The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 08, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 2, Image 2

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omCE No. 108 sTthird street.
Mm l-wo Omm Faa. Oorr, or (I.ina Pi
tm, pareale t taa Oarrter, and Balled to Aejbeeriiwtr.
MrttwOttrrx Dotuu r.a Amur, i Out I.!.!
oa Tw atorrna, tarartabej la ad.aao. lor Ui. peftod
tnefrted a, ill .eaal rata. A Vr
farm n.ii lit aiaa ft .itandrd tniertloos.
To 0rrrfMnl
W. eenMe. eeetl he taken of Artmr" '"l"".
blmt to Iii.miiM mr Irrtmn meat Be uth.-nllc!.l
hy the aamo and etre. ta wrtl-r-n nwr1!T mr
Vnhlkxhna. hot rin" "" "M l"- W.oan
faot M4e lab to rturn rejected eUeMnmuuloatiou...
Owl tha fee hvreaa. In tha rinMllatlin ef Ttia
aWji.a Taj e.arw, aewnnHiinB. i. o eo in .r.-.. t en
arly hour, e. enrenlly rMcl th.l atlvareil.eitieiila m.v
fee handed I oo" o eloek, If prxalble, o eooure
tiii u iBMitttaa la all t oar edition.
We bare had a aunpiclon for wvira! days
past that the reported raid of the R.iiit'lH into
the Cnmbprlnnd Valley has boon frreatly nitig
nlfled by the fi.ars of the poopln of the region
that la threatened. No reports yet received
hare agreed as to the number of the invading
forces, their commander, or their probable
purpose and deatinntlon. We have had the
trength of the enemy stated, at one tlmo, as
being only about one hundred cavalrymen,
under the marauder Mcsinr, while at an
Other, It hag been described as consisting of
Infantry, cavalry, and artillery, amounting In
the aggregate to thirty thouximd soldiers 1!
Now, In the millet of such confused and con
trndletorj news, what are wo to believe? It
Is quite evident that somebody Is grossly In
- error, and the probability is that nobody Is
entirely light. One thing, at least, we think
Is certain, and that Is, that a large part of the
Story, as to the formidable character of the
Invasion, Is purely Imaginative, and must be
credited to the ex:lted apprehension, rather
than to the positive knowledge, of those who
furnish the public with Intelligence.
It cccurs to us, however, as quite remarka
ble that a raiding party which has been for
several days past within a few miles only of
Washington, and In direct conflict with cer
tain bodies of oar troops at Martlnsburg; Har
per's Ferry, and other neighboring- points,
sbonld not before this have had its full
trength and actual composition and charac
ter accurately ascertained, and reported to the
War Department If the men who arc making
the foray are really small In number, and
Incapable of doing any serious daiuiign,
the people ought to be advised of ttw
fact, so that they may not be unneces
sarily alarmed. If, on the other hand,
their force is indeed large and their evi-
"aiitint purpose morn serious than a simple
pifeiatory excursion, got np to secure a few
bones, shoes, groceries, and the like, from the
dofenselesa communities In the valleys of the
Potomac, the public should be promptly In
formed of the Gict, in order that suitable pre.
paratlons may bo made to meet the emer
gency. Nothing, In time of war, is mere im
portant than reliable Intelligence with re
spect to the movements and Intentions of the
enemy. They should, under no circum
stances, and for no purposes, be either con-
' cealed or exaggerated, or unreasonably de
spiced or pooh-poohed. Safety lies In know
ing quickly the truth, the wholi truth, and
nothing but the truth. But in this Instance
we have for days together, apparently known
very little, if anything, certainly. The whole
people have been in thick fog of doubt,
through which all that was seen, or supposed
to be seen at all, was distorted and magnified
' If Ewe ix or Earlt are on this or tho
Other side of the Potomac, above Washington,
with thirty or even twenty thousand well ap
pointed veterans, we cannot too speedily send
sufficient force to repel the enemy and crush
him If possible. But this is not tho time to
incur the enormous expense of raising, equip
ping, and transporting a considerable, body of
troops from the remote east to the Potomac,
only to meet an army In buckram. Such ex
peditions require the expenditure of a fearful
amount of money, which is justllled afterwards
by no compensating results. Hence, in ordjr
to avoid unnecessary public agitation and use
less waste of resources which ought to be
carefully husbanded, it Is of the highest im
portance that our military intelligence should
be, at all times, as complete, authentic, and
piomptly communicated as possible.
We espied into our columns recently an
editorial from the New York Tribune which
contained some very wise and opportune re
flections on the decline In the intcl'crtual and
moral character of tho members of our Na
tional Congress. That paper said :
"The Thlrtj -elphtli ConKrubS, whiirh has ju-t
44 doted It longer session, was an un onuu jti'y
4'imeoone. We twlleve nut more tu iu U .If its
" uiembemt vi r before iK-Jdkcuts iiueitliur House.
44 A rry considerable proportion of it. nifl'n'ri
" aie mVno1 quite moderate aliilitiet, a'u t vU i!
44 to the dutiea of justices of r lie (tea v. Sum-' of
44 tiicin lioutlit tlieirni)mlniticnsoiitri'l't;
44 traded lor iln m ; perhaps fitly in ml not in lie-
44 i aue tney were reully lit lor legl-l.iturs, una
44 'lie leople km w It.
It is a aoit iiiu tact that we do nut send as
" able men restively to Congress tin werw sent
" .'orty to flxty years sgo; una our ue'es uule
44 i-j an m of pi injury me.tiu;; and rcg ilar nomi
4' nations are the main c.iiw of the fx linx oif.
" t.oai.'h our wretched practice of coniitli"K the
44 choice ct enoh district to n-aidui it th'ircin a
44 practice tV undud neither in law n T in rca-ou
" i vrtiy rtcpt.n-inie tor it.
4 Nei'lit-r t'lKv, Websur, nor Calhoun cotiM
" riniain in Ibe lloue eilit yen under tb
" prtailmg system. lnl district will set the
44 1 xniii) le of callinK some iible and upright
44 rta.ern an i y putn.c requisition t ) serve It m
44 ibt in xt II ue We oiiK'it t) b'lve lid ward
"lerttt, tiiln on V. ('liHsc, lUnry C Cmy,
" Iln 1'ion M-u, tJerrtt hml'li, Jo'in I . Iten
44 Miiy, e'e , Me., in that House ; w hile our poli'i-
! dpp. n. nts tlOllld likewise suud tilt Mil
44 laid Kni ui' re, C O'Coiior, Jude VV'iMiiiwaf.l,
" 44 Gierke W. D.dlas, etc., etc., if they c in."
There U a boldness, as well as Justness, In
the above remarks, which must command the
respect of candid and Intelligent men of all
political parties and opinions.
How sad it is to reflect that a man cannot,
in our country, get a nomination for public
office unless he buys it, and cannot be elected
without resorting to all manner of dishonora
ble tricks and expedients I One who Is above
nch base practices Is precluded from political
life, no matter bow eminent he may be in all
those talents and attainments which qualify
biin for any station In the gut of the people.
Indeed, his very virtues are positive barrier
to bis advancement, and what ought to be re
garded as the strongest reason for placing and
keeping bim In the service of the State, is
made a disqualification by those who frame
our party tickets and determine tor whom we
haU vote.
It is notorious that most nominating con
ventions are accessible to the worst posalbla
influences, and that their action is governed
by anything in the world but a disinterested
concern for the public welfare. Why they
bould be so patiently tolerated, when their
conduct it so corrupt and pernicious, is lnex
jdicaJule. Tbey step In between the people
and the ballot-box, and destroy, In eflect, the
essential means of popular government. Thuy
render the elective franchise a privilege which
no Htlw n can exercise except In subserviency
to their dictation. They designate the candi
dates for every office, and Insist afterwards
that the men they nominate must lie elected,
reffnrdlea of their admitted unworthlnes.
This Is, practically, a limitation of the
right of suffrage which reduces It t little
more than the rower of votlne at the
mercy and control of a set of self-constituted
tyrants. Ytt the people not only suffer this
sort of abusive domination of detntgogues, but
actually give It all the torce and effe rt It pos
sesses. They go to the polls on election day,
and ratify the nomination by their ballots.
They are told that one ticket or the other
must prevail, and though both are so bad as
to I unacceptable, they are driven to a choice
of the least objectionable, in order to n void a
To aid this execrable Imposition on the
good sense or wetik obseqiiiouness of the
people, they are persuaded that party organi
zation must be sustained at all hazards; Ih it
whatever Is done by the regularly constituted
mnnngers of a party, no matter how excep
tionable, morally or otherwlso, must bo sanc
tioned and enforced, and that It Is better that
knaves and fools should bo chosen to the most
responsible trusts than that the party hIiouIJ
bo defeated, Ha discipline Impaired, or Its
strength weakened by disaffection and
Now all this sort of tiling is full of mis
chiei und evil. It bus demoralized the politics
of the country to a fearful degree. Power has
passed out of the hands of the coplc Into the
hands of a few depraved and unscrupulous
politicians, who rule over us with an abso
luteness worse thun that of an Intelligent and
virtuous aristocrucy, oreven despotism. There
Is no ( ffectual responsibility where thoso who
make and administer tho laws of a community
tire neither put In office by their constituents,
nor tun be turned out when they forfeit their
confidence. Their accountability begins and
ends with tho small bodies whlc'.i virtually
bold all public stations In their gift, Inasmuch
as they nominate whom they please for office,
while the people vote afterwards for whom
soever they nominate. To this complexion
have sfluirs In our country come at last.
Under the Influence of such conditions in our
political life, we are obviously tending fast
towards the worst consequences of corrupt
government. Popular liberty has become
with us already more a name than a reality.
Demagogues have usurped the prerogatives
oV the people, and we are swayed by leaders
wuo cheat us into subjection with the pre
tences of principle and patriotism.
Jntlite Oiil'l'p) JteiciilnllonN TonrlilM; III
TruiiKiiiixMoa r l.rltrra to the or III
from Hirhmoml.
