TDK DAHjY EVENING TELEGHATO. PIIIIjADELPniA, TTTOIISDAT, JULY 7, 18C1. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. Trie Two Cam Tn Oorr, or TwaiTa Carre rn ITasi, sTt to tk Carrier, and asalled to KubttrtMn Martha OH at lix IKiuam fee axsaai Owa Doua os Tvo Koirras, tavarlaair la idTuM r lae patio .TdVnsl. Arties Its .uianta tnearteo- M M uul rare. A liberal mntaiBWit snade Itor axtaooa' touwtfoaa. aettoe rave be taken of "rmM' -ommrmlatima. tkuant j lr.ten.W4 or kit""" m.iat be .nhf nilci. l bT Use naeee and KUrw af law wrtUr not naonasarllr l.r piibiicat'on. but a. a rarat. VKv4 faith. VYecan hoi iMeOertaao to rewira rejeoted Coraraualeatioiia. T ATrliMrm. Owlnir w the fr tnTaee In the Clrralnrlnn of Tna TBvrlsTsisrw,enmcllins na tn to tn pre. at an arlr rwwir, we re;enU reiiet that aitv.rflsnni.tits may be handed tn aa anon a. ten o aWck( r possible, ui secure taeas aa toeartloa la all of oar adluona. TnUKRDAT, JULY 7, 1SV. en all TOI.rSfTF.KR, OH UK IRAFTKDT There will undoubtedly be a now call mvJn ly the President for more soldier, i'he war la not yet ended, and la not ll'-tMy to bo with the present force In the Sold. Grant U still lighting his way to TJchmond, Shkiiman It yet confronting the Rebel arm Tin Georgia, and a (6rtnld'lle detachment of Lep.'h troops la making a sort of foraging excursion Into the Cumberland Valley. This la a state or affairs that demands more troops on our sidn to finish up the Rebellion within a reasonable period. Congrees has recently amended the Enrol ment law In such particulars as will rendor a draft under It much more effectual than here tofore, and the Executive, under the pressure Of necessity and tn default of any alternative, will most certainly order a conscription. But Mr. Lincoln would much prefer getting reinforcements for the army by any other than coercive measures. He knows and feels pain- fully the Jealousy with which the people everywhere regard forced military service, and he would not. If he could possibly avoid It consistently with bis solemn official duty, resort to that mode of repluting the thinned ranks of the national army. But what else can be do In his difficult and trying situation, unless the people come to his relief? They would not have blm now give up a contest that has been prosecuted for three years and a half, has cost so vast an outlay of blood and treasure, and which seems to be so near a sue cesttful conclusion. Is there then no alternative to a draft? Can the Government not get the troops It needs at this most Interesting and critical period of the -Tar, afithout drawing lota for them and then drivtog them Into service by military compul sion t It certainly la not creditable to our national character to hare the President con Strained by sheer necessity to drag mea from their homes and business, to defend them selves and their possessions against a Rebel lion which threatens to destroy the Govern ment, and with It all that every cltizou enjoys through and under its protection. Drafts are not only obnoxious to popular feeling or prejudice, and dishonorable to the nation, but they have proved sadly inefficient. They raise but few men in proportion to those enrolled and drawn, while those who are actually mustered Into the service go most unwillingly Into the field, and lack all the Inspiration of a cause In which men freely enlist. Hence the drafted men have never proved of much value In the army, and are not desirable. But they must be taken for what they are worth, If recruits can be ob- . tained In no other manner. I Philadelphia at least may relieve herself from the next draft by timely efforts to suojiro Toluntoera to fill her quota. Some wards have already furnished troops enough to exempt them from the next call for three hun dred thousand men. They are credited with a surplus on previous calls sufficient to cover ' their quota on that which Is impending. And what one or two wards have done by the energetic exertions of committees of their citizens, all may do within a brief period of time, It the right efforts are promptly made. Let the work, then, be begun at once. Time just now la Important, and success In so good and neceesary a matter should not be Jeopard ized by delay. The advantages of volunteering over a draft are very succinctly stated by Mr. Wilson, in some remarks made upon the aubject in the United States Senate, lie gives the re suit of a draft for twenty-eight thousand men, In what State la not mentioned, but the figures are supposed to. indicate general averages throughout the Union. Of tho twen-tr-elght thousand, fifteen thousand men were held to service, thirteen thousand were causes specified lu the law. showing that exempted for The remaining fifteen thousand were thus disposed of: eight thousand four hundred paid commu tation money, three thousand furnished substitutes, and four thousand four hun dred were held to service. But of this lat ter number, in consequence of the time lor preventing themselves for service not hav ing expired, It was supposed that some might present substitutes and others pay commutation. The number of those could only be estimated, and the result of a draft lor 14J0OO men was taken as a guide. Of that number but 1200 or 1300 presented them Selves, and from 151)0 to 1300 of tho number had obtained substitutes. On this ratio Mr. Wilhow supposed that out of the 23,000 drafted, probably not more than 2000 or 2708 would report for duty, and with the 3003 who had fumiahed substitutes, the whole number of men obtained out of the 23,000 called for would be about 6700 men. TIIK WAWT OF I-4 HO II. We flUted yesterday ia our local col a in a tit Mr.SiNCLAiB, of Edinburgh, Scotland, and who has for ome time past boen con nected with A movement to facilitate the ImmlgraUoD to the Uulted States of persons n the other tide of the water who are denl to come here, had au Interview on the . inject with the Board of Trade. It Is to be bopwi th, h will be given by our citizens and OovbnuoMiii every poaalble aid and en couragenTit u v Important work, and we are glt-4 to learn ihu conveyi on his return to BcoUaod ordwi w ,wQ number of akllled workmen. W art greaUy In need or Uborers In this country. Wa nevar have ai any time, and tinea the war has mA -q a drain on tha stock of worklngmea va lfcre H began, there U a prcuing and ttautly growing necessity to make op tbe ficlency at kiast. The men we bave lost from . tha Various walks and departments of labor tave teen turned Into soldiers, who require a larg. amount of all sorts of provisions, (aol Hoom. dotblng, and so forth, to maintain litem In their new service, while they can do nothing IWnaelveS to create lha suppUo they require. 