THE DAILY EVENING TEI,EGnArarjggP'LlmA, WEDNESDAY, jWjf6,J8g4. WtWNBSDAY, JULY 6, 1B6. for Tht Krmlnf TMItyrapA. THE FAICl ASBf't. June 7lli-a7i. A. I. . tWj,tInkn bndl Wm, Ket.l chiefs! bright tororigs tT mtnlstc-rinif spirits our f-ww path Jkre lttb tlnfl up, till Uod, restraining wrath, -A more tbn Kd sea triumpk with In oK Khali bid engulf a tyranny that wronKi Kacb bondman lorely, but each free lord mr.iv ! Pair sisters, Miriam-like, Columbia o'er, Ye brlg what first, rach brother's life prolongs, Till gn Uldon by Freedom pillowed Are, A past the gulf whore Pharaoh's demons nop, Ye hall, with banners bitfh and aiitbems lii;'l r, ynfranrhtsed men whom (hid and right Inspire. Kind angels, liftotir stricken heroes up, Tba Lord (ball brim with tueir'i your ni-elar enp ! X). W. therefngeof ."vrllisrw. riotis" to IWe upon memories ana Brenly cuEiesmis or English teeeage. I ami hptwnlv eentra. Inns. W'.itt was mh deTsstiitlon maclo In the 'ranks of onr nobility, tHIrd and untitled, as ttniiitg tins Vnpiish Thirty Years' War of the White and Ked IUmos. In the thirteen battles fought between York and iAneaster, from thai of til. Albans, In MM, to that on Kedmore Down, near llosworth, In 1 (Hr, in nine of wbVh struggles tho Yorkists were the victors, yvrt they ultimately lost the (Treat pri.c at Boa woith, there perisheil In light, by tnnrder, or rnler the axe two klni-a, lour prince", ten dukes, two marquises, one aml-twenty oarls, two viscount, and seven-anil twenty tvirons. To these miy ho added ono lord-prior, one judge, one hundred and thirty nine knights, all notilc; lour Imnuri'ii una imiy-oun imrvm, mo eldest fnl.s of knights; and a imhiv ot gitimu men or untitle d nobility, of coat armor and ancestry, the ntiniber of whom is variously suited, 'but which numlier being Incorporated with the death-roll ot private Milliters, swelled the great total to marly eighty-six thousand men, fcurk was the cost to tliv country of that country's best blood, shed In a quarrel wli ten, after all, ended in a wedding by way of com- piomise. !lv death and bv attainder the ranks of till) pet rnge were thus diminished ; they do not seem to have been rapiuiy repienisueo. la utraiiu of Kli?alieth, In tlie year 1472, the order of dukus was toinllv extinct : and we learn frirm one of Urn Jonson's plays, that In Julias l't time it was a Three centnrtcs and a half ago the ancestors of many of our peer -were what would be called bscure country gentlemen, of the untitled aris tocracy. Of our present peers there are bnt sjcrcnty-fire whose ancestors were land-holders ml the period just named. The rest are mere mushrooms compared with county squires, whose Bceston beld land at the same period. It it feand that the Scottish peerage will stand this tcit better than the English. We can think of a4y two titled Scottish families whose ancestors lid not possess land at the beginning of the -six- tcentb. century rrimrosc and Hope. The pre Mut head of the former family, tho Earl of I oso "bcrry, descends from Jumes Primrose, the crlriter. who In 1616 bad license to print the tract, "God and the King," for twenty-eight years, In English or Latin, abroad -or at borne. We have spoken of "mushrooms;" awl It Is manifest ttuit if peers only reckoned their no- Mlltv from the date of their patents, thorr would be of the mushroom quality. But the newest peer may have a very old jiedigree, ad after twine, on the list of noble Enelish remry, may Attain as a peer to a higher rank In that nobility, ttnd enjoy privileges which were previously be yond bis reach. So, when a proud d sqniro rieclinaa to bo made a modern peer, his pride. Minds him to the truth that the -new title would not at all atlect his being an ancient gen tleimnil. Al the close of the last century there were 48 families in England entitled to tuar arms. To the founders of those families the sovereign had at aome time granted thia privilege, and anrh .a a-rant ennobled the recipient and bis suoressors. It mattered nothing whether there wna a title or handle so the name or not. The owner held l-.nd and wore coat armor, as the shield of his arms was caned and therewith " John Hampden, twenty fourth hereditary Lore of Ore Hamptlvn, tna sqaire ivlSo' ' iord of the Manor, was as gsri a nobleman as Iiuckiaglium better, if t be true that Uuchingham's mother, Mary liennmont. had been a menial servant. In old tines, at least, a man was not noble who couid, not prove his "sixteen quarters" noialltty nn taintedtn his family, on both side, ft om the time f his great-great-grandmothers. Under the later ItonrbODS, whose subjects assurjed titles with the alacrity of "the most noble ount Bussett," no na was permitted to take paA in the royal hunts whose nobility did not data from before the year 1400. In France, too, which assumed to be the moat prslite of nations, a descent through a female branch lessened the homor of those so descended; but in England all Xhe most ancient baronies descend through females without deterioration or disparagement. ven if the wife be of the humblest condition', she ranks with her husband. Roger ids Clifford so loved bis meanly born mistress, Gillian. that he would wed with no other woman. Tbe Yelverton who married his cook did little otf no harm to the blood of Avon more. The laiiy Juliana Talbot, who married Bryan, the strolling actor, and lady Fox Btrange ways, weddd with O'Brien, of Drury Lane Theatre, dhj neither harm nor honor to the lam i lies iiito which they married. Lord Man eell's son ttnarried the daughter of Sir Cloudealey Shovel, jjvbo had been a shoemaker, without tainting Ais father's blood. There was a Dowa ger Countess of Wincbclsea who married a winc merchAnt. by which there was less barm done than might have been by the marriage of the Marchioness of Antrim, In her own right, with Mr.Phelps, a chorus-singer, which marriage, nf iuavar was witnonx issue. ' ' . i ...or -Jl I- . V ,r j tl) peerage, nowever, naa lunncu is uuni fu memliers havintr contributed a very 'large number te the untender bands of the exe Rinra ttm ("nnnneror's days some four- inmnnral and SDiritoal lords have tasted the bitter quality of that grim official. The list pens with Wsitheof, Earl of JNorthumberland, Uantingdon, aod 'orthaaapton, who was be headed by order of King William, his wife's anr-iK in 107fi. The irloomy record closes with Lawrence bhlrley. Earl Ferrers, who was haaged ,, mnrriiir In l.M). Almost midway between be Saxon earl politically beheaded by his Nor man uncle, and the balf-mad and entirely bad art wbo went to Tyburn in his wedding suit, tends the first prince of the blood wbo stepped ti. araiTftld doomed leiallr to death, in the person of Thomas Flantagenet, grandson of Benry III, and Earl of Lancaster and Leicester, of whom the common people made a saint. Mo laraii the memory of this trouble-ome and snitiutrnt nrince. that at one time Thomas of Lancaster threatened to supersede Thomas vrv few. Indeed, are the cases la which peer kave been rightly executed for an but political tfenses, such as hign treason, wuurcuy iuc xulu traitors because of their lack of suc cess. Two or three have suffered for crimes mt nnntu-rabla enormity : but in the very worst ot theie caws there is room for suspicion that the were of a class ready to prove too much. The spiritual peers have for the most art, suffered enforced death, when called Uon, with great dignity. Human sympathy is always witblbem. We know of no exceptioa, save in (be instance of an unworthy member of the Irish t,relacT. who was. however, a Homers t- ahira iientlemun. Atherton. bishop of Waterford He was banged at Uubliu, in Kill, to the rreat satisfaction of every honest and pure minded Tf'ttia law was sometimes rigorously Inter preted against noble ottetiders, its enactments were as caretully upplicd for the protection of the good fame of the well-deserving. These ta exist. According to their de- laiation, a man may say of a commoner what would be tcandalum matmacum wuen w"u, 8o"Dr. 11 unties discovered when he said of my Lord Townsbend : "He is an unworthy man, and seta against luw and reaion," and fuaud, to bis cost, that the words were actionable, as being used against a peer, i-h uivni 1 il.el act of Queen Victoria, however. t... nmhahlv taken the ttinK out of the once ii.ia writ nt Si-iitttliiluM Muimatum. I, wua nut mcrelv bv the block or attalnde that peers and peerages in the old times ceased to exist. In those early days a tilled nobleman nru w, ,,rv of his dienitv, and, yiebliug it will,, Irew to a monastery. The In r' t.ot few of peers tiying from their esiates. stripping themselves of their dignities, and immuring themtelves in some isoiattu treat, because they were stricken with lepn u ur,,,Hi e as a rumuliltive sumple, the stance of Baron Brian 1'iUcouut, whose two sous, i,.n,n im uraldo letiers. Br, an and Ins w.U Waur'e, alter providing for tho cure of tho two i..,.k iris heirs, shut themselves up in religious houses, and heard unmovea iinuiue amn, "'. I had seized tncir lanus, as i ii'pcucii,- men, iucupuhle of inheritance of title or estate. lSurrtmlers oi title were, otnerwise, ii u.,....