hmfc'" . , 4 3T . " TITE DAILY EVKNIKfl TELKqRAPH.PlT!TiAT)ELPITrAt TirXTRSDAT JTJLT 7, 1804; V I 1 ir 1 1 i 1! V u V r. on IT ' THUKSDAY, JULY 7, 1864. BTIIHT OF THE HEW YOEK PEES3. Leading Editorials from the 'cw York Tnprrs This Moriilji. a Hiina: or mix. Jntm th TViAuwp. Tht career of the lite corsair A!ab,imiwi firolmbly the niot ptnpcniltiis mi1 nynti-matic irand on record. 1. Sho pn0seil to 1)8 K:liel Or Confi'domto in origin and Impulse, Imt wat linllt with nmnev tuWiihpri or contriliuti .I fur tlie purpose hy Htltili enemies of our Union. 2. Sho was lull! as n pcat't-ful men lianttn tn, l)c lug all Ihe lime iutrmli-il for no other use than that to which .lie m UtTitel. Ji. ,Sho tola out of Liverpool, when the wm built, on pretence of milking a triul trip, wholly unarmed, , ' nd with nd with ladies on board to enver the deeop'inn. pf mptory order from the Oovernmrnt for rtontion, tmwd on prour furnished by our ter arid Pr.nalil nf hop trim u- , 'treacherously detained on thn wav. so no tn nrn. lndo lit leccptlon in truun to stop her; her ' miinageia being niiai.time pnvntelv biIvI-iimI tli it i f-he nnift mi In hcrnelt sen r e. fl. Though c-tllrtl l onlcdiratc, rhe never dared enter a Couf.nliT.ito f ro,t; never h iindor tlie proieeilon of nC.m foilcta shore buttery j and never hail even a , tenth part of her crew composed of imtivo or ctcn nattinll7el tillens of the Confederacy, fi. He was Hii'lsh built, with Hrili-h money, of Itrlti b timrH r and iron, nrined wholly wiih lln tiah guns, and inimind by a Dritisb freer, anil never Hied a enrtridee that wm not of llntish, rnstirisls and miiniifacture. 7. Though a fngitivo t '. from Hrltlh jusiico and a llagrant violator of Ilrlil-h law, she ban been evervwln re welcomed and fi ted In lliitisu purls, snd hai nili d over all neaii.mlibltiKatid liurniiigourmen'bant vessela by ; the help of the coal, provisions, cartridges, tec, i which have been ready for her in every Uritislt harbor. 8. Though calling hervclf a Nutionul ,' uhlp of war, slie has plirunk from encounters ' . ' with all foeh, save when off flulveston sho de coyed the ilntttrns ( half her size) tinder hor guna f , ly lioiating the liritlsh ling and declaring 'her. ficlf the Hi nlhh gunboat Vrtrtl. 9. Mm wai, in ' Hplle of all pretenses, in tlp-top condition, as one of her otlbera telegraphed to Liverpool , a'ter the flsht, "the Alabama was in tirv-rato 7 trim " 10. Mie was a sixth Nrgerthan the Hear i tarot (1200 tons to 10.11 ;) hail eight guns to our mini and a full rrper nf lAll mnrk arKL.Vi ... . at lean rqnal and probably suerlor to our num ber, as ebo wm enabled to work her guns much faster than ours were llred. 11. Ketumoi fought the Kenriariii only beeause he could not help it. Mr. Dayton had ,rotc-ted against the shel ter and aid given to the corsiirin a fiiondly barlmr, and the French Government h.vl felt constrained to order him out of port. Yet there ly the Kmriarqc off the mouth of the harbor; and o get out, the Alabama must light So sho , made a virtue of necessity and BioanKd out. i VI. She choso her own time and distance, open t tng fire first, and shortening the distance at pleasure. If Senmies had chosen to lay his ve'"l aboard of the Kranarqr, the mamrnvro - would hare been welcomed, llu; he found It hot ( enough where it was. 13. The Alabama was thoroughly riddle. I. disabled, and demolished. and He mill es was giud tosurrcr Jor his ship to save hii life, and sho went down with her Hag alruck. lie cap' ii re through British pari iality, and is this houriigh'tully Captain Wlnslow's prisoner. The Dtrrhound had no right to steal away with a part of our spoila f victory, and did it by de ception. 14. iSemnies' ptetenso that Ca italn AVinslow tried to a nk his craft or her crew aficr he had snrrendi red is refuted by the log of the Dtrrhound, bis virtual ally. IS. And. as If he had not yet lied enough, upon reaching Kngland, ays one of his petty olllrers in a statement to the Nrv: "Captain Remmcs anxinnalv anVed what the peitplf of Fnalalid tlliiuifDt of tha Hulilll ; laid that .frirrrf thf iMled bvt in wtme: and that tha Aollh and Month would iivr SKain trf united." We never heard this, matched but once, and then In Captain Marryat's tale, where a most in veterate and im mensurable was dying, and, being warned ilmt the noise he was making was the death-rattle In his throat, gapd out" No; J hav Anoint o mii n i trreti making that none rand there bis voice fulled him torcver. i PATIEXCE SIKCEMHAKY. A Kl SIT I'ATIOX. From tht Time$. Wht t now la specially needed Is patience on tlie part of the pi oplo. Let loyal men through out the North but possess their souls with the resolute spirit of their great military leader, and it is certain that the Rebellion cunuot hold out many months longer. Wo don't say this with any propbesvirg disposition. Predictions Ho like broken potsherds along tho whole path of this war? All sensible men have long Bfnco ceased to value them, come from what quarter they may. But a mathematical calculatiou froiu $et t ltd data is not a prediction. The present situ ation admits ot such calculation, aud therein it dillers fn m ail that have preceded it. Ilithett", the future has been divined mainly from jasvllcipated issues of particular battles, or parlnir atiategic movements. If soiuo great conflict were impending, tho superiority or our army in-.iuinbcrs would give many minis an ab solute confidence that the enemy must sustain a crashing detent, winch would end the Rebellion. JVhen tits? conflict came, owing to some un ippre ciaud advantage of tlie enemy in position, or some other cause, It would give us but a drawn battle, ot, at most, an indecisive vietorv. The particular care of the Rebel Generals al ways to keepnpen their line of retreat, hiisalmo-it uniformly deprived even our positive successes, of nearly all Iruit. So far as mere itratery'ia crneerned It i. always idle to prog nosticate its results; for in our noi ess irily im perfect knowledge of the enemv, it can never be fully known what counter-strategy mtv he brought to no ot it. Thus urcdicttona of decisive ovcitbiows fiom particular movement or en counters linve a niiuilrcd tiiues l iiii d. Fair as they have lieen on i lie surface, there- has always been enough of the unci rtain element in them at to make .la m wortb!e-s. "Iicio is ni w, we think, en wntiiil (h inge In the fit Union. Geographically, tlio two armies lone rev ised tbeii positt i,s. 