7nu wt tuft lrgJj Increased tha claA. of consumers whlls diminishing the producing I class. This Is one reason why the prices of all the necessaries of life bave risen so enor mously within the last two years, and unless something Is speedily and effectually done to angment production In proportion to the en larged demand for food, clothing, and the like, the cost of everything of the kind must still go on advancing indefinitely. There is, then, an urgent occasion to multi ply the number of our producing population, by which means we shall be able In time to prepcrly equalize again the supply and d manti of all the necessary products of art and Industry. Within tho lost two years foreign Immigra tion to this country has been quite large, and yet the Influx of people from Europe, great as It has been, hits hardly mado a sensible Impres sion on tho labor market. Men in all depart ments of work are exceedingly scarce, anil wages have mounted to unprecedented rates. Iloth public and prlvato Improvements have beer aerbusly delayed for want of mechanics, and even the lowest grade of working men, while in various parts of the North the agricul tural interest has suffered and Is yet suffering to a most distressing degree for the lack of hands to till the soil and gather the crops. It was lately announced by the Ohio ltatr man, that there are two thousand farms and two thousund seven hundred wheat fields In Ohio al'ne. left without a man to attend to thcml This statement, wo think, is extrava gant; but we doubt not that there Is more truth than poetry In It after all. And tho dearth of labor In the Cirraltig districts of j Ohio is probably experienced in all the Northern States. Hence It Is of vital Import ance to ourGov niujeutauil people that every practicable stimulus to immigration should be promptly put In'operatlon. It is on produc tive power applied in the development of our vast materiaA' resources that tho National Treasury uidst depend for a lurgo part of its Internal revenue, while the ability of tho preserve a cer tain relation to the Industrial prosperity of every community and class. Let us, there fore, do all we properly can to stimulate immi gration. CITY INTELLIGENCE. An Intkrfstino Mfftino. A meeting of tho Committee on Labor, Income, and llevenuc, of the late Sanitary Fair, was held t the Hoard of Trade room yesterdsy afternoon. The meeting, it was intended, should be a final one, but so many mutters are ct to be adjusted, and sub scriptions yet to be received, that it was judged best to hold a meeting at another time, subject to the call of the nflicvrs. Tho renorts of the various committed! were submitted, nnd it was stilted by Mr. II ind, chair man, that the total proceeds ot the Kair, through this committee, uau aire iuy rencneu annul i jo, m. l'otuvillc had contributed $10,.VI0; Uerki county about 90,001), and Scranton $10,700. The r ire Department, which It is understood win re port 'brougb this committee, will furnish about $15,000 as their share of the good work. Before the ad inurnment or the meeting, Mr. M. J. Mite he- son uttered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted : Knolttil, That tha Drnartment nf "Laor, Ineoma, and ltfvanua" ol trie Urat iemrai Fair for tna Uiuttil Htntra Httnitary CummliMon have atiaiuad tha apli'n.lid aue cat,i ha rewarded thlr etcrltmi throtitfri the Kenctaui co-oirrtt.n of many clAiiei nf nur fllow tltlznua ; and wa feel It In ha a icraiatul duty to acknow ledhe uur obligations to ilia nuuiarous raUroad and city paaenKr railwHy curi'raiio"s, xprs9 and icleicraiin rnnipniilel, banking InitUutlona, Iron, cotton,, and ether manufacturer! ; n.lnen and Milnpri of ctal, proteHsmnul. hcluntiSc anu rulte.l uantluraen ; nierclianti, rmpinvlng tlnnN, operative, mechanic!, and all nthom of die ttHtuitrial olaaaea lor the wlllln. and cordial nontnnu tlona of " One lay a Labor, Ona D.ty'a Itieotna, or One Uay a Hevenue." towarda tho aacred cauae of palrt'H'ltn and humanity In will, a we have been enKatced. Reiolred. That our Uianka are enpfH-ialiv due, and am heroby teixtertit U Me.ara.John 8. Italia, V.. Kutfane Claij horn. Wll lam V. t'onover, and Jauiea rarklnvjn (( inrinoerii of Oils Committee) for Important aervlcai ren dered to the ladies at tlie varloui tablea under thtlr charge diirltis the continuance ot the t'atri to tbaBoa dof Trade," '-Union Ucuevelonl Anaoi-lall'in." and proprk't tra ul the "ilkcopal lieud.ns Ifoomi," f.)r tbe iiratitittti use of their hmlilliiKi), whenever and ai lonif aa rv oulred.aml to the edlun-a and repnrtea of the pulillr preH, for many cttxetullv prrparea and valuable notices of tbia department, lla tables and contllnutora. kroh-d. That wben this cumtuittee adinams to-day. It do adjourn to meet at the call of the otllcers. and that connijtttees Umt have not yet closed their ae.-ounts bo r.iuei,ied to report to the chairman of tha Comtuiitea ou UrRai.ijtttJon. We understand that among the number of con tributions received within tho Inst few d.iys were those from our Delaware Hlver Navy. This "lleet of steiimcrs," at the suggestion of Mr. Kilronnd A. tiouder, handsomely responded. In tho "acknowledgment" of this committee on Saturday, we pre-unie their names will be announced us well as the amount contributed by each. Inucesth in IIomicids Casks. -An in juoit was held by the Coroner yesterday in the case ofths homicide on Monday night, at No. 118 Lombard street, during which a wounded soldier named Henry O'Ncll stabbed a man named Henry Force The evidence went to show that the act was committed in selt'-defeiise, as O'Ncll endeavored to get away, and (1 ul not use the knife mull he bad been beaten so badly that tbe blood whs oozing from his car and his eye was swelled shut. The jury rendered a verdict that the act was committed In seif-defetisc, hut hold the prikoncr lor a hearing In the Quarter Sessions. In the case of l'at-ti k Smith, who was shot by John Curr, at Kleventh and (" streets, on. Monday night, the Coroner also held an in imtst. The pihtol bi longed to Smith. Ho httided it to C'air to lire. The latter took It, the weapon was discharged, and Smith full mortal, y wouudod. (.'bit t xehiimed it was an accidcut, and walked away after handing the pistol to one of the de t ea-ed's ctitiipunions. When arretted, he sud lis walked awuy as be was frightened, and did not know what to do. The jury hold the prisoner to await the a -Mini of tbe Criminal Court. Aht Gali.khy Salk. The closing sales at the Art Gallery of the late Great Central Fair took place last evening. One hundred and twenty-iivo pictures were disposed of by Mr. Birch, the auctioneer, the sale being prolonged until after 11 o'clock. The prleet obtained were merely noniilii.l. untl ot some two hundred pictures sold up to 10 o'clock lust eveuing, but alio it live thou smid dollars hud been reii r. -d Ir nn the au.-ii m sales. The audieuie numbered be'weeo throe and four hundred persons, but the purchasers weie confined to some live or sl; gcn'.lotnea. Mork WotNOKif ISuliiikum. The following wounded soltliers arrived from the Washington hoi-pit.ils last evening. They were takeu to tho Citl.cus' Volunteer Ilosjd'al : f M j. hti, Co I.HI. I'a K K ha' n, I lib I't K It Italiey. L, Lull Pa Cav A Kofi u- u, II, I it) It I'a Vol. II I' hush, L, tali r Cav J ll..ln.t. I. I .Hi .'a Vols M Hwrer.e) , A. tmib fs Vo'i ! Hinnr, II. Mm ! Vilt K llw.ner, a. K'd I'a Vol, M H II irrls. 1.,1,'d a V,4h II HinUk. A.tW.l Pa V..U W B. II, K.f.ld I'a Voli UXanhiia li,"lti I'll li'. H lnte.-t'.l'oni, A. l-iS'.tl K Bniiuiarilner. II, 1 nth fO J 11 (oiineti, C, 11 lb N J II I'll. e. I, 14lh I'a Vols How New Jritshv Fills iibb Qt orv. Some weeks since, two muii, uiiuai:u su uu unm ii aod gcntluint'D, raised two corapaiilus of ariillnry Id tbit) city. Tho boys were taken suddenly to Trenton, "sold out," and arc notv serving In a hew Jersey Ki gimentof 100 dnys iinantry, nour llaltiuiore. This is only one case out of many. Will our Uounty Fund Committees look into this matter. CoHsmiTioif of Watbe. The amount of water pumped by the several water works during the month of June Is as fullows Fall-mount Ul'tVm Bchuvlkill ni,iiHMD Ilelaware '-"i'""'7 Tweuty-fourth Ward 4i,M,0 7HO.021.7M Average per day 26,300,72 Tu Joiwt Convkntioi of City Councils, called together yesterday afternoon for the pur- poss of electing a member of the Board or Guardians or the roor, aia uos ruaci sj bnsiness, in consequence of no qunrnm oolng nn-sent. Another call U issued for liiis alVrnouu Vw 6 o'clock. wmum i saaAVT 1.AKCBHI. aue "luai tonnv.T was charged before Alderman Panuoatt "rtatUirotn. 