EfEOTNG Jjj JLd JJjj vur ntlCE TWO CENTS. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 8 ISiM. rillCE TWO CENTS. l0I'CBL,Rt EXTEl! 7' wading FOURTH EDITION TI1K QUE AT It A ID. -.CARLISLE;' s: - tun JL 7 rncrnirw ,K j .X. .. ' --r lb-' EEEELS AGAIN AT HAGERSTOWN V V IVWtUMP z"-jzf,fa' i tfttllt'WNSUUK,. CURNINC AND DESTROYING PROBABLE CAPTURE OF THE WHOLE PARTY. SO1JIN0. .rtPh'."y t -T " ..-V-'' .'"" I i , , j . .. WOICHTS V l.,VC$7n "' '. f ?riun YORK LT ' - iHriiffl'tC EST CHrsTi( kl LAO ELPHb E t ' tt I J. ir&V "-" JTJpw!J5."' . v ; w V.- yp'M w THIRD EDITION. THE REBEL IIAID. FORCE AMD DESIGNS OF THE ENEMY. TUJE PREPARATIONS TO REPEL HIS ADVANCE. TBE COLtMXS MOVING FORWARD, Vtrlnl K Th Eveninir TeUirrnpli, I Washtooton, July 8, Noon. -Infurmntion lion teen received here to-dny, wbicti sets at rest tho jaetion of the condition and character f tho Hebel force now operating In Western Maryland, "which is deemed perfectly reliable. The -expedition Is under command of l.leuten-ant-Oeneral Jubal A. Enrley, of Virginia. The cavalry is commanded by Major-General lUnoom and firigodier-Genurul John ImlhMlen. There are oine tlx regiments of cavalry, Including Mty.or Moteby'i Battalion and Colonel Gllmore'i Itcgl tent. Several batteries of artillery and the Ca det Corps of the Virginia Military Institute form a part of the forc e. The infantry division Is und.T command of Hajor-General Pickett, and is composed !' de tachments fmm Ewell's Corps, and this brigade of Brigadier-General John A. McCauland. Generals Jones and Terry cominund brigades, and General Lilly commands a division. The whole force doet not amount to tifti.'cn thousand men most of whom are not votcran troops. Tbeoljictot the raid is not to get plunder altogether, us tho forr han but a smalt w ion train, and cannot hope to eu:iH with any urnat quantity of stores. The force will, of cocrso, dis tribute to subsixt as usual,' and afu-r doiii: ail the moral or physical damage of which theto Rebels may be capable, will leave und cro-s the rotoniae. General Lee's design In ordonug this raid is to frighten our authorities into a recall of General Grant's army, and destroy, If possible, the rail. roads connecting Washington with the Xortli aitd West. General Crook is rer orted at Cumberluul with Ills cavalry to-day. Jle will move at om-o to atto-'k the Ilehels. General iluntei's entire force is comltig up as rapidly as possible. ( I !!,.- rals Sigel and Siithl are lighting about H irpur's terry. Colonel Iiwell has gone to Lecsbcrg with a brigade of cavalry to cut the Rebels olf, and General Augur has advanced a force of Infantry to support him. General Wallace will have as . many troops as ho can tandlo at bis disposal, and General Couch will not bo left with an inadequate force. C'cnerul Hunter is directing operation under orders from Gcueruls Grant und liallcck. Drkiiitcli from tifwrnl t'niirli to Mayor 1Iarui::i ko, July 8. To Alexander Henry Esq., Mayor of Philadelphia : I deem it of great importance thut you use your ofllclal inllucnee at once to raise men under tho receut calls of Governor Curtin. 1). N. Coi i n, Major-Geueral. nt iiai.timoui: uisi'ak ins. Mprciul to Tlie t:culiiji 'IVlcriipli. liALTiuoiiK, July 8. General W'ullace is still at Frederick, aiid haB thus far cll'ectually whipped l)ck the Rebels on all occasions. It i believed tin y will retreat to-day. Lurgo reinfom iueuts mo reaching General Wallace, rendering Ulm ierfcct!y secure In his position. There was considerable lightiug yesti nl iy aad lust night, but tho easuultlcs are incotisidoralile. Kif-'ol remains nufely at Maryland lLiights, .md undUtuibed, except by occasional Rebul ehclU. A"at amounts of pluiiiler are beintf carriei across the Potomac by the Rebels ; people In a'ul around Fiederii k arc less alarmed, as it Is bu lltved the iiisnitcuti are preparing to retire, or ( ' -ut'irzHis 'nLi'fiti-' i -rf- VXTATTJ r. 1: LttSBURcZ MAP OFTHE REBEL concentrate at somo other point. There la yet no definite idea of the ontlro body of tho invading forces. General Wallace states that lie docs not sup pose it half as large as reported, though there may bo a heavy reserve in the Shenandoah