Hubert Ould, Confederate Commissioner of
Kxclmnge, bos es:atilished the following regula
tions to tie observed by those who send lett ts to
the Nortti fn.m Richmond. A. compliance with
these rulcs-4s necessary in order that letters may
nrach their dcltinotion :
1. All fcitorslo no North by (las of truce must
be sent Jojflllie "Bureau ot 'Exchange, War ( f)
Department, Confederate Statue of America." ( ?
'2. Each letter must be enclonod in a separate
ctivelcpe, and addressed, "it itert Ould, Ilureaii
of Kxc1isiim, Richmond, Vtrginltt."
.1. No letter must exceed In lumt'h one nnge of
ordinary sized letter paper, and Its contents ctm
tiiied strictly to personal or family matters. No
letters alluding to the movements or localities of
troops will he permitted to pass.
4. Each letter must contain u United States
postnKe stump or its equivalent in silver or
United States currency.
These regulations will bo rigidly enforced,
and no letter transmitted in which they are not
stiictly observed.
4'oiK'prnlna tt Kxelirtns"4 of Vlrknbnrn
onfol, rite frlxom-rN of July I, lsa;.
Commissioner Ould bas issued an exchange
notice to the elfect that all officers nnd men of
tde Vickshurg capture of Julv 4, lSii;t, who re.
ported for duty at Enterprise, Miss.; Iemnp',lis,
Ala. ; Jonosboio, Tenn. ; Vienna, N'uicbitochos,
Mireviport, or Alexandria, La., at my time pri ir
io April 1, lKlil, nnd whoso namos have ben for
warded to tho "Confederate Commissioner" by
the proper otllcers, are declare. 1 to be exchanged.
The Courier rfu IHmanch; of I irts, publishes
a circular letter addressed to M. D.ouvn do
l'lluys, tbe French Minister of Futcin Affairs,
to the agents of the Empire abroad, respecting
the relation of France to the American Govern
ment. This letter is a seipiel to tbe correspond
ence bcten Mr. Seward and Mr. Dayton with
regard to the Mexicau question, and is ns fol
lows :
l'Aitis, May 7,lSl'il. Mr. 1) i tun bin called on
me lo read to me a despatch miilics-vd t him hv
the Secretary of Stito of the Union, in order to
defnm tbe responsibility of the (ijwrnmciit of
Washington, and to sbow a vote of the Houso
of Representative, tir of tbe Senate, or even of
'he two Houses, while it natiir.iliy reeoimnei, is
itself to the ntu-iiti 'uof the Government, did n t
old gr it bi inodiiv ,ts policy and lake from it its
liberty of action.
Mr! Si ward sees no reason to follow in tli.'
Mexican question u line of conduct oilier tb in
tbut which' he bud adopted heretofore; it'il if bU
tli-p sitlon should happen to be iimdiiied, w
should I e directiy and in lto id time iiilorun d of
this Hsoltitioii arid i s miti'is.
I have replied to Mr. Dayton that in tile o 'ill
Ion of the Government of Ibe Kuiperor, uiiitnui;
could justity this change ; that Oar conlideuce 1 i
the l-iloll lll.d ei li'lltcNiiiclit of the Atl lie 111
( ibii et was too (treat to permit ns to suppo o it
to liny any Ideaoi coninmising, h i tlio'ii-bt-less
action, the true interests of the. United Slvas.
hi e expresing lo Mr. Dayion the entire
satisfaction wli'cli tbu ass'iranees he ts cli ir..'il
w Kb giving to us can cd to the Goi ei ti'neti' .of
tbe Emperor, I udii' d that I thought, in elioct,
that, ivn from tbe p"ii t of vitw of the t'Mi'e.t
Statts, the choice would not lie elouiitiul botaeeu
tbe cstui'li-bniciit in M icu of a stable an t
regular Goverrim nt, and the perp lu iii m ot an
onatrliy of hi. h they had lacu the Inst lusuiur
mill to point tit t':c- great lncouve'iili n e.
'I he reoi L'ni.izution of a vast Colin I V wiiic'i,
idb r the rtMer t en of order nail seem t y, is e
lectid to play an iinpoituiit ec n ani hi pirc In
the world, oiilii be Ibr tbe United St ite.cspc
cially a n ul Sonn e ot advantage, since it .miild
l en a new n arket to iliem Iroin whlcli tbey,
hrciiiiscuf then pioximity, would pnnii more
than i there.
Tie pio-pe-ri y of Me-1 o would therefore
agne with ttieir ligbtly understood iuten sts, ii'id
1 certainly do uot be-lavtt that the II ivcriim nt
cf Wuthingiou Could iiusundcrsiand ttiis trutli.
ilHOI VN t)B L'Hi vs.
"Paper is now made of the coarsest material,
even buy and bramble. It only requires to be
machined lo become good printing paper. It
n.k is a ton and a quarter of tho best Cotton rags
to make a ton of pulp, and these rags cost from
12.' to l".i per ton. Two tons of course hay,
ceHing from &20 to 25, make one ton of pulp.
Twenty dollars would pay for the chemicals and
teuty-tive for labor, coal, etc. A ton of paper
thus made would stand at a little over 'iil, sav
iLg 50 per cent." Jtouiui Table.
And yet manufacturers are selling the com
monest news paper at twenty-one cents a pound,
and upward, or for about all publishers get fur
their journals, throwing in ink, press-work, type
setting, clerk-hire, mailing, tie. The present
price is beyond excuse, even for the greedy.
Nebraska has voted not to organize a State
Government as yet. In this we think she bas
decided wisely, bbehad but'i-i.Wl Inhabitants
in lHdO: she has not more thun 60,000 now; and
tbe could hardly fail, by making herself a State,
to doable her local taxation serious considera
tion in these davt. Whoever expected to be
Oovaruor, United States Senators, fie., are doubt
less annoyed by this vote ; but tbe grout inasi
of lbs people can bear the disappointment of
this elasa mith unshaken fortitude. Nobraik.i
will be coming to as a State, with a population
of 100,000 ot over, in suasou to vote for I'reJl luut
in 1008.
Bpelal Drspatxhe to Evening Telegraph.
WaaminiTon, Jul S.
Kear-Admiral Porter hss arrived In this city.
InfreMina; to Army PnymMtor.
Congress passed, on tbe last day of the session,
a provision of law, as follows :
4,TliHt when a soldier, sick in a hospital, shall
have l en dpeliargcd.or shall bi di char re I, from
the military service, but who uliill heunihleli
leave or to avail himself of bis diseharite, In ' fin
si queiire ot sickness or won nils, and who shall
Miiise iuently die In such hixpiial be shall be
ili etmd to have died In the military service,
far us relates to bounties."
Arietta IHrtM't from Hlrhmonil.
A refugci', Mr, ,lobn If. Ilragg, rh left Rich
inond a few days ago, bas reached th s city on
bis nsy to Baltimore, ftc, ami gives a sad ac
count of tbe (le-tiliition which prevails In the?
Uonfeilerate rnplial, nnd of the sweeping con
scription which is enforced on all elns-cs of
i itiens.
ttavnt IlliU In Cl,
The Secretary of the Navy is empowered by a
law passed by the late ses-ion of Culpri ts as
follows :
"That where articles are advertised nnd bid
for in classes, and in the judgment of tho bead of
the IjonnrtTiic nt, any one or more article niprtr
to be bid fur at excessive and unreasonable price,
excieditig ten per centum above the fair market
value, be shall lie authorized to reject each bid.
Tlie d'olorfil I'eople'a rtrnln.
The colored Catholic schools and friends who
In M their festival la the President's Grounds, on
the Fourth of July, realized a sum amounting to
about 1200, for tbe laudable purpose of build
ing a n w -school-house. It is said tint the re
ceipts at the gateway reached about $300.
I. lit f Pr-iiiiavlirtolit Soldier 4 i)tiircil
lleloro VKTkhurK, null enliuel lu
l.lbl.y I'rlsim.
The following officers were captured near I'e
tersbutg June 22, and sent to Mbby I'rison :
Colani'l .tolin Kner. tilth; Ma or rhnrlet M. bvncll,
W. 1 1 1 ; l.ii'iin iMiit M. H. I. udnU, a.M ; Ciiusln VI -lljiin,
i."tl,: t n K. n. Wliiu.ii-.rr, 7-.I ; blenienunt ii. N.
S!ifiiisn.N7tli : l.lcinei'Miit .1. K. ItiiutT, r7lh; I'flualn
II. II. Hull. iHliti ; I li tit, n iot .1.11. Kriun, Isllti ; Cajcitm
.I..I.C M- K. .!. IHIt'i ; I'n.iKlu V II Villi J. ISIIh ; I.lteitell
toil M Hinver. Isllli ; l'ni tl.l M. t. I. til ,IHItli; Li'--u-ii.llit
'isriil 10llM,n. Islth ; Al u'miii Si hie. I'. Minrey,
Isltli ; (..eiileiuint (tmrlt'i, l'n-lel. Ildtii: I'liptiilii 11 A.
Haini l. ' is-li ; I'upi.on I,. I. Trier. n ; l.ioiitt-ii ml
Williinill. K"c, 'Wih; Ol'lfn Wlllltiii II. Karr. i ,Mi ;
I.ieuu-liailt J. 1. COi'C, Italic l.ieuie mm A. V . Miller,
The following is a list of officers and men of
the lnOih l'et nsylvania Volunteers c apture I
iieur Petersburg June '11, and now lu Eibhy
I'rison :
t'oini'Uiiy A l'rbate b.iniet Cn-rn, .tnlin llarrii, M
M i Inn.
'ominr It Hi r-'esnt .lufne. Murslinil, Prlv a, 8tr
l iirn I ii' , lieiniv Kt-t nr. H. Melirm-l Allien Oiieen i.