0f $U3. It is alleged that the ecuata w lnh) a (U)r Nineteenth and Wood y."l, v)k lh, money from the drawer. AccroattT.Tki, i,,,,, , man named Jo aephua Kakm, aropio,. rt Ibf plolng mill, How Tit. Dturr Mat nn Kvabsd. Th Citi zens' Volunteer Substitute Committee have matured a plan to assist in raising troops in visa; of the coming draft, by aiding citizen la pro curing substitute, ni IVIIila'itiR the pajmant of bounties, which is as follows : Knrolled clll em who drsire to furnish suh-ttltntca in sl vsnc of th a draft, wl'l pay the srtm of four hundred 'Idllars to the TrourT, J. O. KTrn. partcn, K-q., 8. K. corner Sixth and Walnut streets, receiving his acknowlfdmfnt th it 'ha money will be returned If a certifl "ate of xnoi llun la not procured, and RWitin him a power of at'om.Y, duly stnied, to cnlloit tho city hountv for the hnnrtU of tho mihultute. T he names of iippl esms will he registered la the i refer of iheir sppllc ill'in, and eertnirnu't of exemption will be procured and furnishml in that oidrr. A soon as the ceriifii ato It o'lt tine I tho piim ipal will he notified through the Putt O'llce Hint It is for ilc'ivcrv on re urnof the Trea sum's receipt, when the riu'y of the Co.ninltti'O will ciae. Tho Cominllt. e will ror.oivo applica tions at all hours of the day. National Association Kon tiih Ashshmkst or tiik (,'iinstiti not. At a meeting of this Association yetti Hay tho following resolution, offered hy Dr. Mcllvaine, of Princeton, w offered : Ifiolrr,!, Tliat tlm mnl"lr of Ilia a-Hnn nf tha Alia StienT'mivrriilnn In nanl tn tlir'.aihol oillr li, tlit Ilie lamwmlli.n tit tija exlntonua of lift 1 tiarrinary to (five it kanntlon. A motion was then offered to strike out tho specifications In I lie meinurlil to Congress ndoiiti d hy the Al'sgheny Convention, In rennr.l to the onih of ottl -o nnd slavery. The sirlaing out of (be Se itlea inn in regard to slavery elicited a warm, Interesting, nnd lengthy discus sion. In wh eh Dr. Mii'-grivo, Dr. Cooper, Dr. Ihuiib- Dr. Douglas, Professor, Dr. bproull, nnd others took part. Tho resolution j was linn'Iy adopted. j The Asuoclation then adjourned to meet In 'ho same place this mi.rnini,, at 'J o'clo .k, Dr. M II i vnino concluding by prayer. Local IIiifvitiks. (Jeorgc Dickorson, keeper of a p,iriiR ,ouso in smith street, nour Twolfth, lies been hold to answer tho charge of having in bis possesilon a press for the printing of bank notes. Tbe pross had been given to a Colored n an to keep for the alleged owner.. ..A. verdict of accidental death has been rendorod in the cane of George llobcrts, who was latoly killed on the (lennuntown Railroad. .. .The Fifth and Sixth Stieet l'assenijcr K.tilroad has raised tho wacs of its drivers to two dollars por day . . . .James Mi l'licrnon, Robert Cunningham, llernard Fitzpatrick, nnd James M.-Ketma have betn held to bad on the cburgn of enticing sol. diers to dci-ert from Camp William l'enn.. . . lie fellow who gave tho name of Sam Jones, at tho time of his arrest lor chloroforming and robbing a bnnrtbr at the Continental Hotel, has boon Identified as the celebrated lllll Dalton. tho New Yolk burglar. He was convicted in New Yurk, and sentenced to nine years in Sing-Sing Prison. Alter serving three years lis effected his eicape from that place.... At five o'clo- k this afternoon the comer stone of the An lt Street M. K. Church will be laid. . Ohkat Crnthai. Clotiiino House, Sixth and V artel Orral Central Olnlhlnif linns', Sixth and Market. Orral Central ClothlliK llime, Nlatb and -farkat. t.rtat Central Cl-.'liins li-ue. Siatb and Market, f-.-at Central tn.itl.tns M-ue, St nth and Marfcxc. Or-at Central Clothing H ue. sllh and M-irket. flrwat Central CloUilns lloue, Hialh and Market. Ilriat t votraJCiollilnw House, HliOi aiid Maikeu Ureal Central ClothinK House, Sixth and Market, flreat Central Clolhlint Six hand Market. Uresl Central I'h.ltilnK ll.jusa, Hixtn and Mtrket, Craal Cintral ClothinK Hriusa, Sixth an1 M trkoi. I Ural Central Clotlitii House. Hlitb and Maiket. Unat Central Clotli.ns ll..u-e, Htxih and Markov Gteal Central Clothli g hnuae. Hlxtn a id Market. Croat Centra) Clothing H"Uc, Sixth and Market, (ireal (Central (Itntaina llo.ise. Hlxih and Market. Oivat Central I Toililtui U t, Nlx'h an l Market. t treat ' autr al t 'lot hu is lloa.e. Sixth and M irket. tit eat Central ClothinK ll .Uae, SUlli sn.l Mtrlset. Wanamaker A llrown, Wauamaker A Itrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A llmwn, Oak Halt Wauajuaker A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A ltrtvn4 tiak Hall. Waiiaroaker A llrown. Oak Halt Wanamaker A Itniwn, Oak Hall, Wauaroakir A Hrown, Oak Hall. Wanaia-ker A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanamakar A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker ilrou. Oak Hall. Wanamakar A llrown. Oak HalL Wanamaker A llrown. Oak HalL Wanamaker A llrown. Oak HalL Wanamaker A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A Itrown, Oak lla I. Wanamaker A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A hrown. Oak Hall. Wai emaker A Itrown, Oak Hall. Wanamakar A llmwn, flak Hatl. Stranger In the cltv visiting- the Great Central Fair, and ettiena generally, v. Hi nail the bent clothing and the most reasonable prices at Wasamakmu A rtsowt's. Oik llai.L. 8.K. comer Sixth and Market atreou. Laukih A Co., tho incomparable photogra phers, iit tho southeast corner of fiighlh and Arch, have msdo special arrangements for tbe coming week, in order to accommodate visitors to the Fair. During the week, six superb corral deritite will be taken for one dollar. Hats. Straw and soft hats, most fashionable styles, at Laing & Co.'s, Sixth and Chesnat street. Cheat Skcrkt discovered to avoid late break fasts and make cheerful homes, fitly your Coal of A. S. Hotter, No. 304 N. Droad street. Slwrrletl. DAVIS-Bt'RNR.-Ontherillicf June, at IheParsonaire of Heott M. K. Chute1!, IVi, H. Klfth street, bv Itev. T II. Miller. Mr. t'MMt KH H. D.tVlft to Miss Maril.OA It, IICKNH.alloM'blladeliilila.'iKll. on Wednesdav,?itti ultlron, by tho Rev. 1.C Kildy.l) U . at the reslilenee of the bride's father, Caelaln JaMKS M. Illlllll. I'rovo.t Marshal, (-..liim'.us, Mlas HALUK C. IIEKllKit, of tha city. lU'l'I.F.T-rKNWKMORK On April , 1st!!, by Ibe Rev. J. II. AM-.V. Mr IIKNItV HI I I. KT, Jr., U M is S1AUV ANN KKN NkMOHK, both of till. dir. RAOO.-On thfl .Mh Instunt, 1IKNKT B A10S, In the Vit ft yettr nf hm atii. The m'athei ttd frl-'ni'i ot the family art re ipftrt fully Invit4l t Mitt-nd (Im titrl irmu Ins late nM.tenc, Mr ni d'k I re, t, mh door Hi'.tve liitiiiiiibiln, on atur liy afti rni-itn dcaI, at J o'clock. Jo crot'ed o Im t'einf !ry. Mil.I KR.-On tha Tjh tnitnnt, Mr. K!AHKril M. Mil, tut, wllow of (he Ut "c'T Ml jit, loruuTi uf aloiitiioiiiery conn y, I'a., awe. 71 yari. Tii lilnmU ot iiiu tani'l ftnt rit'ftfnlly tnviU'd to at tend thi' IuimtnI, fri'lii h T lull- ntdi-nre, ll- Cmji (m, not , on HiHti'dAy Hftviuooii at 8 u'clKk. Tu procueii to I.auri'I lllll C metmy. OtHiNNKl.I. On the 'h lnntatit, THOMAS, M.n of Krani U and Mary Ann Ut'onm'J, aed it uara and I Dlitflttll. Thpr latlvi-ti and frndi nf the fatuy are rcipcifnMy Invt M tn nt'i-nil I U ti'tieritl, trom the ri'tidi ice f Ins pat rr nit. Lhitiefi autrt Ik-Iow Klo'niioud. on Krnly a tor iiooii, at A ('clrk. Interment at St. Aim Cotiieiitry. HAl'MtKKH.-On the Ath Innt., JAM Kt) UlMVAKOH, n ot AU. Ann and uv lati Thuuiau .iinacr, d 14 ui'-nthi. 