! 7 Y 1 V. X v , h C V 4Mii0 3fl(gtxpb WEDNESDAY, JULY 6, ISM. v ' 'feETEIT OF THE NEW I0BK PBES3, Icjidlnjc Editorials from the Now York Papers This Morning. THE Fit ! OF TIIF. DSn.OKKVtS(!OT FFRFSf F-TIIK PKONI'ICl r OF WAR. frm the Tieeei. rne London Conference lion practically coma i an inglorious ena. It sat for omc tlmo on Wednesday, the 22d of Jnne, to hear the last propositions of Austria nnd Prussia, proposition! which are dest rilied as being of a nature little lew than Intuiting. It wan to alt ataln on the 2Sth for the completion of formal business, but further negotiations are at .an end. There is nothing for It no but an appeal again to the word. Hostilities brtwnnn ih. i.,i .a Denmark wore to commence again on the 27th, uj mat nme too neutral Powers will doubt- .ess hare determined the respective parts thoy we to play in the second act of the tragedy. That England has made up her mind already, can hardly any longer be regarded as mere m it tnr of conjee tare. Thu tono in which the British i nrrign nerrctarv announces In the House of i.ordf the readiness of the Hrltish lluet for anr action that may le required of It; the tone in which Lord l'ameratun repeats the sumo assur ance In the Commons; and the general tone of DPlllgi-rnncT assumed hv nearl ..v. ItnM;. i-i , Z i ' .'"'.""J " r..... uiuii-ii Ki j prove mat the reiolu. i1n.be,!n,.,,!",l.i,y r",ch"1, ' Kt material Hid to Denmnrk in the unequal contest t which ' as been once more forced. xi London Timet, In a quusl-ortlclal mnnnor. ntOM t.h",t,h.e ,im ",el "k" by the Uriilsh rBom Wln t(e to hreRk otr communications Hariiibhvrs (Austria and Prun-da) which lar moTement?l"nl with such 'Aumely." diate dlrcctior OTerturJ to too pl'-y. A srhlch onr fo' the Paris Journals announce Bitton tra' a demonstration the French fleet Martlnsbr1;lp'"' No Indistinct assurance . Mora.'. Au,tr(a wil1 I assailed in ths " V threut which mean that Italy will port W to take a hand In practically settling the iHtion of nationalities, which tbeOermans tyAger to bring into operation In the North J'Pfl. And with all this, there will ueces mote provision mrde, with no unduo delay, L British contingent, acting in alliance with j.den, to operate in Jutland. .Tie action of France is governed, for the mo. ent, apparency by a consideration of the slight put npon the Emperor's proposal for a gooenl y European i Conference, by the British Govern ment; and possibly by a recollection that when ranee was prepared to act in the ense of Poland J-.ngiand backed down from the conclusions to which her logie directly pointed. There may bo, too, mixed tin with these recollections, a reflect lion that in Mexico the Emneror has been loft to regenerate seven millions of the Litin race with no material support from England whatever. It can hardly, then, bo considered out of the usual rHn3?, '"P ImPrl policy, that the Emperor should refuse to show his bund, until he can Dlav card which will tell on the game. 7 What England is of course assured of, is that France will be neutral, if she does not take an active part with the Danes. It is lmnn.ihi thu, France can have any object openly to side with the Germans. Hut it is not impossible that sho may hesitate to be a party to an anti-Qurman alliance which would include the recovery of too Austro-ltalian provinces to the now kingdom of ' ialy, and which would probably end in reviving f'-ie revolutionary spirit of '48 from one end of ; c. a rope to the other. Such a war as is now about to open will not be long coniined to tho disputed Danish Peninsula. And it ennnot bo wondered at that a responsi ble Power iiko England has postponed this new and terrible arbitrament until she had reached the very boundary where hor place in the coun cil of Europe would have been forever compro mised in the eyes of the world. Prolonged inde cision wonld have hrousht lrrrti-loohl,..ii... .-..., and whither she acts alone or in alliance with other Powers, Englund is irrevocably committed to the cause of Denmark at whatever material sacrifice. C'ONGKKNH-sr.nnilVU UP. 1 Tivm the Tribune. The Thlrty-eighth Congress, which has just closed its longer session, was an uncommonly green one. We beliove not more than half its members ever before held seats in either House. A rery considerable proportion of its members . are men of quito moderate abilities, about equal to the duties of justices of the peace, dome of them bought their nominations outright; others traded for them ; perhaps fifty in all got In be cause they were really lit for legislators, and the people knew it. It Is a solemn fact that wo do not semi as able men relatively to Congress us were sent forty to sixty years ago; and our detestable system or' primary meetings nnd regul.tr nominations are the main cause of the tailing otf, though our n,wusu pmi-iiuoui o'luuuing me cnoice ot eacn district to resideutH thereiu a practice founded neither in law nor in reasou is partly respousi llo fr it. Neither Clay, Webster, nor Calhoun could remain in tho House eight years under the pre vailing system. What district will set the ex ample ot calling some able and upright statesm m by public requisition to serve it iu the next Home I We ought to have Edward Everett, Siimon P. Chae, Henry C. Carey, Hamilton Fish, Gorrit Smlih, John P. Kennedy, etc. etc., in that House; while our political opponents should likewise (.end to it Millard Fillmore, U. O'C'jnor Judge Woodward, George M. Dallas, etc. etc.. if they can. But we shall never again have a strong Con gress uniil, in selecting caiiilMi.tes, the ' shrieks of locality " are holly disregarded. Why should an eminent Copperhead bo excluded from Con sires uy tue f.n t that ho lives in Pittsburg ? or a Kepublieiin by the mure fact of his resi.leace in old Berks. Do let us have an end of this Tha present (lougress did soiuo good things Tery lardil) passiLg lax and uirilf bills, tor example lalle J to pas several excellent mea sures, such as ilie iianonul bankrupt bill and mat which aimck a blow at tho viral of railroad monopoly did I s best, soniewnat reluctantly, to recrnit our heioiu armie showed greit weak ness, if nothing worse, in allowing tho whisky peculators to curry utT aud divUo several mil. outposts Of the Whit .Ills, but suit rA with them. The Ut.onlst of the Granite State will