I'l.naintijf I ' ('orioriil Vlaev .Miiilli; l'r,vi'i f Ih'inii
llarrlti. I a-orue Hellrti. I krnnmlv, ,l.,mes M tr iplh l a
li In. en . Ii. t.J Miiill, V II blelti hliailer, Hear) VVeiirrl,
Wm Vnui'K
l iimnmiv Ii l'rlviri' Itunlen. W Krank, t'eier Sclilek,
I. N VV III. ft. K.I Mat! lie. I has Mattln ns.
e'einl'un K-SK't. VV V. t'awiiril. Alliert Ma'atie ; r..rp
W M lleiir; ITIvjit'-a Itiiinrt II A n, Jus Itiirneis, Joliti
t'arley. Win Itnp- n,'l L I lim,.
( fiiupM'er I-' CiipUln Wm N Karr: Srrifeitiil. i'Iih
Mril., It etnird VV liinii-y,-r, Win II llil-mi . I Vi iiorl,
K I iilo-.C -V Kulu yulil, .1 Heutiran, It Mi- -; I'rlvjite,
snnitirl Ulaek. AJ.uu lt'tl.-r. I.nw-on Itryitn, .laseph
Kv, a. .hil.n 1 Kfl.tnirtkrr, II N llrrell, .In ,n Ci .lo , Jasc-pli
bliillli. liean-e Sit iriOW, Kittel1, .Ii.lin iVeliliiT.
nnipsiiy II t!orM,rnl W M Atiriu,, I rl-ata et-ovi;s
II. , I, Inn
Campniiy II f'mitAiii I. I Tyler. I.I -no-naiit Winutn tl
It.tse. Mmsesnts Jaiues J Kix. licarne IV rt .ville, I'rlv.itei
iiit rrt Aiiaetsap, J, tin I'.lslne, I'tia. Itrmtv, Win liavln,
Win i.l'laie linn H!a-r,.t mail, an H.illnwi-il, l- raael i Kl
Py. .In MeCurroli, Samuel li-Cai,tle.s. lliilcnii lrl, e,
I iei, VV I'alker. .lalill Itlrlia.ila, Jalill Slacey, Kaliert VVtl
a',n.Joliii WiU-renmn.
t'ainpiiey l Corporal Arthurs, Privates l)vid Alien,
lieonre llRrbr,.litnieB rrole. Ilarieyii. Cdt'er.
Company fl- Hernraut William I. llrown, rrlviiti-t
l,eoi,.e heiltoi.t, Jolin t' 1 liinnery, IV Klnlo.kle.
The following prisoners were captured June 7,
at Gaines Mill, and sent to I.ibhy I'rison :
4.'eh remitvnnla- William Mit-nn lliiuliam, 11; .1 T
Ninin.riii, K l li II Slaplo, K i II Collins, K i I'Hrrniri, K;
A Money, -r, K; M,t,li; A Lawrence, b; .1 cburu.c ;
K. .tnlinson, I : ammeiiiutiii .lames rit!rK,li; Aunts
Harper, it i W Ullatu Moraui Cauluian, IS.
The Vnion army lies la a melting mood in its
trenches before Petersburg. The Rebel army
lies in a melting mood in its trenches in front of
Petersburg. Hardly a shot has been fired for
three days from the one picket line to the other.
Not u drop of rain has fallen, and water for tbe
canteens of tho men, and water for the buttery
horses and the transportation loams is becoming
veiy scarce, lint tbe end is suro.
The I,efJclieral Marker.
President Lincoln has sent a Major-General's
commission to tho w ife of tbe brave Iirigadicr
General Hurktr, who lost his life while gallantly
leading his men against the enemy's workB at
Kctisaw Mountain,
Onli-r Allecllnir Mutlerx.
A general ortler from Ncivbern, N. C, nlfc ting
Butleis and traders, requires, lirst, that, before
any goods are brought into that district, tho
owner or person In charge, shall lirst file it correct
copy of the original invoice required by the Su
pervising Agent of the Treasury Department,
sworn to before some officer of the Provost
Marshal's Department of the district.
iSerond. The following is the scale of protits
allowed to be made upon goods offered for sale.
At.y trader who shall exceed in the slightest
Hit to rates will be debarred the privilege of
bringing in or disposing of any more goods in
the district, nnd will have his license taken
away :
I. For wet Knicerii-s. not more than ;:3 per r.iitilrn nil -vim,
u iipii tlie onir lial invoices, litcluit'ni; nil laieri,ilti
II, n, (,!- c tr.iiiBportoliciM,
s. 1 or alrweai inn ap;,. irel luniie within the lilstrp't not
more tl.iii io per i i-iio,m a b aut-d upo'i tlie in
Vleii.', iluluiPn.' nil lae, Untie a, C...I ol tral'sportal toll,
.ir 1 liilsjr hi rontriir'inn.
a. for ell dry uroeeries. dry L'onilB. anil any article, of
D erchauolc hi, it laliil utloti. aoii.e.tic. ,-r loreiirn. iioleau.
liu raied iu pari 1 ami J, ma n o i- llian -.Ki tier e. -lit. .d-Inl-ea
upon the (iii-iiiul liivnlei-,, iiieliulllnl all tdie.,
ilulli s. e si o, trai,sponal!oil. Ac
4. l or all hi wsi i,pi r-, uiacraliies, stationer., lani
IiochU tin) nolloiis. hie sio I., nil, .mini p,o lu(l a!,',.,u Ii
p' lees a wm tit- e.l.r.l! stiecl uy tile e il I I'lfo-os ' M ii .nal
i l' Hi- ilisiiii-i. lie I 'hlei ij 'i.irti-riiili, ler nt itie tli.l-ii-iol
Ni r !i Carollna " III p a e a ii-ip.iu .iiili- person up.,n ti,n
Newlj'Tii and lleacilort lla-1 nail, al.o slni.l r ecu: all
p-i.peity e- iisa-n. d lo New Pern trailer, and deliver the
,aiui to 'lie i ,i IP ! s a' the See. it 'rn ilepo,
1 l,e rnte- tor t- niiajiortiit on ti-on, ,V,.r. he id . 1 1 y tn i-w-tin
li :ire alrcaili lltcilat lair rote, l'l,e til ni.ty bop-o. iitsm altplK'.ilioli to .-in V oltleel ot li e I'rmn-r .Vlar
sliill liepai' nielli III Notlli ('a olina. 'Ho eo,or elli er
ol ti e Miei.v iC-arcl any t mis : ,t,:-1 I. i-esjoti. h! ,ir t ie
ih - e'pliiic. a, cl i are ot itie imep t al,,ar,, loot it' I pti .1 r n I
pi h nil- pi ope r. v. All -tleamer.. vc-m-.-l., and uther w.i-er-er;iH
i-l,telll?K an ot the porol of orll" Ciloinci is-, 1 1 ti.-ro-ultil
he ie,iiluu to display thu c iora.
IIoi.lillilI . Jill 11 I".
I'poii the reeotnmc ten of thf Surgeon
Geneuil, the sliglitly wutinilc i and ic k oIII'ims
ut l-'oi trc s Monroe, noi absolutely ie piiring ho...
pilot treatiiient, will tic sent to Aunipolis fir
temporary duty wiili the conv.ikscent caiup
t litre.
WJboii'h Mi'll I'omtiig- In.
Cor.-iik ruble parlies ol Wibon's men, who had
srn.tcred ami been separatr-il iltiriug the raid anil
if lion at Renins, are e(.iist,n,tly coining in, thus
mate i l.illv leilticlng the nunitier of o,,r c iptured.
Thisc, nt lust put at three thousand, have beca
so much reduced that retiirm sho.v that our
loscs will come inside of one thousand men.
4'oi;;r(,N'.Mitn .rat-lug Wai.lilii'tin.
Not more than a lakor's do.en of Congress
men remain in Washington. Senator Su inner
is still here, and will remain for four or five days
The Metropolitan Knllrnml.
Two-thiids of ibe stock of tho new Metro)K
Ulan Railroud of Washington was to day sab
scribed for.
The l'iiiililel F.dlilon of the Internal
llrtrmir Still.
Tho Government pamphlet edition of the In
ternal Revenue bill, passed at the last session of
Congress, will, it is expected, be ready for dis
tribution in a few days. It is now iu the hands
of the public printer.
ImixnrtABt Movement of Troops.
from the CUrtlawi JHraM,
We mentioned a few days ago that there wero
indications of au immediate movement on Mobil.
The troops in the unfortunate exoediiion under
General Ranks have sailed from New Urlean. for
some destination whore Is the quet ion. Sixteen
thousand men had left New Orleans prior U lbs
l-.itb nit., and eight thousand more up to tbe date
of the latest advices. Una opinion is that they
have gone to reinforce General Grant another
that they have moved to attack Mobile. Tho
sudden landing of twenty-five tbousaud voteraut
under General Canity at Mobil would make a
stir among tbe Rebels under Johnston. .Should
the Louisiana veterans be added lo tbe Army of
tbe Potomac, Grant will the soaner be able to
press Lee to Urenilty. The New Orleans e
peditiou must loon be heard from.
We are gla I lo the fact that our citi
zens are moving with great activity la obedience
to thr call of ih Governor for volunteers for the
Stale defense, and that nl ready some six or more
embryo regime its are in process of formation.
Reticles the regiments no'lcvd jeste r lay, the
lilnc Re-erves are also ac ting lo the matter, and
to-morrow morning two companies, K and F,
will meet nt their armory for tho purpose of com
pletinp arrangements for leaving the city. This
evening the call of tho Philadelphia. Union Ar
tillery Guard will be responded to at 15 road aud
Rure streets, nnd the Keystone Ilattery nro hold
ing themselves in readiness to leave at a very
t al ly dale.
A nucleus of I regiment to be called the Com
mercial Regiment has also been formed. This
r gitneiit will l,t commanded by Colonel I.nrliler,
nnoil.eer w bo was attached to General Meade's '
staff in 1S02, slid with tho I'tith Pennsylvania
Rigiment, and who, previous to that, was a
tfiiartei master of the 4th Pennsylvania Rcsorvcs.
