a'f JtoMHtW $ y - flu- imirfrrm-n Aiij THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH F1TILAT)ELPITTA, FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1864. ffivtmiuj digraph j. rnTPAT, JULY H, 1SCI. EPIEIT OF THE NEW YOEK PRESS. Loading Editorial from the Sew Tork Paprrs This Morning. Tilt: MAHVI.AMt H A I D. Vt f nhlMi thl. niornlns a variety of reports, hj" telrjfinpli an.l tiv tinill, pnrjinrting to nupply some UeUilsif the protfri'tH of the Ke'tol r.t.d on the I'ppir rotmnae. The mist tllrec. and ppaimtljr antliciiili' uf these report ri'i re entg the Kchels in cunoidi r!ilo Cone n. -nr J'redcriik City, l'ive tuile-i (rum tli.t; pU :e n CDgHftrnicnt ur RkhniMi took pi ice r -r-lay, and late rvporn reprc-vut ;!, "lC. hi li as tin within one mile uf tli.- lownvrt re (Je:u- Wallace In taid to have cheeked heir pro fit the ycV. and the 0 ivi niniont U ire. , vnwhile, having l.een removed to avid c.ip- art from thl report, however, the st tries iCiTcd hr te!et'ni h a e turtle eutlv eonlle tin to Itfwilder nv one i-eckintf inteltiKiiile intorjt.t tiou. The only way in 1 1 1 J i we imtlil epo t to be furnished with trti.twurti) ilrttrtl intelligence If, for the motm lit, elo-c.l nifunatiM. Tho tele t'raph win s aro ittii r rut or in poneni n of Clio Kelieh huth ent and weni of M iryl ind UciR'i'x, wh.iro (ieneral Siel has po-ted himself; and the oiportnnity that i.ltl.vr hut of wttctriu tlm nt em'i movements Is pra 'tlenllv lo-t, i.i far m etmlilinr thf itiiliiiirv niiilinrliie's or the jji'tn r il puhlic to ,iud(;e of the real nature of the emer gent y. Vie aa-nme, however, from all that is yet rrrortrd, that ficnenil S ei holds Manland Height without dillliuilty, and that, uren if Hunter Is not a reatly eloso upon the rer of tho ltc'tel rnlder, them it no danger ol any ilisas cr to the force tinder Nisid's eomtiMiid. Tim pusl tionisonorf no common natur il strenifth, and It would not he worth while for K -II or K irlv, or wlirever eommantls the lleliel army, to wave time and strength In assailing it. From the accounts hefure us wo can form, as yet, only aTitftue conjecture as to llto ntiinur cal strerjgth of the Inv.ulini? army. Tho more sober statements pla o it at 70-M) eava'ry and in fantry. The m n-atinnal report li c It at f ro u .'IO.iXK) to 10,(1)0. Tho leaUiest w iv to brm these figures to a eonniion sense test is so a-.k what the Kehels tliey may ho many or tew have been ahout in e S urday last i All accounts lin e that they have been plun dering indiseriinina e y at every p lint they have touched; Unit they have shown almost a total disregard of everything like regit ar army disci pline, such as even marked their former raids ; and, beyond all, that tin y have been seen driving large herds of horses and cat le across the river above and around lageiaton, toward the en trance of the Shi naudoati Valley. All this certa nly goes to prove anything hut the presence ol a laige ami thoroiKhly or;f .ulz 'd corp of repnlurs. Or at lea-t it would seem to prove any tKug but a delincr.te scheme of in vasion, having any higher otitrcc than tho ro cniltment of a used-up cavalry division or two, and the procurement of food an l el'jthimr for a few thousand of tho st n ving ragainuillnj who were nt in pursuit of Hunter. At Washington, reports of the rapid advance Of Hunter towards tho R.bel rear appear to he fully credited. On hat foundation tluse reports rest we find it utterly Inipos-inle to diviuu. Tin y may be thoroughly tritstworthv, hut o aro not disposed to be sanguine alt ait it. Tho rhanees Mem at the moment not unfavorable for Karly's ocape whenever he plea-es to go, w ith a very considerable amouut of plunder, us it is open to him, we should judge, to UKe whichever side of the Blue Kidgo may seem most advantageous in his retreat. (lOLI) At' 270. Vom thf Trihunr. Oorernor Chase, tho horror of red-dog bank ers, l out of the Treasury, and Mr. Fcssoudon, whom everybody speaks well of, rolgns in his stead. Congress was fairly bullied and cajoled into repealing the righteous and wholesome act which prohibited betting on future differences In market value between gold and greenbacks ; the Alabama Is destroyed ; and the military situation is more hopeful th in It has previously "been s.u e Bull Hub ; yet tho premium on gold rose yesier tcrday to 170! "Wha: have the Mokannas, who attributed tho rise of gold two weeks since to Mr. Chase and the Gold bill, to say for themselves? H'uero shall they hide from the pr unpt and thorough exposure of their ignorance and their charla tanism? Grant is tliitnderitig at the gttes of Hichmond ; Mitrinun ut those of At mit.i; t'auby hits roliab!y struck another heavy bin at the southwest; the Rebellion is visibly on its lac legs, and tottering ut that; yet gold goes up like a balloon ; so thai 1000 if it will buy mure thm SIO.OOO of Ut.ited States Six Tcr Cents, payable, principal and intcrc-t, In eo n ! The busiues of the country is all but fatally deranged ; ull nominal values are so intl itc.l and unsettled ihut no one kuoAs what to a k nor how to trade; the laboring clas aro stinted in spite of ample work and large wages; and thero is danger of so l.il convulsion from the artful, inflamiuatory incitements addre-si d to ign rtuce by treason. Our bunkers and capitalists evince neither foresight nor courage; avarice and gam bling, engineered by disloyalty, ri le tiu wmrl- wind una direct the s'orm; every necoss try of lite grows hourly dearer; and the coun g ited traitors from Kt. Louis, 11 dtimore. New Or.eaus. Memphis, Louisville, Nashville, & Xe., ho burrow in this city, uud lieru lieuio a id .-trag gle lo paialyi.e the ra si tl rii;ht arm of rli i iibtion, in the interest of ihn .si tveh dders' lte bellion. will soon lie ulii.pi rn:g to thu woikin (iH.-aes that the iutlatioii of pri.'es whijli tiny liave done and daivil everything ti produce, is the work tit those w hom it thr .it. ns to do-t.ov. and w ho are doing all tbey kno to resist and repel it. Coinage, countrymen! This Is the darkness tbat precedes thcdc.wii! Ye' a little while, and uin will hardly rean.e that it could ever have been. 03IIUAKY. f'rr.l.'.iiU til. r I ih l.a Kli of iirliitiiixT. We are culled upon to chronicle the diuth of atu thiri f tic liHsi r lights of Kuropian rowtlty William Frederick Uh.irlrt I., .serond King of WuriiDiliirf;, bus laul il'jn ill s lite and kingly honors ut Ktmtti aril, alter a peaceful iiuJ pio liernUK ri iptt of loit -i l.-lit jenrs. lie was bjru ill 17H1, at d niui, cutetieiuly, eighty-three ers of nee ut tl'e tinio ot in.-ill u'li. His luilu rwas the first KiiiK of Wuru iu ji rjr, vvhiih f.inner iluctiv was 1 levrt'iil ln:o an eli'i't iruto, and then itito a kiiiKitoiu l.y Ni. l.'.'ii 1. It.- hat. lei 11 tic iiiutriiil once to a ditnuh U'rol the Kinii' ror r.nil, of (;iim.iu, and In 1 s JiJ to hit- couMii. I'rnicesi ('.inline Tticrrsn. He h i Iihu klx i hiliiri ii tuti ila'iK'it' rs hy his lirt wife, one of liniii is no Uuoutl of 11 .11 nil, i "! m.ti and thr'-e ti itxineis hy hw steo.i.t wlte. Thi nm, Char-eii Freitci jel. .'c:in l' r, Micceeils Inn IsLlici on ilic thiiiiic. Im I-. iii)4' In iv. one years of arc, I-a tirn'hi r in-l iiv ot the ! nprir Altxaiitlcr of ltiixviii. end, it is li.levid, will make u oil king hueh, itiueeii, was h' lutlici', w'm, while he OJ.I little t pjiortu t. v u ill.- infill-It IiIiiimH' iu the politiei.l atlinrs In linmp.! incc hin r.-iirn was oi e of ttniiitirrnp'td pea e yet ha leit one menu mo of around Inn. I and 1. 