Valley. It is just now reported that a luree force of Rabcls is within a fuw miles of Frederick, nre- iwirlng to give battle, but the rep.nt is donbtful. Ihe western Maryland Railroad runs to Union liridgo, the entire length unmolested. Nprlnl to Th Fvrnlnsr Telparrmph. Kactimorr, July 8 124 P. M. Thore are reports here, but not fully authenticated, that a strong Rebel force apeaml near Fredorick City this morning, and heavy tightinc was in progress to-day. The enemy Is aM to have rivalry, artil lery, and infantry. General Wallace is fondling our forces admira bly. It is said he has driven tho Retola at all points. My opinion It that the Rebels will remain on this side the Potomac, if by doing so they are certain of not beirggtb'dcd up. I now learn that some Rebel cava'.ry is at Em mit4iurg, and citiieas are leaving. The Orsrnnlzntlon of tli MIIIHn. The followirg Sespatch was received this morn ing from Harrisburg : iMAiiHisHi Ho, July 7 To Henry C. Lca,Ksi. 1 i aieu ids eucn 01 ine provisuin lor muster by minimum rrghnenis as con ulied in the call of tue l'resiuent. I tiavn sulimitte. I your despatch 10 tho Governor and Gff.ioral f'nurh, now bore. The hundred day men will be ui'istered by mini mum companies. A. L. Rusaixi., Adjutant Gcaerai of I'onnsylvauia. The following despatch was received in this clty this moniing : llAitinsmifta. July 4. Geobte R. Meswr. sini b, Cabkr of the Cmiilu'rinod Hank, tele eiai.lnd last uicbt t) J. W. Wct. Cashier of thn Ilairlsburg Hank, that the Rebel raid was ended, sue mm ine ncoen naa reireate.1 irora It igcrs town, audio send home the 'teller of tho bojik with ihe securities, Arc, which wore placed ill mi churKC to laUe 10 Harrisiiin .'. Tho teller de- partcil on His way rejoicing tins morning. Tli Misrylitnit Kntil The Rrbl iinn Irani llr-r'a Fwry l lm Kallroad uvt Krr loiioly llnningnl. llAl.TiMoHK, July N, 1 p. M. Advices from Harper's Ferry, this morng, show thut the Rebels have left there. The force In front of Fred rick yesterday is not believed to have eceede I 21.00. The stories told by tho prisoners taken of their having a large force beyond South Muiintaln are, most probably, mcro boasts int. u J.'d to mislead us, At all events, no very largo force 1ms as yet been actually discovered by our scouts und recon noitring parties. The special despatches sent from the city that fittyornixty miles of the railroad had been d stroyed, Is merely a sensational fletiou. The otllcers of tho road assure me that, with their facilities for obtaining information, which certainly are quite equal to any otlcr, they have nothing to warrant any such statement. On Ihe contrary, all their Information goes to bhow that thus far very little dumage has been done to the road ; that the enemy have been too much engaged in getting plunder B devote much attention to the road. JfCeituinly the road is all rlgijt westwurd from a point about ten miles west of Martinsburg, and from Harper's Ferry cust towards Baltimore. Thus tho Rebels have so far only held or ope rated on some twenty-live miles of the road, on which they have only destroyed the more unim portant bridges, which can bo rebuilt lu two or three days. Gen. Hunter Is supposed by this timo to have reuchi d a point not far west of Martiushurg, and possibly bus already struck a blow ut the enemy in the rear. There is no excitement here, as teh graphed North. Our people ure confident und us cool as the wi.i.htr wiil permit. A lilu'll asliiu."tou i iheial denies the truth ol the report JhiU acre will be further Cabinet ihapges. v x .t-.,, i ( V . uttcoirt AVAI VJI v L X. XT. 1 iWCKyiifc IMPORTANT FROM NORTH CAROLINA. During; RtronnoliMiinr by Opinio CaIt luir, rnttrd Mntr Nnvj II ViHlt. the KabnrbN of Wilmington and ('splnrm a Talnablo Krbrl Mali Acting Mnolrr Howard Ilaya Hmvlxlon at a Kebrl Mori Intrnnrly FtrlUnK Trip Down the KUrr How the Reli.U wrre Out witted at Every Iol(rt, lilc, l'.te. ltKAi voHT, N.C, June lib One of the most daring neonnoissarires made durine the war h is jest been suceesafnlly achieved by Cutitain Cusb- n g, oi me gnnooHt Mtmticeilo. un the night of the V4th instant, 'the Captain took a llrst nitter, with fifteen nu-s and