'i he Army of II i 'toinac bears tip'in from the south iniieat' of the noitb. This of itself tells with con.v.nen. e upon's lines of supplies and of retreat, for these line, all run southward j we be ileve is cnu purely be calculated Hith fatul coti cii once. us look calmly. The l.usii ess of the Army of the 1'oloniae In. her o I ns lici u to bo iis-.ilf- ailia. iia lAije. i wi e lire tl i,lhid to bad tog'leat tioup ; 4 nicci ants. Its o'ijct t was lie Rebel i-a,iital, aud to to uia.ntain the a -rCi'es-ive. It at the eneinv's iuiieiieh"d po-i- stul, it wit. oulv to tiinl itself ci m In ni able. , pnt any an wi met To tity its i bjed liv a ce The cbaL. ith other P silions ct luoie f ruial- im-de of ugtessive warfare must , h wt ver or inline on, at ildv,ltlt. pe. posiii.ely that I' will ever attain iaf. ; to declare th it it u ill ittaiu it f c lid Mnc l s mple presuinpti ui. pii.i in li oh ii iole it no lo .gi r the Army of the rotoitne. or ,t tn ci tpBiy i least its great boi v, to b " as-i li,.nts. R.clnnond U not now the innn. ia c, leit tlie nl lm.iic ob ject. The special .uip-e n w :s id ile-tr iy the Vonr niunlci.liotis b ailing Into Kidman d. That ilertiuclion ia to bu uia-oinp i.F'eil inuinly by Caiy. The '-'nntry hae simply to iniintiiin their presi nt ai. .ati' ed positions up. the Imki- fur eaialiy expeditions. Their business Is chictlv ilefensive ; and so ktugaa It is ccitain that tlieir present in trenchments cannot be carried either by strate (!eru or battle, with any force tlie enemy can lirmg against tlieui, an end is made of a whole .class, of contingencies that ulways thieatened when they were on the aggressive. So far as regard! that, then, the future may he counted Upon with tar legs uncertainty than ever. It Is certain that the resources of v;,K;nla can rot for any long period support Lee's great army, waliout taking into account at all tho fact that these resources aro certainly reduced by the great number of noneonil.atants within the State who are Incapable of being removed. It ii cer tain that there are but two railroad lines which can contribute supplies from without, and that the means for transportation by the common roads, for the seasons of the year when these Toads are practicable, are too limited to bo of any Hint rial service. The only question then Is, whether our cavalrr an keep these two railroads permanently unavail able. V don't fee bow it is possible for any one who has read of the work Jnst done bv General! Wilson and Kautt, to doubt it. It la officially tated that sixty miles or the railruudi war so -destroyed that It would be iuiisussible to rebuild lucm In less than a month. This operation can tss repeated as often as occasion demands. With our great superiority In cavalry, and with our ac quired knowledge of tlie country, tlie enemy can not prevent these swoops. oTrosi they live times their number of men, they not (iieetually guard those long lines of arou"d located at no greater distance from our Uovcdve. A few minuiea' work fc any one point ui ulng of bridges, or tlie blowing up of prevent the transmission of troop from atenvd point to another. And a day's tpted work iff destruction on any part of Ihe line la enongh to necessitate a while month's lnresnt work of repairing. It is not within the limits of physical poadbllity for Oeoo. ml le to keep these railroads open against General Grant's continued attacks. That General Grant will continue these attacks as often as need be, no one w ho knows anything of bis tenacity of purpose can doubt. It all, then, comes to this : The Army of tlio isnuiK is mm piantcn in a position which Is secure against all attack a position which re lliveslt fr. in all ihe risks of delivering battle, and a position which gives it the coaim.wd of means of communication absolutely nccessarv to the enemy's subsistence. What else then is wanted for the rapture of Richmond f No hirig absolutely n.. tiling, tint tlmo. As surely as I.icSattny and the population of Virginia can not live on air. iut so surely their means of sub S'Umco mut be continually diminishing from the Kmc the present limited crop Is gitliered. The! crop, so far Ironi sutllclcnt to carry thdn to the harvest of next year, cannot suNist them, short of starvation rations, even to tho en I of the present year. Hut a few months at fur thest are ni ccs-ary to compel l,ee either to abandon Virulnii, thus Isolated from the re-t of the "Conf. deracv," or to surrender. If hu atteii.pts to abandon it, without nilrmds to aid l is hard to seo how it will lie pos sible for him to get tha necessary tnnsportation Indispensable to any great army movement. The nit' nipt even, at best, would he art excoe lln :U d 111c is It und dangerous onu. With such a (ii n -nil as Grunt on his Hunks and In his rear, l.c-.t ou III hardly get through to a nw bake of sup plies wiiliom g m ni disorganization. It Is for the Northern people to main'aln their path nee and confidence, and let Gcn ril Grant manage this btiaiticss in his own way. If he pro lixin operate l.v slow and Htite mvtho Is, as at Vltksbiirg, instead of by ronatant attacks of iloubtful Issue and involving great sacritirrs of lite, all true men will cheerfully rec ignire its wifdim, and calmly await the final triumph, even though it comes not for many months vet. it uoi's ci me it will be all tlie more com pletc aad dccl.-ivc. NEWSPAPER ALLSriOE. A new-paper Is human life fashioned out of letters instead of flesh and blood. It represents humanity filtered through by all tho ramifying ihtinncls which diverge from or intersect it. His tcric scenes nnd personnges play thoir largo part upon the stugc of double-leaded brevier, while those of lesser note are content with the humbler display of nonpareil. Rut, insignlllcant as it may stem to the few who never glanoo at tho daily thtet, rave for tho lake of seeing who's "Died'' and who's "Married," or how many "Wanteds" there are, or how many "Lost and Stolens" aro advertlsrd, there is one column of a newspaper widen Is, indeed, a digest and summary of tho world's news. This column Is called by any nuantltr of names, varied to the taste of its presiding genius. Pome newspapers style it "Paragraphic Crumbs;" lome, "Little or Nothings ;" some, "Trilfes Light as Air;" some, "Our Wheelbarrow ;" some, "Local Items j" some, "Gleanings from the Local Viess;" tonic, "Jotttngs Down;" some, "Tho News;" und some, "Condensed Locals." One peculiar class of them is dubbed "l'ersonil;" another, "Foreign Gossip;" nnothor "Musical and Dramatic." This vari-colored column contains everything nndcr tho sun. It Is pretty near omniscient, and can futuish informa tion on every object in the heavens abnve, in the earth beneath, and in tho waters under the earth, nor does It entirely ignore whatever may happen to be found underneath tho waters. It founds all time and all space, and is the epitomo of crt ation. Rut, to its practical merit le it said, it deals mostly with allairs terrestrial. Procee I ing upon the great Napoleon's plan, it condenses paragraphs into sentences, and sentences into words, and is often Interspersed with thoughts that breathe and words that burn. It is a dia mond edition ot the history of thisjworld. It is over so manr Iliads in ever so many nutshells. Rut this wonderful news-column, modest as is the position it holds in many newspapers, and entirely excluded as it is from some, is liv n.) means carelessly prepared. It consists indeed of orient pearls, and ot every other sort of pearls, but not at random strung. As it should he el tho rated, a quick eye, a retentive memory, a correct judgment, and floe insight are no less ro piisltn than a sharp pair of scissors a pot of good paste, with pin, ink, und paper to help the work along. Rnt even these would not perfect It to Its highest pitch were a lively turn of thought wanting, by which dull paragraphs should bo sharpened, and long ores rendetcd piquant and concise. To flash down a bulky faggot of a sentence Into ever so many slender sticks of fancy may seem lo the uninitiated easy work for an limit 'a diversion now mid then, but the aptcst of p ira gniphists appreciates its difficulties, and knows that to succeed in bis: worK no must stick to It as pertinaciously as his own paste, and employ a fancy as pointed as his scissors. All vane iei thai can he conceived are included In this anoma lous news column. For this reason, rather than the salt of a newspaper it should be called tho allspice. In every paragraph we find a dillereut flavor, each contributing to redolently tincture the whole. In ibis tablet of memory we aro told inone line the whole history of sonic celebrated character. A prima donna figures here, a nn.e-fighter there. 