This ollicer Is on of known ubility, and In all
dep. i Intents of tbe regiment the best military
skill will be employed. A tnc etiug of tho mem
bers of this regiment will bo held at Suns un
.Street Hall this evening.
'1 hose who signed the rolls of the Na'ional
Otnitd Regiment, fonie months stn,e, should
now conic forward as rapidly us p is-dble, as it is
thu desire of (' tli nel Nell to organize u splendid
regiment for service in a very few days. At tho
same time others wishing to join this line organi
zation should not delay an hour iu signifying
their Ir t ntion iu the pteinises.
In other quarters, also, there is evidence of a
heattv enthusiasm in the ma tor. The old 2d
Regiment, ot the 2d Brigade ( I ri-h), is to he imme
diately tilled up lor sec vice. The Minute Men
will hold a meeting this evening. Company A,
of thc71-t Volunteers, are ulri ady on ttio tapis,
nnd thiiciiplioiit tbe liiyiariuis independent
coni -atiies now in existence ar - being recruit . d to
the lull standard. The 2 lh Regiment g.MM into
n in this moi ning.
An additional inducement to volunteer is oir-rcd
by the ordinance which pass d both branches of
City Councils jestcidav, providing for the piy
mc lit of a bounty ol $ 0 to all one hundred d ivs'
men volunteering iu Philadelphia regimen's.
This ordinance but iiir ilts the signature of the
Mayor, who will no doubt speedily approve it,
and tbe bounty w ill be paid over to all those thus
ei.l stii g.
We trust, however, that concentration may be
the order ol the hour in the mutter of en list incuts,
and that regiments whic h already have u recog
nized existence; will ba recruited up to a tub
standard before the formation of other regiments
are utteuipted. Thus will the call of tbe Gov
ernor be nil Ibo more speed i y ansvered, and the
danger which now thrculcns our borders the
sooner uverted.
Tub I ha it In relation to tho furiiidilng of
substitutes by citizens who, though frrc from
the draft, yet from patriotic motives desire
to aid the Government by furnishing repre
sentatives, the Provost Marshal-General has de
cided that all such can furnish pets mal repre
sentatives In the set vice, either aliens eir citizens
who are enrolled ami liable to draft.
The City ltounty Commission states that the
city bounty of two hundred and titty dollars will
be paid in cases where enrolled citizens of Phila
delphia, in advance of the draft, put in three
years' substitutes not liable to u draft, and pro,i, r
credit ii given upon the quota of their dittncta.
If citizens not enrolled put in substitutes, the
substitute is regarded as a volunteer, and on a
proper evidence of his being credited is entitled
to tbe bonnty.
Amenoatoiiy of thk Constitution At a
first meeting of tho National Association for tho
amendment of the Constitution, held yes'crday
afternoon, at the Trinity Clmrcb, in Eighth
street above Race, Rev. Dr. Margrave movod
that committees lie appointed in various locali
ties to endeavor to enlist the press, secular und
religious, in tbe objects of tbe association, and
also to ttiriusn matter tor tlie press.
Tbe resolution was adopted and tbo following
ci niiiiitic es were appointed :
Fur Philadelphia Rev. Dr. F.dwards, Hon. J.
Pollock, Rev. Mr. I'riru, Hev. Dr. Newton, R v,
Mr . Longucre, Rev. Drs. Kddy nnd Itouiiicrger,
Rev. Mi. Krotcl, Rev. H. (). Wylie, Rev. J. ii.
Niy dam, und Rev. J. G. Duller.
for New York Rev. Dr. Vinton, Rev. .1. R.
W. fdonne, Prolesoor Mellvuine, Rev. Dr. John
N.Mcla'Od, Professor Martin, Rev. Dr. James
Harper, mid Rev Dr. McC'liiilock.
For Pittsburg Rev. Drs. James Pressley. T.
Spruull, Douglass, F.lllott, Rev. G. IS. Chase, Rev.
Dr. Page, and Rev. S. T. Stewart.
For lluittord, Connecticut Itev. Dr. liushncll.
For St. laiuis Hon. li. Gratz Ilrnwn.
'I bis association tailed in the object of Us meet
ing in consequence of tbe slim attendance of
tie legates Iroin the dilferent cities of tbo North
ana West.
Cut Mohtauiy. During tlie past six months,
including two days of tbe present month, the
mortality in this city has been us follows;
Muttlhl. lirnllit. Sl'llfi,
Cit'er t'ser
Femnlrt. a yrnrt. SO jycor..
7 IS li-et .'il
llll Ml (II
B.J Hi
Sd cm! r.'i
.'so o'l .15
I3 i
.latiuiirv Ihi ft
I Ha in, 'jr.. U 4
March r il
April liti-i
Mm I.'..J
t a pi;.; n o ai a ;!
Of the whole number, .ITo were soldiers. The
cle iths from cotisumpiioli numbered 11, '7.
'1 he lollowing shows the proportion ot d atlis
to each Vvurd, since January 1, liiil ; First
Ward, 073; Second, 4 M ; Third, ; il ; Fourth,
4-'t'i Hlth. 3li; Sixth. -'17; Seventh. FiWli,
L't.l; Ninth, 2bij Tenth, 312; FJevenili, 2ili;
Twelfth, lid ; Thirteenth, li'J I ; Fout leeiitli, 2d:) ;
Filtemih, ol? ; Sixteenth, 271; Sevi-utucuih, 3;M;
Fighlt i mil, ,'(17; Nineteenth, ,"irl3; Twentieth,
1,0; Twi iiiv-tnst, 22.i ; Twenty-second, 2W;
Tweiitv ihii-d, 171; Twt tity.foui tli, 1107 ; lttcnty
titth, ! lb; I nl.itoivn, 512.
I'l intoN io Tin; Secni.TMtv ot- Wail List
cvt nit g, ut iSaiisoiii Street II, ill, a mass meeting
t f the Working women's Association was held in
the prt seuee of a hu ge nudP iice, The object of
this Assoi ii.tlt n is lo ol.t tin through an uhliesS
to the Secreiu'y i f War it bxed piice for every
dillerent iirtiele iiiadc at the Atscunl, and at the
same tin c making it obligatory upon tho cun
trnclors tei-iiviuo w( rk from iu..t depot to pay
the .same prices. IHojiieiit a.ldre es iu buha't
of the Association were made be R-v, ,1 itm
Ch.'iinl ets, Moure, and Mts. Mary I'ra't.
The S riebiry of this As-iciaii'iti will be per
il ai emly at the Rooms of trie A--o 'i itiu;i, ami
n e t ivc a salary . The lie curj- is Judge 1.. ivis,
wlio, bowel er, 1- not a in. nib. r ol i -i. :i I) .
Ntw Sir am-. A o nti U',1 a'i. n n te.'.-'vcd
ioConir ii. ; e.-tenia, fioni ci.iz.-..s of tin- TAvlllll
Wrrd, ii, forming that bo ty th H n --ideiit, of tlmt
Ward, tc gether Willi the 11 .ptist mill l''.ptsi i.d
Chun-la-, liiKl (iiirchost d tlie I t of ground
In untied by cil uu 1 l-'i'th sired- and
York m u. ue, and now give il to the city to u
enclosed by lulling, to b- cuibet i-hi d, a id to
be culled "Cuion Square." in the saine connec
tion, Mr. Nicholson Introduced an oroi'inii- e ac
cepling tho lot ond appropriating ?f in 10 for it
improvement. The ordinance passed both
Com mkncbmp.nt. Yesterday afternoon, the
Cuiiiiiiinceiiieut Exerci-es of tho Academy of
tlie Sacred Heart, Fden II ill, Torres l.ile, Pa.,
took place in the presence of the pupils and their
parents, together with a lurge number of invltad
guests. Right Rev. Bishop Wood was among
the eminent gentlemen present. The program aio
fur tlie occasion consisted of declamation In
French and llugll-b, music, French dramatic
recitations, etc., in all ol" which the pupils ac
quitted themselves with muikcd ability.
AtCTioN Balb. At ten o'clock to-morrow
morning, a large numloir of marblo-top ani
other tubles, together with some Windsor chair4,
will bt sold at tbe Restaurant Department of tho
Fair. With tbe exception of the disposition of
tbe lumber, of which the building is composed,
this will be tbe lust of the aucd-ju sales.
Nakkow FsCArs. A bull which was dis
charged from a pUtol last evening, ut ten o'clock,
la the rear of the Knlon League rooms, passed
through one of the second story windows of that
building, and came very near striking a lady
seated there. Upon Inquiry it was aseortaiued
that the pistol bad been flied at a cat.
Astray. An old lady, named Ann McCllu
tock, was found wandering through the streets
last evening, being very feebl and unable to
find her home, tihe was taken to the Spring
Garden liall.
CnLanBATintH or thi Focbtb. At varioa
places threnghent the country on Monday last
the people put to the best use the talent and re
freshments so often wasted on the Fourth, hy
arranging that the proceeds should be for th
benefit of the t'nltcd States Christian Commis
sion. Among other places thus celebrating th
day was Absccom.on the lino of the Camden
nnd Atlantic Railroad. Rev. Dr. Ilombergar, of
tlie Gi nnan Reformed Church of tbii city, de
livered an oration, and tlio day passed off very
pleasantly, sod will materially aid the Troavary
of the Commission to the extent of ah nitons
thomand dollars. A very spirited meeting trat
hi lil in Lanibei tvllie, N. J., on the same day.
Kx-Goveruor Pollock and Roy, A. G. Mclnley,
ol this city, both made addresses, md the l.adl s'
Aid Socieiy of tbut piilrloiie place h ire rai oil a
very h indsome sum to send to ihe Commission,
In Rome, New York, tl.e Fourth was celebrated
by a grand lestlval. 1 litre very laige gatherings
wire adiires-ed in Central l'ark in the morning,
eft ri.(Hn, and evening. The speakers were II an,
A. li. llaiiey, Rev. F. II. Heck, Dr. Ui e, and
Krv. C. 1'. I.v ford, ibe I., Iter of whom our citi
zens have heiud on sevc tal o caions. A large
ntnoiirtl of money was , tliz.t d. T his is a practi
cal wsy of turning lo best account the cde irttlon
of Ihe nay, which strike us as eminently proper
and pulriotic.