1 ml tiJirt t.io grniitiuK lo his people a Constitution securing lo tin in most iinporiutit civil r nhtt, not f ie least of which is perlect freedom iu religious opinion. Urarrsl UvorK P. Morrla. George I. Morris died at his residence In New York, yesterday afternoon at one o'clock, un'cd sixty -two years. Ity his death not alone the lorers of lyrical poetry are bereaved of the services of one who has miniftcrcd to their enjoyment dur ing a period of nearly half a century, but a host of warm periionai friends, who have loved the man not lets than the poet, are called to mourn. Mr. Morris was born In l'hiladelphia, October 10, 1802. At an early ago he re moved to New York, where ho commenced his literary cttroer by writing for the journals, par ticulatly the New York Gazt'te and the Ameri can, to the first of which he contributed verses as early as Ms tlfti entb year. In August, 1HJ3, in conjunction with Ksmuel Woodworth, he com menced the publication of the New York 1Yrror,' which was discontinued December II, 1842, under tho financial disaster of the times. la 1843 Mr. Morris associated himself with Mr. Wil lis in the publication of the A'cw Mirror, and in 1844 established the Ettniug Uirror, a daily 'Tub. cloao of 1845 he commenced alono weekly Journal culled the Nutiorutf Prea, the title of which wm in November, lStti, changed to that of the Home Journal, Mince winch time it htU beoo conducted by himelf aod Mr. Willi i. An a eotifr writer, however, rather than a Jouraali-t, Mr. MorrU has acquired hit chlrf ruptitaUtm. Of hia "Woodman, Hpaietbat Tree," eeveral ntlU nt U co'ie ra aaid W hava Jeta tiwidafetl. la IMS Mr. Morris also published a volume entitled "The Pescrtod Ilrlde and other Ptwrns," and tin consisting of sones by upwards of 'iio Amenran WTiters, ami, in eoniunrtion who Mr. Willi-, the "I'roe and Toetry of K.urope an l America." In 1H37 he produced a tic.-essful drsnia, fonnded on incidents in the Am"rican Revolution, entitled HnerrhT; and in IH42 ho I opera set to music by Charles K. Horn. He has also published a volume of pro-e Sketches, en tit cd "The Llflo Frenchman and his Witer Lots ' (18im. Mr. Morris has resided fir many years at VndorclifT, a rountrv seat on the 11 adsjn rm r, nearly oppo-i'c e-t Tolnt, and has been llrigiiditr-f leucral in the New York Stale militia. ati. ixnr t irr-sKtNtit or ism. A two hours' ride on the Camden ami Atlantic Railroad takes n to the far-famed "Cl'y by Iho Sea." Mr. John O. Hryant Is the eric Ii nt and eonrteotis agent of the road, which i a romph ta success already, and the ride is rendered as plea'nnt as any that inny be obtained by rail. The heated term Is now settled upon us, when people delight to escape for a while the hca: of bricks and mortar." The advertising columns of the papers are carefuily scanned in search of indexes pointing to the tno-t convenient, admir sb'e, and healthy plac. s of resort. Tho seashore, during the heated tenn. Is alwavs in order. There is hea'ing in the winu'sof the ' wind us they come fluttering from the undulating bosom of the brond Atlantic. The s.xlinuus tnality of the pure breee inhiled, adds viij.tr to the lungs, Imparts a now and healthful glow to the blood, strengthens tho muscle of fresh air humanity, blows rheumatic twinves from the frame-work thereof, and drives disease iu its various forms aw ay. There are always scenesjto delight the eye, and thus dlvort attention from the trials, troubles, and cares of city life. All these, combined with healthful spirits and pastimes, such as carriage riding, good living and drinking, old ale, pure whisky, Htaudard Cognacs and Otard, sparkling champagne or Cataw ba, sherry cobblers, in Ilk punches, form tho gny hours of seashore life, and win a man's affection and love for the world wo live iu. Wo cannot do our readers a greater favor at this time than to ghc them a complete directory of the admirable "houses of hospitality" to be found nt Atlantic City. CoNonHss Ham,. This house, which Is fully equal to any on the island, and stands nearest to the hurt, is kept bv ti. . lliukle, ami is -una ed at the corner of Ma-stichtisctis and Paei'ie uve- nues. Mr. lliukle Is a gentlem in w ho, as a pub lic purveyor, has long siuco inscribed his namo on the roll of fame. At leat hi many friends have done it for him. The Hall, under his management, is one of the most agreeable and pleasant place on the island. Mr. If nkle is always about, eateitng for thu luxuries of thu sea as well as land, to bo served iu tint style which cuii not fail lo satisfy thu most luxurious t tste. The comforts of home aro as nearly ren hed at this house, in count ction with the luxuries o( thu period, as is possible in the city. Umtku Statrs Hotiil. This celebrated rcn dezvous puts in a heavy cl aim upon tho public this season. In addition to improved culinary and other arrangements, 11 isslcr's band has iiecu engaged for the summer, and will attend to tho di.nt it g bal, serenadt s, S.c. The beach near the hotel is now safer and better than ever for bull ing purposes. The proprietors, .Messrs. lirown A Woclpi cr, aro the most courteous and ttrbine of hosts, and w ill do everything that may conduce to tnc happiness and comlort ol tlietr guests. F:xciiasok Horn. George Mayday, who is known to every one who is not himself unknmrn, is "ye jolly host." His hotel has a hoine-likc comfort ubotit it which canuot fail to charm the sojourner who desires the luxuries of a good dinner. George is a pleasant cvery-diy man, stub as tho wayworn tiaveler would delight to meet. That genial smile ho has tor everybody ; his extended band of InemNhlp to welcome tite heultb-scckcrs as they alight from thu cars; and his provcridul kindne-s, have wotiforhini a fame he may well be proud of. Tim CoNsTiTe tion Hoi sk. This first-class house is kept by our well-known citizen, James J. llurr. This gentlemen's namo is iiieutilied with the growth and prosperity of the new city. He has Improved his own "Constitution" as well as the "constitution of many others, w ho have submitted themselves to his trea ment and e.are. He bas proven to the world that even in Jersey good liiiior Can be obtained at l'hiladelphia prices. He pledges himself to maku all his visitors comfortable und happy. What more could they wish t Colcmhia Hot an. It would be a rcmissi m on our part if we did not iu this place introduce, to lite notice of tho reader Kd ivard 1)3) le, long and justly celebrated as a tirst-t lass caterer. He has the happy '.nuck of Imparting a good feeling to nil his customers, liy allability, e no, und attention to business, he has won his wu to popularity. Fame Mows her magic trumpet for tlm from the hotiM; top of the Columbia as she smiles upon the Stars and Stripes ever Halting there. Tiif. Ni.l'Ti Nr. This well-known hon-e, which is so ably conducted by its pruprictor, Mr. John Smirk . is one of the best bouses ou the lsl iu I, and idlers tinusuul facilities tor the aceotumo 1 1 tion of families visiting the sea-side. Colonel Stnii k, iiKsisted by the courteous Mai r Fury, have been long and favorably known as public purveyors, and this season they will pr ve to their fritutls that they deserve their patronage. Intkuektinu Rki.us. The l'all River (M.-s.) .itrs f.'ive utt inti tr-tiiii; c oiint nf throo vdhi.i Mf ri'Iii s t x bl I rill it li.tlu- nlitors hy K'v, Ho irv Itiij Ii. s, 1 ltd I elonjrinif In thrtt m t'l'iiniH. ) ie I-a coi pcr pl-ite 011 wlii -U i cncrawtl a t R. 1. Iii I, M ilim- 17.1D; nun ln r a Ihmiu, tLr V nt'i s sti.ii ot 1 11 t Ii n 1 1 1 -il liv the I '. 1 . 1 1 r - mi l M. -si npi rs uf the Clttirchos of ltixinn, May I'-'. Mso ; unu 111 tli.ttl uti oriK.iuil iMtrir.ii' uf l'r i ikliti ly Ko1 lit 1 lilt. HI. '1 III! fir.l HIIKletS tllHt ll'l-tilll 1 r I'liilHoclpliia clintilil own tlm p irtr nt, Ith ul.-1,-lnnil tl.f cojuicr jiluttt, huiI llm vaiil University tin- book. A IJfivilos lull Simmk-.. A liutr il An on aiid xiit.o otliiT Miii;!iiiiiii'ii ttru ciiiri!Mitiii iii..it' to l.iiy iSi,iiitm.,s ii iiimv sunril. A ciwrt'-pomli-nt pskt. : Why Uiil not Stnitnvs ki-'i Hie Olil lit' I ud ? SPECIAL NOTICES. OI'HCM OK TMK rHII.A'H'.LPilt V n t u 1 i m h I mr.-v iifin i-r l;t l av n-fin tin. . W. t-rm r T A l.S'l V-I'lHith .ml '( Ml H,rc-i. mi I I. I'll i a , .'n ., I :l. t It-1, mi) ot' tiriTtnrw '.n-i- iln iii iliirct i.lti ('ti ll (.i i.m. I ol t AK ASi M' CKM'-t i-rr rlmr, mi I) i' Inl i it it: I uti it Mil a ('(unt uni". vU sr i t X tvaj-, l iV'li'fi itti. i f e, t it Iflli ll!t.. until w (in- i flim Hi.' Ii i !. vr I M' rl'M it Si .c- U ( Ii' l. ii u t t- I'M t-eit" i att hHI i'. Iv t lir tm I- .: i hhiii' n i -J p-iitc ' H Is-imK it . ti -li I lii' It 'riiM-.'-.n 'it. e:ul:l Hii ill . t1, M,(..r a'l m--.f (lie ill. I ; nn. MO AI'l'K S. t' . ' 'I'-'' I H" i'r urv. AMI r.TIN( OF 111 K DF.I.MOA IKS hr!i.'riMH'li!'. KM1MM! 'i't .IhIv!'. in H-r' t I "i 1 1 I; i '-hi Si. 2, it; - ni ! k V j ;n r U uit ' .il i'i a n-,1" 'id "t 1iM1 L SI MS MM' l'-i.!i it. (f-rv i i; 1. 