s TIIS DAILY EVENING TELKGRArn. rnU,ADEL?HIA, WEDNESDAY, JULT G, 18G4. ..M f4 -i -1 V - A Jn.T ArruMooif nwsrins. CJT1CE No. 108 iTtHIRD STREET. 9ttm tn'Cim fm Oorr, or nmra Cam Pn Wew, rMa MriW o-rtr. u4 iaati.4 t MsrNsn J Ha (My MStx IKmxam r-aa Ajmom Ok Douu Miimiih, kmrbMf la khim fw tt.ru lvttWMii kiMrM at t MtssI rate. A jnmmminut mH Iter HUmAni sassctiea . T Cli l ess1 W nnto m Im taken r lMifM Oaan)nlealas. mr l InlMMVm Mr toeeriisa as. aulhenlleated Mna awd ad,lnMS IK. naoeaearlly f KiNioasioa), but a rearaai !) rd (kith. Weoan K 4srlk to rMara nfrcu (Mmukuw, T Aefem-tliMtir. Vw1ie: t r as Ih Ctroalatinn of Tin faVnHiKO Tai.me.r, onenp.ill, m In M In prn. M an arty hrr w. .mantle re. mat that MnniHiunliai; Se kaaV4 Mt aa ten esnek, IT posstkl, la Moor mi our euiifoau. WBDNK8DAY, JULY 6, 1884. TH DKMTBVCTIOS OF THE PIRATK. Lt Secretary Wkllm rejoice. Let the ebole tMtj fling up lu cap and hurrah with Willi A. glorious victory for our nns has Seea won npon the e, and the value of It U rrcatly anbanced ty the peculiar clroum Jt&ocos under which It occurred. The pirate fjRMKM and hlsTessol, the Alabama, hire long been the scourge and terror of our com merce. Like Lafittk, or the Bed Rover, Caade famous by the splendid gunlus of Ooofeb, the Southern buccaneer has, for a Jong time, been scouring the ocean from the SlexicM Gulf to the Chinese shores, and prey ing, with merciless rapacity and malice, on very eraft that bore our flag. Our merchants Wore reasonably alarmed for the security of tbeir ships and cargoes. Our marine Insurance Companies were altogether warranted in put ting up the rates of policies covering any pro erty exposed on the high seas under the Strs and Stripes." In that state of appre hension It was not at all to be wondered that Xrltlsh shipping began to monopolize the car lying trade between this country and the foreign world, and that the British ship Owners were disposed to wink ct every mea sure and contrivance, however unlawful, that Would contribute to destroy our commerce. Sad throw the whole business and profits of marine transportation lnt!o their hands. But toe defeat of Si mis In a square, open, ad pitched fight, and, the sinking of his vessel sjrltA the loss of a number of his crew and the froundlng of other, including himself, will probably open the-'eyos of the English and also the French Admiralty to the danger of op posing our nt'vy In direct warfare, or by any mean and eowardlyfeoUuslon with the plratl 1 CaptaAn Kldds of the bogus Government ufchimond. CaptWla WmsLOW, who commanded the third-rate' screw steamer Keartage, Is reported to have challenged Simmes to a naval duel, andSuniM, with true Southern pluck, for Which we give him all due credit, took up the glove. He sailed or steamed out of the harbor of Cherbourg, In which he had been permitted . to repair his ship, and made right at the Jyeartage, with an evident hope of using her tip In a short and sharp engagement. But he Jbund his match at last In the gallant con--, mander and crew of that vessel, and after a fierce encounter he got a broadside under his water, line and went down lnglorlously. We say lnglorlously, because the news we '. get of the affair from Skmmks himself repre sents . hint in the miserable character of a plaintiff, who complains that the crew of the Eeartage kept up the fight after the pirate bad struck nor tlag. We do not know cer- ' talnly whether this complaint of Skmmbs Is 1 really well-founded, or only trumped up to excite unjust feeling on the other side of the irater against our navy. But be all that as It ! may, we should like to know what title a pirate has to the comities of naval warfare ? 1 Is it possible that a lawless marauder on the ' ocean, who is assailing the commerce of any one nation or of all nations, under the pre tence of a legitimate belligerent right, is to be suffered to enjoy the privileges of the decent ad legal character he assumes t Privateering is well understood by all naval powers . Xt Is the right of preying on the commerce of an enemy under the sanction of letters of xnaiqueand reprisal, Issued by a recognized government. But what nation la Christen dom has recognized the Government of Jkf . Veiwoh Davis? England and France have retarded the Southern Rebels as belligerents, wh'ch was a concession quite beyond the limits of that law and policy which every got ernment la interested to preserve as a pro tection against the revolutionary attempts of Its own disaffected subjects. But we very much doubt whether the belligerent rights conceded to a set of He be la on land will Jus tify their extension on that maratimo domain Which belongs to all de Jure governments In common, and to them only. A purely de facto government should have So rights whatever beyond the land or water that It actually occupies and controls; and the idea of giving It legal and International privileges on the high seas, where It cannot be properly recognized until It Is formally ac knowledged as a government dejure, seems to us to be positively and plainly prepo tercus. But waiving this question of moral right, there Is one fact about which all loyal perilous wU! agree and that Is, that Captain Winslow lias behaved most gallantly In the affair with Bemmxb, and has donu much to retrieve the Botr ewhat discredited honor and prestige ol our navy. Lie has won his title to the highest tn(d which it is possible for the Government to accord bim, and we most sincerely trmt that the President will signalize his admirable prowess and splendid achievement by bestow ing on him at once the most distinguished re ward which the law of our naval service will admit, and which Secretary Welles has already requested. Napoleon made his army and secured bis great military successes Dy exemplary promotion of the men who proved themselves worthy of his confidence and favor, His rule Is the sound one, and our Uovera- suould adopt It both In our army and vaurA&E SPEECH. 1 gu u , great blessing. The Wonderful pw. te.ni.-tin- thoucht ty or " o.e f0r which we can ever bo too fgue Is mighty fS d&yet, small . be to rule It propngth as It ruri.nd.Hie; T """"thing else than to govern -vMj ere U an evU common among -t11 of wide extent, or tuarrui " u I. -xcuso can be rendered, iua jot WBrs it confined vj evU is pro-alty. W iU!k forth depmod, and " or from the d bTb id deplorable TtwaO.d'.aamelsaUvain U our public conveyances, In ansfwnbllft of men rpoo the corners, and In the Exchange when the place of business and even the borne are not tree from the polluting Influence of swear ing when the boys and girls In our strents Ifill the air with oaths, and when those whom we employ teach children profane words It Is time to turn attention to this subject with a degree of earnestness which will show that we are able to discern a pestllnnt vice which surrounds and corrupts all, especially the young. Though bad enough when only occa sionally Indulged In, yet the hnblt of uln language conceded on all hands to be unbe coming in a Clirlstlan, or In any other man claiming to be a gentleman, is far worno. Swrarers are not often reached by the pulpit, and If benefitted, must be brought under the Influence of associates who abhor profiinity. Little can ministers do or say that will bear directly upon this sin ; but a word spoken In season by laymen to those who are thought lessly Irreverent, may bo the means