii:h mil pTintn'Ht. 1'nke tlitn l thii (mrlfjlt h inil.v fttut he h-at l , nnd 1i not trn mtnlt to mir pohitriij' that itr lurh jou limy rootrit in tn r it-Am. liO KDT Itl WPAIH! Althoncti von mil v hr prnniHiiirefj wiCiimMr,tho RaM A HITAN8 KtiOTanil 11 Kit 1 1 .1 1 H KH will ri'tnnv vcry Tfntlne ol lin 'iirltlfK frmn the nfti m. nn well us all th had I'tli-tt il )1rciuy. VKMAI Fft' " FKM AIsKfl ' In Biany nttm-t oim with U numluin of 1-rmal'-n HutU r, th.- Itt O l AM HKItll Jl H KS in ut happily atlapn (1, In rvrnti (1 I trrus. In lurorrhfi'tt. In b -.trmtr flown. Kal Introfilu-WoHih. lichillty .ami Icr all compl.dnt Itirlilrtit tn Ih1 ftfx. Bent by xmrti ITh o t a hotth-, or t IwUlru for t-". NAM A Itl I A N'H WASH In, In raurp of Njpliiilfi, neil In connrrtinn with the R'rot and llrrh .Iitlrew. Full iilri'rflon-i. rn 'RcimMm. 1 he cflii auv f tl f -e retnedi- In a ik' an'"h'tl'-''l by phvk'lan and patii ntn. 'I hey are ic-ol in thu rnl'-'il htatii Iloplinls, tbui rrti.lti health to nmuy oi uur hravf ftnhliei . from thf Italtlmore 'Mun :" W II A r l HK l IM.KON nr OF THE HAM A HITAVrt It KM V.UIV.H "I'uT HnKfiiAi.. h'lir M4tt--itw.f., I Hftliiriu.rt-. Md , Keh. Jtt Wil. i "1 have (.rrat natUfni tlnn In at'nfr hnt I luiveuoed Ttir ,Samttritnn irturdu' for Vi-nereai IHummi in Ms ninrt ciirstumnry lunufj ; .but I ha e ust-d tht'tii with h.l-aii-nt, dlorrrtu n, anl pmpt-rly, and have found ttiem repponrl to my antiritntlons promptly and -ilertualiy. Knowmft tl t-lr coti.pinii im, I luve the f'ilt-t cotitiilciice In their ffl y, and a f t an my nsu uf tln-tn extends, t ncuiunii nd thi-m nuiir iy. " AI.KRKh O. ItOWEItS, ' Ailtnt Hiii'is'i-oti .'th N'W 'rk Vol.' I et It be iindiTntintd timi th-it rcniedirn urv a ri-citm-iundt'd, and w ill poniiivrly cure the dlieaura lor which th v nrp ofluriHl. Hold by 8. r. t'HUM, No. 5". S. KltiH I II Street. IlKSMO II A- CO.. jyii-tutha'Jm No. t'l'i HACK Htreet. RAILROAD LINES. IClM CAMDKN AM) ATLAN- I01M JCiOl. 110 ItAII.KO.MI. loU-le HTM M KH AIIKANIIKVF.N'T. TllltOt'till IN TWO IIOIItH!!! Pour trains dsilv to Atlantic Citv. On nnd slier MONDAY, July 4, trams leave Vine street retry as follows : Mall, 7'3II A. M. Freight, with passenger car attached. !H5 A. M. Kxpress (Ihrourh In V hours) J nf) I. M. Atlantic Accnninindntinn, 4'i.l P. M Junction Acciinitn itlallnn, ft'HO P.M. 111.11 KN1M1 I.KAVKS ATLANTIC, Acrnmnindailnn ( AtluntloJ o-4 A. at. Kxpreas, 7I A.M. Knight, 1 1 'Ml A.M. Vall.e sH P. M. Jtincllt.n Accnmmndation. gn2 A. M. Pure to Atlanilc, 'J (I. Itnund