1, u u a r 11 n o t l v i;. ', iik m; .V ! f. Ul Of t il l I U'lll , 'i 1- H. Ml ul:. i. 1 i. ' if 'Im, Ii., i .ii . i i-it-1 .in ,irr tu . in "in v In- til' i.M i l'i Mf NT I Kl.M.ltVCM I 'ST., . te. .'ih.'l .hi- i. i t ' in ii fM itutir Jo; i r me m il. i':it I It pit's f ! l.n It.'.- Kl.l- k'uMl W.tJt rtll I' lt- rfifi v n in- ; h r. r i l M. v l koi ; ii ii Lu lila in .iVt a n-I.I Uiiil rii CiVf.) hi il r lt- "i Imv tlmi i'r i it v .thai. iiife und mnt- will tlm) l-ie jniji'iiu v i n fi it. an uu otlitr lutjiii.nt t i .i-i.t. WILLIAM H. ItllAW.V. Dj 7-tiil l lnr. No. 41SChcannt itriit, , '. 9H. Thlnl atroW, Nu. itu WalLt atrit, .MfrehBDit' i;x'lmni.i, aMcrilianta' Hotel, ht-oii4 National lUnk. fT- OFFICE CITIKNS VOLUNTEER kV-5 Bl Its I n I 'IK CoMITTKK, 8. K. corur WAL SH T ar.d Hl I H btrevu. July , 14. The Ciiit ua' Vuluniuer Hubitiiui nuumlttoft proptMioi to aaiil in mlaliiM' Irin.pa by milium clll.i-ns Id Dni-urjiiif ttitatliuit-a ttud lULlllUliug u. pu uiut ul touutk;a. in the li llnwliift mauofi : hnruUi d ci lmtiwhu dealre to fiirnlnh nuVntimtea In ftihante of tho ilratt will pay the turn (' lunr huiitln d ik'Hiirs to tlm IriMhyrt-r, J. ft. Huafiiiuritth, Ki., ri. K. vurnt-r f4ixil. ant H ainut atrt. rt-Luiviuif lua a kiiiw. ledtment thai thv iiiuncv will Lxi ri-uiriiiJi if a. ct'riHtrate ul vxvjiii1iu la nut tot'invd, aud Kiving to hint a vit ol aitvrncy, duly atampril, to collect tlm clt l. uniy I r tla biDi'Ut of tltt autjstltuit. Thu nautua nf appllu4iiia IU be rvatred In tlia irdr ii tiiair appllttiin. un 1 crtiflcatb of &rtuptli(U will ha procured mut furnlaiit-d In tl at or 0r. Ai wkid m tbw ut-rUiU atti la oitautt;l, the lirlhripal Hill Im- notified thmuKh thu lmt OrUev that it la rtady for drllvcrv on rut urn uf the Treaaurvra recti jit Wlitn tha dut of the (-niUiittce wtll otiaaf. '1 ha Committee haa official asrurancuthat thecf rtlflrati wlikh li will prov unt will axewpltiio princlpala Utt tu It-im apeclhed. 1 he Commute wilt alo endeavor to procure represent ative reiruita ior citena not enroled, ou uayavut of OLK ULMUt:U IiOI.LAKS. DANIKL HTKISirKTZ.Chalrmuu J. I; CLAKK H A UK, JOHN TIlOMPMOV, CLKMKNr H. rKNHAHR, J. O. KO.SKNUAKrKS, TreaiUior. )yT-t HKNBV II. LEA, Siaretarj OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD ' aoaihwark PhiUdelphla City PaaenKr Hill rn4 Campaay, Itftiika Htraet. below Kourth.-l'hlladat-pltla, Jaly 6. Im 4 i ha Board ( Direct or a have Uila day dioiarrd a dUtdeut l Three per ra at. upon lha Capital 8tn of the Ci tupany.oul uf the earnlnua af lite pan aU Btoinhi, payable in the iturtholdera or luvlr lesai repie entatlvwg, clear ol all taxea.en and rter the lrtth iaa(. TheTraualef booka will ha cloaed antil lstb tnat. J7-UI ChAitLM U AOaOTT. aaaetarj. yp NOT1C 13. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or ruaAiKi,riifA, Will trsnaact Hua'nt nt their NMV ItANKlNO IlorHK, CHENi7T AND TRANKLIN STREETS, (Nvrilt tiJe of C')irn )i, writ f Tuli!,) Tiiilnyt Hit PVtli liiMtmit MOISTON" Mt M1CHALL, J., iy U Cittiirr. t3!m vvvwk F T UK I'UrSTON CO VI, and InproTt mrnt i'om tn , A WILMS iS Al'cv, I'lidii.tP ;luit, .lift- Ii, I IHvlil.'tiit NntiOT. Tlx 1. uril ..t IMrt . t. r- of tin- l,n-t..ti ( mI mid lmin,.v.'. niT.f rompiiny haw ht .Uv . Ur.-I a ijn rf rt I ) i v i . tii'iiiltt 1 i. n i t v..' ait r. r tent., in:u tho net prn itik . p;n rth.e ..n tnr ft ,1ht ii ,Inljr n.-xt.to jurtmi w ,nf iirtint an- r'i"fptiMl a- t!i li'iM. ') .ii Ih'1 .f tl ri'trpmiv, nt tli ci-)p of ttiin'ft rn ih m IdUi m .lutif. in -1 nn t. Li miii i r iMkt v on tliAt tin y, an 1 npi 11 on thr "ihtlrtv nt ,)uU l't iii'-ml ttne -k!ulil'f a in irk fttid It. toii w ill t: ri'liil! t il ! lititit ur -ivl ) "n r'iM -.tftl. iyl finn l IH. Nl; I. Moo;k, Swrotaiy. THK ! I'll A VI, IT. KAN ItOTM'V V' fun. I ( tttniu, -4i.il will n t .-M M'MhY-i, W KI'NKfJ!j S, anil MilP WM, nt -, , ... k. , n.-tivc .ipithriitit'in, m No 7 . '.sniitlii Ii t I. utu: i;v UTt iiniif iiiah-it nt ih r. iir i tin l'.-t tit . t iiui lits muit tt- -I ill i-ito i tul At I 'it in" r I'tilv. f. I. iai SiiKHi, t I. .linn. m. t.hWiN i,i;kiU.K .MS T lS 11. I.MK'tv, (. W. y-IM'-N, Im' it I'M I. .1 t 1K!.1. tf OFKICK i:MMN lVsSK'lKIt HAH,. t hn -rn1 Hialrn,nt f I" Iv IUr?i nn i ifi ahitre ol I hi (-rtpitai at'-ck ot the I'iiumi I' 111 "iiu-or H iilw i 1 u.n. p.Hir, will hfilne und f a vnhlo nt th mtl' 01' Cmii r inv f-n mitt ttllcr lulj 7 l-1 - H o tier ol di HitraM uf mectors. Lttl?-i;iJ W.fl M.MMI.K, so. r. i.iry. rrr- notick is hkukiiy tnw.s th.vt nppiHNMluti will hr mni' t.i t' l- H'.nnlof s.-i,...! ('ntrollcia ifi the ri'iH'iv.l.r H 'HOt.I. v i;t VST, N :;!, itnti-ii Mnii h, w;t, m rvur ui A. lil l.l. it. a;m huvin t niti lnt ir iolfn 1- U" rrr- DKAKNKSS AM) HI. IN 1N KSS. J. " Tannra, M II., rrorcaatirof tho KvaVi1 Kar. tr- rtti all dhraooa apfwrtnhlliiir t llio nnv-TMin-'a ui"tNr wltti tlir ntrnuat m TCff. I ettlinimitiU fruin tltti mufit rfll4il aoiircfa 'n (tic rltv nnil r.mntrv c att t ,n nt hia uihoo, No. .11 11 N K Hirft. Artificial Ky ea lnrt-l without p.tiu. No rhnryi1 mmt lor cvnminniton OtTh't' hotirn inmi h to 11 A ,M"y '"' v- M N,t-;'u MM1! "ivft. Je7 tin Or CORNS, lU'NIONS, INVKUTKI) ali, ;n'niKPil .I- inta, "d nil llartief of the fvtt rmft artthout pain t liic-'iivcntnt (o th pa l"nt, livlm . i 1 HAKIK .V ItAriNKi r.u nOnrop-xMta, N 71 elites LI Hircft. Koter I vh-lcltaa unlNnr Kcm 1 uf the cltY- HI tf MILITARY NOTICES. OKKU'K CllY HOUNTY COMMISSION', No. 4li I'Kl'NK Mint.-"M.l-tltiiti ' llu- 'ny It' iiniynf tun i nn ilrc I ati.l tin) iu)inr. w ill ho pnl.1 in la-fa w 1m tfl t lit ti 1 1. d ritUitiH uf I hihiJ-'loltU. In B-h tiiH'6 ol 1 do ilrmt, put In tim e ynra' Mifittiiii'va not liAMe tt Orut'i, ami proper credit la given upon tin nuota ot tliulr Oi-irlttf. If ii"l'in not enrolled put In auliHt'tutpi, th" atihotltuti I" ii'minu ii 11 a oltmitMT. anil nn a proper c iJuliri- ot hi b' Iiik en cllliit la fiitl'lfj tn tho 0.11111 ty. 'I In- nppititntiliy l t liiis uil.nd.'.l fur r:ttoni to iM thi' rpint. ('tie piteiirlmr rxrnipttoiia tor liifiuaolvi'a, and aMiltlnK the U to till La 141101. 1 1 E A T)( J C A UT K US 1'ROVOST MAUSHAL, KlTM iMtiiu t. I n. I'llll tM I.TMIA. ,ltftn ., I .I. Thr natm-i of ivrHona n-ino intf t -r (r-'m tUa hla- tnrt m ill h flilitpd to or atnrki-n tiotii thu ltls of enrol ttntlt. I tipiii tit th' IKti it re opiMi tor pii'tlic lusptvtli.n, ami civil i.iti. vrti fttnl ail itit-iu ai m 1 i-1 to appf.ir an) oint ul -rr'a In ih Hat- mot kit'- 'irli infnrmad'm na limy aid In tlx' C 'ifi'd u.n und ri'vl-lm th.-rmil. Any Pr-on i roilvt) in.t arpi nr !inio 1 1 - ltard auJi-J imi to 1 n r hi lutiiii' tat 1 ! krii off t lo ilut 1 it In imii ii'uw atix to'orily that lie In rn.t prftpriy nr lied, nn ao ntim of A'i-,'nw, .(- finfrti'i, (err ii'n. I't.ri'mnrnt t'ynrtl In-n'-htt. A romp Hum v it!i the foreolnit autfut'-t lona I curnoatly iIMti,i. M'.H M A S Jt-,-tl C-iptaln und l'rvot Marahal. i( WAMKI) KOlt THK I'MIKD STATES m Mar nn" (Hrpa (a varleil and ri-tUiu( lirti by aea aad y land), thr. e hundn'il ahh-ho-Hed im-n, to xrf.rnt the 4 dutlrn of n a. Idler at our Ntivy anl, aud aooard L'nttni States ahtpa of-war on foriMKii aiattntta. Ut UrT tiMiiniitiu than thi army. A atup of-war Ii a comfort tito'e homo Thf kluthm Co- p u the (mat eMtiM'i'ed Coria lu th aervlco. frtto Mouey bi abun dtti f. THK LOCAL norN'MEA PAID T) KP.CRUTT. 'or nli ntlivr InioraiHiion applv dailv at tha HciTultlitu Rendevoo!, No. 811 H. KKONT H'rt'Pt, to'luw flpntoe, ba twenn Uie houra of nine and Ihrea o ! ck. JMi:H LKUTM, Captain and Hi-i nntlni Milcr, m5-tl So. Ml H. FltONT 8treet. pUE L 0 U.G HS FUPaLOU o"HS. OO.nm mid loMlen visiting; thtcltron rurlouiflii, nxllii HWdll 1)H, ANf n 1 Htm MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, AttK tsvirtilt TO TIIK KM VN-ilVB SIANTl AC I'UltlMJ KSTAUl 1HUMEXT CKOlUJi: W.HIMONHftllHO. SANSOM M'REET II ALL, PAN-iOU Hiri-.t. alHiva Sixth. trkskntatTon SWORDS Mmlo hi onl.'r at thu bbutts.i uotlcc. wlilcli lorrlchneifl iuid msnnihci'tic rhitllrno c..n4utitton, no othur hmifti. In ths riiuntrv enibilln ttie MAM'KAI'Tt ItINU JKWKI.KIi IT11 THK I'KAUIII'AI. HWnlill M AK KB. la I "ONGRF'SS HALL, ATLANTIC CITY. V ' 1 won d rvupii t.'tiliy Inform my friend a and tha publ'c, tli in 1 n! aKain tnkin umjit'-ii Mali, tha tmntf ill thud r, an-! te mae et;ry prfparaiion for tti Cin in Bftiin,, the tnuae b!.n eu nrt-.l, reuiodnileil, now fiitr-lm-t. (lie chainlmfa with apriiof hctln, ec,.Vc , and win a- voniiiiodiiti iiMir hundri'd ni-ata Vou will rind no bettur place thaaf'onMroca Imil. It l tha naa iat to the ovan ol au) ol Uie laH hi uai a uf Atlantic 4'Hv, bvinu hut urn? iiuii'iiwo yeui.a ir. iu the hi ara, tftua prcNenwitr itaidf an iti aufa.f 'O Un puhic. Ihuie LMiiiiot Ih auv belter ha'hltiK t''fta ul AtuniK 'hi auimni-r. I'tie haiii har tliat it Mith itretit d aivhai k lat m has alt biu awufkt pwnyhi i hit'h tl Ua ui hint winter. Winning lUail Ul ui st i.jiininir cur on ti.p Aii iinic M-a-iNiitri. 