II "ilafisayllli THK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. nULADELFIIIA, SATURDAY, JT7LT 9. 180i. taring Sclcgrapli A HAJUT AfTE&WOON MWSrATM. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. IMas Tw Om Fn Oorr, o rnin Carre r , WM to tk Owrtar, and mW' esw of te OHy aa In Douih r Alteon i Oki ! ' turn Two iwni, tovaiWM la edenoe tbf meprtd AJTammamt Inaortod at Am mm! rarat. A liherej , inufwl aede toe tuiooasd rnserossss. Ta Orressnowafai Bo notloe g Ni htm of A MufniMii Oomtnanlsatlons. VkUurn la iMmM Avr assartion must be am hsut lotted by its name and ed.lr f the wrttsr not neooaasrtly ir wsiMkmtivB, but aa a .sarBte aood faith. W .oan- , (a r-rlartal t k retara rajeoted Communications. T AdTrt,sttm. Owtm to fbe foal hscreas. in the Orrntetloa of Tn Jes sino Ts sortt, fssmpelltng n a In fro to press at an arty atser, nnrenUr reo.noat that eilvertiaatnetits may ftxs haaioVsf an aa anon aa uso o'nlock, If possible, to secure tbeea aa tasertloa ta aU of oar editions. 8ATURDAY, JULY 9, 1ST.4. Kbe baid, and the nirrr or mi-ate DF.rr.NNK. We have repeatedly urged In these columns the importance of a prompt and thorough organisation of the State militia. And we must confess that nothing has, during the progress of the present war, struck us as more yemakable than the delay, or, rather, entire Omljalon of our State authorities to put the mllltla la such a condition of organization, discipline, and equipment as would secure the Commonwealth against Invasion, or enable It at least to meet and repel a hostile force on the instant that it dared approach our borders. It it now more than throe years since the first run In this great clril conflict was fired by the Rebel at Charleston. Within that period this State has been entered on several distinct Occasions by the insurgent forces, and In each Instance our people hare not only been seri ously alarmed and agitated, but they have keen driven from their homes, and hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of property b&s been either taken away or destroyed. It was, after such painful, such profoundly Impressive experiences, reasonably to be ex pected that due preparation would be made Against the recurrence of such Incursions In the future ; that as the Rebels had successively Caught us In a totally defenseless situation, we would take care at last to avoid being pieced again in so disgrace Ail and perilous a c'ilemma. But It now appears that all the warnings and lessons of the past have been wasted upon ua. We are to-day Just as unprepared to resist this last raid of the Rebels Into the Cumberland Valley, as we were when the first raid took place. Then there was a gene ral panic, tu the midst of which people seized ""Vy , what goods they could, and fled wildly from . ," Hit lr tarma ana vUJsgos. W8 witness toe f ' ausmsi UMtM ifirtw. Tit n tKnrA wdca aiiAflan . nil anxlons calls bv the Governor for irtops to be enliBted and mustered And marched to the field, when they should have been already In a condition to move against the Invader on the very Instant that the necessity for their service was made known. We see the same appeals for a defensive military force made now, and the same shameful state of unpreparedness to re spond to them that existed three years ago. ' All this Is not only Inexcusable, but It is post ' tivelj discreditable to the character of Penn sylvanls. It is exciting, and very naturally, too, the comments of the press in other States, and we shall richly deserve all the censure and derision of which they may choose to make our strange, our criminal neglect of a plain duty, the subject. The New York Times of yester day, in speaking of the present Rebel raid across our borders, says : " We would respectfully suggest to the Perm st Iranians the propriety ol' keeping their 44 mUitia coder arms, or at least such portion of it as they tbink necessary to protect them M from Rebel raids, until the end of the cuin " paign. This is the third summer that tlicy " have been terribly frightened by an advafkc " of the Confederates up the SUunundoah Vul- ley, and it has been well known, ever since 44 Ghaut's camnaien opened, that it was pax- 44 lecily feasible tor the Rebels to make a tlttsti " into Maryland with a small force. 11 they cliotc M to do so. There is no way of guaranteeing mat ao ooay ot tttera, great or small, siiitn, un- (if r any circumstances, crmi the Potomac. There Is, therefore, a touch of the comical to uk a mild Urm in this calling out of tho " militia every year, after the enemy has actually crossed the border, and when ho is threatening 44 the Stale Capital, and when about thirty-six or twi nty-lonr nonrs rcninm lor recruiting, urm 44 it K. equipping, and drilling them a short " space, It mill be admitted, for the orgaulzatiun ol a force which is expected to stand in the open " Held against - such troops as Emily's or 44 Kwkll's." There Is much sharp reprehension In the above passage, but It is all merited and Justly bentowed. About this time lust year we were Indebted to New York and Nuw Jersey for troops to defend our border, and they have a right to complain that we have, instead of profiting by that mortifying experience, done nothing since to Improve our condition, aud thereby relieve them from the necessity of protecting our homes and altars from iuva slou. Our purpose in this article Is not to accuse any one in particular. Uut it is most manifest that the people of Pennsylvania have been the victims of a grave dereliction of duty In this matter of State defense, and public cen aure should full on (he guilty parties, whoever they may be. A (l l sl lO OK Kl If 14 1 he workings of custom arc, in all cas Cui ious, but In none more so than in their In fJucDce on the moral sensibilities of classes or bodies of men. The race Is gregarious, and plays ""follow your leader." With great readiness "one sinner doeth much htir.n," as his tracks mark the way for others to follow, and his course soon becomes a beaten path. JJe who would scorn to He iu private life, and, if allied to biin, would resent the word us the deepest Insult, Justifies the most glaring and unfounded misrepresent:) tionj by a sliruij of the shoulders, and, " Well, everybody vise does it," If he Is classical in his "phraseology he nses the brlllianj adage, "When we are in Rome," Ac. A young man, engaged In one of the largest wholesale stores in the city, observed to us the other day that a clerk was obliged totta occasionally In order to make sales. Now, w are not straight-laced In our notions at all. Wa ragud it as an excusable conven tionalism for a lady to send down word that he is not "at home," a svery one understands rhat Is meant, as well as by the respectful phrase of "Your obedient servant" at the end f aa Impertinent letter. We have no scruples about going to the opera, even IT "Don Giovanna" be the two, VVe are not convinced by the arguments ad tanced for stopping the cart on Sunday. But really It Is staggering and startling to be as- ured by one Just starting In life that he In tends to sacrifice honor and honesty on prin ciple, and that all his acquaintances do the