henceforth regard this noble eminence with a prouder affection, nince iu name is Indlssolably blended with one of the heppioat exploits of oar hope Captain Wlnslow will And a Tlalt to onr harbor within the line of his duty ere lon. pur merchants and seafaring men would doubt less Ike to meet him and hi. nin... j, Rht P",'hy hcm one as good as il-Jh .fcy.mp'lbf .pr0'rered ,0 emmea, bat which that cratttallen corsair had no appetite for. And wouldn't the seamen of our port like to have a grasp of the hand from and a festive hour with the crew of the heartarve one of these days ? Onr Navy will not be able to coax another nghtout of the Rebel fiilihusters; but there are a good many blockade-runners still atioat, aad picking them up is a prolitablo business. May it grow and prosper! GINEEAL QBAJTT8 GBAND AEMT. From Ike Ninth Armr Corps. fiscoiD rnovnioHAt ASTiriURT, r v I Ilaroaa I'ktriuirdru, jUir ufa J o accmiDt published hu dunn luaitr. t is. visional Mecond l'nnnsvivaolK ArtilLr. ir,,.. ebaraisr made on tho 17th of June. Tho brave IJoa. """t k siorm portions ol the ensinr' works in front ot l'otersbur. Thn ,,.. tsrhed to Colonel MiMnnt'i n,i.i- . .. . .. " pwiwh, voionoi Vt ilhilm h.rlnt bona pro. noiwly wounded. Meutenant-OohinM n..... """' oniraae. Colonnl Mini.., -.q,ii,o sovsrai otDoera in the brlgado killed n r.IT)!, commanded thu first 1 '-"v.. .u cari-Tina- tie Hnt Hn nl t.- "7 worss i no ni ui Mainp m... . -uu v .puua r.mi wore very seriously wound jd llifi enniniftnd nt' tK- -n; . , . . .. . .... ,,.,.uul lm,u aoroIre( 0p0B em tTaZ "'""' ohar) ho OnifPflls that anntn . I. . , -p. - . .m, wrnois sosne wai wit- BSUMithRnnnm1....) . .. .1 . . - . - -. uu unug wore pun op InnrinH fl..... . i. ... ..... . . . . f - ei principally IllrOUjja tile hsad and breast, by onr adranolni troom. .kaiv"',t1Tni 0P'oro,, ,0In Uhty prtsonors of n Carolina Kelmont. auonr which wore several field and line offloer.. Ciptaln J. H. Holm 4, of Phllidolphla, turnsd thsrn over to me ganant bsneral Latiua. The prisouors wore r7 .ujuoiu woeuuen to the roar. Thoy say Bioh mond will never be taken above ground. Wo will see about that. The Kobelsneyorfbuirht with more obstlnat do j. ,....,. ,u. 1 uo rim nnaauo hold only a portion ol the line i tho enemy were sUII in position on both sides ol thorn, and those that had been driv.a out . . ' J?, . ""us; irunianoinnriius ornntvplu; A torrible cross fire irora both flanks, and a diroot J .r iLJ biiK,d8 Dd "J Piaaoa s charged the works, however, and drove tho Knbnli iron, the flanks, tho Kobel. nilnuJnln, r thai? around ilie flxlit then became on of hand to hand and breast to breast, and erowina of bayonets Tho Iieb.1 and brave Union troop, wore b. noted on bo?h jidos orthern steel triumphed, and the Kobxla tell back, leaving us in poasoaslon of their works, tOKothor b!Tn!.t'?i.,b.i.ndr,!d tr,0"- Tho dlteb Inside was tilJod with their dead and wounded, whioa care ample evidenco of tho terrible straa;la. Our loss was severe in killed aud woundod, in offloer aud Our reiriment baa lost many brave officers, and a larpe nnmtfer or men. in thi. . . ,.r deni.. Hpottsylvania, tjo.d Harbor, and in itont of U T A li Li 13 H V , CENTRAL FAIB. rr 11 A3 Br.KH nacniED to hurt tat GRAND (X)LLEOTI0J OF PI0IUSE3 HOW it WANTS. l ANTKn.-A.MAN TO DKIVK A WAGON " r aooirt rnnr boani Is the mnrnlne. Wairai S.S i w. aprlyarth.-'inqnrwr' ome. ,, VIIUiTCLAfW SKBVANTS L.AROR NRW - Tnrt Brarefc Rmphiymrnt Ilonsoof Mnk CMI !. tuHkiiM, wiHnxa, 1rli, Ac, tor unU)M, koutta Morsa. air city and cnnalry. Condnoua liv nsoniitZ lrti Mo. rsa aAnarfM B.rwa, bsmc itehta Vim rd MuuM-mt anrv oar to sM ilL Inio FOR SALE AND TO LET. I.OaAN 8QUAKK, ON KXHIJ1IT1 11008 ot dollars which honestly belonged and should have been se.-ur.'J t., n. Treasury ntul allowed it-ill' to be sublimely fooled in the repeal of t lie bill prohibit iry of gambling iu gold I The bMiurancu that repealling tin's bill would reduce the premium on (iold was si"iplv u')urd - ...... ... ,iiiutii niii no speoiiny aim "Margi Jy reduicd ; but this lull will do no nure to ttiat tnd than icaaliiig thu urdiuarr statutes tjalnst gambling in gi in nil wi ual do towards the M,litioii of ihut vieo. 'there will alwiyj bo ibling; law. may limit and impede, but can r wboll) aiiish it ; but be wn believes that t".'.iiit.' tlio vice would nlioi.h it is wan a "riiuiiee tliati he v ho thinks a wcll-tirawn v would utterly vxiihguish it. . gold giiinoleis hav.; .oiuend Coii;css almost as compactly as the wnisiiy gmuKis did, ami with nut had' the proiitMo venal uiuui beisor the.r convenient mends. In tun case, the members were really misled ; ana wo are sorry tor theiu. IM us try to strengthen the House at tii prunc'iung election; 'V s ap- Ofllrlnl ArknowlediriiMtna. From the Frmnkfoet CmmtmwealthJun4 71. We publish below despatches from tho Presi dent aud Secretary of War comtnondatory of General liurbrldgo and those under his command for the successful onnrutinn ,.!,, M....... andhisband:- ' ""'6"u Washinotow, June 14. To General Dur bridge: Have just received your despatch of action at Cyntbinna. Please accept my con gratulations and thanks for yourself and com- m"Bd- A. I.IN0OLW. Washinoton, June H. To General Bar-bridge.- Please accept for yourself and the officers and soldiers of your gallant command the thanks of this Dopartmout tor the brave and successful operations of the last six davs in Ken tucky achievements of valor, energy,' and suc cess that will be regarded with admiration by all loyal people of the United States. K. M. Stantost. Five Itrothrra la tbe Army. From He .Vm Haven Journal. Edward Everett Dayton is the name of a sol dier recently in the Knight Hospital In this city, and linally discharged from the service, because too unwell for the Hold. He belonged to the I9tu Regiment Connecticut volunteers, after wards the Connecticut 2d Artillery. This Dayton was one of five brothers in tho service, and two others remain who are liable to draft. Two of luugm siue Dy side, at Antietam. One, the youngest of the whole, fell dead in tho battle of that bloody day, and was borne off by the other. 