'I't.t rf U an cm- Mi nt Itim.l .n Mnc e utuasod. A tatStci ia aaplutidld HUlUrd K om l;;-u' il. W. 1IINKLE. j Mi i : 'r 1 1 o ii h i j , ATIiANTlU (UTY, KKW .If1 H BV. (jKO, J. Clai:iNNv rioprlotor. (Ldirf ad uv.iui.'y Vn-wi aa n t.r of OYSTBE ItA. HIVni ui.d C.ffAN'l Htrvela.) 1'iirin a-' i i-hi iiu.it ak it with It nuts, 1. iLutr LIir,Ac , Ao, i at mil tu t'.c tuiim t i j t'.vi n- mtMitoa. fi-'J-ts ; M T H s '' A T K S II O T EL, v a i i.. i ii tin, M'.ii .i r..; r.i . 'I'ttl 1 1 'i ii a cii llo ei s i t''-h i -r tin- roontl n of fit -ti, ui ii 's in in r ili Miprn l-'oit 1 1 t 'ilnl Jautea nr l' mi r Ith Mr I'll w-iid nm tivf 'l u-. A'.i-taiit. I'riu ii. I an.: t i rli ffit tl t-r-.. .n l;iivt tiimn emnl'iycd 1'i.r f"t'h ci-jini'iii'iitt. mtil ft hi (, tion w ill h in.i-'e lo tin 'hit ' t lu -it!ij'- to t t hii ho .r'tmi oi the p iblir, ;Mt.r.'ii'v l, fiiir trttiif. ii i.-aioVtic H'n'nt l-'erry, illM ; f ! i- j-t l.hif t!it"tlt.'!i It u o i. o ri, Without atop I ii-j ui tin1 ur a,'MlS. a nao-i'ifr n.r 111 U nn Ir. u the Ili.M to the Inlot t.t tu id niinuif i. IhiH " I ai.'l. hi. -if ti e lUivi-tlen o Mr. Hiiaoo llaaH- h i i is tu i ii ( .-;, lui ii t. r Hit- ui' .u.n p. r Ijliii (. lo i n"iii- will i''tr'-s liln A. A'tii:j'iKR, IT 'l ltora, V .1 ''"V, S'W .liTM'Jf. V It Tl ' Hun! tt ir v hl-v lu- ; i f i.THifd 0i.ntie cit n I h- ciiM'f 1 iti h'i, e tr-d. ! :''. un; thv b 'li oud Of till' I Chi Ull'.! ffs Oh tin' d'Ml. Jt''J liu T M1I 1 ii- .NCIIANOK IH'il'.L, AT L NTIO CITY. tl. h- n io I t ' p ii . oi i. ii un ii.i: i nil i i r I'm itenuritUa ona ii in wtvi i. l-'iii, i-r-,1 in u K i' ii..it itf u now opoo lot ti a-ii:.ih. ai.'t (-iil to r.tiic hon' Mi ra. periuanettt tl i ji ...-in ui- tie no i.i.!. r'. v .-i 1- Ihi- hir will U. it i In m ; i I i il v iMi rl . u c -t miU't, ll-jU'ira, and i' i , i il mm i .lo' o.d t. f 1 i.o i.tiiit wiu ba aei wita t,. Ih t t ' f li .iTk. t .l'i-' . 1 i"l it l ti- if.it mt'r a "ii Hi; d. -'ui li :..". op '1 i jut- i . A'l 't i-roiiiii.;i-. i.t a hoirv c.n "lw"a ftjiind at I tM. .:.i(. Ol-. 'IH.J. II V1AV, -' it 1'roprletur. JJ O L U M R I A Ji U H U. ATLANTIC CITY, KKW JKKBET. SITUATE ON KENTUCKY AVENUK, OI'POSITK THE 8I RK IIOl'MK. EDWARD DOYLK, Proprietor. Tcrma to lutt the tlmei. JeO-tf riTIK ALlIAMIiRA, ATLANTIC CITY, X. J., J la now oreu for vlrdtora. The ron in a and laide are unaiirpe-i'd b any un tin-1 aland lYnua ui)w(e, itj-lm MJlto VOl.SLi, i'roprlvtora. E A-RAT1UNG SKA-DATUINO. NATIONAL HAIL, CAVE VVAM. CAI'h. M AY, V. J. Children undw If vmti of aye and aarvanu tiaifprlee bupcrior ac(-oriiinnda:oiia and amplf room fK jWU Ill'NDUKh 1TKSONH. JeJ4-2n A A HON UAltKIC'iaON. Frnprletor. LEDDI'S HOTEL, BOUTI1WBAT COKNKK OF NINTH and SANHOM Htreeta, OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL. The roaort of GentleaMa Iiefluodej w) apirav cUU a Tut 0vra.. )f W-lia QITY HIXEH, FREE 1'KOM TAXATION, ron nt. IN SUMS TO SUIT ITKCHASKRS. J)M(H DKKXKT. A CO, g A M T A R Y I1 A I It , ClIKAl'KHT H U M M XZ It HATH IN THK CITY. JtOTJIlN12, No. 40 N. SIXTH Hinvit. II A T K I O T I V M K I) A I. S . J. I'A riilTH' MK.IA1.. An acr'piatic uttrriPK hi vwty Vatr'."L Tlir otil tort t an. I auU I'lii-d MKHALI.UIN 1.IKKNKHHI.S I1tr.?TK vt MNTdl.M. tU.Nr.lt W. i.rliHii.F WAHIVdTdV J.1KI 1 NAM liKM Ul, n!i.l.T, ;Kvnii-i.nrti,K u. M'fi.r.i f v, Vrtt'inrtnrd In SitrC-iK Stlv.r arid t'-M't-er anl W .tt 'ital. ftitplr pft hv niA'.l ir' nf ct'' iff on it oi J if Ms. .Uent." wanted. K. f"l '-it. ?ti' VM'adfli.'da I'ral O'!.. e. Vui.utHCttirrd .t Ni-i.ti AK'M Min-at. iyl l a 1NVAI.1PH AM) CONVALESCENT 1N J v.tUaa and ('nvrk coi,t, u rtl .Is and t'on a'(-scot, IliVAllda and ( 'on aitu f lU( h ! oinliy R-pffially FomiVn In itrll. ii(r Il.aJth, I'e'nAifaln ! Ikatf Itoslth, icma.ri In ii-lxaie llcaltti, Will tlnduur rallfnrnia Wtm-i, California. Wlnea, i'uitf'-rn a W iiiv a, t 'lliforma Win., ( nlif.Tiila Wliiin, falltornm VV.iif, pcM--i)tAil Tiihnii lp m all ca-M'B of languor aud Kr'iit pre traticn oi atiensth. A-k A-k A-k At A Ak Ak 4A A ik AK Att A- A-k Atk lir. .kOll ind, f;Wiliird. ani"'-l .l.kvm, U( tin 1'fnnayivania I'nlviTsity f. IlMtitj, U-'nna, i lit iv. a, ILirtshnrno H'-t-m-wli', Vllluimi, Hmiev, Nidhird, IIm'B, 'I lu.'al, Vinal.' IonUy, Kll'IT. 1 't v Ul tM, an.1 ntl-at leadlnt; piiyilclan, wh.it ttif t' Ink of th rni1U i ma: vlr lie. of riilil riiia Wltia-1 Tln-af c'ntlHni"H or- ernho f ar brand, and aanrt tia of tho bum ilta patlouta reLt lvo-irom Uitu uf ! VI IVOHNIi WINK AUKNCY, te.'ldia No. t.'H. Ut 111 airpft, aixivo L'h.mnU WRITTEN AND VERBAL DnseitlP ttona of t'haractfr. t'onatltution. and I'al'Mit. wtLh f Advicnn ltnaiiiiaa, llfth, K.'lticatton, Solf-Iaa-prnvt-nu-nt, Manatcnif nt, and Iraiiiliuf of t lllLl'UrJ!, Bociai Adaptation. AC. aav and eve- BUif, by .lull Pi I.. i'.l'KN. Pironn!oi:l!.tand Hookifller, No. 2ft S. TKN I U rttreet. above Cbeannt. apl3-ftai X'O DEC EVTION. NO INFERIOR COAL ftttrt'laaifd to ofliT hi'low the t-ott prtr of a aupertor arth If. HA Ml Kl. W. IK. Iilto str. ot . nb n lia i. 1-Af.t ahtn. Mtlbi the kcinki KAtil.K VKI.N, hft and pun --t mined. Kx and Bu.vu alf,$U; La.tgo ut, ld l-f r ton. t'o niiitm-ra ihould mako their aurcbaaea at omo.pre Tloiia to unt't'u r advaiu u. Wl I -na pOOFINO, ROOFlNfL OLD TIN ZINC, I t lronirl'oppfr Roott nmdr pe.iectlr tlttit.at 1 ivnt pel atuie loot. Aptl at N AMliJiAI. Koori Vi) fOMPWY", .1)7 tit No. 144 S Kill It I'll Strt ft. MEDICAL Fl RVEYOR'S OFFtOK. Ikw Yioik. Juno M il. Invrntora and Maiaifartiin'iM.C AKIIKICIAL Lf-IB) 1 arm- and Wu air tnvlit-d to prcni aftt' -lnu'iia of i tn-lr 11. d- m l ii Ivourd ol Mi'dt' "-l i MlU-f ri, run(iiot' d tiyot i.-r ot the At linr Mtrveon iji-f e- al tl. S. A., at the Mfdu'tl l'iire oi t m-f, 4'Ji Ititui t mk strr.-t, In tin eltv, on or hofm thf t li-vf nth dar ot July iift, with a vluw to the a.loptutii ti fht bat modfla. t.ikaed,by uider) It. A. fT.KMKSIN. Aftilstunt .Surn. fU. I . n A, jr'." tjytl He nr-liT ot Hoard. JOHN CRU JM 1, CA HI' I"-ST Kit AKT lttMUKR. H . 2U l.ulKlfc; HTRKKT. A larve forre of buildlnn nifchnnlcj f all hr.mrhea alwaa oh hand- aiaVwduiiui 'ARVETS. MAT'l IN(iS, Ol I CLOTHS AND It. .low Hti.id'i, tnnn Nev V.irk Aucti n lalra, (MU'tMlv ft.)- MtuninVcnt Hiii-rl-, wiU-, $1 2, $1 .(7l0,l0 an) flrt; Imitation tritnli, ( paliltfd.) Willi1, 70. n and !ifinti , -i 4, ! t and i; 4 at propor 1 lonatf prh-cs ; Impf nil Cfirft t :i7 to $! .' p r ard ; Inrjin, tii-tu :) fi.ti to 1,; Vi n-tia i, and lienip, fnm ;t7'i In iiMiti pir yard; Mn'tlua.thf In r i. -at a-aoriiui iit t-vo' oii-ri d In I'hiladflphia. from .17 to rrnth a nrd. at the Now vrx Aucthin Ha'ea lo p( t. (t mictlv Htfthlow a.) No. 147 H. HM'"M) St riot, tirht di or above Walmtt, opposiii- t oi n Hxcnanue. i y - tx COITY'S TEA WARKIIOUSK. E.ST A bilk lied in IritXh linimrtf r and UiaUrln Kino Traa, Wines, and Ll piors, Choice Uavana Cfunra, ;rnta A lilai kwfll a rioklci aud Saucea Kn'li.Hli and Ncotch Ale and t'ortfr, i?,inue.l Meals, Fnilti, Smip, Ao. Kavy Mt's.e put up with rn', At No. W . HF.COM Htn-M. Ja'-Mly JiMUUA U. IMUrtTt. JJDMUND A. SOUDEK k 00., COMMISSION MKUClf ANTS, AND MIIV AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK BT1CKKT KDM t'NO A. (tl llKIt, A HI IHUAl P l.K i TT, hTKI U N T. M'l PHU. W II A UK, l'llILADKLrHIA. W-tf fl FLAHTIO tUiT(JllKrt, K la no J CHVTCIIKHI Thaaarrntchea hare a (i-iro Tnhe urtr.i.. the to;i, nikliiy a mfl avd elastic itrppurttr he ami and rnahl)iii the wt-urer tu walk with r. ro ?omfun Ina(J ( tl bf dfitved troni any other crutch. I tie t a lo ojgj, u tu be applied to ooy crutch. 