funis. Such a basis for future operations, we take It, is highly objectionable. It Is a pretty Commentary upon our business morality that such notions are openly avowed by those con- ftUtfd la tTi VXi at) aUenvt W comet Of censure them, is hooted at as Puritanical or Quixotic. Even those holding high positions In the church and society, allow mbireprreentatlons about the quality and price of their goods to be made, or make them themselves, and settle their qualms of conscience by the Invariable plea of " Every body else," Ac. Thwio poor creatures are caught by the Devil with a bare hook, and no one is verdant enough to depend on what he hears In the public mart, and as It would certainly bo more satisfactory to all to feol that their life was consistent and them selves sincere, we cannot understand why they should not use truth In their dealings, since, In a business point of view, It comes to the same In tho end If it were not profitable pecuniarily, If It did not pay, we have pretty good authority for saying, "The getting of " treasure by a lying tongue Is a vanity tossed ' to aud fro of them that seek death." The obtuseness of the world, howover, In ethics, need excite less surprise when wo re member what nefarious doctrines a'-e pro claimed, even from tho pulpit. During one of our latest financial panics, a popular clergy man, In one of our mot fashionable churches, advised the members of his congregation to give liberally to benevolent purposes at once, as the crisis might take all away, and deprive them of the power to do good. The com plaint often and justly modo against the btw Is, that its general rules work much evil In par ticular cases, so that controversies are de cided on other considerations than those of justice; but Its morality, In this Instance, would be better than that of the sacred desk. A gift to defraud creditors, such as the reverend gentleman advised, would bo void, and charity could not flourish at the expense of rectitude. Are we not strangely and won derfully made, when any one in human shape can full to see that such acts are knavish and rascally, and when, as a people, we profess re ligion, but can yet herd with such men, pro vided, always, they have money? NIHstTITUTKH. The " Citizens' Volunteer Substitute Com mittee" promises to le a great success. Their office bas been opened but for two days, and already they have registered applications from more than a hundred citizens, which places In their hands funds te the amount of over forty thousand dollars. In a day or two they will have arrangements perfected for receiving substitutes, and then their office should become a recruiting station where volunteers can be assured of being honestly and fairly dealt with. The committee propose to pay six hundred and fifty dollars to the substitute on tl' day he Is mustered In, without deduction .tor commission or bro kerage. This suraf Is composed of four hun dred dollars, subscribed by the principal, and two hundred aid fifty dollars city bounty, Which the comtnlttee will advance and sub sequently collect from the city. The enterprise is highly patriotic, and the well known, character of the gentlemen com posing the committee Is a guarantee that it will be conducted with energy aud fidelity. IMPORTANT AWNOUNCEMENT. Hundred Days' Men Muitt be Mnxteretl In by Minimum Keg-linenta, and not bjr i.'ouinntea. The following ofllciul despatch has just been sent to us for publication, and we direct esp 'ci il attention to it. We trust our friends will rally ut once under the best otlicers they can select, and leave the appointment of field and staff officers to General Couch and Governor Curtin : IlARitisiiiTHO, July 8. Henry C. Lea, Ksq. In reply to j our telegram yesterday. I was autho rized to stty that the one hundred days' men will be mustered by minimum companies, so continent were we that such authority would be given by the War Department, in reply to a joint telegram setit by tho Governor and General Couch. The War Department, however, for reasons given at length, declines to modify the mustering orders, and 1 feel it my duty to inform you that tho mus tering must be done by minimum regiments, as ct forth In General Order No. 50 of these Head quarters. A. L. HvsHKLL, Adj.-ueu. renna. Xw Order KeNpreHuir NiibttiNtenceoroi fleeraj. General Grant has issued the following rutinn.il order : Oxtract. lKAtgl'aRTl.R AUMO.t U TUK I'SITklH STATK4, ClT fl NT. VA., JiIIIO i, ISiit. ( Npn lal Ordrra, No. 44. Owlnit to tho limhility of many otfictrs ofwrathiK from' thc Jaiuei Kivur tu purcliiino ul-sltu-nci slort'H.lt Innritontd: Mmt. Ihat eah oillct-r belonjrtnir to thn arratna 1m h'-rehy authorized 10 draw, for hla uwu uu, two radon In alml pur day. (blond. hiitltenc will h drawn for otHwra In 'J;a ani wav at lor tr oii. Iut on farate rem. Third Abitrarls of lamira to offiiarawlll ' marl hi iinaitnipllciitf-on! copy f.T lha Comiima7j (Innrtal, n for th'('hif PaumuH.-rof the bttpnrate armvordt'ftrliaat to whlrh tho otltcerH IxilohK, nod or.a lor the Uouul.t.iry llniwi f. and w lit kIiow clearly tho nam, rank, rogl. nont, and number of rations dr.twn hv oat h offlcor. H command of I. leu euant-llwneiaJ Uuant. T. B. lloH ait AHul toul- Adjutuut Oenaral. The Frovost Marehals nt ritttnirg have re ceived orders to accept black substitute, when otl'ered by while men, under the same regul ations as appertain to white substitutes. A Urge force of guerillas are reported in tho swamps of Southeist Missouri, between New Madrid find Charleston. A detaehincti' of troops lias been sent to capture and disperse them. Secretary Seward had a narrow escaiie on the tfh, while riding in his carriage, a rocket striking him just ubove the eye. The blow was nut severe enough to cau-e any serious Injury, although, had it struck an inch lower, the most dcplorut le consc'iucnccs might have ensued. The cognomen given to Governor ToJ by the people of Ohio, is l'o:-metal Toil, because of his opiKisliion to anything but metal currency iie having said it would be better to iiiuke a circu lating medium of the old pots and kettles, rather than use a paper currency. A fatal accident occurred In tho moving col li it n of General John K. Smith's Division, about tive miles from Larkiusville, A lab una, on Friday last, lu johing over the terribly rough roads, a pcrcmsitui shell exploded, blowing up one of the caissons, and killing outright four men, unl wounding i-evcial others. A misrbiev. us bov.nt Portland. is said to have lately tied a couple of eats together hy their tails and liiitig thi m on u lollies dryer, in onlcrthat he might have the satisO tion of seeing them "light it out on that line." One leliuo w.u soon tit Una", and the o tter nettrly so. Hespcctlng the propos. d "foreign legion," to I organized for itnportunt service in Uexfto, a Frt'i.ch seml-otllcittl journal says: The complete orguniy.aiionof tho foreign troops in the service of Mexico will form un effective force uflfi.Ouo men, Com posed a follows :W to French, fiiHiO ALstriuns, and 2)00 lleiuus. This corps will assume the title of "The Foreign Legion," and the conimuuder-in-chicf will be a French