two otficers, (Acting Knsi.Ti Jones and Acting Mnster's Mate Howard), and succeeded in f assing the forts of the west bar at Wilmington, and started up the Capo Fear river. After a mirraw eseape of being run over by one of the Rebel steamers plying the mer, he passed the second line of batteries and continued his coarse until Old Brunswick was reached, where tb" Rebel have a heavy battery, when be was bailed and fired upon, but succeeded ia passing tmscathed, by feigning to pass down the river and cro'sing to the trienillv cover of the opposrto bank. He then coutiuiiedhlscoursenp the river. By this artifice the RoU'ls were decreed, and signalized to the forts to intercept him as he came down the river, which they supposed was the di rection taken. At half-past two the next morning the captain had reached a point seven mib-s distant from Wilmington, where he caused tho heat to be hauled on the bunks and concealeil from view by bushes aud marsh gra.-N. Day had now dawned, and it became necessary to select a place of con cealment, v. bleb was found in the bnmh on the banks. Soon afrr r da light the Rebel steimers, block ade runners and trim-ports, could he fcen bv tho paity plying up and down the river, ami in' fact, the llnpeuip ol the Rebel Commodore Lynch passed by, pennart living, the distinguished gen tleman entirely uneonscions of tiic fact thu' a ritie in u sternly hand could and would, but for obvious reasons, have given him his quietus. Two blockade steamers of the first class passed tip and one down dur.ng the flint twenty-four hours. When night bad f airly i-et in the captain prepared to launch bis boat, when the two bo rouncied the point, and, he supposed, having dis covered his position, they design' d to a' tick him; but It proved to be a returned Uniting party. Tho entire t artv were captured eight in number. ComiH'lliug them to act in Ihe capacity of guides, he proceeded to examine nil the f millcu tiotis, river obstructions and other objects of interest within three miles ot Wilmington. Here he was compelled to pasi throufh a creek run ning ih rough a cvpress su amp, b r several hoars, through grass eight teet high and immense cyprcs trees on each side, whose shadow cast a dark gloom only exceeded by darkness. Hv two o'clock that morning a road was reached, which proved to be a branch to the in on road to Wilmington, and joining it ut a point Iwo miles disuint. The party was here divided, ten being left to hold this road; and tho cuit tin. taking; the remaining eight men, took position at the junction ot the roads, one of which was tho main. Several prisom rs were here captured, but none of importance. At about eleven o'clock A. M. the Rebel courier, with tho mails from Fort Fisher and lower batteries, en rout to Wilming ton, whose approach was awaited, came duly along, and be, with bis entile mall, was captured. On examination this proved to lie a prize of value, there being upwards of two hundred docu ments, private and otlic al, and many of great importance. The party, having thus far labored successfully, experienced the necessity for re freshment for Hie inner man, and accordingly Muster's Matu Howard garbed himself in the courier's clothes, and, mounting the same wor thy's horse, proceeded two miles to a store and pun based a supply of provisions, with which lie salely returned. The prices tho mate thought coibitunt, but did not fuel disposed, iu his liberal mood, to haggle or heat down. Shortly utter moro prisoners were raptured, und ull that w us now re )uired to add to thu eeLti of the achievement, was to capture tho courier and mail from Wilmington, whose advent was looked lor at fl P.M. Tlio impatience of the party may be imagined, when it is stated that tho mail would contain the day's papers issued ut Wilmington ut 1 P. M., and our nomadic, friends were anxious to obtain the latest news curly. Tiio courier arrived slightly In advance of time, but one of the sailors having moved Incautiously across the road, was seen bv him, und taking alarm, took to his heels at fall spued. Captain ( ushlnir, lil.e Paul Duval No. o, awaited him on the road, with pistol cocked, put spurs to bis horse ami pursued forabout three miius. lint the Conner speeded on like a whirlwind, and the Captain being rather further from bis lui th in lie thought prudent, to .k to Ids Hue ot retreat utld fell buck in r apid, but good order. 