1 wo of them had boen in the Western army. One or them died at Iirashear City, of brain fever; tho othor. named Levi, h Ad twMn in ten or twelve battles, was once knocked dowu by a pas-sini; shell, not wounded. Still another is named Spencer. Ho is a lawyer, and at the commencement of the war resided at l'hillippi, Western Virginia. Ho attended tho Wheeling Legislature, and is a devoted Union man, regarded by the Kebels as a spy, hunted and driven off by them. At one time he was re ported luken and shot at Richmond as a spy. but ucuidu ii, ia iuuct, written by his u.uu. wm nnu unco suceccueu in con cealing him from his enemies three days, when The family residence lain Torrington, Litch inuwuuijiiu luiioiuw, ine tamer s nuuiu is jicmy xsaytoii. Until 10 P. M. on Wednesday, July 6, AT WHICH TTMR IT WILL PINALLT CLOSB. AdmliilooMcritj. Culogus. K cants. To VANDMLTira ABIADMK, t nnu eatra. jyir3llUno" "" ' "1 Mln 4oor Vln ,treu ( I RoYf.R'8 CHE8NDT STKEKT THE.V- IMPOKTANT NOriCK. rr.pnratlons for ihe Krest (ruct of AI.AIIUIN; si s OR, T1IR WO.NOKKKlrt l.fMP, nica ar. now hsiiar made, oil I n-ew.iujis tie rM,?rl!r ?,T'." """f Irnport.ni co.iiKn. In the raa- J''1 "o trrforraanre until the .rrat Mr.Mi.u prn- U .n of th. kind evsr wltneMsd la America. Dlirtnv Hie clo..tliTm..ir.wlUbe u,oroushly rsm.vaied. 7yi r- o a n a q u a u K. W A sAd4iTM,I. T, O N T K D T or more roara. ..this office. RUNT I V HOT H1I BP lys-4t tXUNTKY KEAT FOR 8AI.F.-A , FINANCIAL. llndtd cssuntrv Hs.l.lsnci. llh lt a T ti'2ZZ2L'2"" " ,w" ""'" "f '"" " mile tfwf iveneen B.iuam, and e4Klniuir slr.anl manrion r.r 11.... i!?, a "M """ .Mrtne. hy ofe.ninr. , . wn-Lsvm uU rj I llMBOrmn, I'fMinaV. J4 C FOR SALE. S.V),(HH) WORTH IN GOOD ""VT' mrn andanssll.en tarm. us. oil p.rrfi.ie Miliar with or wliaont Incuml.rnee, for out and 2 bads. Inquire of, frmn in t.. u oloc'i, A M. TIIQH, M. ri.BWatAW Bo. lin . KOtHtrt! KtreaC "TIMK'S NQULKST OFF aprtn. ii in. int." A KKW HKWISK1 VSCTTTNr. Tn WA(K'n.linr.WINi MAriltsnt Oinillnsi all Ois advantage, of Ui. oUMr Orst claai msshinei, an HliRPASHK.S ALL OTTtFIRS fhr simpuoltr, pracUoabuitr, and ralla- liiee. MarkliiM. on asomint nrth.tr ohsannsii anil slaa-rucii)-. areUie aaosi valuable anil de.lralii. machine, la nt tiikTatnt x.t''lZ"f fc,Tttl " "ta this ew S.wla atantrHi, nslor. piir-li..lnir. o ick or WAi.stu SKWina mschtnk - . ,, .. NINTH airsnt. Jata-lW Under the Oouunenlal U.iteL rC KLASTIO H K W I N O M ap Nr HT1TOI1 A O II I N K H. TUB BEAT 1H USB. 730 OITKHNUT BtrMt. WANTED TO SELL OR UXCIIANOK, KUInll. S.ln. M....in- Tii. Urovsr A Biker eswlng Machla., Aad an the prtaclpid H.wliuj Maaliloea. All firaUhld flam Uielr prmeipal ontm.. nra Aieo.aU kind. . acond-llaod Maohlnu, tot Sals aad srLsuiBB.lraa.1 ait atA n .. tamm . . .at M. u:avkns a fai.m.k hkk, ho lisi N. FUirtTH Htniet, fOvnr l.n v . nk u . . . THE AUCTION SALE OF Urtie. Unaht to op.rat.. j.h si JJBWBH II A. IX Ate ' BA2JXEB3 ABD EICHAHQE BB0IEB3, lf. I. TIURO SJTBF.BT. MaLsaa t SrECIE, BANK NOTES, AND GOVERN MENT SECURITIES. Htoeas Botui.t aad told so Oanaalialoa. OnUertlons sramptlv made. a W tf gTOCKHANl) S'lSCtmiXIKIS BOUGHT AND SOLD O N O O M M I H 8 I O N, CITY ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE Vw fonrta rtrsst, n. and1 th..."; ,! ISX?.? pruvMl a. a suit.... po.iiion fs, . .." A- r.IJcut ( i:iowa Council. Wii.t.tais F. RMir.r,, Clark ol Conaion Oosinrn. J ASfWi LTRn rrraldenl of Hal sot CeaaoU. Orncacr ths Pi aaira or flomcrr.a f ., , . . I'Hii.aDKi.rHiA. Julys, laiit. t k.",,." .'. "' Jn ordinance wa. relunlsd hT hu It.mor h. M.jnr. to theComrasn liinril ma the t.nli..Ulli la; ol Mar, A. 1. I1M4, without hi. .p. preval: mid ..Id onlln.noe bnvlns henn raeonsldersd bv slcl ( oincll, was p..i d on ih. ulna d.ro( Jan., wiif PROPOSALS. ftMlsMl aVvvfWMSAlai tW Am.H tU'.T.iiTh,'0" "ri:,.A- ' ",ubJrri5l lor fuml.hlne and d.llvnnto the lmi.Harrk. ii-I? R'i!i'!rrr.V" ""'"''r x this etiv. .a ,s. r-ST oJcotUnoli for or yW mt tb optto of HuW (M tf DE RATES & BEOTHEE. No. J0 S. TIIIHD 9TRP.KT. gMITH A. RANDOLPH, No. IS 8. THIRD STREET, HANKKUS AND JiltOKHllH. Upode.Stocks.Qnartarnuntsr.' Vauehan and Cheks,an4 all Ooveranxnt gecBrldss Bouht and Sold, mhll KrreoiT io uie s veettl .ecll.,n of the act of A...0.1.1.' ed Febru.rv 'i. 1N.M. entltli.d M A f,irthr .n..ni-......' to an act 10 incorporate ih. i:ar ,f l'hUadelphla.r bi tue a4irne Ji,ltjBIIC. HTKU1J c CO., llANKEIia, iHo. 30 S. THIRD STREET, or aan i.l OOU), SILVER, AMD WVBK.NMEST 8ECUKITIE8. S T O O K H BOUGHT AM SOLD OH OOMeflB'tOH. (tahlt AUCTION. WOftlKB OP AUT. AOIIATI! TO TUK SAKITABY 00MMISSI01T OllIiAT CI3NTHAI. t'AIIt, Will commsnc. on TUKSDAT EVKXINtl, Jul 5, to b. oooHoaed on th. followlna .renins, at the aaoM koar. Manr Work, of rare merit wtll b offersd for .ala. .m..n. which la a llfe-slie wrtr.lt of Uia Bmprsi. Kusnle, by Kosnanl of Farle, a mot .uomaiful llk.ne.a of this dlilla gnl.h.d paraooafo. Al.o, a Water Color Drawing, bj the I'rincw. Mathilda, eouiU to Napoleon UI, and a beautiful 'Anne. Del," In marble, bj the Ueraan Sculptor Btela-haa.er. Tha ART OALI.BRT will be op.n as uual oa TURS- DAY and WKDNK811AT, Jul and 6, from 8 A, af. to 10 P. M.,tMlua tha okua of tha K.hil.iiion Admittance la cents. atroat. jsa ORKATKST IMPROVEMENT I MBYEU IMl'lIoVED 0VER8TRUN0 Acknold hr ths la liiu antiu aad lndar.l by ths Niwieal l-w.llc 10 bs the fliie.t I'lanna In A n.rloa ;i1!!,",K",0,, Df """"i "" " " t rec.nt BTsat Irnpraveoient In llisio l lano Forts.. 11t a uew uuHMii, con.iroctlon, ih. vreatait poidble volume ot t.msh..lon,k:alnd, wlth.iiii.ny of lhs.we.iosw and kiet. aiHl which, with an Iiuprured Touoh aad Action! mnler Ihrta CaniuallMl. TO AClloo, Th.M Ir.ininenU recelvo.l the PHI7.K WEHAt. at the A.'.M."r', ""' '". at weU a. the Itlghs tu!Z! 1 ";r,"lnl""l"rs, truui tliem.t Fairs and In atltute. In thl. country. o. m A Itt'H Htreet, below Blfhik, rou.d.iphia. Jel7-lu hnrriio j:-iti:v'h OTTAOE OllOANH, Not ooly tJTIKXfT.I J.V.B lit HVT.(tTAt,!.F la purity r1"" .iMIira.