1'atemoa Itivet bor -KJ ''A KTM A apl!-3m Mo. 117 8. 8E NI Hiiw - oh,w CneaBnt IMIILADELFIU A SI:ROeT)NS' lNDAiiK J M in Tl':, No. It Snrth MS I 11 Btre. i. aoove larki-t. fct nttiirfa Tadiially cured hy It. KVUtKlin i'remliuu Patent traiiliai!ii(.' rnmire Tnii. .niiMrior Kiaaku- lit IU, Kia-tUc hiochlha. Nupporten. Hhouiiier ltrace.siispei. ont-a. Crutch et Ac. uxyjt-ly TRUSSES, HRA0H8. Act., Vkllfully ad n.rt-d l C H. S KKULKM . cor. of I Wl.Lr 1 II ami K M K Mren:t. LadleV If i a'tnif nt to: a. mil', t- l'U"i-d t la.:!tia, 'J WKLKI'il i-irwi, lirM ta,.ro.'l. IU e. The ui'iat ' -in :!! r- an! tir-c. at -t oil atld. ci'tiNiatlnt, In part, ol mwi, s iportfra, ."iilder Jtrace, Itol a. Itamtacea, K a.itic Niocaiiirfi, pyrl Artnle for Nursery, Hick li.'o.n. .Vc n-lti am T" AIITI F I (J I A I. U A N D. II. A i.ll.lilv . Invpiitor and M'H ut'icU. i-r i t the A K 1 1 K I V i A I, A It Ai , Approved uni a.topU'd Ml srntiKoy.t.KNKRAi. oi oik. i sitko a i at iw, tor S..lt!l'M4. II a pi rniani-tHly locatiii h imio-i anl I 'after v ai No :tl'i H. Htl'irilt 8tteett aU doui In low ,irn'f, 1 '..u.ida. .le -o-:.m 1JEW COWFAMES OKMINO CAN UK v anpi'ilid whh CKRTUiMKt tiK STOCK IKAhHI I K HOHKH, HJXK.'K. LrJUli-lt. C K KS. Vii KH. 1BU''IN And everv variety of Accotu t liooht, iu Sut onory, ua rx-ajiunajle tertua, at WILLI M MANN H, Stationer, Prtatcr.and lii. uk lok Manuuict'U i . No. i.i fi. r-l KTII S run, apem J'hiiaikdrliU OLD'S IMFROVED S I EA M AN I) VV ATER- VI IIKATINO Ai'I'AK VI I s. T Wanning and Vtiitii itliu 1'nn.k liulldiiiija anil vaia KeniiU'f ei, Maniifa'tiuii'd y the LMU b'IKAM AM) WATI it HKAIIStl CfiHl'AMT 01 rUiLnlH-L. Ml . .1 A M H I. W(Hi, t It . till I! l II street ttinKl-fim B. U. rKl I WKI.L. iipf Mnl. no -nt. A JOINT RESOLUTION FROH)5 INO CEU tain Amendmi-ntn to the t'oiiiiMih-'ii. 1'c II reat tved hy the Hfiintv tiiel 11 Uf "f Jtc .ireac n;a- tlv a tt i In) L'niuiiion wealth ul I'eii'f-yiV' nia hit; nil Aaseuibly OiH, That ttie I. II. mm; am. inl.u-tiia he pr -poaiil to the t 'oimllt ut loll of t 'h' ('.. i-t ii ill h, in a:i id-uiiri- with the provulona of tin- ciitli .ti I ! itifn t : There aliall b - an additional .n to th third artkln of the onaututiuu, tu be de.-it "atvd m a' i turn lour, ai tollowa : "Hi ction 4. Whenever any of the nnatifled eh'rtora nf tlda (,'oiiiinoiiweaith Khali he in unv actual inllit uy lur vi e, uiiilt-ra reiulition from (tie t'ri-iM'-nt of the tinted Matt, or by the authority of tlila I'oiiinioiiWfalih. aurb. eieviora niay ext'rclc the rlvht oi an it rax m all i-iect lona b thf ttturna, umh-r aurh rfulaiiuiii aa are, or tihail he, preacilhed by law. an fully aa 11 they were pri-aeut ut tlieir Uauul pla ol eli-flioti." hi tlmi 8. Ti art- aha1! be two addi'tonul Inna tn the elevi-mh artn It-of the Cunatitutiuti, to be doalnuted aa avrtl. tlx t-lt,ht ami nine. a fallow : "Hfiilotia. No hill hall bf paaed by the Tlnlature, roiushnnK more than one anh;i t. w hi h hliall he clearly rxpre k-u In tle title, ertpt apiropriatiun lolla." "Ht-otioii !. No bill ahall im euaod by the Lf k'Ntattin graittini,' any powe ea, or iri ikf , In any win-re the authority to iinint, aurh powtm, or prlvlU'k'en. haa hi-u, or amy hereaitf r be, Conferred upon the couth uf t'tia Cuia. touuwcaUh." IIKNRV C JOHNSON, Bpeakur f the Iluueof Ri'T-Hnta Ivef, JOHN I. I'KNNfcV, Hpt-akerni Uie Mannta. OFriCE Or TIIK SEf'RKTAKY Of TH I'OMMuN WKAII II, llAKKiaarao, AprU 35, lrt-il. PKKNSVLVANIA, a. 1 do hereby certify that the f"riv(Hn la a full, i L. a. true, and correct copy ol the original Jolut Kuaola- itionof the ;neral Aaaeiubly. entitled "A Joint Hf-aolutton propoains certain Atnitduieuta lo tha Cuuali tutlon," an ttie awene rniualna on aVa In thia offloa) In teatlmunv whuroof, i have hereunto avt my laandand cauaed Uie aeal uf the 8eireUry 'a Vllice Ui b ailla.fcd( Ut day aud year above written. . EM LTKKR, Secretary of the Commonwealth. The above Resolution having bae a aKreeo tu hy majority of the ineml ere of nrh llouae, at two aucoeaalve aiMsiona ot the Ueoeral Aaaemhly of ihla t'ouimoowwuUh.tiia pro poaed amend uie tat a will be aubtuittvl to Uie people for tludf adf ptiou or rep rtlon, wu tha tlrat Tueaday of Auunt, lu tiia ear ol utir Lord one thouaand alht hu mired and alxty tknr,ln aecordar ce with the prevUiona et Uie tenth artU'le ot the Conatitutton, and the aw, antltli d "An Aet preorib. lig Uie time and manner of eubutltttnjf to the pwople.fur thtir approval and rutltlcatlon or re action, Uie proiot:d amvHiiiUfnta to the t'onitlnitioii," approved the twituty third day ol April, uuo thouaaud eight hundred and ataty luui. tH MLIr ilK, v'iT-itAul tocrctary efthe Cuiauuuweita. FINANCIAL. g I' 11 C I A Ii NOTIC13 TO TIT IlOLDIHtN OP Tlfl Small 7-30 U. S. Treasury Notes. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, Or THK HI-IMOMtSAnoMS Of r,i'H .i iiio'n, CAN NOW l:S CONVKUTKO IN" BONDS OF THE LOAN OF 1831, Olf Till; SAME lKNtMIN.TIX. f or Inf nnatlitt. applj r.t !!m -Mflt-e t JAY COOKE 4 00., J.'7-lml 11 ANKKUS, No. Ill M. TIIIllI Hll'oct. QOLl), UOL.l, aOIjl), SILVER AND -BANK NOTES WANTKl). DE HAVEN & BKOTEER, Jun ly Mo, 0 H. THIHI STltKtr. II. AV II 1 i 11 1' ct CJ t.. 'o. 142 S. THIRD STRliET, Ol'l'iiSITB THK I'.XUHANliE. lenlrs In tlovrnni.tit uij Rt.te it, nrltlc, ijunrtrr rouU'r' t'hccXs ud Vtmi: !tis, un.-l t'erilflontci vl ludvbc t dnri... O.ilon Air tlio ptmhfti ftnj i.l ftt-KVi ftnJ toitna pnniitly exixotoil. Ir.'-wfm ti J J 11 WKH Jte 11 A 11 M, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BB0KEE3, No. 31 fl. tiiihi sn:rnr. t'BALXK. IM SI'KCIK, HANK NOTES, AND GOVERN MENT SECURITIES. Stuck. Il,.tirlit and Sold on Commit .Jon. Collection, pruntptly in.). .p.i'-tf gTOCKH ANJ HUCUHIT1IJB KOUHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSI O N, DE SATEN & BROTHER, fi'B it No. MU 8. TIIIUD 8TKKF.T. gBliTIt ,k ltA.NUOL.rii. No. IH S. THIRD STREET, IIANKKKS AND HROKEKS. 0prcto,8tok,t)uurtcrmiitor.' Voitch.ri tod Chock., And all Ouvtramcnt Soouritlr. Bought fttidflolA. mhl2 JltlilIC. HTUUU fc C!0., J1ANKKIIH, No. 30 S. THIRD STH.EET, BUT ABD M.1.1, (MjU), 811.VKI1, AND UOVKHN.MtNf SKCUKITlBll. S T O O K S ItOt'UUT AND SOt.Il ON COMMtmiON. (mhll JXiW LOAN. IN i:W LOAN, U. S. 1(K10,S. JAY COOK. 1-3 Jte '., OFKK.H t'Ott HAI.IJ 11IK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BKAKINO MVR VY.lt CKNT. ISlr.liKST IN COIM, r.-U." nm' If iiiij timw ttftrr 1 1-N VKAI1S, at tin plraanro ot el. liucintLi tit, and pajuhla t'u:lV VISA US after date. HOT I! COUPON AM l.fcfllH'mtrift BONDS hra Ishi.h1 lur tlna Lonti, of came d'-u.iuliMttnii aatu6 2''a. 'I ho inte'i'Ht oti V)'a uiii $K4a aya'ilA j early; on at utUr Uiiionilnatlonii, tult cmi1-. Tha 10-4U bomlt ara d int MaiL-h l.lhM Tda h.tH-cuily intenut f,tllln due I Hi-pi4mlar lit atxl M-trth Nt of rat ti ytar; until lit Sop- U n hct, th' nucru tl intoii nt triin Ut ( March It teju'rt'J t Ik-pnht i.) uri'ti.icra Inroix or In i.i.'.aL ci iiKK.sur, alllni. fifty rr r iK. fr ir.'nlum. iiiitlt farther noMra. Al.l.im'lKt' OmVKHNMKNT HKi l'UlTlKS ItOL'dHT A Nil SOI.l. JAY COOKIi & CO., mh."t tf No. Ill H. Tllllll ST It I'.LT. 1 L A U li N O N Ac C . 1 iANKM KM, No. Ul '1 II I KI fS'lHKtT, Pilll.All,I.l'U(A. tiown limit Si'Vt.illisii nt nil I-Mi't Pu clm-i'tl anil lor , Htilt Miichs, llun aud tWlil llo. iht .u J f'nl . u C'.ui- i Uus-ioo. IN'l'Fltl AI' AI.I.MWKO ON li.t'HlTS. ColU-iilun I'Mmpily Mlv. (- tl i : v i ; r n NATIONAL BANK, ISo. 51 MAUKTST HTUiniT, ( COltNLB Or BTRAWliKilUY.) Capital $125,000. To le Increased to $500,000. DIUKOTOKS. llfcNKY U. VOftlilS, of MorrU, Taikar k Co., Pa i cal Iron Works, Fifth and Tinker it. C1IAULE8 8. CLOSE, of Cloie A Navhlt. UuUdert, No, Ho. U-'fl K-ad atmst. JAMBS M. 1RE3TON. Alauufacturvr of Wooh'O Oooda, Alaniv nnlu J. A. WATERS, of J. A wateri Co., Wholaaala (imcpra, Ho. YU Market itreot, 8. II. ( OVOU1-IN, Hwal Eitata. Ko X. Thixinth atraet. M M. r. CX1I. Agent Phllfcd a ad fw Ytt Rxpraat 8. B. Co., No. 14 8. pulawara Av. QKOIiOB W. 11ILL. Want lecturer of Carpeting, No. 11 M. Third atrcai. J, W. BOIDEB, Whuleaala Buota and Shoaa, No. 6U9 Market itraat. J. Z. liEUAVKJI, Imporur ef Wlnai, Brandfea, Ac, No. SO and 39 8. Dataware Avenua. Thla Bamk hat In baau dul authorl4 to oommonca bualneia nndar th National Cnrrancy Act, hi now pre pared to raoolva DEP08IT8, make ColleoUooa, aud trani actaOeacral BANK.1NU B1MINKH8. Discount &f ou TUESDAY and FKIDAY ol Mcb J. Z. DEHaYEN, IVtt-idont. K. S. HALL, OuHliior. AUCTION SALES. pnAHI.KS T. MACKKY, AT'CTIONKKfl, Vy Mu.m MAKKIT Mtro. MttMD Thlnl nd ruurlta. KOOR. MIOT Oim.atKI.H. tWO OOI.D WATCHB1, f . Ao ... . . . "ti TrM.r rnhur. At ftnrw. At M.i-k.y a autlB nw.ni, MltrftHnttrt. W. k. lr..m liLr.rl... ; on. iH.util.. H.rrl Hun: oor H li w Hold lplft. W.totic. j,7 tt PROSALSl OK 1) N A N C K OVPICK, Wu lrA(ttiyT. WAiimnTifr, Jul I.ImMb Uil pTOtn4KlM Will he TWHVrt t tint UitltH u fit 1 1 M(MAV. Jul) 'J-, at 4 P. M , fof 10 af lnrnrr ArrntilrMiifiitii, rftliht M, to f dUrtT-d tn thf Allowing Itianllt wi at tho ni'trnannw1 trifnth, tit. : .i .i) not at tha w ) or i Ariumi, iiroriiir R lultnd, .'