1 he experiences of regimental chaplains ; tho a I vtnturesof individual members of veteran regi ments; the lab st wonderful marriage; the history ofSpauifh dollars; the wreck of a schooner; tele graphic items; soldier-gitl experiences; advaneo in tho price of provisions; developments con cerning Catawba brandy ; debut of an Australian songstress; the prevalence of scarlet fever; hurt. or tortill. all.. ns i me cause ot me King nf Ravar a's death ; the dependencies of the Rritish crown; a list of tlie last now operas ; the dentil of n celebrated wait, wrtor; kero i one oil collections; the religious conferences; tlie docks of the p dice courts ; -beep husbandly ; royal gunning excursions; mining di-ustcrs; lui- iroveiiieutK in milium prisons; Tom Thumb and lis wife; tie sanitary fairs; con'rihtitions t school funds ; the "cash down ' management of ine'cimtits ; statistics of looms in operation ; shells Ii st cl by Indies a. ornaments ; rlieiiina'isin in h gh lite; the forged proclamation; the no opera house in Paris; when the Slate elections eoine i ll ; the latest m w. from Idaho and Nov i Scotia ; vend iloijiii m In Vtrmon'; Queen Victoria and the cause ol Christianity ; a scoundrel in mil t iry toggery; new infernal machine; horrible tie. iti ly machinery; death of the "oldest" mm; inn n st;rg to marble and stone-cutter. ; siagul ir f tli- ide ; eggs in l'aii. ; unwh lesoine meats ; ihe ! rM "t i" till d cannon ; the Fenian llrotli -iho 1 ; the New Yoik caial.-; the Atlantic telcuripli; rti niHtiil lor young women as comp itors ; 'no Riihinoril t' bin . o iuestioti; the brave wound, d in i ur hospitals ; statue to S onew ill .lack. on ; pho oginpli ot Giant ; orthography of the wirncn ot Flub; fi.niteen no'iles of Jed.lo hit ri-k ini tl.( n.M lct ; Vic:or Kinma; tl. I's tuentv sous ; il e l.ullniii i-f the R nk ot hfotUud ; con lens -d ti .i gri.ius fn in the Arm i f the I'otonia ti lal-e bu Billing space, tlnsc ere a fcr dr .p pall i n d he'ie -ske t. r from tha oce ,n of p irv piapl s the lieus co'iimn ductus. 'if is column, in short, Is the Argil und Rrii nusof a Lews paper. We said i d e!t in'iro In t I. tl e ciii"h than in tl" s 1 above the e ir h. nr d ihe foregoing collect on illu.trites this. It n list l ol be said, fioivcve , t hat these items d .voll i n It e M ivtal in ll e. Sin ill :is thev seem, li-a.i l.a-t! glnnt i d i -mi, thev de I web all t i it in is: inti men mid women. We like oi he ir t!i ci littist laws and the v.-ry s;iic'e.t go.Hip. Oer sy n pat! ic. are :.s wide as thev are de p, and an coinpli ii ly mtisllcd in Hu variety Ihii news ci :tiii.u lei'iiishes. It we rou'd tin y be all ov. d one lu'irc II : ii . r i tii n, we si on il -u'ite.t that ihe news c iluuins hu tl e ei.steis nu n 'h.' v wspnucr table loth of life, lb re e have some vinegar not to.) much ; hi :e sr li.e salt a pill' li n w and then ; here soui cnyn lie the very slightest sprinkle; here so in I. lick pepper a liberal supply; here some oil to be tiei anted gently; and here somo tuuatar t to give a w holesome sharpness to the whole. And so the social salad Is prepared, ready to bo swal lowed, and, we hope, digested, by the ever hun gry public ll'twAiiiyfon Chrumctt. Iriortnnt Railroad Movement. On Thursday evening last there was a mooting of prominent railroad men in the city of lirie, among whom were Colonel Thomas A. Suott, of the Pennsylvania Central, Dean Richmond, of the New York Central, aud Dr. Ktrcator, of the Oil Creek Railroad. The meeting resulted iu tho selling ont uf the Oil Creek Railroad to the New York Central and Pennsylvania Central Railroads. The result of this movement will be the change of the Oil Creek road to the narrow gunge, which will connect the Oil Region diroctly Oh New York and PhiladelDhia. the connection to be made with the former city by means of the Lake bhore and New York Central, and with Philadelphia by the Philadelphia and Krle. This will obviate the building of a road from Irviue to Titntui ml Oil Cltv. which was latelr pro posed by the Philadelphia and Erie, and the plan will in a great meaaurt give to Pennsylvania a larger interest in the oil trade than has hereto- fore been the case. The Cross-cut road wnicD was to have been built from Corry to Westtield will also now become obsolete, as the Oil Creek freight ran be brought to the Lake shore over the 1 mladtlpbia aud l.rie road. -Tha Indon Sixrtator contend! that lobrr Bailous are wickeder than drinking ones, as are Ihe French in romparlsun with tho English, the lialians with toe tkolib, and tlte Uluduae wita tin) imaj. The- rrops-OrHetM Kr-pwr-tM. The Rational Intrlliymcrr gives tho following summary of the forthcoming reports of the De partment of Agriculture on the condition of the crops In June : Ari l as A good csop in the F.astern and Middle Matos, but not good In tho Western, much bloom having fallou off w ithout setting tbo fmit. 1'a.ACitns. In the F.astern States the crop promises well ; in tho West it is almost totally destroyed, with manv of the trees. OiiAi'Ka. Msny wero killed to the snow-lino on tho 1st day of Janunrv, others had the fruit buds nioro or less injured iu tho West, but still a fair crop Is anticipated. Whkat ( Wintrr ) The growing con lltlon of this crop Is mo-t excel ont, except in Northern Wisconsin and Minnesota, where drought has prevailed, and in one or two other localities, but St was severely Injured hy the cold of last Feb ruary, whero thoie was but little snow on tho ground. The general injury from this ennso Is estimated at not less than thirty per rent. As tlfe time approaches for harvesting, this crop in the Fastein and Middle Stales, however, bids fail to be a superior one. Ki-himo In nmonnt trr crip Is not quite an average on ae.tount of the lateness of the spring and tho scarcity of labor, but it is in a vcty favorable growing condition. O rn. The lateness of the soring kspt !' k rbintlng, but the wet warm wea lier h is brought this crop forward very rapidly, and it promises well nt this time. It Is nearly an average crop in the number of acres planted, many injured wneai tietos naving oeen put in corn. Oais. Universally spoken of m the largest and most promising crop uf the kind ever sown in our country. Ci.ovkh and Tim OnAssKH. Tli' su are in OK celleiit condition, and the expect .lion Is that tho lav crop will be unusually large. Maiir Sunn an o Mot.Assas. A'most In every Pta'e where made there has been a largo Increase ; the quality Is spoken of as excellent. Sii car. The condition of this important stock is vcty good, for it received the best of c ire. The increase per cent, is equal to that of last year. In the circular just issuod inquiries have been made of sorghum, cotton, tobacco, flax, hctns, potatoes, hay, pastures, butter, and cheese, iu addition to some of the crops just noticed. An f'xcnrnlon Parly llroken I' p. A pleasure party from theTreasnry left George town on Saturday on the caniil-bont fVvim; t 