-d s.p.el.lly rarchurcks. and BchooU.but foaiid to tx eijuslly arsS adapted la U l'arlor and tirawto- Boom. lerialaouiy by Wo IH W .U.imil u. ... Mrtir.nt of tha I'.rlaot Molodana aoa.iaully oa band. Buis-Sia Qld, u o r, i, o o ij i, SILVER AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BEOTHEB, following vote Tis.'A: nal.. . Abd tnc .aid ordinance, twr-th.r wah tha oblactlona af hla llouor, the kla.vor, ti.vii,, ,Mn ,, j., Uis H.liyt ( ouni-ll fir thr'r oeri'.tileratloB. wa. p. ..HI hy Ui.t body onth. thlrtletiiday of June, 1hi'4, airroelr 10 tha mid seventh sorilon ol .aid act of A numbly, by U foUowln. vote !., It; pay.,s. Wheu'loie, the .aid ordlnanra having been pa. lad aarseahly to the pn.vl.lnn. of tm act of A.iembly, In euch o. made and provided, Is aow a law la lull firca . .HIM. WW r. HMir.r. Clerk el Cotnmjn i'ouiicU. ,. I1K.NJAMIN II . I1AIIKI8, " tllerk of Maleol UoanclJ . A N ORDINANCE a.T ,ft,r,he' MroprlailoB for ths Belief of y aalliea of Volunteer.. Ne. tioo I. 1 he nelect and Common Oonnctl. of tho City of fhllMlelphl. do ordain, Tint tlie.um of Three hundred tbou.and itm.iilii rioli.r. I. hereby appropriated for lot relief of r.uitlln. of Volunteer. ; .aid siiia to he eipendsd under the dlrectloa of the Cornell. .ka appalnta.1 under tlraio.nce of April W, m ; the warrant. Uierefor.h.ll 1 drawn by lb. Mayori and said sum la tierehv authoriiaj to ber.lmliur.ed to ih. treaaurv (Win the proceed, of anr loan to be hereaiter aiilhurlied ali.ier an Ordinance to authorl.e an addlilonaJ loan ro oieet the eipon.e. uauid.ul I the del.aae M lb. city, and Sir other purpo.es. ai.kxanhkk j. uniPrR. Atte.1 Prddiat of Conunoa Oounoll. ABBAnAv SrawAirr, A.iutantt;itrk of Common Conncll. . JAMKS l.vvn, . Pre.ld.nt of Betoot CVinncIL Approve,! this fifth day of July. Anno Domini on. Uoasaud elsbt hundred and aixty-lour (A. 1). Alf.tandfb HKirar, Major 01 rullad.lphla. The beef mnat tx killed from the net fatted aetata, wehrll.,. not lee. than 1H00 ponnoa irme. wei.rht.tob, deliren-,1 in quarter, welsblns not lea. th.a u0 tvoanaZ tha neek. to be cat off at the foartk verubral leaa. , J the breaet tranmed ; the Ih.nk. of the fore aoarusm to he enl off four inchee above the knee joint, aad at tn hmd quertera eurht I nolle, above tha iramhrM ar ki it s at. Said beef lo he fuml.hed la eqaal Drotorliu a arna and atari .n.r,.n nwiriaaiai HiUverie. 10 oilier, to be made la saoh nnaaulUea aa ? be ordered ".iimi. b. r..' " BB,to' atskw.Oaan.0ow., and Heifers wtB wtlii'i?? ("T ,Ur' ,f naoe..ary) of any qaantlttaa pound ?J&&ZlrlLVa.' (? in.prto.a-r ...d. at ... aeZjrji si",i? '.KL'j"."r:r! L"?" mile, oi' tl,i. Vi.. -...... i.j una vm.:m. eiliun iweasfy Saodlna .m'i""1 " nr boor "o"n.ted by tha 00m D Ice wherTiri ST C'2- ho.pKaf. or other piece wnere It may a D'eood. All auoh rt..livuri-. a. a- K be .ublee'TZ SL"" '""""r, tl. hoof at all iTme. No bid. iron 1 dl.lAv a.mi... - . tk1aredre.pon.lble.wiUb ".. Tei.frT ,71 mvm , mm ivuvw two ra.ponalplt ser "TIB. ru iadekpMa.Btar.or si --win fuMI . rllnui.aceom 0, u - avern af to. e - aad .am- alanea va a rop We, Ilie andarai.i Penn.ylvanla, de hcr.v the rruulremi'Me of thl. panylna ailvertlnemeril ; ,i, o 1 nuB oeina awaruea ll , . l, clent security In the .um of -, . , lar. for Ih. faithful perforiaem ui '' Each bid must be acconipana- s Ot Uia prlrclpala and tha KVtrk . oop ot thl. adrertlsenient aitaoh.- The name, of all partle. partlt , ..I muit be alll.ed to the same, an. ' . ' allowed to fkna out or underlet aa, -aiipply. ' Aohid rVnm parties aot remlar'TIn th. - w , he cen.ldered. and partle. bidding will b . - t. tale whi r. they InUind tlaushleilnf Ui. be . i7 Thetlorernment reserves tha rts:ht to annnl 1 . ' - . trac t at any iltua, thould It not prove .atl. factory, All liM'l of an Interior gnalltr to that .lliinl.l' thi. advartlM-ment will be rejecied, and a ooiTMponi.V ""parchiued at market rate, aad oharyeaTt. Ti rnpoii fo be oadoraad Tropo.aU for freak keof and diraotod to It u maao b. wrtwnr,' Captain and a a. If ala. It Jr-ly No. 0 8. THIRD 8TUBET. Q L A It K H O N tffc CO., HA NICK US, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, ruiLAiitxruiA. Government Hocnrltle. of aU laanaa PurrhMed and for Bala. Htockt, llonda, and Uold lloaslit and 8otd oa Com mit. loa. INTEBKHT ALLOWED OH DF.P0SIT3. uouectlon. Promptly MadA foS-tf Kutranos at mlddls door on Vlas jy- JJAltlOWH INDIfJO PUT I f AT SPECIAL NOTICES. ttink-kr n 4 n.lrntir. Til. V.ri. . . .1.- . . . .... . .viicBjjiiuuuiii ui mo iionuon timet Indites tins amusing siiulb: "I!y this tlmo the Trefcct of rollca must lie con- vinicu ium nnaacspeiiru, wtiiiso aumvorsary ho would nut have colilirateil In l'aris, is not lyltiir hid in a hack shop In the R110 tit. Antoine, or a wine cellar of Hercy, or .kulklng in the ptir Ileus ot the Jai din des I'lantes, on thu Isle St. Louis. No light bus liectt thrown as tn his wi crvahuuts In the reports addressed hy tae leaser agents of police to tlnir Immediate superiors, nor hy these last to the CoiiiinUsiirios, nor liy the C'oiuiitissurii'S to the SocriUire-Ojneral, nor by this lust to the I'rclect, lor thcsiall ascend In bi-Hulilul (jradatliin like the ropa to the man, the niau to the ox, the ox to thu water, Ilie water to the the, Ac. The only llnuK of a tan Kihlc n. dure that Has heen pmducod were frig uictii. of a Ii tUT like those fouud on Oroeo, and said to he picked up at the doors of the S die B ir theHiny, where the p ipuiar lecturos were luely Ulicn lor tho hehcUt of thu l'olcs. Tbey weii aitriliuud to Shnksiioare, and they exuiied Hie aliuui of the l'r. tect not wl bout iom.io, wmm such words ts tliee were fuuud in theiu: Tue purpnw you undeiti.ko Is diiiierous' "out of this l etiio, dan;(cr, we pluck this llower, a it'ety' 'our plot Is as guild a plot as was ever laid' ' Meiiua tn.e and lonsiant' ' an t x-el-luil plot' 'have I nor all their Kt'ois tu imet nie in anus uj the 9m of utm iiioiiili Ocstcrtlay), aim are nut aoaie of them set lurviaid aired; f V....u ruscil-mtidel, he will to the KitiKund lay upon all our procced liijts. 1 hi re iims sfniictliii.il, to i, uhoii -a disli ft skin. itad mill.-,' Hhicti was iiiterproteil 11, a luiiM t lh i sue nllitninu io some biirti fuiidtlouary in the Mate, Wi: h suen i nuclusivo prooi'a criminal dcM'nn, it was mi wmiiler thai, ai tho hisi iii.puiiuut ncp under the cir inn t imo, ion.iiini,oiiiiin ban ,uets and pm iu h itn,r ol' so ilispcrntt' a i.'inspaati.r were proliiliiiinl, und tMut n sliict s.nrcli slmuiii th u he tn.de atter ban in ense be wu. lurking in I'uris." NOTICE. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Or PHILADELPHIA, Will tran.aot Butlnau at th SU NK W HANKINC1 IIOLTSE, coiisaa or CHE8MTJT AND PSANZLIN STREETS, (North ildaorChenaiit, wast of Third,) oa amd Arrta Tuesday, the 5tH lnsjtunt. MORTON McMICUAEL, Jb., Ca.hlar. OT" OVflCK OF TIIK PRK8T0N COAL InT. m",? ,,',,l'r0Tt'n" Company, No. i W1LI.INU S Alloy Ihlladeuhia, June I;,, 1HI14.