'i he telegraph wire loading to Wilmington was they cut for several huiidic I (aids, and the party, with prisoners uud bj'Oll's, rcjoiucj th m t i - j riant vans if is 4- ,. " RAID IN MARYLAND. squad, left with tho boat, and, proceeding do wn the creek, reached the river about dark. The prisoners iindiug the speed of the boats, mea sures were taken to dispose of them by depriving one of the ti-btng boats of oars and sails, and setting it adrift in the middle of tho river, thus remit ring it impossible for them to give the a arm nn.il the tide floated them on some friendly bulk. But while pvtting this plan into execution, a ttesmer npproaehed rapidly, and detection was only avoided by the party Icaiang into the water ' und Iroldlngon to the gunwales ot the ho it. The I Meaner passing, thu prisoners und boat word sent i unit. Nothing of interest occurred on the route down the tiver, until ut a point between the battoriea at Brunswick and Fort Fisher, when a bout was discovered making rapidly towards the shoro. Alter an exciting chase she was overtaken, and lier occupants, consisting of six persons, foar of whom were R.iiriers, were taken an board and tho bout cut adult. From them information was obtained that the Rebels were an the yni rit e, having boats posted at the narrow entrance betwem the foits lo Intercept the return. To un derstand tbo position of the parry It should bo known that they were then but three hundred yards distant from two forts, and this on a moon light night. Captain Gushing, on learning thu Rebels' de signs, resolved to take a de-peratu chance of lighting his way through, supposing that in case there were but one or two beat-, he might, by giving a broadside, escape in the confusion. On arriving at the mouth ol the harbor, he perceived, as be imagined, one largo bout, which, wonder fully prolific, soon gave oli th to three men', which i re altcrwards increased in number by live from Ihe opposite bank. This completely blocked up the narrow entrance to the harbor. The helm was put bard aHrt to gain dbtance, and seeing a large sail boat tilled with troops, (sevriity flvo muskeeters), at once decided that tbe only bntie lay in out muu.r iivring them. The Ri bels, providentially, did not doring this inter val lire a shot, no doubt anticipating the certain cup tu re of ull. There being unotaer means of escape Into the harbor (the west bar), the only possible hope was in impressing tlie Rebels with the ( pinion that he would attempt that, the only lemuining rbauee of escape. AeioiUingly, apparently nicking for this point, me llciiei tioats were drawn together In pursuit, when, rapidly ehanulng his direction, tho captain brought Ills boat buck to the other entrance (tho east bur), und di eply looaded as she was (twenty six in ibe boat), forced her into tbe breakers. Riliels, evidently dolled, dared not ven uie to ti How, and the guns of the batteries which were pointed lo hike thu channel, were anprepared to in II ict d. nnii-'e. Captain Cushing has a'rivnl sifelvwkh his right prisoners aud mail, and can cougratulato himself In having performed on. of the most lia.ardous und daring tea's of tint war. His es cape from this position of jeop irdy is reir irded by Ihe laivy ollicer- as lit le sh tt of In iaciil.nn, und ihe lieU l prisoners b ve not yet recoveied their uiuaetnent a' thu tiolducss of the feat. In'oimution ot' great value to tho service bus thus la i n oli'ained, but which I am precluded from giving to the public. Captain Cushing c iininenils Messrs. Jones ami Howard highly lor their gallant conduct on this us on many previous occasions, utld likewise the trew with him. The expedition was out three days and two nights. .Vw York llemtd. GENERAL SHERMAN'S ARMY. Tho llnltlo or HenesHW. Marietta, (ii., June an. I write this des patch in basic, to send by the ollicer going home In charge of General Marker's body. T here was un ominous silence along our lines this morning; not a shot