general, having the grade of lieutenant-general. lie will receive his orders direct from the Kinpe ror Maximilian, and will only have to refer to the Ministry of War upon administrative affairs. Tho Foreign Legion will be divided into several regi mi nts, which will bear the titles of "F.inperor Napoleon III," 'F.mperor of Austria, "Kmperor Maxmilian," and "Lmpress Charlotte." The lost will be roserved to the regiment of Belgian soldiers. ' The physical training of young ladies is a subject highly recommended by a Western jour nal st. After witnessing the evolutionsof a class in the Ohio F'emale College, which had been In structed by a "Professor of Physical Culture and Hygiene, he says: "For three-quarters of au hour these young ladies evolutionued and ges ticulated with bands, feet, body, and bead, first without and then with dumb-bells and wands, all the time to the beat of music, and closed with out seeming much fatigued. When the exer cises were introduced at the beginning of the ses sion, tbey could not endure ave minutes ot suca activity. Several of them, President Day told us, wf luftering from ailments that would have conjpeii,4 n,em to leave the institution, but by a Judicious employment af these exercises, they greatly unproved in health, one of them having J dued twenty pounds in weight during the year, nd the cook uya a he bas never had to send so few meals to pupils' rooms on account of India position, as she has this year. This physical culture is required uf alt pupils, unless excused ti aufttfii.nt rftaaoiia. We P.l li tt thjt I happiest innovation in the system of female j cduvaUn iccvrUsd la all DiY-itra lUiiw.". T CITY INTELLIGENCE. St. Lovis vs. rHiLADsuBia The following rorrMf" Jrnce recently pasaed between Major- ! 4eurf nancock and Mr. Yeatman, Chairman of the Kxectitive Committee of the HanlUry Fair bold In St. Louis, which, as it is known, prc , scnted the O neral with a magnificent Jewelled swortl. From the correspondence it will be seen that General Hitn.-ock acknowledges himself a citizen ot St. Louis. Mr. Yeatman my Ms people reg.trd him (ihe General) as "hlf a citizen, ' and the General replica that he looks ti)n Hi. I.ouis as "a home," liis family re-lding there. Wo anxiously await the letterot General Hancock acknowledging the rcci Inter the hiinilaomc saddle and equipments which tho Gnat Ocntritl Fair'of l'hlia lniihta rcc. ntlv rruirril to him, that his relation to l'hiladilphia may ccn Ire more emphatically dclinrd than in the St. Louis letter. .Ii mk Is, I. I.-Major Hernial W . Haneo a. tlr: It l with ari at (ueaiuri th.n I pronoonre i y.,11 thMl thf harfl.ollia iwullt ih'littt-d lo 'lie .Ml.lBM'tl Vjll"y Saul tar v 1 a r. t le vote I tfr, ha hei-n avar-leil to you, tnore hnvliiM Ix'fn a lartc .l irulitv ot votoi ram In your fav ir. It i h'Khly h'a Hy ni; lo the l:iri'U4 ot Hi l,oul, who ra Kant jou ha more itian hall a cllUn, that tin sword ha horn awarilnl to .u an an huoililv hu. rt'Hpenful ap jra elation ol our Kallunuy and dutuutulhed crTlce in tnn field. That Atieret may r intlnue to attend your noble effort ttt rtuxh out the Kfln IMi.n atlotit our C"l nlry. 1 1 m V esmel atid heatnell prayt r lnu mil idet.e inM -ate the dlnpoKitlon you wiAh a.atit-orthfNWort, which awal.ayour orler. Very restectriillv and truly yotira, JAS, K. VKATMtN. Chairman hUecuUvn Conimmea. II K A I'ljt' A ItTK KM, BkCHNO AUMT rttRI'S, JlinS '17, lS4. My in ar sir: Voor for or the lHth Jtit.irioliia; me that tl e hat dAftine iword donated to trie M issinlpil Valley Hanltar.v 1'alr ha.i been ataJed to me has been receivatl. mi.lIi a mat a ot conaderatlon Ttotn the t'ltlsaua ot Hu I.oult la truly jrratrinK, a haviiig uiarrled In thai rtty.and roanjins Wiej-e tor niaay years, 1 regard It aa a home, ! only the aoldlerran truly apprerlate thehenont of your nohlo ellorta in behall o: the .-lanitary Cointnlislon, and J th-1 tlecta of III kind olllres In ihe amelioration of our ! wants and sulterlm,' are lelt with a irratotiil remeinhrauro 1 throiiiili'tu' ovaty unrt of our vast army. 1 ant, air, very rcspecuu t', your ooetlleut nerrani, W. S. IIAHVOCK, Maior tieuural IT. H. V. To James K. Yeatman. F.S'i., Cbairtnan of the Kievutlee Coniiiuitee. WeAtein sanitary t 'i rn :nlAiirn, St. 1uIh,Mo, P. r. I'teasa send to Mrs. W. M. Jluocock, t'aron delnt, Mo. A FAtntFUL Minister. Itev. Joseph II. Ken nurd, D. P., pastor of tho Tenth Iiaptist Church, completed the fiftieth anniversary of bis baptism last Sunday morning. II o has been in the min istry forty-six years, and has preac hed ten thou sand sermons. During this period he has bad a knowledge of three thousand conversions under bis ministry, had haplizod two thousand and thirty-three persons, married four thousand and eighty-nine couple, and attended throe thousand nine hundred funerals, bosides waiting upou hundreds of sivk beds, and performing many other duties connected with his ministry, lie bas been a pastor of this city sinco 18.it, and poator of the present church since its organisation In lKIB. Tun Last or A ItAo-FicKKB. Frederick Corlins, a rag-gatherer and beggar, aged 75 years, died In Cumberland street, bolow Emerald, yesterday, from thc effects of intemperance. Corlins was a widower, aud tor tho last four years lived ulone. The house In which he lived was loaded with smoke pipes, old crockery waro, clothes, huts, &c. On the premises tho Coroner found two dogs, one of which was dead, having been starved to doath, six cats, number of chickens, &c. The house was in the most 111 thy condition throughout. Tus Sanitaky Commission. The Committee on Labor and Income of the Great Central Fair have already paid over to tho Sanitary Commis sion two hundred thousand dollars, tno third in stalment of that amount having licen hinlcd over yesterduy. 1 he reports ol chairmen ol the different sub-committees are desired as speedily as possible. Local IIhkvitif.s. Colonel Small hasreooived an ordor from Harrlshurg to havo his regiment, the 100th, mustered into service for one hundred days.... George Fritz has been held to answer the charge of enlisting a colored m tn into the navy aud retaining $241 of his bounty money. Mass Mkktino. Tho Journeymen Tailors of the city, working for tho ready-mndo clothing stores, announce a mass meeting on Monday morning, at Fifth and l'rtiuo streets, to titko action on the scute of prices now allowed theiu. Counku-Stonk Layino. The corner-stone of the Nineteenth Street M. K. Church, Nineteenth and Poplar streets, will he laid on Thursday next. Itev. Bishop Simpson, D. 1)., will ollluiato on the occasion. Bounty Money. The Ward Bounty of twenty-five dollars bus been paid to fllty-eight re-cu-listcd veterans during the past two days. Tun Bt N(!it or Flo wans. By thk IUnn of TuWKR llAI.L. A friend ol mire, who is a tover, 1 chanced, laat Monday, to behottt. As he most anxiously searched over A volume hound id blu-t and uold. Maid he, "I not uotn lovely .lane A chnrm'tlK bunch or ftowora, to-day, And nttw 1 at-ek to asi-ertaln What hlddt-n lauifutiito tliey convoy. "In that dear nonanay 1 heboid The lltiueysut-kie s MMirraut liloom. And see Uie damns Ito.e untold Close by the yellow dowers of llroome. That dauutak ruse means 'bashlul lore,' Ah by tlUs useful book I see; The Ilulit'ysiif Kle a nitMiittu p-ove A constant heart's flduli'y. "Now for the Hroome: why that implies 'Neatness,' and aurely It most be That by thla hint June would advise A itester style ol dritss to uiv t Her timid love, she means to say, Will thus constancy be bound, I'll go tu Tower Hall straibtwar, H'iiere such beuomliiK suns are tuund 1" The mrirest atock and best assortment of ruthing In ri.dttdoipliltt constantly on hand, and being rcpleuUhed l) targe dall atlditlons. Tnwi r Ham., Mo. MS Market Htrtiet, ItKSsKrr A Co. Gueat Cknthal O.0TIUN0 IIouse, Stxtb aud Market. tlreat Ceulral Clothlnii House, Ruth and Market, tlrcat Ceatral t'lothliiK House, Hlatli antl llarkat. tlrtat rYulral Clttthtnit Ih.use, HIkUi ami M arket. flr.