'I he rlaivpi nnd frlfndi are invttncl to attend theftitte ral. irftn hU tnnthT m rt n's'i O', No. 1116 H, Mixth H r-'et, on Krila aliein on at 2 o t-lo'.k. W A1.I.A' 'K.-On the Mil lu.t., 8AHA11 WALL.U K.iu the inh -ar ot tier e TIia rr-ift'ivcri and frlt'itdn of the faml'y arc rfwrtm't ful'y irvitt-d to aM4rd me rii, from tfin r' f Mr. fcllah-nh Kint'itnn, 8. K corner of I hrtHnii and lrrr1.h s't aii, on Kriii-. aitoriio tn, ut 4 o'chirk. To irw fiM'd to MiH'liatilCM1 t'l-mi-li'f y. s I' U! I A Is N T I C! 11 iiorii:it?H ' Small 7-30 U. S. TraaSUfJ Not93. SEVEN-THIRTY NOTES, Of IUK DENOMINATIONS OV nr a.ini k'h, CAN NOW BE CONVERTED IN E0NDS OF THE LOAN OF 1831, or THK samk denomination. i'cr lulVrmaUon, applj at Vf office of JAY COOKE & 00., II A N K K It S, 111 . TIIIIII Htroet. JyMJ Mo. HKWAKD. THK BOAHD OF rasi.Uiiii uf tha ( Ur Pavaeuifar Ka'lwava nlTra IslSHIalulO Ol sVIVtt HuildlvwJ fIJrifor fUu. tO be approved by a t!ommltta of the Hoard. flr the pro men tion ol lutury Wperaoui Uv the ruunliiK of Uia cara of tUa ( lu KaAlwaa fut particulata. Inquire oi V ' HKNHV ?HOtKKV, vretry, )r-3t pELAWAalt Areuue, toeWwUrwaiiaToet. . I. 13. W A Li It A T la If, UtXJKASO TO W. H. CARBTL. MABONIO HAI.L, No. 719 OKESBUT Street. W IN DO W BIIADHW, CUKTA1NH, ase MO814UITO NKTTINOS. BUSINESS ITEMS. Kotlee. Treaanry lenrtiiien. July 3, lml.-Tlia notice for projoals for loan dated 'jsth of June, in 4, for tblrtr-fhree mlllloniof d-.llars ($ i-V'iO.OO"). belns Ilie atnount of nnaec-ptod tfT.-rs under llio notice dat"l tlie sixth (lltli) of June, Is hereby withdrawn, and all proposals received at tills l)t.artment will he Iruma (Mutely reljrntyl lo the offerers, wlihllie proper order upon wblrh Uia two ir cent, deposit will be refunded. Ot.O. UHHtNOToK, Socrelary of tin Treasury a t iafcrfm. Wlnea and Liquor for Irleallolunl pur poses. -'1 be purest old Part, Sr.errjr, and Madeira Wines, Also, fine old Brandies, for mcdlelnat purpoaoa, Conslatitly on hand.h Davis A ItienAsna, Aruli and Tenlli street. L IlililK'H CHILLED IRON SAFE, IA.VI1 EVANH, Of TUB 1'KM OK 1C V A IV H A 'W A T H () N ' H SHEET IRON SAFE. The "Irrepressible Conflict" Still Progressing To the Cititent of 'hihdrlfhia . AurtHMldy to pntvlmn ntitire. I a hut! now rerlewtUn porM'tibluti-ai and other onmidt! matter n coiitilnnd in the urtlcle ht avlrd " I'Mladtdjitita Aantht tlio Woriit," and alumd by tavid Kvana. b tin tukf. v. lien hard punhd, la th flrt to cry Mfo thief i' no la th man who lita nhtint, tmHurM, and wrtiniifuliy armed hm DHhbor, I he 11 rat to or viliatn, and to cImIio th pop ymjiaitiy. The tlrht romliii'iil point lo this arttcla ! tht writer'! very mo',Nl pretenn jin Hu attbuinob to l rhllaMphla mrh. and to it and BKalnxt the worVd only oxtn infly morfw, anniljr. Thij Itolnt (Imvijiii horn roplli-d to hy Mnara. KlMlf & Hon pai over hr nlmply aavinfi that It 1 to ahoMr thrtt 1,'U.e Hon arn tuti h thi 'aravin patron, of thu rl : jr and Hi nit f aijr Bttfc Mauuiavturt-r In the United Statfi, a,a ihi'y ime ao oiuch more mattrlai Utaa any otiior tha ppHliM-t of thl Htafc. Ti e ! point to t r.otlod la the writer's caM ah hit 1 kuarii-lphia frifiiiU to real an t xtiact iniraTiiM Hvkmho I f i ki.KAiH uf April lfi. IM4, which how a itne of the dli't rent waya tie ouimnn ac la oncned. Now, If the rttndi r will n ier to tho artlc'e In Tiik K kmino TKi.KUitArn of the 10th, he will and It thure attt't'd partlculnrlv that thece wa)N wore ol comiU'n occurronc, and that ihy cn' known u tMiriflata ; and I now ay the cllifen nt wav puit ti'd out were at tin tlm well known to burglar, and hud tife-n ( ri'vl ualy uuhlihcil it the world. Hut It ! ma to Mitt the'n u Ne to ave oat thtue fa.- lu I I rttlthiio. lit) tuli p a the p-itictp e tlrit tha pity ol Jatnhf nt tut te wiltt'fi. evm iiioxitu It b llM"'av 1 1 Ifhve out nanilf " lperate end re-intra dfaer-tte meant, and n Ik evident th thief tutor doci no' 11 ke to atend alone 1 can, howeve-, offer hl'n thla cifHoUtlcm, ihai ni'twtthMkhnil nf the ilhpoalnou he ha h iwn In ' t Oi y tvny to aht thi: tit lul'. he hai in n with hut 111 hiiorfai. 1 do i ot liellfv ho can tlud a turUr In tho oun'ry t hut Aouid e.t-fi thana him fr ad hit uttur a; for evry itro tcrAloiial hurklar knowa that If he nn ft a ho-e Into a Hute ork he li alt rliht; and unfra the wrlier run h inn the Itornlar how to drill chilled Iron, whlck I very nmrli flotibi. hH oocuprttm lh Kontv Th next point h ch 1 notice I, the very (trave nuitlnn nur h tlso nr'ter. whe ihnr It ia not e sior to drill one a to til hole through Mile's Chilled Iron toor than twenty hultta lh run Kh ih comnif n nhetit Iron Iir t I 'I he ri-acur will aiK auy dUlntreatrd Iron-worker - whi-ihr ht ran tH'tonll I'wn twenty Dinad hoii Utro iKli Mie-IxttfiUi to one-el(.'iit Inch a'ut Iron mu h tuinlnr Vuv to oiill one hok- ttimutrh oim-and a-halt to I wo Inuhva aolld . chtl ed Iron, and let hltn anwtr the tueatU n, f The n xt which thi writer alleK thecauaoof tlie uotitM tarry r Tl.nt IJlic N BKi-iit. atn'.nu other. a, col'ed at the Con- IanlhutM-n Hark, on Mr W. H., binker, A lei town, and rn the TrraMirer of the Went Ch -Jitt r l(l,rt ad. rayliin lo 11 e Utter I e could hrtvtk In'o hi ti.iuk ' anil burglar proof kih In ilvr minme ; and to the two for nier, ti at he cuultl pick their lockn, made by Kvun k Wn'Min, In five iuinut'i. Now. I cm ihe Mile rropontbl'' tfnt of thli cliy for I lllh h Nnd', nnd 1 prenonnei t(,e almv Ntatotuftnte ahfilute tithe, ao iar a- It aiilt a I self, aa I n a n 4 a are that I have hud uny r-m vnrH-tloii w It It en her of the twol fct'rr irt 4 nn the nnl ?'t of iatr at all, and I hive nevi r nit"' any mh h nUi'MuwMta, a are alWfted, to ihH lonnf or any nther p tmib Hut I iakf h lu'l rponKihil'ty tt t all that In puMinhed In I hk Tki kikaI'H of Aiil Hi. IrV.I, i w'm U cm be o an lned In uiv prln'od (-irrulur at in y !e t, at anytlmi, a the urih it wan taken fr nn that.) mid I am ore nur.1.: to MiKtatn e-ery itoaitlon thi re miole to the fa:lsfa:'tion of am diklnt, rct tt imtm-o. Thu h.iTe I reviewed the pronilii''lit point In 'h r arti cle, nin thi-writer" feasor, for hit uiirf 4ioule tHi'k U n I I ili Ma t re found to be u re prele a. an-1 w ill nut th c! shlenl toMinUilon. Tin' i-itl i au-e n III be tonnd In a fhurt r.- - ot the S tie hlmorv In Ptiiliiliphia. It ia a fart well urdert"Od. that tiie wnt. r Im reuli. d a for tune In the ii.t lew yetirn y runkl'i! Male- ol the llK'titeiit nmii rial, with ti e chi ai e'-t lock, and In every w ay K"t up in ti e ch' HeHi nmnrt-r. atitl tilh d iijnIi ly with ie.i nay (which eohta nothinu), lo trtve ihern the anpearii e of weight and MiLdnv. and 'I, at l e ha ooid th"e a ret at v r tiik'h prS e uint iw an e.iav i.'aih pr-tit. It it a 'an ai well undt-r lomi.ih it wnhln 'helat Oiree tear I. II e I d ei I run .Hrii'? Imt Ihm-ii Urj.-iv iti'r '.ti' j in th b (Iit ant -tat' tr m the al'iipl" frict thrtt intelligent nini im pfrf rr o a n'e ih t hmt one ind hilf toiwo li l tfn knern of o hi Ip'ii. beiinr in driil-iHoor. wh a ho (. I) bHiViar pro 1 Uwi . (o t al'e that hal one l t t nili lo iiiik iw i it i ti of an Inch thlcknexa or aheet Ir ni, Ith i re cht'Mi cm eniiiiinii luck, ami n t huruiar - r i t at all (-rp'i.alh wheu the furuiei cmt nily abouL tho a mo price a tl.c hilti r. Ili.w tlottlia wnter attempt to rem'dv this dtftl 'nlivT hot hy improviiu hi oiiiafi. bm bv an at't-mpt todi U It I. II it'i II. w ..e- e-!o t it'f He frt ouhst.-lv ai'iioutei tiint l.lille'a 8 ife l n.rhnr rre n o nr.