'imid, and reached Harper'! Ferry on tho motninr of the 4th of July. Owing to tho exeitumuut iu that vicinity the boat was turned for home. When a mile from Point of Rocks they were Hre4 on by a Im pounder gun on tho n rih sida of the Potomac, the llrst shell falling sh irt, and the next two pa-sing over the boat, which was run ashore. The excursionists jumped to tho land and ran away over tho hills and down tho railroad track. Of seventeen persons only twelve have returned. Tho Rebels d stroyod tho boat. An F.nglish journal, speaking of a largo class of Fnglish sporting roughs who wero present at the last race at Long Chumps, says that the trans portation of the w hole lot to Cayenne- for any Infraction of French law "would have hoen the cause of cordial rejoicing on the part of ovory decent Knglishinaii." SPECIAL NOTICES, KPT M'KCIAL ACKNOWLK ICi M V. N T. Airnrs r st. i, ORKAT CKNTK I. K ! It . Committ.' on Mt.nm Ki1wvn, K1W IRD Mtl.T.KR, ChJkiin.ftn. It r KUTTKK, Sm rt inry ami lritMifi , in nrr. nni wnti .tolls' W. ( l,AiiiiKN, Ti-uiuurvr ul t'oru tiiUti r rn I.Hhor, lticoii;oa, and Revenue. lr. 1mp4, Juno. Rurcs4 uf TrnrnrtAtlnn Atid Roftrtwuy ln ftrtint'iui, Nurth 1'cnn lUiliin,tI(, mpiiny . 12'C Eo)ittyofH 'I'miiflpvtriati'-n Itrpartmt'tit I'etiiii Ivftnia fUliroati, Mltttl.a ivi.trit, por A. Ii. Vounjt, NupsTin- tendfnt ( AiltllUontl ) l.Vi It Tranuporttttion lpnrlmint, rt nnAylrAnin Rnilrti1 At Al t' no it, per huoi-ti Lew it, HnMr1nti'iiit'nt '210'V Motive l'ow i r I-'iir'mMiit, rontiMTU aiiIu Railmad At Al toona, per Knoch l.vwis. Suporin rndrnt Hui -Aiintvndfnt I?parttiHnt ('law lm Kllriat1 t o 7181 Rtiad M water a Ui'ptrtnicnt C'MtAnlthA iCAllrotid Co 2t7'i " M ami hi M a 'hinlit'a Ut'pAtt- uient CuIawI.ia KalhoudCo. lWfiT )triirnl Otilce l-ptirtniOiit CatawUvA Rmilroad Co :tl'W Collrcd'il by K. U . M Uonnll. Aetlnir uittttr. And remitted bj W. L. tiilroy, TrAittirrr - tUfri'U PhiiAilelpliia. Jul 7. IkS(. II P. KI'TTKR, BerrcUry And TrPMuror. The undentltftifd with pluAouru AckuowlBdcslho reo-ipi oftheiecond lemi'ttinre. JOHN W. 0LAO11ORN, Treian-r. It Ofllce, No. II 3, HiuVKN f H HtriH-t, Tlilla. r35jf TKLROUAPH NOTICE. 7 HK('(NI NATIONAL HANK. Of I'fllLAl'KI.I'IU A, AT KKNKKKI, Wmi'd (rivo notice that. IiavIiik envctt-d an AfTAngement wttti ihe INIK!'KNIKNT TKI,K!KA1'H l.XSK, A te'rtfraph tilMce in now oin-n hi tttc ttATik. for the Acom -in UHtK ii oi ihe public, fe'ranktord wttli all tlv ffAphlC point KAMT, WF.HT, NORTH. ANI HOI'TII. I h'1itfe.ptila niprriiKi ii ent And rwels ed nt a rate An low Chut porn npt vnliiliiii liinc and mon.-v will tlnd U'leraptilnn clituper Uiun y other aiuilmri f tleiptttii, WILLIAM U. 1CIIAWV, j7Ctl t'Ailiier. OFFICE. Nn. 4i?r'irnniil strn-t, No. 9 H. Third Htrert, No 2H Wall u' rititet, Slircluin-t Kxrhaiitce, M-r Hotel. ' becmxl N.itionAl lUi.k. rrij- OFKK-K CITIZKN.V VOUrNTEER 8rilHllT(TTK COMMITTKK, S. fc. comer WAL NI T and il Htieetn. Jul H, h4. The Citleim' Vntunieer Hub-tltute ( oniralltee prnpnst toaHlt In riiUtiiK tr.Krpa by nldinw clilcni lu procurliirf HiihiilttitfA and Iik illtatliiK the payment ol bnuotica, lu Uio H llnwlfiit niaiitioi : KnrnlUdcl lrn who defre to fiirnldh auAitltntM fn A1 nce ot the drail will pay tho sum of lour hundred doll.ui to the Tr.-m.urtT, J.i. Ittiiti nn Tten. Kmj., U.K.. conn r Hixih Anil M A.nut utrmi,, riH eivlnir hi acKuow-it-iJkiurtii thai the imi't-v will tm reiuiiiitil If a cortiiJ.-A'e oM-xrtueilou ii not prncurtd, und ulvji it to him a power ol aitnriii y, duly Mdiiip. .1, ti c Moot the cltv o iun'y for ii f uini'iii oi me huimiui'. i nt nam it Appucan'" will l) r 'H'Mtert'd iu the o'der of their .iinliciiti..ti. and ci ttitltute ot exemption will te procmed und fn nth lad in ii iu ntder. Aionfit Ini- ci rtittt ata li otitaint'd, the prim ipjil w HI Ij,' no urn-it through the lot Ojile timt ll Ii rmtly tor d iht rv on rinni ni the J if.tnirt-r receipt, wht'ii ti e iluty ol the 'mm litre M il! ct'it-t. JA N I KL M KIN M h I , Chairmmi. J I. t LARK II ARB, JOHN IHOYtr.iO, OLKIKN I 11 I'KMKHK, J. tl. KoHKNti l I'KN, I'reuauror. Jyi-tit Ht.SRV ('. LKA..s.ciV!ar. rf IMVIDKM) NOTK'K. OFFICE OF AI.M T piln-. t. ' ' i hu Aia i rin A . jtny e, i 'I Hi It. aril uf IlTirlori. l.avi U..a .jj . Cf-1 m d a illvliViul .1 ti.iie iit tout i'ti tl.e rap lal !.. U uf this !'iiuiiiijr, ai bit-1 i Nii-1 tft,-r ll p i il ii 1 1 ,lul , l -- .. H.atp lax. 'I l.i- I o- k nl lln. I 'oin. tnl wi! li Hi. .a un Ilia I.'iltl lli-isi't. al a T. ,M., pi'M il on thi- Vl-i. j7 tl .-liill JiilIN I '. I, II ,1 r. Trcafiircr. Iyjr in rr i j THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or I'illl.AliKI.l'HI V, Will trAnaaot Itim m-h ,it tii.'ir Nfc.W UANKINd JltXJHK, CIlEiEUT AUD TFaNXLTN STREET3, (N'Ttll n.tlAtil ( lirnDUt. "tht Ml ItllJ,) (IN A Nil At r It T'iilit y v Hit fJlli liHtiint, MOKTON M(MICUaKL, Jb., y6 Ot CA.lier. NO I ICE IS UKKEIIY OIVEN TO tie htoi klio'ilirft ii, tin- 1 a nn tint ratei-iwer h itlln ur t 'ti (iiirtii , t tint tin- L to. ii. t-jti o. oiH-n for ub- i riptH'ii Iii . p-Titi.ti wl lie itoi k it t.Tnt iNtrapHiiy, and nf mi (j the Hi-stoiiVi It-. M.nituat. ami n.i iu unit RaiiroAd Cotnpuny, In piirmiajic" of thf rendition of the rtovk- ii-.ithTa anu rtoarn inrt-ciom neretoioi atinpted. i ii'u Wh i to aihtcrltu nil! i-tii al the oitie' 01 F, V. M IT LAM; A t'O.. No. l.i MkltrHASTn' KM'UANOK, with tlieir cui titlcAt. bflwei-n Ihe hours nf lUA.M.and H I. Al , on or bcfoie thu IVth oa oUuly, IntA, whure full intur- iiiaiioii win nt' k( i ven, ami Mifrntritiu.-n-i will uo re. eirtia by Ih'i undervKbt'd. The bookn w ill be cloindAnd uo sub ecrlptluui reuivtd Alter the loth dy ol Jnly.Lvj-t. N. H. K N K A H 4 , .. V. MAITLANH. l. H WINF.BHI NrfKK, jj2-tuth4t Comuiittee ot iliuud of Director, fT- THE EXTRA VETERAN HOCNTY V3 Vnnd Couiiuliiiou will mei-t oil MO MHAYS. WKlNfcMAV8. AUd MtlMAYri, At 3 o'clock I. M., lu r-c-lve Applk AtloUk. At o 7 tioiaivuilthi Hall. l.lllKAKT Street. luiuitdiAtely lu tbo reAr of tlie Foet Otllce. FauiI la tntereiteU will plt)Ae caU At tlit hour oulv. E. l. NAi'NhKKH, CliAlrman. FliWIN t.KKIU K, JONATHAN HULLOCK, Q. W. HlMONrt. M-4t FAI L J. F1KLD. irT FRENCH CREEK LUBRICATING V-XS OIL CO., Office No. iU WALNUT Htreet, Koom Pin 13. rHILAPKI fHIA, JV1J". The lU-Ard of Director hAve thia dr dcclurid a divi dend of one per cent,ou the CApilAl Al-tck, p Ay Able ua Anu AJier tiie mm aj oi Juiy, irte or niAie tax. The 'I rtti er BooA will be rlrnird until t he 16th fnt. JvMuthatIA W.M.M. aiMiiEltLV. HecreUry, rSft- OFFICE OF THE FRANKFORD god nuuthwerk rhiUdohdiiA Cliy Aieiier hall road Couipuiiy. HKHkH Ntreet. btdow Fourth. 