lirrd along our id kct lines ; yet the cognosrenti knew that a heavy storm was brewing. lioird's und Davis' Divisions of the 1 lib Corps bad quietly shifted by night from the left to the right of ibe 4th Corps', and on thu morning ot tho '27th Davis moved into position to tho right of Newton's Division, 4th Corps, with lUird's Divi sion a little thrown to the rear In reserve. Geary's Division of the 20th Corps had closed up on Davis, so as to engage thu enemy at that point. Williams' and Butterlield's Divisions were on Uio right of Geary, with Scuolleld swinging round on the Rebels' extreme light, and were now fomewbat advanced hey and Culp's farm. The programme of ihe morning was, at eight o'clock, Newton was to commence the assault on a strong hill toiliewe-lol lvcncsaw, which is a poweilnl position in the hands ot the enemy, und Irolil which their artillery has i ousideruliiy iinnoyud us. Stanley's and Wood's Divisions were ou the right and rear of New ton, somewhat thrown back til n-lu-Um, but within supporting distance Newton's Divi-lon advanced In column by division, tho liith Ohio, Colonel Opdvke, coher ing the 1 1 out us skirnil-hcr.i, lolluwed b the ilst Illinois, Our lines hud to udvsnce through a UiUoe wuod of ticcj uud uutlvrwood, ' und up a steep nsnt. The enemy were In trenched behind a strong breastwork protected , by a formidable abatis in front, ilnrjcer's Itrl igado moved llrst, Kimball on his left, aud Wag oev conforming with tbeir movements. The l'J.ith Ohio, 74th Illinois, und another re Igiment skirmished heavily with tbe enemy, diivlng them bavk on tbeir lines, but were re ceived there by a destructive tire of musketrv. Our lines now advanced to their support, wtie i two Rebel batteries opened on tbeir right and Hank, with a shower ol musketrv In trout, our nu n cheered and dashed ou ; but tho decimating tire of the enemy thinned tbeir lines and madu them waver. Our ollloem rushed forward and cheered them on ; but from concealed batteries and secure breastwosks thu leaden storm came, mowing our men down by scores. Our battcrios were playing on the enemy ; but, regordlcssof this, they sissmed to give all their attention to our advancing columns. Our troops lull bock, our otllcers in vain trying to rally them. Captain Fidward G. Whiteside, Adjutant-General to General Darker, seeing the men faltering, rushed forward, pistol in hand, at their head, whin be was siruek by a bull through tbe thigh. His men helped him to his horse, but Just then his horse was shot under him, and his noble General fell mortally wounded near hliu. Cap tain Whitinle is u native of Pittsburg, and acted nobly m this fatul charge. Captain Wliitesidu's life was n ost probably saved by a penknife which be bud iu bis pocket, which turned the ball from the bone through thu llesby part of the thigh. Tbe knife and ball wore extracted from the wound. Generals Kimball, Wagner, and Harker, seeing their men giving way, rallied them in person. With bis cup in his raised hand, cheering on his mm, who wavered benca lithe withering lire that swept tbeir ranks, full Brigadier-General ChnrlrsG. lluiker, shot through the si.le. General lluiker was a native of Mulligun UNI, N. J. He wa.s a graduate of West Point, and a Captain in tbe 1'ith Regulars. At tho commence ment of Ibe war, he was appointed to the Colonelcy . .f ibe h.'ai Ohio, and was commissioned as a llrigiidkr in September, 18(13, for his bravery at he battle of Chickumanga; lost two horses at Chiekumtvoga ; was wounded and had Ids horse killed at Mission Ridge; was also wounded and bud a here killed at Resacca. By tbe death of General Hurker the country has lost ii brave soldier and etllcient ollicer; bis nu n an ollicer whom they giori d In following, and who whs always foremost where duty and danger culled him. lie bus lallen ia the prime ot inanhis d, being but twentv -seven yeirsof age; but be bas lett a tinine that history will record with pride. He was a line, handsome looking young man. llnive Darker! little I thought, when I saw you proudly leud ou your men, that I would so soon ree your Cori.se. Our troops had now fallen back to their line of works, tbe Rubels ull the