- Ht leusi a uotcu ......... Wa rnnlil eiiuinerate peers who were tbUB "degraded" because ol the poverty. One of the Beaulorts, in il.uiryiv retu, descended Irorn the rank ot Marquis ; lir..i ,i..i ..I l'url ,if Somerset. Indigence I a wr w nr,.iuiiiv n inn ised to runder him dan m rous to tha lli.vprniiiellt. and it was undoubt. tdly an aneieutruie of the civilians that nobility was annulled by poverty. But the rulo cou:d not hold, thus hitwprwtid ; ovcriy did not annul notdlity it only supprsm( ,(ie ntle. Kvery en del of a noble house, ifcougb he be a grave-diet-er, U as noble as the Ulr(j jead ol-that houise; but in old times if a ,vc-dtoer could have proved himself to be the rtf,,! u,.ir toa tieerniie, the law would have rvmsed his Lobilitv, but neither law nor cu.u,. uor kil . wou d have hu.Ud hiin by bi title. In "lie respect, evtremu periods affords ,4mU lustrations, m uj-b . " 'Itecrlvfii tii.rfy Tsat Knslsnit lnri no ilusei. ' The title was distasteful ti divers nobles, who held it oniinc us, on the ground that so many ho had borne it had lost their Heads. Ml James, however, reviled the ducsl order in IH2I, I ry advancing ueorgo V liners 10 me ran oi mo Duke 01 HiicKingnam. The omen was fulfilled In this C5e. Of the three Math rds who hud been Dunes of Buck ingham before him, Humphrey was slain, and llenrv and Edward were beheaded. And then this George VillK rs was assassinated, and bis son died a beggar and childless. In the fchef l.elds this dukedom pnssed but from one father to one son. That sou died a miner, and him and his borne Tope celebrated in the Epitaph on the last ot the KhclBelds ; "A Taer fi.r rmirire fsmed, sntl art Enia In the tMennrit " l the hes't; Anil, rkts at (.arfea luri l,i lirllsin sivrn, !' Use lust tllbue, l: a sal til U liravea." Young PhrffleU, Duke of BurklnKham, V ast died in his bed. Other lines ended in otlier ways. Although peers be titled gentlemen, who ecjny such privileges as freedom from arrest k civil suits, und the right low tar their hats, 41" they choose to be rude, In Courts of Justico; and although thtf have Urn exercise of various judi cial functions, the grandeur of the po'icioa has oft times suffered much abatement. There was formerly in titled lite as much peri, as gmndeur. Take, for Instance, the eighteen Er.rlsof No: thu:n btrlarid. The first tlrec were slain; the fourth, t'ospatrlck. 1'rotn whom the Dundnscs ure de scended, ilK-d in er.tle; thy! fifth was beheaded j the sixth, who was also Bihon of Durham (Walcber.l, was murdered ; the seventh 'the Nor man Alherick), wus deprived and pninounced " nntit iwr the .dignity ; " tho oighth died a prisoner for treuon; the ninth and tenth hardly mine into the s. wxint. lor they were. "Icnry and Malcom,nriin i.s i f Scotland, who were a tort of honorary ir.arlsot iMoriiitininenann ; ineeieveiun earl wus the old - bishop I'lidscy, of Hurliam, who lought tbj earldom for 11, WW, but was subse oueuilv jeprived of it und thrown into prison. Tlien 'iawc tho 3'ercvs. The first earl of that hoafu, but the tweltth in succession, after the ,' Veatb of his son, Hotspur, at Shrewsbury, was niniien Slain m name; uiv luiiuxiu cat, Ki. Alhaos. tbe tonrteentn at low son, me ni- tceoth at iiurntt, the sixteenth wis murdered, i the seventeenth was the lirst to iie a natural death, and the eighteenth left no children, lie. imieed. left a lirutber: but Hir i nomas fercy was attainlod, and lis bouors became eKtinct. The son of Kir Thomas was restored In blood and title after Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, was beheaded,; lint the restoiea eari was nimseii beheaded In 172. It was his nephew, Earl Henry, the husband of Dorothy, oue of the sisters ol Essex, who suffered fifteen years' imprison ment in the Tower, and was mulcted in a tine of 20,000, not toaucb because ue iniicu io prove that bo was not concerned in tbe Uunpowdor Hot, Isut because tho Percy who waa actively engaged in it was his kinsman and servant. Ue wus tbe last Earl of his line who suffered per sonal constraint; and in his grandson, josceune rercy, the male line uecame exunci in io,u. Weeould cite the lines of other noble houccs the honors of which have had as much gloctu as glory, more peril than comfort, about the.-n. We will rutber complete the sketch of the I'etcy family by stating that the carl josceune s soiu . , . I V. mm T.' I I. m.VPa,l lha C111IQ IW4 1WI1CBB, liliwiwtu, u.ihi.vm " nroud Uuke-of .Somerset," in which title their son, Algernon -Seymour, succeeded them, with that of Earl of Northumberland added thereto. This Algcraoa Beymour, like JoBeehne l'ercy, had but one cnlid, Elizabeth, sole heiress now of the Somerset and Norihumberlaud pro;ier- ty. This Eluabetu once expiesscu uer sor prise at a lady slaving refused an offr of mar riage made to uer by tlie nanasome oar .uut sir Hugh Biuiuisou, wnose raiuer is uouiiou by somewriurs aa a lxindon apothecary, out whose familv, landed gentry in the north, from the time or tuc lunquesi, w is aa nooie aa luni of the l'tr ys, and only inferior to it in the fact that the hereditary title of the one was higher In the scale of precedence thun the other. Sir Hugh man ltd tbe l'ercy ineiress.auu was suoseiiacuuj created Duke of Northumberland in 1700. In the well-nigh hundred years mni uave since elspsed, there have bsen four dukes Sir Hugh, bis son, and two graudsons. In the latter, as in tbe earlier days, these Northumbrian nobles have bud to risk their lives in battle ; the present duke wae in Lord Exmnuth's expedition to A I- giers. and his lather uasUnguiBiieu uimsuu in America. The istter, too, came tuto collision vnin me Government of his day, as his remote predeces sors bad often done; but in his case with lets calamitous Issue. Oeoi-ge III liad pronilsod biia tbe Governcisbip of T uemuuth ; but tbe kiug broke hi rojal woni. When he was, subse quently, asked to go out to America as C' u.nirr. with a uron.iscof the Uan.Tou bis return. be peiemptorily refused ; and when asked for the grounds oi nis rem'ai, no us iwiupn i,ow,v bis expciirnce of what court prouusea were ! It has been remarked that the cadets of noble families, however low they may have fallen, lose nothing of their nobility, and may be theirue re presentatives of aline whose elder liraucheare extinct. If this rule he exactly as we h ive stated, P. r. v thp Irish trunk-maker, who claimed to be the heir of J user line l'ercy, to the detriment of tbe great heiress KHzabeih, may nave uau no grounds for his claim as next heir, and yet may have been a cadet of the family, lu the last century, Ike old noble Scottish line of Ormiston bad a cuiiet of the bouse, and probably a repre sentative of the lords ot the laud m ar Montrose, in the person or Uruiifton, tno .bumnurgu nung man. T rptiim tn Entrland : let us observe, that in an eentiully heieiilury peerage peerages for udonbtedlv an anomaly. The grunt which made Sir James I'arke, B iron Weusley- lal lor the term ot bis nu-'ural life, w.iB SO ques t.ontu lu the Upper House, that the Crown yielded to the pressure, anu me tine was ro- granted to htm and Ina heirs. In tbe earlier case bl Chief Jasiice Oitf rrd. a life peerage was pro posed, but declined ; and the learned lord ulti mately oblaincd his baronial coronet wi:h the ..,,. I He is distinuuisbed as being the only English p er who was at the umii time Master'ol the KoiIh. lu King James I.'s time, hi wever. there was a Scottish peer, Lord Bruce, u v.n tu lil ti e same office. it n.nst be renumbered, nevertheless, that pre cedents lor authorizing cri utions of life p't-raei exist. Henry VI created Richard Beauchaiiip i ri ni Warwick Earl of Albcmarlo forlifu. At t, is death his son Henry succeeded him in ,i ,r!.i,io of Warwick, and he was subsc ,,,.niiv the sole Duke ol Wurwtck (with nrcce- em e next to Norfolk und before Duckiiigliam) .... ,i mil of tin- oeeraire : but tho title ol Albc- n arle extiired lit Richard Buaucha nip's death In HJi'J, nor was it heard of uguin till Ifi'M), when ....