of reclaim ing ths most Inveterate blasphemer. The worst form of Oils vice consists In impreca tions or the habit of calling. down curses on ourselves or others. And, however great the heat of passion, however strong the provoca tion, however bitter the taunts and reproaches heaped npon us, whatever the wrong that has been endured, there can be no excuse for the commission of this crime. It appeus as though more prayers to Oon were offered In our streets by the hardened ar-4 the reckless, than in the closets of Cbrkliann. We can scarcely cross the thresholds of our doors without having our ears shocked by the petition of the profane, asking God to curse them, or others, and to send their souls to per ditlno. For every oath that falls from the lips is a prayer to heaven, and whether sincere or Insincere, whether uttered thoughtlessly or coolly, in the hcai at passion or with delibera tion, cannot prore harmless, or escape the ear of Ilini whose name Is taken In vain. To say that we do not mean what our Hps utter, Is Idle. If a man would not consign himself or others to hell, why pray lor this ? But God's law is broken when His name Is used irreverently, even In light and familiar discourse. And there are thousands who would abhor the thought of uttering an oath, who are guilty of using words which are not In accord ance with Scriptural morality. Tin name of the Almighty should never be uttered care lessly; He shculd never be frivolously In voked to attest the truth of our declarations ; we should notseok to point ajest.togive emphasis to our language, or to startle those with whom we converse, with an oath, for God has forbidden It. And he who reflects upon the greatness, the majesty, the goodness, and the mercy of God that Ills glory fills all space, and even the highest In heaven veil their faces In His presence, cannot but con template Him with awe, and recognize at once tho terrible nature of blasphemy. It Is well to desire that God's blessing shall rest upon ourselves and upon our friends, and well to resolve inwardly that we will endeavor to do all things, relying upon God's help; but It is an inexcusable habit to make God's name a by-word, and to use It on all trifling occa sions. The commonness of this sin does not detract from its enormity; and because some in blgb places of trust are base enough to in terlard their familiar discourse with oaths, we should not hesitate to discountenance and rebuke the crime. As a good old bishop has said "I beseech you, Christians, consider. " that we are not to weigh sins by tho " opinions of men, but by the censure and " sentence of God; He hath no more allowed " you to take His name in vain than He has " to blaspheme It; the Irreverent using of it " is as expressly forbidden as the abjuring ' and cursing of it; and when the law of God " has not dispensed with us, it is most iutoler " able presumption that we shoDld dare to " dispense with ourselves." Si IF. OF PI'T1 KKNTO-NIUIII', AT Til K AItT UAI.LKHT, LOOAN MQUAUE. To-night Is the closing sale of pictures, and other works of art, and It is hoped that a numerous company will be present. This la much the mot important half of the sole, as all the best works are to be offered, including these specially mentioned in the advertise ment of to-day. The bidding last evening was quite spirited; and some of the lots brought good prices. A small India ink drawing, by Dailey, was knocked down at one hundred dollars. The public will note that this afternoon and even ing are the closing hours of the groat colloc tion that has delighted so many for the lost four weeks. If any have not seen it, let them avail of this laut chance, and let tiia Committee on Flue Arts bo greeted to-night by an appreciative throng not excelled during the palmiest days of the Great Central Fulr. t:w 1'i'Hi.it'A riovs. T. Ii. reteison & hro., have in prooa, aud if ill be rently iu a few tiny, the following books : Tl.e CuWard. A new war novel. Hy Henry llurloru, l.B(., one of our moot eucciusiul nuvclitu. Fllitaiti.ns lu FiuhiouaUe Life. Hy Catharine SiiHlaJr. Tlic Pide of Life. By Jane. "1 lie Hival Hi-lli-t ; or, J.ne in Washington. Tue iH'vo'fd liriiie. Alto, a Ne Conk lkok, containing 8 )8 new ami oiitinui receipts, wiih uincti unulul iul'oiiiut tiin to liciUM'kceiierK. CITY NTH IGEKCS. Tmk IIoMii'iliB in inn Twentieth Wv.id. Corftnir T;i)lor cninrntnccd an investigation )(MrrJ(iy attt'im on into (Lie can) of J.irou W. M;ijbnry, who wan nu: by a policeman named Ktlaiit V a ton, in KutiJiiy night last, in Ninth street a ovcl'opliir. 'I hteviil uce elicited shuwod that Mubtirj- whs at the boui-e of tho Hiud-lu-Ilaud luiKii.e ('oinpuny, in Ninth street, where prcparutiont f re biing made to Dre a s!ute at twelve o'clock, the opening of the Fourth of July. At hslf-pabt eleven o'clock the deceased was dis charging a gun, when he was notified by '.he ctlicer to cease. Maybury fired tho contents of the barrel which was loaded, and then put the gun away in a closet in the engine house. The Sling ol the load after the warniuK, scerai to have excited the ollieer, and he went towards the engine bonne, but did not get there in time to airest Maybury before he entered. Walton theu kft. (shortly after the two men met at Ninth and Poplar utreets, and a iuarrel ensued. The olllctrordered Maybury to leuve the corner, and a friend took bim by the arm and accom panied him up Ninth street. Theolllcer followed, and as the witncBS who was with May buy states, was talking to Maybury, and when Maybury re. torted the otllccr stepped dp to him aud said, I'll take you, dead or auve. doiu enneneu and went down on the pavement. The otllccr called Cor assistance and used his billy on the head of Msybury.intiictiug two contused wounds. Doth got to their feet, and a bystunder now ollered his assistance and was refused by Wal ton w ho then went to the side of the house.whlle Way bury suipgered towards the gutter, and Just as be reached the curbstone, when they were fire or six feel apart, Walton excioimeu. - jaae, I wui shoo! you, inuoeu i win, uu immo Uuiiy firsd, the ball taking effect over the left twW jjug ellciled, the Jury rendered W( came to hi death by a tu. and causing almost insuioi ueiu. nrd by Edward Walton, who was ' .nuuitted for trial, 'eleekt Juca. This afternoo, at four wiUbeeiV Nx""! th. Folnt Bwexe Park ' . tontest, 1 is OJipoctod, -fea. Joikt Oontmiss of Citv CorKoiLS. This aOrnoon, (Meet and Common Cjanclliwlll moot In Jo4nt convention for the purpose of electing a member of Uie Board of Oasidlsns of the Poor. This will be the third attempt mads to elect this otflrcr, M neither Urns the convention being shls to secure a qnorum. The dlfflultr seemi to he that a minority of the Republican cancm are dint itisl.f'l with the nominee, and to prevent his election they, together with the Dumocratic side of the house, absent thennieivos from tns con vention, and thus prevrnt quorum from toinc present, snd of course no e'ection can take place. Too of the members of tsele:t Council pnitiveljr nluse t go Into ttm cimventiun, and s ih licnnsTHts of thnt thsiuber niatiifest tho mmo Ulviosition, even If ths convention elects, there will only he a nilnoti j of one branch present. It is contended by sums that there must ba a minority of both branches represented la ths Convention. Alien Ktbf.rt Mfthoiiist F.riscorit. Cannon. The ceremony of tho corner-stone laying of Arch Ktreet M. I'.. Church will take place to morrow afVrnoon, nt 4 o'clock, nt the southeast corner of liro.uj and Arch streets. Tho Intro ductory Kxorelses will bo held in l'cnn Sijuto, H. W. comer of ilroad ami Filbert stroels. Rev. Itishops .Simpson, I). U., Janes, I). 