-at ('nlral (Utithilni tlouso, 81tu and Mark'it. tlreat Centra! t'lolltiUK House, SUth and M srkeu tttettt Central t:liliiliiK House, rtixili aud .Murkau tlrcat t'etltrtU t'lothliiK HoUee, Hlxth ami Mdlkeu l.leat t'entral t'lothliiK fltoise, Sixth and M.irket. tlreat t'entral Clothliiu tlojsu, Hlkth and Market. Oiesl Oolra I t'liahini: Hoii-e, Hixth antl Market, lireat C'slitialt'lotliing Hton,e, Hlxtll ant 21rket. ilnat fl niral I'lotiilni; ilou;t Six (li and Market, lin-ai th'iinnl fMtitlniik' ilttu-c, SltLth aud Mrket t.rear. t'eutrelt.'lottili.g liouae, Slxih it id .Uanet. Creat t't-iltrat Clotliuit; House, Hlxlh anil Market, lireat t:eottsl Oiiahiioi llo iHe. Hlxlh anil Mtritet. (treat t'entral ' 'loi Iiiiiu ll'tuse. Hlx'h aul Markt't, tlreat t'enti all 'IttthiiiK I lull .o, Hlxlh a 'id Msrkot. t.reatv'entCKM'lothluw HoUie, hlxtll and MirkuU Wmmiiiukfr & lln-vvu. OnW llrtii. itnitindticr h Hr-ivu, 0k Hull. U'ttiiHin ikiY it ltniwit, OA H ill. WanauiaKtr Itrown, Onk 1111, H JiiaimtKtT A In iti, Oak Hall Vat.anHKt'r V ltnwn, Oak IIntL WaiimnnkiT A Hnin, Oak 1111. VVaoHuiaktr Ac It row u, Ouk Hull, w aiiHiiitaktr A ltmwti, ok Hull. Witnitintikr A lliotvn, onk IlitiL WtiiiHiliikti1 A Hrii, Oak II nil. WaiiHiur A Itniwit, Oak Hall. W ai.aiuak r At Hmwo, o.ik Hail. W umumfctir A Itruw n, Oak Hull. A fttiMiuaktir aV Hrown, Oak ll.tll. WHuaniHkt'r 4 Hr iwn, Otk Ha l. Wriiiainak r A Itrow n, oak Hall. V AiiauiHkt'r A ltrun, Oak IUIL Wa ainakur A Bnmn, Onv Hill WanuiiiaktT A Itruwn, Oak lliilj, fltrmuen, in t fit city vtnhlnn trie (Irani (Tttntrnl 'air, nod crtieim peiHTitll . v 111 tiii thi- tnt t'lililnu and the m t rvMaoiiai.lf pru't-i at Wanam ui u (V ikh n'.i. Oak 11 ml. B K. rorner 8Uth und Market airomta. Hats. Straw ami m.Ii imts, moNt fnhlaattble Htlt'H, ttt lattiiif; & Qo. Six.tli und CUesuut Btrfct!, nrrle4l. AH liltKN-ItA'IlJKK.-OntlicTth.hyllfv T. 4. I-Vni-h'. No. inl;i S. 1'root strict, Mr Htl-.iU'.ltC'K I'. H l( ItKN.ot JUirkt touuty, to ANNA H.VII.ll J-, ul this city. ltKMF.STAH-RIMOV.-On the Mhnf .Iuiia. hy Hev. S V. '1 )tni.H, ra.tr of Hi. rani a .Mei'i Mli-t KinifoJ C'h'iri h.iit tli pMruiia,t), No. ti'.'-t Catliarnu' Hlrttet, Mr. Al ltKItT 1(1 MEM AH to Ml. I LOUIS V SI. HIM JN, bolli ot ritilaJet.lna. RKWKI.L WHITF. On thn fith ln-.t.. hy tti9 It. v. Tliouian i. Allfii, Mr. MAUKJMUM W. H&Wb.LL to Aliui L 1IA ANN Wliri. 8IM0.N YOt'NO.-On the 3d of July, hv lluv, R.W. Th.'inan, Mr. FRKhKKH'K J. SIMON to Mha.VNNIK VOtMi.buih of tUU city. C'OI.I.INH. Jnlv 7, of wounds re eleed .it ti e ll ittle of Rinn,vl aula. II A Itl.KS tll.l.l S H . bed .11 yt rs. Ill, irleods and those uf Uia iHiuily are invited to attend his fuuerai. froui III, Uite re,ldem-e, Utla streat, above 1'rentttn avenue, on Monday uiorniau at ft o'clock. To pro ceed to rrankllii Cemetery. lll'NT. "reil asleep In Jesus." on tho7tll loi!., JAUKS III NT, In th;isl year ol his unf. The rulatives ami irli-nas of the ftmlly art respet-'fiilly Invited to attend the luneral service Innn his late residence, o. ItLTi h. Thirteenth street oa ttuuday aflaraoou at 6 o'clock. I JUIINHOV. Killed, Juna Is. 1X6 1, while charirlnii on tho Kthul works belore t'etersburf. VlrKinla, WIlI.IAH II. JOH.NHON, of Company K, fist Kes'lumt, P. V., son of ilavld ftnd Kluahelii Jobksou, axed 'M years aDd 6 months. MYKIIS. July I, Mrs. KMKMKK MVKK8, In tua wtb. ear of her age. Tha ralatlvea and fVlends of tho family aro raapect fully Invited lo attend her funeral, from ber lata rasldenca, Jso. fitM Plum streot, Catndeu, N. j., on UuniUy, July 11, nl t o clock F. M. NICHOI.HOV. Ofoonautnptlon, Jnlr 7,WII.l.fiV BKR. KAUli Ulc'llol.HtiN. son of Job and tin Uia MaryAuu 'li bolssin, asad JO years. Th. friend, of the famllT ara resbectiJly Invfted to at tend tlui fitoeral, fro ta bla lata reaideotro, No. IJ0A Kuiton sue, at 1 o cloek on Sunday nitaruoon. Tt procMsd lo Uia IValltaslral Cuniautry. PA1.VF.H On Slith day, S.vanth monlk, CIKOKUE fl l.u t.U. In Iba tatii year of ht, aire. The relaUsea and friend, of lb (.rally ara rooiiested lo ntt.nd bl. funaraJ, froui Uia rosi'lenee of his motbar, at kaslnor, lealawan oounty, l a., oa liat 4ay njofaing at 10 ,lvvi Usai iWUstfalvUsv, I. S. VT A. L II A V III R, nrx'Mcra to w. n. cakktl, MARON1U IIAIsU, So, 719 0HESNTJT Street, W I N 1) () W H II A II 12 H, OUHTAINH,. am MOBQUITO NMTTINCiS. BUSINESS ITEMS. Wotlre. Treinry fpiirtiiifnt, July 2, .HM.-Tlte notice for propoKla ror Loan dtU-tl StLh of Jnnfi, lwi4, for thlrt-thrr million, ofdollrir" (f W,000re'), tiring ttic amount of onn'-cci((l jffin tin dor tl.e notiu datfd thc lxth (Gth) of June.U hen-bf withdrawn ftnd all prnpntaU recoJTrd at this Dfjjartnieot will bo trnrr'-dluti-ly n (tintHl to ttve utTrr, with the proper ordr upn whl h tli two r cnt. d poult will bt refundfML (ifcO. IlARltlVOTOsV, BKreUirr of thr Trrajiury ad interim. L ILIjIH'H CHILLED IRON SAFE, Y3. 1AVI!) EVANH, OK THK PI KM OP KVANH A WATHON'H SHEET IRON SAFE, The "Irrepressible Conflict" Still Progressing To fht Citizen of l'httalnltha . AKirt-alily tu pnvoua utiticp, I ah all now rsvlew the pAr)i,H)lil'H n ml other oiitutrli' matter un roiitainiyl in tlit ariloin hcft'ltMl " t'iilla(ltlihta Againht the WorM," and glchtri hy Oavtd Kvaini, A Hit-thh-f, when hard puslu d, l the flrvt to cry u jfnn lh'ft ' o ta the man who hna vittjirtt, ttnHwrd, ami wroitRfiilly o futed hit ni'luhhor, th llr.tt to cry villain, aiwl to vlalm tlw poprt.'i tyinputhr. i he ttrnt proinlnut point lo thla article ti the writer's vtr) nun' mt preiniiini. He aatuniea to le l'hlleiiviphla mrrttt and to ntand aealiikt Uie world only tri-nieiy inoiUstnvvy. This fomt (havHitf bfr'n replied to by Moxiri. Lilile A Hon paa over by limply a mini that It la eay te ahw Unit l.lli e A Hon an mu:h tho 'artrem pairnim of tlili rlty and Htat of any 8ul' MamiiactnriT In tbe Unltod Htah'H, aa thy uao no much more material than any other the pnului-t of thla .State. Tt.e Bxt point to he noticed la the writer s call en hla rhi-Ailflphla Iru'tnU t rend an ttraot from Ttia Kvkhimi Tki.k.ilai-h April Hi. Iit. whleli ahowa home of the dinerf.it waya the common sufV ia ojnrd. Now, if Uie roadT wtll refer to the article In Thk Kvkmim; TRi.KdKtir'it of the 16th, he will tlnd It there atatiHt particularly that theiw waya were of common oi currence, and