-I)lvldeud Nullce. The Hoard ol lllreutor, of the I're.lun Coal aud Impiove minl Coinoanv bave tin. .!. ai.,-.i . lend of To and One half Per cent., from the net e.rnl r..BW, me mu nay ot July ueit. wilt ii io n o k it a IRUO STORE, No. a:ui nr. hiocom) Htrt, ruH.AllKI.PHU, WW oolor mora water tlutn four times Uia tama ifaaoUt of ordinary Indigo. Tha new Label doea not require a stamp. It ia Warranted to Give Satiafaotion. It U retailed at tbe tam Inferior Axlldea. price at tha Imitation, and lm partia. who., name, are resi.tared a. the holders on the book. f the Company, at the eio.e of butlnn.a on the JO h dar of June, lu.utit. Traniferllaokeio. .... .hu. V . i on the Mh day of July lllvldends due atocklioldera la Jwl ork aud Itoatoa will be remitted by mali or a.ore.a when riviuii.ted. ' Jyl fmwjyiu 1IKNKV D. MOOKK, Becrelary. RT , 'K KXTRA VHTKRAN I10UNTY w-" Kund Comrul.ilou will meet on Ml) VII ATS. WKDNKM1.AYS, nod KKIDAYS, at 6 o'olock P M , to receive aiipllcatloiu. at No 7 tlold.mlUu- It. II, LUlltABr aireet.liuuiMliately In Ik. rear of th. I'o.l t)Jce. rami- ..... .H.wa.icA. .ui piuaae can ai inn nour only. e. Ii. riAt SUKIta, (ihalrman. KI1WIN iiHKIII.K, jonatiun Hi llock, . . O. w. ai.MUNH, 4t fAULJ UK' I) t&T "I'WK UNION PASShNtiKit KA.lJ. tT ,.',:on.any,No.40 W AI, s I' IH trout, June 18, . T " , "C""1 in.'alinentol Klve l..l.ir on eaon.hara ol i he capital stook nl the I nl,,,, l'a. minor KallwayOom patiy, Hill be One and ravahl. nt tli .on... .r n. K j w.i wi. nii.i.iai l,n. iiiiector., jeia-17ij p-nVUNTHsron I'A.IIMTINi!l Ho. 47 8. T1IIKD STREET, AUOVB CUES NUT, Philadelphia. FAHY A JiltOTHKH, Bouse, bios, akd ounamuntal paintbiui. Ornlnhis, Olaalng, Olldlni on tllaat, Kalaomlnlur, Paper Tanishlng. Ae. mDl u KJX WK1TTKN AND VKKllAL UESrJHIP. iwn. or i;naxaeier,CoiiHtttuuen HU, WW At,vlo6on liui nin Hv:Ui, prnvemnt, MantV'f'iiiiiut, y.lXAtJUa , BOOlsW AfUltlAtlon, SO.,CtAV RDtiCT- i, atiiu t aucnt. wiun If of m Fnrmioifurirttnd Rooiiiair, AO. ZS S. TK V H Htnwt. abovci tibnaL It V O 'Iff Of tha Itiisu-rl at I DKAFNKSkS AND lll.lxnNV.sa t IstaOsl. M !.. I'rnl..ir.ir rr .' . . .- at.. . M (ll-f.'a appertain itiv u. Uie Hh tv it tuifd metaliflr wlih th- uiu.utmui't'eiia. 'l ittlinorilRU fmni tha iq.Hit reliahitj oiirct'K 'ii n city und countr. cur. be t .n tu hLa nriim go. 611 PlHK8irM. ArtifloUl Ky in.t "d wHrut pim! J'Tm? 'r "niintlwn- onU;' h0,l, W I ' '- rt. i i i inr. irii, jHI-Vvtl OT- COKNS, BUNIONtiT INVKIlf KD TZT j5LV". f "'""1 J""". all Dl.es.e. of to. reel cured without p.la or Inconvenlnc. to th. paUenl hv in. zaciiakik & HAMCTr.au iro. n O.trooodl.ta: No l.;l CHKHNLT Htrael. Il-ier iu wi,...w..V".Ir EDICAI, PUItVKYOll'8 OFFICE. N b U. V..1.V I... ... 1.11 invenrnr. ana Manumoln. m AHIiriCIAL I.1MB1 jarm. and lm.) aie Invlied .,. pn-srat .sejmou. of th ur Modi la to a Hoard ol M.dlc-I Ollluui ii. countllutod bronlor ol tha Actio HurseMi-Uri oral U S A , at th. Mr-du el 1 urv.yor. tiSJIoe, Jmo its HI., i i!K Utrsi t. lo iht. olty 01 or befoie the eleveuth dayuf.lul uel. wall a view to tha adoption nl Hie beat model.. iMljn.d, by order) H. A. CI.KMKt) TS. to Asl.tniaiir,, .,n, V. H A , Ja23 yyll Itacordor of Hoard. B lell-tf MILITARY NOTICES. ()FS FIC'E CITY 1I0UNTY CJMMlssmn. No. 412 I'ltl NK Htreet .-"N,.hili.o.. ....1 I.IIIHV or IMA l.n.i.lr-.l -...I in.. .. ... ... . . T V ' " u hmu ..uy mi wil, oe paid IU .e. Kh. re enrol kd min i,. l I hll.d, l,.lila. In advance I the dralt. nut Iu tlin v...r.' u ... o....... draft, aud prouor oredlt I. ulvmi oo..n ,n- .. dl.tnit.. " i... Ifililrenn not enrolled put la sihititutea, tin substitute I- tosarded as a volunteer. und Ml a iroi r evlioue. ol hla vi ll.asrsllliidleii!!ii.d to the bounty " 'I he oiioniinliy l. tint, ailoidi'd r..r i;,.. .ia .... cruet', while piuouriuK uxi ini.tioii. r l.ioui.elve.. and aiH.llliB UI. clly to III! 1 . ,ii, la. .iil. Mil E V D I N O I M P 0 B I U M. No b. Sr '. i..Nill Street. ... MATTHEH8KH. M.U'lllKS.iKS, ofllalr, Palir. Kx elilor, an - ilu-k. UtATHKb HElm, HOLsil tirt.AMIl Pit. LOWS). WCKJll AMI II in IIDIiHIKAHH, Hl i.l Ml IIKH.1 ANI COTS. N. It. RepalrlDS and ran. i h .i.h attunded to with oar. and despatch. Ho. II a. hi I KM U stwt. je:(-iia A E T I 1 0 I AL II AND. II. A. ' II.HKA. Inventor and M.. in.u inter of the A k T 1 K 1 t I A I. A Ii M, Approved .ii. it adopted BLBdEON-OKNERAI, 01 MIK. TNITXB 8TATHS for idle... Ita. permanently located hi. t 'Itice and Kacairy at No. 3U v. on em, .i uwoi;. in-low prure 1 uilada. Je tfu-ra f ' J. WHKHIT afc O O.. No. 142 S. THIRD STREET, OPPOSITE TUB KXCUANOE. Dealers In rhrvernmant and Stale Hecartlle.. Ouartar. maatara' Check, and Voucher., and Certilleataa ol Indebt- eanrai. Orders for tha purchase aad sale of Stocks and Loans promptly execated. r.i-wfmtf g x j v j i is tTi NATIONAL BANK, JSo. UM JiXA.lt It irr STHBUT, (COltNKR OF 8TBAW1IEIIRT.) Capital $125,000. To be Iaoreased to $500,000. DIRECTORS. "'1'' MUBKia. or Afarrla, Ta.k.r A (Jo., P.,el iron Work.. Kins an,, r..vr.i. CTIAKLE9 8. CLOSg, of Cle.e A N..blt. UuUders, No. Mo. XII Boed .tre. JASIKS af. I'BEoTON, Manutaotnror of Woolea Oooda, manaj'iinit. a. wai run, or j. a. waters Co., Wholo.slo Oroceri, No. 1JJ Market .treat, 8. . COUOUUN, Ileal K.late. No. bttl N. Thlrteoulh ttreet. WM. V. CLMVK, Aent Phnad'a aad New Turk P-xprens " Co., No. 14 8. Iiclaware Ave. OEOlttlK W. IIJ1.L, Manufacturer ofCurpotlut;., No.li K. Third atreet. J. W. 80IJDKK, Whole.ale Hiaits and Shot., No. SO!) Market .treat. J. Z. HEHAVKsT, Importer ef Win.., Brandies, Ac, Not. SO and J2 H. Delaware Avnnua. This Dank havlrtlt been duly authorised to oommeoe. hu.meu under the National Currency Aot, I. now pre- r.. leoeiT. dli ubi is, uake tJillectlon., and trant actaOeneral ItA.SKI.Nii BUSINKSS. liUcouot days on TUESDAY and ritlOAT of each wek. J. Z. DFHAVKN, X'ruH. limit. J'.. 5S. IIAI.I., C)..