4'htlAdei ptilA, July , lieeY 1'b Koard t Director hAv Uia duy dt clAred A dlvldeut ot T hreo per rent, uimn the CapltAl block ot the t ciupaiiy, nut of the MArolngt of the pi tlx Dtuiiiha, p A) able to tuu iiocinoiaera or uteir ihiTai repru eutAtlvea, cleer Ot All tAxes, on Aud After the 1Mb 14. The Tra tiller bouki will he loawd und) Isiti ttit. bUtl IKAKI-FH H. AbBOfT.HecretAry. rZfJ- OFFICE UNION FA8SENGER RAIL WJ wmy CuupAny. No. 419 W AL I T 8ireet, Jnu Id, lM The am'oiid int ulun iit of Five ItotUra on anrli aliar ol tbe ceplt al stock if tue ntnn rajtaenxer waitwav t om- I nan, will be due And DAvahl At thu utile of aald Uoia- I pauy u Aud After Jul 7,1 Ur order of Ui hord of r3 N0TTCK IfinP.RF.BT GIVEN THAT v-' ippti-t.on win tw trtAile t t e H-ierJ of fh-'il ('Nntr1'i a ftr tl e rnnl nf 8 'Hoi. WvkunT n. s., dAtnd Miirrh H, iNti. la fAvor of A htKi, th nme bAiAK ).en loait er ttoln jyiu it KI?T" DFJVr'NFS.S AND IUJNimsr 3. " - TAAfn, M D., ProtViAornf the '.re Atid Kr, treif AH dif etot AppertAlnlnir tr the AknTe-nAinrd tnTAner wtih the ii'moet ptiK't')!. TetlmNiAlA tt tn tite mmt reiiAM oiirr- n the rttv and comtrr ctn een At hi oiHrw, No. Ml PINR Airt. ArtinrlAl Kre lnertei without pain. No chA! made for examination Offlre hours fnm H to 11 A M.,y ti l F. y. No.Ml I'lNKWrwt j7-4a fJrT CORNS, BI'NIONS, INVEUTRD mV-1-' KaMa. n)Argetl Joint. And All Dlaeart of trte Feet cured wllhotit pAn or Incnvrtrilnc to the pAihtnt, hTltt 7. At 'II A HI K. A HARNKTT.Hii'Kwn OairnpodHU. Nn "'il ( HF,hm;T Nirect. Keler tw vhyiielan and Hm r of th r Uy. jdFtf MILITARY NOTICES. OFFICE CITY BOCNTY COMMISSION, N.s 4U I'Kl'SK 8:n'"t. '-S iltit'itr -Th" t'Uf lioiint of leo hntntretl ainl flHv d'H't wil' pm 1 In cA-e whrre rn.oll.d ntlncna of VlulAdflphiA In a.ivmira ot ihe ilritt, put In tlin-e yrurn' ni'iiiiiuiu ini i i!a. drn, end pun or credit U iilvnii uot Ihe iiiio:a Uieli tli-ttlttpt. It ciiirn not enrolled put tn enStttm.M, tu nSMtiv- i" letiAnit-d s a v.tlniniM'r. a'0 on a proper evi J( m c ui in bfltu; tn dit d ia t iitulf.l to tin- Tn'ii'iiy. I In- .. p.'itimlly I tiuifl ANrd'--l for i"tlni f All th rt ! lnle ptiuMirini; exvniiMlnut tor U.eiuaCivea, an 1 AMiMthft the Clt- t IUI li 'IlinlA. j) 11 HEAmjUAHTEKS FKUVUbl MARSHAL, 19 Kir-i iMitrict. l a. M Toil APVTJ'Ml , , lull. ?H, l'il. The namrn of eron r.-in.iv t-, or Ir .m thu i ' . trtrt will he Addid to or atrii'ti -ti it din t io ltt of nn. tnt-nt. t i'ptt i of th' llttit .in- open tor pn'.he inpf'ii"n, a ti.l t f v 1 1 .it: i -.ti at") All ritlt-im ero invi , t. apiM'tr t d p'Miit t nt error tn the ititt And in uch in( T'liauon aj may ad In I hi' cirr-ction and ri'Vi'Fn thereo. An p ron enroii. o nmv ai n. nr .'e Hi'1 lioenl And ri inn to have ha name ttrlrat n off the Hit If ho can l.tow uiw taetorHy that he In riot properly inroiet, on Amount of .''""'"i A(n-rfft'i,n.;f,) (Trr wjn i'vrtifintnt "ifctK'jf A romplUnce with Iho t'orfK ilnit flp(rtlotia Upameatly inhr-iitd. WM. K. I.KHWrVN, y."' if CiptAin and IT jvoit MnhaL S WANTED FOR TH K CN11KI) aSTATlTfJ UtAiine ( rpf f A vAMfd And excltlti: life by n end lAml t, thrt-e hundnM Ahlt'-iinii.-, bu n, to lH rturm tiie tlutiee of a aoldier at our Navy Tard, aud intted Htetee ahtpa f-war on fori(n etAtlon. Itrtt-r rotiii. ntiitlon thn the Army. A etilp of-warli ft comiortahie hi nie. The llarlne Corpi I Uie jinit.i'cd Corp la Ihe survive. Frlso 1 Jtiey t Ahun- THK IOCAL HOT1NT1KR PAfD TO BRnrTTH. For all oilier Information aiIv dallr At the Hi. rnHfne K"nd-xvoa, No. 811 H. FKon T Htreet. helow Upruoe, be tweu Uie boor ot uiue eud Uiru o chck. JAMK4 !,KW!H, TAptAin and KiNjrinttnK fuller, mrT,-tf Mo MlH. FHUNT dtreti. puELou.ons-ruELouons. Oflcers and soMltrl TlilMns tlia citron farlmighl, newlliif Hwon 1H, kHD -)niss MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, ark iirrnsn ti the rxtknhivr WASOt ACTUltlNIl KHTAni.I8IUIV.lrT or UKOICU JZ W. M I MONN fc llltU. SAN SOU STRKKT HALL, 8AK10M htrpot, slnra Suih. ritESK NT ATION SWORDS Ma.lo to onlPr Ktttieaburta.taotloa.wlilob forrtchnesl and tnannMlLuco clmlloiiK oum petition, nn otlmr hrniio In tha country cuniblnlni Ilia MANI KAl'TI KlMl JKtVKI.KH W1TU TUB I KAt'TICAL HWOUD MAKBK. 11 ) A T It I O T 1 C M S D A L . X hatkiotk: mk.dai.s. An arr.-piahl,, litt-rlpg tn aver latr.t. The only corn-cl ami auHiorlnil MKIlALLlUN UKKMKrlMKS on rUKSM'r.NT I.IM'OI.N, UKNEKAI. IIKOKilK WASIlIMllTON, LIKITKNANT tIKNKKAI. (1KAST, OKN'RKAI. liKOKiiF. It. .Mn'I.KI.f.A V, Mnnufartnrpit In HtcrKng Mlvrr anil t'npir and Wlilia MpUI. rlatnpla apnt hy mall ltaof rhais on nwplpl ij4" cvuta. Atlanta waulpd. K. ni'KNi'K, ll.u 'IIM I'hllartPluhla l-o.l Oill. a. Manufactured at Nn. MU AKt'll atnt. jjri-liu rj'IlK SUIJSCRIHKRS HAVK ASHOCI ATUI) 1 tlipmnalvia togi'thar under tha firm of lliM.COM, UVKKMi.N A CO., und will ci. mimic tha Oar llalldnui ItiiKlni.HN In all lis hrannlii.a, at th old aaiahluinnuut, Cutucri TWEMI riHr and IIAMILTUM NtrU. JOSKIMI It. UOI.TIO, IlkOKIIK H. IKKCMAN, Jl-lm O. W. CIIII.DH. CTTTRCKS ft FROST, No. 9 MECHANIC I. r HUi'Pt, Nawarh, N. J.. want rim-el. Asenrji In a'l parta of tha (Inllpil Htuti-a to aril Undr Patent OiiTArnnr. AddrosA a slKiva, with two and luroa ount atanipa, for circular anil tern.. Axanu clear f II) par dar. Ji 90-thlu Im g A N I T A II Y F A I 11. OIIKAPKST HUMMKK HATH IN THK CITY. 11O0BNM, W-lm No. 40 N. HIXTII Ht r.t. J AIU.OWM INDIUO JIL.UI2, l'UT l!P AT w i l t ii i; it H u it ' a lllUa HTOKE, No, N. HI1CIVI (Street, ruiLAHKi.riiiA, color sjor atcr tha.n four timet tha aamc uaiitlt of ordtuar)' liidlgo. Tba new I.ab.1 does not requlro a atamp. It ia Warranted to Give Satisfaction. It Is retailed at tha tame price at tha IinitaUoa. tat Inferior Articles. JW li TIM'nK ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE J Pit) and Counlj l.i l'h!l.l.lp Kutlce 1. haiflhl Kivfii to ah pun ten interc.tcCi tliatrKTKB C. II01.I.1H, Aelltm 'l'tuati.i ued-r t:.a laat will and toita nipi.iof 1IAIILKS IIKSKV MNII KK. deceased, hat nlud In the oltlce cl the tl, rk of ald Court Inn a.-couut it. auch tttAP.and tliat tho ,ame will he pre.cnied to the .aid Conn on the liilJi ttur w Jul, A. ll. H 1. for cn'Irnia'lou nd .lowance. WM C. Ri KVBy-KN, jcll'th-4t Clerk ul' t'ouit. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR 1 1115 City Ntld Coillitv of I'liiliulelphla. l:laleof KI.IAHKI'H W HITK. deceaied Tho Amitor apiHi.nted ti audit, !iu-,und adlmtthe flrht al:d flnalactount of I'AI'KU'K J.KVY, Kxio it ir of tho will and le.umentnf I 1.1. Hh 1 11 win i'k, do. oi-avivl, and report iliairihuilMii of the hthiuce romainiiu in hU hanoa. wl.l nieel Iheparlltn llitere-leil tor Hip pur.iopei of Ilia appointment, mi Tl ! I . July I-. A . il lv.1.41 II n i lock A.'M., at hi. mine H. K. Collier of i'lllltll and ( IIKHNI T Mir. on, I'hllade'pUia. Jem 0. W. IA VIS, Auditor. INSTATE OF SOPHIA O. HEDHlirON, J a minor. The Audllor aptKilidad ht the Orphan. Court of IheC'lty and County of Philadelphia lo udt. ule, .nd adj jhI tlio llrst and final aic.iinl of ll' r U Wll I I K. or the r state oi pit it'll I A tl. II ..UK It 'ON. a minor, and to rruort uutilbullciii.wib meet the purtlpi nrtero.ted l..r .h. urHi... of l! appalnlmei I ot, Mo.sliAV Jule II, IKM, allot, octock A. M at 1 1, No. ill IVAI.Xt.f huret, tn the City of ridlail. Ip'ila JOHN CI.AYTOV. leSO-th.tu H Au llbir. 1)LANK BOOKS AND STATIONERY. 11ANKH, HANKKItel, MKHOHaNTH, llANIIf'AO TUhKKH, KAIl.KUAII CMI AMK.1, An., Will find 11 to tlieir Inteioat to order Irotn tiie under.lnd. ltLAMK lliil'k. run it, Afn htatiovkrt, All klnda for nn.lneaa, Prof. lonal, and Private uao. t or aaJe at moUerau ariet.