tune keeping up a mur der, us lire up.ri tin in from the shelter of their works, widen they dure not leave. Our loss must be severe. Newton's Division atone inns' buve lost about six hundred men ; Wood's and Stanley'" Divisions wereonly partially engig-d. Davis' Division, 1 till Corps, was heavily en gaged on tbe right of Newton. They, too, met with n slight icpalse, nuil lost severely. Colour! McCook, commanding a brigade, was severely wounded, besides several other valuable otllcers. Your correspondent there will give all por tictdurs. Garey's Division engaged the enemy's skirm ishers, driving them lui '.; to tbeir works, ilis urtillery materially assisted his advance. Jt is reported that Scholield has repulsed the enemy on the extreme right.. A' Yurk Hnaii. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. i niLAId I.I'IIIA STOCK KXCItANUE S U.KS,.It'l.V . KeiMUteil by ( lark son A Co., broken, No. Ul H. Third St, tll.nilrK 11U Aid), l'fl sh KnPnn Ci.nl.. .. s ; h Iteadlus R....C US', ttdbh li..l...sl'JiiiH Im) t il:'!' ItOAItl). I (mi V. S.B JH lntli oon sh Fulton C.ml. S.m I K tH-Uiit. tub .In.: 1.1 nil N 1 relit , al . . . .. I Hv lla, Ii Ii. .,, Ilk) sh Mst'le Ml In', 1 1 ; i e i it v 'is. in vv Its IIINNI Allt'Sll. 'U ;.... Si imni I . h. .Vies tin tniSYIi. Nuv.i; S'.'.. !'.' .'MMiCttj lis. new liw; ,,'asKi r. a A inn in lit r. si. llio!l"i..ii C.ial . so lllli.l; N. V.A; M lie l sh HrU. N. l rtl Ml sh 1,11 Mel V. tr,; I.o -h ltea.1. K. U.ls.o 0.'4 .'on sh do o Us Jl si. Mh.eMH Ill'; Hauli I'dhimi II It.... 7."i luOfcliMeUlllltock.... 4: II. H. la i: ii. mck CoinmlsHton nroker. Sj. 7 Far- qiiuui. itelidinir, W alnut street, Ih low Tlord. l'llll'I S Ol' STOCKS IN NEW OttK. Kiport, d l.j ClaiU .0 A l'u., Brokers, N.i. I 'l ft. TIOH St. I'ultid atsre its, sn, ut iirT... Ito. k lidinid lluilioud in .i.Hi. I...I i ..! 1 1 1 1 M. .1 s C nllul Itailnud I inli i.H lodlroad rn ii i .hi, ocr"i ( in. bid bat al.-s 11 i',' .alus Us fti. . l'-l'S SitlllS N.tluS I .Ct tales II ', lalu it.'O i;.. sak4 l'si7. salos Jivavi, .. bSl4 t'ld 1)1.1 hid ..I nl, 1,1.1 ..II I'. Ill.l ..'J.-ru bid .. .. tn.i ..tin'; lad NewYoit ('.'iilral italiroud... lale IC.Lllroell Ilj rloiii Ic.aiiuuil l.l , a. d Mil. . i .'..... Mail.vl.. ....,.,,... Uvv;. 'V: sN. 1 & I CITY INTELLIGENCE. Ptati of TiivnMoMF.Tnn To-DAT. Six A. M. 76. Noon, 79. One P. M., Wind E. by N. K. A Wobk iok Northern Womkn. None, for a moment, will deny that the womea of the Soutli huvo excrdsed a potent influence in foster ing and upholding the Rebellion. After the fla.h of excitement Incident to the calling to arms of men for the defense of Southern homes and firesides bad fuded away, these women, matroas und maids, assumed the work of replenishing tho decimated ranks of her armies, and of placing in the stead of w.ainded and hopelessly crippled soldiers, strong and stalwart men, who should re-arrest Ihe despoiled rights of the South, and defend her soil against the invasions of the so called Yankee homes. Flashing eyes and eloquent Hps, we may sur mise, addressed themselves in Irresistible appeals to the hearts of tho Southron, bo he husband or lover, brother or friend, until at lust love's ostra cism compelled many a man to wear the livery of the C. S. A. soldier, and to enter the ranks of the then abhorred Rebel army. Months and eveu years have passed since this movement was inaugurated among the S cithern women, yd even to-day this same influence is at work in the South. The once happy wife now wears the habili ments of tbe widow, und the tear-dimmed eve and faded cheek oi the sweetheart now proclaims the death of her I. v i ; yet ,'or all this, these wi men have pledged th. m-eives body and soul to the task of re-cuing the South from her pre sent thraldom, and of uiding tho Rebel Govern, nient, as l st thev may, In sending to her forces in the Ii. d every avail ible man aud stripling. JS'ow, acting upon this principle, -alone, wli it a woik is )ct belbro tbe women of the North. While there is an eternity of ililfercnce between the cause in which we of the North are engaged ; unci mat Kiwnicn our deluded southern brethren buve devoted themselves tbe otto to the pT