that they were known to hurk'lara; and I now auy the dliferfitt wuva pointed out were at the time well known to buiMlara, ami had N en prevl maly (inhlliihed tt the world. Hut It acema to ault tho wr.ter'a cute t ttiavo out th'iNo fact In hi relation. He (tdops the prltuMple th tt (lie pl.y of Jiatntrl mnat be wiltteti, oven tlionn It be ne'eaarr ! leiiveotit nainlet." I let perate endt njulre deaimfate mnna. and It Ik evident the thief a tutor dooa not like to stand alone lean, however, offer him thla onHo'ailon, that notwtthHtnnd'n the dl-poaitiou he haa ahown In eveiy way to aid the thief, he ha mm with hut 111 aiioeesi. I do not helleve ht can tlnd n tmi Klar in the country t hut would evoo thank tilm tor all hU etlnna; for every pro Ieni4)ual buritUr know a that It he can K' t a hnle into a Mule lock fie li ail ru-hi; nnu nolens the writer can le urn the htirKhtr how to drill rhlllod Iron, which I very niueh doubt, hla oceuputlon In homo. The next oinl which 1 notice in the very urave iU"ntion put by tlvc wr ter, wheihfir It la not e titer to drill one am i II hole through Utile's I 'hnhnl Iron Door thai, twenty holea through the ooiuninn Hlieet lion !Mr 1 1 he reader Mill A-k any disintereat'd Iron-worker whethrrheran not drill even twenty tuall hoiea throtiKh oiie-atMeenth to onA-et:lit Inch aheet Iron intl h easier than to drill one hole throtich one-and-H-hali to two iuuhita trolld i-hil ed Iron, and let him antwer the ieation. The next point which thc writer ullegen aa the cauae of tiiecontreri.y If That fiillie'i a Kent, amnmr others, cal'cd at Uie Con floltOHtion Itnnk, oil Mr VY. 11. HIiiiipt, hanker , Alleidown, and on the Treasurer of the U'uit Ch-tttir ltailrcad, hayhiK to the littler he could hre.ik Into hln tmnk and htirt'lar proof naie In live tuttiu'ei ; and to Die two for mer, tJ.at he could pick their locks, made hy Kvuna A VYft'fton. In live mlnuti'H. Now. 1 am the ole rep(.nr,hle auent of thle city tor l.illie'a san,and 1 pronounce the uhova atateinenia nhtolutely (al-e. ao far us It appMea to unaeli, aa I am n t aw are that 1 have hud any conversation with either of the twol atter part e on the unhurt of sate at all, una l imve never nmne uuy nwn aiatetnontM, a are allettcd, to (bo former or any other p-Tion. Hut 1 take the full remonHihilltv 1 1 all that la nt, hi in hod lu Thk Tat, koiiai-h of April U'u 1A. fwiilrh can he eK- amlueil in my printed circular at my ltin t, at anytime, Ian the article wait taken fr tin that.) and I am prctaroa to ouMajn every position Uie re tuaile to the aatinfactioai of . an dUlntereNt. d DTHon. 1 Thua httve 1 reviewed the prominent point a lu tlila artl ' cle, and the writer' retsnna lor hU uuretituale attack t upon l.l!Iie'H Ha c are lound to ho nun? prete Be, and with -! out the .nl'dhtent foundation. 'I he rent rauc w ill bo inund ' in a vhort review of the Naie hUtory In iMnladeltmia. It ta 1 a fact well undervtood, that the writer h is realufd a lor , tune (n the ltt tew yc.irN by mukliiK Male- ol tho llnhtRst tuuterlal. with ti e clicajieht lock, and in every way -t up in the che;iKht nmniier, and filled mnli Iv with red eluy (which co.ia nothinw), to nivu them the appearance of weitit and solidity, and fl at he h.i. aold tueto Satea at very hih prhe , niakintt an uxtiav,! ml protli. Ill la a fuet alito well understood, that within 'helaitt three jeiirn L'lhe at'hil t Iron Su'e ha lieeii lureU introdu.-e.t i in this city and Mate, trmi thf nimph fact Uiat intelUteut men have prtterred a hate that hud one and a half Ut lw- j itrelaca tM kuerh of aold iron, beinif a ao driil-proor. wth ' a ihoiouuh binular proi i lock, to u ruiu thai had one teenih to one-tweJfth of un Inch thickneeia ol aheet iron, wiih the cheatcat coiinnuii look, ami not hui tflar-pr d ul all, t Hpei iuih when the former C"t lily about (lie (tmij price a tin- littler. . How doentl.a writer alten.pl to rt in- dv tiiU difti- ult y ' Not hy improvlnv hla iih ii kuf. but bv an ittiempt ti d; , fieaiit til te How dm t he do tlf Hu ttrt putdlrly I aniioitntea that Lillte a Hue U m-IMier tire u r ur'l.r pioof. ai.d rt puhhflieo nil anaynf tale atntemn'a. Ilrt ' iililiahed h olhT aain inn era, whlrh he knew at the time had been pahlh-iy prove to be talaA. iSe ' ond, hu (succeed ill to dup a Iioum , bo had oneoi Lilce' Haiea ! by Miuillur fitlse repreatntationa, to exchange a ! l.fll e'a Hale for Kvana A W.itoii'a. hy elvluu t'leui I a Hide he aaiVed near ;t' lor, iu exchauite lor LllUe , I v Inch cotti H7' ; und since about the Int ol .lanuarv l-tit, I am toll) he has hp nt much of iim lime in the attempt t i ih'kMire tl.e Knit In f'rv w ay ; ilrt by aleilontf.tUen hy ' erihfliiif hi. le throng h it havitiu dio-oveied tlniMi had liol the il-toil huntneas) Ah o the .ot:k, he firtt cl timed it w aa an iutt iiiLement uron Kvaim A Wii xm i Alpb.ibotl- cal Ijh k. but aa that wjm n it pa'eiu-d it wamio wuiiin)! luhtly. to dthiTtxtlt l e l.if-k he Miow thai thn corchiniti-tii ot the Lin k can be picked up Iron, ttie oullde II a hoi ; cin he not thretiyh the d Hir l i ihe ri''it pi tee. a tnni'l 'rt ut dl-covei , which haa been fully answered. Now, why re in rt to ail thh cirteiniiilie uicanneaa.' Whv not t me out ffirlv nod '"r',l nd have p-vam A Wa-flon'a Stte biuci d HittiiLMde oj i. line a, and nave tiuia uiriy teiieii, I soi 1 1 us to the ir tire and thcl' hurnlaj'-i'rooi ijLia ltief, a-- he ha Ucn cimlK ined (o d (1'tiii: 'I lit? reutuu l plain. I uili.r Unu'ri that it uMI not do to place t itt , to 1-1'jih ol an Hi' h thick n "nn ol Kiietd Iran o.-aiimt m to 3 Inch thiekntoj of hard chilled iron ttt ataideitr.rtlro or toe bi ffl ir. and "tbi''. whu tlie i mailer,'' M. V flo,i;n, Aent, No.'I South Sp.VKNll. Ht.eet 1". H. Thf public feht of Safea thai waa eiei tedto come otl lrtht week Ih mm voidrttily M!tioiiel for a wiK'k or two. I he article ill the .St't,,a Ditjia'f haf tho Id ol July will be answered Iu my next. M. C. b., Acut. Iron !. Kfop It brfure the Plillne Oelpbla public, Utu I.llllo's so-called Itunjlar-Proof Safes, Biaiiiifaitureil In Troy, Mew Tork, can be opaned without nolsa by drilling one small hole Just over the centre of tlie lock dial and using n small wire. Any of his Suit, can, by this nutlioil, be opened In one minute after the bole has been diilkd. Haul hole can be drilled to from quarter, half, or two hours' time. There I" no Hafeof hla make In use June 1, lael, which cannot be drilled aud opened In tlds manner. Turtle, interested are referred to my Challenge to Llllle, end other fails relative to bl. Hales, published In the " North American," June 21, Iwil, nnd "Sunday UU pnkli," June 111, 1WH. Notwltlitiandlov the positive assurances given by Mr. Llllle Ui the public that hla Hafes are arm-proof, persons desiring to be oouvlnred btve only to call at Kvans Watson s HaUuander Hat Hture, No. 16 S. Ifourtn street, where the operation of drilling and opening will be done In their pretence every morning at W o'clock, until the pub lic are satisfied that hla Sa'ea can be drilled and opened without making any noise. 