-l,i,r. llilLAUkii uiA, J una 10, WW. JeM-lnt fOR THE ABMT AND HAVT. MVANH IIA.HMA.IajU, MILITARY FURNISHKns, No. 418 AROII 8TREET, rnn.ADr.i.rniA. Ba-iar., Baglmantal anal Ceiapany rugs, Rwordj. Raakas, Baits, Paisanta, Kpaoleta, Hate, Oapa, Canteens, Uaveraackr. Camp Kits, Field Olaaaaa, Spars, and .very thlnt parulaiic to tas ootaptet. oalflt of Amy aad Nan OOleers. A Hbwal dlteoati allowed to tha trade. atyltMaa pBESIDEbTIAL OAMPAIQN. f .V O H , B ANNIES AND TR A.NSP AEEN0IE3. WM. 1. HOIIIllIhE, Ko. 49 8. THIRD 8XBKET, Abova Ohatnat, PbJladalpala. MA Nirv.rTiru.e i f'LAOS, BANNERS, TRANSPARENCIES, AND LANTERNS. roHtleal Campalin Olabt flood osu with Laotams, Itadses, Banner., and Flags, at waaonahl. ratea. )ea-lhai JLAOHI HUNTING FLAGS, Ol" 8UPEBI0I QVALITT, BILK F L A O B, Of SUPERIOR QVALITT. MUSLIN F L A Q B, Or BUPEKIOB QUAUTT. Ilalliardn. l'ulleyn, fco. Vhokiiala and Retail, at W. H. EOESTMANN & SONS, T14- FIFTH aad CBCRltr 8 tra eta. CUBRI8TENCR OFFICE. UNITED 8TATB8 k Army, No. 0 SOUTH Street, -.. SUd feeoo.... t.Jil""i.K: "? ". wi wkiTAksjja rr S! FOItat THniTH I hn immi lr , n am . Tl. .k.i V. . l-w p.nr uiT TLB on tha hoot, delivered at the Bute Cattle Soala.. a , ' ll -; 's of tllKlO) on. thou.and eioT averj. irn'Jir " ViL1" be "'alitsl within on. and . half T 'UZ 1 mtiht so"'" "f th. oootracior. Thar aaut ,0,'.,. ,liwo) "Hcteen hundred po.nd. Ziml f. . "o1"". Halls, Stan. Oxen. CMirs. HalSHa. M Ilornle.. t attle will be njieiea. ' ' dsducilon of ten (10) pound, wttl b. mad. from that wan kt of each Rtesr uv..t ..K.iu .w. . . Tided tha animal dee. not .land In the peaa two and imX. hau iwura before be In, welshed, or Is aot velaaeil Laalal ill.tely aner removal trom the car.. uataaa- Bl.ak form, lor propoaala oaa be had tm aastloa. laeiKivernmentwin claim tho rtrht of wtlstilnc a aw LLiV.?"1 j'". u "s appearanc. tndloaua leea wetht u..n the mlmmam metnioeed abor., U. ! aTent! '"!hJu' wiub P"1 " party crrta. ka adI F.arh bid, to aecors ron.lderatloa, mmrt eentala a Ew.'I" uarantee of two ratpoaalbi. perasaa, aa S.U W. , of the Connty of Rut. of ' , d. karatap siianteelhat - I, (r are) ahle to fuhsj a omUmotm "l.'"T U,.th..,r,n, of a,, "") PropoaluW. fh..i -.i"..'"' ?" b. aooaedTk. (of f??I' !l!u .00 tsiter Into a contract in aoeordaaeai therewltli, and we are prepared to become hi. aeoarUbak. Slvtns itood and snftlal.nt bund, thr IU fulfilment! ' .J ""rBBO"""H'Hy of tha fuereutora moat be akawtl ksr theeltlclal oerttneataof the Clerk of tha nearaat IHilrtat . iwMtM""1" Ui,UM 19 Hidden mini he nrnaant lo mmimiH ik. wi.- . . ttheomce?" """ "d " oual"a"'weiav- 1 The Oorarament reaen a. lo Haelf ths rurht te nhaak aaar or aU bide couatdered unn.awnable. "T . -rmanta to be made aruw each delivery In vajch ruada Mraeivi0.'' noo.oa hand, to be saaxkaas sue Propo.al.miat be andnraad dlttlnotly "PROPOSALS FOB BKKFCATTLR." and addraaMd to ''Caotala J I? OIIJMAH.C.S.. Bait mora. Maryland." If. hid It In th. namaofa firm, theie mmmxmm mmA peat oftto. addraa.vjbiut lonur. or K. win . i. tlderrd. ' Each person or every member of a Arm aSarhtf a arts, poeal mn.t aooonipany Jt with aa oath of alleauuic to that United State. UuvexnmW, If ha has n.t already fllad Mas All bids not eomvlvina MtfiMmml will be tviecli . J. n. nn uiv )'ut Captain and 0. S. U. . A. rMIf uMtl On lernu aOtii (af. ;tbrma8Tee. A86I8TANT QUA ueuer.r. unica, ..... Pmt UDairmA.JoD.. Maa. fc-rtB ffBSa- BtaV-'dXrtL 'UJS. UadAfd. and .Mate nOQwl white otk, r A raarw WUOI. 11. POHTE II, AWNING MAKER, No. 4.4.3 IV. TlIIltt Street. ABOVE WILLOW. STAUU8HED 1844. AWNINGS, ' WAllON COVBBH, FLAOS. SAILS, TENTS, FANCY VEBANKAHS FOB WINDOWS. All klS'l. Of WOrk lnBIIMwnll. .u ... . tonally, by ' --" par- JOMEPH II. FOSTER, No. 413 N. TUIKD ITUIR, Abo re WlUow. kill Araenal. tha Adlowln. . 'inapiuu lent I'Uia. larse; 1 ArmV iiuaoiuu lent i-iii.,,malli noa est r m .... k - Canteen Webtiliui. l.lnnh :i... reuuired. ' m'f no teen at this onto.. Redden moat nroposau Uie price, which mthat be alee, ui ennntr mm wed a. ium. .s- a. 7 . " drlnery. ' " v 'ifi .iiway Bach Nd mast be ra.ranteaa s-lM..iij. Jtarantee1.0 '"""' U,B' appetndad to th ceit'id '' dfa"1"n oootraotort mil nM bl nV IhS'SllridttnM. of tAe particular article bid for. O. H. OBOHVAJf, Aas't Q. M. OaaeraL U.S.. A Je.'tO-ft J)LACKSMITHS AND WHEELWRIGHTS Cinav QttAaTKtuiASTKa's Orrtca, Wa.hinutom titrnr. ::!I .?"W"".7.J" nLAtniiMirus And Onftllitnsl ii tiOQ WHKKI.WMIUH'IM. 1 bfl tlBV natT mnnth .aulll ul.l. rs. t. a.Ui 111 raiLn n-7 1 i .i: 17 "" r." i .. T.r.r-i r' 7... . "y'H"' pii.ueKe wn.n aioa. , " ... . o n, xviMl'aiNH United Htaie. Arniv. cor.., TwT-.; . ?I L2'. W a. Million, 1. C. " ".eem. apW-8m 11 X3 N It Y pOU8TY'8 TEA V A RUHOUSE.-ESTA.". buihedla UM, Impoit' i nod iirajoru rm. , Wlnea, and Li'iuort. Choice Havana Osar., 11 no. .o Cro.. A Ri.n-kweU', l'lcklit and Saocas KnU.h and Scotch AJe and mi.., , w . ,.-'"". 1 Meat., Friltl, Soup. Aw. Mavy Messet put op with ooo. . , At M IIS S. SF.(!0.VI1 Htreet. aM IT J'J UUA t. COUHTT. Q I'lr.t U L The r THE "ALABAMA." om IA. Trtoune. Captain Raphael 3cmmes of Dixie will hence forth have ample leisure for those literary pur suits for which his numerous contributions to tlie British journals evince so rard an aptituUe. His latest eilort is a bulletin of the defeat and destruction of his lo.st ship, in which he cou rives to insinuate that Captain Winslow sought to drown him and his fugitive crew an Insinua tion emphatically refuted by the puoiuhed log of the lherhound, by which vessel he was res. cued from the ocean and saved from capture. It Is hardly possible that Senimes did not see that log, or hear tho material fact stated by Mr Lancaster, his rescuer, so as to trio to that his in.' alnuatton was false when he uttered It lie was beaten In fair tight- tiftht which be began and wherein he needed only to be the bettor seaman nd warrior to bave achieved success. But burn ing ananned merchantmen is a business mora congenial to his tastes, and those of his British patrons and crew, than lighting an honest ship, of-war with the 8 tars aud Btripos waving above her and crew of braro blue-jackets at her guns. lie will of course be toasted and foaated by Ilia enemies of human liberty on titlwr side of tha Channel, but he will hardly be able to gut to sea with another ship so formidable aud so dettrue tiv. as the Alubuma. Captain tsemiu.s, Uks his vaster, i. 1)., is near the end of his rope. Keanarge, whence our victorious ship Is Bamed, is a mountain half a mile high, Boar the au. of New Hampshire, out) of kite fentluel ItlN. an linirllsb Pioor. I.HNt Of lllO 