j pctnliy n! the I uion, und the other to too de. slruciion of that b essed rela ion yet the justice 1 ot Ibe one over the other renders th r work all the mote tit tor the lalKirs ol our Northern wives and sweethearts. We do not accuse the ladies of alack of patriot ism in Ihe gn at struggle in which we are en gaged, for tbeir devotion to the cause has been attested on the battle field and in the hospitals for muny long and weary mouths pist; but we say that in this matter ot enlisting men fur tbe army, there is a wide field for the exercise of their patriotic impulses. Our armies are rapidly becoming delimited; our h'.spit ils ate filled with thousands of si k und wounded men ; lor days pa-t our State K e cutive has plead for men to defend the old Key stone Suite from the lavages of the traitor. Men we must have. Thousands have already sunk Into a soldiei's grave in defence of the old flag, and thousands more in the Kisi.au.i West, and Southwest ure still buttling for the preserva tion of that starry emblem. We cannot suhuiit to a draft. It is degrading as well as unpopular, and makes a man more a slavo than a lord. The women by tiieir voices, by their appeals of love, and acts of patriotism, can vet accomplish this seemingly herculean task. The brave volunteer must ho thu soldier after ull ; and thrice tho hero lie, w ho from the combined motives of love and patriotism, shoulders tho uiuskut and hies to the battlc-lield. Vk ut wilt tho women do lu this matter ? The SiXTtr.TU Pennsylvania Rboimknt. This popular organization is being rapidly tilled up in uccordaucc with President Lincoln's recom mendation and Governor Curtiu's cull for one hundred days' service. Colonel William F. Small is In command, and Is hard at work to ac complish everything possible for tho heuelit aud comfort of his meu. The highest bounties are pai I, embracing all those ollered by the Government, State and city, together with private bounties. The headquar ters are ut Major Berry 'si Sixth street below Chennut. Colonel Small is ably and heartily seconded by otllcers who have served under him in thu -0 th aud Goth Regiments, aud young men w ho desire to enlist under really gallant and en pei iciii ed olllecrs, cannot do butter than join this orguiiUaliou. Tiib Commercial Reoimknt. This excellent military organization, we are glad to hear, Is rapidly tilling up. Colonel Leehler is an expe rienced and capable ollicer, and will no doubt obtuiu u splendid regiment. Tub ISointv Bill Shineu. Mayor Henry this morning aflxed bis signature to the or Ji naueo passed yesterday, appropriating one hun dred thousand dollars to pay bouutieS of titty dolluj's each to voluutcei j. General Howe to Take Com mand at Harper's Ferry. GENERAL sr-.SL TO EEPOET TO OF "f.r. .vv. TIUNTEE." prvtnl to Tl. . Hakhism'KO, Jn.. Hngerstown this mom,.., I am assured that befor ""nh. . f'nrned to : - ' '. to. ri'i bc illstnrbcd in their progress. It lo ks us if the Uugcrstown tl . - - .lu N gobbli d up very shortly. There Is no v . . that tbis force will enter Pennsylvania), t main object of the Rebel advance is still In,., and appeals for militia are by no means les argent or necessary. Smoke is now still asoend ing from Hagerstown. 11 AHHism no, July 8. The telegraphic opera tor bas been close to Hsgcrstown, and report that the Rebels set fire lo the court house, rail road depot, aud all other railroad buildlugs, burning a large quantity of hay. ' . It Is known here that the Rebels mad their appearance at Hancock this moruiug; bat in what numbers is unknown. . It is reported that there have not been at any time over two thousand Rebels this aide of the Potomac, and that Sigcl is entirely oat of danger. Nothing, however, is known by General Sigel a to the force In the Shenandoah Valley, Immedi ately in his front. .A scout just in from Boonsboro report lo General Couch that two brigades are lying at Boonsboro, composed of infantry and cavalry, commander unknown. They crossed at Antletam ford. ' Baltimork, July 8, 2 30 P. M. A specyjjgls pateh to the American, dated at FrederiTj n o'clock F.M.sajs that the Rebels have retreated fully four miles from their position of yesterday on