1)., Koott, I). 1)., and Revs. J. P. Durliin, l. D., Joseph Cas Jo, Aaron ltltu nliousc, and Uoliert J. Car.on, are expected to participate in the Order of Kxerclscs Immiouation or Laiior. Yostorday the V.osrl of Trndo Conimittoe on U" month gave an Btidieneo to Mr Tetcr Sinclair, of P.dinburg, ficotlanJ, who has, for some time pant, been I j. iitilidi in bis country with tho movement cal culated to advance the pro pcrity of the laboring rlnsse on the subject of immigration of skilled labor. Mr. Sinclalreonveys, on his r'turn, orders for a large number of skilled workmen. Kkckivino Cointkrfsit Monrt. The man Samuel White, alias Quaker Sam, who was ar rested by Detectives Tuggart and Smith a few days since, while in the act of receiving a packago of conutcifi it notes from Adams' Kxpress, sent to hitn from New York, has boon committed in default of 2500 bail. Bounty Flkd. Ths Veteran Extra Bounty Fund Commissioners will meet on Mosdavs, Wednesdays, and Fridays at five o'clock P. M. at UoldMuith's Hall, to receive tho application of families and others entitled to the buuutlls of tho fund. Local Hrkvitiks. Colonel James Owynn, I. Htb Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, his been dctachod from his regiment and detailed as a member of a Court-Martial now convened in this city. ...A boy named Vandorbllt, fifteen years of ane, was rnn over last evening, and scriousiv injuroil, by a Spruce and Pine streets cur. The accideut happened at Broad and Pine streets. Thh Fourth or July. By tiik Bard of TOTUK 111.1.. A itnin , ths people of the North iiave had anoMiur "KlnrfouH fourth," Spile ol Ill-will. Aye, snd In sutier.r murd'nms blows lol(bbiu lleroe. leieiitliin. foes, Yet we have SOU A country bloomtntf. etroiiK and ffreat, Whiitie hlnh-day we majr celubft. 'T was line the rovkct. to tohold, That liisli ttiblr iarkllnK trslii. unrofldd, At up Uiey .tied, And pyroticluiH: emblem, pniiid. On wliUiti tli( erei of'a vsst crowd With plposiire loiX. Moelnf each petrtoi . d.lrn Expressed la charantere of fire. Rut oh. It was a nobler stent Our soldiers with tlt-lr weapons bright A'l armed, to v.ew. Swelling a peaesful tr.unph uow t Aud very plta.aut, we allow, The sluht was, too, OY r'MjntlpsN citizen, arrayed Id Sua. uew oloihes, at iteuuett's made. Oitr stock of Oletlilnels the Isrseit and our amortment the bit lu ftiUudelplUa, and U cimntaatly hulng repluu litiud by larse atlditioaji, keoying ft full and frt.h. Ttiwsa Hall, Ho. 6 IS Market Mtrert, Hkuhmtt a Co. Ori:at Ckntral Clothino Housb, Sixth and Ksrtet. (irpst OenUfal Clothlnit House. Ssxth and Msrk.it. tlreat Oeatral (tlotliitiK House, Sisth and M'trket. ttrtai Central (tlolliitiK H.u.e, Sixth and Market. Criat Ontral CloUcns ltoai.Hlxlli and Market. 4-eat Central Clothlns Hoove, Sixth and M trkou (treat Central Clottiliut Hou.e. Hixth and Marked linat Ceutral Olollilns House. Sixth aud M3ik.it. Oreat Vn:.-al OloUilntf House, Hlxlh and Mr:cet. (treat Cen'ral CIoiIiIck Ho ise. Hlxih aud Marknt. Oreat Central CkHliInu House, Hixth and Market, (treat Cratral ClottiliiK ilou.e, Sixth and Markot, Great Ci'aual Ctotlilus House, Hixth and Market, (treat Ci-atral ClothiUK Uou'e, Sixth aarl Marsti. Oreat Central Clothing honee, Hixth aotl Atarket. (treat Central Clothing House, Hlxlh and Markot. Gral CeltralOli:tllinK House, Hixth aad Market, (treat Centra! Clothing Uou.e, Hixth and Market. (.rent t euttal t loUiliiK llisaie, Hlxta and Msrkeu Itreat ienirai i iioiiuiik iiuaie, Mixta and Market, ttaoauiaker A llrown, Oak JlsU. Wanitniaker A Itrown, Osk Hall. Wsuauaker A llrown, Oak Ualt. Wanaiuakor A Brown, Oak Hall. Wanaruakor A llrown, Oak Hail. Wanamaker A hrowu, Oak Hall. Wanainaknr A Itrown, Ouk ll.tl. Wanaiaaker llrown. Oak Hall. Wsnaiuaker A Itrown, Oak Hall. tVunainaher A It'own, Oak HalL Waiiam.ker A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanaraaier A llrown, Oak Hall. Wanauiakcr St Itmwn, Oak Had. Wanamsxer A llrown, Oak HalL Waiianviker A Itrnwu, Oak Hall, Wanaiiiaker a llrown, Onk Ha. I. Wsuamakr A Itmwn, Oak Hall. Wanamaker A brown, Osk II nil. Wl aniakor A Hrown, Oak Hall. Wananibker A llrown, Oak Hall. Strnni'ors In the dry vl.itlni? the (lreat Ceotrui Vilr, and citizens enfrstl , Ul tlnO the ne.t ;lthlnft and the ojoat rcatouaolo prices at WasAUKaa A itaiws's, Oak Hai.l, B.E. corner Blxth and Market streets. Lark in & Co., tho incomparable photogra phers, at the southeast corner of Eighth and Arch, have rondo special arrangements for the coming week, in order to accommodate visitors to the Fair. During the week, six superb cartel deniu will lie taken for one dollar. AMimiCAN Watchkr, Jeweiry, and Silvorwai-e, nt W. It. Eltonhoad's, No. 1322 Chesnut St. ITats. Straw and soft huts, most fashionable styles, at Lahig & Co.';, hixth and Chesnut street. (iKKAT Srciikt (liseovnred to avoid lato break fasts and niRke chet rful homes. Buy vour Coal of A. K. Dotter, o. 301 N . Ilroad street. Slnrrlrd. IlAVKKSTIOK-lIlllI.KIt. On the nvrnlriK of tho Mh IriNMitt. in the hlirli ol Ht MsiMhr, hv ttif Itcv. R. It. Lima.-. Mr WILLIAM 11. UA Kits TICK Im M., Glili 1 HI I)K 11. I'.IIil.Llt. BTF.RS HAMMKIt On the 10th ol June, at lie rfsl ducrof the I ide's mothsr, hy the liev. ,t f. L"it. Mr. Mlt.liKKICi; t. hl l.KH.ol I'l if (trovn, to Ml.. lIl'.lllvIK UAALMUt, ul'Orwlcabiirg. Ko csnU. AltMOTT On th 4th hmtAiit, V.H TIIKK, w lie of .1 oh a AM.(t, ii tlio 7ith y itr ol her u- Tne fpia'ivi't. ittid ffhndBfrt ih UtmWj urt lvfi.-d tu Hitt-rd the tam nil fiurat r latr rcsl'i'-nc,'. So. U.'l V ino im t, qu Tliur-dMy, Viti inUut. ut i o'clock 1. M. it BAOOH.- On thp fitb lu.titiit, HKNKY II AU4JH, la Uio 3.'.tli ye itr of liii hw. The rmtttlvas itiirl frl nr1 of th f.imllr are retpor'fiillr IfivtttHl tn niK-ntl ihd l.iiirrai from Ins !nt rt ciiiouro, ltril dwl httf i t, stixih dttor atxivc HtHitiiiyiion. on Hutunlty ii!t rtxiou iiekl, ut I fo'tloi;. 'l a rtieci-cl U 1 runkhii On ry. HAWHON On the evening of Hie 4Ui in it tint, WAKY M tKTIN, Intm.i diti'i'ltuT ul Wilhur F. and Amttuda -'. Ijawiwiii, hj.1 nix uioidlis. Mrm lH - On the Tith tn-taitt. Mm MAlUtAUKT MrMtATil In Ihd :i 1 )et ol ti r iU'e . Tte re.Hilvfx niwi frieius of the l;imlly Me rennet ful It Invittdfo attMid tin iaral, IVoni the reniihiu'c (l Mr, .loliti Moliun, no 1-107 S. H-voml -iruv, ahove Mnnnptnni, '-l''rlw (Thnrt.flity ailrrnoou at I rl-k M'jrvimn. at Hi. Michael C'hurtli, and tuteriu ut at Cail.t drul oiueivry. HKAIQUAKTKKS KKC0X1) HKOIMENT, Second Hrii,a.le. Klr.1 IMvlalon 1". V. I he Olll.-en of II the aoovv iti'Kiruem vui report ine nuinoei 01 iiieir m uumuiaiid. In aiiHWer ti. the ( all of the tiovernor lor ItIO ilajs, at No. H17 llll I TUN WOOIJ Struct, thU evrnig, at 7S o'clock, llyorderof t. HKKNAS. t Colonel tloiuinainliiiK. 