-ltr-prtu.f, ni d n ptibh-hei an arrav o la'ne anitrninta. rtrnl u?!!feh'il h itli'r aajii, muse , which hi kn''t tlie tune I t (J iM'eo ruiolh ty prv to he IwUe. An-oml, hw fciin-e. d- (1 t tlti e a home who hd one of I.1H e' 81 i'a by Minllrtr ti-Ne reprenotititoiia, to eajthanue a I.ille'i Hale for Kvima A. Wution a. hy tfivlriK theiu a Htilr he .mini near Mn) tor. In eai'.liaiij.'e lor I.illle', which c.i.t tM7": Hiid mime uboui the 1st o! .I;inanrv Itot, 1 am toitl he hat. M'nt iiiucn of Mh ttiii in ili at emct to 4 is. h tire tl e huP in very w ay ; tlrnl bv hl 'k'-.k. then hv ..lU'rtli tf holer- th'oiiuh lt(havliu: tltt-uvrred tha It Intd 'oltlfu ua hsirojicii) A- o iho l.o'-k, he el Imtvt It wa bp uton Kvanh A i'a'Mn a Alpliatu - i ( al I o. k. but as that as n .t n on ted It was no k ; and, to ti nere It tl e U k hf nl.oi. tha' V roa tnittlon ol the lH-k call be pti-kest up from tho outmde It a hoi ; c in l (jot ihromh the d xr t i the rkht plni-n.a unntrNi di.covriry, which baa been ftillv aimwered. Now, why ro- rt tn ail thla conti-uipill'lB nieaiineia Wnv not cotna out fslrlv and nuarcly and have bvana A Wa'son a H tie placid alonio.hU' of l.illie . and have them fairly tented, boil! a to their lire and thul' bnritlar nruot tiuadtieii, ai he 1 a-hism rhrilkni ed to do ofhnr The reanoii la plain. The wrttir knowa that It will not do to ploce 1 HI to -Vt nl an Imh tilckr-aa of aheol Iron atrafnit to V Inch thicknes of hard chilled Iron, to eiaid eliturllro or iho burglar, aud "that what' the niaiter.'' . . M. V. SAOr.KTl, Aaent, No. 91 Month ISKVKNni Ntteet. P. 8. -The public teat of Nalea that was expuctedto eoiue off Ha)t vrcuk la unavoidably (Niitponud for a week or two. Tbu article lu the Sunday Jjupatchat the ad ot July Will beanawercd la my next. M.C. H., Atf.-iil. Iroai HmTm.Hrp it brfort) th lMillia delphla public, Uiat LllUa'i ao-c ailed BurgUr Proof Baft, m an ufai tured In Troy, Mew fork, can be opened without nolia by drilling ona amall hola juitover tha ceutre of the look Aal and ualan a uia 11 wlra. Any Of tils Baiea cao, hy tlili luathod, be opvued la ona minnta after the bole haa beea drilled, fiaid taola can ba drlUad fc from quarter, half, or two houra'time. TlwreU no bale of bla nutka la tua June 1, lsoi.wliica canuot b drilled aud opetiad tu thia aaaiuiar. Peru tuterUd axe felarrad to my Challenge to Llllle, aud otaer facta ralatlva to bla Bafea, publlsbad In tha "aNurU Amerltan," Juao 31, IcM, aud "Buuday Pia utch,"juiellv,lo4. aMotwltht'aadtac tha poaltlva atiuraaoei gtveo by Mr. LUua to Um pabiio that bla tlafaa ar drftl proof, peraona dealrtna to ba aoavtrwad have tmly to oatf at Kvana M Wataoa a HaUmaodar Bar Store, Mo. U B. Keorta ilroet, Where the operation of driUluf and opening will be done In Uietr pric ovary moniiii at luoclook. until the pub lic are laUanedtliattUHafui caa be djUled and oowiaod wiUiout luawing any Bolao. David Rtanb Of tU lira of Evang WaUoo. K. . WliMaSMea aft atanofk. tairrra if Hew and llellalnnt OnarVtkwis. Almond Paste, Chnoniaia, Caramels, Creams La Mode de rarla, exqalsltalr flavored. Roasted Jordan Almonda. Ae., A4. Jo, SIS Chesnnt street, below Fourth. Itek A '. STKCK A CO.'S Manosj. af A B 0 H I MAMOS. A HAMLIN'S frrril CAHINKT ITKCK A CO.'S OKOAKR. I PtAN. 1 K. (lOI'l.o, 8eventii and Cheiinut atraeu. N.j.IIJ'i MAItKKT Strtivt. Iitwrrn l lilrd tuirt Kourlh. .lOOKH.flllOT-ClLN, RIKMI. TWO ()')I.I WATCHED, Ac , AO. On Krt tla.v t'vi'Mlfux, At 1 o'rlr tt . fit Murker n inirtu n rKim, Mlsr-c'Uncni It.stikit, from t!irr,i ; i.n' IiouUle llArrul titio ; one It tl ; tw (io'tl l.pptno Waiclirm. J 71 -BOVKU'S CIIKSNUT 8TIIKKT THKA- VJ TRK.- MONnAY,.lnly4.lH',4. IMI'UUI ANT NOTICK. Prrpirttltn for tht'k'rcat prrtmjn of Al.AIMHN ; Olt.TMK WON lK U Kl'T, LAMP, Mrli urc now hi'lnir niadf, mil n'Trtiiis.t'" itirt CMOtlNU UK THK '1 11 KA I It K for a hrri ilm , nmnjr Important cnfikf t In th idr- Iii sr (if iLv iliL-ii are tn lis mnrln : ron(Bitntitlv OinrA hirMiiiM in rt'Hiniwicf until th ur-t Mi'- if ih tiro- Cm will h In x iM'Ctrii ti)urpn an pri'vimm irtoif: iNtiit Hie tMixt wvr witncurMl in Atnnrlr. urtnir the ( ilit 'I l.i-atif will t? Ui'riihbl rttivKtel. j ' WANTS. li A NrilSTITUTE fl enrol ail Vl Apply lo ass JjT-St WANTKI) KOK AN Ko 234 S. THIRD Street. WAN I HI). I-'OVK Wll ITU OHCOLOKKD - I.ioitme. Atn.i et No C'J A Ri'll Mlnet, to morrow (K1IIDA Y I a-t, men low, b-f.ire In o clock, li fjse WANTl'.D. WITH IMMKDIATK VOH- i-n-t'ofi, nn (Miicn fiiI1hIip for (tn InniMnrti (!om;imy. I unite htAn nim ofjti, rtvn MUtn mi a mt ut anu uni'i- IKit itU'tU. ApiJl) tU liOS. hw. FlllUfJL'lphl'i vme. j 7 at T;IUST -CLAaSR si-uvnts larok nrw I York Hranrh Kmployni'nt llomonf rai tihlsr, rlvl) nr- VHtito, mn, wnnin, ulrU, Ac., tfx tumill'), liotaln. ntnrm, Ac, lt)r city Brtn country. ('(inniM-tsvi bv rw-p-niitUa) pftrtli. No. TX't HANMOM Hfn'-t, Owar KiKhtti. AIo giHrd iltuiaUoiii aTcrr dfcv to lull vH 61 FOR SALE AND TO LET. P iTiii WANTED T R K N T for two or more years, FVKNI.SIIKl' ly4-4t SK. Address, I). F. O., this office. C COUNTRY SKAT FOR SAI.K. A aplendtd countrv ltoHldence. with all modern roiiveiilenco anu twoacremtf around, rair a mile rroat Keniieu Hiiuare, and adioliiinK; leu nut mansion of lUrai lavlor. It will be Bold at irreat aacrlhce by uredlUira. ttallroad and V legraoh within U I teen ninutee' ride. Apily to U. It l'AI Tr.H, or W H. WADDKLIs. Kq , Weat t heater, I'a., or J ACOU UUKT , Hamorton, Peuna. Ja4 FOR 8AIsR.-frW.000 WORTH IN OOOD MlA Ilouaet, Ian: and am .11, on terrni to suit porch tsura, eitner wnn or without tn uiniiranre, lor casti ana gooa uaoe. inouirn or, mini in iw i j o riocK, A. n. 1TIOH. M. lM.Hrt'WAM Jlo. IK7 I, t OUUTH Btn-et. tv hi.i:h, iia K I'HOM TAXATION. tOH H.VIJC IN SUMS TO SUIT PURCHASERS. jjMiit DRIiXKI, & CO. TaOOI'lNO, KOOl'lNO.-OLD TIN, ZINC, l lrnrnrl'ipi)er Knots mad nertectlv IS cullta pr s.iuare tit. at MATIUMAI. ROOVIVtl COMPNV. No. 144 N. K)l Ki ll Slri'iit. 1)7 6l KT8, MATTINGS, OILCIsOTlLS AND iw fihadoH, Iroin New York Auctl n xalea. (Mlfcrhriy wt.) MHunltlccnt HruxHeii, wide, tl v l i;S,l' mm $1 7.'; Imitation llrn-sela, (paitiU'd.) wuie. w. ovaod m rente lit . v 4 ami li 4 at piotior tlonaie orlcea : lmierul Car jet $i;t7to Sl76D9ryard: I nj; r. In. from Ia) cent i to Vt n-ilan, rtawt, and Hemp, from 37' , to li cents per yurd; .MjuttncB, the Inreat aaortn.tnt ever offered In Philadelphia, from ;t7S t('7bretilaa )Hrd. at the New York Auction Ha'ei lie pot, (t. rmoilr htethlow'a.) .No. it; 8. MKf'ONl Hireet. nrst (HMr aoove ainut, oppoaite t orn j-.xcomiKe. MJ KD1CAL rURVKYOR'8 OFFICE. Mkw YOltK. JllllO'W. iNvil. Inventor aid Mann'hcturcri, of AKIIUCIAL I.1MB4 'armtv ai.d Kb are Invited In present'bnene of thrir MoOela to a Ho.ird of MJlcJ oillcera, couttitut-d by order ol the Acttntr 8urrn-(J'i eral U. . A., at the Mfdtcal I'urveyor'a tialt, ho 4i iKMMK .struct, In thlaeity, o-i or tx'fore the eit veutb day oi Jaly next, with a Tlew to Uia adoption of the beat models. iMued, by order) IV A . OT.KMKNT4. AssUtant ittirtjcon, II. H A , je'Jfi tjyll Hecorderof Hoard. PROPOSALS. OFFICE COMMISSARY OF SUBSISTENCE, Xa.WH WAislSUT hireet. Piiii.AnKi.rni.,.Iuly 7, lAt.l. Pealed I'ropoaala, In duplicate, will be r.-caiteit at thli Otlce until 12 o'clmk M , on MOMMY, July li, 1H.I, for aiitpljItiK forthe uieol the 1 'ntted MUte Anny, the fo iowlig hubaikteiic Stores, Oedvered In Phlladoiphia, viz 1,000 BarreUflrat quality MKMH or PKIME MKS4 l't KK . ( with b lo be ktaffd), ol tho pack of 15.-4,111 full hooi-aOoAK iiarr!, with Iron mat t4rho; a, muat to bo froo irorn mat or stain, toll weiyht. auO thopiuKhly naiivd, and to have been repacheti within thirty ilit a of dullvarv. To Imj ready for dub very within twenty days from date ot award. 