Trip Tleltels fgnorl only tor uie day and train on wincn mey are issticnj a.i'oo. P.XTItA llAIHlvSNHKI.I) TRAINS, Leave Vine slice! Il)'lr A. M. and 1 IK) I'. M. Leave lladdonflcld 1-ir. I'. M. uml i 46 P.M. ON KUNIIAVH, Mall train fur Atlantic leaves Vine street T .10 A. M. Leaves Atlautlo 4-4H P. Jd. U)-if JOnN O. llltVANT, Agent. Tl, liar which waa marfn laht vear ban enttrelv iliian penred, leaving the beach on of tho molt delightful on the coast. l.'LHiM'IHIitiaJ WKST JKRSE'S RAILKOAD IWIrWTV!f."'l.lliB"--Cnmraenclng-MONKAl Vuue JU. lbo4,lrou salsi ntreei wuarr. POK I'APK MAY. At Hand 10 A. M.and at 480 P. M. Tor Ralem and Ilrldnetnn. at A. M. aud 4 P. at. For lllassboro. at . tl. and It) A. M.. and 4 and i'80 P.M. Knr Woodbury, t.louccsier, Ac, at and A. M., U M., ana ana o r. si. IlKTiritNINO TRAINS LF.AVH CsprMny ai land 11'liA M.. and Mil P. M. Millvllieat7 40 A. M.,nd I'M and ti'MIP. M. haleni at li A M. and l'lit I'. M. lvrldvoton at H i.'. A. M., l-.'Hi P. M. Olassltoroat 71U and H MD A . M , 2 23. n-no and 7 .W P. M, Woodbury at 7, 7 '40 and S &t A. M., aud i 6U,a !, a Ui and T1IR WP.ST JK.RREY KXPIIFRS COMPAVT. OfflrsNo. b WAI.NI'T Htreet, will call for end deliver Ptasssse, and attend to all Ihe nln&l branches of Kxpreas Dusmess. atari .Article tusen oy n a. si. lines only, and mnst be sent to the ofrlcu ths evening previous, perlshatde arllcscs br this line must be sent before &4j A.M. A special enesscitser aecoinpHntes each train. nijSl J. VAN HKN3-tKLAKU,Mupermundent Lny-''-wi-TaM noiith Pennsylvania 7sSV1ii!?BA ILBOAD For HK 1 UI.KH KM, l.lll,)Mfil',S', KAH'IWM, MAll ll CHUNK, JiALU TOM, WUJ4r;'BAIiltK, WILLIAMSPORT. 8UMMKR AKRANIIKMKNT. Alilll I IONAL TKA1NM. On snd afer MOMMY. June m, WA, Passenger Trains will leave the new Delict, 1 lllltl) Hlreot, above Thomp son street, Philadelphia, daily (Sundays excepted), as follows : 7 A. M. (Kxpreas) fnr Bethlehem, Alknsown, Mauch Chunk, Wllkcst.arre, Willlitmsport. b-lft A. l. (Acoonisiodut.on) lor DOTlcstown. 1015 A. M (Acci.nnuodittlon) tor Fort Washington. 3 P. M. ( Accnnitnodattoii) for Imvlestown. 3'4S P. U (Ksprcs) for Itelnh hem, JCsstou, Ac. 41'. P. M. (Mail) for liovkstiiwn fi 1ft P. M. ( Acct.ntuioaailon) for BcUilchesn, Alleutowa, ard Maurh Chunk. 616P. M.(AccotTmndatioii) for Lansdale. 