1LOAKSI CLOAKS!! CLOAKSM1 CLOAKS t CLOAKS 1 1 CI.OAK8III CLOAKS 1 CLOAKS It C'LOAKrtlll C!XAKSI CLOAKS 1 1 CLOAKSIII CLOAKS I CLO.VKS 1 1 CLOAJLBIII TT1TE EH1HTH 8TRKKT CLOAK fcMFORrtrM, THK ItlOHTH BT1IKKT CLOAK EMPORIUM, TUK KIOHTU BTBEKT CLOAK EMfOKlUM, IHE KlaUTU BTltEET CLOAK EUTOUIUK, No tm B. r.lOHTH Street, X. XWIJf . KK1HTH Btreet. Ha. JjS N.tiGUm Stfset. GREAT BAUOAIN8, OREAT BAKOAJM8, CIAKAT MAUUA1NS. CAti ASTD PURCI1A8I, CALL AND PURCHASE, CAU, AMD PUUUaAMdS, AT L T t A N'S 1TM ASS K1GITTH BTAKKI CLOAK KMPOB1UM. atf o. 23 M. EIC1UTU Street DELIGUTFUI, EXCUUSIONS W THS lavalaaBBiBaB BirR icaoir HILL. Th Stahat OENKHAL HOOKER, CapUla KAt K I.K. leave, falrasouut everr hoar for coylklU U'lht, Laarl ULU, Leiaionl Collide, Ik W1"- I. lil. f A Ij H A V M If, aCXTBHSOX TO W. E. OslASTU MARONIO IIAI.I., Ko 713 OEESFUT Btreat, WINDOW H II A )) XZ &t CliKTAINH, AJr MOSQUITO NKTTIN03 AND OANOI'lRS-l BUSINESS ITEMS. Iron Ssrn,-Kex-p It before tliw Phllnv dolphls public, that Mine's so-called IluiKlar Proof Sates, nianutartnreS In Tmr, Haw Turk, eaa be opened without noise by drilling ooo iraall hole just over the centre of the took dial and nalng small wire. Any or his Rales can, by this aifthod, be opened la one minute after the hole has been drilled. Haul hole can be drilled hi from quarter, half, or two boiiri' time. Threls no Hate of his make In use June 1, 1WH, which cannot be drilled and opened In Ibis manner. Tarties Interested are re ferred to my Chatlenire to Ltllle, and other faets retaUre to but Rales, pnhllslied la the North American," Just 111, IHii, aud "Sunder Dis patch," June 19, ISM. Kotwlths'andtnir the poiltlre assnranees irlren by Mr. Llllla to the public that his Sales are drHI-proof, person desiring to he Convfneed have enlyto call at Kvans A Watson's Halsmander Bafs Store, No. IS S. rnrth street, where the operation of drilling and opening whM be donela their presence every morning at 10 o dock, until the pub lic are aatl.Aed that lis Mafoa can be drilled aad opened wlUiout making any noise. ItAVID BVAKS, Or the Ktrra of Evans A Wateoa. J " I Xs L I 13 H CHILLED IE0N SAFE, vs. I)AVII) 13VA1XM, OP THK PIRM OP U VANH WA.THOWH SHEET IRON SAFE. The "Irrepressible Oonfliot" Still Progresaing T thf Citizen of Philadelphia . Arriiliiy to previous! notice, I shall now rartew the prhcniilUi'i and other omide matter an contained in the artlcla tictvied " I'tiUadi-Jphla Atfaiuat the World," aud BlfiiM. by iAvidETaiin. An the ihlflf, whan hard puihed, l tha flrat to cry tbirt' mo la the man who haa vilified, ta4ticedt and wrongfully a-n4tl Itii oeiglibor, ttie flrnt to cry vitlatn, ajd to claim thp people's mpatliy. Tha Ant promlnfnt point In thia article It tha writer's rrr nuiiiett prateniiona. la uBBHQiea to be flillaridphlA mtrely, and to itand aKatnat tha orW ony aim-int-ly modtit,uraj. Tti rmt (harinfr boon rap lied to by lVlunirs. Llllie A Hon paa over by altnply aavlnff that tt la eaa y to ahow thut Llllie A Kon are much tne largem patron m of thlaoj j and fltat of any Kafe Manuiartnrer In the United Stati'S, as ihty tiae ao much mora malarial thaa any other Uie product of Uila State. Tue xt point to be noticed Is the writer's call an his ranariviphia frWuds to read an extract from Tiia KvuMina Ttti-RHKAru of April 16, IH4, which show snaie of tha tfliterent ways tl a common sain Is opened. Now, If Uie reader will re tar to the article In Thk Bknino TaLRnRrir of the 16Ut,he wHlflud It there atatedarttculariy Uiat these was ware af common occurrence, and that they erc known to burglar a; and I now nay the different ways poihted out ware at the ttine well known to burglars , and dad been previously publlohed to the world. Hut It ae-nis to ault Uie writer's cine to leave oat thnaa fact in hu reissue, lie adop t the principle thnt the piny 01 liamlvt must le wilttun, even thotiga It be ntn'otnary t i U fiveoiit inamlct " jHifperate $ndi ret) u Ira dcniwrate tneatiM, and It is evident the tluefs tutor does not Use to atiittd alone 1 crtn, however, otfcr him this oonsoadon, that notwithslnnd ng the di ptisltloa ho has iliiwn lo every way to aid the (hiuf, he hat mt with but ul suocnsi. 1 do not b-'llcva he can Hud a burglar In the country that would evin t liana him for alt his effort ; for avry pru tensiuiial burglar knows that If he can Kit a heie Into a Hate lock he U all rUfbt; and unleHs the writer can 1 ii mi the burglar how to drill chilled Iron, which 1 vary lunch doubt, his occupation is none. The next point which I notice In the very grave riaflttlna rut i bv tlie wr ter, whether It ! not e tater to drill one small lolethroufcD L II lie's Chilled Iron lMKr Uian twenty holes through th commcn Hhaet Iron Ionrl 1 he reader will ask any dlkl uteres ted Iron-work rr whether he can not drill even twenty umall holes through cne-slxi eeiith to one-eight luch sheet Iron much easier fiaii i flrill one hole tlnouwh oue and-u half to two Indies aolld chll ed iron, and let him answer the question. The m xt point which tha writer alleges as tha causa of the cont'i'Vercy In Thnt LUJie'i agtnt, among others, called at tha Con aotlrattoit Hunk, on Mr. W. U. Hlumer, bnkar, Allentown. and on the Treasurer of the West (')tiijr ItHiiroad. Faying to the latter he could breitk Into his bank ami tutelar proof stale In rive minu'a-i ; aud to the two for mer, txai he could pick their locks, made by 12vans A V imtm, lu live minutes. Now, sm the tole reRnontble airent of this city tor LUIIe's Hste, and 1 pronounce the above statements almoluiety fale, so tar m It applies to my solf. as 1 am not awaie Uiat I have had any rouver-tlon with either of the twol alter part as on the sub t of sateii at all. and I have never made any smh atatements, a are alli-god, to the former or any other p non iut 1 take 'liefn'l ruHiionMlhiliy a" to al' that Is publlnhed In Thk Tci.vuKAi'it of Apil lt. lNirl. ( which can be ea a reined In mv printed circular at my Iteput. at anytime, an the article ws trtkon fr m thai.) and 1 am urcnareti to aiiflain e ery iMsition there made to the a lis faction of an titstnti n-tio iMrson. Tims hnvc I reviewed the prominent points In this artf l cle. rtiid the writer's reshons for his unreasotial at'jick iiMn I rlie's Ha e are found to be mi re prete' ae, and with -out ttiK fcl'ghtent Itturulaf Ion. The real cause will be totmd In a hort rvy e ol the Sire lilitory In Philadelphia, it is a fact well tiiMlcrttood, that Uie writer h-is realxed a for tune In the Inaf, few etirs hy maklog Males ot the lli,'liist material, with tr e cheapest lock . and In every way got up In ti e cheapen! manner, and Ailed mat i ly with red clay (whlh crotts igithlng), to give them the apptaranre of i welkht and MI dtt.an4 that he has old theso Hsfes at very high prh e , making an extiavaant prottt. It is a 'act ait.) well uiider-toml.ihat within Mielant three yeuri- L li e h t hll el Iron Mao has been largtitj lntrNiuced In thifc city aiij state tr m the simple ftct Umt ntetllrent tm n time pnftTri d a He th it hud one and a half to two trcbeh thh kite of o Id iron, being a ao drill-proof, with a tho o'ih bniglar-prtK f luc . to a hafo thut had oneU leenth tr one-iwelfih of mii Inch thickness ol wtieet Iron. ivlth the rh-aifri roinmon hok. and not burular-pr f at all experts!! when the funnui cost cnl about thettame urit e a- Uie littler. How doentli writer attempt to rom'-dv this dinieultvt Kot ty unproviiu his own nUe but by an atietopi to d -cie0t Ltl it's. Jlowihie he do t'dr He flft publicly announce timi iJiiies hih u imi'iier tire n r nrgtir puiof, ui'd repulillt-he an urrav of faio statements, ilrst I'Uhlisiud l rthr Hate mateis, which be knti at the tunc bod been pabllcly prove . to ba tula. He ond.be