-. of WII.I.HM HANS, Stationer, Printer, and Plank lio .k M inutaciuror, So. alt A. f in' HI 11 stroet. Ptillailelohla. T. IM OO II I (i A IV, I ao porter and Whole.aia I icaler In FANCY ClOODS, NOTIONS, Ao. riREWORKS, FLAGS, &o, Matolioi and XlaoUln. Ko. !t 8TRAW1IKK8T gTHKKT, (First ttreet shove Kocond, between Markot and Cbtumut) myv3 tax rillUUitXi'UIA. II. D I XQW, So.'JI H. KIDIITH Street, X JiKAI.KIt IN KAS1K AMI Toil KTOOOH8, ' I'MllltKIXAS AMJ PAilAUOl.!, Fant, Head Ire.u., Frouch Jewelry, Leather Qimd. ,, ltrada.dtc., A. inylo-doi "eddino km for Tum, Mo 9 B. BKVKTH Street. MATTUFSHES, UAMIliWSES, of llatr. Palm, Kxceluor, and Hn.k. iCATIIKU htlis, IHiLHTKIIH, AI PM LOVTU, WOOD A-NU IK' IN HKHSTKAl'H, HPItlMU 11KDS AND COTS. N. B.Repairlufl and ruuovut ins attended to with ears nd deipstcu. Ko. B. htMt.NTB Street. Jt3-in (OCBTY'S TEA WAREHOUSETesTA. J buahed In Into, Importer and Dealer in i Ine Teat, Wine., and Lienors, Ctoloe liavaiia Clsara, Cio., A HlackweU't I'lckles and a so ret Enli.h and Scotuu AJe and Porter, Canned ileal! , Fraltt, Soup, Am. VaVT Umuici put up with ore, At Mo. ll . SFCONtJ Street, laielr JO.illUA U. OvUMir. DMUND A. BOUDEK, t QO., COMMISSION MEItClIANTS, AND BUIF AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK STItEKT WIIAJRK, HliLABtLfUIA. lasriiR a. aot'i'KH, AH. MIIIAI.U (i.ITV, liuiu I, ouiiim. 4-tf FINANCIAL. II JZ W XZ H A 11 A. II I. BAM EES AUD EXCHANGE BROKERS, tto. a 8. TtTIUD HTTlf.BT. Mllltl I! 8TECIE, HANK NOTES, AND 00VERN MENT SECURITIES. Rtocka ItoniM and Sold on CommlMlon. Colleotlonj tromptlj madn. an:e)'tf gTOCKHANI) KCUHITIi:sJ BOrOIIT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, DE HAVEN k BROTHER, M tf No. t) S. THIK1) STRKKT. klMITll A. UANDUItlMI, o. 10 S. THIltl) STREET, IIANKIIKS AND JiltOKl'.llS. Spci le.Rto k.,'Ju i. . na,t.' Vou.-heri and nicckl.snd A'l OoT.mmpnl pc'"lea Bonjrht and Sold, (mhli II i: I It. HTllHll cV; JO., HANK' !.KS, No. JO 8. THIRD SIitKET, nt'T an sst.r. fjni.D, RlrTKIt, AND UQVISItVMKNT 8KCt!ltITlE8. STOCKS BOl'ilHT AND SOI.O ON COMMISSION', (mhll QOJUI, ClOIi I, UOIiD, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, JoiT-lr Ko. 90 S. THIBI) 8TRKET. Q Ii A 11 K H O N A CO., HANK KltS, No. 121 a. THIRD STREET, rillLADKLI'IUA. novsrunient Sociirltle. of ail I.i.naa VnrchaHcd and for Rale. Stocks, Honda, and Uold llouirlit aud Koul on Com. nil., Ion. INTEUEST ALLOWED Olf DKPOSITS. CoUoctlotu Promptly Made. feS tf gl! V11NTH NATIONAL BANK, INo. MAltlUjT- HTItKET, (CORNF.S OF STRAWllKRJtr.) Capital $125,000. To be Increased to $500,000. DIItKOTOIlH. 1IENHT Q. MORRIS, of Morris, Ta.ktr Co., Pa.eal Iron Work.. Fifth and Taaker.ta. CHAItLKS fl. CI.08K, of ClOM At Ne.blt. BuUdort, No. Mo. 331 Reed itroot. JAMES M. PRESTOK. Manulaoturtr of Woolen Ooodt, Manajrtink. t. A. WATF.K8, of J. A, waters A Co., Wholesale Uroi ert, Mo. 1JJ Markot alraet, R. B. COI'OIII.IN, UeaJ Batata, Mo, bUi X. Tlilrteenth alraet. WM. P. CLYDE, Agent Pulled, aid Few Tork fctpreK ti. It. Co., Mo. It H. Delaware Are. OKOUIIK Tf. Illl.L,, Manufacturer ol Oarpetlnst, Mo. IM M.Tklrd .In et. J. W. SOUDElt, Whole.ata Bonta and Hltoet, No. .V Market atreeu J. Z. DBOAVEH, Importer efWIue., Brandlel, Ao., Not. 30 and ii ti. Delaware Ateuut. ThU Bank having been duly anthnrtsod to ooramenr bualnoaa under the Matlonsl Currenoy Act, li now pre pared to receive DKPOHITS, make Ooler.:!otu, and trant actaOeneral BANKING BUSINKS. Illacount da1 ou TLKSDAY aud FRIDAY or each wee. J. 7.. DMIAVKN, President. K. H. IIAIjT,, Oiuhler. Iuilaoku-hia, June ;t0, loot. Je.ld-lm N JliW JL.UAN. IN 1ZW JUOAPf. U. S. 10-40 JAV C'OOltlJ A CO., OT! Kit KIR BAI.K THIS NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, ItKAKINO FIVPJ THR CKNT. INTKRKST IN COIN, redeeinahle any time afler TI N Y KARS, at the plea.ur of tha tiuvcrmuent, and payable FORTY IK Alt after data. lioril COUI't'N AND ItKIIISTKRRD BONUS an I. .ued tbr thl. Loan, of mm. denuaiiiiaUoa at tha fr-sO'a. The Intercut on's and tKOa payable yearly; on nl denomination., hull je.rly. Tht 10 d bouds art d. ted March I, w4. The hair yearly Intereat f.liirui dun BeptcBher 1st and M.rch l.t of each year; utitli l.t Sep teu.ber. the accrued intereat frotu let of March it re.ulrc4 to be pnld hy pnrohaaert In outs ur In lkuai. cuitHasor, addlns fifty er tent, tor prennutn. until further notl.'O. AI.LOTIIKlt OUVKKNUKNT StitTIRITIKS UuU'illT AMD 801. D. JAY OOOKE & 00., Uil.-H tf ho. lit S. TU1KD bTKKKT. Q V 11. "if ntu T-a mi... a to met, ja 'MM- W.I. A ! CI.VTOMKHI ThMf Cruichcs huve tUxtu Tub ivrvM tlie ut,aiA)kmr a -w-fl -l riatic anrtfort t. ih vm enHhiiuif the wcsirtir tn wai: wtii, ootutart rhan oa bt dfitvttai from miy otliT iruti ti Tlie ti m mvt j to t fti'tlivd lo -y ornw- ii. Patent! iNwutbsir, Ha. J. HAliTUAu' PUILAUKIdnilA KUIUiKOANS llAVIlAllll' I fcl I I I'PIf tel.. tA AJ--AS. KIN 111 Blfet-fi. aiiovti Murktft. HiKum ri.tlH4iHyciiri-4 by H. C. KVKKKir.H Pretnliia patent 4)riiilut)iiK rrwmtire Triiui. riupt-rlor KiAttttO BalU. KiHnttiv Hioc-u k. Hui'inrteri, HtmuiUer liru, Kasuea uni'si, CtuictuB, Ac. mjr-ljr TRUSSES, BRACKS. Ac, ikllf.i'l) ..I n.lod hyc II. NKP.DLKS.eor. of I WKI.rTII end U.i H Htreela. Ladle' llenattuent lor aeiuo, onducted hy ladle. TWlLl.r I li Street, first oor below Itaoa. The nio.t complete and fened .uh- un hand, confuting. In pftrt, of Tru.Hei, Supporter., Shoulder itrecoi, Hanilaue., Elastic StocfciiiKt, Syrlnset, Article, for Miiraery.riick Room. Ao elu tin a1 II E A R T I F I C I A L HAN V. II. A. till uka. Inventor and Mnnulacturer of tht A It T I K 1 L I A 1, A 11 Af, Approved and adopted HT THK 8lRIKl)N-liKHEHAl. OK THR UNITED 8TATK3, for Holdlera, Ila. permAnently located hi. oitice and Kacterv at No. 31H H. H . I in Ii ntre.t, all door, below bpruce, Phlutda. je J.;.in VEW COMPANIES FORM IN Q CAM BB A. mivipv CkJITltK A IKS OF STOCK, lHAJISfKH HOOKS. SlUVkv LKDOFRS, Clim K8, NOTES. DRAFTS, And every variety of Aeooujit ilvoka aud butioaery, oft reasonable terms, at wn.i.iAsi MArs, Stationer, Printer, and Blank Itook Mauixacturef, Ku.taS.FOtJHTM Suree, apW-3m PtiUauelpMA. C OLD'8 IMPROVED STEAM AND WATER T I1KA1TNH APPARATUS. I or Wannliujaud VentlUtlas Pebiio Bulldlnis and Pri vate Ueauleucea. Mannfaetnred hr the fMtON bTEAM AND WATKB HRATINO COMTAXI OF PlllLAiltLITll A. JAM KS P. WI)OD, No. tl S MHIRTII Street. ohJO-Sra B. M. FKLTWKJM Superintendent. WKirrEN AND VERBAL DESUttir. tloneof Character, UenautuuMi, aad Talent. wHa Advleeon liuxneaa. aoaia, EdueaUoa, Self-iaa. Kovemeiit, atauaKement, and Tiainiua at tlUiKKII. Social Adeotellon. At- oay and tvev kAos.kj JotiN L. CAPKN. Ftirenokmietano A.ok'nJlev, trlS-eeS at StatsS, at aeAwaaiwe, - TTMR'9 NOBLSST OPT- Serlnt t, rhe laef." a mt Kf.wiNn mwin!. Tb wAlir.NrR HKWIN i.'IIIim eomrnne, .11 'lu, .rfvaatee-M ef MM otkar flretla.. tn.pMT and suspassv.h ai l rmtRIM fhe ilmpuclty, piaoueaotity, and reliability. Iheea Maebfne.. on aremtnt of Iketr nkeanneM and tlaa pllrlly. are Uit uustt valuable and aeetrabie maebjitat in the market are Invited tn tsaraln tkit new RewteeT STseetr... before pnrrh..lns. OKKIlK Ol " WAl.Jl.StR SalWIN'T MsCnt-l, NINTH Street. Jelt t Vnder the ttontlaeniai IHwL KI.AHTIO HTITOH H K W I N O , M AC II I N K H, TUB l.KHT lit UHR. -.pW No. 7.U) CTIKHN1JT Htrwt, WAaNTKD TO HI IX Oil KXC11ANUE. 1 1 KDlpite Miewt'itT M Mno. Th tin r th bftrvw &irw hin, The Hn f r 1, Anil all the prtn. ipul Ho win ltUrhiuet. AU fttrriUhed Horn their inntitsi riUren. Ai. ml ktntU nf Nr.. ,nni Hnd Itftohlnea.lbr ffivlt tod It l palied t.t Uie m w otP-e nf Nt I its ti. KlilllTJl Htriwt, (Over tea ywt with tinker a tW ) Idlei UttftM to oiru. jel itm r-i (iUKATKST IMTItOVEMENT II f I "M YK un Tvi'iiTivr.iJ 0VKRSTRrwi piANim, A knowlfiltrtNl hv the leA iuib artisti nj In loneJ hy the 31 tl ol rul'tlf to ! thi tlnet ritma 111 A norlrv 1 lie n'tftttl.n of the Muili i la Ho In mlltMl tti thr rftcont frent tm'TOTfniMil In iheie r.anu fortie. Hy a imv li ettn'tl i,f ctia-tmclitMi, the tnaliMt poiklMe voiitme nf totit-hRk len b Aint tl, wltixkni eny tit U vtnnej iml trriilit-n. t (t r bl h tlie rhnm ro n rkb'ittHl In inn h it. ui tl hirh. with an Imprvvtd ToHuti aatl Actk d. rfptler ib-in ( nrnualle-l. Tl e It Hiruntpnu nct hTfl the I'KI.K MP. DAL a tht W .rU1 l-atr, lion in I. jikI. m. ai tvitl an tlie III!.