T he following snggc-tivo a:. J simple note was
received by Mr. Stuar., at the rooms of the Coin
minion, jesti nlay .
Toll.po, July ', I-!! M"-. H,ar' Thl. inon.-v whlrti
r ou Unci InC n-i it Is ntisl our a it., I. i;av e u, to pnd ,,n
ihr loiiit.i ol .lul ; l,t that to l.a.l ra hsr
save It anil si tiiili "ti, lho l.'eiiiiiii-loii tor tha
so.ilorii. I'liar t,n culul-tlt for a,, tut ri ir ioldltr. Wu
at-rat two dollar
OIO III rAltMH-VK, I ASS,. W,..,..HU,
Jl I'AI.H I.I SI , Kl.l W AOlol.Nl.ll.
"Please buy comfort." Let us hope that it
may "buy comfort," not only for the preven:, but
lute vet uu re.
Dkatii or an Actciil Mr. Charles J. Foster,
well known to all the theatre-gears of this city,
d cd ut his rsidtinccn St, .LqiiIs, on Sunday
morning lu-t, from the vlfuets of rovp tir miliel. In
the .'Mb )earof his age The St. Louis f'mou
give i)ie follow ing parllciil irs of his dc nil :
"He was a member of Company II, 8th K. M. M.,
nnd on Thursday, while the regime nt was re
turning fin in parade, lie was pro-tratud opposite
l'nison Hi Co.'s Hag stcae, ou Fourth sltei".. He
was taken Into the store and kindly cared for by
Ibe Messrs. Poisons until morning, when lie ws
trniislcrrid to his residence, from which he never
i uu rged nlivc.
"Mr. Foster was born In London in 187, and
wus brought to this country by bis lather, him
sella Icadmgnc'or.w Inn quite ii child. His lather
became manager of Wi li b's National I'll 'aire,
Phlhidi Iphiii, nnd subseipiently of tlie itionni
Tb( litre, Pittsburg, und tlie Front Street Theatre,
1! ililinoie. I'udir tbe tuition of his l ithe,-,
('buries m -de great prolicn ncy, ami be -nine u
leinlitig nclor, plaviug with great success tlie part
of 'Mnz.i ipa' in New Y'ork, It I timore. and Pnts
bing. Willi u splendid reputation he came from
the latter city to St. Ictus about nine months
since, nnd made an engagement at the Ya ietie.
He ws a man ol genial temperament, unbounded
liberality, and of no ordinary genius as an actor j
nnd liming his snort stay in the city won thu
e-teem nnd admiration of a host of fneii It, who
will l ectily mourn bis loss."
I'll i i vn 1. 1 rn t a School of Wclcarn
that collections have been made to within eight
thousand dollars of the sum required fir the
erection of the new School of Design for Women.
1 be present institution i.- In Ciiesnut stre-et.oppo-site
tlie M tnt, iitul the new building proposed to
be erected will lie located in Filbert street, west
of Droad. The directors, we understand, will
not roiim en e the new and much needed im
provement until the who'e amount required for
iih i oiisii ui noil una ,--ii u iriini. i uctir is i oj
reason wbv the work should no- In' commenced
at once. The pre-ent building is not ut all suited
to tbe purposes of the school, and there should
lie no further delay.
The reniainii g TSsfion required t complete the
new sti lu tein- would be more readily obtained if
tlie work was at once commenced, as our citizens
are to literal loo allow such an enterprize to fall
through for the want of a few dollars. Tlie now
building proposed to bn erected will bu one of
the finest of its kind, and will be quite an Im
provement to the neighborhood wherein, it will
lie located. Tho School of Design for Women
has bem gaining ground each year, until it now
occupies a position, so far as progress is con
cerned, secured lo no other literary institution iu
tbe city er Stale.
limn To Axsw-kil This morning nenry Stauf
fcr, wus held, in default of SI 000 hall, by Alder
man Pliinklngtoti, upon the charge of abusing
his familv. The licensed was drunk ut tbo time
the Dense was committed.
Local Uiimttim. The corner-stone of the
Arch street M, K. Church, Arch and Broad streets,
was laid yesterday afternoon, with appropriate
ceremonies. Addres-es wero delivered by Dish
ed s Junes and Simpson and Dr. Darbin
Cburles Chew has been committed to answer tho
chntgc of passing counterfeit fruetionol currency.
....The Union City Passenger Railway broke
gtound yesterday ut its southern termination,
Kriierul and Front streets, and the line will run
to Fairmoiiiit J I'cpb F.aton h id one of his
hands bad y bruised yesterday at Do'hy's Mills,
ly ouc of the circular saws Dr. ilrilaerd,
the pastor of the Pine street Iresby terian Church,
hasbicn presented w ith i'l 100 us a testimonial
of regard by bis people. His wife was uls i pre
sented with a set of silver.... The following is
the detail of tbe court-martial now in session in
tiiis city : Colonel Juincs Owynae, President ;
Captains Murobv mid Dnnbar. Lieutenants li'ie-
del, Woodward, and liond, and Captain Charles
Percy Clarke, Judge Advocate. Clsthal Clothing Houhk, Siih and
ort Hf fontral TWtnc lloni. Sixth and Market,
tin at (Ynirttl (Mutrliiv Huu-ii', tU ami Mmhot.
i.r. iv-jiiiiij Ol.t'hHix llrtiueu. Sixth ami Mkrkf t.
(ft it rnir-Uloii.'ii); Houi4, -iivth Ki.d Uia 't.
liifHt C;Mii.i ( ioihiLk II .u-t', Mvlh und M .rk4 t.
dual I'm ti al ( ttfili tt H uru. ixlh and M.itket.
tiit at ('i i)ti nl rioilnrm JitiB, NlKih mul Mm k-r,
Ivien' ('riiiruHMi'tliaiK J totcv , .Htxth m.U il irkt-t.
Uit-nt t'tD'r! ( luilniiK Ho ue, Ht h and Mart.i-t.
Oieitr Ceiiirl ('I mIi.ii llnue. S ,tn ami Murkt-u
(.itii i iit'nl' Hnii-tt, Hiviii an l M .rk. t.
tin ut O -ti'ia- it i ttiiK llounc, rtlxtli aittl Ma- tn-t-Kit
a Ot-iKiai C'tt't'i-Dj! lli-u f, sutti antl M imi t.
-.) ai . I ( lit!it g it'iiioc. Mih .i :.! M.iri-(.
tin-nt (''iitrnl r-.-ttim Sixth ami M trtt-t.
dr hi ('m uni (I'- thuiL- H.i int. wiMh aii'i M ir: 't,
Un nt tvmial toitniik' U nm-. mu u I .lin. t.
tir- it t vu'e. tr.1 ( l.-lliii u tloii'tt, Sltli ut.U Vi irktu.
l.r"t (Viim.l riiiililim II u-e, SitU -'I'tl MtrKft.
WnrHii.uki r A Itnuvit, Oak II ill.
W ii nit m ilrr A- Hr-iivfi, Onk H til.
WuiiMiii.tktT i, Ohk H-tll.
WatiiiiiiitKi-i A' Ctiowu, Onk Hull.
W .inniiiuKi-r V Hr nii, Onk Hull
M .imturtMir A- imrnii, link Hill
U .iiiMiuttkcr etV ;truwn, (ink Hill,
W a miiiini .V HruAii, Onti, lUll.
Vk ,i.uua,it) f A I'.dvi u, 0 k Hull.
Wtni uiurr t-i A It tiwn, liiitl.
w iii.i.m -l.t-r llrown, f-ik Hull.
Wniiiniui! ur liiiiwn, Ouk Iluil.
W m etoluiti r .V MniHti, O.ik Hill,
s iiiiitiiirt'a r A -iii.u, Ot Hull,
W ,t Hnwii, lUU.
V Hiiiaiiitiaer a i'.nm n, Oik Hal.
Wi'iimnitktr is Urowii, imk Hall.
W nhufiuh':! V lir iii, Onk Hull.
niiai-c- Itro'Mi, U:ik Hill
nar;iir. 'krr .V It own, Hull-
HTftniiTx In iho fii Itti-lm: the (irtvu f.irHi rn.r, autl
citiei'H i cut -rttl v . itl li-i.i fiiv Im-s i i.iihiux hm(1 l li iust
riii"i a''li ,ritiiit WeVei.vki.i ,V .iniws'-t
(Hi, lint.
R V. r"rrer Ml Jill: and Market rti.-ti.
Haik S'r;iv ana iolt Imt.-i. nmsr f-bi'f nntlo
vrns,.KI--1l:IN. n II Mi in-l . At Mi .lolm'a
I- ) t I un h. Ii. ti ): v M.i 'lev I K rait I. li S Kl N
Mi'i t.. . t. h.. ..ti:ii,t nun fitter ti Sjm'iel Ir-Aiii,
I M . all i I I'll :!(. Il ia
W A I 11 N- Al SUN -On Tiled v, tliri (ti,.t , M H
Ma i -l ht ii-ii.b Hi- I.e.- K.lnrl A. Wi,hl irn, ' 100
v , a'i ol .'w inrk m , A.V.Vn;
Vi iHUtltllt'l 11, Alltlll, UbiJ., Ol i'llHIlJflDltlil.
HAii(lP.-Ou thn .Mh lu.tant, IIKNKV HAliOi, In thu
It-Mli efttr nl' In aire.