1' On Mondny, June 13, says mere died a lutiv whose lir.t im.i h,...n ..... longed and whose career had been bo much asso ciated with long by.goue events that, though cheerlnl aud active, in tbe full enjoyment of all her fucultit s, and with a keen interest iu passing events, her existence seemed almost an auachrou lsm. Anne Greenville, rmlv ilouoiiior ,,r n... lirst Lord Camellord, and sister and co-heir of mm uau-inau sou oi wnom we read in the nitmoirs of Lady Hosier Ktunhope. and who loundun atipropriate deuth from the pistol of v.uj.1,. .jcsi, uuru in wnuon in mi, ana married iwt iiiy jers utter to o.ora urenville, died also in London ninety-two years afterwards last Mon. uay. tve noticeu last year Her fortuitous meet ing with Lord Lyndburst, In 8t. George's Han over Square, npon ths occasion of the marriage of Miss Copely. Her last appearance In public was at ths Botanic Society's Exhibition, on Saturday last, when she seemed to be in her accustomed health and spirits. She was taken ill the same night, and only survived till Mon day. Her large estates are left, in accordance wiih the with of her hnsband. Lord Urenville, Who died not lesa than thletv vh u.,n tn ,.. Hon. George Fonescue, brother of the late and ". vi Ui present jsaru "Profeflane If.... .. r . I. - ... i . , r. ., - x,. wi u. .i vi.au college OI whtTh r7i!i "" eommon red pottery which is thick , gl.d with red lead, Is not hi to !..,,?"?-Ul .Dg io bs nsed ai food He ..v. ..... . u u, nnitimore countr recently lost two ehUUren, who were poisoned ty Sg B'iVot. tiB.glied re3 Prentice thinks Mr. Lincoln la I... man to have the tUapoaal of to many fat olfloetj. II K A DQU A RTE R.S I'HOVU ; T MARSHAL. iii.tiict, i'a. ' 1'nii.Aiii.r.i-iiiA .luneoa iac natiu'S ol iierH.in. r.-inio in , i., ... ,v .L.. met nillb. adiie.1 lo or stricken Ii.iiii ti. i.u of .nrol! III. toon, ol till .t. lirnoiM ,r n ..... slid civil otl.ccr. son all ctluen. nr.- in. I .,.i ,T. .,, Tj III Ilie list, anil .h,. ..in liifor,n.H.,e i.mi i .. ..; .. r.on ei rolli d ui.i.v n.,i i lnr. i, . il.,.rd ad eioi iiaie hi. nmne .trliki ii on the II. t. in, ..... . fi.iiirlly iliet lie I. not nr ri n. .... T.7. !Z A,t,., a..... ..i.i...-'.. ,. S"V" lioiiii out erro-i niuy .id In tin. e i p .mu VimlI.iIuu. rtiiunent I'hytical A ainipliajica with tho roreulii .uncetlonsl.e.rne.tly ,0i'l";,' WM. K. 1.KIIMAN, J'--" Ciptaln and l'r ivo.t Marshal. ii tftl TO SHIP CAPTAINS A N DOWN K KS. he uniler.luiiMl K. , i.u..i ... k's'Muik.. loa HC'lthW IMHL'K, ties, t In '.mi Ills tr .rvla and Ui. patron, of the llock that he .. ,ri.mred aicn Increaied facllllie. to aceouiuoi'a-.e too r liuvli. v.i.sli lo be r.l.M ... au owiiih a i i'. ai nii-cvMioter and f Ikw' wlu lv' beraoual ato olioii lo ail vcnelsenlniitod lo him thr repair.. -v Call alna or Avent.. ASIn I'u, .-.I U..1.1-.... .. . vn-"i it-p.ii, aie .... .leu toe ill. Uailns the aitency for lb. Ic ot WetlenladU' Patent MelaUlc Coiii.,;i,n," or t;o,... r I'alnt, lor lln pr'serva U n of ve..cl.' bottoms, for ilo. city, I am truuarad te furuiahUiaaaniniavorableieiii. JtlilX II. HAMVITT, , Ken.lniiton.Sci.. Docs, iM'-h Dtlawara tuuua, ubuv. L.uaii s trout TKW 3-OA3N. 1N1JW U)APf. U. S. 10-40'. JV )IC11 At e., OKI hit 1 (lit SAI.Ii TUK NEW GOVEKNMENT LOAN, HPAI1IN0 KIVE I KIt C'KNT. ISTKHKST IN C01K redeeiiiablc.ii) time .ft. r 1KB VKAIIS, at Hi. plen.ur. ot tii. lioven.meut, and p.ijalde FORTY VK.tu after Cam. IIIUTI C'OOION AVIl ItKOISIKItKll HO.NIlS an Issued lor Una Loan, of amo denomination as the -u'.. The Interest on (Mi's and Slon's iavai.lo yi urlyjoa al otl.er denomination., hall j curly. T ho KMd bond, are dstcd Watch I.IHt... Th. Iiall ycarly Interest f.ilinir due hcpumlier 1st and M tn li l ,t or each year ill i.t Sep. ti u.ber. tho accmeil interest trom 1st of .March I. re inirod b. be paid by parvhasers In r.uia or In 1.i:i;al cuiiai si;r, aildliiir llfty ..r cunt, for premium, until furih.ir notlca. Al.LO'iHKIl flOVI.Ji.VMKNrsKlUJKIt'll'.S IIOIIUIIT AND SOl.ii. JAY COOKE & 00., mh'-l'-tl No. HI 8. Tnillll HTKKIJT. II A UP M 11, DBALKB IN WATCIIKH. JKWELltY, BILVEK AND PLATED AEE, IVo. OO Alteil Htreet. AMl.ltICA!i WATCH Ct. S, K IIOWABIl A CO. 8. AND KKS.D'8 1'aTKNT WATUIIBS. All kind! of Silver War. made In Uia factory adjotnuu Jy4-18t Brlsadlar-General aad Chief Ju.'riermi w, Iepai tment of W aauiiujvm. CLOTH LNQ AND' KQUIPAQR Sealed Propoaala i , mi. ..ui iii.tant. atlSo'oloek ai . r... -Hui.- i ....... ... ,, . . . -..r1, the Htoie. JeSlm W. SIMONB h BROTHEB, HANl'OU BTUKKT HAJ.L, PUILAUKU'UIA, VANX'FACTCBKBa OF JtWKLiitV. FINK SWOKDB " IJat-if hllMTAKr OOOOH IB KVBBT TAB1KTT. J " XJ II M t XJ H II A It II VlloM 'IA1. ASU aKTAII. CLOCK Lis'1'AllLIhlIMKNT, B. K. comer HKCOND and CliaaNUT Htrtatu, I'lillad'a. AI.SNCr FOB TS t I'ATKNT K1JCAI.I7.1NG 'rilIBTY-l)A4 CLOCKS, A very dcslraule artlcla for Churchua, Uolela. Hank. Couiillliit-llotr.i., I'atlots. Ac. ' AIMN MAM I A' 1 t.llKlt OF KINK tllll.II rKNB I Lin KS liKI'AlltKln ANI1 WAKKA N I hll. JaIL'-ly Cluck 1'rltuniiiib ol every description. RMY L Oitir. ... PHnansxrittA. Julys, I8S4. TtlK.miAV . W. i .k 7." .rT ".." rmo. aota IBK IJ.. United Ht.w..ueliv.'rahl. at Uw b'ajuiil ual.Uia foliowlns arUcle., via; -.uujiji L, . Sn,re"' ,eu- Ay 'ndard. Black Ham llucklea, Army Bi.n lard. . ' . 71 w,uoU,' dark-blue ri.onel, ndlo weol-dyeeL ?.cJ'i".,'.a or 10 0I-., - wldih,r IiloJ Back t cat., Army hlaodard. ""m w iT.hrATy Nt"dr'' sample, of each of the above artl- III id.er. m""1 .tate In their proposals tha prloa. which mn.t be Klvcn in eritinv, as well aa In tlVuri. ,sl luai.tlty and time of delivery. " ,n uares, task aach bid must be auarautaed he i. son.. Who., alttnature. must be appended to the naraa. tee, and where the lint, I r and m... at thi, oftlce to tie responsible men, tliey mu.t b. eerllaed matea "Kh' br """ "bUo 'metloaary of toe United Bin. from deflinltlna eontraoton, and thine that do aet nrno,';o"n;,.;Jo """ "'"---"t. n theMrticle or article, bid l.r. w. .. t. H. CKOHMAN, A. Q. M. Oeal U. B. Army. A 8SISTANT J.A It tit- D"ff; WANTED FOR THR TTNlTim iTietn I L T) M TT TJ Tl A B(TrrW J. nn v.. .... ii . .. 7 ' . , . A amy i "I MWWAAJA. VBl u I., ""'"fps (a varied and aiclUuf Um by ..a and I TT. : r.7 ' . uio-oouieu men, to perform tha dullee of a .old er at on. K... v . ... . ... .... . T ii o i.i.. .hi;., r: ..: :t-j a Belter eouipeasatloa than the army. A ship -of-war Is . ........ uoui.. in. Marine i;orp. la Uie be.t eooiliped Corps la tu tarvlva. frla. Alouay ebua- T1IB I)I'AL ROITHTtna aim -Sll DWioirm For all other Information apply dally at Oi. BecroJtla. Bende.voa., No. Sll H. ROMT atreet, bakiff BpruM,b7 - v. sui. BUM inisa W CIUVK, JAMKB LKWia, . Captal-and Becruitlnn otllcer, T4 Ha. jU 8. FBOBT Bueet. pURLOU.GHS-rUfiLOUOHS. Offloer. and soldlart vlalUnf ths cltyoa rarloughs, BMdlnj HWORDH, AM. OTHSa MILITARY EQUIPMENTS, Aaa nrviTan to tms azTsastva MAJtCrAOTUllIKO BSTABUBUafKMI a OXJOllOXJ W. HIMON8 A IJIlo. SANSOM STREET HALL, BAHHOal Street, above SUth. presentatTon swords Mad. kt order at Uia .aorta it aottee, whlek tor HeaaeM and attasaMoaaw. UutkWna. oompatlttea, ao other twoee la tb. eaantrr aomWoinf the MANUrAOTUKlMO JKWBLB Wrint SiU) I'BACTICAL BWOB0 ktAXBas kae COMMISSION MKHCIIANTS, AND SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS, DOCK HTltEKT WIIAIi?', riuLAimu'iiiA. aaMTTK'. a. sounra, AMilUlHAtU likTTT, STKrnas r. auL'p.a. 14-tf fJEMOVAL. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, r fl'Mter and llullder, ka. removed hit mop ftora Jio. JvHlran berry atreet to Ne.'iliv CAB I KK Slreet, ad i" "If o1'' 1,0,1 Ol,l0 Huildlns;. ItavUis lnerea.ud faelllue. for carrying on Ihe buslaea. uteuslveli, he houea to receive a .hare nf public patronaire. n MONEY TO ANY AHOUNT, loaned upon tiUsionds, Wawh.., J.w.lrr l'Ule, ClotWf, Aa., at . JO.NKHejt co.'B 1 OLD KSTAhl.lsihuo LOAK OKflCJ, Corner TllIKD and OAhaMIX Buota, Hek.w Muibard. M. B.-WAM0Kns, Wa rcilK.a, JE WBUIT. aUKS.Ao- nH SALS AT KKMABKAlll.y UW rBICBi. Ja8-M s ANITARY FAI n, OIIEAPKHT 8 TJ MM 13 II HATH IN THR CITY. JIOUJIIVjU, M 1 No. 0 N. SIXTH Ukru A a, g WEIGHT & SIPDALL ' No. 119 Market Street BETWEEN FKONT AKD BKCOND BTBKETB. C. W. WKI.1HT. y. , ,WUiLi, DRUGGISTS, PHYSICIANS, ANO HKVKRAI, BTOBKKKEI'KKSJ, Can And atonr establishment a rullu.tortm.nt of Imported and uome.tic iirugs, Popular Patent Medicines. I'alnt.. Coal Oil, Window (ila.a, Prescription Vial., Ac,, al as low price, ss tannine flrt-elast foods can be .old. FINK KMHKNT1AI. OILS FtrOonftictloners.ln ftall vart.ty, and of tha h.stnnaWy. Cochineal, lteneal Indlfo.Madiler, 1'ot Aih, Cudbear, Soda Ash, Alum, Oil of Vitriol, Anaatto.Coppsraa.Kitrut or Lo oid, etc., FOB DYKKS' ate, always .a hand, al loweat net cash prices. ri'BB SflClig FOB FAMILY I'flE, Ground axpra.tly for our sales, and to wbloh we mvlt. Hi. attentkiB or tho.e In want ofrallabla artlclet. AIM, J.i)JU0, STARCH, MUSTARD, cte., c extra f noiiy, Ordert by mall, or city pott, all meet wHa prampt at. b utloo. or special quotatluaa will be nu-oUhed when ra nu.tlcd. WRIGHT ft BirrAL,rj, Whol.,ie Drag Warehou. JaU-ly . Up MARKET Straet, above Front. CJEOBOS Vf. A- T. VOIQT'S J OI AB WABKHOCNB. o., ;i and aaa sen suoet. Ola. .ware Sir Hotel, and BeaiauraAMa. rniil.nl Imiims P.rnieier., and l.rusvl.1 .. """tlotsars, Alto, tb bsrs.st a.si.rlml nl of . , tsLAart MltADRII Jfx JOHN S. WILSON, IMPORTER AND F. Jde.lerlu WATCIUM, Flno JKWBLUr, aad manu atkawstacttuor of MI.VKB WAKB, No. IU K. BIMil Hireet, anoie Area, Fhlladeinnla. 1 he bi.iie.t pnee paid lor old Silver. my; UU WM. A. GRAY. N. K. CORNER OP SIXTH I and MINOIt Htreet., buy. lliauiouus, Waluha., Uold. IsUver, aud Loan Ticket.. ' TilOtiK IH WANT OF MONBY. 1'AIX. ' All buslnest ooafldenrJai. myls-iai OUARTKUMASTRR-fllcwii- ralaonic. . . .... PMII.Aaai.FHIA, Joly S, last. BealiM) Fropcal. will h. nceived at tin. ottlc ...to loclock St., on WB0BK81IAY. iha line I,..,.... Z cousuuctin. lllll ary llnrriuks lor the usaof tlie Uuiled aiati . upen a lot ul land, conialuli s about 57 acre, am t.ri?.r,.'l:M'',',.:!'.ho.K'r'l,,w' "' "" ! 'h bprmi MTir ' " aituuioonatow l iaii. ai d specification, of the bulldlev. and their an. .ii i ti nn lire, can be seen at i he office .a John ate Arthur. Jr , Architect, where any furtaer lulormailoo rwiuirai wni i,tv a. Iliddi rs must .tate th. .hortr.t time required t. eoaa. pioic the work. mm An. pie .e. oiliy will be raqulred, and no bid reoalvaA trom iieiaultius-cot trai tor. "owraa axaMe7i'".ra,eri.,,,MrtU' "' Cro"n''. Attlstant Qu.rter- J-t AT.MV.UT B ImiuBin Captala and A.si.iaut guanerniaatar. A T R II J Y H I M () N VNITED 6TATES NATIONAL WAGON AND 00A0H WOEZS. Oinc, Ko. 531 NKW MARKET Straet, And Factory, corner or SECOND AMD CUMUEHLABD BTBEET8, All and .very kt.d or i-hiladbu-oia. WAllON, t'AKTB. TlBAYS, W1IKBLBARKOW8 and TlalhlcAl WIIEIf.LH, adapud to Army. Bold, BU. er riantatioa purpo.... An woi k wairaatid. ' aar vruert promptly atiaaded to, Jaa-kf IXrLOSIONS.-LET EVERY MAN "WHO J awn. a Bteam Holler read thia notice, .jt", 2"'" V"w W,M to' a.v.r rail, to etv Aw -V,i i. ?,", holf" ' wamlag, at dealred, that la. ,wr. ,u f." 'H,'rj " U-tdamrer U ap- proechtns. The kutruueot raairas ae care.aoa la war. raated in every Inaunc . i "," d Water G.uj-e, wBk Boatok tass pes.., .el.cleaii.lii( sause-eooka, Ae. oeoo bi catiwiar aotauilii. ruiladalphi Mitten aad AUvii bi rs a. iiArri.Ka, Slroalar.. jas-lm X: ti H. aiATa awe. VO DECEPTION. NO INFERIOR COAL li parcha.ed to oner belew th. oet prlee of a anperiur article. SAJHUkL W. Bavia, BBOAO BtrMt. above Bace. AM aide, eels the seuula. BAOUI VK1M, boat a3 piuejt nilsiaa. Baa aad Baiv alMa.klOi Lvn aisya per ten. tkMuamert skmld make (halt urgaasssat w. ps. Vtoai to aneekia adrauv. . laiatja 1 o T I C M K rs suit i ssrnAiu Aa acoepialile ottering to evarr Patriot. Tho only correct and authorised AlllLlALLlOK UKBNE8ME8 PREBinF.NT UNCOI.K, LIHBLVAKtSTBoTi?.KAl,B?Vr. M-ractttrod 1.!!: .. , . Box 4fSS Philadelphia Foat Omoa. Manufactured at Ko. bo ABCH buoei; T-lit I'HE SUBSCRIBERS HAVE A8S0CIATE ttiem.alvea loseUier under the ana of BOLrOM llVKEMAN A CO.. and Will oonilnu. the Jar BilUBna? llu.lues. In .11 It. branchea, at the old ..labU.liolaui eoriwrj TWBBTr final ami HAMtLTOti Street, JOSKPH B. BOl.TOsf, .... i-BtlKUK B. OlBaVMAK Jyl-lm o. W. CHILD. JJUN NO R I H Kill Wa refund th. money, If daalred, tot rrry tot tt Bsdri) wnka tea la any respeot. KINH SHIRTS, cut lkkothwibb or afusmr. Maa. af Airw York altuV Mataa, and very tn T i t Bs..m, Only Sk M. Wmiamtvtlk Mills Hulls, and Has Uaaa BoaoaM, Only 3 T9. OENTLEMSN'B EUHNI8niNO GOODS, jMXTM af JA.CXJ11S,