succeed! d t dure a hoiue who hd one of l.lliie'-Hafcs by miliar lilno repruheniiiiintis, to eiechansu lille's Saff for Kvai s A' Watsons, by giving t'tetn a hate he nt.le4t near for. In exnimnga tor Llllie . v. hich rout U7o : line tince abon' the 1st ot Jiiiuarv l&nt, 1 aui tfiitl he Iibh tnt tnuch ot hln tlma in the atteuitit to C itftt ure '1 1 Hj'f' liiTervvav; flrnt by sh tuing. then hy ; gi lii.lli-p hoes throm h It (having discovered tha It hid rot the ll-iii' harOfiewv) As o iho hoi'k, h csl Imft l I It w a r Inringemeiii upon Kvans A Waon'a Alplmoe I ' ral l.oi k. bit a that wan nn p en ted It wan no go ; and lamiy, to dtiereclt the .o?k he nhnrt's, tha the con MnnH.iii of the I.fH k ran be pi' keii up from the ouuide It a hoi" em be got tiiroiKii the nwr ri tno rum puce, a Mtnfta dlhcoverv. hlch has be n fullv aiiHWered. Now. whv re- 1 sort to all Mb contemptible uieaunanii' Wny not came out talrly atd squarely and nave t.vans a. wa sou s mte nb'ced ttlonihlile of Ijllle's. aud have them fairly letted. both as to tleir (Ire aud ihelr burtilar proof qualities, a ha bas been rrullenged to do ortent' The reason in plaint The uritu knows that It will not do to place 1-lfl to l-l'ifh nt an Imh tbliknai of sheet Iran agsinst ka to 3 Inch tlilrknesi of hard chilled Iron, to stai d tithe' fire or the burglar, aud "that's what's the mutlur." M. C, flAnisRR, Agent, No. 31 Houth hKVKNUl Htieet V. 8, Tie public 'eat of Hales that was expected to en me off 'ait week is unavoidably iotponed for a week or two. Tho irtiele In the Sunday i)ipatchn1 the idd of July Will be ausvered lu my next. u. v. , Ageut. Freuek BIMklng la small fane barrels, Pur sale bp Dans Kiouaap, Arch anil Tsntr Streets. Hatiuracttrera tt Mew aad Delicious Oenrectlons, Almond raate CkooolaU, caramels, creaats u jsdim a Paris, exqulsltel (larored. Boasted Jordan Almonds. A., Aft. Ho. SIS Cheaaut street, below Poorta. Iteek at Co.' PlnOfc 81 fcOK tO.'i I U A 1 0 rtAKO3. A BAMLMTB ffTTll CADINKT BTECK A CO.'I rTAKwft, 1. B. OVttTLD. BTaaUh sw Clbaawt strasU. (niOlJKtlA, MTJMMR.E OOMTLAINT, Al.I. BO WE I. ArrKoriOMB. Ave., ask raMiTLr ovaaa r JATNR'8 (JARMINATIVK nAJ.SAM, It Is fMlcktaafe, and eenala In IU action, a4TrdlM Ira mrdtate reJicf when promptly a ImLnLstercd. Agadoot not Impair Ita vlrtims, neither Is It sohject to the vsrylng In fluences of climate, t4n; aqnaily afTeotlve In aH taUludest His In all rospects what ft claims te fee "fltindnrd f oil tf hold Remedy which every family should be sup plied with. THAKlilKF.A ANI IYARNTKHT. It nevr falls tosnbdua tha most violent atlacka ar theee ooniidalnta, no emitter from what cuisa they originate. As changes of otlmate, water, Ac, often produce theae snrtous dlwoaara, Travelers and others should always keep a supply of the Carminative by them. AftlATIG CHOLKKA. The prompt u of If. D. JAYNK'fl OARMTMATIVH llAfeHAM will always remove the Dlarrttwa and Cramps which accompany tha attacks of Oholera, thus often con quering the disease In Ita tBolpleney. It has frequently baeo admlnlHtered In itobihbor hoods where the Ct olora lias been raging epidemically, and has navar failed Ut give ItnmodJate and permanent relief. CIlOLKliA INI'ANTtM OR Bf'MMKB COMPI.AIXr, Is speedily and effectually cured by tha Carmuiatlva. It removes all soreness of tha Abdomen, allays Uie irrita tion, and calms Uie acUoa of the Stomach, and may always ba rcJIcd on to relieve tha sufferings of Uie little ones, when tiled according to directions. Cholera Morbus, CltoUe. Griping Tains, Hour Stomach, Waterbraih, Tain or fllckaess of tha Stomach, Want of AppeUtc, Wind In the bowels, Cramps, Son 8lckne.ii. and all Howel AfTectlona and Nervous Diseases, are removed by JAYNK'fl CARMINATIVE IlAKtfAM, with more cer tainty and eae than by any other preparation yet offered the public. Trepared only at r!o.34z CitKaUT itrott. jyt Notlrf. Treiuiury Department, July 2. IMG4. The noUce for proposala for Loan dated 3th of Jane, Irtirt, for thirty-three mllUoni of dollars (111,000,000), being the amount of unaccepted offers under Uie noUoa dated the sixth (6th) of June, Is hereby withdrawn, and all proposals received at this Department will be imme diately relumed to the offerers, with tha p toper order upon wnlch Ui twa per cent, deposit will refunded. Oho. II a. ft iuno Toy, Secretary of Uie Treasury ovf interim. jb. 11. DIXON. No. 31 8 KIOHTH fltreet, A 1KAI.KUIN KANOV AND TOILET OOOI9. UMlUtKLLAJi AND PAJtArtOLS. Faoa, Head iHehsnN, rreiK'h Jewelry. Leather Ooo1s, Work Roxna. Heads, Ac, Aa. uij iA-:itm JLAa POINT BRKK2R PARK. THIS fr Afternoon at 4 P. M ., Association Premium for a own teat or mne ncaii in a to narness. J. Turner, v. h.. Razor. X, Tammany, b h., H. A. Douglass. J. Wheeler, or h.. H. (la ey. Tte contest. It la exoeoted. wall be cloee aad of nntck Mm. Admission, It rrHE ALHAMURA, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., J. Is now open for vt niton.. Tho rooms and table are unsnrpsNsod b any on the iRtnnd Tt-rms mmlerate. jew-iiu iui.uoy a tuudu, rroprictora. S KA -BAT II IN O S KA-BATUINO. VeAriONAL HALL. CAPE MatvAVD, CAI K MAY, V J. Children nndcr IT of aye and servants half prlaa. Hupenor ac4.'mtnMjaUoni and ample nom YOU ITU IKINDUKD t'KUSONfl. Je24-3ra A A HON OARRKltiON. Proprietor. 'JllliS WHITE UOUHE, Locarxn on MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE, Between Uie Ocean and Railroad, at - ATLANTIC CITY, IH NOW PREPARED TO KK'KIVK VISITORS. The PrAnHetor. thankful for nast Inderal sttooort.niedima llmielt to tipare no ellorls that will coi tribute to Uie hap- iiin pm ui ma pniiuim, mutt soouru tor ineui uie comiorui ol a h'inie at the sea-sldo For Inform a uou address MrM. WHITRHOUSE, jc'AVaw3w ' ATLAMTI0 CITY. QOIVfelXITXJTIOlH IIOUHIS. ATLANTIC CITY, N, J. The subscriber hess leave to tnftirm his friends and tha public in tconrral that he Is preiar.d to reoelva vititora, and pledues hlmielf that no pains or es.pei.se will be spureo to make his guests oomivrtvlie during thoir staj on the Island. TERMS MODERATE. JAUE9 J. BAUtt, Proprietor. Vnr further mfonnaHon. tnoulre at the OLOI1K HOTEL. BIXTU, below Chenut atxaet, ITilladwIpui. Je-lta tiONOHKHS IIAI.L, ATLANTIC CITY. t I would resnecttUr fmorm my friends and tha public, that 1 have again taken Oongte-s Hail, th s being the third year, and have made every preparation lor the ooo inn sua son, tha be use being enlarged, remodelled, new funtltute. Uie diamters witit spring beds, e , Ac , aad will a. commodate tour hundred greets- You will And no bettor place than Conreas Hail. It Is the nea eat to tha ocean ot any of Uie lare houses of Atlantic t'ltv, belokt but one hundred yams tn.m the beaca, Utus preneutmf it elf an hi vsnia.0 o tne punue. lnera cnnK be anv better bathing ti an at Atlantic this summer. Tha sand bar that was audi a prest d awbaok last aeaton has all been swept away by the high tit lea of last winter, forming Itself the bcht bathinK sur on tla AtUntle sea-board. There Is mi erUunt Bund ot Muii engaged. A tne bed is a spluudld IHlllard Uoom. Jel-tl O. W. II INK LB. JNLKT HOUH 1Z , ATLANTIC CITY, 1SKW JERSEY. Oi:). I. C9I12NN' Proprietor, (Long ad favorably known as proorietor of OYHTBft HAY, Hi AT 11 ui.d CHEHNMT Htreets.) Partki accotnmrxlated with Doats, KLthlng Lines, Ac , Ae, Cars run to Uie bouse evry twenty minute. )oit-tf NITKD STATES HOT KlT, ATLANTIC CITV, NEW JKKHKY. Thin celeb i aied llo'el Is now open fur tho reception of puehta, a ltd is uodur the nupervlmon of tN4 -nel James rY. Pcwers. viih Mr Kdward Kattwetlai Asitant. Practical and f xt-rlemed peraoua have been employed for i nch iiepHrimunt, aid everv exertion will be made to cuixluct the hiujie io tl e en. Ire aa'Ulactlon o' the p bile. Atur.lmy 1, tour trainH will IhbvsVIob 8'reot rerry, da'ly; the l-ast Lii.e through lu twoboura, witliout atop iiiki hi the Hay t-taihMis. a pafccri:i car h1i be ruu from tha Hotel to Uie Inlet every tvt nty uuiiutoi. tlant-lerV I at d. itntier the direction of Mr. 8imoa llaas er has- been clanged t r the sctihon IN rMua wishing to eng u e rimin wllladdn'g ItHOWN it V0KL'rKB, Proprietors, Atlardle City, Nw Jersey . K H.