tbe Boonsboro and Ilagerstown roods. .. General Wallace and staff are actively engaged,, and everything looks well. Frederick Is In no danger. Wc captured a cannon from tbe enemy yes terday, i Tbe lltb Maryland Regiment, 100 days' men, have arrived and were enthusiastically received. Baltimohb, July 8, 8-30 P. Jd. A despatch from Harper's Ferry this morning oonflrms the evacuation of thut place by the Rebels, and say our troops again bold it. The old flag once mora floats over the town. Special to Tbe Evening; Tela-rapb. Washimot.n, June 8. The Star aays: Brigadier-General A. P. Howe, Chief of Artil lery of the Department of Washington, has been ordered to tbe command of our forces ia front or the Rebel force that bas entered Maryland, vice General Sigul, who is ordered to report to Gen eral Hunter. General Howe is an officer of great energy, activity, and experience, and will pray very valuable to the country in bis new position. Ha is In command there this morning. There ia bo donbt, we apprehend, that while the Rebel Qene rul Early was yesterday preparing to attack our left, near Maryland Heights, bis force wa vigorously attacked by a portion of Slgel's troops. and so pnnished as to frustrate Ewell's plana for the time being. He has thus moro than he eaa do successfully to defend himself. A Mr. Richardson, a refugee from Martinsburg for now tho fifth time, was in the city this morn ing, having left Martinsburg on the evening of July 4. He saw the Rebels enter at one o'clock, and reports the Rebel force that entered there at not more than one thousand five hundred. General Slgel beld them at bay long euough to have all the rolling stock and property of tbe railroad sent off, and also all Government pro perty, and then fell back successfully. Bach Government property as could not be brought away was burned. Our informant thinks tbe Rebels at Martinsburg were commanded by Imboden. Special to Ihe Kveuius Telegraph. Washinoton, July 8. There is no justification for tbe great alarm existing In Pennsylvania be cause of the Rebel raid. Tbe stories are greatly exaggerated, and the Government is fully pre pared. FROM THE FRONT. MORE OF WILSON'S It! EN ARRIVING. THEY FIGHT THEIR H AY THROUGH. Npcrlal to Tbe Evrnlnsr Telegraph. Wahiiimoton, July 8. The muil steamer John llraoki bas arilvrd from City Point, Hbich place she le t yesterday morniog at ten o'clock. She brings no news, aud reports all quiet at the front. Colonel Conger and Major Curtis, of the 1st District of Columbia Cavalry, who were reported killed or ruptured in the lute raid with Wilson, came up on the John Brooks. MujorCurtls made several narrow escapes, his clothing being per forated with bullets. Colonel Conger is severely, but not danger ously wounded, and hopes to be soon In tho saddle again. These otllcers reached our lines on I'tiduy last, with a portion of their command, after several severe engagements with the Rebels. The 1st District Cavalry is not so badly cut np as at first reported, muny of the missing having succeeded iu guiuing our lines. Their entire loss in killed, wounded, and missing will not amount to mure tbuu one hundred. market by Telegraph. Nsw York, July 8. Flour bus advanced 20iJ? j:.e lor Slats, wlitub U iiuoted at ato-T-s-e 10 H.',. Hal, of lv ism bias. HI-.'hho l.l 'JI lor IMito, and iWlq,U lur Souihiru. Vv'ttcat la tt.t.Oc, betu-r; undo busliols sold at II ') hi lorCIUcaun syrinx and alllwaiikia Club. and .iuj Hi, lor Rod va osttiru. foru la He. binlur: aalva ul 7n,iK o liusbsU al H'lio. lice' ttrin. l'ork firm, wltu !.- oi Hnobl.la. of Mu at Uli SonoMi 76. bard arm. suioa ut Ismi hbla. al l:i), .i .'U,e. Wlil.ky ati-ady at 7;.,o7So IIai.hmouk, July 8. Wheat is firm, aud the auiM'ly .e la w erui I. aeuree. Houlliera vvlilti. 1 su. Hour a.VraJielnj and uxelted, llowurd airunr. tiuvS; ni.lo extra, till, t urn dull. Wln.kj dull and v,ulaia tl a lo 1 So. Cnllee lli UV ) . ltU 4l.bW ttl'lllS. ft nielnl It r wluipi or tbe Nltelb tilat lamsry ul KaulutKy. l'iAs9-Jnry 7, MS. ' 1)8, 1, 11, 17, :., bsi, 'o7, .il, 41,-1.1, lti,5. le, . i,i i'i :l n Inlv s. I- 4. 4.5,2,22, ill, 42, IT, 4J, LI, 2a, Xa,, SO- Circuiai. saul b feiaruasuas r ' t