11 P.M. (Acccntaninla'lnu) Inr Fort Washington. TIIAINH Kill PIIILAIIKLI'IIIA Leave BetUlcl.ein at:lOA M.,IHBA. M.,a1d07 P.M . Ilotketnwli at 6 40 A. M.,s 44 P. St., and 7 P. M. LaiiMlale ut tl A. M. Ion W ashlustou at ll 3S A. M. snd t V. M. ON HCNliAYS. Philadelphia fnr Ilrthleh. ni ai s A. sf. I'hllatleli.hln fnr liuvk't.itwn at S I'. M. IiovUtsiown for rhtladeiphta at 7 HO A. M. ltetlneniiu for Piiilattelplila at 4 P. M. lllltiuairs ltus'a.e F.snrcss will call ftvr and deliver bai'lisve at the depot. Orders aiay tie left at No. 113 B. TIIIIlD Htrtet. JelU ELLIS CLARK, Agtsnt. CZrvTrtrn wkst ciikstkranITphI. KllUeTS-X LA1IKLPIIIA RAILIIOAO, VIA AlKlilA., m-RINll AltHANOKMF.NT. On aid after miUAY, April l.lm.l.Uie Trains will leave as : I eave Philadelphia, frnni the I)i pit, corner nf Till RT Y FIHMT and SSAKKKT streets, a A. M.,11'IX A. M.. 2 30 P. M..4 nil P.M., II Hi P. M. Phllsdelphia liepit chanced ftnm KIOHTKF.NTH and MAhKLT Htretls, to '1 1I1KTY-H Its 1' aud MARKbT Hlreels. Leave West ('hosier, finm the Depot, on F.ast M A KK KT Rtteet,20 A. M , 7'4S A M..U A M . 2 I1. M.,4 4f. I'. Nl. 'I he cars nf the Went I' lhf A Pitssentlitr Hallway Cninpuuy trvlarket street) will convoy Pusacuera to and trt.ui the Philadelphia HeHit. UN HIINIIAYI4. l eave Philadelphia al h mii A. M.nn.l J flOP.M. Leave West Chi hmt t h a. M. and 4 ' S' I' M. 'Irslrs h avlnit Phllancli Itla ut N A l . uml 4 DO . M.. and Wot (henlir ul 7'4.'t A.M. and 4l't P M.,.miio.t wlih triiins on tl.e I'hilatie'phla and llaliimore (jenual llullroutt htrOxri.rd sutl fnte niedliite (i ilnts )a4 tl IIKMtY WllOll. lien, ral Sjpeiintcnilcnt. SHIPPING. ff 8TEAM WKKKLY TO MVKIL cMksipmil, tou hlritf at Oui-iustown. fork Harbor. TTjti v. ll-kiiou n nU'aiui-rii of thv Llvt'rpool.New tork. ami l'liilitUi-)phia Htvauikhiii Cdupauy aro luu-udud lo sail as follow h : !'I Y OK I.OSIM.V. Saturday, July !th, CITY OK It Al.TiMoitK. Saturday, June 141th. KTNA, Hat urdnv, July r.u. AiHU noou.from Pier So. 44 orth River. HATK8 OK PAHS AO K, PayaMe In tlold, or iifc 'uivalent Im Currency: Pirn! t'Hhln tWHiil Ht-Ji'a! $15 00 I listCubiu to I.ond-ju nvui NtL'uniKw to l.onduu ... a4 'i0 Hr-t tm to PhiU ... HV0 HteerHe to Purls 4" (K) irt Cubin toliiiuihuiK WMiO hU'iTuui' to lUniblirK .. 37 00 PaaneiiritTs air aibo turwartli-d to ILivre.llrvfuuii, Rotiur dam, Antwerp, Ac, at equally low rutua. i-ais from Llvtriiosil or ijuceiintimu : Flrat Cabin, $75, $J), $itf. htei rttrje iiMtn Livfrpool and Qui-uiutnwn, $ ti. 