-.. vnek wus creutcd Baron Monek ot I'otherldge (his birthplace), anil lleiiuehauiu Karl of TornugtoM and Duke oi All) inurlc. Uio onlv other Instance we can recall to mind of a peciaie grunted lor life wan in 11177, wbeii fii Mind d'Anule, of I'iiiioii, was created Earl ... u..r,ti,.i,,lmi tntn t in sua durantr; und ajam in i.i,: .,.. qi,,,Mins Keaiif.rt. Karl of Dors't, was created Duke of Exeter for lii'o. On the oihcr bund, the creation of peeresses for hfo has been exceeding y common. We need b it only . .. i:,. lUi.laseze. the Countess ol Bucklnghani, tint Countess ot ( liestcrlield, and ?: . ...!?!.... . ..l r...l nut tllll DilelleSS Ol IJUO- I., .i. rountcssof Ouildford, the Duchess of i ili. iha Countess Rivers, tho Bn oaess flnng from the bridge ofi Rtrauhlng ' nuhS, by his order. The poor 7"' who had nnwllliigly brcom. a duchess, rose to the sntface and struck out (or the shore, r"am Ing for help; but there was none to help Ur. The dnral executirmcr was there, bnt only to satisfy bis master's pride and thirst foe yen srance. As sheneared the bank he parsed his long nolo through her luxuriant hair, ferced her nn- 1 . 1 l. ... I V. .. , I.. -Ill . V. a tier tne water oy it, aim nem was drowned. One of the irtnt curious errors with which we sre acquainted Is that in the last volume of the "Archieologinj" in which it is said that this poor Dm hrss Apnes was drowned by order of her own instead of her husband's lather. Tho Inner win the murderer by the hands of his own hangman, l'cihsps flic hunginsn was rnnde a Frciherr for his manly work. In our own country an idea hsi always prevailed that an executioner who be headed a State criminal for high treason became by the furt tin csiuite. The mistake aroro from Brooke, York Ileritld, having made out a coat-of-iinns tor "Gregory Brandon, gentleman," the hangman of Charles l's days. York palmed the arms on Garicr. who negligently Continued them ; bat both beinlds were Imprisoned one for the hoax, and the other for not linding it out. The honx g ive rise to the old popular error. In old days In this our England, all noble men, by whatever title they were known, were barons. The "Council do Baronage," included peers of everv dignity. In the reign of Henry ill an Art of l'arliamcrrt decreed that no noble man could sit in Parliament without a writ of summons. Nor was a new peer considered ac tually possessed of Ms-dignity till he had under gone the right of investiture. On this point Sir Bernard Burke has fallen Into a singular error fora klncof nnns 'to make. "In odentlme," he wiys, "it was deemed necessary to invest with mtca the ntwlv created baron lu open 1'arlla- nsiTt. and so latclv us the era of KingJ imci I ri al monarch in ncrson solemnly Inducted the barons created by patent, in the fifteenth year of tiis rsign. by rm-ol'lng each peer In scarlet, with a hood lurred wltn miniver; out in tno same vear it was determined to discontinue thoie cere Vnunli s in firMre. the leiral advisers of the crown having declared that the delivery of the letters patent constituted a sufficient creation." Never- ihclCfS, it is certain that investiture was In prae- tic ns lute as tlie reicn ot Charles II. "in the Darwioeting House," writes Bepys (20th of April ir,i 1L ' the klnir create my lord chuncello; und wveral other earls, and Mr. Crewe and several others bBions, the first being led up by hfmlds and five old carls to the king, and there tim TMtcnt is read, and the king puts on his vest aid sword sad coronet, and gives hini tho pstnt, and then he kisses the king's hand, and riM?s ami stands covered before the king. And the Bniiie lor each baton, only he is ltd up by three old barons, and they are girt with swords btfore they go to the king." Coronets were not worn by barons previous to this reign. Charles coirfsrrcd this honor, as Elizabeth had done, on viaii inula. As connected with this matter, we mey obscive that a iter's robes cost about 1000; tint just previous to George IV's coronation, Mr. VVaytc ottereu to supply lueui ior tna oeiainiuu at 220, and to take them buck at 80, which loft ample profit for their use. On the subject of creation of peers, wo will fcrre mention the exceedingly prelty custom srlii. h was once in force in France. In the time of the old Parliament, a duke and peer on his nomination, and even if he were a prince of the blood, was obliged, lu tbe spring next after bis ,nr,,niin. in nrescnt a tribute of roses to the 1 1'arliament. This was culled tiro "Coremony of the Roses." The new duke, moreover, was ac rnstomrd to decorate the hull 1c which the l'ar- lluitient mt. Btid every adjacent chamber, with a nrntiislon of Mowers and foliage. 'Previous to his introduction, he gave a magnificent breakfast. On bis introduction, pages preceded him bear In a a lame silver bain with roses and violuts, which were presented to the president. The pretty ceremony couW nofbe avoided. In June, 1A41 . the parliament decreed that lxmls des Bour bon Montpensier, created duke and peer in Frn rnnry, 1MH, and Francolsdo Clevcs, created, 'Due dc Nevors' in January of the same year, should trresent theflowerv tribute, and thatl-ouis de Bourbon, though the last In date of creation, should bring his roses anu violets ami. COM,!vrii!rwr)titoat rith, BAjutis, and leatxh. Ik co.'s COLCMN MUHOtMU. nnritfi rnY, Itif ifrtsl Intflsn ltnrvlln, t-rrr all iHssshi tsf Ihs wilnsry Aryans, sosll as ln f.nlti'rnr or Iks Urtns, In fsmin.Uos of Oi Iblil'ler, 1 n Sammai Win of U1 k Ifln,-! a, Hlin In tko llla.l.ltr, Sine Inrs, Uraval, (wi. tlnni r rhia, sua I s.esrlsMy r- (,riinii,l it In tlio" cnsi s of X r All, on ',r w hiirs in frbinles) whirl all tl,s "'d TISIIMOUI lUCUlllSeS M, r.iii.i. rc-f cr t XI t o : 'f : (i ft: (V MM MM SI M MM MM MNt MM SI if MM MM MH Mil Mil MM at M MM MM MM M MM IS MMMM MMMM sunn Mil Mil MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM AIM T. re (VCl'IIO It Is prrrsrefl In a Mvhly tMrnnentrat 4 (orm, llw nlr lulnil I'rm nns miwo b.ftHKxrulul thrre liioss por dav. It is dlnr"Me and sltf-rallvs In Its a'l"il; I'lirl ylns anil r.lrsnstoiK rhn tiloO't, 0itU"lti H to rsiw in all rt Its orlglunl purttv anil visor; tlmi rn inovlwvr Irom Ilia sysorn all psmseions OHiiiifS wtiioll Savs M o O U I A N, toyirtar awl Wholmal Dcahw la FANCY OOODH, NOTIONH.Ao, ITREWOEKS, IXAGS, oto, Matdlio and JllaoKlnst, Ho, a HTBAWBtKBT TWF.FT, (Flrat strut abovs Haeona. tMriwMm Markst and Chssnat) mj-a tn rilbVAIiKWHIA. i-i 0I.D S IMI'IIOVKD STKAM AND WATKR- S IIKATIWII AITABAII'n rVarmlnK and Vniiltii' I'uMle. Bunilns ana in- HIV HMlHIIIMi CllKltl)r. 1 N.I V.I'.- TloN I uili-iiiUil an an ii'ly or a.srtjoit t I Ire I lll.ior- K Kb IthMKIIY. ml miuli1 1. ii- In rniiiuii' ii with lhat nMMllcllia In all cam's rf ltdiorTli'i n, t.lrvt, i ti"r Aa.,ns i Wlillai. llic n at tii'sllng, snralilns, slid Hwiillr4,iil; rrroovlna Ml alilins hal, clioril' v. slid lain. lnntail of H o lairn ira SJlil ttllimsi nn naiirst, v y in Oat l nxinrlrlir,l nnfc nrsrly aU tliS clieaK iiUfl.A llijinlkms. irn lilt III! II II II It lilt lilt II i liiiiitiiiimiini; iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii nn mi it ii H i ii li nil IIU lilt I'rlrr.,t1IK.KOKt.l'.It I Mt V. -l l.rr bottlt. or Ihrus tiotlltl tor $r. Prlrs. rllRKIUKK IN- JKCTION, i t l.o ll,., or Uircc bottles riir Vh Prnt by eTTtrr-s' to anv ad- dnuft m riTi-liit of prlet-. Hold bj aBrniiKiui.vrj- wlivra. m-T.v.r.r.r.v.. r Mlthl.KM K yy. VK t YVA.y.V. yy. rr. VEKI'.rF.KF.I'l'. KI.KKKLI.KKB rr.P.KfWF.F.K KKKhLfji-l-r. V K t K KKKR r.y.y.K yy, KK l.RKEF.F.F.F.F. Tlv ihf n of tki rnFUO KKk llfcMKllV snd UHF,. ItllKKK INJISO'llUN Ilia two niertlrlnss at Ills samft tlnis all ImnroDor dn r.hartrsi am removsil.and ths vreski-ns'l ora inn are kimm'I llr re.totad to fuU vlfor and aoiifftn. For full parMfiilaM aft oar asurpti'stt rr im any or In Hie omintrv, nr write aa. ami w will msB fiw to an J atldrekt a fuU WMuia. DDMlIiniin lilUlDDlllJllll im ti I'll im HI) I'D M) M) I'll III) ni li Hl.tll'Tlt'llbl) IiDIiKDDDU CIIKItOKF.B t't'BF.I An unlallins i-nra for rtpoe- anatorrliCH, Hrtnliml Vi f on. Nor-tumal KmUralont, and all nlicati! caiifi'd liv u.f t'OlSitlon ; surli at 1"S of Memory, Universal Lnani tnd", I'alm In Ike llsek. Him arts of Vtnlon, Friaatnri Okt A. Wrait Kervea. Irf flonHy of hrcathinif, 1 renib Uns, Waktfiilnsss. Kraptloni on ihs Kara I'ala I oivnta nanro. Insanity, (tnniump ta,n. and all tlie direful omi. plaint aanird by dr-inrtisg from the paUi of uatura. VNtOM MKAM AND WATFR HFfTINO CIMI' VI I in - ,iri JM r. I . w n -if, No. 41 H Itltumi Rtn ot. aihW-fim II. M. FBLTWItI,L.Hui'iirint.inlfnt. IN- RAILROAD LINES. i , . . " ., a . . i'hilaplohia and Trntoa Bllr..a4 CW'mpaaXa' Unas frxml'hlladalpbialnltaw York and Way Fisrvi r HOM WAIJtrT RTRF.IT WHAIlF. Wllllravaas folloxt, vU: ... At S A.M., ls Caoxleu aud Amhoy, C. and A. A-nulsllnn At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jaraey diy,Moniiag Ki prrm . At H A. M ., via Camden ana jsrmy i;ilv,'ia t.iasa AM'm'", via ! t'aiiiiien and Ambov, C. and A. Arotiaa- ninriatlr.n 'i'"1'.'a At 3 I'- M., via Camdi-n and Auiboy.c. A. Ei- Ai,'!7'"'m" 1 Via 'arn.W n srld Anil.'