4.000 Ha-re la K.V1KA hl'PKKKINE or KXTB K FAMILY hi"! K (whh h loneNiiite.l), to hv.t fteou arouna within thlrtv days if date or ad vtrtmeiinnt Irntn the bet winter whet. In well coopered and head Hin d narreU. Ndme ol brand and placani inan if .dura to be mated In tlie bid. Tu be delivered within ten davs. 500,000 loiiiida Brat quality I'll.OT HICK All, to be naae from kofd auund " Kktra Flour," thoroughly baked, anu perfectly dried tit'ton ba iiift pitck:d. lo b- pa -ked In boAt a f well h SMii eti wo d, of mid) a kind n will n t Im part titNte to tlie bread. boes to contain tlitv poutMia nut. To be delivered within twenty flava. :t.V400 I'. u .tla (Hat i Hilly kl!n-drb-d VOHS MKAI., In well coopt-red, hed lined barrels. To bo delivered uith O'fii il 00,000 Tountih new SMIIIK ItKAN, In welt coop er M harils, fully heud-ilnrJ. To be tle-hvi-reti wiiiiln ten cay. OO.rOO I-ouihIi I KIMK UH'K.ln well coope-ed h irreli, lu ly nead lined. Jo be dulivori-d wiihm tuu df y. :0,OOO t'oMi da llr-t quality larire frrltied. kiln d-lod IMMiN , in well coopered buried, tully i (a 1 lined. To be Ituin twenty dlts s. .ri 0,(1 00 lounds I'ltlMP Kin TOKKKK. In well coop errtl t'urr-t,, ItH.dioa will ctte the price per pound ne i fur tuniiai.ini; tlie whole or any p.i ,n f i he aiKivc quaiutt), roatci, ground, ard prukvdln Osht. paper dned b4irelr, aol the parties farn nniiiK it will be required t- state on outh, I hut the (orlee fun.ishml by them li i f ihe oame qualiiv um the sa nple ub tu.tteJ, and lh at It contain no aJulle.a'ioii, or Hilujixtute ol any lotetKH stiltHtaui e ttieeu oihf atuiplea re julu-d. To be delivered wlttnu twi ut du a. 50,0tH Pui-mis llp-hi -dow 0(PFFK M(TOK, or chohe dry HA -V HCOAlt. lltrifU to liithe ht-f tn ue i' r the puipoe. To ba delivered within ten di. At4ltlOtial!iii lure ClhKK, WHMKY, or TORS ISkOAH,ln Kin nj, wt-.l coopt-red bairels. To be di ti eied wtth n ten days. TiUtOliO t'ii:iid ooa hmd .' l in pound barv.full Vl,aht. piicM-d In KUiy pound boxes. To be Ot ItveieO w Ith ill ten da i. Urt.i CO founds cleitn flue, r H T. ,f. iron if, widt c nered barrttli.. dt liver d wlthtu teu d. Hld.'arK w tii are unahl to di liver tlie storM within the tliiie mt-ii'iotie.t will i.iti tii.-tnua ii'iU rod fur i'liverr. ( '0 rtsct. r Me eip vte'l to tio ir M.di wt-hout ex pt ii e to tl e t nlte j Hiate,ui td r.-quirt' i fr shipim-nt. hamul of ah artleh-s evifpt for a, tuuat hu dclircrod with the pn pn-ai. Mi d reiasmtl to ih-rtin; but lha pro-ti.'t-a' titUSL not ho ei cit.OMl wlh the Maniple, h.nnplii niuni in t xe or bo t e, and not in papoi par.els, each haioplt- ma1 ki-tl with hlUner . ii.tme 'l In I'.-rk Hill ba t'Xtnuiiied nnd ihnnbiI noon by John t). 'I u lor hopector, on tin irt ol 'the I ohvd mnm. m i arstt pr.i) e..U, in (luptK.uie must be ma ie for each artlih'ntea, and bidacis may propose for Uie whole or uiiv pi t of eat h. A I'Uli el cop v of this advertlseuient must tie attrtehed to tn li bid, ai.U the pruposais luunt be apeuuc tu Cuiuply Iin: Kith a'i its tin ma. Kach tToponal luuil tave the written git irai'tae of two reloinlblt: paiaoui, for tha fuitllmeut of tha ugreuuuqit, wtir v. Ill ttlve bund.) 11 required. Jtisnk tot ins for proposals, containing the form of tfuaiaiitctj. may be had on apiillcsijon at this oitlca. 1 he sener's iiMintt. place of busintais. ami due uf pur chasu, naiueot o-'oients, kios. tare, and net weltfhts, mnat be marked on every packauu, autLallold murks must ba otllraied. itetuius of welchti bv prdfeaslonal public wcbhcri to bo fch en w believer ieqoir.-d. No bula trnni parties who have failed to fulfil a former aiik'aiievciit w ill hu cmihldervd. lilds will Include packages, and delivery nt any point In this city, lo be designated hy this othce; and any Interior fa kattes or coopeiaa will be considered suilkient cause or rejoitloB ol couients. Payment will be made lu saoh fund at may be furnished by the ('tilted n'tatus tor the purpose. J'roposals to be eiulursed "i'roposala for Bubiistaaco Btorts," und dlrucltid to I4AA0 B. WKKlTV, Jy7-M 'aptaln andt'. 8 Vols. DKPAHTMKNT OF PUBLIC IIIOIIWAVS, Ottloa H. W. corner uf WALNUT and I'll-Til Streets. Pint apki piiia, duly 6. IbtA. VOTICH TO t'UNTKACTUHS. Sealed pruposais will bv rt?cttlved at thia office until 13 o clock M., of the Jlth instaut, fur the contiructlou of a MrRk Nwer,ol two foot si Inches In diamster, wii the line of Wallace eirwt, Iroui ti.htetiib to Mlnotoeiittt stroat, with a cast Iron Inlet at the northeast comer ot htuitjiet-nth and Wallace siieets, and a wauhota near Inetecoth street. The understanding to bo that the cn. tractor ahsil take bills prepared analast the property fronting ao said swtir. to the amoaiil of serttntyaflva 0-uia lor each lineal foot of frout on aactt side of lha slrft,as so much cash paid. Ml hlddtsrs are Invlttd to be present at tha openluf of the proposals ode red, at Uie time and plaoe a'ovo no Led. Hpeuiru-aijous mar ! aad at tbe iMpaxlauutui surveys, tthtch tttii o strictly fihered to. Tbe to weat biddav to uoius f.arward wlthla three days afVr lha i fhinlnif if said proposals, or thaif bids will ba eoiothlearad wlihOrawa. Kbhls will b received an lees a bond la f Ivau aroaably to toa Ordluaut.0. apprvved May U, IrftMf. W. W, Saf KM.Kr, JyT-Uutu9t Oatof CotwlMiooer of UiaUwaya, lOO U A1' II 1 J'H HUOCl'.HHKUI. PHILADELPHIA MERCHANTS. rtULIHIIRO II Y JAMES I SIMON, Mo. Htrcct, f II I I. A I) K I. P 11 I A. Tliese ni(XIKArllIK3 arc ca-i fullj complWI, with In- terfitlns I . cltli'titA of Ilia carter of soma of the rorem,t oommfTtial man or this ronirntnil'y. I II '7 seven parsottaj skalelia.;ai-arom.rl.'il In the work, to. thfr with an In Ircludl.ia anrl an Ei.kmi "l'Klt"iNM. I'llOM I'Km I V OK MKIICIIAMH." Itltt.trili.l with sornral arcurale rortialts on "trl. Rvr-rj l'hlla.Klplnan sliutilil im ire s Oipj nf IhU WOIIK . jj'J.sltith M )lif)VN'.S MlI.IsH nOAHDINf I')i;SK Tl.e former nairoin and fneuda of tlie Uoardini Hfitoe oiluli'aMt k pt bv tbe Itrown famllv, al Hrown Wn In. In the town-hip (.f I'r iibermn, rountvoi Iturltnitton, H'a'e or new jrMv, Rrt iwrenv mi -rn-o iiibi inn iihrr1l-r Ih-Iiiu of the tmnn fa'iit(,ln ktenlnif the aa 1 boiie, and In now ready lo arcommo tato all Win will favor htm with 'heir company. The b.'Uie an. I irrviinrii arc- provided with all thinits nee)nry tor the eommrt and aniiiai mfni nf vi-it. ra. who may reat aaanrnd that every atuntloti will be paid to lh lr convenh-iM e a;ifl rotafort. T1IOMAH HCAT1 Kit -Oil, Proprietor. V Stae-Ta-enirrii tiVe the meant. mat fvtof wal nut'Mrevt Whait, m '2 o rhu-k f.M., for raind'n. from thence by rnr for lliirllr if ion and M nint Holly, to I ciiiIm rtn, w here ilic prprtcor win ha e ntatrea in rvadl lieha to mnvey i.HaeiiKt.r five lull" '', to Hmwii -. MM1. J'tUS llniiNI-m, JeK-tutli lm l'rprlutor A tia. QOWHTITUTION HOUH 13. ATI ANTIC CITY, N. J. The aiihicrltM-r heiff Irave to Inform hie Mend and the public In frjentra that h- U preard to rtv-etve vi-ltora, and pi.Ue hh i-'.li that no pmna or expense will im fpim d bi make bti gucata eotnforiabie duruiK their ity on the Inland. T Kit-MS MODERATE. JAMES J, BAKU, Proprietor. Tnr nir'her Information, Iniulre at the (M.ODK HOTRL( BIXTII, below bewnut itrfK-l, ruliailelplilM. J.