'I hose who with to stud for their filunUs can buy tick eta brie al ihre raien, iuriurUier lulurjuatlon upply at the Company's o Aires. John ti. l ALT', Aju, Ho lll WALaSUl Hlrout.PliUadc-lpliia, fJTfK liOSTOX AN 5"ril 1 1 A D ELPlTil LtAufltuam-KMp Line, sailins Irom eiit-h ii'irt od 1. ii I l.fA ), Irtini IU .t Wliatf above PINK dlrtet, J'lulailt).iiia, ard Long Wharf. liosUui. Kroiu urst wharf alKive PINK Mriii.ou Haluntay, July J. li. Tbe sli-sntsliin MJU.MAS, liuktr.vill suilrrtnn Plitatlel phia ftr Itnsliin, on hamrtlay, July llih, at 10 A. .M , ard the steamship BAXUN, Maithuwa, from iintton lor ri.llai:el.lilu, ua (ante day, at IP. M. These new and soiistaiitial steiiuish'ps form a regular line, aallllicfri'ln eai li pt rt pulicluully nn Mauirtlars. Insuiabccs SUtxlLd al ons-baii Uie ursuiluui Oiaruad on SSil vessel.. Knights ukea at fair rates. blniti'trs are ie.;iisntl to send Slip Kuoelut and Bills Lailing w ilh iheir ft'imds. ur li'relsUtur Passage (rtarlne fine at'comniodarlons) ari'lrso IIKMtY WINSiiit i , jal-lf Ko. iMi 8. DELAWAI1H Aveau. f ;nr"sa l-'OR NEW YORK. DKSI'ATCU afca-fe 11!". and Hw insure Lines, via Delaware and i.,t.i. 1 nt,l. "J he n. aa.i rs ol Utese Unaw arn ieatlnif dally at IV o eitssk M . aud 4 o U jck P.kIIroui Ultra iier sb.-ve Wslntil street. For freight, wh.i-ti wfll se taken on aerioiraoilatlna t-rn... ai tlr to WII.LI.VM M. UAIUU A tV ko. Ui j. Jr(A-AWAitlS Aseuue. FAILROAD LINES. fTTl. f-iiSTi l'Ull.ADKU'HIA. WIL. P.wWWfWfMINtlTON asn BALTIMOR) EAJIr- mOau. (mAvnr, or noms. On and after Ht NIlAY. June lS.IMt. Passenesr trains leave htr Baiunnra al 4 i (", Mosdays oeft4),r A, M.. 12 M., 2 :oand n:s.. M. . . - . .. t'hester at S i, 1116 A. M ., I'). ", . MO and UM P. M. Wliuilnttcn at 4 1 (Monilsjs eicep'edl, 8-0i, 11 1 A. V :. i I" l'i ' snd II IM P. Mi New l'atl al nnf, A. M. snd r.P. Ili.ver al H i .'. A. M and 4 .i P. M. Mlllnrd atn.1 A. M Ballabury al "n.'i A.M. , I RAINH HR PrtfLAriF.I pniA. Leaes Pal' Itimt-e at Hi, 4n A. M., (fcapreaa), Il l.'t and II ran. I. M. .... . Wilmlniitt.n nt I 4, S'4-r, 9 A. M., 12 Jl, 1, I'M, 10, 4' S3 T !Mi ar il S ill P M H ilinmrv at 1 i P. M. Miil. rd at :i :ih P. M. Iniver al H .'Si A. M., and 4 Al P. M. Cat-tls nt H in a. M. ami f.''. P. M . Chester at i 40 A. M., 1 tl,2'ii,4'), 6 (A i14, HI P.M. I.e tve im'tliaiire for Hall.bory and Inten-ncdlats statlonl at m aft p. m. Ia-.e I'.BiUmnre for Dover and Intermediate stations St 1-10 P.M. TIIAINH FOR ItAI.TIMOItR. Leave Chester nl H to A M .. :l and 11 oh V. M. I.trtve WIlmlliHton al ti W, 110 A. M.. S'SA snd U 40 P . Freicht Triune wiin fassenscT ar attached, wui ma as to. low n : lsv wiitninirton for l'erryvlile and Intermedial. places st7'4'.P. V. . KIM'ATf : iniy at i-au a. m., iuw r. aa., rr'nn i'duv de'phla to r.altlniorft. Kr m Thtladelphla