1)AyiD Of Vis l inn of Cvane A Watson. leek, at Co.'s Pljsnoeu STKC'K 4 CO.'S MASON riANOS. as Biiiura .xni CABIN KT BTEC'R CO.'S PIANwS, J. B. oofil.rt, yeaUi and uuimn (s. REASONS WHY rRKoiis r bbkt it inn "rr.oniiNO&. f. It doee (Setter and (Wr wort Uian can be done en any other Machine, and ever aklpa atlrrbe. IT. I le Uie only Mahlae Ikat ran make tr.e lock and knot ntltf hea. It I the only Machine having a perfect and uniform Icn- lon of upper and lower thread. IV. It la the only Machine hnvintj the rveralhlf feed motion, enabling the oitcrator to fa-iten Ihe ends of Beiima, thereby anvinp innch labor. V. Il lh tte onlr Machine thai will not vex and annoy lh( ope rator by -ri-ttlnR wit of order. V(. It ia Ihe only Machine made on corret t mechanical prin ciple, without any tprlnjfs togdt out of orI-r, and will la-it a life time. VIT. There la no other Machine Uiat will do ao wide a rantro ol work aa thc Plorenor ; rharutca from eoc kind of it itch to another; ran be made iuatantiy, while the Machine Is Id motion. VIII. It use all klndi of thread, and Hubs, Pcli. Hinds, Tuck. Jlraidtt, (Vtrds. guilts, Oath em, and Hews oa a Ituflle at the aame liaie. IX. It paflMiea so many aJvanlft over all other, that It la unrvirrsally acknowledged t be Ihe pitrffytion f Saving Jfurh.net. There is no rik In buying the Florence, We warrant every Machine to give entire aatiafactlon, of money re funded. Haa I dee, we keep them In order, and give Instruc tion free of charge. The public are Invltod to call and see UV operations of this perfection of 8ewtn? Machine, It must be aer n to be apprec iated, and citi you nothing to trit U mcrrf. FLOKKSfK SP.WINtl MACUINK COMI'ANV, Jit. ftIO CHKHNUT Hticet. tttsMpberry t'ntiewbfa iHsMftrkllae WISBJ A IIOM OH.ICIOIi-1 PaiNK, tnr it, for ea'e by Havia A KM-Hsftfi4( Alf'H AN It TaNTll 11 UK hi. E. C4. Mhlttinnn A o Mannfacturera of New and Delicious Oonfe'tlon. Almond I'aate, ( :boolatt Caramola, (.' reams Ia Mode de Paris, exquisitely flavored. IXoaated Jordan AJmonds. Ae., tc No. 3l Chen nut street, below Fourth., 1ST TWENTY-IOURTH WARD. A Ml'.l'.TINr. OK THK Citizens of the Twenty-Fourth Ward will nr. IIKLO ON MONDAY EVENING NEXT, AT 8 O'CLOCK, At the Commissioners' Hall, THIKTV-SKVENTII AND MARKET BTHKETS, Kor thc purpose f adopting the neceaaary measures to oimp'ete the Ward Enlistments of "ICO I)VYi MEN," In accordance with Uie Proclamation (fith Int ) of Uie Oovemor, and by authority of the (le neral tlovcrnment. pMii.AHKM'HiA, July 9, lHiH. yl.-'2i GKOVPsR'B CHK8NUT STREET THEA-TKK.-MON DA Y, July 4, W4. IMPOHTANT NOTICE. Preparations fur Ihe (treat sptclacJo of ALADDIN ; OR. THE WON DKKKPL LAMP, which are now helm,' made, will n-ceaaltate the HLOMNli OK THK THKATKK for a abort time, aa many Important cruuiftes In the ma c.hii eryof the ftaye are to be maJu consequently there will be no tieriorinniic until the wreat Hne tai Ut 1.1 pro duced, wldch is expected Ut surpass any previous produc-tt- n ol the kind ever witnessed in Amorica. Durtiu tlie cloee theTheatrti Will tte thoroughly renovated. Jy5 4NNTIAL EXCURSION OF THK YOUNG J Meua C'lirintian Avftoeiatlon to AILANTH! CITT, MilDAY. July 16, Iwi. Tickets, can be procured At Ahhniead A Evan,7af4 Chenut utreet; at the Kooms of tl AociHifou. 1 Kin9 and lull Chetnut str- eLand at the w hart on the uiorniiw of tke excursion. La.t bout leavi-a Vu.e street wharf at tio clock . M., precisely. jyKii alTrrA DELIGHTFUL EXCURSIONS JaiAaaavnaaasi B I V K It 8 (Ml II V L K I L L . The RteanlKlsl (JI'NKKAI. 1IOOKKU. (fatfaln MAR KI.K. leaves Folrmttuni every kuiir fur 8 -liu Iklll II. U'lits. I.ttur. I Hill, llelmont Cutlnge, tlie alia and Wls.a hkaon. jl II KW STYLE ENVELOPES AND PATER New Htle Knvelopea and Pupor. MewNtle KmeJimea and Paper. Ited Knvetope, ited Paper. Heil I. metopes. Ked Knvelttpea. New Style 1'npt Kt'U I'.tper. Ked P.nvelopoi. r, lied on Kuiirth Paste. New ile I'spt Ked tn r mirth I'uKe. Sew Hlsle I'ttper. Ited on I'onrlh lV-ie iNew Hivle Paper. Heil on Fourth I'ao. Mnntilat-tiirt d and fi-r Sale At MAtlKK H, So.31t.(JIIKHNlT Hireet. At MAtil.K H, No.lllbCIIKSSTT Slrael. K.ber retlills, at .11 AUKK 8, No. JIC CIIKHMCT Street. The KBiile I't m ils, at M AllKK'M. No. itllKIrllji.MJrHlrcet. l'i in. lis for tle, In lurjje or suisl oiiaiiiiiles. i)!Wl Ko.,'ll6L'IIKsNI'l Htreel. qiii.i:aivh iiouhi:, No. CUKKNl'T 8THKKT, I'lllLAfllCI.I'llIA. This House Is kept on the Kiirnpenn Plan; the Itooms are convenient and well ventilated. The Uestauraut oiler, all ItiMiiles of Ihe season. jy'i liu JUS). STEtTAt'HKIl, Proprietor. pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. KVANH aft IIAHHALL, M11.ITAHY KlIHNlSmCKS, No. 418 ARCIi BTRKKT, PUILAUEXPUIA. Manners, IteKimenUl And Company Flags, B words, Hashes, hcits, Passants, Kpaulets, llau. Caps, Canteens, Ilaveraaets, Camp Kits. Field Ulasaos, Spurs, and every u'llng pertaining to the complete ontflt of Army and 5avy Oflieera. A liberal discount allowed to the trade. myl0-3m J. II. FOHTE 11. AWNINO MAKEH. IVO. 44.3 IV. TIIIltr Htreots AB0VB WILLOW. tSTAHLiISllrili 1844. AWM.St.S, WAGON C0VKR8, ruius, SAILS, TEST8, rAUCY VEKA8DAJ1S 70 WINDOWS, Alt kinds ef work done prusopl!, and attsaded ts er auaalij , bj JOBKPH H. F08TKR, e. 43 N. IlIIKD ITBKBT, Abure WHIow. gEIDESBUEO MACHINE WOEES, OFFICE, No. US IV. FKONT HXIVIiET, J'niLADKI.FUU. We are irepared lo AU ertlara lo any extant tbr ear well- kBSJWS HA0B1MKBT FOI COTTOH AMD W00IJIH HILLS, Irvtladinf all reeeM laaprotremeala la Oardlssf, Bplausof , aad WaIUa We lf tu Ui sUeoliMi of aiaatifttcturen Is our oxiaav elrf wiKke, Ml ALFHtO JtNKB BON. X. n a n o o n it K A I. rt k a i. 1 HTAT V.. K HTAT 11. $5,000,000 WORTH TOR SALE. $5,000,000 WORTH FOR SALE. "' GEORGE 0. MILLER, rrat llcal Real Kslaie Oi eis'or (for lite last 90 ear,,) No. 15 1 N. MXTII BTBEKT. Tlie eery hesl first ( lass rellaltle Ileal K'sla Afrnncr to be fttitnd In this t Hi inalNtt 1 l M MIX I'll street lluntlte.1, antl tin nssnds s-f tlt.llsrs wurtlt uf Itesl K.stste solfl wieklT. a Isi t sitnttlrent that hoth rtuver, as ,fHis stO.trs knttw ss In it- l.j rtitl 10 have ti elr iiir(nfsitiisvi t-r'tl. GtOllSrM.K LOW, OK KXCIIAMJK .tJJl Nest Conlilty fst itt. with c.tutl Iniitntv.ntt-iils, Is ant a nt e relit 1 ait1. ft.ttr inn! n Itsll mil' . Irwn Mm k t sln-el tirittiie. on tl.iverf .nl strsl. III Itit- fwent) Intirth Vv artl. l'asbenf r liiuimnil ss it iltt raili-. IlKOKHK '. Mll.l l.lt. No I..I N.isl X'l II sireet. Gl'OH WALK - nit.ST-Cl.ASH l'ltorKK TIKH: Arrlt.ea.lof Islti.K.'.fty '(SSIti ClierTT. I'rfre T. OHO. S . W. ctsriit-r 'f liir'l ano llsrmenv etttirl; four sl'try ; 7J be IvO. 1'llte t.i .! . Wt.ts si 'rhrsntit. west nt .seventeenth,? by US). Trite. gwl Orx f1l sse.sf tvhesiiul street, dnuble bouse. I'rlt-e, S MtD N). fin west Spnif. street, 'i hy lti lo a sireet. Trice, .'l nil. t'nrrar F.lrhlh at.tl roninr. ?1 bf It t, and wMnnlnn fsi M ft t-t on Ihe tear. I'rlee, l.'.,MSl. Chesnilt. anst nl Mlmt etilli, 10 hy 1?V ITI. e. U,'0 'I till tl, sttuiii t,i Art:h, brown stone Htor'i I'rite Slo.iXS). On west lni an HinMre, Itrown attttie. I'rlee, Mh.isi). Itrttad Street, si'ti'li t.f lllrard avt-ntts. I'rl'-e, t hesout.esst nf lentli, nurth side, hy 17u 1'rhse, eoisti. Ar-'h street, splendid Inrire Rtore antl Ilwellln in the mn-t tttisllit ss p"t-ti"D. tty 111. Trire, a.ts.oisi. lit aides, huiitln-dh ttf others at lower figures, Iterated in U.e iholCfsl lion tins of the city. tlKOUtlF. (' MIU.KR, TraoUeal Ileal Kstntelipsral.tr, Wo. I. 