-! A nnU nviT all rtmtttor, trom ilte(ut fcair And la tllulft In thin txr inrv. Wararvunie,ANo. 7ii AK( II Htreot.belnw Ktifh-h, Jol7 lna I'lillatie plus. 1TK"H OOTTAOU OIUJANS, Not only rNRXl'F.I.I.FD hnt t'NF.ClUAt.t.r.D tn eertty Of Tntie and Ivwer, de.biBed enpectaily for t'aureho. and Si hool.. hut h and to he e.ti.lly veil adaplod 10 tuefarior aud Draw UMt kWou. For .ale only by K. M. BRCCr!. Mo. IS N. SKVKHTM Street. Alsn, a enmnleta aaaortnient of tite Ferfeet Meioileoa aonatautly on hand. nuly-Jn. II IJ N 11 Y II AHr.KH, IiRAI.SR IN WATCH KS, JKWKLKY, BILVES AND PLATED WARE, No, SUO A lit: 1 1 Htreot. AMERICAN WATCH CO.'S. F. HOWARD Al GOVS, AND RKr-DS I'aTKNT WATCHKS. AO klnda of Silver Ware made In Uie Factory adjoining tha Stote. JeS-la Qa W. SIMONS & BROTHER, BAN BOM STRKF.T HALL, FIIILADEU'DIA, aCANUFACTVltKBS OF JKWKLKY, FINE SYVOKDH auk llat-tf M1UTAKT OOOim IN F.TF.BT YARIRTT. JA H K H 11 A 11 11 li U ' H WlhilMeALS AMI nxTAIL CLOCK KHTAULIHIIMKNT, B. K. comer SECOND and ClIBSSUT Streets, i'hilad'a. anssor von tks fatknt KQUAI.l.INO TIIIBTT DAT CLOCKS, A very dralrable artlole for ChurcliM, Hole!., Banks, Countllis-llon,, Pallor., Ac. Alto, MAMiKAf TUItKR OF FINE (101.D FKH8. CUM KS ItEI'AIIIKD AND WAKKANIhD. JalB-ly CkcAlflmniUist of every doeorlption. JOHN 8. WILSON, IMPORTER AND dealer in WATCHES, Fine JBWEUiY, and niana faetaiar of HII.VKR WAIIB, No. lit N. NINTH Street, above Areh.Phltedelnhla. The Ulshe.t nnce vald lor old Sliver. tn7 Uyll 'M- A GRAY. N. P.. CORNER OP SIXTH II and MINOR Streeta, buy. Dlauonda, Watohet, Uold, Sliver, and Loan Tieketa. TllOflK LN WAST OF MONET, CA1X. AU kuitaee. aonfldtntlal. ntylSJal pOR THE ARMY AND NAVY. EVANH Ac II AHHALL, MILITARY FUKNIHLTKUS, ' No. 418 A HOU STKIiKT, PIllLADEl.l'IHA. Bannera, Basiraenlal and Company Flags, Swords. Saakee, Belts, Peasants, Epanleta, liats. Gape, Canteens,, Camp Kite, Field Ulaana, ftpura, and avnry Uifnf pertainlnf to tna oomplett oatfit of Amy and Navy Oftlcera. A liberal dl.oount allowed to tht trade. mylO-Sm PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. FIiAOHi BANNERS AND TRANSPARENCIES. WSI, IT. HCIIX:iltI13, No. 49 S. THIRD STREET. Above Che.nnt, rhlladelpula. MANUFACTURER OF FLA OH, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIKS, AND LANTERNS. Political Campaign Club, lilted ont with Lanterns. Sadsea, Banners, and FIk al reaaonable rate.. JeS Hot F I, A tt HI UUNTINO l'LAGH, OF HUI'F.UIOU QUA LIT T, H I I. K l" I, A S, OF Bt'lXIIIOB (JIIALITT. M II S I, I N ' F LA O S, OF Slil'KUIOB QUALITY. ettufie,, ' I lalllards, IMilleytt, cteo. Whole.aia said Retail, at W. H. HORSTMANN & 80R3, soylt af I IK HI and CUI.lRT Streets. J. II. I'ONTB 11. AWN1NO MAKKlt, No. 4.13 IN. Tlllltl. Htrooti ABOVF. WILLOW. fcSTAHLIHIIKU 1844. AWNINUS, WAIWN COVF.RS, FIJIOB. BAILS, TENTS, FANCT VFJtANTJAIIS FOB WINDOWS. AS klnda a work Sons promptly, and attended t per touaiJy, bj JOBKPH II. FOSTER, NO. 43 N. THIRD STREET, ap'XMim Above wuiow. pA-INTINOII 1'AINTINUII So. 17 8. THIRD STREET, AB0V1 CnESNUT, PklladMpala. FAIIY A liUOTIIEIt, nOt'BK, BIOI, AVaD OBJfAJaLKNTAX PAJNTEJIAV eratatnt, OUxlnf, OUdlof n Olaat, Kalsamjnlnf , Paper Tarmlalilna, eVe. ant at jR TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. Em& rut undenlimed havlni leaned the SfcNSlNU TvH SCKBW DOCK, liege te taAra b fienus aad ike J. .irons of Uie Hock Uutt be It prepared with lnereaeed aeAUUee to aoeoainiodaie I bo, h.vlus veeeel. to be raleed or repaued, and beln( a prandial tldp-earpentar and raeiker, will five pereoaal atwiulon la aA veaeela antra .tea to biaa for repair.. Capiaina or Ajimte. Skip Carptnttrt and fcavlna ve.Ml. k refelr, are eoUulUMl to oell. Hevlnp Uie nwf for the .ale of " Wetteratedtt' Pa heat BtelaUK OaMonn, or Copper Faint, Sor tue preeervn tk.n of V..U.1. buiioni., ftr tun city, I am prep tied at-uiak tut taaat on faverabtt torma, john r. HAWvrrr, keneuittea More In,. a, aakll-W PU wart aieerue, alwve Laaielaueet, PROPOSAL O I PICK fOMMlSHARTOFSl Mo. . WALXlll II tree. PnTt.Armi.rwt Seaied rrnpa.ala. h Aeplfceate. will be re. nSlee until It e'eleek. A. at. on SArUltllAVI (i tnnnnhUw eNj rletrverntff tn Ihe remnp.Hiyl'jiS A piait,ara omrwi m ie tkim j of toil eit lUrel ri-BjireO by th-m iVef tlx imnTht. Trllh i n ol cm ttnetiir lor w w t Uw opUOst , ' con'nen-tfia- Aurnst I,!.!. H'HsN-r iim he kiirtvf mm th ineet faHe'iK Wflirt If w MM than irt proni frrnM wenrtii dt Itvertu Ui tuiartere welalubw nX Uien VA Uve neJti U b ct efT a t'v tVenb wertAttDraJ ! wk Xbr brrajit tTrrnmeii 6Vwn : Hrw ahenkiof ihiAro om it, h rut off fhar Inoli above ttte knee end nf h'nd qttarTere ettvlit iBf'tra arwvre tlie rnmhr or hren. . t at. had lr tn he fnrnUUl to ejal iKTiHUoeii eC enti html iiiariftT'. m l, tiv-.ler to niceJ- t be m4 In luch quutltle M 1 iri) te i rtir d 1 Ibf oiannaIli.etefi.Oxe,CV.Wi,a5HWtrHrtl be ri)t ctart, 7 be Qt Weiy (every rlar, If neoeoaarr) of but qnantlUoc winch may u. trivrmt, wtij bo rnrinle11n fva price per Iouim1 aM- inm in tril. prilr, tal. and Ihe rteiirerte roast -e le at any jia w.ikfi ainl ,y tfifa oHKwi, wlUin twmiy n.l leant t-i'tit.aiiaaiiyhoardeai(f;iialel bj Uie co nianoirtir ft ttroi in, tM,rriv.k(,4 ,M,taI. or otanr piawwhfMelin.a, ae riM. All ,irh H-Hrri to k-e ina1e at the t-l euae ni th- r.mtractor, tna feef at alV tm- t. be ui.jct tn lhetuT,llfcm nwtiiouof uarof. ier'y a point d (nn-e nr. ' Nn hid from dlsmyal rartlea, f,T fmnj nmr nof ooa tiered !(""-1 b.r , will b- r..nWtid, RTvl 9n,b hid mt Ih a.-rou.patilsMl Uy tue Kuaraoie af . tdj.iHMw.ble bar oiii.aa tirllowa 1 rtRM OF flT'AKAVTV.1!. We. Ihe onderilunt-", ol Ihe eity of fMyuUetpMa, fltate Ht Ttinvlvanla, no hT'be vnarantce iha( wm f X , Uie n fjulrt tiH mi of ti.ia tnir)i-t.aa noectnl tathe airot pnvini a'litifmetii ; attd (hnt wa, in Uie evooiof u r btrttrt lx-ini awarded to him, will enter good an ft tatyt. i!t nt es'()tt In u na of (9il,i,r y tefiy Uioaiaad tfkat lam im Ihe f. it him perfttrniafit-a of ih name. Khi h hid muii b arconian'ei hy aha oath of atteefteea Ot tie prl'i Ipaie anil Uie iruMratiUira, aud uui, bare cy ot ti l a Ivrrt empfit attached. 1 hf ni men or all partira partirlnaMnf in tha pmta aal muiit oe affixed t tlia aaioe, amt no peraia will ta ailomid to I a rui out or underlet an portiua vt llal ai-pp'y. No bid from prt1fi nnt rejmtSr'T la tha baalneaf wM le rrnlderi'l. ami penile hlddinR will be required lm late wlt-rt they intend iauaUtailuc tba baa rropjee4 ti te ill irr'd. Tf tit Vftt.i:irn' recrvei the ri(r to annul the ttaV ttart at anr ttma. ahoiiid It not prove satntactorr AH hrV oi an Intt rior ijualltr to that aHpiiUted tm tt i-(t.