to Wllmlnfri-nn at 4 30 A. M., 10-.W aa 11 t)i V M From Wllmlmrtnn to Phlladrlnhia at 1 4ft A. M. and 7 SO P W Only al iO io 1'. M . I'om Ha'tniiore toVhlhuh-ltthia,; 1S(M. L-.V OK NKW VOHK LI S' KH. 1 lit- i. iiinilf 11 ami Ainoov mn i nimi' iiui'i nun i rrnuin Kallrnd Comi'iiiiK i Linen fnm rhli"ielHlaUi New Yutk and Way I'lac r Iti M .i lit i i n i ii r,r i niiAiir. Will 1 BTt-flr. InllouM. TU: FARB. At 1 A. M., viii Cumilin and Amhoy, i". Wid A. Ae ri'inni'idfithin $'-'' At 8 A.M., via Cumtlcu and .leriy t.liy, Atorntim fr.xitria ? .I'M At H A. M., Tia t'uu.ih u and Jiriey City, id ( laai Tlrkft At Y M . via t 'ntnden and Ainliu-. , C, and A. Acoora- ini!ail"tl At . !' sM , via ( aindi n and Amnny.t;. and A. Kx- 'rp- At 1 1'. M.,vla amrt.-n and Amhny, Aecomtnodatlon f r tvlit nnd 1'ar.scr r.-cri Al P.M., ta 'nimh-ii and Atnhoy, Ac nn.miMlaUon (FrtlKtit and l'ahen,er, Iht t la 'I I ket ?d (MiTtf 1n At 7!, I. M., via f nniilrn and Amhoy Aociiiimoda- t n) f Kn iuht and l'aisiuiier), lt Clan Ti-ukei..... 2d In.- iliu 174 1M IV, l-.O Kor MaiH-h Chunk, Allentowr, HcthlHirm. iieivider Fallon, a,ambTtviili-, Hi-ntlntron, &c, at Htfl K M. l-or minx ton, Lainlert Uie, and tntcrmedlata it tir.i)s'' V X. ... tr Mount Holly, Kvanivlllc, and 6 A.X., 2 nnd I'. M. l-or Kriehold ntfi A. M. and 2 P. M For 1'i.linvia, Itiveritm, l)em,iro, l-lfvrly, Burllnirtnn, Flireiire. ftordet tow li. A. .tH A. M., l'i M , I, .10, 6 atitl 1'. M. Ihea irU iidu P. M. lim s run direct thruugb to Trtnton. For t almyra. Itlrerton, Dclanco, Heverl and BorUnf- lon at 7 I'. M HteumhoHt Trenton, for Hr1tol, Utirllnrtnii, nercrtj, Tont-dal' and 'I aron. i fi-'W a M and 'J I. M. LlaSKM KltOAI KKNHI MiToN lKrOT Willlfaveai f.-llowu: . At 4 A M , nlchi)via Kenolmiton and New Yerk, 1 Wa-hln;tin and NcwYoik Mail ti 25 At iri6A.AI.,Ma KeiittiiKt4n and Jirey City z- ireri , 900a At 4 J) 1'. M. via K 1 1 ni, toil and JcrieyCity Kx- i prer. 8 00 At ( p. M. Tin KniRlniitoD and Jerv7 City, ,. Wavhlrnvton and New Wfc FFpri Ri 800 4 Hnnilav HiM-a Uiave at 4 A. M. and i 4& P. M For Water (inn. HLnmd.hur,i. cranton. W'lA.barre, l MontroM , (,rf Ht Ut nd, .Mam h Clinnk, Allontown, HrUile lirm. lu lTidi r', Knnton, Lmnhertville, Kh'inJnutiA.-Ae.sat 7 1' A.M. Thle line connect b witn the train leaving Kn4.ion for Maurh Chunk at U-.'Hi P. M. For Fhmlia.n.u, LatntHrtvllle. and tnterme4lat sta tions uf A I. M. t or BiUtol, Trenton, c. at71&and 11 la A.M.. and 5 v. it. For lIn1mifiburv,Tacony,WlHtlnnmlniT. Prld-i'iharir.ani) "i Fnuiktord, at i A. M., , 6 4f and 8 P.M. Tbe 9 A.M. Um runs to HrlMol. fat'For ew York, and Way Unas leaving Kensington ' lU i.ttt, take the cam on Filth strict, above Walnut, ball L an honr txt'fore departure. 