.yVAcc..ininiaii..n ( FrUstil and I'aisensarl, Ut I ! 1 " At 7 V- "si' i Vu V'an'idVn ' and AmV "c.;,n, I mi (Frolflit and l'a.nsr), lt ( l" llcsat..... vni ia-s o...... .......... n.irlrliro. ForMnn. li Clinns, Aiienuiwn, i.vwm.... . --l.u-K.11. Mrnl.rrtylllr,Hi.t1ni7'r.n, -., t For Fl. iiilhKton, Lamlisrt villa, and Intttrawdiata t- """o'r' Mmint'lli.Uy, F.vainvjllf , and Temtwrton , al 6 A.M., rorl aluiTra. Klvalo,.", IM-Ianeo. ,!rvTj1rif" "a?"; Fli'iri'ii'. lWdl.toa. A-e.atSA. St., W M..I. d '"' aniisT it! Tli3 ; sn.t 6 1'. M. lines rim dlr.ct llironsh FoMlmyra.lllTcrton.nolanco.llcviirly and Uurllnf- "Slasmhi'St, K.r Bristol, niirllmrtmi, ll-vrly, Tri vsdHlf and 1 n'"0 , at !' .10 A M.a'.ili I . M. Will leavf as follows: , w ,k it It M. (ninhuvia Knlnton and hew 1 art, u ..l,,. Sw Yoik Mail W All' ISA M., via Kcinlnslon aud Jemey City E- ATa'i,Vii.'vla'KVViiii'iVt'ii and jeraoy CHy .- At 's-if' I"! 'H'. ' via''K'.nVlntb ri and" Jersey City, Wanlilnrtr.n and Kw tors Kspiesa HniKlay llnrs 'rave at 4 A. M. and a IS I . M K'.r atM Hat., Rirond.biirs. Hrranb.n, Wltkss arra. Mr.nlroT.llrrst fn nn, Mmirh I bunk, AlLntown. Ili-tbla-lirm, Hrhrldere., Lamhartvllla, Mrmlnsloa, ., , at 71.'. A M. Tkls llnr rnnn-rn Hti U Uuln laavlmi Kaili'ii fi.r staueli t.'liunk st 33" F. M. lor rii-mliivton, I-amlKTivtllo. and Intrrmadlata ata- tl""'; MrfuollVanloB, c. at Ml and U li A. M.. and J r'lr ll. lmubnrf .Tsroay.WlMtnonilnir. nridi sl.orB.and at s A.M., , n auu o im I.lnr runs ut iiriiioi. rj ARRANOKMRNT8 Or FIKW YOKK uis-n. 1S04. N VAI.1 1)8 AND CONVALKHCENT8, valldt and IVinvsk-nrfiits, Ifivalliln and (Vinvalfsoents, llrvaltda sndynvalisirints, FftiM'Olnlly Ksurrlallv Fr-mski In nail, nl" Ib'sltk, Femstr i In tl' lK-sln Itrsltli, l In lir lu sia H'-alUi, WIHUndviur raHf'.mla Wlnel. Callfumla W InM, ('lllernia Wines, Callfamla, .Itfr rnia Wines, Catiloaola WIDin, rrnllarly vsliiiil lf In all easraof lansuoi ana srtai prrm- UllK,u'i suaiiKwi. . . AHk AB AKK " Ak Ak A.k Ask Ask Ak A. A-k A.k A.k Prs. MeOallsi'il, fiit.hard, Simnd Jankton, (ol tlir Pennsylvania Cntverslly), llsrlns, lieram, firnrn. Hartshorns (Ohnmlo, Wtlliiiral, lliirllay, Nslillmrd, Wllbon, Tlnrial, Vlnal., Knurr. Msvland, and otlmr teadlnf phynlrlans, hl thav thms of thf mr.II ylnur. of Oiilll nua Wlna.l Tlins" (eii,lnii n pn asntw our ursndi, snd assure ui of tlsl MneUU paUants """"'""""""""c'aiifobnia WIKE AOF.VCY. J51-lm Ho.U B. FIFTH straet, alKivo 100 J-J 1-78 J Bl I M) til) I-.jO RAILROAD LINES. tttm r II 1 1, A D K I, P H 1 A. f ' - II O W TO B0&CHES, DMHTHOY EATS, MICE, ' Ik-d lttiKH, Ants, Ac, fco., BURT'S VERMIN " EXTERMIN ATOB. IT IS INFAU.II1LE1 TT IS INFALLinlll li pot np In IJirsr llar for 'nts. ! all ri-aclv for use, vtilh'.ot mlxles with olhi r arflriaa. Iroci not or (let liryand Worthless by Kccptol, Like some OUier I'n parai iia. vmiMiv Ann kxthavaoantly vown or it. RATS AkD MICK 1MB OCT OF THK1K I1U1.F.8. Is Not IanKri.ns to Cic. kl.ik.r.,.li,n tn ll wl,n OSS H . Bold by all Ilruag it and I 'aslera Uixuuijijoiit the fritted pisir". OAmros. Fie tnre and auk for Bnrt's Fstarmlnatr'r, m larne bones, wllh the riHl surnaa uy uitr rroiiris. tor, F.. Hurt. Jr. Take nr. oil er I'i.K.t. No li H. TF.NTH Streot. ahove Walnnt. Maaiifsclr ry, No. i:J JI VKNAL Klr'et. Walnut, ltween renin anu luevanui, i-i.uauvi,m. n m. nb bi vr i . m I "i '!in!T-"?3 1 11 feV--'it MAM kAU.llUAi7. wti SPAT11.S! (i. and after Mown AY, M- '.."" rfhsr II. R I1KI.MAK 1"" . I.rava fhlladtlphia ,7.i-.'' in. ''11A.I. l,S,IK av. i.ft.f. s ..., i", ii. i" . m 1 3 00 800 300 Ua've' il. rnin'i'li S. 7. ", an S. S ?0 . V.Tt , U A. M. .V.S, 4, IH. 6, S.I'.H.', and Ii I'. M. TheS'Ai dr.wn.and lh :rV an.l:' trains up, do not slop onlhe (l. tu.anlown llr.nrh I IIKLMT II I I.I. KAIl.HOtli. 1 f ave riillaill,l,la, , H, Hi, VI A. M .1 i, V ,''V, 7,t,an "u'sChe-B"! It'll 71".. ) d, 11 40 A.M. i Ho.a-tn, AMI NOnil.-sTOWW. I.ia.e l-l,il.di l.lilsli,s a.,, U I 1S.1, 4H, , OS S ii nd Ii m F. M . , , ,u ,u I es.e V'T'lslean, .,", 7M0, !) and 11 A.M. I 6r.'"V!il ira'n nn will sl..p at Wlssalikkon, Manayonk, anu Coiulii'ltuckin ''n Yt'N'K t-are rtilladelnhla. f,,' H 11 I '' A.M., IX, ai X.Xi Ot,. s i f, si,d IH I'. M. ....... I , ave Mniia.vunk. f.'s, 7,', W, CS. UH A. M., 1,6,7, anil 1'. M. ... II. K SMITH (lrnTS.1 Snperlnlendent. rn.irl HeiHit, mm . II and iiliKKN Stieeta. 1 ; , iei l' i W 1MH 1 I'll f,s I lMl l I ill- V VsrrlWV I.AI''.I'I'IA HAILUOAI), VIA Mi.lllA. -..,.,,.. .u . vnk-uu. nrill." Bi.,n,..'...r, -I, da und flI I ItlDAY, Airil l.l.i,tlie Tralna arlll laavt - yiirirr. I rive I'm aniMl'iin, irmn r'l "r . - F1i"t and MAllKF.T HI, eel., H A. M , II (11 A. M..1 M ,'l",VaV"pr'mMi"i?i4S rimi'eed from FI'HtTFRWTTI ar-1 MskKKT ' Bi'iita, K TIUK rY-KlltST aiHl MAUKKT Hiri'vtR. t,..a..t Umm4 yintri'ii StreM Vvi. A. M ,7 4.. A. M..IIA M ,i I'. M..4 4 V. M. TlJ'r J'J llii- W"! nl.l. l. "a l' Hallway roinpsny (M.rk.-t slrKt) IU n uviy Fase.a.ara to aud ,r.,U,e.Ml..lrlb,.0(:i.WnAVS If ave Fhltadelplila at s . A. M . and 1 3 F. M. Leave V. e.t I Ii' tl" A - ' 1 ' : 'I.. ins 'ravins I'hl'a.lf I-hi. lit A M and 4 '., and West chestir si Ti A.M. mid 4-4 P M..connel XS trains on ti e n.lla'ie'phts .. .I H.l'imora CeuliaJ .. . i,.r...A ... I lola-miullil'li f lilt 1 1 III r rvu, -jj-j- I hu a A. M. i M If fcrtls11-?' CKSTItAl. ItSl'.UDAII. ", a ' "T . -T.a. ..... . ,. .. b uii in r hi TK TO I. t.itesi it,.,, ix This medirlne l a slmpl vctwiahle rAtracl, sml ono on wM-h a'l c.n rel.,.!. It has heeu uierl In oi r pr.ic tloe tor many )ears. and uilh tln.'iisftnt.s trca'eil. It li.'s not failed In a slnsle Insiaix a. Its cnratlve power, luive boon snlllelent to aan vic tory over Die nioet aiuulsirn air. To those who navo irinoa with Ikflr ron.tltiit! D. un til they think lliem-i-tvee Iwyond U:e resen oi nienicai aid, we wnum any, irr. BI'AIK fori Uie Clll'.ltO- KKK ( I'ltK win n store you to health and vtuor, i, ad after ail quack doctors Imvs failed. ItltKKRnnRIt KltKltlUUtltK 11 Kit 11 Kh- UH It l II It Hit It ttllh KllllliniUlHIl Itllll Jill it K1IK unit BKR KK It HKK Kit It The Patcreon (N. J.) works will have con- I trlbutod fifty locomotives to tho Government by the first week of July. Thsy ure for Tennesceo and Georgia railroads. TNHUnS YOU 11 LIFE A. IN YOTJB OWN HOME OOMPANT, TliB AMKKICAN, OF PHILADELPinA, S. E. Corner of Poorth and Walnut Storreta. lnsnrera hi thli Osaapanr have the additional, gua rantee ot CAI'lTAL STXHX all paid say IN CASH, whleh, to gether wlta CAHH-ABHtre. now on hand, anMuut to OVKB 8 O ,) O. INCOME FOE THE YKAU HiC3 OVIitt t 3 ) . O. LOS8EB DUIUKO TItK TKAK AMOVKT1NO TOCVBB MVttlEKDS MADE ANNUALLY, Uiss aiding la- sued to pay preailuma. The hut IlIVIDKNO on SO Mntnal Follclea la SWes Peoember 31 , IMS, was FIFTY l'KIt OKNT. eX the amount of FKF.MIU.M8 neehred during tho yoar III TRUSTERS are well kaowa eluaens la our auidat, sntlimis It lo more consideration than those whole ma;ia gi rt n side In Sjslaut eltlea. Alriander Wlillhlla, J. K.U.A.