-Tl;e Band Rar which lat year formed opp alta Chi hhcre bait entiiely di-apixiared, leaving Uie b ach one oi the test and suttst on thu coabt. Jei6 1m TXCHANGE HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY. .1 J Ihe subscriber, grateful for past favors, tendera thank to hl patrons and the public for the generous cus tom given buu, and bega leave to say Uiat he Is uow open for ihe seantiu, and ready lo receive boarders, permanent and transient, ou Uie most modera.e terms. The bar will always be supplied with the cnoleent wines, lhmurs, and cigars, and superior old ale, Tha tables will ba sat with Uie beat the market allords. fr lsldn lints and tackle always onhaod Htaole room on the Dremives. Ail the comforts of a home oan always be found at tha isxei.ange. on.Uiiv.Jt uayday, jeW tf Propiiutor. QOLUMRIA II O U H 13, ATLANTIC CITY, KVV JERBET, SITUATE ON KENTUCKY AVENUE, OPPOSITE TUB SURE HOUSE. EDWARD DOYLE, Proprietor. Terms to suit the times. J9-tf LEDDY'S HOTEL, B0UTUWB8T COM MX ft Off opposite coimNnraiL Tba raaort af OanUasjaaA of BotUed TaiU, wlva ippti aiaaa a rara Barraf fm-hm) I Ann N 13 A 11 I j Y K K A l Y. I. THK COWARD. A nsvri af rVxih .r and th rielrt in A asw War NanM. ty Henry Mor0rl, authuror ' shnulVr Hi. apt," "Tl.e Day of BiifKlor." r . a"1' Is oairona slle with llttia. Price tl fsi la Pl'r. ti-i0 la cloUi. II. FLIRTATIONS IM FASH ION AI1I.K I.IFR. nrCathsr:n Sinclair, attthirot llatr'cs " M id-rn Aacnmp Ishmt-nts,' Ar.. ompaalnn U. ndtinlfira with "Ksmlly I'rlde." l'rlco ft'M In paper, or 2M0 io cltli. lit. TnK ritlDK OF LTFK. lly Jsns.Lady Hr-ott, and (laDgbter-ln-lsw of Sir Walter Bcoit, asd antlior of "Tne Henpecked llunhin.l " A stiiierlfsr novtl,atiiform with the Mi:eocted Wire." Price $1 A In paper, ut li on In i loUi. IV. TIIK KIVAL BELLKS; OR, LIFE IN WASHINGTON. lly the author c.l "Wild Wt.lern Sn.." "Wild South ern Soencs," 'Love snd Money, or, Artstocracy In the IJttsher City," ' The War Path." c, unlf.rrn wttii "Patsl Marriage," Price SI -AO In psnor, or $tX In clutii. V. TIIK DEVOTED BRIDE. A Tale of Vtrxinla. One of thr- fccil historical novels rrer rlntfd ; uniform with the "llr!aal Ere." Pries $L-rO In paper, or ft 00 In cloth. VI. rKTKKSON'H NEW COOK BOOK; OK, V8KJUL AND PBACTICAI. KKCK1PTS FOK T1IM IrOUMKWIPK AND TUB UNINITIATED. Containing elirht hundred and OPty-etaM new and original rccel ts for coohlii, toethr w nk valuable Irifonaation to all houhoVrp's, with rulr for parcbaslux all kinds ot meats, Ash, poultry, and all things appertalnlnf to Ih comlutt, retinlarlty, and welfare ol tlte household, maklns It the utoat pcrltct and best Oook Hook eror plnled. Dctnplet In on large volum,suronaiy bouud. Triue t'OO. Orders from the Trade solloltc4. T. B, PETERSON & BSOTHEES, no. MM C'llHHUT Ml roe t, PHiLiDm.riiiA. Bend for CaiaJuiiue and Canrassers' Circular. 11 yANCK HTKVAIIT 11 O C It I Tj O M I A W V. Incorporated June 29, 18G4. CJnil taal, S ZI t O . O O. 60,000 01IAKF.8 $i A BllARE PAR. Bubrcrlptioa f I each share ta original subscribers for fcO.OOO shares pa ablt- $1 cat-h down upon aubserlblnsj.and two other InsUimunts of 11 each, paable on the 3Hh July and XAtb August, lh6t. resptrailTel. TEN THOUSAND SHARES Baitarvud fur Bonailt of the Company. The land Diiret'ed by ilia Vaoce Htewart Hack Oil fompanj tontaii.i oiio bunend nod lhlri-one Hcrs, in the vpiy core ol tittt oil region, ona thousand thrca tinn died and ten foot on the AlM ilien river, la Cranberry townithip, cKtetnlinu a oonsldtiiabie ulstauce xp-ubuiu sulns ul ibeLowtt Two Mile Kun. oomiin'iily omiod Va Ittirun Itun, arorB of mues twJow r ratiklin, n VenaiiKO county, ltuni) Urti in. Ti e AUibtiiy Kivur Teiritory Is J'leldniK au abumltint and perntaui ut haiveat of u e.vcel ent quail y wt oil. tbo numerous wi'Us oorderldKUs bunks prfduu ni oil with tven suU (jreattr rvKUlarlty Uiau the It Im believed the ttuw of Oil below theborouirh ofPrmt, lln.on tha Allenln'ny rlvar, will probrbiy never bocutue exhausted, bocausj the fetrailllcat.on, or vole an la dlsrup tlouol rock dins lu a southwentwurdly direction; o m- (iit nw uio ooai c.i u wouia do nearer enc surface ml tne upper nid, of oil Creok.and wolbi would rt- iitre to be buted dMDt-r In proportion LWerdown tbo river, where, however, there would ueceksailiy ba tho most peiinaneut, and a much groaier uii4y and supurliicumoeut uodror sic e ut Oil It I ci ruin that senresof wtlj on the river, In the Immedla e vlrlnll ot mi land, have c nUmiud (r - ui'CiitK uur.t.t me phsi uirce or lour aars au unwavering ami steady dul y y n id ut oil A it' at re at the tmiu will d mionstrata the fact that the Iow-r 'Iwo Mllr Kuu and Oil tTerk re ou the samu diflDietilrajly striiiKlu Ino, and cniy dUiaut. on aeon ttuut,on ut the uii-ntwal tam qnye butMuen toe raoKO i f hil.s, Irom aui h other atoit thn- miles apsri In pre-el-el- tbi; fauie d iet tloii. li would, 'hereibia. not bo eic trttotdlciary, it by lrniK wells on this tract a surttcint dtptbi't perhaps elwht handred and rttty tet, that tha Conitan a welh nitty so n , 1mI ihose of OU Ouok in ilitlr ruppllfs of Imndr- os of bum-in of oil dully, and etiotntous proflis hdu d thus be tno fjrtnntt result to ti e tnttrttioiacrs I tin compmiv. On th.s purtlcnittr truut ut land I here has bee lot oa li Bre for twrniy ar.-. a wptl nor vumvino a f-ir Dortloii ot ,oid Oil, aiihoii.h lis depth ot bore U comttdered qui la 11 ni ii i ivtu iu 11 1 kit v u mi Hn i rui' par cetii. oi uio OH at thia wtl i iiiuh n retervid aa a rovatty to ft ia fornirruwi er of thu iatid, aiid will at once Inure tu tne Dti.eiit t f tlie t oniiun . lneroare also two other welta boieo a few tiumlr. dietdeepe ch, but not y ottubad.hu tin dica Injc a fl'St-risl" hoH of oil ; a bur rui a day can nenwsl y le sottfti et out ol il.em, and no douut sveuis to exist Uiat ihey wld btti pnivu l.tttly lamuucatluit wells whoa boied a reatoiiablo dtpih. Anoihr wed is half bjied, aud pnuitsfk a sstlsfsK tory y.tld ' Hsmplt-e oi OH i rornred from those wells can ba seen at the ottiouer the CiuiipMiijr, No. 'JU WALNUT rtlrent Tl.aieo of this s uable oil land, oomprlmua' one hun dred sod tlility -t i.e acres, Including the royalty ofanv Pr oeut. of oil U r the h'a.ed w li. nmp pumping, and ihe fiit ire hwht of t e Urv well partially devolopfd, Is pun-nsfea ay m orp(,aii ni"e-( nora trie owuvr, iir tne inodirate pnceoi J ; :7 ,-' , with a Oitt Mill la Una ordor. a Shu; Iraia, c N( paichrs oi thinner. 1hesaleofstocUw.lip.lv caul, lor tne land In full, aud leave ihe sum of -SiM.Vi cash working cajutl ou hand, withwhlih t coiMi.h io tho thee o il wtdU, and al o to bote two tuew iii;s, with five sieaiu engine:, -Vu,, to be la runnliis nir within a ftiw utonius arruiue inents will be tnttifo ti accouiptlsb ihiie ohjerta wun-tut dilay. Xo ubbca( tlons wlil be ac-pUd lur les Uiu tin y snares. 