The rt ativtii iiu.l lrl-na of tho fiitully are reiiwc'iutly
ItitltuU tn aitt iid i h" ti nt ral iroin hik lute rcaiduin i-, Itrttl
dfi'k t-trt't'l, hlxlh door aUii.t1 lluaim.ii.iii, uu Satnr.l VY
aMr-riMkon uxl, at I o'clock. Jo prucei'ii to i-'iAiikhu
Cc mi i try.
ItAI(HlN(,TOM.-.luly7. EMILV 11 AflTII . wiln of An-dn-w
Jackftuii liai i liiKton, lu tlm ei.Mli yt-ar of her uu. 4
M AKHH. on the vWtl of June, while tho anmny wre
cliaiyniK ou o r wnrkt nuitr I'titt rnOurK, MrKima, K,
WAItW 51. I1AHHH, ut I'uuipimy 1) flUM.ri lire
Zouanj, Kt mi nt, r. V.. lu the (4th vr ot tux ago,
MlI,l.K.H.-on th 6th lnitant, Mrs. Kl.l AKKI'll Jt.
V1I.IHI, widow of tha lam vot-r Ulilur, furiunri of
aMoiiiwinnry cuuutx I'a., ail 74 aru.
Thf irlantU tf u.a family ire r'-wctfully Invited to al
IaihI thw fUDral, from Iht Jatb ruaUltncti, i!o Co.iua tr'et,
nn Hitiurdav utt0iuMu at 3 o clock. To uruovd lo Laurel
Hill (Irmt'iesry,
MYKKB.-,July7, Mra. EMEL1KE MYKJtg, In the 4tith
jnr of h r uwu.
The raiatlv anJ frlriid of the family ar raiport
fiiliy lnvltud to attoud htr fiineral. from bur lutp reldit a,
No. eUki fhitu ktrt-at.fraiuilfu. is. J., on Alomlay. July 11,
ai I o'clock f.M.
MCUOI.HON.4 f)fnianiptlfn, JdWT.WII.LIAM I1KR
VARlt Ml UoLHoN. atjuoi Juha aad the lute Mary An u
The tYUniln ol tij family are rettfully Invited to at-t'-bd
the fnmral, Irotu hit latu rrildm-e. No. lvutl Kuiton
itrtet, at 1 o clock ou Sunday aiLurnoon, To prououd W the
Cathedral Outneteary.
PAIMKU On Sixth (Uy, Rerauth uomb, OKOltilK
PAI.Mi M. in the 4Ath yar ot hi. atfu.
Thv rulailvf and frloed of tlia fuwily are roi nested to
aitrnd hU fnntal, from itie renhlt uco of hli uiothor, at
Jtailoor, Hriawae county, I'a., on Fual day morning at 10
o Uock, withoui furtlier notice.
POMKKOY. Killed on the SHth of June, while rhartrtnff
the Kabaia at knen-k Rrldttu, tJKoK'.JC V. Y. loaK
ltOY.ol Company I. 6th 1'ounrrylvanla Cavalry, kou of
Jaiaee X, and C. b. 1'omgroy , age) 1 yaua.
J E. W A L II A Id W
snwrssoTt to w. pl cABjtri,
No. 719 CHESHTJT BtreeU
f'iuo Qanlltjr 4 linmtai(nsa.
Metsms. Imvis A
Aroh ami 'letntli aimcM,
Have lint roc I'e ei a
e ii.llcl llelcl.'e..-ll,
IMlti l llcllilull , k, Clls,ilnl,
Urewn Hot.
Mutiim ,lr Co.,
An, I otlii'r tniiortir br.ntls of
Iron IHi.ri.-l(rfp It beroreB thfi Phlln
OKllihl. public, tint I.llltep in-callcd lluryiar -Proof H.fei,
tiianiirarturrd In Tnr, New Tork, cn bee oiieaeed
witl out neiHe by elrlllliiil one small lolo juiteiTer the
ciilre of tl leek dial and nslni a aniell wire. Any
of Mi Hi. In can, l,y tliU mitlioet, be opern-d la one
minute after tin- Imie lii bren ilrllkd. Naid bole on lie
drilled m from qcnirter, lielf, or two botiri' lime. Tln-re Ii
no Hnfe nf his uial In use Jane 1, I&4, wlilch cannot b
drltled end npened In tlds manner.
remit. itn.. tod are ri'lerrcd to my Clitllenire tn Llllie,
and other f,ira r.'atlve to his tsl. , pulillilied In tlie
44 Surth Amprle-an," Jane til, laeil, and "Handay Dl
citcli,"Jlinela.l(U. Joilll,enniliiiK thn po.ltlre aKiirancd atren by Mr.
I.lllle tn the public ttiat tile Helen are drrll-pMof, pcmoci.
dc-iliinft to bu cutivlnced have cnly to rail al F.vane A
-A alMiu'a HaJenmniler Hera 8ton, No. 16 rt. Knurta etrcet,
where tbe up re Ion or drlUleg and oitenliiK will be doneln
their presenoa eery morning at 10 o'clcek. until the pub
lie are latlslted that Mi Hafo can be dillied and opnetl
wlttiout making ny nnife.
I.Avin Rvams,
(if the Firm of Kvane a Watson.
I li Ii I Jl' M
nvn i:vah,
Tlie "Irrepn ssible Oonflict" Still Progrefwing
To Me CU1m f Philnihtphia .
AkitchI ly to im-rliMit nntlce, I ihatl uow review tho
ftorxoith Ht I-b mul oth r ouiAirtit inattrr hs cuiititia-d in tlit)
urtii ln hiadfd " I't iladelplila Aatnut the World," and
Hlntd l).v lm M Kvriri
An tin4 thief, v ii-ii hard piinhpd.U tho flrt to ory " Mop
fiff," fcrt la Uu' ti an who hau nhrifti, ttuHut,i nud
wrun, fiiliy a t-i U li m nulKhhor, thu tlrht to cry viliatn,
and to c In (in thi- (i-oji.ti y mimlhjr.
Tim tir-st jro- Ui. ot point ! tlui article li tha wrlter'a
very moi'rrjt iimt iiMiciiii.
Hit uKMinieti in Im I'hl!ali Iphla mrrttt, and lo sUnd
aL'nliiht the wo lil only extn-nmly inulet, urily. '1'hia
Iioltit (hiivtiiK let n rt-ilh (1 lo by Menrii. Kill Ie A Hon)
)Hn ovur b niuiply anvliiff that H In eaiiy to shnvr
thut l.ill c A Sen ( iiitn h the larKf-nt pa'r itm of ihli city
and Ntuti i f ai hufi Mauuiai tiiit r In tlie United dtati-H,
aa they uvv ,o n rc'i iur-re luaterlal than any oilier the
ln din't ol thin S';ttr
Tnc n xt hi 1 noticed la the writer call on hU
I h:tiiih lhla fnt niiN to rt-iitl an i xttact trum Thk Kvknisu
Ti.i m.iia! ii tif . ril 1. lsii, wliii h ahnwa nnnw of tho
dit r( iit avn i'c c uniioii nati U opened Now, If the
rcadt r will rnei ' iln- aith- In Thk Kvkmmj TKi.KOKArit
or Uu lh. he v ill Und it thero ntntcd partlcutrirly thut wttVH wot" oi romin'in 'Tiiir,nrc,aiHt tl at lny
viti known to l ur.titia) ; und I now fay tint ilirennt wi".
polntttl out wet- it tl.i tlin-wi ll t.nwn tn burlarn, an t
h1 hrn j ri'vi nly iil.h-hr't to the world.
Itut It nta ti- j-nit thu wr t'-r't c ihi-tu leave oat thvto
tarta in li mr- c. al p'n (he principle tli it the u: 17
ot liamitt mini Irf vi iltti-n. jvi u ILohkq It be neri ftntiry t i
h-iiveout 'flaii 'i-' Irf-pirnte rnd re ulr d. Mttj
mean, and it it- tvidi'Ut 1 ht thiuf r tuUr dna not 111 e to
tand aione J i.m. Imwt'vo, oiler him Hurt c )'iso nti n,
that itolwIthMii-iiil ti.- U te ttisiH gitioii he haa h iwn lu
v ff wy to ui- ti.- it. iff, he ha mi with hut i'l an vi,
I d dot bfllt" v v i ti i'H'1 h hutttlar In tla ry
votild iivcn thaf i l.liu f- r nil hit -thir; ttr every pr-i-fc-iilulial
Imrl. tVi.i.MM that If he cn WX a Ute Into a
Hutu lefn k he I- Hp ncht ; nnd iiiilt the writer on
li nin the htiruh.
much iliHiht, h'"-
Th next l4ll 4
pin by tl'4' wr Ie
Imle throti, h LU
tin on wh ihe coin
'I he reador t
vt ht ih- r In- ran
i ue-iitxter-riith
tvt drill one hok '
cMl cil Iron am'
Ti n m xt poln
til UHlt'l.MTJ
That r.'llie'i. '
aolh Hin Ittu
Ailf I'tuwn. an -);iitrtnd.
and huruhir pn
tner. tl at he r
nx'ti. In live ;
Now. I 1 111
for I lllle'M Miti
ahtxiliiie'v fnl'C
aw arc that I ha
iwoi kti-r 1 a
and I have t
U'e alh'ffed,
JUlt I tr.O 1I10 (i
In uv Thi kh
a d 1 tied In mi p
a the tirlli'lu wi
mi ''lain etery o
atn dteHtiili-ri4ii
now tn ilrltl chlUi-d Irou, whith I vorv
(t.ltl.ill f JkOI-l.
h cd I not:c Is the very (.rave tiatntton
, i- hrihor it iMiiot e imiir to dull unit nm ill
1 - ('M.lcl Imn 1 .our twenty u.iU-ti
.' 11 -thect Iron 1 rl
il rtlv t.N.v dll!itTerili4il Iron-wiirk-r
t Mi l i'cn iwt-ntv siiihiI I'dlt-ii thruotf'i
t. r-t itl t inch nl 1 1 on inn !itMMrl Af
u (.11.11 tine mihI .1-Im ii li two incurs h!l.l
' iin iiritcr ti t ,;iii,ftl( 11. tti the wrltt r nlli'L's an theca iHeof
':'.ii. mn'.iui othcrt, ciiTrd a' thn ('011
1, in .Mr V. It. itluiiivr, hin ?r,
11 Hie Trcaniri-i' ol" llin We,! :h-4,--tl
e latlt'f : e .'Ollid hre.ik lino Hk h ink
t ui' In ii vi inlno'Cs ; .nut io tin- two I' 1 -
d e ck tl tii lec ., nmde hy hviiuh A
.1 i u-.i.