-UB tONOKF.8S HAM., ATLANTIC CITY. J 1 wou'd reapm'ttnUy Irwnnn my frtenda nnd the publ'c, that I have aftain tak n 4 omiter Hall. Una Ih"Bj( tin thhd jear. aa l have ina!e ovety prpraiton fnf Uie e-m linr aenaoii, tbe !. hetng en arna-d, remosieileit, new fiirnlitiif. the rhamberit with iprtiitf bodK, ae.Ao.and win a s- mn.odfitf' lour hiiiiilred itut'ita. You will find better place than CniiKreea Had. It I. tha na e-t to the ocean ol any of the larne hmmea of Atlantic f'ltv, belnkrbut one htimlied yame fr m the biano.tiiua pre a en Mm itanH an h vantiu-e io the pub ho. There cannot b an v better bathlnK It n at Atlantic tbit inmmr. The i and bar that waa anch a areat d a baea tat a a ion haa ail ben a wept awaybythe hlPh thie nf lat Inter. formiui ItaeU tha bi it bathini; our on ti e Atbmtlc fra-loanl. There Ia mi vn n- tit Hnnd oi Viia e eiuaod Attached la aiplendld BUJliud luun. .. , jclil'U Us " UIWKLB. T N 1 Jl T II t IT M 12 , ATLANTIC CITY, KKW JKRSEY. OIX). J. tiTT'IS N, lroirlotor. (Long and knnwn ns proDrlr-lor of OY8TKS IIAV, 81.TH und (M1ESNI1T Slret'ts.) Partlt'S arroninuMlal.'d wllh floats, Flshlns l.ltiea.Ar! ,Ae. Cera run tu the liuuae evsry twenty mintitea. jetl-tf IT K D STATES HOTEL, ATI. A NTK! CITY, NKVV JKKSKV. Thi celeoraictl Hotel la now open for tho reception of puerto, and ia v dr the npervltion of (Colonel Jamea W. power, with Mr Kdward Matt well an Aaaittnnt. Practical and experieKcfol pernona have been employed for each deparltiient, and every exertion will be made to conduct the ttanv lotl e emlre ailht'HCtlon Of the pjhlrC Attir Juiy 1, Mir train, will leave Vine H'.re,jt Ferry, dally ; the faat Line throuaHi lu two houra, without alop pinu at Uie way Ntattona. A paaM'i'Ker car "111 be run from the Hotel to tlie Inlet every twenty minute. lliiHr.)er'K hand, utnler the direction of Mr. Simon Hast ier, ban been uruuiM d tor the season Vtronj wUlu . to enjf.u'f nmini will add reii liKuWN A WtiKLlTKR, Troprletora, Aftnntle City. Now Jersey. V B. Tha Band Bar which lt year formed oppo-lta tfiexhore ban entirely dl-appeaied, leaving the bai.h ona ot the heat and ttufeat. on the cotvtt. JeJi-im I? EXCHANGE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. The aubai Tiber, urutetul tor pat favora, tender! Uianka to hi pain! a and the pub ic tor the frenenma iua torn ulvn him, and beK" leave to aay that he 1b now open for the Beasvon, and rcudy to receive b-iardera, permanent and t ran. lent, on the moa' tnodera e teruia. 1 he bar will alwayn be aui pliMl with the chol'-ent wine, liquors, and ciuaia, ar.d stipeiiorold ale. The tables will ba aat wttb the be a tbe market ailords. FisblnK liiiuaand tackle always on hand. Htni.le room on the premlnes. All the comforts of a home can alwava be fhund at tha Exchange. OfalOlU.a. HAYliAY, jttf tt rroprletor. Q O Ij U M 11 I IIOUHE. ATLANTIC CITY, MEW jKItflET. SITUATE ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, 01TOSITF. TUB SURr IIOUSK. EDWARD DOYLK, Proprietor. Terms to ault Ihe times. JeO-tf f UK I Is n ALU AM BK A, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., rw ot'en lor vt. Iters. The moms and tahla are tillMirpsssed by any on the Mand T. rtns m.Hlerate. jt;ki-lui LiUllUH'J A YOIJMI, I'roiirl. tors. s E A 11 A T H 1 N (i SEA-HAT II I NO. VA'l'IDSAI. T1AI.T,. CAPF. IkVAM), IIAI'K MAY, N. J. riilldren unde' it ,m-sof ai e and .ervants half price. 8nH rlor aci oniiiiotin.lcns and am.e pom JOB IHU III NliHMi I'KKNONA. Je'i-?ia AAKON UAKKK'I.SUK. PnprMnr. LEDDY'S HOTEL, BfU'lllVYKAT COKNKH OF NINTH riml sJANHOMHtroeU, OPPOSITE CONTINENTAL Tha rcAort of (ntlemenof Ucflned Taate, who appre ciate a Tare Beverage. to'hMtn DKLIOIITI-UL EXCURSIONS HIV K It H C II V Y I. K I L L . The Hteamh'ti' 111 NKIIAI. I1HOKKII, I'aptaa Mill KI.K, ll-av. t livlitll et rjr hour lor M liu ISlll U' Ullts. l.anril lllll, lis.. .(.. ( oliae, the y alia and VYIisa hltkoQ. Ill II Ml.NhY. TO ANY AMOUNT. loanc.l up.-n liianionds, Walohcs, Jewelry, lalo, ('Uim i v, Ac, hi .IONK- A CO.'S OLT f:M'AHMHHKl I.OAW OFKICR, tAnio. l li.lcli and (.A.sKiLt, buecu, . Loinhard, N. 11.-IIAW0MH. A H'lll.S,.IKWKl.KY,r.irNS(Ao., H-lt hAI I. A 1 KKW AKKAHLV lAtW PltlCKft. jeH-lm IT 1Z IS It V A 1 1 Ia 13 li OAUGER AND COOPER, No. JaiOCS M. WATKH Htrrct, Walnut street PJ I IaA J1 I.l'lll A Imitation HrutHty and Wine 'u.ks, Bod all ktndi of Work made of Old and New tttutl always on hand or made to order. COAL TACKKli IN IfOHHHKAJiil KOK SIIUM'INO. AU kinds of Tiiinintiik' puiiciiially attrnided to. jyl-lm INVALIDS AM) CON VALK.SCKNTS, IN X valtda and Ooitv Hheontfc. Jn nhiU and t,'invahsocnta, HiaJida and Convalesc'iuls, h aicia iiy .K"pclttlly yinales In lelh t Health, emaU-sln Delicate llualth, In liuiicate Uuaitii, Will nnd our California Wlnea, California Wines, fiiliiorma Wines, l aluornia Wines, ( alirtirnla Wines. CallioMila W ines, pecuUnrly Tahmhle lu all cases of languor and fcrual proa trallou ul slrenuth. Ask Ahk Ask Ak Ak Ask A-k Ask A.ik Ask A'k AK Ask Aak Ahk In. McClelland, fichbard, hamnel Jackson, (oi the 1'ennsyhanta Ihilverslty ), ITerlng, l.ireiis, (Irorea. lUrtshornt Hihniuls, Wflltami, Hartley, Ntndhard, Wlisoa, Ttiidal, Vlnal, funOwy, KnrT, aiayland, and other lead In it phyilctan. hnt they think of Uia meJI. cinai vlriuss ot Oiillhirnia Wilier I Thesu K ntlotuen pre scril our brands, and assure aa of Uia Duueuts paUeuta roctrlve irvui their usi I a. ( Al.IFOHHIA WrNB AOKVCT, jtltl-lm Ko, 4J 8. I'll- i U street, above CUeanut. 17XPL0BI0NS.LET EVERY MAN WHO j ownsaHteam Hollur read this notice. AsheroA s Low Water letcior never raHe to gtva from oae half to two hours' warnlnf, as dsirM, that tha water la vetitttf low In tha holler, and tliat daiiyfr Is ap aruachlns;. The tnstrumeut require no care, aud la war run i fed lu every lu stance. Also, a team aud Water Oaogea, with Scotch glaaa tuboa, aekfvljanslu vautfo-cooks, te. Huod nr cinuiax aoauiIiilrH Philadelphia lettera an4 Clnalara. AUOl Mil H ti. b ATT I.K t, t-lui Jlo. IM N. MXTBaHfoai. VJO DKCKITION. NO INFERIOR COAL A purcliaaon so otter behw tbe p atkle. KL W.liKbH.liliOAUH. isrol.a.awl n rrear Kl..w K ajriflSUI a SUlriUC a. a. -I ski I a sail, tl. V AI.U KAULM VKIN, best anl purust miu'ad. and Mtovo aiasea.tU Larga aVut,iO rouaumersaUooUl aaaao tbair t arU at "'P Ttvtt to auviUkf advaaeo. iua-iaj I) 11 u 'W rr o it i h kiii VO rfanS (ta noaar. If aV.lrv.1, for every W srf Shtrtf Vrfairl. fall Id any raapeoi. FINE BIIinTH. CUT 1.KMITIIWISK "f MltSI.II. Mada of Ni-w Turk Mills Maslln. anS very In. Uaea Bosoms. Only St'OO. Wllllams'llla Mills Muslin, sn.l One Llna noasnu, omr M'T.r OKNTI.KM F.N'S FUUNISH1NO OOODII. HHITII A' ,IA('()H". anrS-r.o Ho. l'i CIIKKNIJT !.raet.1 pLOAKB! CLOAK8I! CLOAK8IU CWlAKf-l CUIAKSII (.UlAKSI CIIAKHII CI.OAKI4! ri.OAKSII OIIAKSI CI.O'KSM IMAKIII ( MIAKSttl CMUKSIII CLOAKS Ml THK KlflHTII NTKRKT nAK FAflOHlTIl, TI1F RIOMTH NTKKKT ClrOAK F.MPOKltTM, TIIK ri(TH ATKKKT CLOAK KMPOItHTMU TUK Ll'HITU STUF.KT CI.OAX KM1OK1UK. No H. FIOHTH Btrwat, No. KWK. F.KtllTM fttrwot. ho.rm N.ElOIfTtI Btraat. ORFAT BAROAINB, OKhAT ItAKHAINB. GKKAT HAKOAlHfv. CALL AMI r.lKCHABH, fiAM. AM) rUKfllAKK, tAlX A-N1 I'l'IH'HAMt, At LY M A K'B L Y M A N 'A Et illTH 8TKKKT CIOAK KMI-OUIU1C myVtf K-'"T" ttoot UMK8, COATS, AM) MANTILLAS. V L.allea wlaHnu to rtrei. well and ecoii inncally, wll ftitrt It tv tbir advaniave t v'ait the M'tiimo h tTbak and Mamllia K'npoihiin ol Mrs. IIKNKV.Noa M and 4rt N. JSINTH Hin et, If low Ach, he ae to b- bad all tbe litteM Fatii. and London styles at Trtr that will enr thfir Inimtdiaie d)-oial. N. H - A haii'lfome assortrr nt of I.ivilea ana tJenuo ttinn'a WrperB,Hhaw''. ami l.aa ManMIIva apH-Sm Woe W a d ) N. NINTH HtrtHit. 