-mfmrnt wtll be retfcterl, and a coiTMpondlna; iiinnttty purclmaed at market ratea and flltarged ta Uiaa oonTatior. to be andoraad 'Tropoaali for fraah bee and uJiectcd tu ?AA0 A. WfWIITf. jy t'.t CeptalD and C. d. V oW. SUBSIST KNCK OFFICE, UNITED 8TATH3 Army, o. BOU'J H Ntreat, Ha i. rmoii, Mr.. Jane M. Reeled ffTrryoaale, in tiufit, wtu be resetted at that office atiiii U Jkt.,in WK1SKM.AV, July U, l,(r rar nintiini the Uulied tttntca Hubtlitenea lMpartmeat w nb MI K TnoURANl f00) nCAD Of BKRF OAT Tl.K on Uta hot. I, ditllvared at tha HUte CattJa ftoalee, aft ltnlt)nuie, aid.. In lot of lnot) ono ti.oimaud aaoli every (It ) in da . to be eithed within one and a baff dayi alar arrival, at the expertae nf tba contractor, Thev aut aNerike atout ( I Jt -u thlrtaea hu mired ponnda ru weiubt; nl laUlnff elKxrt ( (l'rtt) iiiie thousand pmada unaa waiabta HnU,, Oaen, Cow a, Uaifera, a4 llornlsfM Caitle will be rji otod. A dtaucironoften (lot pnundawin ba made from tha net, bi uf aaub Hter aoeipt.d under thla oontxaeu pro Ylded Uie animal doen aot tent) tn the peua two and oaa heli i our bedtrn bulng wetKhed, or It not weighed Imtnt iltately alter rftmjvai I row Ihe can. Itlaiik rotrut lor propuoaJa can be had on appllea tii'ii at Uili oUIca, ei liter la oereoa.or by mail, or tatVa fcreph The Oovarnment will claim tba rlrht of welchlnf a ay tna anmal ne pa rate. It Ita appearance tndicatea leas wellit the nilnmiam iiieiHloDed above; Uw ex pen ae of welching will be ald by UiapArtjr erring In Jud aient. r.anh hid, tn a ecu re noniHeratlnn, mud oontafa tl wrtiteti guaratitea of two roepouelble person , at M UiWi : r, a , of ibe County of State) of , do herebw miaranie that la (or are) able to fulfil a omitreot fat avo-ntaiice with Um lermi f hit (r (heir) prolUms and ibtMild hit (or their) prupua.Uoo be accented, he (ua lliy will at once ent-r iittu a contract in acrdAUia th-rrwlth, and wa are prepared to haenrne hATC a 'bs gtlntr rof'd and mi m clent btmiUfor Ita fiilfllmi The refMtiaibJlt of tha gaarantora muit lT I T theoltlcial ceriittrateof the i'lerfc of the naraa, ifArt! routteoritf the United Slaiee Ulatriot AUornev, iL" eai ciord with the bid. ' - niti.tT niiiot be present tn respond to thar bla anal prepared to tflva bonds and altfa the oontract bafura laar it tl a vflrm. 1 he tkrv-rnmenl resenaa to Itself tha right to reject buy or all bida cofiflidrrid unn-axnnable l a met.ts lo be made attar each delivery la inch farvdai as mav be on band; If none on band, to ba DutdaM aoua) aa rvoetva-l. rioiHi-alsmust he endorsed distinctly PRO 10941,9 Fdh to kc C'A ITLK,' and addree-ed ta HaptaJaJ. U. (fVII.M A N , O. H. Hat more. Maryland. If a bid la In tha name tra flnn, Uielr namaa and thatr rx at urtice address nust appear, or they will not bo cuav sitli red. K h peraon or every member of a firm a pra- tonal nm t accompany It with an oath of allfffiaace to the, itit'd Hiatus isuverniueut if ha haa not alroady Hied ooa al this nrhoe. AH biftmot complying tirictlf wh tht fcrww a tkit aV rrv-fisfmefii tttli be rrtetUti. J. H. OIL MA. IcTO lit Captain and 0. SM U. S. A. 1 BLACKSMITHS AND WHEEL WHI01IT3 .ii Wanted. Cmar QrarrraaMAanta'a Omci, Washington 1kjot, WAniumiToM, I). C . July 4, 14- Wanted at once, to work In Oovernment Kepatr Sbopa, Qiia(tcrtiiaicr s lepatinent. Iepot of WashinirwHi, Onm Hui. died not.) Rrod Hl.At HHMlTUf and Oue Uatulredl (lte fOi.ii WIIKki.WblUlUH. 'Jhetiay per nionih wltlbaHUty Pollara (PWl with on (1) ration ir dev. and topltAl piivlteue when tie. Apply tnOaptalnCHAKLKH if. TOMPKIHH. A. g. af.. Iiuittd Htaiea Ai-uiy.ooinar Tweatj-aaoood ana U atrseta V aatiliigtoUt 1 C. i. it. Rirr?iceit, Hrlgadter-flenerml and Chief gaarterrnaaiar. It4 )At lMpartuiant f Waab-lnjibm. A It MY CLOTHING ANT) EQUIP AO B Orticc rHTi ADKintiA, Jnly, MM. H rated Proposals will ba received at tbla rtloe untfl TI'IlHDAV, tin-liih Instant at la o clock M., for supply the Ini ltd (States. dt'llv rabla at Uio tttUuj Ul Axa n al il e ff-Jniw I un ai tick's, la Iirum bnarfu, aeta Anny Hiamlard. l.lack I'ant lluoklea. Army Han UriL lerc Wrxtlh-n. dark hi ur Kiannl, Indltro wool-dyee wt-Ubluti&oa cr lo ox to or A -4 width, tor Uloaaea ac ark l i ata, Army Mandard. 'Die Army Mandard samp ltd of each of the nbnvt artt-r'e-i can be seen at this oitlca, to which deliveries niaaak itrititip conform. liHiilers muNt state In their proposals the prioe, whtesi tstiMt be iiiven lu urutntj aa wall as in lUuraa. tka quai tiiy and time of delivery. Vacli bid must be Kuarauteed by two responalbta per ftona, wtiosf slfriiatures must be appended to ibe fuaraa tt. aud where the Itldil-r antl iuata'ttoit are rm koow at this orbce to be rewpoualble mtn, they muat be eenlui lo as biuH such, by owe public fuuctlunary of Uta Uttitasl btaoa bios frwmdefaaHlturcomraetor, and thoaa that do net fully com;y utth fie rtHirernefii of this adrextlaeauoa. w Ul not be consideriHi. Itiank forms oi proposals can ba had upon apnhoaHoai at this ontce, and bids must ba oudorsed wtti. the ueoaa of the articl or artlcica bid fer. Q. U. CKOHHAH, bg-ftt A.Q.M.Oenl U. B. Arrny AttSIbTANT QUAUTEUMaVSTER-OEaVB. ml a ottioe. PHiLAAKi.rHiA., July , lMaM. Mealed rropoaals will ha rsoelved at this otHee onttl Ho crock hi., on WKL-NK8DAY, the Uth Itiaumt, Iter ennstrm tm Mlll.ary rarrarks for the use of tlia UatUd) Htalt s cn a lot ot land, containing about 67 aorea, ihn pit prrty ol Mr. Jne h Klrknar, aud situated on the) weM hank ol UteHchuylkUl lirer, a abort distanoo below MrthK Mill. 1'lans ai d apectflcatlona of the bulldlvrs and their aa puit OHtm'a aii Im' etn at ihe office of Jnhn Mc Arthur Jr , Arihitftrt, where auy iurtour luforuiatlon reuire-a w Mile itivm. Hiddt-r must staia tha shortest lima required to ooesV ploie tlie work. Au ( etH-iirlty will ba ra julred, and no hid rsoervesl frnm a . anltiiuf e i. tractor. li) oroer ol Cokjtiel U. 11. Crossinaa. AssliUnt Quarter niasttr tit misl. ALHKKT fl. AHMKAD. J)fi U Caiilaln and assistant Quanerinaatar. Wil'O 0 WEIGHT & EIDDALL No. 119 Market Street nTWkKN FBONT AND HECON1) STKKRTS. v. . watuHi. r. h. aiiAu DUUG018TS, PHYSICIANS, AND (ttM'.KAL STOBKKKBI'ERS, Can OnJatoui natabllalimeutafulla-aurtmantof ImnorteS and ltomp.tlc Drusa, Fopular Fatent atedtetnet, Painta, Oil, (iu.t I'reterliitioa Vlala, , at at beer prtcee aj tjenulue flrat-eUa. rood, can be soli. FINK EHHKNTIAI. MILS For(V.nrt tloner.,ln Full variety, and of tha teat qnaStx. Cochineal, lteiiftal Indigo, Madder, I'ot Aah, C Ibeer, Soda Ah, Alum, Oil of VI rlol, Annatto,Oiiperat,Bxtraat of Loswuod, Ac, FOB DYF.KS' uae, alwaj. an baud, a4 kiweat net cash prices. J'l UE BF1CE8 FOB FAMILT USE, Ground eipranly for out talet, aud to wnloh w. tnvltttnel attanttoa ot tkoee in w ant of raUaolt artlu lee. Alao, ISD1U0, STARCH, M l'UT AMD, et tlfr limluy. Orders bj null, or tltF Poet, wlfl meet wtta prompt at teutioo.orapvalal ctuotatlont will be furulaked wUea ra tiawtcd. WBlQHT A BIDDALI,,' Wboie.a't Urai Warenouaa, Ja4M7 No. 11 KAJtKST Streut, above Front. Ci E O B O E W. ft T. V O I Q T ' 8 F Ot.ASH WARRMOVSK, Mot. 1W1 aud.riHUUANI 11 Htreet. Clan.ware Sir Uutela aud Kealatuaaia, Ooiiieotinfpiea, Fvrtuaier., aad LrugsUla. JU.U, tue laxgeat acMirtment of t.LABH MILAI1ES for Wax, Faruarkit, Clonk., eve. FotkuoounU Taeem aad Card Heoalvers. ef-laa JJENU Y H X M O N Ha TJNTTED STATES NATION Al, WAGON AUD C0A0H W0EZB. Olfioes No. 631 NtW MABKKT Btaetasaa And Factory, eoner af SECOND AMD CVMBESXaJTD STXESTS, rniLADUt I BBS Al antl rrary ttlavl WA..i', t'AklS), DAT ATS, WHEWtSAr. aad Tl fcl UUt HlLt-S, aJeied b Ajmr . Awed, e. f"ie.i..i- fmm. Au wirt wanaiuvi. trim satwaf aime as. ' I"1