... lc n cpt TiMhlo a;fin of this el'v
vi I ju'onotiii'T t'.e nhove 1 " :.'(
- .if ii it .nip U 10 nn ilf. ai 1 a u 11 t
', d 'n r.tii v.ri. dl oi elisor ui tha
(.- i n 1 hi toi.lj.A' t nl' hal - Hi,
r lu'iih- ji 11 - Nti 1 h M.idMi ii, n
" Wie foihii"' or it'iy ulhei" p 1 -oil
(in iiMlel iv a-1 1 .tl' thai In piiUliKlifd
ii' A) .11 lli 1H,., ' W.licil (Ml hH ( ...
it fiM-utur ai tny Ii-i .1. ut a.tyitu. "i Ir in thu : .) and I urn i: 'I'-iri 'o
i '. tli' re nui'lt- to itm nailifa.-tnm ot
t tl 4 SI it,
1 '.Will l ! 1 ii pro . 1 1 ue 11 1 point hi liia iifii
c i - n- tio-it (ir hi nnie.t'-oiia Io Ll iiek
1 .c t iluil o hi- nn iv pri'ie i', om wiili
1 .-it.. I ui (nil. 'I !n- ii-ii I cnu-c he lotiml
Thu' h ive I r 1
ele. nnd the wr i
upon 1 1 Hi 'm Ha .
out the al'Hhli-ht i
In a hrt rvv e-
a fact wi ll unik" In the tiif-t i
iiiMtcrlal, wnh t
In ti e -heiip-M ;'
(wlilih com n
weight and no)..'
vi r h'yh prh e-, 1
It la a fuel a 1 hi
fl'UlH 1. II O h t li.1
11 1 Mi city und
men tuiM pK i't r:
tl ( I I'a Ihl Villi'- K
a tho oMMh liHialn'
I et-nth to oi'e-tw.
with the fheare"
all. e).'l iaily wl
I' rife a tl t- (nt'.
He.W (!(, tl '
Hot hy iinprtiii
oivtUt Llhlu'a 1
aiiimtiiK I
1 lie S i:e hftt'orv in l.ihiiIuu. U ,m
nit, Unit :l' wntcr h it renh."t a Tor '
"."j. ty i..nki- ii Mie-t 01 lho lull t i
I.. ;r c-t lock. inl lo i-vr? uiy .t 11:1
i-n-cr. iinti lill d nndi ly wnh ied '-my
i-.l, 10 ;;im 1 to-hi tlie iiiip.-r.iu-( nf ,
. 11 d ' l .ii I f ""I'l ihhc S:c4at :
e iil- i'i i''i av ivint pr-tfH.
il 'iiiil.T lt.,-,1,' Ii 1 1 wiiluii 'h" lit' hri o
II' li Sti".i Ii i h.-cii lnr.i-ty lilt r iliiicj
11- Ie li-tlit -I'lii-l. I - rl Mil 1 Pi .."it
It h lf h it h.lil one .itl.l ii lull to is4 1
mi 1 1 irt'U. hi' iiv .t s i (Irl l-pio il', tviih
t ). t etK'e' . 11 11 ill-' .l;ll '.a t lll
1 ol .111 frii-li Iin. l-li'-4 o. (Ii'-. t :r.ll,
i.ii.i.iii )"ck. friil 11 ti hor.iliir -pr fnt
ihe I'm lutii c iit nlv tth tut Ih' -'.ie
fcr atH-inpt to r. -ui' dc Hils dilh "lit .'
!' t n fill h'if h ,111 11" nip' to d
i (!. ledo t d-.? He tll p'lli i. tv
:ii..4'h Mile ! ix l'iier hre 11 r -ur.lir-
priMif, and rt jmbi
hf no array of iuii MUirni4 '. tlmt
luhllahed by oiloraia unra'f. whhh he kio-ar at the
time hud been put.lh ly pro i to be hilne. Sf oiid, he
hucceetded to dune a hoiixe ho had one ol Lillie Hau-s
by atuiliar laiie rcprefituth.ns. tn exchanife a
Mil e's Sale for Kvuns A W.itton'. by kIvIiik them
aHafe hu asked near ftr, in exctuinRu lor l.illle ,
winch tout al7; and since about the Ut of January Uit,
I uui told he liu Kpt-nt much t his time In the atieuiid to
Citikure the iu tTery way; Ur-l hy nldint, thu br
CMiifliliK holei ihroiiali It fhavlnt discovered that It had
nut the uuial hardness). As 10 the Lock, he prat cliiuied
II wan an ItiiniiKciuont upon Evans A a'tton Alplmhi ti
cal lxk.hutan that was not paMitiil It was no ko ; aud
lii-ily, to dm renit ihe Iock he show tha' V:z mhitiatioii
01 the l fx h ean b ph ktd up from t.:e "'..ishle If a hoh-ean
be yut throiuh the door In tbe rut I it place, a tconUrtul
dn-cinrv, wliich bas been fully ausweird- Sow, why
sort to ail this onnteiupiihle nnatinessf W'lty nut come
out fairly and siinart-ly and have r.vaus A Waison s Knf
placed .iIoiiKhie of l.illte'e. and have tlietn latrly tested,
both us to their tire and their burvlar-prooi qualities, ai he
has been cfmllcii ed to do often.' The reason Is plain.
The wrltrr knows that it will not do to place 1-16
to 1-lViii o( an In- h thicknnss of sheot Iron
Ok-aln-it I1 to 2 inch thickness of hard chilled Iron, to
aianl eltfcerhre or the burglar, and "that a what's the
iu alter."
M. C BADI.F.R, Airent,
No. Jl Houth hKVKNfll Htreet
p, 8. The public test of Hates that was exported to
flonm off last week Is unavoidably postponed Ibr week or
two. The article In tho .S umiay DtH'Oirhof the ad 01 Jul
will be answered iu my next. M . C. 8., AenU
Strk A . Plitki-tM.
Oll'.AHB. I FlANOa.
J. E, OOttl.J,
renlb sid -UitaMiut atrfla.
pfAtl-rs Trtfinanry Prpr flmfnt, Jol ,
1.V4., rolke for prnpoali fftf Loan dafed 5 A af
JM,lr4,frr thlrty-ltaree mllllo?iiofdo!tari.$.fW3r04)(
btlnn the amount of araccei ted tflVra under the !
dated the eUth (filh) of June, La hereby withdrawn, aal
ll propo,a!i tereived at Ihit Iefartnient will be lmBe
dtniery p-'urned to tho ofTereri, wth Ihe proper order npn
whhh the two per cent, depoilt w 111 be refunded.
Or. llinnisaTow,
PrvrTV of thi TrfMury a-t larcra
Hannfartuier ef Wcw and Ih .tec m r-nfrrt1ont, Atn.w.4
I'ait' .f h-)t.lale, t'urauieln, Trean-a I Mle !
ru-It,eii liilh ly flavt-.-d.
H'-aste4! Jmdan Almond. .c, Ac.
Ko. MR Checi.iit itreet. below rrtk.
Vj IRK.,- MOM , .till l- f,4
rrrpiu-atloti M the nr t ti-eetne e of
Al A1MHN ;
ahkh are n t im tnatl", win n "-eaiiiftie
for a hfir1 tlm- , a nmny Imix.rt nn' chanir-t in IV mi.
cliftfryof li.rvtiHeare t tw- tna-lc ; ctnie)uently thara
will ha rn until tho 1. r-ftt n, , In 11 pre
rtmctl. whl' h Is expeoti d toaurpant hot nrerioua prt-dne
li. n of the V.lml f T wUn--fd tn Aim-Mr 4 lurlnftb
1 lota iht '1 ) t'Htre will he thomiivhlj rt'iiiate1. J7
j men u Chrixluii AMK t itl n to AH.ANTU: (!l TT.
tlTli V .lnl IA, W.I Th kern, tr.'At; , ai) k prorureej
at Akhmeeil A I',, an". 7'Jt V)r w.i street : nt the K.i u.- -f
I) e A(K"ln1 lOll l iMIidloll ( honut a' at tM
w , Mit Mil tf ( m'.rnin '.f ttt.f extif nlm. l.Nt twiat (t afen
Vine m eel wharf at fi o'cIik k A M-. preol-i ly. jyHM
R I V K H B C II lT Y L K I T L.
The Hteaml-f .it f'.FNKHAI. IKW'KKIt, Caita n MAR
Kit1, I'-avi'f P nn ue nil t e1- ry huitr for M -Ihi vlklli II "tir!ita.
I, iiire I Hill, lielniotit tottn4, the 1-alia and Wi,.
hiiknu. jyl
enrol ed dtiacn.
Apply to
J7-:tt Ni ?:tl S.Tinill) fttmet.
JLll.i'er.t.'oii, an tMlice ptaltnT'le for un In-urtiw e Company,
siniHte between Hi-ctmil, nnd .Sixth iiid Wnl.-tit and Ciies
nut in ecu. Appl to Itu.v No. l():'i, rhilir.d(lthii I'eH
ajthce. ).vT If
York llranch Rniphiviuent llouteof eapaM,cW1l r
vantK. iii-vu. wnnu'ii, Klrln, Ac., tor titimllo. lunU, atnrea.