- Thotupson, fleorse Nuiefit. lion. Jnn..s ri'liota, AlhertC Kolwrts, r. n. ajinfL. auiBal Work, WllSaai J. Iloward, Nurnasd T. Bodlna, Johu Alkran, Chara-i F lleailltt, lion. Joseivh AUlsoB, Isaac UaaiUiursL ALEX. WHILI.DIN, riuuiiukjrr. SAMUEL WORK, VICB-l'ltBUIllFJUT. JC11N S. WILSON, !al3-aawatm BF.t IIFTABY AKD THF.ASUKEB. INHUHANt! Ii . HOME IN SUE AN OE COMPANY 1 .1 I 11 Ii A THE of rmi.AiiKLriiiA, 'o. ISO H Klt'KiH HlllKKT. CASH CAPITAL $100,000. This Cr.mi anv la prepared l Insare aualnit loss o dsu.sieby HKK on huiMluis. ellher periuaotni m ior Lilllltli i don IKHCIIAM)l'sa,snaraUy. Tliouiai siniisT, rfa, Henry H. Mel 'ouili, I11. WHKHIT S HEJCVKMATlNli tUX IK I F.SKEKCK OF 1,1 FF t Prepared Irom Pure Vege table attracts, contah'lnc Boihlns Injurloas to 0,a molt delteste. The Kejuvenatlns Kllxar is the reault of modern ills- coveHes In alia vevehV'IO klnKdom; helnn auentinly M.W and ahslraet metl.od of rure, Irrespective of all lus hi and wora-out systems. mt mi IIII nil im im mi mi tin mt im Tor niB. part leulaas, art a mreular from any limit Hlora In tlie rountiy, or write the I'roprletora, who will mall free, to any on! de-aa-InK tlie same, a fail troa- uae in pami.niet mrni IT II three iHittl Wanted hr parts of Ilia world. Hold by all respectable drusgtats every whero. gRIDESBUEG MACHINE W0EKS, OFFICE, TV o. tit! N. FllONT MTll IiAi. 1'HII.AI.F.t.l'ltlA. We are erepared 10 fill onlers to any extent for oar well- known MACHIHEnT FOR COTTON AND WOOLEN MI 1.1.8. Inclndlneall reernt Improvements In Carding, Hplnnlng, ,,il Wrvtnir We invite the attention of manufacturers to oar extaa- elveworka. . jall-tf AI.rivt.IJ jr.rsrvrj csv.-s. -IitrNN RTF. AM KNGIN.K AND HOIUKH 1 WorSs. NKAFIt I.F.VV.I'ractical and Theoretical Fnnineert. Msrhlnlsls. Iloller-niaseri, niuessniKoa auu Fi.unilers, havina lor many years Seen In suecessfulonera llr,n. and been exclusively essaired In linUdlna and repair- Ins Marine and Klver F.natnes, hnrb and low pressure, Irv.a IloUere, Water Tanks. Fropallors, c. Ac, roipectnilly oiler their services 10 mriiunuo mur ,,t.r w contract lor Knslnoa of lf slaea, Marino, lUver, and Hla tlonary ; havlus" sets of patterns of dlflcrent alacs, are pre pared to execute orders with quick despatch. Evory de aTptlenof psttern.niaklns mail at the shonott nntioa. SJ ner bolls or HIfiandlow,,ro..ure.FIiie,Tubi.lar,andCvllnder boilers, hen r fo SI iild for- of the beet l'ennaytvanla eharooal Iron, Foralnss, of an IIADB oi i?KiwaM to aU sires and kinds i iron and braa. Catllnss of all deacrtp- street, mv .T r.ioresa lo ail I .. , nw.-.,l,ln an,l all othnr work nor. I Klver. as ce CO OfXW! OCAXXXK on CO tlona i ltoll-tarnlns. Berew-cutllDg, and ail other work oon- ...11 lth l,Slls.lft. )ravinas and speclilcatlona tnr alt work dons at this stsblishnienl free of charse, and work iruaranteed. Th. ... r,., .n,r. hivfl amnio wharf-dock room for rs- palr of hosts, where they can lie In perfeot safety, and aro provioeu Wlin auvnra, uwvftft, huh, otj, wv., --- assvsausiu.s.sis's. , . . JOHN C. LKVT, )aS-hf BKACH and FAI.MKK Htraeta. RAILROAD LINES. 'lf-lor New York, and Wny lines learlne Renstnirlnn ltepot, Inks the earson Filth street, ahove Walnut, hail an hour before departure. 'I he cars ran into tho llepot, and nn arrival of es.Ji Train, run from the I .font. F,fly pounds tn hseisye only a'lowed earn paaaemrer. rassei.irers are prohlt.iud from laslnii anyihlns as hag- ..... ....i. .,,,,.,.1 All hairuatra rtver nlty "" " TI.I C,,mnnV Mmlt til T nounns in oo r,io ... , . . re.iinsrMlityi..r bairsaseto One D'.llar per pound, and will ml h liable lor any amount beyotd I0U, except by 'rahsmhlase F.xpre.s will call (or .! iellvjr ha, .... .. I,.,...,. Orders to be let! at No. A Waluut iutru WM. II. OATZMEK. Axellt. Llls'ltS iltOM NF.W YOItK TOIt rillLAIlKLI'HIA rrom ami of Courtland 'airwt'at KM. and 4 P.M., via Jersev City and Camden : at 7 nnd 111 a. M., 1'. At., and UIMH"HS'i iij.,,,.n..,".. From loot of llarclsy street, at 6 A. M. and 1 r. M., via Amis. y and Cainilen. . u Fn,m lltr No. 1, North ltlver, at W M..4 anflg P.M. (I rclttht anu -aaenser; via am,uj (, FTfu. FHF.IGHT LIN KB run new mWt 3SK;Vork and all the stations on tha Camden and An.boy and connectlnl Kallroads IIS, 1,CA -r.F ut'l'l.v.,. art.. rv.mM -nri n,lu,v llanrtfld and Transportation rnmnaov'a Freleht Lines f("- New Yo,k will leave Walnut etnet wharf, on and after January 8, dally (Sundaj e e- cepted), at 4 o'clock P.M. . . Ketiirnlng, me above unnwui iss.o r -ami ll.ll. k. Freight must no aenverea oeiure es s-. w. so w m,, varileu Hie same day. ,,. ..,..,. r... n .dn,.,n Prinrton. Klneston. New Itruns- wlrk.and all points on the Cannlen and Amhoy Kallroaili alio on tl e in iv Were, llelaware, and FlemliiKton. the New Jrrsi v.ttiel. reel old end Jan e burn, and tne llurllnston and Mount Holly Ka iroails, rert ive.i a'iu i'irr ' "i. ... yiy, o'clock I". M. Huiail packanes for Mount Holly ro- eelvtd lip Ol o clock F. M. The llelvlilere llelaware Railroad ronnectt at I'nllllpa burswllb the Lelush Valley lUllmad. The Now Jersoy Jislr ad connects at KUtnlslh with the hew Jersey Central Kallmad, and at Newark with the Morna and ICssex llaiutMU. , . . A slip memorandum, epeclfjins the marks and num bers, shippers and canslsnses, must In every luioince o sent wHh each load of sooda.or no recch,.t will be alven. raciunes riaving urrnmin '- ...i:.,-"-.-.. Utlon of LIVE STOCK, drovers are invited to try Una '-'"? . . . . . .urni'iu When StOCK IS mrnisoeu ms.iMm'w.ri or more, It will oe oauverea at tne loot oi ru". ..... d a l.rova Yards, or at l'ler No. 1, North Klver. as tha iliippers may de.lenete at ih time of Ilia ahlrtueat. WaI.TBK fkekman, rroiant Agsna, 110. B. RAYMOND, Fn'blht Agent, jaj-tf Pier No. 1 , North River, New York. iiir i.i. r.i ii". ...... ". c.C-Junnmr.vT. IBKWF.Hr., a..-' ' Fui.iarSV. and lor the safe, speedy, and or.m-frrtableaMi'- ortall. n oi p. s.cii.era. unsurpassed oy au in ,unily - U AUK RT 1 taint leave the lu-pot ai t.i-t. v a. . " - .. . T ?6 A. M. .Il-rt A. Vt ,.n :0P. M. .lOCi A. Mv ,, i m y. . ,. 1 HOP. M. 4 TO p. I fHH) llK 0(K (!M irt0 wo oooo OOUUflO IX o C'4I (MM) M.O IMHI A frw doMa rrnlurt- lb apitUtc. TitrM bottln run- tti Wurii rase of Iiiifwih ui-. A fw dota tttf the kW g.liitd. Our bottle reatorait niintal powt-r. A Irw dna brliif th. rte to lh chk TXiim mti trine rf-Uir' In manly vikor il rtst-tint feaJth It oor, tl MMiii'.'d, jro-dtwn, anU despuinng devotee oi aetimal jtiHFiHje, ccxxx; Tl9 metllclM hate been teitHl by the in oat mteunt nidUii men of the day, and by oUiuBi pronuuriced to be one of ihe ftTHftiMt n.edicI triiecanrycrH'i ef uie abb. )tif tHittle wUlcure General Dotal It v. A f'w botUm cure Hyi- One bottle euree FaJptU iion of lite llt-art. A few dueei rrstor Ui arraiof tranerAtlon. Krtim one to Uirej bottlei reetnre Ue nuutlUieB ekU lull vlifor of yvau. 1864. 18G4. Till IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIII IIU 1111 Tke ILsuVss, enarwid vouaii.tBO over-tasked aian . ssf buslnaaa, tbe victim af svrvisMa Ui.praselon, the In- KK ILK AevlsUial sutlelinglrom sana- k u Km ral oalalltv. or from weaaT- KK Kli nose ol a stasia orKan,wlil k u V u all And immediate aud DT- KK KK snaa'.iBt rvaef by the use of KK KK this allair or Kaienco 4if ftfir KK Lafn. in kk Price. t por bottle. r KK ks' tareobottlee for $o, andfia. Sfti kK w.ded by aspresl, olsrv- aii h K oeiirt of luiy, to any tree. HoMhy aJiimikHtseyery- waavo. .tit. James llrown, t' A. IJuy, Win. II lwis, CI, as F. Norton, Vi ni N. Nee.llea, Johu U. Taylor, l'inuci coinn. f has. I, llavard, J. HillTs'rn Jones, John WnorlBide. JAMK.H II HOW N. President, ,.,,sM 1ii:Y. Vice-President. TiU'UAs Kalian, Sen.nry. Jvtl-lui CIIKHOKFE Pll.l.-I Nl'ltAH ClIATI... rP.MAIJ.; Ill.t.ll.A' 1IKAI.1I1 rfr.r.ltv I l. tlhTAJN ANHl S.viS For list Nssiioval ..I lb ktrucliooi, aa.1 a) o Ii mir anee of k.k'uiar4y .u tho Ilecumsoa sal lii I Mon'hly Pir.ods. Tl.ey onroorol.v late thoso nuni' dl,'A. e- mat iprni irom Ircat: s.rii, by renioviuf live Iriv-ki. r, tt-lf. I-.FF.KKKI I r. ut.ihi.i.r. i.i; y. y.v. KI.F.F.F. KKKI'.r. It F.r. , iff. mi; i i i tU.lUi I . I NNN NN W NN N NN NV NN NN NN NN H N M N N S Nlf NN NN NN NN NN NN N If NN It NN Thoy ure luppreisefl, Exsieive,.aiid iuiuiui Jaeu tniauuli. Thay-feure Uraoo Sickness tThloruelal . They cure Nervous and etplnal A flections, pains In She bikck olid lowel parts of aha bouy, Jleavlli'.sa.r'ailsuo n sllK'll exeruuft, raipi- takn avi tlie Heart, low- neaa of Sroutts. 1'vaterla, Hic4 Uoa'iaetie, Oaaliness, AM-., eve. k a wora, by re moving . l.e .irroKuhirlts. , t Ley reeaovo the cause aisd wlin Hall tue oliteta UaM opium jroaa h. : ZHi-r O'tJM- I Hi TlT '-IftABTIO : l'l JL';-' KIN 1 Kl.AMl'in CllVTCHES I These Cnitchei have s Oam Tube aoroaa the ton. making a soft avid elastic support to ihe arm, aud euatilii'K the wesrer io wars who iui.iu contrast than can be derived limn any oilier crutch. 1 lie tope are ao ma.lo as to bo ai'Wlod to any cruuU. Pateuud liei euibor. 1mm. aplSSnt No. H7 8. fF.l ONI) Blreot. below Che.not. l'llll ADKt.rillA 8UUU ICONS' INDAi'K INHIIllTF., No. 14 Nona lN'lll Htre'-t. ahove Morket. HiHUuros raoiea By cured by II. C. KVkKi.i r .S I'reiiiiiilu P,Heut trrsdiirtlliiK I'ress'ure Tru.s. Sup.