." -.tt-i at thr Kiankfuid Arenai, ltfjt-inir, l'na- vn,i" -oil at Ui AU.'Khenf Arnal, PHtib irj. Pin. iylii ui i, .. t at thf Ht. I -fMil Araanat. VIm tn. l"."n t' a tt'e Wit.-rttwn .rn-nai, M .ttachuiMt Tii'-'i A v-Mit i mftr a-r t in m ' tn trrt con form -Itv vttfh llo fif- Pattern to Uf mvn at 4mnn' fil.'1 naii-'i. w Hi Kit lol-o-fnir "i.'-ptttn, viz : Th" t -ti.'fi- t .,' wtli t c b .1 tM mcht'A Wide, And no fi.Uidr l-lt ,'tf v'. t4 tiirtuR ') , tht limdo M,p ot thetar-tr-'tk rA niui 1 1- niii li Mf ( left nf!, a d thf 'Hr Hrt' m tif ..wu mi tin ontt-r tlt : tin lttera if. H., ltli a l-i.tih-r. r t tit' -I Mil .1 'Imhi ti ifcrrrhl Imx, Xhf -tun' Mid ylt on tl r 1 r w.irh tt n-p'a ; thv cf triiU'f Mini 1. ( tl fin it i (V) aud Un- c-nvicli with tin (l't diitrfM t C fir inch, fv'.irle nidi r,l h. if iiM-d tor it.- manuia' t ire of t'lo-c Ar.i'it: am -nt of pif.it h-r'irf, o mtr,4 ffiwtjf u.r 1-tM'i, t Id al U "li-i . Ttif hchi an. to o t uralut-d h-at ir. H unolM of tl-i Ai'Coutrf uonu i-an la n-on at tho att t nnto nr,m nn or aiHtut I'f Jti tmla-it. it ib to lr ill'Uh- U uD'Iit! tod ti.ai tltio lsartmfnt In fc l.nv f li t-li n in mii o! int' tlnic Mis work d tnr inntr any coVt a It may award, in a I aiai' ot tt a I'M.-rrn, and t.S'lH'ly ( uni tn t'o Uw r ciitlintf I'to nn-1. hr nui-riv to lnMM'on at tho rtnn' wart do llvt n d. Im Ii. ri b. iUK n t'- lVfd lor tiiv ti .vi'Tiinu'iit. N itl" air to h- aifiti d or pai l for c vcvt '",,i aftf ajpryvei n l m Impf.'tion . iN-kivpittn intiit h m ule in lot (f n-t Iria than ona twcHt (I l.tiif ht wk ot ih wh it nuini'iT eon tra tt d I.. Tin1 inut di llrcry to ot- in la thu I ilfi daf of uu. !-(. Kaiiura to in iko di'llvprlr-) at a artct1frt ttaa wtll Huh ot the contrmti.ir to a rurfuiairp ot Ui nuiuo ha ma fail to dchtvr at that time. Tin1 A. l oiiti 'int'iita mint bo bxoi In tha uoml mnnn"r; tlm b ri to u i tittiK 'd at cost, to In ilnttM miuau oy the in-M wtor. llidd.-m will in ate oanlU'ltljf th Arannal or Artnall Whom tht-T lMptti to ilallviT, and thn nilMkhnr of mvi they propuno lo Jt'Uverat ach place, If for uwro than u a. No hl'ta will hii onna'dwd rrMn partial oOir than nti Ur ii.aiiiMarliiri'ri, nnd aiifti aa arn knowv to ihli !art niam to bt tuily cimpu'nt to exa-'ntv m iholr own alioi thti wnrh tirxf"11 'r. MF)oMld any party ohiaintnjf a ron tract ofTur A'-ii'rtiiiPnta oitivr tnan tho radr In hit own thii. ilo-y wlh t rriioU'd, and ahe o.wrici rnmiarad mill uni void. The ninr and pla-'t of in imua turo f af a party ohtttlniMj a cmt.aiH muil tn.' tt.w.iad on eacti pait ut od b ai't of Am'tiuin iDiiitm. trl KtM'i:r,. T"Ohld'U-r wit t' irlrtd to aci-rom natty M proponl. tinti with it jfuamt'lft', MiiB-d tv two ri'Kponilhtt parion. Ihitt in t aut' hi bid in wr.'fnh-d Im will at otn ti t-vrnvitt the coMxnrt tot th kw, with himkI and uilt. t nt at'urlinii. In the Mini j uni tttie antouot ot tn oiur't, to u-liv.r th arilop prnpoitod In rooionotty with thf tnn f tliU atlirtUtm nt; and tn a tlit aald btd.tor Mhonld fall to i-iHvr liuo-tiie i oairart they ti maK o m! the diJrrenne her w n tin- otfer of aid tr.ddcr and tha m i rp maiti e btdt r or the iffou to whom the cotMract my ho aArtlml. Tho to-potitih Hty of the ffi!rntor raut tx ihiwohy theolthli r- rtnh ate t thai'itrk ot the n-trv. Oiatnot C'wiirt, or of the t nitod rat IMitrlt Attornrv. ttonrii tn a mm N)ual to tha am Mint of the contract, kVnfd b the contract and o.iih of bit ifiiitrttutor-s w.ll i rrtinhed ot the aoccuaml udder or hiddor up.ia iu ln( tl.e votitrart. HiRM Or flUARANTKK. We, tlm nndcniKnatl. nttda ita ot n , In tha ao'inty wf , and late of hereby, lotntly ami itcvornHy.tttoiiani whh tho I'lihui .Htaioa, anil non-anti- tn cae tn t'nKoini; bid of ' bf aiiiteti, that ha or tiicr wl l at nnr rarti(e thi oon traot frr ihe aaiiM-. with k-xiI and iurtloion tur-ula, lu a join tijual to ih a in oi iu of the conir-t. to furmati tha artn li propord In connrmlty to mo t-rmi of the adt'er tUetiMtnr daiei .Inly 4, IHt( ondtr wht-h the htn waa mude ; and. tn cum i h aaid h all tall to ontvr In to a rootrart atorraaid, we fuiirantfe to mako ti.Ntd Uio difwreni'v iK'twttiii ttoa olf-r ot tit aid and tha next tow en roronaih1e tndder,or tn ponton lo whom tna Oitn trait n.ay b awarded. tiiven ntider our hanli and acala i Uiii ua oi , 1 iti -. .:.:!:) To thla anarantiN'mtiftt beappanJid the official certifi cate ( mai.tK.onsl. kadi party ootaiulttir a contract WLH ho ohlitfed hi atitor Into bund, with upprovej aurotiei, for Un lalUtul aaeoution. (iMio tha award betn mado. aorccaafiit blVliM win he noilhi-U ana turuuhvd with foinu of coauaot aud bond. 1 tie Itcpartment reacrrci tho right to relent any or alt Mda. It not dwiood aturacbry,aiid eHHMftily t'ltue m-tila hy purilAH who havo itllfi lo mko time dcltvoi-tei d idr p'trvloim root ran without lurntahln aaUaiact ry roona lur aiu h dfiini'eni.'y . rop. aaia will be nddreund to " Brtirallpr-iTinaral Ooore l. KaniAav, tiiot of Ordnan Wamlnton, 1. C." aud audoraad ' Proposal! for infantry Accoutre ment." umty. D. RAM4T, Jy-mwf-Tt ftrlg.-(n.. hifi nf Ordnait. OF Y I V K AKMY CLOTHING AND Equipage. Pill I.AOKI.l'TU A.. Jtlly T. Ht. Scaled rrnpnaala wtH he received at thla otfl.'e until llocloik M.oti MONliAY, the loth Inat .for aitptilylH the 8 iM.ylklli Arnonal h Ith the Ibhotvini, arUcloa; Woolen Oroy Itiaukota, army atand trd, to wclrfli five poundn and measure 7 toot bv 'A loet tt Inchea (with the lottcra I H. In llafk,4 lncU'a tonic. In te oontro). Woolen .Htovkinui, made with tanhloafd toe, without at) tun, urm.v htand-trd, to wi-lnh throe pound per doaon. Army Mundnnl Miimtilca ot eai:h of tho above aril 'MS can be ecu nt th aottico.t'i whtjb dehvorict muit ttrtciiy cnotm. lilldira mu t at ate tn their proposals thu price (whirh tun iti be . Iv u in writing at w oil ua iu htfuiu), the qtlHnl tv. and ttmf of rtttiwi . K.a h )ld mttut he ttiiataiiteid dr two responsible pnr itoua, whoe tilxnaturpa nmat La appeutlt'd to Kiarau n o, hi d w hon toe hlducr or Kuara tor- aro n d twi wu at thK oillce to be rcfpoiiainte m.n, thr muat 'te oertithi.l to km be in tt atich h ajtno public functionary oi the Coifed .Staler.. Hid I mm defaulting contractors, and th ae th.it do not fa iu curnf hi u tti tht- reentrant nl oi this advertisement, trtlt ftt.t tu rutifnf- rif UlnnK toiintt for propona! can he had upon application al thlk oltue tillit I'lilt lltltit I) eilUorncil Willi thu nann oi the aitule hid lor. 11. II. HI'JSUAS, lH . A'-'la'am 'Jirirtrmianer i icfii'ial. ti S A. Ol'TK'K liKl'OX CUMMISSAUY OK SUU hlnlt.NLK. W a m i Nm on, D. O , Jny 7, IS'.I. ri?ii'osi.s nut KMnnt. Healed rmpoal arc Invltfd until the I ith lt.itant, at 112 o'clock M., lor iiriiUhiiiK thttrtiibs.a'encv Itepax.inunl with '1 no '1 hoiinuni! (.'J) lin of r lour. 1 he propaia w III nr what knwn at this Dtpnt as Nihi. I, i and .t, and bid- will be emartalDed tor any o, a ti ll ir wn .nan uie wnoie. Hidk muot b iu duplicate, and foreaeh grado on separate Sheet, i I paper. 