'I he Cant rnn Into the lepotf T and nn arrival of curb. Train, rnn from the Ipot, j Fifty pounda nl' nntrraije onlya lowed each pataen-tter. Jfi Panopnyfrs are prohlhitcd from uklnv anyihliiK a hag- page but thtlr vteurltiK aiparel. , All hak'tvaite over rti-f pounds to be pain for extra. Tne Company limit thau ' repon8ibl:lty inr butfiraue to One Ihdlar per pound. ad J will not ha lUhif tur auy amount beyotd $100. axaept by ' apM-lal contract. . f (irahimi'k ItAvai-'e Fxpref will call fnr and deliver b4r- ' mr-e at tho Ijtpuia. Order to be I f ft at No. H Walnut ireet, WM. 11. UATZAfEK, Agent. JuneUO.lWp. LINES FKOM KEW YOltK rOR PU1LADELPUIA WILL LKAVE v From foot of Cmirtland atreet at li M.and 4 P.M., Tift Jerae.i City and Camden : at 7 and It) A. M..U P.MMaud 12 (NiKht) via Jcrnvv t ity and Kensington. From foot of Hardily .trout at 6 A. M. and 3 P. M., vl ( Amhoy and Camden. Frnm 1'H-r No. 1. North 13 M.,-4 and 8 P.M. ,1 (Frolght and Pauai:nKer) via Auiboy and Camden. f-JT wii- FIIEIGHTL I N E S F0R NF( ia York and all the it a' lout on tha Camden 1 Amhoy aud conntrtlnK Hallroadu 1NCKKASKU DKHPATCII. The Camden andAinhov Kallriad and TraniportatloK Company's Freight Lim: for New Yo. k will leave Walnut tn et wharf, on and alVr January 8, daily (ttundaya ex- j Cfe'pted), at 4 o'clock P.M. Ki'turnlng, the above Unea will laara Sew York at 1 and 4 P.M. Frelfiht muat be delivered before ZH P.M. to b for warded t)ie tame day. Frelfiht for Trenton. Princeton, K Inr n ton, Kew Hrnna wick, aud all point on the Camden and Ainboy Kallroadt also on Uie U lvldere, Iietawai. arid I" leintnton, Uie New ( and Mount Holly ha Iroadt, rei-eivcJ and forwarded up to lif.'n o'clock P. M. Mm a' packages lor Mount Holly re-ct-lvtd up to'2o rl(xk P.M. The llthtdtre Helau are Railroad connect a at PhllH pa bur, with ihe I.chlfih Valley Railroad. The Mew Jernay bal.road cfinuecta at lOlialmth with the New Jeraey Central Railroad, aud at .Newark, with the Morrla aud EkBfx Hailroad. A altp uiemoramlum, ipeclflnp the mark a and nam bera. ehippers and coulfrn.a( ruut lu every tmtanoe o ent wllh each load of goods, or no receipt will be aivtin. Iricrt-ated faciiit e havina bt-eu made for Uie transpor tation of LIVE 8T0CK, Ur overt are Invited to try thii route. When stock It furnished In anantltlei nf TWO CAR LOAIjB or more, It w ill be