-rior l;iast,o Bella, Flastlc Klockuik's. Hupi'oriers, nooikiuur iiraoea, rvu.iwii sonea, Crutches, Ac. my Ji-ly TRUSS K 8, BRACKS, So., iHi'ully a.l'ii-trd bye li. NF.F.ii.F.oor. oi I W Kl.l ill alio ttAi r. rvireina. i.i' In.tarlmeiit lor sumo, cniliicted l.y Is Uos, 1WKI.FI H hlreet, flrat d'w.r bel-a K.ioo. Th. most enntiileta and varied sns-k uu hsnd.ionilatlnK, lu part, of Triiaast, Huoirt"rs, Hhoiilder llracei, Item, hauilctes, Kiaslic HWclUiioS, "yrlnsm, Ariities for iLriM;o,Hu.k itoom, io. l lu eui ,ialn .m to , d'st .M'lOlt, tin, illll.U iiiu) vreg- I'.ajpoae.l of mimi', IHtJe evliacis. I '- . null, . g .le.1.1. 'I. " C..IIS a.ilioli, li. v. el call- lliell I'm eliel. I," siihkilute htri'Ku"! I..' lie. ft. V, I. lei1, If o . und lh wv.-i .1 I 'I I, ) aii,..v b- sa: j any ike. snd S' F XI KPT Mil' iiii.T iiutr.i v dm l)U whu h II .' n i niitix. of lU"f ii' V- h t.iiiiiy rni.v ui. V.l F.KV.FF.KFK Fr.l.ti-;ii:li.t.lS F.h IB h:i:kk HliE IB t EKFFFKI'KB La.l'.fcbfct.fcl'.K To rnF.HClKKK MKHI CIIK8 aie.ol.l h allel.ler prn, u lllllfli'sls 111 the el. 1 ilsl world. h..ruo unerin ciped desn-ra, hoev r, uy ,11 VIl.Hl.O BS v.'"...'"". - llltso l"' so set at I a I i.l.tAiKI.Li.t; KK KK r.i'.y.r.K k y. r.nry.r.vry.K i.i;k.i.UiLti-;t; CAMDEN AND ATLAN TIC KAIIIHOAI). nriuui...u altRANflF.MRsTT. THKOl'till IN TWO HOIlllHIII Vn..r trl riallw In AtlaollC CltV. On and ailer MONOA Y, July 4, trains leave Vine street Ferry ai follows : Man, 7 -aw a. at. . . Frelkht, with pasaenfrer car attached. S l5 A. M. Express (ihrouKh In 2 hours) 9 SO P. M. Allanllc AooonimiHlatl'.n, 41o P. M. Junctluit Accomur .dallon, ft '30 P.M. KKTI'KMNO 1.F.AVF8 ATLANTIC, AccommiKlatlon ( AUantle) 6'4o A. M. F.xpreas, 7 IM A. M. Freight. II'M. A. AI. Mll.4 4ft P. U. i . tr A.M. r.,.i. lil.nil....llll. Itound Trio Tickets (avsvdonlv for the day and train on which they are s-i tsi. 1..V1KA UAI'iwi,rifti,.'. inst.'oi Wave Vine slreet He lb A. M. and l"tx) P. M. Iswva Iladdonlteld l'4,' P. M. and i 4t V. M. vn suiwiia, Mall train SSr Atlantic leaves Vina street 7 30 A.M. Iarea Atlantis 4'4S P. M. .. . JOHN O. BHYANT, Aifent. t,.r which was made last vear baa entirely dlsap- fwared. leaving tlie keacu oue of the moat dellghtiul on the coast. WEST JERSEY RAIUIOAD p LINKS ('s.mmenclnsMUNllAYIUM VANl'T HUeel Whan. Will I'APK MAY. At 6 and lo A. M . and at 480 P. M. FOT nsSSI 0 in ".ki-mju, m . a a. mm. For tllassboro.atS, S, and 10 A. M.,and 4 and l10S.ll. For WiK.dl.ury. Ulouceeear. Ac, at 4 sad a A. M., 13 M., and sands p.m. .. , Itr. I t'll rvi all IKAlsn i.r.nvr. Cap May at ( and II 4i A.M., and 510 P. M. Mutvllie at j 40 A. at., anu im ana s aw r. jo. haleruat6A M. and l lf. P.iM. llrllD-tnn mt S-IS A. H .. I'SIl V. IS. si 7'lnsoii M-'iA A.M.. 2'M. 800 and 7-6SP. M Woodbury st 7.7 40 andS M A. M.,andl fs),ai9,6 OS and llir.a. nilt WT.ST JPBsEY EXPKF."" CO MP ANT, Ofarft No h WALNI'T 8lreu will eall for and deliver Baui'Sie, and attend te all the umal branches of kUpress tusiuess. Heavy Artultt taken I.y6 A. M. lines only, and must be Bent t tll omce UIO evening pr-vtoaa. perishable snUvs br thla line mast be sent before I. a A.M. A ipecuil tneeeenKeraceonipa..tcs eaon train. niySl J. VAN IIH!, nuperkuieiiousiij. f "ftf-J '-J.J-J! I WORTH l'KNNSVLVAMA fWvi,e''HAI.lOAI)-For UF.Tm.FHICl, IiUlLI hlliivn, a-arsiwri, aiAsv.ri v ,. u rv, n ifciwr- XvN, W1LKF.-BAHKB. WILLIAMMl'llltT. BL'Aiatrjt s. Alllll I'lllNAl. THAlMri. On and after MONDAY, June 13. lh.4, Passenser TralBS ill! have the new levct, llllHli Htrvrt, above looiap- aon slrvel. rblladelt.liUk, dally (btntaaya cutcepusi, Atllows : 7 A. M. (Kxpressi mr jtetnieaem, Anenujwn, I, Chunk. Vl llkeaharre. Wllllamsport. '!( A. at. (Acwliimoo.ftMani ior ssiwissiowb. 10-15 A M (Accainvudauou) ror-Fort vVasl.Unloo, 8 P. M. I Aceoinniouanoiil for !,.lestr.wn. 8'4f P. M Eatress) for ftelhlsiUtstoa, As. ir P. M . I Maitl for la.Tkit.iwn lf P. M ( AeeouiauKlatauii) fur UeUiivhom, Alloutowa, etrd Mauch Chunk. e-lftP. M . t Accoir.inooikuoikJ ror i.ansraie. 31 P.M. (Arocuimoila'loM) lor Fort 4. aalilngton. 'I IIAISH K1K MIILAI.KI.I II1A teaveRethlel,riiiat-.niA ll.,k SUA. M.,nnd 07 P.M Ilovlisli.wn at 411 A. M,o4o r. M.,aaau 7 P. M. L imilale st li A. M. Fort Waalungtuii at ll Sft A. M. ON HI'NI.AVK. pviiladelphla for Itethleh. lu ai u A. M. I'klla.lell'hia for l.oylcstowN at 3 P. M. liO!csiovn fi.r Philadelphia al 7 30 A.M. Il.iriier. io for I'hlliol, ll.hta Ifttd P. M. li.iatAo.a ltL.irau s;xi.res will nail fcar and deliver bsirirHk'o at the depot. Orders laiiy be ieu JJA No. lists. TIUKf blrtel. , . el3 lAl-lis v.-if.n., Agenv. PHnJkDELPniA. WIL- MINOTON AUD IIALTLMOikB KAils- IOJLU. ., jriAPiiiK ur tiutinrs. On and alter HI'NDAY. Juoe I9.18S4. Passenaer uaina leave Phlladelplda for Baltimore at 4 80 (Express, Mondays eoetoll), s-os A, i . .. .. A iii.s.D u Chester atb'UB, U'lS A. At., i'W, s ou, ew,v uuaua ss vm 'wllmlnirton at S0 Ortondws excepted), 8 0S, 11" U A. M.. 1I.J'80,4 80, -00 WHO and 1100 P. M. wew t:astie at mio ji. sa. ana v o. r. as. Dover at8'l A. M and 410 P.M. NIlfiTdatH'OSA.M. a ails truly at SOfi A . M. ' TBA1N8 FOR PnTUBtlFinA. Lean Mammon at 14s, -40 A. M., (Expraee), I'M aft and 10116 P. M. , .... Wllnilnsloa at l , o'ao, v A. jb., ia s, a, so, s w, w Tm and S-io P. M. Kallabilry at riu r. a. MUford at 3 86 P. M. IoveratS'3nA. M., and 4 M P. M. ,'...1. U.U '., . U ail 'Wl V. M. CTMiatAat7ii. OA.M..100,ll39,4-40, IvM, M. 9-40 T.M. ... , l,sve uaittmors tor aaiissary ana ucriBvuftsM usuuus . 1, b ', . U ml Iasvc liahiinore tor Dover and Intermediate stattoas al 1'IDP.M. TltAllsn run oaj.i mwna. vUurn.-..-tu.anx u a .ml ll-nfi P. If. Lava WiiULloirloa al 6 '30, -U :A. M., U and 11 40 'P. M. . . .... . Fraisrni Trains, wita raaaenger uax aoaoassi, wis rmm mm L..U. . - I.sara wilmlngTon for Perryvlue and InlenoadJaU places VitNOAY t-Only at 4-80 A. M., 10 e P. M., trom PWla- From Philadelphia Is WUmtcifton at 4 0 A. M .. 1030 and. Froni Wlhnlnirtnn lo rnnadalpals at 1'4S A.M. and -N P M Onu at IO 3d V. At., rrom nexrimore io roiiaurioo.a. READING RAILROAD. Streets, as follows: Mall Train at Fast l.tne ar llironsh Fxpresa ai Parke'tmrg 1 ram, Pitike.bu.K 1 rain. No. 3. al lla'rlsb.irt! Acc"mirH,dat.,n at. aa'er iraioai a a mi l aoli Aecommw'a lon (leaves west l ima . ""'" 1 hr. likli Passensers h. Ihe Fast Line reeoh ' 2i iZ supper. hcrr wi.l h- (. d ncel ei.t accomniOtH" the Vilk'tit at the U.trsn llou e, and In me m-V"tj J J tnkr ellher Ihe Pluladelpliia or lleitlmoro Exires, eeoa or wl akesc.i.reriloiis a' Plti-'iorir s dsvllsln view Is thus atloidedof the entlra Unoa4l lb) n.i'Cnlilreul scenerv. k I heThron.h F.xprcsa Train runs dally I all thaotnr trs.ts dsilv, except Hernia. I. Full PltTrlllUllll ANtl THE WRIT. x The Well '1 rain, Fast Line, and Tl.n.nh Express siwi reel at l lllshu g with .hmuiih tra.nsonall dlvaTtms: roe. Horn that point. North to the 1 aiea. West tothe Mlssls. si! pi and M' Hirers and milt k'"trS,2 all points a. res. hie by railroad. 1 linou-h Tlcke's to .i...ioH. Nt. Paul. Col imbna. IwllaD- ... u. ....i. i ..u..w..,th k.n.i,. Whaelinff. liay ton. Cincinnati. I Aiilev ms, Cairo, and all other principal points, and I svKanecl e, k. il Ihr. u n. 1MHANA HltAN"!! K4II.ROAD. TheTh'oniih Express, leaving at Iteao P. oonnera Itlalrevllle Intersection Wlin a irsia o w. . a rsvllle, Indiana. Ac. ,nanin Iti.NMil Kll 1MI rmswv "'u'" ' ti. inmnuh p., rcss i raln. leavioir at 1.11 P. M , oon- nects at Crcsson. at lie4ft A.M., wl.h a train on ue roa.1 ,r Kl.cnsl.ura. A train also leaves v.ivssoa iws k.wm-v-.b at41P. St. ,.v.a III ll.l.ll'A 1 -Ol Ittt I.OA.V-.l .nxr., A. U.. nml ThriMIBll KvPreSS St 10'IKI P. M., c.nnei t at Alinona with trams for llollidays- !'..'' '."..I:.a ,.v,,vn n,a I lt r. a IS ll ei,r.nnrir,Li i.i. .. 1 lie Throill'll r-xi-ress - rani, leaviny "i io w r . jo. o..