'Hie dcii wrv of the Flonr to rommenre within five data ftom tlie openiov ot t e ''iiN, and In niieit iiantitiit4, daily, at the t.ovt ii.ioc'it may direct ; dvllverod at 'he tiovern Oient V ait'lioote in (.t orftetown. ai thowhaivea or rail n id t pot In Wnvhiio:ii'ii. I) ('. Tbcdihverv oi all Floor awar-IM to he completed wttbht tMantv davHf'om ttie ooemiiii of he blda. Payii eiit will le luide In certuicatea nf Indobti'ducas, or Min h otiii t I'uuda u the tioveriuuaiu na.i havo lor dia bnr nwiil The u-tiHl (ioMTinnont Inapertlon w'll ho maile I tat ba fnre the f lotir la rereive!, a.id none will bo accepted wh.o.1 in not tlekh j round. An oath ot aiiebhitH-e miifct accompany the h d of each hhidor, it h Im. nr the oath on nm In dnao nVf, and no bid uill be ttr'ermini-d fnnn i-a tlrwlio hav e nrevionaiy folk d to comply uith tboir biu, or f rum lnddra not pr- kl til to 4 r-p Old. i.ovi niioern ri'cr e the rllit :o reject tn) bid for any ryM ttd. to I a aditn-'tM'd t" the mete ruined, at No. ( i.tr'l , fjidcriid, 'trojioa fr Klour." i.v.-.-t 8 t . t.Ut.KNK.t ajtaln and CS V, ; U K S H 11 K 1. V AMI VKfiK l AIILKS. X. N wv I K I' Vll I 1 I- t I , Hi IttAI Or PlUIVJ-hlVs 4Si I'HIllllM,, .iu H, I'M. Hca.d PropoaaN. t ndtrs( d, Propouli for t'reili Jti-ef mu. . I ul.. i a, Wll in- ii.i iv d at tl.'. llireit t until 1 0 tt cl. I M . n tl t- 4''ih ' o: Jul) ii:t.. f -r I ho oitplf o llM'.lOl pmiliUr ol l-it', Huf and )UOiKI U"lt Ills Ol' 1 r- tli i , u' I- h, nt t'i IMihadetpntu -tttiin, na reii.r-d 'I to Heel ' ti Mtl Vci.e(i.li e - unit. . tie ol Kimil iiiait . an l ihe b n' ll.r iiiKi k t ii 11 1 . 1 1 " , n .0 v i ar. icic ni .si n o;lerd 'in h tli-i oi.ud 'I In IWri tohn In e pi 1 pro;ioril no, Knpiilii tt'tid ijiiHr.i'r.t, r.umt, wl'li niprovfd M'ctirit), he n 'iui d in mi i -Imll' thv - lira d num lilt of thu 4 'HDHIK't, Hint IWI'dt. U' T Ctil, 111 lohlitlOU Will lOWltl- tj iti Im ii il.e uni un) oi lat li un Mi nt to oiaiic, aa col a-cnil tot uri y fir ttie tin. pi- fTioanre nt'f orontrii't, w Imii Hi. eu ii. Uc'CuLiit, palu until It Is tony c m I lu d w oh. V vi ry ' i r Utu t tc uc . nr a ii d hv a w rlt'i-n k i ira't te.',-'.d l out-oi fit, it re j-i'Io per -mi . t'.at t:tc li doer oi tint te'. vill tt '.ii or tli ! uid i.c ac ptui. ei.trr Into an i lul-ui'toi v. iitiin tiv.! o.iv a, h i;h fco d a id aollt (.I lit ai'i ri ie-. io i iu oi -h tin1 ar lrU- proo-i'l. No pi' ('f nt vsiii in.- f..:iniif i'-d. uti'i t loiitp inl I hy null b'.i.iIi ir, .tixt hy iiU-ijt.':or d ti that th l.ttMw Is .t tt-ifol r a;t r in 1 1.. :irf ii p:tr..l, an I Inn the l:i ci s,i reijinitu hy iam . (h.ih I ;I.A( KSMITIiS 1 W.u'i-i. AM) WlIKKLWiUalll I'M i n i,": -h' I- it m i l e.'i Omu k, ,s ilM.TitM irlr WavitiM.riiN, IM, . JiHv 4, I H 14 . Wanti d at f-nce, to wi-fi In i;ovi-rutneiit id-p.nr Sin.a. (.MiU'icnuii-n j Jo p. i tint-ii'. ltoi'ot of vViihit.ii,'i'Oi, tine lltMnlie.l i h- ) t.o HI rKsll 1 ilS and One lluiidrtid ( t) tOoi WMKr.t.WKKitllri. 'J ha pay per month will be Mty Iiotlara with one (1 raiM.u err uav, and i.o.-pitai prl. lii'uu t whou atrk.. Appl) lajCaptnln t II K1.KS li. TOMPK1 SH. A- (J- M., I'niti d Ntatea Army, corner Tweuty-aecond aud ti struou, Washington, i. O. T). II. Kl'CKKR, ItrlKudier-Ocneml and Chief t;u.irierm)ir, ly4-ltt lepartineiHofWai.huiKt'B. ASSISTANT QUAIUEUMASTEH-UKNE. ral i othce. PlULAftKLrillA, July A.lftot. Realed rropoaala will ! received at thla utile until 12clo4-k M., on WKhNKSiMY, ttie liHli linuant, for uoiiairuittUK Mih aty It.irrat for the use of the I'tilted tiiHtea upon a lot ut laud, coin anting about 7 acrea, tiie prtperty ot Mr. Jopb Kirknar. and altuatod ta the we-t bank oi Utu Hehuylklll rtvor, a sliort diataucu below bprlnu M.U. Plans mid apeclnratlnns of the bnlldlnsa and ttietp ap- Juit'iiaiieea t au hu ftn at the oittre of John McArthur, r , Arrlihect, where any lurtoer Informatiou rwiuirvd wlilbexlvm. Hiddera muat state tha shortest lime required to eom plote the work. Ample aot urity will be required, and no bid recolred frt'ni a dt ;anltiiiK contractor. Ity ordei ul ( oloual U. U. Croisnian, Assistant (Juartor Btaatar llcnerai. ALBERT R. AfiMMKAh, Jy6-t Captain and Aaaistant yuaaormutsr. J li. N 11 Y -rV 1 1 Ij Ii2, GAUGER AND COOPER, INo. UOa H. WiklTX:! Htrovt, Ilalow Walnut stroet, rUlLADKLPUIA- ImHutlon lira tidy and Wtne Casks, aud ail kinds of Work made of Old and Kewltuff Always ou band off made to order. COAL PACKKD Df HOOS1IRADS FOR BHlPPlMO. AH kind of Trinuuiac punctually tilAeftded to. jyl-ln rnoposALa.- VF1CK COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTKXCK- Hq.&M YfALUVT Utroet. raiinpiriTiti'!! it "" fVale4 rrwoAaate, In rtnnltrate. will M rmtmtwM ' Offica unUI 12 orifMk M , on MONDAY, July II, for auipiln ftiftha uae of (! I'nt'ad Htaoa Army, rh soilowliif Huhsiatence Muraa. delivered la iaiusdetpai, lToOO Rarrrta flrat OfialltT MRf R orPRIHff 1'oKK, fwhtcli to M suited!, vf the pack ef lu.t-4. In fall hidoa ham !, with Iron tnaa-UrlH-oi-e; saaat So be freo from ruat or iwrn, fall weiht. and ihoifiufrhly aaltad, and to hav been repealed within Uilrtvdavo oi delivery. To be ready for delivery wtthio twaaty day f"m date oi awaid. . 4,000 Ma-rwls KXTHA Ml'PKRFICS Of r.TTR. t Ml.T V L'l R ( willed toneaiafo.l). So havo teen inmno within thirtv dava if rlaie of ad vtrtiement lhm the bet wlnwr wheat. I weJI-vtpeiad and heat! llm d oarrola. Name of brand and platen' oian f .crura to be ataiesl tn the htrt. Tu he delivered within tea dava. 50O,0tM I'Atindo Ri-t dwality FIMT Itt'Ki. to frw O'a.if frora pkm! aountl " Ktra Klwir,' Uiorouffhly baked, and perfectly drnd beforo be in: paikad. lobepa-kd In boxes of well Manonod o tl, of en rli a kind as will not Im Pn tnate to the bread. boea to ro'ntaiit M'tf pmtvdj uot lo be delivered within twenty dkti, 39t'400 PtB..dt nr.t qi ulltr kltn-drted CORH MRAft In wHi wwtMred. Jiead-ltned barrels. To b Wiivered wiihia'tn days AO.OOO Poiirda nw HliK HPAVS. fn well ooo- erM barrels, ddW head Hoed. To be ltverrd within tn oaya. aO.DOO pounds Plti M R hit K.tn wfll ooope-e't akrrete, fu lynead Unod. 19 be deUvored within tmm dy. 30.0O0 Pouti.lt nri quiillty larve trrMtied. VHn-Ho4 )liMI. in well copertMi tIAr,u, rullr 1 1 ad lined. To bo dTttret wttala tweatf nn.ttoo i otinds PittMK ro rorpr.p., m wen wp- er-d oarrela. Wooers will t ite the prke per pound net for lumiaonK the who he or aaf jM.rtt. n i f 'he ahon- .inamlty, roaud. sroanL and parked In flfht. paper-lined barren, 1 the partiea mTn itldhti It Ht be required u state nn oath, that the CofTee furi-lihed by them Is r f ihe aam (iialttT aa the sa m-le anh. nntte.(, and tint it cfntalna iki alilteraitaj, or atlniixtuf s of any torviyu enbatanea. tlreeq t'otlte samples ntpilittL. To be delivered within twentv dava. 0,000 Pounds Ibtht yedow (VJi'FKB S'lOAK, or rhoire dry it A HIMMK. Harfele tn hetho beat in om rtr the parpoae. To be delivered within ten days. CJ(0tMM.iJ:. ui pure C1DKR, WffTRKT, of C(V!f INKtiAK, In tn a!, wed copred barrtla. 1 o be d' hvered within ten dava. 00,000 Poiinda tMtd hard .soaIMu pound bars fntl walwht, packed In sixty pound boaiaa. T bo delivered within tea dava. 9.1,000 Pound-, clean, tine. Cry MAT.T. In "tmnjr, weR. coopered barrels. To t dolivorvd within ten dnva. Ttldilera who are nnahle to deliver the store within the) time mentioned will state the time reo,u red fordellverr. I'ontratit' ra are eineeted tn hnhl tnetr ffooda without ex. petio to the I nit e J Wtatea, untd n(Ulred fr shipment. Han i plea of aJi articles except Pork m lat be deltvef4 with the trropnaaj. ar.d ret'errtd to therein; but the pro tal mnsi not be encloiel with ttte aam pi. 8mpl niaat he tn boxea or b't ea, and not m panel parcel, earlk aam pie marked witli bidder a name I he Pork lll ba examined and passed anon by John fjf Tatl-. ln-pertor, on th part of the I'nhed Rtatea, (eparate proposals. In dn plicate- muai he ma-le foreark article t nniucrated, and bidders may propose ror the whofa or any part of each. A pr tired cupyofthfa advertisement must be attarhe4 to ea'i bid. atid ihe proposal utuatba specido la comply Inn will, all ita taints. Eaeh propnal must hare the written irtiirantee of tws ra. point l hie iion,pir ttie tutlUmaulof tha agreeoieat . who will nwe btnds It required. Itlauk torma for prupuaals. onntalnlns; the fbnsl of (itiatantce. tear be had on nppltcftiiuQ at thla office. i he aeoer'a name, place of bustr.. and dia of ptW rhaae, name of oonieni. (iroaa, t are t and net wUthta, moat be marked un every package, and all old marks mast ka ohllierateU. a Ret ie a of we'trh'a bv profssalonal public weighers to be) -glsa whenever required. ha bid trout partiea who have failed to fulfil k former enrareveot w III he considered. Rids wih I ruin do packages, and delivery at any point ha this city, to be deaiKimted hr this othre; and any innrtnr psi kaqea or coopeiane will be cousidered surHcient caasa lor reiftti. n ol rnient. Paymrrrt will be made in sneh ftmds as may be raxnljb4 bv the tinltea States tor the purpoe. 