Ac, for ( It.y arid country, f'ornluctu l hv retuon.lble
partfin. No. ,V HANSoH -ttrent, nar Emhtli. Alao
KiKid altuatloiie evtrv day to milt nil. je-W 6f
jLiii.1 0 IKI, Inriiiilioel. Aclilruae It.C. M., leli-tirepk
Bjlrr two or mure jvmi, a I tllflslIHC
lull IsK.
Aelaren.l). r. 0.. tills onicr
irr. -it
st,.neltcl rnuiitry Kc. telenet-, with all mntleru
c-uivi-iiienrcM Hrd two ecn. of vroiinil, half a enlle fruia
Kenni-tt H.iunre1, anil hc) kilning e-le1,.int niati...n olllarartf
la.lnr. It will he s ..d nl iireal encrlllce' hy 'iHlllore.
Hnilnieil anil ti InirraDh within tliVrn enlnnle.' ride. Apply
lei II II, nr W II. WA'HIF.I.l,. K-l , fful
I'heeter, r..,ur JACOU HUIOV, llem.Klo.i. I'eona. Ja
Hon ., lar.'ti and sin til, t n termi to mtt purchaetera,
tuner with or with ut tiiruuthiance . fcr cant, and goo4
trade. Initre rf, fr'-m H' (. i o rhvck, A. M. '
11IOH. M. i mwHAN o. Wl 8. KOIIItTtlfltreM.
tN-Hl rlTrild-uta of tlie i itv I'ai-e'iwr Kalwaya
1 llerB a pteuiiuin ol Hre Tlttndied I)lare for a plan, to
be approved hy a f'oninilttee .' the Hoard, for irte priwen-tit-n
tf in ury toperri'inn hv ttie nitinlint f the cur of the
City Jalliaa. lor r artleuiam. unpiirp ot
IIKNKV CKlMKKY, Serritarv,
Jy7-.'U MXAWAKK Avmuo, below (lren airevu .
I a July I''. 1H?, for one share of tlie ''apltrtl Stock of the
Hecono and ThlrdHtrceti I'tuMengt r Itahwuy Cmnpitif , la
the luiiif of M U. Hal ey. An ap.Uc ttto.t has been wade
t the ( onipatiy for a new iVrtttlcate. the finder will
please rMurii itie lame W U e oilUe of the t.'ompHoy. or t
Je.0 iral.'f JtOUT- K. TAVI.O.
j r i o 11 rr 33 i win 13 h,
The siibrcrlher Infornii the puhllc tltat he In dltlolng ef
rm lartie anti wen oiecitu biocK 01
At iruch lower prlees than thev ran he (niportnd for,
Tl e-e are 'iin the old tttock un hand. rurcfieo'i wonid
do well to cull at
Wtielnoale Wine and Manor Store,
No. I . N. Nht:tNl htfeet. Irt lo Hn-e.
iimnutacturid and for unit- h
No.'JijH UOL'K Street, IMiilad.
A T I. A N T 1 C- C' I T Y.
Tliis fatcii'e houiie, which la moid delfwhtinlly situated,
near the beach. na hen newly repapered, repainted, anal
thon. ii hlv ri -xanrratrd, and U now opeu f jt the rec ptioa
of fMimtB, ohiriuv the roinlorte ol a home, combined with
all tin- luxurii of the hca-on.
Ti rniK uiodei ite. 9 lta
i ovvria tth-iiin it td-r revl thin uotfeta.
AiLtroit l, .w V u'e" l-t or iu'v r i lils to pve front
one-half to tMo hour uanilnv. ihilrt-d. tim. tha
wttt'-r Ik att'iik low in the b i.lot, nd u,t dutr-T 1 ap-ptoHt-hintr.
Tlie liiftri'intiit require', no t-Hre.tuid la wa-r-rant
a In evi r li tortiic.'.
aim, bt. iuu ami U'ai-r fltiKea, with SvOtch glwa
tii'i. ! l c HiotlHit K"Keri .'i, .vr.
Kci.ii rn- ctrt nlar c.iK.ilnu f. 1'i.ilfdi Iiihia le-iera anal
flf i.ll-. Al'iH'VI'l 4 S HTTl KS,
'yrt I in Su.Ui N. 8IXTU StrMt 1
1 il 1 in-e. i-k t' :-t liier inuh-r the him cf jtiM.rtiM.
l,KKiAN (V O.. iiih' Will coiiilnue lliu i't Ituihtinic
hi.-i-.ix. i'i II i hi'Mit-lic-, ut the (.Id fVflliMeifimttllt,
coiner, I Wl Ml 1 -flltbr an I HAMll.roS' Htreeu.
,h. iU'll It HiilTOa,
fir.Hd K It l.Kr.MN,
OUI'VAM tV fH'f'Irn,
W'AU J)l'.l:.l(rMHT
Wahmi?i;tii, I. (' , Ituy , lMt
We. Id I'.-i.t i.riiK wll i.c i.t. li :it il-i4 (.fllce until
AiUMi.W , u,c .." ill day ol Jul; , mM, ut I o'clock 1'. M., t
Mx (t ) -uroi il or third o!nt. Hteain Kire P. n cities, of pe--li'.
t Mict "ti 1 owe". (O'iplile hi :ill i U'U, with ull th-
I iiOhh .iM.i.ivei,ii4ii'fc ro'i.lnii' li. to he dnitvn bv hnid
p.wtr, the wct-h not 10 evcet-ti 4:'0' pam.tlH when nsd
lor m .co 'J l i' ill. mil 11-1' t (th4 1. clp-'i calniK bteiuu locs
iup 'o he iihiitit iiuhe-, tpnh of lord one I)
tt'ii-jii. ol wai r if ui u I'i, 11 e!i 110 - it:'iucijt.ii, ir m jI4 )
tn in t, 1 ml t o (,.) ' tic '.i-is ir. in a lucn u ' uvi r
iiVii I li.-i.i ) . to u Irit Tin he in. itiu-. urt- io b- a implied
w nli ici.uri vi ti ii. n t- irio 1 1 .i p (1 co i ir'.' iou, wi'h
a: 1 v lit no mi) mi . in.- 1 ;t t i he m'i'ect to a rUi4
'i. -I c ttt ii n h 1 nil -n Mint- iri,t 1 t. r, ui.ii ai out tu e
r e. urt' or ..i d hu nn:i ti.ihttf in -n I' oiuiig'jy Lfa4
w tu u litu t ot sin in. u U hi.t dirtc j jU3,
lil' rt il 'SI k -f.
'I ) i' hiihh i' i Ml lit- Vi'' ( u j t -1 to sit 0r.p11.1y 1 h propi-l-!i
n with a KM-. rut inrii ' iol hvlmi te .pun'hit piiions ,
iixt.l' e m In. 'tu at- -pit l, r u will ai ue ( teiju
tin- com r.u- o r thf mini', itti vo.ul no snit.riKjit
t f. 'ii a ftioi -uui io tiu a'li'.iint ot t ti- on ra 1. 1 -p.
I I v . r (li wrlii Ie pioj o-icil hi coiid rniPy wild the trriUH of
1 hi ac. venW4 incut ; hii.I jii ease ttie s-tia bnltler sn uiiti t i
fn ctiler it tu the cuiiiraet, tl,u to niakeood the d fTcreur-e
between the otlrr of said bid. Inr ami the l.oit tusponsii.le
hulUr, or tlie person to Mhum Uie o hi tract may ba
'I he re-ptumlbillty of the guarantors mult be shown bf
tho uitU-lal ot-rtitlcaie ol thu -l ie rk of thw in arcst lilatrluk
Court, or ol tlie 1'iiltcd Htate DUtrict Attoiny.
Hoiidit in a sum ctial iw th amount of Uie con ra-t.
ilwind hv tbe c'liiirnt tor ani t-otii of bit (rusrantoii, will
be reiuired of the niiccL-ssful buderor bidders upon eigo
hi theconUucl.
roilM Or fil'ABANTKB,
We, tie undersifDvd, residt nts of , In tha
county 01 , und State 01 , hereby (oiniiy
and sfvcialiv oottnant with the I'nltcd Hi slue, and
guarantee In case the forgoing bid of ba
accepted, that he or thev Mill at 'nice eacuta thu
con tr at t Ini the sauiu, wliii 1.00 1 and suitl. nt su:ue, in
a ttuni ini1 to thu amount of tht contract, to furnish tha
articles proposed iu couloriniiy wiih tlie term of ti lt
adertineuiciitttlaTed Jul) 'J. WH, under hich the bid waa
made ; and, in o.te the said - shall fail to enter into
a contract a aiorcsaid, wu KUtiraHtt-e to noise go d tho
difltTt noebftMoeii then oiler ol tiiw said -1 - ' and the
next low ch 1 rrs ocsibia bidder, or tbe )H.-rsou to wbein tha
contract may bv aw ard. d.
Wtivun uudcr our handa and seal,
Wttneaa: ) this day of , lHi-.
To tM. mi.rantec mii.t be ar.pend.el tbe erftlclal i.a.
Cle aboie inebtlulieel. ....
I lieee t n.inen are to IH) delivered at tlie plaeo of nana.
fuelure. I pun Ih. .ward avinw lu.cle ihcuucuMlul bl lUer
will be aotlilrd, and wnh luraii ( conua tt ami
beiacl. Tlie Department rre. Uie rl.UI to Mjeirf auj or
all blel., II notes ewDid.ti.taeti.ry.
ITel.ej.ale wl" I addru.Hl to 4,llrlg.dler-r.eneral
flwrue D. Hum'ay. C.ilel ol .irlnanoe, Waililiutlon, D.
j ," and will l wdon.d "t'ropueale (or Steam t ir.
'"" OKO. D. K.OIHAT.
)j fmwt'JS ' llrldltT nen.rm, elcli-fui Orelnam-a,
O Btieet, iewiirk, N. J.. want nrat-cl... Aiientau, all
parte of the United Htntee to eell Uiolr faiem
AdelraM aa el...., Willi two awl Uuo. ocul .laiupe, lor
olrciilMraud tenra.
AgeuU clear 1 (er day. jejo .titu Ira