- necte at Tyrone with a train for H .ndy Itldje aod Phllllpa bnrg.and by llald F.ale Valley Uailroad for Port Matlltta, lleilelonta. ..., ill MlMU'Un AISU l.rivrvir ... . Tl... Tl,r h F vnress Train, leavlnv at 10 .10 P. M.. OOff- e-ts at Huntingdon with a train ior Uopeweil and blo.sla NOKTIIEBN' CF.NTItI. AND PHILADELPHIA AND r;i(IK saii.iioann For Runbiirv, Wll iauoport, Lock Haven, P.lmlra, Ro chester. Ilollalo, and Niagara Falls, psssensers taking tno Mall Train at 7-3.1 A. M., ann ti,a inrorurn assrsss lnrio P.M., dnlly excent nndays, ri directly Ihronsh, without rhango of cars between Philadelphia nntt VU- For'YDHK, HANOVEIt, and OETTYSBrBO, the trains leav ing at SA.M and 3 -an P M connect at Cohunhla with trains on Ihe Niothern t'jniral KsUroad. t I MI.r; nioi.n.fn,.. The Mall I ra n at liiVM., and Through Express at 0 i 0 r. M. connect at Harrlshnrg with trains far u anisic, Chambcrsborg. and llaserstown. WAlSr.SIII.ltO I1I1SI...O nni ...v - - , Tbstralns leavlna at 7 Si A M and 3-:lo P. st..eonnaet i llowu Ini'low n wttn trarfl on tlftla road to Waynoeburg and all Internicdlalo stath-ns. For fuithei InS.rmanon appiv at rne i-a-aenser om.j , E. corner of KLF.VESTH and M AIIKKT sini, JAMES (X1WHF.N. Ticket AittviVw. COMMUTATION TIOKF.TM, Tnr i a a a or M months, at t erv tr,w ratea. for tha so cnninvidatlnn oi persons living out of town, or located on rnear u.sitne of the fad. t.llltr III, r Tot 3 trips betweeu ai.v two points, at about two seats er tulle. Thear llr Seta are Intonded for the use of rkml--ra traveling frequently, and are of gnat advanUge to perioi.a masing oeeasionnl trips. roti.'v.i, ,1....., For oar or three tuautua for the use of scholars attsadiag Khool in the ctiF. . wcsitss raiunsi itrrs. a Vml..-st Arc.oimodMi.ou train leavoa No. S7 Dock street dally (Sundays excepted), at 4 oclooa P.M., oftering a couisiria le b.mIo of travel to familiar r vvesl, at one-hair uie uauai raie oi ists. .ww.-. attention Is paid to bagjairc. for wr.lch che. ks a. a given, ami haigagr forwarder by Ihe same tram Wlta isaaaeugira. For lull ay to FlUNL'lb! FI NK, Emigrant Agent. No. 117 I. KM. Street. MANN'S BAOOAIIE EXPKK.SH. An agent of thla r. llabio Exsress Comoany will peso through each trail, belore reaching Uie depot, and take tp eh. ear and deliver havgageto any part of tho ally. iia- faie will hecaied fr.' promptly when orders are m at tM assiwir lieoot. Elaverlh and slarket stresta. The tra veling public are assured th it it . ..hrWy , siooiseio. i , t. A. fl V . ! V if A a mt las'. O i. ! 1 fl SHIPPING. rvaiirlvs, tho Coin.tfss hlicpey, auJ lUe toiinteis Sti fiord, as tlie most fuiinluir 1 criiaps l e inott cni'ons title ever fonlurrei cm a vtas liatoi b..roi,i'Uss in litr own nuht. wli rh I" conferred I.. W:,, on Mi-.r-s. (whiJ it ben ! i,.,ivi holies. Tins damo lies buried at lar ill I - ,i, more tliau one ter irom au iur unui. i,p,.s drove .ciu8iun. IuourowB Vi,BlUl(D( fs by vt uy of marriage have nut been l,v.e tb re ix".. .'.. Irish earl and an Knt-ltol. lie-ite.l in ..gland 1a cout-nont-5lBJ ,. who could not indeed resign Ins title, but! K,tk i,bo ct!u,ruU-d rase ol V inlrred, tlie liaron, bo couiti iuo. aonol idllhe 1 dim.v.,u .i,n,. rernmiilicred that tlie t'reat Villi ! "u.e '""T",. i,; H,.rW,.rl fniin it ..rfvllf f "4 " ."u," l r stint ill all ibis tH rvsiaeu -"", WI,J. wood, J, ami, ' JVn'"'ura wife who w,s to hi... tht irer Bd '''''""'"'"."'lutv lioOi loved. Hut d-.ath tli..n the 1 .rad ise hev I. .u ,tri, k.m i.iy took her 1 ro.n liii . tit. JrLr'wnthX c'luld.a.e no .. hktm.tta 0 tue fart of her tiiarririRO allows tlntt ll bl e a ui 0ii,.,i the blcotl of the ll L-keriuili, slid vtry hNl (mpyuvt'd lucir cou.-tiiutiuns. Ihi ie was no suc, U)Uce.,iOI1 mado in Get many lu a aiuisiaft -oviaciual t ub. In 11 iti. Ab'HCs Ilt r- l iiu.ili n, a I'ei.Bani ih,.wtt4 .nurned by Hui. Albeit the I l""s. iWim,.,., fmUcr, Duke 1 rue-tof liavaris.c.uM nut fri,i,l the bairns, but lie vclj UAdilv IiimA,aUl t id u VtW COMVAMhS K0RMINQ CAN UK l .nr.ll..t ahh CKBTIlll ATKH OF STOCK. THANH FK rlonlvS, 81UCK. Ll U'.l'ltS. !UM:K, NOTES. riRAKT, Aadevsrv variety of Account Hooks and riiaumeiy, ua rcasouauio l:riua, at will MM MANWR, Suuoner. Printer, snd m.n. t- mB-j-3m Philadelphia. - - . -rza TTl.AMt BOOKS AND STATION hit V . li HANKS. HANK"KS, HrKCIIAM. MANUIAO- " ?.itH. KAII.H..AI CoMI-AsHE". An.. tVlll find 11 f their Ini ooel to order Horn the underalgnod, HLANlt 1.. gTAT0NKKT; All kinds fi.r Business i-r .1. aslouai, and Private uie. ior sale al move by w( f , A kf ANVJ, m.Uot,, Printer, and tr;;''U VH3 . tmtmm. In tilMt'e wli. ii ihtiv Cn I nr. iv . w on II o Atl letters seeklnir lefur- mntton or adviea will bo uronipily.frecy.aud disereot- Iv auswereu. I till directions accontpauy na h b,ix. Price tl per box, or six Iron tor . Mcut by mail, free of iwst si'S on roeelnt ol ITleo. Sold by all ruai.ectabte lirusguiis. g.HMS SSHriSS-t Ss St hSS Hi sss ss bs-l HSS S3 SSit BSSHSSS f-pa. STKAM VVKKKLY TO 1.1 JjJt t.Anool. lo'ii htritf at U ue. j.atowtl, Cork Harbor. ell-kv:oa li sleaincrs of the LtvtuilKX.l.Nea Vork, itnii plilladelphlu Nlcamal.ui Company arc liilviiuea,to sail us follows : Cl'l Y tiK..;AiNliN, naturaay. .luiy rtn. CITY HF llAl.TIMHIlK.hatulilay.JuuollJth. I'TKl KbIh .lolv .';iil. Ami every suoooeumg Saturday, at n.l,lioiu Plat No. M ISortii Kiver. ItATFS OK PAHSAOK. ls-vshlA In llnld.'.r lis eniilvi.lent 111 CurrtLVev: i irt I Ht.tll evi-tsi no-erasc .. ..!" '. First ( 'ii bill to 1-ondou K.MHI Sleerilk'e to I.eiKloll ... drill First Cabin to Parka ... U.V si me..rae lo rani no isi FliKtCiiblntoilarul4.rg IsiijO hl.vrage lo llaiul.urH .. W'uO Puhseiik-ersarealsuforwardcd to lliivroroaaoil.lCuUor lun, A,.wr A' i. a.instlv low rtilea. Far from l.lvcrlHH.I.or iJiit eiiKlowu : r irsi t-aoin, a.o, ffK.' , Sinn. HIeerake anvrl Liverpool ana kjilcolsetovi IL S4J. '1 It.ise who Wish lu setHi lor Uioir Irlslius call uuy lltaana luTf al thee rates. tor iuttliur llllorinarion nppir ar .no , o.iumoy a o,mi.-s. .nulls ... I'.ii.r., nou', No. Ill WAI.MT Stroft, Phlla.loiphli At nil INFS. Asyoii-taiuo m.r ioalth-uv, the hea.tli oivi aroll.pruvJ-do nol be Am'., i. ...i t.v such unprln- t.,:td dn SB'S!.. Ask h llr CliKlil.KI F. -MUil-IKF.a, and lake lioo'her. a,'.! r.Vnl siLd Iheiu lo you l.y fcapwsa. Parliaaadilrssi .tll(-'.- ... ...I-. u.i"'':C. n.leu ei can address us in. ported conl- A . T" ...,l a ill 111 all cases fr,il.k!y and 11 fSte1 ib will not bdT triem for you, lend to at, Miitl nyiuiii'itat. tuiJ run ca. We iifti aii uihmci iy kiuwur itAm eat ii cm iIiiujh-c tiefd noi hfiiit ti C'ttity, ' Hiau-. an i naius oi tsilter, I'lan. L .ts,. alalep i"S ii"7 s.nd f.anv a.l.lrcil AittU.BB all lelters UI ri Ua. W. 1 rsltelivs '"a - . i ..a auocesstuilr rile Tost Ottles, aud ill cause ir II? page pamplilct free. .piers lo v. s i. u i si .t en.. vs.. i:.-a i mi IrTV KTRFFT. YOItK. .wWanla T1Y0TT A CO.. N'. A'-' lituih auiai.l-iiiiatlvii.iiJ4. iujry-swjn B0ST0V AND rillLADKI.PHIA -Sl.lp I.lue, stilliiik' irom eueh port ou (n.v 1 1 i.i. Al S, Irom nrst W lui l anoye 1'l.vr. nireui, I'luladi Ir.i.iA, and l.oiik' Wlian. llosh.u. Froiu urat wharr i.o.c l'l SI: street, on Ha' urrlar. J ulv 1. lhr.4. The all amslilp , ll'lki r. will sail iron, ru lauei- rlilx for Huston, on Ssltitiliiv, July Ulh, at 111 A. Al ai d the llcauiahlp SAXON, .Matthews, IVoiu liostou for Wl llr ,.,,1.ih. i.n ftuitic dav . at I P. U. I lose new anU sut.stallliai .aui.n pi ,.io a leguiar line, sslllnk' fioui eac h p,.rl puneliilly on Maturuaya. Insurances elleclvil al ono- nau use yreftuiuuft vaiargvo on sail vespfla. 1 Is islrs al fair rt SI. rlei i ere are iciucsted lo aeud Blip Uocelpts aud Bills I.silli.k' with their k.s.ds. i.r trelalllor I aasage i nanus nne ae'-oTnin'oiaii'iDS api'ty to in..,,,' .,..,nii a, '. , jal-U ISO. o-u a. A'cuariAuc. a.saua .rr- FOHNKW YOItK. DF.SPATCH sSnati-n 'rnT and Swltrsure l.tnes, via llelaware and l.u.oau l anal. The stianiersof these Unoe are 1,-aving daily al Woe oek M . aud a o clock r. Al,, irvlsli third pier above Wslnti strtel. For fit-lkt,t, ahicli will be tal en on aceommodatlrtg (.Tins, ai ply to YVII.L1AAI At. IIAIJIU A CO., in. Hi . lltLAW AJit Aveuua. FHOAl rniKAIiF.I.PHIA TO TlIF, IMTKKIOR OF I 'KMIHl I.VANIA, TItK ISI IIUT l.rvik.1.. aue OltFJlANNA, OUMUF.ltI.ANI, AUD WYOMIM1 VALLEYS, J.0RTH, K0KTI1VYK8T, AND Til: CAKADAS. PAKHPKnirll TRATVS Iave the Company a Depid, at THIRTKF.NTn and CALllWIULI. 8 tresis, Philadelphia, at Use loUowing Sours: StllKNlMJ MAIL At S 16 A. M.. for Kesdlng. labannn, Kohrata. Litis Colombia, linrrtsbunr. Poltsvllie. PlnesTovo, 'lama'ini Honbury, wiinainspon, ajruira, jtorneeier, isiasrara raie, .ltunalo, AHenlovin. Wlikeal.arro, Pltlatou, York.t'arllne. C,sn,lu,rsl,ru. HacsrilAwn. ALP. The train connrcts ut I. F. A l'l NO with F.aat Pennayrva- nla Kallroad Uailia for Allentowii Ac. the eauing an ('..Otinlxift Kuthoao for ;ahraia. .JIIa. and Coluubia. an .wlihtoeLcbannnVadcv train l.r llarrlihurg.c. ; atPOKT CLINTON wllh Caiawlssa Kallmad tralna lor Wikeabarro, vVVIIlianisnort. lAs-k Haven. lMinira, ; at iiAKttin Hliltll wills "Noruern Ceutral." Cuuihcrland Valley, and "BehuvlHtl and Susouehsiina" trains for Norlhura beruuid, WiilisUusl'ort.lork.Chnmbersh'irg, Pinegrova, as TKitNiitiN e:.i'ite:N 1 pavea PhllaOrlotoa st r.1u P. M. tor IteadtiuT. Potta. vine, i'lnckrove. Il.arrlshnrs. Ac., connecting at Harris bu.gwlth Pennsv Ivan a Central Kellroad trains for PHU, burg, Ac Vnrtlieni Central ' allroad trains ror iiinour Northumberh'lid. Etroira. Ac., and at P"fl Clinton wil Cnlawls.a Uailroad trahia for Allium, Wli lauisoort, Ei- saua. liullak). Ac. KKAlllNIl ACCOMMODATION. Leav ea Keadlng at li ll A. Al , stopping at all way ita- i tie ns. arriving In 1'liila.lelplna at il tai A M. lieiiiriiin,:. leaves I'hiisdrlHiia at&'iu P. M arrlvoa In R. ailing a' 8IH P. M. 