028 HOOP SKiKTS. fiOQ Manufactory, o. tiH AKi'll Htre-t. U-wO AlKJVe oi'n r t I' lii U .lei P Uia, Wholesale and Retail. The most rompleta aaanrtment of I .ad tea, MNses', and thlldien s lloop bkirU In the city, tn every rranect tlrau cisNs, which for style, Hiilsti, auiabillty, and oheapnose. Lav no etial In the market. hklris made to older, alurod, and repaired. fli.i- WM.T. HfrKINH. t,UKrt,MT MTBKLT. Tha attention of I.AIIIKf VISITltffl TIIH rnv.or llmsc abrnt I.K A Vl Ni 1 It fur " Watar Inu I'leoes." or "thr t'.it oirv,' la ra.pectliillv Invl pl to the extoiihlv.. stock of WMITPl (KililiS anltakla for HIIMMKR WEAR, fot WIIITB W01HKH, MKS1NU WUAJKKKS, ?. An xlentlve sssortniant li offerM In Lacs anil Worsil Kdii.R. and InuTtlnars. Valla, ll.Bi karrhtfis. Collars, levi., and la lilata ami fanry l'lal1. rt:rt'd, and KiRiired Wlilta (lonil. A I- PKIOKS MUCH BKI OW TMKIB MtK.KKNT i.KTmIL VAI.I'K. 1ii l-rlniod Lilian t'auilirlc Drpssa.. Us) i.H'Cis I'uitoil, Tucuxl, and Striped Musv Uus. ' if 1! IS! 10'44 t'nF.aMTT STREET. MADAME DKMORKST'B MIKUOK OP s ashlun for buuuue aoar read, whilesal an4 retail. (IlIAKD 0PF.NINI1 OK SI'MMKK PATTKUNS atMrvM. A.'tll'S Teuile o( rasliluo. Ma. MM CHKSMl r Mtn-eu .le ant Trinimed Patterns, of all tha latest and most ra Ual.le styles of 1'ails Kaaliions. tor Ladlis' and (Jhililrea's I. ess. Our arraai.'einants for receiving the latest Panalaai Uealsti. are petleci, affordlns alwaya a choloa frma la rre.liest and most clesant styles. ltres and (-inak ftlakins in all Its branches, anil a par fect St warranted. Cutting and Hasting at Uie SUortest noifre. Kreixh Kltttlns and (limterltia. Stamping tor Eiuhti Idery anil Hral'llnsi Plnklan In every vurtoiy: Mailstne Demon's-s Prize Medal HKIrls; Trenoh Coraeis, skirt Klevawra, Pads, Shi.lda, Hooks and Krea, ami .'liarta. Itnp. runs and mannfaclnrlnit largely, I can sad will after stipt rtor It rtiicepienu to every ctisunner. Jo7-tutlislBi 1,'LAOS, FLAGS, AND UNION LANTKRN8, tor ll nminauoa. JOB IXH.L, No r1 MAltKET Htreet, Importer nf TOYS ANU I'ANW HOODS, list received irom Buroe, of iny owa aeleotfoa, a lanja assortment of I MKKKMcnAl'M PIPFSI, HOWLS, CIOAB TUBM' CHKHUY 81KMrl.Ae. JeT -tatlla-la Alao, a large variety o. Toya and fancy artlclee. "yANCia HTKWAHT HOC It I Jj .? M I A. IV Y. Incorporated June 29, 18G4. Cit pltnl, h: o.uoo. GO.COO bllAKF.8 A H 11 ARK PAR. Atihrcription f l each share lo original anhscrlSers fur W0'0 Khares paj able $1 cah down upon Biibscrlbmg.and two other Instalments ol 1 each, payablcou tha tUUtJaly and 'a.fVth Aunust, lttOl, resytotivvly. TEN THOUSAND SHARES lletcived for Bcntflt of the Company. Tho land purchased by the Vance Stewart Bonk 0(1 Company contains one hum rt d aud thlny-ooe acres, ia the veiy toie ol the oil riHinii, on thoutanil ihrw) huu did and ten ft-m on thi Aluh.-nv rlvur, in t.'ranbrry to ii.h.p, i-xtriiditiK a coiittnJciaboj oimauce t a u both sides ut thi Low t r Tvmi Mde Hun, cumumttly e.uldd Va liiirtn lluu. a oiople of mints beluw rrunkhn, n VvnaiiKO cunt) . l'tuns lv ai 1". 'He Alhfhiiiy Kiver Tcirliory U yieldiuu an abundant and pcnnmii'iit haive.i ot an ecel- ' it iit ijuail y it Oil, the nuiii' rn.s w i lls l o. th ri i us banks proline inn oil with i vcu still yrcaltr regularity thia the wells ttioiitt OilC'ieck. li u hclievt-d tie tinw of Oil tx'low the Crouch ofKrank I lln.ou the Alletht-ny river, will pntrhly nt-ver bw nna j. f xhiiuttteti, hrt'uus-j iho stra' iilcatiou, o vol.aalo dtsrup j tion oi Kh'k illi'S in a soiithrtwardiy dlrtctiin j a u 1 qiitnti) the boa ol Oil muuI.1 b' nt-an r the sarlace at too j Lp or en u, m.y uf Oh t rcuk. ai d well would require t. be biiu-d dt n-r in prpirtii ii lirilo n tl.e rivor. wiiere, i howc t-r, 1 1 it-re would hecfiBat Hy be the umst perinB'ieni, anl a much it-aier ni. j l nod miHiincMiireut iodyor fk i e ot till It U ci-ruin tha' ac ircsi't swim on ihe river. In the immrdia'u u lnitv oi iin. 1ji,(J . have o iiitiuiitid pro duch a tlurn-K the psi thn-e or lour yeain an uuwaveraif ami steady d d jn-.Uit o l A fin en at ihe m up win d mount rate the fct that the l.wr iwo Mhe Hui and O.I ( r.vk aio On the aiae dmctihall tuirjlil lie, aud tmy itManl oti area in. naton ut the idftttirni fn,e titye mri the r.iam c f hit, imm eat h other al o it time mites apm la uie cl clv the rami dutilon. It houIO, liv vti n-t oeet truoidtnai), tl h) h. rink' w'Ht on tills trait a sutttcmnt d pih t ptrhxpH cl-ht hundred and IIHy ftet, timt tbe (!oniAtt wu'lfi limy m:. ii :l m ihoov of Oil t'n-ek in fl.t ir Mipplh- of huiidnoH of hdrn In oi oil dally, and enuiuinuf piottikHotid tlt Uie fjriiiu.i(f result to ll i-Inn. luiic, r ot thr. ciiiiiMUt' Ou Ona purticular tmci oi Itnd thora has huea lot oo li-N.-e for ivM-n'y ti ar. a vcil n--r pxmuiritf a fi.' i'rtiua oi r-Ood Oil, aithoiuh It depth ot b re In conbidee4 quita li M.ll c ent iiI.iku'Iu larK' 1om : Kilt' pur, uf ihe Oil at tt u wt il nw-uih ui- r . v d aa a ro al y to I ia toimi-r ow i er of Hu :ard, and wnl at ouce laurt to tire Del if 1. 1 . f the I oiu'Hn . Ihtrcrtit ul-o iwo utlicr Wt-ita h..ieo a few nun. lit tl deepe nh,huinoi yt ttihi(,iMHin d:ca in u ll' Hirtitt- rhoA ot Oil j a ti.rrel a-uv ran I'fi.aMl'y Im- n-uoiJtM oul ol tl cm, mnl i o douiu mi ems to exUt th4 the i wl'Jbnt'i prove Mut 1) iem ii.e'Mtiti Ht-IN whtn boied! a reanu:ible ihpih. An-'ihi-r well it hif bjiej, and prou.ioes a u;ikUi lor .eld hMi.pU s oi oil i n cured tn m the-e w elts can be seen at the office of the Cumpsiiy. S: W.U,Nll' ttii Ti e let of tills va ti ihie oil liiurt, ooiiiprliintt otie haa-dri-0 end ihl't) -oi.e acies, luc.uilioa to r Py '( tint per Cent, of oil h t Ihe ! a-e i w li, H"r piunp.n t. and iha ro-ht oi lie thrie well- psmallv itev ilupeej, U putchsftd hy tho. t'oniitaii: dl c t trout thi owner, fU- tne u.otieiitie pi ce ol khi' .V'i -, Willi a Ortr,t Mill In tine ordtsr, a fM'i. bonne. c i paii'itts ol t'Ui'rer. 1 he m e ol shH k II piv eusfi lor tin-laud In lull, and lekve il-e Mini if i S.l.',n um1i wiitkini; c.ipitsl on hand, viih wi.u h tn cuiut h u tht- tlnff o j (o-llt, and a isii Ij bioe fwn irw wets, with He steam engine, Ac, to be Id munlm fnici within a few month-; arran inenis w 'll he mde to ucrompllsh th- se nnjects wnlmut U'la M (iubsiilplioiis wnl ha aa pl d for lea than till) shale. '1 he va.-tt fortunes r aied hy Rock Oil Companhis e-ttbs llhhrd hcie ant) elsew hi re are iiotoriour) '1 nj nil ird la Jul in its lnr.ncy, anu the ileimtml cuiistautly liicruasinif. is prii e ! mm pur barrel at the well s utuiU,exoiu- slvu oi iu casks Large w el s will ilotiMiess be struck at the deptl fft't, so as to reach the third Handtloue Hock Wulls hava been bored heretofore to the depth only of about ooufoet In tills violuity. It is proposed to bore twenty wells oo thli pmpertv during the j-ieaem vear. There Is room for line hundred wells. A perftct tltln, clear of all lucuut bianves, Is coulldciitly assured to Ibe Company, 1. 1 i.ts of subscription are bow open uatll tha 50.000 ahaxea are subsrrlbed, pa able $1 per share, to the order of Aider uianJAidES kliCAUtN, the Treasurvr of Uie Company, Ko. 406 WALNUT Hot. or at No. U6 WALNUT Btroot. or at Uie cfllce of tha Company, Ko. WALNUT Street. Tha public are Invited to call lor a pro poet us. )ytvtf i n ia INHtrilANCE.- THE EOME INSURAKOE OOMPAIT OF PHILADELPHIA, o. 1CVO B. KOUKIU aTHtKT. CASH CAPITAL IIOOKXX This Company Is prepare'! to Insure against loss aa dHinsKsby KlUKon buiMl-.M. sllhwr of lt L1M1110 tlmendon M RUt llaNolh gnasiT Jamea Brown. 1 nomas Krniber, Hanry fl. UciyotrnkT Lemuel (iHh t tia. a. iny. w m. 1 Lewis, t has. f. M or to a, Wm. N. Vedlta, f- has r, Haar4, af, tltllhorn Jonee. .1..)... u " John il. Tayiur, luoatas Kausoa, i7, 1J;