delivered at the foot of Kortlrt sireet, near Ut J trove Yards, or at Pier No. 1, Nori-' Klver, as tbe tbippcrs may dlirnafe at the tlms of tbo ahipment. WaLTttK FREEMAN, Frelnht An ent, No.'iOA li lKlawarv avenue, pniladelphia. I CiLO. B. HW MOM), Fnlijbt Affent. Ja-Vtf pier No. I .North Rlvar, Mew York. rtHfiWl-MBi READING RAILROAD. liltEAT TRUNK LIVE I'iiom nut. Atn. run to tub intbrior or tr.liSM I.VAMA, TIIK HCMUVLKILI.. U ' - fcllANNA. :l: VIIKIU.AND, A.ND wroMixi viLLtva, NOS-TH, KOKTIIWEHT, AKD TUB CAKADAB. I PASSKNOKH. TRAINS I IaTe the Oon.isiiY . iep,4, at Till RTRElfTH af ' , a CaI.IajWIIILL bueeia, rtilladclpiiia, at Uie follow! hours: MOItNINOMAir.. V At 8 l.'i A. M., fur lies. Ilnf, l eiianon, Kishrata, Utls , rtiliimtiia. HarrlebtirK, Puiuvtile, I'luertive, Tatuiia Htinttir, Williuini-pitrl, Elutlra, liiK tiester, Ntusans K. Ie, tul!ulo, AHentiiw n. H'llkuslisrre, Plttstou, YurktC'arlisiaL iautberst.urK, llaijrrstown, Ac. Tin- train cuttirets at ft KAMNO with Kaat Peaasyrra nla Itsllread trains fur Alleutowll. Ae., Uie Heatlins anQ I'oloinbia HHlltttan for tphia'a. ..In, and (.-ulunatiia, and wlil. the I'lisniiitVallt-vtrain tir llnrrlsbiirir. Ac. ; at POItT CLINTON wlih Calaulssa Rallmail trams for WUkeabura, w'lll'anisriiiit, lMk Haven, Kimira, Ae.t at 11AKUI8 Ill'ltt wltli 'Nortr:ern Central." ' Cuiutieriand Valley,' i anil"Scliilsill and Kusiiurliatina" trams fur Northina-i bt-rlaud, n Ullalnslrt.Vrirk fhitmlsTslmrs, PLneitruva. As. I ASTKItNdON t:fltK.S8 Leaves PlillaSuli.hla st .i lW P. M. u.r Iteirllnt, Potts- ! ville, I'lui srttve, liarristiuri, Ar., ciniiertina at Harris-I bii'gwith 1't niii.tlveii a Ct-iitrsl U.'tllritatl trains Sir Pitta- burs, Ac. Knrllierii Ci ntral trains fur Nuatxtrr. I MuriliairbtrliiiKl, Kimira, Ac, ard at I'urt I In. two with Ciuawia l.'ailiisd iroii.s iv.r Mlltuu, WU.laiusvort. U- 1 nira, llnllalii. Ac. 1 IIKADISI! A'Tt'OMMOIIvriO Leaves Hi atlli'ii i t II 1st A. M , stnni'iiis ad ata. ili.ns.arilv 111' ti l'lillstirlit,ia at s tut : A. al. s-v 1 l:i niriinif. linvi s ritiUdelulila ai !'J in i Ksailrna at H'(l P. M. " . 1 rains ii.r I'l.iistlelrltla u ave flnrrishnrs stufaT Pollsvlllt stil 1.'