'I rams lor Philadelphia It ave Ilarrlihurg at 8 A .M.. and . I'otievlrlc at tl 1.'. A M., urilv.iig in Philadelphia at I Ml P. Ai Anemimn tralna leave ll,.rrlhbtir at t P. M..Potta ville at a air P Al., arriving In Pnlladelnhia al 7 P. M. Al trkot trains, with a passenger car ailaentd, leave Ph&jitilclphta ut 1 P. M., ior Keattms and all vvav u.tlooa ; leave Head. ng ut 1?, nieei, and llowiiiugiowu at la" Jo P, Jd. for l'til!u.leli'lilu au.lsill way slal'ons. All'.he almve trains run dalle. Kuiiduvs exooplcd. hunoav trains leave I'.atsville at 7311 A. M., aud Phlla-d.liilsk-eta 1.'. I' M. VALI.F.V ItAIMtOAIl. PaiMngers lor llownli ulovs n and 1'ileriue. lilts polnta take list H in A HI. and I-is. I'. M. Inline from l'hilad"li.hl.i, rettirluikJ Irom i.owiiuigbi-vrii at li 40 A. U., and li'lft 5.'.'rt; YUHK tlXJItiaS FOI! riTTSUUlill AND TUB WrteiT. Leaves New York at 7 P. M., passing Heading at 12 mid night, and connecting at llarrHtiiirg wi.h Puuiisivauia )itlirod, sa truins for l-irtsgurg. .Hoiurrliii. Fxpress triiln leawea Harrlshnrg on arrival of tliu Pennsylvania Kxpress from I'ittshurg at ti .'lll A. M., pasting ileaillug at 4.'. A. M ., ai-d airlvlug si Near York at d'i.'i P. II. Sleeping Cars arveoinpany Itieso trains Ih rough .between Jersey i Ity and I'Kiat.tirg, without clisugo. Mail trsiua for Flaw York leave ilarrlstiurg at s A. st. audi P.M. Hull trains for lismsburg leave Mow York al ii A. Al uiio. 1.' M. Sl'Ul YI.KIM. VAI.t.K.Y RAII ltOD. Tntliia leavo pottsvitle a. 7'lo A M. and :l-:iu P. M., rs turnuig from 'P.iscarora al H-lil A. II. ami 4 ;k'. P. M. Hi '111 Yl.hlU.ANll Bl.Slit KHtNNA It I1.K0AI). Trains leave .lu. itirn at 3 46 A U. for Pinegroia and Ilarrhburg, aun nt I'u and 7 lu P. M. for Pincgrove uulv: jv turning from llarrlsburg at -;i P. At., aud Usui l'llie-SAive ata'li. A. Al..and4 audi P.M. 11CKKTH. Tliroiieh first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal polut ill tho Noi l li and Wo.! und Canada. ri he lollivsviiig ii, Weta aieehtainsljle only al ti.e villi o of S llltAliFuUll.Trsauror. No. J.'J S. FOI'KIH Sireot, Philadelphia, or oi tl. A. MCULL3, tleneral Suporiuleit dcul, KeaUnig : COMMCTATION TICKETS, At 2-1 per cent. 41st oaut, belwceu auy puiuia tloaired, for faiullies aud ilxu,s. M1I.KAOF. TICKFTS Cood forSOIXI miles, ieleeu all poluu, st tlo 11 each, IW latullios and drms. SKASOH TICKETS, For three, six, nine, or twelve uiuuttu, for holders only, to ail points, at ruduoed rates. CI.EitllYMFN Residing on the Hue of the mad will ba furnished with curds. eiitllliiig Uieuiielvcs eudttivca lo UtAvts at half F.Xt'ritSION- TICKFT9 From rhllsdcphia lo principal snumii, g,od for Satur tliiy. Snnrluv, and Atoin1av. at red'it ed hue, to be hit, I "ily et Ike lVkelOUica,alTlilKlKt.MU and CALM) VVU ILL Hueeu. FKF.IOIIT. ,. . Goods of all descrli ll ,i, forwarded to all the abavo nniili. fiv,m .he l ontpeny'a new fieisbt depot, BltOAiJ and Willow bill; 1 S. HlKIOHT TRAINS I cat e Philadelphia daily at S A.kl .1 P. tf ., and S P. M., ..r hea.llng, Ubanoa, liarrlabuni. Potusliia,rort Ciaiwu, sud points beyond. KAli H floia st ihe Philadelphia Post ottiss fbr all places on tha road and us brain s.a at A. At., aud lor Uie prlucvJ swUuns vulaiilKii'.e. AaiUOY TlAlLKOAD COM I FRKIUDTS. ,1 By this route frelghls ofa'ldescrlptlnoseanlvs forwarder! I A eon rrom any ne.litaoll the rNllroaus of Ohio,K.0lllllckT, f Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. Iowa or Missouri. bv railroad direct, or io any point on the navlgarki waters of the Weat, b steamers from Plttiburs. The rates of irelghi lo sad from anvpolat la tho waet by ihe Pennsylvania Central aVtllroad are at all times a favorable as are charged by other Kellroad Companies. Merchants and shippers outroniiig the transportailoa oi ': then fieli bt lo thla Company can rely with tonndeaos on ; lu sperdy transit. Foi freight ooniracta or shipping direction!, apply to or adilirss the Agents of tha Company: H 11. K I MISTON. Jr.. of Philadelphia. H A STKWaKT. Pittsburg. CI.AlUk CO.,Chlcaso. 1 LKRtB A CO .X'u. 1 Aslor House, or No. 1 8. WlUavra street, ft'w York. I EK' H A CO . No. 77 Washington slreet, Boston. WII1.IAU ItKDWN. No. mi .North street, BalUmor , Agent Korthcrn Central KaUw.y. n prv " f Oencral Freluhl gs'ii, I'hllad-lphli. , LKniS L. HMUrT.t General Tick'; Aeem. Phil idelivhis. 1 ENOCH LEWIS. ' ..tal Superintendent. Altoona, Pafj PHILADELPHIA AND IIXN AND CAattlEJI AMB COM PA NIKS. KTH B On and afler MONDAY, January 4, 1"S4, tke Trains tar Kew Y.o-k. leaving Kensington lienor, Philadelphia, at S'lf A IS. (Nlglitl, and 1 si P. M., and ihs trains leaving Masr York ai H A. St . and i,P. U, will hereafter ba rau ea clusive'y lor the Ui. lied Slates Malts and New ywk aedi . Vi'ashinkton l-assengeri, and will not take la nor lot oat snv pa-seug rs between said elites. . The IS A. l. and 14 Mid. tight Lines from "New York to I "Washington, and the 11 St, A. M.a"d6P M. Lines frous V sshn.kton to ew York, wnl continue as at present, anil t ear v psssetik-eis tn and fr-'m the lo"Tinetlia's SIAUOUS 1 aiidiuniiiiore, tVaiiilsg on, and .H Yuik. I AliltANOEMENTS BKTWK.EV PHtLADEI-PHIA AMDS KEW lOltK , lines leave Philadelphia, f.oiu Kensington IepA,sAt i 11 Id A. si., 4 o anl i.-l.', P M am u ou midnl .in, u,4 irom Willi. Lt xtre.t n nan (via t a iideu), tits and s A At 1.' M .4 ami i: P. M . for Mew Y-rk And 1. ave New Yora, ftot of Courtlandt street, at 7 A. M. loA.AI M.,4 nid G e. M aud l'l lul.liogi an-! rr ni lout oi l.arciaj sin ei at li A. M. ami 1 . if. jaS-ll WM A. OAT.MEIt, Ageut.. l'llILABBLPIUA 10IM AMI KnlK I.AII.I1UAD lOU 1. l In, traverses ihe oth,'m and Northwest ct uullea ef l't una' .vttnla to the - ly ol K.rie on t.aka Erie. ll Itashei nlsridliyihe I'F.NNHil.VA.MA ItAII.KOAII CtiMPANi. and ii ii.te r their au-picoa la being rapidly openeii ihrounlioel it. enilra length. ll Is ii. a- in use tor I'assi rn er a-id Frelnht business from ILtri nhurg lo hiiip'Tluin ( t! 6 rii'lcs). on the Kuslem liivl soo end I'n ai Mit lhela to .rie (7s m,les),oti the WeateSai l.lvlsii.n. 1IMK OP rAH-.HMlLlt TUX I KM AT l'UIT A OB. fftsV ft Itall lra n leave. His) A. f Lxjness Tiatn leuvts 11M0 p. Mt Cars run tliri.ih v, n nt.iiT chamh h.uh ware on theva t truins hit v. ten Philadthihla aud Lock Uaveu, and bstweta lliil'imort. aud l.ot k Haven. . 1 F.lcganl rtlt eplug Caia nn Ihe F.xpress Train both wavaj or liilonaiilloii re-pceilng Passi'iiker business, app:y ri tlie S . E. coin,., ol E eienth and Market atrocis. And lor n ight business, ol thu t'oiui.aiiv's Arrents I H. II. Kingston, Jr., ooruerStxteouihaiid'Marketalreolsl ri.lliolclpliia J. W. Itotuolds, Erie. , J. 11. Hull,, N. N. C. II., Itultlm .re. I II. II. IIOCSTOW, 1 General Fi eight Aireot, I'niladelphla. ' uonerai i Jat-tf i.i wis l iiiitii'r, i I alTlcl ct Ag(iit,Phiiaileli,l,I. JllnlM'll II Pill i h 1' ncrul Muiiiier, Wllltamiport. ft II 1 A ANU J I P II 1 1, A I) E I. P "ieir sihfi. HAl.l' thin si rsiM-ei.r. o.., CiVwb '11",AV' Al"rU li1". he trams win liasr I..AVK EASTWARD. siAili'sa. Oxlurd Vl eal Drove. . Avootiale Keliii.-tt CI a J.I. Ford. in old A. M. .i;mo .li 67 .1114 .7 ' .7 il W.O.Jaiirtiu "l Pluladelpliia 'r' VI est t hosier.. fas: kt. I".'4 H-.'.S 4 01 417 4 11 iJ 15 ; li 10 lkave wiesTWAan, I A I J I ' M 9. A H i Philttil. liihld... 8no' f Weil 0Ktr.. T fl I w o. Jiinctua. m j OnnotirtJ (t.ail.l i ForJ.. 41 Kennt loiiA 1 AvimnUe io-,i Want (iroT.,..(i w Wi,.rU Il.'eg D. I 4 4 41 i K14 hi ' Sv4 IS T'SU , t.el Depot in Phlladslol,,. i.rtv i,- T.. ' r.hhicsiili and Market streets, to THIHTr-rMtuT U aialtht-T Htraeta, West Phlladelnhia. Itara. I fcrZi- ' 0'""" ' lfS2 flUtimUHtn K0 tbrOUprl rhn-7a nl.. UENHY woou.supwintwone. r HALLM UAILROAD t-iTATj I wv.ssei W UUt Rlret t half mil freight U 11. Hi turning, leave ., T Al., 110 P. At. remhtdall each wa. Aon '. . "' W As MLRiDN Mll.b ew Becoad Covered pier al.vr Wai.m' r siri,'.i J.t-tf .MAltt0' i