1 he vsMt fortun ria; ed by Rot k Oil Comnanln fttb Ihhed tei ai.d e.'n Ik re art- mtorlMUs 'I na oil ; rili- Is ei in Ita Inf-ucy, iml ttia demand coiintantly IncreuiiB. Ita Diie t now f W iter barrel at the wU s uiouth. evolu tive of ih cask. Lame wel s wll iloiihtlPim be struck at tha d"ath nfH,v fret, s as to reatti 'hoinird Hrtndtui)eUock WeJlM have been bml heieb i re iothudiptb only ef alwut on) feet, In this viclntty It m proi-sined t) br tweut wi lls on ihls property dur'in; the ptetx'iit year. Tin re is r oiq for one bundled welt.-. A ptrft-ci title, clear of all Incum brance, U conHtloutty asiured to the luiupany. Lists of aubecrlp on ere now open until tha tV,000 sJiarcs are subicribod, pn. nblc l per share, to the order of .Mrter manJAMKS Met AHKN, the Treasurer of tha Company, Ko. 406 WALMin iiptH. or at No. l'-V WALNUT Htr.-t, or at tha otllce vt Uia Cotniany, No. 2U W.kLNUT etreet. The public are In rind to call f a prospectus. Jyt CLOAKS, CUATS, AND MANTILLAS. V Ladle win VI oaf to dresk well and eciitniH'nlly, will flod It to th?li dviiiiittaJii to viitt the lUviutuo'h t'lak mid ftlftt.llllt BmiKkiliKii ot Mrtt. HF-NltY, Nun. and 40 N. NIMH ft.reet,btiow Acb, where are to b had all the latent Part and 1 ouit-m stlcs at prices tluU will euauru Uirir tiujucdtaia dir.t-onal. h. H.- A hsiidfo'- rai.orinwiit of I. it dies aud (lentle neii's Wrappers, bhawl, and Lao Man.tilnii apll-Hiu Nus. &i a..d 40 N. M.NTII Hireet. ItOQ ,,U0P SKI UTS. -QQ UevO Manufa. oi, o. W AHTIl HtrwH, UwO Above Hixth mrvet, I'lUlsdsii-ula, V rioleaale and Retail. The most oompkMn aoriiuent of Ladles, Minuet', and Cntldien'a Hoop bl- ir In the ony. In every respect tlra' class, which (W s''e. tlnlsh, duravbiilly, and cheapueS havf no euual In thf market. ftklrts made to older, ailtred, and repaired. iVl ly V M. T. UOrKlNS. 104 CHKUM'T 8TKKET. The attention of LA PI EH VIHlTINft TIIK cnif.or those about LKAViNO U for "Waier Inu I'laues,' or "thetkiomtry, Is respect I u lly Invl'ed to the extousive stock of V M I'l as l.iH'l'H suitable for Pt'MMtK WfcAH, for wiiritt iiooita, M0HN1NU wa.vri'tud, Ac. An extensive assortment la offered In Lara and Worked Kdamt and InaerthiKs, Veils, lUnnkerchlels. Collars, Nleeves,aud In plain aud fancy VlniA, Hirtped, and KINurcd White Goods AT PhlGKH UUt'll BELOW T1LMB 1'KKaKNT K KT n I L VALDK. Jutt I'linnnl Linen i:aiutrto Dresspt. 1M) pleoet 1'uiled. Tucked, and d tripe d Mui Uisa. 13. M. NKEDLFH 19a 4 oiiKHrjT street." J K Ti II Y Al'l'I K. GAUGEH AND OOOPEB, W . SOS H. WATEII Htroct, Below Walnut slrwt, miLiBKLrilU. IsaHatloa Draadr aat Wla Casks, aoS aU siaes of Work nad. ef 014 an V.w tiuff alwar kaad of BS Is order. VOkh FACKKO VI 1I0O8HMA.DS FOS SHirriKQ. AU kiads t Trigsofaaf paavotuaUr HBs I. Jl-l MOGRAMIIiS 8UCCES8FTJL PHILADELPHIA MERC II A. IS" T 8. PUliMflUKD 11 JAMS K. SI.MON. No. 23 South Bixth Street, rillLADM.rit I Y. These IlIOUnAPJUKH tre rsrefully compiled, wiilj littnrexltntr lnrileuts of Lie careor of some of t'.e fora ttiont coitiunrcial men of thin community. rVty-savea per-onal sketches ar c.o.iprhcd In the work, tof(thflr with aa IntrO'lurMm and an K-r o'i raBrBTst' raoaraniTr or M srch anti I!lnftrtvd with Stvera4 aurata Pna-rnA.Ts on Jtuki.. Kvery I'hiUdolphiajs should aecure a copy nf this WOKli (From thr Suntlnp Trnn m pt BKX1RAPII1K8 Of UL'OOKSSKCL IMH LA DKLIM1 14 MKHC1I ANT9. Philadelphia : James K. .Hitnon. N. 33 Pouth H.ith street. This ealusble oullecllnn r.f iktheii, compiled by Htbphrm ti. W iNtiLow, Irom actual experience and ob serVNtion, ftltes the public a work which has Ions! been nfded, nsintly, a truthtul, unprt judiced account ef the rarer ol our Hiot eminfiit mwrohnnte. It n6ra to the asf Irsnt for wealth and vercautile puiltlon sack end uiHB-ement as csu only be derived Irom the pietura o( aurceiMo-K following Ita.g sirupl-s wi h reverse, gr a wealth pi ed up up a nud tl hea; ninnjn, and a nob(s career ol honor aiet ueiu nes lotiowiog orten a rhlidhood ol r-cnury aid banif-h-p In the 1ih-j of such men as fluRh Or (f, ytnntiii Canpbell, Alexander i, erbyvhire ai d Henry liund. who be(n the strutrla WMb tortuns at Urn to .1 ot tne i.oj i-r, io ne ny nonest ndnitry, enten rle ai d pi rseverinoo to Its topmost round ot wealth and pomtiun, tber is a Kuidn-hooa; more eloquent than a thousand exhortation to those now entering up-n the sa n pith. ' W hat has bee a done can be done Rkcain," and the bor who reads at teiitlely this volume of bi.jfraphy will Uy it aside mpired by new hopo and roure to a d him in his ltfL of struggle and teioplaLioo. The writer sura: ' To the Auienci.u, whoaw Country is a living spi A. M. known and read by a I men, as to the oapaoilie111 H entire human race for elevation, honor VJ1 JJ. surh Uvea are the most inspirnir of 1 (ri l' w" teai.h pallenci, boidu. ss, pruunc. one M." aud they should also ;e , u ihe ' ,",., ,,'. 4 00 P.M. his brother, if he will only set about UHa . st P. M. rptrit, snd with a generous debsrutaai reach Altoona for Isirly by others as he would wish t be deiwminnd.tl ms for self we csn Bnd mauy brtht and striking mornltw ma In the lives of such men as btephen Wirnrd, Jft'r.V,0 Ihos. P. Cope, J. hn Welsh, J. vV. Olagh-irniVn. 2nd Itm V.isUr, Joseph K. Kvans, Adam Bteinmots, Myers, J B l.ippincott.slohn Macros, Ktchard A) tha other tSmuuel Orant, I Onroeliu, 8 Morris Wain, John and a host of other noUe Philadelphisns, who built up the fabric ol their fortune., and now hot9 eon have held while living, positions of in II unties or houJIroli by the title of their vmu intellect It Is from this M ",fr thut liberal subscriptions to enllnhk-oed public 1 to prove ments come, and Uiey are constantly performiiyiian. ihsinterested and hibcu-iuindud acts, of whih the WorTiMy. k news but little, because they are oot done for the eake ai of mora OHt'ntatlon or sell-gloriticatiou, but from a sincere and wiie couviction of the justice and sagacity, 1 as well hh Lberali'.y of such actions We do not knew what wu would do without such atlas like (men to up- hold the commercial and mauufarituriuM; (ute rente of l hiladelphia ; they sustain grandly tho projeoU which have bunt up our beautiful city, and genius and pa triotisin, literature aud the arts, never look in vain ta thetn for recognition Visit their mansions, and be hold how our tuerohants are prluoes; see ths graceful appreciation awarued to genius and intelleet la the works of art which aoom their walls aud drawing-rooms, tcsn their rich libraries snd delicate and fragrant eon servaturiea. Then go to the abodes ot the humble, ssj1 learn how many of tho rich and honorable recognise their duties to humanity and shed the bright light of generoMity over lacea which Mould else ba dark aad desolate. From th? Sunitup Mi revry ) I110ORAPHiK8 0y HUUUU&tr'UL PUILADKLPUI1 MKHCII ANTf, published by Ja ues K. Simon Mr. 8, N. WinaLow, the p-iblieher of that important a beet, the Cvrnmrrrtat List, of Philadelphia, has made ft valuable aud welcome contribution to our biographical literature in tho volume now Herod to the publlo. '.' , Although the merchants of our ouuutry form iw buj- e ark, and exert a larger luiluence )oliticaily, flnaa t ciaily and