. A At., arritltis In I'lillaiT P. M Afu-rniMiri trait. s st ave Hat rl. burg ut .'til fitraat ville al a ll., p. M., arrlilitK 111 l' ,il.i.Hli.l,,n ut.l Msisei ttains, wnh a iirt'fe.n;er ear utlss t a a Ft. iiuiit iphiu ut I p. M., Hraiiiin, and all A-3--' lt a f lleaitins' nt IV. lin,.n, and lii.wiiiitatowiJ,c"l' M. IV. r l'iiiiutlel.i.ia'uiii all nitv Mnroiis. I Olnak ana AM funis run rl llv. Kui.rlav esr'"' 40 Sui.nav lruis leave pnt! at 7'Jll A. &t t Uil,i.ia at il l'. P M. willsosusa ( III H I KH VALI.PV ItAILBOAl' . I'sssengers tur lliiwiili stiin 11 an. I ImertriM UessBa tnre the K l.'i A M. sml .Vltil p. M. irtllnsfto.a I, retnining Irom lliiwningloAii nt ti i t A. kl I Htreet. IIH.II. ' ' yoitK kxi-bekskok pittsuiiio' (j28 Leaves Sew Virk at 7 P. M.,nafslni! R..dlr', nbjl.t, and t.mi smiiil' a! linn iflturg tvi.L rrhla. itsllrttad Ks.rt'i.s iratll for I'irlsl.iirg. Iteinn.liiii Kxpres trstji haves Hn rlsburKlrssee', and the I'elllisjlvaniu K.sjire.s flow PllUlnlrg ftooot nrei uattlng Heading at l.'i A. M., and arriving eutiapnuaa. at l'4.'i P. M. hlt'etilnir Cars aiei.iniiaiiv ' thrnuiili, between JerHfvCttvand Mali trains fnr Hew Yerk leave HsrrisbitlOFKINS. snd '2 P.M. Mull trains fur llarrlsburg lea. attiA.M smt UM. ' BrUl'VI.KII.L VALI.f'.r RAII.IIO' ITflV Trslna It a e P..tls lllo ui i II. A. M . and AWiSs tuining from Ttisesrora al M'Ki A.M. and 4 :t' HI. Ill VI. KILL AM) HI'S. ilKII ANNA It. Tl Mlns lt-uve Auburn at 'A 16 A. M. for 1'C---llarri.burti, and at I'W and 7 111 P. M lINOIES. onlt : relurnlug tVuin Ilarrlstmrg at l'll'l P. l'liiejft,ve at s 15 A.M., and 4 antU p. u. .li. TIl'KKTS. 'i Thrmnh first -class lickeis snd emlrranff tlif piiiicipal in. Inis in tin Norm an.t v est 1 ' 1 hf ft.lltiwlnt. tii kett. aiet l.tsinal.le only i,n-Hlfcl- HIIAIiKtlltD. Treus iriT Nit. J.'7 tl. Kd?"0" liitl.d. Iihla. orol G. A. till OLLS, Uelien dent, lU-aUlng : COMMI'TATIOH TICK KT At V, per rent. dUiouut, between auy pol families and Uruts. MlI.EAfiB TICKKT8 18, (lond forsj inllf., bulHeru all points, tfVRVJI lortauiUlesaudnrni.. 1 1... . . KKA8OH TIOKTn si, nth Laaru'"01 Fnr three, e!i . nine, or t elve uioiilua, I raua.' b Yrk ir to .Upolu..,l reduced V."ZZ V.lrfltsa nn tho a.noi tl. n.Ailwlll Kfi-Tw'11""' K"'A enrd irds.eiiiitlujtbeujeia and wtvua ! elAUoua faie. rXCCHHION TICKKT4TTT I 'HI A A NX i 1, ut J .d..Li.I. an.l . From Phl1adpi)'hia to pnuc ipa! ntnUoni' dny. feunOM , a tut MmiflMv, at rt- du. od tijm ssit ssv . a,v vu.ev, sa iUllll C 1 U fjsli tttreeu. TtJkM Vlilflllisji I sasBm mm and s v i J f Idt street, a. IF i.' mi. i. tiiti.,-1 d -' P. vt. I, floods of all denerlpt! ,n lor warded aud WiUow bTHKK I H 11 Kii t tiiriT tr i iva Leave Pfeilad.-lphla da!l at lA.M.I&L PAJ ' Ad' U lor i.sosnou, uarruourg, fou ana ikuiu cyouua MAII.R Clone at the Ph Hariri phi a pt omce f rnat and Its branfs at $ A M-t au uuout vi-v at i w r . u 1