'PropoaaU to te fn.'orhod "i'rvj'osala for Rubslsteaset -Rtori a," and directed to 1RAAC R. WlOfllH, .17 Rt Cptalnand CoToJa OKKICK rOMMISHAlli OF SUBSISTENCE, o. b; WALM1 Htivet. PntiAi'Fi phia, July 4, 1481. HnaJad Proposal. In dupHaato, will he received at thla orhi-e until U' o'clock, A. M. ou SA rUi'DAY.uiy 9, 1(4 for lurnlahtnt and dolivrtiiirio the Camiotjtarracka, Ih- f italp.and olllrei In the vicinl y of this citv. all the lreia teet required by them for mi month a, wltb the prtvtlos) ol eorttinuintt lor one ear at tha optiou of UUs otnea, comaienring Anoint l(iKit. Tte beef muat be killed from the tnest fatted eattfc. wuirlih r not leas than i:iU0 poatkia (truss womht, to b deliverctt tu tuarters wetuhinn uH h as than w poanda. the neck to be cut off at the fourth vertebral jo nt, aodT the breaat trimmed down ; the shank of the fore Quarters lobe cut off ftjur Inchea above the knee mint, and ol tha hind n i art en eixht fiH'tiea atmve ilia Hamhrel or hook .loot. bad betjf to Ihj furulahcd la euttai proporiioua of toie aud hind junrter. Itellveiiea to nffloers to be made In such qautUUea M may be iaden d The beet of aU llolU. Stags.Oxen.Cows, and HeUers win be rejected. Tfce delivery (every day. If necessary) of any qnantlttesi which may i onlcred, will be luciuledln ta prioa par pound t peel tied lu the proposal, end the deiireriea mastba tnde at any piaee dedfKnatctf hv this ottlce, within twenty mile of tin rlty, and al any hour deilKiiated by the oom inandlns: otHcer of anv camp, barrack , boapital. or other place wheie It may bo needed. All auch dJlWorfo to ba made at the expense ot the contractor, the oef at all tltaea t be suiijict to the Inspeoitou and rejection of the roga lar'y a) pointed tnapeeior. Nn tod it from disloyal parties, or from persons not ona s leered rvaponsiblu, will ho considered, and eaoh btd maai be atcoti. pitnled by the guarantoe ol two responsible per son, as tulluw : KiUM OK fllA(AHTRR. We, the nndersiunetl, ot theeity nf Philadelphia. Rtate of PemihaniA, do hereby Kuarant e that will fulfil thr n ij ui refm nia oi this contrail, a socltied in the aeoom ptit yniK advertlaemcitt: and that we. in the event of tea t c Dtract iM iiig awarded to him, will enter good and aurtl ji clent nH-iirtti in the sum of (Ai(i4in) twenty tuousaad dor- J jsrn for ttie faithful jiorformanee ot th J same. l-.iirh bid tiiiou b.' aeuotupanied by the oath of allefrlaae) o me prlrrjpMi and the tiuarantnr, and must bare a c p: ot thiit advertiawment attached. 1U naiiiba of all part lis partuipa-Jng tn the pro pa sal must be athed to tho mi me, and no poraonwilloa HitoHid to farm out or underlet any portion ol tha supply. No bid from part lea not retrolar'yln tha baslneas wll hv rnnaiderotl. and parties bidding will be re-iired la aiMiewl.tri tley hi tend slauhteiluir the beef propjaod to he dehiend. The th vernment reaervea the right to annul the eon tia t at any tune, should it not prove aattaiauinry. All he, ot an interior quality to that aiipulated 1st this adertlaement will be reacted, and a cnrrwpondlng ijuantity punhaed at market rat us aud charged to Uie con 'tut tor. 1 ropofats to be endorsed "Proposals fur fresh beef,' and dit acted to IMAAO R. WKKilH, Jy4 St Captain andC.8. Veil. SUIIMSTKNCK OFFICE, UNITED STATES Airuy, ho.'iOiiOt'TH Hin-et, liAi.riMuRK. MJ., June ?H.1V)4. Healed Proposals, fn Httpttat wtl) be received at thisv cttl. e ui.lil Pi M.,on WKPNKhDaY, July 11, Hfl4,for lar Moiling the Uuiied bute 8ubltoaca lparuaeat w oh KoI R TIIflfrRAVn (ShUO) IIRtO Or ItRKf OAT Tl R on the hrwd, delivered at tne Mute Cattle doslei, at Hit uooie, Md . in iot of tliH)n)one tiioiuaud eauo every tli Mn da) ; to be in tied within one and a nail daya a fur arrival, at the r.vpenae of the contract,. Tht mil axerse nl-our (iman thirteen hundred pouuda ffifM weitihl t ail taillnu abort uf (limn; ono tliouand paade imi weaht. I.ulla, Staffs, Ueo, Coirs, UUfera, aud llornh itb i a tie will be re.n ct d. A it-ouciton of ten ( to t pound w II be mad frra tha wen hint eeh Htetr adtpitd under this couirao. ro tdeu tt a ainu at doek not stand In the pen tvo and ona l ali i oi ra he i. re being welt. bed, or is not weighed Imine 1.1 aitei rtiuvrtl ttoiu tin -cat. It )-ii k foiti.ii lor pnposals can he had on aoplloa th ti at this oihre, eiuier lit peraoit.er bjr uMil.or teia tripU '1 in- Ooternmeni will cliiim the right of welching aaja nif aim' al ke.atate, it iu Uipjarnee tii.tictte leaa weight tl nn the mlnnnnm nieoilont-d above; the ak. peiiarol wi tching ui be pftfd t the party erring lujug aji'itt. I- arn hid, to et I-re coiikWeratlon, mud couta n a v rutin guai iint6ti ul two reaponslhie puraona, aa lot Iowa : V of ib County of , Hmte of .do hereby ftiiarauet- that In (or are ahle to finnl a ctfiiraot im aictrt aitei Willi ttie tui lit- ol hla (or Ih ir) pr-.p isitlua und shot d hl tor tht It) proposition ho ace tp'ed. he (or tlo i will at oui e t'l.t'T into a contract n aoc rdaaoa iheiew nli, it i.d e aru pre an d io hoc uie hin aucuxit oa, ti tn- m il ai d MiiUt iriit btiil for it fuliliment. 1 l,i ri--Mnt.ltiit u ihe K" rant us muat l. h iww by fit i r ul lenttl'-iitei f ih t lerk of the nt arett IN trigg Ctui't.or . t the l'i ited Sta-.es Omtr.ct Attorney, to be eu C OH'ii w ith the hot, I'.mti t mu4i U- present to remand to t'eir bids, an4 r ci art d Ti fcivu hoi ms nd nn the couttact before leaT 1 1 ii e i thi v The ttovprmiient rMnee lo itself the right to rcct aty ur at) hid (ttiitithK d iiiirt tt'miai'ie. I a nt-1 ti to t.f mtitf 'ier vnrb de lvurr In ttirh fttnda an ina te on hund: it none on hand, to be made as aoosi ar feet a t. t'-oi". .'Mil". I itc eedorteil dlstlnctlv PR IIH4ALR Hi. i 1 t;r t Al li-r.. aul aiditsitted to 'CapliuJ. at. I.I) M.:. C p., Uti t mo,-.-. Murviana li a It tl Is in tl mime I a nrm, t'i r names and their p ut od cr aui!ii i inv.ti upptur,ur tliey will uot be outk hl ltd m It person or evey met niter o'a firm olortnrf a pro-tK.-al tnu-t aeroii pai It uh all oatn of aUegtaoea to tha l i. Mi d rtiaUk t.ovi i nmeut, li he has not already Uled oua al thla Oil rw AH t-fi mu ce tytyttfi Hetty vUh ttt term othU a4 ri iiumtitt hui W rrjetrit J. H. OILMAV. Jt:0-m Captain and 0. b.. U- tl. A. A It MY CLOTUINO AND EQUIFAQK J. Ulhce. run.Ani-r.PHiA, July 8, 1R64. Reled rropnaals wtR ba received at this aftke untR Tl LHUAY. the Utli liiat. at lioclwk at., for supply Mi the l ulled Hiatet. deattarabla at Ilia bVhuj 1AU1 Ar l al tlie loiiowing arttries, id : (iritin Hi i ares, seta. Army Htaudard. It tack Pant hueklea, Aniiy Htan lard. fare Woulleu, dark-blue Kianuel, Indliw wonl-dyeel, wi inking A oa. or Id o. to V orti-s width, fur iWooaaa or Suck Coal, Arm htaudard. 'I he Army etaudard amples of aarh of the above arti cles ran be aetit at line uillce, to which dtfilvariae iuna $ir .tdy conform. luddeis mut late in their proposal the prtce. whtob, au.t be Kiven In trttinj, as well as la ttguraa, iha quantity and lime of del) vary. rach bid must he guaranteed by two reaponalhla par suns, whuse tg natures uiuat be appended tu the guaran tee, aud where the Hidd-r and tiuaiaulurs ara nut knuwg al tbia orhre to be rvaponslble tucu, ttiey must b cerittt4 to a bttlug a itch, by some public luuctKtuary uf the ITnitni Btatea. bua from defaulting contractor, and tho that doajoi fuUy comply ntth tht rrutrnn of this adverUwaftaul will not b couldorea. Maak fonn tor proposal can ba had noon apnHoatlosi at thia orhoa.aud blda must ba eadureed with Use aa a of the axUcie or article bid fr. O. H. CROP-MAWf iyB-ftt A. Q. M. Uul U. ti. Anary. 1LANK BOOK 8 AND STATIONERY 19 BANKS. BANKklKS, alKRCIIANTN, MAMUfAss TLbhlts, KAII HOAli COMPANIES, o.( WID find it to their iutwaat lo ordar frma the aaUarssjtsstW fAyKR, AND RTATIOKRRr, H kinds r fluitftaas. Pn-tt asioaal, aodPrtvaW uaa. UttoBBT, niUtW, BO BlBRk lkwk Mnuf-lu, i.ik u i. rou h in iumL f Jt.