'el N. HI VI H Htreel. f M'I.KM)I FIRST CLASS LAKOK. liwt l it,L'. ai.tiih shle Hummer ,'r-et, west ol His t nth . Klt'Hiit iH-nrlihtirlitsKl. Twelve rteitns. lt and iHiiliilint '.ss ttei tiunt hylll teet da -p to Hptlnc street. I'm e Ill.ISS), Itnrut'iliaie teissesslon. CKOHt.K '' MIT t.KK, Real l.state Airent and Hnser, No. M N. HI.V Til Hireet. GF.I, Vine. F.I, I (JANT FOUK STOUY DWKI.l.INO, wis. nt S.'veiitrenlh, marble up the flrst story. 1 illes.ii rooms. Lot tl hy V, to a street. Trse lii'sl(). IIKHIttlK C. Ml'. I. Kit. Reel Kslaie Aiesul snil Broker, No. 1.1 N. Nixrll Street. f VlillY ,M'I,KM)I1) FOUR STORY iu.li Irtinn Htntie I runt liwelllinr north sule of me st i b stit-ei, east of I ok-au s.itiare. llfteon ruxtuis. Lot w I'll.e 'llissi (IK.tlllllHC. MII.I.KK, Heal I, slate Ag.-nl iiml llrnker, No. IM N . HI I'll Hireet. af MACiNIl' K'KNT FOUR STORY HROWN' Lii Hlone I rolil list illlnir, on West Lfwan Hitire. Hl'- larue looms Lot fi leel fron'. by Itit liM-t tlettp. Price loV,l. IlKtlltur. V. Mil. I. Kit, Ileal Kstate Ai.'etit and I'.rokar, No. I.'tt N. SIX I'll HtreeL GVFRY M'l.F.NIHD FIRST-CLASS FOl'R stors brown stone fn.tit HWKI1.IMI, on SI'ltlft'K, v est ot hos eiilet ntli. Kifieeu rooms. Lota! by lisu'eel deep, le a streo. Prnre Sil.00t. An oleM.nt properly, linlsliej uvoioslte'iy tlirouhotlU OKOItllK C. MII.I.KK. Kt'aliateAitent ami ltrokr, No. l.'rl N. HlX l il Hireet. Ft Fc tj.1, mi FOR SAI.K.-TAKK WARNINO. fiOI.I) lining it. antl so Is real earn e. lo not dt-far the piiiit.a.seiil iirojM-rty another hour, ror the greatest sucrl ihsi'S sud baruams ol the uijo, rsll f.T M11.LI.K S1 l ataloidie. at No.l.'il N. HI X I It Hireet. FOR SAM:. KVl'.RY 1'F.RSON 1H- JSkslrlinr to piir. l.ase Henl Kstate, are always sure to consult AIIl.LF.lt s Monthly Lnlalogue, gratuitously dls trlbutesl al Isn.lM N.B1XTH Street, ft TO HI NT OR FOR 8AI.K, FIRr jLiclasa aide artl llw elling. No 4ti; N. Finn street. Keiit f t'OU. I'rlee ltl, sjO; a 'reat sacrtnee. liKilltHS, 0. MII.I.RIt, Ileal K-tate Airent and Rroser, No V4 N. SIXTH Strtset. ff-ff FOR SALi;. OKHAT HAROAIN AND immediate pt 'ssion, cleirsnt larite tour-story I woll llit. No. 17UH Itsce street. Fourteen large rtisius. Lot rl by luifeetdtop. 1'ilcc hmjo. MII.I.KII, no i t. is . SIX I'll K'reet. f$ HVK 1'KKKKCT SACRIFICES. FIVK Jtilrpe four-1 t .ry iiWI'.Ll.INUM, iiain browo -ilonc hiuI l li ion I'ruiit" up tu tlift tirt ntory. I.u ated on HKOAIi, alKTe .Iftlvrnoii s'ret. Ku'titeon nKtnn, Lot IM ami I'Mi ol frnti oyvi ftit c1-, to tl Hire-., l'rifo $lo,(4 aitd tlv.'0r er, for cac-li . IloHidfii hiitulieiiH or ntiiorH. Int nnntion of which can be tiailatDiyuillce. Any pernon wlhtiin; to pnn lttifl wltlior for invpstmont or i npHiiev, fhinld not fttil tora'l, aa I havealwava 100 IhcI1idki of wMcti immr.K'ite ik maiuihiou can tie had. (1KOICOK C. MII.I.KK, 1'rarllcal Real KMato Ojrwatt.r (for the last Ji) voarn). M. l.vi N. MAI II Hirtft. Cut tlili out fir future reference WANTS. SA .SI enrolled J;7-1t SUIISTITL'TK WANTF.l) FOR AN d cltl' n. Apply to No SrUS.TIIIBIl Street. M'ANTl l), WITH IMMKWATp: POS- sefslon.an titlire suitable tor an Insurance Comoaur, siiuute natween sis onn. and sixin ana ss air ut ami untss niit streets. Ap.ilt lo Itus No. lotr, Pllilstleliitii.l Post tltllre. j ;;it FOR SALE AND TO LET. G COUNTUY SKAT FOR 8AI.K A 2k plundid CMtnlrr iithliliice, with all modoru -X nvcnlt'iictiit nit'i Unacti'ttof u round, half a uillb from Ken neu H.uur, wml udeolniitK J',Knt ntatidlon ofltayard Taylor. It will le told nt (treat nneriilee Uf uffdltora, Itallniad and t'laatali u Irhln riilfn mlnntoa' ride. Apply to V.ll.rAIM'rlt, or W 11. WaODKLL, Ktq , Went i'lie-ter.ra., ur.l.HSm 11UKY, Haiuortou Penna. Ja4 FOR SALE. $50,000 WORTH IN GOOD Ilotiteit. Iaxlh and am .11, on termi to ault piimhaaen. iorlihor without Inruiubrancf, for oaith and irood trade. In)ulre nt, from li) t li o cloclt, A. M. THOH.M. I'L'-t WMAN Ho. iiOJ t. KOUKTII Street. Hl.WARU. TUK HOARD OF Ci A.H1'ri'sld. i:ta of the City Pa-erncer Halwayi lU-rh a prfuiinm oi I iv-Hnmlu'it dtara tor a plan, lo be at'i'rovod by a ''ijimittte of tin Hoard, for th prfven tnn nl In ury to i"-t n )y tin- mniilnx uf tits ctira ot tlie City Kail May a. tor i .nrticnit.ru. m.inrc ot HI.NKV CKtHKKY, Srei-y, )j7-3l 1KI.AWAHK Awnue, bluw tlreou airoeL T OST. CKRTIKICATE NO. ia, DATED I J Jaly l'r, ImU f r mi hlmrf of tl e fapltnl ftlock of the Hwond and Thtr: Sim u rastentfiT Itaiiway Compinv, In the nsme ot M . il It.sl ey. An applint'ou hat be-n mnlo t i tlm CotnpHD) ior a new C rtiti. te. tb- flntlr wiU pleane return the iamf to the OfiVe ot the Comiitny. nr to .,.'ji ri ii Uikit'i' L- i ivlnti IOUIl A (Mil UN si"uoi';issi',iiL FHlLADlLrHIA MEBOHASTS. 11 lll.l.sllKI) II V JAMES K SIMON, No. m. hixth hiiloi, I II I I. A U H I. I' II I A. Tliese BIO;BaI'IIIKS are tan-lulu coiupil. d. wllU lit terestiiir Irclttetn. t. tltf caruer of snine of tlie foremii commercial west ttt this t'oinuiiiiilty. l'Mty-.cven Htr,oiial sketeties.'are comi risrd In thf work, tom-thsr with au la Irotluollon and an Lsa on "I'KIISONAL I'UOSPKHirV OF MKKCIIAN'1 .1." Illuslrsltil Kltli aertiral atotirala 1'urUalLs on 8tM I. Every rbllstleltnali slioultl srvttre a crtjr of title WOKF. jy'i stntli :t IN THK OliniANS' COI KI KOlt TUB tltv sad CouiiK uf I liilittltliilils. Kslatrol I l.l.Attl I II W U I K, docnasfd Tlie Auditor Mfts.ntt'd ti sud.i. ta t-'f, untl ailjnslthe first and final act ttnni uf I'AI'I.K'K l.M'V, l-'xtciitar ol tlie last will ami tfsii liient of KI.I7. sltK I'll Will I'K, tto-ct-asd, antl rt-port iisirilniti.il of thr b lUnct. rttnisuiiiiit la Ma hsntls, will met' ll,"i'irl)s ititurrstml lurthf Ditnttises tf his ai.ponilmt'iit, t.ii Tl F.S1) Y, Jul) I.1, A. It IstU.atll 0 clock A. M .at l is ..ill. e. H. K. culler of 'l lllltU and 1 ll KSNI'T Hlreets. I'lnlatelibla. Jeiu-lhstuihsAt CLW.JM VIS, Auditor. ij;STATK OF SUI'HIA O. HKUEKTON, J I a tstmir. The Antlttor ainolitlt1 by tlie Orplians' Court of tlief'lty and County of Pliiladt'litliia lo au.l.t. asttlea ami udj'ul the first and final acct t uf KOHKIf l'tl Will I K. Guardian ol tlm Kitul. ot Hlll'IIIA U. IIKIlKK'rtlN.a minor, an.l to report iltsiiihntltin.H ill uitfot tlm nurtlcs intcrcstttd for ihe lui poet's ot Ins ailntiiit'lit,t'li MDNHAY. July II, l6l, at lut, o'oltit k A. M . ut his Olllco, Is'o. 717 WALNUT Mr uol, In the l lty ol 1'liiiad. Ijtliia JOHN CLAVTOV. Ift'lO tlistu .'it Auditor. IL CLOTHS OFKVKHY VARIETY, InauulactiU't-d ut.d fur sale by 1IKKWHTKII, H AVI LI. CO., IsH lin .o. : DOCK Street, lMillaiL 1 EXPLOSIONS. LUT KVKRV MAN VfaO 1 i owns a Hteam ItolItT read tills notlre, Ashoroft s Low Water lietoctor never fails to irrve from one-half to two hours' warning, as doslred, that tha wats la aettlng low In the holler, and that dani-r I, ao pruaclilBs:. The Instrument requires no oare.ajid la war raatttd In evory Inslanoe. Also, Mt.am and Water Centos, with Boetck tflase tubes, eelhcleansiuf Kauye-eoek,, Ae. H.