socially, than auy o'ter class lu the comma i ity, there art but few reoordspublisha.l by which thoaa out cf the sauie sssrsciatioiis and pursuits ruay learn tha secrets ol their power Yet theae men, many of them aeii-maau, springing rrom tne bumblest origin, etrag glii'g through a ynutu of povurty and hardsnip, now potsesa too much power, etand too high for Intel loot, ability and wealth, and aut too conspicuous a part ta the moat important urt of our oatioual history, to make the record ot tl uir lives any but one of Interest and profit Written by a contemporary, ani in moat iuft&LCt-a personal friu, d of the subjetet, each aketoli contains anecdotes aud ivoolleotions ot interest which, if left to a later date, would have been altogether lost, ai.d gives to the work, braides other and stronger olaima, the merit of being a timely production. In the preparation of theae sketahea the author haa had advantage of intercom e with the charsolers yssaav. trsyed, or their near relatives, ao that they may be relied upon a perfectly truthful and trustworthy. Ue ' " has careiully weeded out all prejudice or contradiotioa from the material placed at hi- diitpoital, Inquired eloaelf iuto coullicting statements, and thus rendered his usi nnrratiou impartiul and correct The style is clear and vigorous, the purpose straight fur wsrd aud the ataba zueuts valuable aud entertaining, To those judt euteriiw upon a mercantile caroor. It ia nipossible to over-etirante the value or a volume like this t ne V, hilo It gives the clearest slatemeuts of the ceutfoti leading to auccess or failure, drawn from actual t-xperience, it also points out, tn clear, forcible lan guage, the dsugera and temp.Ations whiuit bttnet tha ' yonug uierchsnt, and gives words ot' counsel which art) pure gold to the Wiouhtful Inquirer. Mr Carpenter's rules, laidduwu for his own guidance f foim aluioat a text-book iu tliuiuselVL'S. Among theua are 1 To rise surly. He was always up between four and live o clock in the rooming, aud did uitnoitt a day 's work btfore other people were awtke. 'I To employ method aud system In evorjthiog, whether ol study, pleasure or labor. 3. To never uudertake auy enterprise without being thoroughly prepared tor suocess aa well as failure. 4. To purchase for cah, lUsttead of credit, caussa tha purchaser to be prudeut and careful, and not to over load himself with stock, besides being an ad v aut ago la the diKoouut for prompt payment. 0 '1 o go imo buAinofcH eutirt ly upon credit la danger ous, aud likely to swamp the young begiuuer 6 Nbver axil to a peron who purchajtes eutiraly oa oredit. To meet his payments he will, in eight cane a out at teu, he compelled to saonUus goods lor which ha piomised tit pay lull prices 1 pon theae principle George W. Garpeutor aoted. snd when, on the seventh of .tune, IHbO, he wa. called up' u by ileal li to leave his arUirn, we will veuture ta sy his acco-'utu were punted, and ti.at he Id It to his Imuily a clear record ot his worldly career., trew from doubt or intricacy. No one entertng upon the h mard of businsss life caa fsil to derive piiat.uru ami prdjt Iroin the perusal of sucl-i lives as to one of John iingg, Huu tJruig, Cfl. Mm b Thomu-, Charles MacalebUr, A. J Derbyshire. Alexaiiilor lUury,Johu Welnb, CbtrUs Morriei, aud a hunt of others, wIiomo eKaiupti' aie a shining light fur tLe leet t their euccehhwia. To those lucking lur eo courug-ment and guidance, for pteas.irit pcmoiial aueo dote, lor buely diawn itaitu ol uliar.ctnr, and pieaaant,' prrlifable reading, we hear ily reuouuuwu j this valuable book. (From the Hvnd y Times.) IiIO(iUAI'llli: Os SLtXlfL'L PlUL4UKLPais MhlitllANTH This valuable cotleotion of biographies is not aiikuowit to thu publiu lu'ixt of the matter nee ing been alremly pubiinoed in tue coliimus ol the Cem mcrctn' Liitt an received the marked approbation us iisreaduis hveiy sketch ha beeu caret il lly revised and cur ret led, and the present form Cum bi ues perfect accuracy with interest and iulormtiou. As a general rule, biographie are dangerous writing, and dry reading; the author is ooimtautiy io danger ut runniL eainat tbe susgs of persuiialiliHS, or biasituj truth by prejutiire; remiuJing one of a child who, peep iug iu at a lenu) ebow fancies he eet-s the whole world; and csutiou renders are vury apt to uuu ''Lives" aa uufiitihtiiitory reading liut when a writer of biograpbf will coudue hiuic-iU to the exact truth, aud tell it in a plain, rttvuightlorwaid n.aunor, without oimneut or epeuulatiou, t be world is the gainer of just ao muck tieemire Ir m the wvll of fXporiencu. The writer ot this book f biut(,ri.hiea hM done this thing l'ha volume is an iutirettting atatetieut of the oaievr of mer rhsnts wl o are alike kuowii to their uiiy aud profee-i-ioD, itnd is vmuuble us a guide and text book lor tha yiiui-; a treanure of piwsitiu memories for tha mora advai'i't-d, aud a luouumeut woittiity earood b tbosa Shiibt struggles ULd hUL'rwit S it records. II "re ih t Id, lu an Interesting manner, the story of how ii-oiu poverty and aometiiues igitoritnce men hava ii to ti e loremoHt rankH of mor'.autiie life, wealth, and pukition, and excellent sketches of sppeerauoe aud peiHtLal tntitsive a lile to the details, too completely aie son.e ol thu lives wrought out, that young men au tertug upon a bueioenn career, will tlud her- the most valuable hints as to the iletail of mauy cf the lead iug branches ol bUMnus., and the whole community of readers will find valuable iulormation regarding tho inost pmlitable aud houorable methods of rising in a mercantile cateer. The author himself, In his introduction, gives tha best sketch of the dusigu aud purport of the volume, lie says : In pursuance of the plan upon which thvy ware , tartvd, ths t-keWhes took a wide range, and csre baa been taken to hava them accurate aud readable; not only uontaioiug lessons for practical use, but such per sou a I gossip as indicates character or will iuterest tha reader, ilroad traits are outlined with a liberal band, while narrow aud petty characteristics have uu oourtl veil thrown over their deformities. 11 An absolute historian Fhould be tn fear of none; neither should ba Write anything mora than truth fur friendship, Or less for hate." Little things go further than many of ut think toward making up the character of ail humsyiity, and frequently much can be learned bv watching how a merchaut atgui his name, handles a bauk note, or gives aa order. Maguemtnity aud msauuasa nee each their aat marks, by which tha thinking aye d the quick lute 11 sot de tect them, be they ever obsoure to tha Idle brain or the foolish vision of ths iodoltjut and eilly Tne iutarpst of the work will spring partlj from tha factum in Ph Hade "hi a tbere la more real, solid, an. durina- wenl'-fc J UT lha Uaiou. Viuaaoial ertis,es. wUiah bsve swept like a tornado aver tha la4 kte iuucaad i'hilaislphia wiib genile wingi.' ay While ta tha reader of tha present day, parson al aa. quaintaoca or racolleotioa, Will give an added value to ita iutrinata worth of tha volume, it will by no in ana lose its interest as the eoUmporary generation fa lea aw.y. Tha dally Ufa of men of to-day wilt be aa dear to tha recoil action of future aspirante for mercantile fsma, aa tha mamurlea now are of tboee giant miada who aUuggled with aha winds aud wave o( ad vera Ivrtua wUeaoux ouuutry was la itaUlaao, t V IF