-nd for circular eomaUilm l-ailadelpkla leltera and Cir. alsrs. AUOI'HTtli, s). HATTl-HA, jytt-lw o.!MN.SUTU8ueet.l rfllE RUI5SCRIBKR8 II AYR A8HOCIATKB 1 themserfoe tos;sther under the ttrsa of HOLrOsI, KYKHMAN At CO., aud WIU eonllnua tlie Oar Hulldlns riustii.ss la all Ita branches, at tho old eetahltsluussmt. Cornen 1WENTT riltBT and U A WILTON Srreu. joHBeu u. mn-Tosf, UaVikuK K. UlsLSalAJi. Jyl-lm O. w. L'UI LPS. CTUR0K8 FK08T, No. MKCHA-NIO O Sueet, Newark, N.J. .wa.lt ''t"f"2J parte of the United NutM to aWI ti..! kVjwot ,''m?f' Address as aho... with two and thr" troularaiid serms. usik.t.i itU.HMlWI' - H' Uh1" JffBLnJ8l KUSLLNS!! MTJSLTHSItl AT LF.sa THAW CASK HUOKS. Tl,',t make. ll,r, S d Wnsllns, New l ost MINI Waae eulU,rorret.lale, ll.i:.iws' I alls. Hoesakeeper, Bnler prlae, and ItaMlr. Vriibarhed Muslins. W uplo7ic. ysrtf. All-weoi and Hornet Flannels, at lias than bale prtesM. Vine Quality whit" Brinisnis, 'i0 and HOC. yard, oanaot be Iraponed al less than .ic. Fine quality Jaconet, Hwiss.an l NalnS H,t Muslins, rer lod es' (IsHbsldl rtisdles. l.lneo ( ra.b, H.JO.n, and?.v. yar l. PltiK. bin , and atrawrolor Tartelau, f sr covtsrtng. H I Mos.tilto llitr Nettlnii. SIIV Hun t tnbri'l s, II 7D. Hi, to, eon-.t, lllack Mnf.air Witts, .11. W Hi, 75.90, and SI. Fins qnslll) Moltslr Milts. l'7.'p, and ?. I. a. Il- ,' and (.ems' llo-l ry, at lass thau ltirlere pnres. La Ilea antl lien a Llntsn ( ainbrl lUkfi. Palm l.mi'lans.n. 1 .1. J"),2.'t. , sW. and SS, Llnt u Fans, :'l , tl, W, 6H, , and 7i. TEIGE & WOOD, r. IS. IN TIHTII HT.. AUiiVE aUtrtH. N. II. I.ADIW A NO MISSl:S Ices than Manufacturers' price.. HD'IP HKIKTS, al It T AO(i ,1 KUOTH Kit, COKNKR TKNTU nd 1'INK, havB ju.t mrc,vi J1AHUAINH from Auction. 1 cum' 4 4 Oruawly l,ti Rood iiuallty, 7tc. j tit Sttmm.T halinnral .Hkirtn. ii .". nta Hwlsi Htrtpe Mimllnj, for tlantti, W, ), an4 "i rtnti". lot (.lain HwIm MnOiiii. for do, :1e. to$l. 1 )! will.- 8 tripod Milrn-d MunNn, 1 lot iif w yin Linen ( Kmbroul relf Collara tm4 Hktvt?e.$i. J lot very fine edliwort Hwlai Kdt'M, fiJScto $1. I lut Narrow Cambric KiltMn, (vrry Hri-), 'WCe ;i lota tiDi Cambric IntrHtUiL-i. tV.",c. toll. lot l.atliPB' torurd-border Llnou ilandkorclileik, (hcmmoil), 'i'tr. ll.it Of nt' llomtued, corded-border, Linen llandker chitii, f-iir. 1 lot L flirt.' rerv flne L'nle Thread Under Vmu, lfUi. 1 lot I a-lira li -l? -Ih-frtd uttk-ton (llovoa, ?Oc. lot While all bo i U.l Hllk, No M, ltihbonn, 1 lot extra bav, donhlu bolli-d, o. 6, HUck Kik boiiN. flUSc 1 lot wide Tarlotain, for Mosquito Nettinirn, 2V. 1 M 4-4 MoaffiiHo Nfttlttira. all Co lorn. 12 1 lot flnet quality OrmaiUuo Vel1i,ri0c. worth tl'M, 1 lot lt ri'BKe Veil, natln hordt-rn. aU colon, (JOc. 1 dt Mn LlnnnNhlrt rmnta. only !lc. ll' tllovii' KiiHlh Spotted Cotton lluud&erchiefj, oaijr 7 conti. Alio Hrimhoti, f 'ornbt, Laet, llnlr and Waterfall Ne4 ColoKnca, Ktrurt, Trim minus, and Notion., la grwu a riot . alwava at b'n tlina rju)tr prlc1. U 1HKA1' DRY OOODS, CARFKTS. Oil J Cloths, Matlua,and Window Nhadea. V. K. AKCHAWBWLT, N. H.romor r.l.KVENTII and M AKKK 1' Hi ta. Will open, tlili niorriiur. from au-t'on, lntrra'tt Carp eta, all wool, at l,l J...MX7.M .'.o.tlYii, i ;ftl rt aud t. Inirriilli Oarpt'ts. wuol UMIIiiK, 7.'ic. Ili'inp Crtrin-th, 0-)c. ltiKCiinx'ts, K.ntrr and Stair Carpets, 7tc. to H'fW. HtHi'r OM C-ti, 70,-, to 9 1. (.IU Hordered Wir4 w ntiadea. IIM to . Whheaiid hi d Cli.-.-k Mmiing, So and 6Jc. Burt and tlrren Hbadtnif. ':. CIIKAP IKV IIOOl.S AX1 TIVMlN(li. MuftUns in great vtirletv from to ) cenu; WIiVi Slie.-tliist and I'lllow Musilos, tiic. to $1'.(T Now Tesfc MIIIh Hhiii, 7-c. Trtblc Linens. $1 to f 175. lS'iipkliiH.3l toofloeuts, Crah, 16 to 7 rents. Tab'e Covers, to $:.ri0, Alparni, all colors, it, to 7c. ; ltla k and Wool Delalaea. to cents. Hunirir Shawls. $-f00 to $6. lannHs. 4,11- to $1 ; Lawns, 40c. ; Ooata' Bpool Oottoa. ltcrnis; HMrt ltranl , Hr.-mi ; Pin, .c ; Hooks and Kvm, X ri:ts. Ledit'h' mid Ueuts' C-ft-n stork inns, 1H toaite Wlmlea'e nnd Koiall Store, N. L. comer KLKVKNTS and M A UK KT Htn Hw . Jy.- U 1ST IV O H I H K!U- We refund the money. If desired, for erery lot of 8Mrta wblch fall In any roapeot. HNE SHIRTS, CUT LKNGTHWIHK MUSLIN. Made of New York Mills Muslin, and vary floe Unea Bosoms. Only t OO. Wllllauisvtlle Mtlli MusUn. and flue Linen Bosenu, Only $3-75. GKNTI.F.MEN'S FURNISHING OOODS. H3IITH to JACX)HH, ny4-i9 No. V4'4Q CHLHNUT Btraat.1 iO-44 ClIKShCT 8TKERT, The attention of LADIES VIH1TINO THR f'lTY.nr those about LKAVlN; It for" Watrr iiid riares,' or "the Coaatry,' Is respe tfnllT invlud to the etonnltt stork of WHITE ClinlxS sttltablp lor HI'MMKU WEAR, foe WUllK aUUDlKH, M&HN1NO WUAPFKltS, Ao. An extensive assortment Is oiTm-ed tn Laea am) Worfce.1 hsduiiuis and ln-ertlns. Vails, llnnoktircliiels. Collars, NlneTCH.and IniiUia and fanry )Maid, Hirlil, and r-'lirured White Ooods AT PKICKH MUCH HKLOW Tiiittal 1'llKhKNT NKTnlL VALtK. lii rnnted Linen Camlirtc Uressea. 1K pittas l'uiled, Tucked, anddUlvod Mus lins. 104 UIWtBnT 8TRV RT. C 1L0AK.S.1 CLOAKS!! CLOA&SII1 CLOAKS I CLOAKS 1 1 CI.OAKBtll CUIAKSI CLOAKHII CLOAKS) I II CIXIAK8I CLOAKS 1 1 CLOAKSIII CLOAKS! CLOAKS It CLOAKSIII WE Klt.UTH STRF.KT CLOAK RsMPOKrVaf, THK KItlllTII HTHKtT CI)AK EWPOmUs. THK KIUUTU BTKKKT t'Liff KMl"OHIUM. Tlili HttllTU HTKKBX fJLOAK Batl-VKlQati o ins H. ElOflTa Street, Mo. HN. KIOUTU StreeC rso.XKI N.EUlIITa Strati. W.f.Al BAHOA1NS, tllKAT HAIKIAINH. OltKAT HAUOAIKS. t Al.l. AND I'l'flDIIAHK, CALL AMI I'lHtCllAHB. CALL AXll rtllit'UAtis. At VTM A K' LYMAN'S sn.iiin siifKKT cloak ETrrouiun. esy-U tto.smn. llfm TU Street. iLOAKS, COATS, AND MANTILLAS. Lathes .ltns; to dress wtall and eoonoiulc.lt?-. win fft.il It toll.t'lr sdssutai: Ut visit tht. Mammoth Cloak and slHinllla r.itil'oiiiiui ot airs. IIKNIIY, Nos. 3 and 40 N. MN1II Hirfet, bt'iuw A'cli, whoro are to bo had all Uia luicst Tarts aitj l.om..n atk. at prices that wdl eo.tuai tlis-ir imuifdiaie disMal. N.lt.-A l.atiils.tniH asaortmt-nt of T.atlfee' aad Oentkfr inotrs Wrapps:la. Htiawla. ami Laos slaiullla. ai.l-;im Nos a. tt til N. NIMH Street. t28 HOOP SKIRTS. Manufactory. So. UM Alii II Street, 628 Auore tsixtn street, l'luladelphla. Wliolesale and KetufL Tha most com stele assortment of ladles, Mlssee', and fhildien's ll.ap hkirts In tho city. In every respect first class, which for si vie, tinteu, durability, and cueapnvsa. bev no e.iial tn the market. fcklrts made lo older, altered, and repaired. tot-ly WJd.T. IIOTKl-NII. pBEBIDENTIAL 0 AM PAIGN. FLAUH, BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES, war. f. Hciiioiiina. No. 49 6. THIRD STREET, ' Above Chesout. rUUdalpata. MANUr-ACTLKSB OIT FLAGS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS.. Political CaBwaifB Claba Sited out with Laart out ' Badses, Batiusrs, and riaa, at nast.naole nl. J rk u T)AINTIHOII -A. Jo, 47 B. THIRD 8TRTET,.U ANL abo vi cmm",,,,, ' , fklw'- 't. a ' i '"""uds.s.M FAIIY 4 BROTIKFmlTl.!l,r B0USB, ilOl. AvHO OBXAjukHTAL PAI.K.Afi. u Oratmlnc, Olaahtf, OUdaBf M OlaM, Tiilmh'